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On the Use of Induced End Effector Force Analysis for Determining Muscle Roles During Movement


Abstract and Figures

It is often of interest in studies of human movement to quantify the function of a muscle force or muscular joint torque. Such information is useful for the identification of the causes of movement disorders and for predicting the effects of interventions including surgical procedures, targeted muscle strengthening, focal treatments for spasticity, and functional electrical stimulation. One useful way to characterize the actions of muscle forces or muscular joint torques is to create linked-segment models of the body and analyze these linkages to determine the joint angular accelerations or end effector forces that result solely from the application of the muscle force or torque in question. Such induced acceleration (IA) analyses or induced end effector force (IEF) analyses have been applied most often to quantify muscle function during normal and pathological walking [1,2].
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Copyright © 2007 by ASME
It is often of interest in studies of human movement to quantify
the function of a muscle force or muscular joint torque. Such
information is useful for the identification of the causes of movement
disorders and for predicting the effects of interventions including
surgical procedures, targeted muscle strengthening, focal treatments
for spasticity, and functional electrical stimulation. One useful way to
characterize the actions of muscle forces or muscular joint torques is to
create linked-segment models of the body and analyze these linkages
to determine the joint angular accelerations or end effector forces that
result solely from the application of the muscle force or torque in
question. Such induced acceleration (IA) analyses or induced end
effector force (IEF) analyses have been applied most often to quantify
muscle function during normal and pathological walking [1,2].
Both IA and IEF analyses involve computation of the effects of
individual muscle forces or muscle torques while all other muscle
forces or torques are taken to be zero. Because the other joints in the
linkage bear no moments, the muscle in question will influence forces
and motions at other locations in kinetic chain only through the
propagation of joint reaction forces along the segments. Yet, there are
many occasions when it makes sense to consider joints as having
stiffnesses (angle-dependent resistance) or damping (speed-dependent
resistance), perhaps due to preactivation of antagonist muscle pairs [3],
that will result in the propagation of joint moments as well as joint
reaction forces.
The purpose of this paper is to present examples in which
conventional IEF analysis fails, in our view, to accurately represent the
roles of individual muscle forces or muscle joint torques in producing
end effector forces. We will focus on IEF analysis, but the points
raised apply just as readily to IA analysis.
Analyses of several simple, two-dimensional linkages are
presented which illustrate the need to account for the effects of joint
stiffness under certain circumstances and which show that singular
linkage configurations exist for which typical end effector force
decomposition is not a well-posed problem.
Figure 1. Two-segment linkage with torsional spring. As
the stiffness at the middle joint is increased, the endpoint
force produced at C substantially changes direction.
Case 1: Two-segment linkage with joint stiffness
A computational model of a two-segment linkage with ends
pinned to ground at A and C (Figure 1) was created to illustrate the
role of joint stiffness in modulating end effector force. Segments AB
and B’C were each 0.5 m in length and separated by 135°. Joint B
was modeled as slightly nonconforming, with AB and B’C having
cylindrical articulating surfaces with radii of 10 cm and 11 cm,
respectively. A penalty function was used to apply forces to both
Proceedings of the ASME 2007 Summ
er Bioengineering Conference (SBC2007)
June 20-
24, Keystone Resort & Conference Center, Keystone, Colorado, USA
Stephen J. Piazza (1,2,3), Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky (1)
(1) Department of Kinesiology
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA
(2) Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA
(3) Department of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation
The Pennsylvania State University
Hershey, PA
Copyright © 2007 by ASME
segments at B and B’ that were proportional to penetration between
the articulating surfaces. The nonconformity of joint BB’ permitted
small changes in joint angle at this joint, and equal and opposite
torques were applied to AB and B’C that represented the action of a
bidirectional torsional spring with spring constant KT. With KT = 0, a
10 N m torque was applied to AB, the equations of motion for the
system were integrated forward in time until static equilibrium was
attained. This was repeated several times as KT was increased to 1000
N m rad-1, representing increasing levels of co-contraction in the
muscles crossing the joint.
When KT = 0, the reaction force at C was directed along B’C but
as KT was increased, the direction of this force changed until it was
nearly perpendicular to AC when the joint was most stiff (Figure 1).
The stiffness of joint BB’ is thus shown to determine the direction of
the end effector force.
Case 2: Role of hip extensor torque during fast walking
A second model was created to examine the ground reaction
forces produced by a hip extension torque during early stance in fast
walking. Three segments (trunk, thigh, and shank) were pin-jointed at
the hip and knee, and pin-jointed to the ground at the ankle (Figure 2).
The segments were assigned realistic inertial properties but the
contralateral leg was not modeled. When the only applied torque was
a hip extensor torque of 25 N m, the resulting ground reaction force
was 206 N, directed along the shank in a nearly upward direction.
When this hip extensor torque was applied with a knee flexor torque of
15 N m, the ground reaction force was 34 N, directed to the right.
Figure 2. A three-segment linkage. Hip extensor moment
alone induces a nearly vertical (support) GRF; adding knee
flexor moment gives a nearly horizontal (propulsive) GRF.
We can use the results of this analysis to draw different
conclusions about the role of a hip extensor muscle such as gluteus
maximus (GM). If we consider the ground reaction force induced by
GM alone, we would conclude that GM contributes mainly to support
of the body. If, however, we consider the possibility that GM is
indirectly responsible for the knee flexor torque because it further
stretches the knee flexor tendons as it extends the thigh, then GM may
be considered to contribute mostly to forward propulsion. It is the
latter of these two possibilities that is better supported by experimental
evidence: The early stance-phase activity of GM has been shown to
increase dramatically with walking speed in fast walking [4,5].
Case 3: Singular Configurations
Consider a two-segment linkage in static equilibrium with joint
torques TP and TD applied at the “proximal” and “distal” joints (Figure
3). If the segments are each of length L, then the end effector force
induced by TD alone is found to be TD / L, directed down at E but the
end effector force induced by T
P is zero because the joint reaction
force induced at the distal joint by TP is normal to the distal segment.
This IEF analysis implies that T
D contributes to end effector force
while TP does not, but application of static equilibrium conditions tells
us that TD depends directly on TP (TD = ½ TP), suggesting that there is
an end effector force induced by TP, equal to TP / 2L.
Figure 3. A singular configuration in which the end effector
force may be described as being simultaneously induced
wholly by eitherTP or by TD.
Another special configuration for which IEF analysis yields
paradoxical results is that of three-segment, pin-jointed linkage ABCD
with massless segments BC and CD forming a right angle (Figure 4).
A torque applied to segment AB will produce reaction forces at B and
C, but these forces will not propagate to the ground at D. If the joints
of this linkage transmit no moments, but only forces, then the
conclusion from IEF analysis is that no end effector force is induced
by this torque, and that a muscle producing this torque thus has no role
at all in support, braking, or propulsion of the body.
Figure 4. A three-segment linkage configured such that TAB
induces no reaction force at D, thus not contributing to
support, braking, or propulsion.
While the models presented in this paper demonstrate some
inconsistencies associated with IEF analysis, it is important to note
that IEF analysis is still a highly valuable tool for understanding
human movement. Chen [6] described IA analysis as a fundamentally
ill-posed problem, but it is our hope that a more general approach will
be developed that incorporates IEF and IA concepts while also
accounting for the effects of joint stiffness and singular chain
1. Neptune R.R. et al., 2004, Gait & Posture, 19, pp. 194-205.
2. Kimmel, S.A., Schwartz, M.H., Gait & Posture, 23, pp. 211-221.
3. Loeb, G.E. et al., 1999, Exp Brain Res, 126, pp. 1-18.
4. Lieberman, D.E. et al., 2006, J Exp Biol, 209, pp. 2143-2155.
5. Murray, M.P. et al., 1983, Amer J Sports Med, 11, pp. 68-74.
6. Chen, G., 2006, Gait & Posture, 23, pp. 37-44.
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Successful performance of a sensorimotor task arises from the interaction of descending commands from the brain with the intrinsic properties of the lower levels of the sensorimotor system, including the dynamic mechanical properties of muscle, the natural coordinates of somatosensory receptors, the interneuronal circuitry of the spinal cord, and computational noise in these elements. Engineering models of biological motor control often oversimplify or even ignore these lower levels because they appear to complicate an already difficult problem. We modeled three highly simplified control systems that reflect the essential attributes of the lower levels in three tasks: acquiring a target in the face of random torque-pulse perturbations, optimizing fusimotor gain for the same perturbations, and minimizing postural error versus energy consumption during low- versus high-frequency perturbations. The emergent properties of the lower levels maintained stability in the face of feedback delays, resolved redundancy in over-complete systems, and helped to estimate loads and respond to perturbations. We suggest a general hierarchical approach to modeling sensorimotor systems, which better reflects the real control problem faced by the brain, as a first step toward identifying the actual neurocomputational steps and their anatomical partitioning in the brain.
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The human gluteus maximus is a distinctive muscle in terms of size, anatomy and function compared to apes and other non-human primates. Here we employ electromyographic and kinematic analyses of human subjects to test the hypothesis that the human gluteus maximus plays a more important role in running than walking. The results indicate that the gluteus maximus is mostly quiescent with low levels of activity during level and uphill walking, but increases substantially in activity and alters its timing with respect to speed during running. The major functions of the gluteus maximus during running are to control flexion of the trunk on the stance-side and to decelerate the swing leg; contractions of the stance-side gluteus maximus may also help to control flexion of the hip and to extend the thigh. Evidence for when the gluteus maximus became enlarged in human evolution is equivocal, but the muscle's minimal functional role during walking supports the hypothesis that enlargement of the gluteus maximus was likely important in the evolution of hominid running capabilities.
An existing induced acceleration (IA) model was used to create a comprehensive baseline of dynamic muscle function. In this study, 20 control subjects were modelled as three-dimensional linkage systems. Muscle architecture was taken from an existing muscle model. Each subject-specific model was configured with gait data and 36 unit muscle forces were then applied one at a time to each linkage model. After muscle force application, all joint, segment, and centre of mass (COM) accelerations were derived. The results showed that most uni-articular muscles function as expected while some bi-articular muscles function in a paradoxical manner. This indicates that both the local and remote effects of muscles should be considered when assessing dynamic muscle function during gait. The results also agree with previous IA studies, lending support to the validity of IA analysis as a means for understanding dynamic muscle function.
The ankle plantar flexors were previously shown to support the body in single-leg stance to ensure its forward progression [J. Biomech. 34 (2001) 1387]. The uni- (SOL) and biarticular (GAS) plantar flexors accelerated the trunk and leg forward, respectively, with each opposing the effect of the other. Around mid-stance their net effect on the trunk and the leg was negligible, consistent with the body acting as an inverted pendulum. In late stance, their net effect was to accelerate the leg and trunk forward, consistent with an active push-off. Because other muscles are active in the beginning and end of stance, we hypothesized that their active concentric and eccentric force generation also supports the body and redistributes segmental power to enable body forward progression. Muscle-actuated forward dynamical simulations that emulated observed walking kinematics and kinetics of young adult subjects were analyzed to quantify muscle contributions to the vertical and horizontal ground reaction force, and to the acceleration and mechanical power of the leg and trunk. The eccentric uniarticular knee extensors (vasti, VAS) and concentric uniarticular hip extensors (gluteus maximus, GMAX) were found to provide critical support to the body in the beginning of stance, before the plantar flexors became active. VAS also decelerated the forward motion of both the trunk and the leg. Afterwards when VAS shortens in mid-stance, it delivered the power produced to accelerate the trunk and also redistributed segmental power to the trunk by continuing to decelerate the leg. When present, rectus femoris (RF) activity in the beginning of stance had a minimal effect. But in late stance the lengthening RF accelerated the knee and hip into extension, which opposed swing initiation. Though RF was lengthening, it still accelerated the trunk forward by decelerating the leg and redistributing the leg segmental power to the trunk, as SOL does though it is shortening instead of lengthening. Force developed from highly stretched passive hip structures and active force produced by the uniarticular hip flexors assisted GAS in swing initiation. Hamstrings (HAM) decelerated the leg in late swing while lengthening and accelerated the leg in the beginning of stance while shortening. We conclude that the uniarticular knee and hip extensor muscles are critical to body support in the beginning of stance and redistribution of segmental power by muscles throughout the gait cycle is critical to forward progression of the trunk and legs.
  • M P Murray
Murray, M.P. et al., 1983, Amer J Sports Med, 11, pp. 68-74.
  • G Chen
Chen, G., 2006, Gait & Posture, 23, pp. 37-44.