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Self-Directed Learning in Problem-Based Learning Versus Traditional Lecture-Based Learning: A Meta-Analysis

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... Hermes & Rimanoczy, 2018;Leary, 2012 Inter-/Transdisciplinary learning ...
... Annan-Diab & Molinari, 2017; Heiskanen et al., 2016;Walker & Seymour, 2008;Woo et al., 2012 Lecture-based learning* Lecture-based learning is a teacher-centered approach, characterized by lecturers delivering instructions and contents to students as passive listeners (Leary, 2012). ...
... The students will be supported in their enquiries into their chosen business through talks with the conservationists. These lectures, generally toward the earlier part of the module, tend to take a more lecturer centric approach (Leary, 2012), with stu- ...
... For instance, Sungur and Tekkaya (2006) found that PBI can increase students' self-regulation in a biology course. In addition, in a meta-analysis, Leary (2012) found a significant overall medium effect size for the effect of PBI on selfregulation in different fields such as education, medicine, history, business, etc. In this regard, consistent with previous studies, this study confirms that PBI can have a positive effect on students' self-regulation in the field of language education and in the online environment of teaching. ...
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Learners' self-regulation is of paramount importance in online language learning. Thus, the present study was conducted to compare three online instructional methods of Technology-Mediated Task-Based Language Teaching (TM-TBLT), Problem-Based Instruction Online (PBIO), and Online Flipped Learning (OFL) with each other and with lecture-based online teaching in terms of their effect on language learners' self-regulation. To this end, 120 intermediate-level English learners were selected through convenience sampling, screened through the Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT), and assigned (randomly) to one control and three experimental groups. They received instruction according to the principles of TM-TBLT, PBIO, OFL and a conventional lecture-based method, respectively. The data were collected using an online self-regulated English learning (OSEL) questionnaire and analyzed using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The findings revealed that all three experimental treatments had significant effects on online language learning self-regulation. The comparisons showed that all three instructional methods were equally effective in improving the participants' online self-regulation. The findings will have practical implications for teachers to choose the best-fitting online instructional methods for improving learners' self-regulation in online contexts. These findings can also help syllabus designers and material developers to write syllabi or create materials with special attention to fostering language learners' self-regulation.
... The idea behind this is twofold, due to the increasing speed of change in our society, we are all forced to become lifelong learners, so we need the skills to reflect on our abilities for this. Furthermore, the (self) reflection will help students make more deliberate choices concerning their study behaviour and goals, resulting in higher intrinsic motivation and results (Leary 2012;Reinholz 2015;Saunders-Smits et al. 2022;Trede, Macklin, and Bridges 2012). Developments are not yet standardised but differ per master programme. ...
... PBL method enhances the self-directed learning skills better than the conventional teaching method. 12,13,14,15 However, this study contradicts to the research conducted by Nyambe et al 8 who reported that both internal and external factors affected self-directed learning skill. The internal factor is motivation while learning process, facilities and infrastructure is an and Non-PBL methods (Civil Engineering and International Relation study program). ...
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Background: Self-Directed Learning has recently been given much attention by educational institutions in Indonesia. The Problem Based Learning method requires students to be able to take the initiative to learn, analyse learning needs, formulate learning objectives, identify learning resources, select and implement learning strategies that suit themselves and be able to evaluate their own learning outcomes. Both Problem Based Learning and Non-Problem Based Learning methods are required to produce good Self-Directed Learning for their teaching participants. The purpose of this study is to find out the differences in Self Directed Learning in students who are taught using PBL and Non-PBL methods at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.Methods: The research was non-experimental with an analytical observational research design using a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique was stratified random sampling with a total sample of 90 students. Self-Rating Scale for Self-Directedness in Learning (SRSSDL) by Fisher Instruments was used in this study. The data was analysed by using simple linear regression test.Results: The result showed that SRSSDL score (p = 0.035) and GPA score (p = 0.046). The results indicated that there was a difference between the SDL of PBL and Non-PBL students.Conclusion: There is a difference in the ability of SDL (self-directed learning) between the PBL and Non-PBL methods.
... For example, the results of a meta-synthesis by Strobel and Van Barneveld (2009) in medical science indicated that PBL increased students and teachers' satisfaction. In a meta-analysis, Leary (2012) found that PBL improved self-directed learning. Stanton et al. (2017) observed an enhanced communication practices with patients and colleagues among graduate students who had participated in a medical PBL curriculum. ...
Research methods is an essential ingredient of postgraduate programs across a wide range of social science disciplines. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) and lecture-based learning (LBL) approaches to teaching research methods through a mixed-methods approach in an explanatory sequential design. The quantitative data were collected following a quasi-experimental design whereby two classes of research methods in a postgraduate program randomly received either an LBL or a PBL treatment. To assess students’ academic achievement, a final exam on the course was used. The results indicated a higher academic achievement of students in the PBL class compared to LBL class. The qualitative data were gathered through a semi-structured interview to gain deeper insight into the quantitative results. The thematic analysis of the interviews showed that PBL led to deeper and more meaningful learning, increased students’ knowledge in their field of specialty, provided more enjoyable and active learning, increased the students' skills in doing their thesis projects, enhanced their autonomy and independence, and also promoted their dignity and status.
... Textbooks are often the first source for content and written examinations are used because the typical mode of assessment. Lecture based learning has also been called didactic, conventional, and teacher-guided teaching (Leary, 2012). ...
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The study used quasi-experimental research design to investigate the effects of problem-based learning (PBL) on the attitude and achievement in science among Grade 8 students in a public high school in the Philippines. A problem-based learning module was developed using the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model. It was used in teaching science. On the other hand, the Attitude Questionnaire in Science was adopted to describe the attitudes of students in both the control and experimental groups. Data were analysed through descriptive statistics. Prior to teaching science using PBL, the students showed different attitudes and had a low achievement in terms of mean percentage score. But after the implementation of PBL instruction, the students got positive attitude in science. They find the experience interesting and challenging at the same time. The PBL instruction in the experimental group caused a better understanding of topics in science than the lecture-based instruction. Given the results, the study recommended specific teaching techniques that will be useful in applying PBL to develop the students’ attitude and achievement in science especially in a blended-learning setup in this new normal.
The main purpose of this research is to synthesize the experimental studies which refer to the effect of student-centred strategies, methods and techniques used in mathematics lessons on problem solving skills in mathematics. Publication bias was tested to evaluate the validity of the study and no bias was found out. Meta-analysis results show that student- centred strategy methods or techniques are more effective than traditional teaching methods. 69 effect sizes from 55 studies were analyzed under the random effects model according to heterogeneity test results. Since the experimental and control groups had different sample sizes, Hedge's g was used to calculate the effect size and it was calculated as g=0.868. The overall effect value achieved shows a large effect according to the classifications of Cohen (1988). In order to examine the factors that will change the effect size, moderator variables were determined and sub-analysis was performed. In the analyzes of the moderator variables; while there was a significant difference for the learning areas and research design moderators, no significant difference was found for the other moderators.
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This research aimed to evaluate and synthesize the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) compared to traditional instruction (TI) in various learning outcomes. The study, using a sequential explanatory mixed research approach, reviewed 74 postgraduate dissertations from Türkiye, spanning from 2009 to 2021, that matched specific inclusion criteria. Qualitative data analysis revealed that the majority of these dissertations were master’s level and completed in 2010. These studies frequently implemented experimental interventions in middle school science classes, typically over five weeks with groups of 21-30 students. The quantitative analysis showed that PBL had a significant overall impact, with a General Effect Size (GES) of 0.734 across all variables. This effect was divided into specific clusters: knowledge (GES of 0.992), skills (GES of 0.696), and emotions (GES of 0.406). Further, PBL particularly affected academic achievement (GES of 0.842), scientific process skills (GES of 0.351), and course attitude (GES of 0.402), which were the most commonly assessed variables in the respective dimensions of knowledge, skills, and emotions. Additionally, PBL showed a substantial impact (GES of 0.799) on variables covering 21st-century competency framework skills. In summary, the study found that PBL is significantly more effective than traditional instructional methods across various learning outcomes, particularly in enhancing knowledge, skills, and emotional aspects of learning. This study suggests that integrating PBL activities can significantly enhance the attainment of curriculum objectives.
The study investigated the effectiveness of implanting a Self-Directed Learning (SDL) approach in teaching Biology to grade nine students. The research was conducted in Bhutan over the course of one year, utilizing a convergent parallel mixed method design. Data were meticulously collected from a diverse group of students and teachers. This comprehensive datasets were obtained through closed-ended survey questionnaires (32 students: Experimental Group), face-to-face semi-structured interviews (5 students, 1 Biology teacher), and Content Achievement Tests (64 students: both experimental and control group). For data analysis, quantitative data were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistical analyses using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 22, while qualitative data were analyzed thematically. The findings of this study unveiled three significant outcomes. The application of the self-directed learning approach demonstrated a substantial enhancement in students' performance in Biology compared to conventional lecture-based classroom instruction, with a mean difference of 1.81 and a P value of .02. Moreover, the marginal mean difference between post-test and delayed post-test results for the experimental group (mean difference = 0.06) indicated that self-directed learning positively impacted the knowledge retention of the learners. Gender-based analysis, however, revealed no statistically significant differences (P = .73). Thus, this study affirms that the self-directed learning approach had a positive medium effect size compared to conventional lecture-based methods, highlighting the effectiveness of the self-directed learning approach as a valuable strategy for achieving high-quality teaching outcomes and enhancing students' performance in learning Biology.
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Tujuan penelitian adalah peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar IPA siswa melalui model problem based learning kelas V SD Negeri Begajah 01 tahun pelajaran 2020/2021. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang diadakan di SD Negeri Begajah 01 tahun pelajaran 2020/2021. Subjek penelitian ini siswa dan guru kelas V, objek penelitian ini adalah keterampilan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar siswa melalui model problem based learning. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode tes dan non tes. Instrument yang digunakan dalam mengadakan evaluasi penelitian yaitu: kuesioner, observasi, wawancara, dan tes . Sampel penelitian sebanyak 22 siswa terdiri dari 9 laki-laki dan 13 perempuan dengan 2 siklus penelitian. Teknik analisis dengan menggunakan analisis data kuantitatif, data diskriptif komprehensif dan analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian siklus I menunjukan siswa yang mencapai ketuntasan kritis pada siklus I sebesar 72,72% (minimal cukup kritis) pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 100% (minimal cukup kritis) dan hasil belajar siklus I sebesar 72,72% dan siklus II 84,39%. Dengan demikian dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan pembelajaran problem based learning dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan hasil belajar kelas V SDN Begajah 01 tahun pelajaran 2020/2021.
Originally published in 1991, this book provides the reader with a comprehensive synthesis of developments, issues and practices related to a self-direction in learning. it presents strategies for facilitating self-directed learning as an instructional method and for enhancing learner self-direction as an aspect of adult personality. The idea of self-directed learning is not a new one but has received renewed attention in education circles and has particular significance for the adult education sector. © 1991 Ralph G. Brockett and Roger Hiemstra. All rights reserved.
Primary care medicine is the new frontier in medicine. Every nation in the world has recognized the necessity to deliver personal and primary care to its people. This includes first-contact care, care based in a positive and caring personal rela­ tionship, care by a single healthcare provider for the majority of the patient's prob­ lems, coordination of all care by the patient's personal provider, advocacy for the patient by the provider, the provision of preventive care and psychosocial care, as well as care for episodes of acute and chronic illness. These facets of care work most effectively when they are embedded in a coherent integrated approach. The support for primary care derives from several significant trends. First, technologically based care costs have rocketed beyond reason or availability, occurring in the face of exploding populations and diminishing real resources in many parts of the world, even in the wealthier nations. Simultaneously, the primary care disciplines-general internal medicine and pediatrics and family medicine-have matured significantly. They have become viable alternatives to the specialty approach to care with its potential dehumanization, coordination problems, and increased cost.
We continue the discussion of cognitive and situative perspectives by identifying several important points on which we judge the perspectives to be in agreement: (a) Individual and social perspectives on activity are both fundamentally important in education; (b) Learning can be general, and abstractions can be efficacious, but they sometimes aren’t; (c) Situative and cognitive approaches can cast light on different aspects of the educational process, and both should be pursued vigorously; (d) Educational innovations should be informed by the available scientific knowledge base and should be evaluated and analyzed with rigorous research methods.
The 1970s have been described as an era of the rise and fall of three-year medical school programs. The present paper describes how graduates of one of the few North American medical schools that has retained its three-year curriculum view the problem-based curriculum and its length. On the whole the graduates of McMaster University School of Medicine were very positive about their undergraduate medical education. Many more of its features were endorsed as strengths than deficiencies. Eighty-two percent of McMaster graduates reported they would enroll in a three-year curriculum if they were entering medical school again, and they said that the advantages of a three-year curriculum outweight its disadvantages. The majority of graduates would return to a problem-based medical curriculum: 58 percent to an unaltered curriculum, 3 percent to one altered slightly, and 8 percent to one spread over four years. Of those that would not return, most chose a somewhat more structured curriculum, while very few chose traditional curricula.