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Limit Analysis of Loaded Out-of-Plane Rubble Masonry : A Case Study in Portugal


Abstract and Figures

An integrated methodology for the characterization of the response of rubble masonry is presented. The behaviour at collapse of a wall belonging to the Guimarães castle (Portugal) is investigated through a rigid-plastic homogenization procedure, accounting both for the actual disposition of the blocks constituting the walls and texture irregularity, given by the variability of block dimensions. A detailed survey is conducted by means of a photogrammetric technique, allowing for a precise characterization of blocks dimensions and disposition. After a geometric simplification assuming mortar joints reduced to interfaces, homogenized masonry in- And out-of-plane strength domains are evaluated on a number of different representing elements of volume (RVEs) having different sizes and sampled on the walls of the castle. Strength domains are obtained using a finite element (FE) limit analysis with a heterogeneous discretization by triangles and interfaces. Finally, a series of limit analyses are carried out on the façade for the safety assessment under seismic loads by means of two numerical models, the first one being a heterogeneous model and the second a homogenized approach. The reliability of the results, in terms of limit load and failure mechanism, provided by the homogenized model, when compared to the heterogeneous one is satisfactory.
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An integrated methodology for the characterization of the response of rubble
masonry is presented. The behaviour at collapse of a wall belonging to the
Guimarães castle (Portugal) is investigated through a rigid-plastic homogenization
procedure, accounting both for the actual disposition of the blocks constituting the
walls and texture irregularity, given by the variability of block dimensions.
A detailed survey is conducted by means of a photogrammetric technique, allowing
for a precise characterization of blocks dimensions and disposition. After a
geometric simplification assuming mortar joints reduced to interfaces, homogenized
masonry in- and out-of-plane strength domains are evaluated on a number of
different representing elements of volume (RVEs) having different sizes and
sampled on the walls of the castle. Strength domains are obtained using a finite
element (FE) limit analysis with a heterogeneous discretization by triangles and
Finally, a series of limit analyses are carried out on the façade for the safety
assessment under seismic loads by means of two numerical models, the first one
being a heterogeneous model and the second a homogenized approach. The
reliability of the results, in terms of limit load and failure mechanism, provided by
the homogenized model, when compared to the heterogeneous one is satisfactory.
Keywords: homogenization; quasi-periodic masonry; geometrical survey; limit
analysis; structural safety, sampled RVEs.
1 Introduction
Masonry constituted by the assemblage of blocks with variable dimensions is very
common in both existing and historical buildings in many countries. However, the
complexity of the problem, and the number of variables required by accurate
Paper 0123456789
Limit Analysis of Loaded Out-of-Plane Rubble
Masonry : A Case Study in Portugal
G. Milani1, Y.W. Esquivel2, P.B. Lourenço2, B. Riveiro3 and D.V. Oliveira2
1Department of Architecture, Built Environment & Construction Engineering
Technical University of Milan, Italy
2Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
3Department of Materials Engineering, Applied Mechanics & Construction
University of Vigo, Spain
Civil-Comp Press, 2013
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on
Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing,
B.H.V. Topping and P. Iványi, (Editors),
Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, Scotland
numerical heterogeneous FE analyses [1]-[3], usually preclude the study of these
structures in the inelastic range through commercial software. As a consequence, it
can be stated that, at present, the numerical analysis of masonry structures randomly
assembled, remains a very challenging problem, despite the efforts recently
expended by many authors to tackle the problem using stochastic homogenization
schemes. In recent years, the interest in the conservation of historical buildings and
in finding efficient numerical models, has led to a significant number of numerical
model for historical masonry buildings, from very simple to complex ones [5]-[7],
which are able to simulate the behaviour of the material under different type of
loads. The choice depends on the degree of accuracy, sought in the analysis for each
particular case.
The present paper deals with the characterization of the response of quasi-periodic
masonry by means of a geometrical study and a statistical analysis of stone units,
homogenization of masonry and structural implementation. For this purpose, it was
decided: (a) to carry out the geometrical investigation of stones units from an
existing case study (Guimarães castle), to obtain statistical parameters and
distribution of the height and length of the stones units, with the aim of determining
the adequate size of the representative volume elements; (b) to perform a
homogenized limit analysis on a number of representative volume elements (RVEs)
to obtain their in-plane and out-of-plane failure surfaces; (c) to carry out a series of
structural limit analyses under static horizontal loads up to collapse of one of the
walls (Alcaçova) and to compare limit loads and failure mechanisms provided by the
homogenized model with those obtained by means of a detailed heterogeneous
model, in order to check the reliability of the approach proposed and its applicability
for practical purposes.
2 Masonry homogenization: a brief state-of-the-art
Homogenization theory may represent a powerful tool in problems involving
periodic arrangements of heterogeneous materials, where the study of the whole
structure within a heterogeneous approach is impractical or impossible, due to the
computational effort. A non-rigorous homogenization may be also attempted for
random composites, provided that a suitable portion of the whole structure (test
window) is extracted.
The basic idea of homogenization [4] [6] consists in introducing averaged quantities
representing the macroscopic strain and stress tensors (respectively
) as
>==< )(
>==< σσΣ 1
( 1 )
where A stands for the area of the elementary cell,
stand for the local
quantities (stresses and strains respectively) and <*> is the averaging operator.
Periodicity conditions are imposed on the stress field
and the displacement field
u, given by:
( 2 )
is the total displacement field and
stands for a periodic displacement.
Here, it is worth noting that, in equation ( 2 ), the periodicity of the displacement
forces corresponding boundary segments to exhibit the same shape
in the deformed configuration.
denote respectively the strength domains of mortar, blocks
and homogenised macroscopic material. It has been shown that a kinematic upper
bound approximation of
can be derived through the support function
( )
as follows (see also [6] for further details):
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
() ( ) ( )
∫ ∫
( 3 )
is the microscopic velocity field;
is a periodic velocity field;
- d and D are respectively the microscopic and macroscopic strain rate fields;
- S is any discontinuity surface of v in Y, n is the normal to S;
( ) ( )
1]];[[ vnnvnv +=
( ) ( ){ }
S= ;max
The above considerations hold on a Representative Element of Volume (REV) that
should generate the entire wall by repetition. The REV is defined as the smallest
volume that contains all the essential information about the microstructure. On the
boundaries of the REV, periodicity and anti-periodicity conditions should be
assigned in agreement with equation ( 2 ).
However, the identification of a REV for old masonry is not always an easy task, as
is the case here analysed. The most straightforward approach is represented by large
sampling of several REVs with different dimensions in different positions of the
wall under study and in the average evaluation of their ultimate behaviour, both for
in-plane loads under different directions of the load with respect to the bed joint [8]
and their flexural response, as detailed in [9].
3 Guimarães castle: geometry of the masonry units
The origin of the castle dates back to the 10th century and the fights against the
Moors in the Iberian Peninsula. In the 11th century, the first King of Portugal was
born there. Later, between the 12th and 14th centuries, the castle was enlarged and the
defence capacity was improved. At a certain stage, the castle was abandoned and
suffered damage caused by time, and by the subsequent changes of use. In the 20th
century, important restoration works have been carried out. The current condition is
shown in Figure 1, where the pentagonal plan view of the castle is reported. The
castle is surrounded by eight square towers, which delimit the main square, with a
main tower (“Torre de Menagem” in Portuguese and “Keep” in English) in the
centre. The main wall under study in this paper is the so-called “Alcáçova” Wall,
which is originally the highest and most protected part of an Iberian medieval castle,
with a defence function and where the civil or ecclesiastical authorities lived. The
word was later used to define the part of the castle where the governor lived.
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Castle of Guimarães: a) Plan view and (b) “Alcáçova” wall
The masonry of the castle is made using granite stone ashlars in the external leaves.
The masonry features horizontal courses and is relatively regular, despite the fact
that the height of the courses is not constant and that the length of the units is rather
variable. In order to represent this feature, a statistical description considering mean,
standard deviation, coefficient of variation and probability distribution of the size of
the stone units from four walls was made: Wall1, Wall2, Tower wall and Alcaçova
wall, see Figure 2 and Table 1. The walls were analysed separately and together as a
single group. The objective was to characterize the length l and height h of stone
units and the results are shown in Table 1. The procedure was to identify the stone
units in a first step and then to define the best fit probabilistic distribution, which is a
lognormal (skew) distribution for both variables.
The following aspects from the geometric data are relevant: (a) there is a large
variation between the mean value of the stone length and height in the four walls
selected for sampling (0.60 to 0.85 m in length and 0.34 to 0.46 m in height). The
ratio between the maximum and minimum averages in the different samples is
similar in length and height (about 75%); (b) the stone geometrical ratio is rather
important for the quality of the masonry bond. The value of h/l for the average
geometrical dimensions is about 56% (1:1.8). Only in Wall2, a slightly different h/l
ratio is found, equal to 63% (1:1.6); (c) the scatter found in the length is always
much larger than the scatter found in the height, being the scatter in the full sample
not so much different from the scatter in the individual samples; (d) wall 2 is the
sample with the lowest scatter and the Alcaçova is the sample with the largest
scatter, despite the fact that the Alcaçova sample is three times larger than Wall 2;
(e) the difference between averaging the total sample weighted by the number of
samples or weighted equally is only moderate, with about 5% change in the
dimensions; (f) the probabilistic distribution for the length is clearly skewed,
requiring a lognormal distribution. The probabilistic distribution for the height is
symmetric, meaning that a normal distribution can be used.
Number of
h / l
Length Height
Typical [m]
(Frequency) Range
[m] Height [m]
Typical [m]
W1 110 0.51 0.76
(34%) 0.70
(27%) 0.40-
1.70 0.39
(20%) 0.40
(38%) 0.20-
W2 110 0.63 0.70
(27%) 0.65
(27%) 0.45-
1.35 0.44
(19%) 0.40
(25%) 0.25-
Tower 110 0.54 0.85
(37%) 0.65
(34%) 0.50-
1.80 0.46
(17%) 0.50
(35%) 0.15-
a 308 0.56 0.60
(44%) 0.45
(25%) 0.25-
2.10 0.34
(23%) 0.40
(35%) 0.15-
Sample Weighted
average 0.56 0.69
(40%) 0.55 / 0.65
(21%) / (20%) 0.25-
2.10 0.38
(24%) 0.40
(35%) 0.15-
Table 1: Geometric Data Measured
4 Homogenized limit analysis of RVEs
Next, a study on different representative volume element (RVE) samples from the
Alcaçova wall is presented. The RVEs are firstly analysed under in-plane load in
order to obtain membrane failure surfaces at different orientations of a load with
respect to the bed joint, considering masonry with weak and strong mortar joints,
aiming at representing a possible injection intervention. The RVEs are also analysed
under out-of-plane load in order to obtain the out-of-plane surface failure at
increasing compressive loads. The result allows subsequent implementation of the
obtained failure surfaces in the study of the full masonry wall. In-plane failure
surfaces are described by horizontal strength (σh) and vertical strength (σv). Out-of-
plane failure surfaces are described by horizontal bending moment (M11), vertical
bending moment (M22) and torsional moment, or torsion (M12).
l (cm)
h (cm)
Figure 2: Geometric Survey of the Units: (a) Identification in the Alcaçova Wall; (b)
Distribution of Length (l) and Height (h) in the Entire Sample
The Alcáçova wall is built using two external leaves with an average thickness of
400mm, separated by an infill. It was decided to consider three RVEs of different
size: the first size, called 3x3, has dimensions three times the mean width and the
mean height of stone; the second size, called 4x4, is four times the mean width and
the mean height of stone; and the third size, called 5x5, is fifth times the mean width
and the mean height of stone. For each size of RVE, three different samples located
randomly on the wall are taken into account, as schematically represented in Figure
3. In addition, three artificial RVEs were built using mean size stones and periodic
arrangement in order to compare the failure surfaces between the RVEs with quasi
periodic arrangement and the RVEs with periodic arrangement using average
geometry. A linearized Lourenço and Rots [5] failure criterion is adopted for joints
reduced to interfaces and a classic Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is used for brick
interfaces, as in [1][9].
Figure 3: Location of 3x3 Representative Volume Elements (RVEs)
The in-plane homogenized failure surfaces (σvσh) are obtained keeping a ϑ angle
fixed. This angle measures the rotation of the principal stresses with respect to the
material axes. Three different ϑ angles are considered ϑ=0°, ϑ=22.5° and ϑ=45°
(Figure 4-a) in analogy to [8][9]. For each RVE and in each orientation ϑ, 32 values
with steps of half of 22.5º have been calculated. The 32 points were then connected
to draw failure surfaces. The optimization problem arising in order to obtain the
failure surface is solved by using an algorithm code developed in [6][9].
Different hypotheses on the mechanical properties of the mortar joints are
investigated, simulating a scarcely resistant masonry (actual situation) and a strong
material (hypothesis of rehabilitation with injection of mortar having good
mechanical properties).
For masonry with weak mortar, the compressive strength of masonry is assumed
equal to 12 MPa and the ultimate tensile strength of joints is assumed equal to 0.05
MPa. The compressive strength of stones is assumed equal to 89.5 MPa and their
ultimate tensile strength is equal to 0.93 MPa [10][11]. For masonry with strong
mortar, only the ultimate tensile strength of joints is changed, assuming a value
equal to 0.3 MPa.
A full discussion and presentation of the results is provided in [12]. Here, for the
sake of conciseness, only a small sample of the huge amount of experimental results
obtained by the authors is reported.
Figure 4b shows typical in-plane homogenized failure surfaces for RVEs of masonry
with weak mortar at different orientations of the load with respect to the bed joint.
The usual anisotropic behaviour of masonry is found. Figure 4c shows a comparison
between in-plane homogenized failure surfaces obtained from RVEs of the same
size and artificial RVEs with periodic arrangement for masonry at a given
orientation. Finally, Figure 4d shows a comparison between the mean values of in-
plane homogenized failure surfaces at a given orientation for all sizes of the RVEs,
where it is shown that small difference are found. These results seem to indicate that
the average of 3 masonry samples, with minimum size of 3x3, provides a reasonable
estimate of the true failure surface. Further details on these results can be found in
Figure 4: Homogenization: (a) ϑ angle orientations of the external load with respect
to the bed joint; (b) example of a result with different orientations; (c) example of a
result for different cells of the same size; (d) example of a result for cells of different
Failure modes obtained from representative volume elements are depicted in Figure
5, where a qualitative comparison with experimental results [13] is also shown. A
staircase crack in the 4x4 representative volume element is found independently of
the quality of the mortar. It is noted that dilatancy is present in the numerical model,
even if it is believed that the influence in the global behaviour is very low (the upper
boundary is allowed to move up, meaning that an artificial confining stress built up
does not occur).
Figure 5: Qualitative comparison of mode failure between a masonry RVE with load
orientations equal to ϑ=0º and 45º: (a) Numerical; (b) Experimental.
5 Out-of-plane homogenized failure surfaces
Out-of-plane loads are responsible for the majority of failures experienced in
masonry structures, and especially in historical buildings, whose façades are usually
characterized by a relative small thickness in comparison with height and length and
a box behaviour is hardily present due to deformable floors. For this reason it is
paramount to evaluate out-of-plane homogenized failure surfaces (M11-M22 and M11-
M12), which are obtained, similarly to the in-plane case, from a combination of
homogenization techniques and limit analysis. Again, plasticity and associated flow
rule for the constituent materials are assumed. The RVE is subdivided into 12 layers
along the thickness (a conservative thickness is considered, assuming only the
Alcaçova wall external leaf, with h = 400 mm). For each layer, the out-of-plane
components σi3 (i=1, 2, 3) of the micro-stress tensor σ are set to zero, meaning that
only the in-plane components σij (i,j=1,2 ) are considered active and constant in the
The out-of-plane homogenized failure surfaces in sections in the space of bending
moment (M22) and horizontal bending moment (M11) are generated from the
integration of in-plane homogenized stress for which the algorithm requires the
following data: RVE thickness, hereafter assumed equal to 0.40 m; the number of
layers in which the thickness of the RVE will be divided, selected as twelve layers;
the compressive vertical load, which is considered at three different levels N22=0
(top), N22=self-weight/2 (mid-height), N22= self-weight (bottom) of the Alcaçova
wall; and the values of the in-plane failure surfaces. On the other hand ,for obtaining
the out-of-plane homogenized failure surfaces in sections in the space of torsion
(M12) and horizontal bending moment (M11), the algorithm requests the geometry of
the mesh, number of elements and the properties of the masonry, using a process
similar to the in-plane case.
Figure 6a shows out-of-plane homogenized failure surfaces (M11-M22) for a sampled
RVE at the three increasing vertical compressive loads previously discussed. As it
can be seen, the vertical compression applied increases not only the horizontal
bending moment (M11) but also the vertical bending (M22) and torsion (M12). This
means that bed joints, in general, contribute to masonry vertical and torsion ultimate
moment due to the friction effect of interlocking units. In some cases, due to
insufficient staggering of the stones in the RVE with strong mortar, M11 does not
increase as a straight vertical crack is obtained. Figure 6b shows out-of-plane
homogenized failure surfaces (M11-M12) for RVEs of masonry with increasing
vertical compressive loads. Again, the vertical compression load applied usually
increases not only the horizontal bending moment but also the vertical bending
moment (M11) and torsion (M12). Finally, Figure 6c shows a comparison between the
mean values of out-of-plane homogenized failure surfaces of RVEs of the same size
when the compressive load is maximum and equal to N22=133 kN/m. As it can be
observed, the vertical bending moment (M22) exhibits similar values for the different
cell sizes (as well as the torsion M12). The horizontal bending moment (M11) exhibits
some scatter for the different average results, as it is more sensitive to the
compressive loads. However, the scatter may be considered as moderate for
engineering purposes.
6 Limit analysis of the alcaçova wall of Guimarães castle
The present study is focused in the part of the Alcaçova wall located above a much
thicker panel, composed by two external leaves of stone masonry and an infill
material in the middle, see Figure 4. The wall is connected to secondary small
buildings and rooms. The analysis of the whole wall would require full 3D
computations, which are outside the scope of the present paper. Therefore, attention
is devoted exclusively to the Alcaçova wall.
Figure 6: Results of out-of-plane homogenization: example of failure surfaces in (a)
(M11-M22) plane and in (b) (M11-M12) plane for increasing vertical compression; (c)
comparison between the mean values for different RVEs sizes.
The portion of the wall under consideration may be reasonably assumed as
supported on three edges, one corresponding to the lower edge, the remaining two
corresponding to vertical boundaries. The dimensions of the wall are 14.25 m in
length and 6.85 m in height. The thickness of the external leaves is 0.40 m. The wall
has seven openings, labelled from O-1 to O-7 for the sake of clearness in Figure 4.
The openings represent approximately 20% of the area of the entire wall. Above
each opening a lintel is present.
Two numerical models are utilized and the results obtained critically compared: the
first is a heterogeneous model, where the actual disposition of the blocks is
considered in detail, whereas the second is a homogenized model where strength
domain obtained in the previous section are utilized.
Limit analyses are performed using the out-of-plane model utilized for e.g. in [9] ,
where plastic dissipation is allowed only at the interfaces between adjoining
Results obtained comprise limit loads and the possible collapse mechanisms,
whereas no information on displacements is provided. External seismic load
depending on the load multiplier is applied to the model as out-of-plane pressure on
single elements following a first mode distribution.
Collapse mechanism obtained by means of both the heterogeneous and the
homogenized model assuming joints with weak mortar are depicted in Figure 7. The
actual thickness of the plate elements is visualized for the sake of clearness, as well
as all the cracks forming the failure mechanism are labelled.
Cracks a4, a5, a13, a14, a17 belong to two types of vertical cracks located in the
middle third of the wall. These cracks are caused by the vertical bending moment.
Crack a4 is a vertical line and forms for the inexistent staggering of the blocks in
eleven masonry courses in this area. Crack a13 propagates following head and bed
joints, whereas Cracks a8 and a18 follow the horizontal alignment of the blocks.
Cracks a1, a2, a3, a6, a7, a9, a10, a11, a12, a15, a16 appear on corners and
surrounding different portions of the openings, and are mainly diagonal, propagating
for a combined effect of horizontal and vertical bending moment. This combination
of effects is caused by the edge constrains applied to the wall, representing the
connections of the Alcaçova wall with orthogonal walls and with the base horizontal
base. It is important to remark that these types of cracks develop on areas close to
the lateral edges. Finally, it can be stated that globally the failure mechanism is
similar to a local overturning, as usually occurs for historical masonry buildings.
When dealing with the homogeneous model, it should be taken in to account that
cracks can only follow the mesh lines. As can be seen from Figure 10, where the
failure mechanism obtained by means of the homogenized model is represented,
such model appears in term of cracks, in satisfactory agreement with the
heterogeneous one. In particular, crack b1 is similar to a1, b2 to a2, b3 to a3. b4
appears slightly different and propagates on the right side, but maintaining the same
pattern (vertical crack). b5 is again similar to a5, a6 to b6, b7 to a9, b8 to a11, b14 to
a19, b15 to a14, b16 to b15, b17 to a16, b18 to a18 and b19 to a17. Cracks b10, b11,
b12 and b20 exhibit some discrepancies. However, from a global point of view, the
agreement seems quite satisfactory, both models providing comparable failure
Figure 7: Typical Wall Collapse: (a) Heterogeneous and (b) Homogenous Model.
Form simulations results, it is found that the limit analysis load of the heterogeneous
model with weak mortar equals 8.9% of the self-weight and the limit load of the
homogeneous model is equal to 6.9% of the self-weight, which are again in
reasonable agreement (20% difference). The limit load of the heterogeneous model
with strong mortar is equal to 34% of the self-weight, whereas the limit load of the
homogeneous model is equal to 32% of the self-weight, again in reasonable
agreement (10% difference). It is also interesting to observe that the introduction of
strong mortar significantly increases the limit load of the structure (almost four
times). A synopsis of the failure loads found is summarized in Table 2.
Heterogeneous model
(% of self-weight)
Homogenous model
(% of self-weight)
Accuracy of
homogeneous model (%)
Table 2. Comparison between heterogeneous and homogenized limit loads.
Finally, it is noted that the analysis was performed on a standard PC Intel Pentium
Dual 2.12 GHz equipped with 3GB RAM. A comparison in terms of processing
time, only for computing, indicates that the homogeneous model saves about 95%
calculation time (30 vs. 600 seconds) and mesh preparation times (three vs. sixteen
7 Conclusions
Non-linear tools often imply expensive computational costs, a good knowledge
about non-linear processes and a large time to build the model and perform the
analysis. This problem was addressed here by means of a geometrical investigation
and homogenization of masonry. In particular, the behaviour at collapse of one
perimeter wall belonging to the Guimarães castle in Portugal was investigated by
means of a rigid-plastic homogenization procedure, accounting for the actual
disposition of the blocks constituting the wall and the texture irregularity given by
the variability of dimensions in the blocks.
After a simplification of the geometry and assuming mortar joints reduced to
interfaces, homogenized masonry in- and out-of-plane strength domains were
evaluated on a number of different representing elements of volume (RVEs) having
different sizes and sampled on the walls of the castle.
By means of such strength domains, a homogenized limit analysis was carried out
on a wall of the castle (Alcaçova) and results were compared with those provided by
a standard heterogeneous discretization of the domain. The comparison, in presence
of both good and weak mortar joints, have proved a satisfactory reliability of the
homogenization proposed performed on different REVs with blocks having variable
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... This is the most frequent cause of failure of old masonry buildings during seismic events, and it is commonly experienced as mechanism of collapse of either single walls (Figure 1a) or of entire facades as free elements that are box enclosed (Figure 1b and c). These failures are grouped in two main categories, in-plane and out-of-plane mechanisms of collapse (Giuffre, 1993;Milani et al., 2013). They are generally investigated by on-site monotonic tests or by laboratory studies. ...
... This is the most frequent cause of failure of old masonry buildings during seismic events, and it is commonly experienced as mechanism of collapse of either single walls (Figure 1a) or of entire facades as free elements that are box enclosed (Figure 1b and c). These failures are grouped in two main categories, in-plane and out-of-plane mechanisms of collapse (Giuffre, 1993;Milani et al., 2013). They are generally investigated by on-site monotonic tests or by laboratory studies. ...
Full-text available
The presented research investigates the problem of assessing the seismic resistance of rubble masonry walls to normal lateral forces. Published research on this topic is sparse and reliable data on existing rubble masonry are still lacking. In particular, further studies are required when disconnected rubble walls are rocking out-of-plane with fully cracked sections. This subject was addressed by on-site experimental tests of full-scale elements. The selected case studies are located in Italy, in regions prone to earthquakes, which were sites of devastating seismic sequences in the past. Numerical predictions of the overturning forces and displacements required to cause failures of isolated walls are compared with the results of the quasi-static experiments using force equilibrium formulations. An improvement in the existing procedures to evaluate masonry vulnerability under seismic loads is presented along with recommendations for the selection of an appropriate level of degradation, especially for rubble works.
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In this Paper, some previously reported biaxial tests are combined with further results to develop a complete failure surface for brick masonry in the principal space ( sigma //1, sigma //2, theta ). A surface in the alternative stress system ( sigma //n, sigma //p, tau ) is then derived and discussed. This surface is closed and can be represented as three intersecting elliptic cones. It is argued that a failure surface in sigma //n, sigma //p, tau stress space is better suited for modelling brick masonry finite element techniques. The factors influencing the shape of the failure surface are discussed, and the tests required to define a conservative failure surface described.
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The mechanics of masonry structures have been underdeveloped for a long time in comparison with other fields of knowledge. Presently, nonlinear analysis is a popular field in masonry research and homogenization techniques play a major role despite the mathematical and conceptual difficulties inherent to this approach. This paper addresses different homogenization techniques available in published literature, aiming at defining a first catalogue and at discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches. Finally, special attention is given to a micromechanical based model and a model based on a polynomial expansion of the microstress field. These seem promising and accurate strategies for advanced structural analysis.
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Is modelling and analysis of historical masonry structures necessary? Is the experimental behaviour of historical masonry constructions known? The answers seem to be ‘yes’, and substantial developments have occurred in recent decades in the challenging issues of conservation and restoration. A key issue is what type of analysis should be used. It seems that all methods are of interest, depending on the actual constraints of the engineering problem. In this paper, the possibilities of analysis of historic structures are addressed and a set of guidelines is proposed.
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A kinematic rigid-plastic homogenization model for the limit analysis of masonry walls arranged in random texture and out-of-plane loaded is proposed. The model is the continuation of a previous work by the authors in which masonry in-plane behavior was investigated. In the model, blocks constituting a masonry wall are supposed infinitely resistant with a Gaussian distribution of height and length, whereas joints are reduced to interfaces with frictional behavior and limited tensile and compressive strength. Block by block, a representative element of volume (REV) is considered, constituted by a central block interconnected with its neighbors by means of rigid-plastic interfaces. Two different classes of problems are investigated, the first consisting of full stochastic REV assemblages without horizontal and vertical alignment of joints, the second assuming the presence of a horizontal alignment along bed joints, i.e. allowing block height variability only row by row. A sub-class of elementary deformation modes is a priori chosen in the REV, mimicking typical failures due to joint cracking and crushing. The model is characterized by a few material parameters and it is therefore particularly suited to perform large scale Monte Carlo simulations. Masonry strength domains are obtained equating the power dissipated in the heterogeneous model with the power dissipated by a fictitious homogeneous macroscopic plate. A stochastic estimation of out-of-plane masonry strength domains (both bending moments and torsion are considered) accounting for the geometrical statistical variability of block dimensions is obtained with the proposed model. The case of deterministic block height (quasi-periodic texture) can be obtained as a sub-class of this latter case. As an important benchmark, the case in which joints obey a Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion is also tested and compared with results obtained assuming a more complex interfacial behavior for mortar. Masonry homogenized failure surfaces are finally implemented in an upper bound Finite Element (FE) limit analysis code. Firstly, to validate the model proposed, two small scale structural examples of practical interest are considered, relying in masonry panels in two-way out-of-plane bending. In both cases, failure load distributions and failure mechanisms provided by the homogenization model are compared with those obtained through a heterogeneous approach.Finally, in order to show the capabilities of the approach proposed when dealing with large scale structures, the ultimate behavior prediction of a Romanesque masonry church façade located in Portugal and arranged in irregular texture is presented. Comparisons with Finite Element heterogeneous approaches and “at hand” calculations show that reliable predictions of the load bearing capacity of real large scale structures may be obtained with a very limited computational effort.
The performance of an interface elastoplastic constitutive model for the analysis of unreinforced masonry structures is evaluated. Both masonry components are discretized aiming at a rational unit-joint model able to describe cracking, slip, and crushing of the material. The model is formulated in the spirit of softening plasticity for tension, shear and compression, with consistent treatment of the intersections defined by these modes. The numerical implementation is based on modern algorithmic concepts such as local and global Newton-Raphson methods, implicit integration of the rate equations and consistent tangent stiffness matrices. The parameters necessary to define the model are derived from microexperiments in units, joints, and small masonry samples. The model is used to analyze masonry shear-walls and is capable of predicting the experimental collapse load and behaviour accurately. Detailed comparisons between experimental and numerical results permit a clear understanding of the walls structural behavior, flow of internal forces and redistribution of stresses both in the pre- and post-peak regime.
The paper presents the first results of a recently initiated research project on computational masonry mechanics. Examples are shown of (a) fundamental materials research that unravels the composite brick-joint action from basic properties, (b) fracture analyses on a semi-detailed level using assemblies of bricks and blocks bonded together by nonlinear interface elements at joint locations, and (c) global analysis of structural masonry whereby the effect of joints and cracks is smeared out in an anisotropic continuum model.
In many countries, historical buildings were built with masonry walls constituted by random assemblages of stones of variable dimensions and shapes. The analysis of historic masonry structures requires often complex and expensive computational tools that in many cases are difficult to handle, given this large variability of masonry. The present paper validates a methodology for the characterization of the ultimate response of quasi periodic masonry. For this purpose, the behaviour at collapse of a wall at the Guimaraes castle in Portugal is investigated by means of a rigid-plastic homogenization procedure, accounting for the actual disposition of the blocks constituting the walls and the texture irregularity given by the variability of dimensions in the blocks. A detailed geometric survey is conducted by means of the laser scanning technique, allowing for a precise characterization of dimensions and disposition of the blocks. After a simplification of the geometry and assuming mortar joints reduced to interfaces, homogenized masonry in- and out-of-plane strength domains are evaluated on a number of different Representing Elements of Volume (RVEs) having different sizes and sampled on the walls of the castle. Strength domains are obtained using a Finite Element (FE) limit analysis approach with a heterogeneous discretization of the RVEs with triangular elements representing units and interfaces (mortar joints), at different orientations of the principal actions with respect to the horizontal direction. The role played by vertical compression is also investigated, considering the case of masonry with weak and strong mortar. Finally, a series of limit analyses are carried out at structural level, using two different FE numerical models of the so-called Alcacova wall, a representative perimeter wall of the caste. The first model is built with a heterogeneous material and the second model is built with a homogeneous material obtained through the homogenization procedure performed previously. The purpose is to determinate the reliability of results, in terms of limit load and failure mechanism, for the homogenized model and to compare these results to the ones obtained with the heterogeneous model.
A full three dimensional (3D) heterogeneous approach for FE upper bound limit analyses of in- and out-of-plane loaded masonry walls is presented. Under the assumption of associated plasticity for the constituent materials, mortar joints are reduced to interfaces with a Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion with tension cut-off and cap in compression, whereas for bricks a Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion is adopted. Four-noded tetrahedron elements with linear interpolation of the velocities field are used for bricks discretization, whereas possible jumps of velocities at the interfaces between adjoining elements can occur. Triangular elements with linear interpolation of the jump of velocities field are used both for joints reduced to interfaces and internal bricks interfaces. In this way, an improvement of the numerical model in terms of collapse load is obtained.In order to test the reliability of the model proposed, two examples consisting of an English bond shear panel and a simply supported rectangular stretcher bond slab are discussed. Results obtained are compared with experimental data available and previously presented numerical models. The comparisons show both that reliable predictions of collapse loads and failure mechanisms can be obtained by means of the numerical procedure proposed and that full 3D models should be employed in presence of loads eccentricities and/or multi-leaf walls out-of-plane loaded.