
Caractérisation de la pollution chimique et microbiologique de l\'environnement de la décharge d\'Akouédo, Abidjan-Côte d\'Ivoire

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... Ivory Coast Akouédo 1. Characterization of the chemical and microbiological pollution of the environment of the Akouédo landfill, Abidjan-Côte d'Ivoire [15]. 2. Toxicological risks of cohabitation with a landfill: Case of Akouédo in Côte d'Ivoire [5]. ...
... From a demographic point of view, some landfills, initially located on the outskirts of the city, were quickly included in rapidly expanding urban areas, such as the Akouédo landfill in Côte d'Ivoire and the Mbeubeuss landfill in Senegal [11,15]. The relocation of certain sites sufficiently away from urban areas is also at the root of Furans, PBDEs, etc.) in different environmental matrices of open landfills in some West African countries. ...
... Neurological damage and malaria prevalence The various landfill sites studied have overall metal concentrations significantly higher than the standards set by the US EPA. On the other hand, the metal contents (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn) in the Akouédo landfill reported by Adjiri, et al. 2009 are below the standards set by the US EPA for discharge water. In their study of the Aba-Eku landfill, Aromoloran, et al. 2019 report metal levels below the US EPA standard values, with the exception of lead which had a value above the norm (0.12 versus 0.015). ...
... Les déchets non collectés, en grande partie putrescibles se retrouvent dans les ravins, les bas-fonds, les baies lagunaires, les canalisations d'eaux usées et pluviales, les puits abandonnés et même autour des périmètres de protection rapprochés des champs de captage. L'élimination pendant environ 30 ans des déchets urbains à la décharge d'Akouédo, sans mesure de protection de l'environnement, entraîne un écoulement permanent vers les eaux lagunaires du lixiviat qui pourraient rejoindre les eaux souterraines (Groupe Eoule, 2000;Kouamé et al., 2006ain Adjiri, 2008. En effet, des possibilités de circulation verticale des eaux de surface vers les nappes de profondeur existent partout où l'épaisseur des niveaux quaternaires est assez faible. ...
... Ainsi, dans ces communes, les quantités de déchets stockées en permanence constituent des dépôts sauvages qui prolifèrent dans les zones d'habitats, dans les ravins, les caniveaux et les puits abandonnés. Le lixiviat produit par ces déchets est ruisselé vers les eaux de surface (eaux lagunaires en particulier) ou s'infiltre vers la nappe phréatique située à moins de 20 m de profondeur dans certains quartiers (Kouadio et al., 2000 ;Adjiri et al., 2008). Ces déchets non ramassés sont à l'origine de la propagation des agents vecteurs de maladies tels que le paludisme, la fièvre typhoïde, le choléra, les maladies diarrhéiques, etc. Selon WHO (2005) in Dongo et al., (2008), l'épidémie de fièvre jaune qui s'est abattue sur Abidjan, en 2005, a fait des victimes dans les quartiers précaires de la ville, y compris ceux de Yopougon. ...
... Ce type de pollution est un long processus dépendant largement du taux d'infiltration, des processus géochimiques tels que l'oxydoréduction et des réactions de surface (Boukari et al., 1996). Enfin, l'eutrophisation accélérée du plan d'eau lagunaire de la ville d'Abidjan résulte des fortes concentrations en éléments azotés et phosphatés contenus dans les lixiviats issus des différentes décharges et des baies (Adjiri et al., 2008). Les teneurs élevées en aluminium sont observées dans les secteurs d'Adjamé et de la Zone Ouest et plus ou moins au Plateau où les forages présentent des concentrations supérieures à 0,2 mg L -1 . ...
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La population de la ville d’Abidjan s’est considerablement accrue ces dernieres annees. Cette croissance s’est accompagnee d’une forte urbanisation et d’une croissance industrielle non controlees. A cela s’ajoute une absence de structure de surveillance efficace et surtout un non respect de la reglementation environnementale. La production importante de dechets domestiques, industriels et hospitaliers qui en resulte, est confrontee a une gestion insuffisante et a des problemes d’infrastructures et de difficultes economiques. Les quantites de dechets generes en 2002, par la ville sont estimees a 1 225 688,97 tonnes (soit 0,98 kg/ha/jour) contre 193 186 m3/j de volume d’eaux usees domestiques. Le reseau d’assainissement presente un faible taux de couverture de la population (29%) en raison du dysfonctionnement de la quasi-totalite des ouvrages existant. Cette situation entraine un rejet journalier dans la nature, hors des systemes d’egout, de plus de 115 912 m3 soit 60% des eaux usees avec une charge polluante correspondante estimee a plus de 56 113 kg de DBO5. A cela s’ajoute l’accumulation, chaque annee, de pres de 550 000 tonnes de dechets menagers non ramasses et dont les corollaires sont l’engorgement permanent de toutes les communes d’une quantite importante de dechets menagers et partant des difficultes d’ecoulement des eaux usees et pluviales. Mais plus particulierement, ce sont les communes de Yopougon, Adjame, Port-Bouet, Cocody et Koumassi ou les taux de ramassage des ordures menageres sont generalement inferieurs a 50% de la production locale qui sont les plus touchees. Cette situation a des repercussions sur la qualite des eaux de surface mais aussi celles souterraines dont la protection est de plus en plus menacee par une urbanisation anarchique et par des pompages excessifs aux fins de repondre aux besoins sans cesse croissants de la population. L’evaluation de l’etat de pollution de la nappe d’Abidjan a ete menee a partir des donnees de forages des nombreux champs de captage de la ville, sur la periode allant de 1995 a 2001. Ceci a permis de relever des teneurs anormalement elevees (au dessus de la norme OMS) en composes azotes (N03, N02, NH4), phosphates (PO4) et en element metallique (Al). Par ailleurs, les analyses chimiques des eaux souterraines de l’annee 2000 issues de 56 forages ont fait l’objet d’une etude statistique. L’utilisation des techniques de cartographie et de l’analyse en composantes principales (ACP) s’est averee necessaire dans l’identification de l’origine de cette pollution. Elle serait due, entre autres, aux apports superficiels issus de la decomposition de la matiere organique fermentescible mais egalement aux eaux putrides provenant de la surface du sol et entrainant avec elles des polluants vers la nappe. Cette contamination progressive de la nappe se fait du Sud vers le Nord en direction des nouveaux poles d’habitation et des nouvelles zones industrielles.
... The analysis of the samples of soil from Ahfir-Saidia landfill showed an important spatial distribution of heavy metals (Nhari et al., 2014). Besides, the study on Akouédo landfill in Cote D'Ivoire showed that the environment of landfill presents a high level of pollution and the great concentrations of heavy metals in soil (Adjiri et al., 2008). Indeed, the accumulation of heavy metals in soils can reverberate on the animals and the human health (Chaer et al., 2016). ...
... The high concentration of zinc, lead and chromium in landfills can lead to increased concentrations of these metals in surface water through runoff due to the uncontrolled nature of landfills. Table 2 gives the comparison of heavy metals concentrations in landfill soils of this study with Akouedo (Adjiri et al., 2008), Tangier (Chaer et al., 2016) and Ahfir Saidia (Nhari et al., 2014) landfills soils concentrations. ...
... The temperature of an effluent depends on the sunshine and the exchanges with the atmosphere. The temperatures obtained are higher than the limits set by the WHO [18], would be favorable to the maintenance of colonies of microorganisms "mesophilic" that develop at a temperature between 20 ° C and 40 ° C [27] and oxidation reactions and hydrolysis to finally enrich leachates in mineral elements such as chlorides [17]. This stipulates that the leachates of the Niamey landfills are excessively polluted. ...
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of leachate from the Koubia and Niamey 2000 landfills. A total of twenty samples were collected in 500mL flasks. Temperature, pH, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen content were measured in situ. The enumeration of indicator bacteria of fecal contamination was carried out by the method of plating by incorporation in specific nutrient medium. Four bacteria were sought. The values noted for the physico-chemical parameters were also irregular compared to the standards of discharge but favorable for the most part to the good development of microorganisms. The concentrations found for the different bacteria counted were outside the norms except for the 200UFC/mL E. Coli content for the Niamey 2000 landfill. The respective concentrations of total coliforms were 2.9.10 5 and 5.1.10 4 , CFU/mL for Koubia and Niamey 2000 respectively; those of fecal coliforms were 1.2.10 4 and 7.02.10 3 CFU/mL for Koubia and Niamey 2000 respectively. The Escherichia coli content for Koubia was 4600 CFU/mL. Salmonella, which should be absent in water, were found at concentrations of 850 and 400 CFU/mL for Koubia and Niamey 2000 respectively. The results show that the leachates from the Niamey landfills are loaded with fecal germs. This indicates significant fecal contamination, a potential source of epidemics. It is therefore necessary to purify the leachate before releasing it into the environment in order to avoid the threat it poses to public health.
... Heavy metals are one of the dangerous pollutants found in the soils of these landfills. Also, heavy metal pollution of soils, leachate, plants and groundwater in the vicinity of landfills is shown in several scientific publications [3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. ...
... The bay 221 of Marcory, enclaved, receives the sewage of the commune due to frequent breakdowns in the 222 wastewater network. M'Badon Bay is polluted by leachate from the uncontrolled landfill of the city 223 of Abidjan upstream [14,[47][48]. We note that the bay of Anna is the least polluted. ...
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For decades, the Ébrié Lagoon in Côte d'Ivoire has been the receptacle of wastewater effluent and household waste transported by runoff water. This work assesses the spatio-temporal variability of the Ébrié lagoon water quality at the city of Abidjan. The methodological approach used in this study is summarized in three stages: the choice and standardization of the parameters for assessing water quality for uses such as aquaculture, irrigation, watering, and sports and recreation; the weighting of these parameters using the Hierarchical Analysis Process (AHP) of Saaty; and finally, the aggregation of the weighted parameters or factors. Physicochemical and microbiological analysis data on the waters of the Ébrié lagoon for June and December of 2014 and 2015 were provided by the Ivorian Center for Anti-Pollution (Centre Ivoirien Anti-Pollution, CIAPOL) and the concentrations of trace elements in sediments (As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn) were used. The aggregation of standardized and weighted parameters allowed the determination of the Water Quality Indices (WQI) by usage for each bays of the lagoon. The results show that in both 2014 and 2015, the waters of the Ébrié lagoon were generally of poor quality for the different uses examined in this study (aquaculture, irrigation, watering and sport and recreation) with an accentuation in 2015. However, some bays of the lagoon have waters of dubious to satisfactory quality. This study contributes an improved evaluation of the Ébrié lagoon waters.
... Son exploitation est de plus en plus sommaire à l'instar de ce qui se passe dans les grandes villes africaines. Nombreux sont des travaux qui ont démontré que l'environnement de cette décharge est totalement pollué (Kouadio et al., 2000 ;Kouame et al., 2006 ;Adjiri et al., 2008 ;Kouamé, 2007;Adjiri et al., 2014 ;Adjiri et al., 2015). ...
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans les objectifs scientifiques du programme DACCIWA-WP2. Il s'agit d'établir un lien entre émissions, pollution atmosphérique et effets sur la santé humaine en termes d'inflammation du système respiratoire pour des sources de combustions urbaines, typiques d'Afrique de l'Ouest : trafic, feux domestiques et feux de décharge à Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) et à Cotonou (Bénin) pendant les saisons sèches et humides 2015-2017. Nos résultats montrent que les concentrations particulaires observées sur l'ensemble des sites dépassent largement les recommandations de l'OMS. Le site influencé par les feux domestiques est le site le plus pollué, dominé par une fraction importante de particules ultrafines (UF) et fines (F). La comparaison des sites trafic révèle que les concentrations moyennes pour chaque classe de taille sont plus élevées d'un facteur deux à Cotonou qu'à Abidjan. La caractérisation physicochimique de ces particules (carbone organique, carbone élémentaire, carbone organique soluble, ions, poussières, éléments traces) souligne que le carbone organique et les poussières sont les deux plus importants contributeurs pour les particules de taille fine et ultrafine avec plus de carbone organique à Abidjan et de poussières à Cotonou respectivement. Des études biologiques ont été menées en parallèle afin d'évaluer la réponse pro-inflammatoire induite par les particules prélevées sur chaque site, en quantifiant la libération de la cytokine IL-6 par des cellules épithéliales bronchiques humaines. Il en résulte que les particules provenant du site feu domestique sont les plus pro-inflammatoires toutes saisons confondues alors que les fractions fines et ultrafines des particules des deux sites trafic provoquent des effets comparables non négligeables à chaque saison, le site de Cotonou se démarquant par la réactivité de sa fraction grossière, liée à la présence de poussières. Les particules F et UF des sources de combustion semblent donc avoir un impact important. Ceci est confirmé par l'analyse croisée entre les données physicochimiques et toxicologiques qui montre que la composante carbonée de l'aérosol (EC, OC, WSOC) est la mieux corrélée au biomarqueur IL-6. Ce résultat nous permet de dresser des cartes régionales d'impact inflammatoire lié aux particules carbonées et à leurs sources d'émission. Ces études permettront à terme de mettre en place des solutions de réduction des émissions pour améliorer qualité de l'air et santé.
... Kouamé (2007), from the mathematical model, has followed the evolution of the landfill leachate of Akouédo and assess their impact on the quality of groundwater. The work of Adjiri (2010) were used to characterize the chemical and microbiological pollution of Akouédo environment to quantify the health risks associated with pollution. ...
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Municipal waste produced in the town of Abomey-Calavi mainly composed of household waste, which are disposed and evacuated into landfills. These discharges are devoid of collection and processing device of brownish liquid effluents known as leachate. We then hypothesized that landfills located on the banks of the rivers are sources of pollution of rivers and are partly responsible for their eutrophication. Four leachate sampling sites were sampled within the discharges Topka-Zongo on the shore of Lake NOKOUE and six surface water sampling sites of Lake NOKOUE including two away from the shore were sampled. This study aims to make a physical and chemical characterization of the leachate, highlight their impact on the physical and chemical quality then the eutrophic state of the surface water of Lake NOKOUE. To do this, we performed a series of sampling, from March to June 2014. During this period, the physical and chemical analyzes performed on samples of leachate, revealed high levels of phosphates (PO43- average = 115 mg / L) and ammonium (NH4 + average = 77 mg / L). This mineral leachate pollution has resulted in a high electrical conductivity with a maximum value of 4512 µS / cm. Organic pollution is also present in the leachate; the average value of COD recorded is 940 mg / O2 / L. That of BOD5 is 450 mg / O2 / L. The ratio of BOD5 /COD is 0.47. The lake near the shore indicated evidence of pollution than those from the shore and have chemical and physical characteristics consistent with the values found in the raw leachate. This proves the pollution status of the lake by the landfill leachate. The risk of eutrophication was assessed by Ifremer diagnostic grid (2000) and noted that the lake NOKOUE is in a hyper eutrophic state.
... In Côte d'Ivoire, the municipal Akouedo landfill of the city of Abidjan covers an area of over 153 ha. The literature only revealed the work undertaken by Adjiri et al. [28] on the chemical and microbial contamination of the soil of the Akouedo landfill and that of Kouassi et al. [29] on the chemical characterization (NO 3 − , PO 4 3− , NH 4 + , DBO 5 , DCO) of the leachate. The influence of the season on the production of methane released by the landfill Akouédo was also studied by Adjiri et al. [30]. ...
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The municipal Akouedo landfill of the city of Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) is composed of more than 60% of household waste. It lacks a leachate collecting and treatment device. To highlight the impact of the leachate on the receiving environments, some sampling campaigns of leachate, groundwater and surface waters were conducted from June 2013 to January 2014. Analyses of leachate samples revealed relatively high concentrations of trace metals: Fe (6450 ± 8690 µg/L), Cu (400 ± 272 μg/L), Zn (520 ± 240 μg/L), Cd (113 ± 105 μg/L), Pb (550 ± 237 μg/L), Ni (312 ± 97 μg/L) and Co (77 ± 56 μg/L). Fe is the most abundant chemical element. The analysis of groundwater and surface indicates that the levels of trace metals in these waters are higher than WHO standards except Zn.
... Le site d'échantillonnage (Tondibia) se trouve à 185 m d'altitude entre 13°33'44''26 de latitude et 2°00'33''39 de longitude. Ce site est choisi pour éviter les apports liés à la pollution urbaine qui est une source importante de production de gaz à effet de serre (Adjiri et al., 2008 ;Traoré et al., 2016). ...
... cit., p. 2) qui est un processus de percolation des eaux provenant des précipitations à travers les déchets. Les lixiviats produits dans ces conditions sont riches en métaux lourds, bactéries, matières organiques, etc. ( Adjiri et al., 2008;Soro et al, loc. cit.;Er-Raioui et al., 2011). ...
The poor management of household waste is responsible for the deterioration of the living conditions and the natural environment in Abidjan. Focusing on the case example of the pollution process of the Marcory- Treichville lagoon bay, this article identifies those responsible for the problem of insalubrity in Abidjan city and proposes palliative strategies. The probabilistic and judgemental methods were used to determine three sampling sites where GIS and other field investigations were conducted. The results of the field investigations show that paper/cardboard (20%), plastics (40%), wastewater and excreta (80%) and household waste (75%) pollute the Ebrie lagoon despite the good eco-citizen’s conscience of 83.1% of households who pay for the services of private pre-collectors; 9.4% prefering the municipal waste collection services. It follows from this that sustainable management based on the Quebec model of integrated waste management (3RV-E) or the creation of landfill sites will contribute to clean Abidjan city.
... En effet, le caractère neutre et salé de l'eau du forage d'Abouabou suppose une influence de l'océan Atlantique et/ou de la lagune Ébrié à proximité de l'ouvrage. Cependant, d'après les travaux de[22] Adjiri et al.(2008), l'eutrophisation accélérée du plan d'eau lagunaire de la ville d'Abidjan résulte des fortes concentrations en éléments azotés et phosphatés (respectivement . Ainsi, les faibles teneurs en nitrates, nitrites et phosphates observées dans l'eau du forage d'Abouabou suggèrent qu'elle n'a pas encore été contaminée par la lagune eutrophisée à proximité. ...
La lagune Ebrié, plan d’eau vitale pour l’économie de la Côte d’ Ivoire, subit des pressions naturelles et anthropiques qui ont des conséquences néfastes sur sa faune aquatique. En effet, elles rejettent dans ce hydrosystème d’importantes quantités de polluants organiques, entrainant son eutrophisation. Une meilleure connaissance de la distribution de ces polluants dans la lagune Ebrié pourrait conduire à sa préservation durable. Cette étude s’est donnée pour objectif de déterminer l’impact de la variation des saisons sur la répartition des polluants organiques dans les eaux de la lagune Ebrié. Deux compagnes, menées en saison sèche et en saison pluvieuse, ont permis de mesurer les valeurs de la conductivité, du TDS et du potentiel d’oxydoréduction avec un appareil multi-paramètre de type YSI V2 et de prélever des échantillons d’eau. Ces échantillons ont été traités selon les protocoles appropriés pour obtenir les teneurs de l’orthophosphate, du nitrite, de l’ammonium, des matières en suspension et de la DBO5. Les teneurs des sels nutritifs et de la demande biochimique en oxygène ont permis la détermination du niveau de pollution organique des eaux lagunaires, grâce à l’indice de pollution organique (IPO). Les fortes valeurs de conductivité et du TDS s’observent en face du canal de Vridi et dans les baies du Banco et de Biétry. Les eaux ont un potentiel d’oxydoréduction et une teneur en matières en suspension plus important en période pluvieuse. Les baies enregistrent les teneurs les plus élevées pour la demande biochimique en oxygène et les contaminants azotés et phosphorés. Les valeurs de l’IPO fluctuent de 1,25 à 3,5 en saison pluvieuse et entre 1,5 et 3,5 en saison sèche. L’intensité de la pollution organique des eaux, en saison sèche et saison pluvieuse, varient de modérée à très fortement polluée. Les milieux qui présentent des intensités de pollution fortes ou très fortes pendant les deux saisons sont les baies de Marcory, Cocody, Koumassi, Adiopodomé, Yopougon et de Biétry. La variation des saisons entraine une distribution hétérogène des polluants organiques dans les eaux de la lagune Ebrié. The Ebrié lagoon, a body of water vital to the economy of Côte d'Ivoire, is subject to natural and anthropogenic pressures which have harmful consequences on its aquatic fauna. Indeed, they reject in this hydrosystem large quantities of organic pollutants, causing its eutrophication. A better knowledge of the distribution of these pollutants in the Ebrié lagoon could lead to its sustainable preservation. This study set itself the objective of determining the impact of the variation of the seasons on the distribution of organic pollutants in the waters of the Ebrié lagoon. Two campaigns, carried out in the dry season and in the rainy season, made it possible to measure the values of conductivity, TDS and oxidation-reduction potential with a multi-parameter device of the YSI V2 type and to take water samples. These samples were processed according to the appropriate protocols to obtain the contents of orthophosphate, nitrite, ammonium, suspended solids and BOD5. The levels of nutrient salts and biochemical oxygen demand made it possible to determine the level of organic pollution of lagoon waters, thanks to the organic pollution index (IPO). The high conductivity and TDS values are observed opposite the Vridi channel and in Banco and Biétry bays. The waters have a redox potential and a higher content of suspended solids during the rainy season. Berries record the highest levels for biochemical oxygen demand and nitrogen and phosphorus contaminants. The IPO values fluctuate from 1.25 to 3.5 in the rainy season and between 1.5 and 3.5 in the dry season. The intensity of organic water pollution, in the dry and rainy seasons, varies from moderate to very heavily polluted. The environments with high or very high pollution intensities during both seasons are the bays of Marcory, Cocody, Koumassi, Adiopodomé, Yopougon and Biétry. The variation of the seasons leads to a heterogeneous distribution of organic pollutants in the waters of the Ebrié lagoon.
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Metallic trace elements such as lead, mercury and cadmium are known to cause seriouspublic health issues. Pollution with cadmium is very worrying in Ivory Coast. Studies understaken in Ivory Coast within the framework activities named environmental study and monitoring helped to understand the level of sediment and soil pollution in market farming. The LD50 of cadmium sulfate found was 200 mg/kg of body weight. The wistar rats were contaminated with cadmium sufate by cramming during 30 days with 1/50th, 1/40th , 1/30th , 1/20th , 1/10th of the LD50 corresponding to 4; 5; 6,66; 10 and 20 mg/kg of body weight. The result revealed a significant loss in rat body weight in comparison to the control group ( males and females).The level of Aspartate aminotransferase and Alanine transaminase increased in males and females animals (p<0,05). There was a significant increase in the level of creatinemia no significant and uremia significant between the test and the control groups. In contrast, the level of bilirubine decreased in both male and female animal. For cholesterol, a clear reduction was observed but remains nonsignificant. Compared to the hematologic parameters, cadmium caused an increase in the white blood cell, a decrease in the red blood cells and haemoglobin in both males and females. The results showed that cadmium caused a renal insufficiency damage, anaemia and a disturbance in the spleen operating process in rats.
Toxicological risks of cohabitation with wild landfills: the case of the Akouedo landfill (Abidjan, Ivory Coast) Introduction: The objective of this study is to evaluate the health risks associated with metal exposure (Pb, Cd, Hg and Cr) in the populations living around the Akouédo landfill. Method: This evaluation required the use of the most recent reference toxicological data relating to human exposure to these pollutants and the results of measurements in the environment. Crossing these two data sources using the CalTOX simulation allowed for the calculation of daily exposure, through the consumption of soil dust, contaminated water and foodstuffs. Results and discussion: Exposure levels to lead (1.05-1.34 ppm) and mercury (1.46 ∙ 10–2-2.16 ∙ 10–2 ppm) appear highest. The danger quotients are also high and are on average 220 and 54 Toxicological Reference Values (TRVs). In addition, lead exposure for infants presents a danger quotient 15 times TRVs. The calculation of the health impact due to chromium gives 9 cases of cancer that would be reported per year. The comparison of the theoretical values with those estimated by calculation gives overvalued theoretical danger ratios for the four pollutants (Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr). An overvaluation that would be related to uncertainties in measurements and calculations. However, it is clear that people living around the landfill are exposed to the poisoning of the pollutants indicated. This zone is therefore a major public health problem. Conclusion: Consequently, prevention means such as closure and rehabilitation of the site must be taken urgently. Also, the construction in the area, of a hospital center specific to the treatment of the pathologies resulting from the intoxication with the indicated pollutants would be desirable.
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The contamination of vegetables grown on the Akouedo landfill was studied and the health risks associated with their consumption was assessed. The concentrations of Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb and Cd in soil and vegetables were determined on the Abandoned and Operating sites. The concentrations of the bioavailability heavy metals in the soils showed that Zn and Pb have the highest levels at both sites. These concentrations are in the range of 426 mg / kg (Operating Site) and 432 mg / kg (Abandoned site) for Zn and 62.7 mg / kg (Abandoned site) and 66.4 mg / kg (Operating Site) for Pb. The heavy metals concentration in the fruits and leaves of the vegetables were higher for Zn (1.91-13.50 mg/kg dw) and Cu (0.50-8.50 mg/kg dw). However, the concentrations of Zn and Cu obtained in the different vegetables were very low compared to the sanitary standard. The Pb concentration recorded in the tomato fruits harvested on the abandoned site (0.36 mg / kg Pb dw) and those of okra taken from abandoned site (0.57 mg / kg Pb dw) and operating site (0.35 mg / kg Pb dw) were higher than the sanitary standard (0.3 mg / kg Pb dw). The consumption of those vegetables fruits contaminated with Pb could cause anemia and disorders of the nervous system. Moreover, the Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) values were higher for Cu on the abandoned site for okra (0.343) and operating site for eggplant (0.447). Generally, Pb presented the lowest BCF value for all vegetables on the two sites.
Solid and urban waste produced by the municipality of Meknes amounts to more than 185.103 tons annually. Since 2002 they have been transported to a landfill controlled, wild of an area of 23 hectares on the outskirts of the Commune. This discharge is unfortunately devoid of a leachate treatment device (brownish liquid effluent, produced under the combined action of rainwater and fermentation of buried waste). This study aims to make a physico-chemical characterization and evaluate the states mineral and organic of this leachate. It should be noted that this physicochemical characterization is arbitrary because this discharge will soon be equipped with a waste disposal and recovery center (CEV) using Evalixm as a treatment method. Since 2014, the company '' SUEZ ''Environment began to put in place under control this discharge. For the realization of this characterization, we carried out a series of sampling leachate from June 2014 to June 2015. During this period, the physico-chemical analyzes carried out on these samples, revealed: - low levels of nitrates (NO3 - max = 18,1 mg / L) and phosphates (PO4 3- max = 0,38mg / L) - high levels of ammonium (NH4 + max = 54,13 mg / L) and nitrites (NO 2 - , max = 27,67mg / L). This mineral concentration is translated by a high electrical conductivity which has reached a maximum value of 7.35 10 3 μS / cm. Organic pollution estimated by the pollutant load is important; the values of the Calculated DCO from 1205 to 9207 mg O2 / L with an average of 4808 mg O2 / L, those of DBO are between 53 and 386 mg O2/ L for an average of 157 mg O2 / L. The values of the ratio DBO5 / DCO oscillate between 0.01 and 0.08 with an average of 0.04. This which testifies to the anaerobic character that prevails at the level of the discharge and a probable contamination of the water table. The hydrogen variant (pH) between 6,42 and 8,99 is an annual average of 8,42 which shows that the leachate produced by the landfill is basic. The pH value shows a stagnation (8.42 and 8.23) from one year to the next, reflecting its stability and aging
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The selection of adequate plant species is a prerequisite for cleaning-up trace metal elements contaminated-soils by phytoextraction which is a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly technology. The potential of Amaranthus spinosus, Amaranthus viridis and Alternanthera sessilis to remove metal trace elements from the soil of the Akouédo landfill was investigated. The concentrations of metal trace elements in soil were also considered. Moreover, the accumulation of Zn, Ni, Cu, Pb and Cd was assessed based on bioconcentration factor, translocation factor and phytoextraction potential. The results showed high concentration values in the soil of the abandoned and the operation site of the landfill compare to the control site. The highest concentrations of trace metal elements in the plant shoot were observed with A. spinosus for Ni, A. viridis for Pb and A. sessilis for Zn. Furthermore, the highest values of bioconcentration factor (BCF) and the translocation factor (TF) for Ni, were respectively 56 and 2.6, in A. spinosus, suggesting that it can be considered as a Ni hyperaccumulator. Among all metal trace elements, Pb and Zn were respectively highly bioaccumulated in A. viridis and A. sessilis.
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