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Bubble formation occurs in insulin pumps in response to changes in ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure but not as a result of vibration

BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care

Abstract and Figures

Bubble formation in insulin pump giving sets is a common problem. We studied change in temperature, change in atmospheric pressure, and vibration as potential mechanisms of bubble formation. 5 Animas 2020 pumps with 2 mL cartridges and Inset II infusion systems, 5 Medtronic Paradigm pumps with 1.8 mL cartridge and Quickset and 3 Roche Accu-chek pumps with 3.15 mL cartridges were used. Temperature study: insulin pumps were exposed to a temperature change from 4°C to 37°C. Pressure study: insulin pumps were taken to an altitude of 300 m. Vibration study: insulin pumps were vigorously shaken. All were observed for bubble formation. Bubble formation was observed with changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure. Bubble formation did not occur with vibration. Changes in insulin temperature and atmospheric pressure are common and may result in bubble formation. Vibration may distribute bubbles but does not cause bubble formation.
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Bubble formation occurs in insulin
pumps in response to changes in
ambient temperature and atmospheric
pressure but not as a result of vibration
Prudence E Lopez,
Bruce R King,
Peter W Goss,
Ganesh Chockalingam
To cite: Lopez PE, King BR,
Goss PW, et al. Bubble
formation occurs in insulin
pumps in response to
changes in ambient
temperature and atmospheric
pressure but not as a result
of vibration. BMJ Open
Diabetes Research and Care
Parts of this study were
presented in poster form at
the 2012 Advanced
Technologies and Treatments
for Diabetes Conference,
Barcelona, Spain, February
Received 28 April 2014
Revised 17 July 2014
Accepted 29 July 2014
For numbered affiliations see
end of article.
Correspondence to
Dr Bruce R King;
Introduction: Bubble formation in insulin pump
giving sets is a common problem. We studied change
in temperature, change in atmospheric pressure, and
vibration as potential mechanisms of bubble formation.
Methods: 5 Animas 2020 pumps with 2 mL
cartridges and Inset II infusion systems, 5 Medtronic
Paradigm pumps with 1.8 mL cartridge and Quickset
and 3 Roche Accu-chek pumps with 3.15 mL
cartridges were used. Temperature study: insulin
pumps were exposed to a temperature change from
C to 37°C. Pressure study: insulin pumps were taken
to an altitude of 300 m. Vibration study: insulin pumps
were vigorously shaken. All were observed for bubble
Results: Bubble formation was observed with changes
in temperature and atmospheric pressure. Bubble
formation did not occur with vibration.
Discussion: Changes in insulin temperature and
atmospheric pressure are common and may result in
bubble formation. Vibration may distribute bubbles but
does not cause bubble formation.
At our centre, patients using insulin pump
therapy frequently report bubble formation
in insulin cartridges and tubing. Bubble for-
mation is a concern to patients and families
who often fear that non-delivery of insulin
will result. The causes of bubble formation in
insulin cartridges and tubing have not previ-
ously been studied.
Case study
A child with type 1 diabetes mellitus managed
with a Medtronic Veo insulin pump lived on a
remote farm where there were commonly
large temperature changes through the day
(1035°C). The child travelled 10 km to
school on a rough dirt tract that included a
600 m climb. The family frequently found
bubbles in the insulin pump tubing and cart-
ridge on arrival at school and were concerned
about the impact of the bubbles on insulin
delivery. In our clinical practice, it is not
uncommon for patients and their families to
report bubble formation in insulin pump car-
tridges and tubing.
We studied physical factors that may be
involved in bubble formation, including
change in pressure, change in temperature,
and vibration.
Only mechanical equipment was used in
these studies, therefore ethics approval was
not sought.
Five Animas 2020 pumps with 2 mL car-
tridges (IR1200/2020; Animas, West Chester,
Pennsylvania, USA) and Inset II infusion
systems (Animas), ve Medtronic Paradigm
pumps with 1.8 mL cartridge and Quickset
(Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA),
and three Roche Accu-chek spirit pumps
with 3.15 mL cartridge (F.Hoffman-La
Roche, Basel, Switzerland) and Inset II infu-
sion sets (Animas) were used.
The cartridges were lled with aspart
insulin (NovoNordisk, Bagsvaerd, Denmark)
and loaded into the pumps as described in
the product literature.
Temperature study
We used Henrys law to model bubble forma-
tion from saline that occurs as the tempera-
ture changes
(see gure 1).
Six cartridges and tubing systems (three
Animas 2 mL cartridges and three Roche
Key messages
Bubble formation in insulin pumps is common
and may cause anxiety for patients and families.
Changes in ambient temperature and atmos-
pheric pressure may result in bubble formation
in insulin pumps.
Vibration of an insulin pump does not result in
bubble formation.
BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 2014;2:e000036. doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2014-000036 1
Open Access Research
3.15 mL cartridges) were lled with aspart insulin at
4°C. Six insulin pumps (three Animas 2020 and three
Roche Accu-chek) were kept at room temperature. The
insulin cartridges and tubing were taken out of the
refrigerator and loaded into the insulin pumps. The
insulin pumps containing the cartridges and infusion
sets were placed into an oven (Thermoline Labtech,
Sydney, Australia) at 37°C for 3 h. The insulin pumps
and cartridges were then removed from the oven and
examined for bubble formation. The experiment was
repeated ve times.
Pressure study
Four Medtronic insulin pumps and microtubules were
xed on a board. They were taken to 300 m in the
Eureka Tower in Melbourne, Australia. The atmospheric
pressure change was 22 mm Hg. The pump cartridges
and microtubules were observed for bubble formation.
The experiment was repeated three times.
Vibration study
Thirty Roche 3.15 mL cartridges were loaded with aspart
insulin and then individually placed on a S.E.M. Vor-Mix
agitator (S.E.M., Adelaide, Australia) for 10 s at
1500 rpm. The syringe was orientated horizontally (vibra-
tion force transverse across the syringe), vertically (vibra-
tion force longitudinally along the syringe), and in the
center of the vortex machine (rotational force through
the syringe). After each vibration event (10 s duration)
the cartridges were examined for bubble formation.
Temperature study
When the cartridges were taken out of the refrigerator
(4°C), placed into the pump at room temperature, and
placed into an oven (37°C), bubble formation was
observed after the cartridges were removed from the
insulin pumps. Bubbles were found in the 2 and
3.15 mL cartridges and in the tubing sets (see gure 2).
Pressure study
During the 300 m ascent, the pressure decreased by
22 mm Hg and bubble formation was observed in the
pump cartridges and tubing.
Vibration study
Despite vigorously agitating the insulin pump cartridges,
bubble formation was not observed in any cartridges or
We demonstrated bubble formation in the tubing and
syringe of insulin pumps with an increase in tempera-
ture and a decrease in ambient pressure, but not with
Figure 1 Mathematical modeling of bubble formation in
insulin pump cartridges (3 mL solid line, 2 mL dotted line, and
1.8 mL dashed line) and lines during an increase in
temperature from 4°C to 37°C. Henrys law (1) was used to
graph the predicted bubble formation in insulin as the
temperature changes between 4°C and 37°C.
Figure 2 Bubbles present in an insulin pump cartridge and
line following an increase in temperature from 4°C to 37°C.
The insulin cartridge and line containing aspart insulin was
cooled to 4°C in a fridge and then moved to an oven at 37°C.
2BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 2014;2:e000036. doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2014-000036
Clinical care/education/nutrition/psychosocial research
Henrys law predicts that bubbles will form as the tem-
perature of the insulin rises.
In hot climates, it is recom-
mended that insulin is refrigerated for storage.
the insulin is not warmed prior to use. This may result
in bubble formation as the temperature of the insulin
increases. The magnitude of temperature change
required to produce bubble formation is currently
unknown and would warrant further study. As ambient
pressure decreases, Henryslaw
predicts that bubbles
will form. King et al
have previously demonstrated that a
50 mm Hg decrease in ambient pressure causes bubble
formation. A change in ambient pressure may occur in
many situations, such as taking an elevator or driving up
a hill and could potentially result in bubble formation.
This study demonstrated that bubble formation can
occur with a 22 mm Hg decrease in ambient pressure.
Vibration of an insulin pump may occur in many situa-
tions, such as when the insulin pump is dropped,
driving on a rough road, or the pump is shaken. Our
study did not demonstrate bubble formation as a result
of vigorous vibration. Patients and their families may be
reassured that dropping or shaking an insulin pump is
unlikely to result in bubble formation. However, if there
are bubbles already present in the syringe then vibration
could move bubbles so they could enter the tubing.
It is currently unknown whether bubble formation in
insulin pumps has any effect on insulin delivery by the
pump. Temperature changes could be predicted to alter
insulin delivery due to thermal expansion and contrac-
Alterations in pressure could also be expected to
result in changes in the rate of insulin delivery.
et al
demonstrated that pressure changes during airline
ight caused alterations in the rate of insulin delivery.
Changes in insulin delivery due to environmental factors
may occur independently of bubble formation. Such
engineering principles are well known to insulin pump
manufacturers, and modern insulin pumps have been
designed to avoid changes in insulin delivery in response
to known environmental phenomena. We anticipate that
such design features would be common to all insulin
pumps; however, we were unable to perform the tem-
perature study, pressure study, and vibration study with
insulin pumps from each manufacturer. Further studies
are required to determine the effect of bubble forma-
tion on delivery of insulin across a range of insulin
Parents of children with type 1 diabetes often report
feeling stressed. Insulin pump therapy has been asso-
ciated with a reduction in parenting stress felt by carers
of children with type 1 diabetes.
Anecdotally, however,
technical issues surrounding insulin pumps may be a
source of anxiety. Technical difculties with managing
insulin pumps may lead to permanent cessation of
insulin pump therapy.
Patients and families are often
concerned about the presence of bubbles as they fear
non-delivery of insulin as the bubbles pass through the
tubing. Currently, the impact of bubble formation on
insulin delivery is unknown. Advising patients and fam-
ilies about the causes of bubble formation may help
them avoid bubble formation and assist with early identi-
cation. This may assist to reduce the already elevated
anxiety levels of patients and families with type 1
Patients using insulin pump therapy should be aware
of the potential for bubble formation in seemingly
innocuous situations. Patients should be encouraged to
warm refrigerated insulin to room temperature prior to
use. If patients encounter an environment where there
is a decrease in ambient pressure, inspection of the cart-
ridge for bubble formation may be warranted. Patients
and families can be reassured that vibration of an
insulin pump is not likely to result in bubble formation.
Further studies to determine the impact of bubble for-
mation on insulin delivery are required to fully inform
clinicians, patients, and families of the importance of
bubble formation.
Author affiliations
John Hunter Childrens Hospital, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Mothers and Babies Research Group, Hunter Medical Research Institute,
Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Gippsland Paediatric Diabetes Unit, Sale, Victoria, Australia
John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the families who kindly
donated their Medtronic and Animas insulin pumps for study purposes, with
no restriction or input into the study purposes. Professor Roger Smith,
Dr Mark Read, Dr John Fitter, and the Mothers and Babies Research Institute,
Newcastle, Australia, provided equipment and expertise.
Contributors BRK designed and coordinated the project, led the analysis,
wrote the manuscript, and reviewed and edited the manuscript and is
guarantor of the work included in the study. PEL, PWG, and GC collected and
analysed data, wrote the manuscript, and reviewed and edited the manuscript.
Competing interests None.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data sharing statement No additional data are available.
Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with
the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license,
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-
commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided
the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://
1. Sander R. Compilation of Henrys Law constants for inorganic and
organic species of potential importance in environmental chemistry.
Air Chemistry Department Max-Planck Institute of Chemistry Version
3. 1999.
2. NovoRapid Penfill 3 mL Consumer Medicine Information. https://
53570002_2 (accessed 28 Jan 2013).
3. Humulin Cartridges Consumer Medicine Information. https://www.
29090002_2 (accessed 28 Jan 2013).
BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 2014;2:e000036. doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2014-000036 3
Clinical care/education/nutrition/psychosocial research
4. King BR, Goss PW, Paterson MA, et al. Changes in altitude cause
unexpected insulin delivery from insulin pumps: mechanisms and
implications. Diabetes Care 2011;34:19323.
5. Elert G. The Physics Hypertextbook.
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6. Bernoullis Principle.
wiki100k/docs/Bernoulli_s_principle.html (accessed 15 Jul 2014).
7. Streisand R, Swift E, Wickmark T, et al. Pediatric parenting stress
among parents of children with type 1 diabetes: The role of
self-efficacy, responsibility and fear. J Pediatr Psychol
8. Wheeler BJ, Heels K, Donaghue KC, et al. Insulin pump-associated
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Diabetes Technol Ther 2014. Published online first.
4BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 2014;2:e000036. doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2014-000036
Clinical care/education/nutrition/psychosocial research
... Air bubbles present in the tubing displace insulin and thus have the potential to impact insulin delivery, either due to changes in atmospheric pressure (and thus volume) in conditions such as flying or diving [5] or simple displacement of insulin at site of delivery [4]. At present, the exact mechanism of air bubble formation is unknown, but suspected mechanisms include introduction of air during filling of the insulin cartridge and air dissolved in insulin that is released with changes in atmospheric pressure [6] or temperature [7]. Insulin displacement could impact insulin delivery for 8-10 h at a time (lower rates of insulin delivery result in longer time without insulin) [8]. ...
... Variations in diabetes education and pump use between different centers may result in differences in clinically significant air bubble formation in these patient populations. Additionally, Norfolk is located at sea level and, as atmospheric pressure has been shown to have an impact on air bubbles [5,7], variations would likely be seen at other altitudes. ...
Background Insulin pumps are a frequently used technology among youth with type 1 diabetes. Air bubbles within insulin pump tubing are common, preventing insulin delivery and increasing the risk of large glycemic excursions and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). We sought to determine the prevalence of air bubbles in insulin pump tubing and identify factors associated with clinically significant air bubbles. Methods Fifty-three subjects were recruited over 65 office visits. The insulin pump tubing was visualized, and any air bubbles were measured by length. The length of air bubbles was then converted to time without insulin at the lowest basal rate. Generalized linear model (GLM) was used to determine the associations between air bubble size and other variables. Results Of the 65 encounters, 45 had air bubbles in the tubing. Five (5/65 = 7.7%) encounters had a time without insulin of more than 60 min. Air bubble size was inversely correlated with time since infusion set change (p < 0.001), and directly correlated with age of the subject (p = 0.049). Conclusions Significantly more air bubbles were found in the tubing of insulin pumps soon after infusion set change and with older subjects, suggesting a relationship with the technique of filling the insulin cartridge and priming the tubing.
... An air bubble stuck in the infusion set can suspend insulin delivery. The formation of these bubbles increases with the change in temperature, while it decreases with environmental pressure or with elevation (Heinemann, 2016;King et al., 2011;Lopez et al., 2014). In (Kanapka et al., 2022), it is presented that on average, four infusion set faults occur annually, where the rate of occurrence in children was recorded to be higher than in adults. ...
Full-text available
Background and objective: The overall performance of automated insulin delivery (AID) systems could be affected by various faults, including glucose sensors', insulin pumps', or patient-induced faults. The main objective of this review is to determine the faults that crop up most commonly in clinical trials and to discuss the methods for detecting and mitigating AID faults. Method: PubMed and Google Scholar databases were used to collect the literature. Initially, 206 English manuscripts published in the last six years were selected, of which 38 manuscripts (including 9 clinical trials) were shortlisted for this review. Results: We propose a taxonomy of the AID system focusing on the possible faults and later a detailed analysis of each category (CGM sensor faults, insulin pump faults, and patient-induced faults) was performed. Conclusions: Investigation reveals that connectivity problems, infusion site failures, and infusion set faults are more prevalent in clinical trials. Several model-based and data-driven approaches used in the shortlisted papers for the detection and mitigation of these faults are reviewed to highlight gaps in the study. The review's concluding remarks state that it is essential to emphasize the requirement for safety in future AID systems and that the patient must be regarded as an intrinsic element of the system to develop a fully automated AID system.
... In some older-model pumps with tubing, insulin delivery was affected by changes in pressure, especially during takeoff when the ambient pressure at sea level, 760 mm Hg, is reduced by 200 to 560 mm Hg. 28 While the plane ascends, ambient pressure decreases, and air expands, which could potentially cause excess delivery of insulin because of increased plunger movement in some pumps. [29][30][31][32] Similarly, while the plane descends, ambient pressure increases, which has the potential to decrease the delivery of insulin. 29,31 Changes in insulin delivery have been reported to be affected by atmospheric pressure variation in 3 models of insulin pumps (Omnipod, Medtronic 640G, and Roche Insight), independent of insulin pump rate because of air bubbles within the insulin tube setting and cartridge. ...
Increasingly, people with diabetes are using wearable and other devices to support self-management. During air travel, there are four stakeholders involved in maximizing the safety of wireless devices for diabetes care used in flight: 1) manufacturers of the devices, 2) airlines, 3) the Transportation Security Administration, and 4) the United States Food and Drug Administration. These stakeholders have all developed technologies and policies that assist people with diabetes who prepare for and take appropriate actions during long-haul flights. This article discusses the performance and use of six classes of specific wireless diabetes devices during an airplane flight, including: 1) blood glucose monitors, 2) continuous glucose monitors, 3) insulin pumps, 4) smart pens for dosing insulin injections, 5) advanced hybrid closed-loop systems, and 6) spinal cord stimulators for painful diabetic neuropathy. Through the policies and safeguards of the four stakeholders and the proper self-care measures that insulin-using people with diabetes can take, it is possible to maintain safe levels of glycemia on flights across multiple time zones.
... • • Another study examined the mechanisms that contribute to the formation of air bubbles, such as temperature changes, changes in atmospheric pressure, and vibration. 8 Five Animas 2020 pumps with 2 mL reservoirs and Inset II infusion systems, five Medtronic Paradigm pumps with 1.8 mL reservoirs and Quickset, and three Roche Accu-chek pumps with 3.15 mL reservoirs were used. The insulin pumps were subjected to a temperature change of 4°C to 37°C, elevated to an altitude of 300 m, and subjected to violent vibration. ...
... Prior to the measurements, insulin cartridges were preconditioned for 24 hours at room temperature to avoid formation of air bubbles or artifacts due to temperature changes during the measurements. 13 Insulin pumps were prepared, and IIS were primed according to the manufacturer's instructions. The desired basal rate was set; insulin pump and IIS were installed as described above. ...
Background: Adequate testing of delivery accuracy of insulin pumps is under discussion. Especially for patch pumps, test settings are challenging. In addition, evaluation and presentation of accuracy results in a way that is reasonable and useful for clinicians, not only for technicians, is important. Methods: Test setups based on IEC 60601-2-24 were used and, in addition, different setups for patch pumps were compared to identify an adequate alternative for pumps without external infusion set. These setups are applicable for both bolus and basal rate accuracy testing. In addition, evaluation procedures considering clinical relevance were compiled. Results: A setup for patch pumps that provides reliable results could be realized. Evaluation of basal rate accuracy data should also consider the actual clinical use of insulin pumps and thus, deviating from IEC 60601-2-24, compose the whole measurement period without excluding the first 24 hours. In addition to the presentation using trumpet curves, accuracy of 1-hour windows should be evaluated and displayed. Conclusions: This article proposes an approach on how to test, evaluate, and present bolus and basal rate accuracy of insulin pumps from a clinical perspective.
Background: Health authorities stress the temperature sensitivity of human insulin, advising protection from heat and freezing, with manufacturers suggesting low-temperature storage for intact vials, and once opened, storage at room temperature for four to six weeks, though usage time and maximum temperature recommendations vary. For human insulin, the recommendations of current shelf life in use may range from 10 to 45 days, and the maximum temperature in use varies between 25 °C and 37 °C. Optimal cold-chain management of human insulin from manufacturing until the point of delivery to people with diabetes should always be maintained, and people with diabetes and access to reliable refrigeration should follow manufacturers' recommendations. However, a growing segment of the diabetes-affected global population resides in challenging environments, confronting prolonged exposure to extreme heat due to the climate crisis, all while grappling with limited access to refrigeration. Objectives: To analyse the effects of storing human insulin above or below the manufacturers' recommended insulin temperature storage range or advised usage time, or both, after dispensing human insulin to people with diabetes. Search methods: We used standard, extensive Cochrane search methods. The latest search date was 12 July 2023. Selection criteria: We included clinical and laboratory studies investigating the storage of human insulin above or below manufacturers' recommended temperature storage range, advised usage time, or both. Data collection and analysis: We used standard Cochrane methods. We used GRADE to assess the certainty of evidence for the clinical study. Most information emerged from in vitro studies, mainly from pharmaceutical companies. There is no validated risk of bias and certainty of evidence rating for in vitro studies. We thus presented a narrative summary of the results. Main results: We included 17 eligible studies (22 articles) and additional information from pharmaceutical companies. Pilot clinical study One pilot clinical study investigated temperature conditions for insulin stored for six weeks in an unglazed clay pot with temperatures ranging between 25 °C and 27 °C. The mean fall in plasma glucose in eight healthy volunteers after clay pot-stored insulin injection was comparable to refrigerator-stored insulin injection (very low-certainty evidence). In-vitro studies Nine, three and four laboratory studies investigated storage conditions for insulin vials, insulin cartridges/pens and prefilled plastic syringes, respectively. The included studies reported numerous methods, laboratory measurements and storage conditions. Three studies on prefilled syringes investigating insulin potency at 4 °C up to 23 °C for up to 28 days showed no clinically relevant loss of insulin activity. Nine studies examined unopened vials and cartridges. In studies with no clinically relevant loss of insulin activity for human short-acting insulin (SAI), intermediate-acting insulin (IAI) and mixed insulin (MI) temperatures ranged between 28.9 °C and 37 °C for up to four months. Two studies reported up to 18% loss of insulin activity after one week to 28 days at 37 °C. Four studies examined opened vials and cartridges at up to 37 °C for up to 12 weeks, indicating no clinically relevant reduction in insulin activity. Two studies analysed storage conditions for oscillating temperatures ranging between 25 °C and 37 °C for up to 12 weeks and observed no loss of insulin activity for SAI, IAI and MI. Four studies, two on vials (including one on opened vials), and two on prefilled syringes, investigated sterility and reported no microbial contamination. Data from pharmaceutical companies Four manufacturers (BIOTON, Eli Lilly and Company, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi) provided previously unreleased human insulin thermostability data mostly referring to unopened containers (vials, cartridges). We could not include the data from Sanofi because the company announced the permanent discontinuation of the production of human insulins Insuman Rapid, Basal and Comb 25. BIOTON provided data on SAI after one, three and six months at 25 °C: all investigated parameters were within reference values, and, compared to baseline, loss of insulin activity was 1.1%, 1.0% and 1.7%, respectively. Eli Lilly and Company provided summary data: at below 25 °C or 30 °C SAI/IAI/MI could be stored for up to 25 days or 12 days, respectively. Thereafter, patient in-use was possible for up to 28 days. Novo Nordisk provided extensive data: compared to baseline, after three and six months at 25 °C, loss of SAI activity was 1.8% and 3.2% to 3.5%, respectively. Loss of IAI activity was 1.2% to 1.9% after three months and 2.0% to 2.3% after six months. Compared to baseline, after one, two and three months at 37 °C, loss of SAI activity was 2.2% to 2.8%, 5.7% and 8.3% to 8.6%, respectively. Loss IAI activity was 1.4% to 1.8%, 3.0% to 3.8% and 4.7% to 5.3%, respectively. There was no relevant increase in insulin degradation products observed. Up to six months at 25 °C and up to two months at 37 °C high molecular weight proteins were within specifications. Appearance, visible particles or macroscopy, particulate matter, zinc, pH, metacresol and phenol complied with specifications. There were no data for cold environmental conditions and insulin pumps. Authors' conclusions: Under difficult living conditions, pharmaceutical companies' data indicate that it is possible to store unopened SAI and IAI vials and cartridges at up to 25 °C for a maximum of six months and at up to 37 °C for a maximum of two months without a clinically relevant loss of insulin potency. Also, oscillating temperatures between 25 °C and 37 °C for up to three months result in no loss of insulin activity for SAI, IAI and MI. In addition, ambient temperature can be lowered by use of simple cooling devices such as clay pots for insulin storage. Clinical studies on opened and unopened insulin containers should be performed to measure insulin potency and stability after varying storage conditions. Furthermore, more data are needed on MI, insulin pumps, sterility and cold climate conditions.
Background An increase in extreme heat events has been reported along with global warming. Heat exposure in ambient temperature is associated with all-cause diabetes mortality and all-cause hospitalization in diabetic patients. However, the association between heat exposure and hospitalization for hyperglycemic emergencies, such as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS), and hypoglycemia is unclear. The objective of our study is to clarify the impact of heat exposure on the hospitalization for DKA, HHS, and hypoglycemia. Methods Data of daily hospitalizations for hyperglycemic emergencies (i.e., DKA or HHS) and hypoglycemia was extracted from a nationwide administrative database in Japan and linked with temperature in each prefecture in Japan during 2012-2019. We applied distributed lag non-linear model to evaluate the non-linear and lagged effects of heat exposure on hospitalization for hyperglycemic emergencies. Results The pooled relative risk for hyperglycemic emergencies of heat effect (the 90th percentile of temperature with reference to the 75th percentile of temperature) and extreme heat effect (the 99th percentile of temperature with reference to the 75th percentile of temperature) over 0-3 lag days was 1.27 (95%CI: 1.16-1.39) and 1.64 (95%CI: 1.38-1.93), respectively. The pooled relative risk for heat effect on hospitalization for hypoglycemia and extreme heat effect over 0-3 lag days was 1.33 (95%CI: 1.17-1.52) and 1.65 (95%CI: 1.29-2.10), respectively. These associations were consistent by type of hyperglycemic emergencies and type of diabetes and were generally consistent by regions. Discussion Heat exposure was associated with hospitalizations for DKA, HHS and hypoglycemia. These results may be useful to guide preventive actions for the risk of fatal hyperglycemic emergencies and hypoglycemia.
Physical activity is recommended for all patients with diabetes, but it is important to be particularly attentive in patients with type 1 diabetes. Because of their treatment, these patients have a higher risk of hypoglycemia. The challenge for both caregivers and the patient is to find the best possible strategy to practice the desired physical activity without any significant hypo- or hyperglycemia. Thus, an adaptation of the insulin and/or nutritional treatment is necessary, depending on the type, intensity and duration of the physical activity. Moreover, many technological devices are now available that can improve patient care, but they also have some limitations to take into account. Allover, an interdisciplinary approach is highly recommended, both for a specific or a regular physical activity practice.
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Children and adults with type 1 diabetes who receive insulin pump therapy have reported hypoglycemia during air travel. We studied the effects of atmospheric pressure on insulin pump delivery. Ten insulin pumps were connected to capillary tubes. The effects of changes in ambient pressure on insulin delivery, bubble formation, bubble size, and cartridge plunger movement were analyzed. During a flight (200 mmHg pressure decrease), excess insulin delivery of 0.623% of the cartridge volume occurred (P < 0.001, Student t test). In hypobaric chamber studies, bubbles developed in the insulin when the pressure decreased and displaced the insulin out of the cartridge. Pre-existing bubbles changed in size consistent with Boyle law. Cartridge plunger movement did not occur in normal flight conditions but did occur when catastrophic plane depressurization was mimicked. Atmospheric pressure reduction causes predictable, unintended insulin delivery in pumps by bubble formation and expansion of existing bubbles.
Background: Intensive insulin regimens are now the mainstay of modern, type 1 diabetes mellitus management. Insulin pumps (CSII) are a key technique used. Although there has been considerable study of outcomes, there are few recent data on CSII-associated adverse events (AEs) and their incidence and characteristics. Subjects and methods: Phone calls to our 24-h diabetes support service were screened for CSII-associated AEs. Phone interviews were conducted with the parent/patient, within 96 h of the event. Interviews explored AE characteristics and the role of the user, as well as questions relating to outcome and the impact to the family and patient. Comparisons were made with clinic CSII patients not reporting an AE. Results: Over a 16-week study period, 50 confirmed AEs occurred in 45 of 405 (11.1%) patients. This was annualized to an AE incidence of 40 AEs/100 person-years. Pump malfunction and infusion set/site failures were the most common events reported, occurring in 27 (54.0%) and 18 (36.0%) AEs, respectively. A user- or education-related issue was implicated in 22 (44.0%) events. Pump replacement occurred in 19 of 50 occurrences (38.0%). Additionally, 16 (32.0%) reported a hospital admission or emergency department attendance as a consequence. When compared with those on CSII not reporting an AE, AEs were associated with age <10 years (odds ratio=3.2 [95% confidence interval, 1.7-6.1]) but not with gender, glycosylated hemoglobin, diabetes duration, or pumping duration. Conclusions: This is the first prospective study to look at AEs in modern-generation insulin pumps. AEs appear common and should be anticipated. Their origin is multifactorial, with the pump, associated consumables, and the user all being important factors. Ongoing support and anticipatory education are essential to minimize pump-associated AEs and their impact.
Henry’s law constants (solubilities) of trace gases of potential importance in environmental chemistry (atmospheric chemistry,waste water treatment, . . . ) have been collected and converted into a uniform format.
Parents of children with type 1 diabetes are crucial to promoting positive disease adaptation and health outcomes among these youngsters, yet this success may come at some consequence to parents' own well-being. Little research has examined the stress faced by parents, or explored the psychological and behavioral correlates of their stress. One hundred and thirty-four parents of children with type 1 diabetes completed measures of diabetes self-efficacy, responsibility for diabetes management, fear of hypoglycemia, and a recently developed measure of pediatric parenting stress (the Pediatric Inventory for Parents [PIP]; R. Streisand, S. Braniecki, K. P. Tercyak, & A. E. Kazak, 2001). Bivariate analyses suggest that pediatric parenting stress is multifaceted; the frequency of parenting stress is negatively related to child age and family socioeconomic status and positively related to single parent status and regimen status (injections vs. insulin pump). Difficulty of parenting stress is negatively related to child age and positively related to regimen status. In multivariate analyses, a significant portion of the variance in stress frequency (32%) and difficulty (19%) are associated with parent psychological and behavioral functioning, including lower self-efficacy, greater responsibility for diabetes management, and greater fear of hypoglycemia. Each area of parent functioning associated with pediatric parenting stress is amenable to behavioral intervention aimed at stress reduction or control and improvement of parent psychological and child-health outcomes.
The Physics Hypertextbook
  • G Elert
Elert G. The Physics Hypertextbook. (accessed 15 Jul 2014).
Changes in altitude cause unexpected insulin delivery from insulin pumps: mechanisms and implications
  • B R King
  • P W Goss
  • M A Paterson
King BR, Goss PW, Paterson MA, et al. Changes in altitude cause unexpected insulin delivery from insulin pumps: mechanisms and implications. Diabetes Care 2011;34:1932-3.
Changes in altitude cause unexpected insulin delivery from insulin pumps: mechanisms and implications
  • King