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Body composition, isometric hand grip and explosive strength leg – similarities and differences between novices and experts in an international competition of Brazilian jiu jitsu


Abstract and Figures

Background & Study Aim: Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ) is gaining thousands of practitioners in all countries; however, there is a lack of scientific research related to this sport. We wanted to establish the indicators approached by BJJ athletes to sporting excellence, which is the reason why we divided the subjects into two groups: experts and novices. Additionally, the aim of this study was to knowledge about the body composition, and similarities and differences in the performance of BJJ athletes focusing on two variables: isometric hand grip and explosive strength leg. Material & Methods: Fifty six BJJ players, who were contestants in the European Open Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2013 in Lisbon (Portugal), took part in this study. Novice group (n=24; age: 29.9±5.8 yrs), Expert group (n=32; age: 30.5±4.7 yrs). Body mass was measured with Bioimpedance, and handgrip strength was measured with a dynamometer. Explosive strength leg was measured from a force platform with the Countermovement Jump (CMJ) test. Differences between experts and novices were established with the t Student’s test or Mann-Whitney U test for the parametric and non-parametric variables respectively. Results: Experts obtained significant differences over novices on isometric hand grip strength in both hands; as for the variables of CMJ, significant differences were found in Height of jump, peak power, velocity at peak power and average power. Conclusions: BJJ athletes with higher experience, training, and level (expert group) have more adaptations and improvements than the novice group. This can be seen by their higher records in isometric handgrip and the higher explosive strength in their legs.
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Body composition, isometric hand grip and explosive
strength leg – similarities and differences between
novices and experts in an international competition
of Brazilian jiu jitsu
Francisco Javier Diaz-Lara1ABCDE, José Manuel García García1ACDE, Luis Fernandes
Monteiro2ABD, Javier Abian-Vicen1ABCD
1 Sport Training Laboratory, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain
2Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Lusófona University, Lisbon, Portugal
Source of support: Departmental sources
Received: 4 July 2014; Accepted: 18 August 2014; Published online: 31 August 2014
ICID: 1121905
Background Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ) is gaining thousands of practitioners in all countries; however, there is a lack of scien-
tic research related to this sport. We wanted to establish the indicators approached by BJJ athletes to sporting
excellence, which is the reason why we divided the subjects into two groups: experts and novices. Additionally,
the aim of this study was to knowledge about the body composition, and similarities and dierences in the
performance of BJJ athletes focusing on two variables: isometric hand grip and explosive strength leg.
Material & Methods: Fifty six BJJ players, who were contestants in the European Open Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2013 in Lisbon
(Portugal), took part in this study. Novice group (n=24; age: 29.9±5.8 yrs), Expert group (n=32; age: 30.5±4.7yrs).
Body mass was measured with Bioimpedance, and handgrip strength was measured with a dynamometer.
Explosive strength leg was measured from a force platform with the Countermovement Jump (CMJ) test.
Dierences between experts and novices were established with the t Student’s test or Mann-Whitney U test
for the parametric and non-parametric variables respectively.
Experts obtained signicant dierences over novices on isometric hand grip strength in both hands; as for the
variables of CMJ, signicant dierences were found in Height of jump, peak power, velocity at peak power
and average power.
Conclusions: BJJ athletes with higher experience, training, and level (expert group) have more adaptations and improve-
ments than the novice group. is can be seen by their higher records in isometric handgrip and the higher
explosive strength in their legs.
Keywords: art of defence · combat sports · Countermovement Jump · force platform · sport performance
Author’s address: Javier Abian-Vicen, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Avda. Carlos III s/n. Toledo, 45071 Spain;
Authors’ Contribution:
A Study Design
B Data Collection
C Statistical Analysis
D Manuscript Preparation
EFunds Collection
& Study Aim:
VOLUME 10 | 2014
Original Article
e Ju-jitsu is believed to have its roots in India.
Buddhist monks, who were concerned for their own
defence, developed techniques based on the prin-
ciples of balance, body knowledge, their joint lim-
its, and avoiding the use of arms. is art of defence,
together with Buddhism, travelled across Asia, reach-
ing Japan. Once there, it was modied by adapting it
to the needs of these people and was called ju-jitsu.
In 1914, this Japanese art arrived in Brazil thanks to
the teacher Mitsuyo Maeda (Conde Koma), expert in
judo and ju-jitsu. He taught Carlos Gracie the tech-
niques he had learned in Japan. Helio Gracie, Carlos’s
brother, learned this type of ght and modied its
techniques, adapting them to their slim and small bio-
type, with the aim of making it become as eective
and ecient as possible. ese two brothers created
and promoted what is currently known as Brazilian
Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) [1, 2].
Nowadays, sports BJJ is a type of ght in which a
uniform or gi is used; its main purpose is to project
or take your opponent down. Once on the ground,
you must seek to control your adversary with dierent
techniques (immobilizations, chokes, joints locks). In
the absence of submission at the end of the ght, the
winner is declared by the number of points won [3].
Despite BJJ is currently getting thousands of fans and
practitioners worldwide, only a few scientic studies
are trying to understand the physiological and condi-
tion demands required by this sport [4-6].
ere are many studies that have used the novice-
expert paradigm in dierent sports since the 1970s.
If we focus on combat sports, we can nd an investi-
gation by García et al. [7] in judokas. ese authors
compare dierent levels of judokas, thanks to some
performance tests done to these athletes (maximal
isometric strength, VO2 max. etc.). e purposes were
to nd nonspecic conditional values that do not have
any direct impact in competition, and to delimit the
important indicators approached by athletes to sport-
ing excellence.
Body composition is an essential component for the
control and denition of the weight categories in
combat sports modalities. BJJ athletes have a predom-
inantly mesomorphic component, low fat percentages
similar to other combat sports such as wrestling and
judo [3, 8].
e hand grip strength is the result of the maxi-
mum force that each individual is able to exert under
normal mechanic conditions through the voluntary
exion of all nger joints, thumbs, and wrists [9]. In
many sports, it is common to get information about
more useful strategies to develop specic training pro-
tocols and increase the strength of athletes’ hands to
prevent injuries due to their sports practice [10, 11]. If
we focus on a BJJ ght, the athlete is in contact with
the opponent most of the time. During this period
of combat, the athlete needs to perform successive
grip movements to maintain this grip, to control the
opponent or so as to perform new ways of attack,
defence, counter-attacks etc. [12]. en, static and
dynamic strength grip, and gripping endurance are
vital to competitive success [13].
Countermovement Jump (CMJ), is a test of phys-
ical performance, which is a dynamic weight bear-
ing movement skill that utilizes multiple muscles and
joints of the lower limbs [14]. It would be interesting
to evaluate the explosive movements like CMJ, due
to the high-intensity actions performed in BJJ were
predominantly short (less than 3 s). Consequently,
muscle power exercises should be included in physi-
cal training, since the decisive moments of the ght
(scores and submissions) require explosive muscle
power actions [15], Moreover, the explosive force
manifestation results from the combination of the
contractile capacity, that is understood as the con-
centric action of the agonist muscles without use of
the stretch shortening cycle and the capacity to syn-
chronize muscle bre contraction [16, 17].
e aim of this study was to knowledge about the
body composition, and similarities and dierences in
the performance of BJJ athletes focusing on two vari-
ables: isometric hand grip and explosive strength legs.
MaterIal and Methods
Fifty-six athletes of BJJ, participants of the European
Open Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2013 in Lisbon
(Portugal) from 16 dierent countries, took part
voluntarily in this study. ey were divided into
two groups, novices and experts. e criteria used
to divide the groups in our investigation were the
experience and level of training at this discipline.
Considering experts those who had been more than
4 years training BJJ and had a graduation from pur-
ple to black belt; whereas novices were those who had
been training for less than 4 years and were gradu-
ates from white to blue belt. e novice group con-
sisted of 24 athletes (16 blue belts and 8 white belts).
e expert group was formed by 32 athletes (17 black
belts, 7 brown belts and 8 purple belts) (Table 1). All
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu – is a type of
ght in which a uniform or gi
is used; its main purpose is to
project or take your opponent
down. Once on the ground,
you must seek to control
your adversary with dierent
techniques (immobilizations,
chokes, joints locks). In the
absence of submission at the
end of the ght, the winner
is declared by the number of
points won [3]
Hand grip strength – is the
result of the maximum force
that each individual is able to
exert under normal mechanic
conditions through the voluntary
exion of all nger joints,
thumbs, and wrists [9]
Countermovement Jump
(CMJ) – is a test of physical
performance, which is a dynamic
weight bearing movement skill
that utilizes multiple muscles
and joints of the lower limbs
Diaz-Lara FJ et al. – Body composition, isometric hand grip and explosive strength leg...
participants were informed about the nature and the
purpose of this study, as well as the measurements
which were going to be taken. After that, partici-
pants signed a consent form to allow the researchers
to take the measurements and use their data for sci-
entic purposes. e study was approved by the local
Research Ethics Committee in accordance with the
latest version of the Declaration of Helsinki [18].
e European Open Championship 2013 (IBJJF)
was celebrated in Casal Vistoso Pavillion (Lisbon,
Portugal). e organization provided us a room near
the mat to complete all the tests before the competi-
tion started. On arrival, the participants got familiar
with the measuring instruments corresponding to the
maximum intensity tests (counter movement jump
and hand grip strength), signed the informed consent
document and lled out another one on information
regarding their years of practice, hours of training per
week, best result obtained in competition that year,
years of practice in BJJ and dominant hand. en,
height (SECA Ltd, Germany with a sensitivity of
±0.1 cm), body mass (Radwag, Poland with a sensi-
tivity of ± 0.05 kg scale) and body composition with
Bioimpedance (BC-418. Tanita Corp, Japan), were
measured using established standards to calculate the
body fat and the body muscle composition of each
subject [19]. All subjects nished all the tests before
their rst ght and after a specic warm-up of 20
minutes. In the hand grip strength test, the subjects
had to grip a manual dynamometer (Takei Scientic
Instruments Co, Japan) as hard as possible. Two
attempts were made with the elbow extended, the
arm parallel to the body and the wrist in neutral posi-
tion according to the indications of several authors
[20-22]. ere was a 1 minute break between both
attempts and the highest value was chosen for the
analysis. In the CMJ test, the participants jumped on
a Quattro Jump force platform (Kistler, Switzerland)
with their hands on the waist at all times. e angle
of knee exion during the CMJ was freely chosen
by the each subject. e highest jump achieved out
of three valid attempts with a 1 min rest between
them was chosen for the analysis. For the jump test,
a leg maximum power output during the jump was
determined from ground reaction forces (F). For this
calculation, we set the initial vertical velocity of the
system at zero. Vertical ground reaction forces were
recorded at 500 Hz and were divided by the mass
of the system at each time point in order to deter-
mine instantaneous acceleration (a
= F
/ mass).
Gravity acceleration was subtracted from the calcu-
lated acceleration to ensure that only the acceleration
produced by the participants during the jump was
used to determine velocity. e instantaneous verti-
cal velocity (v
) was integrated from the accelera-
tion. e integration constant was zero because there
was no initial movement. Instantaneous power (Pinst)
was calculated as the product of the velocity and force
(P= Finst × Vinst) at any given point. e power average
from the impulse phase (concentric part of the jump)
was used for the statistical analysis. Jump height was
determined by the ight time. e ight time is the
dierence between the rst instant of take-o and
the rst instant of landing, we assume the height of
the jumper’s centre of mass at the instant of land-
ing is the same as at the instant of take-o, and we
used the equation to calculate the jump height pro-
posed by Linthorne [23]. e height of the centre
of gravity was calculated by the double integration
method (work-energy) of the force-time record based
on Linthorne [23]. In total, we evaluated 8 dierent
variables: Jump height (H) calculated from the ight
time measured in cm; Position of the centre of grav-
ity at the highest point in the ight phase (Hf ) mea-
sured in cm; Peak power during the push-o phase
normalized for the mass of the player (PP) mea-
sured in W/kg; Velocity at peak power (V
) mea-
sured in m/s; Force at peak power (Fpp ) measured in
N; Average Power (AP) measured in W/kg; Vertical
path of the centre of gravity between the instants of
take-o and rst time of the landing (Lr) measured
in cm; Second peak vertical force in landing (F2)
measured in BW.
Statistical analysis
e SPSS v. 19 program (SPSS Inc., USA) was used
to perform the statistical calculations with descrip-
tive and inferential statistical tests. Initially, normality
was tested in all variables with the Sahpiro-Wilk test.
After that, the t Student’s test for independent sam-
ples was used to establish the dierences in the nor-
mally distributed variables between groups (experts
and novices). For the non-parametric variables dier-
ences between experts and novices were established
with the Mann-Whitney U test. e criterion for sta-
tistical signicance was set at p < 0.05. All the data
are presented as mean ± standard deviation.
Regarding the characteristics of the subjects, sim-
ilar results were observed in most variables (age,
weight, height, body mass), but signicant dierences
(p≤0.01) were observed between experts and novices
in relation to years of experience and training (hours
per week) (Table 1).
VOLUME 10 | 2014
Original Article
Table 1. Characteristics of novices and experts Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes
Variables Novice (n = 24) Expert (n = 32) Δ (%) P value Eect Size
Age (years) 29.9 ± 5.8 30.5 ± 4.7 1.95 0.341 0.1
Weight (kg) 75.7 ± 9.3 77.4 ± 11.3 2.2 0.276 0.2
Height (cm) 177.1 ± 5.8 175.6 ± 6.6 –0.8 0.187 –0.2
Body Mass (kg) 69.4 ± 6.9 70.6 ± 9.7 1.7 0.307 0.1
% Fat 9.3 ± 3.7 9.1 ± 4.6 –2.1 0.432 –0.0
Experience (years) 3 ± 1.1 9.5 ± 4.6 217.2 0.000* 2.2
Training (hours per week ) 9.4 ± 2.6 13.1 ± 3.8 39.3 0.000* 1.1
* Dierences at p < 0.05
Experts obtained higher values in isometric hand grip strength than novices. Signicant dierences (p ≤ 0.01)
were found both in right and left hand (Table 2).
Table 2. Isometric strength grip Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes
Variables Novice (n = 24) Expert (n = 32) Δ (%) P value Eect Size
Left hand grip (kgf) 43.3 ± 6.6 49.1 ± 7.0 13.4 0.001* 0.8
Right hand grip (kgf) 43.6 ± 7.1 48.6± 6.1 11.4 0.004* 0.7
* Dierences at p < 0.05
In relation to the variables of (CMJ), signicant dierences were found between experts and novices in height
of jump; position of the centre of gravity at the highest point in the ight phase; peak power; velocity at the
peak power; average power and a greater tendency was found in the expert group for vertical path of the cen-
tre of gravity. However, no signicant dierences were observed in force at the moment when the PP was
reached (Table 3).
Table 3. Variables Countermovement Jump Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes
Indicators Novice (n = 24) Expert (n = 29) % Dif. P value Eect Size
H (cm) 29.7 ±5.0 34.2 ±5.1 15.2 0.002* 0.9
Hf (cm) 39.2±4.5 44.6±4.8 13.8 0.000* 1.1
PP (W×kg-1) 45.2±4.9 51.6±7.6 14.0 0.001* 1.0
Vpp (m s-1) 2.3±0.2 2.4±0.2 7.1 0,001* 0,9
Fpp (N) 1534.1±234.3 1575.8±221.9 2.7 0.512 0.2
AP (W/kg) 23.8±3.5 26.9±4.9 13.1 0.014* 0.7
Lr (cm) –13.5±7.8 –18.1±8.7 33.3 0,056 –0.5
F2 (BW) 5.4±2.0 4.9±1.8 –10.0 0.318 –0.3
* Dierences at p < 0.05; H= Height of jump from ight time; Hf = position of the centre of gravity at the highest point
in the ight phase; PP = peak power; V
pp =
velocity of the centre of gravity
at which PP was reached; F
= force at the
instant which PP was reached; AP= Power average during the jump; Lr= vertical path of the center of gravity between
the instants of take-o landing; F2 = second peak vertical force during landing.
Diaz-Lara FJ et al. – Body composition, isometric hand grip and explosive strength leg...
Analysing the characteristics of the sample, regard-
ing to body composition (Table 1), as we men-
tioned before, there are no dierences observed in
body composition between our experts and novices.
In the bibliography, there are two studies that anal-
yse body composition of BJJ ghters. e results
of our study are lower than those found by Del
Vecchio et al. [3] (9.8±4.2 kg) and Andreato et al.
[8] (10.3±2.6 kg). is may be due to the moment
of the sports season, in our study athletes were
measured just before they had their rst combat
in an international championship, with everything
it entails (competition period, weight adjusted to
the maximum in their category, etc.), whereas the
other two studies were carried out one during the
rst preparatory period and the other investigation
period is not recorded.
Experts, novices and hand grip strength
Our results may suggest that athletes with some
degree of experience, expertise and continuous
training in BJJ developed adaptations and improve-
ments related to the isometric handgrip strength.
We found signicant dierences between experts
and novices in both hands (right, p= 0.004 and left,
p = 0.001). We have only found three studies in
the bibliography in which BJJ expert athletes are
compared to lower-level athletes. Borges-Junior et
al. [11], analysed the handgrip in 29 men athletes
practicing aikido, judo, rowing, BJJ and non-ath-
letes. In this research, only signicant dierences
between BJJ athletes and aikido athletes, and BJJ
athletes and non-athletes were found. Oliveira et al.
[12], compared 21 athletes graduated as black and
brown belts, with 29 graduates from blue to purple
belts, these authors nds no signicant dierences
in relation to hand grip strength. While data from
their experts are similar, these novices have bet-
ter results than ours, it may be because their nov-
ices have twice as many years of experience (5.8 ±
1.5) [12] versus (3.0 ± 1.1 years) the ones in our
study. Although, these authors found no signicant
dierences, they obtained higher values for their
expert group (black and brown belts) compared
to their non-expert group. Nonetheless, the same
authors did nd signicant dierences between BJJ
athletes and non-athletes (other 50 subjects were
used as a control group) for the left hand. Finally,
Corrêa da Silva et al. [24] performed a study with
20 BJJ athletes, we found many parallels with our
research. Firstly, in this study, there are dierences
between elite and non-elite athletes. Secondly, the
criterion of dierentiation between both groups is
very similar to the one we have established in our
research. However, these authors did not measure
hand grip strength with a dynamometer because
they carried out two specic tests of hand grip. e
last similarity between both studies is that these
authors also found signicant dierences between
elite and non-elite BJJ athletes.
If we analyse our data of isometric handgrip strength,
novices (LHG= 43.3 ± 6.6 kgf; RHG= 43.6 ± 7.1
kgf ) and experts (LHG= 49.1 ± 7.0 kgf; RHG=
48.6± 6.1 kgf ) and compare them with the bibliog-
raphy, the data obtained from our experts and novices
are higher than those obtained by BJJ elite athletes
by Andreato et al. [6]. If we only compare the data
recorded from our experts, they are above those
obtained by BJJ adult athletes in Andreato et al. [15],
close to those obtained by BJJ brown and black belts
in Oliveira et al. [12], as above mentioned, and lower
than those obtained by Franchini et al. [4, 25] in BJJ
black belts and BJJ athletes respectively. Moreover,
when compared to other similar sports, which have
been researched, like judo, the data of both our experts
and novices would be close to the data obtained by
Franchini et al. [26] from Brazilian national judo. If
we only focus on the data from our experts and com-
pare them with judokas, our data are clearly below the
senior judokas in Little [27] and the Canadian judo
team in omas et al. [28].
Most authors who have studied hand grip strength in
BJJ have concluded that athletes of this sport do not
have high hand grip strength results [4, 6, 12, 15], we
agree with this statement, especially if we compare
data with high level judokas. However, observing our
results, we think that it is very important that BJJ
athletes reach minimum values, necessary to compete
eectively in high level of this sport. Some authors
suggested that the percentage of grip strength loss
could be related to the corresponding initial maxi-
mum isometric strength [29, 30]. Bonitch-Gongora
et al. [31] are in the same line in their study done with
judokas elite and non-elite, their ndings suggest that
elite judokas are able to develop higher levels of hand-
grip strength and they also have better strategies to
resist successive contractions. erefore, we can state
that having high maximum hand grip strength may
be necessary to improve gripping endurance. ere
is a consensus in the specic bibliography about the
importance of this ability (gripping endurance) [4-6,
12, 15], since the more continuous grip actions per-
formed in BJJ, require the higher resistance in main-
taining constant levels of force over a longer period
of time.
VOLUME 10 | 2014
Original Article
Experts, novices and explosive force
Vertical jumping performance is not described in other
studies regarding BJJ athletes. However, observing our
results, it seems that the jump performance can be a
factor that discriminates between two groups with dif-
ferent levels of training and experience [32, 33].
anks to the results obtained in CMJ jump, we
observed higher explosive strength in the legs of
experts than in novices; this is reected in the sig-
nicant dierences found in relation to three per-
formance variables in the jump: height of jump
(H), peak power (PP), and average power (AP).
Furthermore, regarding the moment when the peak
power was reached, we observe that there are signi-
cant dierences in velocity (V
), but there are not dif-
ferences in force (F
). is means that higher records
in the variables discussed by experts (height, peak
power and average power) are mainly due to their
ability to generate more speed in the CMJ, maintain-
ing strength levels.
We are aware that BJJ is a sport in which the mani-
festations of strength endurance are very important
[6, 13]. However, as we have seen in the results of our
research, athletes with more expertise and experience
also have a good base of explosive strength. is state-
ment is based on authors who explain that the deci-
sive moments, that determine the result of the ght
(guard passes, sweeps, submissions etc), require explo-
sive strength and power. erefore, these skills must
be trained specically in BJJ to improve them [3, 15]
and plan your training, not only to improve your abil-
ities but also so that the athlete has no performance
losses at any specic period of training [5].
Looking at the three performance variables obtained
in CMJ by our experts (H, PP and AP) and com-
pared with other studies found in the literature, our
data are very close to those obtained by Spanish stu-
dents of the Faculty of Sports Science [34], but are
clearly below most explosive athletes such as partic-
ipants of the Spanish National badminton champi-
onship [35]. If we compare the data obtained about
jumps in combat sports such as judo (due to the lack
of evidence in BJJ) to our jump height data, they are
below judo athletes [32], but they are very similar to
Greek trained judokas [33].
To sum up, BJJ athletes have not achieved very high
results in CMJ, especially when compared to highly
explosive athletes like badminton players. However,
observing our data, which led us to dierences
between experts and novices, and considering that
the explosive actions often decide the outcome of
the ght in BJJ, it would be very interesting to fur-
ther investigate in this direction, both in the analysis
of the explosive strength of legs and arms.
Limitations of the study
Since these athletes performed the tests about an
hour before the competition, we selected interest-
ing tests toinvestigate, which would not aect their
subsequent performance during theght. It would
have been interesting to measure the hand grip-
pingendurance and the explosive strength of arms,
as well as to perform a test of repeatedjumps in dif-
ferent level groups just before an important competi-
tion (or ata closestage during the season).
Practical applications
Based on the literature review and the data obtained
in our research, BJJ competitors could include exer-
cises of this type within the specic stage: Work to
improve the isometric handgrip strength, statically
(i.e. sustain grip holding on the gi rolled around the
bar) and exercises to improve the gripping endur-
ance, dynamically (i.e. with chin ups with gi or series
of trx with gi). Furthermore, they should work the
leg power (i.e. box jumps between 80 and 100 cm,
repeated sprints, legs power drills).
BJJ athletes have less fat percentages, which is quite
similar to other combat sports such as wrestling and
It is suggested that BJJ athletes with higher experi-
ence, training, and level (experts), have adaptations
and improvements related to the isometric hand-
grip strength, if we compare them with other ath-
letes with less training time and lower levels (novices).
ese results are also interesting because some authors
have established a direct relationship between isomet-
ric hand grip strength and gripping endurance. e
gripping endurance seems a key factor in the perfor-
mance of BJJ athletes and appears as an essential in
the specic literature.
Moreover, it is suggested that expert athletes have
more power and explosive strength in their legs than
novices because they are able to generate more power
and height in the CMJ test. According to the avail-
able research bibliography, power actions in BJJ are
the ones which often determine the nal result of
the ght.
Diaz-Lara FJ et al. – Body composition, isometric hand grip and explosive strength leg...
We are grateful for the athletes who took part in this
study and for the cooperation of the Camilo José
Cela University, Federação Portuguesa de Jiu-Jitsu
Brasileiro (FPJJB), International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Federation (IBJJF).
coMpetIng Interests
e authors declare that they have no competing
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Cite this article as: Diaz-Lara FJ, García JMG, Monteiro LF et al. Body composition, isometric hand grip and explosive strength leg – similarities and dierences
between novices and experts in an international competition of Brazilian jiu jitsu. Arch Budo 2014; 10: 211-217
... Previous research has demonstrated that maximal strength training and acceleration strength training can enhance kicking and fighting ability [12][13][14][15] and the higher acceleration of the lower body limbs was associated with a higher performance level in combat sports [13,[16][17][18][19][20][21]. The ability 2 to transition quickly from the eccentric to the concentric phase of muscle action is especially vital in executing combat moves, kicks, and jumps [22]. ...
... Regarding peak velocity, our value of 3.1 m/s was slightly higher than in the previous studies (2.55 m/s [49], 2.69 m/s [19], and 3 m/s [36]). The value of the CMJ impact force in our study was 1798 N. Compared with previous studies, it was in the upper half (1190-1235 N [52], 1534-1575 N [20], 1582 N [50], and 1832 N [36]). ...
... The CMJ exhibits similar proximal-distal joint coupling to that of the front kick execution [54,55]. Moreover, the CMJ is a reliable indicator of lower body power [56] and the lower body's power is also important in combat sports performance [20,21]. Therefore, CMJ is used in conjunction with martial arts performance [19,20,51]. ...
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Despite the recognized influence of body mass on combat techniques, the relationship between body segment mass (BSM) and combat moves remains unexplored. This study aimed to examine the relationship between striking arm mass (SAM), kicking leg mass (KLM), and body mass (BM) with the dynamic forces of the direct punches (DP), palm strikes (PS), elbow strikes (ES), front kicks (FK), and countermovement jumps (CMJ) performance. Sixteen male military cadets (22.3 ± 1.8 years, 181.4 ± 7.0 cm, 82.1 ± 8.5 kg) performed combat techniques, with performance measured by using a force plate and body segment mass assessed by Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Spearman's correlation analysis, the Wilcoxon test, and Cohen's d were applied. Results indicated the relationship between KLM or BM and FK impulse (r = 0.64, p = 0.01; r = 0.52, p = 0.04, respectively) and CMJ impact force (r = 0.80, p ≤ 0.01; r = 0.70, p ≤ 0.01, respectively). Moreover, FK peak and impact forces were moderately correlated with CMJ jump height (r = 0.74, p ≤ 0.01; r = 0.77, p ≤ 0.01). The highest relationship was found between KLM and FK impulse; however, the difference in variability explained by KLM versus body mass is only 12%. This suggests that knowledge of BSM did not provide a significantly better estimate of the dynamic forces of the punches and FK than BM.
... However, less is known about body composition. Comparative studies have either reported no differences in body fat percentage among athletes of different levels of skill and experience [7][8][9], differences based on fighting style [10], or lower body fat percentage in elite athletes [11]. The lack of consensus might be explained by inconsistent methods of estimating body fat percentage across studies, inconsistent study controls (e.g., whether the athlete is rapidly cutting weight leading up to a competition), the lack of comparisons between body compartments, and possibly the modulating effect of weight class (i.e., body composition may be differentially relevant across weight classes). ...
... Still, a more favorable ratio between functional (e.g., skeletal muscle) and non-functional (e.g., adipose tissue) mass might allow a fighter to better sustain effort [12,13] and having more lean mass generally translates to greater strength and power [14][15][16]. Indeed, isometric [9,17,18] and dynamic [11,17] assessments have been used to demonstrate greater strength in higher ranking or more experienced BJJ athletes [9,11], but not always [11,17,18]. Andreato and colleagues [2] proposed that the relevance of isometric grip strength might be affected by the stimulus' angle (i.e., grip angle while fighting) and whether an athlete trains or competes with a kimono or gi (i.e., the traditional BJJ uniform). ...
... Still, a more favorable ratio between functional (e.g., skeletal muscle) and non-functional (e.g., adipose tissue) mass might allow a fighter to better sustain effort [12,13] and having more lean mass generally translates to greater strength and power [14][15][16]. Indeed, isometric [9,17,18] and dynamic [11,17] assessments have been used to demonstrate greater strength in higher ranking or more experienced BJJ athletes [9,11], but not always [11,17,18]. Andreato and colleagues [2] proposed that the relevance of isometric grip strength might be affected by the stimulus' angle (i.e., grip angle while fighting) and whether an athlete trains or competes with a kimono or gi (i.e., the traditional BJJ uniform). ...
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To examine relationships between Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) descriptors (belt rank, experience, gi preference, and fighting style), resistance training (RT) experience, and measures of body composition, strength (maximal handgrip, 3-5-repetition maximum [RM] in barbell glute bridge [GB], prone bench row [PBR], and bench press [BP]), and velocity (GB, PBR, and BP at 7 kg and 30–60% 1-RM), 13 experienced (4.3 ± 3.4 years) BJJ athletes were recruited for this cross-sectional, pilot study. Significant (p < 0.05) Kendall’s tau and Bayesian relationships were seen between belt rank and body fat percentage (τ = −0.53, BF10 = 6.5), BJJ experience and body fat percentage (τ = −0.44 to −0.66, BF10 = 2.6–30.8) and GB velocity (τ = −0.45 to −0.46, BF10 = 2.8–3.1), RT experience and strength (τ = 0.44 to 0.73, BF10 = 2.6–75.1) and velocity (τ = −0.44 to 0.47, BF10 = 2.6–3.3), gi preference-training and relative PBR strength (τ = 0.70, BF10 = 51.9), gi preference-competition and height and lean mass (τ = −0.57 to 0.67, BF10 = 5.3–12.4) and BP velocity (τ = −0.52 to 0.67, BF10 = 3.5–14.0). The relevance of body composition and performance measures to sport-specific training and research interpretation are differentially affected by a BJJ athlete’s experience (BJJ, belt rank, RT), gi preferences, and fighting style.
... Selected studies contained data related to the results of maximal dynamic strength or power assessments. For the subsequent metaanalysis phase, data were categorized into two groups: elite and non-elite, based on criteria established by Del Vecchio et al. (2014) and Diaz-Lara et al. (2014). In this context, elite athletes were defined as those holding purple, brown, and black belts, while non-elite athletes comprised white and blue belt holders. ...
... For instance, some studies included specific training volume requirements, such as three months of uninterrupted training with a frequency of three times a week (Coswig et al., 2018), while others required a minimum weekly frequency of 2-3 times a week (Detanico et al., 2021). Interestingly, the inclusion of competition participation as a criterion varied across studies, with some studies not specifying the federation (Coswig et al., 2018;Detanico et al., 2021), whereas others explicitly mentioned participation in the European Open Jiu-Jitsu Championship organized by the IBJJF (Diaz-Lara et al., 2014). Clarification on the type of federation an athlete belongs to, along with other relevant information about recruitment and selection criteria, could have influenced sample quality. ...
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A systematic review with meta-analysis on the dynamic strength and muscle power in elite and non-elite Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) athletes is essential to provide a comprehensive and quantitative evaluation of the physical attributes critical for performance, allowing for a better understanding of the training needs and physical characteristics that distinguish different levels of athletes in this sport. Therefore, this study endeavors to comprehensively synthesize existing literature on muscle strength and power in the context of BJJ, making a comparative analysis between elite and non-elite athletes. The research was conducted up to April 20, 2022, employing the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) protocol to systematically search electronic databases using the keywords: "Brazilian Jiu-jitsu" or "BJJ" or "Jiu-jitsu" and "power" or "muscle power" or "physical fitness" or "muscle strength" or "strength." Following a rigorous selection process, 26 articles were included in the systematic review. Subsequently, the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluations) tool was employed for evidence assessment. The primary assessments of dynamic strength encompassed protocols involving the Bench press, squat, and pull-up-gi. In the context of muscle power, the meta-analysis considered parameters such as the countermovement jump (CMJ), standing long jump, and variables derived from jump power assessed on the force platform, including Peak velocity, peak power, mean power, and maximum force. The data showed a substantial effect size for strength [1.012 (p≤0.0001)] and a moderate effect size for power [0.619 (p≤0.0001)], indicating superior performance among elite athletes compared to their non-elite counterparts. Although power is predominant in most BJJ actions, strength emerges as a crucial element distinguishing elite from non-elite athletes in this sport. This realization carries significant implications for training and injury prevention, as both strength and power necessitate specialized training to enhance performance in the sport. Keywords: Physical Fitness, Martial Arts, Sport Physiology, Musculoskeletal and Neural Physiological Phenomena, Judo
... The results for the BJJ group (x̃ = 234.13) are close to literature values for this sport (x̃ = 234-237) [29,30]. Comparing this with Judo athletes (x̃ = 253.07) ...
Conference Paper
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Among theorists and practitioners, there is a consensus on the significant role of identifying leading priorities in motor efficiency within combat sports disciplines. This is due to the complex structure of tasks in these activities, which require a specialized and focused multi-dimensional motor efficiency function. The aim of this study was to assess the level of differentiation in motor efficiency among athletes who train competitively in different grappling sports, namely Judo and Brazilian JiuJitsu (BJJ). A study was conducted on a purposively selected group of 30 men, consisting of elite grappling athletes, including 15 elite Judokas and 15 elite Brazilian JiuJitsu (BJJ) practitioners. The participants were deliberately relocated and comparatively grouped based on their respective disciplines into two groups: the Judo Group (N=15) and the BJJ Group (N=15). Measurements of selected manifestations of motor potential were taken, including static balance, simple reaction time, trunk flexibility, grip strength, explosive strength, agility, endurance to abdominal and back muscle fatigue, and functional strength in a hanging position. These measurements were conducted using tests from the Eurofit battery, a computer-based coordination ability test, and a specific trial (hanging on a kimono, with a block). Relative strength indices (SW) were also calculated for isometric potential in hanging and hand dynamometry, as well as maximal anaerobic work (MAW) indices for explosive strength. The results were subjected to comparative analysis using statistical procedures (Student's t-test for independent variables, Cohen's d effect size). The level of statistical significance was set at p<0.05. The analysis demonstrated that the tests used to assess the levels of selected aspects of motor fitness significantly differentiated (strong effect) the athletes in terms of the results: static balance (p=0.0049; d=1.12), simple reaction time (p<0.001; d=1.50), grip strength (p=0.039; d=0.80), explosive strength (p<0.001; d=1.66), and agility (p<0.001; d=1.36), with higher levels observed in the Judo group. In the BJJ group, trends were noted in terms of trunk flexibility (p=0.024; d=0.87), abdominal muscle endurance (p=0.007; d=1.09), functional strength in a bent-arm hang on the kimono (p=0.006; d=1.08), and relative isometric dimensions in the hang (p=0.047; d=0.74). For back muscle endurance, MWA and SW1 grip indices, the testing procedure showed comparable results for athletes in both groups (p>0.05). The study results indicate that Judo athletes exhibit a strength-speed profile of motor fitness, suggesting a hierarchy of motor abilities priorities for optimal training and competition performance in this sphere. In contrast, BJJ athletes displayed an endurance-strength profile. A significant role was attributed to the specific and unique isometric endurance for the discipline, especially of the upper limbs in maintaining a prolonged grip on the kimono. The findings allow for the diagnosis and interpretation of motor fitness competencies along with the profile of their key manifestations in Judo and BJJ, which facilitates the optimization of coaching quality control.
... Handgrip strength is an important variable used in sports [9], including martial arts, to test athletes' fitness or evaluate their physical fitness. It is usually applied to persons practicing judo [18,66,67], MMA [12], karate [3,11,17,68,69], or BJJ [1,19,25,31,62,70,71]. However, HGS may only sometimes be a good choice [18]. ...
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Background: Handgrip strength (HGS) is essential in sports, including martial arts, as it can be used to evaluate general athletes’ performance and physical fitness. Reaction time (RT) is another characteristic that is of value in sports based on fast reaction instead of strength. The two measures belong to the same group of coordinative energetic abilities analyzed in sports theory. The available literature suggests that handgrip strength may depend on body weight but can also be affected by other parameters. Additionally, the athlete’s age and martial arts training can impact reaction time. Still, verifying whether the characteristics could be applied to martial arts athletes is crucial. Methods: Several characteristics, such as athletes’ body weight, age, years of training, and skills, were evaluated during a survey of 166 male jiu-jitsu athletes (modern jiu-jitsu) and karate (Shotokan, Kyokushin). HGS was measured based on the dynamometric approach, whereas reaction time was evaluated using Ditrich’s rod method. The data were analyzed using the hierarchical multiple regression method to identify the variables influencing HGS and RT. Furthermore, the classification and regression tree method was implemented to illustrate how variables used in the study influenced HGS or RT. Results: The present study demonstrated that athletes’ body weight is the most significant factor affecting the handgrip strength of male athletes trained in martial arts. It can explain 61% of the HGS variance. Regression analysis of factors influencing reaction time showed that martial arts are the factor that affects the characteristic. However, martial arts can explain up to 17% of the reaction time variance. Based on the classification and regression tree approach, it was shown that HGS depends primarily on athletes’ body weight rather than on their age, skills, and years of training. For reaction time, martial arts were the most significant factor distinguishing between jiu-jitsu and karate participants. The next factor affecting athletes’ classification was years of training. Conclusion: Based on the hierarchical multiple linear regression method and classification and regression tree approach, it was found that athletes’ body weight is the most influential factor affecting the handgrip strength of martial arts practitioners. Reaction time is affected by martial arts. However, using the classification and regression tree approach revealed that additional factors such as athletes’ age, years of training, or skills should be considered. Similarly, reaction time is also affected by years of training. Although our study showed that handgrip strength and reaction time are functions of other variables that can be easily evaluated in trainers’ practice, the two statistical methods cannot reveal the relationships between the variables, suggesting further studies in the field.
... It is also related to sport, as demonstrated in Brazilian jujitsu (BJJ); athletes with higher experience, training, and level (expert group) have more adaptations and improvements than the novice group. Their higher records can be seen in isometric handgrips and the higher explosive strength in their legs (33). ...
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Backgound: Handgrip strength is an important metric used in sports and helps measure athletes' conditions. It is affected by many factors, including athletes’ age, body weight, skills, or years of training. Unfortunately, at least in martial arts, associations among those factors are not apparent. Methods: In the study, 178 athletes training in martial arts (Jujitsu and Karate) were evaluated for their age, years of training, body weight, and skills (belt grade). HGS was measured via the dynamometric measurement of hand force. Moderation analysis was employed to evaluate the relationships between athletes’ body weight and handgrip strength and between athletes’ skills and handgrip strength. Results:It was shown that athletes’ body weight and HGS are moderated preferentially by athletes’ age and then by years of training. It was demonstrated that HGS could be improved by athletes younger than 52 years old. Years of training also moderate the relationship, but the moderation is limited to 39 years of training. The relationship between athletes’ skills and HGS is illustrated by moderated moderation, where triple interaction among skills, age and years of training can explain an additional 12.9% of the HGS variance. Conclusions: The presented study may be used to evaluate relationships between numerous variables associated with HGS and could be vital for constructing statistical models for trainers' purposes.
... So far, however, the differences in achieving results in sports competitions, declared by combat sports athletes differing not only in BMI, but also in the type of fat, muscle mass and bone density, have not been analysed (20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25). Other tests can also be used to determine the potential of the athlete's body and energy expenditure (26,27). ...
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Introduction. Nowadays, the level of physical condition as well as the proper composition of the body gains special importance in terms of proper psychomotor development of children and adolescents. The aim of this research was to obtain knowledge about body tissue composition and selected elements of a healthy lifestyle of combat sports athletes. Materials and methods. The study group consisted of 21 taekwondo athletes. The age of the respondents was 17-18.5 years, training experience M=5.2 years, body height M=175.05 cm and body weight M=71.9. The tool that was used to assess the body composition was the BCA Tanita 545N device and a specially constructed interview questionnaire regarding information on a healthy lifestyle. Results. in the body composition of combat sports athletes, it was found that both partial results and averages are at an adequate level for combat sports athletes to systematic training. Conclusion. It was observed that all individual results of the subjects diagnosed with the BCA Tanita 545 N device are correct and fall within the norms of physically active people, such as people training combat sports. This proves the application of the principles of a healthy lifestyle. We can say that the level of knowledge of taekwondo athletes about a healthy lifestyle is high, because they are able to make a diagnosis, interpret the results and, in the case of values outside the health norm, use a repair algorithm in a professional sense.
... The research conducted by Andreato et al. in 2015 9 was rated as a fair-quality study. The rest of the studies were rated as good quality studies [10][11][12][13] . The risk of bias and individual study quality of cross-sectional studies was assessed with the AXIS 8 . ...
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Jujutsu is a close-contact grappling combat sport. Karate is a long-distance combat sport, primarily using strikes and kicks. Well-designed strength characteristics should be capable of differentiating between participants of martial arts and combat sports, especially if, due to training preferences, they develop particular preferences for grappling or striking that differentiate them, as is the case in jujutsu and karate. One hundred and seventy-eight participants were tested for their age, weight, years of training, style (modern jujutsu, Polish and German groups, karate Kyokushin, karate Shotokan), skill level (Kyu or Dan grade), gender, and handgrip strength (HGS). An analysis of variance utilizing age, weight, years of training, martial art, gender, and skill in explaining HGS showed that variance in skill level and the interaction between skills and weight were significant. Furthermore, a post-hoc Tukey’s HSD test based on skills separated practitioners with the second Kyu from those with the sixth Dan grade. There were two groups identified when a similar analysis was conducted for the interaction between skill and weight. The first one encompassed all athletes below the fifth grade, whereas the second one comprised the remaining practitioners. Principal component analysis with gender as a grouping variable showed that women formed a partly separated group of athletes, with the most differentiating factors being age and years of training. When the grouping variable was skill level, the most influential variables were weight, HGS, and age. Finally, utilizing martial arts as a grouping variable showed that age, years of training, and skill were the essential variables. Our study has demonstrated that by utilizing HGS in combination with such characteristics as weight, age, years of training, gender, Dan grade, and martial arts, it is possible to identify differences between people training distinct martial styles, those with varying skills, and those representing opposite sexes. However, the differentiation is only sometimes apparent.
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Body composition as a meaningful factor can result in physiological responses in both the physical body and general health status. Nevertheless, the schemes for establishing cut-off points for identifying the classifications of the body fat percentage of athletes competing in combat sports still include gaps. The aim of this study was, by using bioimpedanciometry, to calculate the percentiles for the classification of body fat percentages in Lithuanian professional male athletes (n = 52) competing in combat sports with weight classes. A total of 52 Lithuanian professional male athletes competing in combat sports with weight classes were evaluated using a multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis method with frequencies ranging from 1 kHz to 1000 kHz. Percentiles P3, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90, and P97 were used to determine the classification. As a consequence, the following classification categories were assigned: 6.6–7.8% (extremely low); 7.9–10.9% (very low); 11.0–14.7% (below normal); 14.8–18.8% (normal); 18.9–21.5% (above normal); 21.6–29.3% (very excessive); and ≥29.4% (extremely excessive). The assessment of body composition in combat sports athletes identified an inverse association between higher body fat levels and a decrease in the muscle-to-fat ratio (β –1.3, 95% confidence interval (CI): –1.5; –1.0, p < 0.001). The relationship between lower body fat percentage and lighter weight categories in which combat sports athletes from different combat sports were competing has been identified (β 0.3%, 95% CI: 0.2; 0.3, p < 0.0001). The established cut-off points may assist sports medicine professionals and sports dietitians in monitoring the adiposity of combat sports athletes.
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Background & Study Aim: Judo is a combat sport in which the maintenance of handgrip strength is essential because the judokas repeat this action continuously during the struggle for grip. While descriptions of maximal isometric handgrip strength in judokas are relatively common, few data exist concerning the ability to resist successive isometric contractions in the hands and its relation to performance. Te aim of this study was the differences and similarities between elite and non-elite young judokas in terms of maximal isometric handgrip strength and their endurance to this strength. Material & Methods: Seventy-three adolescents participants from three national (elite) and one regional team (non-elite) were tested. Te maximal isometric handgrip strength was recorded during a maximum test of 6 s with an electronic Digimax dynamometer. Te endurance to the isometric handgrip strength was measured by a test consisting of 8 contractions of 10 s each alternating with 10 s of passive rest, and was also recorded with the same machine. Results:The endurance test decreases the relative and mean isometric handgrip strength of male and female judokas (p≤0.01), irrespective of their competitive level. However, male and female elite judokas developed higher levels of relative isometric handgrip strength in the maximum test and during all contractions of the endurance test than non-elite judokas (p≤0.01 for both sexes). In all cases, the non-elite group took longer to reach the maximal isometric handgrip strength (p≤0.05). Conclusions: Maximal isometric handgrip strength and the endurance to this strength were able to distinguish between elite and non-elite young judokas. Coaches should include conditioning programs for both maximal isometric handgrip strength and the ability to resist successive isometric contractions to maximize performance.
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Background and Study Aim: Judo is categorized among events which develop apart from technical aspects many physical abilities such as explosive strength, speed and co-ordination. One representative task which involves the above mentioned abilities when performed from any athlete is the vertical jump. Purpose of this paper is to answer the question: if there are differences between untrained young males and advanced level Greek judo athletes in jumping ability in four different vertical jumping tasks. Material/Methods: Twenty male [(10 untrained/10 advanced ones), mean age: 19.4±1.6 years/ 17.3±1.2 years respectively] performed squat jumps, countermovement jumps and drop jumps from 20 and 40 cm height (DJ20 and DJ40, respectively). Kinetic data for further analysis were collected by a ground mounted 40×60 cm force plate. Results: Advanced young judokas presented higher scores in all examined jumping tasks compared to untrained ones, revealed shorter duration of examined contact times of all tasks and as a result better utilisation of stretch-shortening cycle mechanism. Total neuromuscular activation that adopt judokas reveals a more mature and skill dependent strategy compared to untrained ones. Conclusions: Vertical jump does not characterizes from a technical point of view a judo athlete but it seems that performance in vertical jumping tasks is affected by the participation and years habituation to ballistic and explosive strength training. Judo specific training in advanced-level judokas improves and induces specific neuromuscular alterations as well as performance in various jumping tasks.
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Atletas de diversas modalidades esportivas categorizadas pela massa corporal a reduzem para se enquadrarem em categorias inferiores. Essas reduções podem comprometer o desempenho e a saúde dos atletas. Para a determinação da categoria mais adequada é de suma importância o conhecimento da composição corporal, para que se evite a redução excessiva. Desta forma, o presente estudo buscou analisar o perfil morfológico de atletas de elite de Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. A amostra constitui-se de 11 atletas com 25,8 ± 3,3 anos, medalhistas em competições de nível nacional e/ou internacional. Realizou-se análise antropométrica para determinação de composição corporal e somatotipo. Observou-se percentual de gordura (10,3 ± 2,6%) dentro das indicações para esta população, alto percentual de massa muscular (61,3 ± 1,5%), assim como componente mesomórfico predominante (5,5 ± 1,0). Os pontos de maior e menor acúmulo de gordura foram as regiões abdominal (15,7 ± 6,3mm) e peitoral (6,8 ± 1,5mm), respectivamente. Conclui-se que atletas desta modalidade em período preparatório apresentam peso superior ao peso competitivo (4,4 ± 2,4%), embora apresentem níveis de massa gorda dentro das recomendações, alto percentual de massa muscular e componente mesomórfico predominante.
Published research in English-language journals are increasingly required to carry a statement that the study has been approved and monitored by an Institutional Review Board in conformance with 45 CFR 46 standards if the study was conducted in the United States. Alternative language attesting conformity with the Helsinki Declaration is often included when the research was conducted in Europe or elsewhere. The Helsinki Declaration was created by the World Medical Association in 1964 (ten years before the Belmont Report) and has been amended several times. The Helsinki Declaration differs from its American version in several respects, the most significant of which is that it was developed by and for physicians. The term "patient" appears in many places where we would expect to see "subject." It is stated in several places that physicians must either conduct or have supervisory control of the research. The dual role of the physician-researcher is acknowledged, but it is made clear that the role of healer takes precedence over that of scientist. In the United States, the federal government developed and enforces regulations on researcher; in the rest of the world, the profession, or a significant part of it, took the initiative in defining and promoting good research practice, and governments in many countries have worked to harmonize their standards along these lines. The Helsinki Declaration is based less on key philosophical principles and more on prescriptive statements. Although there is significant overlap between the Belmont and the Helsinki guidelines, the latter extends much further into research design and publication. Elements in a research protocol, use of placebos, and obligation to enroll trials in public registries (to ensure that negative findings are not buried), and requirements to share findings with the research and professional communities are included in the Helsinki Declaration. As a practical matter, these are often part of the work of American IRBs, but not always as a formal requirement. Reflecting the socialist nature of many European counties, there is a requirement that provision be made for patients to be made whole regardless of the outcomes of the trial or if they happened to have been randomized to a control group that did not enjoy the benefits of a successful experimental intervention.