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Best Practices in Data Cleaning: A Complete Guide to Everything You Need to Do Before and After Collecting Your Data


Abstract and Figures

Many researchers jump straight from data collection to data analysis without realizing how analyses and hypothesis tests can go profoundly wrong without clean data. This book provides a clear, step-by-step process to examining and cleaning data in order to decrease error rates and increase both the power and replicability of results. Jason W. Osborne, author of Best Practices in Quantitative Methods (SAGE, 2008) provides easily-implemented suggestions that are research-based and will motivate change in practice by empirically demonstrating for each topic the benefits of following best practices and the potential consequences of not following these guidelines. If your goal is to do the best research you can do, draw conclusions that are most likely to be accurate representations of the population(s) you wish to speak about, and report results that are most likely to be replicated by other researchers, then this basic guidebook is indispensible.
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Data Cleaning Basics: Best Practices in
Dealing with Extreme Scores
Jason W. Osborne, PhD
In quantitative research, it is critical to perform data cleaning to ensure that the conclusions drawn from the
data are as generalizable as possible, yet few researchers report doing so (Osborne JW. Educ Psychol.
2008;28:1-10). Extreme scores are a significant threat to the validity and generalizability of the results. In this
article, I argue that researchers need to examine extreme scores to determine which of many possible causes
contributed to the extreme score. From this, researchers can take appropriate action, which has many
laudatory effects, from reducing error variance and improving the accuracy of parameter estimates to reducing
the probability of errors of inference.
Keywords: Data cleaning; Extreme scores; Outliers; Parameter estimates
Most authors of peer-reviewed journal articles go to great
lengths to describe their study, the research methods, the
sample, the statistical analyses used, results, and conclusions
based on those results. However, few seem to mention data
cleaning (which can include screening for extreme scores,
missing data, normality, etc). To be sure, some of the
researchers do check their data for these things (and may
neglect to report having done that), but Osborne
examined 2
years' worth of empirical articles in top-tier Educational
Psychology journals, none explicitly discussed any data cleaning.
There is no reason to believe that the situation is different in
other disciplines.
The goal of this article is to discuss the issue of extreme
scores, which can dramatically increase risk for errors of
inference, problems with generalizability (biased estimates), and
suboptimal power (some robust procedures and nonpara-
metric tests are incorrectly considered to be immune from these
sorts of issues; howev er, even robust and nonparametric tests
benefit from clean data
The goal of this article is to highlight why it is critical to
screen data for extreme scores and specific suggestions for how
to deal with them.
What Are Extreme Scores and Why Do
We Care About Them?
An extreme score, or data point far outside the normal
distribution for a variable or population,
is also described as
an observation that deviates so much from other observations
as to arouse suspicions that it was generated by a different
Arguably, if an extreme score has origins in a
different mechanism or population, it does not belong in your
analysis. Outliers have also been defined as values that are
dubious in the eyes of the researcher
and contaminants,
of which lead to the same conclusion.
So Why Do We Care About Extreme Values?
Extreme values can cause serious problems for statistical
analyses. First, they generally serve to increase error variance and
reduce the power of statistical tests. Second, if nonrandomly
distributed, they can substantially alter the odds of making both
type I and type II errors. Third, they can seriously bias or
influence estimates that may be of substantive interest because
they may not be generated by the population of interest.
What Is an Extreme Score?
There is as much controversy over what constitutes an
extreme score as whether to remove them or not. It is always a
good idea to visually inspect data before any other analysis.
Simple rules of thumb (eg, data points 3 or more SDs from the
mean) are good starting points, unless the sample is particularly
I recommend examining scores at or beyond 3 SDs
from the mean, as in a normally distributed population, the
probability of an individual being more than 3 SDs from the
mean by random chance alone is 0.26%. Because of this, we
have a strong basis for suspecting data points beyond ±3 SD
from the mean are not generated by the population of interest and
as such should be dealt with in some fashion.
Bivariate and multivariate outliers are typically measured
using either an index of influence or leverage, or distance.
Popular indices include Mahalanobis' distance and Cook's D are
both frequently used to calculate the leverage (influence) that
specific cases may exert on the predicted value of the regression
Standardized or studentized residuals in regression and
analysis of variance (ANOVA)-type analyses can also help
From North Carolina State University.
Address correspondence to Jason W. Osborne, PhD, North Carolina State
University, Curriculum and Instruction and Counselor Education, Poe
602c, Campus Box 7801, NCSU, Raleigh, NC 27695-7801. E-mail:
© 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
identify within-group outliers. The z = ±3 rule works well for
standardized residuals as well.
What Causes Extreme Scores and What
Should We Do About Them?
Extreme scores can arise from (at least) six possible reasons
for data points that may be suspect. First note that not all
extreme scores ar e illegitimate contaminants, and not all
illegitimate scores show up as extreme scores.
It is therefo re
important t o consider the range of c auses that may be
responsible for extreme scores. Inferred cause can then inform
what action a researcher should take with a given extreme score.
Extreme Scores From Data Errors
Extreme scores are often caused by errors in data collection,
recording, or entry. Data from an interview or survey can be
recorded incorrectly, or mis-keyed upon data entry (eg, a
survey respondent reporting yearly wage rather than hourly
wage). Errors of this nature can often be corrected by returning
to the original documents, recalculating or inferring the correct
response, or recontacti ng the original participant. This can save
important data and eliminate an problematic extreme score.
Extreme Scores From Intentional or
Motivated Misreporting
Motivated misreporting by research participants is a long-
discussed source of bias in data. A participant may make a
conscious effort to sabotage the research,
or may be acting
from social desir ability or self-presentation motives. Identifying
and reducing this issue is difficult, unless researchers take care
to triangulate or validate data in some manner. Osborne and
summarizes several ap proaches to identifying
response sets such as this. If you suspect motivated mis-
responding in your data, you should probably remove that
participant, because the data are being influenced by more than
the phenomena you wish to examine.
Extreme Scores From Sampling Error or Bias
No sampling framework is perfect, and sampling error or
bias can produce extreme scores by erroneously including
individuals from populations not intended to be sampled.
For example, some colleagues and I
randomly sampled
registered nurses from licensure rolls for a survey on
organizational commitment. As part of this survey, we asked
nurses to report their salary. Upon examining some very
extreme scores, we discovered we had inadvertently
surveyed some registered nurses who had moved into
hospital administration (with a much higher salary) but who
had also maintaine d their nursing license. These cases, being
extreme and not of the population of interest (floor nurses)
were removed.
Extreme Scores From Standardization Failure
Unexpectedly, extreme scores can be caused by research
methodology, particularly if something anomalous happened
during a particular subject's experience. Unusual phenomena
such as construction noise outside a res earch laboratory or an
experimenter feeling particularly grouchy, or even events
outside the context of the research laboratory, such as a student
protest, a rape, or murder on campus, observations in a
classroom the day before a big holiday recess, and so on can
produce outlier s. Faulty or noncalibrated equipment is another
common cause of extreme scores.
Let us consider two possible cases in relation to this source of
outliers. In the first case, we might have a piece of equipment in
our laboratory that was miscalibrated, yielding measurements
that were extremely different from other days' measurements. If
the miscalibration results in a fixed change to the score that is
consistent or predictable across all measurements (eg, all
measurements are off by 100), then adjustment of the scores is
appropriate. If there is no clear way to defensibly adjust the
measurements, they must be discarded.
Extreme Scores From Faulty Distributional
Incorrect assumptions about the distribution of the data can
also lead to the presence of suspected outliers.
Blood sugar
levels, disciplinary referrals, scores on classroom tests where
students are well-prepared, and self-reports of low-frequency
behaviors (eg, number of times a student has been suspended or
held back a grade) may give rise to highly nonnormal
distributions. These distributions may look like they have a
substantial number of extreme scores, but after transformation
(s) to improve normality,
it might be the case that few, if any,
of the data points are subsequently identified as outliers.
The data presented in Fig 1 on 180 students taking an
examination in an undergraduate psychology class shows a
highly skewed distribution with a mean of 87.50 and an SD of
8.78. Although one could argue that the lowest scores on this
test are outliers because they are more than 3 SDs below the
Fig 1. Performance on class unit examination,
Undergraduate Education Psychology Course.
VOLUME 10, NUMBER 1, www.nainr.c om
mean, a better interpretation is that the data are not normally
distributed. In this case, a transformation should be used to
normalize the data before analysis of extreme scores should
occur or analyses appropriate for nonnormal distributions
should be used.
Extreme Scores as Legitimate Cases Sampled From
the Correct Population
Finally, it is possible that an outlier can come from the
population being sampled legitimately through random chance.
It is important to note that sample size plays a role in the
probability of outlying values. Within a normally distributed
population, it is more probable that a given data point will be
drawn from the most densely concentrated area of the
distribution, rather than one of the tails.
As a researcher
casts a wider net and the data set becomes larger, the more the
sample resembles the population from which it was drawn, and
thus, the likelihood of legitimate individual outlying values
becomes greater, although as a percentage of the sample, they
become less significant overall.
When extreme scores occur as a function of the inherent
variability of the data, opinions differ widely on what to do.
When legitimate extreme scores are in a data set, they can have
deleterious effects on power, accuracy, and type I/II error rates.
One way to deal wit h them is to use truncation , in which you
specify an upper reasonable limit to your dat a and recode higher
scores to that number (eg, in a study of adolescents one
indicated he had 99 close friends, yet by our definition that
would be impossible; thus, we recoded all responses above 15
(the highest reasonable number of close friends) to 15). This
keeps all data in the sample while at the same time reducing the
influence of these scores. Data transformations (eg, square root
and log) also have the effect of reducing the effect of extreme
scores when used appropriately.
Alternatively, extreme scores can present an opportunity for
inquiry. When researchers in Africa discovered some women
who had been repeatedly exposed to human immun odeficiency
virus over several years but remained uninfected,
represent potential for an important advance in understanding.
Thus, before discarding outliers, researchers need to consid er
whether those data contain valuable information that may not
necessarily relate to the intended study but have importance in a
more global sense.
To be clear on this point, no matter the inferred cause of
the extreme score, it must be dealt with in some fashion and
that decision should be reported and defended in any
research rep orts that involve the data. Extreme scores should
be corrected, removed, truncated, reduced in importance
through data transformation, or separated from the rest of the
sample for separate study. This affords the most replicable,
honest estimate of the population parameters possible.
Not only are basic parameter estimates closer to population
values when illegitimate extreme values are removed, but
inferential statistics (correlations, t tests, etc) have substan-
tially lower error rate.
Advanced Techniques for Dealing With Extreme
Scores: Robust Methods
Instead of transformations or truncation, researchers some-
times use various robust procedures to protect their data from
being distorted by the presence of outliers. Certain par ameter
estimates, especially the mean and least squares estimations, are
particularly vulnerable to outliers, or have low breakdown
Fig 2. Distribution of SES.
Fig 3. Distribution of SES with 4% outliers.
values. For this reason, researchers turn to robust or high
breakdown methods to provide alternative estimates for these
important aspects of the data.
A common robust estimation method for univariate
distributions involves the use of a trimmed mean, which is
calculated by temporarily eliminating extreme observations at
both ends of the sample.
Alternatively, researchers may
choose to compute a Windsorized mean, for which the highest
and lowest observations are temporarily censored and replaced
with adjacent values from the remaining data.
Assuming that the distribution of prediction errors is close to
normal, several common robust regression techniques can help
reduce the influence of outlying data points. The least trimmed
squares and the leas t median of squares es timators are
conceptually similar to the trimmed mean, helping to minimize
the scatter of the prediction errors by eliminating a specific
percentage of the largest positive and negative outliers,
Windsorized regression smoothes the Y-data by replacing
extreme residuals with the next closest value in the dataset.
Many options exist for analysis of nonideal variables. In
addition to the abovementioned options, analysts can choose
from nonparametric analyses, because these types of analyses
have few if any distributional assumptions, although research by
do point out that even nonparametric analyses
suffer from outlier cases.
The Effects of Extreme Scores and Their
Removal on Individual Variables
Extreme scores have several specific effects on variables that
are otherwise norma lly distributed. To illustrate this, we will use
socioeconomic status (SES)
that represents a composite of family
income and social status based on parent occupation. In this
data set, the scores were transformed to z scores. This variable
shows strong normality, with a skew of 0.001 (0.00 is
perfectly symmetrical; as depicted in Fig 2).
Samples from this distribution should also share these
distributional traits, especially large samples. For example, a
relatively large sample of n = 416 that included 4% extreme
scores on one side of the distribution (high-poverty students),
the distribution properties changed substantially (as depicted
in Fig 3):
The skew is now 2.18. Substantial error has been added to
the variable (SD is increased 56%), and it is clear that those 16
students at the very bottom of the distribution do not belong to
the normal population of interest. Removal of these outliers
returned the distribution to a mean of 0.02, SD = 0.78, skew =
0.01, not significantly different from the original population of
over 24000.
Osborne and Overbay
performed similar simulations of
the effects o f small numbers of outliers o n repeated samples
from a known population in the context of correlation and
ANOVA-type analyses. The effects were striking.
From the National Centers for Educational Statistics NELS 88
data set.
Table 1. The effects of outliers on correlations
Population, (r)N
initial r
cleaned rt
% More
% Errors
before cleaning
% Errors after
cleaning T
0.06 52 0.01 0.08 2.5
95 78 8 13.40
104 0.54 0.06 75.44
100 100 6% 39.38
416 0 0.06 16.09
70 0 21 5.13
0.46 52 0.27 0.52 8.1
89 53 0 10.57
104 0.15 0.50 26.78
90 73 0 16.36
416 0.30 0.50 54.77
95 0 0
One hundred samples were randomly drawn for each row. Outliers were actual members of the population who scored at least z = ±3 on the relevant variable.
With n = 52, a correlation of 0.274 is significant at P b .05. With n = 104, a correlation of 0.196 is significant at P b .05. With n = 416, a correlation of 0.098 is
significant at P b .05, two tailed.
P b .01.
P b .001.
Fig 4. Correlation of SES and achievement, with
4% outliers.
VOLUME 10, NUMBER 1, www.nainr.c om
Table 2. The effects of outliers on t tests
Outliers n
difference t
mean difference
initial t
cleaned tt
errors before
errors after
cleaning t
Equal group means,
outliers in one cell
52 0.34 0.18 3.70
66.0 0.20 0.12 1.02 2.0 1.0 b1
104 0.22 0.14 5.36
67.0 0.05 0.08 1.27 3.0 3.0 b1
416 0.09 0.06 4.15
61.0 0.14 0.05 0.98 2.0 3.0 b1
Equal group means,
outliers in both cells
52 0.27 0.19 3.21
53.0 0.08 0.02 1.15 2.0 4.0 b1
104 0.20 0.14 3.98
54.0 0.02 0.07 0.93 3.0 3.0 b1
416 0.15 0.11 2.28
68.0 0.26 0.09 2.14
3.0 2.0 b1
Unequal group means,
outliers in one cell
52 4.72 4.25 1.64 52.0 0.99 1.44 4.70
82.0 72.0 2.41
104 4.11 4.03 0.42 57.0 1.61 2.06 2.78
68.0 45.0 4.70
416 4.11 4.21 0.30 62.0 2.98 3.91 12.97
16.0 0.0 4.34
Unequal group means,
outliers in both cells
52 4.51 4.09 1.67 56.0 1.01 1.36 4.57
81.0 75.0 1.37
104 4.15 4.08 0.36 51.0 1.43 2.01 7.44
71.0 47.0 5.06
416 4.17 4.07 1.16 61.0 3.06 4.12 17.55
10.0 0.0 3.13
One hundred samples were drawn for each row. Outliers were actual members of the population who scored at least z = ± 3 on the relevant variable.
P b .05.
P b .01.
P b .001.
The Effect of Extreme Scores on
Correlations and Regression
As Table 1 demonstrates, outliers had adverse effects on
correlations. Removal of the outliers produced more accurate
(ie, closer to the known population correlation) estimates of
the population correlation 70% to 100% of the time.
Furthermore, in most cases errors of inference were significantly
less common (between 89.7%100% of errors of inference were
eliminated for all but the largest data sets, which had few errors
of inference). with cleaned than uncleaned data.
As Fig 4 shows, a few randomly chosen outliers in a sample
of 100 can cause substantial mis-estimation of the population
correlation. In the sample of almost 24 000 students, these two
variables were correlated very strongly, r = 0.46. In this
particular example, the correlation with 4% outliers in the
analysis was r = 0.16 and was not significant, whereas after
removal of the extreme scores, the correlation closely estimated
the expected magnitude (r = 0.48).
The Effect of Outliers on t Tests
and ANOVAs
The second example deals with analyses that look at group
mean differences, such as t tests and ANOVA. For the purpose
of simplicity, these analyses are simple t tests, but these results
easily generalize to more complex analyses such as ANOVA.
For these analyses, two different conditions were examined:
when there were no significant differences between the groups
in the population (sex differences in SES produced a mean
group difference of 0.0007 with an SD of 0.80 and with 24
501 df produced a t of 0.29) and when there were significant
group differences in the population (sex differences in
mathematics achievement test scores produced a mean
difference of 4.06 and an SD of 9.75 and 24 501 df produced
a t of 10.69, P b .0001).
The results in Table 2 again illustrate the expected effects of
outliers on t test analyses designs. Removal of outliers had
beneficial effects, in that the results tended to become more like
the population: for both groups, differences and t statistics
became more accurate in most the samples.
Missing Data as a Special Case of
Extreme Score
Missing data can be thought of as another potential type of
extreme score. As such, much of the previous discu ssion
applies. Ther e are multiple reasons why data might be missing,
and it is important to attempt to ascertain the reason for
missingness, just as extremeness. Cole gives a much more
thorough treatment of how to analyze and deal with missing
data, for those interested.
However, one underutilized technique is analyzing differ-
ences between those with missing data and those with complete
data. F or example, researchers can code a variable that
represents which category each subject falls into and then can
analyze other data as a function of missingness to determine if
missingness is associated with particular subgroups or other
variables. This can shed important light onto whether
missingness can be causing significant bias.
In sum, the best, most sophisticated ana lyses must be
considered flawed if quantitative researchers do not take the
time to thoroughly understand and examine the ir data to
ensure the best possible outc ome (ie, the most accurate,
generalizable representation of the population). Although over
a century of wri tings on quantitative methods has yielded a
very diverse set of opinions about this topic, analyses and
principles summarized herein should convince the readers
that it is in their best interest to thoroughly clean their data
before analysis.
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... These measurement errors associated with exposure to air pollutants have negative impacts on the estimation of health effects [3,4]. Likewise, data acquisition and manual entry into analytical software can lead to errors, because each data matrix involves several variables for each data point [5]. Hence, data preprocessing, particularly data cleansing, is assumed to be an essential step for eliminating such errors. ...
... Essential data screening and preprocessing may include, but are not limited to, checking and removing outliers, standardization using the Z scores method, estimation of communalities, checking the existence of multicollinearity, imputation of missing data, and removal of questionable variable/s from the dataset [5,8]. However, managing environmental quality data differs from managing data in a business and industrial setting, owing to the fact that heavy data cleansing may distort reality, whereas in fact environmental conditions are always changing [1,9]. ...
... The Mahalanobis distance is considered a multidimensional generalization for estimating the distance of each point from the population mean, expressed as standard deviation values. Although the approach provides a quantitative result regarding the existence of outliers, it is based on a normal distribution assumption of data, where such an assumption is not always true with real datasets [5,42]. ...
... Firstly, the normality of the data was determined in the case of the questionnaires for students and employers using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Significance values of p < 0.05 were obtained, so non-parametric tests were considered for the statistical analysis [45]. ...
... Participants who did not complete all sections were not included; they were removed via a listwise deletion strategy. Outliers above or below three standard deviations would be removed (Osborne 2012), but we did not find any extreme outliers. An independent t-test (two samples) between the pre-and post-surveys will compare participants' answers. ...
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The didactic class is a pedagogical tool meant to increase classroom interactivity by encouraging student discussion of real-life cases in connection with theory. This paper evaluates the pedagogical impact of using a one-off didactic class where an external expert is brought in to discuss how to relate a cognitive psychology course’s content to real-life problems. Using a mixed-methods approach, we measure the undergraduate students’ sense of conceptual understanding, their perspective on applying cognitive sciences, their sense of belonging to the department, and their motivation to work. Students’ sense of understanding and their perspective in applying cognitive sciences to real-world problems significantly increased after this class. However, we found no significant differences in their sense of belonging to the department or their motivation to study. This suggests didactic classes may further course-specific content but do not change broader aspects of motivation or belonging. The qualitative interviews support the quantitative results. Students reported that didactic class made them think laterally about content from other modules and how they could apply theoretical insights to real-world problems, which boosted confidence. Students reported great satisfaction with the didactic class. Of course, the speaker must be relevant to the course content, and students should feel empowered and able to speak in class. However, these are practical concerns that should not discourage lecturers from exploring didactic classes as a fun and instructive tool that has significant pedagogical benefits.
... However, due to the limited recoverability, it is still unclear how to identify causal structure in the presence of the selfmasking missingness mechanism, which is believed to be the most commonly encountered in practice (Osborne 2013), e.g., smokers do not answer any questions about their smoking behavior in insurance applications, and people with very high or low income do not disclose their income (Mohan 2018). ...
Missing data are an unavoidable complication frequently encountered in many causal discovery tasks. When a missing process depends on the missing values themselves (known as self-masking missingness), the recovery of the joint distribution becomes unattainable, and detecting the presence of such self-masking missingness remains a perplexing challenge. Consequently, due to the inability to reconstruct the original distribution and to discern the underlying missingness mechanism, simply applying existing causal discovery methods would lead to wrong conclusions. In this work, we found that the recent advances additive noise model has the potential for learning causal structure under the existence of the self-masking missingness. With this observation, we aim to investigate the identification problem of learning causal structure from missing data under an additive noise model with different missingness mechanisms, where the `no self-masking missingness' assumption can be eliminated appropriately. Specifically, we first elegantly extend the scope of identifiability of causal skeleton to the case with weak self-masking missingness (i.e., no other variable could be the cause of self-masking indicators except itself). We further provide the sufficient and necessary identification conditions of the causal direction under additive noise model and show that the causal structure can be identified up to an IN-equivalent pattern. We finally propose a practical algorithm based on the above theoretical results on learning the causal skeleton and causal direction. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real data demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.
Asumiendo un proverbio de Séneca —mientras enseñamos, aprendemos— debemos entender el oficio del historiador como una profesión en continua renovación, nutriéndonos de nuevos aspectos que mejoren la metodología y las técnicas de la ciencia, descartando aquellos que quedan obsoletos. Desde hace tres décadas, la aportación de metodologías provenientes de otras disciplinas, como la informática y los estudios de Humanidades han ido convergiendo en la disciplina conocida como Humanidades Digitales. Aunque estas técnicas computacionales han introducido nuevos métodos para la identificación de patrones en los datos y prometen acelerar los procesos de análisis de la creciente masa de datos, divergen de la narrativa tradicional y sus métodos. En este sentido, experiencias recientes permiten discutir los beneficios y límites del vínculo entre métodos y técnicas tradicionales, por un lado, aquellas que son computacionales, por otro, a la hora de preparar resultados científicos. Así, creemos que sin perder de vista la esencia básica del historiador de sumergirse continuamente en la lectura y análisis de las fuentes, los cambios de paradigma de la ciencia pueden asumirse adoptando esta nueva técnica. Ahora, con perspectiva, miramos los límites que la propia convergencia ofrece y aquí presentamos nuestra experiencia más reciente para mejorar su desempeño.
The purpose of the article is to introduce the Personal Social Responsibility Scale – a tool used to measure the intensity and multidimensionality of Personal Social Responsibility, and the process of its’ creation. The authors conceptualized the scale and conducted research on a sample of 3019 people. Based on this research, a 19-question scale was built, referring to 6 dimensions of social responsibility: Self-Responsibility, Care for Natural Resources, Care for Animals, Care for Family and Friends, Care for the Future of the World, and Activism.
To remove the influence of spuriously long response times, many investigators compute "restricted means," obtained by throwing out any response time more than 2.0, 2.5, or 3.0 standard deviations from the overall sample average. Because reaction time distributions are skewed, however, the computation of restricted means introduces a bias: the restricted mean underestimates the true average of the population of response times. This problem may be very serious when investigators compare restricted means across conditions with different numbers of observations, because the bias increases with sample size. Simulations show that there is substantial differential bias when comparing conditions with fewer than 10 observations against conditions with more than 20. With strongly skewed distributions and a cutoff of 3.0 standard deviations, differential bias can influence comparisons of conditions with even more observations.
In this study, methods are examined that can be described, somewhat paradoxically, as robust nonparametric statistics. Although nonparametric tests effectively control the probability of Type I errors through rank randomization, they do not always control the probability of Type II errors and power, which can be grossly inflated or deflated by the shape of distributions. The power of the Student t test and the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test declines substantially when samples are obtained from outlier-prone densities, including mixed-normal, Cauchy, lognormal, and mixed-uniform densities. However, the nonparametric test acquires an advantage, because outliers influence the t test to a relatively greater extent. Under these conditions, an outlier detection and downweighting (ODD) procedure, usually associated with parametric significance tests, augments the power of both the t test and the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test.
Extremely deviant scores, or outliers, reduce the probability of Type I errors of the Student t test and, at the same time, substantially increase the probability of Type II errors, so that power declines. The magnitude of the change depends jointly on the probability of occurrence of an outlier and its extremity, or its distance from the mean. Although outliers do not modify the probability of Type I errors of the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test, they nevertheless increase the probability of Type II errors and reduce power. The effect on this nonparametric test depends largely on the probability of occurrence and not the extremity. Because deviant scores influence the t test to a relatively greater extent, the nonparametric method acquires an advantage for outlier-prone densities despite its loss of power.
If one reading is a long way from the rest in a series of replicate determinations, or if in a least-squares analysis one reading is found to have a much greater residual than the others, there is temptation to reject it as spurious. Numerous criteria for the rejection of outliers have been proposed and discussed during the past 100 years. They seem always to have been regarded as something like significance tests, and attention has been focussed on rejection rates. It is suggested that rejection rules are not significance tests but insurance policies, and attention would be better focussed on error variance. A detailed study is made of the effect of routine application of rejection criteria to replicate determinations of a single value. Determinations in triplicate and quadruplicate are especially considered. Complex patterns of observations are also considered, especially factorial arrangements with high symmetry, and there is a study of the correlations between residuals. Attention is focussed mainly on rejection rules appropriate when the population variance is known, but some consideration is also given to Studentieed rules.