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Abstract and Figures

The purpose of the study was to compare core muscle activation of the tradition prone plank with a modified version performed with a long-lever and posterior-tilt using surface electromyography. To further determine if a specific component of this modified plank was more effective than the other in enhancing muscle activity, the plank with a long lever and the plank with a posterior pelvic tilt were studied individually. Nineteen participants performed all four variations of the plank for 30 seconds in a randomized order with 5-minute rest between exercise bouts. Compared to the traditional prone plank, the long-lever posterior-tilt plank displayed a significantly increased activation of the upper rectus abdominis (p < 0.001), lower abdominal stabilizers (p < 0.001), and external oblique (p < 0.001). The long-lever plank showed significantly greater activity compared to the traditional plank in the upper rectus abdominis (p = 0.015) and lower abdominal stabilizers (p < 0.001), while the posterior tilt plank elicited greater activity in the external oblique (p = 0.028). In conclusion, the long-lever posterior-tilt plank significantly increases muscle activation compared to the traditional prone plank. The long-lever component tends to contribute more to these differences than the posterior-tilt component.
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Sports Biomechanics
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An electromyographic comparison of
a modified version of the plank with a
long lever and posterior tilt versus the
traditional plank exercise
Brad J. Schoenfelda, Bret Contrerasb, Gul Tiryaki-Sonmeza, Jeffrey
M. Willardsonc & Fabio Fontanad
a Department of Health Sciences, CUNY Lehman College, Bronx,
b Sport Performance Research Institute New Zealand, AUT
University, Auckland, New Zealand
c Kinesiology and Sports Studies Department, Eastern Illinois
University, Charleston, IL, USA
d School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services,
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, USA
Published online: 05 Aug 2014.
To cite this article: Brad J. Schoenfeld, Bret Contreras, Gul Tiryaki-Sonmez, Jeffrey M. Willardson
& Fabio Fontana (2014): An electromyographic comparison of a modified version of the plank with
a long lever and posterior tilt versus the traditional plank exercise, Sports Biomechanics, DOI:
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Downloaded by [Brad Schoenfeld] at 04:54 10 August 2014
An electromyographic comparison of a modified version of
the plank with a long lever and posterior tilt versus the
traditional plank exercise
Department of Health Sciences, CUNY Lehman College, Bronx, NY, USA,
Sport Performance
Research Institute New Zealand, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand,
Kinesiology and Sports
Studies Department, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, USA, and
School of Health, Physical
Education, and Leisure Services, University of Norther n Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, USA
(Received 19 June 2013;accepted 8 April 2014)
The purpose of the study was to compare core muscle activation of the tradition prone plank with a
modified version performed with a long-lever and posterior-tilt using surface electromyography. To
further determine if a specific component of this modified plank was more effective than the other in
enhancing muscle activity, the plank with a long lever and the plank with a posterior pelvic tilt were
studied individually. Nineteen participants performed all four variations of the plank for 30 seconds in a
randomized order with 5-minute rest between exercise bouts. Compared to the traditional prone plank,
the long-lever posterior-tilt plank displayed a significantly increased activation of the upper rectus
abdominis (p,0.001), lower abdominal stabilizers (p,0.001), and external oblique (p,0.001). The
long-lever plank showed significantly greater activity compared to the traditional plank in the upper
rectus abdominis (p¼0.015) and lower abdominal stabilizers (p,0.001), while the posterior tilt plank
elicited greater activity in the external oblique (p¼0.028). In conclusion, the long-lever posterior-tilt
plank significantly increases muscle activation compared to the traditional prone plank. The long-lever
component tends to contribute more to these differences than the posterior-tilt component.
Keywords: Core stability, core performance, abdominal muscles, long-lever posterior-tilt plank
The prone plank is a popular fitness exercise that has been advocated as beneficial both for
rehabilitation programs (D’Amico, Betlach, Senkarik, Smith, & Voight, 2007) as well as
physical conditioning routines (Hofstetter, Mader, & Wyss, 2011) Beneficial effects of the
prone plank are thought to be related to an improved core stability, defined as “the ability of
passive and active stabilizers in the lumbopelvic region to maintain appropriate trunk and
hip posture, balance and control during both static and dynamic movement” (Reed, Ford,
Myer, & Hewett, 2012). Theoretically, enhanced core stability allows the core musculature
q2014 Taylor & Francis
Correspondence: Brad J. Schoenfeld, Program of Exercise Science, Department of Health Sciences, CUNY Lehman College,
Bronx, NY, USA, E-mail:
Sports Biomechanics, 2014
Downloaded by [Brad Schoenfeld] at 04:54 10 August 2014
to resist applied external forces and maintain postural control in response to a perturbation.
The enhanced core stability may therefore translate into better functional performance.
Traditionally, performance of the prone plank involves assuming a push-up position with
the forearms on the ground and the elbows positioned directly beneath the glenohumeral
joints, spaced shoulder width apart. Lehman, Hoda, & Oliver (2005) showed that the prone
plank elicited 29.5%, 26.6%, 44.6% and 4.98% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC)
in the internal oblique, rectus abdominis, external oblique and erector spinae musculature,
respectively, in a group of resistance-trained participants. Recently, however, its transfer to
sports skills has been called into question by some researchers (Parkhouse & Ball, 2011;
Shinkle, Nesser, Demchak, & McMannus, 2012). It is possible that the prone plank does not
sufficiently challenge the neuromuscular system in highly fit individuals, thereby limiting
transfer to dynamic performance. As a more challenging alternative, several strength coaches
have promoted modifying the traditional prone plank so that it is performed with a long lever
and posterior tilt (Schoenfeld & Contreras, 2013). Performance of the long-lever posterior-
tilt plank involves actively contracting the gluteal musculature to bring about a posterior
pelvic tilt. The elbows are positioned further toward the head and closer together than in the
prone plank, which increases lever arm length and reduces the base of support. In
combination, these factors conceivably enhance recruitment of the core musculature and
thus may improve sports performance even in well-trained athletes.
The posterior tilting mechanism, created by the force coupling of the hip extensors
(gluteus maximus and hamstrings) and the abdominal musculature (rectus abdominis and
external oblique), is believed to have a particularly strong influence on core muscle activity
(Neumann, 2010). A supine posterior pelvic tilt isometric hold has been shown to elicit
12.2%, 15.9%, 26.3%, 7.3%, and 5.6% of MVC in the lower abdominal stabilizers, upper
rectus abdominis, external oblique, erector spinae, and multifidus musculature, respectively,
in a study involving healthy participants (Vezina & Hubley-Kozey, 2000). These percentages
of activation were approximately duplicated in a subsequent study involving participants
with low back pain (12.4%, 12.9%, 29.7%, 6.5%, and 4.2% of MVC in the lower abdominal
stabilizers, upper rectus abdominis, external oblique, erector spinae, and multifidus,
respectively) (Hubley-Kozey & Vezina, 2002). Moreover, performing hip extension exercise
in posterior pelvic tilt has been shown to lead to increased activation in the gluteus maximus,
rectus abdominis, external oblique, and internal oblique, but not the multifidus or
iliocostalis, when compared to performing hip extension in anterior pelvic tilt or neutral
pelvic positions (Queiroz, Cagliari, Amorim, & Sacco, 2010). Performing double straight leg
lifts in posterior pelvic tilt has been shown to lead to increased activation in the upper rectus
abdominis and lower abdominal stabilizers, but not the rectus femoris, when compared to
performing double straight leg lifts in anterior pelvic tilt or neutral pelvic positions
(Workman, Docherty, Parfrey, & Behm, 2008).
The purpose of the current study was to examine if differences exist in core muscle activity
between the traditional prone plank and the long-lever posterior-tilt plank as determined by
surface electromyography (EMG). Based on the aforementioned research, our first
hypothesis was that the long-lever posterior-tilt plank would elicit significantly greater
muscle activity versus the traditional prone plank. To further determine if a specific
component of the long-lever posterior-tilt plank was more effective than the other in
enhancing muscle activity, the plank with a long lever and the plank with a posterior pelvic tilt
were studied individually by EMG. Our second hypothesis was that the plank with a
posterior pelvic tilt would have a greater effect on muscle activity compared to the plank with
a long lever, and thus provide a greater contribution to the postural stabilizing demands of
the long-lever posterior-tilt plank.
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Nineteen male participants between the ages of 18 and 35 were recruited as a convenience
sample from a university population to participate in this study (mean ^SD age:
23.3 ^4.0 years; height: 178.8 ^7.4 cm; body mass: 80.0 ^8.2 kg; training experience:
5.8 ^4.2 years). All participants were experienced with resistance training, defined as lifting
weights for a minimum of two days a week for one year or more. Participants also had similar
experience performing abdominal exercise. Inclusion criteria required participants to read
and speak English and pass a physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q). Those
receiving care for any back or abdominal related orthopedic issues at the time of the study
were excluded from participation. Each subject provided written informed consent prior to
participation. The research protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board at
Lehman College, Bronx, NY.
Following consent, participants were prepped for testing by wiping the skin in the desired
areas of electrode attachment with an alcohol swab to ensure stable electrode contact and low
skin impedance. Any visible body hair in these areas was abraded and shaved prior to
preparation. After preparation, self-adhesive disposable silver/silver chloride pre-gelled dual
snap surface bipolar electrodes (Noraxon Product #272, Noraxon USA Inc., Scottsdale,
AZ) with a diameter of 1 cm and an inter-electrode distance of 2 cm were attached parallel to
the fiber direction of the upper rectus abdominis, lower abdominal stabilizers (which
measures a blending of lower rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and internal oblique
activity) (Marshall & Murphy, 2005), external oblique, and erector spinae muscles. A
neutral reference electrode was placed over the bony process of the mid-spine. These
methods were consistent with the recommendations of SENIAM (Surface EMG for Non
Invasive Assessment of Muscles) (SENIAM project, 2005). After all electrodes were secured
with medical adhesive tape, a quality check was performed to ensure EMG signal validity.
Raw EMG signals were collected at 2,000 Hz by a Myotrace 400 EMG unit (Noraxon USA
Inc., Scottsdale, AZ), and filtered by an eighth-order Butterworth band-pass filter with
cutoffs of 20 –500 Hz. Data were sent in real time to a computer via Bluetooth and recorded
and analyzed by MyoResearch XP Clinical Applications software (Noraxon USA Inc.,
Scottsdale, AZ). Signals were rectified by root mean square algorithm and smoothed in real
time. The mean EMG values during each 30-s static action were subsequently compared in
the statistical analysis.
Maximal voluntary isometric contraction
Isometric MVC data were obtained for each muscle tested by performing resisted isometric
actions for the core musculature similar to that described by Lehman et al. (2005). After an
initial warm up consisting of 5 min of light cardiovascular exercise and slow dynamic
stretching in all three cardinal planes, participants performed two different bouts against
manual resistance: (1) a trunk curl up and twist to maximally recruit the upper rectus
abdominis, lower abdominal stabilizers, and external oblique muscles, and (2) an isometric
Long-Lever Posterior-Tilt Plank 3
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prone trunk extension to maximally recruit the erector spinae. For each bout, participants
were asked to slowly increase the force of the contraction so as to reach a maximum effort
after approximately 3 s. Participants then held the maximal contraction for 3 s before slowly
reducing force over a final period of 3 s. This procedure was repeated once for each muscle
following a 60-s rest interval and the highest MVC value was used for normalization
purposes. The mean EMG values for each muscle were expressed as a percentage of MVC.
Exercise description
To ensure proper exercise performance, participants were provided with a familiarization
session where the primary investigator, a certified trainer, gave detailed verbal instruction of
each plank variation. Instruction was supplemented with video demonstration of the
respective movements. Following instruction, participants were asked if they understood the
performance of each movement and any remaining questions were answered with respect to
exercise performance. Descriptions and photos of the exercise variations are provided in
Table I and Figure 1ad, respectively.
After completion of the familiarization session, participants were asked to perform a given
variation of the plank exercise. Participants held each plank position for 30 s. Verbal
encouragement and coaching were provided during performance to ensure that exercise was
carried out in the prescribed manner. Participants were then given a 5-min rest period and
subsequently asked to perform another variation of the plank. This protocol continued until
all four plank variations were performed. The order of performance for each variation was
randomly assigned utilizing a Latin Square approach to minimize any potential confounding
effects of exercise sequence on results.
Table I. Description of plank variations.
Exercise variation Description
Traditional prone plank Lie face-down with fists on the floor, feet shoulder width apart, and spine and
pelvis in a neutral position. The elbows are spaced shoulder width apart
directly below the glenohumeral joint. Lift the body up on the forearms and
toes, keeping the body as straight as possible. Maintain this position for 30 s.
Long-lever plank Lie face-down with fists on the floor, feet shoulder width apart, and spine and
pelvis in a neutral position. The elbows are spaced 6 inches apar t at nose level.
Lift the body up on the forearms and toes, keeping the body as straight as
possible. Maintain this position for 30 s.
Posterior-tilt plank Lie face-down with fists on the floor, feet shoulder width apart, and spine and
pelvis in a neutral position. The elbows are spaced shoulder width apart
directly below the glenohumeral joint. The gluteal muscles are contracted as
strongly as possible while attempting to draw the pubic bone toward the belly
button and the tailbone toward the feet. Lift the body up on the forearms and
toes, keeping the body as straight as possible. Maintain this position for 30 s.
Long-lever posterior-tilt plank Lie face-down with fists on the floor, feet shoulder width apart, and spine and
pelvis in a neutral position. The elbows are spaced 6 inches apar t at nose level.
The gluteal muscles are contracted as strongly as possible while attempting to
draw the pubic bone toward the belly button and the tailbone toward the feet.
Lift the body up on the forearms and toes, keeping the body as straight as
possible. Maintain this position for 30 s.
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Statistical analysis
A4(muscles)£4 (exercise variations) two-way ANOVA with repeated measures on the
latter factor was utilized to compare the performance of each exercise variation on the
assessed muscles. The exercise variations were the traditional prone plank, long lever
plank, plank with a posterior pelvic tilt, and the long lever plank with a posterior pelvic tilt;
the muscles assessed were the erector spinae, upper rectus abdominis, lower abdominal
stabilizers, and external oblique abdominis. The dependent variable was normalized EMG
values. Because the sphericity assumption was violated (p,0.01), the Greenhouse-
Geisser correction was applied to correct for violations of the sphericity assumption. Effect
size (partial
) and observed power statistics were computed for significant main effects.
Post-hoc comparisons were conducted using the Bonferroni procedure. Statistical
significance was set at p#0.05. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS 16
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL).
Based on the Greenhouse-Geisser correction procedure, a significant (p,0.05) interaction
between exercise variations and muscles was found (F
¼8.96; p,0.001;
¼0.27; 1 b¼1.00; see Table II). When comparing the four different muscles across
exercise variations, findings can be summarized as follows: (a) for the erector spinae, there
were no significant differences across exercise variations (Figure 2a, b) for the upper rectus
abdominis, significantly greater activity was noted for the plank with a long lever and long-
lever posterior-tilt plank versus the traditional prone plank (Figure 2b, c) for the lower
Figure 1. Variations of plank exercise: traditional prone plank (a), posterior tilt plank (b), long-lever plank (c), and
long-lever posterior tilt plank (d).
Long-Lever Posterior-Tilt Plank 5
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abdominal stabilizers, significantly greater activity was noted for the plank with a long lever
and long-lever posterior-tilt plank versus the traditional prone plank; also, significantly
greater activity was noted for the long-lever posterior-tilt plank versus the plank with a
posterior pelvic tilt (Figure 2c, and d) for the external obliques, significantly greater activity
was noted for the plank with a posterior pelvic tilt and long-lever posterior-tilt plank versus
the traditional prone plank (Figure 2d).
Differences in EMG activity were also found when comparing the four exercise conditions
across muscles. Bonferroni post-hoc analyses indicated that the erector spinae was less active
than any of the other three muscles during the long-lever plank and long-lever posterior-tilt
plank exercises (p
,0.001). For the plank with a posterior pelvic tilt, erector spinae was less
Table II. Summary of EMG values across muscles and exercise variations expressed as percent MVC.
Traditional Long lever Posterior tilt Long lever posterior tilt
Erector spinae 4.84 ^2.27 5.74 ^3.25 6.77 ^3.19 7.10 ^4.27
Upper rectus abdominis 27.26 ^20.60 90.47 ^64.23*
54.58 ^34.55 109.74 ^66.30*
Lower abdominal stabilizers 37.84 ^25.83 121.05 ^52.45*
81.21 ^46.12*153.89 ^88.43*
External oblique 50.21 ^36.15 101.79 ^68.80*110.79 ^66.30*
148.74 ^70.14*
Mean ^SD.
*Significantly different from erector spinae ( p,0.05).
Significantly different from the traditional plank condition ( p,0.05).
Traditional Plank Long Lever Plank Posterior Tilt Plank Long Lever Posterior
Tilt Plank
No significant differences across exercise variations.
Traditional Plank Long Lever Plank Posterior Tilt Plank Long Lever Posterior
Tilt Plank
*Significantly greater activity Long Lever Plank and Long Lever Posterior Tilt
Plank versus the Traditional Plank; #significantly greater activity Long Lever
Posterior Tilt Plank versus Posterior Tilt Plank (p < 0.05).
Traditional Plank Long Lever Plank Posterior Tilt Plank Long Lever Posterior
Tilt Plank
*Significantly greater activity Posterior Tilt Plank and Long Lever Posterio
Tilt Plank versus the Traditional Plank.
Traditional Plank Long Lever Plank Posterior Tilt Plank Long Lever Posterior
Tilt Plank
*Significantly greater activity Long Lever Plank and Long Lever Posterior
Tilt Plank versus the Traditional Plank (p < 0.05).
Figure 2. Normalized EMG activity of erector spinae (a), upper rectus abdominis (b), lower abdominal stabilizers
(c), and lower external oblique (d) across plank variations.
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active than the lower abdominal stabilizers (p,0.001) and external oblique (p,0.001).
Differences between muscles were not found for the traditional prone plank exercise.
Discussion and implications
Our first hypothesis was supported in that the long-lever posterior-tilt plank elicited
significantly greater muscle activity versus the traditional prone plank for all muscles with the
exception of the erector spinae (ES). However, our second hypothesis was not supported in
that the plank with a long lever elicited significantly greater muscle activity in the lower
abdominal stabilizers versus the plank with a posterior pelvic tilt, while no significant
differences were seen between these variations in the other muscles evaluated. When
examining the mean values in Table II the long-lever posterior-tilt plank elicited the highest
mean EMG values for all muscles and represented the most difficult of the exercise variations
examined. However, enacting a longer lever tended to have a greater effect for increasing the
muscular demands of the long-lever posterior-tilt plank exercise versus enacting a posterior
pelvic tilt, although the two variations appear to be synergistic in optimizing core activity.
Therefore, when considering postural stabilizing demands the appropriate progression for
practitioners would be as follows: the traditional prone plank, plank with a posterior pelvic
tilt, plank with a long lever, and then the long-lever posterior-tilt plank.
This is the first study to show that a modified version of the traditional plank employing a
long lever and posterior tilt significantly and markedly increases muscle activity in the rectus
abdominis and external oblique as compared to the traditional prone plank. These muscles
are considered essential to core stability and provide support for the lumbar spine during
activities of daily living (Lehman, 2006). Importantly, the modifications associated with the
long-lever posterior-tilt plank are easy to implement and require no special equipment,
making the exercise a highly accessible and convenient option for the general population.
Similar to the results of Lehman et al. (2005), normalized EMG activity of the rectus
abdominis and external oblique during the traditional prone plank was modest in resistance-
trained individuals. The low values obtained in these muscles indicate that the participants
were not significantly challenged by this exercise, at least for the duration of the 30-s bout
employed in this study. These findings indicate that the traditional prone plank is more
suitable for beginners or for rehabilitative purposes as opposed to those with ample training
It is worthy of mention that considerable inter-individual variation was observed between
participants for the muscles tested in the traditional prone plank. The minimum and
maximum mean values for the erector spinae, upper rectus abdominis, lower abdominal
stabilizers, and external oblique muscles were 2% and 9%, 7% and 83%, 2% and 89%, and
3% and 118%, respectively. Thus, even some well-trained individuals may benefit from the
traditional plank, albeit to a much lesser extent than with the long-lever posterior-tilt plank
and its variants. The mean erector spinae activity for the traditional prone plank, plank with a
long lever, plank with a posterior pelvic tilt, and long-lever posterior-tilt plank was minimal
(5%, 6%, 7%, and 7%, respectively). Based on these data, we can conclude that the erector
spinae muscles are not required to sufficient degree, not even for co-contraction purposes,
for trunk stability during the plank variations examined in this study. Although plank
variations are typically employed for purposes of increasing core stability, it is important to
realize that prone plank variations are “anti-extension” exercises that challenge the anterior
core musculature (Schoenfeld & Contreras, 2011). Additional exercises would need to be
prescribed for purposes of targeting the ES and developing “anti-flexion” stability, or the
ability to resist flexion of the spinal column.
Long-Lever Posterior-Tilt Plank 7
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Contrary to our initial hypothesis, the plank with a long lever had a significantly greater
effect on muscle activity compared to the plank with a posterior pelvic tilt. Apparently,
increasing the distance between the elbows and toes during the plank exercise as we have
done in this study produces a greater challenge to the core musculature than manipulating
pelvic position. Future biomechanical research could examine the combinations of spinal
and pelvic torque in the sagittal plane during the traditional prone plank, plank with a long
lever, plank with a posterior pelvic tilt, and long-lever posterior-tilt plank to further elucidate
the mechanisms contributing to the challenge on the core musculature between the different
exercise variations.
The results of this study have a number of important practical implications. Panjabi
(1992) defined segmental instability “as a significant decrease in the capacity of the
stabilizing system of the spine to maintain the intervertebral neutral zones within the
physiological limits so that there is no neurological dysfunction, no major deformity, and no
incapacitating pain”. Spinal instability is associated with reduced strength and endurance of
the core musculature as well as altered recruitment of these muscles (Hibbs, Thompson,
French, Wrigley, & Spears, 2008; van Dieen, Cholewicki, & Radebold, 2003). It is theorized
that core muscle endurance, as opposed to maximal core strength, is the primary factor in the
etiology of spinal instability and lower back pain for the general public (Lehman, 2006;
McGill, 1998). Static core muscle endurance, in particular, is considered essential to
carrying out everyday activities in a pain-free manner (McGill, 2007; McGill, 2010).
Training to optimize static core endurance requires the performance of isometric exercise for
durations of over 30 s (Faries & Greenwood, 2007). To this end, the traditional prone plank
has been identified as a beneficial exercise for enhancing this fitness variable (Lehman,
2006). While the traditional prone plank could conceivably be effective in improving core
endurance in untrained individuals, the principle of progressive overload dictates that bodily
tissues must be repeatedly challenged over time to foster continued adaptation. The long-
lever posterior-tilt plank can therefore be implemented as part of a progressive core training
regimen to enhance spinal stability and potentially reduce the risk of low back pain as one
acquires training experience.
Stability training has been used to treat patients with segmental instability, clinical
instability, and chronic back pain (Biely, Smith, & Silfies, 2006). It remains questionable,
however, as to whether such training is efficacious (Lederman, 2010). Research indicates
that 90% of low back pain is nonspecific in nature, and that the causes of this type of back
pain are nebulous (Cissik, 2011). This would seem to cast doubt on the ability of core
stability exercise to improve nonspecific low back pain. Furthermore, some researchers have
suggested that progressively overloading the spine during core stability training is risky and it
therefore should be reserved for performance-oriented goals rather than pain prevention
(McGill, 2010). In consideration of these issues, the long-lever posterior-tilt plank may not
be appropriate for those with clinical conditions related to the spine. It is conceivable that the
long-lever posterior-tilt plank could be used as a strategy to improve pelvic awareness and
kinesthesia; particularly to avoid excessive anterior pelvic tilt. Considering that it has been
shown that 85% of males and 75% of females possess anterior pelvic tilt, this may be of
significant importance (Herrington, 2011). Although it has been suggested that anterior
pelvic tilt increases the stress on the lumbar spine (Jull & Janda, 1987), the condition is
common within normal asymptomatic populations and research has failed to show an
association between anterior pelvic tilt and low back pain (Nourbakhsh & Arab, 2002).
Nevertheless, there is evidence that resistance and flexibility training help to improve lumbar
alignment (Scannell & McGill, 2003), and therefore it is plausible that resistance and
flexibility training could alter pelvic tilt angle. It has been suggested, however, that anterior
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pelvic tilt is advantageous in certain sports such as sprint running (Kritz & Cronin, 2008).
More research is needed to elucidate whether pelvic alignment can be altered through
resistance training; whether these changes lead to increases or decreases in back pain; and
whether these changes positively or negatively affect athletic performance.
The long-lever posterior-tilt plank may be especially beneficial to athletes. A majority of
athletic endeavors require the performer to maintain core stability during highly dynamic
movements, often under highly loaded conditions (Hibbs et al., 2008). The rectus
abdominis, in particular, is thought to play an important role in bracing the spine during
pushing tasks or during the lifting of heavy loads, which are often relevant to sports
performance (Hibbs et al., 2008). The sports of football, rugby, soccer, wrestling, and
hockey, to name a few, all contain horizontal pushing components whereby increased anti-
extension trunk stability could increase performance. Theoretically, increased lumbar and
pelvic stability would prevent the core from buckling, thereby preventing potential injury
while also allowing for the optimal transference of force from the ground to the opponent. A
recent systematic review, however, showed only marginal improvements in athletic
performance from core stability training while at the same time noting that a strong and
stable core provides a necessary foundation for optimal execution of a variety of sporting
movements (Reed et al., 2012). Future research should examine the potential
relationship between the quality of performance in the long-lever posterior-tilt plank and
higher force activities that challenge the ability of the trunk to resist flexion and the transfer to
sports performance. There may be particular benefit of the long-lever posterior-tilt plank to
the sport of powerlifting. Considering that pelvic and lumbar posture are inextricably linked
in the standing position (Levine & Whittle, 1996), and that it has been suggested that
excessive lumbar extension should be avoided at the end range of motion of a deadlift (Bird &
Barrington-Higgs, 2010), the long-lever posterior-tilt plank may lead to improvements in
deadlift performance via increased lockout power relating to a better ability to resist
lumbopelvic deformation subsequent to stronger and more coordinated gluteal and
abdominal musculature at end range of hip extension. Future research should examine the
effects of the long-lever posterior-tilt plank on the deadlift exercise in the sport of
McGill (1998) contends that performing a posterior pelvic tilt during core exercise may
increase the risk of spinal injury by preloading the annulus and posterior ligaments. It is not
clear whether this would be a risk factor in those with healthy spines. To the authors’
knowledge, no study to date has evaluated the effect of posterior tilt exercise on spinal injury
in any population. Given the aforementioned theoretical rationale, however, it may be
appropriate for individuals with existing disk-related issues, such as flexion-intolerance, to
avoid this maneuver. In such cases, performing the plank with a long lever would seem to be a
viable alternative as it has a greater effect on anterior trunk muscle activation without the
associated risk to spinal structures.
The long-lever posterior-tilt plank offers a more challenging alternative to the traditional
prone plank that results in markedly greater muscle activity of the core musculature.
These findings would appear to have particular relevance for well-trained individuals
given the low core muscle activity seen with the traditional prone plank. Future research
should seek to determine whether the increased muscle activation associated with the
long-lever posterior-tilt plank transfers to improvements in functional performance and
injury prevention.
Long-Lever Posterior-Tilt Plank 9
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The authors would like to acknowledge Robert Harris for his assistance in this study.
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Long-Lever Posterior-Tilt Plank 11
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... It has been stated that the suitable technique to properly perform the prone plank exercise should involve the need to effectively maintain the natural spinal curvatures, throughout the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical regions, within physiological neutral ranges for minimising passive tissue stress [12,32,33]. This is a key question because the way in which the plank exercise is performed can provide different loads on the spine and different levels of abdominal activity [24,[34][35][36][37][38]. Consequently, clinicians, physical therapists, and strength and conditioning specialists should know in-depth how the core works in this essential core stabilisation exercise for accurately instructing and correcting their patients or athletes to perform the traditional plank, maximising its exercise's safety, functionality, and efficacy. ...
... In this sense, previous studies investigating the prone plank exercise have reported how the activity of the abdominal wall musculature, as well as the rating of perceived exertion (RPE), can be influenced depending on the position of certain joint regions, linking their specific positioning to the magnitude of the abdominal and RPE responses [37,[39][40][41]. Based on these studies, it seems that the specific pelvic position strongly modulates the activity of the abdominal musculature and the perceived effort during abdominal tasks and bridging exercises [37,39,[42][43][44]. ...
... In this sense, previous studies investigating the prone plank exercise have reported how the activity of the abdominal wall musculature, as well as the rating of perceived exertion (RPE), can be influenced depending on the position of certain joint regions, linking their specific positioning to the magnitude of the abdominal and RPE responses [37,[39][40][41]. Based on these studies, it seems that the specific pelvic position strongly modulates the activity of the abdominal musculature and the perceived effort during abdominal tasks and bridging exercises [37,39,[42][43][44]. Likewise, it has been found that the scapular position during the prone plank performance has also an important influence increasing the activation of the core muscles and the exertion rating values, specifically when a posterior pelvic tilt position is adopted, and the scapulae are in adduction [39]. ...
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This study aimed to investigate the influence of head position on the electromyographical activity of the core muscles during the prone plank exercise. Twenty healthy participants were enrolled in this study. Muscle activation was registered using surface electromyography in the rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, and the lumbar portion of erector spinae. Three plank conditions were randomly evaluated, varying the position of the cranio-cervical segment during the plank performance (neutral, flexion and extension). The activation of each individual examined muscle and the overall core muscle activity (Total Intensity), as well as the ratings of perceived exertion were analysed with statistical significance set at p < 0.05. Flexion revealed significantly higher Total Intensity values compared to neutral and extension (p < 0.001; effect size (ES) > 0.90). The rectus abdominis presented larger activation in flexion compared to the other variations (p < 0.05; ES > 0.70). Flexion elicited a greater response for both sides of external oblique when compared to neutral and extension, and also for both sides of internal oblique compared to the other conditions (p < 0.05; ES > 0.70). Both flexion and extension reported higher exertion rating values compared to neutral (p < 0.05; ES > 0.90). Head position influenced the electromyographical activation of core musculature, showing highest values when performing the plank in a head flexion.
... It has been stated that the suitable technique to properly perform the prone plank exercise should involve the need to effectively maintain the natural spinal curvatures, throughout the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical regions, within physiological neutral ranges for minimising passive tissue stress [12,27,28]. This is a key question because the way in which the prone plank exercise is performed can provide different loads on the spine and different levels of abdominal activity [23,[29][30][31][32][33]. Consequently, clinicians, physical therapists, and strength and conditioning specialists should know in-depth how the core works in this essential core stabilisation exercise for accurately instructing and correcting their patients or athletes to perform the traditional prone plank, maximising its exercise's safety, functionality, and efficacy. ...
... In this sense, previous studies investigating the prone plank exercise have reported how the activity of the abdominal wall musculature, as well as the rating of perceived exertion (RPE), can be influenced depending on the position of certain joint regions, linking their specific positioning to the magnitude of the abdominal and RPE responses [32,[34][35][36]. Based on these studies, it seems that the specific pelvic position strongly modulates the activity of the abdominal musculature and the RPE during abdominal tasks and bridging exercises [32,34,[37][38][39]. ...
... In this sense, previous studies investigating the prone plank exercise have reported how the activity of the abdominal wall musculature, as well as the rating of perceived exertion (RPE), can be influenced depending on the position of certain joint regions, linking their specific positioning to the magnitude of the abdominal and RPE responses [32,[34][35][36]. Based on these studies, it seems that the specific pelvic position strongly modulates the activity of the abdominal musculature and the RPE during abdominal tasks and bridging exercises [32,34,[37][38][39]. Likewise, it has been found that the scapular position during the prone plank performance has also an important influence increasing the activation of the core muscles and the RPE values, specifically when a posterior pelvic tilt position is adopted, and the scapulae are in adduction [34]. ...
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This study aimed to investigate the influence of cranio-cervical position on the electromyographical activity of the core muscles during the prone plank exercise. Twenty healthy participants were enrolled in this study. Muscle activation was registered using surface electromyography (sEMG) in the rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique (EO), internal oblique (IO) and lumbar portion of erector spinae (LES). Three prone plank conditions were randomly evaluated, varying the position of the cranio-cervical segment during the prone plank performance (NEUTRAL, FLEXION and EXTENSION). sEMG signals of each individual muscle, Total Intensity (TI) and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were analysed with statistical significance set at P<0.05. FLEXION revealed significantly higher TI values compared to NEUTRAL and EXTENSION (p = 0.000; effect size (ES) > 0.90). The RA presented larger activation in FLEXION compared to the other variations (p < 0.05; ES >0.70). FLEXION elicited a greater response compared to NEUTRAL for both sides of EO when compared to EXTENSION, and also for both sides of IO compared to the other conditions. Both FLEXION and EXTENSION reported higher RPE values compared to NEUTRAL. Cranio-cervical segment position influenced the electromyographical activation of core musculature, showing highest values when performing prone plank in a cranio-cervical flexion.
... The long stretch is a Pilates exercise performed in the reformer, in which the practitioner positions the feet on the shoulder rests of the cart and the hands clinging to the standing bar, keeping the body in a horizontal position, on a plank, while the shoulders perform flexion and extension movements 1 . Both the long stretch and the traditional plank aim to increase muscle strength, endurance, and stability of the muscles of the trunk, hip, and pelvis [2][3][4][5] . ...
... The recruitment of trunk muscles is essential for the spine since it leads to the maintenance of adequate postural control, the ability to resist external forces and, consequently, the decrease of the risk of musculoskeletal injuries, as well as the guarantee of improvement in physical performance 4,[6][7][8] . ...
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This study aimed to verify the effect of the spring constant change on the electromyographic activity of the powerhouse and shoulder muscles during the long stretch exercise. In total, 15 Pilates practitioners performed the Long Stretch exercise on the reformer with three different spring constants: (1) k=0.19kg/cm with 1 red spring; (2) k=0.27kg/cm with 1 red spring and 1 yellow; and (3) k=0.38kg/cm with 2 red springs. The Electromyographic activity of Rectus Abdominis (RA), External Oblique (EO), Internal Oblique/Transversus abdominis (OI/TS), Multifidus (MU), Iliocostalis (IC), Longissimus (LG), Lower Trapezius (LT), and Anterior Deltoid (AD) were evaluated. We observed that as the spring constant increases, the RA, OE, OI/TS muscles decrease their EMG activity, while the AD, LT, and LG increase their EMG activity. The MU and IC muscles were not influenced in their EMG activities. Therefore, we observed an influence of the change of the spring constant on the electromyographic activity of the RA, OE, OI/LG, AD, and LT muscles. However, we found no influence of the spring constant on the EMG activities of the MU and IC muscles during the long stretch. Keywords: Pilates; Electromyography; Muscle Stretching Exercises
... The squat exercise is regarded as a closed kinetic chain exercise, where the force is expressed through the end (length) of the limb while it is fixed to the ground [2][3][4]. The plank, like the squat, is an exercise performed with only the body weight that can be executed dynamically or statically, with hands or elbows resting on the ground [5]. ...
... Hand Plank: This is performed with the hands resting on the floor at shoulder width. The arms and legs are in extension and the hips are in a straight line with the rest of the spine, keeping the abdominal muscles contracted [5]. ...
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The present study aimed to analyse and compare the muscle activity of twelve participants (seven men and five women) (age 20.1 ± 0.9 years; height 170.5 ± 10 cm; body mass: 64.86 ± 8.3 kg) in two exercises, each with two variants: squat (dynamic and static) and plank (hands and elbows) in a stable environment on land and an unstable environment on an aquatic platform. The erector spinae, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, external oblique, and rectus abdominis muscles were evaluated using surface electromyography. The dynamic squat increases the recruitment of the biceps femoris and external oblique, while the static squat demands greater activation of the rectus femoris. The elbow plank exercise increases the recruitment of erector spinae muscles, and the hand plank exercise increases the recruitment of the erector spinae and external oblique. In conclusion, performing exercises in unstable conditions on an aquatic platform slightly increases muscle recruitment.
... O long stretch é um exercício de Pilates executado no reformer no qual o praticante posiciona os pés nos apoios de ombros do carrinho e as mãos agarradas à barra de pé, mantendo o corpo em uma posição horizontal, em prancha, enquanto os ombros realizam movimentos de flexão e extensão 1 . Tanto o long stretch quanto a prancha tradicional têm o objetivo de aumentar a força muscular, a resistência e a estabilidade dos músculos do tronco, do quadril e da pelve [2][3][4][5] . ...
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This study aimed to verify the effect of the spring constant change on the electromyographic activity of the powerhouse and shoulder muscles during the long stretch exercise. In total, 15 Pilates practitioners performed the Long Stretch exercise on the reformer with three different spring constants: (1) k=0.19kg/cm with 1 red spring; (2) k=0.27kg/cm with 1 red spring and 1 yellow; and (3) k=0.38kg/cm with 2 red springs. The Electromyographic activity of Rectus Abdominis (RA), External Oblique (EO), Internal Oblique/Transversus abdominis (OI/TS), Multifidus (MU), Iliocostalis (IC), Longissimus (LG), Lower Trapezius (LT), and Anterior Deltoid (AD) were evaluated. We observed that as the spring constant increases, the RA, OE, OI/TS muscles decrease their EMG activity, while the AD, LT, and LG increase their EMG activity. The MU and IC muscles were not influenced in their EMG activities. Therefore, we observed an influence of the change of the spring constant on the electromyographic activity of the RA, OE, OI/LG, AD, and LT muscles. However, we found no influence of the spring constant on the EMG activities of the MU and IC muscles during the long stretch. Keywords: Pilates; Electromyography; Muscle Stretching Exercises
... All exercises were performed unilaterally with the right arm. Consistent with previous research 16 , the conditions were randomized in a counterbalanced fashion using online software (www. rando mizer. ...
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The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of electromagnetic resistance alone, as well as in combination with variable resistance or accentuated eccentric methods, with traditional dynamic constant external resistance exercise on myoelectric activity during elbow flexion. The study employed a within-participant randomized, cross-over design whereby 16 young, resistance-trained male and female volunteers performed elbow flexion exercise under each of the following conditions: using a dumbbell (DB); using a commercial electromagnetic resistance device (ELECTRO); variable resistance (VR) using a setting on the device that attempts to match the level of resistance to the human strength curve, and; eccentric overload (EO) using a setting on the device that increases the load by 50% on the eccentric portion of each repetition. Surface electromyography (sEMG) was obtained for the biceps brachii, brachioradialis and anterior deltoid on each of the conditions. Participants performed the conditions at their predetermined 10 repetition maximum. " The order of performance for the conditions was counterbalanced, with trials separated by a 10-min recovery period. The sEMG was synced to a motion capture system to assess sEMG amplitude at elbow joint angles of 30°, 50°, 70°, 90°, 110°, with amplitude normalized to the maximal activation. The anterior deltoid showed the largest differences in amplitude between conditions, where median estimates indicated greater concentric sEMG amplitude (~ 7–10%) with EO, ELECTRO and VR compared with DB. Concentric biceps brachii sEMG amplitude was similar between conditions. In contrast, results indicated a greater eccentric amplitude with DB compared to ELECTRO and VR, but unlikely to exceed a 5% difference. Data indicated a greater concentric and eccentric brachioradialis sEMG amplitude with DB compared to all other conditions, but differences were unlikely to exceed 5%. The electromagnetic device tended to produce greater amplitudes in the anterior deltoid, while DB tended to produce greater amplitudes in the brachioradialis; amplitude for the biceps brachii was relatively similar between conditions. Overall, any observed differences were relatively modest, equating to magnitudes of ~ 5% and not likely greater than 10%. These differences would seem to be of minimal practical significance.
... This is possibly because of the greater gravitational demands or reflex-mediated activities of these superficial muscles in responding to stretching during AH [44,45]. In addition, moderate activation of the EO has been observed during performance of the standard prone plank [46][47][48][49]. The activity of the left EO muscle controls the postural muscles [6], while the right EO may prevent unwanted pelvic rotation during the LPF. ...
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Pilates methods use mats for trunk muscles stabilization exercises, and leg pull front (LPF) is one of the traditional Pilates mat exercises. Abdominal hollowing (AH) and Abdominal bracing (AB) maneuvers are recommended to stabilize the trunk muscles and prevent unwanted pelvic movement during motion. This study aimed to explore the effects of AH and AB on electromyography (EMG) activity of the trunk muscles and angle of pelvic rotation during LPF. A total of 20 healthy volunteers participated in the study. AH, AB, and without any condition (WC) were randomly performed during LPF exercise. Each was repeated three times for 5 s. The trunk muscle activities were measured using EMG and rotation of pelvis was measured using a Smart KEMA device. The activities of the transversus abdominis/obliquus internus abdominis (TrA/IO) and right obliquus externus abdominis (EO) muscles were highest in LPF-AH compared to the other conditions. Multifidus (MF) activity was significantly greater in LPF-AH and LPF-AB compared to that of without any condition. The pelvic rotation angle was significantly smaller in LPF-AB. Therefore, AH maneuver during LPF for trunk muscle stabilization exercises is suitable for selective activation of the TrA/IO, and AB maneuver during LPF is recommended for the prevention of unwanted pelvic rotation.
... (3) Category III planking focuses on the stability of many trunk muscles from lumbar muscles, rectus abdominis and obliques to serratus muscles. Slack planking has little exercise effect on those muscles due to the lack of engagement [95]; while a high hip plank with a posterior pelvic tilt increases muscle activation [75]. Animated planking (plank dip) with contracting ankles introduce up to 60% more effective isometric contraction [16]. ...
While sports activity recognition is a well studied subject in mobile, wearable and ubiquitous computing, work to date mostly focuses on recognition and counting of specific exercise types. Quality assessment is a much more difficult problem with significantly less published results. In this work, we present Quali-Mat: a method for evaluating the quality of execution (QoE) in exercises using a smart sports mat that can measure the dynamic pressure profiles during full-body, body-weight exercises. As an example, our system not only recognizes that the user is doing push-ups, but also distinguishes 5 subtly different types of push-ups, each of which (according to sports science literature and professional trainers) has a different effect on different muscle groups. We have investigated various machine learning algorithms targeting the specific type of spatio-temporal data produced by the pressure mat system. We demonstrate that computationally efficient, yet effective Conv3D model outperforms more complex state-of-the-art options such as transfer learning from the image domain. The approach is validated through an experiment designed to cover 47 quantifiable variants of 9 basic exercises with 12 participants. Overall, the model can categorize 9 exercises with 98.6% accuracy / 98.6% F1 score, and 47 QoE variants with 67.3% accuracy / 68.1% F1 score. Through extensive discussions with both the experiment results and practical sports considerations, our approach can be used for not only precisely recognizing the type of exercises, but also quantifying the workout quality of execution on a fine time granularity. We also make the Quali-Mat data set available to the community to encourage further research in the area.
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The aim of this study is to compare the rectus abdominis and anterior deltoid muscle activations during plank exercises performed at different body inclinations. 15 male individuals voluntarily participated in the study. The randomized crossover experimental design was used in the study. Participants performed prone plank exercises on the hands (high body inclination) and on the elbows (low body inclination). Each plank exercise was performed for 2 sets and each set for 5 seconds. 1-minute rest was given between sets and 3 minutes rest was given between exercise changes. Rectus abdominis and anterior deltoid muscle activation measurements were performed during prone plank exercises. The dependent sample t-test was used to statistically compare the muscle activations obtained in the two plank exercises. As a result of the statistical analysis, it was determined that the rectus abdominis muscle activation was greater in the plank exercise performed on the elbows (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between exercises in anterior deltoid muscle activation (p>0.05). It was concluded that the rectus abdominis muscle activation was greater in the low body incline used in this study in the prone plank exercise, and the anterior deltoid muscle activation was not affected by the inclination change used in this study.
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The long-lever posterior-tilt plank is an advanced version of the traditional prone plank designed to impose a greater stimulus on the core musculature and thus provide better utility for those who are well trained.
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summary: Confusion exists regarding what the core musculature is, how it is evaluated, how it is trained, and how it is applied to functional performance. The core musculature is divided into 2 systems, local (stabilization) and global (movement), with distinction between core-strength, core-stability, and functional exercises. (C) 2007 National Strength and Conditioning Association
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Lumbar stabilization or 'core' stabiliza-tion ex­ercises are currently popular interven-tions for patients with mechanical low back pain (MLBP). Stabilization ex­ercises have typically been prescribed for patients with 'spinal instability.' But can we actually iden-tify patients with spinal instability, and are these patients likely to benefit from stabiliza-tion ex­ercises? The incidence of spinal instability is dif-ficult to determine partially because of the lack of an accepted operational definition. Estimates of the percentage of patients with low back pain arising because of spinal insta-bility range from % to 0% of the total population of patients with MLBP. , Specific classification systems may as-sist in identifying patients with MLBP at-tributed to spinal instability. Classification allows interventions to be designed for, and directed toward, specific subgroups as op-posed to an entire population of patients. Delitto et al introduced a classification system using patient symptoms and physi-cal ex­amination findings, now known as the Treatment-Based Classification (TBC). This system assists with clinical decision-mak-ing and provides information about specific interventions for each classification. One subgroup in the TBC system is the 'stabi-lization' category (previously known as the 'immobilization' category). Patients placed into this subgroup are hypothesized to have spinal instability and are treated with specif-ic stabilization ex­ercises. However, actually classifying a patient into this subgroup may not be a simple process. Givens et al 4 studied ex­aminer agreement in assigning patients to different subgroups and found differences in the number of patients assigned to the sta-bilization subgroup by different ex­aminers. Perhaps the characteristics of patients mani-festing spinal instability are either poorly identified or poorly understood. The purposes of this article are to suggest an operational definition of clinical insta-bility and to ex­amine the literature for the current best evidence for identifying those patients who would best respond to stabi-lization ex­ercises as the primary interven-tion. In addition, ex­ercises that have been reported effective in managing patients with clinical instability of the lumbar spine will be presented and discussed. SEGMENTAL INSTABILITY VERSUS CLINICAL INSTABILITY Early attempts to define spinal instabil-ity were based on spinal pathology associated with ex­cessive movement at the interverte-bral or segmental level. 5 Segmental instability was proposed to ex­ist because of failure of the passive restraints (ie, the intervertebral disc, ligaments, and facet joint capsules) that function to limit segment motion. This original, narrow concept of spinal instability was broadened when Panjabi 6 hypothesized that the neuromuscular system might also play an important role in controlling seg-mental motion. He published a model of a spinal stabilization system represented by major subsystems. These subsystems consist of the passive, or osteoligamentous subsys-tem, the active, or musculotendinous sub-system, and the neural control subsystem. Spinal stability within this model depends on the proper functioning and interaction of all subsystems (see Figure). Within this model, Panjabi defined segmental in-stability "as a significant decrease in the ca-pacity of the stabilizing system of the spine to maintain the intervertebral neutral zones within the physiological limits so that there is no neurological dysfunction, no major de-formity, and no incapacitating pain." 7 The neutral zone to which he referred is defined as a portion of the total physiologic range of intervertebral motion. The total physiologic range consists of a neutral zone and an elastic zone (see Figure). Neutral zone motion, defined in biomechanical terms, is the zone of movement surrounding the neutral posi-tion of the segment, a zone in which move-ment occurs with little resistance. The elastic zone starts at the end of the neutral zone and stops at the end of physiologic range. Mo-tion within the elastic zone occurs with con-siderable internal resistance. Panjabi's defi-nition focused upon changes in the neutral zone. He considered segmental instability to be an abnormal movement of one vertebra on another secondary to an increase in the size of the neutral zone. 7 Clinical instability, on the other hand, might be defined as the observable signs and the symptoms of patients hypothesized to have a disruption of the spinal stabilization system. Thus one interpretation of Panjabi's model might be that clinical instability is dysfunction in one or more of the stabilizing subsystems leading to an increase in the size of the neutral zone. The increase in the neu-tral zone causes, or contributes, to segmental instability and results in MLBP.
The dead lift (DL) and its variations are widely accepted by strength and conditioning coaches as one of the "Big 3'' exercises prescribed to develop "total body strength,'' specifically the hip and knee extensors, spinal erectors, quadratus lumborum, core abdominal musculature, and back and forearm muscles. Therefore, the purpose of this column is to introduce strength and conditioning coaches to the many sport-specific applications for common DL variations used in strength training program design, with specific emphasis on the romanian DL, for its potential use in the teaching progression of the power clean.
summary: The purpose of this article is to provide the strength and conditioning professional with the information to effectively implement the use of the power snatch for athletic development. Rationale for the use of the power snatch, along with a description of the technical aspects will be discussed. (C) 2007 National Strength and Conditioning Association
Core stability training, operationally defined as training focused to improve trunk and hip control, is an integral part of athletic development, yet little is known about its direct relation to athletic performance. This systematic review focuses on identification of the association between core stability and sports-related performance measures. A secondary objective was to identify difficulties encountered when trying to train core stability with the goal of improving athletic performance. A systematic search was employed to capture all articles related to athletic performance and core stability training that were identified using the electronic databases MEDLINE, CINAHL and SPORTDiscus™ (1982-June 2011). A systematic approach was used to evaluate 179 articles identified for initial review. Studies that performed an intervention targeted toward the core and measured an outcome related to athletic or sport performances were included, while studies with a participant population aged 65 years or older were excluded. Twenty-four in total met the inclusionary criteria for review. Studies were evaluated using the Physical Therapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale. The 24 articles were separated into three groups, general performance (n = 8), lower extremity (n = 10) and upper extremity (n = 6), for ease of discussion. In the majority of studies, core stability training was utilized in conjunction with more comprehensive exercise programmes. As such, many studies saw improvements in skills of general strengths such as maximum squat load and vertical leap. Surprisingly, not all studies reported measurable increases in specific core strength and stability measures following training. Additionally, investigations that targeted the core as the primary goal for improved outcome of training had mixed results. Core stability is rarely the sole component of an athletic development programme, making it difficult to directly isolate its affect on athletic performance. The population biases of some studies of athletic performance also confound the results. Targeted core stability training provides marginal benefits to athletic performance. Conflicting findings and the lack of a standardization for measurement of outcomes and training focused to improve core strength and stability pose difficulties. Because of this, further research targeted to determine this relationship is necessary to better understand how core strength and stability affect athletic performance.