
Leukotriene receptors of isolated rat hepatocytes [in Japanese]

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最近,著者らは,実験的に誘導した急性肝不全がロイコトリエン(LT)の特異的阻害剤によって著明に軽減されること,および,LTC4がin vitroで直接,肝細胞障害を誘導することを見いだし,肝細胞障害の誘導にLTが関与する可能性を示した.このLTの肝細胞障害誘導に関与する機構を解析するために,著者らはラット肝から肝細胞を分離して,LTB4およびLTC4に対するレセプターを検討した.その結果,ラット肝細胞にはLTB4レセプターの存在は認められなかったが,LTC4と特異的に結合するレセプターの存在が確認された.このことは,LTC4が肝細胞のLTC4レセプターに結合することによって肝細胞に対して何らかの作用をすることを示しており,今後,LTと肝細胞に関わりを考えていく上で非常に興味ある知見と考えられた.

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The role of leukotriene (LT) on liver regeneration after hepatectomy is still unknown. LTB4 stagnates in the liver with obstructive jaundice, because LTB4 is excreted in the bile; therefore, LTB4 may have an effect on liver regeneration after hepatectomy with obstructive jaundice. Release of obstructive jaundice and simultaneous 70% hepatectomy was performed in rats to study the effect of 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor (AA-861) on liver regeneration. Group 1 underwent hepatectomy with administration of 0.1 mL dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), group 2 underwent hepatectomy with administration of AA-861 (20 mg/kg/d) dissolved in 0.1 mL DMSO, group 3 underwent hepatectomy with administration of AA-861 (40 mg/kg/d) dissolved in 0.1 mL DMSO, group 4 underwent release of obstructive jaundice and hepatectomy with administration of 0.1 mL DMSO, and group 5 underwent relief of obstructive jaundice and hepatectomy with administration of AA-861 (20 mg/kg/d). DMSO or AA-861 was administered 24 hours before, during, and 24 hours after hepatectomy in each group. Whole blood LTB4 and serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), total bilirubin, and bromodeoxyuridine labeling index (LI) were measured before and after hepatectomy. The LTB4 level increased during obstructive jaundice and after hepatectomy. LTB4 and serum ALT levels were significantly lower after hepatectomy in the rats that were administered AA-861, and a significantly higher LI was observed at 24 hours after hepatectomy in rats receiving AA-861. Inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase promotes liver regeneration and decreases hepatocyte injury after hepatectomy associated with obstructive jaundice.
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