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A Stereotactic Surgical Planning System for the IBM 386/486 PC Family

  • Mevis Informática Médica LTDA


In 1990, after having done preclinical studies. we started the successful clinical application of the Neurorestorative Stereotactic Planning System (NSPS. Centre lnternacional de Restauración Neurologica) in biopsies, cyst evacuations, fetal tissue transplantation, selective thalamotomies, deep brain activity semimicrorecording. brachytherapy treatments with Ir-192, intracavitary irradiation with P-32 and stereotactic radiusurgery. The NSPS handles images from X ray. DSA. and MRI. but most of the work has been done with CT images. Views of the trajectories inside the brain can be displayed in axial, sagittal, coronal and arbitrary planes (e.g.. probe's s eye view). Reconstruction thickness can be ...
Proceeding s of the Xlt h Meeting of the World Society for Stereota ctic and
Functi onal Neu rosurgery, Ixtapa, Mexico. Octo ber 11-15,1 993.
Stereota ct F un d Ncuro surg 1994 ;63:35-37
© 1994 S. Karger AG, Basel
1011-6 125/9 4/063 4-0035
S 8.00/0
C o m p ut e r W o r k s t a t io n - A s s ist e d S t e r e o t a x is
P.K. Pillay, P. Phavichtr
Department of Neurosurgery, Singapore General Hospital. Republic of Singapore
Com puter workstation-assisted stereotaxis was carried out on 107 patients over a period
of 1 year. Th e system used included a D EC 5000 workstation, optical disc drive, magnetic tape
drive. Truvel scanner, etheme t connections to MR I, and an X terminal in a dedicated stereo
tactic operatin g the ate r. The software was Stereoplan versions 1 and 2 (RS A. Boston) and uti
lized a Cosman-Roberts-Wells stereotactic frame. 54 ste reotactic craniotom ies for lesion
resection. 21 stereotactic biopsies, IS ste reotactic hemato ma aspirations and 14 functional
procedures were carried out.
The workstation was particularly useful for procedures involving volume stereotaxis.
Auto matic fiducial recognition, three-dim ensional (3-D ) volume rendering and multiple tra
jectory planning was rapid and accurate on the worksta tion. Stereoplan has the ability to aid
the surgeon in performing volumetric image-guided resections. This modality was particularly
useful in lesions with anatomically indistinct margins such as gliomas and in radiation neurosis.
We found the workstation to be less useful in point stereotaxis. The exception was in func
tional stereotaxis, where an anatomical 3-D model could be created of the thalamus, caudate
nucleus and cingulate gyrus.
The average time required to generate 3-D images, entry and target point coordinates
was 20.2 min (mean) on the workstation and about 7.3 min (mean) with the Radionics SCSI
laptop. The differences between target was 1 mm or less using both systems as a counterch eck.
A Ste r e o t a c tic S u rgic a l P la nn in g Sy s t e m f o r the IB M 3 86 / 48 6 P C Fa m ily
A. Alaminos, I. Ortega, H. Molina, P. Valladares
Cen tro Internacional de Rcstaturación Ncurológica. Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba
In 1990. after having done preclinical studies, we started the successful clinical applica
tion of the Neurorestorative Stereotactic Planning System (NSPS. Centro Internacional de
Resta turación Neurológica) in biopsies, cyst evacuations, fetal tissue tra nsplantation, selec
tive thalamotomies, de ep brain activity semimicrorecording, brachytherapy treatments with
l;2Ir intracavitary irradiation with :P and stereotactic radiosurgery.
The NSPS handles images from X ray. DSA, and M RI, but most of the work has been
done with CT images. Views of th e trajectories inside the brain can be displayed in axial, sag
ittal, coronal and arbitrary planes (e.g., probe ’s eye view). Reconstruction thickness can be
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selected from one pixel to any desired value, in coronal and sagittal views; besides this, a te ch
nique was developed to emphasize the ventricular system in such a way that a ‘synthetic digi
tal' ventriculography can be displayed without contrast. Stereotactic coordinates and trajecto
ries remain valid indepen dent of the zoom state.
A subset of the Schaltenbrand and Wahren and Talairach atlases can be overlayed on the
slices after appropriate scaling.
Two versions of the programs are available, for Leksell and Riechert-Mundin ger stereo
tactic systems. No expensive or special hardware is needed; the minimum configuration can be
80386/80486 IBM PC compatible. 4 MB of RAM, 40 MB hard disk and 1 MB VG A video
3-D im e n sio n al Funct ional M ap p in g o f S e ns o rim o t o r C o rt e x by A c t iva te d
P ET S c annin g : C or r e l a t io n w i th M R a n d In tra o pe rati v e C o r t ica l S t im u la tio n
G.R. Cosgrove, B. Buchbinder, J. Jiang, W. Butler
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass., USA
Localization of the central sulcus and the primary sensorimotor cortex is an important
consid eratio n for neurosurgical procedures in this region. We have developed a system for
integrated, 3-dimensional (3D) functional and anatomical mappin g of the cerebral cortex and
have explored the clinical utility and accuracy of this technique in 3 patients with structural
lesions (2 gliomas, I AVM) involving the primary sensorimo tor cortex. Cortical activation by
repetitive fist clenching was observed using a dynamic C |50 , inhalation PET rCB F technique.
Structural high-resolution 3D MR and gadolinium-enhanced 2D or 3D MR A were perform ed at
1.5 T. The PET, M R and MR A data sets were registered using a surface mating algorithm. Inte
grated 3D rendering of the cortical surface topography, cortical veins, primary lesion and site of
functional activation was performed. Intraoperative primary senso rim otormappingwas carried
out by direct cortical stimulation. In each case, the fist clenching motor task activated a localized
region in the contralateral pre- and postcentral gyri centered approxim ately on the central sul
cus. These localizations were concord ant with previous reportsof activation PET using the same
task in normal subjects. Localization of the primary sensorimotor cortex for the hand by activa
tion PE T was verified intraoperatively by direct cortical stimulation. 3D MR surface rendering
of cerebral topography and vascular anatom y was also examined at surgery and found to be in
excellent agreement with th e observed cortical anatomy. Integrated functional and anatomical
imaging of the cerebral cortex using activation P ET and 3D structural MR can accurately local
ize primary sensorimotor cortex and facilitate surgical procedures in this area.
Abstracts 36
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A m yg da l o h ip p o c a m p a l A t r o ph y on M R I D o es N o t Pr e d i c t D ist r i b u t i o n of
Ict al O n s e t A re a in the Te m p o r a l Lo b e
T. Hoshidci, S. Uematsu, R.P. Lesser
Johns Hopkins Medical Institution, Baltimore. Md.. USA
We evaluated whether amygdalohippocampal complex atrophy seen on MRI can predict
the presence of ictal onset area (IOA) within the first 5 cm of anterior temporal lobe. Left to
right volume ratio of the amygdalohippocampal complex was used as the in dicator of atrophy
(a ratio of less than 0.9 indicates atro phy on the left side). The subdural grid covered the base
and lateral aspect of the left temporal lobe and a large area over the frontal and parietal lobes.
Twenty patients undergoing language-dominant left temporal lobectomy were studied.
MRI scan of the patients showed no appa ren t gross abnormality. In 14 of 20 patients, the
left amygdalohippocampal complex was atrophic; in th e remaining 6 patients there was no
apparent atrophy. In 8 of the 14 patients with atroph y (57%), IO A was localized in the an te
rior temporal lobe; in the remaining 6, IO A was extended to the posterior tem poral lobe and/
or th e extratemporal lobe. In only 1 of the 6 patients without atrophy (17%) was the IOA
localized in the anterior temporal lobe. In the remaining 5 patients, IOA was extended to the
posterior temporal lobe and/or extratemporal lobe (p = 0.119). These findings indicate that
amygdalohippocampal atrophy alone is not an indicator of the extent and distribution of IOA
in the temporal lobe and vicinity.
A Ne ur a l N e tw or k A n al y s is o f C S F Pr e s s u re Pa t t e r n s in N o r m a l P r e ssu r e
H y d ro c e p h a l u s
P. Mazzone", R. PisaniL. Forliinab, P. Arena1, F. Nobilic
'Departm en t of Neurosurgery, E.O. Ospedali Galliera,
bCatania University - Electronic Dep artmen t and
cNeurophysiopathology, University o f Genova, Italy
28 patients underwent ventriculoperito neal shunt placement for the treatment of the so-
called normal pressure hydrocephalus (NP H). One of the most relevant indices for the diagnosis
and tr eatment of NPH was the CSF pressure patterns. The histograms of continuous pressure
monitoring were registered by a CMZ 801SICP Pressure Meter processor. A multilayer neural
network (Perceptrone) was used to study the pressure patterns by a back propagation method to
make an alternative classification of patients, based on CSF pressure histograms only.
The data founded by neural network examination indicate that (1) a difference exists
between classification made by the expert and the network, (2) it is possible th at these differ
ences depend on a small series of the 'patterns' or on a finding inside the pressure pattern s, and
(3) the classification of the neural network appears relevant to recognize the 'respo nd er'
patients to shunting procedures.
Abstracts 37
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... En nuestro grupo de 56 pacientes utilizamos la técnica de Jorge Lazareff; con una edad promedio de 9 años (4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17) . ...
... A reconstrução tridimensional das imagens, os cálculos estereotáxicos e as curvas de isodose são realizadas com um programa computadorizado desenvolvido por Alaminos e cols. (8) . Os cálculos estereotomográficos são empregados para determinar a localização das trepanações, os alvos das biópsias, a disposição espacial dos cateteres que sustentam os isótopos e a situação desses no interior daqueles. ...
... Por lo general, los FMCC son profesionales con formación académica de postgrado y entrenamiento puestas en marcha por físicos médicos, inicialmente en el HHA [35] y luego en el INOR. Estas técnicas fueron acompañadas de investigaciones para el mejoramiento de la dosimetría de haces pequeños de fotones [38,39]. ...
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The main contributions in the applications of nuclear sciences and technologies to the diagnosis and treatment of neoplasic diseases, obtained by medical physicists from various Havana institutions are summarized. Additionally, the main activities to guarantee the training and accreditation of medical physicists for radiodiagnosis, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy and radiation protection services in Havana hospital network is presented.
... The most important points for the registration are AC and PC, but these two points do not provide enough geometric information for full three dimensional registration. A good choice for a third reference has been a point in the mid-sagittal plane of the brain, but non-collinear with AC-PC, sometimes identified as "inter-hemispheric point" (IHP) [8,9]. Figure 5 shows maps from the Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas overlapped to the patient's anatomy after registration using AC, PC and IHP. ...
... Por lo general, los FMCC son profesionales con formación académica de postgrado y entrenamiento puestas en marcha por físicos médicos, inicialmente en el HHA [35] y luego en el INOR. Estas técnicas fueron acompañadas de investigaciones para el mejoramiento de la dosimetría de haces pequeños de fotones [38,39]. ...
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Resumen Se resumen las principales contribuciones en las aplicaciones de las ciencias y tecnologías nucleares al diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades neoplásicas desarrolladas por físicos médicos de dife-rentes instituciones habaneras. Adicionalmente, se presentan las principales actividades de formación y acreditación de físicos médicos para los servicios de radiodiagnóstico, medicina nuclear, radioterapia y protección radiológica en la red hospitalaria de La Habana. Palabras clave: protección contra las radiaciones; Cuba; pacientes; técnicas de diagnóstico; radioterapia; diagnóstico. Abstract The main contributions in the applications of nuclear sciences and technologies to the diagnosis and treatment of neoplasic diseases, obtained by medical physicists from various Havana institutions are summarized. Additionally, the main activities to guarantee the training and accreditation of medical physicists for radiodiagnosis, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy and radiation protection services in Ha-vana hospital network is presented.
... The most important points for the registration are AC and PC, but these two points do not provide enough geometric information for full three-dimensional registration. A good choice (c7 • x + c8 • y + c9 • z + c10) / (c0 • x + c1 • y + c2 • z + 1) (c3 • x + c4 • y + c5 • z + c6) / (c0 • x + c1 • y + c2 • z + 1) for a third reference has been a point in the mid-sagittal plane of the brain, but noncollinear with AC-PC, sometimes identified as "inter-hemispheric point" (IHP) (8,9). Figure 5 shows maps from the Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas overlying the patient's anatomy after registration using AC, PC and IHP. ...
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The focus of this chapter will be the merging of brain imaging modalities into the stereotactic framework. Stereotactic neurosurgery was a pioneer modality into the field of image guided surgery and with that trend came the surgical planning workstation. Surgical planning workstations brought new options to stereotaxis, such as surgical simulation, trajectory planning, atlas integration, multimodality image fusion, two dimensional (2D) re-slicing and three dimensional (3D) rendering, to mention only a few.
... The most important points for the registration are AC and PC, but these two points do not provide enough geometric information for full three-dimensional registration. A good choice (c7 • x + c8 • y + c9 • z + c10) / (c0 • x + c1 • y + c2 • z + 1) (c3 • x + c4 • y + c5 • z + c6) / (c0 • x + c1 • y + c2 • z + 1) for a third reference has been a point in the mid-sagittal plane of the brain, but noncollinear with AC-PC, sometimes identified as "inter-hemispheric point" (IHP) (8,9). Figure 5 shows maps from the Schaltenbrand and Wahren atlas overlying the patient's anatomy after registration using AC, PC and IHP. ...
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Stereotaxis is the safest way for neurosurgeons to lead their instruments into deep-seated brain targets. Stereotactic neurosurgery was pioneer in using medical imaging as guidance. Stereotaxis is still one of the most technologically dependent surgical modalities. This chapter tried to present to the community some details at the very core of supporting stereotactic techniques. Algorithms for stereotactic coordinates calculation are presented for systems with "N" shaped and "V" shaped fiducials markers. A method for coordinates determination in stereotactic angiography (DSA) is also discussed. The uses of stereotactic atlases for targeting in functional neurosurgery is presented. There is a short treatment of mathematical methods supporting multimodality image registration and fusion.
Technical Report
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MNPS system allows the pre-planning and simulation of several stereotactic neurosurgery procedures. It has support for most stereotactic apparatus on the market. MNPS is a software-only system, it is not exclusive of any particular stereotactic manufacturer. Some of its functionalities are: stereotactic coordinates computation, stereotactic localization with X-ray images, multimodal image registration and fusion, functional neurosurgery tools, brain atlases, tractography, brachytherapy, radiosurgery, and more. MNPS has corrections for ring movement, ring tilt, and swivel inside the CT/MRI gantry for all stereotactic systems and motion correction. There is also support for several brands and models of DBS geometry, electric field, and VTA. Several sEEG models have been implemented since 2023. MNPS is developed by Mevis Informática Médica Ltda.
Technical Report
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MNPS allows the pre-planning and simulation of several stereotactic neurosurgery procedures. It has support for most stereotactic apparatus on the market. MNPS is a software-only system, it is not exclusive of any particular stereotactic manufacturer. Some of its functionalities are: stereotactic coordinates computation, stereotactic localization with X-ray images, image registration and fusion, functional neurosurgery tools, brain atlases, tractography, brachytherapy, radiosurgery, and more. MNPS has corrections for ring tilt and swivel inside CT/MRI gantry for all stereotactic systems, as well as motion correction. There is also the support of DBS geometry, electric field, and VTA, for several brands and models.
Technical Report
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Presentation of the main tools of MNPS. MNPS is a stereotactic neurosurgery planning system. It supports most stereotactic devices in the market.
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