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Description of the Immature and Adult Stages of Ectatomma vizottoi (Formicidae: Ectatomminae)


Abstract and Figures

We estimated the number of larval instars of the ant Ectatomma vizottoi (Ectatomminae), by measuring the maximum width of the head capsules of 208 larvae and the morphology of the immature stages (eggs, larvae and pupae) and adults. There are three larval instars during the post-embryonic development. The reproductive eggs are dark brown. Hairs are present beginning with the first instar, are uniformly distributed over the larval body, and do not vary in length in the three instars. Pupae are protected by a light-brown silk cocoon. Adults of the worker and queen castes can be differentiated by size.
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Description of the Immature and Adult Stages of
Ectatomma vizottoi (Formicidae: Ectatomminae)
Alexsandro S. Vieira1, William F. Antonialli-Junior1,2*, Wedson D. Fernandes1,3,
Viviane C. Tofolo4 & Edilberto Giannotti4
We estimated the number of larval instars of the ant Ectatomma vizottoi
(Ectatomminae), by measuring the maximum width of the head capsules of 208
larvae and the morphology of the immature stages (eggs, larvae and pupae) and
adults. ere are three larval instars during the post-embryonic development.
e reproductive eggs are dark brown. Hairs are present beginning with the
rst instar, are uniformly distributed over the larval body, and do not vary in
length in the three instars. Pupae are protected by a light-brown silk cocoon.
Adults of the worker and queen castes can be dierentiated by size.
Keywords: ants, cephalic capsule, Dyar’s rule, larval instars.
e exoskeleton of insects made possible their evolutionary success in the
terrestrial environment. Among many important physical characteristics of the
exoskeleton is its rigidity and impermeability. e presence of the exoskeleton
determines a dierent form of growth from vertebrates. e principal growth
mechanism of insects is marked by a series of molts or ecdyses, which are
preceded by a period of intense growth and subsequently by a period where
the insect rarely increases its body size (Wigglesworth 1972). According to
Dyar’s rule (Dyar 1890), the cephalic capsule of larvae and caterpillars grow
1Programa de Pós-graduação em Entomologia e Conservação da Biodiversidade, Universidade Federal
da Grande Dourados.
2Laboratório de Ecologia, Centro Integrado de Análise e Monitoramento Ambiental, Universidade
Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul.
3Faculdade de Ciências Biológicas e Ambientais, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados;
4Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP),
Campus de Rio Claro.
*Correspondence: William F. Antonialli Junior, Centro Integrado de Análise e Monitoramento
Ambiental, Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, Rodovia Dourados Itahum Km 12, Cidade
Universitária, 79804-970, Dourados, MS, Brazil. E-mail:
28 Sociobiology Vol. 53, No. 1, 2009
arithmetically, increasing in width at each change of instar, at a constant and
specic rate in the interval from 1.1 to 1.9 mm, with a mean of 1.4 mm. In
the insects, in general, the number of larval instars can vary from three to 40,
and in Hymenoptera can range from three to six (Sehnal 1985; Chapman
1998). In the ants, the number of instars ranges from three to six (Masuko
1990), most oen with four instars (Hölldobler & Wilson 1990), and, rarely,
six instars (Masuko 1990).
e distinction and description of the larval instars are oen prerequisites
for ecological investigations of social insects, such as studies of colony de-
velopment for analysis of age distribution (Masuko 1990). Many studies of
the number of larval instars of ants have been conducted on species belong-
ing to two more-derived subfamilies, the Myrmicinae and the Formicinae
(Masuko 1990). For the poneromorphs, studies have concentrated on the
following species: Amblyopone silestri, an Amblyoponinae (Masuko 1990),
Ectatomma planidens, mistakenly identied as E. edentatum, an Ectatomminae
(Antonialli-Junior & Giannotti 2000), and in the Ponerinae, Pachycondyla
(= Brachyponera) chinensis studied by Masuko (1990), P. villosa by Zara &
Caetano (2001) and Odontomachus haematodus ( = haematodes) by Colombel
In lateral view, the larva of poneromorphs shows the thorax and part of
the abdomen elongated and a “chest” folded ventrally, with the rest of the
ventral prole straight and dorsally convex, and rounded in the caudal region.
e prole of the larva varies little among species of the same genus, and the
pupae are generally covered by a cocoon made of silk produced by the larva
itself (Wheeler & Wheeler 1979).
ere are only two published studies, one with E. opaciventre (Antonialli-
Junior & Giannotti 1997) and the other with E. planidens, mistakenly identi-
ed as E. edentatum (Antonialli-Junior & Giannotti 2001), that describe the
morphological dierentiation between workers and queens; the workers are
signicantly larger. In this context, the objective of the present study was to
describe the immature stages and the morphometric dierentiation between
the worker and queen castes, as well as the males of Ectatomma vizottoi Almeida
(1987), a species of ant belonging to the subfamily Ectatomminae, a group
of the poneromorph subfamilies which occurs throughout the Neotropical
region (Bolton 2003).
Vieira, A.S. et al. — Immature and Adult Stages of Ectatomma vizotti
Adult and immature individuals from eight colonies of E. vizottoi were col-
lected during the period from November 2004 through August 2006, on the
campus of the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS), Dourados, MS
(22º13’16”S; 54º4820”W). e subterranean nests were excavated according
to the method described by Antonialli-Júnior & Giannotti (1997).
Immature stages
With the aid of a stereomicroscope, the length and diameter of 44 eggs
(1 ocular unit equal to 0.20 mm) and 50 pupae (1 ocular unit equal to 1.0
mm) were measured. To determine the number of larval instars, the width of
the cephalic capsule of 208 larvae was measured (1 ocular unit equal to 0.20
mm), and Dyars rule was applied (Dyar 1890). e means of the dierent
larval groups were analyzed by Tukey test (Parra & Haddad 1989), consider-
ing each group as one instar.
Morphological dierentiation of castes
e maximum length of the head; length of the antennal scape, length of
the anterior end from the pronotum to the posterior part of the propodeus
(i.e., the mesosome) and the maximum width of the second gastral tergite
of 96 adult individuals (9 queens, 57 workers and 30 males) were measured.
e measurements were made with the aid of a stereomicroscope tted with
an ocular reticule (1 ocular unit equal to 0.1 mm). e data were analyzed
by means of Student’s t test for unequal samples, with a signicance level
of p<0.05, between the means of the measurements of the queens and the
workers. Later, the immature and adult specimens were drawn, in order to
illustrate the morphological dierences between them.
Immature stages: eggs
e eggs of this species are elongated and ellipsoid in form (Fig. 1a). e
coloration of the reproductive eggs varies from very dark brown to nearly
black. e mean length is approximately 1.361 ± 0.004 mm, and the median
diameter is 0.768 ± 0.003 mm.
30 Sociobiology Vol. 53, No. 1, 2009
Immature stages: larvae
e larvae of E. vizottoi show the typical pogonomyrmecoid prole (Figs.
1 b-d), white-colored and with numerous hairs or tubercules, as well as
strongly sclerotized brown mandibles, and one pair of teeth beginning with
Fig. 1. Immature stages of Ectatomma vizottoi. a, Egg (same scale as lateral view of larvae); b, c, d,
lateral view of 1st, 2nd and 3rd larval instar, respectively; e, f, g, frontal view of head of 1st, 2nd and
3rd larval instar, respectively; h, frontal view of head of a pupa; i, lateral view of a pupa. Drawings
by Jaime R. Somera.
Vieira, A.S. et al. — Immature and Adult Stages of Ectatomma vizotti
the rst instar, with no evidence of morphological changes during the entire
development (Fig. 1e-g).
e mean width of the cephalic capsule was 0.20 ± 0.028 mm for the rst
instar, 0.28 ± 0.057 mm for the second, and 0.38 ± 0.071 mm for the third
(Table I). e slopes of the frequency-distribution curve for cephalic capsule
width indicate the existence of three distinct peaks (Fig. 2). is suggests the
occurrence of three possible larval instars. e estimated growth rate varied
from 1.3 to 1.4 mm in the width of the cephalic capsule of the larvae from
instar to instar (Table 1).
Instar Amplitude (mm) Frequency Mean width (mm) SD (mm) Growth rate Mean growth rate
1st 0.180-0.220 28 0.200 0.028 - -
2nd 0.240-0.320 106 0.280 0.057 1.400 1.387
3rd 0.340-0.440 74 0.385 0.071 1.375 -
Table 1. Mean cephalic capsule width (mm) of Ectatomma vizottoi larvae and the growth rate of the
larval instars.
Fig. 2. Frequency distribution of the cephalic capsule widths (mm) of Ectatomma vizottoi larvae.
Table 2. Tukey's test applied to the mean values for the three instars detected in
Ectatomma vizottoi. *P value signicant
Larval instar Mean (1) Mean (2) Mean (3)
0.200 0.280 0.385
1 - 0.0464* 0.0004*
2 0.0464* - 0.0051*
3 0.0004* 0.0051* -
32 Sociobiology Vol. 53, No. 1, 2009
e growth rate of the cephalic capsule was 1.4 mm from the rst to the
second instar, and 1.375 mm from the second to the third; the mean growth
rate of the species was 1.387 mm (Table 1). Tukey's test indicated signicant
Fig. 3. ueen of Ectatomma vizottoi. a, Frontal view of head; b, Lateral view of body. Drawn by Jaime
R. Somera
Vieira, A.S. et al. — Immature and Adult Stages of Ectatomma vizotti
dierences among the means of the three groups (Table 2), thus conrming
the existence of three instars during the larval development of this species
(Figs. 1b-g).
Fig. 4. Worker of Ectatomma vizottoi. a, Frontal view of head; b, Lateral view of body. Drawn by
Jaime R. Somera
34 Sociobiology Vol. 53, No. 1, 2009
Immature stages: pupae
e pupae (Fig. 1h-i) of E. vizottoi were surrounded by a light-brown silk
cocoon. eir mean length was 9.450 ± 2.887 mm, and mean diameter 4.13
± 0.274 mm.
Fig. 5. Male of Ectatomma vizottoi. a, Frontal view of head; b, Lateral view of body. Drawn by Jaime
R. Somera
Vieira, A.S. et al. — Immature and Adult Stages of Ectatomma vizotti
Morphological dierentiation of castes
e queens are perceptibly larger than the workers (Figs. 3 and 4). ey
possess wings (which are lost aer mating, with only alar scars remaining
beneath the tegulae), three ocelli between the compound eyes, and a more
developed abdomen compared to the workers (Figs. 3a and b).
All the morphological measurements analyzed showed signicant dif-
ferences between workers and queens. e maximum length of the head
showed a mean of 2.20 ± 0.16 mm in workers and 3.09 ± 0.12 mm in queens
(t=18.59; p=0.000). e mean length of the antennal scape was 3.18 ± 0.25
mm in workers and 3.51 ± 0.24 mm in queens (t= 3.688; p= 0.002). e
mean mesosome length was 5.17 ± 0.25 mm in workers and 7.08 ± 0.40 mm
in queens (t= 13.593; p= 0.000). e maximum width of the second gastral
tergite was 2.43 ± 0.19 mm in workers and 4.02 ± 0.34 mm in queens, a
highly signicant dierence (t= 13.440; p= 0.000).
In males (Fig. 5a and b), the mean maximum head length was 1.75 ± 0.13
mm, the mean antennal scape length was 0.47 ± 0.06 mm, the mean meso-
some length was 5.26 ± 0.23 mm and the maximum width of the second
gastral tergite was 2.18 ± 0.09 mm.
e eggs of E. planidens (Antonialli-Junior & Giannotti 2000) have the
same form as E. vizottoi, but with a dierent color, light brown. e dark
color pattern of the reproductive eggs is similar to the eggs of E. tuberculatum
studied by Hora et al. (2007). However, the same whitish color pattern of
the trophic eggs is observed in all three of these species.
e coloration of the larvae is similar to that of the majority of the larvae
of Hymenoptera, and the morphology is in accord with the description of
Wheeler and Wheeler (1971, 1979). Antonialli-Junior & Giannotti (2000)
also described numerous hairs or tubercules and sclerotized mandibles in the
larvae of E. planidens.
For the larval instars, the estimated growth rate varied from 1.3 to 1.4 mm
in the width of the cephalic capsule of the larvae. is accords with Dyar’s
rule, which proposes a variation from 1.1 to 1.9 mm (Dyar 1890). Antonialli-
Junior & Giannotti (2000) found that this rule also applies to the growth
rates of larvae of E. planidens.
36 Sociobiology Vol. 53, No. 1, 2009
ree larval instars were also found during the larval development of E.
planidens (Antonialli-Junior & Giannotti 2000). Masuko (1990) observed ve
larval instars for A. silestri, whereas for P. ( = Brachyponera) chinensis (Masuko
1990), O. haematodus (=haematodes) and P. villosa (Zara & Caetano 2001),
four instars were observed. erefore, in the poneromorphs, the number of
instars during larval development can range from three to ve, similar to
the Formicinae, and in the Myrmicinae from three to six. However, in the
Ecitoninae there appears to be no variation: Masuko (1990) studied three
species of this subfamily and observed ve larval instars in all of them.
e morphological characteristics of the pupae of this species are similar
to those described by Wheeler & Wheeler (1979), who reported that the silk
cocoon makes possible the emergence of the adult without the aid of work-
ers. In E. planidens (Antonialli-Junior & Giannotti 2000) and E. vizottoi,
the pupae are also protected by a cocoon, diering, for example, from the
Myrmicinae Solenopsis, in which the pupae are of the exarate type, or naked
(Hölldobler & Wilson 1990).
Signicant morphometric dierences between queens and workers have
been found in other species of the same genus, such as E. planidens (Antonialli-
Junior & Giannotti 2001) and E. opaciventre (Antonialli-Junior & Giannotti
1997). Prominent among these dierences are the larger gaster and second
gastral tergite of the queens. is may be due to a greater development of the
ovaries, which contain a larger number of ovarioles in relation to the work-
ers. In colonies of E. vizottoi, workers possess one or two ovarioles and the
queens have as many as 12 (Vieira et al. 2008). E. brunneum also possesses
one or two ovarioles per worker, and the queen has up to 15 (Toledo-Mello &
Caetano 1980). e dimorphism between queens and workers of E. vizottoi
is obvious, as also described by Antonialli-Junior & Giannotti (1997) in E.
opaciventre, by Lachaud et al. (1999) in E. ruidum, and by Antonialli-Junior
& Giannotti (2001) in E. planidens. In the case of E. ruidum, there is more
than one kind of queen, which the authors termed macro- and microgynes
(Lachaud et al. 1999).
e coloration of the workers and queens accords with the description
by Almeida (1987). e females of E. vizottoi are predominantly yellow-
brown, with a rust-colored gaster. e males are perceptibly smaller than
the workers and queens, with a small head and antenna constituted of 13
Vieira, A.S. et al. — Immature and Adult Stages of Ectatomma vizotti
elongated segments, whereas the antennae of workers and queens possess 12
segments. In addition, the body coloration of the males is darker than that
of the females.
In conclusion, E. vizottoi has three larval instars, which do not show marked
morphological changes during their development. e reproductive eggs are
dark, the trophic eggs are whitish, and the pupae are surrounded by a light-
brown silk cocoon like the other species of the genus. e queens dier from
the workers in size, as well as the presence of wings (or alar thecae, aer the
loss of the wings), of the tegulae and of the ocelli on the top of the head. e
males are quite distinct from the females.
Our thanks to the researcher Jacques Hubert Charles Delabie of the
Laboratório de Mirmecologia of the Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau (Ceplac-
Ilhéus, BA), for identifying the specimens; to the artist Jaime Roberto
Somera, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade
Estadual Paulista (UNESP); to the researcher Riviane R. Hora for revising
this manuscript; to FUNDECT for nancial support of the project (Process
No. 23/200.085/2007) and to Capes for awarding a master’s degree fellow-
ship to the rst author.
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... The species remains poorly studied, with only aspects of its behavior, immature stages and occurrence in Brazil being reported (e.g. Martins et al., 2006;Vieira et al., 2007Vieira et al., , 2009Vieira et al., , 2010Vieira et al., , 2012Lima & Antonialli-Junior, 2013). Since these ants are generalists, although preying mostly on other ants (Lima & Antonialli-Junior, 2013), and the queens apparently do not prey frequently, it is expected that there would be differences in the morphology of the venom apparatus among castes. ...
... Thus, the results demonstrate that different castes have different venom apparatus morphology and probably different toxicity. However, these differences in sizes may simply be proportional to body size, since queens are noticeably larger than workers in this species, as has been previously described by Vieira et al. (2009). However, Billen (1986b) did not notice significant differences among the venom apparatus of the different castes of M. rubra, except for the size of the reservoir, which was smaller in queens. ...
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The elimination of toxins via a venom gland by some ant species is a component of a larger mechanism for capturing prey and defense. The present study describes the morphology and histochemistry of the venom apparatus of different castes of the ant Ectatomma vizottoi Almeida, 1987. Morphologically, the venom apparatus of queens, gynes and workers of E. vizottoi are similar and composed of the sting apparatus and three distinct portions: two secretory portions (convoluted gland and secretory filament), and a storage portion (reservoir) - a hollow sting apparatus covered in the terminal portion of the reservoir by a sclerotized cuticle. The venom gland of E. vizottoi is longer in queens and gynes than in workers. Furthermore, the epithelium of the convoluted gland is taller in the glands of queens and gynes than in workers, which may be indicative of greater toxin synthesis, or may be related to different body sizes of the castes. The morphology and histology of the venom apparatus reflect those of a generalist, while the histochemical tests indicated that this structure has the same chemical content of lipids, proteins and polysaccharides among queens, gynes, and workers. Images obtained by confocal microscopy and scanning electronic microscopy reveal a muscle layer surrounding the reservoir that is interlaced with secretory filaments, which fixes, in a manner, the filaments in place. This musculature serves to eject stored venom, which likely leads to greater success in defense or foraging.
... Studies done on this genus deal mainly with its interactions with plants that have extrafloral nectaries (Oliveira and Brandão 1991;Oliveira and Freitas 2004;Oliveira and Del-Claro 2005), fauna surveys (Marinho et al. 2002;Marques and Del-Claro 2006), ecology (Silvestre and Silva 2001;Pie 2004;Erdogmus 2010;Tofolo et al. 2006Tofolo et al. , 2010Tofolo et al. , 2011, population dynamics Giannotti 1997, 2001;Tofolo and Giannotti 2005;Vieira et al. 2009Vieira et al. , 2010, division of labor (Antonialli-Junior and Giannotti 2002;Vieira et al. 2010), nest architecture (Antonialli-Junior and Giannotti 1997; Lapola et al. 2003;Vieira et al. 2007 ), and chemical ecology (Antonialli-Junior et al. 2007. ...
... In Ectatomma, satellite nests are known to be an inherent feature of Ectatomminae (Hölldobler and Wilson 1990); however, until now, no experiment has in fact proven that it is associated with polydomy. During the excavation of the nests used in studies with E. brunneum (Lapola et al. 2003;Tofolo and Giannotti 2005;Locher et al. 2009;Tofolo et al. 2010), E. opaciventre (Antonialli-Junior and Giannotti 1997;Tofolo et al. 2011), E. planidens (Antonialli-Junior and Giannotti 2000, 2003Antonialli-Junior et al. 2007), and E. vizottoi (Vieira et al. 2009), it was noticed that not all of them had queens, as some had only workers and brood. Furthermore, no underground or surface structure delimiting trails and connecting nests nearby has been found so far, as occurs in species that build outstations. ...
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Tropical ants commonly exhibit a hyper-dispersed pattern of spatial distribution of nests. In polydomous species, nests may be satellites, that is, secondary structures of the main nest, where the queen is found. In order to evaluate whether the ant Ectatomma opaciventre Roger (Formicidae: Ectatomminae) uses the strategy of building polydomous nests, the spatial distribution pattern of 33 nests in a 1,800 m2 degraded area located in Rio Claro, SP, Brazil, were investigated using the nearest neighbor method. To complement the results of this investigation, the cuticular chemical profile of eight colonies was analyzed using Fourier transform infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy (FTIR-PAS). The nests of E. opaciventre presented a hyper-dispersed or regular distribution, which is the most common in ants. The analysis of the cuticular hydrocarbons apparently confirmed the hypothesis that this species is polydomous, since the chemical profiles of all studied colonies with nests at different sites were very similar to the chemical signature of the single found queen and were also different from those of colonies used as control.
... ies, Fox et al. (2007;Paratrechina longicornis), Vieira et al. (2009;Ectatomma vizottoi), Jesus et al. (2010;Tapinoma melanocephalum), Solis et al. (2010; Monomorium floricola) and Fox et al. (2017a, b; Odontomachus sp., Camponotus senex and Camponotus textor) investigated the fine details of immature stages, number of larval instars as well as growth rate between each instar with the help of scanning electron microscope and light microscope. From India, larval forms of two species of the subfamily Myrmicinae, i.e., Pheidole indica Mayr 1879 and Aphaenogaster beesoni Donisthorpe 1933, were described in detail using scanning electron microscope Gill 2011, Bharti et al. 2013). ...
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We provide detailed description of three larval instars of two ant species namely; Myrmica hecate Weber 1947 and Mymica rupestris Forel 1902. Myrmica rupestris larvae exhibit the “pogonomyrmecoid” body shape which is considered ancestral in the genus Myrmica, whereas M.hecate larvae exhibit the “pheidoloid” shape.
... Outros aspectos da expressão do comportamento, como a arquitetura dos ninhos, estudo dos estágios de desenvolvimento e variação de feromônios cuticulares também foram realizados com espécies de formigas que ocorrem nesta região do país (i.e. VIEIRA; ANTONIALLI-JUNIOR, 2006;ANTONIALLI-JUNIOR et al., 2007PIMENTA et al., 2007;VIEIRA et al., 2007VIEIRA et al., , 2009VIEIRA et al., , 2010bVIEIRA et al., , 2012BERNARDI et al., 2014). Assim como trabalhos de interação entre formigas e plantas (i.e. ...
... The biology of Ectatomma vizottoi Almeida, 1987 has only recently been studied (Vieira et al. 2007(Vieira et al. , 2009(Vieira et al. , 2010(Vieira et al. , 2012, and a detailed investigation of the species' foraging patterns or diet in the field has yet to be conducted. For this reason, and because foraging activity is an important part of ecological success in social insects, the present study aimed to investigate the foraging strategies and dietary habits of E. vizottoi. ...
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Foraging strategies of the ant Ectatomma vizottoi (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Foraging activity may be limited by temperature, humidity, radiation, wind, and other abiotic factors, all of which can affect energy costs during foraging. Ectatomma vizottoi's biology has only recently been studied, and no detailed information is available on its foraging patterns or diet in the field. For this reason, and because foraging activity is an important part of the ecological success of social insects, the present study aimed to investigate E. vizottoi's foraging strategies and dietary habits. First, we determined how abiotic factors constrained E. vizottoi's foraging patterns in the field by monitoring the foraging activity of 16 colonies on eight different days across two seasons. Second, we characterized E. vizottoi's diet by monitoring another set of 26 colonies during peak foraging activity. Our results show that E. vizottoi has foraging strategies that are similar to those of congeneric species. In spite of having a low efficiency index, colonies adopted strategies that allowed them to successfully obtain food resources while avoiding adverse conditions. These strategies included preying on other ant species, a foraging tactic that could arise if a wide variety of food items are not available in the environment or if E. vizottoi simply prefers, regardless of resource availability, to prey on other invertebrates and especially on other ant species.
The ontogeny of an organism provides fundamental insights into its life history and evolutionary background. Among insects, especially ants, relatively few observations have been formalized about the morphology of immature stages. Using light and scanning electron microscopy, this study presents the first description of the different larval instars of Aphaenogaster cristata (Forel, 1902) and Aphaenogaster pachei (Forel, 1906), species endemic to the Himalayas that predominate in areas where cold temperature stress and disturbances limit the presence of other ants. The existence of four larval instars was estimated based on the frequency distribution of their measured maximum head widths. We observed discrete alterations in the body constitution and parts among the different instars, suggesting they must follow similar habits until pupation. The two species, however, present noticeable particularities in their mandibles and hair types, suggesting intrinsic life adaptations. Observed traits complementary with previous descriptions with larvae of the genus and related taxa are suggestive of considerable evolutionary distance from Messor , considered the sister clade, which merits further taxonomic investigation in future studies.
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Memorial submetido à Banca Examinadora da como parte dos requisitos necessários para promoção à Classe E, denominada Professor Titular na Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados
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The lady beetle, Nephus arcuatus Kapur is one of the most important predators of spherical mealy bug, Nipaecoccus viridis (News.) in Khuzestan province, Southwest of Iran.The development time of immature stages (eggs, larvae, prepupa and pupa), males and females and the voracity of the 4th instars larvae and adults of N. arcuatus on 1st instar nymph of mealybug were studied in incubator (30±1ºC, 65±5% RH, and 14:10 L: D photoperiod). The number of larval instars was determined based on Dyar`srule. The head capsule width increasedfrom 0.15±0.002 (1st instar larvae) to 0.33±0.002 (4th instar larvae) as the larval stages increased. According to our results, the head capsule width of N. arcuatus followed Dyar`s rule, but a second degree polynomial equation (ln y=-0.040 x2+0.456 x -2.316) can more accurately describe it. The 4th instar larvae, adult male and female consumed 177.8±5.46, 58.7±2.96, and 86.5±7.42 1st instar nymph,respectively during 24 hours. The periods of egg incubation first, second, third and fourth larval instars, and prepupal and pupal stages were 3.92±0.02, 2.17±0.05, 1.29±0.03, 1.52±0.03, 2.57±0.05, 1.05±0.03 and 5.09±0.12 days, respectively. Female and male longevity was 113.88±6.3 and 86.08±6.29 days, respectively and females laying an average of 660.47±37.97 eggs.
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The lady beetle, Nephus arcuatus Kapur is one of the most important predators of spherical mealy bug, Nipaecoccus viridis (News.) in Khuzestan province, Southwest of Iran.The development time of immature stages (eggs, larvae, prepupa and pupa), males and females and the voracity of the 4th instars larvae and adults of N. arcuatus on 1st instar nymph of mealybug were studied in incubator (30±1ºC, 65±5% RH, and 14:10 L: D photoperiod). The number of larval instars was determined based on Dyar`srule. The head capsule width increasedfrom 0.15±0.002 (1st instar larvae) to 0.33±0.002 (4th instar larvae) as the larval stages increased. According to our results, the head capsule width of N. arcuatus followed Dyar`s rule, but a second degree polynomial equation (ln y=-0.040 x2+0.456 x -2.316) can more accurately describe it. The 4th instar larvae, adult male and female consumed 177.8±5.46, 58.7±2.96, and 86.5±7.42 1st instar nymph,respectively during 24 hours. The periods of egg incubation first, second, third and fourth larval instars, and prepupal and pupal stages were 3.92±0.02, 2.17±0.05, 1.29±0.03, 1.52±0.03, 2.57±0.05, 1.05±0.03 and 5.09±0.12 days, respectively. Female and male longevity was 113.88±6.3 and 86.08±6.29 days, respectively and females laying an average of 660.47±37.97 eggs.
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The lady beetle, Nephus arcuatus Kapur is one of the most important predators of spherical mealy bug, Nipaecoccus viridis (News.) in Khuzestan province, Southwest of Iran.The development time of immature stages (eggs, larvae, prepupa and pupa), males and females and the voracity of the 4th instars larvae and adults of N. arcuatus on 1st instar nymph of mealybug were studied in incubator (30±1ºC, 65±5% RH, and 14:10 L: D photoperiod). The number of larval instars was determined based on Dyar`srule. The head capsule width increasedfrom 0.15±0.002 (1st instar larvae) to 0.33±0.002 (4th instar larvae) as the larval stages increased. According to our results, the head capsule width of N. arcuatus followed Dyar`s rule, but a second degree polynomial equation (ln y=-0.040 x2+0.456 x -2.316) can more accurately describe it. The 4th instar larvae, adult male and female consumed 177.8±5.46, 58.7±2.96, and 86.5±7.42 1st instar nymph,respectively during 24 hours. The periods of egg incubation first, second, third and fourth larval instars, and prepupal and pupal stages were 3.92±0.02, 2.17±0.05, 1.29±0.03, 1.52±0.03, 2.57±0.05, 1.05±0.03 and 5.09±0.12 days, respectively. Female and male longevity was 113.88±6.3 and 86.08±6.29 days, respectively and females laying an average of 660.47±37.97 eggs.
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Os artrópodos possuem como esqueleto quase toda sua superfície externa, o exoesqueleto, que e constituído de um revestimento rígido, com invaginações chamadas apodemas, nas quais prendem-se os músculos. Este tipo de "armadura" externa condicionou um tipo de desenvolvimento todo especial, já que com a sua segmentação apresentando tegumento rígido, não pode crescer constantemente, podendo apenas distender as membranas intersegmentares dentro de certos limites. Portanto, cada vez que urna forma evolutiva completa o crescimento máximo...
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Twelve nests of Ectatomma edentatum (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) were collected from January to December 1996, in Rio Claro, SP, southeastern Brazil. This species excavates their nests up to 1, 10m deep, containing 2, 3, or 4 chambers with an entrance hole of up to 5mm diameter. Colonies with 104, 79, and 82 adult ants respectively were found in February, October, and November. These numbers decreased from March. Colonies with 21 and 16 adult ants were observed in May and July. The colonies' populations increased again in August. Immature stages were not seen January, February, and July, but there were many between March-April and September-November. There was no significant correlation between the number of individuals per colony and temperature or between the number of colonies and relative humidity and rainfall.
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Eleven nests of Ectatomma opaciventre were collected from January to December, 1994, in Rio Claro, SP, southeastern Brazil. This species excavates their nests up to 68 cm deep, containing 3, 4 or 5 chambers. The hole of entrance has a chimney-like rigid structure, with up to 2/5 cm high. The most numerous colonies were found in January and February, with 47 and 62 adult ants, respectively. The quantity of individuals decreased from March, being observed colonies with only 9 adult ants in June and July. The colony population increased again since September. Reproductive forms (winged ants) were observed between October and February. We did not observed immature stages in July, but they were numerous between September and March. There was a significant correlation between the number of colony individuals and temperature, but not between the number of colony individuals and relative humidity and rainfall. E. opaciventre is a species of hunter ants which have not an efficient recruitment system for food collecting, consequently their colonies are small due to the scarcity of food resources during the colder and dry months.
I Development in the Egg.- References.- II The Integument.- Properties of the cuticle.- Formation and shedding of the cuticle.- References.- III Growth.- Moulting.- Metamorphosis.- Determination of characters during post-embryonic development.- Regeneration.- Diapause.- References.- IV Muscular System and Locomotion.- Anatomy and histology.- Physiological properties of insect muscles.- Locomotion.- References.- V Nervous and Endocrine Systems.- Nervous system.- Visceral nervous system.- Endocrine system.- References.- VI Sense Organs: Vision.- Compound eye.- Simple eyes.- References.- VII Sense Organs: Mechanical and Chemical Senses.- Mechanical senses.- Hearing.- Chemical senses.- Temperature and humidity.- References.- VIII Behaviour.- Kinesis and related phenomena.- Orientation.- Co-ordinated behaviour.- References.- IX Respiration.- Tracheal system.- Development of the tracheal system.- Transport of oxygen to the tracheal endings.- Elimination of carbon dioxide.- Respiration of aquatic insects.- Respiration of endoparasitic insects.- Respiratory function of the blood.- Regulation of respiratory movements.- References.- X The Circulatory System and Associated Tissues.- Circulatory system.- Haemolymph.- Haemocytes.- Pericardial cells and so-called 'nephrocytes'.- Fat body.- Oenocytes.- Light-producing organs.- References.- XI Digestion and Nutrition.- Fore-gut.- Peritrophic membrane.- Mid-gut.- Hind-gut.- Secretions of the alimentary canal.- Digestion of some skeletal and other substances of plants and animals.- The role of lower organisms in digestion.- Nutrition.- References.- XII Excretion.- Urine.- Intermediary nitrogen metabolism.- Malpighian tubes.- Histophysiology of the Malpighian tubes.- Accessory functions of Malpighian tubes.- Malpighian tubes during moulting and metamorphosis.- Cephalic excretory organs and intestinal excretion.- Storage excretion.- References.- XIII Metabolism.- Chemical transformations.- Some chemical products of insects.- Pigment metabolism.- Respiratory metabolism.- References.- XIV Water and Temperature.- Water relations.- Temperature relations.- References.- XV Reproductive System.- Female reproductive system.- Male reproductive system.- Mating, impregnation and fertilization.- Some factors controlling fertility and fecundity.- Special modes of reproduction.- Sex determination.- Transmission of symbiotic micro-organisms.- References.- Index of Authors.- General Index.
In this work we present the number of larval instars in the Ponerinae ant Pachycondyla (=Neoponera) villosa. The analysis of maximal head capsule width measurement of 147 larvae was made. Four larval instars were measured: 1st instar the cephalic capsule varied from 0.18mm to 0.22mm; 2nd instar from 0.23mm to 0.27mm; 3rd instar from 0.30mm to 0.33mm and the 4th instar varied from 0.35mm to 0.38mm. The mean growth rate was 1.2375 according to the rule of Dyar. We also reviewed the number of larval instars for 35 ant species.
Preface Part A. The Head, Ingestion, Utilization and Distribuiton of Food: 1. Head 2. Mouthparts and feeding 3. Alimentary canal, digestion and absorption 4. Nutrition 5. Circulatory system, blood and immune system 6. Fat body Part B. The Thorax, Muscles and Locomotion: 7. Thorax 8. Legs and locomotion 9. Wings and flight 10. Muscles Part C. The Abdomen, Reproductive System and Development: 11. Abdomen 12. Reproductive system: male 13. Reproductive system: female 14. The egg and embryology 15. Postembryonic development Part D. The Integument, Gas Exchange and Homeostasis: 16. Integument 17. Gaseous exchange 18. Excretion and salt and water regulation 19. Thermal relations Part E. Communication: I. Physiological Co-ordination within the Insects: 20. Nervous system 21. Endocrine System II. Perception of the Environment: 22. Visual system 23. Mechanoreception 24. Chemoreception III. Communication with other Organisms: 25. Color and light production 26. Mechanical communication: sound production 27. Chemical communication: pheromones and chemicals with interspecific significance Species index Subject index.