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Floral host plants of Tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Kolhapur and Satara districts, India

  • Yashwantrao Chavan Warana, Mahavidyalaya, Warananagar.

Abstract and Figures

Tachinid flies have been studied at Kolhapur and Satara district, India with respect to floral host plants and their sex ratio. Overall, 82 species were collected from 13 floral plants of different ecosystems from Kolhapur and Satara districts. Majority of flora belong to family Asteraceae. Out of which Tecoma castanifolia and Eupatorium odoratum plants showed maximum number of tachinid flies. In Kolhapur district the occurrence of tachinids was more in number than Satara district. Out of total 82 flies, 52 were collected from Kolhapur district. Thelaira nigripes and Exorista larvarum were reported in maximum numbers from both districts. The tachinids were also found good pollinating agents for increasing yield of the crops in Kolhapur and Satara regions of Maharashtra, India.
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Floral host plants for Tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae) from
Kolhapur and Satara districts, India
T .V. Sathe, * P. M. Bhoje and A. S. Desai
Department of Zoology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur- 416 004, India.
*Department of Zoology, Y. C. Warana College, Warananagar, India.
Tachinid flies have been studied at Kolhapur and Satara district, India with respect
to floral host plant associations and their sex ratio. Overall, 82 species were collected from
13 floral plants of different ecosystems from Kolhapur and Satara districts. Majority of
flora belong to family Asteraceae. Out of which Tecoma castanifolia and Eupatorium
odoratum plants showed maximum number of tachinid flies. In Kolhapur district the
occurrence of tachinids was more in number than Satara district. Out of total 82 flies, 52
were collected from Kolhapur district.
Thelaira nigripes
Exorista larvarum
reported maximum in numbers from both districts. The tachinids were also good
pollinating agents for increasing yield of the crops in Kolhapur and Satara regions of
Maharashtra, India.
Key words: Tachinids, biocontrol agents, pest management, floral host plants, pollinators.
Tachinid flies are good biocontrol agents of many harmful insect pests from different
agroecosystems which belong to Tachinidae, one of the largest families of Diptera with 10,000
described species worldwide (Irwin et al., 2003 and Stireman et al., 2006).Tachinid flies are
endoparasitic forms of insect pest larvae which feed on internal tissues of pest insects and cause
mortalities in them. However, adults feed upon flowering bodies of plant species.
The adults
commonly visit flowers and use the nectar for energy and also pollen for proteins, lipids and
vitamins (Faegri and van der Pijl 1979). These floral resources enhance the longevity, fecundity
and searching ability of adult flies (Shahjahan 1968, Topham and Beardsley1975, Sathe and
Margaj, 2001).
In many plant species tachinids act as a good pollinating agents. Nutritional dependency
of tachinid flies on flowering plants simultaneously helps for regulation of pests of herbivorous
Effective control of pest species by conservation of such biocontrol agents therefore, may
depend on knowledge of floral host associations (Jervis et al. 1993, Colley and Luna 2000,
Tooker and Hanks 2000b).The floral sugars from agricultural environments helps directly to pest
suppression (Lee and Heimpel, 2005; Lavandero et al., 2006) and flowering plants do benefit the
biological pest control (Heimpel and Jervis, 2005).
in view above facts, present work
was carried out.
Adult Tachinid flies have been collected from different agroecosystems of Kolhapur and
Satara districts during the years 2011-2013, especially from some important flowering plants at
15 days interval with the help of swift insect net. The host plant twigs of one feet length with
tachinid flies were brought to the laboratory for identification. The host plants and tachinids have
been identified by using appropriate literature (Irwin et al, 2003., O’Hara, 2008, O’Hara et al.,
2009., Wood, 1987, Yadav and Sardesai., 2002).Observations were also made on plant flowering
and occurrence of tachinids upon flora by one man one hour search method throughout the year
from morning hours 7.00 am to 9.00 am and from evening hours 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm. Increase in
the yield of crops specially cereals and pulses have been reported with the help of questionnaire
asked to the farmers of the region.
The results indicated that 52 Tachinid flies were associated with 13 floral host plants
from Kolhapur region and 30 plants from Satara region (Table- 1, 2 and fig. 1). The flies were
abundant during morning hours (7.00am to 9.00am) and evening hours (5.00pm to 7.00pm) than
noon and afternoon. The observations were made from June to July. The population of tachinids
was in peak in the months October-November. The best floral plant for optimum catches of
Tachinid flies was Tecoma castanifolia in both districts i.e. Kolhapur and Satara. The floral
plants Aster amellus, Clematis gouriana, Fragaria nubicola, Helianthus elastic and Nepeta
indica were not observed in the district Satara and hence the occurrence of tachinids. The non
occurrence of tachinid species was probably due to the high altitude of the region from sea level,
less floral density and short height of the plants. The sex ratio was in favour of females on most
of the plants in both the districts. The reason of sex ratio favoring the females might be the
nutritive quality of the floral components. During the study period the yield of the crops
particularly horticultural and cereals was found increased in the area where tachinid floral host
plants were abundant (Table- 2).
Table- 1: Floral host plants for tachinid flies and their occurrence in Kolhapur and Satara districts
Floral host
Tachinid species
No. of fly
Occurrence (District) and
Sex ratio
(Male: Female)
Kolhapur Satara
Aster amellus
Asteraceae Gonia picea 2 2 (0 : 2) 0 (0 : 0)
Ranunculaceae Prosena siberita
1 1 (0 : 1) 0 (0 : 0)
Asteraceae Sturmia bella 4
3 (2 : 1) 1 (1 : 0)
Estheria cristata
1 1 (1 : 0) 0 (0 : 0)
Asteraceae Blepharipa schineri 8 5 (3 : 2) 3 (1 : 2)
Exorista larvarum
12 6 (1 : 5) 6 (3 : 3)
Rosaceae Macquartia tessellum 3 3 (1 : 2) 0 (0 : 0)
Asteraceae Sturmia bella
2 0 (0 : 0) 2 (0 : 2)
Prosena siberita
5 4 (2 : 2) 1 (1 : 0)
Asteraceae Macquartia macularis 1 1 (1 : 0) 0 (0 : 0)
Acanthaceae Thelaira solivaga 3 2 (0 : 2) 1 (0 : 1)
Nepeta indica
Lamiaceae Redtenbacheria insignis 1 1 (1 : 0) 0 (0 : 0)
Brassicaceae Thelaira solivaga 1 1 (1 : 0) 0 (0 : 0)
Siphona boreata
2 1 (0 : 1) 1 (0 : 1)
Acanthaceae Voria ruralis
5 (3 : 2) 4 (2 : 2)
Gonia picea
1 1 (0 : 1) 0 (0 : 0)
Asteraceae Dexiosoma caninum 3
2 (0 : 2) 1 (0 : 1)
Thelaira solivaga
2 2 (1 : 1) 0 (0 : 0)
Bignoniaceae Xylotachina diluta 3 1 (0 : 1) 2 (1 : 1)
Estheria cristata
1 (0 : 1) 1 (0 : 1)
Prosena siberita
3 (1 : 2) 1 (0 : 1)
Thelaira nigripes
5 (3 : 2) 3 (1 : 2)
Macquartia macularis
3 1 (1 : 0) 2 (0 : 2)
Gonia picea
1 1 (0 : 1) 0 (0 : 0)
82 52 30
Table 2: Pollinating effect of tachinids on agricultural crops
No. of farmers consulted Crops Yield increase in times
Kolhapur Satara
10 Cereals 2 2
15 Pulses 2 1.5
Fig.1: Tachinid flies on floral host plants.
In overall, 82 specimens were collected from floral plants of different ecosystems from
Kolhapur and Satara districts. Tachinid flies were found on different 13 floral plants. Majority of
flora belong to family Asteraceae. Out of which Tecoma castanifolia and Eupatorium odoratum
plants showed maximum number of tachinid flies which conclude that these plant are good
attractants for tachinid flies and important habitat for them. In Kolhapur district the occurrence
of tachinids was more in number than Satara district. Out of total 82 flies, 52 were collected from
Kolhapur district.
The tachinids,
Thelaira nigripes
Exorista larvarum
were reported
maximum in number in both districts, providing good information on natural habitat for their
possible conservation strategies and utility in biological pest control programs. The tachinids
were also good pollinating agents for increasing yield of the crops in Kolhapur and Satara
regions of Maharashtra,India.
Al-Dubai et al (2012) captured tachinids and identified to genus and species level. Their
sex was determined and the lengths of their mouthparts were estimated and compared with the
numbers, sexes and tongue lengths of flies collected in flower baited and control traps. The
controls were either associated with plants without flowers or pots without plants or both. The
ratios of flies captured in the flower baited to control traps were subsequently related to flower
density, width, depth and plant height in order to test the hypothesis that flower and plant
morphology influenced their attractiveness and/or accessibility to Tachinidae (Fiedler and
Landis, 2007a, b; Sivinski et al., 2011).More or less, the present results are in agreement with
Sivinski et al., (2011).
Stireman et al., (2006), 909 tachinids were feeding on
flowering plants with 28% of individuals from Phasiinae.
Al Dobai et al., (2012)
also studied the sex ratio of flies captured in the various types of
traps and recorded the nature of responses to plants. If host searching was the motivation for
entering flower baited traps, greater absolute and relative abundances of females were expected
in the flower and no flower traps compared with the no plant traps. In contrast, sexually
independent motives (perhaps such as floral feeding?) have showed sex ratios the same in all
traps. Overall, sex ratios were female biased but there were no differences in the proportions of
males and females taken in the flower-baited and control traps, in either significantly attractive
or unattractive plants.
Certain plants, in flower or not, were more frequented than others. Two
plants deserve special consideration because they exceeded or failed to meet expectations. In the
present study, sex ratio was favoring the females on most of the floral host plants and might be
related to quality floral components.
Apiaceae in general were less frequently represented than were Asteraceae and Rosaceae
in the long term field surveys of tachinid flower associations analyzed by Tooker et al. (2006).
Perhaps there is an unrevealed variance in attractants/nectar within the genus. Over a multiyear
survey of Illinois Tachinidae flower associations, Solidago canadensis L. was fed upon by a high
diversity of flies while Solidago gigantean Aiton was not (Tooker et al., 2006).
Sivinski et al.,
(2011) also studied, flower/ plant morphological patterns in captured tachinid were largely
absent; this is in contrast to the parasitic Hymenoptera. Among wasps, larger floral areas were
more attractive and this was a characteristic similar to one positively associated with predator
and parasitoid abundance on a variety of native and introduced plants in Michigan (Fielder and
Landis, 2007a, b).
Floral area could increase flowering plant conspicuousness and advertise the presence of
denser and more abundant resources. A tachinid, Protohystricia huttoni (Malloch) made more
visits per hour to individual Myosotis colensoi (Kirk) (Boraginaceae) plants with larger floral
displays in New Zealand (Robertson and MacNair, 1995).
Although flies collected in flower
baited traps overall had longer mouthparts than those taken in controls, the absence of such
tongue flower patterns argues that tachinids were not seeking flowers to which their mouths were
particularly adapted; i.e., longer tongued flies did not predominate at deeper flowers. Long
tongues need not preclude feeding on shallow flowers (Allen1929), but the inclusion of more
species of plants with deep flowers in the study have produced a stronger association with long
tongued tachinids.
There is a substantial body of evidence that increasing the floral diversity of
agroecosystems enhances natural enemy diversity and abundance and ultimately the biological
control of pest insects. However, some of the abundantly collected tachinids in have contributed
to pest suppression. (Al Dubai et al., 2012). Genus Archytas attacked a wide variety of
Lepidopteran larvae (Arnaud, 1978) and out of unknown some use agriculturally more economic
important and mass reared for augmentative release (Mannion et al., 1995). The hosts of C.
townsendi, 32% of the capture of Tachinidae, identified, species of Campylocheta have been
recovered from larvae of the pest containing families Geometridae, Notodontidae, Noctuidae and
Tortricidae (Arnaud, 1978).
The most preferred plant species by tachinids were the asteraceous Aster pilosus
Willdenow, Heracleum maximum Bartram and the umbellifer Pastinaca sativa L. (Tooker et al,
2006).The most frequently recorded fly species were three syrphids: the aphidophagous
Toxomerus marginatus (Say) and Sphaerophoria contiqua Macquart and the detritivorous Syritta
pipiens (L.).Most fly species evidently visited only a few plant species. Out the 186 fly species
recorded, most were visiting species of the Asteraceae and Apiaceae. Such findings have
important implications for research in pollination ecology and insect behavior and for use of fly
species as agents of conservation biological control.
Robertson (1929) recorded syrphids and tachinids on 257 species of flowering plants in
57 families. Of these plant species, 64 (25%) were in the Asteraceae, 18 (7%) in the Rosaceae,
17 (7%) in the Apiaceae, and 15 (6%) in the Lamiaceae; the remaining plant families were
represented by nine or fewer species (4%).These plants were visited by 186 fly species, including
100 tachinid species and 86 syrphids species, of which 26 syrphid species were predaceous The
number of fly species that Robertson recorded from plant species could have been influenced by
plant abundance. Syrphids and tachinids did not differ significantly in the proportion of their
species that visited the 15most preferred plant species. The introduced syrphid, Syritta pipiens
(L.) (Thompson et al. 1990) was apparently the only visitor to flowers of the exotic plant
Polygonum persicaria L., but it was relatively abundant on S. pipiensis native to the Palearctic
region where it is broadly distributed (Lambeck and Kiauta 1973, Thompson et al. 1990, Torp
The odours both of host food plant and of the host insects (Sawfly larvae) were attractive
to the females of tachinid, D. bihemica (Monteith, 1964).Some species detected their hosts by
perception of sound or vibrations produced by host larvae. However, workers disproved the
hypothesis that host produced sound but, vibrations/sound produced by the parasitoid or odour
were obligatory host finding stimuli (Richerson and Borden, 1972).Hafez (1961) reported that
the olfactory response of D .rapae females to mustard oils was in aid to habitat selection. Read, (1970) reported that the parasitoids attacked a variety of Aphids which they encountered
by chance, through the response to the mustard oil probably accounted for the limitation of
parasitism to Brevicoryne brassicae, M. persicae and other Aphids feeding on Crucifers plants.
Vinson (1976) says that parasitoids respond to both short range and long range volatile chemicals
by certain cues during host location.
However, regional field surveys, such as this, can offer empirically based guidance for
plant selection, food, shelter and mate for natural enemies like tachinid flies.
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The Tachinidae of mainland China and Taiwan (generally referred to as China herein for brevity) are catalogued. A total of 1109 valid species are recorded of which 403 species (36%) are recorded as endemic. Distributions within China are given according to the 33 administrative divisions of the country, and distributions outside China are given according to a scheme of geographical divisions developed for this catalogue and most finely divided for the Palaearctic and Oriental Regions. The catalogue is based on examination of the primary literature comprising about 670 references and also includes a small number of records based on unpublished data from specimens examined in collections. Taxa are arranged hierarchically under the categories of subfamily, tribe, genus, subgenus (where recognized), and species. Nomenclatural details are provided for nominal genera and species. This includes synonyms at both levels for taxa described or recorded from China. For valid species, distributions are provided along with complete name-bearing type data for associated names. Additional information is given in the form of notes, numbering more than 300 in the catalogue section and about 50 in the references section. Six genera are newly recorded from China: Calliethilla Shima (Ethillini), Chetoptilia Rondani (Dufouriini), Demoticoides Mesnil (Leskiini), Pseudalsomyia Mesnil (Goniini), Redtenbacheria Schiner (Eutherini), and Rutilia Robineau-Desvoidy (Rutiliini). Fourteen species are newly recorded from China: Actia solida Tachi & Shima, Atylostoma towadensis (Matsumura), Chetoptilia burmanica (Baranov), Demoticoides pallidus Mesnil, Dexiosoma lineatum Mesnil, Feriola longicornis Mesnil, Frontina femorata Shima, Phebellia laxifrons Shima, Prodegeeria gracilis Shima, Prooppia stulta (Zetterstedt), Redtenbacheria insignis Egger, Sumpigaster subcompressa (Walker), Takanomyia frontalis Shima, and Takanomyiarava Shima. Two genera and 23 species are recorded as misidentified from China. New names are proposed for three preoccupied names: Pseudodexilla O'Hara, Shima & Zhang, nomen novum for Pseudodexia Chao, 2002; Admontia longicornalis O'Hara, Shima & Zhang, nomen novum for Admontia longicornis Yang & Chao, 1990; and Erythrocera neolongicornis O'Hara, Shima & Zhang, nomen novum for Pexopsis longicornis Sun & Chao, 1993. New type species fixations are made under the provisions of Article 70.3.2 of ICZN (1999) for 13 generic names: Chetoliga Rondani, Discochaeta Brauer & Bergenstamm, Erycina Mesnil, Eurigaster Macquart, Microvibrissina Villeneuve, Oodigaster Macquart, Plagiopsis Brauer & Bergenstamm, Prooppia To wnse nd, Ptilopsina Villeneuve, Ptilotachina Brauer & Bergenstamm, Rhinotachina Brauer & Bergenstamm, Schaumia Robineau-Desvoidy, and Setigena Brauer & Bergenstamm. Subgenus Ta c h i n a (Servillia Robineau-Desvoidy) is reduced to a synonym of subgenus Tachina (Tachina Meigen). The valid names of two species are reduced to nomina nuda and replaced by other available names with new status as valid names: Siphona (Aphantorhaphopsis) perispoliata (Mesnil) replaces S. (A.) mallochiana (Gardner), and Zenillia terrosa Mesnil replaces Z. grisellina (Gardner). The following 12 new combinations are proposed: Carcelina shangfangshanica (Chao & Liang), Drino (Drino) interfrons (Sun & Chao), Drino (Zygobothria) hirtmacula (Liang & Chao), Erythrocera longicornis (Sun & Chao) (a preoccupied name and replaced with Erythrocera neolongicornis O'Hara, Shima & Zhang, nomen novum), Isosturmia aureipollinosa (Chao & Zhou), Isosturmia setamacula (Chao & Liang), Isosturmia setula (Liang & Chao), Paratrixa flava (Shi), Phryno jilinensis (Sun), Phryno tibialis (Sun), Prosopodopsis ruficornis (Chao), and Takanomyia parafacialis (Sun & Chao). The following 19 new synonymies are proposed: Atylomyia chinensis Zhang & Ge with Tachina parallela Meigen (current name Bessa parallela), Atylomyia minutiungula Zhang & Wang with Ptychomyia remota Aldrich (current name Bessa remota), Carcelia (Carcelia) hainanensis Chao & Liang with Carcelia rasoides Baranov, Carcelia frontalis Baranov with Carcelia caudata Baranov, Carcelia hirtspila Chao & Shi with Carcelia (Parexorista) delicatula Mesnil (current name Carcelia (Euryclea) delicatula), Carcelia septima Baranov with Carcelia octava Baranov, Carcelia (Senometopia) dominantalis Chao & Liang with Carcelia quarta Baranov (current name Senometopia quarta), Carcelia (Senometopia) maculata Chao & Liang with Carcelia octava Baranov, Drino hersei Liang & Chao with Sturmia atropivora Robineau-Desvoidy (current name Drino (Zygobothria) atropivora), Eucarcelia nudicauda Mesnil with Carcelia octava Baranov, Isopexopsis Sun & Chao with Takanomyia Mesnil, Mikia nigribasicosta Chao & Zhou with Bombyliomyia apicalis Matsumura (current name Mikia apicalis), Parasetigena jilinensis Chao & Mao with Phorocera (Parasetigena) agilis takaoi Mesnil (current name Parasetigena takaoi), Phebellia latisurstyla Chao & Chen with Phebellia latipalpis Shima (current name Prooppia latipalpis), Servillia linabdomenalis Chao with Servillia cheni Chao (current name Tachina (Tachina) cheni), Servillia planiforceps Chao with Tachina sobria Walker, Spiniabdomina Shi with Paratrixa Brauer & Bergenstamm, Tachina kunmingensis Chao & Arnaud with Tachina sobria Walker, and Thecocarcelia tianpingensis Sun & Chao with Drino (Isosturmia) chatterjeeana japonica Mesnil (current name Isosturmia japonica). Musca libatrix Panzer is a nomen protectum and Musca libatrix Scopoli and Musca libatrix Geoffroy are nomina oblita. Similarly, Redtenbacheria insignis Egger is a nomen protectum and Redtenbacheria spectabilis Schiner is a nomen oblitum. Lectotypes are designated for the following 12 nominal species based on name-bearing type material in CNC: Akosempomyia caudata Villeneuve, Blepharipoda schineri Mesnil, Carcelia puberula Mesnil, Compsoptesis phoenix Villeneuve, Ectophasia antennata Vi llene u ve, Gymnosoma brevicorne Villeneuve, Kosempomyia tibialis Villeneuve, Phasia pusilla Meigen, Tachina fallax pseudofallax Villeneuve, Tachina chaoi Mesnil, Wagneria umbrinervis Villeneuve, and Zambesa claripalpis Villeneuve.
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Pine needle scale, Chionaspis pinifoliae (Fitch), is a pest of many species of conifers in urban habitats and Christmas tree farms. We found that the scale was abundant in impoverished habitats, such as ornamental landscapes, and scarce in more natural, park-like habitats. Rates of parasitism were highest in impoverished habitats, suggesting that parasitoids were not effective in suppressing scale populations. Generalist predators, however, were more diverse and abundant in natural habitats and appear to be more effective in controlling scales in structurally complex plant communities. Total densities of arthropods and densities of plant-feeding species were greatest in impoverished habitats, suggesting that populations were poorly regulated. Outbreaks of pine needle scale in ornamental landscapes and Christmas tree farms may be discouraged by increasing plant structural and species diversity to favor natural enemies.
The Tachinidae of mainland China and Taiwan (generally referred to as China herein for brevity) are catalogued. A total of 1109 valid species are recorded of which 403 species (36%) are recorded as endemic. Distributions within China are given according to the 33 administrative divisions of the country, and distributions outside China are given according to a scheme of geographical divisions developed for this catalogue and most finely divided for the Palaearctic and Oriental Regions. The catalogue is based on examination of the primary literature comprising about 670 references and also includes a small number of records based on unpublished data from specimens examined in collections. Taxa are arranged hierarchically under the categories of subfamily, tribe, genus, subgenus (where recognized), and species. Nomenclatural details are provided for nominal genera and species. This includes synonyms at both levels for taxa described or recorded from China. For valid species, distributions are provided along with complete name-bearing type data for associated names. Additional information is given in the form of notes, numbering more than 300 in the catalogue section and about 50 in the references section. Six genera are newly recorded from China: Calliethilla Shima (Ethillini), Chetoptilia Rondani (Dufouriini), Demoticoides Mesnil (Leskiini), Pseudalsomyia Mesnil (Goniini), Redtenbacheria Schiner (Eutherini), and Rutilia Robineau-Desvoidy (Rutiliini). Fourteen species are newly recorded from China: Actia solida Tachi & Shima, Atylostoma towadensis (Matsumura), Chetoptilia burmanica (Baranov), Demoticoides pallidus Mesnil, Dexiosoma lineatum Mesnil, Feriola longicornis Mesnil, Frontina femorata Shima, Phebellia laxifrons Shima, Prodegeeria gracilis Shima, Prooppia stulta (Zetterstedt), Redtenbacheria insignis Egger, Sumpigaster subcompressa (Walker), Takanomyia frontalis Shima, and Takanomyia rava Shima. Two genera and 23 species are recorded as misidentified from China. New names are proposed for three preoccupied names: Pseudodexilla O’Hara, Shima & Zhang, nomen novum for Pseudodexia Chao, 2002; Admontia longicornalis O’Hara, Shima & Zhang, nomen novum for Admontia longicornis Yang & Chao, 1990; and Erythrocera neolongicornis O’Hara, Shima & Zhang, nomen novum for Pexopsis longicornis Sun & Chao, 1993. New type species fixations are made under the provisions of Article 70.3.2 of ICZN (1999) for 13 generic names: Chetoliga Rondani, Discochaeta Brauer & Bergenstamm, Erycina Mesnil, Eurigaster Macquart, Microvibrissina Villeneuve, Oodigaster Macquart, Plagiopsis Brauer & Bergenstamm, Prooppia Townsend, Ptilopsina Villeneuve, Ptilotachina Brauer & Bergenstamm, Rhinotachina Brauer & Bergenstamm, Schaumia Robineau-Desvoidy, and Setigena Brauer & Bergenstamm. Subgenus Tachina (Servillia Robineau-Desvoidy) is reduced to a synonym of subgenus Tachina (Tachina Meigen). The valid names of two species are reduced to nomina nuda and replaced by other available names with new status as valid names: Siphona (Aphantorhaphopsis) perispoliata (Mesnil) replaces S. (A.) mallochiana (Gardner), and Zenillia terrosa Mesnil replaces Z. grisellina (Gardner). The following 12 new combinations are proposed: Carcelina shangfangshanica (Chao & Liang), Drino (Drino) interfrons (Sun & Chao), Drino (Zygobothria) hirtmacula (Liang & Chao), Erythrocera longicornis (Sun & Chao) (a preoccupied name and replaced with Erythrocera neolongicornis O’Hara, Shima & Zhang, nomen novum), Isosturmia aureipollinosa (Chao & Zhou), Isosturmia setamacula (Chao & Liang), Isosturmia setula (Liang & Chao), Paratrixa flava (Shi), Phryno jilinensis (Sun), Phryno tibialis (Sun), Prosopodopsis ruficornis (Chao), and Takanomyia parafacialis (Sun & Chao). The following 19 new synonymies are proposed: Atylomyia chinensis Zhang & Ge with Tachina parallela Meigen (current name Bessa parallela), Atylomyia minutiungula Zhang & Wang with Ptychomyia remota Aldrich (current name Bessa remota), Carcelia (Carcelia) hainanensis Chao & Liang with Carcelia rasoides Baranov, Carcelia frontalis Baranov with Carcelia caudata Baranov, Carcelia hirtspila Chao & Shi with Carcelia (Parexorista) delicatula Mesnil (current name Carcelia (Euryclea) delicatula), Carcelia septima Baranov with Carcelia octava Baranov, Carcelia (Senometopia) dominantalis Chao & Liang with Carcelia quarta Baranov (current name Senometopia quarta), Carcelia (Senometopia) maculata Chao & Liang with Carcelia octava Baranov, Drino hersei Liang & Chao with Sturmia atropivora RobineauDesvoidy (current name Drino (Zygobothria) atropivora), Eucarcelia nudicauda Mesnil with Carcelia octava Baranov, Isopexopsis Sun & Chao with Takanomyia Mesnil, Mikia nigribasicosta Chao & Zhou withBombyliomyia apicalis Matsumura (current name Mikia apicalis), Parasetigena jilinensis Chao & Mao with Phorocera (Parasetigena) agilis takaoi Mesnil (current name Parasetigena takaoi), Phebellia latisurstyla Chao & Chen with Phebellia latipalpis Shima (current name Prooppia latipalpis), Servillia linabdomenalis Chao with Servillia cheni Chao (current name Tachina (Tachina) cheni), Servillia planiforceps Chao with Tachina sobria Walker, Spiniabdomina Shi with Paratrixa Brauer & Bergenstamm, Tachina kunmingensis Chao & Arnaud with Tachina sobria Walker, and Thecocarcelia tianpingensis Sun & Chao with Drino (Isosturmia) chatterjeeana japonica Mesnil (current name Isosturmia japonica). Musca libatrix Panzer is a nomen protectum and Musca libatrix Scopoli and Musca libatrix Geoffroy are nomina oblita. Similarly, Redtenbacheria insignis Egger is a nomen protectum and Redtenbacheria spectabilis Schiner is a nomen oblitum. Lectotypes are designated for the following 12 nominal species based on name-bearing type material in CNC: Akosempomyia caudata Villeneuve, Blepharipoda schineri Mesnil, Carcelia puberula Mesnil, Compsoptesis phoenix Villeneuve, Ectophasia antennata Villeneuve, Gymnosoma brevicorne Villeneuve, Kosempomyia tibialis Villeneuve, Phasia pusilla Meigen, Tachina fallax pseudofallax Villeneuve, Tachina chaoi Mesnil, Wagneria umbrinervis Villeneuve, and Zambesa claripalpis Villeneuve.China is an expansive country of 9.6 million square kilometers in eastern Asia. It is a land of physical and ecological extremes: southern subtropical and tropical forests, richly diverse southwestern mountains, towering Himalayas, harsh and inhospitable Tibetan Plateau, western Tien Shan range, dry Taklimakan and Goli Deserts, northeastern temperate broadleaf and coniferous forests, and eastern fertile plains and lesser mountains. Along its southern and western borders are portions of four of the world’s 34 “biodiversity hotspots”, places recognized by Conservation International for their high endemicity and threatened habitat. These are the Indo-Burma hotspot, Mountains of Southwest China hotspot (particularly Hengduan Shan), Himalaya hotspot, and Mountains of Central Asia hotspot (represented in China by Tien Shan) (http:// These biodiversity hotspots, and other biodiverse places in China, have given rise to an endemic fauna and flora of significant size. In the plant world, for example, the Hengduan Shan is known as the hotbed of Rhododendron evolution with about 230 species. Among the vertebrates are such Chinese endemics as the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), golden monkeys (Rhinopithecus spp.), baiji (Lipotes vexillifer), and brown eared pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum). Less conspicuous, but many times more numerous in species, are the endemic invertebrates that have evolved within present-day China. Biogeographically, China is unique among the countries of the world in lying at the crossroads of the Palaearctic and Oriental Regions. Hence, for most groups of organisms, the species of China consist of a combination of Palaearctic, Oriental, and endemic elements. This is true also of the Tachinidae of China. The Tachinidae are one of the largest families of Diptera with almost 10,000 described species and many thousands of undescribed species (Stireman et al. 2006). The family is correspondingly diverse in China, but because the Chinese tachinid fauna is still in a period of discovery and study, it must be significantly larger than the numbers given here might suggest. We record 1109 species and 257 genera of Tachinidae from mainland China and Taiwan, the former number representing about 11% of the world’s described tachinid species. From mainland China we record 1040 species, which compares to 754 and 832 species recorded from the same area by Chao et al. (1998) and Hua (2006), respectively. Our higher number is partly a reflection of species described from China since those works, or described from elsewhere and recently recognized from China, but a significant number of species were presumably overlooked by Chao et al. (1998) and Hua (2006) in the voluminous literature that exists on Chinese insects. The Chinese tachinid fauna has very few endemic genera and none of significant size, but has 403 species recorded as endemic to China plus Taiwan. This represents 36% of the total tachinid fauna. We record 343 species as endemic to mainland China and 32 species as endemic to Taiwan. The total number of species recorded from Taiwan is 231; some of these species are shared with the Oriental Region but not with mainland China.
Introduction The incorporation of plant diversity within agricultural systems has led to decreased insect pest densities in approximately 50% of studies in which monocultures and polycultures were directly compared (Risch et al. 1983; Andow 1991; Coll 1998; Gurr et al. 2000). One of the leading hypotheses explaining the observation of decreased pest densities under polycultures is that increased plant diversity can enhance the action of natural enemies of pests (the “enemies hypothesis” of Root 1973). Increased plant diversity can provide natural enemies with resources such as a favorable microclimate, alternative hosts or prey, or plant-based foods such as pollen, nectar, or honeydew (Landis et al. 2000). In this chapter, we focus on one of the more intuitively clear predictions encompassed within Root's enemies hypothesis – the idea that the presence of nectar-producing plants can improve biological control of pests by supplying parasitoids with sugar. Note that this idea includes two components: an outcome (improved biological control) and an underlying mechanism (nectar-feeding), both of which need to be demonstrated. We refer to the combined outcome and mechanism as the “parasitoid nectar provision hypothesis”. The hypothesis that plant diversification can decrease pest pressure by providing sugar to parasitoids that would otherwise be sugar-limited has its origins in anecdotal or semi-quantitative observations of increased parasitism rates and biological control in the vicinity of flowering plants. © Cambridge University Press 2005 and Cambridge University Press, 2009.
The host-finding search patterns of Coeloides brunneri Viereck, a braconid parasite of Douglas-fir beetle larvae, were studied by visual observations and from tracings of the parasite’s path on a plastic cylinder wrapped around a beetle-infested log on which the parasite was searching. The female parasite locates its host, lying under approximately.6 cm of bark, through four distinct phases of host finding: random search, nonrandom search, oviposition, and nonsearch (resting and cleaning). Random search is characterized by large areas of bark being examined in a relatively straight path. Nonrandom search is a highly intensified examination of a small bark area and numerous turns of greater than 70°. Nonrandom search is initiated only at the end of a bark beetle gallery. Ovipositional probes are the culmination of successful host finding, in which the parasite paralyzes the host and deposits an egg. C. brunneri searched effectively on both Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopkins in Douglas-fir and D. ponderosae Hopkins in ponderosa pine, although there was a slightly more efficient search on D. pseudotsugae. The percentage of time spent in each search pattern was identical in 90-minute and 24-hour tests. A stimulus associated with the end of a larval gallery was concluded to be the key stimulus by which the parasite recognizes its host. Amputation experiments showed that the antennae are the principal receptor organs used in host finding. Various experiments and observations produced no evidence that sound or vibrations produced by the host, sound produced by the parasite (sonar), magnetism or odor of the host, or its host tree are used in host finding.
In the laboratory, the parasitic tachinids Drino bohemica Mesn. and Bessa harveyi (Tns.) made two to four times as many attacks on tenthredinid sawfly larvae exposed on unhealthy as on those on healthy food trees. Olfactory stimuli from the unhealthy trees were preferred by the parasites to those from healthy trees. The possibility of greater masking of stimuli from hosts on healthy foliage than from those on unhealthy foliage was apparently of little importance. In the field a moderate to severe attack by sawfly larvae on a tree will cause the tree to become unhealthy and this increases its attractiveness to the parasites. Thus, the host larvae indirectly assist the parasites to find them. Stimuli that are directly influenced by the health of the food plant of the host may interact with those from other environmental factors in determining the apparent degree of preference by tachinid parasites for different hosts.