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An Expert System for Improving Sieve Calibration Process

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 79 No8, October 2013
An Expert System for Improving Sieve Calibration
Peterson Adriano Belan
Departament of Informatics,
Universidade Nove de Julho,
São Paulo, Brazil
André Felipe H. Librantz
Industrial Eng. Post Graduation
Program, Universidade Nove
de Julho, São Paulo, Brazil
Sidnei Alves de Araújo
Industrial Eng. Post Graduation
Program, Universidade Nove
de Julho, São Paulo, Brazil
The reliability of the results obtained from instruments
calibration is a problem frequently found in the calibration
laboratories, especially when these instruments are
mechanical and do not have a built-in communication
interface. In this case, the time consuming is increased
significantly and the calibration may be subject to human
error. In this paper, a machine vision based system for
automatic calibration of sieve was presented. The proposed
equipment joined to the proposed technique showed in the
results a reduction of 97% in the spending time for calibration
process when compared to the traditional methods with the
same accuracy.
Calibration, Computer Vision, Sieve, Otsu algorithm.
A common problem found in the calibration laboratories
nowadays is the productivity of their technicians, the
reliability of the results obtained in the calibration process and
the transcript of the calibration certificate [1]. This is mainly
caused by the fact that, the technician who carried out the
calibration service does not issue the certificate, but only signs
it after the filling done by a typist. In some cases, the result in
the certificate can be different that one obtained during the
calibration process, frequently caused by human errors in
transcription data.
The calibration processes accuracy may be significantly
affected when instruments without built-in communication
interface are involved because the several manuals readings
and transcriptions of the data are more subject to human
errors. Moreover, this task is time consuming and stressful [1,
2]. There are two common ways to calibrate sieves: physically
examine each sieve using a profile projector and conduct
calibration tests using glass sphere, however the second way
first it’s possible to measure the sieve mesh and the wire
thickness, while the second way only provides a qualitative
Therefore, computer vision systems play a very important role
nowadays in the calibration of measuring instruments because
they provide greater accuracy, repeatability and cost savings,
beyond the reduction of monotonous and complex tasks [1-3].
Computer vision can be defined as a subarea of image
processing that studies the development of methods and
techniques that enable a computer system to recognize objects
in images imitating some capabilities of the human visual
system, as the ability to describe a scene contained in a digital
Indeed, an efficient computer vision system must be able to
extract a set of attributes that accurately describes a scene and
small enough to reduce the spending processing time to be
applied used in practical applications such as robot vision
systems, autonomous vehicles, surveillance systems,
automatic license plate recognition, industrial inspection and
biometrics patterns recognition.
In the last years, many authors have proposed automatic
calibration approaches using computer vision techniques [1-
9]. Despite of the large number of applications, few results
have been already reported in the literature about automatic
sieve calibration.
In this context, a machine vision approach is presented in this
work, to automate the process of calibration of sieves making
the measure of the sieve mesh and its wire thickness. For that,
an algorithm using Otsu binarization [10] and the connect
component [10] method were proposed. The calibration
values could be stored automatically in a database, reducing
the possibility of human errors in data reading/ transcription
process for the issuance certificate. The remainder of the
paper is organized, as follows. Section 2 describes the
equipment developed for the experiments. In section 3, the
proposed method for the calibration of the sieve is described.
In the section 4, some experimental results are shown and
finally, the Section 6 concludes the paper, relating further
2.1 Developed equipment for sieve
The device for calibration of the sieve provides rotation for
the sieve, so that this displacement could run the complete
revolution in the sieve during the calibration process, stopping
five times on its course to acquire images of the mesh that
allows sampling compatible with that one required by the
rules quality of calibration laboratories.
This device (Figure 1) requires a special lighting. It uses a
light below the sieve and a second light above the sieve,
provided by the illumination of the USB microscope. The
device comprises equipment a standard camera supports,
lighting table, a USB microscope with 500x magnification
with LED illumination, a rotating shaft, 1W LED light
polarized, a stepper motor and a driver for controlling it.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 79 No8, October 2013
Fig 1: Equipment developed for the automatic sieve calibration
2.2 Image acquisition
In this work, twenty images were acquired of two mesh
sieves: a new one and a used sieve. As can be seen in Figure
2a the first one presents mesh clean, without dirt and
completely uniform. On the other hand, the used sieve
presents in its mesh considerable changes in hole size and
problems of dirt, as well, normally caused by continuous use,
as shown in Figure 2b.
Fig 2: Example of acquired images of the sieves (a) a
new sieve without use and (b) used sieve
As reference, it was used an acquired image of a rule
graduated crystal pattern. This image was used to calibrate the
system by measuring the number of pixels between the lines
shown in Figure 3.
Fig 3: Graduated scale pattern.
The calibration consisted in measuring the spaces on the
sample mesh. This reading must take into account five
different regions of the sieve and analyze at least 600 holes in
the mesh. In this work, a sieve with the mesh of 38μm has
been used. The Figure 4 illustrates the calibration of the sieve-
The proposed system is composed by following steps:
Image acquisition: in this step an image of the mesh is
acquired using the USB microscopic with magnification
varying from to 5x to 500x;
Pre-processing: Otsu algorithm threshold and a filter to
discard 4-connectedcomponents were applied to reduce
noise, i.e. dirt that could interfere in the results;
Measurement: a connected components analysis was
carried out to measure the size of the hole and a
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 79 No8, October 2013
projection histogram was applied to determine the wire
Save the data: this step consist in saving in a database the
read data from measurement.
The result of the preprocessing is shown in Figure 5. Figure
5a displays the acquired image, Figure 5b represents the
application of the Otsu and finally Figure 5c shows the last
step of the preprocessing.
Fig 4: Steps of the proposed method
Fig 5: Preprocessing process. (a) original image was acquired using zoom of 500x, (b) Result of Otsu algorithm applied to the
Figure 5a and (c) result after applying the filter of connect components to Figure 5b.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 79 No8, October 2013
One can observe that the after the pre-processing step the
remaining points to be analyzed are ten times higher than the
recommended in the manual calibration process.
After that, the analysis of the hole sizes is conducted. It
consists in of 8-connected-components counting, measuring
the area of each component (hole sieve) and comparing this
value with that one obtained by calibration of the system
based on a standard scale (Figure 3).
Subsequently, the thickness of wire is determined, rotating the
image from -45 degrees to 45 degrees, with 0.5 degree step.
For each rotating image, vertical and horizontal projection
histograms are calculated, and the highest value is assigned as
a point for measurement. The result of this process is shown
in Figure 6.
Fig 6: Result of the thickness of wire measured by the proposed method
All values acquired during the calibration process, are stored
in a database to issue the calibration certificate. The software
has been developed in C++ language using the image
processing library PROEIKON [11].
Six hundred holes per region were analyzed, i.e. 3000 holes
on average per sieve, which is ten times larger than the sample
of the traditional method, currently carried out using profile
projector equipment. Moreover, the traditional method spends
at least 3 hours while the proposed system can reduce this
process time at ~36 times (5 min). The spent time and the
accuracy of the proposed system have been compared with
values acquired in a laboratory subject to national rules of
calibration. Figure 7 shows the distribution of obtained results
in the calibration of one sieve. One can see that they are in
good agreement with those obtained by traditional method,
thus ensuring the reliability of the system.
The Figure 8 shows the interface of the automatic sieve
calibration system, in which is possible to view the program
resume output.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 79 No8, October 2013
Fig 7: Distribution of the obtained results by the proposed system
Fig 8: Interface of the sieve calibration system
The results showed in average, deviations of 1.1 µm, which is
considered acceptable, validating the results and applicability
of the system in calibration laboratories.
In this study a machine vision based system for automatic
sieve calibration was developed. The results indicate that the
system was effective for measurement of the holes and the
wire thickness. The steps of preprocessing and recognition are
extremely fast, which makes the technique robust and
efficient for calibration tasks, as it allows a significance
improvement in calibration process and the certificate
issuance, reducing the spending time in 97% compared to the
manual technical of measurement. The results indicate that the
developed system can be an interesting alternative to be used
in calibration laboratories.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 79 No8, October 2013
The authors would like to thank Uninove by financial support
and CAPES for the scholarship granted to one of the authors.
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[2] F.C. Alegria, A.C. Serra,Automatic Calibration of
Analog and Digital Measuring Instruments Using
Computer Vision, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation
and Measurement.49 (2000) 9499.
[3] G. Andria et al., Automatic Calibration System for
Digital Instruments Without Built-In Communication
Interface,Anais do XIX IMEKO World Congress
(Lisbon). (2009) 857860.
[4] E.V. Fernández et al., A machine vision system for the
calibration of digital thermometers, Measurement
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[5] B. Hemming, H. Lehto, Calibration of dial indicators
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[7] W.He et al., Intelligent reading method for analog meter
based on computer vision, Chinese Journal of Scientific
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[8] P.A. Belan, S.A. Araújo, A.F.H. Librantz, Computer
vision techniques applied to the process of calibrating
measurement instruments having numeric displays
without built-in data communication interfaces, Exacta.
10 (2012) 8391.
[9] P.A. Belan, S.A. Araújo, A.F.H. Librantz, Segmentation-
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[10] R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, Digital Image
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[11] H.Y. Kim, ProEikon Library for Image Processing and
Computer Vision <>
Access at fev. 2010.
... In the last two decades, computer vision approaches have been proposed in the literature for the automatic calibration of analog and digital measuring instruments [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] [11][12][13][14]. A common problem found in these works is a segmentation fault, specifically caused by changes in brightness and camera angle, which severely affects the robustness of the vision system. ...
... With respect to the automatic calibration of sieves, only the approaches proposed by Abdelsalam et al. [4], Belan et al. [12] and Guo et al. [2] were found in our literature review. Abdelsalam et al. [4] developed an approach based on off-axis digital holography and fast Fourier transform (FFT), in which a light beam emitted against the grid of the sieve is acquired by a CCD camera and the resultant image processed using FFT, in order to reconstruct and analyze the grid. ...
... Belan et al. [12] proposed a computer vision system (CVS) for sieve calibration. In their approach, an image is acquired by a digital microscope and is processed by CVS, employing only simple image processing techniques such as Otsu's algorithm for image binarization and projection histograms to perform the analysis of mesh opening size and wire diameter. ...
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Low measurement efficiency is a recurrent problem in calibration laboratories, especially when the instruments to be calibrated are mechanical and do not have a built-in communication interface. In the case of a sieve calibration procedure, for example, low measurement efficiency caused by a small number of examined openings could compromise the quality of the judging process. In addition, conventional manual calibration methods present some intrinsic disadvantages, such as the high consumption of time and the fact that the calibration may be subject to human error. In this paper, a machine vision system (a set of hardware and software) is presented for the automatic calibration of sieves. Experiments were carried out to validate the method and equipment presented in this work and the results indicated that the proposed machine vision can measure sieves, with a high sampling of openings, and with high efficiency and accuracy. In addition, the results showed a reduction of approximately 92% in the time spent on the calibration process, when compared to traditional methods, with the same accuracy.
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The application of computer vision in face processing remains an important research field. The aim of this chapter is to provide an up-to-date review of research efforts of computer vision scientist in facial image processing, especially in the areas of entertainment industry, surveillance, and other human computer interaction applications. To be more specific, this chapter reviews and demonstrates the techniques of visible facial analysis, regardless of specific application areas. First, the chapter makes a thorough survey and comparison of face detection techniques. It provides some demonstrations on the effect of computer vision algorithms and colour segmentation on face images. Then, it reviews the facial expression recognition from the psychological aspect (Facial Action Coding System, FACS) and from the computer animation aspect (MPEG-4 Standard). The chapter also discusses two popular existing facial feature detection techniques: Gabor feature based boosted classifiers and Active Appearance Models, and demonstrate the performance on our in-house dataset. Finally, the chapter concludes with the future challenges and future research direction of facial image processing.
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A common problem found in the calibration laboratories is the reliability of the results obtained from calibration of instruments, especially when they do not have a built-in communication interface. In this case, the time consuming is increased significantly and the calibration may be subject to human error. Thus, many approaches based on computer vision have been proposed in the literature for automating calibration processes. However, most of them first simplify the images, usually using operations such as segmentation/binarization, for after proceeds the recognition of the digits. The issue lies in the fact that these simplifying operations throw away the rich grayscale information, decreasing the robustness of the algorithms, mainly when the images are affected by illumination changes, noise or JPEG compression. In this paper it was proposed two segmentation-free algorithms for automating the calibration process of digital and analog measuring instruments without built-in communication interface. The first one is based on template matching with normalized cross correlation for reading the display digits and the second uses radial projections and Bresenham algorithm to determine the pointer position in analog instruments. The experimental results showed that the proposed algorithms presented high accuracy and performance and can be used in real time systems applied to calibration processes.
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Using automatic machine vision-based systems, the calibration of measuring instruments can be extended. With machine vision it is possible to check hundreds of points on the scale of a dial indicator, giving new insight into its sources of error. This paper describes a machine vision-based system for the calibration of dial indicators developed at the Centre for Metrology and Accreditation in Finland, with emphasis on the calculation of measurement uncertainty.
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The calibration of simple handheld instruments is often more expensive than the price of a new device. Therefore, the amount of manual labour is kept at a minimum in order to keep the price of calibration at a tolerable level. This also means that only a few points of e.g. a length scale can be checked. By using automatic machine vision based systems, the calibration of measurement instruments can be done faster and more thoroughly. In order to study the possibilities of machine vision automation for volume calibration tasks a set-up for micrometer calibration was constructed at Centre for Metrology and Accreditation (MIKES). With the developed automated machine vision system it is possible to check hundreds of points on the scale of a micrometer, giving new insight into error sources of the micrometer screw. The attained uncertainty is at the same level as calibration with gauge blocks according to ISO 3611.
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Automation is a key point in many industrial tasks such as calibration and metrology. In this context, machine vision has shown to be a useful tool for automation support, especially when there is no other option available. A system for the calibration of portable measurement devices has been developed. The system uses machine vision to obtain the numerical values shown by displays. A new approach based on human perception of digits, which works in parallel with other more classical classifiers, has been created. The results show the benefits of the system in terms of its usability and robustness, obtaining a success rate higher than 99% in display recognition. The system saves time and effort, and offers the possibility of scheduling calibration tasks without excessive attention by the laboratory technicians
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This paper presents computer vision techniques developed for an automatic calibration system that can automatically determine the reading of the measuring instruments even if they do not have a digital interface that enables the computer to communicate with it. The system is capable of working with instruments that have an analog or a digital display. The error in the determination of the instrument’s reading is less than that introduced by the human eye/brain when the calibration is done manually.
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This paper presents an automatic calibration system capable of calibrating measuring instruments that do not have a digital interface. Image analysis algorithms are used to automatically determine the instrument reading. It can be used with analog and with digital displays. The maximum uncertainty in the detection of the pointer's position in analog instruments is less than the human eye can discriminate
Automatic reading of analog meter has been a research hotspot recently, but the reading error caused by imaging distortion always exists. In this paper, an intelligent precise reading method for analog meter is presented on the basis of computer vision. A method for extracting the positions of the needle and the long scale lines in the image and detecting their included angles is introduced. Based on pin-hole imaging model, the effect of the camera skew factors on the imaging distortion of the included angle of two lines is analyzed. A correction algorithm for the imaging distortion of the included angles of the needle and zero scale, as well zero scale and the long scale is proposed. Newton interpolation method is used for the function approximation of the relationship between the analog meter reading and the included angle of the needle and zero scale, which improves the accuracy of analog meter reading based on computer vision. Experiment results for volt-ampere meter with accuracy of 0.5% prove the validity and correctness of the proposed method.
Automatic Calibration System for Digital Instruments Without Built-In Communication Interface
  • G Andria
G. Andria et al., Automatic Calibration System for Digital Instruments Without Built-In Communication Interface,Anais do XIX IMEKO World Congress (Lisbon). (2009) 857-860.
Computer vision techniques applied to the process of calibrating measurement instruments having numeric displays without built-in data communication interfaces
  • P A Belan
  • S A Araújo
  • A F H Librantz
P.A. Belan, S.A. Araújo, A.F.H. Librantz, Computer vision techniques applied to the process of calibrating measurement instruments having numeric displays without built-in data communication interfaces, Exacta. 10 (2012) 83-91.