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Spiraling solitons: A continuum model for dynamical phyllotaxis of physical systems



A protean topological soliton has recently been shown to emerge in systems of repulsive particles in cylindrical geometries, whose statics is described by the number-theoretical objects of phyllotaxis. Here, we present a minimal and local continuum model that can explain many of the features of the phyllotactic soliton, such as locked speed, screw shift, energy transport, and--for Wigner crystal on a nanotube--charge transport. The treatment is general and should apply to other spiraling systems. Unlike, e.g., sine-Gordon-like systems, our soliton can exist between nondegenerate structures and its dynamics extends to the domains it separates; we also predict pulses, both static and dynamic. Applications include charge transport in Wigner Crystals on nanotubes or A - to B -DNA transitions.
Spiraling solitons: A continuum model for dynamical phyllotaxis of physical systems
Cristiano Nisoli
Theoretical Division and Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA
Received 30 April 2009; published 11 August 2009
A protean topological soliton has recently been shown to emerge in systems of repulsive particles in
cylindrical geometries, whose statics is described by the number-theoretical objects of phyllotaxis. Here, we
present a minimal and local continuum model that can explain many of the features of the phyllotactic soliton,
such as locked speed, screw shift, energy transport, and—for Wigner crystal on a nanotube—charge transport.
The treatment is general and should apply to other spiraling systems. Unlike, e.g., sine-Gordon-like systems,
our soliton can exist between nondegenerate structures and its dynamics extends to the domains it separates;
we also predict pulses, both static and dynamic. Applications include charge transport in Wigner Crystals on
nanotubes or A-toB-DNA transitions.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.026110 PACS numbers: 89.90.n, 05.45.Yv, 68.65.k, 87.10.e
The topological soliton, the moving domain wall between
degenerate structures, ubiquitously populates systems of dis-
crete symmetry, most notably the Ising model, and appears at
different scales and in many realms of physics 1:inme-
chanical or electrical apparatus 13, superconducting Jo-
sephson junctions 4, nonperturbative theory of quantum
tunneling 5, and particle physics e.g., Yang-Mills mono-
poles and instantons 6, sigma model lumps, and skyrmions
Recently Nisoli et al. 8discovered a novel kind of to-
pological soliton in systems of repulsive particles whose de-
generate statics is dictated by the intricate and fascinating
number-theoretical laws of phyllotaxis. As the phenomena
they describe are purely geometrical in origin, one would
expect this kind of “phyllotactic” soliton to play a role in
many different physical systems at different scales, wherever
repulsive particles in cylindrical geometries are present 8.
Physically, the problem appears to be highly nonlocal, as
energy and momentum are not confined inside the soliton but
flows through it between the rotating domains it separates
see below. Yet, in this paper we show that a minimal, local,
and continuum model for the phyllotactic soliton that sub-
sumes the effect of the kinetic energy of the domains into a
modification of the potential energy in the familiar equiva-
lent Newtonian problem 5can correctly predict its speed,
the transfer of energy between boundaries, the observed shift
in screw angle, and the charge-density variations, and it can
classify its rather complicated zoology.
In the early 1990s, while studying vortices in layered su-
perconductors, Levitov 9showed that a system of repulsive
particles on a long cylinder presents a rich degenerate set of
ground states; these can be labeled by number-theoretical
objects, the Farey classes, which arise in phyllotaxis, the
study of dispositions of leaves on a stem, and other self-
organized structures in botany 10. While it is still debated
whether Levitov’s model is the best suited to explain botani-
cal phyllotaxis, it certainly imported the same mathematical
structures into the description of a variety of physical sys-
tems. Already, phyllotactic patterns had been seen or pre-
dicted outside the domain of botany 11, in polypeptide
chains 12, cells of Bénard convection 13, or vortex lat-
tices in superconductors 9.
Dynamical cactus
Recently Nisoli et al. 8showed numerically and experi-
mentally that physical systems whose statics is dictated by
phyllotaxis can access dynamics in ways unknown in botany.
They investigated the statics and the dynamics of a proto-
typical phyllotactic system, the dynamical cactus of Fig. 1,
and found that, while its statics faithfully reproduce phyllo-
taxis, its dynamics reveal new physics beyond pattern forma-
tion. In particular, the set of linear excitations contains clas-
sical rotons and maxons; in the nonlinear regime, both
dynamical simulations and experiments revealed a novel
highly structured family of topological solitons that can
change identity upon collision and posses a very rich dynam-
ics 8. Unlike other topological solitons, the phyllotactic one
separates domains of different dynamics; these domains can
store kinetic energy while rotating around the axis of the
dynamical cactus; energy and momentum flow across the
soliton. Moreover, as those domains are different, the kinks
among them have different shapes, characteristic speeds, and
behaviors under collision. In some simple cases the dynam-
ics of the soliton can be modeled heuristically via conserva-
tion laws, and certain observables—such as its speed—can
be computed in this way. A more general and complete ap-
proach would obviously be desirable.
The dynamical cactus, a simple phyllotactic system de-
picted in Fig. 1, consists of repulsive massive objects holo-
nomically constrained on rings rotating around a fixed axis:
let a=L/Nbe the distance between consecutive rings for a
cylinder of length Land radius Rcontaining Nobjects,
the angular coordinate of the ith particle, and
i−1 be
the angular shift between consecutive rings. The total poten-
tial energy for unit length is then
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 80, 026110 2009
1539-3755/2009/802/0261108©2009 The American Physical Society026110-1
where Uis any long-ranged repulsive interaction that makes
the sum extensive and well behaved, such as a dipole-dipole
or a screened Coulomb.
It has been shown that stable structures correspond to spi-
raling lattices 8, where each ring is shifted from the previ-
ous by the same screw angle
i=. The energy of spiraling
structures as a function of is reported in Fig. 1for different
values of a/R:asa/Rdecreases, more and more commen-
surate spirals become energetically costly, independent of the
repulsive interaction used; for every j, there is a value of a/R
low enough such that any commensurate spiral of screw
angle 2
i/jwith i,jrelatively prime, becomes a local maxi-
mum, as particles facing after jrings become nearest neigh-
bors in the real space. The minima also become more nearly
degenerate as the density increases since, for angles incom-
mensurate to
, each particle is embedded in a nearly uni-
form incommensurately smeared background formed by the
other particles 8.
One-dimensional degenerate systems are entropically un-
stable against domain wall formation 14. Kinks between
stable spirals were found numerically and experimentally
8. Numerically, it was proved that these kinks can propa-
gate along the axis of the cylinder. Experimentally, the dy-
namical cactus was observed expelling a higher-energy do-
main by propagating its kink.
As discussed in Ref. 8such axial motion of a kink be-
tween two domains of different helical angles confronts a
dilemma: helical phase is unwound from one domain at a
different rate than it is wound up by the other. Numerical
simulations show that the moving domain wall solves this
problem by placing adjacent domains into relative rotation
see supplementary materials in Ref. 8for an animation.
Detailed dynamical simulations reveal a complex zoology
of solitons, along with an extraordinarily rich phenomenol-
ogy: kinks of different species merge, decay, change identity
upon collision, and decompose at high temperature into a sea
of constituent lattice particles.
A. Lagrangian
To describe domain walls between degenerate structures
of the dynamical cactus, we propose a minimal continuum
model. First, in the continuum limit, we promote the site
index ito a continuum variable: iaz,
z, the screw
angle is now
later we will just assume a
=1. A spiral corresponds to
z=const. A kink cor-
responds, in the
,zdiagram, to a transition between two
constant values.
We seek a model that is local and returns the right energy
when the system is in a stable configuration. To express the
cost in bridging two stable domains, we introduce a general-
ized rigidity
. We thus propose the linear density ofLa-
grangian as
The first term is the kinetic energy IIa−1, with being the
moment of inertia of a ring. The second accounts locally for
the potential energy, so that the Hamiltonian from Eq. 2
returns the right energy for a static or uniformly rotating
stable spiral like those observed experimentally. The last
term, the lowest-order correction allowed both in the field
and in its derivatives, conveys the rigidity toward spatial
variations of the screw angle and ensures that a kink always
corresponds to a positive-energy excitation.
The Euler-Lagrangian equation of motion follows directly
from Eq. 2as
and corresponds to the conservation of the density angular
momentum I
, where the density of current of angular mo-
mentum is V
Vis the derivative of Vwith re-
spect to its argument and represents the local torque.
In the following we will prove that, whatever is the pre-
cise form of the actual potential V, and the geometric param-
eters of the problem, there exist solitonic solutions of Eq. 3
between local minima of V. We will show how to derive
many qualitative and quantitative results by reducing the
FIG. 1. Top: the dynamical cactus, repulsive particles here di-
poles, on the surface of a cylinder. ais the distance between con-
secutive rings and is their angular shift. The dashed line is the
so-called “generative spiral” 10. Bottom: for a dipole-dipole inter-
action, energy Vversus screw angle semilogarithmic plotfor
halving values of the parameter a/Rstarting from 0.5 lowest line,
in arbitrary units
problem to an equivalent one-dimensional Newtonian equa-
tion, as customary for these kinds of problems 5, yet with a
significant twist.
B. Equivalent Newtonian picture
We seek a uniformly translating solution of Eq. 3
where the constant waccounts for angular rotation invari-
ance, reflects the underlying transverse structure in our sys-
tem which is lacking in Klein-Gordon-like systemsand is
the source of much of the unique physics. By defining s=z
/ds2, which leads to the equivalent
Newtonian equation 5
whose equivalent potential is given by
is a constant that is sometimes useful to redefine as
/Iv2in terms of
, which has the dimension of a torque.
We will find that in studying static solitons it is easier to use
, while for dynamical ones
is preferable.
In the equivalent Newtonian picture a soliton corresponds
to a trajectory
sof a point particle that starts with zero
kinetic energy on the top of a maximum of
and, in an
infinite amount of “time” s, reaches the neighboring maxi-
mum of equal height as detailed in Fig. 2. A similar treatment
applies to Klein-Gordon-like solitons and tunneling prob-
lems 5,14. Yet the presence of an extra quadratic term
translates in completely different physics and accounts for
the dynamics of the domains.
C. Shift from stability
Because of the quadratic term 1
2in the expres-
sion of , and unlike the Klein-Gordon-like soliton, our soli-
ton in general does not connect
2, which are local
minima of V; rather it goes from
bridging spirals whose screw angle is slightly shifted away
from stability, with the shift increasing with the speed of the
kink Fig. 2.
We find then a most interesting result: a moving soliton
cannot connect two stable structures. At most, it can bridge a
stable spiral
1with one shifted away from equilibrium
2, if we choose
1, but only if V
These shifts away from stability were observed in dy-
namical simulations integrating the full equation of motion
for the discrete system of particles interacting via Eq. 1兲兴 in
the form of precursor waves propagating at the speed of
sound in front of the soliton as in Fig. 3. They correspond to
the physically intuitive fact that, in order to move, the kink
needs a torque to propel it.
Clearly, static solitons v=0can bridge stable spirals if
these are degenerate, i.e., V
2. On the other hand,
if two domains are degenerate, and are connected by a mov-
ing soliton, they both need to be shifted.
D. Boundary conditions
The conditions of existence of a soliton between the
asymptotic domains
Now, from Eq. 4, we obtain the expression of the angular
velocity for a soliton of speed v,
which implies that, in general, as the soliton travels along the
axis, one or both of its two domains must be set into rotation
and at different angular velocities. As mentioned, this rota-
tion of the domains is indeed observed in dynamical simula-
tions 8as the mechanism with which the soliton unwinds
and rewinds spirals of different gaining angles.
Kink: ss
FIG. 2. Color onlineThe equivalent Newtonian picture, stan-
dard for Klein-Gordon-like solitons or for tunneling problems 5:a
soliton is a solution of Eq. 5that corresponds to a trajectory
red solid line light gray兲兴 of a point particle that starts and ends in
two equally valued maxima horizontal dotted red lines light gray兲兴
of the equivalent potential energy
solid line. As the kinetic energy must be zero on those maxima, it
takes the Newtonian trajectory an infinite amount of time si.e.,
“time” in the Newtonian picture, space in the soliton pictureto
reach the “top of the hill” with asymptotic speed equal to zero 5.
Unlike the Klein-Gordon-like case, the presence of the quadratic
term 1
2dashed line, which accounts for the kinetic en-
ergy of the domains, slightly shifts the asymptotic value of the
kinks red dotted linesaway from stable static structures
black dotted lines, the minima of the real potential energy V
dashed line. Instead, the soliton connects spirals of angle
2, which in general are not stable structures of
V. The extra quadratic term also allows solitons among nondegen-
erate configurations and brings the speed of the soliton vinto the
picture. Everything is in arbitrary units. The soliton is obtained by
numerical integration of the Eq. 5using the energy profile por-
trayed in the figure.
Unlike Klein-Gordon-like one-dimensional topological
solitons, which separate essentially equivalent static domains
and can travel at any subsonic speed 14, we see that phyl-
lotactic domain walls instead separate regions of different
dynamics: energy and angular momentum flow through the
topological soliton as it moves, rather than being concen-
trated in it; as mentioned above, this was used to show heu-
ristically that its speed vis tightly controlled by energy-
momentum conservation, phase matching at the interface,
and boundary conditions 8. We will show how a more pre-
cise version of those heuristic formulas can be deduced
within the framework of our continuum model and in a more
general fashion.
The angular speed of rotation of the domains depends on
the parameter w, which along with
is a constant to be
determined. On the other hand, we can show that energy
conservation constrains wto
. In fact, when the two do-
mains are shifted from equilibrium, and thus subjected to a
torque, energy flows through the boundaries of the system as
the domains rotate. By imposing no energy accumulation in
the kink, we fix win Eq. 4in the following way: the power
entering the system at the asymptotic boundaries can easily
be deduced via the Noether theorem to be
j⫾⬁ = lim
which is, not surprisingly, the torque times the angular speed.
By requiring j+=jan equation for w,
is found as
which will come in hand in many practical cases.
A. Static kinks
Let us explore static kinks first. Equations 7reduce to
The first of the two Eqs. 11tell us that
is a torque applied
at the asymptotic boundaries of the system, while the second
shows that no torque is necessary if the topological soliton
connects degenerate structures, as we anticipated. Unlike to-
pological solitons of the Klein-Gordon class, here static
kinks are allowed between nondegenerate domains through
an applied torque that shifts the two structures out of the
minima of V.
B. Solitons moving between nondegenerate domains
Unlike the Klein-Gordon-like Lagrangian, our Lagrangian
is not invariant under Poincaré group. Our traveling soliton
is not just a boost of the static one, as it is clear from Fig. 2.
In particular the shifts of the domains from stability increase
with the speed v. By expanding V
around its local
minima and using Eq. 6, one finds easily that small shifts
are proportional to the square of the speed of the soliton, or
Let us consider a particular case of practical importance.
Kinks between nondegenerate structures can sometimes be
found in the experimental settings, because of static friction,
after having annealed mechanically the cactus with free
boundaries. If a small perturbation is given, enough to over-
come that friction, the dynamical cactus will expel the
1 50 100 150 200
0 50 100 150 200
2.9 Θ
FIG. 3. Color onlineDynamical simulation for the collision or
conversion of two solitons, emitted from free boundaries of a dy-
namical cactus. Top panel: screw angle vs space in number of
ringsand time in seconds; note the elastic wave preceding the
soliton. Second panel: energy per particle mJvs screw angle rad
for our system
1=1.79 rad,
2=1.43 rad,
3=2.40 rad; the two
kinks—before collision—connect a high inner:
1to a low outer:
2energy domain; after collision a low inner:
3to a high outer:
2. Third panel: angular speed s−1vs space at a given time: the
speed of the soliton can be extracted as v=
=22.1 s−1 pre-
dicted: 23.4 s−1. Fourth panel: the precursor; plot of the screw
angle vs space at different times while the soliton and its preceding
wave advance. The amplitude
1of the precursor is predicted via
Eq. 13as
1=−0.043 rad, in excellent agreement with
numerical observations. The simulation uses the experimental den-
sity and the magnetic interaction as in Ref. 8.See supplementary
materials in Ref. 8for an animation.
higher-energy domains by propagating the kink along the
axis 8. Figure 3reports a dynamical simulation of this case
obtained by integrating the full equation of motion for the
discrete system of particles whose interaction is given in Eq.
Let us show how our continuum model can reproduce a
soliton between nondegenerate minima and provide quanti-
tative predictions. Free boundaries imply j⫾⬁ = 0: since v
0, Vcannot be zero on both boundaries, as we saw before,
nor can the angular speed of rotation of the domains be. The
only possible free boundaries solution is that one has V=0
on one side and
=0 on the other. Hence the soliton must
connect, say,
1, with V
which fixes
2. Equations 7then fix the speed of
the soliton as
with V
1in this particular
2. Equation 12corrects an earlier formula
found heuristically via energy conservation, which neglected
the shifts 8. From the angular velocities of rotation of the
domains in the dynamical simulation Fig. 3, third panel,a
speed of 22.1 s−1 can be extracted and compared with the
value 23.4 s−1 predicted by Eq. 12: the small discrepancy
is likely due to energy dissipation into phonons—a known
effect for solitons in discrete systems.
From Eq. 10,wefindw=v
2which together with Eq.
8implies that the region of lower energy rotates uniformly,
while that of higher energy, which is shifted, remains still:
since there is no energy flow through the boundaries, the
kink transforms the potential-energy difference between the
two domains into the kinetic energy of rotation—and vice
versa, depending on its direction of propagation. Only
propagation toward lower potential energies was observed
experimentally 8.
By expanding Varound
12, where c1is
the speed of sound in the spiral of angle
1, we obtain an
approximate expression for the shift of the screw angle in the
region of higher energy
that clearly holds for vc1. As the system is prepared in a
stable nonshifted configuration of angle
1, a precursor in
front of the soliton propagates to accommodate the shift
as it was seen yet not understood in the dynamical simulation
reported in Fig. 38. Equation 13applied to the experi-
mentally measured V
employed in the simulation predicts
a shift
1=−0.043 rad, which fits the results of the simula-
tion well Fig. 3, last panel.
We will not deal here with collisions between solitons.
Yet, even without the knowledge of the precise form of V,a
few considerations can be made on asymptotic states of the
collision depicted in Fig. 3: the domains beyond the ap-
proaching pair of kink-antikink rotate with opposite angular
, with vgiven by Eq. 12. After the colli-
sion vchanges sign, and so must
. The infinitely long
domains cannot invert angular velocity instantaneously: the
emerging asymptotic configuration must be that of a pair of
different kink-antikinks, connecting the old asymptotic do-
main with a different nearest neighbor, hence the collision
metamorphosis already discussed in Ref. 8.
C. Solitons moving between degenerate domains
To investigate the degenerate case, typical of dynamical
phyllotaxis of high R/aratios Fig. 1, we consider for sim-
plicity the potential Vof Fig. 4; degeneracy requires now that
2/2, and if the potential is symmetric as in the
figure, both boundaries are equally shifted in opposite direc-
tions and subjected to a torque of opposite sign and equal
intensity from Eqs. 7兲兴
Exactly, as in the case of the boosted Klein-Gordon-like
one, our symmetric soliton becomes shorter as vincreases
Fig. 2, although via a completely different mechanism. In
the Klein-Gordon-like soliton, shortening is a consequence
of relativistic contraction of the Poincaré group. Instead, in
our case, vraises the difference between the maxima of
and the minima among them. That means higher ‘kinetic
energy’ in the “valley” of for the equivalent trajectory,
thus higher values of d
/ds, and hence a shorter soliton.
Equations 810tell us that the two domains rotate in
opposite direction with angular velocity of the same intensity
In practice, the system acts like a mechanical inverter of
rotation that transmits a power
2/2 along the tube.
For any given velocity, many solitons between degenerate
2Large Kink
Small Kink
FIG. 4. Color onlineEquivalent Newtonian diagram see cap-
tion of Fig. 2for explanationfor symmetric solitons between de-
generate spirals. As the quadratic term raises all the maxima of
, solitons with the same speed but connecting different do-
mains are possible under different applied torques. The smallest
kink solid red line light gray兲兴 and a larger kink solid blue line
dark gray兲兴 are shown.
structures are allowed, corresponding to different applied
torques, as in Fig. 4.
D. Pulses: Propagating and frozen in
The equation of motion also predicts pulses, both dy-
namic and static frozen in. The top panel of Fig. 5shows
the pulse soliton in the equivalent Newtonian picture as a
trajectory falling from a local maximum of , say
1, and
coming back to it without reaching the neighboring
cause of a higher potential barrier.
Clearly, pulses possess less inertia than kinks since only
the region occupied by the pulse rotates during propagation.
Theory suggests that these pulses should be able to propagate
with free boundaries and that no applied torque is
necessary—although solutions corresponding to different
boundary conditions, and hence applied torque, can be found
as well by choosing
Let us consider pulses in stable structures and thus
1. When vc,the speed of sound in the spiral of angle
1becomes a minimum for and we obtain a
solution that oscillates around
1:the speed of sound is the
upper limit for the velocity of the pulse soliton.Asvde-
creases three things can happen.
If V
2, then pulses exist for vkvc, with vk
given in Eq. 12.Asvapproaches from above the critical
value vk, the pulse asymptotically stretches to a pair of kink
and antikink between domains
2, placed at infinite
distance from each other, traveling at the same speed in the
same direction. If V
2, the situation is the same as
above, yet the critical value for asymptotic stretch into kink
and antikink is v=0. If V
2, we have a pulse soli-
ton for every value of vc.Asvgoes to zero, the pulse
freezes into a static one. Hence, in the absence of torque at
the boundaries, our theory predicts that static pulses can ex-
ist in every structure, except in the lowest-energy one.
These frozen-in kinks that were indeed observed experi-
mentally but not understoodin higher-energy spirals per-
haps arise from a kink-antikink symmetric collision 15at
the interplay with friction. Figure 5, bottom, shows in solid
blue dark grayline the data from the experimental appara-
tus, along with our frozen-in soliton calculated within our
continuum model, and the dotted red light grayline shows
the data for the energy =Vsolid black lineempirically
measured in the experimental apparatus.
We have since now considered only an axially constrained
case where the repulsive particles were allowed to rotate
around an angular coordinate, but not to translate along the
axis. Nonlocal optimization via a structural genetic algorithm
has shown that the more general case of axially uncon-
strained particles on a cylindrical surface reproduces the
same fundamental statics of the axially constrained one, i.e.,
the same spiraling lattices 15. Numerical simulations have
also shown kinks propagating among the spirals 15. The
most significant difference with the axially constrained case
is a drop in density in the region of the kink to locally relieve
the mismatch. If these particles were charged, the drop in
density would endow the soliton with a net charge: the phyl-
lotactic soliton could function as a charge carrier. In fact,
Wigner crystals of electrons on large semiconducting tubes
are candidate environments for the phyllotactic soliton at
nanoscale as discussed in Ref. 8. A crystal pinned by the
corrugation potential and/or impurities will not slide along
the tube under a weak enough external field.
A simple extension of the continuum model can easily
incorporate variations in the linear density and allow inves-
tigation of the possibility of charge transport by the phyllo-
tactic soliton. We rescale the interaction as
where is the linear density in the presence of axial dis-
placement, whereas o=N/L. Let
=dz/abe the relative
axial displacement; then, if
1 we have /o=1/
. The new Lagrangian reads
Theor. Exp.
Pulse ss
FIG. 5. Color onlineEquivalent Newtonian diagram see cap-
tion of Fig. 2for explanationfor pulses. Top: a traveling pulse
among degenerate structures is possible because the nonzero speed
vraises the maximum of . Bottom: theoretical red dashed light
gray兲兴 and experimental blue solid dark gray兲兴 frozen-in pulse on
the measured energy curve of the dynamical cactus 8.
To gain insight regarding the shape of the soliton, we restrict
ourselves to the simpler static case with no applied torque.
By variation in the Lagrangian in Eq. 17, one obtains
dz2=− V
which, along with the normalization condition for , returns
the density of a static soliton kink or pulseas a function of
Here Vois the asymptotic value of Vat the boundaries. The
static kink
zcan be found as the solution of the equivalent
Newtonian equation 5with potential
Now, V1/3and Vhave the same set of local minima, and the
same ordering among their values: the extension to axial
displacements does not alter any of the conditions for the
existence of kink and pulse solitons, at least for the static
Equation 19implies, as expected, a drop in density simi-
lar to a dark soliton in the region of the kink, and thus, for a
crystal of charges, a net charge. In particular, the higher the
potential barrier between the two domains, the lower the
density at the center of the kink. Also, from Eq. 20we can
see that allowing an extra degree of freedom makes the kink
longer. In practice the kink can take advantage of density
reduction to relax the potential barrier between the two do-
mains and can thus be longer. All of this is detailed in Fig. 6,
where the solitons for both the axially constrained and un-
constrained cases along its variation in densityare reported
for the same interaction among particles. Analogous consid-
erations apply to static pulses. The case of the axially uncon-
strained traveling soliton is more complicated and will not be
treated here.
We have introduced a minimal, local, and continuum
model for the phyllotactic soliton and showed that its predic-
tions are in excellent agreement with numerical data, that it
provides a tool to calculate otherwise elusive quantities, such
as charge transport, energy-momentum flow, speed of the
soliton, and angular velocities, and that it could be used in
the future to develop its thermodynamics.
Our continuum model should be applicable to many dif-
ferent physical systems. As discussed in Ref. 8, dynamical
phyllotaxis is purely geometrical in origin, and thus the rich
phenomenology of the phyllotactic soliton could appear
across nearly every field of physics. Indeed phyllotactic do-
main walls have already been seen, but not recognized, in
simulations 16of cooled ion beams 17where the system
self-organizes into concentric cylindrical shells. Colloidal
particles on a cylindrical substrate provide a highly damped
version 18, and polystyrene particles in air as used to in-
vestigate 19the Kosterlitz, Thouless, Halperin, Nelson, and
Young theory of two-dimensional melting 20兴兲 have reason-
ably low damping and long-range interaction.
Yet it should be noticed that our model has a range of
application much wider than pure dynamical phyllotaxis.
Domain walls in any spiraling system whose energy depends
on the screw angle of the spirals, which manifest different
stable spiraling structures and where a generalized rigidity
can be reasonably introduced to describe transitions between
different spirals, should be described by such formalism.
Kinks in spiraling proteins and in particular transitions be-
tween A- and B-DNA might be approachable this way.
The author would like to thank Vincent Crespi and Paul
Lammert Penn State University, University Parkfor useful
discussions and Ryan Kalas and Nicole Jeffery Los Alamos
National Laboratoryfor helping with the manuscript. This
work was carried out under the auspices of the National
Nuclear Security Administration of the U.S. Department of
Energy at Los Alamos National Laboratory under Contract
No. DE-AC52-06NA25396.
FIG. 6. Color onlineEquivalent Newtonian diagram for both
axially constrained and unconstrained soliton. In blue dashed dark
graycurve, the axially constrained soliton among the stable struc-
2is shown. The two red solid curves light graydepict
the soliton in the axially unconstrained case, which is longer, and its
corresponding drop in density .
1M. Remoissenet, Waves Called Solitons Springer-Verlag, Ber-
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2A. C. Scott, Am. J. Phys. 37,521969.
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... Due to the lattice site indexing defined in equation (1), the index n of the lattice sites changes by a constant integer s when translating along r NNN and by a constant integer q when translating along r NN . In Phyllotaxis (and the physical systems where similar geometrical considerations become important [51][52][53][54]), it is these parastichy numbers s and q that are usually used to demonstrate mathematical sequences that govern the behavior of cylindrical lattices as a function of the parameters h and Δ. However, as we will show, in our setup the NNN interaction becomes negligible for large parameter regions (compare figures 2(a)-(c)). ...
... Therefore, for every rational number (p/q) there exists a pitch h 0 so that for h h 0 a helical GS configuration classified by the fraction (p/q) can be found. The The Farey sequence, as well as geometric considerations similar to the ones above, have previously been employed in the description of physical systems, including layered superconductors [52], repulsively interacting cylindrical lattices [51], and the domain wall dynamics in a magnetic cactus [53,54]. However, there are notable differences between the helical dipole chains and other Phyllotaxis related works, such as the above mentioned examples. ...
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We investigate the classical equilibrium properties and metamorphosis of the ground state of interacting dipoles with fixed locations on a helix. The dipoles are shown to align themselves along separate intertwined dipole chains forming single, double, and higher-order helical chains. The number of dipole chains, and their properties such as chirality and length scale on which the chains wind around each other, can be tuned by the geometrical parameters. We demonstrate that all possible configurations form a self-similar bifurcation diagram which can be linked to the Stern–Brocot tree and the underlying Farey sequence. We describe the mechanism responsible for this behavior and subsequently discuss corresponding implications and possible applications.
... An intermediate thin dielectric film was used as the electrical insulation layer of the capacitors. A pyramidal microstructure was designed as the top electrode layer of the electronic skin, featuring a foliated helical arrangement with multiple helices running clockwise and counterclockwise simultaneously, which was inspired by the head of a sunflower [107] (Figure 5i,j). These microstructures allowed the PU to bend elastically and reversibly in response to external pressure, with increased sensitivity [108]. ...
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Wearable touch sensors, which can convert force or pressure signals into quantitative electronic signals, have emerged as essential smart sensing devices and play an important role in various cutting-edge fields, including wearable health monitoring, soft robots, electronic skin, artificial prosthetics, AR/VR, and the Internet of Things. Flexible touch sensors have made significant advancements, while the construction of novel touch sensors by mimicking the unique properties of biological materials and biogenetic structures always remains a hot research topic and significant technological pathway. This review provides a comprehensive summary of the research status of wearable touch sensors constructed by imitating the material and structural characteristics in nature and summarizes the scientific challenges and development tendencies of this aspect. First, the research status for constructing flexible touch sensors based on biomimetic materials is summarized, including hydrogel materials, self-healing materials, and other bio-inspired or biomimetic materials with extraordinary properties. Then, the design and fabrication of flexible touch sensors based on bionic structures for performance enhancement are fully discussed. These bionic structures include special structures in plants, special structures in insects/animals, and special structures in the human body. Moreover, a summary of the current issues and future prospects for developing wearable sensors based on bio-inspired materials and structures is discussed.
... An intermediate thin dielectric film was used as the electrical insulation layer of the capacitors. A pyramidal microstructure was designed as the top electrode layer of the electronic skin, featuring a foliated helice arrangement with multiple helices running clockwise and counterclockwise simultaneously, which was inspired by the head of a sunflower [92] (Figure 5h,k). These microstructures allowed the PU to bend elastically and reversibly in response to external pressure, with increased sensitivity [93]. ...
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Wearable touch sensors, which can convert force or pressure signals into quantitative electronic signals, have emerged as an essential smart sensing devices and played an important role in various cutting-edge fields, including wearable health monitoring, soft robots, electronic skin, artificial prosthetics, AR/VR, and the Internet of Things. Flexible touch sensors have made significant advancements, while construction of novel touch sensors via mimicking the unique properties of biological materials and biogenetic structures always remains a hot research topic and significant technological pathway. This review provides a comprehensive summary of the research status of wearable touch sensors constructed by imitating the material and structural characteristics in nature, and also summarizes the scientific challenges and development tendency of this aspect. Firstly, the research status for constructing flexible touch sensors based on biomimetic materials is summarized, including hydrogel materials, self-healing materials, and other bioinspired or biomimetic materials with extraordinary properties. Then, design and fabrication of flexible touch sensors based on bionic structures for performance enhancement are fully discussed. These bionic structures include special structures in plants, special structures insects/animal, and special structures in human body. Moreover, a summary of the current issues and future prospects for developing wearable sensors based on bioinspired materials and structures is discussed.
... Spiral grids directly inspired from botany are the so-called phyllotaxis spirals. They can be seen widely in nature; for example, in the capitulum of sunflower (Fig. 5D), multiple spirals run both clockwise and anticlockwise (31)(32)(33). Mathematically, phyllotaxis spirals can be calculated by using the planar model proposed by Vogel (34). This model is based on an analysis of the Fibonacci suite converging at infinity toward the golden number, where every number is the sum of the two preceding ones. ...
Tactile sensing is required for the dexterous manipulation of objects in robotic applications. In particular, the ability to measure and distinguish in real time normal and shear forces is crucial for slip detection and interaction with fragile objects. Here, we report a biomimetic soft electronic skin (e-skin) that is composed of an array of capacitors and capable of measuring and discriminating in real time both normal and tangential forces. It is enabled by a three-dimensional structure that mimics the interlocked dermis-epidermis interface in human skin. Moreover, pyramid microstructures arranged along nature-inspired phyllotaxis spirals resulted in an e-skin with increased sensitivity, minimal hysteresis, excellent cycling stability, and response time in the millisecond range. The e-skin provided sensing feedback for controlling a robot arm in various tasks, illustrating its potential application in robotics with tactile feedback.
... There are various models of DNA, one of them is using solitary wave [10]. Its use as a model of phyllotaxis systems including DNA has been proposed elsewhere [11][12][13][14]. Now, we will only consider Perturbed sine-Gordon equation (PSGE) as a model of interaction between soliton and external E.M. field. ...
Cover Page
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Lots of old CVs float around on old webpages on which I have no control anymore. Here you can find the updated CV.
This book was inspired by a lecture on hermeneutics that one of us (VC) gave around February 2019, in Jakarta. Although initially we plan to publish this compilation of articles with a dense title such as: Being in-and-before Time, after experiencing how a hermeneutics class can be so interesting and fun, we decided to give title to this book: The World Within us! Of course, the topics we discuss here are quite interesting not only for hermeneutics students, but also for those interested in dialogue between science and theology, hence the subtitle: An introduction to hermeneutics of science, psychosynthesis, and socio-economics modelling. Among other things, we will also touch some novel aspects of consciousness, DNA and also dialogue between science and theology, especially between modern physics and the book of Genesis. Hopefully you will find this book interesting.
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I am a fan of The Matrix Trilogy movies. And this book is inspired in part by that movie. But not only that, I am also inspired by a book written by Chris Seay, with title: The Gospel Reloaded. It is full of new thought provoking ideas based on The Matrix. The basic idea of this book is that it is possible to develop a new cosmology model inspired by Cosmic Christology. In other words, Christology is not a separate matter from science. From Christology as starting point, I began to develop various approaches based on wave physics, which I call: “fractal vibrating string.” Through this new cosmology model, I wish to offer a new path for dialogue between science and theology. Moreover, it offers a new and fresh approach to understand the bible in this modern age. I sincerely hope that you will like this new path, as I like it very much.
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The low-energy physics of (quasi)degenerate one-dimensional systems is typically understood as the particle-like dynamics of kinks between stable, ordered structures. Such dynamics, we show, becomes highly non-trivial when the ground states are topologically constrained: a dynamics of the domains rather than on the domains which the kinks separate. Motivated by recently reported observations of charged polymers physisorbed on nanotubes, we study kinks between helical structures of a string wrapping around a cylinder. While their motion cannot be disentangled from domain dynamics, and energy and momentum is not concentrated in the solitons, the dynamics of the domains can be folded back into a one-particle picture.
A simple nonlinear partial differential equation suitable for study by an undergraduate in applied science is discussed. Several physical realizations are outlined and the construction of an analog model is described. The equation is analyzed to determine nonlinear pulse and periodic waveforms, and the stability of these waveforms is investigated using a recently developed “averaged Lagrangian” technique.
Prologue Part I. Pattern Recognition: Introduction 1. The centric representation 2. The fundamental theorem and its applications 3. Hierarchal control in phyllotaxis 4. Allometry-type model in phyllotaxis 5. Practical pattern recognition Epilogue Part II. Pattern Generation: A Key to the Puzzles: Introduction 6. An interpretative model 7. Testing the interpretative model 8. The interpretative model and whorled patterns 9. Convergences among models Epilogue Part III. Origins of Phyllotactic Patterns: Introduction 10. Exotic phyllotaxis 11. Morphogenetical parallelism and autoevolutionism 12. The challenge redefined Epilogue Part IV. Complements: Introduction Appendices Bibliography Indexes.
For a decade now the subject of the nature of the two-dimensional melting transition has remained controversial. An elegant theory based on the unbinding of pairs of crystal defects suggested that two-dimensional solids might melt by a transition sequence involving two continuous transitions separated by a novel, nearest-neighbor-bond-orientationally ordered fluid—the hexatic phase. Competing theories predict that the transition is of the usual first-order type observed in three-dimensional systems. This paper is a critical review of the current status of research into the problem of two-dimensional melting, with an emphasis on computer simulations. An attempt is made to point out unresolved issues pertaining to this fascinating and still open question.
Magnetic flux quanta in Josephson junctions, often called fluxons, in many cases behave as solitons. A review of recent experiments and modelling of fluxon dynamics in Josephson circuits is presented. Classic quasi-one-dimensional junctions, stacked junctions (Josephson superlattices), and discrete Josephson transmission lines (JTLs) are discussed. Applications of fluxon devices as high-frequency oscillators and digital circuits are also addressed.
A comprehensive review of the known classical solutions of SU(2) gauge theories is presented. The author follows the historical development of this subject from its beginning (the first explicit solution found was an imbedded Abelian static Coulomb solution) up to the most recent work in the field (in particular the solutions which represent monopoles, instantons, and merons). As well as being a detailed survey, this article is intended to serve as a self-contained introduction to the subject.
The study of the patterns formed by similar units in plants (e.g. leaves, scales, florets) is traced from the first primitive observations in ancient times to the sophisticated studies of today. Mathematics entered into the study early, at first as a way of describing the patterns observed, with Fibonacci numbers and the golden section playing a major role, and later in the construction of models designed to explain their origin. Observation and experiment alternated with theory. Explanations offered alternated between functional and causal. Functional explanations that were at first teleological gave way to those based on the idea of natural selection. Causal explanations alternated between the chemical and the mechanical. New light has been cast on the subject with the realization that phenomena similar to phyllotaxis occur in realms outside of botany.
By freezing out the motion between particles in a high-energy storage ring, it should be possible1, 2, 3, 4 to create threads of ions, offering research opportunities beyond the realm of standard accelerator physics. The usual heating due to intra-beam collisions should completely vanish, giving rise to a state of unprecedented brilliance. Despite a continuous improvement of beam cooling techniques, such as electron cooling and laser cooling, the ultimate goal5 of beam crystallization has not yet been reached in high-energy storage rings. Electron-cooled dilute beams of highly charged ions show liquid-like order6, 7 with unique applications8. An experiment5 using laser cooling9, 10 suggested a reduction of intra-beam heating, although the results were ambiguous. Here we demonstrate the crystallization of laser-cooled Mg+ beams circulating in the radiofrequency quadrupole storage ring PALLAS11, 12 at a velocity of 2,800 m s-1, which corresponds to a beam energy of 1 eV. A sudden collapse of the transverse beam size and the low longitudinal velocity spread clearly indicate the phase transition. The continuous ring-shaped crystalline beam shows exceptional stability, surviving for more than 3,000 revolutions without cooling.