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On the abundance of extraterrestrial life after the Kepler mission


Abstract and Figures

The data recently accumulated by the Kepler mission have demonstrated that small planets are quite common and that a significant fraction of all stars may have an Earth-like planet within their Habitable Zone. These results are combined with a Drake-equation formalism to derive the space density of biotic planets as a function of the relatively modest uncertainty in the astronomical data and of the (yet unknown) probability for the evolution of biotic life, Fb. I suggest that Fb may be estimated by future spectral observations of exoplanet biomarkers. If Fb is in the range 0.001 -- 1 then a biotic planet may be expected within 10 -- 100 light years from Earth. Extending the biotic results to advanced life I derive expressions for the distance to putative civilizations in terms of two additional Drake parameters - the probability for evolution of a civilization, Fc, and its average longevity. For instance, assuming optimistic probability values (Fb Fc 1) and a broadcasting longevity of a few thousand years, the likely distance to the nearest civilizations detectable by SETI is of the order of a few thousand light years. The probability of detecting intelligent signals with present and future radio telescopes is calculated as a function of the Drake parameters. Finally, I describe how the detection of intelligent signals would constrain the Drake parameters.
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Accepted for publication in the Internationa l Journal of Astrobiology
On the abundance of extraterrestrial life after the Kepler mission
Amri Wandel, Racah Inst. of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The data recently accumulated by the Kepler mission have demonstrated that small
planets are quite common and that a significant fraction of all stars may have an
Earth-like planet within their Habitable Zone. These results are combined with a
Drake-equation formalism to derive the space density of biotic planets as a function of
the relatively modest uncertainty in the astronomical data and of the (yet unknown)
probability for the evolution of biotic life, Fb. I suggest that Fb may be estimated by
future spectral observations of exoplanet biomarkers. If Fb is in the range 0.001 -- 1
then a biotic planet may be expected within 10 -- 100 light years from Earth.
Extending the biotic results to advanced life I derive expressions for the distance to
putative civilizations in terms of two additional Drake parameters - the probability for
evolution of a civilization, Fc, and its average longevity. For instance, assuming
optimistic probability values (Fb~Fc~1) and a broadcasting longevity of a few
thousand years, the likely distance to the nearest civilizations detectable by SETI is of
the order of a few thousand light years. The probability of detecting intelligent signals
with present and future radio telescopes is calculated as a function of the Drake
parameters. Finally, I describe how the detection of intelligent signals would constrain
the Drake parameters.
Keywords: Kepler mission exoplanets biotic planets SETI Drake equation
An important yet until recently poorly known factor, required for estimating the
abundance of extraterrestrial life is the fraction of stars with planets, in particular
Earth-like planets within the Habitable Zone. The recent findings of the Kepler
mission unveiled much of the uncertainty about extra-solar planets (exoplanets),
reducing the uncertainty in estimating the abundance of extraterrestrial life. One of
the unknown "astronomical" parameters in the Drake Equation has been the fraction
of stars with planets, and in particular Earth-like planets. As this work applies the
recent exoplanet findings to the abundance of biotic planets and the Drake equation,
a few exoplanet key results should be reviewed. In the past decade planets have been
discovered around hundreds of nearby stars [Fridlund et al. 2010]. However, until
the Kepler mission the main method to detect exoplanets has been the Doppler
(radial motion) method, which is strongly biased towards massive planets. Of some
400 exoplanets found until 2010 almost all have been Jupiter-sized. The data
released by the Kepler mission revealed over 2000 exoplanet candidates, most of
which are smaller than Neptune and their planet mass histogram is peaked towards
the smaller end of a few Earth masses [Borucki et al 2011a,b; Batalha et al., 2012].
Small planets have been shown to be abundant [Buchhave et al., 2012] and likely
found in the habitable zone [Traub, 2011]. Recent analyses of the Kepler statistics
showed that about 20% of all Sun-like stars have Earth-sized planets orbiting within
the habitable zone [Petigura, Howard and Marcy 2014]. These results are confirmed
by observations other than Kepler. The HARPS team estimated that more than 50%
of solar-type stars harbor at least one planet, with the mass distribution increasing
toward the lower mass end (<15 Earth masses) [Mayoret al., 2011]. Using micro-
lensing observations it has been estimated that on average there is at least one planet
per star in the Galaxy [Cassan et al., 2012]. These findings demonstrate that Earth-
like planets are probably quite common, enhancing the probability to find planets
with conditions appropriate for the evolution of biological life, as we know it. Based
on these results we may now better estimate the abundance of life in our stellar
neighborhood [Wandel 2011; 2013].
There are two approaches to the search for life outside of the Solar system: (i) looking
for biotic signatures (biomarkers) in the spectra of Earth-like extra solar planets, and
(ii) searching for intelligent electromagnetic signals (SETI). The success probability
of both methods depends critically on the distance to the nearest candidates.
The first method requires spectral analyses of extra solar planets, looking for water
vapor and gases produced by biotic systems, like oxygen (photosynthesis) or methane.
Spectroscopy of exoplanets is marginally possible with present technology, and even
with planned future projects it may be feasible only for relatively nearby exoplanets.
In addition to the technological challenge, spectral methods could miss many potential
life forms; as alien life may be very different from life on Earth, we could fail to
recognize it by spectral analyses.
The second approach circumvents these limitations by looking not for the physical
signs of biotic life, but rather for technological, radio (or other electromagnetic
radiation) broadcasting civilizations. Also this strategy, however, has drawbacks:
complex life and in particular intelligent life is presumably much scarcer than simple,
mono-cellular life, and hence the distances to the nearest broadcasting civilizations
may be very large, possibly beyond the detection range of present, and perhaps even
future radio telescopes.
In order to assess the feasibility of detecting biotic planets and intelligent
extraterrestrial signals it is essential to estimate the distances to the eventual targets.
This work goes in this direction by applying the recent results from the Kepler
mission. In order to estimate the abundance of biotic life I derive useful expressions
and figures for the distance to biotic exoplanets and to putative civilizations. It is
suggested that the probability for the evolution of biotic life may be estimated by
future spectral observations of exoplanet biomarkers. Similarly it is argued that future
planned radio telescopes may constrain the abundance of radio loud civilizations.
How far is the closest biotic planet?
How common are worlds harboring life? The recent findings of Kepler indicate that
Earth-sized planets may be found around almost every star. However, assuming that
life may develop only on Earth-like planets orbiting Sun-like stars (an assumption
likely to be too conservative, as alien life may develop in environments very different
from Earth's biosphere), the number of candidates may be reduced to about 10% of all
As is well known, the Drake equation (eq. 5 below) estimates the number civilizations
in the Milky Way (also referred to as "the Galaxy"). By analogy, the number of biotic
planets in the Galaxy, Nb, may be assessed by a "biotic Drake equation"
Nb = R* Fs Fp Fe nhz Fb Lb. (1)
The first five terms are astronomical factors and the last two may be called "biotic
parameters". The astronomical factors include the rate of star birth in the Galaxy, R*,
the fraction of stars suitable for evolution of life, Fs, and three "planetary" factors: the
fraction of stars that have planets, Fp, the fraction of Earth-sized planets, Fe, and the
number of such planets within the Habitable Zone, nhz. These five "astronomical
factors" can be combined into a single parameter Rb, the rate at which stars suitable
for the evolution of biotic life are formed in the Galaxy,
Rb = R* Fs Fp Fe nhz. (2)
The average star birth rate in the Galaxy is R* ~ 10 yr-1 [e.g. Carroll and Ostile, 2007].
If evolution of life is assumed to be limited to stars similar to our Sun, then Fs ~ 0.1.
However, this assumption is probably a too restrictive hypothesis. The Kepler data
show that Earth size planets are frequent within the Habitable Zone of lower Main
Sequence small stars [e.g. Dresing and Charbonneau, 2013], which are the majority of
all stars. If life can evolve on planets of red dwarfs [Guinan and Engle, 2013, Scalo, et
al., 2007] then Fs ~ 1 (since 75% of all stars are red dwarfs).
Recent exoplanet findings, in particularly those by the Kepler mission, suggest that
probably most stars have planetary systems, hence Fp ~ 1. Analyses of the Kepler
results shows that 7-15% of the Sun-like stars have an Earth-sized planet within their
habitable zone [Petigura et al., 2014], which gives Fe nhz ~ 0.1. If biotic life is not
restricted to Earth-like planets and to the Habitable Zone (e.g. as in the case of
Jupiter's moon Europa) then Fe nhz may be even bigger, up to order unity. Combining
all these factors gives for the product of the astronomical parameters in equation (1) a
probable range of 0.1 < Rb < 10 yr-1.
The "biotic parameters" in eq. (1) are F b, the probability of the appearance of biotic
life within a few billion years on a planet with suitable conditions, and Lb, the average
longevity of biotic life in units of Gyr (109 years). Equations (1) and (2) give
Nb ~ 1011 (Rb/R*) Fb (Lb/10), (3a)
Similarly, the space density of biotic planets, nb, may be written as
nb ~ n* (Rb/R*) Fb (Lb/10), (3b)
where n* ~ 0.01 ly-3 is the average space density of stars in the Galaxy. Considering
the history of life on Earth, Lb is likely to be at least a few billion years, so for stars
similar to the Sun (or smaller) Lb ~10 (1010 yr). Substituting the values of Lb and R*
equations (3a,b) become
Nb ~ 1010 Rb Fb, (4a)
nb ~ 0.001 Rb Fb ly-3. (4b)
Since the average distance between biotic worlds is db ~ nb-1/3, eq. (4b) gives
db ~ 10 (Rb Fb) -1/3 ly. (4c)
Eq. (4c) gives the probable distance to our nearest biotic neighbor, plotted in Fig. 1, as
a function of the biotic factor Fb.
Figure 1. The probable distance to our nearest biotic neighbor, db vs. the biotic factor
Fb, for two values of the parameter Rb. For the break in the upper curve see the
discussion following eq. (7a).
Estimating the Biotic Parameter
Given the recent progress in understanding the demographics of planets, in particular
Earth-like planets (the "astronomical factor"), the biotic parameter, namely the
probability of the evolution of biotic life, remains the major missing factor for
estimating the distance to our neighbor biotic planets.
Simple life has appeared on Earth 3.5-3.8 Gyr ago - less than 1 Gyr after Earths
formation and merely ~0.1 Gyr after the establishment of appropriate environmental
conditions (the end of the heavy bombardment), a time very short compared to the
ages of Earth and the stars. If Earth is a typical case (the mediocrity principle), it is
plausible that Fb is close to unity. On the other hand, as the origin of life on Earth is
very poorly understood, some experts in that area assign an extremely low probability
to a similar scenario happening elsewhere (the "Rare Earth Hypothesis"; Benner et al.
2002). According to this approach Fb may be extremely small.
Bayesian analysis demonstrates that as long as Earth remains the only known planet
with biotic life, any value could be assigned to Fb [Turner, 2012]. Hence the
abundance of extraterrestrial biotic life remains an open question, depending on the
(yet unknown) probability for biotic life to evolve on planets with suitable conditions
within a given cosmic time. However, a breakthrough in this area may be reached in
the near future, if spectral characteristics such as oxygen and other biomarker gases
are detected in the atmospheres of Earth-like exoplanets, e.g. by studying eclipses1
[Rauer et al. 2011; Palle et al. 2011; Loeb and Maoz 2013] or by advanced space
telescopes, such as the James Webb Space Telescope2 (JWST), the Darwin mission3
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http://−Actiities/Space−Science/Darin−oerie oct 2014)/
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
log db (ly)
log Fb
and the Terrestrial Planet Finder4. If a few planets with bone fide biosignatures are
found, the biotic parameter Fb could be assigned an approximate value.
Quantitatively, suppose that out of a sample of Nc appropriate candidates (Earth-like
planets within the Habitable Zone of a star aged at least a few Gyr), biosignatures are
detected in the spectra of Nbs planets. Straightforward probability argumentation
would imply that the likelihood of biotic life evolution is of the order of Fb~Nbs /Nc.
This value should be modified to account for eventual selection effects and sampling
corrections. On the other hand, if out of the above sample of Nc candidate planets no
one shows a definite biosignature, this null result would impose an upper limit
Fb<1/Nc. If and when the number of planets with biosignatures grows, a probability
distribution function may be constructed, depending on planet lifetime, size, parent
star type etc.
Assuming Fb is in the range of 0.001 < Rb Fb < 1, eq. (4a) gives that the number of
biotic planets in the Milky Way is between millions and billions, and the
corresponding distance to the nearest biotic world (given by eq. (4c)) is between 10
and 100 light years.
The distance to putative civilizations
In this section we extend the above analyses to putative civilizations and apply it to
the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI). The number of civilizations in the
Milky Way (Nc) may be expressed by the Drake equation,
Nc = R* Fs Fp Fe nhz Fb Fc Lc . (5)
Similarly to eq. (1), the eight variables on the right hand side may be divided into two
groups: the first five are astronomical factors and the last three - one biotic (Fb) and
two "civilization" factors. The latter two are related to the development of intelligent
life: the intelligence-communicative factor Fc, defined as the probability that one or
more of the species on a planet harboring biological life will eventually develop a
civilization using radio communication, and Lc, the broadcasting longevity (in years)
of such a civilization.
Expressions analogous to eqs. (4a,b), for the number of communicative civilizations
(Nc) and their abundance (space density, nc) are easily derived by replacing Lb in eqs.
(3a,b) with Fc Lc,
Nc ~ 1000 Rb Fb Fc Lc3 (6a)
nc ~ 10-10 Rb Fb Fc Lc3 ly-3. (6b)
where Lc3=Lc/(1000 years). The normalization Lc3 is just for convenience and does not
presume any specific value to the longevity of radio-communicative civilizations (this
will be discussed later).
Even if communicative civilizations thrive in the Milky Way, we may be unable to
detect their radio signals, unless the typical distance between them is within our
detection range. As the parameter Rb is relatively well estimated, and Fb may be
estimated in the near future, e.g. by finding biosignatures as discussed above, the
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major uncertainty in eqs. (6a,b) remains in the two unknown "civilization
parameters", the probability for the evolution of civilizations using radio
communication, Fc, and their longevity (the duration of their "radio loud" phase) Lc.
By analogy to eq. (4c) the average distance between communicative civilizations can
be derived from eq. (6b),
dc ~ 2000 (Rb Fb Fc Lc3) -1/3 ly for dc<1000 ly (7a)
Eq. (7a) assumes that the average distance between neighbor civilizations is smaller
than the smallest dimension of the system. Since the Galaxy has a shape of a thin disk,
this assumption is valid only when the distance dc is smaller than the scale height of
the stellar distribution in the Galaxy (the thickness of the disk), which is ~1000 ly (in
other words, as long as the product Rb Fb Fc Lc3 > 10). Otherwise (if Rb Fb Fc Lc3 <
10), we must take into account the flat geometry of the Galaxy. In that case we may
calculate the average distance by assuming that Nc civilizations are uniformly
distributed on the area of the Glactic disk (a circle with a diameter of dG~100,000
light years ). Equating this to the area of Nc circles each having a radius dc gives π dc2
Nc ~ π dG2 and the average distance between neighbor civilizations is dc ~ 105 Nc-1/2
ly. Substituting Nc from eq. (6a) gives for this case
dc ~ 3000 ( Rb Fb Fc Lc3 ) -1/2 ly for dc > 1000 ly (7b)
Figure 2. The average distance between neighbor civilizations (d) vs. the average
longevity of a communicative civilization Lc, for several values of the product RF =
Rb Fb Fc. On the vertical right axis are marked the relevant detection ranges of
leakage and beamed radio signals by the Arecibo and SKA telescopes (see text).
0 2 4 6 8
log d (ly)
Log Lc (years)
Beamed SKA
Leakage SKA
Fig. 2 shows the average distance between neighbor civilizations (eqs. 7a,b) vs. the
average longevity of a communicative civilization Lc, for several values of the product
RF = Rb Fb Fc.
Unlike the biotic factor, the civilization parameters Fc and Lc cannot be inferred even
intuitively from the evolution of life on Earth. As the evolution of complex life on
Earth took about ~ 4 billion years, the probability for the evolution of complex and
intelligent life during a few billion years could be anywhere between unity
(corresponding to Earth being a typical case) and very small (if the appearance of
complex life and intelligence is an extremely rare event [e.g. Cuntz et al. 2012] or
typically requires a much longer time. Also Lc, the average longevity of a
communicative civilization, cannot be inducted from its short history on Earth and
could be anywhere between a few hundred years and billions of years.
Communicative civilizations may disappear within a relatively short time after
developing radio technology because of self destruction (wars or ecological disasters)
or else become less detectable due to the development of radio-quiet communication
channels. On the other hand, civilizations may survive such "childhood diseases" by
spreading to other planets and last much longer. Obviously the weighted average of
the longevity would be increased by older, long lasting (and broadcasting)
The SETI success probability
There are two scenarios for detecting radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations:
(1) finding a purposeful, directed broadcast attempt, including an interstellar
automatic radio beacon or (2) civilizations may be detected through no special efforts
of their own. The latter hypothesis, often called eavesdropping, is concerned with the
extent to which a civilization can be unknowingly detected through the by-products of
its daily activities, e.g. the leakage of its own radio communication to space. The
range for detecting such radio signals depends on the receiver sensitivity and on the
transmitting power, as well as on the level of the background noise and on whether
the signal is directed or isotropic. Beamed transmissions directed at a specific target
would be much stronger and thus detectable from longer distances than the semi-
isotropic broadcasting, typical for radio stations, looked after by eavesdropping. Future
radio observatories such as EVLA (Expanded Very Large Array), LOFAR (Low
Frequency Array) and Square Kilometer Array (SKA) may be able to detect low-
frequency radio broadcast leakage from a civilization with a radio power similar to
ours out to a distance of a few hundred of light years [Loeb and Zaldarriaga, 2007].
SKA would be able to detect an airport tower radar from 30 light years5. Beamed
transmissions could be detected over much larger distances. For example, a targeted
search by the Arecibo telescope could detect alien signals sent by a similar device
(i.e., with a similar power, ~1013 Watt/m2/radian2) and aimed at Earth from distances
of a few thousands of light years. Noteworthy, the sensitivity of all-sky surveys is
much lower and the above detection ranges need to be decreased by a factor of 10 --
100. Eqs. (7a,b) imply that even with rather "optimistic" values of the other
parameters (Rb Fb Fc ~ 1), unless Lc is longer than a million years, the average
distance between neighbor civilizations is thousands of light years, far beyond the
range of eavesdropping even by future telescopes such as SKA.
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Transmissions beamed at Earth, either unintentionally, like an aviation radar or
communication satellite, or intentionally like the Arecibo message of 19746, may be
detected from considerably larger distances. For example, a beamed transmission at
the broadcasting power similar to that of the Arecibo radar can be detected by the
Arecibo radio telescope at a range of ~ 3000 light years, and by future telescopes such
as SKA the detection range may increase to ~30,000 light years, virtually across the
Milky Way. These ranges are shown on the right vertical axis in fig. 2. Note however
that the effective broadcasting time of beamed signals may be significantly shorter
than the total communicative longevity, as discussed below.
The expressions for the average distance between civilizations derived above can be
used to estimate the success chances of SETI by calculating the probability that a
broadcasting civilization happens to lie within the detection range of present and
future radio telescopes. Let us first consider eavesdropping (looking for leakage
signals). Using the sensitivity of future radio telescopes such as SKA, the
eavesdropping detection range is of the order of 100 light years. Equation (7a) shows
that a neighbor civilization is likely to exist within this distance if the "Drake product"
Fb Fc Lc is of the order of a million years or more. For smaller values of the Drake
product we may define the likelihood p(d), that a civilization happens to exist at a
distance d < dc, that is, closer to Earth than the average distance between neighboring
civilizations. A straightforward geometric approach (fractional volume) gives
p(d) ~ ( d / dc )3. (8)
Fig. 3 shows the likelihood p(d<100), that a broadcasting civilization happens to exist
within a distance of 100 ly from Earth, as a function of the average longevity of
communicative civilizations, for several values of the Drake product.
6 (nov. 2014)
0 2 4 6 8
p(d<100 ly)
log Lc (years)
Figure 3. The probability of a civilization to exist within a distance of 100 light years
from Earth, vs. the average longevity of a communicative civilization, Lc, for several
values of the product RF = Rb Fb Fc.
Combining eqs. (8) and (7a,b) gives the probability to detect leakage signals in terms
of the Drake parameters (assuming a detection range of 100 ly, appropriate for
planned radio arrays such as SKA):
p (d <100 ly) ~ 10-4 Rb Fb Fc Lc3 dc < 1000 ly, (9a)
p (d <100 ly) ~ 3 10-5 ( Rb Fb Fc Lc3 ) 3/2 dc > 1000 ly. (9b)
As in eq. (7a), the condition on dc in eq. (9a) is equivalent to a condition on the
product Rb Fb Fc Lc3 > 10, and in eq. (9b) Rb Fb Fc Lc3 < 10. For example, if we
assume that communicative civilizations are common (Rb Fb Fc ~ 1), and if they
typically transmit for ten thousand years (Lc3 ~ 10), the probability that a civilization
is presently broadcasting within ~ 100 ly from Earth is 0.001.
The probability of detecting beamed signals
As discussed above, assuming the broadcasting power of putative civilizations is
comparable to ours, eavesdropping on leakage signals has a quite limited range; the
Arecibo telescope could detect leakage signals from civilizations broadcasting at the
power of Earth at a distance of only a few light years, and future telescopes such as
SKA up to ~100 ly. On the other hand, beamed transmissions may be detected from
considerably larger distances. For example, a beamed transmission comparable to that
of the Arecibo radar may be detected by the Arecibo dish at a range of ~ 3000 ly, and
by future telescopes such as SKA up to ~30,000 ly. Apparently, these increased
detection ranges should give a significantly higher detection probability. On the other
hand, beamed signals may not be continuously aimed in our direction, contrary to
leakage signals. This effect is likely to reduce the effective broadcasting duration. It
may be described by introducing a "beaming parameter" b, the fraction of the
broadcasting lifetime of a civilization during which it is actually sending signals
beamed in our direction. This beaming may happen either unintentionally, as
communication with satellites, spacecrafts, or planets in their own solar system, or
deliberately as interstellar messages [e.g. Zetkov 2006]. In other words, bLc is the
integrated duration of beamed broadcasting in the direction of Earth.
For Rb Fb Fc b Lc3 < 10 (see eq. 9b) the probability to find a civilization within the
detection range of beamed signals by Arecibo end SKA, respectively, is
p (d< 3000 ly) ~ 1 ( Rb Fb F c b Lc3 )3/2 Arecibo, (10a)
p (d<30,000 ly) ~ 1000 ( Rb Fb Fc b Lc3 )3/2 SKA. (10b)
For example, assuming that communicative civilizations are common, that is Rb Fb Fc
~ 1, and that on average signals are beamed at Earth during an integrated time of bLc
~ 10 years, equations (10a,b) give a detection probability p ~10-3 by Arecibo and p~1
by SKA. If actually Rb Fb F c b Lc3 <10 it is not surprising that SETI has not yet
detected an alien signal (the "Great Silence"), and it may remain silent even with the
increased sensitivity of future telescope arrays. If, on the other hand, Rb Fb F c b Lc3
>10, then applying eq. (9a) to beamed signals gives
p(d< 3000 ly) ~ 10-4 Rb Fb Fc b Lc3 Arecibo,
p(d<30,000 ly) ~ 1 SKA,
implying that SKA might be able to detect signals beamed at Earth by putative
Estimating the Civilization Parameters
Similarly to the biotic factor, also the civilization parameters Fc and Lc are presently
unknown. If SKA and advanced future radio arrays fail to detect intelligent
extraterrestrial signals, eqs. (9a,b) and (10b) may be used to place an upper limit on
the products Fc Lc and Fc bLc, respectively. On the other hand, if an extraterrestrial
signal from another civilization is detected, the present ignorance in the civilization
parameters may be removed, or at least significantly constrained. If by then also
biomarkers of exoplanets are detected, so that Fb can be estimated to some extent, the
product Fc Lc could be assigned an approximate value; suppose that out of a sample of
Nbs suitable civilization candidates (that is, Earth-like planets aged at least a few Gyr
with a biosignature) intelligent signals are detected from Nis ones; here, in analogy to
the section on the biotic parameter above, Nbs is the number of planets with biotic
signature, and Nis is the number of planets from which intelligent signals are detected.
A similar argument as in the case of the biotic factor would count for the
"communicative factor", or the likelihood of a communicative civilization to evolve
on a biotic planet, multiplied by the average broadcasting longevity, leading to a value
of the order of
Fc Lc ~ 10 Gyr Nis / Nbs,
where 10 Gyr is the age of the Galaxy. As in the case of the biotic fator, this
expression needs to be modified by eventual selection effects and sampling
corrections, as well as by putative contributions to Nis from non biotic planets such as
automated beacons.
The recent results of the Kepler mission significantly reduce the uncertainty in the
astronomical parameters of the Drake equation. I derive expressions for the space
density of biotic worlds as a function of the (yet unknown) probability for the
evolution of biotic life and the uncertainty in the astronomical parameters. Similar
expressions are derived for the distance to putative communicative civilizations,
depending on two additional unknown factors in the Drake equation, the probability
of evolution from simple biotic life to a communicative civilization and its longevity.
Additionally, the probability to detect radio signals from other civilizations with
present and future radio telescopes is estimated in terms of these factors. The
extended analyses, updated by the Kepler results, presented in this paper suggests that
our nearest biotic neighbor exoplanets may be as close as 10 light years. Even with a
less optimistic estimate of the biotic probability, for example that biotic life evolves
on one in a thousand suitable planets, our biotic neighbor planets may be expected
within 100 light years. On the other hand, the distance to the nearest putative
civilizations, even for optimistic values of the Drake parameters, is estimated to be
thousands of light years.
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... Batalha et al. 2013;Dressing and Charbonneau, 2015). This implies that such planets could be found within less than 10 light years from Earth (Wandel, 2015;2017). ...
... The above arguments show that life bearing planets of RDs may be copious. Following Wandel (2015Wandel ( , 2018 we estimate the abundance and probability of biotic life. Assuming that biotic life is long lived, as on Earth (~4Gyr for mono-cellular life), the number of biotic planets can be expressed by a Drake-like equation, ...
... With this assumption the average distance db between biotic neighbor planets can be shown to be (Wandel 2015;2017) db ~ 3 (n* FsFEHZ Fb) -1/3 pc (14) where n* is the stellar number-density in the solar neighborhood. (16) Figure 5 shows the expected number Nb as a function of the distance and the product FEHZFb. ...
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The Kepler data show that habitable small planets orbiting Red Dwarf stars (RDs) are abundant, and hence might be promising targets to look at for biomarkers and life. Planets orbiting within the habitable zone of RDs are close enough to be tidally locked. Some recent works have cast doubt on the ability of planets orbiting RDs to support life. In contrast, it is shown that temperatures suitable for liquid water and even for organic molecules may exist on tidally locked planets (TLPs) of RDs for a wide range of atmospheres. We chart the surface temperature distribution as a function of the irradiation, greenhouse factor and heat circulation. The habitability boundaries and their dependence on the atmospheric properties are derived. By extending our previous analyses of TLPs, we find that tidally locked as well as synchronous (not completely locked) planets of RDs and K-type stars may support life, for a wider range of orbital distance and atmospheric conditions than previously thought. In particular, it is argued that life clement environments may be possible on tidally locked and synchronously orbiting planets of RDs and K-type stars, with conditions supporting oxygenic photosynthesis, which on Earth was a key to complex life. Different climate projections and the biological significance of tidal locking on putative complex life are reviewed. We show that when the effect of continuous radiation is taken into account, the photo-synthetically active radiation available on TLPs, even of RDs, could produce a high-potential plant productivity, in analogy to mid-summer growth at high latitudes on Earth. Awaiting the findings of TESS and JWST, we discuss the implications of the above arguments to the detection of biomarkers such as liquid water and oxygen, as well as to the abundance of biotic planets and life.
... Batalha et al. 2013;Dressing and Charbonneau, 2015). This implies that such planets could be found within less than 10 light years from Earth (Wandel, 2015;2017). ...
... The above arguments show that life bearing planets of RDs may be copious. Following Wandel (2015Wandel ( , 2018 we estimate the abundance and probability of biotic life. Assuming that biotic life is long lived, as on Earth (~4Gyr for mono-cellular life), the number of biotic planets can be expressed by a Drake-like equation, ...
... With this assumption the average distance db between biotic neighbor planets can be shown to be (Wandel 2015;2017) db ~ 3 (n* FsFEHZ Fb) -1/3 pc (14) where n* is the stellar number-density in the solar neighborhood. (16) Figure 5 shows the expected number Nb as a function of the distance and the product FEHZFb. ...
The Kepler data show that habitable small planets orbiting Red Dwarf stars (RDs) are abundant, and hence might be promising targets to look at for biomarkers and life. Planets orbiting within the Habitable Zone of RDs are close enough to be tidally locked. Some recent works have cast doubt on the ability of planets orbiting RDs to support life. In contrast, it is shown that temperatures suitable for liquid water and even for organic molecules may exist on tidally locked planets of RDs for a wide range of atmospheres. We chart the surface temperature distribution as a function of the irradiation, greenhouse factor and heat circulation. The habitability boundaries and their dependence on the atmospheric properties are derived. Extending our previous analyses of tidally locked planets, we find that tidally locked as well as synchronous (not completely locked) planets of RDs and K-type stars may support life, for a wider range of orbital distance and atmospheric conditions than previously thought. In particular, it is argued that life clement environments may be possible on tidally locked and synchronously orbiting planets of RDs and K-type stars, with conditions supporting Oxygenic Photosynthesis, which on Earth was a key to Complex life. Different climate projections and the biological significance of tidal locking on putative complex life are reviewed. We show that when the effect of continuous radiation is taken into account, the Photo-synthetically Active Radiation (PAR) available on tidally locked planets, even of RDs, could produce a high Potential Plant Productivity, in analogy to mid-summer growth at high latitudes on Earth. Awaiting the findings of TESS and JWST, we discuss the implications of the above arguments to the detection of biomarkers such as liquid water and oxygen, as well as to the abundance of biotic planets and life.
... Since 1992 over 5000 exoplanets have been confirmed with several thousand candidates additionally pending, attesting to the ubiquitous nature of planetary systems. Moreover, modeling from such early works as the Drake Equation [4] to more recent investigations suggest extraterrestrial intelligence may well have arisen in the Milky Way [5], [6], [7]. Pursuing the question still further, in recent years serious exploration of the complex implications for human society upon coming into contact with life off the Earth has moved into the realm of mainstream scientific inquiry [8]. ...
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Our Universe is a vast, tantalizing enigma - a mystery that has aroused humankind's innate curiosity for eons. Begging questions on alien lifeforms have been thus far unfruitful, even with the bounding advancements we have embarked upon in recent years. Coupled with logical assumption and calculations such as made by Dr. Frank Drake starting in the early 1960s, evidence in the millions should exist in our galaxy alone, and yet we've produced no clear affirmation in practice. So, where is everybody? In one sense, the seeming silence of the Universe past terra firma reveals layers of stubborn human limitation. Even as ambitious programs such as SETI aim to solve these knotty challenges, the results have turned up rather pessimistic possibilities. An existential disaster may lay in wait as our society advances exponentially towards space exploration, acting as the Great Filter: a phenomenon that wipes out civilizations before they can encounter each other, which may explain the cosmic silence. In this article, we propose several possible doomsday-type scenarios, including anthropogenic and natural hazards, both of which can be prevented with reforms in individual, institutional and intrinsic behaviors. We take into account multiple calamity candidates: nuclear warfare, pathogens and pandemics, artificial intelligence, asteroid and comet impacts, and climate change. Each of these categories have various influences but lack critical adjustment to accommodate to their high risk. We have long ignored the quickly encroaching Great Filter, even as it threatens to consume us entirely, especially as our rate of progress correlates directly to the severity of our fall. This indicates a necessary period of introspection, followed by appropriate refinements to properly approach our predicament, and see our way through it.
... Our main ignorance remains in the last three terms: (i) the chances for the evolution of biological life; (ii) the probability of intelligence and (iii) the lifespan of a technological communicating civilization. As may be inferred from the evolution of life on Earth, planets with primitive biological life may be quite abundant (Wandel, 2015;Gale and Wandel, 2017). However, if the last two terms were small, intelligent and communicating civilizations could be exceedingly rare (Wandel, 2017). ...
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The steady advances in computer performance and in programming raise the concern that the ability of computers would overtake that of the human brain, an occurrence termed ‘the Singularity’. While comparing the size of the human brain and the advance in computer capacity, the Singularity has been estimated to occur within a few decades although the capacity of conventional computers may reach its limits in the near future. However, in the last few years, there have been rapid advances in artificial intelligence. There are already programs that carry out pattern recognition and self-learning which, at least in limited fields such as chess and other games, are superior to the best human players. Furthermore, the quantum computing revolution, which is expected to vastly increase computer capacities, is already on our doorstep. It now seems inevitable that the Singularity will arrive within the foreseeable future. Biological life, on Earth and on extraterrestrial planets and their satellites, may continue as before, but humanity could be ‘replaced’ by computers. Older and more advanced intelligent life forms, possibly evolved elsewhere in the Universe, may have passed their Singularity a long time ago. Post Singularity life would probably be based not on biochemical reactions but on electronics. Their communication may use effects such as quantum entanglement and be undetectable to us. This may explain the Fermi paradox or at least the ‘Big Silence’ problem in SETI.
... Our main ignorance remains in the last three terms: (i) the chances for the evolution of biological life; (ii) the probability of intelligence; and (iii) the lifespan of a technological communicating civilization. As may be inferred from the evolution of life on Earth, planets with primitive biological life may be quite abundant (Wandel 2015;Gale & Wandel 2017). However, if the last two terms were small, intelligent and communicating civilizations could be exceedingly rare (Wandel 2017). ...
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The steady advances in computer performance and in programming raise the concern that the ability of computers would overtake that of the human brain, an occurrence termed "the Singularity". While comparing the size of the human brain and the advance in computer capacity, the Singularity has been estimated to occur within a few decades although the capacity of conventional computers may reach its limits in the near future. However, in the last few years, there have been rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI). There are already programs that carry out pattern recognition and self-learning which, at least in limited fields such as chess and other games, are superior to the best human players. Furthermore, the quantum computing revolution, which is expected to vastly increase computer capacities, is already on our doorstep. It now seems inevitable that the Singularity will arrive within the foreseeable future. Biological life, on Earth and on extraterrestrial planets and their satellites, may continue as before, but humanity could be 'replaced' by computers. Older and more advanced intelligent life forms, possibly evolved elsewhere in the universe, may have passed their Singularity a long time ago. Post Singularity life would probably be based not on biochemical reactions but on electronics. Their communication may use effects such as quantum entanglement and be undetectable to us. This may explain the Fermi paradox or at least the "Big Silence" problem in SETI.
It is undoubtedly a sad fact that the beginning of space travel, the starting signal for the human ‘reach for the stars’, is located in the context of armed conflicts.
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A new solution to the Fermi Paradox is presented: probes or visits from putative alien civilizations have a very low probability until a civilization reaches a certain age (called the “Contact Era”) after the onset of radio communications. If biotic planets are common, putative advanced civilizations may send probes not to any planet showing biosignatures, but rather to planets with technosignatures, such as radio broadcasts. The contact probability is defined as the chance to find a nearby civilization located close enough so that it could have detected the earliest radio emissions (the “radiosphere”) and sent a probe that would reach the solar system at present. It is found that the current contact probability for Earth is very low unless civilizations are extremely abundant. Since the radiosphere expands with time, so does the contact probability. The Contact Era is defined as the time (since the onset of radio transmissions) at which the contact probability becomes of order unity. At that time alien probes (or messages) become more likely. Unless civilizations are highly abundant, the Contact Era is shown to be of the order of a few hundred to a few thousand years and may be applied not only to physical probes but also to transmissions (i.e., search for extraterrestrial intelligence). Consequently, it is shown that civilizations are unlikely to be able to intercommunicate unless their communicative lifetime is at least a few thousand years.
In 2015–2016 regular observations within the SETI program were carried out at the RATAN-600 radio telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The aim of observations was to search for artificial signals from about 30 Sun-like stars and two metal-rich globular clusters. The main underlying idea of these studies was to perform multiple repeated observations (monitoring) of the same objects. The data were analyzed using three methods: we (1) searched for a strong single signal, (2) estimated the flux averaged over the entire observing time, and (3) analyzed the correlations between signals at different frequencies. Collecting the data over two observing years made it possible to perform a search for weak signals at the detection level of several mJy at 2.7 and 6.3 cm wavelengths. The power limits on the signals of extraterrestrial civilizations averaged over the entire data set lie in the 1016–1020 Winterval practically for all objects, whereas the upper luminosity limits for single observations (the beam crossing time was 7–19 s) are 1017–1021 W and the effective isotropic emitted power of the hypothetical transmitters of the said civilizations do not exceed 2 × 109–2 × 1013 W, which is close to the corresponding parameter for the biggest planetary radars. The resulting luminosity limits are indicative of the absence of radio emission from the observed Sun-like stars, which is stationary on average and exhibits flare-like behavior during some observing sessions.
The recent detection of Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri, Trappist-1, and many other nearby M-type stars (which consist some 75% of the stars) has led to speculations, whether liquid water and life actually exist on these planets. Defining the bio-habitable zone, where liquid water and complex organic molecules can survive on at least part of the planetary surface, we suggest that planets orbiting M-type stars may have life-supporting conditions for a wide range of atmospheric properties (Wandel2018). We extend this analysis to synchronously orbiting planets of K- and G-type stars and discuss the implications for the evolution and sustaining of life on planets of M- to G-type stars, in analogy to Earth.
This chapter attempts to encompass and tackle a large problem in Astrovirology and Astrobiology. There is a huge anthropomorphic prejudice that although life is unlikely, the just-right Goldilocks terrestrial conditions mean that the just-right balance of minerals and basic small molecules inevitably result in life as we know it throughout our solar system, galaxy, and the rest of the universe. Moreover, when such conditions on planets such as ours may not be quite right for the origin of life, it is popularly opined that asteroids and comets magically produce life or at the very least, the important, if not crucial components of terrestrial life so that life then blooms, when their fragments cruise the solar system, stars, and galaxies, and plummet onto appropriately bedecked planets and moons.
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In the spring of 2009, the Kepler Mission commenced high-precision photometry on nearly 156,000 stars to determine the frequency and characteristics of small exoplanets, conduct a guest observer program, and obtain asteroseismic data on a wide variety of stars. On 2010 June 15, the Kepler Mission released most of the data from the first quarter of observations. At the time of this data release, 705 stars from this first data set have exoplanet candidates with sizes from as small as that of Earth to larger than that of Jupiter. Here we give the identity and characteristics of 305 released stars with planetary candidates. Data for the remaining 400 stars with planetary candidates will be released in 2011 February. More than half the candidates on the released list have radii less than half that of Jupiter. Five candidates are present in and near the habitable zone; two near super-Earth size, and three bracketing the size of Jupiter. The released stars also include five possible multi-planet systems. One of these has two Neptune-size (2.3 and 2.5 Earth radius) candidates with near-resonant periods.
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Key Words exobiology, astrobiology, bioastronomy, optical SETI, life in the universe s Abstract The search for evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence is placed in the broader astronomical context of the search for extrasolar planets and biomarkers of primitive life elsewhere in the universe. A decision tree of possible search strategies is presented as well as a brief history of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) projects since 1960. The characteristics of 14 SETI projects currently operating on telescopes are discussed and compared using one of many possible figures of merit. Plans for SETI searches in the immediate and more distant future are outlined. Plans for success, the significance of null results, and some opinions on deliberate transmission of signals (as well as listening) are also included. SETI results to date are negative, but in reality, not much searching has yet been done.
As part of our NSF/NASA sponsored “Living with a Red Dwarf Star” program, we are carrying out a comprehensive study of red dwarf stars across the electromagnetic spectrum to assess their suitability as hosts for habitable planets. These cool, dim, long-lived, low mass stars comprise >75% of the stars in our Galaxy. Moreover an increasing number of (potentially habitable) large Earth-size planets are being found hosted by red dwarfs. With intrinsically low luminosities (L < 0.02 Lsun), the habitable zones (HZs) of hosted planets are close to their host stars (typically 0.05 AU < HZ <0.4 AU). Our study indicates red dwarf HZ planets without strong (protective) magnetic fields are especially susceptible to atmospheric erosion & loss by the star’s X-UV and wind fluxes. Also, the frequent flaring of young red dwarf stars and tidal-locking of close-in planets could challenge the development of life. But tidal locking of these planets could have some advantages for the developmenet of life. The long lifetimes of the red dwarfs (> 50 BY) could be favorable for the development of complex (possibly even intelligent) life. We discuss our results in the context of nearby red dwarfs as possible destinations for future interstellar missions program. We illustrate this with examples of the red dwarf exoplanet systems: GJ 581 and HD 85512 (both with large HZ Earth-size planets). Also we discuss the nearest star (4.3 LY) - the red dwarf - Proxima Centauri as a potential destination for future interstellar missions such proposed by Icarus Interstellar and the 100-Year Starship and StarVoyager programs. We gratefully acknowledge the support from NSF-Grant AST-10-09903, Chandra Grants GO1-12124X & GO2-13020X and HST Grant GO-10920.
Significance A major question is whether planets suitable for biochemistry are common or rare in the universe. Small rocky planets with liquid water enjoy key ingredients for biology. We used the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Kepler telescope to survey 42,000 Sun-like stars for periodic dimmings that occur when a planet crosses in front of its host star. We found 603 planets, 10 of which are Earth size and orbit in the habitable zone, where conditions permit surface liquid water. We measured the detectability of these planets by injecting synthetic planet-caused dimmings into Kepler brightness measurements. We find that 22% of Sun-like stars harbor Earth-size planets orbiting in their habitable zones. The nearest such planet may be within 12 light-years.
We use the optical and near-infrared photometry from the Kepler Input Catalog to provide improved estimates of the stellar characteristics of the smallest stars in the Kepler target list. We find 3897 dwarfs with temperatures below 4000K, including 64 planet candidate host stars orbited by 95 transiting planet candidates. We refit the transit events in the Kepler light curves for these planet candidates and combine the revised planet/star radius ratios with our improved stellar radii to revise the radii of the planet candidates orbiting the cool target stars. We then compare the number of observed planet candidates to the number of stars around which such planets could have been detected in order to estimate the planet occurrence rate around cool stars. We find that the occurrence rate of 0.5-4 Earth radius planets with orbital periods shorter than 50 days is 0.90 (+0.04/-0.03) planets per star. The occurrence rate of Earth-size (0.5-1.4 Earth radius) planets is constant across the temperature range of our sample at 0.51 (+0.06/-0.05) Earth-size planets per star, but the occurrence of 1.4-4 Earth radius planets decreases significantly at cooler temperatures. Our sample includes 2 Earth-size planet candidates in the habitable zone, allowing us to estimate that the mean number of Earth-size planets in the habitable zone is 0.15 (+0.13/-0.06) planets per cool star. Our 95% confidence lower limit on the occurrence rate of Earth-size planets in the habitable zones of cool stars is 0.04 planets per star. With 95% confidence, the nearest transiting Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of a cool star is within 21 pc. Moreover, the nearest non-transiting planet in the habitable zone is within 5 pc with 95% confidence.
The characterization of the atmospheres of habitable-zone Earth-mass exoplanets that transit across main-sequence stars, let alone the detection of bio-markers in their atmospheres, will be challenging even with future facilities. It has been noted that white dwarfs (WDs) have long-lived habitable zones and that a large fraction of WDs may host planets. We point out that during a transit of an Earth-mass planet across a WD, the planet's atmospheric transmission spectrum obtains a much higher contrast over the stellar background compared to a main-sequence host, because of the small surface area of the WD. The most prominent bio-marker in the present-day terrestrial atmosphere, molecular oxygen, is readily detectable in a WD transit via its A-band absorption at ~0.76 micron. A potentially life-sustaining Earth-like planet transiting a WD can be found by assembling a suitable sample of ~500 WDs and then surveying them for transits using small telescopes. If and when such a transiting case is found, the O_2 absorption in the planetary atmospheric transmission spectrum would be detectable with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in about 5 hours of total exposure time, integrated over 160 2-minute transits. Characterization of the planet atmosphere using other tracers such as water vapour and CO_2 will be considerably easier. We demonstrate this future discovery space by simulating a possible transmission spectrum that would be obtained with JWST.