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A Multi-Signature Scheme based on Coding Theory



In this paper we propose two first non-generic con-structions of multisignature scheme based on coding theory. The first system make use of the CFS signature scheme and is secure in random oracle while the second scheme is based on the KKS construction and is a few times. The security of our construction relies on a difficult problems in coding theory: The Syndrome Decoding problem which has been proved NP-complete [4].
A Multi-Signature Scheme based on Coding Theory
Mohammed Meziani and Pierre-Louis Cayrel
CASED–Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt
Mornewegstrasse 32, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany
Email: {mohammed.meziani,}
Abstract—In this paper we propose two first non-generic con-
structions of multisignature scheme based on coding theory. The
first system make use of the CFS signature scheme and is secure
in random oracle while the second scheme is based on the KKS
construction and is a few times. The security of our construction relies
on a difficult problems in coding theory: The Syndrome Decoding
problem which has been proved NP-complete [4].
Keywords—Post-quantum cryptography, Coding-based cryptogra-
phy, Digital signature, Multisignature scheme.
Digital signature schemes, similar to handwritten signatures,
are a fundamental cryptographic primitive used in practice
for authenticity and non-repudiation of messages. Several
signature schemes exist, but most of them are based on the
computational difficulty of solving number theoretic problems
such factoring problem, discrete logarithm problem in the
multiplicative group of a prime field or in the group of points
of an elliptic curve over a finite field. But, in the event
of quantum computers all these schemes could be broken
due to Shor’s algorithm [29] proposed in 1997. Indeed, the
Shor’s algorithm can solve both the factoring problem and the
discrete log problem in finite filelds and on elliptic curves in
polynomial time. Therefore, the cryptographic community has
to investigate other mathematical problems that are believed to
be hard to solve by quantum algorithms. Among these there
are problems in coding theory using error correcting codes.
The problem of decoding general codes is such a problem,
which has been proven to be NP-compelete by Berlekamp,
McEliece and Van Tilborg [4].
In 1978, McEliece [22] first proposed an asymmetric cryp-
tosystem which is based on the coding theory and derives
its security from the general decoding problem. No efficient
attack on this schemes has been found up to date, though nu-
merous computationally intensive attacks have been published
in the literature [5], [12]. The idea behind this scheme is to first
select a particular (linear) code for which an efficient decoding
algorithm is known, and then to use a trapdoor function to
disguise the code as a general linear code.
The encryption in the McEliece cryptosytem is not
invertible, and therefore it cannot be used for authentication
or signature schemes, this is indeed why very few signature
schemes based on coding theory have been proposed. This
problem was open until 2001 in when Courtois [9]
showed how to achieve a code-based signature scheme
whose security is based on the syndrome decoding problem.
While this problem is NP-complete, their construction is
still inefficient for large numbers of errors. Recently, a few
code-based signature schemes with additional properties have
been published and most of them make use the construction
proposed in [9].
ID-based cryptography. The motivation behind the identity
based cryptography, proposed by Shamir in 1984 [28], was
to simplify the PKI requirements. Instead of using the public
key, a user can use his identity (e.g. e-mail address or
IP-address) while the associated secret key can be issued by
a trusted key generation center (KGC) thanks to a master
secret key that only the KGC knows. And thereby some of
the costs associated to PKI and certificates can be avoided.
Despite this, the identity-based cryptography suffers from a
major drawback since a complete trust must be placed on the
KGC. This problem is known as the key escrow problem.
To overcome this problem, a solution has been proposed in
[6] which consists in employing multiple KGCs to jointly
produce the master secret key.
Multisignature schemes. A multisignature scheme (MSS)
is a normal signature scheme that enables a group of users to
cooperatively sign the same document and can be verified by
any user. Multisignature schemes have many practical uses
such as signing legal electronic documents (e.g. contracts,
cheque, etc) by multiple managers in a company. Based on
the nature of the application scenarios, the multisignature
schemes are divided into categories depending on the signing
manner: serial and parallel signing. In the first case, the
resulting multisignature is equal to the signature generated
by the last signer. More precisely, a signer produces his own
signature on a document then broadcasts it to the next signer
which after verifying it signs the received components and
so on. Here the signing order property should be taken into
account. That is, the resulting multisignature depends on
the signing order. In the second case the multisignature is
produced by a designated signer, called a clerk, which has
to collect individual signatures generated by each signer and
then combine them into a single signature.
Multisignature schemes have been first introduced in [16].
However, these schemes have an efficiency issue because
the generation and the verification cost of the multisignature
increases linearly with the number of signers. Since then,
various multisignature schemes have been realized. For
example, multisignature schemes that are based on RSA
assumption [15], [14], [26], constructed form bilinear maps
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 63 2010
[7], [30], based on DL assumption [13], [2] and derived from
identification schemes like the Fiat-Shamir [27].
With regard to security, the author of [23] provided the
first formal security model of multisignature schemes called
Accountable-subgroup multisignatures. In this model, a
provably secure multisignature scheme has to satisfy two
important properties: flexibility and accountability. The first
property guarantees that any subset of signers can jointly
produce a signature on a document and any verifier can decide
whether this subset was sufficient to accept the signature
while the second property ensures that the identity of any
signer can be revealed from the signed document without a
trusted third party. This property is very interesting in the
sense that if an incorrectly issued multisignature is detected,
then it is necessary to identify the corrupted signer. Moreover,
this model assumes that the set of signers is known a priori
and a signer is not allowed to generate own partial signature
before the previous one has been completed. Following
this model, [18] proposed multisignature schemes based
on the probabilistic signature scheme while [25] designed
multisignature schemes using the full domain hash. In these
constructions, the signing order is performed in a serial
manner and the length of signature as well as the signing
cost grows with the number of signers.
Recently, provably secure multisignature schemes using
trapdoor one-way permutations [20], [19] have been proposed.
These schemes make use of the probabilistic full domain
hash and the probabilistic signature scheme, respectively and
they are both tightly secure in the random oracle model.
Furthermore, the key length in these schemes is independent
from the signing order and the length of the signature
increases by 30 bits per a signer.
Our contribution:
In this paper, we propose two serial multisignature schemes
using error correcting codes. To the best of our knowledge
there is no existing multisignature schemes based on coding
theory. We use the modified version of CFS signature scheme
[9] and the KKS signature scheme [17] as the base of our
multisignature schemes. These schemes are secure against
existential forgery under adaptive chosen message attack in
the random oracle model assuming computational syndrome
decoding problem is hard. The first scheme achieves a
signature size of 377+18.47Nbits for a security level of
281.5, where Nis the number of signers. The second scheme
produces signatures whose length is independent of N.For
instance, 1873.8bits for a security level of 280.22. However,
both systems require large public keys of size 0.7MB and
0.13 MB, respectively.
After recalling some basic definitions and hard problems in
coding theory in Section II, we list two code-based signature
schemes that we need in our constructions in Section III.
In Section IV, we present our code-based multisignature
schemes, and we conclude in Section V.
This section will first provide a brief introduction to coding
theory, then give the basic definitions and list some hard
problems we use throughout this paper.
A. Coding theory
The term coding theory refers to a broad branch of mathe-
matics concerned with transmitting data across noisy channels
and recovering the message. It provides secure transmission
of messages, in the sense that any errors which are introduced
during the transmission can be corrected.
B. Notations and Definitions
Let Fqto denote the finite field with qelements.
a) Codes: An (n, k)-code over Fqis a linear subspace C
of the linear space Fn
q. Elements of Fn
qare called words and
elements of Care codewords. We call nthe length, and kthe
dimension of the code. If q=2, the code is called binary, and
is denoted by [n, k].
b) Hamming distance, Hamming weight: The Hamming
distance d(x, y)between two words x, y Fn
qcounts the
number of positions in which xand ydiffer. More for-
mally, denote x=(x1,...,x
n)and y=(y1,...,y
n). Then
d(x, y)=|{i:xi=yi}|. Here, we use |S|to denote the
number of elements, or cardinality, of a set S. The Hamming
weight (or just weight) of a word xFn
qis denoted by wt(x)
and represents the number of non-zero entries of this word,
i.e., wt(x)=d(0,x),where 0is the vector containing n0’s.
c) Minimum distance: The minimum distance dof an
(n, k)-code Cis the minimum Hamming distance between two
codewords, i.e., d= minx,yC, x=yd(x, y).
d) Generator matrix, systematic codes: Agenerator
matrix of an (n, k)-linear code Cis a k×nmatrix G
whose rows form a basis for the vector subspace C, i.e.,
C={xG :xFk
q}.Notice that Cis not unique for a
code C. We call a code systematic if it can be characterized
by a generator matrix Cof the form G=(Ik×k|Ak×(nk)),
where Ik×kis the k×kidentity matrix and Aan k×(nk)
e) Parity-check matrix, dual code: Aparity-check matrix
of an (n, k)-linear code Cis an (nk)×nmatrix Hwhose
rows form a basis of the orthogonal complement of the vector
subspace C, i.e. it holds that, C={cFn
Note that Hcan be viewed as the generator matrix of an
(n, n k)linear code Ccontaining codewords ˜csuch that
for all codewords c∈C, it holds that ˜cT.c =0. The Cis
generally referred to as the dual code of C.
f) Syndrome: Let Hbe a parity check matrix of the code
C. The syndrome of a word xFn
qis a vector sFnk
defined by s=HxT.
C. Hard problems
In what follows, we recall some hard problems. The security
of most code-based cryptosystems is related to hardness of
solving these problems.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 63 2010
1) Syndrome Decoding problem (SD):
Input: An r×nmatrix Hover Fq, a target vector sFr
and an integer t>0.
Question: Is there a vector xFn
qof weight t, such
that s=HxT?.
This problem has been proved to be NP-complete by
Berlekamp, McEliece, and van Tilborg [4] in 1978 for the
general class of binary linear codes. In 1994, Barg [1] extended
this result over linear codes defined over Fq. NP-completeness
ensures that this problem can not be solved in polynomial time
in the worse case, meaning that there are some hard instances,
not that every instance is hard.
To end this section, we state another hard problem, Goppa
Parametrized Bounded Decoding problem (GPBD), which is
a variation of SD problem and have been proved to be NP-
complete by Finiasz [11] in 2004.
2) Goppa Parametrized Bounded Decoding (GPBD):
Input: An (nk)×nmatrix Hover F2and a syndrome
Question: A word xFn
2of weight nk
log2(n), such that
Our constructions are based on two code-based signature
schemes that are the Courtois et al.’s signature (CFS) [9] and
the Kabatianskii et al.’s signature scheme (KKS) [17]. Here is
the description of two schemes.
A. CFS Signature Scheme
1) Description: For a long time no code-based signature
scheme was known, until the first (unbroken) was proposed by
Courtois, Finiasz and Sendrier [9] (CFS) in 2001. The basic
idea of the CFS signature scheme is to choose parameters such
that an inversion for the Niederreiter scheme is practically
possible. This is done at the cost of rather large parameters
(except for the length of the signature) when comparing to
other signature schemes, but at least it does exist !. Before
describing the CFS scheme we first recall the Niederreiter
public key cryptosystem in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1 The Niederreiter PKC
Key Generation:
- Consider an (n, k)-code Cover Fqhaving a decoding
algorithm γ.
- Construct an (nk)×nparity check matrix Hof C.
- Choose randomly an (nk)×(nk)invertible matrix
Qover Fq.
- Choose randomly an n×npermutation matrix Pover Fq.
- Set
H=PHQ as public, and (P, H, Q, γ)as secret.
Encryption: To encrypt a message xFn
qof weight t
- Compute y=
Decryption: To decrypt a cipher yFnk
qs.t. y=
- Compute Q1y(= HPxT)
- Find Px
Tfrom Q1yby applying γ
- Find xby applying P1to Px
The McEliece or the Niederreiter schemes are not naturally
invertible, i.e. if one starts from a random element yof Fn
a code C[n, k, d]capable of correcting d1
2errors, it is almost
sure that we won’t be able to decode yinto a codeword of C.
This comes from the fact that the density of decodable words
is very small.
Courtois, Finiasz and Sendrier proposed in [9] the first
practical signature scheme based on coding theory. The Full
Domain Hash (FDH) approach assumes that all the hash values
can be inverted by decryption.
The CFS signature scheme is based on the Niederreiter
cryptosystem: signing a document requires to hash it into a
syndrome and then to try to decode this syndrome. However,
for a t-error correcting Goppa code of length n=2
m, only a
fraction of approximately 1/t!of the syndromes are decodable.
Thus, a counter is appended to the message and the signer tries
successive counter values until the hash value is decodable.
The signature consists of both the error pattern of weight t
corresponding to the syndrome, and the value of the counter
giving this syndrome.
Algorithm 2 The CFS signature
Key Generation:
- Pick a random parity check matrix Hof a (n, k)-binary
Goppe code correcting up to terrors and having a
decoding algorithm γ.
- Construct the matrices Q,
Hand Pas in Algorithm 1.
Signature: To sign a message m
(1) ii+1
(2) x=γQ1h(mi)
(3) if no xwas found go to 1
- Output (i, xP)
- Compute s=HxTand s=h(mi).
- The signature is valid if sand sare equals.
2) Security: In [12], the authors present an attack against
the CFS scheme due to Daniel Bleichenbacher. Due to this
attack, the values of mand tused in the CFS scheme have to
change. The authors of [12] propose m=21and t=10,or
m=19and t=11,orm=15and t=12, as new parameters
for a security of more than 280 binary operations. Due to this
attack, the values of mand tused in the CFS scheme have
to change. The authors of [12] propose m=21and t=10,
or m=19and t=11,orm=15and t=12,asnew
parameters for a security of more than 280 binary operations.
3) Security proof in the random oracle model: In [10],
the author proposes to choose this counter randomly in
{1,...,2nk}, and then obtain a proof of security in the
random oracle model.
B. KKS signature scheme
Kabatianskii et al. [17] proposed a signature scheme based
on arbitrary linear error-correcting codes. Actually, they pro-
posed to use a linear application f. Three versions are given
which are presented in the sequel but all have one point in
common: for any mFk
q, the signature f(m)is a codeword
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 63 2010
of a linear code U. Each version of KKS proposes different
linear codes in order to improve the scheme. We now give a
full description of their scheme.
1) Description: Firstly, we suppose that Cis defined by
a random parity check matrix H. We also assume that we
have a very good estimate dof its minimum distance.Next,
we consider a linear code Uof length nnand dimension
kdefined by a generator matrix G=[gi,j ]. We suppose that
there exist two integers t1and t2such that t1w(u)t2
for any non-zero codeword u∈U.
Let Jbe a subset of {1,...,n}of cardinality n,H(J)be
the sub matrix of Hconsisting of the columns hiwhere iJ
and define an r×nmatrix Fdef
=H(J)GT. The application
qMn,t is then defined by f(m)=mGfor any
qwhere G=[g
i,j ]is the k×nmatrix with g
i,j =gi,j
if jJand g
i,j =0otherwise. The public application
χis then χ(m)=Fm
Tbecause HGT=H(J)GT. The
main difference with Niederreiter signatures resides in the
verification step where the receiver checks that:
t1w(z)t2and F·mT=H·zT.
Algorithm 3 The KKS signature
Key Generation:
- Select two positive integers t1and t2s.t. t1t2.
- Pick a random parity check matrix H=[Ir|D]of an
(n, n r)-code.
- Construct the matrices Q,
Hand Pas in Algorithm 1.
Signature: To sign a message m
(1) ii+1
(2) x=γQ1h(mi)
(3) if no xwas found go to 1
- Output (i, xP)
- Compute s=HxTand s=h(mi).
- The signature is valid if sand sare equals.
It has been proved in [8], that this scheme is few times.
Before presenting our constructions, we give first the
formal definition of a multisignature scheme. We denote by
N}the set of Nsigners intended to sign the
message M.
A. Definition
A multisignature scheme MS consists of three algorithms:
the key generation MK, the mutisignature generation MS
and the multisignature verification MV)that are defined as
MK takes a security parameter and returns a pub-
lic/secret key pair (pki,sk
i)for a signer Si.
MS takes the set of secert keys (ski)and a message M
and outputs a common a multisignature σ.
MV takes the set of public keys (pki)(or only one public
key), a multisignature σand the message Mand outputs
1 (acceptes) or 0 (rejectes).
The proposed serial multisignature schemes here follow the
model of [23] which requires a priori knowledge of an ordered
signers set {S1,...S
N}. The basic idea of our multisignature
schemes is that a signer Sifirst generates a signature σion
a message Mand broadcasts it to the next signer Si+1 for
further processing. After verifying σi,Si+1 produces a valid
signature on the received components. The generation of the
multisignature will be complete when the last signer SNsigns
the message.
B. CFS-based serial multisignature
1) Description: Our scheme can be regarded as the ex-
tended version of the modified CFS algorithm [10]. In this
scheme a signer Simakes use of the CFS signature decoding
algorithm to generate its signature based on the previous
signature produced by the signer Si1. Before the signing
step, all signers first collaborate to produce a public random
vector rin a serial manner which will be signed together
with the message M. In order to check the validity of the
resulting multisignature, only the public key of the last signer
in the queue will be needed. The CFS multisignature scheme
is illustrated in Algorithm 4.
2) Performance Analysis: Using an (2m,2mmt)Goppa
code, each public key Hiis a binary matrix of size mt ×2m
bits which takes about 99 Mbytes for t=9and m=22,
the multisignature generation consists in producing of N
successive CFS signatures of each signer, each of them re-
quires t2m3t!binary operations, where Nis the number of
signers. Verification requires one matrix-vector multiplication
and Nhash computing. A matrix-vector multiplication can be
performed in approximately t2mbinary operations using the
mailman algorithm [21]. The CFS-multisignature is composed
of a vector of F2m
2of weight less than t,Nindexes from
{1,...,2tm}and a vector of Ftm
2. Thus the size of CFS-
multisignature is bounded by log22m
t+Nlog2(t!) + tm.
We can easily see that the performance evaluation of the
proposed multisignature scheme depends mainly on the choice
of parameters mand t. If we want to get a reasonable signature
cost, we will need a tnot greater than 10, for example (m, t)=
(22,9) that give a security level of 281.7according [12]. But
if we want to minimize the public key size as well as the
signature length, we take (m, t) = (15,12) for a security level
of 281.5[12]. In this case, the signature length amounts to
3) Security Analysis: Since the modified version of CFS
signature scheme is secure in the random oracle model [10],
We can prove the security of our scheme. The details of
our analysis will appear in a full version of the this paper,
but we can give some arguments about the security of our
scheme. Our scheme satisfies the non-repudiation and the
non-forgeability. Indeed, when N=1, our signature scheme
degenerates into mCFS signature scheme which satisfies these
two properties. If N>1, an attacker who does not belong
to the signer set, can not forge the multisignature because
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 63 2010
Algorithm 4 CFS-based multisignature
Key Generation: Each signer Sihas to:
- generate his public/private key as in the CFS algorithm,i.e,
1- Generation of a random vector rFnk
*S1selects randomly k1Fn
qof weight up to tand
computes r1=H1·kT
*From i=2to Ndo
Si1broadcasts ri1to Si.
Siselects randomly kiFn
qof weight up to tand
computes ri=ri1+Hi·kT
*Set r=rN.
2- Multisignature Generation
*S1computes a n-bit vector s1of weight up to t
and an index i1s.t. H1·sT
*For i:= 2 to Ndo
-Sj1sends (sj1,i
j1)to Sj.
-Sjchecks the validity of sj1by
j1=h((M+r)|ij1)and w(sj1)t
-Sjcomputes a n-bit vector sjof weight up to t
and an index ijs.t.
*Set s=sN.
*σcfs =(s, i1,...,i
N,r)is the multisignature.
Verification: Given a tuple σ=(s, i1,...,i
*Check that w(s)t
*Compute x=HN·sT.
*Compute iteratively the sequence (zi)i=1,...,N
defined by:
-Forj:= 2 to N:zj=h((zj1+h(M+r))|ij).
*The multisignature σis valid if xand zNare equals.
the signer set has been already known in advance and if he
generates a couple (sA,i
A)as own signature, this signature
will be invalid after checking it by the next signer.
C. KKS-based serial multisignature scheme
1) Description: Our scheme extends the regular KKS-
signature into a multi-signer one. In this scheme each signer
applies the KKS-signature algorithm to produce his own
signature on received components before he forwards it to
the next signer for consecutive handling. Before the beginning
of signing process, all signers first collaborate to create a
public a vector rof {0,1}nkin a serial way which will be
concatenated with the original message M. During the signing
step, a signer Sihas first to verify the previous signature σi1
generated by previous signer and then to produce his own
signature σias follows: The signer hashes the bitwise addition
of Mlinked with rand the preceding KKS-signature σi1
generated by Si1and then he applies the KKS-algorithm on
the result. After that, he replaces the resulting signature by
substraying the quantity (σi1·Gi) from it. The last operation
is designed in order that the new signature can be verified
by the succeeding signer in the same manner as the standard
KKS-signature. The KKS-multisignature σkks consists finally
of the KKS-signature produced by the last signer in the queue
(say sN) and the vector rconstructed before. To test whether
this multisignature is valid, the verifier has to apply the KKS-
verification algorithm. The Algorithm 5 explains in more detail
our scheme.
Algorithm 5 KKS-based multisignature
Key Generation: Given a hash-function of range {0,1}nk,
each signer Sihas to:
- select n,k,t1and t2as security parameter.
- select a random matrix Hias a parity check matrix of
a random (n, k)code Ci.
- Choose secretly and randomly:
*a generator matrix Giof a linear code Uiof length
nnand dimension ks.t. t1w(u)t2
for all u∈U
*a subset Jiof {1,...,n}of cardinality n.
- Build the sub matrix Hi(Ji)of Hiconsisting of the
columns hjwhere jJi.
- Define the matrix Fi=Hi(Ji)GT
- The public key: (Fi,H
- The private key : (Ji,G
1- Generation of a random vector rFnk
*S1selects a random vector r1Fnk
*For i:= 2 to Ndo
-Si1broadcasts ri1to Si.
-Siselects a random vector riFnk
and assigns (ri1+ri)to ri, i.e. ri(ri1+ri).
*Set r=rN.
2- Multisignature Generation
*S1calculates σ
1=h(M|r)·G1and produces σ1s.t.
σ1,j =σ
1,j if jJ1,
0if j/J1.
*For i:= 2 to Ndo
-Si1sends σi1to Si.
-Sichecks the validity of σi1by
and Fi1·(h(M|r))T=Hi1·σT
-Sicalculates σ
and produces σis.t.
σi,j =σ
i,j if jJi,
0if j/Ji.
-Sireplaces σ
jby the quantity (σ
*The multisignature is σkks =(σN,r).
Verification: Given a tuple (z,r), the multisignature is
valid if:
2) Performance Analysis: In [17], three KKS-signature
schemes were proposed, named KKS-1, KKS-2 and KKS-3 in
[8] respectively. The KKS-1 version introduced an equidistant
code (t=t1=t2)of length n=2
k1correcting t=2
errors, where kis its dimension. However, since the length
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 63 2010
of this code is huge for any practical applications, the KKS-1
is still impracticable. Therefore, [17] replaced the equidistant
code by another code whose non-zero codewords have a
weight between two different values t1and t2and proposed
two improvements of KKS-1, KKS-2 and KKS-3.
The KKS-2 is based on the dual of a BCH code while the
KKS-3 is fully random construction and uses a random linear
code. In this section we restrict our analysis to the KKS-3
signature scheme.
In KKS-3, each signer choose a random k×ngenerator
matrix Gigiven in the systematic form [Ik|Bi]. The public
key is composed of Fiand Hi=[Ir|Di]where Diis a
random r×(nk)binary matrix. The secret key consists
of the set Jiand the matrix Bi. Thus, to store each public
key, we need in total r(nr+k)bits. For each secret
key, we have to store nh2(n
n)+k(nk)bits1, where
h2(x)=xlog2(x)(1 x) log2(1 x). The multisignature
consists of a vector of length nand a weight up to t2
and a random vector of {0,1}nk. Thus, the total length of
our multisignature is about t2h2(t2
n)+(nk)bits which
not depends on the number of signers. The essential part in
generating the multisignature is the second step in which each
user has to produce his own KKS-like signature while the
first phase for producing a common random vector can be
performed off-line. Thus, to generate a multisignature, each
signer first have to verify the preceding signature and then to
produce his KKS-signature. Therefore, the overall cost of our
multisignature is approximate to Nnk+(N1)r(n+k)
binary operations. After receiving a multisignature, any user
can check its validity by comparing the results of two vector-
matrix multiplications that require about r(n+k)binary
3) Security Analysis: In [17] the authors claimed that their
constructions are secure as Niederreiter scheme if the public
parameters do not provide any information. Unfortunately [8]
showed that a generated KKS-signature discloses a lot of
information about the secret set Jleading to find the secret
matrix Gwith high probability. Furthermore, [8] proved that
just a few intercepted signatures damages the KKS-system.
For instance, an attacker needs at most 20 signatures to break
the original KKS-3 scheme with an approximate amount of
277 binary operations. Regarding the security of our multisig-
nature, since our construction is based on the KKS-signature,
we can assume that our scheme is a few times. Following [8],
we propose the same parameters for our multisignature scheme
to achieve a security level more than 280. These parameters
are as follows: n= 2000,k= 160,n= 1000,r= 1100,
t1=90and t2= 110.
We have proposed two multisignature schemes using error
correcting codes that are the first non-generic constructions in
post-quantum cryptography. Our schemes make use of the CFS
signature KKS-signature scheme and achieve signatures of size
377 + 18.47Nbits and 1873.8bits, respectively, both for a
1We use the approximation a
security of more than 280 binary operations. However, the first
system suffers from slow signature cost and large key sizes
while the second scheme is only few times and very fast but
also requires big key sizes. Recently, two works are published
for reducing the key sizes (see [3], [24]) and further progress
on this topic should increase significantly the performance of
our schemes.
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 63 2010
In 2010, M. Meziani and P.-L. Cayrel presented two post-quantum multi-signature schemes based on the syndrome decoding hard problem and error correcting codes. In this paper, we propose the insider forgery cryptanalysis of M. Meziani et al.s post-quantum multi-signature schemes. In M. Meziani et al.s schemes, the verifier only verifies the final multi-signature and does not check the validity of the partial signatures generated by other signers. Thus the malicious last signer can forge a valid multi-signature by himself/herself on behalf of the group of signers, which can pass the verification of the verifier. Therefore, M. Meziani et al.s post-quantum multi-signature schemes do not meet the security requirements of multi-signature schemes.
Conference Paper
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The McEliece cryptosystem is one of the oldest public-key cryptosystem ever designated. It is also the first public-key cryptosystem based on linear error-correcting codes. The main advantage of the McEliece cryptosystem is to have a very fast encryption and decryption functions but suers from a major drawback. It requires a very large public key which makes it very dicult to use in many practical situations. In this paper we propose a new general way to reduce the public key size through quasi-cyclic codes. Our construction introduces a new method of hiding the structure of the secret generator matrix by first choosing a subfield subcode of a quasi-cyclic code that is defined over a large alphabet and then by randomly shortening the chosen subcode. The security of our variant is related to the hardness of decoding a random quasi-cyclic code. We introduce a new decisional problem that is associated to the decoding of an arbitrary quasi-cyclic code. We prove that it is an NP-complete problem. Starting from subfield subcodes of quasi-cyclic generalized Reed-Solomon codes, we propose a system with several size of parameters from 6,000 to 11,000 bits with a security ranging from 280 to 2107. Implementations of our proposal show that we can encrypt at a speed of 120 Mbits/s (or one octet for 120 cycles). Hence our new proposal represents the most competitive public-key cryptosystem.
Conference Paper
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McEliece is one of the oldest known public key cryptosys- tems. Though it was less widely studied than RSA, it is remarkable that all known attacks are still exponential. It is widely believed that code-based cryptosystems like McEliece do not allow practical digital signatures. In the present paper we disprove this belief and show a way to build a practical signature scheme based on coding theory. Its security can be reduced in the random oracle model to the well-known syndrome decoding problem and the distinguishability of permuted binary Goppa codes from a random code. For example we propose a scheme with signatures of 81-bits and a binary security workfactor of 283.
The author proves the NP-completeness of the basic decision problems for ternary linear codes. In particular, he proves that finding out whether a ternary linear code contains a vector of weight equal to the code length is NP-complete. In addition, he proves NP-completeness of minimum distance decoding for linear product codes with nontrivial factors. [The results of this paper were presented in part at the Sixth International Swedish-Russian Workshop on Information Theory, Mølle/Sweden, August 1993, 404-407 (1993)].
A new digital multisignature scheme using bijective public-key cryptosystems that overcomes the problems of previous signature schemes used for multisignatures is proposed. The principal features of this scheme are (1) the length of a multisignature message is nearly equivalent to that for a singlesignature message; (2) by using a one-way hash function, multisignature generation and verification are processed in an efficient manner; (3) the order of signing is not restricted; and (4) this scheme can be constructed on any bijective public-key cryptosystem as well as the RSA scheme. In addition, it is shown that the new scheme is considered as safe as the public-key cryptosystem used in this new scheme. Some variations based on the scheme are also presented.
Conference Paper
This paper proposes a practical digital multisignature scheme based on the C sig * cryptosystem derived from the C sig cryptosystem of Zheng and Seberry (1993). The simple scheme consists of three phases. In the first phase the issuer of the document prepares the document, the list of prospective signatories and a pad on which signatories are to write their signatures. In the second phase each signatory verifies the document, signs it and forwards it to the next signatory. In the third phase a trusted verifier or notary decides on the validity of the signatures. The scheme prevents cheating by dishonest signatories from going undetected. The scheme is practical and offers at least the same security level afforded by its underlying cryptosystem against external attacks. Internal attacks in the form of forging or cheating by a dishonest issuer or by one or more of the signatories (alone or by collaboration) requires the solving of instances of the discrete logarithm problem.
Conference Paper
A multisignature scheme enables multiple signers to cooperate to generate one signature for some message. The aim of the multisignatures is to decrease the total length of the signature and/or the signing (verification) costs. This paper first discusses a formal security model of multisignatures following that of the group signatures [1,4]. This model allows an attacker against multisignatures to access five oracles adaptively. With this model, we can ensure more general security result than that with the existence model [14,11,12]. Second, we propose a multisignature scheme using a claw-free permutation. The proposed scheme can decrease the signature length compared to those of existence multisignature schemes using a trapdoor one-way permutation (TWOP) [11,12], because its signing does not require the random string. We also prove that the proposed scheme is tightly secure with the formal security model, in the random oracle model. Third, we discuss the security of the multisignature schemes [11,12] using a TOWP with the formal security model to confirm that these schemes can be proven to be tightly secure. Keywordsmultisignature scheme-formal security model-claw-free permutation-random oracle model
Conference Paper
We propose a fully functional identity-based encryption scheme (IBE). The scheme has chosen ciphertext security in the random oracle model assuming an elliptic curve variant of the computational Diffie-Hellman problem. Our system is based on the Weil pairing. We give precise definitions for secure identity based encryption schemes and give several applications for such systems.
Conference Paper
In this paper we introduce a novel type of cryptographic scheme, which enables any pair of users to communicate securely and to verify each other’s signatures without exchanging private or public keys, without keeping key directories, and without using the services of a third party. The scheme assumes the existence of trusted key generation centers, whose sole purpose is to give each user a personalized smart card when he first joins the network. The information embedded in this card enables the user to sign and encrypt the messages he sends and to decrypt and verify the messages he receives in a totally independent way, regardless of the identity of the other party. Previously issued cards do not have to be updated when new users join the network, and the various centers do not have to coordinate their activities or even to keep a user list. The centers can be closed after all the cards are issued, and the network can continue to function in a completely decentralized way for an indefinite period.
Conference Paper
Courtois, Finiasz and Sendrier proposed in 2001 a practical code-based signature scheme. We give a rigorous security analysis of a modified version of this scheme in the random oracle model. Our reduction involves two problems of coding theory widely considered as difficult, the Goppa Parametrized Bounded Decoding and the Goppa Code Distinguishing.
Conference Paper
Formal models and security proofs are especially important for multisignatures: in contrast to threshold signatures, no precise definitions were ever provided for such schemes, and some proposals were subsequently broken.In this paper, we formalize and implement a variant of multi-signature schemes, Accountable-Subgroup Multisignatures (ASM). In essence, ASM schemes enable any subgroup, S, of a given group, G, of potential signers, to sign efficiently a message M so that the signature provably reveals the identities of the signers in S to any verifier.Specifically, we provide:The first formal model of security for multisignature schemes that explicitly includes key generation (without relying on trusted third parties);A protocol, based on Schnorr's signature scheme [33], that is both provable and efficient:Only three rounds of communication are required per signature.The signing time per signer is the same as for the single-signer Schnorr scheme, regardless of the number of signers.The verification time is only slightly greater than that for the single-signer Schnorr scheme.The signature length is the same as for the single signer Schnorr scheme, regardless of the number of signers.Our proof of security relies on random oracles and the hardness of the Discrete Log Problem.