
Multivariate Data Analysis With Reading

... Table 1 shows the acceptance level values for fitness indices in CFA consideration. Source: Kline (2005); Hair et al (2006) Modifications to the model can be made following the guidelines of Hair et al. (2006) by examining several pieces of information, such as: (a) Factor loadings and Squared Multiple Correlation (SMC) of each item must exceed the recommended values (0.5 and 0.3 respectively), (b) Standard residuals between 2.58 to 4.00 are considered for retention or removal, while values exceeding 4.00 must be removed, and (c) ...
... Table 1 shows the acceptance level values for fitness indices in CFA consideration. Source: Kline (2005); Hair et al (2006) Modifications to the model can be made following the guidelines of Hair et al. (2006) by examining several pieces of information, such as: (a) Factor loadings and Squared Multiple Correlation (SMC) of each item must exceed the recommended values (0.5 and 0.3 respectively), (b) Standard residuals between 2.58 to 4.00 are considered for retention or removal, while values exceeding 4.00 must be removed, and (c) ...
... Modification index is used to improve the model (Hair et al., 2006;Byrne, 2010;Kline, 2005). ...
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The Dual Language Program (DLP) in Malaysia, which is dual language education program, is an initiative introduced to enhance English language proficiency while maintaining Malay as the national language. The principle is to provide instruction in two languages, with Malay as the medium of instruction and English as the second language. However, there is limited empirical evidence discussed regarding the measurement aspects for assessing input factors for the DLP implementation. Therefore, this study was conducted to validate the measurement model assessing input factors for the implementation of the DLP. A total of 432 teachers participated using simple random sampling. The variables focused in this study are input factors for implementation of the DLP. Data were tested using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to measure items and determine the dimensions of the DLP input construct, while confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to validate the instrument. The EFA findings indicate three dimensions exist within the DLP input construct: resources, teacher knowledge, and teacher skills. The CFA findings on the measurement model indicate that the three-factor solution is consistent and acceptable for suggested indicators. Therefore, the development of 18-item model is suitable for assessing the input factors of DLP. The implications of this study enhance understanding of the validity and reliability aspects of items for DLP measurement in the local context. Further research could be conducted using analyses such as Item Response Theory or Rasch model analysis.
... Cronbach's alpha reliability testing was employed to ensure the internal consistency of the data. The degree to which a measure generates consistent results and is error-free is referred to as its reliability (Hair et al., 2010). According to Cronbach's á is 0.908, indicating that the study's data is reliable. ...
... Every unit of measurement has a relatively moderate standard weight in addition to a significant loading on the associated constructs (Table 4 & Figure 2). The validity constructs are determined in according to the recommendations of (Hair et al., 2010), which indicates factor loading of more than 0.50 is acceptable. The Comparative Fit Index (CFI) has a critical value of 0.956, suggesting that the scale is unidimensional (Table 4). ...
... As suggested by previous research "The ratio of Chisquare to the degree of freedom (CMIN/df), Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Goodness of Fit Index (GFI), Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA), Root Mean Square Residual (RMR), Normalized Fit Index (NFI), Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) and Incremental Fit Index(IFI)" were used in the study to evaluate the measurement model's overall goodness of fit. The measurement model's overall fit statistics are determined to be reaching their respective critical value (Hair et al., 2010;Hu & Bentler, 1999) indicating a satisfactory model fit as mentioned in Table 5. ...
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Indian digital banking has grown exponentially, with mobile banking playing a crucial role. Financial Firms are investing more in digital banking than traditional banking. Earlier research on the post-adoption of mobile banking has shown that the majority of consumers are satisfied with mobile banking, and stated that satisfaction is proportional to continuous intention. That is, satisfaction had a negative impact on switching intention. However, the current study shows that consumers are satisfied but yet want to switch from mobile banking to other alternatives such as third-party company UPI payments and mobile wallets. Greater capability and advanced features, ease of use and convenience were the major variables attributed to the shift. The study proposes conceptual framework with service quality, intention to use/ use, information quality, satisfaction, and switching intention. This study analyses how these factors influence mobile banking customer satisfaction and switching intention. This study helps banks assess consumer expectations, improve mobile banking service and features, and reduce customer switches.
... This is done by inspecting the mediation model, consisting of Y's direct and indirect effect on X through a mediating variable M (Y→M →X). The sampling technique selected here is purposive sampling, as a cautiously structured non-probability sampling can impart acceptable and significant results (Hair et al., 2006;Cooper and Schindler, 2011). Data analysis has been primarily done by applying Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). ...
... Data analysis has been primarily done by applying Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). This statistical technique is applied when the underlying latent variable structure is known to the researcher through a literature review (Hair et al. 2006). Relationships between behavioral biases and MIB were known to the researcher on an a priori basis but not in the same structure used here. ...
... Along with CFA, Structural equation modeling (SEM) has also been applied. This statistical technique is based on the hypothesis-testing approach of a structural theory on some observable fact (Hair et al. 2006). Here, covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) has also been applied. ...
... H 12 : existe una relación positiva entre las compras emocionales y la intención de recompra La relación entre las variables se representa en la figura 1. Se utilizaron modelos de ecuaciones estructurales para evaluar, inicialmente, la confiabilidad y validez de la medida y, posteriormente, las relaciones entre las variables (Hair et al., 2006). (2014), los ítems de valor de compra hedónico (5 ítems) y utilitario (5 ítems) corresponden a la escala de Babin et al. (1994), quienes avalan su fiabilidad, validez de constructo y validez nomológica a partir de exhaustivas comprobaciones psicométricas en múltiples muestras. ...
... Se siguió una estrategia de desarrollo en la que se modificó el modelo hasta lograr la mejor versión posible tanto del modelo de medición como del estructural (Hair et al., 2006). Como primer paso, se evaluó la confiabilidad de los constructos a partir del coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, el cual arrojó valores mayores a 0,80, excepto para los factores humanos (HF) (α = 0,74), el valor de compra utilitario (α = 0,76) y la actitud hacia las compras en línea (AOS) (α = 0,79). ...
... Una vez logrado un modelo de medición con un ajuste aceptable, se evaluó el modelo estructural (Hair et al., 2006). Se han utilizado técnicas de SEM para modelar el comportamiento del consumidor en muchos contextos (Forero-Batista y Ortegón-Cortazar, 2023). ...
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El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el efecto de la atmósfera, definida como el diseño consciente del ambiente de la tienda para crearciertas respuestas en los compradores, en los valores de compra, la actitud hacia la compra y las emociones sobre la intención de recompra en unatienda online, basado en el modelo Estímulo-Organismo-Respuesta (S-O-R, por sus siglas en inglés). Aunque estos elementos han sido estudiadosampliamente en el contexto de tiendas físicas, artículos recientes que analizan la influencia de estos elementos en el ambiente online muestran larelevancia de estudios como este en investigaciones académicas actuales de mercadeo. Los resultados de una encuesta realizada a 306 usuarios de unatienda farmacéutica online, residentes de Venezuela y otros países de América Latina, se analizaron usando ecuaciones estructurales. Los hallazgospermiten concluir que el uso del modelo S-O-R es apropiado en la predicción del comportamiento de compra online, y confirman que el valor decompra hedónico tiene un impacto directo significativo tanto en la actitud hacia las compras como en la compra emocional. Por otra parte, el valor decompra utilitario afecta negativamente la compra emocional y el factor informático favorece la actitud hacia las compras. Por último, la actitud hacia las compras y la compra emocional predicen la intención de recompra. Se discuten las implicaciones para los especialistas en marketing.
... A separate analysis of variance for each genotype was done to detect the significance of the observed differences. After this step, multivariate technique was conducted by using canonical discriminate analysis (Haire et al., 1987). This is a dimension-reduction technique related to principal component analysis and canonical correlation. ...
... Each canonical variate (genotypes) is the linear combination of independent variables (traits) and is orthogonal to the other. Thus, the maximal amount of variation is shown in the first function, the highest Eigen values were recorded in the first function and the second in the second function, this value could measure the explained variance associated with each variable (Haire et al., 1987). Canonical correlation measures the strength of the overall relationships between the linear composites of predictor (canonical discriminate variate, characters, and criterion of predictor, genotypes, sets of variables). ...
... Canonical loadings measure the simple linear correlation between the traits and the functions, genotypes. Thus, the canonical loading reflecting the variance that the observed variables share with the canonical variate, and it can be interpreted in assessing the relative contribution of each variable to each canonical function (Haire et al., 1987). Thus, each character was an important source of variance in, at least, one discriminate function, and some characters may have greater importance in determining plant phenotypes than others . ...
... The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling ranged from .802 to .913, and Bartlett's test of sphericity yielded significant values (p = .000), indicating the adequacy of the items (Hair et al., 2010). Three items were eliminated to avoid cross loadings, as they exhibited high factor loadings (>0.4) on the second component in the rotated component matrix. ...
... Three items were eliminated to avoid cross loadings, as they exhibited high factor loadings (>0.4) on the second component in the rotated component matrix. Additionally, all extracted factors accounted for at least 69.379% of the total variance explained, which is considered satisfactory (Hair et al., 2010). Prior to CFA, the normality of the data was assessed using skewness and kurtosis values. ...
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This research underpins an integrated theoretical framework incorporating brand equity theory and affect transfer theory to investigate relationships among fandom, destination brand equity, destination attachment, and travel intention. Utilizing partial least structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique with a sample of 577 fans, the study reveals positive relationships between two types of fandom, and between destination attachment and travel intention. Notably, it identifies the statistically significant mediating role of destination brand equity and the serial mediating role of both destination brand equity and destination attachment. This research illustrates the potential of popular culture tourism in enhancing destination appeal and competitiveness.
... Composite Reliability and Cronbach's Alpha measure the reliability of the instrument. The rule of thumb is that the alpha or composite reliability value must be greater than 0.7, although 0.6 is still acceptable (Hair et al., 2008). Thus, all indicators of the variables tested have met the criteria for composite reliability and Cronbach's Alpha because the value is more significant than 0.6 (Hair et al., 2008), as presented in Table 2. ...
... The rule of thumb is that the alpha or composite reliability value must be greater than 0.7, although 0.6 is still acceptable (Hair et al., 2008). Thus, all indicators of the variables tested have met the criteria for composite reliability and Cronbach's Alpha because the value is more significant than 0.6 (Hair et al., 2008), as presented in Table 2. After the instrument is declared valid and reliable, hypothesis testing is carried out. ...
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Penelitian ini menginvestigasi pengaruh attitudes, subjective norms dan perceived behavioral control terhadap perilaku affordable loss melalui intensi dan efek moderasi dari persepsi ketidakpastian dan pembelajaran dari pengalaman krisis dalam hubungan antara intensi dengan perilaku affordable loss dari terwaralaba usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM) di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan Bekasi (Jabodetabek). Kemampuan intensi untuk memprediksi perilaku, bergantung pada kestabilan kondisi dalam rentang waktu antara intensi dengan perilaku yang terjadi. Faktor yang dapat memengaruhi adalah persepsi ketidakpastian dan pembelajaran dari pengalaman krisis. Sejumlah peneliti menyarankan tindakan efektual yang salah satunya adalah perilaku affordable loss sebagai langkah yang dapat dijalankan oleh wirausaha ketika menghadapi situasi lingkungan bisnis yang tidak stabil. Penelitian mengenai perilaku affordable loss dari terwaralaba UKM belum banyak dilakukan. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah terwaralaba yang merupakan pemilik UKM di Jabodetabek. Ukuran sampel ditentukan sebesar 200 responden yang dipilih secara purposif dan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa attitudes dan perceived behavioral control memengaruhi perilaku affordable loss melalui intensi, sementara subjective norms tidak demikian. Perceived behavioral control tidak memengaruhi perilaku affordable loss secara langsung. Efek moderasi dari persepsi ketidakpastian dan pembelajaran dari pengalaman krisis dalam hubungan antara intensi dengan perilaku affordable loss bersifat positif namun lemah. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menambah referensi dalam hal aplikasi Theory of Planned Behavior yang dikaitkan dengan perilaku affordable loss terwaralaba UKM. Selain itu juga diharapkan dapat memberikan masukan bagi regulator mengenai strategi dan program bagi terwaralaba usaha kecil yang berbasis pada perilaku wirausaha. This study explores how attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control affect the affordable loss behavior of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) franchisees in Jakarta Greater Area, Indonesia. The research examines the relationship between intention and affordable loss behavior and how perceived uncertainty and learning from crisis experiences impact this relationship. The stability of conditions in the period between intention and behavior determines the ability of intention to predict the behavior. Factors such as perceived uncertainty and learning from crisis experiences can influence the perceptions. While affordable loss behavior is suggested as a step that entrepreneurs can take when facing an unstable business environment, not much research has been done on SME franchisees' affordable loss behavior. The sample size for this research comprised 200 respondents who were selected purposively, and the data was analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). The findings indicate that attitudes and perceived behavioral control significantly influence affordable loss behavior through intention, while subjective norms do not. Perceived behavioral control does not directly impact affordable loss behavior. Finally, the moderating effect of perceived uncertainty and learning from crisis experiences on the relationship between intention and affordable loss behavior is positive but weak. The results of this research can add references in terms of the application of the Theory of Planned Behavior which is related to the affordable loss behavior of SME franchisees. Apart from that, it is also hoped that it can provide input to regulators regarding strategies and programs for small business franchisees based on entrepreneurial behavior.
... Factor loading scores were based on Comrey and Lee's [37] guidelines (>.71 = excellent, >.63 = very good, >.55 = good, >.45 = fair and >.32 = poor) and acceptable factor loading given the sample size (n = 452) were set at >0.3 [33,38]. ...
... Examination of the alpha scores confirm the reliability (internal consistency) of each construct [53]. All factor loadings were at a statistically significant level and above the acceptable criteria of 0.3 recommended for the sample size [38]. All but 2 of the loadings (v11 -'Staff don't assume they know what is best for me' and v13 -'My family are included in decisions about my care only when I want them to be') were above the loadings considered as good to excellent [37]. ...
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Background Person-centred healthcare focuses on placing the beliefs and values of service users at the centre of decision-making and creating the context for practitioners to do this effectively. Measuring the outcomes arising from person-centred practices is complex and challenging and often adopts multiple perspectives and approaches. Few measurement frameworks are grounded in an explicit person-centred theoretical framework. Aims In the study reported in this paper, the aim was to develop a valid and reliable instrument to measure the experience of person-centred care by service users (patients)–The Person-centred Practice Inventory-Care (PCPI-C). Methods Based on the ‘person-centred processes’ construct of an established Person-centred Practice Framework (PCPF), a service user instrument was developed to complement existing instruments informed by the same theoretical framework–the PCPF. An exploratory sequential mixed methods design was used to construct and test the instrument, working with international partners and service users in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Australia and Austria. A three-phase approach was adopted to the development and testing of the PCPI-C: Phase 1 –Item Selection: following an iterative process a list of 20 items were agreed upon by the research team for use in phase 2 of the project; Phase 2 –Instrument Development and Refinement: Development of the PCPI-C was undertaken through two stages. Stage 1 involved three sequential rounds of data collection using focus groups in Scotland, Australia and Northern Ireland; Stage 2 involved distributing the instrument to members of a global community of practice for person-centred practice for review and feedback, as well as refinement and translation through one: one interviews in Austria. Phase 3: Testing Structural Validity of the PCPI-C: A sample of 452 participants participated in this phase of the study. Service users participating in existing cancer research in the UK, Malta, Poland and Portugal, as well as care homes research in Austria completed the draft PCPI-C. Data were collected over a 14month period (January 2021-March 2022). Descriptive and measures of dispersion statistics were generated for all items to help inform subsequent analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted using maximum likelihood robust extraction testing of the 5-factor model of the PCPI-C. Results The testing of the PCPI-C resulted in a final 18 item instrument. The results demonstrate that the PCPI-C is a psychometrically sound instrument, supporting a five-factor model that examines the service user’s perspective of what constitutes person-centred care. Conclusion and implications This new instrument is generic in nature and so can be used to evaluate how person-centredness is perceived by service users in different healthcare contexts and at different levels of an organisation. Thus, it brings a service user perspective to an organisation-wide evaluation framework.
... Researchers typically provide various suggestions for suitable values of goodness-of-fit indicators, yet they generally agree on the same set of values. The ideal values for RMSEA should be lower than 0.08, χ²/df should be lower than 3 and for CFI, TLI and IFI, it should be greater or equals to .90 (Byrne, 2010;Hair et al., 2006;Kline, 2005). The CFA was executed on the Urdu translation of the 28-item SD4, and the results indicated that the model meets the recommended values (relative chi-square = 1.21, ...
... Confirmatory factor analysis was carried out to confirm factors of dark tetrad. After using modification indices, the model was fit according to recommended values (Byrne, 2010;Hair et al., 2006;Kline, 2005). The same item that caused problem during item total correlation showed poor loading during CFA. ...
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In recent years, extensive research has been conducted on the dark personality traits. The term dark tetrad refers to a group of four interconnected traits: Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, and everyday sadism. The primary objective of the current investigation was to adapt and translate the recently introduced Short Dark Tetrad (SD4; Paulhus et al., 2021) into Urdu, as Urdu translation of this measure is not yet available. This study was divided into two distinct phases. Phase I focused on translation and adaptation of the scale. Phase II was dedicated to determining the scale‟s psychometric properties. The sample comprised 280 individuals, including 140 males and 140 females, who were selected using the purposive sampling technique and fell within the age range of 17-30 years (M = 24.43, SD = 2.79). The reliability coefficient of the translated scale is .73. The inter-scale correlation revealed a moderate to high levels of significant correlation between the four subscales. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to confirm the factors associated with SD4. The results indicated that the translated SD4 is a reliable and valid scale. Given the rising number of individuals, particularly youth, displaying unfavorable personality characteristics, this measure can be used in a variety of settings especially in research and clinical settings. Additionally, it will aid future Pakistani researchers in improving Urdu translation, if needed, or translating it into any other regional language.
... The acceptable values for each of the absolute and comparative indicators based on Hair's (1998) calculations are given in Table 3. The general indicators of the fit of the measurement model (confirmatory factor analysis), related to the measurement models of the factors affecting employer branding, are also presented in Table 3, indicating that the measurement models have a good fit. ...
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This study aims to identify the factors affecting employer branding and validate a structural model based on methodology combined with an exploratory approach. The present research was a mixed-methods study in terms of its data type. The statistical population included academic experts majoring in human resource management and the expert managers of the human resource branches of Mellat Bank in the qualitative phase and all heads and deputies of Mellat Bank branches in various provinces of Iran in the quantitative phase. Data collection instruments included semi-structured interviews with experts in the first and a 45-item questionnaire distributed among 340 people in the second phases. Qualitative data were analyzed by the content analysis method, while confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations modeling, run in the Amos 26 software, were used for quantitative data analysis. The results of the qualitative phase showed that the factors affecting employer branding included three behavioral, structural, and environmental factors, each of which had sub-factors. Also, the results of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the measurement model of each of the three mentioned factors was highly fit. Finally, the results of structural equations modeling clarified that the behavioral factor (with a regression coefficient of (0.601) had the most and the structural factor (with a regression coefficient of (.355) had the least impact on employer branding in Mellat Bank. There is no comprehensive classification of the factors affecting the branding of employers, especially in the banking industry. Therefore, in this approach, it is necessary to identify the factors affecting employer branding and measure the effect of each of these factors in the mentioned industry, which is the main aim of this study.
... To interpret the factors more reasonably, factor rotation is performed to obtain a theoretically and practically more significant factor solution. Factor rotations in most cases will improve the interpretation by reducing several dualisms frequently come with the initial solution for the factors that have not been rotated (Hair et al, 1998). The method of factor rotation adopted in this study is Varimax, for the reason that the method maximizes the variance. ...
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The purpose of the study was to test and analyze the influence of multinationality, size, and profitability as company advantages, and leverage and systematic risk as company limitations on the change in investment opportunity set with its appropriate proxy and influence on company financing. The sample of the study are manufacture firms listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange that distributed successively in 2010 – 2013. Sample size consists of total is 435 firms Data analysis was conducted in two ways: a) Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to find appropriate proxies; and b) Partially Least Square (PLS). Results: company advantages were proven to have a positive effect on Investment Opportunity Set (IOS). Company limitations were not proven to have a negative effect on Investment Opportunity Set (IOS). Investment Opportunity Set was proven to have a positive effect on corporate financing policies at 10% significance level. Company advantages were proven to have a negative effect on corporate financing policies. Company limitations were proven to have a negative effect on corporate financing policies. IOS was proven to mediate the influence of company advantages on corporate financing policies at 10% significance level. IOS was proven to mediate the influence of company limitations on corporate financing policies. Company limitations have no significant influence on investment opportunity set. This is because companies inIndonesia have yet considered the leverage and systematic risk in determining the directions of corporate investment policies to grow and develop as well as in determining their financing policies.
... Ideally, the value should be above.70 (Hair et al. 2006). Ours was.934, suggesting a high internal consistency. ...
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Nationally recognized social justice standards guide educators in developing social justice education. Absent from the guidance are tools to conduct initial formative assessment or to measure the impact of related instruction. To fill that gap, an academic researcher and 10th-grade teacher used a 3-phased, 9-step process to develop, pilot test, and evaluate a self-assessment tool called the Social Justice Educational Assessment Scale (SJEAS). In Phase 1, the team created the SJEAS items, aligning each with the Learning for Justice 9th–12th-grade social justice learning outcomes to ensure content validity. In Phase 2, they pretested the questions, revised the scale, and administered it to 322 student participants. Next, they conducted inter-item and total-item correlation tests and principal component analysis to ensure internal consistency. In Phase 3, they evaluated the SJEAS. Preliminary results indicate the SJEAS could provide educators and curriculum coordinators with a practical formative assessment and impact evaluation tool for social justice education aligned with nationally recognized learning outcomes. Complementary data, including classroom assignments and student discussions, would further enhance its value.
... In order to assess the internal consistency and convergent validity of the scales, standardized factor loadings and reliability estimates (Cronbach's α; composite reliability; AVE) were calculated. As shown in Table 3, the coefficients of the factor loadings were greater than 0.60, which corresponds to the value recommended by (Hair et al., 2006); therefore, the factor loading value of each item ranged from.69 to.97. ...
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The ethical and environmental rhetoric employed by institutions and companies to foster insect-based food consumption neglects individualistic motives that can prompt consumers to buy this novel food. To fill this gap, this paper reports a study in which consumers' hedonic and utilitarian motives and the relative consumer profiles for insect-based food consumption were investigated. Drawing on the Theory of Planned Behavior, the study collected data from 929 participants and applied a structural equation modeling analysis to evaluate the moderating effect produced by hedonic and utilitarian motives on the intention to consume insect-based food. Based on the same dataset, then performed was a cluster analysis to define the profile of consumers according to the level of acceptance of insect-based food. The results indicated that hedonic motives have a positive impact on consumers' intention to consume insect-based food, while utilitarian-ethical and utilitarian-health motives have no and a negative impact, respectively. These findings suggest that promoting the hedonic aspects of insect-based foods would be more effective in increasing consumer acceptance than emphasizing only ethical and health utilitarian values; and they also highlight the importance of creating an emotional and experiential connection with consumers in order to improve the effectiveness of marketing efforts.
... The dominance of SO 4 2− in some locations may be attributed to the use of pesticides and agrochemicals. Again the dominance of SO 4 2− can also be attributed to anthropogenic activities or oxidation of organic matter (Hair et al. 1992). Mg MixCl 4 (4.7%) 6 ...
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With increased population, demand of groundwater for drinking and irrigation is on an exponential rise. The problem of groundwater in the coastal area has a substantial impact on the inhabitants of the area. This work is, therefore, designed to recognize various hydrogeochemical processes responsible for the modification of water chemistry and to assess the drinking and irrigational water quality with a view to establishing its safety in the Kujang Block of Jagatsinghpur district, Odisha. During the pre-monsoon of 2021, about 85 tube wells were identified to collect groundwater samples, which were then analyzed for a number of physico-chemical characteristics. It was found that Na⁺, Cl⁻, Mg²⁺, electrical conductivity (EC), total hardness (TH) and total dissolved solids (TDS) are enriched in the groundwater. The ionic chemistry of groundwater follows the sequence, Mg²⁺ > Na⁺ > Ca²⁺ > K⁺ and Cl⁻ > HCO3⁻ > SO4²⁻. The results of the HFE-D (Hydrochemical Facies Evolution Diagram) show that groundwater salinization has taken place in the coastal aquifers of Kujang Block with a significant reverse cation exchange process altering the water chemistry. The bivariate plots of various ions and the Chloro alkaline indices explain that the inverse process of cation exchange is controlling the groundwater chemistry. Piper’s diagram indicated that the key hydrochemical facies are Ca–Cl, and mixed Ca–Mg–Cl and Na-Cl. The alkaline earths are enriched over alkalies and strong acids are enriched over weak acid as proved by both Piper and Chadha’s diagram. Gibb’s plot shows that evaporation and crystallization processes dominate the scene regulating the groundwater chemistry and few samples show rock weathering. Based on World Health Organization (WHO) standards, total hardness (TH) values for all groundwater samples, TDS values for 76.5% of samples and EC values for 51.8% of samples are in excess of the Maximum Permissible Limit (MPL) causing the groundwater to be unsafe for drinking. Overall, 41% of the resource is “inappropriate” for consumption. The water in the majority of the places is acceptable for farming utility, except in those areas with high potential salinity (PS) and magnesium hazards (MH). Graphical Abstract
... According to the table, Cronbach's a of the teaching attraction scale was greater than 0.7 (inclusive), which meets the standard proposed by Nunnally (1994), indicating good reliability. However, while the scale meets the criterion of CR higher than 0.7, as put forward by James et al. (2019) and Hair et al. (2006), the AVE only approached 0.5. At the same time, factor loading also conformed to the standard of significance and was higher than 0.6, as suggested by Hoque and Awang (2019). ...
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This era of ‘everything is done with a smartphone in hand’ indicates that the smartphone has become an indispensable necessity in daily life. However, smartphone addiction can directly and significantly affect teaching activities, learning attitudes, learning motivation, and so on. Therefore, discussing the impact of smartphones addiction, such as mobile game addiction, on learning is the most important issue at every education level nowadays. The participants are students from three universities in Macau, including 381 valid samples. First, this study adopted descriptive statistics to know the sample distribution, such as gender or educational level. Second, this study used SEM (analytical tool was AMOS 23) to test and verify the significance of the research hypotheses. Third, this study used AHP (analytical tool was Yaahp 11.0) to determine the key criterion of teachers’ teaching attraction. This study mainly discussed the relationship between learning climate, mobile game addiction, learning motivation and learning attitude, and analyzed the moderation effect of teaching attraction. The analysis results indicate that (1) learning climate was not significantly negatively related to mobile game addiction; (2) learning climate and mobile game addiction had a positive significant impact on learning motivation and learning attitude; (3) learning attitude was the positive significant antecedent variable of learning motivation; (4) learning attitude had a partial mediation effect, but mobile game addiction did not; (5) teaching attraction strengthened the relationship between learning climate and mobile game addiction, as well as between learning attitude and learning motivation; (6) the most important criterion of teaching attraction was the ‘teacher’s ability to communicate clearly’. Learning climate is a significant antecedent of learning motivation and learning attitude. Therefore, teachers can create a ‘trial and error spirit’ in their learning climate to encourage students to develop new ideas and become more confident. Mobile game addiction has significant predictive power for learning motivation and learning attitude. Hence, this study suggests that teaching with a personal style can attract students’ attention; teachers should also use diversified teaching methods. The findings also indicate that learning attitude is significantly positively related to learning motivation. Consequently, teachers can communicate with students before class or discuss teaching methods that can enhance students’ learning interests.
... The correlation coefficient, also known as Pearson's correlation coefficient, is a measure of the strength of the linear relationship between two variables and ranges from 21 to 1 (Field, 2013). According to Hair, Black, et al (2017), 21 indicates a perfect negative correlation, 1 indicates a perfect positive correlation, and 0 indicates no correlation. Correlation analysis can provide valuable insights into the relationships between variables and can be used to make predictions about one variable based on the values of another variable (Gronlund & Linn, 2014). ...
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Tourism is a very important part of Vietnam’s economy, and the country’s central highlands offer a lot of chances to grow tourism. However, due to the challenging terrain, remote location, and diverse ethnic populations, creating sustainable tourism in this area poses a significant challenge. To address this issue, our study employs quantitative research methodologies, including questionnaire surveys conducted with local stakeholders. Our research identifies cultural, economic, infrastructural, policy, and regulatory factors as critical drivers of long-term tourism growth in the region. The results show that sustainable tourism growth in Vietnam’s central highlands needs a complete plan that considers the area’s unique natural and cultural environment. In addition, our research gives policymakers and people in the tourism industry important information they can use to promote sustainable tourism development in this region.
... Internal consistency guaranteed with after assessment of convergent validity, where composite reliability (CR) coefficients were between 0.703 and 0.892 >0.60 while, the average variance extracted (AVE) values ranged between 0.50 and 0.68 >0.50 (Hair et al., 2010) (see Table 1). ...
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In the current era where environmental degradation is alarming, hospitality enterprises have picked up pace and put greater effort in finding practical solutions to the problem. In this regard, the main driver of environmental conservation is stakeholders’ support, especially that of clientele. However, effectiveness of ecological measures mainly depends on favourability of hotel guests’ perceptions towards the initiatives. Drawing on the Theory of Planned Behaviour, this study sought to establish the effect of eco-friendly perceptions on behaviour of guests in eco-rated camps at the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. The philosophical position of the study was pragmatism with an embedded mixed methods research design. The study population comprised of 44 eco-rated camp managers and 208, 620 visitors to the Maasai Mara National Reserve. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 10 managers and 399 hotel guests were selected using clustered, stratified, and proportionate random sampling techniques. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics while, inferential statistics were derived from Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) based on the Partial Least Squares technique (PLS). Qualitative data was analysed using narrative analysis. The results showed that perceived behavioural consequences and perceived behavioural control had significant effect on eco-friendly behaviour of guests β=0.0317, p = 0.005 <0.05 and β=0.289, p = 0.001 <0.05, respectively. However, perceived subjective norms had no significant effect on eco-friendly behaviour of guests β=0.008, p = 0.36 >0.05. The study recommends environmental protection campaigns that strengthen favourable behavioural and control beliefs as well as a better understanding perceived subjective norms and precise socio-cultural contexts in order to augment the most compelling practices. Future research approaches could narrow the sampling frames and test the predictive role of normative beliefs in a specified socio-cultural setting
... W przypadku 2 podskal Psychiczne oderwanie się od pracy i Ruminowanie afektywne uzyskano dobre wskaźniki rzetelności i trafności (α > 0,7; ω > 0,7; GLB = 0,7; CR > 0,7; AVE > 0,5; AVE < CR [49,50]. Z kolei w przypadku podskali Rozmyślanie nad rozwiązaniem problemu wartości α i AVE były bardzo bliskie akceptowalnego poziomu, natomiast wartości ω, GLB i CR osiągnęły akceptowalny poziom. ...
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Background: The aim of the study was to better understand the process through which recovery leads to teachers' exhaustion and performance. The direct and the indirect, i.e., mediated by teacher' work-related self-efficacy, effects of recovery on exhaustion and job performance were measured. To assessment of recovery, the Polish version of the Work-Related Rumination Scale (W-RRS) was developed. It measures detachment, affective rumination and problem-solving pondering. The psychometric properties of this tool constitute an additional contribution to the article. Material and methods: The study was conducted among a group of primary and secondary school teachers (N = 503). The factor structure of the W-RRS scale was checked using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), its reliability by using of Cronbach's α measure, and its theoretical validity by means of correlation of main variables with criterion variables. Hypotheses related to direct and mediation effects were verified using structural equation modeling (SEM). Results: The obtained results confirmed the criterion and construct validity and reliability of the W-RRS. It has been also shown that detachment is directly negatively associated with exhaustion (but not with performance), affective rumination is a predictor of higher exhaustion and lower job performance, and problem-solving pondering is related to job performance (but not to exhaustion). Self-efficacy mediates the effect of 2 (out of the 3) types of recovery on exhaustion and job performance, such that high levels of problem-solving pondering and low levels of affective rumination translate into high self-efficacy, which in turn leads to lower exhaustion and higher job performance. Conclusions: The recovery methods have various implications for functioning of teachers. While detachment and problem-solving pondering seem to promote it, affective rumination intensifies exhaustion and reduces performance. The mediator of the recovery-psychological well-being relationship is self-efficacy. The W-RRS questionnaire can be used to assessment of rumination among teachers. Med Pr Work Health Saf. 2024;75(2):143-158.
... These values obtained in the study generally varied between -2 and +2. These values obtained show that the distributions are normal (Hair et al., 2010). Since the normality of the distributions was ensured, the Independent Sample T-test, one of the parametric tests, was used to determine the difference between the measurements of the dependent variables of the variables with two categories. ...
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Talented, different, and creative thinking individuals are needed for the sociological and economic development of societies. One of the groups with these characteristics is gifted children. In Türkiye, gifted students continue their formal education in educational environments called the Science and Art Center (SAC). While gifted students go to school with their peers, they continue their education by going to the SAC after school or on weekends. In this study, it is aimed to determine the attitudes and views of gifted students towards grammar. The study group of the research consists of 51 secondary school students from a SAC in Türkiye. The study was carried out on the axis of the mixed method. The "Grammar Attitude Scale Towards Secondary School Students" developed by Er and Topçuoğlu Ünal (2016) was used as quantitative data collection tool. In the collection of qualitative data, the "Semi-Structured Interview Form" developed by the researchers was used. SPSS 25 program was used in the analysis of quantitative data, and content analysis was used in the analysis of qualitative data. The results show that the attitudes of gifted students towards grammar do not differ significantly according to grade level, gender, school type, and Science and Art Center program. In addition, it has been determined that the majority of gifted students think that learning grammar is not necessary or difficult and that the majority of students do not find the grammar activities in Turkish textbooks sufficient. In the context of the results obtained in the study, some suggestions were offered.
... Furthermore, to validate the extracted factors, the researchers applied Confirmatory Factor Analysis. EFA results render that the KMO test's value in the present study is 0.743, which is higher than the base index (Hair et al. 2006). Additionally, results of the Bartlett's test are significant at a 0.05 level of significance. ...
With the onset of the twenty first century, developing economies have kept pace with global standards in terms of information and technology. Indian consumers have already become immersed in this process due to digital transformation. This means even in developing nations such as India, digital natives – those who grew up immersed in digital technology – are now present and have considerable spending power. This study examines the antecedents of digital natives’ attitudes towards online advertising and subsequent purchase intentions. Structural equation modelling revealed several factors that influence attitudes towards online advertisements and purchase intentions. These findings add to the literature regarding online advertising in the context of an emerging market.
... The chi-square value can be used to estimate the fit of a model. It makes sense to interpret a low and negligible 2 as a good indicator of model fit (Hair, Black Babin, Anderson, & Tatham, 2006). The two statistics are compared to get the normed-2, or the ratio of 2 to the degree of freedom (df) since chi-square is more sensitive to data that are more significant than 200. ...
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This study aims to investigate the impact of competitive advantage as a mediator between organizational performance and strategy management in enterprises located in Faridabad. Using a well-designed questionnaire and convenient sampling, data is gathered from 200 Faridabad-based businesses. Amos 21 and SPSS 21 are used for data analysis. Strategy management practices significantly impact organizational performance in direct analysis. Competitive advantages have a significant impact on organizational performance, and strategy management practices have a significant impact on competitive advantages in the indirect effect. However, there is no significant relationship between strategy management practices and organizational performance. It is revealed that completive advantages fully mediate between strategy management practices and organizational performance. Subsequent studies may employ qualitative research methods to investigate additional pertinent variables. It is implied that strategy implementation and assessment are critical to improving performance and giving Faridabad-based businesses a competitive edge.
... Therefore, data above this value were excluded from the analysis. There is no multi-connection problem when the Tolerance value is greater than 0.10 and the VIF value is less than ten (Hair, Black, Babin, Anderson, & Tatham, 2006). Tolerance and VIF values for organizational justice variables were (.82; 1.21), for organizational citizenship behavior (.89; 1.12), and job satisfaction (.77; 1.29), respectively. ...
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The aim of the study is to explain the effect of ethical leadership on organizational justice, organizational citizenship, and job satisfaction. The study group includes 488 teachers and the study was chosen by using a simple random sampling method. Teachers' participation is convenience sampling. Data were collected with the ethical leadership scale, organizational justice scale, and organizational citizenship scale. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the scales were reliable. The research hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling as well as variables. According to the hypothesis, ethical leadership has an effect on organizational justice, organizational citizenship, and job satisfaction, organizational justice with ethical leadership has an effect on job satisfaction, and, organizational citizenship with ethical leadership affects job satisfaction. In light of these results, it shows that all hypotheses are supported. In summary, it can be said that ethical leadership has an effect on organizational outputs. This situation reveals the importance of ethical leadership.
... Second, a collinearity test was performed. As shown in Table 5, all values of the variance infl ation factor are below 3.3, providing evidence that the risk of CMV in this study is negligible (Hair et al., 2014). Th is also suggests that there is no multicollinearity, as the values of the variance infl ation factor are below 3. ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the operations of public sectors worldwide, compelling governments to impose nationwide lockdowns. This crisis prompted an immediate shift to Work from Home (WFH) policies for civil servants. Under this policy, work activities predominantly rely on information and communications technology (ICT). While ICTs have a positive impact on the efficiency of public service delivery, the use of technology and the internet has also introduced various adverse effects, such as cyberloafing and destructive behaviors. These negative influences on performance can ultimately impact service delivery. Against this background, this study aims to analyze the influence of cyberloafing on the work performance of civil servants during the WFH policy implementation. The study, for which 272 civil servants from diverse backgrounds were interviewed, reveals that development behavior significantly influences task performance and adaptive performance, while deviant behavior has a notable impact on all dimensions of work performance. These findings contribute to theoretical understanding, offer practical implications, and suggest directions for future research.
... To test the construct validity of the scales, we conducted confirmatory factor analysis for all items (see Table 2). All the items are significant (p < 0.001), and the fit indices (comparative fit index = 0.955; root mean square error of approximation = 0.046) indicate a good fit of the model (Cheung and Rensvold 2002;Hair et al. 2006;Schumacker and Lomax 1996). Cronbach's α values for the scales, also presented in Table 2, are higher than the traditional cut-off of 0.7 (DeVellis 2003), which suggests that the scales have internal reliability. ...
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A sense of obligation to obey the police is an important predictor of public cooperation and compliance with the law. Minorities tend to feel less obligated to obey the police than the majority. Previous work based on the social resistance framework shows that the experiences that shape the lives and attitudes of minorities may encourage them to actively engage in a variety of everyday resistance acts against the majority group, which may include high-risk and delinquent behaviours. The present study tests this framework for the first time concerning the self-perceived obligation to obey the police while also considering different minority groups who experience varying levels of marginalization. We use a representative sample of about 1,100 Israelis from four minority groups – Muslims, immigrants from the former Soviet Union, ultra-Orthodox Jews and Jews of Ethiopian origin – along with the Jewish majority group. The results show that Muslims feel the least obligation to obey the police, followed by Jews of Ethiopian origin. Social resistance was negatively related to the self-perceived obligation to obey the police among Muslims and ultra-Orthodox Jews while controlling for demographic characteristics and previous theoretical explanations, namely procedural justice, self-help and anger.
... Individuals were invited to participate and a written informed consent form was read and signed before inclusion in the study. The sample size was estimated based on recommendations made by Hair et [16]. which considers that for a 5% level of significance, and a power of 80%, there is a need to include 5 to 10 subjects per questionnaire item. ...
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Introduction The Healthy Eating Index (HEI) is a comprehensive measure to assess diet quality. Because of the various factors that influence the nutritional status of older adults, there is a need to adapt an index that assesses the quality of the diet considering the dietary requirements of aging and health promotion. This study aimed to adapt the HEI for older adults, considering their needs for healthy eating. Methods Food consumption data was collected by means of three non-consecutive 24-hour food recalls (R24h). For the adaptation of the Healthy Eating Index for Older Adults (HEI-OA), the components and scoring methodology of HEI-2015 were maintained and Brazilian food intake recommendations for the older population were used, which are in line with international recommendations. The validity of the HEI-OA was assessed by four ideal diets, Mann-Whitney’s test, Spearman’s correlation analysis and Cronbach’s coefficient. Results Content validity of the HEI-OA was confirmed by the maximum score for diets recommended to older adults and by the score between groups with known differences in diet quality. The HEI-OA total score did not correlate with total energy intake (TEI - total energy value: r = -0.141, p > 0.05). The total HEI-OA score showed a statistically significant correlation with several nutrients. These correlations allowed identifying that these nutrients are closely related to the components of the HEI-OA. The internal consistency value for the HEI-OA total score was 0.327, similar to the 2005 and 2010 versions of the HEI. Conclusion The HEI was successfully adapted for use with older adults, presenting validity and reliability. The HEI-OA can be used to assess diet quality in line with international dietary guidelines for healthy aging.
... Thus, the robust standard error present in the Gretl software was applied to the models. For the VIF test, the result of the average score was less than 10, indicating that there is no multicollinearity problem (Hair et al., 2006). ...
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The different stakeholder groups and their influence on value distribution have received increasing attention from organizations and academia. In the recent stakeholder literature, there has been a theoretical development on value distribution, considering the attributes of strategic importance and power; however, the literature still lacks empirical studies to analyze and understand the relationship. This paper examines the association between stakeholders’ power and strategic importance and the value distribution to them by publicly traded companies on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX). To obtain relevant information on companies’ treatment of their stakeholders, we analyzed the content of 104 prospectuses for the TSX IPO process from 2008 to 2019. The results reveal that power and strategic importance are relevant to the distribution of value to stakeholders and that the strategic importance of stakeholders has a more significant influence than their power. Regarding contributions, our study advances previous debates in stakeholder literature in theoretical and practical terms. Keywords: stakeholders; value distribution; power; strategic importance; IPO
... Fit statistics such as χ 2 , χ 2 /SD, RMSEA, GFI, AGFI, CFI, and SRMR were used to examine fit values in structural model tests (Hair et al., 2006). Among the calculated statistics, a χ 2 /SD value <5; GFI, AGFI, and CFI values >0.80; SRMR values <0.08; and RMSEA values <0.10 indicated that the model data fit was at an acceptable level (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007). ...
... The paper also measures the variance inflation factor (VIF) for each of the regression coefficients in the full model to test for the presence of multicollinearity. All the variables' VIF values, as well as the mean VIF in Table 4, are all below 1.5; also, none of the tolerance values are less than 0.2; indicating that multicollinearity is not a major concern (Hair et al., 2006). Moreover, the test results yielded satisfactory results: neither heteroskedasticity [likelihood-ratio (LR) tests with p 5 1.0000] nor autocorrelation (Cumby-Huizinga test with p 5 0.2778 and Arellano-Bond test with p 5 0.2780) is an issue. ...
Purpose This study aims to study the moderating effects of private ownership and government support on the relationship between outsourcing and product innovation in entrepreneurial ventures in a transition economy. Design/methodology/approach The data of 10,296 Vietnamese entrepreneurial ventures from the four rounds of the survey conducted by the General Statistics Office (GSO) of Vietnam to investigate the moderating effects of private ownership and government support on the association between outsourcing and entrepreneurial ventures’ product innovation performance. The Probit regression model is employed to estimate such associations. Findings Our research uncovered that the impact of outsourcing on the likelihood of product innovation is more significant for entrepreneurial operations characterized by a substantial degree of private ownership and government backing as opposed to those without. Research limitations/implications The results of our research indicated that the resource-based perspective and extended resource-based view (ERBV) are essential in examining the impact of gaining resources or skills from external sources on the growth of entrepreneurial enterprises. These ideas have significance and importance not just in industrialized economies but also in countries undergoing transition. Our findings suggest that entrepreneurial enterprises should have the ability to manage a wide range of resources and make decisions about which activities should be handled internally and which should be delegated to other parties. Practical implications Our findings also imply that entrepreneurial ventures should be able to control many resources and choose which tasks should be performed in-house and which should be outsourced to third parties. Originality/value By adopting and leveraging the resource-based view (RBV) and extended resource-based views (ERBV), our study developed a theoretical model about private ownership and government support for moderate outsourcing’s impact on entrepreneurial innovation in a transition economy. Keywords: Entrepreneurial ventures, Outsourcing, Product innovation, Private ownership, Government support, RBV, and ERBV.
... Specifically, in the first step, we evaluated the model's fit by employing the Satorra-Bentler scaled chi-square approach (SB-x2) with the parameters recommended by Hu and Bentler (1999). Next, we conducted a measurement invariance test following the procedure outlined by Hair et al. (2006). Subsequently, we performed a multi-group comparison analysis, following established methodologies from prior studies (e.g., Liu et al. (2021) and Ren and Folmer (2017)). ...
Recent decades have witnessed continued research interest in the residents' sense of community (SOC) towards their neighborhoods, attributed to the rapid global expansion of urban spaces and increased human mobility. Early studies predominantly focused on the influence of SOC from a place-centric perspective, emphasizing the physical attributes of neighborhoods. However, recent scholars have called for a shift in research towards an individual-activity-based approach. Despite this, there has been a relative dearth of knowledge regarding the nuanced activity factors and intrinsic pathways that impact SOC, particularly within mixed housing neighborhoods. To bridge this gap, this study utilized first-hand social survey data and daily activity diaries collected in Fuzhou to examine the associations between daily activities and SOC and identify the critical mediator. Multi-group Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis revealed several noteworthy findings. Firstly, despite living together in a mixed neighborhood, affordable and market housing residents exhibited significant disparities in their daily activities, facility utilization, and SOC. Residents of market housing demonstrated lower SOC compared to those in affordable housing. Secondly, daily activities had differing impacts on SOC between these groups. A variety of activity factors, such as the proportion of activity space to the neighborhood, time allocated to local activities, and the diversity of activity types, collectively enhanced SOC. These effects were particularly marked within affordable housing. Conversely, the positive influence of daily social interactions on SOC was exclusive to residents of market housing. Additionally, the use of neighborhood facilities serves as an underlying mechanism. Frequent utilization of proximal facilities can substantially improve SOC among residents, particularly for those in affordable housing. These findings offer valuable insights for the planning and managing of mixed housing neighborhoods and may also inspire strategies in other neighborhood types.
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As the demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly products continues to rise, consumers have become more discerning in their brand choices. This has resulted in many companies resorting to greenwashing to appear environmentally friendly. While previous studies have explored different dimensions of greenwashing, its effects on consumer emotive outcomes have not been given much scholarly attention. Therefore, this study sought to examine the relationship between greenwashing and consumer negative emotive outcomes. Additionally, the study examined the potential moderating effect of brand loyalty on the relationship between greenwashing and these negative emotive outcomes. A cross-sectional survey involving a total of 490 respondents with usage experience of green household electronic appliances was utilized. Data were analyzed using the partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach. The results of the analysis revealed a positive correlation between greenwashing and all four negative emotive outcomes examined. Furthermore, the findings demonstrated that brand loyalty plays a positive moderating role in the relationship between greenwashing and negative emotive outcomes. The study thus, strongly recommends that brands engaged in greenwashing discontinue the practice. The consequences of the negative outcomes associated with greenwashing extend beyond a decline in sales performance. It could potentially inflict significant damage on the corporate brand image and reputation. Therefore, brands should prioritize genuine environmental responsibility to mitigate these adverse effects and maintain a positive brand image among consumers.
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Organizational innovation can be a promising path for public administrations to follow to become more supportive of the realization of sustainability goals. With the Teal Organizations framework as a reference, this study explores organizational innovation in Spanish public administrations by assessing the extent and patterns of the implementation of selected innovative organizational practices, with the aim to help them improve. This study performs multivariate and individual analyses of the variance and factor analysis of the responses given by Spanish public sector employees to an online questionnaire about the degree of implementation of certain practices in their organization. The results show that there are little differences in the degree of implementation of these practices among the national, regional, and local administrations and that this implementation does not seem to be guided by the three principles of Teal Organizations: self-management, wholeness, and evolutionary purpose, but by five factors combining them, labeled as trust, task assignment, meetings management, hierarchy, and community and values. Because of the low degree of implementation of the practices under the community and values factor and the comparatively low effort required to introduce them, these practices appear as interesting options to explore when considering administrative reforms.
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The financial stability of the banking sector is undoubtedly the backbone of any economy. Massive bank failures not only hurt the domestic economy but also put the whole world at risk. The fall of Lehman Brothers in 2008 is a prime example of this. In this environment, it is important to focus on the financial stability of domestic financial institutions. With the 1991 economic policy, the banking industry became a fast-running free feature economy. The banking industry suffers from a wide range of losses. The present study is based on the secondary data and focuses on measures taken by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to identify and mitigate various risks in the Indian banking industry such as liquidity risk, interest risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, etc. actions taken. This paper discusses the role of RBI in addressing the risks like BASEL norms in addition to conceptualization of various risks.
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The COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the complex response techniques employed to halt its spread, are both detrimental to mental and emotional well-being. Students’ lives have been damaged by social alienation and self-isolation. These effects must be detected, analyzed, and dealt with to make sure the well-being of individuals, specifically students. This research examines the impact of parent–child relationships, parental autonomy support, and social support on enhancing students’ mental well-being using data collected from post-COVID-19. The Potential participants were students from several universities in Pakistan. For this reason, we chose Pakistan’s Punjab province, with 8 prominent institutions, as the primary focus for data collection. A questionnaire was created to gather information from 355 students. For descriptive statistics, SPSS was used, while AMOS structural equation modeling was used to test hypotheses. The findings revealed that social support on mental well-being (standardized β = 0.43, t = 7.57, p < 0.01) and parental autonomy support was significant and positively related to mental well-being (standardized β = 0.31, t = 5.016, p < 0.01), and predicted parent–child relationships. Furthermore, the parent–child relationship strongly mediated the association between social support, parental autonomy support, and students’ mental well-being. This research proposes that good social support and parental autonomy support improve parent–children relationships and contribute to students’ mental well-being.
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Innovation is a crucial capability for businesses wanting to successfully emerge from the complexities imposed by the current disruptive times. The literature points to a variety of factors influencing innovation. However, this paper explores the correlation of three underpinning factors impacting innovation in the manufacturing sector. These factors include Knowledge Management, Intellectual Capital, and Competitive Intelligence. This research presents evidence by evaluating Mexican manufacturing companies established in the Torreon, Coahuila region of Northeast Mexico. A quantitative methodology has been adopted with a non-experimental and transversal, correlational-causal analysis, collecting data in a single trial approach. Findings highlight the degree of influence and the interrelationships between the two factors explored. The paper concludes with some implications for businesses aiming to maximize innovation practices.
Literatürde günümüz üniversite öğrencilerinin çeşitli etken ve faktörlere bağlı olarak umutsuzluk yaşadıkları vurgulanmaktadır. Özellikle öğrencilerin sosyo-demografik değişkenlere bağlı olarak umutsuz düzeyleri farklılaşabilmektedir. Öğrencilerin yaşadıkları umutsuzluk onların kariyer ve geleceğe yönelik beklentilerinde önemli roller oynayabilmektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışmada Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesinde eğitimine devam eden öğrencilerin umutsuzluk düzeyleri ve umutsuzluklarının sosyo-demografik değişkenlere göre farklılık gösterip göstermediği analiz edilmiştir. Bu örneklemin seçilmesinin gerekçesi ise, daha önce bu örneklem grubuna yönelik nerdeyse hiç araştırma yapılmamış olmasıdır. Karşılaştırmaya dayalı ilişkisel tarama modeline göre gerçekleştirilen araştırmanın verileri ilgili örneklem grubundan toplanmıştır. 415 öğrenciden toplanan veri seti, SPPS programı yardımıyla t testi ve ANOVA analizi yapılarak test edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin umutsuzluk düzeylerinin sosyo-demografik değişkenlere göre farklı olup olmadığına yönelik analizler sonucunda hipotezler test edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, ilgili fakültede okuyan öğrencilerin hafif ve orta düzeyde umutsuzluk yaşadıkları tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca katılımcı öğrencilerin umutsuzluk düzeylerinin cinsiyet, eğitimden memnuniyet, bölümü bilinçli tercih etme, okuduğu alanda çalışma isteği, çalışmak istenen ülke tercihi, sınıf düzeyleri, not ortalaması (akademik başarı) ve bölüm gruplarına göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Buna karşın, öğrencilerin umutsuzluk düzeylerinin bilgisayar kullanma bilgi düzeyi, ekstra bilgisayar program bilgisi, yabancı dil bilgi düzeyi, ailenin gelir düzeyi ve öğrencilerin mezun olduktan sonra çalışmak istedikleri sektör gruplarına göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık tespit edilememiştir.
Tüketicilerin, daha önce satın almayı planlamadığı bir ürünle karşılaştığında onu aniden satın alması ile sonuçlanan eylem impulsif satın alımdır. Spontane gerçekleşen bu satın alma eyleminde bireylerin karar vermelerinde etkisi olan faktörlerin belirlenmesi tüketici davranışlarının ortaya konması açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışma ile tüketicilerin impulsif satın alma davranışlarının ölçülebileceği geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçek geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda ilgili literatür incelenmiş ve 46 maddelik bir madde havuzu oluşturulmuştur. Madde havuzunda yer alan 7 maddenin uzman değerlendirmeleri sonucunda çalışmadan çıkarılması uygun bulunmuş ve 39 maddelik taslak ölçek elde edilmiştir. Taslak ölçek, çalışmanın çeşitli safhalarında olmak üzere, Sivas ilindeki tüketicilerden toplam 766’sına uygulanmıştır. Çalışmada açıklayıcı faktör analizi, doğrulayıcı faktör analizi, test-tekrar-test ve iç tutarlılık analizi yöntemlerinden faydalanılmıştır. Açıklayıcı faktör analizi sonrası taslak ölçek, 5 faktör ve 25 maddeden oluşan bir yapıya ulaşmıştır. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ile açıklayıcı faktör analizi sonrası elde edilen ölçme yapısının geçerliği teyit edilmiştir. Ölçeğin ölçme sonuçlarının zamanla farklılaşmadığı test-tekrar-test yöntemi ile belirlenmiştir. Ölçekte yer alan her bir faktör ve ölçeğin tamamı için hesaplanan Cronbach Alpha katsayı değerleri, ölçeğin “yüksek güvenilirlikte” olduğunu göstermiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, geliştirilen “İmpulsif Satın Alma Ölçeği"nin güvenilir ve geçerli bir ölçek olduğu saptanmıştır.
In response to reforms leading to the decentralization of university governance, academic divisions in China’s public universities are expected to take responsibility for their financial health; however, it is unclear how universities allocate financial resources in response to external expectations, a research gap that this article seeks to fill. This article consists of two studies with different samples of individuals occupying mid-level administrative positions in China’s public universities (Study 1: n = 63; Study 2: n = 153). Study 1 reports on the adaptation of a survey used to measure administrators’ perceptions of university budgeting. Study 2 confirms the four-factor structure of the scale, updates the literature on current resource allocation practices in China’s public universities, and investigates the relationships between internal resource allocation and government functions. Findings suggest that, as perceived by administrators, certain elements of institutional resource allocation exhibit stronger relationships with government regulation and funding opportunities than others. The results suggest that the adapted survey can be used reliably to investigate personnel in Chinese universities and, in turn, provide some evidence to support a strategic balance perspective on resource allocation in China’s public universities.
Bu çalışmada, hemşirelerin algıladığı örgütsel desteğin (AÖD) ve temel benlik değerlendirmesinin (TBD) işe tutkunluk üzerindeki etkisinde iş becerikliliğinin aracılık rolünün belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Şırnak ilindeki devlet hastanelerinde görev yapan hemşireler, mevcut çalışmanın ana kütlesini oluşturmaktadır. Basit ve tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemleriyle 249 hemşire ile anket çalışması yürütülmüştür. Elde edilen veriler SPSS, AMOS ve PROCESS Macro programlarında kullanılmak üzere kodlanmıştır. Yapılan analizler neticesinde hemşirelerin AÖD ve TBD’sinin iş becerikliliklerini ve işe tutkunluklarını olumlu yönde etkilediği; AÖD ve TBD’sinin işe tutkunlukları üzerindeki etkisinde iş becerikliliklerinin kısmi aracılık rolünün olduğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarının araştırmacı ile uygulayıcıların ilgisini çekeceği öngörüldüğünden onlar için öneriler geliştirilmiştir.
Business executives have recently indicated that supply chain disruptions represent a major threat to their firm’s profitability and revenue growth (Smyrlis, 2006; Hendricks and Singhal, 2009). In the literature, a number of conceptual studies have suggested that supply chain complexity is a main driver of supply chain disruptions (Choi & Krause, 2006; Christopher & Lee, 2004; Juettner et al., 2003). Other studies have suggested that the degree of coupling in the supply chain is a major determinant of supply chain disruptions (Agrawal and Nahimias, 1997; Ahuja, 2000). Building on the theoretical foundation of Normal Accident Theory (NAT), this paper proposes a nuanced relationship between supply chain complexity and coupling and their collective impact on supply chain disruptions. Through an empirical examination, we seek to validate the theoretical proposition that complex, tightly coupled systems are inherently prone to failures or accidents. This study contributes significantly to the supply chain management discourse, providing a detailed analysis of the mechanisms underlying supply chain vulnerabilities and offering practical guidance for developing more resilient and responsive supply chain systems. Our findings invite future research to further explore the intricacies of supply chain disruptions, complexity, and coupling, aiming to refine and expand upon the mitigation strategies discussed herein.
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This study examines consumers’ perceived fairness of hotel dynamic pricing, particularly in the evolving contexts of inflation and the post-pandemic phase. Instead of focusing solely on individual price points or price increases, this study develops a fairness model of dynamic pricing at the strategy level. It incorporates both social and physiological cues and broader contextual factors, given the inherent uncertainty surrounding the equality of outcomes. A sample of 579 U.S. consumers was recruited using Qualtrics consumer panel services. The study employs an orthogonalizing approach to eliminate the collinearity introduced by creating interaction terms. Rather than relying on internal price comparison, this study finds that consumers rationalize the pricing strategy based on two key cues: negative emotions and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Moreover, the study reveals an asymmetric effect of inflation attribution in moderating the cue-fairness linkage. Attributing dynamic pricing to inflation buffers the adverse effect of negative emotions while not enhancing the positive effect of CSR. Lastly, the study indicates that consumers’ perceived fairness of dynamic pricing increases consumer loyalty while decreasing revenge.
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This article, titled "The Use of Principal Component Analysis in the Instrumentation of Disaster Classifiers," focuses on addressing the increasing complexity of disasters by enhancing disaster intensity classification strategies within the municipalities of Rio de Janeiro. The study aims to bridge the gap in efficient and objective classification methods by integrating principal component analysis (PCA) for improved disaster risk management and response. Employing a quantitative approach and utilizing data from the Integrated Disaster Information System (S2ID), the research categorizes disasters based on their intensity and impact. Structured into four sections, the study begins with an exploration of the challenges posed by disasters in the Brazilian context, followed by the statistical methods and materials employed in the analysis. The findings reveal the emergence of four distinct disaster classes, reflecting municipalities' investment capacities and the severity of impacts. The concluding part underscores the importance of classification in planning civil defense actions and resource allocation. The core contribution of this research lies in the development of a classificatory model that could inform public policies and prevention and mitigation strategies, aligning with broader disaster risk management studies. By adopting PCA, this work presents a novel approach to categorizing disaster events, offering insights that could facilitate more effective disaster preparedness and response initiatives.
This study examines stakeholders’ behaviour in regard with their intention to use technology to assess students. This research uses a construct from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model. In this study, a quantitative approach is employed, and a survey was conducted to gather perceptions of stakeholders from management institutions and business schools across the country. The results of a PLS-SEM analysis indicate that social influence is a determinant of stakeholders’ use of technology in the assessment process, and therefore determines their adoption. Faculty and administrators of business schools need to recognize that technology-based assessment is an efficient and effective teaching strategy, and they should actively integrate it into their curriculum in order to improve teaching and learning effectiveness.
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This paper examines the effect of drivers in the development of eco-innovation from a system dynamics perspective. While previous literature has made important contributions in identifying factors that influence the development of eco-innovations, there remains limited understanding of how these drivers act and interact in promoting its development. Therefore, there is a need to develop a framework of relationships and drivers that encourage and support eco-innovation in companies. This paper develops an integrated framework encompassing key internal, market and governmental factors and their complex interactions using principles of system dynamics and machine learning to address this gap. The research questions how these drivers interact in a dynamic and non-linear manner to influence the development of eco-innovation in companies and how can these interactions be effectively modelled and understood, considering the complexities of sustainable business practices and the limitations of traditional linear approaches. We empirically test these questions by using the Spanish Technological Innovation Panel database. The findings demonstrate that eco-innovation is not solely driven by isolated factors; instead, it emerges from the complex interplay between internal capabilities, governmental policies and market dynamics. By emphasising the synergistic effects of these drivers, the research offers a nuanced understanding of their systemic interactions. Furthermore, our analysis highlights the varying efficiency levels of different drivers, underscoring the pivotal role of environmental corporate policies and the strategic allocation of financial resources. In contrast, cooperation, market forces and regulations exhibit lower efficiency in driving eco-innovation processes. These insights not only advance theoretical knowledge but also provide valuable guidance for businesses and policymakers, offering a more holistic approach to fostering sustainable innovation.
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Enhancing the livelihood sustainability of rural households in developing countries is especially imperative given their exposure to a multitude of shocks and stressors that may hinder their livelihood well-being. However, previous studies have mainly focused on assessing the sustainability of rural livelihoods and identifying the factors that influence it, but neglected the relationships between multiple risks, livelihood capital, geographical disadvantages , and livelihood sustainability. Based on the sustainable livelihood framework, the spatial poverty theory, and the pressure-state-response model, a conceptual framework that links external shocks, internal stressors, geographical disadvantages, and livelihood sustainability was established. These complex relationships were then quantified by Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) using 6752 household samples collected in rural China. The results suggest that external shocks and geographical disadvantages have significant negative impacts on financial and mental capitals but positive impacts on natural capital, which further affect the livelihood sustainability of rural households. Internal stressors positively influence physical, social, and human and natural capitals, indicating that risk aversion promote family members to increase productivity and livelihood capital to enhance livelihood sustainability. The research findings have significant implications for enhancing livelihoods of households in rural China and elsewhere in developing countries.
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Purpose: the main goal of the research is to analyze the ISO 37120 indicators in two cities located in Brazil and Portugal, verifying whether sustainable development strategies are present in public policies. Design: This research fits in a quantitative methodology, making use of on-line survey. The units of analysis of this research are the municipalities of Guarapuava - Brazil and Matosinhos – Portugal, Cross-Country Comparative Research. Findings: Through quantitative research, the citizens have presented a general perception about Education, Health, and Security indicators, sometimes in a positiveway, other times in a negative one. About the main objective, it was noticed that the the connection between the inquired citizens were the related indicators (sectors). The results obtained show that the ISO 37120 indicators can assist in an integrated monitoring of city governance, and function as advisory tool for some specific goals to city improvement in many aspects. Research implications: The research applied ISO indicators, which are very powerful to evaluate the public policies of cities. Therefore, it contributed with a potential evaluative instrument that indicates the priority targets for investments and development of public actions. Given that, the research also developed important reflections that may benefit the governance and provision of effective public services in many areas, namely, decision making support, urban planning and cities master plans, and UN SDG 11.
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