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Nowadays, fibre reinforced plastics are used in a wide variety of applications. Apart from the most known reinforcement fibres, like glass or carbon, natural fibres can be seen as an economical alternative. However, some mistrust is yet limiting the use of such materials, being one of the main reasons the inconsistency normally found in their mechanical properties. It should be noticed that these materials are more used for their low density than for their high stiffness. In this work, two different types of reinforced plates were compared: glass reinforced epoxy plate and sisal reinforced epoxy plate. For material characterization purposes, tensile and flexural tests were carried out. Main properties of both materials, like elastic modulus, tensile strength or flexural modulus, are presented and compared with reference values. Afterwards, plates were drilled under two different feed rates: low and high, with two diverse tools: twist and brad type drill, while cutting speed was kept constant. Thrust forces during drilling were monitored. Then, delamination area around the hole was assessed by using digital images that were processed using a computational platform previously developed. Finally, drilled plates were mechanically tested for bearing and open-hole resistance. Results were compared and correlated with the measured delamination. Conclusions contribute to the understanding of natural fibres reinforced plastics as a substitute to glass fibres reinforced plastics, helping on cost reductions without compromising reliability, as well as the consequence of delamination on mechanical resistance of this type of composites.
Luís Miguel P. Durão1a; Daniel J.S. Gonçalves2, João Manuel R.S. Tavares2,
Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque2,3, Túlio H. Panzera4, Leandro J. Silva4,
A.A. Vieira2, A. M. Baptista2
1 Inst. Superior de Eng. do Porto (ISEP) / Centro Invest. e Desenv. em Eng. Mecânica (CIDEM)
2 Fac. Eng. da Universidade Porto (FEUP) / Inst. de Eng. Mecânica e Gestão Industrial (INEGI)
3 Graduate Program in Applied Informatics, Center of Techn. Sciences, Univ. of Fortaleza, Brasil
4 Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rei UFSJ; DEMEC Dept. Eng. Mecânica, Brasil
a (corresponding author)
Keywords: glass fibre; sisal fibre; drilling; delamination; image analysis.
Abstract. Nowadays, fibre reinforced plastics are used in a wide variety of applications. Apart from
the most known reinforcement fibres, like glass or carbon, natural fibres can be seen as an
economical alternative. However, some mistrust is yet limiting the use of such materials, being one
of the main reasons the inconsistency normally found in their mechanical properties. It should be
noticed that these materials are more used for their low density than for their high stiffness.
In this work, two different types of reinforced plates were compared: glass reinforced epoxy plate
and sisal reinforced epoxy plate. For material characterization purposes, tensile and flexural tests
were carried out. Main properties of both materials, like elastic modulus, tensile strength or flexural
modulus, are presented and compared with reference values.
Afterwards, plates were drilled under two different feed rates: low and high, with two diverse tools:
twist and brad type drill, while cutting speed was kept constant. Thrust forces during drilling were
monitored. Then, delamination area around the hole was assessed by using digital images that were
processed using a computational platform previously developed. Finally, drilled plates were
mechanically tested for bearing and open-hole resistance. Results were compared and correlated
with the measured delamination.
Conclusions contribute to the understanding of natural fibres reinforced plastics as a substitute to
glass fibres reinforced plastics, helping on cost reductions without compromising reliability, as well
as the consequence of delamination on mechanical resistance of this type of composites.
The increased knowledge of their properties and the advances on its processing techniques have
allowed an increasingly wide use of polymer matrix composite materials. Although the most
common applications are related to the use of glass or carbon fibres as reinforcement material, the
use of natural reinforcement fibres has deserved greater attention. One of the reinforcement
materials whose interest has increased is sisal fibre. According to Silva [1] this interest in sisal
fibres as reinforcement material emerged due to the increasing search for low-cost materials from
renewable environmental friendly materials. The use of natural fibre composites is still limited to
the mistrust on their properties. Recent studies [2-8] involving the addition of nano-particles in
composite laminates, has shown an improvement of mechanical properties such as impact
resistance, fracture toughness, tensile and flexural strength, elastic modulus, structural damping,
decomposition and glass transition temperatures. The comparison of different types of composites,
having in common the matrix material, allows the assessment of mechanical performance
improvements obtained. The synthetic reinforcement material whose properties have minor
differences to the composites reinforced with sisal is glass fibre.
Although composite parts are produced to near-net shape, finishing operations as drilling, to
allow the assembly of parts, are usually required. It is accepted that these operations can be carried
out with conventional tools and machining equipments with some adaptations. However, as a result
of composites anisotropy, this operation can lead to different kind of damages. The most frequent
and visible evidence of damage is the existence of a damage border around the machined hole,
namely at the exit side of the drill. The most referred damages that can occur in consequence of
drilling operations are delamination, fiber pull-out and thermal damages [9]. From these damages,
delamination is considered the most serious one as it can lead to a reduction of the mechanical
properties of the laminate [10]. Thus, it is evident that minimization or even the elimination of this
damage is of paramount importance to the industries associated to composite materials. However,
this outcome has to be the result of increased knowledge of the damage mechanisms and control of
the cutting conditions that lead to its onset and propagation. Focusing on delamination, two
different mechanisms are normally referred to: peel-up and push-out. The first mechanism is a
consequence of the drill entrance in the upper plies of the plate and can be avoided with the use of
low feeds [11]. On the other hand, the second mechanism is a result of the indentation effect caused
by the quasi-stationary drill chisel edge, acting over the uncut plies of the laminate. Then, the plies
tend to be pushed away from the plate, causing the separation of two adjacent plies of the laminate
[11]. Finally, if the thrust force exerted by the drill exceeds the interlaminar fracture toughness of
the plies, delamination takes place [11]. The reduction of delamination has been the subject of
several studies, see for example, [12-16]. The reduction of delamination can be achieved through
the proper selection of machining conditions involving feed or cutting speed [13-14], the material
and the tool geometry [15] as well as drilling parameters monitoring and control [16].
In this work, two materials for composite plates are compared for thrust force during drilling,
delamination extension and mechanical properties of drilled plates, using two different drill
geometries: twist and Brad, and two feed rates: low (0.05 mm/rev) and high (0.20 mm/rev). Thrust
forces were monitored during drilling for thrust force data collection; delamination extension was
carried out through digital scanner and enhanced digital radiography; mechanical testing was
performed in order to evaluate mechanical strength loss due to hole machining. Finally, the
consequences of hole drilling in these two types of composite plates are discussed.
Materials and Methods
Glass/epoxy plates. Composite plates with glass fibre reinforcement were obtained by manual lay-
up combining symmetrical tissue and mat. In order to have a final thickness of 2.5 mm, 7 plies were
stacked according to Figure 1. Laminate was cured at room temperature until a Barcol hardness of
40 was reached.
Symmetry axis
Figure 1 – Stacking sequence adopted for the glass/epoxy plates.
From these plates, coupons for drilling and mechanical tests were cut. Dimensions of coupons
were according to ASTM D 5766M-07 - Open Hole Tensile Strength Test [17] and ASTM D
5961M-08 - Bearing Test [18].
Sisal/epoxy plates. For these plates, the fabrication method was also hand lay-up. Sisal fibres
were used as received from SisalSul (São Paulo, Brazil). In order to ensure fibre alignment a special
accessory was used. Laminate cure was at room temperature for 24h and then the plates were cut in
the same dimensions as those used for glass/epoxy plates.
Final properties of both plates are presented in Table 1.
Specific weight (g/cm3)
Tensile strength (MPa)
Elastic Modulus (GPa)
Flexural strengthss (MPa)
Flexural modulus (GPa)
Table 1 – Mechanical properties of glass/epoxy and sisal epoxy plates.
Plate drilling. Drilling operation was carried out in a 3.7 kW DENFORD Triac Centre CNC
machine. During drilling, axial thrust forces were monitored with a Kistler 9257B dynamometer
associated to an amplifier and a computer for data collection. The composite laminate was fixed on
the machine using an appropriate clamping device. No sacrificial plates were used.
Considering the purpose of this work, two different 6 mm tungsten carbide drills were used:
twist drill and ‘Braddrill, Figure 2.
a) b)
Figure 2 – Drills: a) twist; b) Brad.
Twist drill is a standard drill commonly used in workshops. Brad drill has a specific point
geometry causing the fibre tensioning prior to cut thus enabling a “clean cut” of the fibres. In
consequence, machined surfaces are smoother. Cutting parameters were selected in accordance with
past experience [13, 14, 19]. Spindle speed was set to 2800 rpm for all tryouts, and two feeds, low
and high, were used. Low and high feeds were set to 0.05 mm/rev and 0.20 mm/rev, respectively.
Damage extension assessment. After machining completion, it was necessary to evaluate the
delaminated region around the drilled hole by using digital images. With this purpose, two different
methods were used for further comparison: digitalization of the plate in a table scanner connected to
a PC, and enhanced digital radiography.
For the first method, grayscale images of the tool exit side of the plate were acquired. These
images needed posterior processing in order to improve contrast and help on the separation of
delaminated areas. The delaminated region corresponds to a circular area around the drilled hole, as
shown in Figure 3.
a) b)
Figure 3 – Original scanner image a) and after contrast enhancement b).
For the second process, plates were prior immersed in di-iodomethane for contrast: ten minutes
for glass/epoxy plates and fifteen seconds for sisal/epoxy plates, due to their hygroscopic nature.
Then the radiography images were acquired using a 60 kV, 300 kHz Kodak 2100 X-Ray system
associated with a Kodak RVG 5100 digital acquisition system. Figure 4a) shows an image obtained.
Digital radiographies were processed by using a computational platform in order to obtain the
segmentation and characterization of the interest regions [19]. From the measurement procedure,
the values of the damaged area, according to the delamination factor criterion proposed by Chen
[20] that is defined as the ratio of the maximum delaminated diameter to the nominal hole diameter,
were obtained. Figure 4 shows an example image of a sisal/epoxy plate with correct immersion time
(Figure 4a) and an extended immersion time (Figure 4b).
Figure 4 – Sisal/epoxy plate radiography images with correct immersion time a) and after an
extended immersion time b).
Mechanical Testing. The mechanical tests carried out were the Open-hole tensile strength test,
ASTM D5766M-07 [17], and the Bearing test, ASTM D5961M-08 [18]. These tests were
considered with the purpose of assessing the effect of delamination on the mechanical properties of
the drilled plates. For that, test coupons of 250x36 mm2 and 135x36 mm2 were cut and drilled under
the same experimental conditions previously described. The tests were performed in a Shimadzu
AG-X/100 kN Universal Testing machine equipped with the necessary accessories to run the
different tests and connected to a computer for machine control and data acquisition and processing.
Results and discussion.
Thrust forces during drilling. Results considered for thrust force are the maximum value
observed during drilling. As the delamination onset largely depends on thrust force during drilling,
higher thrust forces normally correspond to higher delamination, everything else remaining
constant. Due to signal variation along drill rotation, thrust force values were averaged over one
spindle revolution. Additionally, to reduce the influence of outlier values, the results considered
were the average of four experiments under identical conditions.
Independently of the drill geometry or plate material, the thrust force was always superior with
increased feed rates, Figure 5. This was an expected outcome and it confirms previous works [13,
14]. However, the variation due to feed increase was more evident for twist drill. Thrust force
analysis shows that Brad drills are more recommendable for the drilling of these plates, under the
experimental conditions described. Thrust forces in sisal/epoxy plates drilling were always lower.
This can be attributed to the reduced mechanical resistance of these plates, when compared to
glass/epoxy plates (Table 1).
Figure 5 – Effect of feed rate on thrust force a) and delamination factor b).
Delamination extension. Delamination extension was measured according to both procedures
already described. Due to the bad quality of sisal images obtained by scanner process, the results
from this method are only presented for glass/epoxy plates. As expected, for large feed rate,
delamination is more extended, Figure 5b). This outcome stresses the general idea that low feed
rates should be used when drilling composite laminates. Another result to be noted is the variation
due to feed rate, more evident for twist drill in sisal/epoxy plates and for Brad drill in glass/epoxy
plates. This can give an indication on the choice of drill geometry according to the type of
composite plate to be drilled. In addition, it is possible to say that delamination at sisal/epoxy plates
is always higher, due to their lower mechanical resistance.
Mechanical test results. Results from the two mechanical tests used to evaluate mechanical
properties after drilling are presented in Figure 6. From the results, it is not clear that a correlation
between cutting parameters or delamination extension with tensile strength or bearing strength can
be established. However, it is possible to draw some conclusions. The results seem to be more
dependent on the material properties than on the drilling conditions. A blunt effect appears to exist,
decreasing residual stresses around the hole, thus increasing open-hole tensile strength for higher
feed rate plates. Sisal/epoxy plates are not very reliable for screw or bolt connections as it is
revealed by the low bearing test results. It should be noted that this can also be the consequence of
the stacking sequence of sisal/epoxy plates, as the fibre orientation is unidirectional. Future tests
with cross-ply plates should study this assumption.
Figure 6 – Mechanical test results: open-hole tensile strength test a) and bearing test b).
A comparison of glass/epoxy and sisal/epoxy plates mechanical performance after drilling was
presented. Experimental work included thrust force monitoring during drilling and measurement of
delamination extension and mechanical testing after drilling. Based on the experimental work and
conditions presented, some conclusions can be drawn:
- maximum thrust force and delamination extension depend on drilling conditions, tool geometry
and material;
- for higher feed rates, thrust force and delamination extension are superior;
- mechanical test results are more dependent of material nature than on drilling conditions;
- sisal/epoxy unidirectional plates are not well suited for screw or bolt connections;
- these results need to be further confirmed by testing cross-ply or mat sisal/epoxy plates.
This work was partially supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) Portugal, in
the scope of the strategic funding project PEst-OE/EME/UI0615/2011.
Authors would like to acknowledge the support given by the Workshop Section of DEM/ ISEP,
namely Eng. Victor Ribeiro and to the second cycle students of Mechanical Engineering João
Silva, David Silva e Pedro Pereira for the cooperation given in order to accomplish this work.
The fourth author thanks National Council for Research and Development (CNPq) and Cearense
Foundation for the Support of Scientific and Technological Development (FUNCAP) for providing
financial support through a DCR grant (project number 35.0053/2011.1) to UNIFOR.
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... where the overall desirability factor was 97%. Other authors have studied the F d based on tungsten twist drills (WC) to determine the optimal drilling conditions and minimize delamination [46], while others used high-speed steel (HSS) [46][47][48][49][50]. Aravindh and Umanath [51] opted for the Taguchi method in machining biocomposites based on jute, sisal, and bamboo fibers while the drilling tools used were tungsten carbide Brad drills and other HSS drills with two cutting edges. The contributions of these optimal drilling conditions were 88.19% for the drill diameter, 7.64% for the feed rate, and 2.62% for the spindle speed. ...
... Various studies have been reported in the literature on the effect of drill geometry on drilling efficiency. Meanwhile, Aravindh and Umanath [51] used tungsten carbide Brad drills and other double-edged HSS drills to drill jute, sisal, and bamboo fiber biocomposites. In their study, drill diameter, feed rate, and spindle speed contributed 88. 19,7.64, and 2.62%, respectively, to the optimum drilling conditions. ...
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The use of cutting tools for material removal operations is commonplace in the production of biocomposite materials. However, the inability of electro-erosion to be applied to non-conductive biocomposites has led to the need for alternative methods. In this regard, the use of abrasive waterjet and conventional machining techniques such as drilling have emerged as viable options. This research seeks to explore and evaluate the effectiveness of these conventional methods for machining biocomposites, highlighting their significance in the development of efficient manufacturing processes for biocomposite materials. In actual applications, the delamination factor (Fd) is frequently employed to control drilling-related damage. This can be accomplished by carefully choosing the ideal process parameters. Feed rate (f), spindle speed (N), and drill diameter (d) are the three most significant variables affecting the drilling quality. A combination of artificial neural network with genetic algorithm (ANN-GA) and multi-objective response surface methodology (RSM) was used in this experiment to identify the best machining equipment for the hybrid sisal/cork biosandwich. This study’s major goal was to lower the Fd of an HSS-Co twist drill that was built using various drilling settings. The study’s findings showed that the HSS-Co tool with a 7-mm diameter, 2500-rpm spindle speed, and 50-mm/min feed rate was more successful in reaching a minimum delamination of 1.054.
... Some works address the drilling operation of composites made with a polymer resin and reinforced with plant fibers, such as banana fibers [275,276], sisal [275,277], date palm fibers [278], roselle [275], hemp [279], bamboo [280], jute [281,282] and coconut [283,284], while other works compare the drilling of NFRP and fiberglass composites [285,286]. In terms of the cutting tools, the most commonly used drill bits are standard twist drills either made of high speed steel (HSS) [275-277, 281, 284] or tungsten carbide [279,283]. ...
... The tip angle of the drill is typically 118°. There are also other types of tools tested for drilling NFRP composites, such as the Brad-type drill for tungsten carbide [286] or a drill bit in HSS having 2 cutting edges [277]. In most of these studies, the diameter of the tools varies between 3 and 14 mm. ...
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Composite material consumption is booming and is expected to increase exponentially in many industrial applications such as aerospace, automotive, marine and defense. However, in most cases, composite products require further processing before they can be used or assembled. Machining of composite materials is extremely difficult due to their anisotropic and non-homogeneous structure. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the literature on composite materials and their machining processes, such as turning, milling and drilling. Damage related to these processes is also discussed. The paper is divided into seven main parts; the first, second and third parts give a brief overview of composite materials, reinforcements used in composite materials and composite manufacturing methods, respectively. The fourth part deals with post-processing machining operations, while the fifth, sixth and seventh parts are devoted to the machining of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite, glass fiber reinforced polymer and natural fiber reinforced polymer composites, respectively. An analysis of the factors that influence the machining and the machinability criteria used for these materials is also presented, with particular emphasis on cutting forces, tool wear, delamination and surface finish. Non-traditional manufacturing methods are not discussed in this paper.
... Comparative studies have been carried out between biocomposites and fiberglass composites [33] and the optimization of the delamination factor in the drilling of jute fiber-reinforced polymer biocomposites [27,34,35] using three different twist drill diameters and various drilling parameters such as rotational speed and feed rate. However, machining processes on biocomposites such as milling [36] and cutting angle are less studied [37,38]. ...
... where the overall desirability factor was 97%. Other authors have studied the F d based on tungsten twist drills (WC) to determine the optimal drilling conditions and minimize delamination [40], while others used high-speed steel (HSS) [28,[40][41][42][43]. Durão et al. [36] opted for the Taguchi method in machining biocomposites based on jute, sisal, and bamboo fibers while the drilling tools used were Tungsten Carbide Brads drills and other HSS drills with two cutting edges. The contributions of these optimal drilling conditions were 88.19% for the drill diameter and 7.64% for the feed rate and 2.62% for the spindle speed. ...
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The present study focuses on the optimization of the drilling process parameters of treated and untreated Washingtonia filifera (WF) fiber–reinforced polymer biocomposites using the desirability function approach based on the response surface methodology (RSM). Drill diameter, feed rate, and spindle speed were the three main input factors used to evaluate drilling performance. In this study, in order to have a better machinability especially a low delamination factor (Fd), the authors focused on the influence of the fiber treatment rate in the optimization of the drilling parameters. The findings revealed that diameter, feed rate, and treatment ratio were found to be important influencing factors on the delamination factor Fd. The latter was modeled statistically with a central composite design (CCD). The optimized numerical model for the delamination factor of the biocomposite reinforced with treated fiber (with 1% NaOH) showed the lowest delamination factor of 1.035 for a drill diameter of 5 mm, a feed rate of 50 mm/min and a spindle speed of 2500 rev/min. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) established the importance level of each parameter and indicated that the model was significant with a good correlation between the experimental data with R² = 0.9713 and adjusted R² = 0.9561.
... The drilling process is commonly used for hole making in different types of materials, but the hole-drilling operation in laminated composite materials is a difficult task. Polymer matrix composites are non-homogenous and anisotropic materials [7][8][9]. Their properties vary throughout the thickness of materials. Therefore, it is very difficult to select an optimum process parameter for the drilling of polymer matrix composites. ...
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Various processes have been used in the fabrication of polymer matrix composites, including manual lay-up, compression moulding, pultrusion process, and resin transfer moulding. This chapter covers several kinds of joining procedures, including adhesive bonding, diffusion bonding, mechanical joining, ultrasonic welding, hot plate welding, resistance welding, and microwave joining techniques. The influence of process factors on the strength of polymer matrix joints has also been examined.
... Examples of indirect measures include estimates of the damage enacted by the force and power produced during various operations. According to Durao et al., reducing delamination can be accomplished by carefully choosing the tool material, shape and certain machining parameters, which include the cutting speed and feed rate [2]. The drill's edge will make contact with the laminate as it begins to pierce the surface. ...
... The drilling process is commonly used for hole making in different types of materials, but the hole-drilling operation in laminated composite materials is a difficult task. Polymer matrix composites are non-homogenous and anisotropic materials [7][8][9]. Their properties vary throughout the thickness of materials. Therefore, it is very difficult to select an optimum process parameter for the drilling of polymer matrix composites. ...
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Damage caused by the drilling process is the most common reason for the rejection of composite parts and components that include holes. This is especially true in the case of laminated composites. The purpose of the current experimental investigation is to investigate the efficiency of hole formation when the component is in the molding phase. The mechanical properties of molded and drilled holes in jute-fiber-reinforced epoxy composites have been compared in a study that was carried out with the purpose of conducting an examination of these features. It was discovered that the molded holes operate much better than the drilled holes when it comes to jute fiber/epoxy composite materials. This was the conclusion reached after observing both types of holes. The maximum tensile load that was taken by molded hole specimens of composites with hole diameters of 4 mm and 8 mm was reported to be 48.8% and 101.5% greater, respectively, than the maximum tensile load that was taken by drilled hole specimens of composites with the same diameter. In addition, the load-extension curves demonstrate that the specimens that were manufactured with molded holes were able to achieve a larger degree of extension when compared to those that were manufactured with drilled holes.
... Drilling process is commonly used for hole generation in different types of materials, but hole drilling operation in laminated composite materials is difficult task. Composites are not homogenous and isotropic materials [7][8][9]. Its property is varying throughout the thickness of materials. ...
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Natural Fibre Reinforced Composites (NFRCs) represent a significant category of materials that has the capacity to contribute to the worldwide objectives of sustainability and environmental preservation. To maximise the potential of composite materials, it is essential to establish their high quality and cost-effective manufacture. While the basic production procedures for producing items based on NFRCs have reached a high level of development, more research efforts are needed to advance their secondary manufacturing processes, namely in the areas of machining and joining. The primary factor leading to the rejection of composite goods with holes is the damage generated during the drilling process. The present experimental study aims to examine the effectiveness of hole production during the moulding phase. A comparative analysis has been conducted to assess the mechanical characteristics of moulded and drilled holes in jute fibre reinforced epoxy composite. It was observed that the moulded holes exhibit superior performance compared to the drilled holes for jute/epoxy materials. Additionally, the load extension curves indicate that the moulded holes experience greater extension in comparison to the drilled holes.
... Type of polymers present in the fabricated composites influences the drilling behavior of natural fiber reinforced NFRP composites (Debnath, Singh, and Dvivedi 2014). Tool geometry, material and drilling conditions were influences on thrust force and delamination factor (Durão et al. 2013). Authors have recommended the different hollow drill geometries for drilling of natural fiber reinforced polymer composites in future (Kumar Bajpai and Singh 2013). ...
The drilling of natural and synthetic fiber-reinforced polymer and their hybrid composites are a crucial machining process, which becomes essential in helping the assembly of parts. The quality of drilled hole is very crucial for recent applications owing to its dimension tolerance. This paper presents a study on drilling characteristics of natural and synthetic fiber-reinforced polymer composites and their hybrids. Assessment of delamination, thrust force, torque, influence of drill bit for drilled hole quality and effect of chemical treatment of natural fiber are discussed. Influence of composite specimen thickness and burr formation for synthetic fiber are also reported. Influence of speed, feed, feed rate, drill bit type, drill diameter, drill bit angle, fiber orientation and their optimum conditions for drilling are also reported for both natural and synthetic fiber. Results showed that, minimum delamination can be achieved by high cutting speed and low feed rate. Increasing the number of parameters and level of optimization will improve the accuracy of the results.
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Recently, natural fibers have achieved great potential to replace synthetic fibers. Researchers have found various advantages of the natural fiber reinforced composites (NFRCs) compared to synthetic fiber composites, like low environmental impact, low cost, reasonably good mechanical properties, high specific strength, non-abrasive, eco-friendly and bio-degradability characteristics. Therefore, NFRCs have great demand in the automobile, aerospace, construction, and household product industry. Several component/products are developed by using NFRCs which need the joining processes. The joining may be done between composite to composite or metal to a polymer. The joining of natural fiber-based composites is mainly done by stitching, mechanical fastening (using screws and nuts or bolts, rivets, clamps etc.), adhesives bonding and microwave heating techniques. This review aims to provide an overview of the reported work on the three different types of joining techniques in natural fiber-based composites in order to provide fundamental information on the issues, methodologies and problems related to their joining behaviour.
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The field of polymer-clay nanocomposites has attracted considerable attention as a method of enhancing polymer properties and extending their utility. Layered silicates dispersed as a reinforcing phase in a polymer matrix are one of the most important forms of such inorganic-organic nanocomposites, making them the subject of intense research. We have recently prepared fiber-reinforced composites in which the matrix was a vinyl ester layered silicate nanocomposites. This paper is primarily focused on studying the effects of nano clay particles on improving mechanical and thermal properties of the polymer matrix composite. S2 glass-vinyl ester nanocomposites were prepared by adding different weight percentages (0.5%, 1%, 2%, 5% and 10%) of montmorillonite nano clay particles to vinyl ester matrices. Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion Molding (VARIM), which is a cost effective process, was used for nanocomposite fabrication. The results show increased interlaminar shear strength, flexural strength, flexural modulus and fracture toughness and better thermal properties (temperature of decomposition, glass transition temperature) of the nanostructured materials with low loading of organo silicates. Optical and Scanning Electron Micrographs were taken to examine the failure surfaces. Molecular dispersion of the layered silicate within the cross-linked matrix was verified using Wide Angle X-Ray Diffraction (WAXD) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) revealing the intercalated nanocomposites were formed. TEM also indicated favorable fiber-clay interactions.
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Drilling carbon/epoxy laminates is a common operation in manufacturing and assembly. However, it is necessary to adapt the drilling operations to the drilling tools correctly to avoid the high risk of delamination. Delamination can severely affect the mechanical properties of the parts produced. Production of high quality holes with minimal damage is a key challenge. In this article, delamination caused in laminate plates by drilling is evaluated from radiographic images. To accomplish this goal, a novel solution based on an artificial neural network is employed in the analysis of the radiographic images.
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A photoelastic study was conducted to examine the stress fields in the cutting process of fiber-reinforced plastics (FRPs). Force measurements were made and used in the analysis of the stress fields. Machined surfaces of workpieces with fibers oriented away from the cutting direction showed that the fibers were machined by shearing and tensile fracture; and when fibers were inclined towards the cutting tool, the fibers failed by shearing and bending. In addition, fiber-matrix debonding was observed to be maximum for fibers oriented at 45 deg towards the tool's path. Fiber orientation was shown to have an influence on the machining forces and stresses.
The objective of this study is to develop a new method of manufacturing glass fiber reinforced epoxy composites and to quantitatively show that the properties of such a new material are superior to that of a conventional fiber reinforced polymer composite of the same material base composition. To achieve this objective, the glass fiber (GF) reinforced epoxy composite samples are prepared in four different ways: Method A, using ‘clean’ GF as the reinforcement (i.e., with no modification or additional treatment to the as-received fiber); Method B, modifying the surface of the GF with silica particles before applying in the composite system; Method C, prestressing the clean GF during the curing procedure of the composite; and Method D, prestressing the silica modified GF during the curing procedure of the composite. Preparation by Method D is the newly developed method. The finished composite samples are tested by the three-point bend test and the short-beam shear test under ASTM standard conditions. The results indicate that the composites prepared by the new method, which include the GF surface modification and the GF prestressing preparation conditions, have an excellent combination of properties when compared to the specimens made by the other three methods.
The effects of curing conditions on the mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced epoxy composites under different fiber prestressing levels were quantitatively studied. The composite samples were prepared with silica particle modified continuous E-glass fibers, epoxy resin matrix, fiber prestressing and step curing processing. Room temperature cured and isothermal high temperature cured composite samples, with the same content and structure, were made to study the difference of three curing conditions on a quantitative level. Based on the test results of flexural, shear, and impact properties of the composite samples, it was found that the step curing procedure generates composite samples with up to 47% and 14% increased properties than room temperature cured and isothermal high temperature cured samples, respectively, when manufactured under the same fiber prestressing level. The possibility of generating an optimum residual stress within the samples during processing is proposed and discussed to explain the contribution of the step curing process to the composite properties.
The glass fiber (GF) reinforced epoxy composite samples used in this study are prepared by four different standardized methods, designated as Methods A, B, C, and D. The GF that is modified with silica particles and prestressed during curing in the composite system (Method D) is proved to be significantly superior as a potential candidate material for use in high impact applications. The impact property of the so-finished composite samples is compared, in turn, with other composite samples prepared by the other methods. There are clean fiber reinforced epoxy composite (Method A), modified GF reinforced epoxy composite (Method B), and prestressed clean GF reinforced epoxy composite (Method C). The results indicate that the impact property of the composites prepared by this novel Method D is greater by up to 100% in comparison with Method A and by lesser but, significant, amounts by the other two methods.
Delamination is the major concern during drilling of composite laminates. Delamination, in addition to reducing the structural integrity of the laminate, also results in poor assembly tolerance and has the potential for long-term performance deterioration. Drilling-induced delamination occurs both at the entrance and at the exit planes. This paper presents an analysis of delamination during drilling. The analysis uses a fracture mechanics approach in which the opening-mode delamination fracture toughness, a material parameter, is used with a plate model of the laminate. The analysis predicts an optimal thrust force (defined as the minimum force above which delamination is initiated) as a function of drilled hole depth.
The research is aimed to investigate the compressive strengths of glass/epoxy nanocomposites, containing various loadings of spherical silica nanoparticles. Through a sol—gel technique, the silica particles with a diameter of 25 nm were exfoliated uniformly into the epoxy resin. Subsequently, by inserting the silica—epoxy mixture into the unidirectional glass fiber through a vacuum hand lay-up process, the glass fiber/epoxy composite laminates with 10, 20, and 30 wt% of silica nanoparticles were fabricated. Quasi-static and dynamic compression tests were conducted on the brick composite specimens with fiber orientations of 0°, 5°, 10°, 15°, and 90° using a hydraulic MTS machine and a split Hopkinson pressure bar, respectively. Observations on the failure specimens indicated that for fiber orientations less than 15°, the fiber microbuckling is the dominant failure mechanism. On the other hand, for the 90° samples, the out-of-plane shear failure is the main failure mechanism. In addition, it was denoted that as the silica contents increase, the compressive strengths of the glass/epoxy composites are improved accordingly. The enhancing mechanism in the compressive strengths can be properly explicated using the microbuckling model.
Within this study the influence of adding 5 vol % of silica nanoparticles, obtained via a sol–gel process, on an Araldite-F epoxy was investigated. To characterize toughening effects, compact tension specimens were used to obtain KIC and GIC. Additionally, tensile strength and E-Modulus were measured as well as differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic mechanical thermal analysis were carried out to evaluate the influence on the thermal properties of the epoxy because of addition of the particles. Electronic microscopy was used to check dispersion quality and fracture surfaces, in transmission mode and scanning mode, respectively. The addition of 5 vol %. silica-nanoparticles could improve the stiffness and the toughness of an epoxy resin at the same time. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 100: 1849–1855, 2006
The fiber-reinforced composite materials possess advantage for structural purpose in various industries. Delamination is considered the major concern in manufacturing the parts and assembly. Drilling is frequently applied in production cycle while the anisotropy and non-homogeneity of composite materials affect the chip deformation and machining behavior during drilling. Traditional and non-traditional drilling processes are feasible for making fine holes for composite materials by carefully selected tool, method and operating conditions. In this article, the path towards the delamination-free drilling of composite material is reviewed. The major scenes are illustrated including the aspects of the analytical approach, the practical use of special drill bits, pilot hole and back-up plate, and the employment of non-traditional machining method. © 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.