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Hypocholesterolaemia in Thalassaemia – Pathogenesis, Implications and Clinical Effects



In this review, the role of hypocholesterolaemia as a potential source of several clinical features of patients affected by thalassaemia is assessed. The primary focus is on the extent of the phenomenon among different forms of thalassaemia in order to highlight the particularly reduced level in patients with thalassaemia intermedia. In addition, we explore how the reduced levels of cholesterol could influence the atherogenic process and many typical clinical features of patients affected by thalassaemia.
Paolo Ricchi,1Massimiliano Ammirabile2and Aurelio Maggio3
1. Assistant, Department of Oncohaematology, Microcythaemia Centre ‘A Mastrobuoni’, Antonio Cardarelli Hospital; 2. Fellow, Department of Oncohaematology,
Microcythaemia Centre ‘A Mastrobuoni’, Antonio Cardarelli Hospital; 2. Director, Division of Haematology II, Villa Sofia-Cervello Hospital
Free cholesterol is a constituent of cell membranes. Apart from
nucleus-free erythrocytes, all cells of the human body are able to
synthesise cholesterol de novo. More than 100 enzymatic processes
are involved in the complete biosynthesis of cholesterol, which is a
complex and energy-consuming process.
For this reason, several tissues prefer to assume cholesterol from
plasma lipoproteins rather than from their own intracellular synthesis.
Cholesterol devoted to plasma lipoprotein is synthesised in the liver
and in the distal part of the small intestine.1Chylomicron remnants
are the vehicle of cholesterol intake from the diet to the liver. The
hepatic cholesterol pools originating from chylomicron remnants and
de novo synthesised cholesterol are combined and excreted as very-
low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the
ultimate catabolic product of VLDL, is the main source of cholesterol
for human tissue, especially those with high cell turnover.2
Total cholesterol (TC) consists largely of the cholesterol in LDL particles
(LDL cholesterol) plus the cholesterol in high-density lipoprotein
particles (HDL cholesterol).
Cholesterol is not only a fundamental element of cell membranes
but also the principal precursor for steroid and sexual hormone
biosynthesis. Furthermore, cholesterol, through its intermediary
products such as farnesyl diphosphate and geranylgeranyl
diphosphate, is involved in the regulation of ras-protein intracellular
signal transduction.1
Hypercholesterolaemia in Thalassaemia
A large body of evidence from prospective and retrospective studies has
clearly shown that patients affected by thalassaemia have reduced
levels of TC with respect to healthy age- and sex-matched controls.3–10
Hypocholesterolaemia has been reported in all phenotypes of
β-thalassaemia and has also been described in various
haematological disorders associated with high erythropoietic
activity.11–14 Table 1 shows cholesterol levels found in different reports
exploring lipid profiles in young and adult patients affected by
all phenotypes of thalassaemia.
The majority of these studies have evaluated cholesterol level in
young patients with severe thalassaemia (thalassaemia major and
intermedia). As shown in Table 1, low levels of plasma cholesterol
are evident among all ages of patients with thalassaemia major
and intermedia.
Almost all studies agree with the observation that of all the forms
of thalassemia, thalassaemia intermedia patients show the most
marked alterations in lipid profile. Conversely, no studies have
identified a cholesterol cut-off value that could clearly distinguish
patients with thalassaemia intermedia from those affected by
thalassaemia major.
Furthermore, hypocholesterolaemia is only one aspect in the more
complex alteration of lipid profile involving LDL and HDL level
observed in all thalassemia patients. In fact, most of the above-
mentioned studies reported that thalassaemia patients also have
lower HDL and LDL levels than those observed in control patients.
Many of these studies have also tried to identify within-patient
factors correlating with cholesterol level;4,8,9 data analysis of most
reported studies failed to show any influence on cholesterol level of
age, sex, liver injury, haemoglobin, ferritin levels and the presence or
absence of the spleen. However, in the study by Ricchi et al.,8a lack
of effect of single genotypes on cholesterol levels in thalassaemia
major and intermedia patients was also reported.
In this review, the role of hypocholesterolaemia as a potential source of several clinical features of patients affected by thalassaemia is
assessed. The primary focus is on the extent of the phenomenon among different forms of thalassaemia in order to highlight the particularly
reduced level in patients with thalassaemia intermedia. In addition, we explore how the reduced levels of cholesterol could influence the
atherogenic process and many typical clinical features of patients affected by thalassaemia.
Hypocholesterolaemia, thalassaemia, atherogenesis, endocrinopathy
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
29 October 2009
22 February 2010
European Haematology, 2010;4:20–23
Paolo Ricchi, UOC Microcitemia, Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale ‘A Cardarelli’, Via A Cardarelli 9, 80131 Naples, Italy.
Hypocholesterolaemia in Thalassaemia –
Pathogenesis, Implications and Clinical Effects
Ricchi_EU Haematology 03/03/2010 12:40 Page 20
Hypocholesterolaemia in Thalassaemia – Pathogenesis, Implications and Clinical Effects
The pathogenetic mechanism for hypocholesterolaemia was
investigated in a interesting study conducted using a model of artificial
microemulsion termed LDE (a cholesterol-rich microemulsion), whose
composition resembled that of LDL.
It was demonstrated that LDL clearance, the mechanism that
removes LDL from the circulation, was enhanced in heterozygous
β-thalassaemia patients.15
However, despite the fact that hypocholesterolaemia in thalassaemia
was first described many years ago, there is no definitive explanation
for the mechanism underlying this clinical condition in severe
forms of thalassaemia. Two main pathogenetic mechanisms have
been proposed: the presence of enhanced cholesterol consumption
required for cell membrane formation,16–18 and the presence of a
hyperplastic and overactive reticuloendothelial system, which may
be responsible for an increased uptake of LDL.19,20
The first ‘mechanism’ seems to be the more complete and would also
explain the difference always reported in cholesterol level among
patients with thalassaemia intermedia and major. In fact, in the
studies by Ricchi8and by Hartman9it was clearly demonstrated
that patients with thalassaemia intermedia have both lower
cholesterol and lower haemoglobin (Hb) levels than patients with
thalassaemia major. In both studies, patients were accurately selected
by eliminating biases (severe liver disorders, hyperthyroidism,
fat malabsorption and other factors that could per se modify
cholesterol levels).
In the study by Ricchi et al.,8it was clearly indicated that pre-
transfusional Hb level was considered, which represents the lowest
peak of Hb for chronically transfused patients who usually remain at
higher values until their next transfusion.
According to current guidelines, patients with thalassaemia major
have pre-transfusional Hb ranging from 9.5 to 10g/dl, with the aim
being to reduce erythroid marrow activity.21 These data may strongly
support the hypothesis that the consistently high Hb levels in
chronically transfused patients (with thalassaemia major) may mean
that this group of patients can sustain a more complete degree of
marrow suppression with respect to that present in thalassaemia
intermedia patients.
Therefore, in patients with thalassaemia intermedia, a particularly
accelerated erythropoiesis and enhanced cholesterol consumption
for red cell membrane formation could be responsible for the lower
levels of cholesterolaemia. In support of this hypothesis, several
clinical and biochemical observations indicate a marked erythropoietic
marrow expansion in patients with thalassaemia intermedia.22,23
In fact, such patients, in the absence of surgery, pregnancy or
concomitant illnesses, usually do not receive blood transfusions.
Consistent with this situation, levels of circulating soluble transferrin
receptor, the best estimate of total erythropoiesis in the absence
of iron deficiency,24 were found to be lower in patients with
thalassaemia major than in patients with thalassaemia intermedia.25,26
Interestingly, in the study by Ricchi et al.,8patients with severe
forms of thalassaemia intermedia had particularly low levels of
cholesterol.8Finally, in a study evaluating hypocholesterolaemia
among thalassaemia intermedia patients, a significant inverse
correlation was found between cholesterol level and soluble
transferrin receptor.27
Further studies are needed to better elucidate the relationship between
Hb and cholesterol level and other parameters of erythropoietic activity,
such as soluble transferrin receptor, reticulocyte count and
extramedullary erythropoiesis in patients affected by thalassaemia.
Implications and Clinical Effects
Despite the fact that hypocholesterolaemia was first described many
years ago, its impact on the atherogenic process in patients with
severe thalassaemia has been very rarely addressed. While a lower
incidence of atherosclerosis-related disease and hypertension has
been reported in thalassaemia trait carriers,28,29 no study has yet fully
evaluated the prevalence of atherosclerotic disease in patients with
thalassaemia major and intermedia, or assessed whether the reduced
level of cholesterol really protects thalassaemic patients from the
development of atherogenesis.
The most frequent cause of death in patients with thalassaemia major
is heart disease related to myocardial iron overload, which is
responsible for more than half of all deaths as assessed by recent
studies of survival.
Due to the introduction of more effective chelation therapy, the mean life
expectancy of patients with thalassaemia major is increasing, and
cardiac mortality caused by iron accumulation in the heart is decreasing.
On the other hand, in the non-thalassaemic adult population, blood levels
of total cholesterol are widely used to predict ischaemic heart disease,
and treatment with statin, which lowers LDL cholesterol, substantially
reduces the incidence of ischaemic heart disease.
However, in recent years increasing evidence has suggested that not
only LDL level but also oxidative alteration of LDL are the key steps in
Table 1: Plasma Cholesterol Values from
Thalassaemic Patients
TM TI T Minor
Hartman n 47 9
TC (mg/dl) 106±23 74±24
Age (years) 11±4.2 (4–19) 10.3±5.1 (4–20)
Ricchi n 55 30
TC (mg/dl) 110.9±20.7 96.1±18.8
Age (years) 35 (22–40) 32 (20–39)
Livrea n 35
TC (mg/dl) 107.7±19.8*
Age (years) 32±14 (10–60)
Amendola n 23
TC (mg/dl) 117.3±30.3
Age (years) 29±12
Goldfarb n 39 27 23
TC (mg/dl) 118.6±25.2* 104.3±30.2* 150.8±41.1*
Age (years) 23.1±7.6 16±7.3
Faizeh n 30
TC (mg/dl) 119.1±37.7
Age (years) 8.8±4.05 (1.5–16)
*Actual cholesterol values were reported as mmol/l. The following formula was used to
convert data into mg/dl: mmol/l ÷ 0,0258.
n = number of patients; TC = total cholesterol; TM = thalassaenia major; TI = thalassaemia
intermedia; T Minor = thalassaemia minor.
Ricchi_EU Haematology 03/03/2010 12:41 Page 21
the series of events leading to atherogenesis-related vascular
modifications.30–32 Modified LDL is internalised in monocyte-derived
macrophages through cell surface scavenger receptors, an event that
leads to foam cell arrangement. Infiltration and deposition of these
cells in the arterial wall are considered the initiating steps in the
development of atherosclerotic plaque.
In β-thalassaemia, qualitative modification of LDL status has also been
observed; in fact, alteration of iron homeostasis, interactions between
damaged erythrocytes and LDL,33,34 depletion of antioxidant defences19,20
and a reduction in the size of HDL particles35 might endorse oxidative
damage to circulating LDL.
On the other hand, large increases in iron concentration are seen in
human atherosclerotic lesions in comparison with levels in healthy
arterial tissue.36 A further complicating element is that hepcidin, a
peptide involved in iron homeostasis and that endorses retention of
iron within the plaque,37–39 in patients with severe thalassaemia has a
strong inverse relationship with both erythropoietin and soluble
transferrin receptor, markers of erythropoietic activity.25 Thus, as
hepcidin is elevated in thalassaemia major patients as a consequence
of the transfusional regimen, it could be responsible for a particularly
increased atherogenic process in this population.
Accordingly, in a report from a Turkish group increased abdominal
aortic stiffness was found in young patients with thalassaemia major
that correlated with body iron stores.40
Thus, in thalassaemia patients the atherogenic process could be
enhanced in part by the increased iron stores and the induced oxidative
status, and in part counterbalanced by the reduced level of cholesterol;
however, the final balance probably promotes increased arterial disease.
Furthermore, macrophage accumulation of iron induced by hepcidin
could be responsible for the differences seen between patients with
thalassaemia intermedia and those with thalassaemia major, in the
sense that patients with thalassaemia major, as a consequence of
the increased levels of hepcidin, could have a greater propensity to
develop cardiovascular atherosclerosis.
Due to the improving survival of thalassaemic patients, more studies
are needed to evaluate precisely the prevalence of atherosclerotic
disease in adult patients with thalassaemia intermedia and major. To
this end, magnetic-resonance-based T2* measurement has recently
been demonstrated to be a good tool to evaluate and quantify not
only heart and liver iron accumulation but also iron deposition in
atherosclerotic plaque.41
In conclusion, patients with severe thalassaemia, notwithstanding
their low levels of cholesterol with respect to age- and sex-matched
controls3–10 owing to the described pathogenetic mechanism, should
be particularly prone to developing atherosclerotic plaque and its
clinical consequences.
The potential role of hypocholesterolaemia in the pathogenesis of
some clinical aspects of thalassaemia have been rarely discussed.
These include alterations in endocrine function, increased
susceptibility to infections and vascular complications such as
thrombophilia, which affect thalassaemia major and intermedia
patients in a different manner.42
Traditionally, most clinical features and complications of
endocrinopathies have been essentially linked to iron overload, which
disrupts hormonal secretion, resulting in hypoparathyroidism,
hypogonadism and hypothyroidism.43 In thalassaemia major patients,
the main risk factors associated with endocrine complications were
recently found to be high serum ferritin levels, poor compliance with
desferioxamine (DFO) therapy, early onset of transfusion therapy (only
for hypogonadism) and splenectomy (only for hypothyroidism).44
Furthermore, in a study evaluating cortisol and adrenocorticotropic
hormone response to surgical stress (splenectomy) in thalassaemia
major patients, a decreased adrenal reserve with increased pre-
operative adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) concentrations was
found in thalassaemic patients.45
However, cholesterol is the main precursor to steroid biosynthesis in
adrenal and sexual glands, and experimental studies suggest that HDL
is the favourite resource in the adrenal gland for steroid biosynthesis.46
There are no studies investigating whether such low cholesterol
and HDL levels might contribute to adrenal and sexual insufficiency,
particularly in thalassaemia intermedia patients.47
Hypocholesterolaemia, independently of its putative role in
determining adrenal insufficiency, may also contribute to further
amplify susceptibility to infection in thalassaemic patients. Reduced
levels of cholesterol may per se limit immune function: lipids, in
particular HDL, have been found to bind and neutralise
lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and endotoxins.48–50
In the non-thalassaemic population there is an increasing body of
evidence that hypocholesterolaemia is associated with nosocomial
infections and that hypocholesterolaemia is a risk factor for
mortality in hospitalised patients.51–57 It is therefore possible that
hypocholesterolaemia could be in part responsible for the
unfavourable outcome of severe infection and sepsis in
thalassaemia patients. Randomised clinical studies evaluating the
impact of administration of lipoprotein to septic thalassaemic
patients are mandatory.
Finally, coagulation abnormalities are often described in β-
thalassemia. In particular, a thrombophilic status characterised by
elevated levels of endothelial adhesion protein (intercellular cell
adhesion molecule-1 [ICAM-1], endothelial leukocyte adhesion
molecule-1 [ELAM-1], vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 [VCAM-1],
von Willebrand factor and thrombomodulin) has been well
documented, suggesting that endothelial activation may be involved
in vascular occlusion.58 On the other hand, in the non-thalassaemic
population there is evidence that HDL can also control the fibrinolytic
pathway and platelet function directly; in fact, HDL may affect
platelet function through interfacing with the glycoprotein IIb–IIIa
complex, thus competing with the binding of fibrinogen to platelets
and resulting in inhibition of platelet aggregation.59 No study has yet
evaluated whether hypocholesterolaemia further supports the well
recognised procoagulant status of thalassaemic patients.
Hypocholesterolaemia in the absence of a cholesterol metabolism
genetic disorder60 is a constant clinical feature of patients with severe
thalassaemia. The pathophysiology of hypocholesterolaemia in severe
forms of thalassaemia should be clarified by studies investigating
Ricchi_EU Haematology 03/03/2010 12:41 Page 22
cholesterol metabolism and balance. However, being presumably
related to erythropoietic cell division, hypocholesterolaemia is most
prevalent in patients with thalassaemia intermedia, where it may be a
marker of disease severity but does not correlate with age, sex, liver
injury, Hb level and iron overload in thalassaemic patients. Such
reduced levels of cholesterol cannot protect thalassaemic patients
from the development of atherosclerotic disease because of the well-
recognised role of iron accumulation in the pathogenesis of the
atherogenic process; in this context, iron chelation could be an useful
tool to modify their risk of atherosclerosis.
Conversely, such low levels of cholesterol in thalassaemic patients
seem to reflect the inability of the organism to balance the increased
cholesterol requirement for red cell membrane formation; thus, it is
conceivable that the availability of cholesterol, ordinarily used in
steroid hormone synthesis to control infection and to control
hypercoagulability, could be at least in part reduced.
Additional studies are required to establish whether hypocholesterolaemia
promotes complications of thalassaemia and whether cholesterol
supplementation can be recommended for the management of
thalassaemia intermedia. n
Hypocholesterolaemia in Thalassaemia – Pathogenesis, Implications and Clinical Effects
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Paolo Ricchi is an Assistant in the Department
of Oncohaematology in the Microcythaemia Centre
‘A Mastrobuoni’, Antonio Cardarelli Hospital in
Naples. His research interests include antineoplastic
combined chemotherapy protocols, combined
modality therapy, chemoprevention, thalassaemia
and haemoglobinopathies.
Aurelio Maggio is Director of the Division of Haematology
II at Villa Sofia-Cervello Hospital in Palermo. He has
extensive experience in biomedical research involving
areas of medical genetics, haematology and gene therapy.
Dr Maggio is a Professor at the Haematology Post-
graduate School of the University of Palermo and is
actively invloved with professional thalassemia and
haemoglobinopathy. organisations.
Massimiliano Ammirabile is a Fellow in the Department
of Oncohaematology in the Microcythaemia Centre ‘A
Mastrobuoni’, Antonio Cardarelli Hospital in Naples. His
main research fields include haemochromatosis,
thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathies,
erythrocytosis, cholesterolaemia in thalassaemic
patients, haemostasis and thrombosis and genetic
and biomolecular resources.
Ricchi_EU Haematology 03/03/2010 12:41 Page 23
... The median age of 184 patients included in the study was 8 (range [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18], and 96 (52.2%) of the patients were girls. The median values of Hb, Ferritin, TG, TC, HDL-C, and LDL-C of the patients are summarized in Table1. ...
... In the study of Daswani et al., a positive correlation was found between Hb-TC levels (10). This result can be explained by the presence of enhanced cholesterol consumption required for cell membrane formation and the presence of a hyperplastic and overactive reticuloendothelial system (17). In our study, we found that the TC, HDL-C and LDL-C was positively correlated with hemoglobin levels, and the serum TG had a significant negative correlation with Hb among thalassemic children. ...
Full-text available
Background: Patients with thalassemia major are at risk of developing abnormal lipid profiles. Aim: In this study, the relationship between iron accumulation and blood lipid profile in TM children was evaluated. Methods: In this study, blood hemoglobin, ferritin, and lipid levels of pediatric patients with TM aged 1-18 years were investigated. Those with other chronic diseases were excluded from the study. Results: The median age of 184 patients included in the study was 8 (range 1-18), and 96 (52.2%) of the patients were girls. There is an inverse and statistically significant relationship between age and total cholesterol (TC) level (p<0.05) and age and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) level (p<0.05). There was an inverse, and statistically significant correlation between ferritin- high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels (p:0.015). Conclusion: As ferritin levels increase in children with thalassemia, HDL-C levels decrease. For cardiac iron accumulation, HDL-C level may be a guide instead of ferritin.
... 21 This result can be explained by the presence of enhanced cholesterol consumption required for cell membrane formation and the presence of a hyperplastic and overactive reticuloendothelial system. 22 The AI, as assessed by the LDL-C/HDL-C ratio, was significantly higher in patients than in the control group. Dyslipidemia and high AI can be attributed to chronic hemolysis, that causes a dysregulated arginine metabolism, with a low arginine/ornithine ratio due to the release of arginase enzyme from RBCs, coupled with the liberation of cell-free hemoglobin. ...
Full-text available
Introduction Patients with β-thalassemia major (β-TM) are at risk of developing abnormal lipid profiles. Lipid abnormalities, in turn, have a potential role in the pathogenesis of some clinical aspects of thalassemia Objectives To evaluate lipid levels and atherogenic indices in β-TM patients compared to healthy children and for any association between lipid levels, lipid peroxidation and inflammatory biomarkers Methods This case–control study was carried out on 79 patients with β-TM, aged 6 to 16 years, registered at the Basrah Center for Hereditary Blood Diseases and 85 age- and sex-matched apparently healthy children and adolescents. Complete blood count, serum lipids and ferritin, liver function tests, C-reactive protein (CRP), high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) and serum malondialdehyde (MDA) were evaluated Results Patients with β-TM had significantly lower hemoglobin (Hb), total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and non-high-density lipoprotein (non-HDL) and significantly higher very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), triglycerides (TGs), LDL/HDL ratio, MDA, hs-CRP, total serum bilirubin (TSB), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) than the control group (p < 0.05). A bivariate analysis revealed that TC has a significant positive association with Hb. The TG has a significant negative association with Hb and a positive association with serum ferritin. Furthermore, MDA, TG, TSB, ALT and AST were significantly positively correlated with serum ferritin (p < 0.05) Conclusions Atherogenic dyslipidemia, defined as a high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) ratio and high TG level, is common among pediatric β-TM patients, it is associated with iron overload and places patients at an increased cardiovascular risk.
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Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the lipid profile in beta thalassemia major patients and observeits correlation with age and gender.Methods: In this cross sectional study, conducted during 2013, 70 βTM patients ( 38 males and 32 females)with mean age 19.92 who were undergoing periodic blood transfusions and desferrioxime as chelating agentwere recruited. 70 controls of matched age and gender were also included in the study. Lipid profile was done byenzymatic colorimetric method on Micro lab 300 (Merck & Co Germany) and statistical comparison was done byusing student’s t test on SPSS: 17Results: βTM patients showed significantly lowered blood cholesterol (105.5 ±19.2 mg/dl), LDL (44.23±19.4 mg/dl) and HDL( 33±4.9 mg/dl) in comparison with controls (P value> 0.001) while TAG was level found to be increased(140.2±27 mg/dl) in comparison to normal healthy controls.Conclusion: The mechanisms that may account for these findings are increased erythropoiesis and cholesterolconsumption along with iron overload and oxidative stress in βTM patients. Awareness of these findings is helpfulto avoid unnecessary evaluation and clinical consequences of impaired lipid profile in patients with β thalassemiamajorKeywords: Beta thalassemia major (βTM), Lipid profile.
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Dysfunctions of the endocrine glands due to progressive iron deposition produces different hormone deficiencies in patients with transfusion-dependent thalassemia. With increasing life expectancy, managing complications including endocrine and metabolic complications is becoming important. In this review, we summarized the published original articles from Bangladesh highlighting the endocrine and metabolic complications of patients with thalassemia. In general, evidence is scarce without any reporting regarding glycemic, adrenal, and pituitary status. Endocrinologists should come forward with a team approach involving Hematologists and Transfusion Medicine Specialists to lead this research field further. [J Assoc Clin Endocrinol Diabetol Bangladesh 2023; 2(1):19-23]
Background A high incidence of thromboembolic events is observed in thalassemia patients. This study investigated the relationship between carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and lipid profile, iron metabolic indices (IMI), and inflammatory markers in β-thalassemia intermedia (β- TI) patients. Research design and methods Forty-five β-TI patients at Assiut University Hospital and thirty-four healthy individuals were enrolled in the study. We measured Lipid profile, IMI, high sensitive CRP (Hs-CRP), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) and compared the results between both groups. We used CIMT measurement as a marker for subclinical atherosclerosis. We used both univariate and multivariate analyses to test relations and independent predictors of CIMT. Results β- TI patients had higher CIMT (P = 0.000). CIMT was positively correlated with absolute neutrophil count (ANC) (r = 0.320, p = 0.032), ferritin (r = 0.544, p = 0.000), Hs-CRP (r = 0.603, p = 0.000), and IL-6 (r = 0.520, p = 0.000). Hs-CRP was an independent predictor of CIMT (p = 0.000). Hs-CRP cut off value of 60.4 ug/dl has sensitivity of 63.3% and specificity of 93.3% in predicting premature atherosclerosis. Conclusion β- TI patients had higher CIMT despite the protective lipid profile. Hs-CRP was an independent predictor of CIMT.
Background: Atherosclerosis has been extensively studied in thalassemia major (TM) and sickle cell disease but not yet in β thalassemia intermedia (TI). Previous studies concerned with TM were performed in children. TI patients usually live longer and, thus, are more prone to complications of atherosclerosis. Aim: In our study, we applied color Doppler for the determination of arterial conduit and flow velocities in β TI patients. Methods: For central circulation, we measured right and left middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) and basilar artery (BA) mean flow velocity (MFV), pulsatility index (PI), and peak systolic velocity (PSV) as well as carotid intimal media thickness, and to assess peripheral circulation, we studied ankle/brachial index and posterior and anterior tibial arteries' (ATA, PTA) pressure and PSV. This was applied for 30 adult TI patients and 20 age-, sex-, and ethnic group-matched controls. Results: Transcranial Doppler findings among cases and controls showed that the MFV, PSV of MCAs, and PSV, PI, and MFV of the BA were statistically higher in cases than controls. A comparison between splenectomized and nonsplenectomized patients showed that total leukocyte count, platelet count, lactate dehydrogenase, ferritin, PSV and MFV of the left MCA were all statistically higher in splenectomized cases. Differences between males and females with TI with respect to laboratory and Doppler findings were all statistically insignificant except for intima media thickness, PTA pressure, ATA pressure, and PSV. Conclusion: More than one parameter should be applied to assess atherosclerosis in TI. There is evidence of an increased risk of central ischemia rather than peripheral ischemia in these patients.
Beta-thalassemia is commonly associated with lipid abnormalities. The aim of this study was to search for links between these lipid alterations and different types of β-thalassemia mutations. The study, conducted from 2009 to 2010, included 100 patients with thalassemia major (TM) and 100 with thalassemia intermedia (TI). The control group was selected from 100 age- and sex-matched healthy individuals with normal hematologic indices. Serum lipid profiles, including total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and triglycerides (TG), were determined and their relationship with different covariates, including different β-globin gene mutations, was analyzed. Patients with TI had significantly lower values for TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, and LDL-C/HDL-C ratio compared with TM patients and controls (P < .001). TG was greater in TM compared with TI patients (P = .001) and healthy individuals (P = .007). Hemoglobin was positively associated with TC (P < .001), LDL-C (P = .004), and HDL-C (P = .01) in TM patients. Splenectomy correlated with greater TC (P = .006) and LDL-C (P = .01) in TI patients, but only with greater LDL-C in TM patients (P = .02). The average amounts of TC and LDL-C were lower in persons with the β(0)/β(0) mutation compared with the β(+)/β(+) group. Lower amounts of TG, TC, LDL-C, and HDL-C were seen in TI patients compared with TM patients and healthy individuals. The severity of the genotype (ie, β(0) type mutations compared with β(+) type mutations) affected the degree of reduction in serum lipids.
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Growth activation of quiescent cells leads to enhanced low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor expression at the cell surface. To determine the basis for this stimulated receptor activity, we measured LDL receptor activity, changes in receptor protein mass, and mRNA abundance in quiescent and growth-activated cultured human skin fibroblasts. Growth activation, using insulin or platelet-derived growth factor, led to dose-dependent increases in cellular LDL receptor mRNA level (average 5.2-fold increase at 10 ng/ml platelet-derived growth factor, 4.1-fold increase at 58 ng/ml insulin) and cell surface expression (average 3.5-fold increase at 10 ng/ml platelet-derived growth factor, 2.5-fold increase at 58 ng/ml insulin). Increased LDL receptor mRNA levels could be detected as early as 2 h after addition of growth factor (3.2-fold), whereas increased levels of LDL receptor binding and mass were not detected until after 4-8 h. Growth activation led to induction of LDL receptor gene transcription, led to induction of LDL receptor gene transcription, and the increase of LDL receptor mRNA produced by addition of growth factor was completely prevented by actinomycin D. These observations indicate that growth-related activation of the LDL receptor pathway is accounted for, primarily, by growth-activated enhancement of LDL receptor gene transcription.
Clinical data suggest that in beta-thalassemia-intermedia patients, higher levels of circulating fetal hemoglobin (HbF) are associated with greater disease severity at comparable degrees of anemia. We assessed the influence of the amount of circulating HbF on serum erythropoietin (s-Epo) levels and on serum transferrin receptor, a measure of erythropoiesis, in 30 beta-thalassemia-intermedia patients. Twenty-four showed more than 40% HbF (21 of whom with beta (0)-thalassemia) and 6 presented lower HbF levels (beta(+)-thalassemia). The two groups of patients did not differ in age (15.3 v 19 years, respectively) or degree of anemia (Hb = 8.8 g/dL in both groups). Log (s-Epo) was correlated inversely with Hb (r = -0.47; P < .01), and directly with HbF (r = .55; P < .001). Multivariate regression analysis showed that Hb and HbF were independently correlated with s-Epo levels. High-HbF patients had greater s-Epo values at the same Hb level than low-HbF patients. Considering that iron-deficiency anemia control patients represented the predicted physiologic response of s-Epo to anemia, the observed/predicted s-Epo ratio in low-HbF thalassemic patients was no different from controls, but was increased in the high-HbF group. High- HbF patients also showed an expansion of erythropoiesis as much as four to nine times the normal value at the same Hb level as low-HbF patients. We conclude that HbF exerts an independent regulatory effect on erythropoietin production and erythropoiesis that is detectable only when HbF levels exceed 40%.
We investigated the oxidative state of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in patients with β-thalassemia to determine whether there was an association with atherogenesis. Conjugated diene lipid hydroperoxides (CD) and the level of major lipid antioxidants in LDL, as well as modified LDL protein, were evaluated in 35 β-thalassemia intermedia patients, aged 10 to 60, and compared with age-matched healthy controls. Vitamin E and β-carotene levels in LDL from patients were 45% and 24% of that observed in healthy controls, respectively. In contrast, the mean amount of LDL-CD was threefold higher and lysil residues of apo B-100 were decreased by 17%. LDL-CD in thalassemia patients showed a strong inverse correlation with LDL vitamin E (r = −0.784; P < .0001), while a negative trend was observed with LDL-β–carotene (r = −0.443; P = .149). In the plasma of thalassemia patients, malondialdehyde (MDA), a byproduct of lipid peroxidation, was increased by about twofold, while vitamin E showed a 52% decrease versus healthy controls. LDL-CD were inversely correlated with plasma vitamin E (r = −0.659; P < .0001) and correlated positively with plasma MDA (r = 0.621; P < .0001). Plasma ferritin was positively correlated with LDL-CD (r = 0.583; P =.0002). No correlation was found between the age of the patients and plasma MDA or LDL-CD. The LDL from thalassemia patients was cytotoxic to cultured human fibroblasts and cytotoxicity increased with the content of lipid peroxidation products. Clinical evidence of mild to severe vascular complications in nine of the patients was then matched with levels of LDL-CD, which were 36% to 118% higher than the mean levels of the patients. Our results could account for the incidence of atherogenic vascular diseases often reported in β-thalassemia patients. We suggest that the level of plasma MDA in β-thalassemia patients may represent a sensitive index of the oxidative status of LDL in vivo and of its potential atherogenicity.
The influences of specific growth factors upon binding, internalization and degradation of low density lipoproteins (LDL) were investigated in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells and skin fibroblasts. Plateletderived growth factor (PDGF) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) significantly stimulated the binding of LDL to high affinity receptors of smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. The effects of enhanced binding were reflected in elevated rates of internalization and degradation of LDL. FGF and PDGF elicited a mitogenic response as measured by [3H]thymidine autoradiography, indicating that altered LDL metabolism was associated with entry into the cell cycle. When fibroblasts were exposed to mitogen for periods long enough to commit the cells to the growth cycle, after which growth factor was removed before addition of LDL however, enhanced LDL binding to cycling fibroblasts appeared to be dependent upon the length of the period of exposure to growth factors in the early part of the cell cycle. LDL binding was stimulated in the presence of PDGF or FGF but not after their removal within 8 h of entry into the cell cycle. Exposure to the growth factors for 16 h or longer resulted in stimulation of LDL metabolism whether or not mitogens were present at the cell surface. PDGF and FGF, therefore, appear to exert a direct influence upon LDL receptor expression in addition to that mediated via the cell cycle.
Adrenocorticosteroids are known to be synthesized from cholesterol which may arise from de novo synthesis or from the uptake of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) or high-density lipoproteins (HOL). LDL is reported to be a main substrate for corticosteroid synthesis by bovine adrenocortical cells, although the role of HDL, which is well known to be used for steroid biosynthesis in rat adrenals, is still obscure. Therefore, we examined the role of HDL in the regulation of corticosteroidogenesis in bovine adrenals in order to clarify whether or not HDL was selectively utilized for corticosteroid synthesis in vitro. The present data demonstrated that HDL and LDL increased cortisol production in a dose-dependent manner in bovine adrenocortical cells in vitro, and also that HDL cholesterol increased cortisol production significantly higher than LDL cholesterol did. Addition of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) with HDL to the incubation media enhanced much higher cortisol production than that with LDL in short time incubation. The present data also demonstrated that uptake of 125I-HDL was significantly greater than that of 125I-LDL. Thus, HDL rather than LDL is thought to be the preferred lipoprotein as a source of steroidogenic substrate cholesterol in bovine adrenal fasciculo-reticularis cells.
Oxidatively modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL), generated as a result of incubation of LDL with specific cells (e.g., endothelial cells, EC) or redox metals like copper, has been suggested to be an atherogenic form of LDL. Epidemiological evidence suggests that higher concentrations of plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL) are protective against the disease. The effect of HDL on the generation of the oxidatively modified LDL is described in the current study. Incubation of HDL with endothelial cells, or with copper, produced much lower amounts of thiobarbituric acid-reactive products (TBARS) as compared to incubations that contained LDL at equal protein concentrations. Such incubations also did not result in an enhanced degradation of the incubated HDL by macrophages in contrast to similarly incubated LDL. On the other hand, inclusion of HDL in the incubations that contained labeled LDL had a profound inhibitory effect on the subsequent degradation of the incubated LDL by the macrophages while having no effect on the generation of TBARS or the formation of conjugated dienes. This inhibition was not due to the modification of HDL as suggested by the following findings. (A) There was no enhanced macrophage degradation of the HDL incubated with EC or copper alone, together with LDL, despite an increased generation of TBARS. (B) HDL with the lysine groups blocked (acetyl HDL, malondialdehyde (MDA) HDL) was still able to prevent the modification of LDL and (C) acetyl HDL and MDA-HDL competed poorly for the degradation of oxidatively modified LDL. It is suggested that HDL may play a protective role in atherogenesis by preventing the generation of an oxidatively modified LDL. The mechanism of action of HDL may involve exchange of lipid peroxidation products between the lipoproteins.
The levels, structure and composition of plasma lipoproteins were determined in 67 patients with homozygous beta-thalassaemia and compared to healthy or heterozygous members of the same families and to patients with either sickle cell or iron deficiency anaemia. Plasma total and LDL and HDL cholesterol levels were low in patients with homozygous beta-thalassaemia and with sickle cell anaemia. Plasma triglycerides did not differ between subjects. The low plasma and lipoprotein cholesterol was independent of age, transfusion requirements and splenectomy. Abnormal structure and composition of lipoproteins was found in homozygous beta-thalassaemia. The LDL was of higher density and was triglyceride-rich and cholesterol ester-poor. HDL separated to three populations. HDL2 was prominent (in spite of low plasma HDL cholesterol). HDL2–3 was of normal density and an intermediate HDL population, not found in normal subjects, was identified and designated HDL2–3. All three HDL populations were enriched with triglycerides and poor in cholesterol ester content. The modified LDL and HDL particles may then be possibly cleared rapidly from the plasma by activated monocytes and macro-phages.
We studied serum lipids and lipoproteins in 20 patients with beta-thalassemia major, under high transfusion programme and regular chelation therapy, and in 20 control subjects. Total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, HDL2-and HDL3-cholesterol, apolipoprotein A and B levels were significantly lower in patients with Cooley's anemia, whereas free cholesterol, triglycerides and the HDL-/HDL3-cholesterol ratio did not differ in the two groups. We think that liver damage plays an important role in determining the altered lipoprotein pattern in beta-thalassemia major. However, other factors may contribute to cause such lipid changes.
Determinations were made of the concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids in plasma from 18 patients with hereditary or congenital spherocytosis (HS). The plasma cholesterol and phospholipid levels of these patients were significantly depressed, whereas the triglyceride levels were normal. Phospholipids from plasma and red cell ghosts were analysed by thin-layer chromatography. The relative amount of phosphatidylethanolamine was decreased in both plasma and red cell membranes from HS patients, whereas significant alterations were not observed in the relative amounts of the other major phospholipid classes. These data show that in HS the abnormal lipid metabolism is not confined only to the red cell; it also affects the plasma lipids and therefore probably other cells as well.