Technical ReportPDF Available
Following the water course
The “Water SCIs” LIFE Project for the conservation
of Species of Community Interest in the Arno plain
and the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines
edited by
Leonardo Petri – Province of Prato
With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Commission
Petri, L. et al., 2014. Following the water course. The “Water SCIs” LIFE Project for the conservation of Species of Com-
munity Interest in the Arno plain and the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, Pisa, Pacini Editore
© Copyright 2014 by Province of Prato
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Nothing in the world is softer and weaker than water,
yet nothing is better at overcoming the hard and strong.
(Lao-Tze, Tao Te Ching)
Table of Contents
PREMISE pag. 4
Ichthyofauna » 28
Astacofauna » 31
Herpetofauna » 33
Bird fauna » 35
Astacofauna » 47
Herpetofauna » 48
Invasive alien flora » 52
Lake Pantanelle » 67
Lake Bogaia » 71
Lake Ombrone » 75
Building the fish hatchery » 78
Experimentation of a protocol for the breeding of the European bullhead » 81
Experimentation of a protocol for the breeding of the White-clawed crayfish » 85
Choosing the sites » 87
The experiment conducted » 87
Monitoring the European bullhead » 100
Monitoring the White-clawed crayfish » 116
Checking the functionality of the fish ladders » 118
Effectiveness of active conservation measures for the European bullhead
and White-clawed crayfish » 119
Effectiveness of active conservation measures for herpetofauna » 124
Monitoring breeding grounds » 137
Effectiveness of active conservation measures for the target bird species » 138
THANKS » 147
The “Water Scis” LIFE project:
an example of the efficient use of community funding
The Province of Prato is known for being home to one of Europe’s most developed and structured textiles dis-
tricts, constructed out of the rubble of the second world war, and which has succeeded in creating and distribut-
ing work and wellbeing throughout all of the social strata in the resident population. However, this undeniable
success story has had the “collateral effect” of partially obscuring other potentials which the territory has to offer
– in particular, the area’s significant wealth of cultural heritage and the variety and size of its natural heritage.
Given that residential and industrial development has focussed mainly on the urban areas of the plains close to
the River Bisenzio, the more outlying areas of the plains and the foothills of the Apennines still retain some areas
of considerable natural value, which are often “mixed” with the cultural heritage.
The “Water SCIs” LIFE community project, led by the Province of Prato in partnership with the Lakes Suviana
and Brasimone Natural Park, had the merit and the ambition of aiming to requalify these fragments of territory
still in a good state of conservation, despite the numerous threats surrounding them. The ultimate goal of the
project was (and remains) to improve the conservation status of the Species of Community Interest (SCI) that are
not adequately represented or are exposed to risks in the upper Apennine area and the plain surrounding Prato.
The aquatic environment is essential for important phases in these species’ life cycles, and it is precisely the
relationship with this element that explains the enigmatic name chosen for the project: “Water SCIs”.
The successful strategy chosen to achieve the conservation goals was to act on several parallel levels at the
same time:
• knowledge: through appropriate scientific means, we obtained as reliable and complete a picture as pos-
sible of the presence, distribution and conservation status of the target species and any competitor species
before, during and after the project;
• regulatory: in order to ensure adequate protection for the environments and species chosen, we succeeded
in extending the Special Protection Area (SPA) Ponds of the Florentine and Prato Plain in order to include
the wetland areas affected by the environmental requalification measures, as well as establishing the Site
of Community Interest (SCI) Appennino Pratese in order to protect the watercourses and important habitats
present, as well as approving the SPA Management Plan and specific conservation action plans for Cottus
gobio (a small-sized benthic fish) and Austropotamobius pallipes (the white-clawed crayfish);
• operational: thanks to community funding, we performed a range of concrete conservation measures,
such as salvaging wetland areas, building a fish nursery, creating fish ladders, implementing experimental
measures to encourage in-situ and ex-situ breeding of C. gobio and A. pallipes, and experimenting methods
of controlling invasive alien species;
• participation: throughout the project duration, we remained constantly committed to seeking possible forms
of collaboration with all those interested in the project, both through institutional opportunities to participate
in the procedures approved by the competent authorities and through specific initiatives to raise awareness
of the protected environments, the contents and goals of the community project and of the LIFE programme
and the European “Natura2000” network of conservation sites in general.
As well as achieving all our goals, despite the difficult economic period and the institutional overhaul going on
during the period of implementation, the project succeeded in raising awareness among citizens of the high
value of the elements of natural heritage still present in the area in which they live. This recognition contributed
to increasing the resident population’s awareness and sensitivity to environmental issues, which is the only solid
guarantee of long-term protection for these important habitats and the species they host and will continue to
welcome in the future, to the benefit of current and future generations.
Stefano Arrighini
Councillor for the Development of Natural Resources and
Protected Areas in the Province of Prato
Protecting biodiversity in the current institutional framework
Running a structured and complex EU funded project like the one described in this publication required the ben-
eficiaries (the Province of Prato and the Lakes Suviana and Brasimone Natural Park) to deal with some important
challenges, capable of improving the project’s capacity and extending the professional skills of the staff and
structures who drafted the proposal and subsequently conducted the project.
The “Water SCIs” LIFE project is not the first time the Province of Prato has been involved in a similar project;
in the past the Province also acted as coordinator of the LIFE “HABIO: Biodiversity protection in the Calvana-
Monferrato areas” project in 2001-2004.
The reason for this ongoing commitment to protecting biodiversity lies, at least partly, in the specific structure
and skills that the current administrative framework (both in terms of its own and delegated functions) grants to
Provinces, including: protecting flora and fauna, parks and nature reserves; land protection; safeguarding and
valorising the environment; protecting and valorising water resources; hunting and fishing in inland waters; rural
development. Provinces are also responsible for drafting and implementing territorial coordination plans outlin-
ing the general goals and guidelines for the area.
As is clear from reading these pages, the fact that these functions are performed by a single institutional figure
allows the Province to take a leading role in all decision-making regarding environmental issues in general.
Moreover, these powers are not only exercised by the Province during the regulatory phase of the project (by
issuing permits, authorisations, grants, approval of large-scale territorial planning, sector planning, etc.), but also
during the control phase (through the Provincial police force).
This institutional framework, which is currently being completely overhauled, effectively grants Provinces the full
responsibility for biodiversity (confirmed by the relevant Regional regulations, Regional Law 56/00), in keeping
with the administrative principles of subsidiarity, differentiation and adequacy set out in Article 118 of the Italian
Constitution. In fact, the principle of subsidiarity means that institutional figures responsible for larger areas,
such as Provinces, must intervene when figures responsible for smaller areas, such as Municipalities, do not
have adequate resources to achieve specific targets or effectively protect specific interests. This is supported by
the principle of adequacy, which requires the institutional figure responsible for a certain function to equip itself
with the necessary resources to effectively perform its duty.
These principles have been fully implemented in the “Water SCIs” LIFE project, allowing the Provincial Admin-
istration to:
• Submit a proposal to the Tuscan Regional Authority to set up a Site of Community Interest and extend a
Special Protection Area;
• Approve the Management Plan for the Special Protection Area;
• Approve the conservation Action Plans for the two species of community interest;
• Mitigate the possible impact of plans and projects for Natura2000 sites by authorising measures to improve
and/or compensate for activities through an Environmental Impact Assessment;
• Include specific requirements in Hunting Regulations to maintain adequate water levels in the wetlands and
maintain plantlife;
• Regulate the competitor fish species introduced in the watercourses subject to specific protection measures
due to the presence of species or habitats of conservation interest;
• Introduce regulations in the Technical Implementation Rules for the Territorial Coordination Plan to protect
species and habitats of interest, whose distribution has been recorded and mapped during specific surveys
conducted by Research Centres and Institutes;
• Ensure compliance with these regulations, with the aid of the Provincial police force.
As a result, it is clear how the Provincial Administration, in its current form, along with Regional and National
Parks, are the most suitable institutional figures to implement community projects aiming to protect biodiversity
and the Natura2000 sites, as the only figures capable of guaranteeing, through territorial and sectorial planning
and with the aid of the Provincial police force, both the maintenance of the conservation measures introduced
thanks to community funding and the limitation of factors that could threaten their effect, for a time period
extending well beyond the necessarily limited duration of the projects approved.
The current phase of institutional overhaul must take these aspects into account, and above all the need to
identify a figure specifically responsible for conservation management, to ensure that protecting biodiversity
does not simply remain a “good intention”, let down by strategic development choices and ultimately absent
from the reality of territorial transformation.
Arch. Carla Chiodini
Director of the Territorial Planning and
Land Protection Department at the Province of Prato
Biodiversity is a relatively new concept, but one that has quickly established itself, not only in the scientific field,
indicating “the variability among living organisms of any origin, including, among others, terrestrial, marine and
other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes to which they belong; this includes diversity within
species and between species and diversity of the ecosystems” (Article 2 of the United Nations Convention on
This definition refers to three levels of diversity: 1) within a single species (for example, the countless “varia-
tions on a theme” shown by breeds, varieties or ecotypes belonging to the same species, obtained as a result
of natural or artificial selection); 2) between species (whether they are animals, plants or micro-organisms); 3)
between ecosystems (woods, grasslands, bodies of water, etc.). However, there is also a fourth, no less impor-
tant, level consisting of functional biodiversity – i.e. the range of interactions within and between the three levels
described. It is precisely these interactions that guarantee the survival of living species: in fact, in order to adapt
to the changing environmental conditions, species require to suitable and diversified habitats and ample genetic
variability, which represents the “field of activity” in which natural selection occurs. At the same time, in order to
work properly, ecosystems rely on the whole variety of species that they host.
In this sense, protecting terrestrial and marine biodiversity represents a kind of “life insurance for the planet”,
making it possible for the quantity and quality of the goods and services that nature offers to all species, includ-
ing our own, to be maintained over time.
Humanity (despite our lack of awareness) benefits from an enormous wealth provided free of charge by planet
Earth, called natural capital: a patrimony of essential goods and services such as food, textile fibres, drinkable
water, breathable air, carbon dioxide capture and climate stabilization, to mention just a few.
In the period between 2001 and 2005, the United Nations commissioned a group of 1,360 experts from all over
the world to draft an international report called the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment1 which, among other
things, introduced the following classification of ecosystem services:
Ecosystem support services: for example, the nutrient cycle, soil formation, photosynthesis, etc.
Ecosystem supply services: for example, the availability of food, fresh water, wood and fibres, fuel, genetic
resources, etc.
Ecosystem regulating services: for example, climate regulation, flood regulation, disease regulation, water
purification, erosion regulation, pollination, etc.
Ecosystem cultural services: for example, aesthetic, spiritual, educational and recreational value, etc.
This is unmistakeable evidence that the well-being of our species depends entirely on the continuous flow of
these “ecosystem goods and services” over time. These public goods are nearly all free, without a market or
prices; as a result, they are not given due consideration by the currently dominant economic system, which is
eroding the natural capital in an alarming manner that could ultimately threaten the long-term maintenance of
conditions suitable for life on our limited planet.
To put it in a way that is immediately comprehensible, this economic model or paradigm fails to assign adequate
value to an asset that is not only useful, but also essential, like water, while it attaches great value to goods, such
as jewellery, that certainly aren’t particularly useful in terms of the survival of a species or an ecosystem. These real
“errors of judgement”, caused by applying strict market principles to our natural capital, are proving to be among
the main underlying causes of the degradation of ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity that we are witnessing.
Following the water course12
Among the pioneering scientific works that have investigated the relationship between classical economics and
natural resources, some particularly interesting ones include Westman’s article published in “Science” back in
19772, the 1997 text edited by G.C. Daily3 and the one written by the “founding father” of ecology as a scientific
discipline, Eugene Odum4. There is also a specific branch of research dedicated to the topic, known as “Eco-
logical-economics”, to which the names of top profile researchers such as Herman Daly, Robert Costanza, H.T.
Odum, Kenneth Boulding, David Pimentel, Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen (theorist of so-called “bio-economy”), K.
William Kapp and Karl Polanyi are linked.
These topics are becoming increasingly relevant, especially in the current phase of prolonged social and eco-
nomic crisis which is prompting us to rethink our social and economic models, and are the focus of a global
initiative called “The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity” (TEEB)5 which has taken on the ambitious
challenge of making the values of nature visible, i.e. helping policy-makers to recognize, demonstrate and
define the value of ecosystems and of biodiversity and to give due consideration of these values as part of the
decision-making process.
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was implemented in Nairobi (Kenya) on 22 May 1992, with the
participation of 193 of the planet’s 204 nations. The Convention opened with the signature of these countries
during the World Summit in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992 (Earth summit) in conjunction with the United Nations
Framework Convention on climate change and the Convention to Combat Desertification.
The primary objectives of the CBD were: 1) the conservation of biological diversity, 2) the sustainable use of
its components, and 3) the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources,
through proper access to genetic resources and appropriate technology transfer, taking into account all rights
over these resources and technologies, and through adequate funding (Art. 1 of the Convention).
After declaring 2010 the International Year of Biodiversity, the United Nations defined the period 2011-2020 as
the “UN Decade for Biodiversity”, to contribute to the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity6,
divided into seven thematic programmes, corresponding to the planet’s major biomes:
1) rural environments; 2) dry and sub-humid areas; 3) forests; 4) inland waters; 5) islands; 6) sea and coasts;
7) mountain areas.
2011-2020 has also been set aside within the EU as the decade for implementing the European Biodiversity
Strategy7 (Communication COM/244 of May 2011), with the following key objective for 2020: to put an end to
the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services in the EU by 2020 and restore them, as far as
possible, while at the same time intensifying the EU contribution to preventing the loss of biodiversity worldwide.
This key objective consists of and is broken down into in the following six priority objectives:
1. Promote the implementation of environmental legislation;
2. Reinstate the ecosystems, for example by using green infrastructures;
3. Stimulate sustainable agriculture and forestry;
4. Encourage sustainable fishing;
5. Tackle invasive alien species;
6. Contribute to stopping the loss of biodiversity at a global level.
The European Commission implements its policy of nature conservation and biodiversity by setting up an eco-
logical network known as “Natura 2000”, funded by a financial instrument called the “LIFE Programme”.
Natura 2000 is a coherent ecological network of protected sites (currently called pSCI – proposed Site of Com-
munity Interest) spread throughout the entire territory of the European Union and established under the “Habitat”
92/43/EEC and “Birds” 2009/147/EC Directives, with the aim of ensuring the long-term maintenance of natural
habitats and endangered or rare species of flora and fauna at Community level.
Once fully operational, the Natura 2000 network will consist of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) established
by Member States, which will include both the SCIs under the “Habitats” Directive and the Special Protection
Areas (SPA) under the “Birds” Directive.
The areas that make up the Natura 2000 network are not rigidly protected reserves where human activities
are prohibited: the Habitats Directive aims to guarantee the protection of nature while also taking into account
economic, social and cultural requirements, as well as regional and local characteristics.
In fact, the “Habitats” Directive recognizes the value of all those areas in which the age-old presence of mankind
and man’s traditional activities has enabled a balance to be maintained between human activities and nature.
For example, many of the now rare and endangered animal and plant species are linked to rural areas and the
survival of these species requires the continuation and enhancement of traditional activities like grazing or non-
intensive agriculture. The title of the Directive itself specifies the goal of conserving not only natural, but also
semi-natural habitats (such as areas of traditional agricultural, woods, pastures, etc.).
Another innovative part of the European conservation policy is recognition of the importance of several land-
scape elements that play a connecting role between wild flora and fauna. Member States are invited to maintain
or, where necessary, develop these elements in order to improve the ecological coherence of the Natura 2000
network. In Italy, the SCIs and SPAs currently in the stages of final approval cover a total of 20% of the national
The LIFE Programme is a financial instrument set up by the European Union to support environmental and nature
conservation projects throughout the Union, as well as in some third countries, which are neighbouring and/
or candidates for entry into the European Union. Since 1992, LIFE has co-financed more than 3,000 projects,
allocating over 2 billion euro to environmental protection.
The main objective of the “Nature and Biodiversity” LIFE programme is to contribute to the conservation of spe-
cies or habitats of Community interest within the territory of the European Union.
For further information on Natura 2000 sites in Italy, please refer to the specific web pages on the Ministry of
the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea website (, while for the Natura 2000
network in other European Member States, please refer to the European Commission website on nature and
biodiversity (
Italy has adopted the “Birds” Directive through Law n. 157, dated 11 February 1992 “Norms for the protection of
warm-blooded fauna and for the regulation of hunting” and the “Habitats” Directive through Presidential Decree
n. 357, dated 8 September 1997 and the subsequent Presidential Decree n.120, dated 12 March 2003, which
delegates implementation to the various institutional authorities (State, Regions and Independent Provinces).
More recently (2010), its own National Strategy for Biodiversity was approved, thus acquiring an important
tool for ensuring effective integration between the development objectives of the country and the protection of
its priceless heritage of biodiversity. In fact, it should be noted that our country features a remarkable variety of
environments and contains a wealth of species and habitats, among the most significant in Europe, both in terms
of the total number and the high rate of endemic species (found exclusively in a given territory). This is both for
Following the water course14
bio-geographic reasons (geological nature, extension in latitude, central position in the Mediterranean basin,
peninsular formation, presence of islands and archipelagos and numerous Alpine and Apennine elevations) and
historical and demographic reasons (the millenarian presence of man, high population density).
In terms of the total number of species present in Europe, Italy has over 30% of the animal species and nearly
50% of plant species, all over a surface of approximately 1/30 of that of the whole continent.
More in detail: the fauna is estimated to include over 58,000 species, of which approximately 55,000 are Inver-
tebrates (95%), 1,812 are Protozoa (3%) and 1,265 are Vertebrates (2%), with an overall incidence of endemic
species of approximately 30%.
The flora consists of more than 6,700 species of vascular plants (of which 15% are endemic), 851 species of
Mosses and 279 Hepatics. With regard to species of Fungus, there are about 20,000 known species of Macro-
mycetes and Myxomycota (fungus species visible to the naked eye)8.
The National Strategy for Biodiversity focuses on the following strategic objectives:
1. By 2020, to guarantee the conservation of biodiversity, meaning the variety of living organisms, their ge-
netic variability and the ecological complexes of which they are a part, and ensure the protection and the
reinstatement of the ecosystem services, in order to ensure their key role for life on Earth and for human
2. By 2020, to substantially reduce the impact of climate change on biodiversity within the national territory, by
defining the necessary measures of adaptation relative to the induced changes and the mitigation of their
effects, as well as increasing the resilience of the natural and semi-natural ecosystems;
3. By 2020, to integrate the conservation of biodiversity into economic and sectorial policies, also including
employment opportunities and social development, by reinforcing the understanding of the benefits of the
ecosystem services resulting from it and the awareness of the costs of losing these.
With regard to the identification of the sites to be included in the Natura 2000 network, in a first phase, the
Ministry of the Environment has promoted and coordinated the creation of a computerized census of sites
of Community Interest and of National and Regional Interest, through a specific research programme called
“Bioitaly”, leaving the subsequent phase of designation and updating to the individual Regions and autono-
mous Provinces.
The Tuscan Regional Authority has approved the delimitation of boundaries of the sites identified in the Bioitaly
Project, and with Regional Council Resolution n. 342, dated November 10, 1998 and Tuscan Regional Law n.
56/2000 (Regulations for the conservation and protection of natural and semi-natural habitats and of wild flora
and fauna), it equipped itself with a regulatory tool for protecting biodiversity, acknowledging the strategic role
of the sites of Community, National and Regional Importance. This law identifies certain types of habitats and
species considered to be of regional interest but not included in the annexes of the EU directives. In this context,
the different types of sites (pSCI, SPA, SRI, SNI) were collectively classified as Sites of Regional Importance (SRI).
The term “Sites of Regional Importance” therefore indicates those classified as Sites of Community Importance
(SCI), Special Protection Areas (SPA) and the other sites, classified exclusively as sri (sites of regional interest).
Tuscan Regional Law n. 56/2000 extends the rules pursuant to Presidential Decree 357/97 and its subsequent
amendments or revisions to all Sites of Regional Importance (SRI).
It should also be noted that, in accordance with EU and national measures, the Tuscan Regional Authority has
explicitly outlined the main conservation measures to be adopted in the Sites of Regional Importance through the
approval of Regional Decree n. 644/2004 and has identified a list of shared minimum criteria for drafting con-
servation measures relative to special areas of conservation (SAC) and special protection areas (SPA), through
the approval of Regional Decree n. 454/2008.
In the last five years, the Tuscan Regional Authority has finally drafted a “Regional Biodiversity Conservation
Action Plan”, in keeping with the provisions of the National Strategy for Biodiversity and in collaboration with the
WWF Italy. The process of drafting the Action Plan, which was launched in 2008 and ended in December 2011,
saw numerous participants involved, both institutional (Regional Departments, Provincial Authorities, Nature
Reserve Managing bodies, Universities, Research Institutes, State Forestry Department) and non-institutional
(Environmental Protection Associations, Companies and technicians of the Sector).
Based on the results of the work carried out, the Regional Authority has defined the Regional Biodiversity
Strategy currently being approved as an integral part of the Regional Environmental and Energy Plan (REEP
2013-15)9. Some of the key goals of the plan include “B. Protecting and promoting Territorial Resources, Nature
and Biodiversity”, and the detailed goals “B. 1 Increasing usability and sustainable management of the protected
areas and preserving terrestrial and marine biodiversity”.
The knowledge base for the Regional Strategy consists of two Nature Directories: ReNaTo (Natural Repertoire of
Tuscany), relating to the flora, fauna and vegetation in the territory of Tuscany, edited by the “La Specola” Natural
History Museum at the University of Florence and BioMarT, on vulnerable biocoenosis and rare species found
in the sea off Tuscany, edited by the ARPAT (Tuscany Regional Environmental Protection Agency) Leghorn sea
section and by the “La Specola” Natural History Museum at the University of Florence.
A precise and detailed definition of the term “wetlands” can be found in the Convention on Wetlands of Interna-
tional Importance10, signed in Ramsar (Iran) on 2 February 1971 by a group of countries, scientific institutions
and international organisations. Article 1 of the Convention states that: “Pursuant to this Convention, the term
wetlands includes swamps and marshes, peats or basins, whether natural, artificial, permanent or temporary,
with stagnant or flowing fresh, brackish or salt water, including areas of seawater with depths, at low tide, that
do not exceed six metres”.
These areas are therefore a transition zone between water and land, and are characterized by the following
distinctive features: high productivity (in terms of biomass); extremely rapid biological cycles; high biodiversity.
As a consequence of these characteristics, the numerous ecological functions performed by wetlands range
from storage of carbon dioxide, phyto-purification, microclimate stabilization and the reduction of flood risks, to
mention just a few11.
Over time, the surfaces occupied by the wetlands have been progressively reduced to make room for crop cul-
tivation and urban expansion (industry, building, infrastructures). It is estimated that, in Roman times, the area
occupied by wetlands in Italy amounted to 3,000,000 ha (corresponding to about 10% of the national territory),
while the currently represent only 2% of the national territory (although, on the other hand, they host to 31% of
the species belonging to Italian birdlife12).
This reduction can be attributed to the repeated attempts to reclaim land, running from the Roman period right
up to the 1960s, in order to accommodate the expansion of agriculture and urbanisation, for industry and infra-
structures in what are particularly attractive areas: wetlands are, by nature and origin, concentrated in flat, fertile
lands, where the introduction of machinery has greatly facilitated these profound territorial changes. Alongside
the land reclamation, attempts were also made to reduce the risk of flooding by regulating watercourses and
sanitary rehabilitation; given that the vast marshlands were known for their unhealthy conditions (we only have
to think back to the spread of malaria).
In this changed environment, even the small wetlands (IAP - Important Areas for Ponds) not included in the Ram-
sar Convention constitute an important resource for the conservation of biodiversity, hosting around 200 species
protected by European, national and/or regional legislation, including approximately 80 species of aquatic birds,
Following the water course16
60 species of aquatic plants, over 20 species of amphibians, more than 15 species of aquatic invertebrates, five
species of reptiles, three species of mammals and one species of fish. These have a fundamental function of
connectivity between freshwater habitats, since they can serve as “stepping stones” for many migratory species
or dispersing species13.
With regard to the minor hydrographical network (with explicit reference in this context to the Apennine water-
ways, which are mostly torrential), these undoubtedly play a role in the conservation of biodiversity.
The mountain streams involved in the project (as well as most of the hillside ones) in the Prato and Bologna
territories are located in areas that are particularly suited to protecting the species that they host, since they
are situated on steep slopes with very few roads and are sparsely inhabited. In fact, urbanisation and industrial
development in the Province of Prato, both in the distant past and more recently (from the post-war period
onwards), has been concentrated in the Bisenzio valley and particularly in the vast flat area where the Bisenzio,
the Ombrone Pistoiese and Arno rivers merge together. Similarly, urbanization, industrial and artisan activities in
the Bologna area developed mainly in the lower Reno valley.
Along with the gradual depopulation of mountain areas, this has made it possible to maintain species and
habitats of conservation interest present in the Apennines in satisfactory ecological conditions and provide
interesting opportunities for conservation measures to protect them.
A combination of factors led to the idea of participating in the LIFE 2007 public tender with the “Water SCIs”
project, including:
- The availability of reliable, in-depth and up-to-date knowledge on the conservation status of species and
habitats present in the respective territories of jurisdiction, gathered by the Provincial Authority of Prato and
by the Lakes Suviana and Brasimone Natural Park (Park of Lakes) during their official activities (for exam-
ple, the collection entitled “Biodiversity in the Province of Prato” and the ARCA project: http://mapserver.;
- The presence, both in the Province and in the Lakes Suviana and Brasimone Natural Park, of a working
group consisting of competent and motivated people, open to cross-institutional collaboration with the local
administration of the neighbouring territories;
- The need, expressed by the European Commission and by the Tuscan Regional Authority (Communication
Protocol n. 38338/2004), to protect species of fish that are insufficiently represented in the Natura 2000
Network sites attributed to the Mediterranean Bio-geographical Region, including: Lampetra planeri, Leu-
ciscus lucumonis, Rutilus rubilio, Barbus plebejus, Padogobius nigricans, Cottus gobio and the consequent
invitation, addressed to the Provincial Administrations concerned, to express their opinion regarding the
designation and consequent inclusion of the SRI (sites of regional importance) and protected areas listed
above (including the “Alto Carigiola” Protected Area and the Acquerino-Cantagallo Nature Reserve
Ed.) in the European Ecological Network Natura 2000;
- The need to place the wetlands in the Prato plains area under greater protection, as sites of strategic
importance for bird fauna, particularly during migration phases, due to their geographical location (close to
the Apennine mountain range);
- The willingness of the local administrations involved to accept the challenge of participating in a selective
and competitive procedure at European level in the nature conservation field, and to take charge of the
subsequent operational and administrative management of the project, if we won the tender;
- The previous experience gained by the staff of the Provincial Authority of Prato in managing a community
project, in the role of beneficiary coordinator (LIFE project NAT/IT/007170 “Habio”).
This was the inspiration for the project, based on a proposal made to the Tuscan Regional Authority to designate
two new sites as part of the Natura 2000 network. The aim was to provide a greater guarantee of protection to
several precious Apennine areas (and the waterways and species/habitats present within them) and to a few
minor wetlands remaining in the plain, in this second case, by expanding the already existing “Ponds of the
Florentine Plain” SCI/SPA/SRI and making it the current “Ponds of the Florentine and Prato plain” SCI/SPA/SRI.
Within these newly established sites, we proposed implementing a series of environmental improvement meas-
ures to make them more suitable for bird populations to stopover and nest and for the survival of amphibian
species, the local populations of which showed a marked decline trend.
In fact, the project’s ultimate goal is “to improve the conservation status of the Species of Community Interest
that are not adequately represented or are exposed to risks in the upper Apennine area and in the plain sur-
rounding Prato, namely:
- Various species of birds protected by the EU “Birds” Directive (79/409/EEC, later replaced by 2009/147/EEC)
and the amphibian Triturus carnifex, included in Annexe II of the EU “Habitats” Directive (92/43/EEC), present in
the wetlands of the Prato plain between the Arno and Ombrone Pistoiese rivers;
- The White-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes*), species with a high conservation priority, and the fish
species, Cottus gobio, both included in Annexe II of the EU “Habitats” Directive (92/43/EEC) and present in the
streams of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines.
To achieve this goal, we planned the following project activities:
a) Conservation measures for the target bird and amphibian species:
• Expansion of the surface area of the current wetlands in order to create suitable habitats for feeding, nesting
and wintering of the target species of birds;
• Recovery of lake shores and creation of buffer zones around the wetlands to mitigate the negative impact
of various human activities and infrastructures;
• Improving the management of wetlands in the Plain, their water levels and lake shores;
• Expansion of the “Ponds of the Florentine plain” Special Protection Area (code IT5140011) to include the
main wetlands present in the territory of the Province of Prato, useful for the conservation of species of birds
and amphibians protected by the EC Directives;
• Approval of a Natura 2000 Management Plan for the new SPA, in order to ensure a long-term commitment
towards the conservation objectives.
b) Actions related to the target species of fish and astacidae:
• Restoring water continuity in several Apennine streams by creating fish ladders to encourage the spread
of C. gobio;
• Facilitating the growth of fish and invertebrate populations by creating sites that are suitable for natural
reproduction (in-situ) and hatchery reproduction (ex-situ);
• Expanding the “Lakes Suviana and Brasimone” pSCI (code IT4050020) to include important areas for the
survival of the A. pallipes* and C. gobio populations of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, as well as other
important habitats and species of Community interest.
Following the water course18
c) Actions to raise public awareness and promote the conservation of the target species:
• Environmental education initiatives aimed at schools and citizens in general, designed to provide knowledge
of the target species and habitats and their ecology, as well as the actions put into place thanks to the
“Water SCIs” LIFE project to improve their conservation status;
• Printing and distributing publications about the project (brochure, the fisherman’s handbook, final publica-
• Installing Notice Boards and setting up a website to raise public awareness of the importance of protecting
the wetlands in the Plain and the upper Apennine waterways, for the conservation of Species of Community
These actions aimed to achieve the following results:
a) With reference to the conservation of target species of birds and amphibians:
• Stabilizing the presence of bird species of Community interest in the Prato plain, to be monitored through
the number of wintering species, recurrent migratory species, nesting species, and the number of speci-
mens for species sampled before, during and at the end of the project;
• Redeveloping 10 ha of wetlands, in order to allow for the conservation of target species of birds and am-
• Redeveloping 6.5 ha of lake shores, for nature conservation purposes;
• Enlarging (by at least 300 ha) the “Ponds of the Florentine plain” SPA (Nat2000 code: IT5140011);
• Obtaining approval for the Natura 2000 Management Plan for the enlarged SPA.
b) With reference to the conservation of fish and astacidae target species:
• Creating fish ladders to facilitate the spread of C. gobio;
• Increasing the numbers and reproductive ability of the A. pallipes* and C. gobio populations in the Tuscan-
Emilian Apennines;
• Constructing a fish hatchery for the reproduction of target fish and astacidae species;
• Obtaining approval for conservation Action Plans for the target species;
• Enlarging (by at least 2,500 ha) the “Lakes Suviana and Brasimone” SCI (Nat2000 code: IT4050020).
c) With reference to the “public awareness” actions:
• Raising awareness about the key role played by residual wetlands in the plain around Prato and the water-
courses in the upper Apennines, aimed at the conservation of Species of Community Interest.
General information
The territory involved in the project is characterized by a rather complex topography and orography, which play
an important role in defining the climate around the whole basin.
The orientation of the Apennine mountain range on the one hand ensures protection from the cold and normally
dry currents coming from the north-east and, on the other hand, a particular response to the damp currents
from the south-west. Tuscany’s climate varies, ranging from typically Mediterranean to moderately hot and cold,
mainly following the gradients related to the altitude, latitude and distance from the sea. The seasonal break-
down of average rainfall identifies the territory in question as a sub-coastal system, with the maximum levels in
autumn and spring and the minimum in summer.
In addition to the presence of the Apennines, the climate in the Province of Prato is influenced by the north-
south orientation of the Bisenzio river, which flows in the valley of the same name, enclosed between the hills of
Calvana (on the left bank) and those of Monteferrato (on the right bank) channelling the winds of the northern
quadrants over the plain. The flat area, where the development of settlements and industry were focused, is
part of the broader floodplain (called the Florence-Prato-Pistoia plain) and was probably created about 50,000
years ago in the Middle Pleistocene period where the Bisenzio and Ombrone Pistoiese rivers join the Arno. At the
time, the plain must have been a waterlogged basin punctuated by stretches of shallow water, alternating with
patches of vegetation, swamps and streams, meandering in places and in other places fragmented into dozens
of little still minor watercourses14.
Temperature and precipitation
For the characterization of temperature and rainfall in the Prato plain, reference was made to the Centre “Flor-
ence-Peretola” Observatory. Average annual monthly temperature trends are shown in the charts below.
Tab. 1 – Diagram of tem-
perature and rainfall in Prato
(data from the regional hy-
drological service).
20 Following the water course
The trend, with a rather irregular pattern, shows the highest maximum monthly temperatures of just over 31°
C in the months of July and August and minimum temperatures in the month of January (Min. temp. = 2.8°C).
These values indicate pronounced seasonal temperature variation with cold winters and hot summers, identify-
ing this lowland area with a temperate sub-continental climate type (annual temperature variation of over 19°C).
From the average monthly rainfall trend you can see that the autumn months have the highest rainfall, with a
seasonal average of around 100 mm of rain.
Relative humidity was quite high both in summer and in winter, with an average value of 70.25%.
The Walter-Lieth climogram represents the trend of monthly rainfall and average monthly temperatures in a
single graph, making it easy to see the main features of a climate system, especially relative to any dry periods.
When building the climogram in ordered sequence, the following are represented: I) to the right is monthly
rainfall in millimetres and II) to the left are the monthly average temperatures in degrees Celsius; III) the x-axis
indicates the months of the year, from January to December.
The diagram shows a dry period in the graph area bordered by the intersections between the rainfall and tem-
perature curves; the resulting water deficit is proportional to the duration and intensity of the dry period. From
a bioclimatic point of view, it is important to know when this period occurs during the year. At the mid latitudes,
where plant species have their dormant period in winter, a dry period during the winter months has no effect;
conversely, a dry period in summer (as in the regions with a Mediterranean climate, where the minimum rainfall
coincides with the hottest season) has considerable effects on vegetative growth and leads to the selection of
species with suitable anatomical and physiological adaptations.
Tab. 2 – Walter-Lieth climo-
graph diagram. The area de-
limited by the intersections
of the two curves highlights
the dry period.
21The territory involved in the “Water SCIs” life project
For the territory of Prato, the diagram represented in Tab. 2 shows a regular dry period in the month of July; in
fact, we can see how in this period the minimum rainfall coincides with the maximum temperature.
The Apennine area had more rainfall than the plains (with figures of over 1,000 mm per year everywhere), de-
spite their similar trend: rainfall is concentrated in autumn (October-December) and spring, while minimum rain-
fall occurs during the summer. There is a typically mountain climate in the Apennines, where there is often snow
in the winter. In summer, the area is often affected by moderate thunderstorm activity, of a thermal-convective
type, which sometimes also deviated into the lowland area.
For geologists, the northern Apennines represent an orogenetic mountain range of recent formation (in geologi-
cal terms): its most important stages in its structure and elevation took place over the last 35 million years.
The geological edifice of the northern Apennines, along with the Alps, is part of that important and complex
orogenetic belt known as alpine, which extends from Spain/North Africa (Gibraltar) through the Alps and the
Himalayas, as far as Indonesia.
According to theories deriving from lithospheric plate tectonics, this orogenetic belt in the Mediterranean area
is the result of the convergence (Late Cretaceous – Mid Eocene) and subsequent collision (Late Eocene - Oli-
gocene) of the Paleo-African continent (or the Adria microplate) with the European continent, which, due to the
subduction of the oceanic crust below the European margin, caused the disappearance of the Jurassic Ocean,
namely the Tethys Ocean, that separated them.
Today’s forms of elevation in this region are the result of a complex series of geological events that occurred
over tens of millions of years (=My). There were two particularly important stages in the geological history of
the northern Apennines:
1) 27-10 My: Formation of the Apennine orogenic range as a result of compression phenomena that led to the
overlapping of rocky masses (structural units or strata) from the Mesozoic-tertiary period pertaining to different
areas of sedimentation (paleo-geographic domains), with distances between each other of 150 miles or more
from the place in which we find them today (non-native units).
2) 10 My – to date: Elevation and relaxation of the orogenic edifice with the formation of valleys (graben) and
mountain ridges (horst), mostly oriented in parallel with the development of the range (NW-SE), and delimited
by systems of fractures (faults).
The geological formations present are predominantly impervious, made up of clay, marl, shale clay, marly lime-
stone and compact sandstone. The distinctly permeable part of the basin does not exceed 5% of the entire
surface. Overall, the rocks making up the Arno basin are easily eroded. The colouring of the flowing waters,
which is usually yellowish, is itself an indication of a strong suspended load stream capacity. This results in a
strong tendency towards denudation of the basin, despite the fact that Tuscany, as a whole, is one of the regions
richest in wooded areas with respect to the overall agricultural and forestry surface area.
The complex tectonic history of Tuscany is also reflected in a wide variety of geological formations that emerge
in the basin of the River Arno. They are mostly sedimentary, as they are linked to the widespread deposition
phenomena relative to an extensional dynamic, and are also subject to magmatic and metamorphic phenomena,
which can be attributed mainly to the units linked to the compressive phases. Due to the convergence between
the African and European plates, large masses of oceanic crust and its relative sedimentary cover (accumulated
over millions of years) were deformed and pushed over portions of continental crust, also covered by thousands
22 Following the water course
of meters of marine sediments deposited over millions of years. Once these two rock masses had overlapped,
when the horizontal forces due to the convergence of the plates were exhausted, the rock masses were im-
pacted by the development of faults and fractures that led to the formation of a basin, which, when filled with
geologically recent river and lake sediments, gave rise to the Prato plain14.
Tectonic Units
Studies conducted in the territory of the Province of Prato made it possible to establish the presence of rocks
that emerged from at least five different overlapping tectonic units, to form the orogenic edifice, characteristic
of this part of the northern Apennines. Hence, the rocks observed come from sequences, originally deposited
in contiguity, that were deformed and dislocated from their original position by the horizontal tectonic thrusts,
thereby forming tectonic units (or “scaglie”- meaning thin layers like scales or flakes) stacked upon each other.
The tectonic units recognizable in the Province of Prato are, from bottom to top: the Castiglion dei Pepoli unit,
the Cervarola-Falterona unit, the Tuscan Nappe unit, the Monte Morello unit and the Sestola-Vidiciatico unit.
Above these units are the sedimentary deposits that accumulated during or after the last phases of deformation:
river-lake deposits in the Prato plain, terraced deposits, etc.14.
The areas involved in the project are partly in the catchment sub-basin of Valdarno Medio, a part of the national
hydrographic basin of the River Arno, and partly in the catchment basin of the River Reno. The Valdarno Medio
sub-basin, which includes a large part of the territory of the Province of Prato, originates downstream of Pon-
tassieve, including the sub-basins of the River Bisenzio, the right bank of the River Ombrone and the left banks
of the River Greve and the River Ema (Fig. 1). The confluence of the Arno and Ombrone rivers determines the
closure of the sub-basin. The basin of the River Reno, on the other hand, affects the high part of the Apennines
in the Province of Prato (the Limentra torrent in the Municipality of Cantagallo and the Setta stream in the Mu-
nicipality of Vernio) and the territory of the Province of Bologna (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1 – Catchment basin of
the River Arno.
23The territory involved in the “Water SCIs” life project
Fig. 2 – Catchment basin of
the River Reno.
Among the expected results, the Community project included the enlargement of the “Ponds of the Floren-
tine plain” SPA (Nat2000 code: IT5140011) and the “Suviana and Brasimone Lakes” SCI (Nat2000 code:
IT4050020) to encompass the areas affected by environmental improvement interventions. Right from the
initial phases of the project, based on the detailed naturalistic studies carried out between 2000 and 2008, the
Provincial Authority of Prato and the Tuscan Regional Authority were able to define the boundaries of the new
Nature 2000 areas.
The SCI/SPA/SRI “Ponds of the Florentine and Prato plain” (Natura 2000 code: IT5140011), in the territory of
the Province of Prato, consists of three separate core areas (A, B, C in the figure below) located near the course
of the River Ombrone, on the left bank, to the south west and to the west of the town of Prato, on land situated
primarily in the administrative territory of the Municipality of Prato and are also subject to the Municipality of
Poggio a Caiano. The current surface area of the site is the result of the enlargement, by about 557 ha, of the
previous “Ponds of the Florentine plain” SCI/SPA/SRI (established in 1998 by Regional Council Resolution n.
342), pursuant to Regional Council Resolution n. 80/2009, based on a proposal put forward by the Provincial
Authority of Prato.
The site currently covers a total of about 1,902 hectares, located at an altitude of between 32 and 91 m above
sea level. The most important infrastructure is the A11 Motorway (Firenze-Mare), located in the north-eastern
area of the site. The “Cascine di Tavola” Nature Reserve of Local Interest is entirely included within the Prato
part of the SCI/SPA/SRI. The SCI/SPA/SRI IT5140011 is included in the Mediterranean Bio-geographical Region.
Fig. 3 – Location of the op-
erations included and the
proposed boundaries for the
enlargement of the “Ponds
of the Florentine plain”
SPA (Natura 2000 code:
26 Following the water course
The “Prato Apennine” pSCI (Natura 2000 code: IT5150003) is entirely included within the territory of the prov-
ince of Prato, occupying a total surface area of 4,191 hectares of mountainous territory, and is characterized by
well-maintained forest areas.
The ecosystems of the watercourses, particularly of
the Limentra di Treppio, Carigiola, Trogola and Can-
vella torrents and the upper course of the Setta and
the Bisenzio rivers, have an excellent conservation
status in terms of water quality and the presence
of shrub and tree riparian vegetation, as well as the
herpetofauna, astacofauna and ichthyofauna that it
hosts. The site was designated by Regional Council
Resolution n. 80/2009 based on a proposal put for-
ward by the Provincial Authority of Prato.
The site includes the “Alto Carigiola e Monte delle
Scalette” Nature Reserve of Local Interest, includ-
ing the territory of the Municipalities of Vernio and
Cantagallo and the “Acquerino-Cantagallo” Provincial
Nature Reserve, which is entirely inside the territory
of the Municipality of Cantagallo. The western and
northern boundaries of pSCI IT5150003 coincide
respectively with those of the “Tre Limentre-Reno”
pSCI (Natura 2000 code: IT5130009), in the Province
of Pistoia and those of the “Suviana and Brasimone
Lakes” pSCI (Natura 2000 code: IT4050020), in the
Province of Bologna, forming a vast portion (approxi-
mately 15,453 hectares) of Apennine territory entirely
protected by the “Habitats” Directive.
Fig. 5 – Location of the operations included and proposed bounda-
ries for the designation of the “Prato Apennine” SCI (Natura 2000
code: IT5150003).
Fig. 4 – Map of the Mediter-
ranean Bio-geographical
27“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
Analysis of the presence, numbers and distribution relative to the target species in areas involved in the project
(as well as their state of conservation and the possible presence of native and alien competitors) constitutes an
essential prerequisite for the correct planning of any concrete conservation action. In fact, a sufficiently exten-
sive knowledge base on the ecological conditions of the species and habitats present and the dynamics involved,
including any threats or pressure factors, is essential for any intervention in the territory.
The territory included in the project, in the case of the Prato plain, consists of an area which has been strongly
affected by human activity and which runs into the Florentine and Pistoia plains. It is characterized by the
presence of highly fragmented semi-natural areas (residual agricultural areas and artificial wetlands, some of
which are used for hunting purposes) in the context of a highly urbanised area. Despite the limited naturalistic
value of these elements when taken individually, the ecological importance of the area should be seen in the
context of an ecological network, the primary, secondary and potential nodes of which combine together to form
a single functional unit. This area is, in fact, very important for the reproduction and migration of birds. It has
been included in the European network of I.B.A (Important Bird Areas) and its role is one of national importance
for the wintering of the Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis), the Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis), the Squacco heron
(Ardeola ralloides), the Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) and it is of regional importance for the White
heron (Ardea cinerea)15.
The Prato plain wetlands are, therefore, home to numerous species, which also vary considerably in number and
abundance from year to year, depending on the size of the migratory bird populations passing through. Thus,
from the start-up phase of the project and based on emerging evidence during preliminary studies, we decided,
by implementing the environmental improvement actions anticipated, to focus mainly on species included in
Annex I of the “Birds” Directive (2009/147/EC) observed (sometimes sporadically) in the territory, with particular
regard to the following: the Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca), the Night heron (Nycticorax nictycorax), the Little
egret (Egretta garzetta), the Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus), the Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) and the
Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio).
The project also aims to improve the conservation status of Species of Community Interest which are not present
Fig. 6 – Map of the Mediter-
ranean Bio-geographical
28 Following the water course
in sufficient numbers or are exposed to risks in the upper Apennine area and on the plain surrounding Prato,
with specific reference to the following target animal species: the Italian crested Newt (Triturus carnifex), the
White-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) and the European bullhead (Cottus gobio), protected by the
“Habitats” Directive (92/43/EC).
The implementation of preliminary analysis was entrusted to a group of companies including StudioSilva in
Bologna, Bioprogramm in Padua and Comunità Ambiente in Rome, following a public tender. As part of these
studies, a standard protocol was developed for the technical and scientific monitoring of the target species and
was used to assess the conservation status of the populations of these species throughout the project cycle and
the effects of the active conservation measures implemented.
Similarly, on the Bologna side of the Apennines, preliminary investigations of C. gobio and A. pallipes were
conducted by Dr. Giuliano Gandolfi, an ichthyologist commissioned by the Parco Regionale dei Laghi Suviana
e Brasimone (Lakes Suviana and Brasimone Natural Park), and by a team of experts from the Department of
Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (BiGeE) of the University of Bologna.
The bibliographical studies and preliminary campaign surveys were carried out in the period from November
2009 to June 2010. The results, recorded in the summary that follows, were included in a special report, as well
as in paragraph 2.1.3 of the Action Plan for the conservation of A. pallipes and C. Gobio approved by the Lakes
Suviana and Brasimone Natural Park. Both documents can be downloaded from the project Internet website:
Systematics and identification
Cottids, which are only found in the northern hemi-
sphere and have a circumpolar distribution area, are
usually benthic animals with a fusiform body and a
big head, often compressed in the dorso-ventral di-
rection. The eyes are positioned at the top of the head
and are close to each other, and the mouth is wide.
The skin is almost completely devoid of scales, but
there are barbs or tubercles on the body, concen-
trated particularly on the head. They have two dorsal
fins and the pectoral fins are usually large and fan-
shaped. A lateral line along the sides is the typical fish sense organ, formed by a canal that runs along the side
of the animal. In this family it is sometimes incomplete or interrupted in several points. The swim bladder is
absent16. C. gobio is a very ancient member of European fish fauna and can be traced as far back as before the
Pleistocene era17. Of the over 1,200 species of Scorpaeniformes, only just over 50 live in fresh water and the
vast majority of these are Cottids (although this family does include a large number of marine species18). The
European bullhead is a species that is small size, no more than 15 cm in length19. It has a rather wide mouth
and prominent cheeks. Its colour varies from brown to greenish with darker marks spread over the entire surface
of the body. This species only has a small number of barbs near the pectoral fins. If carrying out a superficial
examination, the European bullhead may be confused with the Goby, given the general similarity between the
two species, but the different shape of the ventral fins (which are divided in the European bullhead) and the
total lack of scales, in addition to its slightly larger size, make this species unmistakable on closer examination.
Fig. 7 – Cottus gobio (Linnaeus, 1758)
29“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
Distribution and presence in the study area
The European bullhead is a widely distributed species in Europe and is commonly found from the Pyrenees to the Urals
and from Scandinavia to Northern and Central Italy20. As far as Italy is concerned, the European bullhead, despite its
patchy distribution, is present throughout the Alps and also in the Apennine watercourses, on both the Tyrrhenian and
the Adriatic sides, speaking of which it is useful to remember that this species is considered native to both of the two most
important Italian ichthyofaunistic areas. This is actually an approximation because there is currently insufficient data
with which to attribute the certain autochthony of the species to one of the two areas. Scientific research based on mo-
lecular analysis is currently under way with the aim of clarifying the geographic origin of the species and its distribution.
In the territory of the Province of Prato, the European Bullhead has been observed both in the sub-basin of the
Limentra and Setta torrents, which are both part of the Reno River basin (Adriatic side), as well as in the sub-basin
of the Bisenzio river, belonging to the basin of the Arno river (Tyrrhenian side). This information has been integrated
from censuses conducted in the field, carried out at nine stations placed on the main bodies of water present in the
study area, by means of the “electrofishing” technique, using a fixed electrical stunner, powered by pulsed direct
current and modulated voltage (0.3-3 Amp, 150-600 Volt, 2,500 W) and a shoulder-carried electrical stunner,
powered by pulsed direct current and modulated voltage (3.8-7 Amp, 300 - 500 Volt, 1,300 W).
The species was found in all the stations investigated, with biomass and density estimated as variable. The
tables below show the values detected at the nine survey stations.
The populations studied in the watercourses of the Bologna side (conducted by monitoring 10 sampling points),
turned out to be very articulate and abundant, with the exception of the station along the Brasimone river in the
locality of Lavaccioni di Sotto, where there was evidence of a population that was unstructured and numerically
small. A single specimen of European bullhead was discovered along the stream of Bago. It was unclear whether
or not this was a one-time happening, due to the activity of reshuffling of the fish fauna, or if a stable, structured
population existed along the watercourse being investigated.
Presence of possible native or alien competitors
The competitors of the C. gobio are effectively all predators, specifically Ichthyophagi like the salmonid fauna
that generally populate the same distribution areas. The information on the presence and number of competitors
was extrapolated from the direct surveys performed in the field with the aim of monitoring and thus improving
the target species’ ability to spread, for in-situ and ex-situ reproduction. In the geographic area studied, the only
salmonid present was the Sea trout, which, from a feeding point of view, is an opportunist. In fact, it eats what-
ever nature offers in the greatest amounts: mainly macro-invertebrates, but also small fish like the European
bullhead. The literature makes it clear that the fish preyed upon account for only a small percentage of the food
ingested by the trout21,22, or even nothing at all23. Based on studies conducted in the Veneto region, specifically
in the Piave river and its major tributaries in the province of Belluno, where the European bullhead is very well-
distributed and abundant, it was noticed that the Marble trout greatly prefers ichthyophagi, compared to the Sea
trout and to the specimens that are hybrids of the two species22, while from studies carried out in province of
Treviso, it appears that the sea trout and the rainbow trout have similar stomach contents21.
As well as the predation factor, the European bullhead presumably also establishes a sort of feeding competition
with the salmonids. In fact, the European bullhead feeds mainly on benthic invertebrates, small fish and fry, as
well as the eggs of other species. For the proper protection and management of the European bullhead, special
attention should therefore be paid to the repopulation of salmonids carried out for fishing purposes.
Confirming this, research carried out in the watercourses on the Bologna side led to the capture, in various cir-
cumstances, of non-native salmonids along the Brasimone river in the locality of Mangiamele and, in particular,
of some mixed phenotypes, probably attributable to hybrids forms of Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) mixed
with Sea trout [Salmo (trutta) trutta] in varying degrees. These discoveries were interpreted as a clear sign of
inadequate management of the repopulation carried out in the water course, probably due to propagation ma-
30 Following the water course
terials of questionable origin and poor quality.
To this end, we requested the Provincial Authority of Bologna to immediately suspend any fish fauna propagation
not specifically authorized and not oriented towards the goals of the LIFE project, for the duration of the Project
itself. Moreover, the Fish Commission of the Basin should be informed and the measures adopted should be
inserted into the provisions put into effect by the Provincial Fish Plan. The suspension requested involved the
Limentra di Treppio torrent and its tributaries, from the closing embankment of the river basin of Suviana to the
regional border, and the stretch of the Brasimone torrent inside the perimeter of the Lakes Suviana and Brasi-
mone Natural Park and its tributaries.
Conservation status in the study area
The conservation status of this species was estimated by taking into account the size of the populations, de-
duced both from the historical reconstruction of their presence and from direct censuses conducted as part of
the “Water SCIs” LIFE project”.
From the data collected at the various research stations on the Prato side, the species proved to have a good
conservation in some stretches of the Apennine water courses.
As far as the Bologna side was concerned, on the whole, the populations of C. gobio found proved to be very
Tab. 3 – Estimated density
and Biomass, 2010.
31“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
well-structured and abundant, highlighting what is considered to be a green conservation status, apart from
some exceptions related to the stations at Lavaccioni di sotto, along the Brasimone torrent (amber conservation
status), and at the Bago brook (red conservation status).
Systematics and identification
A. pallipes poses considerable difficulties from a
systematics point of view and has been the object of
numerous taxonomic reviews, conducted mainly on
the alpine populations24,25,26. Through the analysis of
morphological and meristic features, the molecular
analysis through alloenzymes and the evaluation of
genetic variability, numerous different species and
subspecies were defined in each specific case. From
a general point of view, reference is currently made
to an A. pallipes species complex characterized by
various mitochondrial lines in different Italian bio-ge-
ographical areas25. The importance of the molecular
typing of the various populations is particularly justified by the fact that, today, Italy is considered a “hotspot” of
biodiversity for this taxon, at European level. The existence of four distinct haplotypes of A. pallipes in Italy, which
are not supported by differentiation in terms of a nuclear genome nor, above all, are they informative with regard
to a precise phylo-geographic distribution, has led to a systematic review of the taxon and the proposed exist-
ence of the single species of A. pallipes27. Here, in this volume, we will be using the traditional nomenclature28
(Souty-Grosset et al., 2006).
A. pallipes is a medium-large sized species (maximum size of approximately 12 cm total length) and it varies
in colour from to light to dark brown or olive green. The largest of its appendages are the pincers. These have
multiple functions: capturing and manipulating prey, defence against predators, reproductive activities (mating
and competition with other males), as well as intra and interspecies combat. This species must not be confused
with the invasive species, Procambarus clarkii, present in numerous areas of Tuscany and characterized by its
large size, lateral red-violet colour and almost black dorsal colour.
The White-clawed crayfish lives in mountain watercourses (up to a height of 1,260 m in southern Switzerland),
thanks to its ability to resist at low temperatures. However, the temperature of the water must not go below
10°C, in order to allow its young to develop normally. The temperature also has a strong impact of the species’
activities, which fall to almost zero during the winter. This species is very sensitive to chemical pollution and
is, therefore, considered a good indicator of healthy water conditions29. The most important requirement of this
species, from a chemical point of view, is that there be a minimum oxygen concentration of at least 6 ppm (a
saturation value of 60% is optimal) and a quantity of calcium not inferior to 2.8 ppm. In fact, calcium is a decid-
edly limiting factor for the Crayfish, as it is necessary for hardening the exoskeleton after shedding. The activity
of this species is predominantly nocturnal30. As for other freshwater crustaceans, nocturnal habits are consid-
ered an adaptation that allows them escape from predators whose hunting is based on sight, including several
species of fish, birds and mammals. The natural shelters in which these macro-invertebrates take refuge, also
from their conspecifics, are the roots of trees near the river banks, vegetal detritus and large pebbles. Mating
Fig. 8 – Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet, 1858)
32 Following the water course
take place in autumn and it is possible to find egg-laying females from December to June. Every female retains
the fertilized eggs (approx. 40-150) below her abdomen. Larval development is direct and the larvae remain
stuck to the female until to the third stage, after which they leave and lead an independent life. Sexual maturity
is reached after 2-3 years. The diet of this species, which plays a fundamental role in the food webs of the
freshwater ecosystems29, consists of animal matter, such as the larvae of insects, fish and other dead animals,
as well as fresh vegetable matter, like moss, and debris.
Distribution and presence in the study area
The White-clawed crayfish is present throughout the Italian territory, with the exception of parts of Calabria
and Puglia. The species is present in the northern part of the province of Prato, in the municipalities of Vernio,
Cantagallo and Vaiano. The conservation status, estimated on the basis of both historical reconstruction of its
presence and based on the direct censuses carried out as part of this project can be considered quite good,
even though it currently has a limited distribution area.
Historical data available on the White-clawed crayfish was collected from the “Carta ittica (fish map) of the
Province of Prato” updated as of 2008, from a technical report regarding the distribution of protected species
(ex-Tuscan Regional Law n. 56, dated 6 April 2000) and by consulting local experts. An initial monitoring activity,
performed using the technique of electrical fishing, gave poor results. This was followed by other monitoring
activities, during the course of the project, carried out by expert staff through manual censuses.
In the territory of the Province of Bologna, the presence of the White-clawed crayfish proved to be limited to just
a few stations, with highly fragmented distribution, in some cases of a puntiform nature, and numerically small.
In particular, it must be noted that the species was not detected within the main branch of the Limentra di Trep-
pio torrent, where the species had been common in the past31. This phenomenon, which is difficult to interpret
without a solid foundation of data, can be generically traced back to the strong pressure of extraction to which
the species was subjected in previous years, to changes in the hydrological regime of the watercourse with sud-
den large-scale flooding events or to the uncontrolled, over-densifying trout repopulation events, which probably
led to considerable predation, especially of young specimens and adults in the shedding phase.
Lastly, the discovery of breeding grounds of Aphanomyces astaci or “crayfish plague”, caused by the fungus
Aphanomyces astaci (which came from North America with the import of the Signal crayfish Pacifastacus le-
niusculus) is of considerable importance. These breeding grounds were found along the brooks of Bago and
Malsacco, minor tributaries of the Limentra di Treppio torrent, and were confirmed by the presence of several
dead specimens resulting from this pathogen.
The presence of possible native or alien competitors
The competitors of A. pallipes are, as for the C. gobio, Ichthyophagi predators like salmonid fauna. The gather-
ing of information relative to the presence and number of competitors was extrapolated from direct actions
performed in the field, the purpose of which was monitoring, in order to improve the dispersion capabilities of
the target species, for in-situ and ex-situ reproduction.
Young crayfish and shedding adults can be prey for Salmonids, specifically for the Sea trout and also for
eels. The Sea trout and the White-clawed crayfish also compete in their feeding habits. In fact, the White-
clawed crayfish feeds not only on plant fragments (roots, leaves, algae, seeds), but also on benthic macro-
invertebrates, in particular cadisflies, small crustaceans and fish, molluscs, annelids and small shrimp. For
the proper protection and management of the Crayfish, particular attention should be paid to the repopulation
of salmonids for fishing purposes, which, by determining an increase in natural predators, influences the
density of the populations of the species under examination. Confirming this, preliminary research carried out
in the territory of Bologna led to the capture, in various circumstances, of salmonids from mixed phenotypes,
probably attributable to hybrid forms of Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) mixed with Sea trout [Salmo (trutta)
33“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
trutta] of varying degrees. These discoveries were interpreted as a clear symptom of inadequate manage-
ment of the repopulation carried out in the watercourse, probably due to propagation material of questionable
origin and poor quality.
Conservation status in the study area
The state of conservation of this species has been estimated, taking into account the entity of the populations,
deduced both from the historical reconstruction of their presence and by direct censuses conducted as part of
the “Water SCIs” LIFE project”.
From the data collected at the various research stations on the Prato side, a quite good state of conservation
was found only in some specific stretches of the Apennine watercourses monitored.
On the Bologna side, the presence of A. pallipes was considered rare and numerically limited. Moreover, when
also taking into account the discovery of several breeding grounds of Aphanomyces astaci or “crayfish plague”
along the brooks of Bago and Malsacco, minor tributaries of the Limentra di Treppio torrent, the conservation
status of the species was deemed generally bad.
Systematics and identification
This is the largest of the newt species present in Italy:
the female can reach a length of 18 cm, while the
male does not usually exceed 15 cm; however, most
specimens measure between 10 and 15 cm. Based
on biochemical research, the Italian crested newt is
currently considered a species separate from the
Triturus cristatus, to which it was linked until a few
years ago32. In both sexes, the colour of the dorsal
areas ranges from a blackish-grey to olive-brown and
blackish-brown, with various irregularly placed darker
spots on the surface; the throat area is blackish or
blackish-brown with whitish dots, while the belly area ranges from yellow to reddish-orange, with numerous
blackish-brown or blackish spots, each quite varied in shape, extension and position. The male, especially dur-
ing the reproductive phase, has a noticeable barbed dorsal crest and there is a whitish band on each side of
the tail, often tinged with blue and with pearly hues; as a rule, the female does not have a crest and, like the
sub-adults, features a dorsal and supracaudal vertebral line, which varies in colour from light greenish-yellow to
yellow and orangey-yellow. The larvae, which are yellowish or brown with marbling and darker spots on the top,
are characterized by a tail that ends with a long filament and particularly long, thin fingers; when metamorphosis
occurs, the larvae normally reach a total length of 5-8 cm, although exceptionally, they can even exceed 10 cm.
Distribution and presence in the study area
In Europe, this species is unevenly spread throughout various areas, including southern Switzerland, the Austrian
Alps, eastern Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Serbia, Macedo-
nia and the north-western part of Greece33.
In Italy, it is spread throughout most of the continental and peninsular territory, to the south up to approximately
Fig. 9 – Triturus carnifex (Laurenti, 1768)
34 Following the water course
the 39th parallel. In Tuscany, it is observed throughout the region, islands excluded, from sea level to above
1,800 m on the Apennine chain, while it is absent in Sicily and Sardinia. The collection of available data was
based on bibliographical research (publications and databases provided by the Provincial Authority of Prato -
Department of Protected Areas), supplemented by interviews with people living in the area and by consulting
local experts working at the La Specola Museum of Natural History - University of Florence. The results of the
analysis and integrated reading of the available data revealed that this species is present in the hilly area in the
central and southern part of the territory of the Province of Prato.
Campaign research was conducted at every lake under examination, both along the perimeter of the lake and
also in the portion adjacent to the banks, up to depths of 60-70 cm, as well as on the shores and inside the
canals, ditches, waterholes and wet meadows in the immediate vicinity of the lakes.
For every area described above, direct observations were made and water samples were taken using screens,
supplemented by observations made using the appropriate optical instrumentation and by listening to the calls
of the amphibians for the detection of Anurians or Salientia.
Presence of possible native or alien competitors
Among the species competing with the amphibians, there are several exotic species that, because of their
ecological characteristics, are a limiting factor and also a threat to the development of the biological cycle of the
target species under examination. Of these, the main species are:
- The Pond slider (Trachemys scripta)
- The Louisiana crayfish (Procambarus clarkii)
- The Coypu (Myocastor coypus)
- The Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus)
- The Black bullhead (Ameiurus melas).
Research conducted at the site of Lake Bogaia revealed the presence of one population of Pond sliders (Trache-
mys scripta) consisting of approximately 5 adult specimens and 1 young specimen (6 ind.); moreover, numerous
Coypu (Myocastor coypus) droppings (>50 findings) were observed, leading to the conclusion that at least 2
specimens were probably present.
In the Lake Ombrone site several remains of Louisiana crayfish were found (Procambarus clarkii) (estimated
number > 200 specimens) along with the probable dens of Coypu (Myocastor coypus) (estimated number ap-
prox. 2 specimens).
In the Lake Pantanelle site there were a large number of Louisiana crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) adult speci-
mens and larvae in a very high concentration, up to 200 specimens /10 cl (estimated n. > 1,000 specimens);
Coypu excrements were also found and the presence of the Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) seemed possible
(and was later confirmed). There appeared to be around 5 specimens of Coypu (Myocastor coypus) present. The
introduction of these species in the small lakes probably occurred through the minor watercourses surrounding
the area under examination, which are also a potential vehicle of polluting substances and refuse.
Conservation status in the study area
Essentially, the conservation status of the T. carnifex species in the Province of Prato appears to be worsening.
However, based on several findings, the presence of this species has been confirmed in some areas of natural
interest (Monti della Calvana, Monteferrato) in the hilly and mountainous area of the province. In the flat part of
the alluvial plain, based on the first research campaigns, the conservation status of this species is very poor, and
no examples of the Italian crested newt were found at all. This negative fact, on a provincial scale, can be at-
tributed predominantly to the poor conservation status of potentially suitable habitats for the Italian crested newt
in the alluvial plain. First of all, the plain is currently too fragmented, from an environmental point of view, for
the conservation of vital populations of this species. The bodies of water being investigated have also revealed
35“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
a series of significant problems (poor water quality, presence of alien species with large populations, improper
management of the wet areas, shores with unsuitable slopes and invasive vegetation often out of control).
The species appears to be constantly decreasing in the territory of Prato, both from the point of view of its
spreading and also from that of population density, similarly to what is happening to some extent throughout its
geographical area of distribution32.
The interviews carried out revealed that the Italian crested newt must have been present in the canals and small
watercourses around Lake Pantanelle until at least fifteen years ago, though it was not present in the waters
of the lake itself. As far as Lake Bogaia is concerned, in the past, the Crested newt must have been present in
the various trenches and canals surrounding the little lake, but not in its waters. Lastly, the species was never
detected in the area surrounding Lake Ombrone, which has a different management system than that of the
other two bodies of water.
Bird fauna
For the area of the Plain, with very little up-to-date published information (the last document dates back to 1999,
by LIPU (Italian Bird Protection Society34), reference has been made to a specific study conducted on 37 wetland
areas in 200135 and also to a check-list, updated in 200836.
In the Plain, between 1982 and 2008, a total of 219 species were recorded, 63 of which were nesting, 147
migratory, 51 wintering and 48 incidental. This wealth and diversity of species can be explained by the fact
that, inside the “Plain system”, there are wetlands that vary in their environmental structure and characteristics.
The direct monitoring of birds in the study area was implemented at Lakes Pantanelle, Ombrone and Bogaia, at
two-week intervals, beginning in the month of February 2010. At Lake Pantanelle, as well as observation using
binoculars and listening to calls, the playback method was also used, to detect Canefield Rails.
Overall, during the observation period covered by the preliminary studies (2010), 24 species were observed in
the three lakes, counting for 11% of the species found in the plain between Florence and Pistoia. The order most
commonly found turned out to be that of the Charadriiformes, with 8 species, followed by the Ciconiiformes with
6 species. The Birds of prey (the Accipitriforme order) were represented by one species, the Western Marsh-
harrier, observed in migration near Lake Pantanelle. Lake Pantanelle turned out to have the most species (no =
17) followed by Lake Ombrone (no = 11) and by the small Lake Bogaia (no = 3). The only nesting grounds were
found near Lake Pantanelle, where 29% of the species found have reproduced. In particular, the reproduction of
the Coot was recorded (7 pairs), as well as that of the Great Crested Grebe (1 pair), the Little Grebe (1 pair), the
Black-winged Stilt (3-4 pairs) and the Common Moorhen. In the area surrounding Lake Pantanelle a specimen
of the Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) was also spotted.
The fact that no breeding was found in Lakes Ombrone and Bogaia and that a smaller number of species was
also found can be explained by the environmental conditions. Over ¾ of the surface area of Lake Ombrone had
drained away completely by mid-March. The only areas still containing some water were a few puddles filled
by rainwater, hosting sporadic migratory birds. Because of its size (0.45 ha) and quality of its shores (that had
deteriorated, with an abundance of refuse and a sparse covering of vegetation) Lake Bogaia proved to be unsuit-
able for hosting nesting or migratory species.
Of the target species identified by this project, Lake Pantanelle proved to be an important feeding area for the
Little Egret, of which a maximum of 10 specimens were observed during spring 2010.
Listed below, are the general characteristics of the main species of conservation interest that were found. For
further information, please refer to the reports available on the project website (
36 Following the water course
Systematics and identification
A small diving duck. The adult male has a reddish-
brown plumage with a darker back, white eye and
white rump area, which is an identifying feature,
distinguishing it from the female of the Tufted duck
(Aythya fuligula). The female of the Ferruginous Duck
is similar to the male, but has duller colours and a
dark eye.
Distribution and presence in the study area
A monotypic species of Euroturanic phyto-geography.
It nests in South-eastern Europe and Asia, with its
main range reaching as far west as Poland and Hungary. Further west its presence is sporadic and irregular.
In Italy, it is considered rare and has a reduced reproductive area, while it is more widespread as a migratory
and wintering species. Recently, this species appears to be increasing, both from a numerical point of view
and also in its area, thanks to a general improvement in environmental conditions and to greater protection.
The Italian population is around 10% of that of the European Union, although it is not significant in comparison
with the worldwide population of the species. The Italian population is estimated to be 78-107 pairs and on the
In Tuscany, the nesting population is estimated to be 1-5 pairs38, with higher numbers (up to 10 pairs) in favour-
able years (1990); in winter, a maximum of 27 specimens was recorded in 1992. The Ferruginous Duck has
been observed in the plain between Florence and Pistoia, as irregularly migratory and rarely wintering. In the
monitoring activities carried out in 2010, the species was not found, nor was it possible to ascertain its presence
by interviewing hunters, as it is not a species of interest to hunters and, therefore, it is not easily recognized.
Systematics and identification
The Black-crowned Night Heron is a small ardeidae;
the adult has a black back and a crown with bluish
tinges, in contrast to its light grey lower parts. It has
short, yellowish legs. The young have a brown plum-
age mottled with white.
Distribution and presence in the study area
A polytypic species with sub-cosmopolitan distribu-
tion (absent from the Australasian region): the nomi-
nal subspecies lives in Europe, Asia and Africa. In
Italy, the Black-crowned Night Heron is a migratory
nesting and partially wintering species. Its reproduc-
tive areas are concentrated mainly in northern Italy, in the Po plain; it is less common in the rest of Italy, while
it is a very localized in the south and on the islands. This species underwent a considerable increase within the
European Union in the period from 1970 to 1990, followed by stability between 1990 and 200037. The Italian
Fig. 10 – Aythya nyroca (Guldenstadt, 1770)
Fig. 11 – Nycticorax nycticorax (Linnaeus, 1758)
37“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
population is equal to approximately half of the population of the European Union and represents between one
fifth and one sixth of the total European population, approximately; it probably represents the most sizeable
European population.
The Italian population is estimated to be 12,000-14,000 pairs, subject to fluctuations in the period from 1990 to
2000. In Tuscany, the population increased to 610-750 pairs in the period from 1995 to 199738 and to 815-858
pairs distributed between 9 heronries in 1998. The Black-crowned Night Heron is reported in the plain between
Florence and Pistoia as a nesting, wintering and regular migratory species. Since 2007, it has been breeding
in the area of Fucecchio. It has been observed only occasionally in the study area at Lake Ombrone, while this
species is present in large numbers at the nearby Lake of Querciola in Quarrata (PT). This species has not been
observed at Lake Pantanelle, probably due to the lack of suitable shallow water areas in which to find food.
Systematics and identification
The Little Egret is an Ardeidae characterized by a
completely white plumage; its beak and legs are
black, while its feet are yellow. When in flight, its neck
folds into an S-shape.
Distribution and presence in the study area
A polytypic species with paleo-arctic-afrotropic-aus-
tralasian distribution: the nominal subspecies nests
in southern Europe, southern Asia, Northwest Africa,
Cape Verde, East Africa and South Africa. In Italy,
this is a nesting, migratory, partially wintering spe-
cies (several thousands of specimens). The nesting
areas are mainly concentrated in northern Italy; they
are less common in the rest of Italy, with a scattered presence in central and southern Italy and in Sardinia. In
the European Union member states, the species underwent a considerable increase in the period from 1970 to
1990, followed by more moderate growth in the period from 1990 to 2000. The Italian population represents
approximately one third of the population of the European Union and approximately one fifth of the overall popu-
lation in Europe. In Tuscany, Tellini Florenzano et al. (1997)38 recorded 179-250 pairs in the period from 1982 to
1992 and, more recently, 560-720 pairs, of which 250 in the lagoon of Orbetello; the wintering groups included
300-450 specimens in the period from 1995 to 1997. Scoccianti & Tinarelli (1999)39 reported 426-452 pairs in
10 colonies in 1998 (192 pairs at the lagoon of Orbetello). In the plain between Florence and Pistoia, the species
is considered regularly migratory, nesting and regularly wintering. Inside the Cascine di Tavola, there is a winter
dormitory of approximately 110 specimens, which accommodates a large part of the wintering population of the
plain between Florence and Pistoia. In the study area, the species was observed at the lakes of Ombrone and
Pantanelle with a maximum of 13 and 10 specimens respectively. However, the sightings at Lake Ombrone refer
to the months of March and April, when a few puddles filled with rainwater were still present.
Fig. 12 – Egretta garzetta (Linnaeus, 1766)
38 Following the water course
Systematics and identification
The Black-winged Stilt can be recognized by its long,
reddish legs, thin, black beak, white head, neck and
underbelly and black wings and back.
Distribution and presence in the study area
A cosmopolitan polytypic species. The nominal sub-
species nests in Eurasia and Africa. It is migratory,
winters in Africa, mainly south of the Sahara and also
locally in the Mediterranean basin, including Italy. This
species showed stability within the European Union in
the period from 1970 to 1990 and in the period from
1990 and 200037. The Italian population consists of
approximately 3,000-4,000 pairs, which increased in
the period from 1990 to 2000 and corresponds to ap-
proximately 13%-15% of that of the European Union.
In Tuscany, the population fluctuates between 20 and
200 pairs, with a net decrease from the mid-1980s due to the drastic fall in the populations at Massaciuccoli
and Orbetello, which was only partially balanced by the increases at Diaccia Botrona and in the inland lakes38. In
the plain between Florence and Pistoia, the species it is considered regularly migratory and nesting. The popula-
tion fluctuates in relation to the varying levels of floodwater during the reproductive period. At Lake Ombrone,
the species was observed near the few pools of water which were in the process of drying up, while at Lake
Pantanelle there were 3-4 breeding pairs.
Systematics and identification
The Kingfisher has an unmistakable bright blue plum-
age, with metallic hues in the top areas, orange on the
belly, abdomen and cheeks, white on the throat and
on the sides of the neck. The young have the same
colouring as the adults. Both sexes are similar.
Distribution and presence in the study area
Polytypic species with paleo-arctic-eastern phytoge-
ography. The nominal subspecies lives in Northwest
Africa, southern and eastern Spain, Corsica, central
and southern Italy, south-eastern Europe, Turkey, the
Middle East, extending eastwards as far as the north-
west of China; the subspecies Alcedo atthis ispida
instead occupies Europe to the north and to the west
of the nominal subspecies. In Italy, it is a stationary, migratory and wintering species. The European populations
suffered a significant decline in Europe in the period from 1970 to 1990, while they were stable in the period
Fig. 13 – Himantopus himantopus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Fig. 14 – Alcedo atthis (Linnaeus, 1758)
39“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
from 1990 to 200037. The Italian population was estimated at 5,000-10,000 pairs in 2000 and is between 15%
and 18% of the population of European Union (8%-10% of the overall European population). In the Plain, it is
considered a sedentary, nesting, regular migratory and scarcely wintering species. Lake Pantanelle is frequented
by this species for trophic reasons, but it does not nest here due to the lack of suitable habitats.
Systematics and identification
The adult male has a grey crown and nape, a tawny-
brown back and inner part of the wings and blackish-
brown ends of the wings. It has a black beak, legs
and mask. The cheeks and the throat are white. The
rump is grey and the tail is black with two white lateral
bands. It has pink under-parts. The female adult is
similar to the male, but differs because of her crown,
which is a fairly light brown colour, fading to grey near
the nape, a mask that is pale at the front and brown
behind the eye and her lower areas are off-white with
dense grey-brown mottling. The young are mostly
brown on the back with some off-white mottling.
Distribution and presence in the study area
A polytypic species with Eurasian distribution; migra-
tory nesting, winters in Africa. Europe is home to less of the half of the total population. In Italy, the Red-backed
Shrike is relatively common, from the coastal areas to the mountains, up to altitudes of almost 2,000 m. The
species underwent a considerable decline in most of the European area in the second half of the twentieth
century and a moderate decline in Europe in the period from 1970 to 1990, while the general population of the
continent remained stable or underwent a light decline in the period from 1990 to 200037. The Italian population
is estimated at 50,000-120,000 pairs; in slight decline (<20%) in the period from 1990 to 2000. The Italian
population is between 2% and 8% of the population of the European Union and represents approximately 1-2%
of the total European population. In Tuscany, there were an estimated 5,000-20,000 pairs during the 1990s,
probably decreasing38 and undergoing a clear decline in the decades that followed. In the Plain, the species is
considered regularly migratory and nesting. In the study area the species was spotted in an uncultivated area
near Lake Pantanelle.
As well as the six species described above, monitoring activities performed during the preliminary studies re-
vealed the presence of numerous other bird species of conservation interest, of which, for the sake of brevity, we
have only described those whose presence in the area was confirmed by subsequent wildlife censuses carried
out during the course of the project.
Fig. 15 – Lanius collurio (Linnaeus, 1758)
40 Following the water course
Systematics and identification
The Squacco heron has a predominantly tawny-yellow
colour on its back and upper parts, while the top part of
the wings, from the body outwards, blends immediately
into a very light tawny colour, which is nearly white at
the extremities (in flight, it looks very light on top). On its
crown, it is a beige colour, streaked with brown.
Distribution and presence in the study area
A monotypic species with paleo-arctic-afrotropic dis-
tribution. In Europe, it is common mostly in the south,
south-east. In Italy, the species is migratory nesting
and rarely wintering, since it winters in Africa. The
breeding areas are concentrated mainly in northern
Italy; it is less common in the rest of Italy, with a scat-
tered presence in the centre, in Puglia and on the
islands. This species underwent a moderate decline
within the European Union in the period from 1970 to
1990, followed by stability between 1990 and 200037. The Italian population is about 22%-25% of the popula-
tion of the European Union and represents approximately 2-4% of the overall European population. The Italian
population was estimated at 550-650 pairs in the period from 1990 to 2000.
In Tuscany, the species was reported as a nesting species in 1998, with 27-38 pairs in 4 colonies39; in Padule di
Fucecchio, the species was reported as a nesting species with 2-5 pairs in 1984-85 and 16-58 pairs between
1998 and 200040.
This species is reported in the plain between Florence and Pistoia as scarcely migratory, nesting and occasion-
ally wintering. In the study area, it has been spotted during spring migration at Lake Pantanelle.
Systematics and identification
This is a large egret, characterized by a completely
white plumage; it differs from the Little Egret not only
because of its larger size, but also for its yellow beak
and light-coloured feet.
Distribution and presence in the study area
A cosmopolitan polytypic species: the nominal subspe-
cies nests in Europe and in the temperate part of Asia. Its
distribution in Europe is fragmented and discontinuous.
The main populations are found in eastern and south-
eastern countries. In Italy, this species began breeding in
1990 in the Po Delta, and has since been expanding; be-
fore this, it was only reported as a migratory and winter-
Fig. 16 – Ardeola ralloides (Scopoli, 1769)
Fig. 17 – Casmerodius albus (Linnaeus, 1758)
41“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
ing species. This species underwent a moderate increase within the European Union in the period from 1970 to 1990,
followed by a considerable increase between 1990 and 200037. The Italian population is approximately 1.1%-1.5%
of the population of the European Union and represents a non-significant fraction of the overall European population.
In the plain between Florence and Pistoia, it is considered regularly migratory and rarely wintering. In the study area,
several specimens of this species have been found in Lakes Pantanelle and Ombrone.
Systematics and identification
This species is unmistakable due to its large size and its
plumage, which is white, except for the black flight feath-
ers, and its very noticeable, bright orange feet and beak.
Distribution and presence in the study area
A polytypic species with European-Central Asian-
Mediterranean phytogeography. In Europe, it is present
mainly in countries to the east and in the Iberian region.
The White stork had been extinct in Italy since the late
Middle Ages, but started to nest in our country again in
1959, in Piedmont, spreading to other regions in the
decades that followed, also thanks to widespread rein-
troduction activities. In Italy, it is predominantly a trans-
Saharan migratory species, although there have been increasingly frequent sightings of wintering specimens. This
species underwent an extensive decline within the European Union in the period from 1970 to 1990, followed by
a considerable increase between 1990 and 200037. The Italian population amounted to 103 pairs in 2002, equal
to approximately 0.1% of the population of the EU. Initially (in 2010) it was not found in the area, but since 2011 a
pair has been breeding continuously in the area of study (Iolo), in the immediate vicinity of Lake Ombrone, and was
repeatedly spotted flying over Pantanelle during the spring and summer months.
Systematics and identification
With a classic silhouette, typical of the harrier, the
Western Marsh-harrier differs from this species due
to its plumage, which is dark brown on top, with a
slate grey tail, in contrast with its grey secondary
flight feathers and black primary flight feathers and
a creamy-brown head, neck and chest, with streaks
in the male of the species. The female is brown with
a cream-coloured nape, throat area and shoulders.
Distribution and presence in the study area
A polytypic species with a paleo-arctic-Afrotropic-
australasian phytogeography. In Italy, this is a station-
Fig. 18 – Ciconia ciconia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Fig. 19 – Circus aeruginosus (Linnaeus, 1758)
42 Following the water course
ary nesting species, but it is also migratory and wintering. The distribution of the nesting pairs is very irregular
and localized. This species underwent a moderate increase within the European Union in the period from 1970
to 1990 and in the period from 1990 to 200037. The Italian population was estimated at 170-220 pairs, in
moderate increase in the period from 1990 to 2000. Italy is home to a nesting population that is less than 1% of
that of the European Union and is not particularly significant on a pan-European scale. In Tuscany, the number of
breeding pairs has increased from 16-18 in the 1980s to 33-37 in 2002-2004. In the plain between Florence
and Pistoia, the species is considered irregularly wintering and regularly migratory; it has been spotted near
Lakes Pantanelle and Ombrone during spring migration (both male and female specimens).
Systematics and identification
The adult males are considerably larger than the
females and have a particularly showy breeding
plumage with a collar that stands up during fights
and display rituals between males. Colouring varies
considerably from bird to bird, ranging from white to
red and grey, etc. The back, the rump and the upper
part of the wings are quite constant and are brown in
colour, with little black markings and lighter borders
around the feathers. In spring, the colouring of the
females is similar to that of the males, with the same
plumage but without the different-coloured tufts of
the male’s breeding plumage. With their winter plum-
age, the upper parts and the chest of both males and
females are predominantly grey. The under-parts (ab-
domen and belly) are whitish.
Distribution and presence in the study area
A species with Euro-Siberian distribution. In Europe, the Ruff nests in the eastern and northern regions, occupy-
ing large areas in Russia and Scandinavia and becoming gradually less common, moving towards the south and
the west. In Italy, its presence is massive during migrations and, secondly, during the winter season. Several
hundred specimens spend the winter in the inland and coastal wetland areas of the Northern Adriatic Sea and
of central Italy, Puglia, Sicily and Sardinia. In the Plain, the Ruff is considered regularly migratory. In the study
area, it is the most numerous species during migrations: 60 specimens were spotted simultaneously at Lake
Ombrone and 40 specimens at Pantanelle.
Fig. 20 – Philomachus pugnax (Linnaeus, 1758)
43“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
Systematics and identification
The male and the female have a virtually identical
plumage with a brown colouring, dotted with light
markings in their upper parts and off-white in the
Distribution and presence in the study area
A monotypic species with Euro-Siberian distribution.
The Wood Sandpiper is common in the northern re-
gions of Europe, roughly from the 50th parallel to the
Arctic coasts, including Scandinavia, Russia and the
neighbouring regions. It winters in tropical and sub-
tropical areas in Africa and Asia. In Italy, its presence
is massive during migrations and it is exceptionally
present as a wintering bird. In the Plain, it is considered regularly migratory and irregularly summering. Within
the study area, it was only been spotted near Lake Pantanelle (31 contacts) and Lake Ombrone (14 sightings).
Systematics and identification
This species belongs to the family of the ardeidae and
is considerably large. Its wingspan can reach 1.50 m; it
is 78-90 cm in length and can weigh up to 1.4 kg. It is
slightly smaller than the White heron. It has a long, red-
dish-brown neck (from which it gets its specific name)
in an S-shape with a distinctive black stripe; the top of
its head is black. It has brown markings on its wings.
During the courtship period, it acquires a much more
attractive plumage, especially on the neck.
Distribution and presence in the study area
The range of distribution of the Purple heron includes,
in particular, the south-western paleo-arctic area and,
to the East, it reaches Turkestan and Iran. It also nests
in East Africa and South Africa.
It is a long-range migratory species that winters mainly in sub-Saharan Africa to the north of the Equator41.
In Italy in the 1970s, the population of this species fell sharply42. Its preferred habitat is the canefield and wet
shrubby formations in general. In Tuscany, this is a migratory and nesting species.
The Purple heron was spotted at Lake Pantanelle, where a young specimen was also found, making the idea of
nesting locally a plausible one.
Fig. 21 – Tringa glareola (Linnaeus, 1758)
Fig. 22 – Ardea purpurea (Linnaeus, 1766)
44 Following the water course
Systematics and identification
The Little Bittern belongs to the heron family, but it
differs from the other ardeidae due to its small size:
33-38 cm with a wing span of 52-58 cm. It has dark
wings, the underside of which are a cream colour. In
the male, the top part of the head and the back are
black with greenish tinges, while the female features
a more tawny colouring in her underbelly and dark
stripes over the back. The beak is yellow-green, the
eyes are yellow and the legs are greenish.
Distribution and presence in the study area
A species with sub-cosmopolitan distribution. This
is a summer migratory species that is stationary in
Tuscany from April to September. A great migratory
species, it winters in sub-Saharan Africa. Our coun-
try, where the Little Bittern is a migratory and nesting
species, is crossed by a substantial migratory flow of populations from Central and Central-Eastern Europe41.
In the area involved in the project, this target species was detected in the Pantanelle wetlands, both as a result
of its call and by direct sightings. The call of the species allows us to hypothesize a small probability of nesting
in the area. It prefers riparian vegetation, especially phragmites.
Systematics and identification
The Eurasian Spoonbill is a very large, heavy bird: it
can measure up to 85 cm in height and can weigh
as much as 2 kg. Its most noticeable feature is its
spatula-shaped beak, from which it gets its name.
The Eurasian Spoonbill’s plumage varies based on the
season: in winter it is completely white, while in the
breeding season several yellowish markings appear,
mainly at the base of the neck and on the nape.
Distribution and presence in the study area
The species has a fragmented breeding area in Eu-
rope, limited to a few sites along the Atlantic coast
(France, Holland), in Mediterranean countries and in
the Balkans, where it occupies both internal and lagoon wetland areas41.
In Italy, these birds have been found to winter in various regions (Sicily, Tuscany, Puglia), while 90% of the nesting
specimens are situated in the Po Delta and some also winter along the Tyrrhenian coast (Orbetello or Burano).
In Tuscany, the Eurasian Spoonbill is a migratory and wintering species which lives in shallow ponds with hy-
grophilous vegetation.
Fig. 23 – Ixobrychus minutus (Linnaeus, 1766)
Fig. 24 – Platalea leucorodia (Linnaeus, 1758)
45“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
The several specimens of the species have been spotted at Lake Ombrone and also at Lake Pantanelle.
The presence of possible native or alien competitors
In the lakes of the Plain, the only alien species that may have an impact on the bird fauna is the Coypu, since
there were no sightings of the American mink (Neovison vison43), the other potential competitor. On the other
hand, the Louisiana crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) is used as a food source, particularly by the ardeidae.
The Coypu can damage nesting bird populations both indirectly (by feeding on various species of aquatic plants,
like Typha angustifolia, Typha latifolia, Nymphaea alba and Trapa natans) and directly, by overturning or sinking
nests built on aquatic plants, which are either partially submerged or positioned on the edges of the canefields,
as a result of the occasional predation of eggs. It can also cause damage to the banks of the wetlands, caused
by the activity of digging burrows.
In the Valleys of Argenta, in Emilia Romagna, an increase in the number of Coypu coincided with a sudden
decrease in the populations of the Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus), the Little Grebe (Tachybaptus
ruficollis) and the Whiskered Tern (Chilidonias hybridise)44.
Among the species nesting in Lake Pantanelle, the Coypu could cause harm to the Great Crested Grebe, the
Little Grebe, the Coot and the Black-winged Stilt (one of the project’s target species).
The native species that may represent an element of competition to the bird fauna, as far as the population
spread is concerned, include mammals like the Fox (Vulpes vulpes) and birds like the Yellow-legged Gull (Larus
michahellis) and the Grey crow (Corvus corone corone), potential predators of the aquatic birds’ eggs or pullets.
During the research, no fox excrements were found, while a specimen of the Yellow-legged Gull was spotted
at Lake Ombrone. The species was also seen at Lake Caserane and “La Querciola” in Quarrata. Although the
species may occasionally take to the predation of pullets and eggs, as confirmed, for example, by the territorial
reaction of the Black-winged Stilt when it appeared, the number of specimens to be found during the breeding
period does not represent an urgent threat to the nesting aquatic species. The same applies to the Grey crow.
At least 3-4 specimens of the Coypu are present at Lake Pantanelle. Several traces were also found at Lakes
Bogaia and Ombrone. Based on a qualitative estimate, the presence of species seems to be relatively low in
density, in contrast to the situation at Padule di Fucecchio, where there are signs of a much more numerous
presence and campaigns are under way to contain the species through capture and culling45.
Conservation status of birdlife in the study area
The field investigations undertaken made it possible to paint a picture of the conservation status of those spe-
cies that frequent Lakes Pantanelle, Ombrone and Bogaia, and also of the ecological conditions of these three
artificial basins.
At the date of delivery of the preliminary studies (June 2010), Lake Pantanelle (6.2 ha) was the hunting lake
with the best conservation potential and the one that hosts the largest number of species, both in general and
nesting species. The relatively low number of both migratory and nesting species that frequent the area can be
attributed to poor environmental diversity.
For example, the absence of any sightings of the Black-crowned Night Heron, one of the target species identified by the
project, together with the low number of migratory shorebird species, can probably be attributed to the lack of suitable
expanses of flooded grasslands and muddy areas of shallow water, where this species could stop off in search of food.
The canefield strip that occupies one side of the lake is also limited and needs to be expanded in order to maximize the
presence of the border between the canefield and the free waters, which is a favourable nesting area for species like
the Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus) and the Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) and for the feeding of
other ardeidae; sufficiently deep strips of canefield also make it possible to considerably reduce human disruption, as
well as offering breeding sites for species like the Little Grebe, the Great Crested Grebe, the Coot and the Common
Moorhen. The area is managed by hunters at the lakes, with whom a constructive dialogue was established.
46 Following the water course
Lake Ombrone is also a vast hunting lake (10.5 ha), the management of which makes it unsuitable for hosting
birdlife during the migratory and breeding periods. In fact, this basin starts drying up as early as March, with
residual puddles of water near small hollows that will dry up in the months that follow, due to evaporation and/
or absorption by the land. Once it has dried up, the bed undergoes milling and ploughing until it appears, in
late spring, as an expanse of dry mud, which is totally inhospitable for the bird fauna to stop over or breed. The
banks are also completely lacking in riparian vegetation and canefields and there is virtually no diversification in
the level of the waters. In contrast to Lake Pantanelle, the hunters who manage this lake basin have not shown
any readiness or willingness to adopt management methods that are more oriented towards the conservation of
the nature and biodiversity in the area.
Lastly, Lake Bogaia is a decidedly small body of water compared to the other two (0.45 ha). The wetland area
comprises various critical conditions for the bird population, including its small size and the quality of the waters
and of the shores. The adjoining agricultural area on the other hand is frequented by ardeidae: as many as 11
specimens of Cattle Egret (Bulbucus ibis) were spotted on a single occasion.
The wetlands that remain in the highly urbanised ecological mosaic that characterizes the plain of the metropoli-
tan area of Florence, Prato and Pistoia are still continuously subjected to activities that pose a significant threat
and to elements of pressure, not least of which is the presence of invasive alien species. These are numerous
both in the quantity of species present and also in the abundance of their relative populations.
The impact that these species has on biodiversity represents the second threat to its conservation, exceeded only
by the destruction/alteration of the habitats46. As a result, the European Commission has included tackling invasive
alien species among the core elements of the EU Biodiversity Strategy (Communication COM 2011/244).
In view of this, during the project we decided to initiate a specific activity of analysis, monitoring and experimen-
tation of possible methods for controlling the populations of invasive non-native species present in the areas
involved in the requalification measures, including those illustrated below. These activities were carried out by
Nemo S.r.l., a company selected through a public tender, with a work group including experts from the University
of Florence.
Screening carried out in 2013 allowed us to confirm the presence, already highlighted during preliminary stud-
ies, of numerous invasive alien species in the Prato area of the “Ponds of the Florentine and Prato plain” SPA,
among which there were numerous species of fish (e.g. Wels catfish, Stone moroko, Common catfish, Grass
carp, Pumpkinseed sunfish, Gambusia and Common bleak) and other species common to damp environments
(e.g. Louisiana crayfish, Bullfrog, Pond Slider and Coypu). Among the invasive species of alien flora in the part
of the SPA in question, we also confirmed the presence of the Bohemian knotweed, the Ailanthus and the Black
locust. The following pages only describe the species which we considered to pose the greatest threat to the
target species, based on the size of the populations observed and their invasive potential described in literature,
and against which we decided it was necessary to intervene, by experimenting containment methods that will
be covered in greater depth in the chapter dedicated to concrete conservation measures.
47“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
Systematics and identification
The Louisiana crayfish, or Killer crayfish, is a freshwa-
ter decapod native to North America. The adult speci-
mens have a medium length of approximately 15 cm,
although they can also reach 20 cm. They have a dis-
tinctive dark red or reddish-brown colouring, making
it easy to distinguish them from the native species;
blue, yellow, black and white varieties are also known.
The cephalothorax (the front part of the body, com-
prising the head and the thorax fused together, where
the legs are found) is rough, and extends forward into
a pointed, narrow rostrum that gradually broadens
from apex to base. The pincers are well-developed
and bumpy, larger in size in the male specimens and covered with barbs and tubercles.
The Louisiana crayfish has a series of features that make it an excellent invader. As far as feeding is concerned,
it is a generalist and opportunist species47, with adults that eat mainly plants and vegetable detritus, while the
diet of the young includes a larger amount of animal protein.
In a natural environment, its biological cycle does not generally exceed 12-18 months28; for a crayfish, it there-
fore has a relatively short lifespan, although it is known for its rapid growth, early maturity and high fertility48. In
fact, it reaches sexual maturity at total length of 45 mm and the females can produce up to 600 eggs, with the
number of eggs increasing according to the size of the female. There are no larval phases and its development
is direct. The females keep their eggs (and then the young, which look like the adults) in the ventral part of the
abdomen. Embryonic development and growth are both temperature-dependent and come to a halt below 10°C.
Growth occurs by shedding, when the Crayfish abandons its “old shell” in order to increase its size and create a
new one. In this phase, the Crayfish is particularly vulnerable to predators and to conspecifics and takes shelter
in its cave.
The preferred habitats of the Louisiana crayfish are lentic environments, like swamps and marshes, including
those with strong seasonal water level fluctuations, even to the point of temporarily drying out; P. clarkii is,
however, able to colonize any type of aquatic environment, including brackish waters. In urban and peri-urban
areas, it has no difficulty colonizing canals and gulleys.
It actively digs burrows in the banks, where it passes the winter and the more delicate moments during its life
cycle (post-shedding phase, reproduction). These burrows range from 50 cm in depth for temporary ones to
up to 5 m for permanent nests. They have stagnant water on the bottom and may be simple tunnels or have
an entrance way formed of plugs of mud. This burrowing activity is particularly intense in silt-clay soils. These
animals are not particularly faithful to their burrows.
The species is able to tolerate extreme environmental conditions, including chemical pollution, high tempera-
tures and drought49. Its resistance to parasites and diseases is documented, in particular to the fungus Aphano-
myces astaci, the so-called “crayfish plague”, of which P. clarkii is a healthy carrier50. This disease is the main
culprit for the blight of native crayfish in the last years.
Fig. 25 – Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852)
48 Following the water course
The species originated in the central and southern areas of the United States and north-eastern Mexico. It was
introduced mainly for reasons of aquaculture in every continent, with the exception of Australia and Antarctica.
In Europe, it was introduced for the first time in Spain, in 197351 and its presence is still certain today in 13
countries, including Italy.
In Italy, the presence of P. clarkii was first reported in 1989 in the Banna torrent in Piedmont, and subsequently,
in 1993, in Lake Massaciuccoli in Tuscany, where it was introduced for aquaculture. In this last case, its spread
into nature was caused by several specimens escaping from the breeding tanks. The species is common in most
of central and northern Italy and has recently also been reported in Sardinia, Sicily and several areas in the south.
In Tuscany, it is present in all provinces in the region, with particularly abundant and invasive populations in
the plain between Florence, Prato and Pistoia, and in the wetland areas of Tuscany (Fucecchio, Massaciuccoli).
In the lakes of Pantanelle, Bogaia and Ombrone, sites that are subject to intervention in the “Water SCIs” LIFE
project, P. clarkii is very abundant. The presence of the species has also been confirmed in the canals around
Lakes Pantanelle and Ombrone.
This species has been included in the list of the 100 worst invasive species in Europe52. Thanks to the charac-
teristics that make it a perfect invader of the aquatic ecosystems, and to its high population density, the loss
of biodiversity caused by its presence has been widely documented. In fact, it causes the local extinction of
numerous species of macro-invertebrates (particularly the native European crayfish, to which it is able transmit
the crayfish plague), fish and amphibians53. It also transmits the Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis fungus, which
is the most significant threat for Amphibians worldwide. When considering its ability to tolerate and to accumu-
late within its tissues heavy metals, microalgal54 toxins and other bacteria that are pathogenic for man55, this
species is potentially harmful for the health of anyone consuming its flesh, should it come from non-controlled
conditions. The intense burrowing activity of P. clarkii causes structural damage to artificial embankments56 and
induces bioturbation of the water, with a consequent reduction in primary productivity.
Systematics and identification
It is 20 cm long including the head and body and
weighs over 1.5 kg, making it the largest species of
anura in Italy. Its dorsal area varies in colour, from
bright green to dark brown, with variable dark mark-
ings; the belly is whitish, or sometimes mottled grey.
It has very large eardrums, similar in size to the eye:
in the male, these are larger, and can be as large
as double the diameter of the eye. The larvae, which
generally reach a length of 10 to 13 cm at the end
of their development phase, have olive green or dark
olive-brown dorsal areas with blackish markings and
their lower parts are whitish or yellow.
The Bullfrog can be found in open, fairly deep bodies Fig. 26 – Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw 1802)
Ordine: ANURA; Famiglia: RANIDAE
49“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
of water, like small lakes, swamps, waterholes and ponds of medium-large sizes, torrents, slow-flowing canals,
etc. The male produces a powerful and distinctive croak that sounds like a bovine lowing noise, from which the
species gets its common name. The female is, however, also able to emit a series of distinctive croaks.
The female chooses a male and lays her eggs in his territory: during the release of the eggs, the male fertilizes
them, simultaneously pouring his spermatozoa over them. Breeding is usually in late spring and every female
lays up to 20,000 eggs, arranged in a wide, thin layer (diameter 50-150 cm) on the surface of the water. The
larvae generally require 2-3 years or, more rarely, only one year to reach metamorphosis and they develop at
temperatures between 24 and 30°C. Those who have gone through metamorphosis spend winter in the mud
on the bottom of a body of water, in cavities on the banks or even on the ground, under various types of shelter.
The Bullfrog originated in North America, east of the Rocky Mountain chain. It was introduced, mainly for food
purposes, in at least 40 States and 4 continents. Today, its presence is reported in the United States as well as
west of the Rocky Mountains, in Canada, in the Islands of Bermuda, in most of Central and South America and
in the Islands of the Caribbean, in the islands of Hawaii, in South-eastern Asia, in Japan and in numerous coun-
tries of Western Europe (Great Britain, where it has been eradicated, Belgium, Holland, France, Spain, Germany,
Switzerland, Italy, Greece).
In Italy, the species was first imported for culinary purposes into the waters of Corte Brusca (Mantua) between
1932 and 1937 and, from here, by natural expansion or successive introductions, it spread through most
of the Po plain57, giving rise to the current populations, which started from a very small number of founding
specimens. Also the populations present in Lazio (south-western area in the province of Rome) come from
specimens imported in 1974, seemingly with fish repopulations, from Castel d’Ario (Mantua). The species then
spread throughout the whole of central and northern Italy, also because of initiatives aimed at its breeding for
food purposes.
The Tuscan population comes from a few young specimens from the United States, which were introduced into
the waters of the Fosso Vermiglia (Quarrata, Pistoia) in the early 1970s. Between 1976 and 1977 the presence
of the Bullfrog was been detected in the Stella torrent (Quarrata), the Fosso Tozzinga (Bisenzio Fields, Florence)
and near Comeana (Carmignano, Prato), all localities in the basin of the Ombrone Pistoiese torrent58. At the end
of the 1970s, there was an abundant presence of adult, larvae and young Bullfrogs in the areas surrounding La
Catena (Poggio a Caiano-Quarrata) and Quarrata59. The species was then reported to be present in the ponds
of Castelletti (Signa, Florence), Castelnuovo (Prato), Padule dell’Osmannoro (Florence) and at the Tenuta di San
Rossore (Pisa)57. It is present in the lakes of the Nature Reserve of Local Interest, La Querciola (Quarrata, Pistoia).
The species is found in areas with altitudes of between 35 and 50 m. After an initial period of rapid, almost
explosive territorial expansion, the Bullfrog apparently became stable or even in local decline in Tuscany, from
1985, a year in which the minimum temperatures in winter were considerably low, probably decimating the
specimens in their wintering locations.
As far as the sites that are subject to intervention in the “Water SCIs” LIFE project, the Bullfrog appears not
to be present in Lake Bogaia, while its presence has definitely been reported in the park of Cascine di Tavola:
therefore, possible upcoming recolonization can be expected in the lake, where, until a few years ago, the spe-
cies was undoubtedly present (the recent reworking of the lake may have momentarily driven many amphibians
away from these waters). Moreover, the introduction of alien fish for recreational fishing has meant that these
fishes have decimated the amphibians residing in the lake. The call of this species was heard at Lake Ombrone,
during investigations in the summer of 2013, and also in the nearby detention basin named “Lavacchione”. At
Lake Pantanelle, on the other hand, during monitoring carried out the same summer, the call of the Bullfrog was
heard several times and two male specimens were captured in the fish traps used form monitoring crayfish.
50 Following the water course
The species is included in the list of the 100 worst invasive species in the world and in the DAISIE list of the 100
worst invasive species in Europe52.
This species Is very active and particularly voracious. Because of their remarkable size, the adults prey on nu-
merous invertebrates and also on small and medium sized vertebrates, including fish, other amphibians (among
which frogs, newts and the young of their own species), snakes, small marsh turtles, the chicks of aquatic birds
and micro-mammals. Their impact on other species is, therefore, considerable; in particular, as far as green
frogs are concerned (genus Pelophylax), the Bullfrog represents both a strong competitor and a frightening po-
tential predator. However, a direct assessment of the impact on other amphibians in Italy is missing60, although
there is substantial evidence regarding the impact of species from many other parts of the world61.
The Bullfrog is a healthy carrier of, or at the least scarcely affected by, the Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
fungus62, which currently represents the most significant threat for the survival of amphibians worldwide: in fact,
the fungus has already led to the extinction of numerous of species and has determined a shrinkage of the area
occupied by other species.
The adults do not generally have any effective predators (even though there are numerous occasional predators,
especially among the ardeidae), with the possible exception of rats, which can prey on them in their wintering
places on the ground. This amphibian is also very tolerant to pollution compared to the native species of frogs,
toads, newts and salamanders.
Many studies describe the Bullfrog as an “ecosystems engineer”, meaning that it is able to alter the biomass,
structure and composition of communities.
Systematics and identification
The Pond slider is a medium-large sized turtle, with a
shell that can reach 30 cm in length (medium range
13-20 cm). The shell is olive-brown, olive-grey or
brownish-grey in colour, with more or less evident
black and yellow markings. In nature, this colouring
often appears a uniform greyish-brown or light grey-
ish colour, due to the veil of mud covering the shell.
Instead, the plastron is yellowish or pale yellow with
dark spots which, in young specimens, are bordered
by green and light yellow. There are narrow yellowish
lines on the neck and the head; from behind the eye to the end of the head, there is a striking long, red marking
(T. s. elegans) or an orangey-yellow marking (e.g. T. s. scripta and T. s. troostii and hybrid specimens63). In nature,
when observing through binoculars, it is not always possible to see these differences in colour, especially in the
bigger specimens, which tend to have a duller colouring.
The species exhibits marked sexual dimorphism64: the males can be easily distinguished from the females, when
being handled, because they have a longer pre-cloacal tract (distance between the cloaca and the posterior lobe
of the ventral plastron) of the tail and, therefore, a more external cloacal opening, outside of the rim of the shell,
and a longer tail. The males generally have very long claws on their front legs, which they use in courtship rituals.
They also usually have a longer snout and large adult specimens may show melanism.
The species is found, especially outside of the natural area it occupies, both in natural and semi-natural environ-
ments, like rivers, lakes, torrents, canals and waterholes, as well as in areas heavily affected by human activity
Fig. 27 – Trachemys scripta (Schoepff, 1792)
51“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
and fountains in urban environments, often in mediocre or poor quality waters.
Pond sliders are active in temperatures between 10° and 37°C. During the cold season, from mid-autumn to the
end of the winter, they hibernate under the mud, as does the native Emys orbicularis. When the water is at an
optimal temperature, the turtles are visible in the water and on top of semi-submerged tree trunks, stones and
on the shores, intently basking, or warming themselves in the sun for reasons of thermoregulation. In their native
territory, they mate in the water, usually in spring and in autumn and lay their eggs in late April and mid-July65.
Each female lays 10-30 eggs on the land adjacent the banks of the body of water. Incubation lasts from 2 to 4
and a half months. The species is mostly active during the daytime. The young feed on invertebrates, small fish,
larvae and juvenile amphibians, while the adults are predominantly herbivores, but also opportunist carnivores.
Wintering, between mid-autumn and the end of winter, usually occurs in the muddy beds of the body of water.
The species is native to a large area in central and south-eastern America. Because of its common use as an
ornamental animal (and also for food consumption), it was subsequently introduced (especially its subspecies T.
s. elegans) in numerous countries of the world, in particular in the rest of the United States, a large part of Asia
and of Europe and also in Africa and Oceania. However, there is little evidence of breeding populations, found
only in France, Spain and Italy66,67,68.
The release into nature of specimens of this species is favoured by its longevity in captivity (up to 50 years) and
by the considerable size it reaches (over 30 cm in length of the shell), factors that make it difficult to keep as
a pet in private homes. The consequent continuous release of species into nature has given rise to many alien
populations, in some cases with high density. In Italy, the first reports date back to the 1970s in Abruzzo, but it
was not until the following decade that the species was reported relatively frequently. Currently, the area it oc-
cupies seems to be in constant expansion: the species is present in all the regions of Italy, including the islands,
with the exception of Valle d’Aosta and Campania, rarely in nuclei but able to reproduce. It is found in areas with
altitudes that vary from sea level to 1,500 m, although in Italy it very rarely exceeds 650 m.
In Tuscany, wild Pond sliders have been spotted in many localities, but there is no recent data regarding actual
distribution and quantity. In any case, the species appears to be in constant expansion, both regarding the ter-
ritory colonized and also in terms of abundance of specimens69. In the regional territory, the species has been
spotted from sea level up to at least 385 m, in the province of Florence69. It is very common in urban fountains
and artificial ponds, in parks and also in the urban sections of the major rivers that cross the plain of Florence,
Prato and Pistoia.
As far as the areas that are subject to intervention in the “Water SCIs” LIFE project are concerned, the Pond
slider has been spotted in large numbers at Lake Bogaia at Cascine di Tavola, while it appears not to be present
at Lake Pantanelle and Lake Ombrone, as no animals were spotted during the monitoring activities performed.
In the area of the Plain, there is no reliable indication of any cases of reproduction to date.
It is useful to keep in mind the fact that, in the Plain, the presence of the native Emys orbicularis has been
reported, a species that may also be present in the areas in question: the most recent discoveries from nearby
areas date back to 1996, in Campi Bisenzio, and to 2000, in Signa.
The species is included in the list of the 100 worst invasive species in the world and in the DAISIE list of the 100
worst invasive species in Europe52.
In sites of cohabitation, the Pond slider can cause a strong impact on the native European pond turtle Emys
orbicularis, a species which is already under serious threat from the reduction and degradation of the wetland
areas and by anthropic disturbance. In fact, T. scripta competes for the same territory and food resources as E.
orbicularis70. In the high density populations found in France, T. scripta also been observed to have a consider-
52 Following the water course
able impact on amphibians, arthropods, molluscs and aquatic vegetation71. The species is a carrier of several
serotypes of Salmonella enterica, which can also be transmitted to humans.
Invasive alien flora
Biology of the species and local distribution
The Bohemian knotweed is a plant pertaining to
the family of the Polygonaceae, which originated
through hybridization between two species from
East Asia: Reynoutria japonica Houtt. var. japonica
and R. sachalinensis (F. Schmidt) Nakai.
This is a perennial plant, with annual aerial stems
that are slightly woody and hollow. It is visible from
late spring until the beginning of autumn, while in
winter it is less obvious, as its leaves fall and the
stems above ground tend to rot. It possesses large
subterranean rhizomes, which can reach a depth of
3 m and have an extraordinary ability to propagate
the plant by vegetative means. The aerial stems reach a height of 2.5-3 m and a diameter of 2-3 cm at the
base. The leaves are roughly heart-shaped, with a sharp apex and, on average, measure from 21×18 cm to
30×23 cm. On the underside, they have a few short, whitish hairs, distributed mostly along the main veins.
The inflorescences of the Reynoutria x bohemica are shaped like small clusters, 4-12 cm long, slightly bent
towards the lower part and situated at the axil of the leaves. They carry numerous small flowers, which are
white or greenish-white, in clusters of 2-7. The fruit is a dark brown achene, with a triangular outline, 2.5-3
mm long, and is smooth and shiny.
In the Tuscan stations, this species regularly blooms and bears fruit. However, the ability of the seeds to
germinate is still not clear. For this reason, studies are under way at the University of Florence aimed at
estimating the germination rate and thus assess the ability to propagate by seed, which would be in addition
to vegetative propagation.
In Tuscany, as well as Reynoutria x bohemica, the two entities from which it probably originates, are also
present: R. sachalinensis and R. japonica var. japonica. These two plants are not dissimilar, but each has
unique features that make it possible to distinguish them.
The Bohemian knotweed is now common in most of Europe. The first sighting of the plant in Italy was in the
lower Casentino (Arezzo) area, following which analysis on a national scale was launched, allowing for an
initial delimitation of its distribution in Italy to be established72. The species is currently distributed in central
and northern Italy (Valle d’Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Liguria and Tuscany73). It
should be noted that both parent species are present in Tuscany: Reynoutria japonica var. japonica appears to
be particularly invasive in the upper Valdarno area (Arezzo - Florence), where has colonized long stretches of
ravines in the Valdarno plain, while Reynoutria sachalinensis appears to be less common and is less invasive.
To date in Tuscany, R. × bohemica has been spotted in various provinces (Arezzo, Prato, Pistoia). From an eco-
logical point of view R. × bohemica and the other parent species occupy different types of habitat: the preferred
habitat are the wetlands and watercourses, but they have also invaded roadside and railway areas, parks and
gardens, quarries and rubbish dumps, urban/agricultural areas, uncultivated areas and the edges of forests.
Fig. 28 – Reynoutria x bohemica (Chrtek & Chrtková)
53“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
In the study area, R. bohemica has been found for the first time in Pistoia, along the banks of the Ombrone72,
in the locality of Podere della Chiesa, where it formed dense nuclei both on the outer side of the bank and
in the riverside area. The inspections carried out confirmed the presence of this plant in the area mentioned,
making it possible to find it along the embankment of the Pistoia side as well.
The investigations were therefore also extended to the areas upstream and downstream of the Lake Ombrone
station. In the upstream area, R. bohemica turned out to be spread along virtually all of the Ombrone River as
far as its upper area in the province of Pistoia. Its presence has been confirmed at least as far as the conflu-
ence with the Vincio di Montagnana torrent. This last watercourse has also been invaded by this species and
could, therefore, represent a point of departure or at least an area of special importance due to its widespread
presence throughout the area of the Plain.
In the stretch downstream of Lake Ombrone R. bohemica has been found at least as far as the locality of
Guado del Molin Nuovo.
In terms of size, the populations varied widely, ranging from extensive, very dense nuclei to others of just a
few square metres, discontinuous and spaced out. The nuclei were seen mostly along the inner and outer
embankments, in a raised position with regard to the water level, although the plant was often also found
growing along the muddy banks in more or less prolonged contact with the water.
International74 and national72 studies have revealed a considerable reduction of biodiversity in the invasive
plant communities by this and by other species of the Reynoutria genus. The tendency to form dense popula-
tions, with thick coverage and a dense network of subterranean rhizomes make it particularly difficult for
native species inside the areas populated by the Reynoutria to survive. Also at the Prato station, the initial
observations confirmed this tendency, with the presence of populations made up of very few species or even
of the Reynoutria alone. In the invaded area, the communities most commonly in contact with the popula-
tions of Reynoutria are: dense canefields that are often mono-specific of Arundo donax and populations of
nitrophilous and ruderal species, such as Urtica dioica, Galium aparine, Rubus ulmifolius, Arum italicum,
Persicaria lapathifolia etc.
From the initial observations, we can state that this last type of vegetation is the one destined to be most
easily invaded and replaced by the coenosis of Reynoutria.
Biology of the species and local distribution
Robinia pseudoacacia, commonly known under various names (black locust, robinia, acacia, false acacia,
cascia), is a deciduous tree, belonging to the family of the Fabaceae (or Leguminosae).
It can grow to 25 m in height, although it is often found in the form of a basal shooting shrub (coppiced). The
species is known for its ability to propagate through basal shoots, both roots and stumps75. It has a very ex-
tensive surface root system with the unusual feature (common to many Leguminosae) of being able to absorb
atmospheric nitrogen, thanks to the symbiosis with specific nitrogen absorbing bacteria.
The bark of branches and young stems is smooth and greyish, while that of the adult specimens has longitu-
dinal long, narrow, diamond-shaped splits. The young branches often have numerous large, spiky thorns. On
average, the leaves are made up of 13-15 elliptical segments, 3-5 cm long, rounded at the tip, of a glaucous
green colour, lighter on the underside. The flowers are in hanging clusters, 10-20 cm long. Every single flower
is 15-20 mm long and is a white or tending towards a greenish-yellow colour. The fruit is a flat pod, 5-10 cm
long, containing 3-10 seeds.
54 Following the water course
In its native area, Robinia pseudoacacia is a typical
species of the mesophilous (cool and damp) woods,
generally with mixed broad-leaved trees. Following
its introduction to Europe, it gave rise to different
ecotypes that were able to colonize both cool-damp
environments with an ocean climate and also hot-
dry ones with a Mediterranean climate, thereby
widening its area of distribution. It prefers sunny
locations and rich soils, which tend to be acidic, cool
and deep; it suffers from a lack of water, while it
resists well in harsh winter weather. Now naturalized
and highly competitive, it forms dense, rapidly grow-
ing thickets. It tolerates pruning and pollarding very
well, responding with abundant new growth.
Native to North America, it was introduced to Europe
in 1601 by Jean Robin, a botanist of the French roy-
al house, while in Italy it has been cultivated since
1662 at the Botanical Garden of Padua. It was ini-
tially used as an ornamental plant and became very
common in parks and along avenues; very soon,
however, thanks to its ability to adapt to multiple
soils and climatic conditions, its rapid growth and
vigorous root system, its use became increasingly
frequent and diversified. For example, it was used
extensively as a pioneer plant for strengthening and
controlling erosion of the soil and in reforestation
works. It is also widely used for the production of firewood or wood for carpentry and as a melliferous plant.
Today, it is widespread in every continent, including Africa and Australia, and it is particularly common in
Europe, where it is often cultivated in large plantations.
In Italy, it is currently recognized as an invasive species in all regions except for Puglia, Sicily and Sardinia,
where it is present in a spontaneous and naturalized form and where its expansion is probably limited by the
dry summer weather. In Tuscany, it has been present since eighteenth century. The provinces that are cur-
rently most affected by its invasive nature are Lucca, Pistoia, Prato, Massa Carrara and Florence. It is invasive
and very competitive in sparse woodlands and chestnut groves, where it forms dense woods, especially in
the rainiest areas in north-west Tuscany. Elsewhere, it is common, but dispersed and confined due to the dry
summer weather.
In the territory involved in the “Water SCIs” LIFE project, a limited presence of the Black locust has been
found in the areas of the Park of the Cascine di Tavola (Nature Reserve of Local Interest) and at the smaller
Lake Bogaia. On the other hand, the species has not been found in the remaining sites (Lake Ombrone and
Lake Pantanelle).
Although it is famous for its remarkable productive potential, the Black locust is considered one of the 100
most invasive species in the world and in Europe76 and also one of the 10 most invasive plants in Italy77. Al-
though it produces abundant seeds, it renews itself mainly, and very effectively, by vegetative means. In fact,
the strength of the invasive nature of the Black locust lies in its ability to regenerate rapidly and abundantly,
Fig. 29 – Robinia pseudoacacia L.
Ordine: FABALES; Famiglia: FABACEAE
55“Water SCIs” life project preparatory actions
starting from basal shoots, and also in the nutritional advantage provided by its symbiosis with nitrogen fixing
bacteria, allowing rapid growth even in soils that are poor in nitrogen. It therefore forms dense thickets that
modify the structure and the range of flora in the invaded areas, as well as the chemical composition of the
soil. The Black locust is one of the first to colonize open spaces and it occupies a vast number of environ-
ments, thanks to its ability to tolerate different environmental factors. Although it is mostly linked to disturbed
ecosystems, it may also spread within sheltered environments and open woodlands, causing the loss of
biodiversity. In coastal areas and especially on islands, it is limited by the dry summer weather, which keeps
its spreading under control, but in the cooler inland areas it is able to spread with great force and speed,
creating pure woods stretching for tens of hectares. As a result, the appearance of the landscape in the hilly
areas of provinces like Pistoia and Lucca has changed completely in the space of a few decades.
Talks and discussion with stakeholders (environmental protection associations, hunters, fishermen, and town
committees) continued for the entire duration of the project, constantly seeking effective collaboration aimed
at the conservation of nature, which probably represents the most qualifying and distinguishing factor of this
LIFE project.
During the first six months of 2010, three specific agreements were stipulated with the owners of the lands on
which the wetlands of the Prato plain stand and which were identified in the project with the purpose of:
• Guaranteeing access to representatives from the Provincial authority for the in-depth analysis and prelimi-
nary studies;
• Authorizing the Prato Provincial Authority to perform the environmental requalification measures included
in the project;
• Guaranteeing that the areas undergoing conservation measures are destined for nature preservation be-
yond the duration of the “Water SCIs” LIFE project.
The three wetland areas identified belong to three entities that are completely separate, even from a legal stand-
point. Lake Pantanelle is, in fact, owned by a company called “G.I.D.A.” S.p.A. (Gestione Impianti Depurazione
Acque - Water Purification Plants Management), a joint-stock company with mixed public and private capital,
which manages the water purification plants in the Municipalities of Prato, Vaiano, Vernio and Cantagallo, the
sewage treatment plant in Calice and the industrial waterworks network. The wetland is run for hunting purposes
(fixed hunting post n. 857 for palmipedes and waders).
Lake Ombrone, on the other hand, belongs to the Institute of religious education and moral assistance for the
Youth of the Diocese of Prato, which is for all intents and purposes a private entity. Here too, the lake is used for
hunting activities (fixed hunting post n. 765 for palmipedes and waders).
Lake Bogaia and the surrounding land belong to the Prato Municipal Administration. The area was involved in
hunting activities in a planned form up until the approval of the Wildlife Hunting Plan of the Province of Prato
(Provincial Council Resolution n. 59, dated 18/12/2013), which, by taking on board the specifications of the
Management Plan of the “Ponds of the Florentine and Prato plain” SPA, established a protected area named
“Bogaia”, in accordance with article n. 14 of Tuscan Regional Law n. 3/94.
Lastly, the land on which the fish hatchery of Ponte S. Giorgio (Camugnano - BO) was created, was acquired by
the Management Consortium of the Lakes Suviana and Brasimone Natural Park following an amicable agree-
ment with the owner on 29 July 2010. The land-parcel acquired, which has a surface area of approximately
1,000 sqm, is identified on sheet 82, map section 121 of the New Land Register of the Municipality of Camug-
nano (BO).
The obligation to ensure the protection of animal and plant species targeted by the community project in the
lands described, for twenty years after the conclusion of the actions performed, and to transfer this commitment
to any new user, tenant or assignee in the event of transfer of the aforementioned lands, has been explicitly
included in the text of the agreement stipulated with the owners mentioned and also in specific “transfer of
deeds” registered at the land registry premises (Land Registry Office).
After overcoming some initial, understandable diffidence due to insufficient knowledge of the LIFE project tool
and of its implications in terms of constraints, the owners of the wetlands affected by the environmental re-
58 Following the water course
qualification measures maintained a collaborative attitude throughout the entire duration of the project. This
was expected in the case of the Municipality of Prato, which is incidentally one of the funding sources for the
project, but it was not to be taken for granted in the case of the other two entities (GIDA S.p.A. and the Institute
of religious education).
The relationships with owners of fixed hunting posts in the various locations proved to be profoundly different:
they were very cooperative in one case (Lake Pantanelle), and strongly opposed in the other (Lake Ombrone).
During the implementation phase of the project, efforts were made to maintain an open communication channel
with the so-called “lagaioli - lake hunters”, owners of the hunting posts, particularly in the planning stages of
the measures to be undertaken, bearing in mind that these are the specimens in closest and most constant
contact with the territory to be requalified. Lake hunting is, in fact, a sedentary type of hunting activity that entails
the long-term maintenance of environmental conditions suited to the presence of birds. For this reason, the
“lagaioli” lake hunters are directly involved in managing the water levels of the bodies of water, regulating the
inflow and outflow of water, as well as routine maintenance of the vegetation, in compliance with the obligations
and requirements set out for the SPAs in Tuscany, by Tuscan Regional Government Resolution n. 454, dated
16/06/2008, concerning: “Minimum uniform criteria for defining conservation measures relative to Special
Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA)”.
In the case of Lake Pantanelle, the owner of the hunting-post demonstrated a certain open-mindedness right
from the earliest stages with regard to the topic of conservation of nature as a whole (and not only relative to
birds from a hunting point of view), while the “lagaioli” lake hunters at Lake Ombrone, who felt that the environ-
mental improvement measures would have a negative impact on hunting, systematically rejected every attempt
at dialogue, to the point of asking that the lake be removed from the SPA.
In order to improve compliance with the correct methods of managing Lake Ombrone, to ensure the conserva-
tion of nature, specific requirements have been inserted into the provincial hunting regulations, aimed at achiev-
ing the goals of the project.
With regard to environmental campaigners, clear opposition to the project was expressed by the Tuscany re-
gional committee of the WWF, which was firmly against maintaining hunting activities in the site of Lake Panta-
nelle. This position, which is legitimate and consistent with the policy pursued by the association on a national
level, was, however, taken to the extreme by the local committee to the point of insinuating, in a letter sent to the
“LIFE Nature and Biodiversity” Unit of the European Commission, that “community public funding devoted to the
protection of biodiversity was spent by the Provincial Authority of Prato, on the one hand to obtain the possibility
of more easily attracting and then killing the species of migratory birds in this site (i.e., the opposite effect of that
envisaged) and, on the other hand, led to the “beneficiaries” of this funding being just a small group of hunters
and, therefore, not even the entire “community” of hunters in the Province”.
Although clearly unfounded, claiming that the public funding of the project was used to favour single private enti-
ties (the owners of the hunting-posts) is a very serious accusation against the public administration and reflects
badly on the project, both in the eyes of the European Commission and also with regard to public opinion (given
that the same view was upheld by the local media). The Provincial Authority of Prato, as beneficiary coordinating
the project, has systematically rejected these allegations before the appropriate institutional and non-institution-
al (daily newspapers, radio) bodies. However, the best response to these unfounded accusations comes from
the results of the biological monitoring carried out during the project, confirming that the current management
methods used at the Pantanelle wetlands, despite being the result of a composition of non-converging interests,
are clearly and actively contributing to the attainment of conservation objectives.
During the years 2012 and 2013, an informal collaboration with the associations “Via del Campo” and “Polispor-
tiva Aurora” was established. These associations operate in the field of mental disorders and run an educational
farm called “Animal house”, located immediately to north of Lake Pantanelle, where domestic animals are kept
and guided tours are organized. By avoiding the nesting period of the target species, the guided tours of Lake
59Participation and planning
Pantanelle have become a part of the environmental education offering that these associations present annually
to schoolchildren in the territory. Similar collaboration with the association “Amici della Bogaia” was sought and
obtained. This association runs Municipal “cattery” structure of the same name, near Lake the Bogaia, with the
aim of maintaining the fencing that encloses it an efficient state, in order to limit potential episodes of predation
of chicks and protected small wildlife by stray cats.
Lastly, the relationship with the association of fishermen “Prato Mosca Club” proved to be very positive. The first
relations with this associate were sporadic and informal (telephone and email contacts), after which an intention-
al meeting took place, held on 04/02/2013, in the presence of the scientific advisers of the Provincial Authority
of Prato (ichthyologists from the company Bioprogramm) and a representative from the Provincial Hunting and
Fishing Service, to illustrate the new methods of fish propagation according to the approved species-specific
action plans (sees box dedicated to you) for the Apennine watercourses in question. These methods were fully
shared by the association, which manages both the stretch of the watercourse in which passages for fish have
been created (“Rio Trogola no-kill area” with specific regulations), and the fish hatchery of the Union of the Val
Bisenzio Municipalities in the locality of “Casa al Rio” (Cantagallo - PO), where part of the material used for
propagation is produced. The association has also declared its availability, on the basis of partial payment of
expenses incurred, to keep the fish passages clean, as they periodically fill up as a result of flooding or falling
leaves in autumn.
Action Plans for the conservation of the European bullhead and the White-clawed crayfish
Action plans are management tools described in Article 6, paragraph 1 of Community Directive 92/43/
EEC “Habitats” and Article 4, paragraph 2 of Presidential Decree n. 357/1997 that implemented the
Community Directive at national level.
Regional Decree n. 1014/2009 defines action plans as: “technical documents that describe, on a very
variable scale (from global level to one of very small areas), the actions required to conserve single
species (e.g. the action plans produced by the ISPRA Environmental Protection and Research Institute
- formerly INFS - for the conservation of threatened species of Birds and Mammals in Italy), but also
groups of species and habitats. Action Plans may also be produced to define methods of managing
certain human activities (e.g. wild grazing) that interfere with or allow for the protection of certain
species or habitats”.
In the context of the “Water SCIs” LIFE project, the plans have been geared towards reducing the
threats/critical situations found and increasing the size and the vitality of the populations of species in
question, by pursuing the following specific goals:
• Protecting of existing populations of C. gobio and A. pallipes;
• Recovering and reintroducing populations of European bullhead (C. gobio) and White-clawed cray-
fish (A. pallipes) in sites where they previously existed and currently appear to have disappeared
or are very rare;
• Protecting environments and specific habitats of the species in the territorial areas covered by
the plans.
The Action plans were approved by the Provincial Authority of Prato by Regional Government Resolu-
tion n. 43/2012 and by the Management entity for the Parks and Biodiversity of Eastern Emilia by
Decree n. 84/2012 and have full legal effect right from the approval date. All approved Action plans
can be viewed and downloaded from the project website (
60 Following the water course
The “Water SCIs” LIFE project was presented to the public for the first time on 11 October 2009 in the locality
of Cascina di Spedaletto (Cantagallo - PO), as part of the initiative called “Biodiversity Day”. On this occasion, a
prize was awarded by the T.C.I. to the Provincial Authority of Prato for commitment shown by the Administration
in the field of protecting biodiversity. A further “kick-off meeting” of the LIFE project was organized by the Lakes
Suviana and Brasimone Natural Park at the ENEA (National agency for new technologies, Energy and sustain-
able economic development) Brasimone Energy Information Centre, in the locality of Bacino del Brasimone,
Camugnano (BO) on 28 May 2010.
Citizen involvement was prolonged throughout the second trimester 2010, with a series of “Natural Life in the
Territory of Prato” seminars and excursions, organized by the Department of Protected Areas in the Province of
Prato and by the Natural History Museum of the University of Florence, on the occasion of and under the protec-
tion of the International Year of Biodiversity.
The initiatives saw overall participation by approximately 75 people: administrators, technicians, members of
associations and committees and ordinary citizens interested in the subject. Below is the calendar of appoint-
ments and topics covered:
- - Seminar: Thursday 15/4 at 21:00 - Geology of the territory of Prato and “Natura 2000” network (geology
and Natura 2000 network).
- - Field trip: Saturday 17/4 at 15:00 - The origin of Monteferrato and its geological and floristic treasures
(geology and flora).
- - Seminar: Thursday 22/4 at 21:00 - The migratory population in the plain between the Arno and the Om-
brone Pistoiese (birdlife).
- - Field trip: Saturday 24/4 at 15:00 - Birdlife in the wetlands of the Prato plain (birdlife and management
of the wetlands).
- - Seminar: Thursday 13/5 at 21:00 - Fins, pincers, legs: life in the rivers and torrents of the Prato Apennines
(freshwater fish, amphibians, macro-invertebrates).
- - Seminar: Thursday 20/5 at 21:00 - Little eyes in the forest and in the meadow (arthropods).
- - Field trip: Saturday 22/5 at 15:00 - The lowland forest and its inhabitants in the Cascina di Tavola Estate
(athropods and invasive alien species).
The series of initiatives had a dual objective: on the one hand, to raise public awareness of the importance of
the topic of biodiversity and its conservation and, on the other hand, to set up a work-group made up of rep-
resentatives from associations in the territory, Organizations and individual citizens interested in the protection
of biodiversity, with whom to discuss the progress of the LIFE project and identify opportunities, critical areas,
strengths and weaknesses.
The work was developed by adopting S.W.O.T. analysis methodology, a support tool for the analysis of the
context, consisting of the identification of strengths and weaknesses of the context itself and analysis of the
opportunities and threats deriving from the external context to which the analysed project is exposed; in this first
phase, with specific reference to the area of the Prato plain.
By using this approach, we were able to clearly and concisely highlight the variables that could facilitate or
61Participation and planning
hinder the achievement of the project goals, distinguishing between local and external factors.
Lastly, the S.W.O.T. analysis was integrated and completed the following year during the following events, when
we also presented executive projects for the requalification measures in the wetlands in the Prato plain:
“FESTA IN PANTANELLE”, which took place on 15 May 2011 at the Sports Field of Casale - Lake Pantanelle,
“THE TREASURES OF PRATO”, which took place on 26 May 2011 at Palazzo Vestri, Piazza Duomo, Prato.
During the spring of 2013, three separate public
initiatives were organized (one for each site where
requalification took place) and saw the participation
of approximately 30 people per meeting on average,
with the aim of acquainting citizens with the envi-
ronmental improvement measures carried out in the
Prato plain as part of the “Water SCIs” LIFE project.
On Saturday 13 April 2013, the “From Animal House
to Pantanelle” initiative took place, organized in col-
laboration with the “Via del Campo” and “Polisportiva
Aurora” Associations that manage the “Animal House”
educational farm located near Lake Pantanelle.
The initiative included a tour and illustration of the en-
vironmental requalification measures performed, an
exhibition of photos taken at Pantanelle by two nature
photographers during different seasons of the year,
and “active planting” using forest propagation materi-
als kindly made available to the project and to citizens
by the State Forestry Corps.
Fig. 30 – Poster of the initiative.
Fig. 31 – Planting shrubs on
the embankment of the lake.
62 Following the water course
On 26 May 2013, the “An afternoon with the Stork”
initiative took place, organized in collaboration with
the Centre for Natural Sciences of Prato, the Terna
S.p.A. Company and the CSN/Gruppo Astrofili Qua-
sar Volunteer Association. The event was given this
name, as it was focused on the attraction of the
return (after 300 years of absence from territory of
Prato) of a nesting presence of the White Stork, not by
chance located near Lake Ombrone, where the food
resources available are useful for nesting and for the
development of this “emblematic species”.
In the month prior to the initiative, the nesting in pro-
gress could be watched via streaming on the “Water
SCIs” LIFE project website, thanks to a webcam care-
fully installed in the vicinity, without any disturbance
to the nesting pair.
A drawing contest was also held for primary school
pupils in the territory: on 24 May 2013, the classes of
the pupils who won prizes visited the nesting site and
the environmental improvement measures carried out
alongside Lake Ombrone.
Fig. 32 – Poster of the initiative.
Fig. 33 – Visit to Lake Om-
brone with schoolchildren.
63Participation and planning
Lastly, on 14 September 2013, as part of the “Expo Rurale Toscana 2013” exhibition at the Fortezza da Basso in
Florence, a final conference was organized to present the results obtained by the project, called: “Co-existence
between rural activities and the conservation of species of community interest: the “Water SCIs” LIFE Nature
The Councillor for Protected Areas in the Province of Prato, Dr. Alessio Beltrame, and the President of the
Management Body of the Parks and Biodiversity in Eastern Emilia, Dr. Sandro Ceccoli, brought greetings from
their relative Administrations and introduced the theme of the conference. The following presentations were
then made:
The in-situ conservation of the fish species C. gobio
and the White-clawed crayfish A. pallipes (by the Bio-
programm studio and the University of Parma);
• The ex-situ conservation of fish species and asta-
cidae in the fish hatchery at Ponte S. Giorgio (by
the Managing Body of the Parks and Biodiversity
in Eastern Emilia and the University of Bologna);
• Actions undertaken to favour preservation and
improvement of the conservation status of the
populations of Triturus carnifex and of the target
bird species (by the Biosfera studio);
• Actions aimed at contrasting/containing the alien
species in the areas that were the object of envi-
The “From the forest… to the lake” initiative, organ-
ized in collaboration with the Environmental Depart-
ment of the Municipality of Prato and the Associa-
tion “Amici della Bogaia” on 16 June 2013, included
a guided tour of the lowland forest and the Medici
Estate of the Cascine di Tavola, up to Lake Bogaia,
where the LIFE project environmental requalification
measures had recently been concluded.
Fig. 34 – Poster of the initiative.
Fig. 36 – A moment from the final convention at the 2013 Rural
Tuscany Expo.
Fig. 35 – Illustration of the measures.
64 Following the water course
ronmental improvements (by the Nemo studio and the University of Florence);
• Protection tools: the Management Plan for the “Ponds of the Florentine and Prato plain” Special Protection
Area and the action plans for the conservation of A. pallipes and C. gobio (by the Provincial Authority of
About twenty people participated in the conference, including representatives from the Institutions, from the
academic world and individual citizens.
Two converging reasons led to the need to draw up a Management Plan for the part of the Natura 2000 “Ponds
of the Florentine and Prato plain” situated in the territory of the Province of Prato:
1. The specific requirements of in Regional Government Resolution n. 644/2004, which indicated a “very high”
need for a management plan for the site in question, under the terms set out in Article 6 of the 92/43/EEC
“Habitats” Directive;
2. The provision of “a precise short-medium and long term management framework for the areas of interven-
tion and the target species (Natura 2000 Management plan for the extended “Ponds of the Florentine Plain”
SPA)” contained in the “Water SCIs” LIFE project.
The Management Plan, approved in accordance with the procedure laid down by Title II of the Regional Law on
the Government of the Territory (Tuscan Regional Law 1/2005), has pursued the goals of maintaining or restor-
ing to a satisfactory conservation status, the natural habitats and the species of fauna and flora of community
interest present in the site, while also ensuring the proper fruition of the natural heritage by citizens.
The Plan was approved by Municipal Council Resolution n. 50/2012 and became fully effective as of 7 Novem-
ber 2012, in which it was published in B.U.R.T. (Tuscan Regional Official Bulletin) n. 45.
In compliance with the provisions of Regional Council Resolution n. 1014/2009, “Tuscan Regional Law - ap-
proval of the guidelines for drafting the management plans of the SRI (Site of Regional Importance)”, the ap-
proved Plan is divided into the following sections:
1) COGNITIVE section, consisting of the following documents:
• Knowledge Base Report, which contains existing legislative, regulatory, administrative, planning, pro-
gramming and contractual elements, the biotic and abiotic features of the site, with particular reference
to the naturalistic ones, the factors causing persistent pressure on the site and the social and economic
conditions in this context.
• Table 1 – Map of territorial location
• Table 2 – Hydrographic chart
• Table 3 – Chart of flora present
• Table 4 – Map of vegetation
• Table 5 – Map of habitats
• Table – 6a Map of fauna present
• Table – 6b Map of fauna present
• Table 7a – Chart of suitability of fauna
• Table 7b – Chart of suitability of fauna
• Table 7a – Chart of suitability of fauna
65Participation and planning
• Table 8 – Chart of agro-zootechnical farms
• Table 9 – Chart of soil use
• Table 10 – Chart of public properties
• Table 11 – Chart of constraints
• Table 12 – Chart of Hunting Institutes
• Table 13 – Chart of cultural heritage
• Table 14 – Map of the ecological mosaic
• Table 15 – Document of influencing factors
2) PLANNING section, consisting of the following documents:
• Plan Report, containing management indications based on the adequate identification of ecological
requirements and of problems inherent to the species and habitats present. These indications were
aggregated, according to their content, into the following categories:
- Active interventions;
- Regulations;
- Incentives;
- Monitoring and research;
- Educational programmes;
• Table 16 – List of actions.
3) INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT Section, consisting of the following documents:
• Summary Report of the Integrated Assessment, with contents provided for under Article of Regional
Government Presidential Decree n. 4/r/2007 and the relative attachments;
• Attachment 1 – Assessment of Internal Coherence;
• Attachment 2 – Assessment of External Coherence;
• Attachment 3 – Assessment of the environmental, social and economic effects and effects on human
The approval procedure used allowed the full participation, in the formation of the Plan, of all public and private
entities interested, as set out in more detail in the next paragraph. All documentation of the approved Plan can
be viewed and downloaded from the project website (
Public participation in the drafting of a Management Plan, as with all tools used for planning or government acts
in the territory, is undoubtedly a good administrative practice, useful for collecting contributions and indications
from all stakeholders and for identifying and avoiding any controversies or conflicts.
Regional legislation thus provides specific operative and procedural methods: the approval procedure for the
Management Plan, as clarified by Regional Council Resolution n. 1014/2009, “Tuscan Regional Law 56/00 - ap-
proval of guidelines for the preparation of management plans for the SRIs (Sites of Regional Importance)”, does,
in fact, follow the procedural norms dictated by articles 15, 16 and 17 of the Regional Law for Government of
the Territory (Tuscan Regional Law 1/2005), for the approval of territorial planning tools (the so-called “unified
This unified procedure consists of the following phases:
66 Following the water course
1) Initiation of the procedure - (act approved by the Provincial Administration, through Provincial Government
Resolution. n. 191/2011): the document launching the procedure contains, among other things, a definition of
the goals of the plan, consequent actions, the environmental and territorial effects expected and the knowledge
base of reference. It was sent to the entities indicated in Regional Law 1/2005, including the Municipalities and
the Provincial Authorities involved, the Tuscan Regional Authority, the Mountain Community, the Superintend-
ence, ARPAT (Regional Environmental Protection Agency of Tuscany), the Land Reclamation Authority of the
Ombrone and of the Florentine Area, the Arno Basin Authority, the ASL (Local Health Authority), ISPRA (Environ-
mental Protection and Research Institute), the Regional Office for the Protection of Water and of the Territory and
the CFS (SFC - State Forestry Corps).
The document was sent to these entities with the aim of integrating the initial knowledge base of reference with
technical contributions and to gather every observation, opinion, information and contribution that could assist
in drafting the Plan.
Adoption - (act approved by the Provincial Administration in Provincial Council Resolution n. 18/2012): the
adoption deliberation, with the relative documents (specifically, a definitive proposal of the Plan to be approved)
was transmitted to all institutions involved and the notice of adoption was published in Tuscan Regional Official
Bulletin (B.U.R.T.) n. 20 on 16 May 2012.
The Plan adopted was also filed with the Provincial Authority of Prato for sixty days from the date of publication
of the relative notice in the B.U.R.T. (Tuscan Regional Official Bulletin) and the documents were made available
to all citizens on the “Water SCIs” LIFE project web page, allowing anyone to view it and submit comments.
The period of sixty days from the date of publication in the B.U.R.T. expired on 17/07/2012 and the comments
received were collected and examined, in order to respond as necessary.
Approval (Plan approved by the Provincial Administration, in Provincial Council Resolution n. 50/2012): the
approval measure, containing precise reference to the comments received and the explicit motivation for the
decisions subsequently adopted, was communicated to the institutional entities involved and was made acces-
sible to all, also in electronic format.
The notice confirming approval of the territorial planning tool was finally published in the B.U.R.T. (n. 45, dated
07 November 2012) and came into effect on the publication date.
In view of the adoption of the Plan, a meeting was convened, with active participation open to citizens, in order
to verify the completeness and correctness of the project contents and to gather contributions and suggestions
from the stakeholders invited (institutional entities, representatives of the civil society, private citizens). The
meeting was held on 09 February 2012, in the presence of representatives from the Provinces involved (Prato
and Florence), of Administrators and technicians from several Municipalities involved, as well as representatives
from local associations involved and private citizens, including trade associations from the agricultural sector. It
also helped to increase awareness on this topic and operational participation of entities directly involved in the
Plan, like members of the Golf Club (located in the area of the Cascine di Tavola) and the owners of the fixed
hunting posts in the territory involved by the Plan.
All the documentation relative to the Plan (administrative acts and documents) has been published on the project
Internet website:
The planning activities for environmental requalification measures for the wetlands were all carried out in the
same period: from mid-November 2010 to mid-May 2011. As well as the appointed contractors, project experts
in charge, consultant experts in nature conservation were also engaged, who clarified the ecological needs of
the species of interest, thereby ensuring that the projects would respond in full to these requirements.
Similarly, the planning of the fish hatchery at Ponte San Giorgio (Camugnano - BO), carried out in the third
and fourth quarters of 2010, was supervised by ichthyologists appointed by the Lakes Suviana and Brasimone
Natural Park. Lastly, the planning of the fish passages was carried out from September 2010 to March 2011 by
project designers selected on the basis of their specific ichthyological expertise and their knowledge of the river
environments involved in the interventions.
Lake Pantanelle
The planning of the intervention at Lake Pantanelle adhered to the following specific objectives:
• Implementing activities of intake and restitution relative to regulation of the incoming and outgoing flow of
water to and from the lake;
• Creating a micro habitat with characteristics suited to the needs of the target amphibians and birds;
• Creating activities to mitigate the current and the potential impacts caused by roads being built alongside
the western shore of the lake.
Work was handed over to the contractors on 14 July 2011 and completed on 9 January 2012.
The regulation of the water levels had previously been carried out using precarious systems, completely unsuit-
able for guaranteeing adequate management: to allow for a more flexible and reliable regulation of the depth
of the lake reservoir, an intake activity (surface water diversion) at Fosso Calicino and a drainage activity at the
lake downstream were constructed.
The new intake activity was achieved by creating a concrete threshold on which removable metallic profiles
were installed, functioning at the moment of operation of the barrier structure made of sheets of wood and
controlling water flow. This structure is also manually removable and is intended to remain in the bed only for
the time necessary to carry out the diversion. The implementation of the new intake activity was completed using
protection reefs upstream and downstream of the threshold, to avoid processes of erosion, considering that the
flow rate at Fosso Calicino is abundant for a good part of the year (see Fig. 37). The characteristics of the intake
activity were created to guarantee the maintenance of an adequate minimum vital flow into the Fosso Calicino,
downstream of the activity.
To further regulate capacities coming into the lake, a floodgate was also created (see Fig. 38), installed at the
mouth of the diversion duct in PVC, passing underneath the ring road currently under construction.
As for the reinstatement of the previously existing drainage duct on the side south of the lake, a duct was
installed under the southern embankment of the lake (see Fig. 39), that delivers the drainage waters into the
surrounding network of ditches, finding its final outlet in the Calicino. The drainage duct is also equipped with a
special regulating floodgate.
For the environmental improvement of the lake, primary importance was focused on the partial mitigation of the
negative impacts of the new road being built on the west side (second ring road in Prato). To this end, a shield
68 Following the water course
was created by planting a buffer zone of native plant species including trees and shrubs.
The new ring road project includes maintaining a service road with an average width of about 5 m, located at the
base of the road embankment, along the west bank of the lake. At the edge of this service road, at a distance
of 4 m from the foot of the road embankment, a large wooden barrier was installed to separate the area of the
lake from the gravel service road and channel the smaller fauna towards the underpasses already built along the
ring road, in order to limit the interference of vehicle traffic with the movement of fauna, both during the building
phase and when the road is operational, thus reducing the risk of collisions. Vegetation was planted along the
entire area between the wooden barrier and the west shore of Lake Pantanelle (see Fig. 40).
Fig. 37 – View of the intake
activity and relative protec-
tion reef.
Fig. 38 – View of the en-
trance floodgate.
69Concrete conservation measures
The species planted were tree and shrub forms. In particular, hygrophilous species of the Salix genus were used,
as well as species from the more rustic Ulmus genus, alongside suitable hygrophilous shrubs such as the com-
mon dogweed (Cornus sanguinea) and the guelder rose (Viburnum opulus, planted alongside more thermophil-
ous plants: common hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) and cornelian cherry (Cornus mas). The vegetated strip
was completed and integrated by the installation, along the side facing the body of water, of a strip reed bed.
The hygrophilous trees were planted near the lake shores, while the mesophilic trees with greater rusticity were
planted farther away from the wet area.
Another area of the lake that needed shielding by plants was the south-eastern part, located near a recently
Fig. 39 – View of the return
Fig. 40 – Creation of the
plant buffer zone.
70 Following the water course
renovated building used as a private residence. Trees and a copse of bamboo were already present in this area.
alien vegetation was removed and replaced by shrubs and trees similar to those used on the west side of the
lake (along the ring road), in order to create a solid barrier of plants capable of further reducing disturbance
from the outside.
In the central portion of the lake, we also created an island planted with native hygrophilous trees (willows and
poplars) to accommodate a colony of ardeidae (heronry), in order to encourage this group of species, which are
worthy of conservation in the “Ponds of the Florentine and Prato plain” SPA and whose presence could facilitate the
biological control of the Louisiana crayfish population that was detected at Pantanelle during preliminary studies.
In addition to the main islet, within the surface area of the lake, on the east side, 3 smaller islets were created.
These are elongated in shape, with a height above the average water surface of 0.2 - 0.3 m, and are designed
to create a suitable environment for conservation priority bird species to stopover, feed and nest. The central
island and the outcrops are shown in the photo below.
The area of wet meadows and reed beds currently present on the north side of the lake has been further
extended to the west. Its bed has also been remodelled, creating a series of areas with water heights of a few
centimetres, interspersed with areas that are generally dry.
In the area to the north-northeast, 2 amphibian nurseries were created, functioning as a source area for incre-
menting the number and size of the amphibian species present. These ponds have a maximum depth of 1.8 m,
with gently sloping shores (average slope varies from 1:3 - 1:4) towards the deeper areas, so as to create the
right conditions for amphibian motility. Following the advice of herpetologists who carried out similar measures
in the ponds of the Florentine plain (Nature Reserve of Local Interest of Querciola - Sesto Fiorentino), the areas
are supplied solely with rainwater (to avoid the arrival of carnivorous fish, whose food resources include the eggs
of amphibians) and are physically separated from the main lake by a small embankment of hard-packed earth,
on top of which there is a wooden barrier approximately 0.4 m in height, acting as an obstacle to stop preda-
tors from the lake (particularly Procambarus clarkii) from entering the nurseries. In fact, unlike amphibians, the
astacidae species with their rigid exoskeleton are unable to climb over even low barriers, as long as they are
higher than the animal’s own length. On the side of the barrier facing towards the ponds, an earth mound was
built to act as a sort of “slide” or “ramp”.
Fig. 41 – Central island and
71Concrete conservation measures
The resulting separation structure facilitates the movement of fauna from the ponds towards the lake and limits
the inflow of water from the lake (including carnivorous fish species, given that water comes from the hydraulic
network with a smaller surface area). In one of the two nurseries, protective wire mesh was also set up over the
body of water, to avoid the predation of the amphibians by the bird fauna present, particularly during the more
delicate phases of early development (see Fig. 42).
The invasive alien plant species species present were, fortunately, very few in number, probably as a consequence
of the transportation of inert materials and earth for the road works under way, and were removed from the area.
The contrasting actions against the invasive alien plant species continued on into 2013, with the experimenta-
tion of various control methods, which will be discussed in greater detail in the relative paragraph.
The surface area suitable for the recolonization of target species, following the intervention, is quantifiable as
6.2 ha (extension of the body of water).
Lake Bogaia
The environmental requalification project at Lake Bogaia adhered to the following specific objectives:
• enlarge the body of water of Lake Bogaia inside the Cascine di Tavola (Prato) protected area of local interest;
• create a micro habitat with characteristics suited to the needs of the target amphibians and birds.
Work was handed over to the contractor on 27 September 2012 and ended on 22 July 2013.
Firstly, reclamation of the area was carried out, to remove the large amount of refuse that had accumulated
there, as the area is easily accessible to motor vehicles (see photo below).
The area of the lake was expanded until a project surface area of approximately 1 ha had been attained, creating
new areas with different water heights and variable depths in order to encourage the simultaneous presence of
various taxonomic groups, including diving ducks (e.g. the Little Grebe).
The lake was enlarged in order to obtain a main island in the centre of the new lake (see photos below), on which
hygrophilous Salix and Populus tree species were planted, along with a secondary islet, which is smaller and
without vegetation. These islands and outcrops are useful shelters and suitable places for the nesting of bird
fauna, as they are protected from predation from the ground (see photo below).
Fig. 42 – Nurseries for am-
72 Following the water course
Regarding the regulation of the internal surface waters in the area of intervention, the minor network already
present on-site was left substantially unchanged, which was made up of a main trench and small furrows flow-
ing into the existing lake.
Three ponds were also created around the perimeter of the main body of water, with shores gently sloping to-
wards the deeper areas (max. 1 m), in order to create an environment that favours the motility of the amphibians.
Protective netting was placed over two of the ponds, (with an opening part to allow for inspection and monitoring)
with the goal of limiting predation of the amphibians by bird fauna.
The pond beds were waterproofed using geo-synthetic materials, covered by a layer of three-dimensional geo-
mat, which was also covered with topsoil, to avoid provoking negative visual impacts and to facilitate the move-
ment of the herpetofauna to and from the ponds.
Figg. 43-44-45 – Refuse present in the area of intervention.
Figg. 46-47-48-49 – Remodelling of the lake bed and the creation of islets for nesting.
73Concrete conservation measures
Once the movement of earth required for enlarging and reconfiguring the lake and the ponds for the amphibians
was finished, plant species were planted: hygrophilous plants were planted near the drainage net and the ponds,
while those with greater rusticity were planted in the areas further away from the water. On the littoral strip of the
newly created body of water, along the south-east bank, helophyte vegetation (mainly Phragmites australis) was
planted over a strip with an average width varying between 4 and 6 m. This strip helped to isolate the internal
habitat and limit the interference of possible negative factors from outside, as well as creating site conditions
suitable for the shelter and nesting of bird fauna.
Along the west side of the lake, around the amphibian ponds, a small hygrophilous thicket was created, where
species of the Salix, Populus and Fraxinus genus, typical of lowland forests, were planted, as well as species
with greater rusticity of the Ulmus and Acer genus. Alongside these, shrubs were planted, including the com-
mon dogwood (Cornus sanguinea), the guelder rose (Viburnum opulus), the common hawthorn (Crataegus
monogyna) and the common hazel (Corylus avellana). This green solution helps to increase ecological diversity
in the site of intervention and its characteristics are particularly attractive to ardeidae.
Along the external perimeter of the area of operation, on the south-west side along the Via di Bogaia road and
on the south-east side on the edge of the area of operation, a vegetated strip was planted with trees and shrubs,
delimited by an embankment made of hard-packed earth, to create a natural defence against the disturbance
caused by traffic of vehicles along the Via Bogaia and shielding the area of operation, thus increasing ecologi-
cal diversity in the area. Species with greater rusticity of the Ulmus and Acer genus were used for this purpose
and, alongside them, shrubs like the common hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) and the common hazel (Corylus
avellana) were planted.
During the work in progress and inspections of the worksite, stray cats were noticed in the area, due to the pres-
ence of the “cattery” or “feline oasis” located near the south-west border of the area of intervention.
Figg. 50-51-52 – Creation of pond-nurseries for amphibians.
Figg. 53, 54 – Planting trees and creating a reed bed.
74 Following the water course
Following talks with the managers of the cattery, which is the property of the Municipality of Prato, an area was
identified outside the existing fence, where a small colony of semi-stray cats was living habitually (see Fig. 57).
It was therefore decided fence off the area using special solutions (tilted poles and a sheet of “anti-grip” fibre-
glass - see photos below), allowing the cats to enter from outside while stopping them from leaving.
Figg. 55, 56 – Creating a barrier and planting in rows.
Fig. 57 – Feline colony out-
side the cattery.
75Concrete conservation measures
Lake Ombrone
When planning the activities at Lake Ombrone, our primary goal was to protect and requalify the environment
in the northern part of the wetland area, characterized by the presence of wet meadows, thereby creating a
precious habitat, especially for the species of so-called “shore birds”, united by their feeding habit of searching
for invertebrates and other small animals in the shallow waters or in the mud.
The environmental improvement work at Lake Ombrone was handed over to the contractors on 5 March 2012
and completed on 4 May 2012.
One of the main factors disturbing the stability of the target species of the lake is the ease of access to the lake
shores from the embankment of the nearby Fosso Ficarello, which is often used as a pedestrian pathway, with
or without dogs in tow. For this reason, planting has been carried out on the north-west banks in order to obtain
a green belt, approximately 3-4 m wide, of helophyte vegetation with a shielding effect. This “green curtain”
contributes to the visual and acoustic isolation of the internal habitat (lake) and, at the same time, it offers a
possibility of shelter to the bird species present there, thus making the habitat more attractive. The photo below
shows the planting phase of the Phragmites australis.
Figg. 58, 59 – The new fence.
Fig. 60 – Creating the reed
76 Following the water course
In order to create conditions encouraging amphibians to reproduce and stay in the area, two small ponds
(nurseries) were built, with maximum depths of 1.5 m, surrounded by newly planted shrub vegetation. The
ponds have gently sloping banks (the average slope varies from 1:3 - 1:4) towards the deeper areas, to create
an environment that favours the motility of the amphibians. Taking inspiration from what was already done at
Pantanelle, the preference was to concentrate the two ponds into the same area, so as to be able to delimit them
both with a single wooden barrier, approximately 0.4 m in height, to prevent access to the nurseries of potential
predators from the lake itself (particularly the Procambarus clarkii). The barrier was put into place at the top of
a small embankment on the ground, to avoid any water from flooding in from Fosso Ficarello, which would also
bring with it the eggs of carnivorous fish, predators of amphibians. The nurseries are supplied with rainwater and
their beds were waterproofed using geo-synthetic materials: HDPE membrane covered with a three-dimensional
geomat, to facilitate maintenance of the earth above the geo-synthetic material (see photo below).
On the north-west side of the lake a small hygrophilous thicket was created (see Fig. 63) and was populated
both with hygrophilous species of the Salix, Populus and Fraxinus genus, typical of the lowland forests, as well
as species with greater rusticity of the Ulmus and Acer genus. This area helps to increase the ecological diversity
of the project site, providing shade to the “nurseries” and creating an attractive environment for the ardeidae.
Inside the thicket, a network of small trenches was created, obtained by reshaping the drainage network already
existing in the area and able to provide a sufficiently persistent, functional water supply to the hygrophilous forest
plantation. The hygrophilous plant species were, in fact, planted near the drainage network of the ponds, while
the more rustic plant species were planted in areas further away from the waters.
The trees were combined with shrubs, particularly hygrophilous shrubs like the common dogwood (Cornus
sanguinea) and the guelder rose (Viburnum opulus), placed alongside more thermophilous shrubs (common
hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna).
The soil from the digging of ponds and reshaping of the small trenches was re-used on-site, both for the em-
bankment created around the pond-nurseries and also for remodelling the slope of the banks on the north-east
side of the lake, where the reed bed buffer strip was created.
In the area that was the object of intervention, there were no invasive alien plant species found. However, in the
immediate vicinity (embankment of the Ombrone river) there was an abundance of a poligonaceae (Reynoutria x
bohemica), which represents a risk factor for the integrity of the site and should be kept under careful observa-
tion. The species has been the object of experimentation of various control methods, carried out during 2013,
better described in the relative paragraph of this volume, dedicated to the counter measures against invasive
alien species.
Figg. 61, 62 – Nurseries for amphibians.
77Concrete conservation measures
Experimentation of methods for the ex-situ reproduction of the C. gobio and A. pallipes target species was car-
ried out to estimate the effectiveness of such methods of artificial reproduction, with the goal of consolidating
existing populations of the two species and to improve of the conservation status in the portion of Apennine
territory involved in the project. Before capturing breeding stock from the 2 species in the natural environment
for reproductive purposes, we performed:
• a detailed study of the historical data available on fish fauna in the Province of Prato;
• preliminary monitoring conducted during 2010;
• genetic typing.
All of these activities allowed for careful choices to be made when identifying the populations considered most
suitable for ex-situ ichthyogenic practices.
With regard to C. gobio, the results obtained from the analysis of mitochondrial sequences carried out at the
University of Parma did not reveal any differences between the populations present on the Adriatic and the
Tyrrhenian sides of the Prato Apennines. This observation was confirmed by the analysis carried out at the Uni-
versity of Bologna, based on which, the differences found appear to be of sub-specific level and the populations
examined can be traced back to the C. gobio78,79 species.
Therefore, the choice of the most suitable breeding stock for ex-situ reproduction and of the areas in which the
fry will be freed can and must be based exclusively on demographic and not genetic criteria.
Genetic analysis conducted at the University of Parma also confirmed that the specimens of A. pallipes caught
belong to the native Italian species of White-clawed crayfish. Here too, no differences were found that would lead
Fig. 63 – Creating a small hygrophilous wood.
78 Following the water course
us to assume that a different phylogenetic origin exists between the populations of Crayfish of the two Apennine
torrents on the Prato side, from which the specimens were extracted and analysed. For the populations on the
Bologna side, because of the small number of specimens found, statistically insufficient to support the principles
at the basis of molecular investigations, it was not possible to carry out an in-depth analysis of the phylogenetic
relationships between the existing populations in the area being studied.
As already suggested for the European bullhead, with regard to the ex-situ reproduction of the White-clawed
crayfish, we decided that the choice of suitable breeding stock and places in which to carry out the repopulation
should be based on demographic rather than genetic criteria, with the sole objective being that of protecting the
already diminished populations in the territory and avoiding the creation of imbalances of any type.
At the start of the experimentation, the ex-situ reproduction of the target species involved the use of the system
set up at the experimental breeding centre for fish species at risk, created by the Department of Evolutionary
and Functional Biology of the University of Parma. The two species were housed separately while awaiting the
creation of the fish hatchery at the Limentra torrent, which became operational in September 2012.
Building the fish hatchery
The works for the creation of a fish hatchery for the target species of C. gobio, and A. pallipes in the locality of
Ponte S. Giorgio (Camugnano - BO) were handed over to the contractors in mid-December 2010. The structure
was completed during spring-summer 2011 and inaugurated on 22 September 2011 (see photo below).
The project entailed the following activities:
• Designing a system for drawing water from the Limentra torrent to supply the hatchery;
• Building a prefabricated structure for storing the tanks, in which to perform research and breeding activities;
• Creating a breeding line with 6 tanks made of fibreglass and feeding and drainage devices.
The water supply to the fish breeding farm is guaranteed by a well of medium diameter, achieved through per-
foration and with the aid of muds and a covering of pipes in vibration-compressed concrete. On ground level, a
reinforced load-bearing concrete slab was created for closing the top of the well and a steel cover was fastened
to it, with two doors, allowing access to the well compartment and extraction of the pumps.
The depth of the well is 8-10 m and it is located at the back of the prefabricated structure that accommodates
the breeding farm, between this and the Limentra torrent. From the hydrogeological analysis conducted and
following the surveys carried out, the extractable rate of flow from the well proved to be approximately 4-5 l/s,
which is, therefore, sufficient to satisfy the water requirements necessary for the normal operation of the fish
breeding farm.
The structure that accommodates the breeding lines provides shelter for the tanks, as well as allowing research
and environmental education activities for schoolchildren.
We chose to create the breeding farm inside a wooden prefabricated structure on a reinforced concrete foundation
slab. The structure was built with load-bearing walls and spruce plywood and has windows and doors, all organized
inside a single room where the tanks are kept and in which visitors are received; it also includes a toilet with access
for the disabled, as well as a technical room where the electrical panels and service materials are stored. The build-
ing also has a filter zone at the entrance, consisting of an external porch at the main front entrance.
With regard to the tanks for breeding the two target species of the project, good use was made of the technical
and scientific information acquired during the specialized conventions held at Legnaro (PD) on 15/10/2010
and at Sansepolcro (AR) on 12/11/2010. Here, in-depth discussions with experts of the field took place, on the
subject of the most suitable techniques, tools and materials for the type of breeding farm to be built. In this way,
know-how was acquired with regard to the breeding of the C. gobio, starting from the protocol developed for this
purpose by the Department of Evolutionary and Functional Biology of the University of Parma, which envisages
the use of special systems of tanks that function with a closed circuit and are equipped with a recirculation
pump, a UV system, an automatic system for regulating ozone, a skimmer, a refrigerator, a biofilter and a system
79Concrete conservation measures
for regulating the photoperiod. The networking with other experts of the LIFE “CRAINAT” (LIFE08NAT/IT/352)
project turned out to be very useful. They provided very useful advice both in the planning phase and also in the
phase of management of the structure, particularly for the breeding of the White-clawed crayfish.
The module for the controlled reproduction of C. gobio in the initial phases of experimental production at the
experimental centre for the reproduction of fish species at risk of the University of Parma consisted of:
- Tank;
- Biological Filter with coral and plastic bio-media;
- Pump for recirculation of the water;
- UV sterilization system;
- Ozone sterilization system;
- System of continuous control of redox potential and ozone regulation;
- Eco-mix skimming system;
- Refrigeration system of 0.75 kW with automatic control;
- Photoperiod regulating system;
- Lighting system.
Fig. 64 – Inauguration of the
fish-hatchery in Ponte San
Giorgio (Camugnano - BO).
Fig. 65 – Well supplying water to the hatchery. Fig. 66 – The structure that accommodates the hatchery.
80 Following the water course
The breeding farm, created on the basis of previously experimented breeding experiences, made it possible to
control the main environmental parameters (light and temperature), as well as guaranteeing adequate water
quality. The volume of the tank, including the biofilter, is approximately 1,100 litres and can be operated via
closed circuit, with a daily turnover of 0.1% of the total litres in the system. Most of the volume lost daily can
be attributed to the protein-skimmer that eliminates dissolved proteins, as well as a small volume of water (ap-
proximately 1 litre/day).
Once every 7 days (i.e. once a week) it was necessary to change approximately 30% of the water present, that
is, about 350 litres, in order to avoid the excessive accumulation of nitrates: in fact, the system was not equipped
with a denitrification system. When changing the water, well water was used.
The biological filter, created with coral gravel and plastic material, functioned correctly and there were no
episodes of mortality linked to an excessive level of ammonia. In fact, it is important to remember that the
calcareous coral substrate causes high levels of water hardness, making the presence of ammonia particularly
dangerous, according to the formula: NH3 + H2O = NH4+ + OH-. The decision to use a coral substrate was also
dictated by the geological characteristics of the valleys of origin of the breeding stock.
The tank was set-up with a bed of torrent gravel and shelters suitable for spawning. The temperature of the
water was set at 10°C ± 1°C and the redox potential at + 260 mV. In this first phase, the natural photoperiod
was used.
During the production cycle, the same parameters used for the breeding of trout were used, indicated in the
table below. In fact, the Sea trout and the European bullhead inhabit same environments and, therefore, it was
assumed that they share the same requirements with regard to the quality of the waters.
Parameter Concentration mg/l
Ammonia < 0,0125
Carbon dioxide < 20
Total hardness > 100
Nitrites < 1
Nitrates < 0,1
PH 07/08/14
Dissolved Oxygen > 60 %
Tab. 4 – Chemical characteristics of the waters suitable for breeding trout (threshold values80).
The bottom of the tank was covered with about 3 cm of river gravel from a nearby olive mill, after careful wash-
ing, and shelters were added, made from pieces of roof tile, cut into lengths of approximately 15 cm.
18 shelters were place inside the tank and two pumps were added, of the type used in the filters of aquariums,
to increase the speed of the current inside each tank.
The first experimental production cycle of A. pallipes was also carried out in the same centre at the University of
Parma, using a separate breeding line from that previously described.
The system was structured to allow easy management of the specimens, protecting the territorial dominance
hierarchies, and functioned with closed circuit recirculation tanks in controlled conditions at a temperature of
8/10°C and photoperiod.
81Concrete conservation measures
Experimentation of a protocol for the breeding of the European bullhead
On 21 April 2010, the breeding stock specimens of the target species were captured and moved into the
tank, which was set up and had already been operational for several days.
As far as C. gobio is concerned, the number of breeding stock specimens extracted was such that it would
not determine any negative effects on the populations of the single torrents. Adult specimens were cho-
sen and, in particular, mature females with a swollen abdomen, due to the presence of eggs, which were
therefore close to spawning, while the males displayed a black colouring, typical of the reproductive period.
The number of C. gobio extracted and taken to the hatchery for ex-situ reproduction consisted of 51 speci-
mens, composed of 20 females and 31 males, all subjected to genetic analysis.
The specimens of both sexes were identified based on their: scaly outer layer, head size and presence of a
swollen abdomen. Once captured, the fish were transported and housed inside the production line set up at
the experimental centre of the University of Parma.
The breeding stock was fed with the larvae of the common flesh fly, earthworms and frozen chironomids. No
episodes of mortality occurred, neither immediately after capture, nor when housed. During transportation,
the necessary instruments and measures were used to minimize possible factors of stress for the animals
Although genetic investigations did not detect any differences between the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic popula-
tions of European bullhead, it was decided that the 2 genetic lines should be kept separate and, in consid-
eration of the insufficient space available at the farm, to breed only the specimens of C. gobio coming from
the Tyrrhenian sector.
After nearly a week from the arrival of the breeding stock, the first spawning activity took place, demon-
strating that the previously set up environment was suitable for the ecological requirements of the species.
In total, spawning took place 6 times, with an estimated total of approximately 1,000 eggs, spread over
one week.
In the same period, an aquarium was also set up for the hatching of eggs, and was connected to the tank
containing the breeding stock. An aquarium pump was also connected, with an overall capacity of 1,000 l/
hour, while the outflowing water was channelled directly into the biofilter.
The eggs, measuring 2-3 mm in diameter, appeared as a compact mass, straw yellow in colour and tena-
ciously attached to the substrate. The male defends the nest, as already noted in the bibliography.
The procedure adopted was, therefore, to move the single substrates containing the eggs, approximately 1
week after spawning. The eggs were moved after one week, in order to avoid damaging the embryo during
Figg 67, 68 – Breeding farm set up at the hatchery of Ponte S. George (Camugnano - BO).
82 Following the water course
initial development phases. The substrates containing the eggs were placed on “feeding mats” in order
to allow the larvae, once hatched, to enjoy a sheltered environment, similar to what is likely to happen in
nature. In some cases, during manipulation, part of the eggs became detached from the substrate and was
placed directly onto the artificial substrates.
During the phase of embryonic development, however, some of the eggs became infected by a common
mycosis, called saprolegnia. Unfortunately, when this fungus infects the spawn, it is very difficult if not
impossible to eliminate it, because its hyphae continue to grow inside the cluster where it is impossible to
intervene. Therefore, in order to limit its spread, it was decided that mechanical cleaning should be carried
out and that the infected eggs should be removed, as is commonly done with salmonids. Moreover, the
temperature of the water was increased by 1.5°C in order to accelerate the development and hatching of
the eggs.
The saprolegnia killed off part of the eggs and, for this reason, only some of them hatched regularly on 11
May 2010: a total of about 500 European bullheads were born.
During the incubation phase, the temperature of the water was kept at 11°C and hatching took place after
15/18 days. This confirms the observations previously carried out, indicating approximately 160 degree
days for the eggs to hatch.
Once the yolk sac has been reabsorbed, feeding began with the nauplii of Artemia salina (Brine shrimp),
obtained from eggs that hatched according to normal breeding methods (salinity 30-35 ppt, water tempera-
ture 28°C, 3 gr of cysts/litre).
The fish fry immediately started to actively feed on the nauplii that had been freed into the weaning aquar-
ium. The Artemia was fed in rations of 3 - 4 times spread over the day, according to the availability of staff
inside of the farm. The cysts were administered each time, until the fry were completely full.
About 60 days after hatching, at a length of 15/20 mm, mixed feeding was started using Brine shrimp
nauplii and finely ground, frozen chironomids. The chironomids proved to be very appetizing to the European
bullheads. 65 days after hatching, feeding with Brine shrimp was interrupted in favour of a diet made up of
chironomids and frozen mosquito larvae.
With the aim of making breeding conditions simpler and more standardized during experimentation, impor-
tant modifications to the previously developed and used breeding protocol were made. The most important
was that of removing all the gravel used as a substrate in the two tanks with adult subjects. This made it
possible to carry out better cleaning, without accumulating food and excrement on the bottom. The speci-
mens of C. gobio did not show any difficulty in adapting to this new breeding condition.
Moreover, perforated bricks were placed in the tank because they make it possible to accommodate a larger
number of specimens within the same surface area, allowing us to increase the breeding density.
The adult specimens were fed daily with a mixed diet consisting of frozen chironomids, earthworms and
common flesh fly larvae.
In the same way, no substrate was provided to the young European bullheads, to facilitate cleaning of the
With regard to the newly born specimens, substrates made with simple plastic tubes, instead of perforated
bricks, were tested. The tubes, in fact, allow better and simpler cleaning of the tank and they themselves are
also easier to clean and disinfect. Once placed in the tank, the new substrates were immediately colonized
by the fish. During this period of activity, it was possible to see how the adult specimens have extremely
social and non-territorial inclinations and this facilitates their breeding.
On 28 July 2010, the specimens of C. gobio produced ex-situ were introduced into several public bodies
of water in the Province of Prato, duly authorized by the Hunting and Fishing Service of the Administration
In particular, the water bodies in which the introduction of the fish took place were:
83Concrete conservation measures
- Rio Ceppeta in the locality of Cantagallo (103 specimens);
- Trogola-Alto Bisenzio in the locality of Mulino della Sega (237 specimens).
The difference between the number born (approximately 500) and the number of specimens introduced into
the environment (340) was due to the physiological mortality that occurs during the growth phase following
hatching, which is significantly lower than that occurring in nature, and is aligned with the mortality rates
found in artificial reproductive cycles, for this and for other species involved in farm breeding. The introduc-
tion took place in each of the two torrents, in areas with limited current speed and protected from the main
flow, in order to minimize problems relating to adaptation to the natural environment as far as possible. In
each torrent, we chose to carry out the introduction by distributing small groups of European bullhead fry in
separate areas, diversifying the distribution, in order to increase the probability of success.
This first cycle of experimentation of captive breeding of the European bullhead made it possible to develop
specific and articulated know-how, consisting of well-defined guidelines, sure to be successful, used and
further perfected in subsequent reproductive cycles.
The same protocol was later implemented in the structures of the fish hatchery at Ponte San Giorgio (Ca-
mugnano - BO), in two different reproductive seasons (2012 and 2013).
The park of breeding stock used for ex-situ breeding, identified on a demographic and bimolecular basis
(investigations conducted as part of the LIFE Project in collaboration with the University of Bologna - Depart-
ment of Experimental Evolutionary Biology), proved to be easy to find in the Limentra di Treppio stretch of
torrent next to the hatchery, which is home to a population of European bullhead that is well-structured in
the different age groups and is abundant and in a good state of conservation.
The breeding stock adapted well to the breeding tanks, where they were fed on a diet based on earthworms,
common clothes moths and frozen Chironomus larvae. The day after capture, the European bullheads were
already exhibiting normal elusive behaviour, sheltering beneath the tiles, inside the perforated bricks and
under the PVC outlet tubes of the tanks, showing sociable, non-territorial behaviour. At the end of the vari-
ous breeding stock cycles, no particular pathologies were recorded. The specimens captured maintained a
good state of health. All losses proved to be entirely physiological and the number was very limited, based
on the breeding conditions.
During the first breeding cycle experienced in the newly created hatchery (2012) several difficulties oc-
curred, linked to the malfunction of the farming system in which the breeding stock specimens were
housed. On the one hand, these difficulties were caused by a loss of water from the tank’s biological filter
with subsequent emptying and interruption of recirculation and, on the other hand, by the breakdown of the
cooling system. To avoid jeopardizing the on-going reproduction attempt, testing of the plant design and
installation connected to the breeding tanks were promptly scheduled and carried out in July 2012, after
the breeding activities had ended.
In order to avoid continuous deactivation of the recirculation system and to try to prevent sudden rises in
temperature of the water in the breeding tanks, two outlet taps from the water supply well were opened
so that the water could slowly run into the tanks, making them work continuously. Following the launch of
this mode of operation, the European bullhead breeding stock in the two tanks showed no obvious signs
of malaise. During the first year, in tank n. 1, the eggs of several females were spotted spread out under
the two tiles; in tank n. 2, on the other hand, the females preferred to lay their eggs inside the holes of the
perforated brick, where 5 heaps of eggs were found, while there was no sign that any spawning had taken
place under the tiles inside the same tank. The smaller holes probably provided more shelter and greater
control of the nest.
Unfortunately, also in this case, similarly to what had happened during the first breeding cycle, the dif-
ficulties linked to the malfunction of the system and its relative technologies favoured the development
84 Following the water course
of saprolegnia, which caused the death of numerous eggs. In fact, the malfunctioning of the recirculation
system, which should work via closed circuit with the biological filtration and sterilization of the water by
means of UVA lamps, functioned with a continuous flow of water from outside, due to leakage that caused
the tanks to empty and interrupted the recirculation. Moreover, the rise in temperature of the water in the
breeding tank caused by the breakdown of the cooling system contributed to the development of an infec-
tion caused by a fungal pathogen. Fighting the saprolegnia, in a breeding environment can only be done by
removing the dead eggs, which are more easily attacked by the fungus. This operation, in the case of the
European bullhead, proved to be difficult, as the eggs were attached to the surface of the tiles or inside the
perforated bricks, which are difficult to enter. Despite the development of the fungal infection, approximately
50% of the eggs hatched out and 500/600 larvae were born. After the reabsorption of the yolk sac, these
were actively and abundantly fed with Brine shrimp nauplii. Approximately one month after hatching, the fry
appeared to be very active, swimming freely along the column of water and showing a preference for the
perforated bricks as shelter areas. The growth of the fry kept in the breeding farm was found to be in line
with the biology of the species and was estimated to be approximately 1.5 cm one month after hatching and
approximately 2.5 cm two months after hatching.
At the end of this ex-situ experimental cycle (2012), 469 European bullhead fry were released into the
watercourse already identified as potential bodies of water in which to introduce the propagation material
During the third reproductive season (2013), the procurement of breeding stock was more difficult due to
complicated hydrological conditions of the watercourses, caused by heavy precipitations at the beginning of
the year, with subsequent heavy flow rates and high speed of the currents. Nevertheless, the procurement
of breeding stock, which continued on until the beginning of April, was adapted in relation to the conditions
of the breeding tanks. In contrast to the previous year, there were no episodes of saprolegnia infection,
probably thanks to the correct functioning of the cooling system, making it possible to maintain adequate
control of the temperature inside the tanks (low water temperatures are unfavourable to attacks by fungal
pathogens). Therefore, it was possible to improve the figure relative to hatching, which was estimated to be
approximately 90% of eggs laid (500/600 newly born larvae), although the number of spawning events (4/5
nests) was lower than the previous year.
At the end of the third cycle of ex-situ experimentation, considering the length reached (approximately 20
mm), which was sufficient to guarantee survival once released into the natural environment, the propaga-
tion of the fry was brought forward by approximately two weeks, due to the fact that signs of the spread
of saprolegnia were noticed in the two “hatchery” tanks. In total, 634 European bullhead fry were released
into the watercourses that had already been identified as potential bodies of water in which the propagation
material produced could be introduced.
In conclusion, once the problems linked to the correct functioning of the recirculation system had been
solved, based on experience and by successfully controlling the quality and temperature of the water in the
breeding farm, we believe that the figure relative to the number of spawning events and larvae produced
using this protocol, which was perfected during this project, can be considered completely satisfactory, also
in comparison to similar experiences carried out on the same species.
Particularly with regard to the housing of the breeding stock specimens, which were captured in a natural
environment, the following considerations can be made:
1 – There was no occurrence of disease during experimentation;
2 – The behaviour exhibited by the species in a controlled environment is sociable and non-territorial;
3 – The breeding stock proved to be very adaptable as far as feeding is concerned;
4 – The gravel substrate was considered unnecessary. On the contrary, it threatened to penalize the clean-
ing and disinfecting system and was therefore eliminated;
85Concrete conservation measures
5 – Perforated bricks can be used as shelters instead of tiles;
6 – High density during breeding is very well tolerated by the species.
As far as the reproduction and hatching phase is concerned, the following considerations apply:
1 – The technique used for hatching the eggs can now be considered standardized and consolidated;
2 – Ideal hygienic conditions need to be maintained and the development of saprolegnia needs to be
3 – Low mortality was observed after hatching;
4 – Growth proved to be rapid;
5 – There were no indications pointing to the need to use substrates or specific shelters for the young
Experimentation of a protocol for the breeding of the White-clawed crayfish
As expected, the first attempts at ex-situ breeding of the White-clawed crayfish brought uncertain out-
comes, compared to the results from the breeding of the European bullhead. The Crayfish is a decidedly
more sensitive species and has a somewhat complex reproductive biology, especially concerning the matu-
ration of eggs contained in the egg sac and the weaning of larvae. The duration of the egg incubation period
of this species is, in fact, rather long, involving the months from autumn (October-November) to the follow-
ing spring (May-June). Similarly, the development of larvae, with the various shedding events that follow,
involves several months and this makes the management of this species in the hatchery very challenging.
To be added to this picture is the significant territoriality of the White-clawed crayfish, a characteristic that
often leads to conflicts with lethal outcomes, especially in the delicate phase of shedding, when the speci-
mens do not have a sufficiently resistant exoskeleton.
The procurement of A. pallipes specimens in the Apennine torrents, identified during preliminary studies,
took place on 21 April and 4 June 2010. The specimens procured in nature were immediately transferred to
the centre for experimental breeding of fish species at risk, operative at the Department of Evolutionary and
Functional Biology of the University of Parma. Both in April and in June, 17 specimens of Crayfish were col-
lected, making a total of 34. Among the Crayfish specimens captured, 5 of them had eggs in the abdominal
area. Concurrently with the collection of the breeding stock, organic matter was also collected for genetic
analysis. The egg clusters made it possible to obtain a limited number of larvae, which died during the days
after hatching, again caused by an unexpected infestation of saprolegnia.
A decision was therefore made to begin again, with a new experimental programme, allowing for the ar-
rival of the reproductive season 2010-2011 with specimens well-adapted to farming. In particular, the new
protocol was tested using 5 female and 10 male survivors of diseases, cannibalism events and competitive
interactions (the latter were decidedly pronounced during the initial periods of acclimatization in the tanks).
Three of the five females proved to be reproductive and this made it possible to obtain 62 larvae from the
eggs that hatched around mid-June 2011.
The larvae were fed with plant and animal foodstuffs (live and artificial foods), and the various shedding
events were monitored, along with the rate of growth, up to the weaning of 21 specimens that reached sizes
of 2.5-3 cm in the spring of 2012.
The experimental phase continued on until June 2012, when the specimens, which had reached 3.5 cm in
size, were reintroduced into the natural environment, in the watercourses involved in the project.
Experimentation at the fish hatchery of Ponte San Giorgio (BO), which was created as part of the project,
began in autumn 2012.
In the area of interest in the Province of Bologna, it was not possible to identify a large enough number
of wild populations with a conservation status sufficient to be used as breeding stock destined for ex-situ
breeding. For this reason, the breeding stock was procured from the Apennine torrents in the territory of
86 Following the water course
Prato, which is home to several populations of White-clawed crayfish that are viable and suitable for the
purpose and, based on the outcome of the studies carried out in the territory of the Province of Prato, ge-
netically compatible with the populations from the Bologna Apennine area.
This reproductive cycle, inside tanks with closed recirculation and conditions of controlled temperature,
also proved to have different, more complex problems than in the artificial reproduction of the European
At the end of October 2012, pairs of crayfish with behaviour interpreted as a reproductive ritual were
noticed, while in November of the same year, females with egg sacs were detected. Unfortunately, at the
end of November, the first problems arose. In fact, it was noticed that several females no longer had their
eggs, which had probably been eaten by the females themselves. In order to identify any specific factors
responsible for the loss of the egg masses, we decided to carry out chemical analysis of the water supply
to the hatchery (from the torrent of Limentra di Treppio and the reservoir beneath) and of the waters in the
tanks connected to the recirculation technology. The results from the analysis of the waters carried out at
the Mario Negri Sud Institute (a contact activated following specific networking with the “CRAINAT” LIFE
project) revealed high and potentially toxic concentrations of manganese and zinc in the tanks hosting the
crayfish, while the water supply proved to be suitable for the species.
Overall, of the stock of females from the Prato territory that were put into the hatchery (no=14), only 7
produced eggs and these egg-laying females lost their eggs in different phases.
To remedy the high concentrations of zinc and manganese (toxic for the species) found in the tanks and
probably caused by the technology used, a new line dedicated to the breeding of the Crayfish was set up,
created using 3 rectangular trough-type tanks, stacked using a metal structure, functioning via an open
circuit and with a continuous flow of water from the breeding farm’s water supply well. In April 2013, outings
to watercourses external to the project area took place, with the aim of searching for new quotas of egg-
laying females to be transported to the breeding farm. Only two egg-laying females were procured, which
is a very limited number, but still usable for completing the experimentation of a new breeding cycle and, at
the same time, protecting the already diminished populations present in the territory.
At the end of the May, part of the eggs (approximately 50%) of both of the freshly captured egg-laying
females appeared to be hatched and the newly born larvae were attached beneath the abdomen. Approxi-
mately 40 crayfish were born from the two newly captured females and at the end of June 2013 and their
lengths were estimated to be approximately 10/13 mm. The young were fed with pellets made from finely
ground vegetal flour. Their growth was verified, based on bibliographical data, and once they had reached
a length of 2.5 cm, which occurred in the first two weeks of September 2013, the 33 surviving specimens
and the breeding stock were reintroduced into nature.
In conclusion, the experiments conducted on the ex-situ reproduction of the White-clawed crayfish demon-
strated that breeding stock can also be procured late in the reproductive season (April-May) using specific
campaigns aimed at their capture, thus avoiding long periods in the breeding farm that would expose the
egg-laying females to risks, like variations in the chemistry of the waters, the attack of pathogens or even
territorial disputes, which often take place in controlled, restricted environments imposed by artificial breed-
ing. Proceeding in this way makes it possible to focus on improving the efficiency of hatching.
87Concrete conservation measures
The improvement of the conservation status of the populations of A. pallipes and C. gobio also involved
developing an operating protocol to encourage in-situ reproduction (i.e. within the natural habitat) in the
two species.
In order to recover the populations which have become rare and encourage the reintroduction of seeded
specimens, from farming attempts, improvements have been made by restoring the natural substrates and
introducing artificial micro-habitats in certain rivers within the territory involved in the project.
At the start of the study, no scientifically accepted experimental data existed on the use of artificial
structures for in-situ reproduction; it was therefore a question of conducting a scientific experiment using
micro-habitats, and at the same time counteracting the competitors present in the environment. In fact,
the preliminary studies highlighted the possibility of disturbance and/or competition for the indigenous
populations of both A. pallipes and C. gobio from the brown trout, and we therefore temporarily suspended
trout seeding in some specific areas of the rivers where the experiment was conducted.
The experiment was based on the results obtained from the fish censuses performed during the prelimi-
nary studies, which provided a clear picture of the size, in terms of biomass, density and structure of the
wild populations in the two target species. The experimental part was launched in the first quarter of 2011,
in order to include the reproduction period of C. gobio (running from the end of February to the first half
of April) and get a better chance of repeating the monitoring and evaluating the actual effectiveness of the
micro-habitats created. This also allowed us the chance to compare the status of the populations before
and after creating the fish ladders in the summer of 2011.
Choosing the sites
The first step in the project was to choose the areas in which to operate. This choice was made according
to the presence, size and above all structure of the population in the various areas covered by the census,
as well as the areas’ suitability for reproduction purposes.
Considering the convergence of the goals, we decided to use the same areas for both in-situ reproduction
and for the fish ladders, as well as for the ex-situ repopulation activities in general.
This has led to the identification of two areas in the Prato area which are suitable for promoting in-situ
reproduction of C. gobio: the upper course of the River Bisenzio in the Molino della Sega area, and the
lower part of the Rio Ceppeta, just upstream of the convergence with the River Bisenzio.
For A. pallipes, on the other hand, we decided to intervene in one area of the Rio Ceppeta.
These sites were in addition to two other sites on the Brasimone torrent, in the territory of Bologna: in this
case, the choice was based on the indication of experts at the Lakes Suviana and Brasimone Natural Park.
The experiment conducted
Given that we are working with very natural environments, it may seem superfluous to create artificial
mating sites for the two species in question. Our first priority was to encourage in-situ reproduction as far
as possible by limiting predators and using small habitats located on the riverbed in order to guarantee the
right conditions for laying eggs and the early larval stages of development in general.
In addition to this, in February 2’11 we placed some small semi-natural or completely artificial structures
designed for the purpose on the riverbed. These structures (tiles, perforated bricks, air bricks, bundles of
tubes, elements for artificial weaning), selected according to the species to be promoted, were placed in
the 7 stations identified: Rio Ceppeta - Station CE_01; Rio Ceppeta - Station CE_02; Rio Ceppeta - Station
CE_03; Trogola-Alto Bisenzio - Station TR_01; Trogola-Alto Bisenzio - Station TR_02; Brasimone torrent -
88 Following the water course
Station BR_01; Brasimone torrent - Station BR_02.
Activities aimed at improving in-situ conservation for A. pallipes were concentrated in the Rio Ceppeta,
laying air bricks and perforated bricks along with tube bundles for European bullheads.
On the Trogola-Alto Bisenzio torrent and the Rio Ceppeta at Mulino della Sega up and downstream of the
two dams present, we placed tiles, perforated bricks and tube bundles; at a later date, exclusively on the
Trogola-Alto Bisenzio downstream of the dam, we also added some artificial weaning elements.
On the Brasimone torrent, given the presence of both target species, we decided to introduce in-situ all
the available types of substrate: tiles, perforated bricks, air bricks and tube bundles.
We also performed manual morpho-functional interventions in all the survey sites, with the aim of encour-
aging the reproductive processes of the two species.
After placing the semi-natural or artificial structures on the riverbed in February 2011, we conducted
regular inspections of the sites during the mating seasons of the two target species (April, May and
September 2011, April, May and October 2012), both in order to check if specimens from the two target
species were actually colonising the areas (or the presence of eggs laid by C. gobio) and to clean and
repair the substrates if necessary.
Apart from modelling the riverbed and placing the artificial structures, we also took action to counteract
potential predators (salmonid fauna and eels).
Regarding competition with humans:
• In general, C. gobio is no longer fished for human consumption, apart from in certain Alpine and Pre-
Alpine areas, where it is still appreciated and used for typical local dishes. It is also sometimes used
as bait for trout fishing;
• Fishing activities is no longer a direct threat to C. gobio. Nonetheless, the management of fish stocks
in water courses, with the repopulation of predators and use as bait, has affected the structure and
size of the population. Some authors81 have hypothesised that the repopulation of salmonidae and
the destruction of the habitat have had a greater impact on C. gobio than water pollution.
For this reason, in collaboration with the Province of Prato Hunting and Fishing Service, we have drawn up
two separate Action Plans (approved by Provincial Decree 43/2012) for the conservation of the respec-
tive target species, aiming to eliminate seed banks in the areas identified for the experiment and strongly
limiting those nearby, using only young stock.
Regarding the goal of reducing competitors, the conservation action plan for C. gobio specifically states
the following:
- Within the Prato Apennine SIC, the practice of seeding adult Salmonidae should be prohibited in order to
permit the correct coexistence between the fish populations;
- The practice of repopulation using young brown trout [Salmo (trutta) trutta] from the Mediterranean stock
(fry or at the most 4-6cm trout fingerling, with a density of 0.05 specimens/m2 of around 500 ind/ha),
possibly self-producing in incubators downstream of the native reproducers taken from provincial bodies
of water, would have a lower impact and therefore fit in better with the European bullhead conservation
- “We also propose prohibiting repopulation with juvenile brown trout stock in the areas where the environ-
mental protection and improvement activities will be taking place along the Rio Ceppeta a Cantagallo, Rio
Ceppeta and Rio Trogola at Molino della Sega, and limiting them to the strictly necessary in other areas.
These prohibitions or regulations should also apply to the surrounding areas which may directly affect the
European bullhead populations within the SIC”.
A similar scheme to limit competitors was included in the conservation Action Plan for A. pallipes:
- “We propose preventing repopulation initiatives using juvenile salmonidae stock along the Rio Ceppeta
89Concrete conservation measures
and the areas where the environmental protection and improvement activities will be taking place, as well
as limiting them to a minimum in other bodies of water within the SIC (fry or at the most, 4-6 cm trout
fingerlings with a density of 0.05 specimens/m2 equal to approx. 500 ind/ha);
- The practice of seeding adult fish should be prohibited within the Prato Apennine SIC area, in order to
allow the native fish populations and the white-clawed crayfish to establish a correct coexistence;
- Seeding initiatives should certainly be avoided in the areas (and periods) dedicated to reproduction,
incubation and hatching, i.e. from November to June”.
Tab. 5 shows how after 2012, when the measures set out in the conservation Action Plans for the target
species came into effect, seeding with fry fell drastically, and in 2013 were limited to the lower basin of
the Trogola stream, the Rio Barba and the Rio Acadoli, which are located a long way upstream from the
areas of interest. Regarding the lower basin of the Rio Ceppeta, the seedings that took place in 2013 only
covered high altitude parts of the Rio Ceppeta and its affluent Bacuccio: these areas were also chosen
at a due distance from the areas where the experiments were being conducted to encourage in-situ
Regarding brown trout juveniles measuring between 4 and 12 cm, as shown in Tab. 6, no seedings took
place in 2012, while in 2012 1,000 fingerlings measuring 4-6 cm were seeded, most of which were in-
troduced to the higher course of the Bisenzio, downstream of the experiment area and along a small part
of the Rio Bacuccio.
The evaluations set out above show that after 2012, no adult direct competitors for the target species
Figg. 69, 70, 71, 72 – Some of the artificial substrates used: in order, tiles, air bricks, perforated bricks, artificial weaning elements.
90 Following the water course
were introduced to the area directly affected by the experiment. Regarding the trout fingerlings, their use
as seeding material was limited to 4-6 cm forms, introduced in small quantities and not directly in the
experiment sites. Lastly, the quantities of fry were considerably reduced.
As shown in the diagram above, the perforated bricks were the most popular substrates for the decapod,
containing 60% of the specimens found.
The air bricks also appeared to function well, considering that they were used in 3 sites out of 7, and that
one of these sites alone, the Rio Ceppeta station, accounted for 33% of the total, corresponding to 14
specimens overall (see Tab. 8).
On the other hand, the PVC tubes had a very low
success rate (7%), showing that although they may
be an excellent substrate for reproduction and
breeding species in captivity, they are not suitable
for in-situ reproduction within this specific environ-
mental setting.
The in-situ activities for A. pallipes at the Rio Cep-
peta CE_01 station met with huge success in com-
parison with the other stations; in fact, the diagram
above shows how 65% of the total number of cray-
fish found in the 2011/2012 period was attributed
to this station. The substrates up and downstream
Tab. 7 – Shows the percentage of A. pallipes specimens found in
the various substrates during the 2011/2012 two-year period.
Tab 8 – % efficiency of the artificial substrates for A. pallipes
divided by site.
Fig. 73 – A. pallipes specimen found inside a perforated brick.
Tab 5 – Brown trout fry seedings (2007-2013) in the bodies of
water surrounding the control area.
Tab. 6 – Brown trout fingerling seedings (2007-2013) aggre-
gated by size, in the water bodies surrounding the control area.
91Concrete conservation measures
from the Rio Ceppeta dam (CE_02 and CE_03) were considerably less successful, with percentages of
19% and 16% respectively.
Regarding C. gobio, Tab. 9 below shows the percentage of specimens found in the various substrates dur-
ing the 2011/2012 two-year period. Just like we observed for the white-clawed crayfish, the perforated
bricks appeared to be the most suitable substrates, accounting for 83% of the total specimens found.
The air bricks on the other hand had a decidedly lower success rate, accounting for the remaining 17%,
and only in the Rio Ceppeta CE_01 station (Tab. 10). The tiles had an insignificant rate of success.
Overall, the results obtained by the experimentation with this species, especially in comparison to those
with A. pallipes, were somewhat scarce in terms of total numbers. In fact, we found only 12 specimens in
the substrates, 42% of which in the Trogola-Alto Bisenzio area upstream of the dam.
The interpretation of the results, if associated with the European bullhead population trends resulting from
quantity monitoring, leads us to believe that the species clearly prefers natural substrates and cracks to
artificial substrates as refuges and/or laying sites.
To summarise, we could therefore conclude that:
- The perforated bricks were the artificial substrate preferred by C. gobio;
- The air bricks, followed by the perforated bricks, were the artificial substrates preferred by A. pallipes,
considering the fact that air bricks were used only in CE_01 station;
- The substrates used were also frequented by the two species during the reproductive period;
Tab. 9 – % efficiency of the artificial substrates for C. gobio.
Fig. 74 – C. gobio eggs laid, found during manual sampling.
Tab. 10 – % efficiency of the artificial substrates for C. gobio
divided by site.
Fig. 75 – C. gobio specimen found inside a perforated brick.
92 Following the water course
- There was no correlation between the number of specimens found inside the substrates and the
biomass or density estimated through quantity sampling;
- the combined effect of all the operations conducted to encourage the target species (creating fish lad-
ders, natural habitats, using artificial substrates and limiting predators) led to a clear success for the
populations of both target species, as shown in more detail in the results of the biological monitoring
(see the relative paragraph below).
The creation of the fish ladders allowed us to restore water continuity between two water courses in the
Apennines (the Trogola-Alto Bisenzio torrent and the Rio Ceppeta), previously interrupted by two dams con-
structed not for hydro-geological stability, but in order to allow the waters from these two streams to be
deviated towards the “Mulino della Sega” water mill (in the past, the flow of water was used not only to mill,
but also to power an hydraulic saw). The photo below shows the dam on the Trogola-Alto Bisenzio before
our intervention.
The work, outsourced by tender, was begun on 29 July 2011 and completed on 24 September 2011.
Strong populations of C. gobio were found in both water courses (Bisenzio and Ceppeta): the type of fish steps
chosen was designed with special features to encourage this particular target species. In fact, sharp, 15-20
cm large stones have been inserted at the bottom of the ladder and sunk into the cement, specifically in order
to create the micro-topographical conditions (rugged riverbed) that are particularly suited to the European
bullhead’s movement, which moves in short jerks, exploiting the resting places (cobbles or shingles) along
the way (see photos below).
Fig. 76 – Dam on the Trogo-
la-Alto Bisenzio before the
93Concrete conservation measures
The flow of water, when particularly high, is slowed by the presence of floodgates opening at the bottom
only on one side (see photo below), to make it easier even for fish species with scarce agility, such as the
Bullhead, to climb the ladder.
The works were protected using fully walkable metallic grates, to protect them from the flooding, preda-
tory birds, illegal fishing and avoid accidental falls. This grating is removable to allow for maintenance and
monitoring activities.
The photos below show the completed works along the Trogola-Alto Bisenzio (first photo) and the Rio Ceppeta
(second photo), fitting in well with the surrounding environment.
Figg. 77, 78 – Detail of the bottom of the ladder and image of a C.gobio specimen on the ladder.
Fig. 79 – Floodgates opening
at the bottom to allow water
94 Following the water course
The preliminary studies and periodic monitoring performed in the wetland areas of the Prato plains high-
lighted the negative impact on the conservation status of the target species of the presence of various inva-
sive alien species who are natural competitors, as already described in an earlier paragraph of this volume.
In the spring of 2013, we therefore launched an experimentation of possible methods for controlling the
populations of these species in the environments affected by the redevelopment as part of the “Water
SCIs” LIFE project: site 01 Lake Pantanelle, site 02 Lake Bogaia and site 03 Lake Ombrone.
In site 01 Lake Pantanelle, we performed initiatives to control the Louisiana crayfish (Procambarus clarkii)
and Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) populations, as well as limiting the expansion of a bamboo patch
(Phyllostachys spp.) present in a small area at the lake’s bank.
Figg. 80, 81 – Dams constructed along the Trogola-Alto Bisenzio and Rio Ceppeta respectively.
Fig. 82 – Captured Louisiana
crayfish specimen.
95Concrete conservation measures
In order to catch the crayfish and bullfrogs, we used 12 double-entry fish traps positioned in various points
of the wet area, in particular in the hatchery-ponds for amphibians, where we found numerous specimens
of P. Clarkii. The fish traps were baited with trophic bait to make them more effective, and we monitored
them on a daily basis from 29 May to 7 August 2013.
We captured a total of 2 specimens of L. catesbeianus AND 972 specimens of P. clarkii, with a consider-
able reduction in the frequency of capture over time, which passed from more than 60 crayfish a day in the
initial period to only a few towards the end of the experimentation, when the hatchery-ponds (fed exclu-
sively by rainwater) and pools where the fish traps were placed reached their minimum annual water level.
We limited the expansion of the bamboo (Phyllostachys spp.) by pruning with billhooks and painting with
a mixture of water-based 50% glyphosate or triclopyr herbicide. A series of small sized saplings (covering
around 15 m2) were spray treated with a water-based 10% glyphosate solution. The cut plants were left
at the site.
Overall, we treated 394 specimens: 338 with the glyphosate solution, and 56 with the triclopyr solution.
The work was done on two occasions: 8 August and 6 September 2013.
In site 02 Lake Bogaia we eliminated 35 black locust trees (Robinia pseudoacacia) present in the area
surrounding the wetland bog area. The intervention took place on 8 August 2013, using two different
intervention techniques: “cut-inject” and “cut-paint”, using a total of 600 ml of 50% water and glyphosate
solution. The resulting waste material was left at the site.
Tab. 11 – Capture frequency
Fig. 83 – Reducing the population of Phyllostachys spp. Fig. 84 – Intervention to control Robinia pseudoacacia.
96 Following the water course
In particular, the “cut-paint” method was used on 30 plants with a diameter of less than 10 cm, while the
cut-inject method was used for the remaining 5 plants with a diameter of over 10 cm.
Still in the same wetland area of Bogaia, where we found at least 12 specimens of Pond slider (Trachemys
scripta) in a visual survey, in the period between 3 October and 6 November we positioned two sun-deck
traps, specially designed to catch turtles.
This type of floating trap take advantage of the turtles’ need to leave the water to “bask”: as cold-blooded
animals, they need to regulate their body temperature using the heat of the sun. The sun-deck trap used
(see Fig. 085) is formed of a floating structure made out of PVC tubes, fitted with a net placed under the
PVC structure and fastened on the four sides of the quadrilateral. Above the structure, a wooden walkway
and ramp encourages turtles to climb up the outside of the trap.
Turtles are caught when they decide to dive back into the water, and get trapped in the netting attached
inside the PVC quadrilateral. Compared to other types of trap, sun-deck traps have the advantage of al-
lowing the captured specimen to survive, and are also more selective than other methods, considerably
Fig. 85 – Sun-deck trap used
in site 02 Lake Bogaia.
97Concrete conservation measures
reducing the possible negative impact on other species of animals present.
However, using the traps did not lead to the desired result, since they were repeatedly tampered with
(dragged to the banks) by unknown persons during the period chosen for the experiment, clearly stopping
them from working.
Lastly, at site 03 Lake Ombrone, we experimented with four different techniques of controlling Bohemian
knotweed (Reynoutria x bohemica).
The experiment design involved applying the following containment methods in four 5x5m. plots:
1 – Applying a 10% glyphosate herbicide, repeated the following month;
2 – Applying a 10% glyphosate herbicide, followed by cutting the weeds on two occasions;
3 – An initial cut-back, followed by two applications of 10% glyphosate herbicide;
4 – Three repeated cut-backs.
The first three treatments described all had positive results, with a drastic reduction of the invasive alien
species, while we noted that in the plots only subjected to mechanical cut-backs, not only was the knot-
weed reduced, but there was also a clear change in the vegetation present, with the growth of numerous
nitrophilous species.
The interventions took place in the period from 8 August to 26 November 2013.
Fig. 86 – Action to control
Bohemian knotweed.
The fauna censuses to ascertain the state of conservation in the target species were conducted using the meth-
ods set out in the monitoring protocol (available to view and download from the project internet site) developed
during the preparatory phase in order to evaluate the effects of the active conservation measures taken.
The frequency of the monitoring depended on the biological requirements and phenology of the target spe-
cies, avoiding subjecting them to excessive population stress, considering, for example, that the most common
technique used and scientifically consolidated for censuses of fish and astacidae species involves capturing
specimens, measuring their physical parameters and subsequently releasing them.
The stations chosen for monitoring C. gobio and A. pallipes were on the Trogola-Alto Bisenzio and Ceppeta
streams in the province of Prato, and the Brasimone stream in the province of Bologna: in one research station
on the Rio Ceppeta, we measured the effectiveness of natural and artificial micro-habitats for the spontaneous
reproduction of A. pallipes. On the same water course, and on the upper course of the Bisenzio, we evaluated
the effectiveness of natural and artificial micro-habitats for the spontaneous reproduction of C. gobio and the
functionality of the fish ladders.
On the Brasimone stream, we evaluated the effectiveness of the micro-habitats for the spontaneous reproduc-
tion of both target species.
Furthermore, the scientific consultants of the Lakes Suviana and Brasimone Natural Park conducted specific
monitoring activities to evaluate the effectiveness of the conservation measures taken along the upper areas of
the main water courses in the territory of the Province of Bologna, where the initiatives aiming to reintroduce the
two target species were focussed, including some of the minor affluents of the Limentra di Treppio stream (Rio
Casale, Rio delle Fabbriche and Rio del Bago) given that, although outside the perimeter of the “Laghi di Suviana
e Brasimone” SCI, crayfish have been found in these locations in the past.
Overall, the monitoring and census activities were performed according to the following calendar, indicating, for
each site covered, the identification number (ID), name of the water course in questions, a reference place name,
the altitude and the type of census conducted (quantitative or semi-quantitative).
Table 12 – Province of Bologna - Monitoring stations and periodicity (Q=quantitative survey, Sq=semi-quantitative survey).
The censuses of fauna and birds conducted after the preliminary studies were performed every two weeks from
the autumn of 2010, in the areas affected by the environmental improvement actions part of the “Water SCIs”
LIFE project: Lake Pantanelle (site 01), Lake Bogaia (site 02) and Lake Ombrone (site 03).
Lastly, the herpetological monitoring (amphibian species) followed the frequency indicated in the table below,
reiterated in 2011-2013, following the first monitoring campaign (preliminary studies) performed in 2010:
100 Following the water course
Monitoring the European bullhead
The experimentation with C. gobio was conducted in 4 different stations in the province of Prato and 2 in the
province of Bologna, identified through a careful pre-survey. We tried to focus the checks of the various opera-
tions performed on the same sites, already identified as suitable, including:
• In-situ activities designed to encourage the species’ suitability by using both naturalistic-environmental
habitats and laying different materials (artificial substrates);
• Ex-situ activities, involving genetic profiling and sampling selected reproducers, egg-laying, weaning juve-
nile material and subsequent seeding;
The construction of 2 fish ladders and verification of their functionality.
Overall, the results were very positive, and we found a general improvement in the size of the European bullhead
population in all the stations monitored. Only the findings for 2013 showed a fall, although remaining well above
the estimated biomass and density before the beginning of the project.
This fact was easily explained by the weather events that took place in March 2013: in Tuscany, some excep-
tional weather events took place, with average rainfall of around 250 mm and peaks of over 900 mm (in the
Province of Lucca).
In the entire regional territory, average rainfall was higher than the average period of reference (1983-2012)
with a surplus value of around 100-150%. The persistence of the rain caused several hydro-geological land-
slides and the flooding of the Ombrone and the Bisenzio in the Pistoia area. This event also affected the area of
study, as is clear from the image below, reaching cumulative values of 80-100 mm (Fig. 87).
Events of this kind, occurring in a limited period of time, clearly have a considerable negative impact not only
in hydro-geological terms, but also on the biota of the ecosystem. In the case in question, the effects were
particularly marked, given that C. gobio is a typically benthic fish species (i.e. it mainly lives on the bottom of
water courses). The analysis of the data divided by individual cohorts clearly shows how the loss of biomass and
density were not legible in the 0+ cohort, but only on the level of more adult specimens. This is because the
event, which also temporarily compromised the functionality of the fish ladders, took place before the eggs were
laid, and therefore had very little effect on the 0+ cohort, which was effectively saved from the event.
The following tables show the comparative results for each of the stations monitored, with a brief comment on
Months Number of times repeated
February 1
March 2
April 2
May 2
June 1
Table 13 – Frequency of herpetological monitoring.
101Monitoring the target species
Fig. 87 – Accumulated rainfall
on 30 March 2013 – maxi-
mums over 100 mm in North-
ern Tuscany and the Pistoia/
Prato Apennines.
Rio Ceppeta - Station CE_02
Scientific name Date B (g/m2) D (specimens/m2) A.I. Structure
Cottus gobio
06/04/2011 0.19 0.039 3 1
14/09/2011 2.50 0.284 4 4
01/10/2012 3.23 0.347 5 1
13/09/2013 1.72 0.223 4 1
Tab. 14 – Biomass and density of C. gobio in CE_02 in the 2011-2013 period.
Tab. 15 – Biomass and density values for C. gobio estimated
during quantitative monitoring conducted in the 2011-2013
three year period.
102 Following the water course
The age classes present range from 0+ to 4+; the diagrams below show the estimated biomass and density
values for the European bullhead over the years, divided by cohort.
Tables 16a, b, c, d, e – Biomass and density by age class in C.
gobio in CE_02.
103Monitoring the target species
We also present an analysis of the data on potential predators - in this specific case, the brown trout: the tables
below summarise the data on estimated density and biomass for the brown trout during the monitoring activities
conducted in the 2011-2013 three year period.
Scientific name Date B (g/m2) D (specimens/m2) A.I. Structure
Salmo (trutta) trutta
06/04/2011 1.30 0.021 2 4
14/09/2011 8.10 0.301 4 1
01/10/2012 7.03 0.299 5 1
13/09/2013 4.93 0.104 4 1
Tab. 17 – Biomass and density in S. (trutta) trutta in CE_02 in the 2011-2013 period.
The diagram shows that both parameters rose sharply between April and September 2011; in fact, biomass and
density increased from 1.30 g/m2 and 0.021 ind/m2 to 8.10 g/m2 and 0.301 ind/m2 respectively. The trends
for both parameters continued to rise constantly from then onwards, in line with expectations, especially in the
more recent years after the application of the measures proposed in the action plan, which considerably reduced
fish seeding activities.
The phenomenon is even clearer in the figure below, showing the trend by length class. However, given that the
fishery activities are being conducted in an environment where it not possible to remove specimens, it is clear
that it will take several years to achieve a new balance.
Tab. 18 – Biomass and density values in S. (trutta) trutta es-
timated during quantitative monitoring conducted in the
2011/2013 three year period.
Tab. 19 – Distribution in length classes of S. (trutta) trutta in the
2011-2013 period.
104 Following the water course
Rio Ceppeta - Station CE_03
Scientific name Date B (g/m2) D (specimens /m2) A.I. Structure
Cottus gobio
17/05/2011 0.57 0.099 3 4
14/09/2011 1.53 0.155 4 4
03/10/2012 4.23 0.449 5 1
12/09/2013 2.87 0.341 5 1
Tab. 20 – Biomass and density of C. gobio in CE_03 in the 2011-2013 period.
Tab. 21 – Biomass and density values for C. gobio estimated
during quantitative monitoring conducted in the 2011-2013
three year period.
Both parameters rose, achieving their maximum value in the month of October 2012, with a density of 0.449
ind/m2 and a biomass of 4.23 g/m2; the species, according to the semi quantitative abundance indicator, can be
defied as dominant and with a well-structured population in the area where samples were taken.
The age classes present range from 0+ to 5+; the diagrams below show the estimated biomass and density
values for the European bullhead over the years, divided by cohort.
105Monitoring the target species
Tab. 22a, b, c, d, e, f - Biomass and density by class in C. gobio in CE_03
The following tables summarise the data on estimated density and biomass for the brown trout during the
monitoring activities conducted in the 2011-2013 three year period.
106 Following the water course
Scientific name Date B (g/m2) D (specimens/m2) A.I. Structure
Salmo (trutta) trutta
17/05/2011 23,56 0,321 5 1
14/09/2011 12,49 0,433 5 1
03/10/2012 18,24 0,546 3 1
12/09/2013 9,80 0,163 4 1
Tab. 23 – Biomass and density in S. (trutta) trutta in CE_03 in the 2011-2013 period.
Tab. 24 – Biomass and density values in S. (trutta) trutta esti-
mated during quantitative monitoring conducted in the 2011-
2013 three year period.
Tab. 25 – Distribution in length classes of S. (trutta) trutta in the
2011-2013 period.
Here too, the brown trout population fell noticeably.
107Monitoring the target species
Trogola-Alto Bisenzio - Station TR_01
Scientific name Date B (g/m2) D (specimens/m2) A.I. Structure
Cottus gobio
06/04/2011 0.32 0.034 3 2
14/09/2011 1.02 0.171 4 1
02/10/2012 2.60 0.351 5 1
13/09/2013 1.32 0.224 5 1
Tab. 26 – Biomass and density in C. gobio in TR_01 during the 2011-2013 period.
Tab. 27 – Biomass and density values for C. gobio estimated
during quantitative monitoring conducted in the 2011-2013
three year period.
Just as observed in the Rio Ceppeta, both the biomass and density showed a growing trend, which reached
its maximum value in October 2012, with 2.60 g/m2 and 0.351 ind/m2 respectively; the semi-quantitative
abundance indicator attributed the species a value of 5, demonstrating its dominance in the area sampled. The
population appears structured. The same observations made for 2013 also apply here, including the impact of
the exceptional weather event.
The age classes present range from 0+ to 4+; the diagrams below show the estimated biomass and density
values for the European bullhead over the years, divided by cohort.
108 Following the water course
Tab. 28a, b, c, d, e – Biomass and density by age class in C.
gobio in TR_01.
The following tables summarise the data on estimated density and biomass for the brown trout during the
monitoring activities conducted in the 2011-2013 three year period.
109Monitoring the target species
Scientific name Date B (g/m2) D (specimens/m2) A.I. Structure
Salmo (trutta) trutta
06/04/2011 1.68 0.029 3 4
14/09/2011 1.17 0.106 4 1
02/10/2012 3.88 0.197 5 1
13/09/2013 2.57 0.054 2 4
Tab. 29 – Biomass and density in S. (trutta) trutta in TR_01 in the 2011-2013 period.
Tab. 30 – Biomass and density values in S. (trutta) trutta esti-
mated during quantitative monitoring conducted in the 2011-
2013 three year period.
Tab. 31 – Distribution in length classes of S. (trutta) trutta in the
2011-2013 period.
Once again, the diagram using length classes clearly shows a fall in the population.
110 Following the water course
Trogola-Alto Bisenzio - Station TR_02
Scientific name Date B (g/m2) D (specimens/m2) A.I. Structure
Cottus gobio
21/04/2010 0.19 0.035 3 1
15/09/2011 1.20 0.151 5 1
02/10/2012 1.76 0.214 5 1
12/09/2013 0.83 0.090 4 1
Tab. 32 – Biomass and density in C. gobio in TR_02 in the 2011-2013 period.
Tab. 33 – Biomass and density values for C. gobio, estimated
during quantitative monitoring during the 2011/2013 three year
The diagram shows how both parameters showed a positive trend up until October 2012, with a biomass of 1.76
g/m2 and a density of 0.214 ind/m2; the semi-quantitative abundance indicator attributed the European bullhead
with a value that varied from 5 (dominant) during the 2011 censuses, to 4 (abundant) in September 2013. In any
case, the population appears structured.
The age classes present range from 0+ to 5+; the diagrams below show the estimated biomass and density
values for the European bullhead over the years, divided by cohort.
111Monitoring the target species
Tab. 34a, b, c, d, e, f – Biomass and density by class in C. gobio in TR_02.
The following tables summarise the data on estimated density and biomass for the brown trout during the
monitoring activities conducted in the 2011-2013 three year period.
112 Following the water course
Scientific name Date B (g/m2) D (specimens/m2) A.I. Structure
Salmo (trutta) trutta
21/04/2010 2.48 0.048 3 4
15/09/2011 5.49 0.234 5 1
02/10/2012 7.51 0.198 5 1
12/09/2013 7.03 0.108 4 1
Tab. 35 – Biomass and density in S. (trutta) trutta in TR_02 in the 2011-2013 period.
Tab. 36 – Biomass and density values in S. (trutta) trutta esti-
mated during quantitative monitoring conducted in the 2011-
2013 three year period.
Tab. 37 – Distribution in length classes of S. (trutta) trutta in the
2011-2013 period.
Here too, there was a clear fall in the number of competitors.
In the Bolognese area of the Brasimone stream, the verifications and monitoring were conducted mainly during
the phase of the in-situ experimentation. A short excursus of the results is provided below.
113Monitoring the target species
Brasimone torrent - Station BR_02
Scientific name Date B (g/m2) D (specimens/m2) A.I. Structure
Cottus gobio
06/04/2011 0.14 0.016 2 4
02/10/2012 1.65 0.122 4 1
12/09/2013 2.98 0.292 5 1
Tab. 38 – Biomass and density in C. gobio in BR_02 in the 2011-2013 period.
Tab. 39 – Biomass and density values for C. gobio estimated
during quantitative monitoring conducted in the 2011-2013
three year period.
The figure above shows how the population trend for C. gobio grew sharply, with biomass and density, updated
to September 2013, of 2.98 g/m2 and 0.292 ind/m2 respectively. According to the semi-quantitative abundance
indicator, the species was classed as dominant, with a structured population-
The age classes present range from 0+ to 5+; the diagrams below show the estimated biomass and density
values for the European bullhead over the years, divided by cohort.
It is very interesting to note how in this case, the flooding in March 2013 did not have the negative impact ob-
served in the Apennine territory in the Province of Prato, given that it did not directly affect this hydro-graphical
114 Following the water course
Tab. 40a, b, c, d, e, f – Biomass and density by class of C. gobio in BR_02.
In the site in question, the censuses conducted of this species were qualitative; the data are therefore expressed
in terms of the abundance indicator (A.I.) and population structure.
115Monitoring the target species
Scientific name Date B (g/m2) D (specimens/m2) A.I. Structure
Salmo (trutta) trutta
06/04/2011 - - 5 1
02/10/2012 - - 4 3
12/09/2013 - - 4 1
Tab. 41 – A.I. and population structure for S. (trutta) trutta in BR_02 in the 2011-2013 period.
The brown trout is a species considered to be abundant in the area of the Brasimone in question, despite being
classed as dominant in April 2011; the population appears to be structured.
The general picture emerging from the monitoring conducted by the scientific consultants of the Lakes Suviana
and Brasimone Natural Park, in the six sampling stations considered, is of a general improvement in the popu-
lations observed which, given the gradual fall in water flow recorded in recent years, should be considered in
relation to the application of trout repopulation policies adapted to the ecological characteristics of the areas
examined. The populations covered by the census appear well-structured and abundant, in particular on the
Limentra di Treppio, where the species had a good overall level of conservation, in an area characterised by
intact substrates, a limited slope, a good width of riverbed and strong water flow. The latest monitoring activities
conducted in 2013 showed a significant increase in the abundance and density of the species both in the Li-
mentra di Treppio and the Brasimone, with a strong presence of specimens in the earlier age classes (0+ e 1+).
The surveys conducted as part of this project have allowed us to collect numerous biometric data on C. gobio in
the water courses covered. In total, we collected data on more than a thousand specimens.
The following diagram shows the weighted growth curves for the population of C. gobio divided by gender. In
order to construct the curves, we used the data from the monitoring activities conducted during the reproductive
period, when the distinctive morphological features of each gender are most clear. For the females of the species
(in green) the relationship is expressed with the following linear equation, where P is the weight in grams and
L is the total length in mm: log (P) = -5.2746 +3.1639 Log (L), with a correlation coefficient of 0.9254, while
for the males (in red) we have log (P) = -5.3773 +3.2218 Log (L), with a slightly higher correlation coefficient
of 0.9467.
The weighted growth curves for the two genders match entirely, with a slightly higher level of fitness in the
Tab. 42 – Weighted growth curves for C. gobio divided by gen-
116 Following the water course
Monitoring the White-clawed crayfish
The monitoring of A. pallipes started in 2010 with preliminary studies and sampling of reproducers both for
genetic profiling and to build up the ex-situ reproduction pool.
During February 2011, we therefore laid the artificial substrates and manually adapt the sites (using material
found in loco) for the creation of reproductive sites and in-situ refuge areas, suitable for reproduction and wean-
ing. These sites were inspected and maintained in function throughout 2012. For further details, please refer to
the relative paragraph.
The results of the monitoring activities for A. pallipes as part of the experimentation are summarised in the
tables below.
Scientific name Period of investigation Specimens captured in 100/ML
2010 23
2011 19
2012 96
2013 104
Tab. 43 – Results of the monitoring activities for A. pallipes.
Tab. 44 – Specimens of A.
pallipes recorded during the
monitoring activities be-
tween 2010 and 2013.
In this regard, we note that the cumulative effect of the numerous variables involved, such as the exceptional
weather events which took place during the experimentation, or tampering by unknown persons, has made it
difficult to record and interpret the results.
In order to align the results from the various years and make it possible to perform a critical analysis of them,
we processed them by calculating the number of specimens in 100 linear metres for all categories. In the case
of more than one census performed in the same year, we took the highest number recorded. Where different
techniques were used in the same area on the same day, we totalled the results from the different survey tech-
niques (fish traps + manual surveys).
Regardless of the resulting values, it is important to note that we saw a net improvement in the size of the popu-
lation in 2012 and 2013, after launching the experimentation in 2011, demonstrating the project’s success.
117Monitoring the target species
The activities conducted on the Rio Ceppeta, alongside the ex-situ work, also allowed us to identify some good
practices for breeding in captivity, starting with wild, genetically selected breeding stock, and for putting the
know-how acquired in reproduction within the species into practice.
In addition to these operations, we would also like to consider the battle with competitors, in this case the brown
trout, the introduction of which was stopped within the areas of the experimentation and considerably reduced
in the surrounding areas, limiting the new introductions to juvenile material. This factor may also have affected
the successful outcome of the experimentation.
The situation on the Bolognese area of the river, where the White-clawed crayfish did not show any noticeable
improvement in its conservation status within the area monitored, was rather different. The presence of the spe-
cies, verified during monitoring, remained rare and limited to a few stations, demonstrating highly fragmented
distribution. Evidence of crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci) found at the sampling station located on the Rio
del Bago (monitoring conducted during 2011) could explain the lack of crayfish during the subsequent sampling
activities. The situation deserves particular attention, given that the plaque represents one of the main causes of
the decline in A. pallipes in the whole area of the species’ distribution.
The tables below set out the frequency distribution, divided by length class at intervals of 10 mm, of A. pallipes
specimens, divided by gender, captured during the sampling performed during the project. As shown in Tab.
045, the female specimens were more common in nearly all the length classes, and in particular above 90 mm.
The length classes with the lowest presence of males were 70 and 80 mm.
The diagram below shows the weighted growth curves for the A. pallipes population, divided by gender: the fe-
males in green and the males in red. For the females of the species the relationship is expressed with the follow-
ing linear equation, where P is the weight in grams and L is the total length in mm: log (P) = -4.4897 +2.9721
Log (L), with a correlation coefficient of 0.8968, while for the males we have log (P) = -4.4639 +3.0531 Log
(L), with a slightly higher correlation coefficient of 0.9008. It is clear how the curves match each other perfectly.
Tab. 45 – Frequency distribution by length classes for A. pal-
Tab. 46 – Weighted growth curves for A. pallipes divided by
118 Following the water course
Checking the functionality of the fish ladders
In order to evaluate the functionality of the fish ladders created on the Rio Ceppeta, on the evening of 01 October
2012, after first cleaning the ladder, we blocked the exit channel of the last basin (the 10th) flowing downstream
using 1cm netting, and introduced a total of 10 specimens of C. gobio, 6 of Salmo (trutta) trutta and 3 of A. pal-
lipes, all large enough not to be able to pass through the net and follow the flow downstream.
The following morning, we checked the fish ladder basins by hand and using a fish stunner, in order to see
whether the specimens introduced had managed to climb the ladder; for the sake of clarity, we note that the fish
ladder on the Rio Ceppeta is formed of 10 subsequent basins.
Of the 10 specimens of C. gobio introduced, 3 were found in the 10th basin (where they were released), 1 in
the 8th, 1 in the 4th and 1 in the 2nd basin, close to the exit of the fish ladder. Regarding S. (trutta) trutta, once
again 2 specimens were found in the 2nd basin. We weren’t able to find the A. pallipes specimens.
Based on the results obtained, we believe that the fish ladder is fully functional for the purpose, as most of the
specimens released succeeded in getting past the obstacle created by the dam in only a few hours. Moreover,
the results were very positive and encouraging given the water flow measured when performing the test, which
was particularly high and therefore not optimal for the functionality of the fish ladder.
A similar evaluation of the functionality of the fish ladder on the Trogola-Alto Bisenzio was performed on 2
October 2012. After first cleaning the work, the exit of the last basin downstream was closed up using 1 cm
netting and we then introduced a total of 20 specimens of C.gobio to the last basin (the 10th), all large enough
to prevent them from flowing through the netting downstream.
The C.gobio specimens used were among those surveyed at the TR_02 station: in order to make them easier
to recognise when climbing the ladder, we marked the specimens with Alcian Blue colouring using a Panjet
4 hours after releasing them, we manually checked basins 11 to 7 on the fish ladder. Of the 20 marked speci-
mens of C. gobio introduced, 6 were found in the 11th basin (where they were released), 1 in the 10th, 1 in the
9th and 1 in the 8th basin.
Fig. 88 – Marking the C. go-
bio specimens.
119Monitoring the target species
Using the results obtained, we believe that the fish ladder is functioning well, confirmed by the fact that the C.
gobio specimens introduced at the bottom of the ladder had already started successfully climbing the ladder
after only a few hours. Moreover, the results of this experiment should be considered in light of the higher-than-
project-average water flow at the time, which certainly did not help the ladder to function correctly. We therefore
believe that the ladders are fit for the purpose for which they were constructed.
Effectiveness of active conservation measures for the European bullhead and White-clawed crayfish
From the findings set out in the paragraphs above, we drew the following conclusions:
• The experimentation as a whole, as shown by the results obtained, despite the short period during which it
was conducted, was very successful;
• The biological monitoring showed a positive synergy effect of experimenting with several actions at once
(in-situ, ex-situ, reconstructing water continuity) affecting the population size of the two target species, C.
gobio and A. pallipes;
• The beneficial effect was also seen on the population structure, involving the entire range of cohorts;
• Given the limitations imposed by the Action Plan, we saw a clear fall in the number of predators present,
specifically Salmo (trutta) trout.
This evaluation is well represented in the following diagram which, considering the various areas of experi-
mentation as a whole, gives an overview of the species data. It is clear how the fall in the number of predators
corresponds to a growth in the indigenous population of C. gobio.
Fig. 89 – C. gobio specimen
marked using Alcian Blue
120 Following the water course
We should, however, clarify that without the combined effect of all the other actions taken, the phenomenon
would not have been so clear.
Other aspects that were highlighted by the biological monitoring:
Catastrophic events of an intensity of around 80/100 mm had a clear short-term impact on C. gobio, while A.
pallipes did not appear to be equally affected;
The verification of the functionality of the fish ladders gave good results using the technique of introducing a
well-defined number of specimens directly at the bottom of the ladder and closing the downstream exit off, while
the results using the Panjet marking were almost insignificant upstream of the fish ladder (a single specimen
was found on the Rio Ceppeta in 2012).
In this respect, we note that the marked specimens were not found downstream either, in the area where they were
released after the tattoo. This shows that the use of these techniques requires a large number of specimens to be
used, which is difficult to guarantee in the wild and especially in populations of this species, where it is possible to
mark, without harming the fish being monitored, only those over the size of 10 cm (upper margin of the 3+ cohort).
The core of the work consisted of searching for the target species Triturus carnifex within the wetland areas for
Although the species has historically been present in the plain between Prato and Florence, none were found
after a careful analysis of the detailed data provided by the Province for their territory, and this absence was
confirmed by the fauna surveys conducted as part of this project.
Thanks to an action based on the so-called Expert-based method, involving meetings with local experts (Andrea
Vannini - Biologist, Giacomo Bruni - Final year Biology student, and Fabrizio Gallotta - Fauna expert), we extend-
ed the survey field to include other locations surrounding the SPA. This lead to the finding of vital populations
of Triturus carnifex in the new sites (named site 04 – Fossi di Castelnuovo and site 05 – Stagni di S. Ippolito).
The adult specimens of Triturus carnifex and Lissotriton vulgaris found were identified by their pattern of dark
patches on the belly, and recorded in a special database: the belly pattern represents a genuine “fingerprint” for
the species, and is unique82 in each individual.
Tab. 47 – Biomass and
density trend for C. gobio
and brown trout seeding in
the stations covered by the
121Monitoring the target species
During the monitoring, the pools that were artificially constructed as part of the project at the 03 Lake Ombrone
site were the only habitats suitable for introducing the crested newt, due to the absence of their alien invasive
competitor Procambarus clarkii. In order to protect this species, the artificial pool in site 03 was therefore used
as a source area for developing Triturus carnifex populations, allowing them to radiate outwards from this site
and recolonize the surrounding agricultural ecomosaic.
Once vital populations of the target species had been located, although in areas that were not entirely suitable
and in the presence of important threats, we proceeded to extract and transfer larvae and adult specimens
mainly of Triturus carnifex (Annex II and IV of the “Habitat” Directive 92/43/EEC, Annex II Bern Convention, An-
nex A L.R.T. 56/00) and Lissotriton vulgaris (Annex III Bern Convention, Annex A L.R.T. 56/00), after obtaining
specific authorisation from the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, on the opinion of
ISPRA and the SHI.
The ISPRA authorisation highlighted the need to transfer not only adult specimens, but also larvae, so that they
could undergo metamorphosis at the destination site.
The paragraphs below set out the results of the herpetological surveys of the sites monitored during the 2010-
2013 period.
Site 01 – Lake Pantanelle
Site 01 Lake Pantanelle
2010 2011 2012 2013 Totale
Hyla intermedia 0 - 0 - 0 - 4 16,0 4 3,7
Lithobates catesbeianus 0 - 6 23,1 0 - 1 4,0 7 5,9
Pelophylax bergeri / P. kl.
hispanicus 20 100,0 20 76,9 47 100,0 20 80,0 107 90,7
Totale 20 100 26 100 47 100 25 100 118 100
Tab. 48 – Numeric results (Number of Specimens) and frequency (F% nd.) in the herpetological surveys (Site 01).
The actions performed at this site, in line with the LIFE project, led to the construction of 2 hatchery-pools
for amphibians, exclusively rainwater fed, which are highly likely to have positively influenced biodiversity in
general and the conservation of this important group of fauna in particular (especially the Pelophylax bergeri/P.
kl. hispanicus species). This is demonstrated both by the increasing numbers over time, and by the fact that
the local population of Italian pool frogs (Pelophylax bergeri/P. kl. hispanicus) was found to be well structured
and numerous, despite the presence of invasive alien species (in particular Procambarus clarkii and Lithobates
catesbeianus). These hatchery pools have not been used in the past to host Triturus carnifex precisely because
of the presence of numerous specimens of P. clarkii, found in these sites, despite the technical design features
included to prevent them from entering: the access methods used by the invasive alien species in question are
still unknown.
The Pelophylax bergeri/P. kl. hispanicus specimens monitored showed a clear ecological preference for the
hatchery pools and for the southern part of the lake, avoiding the NE area and the wetlands to the north of the
lake, where the population fell decisively following the invasion of these sub-areas by large populations of P.
122 Following the water course
Site 02 – Lake Bogaia
Site 02 Lake Bogaia
2010 2011 2012 2013 Totale
Hyla intermedia 0 - 0 - 0 - 4 36,4 4 16,0
Pelophylax bergeri / P. kl.
hispanicus 10 100,0 0 - 4 100,0 7 63,6 21 84,0
Totale 10 100 0 0 4 100 11 100 25 100
Tab. 49 – Numeric results (Number of Specimens) and frequency (F% specimens) in the herpetological surveys (Site 02).
This wetland area, in contrast to Lake Ombrone and Lake Pantanelle, is characterised by the absence of any
artificial devices to regulate water levels, as it is fed by the overflow from the phreatic zone, linked to seasonal
factors (quantity and duration of rainfall). In fact, during the period monitored, the water level changed frequently,
with an obvious effect on the results: for example, after a prolonged summer drought in 2012, the wetlands were
divided into three, unconnected pools.
The works to expand and remodel the morphology of the lake and its banks did effectively improve the ecological
conditions for the amphibians, as demonstrated by the increase in the number of species found. Nonetheless,
we expect conditions to improve further, given that the effects of the interventions should begin to become more
apparent after the vegetation takes hold on the banks (phragmites, bushes), which will require at least one
vegetative season after planting. The environment was evaluated as of medium suitability for the target species
T. carnifex, although the species was not found during the monitoring activities performed.
Site 03 – Lake Ombrone
Site 03 Lake Ombrone
2010 2011 2012 2013 Totale
Hyla intermedia 0 - 0 0,0 0 - 4 13,8 4 3,3
Pelophylax bergeri / P. kl.
hispanicus 10 100,0 40 100,0 42 100,0 25 86,2 117 96,7
Totale 10 100 40 100 42 100 29 100 121 100
Tab. 50 – Numeric results (Number of Specimens) and frequency (F% specimens) in the herpetological surveys (Site 03).
In this site, the dominant amphibian species over the course of the years has remained Pelophylax bergeri/
Pelophylax kl. hispanicus. The community of amphibians appears to be considerably smaller than the potential
in the area, where the target species T. carnifex could also find room. In fact, there is a network of canals and
ditches along the borders of the agricultural areas to the Northwest of the lake, which has considerable potential
for the species in question, although the species has never been found there during several years of monitoring
The use of morphological markers (patterns of belly patches) has allowed us to record the variation in distri-
bution of specimens over time and space. This has allowed us to observe how in months with higher rainfall
(March-April) the specimens monitored prefer to remain in the ditches around the borders of Lake Ombrone,
rather than in the lake itself, presumably in order to avoid predation by birds, or because the habitat is simply
123Monitoring the target species
more suitable for survival. The Frog population partly withdraws to the lake when the water in the ditches starts
to dry out and shortly afterwards moves to its summer refuge sites.
Both in 2012 and 2013, Pelophylax showed a tendency to colonise the hatchery pools specially created as part
of the “Water SCIs” LIFE project, demonstrating the validity and efficacy of the work done. The population trend
for Pelophylax certainly influence the larval development of T. carnifex, transferred to this site in the spring of
2013: the project aims to achieve a balance between the populations of the two species and establish a source
area for reconstructing vital populations of T. carnifex, protected from the threats in the sites where they are
currently found. The ecological factors that are important for the establishment of the T. carnifex larvae include:
• The presence of vegetation coverage and in particular aquatic plants (the reason for the artificial introduc-
tion of specimens of Ceratophyllum demersum, Miriophyllum spp., Chara sp. and Potamogeton sp.);
• Predatory activity by Dytiscidae beetles and Odonata larvae;
• Constant “mobbing” of the “new arrivals” by Pelophylax bergeri/P. kl. Hispanicus larvae present in the
hatchery pools.
Site 04 – Fossi di Castelnuovo
Site 04 Fossi di Castelnuovo
2012 2013 Totale
N°count. Spec. F% Spec. N°count. Spec. F% Spec. N°count. Spec. F% Spec.
Lissotriton vulgaris 8 72,7 4 66,7 12 70,6
Triturus carnifex 3 27,3 2 33,3 5 29,4
Totale 11 100 6 100 17 100
Tab. 51 – Numeric results (Number of Specimens) and frequency (F% specimens) in the herpetological surveys (Site 04).
The local population of the target species Triturus carnifex is well structured with specimens from both genders
and numerous larvae. The reproductive capacity of the target species leads us to think that site 04 is a suitable
site of preference for the target species in the Prato area.
The Lissotriton vulgaris population appears to have a good level of conservation, despite the lower number of
larvae found.
After the monitoring, we proceeded, with ministerial authorisation, to capture and transfer larvae and adult spec-
imens, mainly of T. carnifex (1 adult and 34 larvae) and Lissotriton vulgaris (1 adult and 2 larvae) to the hatchery
pools created for the purpose as part of the “Water SCIs” LIFE project for adults and larvae from these species.
Site 05 – S. Ippolito Ponds
Site 05 S. Ippolito Ponds
2013 Totale
N°count. Spec. F% Spec. N°count. Spec. F% Spec.
Hyla intermedia 10 30,3 10 30,3
Lissotriton vulgaris 2 6,1 2 6,1
Triturus carnifex 1 3,0 1 3,0
Pelophylax bergeri / P. kl. hispanicus 20 60,6 20 60,6
Totale 33 100 33 100,0
Tab. 52 – Numeric results (Number of Specimens) and frequency (F% specimens) in the herpetological surveys (Site 05).
124 Following the water course
In comparison to site 04, which was classed as suitable, despite a strong anthropic impact, site 05 was in a good
state of conservation: although found in an agricultural context, the area was shown to be an important source
area for the T. carnifex population in the Prato plains territory.
The local population of the target species T. carnifex was in a good state of conservation and well-structured with
abundant numbers of adults and larvae, despite the threat of invasive alien species, in particular Procambarus
clarkii, also found here.
The Lissotriton vulgaris population appears to have a good level of conservation, despite finding fewer larvae
than for T.Carnifex.
Pelophylax bergeri/P. kl. hispanicus and Hyla intermedia both had large populations composed of numerous
adults and a good number of larvae (higher in Pelophylax than in Hyla).
Moreover, among the wide range of aquatic vegetation present, the site also includes some species of flora and
fauna of regional interest, to the point that if extended, it will meet the criteria for inclusion in the SIC/SPA/SIR
“Ponds of the Florentine and Prato plain” list alongside the wetlands located just to the north of Lake Pantanelle.
After finding the species, we proceeded, with ministerial authorisation, to capture and transfer 39 T.Carnifex lar-
vae and 1 L.vulgaris larva to the hatchery pools created for the purpose as part of the “Water SCIs” LIFE project.
In this case, no adult specimens of the Italian crested newt were transferred.
Effectiveness of active conservation measures for herpetofauna
From the results obtained for each site, we saw a considerable improvement in the biodiversity of the herpeto-
fauna in terms of the number of species and the abundance of the populations monitored. The actions taken to
date are therefore considered on the whole to have been successful and should be continued.
In particular, the experimental classification system used (marking specimens by photographing the charac-
teristic pattern of dark patches on a yellow-orange background of the belly of T. carnifex and L. vulgaris) was
particularly suitable for evaluating the effectiveness of the concrete conservation measures concluded. This
method facilitates the adaptation of the sites of interest: monitoring the demographic trend and modifications in
the topographic distribution of the populations of amphibians present, which are extremely susceptible to varia-
tions in environmental parameters and the intensity of disturbances, allowed us to intervene rapidly in the case
of any fall in the population, between one herpetological survey and the next.
As required by international standardised methodology, we used the direct counting method for monitoring bird-
life, counting all the specimens present in a certain area, or estimating the numbers in the case of large flocks.
The totals are therefore the result of adding the estimates and the absolute and/or partial counts, without any
rounding up or other transformations15,83.
Direct surveys were conducted by observing the species present both from fixed positions (observatories) and
on foot along routes inside the area, taking care not to disturb the aquatic birdlife in the pools, in order to avoid
making them move to outlying areas.
The surveys were conducted from dawn to midday each day of the census. Among the detectors that have
contributed to data collection, the expert ornithologist Alessio Bartolini.
The findings were aggregated according to the following parameters:
- Number of contacts by type (song, call, observation): this division by type of contact was particularly impor-
tant during the spring reproduction period, as it allowed us to hypothesise nesting for the species identified
by their song;
125Monitoring the target species
- Total number of contacts divided by species;
- Check list of high priority conservation species found, primarily based on Annex I of Directive 2009/147/
EC, and secondly on other classifications, in particular the LRUNI = 2011 Red List of Breeding Birds in Italy,
annexed to Regional Law 56/00.
In order to understand the tables below, we used the following classifications for the state of conservation, and
the following abbreviations:
1. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species - International Union of Conservation Nature Global conservation
• Extinct, EX
• Extinct in the Wild, EW
• Critically Endangered, CR
• Endangered, EN
• Vulnerable, VU
• Near Threatened, NT
• Least Concern, LC
• Data Deficient, DD
• Not Evaluated, NE
2. SPEC Classification = Species of European Concern
• SPEC = Species of European Concern
• SPEC 1: species of global conservation concern (i.e. their conservation status is classified as under
threat on a global level).
• SPEC 2: species with an unfavourable European conservation status, and with more than half of the
global breeding or wintering population concentrated in Europe
• SPEC 3: species with an unfavourable European conservation status, but with less than half of the
global breeding or wintering population within Europe
• Non SPEC: species with a favourable conservation status
• Non SPECE: species with a favourable European conservation status, but with more than half of the
global breeding or wintering population concentrated in Europe
3. ETS Classification = European Threatened Species (BirdLife International, 2004). Conservation status:
• CR Critically Endangered
• EN Endangered
• VU Vulnerable
• D Declining
• R Rare
• H Depleted
• L Localized
• DD Data Deficient
• S Secure
• NE Not Evaluated
• () provisional status
126 Following the water course
4. Directive 2009/147/EC List of annex 1 = inclusion in the shortlist of priority conservation species present
in Annex I of EC Directive 2009/147/EC
5. LRUNI Classification = 2011 Red List of Breeding Birds in Italy
• NA = Not applicable
• EX = Extinct
• EW = Extinct in the Wild
• RE = Extinct within the Region
• CR = Critically endangered
• EN = Endangered
• VU = Vulnerable
• NT = Near threatened
• LC = Least Concern
• DD = Data Deficient
• NE = Not Evaluated
6. Regional Law 56/00 = inclusion in Annex A2 of Tuscany Regional Law n. 56/2000 “Regulations for conser-
vation and protection of natural and semi-natural habitats, wild flora and fauna
127Monitoring the target species
The conservation status of the individual target species, recorded during 2013 after the environmental requali-
fication of the wetland areas was completed, was evaluated taking account of the size of the populations found
in the previous direct surveys (ex-ante) conducted as part of the “Water SCIs” LIFE project.
The scale used to evaluate the conservation status can be summarised in the following categories: red :-(,
amber :-|, green :-)
Alongside the performance of the conservation status, we also summarise the main threats and species-specific
conservation measures to be taken in order to maintain the current conservation status.
Checklist for species of major conservationist interest found at Lake Pantanelle
– Site 01 – period april-december 2013
N. Euring English name Scientific name IUCN SPEC ETS
Dir. 2009/147
EC List of
annex 1
All. A2
1 00980 Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus NT SPEC 3 (H) - VU SI
2 01040 Black-crowned Night
Heron Nycticorax nycticorax LC SPEC 3 H - VU SI
3 01080 Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides LC SPEC 3 (D) - LC SI
4 01190 Little Egret Egretta garzetta LC Non-Spec S - LC SI
5 01210 Great Egret Casmerodius albus LC Non-Spec S - NT SI
6 01240 Purple Heron Ardea purpurea LC SPEC 3 (D) - LC SI
7 01340 White Stork Ciconia ciconia LC SPEC 2 H - LC -
8 02020 Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca NT SPEC 1 (VU) SI EN SI
9 02600 Western Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus LC Non SPEC S - VU SI
10 04550 Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus LC Non SPEC S - LC SI
11 05170 Ruff Philomachus pugnax LC SPEC 2 (D) - - -
12 05540 Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola LC SPEC 3 H - - -
13 05780 Little Gull Larus minutus LC SPEC 3 (H) - - -
14 08310 Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis LC SPEC 3 H - LC SI
Tab. 53 – Checklist of high priority conservation species in site 01 (Lake Pantanelle).
Checklist for species of major conservationist interest found at Lake Bogaia
– Site 02 - period april-december 2013
N. Euring English name Scientific name IUCN SPEC ETS
Birds Directive
2009/147 EC
List of annex 1
Law 56/00
R. T. All. A2
1 01040 Black-crowned
Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax LC SPEC 3 H - VU SI
2 01190 Little Egret Egretta garzetta LC Non-Spec S - LC SI
3 15150 Red-backed
Shrike Lanius collurio LC SPEC-3 (H) - VU SI
Tab. 54 – Checklist of high priority conservation species in site 02 (Lake Bogaia) .
128 Following the water course
Checklist for species of major conservationist interest found at Lake Ombrone
– Site 03 – period april-december 2013
N. Euring English name Scientific name IUCN SPEC ETS
EC List of
annex 1
R. T. All.
1 01040 Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax LC SPEC 3 H - VU SI
2 01190 Little Egret Egretta garzetta LC Non-Spec S - LC SI
3 01210 Great Egret Casmerodius albus LC Non-Spec S - NT SI
4 01340 White Stork Ciconia ciconia LC SPEC 2 H - LC -
5 01440 Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia LC SPEC 2 R - VU SI
6 04550 Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus LC Non SPEC S - LC SI
7 05540 Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola LC SPEC 3 H - - -
8 08310 Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis LC SPEC 3 H - LC SI
Tab. 55 – Checklist of high priority conservation species in site 03 (Lake Ombrone).
Checklist for species of major conservationist interest – period april-december 2013
N. Euring English name Scientific name IUCN SPEC ETS
EC List of
annex 1
All. A2
1 00980 Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus NT SPEC 3 (H) - VU SI
2 01040 Black-cro wned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax LC SPEC 3 H - VU SI
3 01080 Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides LC SPEC 3 (D) - LC SI
4 01190 Little Egret Egretta garzetta LC Non-Spec S - LC SI
5 01210 Grea t Egret Casmerodius albus LC Non-Spec S - NT SI
6 01240 Purple Heron Ardea purpurea LC SPEC 3 (D) - LC SI
7 01340 White Stork Ciconia ciconia LC SPEC 2 H - LC -
8 01440 Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia LC SPEC 2 R - VU SI
9 02020 Ferruginous Duck Aythya n yroca NT SPEC 1 (VU) SI EN SI
10 02600 Western Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus LC Non SPEC S - VU SI
11 04550 Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus LC Non SPEC S - LC SI
12 05170 Ruff Philomachus pugnax LC SPEC 2 (D) - - -
13 05540 Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola LC SPEC 3 H - - -
14 05780 Little Gull Larus minutus LC SPEC 3 (H) - - -
15 08310 Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis LC SPEC 3 H - LC SI
16 15150 Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio LC SPEC-3 (H) - VU SI
Tab. 56 – Complete checklist of target species (Annex I of Directive 2009/147/EC) present in all the wetland areas monitored.
129Monitoring the target species
Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca): without doubt, the species of the highest conservation interest in the
birdlife community, given its priority status as a species of community interest (Directive 2009/147/EC List of
annex 1), also classified by BirdLife International as SPEC 1 (conservation status is classified as under threat on
a global level, and with more than half of the global breeding or wintering population concentrated in Europe).
This is Europe’s rarest duck, or more correctly, the rarest duck in the entire paleo-arctic region.
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle LLK 6
02 Lake Bogaia LLL -
03 Lake Ombrone LLL -
Tab. 57 – Conservation status of the Ferruginous Duck.
The target species can be found from August to October, only at site 01 Lake Pantanelle (amber conservation
status) with 6 observations. This target species should be evaluated over time in order to get a more complete
overview of its phenology in the area. In general, the suitability of the sites improved, although the conservation
status was only clearly positive in site 01. The species was not found at all in site 02 and site 03 (red conserva-
tion status).
Threats: the Ferruginous Duck does not tolerate disturbance by man and pollution, which is always present in
delicate ecosystems with stagnant water, such as wetlands.
Priority measures for the species: this target species prefers medium deep water rich in underwater vegetation,
with canefields, willows and alders, which we should therefore continue to encourage.
Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax): This species was found in all three sites monitored (20
obs. Site 01 Pantanelle, 8 obs. site 02 Bogaia, 1 obs. site 03 Ombrone), in particular in site 02 Lake Bogaia
where some specimens were observed remaining inactive during the daytime hours, resting in trees at the
edges of the wetlands. The species’ preferred habitats include flooded willow woodlands.
The species’ preferred site in terms of habitat was definitely site 01 Lake Pantanelle, where it was found in
abundance, including the presence of juvenile specimens (approx. 8 reported) (green conservation status). Site
02 appeared to be suitable for the target species, given the presence of dormitories (green conservation status),
while site 03 was not particularly suited to the species in ecological terms (amber conservation status).
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle LJJ20
02 Lake Bogaia LKJ 8
03 Lake Ombrone LLK 1
Tab. 58 – Black-crowned Night Heron conservation status.
130 Following the water course
Overall, the ecological situation in all three sites improved since 2010, thanks to the work done to increase their
suitability, such as expanding Lake Bogaia, creating a main island and remodelling the banks and bed of the
lake in order to provide a diverse range of depths and therefore meet the needs of a greater number of species,
including those in the Ardeidae family.
Threats: see Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus).
Priority measures for the species: protect reproduction sites (heronries), agricultural good practices. For nesting,
like all heron species, it is important to encourage the spread of hygrophilous tree species such as Populus spp.
and Salix spp.
Little Egret (Egretta garzetta): This target species was found in all three sites monitored (307 ind. site 01 Pan-
tanelle, 11 obs. site 02 Bogaia, 19 obs. site 03 Ombrone). The Little Egret prefers shallow water with a variety
of vegetation, while it prefers flooded willows for nesting.
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle J J J 307
02 Lake Bogaia L L L 11
03 Lake Ombrone L K K 19
Tab. 59 – Little Egret conservation status.
The Little Egret was found most frequently during the course of 2013 in site 01 Lake Pantanelle, where a dormi-
tory is probably located, given the numerous specimens observed feeding (green conservation status). Site 02
could also partly meet the ecological needs of the target species, given the improvements made. Nonetheless,
the numbers found were low (red conservation status), probably also due to the fact that the work was concluded
in spring-summer 2013 and the expected results have yet to be seen (e.g. development of the phragmites
around the lake, growth of vegetation planted, reduction of disturbance/threat factors). In fact, out of 11 obser-
vations, 10 were at the nearby detention basin at Ponte a Tigliano. In site 03, the target species was affected
by the water level management work underway (amber conservation status). Overall, the ecological situation
improved since 2010 in sites 01 and 03, thanks to the work done to make the environment more suitable for
the target species.
Threats: see Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus).
Priority conservation measures for the species: protection of shallow lakes, pools, lagunas and slow-running
rivers. The density of the colonies, in this sense, was heavily influenced by the availability of food sources, com-
bined with the availability of suitable sites, usually trees or large bushes, in which to build nests. For nesting, like
all heron species, hygrophilous tree species such as Populus spp. and Salix spp. are important.
Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus): the species was observed at site 01 Lake Pantanelle, where it
is breeding (96 obs). In fact, various specimens repeatedly displayed territorial behaviour to protect their nests
in this area.
The Black-winged Stilt was also observed (37) at site 03 Lake Ombrone, again displaying territorial behaviour.
131Monitoring the target species
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle JJJ 96
02 Lake Bogaia LLL -
03 Lake Ombrone LKJ 37
Tab. 60 – Black-winged Stilt conservation status.
The target species can be found every year at site 01 Lake Pantanelle (green conservation status) where it is
breeding. During 2013 it was found from April to July. It was not found in site 02 (red conservation status), while
it was found in site 03 in 2012 and 2013 (green conservation status). In particular, in 2013 it was found in the
months of April and August, with territorial behaviour (breeding).
The green conservation status remained constant from 2010 to 2013 in site 01 and improved in site 03 during
the same period.
Threats: transformation and destruction of wetland areas with the cutting of vegetation used as refuge, the destruc-
tion and modification of riverbeds, chemical and organic pollution of water courses. Important factors to control also
include human disturbance of nesting, stopover and wintering sites, as well as pressure from hunting.
Priority conservation measures for the species: protection of breeding sites, protection of colonies from exces-
sive human disturbance, adequate regulation of water levels according to the species’ ecological needs. In fact,
events such as the sudden drying out or excessive flooding of sites can have a serious effect on a local level84.
Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis): in site 01 Lake Pantanelle there were 2 cases of kingfisher song and 6 direct ob-
servations in the period from July-October 2013. In site 03 Ombrone, on the other hand, the species was only
observed once.
Site 01 maintained constant results over time and was assessed as suitable for the species (8 obs., green con-
servation status), site 03 was classified as amber conservation status based on the number of sightings. During
2010-2013, the conservation status for the species improved in sites 01 and 03.
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle KLJ 8
02 Lake Bogaia LLL -
03 Lake Ombrone LLK 1
Tab. 61 – Kingfisher conservation status.
Threats: This target species was under threat from the gradual building development of rivers and streams.
Another critical factor was chemical water pollution, which has altered the species’ diet, almost completely
based on fish.
Priority conservation measures for the species: protection of water courses and wetlands, with particular refer-
ence to protecting sandy and earthy banks: this is where the Kingfisher builds its nests, and these are precisely
the type of formation that is often swept away during ordinary and extraordinary river maintenance operations.
132 Following the water course
Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio): in 2013, this species was found in the areas immediately surrounding
site 02 Lake Bogaia (amber conservation status). The northern area of site 01 was also potentially suitable
(amber conservation status) although the species was not found here in 2012 or 2013. During 2010-2013, the
conservation status for the species was classed as amber in site 01, improved in site 02 and remained red in
site 03.
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle JLK -
02 Lake Bogaia LLK 1
03 Lake Ombrone LLL -
Tab. 62 – Red-backed Shrike conservation status.
Threats: loss of habitat due to the spread of urbanisation in the plains area. To summarise, a higher level of
danger should be attributed to the declining variety of habitats in intensively used and hilly areas.
Priority conservation measures for the species: the Red-backed Shrike needs an environmental mosaic includ-
ing pastures or farming land alternated with or bordered by bushes or hedges, as found in the areas surrounding
the requalified sites covered by the study, which need to be protected.
Squacco heron (Ardeola ralloides): observed only in site 01 Lake Pantanelle (9 obs.).
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle LLK 9
02 Lake Bogaia LLL -
03 Lake Ombrone LLL -
Tab. 63 – Squacco Heron conservation status.
The species’ preferred site in terms of habitat was definitely site 01 Lake Pantanelle, where a modest number
were found despite the good potential suitability of the location (amber conservation status). Despite potentially
being an ecologically suitable site, the species was not found at all in site 02 or site 03 (red conservation status).
The ecological situation for this species improved since 2010 in all the sites, thanks to the work done to make
them more suitably, even though the increase saw a very small rise in terms of numbers of specimens, and then
only in site 01 Lake Pantanelle.
Threats: see Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus).
Priority conservation measures for the species: protection of nesting and foraging sites, continuing monitoring
to gain more information on ecological aspects relating to the species. For nesting, it is important to maintain
thick bushes or wooded areas.
Great Egret (Casmerodius albus): the species was monitored in two sites (36 obs. site 01 Pantanelle and 10
obs. site 03 Ombrone). The species’ ideal environment for feeding is shallow waters, while it prefers to nest in
large trees.
133Monitoring the target species
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle LLJ 36
02 Lake Bogaia LLL -
03 Lake Ombrone LKK 10
Tab. 64 – Great Egret conservation status.
The most suitable location for this target species is definitely site 01 Lake Pantanelle (green conservation sta-
tus), where it can be found throughout the year. This is mainly thanks to the work done to improve the environ-
ment in general and in particular for the target species.
Site 02 was found to be unsuitable for the target species (not found, red conservation status), while the species
was classed as amber conservation status in site 03, where it was only found from April to June in 2013. The
conservation status is improving in sites 01 and 03.
Threats: see Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus).
Priority conservation measures for the species: protection of the wetlands, with a preference for more extended
marshy ground, where the target species builds its nests in thick, mostly inaccessible, canefields. The nests are
usually built directly on the water, or not more than 4-5 metres off the ground. The demographic increase in
Austrian and Hungarian populations, thanks to the heronry conservation measures, has had a positive impact
on the numbers of this species in Italy84.
For nesting, like all heron species, it is important to encourage the presence of hygrophilous tree species such
as Populus spp. and Salix spp.
White Stork (Ciconia ciconia): the species was observed in June and July 2013 at site 01 Lake Pantanelle (3
ind.) and at site 03 Lake Ombrone (5 obs.). From 2011, the species was found to be consistently breeding in
site 03.
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle LKJ 3
02 Lake Bogaia LLL -
03 Lake Ombrone LKJ 5
Tab. 65 – White Stork conservation status.
The conservation status of the target species was green in sites 01 and 03 while it was red in site 02. The
conservation status improved in sites 01 and 03, and the general ecological suitability for the species improved
in all three sites.
Threats: in the past, these involved large-scale marshland recovery operations and change of use for the land
in general, the intensification of farming methods and the unsuitability of most modern buildings for nesting, in
contrast to the older style houses and belfries. Maintenance work on power lines may also have a high negative
impact on reproduction in breeding pairs.
Priority conservation measures for the species: protection of the wetlands, adaptation of high voltage electricity
lines, where present.
134 Following the water course
Western Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus): this species was observed outside the official monitoring cam-
paign, in March 2013, at site 01 Lake Pantanelle (both males and females).
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle LKK 3
02 Lake Bogaia LLL -
03 Lake Ombrone LLL -
Tab. 66 – Western Marsh Harrier conservation status.
The target species can be found only at site 01 Lake Pantanelle (amber conservation status). Here too, the
presence of the target species should be monitored over time. The species was not found at all in site 02 and
site 03 (red conservation status).
During the monitoring period, the conservation status remained amber in site 01 and red in the other two sites.
Threats: destruction of the wetlands and, on a secondary level, direct persecution.
Priority conservation measures for the species: correct protection and management wetland areas and the
surrounding agricultural land. By protecting all birds of prey, hunting legislation has contributed to the species’
Ruff (Philomachus pugnax): this species was observed at site 01 Lake Pantanelle (15 contacts) in April 2013
and in the same period of 2012.
The target species was constantly found throughout 2012 and 2013 at site 01 Lake Pantanelle (green conser-
vation status) and also at site 03 Lake Ombrone in 2012 (amber conservation status). The conservation status
for the target species was classified as red in site 02, where it was not found at all during the monitoring.
During 2010-2013, the conservation status for the species improved in sites 01 and 03.
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle LJJ 15
02 Lake Bogaia LLL -
03 Lake Ombrone LKK -
Tab. 67 – Ruff conservation status.
Threats: see Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus). However, the risk of hunting is also a factor, given
that the species is in the list of those for hunting as per Law n. 157/92. As a result, it would be useful to know
the exact numbers killed by hunters in order to draft international counter-measures. In this respect, we should
point out that specimens of Ruff (Philomacus pugnax) and Tufted duck (Aythya fuligula) cannot be killed within
the Tuscany Special Protection Areas, under the terms of Regional Decree n. 454/2008, Annex “A” (Conservation
measures valid for all Special Protection Areas).
Priority conservation measures for the species: see Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus).
135Monitoring the target species
Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola): observed in 2013 at site 01 Lake Pantanelle (31 contacts) during the April-
July period and at site 03 Lake Ombrone (14 obs.) from April to August.
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle LLJ 31
02 Lake Bogaia LLL -
03 Lake Ombrone LKJ 14
Tab. 68 – Wood Sandpiper conservation status.
The target species appeared at site 01 Lake Pantanelle in 2013 (green conservation status) while it was not
found at all at site 02 (red conservation status); it was found at site 03 during 2012 and 2013 (green conserva-
tion status).
During 2010-2013, the conservation status for the species improved in sites 01 and 03.
Threats: the species has suffered from the changes in the environment in its breeding grounds, due to climate
Priority conservation measures for the species: protection of both the ecological quality of the main stopover
sites and occasional wintering grounds, and more general protection from excessive human disturbance84.
Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea): the target species was only found at site 01 Lake Pantanelle (amber conserva-
tion status) in April and August 2013. Moreover, it was found in the northern part of the lake, where wetland bush
formations are found. The environmental improvement works certainly contributed to encouraging its presence.
The conservation status improved in site 01 and, although the overall ecological situation improved across the
board after the work done, site 02 and site 03 are not yet suitable for the target species (species not found, red
conservation status).
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle LLK 3
02 Lake Bogaia LLL -
03 Lake Ombrone LLL -
Tab. 69 – Purple Heron conservation status.
Threats: see Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus).
Priority conservation measures for the species: encouraging the development of tall, thick, hygrophilous vegeta-
tion, in particular canefields associated with shallow freshwater, where the species can easily find prey.
Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus): this target species was found at site 01 Lake Pantanelle (1 song recorded
and 5 sightings). The call of the species allows us to hypothesize a small probability of nesting in the area.
136 Following the water course
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle LLJ 6
02 Lake Bogaia LLL -
03 Lake Ombrone LLL -
Tab. 70 – Little Bittern conservation status (Ixobrychus minutus).
The improvement in the conservation status is thanks to the work done during the LIFE project in site 01 Lake
Pantanelle: regulation of water flow entering and leaving the lake, creation of a main island with a surface area
of 1,200 m2, with plant species from the Salix and Populus families, in addition to 3 smaller, elongated islands
with an area of approx. 20 m2.
Threats: collision with power cables, transformation and destruction of current and potential breeding grounds,
cutting of plants used as refuge, destruction and modification of river beds, chemical and organic pollution of
water courses, human disturbance of breeding grounds, illegal tree cutting and pollution from pesticides used
in the surrounding agricultural land.
Priority conservation measures for the species: maintenance of hygrophilous vegetation, in particular canefields,
along the banks of rivers, lakes and in wetland areas.
Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia): the species was signed (9 obs.) in site 03 Lake Ombrone in May
2013. The Spoonbill lives in shallow pools with hygrophilous plantlife.
Code Water basin
Number of
contacts 2013
01 Lake Pantanelle LLL -
02 Lake Bogaia LLL -
03 Lake Ombrone LLK 9
Tab. 71 – Eurasian Spoonbill conservation status.
The target species was found only at site 03 Lake Ombrone (amber conservation status). The presence of this
target species should be assessed over time in order to understand if these are occasional presences to be
attributed to erratic phenomena.
The species was not found at all in site 01 and site 02 (red conservation status). In general, the ecological suit-
ability for the species improved.
Threats: changes in the wetlands, human disturbance, predators and stagnant areas with very low or absent
water refreshment.
Priority conservation measures for the species: the species prefers canefields, bushes or trees such as willows
or poplars for nesting. Necessary modifications in order to encourage its presence: a high level of protection
against disturbance by man and predators. For this reason, the Spoonbill often prefers small islands to the
137Monitoring the target species
Monitoring breeding grounds
In order to classify the breeding probability of each species, we referred to the criteria listed in the table below,
used in the “Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia” (Atlas of breeding birds in Italy, currently being written),
which sets out three categories: Possible, probable and certain breeders When reading the following para-
graphs, remember that s.=song, c.=call, obs.=sighting.
1 Sighting of the species during its nesting period
2 Presence in its habitat during its nesting period
3 Male in song present during the nesting period, mating calls or drumming heard, parading male seen
4 Pair present in their habitat during their nesting period
5Territorial behaviour (song, aggressive behaviour with neighbours, etc.) seen in the same territory on two
different days, 7 or more days apart
6 Mating behaviour: parade, mating or exchange of food between adults
7 Visit to a probable nesting site. Different from a resting site
8 Cries of alarm or other behaviour that could indicate the presence of a nest or of young birds in nearby
9Physiological proof: highly vascularized brood patches or eggs present in the oviduct. Observation of a bird in
the hand.
10 Transporting material or building a nest; digging a nest-cavity
11 Bird that simulates an injury or that diverts attention, like, ducks, galliformes, shorebirds
12 Recently used empty nest with eggshells of the current season
13 Young birds with down or that have just left the nest and are unable to fly long distances
14 Adult that arrives at, occupies or leaves a nest; behaviour that reveals an occupied nest, the content of which
cannot be verified (too high or in a cavity)
15 Adults carrying a faecal sac
16 Adult carrying food for the young birds during its nesting period
17 Egg shells (hatched or recently predated)
18 Nest seen with a brooding adult
19 Nest containing eggs or young birds (seen or heard)
Tab. 72 – Criteria used in the “Guide to breeding birds in Italy” project to classify breeding.
Site 01 – Lake Pantanelle
Of the three sites considered, Lake Pantanelle was the most suitable for breeding among aquatic birds. The
other two sites were more affected by the man-made transformation of the territory, and had a lower variety of
Certain breeding species:
White Heron (Ardea cinerea) on one of the larger trees located in the northern area, Coot (Fulica atra), Black-
winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus).
Probable breeding species:
Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis) (6 c., 8 obs., including juveniles), Garganey (Anas querquedula) in the grassy
wetland area to the north (2 obs.), Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) (2 c. and 97 obs. including some
juveniles), Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) (5 c. e 2 obs.), Common Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)
138 Following the water course
(3 c., 1 c.), Blackbird (Turdus merula) (4 s. e 25 obs.), Cetti’s warbler (Cettia cetti) (10 s. e 15 ind.), Eurasian
Magpie (Pica pica) (2 s. e 2 obs.), Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) (4 s.), Eurasian Reed Warbler
(Acrocephalus scirpaceus) (6 s.), Eurasian Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) (5 s.), Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus
arundinaceus) (9 s. e 2 obs.), European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) (2 s.).
Possible breeding species:
Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus) (1 s., 2 obs.), European Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur) (1 s.), Eurasian
Wryneck (Jynx torquilla) (1 s.), Melodious Warbler (Hippolais polyglotta) (1 s.), White Wagtail (Motacilla alba) (40
obs.), Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) (10 s. and 6 obs.).
Site 02 – Lake Bogaia
Certain breeding species:
Probable breeding species:
European Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur) (3 s.), Blackbird (Turdus merula) (5 s.), Cetti’s warbler (Cettia cetti) (3
s.), Zitting Cisticola (Cisticola juncidis) (3 s.), Eurasian Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) (2 s.), European Serin (Serinus
serinus) (7 s.) and European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) (3 s.).
Possible breeding species:
Eurasian Bluetit (Cyanistes caeruleus) (1 s.).
Site 03 – Lake Ombrone
Certain breeding species:
Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus), White Stork (Ciconia ciconia).
Probable breeding species:
Common Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) (5 s.), Blackbird (Turdus merula) (9 s., 1 obs.), Cetti’s warbler
(Cettia cetti) (8 s.), Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) (2 s.), Eurasian Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla)
(5 s.), Great Tit (Parus major) (2 s.), European Serin (Serinus serinus) (6 s.).
Possible breeding species:
Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) (1 c., 2 s.).
Effectiveness of active conservation measures for the target bird species
The level of biodiversity found in terms of bird species, measured using the Shannon-Wiener diversity index,
showed higher values in site 01 Lake Pantanelle, followed by site 03 Lake Ombrone and site 02 Lake Bogaia.
The Evenness index, which measures how close in numbers each bird species were in the three sites, was also
higher in site 01 Lake Pantanelle (E=0.73) in comparison to the other two sites, which both had values of round
E= 0.64.
This type of analysis shows how, despite the overall artificiality of these locations, all in very developed urban
settings, site 01 Lake Pantanelle has a high level of bird species diversity both in terms of number of species
and their relative abundance, which is evenly distributed between species in terms of quantity.
Overall, during the fauna surveys conducted in 2011-2013, 94 species were found in the three lakes, in detail:
at Lake Pantanelle 72, at Lake Ombrone 66 and Lake Bogaia 40. The order with the greatest variety of species
(36) was the Passeriformes which represented 38%, followed by the Charadriiformes (16 sp.), 17%, the Cico-
niiformes (11 sp.), 11%, and the Anseriformes (8%).
There were 44 aquatic species that winter in the lakes, divided as follows: Lake Pantanelle 34, Lake Om-
brone 33, Lake Bogaia 10. In total, in the areas surveyed, the most common order of wintering birds was the
139Monitoring the target species
Charadriiformes with 36% followed by the Ciconiiformes with 25%, then the Anseriformes with 18% and lastly
the Gruiformes with 9%. The order of the Falconiformes among the wintering birds was represented by a single
species, the Western Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) with a few presences found at Lake Pantanelle. The
bird community also included the Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca), a rare species considered a high conserva-
tion priority.
Breeding species at Lake Pantanelle included: the White heron (Ardea cinerea) on one of the larger trees located
in the northern area, the Coot (Fulica atra), and the Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) which, along
with the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia), also breeds in Lake Ombrone.
The results obtained are still partial and subject to improvement, in particular concerning site 02 Lake Bogaia.
This is because the environmental requalification works in this site were only completed in summer 2013, and
the positive effects of the work done are presumably not yet fully evident. The same consideration applies to the
works to construct the detention basin at Ponte a Tigliano, within which, in line with the instructions provided
by the Province of Prato during the Environmental Impact Assessment, an additional semi-permanent wetland
area was created. It is reasonable to expect that the extension and remodelling of the bed of the water basin,
the planting of the banks and the traffic and hunting bans around the lake will start to take effect from the next
vegetative and breeding season (from spring-summer 2014 onwards). In the same way, although only a limited
amount of changes were made, and in a marginal area, there is considerable room for improvement at site 03
Lake Ombrone, both in terms of its potential (approx. 11 ha of space, in a favourable geographical location and
a limited degree of urbanisation in the environment), and due to the way the lake is currently managed, which
is entirely inappropriate for the target species: the early emptying of the basin in the springtime and the tilling
of the lake bed to prevent spontaneous plant growth. These practices have been specifically banned, under the
terms of the site Management Plan, by the Provincial Hunting Regulation approved in 2013.
Based on the experience gained in the four years of experimentation and monitoring, we have developed some
useful indications to guarantee the future maintenance and, if necessary, reconstitution of vital populations of
the target species within their natural habitat.
The “Water SCIs” LIFE project has once again demonstrated (as fully documented in the sector litera-
ture85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93) the importance of an adaptive approach (adaptive management) for the correct and
prudent management of ecosystems.
The following definition of the term “adaptive management” is taken from the WWF online encyclopaedia94:
“the management of natural systems and their inter-relations with social systems, based on dynamic, open and
flexible approaches, capable of constantly and rapidly modifying pre-established management plans according
to changes in the ecological, economic and social conditions”.
This way of operating, in contexts such as the semi-natural environment in question, with a high degree of
uncertainly and variability (environmental, economic and social), means that once the management goals have
been established, actions can be decided on a case-by-case basis according to information gained from moni-
toring the dynamics of the specific ecosystem over time. It is therefore a way of proceeding that goes beyond
simply modifying the ecosystems being managed, with the aim of improving their conservation status (e.g.
directing them towards homoeostasis and increasing their resilience), but also aims to gradually accumulate
useful information for understanding how they work95. Since this is a learning process that benefits from the ex-
perience and information collected, it requires constant attention and a search for balance between the need to
obtain the best results in the short term, based on the knowledge available, and the effort to acquire knowledge
and skills useful for improving the management results over time96. Of course, all while taking account of the
resources (financial, human and instrumental) actually available in a given period of time.
In semi-natural environments that are strongly influenced by human presence, like those involved in this LIFE
“Water SCIs” project (declining from the lowland to the Apennines), this operating method is therefore the only
realistic option for maintaining the quantity and quality of services and assets provided for ecosystems in these
areas, as mentioned at the beginning of this volume.
In the specific case of the conservation of the two target species C. gobio and A. pallipes in the areas considered,
we believe that additional cycles of ex-situ reproduction should be run in the Ponte San Giorgio – Camugnano
(BO) incubator, in order to further refine the protocols developed during the project for target species reproduc-
tion in an artificial environment (in particular for the White-clawed Crayfish, given the modest numeric results
obtained and the difficulties encountered during the breeding experiences conducted).
In fact, the material produced can be used to support the populations of C. gobio and A. pallipes within the
perimeter of the Natura 2000 sites in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennine area, where the levels were lower despite
the presence of the right environmental conditions for the species.
Moreover, the material can also be used to restock the populations in the case of catastrophic natural events.
Bearing in mind the description of adaptive management set out in the paragraph above, and based on our
experience in this area, in order to encourage the reproduction and conservation of the two species it is more
important to maintain the ecological efficiency of the rivers where the two target species were found than to
142 Following the water course
intervene with external contributions to the water courses. This goal can be pursued by creating small morpho-
functional constructions made of lithic material found on the riverbed in the most suitable areas for reproduc-
tion and weaning, so as to create as many sites for refuge and reproduction as possible. This consideration is
particularly relevant for the European bullhead.
Moreover, any tampering or intervention that could affect the integrity of these areas in those parts of the river
where the protected species’ habitats and populations are found must be banned, maintaining them for a dis-
tance of at least 20-30 metres from the outer margin of the riverbed when in full spate.
In this respect, it is worth remembering the fundamental ecological function performed by the plantlife growing
along the banks of water courses, and which is essential for water-land interaction and the transfer of nutrients
to the river from the surrounding land, through a dense hydrographical over- or under-ground network. The
tree cover along the banks capture and decompose the nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), lower the water
temperature (creating shady areas) and therefore increasing the oxygen levels, reducing the light penetration
and thereby inhibiting the excessive development of aquatic plants which could in turn slow the water flow, as
well as stabilising the banks, reducing soil erosion and the amount of sediment on the riverbed. Lastly, the banks
encourage the settlement of a well-structured fish population in terms of both quality and quantity; moreover, it
improves the habitat for amphibians, birds and small mammals.
The main ecological functions of the area surrounding the river can be summarised as follows:
• capture and decompose nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus);
• lower the water temperature;
• increase oxygen levels;
• reduce light penetration, thereby inhibiting excessive growth of aquatic vegetation;
• stabilise the banks (reducing soil erosion and the amount of sediment on the riverbed);
• allow for the settlement of a well-structured fish community.
Another aspect to be adjusted is the fish seedings conducted within the area of the “Prato Apennine” SCI (Natura
2000 code: IT5150003).
The brown trout specimens that are usually introduced to Apennine water courses, despite some strong local
attempts to produce and use native strains, are generally sourced from the Atlantic or are at the least hybrids.
The recent good practices published by AIIAD (Italian Association of Freshwater Ichthyologists) in the final report
from the Salmonidae Work Group97 set out a proposed classification system that takes the new concepts of
ESUs (Evolutionary Significant Units) and MUs (Management Units) used in conservation biology into account.
An ESU consists in one or more populations with partial genetic differentiation following significant evolutionary
separation. An MU is any hypothetical population within a systematic group (distributed over a more or less
extensive geographical area) which is sufficiently differentiated from the other populations as to justify separate
management. The application of the new terminology to the Salmo family is partly justifiable given the genetic
results currently available, and certainly pertinent on the basis of the different morpho-phenotypes described
over the years.
The following classification is proposed for the Salmo family:
Salmo trutta non-native brown trout
(mitochondrial haplotypes AT and DA) Atlantic, Danube
Salmo marmoratus marble trout (mitochondrial haplotype MA) Po Valley (left bank of the River Po), Triveneto,
Croatia and Slovenia
Salmo cettii Mediterranean trout (mitochondrial
haplotypes ME and AD)
Sardinia and Sicily, Lake Posta Fibreno, Lake
Ninfa and some Tyrrhenian water courses
(previous phenotype macrostigma)
Salmo ghigii Mediterranean trout subspecies
(mitochondrial haplotypes ME and AD) Apennine, Adriatic and Tyrrhenian water basins
Salmo fibreni Fibreno trout Lake Posta Fibreno
Salmo carpio Lake Garda carpione Lake Garda
Salvelinus alpinus Arctic char Alpine and pre-Alpine lakes
According to this new classification, the seeding material used in the Apennine SCIs involved in the project and
the nearby bodies of water should all be traced to the native Apennine strain, i.e. Salmo ghigii.
In order to perform this kind of selection, it is necessary to plan an experiment involving the selection of material
to use for breeding, which must be certified by a scientific institution. For reproduction, incubator tanks can be
used where possible on site: the incubator at Ponte San Giorgio (Camugnano – BO) or the one active at Casa al
Rio (Cantagallo – PO) could be used and partly reconverted for this purpose.
The possibility of seeding should be planned in detail, limited only to the areas where the trout population is not
dense enough and should aim only to support the trout population, it should be done exclusively using juvenile
forms such as eggs, fry or fingerlings measuring 4-6 cm and with the medium-long term of making the fish
populations self-sufficient, as in all Natura 2000 sites. Human intervention would therefore be limited only to
re-population after catastrophic events, such as flooding or blights.
In order to guarantee the conservation of T. carnifex and the other native amphibian species observed, along with
their habitats, the availability and conditions of which are essential for their survival, we believe that monitoring
of the 5 sites considered should continue even after the conclusion of the project, using the same monitoring
protocol used during the project and the identification system for the individual specimens experimented by us.
This continuation will allow us to pay careful attention to the demographic trends of the target species popula-
tions (in particular T. carnifex) and assess the results of the transfer operation performed in spring 2013, in order
to understand both the factors of success and the potential or actual risks. These results and the consequent
assessments are fundamental for deciding whether or not further fauna transfers should be performed.
The following briefly lists the good practices useful for the adaptive management of the habitats and species
- Investigation of the ecological relations within the food chain by the target species, in particular between
Anurians and Urodela (Pelophylax bergeri/P. kl. hispanicus and Triturus carnifex);
- Genetic profiling to define the local populations of the target species T. carnifex;
144 Following the water course
- Periodic control and maintenance of the wooden racks constructed around the hatchery pools for amphib-
ians, in order to prevent them being accessed by invasive alien competitors;
- Numeric control and, where possible, local eradication of invasive alien competitor populations, using the
methods tired during the project;
- Control of the proliferation of fast growing plant species such as Phragmites australis in all the areas con-
sidered, intervening by cutting where necessary;
- Allowing for plant coenosis to evolve and aquatic and hygrophilous plants to take hold, which are important
for the life cycle of herpetofauna in general and T. carnifex in particular;
- Promote the work done in the population in general and schools in particular, to raise awareness among
citizens of the issues covered by the project.
Based on the investigation and monitoring performed, the area of the Stagni di S. Ippolito meets the criteria
for inclusion in the SCI/SPA/SIR “Ponds of the Florentine Plain” due to the presence of species and habitats of
conservation interest.
The monitoring performed during the project allowed us to draw up specific guidelines for maintaining the
wetland areas studied in a satisfactory state of conservation. There were three fundamental aspects to bear in
mind from a management point of view: maintaining plantlife, controlling the water levels and controlling hunt-
ing activities.
Pruning plants is necessary to avoid the excessive proliferation of certain species, which could develop at the
expense of others, leading to an excessive homogenisation and banalisation of the environment (reducing bio-
logical variety and diversity).
In the Bogaia wetland area, which is not subject to hunting activities, these interventions can be performed dur-
ing the summer, from the second half of August onwards.
In the case of lakes subject to hunting activities, the plantlife can be controlled during the autumn, while in areas
where aquatic birds stop-over or winter, ordinary lake maintenance should not extend beyond the first half of
In general, the diversification of the habitat created after the requalification measures should be maintained. In
particular, the diversification of the bathymetry will need to be maintained, in order to guarantee the presence of
shallow water alternated with deeper areas, encouraging different groups of species (e.g. shorebirds, ardeidae
and diving ducks).
Regarding site 01 Lake Pantanelle, the trees in the central island should be encouraged to take hold, in order to
improve the area’s suitability for refuge or protection for species in the Ardeidae family.
Particular attention should be paid to mitigating the impact on birdlife caused by passing traffic (including heavy
vehicles) along the highway currently being completed, right on the western side of the wetlands.
Moreover, it is essential to protect the vegetation that has sprung up in the uncultivated fields to the north of
Lake Pantanelle, in order to encourage nesting, given that this area is highly frequented by birdlife, including the
target species (Purple heron, Little Egret). This area (marshy grasslands), as already indicated for the Stagni di S.
Ippolito area, has all the environmental features required for inclusion in the “Ponds of the Florentine and Prato
Plain” SCI/SPA/SIR, extending the area and helping to maintain the conservation status in the populations of the
target species living in and around the Pantanelle wetland area.
Lastly, the halophytic vegetation along the banks of sites 02 Lake Bogaia and 03 Lake Ombrone should also be
kept thick: in fact, the presence of “buffer zones” offers the bird species areas where they are less likely to be
disturbed and helps create suitable refuge/nesting sites for many species.
The substantial drying out of site 03 Lake Ombrone, which was repeated annually each March throughout the
monitoring period, is not admissible within an SCI/SPA, due to the clear negative impact on the life cycle of vari-
ous target species. It is therefore necessary to ensure strict compliance with the instructions provided to the lake
management (both in the Management Plan and in the current Hunting Regulations for the Province of Prato).
It is also important to succeed in limiting the proliferation of alien vegetation (Reynoutria x bohemica) growing
along the banks of the River Ombrone, close by the lake, in order to avoid it spreading to the raised banks of the
lake itself and replacing the native vegetation currently found there.
Lastly, for passeriformes such as Lanius collurio, the open spaces close to all three wetland areas need to be
protected and in particular to the north of Lake Pantanelle, where uncultivated bushes and grassland is forming.
As these are areas where several interests coexist, it is fundamental to stress the importance of surveillance
activities in the lakes in the SPA where hunting is permitted (Pantanelle and Ombrone), in order to guarantee
compliance with general hunting regulations, the specific regulations governing all SPA in Tuscany and local
regulations relating to the management of water levels and vegetation on the lake and surrounding areas, drawn
up thanks to the knowledge accumulated during the “Water SCIs” LIFE project.
AIIAD = Associazione Italiana Ittiologi di Acque Dolci (Italian Association of Freshwater Ichthyologists)
ANPIL = Area Naturale Protetta di Interesse Locale (Area of Local Natural Interest, as per Regional Law n.
BURT = Official Bulletin of the Tuscan Regional Authority
c. = call
CBD = Convention on Biological Diversity
DAISIE = Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe
DL = Decree-Law
DLgs = Legislative Decree
DCC = Municipal Council Resolution
DCP = Provincial Council Resolution
DCR = Regional Council Resolution
DGP = Provincial Government Resolution
DGR = Regional Government Resolution
DPGR = Regional Government Presidential Decree
DPR = Presidential Decree
ETS = European Threatened Species
ISPRA = Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (Higher Institute for Environmental Protec-
tion and Research)
IUCN = International Union for the Conservation of Nature
L. = Law
L.R.T. = Tuscany Regional Law
LRUNI = 2011 Red List of Breeding Birds in Italy
masl = metres above sea level
My = million years
obs. = sighting
ppm = parts per million
SCI = Proposed Site of Community Importance
s. = song
SHI = Societas Herpetologica Italica (Italian Herpetological Society)
SCI = Site of Community Importance, under the terms of the “Habitat” Directive (92/43/CE)
sni = site of national interest
SPA = Special Protection Area, under the terms of the “Birds” Directive (2009/147/EC)
SRI = Site of Regional Importance
sri = site of regional interest
SPEC = Species of European Concern
spp. = Multiple species (referring to a range of species from the same family)
TCI = Touring Club Italiano
In addition to the solid and tangible results which continue to remain in the territory, during the course of a five
year project numerous personal relationships are formed which will also continue to last over time, well beyond
the conclusion of the project itself.
While I am aware that the limited space available means that I will not be able to adequately thank all those
who have helped us conclude the project, I would like nonetheless to list the people who have shared all or part
of this experience with me. I have had the chance to get to know all of them personally over the course of the
project’s implementation, and I have learned something from every one of them. The following list is “in order
of appearance”, following the course of the water: from the source (the beginning of the project) to the mouth
(performing the activities).
Carla Chiodini, Giovanni Biagiotti, Lorenzo Cipriani, Silvia Carobbi, Daniele Mazzotta, Elisabetta Fancelli, Nadia
Baronti, Alessio Beltrame (Province of Prato); Antonella Galli and Lucia Bolognesi (Lakes Suviana and Brasimone
Natural Park); Giuliano Gandolfi (ichthyologist, consultant); Chiara Giorgi (administrative consultant); Paolo Rigoni
(StudioSilva); Andrea Pirovano, Simone Luppi, Nicola Ciolini (StudioSilva consultants); Marco Zanetti, Manuel
Bellio and Patrick Macor (Bioprogramm), Oliviero Spinelli e Barbara Calaciura (Comunità Ambiente); Gianni
Bettini e Barbara Gargani (Studio Biosfera); Francesco Nonnis Marzano (Parma University); Francesco Zaccanti,
Rosanna Falconi, Giovanni Rossi e Gianluca Zuffi (Bologna University); Ester Coppini (G.I.D.A. SpA); Don Emilio
Riva (Prato Diocese); Goffredo Borchi, Gianpaolo Bonini, Sergio Spagnesi e Augusto Bassolino (Prato Munici-
pality); Alfio Cardini (owner of the Lake Pantanelle hunting post); Enrico Pini Prato and Sebastian Schweizer
(Studio Aquaterra); Simone Pozzolini (Studio HS Ingegneria); Carlo Savelli (safety manager, consultant); Romina
Rosadoni (Cooperativa Via del Campo); Saverio Tozzi (Associazione Volontari del Centro di Scienze Naturali
di Prato); Alessio Bartolini and Enrico Zarri (Padule di Fucecchio Research Centre); Andrea Vannini, Giacomo
Bruni and Fabrizio Gallotta (keen herptetologists); Alessio and Remo Banchelli (Impresa Banchelli Remo); Ales-
sio Barbieri, Amedeo Coleschi and Massimo Biliotti (Impresa Gruppo B.C.M.); Graziano Brunetti (Cooperativa
C.A.S.P. Valle del Brasimone); Paolo Castorani and Daniele Ghi (Impresa Castorani Paolo); Alberto Bronzi and
Giampiero Rutili (State Forestry Department, Prato Provincial Division); Luca Capanni (Ditta TecnoLegnoFantoni);
Giovanni Busconi and Gianmario Geromino (“Le Pavoniere” Golf Club); Tommaso Pagliani and Marzia Marrone
(Mario Negri sud consortium, LIFE CRAINAT project); Gaia Cappellini (Montemarcello-Magra Park, LIFE PARC
project); Elena Tricarico, Alberto Inghilesi, Bruno Foggi, Giulio Ferretti, Lorenzo Lastrucci and Annamaria Nocita
(Florence University); Paolo Sposimo, Michele Giunti and Cristina Castelli (Studio Nemo); Sandro Ceccoli and
David Bianco (Ente di gestione per I Parchi e la Biodiversità – Emilia Orientale); Cinzia Schianchi and Enrico Ot-
tolini (Province of Parma and WWF Emilia Romagna respectively, LIFE PIANURA PARMENSE project); Giuseppe
Bagnoli and Ivano Mongatti (Prato Mosca Club); Francesca Giannini (Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago Toscano,
I would also like to thank the Provincial police force, and in particular Michele Pellegrini, Giancarlo Battaglia and
Cristina Chiavacci.
Lastly, thanks to Camilla, Gemma and Anita for always being by my side, both during plain sailing and when I
needed to navigate around tricky rocks along the way.
Leonardo Petri
Photo credits
Fig. 1: Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Arno –
Fig. 2: Servizio Tecnico Bacino Reno –
Figg. 3, 5: Marco Bagnoli, Daniela Quirino:
Fig. 4, 6:
Fig. 7: Hans Hillewaert – Wikimedia Commons:
Fig. 8: David Gerke – Wikimedia Commons:
Fig. 9: Piet Spaans – Wikimedia Commons:
Figg. 10-11, 17-18, 21: Stefano Mazzei:
Fig. 12: Pjt56 – Wikimedia Commons:
Figg. 13-14, 19, 22-24: Andrea Settesoldi:
Fig. 15: Chris Romeiks – Wikimedia Commons:
Fig. 16: Dick Daniels – Wikimedia Commons:
Fig. 20: Zeddammer – Wikimedia Commons:
Fig. 25: Duloup – Wikimedia Commons:
Fig. 26: Carl D. Howe – Wikimedia Commons:
Fig. 27: Laurent Lebois – Wikimedia Commons:
Fig. 28: Giulio Ferretti:
Fig. 29: Archenzo – Wikimedia Commons:
Figg. 30, 31, 32, 34, 36-68, 79-81, 85: Leonardo Petri:
Figg. 33, 35: Alessio Beltrame:
Figg. 69-75, 88-89: Bioprogramm s.c. :
Fig. 76: Enrico Pini Prato:
Fig. 82: Alberto Francesco Inghilesi:
Figg. 83-84, 86: Lorenzo Lastrucci:
Fig. 87: Consorzio LAMMA –
List of authors
PREMISE Stefano Arrighini
Carla Chiodini
SCIs” LIFE PROJECT Leonardo Petri
Marco Zanetti, Manuel Bellio, Patrick Macor, Diana
Piccolo, Paolo Turin, Francesco Nonnis Marzano, Giuliano
Gandolfi, Francesco Zaccanti, Rosanna Falconi, Giovanni
Rossi, Gianluca Zuffi, Andrea Marchi, Marco Valli
Marco Zanetti, Manuel Bellio, Patrick Macor, Diana
Piccolo, Paolo Turin, Francesco Nonnis Marzano
Massimiliano Scalici, Giuliano Gandolfi, Francesco
Zaccanti, Rosanna Falconi, Giovanni Rossi, Gianluca Zuffi,
Andrea Marchi, Marco Valli
Herpetofauna Gianni Bettini, Barbara Gargani
Bird fauna Andrea Pirovano, Gianni Bettini
PLAIN Leonardo Petri
Astacofauna Elena Tricarico, Alberto Francesco Inghilesi
Herpetofauna Elena Tricarico, Alberto Francesco Inghilesi
Invasive alien flora Bruno Foggi, Lorenzo Lastrucci, Giulio Ferretti, Michele
150 Following the water course
OF PRATO” Leonardo Petri
SPA Leonardo Petri
Lake Pantanelle Leonardo Petri
Lake Bogaia Leonardo Petri
Lake Ombrone Leonardo Petri
Marco Zanetti, Manuel Bellio, Patrick Macor, Paolo Turin,
Francesco Nonnis Marzano, Armando Piccinini, Giuliano
Gandolfi, Francesco Zaccanti, Rosanna Falconi, Giovanni
Rossi, Gianluca Zuffi, Andrea Marchi, Marco Valli
Building the fish hatchery
Antonella Galli, Lucia Bolognesi, Giuliano Gandolfi,
Francesco Zaccanti, Rosanna Falconi, Giovanni Rossi,
Gianluca Zuffi, Andrea Marchi, Marco Valli
Experimentation of a protocol for the breeding of the European
Marco Zanetti, Manuel Bellio, Patrick Macor, Paolo Turin,
Francesco Nonnis Marzano Armando Piccinini
Giuliano Gandolfi, Francesco Zaccanti, Rosanna Falconi,
Giovanni Rossi, Gianluca Zuffi, Andrea Marchi, Marco Valli
Experimentation of a protocol for the breeding of the White-
clawed crayfish
Marco Zanetti, Manuel Bellio, Patrick Macor, Paolo Turin,
Francesco Nonnis Marzano
Giuliano Gandolfi, Francesco Zaccanti, Rosanna Falconi,
Giovanni Rossi, Gianluca Zuffi, Andrea Marchi, Marco Valli
WHITE-CLAWED CRAYFISH Marco Zanetti, Manuel Bellio, Patrick Macor
Choosing the sites Marco Zanetti, Manuel Bellio, Patrick Macor
The experiment conducted Marco Zanetti, Manuel Bellio, Patrick Macor
RESTORING WATER CONTINUITY Leonardo Petri, Marco Zanetti, Enrico Pini Prato
Paolo Sposimo, Elena Tricarico, Alberto Francesco
Inghilesi, Bruno Foggi, Lorenzo Lastrucci, Giulio Ferretti,
Michele Giunti
151List of authors
Monitoring the European bullhead
Marco Zanetti, Manuel Bellio, Patrick Macor, Paolo Turin,
Giuliano Gandolfi, Francesco Zaccanti, Rosanna Falconi,
Giovanni Rossi, Gianluca Zuffi, Andrea Marchi, Marco Valli
Monitoring the White-clawed crayfish
Marco Zanetti, Manuel Bellio, Patrick Macor, Paolo Turin,
Giuliano Gandolfi, Francesco Zaccanti, Rosanna Falconi,
Giovanni Rossi, Gianluca Zuffi, Andrea Marchi, Marco Valli
Checking the functionality of the fish ladders Marco Zanetti, Manuel Bellio, Patrick Macor, Paolo Turin
Effectiveness of active conservation measures for the Europe-
an bullhead and White-clawed crayfish Marco Zanetti, Manuel Bellio, Patrick Macor, Paolo Turin
Effectiveness of active conservation measures for herpeto-
fauna Gianni Bettini, Barbara Gargani
Effectiveness of active conservation measures for the target
bird species Gianni Bettini
SPECIES Leonardo Petri
152 Following the water course
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Management of wetlands and active conservation of habitats and species of conservation concern. LIFE Paludi di Ostiglia, Mantua, Lombardy, Northern Italy. Key species: Aythya nyroca, Ardea purpurea, Botaurus stellaris, Circus aeruginosus, Acrocephalus paludicola, Rana latastei, Emys orbicularis.
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To test the susceptibility of bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) to amphibian chytridiomycosis, groups of captive bred, recently metamorphosed bullfrogs were inoculated with zoospores of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, the causative agent of chytridiomycosis, and assayed for clinical and pathological signs of infection. A novel technique for counting B. dendrobatidis zoospore inocula is described. Inoculation regimes varied from single exposures of 1-10 million zoospores per animal to inocula of 10 million zoospores per animal per day for a 31 day period. Twenty-five to fifty percent of each inoculated cohort was histologically positive for B. dendrobatidis on necropsy. However, lesions were focal, small with relatively little thickening of the keratinized epidermis and no clinical signs of chytridiomycosis were observed. Only one animal died during the experiment, due to cardiac puncture procedure. A fungal isolate used in these experiments was inoculated onto four metamorphosed poison dart frogs (Dendrobates tinctorius) to test whether B. dendrobatidis had become attenuated following repeated passage in culture. All four animals died within 30 days with severe chytridiomycosis, whereas two uninfected controls survived, demonstrating that the fungus had not become attenuated. These results provide the first experimental evidence that bullfrogs can be infected by B. dendrobatidis, but are relatively resistant to the disease chytridiomycosis, which is lethal to many other amphibian species. By demonstrating that R. catesbeiana is likely to be an efficient carrier of this pathogen, our experimental data add weight to the hypothesis that this host species is important in the spread of chytridiomycosis, particularly by commercial activities.
Adaptive management is the recommended means for continuing ecosystem management and use of natural resources, especially in the context of 'integrated natural resource management'. Conceptually, adaptive management is simply learning from past management actions to improve future planning and management. However, adaptive management has proved difficult to achieve in practice. With a view to facilitating better practice, this new book presents lessons learned from case studies, to provide managers with ready access to relevant information. Cases are drawn from a number of disciplinary fields, including management of protected areas, watersheds and farms, rivers, forests, biodiversity and pests. Examples from Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Canada, the UK and Europe are presented at a variety of scales, from individual farms, through regional projects, to state-wide planning. While the book is designed primarily for practitioners and policy advisors in the fields of environmental and natural resource management, it will also provide a valuable reference for students and researchers with interests in environmental, natural resource and conservation management. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009. All Rights Reserved.
In analysing the eco-ethological traits of animal populations from the viewpoint of conservation biology, an understanding of the foraging activity of endangered species provides useful clues on habitat requirements and resource utilisation. The present study examined the foraging excursions of 60 specimens of the threatened crayfish, Austropotamobius pallipes, in a stream of central Italy. Foraging activity was related to both the distance travelled and the area covered, as well as to the organic content of the substrates investigated. Results were discussed under the premises of Schoener's (1971) theory of feeding strategies. The white-clawed crayfish minimised the time spent feeding: foraging excursions did not exceed one hour and the range of food search increased with time. Energy and nutrient intake were however maximised: crayfish fed on the substrates having higher organic carbon and nitrogen contents. Inter-sexual food partitioning was shown, males and females mostly feeding on vegetable debris and mosses, respectively. We speculate that this is a mechanism to avoid competition between dominant males and subordinate females.