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DNA barcoding reveals novel insights into pterygophagy and prey selection in distichodontid fishes (Characiformes: Distichodontidae)

Ecology and Evolution

Abstract and Figures

DNA barcoding was used to investigate dietary habits and prey selection in members of the African-endemic family Distichodontidae noteworthy for displaying highly specialized ectoparasitic fin-eating behaviors (pterygophagy). Fin fragments recovered from the stomachs of representatives of three putatively pterygophagous distichodontid genera (Phago, Eugnathichthys, and Ichthyborus) were sequenced for the mitochondrial gene co1. DNA barcodes (co1 sequences) were then used to identify prey items in order to determine whether pterygophagous distichodontids are opportunistic generalists or strict specialists with regard to prey selection and, whether as previously proposed, aggressive mimicry is used as a strategy for successful pterygophagy. Our findings do not support the hypothesis of aggressive mimicry suggesting instead that, despite the possession of highly specialized trophic anatomies, fin-eating distichodontids are opportunistic generalists, preying on fishes from a wide phylogenetic spectrum and to the extent of engaging in cannibalism. This study demonstrates how DNA barcoding can be used to shed light on evolutionary and ecological aspects of highly specialized ectoparasitic fin-eating behaviors by enabling the identification of prey species from small pieces of fins found in fish stomachs.
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DNA barcoding reveals novel insights into pterygophagy
and prey selection in distichodontid fishes
(Characiformes: Distichodontidae)
Jairo Arroyave & Melanie L. J. Stiassny
Division of Vertebrate Zoology, Department of Ichthyology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St., New York,
New York 10024
Ectoparasitic fin-eating behaviors, mtDNA,
stomach contents, trophic ecology.
Jairo Arroyave, Division of Vertebrate
Zoology, Department of Ichthyology,
American Museum of Natural History,
Central Park West at 79th St., New York,
NY 10024
Tel: +1 212 769 5841, Fax: 212 769 5642;
Funding Information
The Department of Ichthyology of the
American Museum of Natural History
(AMNH) through the Axelrod Research
Curatorship provided the bulk of funding for
this study. Additional funding was provided
by the DNA Learning Center (DNALC) of
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) via its
Urban Barcoding Research Program (UBRP).
Received: 2 October 2014; Revised: 24
October 2014; Accepted: 27 October 2014
doi: 10.1002/ece3.1321
DNA barcoding was used to investigate dietary habits and prey selection in
members of the African-endemic family Distichodontidae noteworthy for dis-
playing highly specialized ectoparasitic fin-eating behaviors (pterygophagy). Fin
fragments recovered from the stomachs of representatives of three putatively
pterygophagous distichodontid genera (Phago,Eugnathichthys, and Ichthyborus)
were sequenced for the mitochondrial gene co1. DNA barcodes (co1 sequences)
were then used to identify prey items in order to determine whether pterygo-
phagous distichodontids are opportunistic generalists or strict specialists with
regard to prey selection and, whether as previously proposed, aggressive mim-
icry is used as a strategy for successful pterygophagy. Our findings do not sup-
port the hypothesis of aggressive mimicry suggesting instead that, despite the
possession of highly specialized trophic anatomies, fin-eating distichodontids
are opportunistic generalists, preying on fishes from a wide phylogenetic spec-
trum and to the extent of engaging in cannibalism. This study demonstrates
how DNA barcoding can be used to shed light on evolutionary and ecological
aspects of highly specialized ectoparasitic fin-eating behaviors by enabling the
identification of prey species from small pieces of fins found in fish stomachs.
Fishes of the family Distichodontidae, distributed through-
out the freshwaters of much of sub-Saharan Africa and the
Nile River basin, are one of the major groups of the African
freshwater ichthyofauna (Vari 1979; Arroyave et al. 2013).
Although moderate in diversity (~100 spp. arrayed in 15
genera), distichodontids display remarkable variation in
oral anatomy and exhibit a wide array of trophic ecologies,
including detritivory, herbivory, insectivory, piscivory, and
even ectoparasitic fin-eating behaviors (herein referred to
as “pterygophagy”), facilitated by highly specialized jaw
morphologies (Fig. 1). Pterygophagy in distichodontid
fishes, however, has not been investigated beyond the study
that first documented this behavior more than 50 years ago
(Matthes 1961) and two subsequent studies (Matthes 1964;
Roberts 1990). Based on an observed similarity in caudal-
fin coloration and patterning as revealed by traditional
stomach content analysis between the ectoparasitic dis-
tichodontids Eugnathichthys eetveldii and E.macroterolepis
and their putative prey Synodontis decorus and Mesoborus
crocodilus, respectively, Roberts (1990) hypothesized that
the barred caudal-fin pattern in pterygophagous distich-
odontids reflects a form of aggressive mimicry, allowing
them to avoid detection by their monospecific prey. Four
distichodontid genera Eugnathichthys,Belonophago,
Ichthyborus, and Phago are reportedly ectoparasitic (i.e.,
feeding primarily on fish fins as adults) (Roberts 1990;
ª2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Stiassny et al. 2013), but until the present study, there was
virtually no information regarding the actual prey prefer-
ences of any of them.
Dietary information is critical for an understanding of
community structure, ecological networks, and ecosystem
functioning (Duffy et al. 2007), and can also inform con-
servation efforts for endangered species and/or threatened
ecosystems (Marrero et al. 2004; Crist
obal-Azkarate and
ıguez 2007). Approaches to determine the
composition of animal diets include observation of forag-
ing behavior, examination of stomach contents, and fecal
analysis. Other methods such as fatty acid (FA) or stable
isotope (SI) analyses, while capable of providing a sub-
stantive picture of energy and material flow through the
food web, do not have the resolving power to accurately
determine the relative contributions of different prey
items to the diets of predators (Hardy et al. 2010). In
stomach content and fecal analyses, food items are gener-
ally detected and identified either by direct visual inspec-
tion followed by traditional taxonomic identification or
indirectly via DNA-based identification methods (e.g.,
DNA barcoding, DNA fingerprinting). The former
approach, however, is often hampered by extensive prey
digestion rendering only partial/incomplete prey items,
frequently lacking species or even ordinal level diagnostic
characteristics. Most DNA-based identification methods,
on the other hand, allow for the identification and/or dis-
crimination of prey items, often to the species level, even
from partially digested tissue fragments. DNA barcoding,
a molecule-based species identification method that uses
short, standardized gene regions as species tags (e.g., the
mitochondrial co1 gene in animals, rbcL and matK chlo-
roplast genes in land plants), offers an efficient and cost-
effective alternative to determine the identity of prey
items when they are not fully digested but can only be
identified to a broad taxonomic rank (Valentini et al.
2009; Barnett et al. 2010), which is the case with fin frag-
ments found in stomachs of pterygophagous distichodon-
tid fishes (pers. obs.).
To further investigate pterygophagy in distichodontids
and shed some light on evolutionary and ecological aspects
of this highly unusual trophic strategy, DNA barcoding was
used to identify prey species from fin fragments found in
the stomachs of Phago,Eugnathichthys, and Ichthyborus
specimens. Information on prey identity was then used to
determine whether pterygophagous distichodontids are
opportunistic generalists or strict specialists with regard to
prey selection, and to test Roberts’s (1990) hypothesis that
aggressive mimicry is used as a strategy for successful
pterygophagy in distichodontid fishes.
Materials and Methods
Specimen sampling and stomach content
Fishes used in this study were collected and euthanized
prior to preservation in accordance with recommended
Figure 1. Variation in jaw anatomy in pterygophagous
distichodontids represented in this study by the genera Phago (A),
Eugnathichthys (B), and Ichthyborus (C).
2ª2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Pterygophagy in Distichodontid Fishes J. Arroyave and M. L. J. Stiassny
guidelines for the use of fishes in research (Nickum et al.
2004), and stress/suffering was ameliorated by minimizing
handling and through the use of anesthetics prior to
euthanasia. Because successful DNA extraction from for-
malin-fixed tissue remains challenging, if not unfeasible
(Chakraborty et al. 2006), only specimens that were pre-
served in 95% EtOH were sampled for this study. A total
of 43 ethanol-preserved individuals (14 Phago, seven Eug-
nathichthys, and 22 Ichthyborus specimens) were dissected
for stomach contents analysis (Table 1). Fin fragments
found in stomachs were isolated, thoroughly cleaned, and
rinsed with distilled water (to avoid contamination with
predator-derived cells/tissues). Each was separately coded
and kept in 95% EtOH. All dissected specimens, except
for those corresponding to the species Ichthyborus ornatus
(whose bodies are deposited in the teaching collection of
the University of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of
Congo), are cataloged and stored in the ichthyology
Table 1. Specimens sampled for stomach contents analysis and their corresponding co1 barcodes GenBank accession numbers.
Genus Species Catalog # Tissue # GenBank Accession #
Phago P. boulengeri AMNH 259468 AMCC 215881 KP027369
AMNH 259468 AMCC 215880 KP027370
AMNH 259468 AMCC 215879 KP027371
AMNH 259468 AMCC 215878 KP027372
AMNH 259468 AMCC 215877 KP027373
AMNH 259468 AMCC 215876 KP027374
AMNH 259468 AMCC 215875 KP027375
AMNH 259468 AMCC 215874 KP027376
AMNH 259468 AMCC 215873 KP027377
AMNH 259468 AMCC 215872 KP027378
AMNH 259468 AMCC 215727 KP027379
AMNH 260800 AMCC 216764 KP027380
P. intermedius AMNH 255629 AMCC 223226 KP027381
AMNH 255148 AMCC 226195 KP027382
Eugnathichthys E. macroterolepis AMNH 263331 AMCC 227433 KP027383
AMNH 263331 AMCC 227434 KP027384
AMNH 263331 AMCC 227435 KP027385
AMNH 263331 AMCC 227436 KP027386
AMNH 263332 AMCC 227437 KP027387
n/a KP027388
n/a KP027389
Ichthyborus I. quadrilineatus AMNH 257060 AMCC 220511 KP027390
AMNH 257060 AMCC 220512 KP027391
AMNH 257060 t-113-11233 KP027392
I. ornatus UKin
T-0188 n/a
T-0189 n/a
T-0190 n/a
T-0191 n/a
T-0192 n/a
T-0193 n/a
T-0194 n/a
T-0195 n/a
T-0196 n/a
T-0197 n/a
T-0198 KP027393
T-0199 n/a
T-0200 KP027394
T-0201 n/a
T-0202 n/a
T-0203 n/a
T-0204 n/a
T-0205 n/a
T-0206 n/a
University of Kinshasa (teaching collection), uncataloged.
ª2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 3
J. Arroyave and M. L. J. Stiassny Pterygophagy in Distichodontid Fishes
collection of the American Museum of Natural History
(AMNH), available online at the museum’s Vertebrate
Zoology Collection Database (
DNA extraction, amplification, and
Total genomic DNA was extracted from both predator
(i.e., pterygophagous distichodontids) and prey items
(i.e., fin fragments found in their stomachs) using DNeasy
Tissue Extraction Kit (Qiagen) following the manufac-
turer’s protocol. DNA extracts were preserved in 95%
EtOH and stored frozen. Amplification and sequencing of
co1 barcodes were carried out using Folmer et al.’s (1994)
universal primers LCO1490 (50-GGTCAACAAATCATAA
GTGACCAAAAAATCA-30). DNA amplification via poly-
merase chain reaction (PCR) was performed in a 25-lL
volume containing one Ready-To-Go PCR bead (GE
Healthcare), 21 lL of PCR-grade water, 1 lL of each pri-
mer (10 lmol/L), and 2 lL of genomic DNA, under the
following thermal profile: 5-min initial denaturation at
95°C, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 95°C for
60 s, annealing at 42°C for 60 s, and extension at 72°C
for 90 s, followed by a 7-min final extension at 72°C.
Double-stranded PCR products were purified using AM-
Pure (Agencourt). Sequencing of each strand of amplified
product was performed in a 5-lL volume containing
1lL of primer (3.2 lmol/L), 0.75 lL of BigDye
Reaction Mix, 1 lL of BigDye
buffer, and 2.25 lLof
PCR-grade water. Sequencing reactions consisted of a
2-min initial denaturation at 95°C, followed by 35 cycles
of denaturation at 95°C for 30 s, annealing at 45°C for
60 s, and extension at 72°C for 4 min, followed by a
3-min final extension at 72°C. All sequencing reactions
were purified using CleanSEQ (Agencourt) and electro-
phoresed on an Applied Biosystems 3700 automated
DNA sequencer in the AMNH Molecular Systematics
Contig assemblage and sequence editing were performed
using the software Geneious Pro v7.1.5 (Biomatters, avail-
able from Species identifica-
tion (of both predator and prey) was carried out using
barcoding similarity methods based on the match between
the query sequence and the reference sequences deposited
in the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD) and GenBank
using NCBI BLAST (Altschul et al. 1990; Johnson et al.
2008). The best match (“top hit”) was taken as the best
estimate of taxonomic identity, with matches 98%
similar assumed to be conspecifics, thus allowing an
admittedly arbitrary, but operational threshold of a 2%
difference between query and reference sequences to
account for intraspecific variation (Jarman et al. 2004). In
those cases where the best estimate of taxonomic identity
was ambiguous (i.e., >2% co1 divergence), available speci-
mens of potential prey species (i.e., species living in
sympatry with the sampled pterygophagous distichodont-
ids) previously unrepresented in GenBank/BOLD databas-
es (Table 2) were sequenced for co1 with the goal of
confirming prey identity to the species level.
Overall, 55 fin fragments were recovered from the stom-
achs of 23 of the 43 sampled specimens, and as expected
it was not possible to visually discern prey species from
fin remains. With the exception of all 19 Ichthyborus
ornatus specimens (which had whole fish, but no fin
fragments in their stomachs) and an individual of
Eugnathichthys macroterolepis (which had stomach con-
tents later identified via co1 barcoding as horn snails), all
remaining stomachs contained between one and five
distinct fin fragments.
DNA barcodes confirmed the species identity of all
individuals of the pterygophagous distichodontid species
investigated in this study (i.e., Phago boulengeri,P. inter-
medius,Eugnathichthys macroterolepis,Ichthyborus quadri-
lineatus, and I. ornatus). Amplification and/or sequencing
of co1 failed in 10 of the 55 fin fragments. The results of
the BLAST search for each of the 45 successfully
sequenced fin fragments are presented in Table 3. The co1
barcodes from a total of 19 fish species in nine families
Table 2. Available specimens of potential prey species (i.e., species
living in sympatry with the sampled pterygophagous distichodontids)
previously unrepresented in GenBank/BOLD databases and sequenced
for co1 with the goal of confirming prey identity to the species/
subspecies level.
Species Catalog # Tissue #
Accession #
AMNH 263329 AMCC 227431 KP027395
AMNH 260757 AMCC 215865 KP027396
AMNH 263330 AMCC 227432 KP027397
AMNH 260750 AMCC 215857 KP027398
AMNH 241101 t-031-3016 KP027399
4ª2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Pterygophagy in Distichodontid Fishes J. Arroyave and M. L. J. Stiassny
Table 3. Results of the BLAST search for each of the 45 successfully sequenced fin fragments retrieved from the stomachs of the pterygophagous
distichodontid species sampled in this study.
Genus Species Catalog # Fin Fragment ID Best Match (“Top Hit”) Family, Order % Similarity
Phago P. boulengeri AMNH 259468 215881-a Brycinus imberi Alestidae, Characiformes 100
AMNH 259468 215879-a Sarotherodon galilaeus
Cichlidae, Perciformes 99.4
215879-b Sarotherodon galilaeus
Cichlidae, Perciformes 99.4
215879-c Hemichromis bimaculatus Cichlidae, Perciformes 94.3
215879-e Sarotherodon galilaeus
Cichlidae, Perciformes 99.4
AMNH 259468 215878-a Synodontis contracta Mochokidae, Siluriformes 98.6
215878-b Synodontis nigriventris Mochokidae, Siluriformes 98.0
215878-c Synodontis nigriventris Mochokidae, Siluriformes 98.0
AMNH 259468 215877-a Phago boulengeri Distichodontidae, Characiformes 100
215877-b Sarotherodon galilaeus
Cichlidae, Perciformes 99.2
215877-c Sarotherodon galilaeus
Cichlidae, Perciformes 99.2
AMNH 259468 215876-b Tylochromis polylepis
Cichlidae, Perciformes 97.5
215876-c Sarotherodon galilaeus
Cichlidae, Perciformes 99.4
215876-d Tylochromis polylepis
Cichlidae, Perciformes 97.1
AMNH 259468 215875-a Phago boulengeri Distichodontidae,
215875-c Sarotherodon galilaeus
Cichlidae, Perciformes 99.2
AMNH 259468 215874-a Sarotherodon galilaeus
Cichlidae, Perciformes 99.4
215874-b Sarotherodon galilaeus
Cichlidae, Perciformes 99.4
AMNH 259468 215873-a Synodontis nigriventris Mochokidae, Siluriformes 98.0
215873-b Phago boulengeri Distichodontidae, Characiformes 100
215873-c Brycinus comptus Alestidae, Characiformes 100
215873-d Brycinus comptus Alestidae, Characiformes 100
AMNH 259468 215872-a Phago boulengeri Distichodontidae, Characiformes 100
215872-b Synodontis nigriventris Mochokidae, Siluriformes 98.7
AMNH 259468 215727-a Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus Claroteidae, Siluriformes 92.5
215727-b Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus Claroteidae, Siluriformes 92.5
AMNH 260800 216764-a Heterotis niloticus Arapaimidae,
216764-b Heterotis niloticus Arapaimidae,
216764-c Heterotis niloticus Arapaimidae,
P. intermedius AMNH 255629 223226-a Alestopetersius sp. “mbuji” Alestidae, Characiformes 99.2
223226-b Alestopetersius sp. ‘mbuji” Alestidae, Characiformes 99.2
Eugnathichthys E. macroterolepis AMNH 263331 227433-a Chrysichthys ornatus
Claroteidae, Siluriformes 97.7
AMNH 263331 227435-a Chrysichthys ornatus
Claroteidae, Siluriformes 97.1
AMNH 263331 227436-a Awaous ocellaris Gobiidae, Perciformes 88.6
AMNH 263332 227437-a Trachinotus goreensis Carangidae, Perciformes 100
227437-b Chrysichthys auratus
Claroteidae, Siluriformes 96.7
UKin uncat. UK-1-a Trachinotus goreensis Carangidae, Perciformes 100
UK-1-b Oreochromis mossambicus
Cichlidae, Perciformes 96.9
UKin uncat. UK-2-a Chrysichthys auratus
Claroteidae, Siluriformes 96.7
UK-2-b Chrysichthys ornatus
Claroteidae, Siluriformes 96.9
Ichthyborus I. quadrilineatus AMNH 257060 220511-a Chrysichthys auratus Claroteidae, Siluriformes 93.3
220511-b Chrysichthys auratus Claroteidae, Siluriformes 93.3
220512-c Synodontis annectens Mochokidae, Siluriformes 99.6
220512-d Ichthyborus quadrilineatus Distichodontidae,
113-11233-a Hepsetus odoe Hepsetidae, Characiformes 88.5
Confirmed as subspecies Sarotherodon galilaeus boulengeri (>99.7% co1 similarity).
Confirmed as Tylochromis lateralis (99.3% co1 similarity).
Confirmed as Chrysichthys ornatus (>99.2% co1 similarity).
Confirmed as Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (99.7% co1 similarity).
Confirmed as Oreochromis lepidurus (99.9% co1 similarity).
ª2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 5
J. Arroyave and M. L. J. Stiassny Pterygophagy in Distichodontid Fishes
and four orders were identified as being identical or fairly
similar to those from the fin fragments found in the
examined stomachs, with most barcode matches being
>99% similar. Barcodes from fin fragments found in a
single Ichthyborus and four Phago specimens BLASTed to
conspecifics (i.e., I.quadrilineatus and P.boulengeri,
respectively), suggesting a not infrequent occurrence of
cannibalism among some pterygophagous lineages.
The BLASTing of co1 barcodes from 15 of the 45 fin
fragments resulted in best matches (“top hit”) that were
<98% similar, and therefore, whose best estimate of taxo-
nomic identity could only be made above the species
level. Although some prey species were not represented in
either the BOLD or the GenBank databases, in all cases
match percentages to query sequences were still sufficient
to at least confidently assign prey items to genus (or fam-
ily in the case of the horn snails recovered from one Eug-
nathichthys specimen). In eight of the 15 instances of
questionable identification, species identity was later con-
firmed using co1 barcodes generated in this study from
potential prey species collected in sympatry with the sam-
pled pterygophages. Likewise, all prey items initially iden-
tified as Sarotherodon galilaeus were confirmed as
subspecies S. galilaeus boulengeri using co1 barcodes previ-
ously unrepresented in databases (Table 3).
Pterygophagous distichodontids represented in this
study by members of the genera Phago,Eugnathichthys,
and Ichthyborus prey on fishes from a wide phylogenetic
spectrum that includes at least nine teleostean families
(Arapaimidae, Alestidae, Distichodontidae, Hepsetidae,
Claroteidae, Mochokidae, Carangidae, Gobiidae, and Cic-
hlidae) from four orders (Osteoglossiformes, Characifor-
mes, Siluriformes, and Perciformes). These findings
suggest that the ecological strategy involved in distich-
odontid pterygophagy is one of prey generalization rather
than specialization (contra Roberts (1990)). Interestingly,
in these fishes, a notably high degree of morphological
and behavioral specialization underpins a highly special-
ized feeding modality, which in turn facilitates the utiliza-
tion of a wide spectrum of potential prey. Although the
trade-offs between specialization and generalization are
complex and multifactorial (Hawkins 1994; Thompson
1994), ecological models have shown that the more
polyphagous the predator, the less vulnerable it is to scar-
city and/or extinction of a particular prey species (Mon-
toya et al. 2006). The present finding that Phago
boulengeri from the Congo River basin feeds on the fins
of Heterotis niloticus, a species native to the Sahelo-Suda-
nese region (Daget 1984), and only recently (year 1960)
introduced into the Congo basin (FAO 2005), further
reinforces the idea that pterygophagy in distichodontids
facilitates opportunistic feeding on a wide range of avail-
able prey regardless of historical context.
The findings of this study further indicate that adult
Eugnathichthys macroterolepis, although primarily pterygo-
phagous can, on occasion, exploit alternative food
resources. The stomach of one individual collected near
the mouth of the Congo River contained numerous mol-
lusks identified as horn snails (family Potamididae) via
DNA barcoding. Interestingly, these snails were intact but
devoid of shells implying that E. macroterolepis used its
strong jaws (Fig. 1B) to grasp the exposed foot of each
snail to twist it out of its shell before consumption, pre-
sumably in a manner analogous to that of the Lake Victo-
rian “snail shelling” cichlids (Greenwood 1973). Similarly,
our results indicate that at least one species of Ichthybo-
rus,I. ornatus, is not an obligate pterygophage, as all 19
specimens examined here had intact, or partially digested,
fishes distending their stomachs. Belonophago is the only
pterygophagous distichodontid genus not included in the
current study due to lack of available ethanol-preserved
material. However, observation of aquarium-held speci-
mens of Belonophago tinanti indicates that it is an obligate
pterygophage feeding exclusively on caudal fins from a
wide range of species, although prey preferences in wild
populations remain to be determined.
Our results indicate that at least two species of pterygo-
phagous distichodontids (i.e., Phago boulengeri and
Ichthyborus quadrilineatus) engage in cannibalism. This
unanticipated finding underscores the manifestly oppor-
tunistic prey selection strategy of fin-eating distichodon-
tids, allowing them to feed on any accessible resources,
even members of their own species. We note in this
regard that examination of the caudal fins of over 70 pre-
served specimens of P. boulengeri held in the AMNH
collection reveals a high proportion (>20%) of fins show-
ing clear evidence of attack. The damaged fins character-
istically are missing a discrete block of fin rays that
appear to have been cleanly sheared off (Fig. 2). While it
is not possible to ascertain whether all of these Phago
specimens were subject to intraspecific attack, or attack
by other sympatric pterygophagous distichodontids, such
a high incidence of fin damage in the species is notewor-
thy. Although cannibalism in fishes is widespread and has
been documented in numerous families from across the
teleost tree of life (Smith and Reay 1991), most known
instances represent filial cannibalism, in which adults
consume all or part of their own offspring (Manica
2002). The present study appears to be the first to report
the occurrence of ectoparasitic cannibalism by pterygo-
phagous fishes.
In an early study investigating fin-eating behavior in
distichodontid fishes, Roberts (1990) proposed that
6ª2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Pterygophagy in Distichodontid Fishes J. Arroyave and M. L. J. Stiassny
Figure 2. Characteristically damaged fins in
Phago specimens victims of pterygophagy.
Scale bars represent 1 cm.
Figure 3. Citharinoid phylogeny (modified
after Arroyave et al. 2013), with the
distichodontid “J clade” highlighted and
pterygophagous lineages indicated by red
ª2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 7
J. Arroyave and M. L. J. Stiassny Pterygophagy in Distichodontid Fishes
aggressive mimicry is used as a strategy for successful
pterygophagy in Eugnathichthys. While aggressive mimicry
appears to be the preferred strategy in the few lepidopha-
gous and pterygophagous freshwater fishes so far investi-
gated (Hori and Watanabe 2000; Sazima 2002), in the
case of the distichodontids investigated here our results
do not support that hypothesis. The striking-barred color-
ation and patterning of the caudal fins of Eugnathichthys
eetveldii and E. macroterolepis first noted by Roberts
(1990) is recognized here as a character diagnostic of a
clade of distichodontid fishes (designated the “J clade” by
Arroyave et al. (2013), p. 11, fig. 4), and no other distich-
odontids share this feature (Fig. 3). While the “J clade”
does include all pterygophagous genera, it also includes
three genera with members that are either piscivores
(Mesoborus) or insectivores (Hemistichodus and Micros-
tomatichthyoborus). The topology of Arroyave et al.’s
(2013) distichodontid tree (Fig. 3) suggests that this cau-
dal patterning is likely an exaptation (sensu Gould and
Vrba (1982)) rather than an adaptation for aggressive
mimicry. The results of this study therefore suggest that
Roberts’s (1990) findings (i.e., similar caudal coloration
between predator and prey) are simply coincidental. The
fact that none of the prey species identified in the present
study (with the exception of the cannibalized individuals)
display a caudal-barring pattern or coloration similar to
that found in their pterygophagous predators further
refutes the notion that fin-eating distichodontids are uti-
lizing aggressive mimicry as a strategy for successful
Although highly unusual, pterygophagy in teleost fishes
is not exclusive to distichodontids and has been docu-
mented in a few other groups, such as piranhas of the
genus Serrasalmus (Northcote et al. 1986, 1987; Nico and
Taphorn 1988), blennies of the genus Aspidonotus (Eibl-
Eibesfeldt 1959; Randall and Randall 1960; Kuwamura
1983), and cichlids of the genera Docimodus (Ribbink
1984) and Genyochromis (Ribbink et al. 1983). Neverthe-
less, information on predator-prey interactions for most
of these is virtually nonexistent, and the present study
represents the first assessment of prey preferences in a
group of highly specialized pterygophagous fishes.
Although dietary studies such as the one presented here
are primarily qualitative, basic knowledge of species-level
interactions between predators and prey constitutes the
very first step in determining more precise food-web
characterizations in complex tropical freshwater ecosys-
We are grateful to the following institutions, programs,
and individuals for their support, financial, and otherwise:
the Department of Ichthyology of the American Museum
of Natural History (AMNH) through the Axelrod
Research Curatorship, which provided the bulk of fund-
ing for this study; the DNA Learning Center (DNALC) of
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) via its Urban
Barcoding Research Program (UBRP) provided additional
funding and facilitated the participation of high school
students Jason Cruz and Paul Jorge (City College Acad-
emy of the Arts) who assisted with data generation in the
early stages of the study. Finally, we extend our particular
thanks to Tobit Liyandja (University of Kinshasa) for his
efforts to collect additional specimens of Ichthyborus and
Eugnathichthys for this study.
Conflict of Interest
None declared.
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ª2014 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 9
J. Arroyave and M. L. J. Stiassny Pterygophagy in Distichodontid Fishes
... In such situations, it is difficult with COI alone to distinguish cannibalism from contamination with the consumer's DNA (Jo et al., 2014;O'Rorke et al., 2012;Sheppard and Harwood, 2005). Authors of trophic studies employing DNA barcoding have regularly reported the amplification of self-DNA among prey items for a range of taxa (Aguilar et al., 2017;Arroyave and Stiassny, 2014;Bartley et al., 2015;Braid et al., 2012;Moran et al., 2015;Valdez-Moreno et al., 2012), but few reported approaches to distinguish contamination from cannibalism. One exception occurred following a recent study that employed DNA barcoding to identify partially digested fish prey of invasive red lionfish (Dahl et al., 2017), for which microsatellite genotyping was used to distinguish cannibalism from contamination with the consumer's DNA in cases when self-DNA was identified (Dahl et al., 2018). ...
... While authors of diet studies applying DNA barcoding frequently report the amplification of self-DNA among prey items, there is no consensus on how to handle such results (Jo et al., 2014;Sheppard and Harwood, 2005). By itself, DNA barcoding often cannot discriminate between COI sequences resulting from true cannibalism versus false positives, yet self-DNA identifications are often attributed to contamination (Bartley et al., 2015;Dahl et al., 2017;Moran et al., 2015), and inferred to be true instances of cannibalism in other situations (Arroyave and Stiassny, 2014;Braid et al., 2012;Côté et al., 2013;Oyafuso et al., 2016;Valdez-Moreno et al., 2012). Thus, it is important to recognize the impacts of different sample processing and preservation practices used among studies upon results, especially those that report self-DNA. ...
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The use of DNA barcoding in fish diet studies is becoming more widespread, but the effect of prey digestion on barcoding accuracy has been poorly studied. We conducted a series of controlled feeding experiments, with red lionfish (Pterois volitans) as predators and Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) as prey, designed to test the effect of digestion time (12–42 h), prey item (sample) preservation (inside versus outside stomach), and sample preparation (washed versus unwashed) on DNA barcoding classification accuracy. Competitive interactions occurred between lionfish and killifish DNA during PCR amplification when universal COI primers were utilized; thus, primers were designed that matched the same priming site in both killifish and lionfish DNA. The proportion of amplified killifish DNA relative to lionfish DNA per sample was estimated using multiplex quantitative PCR (qPCR) and shown to decrease with longer digestion times, especially when samples were retained within lionfish stomachs for preservation. The effects of digestion and preservation method on amplifiable DNA resulted in significant effects on barcoding accuracy, resulting in erroneous identification of the predator (i.e., self-DNA) for nearly 25% of samples. Removing prey from predator stomachs prior to preservation significantly increased the proportion of amplified killifish DNA from samples, and enhanced barcoding accuracy. Overall, study results have important implications for the probability of false negatives for prey items, as well as false positives for self-DNA, when utilizing barcoding to characterize piscine diet. Results also highlight the need to conduct more method validation research given the increasing prevalence of DNA barcoding as a means to identify specific prey items in fish diet studies.
... To validate their genetic identity, aligned sequences were uploaded to GenBank using BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tools) in NCBI (http://www.ncbi.nlm. with a similarity threshold of over 98% for all sequences (Arroyave and Stiassny, 2014). The specimens will be reexamined if there is any discrepancy between barcoding results and morphological identification. ...
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Highlight Research Eight species of cardinalfish in Gilimanuk Bay were delineated using the barcoding method. This study provides the first nucleotide sequence for Ostorhinchus hartzfeldii in GenBank online database. The phylogenetic tree showed that each sample resided in a distinct cluster, indicating that the barcoding method efficiently differentiated at the species level. The mean genetic distance between genera within the family was 31.8-fold higher than the mean genetic distance within species. Abstract The Apogonidae is estimated to consist of nearly 300 fish species, most of which inhabit coral reef areas. The lack of distinctive body markings and overlapping species distribution makes species assignment challenging. Therefore, this study aimed to delineate species and establish barcoding reference databases of Apogonidae in Gilimanuk Bay (Bali, Indonesia) using the Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) gene of the mitochondrial DNA. A total of 22 fish tissue samples were extracted with 10% Chelex solution. BLAST analysis was performed and genetic differentiation between species was calculated. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the Maximum Likelihood method and tree visualization was generated using iTOL V5. The morphology and genetic identification results based on the mitochondrial COI gene revealed eight species of seven genera, and one species was new to GenBank online database. This study was the first-ever addition of COI sequence for Ostorhinchus hartzfeldii into the GenBank database. The average K2P genetic distance within species and K2P distance between genera within the family were 0.60% and 19.10%, respectively. The mean genetic distance between genera within the family was 31.8-fold higher than the mean genetic distance within species. The phylogenetic tree showed that each sample resided in a distinct cluster, which indicates that DNA barcoding is a reliable and effective approach for species delimitation in Apogonidae fishes.
... DNA barcoding was conducted using COI sequences blasted in the GenBank and BOLD online databases with a threshold of similarity higher than 98% [42]. Specimens would be reexamined if any conflict exists between morphological and molecular identification. ...
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DNA barcoding based on a fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene is widely applied in species identification and biodiversity studies. The aim of this study was to establish a comprehensive barcoding database of coastal ray-finned fishes in Vietnam. A total of 3,638 specimens were collected from fish landing sites in northern, central and southern Vietnam. Seven hundred and sixty-five COI sequences of ray-finned fishes were generated, belonging to 458 species, 273 genera, 113 families and 43 orders. A total of 59 species were newly recorded in Vietnam and sequences of six species were new to the Genbank and BOLD online databases. Only 32 species cannot be annotated to species level because difficulty in morphological identifications and their Kimura-2-Parameter (K2P) genetic distances to most similar sequences were more than 2%. Moreover, intra-specific genetic distances in some species are also higher than 2%, implying the existence of puta-tive cryptic species. The mean K2P genetic distances within species, genera, families, orders and classes were 0.34%, 12.14%, 17.39%, 21.42%, and 24.80, respectively. Species compositions are quite different with only 16 common species among northern, central and southern Vietnam. This may attribute to multiple habitats and environmental factors across the 3,260 km Vietnamese coastline. Our results confirmed that DNA barcoding is an efficient and reliable tool for coastal fish identification in Vietnam, and also established a reliable DNA barcode reference library for these fishes. DNA barcodes will contribute to future efforts to achieve better monitoring, conservation, and management of fisheries in Vietnam.
... This observation reinforces the idea that more sequences of fish species must be deposited in databases, especially in river basins with rich fish fauna as the Upper Paraná River. Another positive aspect is that, compared with DNA barcoding (Arroyave and Stiassny 2014, Becker et al. 2015, Frantine-Silva et al. 2015, our method can trigger significant advances in the quality of ecological studies in fish, as observed in some recent studies with metabarcoding (Guillerault et al. 2017, Maggia et al. 2017, Mariac et al. 2018, Barbato et al. 2019) and, mainly, to ensure significant reduction in labor time and cost per specimen reaching 80% of reduction (Shokralla et al. 2015). Despite some differences in obtaining DNA samples, both environmental DNA (eDNA) and DNA metabarcoding from bulk samples are subject to false negatives and false positives (Ficetola Gentile et al. 2015Divoll et al. 2018). ...
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Knowledge of ichthyoplankton dynamics is extremely important for conservation management as it can provide information about preferential spawning sites, reproductive period, migratory routes and recruitment success, which can be used to guide management and conservation efforts. However, identification of the eggs and larvae of Neotropical freshwater fish is a difficult task. DNA bar- codes have emerged as an alternative and highly accurate approach for species identification, but DNA barcoding can be time-con- suming and costly. To solve this problem, we aimed to develop a simple protocol based on DNA metabarcoding, to investigate whether it is possible to detect and quantify all species present in a pool of organisms. To do this, 230 larvae were cut in half, one half was sequenced by the Sanger technique and the other half was used to compose six arrays with a pool of larvae that were sequenced using a next-generation technique (NGS). The results of the Sanger sequencing allowed the identification of almost all larvae at species level, and the results from NGS showed high accuracy in species detection, ranging from 83% to 100%, with an average of 95% in all samples. No false positives were detected. The frequency of organisms in the two methods was positively correlated (Pearson), with low variation among species. In conclusion, this protocol represents a considerable advance in ichthyoplankton studies, allowing a rapid, cost-effective, quali-quantitative approach that improves the accuracy of identification.
... Across a range of marine consumer taxa, authors of diet studies applying DNA barcoding frequently report the amplification of consumer species DNA among prey items (e.g., Sheppard and Harwood 2005;Jo et al. 2014). Some authors have discarded results that indicate prey are the same species as the consumer given potential issues with contamination, ignoring potential cannibalism (Bartley et al. 2015;Moran et al. 2015), while others have reported all detections of consumer DNA as the existence of cannibalism, potentially overestimating the true rate (Braid et al. 2012;Valdez-Moreno et al. 2012;Côté et al. 2013;Arroyave and Stiassny 2014). ...
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DNA barcoding is used in a variety of ecological applications to identify organisms, including partially digested prey items from diet samples. That particular application can enhance the ability to characterize diet and predator–prey dynamics but is problematic when genetic sequences of prey match those of consumer species (i.e., self-DNA). Such a result may indicate cannibalism, but false positives can result from contamination of degraded prey samples with consumer DNA. Here, nuclear-encoded microsatellite markers were used to genotype invasive lionfish, Pterois volitans, consumers and their prey (n = 80 pairs) previously barcoded as lionfish. Cannibalism was confirmed when samples exhibited two or more different alleles between lionfish and prey DNA across multiple microsatellite loci. This occurred in 26.2% of all samples and in 42% of samples for which the data were considered conclusive. These estimates should be considered conservative given rigorous assignment criteria and low allelic diversity in invasive lionfish populations. The highest incidence of cannibalism corresponded to larger sized consumers from areas with high lionfish densities, suggesting cannibalism in northern Gulf of Mexico lionfish is size- and density-dependent. Cannibalism has the potential to influence population dynamics of lionfish which lack native western Atlantic predators. These results also have important implications for interpreting DNA barcoding analysis of diet in other predatory species where cannibalism may be underreported.
... On the other hand, the limitations of electrophoretic and immunochemical assays have been overcome with the introduction of methods based on DNA analysis, without requiring advanced mass spectrometry (MS) platforms as for proteomics. Thus, DNA-based techniques, in particular polymerase chain reaction (PCR), have been increasingly used for the identification and differentiation of closely related species, cultivars, genetically modified organisms and food allergens (Arroyave & Stiassny, 2014;Druml & Cichna-Markl, 2014;Madesis, Ganopoulos, Sakaridis, Argiriou, & Tsaftaris, 2014;Mafra, Ferreira, & Oliveira, 2008;Tagliavia et al., 2016). High resolution melting (HRM) analysis has been highlighted as a new alternative methodology. ...
Penaeidae family includes shrimp species of high commercial value, sharing noticeable morphological similarities, which makes them potential targets of adulteration. Therefore, mechanisms for authentication and certification of such crustaceans, frequently included in processed foods, constitute a benefit for the food industry. Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus indicus, Metapenaeus affinis and Melicertus kerathurus are some of the most relevant penaeid shrimps, being their differentiation of high importance. This work intended to develop a new approach for the specific detection and differentiation of those five closely related shrimp species based on high resolution melting (HRM) analysis targeting a cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) mini-barcode. The method enabled the differentiation of the five species with high levels of confidence (>99%), being successfully applied to analyse processed seafood samples. F. indicus and L. vannamei were the main identified species in the commercial products. When verifying labelling compliance, four samples suggest adulterations based on the complete or partial substitution of declared species. The proposed method proved to be a potential tool for the rapid and cost-effective differentiation of penaied shrimp species.
... Although information on behavior for approaching potential prey among citharinoid fin-eaters remains poorly documented, this also seems to differ significantly among these taxa. Eugnathichthys has been suggested to use aggressive mimicry to delude its preferred victims, Synodontis decorus and Mesoborus crocodilus (Roberts, 1990; but see Arroyave and Stiassny, 2014). Belonophago conversely practices an ambush hunting strategy; waiting motionless just below the water surface for potential prey (Matthes, 1961). ...
The African freshwater suborder Citharinoidei (Characiformes) includes 110 species that exhibit a diversity of feeding modes comparable to those characteristic of more speciose groups such its sister, the Characoidei (2000+ species) or the distantly related Cichlidae (1600+ species). Feeding habits of the Citharinoidei range from generalist omnivores to highly specialized feeding modes including ectoparasitic fin-eating, i.e. pterygophagy. We examine diet preference evolution in the Citharinoidei using newly inferred multi-gene-based hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships for representatives of 12 of the 15 genera in the suborder. Ancestral character state reconstructions onto our best tree indicate that the three most-generalist diets - pelophage/planktivore, omnivore and invertivore - are also the most primitive conditions within the Citharinoidei. The feeding mode of the most recent common ancestor of the Citharinoidei was characterized by high uncertainty. The more specialized feeding habits - herbivory, piscivory and pterygophagy - originated later in the Citharinoidei, likely from invertivore ancestors and possibly across a short time period. Highly specialized fin eaters (Belonophago, Phago and Eugnatichthys) share a common origin along with a strict piscivore (Mesoborus) and an invertivore (Microstomatichthyoborus). The largely piscivorous, but facultative fin eater, Ichthyborus is not exclusively related to them. Our results demonstrate that overall diet preference transitions in the Citharinoidei were rare events with very few reversals or parallelisms, and that evolutionary shifts in trophic ecology have not played a major role in intraordinal diversification. This situation contrasts with other groups in which dietary transitions have played key roles in species diversification.
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The largehead hairtail, Trichiurus lepturus, is an opportunistic, voracious, and piscivorous predator. Studies of fish feeding behavior based on the analysis of stomach contents are limited by the potential for the visual identification of the ingesta. However, molecular tools, in particular DNA barcoding, have been used successfully to identify stomach contents. When morphological analyses are not possible, molecular tools can precisely identify the components of the diet of a fish based on its stomach contents. This study used mini barcoding to identify food items ingested by T. lepturus off the northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. Forty-six sequences were obtained and were diagnosed as belonging to six different fish species: Pimelodus maculatus, Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Isopisthus parvipinnis, Opisthonema oglinum, Harengula clupeola, and Pellona harroweri or as belonging to the genera Lycengraulis and Sardinella. Trichiurus lepturus is an opportunistic predator that will exploit an available prey of an appropriate size. The results indicate that these fish migrate to warmer waters, such as those found in estuarine environments, at certain times of the year, where they exploit prey species that reproduce in this environment. One example was Pimelodus maculatus, which was the prey species most exploited based on the analysis of the material collected.
In the United States shrimps is the most popular seafood. Penaeidae shrimp species are known to share morphology characteristic and identification based on morphological appearance becomes more challenging when shrimp is processed into ready-to-eat products. Misrepresentation of shrimp is common in commercially available shrimp. The objective of the study was to develop a high-resolution melting (HRM) real time PCR assay targeting the 16S rRNA gene fragment for specific identification of top five penaeid species, Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus duorarum, Penaeus monodon, Litopenaeus setiferus and Pleoticus muelleri. The applicability of assay was evaluated using two DNA extraction kits and two real-time PCR master mixes. The HRM assay was evaluated using 43 shrimp samples and results were validated by sequencing shrimp 16S rRNA gene fragment. Assay standardized in this study formed distinct melt curve profile for each species in the normalized and differential melt curve plots. The assay using Apex qPCR 2 × GREEN master mix showed 100% sensitivity and specificity. Further, species identification results obtained by HRM assay was in complete agreement with identification achieved by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The HRM assay developed in this study can be used as rapid, low-cost, and reliable method for the identification of abovementioned shrimp species.
Species invasions have been increasing in frequency and severity in recent decades, furthering the need for research on ecological impacts from invasions and means to mitigate them. The spread of Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois spp.) into the northern Gulf of Mexico (nGOM) causes concern, given potential negative impacts on native fish and invertebrate communities. To characterize trophic impacts of lionfish on native reef fish communities of the nGOM, I report a comprehensive assessment of feeding ecology using traditional diet, stable isotope, and DNA barcoding analyses. Results indicate lionfish are generalist mesopredators that become more piscivorous at larger sizes. However, lionfish exhibit a more varied diet at artificial reefs, where they forage on open substrates away from reef structure. DNA barcoding of unidentified fish prey significantly increased diet resolution and exposed potential cannibalism occurrence. Cannibalism was later confirmed using microsatellite genotyping, and increased in frequency through time, mirroring increases in lionfish density. Next, I estimated age, growth, and condition of lionfish sampled over five years of invasion, with the objective to test for density-dependent effects. Significant declines in mean size-at-age and condition as a function of lionfish density indicated density-dependent effects that were likely due to inter- and intra-specific competition. The increase in these effects through time likely explains the plateauing of nGOM populations in latter years of study. Finally, I conducted a 2-year experiment to examine the effectiveness and ecological benefits of lionfish removals. Removals reduced lionfish densities, but juveniles and adults quickly recruited to cleared reefs, thus removal efforts were insufficient to achieve native reef fish recovery. This work has important implications for invasive lionfish population dynamics and carrying capacity in the nGOM, and data herein will be used to parameterize models estimating the removal effort necessary to mitigate their impacts effectively.
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A new species of ectoparasitic distichodontid, Eugnathichthys virgatus, is described from localities in the central and western Congo basin. The new species is a fin-eater even at small sizes and, in common with congeners, is capable of biting off sections of heavily ossified fin-rays of large prey species. Prior to the present study, two species were included in this distinctive distichodontid genus: the type species, Eugnathichthys eetveldii, and a second species, E. macroterolepis, both of which are widely distributed throughout much of the Congo basin. Morphologically, E. virgatus is readily distinguished from its two congeners based on a combination of meristic and morphometric attributes. The new species possesses a unique pigmentation pattern, a reduced number of pectoral-fin rays, and a markedly reduced dentition on the fifth ceratobranchial elements of the pharynx, all of which are derived features considered diagnostic for the new species. With molecular data the species is further diagnosed by four apomorphic, non-synonomous nucleotide transitions in two sampled genes (NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 and glycosyltransferase). Phylogenetic analysis of those mtDNA and ncDNA markers supports a sister-group relationship between E. virgatus and E. eetveldii rather than with E. macroterolepis, the species with which it bears closest phenetic similarity.
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Eight piranha species (Characidae: Serrasalminae) coexist in streams and pools of the western Orinoco River Basin llanos. The species differ in adult size, body form, and relative abundance. Examination of some 1300 specimens collected over a seven-year period (1979-1985) showed that food habits and diet diversity usually change with age. Small juveniles of the abundant and widespread Pygocentrus notatus eat microcrustaceans and aquatic insects. Above 40 mm standard length (SL), they take small fish and chunks of fish flesh. Small juveniles (20-80 m m SL) of six species (Sewasalmus altuuei, S, iwitans, S, cf: elongatus, S. vbombeus, S, cavibe, and Pvistobrycon cf: striolatus) specialize in fins of other small fishes, but by 80 mm SL their diets shift to small fish, pieces of fish flesh, and fins. However, all sizes of Catopvion mento eat scales. Considerable diet overlap among different piranha
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1. Recent efforts to understand how the patterning of interaction strength affects both structure and dynamics in food webs have highlighted several obstacles to productive synthesis. Issues arise with respect to goals and driving questions, methods and approaches, and placing results in the context of broader ecological theory. 2. Much confusion stems from lack of clarity about whether the questions posed relate to community-level patterns or to species dynamics, and to what authors actually mean by the term 'interaction strength'. Here, we describe the various ways in which this term has been applied and discuss the implications of loose terminology and definition for the development of this field. 3. Of particular concern is the clear gap between theoretical and empirical investigations of interaction strengths and food web dynamics. The ecological community urgently needs to explore new ways to estimate biologically reasonable model coefficients from empirical data, such as foraging rates, body size, metabolic rate, biomass distribution and other species traits. 4. Combining numerical and analytical modelling approaches should allow exploration of the conditions under which different interaction strengths metrics are interchangeable with regard to relative magnitude, system responses, and species identity. 5. Finally, the prime focus on predator-prey links in much of the research to date on interaction strengths in food webs has meant that the potential significance of non-trophic interactions, such as competition, facilitation and biotic disturbance, has been largely ignored by the food web community. Such interactions may be important dynamically and should be routinely included in future food web research programmes.
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Fishes of the order Characiformes are a diverse and economically important teleost clade whose extant members are found exclusively in African and Neotropical freshwaters. Although their transatlantic distribution has been primarily attributed to the Early Cretaceous fragmentation of western Gondwana, vicariance has not been tested with temporal information beyond that contained in their fragmentary fossil record and a recent time-scaled phylogeny focused on the African family Alestidae. Because members of the suborder Citharinoidei constitute the sister lineage to the entire remaining Afro-Neotropical characiform radiation, we inferred a time-calibrated molecular phylogeny of citharinoids using a popular Bayesian approach to molecular dating in order to assess the adequacy of current vicariance hypotheses and shed light on the early biogeographic history of characiform fishes. Given that the only comprehensive phylogenetic treatment of the Citharinoidei has been a morphology-based analysis published over three decades ago, the present study also provided an opportunity to further investigate citharinoid relationships and update the evolutionary framework that has laid the foundations for the current classification of the group. The inferred chronogram is robust to changes in calibration priors and suggests that the origins of citharinoids date back to the Turonian (ca 90 Ma) of the Late Cretaceous. Most modern citharinoid genera, however, appear to have originated and diversified much more recently, mainly during the Miocene. By reconciling molecular-clock- with fossil-based estimates for the origins of the Characiformes, our results provide further support for the hypothesis that attributes the disjunct distribution of the order to the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean. The striking overlap in tempo of diversification and biogeographic patterns between citharinoids and the African-endemic family Alestidae suggests that their evolutionary histories could have been strongly and similarly influenced by Miocene geotectonic events that modified the landscape and produced the drainage pattern of Central Africa seen today.
How is the staggering biodiversity of the parasitoid insects maintained? This book, first published in 1994, explores patterns in host-parasitoid interactions, including parasitoid community richness, the importance of parasitoids as mortality factors, and their impact on host densities as determined by the outcomes of parasitoid introductions for biological control. It documents general patterns using data sets generated from the global literature and evaluates potential underlying biological, ecological and evolutionary mechanisms. A theme running throughout the book is the importance of host refuges as a major constraint on host-parasitoid interactions. Much can be learnt from the analysis of broad patterns; a few simple rules can go a long way in explaining the major components of these interactions. This book will be an invaluable resource for researchers interested in community ecology, population biology, entomology and biological control.