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Heterotrophic Protists in Hypersaline Microbial Mats and Deep Hypersaline Basin Water Columns


Abstract and Figures

Although hypersaline environments pose challenges to life because of the low water content (water activity), many such habitats appear to support eukaryotic microbes. This contribution presents brief reviews of our current knowledge on eukaryotes of water-column haloclines and brines from Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basins (DHABs) of the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as shallow-water hypersaline microbial mats in solar salterns of Guerrero Negro, Mexico and benthic microbialite communities from Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay, Western Australia. New data on eukaryotic diversity from Shark Bay microbialites indicates eukaryotes are more diverse than previously reported. Although this comparison shows that eukaryotic communities in hypersaline habitats with varying physicochemical characteristics are unique, several groups are commonly found, including diverse alveolates, strameonopiles, and fungi, as well as radiolaria. Many eukaryote sequences (SSU) in both regions also have no close homologues in public databases, suggesting that these environments host unique microbial eukaryote assemblages with the potential to enhance our understanding of the capacity of eukaryotes to adapt to hypersaline conditions.
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Life 2013, 3, 346-362; doi:10.3390/life3020346
ISSN 2075-1729
Heterotrophic Protists in Hypersaline Microbial Mats and Deep
Hypersaline Basin Water Columns
Virginia P. Edgcomb * and Joan M. Bernhard
Geology and Geophysics Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole,
MA 02543, USA; E-Mail:
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:;
Tel.: +1-508-289-3734; Fax: +1-508-457-2183.
Received: 4 March 2013; in revised form: 2 April 2013 / Accepted: 2 April 2013 /
Published: 22 May 2013
Abstract: Although hypersaline environments pose challenges to life because of the low
water content (water activity), many such habitats appear to support eukaryotic microbes.
This contribution presents brief reviews of our current knowledge on eukaryotes of
water-column haloclines and brines from Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basins (DHABs) of
the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as shallow-water hypersaline microbial mats in solar
salterns of Guerrero Negro, Mexico and benthic microbialite communities from Hamelin
Pool, Shark Bay, Western Australia. New data on eukaryotic diversity from Shark Bay
microbialites indicates eukaryotes are more diverse than previously reported. Although this
comparison shows that eukaryotic communities in hypersaline habitats with varying
physicochemical characteristics are unique, several groups are commonly found, including
diverse alveolates, strameonopiles, and fungi, as well as radiolaria. Many eukaryote
sequences (SSU) in both regions also have no close homologues in public databases,
suggesting that these environments host unique microbial eukaryote assemblages with the
potential to enhance our understanding of the capacity of eukaryotes to adapt to
hypersaline conditions.
Keywords: hypersaline; protist; eukaryote; microbialite; saltern; DHAB; Hamelin Pool;
E. Mediterranean Sea; foraminifera; SSU rRNA
Life 2013, 3 347
1. Introduction
Hypersaline waters (generally >10% NaCl; [1]) have salinities that exceed the 3.5% total salt of
most oceans. These include salt or soda lakes, salterns, coastal lagoons, and deep hypersaline anoxic
brines, and contain Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya [2]. Hypersaline environments are characterized by
a low water content or water activity (aw) because of the high-salt concentrations [1]; this presents
challenges for organisms living in these habitats. With increasing salinity, halophilic (requiring
salinities greater than normal seawater salinity) and halotolerant (able to survive salinities greater than
normal seawater) eukaryotes appear to comprise smaller fractions of communities. Typically, growth
does not occur at aw below 0.72 because, below this, there is not enough water available for dissolving
nutrients, general metabolic processes, and for hydrating proteins and nucleic acids [3]. Other stresses
may also be present in hypersaline habitats, such as intense solar radiation and elevated temperatures
in shallow lakes, solar salterns and salt production plants, intense pressures in deep hypersaline anoxic
basins, and vastly different ionic compositions of the salts themselves. For instance, if the salt in the
brine originates from seawater (thalassohaline) it will be dominated by sodium chloride, however, if
the salts originate from other sources (athalassohaline), other ions will dominate, and the ionic
composition can vary widely [1].
To prevent loss of cellular water to the environment, microbial eukaryotes (and other halotolerant
and halophilic organisms) require a way to balance the osmotic pressure created by their hypersaline
habitat. Some halophiles accumulate solutes within the cytoplasm and others use sodium pumps to
expel sodium ions out of the cell while concentrating potassium ions inside the cell to balance osmotic
pressure [4]. Some halotolerant algae are known to balance osmotic pressure by producing or taking up
organic molecules from the environment, such as glycerol [1]. A full discussion of adaptive
mechanisms of microorganisms to hypersaline habitats is outside the scope of this review. Extensive
literature exists describing the adaptive mechanisms for Bacteria and Archaea and, to a lesser extent,
Eukarya to hypersaline conditions, including high guanine to cytosine ratios in DNA, high concentrations
of acidic residues on exteriors of proteins, and unique lipids, cellular architectures, pigments,
physiologies and metabolisms (e.g., [1]; and extensively discussed in [5]).
Protists are an essential component of microbial food webs that play a central role in global
biogeochemical cycles, thus making them key players in sustaining the healthy functioning of any
ecosystem. Protists include autotrophic (capable of making organic molecules from inorganic sources
via photosynthesis, e.g., algae) and heterotrophic (those that prey on preformed organic carbon,
including other microbes, and hence contribute to pools of dissolved organic carbon through release of
metabolic wastes and “sloppy feeding”, e.g., ciliates and flagellates) microbial eukaryotes.
Microscopical observations of hypersaline habitats long ago revealed heterotrophic protists to be
present (e.g., [6–10] and more recently, [11–13]). However, studies indicated protists were rare or
nonexistent in extremely hypersaline (over 30%) environments (e.g., [13–18]) (for contrasting
viewpoint see [19]). Autotrophs and heterotrophs of moderately hypersaline habitats (6–15%) are
suspected of being euryhaline representatives of marine forms that have adapted to life in extremely
salty conditions (e.g., [10–13,20,21]. Such studies based primarily upon microscopic observations can
sometimes underestimate diversity, particularly with respect to heterotrophic nanoflagellates and naked
amoebae (discussed in [22]). The heterotrophic nanoflagellates, ciliates and amoebae appear to be the
Life 2013, 3 348
major groups of protists adapted to life in hypersaline environments (e.g., [12]). Most investigations of
halophilic ciliate and flagellated protists have examined habitats with 10–20% salinities, and some of
the taxa identified appear ubiquitous in hypersaline environments (e.g., the marine green flagellate
Dunaliella spp. in hypersaline lakes; [16]), while some appear uniquely adapted to specific ratios of
particular ions (e.g., [23]). The physiological underpinnings of this remain to be determined.
Heterotrophic bicosoecids and non pigmented chrysomonads belonging to stramenopiles are
protists known to be important components of many aquatic microbial communities [24]. Halotolerant
and halophilic bicosoecids have been isolated from hypersaline locations that can grow in both normal
seawater and 17.5% salinity; these have not been previously reported in marine or freshwater
environments using culturing or PCR-based approaches [22]. At higher salinities (up to 18%), the
diversity of stramenopiles appears to be significantly less than in typical marine conditions, consisting
primarily of Halocafeteria, and other “Cafeteria” species [22]. Investigations of higher salinities (e.g.,
deep brine basins with salinity of 28%) did not reveal stramenopiles [25]. Dinoflagellates are another
group of heterotrophic protists frequently documented in environments with salinities between 6 and
30% (e.g., [11,26–28]).
Our view of heterotrophic protist diversity in hypersaline environments is expanding, particularly
with additional data from molecular-based surveys of these habitats. There is increasing evidence of
extremely halophilic heterotrophs that are distinct from marine or freshwater forms, such as the ciliate
Trimyema koreanum sp. nov. in solar salterns with salinity of 29% [29], and a diversity of other
heterotrophs from nearly saturated brines (30% or more salinity) that could not grow at salinities less
than 7.5% [29,30–32]. Additionally, there are molecular and microscopic observations of heterotrophic
protists in habitats up to 36% salinity (e.g., [25,33,34]). This paper compares heterotrophic protists in
two shallow hypersaline habitats: hypersaline microbial mats in solar salterns and microbialites in
Shark Bay, Australia, with deep anoxic brines at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. We focus on
heterotrophs because autotrophic communities in deep-sea hypersaline habitats are not comparable to
shallow water communities within the photic zone. There are many physicochemical differences
between these habitats that likely contribute to variations in microbial communities between locations,
including water depth, temperature, salinity, salt ionic composition, concentrations of sulfide and
methane, etc. A comparison of protist populations in these habitats reveals that protists are present in
hypersaline waters and sediments, and that physicochemical differences in habitats select for unique
protist populations in different hypersaline habitats.
2. Views of Eukaryotic Diversity in Selected Hypersaline Habitats
2.1. Microbialites in Hypersaline Shark Bay, Australia
Hamelin Pool, in Shark Bay, Western Australia, is one of the few sites where microbialites, or
lithifying microbial mats, are forming today (Figure 1). These microbialites, are found along the
margins of Hamelin Pool [35], and form by trapping and binding of carbonates by extracellular
polymeric substances (EPS), produced by filamentous cyanobacteria and other bacteria (e.g., [36]).
Because fossilized microbialites comprise the earliest visible record of life on Earth (e.g., [37,38]), the
Life 2013, 3 349
modern Hamelin Pool microbialites have been intensively studied. Waters of Hamelin Pool are
typically 6–7% salinity.
Figure 1. Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay, W. Australia microbialites. (A) smooth mat;
(B) colloform mat.
Tong [39] reported 41 different species of heterotrophic nanoflagellates based on light microscopic
observations of hypersaline waters of Shark Bay. These included apusomonads, cercomonads,
choanoflagellates, cryptomonads, euglenids, heteroloboseids, stramenopiles, and several groups of
uncertain taxonomic affiliation. When sediments from four different sites in the Western Australia
Shark Bay area with differing salinities were examined, fewer species were observed to overlap with
previously documented species from normal marine environments in the most hypersaline samples
(four times the salinity of seawater) than samples from waters that were only two times the salinity of
seawater [11]. This finding is consistent with the generally accepted idea that eukaryotic microbial
diversity declines as hypersalinity increases, as discussed above.
Examination of eukaryotic microbial diversity has been more limited than investigations of
prokaryotic diversity in Shark Bay microbialites. Al-Qassab et al. [21] identified flagellate protists in
modern stromatolites in Shark Bay, and foraminiferal tests (shells) were observed in some
thrombolites [40]. Different microbialite types have varied degrees of lamination, and groups of
eukaryotes such as the foraminifera, which are known bioturbators of sediments, have the potential to
influence sediment fabric (discussed in Bernhard et al., 2013 [41]).
Using a combination of next generation and Sanger-based sequencing approaches we gathered as
comprehensive a picture of eukaryotic diversity as possible in the 0–1 cm and 1–2 cm intervals of
different microbialite samples collected in Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay in June 2011. Salinity is reported
in Practical Salinity Units (PSU), which is a measure of salt content of water based upon electrical
conductivity of a sample relative to reference standard of seawater. Normal seawater at 15 °C has a
salinity of 3.5%, or 35 PSU. The salinity of the overlying water at the Shark Bay sampling site was
66–72 PSU (Table 1). We sampled pustular mats, which are irregular, clotted mats; colloform mats,
which are coarse, laminoid wavy mats; and smooth mats, which are fine, laminoid structures
(nomenclature according to [35,42]). Total RNA was extracted using the FastRNA Pro Soil-Direct Kit
according to the manufacturer’s instructions, with the exception that a Turbo DNase step (Ambion)
was included prior to the RNA Matrix cleanup. Total RNA was converted to cDNA and used as a
template for all PCR reactions using a Superscript One-Step RT-PCR kit (Invitrogen) and eukaryotic
small subunit ribosomal RNA V4 hypervariable region PCR primers [43] or general primers for
foraminifera (S14F1/S17, [44]) to focus on the more active fraction of the community. Foraminifera-
Life 2013, 3 350
specific amplifications were necessary because general V4 primers do not detect most foraminifera.
Foraminiferal PCR products were cloned into pCR4-TOPO using the TOPO TA Cloning Kit
(Invitrogen) for Sanger sequencing (one 96-well plate per microbialite sample), and pyrotags were
submitted for Titanium pyrosequencing. Sequence data were processed for quality control, clustered
into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at 97% sequence identity in QIIME [45], and taxonomic
assignments were made using JAguc [46].
Table 1. Physicochemical data for several Eastern Mediterranean deep hypersaline anoxic
basins and Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay. In this context, “interface” equates to the halocline.
Sample Coordinates
Depth (m)
Salinity (PSU) Oxygen (mL/L)
Discovery Interface 2 35°19'N 21°41'E 3,580 70
1 0.50
Thetis Interface 3 34°40'N 22°08'E 3,259 80 0.68
Thetis Brine 3 34°40'N 22°08'E 3,415 340 0
Bannock Brine 2 34°17'N 20°00'E 3,790 280 0
Bannock Interface 2 34°17'N 20°00'E 3,300 246 0.50
Atalante Upper
Interface 5 35°18’N 21°23'E 3,499 39 0.44
Atalante Lower
Interface 5 35°18'N 21°23'E 3,501 365 0
Urania Interface 6 35°13'N 21°28'E 3,467 63 1.22
Hamelin Pool
microbialites 7 26°15'S 114°14'E 0–3 66–72 supersaturated at
0–1 cm, 0 at 1–2 cm
Guerrero Negro
saltern mats 4 27°41'N 113°55'W 1–2 90 na
1 Using the conventional sensor mounted on the Niskin rosette, the measurement of conductivity is not
reliable in athalassohaline brines enriched by divalent cations. na = not available. 2 Edgcomb et al.; 2009 [47];
3 Stock et al. 2011 [48]; 4 Bebout et al. 2002 [49]; 5 Alexander et al. 2009 [25]; 6 Orsi et al. 2012 [50];
7 this study.
In contrast to previous analyses on microbial eukaryotes in Shark Bay microbialites, we found
diverse communities of eukaryotes in all microbialite samples examined (Figure 2). Eukaryotic
signatures were dominated by Alveolata (10–50% of OTUs), unclassified eukaryotes (5–45%), and
stramenopiles (10–30%). The dominant alveolates differed in different microbialite types. In colloform
mats, alveolates were dominated by Heterocapsaceae and Protodinium (Dinophyceae), and more
diversity was observed in the 0–1 cm depth interval than in the 1–2 cm depth. In pustular mats, the
greatest diversity of alveolates was observed, with OTUs from both ciliates and dinoflagellates.
Alveolates in smooth mats were dominated by dinoflagellate OTUs affiliating with Gymnodiniales
(40%) in the 0–1 cm interval, and in the 1–2 cm interval, 90% of OTUs affiliated with ciliates
(Litostomatea). Stramenopile OTUs were dominated in all mat samples by representatives of
labyrinthulids affiliating with Thraustrochytridae (60–85% of stramenopile OTUs). The high number
of OTUs that could not be assigned a taxonomy based on BLASTn (<80% sequence similarity to
GenBank sequences) suggests the presence of novel eukaryotic lineages in Hamelin Pool microbialites.
Life 2013, 3 351
Figure 2. Stacked histogram of eukaryotic operational taxonomic units (out) composition
of (97% sequence similarity, weighted data presentation) in Hamelin Pool, Australia
microbialite and water samples based on eukaryote sequences (SSU) rRNA signatures
(cDNA template). Y-axis corresponds to fraction of OTUs affiliating with each grouping
out of 100%. S = smooth mat, C = colloform, P = Pustular.
The highest number of rhizarian OTUs in the surface 0–1 cm samples was recovered from pustular
mat samples. In all other mat samples, differences were observed in foraminiferal OTUs in different
microbialite types, and OTUs were detected from within Rotaliida, Textulariida, Milliolina, and
Allogromiida (thecate, non-mineralized forms). The latter group is of particular interest because they
are modern representatives of basal foraminifera that likely evolved in the Precambrian (e.g., [51]),
when microbialites dominated Earth’s biosphere.
As an independent means to assess eukaryotic presence in microbialites, we performed microscopic
studies using a viability indicator. CellTracker® Green CMFDA (CTG; Invitrogen) was used as an
indicator of active hydrolytic esterase activity in marine populations. The Fluorescently Labeled
Embedded Core (FLEC) method [52], which preserves the life positions of microbes in a sample, was
also used to assess the living positions of eukaryotes within microbialites by collecting syringe cores of
1.5-cm inner diameter from the same microbialites sampled for sequence analysis. At least five
replicate cores were collected per microbialite structure. Along with overlying seawater, cores were
incubated with 1 µM CTG at ambient light and temperature for approximately 6–8 hours, after which
3% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate sodium salt buffer was introduced into each core for
approximately one hour. Cores were then rinsed three times in buffer and transported to the laboratory
for further processing. Processing steps through polymerization followed Bernhard et al. [52] except
Life 2013, 3 352
that cores were embedded in LR White rather than the typical Spurrs’ resin. Polymerized cores were
sectioned coronally with an Isomet low speed rock saw. Both sides of each section were scanned with
a Leica FLIII stereomicroscope equipped with epifluorescence capabilities to identify fluorescent
objects suggestive of eukaryotes (size, shape). Promising targets were imaged with an Olympus
Fluoview 300 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (LSCM). FLEC analysis supports sequence
analysis indicating that microbial eukaryotes inhabit the microbialites (Figure 3). For example,
foraminifera are easily identified in many FLEC sections (e.g., Figure 3B,C). Other picoeukaryotes
(0.2–2 µm) are more difficult to identify, but putative protists can be quite common (Figure 3).
Figure 3. LSCM images of microbialites in FLEC sections from Hamelin Pool.
(A) Sediment-water interface showing masses of cyanobacteria comprising pustular mat;
(B) Foraminifer (*) inhabiting smooth mat; (C) Foraminifera (*) inhabiting colloform mat.
Arrows = indeterminate protists; * = foraminifer; + = ooid with concentric layering.
Scales = 200 µm.
2.2. Microbial Mats in Hypersaline Solar Salterns
Extensive microbial mats grow within the hypersaline lagoons of the Exportadora de Sal SA saltern
in Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Salterns, or salt works, involve a series of sun-baked
lagoons where seawater is gradually evaporated, to the point where salts including sodium chloride
precipitate, and are harvested. Feazal et al. [28] examined eukaryotic diversity in Guerrero Negro mat
samples collected from a pond with 90 PSU salinity [44]. The mat cores from which they extracted
DNA were 6 cm thick, and were sectioned into 1 mm intervals for 0–6 mm and ~1 cm intervals
downcore. The extent of eukaryotic diversity these authors detected using Sanger sequencing of small
subunit ribosomal RNA genes (SSU rRNA) was extremely low, with only 15 ribotypes identified
among 890 clones analyzed [28]. There are several possible explanations for the low diversity relative
to the microbialite samples, including potential primer biases, swamping of clone libraries by
metazoan (377 nematode signatures from two taxa out of 890 clones analyzed) SSU rRNA signatures
in their DNA-based analysis, and screening clones based on Terminal Restriction Fragment Length
Polymorphism (T-RFLP), which may have underestimated diversity. An RNA-based analysis of
several of these salterns coupling next generation molecular methods with microscopy would provide
further insights into eukaryotic diversity in this hypersaline habitat.
Life 2013, 3 353
2.3. Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basins in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (DHABs)
Deep brines on the seafloor exist in different locations, including Orca Basin in the Gulf of Mexico,
the Red Sea, and the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. DHAB, which are found in many locations in the
Eastern Mediterranean Sea are discussed here, and are thought to have formed through the dissolution
of buried Messinian evaporitic deposits, followed by accumulation of brines in sea floor depressions
([53] and references therein).
Several studies of E. Mediterranean DHAB water columns have extended our knowledge of the
environmental factors that define the limits of life for microbial eukaryotes and have provided insights
into novel eukaryotic diversity in these planktic habitats (e.g., [25,33,42,43,54,55]). Recovery of sequences
of many taxonomic groups in these studies with no known homologues in public databases suggests
these pelagic habitats harbor organisms with possibly novel metabolic/physiological characteristics.
E. Mediterranean DHABs such as Discovery Basin (Figure 4) are found more than 3,000 m below
sea level. There is very little mixing of these brines with the overlying seawater due to their high density
(typically ranging from 1.13 to 1.35 × 103 kg m3 relative to Mediterranean seawater 1.03 × 103 kg m3).
The steep halocline that results, can be only a few meters or less in thickness, oxygen concentrations
drop to undetectable at the base of the halocline, and salinity increases dramatically, often to around 10
times normal seawater [56]. The chemical compositions of the different basins are distinct, with widely
varying concentrations of sulfide, methane, and various cations and anions ([56] Supplementary
Material) (Table 1). Some brines, such as that found in Discovery Basin, are athallasohaline, with Mg2+
concentrations up to 5,000 mM compared with 300–650 mM in other basins, and ca. 60 mM in regular
seawater. All other basins reported here are thalassohaline. Sodium concentrations can vary widely in
the different basins. For example, sodium is 70 mM in Discovery Basin brine, and almost 4,700 mM in
Atalante Basin brine [56]. Combined with the very high pressures associated with the depths of these
basins, DHABs represent some of the most extreme habitats on Earth.
Figure 4. Discovery Basin, Eastern Mediterranean Sea (3,582 m depth). Image taken with
ROV Jason, showing the Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basins (DHAB) “beach” (white zone
where the halocline intersects the seafloor) at the edge of the brine pool (right). Note
floating garbage in the brine pool. ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Life 2013, 3 354
In the water column, abundant chemosynthetic bacterial communities along DHAB oxyclines
(e.g., [56–60]) appear to support active pelagic protist communities there [25,33,42,43]. Moderately
hypersaline systems are known to sustain rich and diverse communities of mostly halotolerant
eukaryotes [13]. Habitats with salinities in excess of 30% are not thought to harbor significant protist
diversity [14–18] (but see opposing viewpoint in [19]). Although previous studies suggested habitats
with salinities in excess of 30% did not harbor significant protist diversity (see above), initial
investigations into protist diversity in several Eastern Mediterranean DHAB haloclines and brines
using DNA-based [42] and RNA-based [25] molecular approaches suggested that these pelagic
habitats not only harbor diverse protistan communities, but that these communities are largely unique
to the water columns of these basins and share little overlap with overlying waters with typical marine
salinity and oxygen tension.
The first indication that haloclines and brines of DHABs support active microbial eukaryotes came
from two studies in 2009 that presented profiles of SSU rRNA genes in clone libraries, one based on
RNA extracted from halocline samples from Atalante basin (upper halocline 39 PSU, lower halocline
365 PSU) [25] and one based on DNA extracted from haloclines and brines of Bannock (halocline 246
PSU and brine 280 PSU) and Discovery basins (halocline 70 PSU) [42]. Similar to Hamelin Pool
microbialite samples, abundant signatures of alveolates were recovered from Discovery and Bannock
samples (75% of OTUs at 98% sequence similarity), most of which were from dinoflagellates (62%)
and ciliates (12%) [42]. Fungi were the third most abundant group (17% of OTUs), particularly in
brine samples of both basins. Signatures were also recovered from stramenopiles, euglenozoans,
metazoans, plants, cercozoans and kinetoplastids. Due to the steep density gradient typical of
haloclines, organic material (dead cells and detritus) accumulates at the top of haloclines and likely is
partly responsible for fueling the active chemosynthetic prokaryotic communities on which these
protists and fungi feed. Phagotrophic protists are known to be quite successful along oxyclines where
prokaryotes are abundant [61–63] and so it follows that they are also successful within these
haloclines. Fungi are active remineralizers of organic material that accumulates at these haloclines, and
some which sinks into the brine. The presence of plant and metazoan signatures within the DNA-based
clone libraries reflects their likely detrital origin. Nonetheless, the dominant protist signatures from
Bannock and Discovery Basin haloclines and brines [42] are distinct from the picture of open-ocean
pelagic communities in the photic zone that are usually dominated by stramenopiles and pigmented
picoplankton taxa [64–66].
The density of protists that halocline and brine habitats can support is significant. For example, in a
study of Thetis basin, which has one of the highest salt concentrations reported for DHABs (340 PSU),
protist counts of ca. 0.6 × 104 per liter were reported in the anoxic brine [43]. The study of Thetis was
based on RNA extracted from water samples, which is less likely than DNA to originate from dead or
inactive cells, and identified fungi as the most diverse taxonomic group of eukaryotes in the brine
(38% of OTUs based on 98% sequence similarity), followed by ciliates and stramenopiles, each
accounting for 20% of phylotypes. Ciliate OTUs detected in the Thetis study were closely related to
sequences detected in surveys of other DHABs, suggesting specific adaptations of ciliates to these
habitats [43]. In addition to OTUs from dinoflagellates, haptophytes, choanoflagellates and jakobids,
OTUs affiliating with marine stramenopiles (MAST) were detected in the brine samples, expanding
Life 2013, 3 355
the known salinity range of these taxa. Beta-diversity analyses supported the uniqueness of brine vs.
halocline communities [43].
The RNA-based study of SSU rRNA gene signatures from Atalante basin halocline by Alexander
et al. [25] also supported the presence of active protists in these hypersaline habitats. Almost the same
number of OTUs (99% sequence similarity) were recovered from the upper halocline as from the
extremely hypersaline lower halocline (43 and 42, respectively). In that study, alveolates also
dominated the protist community, and ciliates were the most common group of alveolates in both the
upper and lower halocline (18 and 21 OTUs, respectively). Only 12 OTUs (including seven ciliate, two
choanoflagellate, and one each fungal, radiolarian, and jakobid OTUs) were shared between the two
samples that were only separated by ~1.5 m water depth but differed in salinity by 324 PSU. Although
salinity differences may be the primary driver behind observed differences in protist community
composition, other environmental factors, including oxygen and ammonia concentrations likely also
play a role [25]. Fungal and radiolarian OTUs were common in the upper halocline (39 PSU), but only
a single representative of each group was detected in the lower halocline (365 PSU). Stramenopile,
haptophyte, rhizarian and chlorophyte signatures were detected exclusively in the upper halocline,
while cryptophyte and diverse dinoflagellate OTUs were detected exclusively in the lower halocline [25].
Comparisons of protist communities found in Bannock, Discovery, and Atalante using Jaccard indices
support the notion that unique basin chemistries select for unique protist communities (e.g., [42]
comparison of Bannock and Discovery). This is supported by a recent broad comparison of eukaryotic
communities in many different DHAB haloclines and brines using T-RFLP by Filker et al. [55].
Confirmation of active/living protists in different DHAB samples was obtained using scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to visualize intact cells on
filters. SEM images of intact ciliates and flagellates (Figure 5) showed that most ciliates on halocline
and brine filters hosted prokaryotic epibionts. The role of these symbioses in DHAB habitats is under
investigation. In the course of examining SEM filters from Discovery Basin halocline water samples, it
was noted that abundant kinetoplastid cells were present. Kinetoplastids have been reported previously
from anoxic and high-salt environments [13]. Kinetoplastid-specific PCR primers were used to amplify
kinetoplastid signatures from brine and halocline water samples from six basins with differing
chemistries [33]. Amplifications were successful only for halocline samples from three of six basins
(and not for normal seawater controls). FISH probes were developed using the SSU rRNA gene
sequence of an “unidentified clade” of kinetoplastid signatures that was observed to dominate the
Discovery Basin halocline clone library. It was revealed using FISH that this clade represented up to
10% of the total protist community in the Discovery Basin halocline (6.4 × 103 kinetoplastids per liter
belonging to this clade). This clade most likely represents a new genus [33]. Finding signatures of this
“unidentified clade” of kinetoplastids from only halocline filters from three of six basins lends further
support to the notion that unique basin chemistries are driving protist community composition.
Life 2013, 3 356
Figure 5. Scanning electron micrographs of microbial eukaryotes from the water-column
haloclines of Urania and Discovery Basins in the Eastern Mediterraean Sea. (A) A scuticociliate
morphotype consistently associated with epibiotic bacteria (B) that has been found to be the most
abundant eukaryotic morphotype in the Urania halocline [45]; (B) A flagellate in Urania
halocline. (C) A larger ciliate associated with long (10–20 µm), thin, filamentous bacteria,
which was the most abundant eukaryotic morphotype in the Discovery halocline [45].
Scale bars = 2 µm. Photos by William Orsi.
Life 2013, 3 357
Figure 5. Cont.
3. Commonalities between Protist Communities in DHABs and Hypersaline Shallow Water Mat
Communities (Hamelin Pool and Guerrero Negro)
Direct comparisons between protist communities detected in DHAB halocline and brine waters with
those in shallow water hypersaline sedimentary microbial mat communities is difficult for a number of
reasons. First, communities in benthic and aquatic habitats are normally quite distinct, and second, the
sampling and methodological approaches used in each of the studies discussed here are different.
Nonetheless there are groups of protists and fungi that are common to both shallow hypersaline mat
and DHAB environments, including diverse alveolates, stramenopiles, and fungi, as well as
radiolaria. Within alveolates, groups that were common included ciliates (including signatures of
Oligohymenophorea, Spirotrichea, Heterotrichea, Plagiopylea, and Phyllopharyngea) and uncultured
Group I and Group II alveolates, as well as diverse dinoflagellates (including signatures of
Gonyaulacales, Prorocentrales, Peridiniales, Gymnodiniales, Syndiniales). Stramenopile signatures
shared include those from Labyrinthulidae, Bicosoecida, and Marine Stramenopile Group 3 (MAST-3).
Radiolarian sequences shared between DHABs and Hamelin Pool microbialite samples included
signatures of Polycystinea and Acantharia. In both Hamelin Pool microbialites and DHAB haloclines
and brines many sequences of novel eukaryotes with no close homologues in public databases were
recovered, suggesting these habitats host unusual protist and fungal communities. The taxonomic
identification of the eukaryotic cells behind those signatures, as well as the determination of the
environmental role of those eukayotes and their impact on carbon and other nutrient cycling in
hypersaline habitats, is a fascinating avenue for future investigation. Furthermore, groups of protists
are identified here that are common to different hypersaline habitats. By studying cultured
representatives of these groups we will gain a better understanding of the physiological underpinnings
behind their ability to adapt to hypersaline conditions. Future studies of heterotrophic grazing impacts
in hypersaline water columns and sediments will enhance our understanding of carbon and other
nutrient cycling in these habitats.
Life 2013, 3 358
We thank the captains and crews of the R/V Oceanus, R/V Walton Smith, and R/V Atlantis for their
hard work to assure the success of our sampling objectives, as well as the owners/operators of Carbla
Station,Western Australia, and Ross Mack, World Heritage Site Ranger. Shark Bay work was a
collaboration with Roger Summons (MIT) and Pieter Visscher (UConn); the DHAB study was a
collaboration with Konstantinos Kormas (U. Thessaly) and Thorsten Stoeck (U. Kaiserslautern). This
research was funded by NSF OCE-0849578 to VE and JMB, and NSF OCE-0926421 to JMB and VE.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... It was reported that the most abundant eukaryotes in the Discovery basin were the Dinoflagellates and Ciliates, followed by Fungi group. It was found that the Fungi group formed the most diverse eukaryotes in the Thetis saltpan, and Ciliates and Stramenopiles also showed high taxonomic abundance (Edgcomb & Bernhard, 2013). In a study conducted on six lakes and a river in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Chlorophyta (Chlorella, Dunaliella), Bacillariophyta (Fistulifera), Streptophyta (Chara), and Dinophyceae (Kryptoperidinium foliaceum) were found as dominant groups (Liu et al., 2016). ...
Microbial diversity found in hypersaline ecosystems is structurally unique and essential in many microbiological and ecological processes. Tuz Lake, the second biggest lake in Türkiye, is a talassohaline (over 32% [w/v]) lake with near-neutral pH. The aim of study was to investigate the composition of the eukaryotic microbial community in Tuz Lake by 18S rDNA amplicon sequencing, as well as its relationship and change with environmental factors during 1-year period. Next-generation sequencing and bioinformatic analysis were applied to describe the eukaryotic microbial community in Tuz Lake. As a result of bioinformatics analysis, Archaeplastida (39%) and Stramenopiles, Alveolata, Rhizaria (SAR) (51%) were the most abundant taxa represented in the dataset. The Archaeplastida phylum showed a significant difference between winter and summer and higher abundance in summer in contrast to the SAR group, which represented higher abundance in winter. Genus level assessment showed that the most abundant genera were Navicula, Chlorophyta;unclassified_taxa, Dunaliella, Cladosporium, Paraphelidium, Scuticociliates;unclassified_taxa, and Chlamydomonadales;unclassified_taxa. Navicula abundance was significantly different and overwhelmingly dominant in winter. On the other hand, Cladosporium and Chlorophyta; unclassified_taxa represented a significant difference between seasons and high abundance in summer. Furthermore, Dunaliella populations were not detected in midsummer and early fall when the temperature increased and water volume in the lake decreased.
... However, the genetic diversity of high-abundance biota depends on sampling location and/or physiochemical properties as well The distribution patterns of the major species within the highabundance groups Alveolata, Archaeplastida, Opisthokonta, and Stramenopila along the salinity gradient (practical salinity units: psu) based on the read counts in the V4 (a) and V9 (b) datasets (for each sampling site, see Table 1 and Fig. 1). The major species was determined up to the fourth most abundant species (> 5% relative abundance) detected at > 100 psu as methodology [19,57]. The protistan diversity (except Opisthokonta) in a Portuguese solar saltern was dominated by Archaeplastida, Alveolata, and Stramenopila, collectively representing 75.6% of the V4 OTUs at 40 psu, 81.7% at 120 psu, and 94.3% at 380 psu detected by 454 pyrosequecing [19]. ...
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Solar salterns are excellent artificial systems for examining species diversity and succession along salinity gradients. Here, the eukaryotic community in surface water of a Korean solar saltern (30 to 380 practical salinity units) was investigated from April 2019 to October 2020 using Illumina sequencing targeting the V4 and V9 regions of 18S rDNA. A total of 926 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and 1,999 OTUs were obtained with the V4 and V9 regions, respectively. Notably, most of the OTUs were microbial eukaryotes, and the high-abundance groups (> 5% relative abundance (RA), Alveolata, Stramenopila, Archaeplastida, and Opisthokonta) usually accounted for > 90% of the total cumulative read counts and > 80% of all OTUs. Moreover, the high-abundance Alveolata (larger forms) and Stramenopila (smaller forms) groups displayed a significant inverse relationship, probably due to predator–prey interactions. Most of the low-abundance (0.1–5% RA) and rare (< 0.1% RA) groups remained small portion during the field surveys. Taxonomic novelty (at < 90% sequence identity) was high in the Amoebozoa, Cryptista, Haptista, Rhizaria, and Stramenopila groups (69.8% of all novel OTUs), suggesting the presence of a large number of hidden species in hypersaline environments. Remarkably, the high-abundance groups had little overlap with the other groups, implying the weakness of rare-to-prevalent community dynamics. The low-abundance Discoba group alone temporarily became the high-abundance group, suggesting that it is an opportunistic group. Overall, the composition and diversity of the eukaryotic community in hypersaline environments may be persistently stabilized, despite diverse disturbance events.
... Density modeling is a key issue for the Moho 125 inversion. The seawater density is set to be a constant of 1.03 g cm -3 (Edgcomb and Bernhard, 2013;Bai et al., 2014;Amos et al., 2003); the sediment density is modeled and estimated based on the porosity and sediment depth (Sawyer, 1985;Bai et al., 2014). The mantle density variations can be converted from the seismic wave structures by the velocity-density relationship (Isaak et al., 1989;Bai et al., 2019a). ...
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Abstract. The variation in island arc magma production rates and their influencing mechanisms are of great significance since island arc magma is considered a main source of continental crust growth. The island arc magma directly originates from the molten mantle wedge, and the mantle melting is driven by fluids or melts from the subducted slab. Slab dehydration flux mainly depends on the slab thermal structures, and subducted slab melting requires a sufficiently high temperature. For the Aleutian subduction system, the subducted Pacific Plate has diverse thermal structures due to the existing fracture zones, ridges and slab window, so it is an ideal region for arc magma production rate research. However, the previous estimations are based on seismic profiles that only provide magma production rates at specific regions of the Aleutian arc, and these results are controversial. Here, we design a magma production rate estimation method based on gravity inversion constrained by deep seismic profiles. The first overview map of magma production rates along the Aleutian arc strike demonstrates that the magma production rates have the same trend as the slab dips, and the peaks correspond to the subduction of the fracture zones and ridges. The potential mechanisms for these correlations are as follows: (1) Slab water flux at subarc depths increases with increasing slab dip. More fluid flux would induce more mantle melting, and so the arc magma production rates are increased. (2) Water-rich serpentine is formed by hydrothermal alteration on or near the surface of the subducted slab when there are fracture zones. Serpentine decomposition at a depth of 80–120 km releases fluids in addition to the fluids released during normal slab dehydration. Therefore, more fluids induce more mantle melting and correspond a larger magma production rate. (3) The slab located in the Emperor Seamounts has a relatively high temperature and is also weak, so its melting is easier. Similarly, more slab melt means more mantle melt and a higher island arc magma production rate.
... Approximately 200 protists have been described in hypersaline ecosystems, mainly based on cultivation methods (Hauer & Rogerson, 2005), and investigations into their diversity, ecology and community complexity through the use of molecular techniques are recent (Edgcomb et al., 2009;Stock et al., 2012). Nonetheless, microbial Eukaryota are an essential component of microbial food webs and thus play a central role in local ecosystem functioning and global biogeochemical cycles (Edgcomb & Bernhard, 2013). Previous work conducted on hypersaline ...
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Thalassohaline ecosystems are hypersaline environments originating from seawater in which sodium chloride is the most abundant salt and the pH is alkaline. Studies focusing on microbial diversity in thalassohaline lakes are still scarce compared with those on athalassohaline lakes such as soda lakes that have no marine origin. In this work, we investigated multiple facets of bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic diversity in the thalassohaline Lake Dziani Dzaha using a metabarcoding approach. We showed that bacterial and archaeal diversity were mainly affected by contrasting physicochemical conditions retrieved at different depths. While photosynthetic microorganisms were dominant in surface layers, chemotrophic phyla (Firmicutes or Bacteroidetes) and archaeal methanogens dominated deeper layers. In contrast, eukaryotic diversity was constant regardless of depth and was affected by seasonality. A detailed focus on eukaryotic communities showed that this constant diversity profile was the consequence of the high predominance of Picocystis salinarum, while nondominant eukaryotic groups displayed seasonal diversity turnover. Altogether, our results provided an extensive description of the diversity of the three domains of life in an unexplored extreme environment and showed clear differences in the responses of prokaryotic and eukaryotic communities to environmental conditions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... billion years ago coincides with the evolution of protozoa, so thrombolite formation could be attributed to their grazing (Edgcomb et al., 2013). Leiolites are microbial structures that lack any features on the mesoscale ( Figure 4, panel C) (Riding, 2000). ...
Microbial mats are self-contained organosedimentary ecosystems that played an important role in the evolution of early life on Earth. Understanding the conditions of their formation and preservation in the fossil record could provide valuable insights into microbe-mineral interactions and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Diatoms are found at the surface of extant microbial mats, but their frustules are not observed at depth and rarely in fossil microbialites, which suggest their frustules dissolve. The objective of this study is to investigate the role of cyanobacterial photosynthesis, which locally elevates pH, in the dissolution of diatoms frustules. Field data and laboratory studies determined the effect of pH and other environmental factors (e.g. temperature and salinity) on the dynamics of silica dissolution. Dissolved silica was measured over time in chemical and cyanobacterial incubations to which diatom frustules were added. Intact microbial mats were augmented with frustules to investigate the disappearance of diatoms with depth. Field-based and experimental observations were compared to a chemical equilibrium model. In chemical experiments, dissolution increases with pH, temperature, fracturing of frustules and the degree of undersaturation of silica in solution and was confirmed by the model. T. pseudonana dissolved at a greater rate than N. closterium across treatments. In cyanobacterial enrichments, the pH remained above 9 for most of the daylight period and dissolved silica concentrations increased. There were no clear trends observed with increased salinity. The preservation potential of diatom frustules within the mat was evaluated in the context of what was observed in the field, in lab experiments, and the model. Increased understanding of the fate of diatoms in extant systems facilitates a more accurately interpretation of fossil mats and ancient environments.
A tufa mound developed at La Saline Lake, an oxbow of the Athabasca River in the Athabasca Oil Sands deposit of north‐east Alberta, is characterised by an unusual emplacement of a gypsum caprock. This two‐tiered architecture resulted from the bicarbonate‐saturated groundwater flow along Upper Devonian limestone being redirected deeper and encountering the halite–anhydrite dissolution trend within the underlying Middle Devonian Prairie Evaporite Formation, 175 to 200 m below. Migrations up‐section of sulphate‐saturated brine resulted in the gypsum caprock on the tufa mound and discharge of a sulphate‐saturated brine spring with total dissolved solids of ca 80,000 mg/L. The brine spring is bifurcated with flows to the south‐west and north‐west. Calcite–gypsum thrombolytic bottom sediments along the south‐western branch were covered by a halite deposit and subsequently a gypsum crust with a microbial community dominated by the cyanobacteria Coleofasciculus chthonoplastes . The thrombolite contact zone with the halite–gypsum encrustation has a more diversified community with the cyanobacteria Dactylococcopsis . Cyanobacterial mats that wrap around the bulbous gypsum crust protuberances distributed along the brine pool bottom surfaces have significant eukaryotic diversity, represented by the heterotrophic Ochrophyte Paraphysomonas . In contrast, sediments accumulated along the adjacent spring branch flow to the north‐west were thicker and clogged by abundant decomposed and fermented floral debris, unlike the deposit accumulated along the south‐western branch. This resulted in an oxygen‐depleted anaerobic environment dominated by sulphate‐reducing bacteria resulting in a calcite‐rich and sulphate‐starved anaerobic sediment with ca 20% elemental sulphur and emanation of H 2 S gas.
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Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay, Western Australia hosts the world's largest and most extensive assemblages of living marine microbialites, comparable in size and shape to ancient structures found throughout the fossil record. Here, we document the internal fabrics of modern microbialites collected throughout Hamelin Pool. Meso‐ and microscale observations of microbialite polished slabs and thin section scans, optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy formed the basis for a fabric classification system that combines accretionary mat type with microfabric. Accretionary mat types included pustular, smooth, colloform, as well as ‘transitional’ mats that are a cross between pustular and smooth mats. Mapping of fabrics in 45 microbialite heads indicated bi‐directional evolution. An upward progression of fabrics corresponded to changes in mat type as the head grew upward into shallower water. A downward evolution of microfabrics occurred as surface mats transitioned into the subsurface of the microbialite structure. Downward microfabric evolution occurred as a result of early taphonomic processes, and involved a progression from the original depositional architecture to subsequent stages of micritic thickening, and finally, cement infilling. The observed bi‐directional evolution of microbialite microfabrics within Hamelin Pool offers a conceptual framework for the study of modern microbialites, not simply as the sole product of accretionary mat types but rather as the combined result of the activity of surface mats and their taphonomic evolution. Early taphonomic processes induce further lithification of the microbialites which may enhance preservation potential in the geological record.
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Saline and hypersaline waters are one of the most peculiar ecosystems of our planet, characterized by extreme life conditions. Despite their worldwide distribution, the diversity and abundance of protist communities in these ecosystems remain poorly studied. Here, we analyze planktonic communities of protists sampled across 38 saline and hypersaline water environments (2-390‰) from arid climatic zones of the South Urals and Crimea in light of environmental data using high-throughput 18S rDNA amplicon sequencing. A total of 9 eukaryotic supergroups, 34 phyla, 104 classes, 184 orders, 315 families and 548 genera have been identified. We revealed significant differences in the taxonomic structure of protist communities depending on salinity, geographic location and pH. The protist communities demonstrated linear regression of richness and diversity and growth of the percentage of unclassified Eukaryota (up to 43%) with the increase in salinity. Centrohelids demonstrated the ability to inhabit a broad range of salinities, up to 320‰, which is four times higher than previously reported. Centrohelid species Pinjata ruminata and Yogsothoth sp. are assumed to be specifically adapted to salinity of 3-210‰. The obtained results provide insight into the taxonomy and diversity of protists in saline and hypersaline environments and highlight the great potential for the discovery of new taxa due to the large number of unclassified 18S rDNA sequences.
Extreme environments, habitats at the edge of survivability, can be found in most marine systems. These include habitats subjected to high radiation, high pressure, high or low temperatures, limited nutrient availability, or that contain high concentrations of salts, petroleum, or other toxic substances. Using this definition, the majority of the deep ocean and the marine deep subsurface—systems that harbor the most extensive microbiomes on Earth—would be classified as extreme. Because the microbial inhabitants of the deep sea, the subsurface, and the oceanic crust are discussed elsewhere in this book, this chapter will focus on hydrothermal vents and deep hypersaline anoxic basins, which have attracted the attention of the scientific community in recent decades due to their potential implications for astrobiology and biotechnology. Each of these two systems is characterized by the coexistence of multiple stressors (i.e., physicochemical parameters close to the limit of supporting life on Earth). The microorganisms inhabiting hydrothermal vents and deep hypersaline anoxic basins are called “polyextremophiles” and have attracted the attention of researchers who wish to gain knowledge about the adaptations to multiple extremes and the underlying mechanisms of the evolution of these marine microorganisms.
The pools of the geothermal Dallol Dome and surrounding area (in the Danakil Depression of Ethiopia) are an extreme example of complex brines: many lack evidence of life, but others are habitats for archaea and other extremophiles, prompting questions about the biophysical limits for microbial function.
Salt is an essential requirement of life. Already from ancient times (e. g. , see the books of the Bible) its importance in human life has been known. For example, salt symbolizes destruction (as in Sodom and Gomorra), but on the other hand it has been an ingredient of every sacrifice during the Holy Temple periods. Microbial life in concentrated salt solutions has fascinated scientists since its discovery. Recently there have been several international meetings and books devoted entirely to halophiles. This book includes the proceedings of the “Halophiles 2004” conference held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in September 2004 (www. u- lj. si/~bfbhaloph/index. html). This meeting was attended by 120 participants from 25 countries. The editors have selected presentations given at the meeting for this volume, and have also invited a number of contributions from experts who had not been present in Ljubljana. This book complements “Halophilic Microorganisms”, edited by A. Ventosa and published by Springer-Verlag (2004), “Halophilic Microorganism and their Environments” by A. Oren (2002), published by Kluwer Academic Publishers as volume 5 of “Cellular Origins, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology” (COLE), and “Microbiology and Biogeochemistry of Hypersaline Environments” edited by A. Oren, and published by CRC Press, Boca Raton (1999). Salt-loving (halophilic) microorganisms grow in salt solutions above seawater salinity (~3. 5% salt) up to saturation ranges (i. e. , around 35% salt). High concentrations of salt occur in natural environments (e. g.
During recent years the subject of extreme environments and extremophiles has become a central topic in modern Biology. The capability of some microorganisms to withstand, and often prefer, the harsh conditions found in such environments is helping to define the physicho-chemicallimits of life and in consequence its essential nature. Halophiles are one of the most representative types of extremophiles, requiring high concentrations of inorganic salts, mostly sodium chloride, to grow and survive. They inhabit hypersaline environments, the distribution and abundance of which dur ing geological eras are attested by the vast amounts of evaporite rocks present in the Earth crust and by their role in the generation of petroleum deposits. The corditions of high osmolarity and ionic strength that are concomitant with concentrated salt solutions challenge the stability of lipid bilayers and the structure of proteins forcing halophilic microbes to develop specialized molecules and physiological me;;hanisms to cope with this environmental stress. Even so, halophilism is a widespread trait in the microbial world. All the major groups of eucaryotic microbes, two groups of archaeobacteria and most phylogenetic branches of eubacteria have halophilic representatives. Therefore, the study of halophilic microorganisms is indeed a highly heterogeneous and extense topic. The present volume contains the contributions to the FEMS-NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "General and Applied Aspects of Halophilic Microorganisms" held at Alicante, Spain, September 17-22, 1989.
Dedication. Table of Contents. Foreword J. Seckbach. Preface. Comments on Prokaryote Nomenclature and Salt Concentration Units. Section 1. An Historical Survey. 1. Halophilic Microorganisms in their Natural Environment and in Culture - An Historical Introduction. Section 2: Halophilic Microorganisms and their Properties. Introduction. 2. Taxonomy of Halophilic Microorganisms: Archaea, Bacteria and Eucarya. 3. The Cellular Structure of Halophilic Microorganisms. 4. Cellular Metabolism and Physiology of Halophilic Microorganisms. 5. Pigments of Halophilic Microorganisms. 6. Intracellular Salt Concentrations and Ion Metabolism in Halophilic Microorganisms. 7. Properties of Halophilic Proteins. 8. Organic Compatible Solutes. 9. Halophilic Bacteriophages and Halocins. 10. Genetics and Genomics of Halophilic Archae and Bacteria. 11. Biotechnological Applications and Potentials of Halophilic Microorganisms. Section 3: Hypersaline Environments and their Biota. Introduction. 12. Great Salt Lake, Utah. 13. the Dead Sea. 14. Solar Salterns. 15. Alkaline Hypersaline Lakes in Africa and Asia. 16. Mono Lake, California, and Big Soda lake, Nevada. 17. Miscellaneous Habitats of Halophilic Microorganisms - from Antarctic Lakes to Hydrothermal Vents. Section 4: Epilogue. 18. Epilogue: Evolution of Halophiles and Survival of Halophiles of Earth and in Space. Section 5: Supplement. Methods for Cultivation and handling of Halophilic Archaea and Bacteria. Glossary of Limnological Terms. Aboutthe Author. Organism Index. Geographical Index. Subject Index.
The chemical composition of the Bannock basin has been studied in some detail1, 2. We recently showed that unusual microbial populations, including a new division of Archaea (MSBL1)3, inhabit the NaCl-rich hypersaline brine. High salinities tend to reduce biodiversity4, but when brines come into contact with fresher water the natural haloclines formed frequently contain gradients of other chemicals, including permutations of electron donors and acceptors, that may enhance microbial diversity, activity and biogeochemical cycling5, 6. Here we report a 2.5-m-thick chemocline with a steep NaCl gradient at 3.3 km within the water column betweeen Bannock anoxic hypersaline brine7 and overlying sea water. The chemocline supports some of the most biomass-rich and active microbial communities in the deep sea, dominated by Bacteria rather than Archaea, and including four major new divisions of Bacteria. Significantly higher metabolic activities were measured in the chemocline than in the overlying sea water and underlying brine; functional analyses indicate that a range of biological processes is likely to occur in the chemocline. Many prokaryotic taxa, including the phylogenetically new groups, were confined to defined salinities, and collectively formed a diverse, sharply stratified, deep-sea ecosystem with sufficient biomass to potentially contribute to organic geological deposits.
To provide insights into the biogeochemistry of environments where steep chemical gradients place anaerobes, microaerophiles, and aerobes in close proximity, it might be necessary to survey biotic distributions on scales that are not possible using conventional ecological approaches. To overcome such limitations, we adapted sedimentological and cell biological methods to examine the life positions of microbes within sediments. This fluorescently labeled embedded core (FLEC) technique was used to survey the submillimeter distributions of eukaryotic nanobiota and meiofauna, plus co-occurring prokaryotes, inhabiting laminated sediments of the bathyal Santa Barbara Basin (SBB; 34degrees13'N, 120degrees02'W). Although SBB sediments were vertically structured on the scale of millimeters (i.e., as laminae), and microelectrode profiles suggested vertically distinct oxygenated and anoxic-sulfidic layers, the distributions of aerobes, microaerophiles, and sulfide-tolerant anaerobes were not concomitantly structured. Unprecedented associations were observed among microorganisms. For example, relatively deep in the sediments, where high sulfide concentrations were expected, flagellates were intimately associated with Beggiatoa. Ciliates were typically solitary, whereas flagellates were often aggregated in nearly monomorphotypic swarms of >3 x 10(4) mm(-1). Such aggregations could significantly affect geochemical pore-water processes at scales <1 μl. Our observations indicate that a mosaic of chemically heterogeneous microhabitats exist in both vertical and horizontal dimensions, suggesting that biogeochemical processes in the SBB are more complex than predictions based on standard biotic assessments and microelectrode profiling.
Stromatolites are attached, lithified sedimentary growth structures, accretionary away from a point or limited surface of initiation. Though the accretion process is commonly regarded to result from the sediment trapping or precipitation-inducing activities of microbial mats, little evidence of this process is preserved in most Precambrian stromatolites. The successful study and interpretation of stromatolites requires a process-based approach, oriented toward deconvolving the replacement textures of ancient stromatolites. The effects of diagenetic recrystallization first must be accounted for, followed by analysis of lamination textures and deduction of possible accretion mechanisms. Accretion hypotheses can be tested using numerical simulations based on modern stromatolite growth processes. Application of this approach has shown that stromatolites were originally formed largely through in situ precipitation of laminae during Archean and older Proterozoic times, but that younger Proterozoic stromatolites grew largely through the accretion of carbonate sediments, most likely through the physical process of microbial trapping and binding. This trend most likely reflects long-term evolution of the earth’s environment rather than microbial communities.
The halophilic bacteria are usually found in habitats where salt concentration is higher than the concentration of salt in the sea, and also in numerous environments with different salinities. Halophiles have been described in a wide diversity of environments, including those from museum cultures [1]. But although most of the research has been done on hypersaline environments, they have also been isolated from other non-saline habitats such as freshwaters [2].