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How to Write Articles That Get Published

  • Sri Satya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Science, Whitefield, Bangalore-560066s


Publications are essential for sharing knowledge, and career advancement. Writing a research paper is a challenge. Most graduate programmes in medicine do not offer hands-on training in writing and publishing in scientific journals. Beginners find the art and science of scientific writing a daunting task. ‘How to write a scientific paper?, Is there a sure way to successful publication ?’ are the frequently asked questions. This paper aims to answer these questions and guide a beginner through the process of planning, writing, and correction of manuscripts that attract the readers and satisfies the peer reviewers. A well-structured paper in lucid and correct language that is easy to read and edit, and strictly follows the instruction to the authors from the editors finds favour from the readers and avoids outright rejection. Making right choice of journal is a decision critical to acceptance. Perseverance through the peer review process is the road to successful publication.
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Sep, Vol-8(9): XG01-XG03 11
DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/8107.4855 Postgraduate Education
Keywords: Medical writing, Publication In biomedical journal, Preparation of manuscript
Writing and publishing scientific papers is the core business of
every researcher [1]. The scientific output medical researchers
generate is not only important for society to improve health through
advancement of knowledge but also for the individual researcher’s
career [2]. Effective scientific writing, however, is not easy [1].
Scientific paper has a required structure and style. However, a
research article is not only a technically rigid document, but also
a subjective intellectual product. Therefore, it requires good skills
in both structuring and phrasing. These skills are acquired through
experience, and can also be taught [3]. ‘Uniform Requirements
for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and
Editing for Biomedical Publication’ gives the required technical and
structural details of scientific papers [4]. Also, there is no dearth
of literature on scientific writing and publishing. Ironically, most
graduate programmes in medicine do not offer hands-on training in
writing and publishing in scientific journals. Therefore, most authors
learn the art and science of scientific writing the hard way; though
there are papers that provide step-by-step guide to writing [5].
What constitute a good paper- worthy of publication? There are no
straight answers. Some define a good paper as a clear, coherent,
focussed, well-argued document that uses unambiguous language
[3]. Editors and reviewers appreciate manuscripts that are easy to
read and edit [4]. However, no foolproof rules exist for success in
publishing a manuscript. Good scientific content of a paper alone
does not guarantee its publication in a good journal [5].
This article presents a review of the selected articles on writing and
publishing in biomedical journals and aims to provide beginners
the basics of effective scientific writing, and tips on successful
Writing a Scientific Paper: Getting started
When planning a scientific paper, Berk’s memo to the authors in the
American Journal of Roentgenology is worth following [6]. He felt
that getting the things right the first time improved the chances of
acceptance and avoided revisions. He set out 5 guiding principles
for the inexperienced authors : They are : 1. Determine the specific
focus of your article, 2. Select the right journal, 3. Decide the type of
article, 4. Follow the guidelines for authors published in the selected
journal, 5. Revise, revise, and revise. Remember, ‘the most of the
important work of composing a manuscript occurs during the study
design that is critical for determining the resultant manuscript’s
publication [7]. Therefore, study design and methodology requires
Education Section
How to Write Articles
That Get Published
Publications are essential for sharing knowledge, and career advancement. Writing a research paper is a challenge. Most graduate
programmes in medicine do not offer hands-on training in writing and publishing in scientific journals. Beginners find the art and science
of scientific writing a daunting task. ‘How to write a scientific paper?, Is there a sure way to successful publication ?’ are the frequently
asked questions. This paper aims to answer these questions and guide a beginner through the process of planning, writing, and
correction of manuscripts that attract the readers and satisfies the peer reviewers. A well-structured paper in lucid and correct language
that is easy to read and edit, and strictly follows the instruction to the authors from the editors finds favour from the readers and avoids
outright rejection. Making right choice of journal is a decision critical to acceptance. Perseverance through the peer review process is
the road to successful publication.
careful planning; they form the touchstone on which results and
conclusions are tested.
The scope of work determines the type of article. The choice of
journal depends upon the field a journal covers, area of research,
time frame for publication, and the journal’s impact factor- a proxy
for relative importance of the journal within its field. ‘Uniform
requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals:
writing and editing for biomedical publication’ provides the
guidelines for preparing manuscripts for any journal [4]. The text
of observational and experimental articles is usually divided into
sections with the headings, introduction, methods, results, and
discussion, the so-called “IMRAD” structure. Other types of articles
have different structure. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize
with and strictly follow the instructions to the authors of the target
To begin with read a paper written in the format you plan to write.
Prepare a skeleton of your paper [8]. Note down the key points in
each section. It is neither desirable nor practical to actually write the
article sections in sequential order. Introduction and the discussion
may wait till at the end. Abstract may be written the last.
Keep the language simple, concise and easy to understand. Follow
UK or US English as desired by the journal. Remove all unnecessary
words. Use active voice rather than passive. The sentences should
begin with the operative word and end with the message. Expand
the abbreviations when used for the first time. Check the grammar
and spelling. A word processing tool may be helpful. However,
many biomedical words do not exist in the vocabulary of the word
processing tools. Here, the textbooks or a medical dictionary may
be helpful.
Following text sequentially discusses the elements of the individual
sections of a scientific paper. Peer-review and reasons for rejection
are discussed subsequently.
Title: A good title should attract and inform the readers and be
accurate [9]. It should make it stand out from other literature in the
field [10]. Titles may be phrased in a variety ways. Some examples
of descriptive and informative titles are given below:
- Correlation of Tear Fluorescein Clearance and Schirmer test
scores with Ocular irritation symptoms (a descriptive title)
- What Are the Biomarkers for Glaucoma?
- Dry eyes: are new ideas drying up?
Kirti Nath Jha, How to Write Articles That Get Published
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Sep, Vol-8(9): XG01-XG03
- Angiopoetin-2 levels are elevated in exudative pleural effusions
(informative title)
As a rule, the title should contain all the words that the readers
use for searching relevant literature. The authors may, to begin with,
consider a number of titles and finally choose the most appropriate.
Co-authors and peers may provide useful suggestions. Some
journals also ask for short running titles in limited characters to
be used at the top or bottom of the journal page. Provide a short
running title whenever asked.
Abstract: The abstract reflects the main story of the scientific paper.
While reading articles most readers go no beyond the abstracts.
Therefore, the abstract should attract the readers to go further.
Abstract may be structured or unstructured. Most journals ask for
a structured abstracts within given word limit. Structured abstract
is divided into:
1. Background: What is known and why is this study needed?
2. Methods: What did you do ?
3. Results: What did you find ?
4. Conclusion: What does it mean ?
Write the abstract in past perfect tense, active voice, and with no
Provide word count, if asked, and key words for indexing, preferably
confirming to medical subject heading (MeSH) vocabulary. MeSH
vocabulary is available on .
Introduction: A crisp introduction is an essential ingredient of a
good paper. A good introduction will ‘sell’’ the study to editors,
reviewers, readers, and sometimes even the media [11]. It should
tell what is known, what is unknown , and also the rationale behind
the study. The introduction should start with the background of
previous research, and state the aim, the research question, and
the study design. Give in the introduction only the strictly pertinent
references and do not include the data or conclusions from the
work being reported.
Methods: The methods tell how the study was conducted and
how the conclusions were arrived at. Methods of an original study
have four basic elements; study design, setting and subjects, data
collection, statistical methods, and ethical approval. Describe
the type of study (prospective/ retrospective/ experimental/
observational), the subjects or the study population (human/
animal), the sample size and sample size calculation, recruitment
of study population, methods of randomization, blinding, inclusion
and exclusion criteria, measurement tools, outcome measures, and
statistical analysis. The methods provides the readers insight into
correctness or otherwise of design. Also, details of methods allow
the readers to replicate the intervention or experiment so that they
can try and test for themselves the efficacy of an intervention and the
validity of conclusions. While describing new surgery or experiment
provide sufficient details. When you followed a standard procedures
described elsewhere, provide the relevant references.
Results: Results answers the research question without
interpretation. Structure the results like the material and methods
[12]. Be objective and use past tense. Remove all the superfluous
details that does not form the part of study question, outcome
measure or a factor affecting it. Start the results with recruitment
process, and a description of demographic characteristic of the
population. For controlled trials first describe the experimental group
followed by the control group. Give both the percentage and the
actual numerical values with decimals e.g. 90%(54/60). Wherever
applicable present the values with mean, standard deviation (SD)
and 95 % confidence interval. Describe the primary and secondary
outcome, and also the unexpected findings. Give p-values with
95 % confidence interval to state the beneficial / adverse effects
established by a test of statistical significance. Also provide effect
sizes e.g. odds ratio or relative risk with 95 % confidence interval.
Do not over interpret the results. Over interpretetation of result may
weaken the impact of conclusion and result in rejection of your
Tables, charts, graphs and figures reduce the text and makes visual
impact for easy reading. Number the figures, tables, charts, graphs
and the photographs serially. Mention them in the text at appropriate
places. Prepare the clinical photographs and diagrams on separate
pages in desired format (e.g. JPEG, TIFF, or PNG of desired file
size and resolution). Provide as a separate file for the legends for
figures, charts, and the clinical photographs. Place the legends after
the references. Additional media, like video, in desired file format of
given file size, may be submitted for online journals.
Discussion: Discussion interprets the results. Keep it concise.
Begin the discussion with brief recapitulation of the main findings
(the answer to the research question) without repeating the results.
Repeating results in the discussion is a common mistake. Refrain from
bringing in new findings. Compare your results with the findings of
similar studies by other authors and explain the reasons of variation.
Emphasise the new findings. Interpret the unexpected. Underline
the implications of your findings. Also, describe the strengths and
weaknesses of your study. Finally provide a conclusion - the take
home message.
References: References authenticate the scientific facts and
statements. Include only the essential references. Cite most
accessible reference, and the primary source rather than reviews.
Eliminate archaic and irrelevant references, and references for
established facts. Check the references for accuracy. Follow the
referencing style suggested by the target journal. Most biomedical
journals today follow Vancouver style or APA (American Psychological
Association) style. There may be a limit for the number of references
for a given type of article. Some journal offer online software for
checking accuracy of the listed references. Limited number
of references can be arranged manually. Especially designed
referencing software is useful for maintaining and managing large
volume of references. Annotation of references - sentence case or
superscript- also varies. Follow the individual journal’s guidelines.
Submission: Revise your paper thoroughly before submission.
Read it critically as you would another author’s paper. Ensure you
have strictly followed the instruction to authors. Failure to adhere to
the instructions may result in summary rejection of your paper. Check
and recheck the language and grammar for errors. Create separate
files for the cover letter, the abstract, the blinded article file (without
author details); figures, charts, tables, and images, legends, and
permission from copyright holder for use of published materials, etc.
Provide in the cover letter the title, main findings, and their relevance.
Ensure correctness of author details (name, surname, degree, etc.),
authorship (first author, co-author, guarantor, corresponding author),
and their mailing address and the institutional affiliation. Provide
all the information desired by the editor including contribution of
individual authors. Some journal require details of contributions of
each author e.g., conception and design, data collection, statistical
analysis, manuscript preparation and revision. Declare the conflict
of interest, if any. Online submission shall remain incomplete unless
you sequentially upload all the required sections, and the copyright
transfer form signed by each author. The copyright transfer form
should mention the corresponding author. Preserve the raw data
and the final submission for future reference.
Reasons for Rejection: Rejection is an unpleasant situation,
but common in scientific publishing. Initial rejection occurs at
the editorial level. During the peer review, reviewers assess the
quality of paper according to 2 main criteria: contribution to the
field and the adequacy of research design [13]. Deficiency in the
study design was the most commonly cited reason for outright
manuscript rejection according to a study that queried the editors
and reviewers [14]. A study that studied peer review evaluations of a
large number of papers concluded that ‘the main determinant of the Kirti Nath Jha, How to Write Articles That Get Published
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Sep, Vol-8(9): XG01-XG03 33
recommendation for acceptance or rejection of a given manuscript
was the relationship between the experimental design, the results,
and the conclusion. Inappropriate experimental design was again
strongly associated with rejection [15].
Failure to adhere to the ‘instruction to the authors’ is another
important reason for rejection. Plagiarism in any form is another
reason for summary rejection. Available software readily check
the submission for plagiarism. Also articles found unsuitable for
the journal on account of their content, language, grammar, and
format are summarily rejected. There are excellent works that have
identified the’ principles to improve the likelihood of publication
of a scientific manuscript’ and the’ the reasons why manuscripts
are not accepted for publication’ [6,13,16]. Lack of what improves
the likelihood of acceptance, is the cause of rejection. Common
reasons for rejection other than those mentioned above include:
poor study design, insufficient problem statement, incomplete,
inaccurate, or outdated review of literature, suboptimal reporting
of results, getting carried away in the discussion, and poor writing
[17]. Language poses a problem for researches from non-English-
speaking countries. Some publishers provide paid language-
services for manuscripts.
Peer review, Responding to Reviewers and Resubmission:
Peer review is considered the virtue of science communication
[18]. Peer review is an essential tool the journals apply to maintain
high quality and standard of the articles published in their journals.
The process starts after your paper is past the editorial scrutiny.
It supplements the authors work in making it more acceptable to
the wider readership. Some journals ask suggestions for potential
reviewers, and also those reviewers you will wish not to review
your paper. Reviewers may accept, reject or suggest minor/ major
revisions. Provide point-wise response to the reviewer’s comments
and in time resubmit the revised manuscript incorporating the
suggestions for change. Highlight the changes in the revised
manuscript. Remember, revision gives no guarantee for acceptance.
But failure to respond and resubmit closes the door.
Writing and publishing is integral to research. Scientific manuscript
has a required structure and style; the available literature provides
adequate guidelines. Online abstracts and full text references,
language services, and referencing software have made preparation
of manuscript easier. Read the instructions carefully and adhere
to them strictly. A beginner has to travel the learning curve of the
writing, peer review, and publishing. Originality of content, valid
study design, good manuscript- conforming to language, style,
and format- are prerequisite for successful publication. Attention
to details at every stage and perseverance through the arduous
process of research, manuscript preparation, peer review and
publication is essential for success.
A PubMed search of the database (1990 to 2004) was conducted.
Following key words were used: writing, publishing, biomedical
journals, and peer review. Additional sources included publications
cited in other articles. Relevant articles were reviewed and
[1] Kotz D, Cals JWL, Tugwell P, Knottneru JA. Introducing a new series on effective
writing and publishing of scientific papers. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
[2] Knottnerus JA, Tugwell P. Communicating research to the peers. J Clin Epidemiol.
[3] Hengl T, Gould M. Rules of thumb for writing research articles 2002. http://www.
a-research-article accessed 08March 2014.
[4] Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals:
Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication. ; 1-36.
[5] Kliewer MA. Writing it up: a step-by-step guide to publication for beginning
investigators. AJR. 2005;185:591–96.
[6] Berk RN. Preparation of manuscripts for radiology journals: advice to first-time
authors. AJR. 1992;158:203-08.
[7] Provenzale JM. Ten principles to improve the likelihood of publication of a
scientific manuscript. AJR. 2007;188:1179–82.
[8] Kotz D, Cals JWL. Writing Tips Series (Effective writing and publishing
scientific papers- part I:how to get started). Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
[9] Hartley J. Academic writing and Publishing- A practical guide.2008. New York:
Routledge. Pp. 23.
[10] Kotz D, Cals JWL. Writing Tips Series (Effective writing and publishing
scientific papers- part II: title and abstract). Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
[11] Kotz D, Cals JWL. Writing Tips Series (Effective writing and publishing
scientific papers- part III: how to get started). Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
[12] Kotz D, Cals JWL. Writing Tips Series (Effective writing and publishing
scientific papers- part V:how to get started). Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
[13] Georges B. Reasons reviewers reject and accept manuscripts: The Strengths
and Weaknesses in Medical Education Reports, Educating Physicians: Research
Reports, Academic Medicine. 2001;76(9):889-96.
[14] Byrne DW. Publishing your medical research paper. What they don’t teach in
medical school 1998. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
[15] Turcotte C, Drolet P, Girard M. Study design, originality and overall consistency
influence acceptance or rejection of manuscripts submitted to the Journal. Can
J Anaesth. 2004;51(6):549–56.
[16] Pierson DJ; The top 10 reasons why manuscripts are not accepted for publication.
Respiratory Care. 2004;49:1246-52.
[17] Celik Y. To Publish or Perish: Strengths, Weaknesses of a Medical Paper (I)
International. Archives of Medical Research. 2011;1(1):47-53.
[18] The pitfalls and rewards of peer review. Lancet. 2008;371:447.
1. Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondy-Cuddalore Main Road, Pillaiyarkuppam, Pondicherry, India.
Dr. Kirti Nath Jha,
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondy-Cuddalore Main Road,
Pillaiyarkuppam, Pondicherry-607 402, india.
Phone : 9443655640, E-mail :
Date of Submission: Nov 14, 2013
Date of Peer Review: Feb 17, 2014
Date of Acceptance: Aug 19, 2014
Month of Publishing: September, 2014
... An abstract representing a concise and targeted communication, following the guidance of the conference or journal, will increase the chance of acceptance. 8,9 Targeted communication requires authors to understand the guidelines and nuances of the target journal or conference that the abstract is being prepared for. The author guidelines will provide insight into the information required in the abstract, for example, the structure, length, types of presentation, and specific themes that must be addressed. ...
... In addition, to ensure the abstract is searchable, the title should use standardized keywords within the title that conform with MeSH and CINAHL index terms. 9 Reviewing the title of the first draft abstract in Table 3, the title of the study is descriptive and does not provide any critical information about either the topic or design of the study. The revised title provides a clearer statement of the objective of the study, to model health care factors influencing quality of life in cancer survivorship, and the study design, a mixed methods study. ...
... 7 The conclusion should not introduce any new results that have not been discussed within the results section of the abstract and should logically follow from the results stated within the abstract. 9,12 There are a number of issues that arise within the conclusions section of an abstract; first, is that this section becomes a paraphrased statement of the results section; second, that authors over-or underestimate the meaning and importance of the results; and third, that the abstract makes vague recommendations for future research or practice. [7][8][9][10]12 Within the conclusions section, three sentences may be sufficient to address the needs of this section. ...
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Abstract Objectives This article provides practical guidance on developing a comprehensible abstract, including those required for funding applications, conferences, and publication. In addition, we discuss and demonstrate the practicalities of editing and revising an abstract for conference or peer review and identify emerging formats that may be more relevant to nurses and researchers. Data Sources This article has been informed by literature and the coauthors’ respective experiences of preparing and reviewing abstracts for publication and conference presentation. Conclusion Abstracts are a valuable tool to communicate the most important elements of the methods and results of a research project for a conference, manuscript, or even a research funding application. However, abstracts may often be an overlooked part of the dissemination process. An abstract determines whether or not a piece of research is relevant for presentation at a conference or valuable enough to be considered for peer review and subsequent publication. A strong and clearly written abstract positively predisposes reviewers of grant applications. Implications for Nursing Practice Writing an abstract is arguably the most challenging component of academic writing, summarizing the results of a substantive research project in three to five sentences and positioning them concisely within the background and implications for future practice, policy, and research. A well-written abstract is clear, concise, and critical and requires time and revision to ensure success.
... Аннотация -это часто первый раздел статьи, с которым знакомится читатель. В нем дается краткий обзор, помогающий читателю решить, интересно ли ему данное описание случая [18,19]. Аннотация содержит сбалансированную, краткую и содержательную выжимку полно-текстовой статьи и обычно включает от 100 до 250 слов в зависимости от журнала [20]. ...
... Во введении дается контекст описания случая, очерчивающий конкретный период в ведении пациента и, возможно, уточняющий необходимость такого описания. Для введения читателя в суть проблемы можно сослаться на самые важные исследования; однако подробное обсуждение соответствующих исследований, например наиболее полного обзора литературы в обсуждаемой в описании случая проблеме, лучше оставить для раздела «Обсуждение» [19,26,27]. Мы рекомендуем, чтобы в описания случаев в соответствии с рекомендациями CARE вносили следующую фразу: «Данное описание случая было подготовлено в соответствии с рекомендациями CARE», а также давали ссылку на Декларацию CARE. ...
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Background . Well-written and transparent case reports (1) reveal early signals of potential benefits, harms, and information on the use of resources; (2) provide information for clinical research and clinical practice guidelines, and (3) inform medical education. High-quality case reports are more likely when authors follow reporting guidelines. During 2011–2012, a group of clinicians, researchers, and journal editors developed recommendations for the accurate reporting of information in case reports that resulted in the CARE (CAse REport) Statement and Checklist. They were presented at the 2013 International Congress on Peer Review and Biomedical Publication, have been endorsed by multiple medical journals, and translated into nine languages. Objectives . This explanation and elaboration document has the objective to increase the use and dissemination of the CARE Checklist in writing and publishing case reports. Article design and setting . Each item from the CARE Checklist is explained and accompanied by published examples. The explanations and examples in this document are designed to support the writing of high-quality case reports by authors and their critical appraisal by editors, peer reviewers, and readers. Results and conclusion. This article and the 2013 CARE Statement and Checklist, available from the CARE website [] and the EQUATOR Network [], are resources for improving the completeness and transparency of case reports. Source . This article is a translation of the original paper «CARE guidelines for case reports: explanation and elaboration document» in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2017.04.026), prepared under the permission of the copyright holder (Elsevier Inc.), with supervision from the Scientific Editor by Professor E.G. Starostina, MD, PhD (translator) (Moscow, Russia). Present translation was first published in Digital Diagnostics. doi: 10.17816/DD105291. It is published with minor changes related to the literary editing of the translation itself. Keywords: case report; case study; EQUATOR network; health research reporting guidelines; CARE guideline; timelines; N-of-1 For citation: Riley David S., Barber Melissa S., Kienle Gunver S., Aronson Jeffrey K., von Schoen-Angerer Tido, Tugwell Peter, Kiene Helmut, Helfand Mark, Altman Douglas G., Sox Harold, Werthmann Paul G., Moher David, Rison Richard A., Shamseer Larissa, Koch Christian A., Sun Gordon H., Hanaway Patrick, Sudak Nancy L., Kaszkin-Bettag Marietta, Carpenter James E., Gagnier Joel J. CARE Guidelines for Case Reports: Explanation and Elaboration Document. Translation into Russian. Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2023;22(2):88–108. (In Russ). doi:
... It takes work to write a research paper. Shearing knowledge through publications is necessary for academic development (Jha, 2014;Kotz et al., 2013), and in this context, writing and publishing are not just a privilege but an obligation (Nikolov, 2008). All psychology education involves learning to realize psychological research (Hayes, 2021). ...
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This paper aims to present some benefits of writing and publishing scientific papers in the field of psychology. It discusses why researchers should actively engage in scientific publication, emphasizing the benefits for individual researchers, the scientific community, and the advancement of psychological knowledge. By examining the role of scientific papers in fostering scientific progress, disseminating research findings, and enhancing professional development, this paper highlights the essential nature of scientific publication in psychology.
... In an effort to build modules and provide appropriate training for researchers comprising graduate students and academics, several challenges in article writing and publication have been identified. These include emotional instability (Janke et al., 2020;Zahrin et al., 2020), financial and time constraints (Brutus et al., 2013), lack of experience (Alharbi, 2019), rejection from article publishers (Jha, 2014), and individual attitudes (Pineteh, 2014). ...
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We are very happy to publish this issue of the International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. The International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research is a peer-reviewed open-access journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of education. Submissions may include full-length articles, case studies and innovative solutions to problems faced by students, educators and directors of educational organisations. To learn more about this journal, please visit the website We are grateful to the editor-in-chief, members of the Editorial Board and the reviewers for accepting only high quality articles in this issue. We seize this opportunity to thank them for their great collaboration. The Editorial Board is composed of renowned people from across the world. Each paper is reviewed by at least two blind reviewers. We will endeavour to ensure the reputation and quality of this journal with this issue.
... In an effort to build modules and provide appropriate training for researchers comprising graduate students and academics, several challenges in article writing and publication have been identified. These include emotional instability (Janke et al., 2020;Zahrin et al., 2020), financial and time constraints (Brutus et al., 2013), lack of experience (Alharbi, 2019), rejection from article publishers (Jha, 2014), and individual attitudes (Pineteh, 2014). ...
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This paper details the development of the Love for Writing and Publishing Journal (LWPJ) Module, which encourages writing in a scientific and simple way through the approach of the Self Determination Theory, Social Constructivism Theory, and Successful Intelligence Theory. The content of the module was constructed through information obtained from a literature review and interviews with six experts who have produced many high-impact journal articles. The developed module was used in a two-day online training course, with participant monitoring before, during, and after the course through WhatsApp. This study used a mixed methods approach of design and development research. Using this method, the research was carried out in three phases. The first phase involved needs analysis; the second phase included design and development; and the third phase involved evaluation of the module. The research led to the successful development of the LWPJ Module by fostering a love for writing and publication of scholarly writing among course participants. The module benefits postgraduate students and academics at the higher education level by ensuring that scholarly articles are successfully completed and submitted for publication. This study has implications on the development of a culture of excellence and a culture of love for scholarly writing and publication among postgraduate students and academics from various walks of life at school and university levels.
... A good quality introduction will sell the research paper to the editors, reviewers, and readers. [12] The introduction of an experimental paper should have an overall knowledge with broader view of information to explain the common problem, current information, and the limitations of related previous studies. The specific problem of literature must address by narrowing the background knowledge to reach unknown question trying to create the experiment answer. ...
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High quality publication in indexed journals will have an impact to authors career, institution, and their country. An inadequacy in scientific writing may lead to substantial rejections. So, successful writing scientific manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal requires extensive effort and skills. A few simple steps and suggestions are mentioned to provide guidance to the researchers to be more expertly publish the results of their work in the relevant scientific journals. An effective scientific writing commonly follows special format with key sections. The main text of scientific paper should include the introduction to a specific topic with appropriate background literature
... 7 There are also many educational publications that address the step-by-step process of writing a scientific paper. [8][9][10] María E. Serra, M.D. a,b ...
The life-cycle of a manuscript from writing to publication is not usually taught during health care professionals' training. This article reviews the process that goes from from the authors' decision to communicate to its eventual publication, detailing practical aspects to be considered in each step. The responsibilities of the different roles involved are specified: author, editor, and reviewer. International guidelines supporting the writing of medical-scientific papers are also described.
... 2 Multitudes of other articles, books and training programs agree that a title is a critical element of written public health documents. [3][4][5] Poor titles may be common Though data on the quality of titles are sparse, there is some evidence that poor titles are problematic in academic writing. ...
Titles are considered a crucial element of grant applications, journal articles, reports and other public health documents, but they are often overlooked in student writing assignments. In this article, we argue that public health instructors should teach students how to write compelling document titles. Our argument about titles is part of a broader assertion that public health students should be asked to write in professional formats such as grant applications, reports and journal articles. Requiring students to engage with important writing conventions like titles that are used in the professional workplace helps them make connections between the content they are writing about and the activities, roles, values and context of public health practice. We recommend that instructors explicitly incorporate titles into their assigned writing in three ways: first, instructors should require titles; second, instructors should provide criteria for a good title that are appropriate to the document type and finally, instructors should award points for a good title.
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Student-centered learning has become more effective approach through utilizing of internet and electronic devices in interactive and social learning environments. During Covid-19 pandemic, interactive and social learning have significant role in conducting learning process at educational institutions. This study introduces new module based on students-centered format to examine recent known evaluation methods through interactive and social learning. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are the most sciences facing several challenges during social learning based on the nature of their courses and using mathematics and related practices. Mixed method of quantitative and qualitative data analysis were adopted to conduct the objectives of study. Six expertise in STEM were chosen for interviews to investigate and develop e-learning module and a sample of 623 students were selected to evaluate assessment module. This study developed PADA module through conducting workshop among educators and students in selected Islamic universities in Indonesia. The module has many benefits to conduct successful interactive and social learning during Covid-19 pandemic. The results also revealed that multiple choice format was more accurate than true–false format and short answers format for e-assessment. More instructions for re-use of this module have been represented as part of this study.
This thought-provoking book explores the connections between health, ethics, and soul. It analyzes how and why the soul has been lost from scientific discourses, healthcare practices, and ethical discussions, presenting suggestions for change. Arguing that the dominant scientific worldview has eradicated talk about the soul and presents an objective and technical approach to human life and its vulnerabilities, ten Have and Pegoraro look to rediscover identity, humanity and meaning in healthcare and bioethics. Taking a mulitidisciplinary approach, they investigate philosophical, scientific, historical, cultural, social, religious, economic, and environmental perspectives as they journey towards a new, global bioethics, emphasising the role of the moral imagination. Bioethics, Healthcare and the Soul is an important read for students, researchers and practitioners interested in bioethics and person-centred healthcare.
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Scientific communication and writing forms an integral element of constantly developing and evolving health sciences. Scientific research and writing forms a foundation on which stands the future of mankind and the environment. Being a health care professional, it is our collective responsibility to ensure constant updating of the existing knowledge and imparting any new concept/idea with rest of the medical fraternity. On a day to day basis, many of us tend to become quite satisfied after having delivered the right quality of health care to our dependant clientele. Yes, rightly so. But, how many of us have wondered as to what we have really done for the continuance and enhancement of the existing knowledge which we have acquired as a result of a lot of hard work by our predecessors? It is, indeed, time to introspect on this pertinent and important issue. Many of us, at some point of time, must have felt the need and wish to share our unique experiences with our colleagues in the medical fraternity. It is also true that possibly many such felt needs were never translated into effective scientific communications for various reasons. Of late, there has been a constant palpable pressure on the health care professionals to write and publish scientific papers as a part of mandatory requirement of various universities and medical councils. It may appear like a big challenge to those who are not familiar with scientific publications. On the contrary, we are quite certain that, all of us have the potential to write and publish our research work in various scientific journals. This editorial is aimed at addressing certain important issues concerning scientific writing and publications. We shall also endeavor to unfold and eliminate some of the unfounded myths and fears which may have deterred us from successfully writing and publishing our scientific work.
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The paper provides 'rules of thumb' for writing research articles (RA) and getting them published. These were discussed during the "Scientific writing course" organized for ITC PhD students by Cressie Communication Services. Important aspects of macro and sub-structure of a paper were selected through group discussions. The substructure and functions of different sections of RAs are described. Results of previous investigations and interviews among journal editors were used to summarize what makes a good RA. It was concluded that clear, logical, coherent, focused, good argument and well-structured writing gets the paper published and read. Some important rules of the thumb selected were: "Adjust your writing to the audience and purpose", "Avoid redundancy and unnecessary explanations" and "Write like you speak and then revise".
Academic Writing and Publishing will show academics (mainly in the social sciences) how to write and publish research articles. Its aim is to supply examples and brief discussions of recent work in all aspects of the area in short, sharp chapters. It should serve as a handbook for postgraduates and lecturers new to publishing. The book is written in a readable and lively personal style. The advice given is direct and based on up-to-date research that goes beyond that given in current textbooks. For example, the chapter on titles lists different kinds of titles and their purposes not discussed in other texts. The chapter on abstracts instructs the reader on writing structured abstracts from the start.