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Primary Cutaneous Angiosarcoma on the Nose in a Patient with Multiple Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers

  • University of Health Sciences, Kartal Dr. Lütfi Kırdar City Hospital

Abstract and Figures

Cutaneous angiosarcoma is an uncommon, potentially metastatic and highly aggressive vascular tumor that may arise as de novo or be associated with previous radiotherapy. A 70-year-old female with a solitary lesion on the nose was initially diagnosed as actinic keratosis. However, when the recurring lesion at the same region within 6 months was reexcised, the histological diagnosis was definitively established as well-differentiated angiosarcoma. This case was presented in order to increase awareness of this rare malignancy in an uncommon localisation, especially in the light of pathological findings. Moreover, occurrence of cutaneous angiosarcoma within a short period following a previous excision in a patient with a history of multiple nonmelanoma skin cancers was interestingly pointed out. Keywords: angiosarcoma; face; nonmelanoma skin cancers.
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JNMA I VOL 52 I NO. 8 I ISSUE 192 I OCT-DEC, 2013 634
Primary Cutaneous Angiosarcoma on the Nose in a Patient with Multiple
Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers
Kayhan Basak,1 Pinar Yuksel Basak,2 Hakan Demirel,3 Nimet Karadayi1
1Department of Pathology, Dr. Lutfi Kirdar Kartal Educational and Research Hospital, 2Department of Dermatology, Suleyman
Demirel University, Faculty of Medicine, 3Department of Plastic and Reconstructif Surgery, Dr. Lutfi Kirdar Kartal Educational
and Research Hospital, Turkey.
Cutaneous angiosarcoma is an uncommon, potentially metastatic and highly aggressive vascular
tumor that may arise as de novo or be associated with previous radiotherapy. A 70-year-old female
with a solitary lesion on the nose was initially diagnosed as actinic keratosis. However, when the
recurring lesion at the same region within 6 months was reexcised, the histological diagnosis was
de nitively established as well-differentiated angiosarcoma. This case was presented in order to
increase awareness of this rare malignancy in an uncommon localisation, especially in the light
of pathological ndings. Moreover, occurrence of cutaneous angiosarcoma within a short period
following a previous excision in a patient with a history of multiple nonmelanoma skin cancers was
interestingly pointed out.
Keywords: angiosarcoma; face; nonmelanoma skin cancers.
Correspondence: Dr. Pinar Yuksel Basak, Suleyman Demi-
rel Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Dermatoloji AD, Isparta, Turkey. E-mail:, Phone: +90 246 211 9313.
Cutaneous angiosarcoma of the head and neck is
mostly localised at the scalp of elderly men with poor
prognosis.1,2 Although a de nite diagnosis can be
delayed because of the rarity doubled with complex
and dif cult pathological identi cation of this highly
malignant soft-tissue cancer, early detection and
immediate treatment are essential.2
A 70-year-old Caucasian female was presented with
a plaque on the nose. She was learnt to be operated
numerous times for different individual lesions on the
face in the last 30 years. Pathological diagnoses of
right infraorbital epidermoid carcinoma 10 years ago,
left infraorbital basal cell carcinoma nine years ago, and
left infraorbital keratoacantoma and basosquamous cell
carcinoma on the forehead eight years ago were noted.
She gave no history of previous radiotherapy.
Dermatological examination revealed an ill-de ned,
erythematous plaque on the right nasal dorsum. Focal
thinning of the rete ridges in hyperkeratotic epidermis,
enlargement, hypercromasia, atypia and loss of polarity
of the keratinocytes neighboring basal layer focally
were detected histopathologically. Solar elastosis
and super cial perivascular mononuclear lymphocytic
in ltration in dermis were additional ndings consistent
CASE REPORT J Nepal Med Assoc 2013;52(192):634-6
JNMA I VOL 52 I NO. 8 I ISSUE 192 I OCT-DEC, 2013 635
with actinic keratosis.
The patient was represented with an enlarging purple
nodule at the same region six months later. On physical
examination, a 1.5 cm painless, violaceous nodule was
scattered (Figure 1). She had Fitzpatrick type-1 skin with
multiple lentigines on the face. Histological examination
of the totally excised lesion revealed anastomosis of
bizarre vascular spaces lined with atypical pleomorphic
endothel-like cells forming a tumoral structure in an
irregularly bordered area in dermis (Figure 2a,b). Low
mitotic counts (0-5 mitoses per 10 high-power elds)
and intense lymphocytic in ltrate were observed.
Immunohistochemically, tumor cells stained strongly by
CD31, CD34 and factor VIII, and high index of Ki67
were detected. The nal diagnosis was considered to
be well-differentiated primary cutaneous angiosarcoma.
The initial pathologic specimens were reexamined
which lacked nuclear pleomorphism and thus, was not
found to be related to angiosarcoma.
Figure 1. Close up view of the violaceous eshy no-
dular lesion on the nose.
Results of the basic metabolic pro le, chest X-ray,
computed tomography of the neck and chest
revealed no abnormal ndings. Following re-excision
and reconstruction, the patient was given adjuvant
radiotherapy, and she has been surviving for 15 months
without any signs of metastasis.
Figure 2. a) Bilobulated nodular tumour mass in der-
mis signed between black arrowhead, invaded to
subcutaneous adipous tissue (whole section, original
magni cation H&E, X 40).
b) Irregular vascular channels lined by atypical endot-
helial cells (H&E, X 400).
Angiosarcoma of the head and neck is a rare tumor of
vascular origin originating from endothelial cells primarly
localised to scalp, face and neck1,3,4 and uncommonly
reported at periorbital region and sino-nasal cavities.5,6
In women, angiosarcoma was mostly located to the
scalp as ulcerated lesions.4 The nose is a rare site of
presentation and a few cases of angiosarcoma reported
on the nose were male patients.4,7,8 In a series of 14
patients reported by Morrison1 and of three cases by
Hanke et al8 only one female in each was presented
with angiosarcoma on the nose. Therefore, the nodular
angiosarcoma in a female on the nose was a seldom
site reported to date.
Possible relevance of predisposing factors including
history of irradiation, local trauma, insecticides, thorium
dioxide contrast and vascular malformations were
reported in etiology of angiosarcoma.1,4,9 Because these
tumors are more frequent in Caucasians, sun exposure
has also been implicated in its etiology.1,3,4 In contrast,
some authors reported low rate of skin carcinomas in
patients with angiosarcoma.9 However, to the best of
our knowledge, any case of cutaneous angiosarcoma
on the face with multiple nonmelanoma skin cancers
and actinic keratosis was not reported. The short period
between the two excised lesions alerted us about the
possible coincidental association of angiosarcoma and
actinic keratosis in the presented case. Nevertheless,
lack of histopathological ndings of angiosarcoma in
the initial specimen and subsequent occurrence of the
nodular lesion diagnosed as angiosarcoma after the
Basak et al. Primary cutaneous angiosarcoma on the nose in a patient with multiple nonmelanoma skin cancers
JNMA I VOL 52 I NO. 8 I ISSUE 192 I OCT-DEC, 2013 636
previous excision made us consider the effect of local
trauma due to the operation.
Variable clinical manifestations of cutaneous
angiosarcoma include asymptomatic bruise-like
lesions, purple nodules, chronic edema or ulcers.4
Enlarging nodular lesion of 5 cm was mostly reported3
while ulceration was found to be the most common
presentation in another series.9 Several benign
conditions such as rosacea, pyogenic granuloma,
erysipelas, contact dermatitis and angioneurotic oedema
might be mistaken.4,5,7 Arteriovenous malformations,
Kaposi’s sarcoma and nodular melanoma should also
be considered in differential diagnosis.7 Therefore,
histological examination is of crucial importance and
dif culty in pathological assessment may lead to
delay in diagnosis.4 Angiosarcoma contrasts pyogenic
granuloma with nuclear pleomorphism by dissecting
through connective tissue to creat irregular vascular
spaces. Kaposi’s sarcoma contains cellular zones of
spindle cells forming slit-like spaces while anastomosis
of vascular spaces lined with atypical cells was
diagnostic of angiosarcoma as was the case.2 Sharing
certain histological components, angiosarcoma may be
differentiated with positivity of CD31 and factor VIII
from nodular melanoma and hemangiopericytoma.
Five year survival was reported to be 10-30%
in patients with angiosarcoma.3,4,10 Although the
only signi cant prognostic factor was supposed as
histological grade of tumor in a series,3 the results
of most series have indicated the only expressive
correlation for tumor size with the survival. Mostly
worse prognosis was detected for bleeding and painful
lesions larger than 5 cm.4,9 In contrast to the nding of
predominance of poor differentiation in nodular lesions,4
our case presented with a nodular lesion was a well-
differentiated angiosarcoma. Prominent lymphocytic
in ltrate was suggested to have a more encouraging
outcome7 while only mitotic counts were found to be
signi cant for prognosis by Naka et al.10 Mild degree
of mitotic counts, intense lymphocytic in ltrate in this
asymptomatic, small tumor were the factors promising
a better survival of the presented patient. Moreover,
improved survival in patients with central facial
localisation was suggested. Three patients presenting
with nasal angiosarcoma survived 4 to 7 years.8 The
female case of angiosarcoma on the nose reported in
the series of Morrison et al1 was alive 10 years after
In conclusion, early suspicion and prompt histological
study of an enlarging nodular lesion on the nose in elderly
should be crucial keeping the diagnosis of angiosarcoma
in mind. The presented case of angiosarcoma in a
patient with multiple nonmelanoma skin cancers and
actinic keratosis raised the possibility of actinic damage
to fair skin might be suggested in etiology.
1. Morrison WH, Bycrs RM, GardenAS, Evans HL, Ang KK,
Peters LJ. Cutaneous angiosarcoma of the head and neck. A
therapeutic dilemma. Cancer 1995;76: 319-327.
2. Weiss SW, Goldblum JR, Folpe AL. Enzinger and Weiss’s
Soft Tissue Tumors. 5th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2008. p. 721-730.
3. Köhler HF, Neves RI, Brechtbühl ER, Mattos Granja NV,
Ikeda MK, Kowalski LP. Cutaneous angiosarcoma of the
head and neck: report of 23 cases from a single institution.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2008; 139: 519-524.
4. Holden CA, Spittle MF, Jones EW. Angiosarcoma of the
face and scalp, prognosis and treatment. Cancer 1987; 59:
5. Cannavò SP, Lentini M, Magliolo E, Guarneri C. Cutaneous
angiosarcoma of the face. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol
2003;17: 594-595.
6. Oliveira P, Correia R, Castro E, Almeida R, Silva A. Primary
columellar angiosarcoma: a case report. Ear Nose Throat J
2005; 84: 45-46, 51.
7. Gallardo MA, Bosch RJ, Vidal L, Cabra B, Rodrigo AB, de
Galvez MV et al. Angiosarcoma arising on rhinophyma. Eur
J Dermatol 2000:10: 555-558.
8. Hanke CW, Sterling JB. Prolonged survival of angiosarcoma
on the nose: a report of 3 cases. J Am Acad Dermatol 2006;
54: 883-885.
9. Lydiatt WM, Shaha AR, Shah JP. Angiosarcoma of the head
and neck. Am J Surg 1994; 168: 451-454.
10. Naka N, Ohsawa M, Tomita Y, Kanno H, Uchida A, Myoui
Aet al. Prognostic factors in angiosarcoma: a multivariate
analysis of 55 cases. J Surg Oncol 1996; 61: 170-176.
Basak et al. Primary cutaneous angiosarcoma on the nose in a patient with multiple nonmelanoma skin cancers
Background: Cutaneous angiosarcoma (CAS) is a rare, malignant tumor of vascular mesenchymal origin accounting for less than 1% of all sarcomas. Objective: To examine epidemiologic trends and outcomes in CAS. Methods: In this retrospective, population-based study, patients with CAS were identified from the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results database. Age, sex, and race-standardized incidence rates (IRs) were calculated. Survival was assessed with Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox proportional hazards models. Results: Of 811 patients with CAS, 43% had a prior primary cancer. CAS IR for patients without prior primary cancers dropped from 5.88 per 100,000 in 1973 to 1984 to 2.87 per 100,000 in 2005 to 2014. In those with prior primary cancers, IR rose from 0.03 per 100,000 in 1973 to 1984 to 2.25 per 100,000 in 2005 to 2014. On multivariate analysis, patients older than 70 years of age had a higher risk of death compared with those younger than 50 years (hazard ratio, 2.16; 95% confidence interval 1.33-3.57; P = .002), and distant disease was associated with increased risk of death compared with localized disease (hazard ratio, 1.50; 95% confidence interval, 1.11-2.03; P = .008). Receipt of surgery and/or radiation therapy was not associated with survival. Limitations: Potential selection and miscoding bias, retrospective nature. Conclusion: CAS rates are rising among those with other prior primary cancers. Survival is not affected by current therapeutic strategies, highlighting the need for additional treatment options.
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Angiosarcoma of the head and neck, a rare malignancy, is associated with a high degree of invasiveness and poor survival. A high level of suspicion followed by histopathologic and immunohistochemical studies is warranted in order to arrive at a well-timed and accurate diagnosis. We report the case of a 56-year-old man who developed an unusually small neoplasm in the nasal columella. Rapid diagnosis allowed for simple treatment with surgical excision, a rare circumstance because most of these tumors require extensive surgery. Close long-term follow-up of patients with angiosarcoma of the head and neck is vitally important.
Background: Because of a tendency for diffuse, clinically undetectable local spread, cutaneous angiosarcoma is difficult to treat with surgery alone. Radiation is a rational treatment modality for this disease, because a wide region of dermis can be treated, whereas the underlying normal tissues are spared. Methods: The authors retrospectively studied 14 patients with dermal angiosarcoma of the head and neck who were treated with electron-beam radiation from 1970 to 1989. Primary tumors were located in the scalp and forehead (11 patients) and in the upper face (3 patients). Eleven patients presented with multiple foci of disease. Three patients were treated with radiotherapy alone; the other 11 were treated with chemotherapy (10 patients) and/or surgery (7 patients). Surgical excisions were limited procedures for patients whose disease readily could be encompassed; total scalp resections were not performed. Patients were irradiated with a multiple-field electron-beam technique. Six patients presented postoperatively for radiotherapy with no macroscopic disease in the treatment field and were given a median dose of 60 Gy (range, 50-66 Gy) over a median of 40 days (range, 37-43 days). Eight patients were irradiated with clinically evident disease; doses ranged from 55 to 75 Gy over a median of 44 days (range, 33-66 days). Results: Five of the six patients irradiated without clinically detectable disease were controlled in the treatment field, but only two are currently disease free. Of the eight patients irradiated with macroscopic tumor, initial disease recurrence occurred in the radiation field in two patients and at the radiation field margin in three patients. The actuarial 5-year control rates above the clavicles for patients irradiated with and without clinical disease were 24% and 40%, respectively (P = 0.03). The 5-year actuarial incidence of distant metastases for all patients was 63%. The 5-year actuarial survival rate for patients irradiated with and without clinical disease was 13% and 50%, respectively (P = .04). Conclusions: Radiation is an effective modality for treating local disease, especially when used after surgical resection of macroscopic tumor. Our current strategy is to resect clinically evident tumor in patients presenting with focal, limited disease, and to follow this resection with moderate dose, very wide-field radiation. The survival outcome for patients presenting with diffuse multifocal disease is bleak, but some patients can be controlled infield with radiation. There must be continued efforts to develop effective systemic therapy.
72 patients with angiosarcoma (AS) of the face and scalp have been analyzed with respect of various prognostic factors and the effects of different treatment regimes. This disease predominantly occurs in the elderly (age range, 56–92 years), and affects men rather more frequently than women (men: 44, women: 28). The clinical presentation varied, and included bruise-like lesions, dusky plaques, chronic edema or cellulitis, ulcerated nodules, pyoderma, and infected conditions. Due to lack of clinical awareness and problems with histologic assessment, delays in diagnosis were frequent. The majority of the tumors arose in the upper part of the face or scalp. Less commonly, the central part of the face was affected while only three tumors developed in the mandibular region. Overall the prognosis was poor; one half of the patients died within 15 months of presentation. Only 12% of the patients survived 5 years or more. Patients with lesions that were less than 10 cm in diameter responded better to treatment and statistically survived longer than those with larger lesions, emphasizing the crucial importance of early diagnosis. There is some indication that men, younger patients, patients with lesions on the central part of the face survived longer, but this was not of statistical significance. The histologic differentiation of the tumors at presentation also was of doubtful prognostic significance. Despite the overall poor prognosis, radical radiotherapy (mostly wide-field electron-beam therapy) in seven patients resulted in the apparent eradication of the local skin disease and prolonged survival of the patients. Pulmonary metastases developed 10 years later in two of those patients, however, but the face and scalp remained tumor-free. Cancer 59:1046-1057, 1987.
To report a single-institution experience in the treatment of cutaneous head and neck angiosarcoma. Case series. Twenty-three patients were evaluated: 12 females and 11 males. The primary site of the lesion was the neck in 9 patients, the scalp in 9, and the face in 5. No patient had been submitted to previous treatment but 10 were submitted to incisional biopsy. The lesions' size ranged from 2.5 to 12 cm (median 4 cm). All but one patient were submitted to surgical resection as primary treatment. Twenty-two patients received adjuvant treatment: 8 cases of local recurrence and 12 cases of distant metastasis. Two patients presented synchronous local and distant relapses. The 5-year survival rate was 21.7 percent. In our series, the only factor affecting survival was histological grade (odds ratio = 6.7; 95% confidence interval, 1.6-28.9). Our results for 5-year survival are comparable to those in the literature with a treatment based on complete surgical resection. The only significant prognostic factor was tumor histological grade.
72 patients with angiosarcoma (AS) of the face and scalp have been analyzed with respect of various prognostic factors and the effects of different treatment regimes. This disease predominantly occurs in the elderly (age range, 56-92 years), and affects men rather more frequently than women (men: 44, women: 28). The clinical presentation varied, and included bruise-like lesions, dusky plaques, chronic edema or cellulitis, ulcerated nodules, pyoderma, and infected conditions. Due to lack of clinical awareness and problems with histologic assessment, delays in diagnosis were frequent. The majority of the tumors arose in the upper part of the face or scalp. Less commonly, the central part of the face was affected while only three tumors developed in the mandibular region. Overall the prognosis was poor; one half of the patients died within 15 months of presentation. Only 12% of the patients survived 5 years or more. Patients with lesions that were less than 10 cm in diameter responded better to treatment and statistically survived longer than those with larger lesions, emphasizing the crucial importance of early diagnosis. There is some indication that men, younger patients, patients with lesions on the central part of the face survived longer, but this was not of statistical significance. The histologic differentiation of the tumors at presentation also was of doubtful prognostic significance. Despite the overall poor prognosis, radical radiotherapy (mostly wide-field electron-beam therapy) in seven patients resulted in the apparent eradication of the local skin disease and prolonged survival of the patients. Pulmonary metastases developed 10 years later in two of those patients, however, but the face and scalp remained tumor-free.
Angiosarcoma (AS) is an uncommon, highly aggressive tumor with a poor prognosis. To study the impact of various treatment modalities, namely surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, we reviewed our experience with AS of the head and neck. From 1978 through 1992, we treated 13 men and 5 women with AS (median age 67 years). Sixteen tumors occurred on the scalp and face and 2 in the oropharynx. Two patients presented with cervical metastases, and a third had subsequent nodal involvement. Primary surgery was used in 9 patients, including 1 who received adjunctive systemic doxorubicin hydrochloride, and 2 who received adjunctive radiotherapy. The tumors of 9 patients were unresectable: 4 were treated with intra-arterial doxorubicin hydrochloride; and 5, with systemic doxorubicin hydrochloride. Twelve patients (67%) died of disease an average of 25 months after diagnosis. Overall 5-year survival was 33%, but only 20% of the patients were disease free. Size of the tumor was an important predictor of survival, as all patients with a lesion > 10 cm died of disease, compared with 67% with a lesion < 10 cm. Four of 6 patients treated with wide local excision for lesions < 10 cm survived 5 years. We recommend surgery for resectable lesions with postoperative radiation for unsatisfactory margins, large tumor size, deep extension, and multicentricity. Elective treatment of the neck does not appear warranted.
Data for prognostic factors in angiosarcoma (AS) are limited, prompting a large-scale study of AS with multivariate analysis. To analyze prognostic factors in angiosarcoma (AS), clinical and histologic findings in 55 patients collected from hospitals in Japan were reviewed. Prognostic factors were evaluated by univariate and multivariate Cox's proportional hazards models. The study involved 32 males and 23 females, ages 18-93 (median, 69) years. The primary sites of tumors included head and neck (32 cases), trunk (10), extremities (3), spleen (3), breast (3), and other (4). The overall 2-year survival rate was 21%. Univariate analysis of clinical factors including age, sex, size and depth of tumor, tumor-related symptoms, interval between onset of symptoms and admission, surgical procedures, adjuvant chemotherapy, and adjuvant radiotherapy showed that age, tumor size, and mode of treatment were significant for survival. Histologic factors analyzed were mitotic counts, cellularity, cellular pleomorphism, extent of necrosis, vascular differentiation, and nonspecific diagnosis. Only mitotic counts were significant for prognosis. Multivariate analysis on these four factors revealed that tumor size, mode of treatment, and mitotic counts were independent prognostic factors.
We report an 82-year-old man who presented with a tumor which had developed over the previous year on the right nasal ala of a rhinophyma. Histopathological, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopic study confirmed the diagnosis of angiosarcoma on the head and neck. He was treated with radiotherapy of the tumor and cervical adenopathy, which developed later. The possible etiological and pathogenetic role of lymphedema due to inflammatory flares of rosacea on the nose is discussed, together with the histological and immunohistochemical data leading to the diagnosis of this tumor.
Cutaneous angiosarcoma is a rare tumour of vascular origin, which has a poor prognosis because of its high potential for metastasis. We report the case of a 57-year-old man with an 8-month history of a progressively enlarging, asymptomatic red patch over the left periorbital region of the face, previously diagnosed as angiolupoid leishmaniasis, insect-bites, 'cellulitis' and treated with several topical antibiotic and steroid therapy, without any improvement. A skin biopsy of the lesion was performed and histological and immunohistochemical examination revealed a pattern of poorly differentiated angiosarcoma. The peculiarity of the localization at the periorbital area and the particular clinical presentation are emphasized.