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The effect of prebiotic and probiotic products used in feed to stimulate the bee colony (Apis mellifera) on intestines of working bees


Abstract and Figures

Results are presented of a study of the effects of prebiotic products (lactic and acetic acids) and of probiotic products (Enterobiotic: Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-14 and Bifidobacterium lactis BI-04); Enterolactis Plus: (Lactobacillus casei). Total of 110 colonies of Apis mellifera were allocated to 11 equal treatment groups each of 10 colonies of equal strength. Experimental groups were fed sugar syrup incorporating, at different dosages, the additives mentioned. Histological studies of worker bee intestines were made after three weeks. It was shown that intestinal development was closely correlated with absorption of nutrients and also with a good development of the bee colonies during the active season. Introduction Beekeepers, along with researchers in apiculture and related areas are necessarily concerned with the maintenance of colony health in view of the need to better exploit the bees' potential. This includes their importance as pollinators
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Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.11 (3&4), July-October 2013 2461
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.11 (3&4): 2461-2464. 2013
WFL Publisher
Science and Technology
Meri-Rastilantie 3 B, FI-00980
Helsinki, Finland
Received 6 July 2013, accepted 10 September 2013.
The effect of prebiotic and probiotic products used in feed to stimulate the bee colony
(Apis mellifera) on intestines of working bees
Silvia Pătruică 1, 2*, Gabi Dumitrescu 3, Roxana Popescu 4 and Nicoleta Măriora Filimon 5
1 Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies,
Department of Beekeeping, Calea Aradului, 119, 300645, Timisoara, Romania. 2 Vasile Goldiş West University Arad, Bulevardul
Revoluţiei, 94. 3 Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Animal Science and
Biotechnologies, Department of Histology, Calea Aradului, 119, 300645, Timisoara, Romania.4 University of Medicine and
Pharmacy V. Babes, 300041 Timisoara, Piata E. Murgu 2, Romania. 5West University, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry, Geography,
300315, Pestalozzi, 16, Timisoara, Romania. *e-mail:,
Results are presented of a study of the effects of prebiotic products (lactic and acetic acids) and of probiotic products (Enterobiotic: Lactobacillus
acidophilus LA-14 and Bifidobacterium lactis BI-04); Enterolactis Plus: (Lactobacillus casei). Total of 110 colonies of Apis mellifera were allocated
to 11 equal treatment groups each of 10 colonies of equal strength. Experimental groups were fed sugar syrup incorporating, at different dosages, the
additives mentioned. Histological studies of worker bee intestines were made after three weeks. It was shown that intestinal development was closely
correlated with absorption of nutrients and also with a good development of the bee colonies during the active season.
Key words: Bee feeding, acidifying substances, lactic acid bacteria and intestinal villi.
Beekeepers, along with researchers in apiculture and related
areas are necessarily concerned with the maintenance of colony
health in view of the need to better exploit the bees’ potential.
This includes their importance as pollinators 1, 5, 21, the health
benefits available from use of bee products 2, 6, 15 and, not least,
the role they can play in monitoring environmental pollution 8,
12, 28, 29.
One means of improving colony health involves the addition of
prebiotic and probiotic products to supplementary feeds 11, 17, 22, 26.
In addition to their direct effect of pH lowering, acidficants also
exert an antimicrobial effect, inhibiting the growth of potentially
pathogenic bacteria and creating a favorable environment for the
development of beneficial species 4, 19. Feeding colonies with sugar
syrups having pH between 3 and 6.5 has been shown to result in
significant reductions in the count of pathogenic bacteria, with
the lowest counts being observed at pH 3 26. Both improvement of
health and better colony development were observed by Ceksteryte
and Racys 7 when bees were given acidified feeds.
Probiotics are microorganisms which may exert a favorable
influence on the health of the digestive tract by contributing to
the maintenance or re-establishment of the intestinal microfloral
equilbrium 13, 14, 16, 18, 20. Numerous studies have shown, in addition
to the fact that prebiotics may prevent or restore digestive
dysfunction, that they may also have beneficial effects on
organism immunity 9, 10, 32, inhibit colonisation of the intestine with
pathogenic spores which are in evidence in particular situations
(stress, illness)31. For this reason probiotic bacteria can be used
both prophylactically and in the treatment of a number of bee
diseases 22.
Acidifying substances, as used in the dosages employed by us,
do not impact negatively either on the quality of apicultural
products or on health, given that the reduction in pH of the sugar
feed syrup gives it a pH similar to that of honey. Probiotic products
(Enterobiotics and Enterolactic Plus) are often used in the treatment
of humans to restore a beneficial balance of intestinal microflora
following various digestive disturbances or following antibiotic
The use of prebiotic and probiotic products in the spring
stimulation feeding of bee colonies has been shown to lead to
increased production of rape and acacia honies and thus to a
growth in profits resulting from their sale 27.
The aim of this investigation was to observe the intestinal
histological modifications produced by the use of prebiotics and
probiotics as additives to the supplementary spring feed of bees
and to follow the progress of the treated colonies over the active
Materials and Methods
Experimental work was carried out using 110 bee (Apis mellifera)
colonies divided into 11 treatment groups each made up of 10
colonies, each of comparable vigor and with queens of the same
age. It was conducted between March 25th and September 15th,
2011 in Berini, Romania (Europe) with the bee colonies being
maintained in multisection hives under equal conditions of care.
Colony feeding was done using sugar syrup (1:1 sugar:water)
into which pre- and probiotic products were incorporated in the
2462 Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.11 (3&4), July-October 2013
range of doses shown in Table 1.
Three successive weekly sugar syrup feeds were delivered
directly to the combs. After a further three weeks 10 sample
worker bees from each experimental treatment group were
collected for preparation of permanent histological sections. In
the laboratory mid-sections of bee abdomen were fixed in 80%
ethanol and double stained using haemotoxilin-eosin 3. The
sections obtained were viewed under an IOR binocular
With a view to establishing the effect of the prebiotic
substances studied on colony development over the course of
the season the proportion of comb occupied by brood was
estimated at the start of the experimental period (March 25th),
three weeks after the administration of pre- and probiotically
doped feed, and again on August 15th. On September 15th the
number of worker bees ready to overwinter was estimated from
the extent to which they covered the combs.
Measurement of intestinal villus length was achieved with the
aid of the QUIKFOTO MICRO 2.2 software package and
statistical analysis (Dunnett’s test) was carried out using IBM
SPSS Statistics, version 19, ANOVA to compare the performance
of experimental treatment groups with the control which had
been fed on pure (undoped) sugar syrup.
Transverse sections from intestines of bees fed with sugar syrup
showed oblong intestinal villi covered with simple columnar
epithelium, with a visible peritrophic membrane. In the
perinuclear cytoplasm small vacuoles are to be
observed while in the conjunctival corion a
lymphatic network can be discerned (Fig. 1).
Bees fed either lactic or acetic acid doped
sugar syrup, with a pH between 3 and 4, had larger
intestinal lumens, while the mucosa showed villi
which were both longer and more numerous than
those found in bees fed undoped syrup. Villi were
slightly heteromorphic, some being oblong,
others appearing triangular (Fig. 2) with mean
dimensions falling between 225 and 248
microns, significantly different in size (P<0.01)
from the control group fed the unacidified syrup
(Table 2).
The intestinal epithelium of bees fed on acidified sugar syrup
presented a slightly disorganised appearance in that among the
parenchyma cells. One feature which developed in bees fed with
lactic acid supplements was the presence of lymphatic networks,
both in the corion of the villi and in the basal corion (Fig. 2).
Numerous cells with spongiform cytoplasm were present in the
intestinal epithelial structure of bees fed acidified syrup, while
the cell apices showed many peritrophic membranes (well-
developed microvilli), – indicative of their enhanced absorption
The intestinal mucosa of bees fed with probiotically doped
sugar syrup (Enterobiotics or Enterolactis Plus) showed more
numerous villi than that of the other treatment groups. Mean
villus dimensions fell between 160 and 183 µm (Table 2). These
Experimental groups
composition M EG
syrup (l) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
98% Lactic
acid (ml) - 2 2.5 - - - - - - 2.5 2.5
acid (ml) - - - 30 20 - - - - - -
(g) - - - - - 1.25 2.5 - - 2.5 -
Plus (g) - - - - - - - 1.2 2.4 - 2.4
Table 1. Experiment organization scheme.
M = control group; EG1 = Experimental group 1; EG2 = Experimental group 2; EG3 = Experimental group 3; EG4 = Experimental
group 4; EG5 = Experimental group 5; EG6 = Experimental group 6; EG7 = Experimental group 7; EG8 = Experimental group 8;
EG9 = Experimental group 9; EG10 = Experimental group 10.
Figure 1. Control group. Intestinal villi (1000x).
Table 2. Mean and standard deviation values for intestinal villus
dimension (microns) of bees fed with prebiotic and
probiotic products (N=120).
**P <0.01, M = control group; EG1 = lactic acid (2 ml) treatment group; EG2 = lactic acid (2.5 ml)
treatment group; EG3 = acetic acid (20 ml) treatment group; EG4 = acetic acid (30 ml) treatment group;
EG5 = Enterobiotics (1.25 g) treatment group; EG6 = Enterobiotics (2.5 g) treatment group; EG7 =
Enterolactis Plus (1.2 g) treatment group; EG8 = Enterolactis Plus (2.4 g) treatment group; EG9 = lactic
acid (2.5) and Enterobiotics (2.5 g) treatment group; EG10 = lactic acid (2.5) and Enterolactis Plus (2.4
g) treatment group.
Prebiotic and
No prebioti
or probiotic
M 106±12
Figure 2. Experimental treatment group 2. Intestinal villi showing
lymphatic network (1000x).
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.11 (3&4), July-October 2013 2463
villi were covered with simple epithelia of columnar cells with
peritrophic membranes arranged in a thick layer. A thickening of
the peritrophic membrane in bees from colonies fed with
probiotic supplements has also been reported by Szymaś et al. 30.
A number of spherical cells were found among the parenchyma
cells underlying the epithelium. These had basophilic cytoplasm
and large spherical nuclei. These cells showed a high level of
mitotic activity with very many being found in one of the various
stages of mitotic division (Fig. 3). Loose connective tissue
presence in the axes of the villi was much reduced.
In experimental treatment 6 (fed with a double strength dose
of Enterobiotics product) the muscularis externa was formed of
two thick superimposed bands of smooth muscle. A small number
of cells with spongiform cytoplasm and spherical, intensely
staining, nuclei were present in the parenchyma. The morphology
of these cells suggests a high level of secretory activity (Fig. 4).
In the treatment groups fed with lactic acid in conjunction with
a probiotic product (Enterobiotics or Enterolactis Plus) the
intestinal wall showed villi that were long (198-201 microns) and
branching. The covering epithelium of these villi was simple,
with a thick layer of peritrophic membrane (Fig. 5). Within the
loose connective tissue in the interior axis of the villus a number
of large spherical or oval shaped cells with central or eccentric
nuclei and vacuolated cytoplasm were found.
Figure 3. Experimental treatment group 5. Intestinal villi (1000x).
Figure 4. Experimental treatment group 6. Intestinal villi (1000x).
The addition of acidificants (lactic or acetic acids) to the spring
sugar syrup feeds given to bees after the cleaning flight leads,
through reduction of intestinal pH levels, to an inhibition of the
growth of pathogenic bacteria and to the improvement of digestion
through an enhanced development of intestinal villi (statistically
significant, P<0.01), compared with that found in the control group.
We can therefore say that, in addition to the effect of acidifiers in
significantly reducing the number of germ 26 they also led to
important modifications of the tissue structure of the intestinal
wall, with direct implications for an increase in the efficiency of
assimilation of nutrients from pollen and nectar. This shows a
clear correlation with the significant increase in the area of brood
comb found three weeks after the acidified syrup feeding was
completed 23.
Addition of probiotic products to feed improves colony health
through intestinal colonisation with beneficial bacterial
(Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus
casei) 26 while also favouring better digestion through increasing
the surface area for absorption, due to the promotion of greater
development of intestinal villi. Experimental results show mean
villus lengths of between 160 and 183 microns in treated groups
compared with a mean of 106 microns in the untreated control.
The probiotic bacteria reaching the intestine with the sugar
syrup have been shown to cause a reduction in the number of
germs and their replacement with Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-
14, Bifidobacterium lactis BI-04 and Lactobacillus casei, present
in the administered preparations 26. The increased intestinal
secretory activity associated with the observed histological
changes could explain the better development of the bee colonies
studied, as seen in the enhanced number of brood cells found
three weeks after the administration of the probiotic products 24.
In the treatment groups fed with lactic acid in conjunction with
a probiotic product (Enterobiotics or Enterolactis Plus), reduction
of intestinal pH has been shown to lead to a reduction in the
number of potentially pathogenic spores and the colonisation of
the intestine with beneficial bacteria present in the products
administered 26 as well as to an increase in the area of brood
comb three weeks subsequent to the adminstration 25.
In apicultural practice the opportunity to encourage intestinal
villus development could be particularly valuable, given that such
Figure 5. Experimental treatment group 9. Peritrophic membrane
2464 Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.11 (3&4), July-October 2013
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a development leads to an increase in the surface area available
for the absorption of nutrients and thus to better digestive
assimilation. This might also increase the efficiency of
absorption of other pharmacological treatments used as additives
in feeding syrup.
Although colonies fed with pre- and probiotically modified
feeds showed enhanced development during the first part of the
season, in the autumn the number of combs covered with bees
and the reserves of food for winter were comparable with those
found in the control group.
This work was co-financed by the European Social Fund through
Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development
2007-2013, project number POSDRU/89/1.5/S/63258 “Postdoctoral
school for zootechnical biodiversity and food biotechnology
based on the eco-economy and the bio-economy required by eco-
san-genesys”. The authors declare that they have no conflicts of
... When bees were fed syrup with a pH between 3 and 6.5, a significant reduction in pathogenic micro-organisms was observed. Probiotics, on the other hand, not only improve digestive function but also enhance host immunity by inhibiting the formation of colonies of pathogenic microorganisms [8]. In recent past, it has also been observed that the probiotics along with organic acids improve the overall development of bee workers [9] and improve the production of bee venom and royal jelly by developing sting and hypopharyngeal glands [10,11], intestinal health of bee workers [8], and wax gland development [12]. ...
... Probiotics, on the other hand, not only improve digestive function but also enhance host immunity by inhibiting the formation of colonies of pathogenic microorganisms [8]. In recent past, it has also been observed that the probiotics along with organic acids improve the overall development of bee workers [9] and improve the production of bee venom and royal jelly by developing sting and hypopharyngeal glands [10,11], intestinal health of bee workers [8], and wax gland development [12]. Furthermore, probiotics play an important role in establishing a suitable and stable environment in the honey bee gut [13]. ...
... The CFUs number of L. brevis was estimated according to Hasan et al. [9], and then the prepared dose was hoarded in the fridge at 7 °C. Following Patruica et al. [8], for the presentation of organic acids to experimental bees, stock solutions were made in the ratio of 3 ml lactic acid (Catalogue Number: 100366, Merck)/1000 ml dH2O, 20 ml acetic acid (Batch No: 91400, sigma Aldrich)/1000 ml dH2O, and 30 ml acetic acid (Batch No: 91400, sigma Aldrich)/1000 ml dH2O. The experimental bees were supplied with a sugar syrup made from sucrose and respective stock solution of organic acid in a ratio (1:2) to evaluate the results of the organic acids. ...
Full-text available
Apis mellifera is an important pollinator that has a prominent impact on crops' ecological balance. Beekeeping provides us with more valuable products like honey, pollen, propolis, beeswax, and royal jelly. The ongoing era demands more scientific and environment-friendly strategies to improve the beekeeping sector internationally. Nowadays, the use of synbiotics (a combination of probiotics and prebiotics) has been declared as the need of the hour. However, little bit studies have been carried out in this regard. To improve the beekeeping sector in Pakistan, a study was designed to exploration of probiotic and organic acids on bee tissue ileum (small intestine). 10 8 Colony forming units (C.F.Us) of Bacillus clausii and Lactobacillus brevis were provided with and without mixing in 1.96% acetic acid, 2.91% acetic acid, and 2.99% lactic acid to caged worker bees under controlled laboratory conditions. The provision did not affect the intestine harmfully. The mean intestinal lumen diameters (μm 2) were 133. 6 respectively) compared to control's 113.33 ± 38.44. Worker bees with better digestion conditions prove honeybee's health and efficiency.
... This thing has experimentlly been proved that those bees which were fed on sugar syrup diet with pH between 3-6.5 had decreased number pathogenic microbes. The simultaneoususe of probiotics and acidifying agents exert beneficial impacts in such acway that organic acids prohibit the pathogen's growth and in the meantime the colonization of gut with beneficial microbes (probiotics) ultimately improves host's health and immunity (Patruica et al., 2013). ...
... Following Patruica et al. (2013), the bees were provided with an acidifying agent by making stock solutions, i.e. 7.5 ml of acetic acid per 250 mL of dH2O, 5 ml of acetic acid per 250 mL of dH2O and 0.75 mL of lactic acid per 250 mL of dH20. To assess the effect of the organic acids, the experimental groups were provided with syrup mixed with sucrose and the respective acidifying agent in (1:2). ...
A study about the provision of Lactobacillus rhamnosus NR_113332) and organic acids was carried out. 10 8 colony-forming units of probiotics were provided to the caged workers with and without the addition of 2.99% lactic acid, 2.91% acetic acid, and 1.96% acetic acid. After two weeks of oral administration, on termination, five bees were collected and dissected from each cage, and their midguts were cut into 8 lm thick sections by microtome. Subsequently, these histologically processed preparations were observed under camera fitted microscope. It was observed that the experimental workers were provided with diets: (pollenþ 50% w/v sucrose in 1.96% acetic acid, pollenþ L. rhamnosus in 50% w/v sucrose in distilled water, pollenþ L. rhamnosus in 50% w/v sucrose in 2.99% lactic acid, pollenþ L. rhamnosus in 50% w/v sucrose in 2.91% acetic acid, pollenþ L. rhamnosus in 50% w/v sucrose in 1.96% acetic acid) had a considerable quantity of peritrophic membranes. The mean midgut lumen diameters (mm 2) were 373.33 ± 98.38, 296.67 ± 23.33, 243.33 ± 71.72, 426.67 ± 40.55, 576.67 ± 93.87 as compared to control's 240.00 ± 30.55. The provision of pro-biotic and organic acids resulted in a slightly disturbed midgut epithelial wall, the presence of more quantity of peritrophic membranes, saved regeneration crypts, more gastric cells discharging, and some cytoplasmic vacuolization of caged worker bees. Our study suggests that probiotics and organic acids can be used as an environmentally friendly apipromotor, but verification by field studies is needed. ARTICLE HISTORY
... It has been observed experimentally that growth of pathogenic bacteria decreases when the honeybees are provided with sugar syrups with pH between 3 and 6.5. Application of probiotics and organic acids in combination forms exerts synergistic effects as microbe can't grow in low pH and the host is benefitted by colonization of healthy and beneficial micro flora in it's gut that will ultimately improve host immunity (Patruica et al., 2013). The present investigation was attempted to appraise the potential of organic acids (lactic and acetic) and probiotics (L. ...
... inEach experimental cage was provided with 4 mL of sugar syrup on daily basis. For exploring the effects of organic acids following Patruica et al. (2013), stock solutions were made as: 2.99% lactic acid, 2.91% acetic acid, 1.96% acetic acid. Sugar syrups were prepared by mixing sucrose in respective stock solutions of organic acids in (2:1). ...
Bee venom of honeybees has great importance in Apitherapy. It cures amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, diseases related to central nervous system (CNS), rheumatoid arthritis and inflammations. The potential of honeybee’s can be exploited by improving their diets. Recently, the use of synbiotics (simultaneous use of probiotics and prebiotics) has been increased as apipromoters. The current research study was conducted to evaluate the potential of probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus brevis and Bacillus clausii) and acidifying agents (Lactic acid and acetic acid) on development of bee sting and its associated gland. Changes in the morphology of this gland affect the amount of venom produced. Significant increases in stings lengths were observed when honeybees were fed with (Pollen + L. rhamnosus in 50% (w/v) sucrose in distilled water) and (Pollen + L. rhamnosus in 50% (w/v) sucrose in 2.91% acetic acid) with mean values of 2.36 ± 0.04 and 2.38 ± 0.05 respectively compared with control’s 2.35 ± 0.06 were observed. Significant increase in sting width was observed when bees were fed with (Pollen + B. clausii in 50% w/v sucrose in 2.99% lactic acid), (Pollen + B. clausii in 50% w/v sucrose in1.96% acetic acid), (Pollen + L. brevis in 50% w/v sucrose in distilled water) and (Pollen + L. brevis in 50% w/v sucrose in 2.99% lactic acid) with mean values of 1.84 ± 0.07, 1.79 ± 0.05, 1.87 ± 0.04, 1.78 ± 0.04 compared to control’s 1.71 ± 0.03. In addition to this, width of stylet also increased significantly when bees were provided with (Pollen + B. clausii in 50% w/v sucrose in distilled water), (Pollen + B. clausii in 50% w/v sucrose in 2.99% lactic acid), (Pollen + B. clausii in 50% w/v sucrose in 2.91% acetic acid), (Pollen + B. clausii in 50% w/v sucrose in1.96% acetic acid), (Pollen + L. brevis in 50% w/v sucrose in distilled water), (Pollen + L. brevis in 50% w/v sucrose in 2.99% lactic acid), (Pollen + L. brevis in 50% w/v sucrose in 2.91% acetic acid), and (Pollen + L. brevis in 50% w/v sucrose in1.96% acetic acid) with mean values of 65.00 ± 1.58, 57.50 ± 3.23, 62.00 ± 2.00, 65.00 ± 0.00, 65.00 ± 1.58, 60.00 ± 1.58 compared to control’s 55.00 ± 3.54. Rest of the observed parameters also depicted reasonable increases. Supplementation of honeybee’s feed with organic acids and probiotics resulted in overall sting development.
... It has been observed experimentally that bees fed with sugar syrup having pH between 3−6.5 showed maximum suppression in pathogenic bacterial growth. Various investigations have proved that probiotics not only restore digestive dysfunction but also exert important effects in inhibition of pathogenic bacterial colonization and improvement of host immunity (Patruica et al., 2013). Furthermore, probiotics have contribution in establishing stable and appropriate environment of bacteria in honeybees' gut (Kaznowski et al., 2005). ...
... The control group was provided with only sugar syrup, while the experimental groups were provided with probiotic-added sugar syrup. Stock solutions of organic acids were prepared by mixing 0.75 mL of lactic acid per 250 mL of distilled water and 7.5 mL acetic acid per 250 mL of distilled water following Patruica et al. (2013). To explore the effects of organic acids alone or in combination form with probiotics, sugar syrup was prepared by mixing stock solutions of organic acids with sucrose in 1:2 ratios instead of using distilled water. ...
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In the present investigation, effects of organic acids and probiotics on growth of Apis mellifera workers were studied under different experimental conditions. Significant weight gain was observed in workers of the experimental group 8 (pollen + Bacillus clausii in 50 % (w/v) sucrose in distilled water), group 9 (pollen + B. clausii in 50 % (w/v) sucrose in 2.99 % lactic acid), group 12 (pollen + Lactobacillus brevis in 50 % (w/v) sucrose in distilled water) and group 14 (pollen + L. brevis in 50 % (w/v) sucrose in 2.91 % acetic acid). The weight gain values (mg) for the experimental groups 8, 9, 12 and 14 appeared as 138.87 ± 6.50, 131.50 ± 4.35, 124.08 ± 5.28 and 127.82 ± 2.32, respectively in comparison to control’s 119.90 ± 9.50. Significant increase in body lengths of workers in the experimental groups 8, 9 and 11 (pollen + B. clausii in 50 % (w/v) sucrose in 1.96 % acetic acid) showing mean length values (mm) as 15.33 ± 0.67, 15.75 ± 0.25 and 15.33 ± 0.33, respectively in comparison to control’s 14.67 ± 0.33. Similarly, somewhat unexpected, and significant increase in forewing length was also noticed while observing the workers of treatment groups 8 and 12 (pollen + L. brevis in 50 % (w/v) sucrose in distilled water) showing forewing length values (mm) as 6.75 ± 0.09 and 6.55 ± 0.04, respectively in comparison to control’s 6.53 ± 0.09. Workers belonging to the experimental groups 1 to 7 depicted insignificant results. Conclusively, api-promotor properties of organic acids and probiotics recommend their use in modern honeybee feeds.
... Різні дослідження довели, що пробіотики не тільки відновлюють дисфункцію травлення, але й також мають важливий вплив на інгібування патогенної бактеріальної колонізації та покращення імунітету бджоли (Patruica et al., 2013). Крім того, пробіотики мають свій внесок у створенні стабільного та відповідного бактеріального середовища у кишечнику бджіл (Kaznowski et al., 2005). ...
Використання у весняний період різних підгодівель підвищує вирощування розплоду бджолами, льотну активність та їх діяльність з виробництва продукції бджіл у наступні періоди активного сезону. Метою проведених досліджень було вивчення впливу пробіотика субтіформ на господарсько-корисні показники бджіл. Дослідження проводилися на бджолах української степової породи. Бджолині сімї утримувались у багатокорпусних вуликах. Бджолам контрольної групи давали чистий цукровий сироп, дослідним – до цукрового сиропу додавали пробіотик субтіформ у дозах 0,5 мг/л, 1,5 мг/л та 2,0 мг/л. Стимулююча підгодівля у весняний період сприяла інтенсивному виділенню воску бджолами, а введення пробіотичної добавки із розрахунку 1,5 г/л сиропу мала найбільший вплив. Бджоли даної групи відбудували на 37,9%, 8,1 і 9,0% більше стільників порівняно з контрольною, другою та третьою групами. У сім’ях третьої групи, де бджолам давали у складі стимулюючої підгодівлі пробіотик субтіформ дозою 1,5 г/л цукрового сиропу, порівняно з контрольною, другою і четвертою групами, вирощено на 4,2 і 0,9% більше закритого розплоду. Значного впливу пробіотика субтіформ у складі стимулюючої підгодівлі на масу трьо- і шестиденних личинок, одноденних бджіл не виявлено. На початок головного медозбору сила бджолиних сімей у другій групі була вищою за аналогів контрольної на 9,1%, третій – на 20,3% і четвертій – на 2,05%. Інтенсивніше виділяли віск бджоли, яким згодовували пробіотичну добавку дозою 1,5 г/л цукрового сиропу, ними порівняно з контрольною групою на 37,9%, з другою та четвертою групами – на 8,1 і 9,0% більше відбудовано стільників. Порівняно з даними контрольної групи вироблено більше воску на 34,3% у другій групі, третій – на 50% і четвертій – на 37,5%. Бджоли дослідних груп заготовили більше меду на 17,5–20,6%, перги – на 25,9–66,6%. Найбільш виражене збільшення господарсько-корисних показників бджіл виявлено у третій групі, де згодовували субтіформ з дозою 1,5 г/л цукрового сиропу.
... As for, using the mixture of the microorganisms such as L. acidophilus and B. subtilis that a previous study proved the positive effect of this mixture on the strength of honeybee colonies [12]. On the other hand, feeding honey bees with sugar syrup containing acidifying substances which represents lactic acid is aimed to decrease the intestinal pH to inhibit the growth of the pathogenic microorganisms and improve the health of the colony [5,13]. Mishukovskaya et al., 2020 proved that feeding honey bees with organic acids leads to an increase in the number of adult bees and increased the survival of colonies [12]. ...
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The study was aimed at determining the effect of four different concentrations of lactic acid 0.002, 0.004, 0.006, and 0.008% on the survival rate of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bacillus subtilis and the effect of their mixture as growth promoters in honeybee’s nutrition. The best result of the survival rate of bacteria was 102.56 ± 3.21 % for the concentration 0.004%. Honeybee workers’ feed consumption in the cages under study ranged from 2.17 ± 0.7 to 6.67 ± 1.53 cm3 during 17 hours. The statistical analysis of the mortality rate for workers in the cages showed no significant differences in any concentration. As for pH values of intestinal honeybee workers exhibited the highest result for the concentration 0.002% with pH 5.18 ± 0.1. It can be concluded from this study that, the mixture of Lactic acid with L. acidophilus and B. subtilis can be used as a growth promoter in bee's nutrition that causes a decrease in the intestinal pH of honeybee workers thus inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microbes.
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Honeybees are vital for global crop pollination, making indispensable contributions to agricultural productivity. However, these vital insects are currently facing escalating colony losses on a global scale, primarily attributed to parasitic and pathogenic attacks. The prevalent response to combat these infections may involve the use of antibiotics. Nevertheless, the application of antibiotics raises concerns regarding potential adverse effects such as antibiotic resistance and imbalances in the gut microbiota of bees. In response to these challenges, this study reviews the utilization of a probiotic-supplemented pollen substitute diet to promote honeybee gut health, enhance immunity, and overall well-being. We systematically explore various probiotic strains and their impacts on critical parameters, including survival rate, colony strength, honey and royal jelly production, and the immune response of bees. By doing so, we emphasize the significance of maintaining a balanced gut microbial community in honeybees. The review also scrutinizes the factors influencing the gut microbial communities of bees, elucidates the consequences of dysbiosis, and evaluates the potential of probiotics to mitigate these challenges. Additionally, it delineates different delivery mechanisms for probiotic supplementation and elucidates their positive effects on diverse health parameters of honeybees. Given the alarming decline in honeybee populations and the consequential threat to global food security, this study provides valuable insights into sustainable practices aimed at supporting honeybee populations and enhancing agricultural productivity.
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Honey bees and honey, have been the subject of study for decades due to their importance in improving health. At times, some of the probiotics may be transferred to the honey stored in the honeycomb. Consumers may benefit from consuming live-probiotics honey, which can aid in suppressing the reproduction of pathogens in their digestive system. Prebiotics, on the other hand, are mainly carbohydrates that promote the growth of native microflora probiotics in the digestive tract to maintain a healthy environment and improve the gut performance of the host. Therefore, this narrative review aims to present and analyze ten years’ worth of information on the probiotic and prebiotic potential of honey bees and honey since not many review articles were found discussing this topic. Results showed that not many studies have been performed on the probiotic and prebiotic aspects of honey bees and honey. If further research is conducted, isolated probiotics from the bee’s gut combined with honey’s prebiotic properties can be manipulated as potential sources of probiotics and prebiotics for human and animal benefits since they appear to be interrelated and function in symbiosis.
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Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are agriculturally important pollinators. Over the past decades, significant losses of wild and domestic bees have been reported in many parts of the world. Several biotic and abiotic factors, such as change in land use over time, intensive land management, use of pesticides, climate change, beekeeper’s management practices, lack of forage (nectar and pollen), and infection by parasites and pathogens, negatively affect the honey bee’s well-being and survival. The gut microbiota is important for honey bee growth and development, immune function, protection against pathogen invasion; moreover, a well-balanced microbiota is fundamental to support honey bee health and vigor. In fact, the structure of the bee’s intestinal bacterial community can become an indicator of the honey bee’s health status. Lactic acid bacteria are normal inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract of many insects, and their presence in the honey bee intestinal tract has been consistently reported in the literature. In the first section of this review, recent scientific advances in the use of LABs as probiotic supplements in the diet of honey bees are summarized and discussed. The second section discusses some of the mechanisms by which LABs carry out their antimicrobial activity against pathogens. Afterward, individual paragraphs are dedicated to Chalkbrood, American foulbrood, European foulbrood, Nosemosis, and Varroosis as well as to the potentiality of LABs for their biological control.
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S u m m a r y The quality of several inverted syrups was assessed: Bioinwert, Apiinvert, HI, GF56, GF85, GF56+GF85 and Pchelit. Variations in the quality of the syrups Bioinwert, Apiinvert and HI were determined in the experiments carried out in summer in the isolators after bees had deposited the food in the nucleus combs. Our tests showed that bees purified syrups. The sugar syrups Bioinwert A, Apiinvert A from 1999 and HI from 2001 had content of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) 85.9, 32.7 and 1.43 mg/kg, respectively. HMF declined when bees processed those syrups and deposited in the combs. The content of HMF in syrups Bioinwert B, Apiinvert B, HI amounted to 16.1, 2.64 and 0, respectively. The content of HMF in sugar syrups GF 85, GF 56, GF 85+GF 56 used for feeding wintering bees was 5.8, 48.0, 27.7 mg/kg. No HMF was identified in Pchelit. The food deposited in the nucleus combs by bees had more biological active components compared with the food fed to bees. Diastase activity does not exist in Bioinwert A from 1999 and 2000 nor does it in Apiinvert A from 1999. This component appears in Bioinwert B – 3.88 and 6.07 Gothe units and Apiinvert B – 6.69 Gothe units. Saccharose present in the syrups S (A) from 2000 and 2001 was 47.0% and 47.8%. Due to the effect of invertase present in the bee secretion , the syrups S (B) contained only 11.6 and 6.75 % of saccharose. Low invertase activity 2.18 and 16.9 IU was determined in Bioinwert A from 1999 and 2000, however the activity of this enzyme increased after processing of the syrups by bees – in the Bioinwert B from 1999 it amounted to 64.6 and 53.6 IU and in Apiinvert B to 41.9 UI. The sugar syrups GF 56, GF 85, GF 56+GF 85 and Pchelit were used for feeding wintering bees. The highest food consumption 1.9 kg/comb was identified for bees fed on GF 56, however those colonies reared fewer brood. In spring crystallisation of GF 56 syrup was observed in few cells of the comb. The strength of the bee colonies after wintering on this syrup slightly declined from 5 points estimated in the autumn to 4.5 estimated in the spring. The best wintering of bee colonies was observed on syrups Pchelit and GF 56+GF 85. The number of brood after wintering in those bee colonies in spring was 220 and 162 in hundred cells; the food consumption in those colonies was 1.4 and 1.5 kg/comb, respectively. All bee colonies survivied through winter.
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The paper prezents a study on the effect of acidifying substances on the development the bee families during spring. The research was made at beeyards from Jebel, Timis county from 15 April to 4 May 2011. The biological material being represented by 30 bee families of Apis mellifica carpatica, Banat ecotype, divided in 3 experimental grups of 10 families each with equal strength. The bee families of experimental grups were fed sugar syrup where incorporated lactic or acetic acid. During the research period was analized the number of brood cells at 7, 14, 21 days. Experimental groups that were fed acidifying substances recorded statistical differences in terms of the number of brood cells at 14 and 21 days comparend with control grup.
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The mode of action of specific probiotic bacteria and specific prebiotic ingredients and their effects on the intestinal microbiota modulation in humans and animals has been demonstrated in many studies. Intestine is characterized for harboring a complex and dynamic microbiota which, among others, has a function to protect the host from inflammatory disorders. A mature and balanced endogenous microbiota has also an important role in the maintenance of a desirable activity of the immune system. Deviations in gut microbiota composition, due to improper diet, radiotherapy, antibiotic treatment, stress and others, may lead to a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. To overcome an unbalanced microbiota, the consumption of specific probiotics and prebiotics has been proved to be effective. For more than three decades, many probiotic microorganisms have been characterized and evaluated. However, the term prebiotic has only recently been identified, characterized and evaluated in human intervention studies. The list of prebiotic ingredients remains limited, and yacon (Smallantus sonchifolia) is an Andean root to which prebiotic attributes have been inferred recently. Humans and animals could seemingly benefit from the consumption of specific prebiotics and probiotics. In this work, terminology aspects of pre-and probiotics, and their roles in human and animal health are discussed. RESUMEN: Se ha demostrado en muchos estudios el modo de acción de las bacterias probióticas específicas y de determinados ingredientes prebióticos y sus efectos en la modulación de la flora intestinal en humanos y animales. El intestino se caracteriza por hospedar una microbiota compleja y dinámica que, entre otras, tiene como función proteger al huésped de trastornos intestinales. Una microbiota endógena madura y equilibrada, también es importante para el mantenimiento de una actividad deseable del sistema inmunológico. La perturbación de la microbiota intestinal puede tener un impacto en la fisiopatología de una variedad de trastornos gastrointestinales. Para superar este desequilibrio debido a la dieta, radioterapia, terapias con antibióticos, situaciones de estrés y otros, se ha demostrado la eficacia del consumo de probióticos y prebióticos específicos. Durante más de tres décadas, se han descrito y evaluado muchos microorganismos probióticos; sin embargo, el término prebiótico sólo se ha identificado, caracterizado y evaluado recientemente en estudios de intervención humana. La lista de ingredientes prebióticos queda frenada y el yacón (Smallantus sonchifolia) es una raíz andina a la cual los atributos prebióticos se han indicado recientemente. Los seres humanos y animales, aparentemente se podrían beneficiar del consumo de prebióticos y probióticos especiales. En este trabajo se abordarán los aspectos de la terminología de pre y probióticos y su función en la salud humana y animal.
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Resumen Se estudió la actividad antibacteriana y la concentración mínima inhibitoria (CMI) del aceite esencial de mandarina (Citrus reticulata Blanco) variedad Dancy. Las cortezas de las frutas fueron prensadas al frío para la obtención del aceite. Las cepas bacterianas que se utilizaron para determinar la actividad antibacteriana fueron: Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 259923, Listeria monocytogenes, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, y Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. La actividad antibacteriana se determinó por el método de difusión en agar utilizando las siguientes concentraciones de aceite: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 y 100%. La CMI se determinó por el método de dilución en caldo utilizando 6 concentraciones. El aceite esencial presentó actividad antibacteriana del tipo bactericida contra B. subtilis, S. aureus y L. monocytogenes a todas la concentraciones excepto al 1%. La CMI del aceite esencial de mandarina variedad Dancy para B. subtilis fue de 9%, para S. aureus y L. monocytogenes fue de 7%. Palabras clave: Actividad antibacteriana, aceite esencial, Citrus reticulata Blanco, método de difusión en agar, prensado al frío. Abstract The antibacterial activity and the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of mandarin essential oil (Citrus reticulata Blanco) variety Dancy was studied. Fruit peels were cold pressed for oil extraction.
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The aim of this investigations was to assess morphological changes in the midgut epithelium of bees nourished with pollen substitute or pollen substitute enriched with a probiotic preparation. One-day old worker bees were kept in cages placed in a temperature controlled environment. During the two-week feeding period workers were fed beebread (control), pure pollen substitute or pollen substitute fortified with three different doses of probiotic preparations: Biogen or Trilac (experimental groups). The assessment of histological changes of the bee midgut was carried out in bees feed for 8 and 14 days. Slight changes in the epithelium as well as strong merocrine-type secretion were recorded in bees nourished pollen substitute supplemented with probiotic preparations. Differences were observed, primarily, in quantities of the developed peritrophic membranes. Their quantities were particularly high after 14 days of feeding with the pollen substitute fortified with probiotic preparations. The development of numerous peritrophic membranes could have contributed to better utilization of nutrients contained in feed and better condition of bees.
Two probiotics, Biogen-N and Trilac, were used as supplements to pollen substitute in feeding honey bees, Apis mellifera. The probiotics were given either throughout the entire 14-day experiment or only for 2 days, just after bee emergence. The midgut of worker bees was colonized by bacteria present in probiotics, including Lactobacillus spp., Pediococcus addilactici, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Enterococcus faecium. Advantages of probiotic supplementation include better bee survival and higher dry mass and crude fat level in comparison with bees fed with pollen substitute only. We did not observe significant differences in total protein in the dry mass of bees. There was no correlation between the duration of feeding with probiotics and the chemical composition of the bees. This suggests that to achieve an increase in dry mass and crude fat level, it is sufficient to supply probiotics only in the beginning of the feeding period, directly after bee emergence.