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Text is not the enemy: How illiterates' use their mobile phones



Despite 800 million illiterate people worldwide little research has aimed at understanding how they use and appropriate mobile phones. We interviewed illiterate immigrants living in Switzerland to inform the design of phones and applications for illiterate users. We report on their use, coping strategies, and appropriation of mobile devices and other media to manage their lives. We found that text represented a valuable component for managing contacts in current smart phones. We provide design recommendations for mobile phone interfaces for illiterate and semi-literate users.
Text is not the enemy:
How illiterates’ use their mobile phones
Hendrik Knoche
Station 14, IC LDM
Jeffrey Huang
Station 14, IC LDM
Despite 800 million illiterate people worldwide little
research has aimed at understanding how they use and
appropriate mobile phones. We interviewed illiterate
immigrants living in Switzerland to inform the design of
phones and applications for illiterate users. We report on
their use, coping strategies, and appropriation of mobile
devices and other media to manage their lives. We found
that text represented a valuable component for managing
contacts in current smart phones. We provide design
recommendations for mobile phone interfaces for illiterate
and semi-literate users.
Author Keywords
HCI4D, ICTD, illiteracy, mobile phone use, touch screens
ACM Classification Keywords
H5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI):
General Terms
Human Factors, Languages
Around 800 million people worldwide cannot read or write
their mother tongue. Most of them live in developing
countries and the majority of those in rural areas. The
business model of mobile phones has proved viable in
developing countries and coverage has been improving
despite infrastructural shortcomings in terms of, e.g. the
availability of electricity. Penetration of mobile devices has
taken off despite limited power availability for charging
devices, high call charges, and high cost of ownership
relative to income. While much ICTD (information
communication for development) research has found
problems and shortcomings of mobile user interfaces (UI)
in usability tests, e.g. icons that are not culturally adapted
[7], no local language support and hardly any support for
illiterate users, uptake of these devices in the wild” is
staggering. It is clear that incentives to overcome initial UI
hurdles are underappreciated [13]. Given the current
technological speed of advances in the mobile domain we
can assume that within the next few years low-end smart
phones (most likely with touch screens) will become
affordable for illiterates in developing countries. We look
at how illiterate immigrants in Switzerland have
appropriated smart and feature phones in their daily life to
inform the design of smart phones UIs to make them more
accessible and easier to use by illiterates.
The background summarizes previous ICTD work on
illiterates and user interfaces (UI) tailor made for them. The
results from interviews we conducted with illiterates
include their use, coping strategies, and appropriation of
mobile devices and other media to manage their lives. In
the discussion we argue for better supporting text in
conjunction with other media in mobile devices for
illiterate and semi-literates.
Literacy can be defined in many ways. The U.N. defines a
literate person as someone who can “…with understanding,
both read and write a short simple statement in his or her
everyday life [15]. Illiterate people may have basic
numeracy skills, i.e., they can to some degree understand,
read and write numbers. The two most noteworthy
exceptions to the dearth of published research on illiterate
mobile phone use are Chipcase [2] and Lalji et al. [7].
Conducting ethnographic studies of illiterate mobile users
in several Asian countries, Chipchase reported that while
illiterates could successfully turn on their phones and
accept incoming calls, dialing numbers to make outgoing
calls proved difficult for some. Nor could the illiterate users
send text messages or use the address book on their phone.
Lalji et al. found that illiterates used call logs in lieu of the
address book [7] but that this proved challenging when
having to remember how many calls ago someone had
More research on illiterates and their needs mobile phone
UIs has been conducted in lab studies. This body of
research concurred about the value of audio support and
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graphics in UIs for illiterates but provided differing
recommendations or went against current design
conventions. Controversial UI topics included the issues of
in- [16] or exclusion [12],[11] of text labels, and use of
drawings [10] instead of icons. Common UI components -
the concept of soft-keys, vertical scrollbars, short text
labels [8], [9] and the concept of a focus in lists [7] - were
described as hard to understand. To some degree, these
findings run counter to Chipchase and Lalji et al.’s results,
the large increase in mobile phone ownership of illiterates
and semi-literates despite employment of these UI
concepts, and that computer literates had to learn these
conventions, too. We need to understand how illiterates
eventually use their mobile phones when embedded in a
socio-technical context in real life. In summary, more
research is warranted, especially considering the rapid
uptake of mobile phones in the developing world by
illiterate and semi-literate users and the current changes in
the mobile phone market with its trend towards smart and
touch screen phones.
We carried out semi-structured interviews (60-90minutes in
duration) in cafes or the participants homes. All
9 participants (7f, 2m) had immigrated from Africa or Latin
America to Switzerland and recently started a course to
learn how to read and write. The interview included topics
such as a typical day, problems or inconveniences faced,
media used in the home, means of communication and
information, interacting with necessary machinery, e.g.
automated teller machines (ATMs), and a focus on the use
of their mobile phones. We wanted to know how they
received and placed calls and managed contacts; we also
probed for other functions that they used.
Outside the phone
Our participants employed a number of strategies to
retrieve telephone numbers of contacts that were stored on
paper, e.g. business cards, telephone registers and pieces of
paper that they could tell apart from spatial arrangements
locations in note- or telephone registers, special colors of
ink or paper, patterns, doodles, or shapes of paper, business
cards (some enhanced with the owners’ pictures). Spatial
location in the homes (near or on doors, fridges, calendars,
telephone register) aided recall through opportunistic
encounters and provision of additional context.
Unlike in Lalji’s study our interviewees could all tell digital
time and read numbers. Almost half of the Swiss
participants made use of paper calendars to some degree.
Almost exclusively they only noted down the times of
meetings in the slot for a day (on calendars with a grid) not
with whom or where. One exception to these handwritten
notes were cards given to them for doctor’s appointments
that contained the time, date and contextual information
about the doctor.
Our interviewees faced problems finding their way around
or recovering from getting lost in the city. They often asked
for directions, described landmarks to friends on the phone
or took taxis home to recover from being lost. They also
had trouble meeting dietary or religious requirements when
shopping for food.
Living in a foreign country, our participants needed to stay
in touch with family and friends in their home countries.
Calling abroad was expensive and they often used internet
cafes’ to make calls through special operators or VoIP,
which required synchronizing with the other party to be at a
certain place at a certain time. Many considered
asynchronous communication such as SMS a convenient
and cost-efficient alternative for staying in touch.
Moreover, some had been asked by others to send texts
rather than call. However, the need to read and write
seemed an insurmountable barrier to using the SMS feature
to contact people.
Inside the phone
The director of the school who put us in contact with our
participants was not sure whether they were actually using
mobile phones. However, all of our interviewees owned at
least one mobile phone. The phones they used were
surprisingly advanced and expensive. The latest iPhones or
other fashionable feature phones were common. A typical
response when prompted about their decision to obtain
these high-end phones was: Everyone has these [pointing
to his iPhone] now so why shouldn’t I? Just because I
cannot read doesn’t mean that I’m stupid.” However, due
to their high reliance on voice calls many participants had
relatively expensive calling plans and the interviewee
above had been offered the iPhone as a free upgrade to his
99 CHF per month plan.
Rote memorization
The speed at which they traversed the phone menus was the
same as for literate people. We often had to ask our
interviewees to slow down when they were showing us
how they performed certain tasks on their phones. They
mastered important functionality through rote learning:
After I have clicked on this icon I need to go down twice
and then click! - I’m done.” This was the same technique
that they used to learn how to operate other important
digital interfaces such as ATMs and game consoles. Family
or friends assisted during the memorization phase and they
repeated the procedures in their presence as many times as
needed. Icons served as landmarks and sometimes the
shape or length of text allowed the people to orient
themselves in the interface. Continuous help was necessary
for smart phone owners to download apps, games, music,
ringtones, install customizations (e.g. a different unlock
button on the iPhone) and both celebrity and personal
picture wallpapers.
Text messaging
All of them had received text messages, though they were
often unsolicited. How they dealt with received text
messages varied and depended to some degree on the
content. Some had developed simple heuristics in detecting
unsolicited messages through the length of the sending
telephone number and the fact that the message contained a
lot of text. Most interviewees responded to an incoming
SMS by calling the sender either they had memorized
how to do this through the context menu or they noted
down the number and typed it into the phone again. Some
of our interviewees treated all messages as spam and had
learned either how to exit the received message mode or
how to quickly delete them without checking the content or
their origin. Others asked for help with the content of the
text messages. None of the interviewees felt particularly
bad about this approach but one who was in a new
relationship found asking close friends to read messages
with romantic content exciting at first but then increasingly
annoying. One participant wondered whether it would be
possible to forward a message to a service and listen to the
content on the phone through a human or machine voice.
Retrieving contacts
Call logs were valued for their quick access and all of our
interviewees made use of them. One recently contacted log,
which aggregated recent calls of contacts and sorted them
in descending order and left the most recently contacted
person on top (either as a telephone number or the name of
the contact) was particularly valued by its user: This is the
single most useful thing about this phone. One button click
and I’m with my daughter [the only text entry on the top of
the list].” All the interviewees besides her had more than
50 contacts stored in their address books. The few
completely spelled out names (first name or full name) had
been entered by friends or family members themselves. The
names often served as symbolic icons or landmarks since
most remaining contacts or call log entries contained only
numbers. However, the use of some text allowed them to
filter and group large amounts of data. Some had taken
these entries as seeds to venture further. [pointing to the
textual contact list entry] This is Michel. So I know his
name starts with M. So this must be an M. And I have this
other friend, Mmmmansour. He starts with M, too. So this
is an M and down here [pointing to the keyboard] is the M
and I enter it. But the rest I cannot write and I just make it
Many entries were either approximated by the first letter of
the name supplemented with invented characters, e.g. Mx#-
-, or just the first letter of the name. However, in many
cases, and especially with duplicates resulting from the first
letter strategy, they had to open each contact individually
and try to recognize the contact. They did this by checking
the country code, city code, other salient features in the
telephone number, e.g. repetitions “222” or, in many cases,
its last three digits. The more duplicates, the more onerous
this task became due to the way the address books treat
entries that contain first or last names. In the list views of
call logs and the address book text took precedence and
was shown in lieu of the number that was shown for entries
without text. All of our participants knew how to take
pictures and retrieve them but their use for contacts was
Three of our interviewees had stored SMS messages that
contained telephone numbers for months as another way of
looking up contacts. “I know X sent me this text message
that has the telephone number from a friend of mine in
Togo. So I go back here [to the inbox of his messages] and
need to find his message. Here this is it. He wrote this text
in front of the number my wife read it to me. It’s the name
of the friend.
Calendar use
Some illiterates used the calendar in their mobile phone to
identify the current date or - for those that had learned the
mapping of written words or their short hands
(MTWTFSS) to the weekdays - the day of the week. A
large proportion of the participants made use of the alarm
functions on their phones and one of them had extended
this to keeping alarms in his iPhone as reminders for
meetings, events and appointments. The only information
stored in the alarm was the time. This was different from
the use of paper calendars insofar as the remaining
information, e.g. the day of the week or the date and the
purpose of the commitment, had to be remembered. This
required diligence in deleting alarms after each event had
occurred, e.g. a doctor’s appointment; otherwise the
participant explained that he would get confused and try to
remember what an alarm was supposed to remind him of. A
separate application reminded him when it was time to
Child mode
The three mothers we interviewed had used their mobile
phones to pacify their children despite worries about the
children changing or deleting information. They were
interested in having a way to secure the phone such that
their children could safely play with it without deleting
contacts, incurring costs, or changing settings.
A number of studies have suggested removing text from
UIs for illiterates. However, we think that this might be a
foregone conclusion based on the reliance on UI usability
testing without considering the long-term appropriation of
applications and the different roles of text as part of a status
symbol, a generic or learned symbol capable of
disambiguating, and as an aid in proxy-literacy.
Phones were as much a status symbol for illiterates in
Switzerland as in developing regions [2]. The Motorola
Motofone F3 designed for poor, illiterates was light, very
rugged, and provided audio feedback for its functions from
power on throughout its main (minimal) menu. Its e-ink
screen could easily be read in bright sunlight, it had a
phenomenal battery life (nominally 30 days on standby)
and, at around 20USD it was affordable. However, it was
not a success. According to an unnamed Motorola source
the company had underestimated the aspirational aspects of
the device. Given that many people see mobile phones as
extensions of themselves they did not want to be seen with
a cheap phone.
Chipchase argued against making phones for illiterates
recognizable because of the associated stigma. Text-free
interfaces could give away someone’s illiteracy as mobile
phone UIs are often visible to others. The same goes for
constant audio feedback as provided through current
accessibility tools (iPhone, talkback on Android) that target
visually impaired users and read out all UI parts.
All the techniques illiterates used in the physical world to
manage information, e.g., spatial arrangements, shapes,
colors, handwriting and doodles, were absent from contact
lists and calendars in their phones. Pictures in address
books were one of the few exceptions but these are not
always available for contacts, are not searchable and cannot
filter large lists. For our participants text provided some
valuable benefits that many of our participants reaped over
time. In their address books even some text proved useful
to identify, disambiguate or search contacts. Unfortunately,
our participants’ address books supplanted the telephone
numbers in the interface in an either text or number fashion
which complicated identification due to many duplicate
names. The current reliance on text as the main method for
accessing and storing information on mobile devices is
making the learning stage for illiterates cumbersome.
However, removing text would cause problems for the
literates enlisted to help the illiterates learn to operate the
device. Omission of text would not allow people to
discover and encourage use with one of humanity’s most
valued cultural techniques. Srivastava [14] an India NGO
has started encouraging women to buy mobile phones
English because of the potential to learn various alphabets
through them. Every day exposure to text in conjunction
with audio in same language subtitles of movie content was
also shown to improve reading and writing skills in neo-
literates [6]. Semi-literates in Findlater et al.’s study
benefited from combination of text and audio and had
superior word recognition at the end of each session after
the second day of use [3].
We derive the following design recommendations for smart
phones for illiterates from the findings and related work:
A. Avoid stigmatizing physical design of the phone
B. Use text in the interface for controls (plus icons) and
content to aid helpers
- provide audio feedback in the interface as suggested
by Mehdi et al. but on-demand (e.g. to support answer
to What is this?”) and not always on as in
accessibility functions for blind people. In touch screen
phones this will be easier to achieve through a
consistent gesture such as a long-tap.
- provide audio rendition for text messages (read-out
function) as done in [4]
- provide speech to text entry for SMS composition
- integrate audio feedback on maps for textual content
such as street names and landmarks
C. Enhance contacts and their listings by providing
additional graphical discriminators (colours, symbols) as
done in work by Bhamidipaty et al. [1] and Joshi et al. [5].
D. Augment calendars with voice notes, pictures and
E. Provide access to voice note reminders based on location
(audible post-it notes)
F. Provide a child-safe (read-only) mode
G. Include name, number, date and time in the last call list
Designing for illiterates should leverage multiple media
and create more robust and supple interactions in the socio-
technical setting in which they learn and make use of
mobile devices. Illiterates aspire to owning the same
phones as literates and have effective coping strategies to
overcome their inability to read both in the physical world
and on mobile phones. The latter, however, have reduced
capabilities to structure and recall information. Contrary to
earlier research on illiterates we found that immigrants in
Switzerland made used of contact lists and SMS, to some
degree, to manage contacts. A number of changes to mobile
phone UIs could empower them further: optional text-to-
speech throughout the interface especially for SMS, OCR-
to-speech, the ability to attach voice notes and possibly
pictures to calendar entries and contacts, maps with audio
support for reading out the names of roads and landmarks,
and contact managers that allow for filtering through visual
attributes and read-only access children.
We would like to express our gratitude to Anne Marquis,
Catherine Wick, Annick Mello Spano and the teachers
from Lire-et-écrire and Français-en-jeu and all interviewees
for their time; This research has been funded by the Swiss
Development Council in collaboration with
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Supplementary resource (1)

... While these alternatives aim to counteract the LL user's language deficits, these experience other forms of impairments like cognitive and numerical deficits, so these solutions wouldn't be fully functional. Authors such as Knoche and Huang [5] also suggest the simplification of the text but, they assess that the written language is not the enemy. They propose the employment of clear words, short statements, direct and efficient paragraphs with a reasonable size, and avoiding big clusters of text that intimidate the user [11] [5]. ...
... Authors such as Knoche and Huang [5] also suggest the simplification of the text but, they assess that the written language is not the enemy. They propose the employment of clear words, short statements, direct and efficient paragraphs with a reasonable size, and avoiding big clusters of text that intimidate the user [11] [5]. ...
... As proposed by Barboza and Nunes [3], sentences should be clear, direct, and simple. If there is a need to use complicated words these should always be explained, as proposed by Knoche and Huang [5]. ...
... We denote tasks like saving a contact, searching a contact as Contact management. Both saving and searching a contact are difficult tasks for emergent users [20,27]. However, new contacts are added occasionally, and hence, it is probably feasible to get help from a more experienced user, while searching for a contact is a frequent task and it is not practical for them to take expert's help every time. ...
... Emergent users have adopted different strategies to help them search their required contacts. Some coping strategies studied in the literature include: writing phone numbers with different colours [20]; using the call log to select a recently called contact [27]; saving images with contacts [28]; maintaining a very short contact list and memorizing the last few digits of a number or adding special symbols like # in the contact names as indicators [27,29]; entering a number from scratch each time [30]. ...
... Emergent users have adopted different strategies to help them search their required contacts. Some coping strategies studied in the literature include: writing phone numbers with different colours [20]; using the call log to select a recently called contact [27]; saving images with contacts [28]; maintaining a very short contact list and memorizing the last few digits of a number or adding special symbols like # in the contact names as indicators [27,29]; entering a number from scratch each time [30]. ...
Full-text available
The effective utilization of a communication channel like calling a person involves two steps. The first step is storing the contact information of another user, and the second step is finding contact information to initiate a voice or text communication. However, the current smartphone interfaces for contact management are mainly textual; which leaves many emergent users at a severe disadvantage in using this most basic functionality to the fullest. Previous studies indicated that less-educated users adopt various coping strategies to store and identify contacts. However, all of these studies investigated the contact management issues of these users from a qualitative angle. Although qualitative or subjective investigations are very useful, they generally need to be augmented by a quantitative investigation for a comprehensive problem understanding. This work presents an exploratory study to identify the usability issues and coping strategies in contact management by emergent users; by using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative approaches. We identified coping strategies of the Pakistani population and the effectiveness of these strategies through a semi-structured qualitative study of 15 participants and a usability study of 9 participants, respectively. We then obtained logged data of 30 emergent and 30 traditional users, including contact-books and dual-channel (call and text messages) logs to infer a more detailed understanding; and to analyse the differences in the composition of contact-books of both user groups. The analysis of the log data confirmed problems that affect the emergent users’ communication behaviour due to the various difficulties they face in storing and searching contacts. Our findings revealed serious usability issues in current communication interfaces over smartphones. The emergent users were found to have smaller contact-books and preferred voice communication due to reading/writing difficulties. They also reported taking help from others for contact saving and text reading. The alternative contact management strategies adopted by our participants include: memorizing whole number or last few digits to recall important contacts; adding special character sequence with contact numbers for better recall; writing a contact from scratch rather than searching it in the phone-book; voice search; and use of recent call logs to redial a contact. The identified coping strategies of emergent users could aid the developers and designers to come up with solutions according to emergent users’ mental models and needs.
... Fathom that the procedure of the utilization of these developments is just literates. The United Nations (UN) recognizes a keen society somebody who can obviously see, peruse and compose sums [12]. Numerous regular people in developing countries are unskilled. ...
... Internationally, 800 million understudies can talk or have a go at writing in their local tongue. Most dwellings in developed countries rest in rustic regions [12]. To a great extent, the utilization of the SMS counsels extends from specialists to Inland Revenue. ...
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This article analyzes several User Interface (UI) designs and puts forward some more general design principles for interfaces designed for low-literate users. The results of this study highlight the importance of text-free interfaces compared to text-based interfaces for the illiterate and low-literate population. The study developed a Short Message Service (SMS) interface consisting of many design elements, including graphical icons, voice, and text reduction. The participants were more satisfied with the designed SMS interface as compared to the traditional text-based interface of SMS. We believe that if the user interface is appropriately designed, users will not need formal literacy, computer skills, or any external help to operate the application. It has been shown that an interface with minimal or no text but one or more graphics, audio, and digital components is helpful for users with low literacy rates.
... G3 Keep a minimalist, clean interface: Minimize the use of text and visual components in each screen to optimize the whitespace to reduce interface complexity and feature overload [9,14,18,37,39,51,56,64,77,88,89,92,93,97,114,115,118,120,121]. ...
... Many researchers have advocated using text-free UIs in mobile applications for illiterate users [77,89,92,97,118,120,121]. On the other hand, literate users prefer at least some text on the screen as the text is considered an accurate mode of communication [115]. Instead of replacing text, the focus should be on incorporating minimal amounts of text [14] and augmenting it with other modalities [64]. For low-literate users, unnecessary visual elements may create confusion, which is why Ahmed et al. implemented only two icons in the interface for Suhrid-a collaborative mobile phone interface [9]. ...
With easy access to affordable internet-powered smartphones, developing countries are adopting smartphone applications to provide enabling services to its citizens, through eHealth, eGovernance, and digital payments. The challenge is to ensure equitable access to these services by everyone, including people with semi-literacy or low-literacy who form a large part of the population in developing countries. However, extensive HCI literature has identified literacy as one of the barriers to designing user interfaces. In this work, we propose a framework of actionable guidelines for designing smartphone UIs that would be usable by low-literate users. We reviewed the last two decades of HCI literature engaging people with low literacy, to synthesize our framework-designing SARAL. To evaluate the framework, we conducted a preliminary study with a group of 20 practitioners and researchers working in the field of UI/UX/HCI. We also analyzed six publicly available industry reports on designing UIs for people with low-literacy. The proposed guidelines intend to support researchers, practitioners, designers, and implementers in the design and evaluation of UIs of smartphone applications for people with low literacy. We present the evolutionary nature of the proposed framework while highlighting the importance of adopting a translational approach when building such frameworks.
... No entanto, uma vez que os indivíduos com BNL também apresentam défices cognitivos, este estudo foca-se em autores que exploram soluções relacionadas com o design e a interação, mantendo uma estrutura de interface gráfica convencional. Estes autores, que rejeitam a eliminação total da escrita, defendem, por sua vez, a simplificação da mesma [22]. Barboza [13; 20]. ...
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O presente estudo foi desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto de investigação “ECHO: ecoar o eu comunitário”, que visa documentar práticas auto-iniciadas em bairros sociais de Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal, e disseminá-las em contextos sociais análogos, sobretudo através de uma plataforma online. Neste grupo da população dos bairros sociais, principal público-alvo da plataforma online, detetou-se uma percentagem considerável de indivíduos com baixos níveis de escolaridade e de literacia. Perante este problema, surgiu a necessidade de estudar uma solução de Design de interface que garantisse, a este tipo de indivíduos, uma utilização agradável e eficaz da plataforma online. Com base numa profunda revisão de literatura, foram estudadas, avaliadas e delineadas um conjunto de orientações de Design, e, posteriormente, testadas num protótipo criado para o efeito. Os testes de usabilidade realizados comprovaram a eficiência das orientações propostas, contribuindo, desta forma, para responder ao problema supramencionado deste projeto de investigação, como também para outros potenciais casos de Design de Interface dirigidos a este tipo de utilizadores de baixos níveis de escolaridade e de literacia.
... Illiterate farmers can use the touch screen mobile phone through an interface with graphic design. This phenomenon was also well described by Medhi et al. (2011) and Knoche et al. (2012), who recommended using graphic design and voice operation for efficient use by illiterate people. However, our results showed that land size and herd size had a significant effect on the SMS sending rate by farmers. ...
... Also, within the next few years, smartphones will become affordable for illiterate people in developing countries. 27 Recently, there has also been work to develop mHealth applications that are usable by people with low literacy. 28 29 4. The number of healthcare-related applications is growing exponentially and now exceeds 165 000 in the global market. ...
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Background: The use of mobile devices in health (mobile health/mHealth) coupled with related technologies promises to transform global health delivery by creating new delivery models that can be integrated with existing health services. These delivery models could facilitate healthcare delivery into rural areas where there is limited access to high-quality access care. Mobile technologies, Internet of Things and 5G connectivity may hold the key to supporting increased velocity, variety and volume of healthcare data. Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify and analyse challenges related to the current status of India's healthcare system-with a specific focus on mHealth and big-data analytics technologies. To address these challenges, a framework is proposed for integrating the generated mHealth big-data and applying the results in India's healthcare. Method: A critical review was conducted using electronic sources between December 2018 and February 2019, limited to English language articles and reports published from 2010 onwards. Main outcome: This paper describes trending relationships in mHealth with big-data as well as the accessibility of national opportunities when specific barriers and constraints are overcome. The paper concentrates on the healthcare delivery problems faced by rural and low-income communities in India to illustrate more general aspects and identify key issues. A model is proposed that utilises generated data from mHealth devices for big-data analysis that could result in providing insights into the India population health status. The insights could be important for public health planning by the government towards reaching the Universal Health Coverage. Conclusion: Biomedical, behavioural and lifestyle data from individuals may enable customised and improved healthcare services to be delivered. The analysis of data from mHealth devices can reveal new knowledge to effectively and efficiently support national healthcare demands in less developed nations, without fully accessible healthcare systems.
... Since the team is London-based, it is not always possible to evaluate prototypes in one go or obtain user feedback at all stages of the development process. We have been working with proxy users, as in [7], to include textually and digitally illiterate people who live in Europe [18]. This comes with its own assumptions and complexities and further work is required to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach. ...
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Citizen science gets increasing recognition for its potential to democratize science and support environmental governance. In this paper we present our experiences and lessons learned from a set of ‘extreme’ citizen science initiatives in developing countries, where data collection applications are used to support low-literate people in identifying solutions to issues that are of significant local concern. This paper aims to bring to the attention of the HCI community of developments in extreme citizen science and contribute knowledge to the field of HCI4D, especially to research studies which concern the design and use of smartphones for low-literate users.
... Also, within the next few years, smartphones will become affordable for illiterate people in developing countries. 27 Recently, there has also been work to develop mHealth applications that are usable by people with low literacy. 28 29 4. The number of healthcare-related applications is growing exponentially and now exceeds 165 000 in the global market. ...
Background The use of mobile devices in health (mobile health/mHealth) coupled with related technologies promises to transform global health delivery by creating new delivery models that can be integrated with existing health services. These delivery models could facilitate healthcare delivery into rural areas where there is limited access to high-quality access care. Mobile technologies, Internet of Things and 5G connectivity may hold the key to supporting increased velocity, variety and volume of healthcare data. Objective The purpose of this study is to identify and analyse challenges related to the current status of India’s healthcare system—with a specific focus on mHealth and big-data analytics technologies. To address these challenges, a framework is proposed for integrating the generated mHealth big-data and applying the results in India's healthcare. Method A critical review was conducted using electronic sources between December 2018 and February 2019, limited to English language articles and reports published from 2010 onwards. Main outcome This paper describes trending relationships in mHealth with big-data as well as the accessibility of national opportunities when specific barriers and constraints are overcome. The paper concentrates on the healthcare delivery problems faced by rural and low-income communities in India to illustrate more general aspects and identify key issues. A model is proposed that utilises generated data from mHealth devices for big-data analysis that could result in providing insights into the India population health status. The insights could be important for public health planning by the government towards reaching the Universal Health Coverage. Conclusion Biomedical, behavioural and lifestyle data from individuals may enable customised and improved healthcare services to be delivered. The analysis of data from mHealth devices can reveal new knowledge to effectively and efficiently support national healthcare demands in less developed nations, without fully accessible healthcare systems.
The digital communication faces lots of security threats and attacks in the network. Thus, security mechanisms are used as a measure to ensure safety and to implement the security services for the text documents, audio, video and other types of data communication over the network. These security mechanisms are helpful to recognise, prevent and recover from security breaches, threats and attacks. Some of the security mechanisms are Cryptography, Public key certification, Authentication, Digital signatures etc. Obviously, these are mostly used by educated people in communication for their data to be remain integrated, confidential and safe. But, a bitter fact is that there are 30.90% people who are illiterate and have no education background living in our country and their data is also very important to them. So, we have to connect those illiterate people to these security mechanisms, so that they can also communicate without being in fear of the data loss or data manipulation. There are many ways to connect illiterate people with the security mechanisms such as by using facial recognition and fingerprint as the password in various systems or machines like ATMs, banks, government offices and also provide information and knowledge about the prevention from the possible fraud, theft and malicious activities. This paper discuss those different ways to connect the illiterate people with security mechanisms and enlighten their lives.
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While mobile phones have found broad application in bringing health, financial, and other services to the developing world, usability remains a major hurdle for novice and low-literacy populations. In this article, we take two steps to evaluate and improve the usability of mobile interfaces for such users. First, we offer an ethnographic study of the usability barriers facing 90 low-literacy subjects in India, Kenya, the Philippines, and South Africa. Then, via two studies involving over 70 subjects in India, we quantitatively compare the usability of different points in the mobile design space. In addition to text interfaces such as electronic forms, SMS, and USSD, we consider three text-free interfaces: a spoken dialog system, a graphical interface, and a live operator. Our results confirm that textual interfaces are unusable by first-time low-literacy users, and error prone for literate but novice users. In the context of healthcare, we find that a live operator is up to ten times more accurate than text-based interfaces, and can also be cost effective in countries such as India. In the context of mobile banking, we find that task completion is highest with a graphical interface, but those who understand the spoken dialog system can use it more quickly due to their comfort and familiarity with speech. We synthesize our findings into a set of design recommendations.
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Developing countries like India are observing an increasing trend in the penetration of mobile phones towards the base of the pyramid (lower strata of the society). This segment comprises of users who are novice and semi-literate and are interested in the basic usage of the mobile phone. This paper explores one of the basic features, the address book for its usability and presents an enhanced symbol-based design to cater for the semi-literate user. The enhancement uses symbols to replace current text based storage and retrieval and also includes a call distribution based address book access to align with the skewed nature of the user’s requirements. The results of a preliminary evaluation of the prototype are encouraging regarding the value perceived through the design.
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Due to the increasing penetration of mobile phones even into poor communities, mobile payment schemes could bring formal financial services to the "unbanked". However, because poverty for the most part also correlates with low levels of formal education, there are questions as to whether electronic access to complex financial services is enough to bridge the gap, and if so, what sort of UI is best. In this paper, we present two studies that provide preliminary answers to these questions. We first investigated the usability of existing mobile payment services, through an ethnographic study involving 90 subjects in India, Kenya, the Philippines and South Africa. This was followed by a usability study with another 58 subjects in India, in which we compared non-literate and semi-literate subjects on three systems: text-based, spoken dialog (without text), and rich multimedia (also without text). Results confirm that non-text designs are strongly preferred over text-based designs and that while task-completion rates are better for the rich multimedia UI, speed is faster and less assistance is required on the spoken-dialog system.
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Multimodal interfaces with little or no text have been shown to be useful for users with low literacy. However, this research has not differentiated between the needs of the fully illiterate and semiliterate - those who have basic literacy but cannot read and write fluently. Text offers a fast and unambiguous mode of interaction for literate users and the exposure to text may allow for incidental improvement of reading skills. We conducted two studies that explore how semiliterate users with very little education might benefit from a combination of text and audio as compared to illiterate and literate users. Results show that semiliterate users reduced their use of audio support even during the first hour of use and over several hours this reduction was accompanied by a gain in visual word recognition; illiterate users showed no similar improvement. Semiliterate users should thus be treated differently from illiterate users in interface design. Author Keywords ICT4D, literacy, semiliteracy, development, accessibility, inclusive design
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We present the results of a qualitative study of the sharing and consumption of entertainment media on low-cost mobile phones in urban India, a practice which has evolved into a vibrant, informal socio-technical ecosystem. This wide-ranging phenomenon includes end users, mobile phone shops, and content distributors, and exhibits remarkable ingenuity. Even more impressive is the number of obstacles which have been surmounted in its establishment, from the technical (interface complexity, limited Internet access, viruses), to the broader socioeconomic (cost, language, legality, institutional rules, lack of privacy), all seemingly due to a strong desire to be entertained. Our findings carry two implications for projects in HCI seeking to employ technology in service of social and economic development. First, although great attention is paid to the details of UI in many such projects, we find that sufficient user motivation towards a goal turns UI barriers into mere speed bumps. Second, we suggest that needs assessments carry an inherent bias towards what outsiders consider needs, and that identified "needs" may not be as strongly felt as perceived.
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ABSTRACT Indeveloping countries, language and literacy are barriers that prevent,many ,people ,from ,using ,simple ,applications like a
A large number of illiterate people -- 800 million worldwide -- are currently excluded from the benefits of asynchronous and cheap communication through text messages also known as SMS. Smart phones with touch screen will soon be in financial reach of illiterate people in developing countries. Our application EasyTexting allows illiterate users to listen to received SMS and compose text messages by augmenting words with touch-initiated text-to-speech support, icons for frequent phrases and by re-using words from previous messages. The application sends and receives plain SMS and makes no assumption on second parties' SMS editors. We present the motivation for this application derived from interviews and the evolution of the design along with an exploratory evaluation of the interface both with illiterate immigrants.
This research compared the learning of an application program whose interface was implemented using buttons with text labels, icons, or a fully redundant combination of icons and text labels. The objective was to: 1) evaluate the success of novice computer users in initially learning to use the application and in later use in a delayed session and 2) measure users' attitudes toward the application. Each session was divided into four blocks, and performance in the blocks was measured in terms of correctness of the tasks performed, time to perform tasks, and number of times the help facility was accessed. In addition, at the end of each session the participants' perceptions of the ease of use and usefulness of the software were measured. The results showed that in the first session performance was best on the label-only and icon-label interfaces. Performance on the icon-only interface was much poorer in session 1, particularly in terms of time and help references, but improved in session 2 to the point where it approached the performance on the other interfaces. Retention of skill between the initial and the delayed session was worse for the icon-only interface, but the effect was short-lived. Perceptions of ease of use were consistently better for the icon-label interface than for the other two interfaces. Perceptions of usefulness were higher for the icon-only and icon-label interfaces than for the label-only interface in the first session. Perceptions of usefulness became more positive for the icon-only group in the delayed session, but did not change for the other groups.