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A social desirability scale for the MMPI-2. Which of the two: Wiggins (WSD) or Edwards (ESD)?


Abstract and Figures

The objective of this research aims to comparatively analyze the diagnostic accuracy of two social desirability detection scales that have been obtained from the 567 items that comprise the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2): Wiggins Wsd Scale and Edwards ESD Scale. The 583 participants (232 men and 351 women) were differentiated into two groups according to their way of answering: Honest response group (N = 310) who replied truthfully following the guidelines of MMPI-2, and simulated response group (N = 273) who were instructed to intentionally and consistently show a positive image of themselves. The results have shown a higher diagnostic accuracy and predictive power, although less reliability (Cronbach's α) for the Wiggins (Wsd) Scale than for Edwards (ESD).
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The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, 2009, 1(2), 147-163
ISSN: 1889-1861
Volume 1, Number 2, July 2009
Ramón Arce, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
Associate Editors
Gualberto Buela-Casal, University of Granada (Spain).
Francisca Fariña, University of Vigo (Spain).
Editorial Board
Rui Abrunhosa, University of O Miño (Portugal).
Ray Bull, University of Leicester (UK).
Thomas Bliesener, University of Kiel (Germany).
Fernando Chacón, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain).
Ángel Egido, University of Angers (France).
Antonio Godino, University of Lecce (Italy).
Günter Köhnken, University of Kiel (Gemany).
Friedrich Lösel, University of Cambridge (UK).
María Ángeles Luengo, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
Eduardo Osuna, University of Murcia (Spain).
Ronald Roesch, Simon Fraser University (Canada).
Francisco Santolaya, President of the Spanish Psychological Association (Spain).
Juan Carlos Sierra, University of Granada (Spain).
Jorge Sobral, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
Max Steller, Free University of Berlin, (Germany).
Francisco Tortosa, University of Valencia (Spain).
Official Journal of the Sociedad Española de Psicología Jurídica y Forense
Published By: SEPJF.
Volume 1, Number, 2.
Order Form: see
Frequency: 2 issues per year.
ISSN: 1889-1861.
D.L.: C-4376-2008
The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, 2009, 1(2), 147-163
Correspondence: Fernando Jiménez, Facultad de Psicología. Dpto. Personalidad, Evaluación y
Tratamiento Psicológico. Universidad de Salamanca. Avda. de la Merced, 109.- 37005. Salamanca
(Spain). E-mail:
Fernando Jiménez, Guadalupe Sánchez & Cristina Tobón
University of Salamanca
(Received: 13 January 2009; revised 18 May 2009; accepted 20 May 2009)
The objective of this research aims to
comparatively analyze the diagnostic accuracy
of two social desirability detection scales that
have been obtained from the 567 items that
comprise the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory-2 (MMPI-2): Wiggins Wsd Scale and
Edwards ESD Scale. The 583 participants (232
men and 351 women) were differentiated into
two groups according to their way of answering:
Honest response group (N = 310) who replied
truthfully following the guidelines of MMPI-2,
and simulated response group (N = 273) who
were instructed to intentionally and consistently
show a positive image of themselves. The
results have shown a higher diagnostic accuracy
and predictive power, although less reliability
(Cronbach's α) for the Wiggins (Wsd) Scale
than for Edwards (ESD).
Keywords: MMPI-2, Social
Desirability, Edwards (ESD) Scale, Wiggins
(Wsd) Scale, Malingering.
El objetivo de esta investigación
pretende analizar comparativamente la precisión
diagnóstica de dos escalas detectoras de
Deseabilidad Social que han sido obtenidas de
los 567 ítems que componen el Inventario
Multifásico de Personalidad de Minnesota-2
(MMPI-2): la escala Wsd de Wiggins y la ESD
de Edwards. Los 583 participantes (232 varones
y 351 mujeres) fueron diferenciados en dos
grupos según su forma de contestar: grupo
sincero (N = 310), que contestaron de forma
sincera siguiendo las directrices de MMPI-2, y
simulador (N = 273), que fueron instruidos para
mostrar intencionada y coherentemente una
imagen favorable de mismos. Los resultados
han demostrado una mayor precisión
diagnóstica y poder predictivo, aunque menor
fiabilidad de Cronbach), en la escala de
Wiggins (Wsd) que en la de Edwards (ESD).
Palabras Clave: MMPI-2, Deseabilidad
Social, Escala de Edwards (ESD), Escala de
Wiggins (Wsd), Simulación.
Jiménez et al.
In the work on the psychological assessment of an individual´s personal
characteristics, both in the forensic (Andrews & Meyer, 2003), organizational (Salgado,
2005), or penitentiary field, is becoming more common to find situations where the
assessed person may not be reporting emotional or psychological problems with the
sincerity and honesty required by the test, if they know of the possibility of not being
discovered and obtaining benefits such as: child custody, evasion of criminal
prosecution or reduction of penalty severity, a vacant job, financial compensation, or
sick leave injury benefits.
Malingering is defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-IV, 1995) as “the intentional production of false or grossly
exaggerated physical or psychological symptoms, motivated by external incentives such
as avoiding work or military duty; obtaining drugs or financial compensation; or
evading criminal prosecution. Under some circumstances, malingering may represent
adaptive behavior for example, feigning illness while a captive of the enemy during
wartime" (p. 698).
Social desirability has been a recurring theme in psychological assessment. To
present a socially desirable image is an intrinsic feature of an individual´s personality,
but when normal limits are exceeded psychologists must be careful to detect the
examinee’s attempt to malinger.
Over the past 50 years research on social desirability and its involvement in
various contexts of personality disorders assessment, has been a topic of great concern
and interest to practitioners of psychology and behavior analysts. Generally it has been
concluded that social desirability affects any methodology that is based on the
assessment of personality, and this includes self-questionnaires (Edwards & Edwards,
1992; Jiménez & Sánchez, 2002; Preti et al, 2007, Rogers, 2008), ipsative measures
(Cornell & Dunlap, 1994), and forced-choice questionnaires (Christiansen, Burns &
Montgomery, 2005).
Different types of research on social desirability have a special impact
according to their particular denomination and definition. For Bagby & Marshall,
(2004) self-deception is characterized as a general willingness to think about themselves
in a slightly favorable way. The impression management is defined by Barrick & Mount
Eur. j. psychol. appl. legal context, 1(2): 147-163
(1996) as a deliberate attempt to distort their own responses with the intention of
making a favorable impression on others" (p. 262). Crowne & Marlowne (1960)
consider social desirability as simply to present oneself favorably. Either way there are
many variables, both personal and situational, which may determine socially desirable
responses in a person.
Given the importance of ensuring data reliability, some researchers have
worked with diverse social desirability scales (Edwards, 1962; Elvekrog & Vestre,
1963; Fordyce, 1956, Hanley, 1956; Heilbrun, 1964), simulation condition groups in
diverse contexts and with other types of complementary scales (Arce, Fariña, Carballal,
& Novo, 2006, Graham, Watts, & Timbrook, 1991, Jiménez & Sánchez, 2003, Rogers
2008, Rogers & Bender, 2003). Other authors have taken interest in sensitivity and
specificity analysis using the ROC curve method (Nicholson, Mouton, Bagby, & Buis,
1997; Pelegrina Ruiz-Soler, & Wallace, 2000), with the objective of detecting different
manipulations of the provided data.
In the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI, Hathaway &
McKinley, 1940, 1983), and in its following restructured version (MMPI-2, Butcher,
Graham, Tellegen, Dalhstron, & Kaemmer, 1989), interest has been drawn to the
development and inclusion of a set of validity scales that can detect exaggeration or
minimization of psychopathology (often referred to as fake-bad and fake-good,
respectively), creating a second generation of scales for the detection of distortions in
response-patterns in the MMPI-2 (simulation and defensiveness).
The new revision of the MMPI-2 (Butcher, Graham, Tellegen, Dalhstron &
Kaemmer, 2001) in its configuration of the validity scales, combines traditional scales
(L, F and K) with other new experimental scales, such as: Edwards Social Desirability
(Edwards, 1957), the Wiggins Social Desirability (Wiggins, 1959) and the Other
Deception scales (Nichols & Greene, 1991).
The first version of the Social Desirability Scale ESD of Edwards (1953) was
developed with 79 items. In the process of refining the scale, years later, Edwards
(1957) conducted a study with 10 judges to select those items in the MMPI that evoke
socially desirable responses. He selected items that could differentiate between
individuals scoring high or low on the scale, thereby reducing its length to 39 items, 12
of which correspond to the Infrequency Validity Scale (F), and 9 to the Welsh Anxiety
Scale (A) that should be answered as false if wished to be considered as socially
Jiménez et al.
Finally, a further restructuration by Greene (2000) reduced the scale to 37
items. This adjustment reflects, in general, "absence of psychopathological problems,
good attention and concentration skills, and acceptable social relations" (p. 102),
solving in turn the problem of saturation of psychopathological symptoms, which is one
of the most frequent critics made on this types of scales when trying to assess social
desirability (Crowne & Marlowe, 1960, Ferrando & Chico, 2000).
Wiggins' Social Desirability Scale Wsd (1959) was developed in order to
discriminate between a group of subjects (N = 178) trained to respond to the MMPI in a
manner as to appear socially desirable (or what was considered in American culture as
socially desirable), from another group (N = 140) who was instructed to respond
truthfully under the standard instructions of the MMPI manual. Baer, Wetter, Nichols,
Greene, & Berry (1995) found that the Wsd added complementarity to the Lie Scale (L),
and the Defensiveness Scale (K), differentiating well between students instructed to
provide a favorable image of themselves, from those who responded honestly to the
MMPI-2. Despite the existing evidence and limited research on the Wiggins scale,
Graham (2000) suggested it was a good quality scale worthy of being included in the
second generation of MMPI-2 validity scales group.
When both scales are compared they appear to be different. The item
composition for each scale was analyzed. Founding, on one hand, that 7 (21.21%) of the
33 items that constitute the Wiggins scale (Wsd) correspond with the MMPI-2 Lie Scale
(L), 4 (12.12%) with the MMPI-2 Hypomania (Ma) items, and 3 (9.09%) with the
MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale (Mac-r), the same items presented by the controlled-
Hostility (O-H) scale. On the other hand, for the 37 items of the Edwards scale (ESD), 6
(16.22%) correspond to the MMPI-2 Masculine Gender Role (GM) scales, 5 (13.51%)
with the Defensiveness Scale (K), 4 (10.81%) with the MMPI-2 Ego-strength scale (Es)
and the same values all correspond with the Variable Response Inconsistency (VRIN)
From these data three important elements can be noted: 1) the two scales do not
share any items. 2) There are only two validity scales of the MMPI-2 considered in each
scale, the Lie Scale (L; 21.21%) in Wiggins, and the Defensiveness Scale (K; 13.51%)
in Edwards. 3) None of them have a special impact on psychopathology indicative
For the development of their scales, both Wiggins (1959) and Edwards (1953),
used the 567 items that comprise the MMPI-2, although each different in number (33
Eur. j. psychol. appl. legal context, 1(2): 147-163
for Wiggins and 37 for Edwards) and between them. Professionals using the MMPI-2 as
an assessment tool may be interested in knowing which of the two scales offers better
diagnostic accuracy, with the intention to choose one over the other. Based on this
question, this research has a twofold objective: 1) To verify that both scales (Wsd and
ESD) detect and discriminate, to a significant degree, people who simulate their
responses on the MMPI-2 answering in a socially desirable manner; 2) To determine
which one is better in terms of greater diagnostic accuracy, offering greater confidence
to professionals in their psychological evaluations.
This matter was studied trough the responses given by two groups of
participants, each one instructed to respond to the MMPI-2 in different directions: the
honest response group replied in an open and honest way, and the simulated response
group did a simulated performance trying to present a more socially favorable image.
The total number of participants for this study was N= 583 normal subjects
(232 males and 351 females), with no evidence of any psychiatric or psychological
disorder. The mean age of the sample was 28.34 years (SD= 9. 56), with a range of 19
to 63. The sample was divided into two groups: honest response group and simulated
response group.
The honest response group had to replied in an open and honest way following
the instructions of the MMPI-2 manual, and is made up of N= 310 subjects (118 males
and 192 females), with a mean age of 29.69 (SD= 11.09) for males and 29.28 (SD=
9.72) for women. The "Simulated Response Group” was given specific instructions to
respond trying to present a socially favorable image of themselves, and is composed of
N= 273 subjects (114 males and 159 females) with a mean age of 27.95 (SD= 9.37) for
males, and 26.47 (SD= 7.95) for women. Demographic variables such as educational
level, occupation, religion, ethnicity or socio-cultural level are not considered in the
present study since they are not expected to have a particular impact on the results. All
participants reside in different regional communities of the Spanish geography.
Jiménez et al.
Materials and experimental design
In order to evaluate verbal cues, we used a video-recording, approximately 2
minutes long, about a robbery. Specifically, the film depicted a supermarket car-parking
and the arriving of a pick-up; some hooded and armed men get down the pick-up and
assault a security van; unexpectedly, two plainclothes policemen get down a parked jeep
and a gun battle between robbers and policemen begins; one of the robbers tries to come
up the pick-up holding a bag stolen from the security van, but he/she is shot by one of
the policemen; another robber tries to get back the bag, but he/she drops it at once under
the policemen’s fire and comes back to the pick-up, leaving at high speed.
The Spanish adaptation of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2
(MMPI-2) (Ávila & Jimenez, 1999, Butcher et al., 1989) was used in the study. All the
37 items of the Edwards Scale ESD, and the 33 of the Wiggins Scale Wsd were
extracted from the 567 that comprise the MMPI-2.
Procedure and design
The methodological approach has followed two lines: a quasi-experimental
(post hoc) investigation since participants were assigned to groups before starting the
study (Salkind, 1998), and a descriptive investigation to compare main differences
between the social desirability scales, with the intention to prove which of them could
show better diagnostic accuracy.
All participants responded voluntarily the MMPI-2 questionnaire. The honest
response group was asked to follow guidelines on sincerity and self-reference. The
simulated response group was given the following instruction in order to ensure the
achievement of a proper socially desirable image: "You have in front of you a
questionnaire with truth or false questions, to which you must answer giving a good
positive image of yourselves".
Aiming to bring greater objectivity and consistency to the study, MMPI-2
protocols with a sum of double marks and blank responses above 30, and those who
reached a raw score of ≥ 15 (equivalent to 72T) in the VRIN variable, were eliminated.
Eur. j. psychol. appl. legal context, 1(2): 147-163
Data analysis
All questionnaires were read by optical readers (Datascan, 2500) and scored
with a specific software program (Leycotest). For the statistical analysis of the variables
the SPSS 16.0 version was used. Based on the primary objective of the study, both
scales, Edwards (ESD) and Wiggins (Wsd), were comparatively analyzed. Specifically,
for each scale, analysis on th
were conducted. An analysis of their structure (factor analysis) was also done, and to
simplify its interpretation, only the four factors with the greatest variance were selected,
deleting in the Varimax Rotation absolute values lower than 0.40. Differences between
the mean scores for each group were drawn. And their correlations with the traditional
validity scales (L, F, K, VRIN) and the basic clinical scales of the MMPI-2 were
obtained and analyzed as well. A Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis was
also conducted to determine accuracy of the scales.
Firstly developed in the 50s within the Theory of Decision (Swets & Pickett,
1982) and originally designed to detect radar signals, ROC analysis was latter on
applied to the field of biomedicine (Zweig & Campbell, 1993), providing a good
method to discriminate accuracy of assessment instruments. Therefore, with ROC
values, it can be determined the specific contributions on diagnostic accuracy,
sensitivity, specificity and predictive power for each of the two scales considered in the
Using Cronbach’s α as a measure of homogeneity of items, a significant
difference between the two scales was found: 0.298 for Wiggins with 33 items (N= 533;
91.4% valid) and 0.745 for Edwards with 37 items (N= 540; 92.6% valid).
Table 1. Factor structure of the scales. Total variance explained.
Wiggins Scale (Wsd)
Edwards Scale (ESD)
Variance %
Accumulated %
Variance %
Accumulated %
Jiménez et al.
Table 1, shows the factorial structure of items in which there is a remarkable
similarity between the two scales across the variance of their first four factors. The first
factor in each scale, is shown with an almost 19%.
In Table 2, the four factors with the greatest variance are presented. The first
Wiggins element is composed of 8 items, four of which correlate with the Lie Validity
Scale (L). Edwards’s first element, with the same variance (18.9%), is composed of 4
items two of which correlate with the Masculine Gender Role (GM) Scale.
It becomes difficult to make an interpretation on the diagnostic implications of
each scale (Wiggins and Edwards), for qualities such as: being sure of yourself,
hardworking and laborious, realistic, controlled over their own feelings, sociable and
polite, honest and altruistic, can be established by Wiggins scale. While being an open
person, expansive, sociable, insensitive to criticism, eased in tense situations, and
resistant to depression, might be the features that Edwards Scale could denote. But
when it comes to diagnosis, both lack in the use of the psychopathological dimensions
of the MMPI-2.
Table 2. Factorial structure of the scales. Rotated component matrix.
Wiggins Scale (Wsd)
Edwards Scale (ESD)
Eur. j. psychol. appl. legal context, 1(2): 147-163
Table 3 shows descriptive statistics by gender for each group in relation to each
scale. The size effect (d= 1.68) obtained from the sincere response group (N= 310) and
the simulated response group (N= 273) was acceptable. Significant differences are
observed between mean scores of each study group and by gender.
Not assuming the homogeneity of variance (Levene’s F= 11.743 for Wiggins
and 29.763 for Edwards, p<0.001 in both), the t-test with the appropriate degree-of-
freedom correction shows results of t(509.611)= -28.421; p<.001, between the two
groups for the Wiggins scale, and, t(570.430)= -16.117; p<.001, for the Edwards scale.
Regarding to gender, differences are also significant. Assuming the
homogeneity of variances in Wiggins [Levene´s F= 3.717, p= 0.054)], there are
differences found between men and women, t(581)= 2.410, p<.05. In Edwards the
results are on the limits of statistical significance, but still, not assuming the
homogeneity of variance [Levene´s F= 5.047, p<.05)] the degree-of-freedom correction
implies the existence of differences although not as intense, t(528.564)= 1.974, p<.05.
Table 3. Descriptive statistics for groups and gender.
(n = 118)
Wiggins (Wsd)
Edwards (ESD)
(n = 192)
Wiggins (Wsd)
Edwards (ESD)
(n = 310)
Wiggins (Wsd)
Edwards (ESD)
(n = 114)
Wiggins (Wsd)
Edwards (ESD)
(n = 159)
Wiggins (Wsd)
Edwards (ESD)
(n =273)
Wiggins (Wsd)
Edwards (ESD)
Table 4 shows correlations for Wiggins (Wsd) and Edwards (ESD) scales in
both groups and with the Clinical Validity Scales of the MMPI-2. In general, results
show a sign and value parallelism between groups.
First, a considerable negative correlation of both Social Desirability scales with
most of the MMPI-2 Clinical Scales is present. These data confirms that none of these
scales are positively related with any of the MMPI-2 pathology indicative variables.
Second, in regards to the Validity Scales, both the Wsd and the ESD, showed higher and
Jiménez et al.
significant correlations in the Simulated Response Group, with high values for L, K and
F scales (the latter with a negative value).
For the Simulation Group, Wiggins scale had a greater association of r= . 668
with the Lie scale (L), and less with the Defensiveness Scale (K), r= 0 320. By contrast,
for the same group, Edwards had a better correlation with K scale (r= .735), and
somewhat lower with the L scale (r= .558).
Table 4. Correlations of social desirability scales: Wiggins (Wsd) and Edwards (ESD), with the
main MMPI-2 variables.
Honest (n = 310)
Simulators (n = 273)
Wiggins (Wsd)
Edwards (ESD)
Wiggins (Wsd)
Edwards (ESD)
Validity Scales
Basic Clinical Scales
Note: ** p<.01 (two tailed test); * p<.05 (two tailed test); L= Lie; F= Infrequency; K=
Defensiveness; VRIN= Variable Response Inconsistency; Hs= Hypocondria; D= Depression;
Hy= Hysteria; Pd= Psychopathic Deviate; Mf= Masculinity/Feminity; Pa= Paranoia; Pt=
Psychastenia; Sc= Schizophrenia; Ma= Hypomania; Si= Social Introversion.
With the ROC method, the diagnostic accuracy of both scales was evaluated. A
maximum value of accuracy of 1.00 and a minimum of 0.5 was established for the Area
Under the Curve (AUC). In this analysis the honest response group was considered as
negative and the Simulated Response Group as positive. Table 5 shows values of the
comparative analysis between Social Desirability Scales. The AUC diagnostic accuracy
Eur. j. psychol. appl. legal context, 1(2): 147-163
index for the Wiggins scale was higher showing significant difference between AUC
areas (0.099, Standard Error = 0.019; p<.001).
Coordinates of sensitivity (probability of correctly diagnosing an individual
with a particular disorder or disease) and specificity (probability of correctly diagnosing
an individual with no disorder or disease) are also obtained. A cutoff point at 18 in
Wiggins shows sensitivity (true-positives) close to 85%, meaning that, of 100 subjects
with Social Desirability bias, 85 are correctly detected and the remaining 15 would be
considered false-negatives. For Edwards, sensitivity is somewhat higher (close to 90%),
being able to diagnose correctly almost 90% of those who actually have Social
Desirability bias. In this matter, a good sensitivity index is highly valued, but
proportions of false-negatives, may be considered clinically preoccupying the more
serious the disorder or disease.
Table. 5. Statistics related to diagnostic accuracy between Wiggins (Wsd) and Edwards (ESD).
Wiggins Scale (Wsd)
Edwards Scale (ESD)
Área under the curve (AUC)
Standard Deviation
Confidence interval (95%)
0.916 - 0.957
0.808 0.869
Cutoff point
> 18
> 27
Positive predictive power(PP+)
Negative predictive power (PP-)
* p< 0.001
In the same way, the specificity shown by Wiggins was close to 92%
(percentage of subjects with no Social Desirability bias), with a remaining 8%, that
would be considered false-positives (scale does not detect existence of bias when
present). For Edwards a lower specificity value was obtained (approximately 64%),
suggesting greater probability of committing diagnostic errors.
Finally, the Positive Predictive Power (PP+) considered as the probability of a
social desirability masking effect when the scales used confirm its presence, showed
different results, indicating higher values for Wiggins scale 90.3% while Edwards was
68.7%. However when considering the Negative Predictive Power (PP-; shown in Table
5), as the likelihood of absence of social desirability when the test says otherwise, is
nearly equal for both. Figure 1 shows the ROC curve of each scale with reference of its
Jiménez et al.
True-Positive and False-Positive coordinates, suggesting higher accurately for Wiggins
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 1. Diagnostic Accuracy of Wiggins (Wsd) and Edwards (ESD) Scales. ROC Curve
This study found that both scales, Wiggins (Wsd) and Edwards (ESD),
selecting different items, can discriminate between those who have responded honestly
to the MMPI-2 and those who have tried to present a socially favorable image. It was
also detected the absence of statistically significant differences between genders,
regardless of their differentiative analysis.
Both, Edwards and Wiggins, were careful not to choose items with
psychopathological connotations (Greene, 2000). Perhaps the only variable that occurs
with some incidence in the Wsd and the ESD is the MMPI-2 Hypomania (Ma), but
correlations in general, of both scales in each group, were all found to have a negative
association with most of the Basic Clinical Scales of the MMPI-2 (see Table 4).
A previous attempt to overcome the limitations encountered in Edwards scale
(1957) was made by Crowne and Marlowe (1960) with their Social Desirability Scale
(SDS), developed with 39 MMPI items that contained several psychopathological
implications. This limitation is still important when professionals seek to assess
Eur. j. psychol. appl. legal context, 1(2): 147-163
personality traits with a technique such as the MMPI-2. For the person involved, it may
seem too obvious and easy to present the best of itself or try to deny or underestimate
any psychopathology, if benefits can be obtained. This technique makes it too easy
despite receiving instructions on sincerity and honesty.
Difference found related to the homogeneity among items carried out by a
Cronbach α coefficient, showed a higher item dispersion in Wiggins, quite different
from that seen in Edwards. By contrast in the factorial structure of these scales,
remarkable similarities were found in both the variance of the first factor (Table 1), as
in the composition of items for each of the four factors, who all seemed to denote the
same favorable image but in different context situations (Table 2). This implies that
while Wiggins would identify a person as being sure of him- or her-self, hardworking
and laborious, realistic, controlled over their own feelings, sociable and polite, honest
and altruistic, in the same way, Edwards would identify it as being insensitive to
criticism and anxiety, quiet, self-assured, emotionally positive, sociable, open and
expansive. What is the difference then? It would be necessary to use the scales that
make up their items to find any discrepancies.
In the composition of items presented on Edwards (ESD), 6 correspond to the
Masculine Gender Role (GM) Scale, and do not exist in Wiggins. Their interpretation is
based on clinical judgment associated with positive attributes that are socially desirable.
In the same way, the 4 items that correspond to the Ego-strength Scale (ES) are
presented as a general indicator of mental health associated with spontaneity, good
contact with reality and the ability to cope with everyday life problems and recover
from its consequences. Other correlations indicate that Wiggins has a high association
with the Lie Scale (L) and Edwards with the Defensiveness Scale (K). Paulhus (1986)
had interpreted that the Wsd scale seems to be related with the manipulation of personal
image in the attempt to deceive others, while ESD seemed to refer to a similar
manipulation but in the attempt to deceive one's self. No data is available in this study to
contrast this opinion.
Aiming to compare which scale showed a better diagnostic accuracy, a ROC
analysis was performed contrasting the responses of each group to both social
desirability scales (Wiggins and Edwards). Diagnostic accuracy is reported by a number
of statistics presented in Table 5. The indicator that best summarizes it is the area under
the curve value (AUC), on which one can appreciate that both scales show good
accuracy, though significantly higher in Wiggins scale. Figure 1 refers that superiority,
Jiménez et al.
interpreting that the more the curve gets closer to the diagonal that runs from the lower
left corner to the upper right corner, the lower is the diagnostic accuracy of the
examined scale.
Results reported by Wiggins (1959, quoted by Greene, 2000) on a cutoff point
that could identify 75% respondents showing a favorable social image, from those who
answered the MMPI-2 honestly (98%), are remarkably similar to results obtained in this
study. Similarly, the study by Baer, Wetter, and Berry (1992, quoted by Greene, 2000)
on Edwards scale, about people who underestimated their disease, found an optimal
cutoff point of 35 that could correctly identified 79% of simulators and 63% of honest
respondents. The results in Table 5 show similar values to correctly discriminate
In Table 5, it can also be observed the values of predictive power (positive and
negative), indicating the superiority of the Wiggins scale. But as data shows, its
diagnostic accuracy is far from 100%.
When using the MMPI-2 to detect Social Desirability simulators, personality
evaluation professionals, should take into account the existence of other validity scales
(L, K, VRIN) that should be complemented with the data on Wsd and the ESD scales
supplied by this study. Being both adequate at identifying social desirability, the Wsd of
Wiggins gives a better contribution to reach an accurate diagnosis on this matter in the
By referring to the found superiority and preferred implementation of one scale
over the other on the MMPI-2, this study is implicitly suggesting no complementarity
between the two scales, for the simple reason that, although each scale uses different
items on the MMPI-2, doesn't seem appropriate to have two scales measuring the same
construct. Complementarily is linked to the already existing values of the Infrequency
Validity Scale (F), or the Defensiveness Scale (K).
This study took account of the exclusion criteria listed by the traditional
normalization protocols of the Spanish adaptation of the MMPI-2 (Ávila & Jimenez,
1999), that in turn are based on those proposed by Butcher (1995, quoted by Butcher,
2006, p. 29). “It must be admitted that the absence of TRIN, although it’s a scale used to
detect the tendency to give true or false answers regardless of the content of the item"
(Butcher, 2006, p. 29), should have been considered in this study in order to exclude
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The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context
A social desirability scale for the MMPI-2. Which of the two: Wiggins
(WSD) or Edwards (ESD)?
Fernando Jiménez, Guadalupe Sánchez and Cristina Tobón 147
Norms in social representations: Two studies with French young drivers
Sandrine Gaymard 165
Implication degree and delay on recall of events: An experimental
and HDV study
Antonio L. Manzanero, Sofián El-Astal and Javier Aróztegui 183
Homicide and domestic violence. Are there different psychological
profiles mediated by previous violence exerted on the victim?
Miguel Ángel Soria, Inmaculada Armadans, María Rosa Viñas
and Montserrat Yepes 205
Discriminating real victims from feigners of psychological injury
in gender violence: Validating a protocol for forensic settings.
Manuel Vilariño, Francisca Fariña and Ramón Arce 221
Volume 1 Number 2 July 2009
... Third, although the instruments used in the study had good validity and reliability indices, the use of self-report measures in assessing cyberbullying and smartphone addiction may have affected results. Such measures are known to be affected by social desirability that makes participants respond to items in a way that give a positive picture of themselves (Jiménez et al. 2009). In addition to that, this raises questions about the reliability and validity of the data collected. ...
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The present study explored smartphone addiction (SA) and cyberbullying among a group of university students. Participants were 449 male and female university students whose ages ranged from 17 to 24 years. A scale probing SA and cyberbullying was used to collect data. The frequency of SA among participants was 33.2. In terms of the daily usage of smartphones, 67.3 participants were found to use smartphones for more than 4 h per day. The frequency of cyberbullying reported by participants was 20.7. Furthermore, significant differences between males and females in SA and cyberbullying were found favoring males. Finally, data revealed that cyberbullying can be predicted by university students’ SA.
... En este estudio se ha utilizado la metodología de la curva ROC, para detectar la precisión diagnóstica del MMPI-2 con el conjunto de variables psicológicas integrantes en la prueba. La utilización, cada vez más frecuente, con el MMPI/MMPI-2 (Burgueño, García-Bastos, & González-Buitrago, 1995;Glassmire, Kinney, Greene, Stolberg, Berry, & Cripe, 2003;Jiménez, Sánchez, & Ampudia, 2008Jiménez, Sánchez, & Tobón, 2009;Nicholson, Mouton, Bagby, & Buis, 1997;Swets & Pickett, 1982) se especifica globalmente por el Área Bajo la Curva (AUC) y gráficamente mediante una curva en la que se observan todos los valores de Sensibilidad y Especificidad resultantes de la variación continua de los puntos de corte (Zweig & Campbell, 1993). ...
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The acceptance and respect of the rules governing society and the family unit are essential pillars for the development of a therapeutic program for people with substance dependence disorders. This study proposes a double objective using the scales of the MMPI-2 detectors of mismatches emphasising: what information can provide and what the diagnostic accuracy of the MMPI-2 is to assess these mismatches. As a reference, psychopathic deviation (Pd), social introversion (Si), antisocial practices (ASP), social responsibility (Re), social unrest (SOD), introversion/low positive emotion (PSY-INTR), family problems (FAM), and conjugal stress (MDS) were taken. Of the 226 participants, 113 are people with substance dependence and 113 have no dependence or any pathology. Their differences and diagnostic accuracy through the ROC curve were analysed. The results showed different contribution and diagnostic accuracy of the scales.
... The most recent version of the instrument applied to adults, the MMPI-2-RF (Ben-Porath & Tellegen, 2008, is the restructured form of the MMPI-2 (Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989) that was widely used in both forensic contexts (Arce, Fariña, Carballal, & Novo, 2006;Fariña et al., 2014;Nelson, Hoelzle, Sweet, Arbisi, & Demakis, 2010;Rogers et al., 2003;Wolf & Miller, 2014), and clinical practice (Graham, 2011;Jiménez & Sánchez, 2002;Jiménez, Sánchez, & Tobón, 2009;Rogers, 2008). In turn, the MMPI-2 consists of a re-standardization of the original inventory, the MMPI (Hathaway & McKinley, 1940). ...
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Though it has been the most extensively used instrument for forensic evaluation, the MMPI-2 is being gradually replaced by the MMPI-2-RF version, requiring evidence research to support it. A malingering design was implemented to assess the efficacy of the overreporting validity scales in discriminating between a group of malingerers and the general and clinical populations in a forensic context. Of a total of 878 subjects, 309 were from the general population, 308 from the clinical population, and 261 were instructed to malinger a psychological injury. The results showed that malingerers scored significantly higher than the clinical and general population on the F-r, Fp-r, FBS-r, Fs and RBS scales. As for the classification of cases, the F-r, Fp-r, FBS-r, Fs, and RBS scales classified correctly and significantly between malingerers and honest respondents from the general population, and the F-r and Fp-r scales between malingerers and clinical population. Additionally, the results showed F-r incremental validity over Fp-r, and vice versa. Thus, F-r and Fp-r scales are independent and may be accumulated to detect malingering. Forensic practical implications from the results were derived and discussed.
... Desde que Zweig y Campbell (1993) propusieron la curva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) como un método discriminante de evaluación de la precisión diagnóstica, su utilización con las pruebas psicológicas ha aumentado notablemente. La utilización, cada vez más frecuente, con el MMPI/MMPI-2 (Burgueño, García-Bastos y González-Buitrago, 1995; Glassmire et al., 2003;Jiménez, Sánchez y Ampudia, 2008;Jiménez, Sánchez y Tobón, 2009) se especifica globalmente por el area bajo la curva (AUC) y gráficamente mediante una curva en la que se observan todos los valores de sensibilidad y especificidad resultantes de la variación continua del punto de corte. ...
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Resumen La aceptación y respeto de las normas que rigen la sociedad y la unidad familiar son pilares esenciales para la elaboración de un programa terapéutico en personas con trastornos por dependencia de sustancias. Este estudio plantea un doble objetivo utilizando las escalas del MMPI-2 detectoras de desajustes socio-familiares: qué información pueden aportar y cuál es la precisión diagnóstica del MMPI-2 para evaluar estos desajustes. Se tomaron como referencia desviación psicopática (Pd), introversión social (Si), prácticas antisociales (ASP), responsabilidad social (Re), malestar social (SOD), introversión/escasa emoción positiva (PSY-INTR), problemas familiares (FAM) y estrés conyugal (MDS). De los 226 participantes, 113 son personas con dependencia de sustancias y otras 113 no presentan dependencia ni patología alguna. Se analizaron sus diferencias estadísticas y precisión diagnóstica a través de la curva ROC. Los resultados mostraron diferente aportación y precisión diagnóstica de las escalas.
... However, it also has some limitations, three of which must be highlighted. First, because the CYBA is a self-reporting tool, the results could be affected by response biases, such as falsification or social desirability (Jiménez, Sánchez, & Tobón, 2009). In the future, CYBA could include a scale for truthfulness. ...
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Cybercrime is a growing and worrisome problem, particularly when it involves minors. Cyber-aggression among adolescents in particular can result in negative legal and psychological consequences for people involved. Therefore, it is important to have instruments to detect these incidents early and understand the problem to propose effective measures for prevention and treatment. This paper aims to design a new self-report, the Cyber-Aggression Questionnaire for Adolescents (CYBA), to evaluate the extent to which the respondent conducts aggressions through a mobile phone or the internet and analyse the factorial and criterion validity and reliability of their scores in a sample of adolescents from Asturias, Spain. The CYBA was administered to 3,148 youth aged between 12 and 18 years old along with three self-reports to measure aggression at school, impulsivity, and empathy. Regarding factorial validity, the model that best represents the structure of the CYBA consists of three factors (Impersonation, Visual-sexual Cyber-aggression, and Verbal Cyber-aggression and Exclusion) and four additional indicators of Visual Cyber-aggression–Teasing/Happy Slapping. Regarding criterion validity, the score on the CYBA correlates positively with aggression at school and impulsivity and negatively with empathy. That is the way cyber-aggression correlates with these three variables, according to previous empirical evidence. The reliability of the scores on each item and factor of the CYBA are adequate. Therefore, the CYBA offers a valid and reliable measure of cyber-aggression in adolescents.
... Por todo ello es importante asegurarse la veracidad de los datos aportados en la evaluación psicológica por los profesionales de la salud mental. Algunos investigadores de la simulación (Ben-Porath, 2013;Dionysus, Denney, & Halfaker, 2011;Jiménez-Gómez, Sánchez-Crespo y Ampudia-Rueda, 2013;Jiménez, Sánchez y Tobón, 2009;Rogers, 2008;Santamaría, 2012;Sellbom, Toomey, Wygant, Kucharski, & Duncan, 2010) han centrado sus estudios en la detección de estas variables de simulación en distintos contextos, tanto clínicos (Henry, Heilbronner, Mittenberg, Enders, & Dombaski, 2009;Sellbom, Lee, Ben-Porath, Arbisi, & Gervais, 2012) como jurídicoforenses (Archer, Hagan, Mason, Handel, & Archer, 2012;Butcher, & Williams, 2012;Pinsoneault, & Ezzo, 2012;Resendes, & Lecci, 2012;Sellbom, 2012), y con distintas técnicas y estrategias (Lang, Edmed, Sullivan, French, & Cooper, 2013;Vilariño, Arce and Fariña, 2013). Otros autores se han servido del análisis de la Especificidad y Sensibilidad proporcionados por los datos ofrecidos por los simuladores utilizando la metodología ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic), con el objetivo de poder detectar la precisión diagnóstica de las manipulaciones de los datos (Nicholson, Mouton, Bagby, & Buis, 1997;Pelegrina, Ruiz-Soler, y Wallace, 2000;Selbon y Bagby, 2010;Watson, Quilty, & Bagby, 2011;Wygant, Anderson, Selbon, Rapier, Allgeier, y Granacher 2011). ...
Conference Paper
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The objective of this study is to analyze the psychometric properties of diagnostic accuracy and predictive power of the scale of simulation or deception (ODecp) of Nicchols Greene (1991) to detect people who are trying to offer their good image or minimize their symptoms through the MMPI-2-RF. Two groups were selected at random: the control group consisted of 309 participants who answered the questionnaire according to the established instructions of sincerity and honesty (sincere), and the experimental group, made up of 278 people, who instructed properly to make a positive and favorable image of themselves (simulators) in order to get a profit. Various comparative analyses, carried out through ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) curve, with the l-r and k-r scales, prove to be an excellent scale to detect the good image in the MMPI-2-RF simulation. Key words: scale simulation, ODecp, validity scales, MMPI-2-RF, ROC curve.
Despite the valuable contribution of social desirability to validity in psychological testing, there is a notable paucity of standardized measures. For this reason, the present study aimed to translate the Social Desirability Scale-17 into Turkish and investigate its psychometric properties. A total of 1979 people, 1011 female and 968 male, ranging in age between 18 and 70, participated in the study. Out of these participants, 235 people participated in the test-retest study and 173 people in the criterion-related validity study. The “Social Desirability Scale-17” and the “Five Factor Personality Inventory-Short Form” was administered. It was observed that the scale shows single factor structure, and also the confirmatory factor analysis results revealed acceptable fit index values for the single factor. The Cronbach’s Alpha internal consistency coefficient was 0.72 and the test-retest correlation coefficient was 0.86. The correlation coefficient between the scale and the Social Desirability subscale of the Five Factor Personality Inventory-Short Form was determined as 0.70. The results showed that female participants have significantly higher scores than males. The present results indicated that the form translated into Turkish in this study was quite similar to the original form, and met the basic psychometric characteristics.
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The objective of this study is to assess the diagnostic accuracy of the personality of the Mexican criminal with the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2). The inventory was administered to 1,740 Mexican participants of which 870 (728 male and 142 female) are prison inmates, processed and/or sentenced for various crimes from various prisons in Mexico City, and the other 870 participants (728 male and 142 female) are not prison inmates. The ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve analysis was used to assess the level of diagnostic accuracy through indexes of the Area below the curve (ABC), sensitivity (S) and specificity (E). The analysis was differentiated by gender and showed significant differences.
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En el contexto forense se le demanda al perito psicólogo una evaluación expeditiva y concluyente. Por ello, se planificó un estudio con el objetivo de diseñar una herramienta psicométrica simple, rápida y fiable para la detección de la simulación de deterioro cognitivo. Mediante un diseño cuasi-experimental, 156 individuos fueron divididos en tres grupos: un grupo normal de sujetos sin deterioro cognitivo; un grupo con Deterioro Cognitivo Leve (DCL); y un grupo de sujetos sanos simuladores de deterioro cognitivo. Análisis de la curva ROC del Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) y de varios subtests de la Wechsler Memory Scale-III (WMS-III) mostró que la WMS-III era tan fiable y exacta en la discriminación entre respuestas simuladas y honestas como el TOMM. Además, los resultados también revelaron que la exactitud diagnóstica, la sensibilidad y especificidad del subtest del WMS-III Reconocimiento de Parejas de Palabras eran similares al TOOM en la discriminación entre simuladores y casos verdaderos de deterioro cognitivo. En conclusión, el subtest del WMS-III de Reconocimiento de Parejas de Palabras y el TOMM conforman un método rápido, válido y fable para la detección de la simulación de deterioro cognitivo.
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In psychological assessment, we aim for the most accurate description of some cognitive or behavioral attribute. In assessment involving self-reports, this objective is invariably haunted by the possibility of misrepresentation. Certainly we would be sceptical of self-reports of intelligence, perhaps because of its universal desirability. Among the few qualities typically rated as even more desirable than intelligence is having a good personality. Thus it seems dangerous to ignore the possibility that at least some respondents systematically misrepresent their own personality.
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Mediante este trabajo proponemos establecer una relación formal entre los modelos basados en las curvas características operativas del receptor ROC y los modelos de análisis para datos categóricos. Tradicionalmente ha existido una separación entre el análisis propuesto en la teoría de la detección de señales (TDS) y el propuesto por los modelos lineales generalizados (MLGs). Sin embargo, diferentes autores han sugerido algún tipo de relación específica (v.g. Dorfman, y Alf, 1968; Swets, 1986; DeCarlo, 1998; y Tosteson y Begg, 1988, entre otros). Así, por ejemplo, los modelos categóricos generan tablas de contingencia similares a las respuestas condicionadas de la TDS. En consecuencia, es posible incluir medidas estandarizadas de asociación derivadas de los modelos estadísticos (Bishop Fienberg and Holland, 1975). En este sentido, algunas medidas son funciones de la razón de productos cruzados (independientes de los totales marginales) como LOR, ? and Q. Estos índices son también consistentes con la existencia de criterio de decisión (Swets, 1986, 1996) y mediante ellos es posible la aplicación del análisis ROC. Hay además otros índices en los que es posible aplicar también un análisis ROC, pero que implican un modelo de umbral. Resumiendo, mediante esta investigación proponemos evaluar empíricamente los datos en un sentido complementario: TDS y MLGs.
Formal relationship between the relative (or receiver) operating characteristics (ROC) models and the analytical models for categorical data is proposed. Traditionally, some differences have been established between signal detection theory (TDS) models and Generalized Linear Models (GLMs). However, some authors have suggested some specific relations (v.g. Dorfman y Alf, 1968; Swets, 1986; DeCarlo, 1998 and Tosteson y Begg, 1988). For example, the categorical models generate results in a contingence table similar to the conditional responses to TDS. Therefore, it is possible to include standard measures of association derived from statistical models (Bishop Fienberg and Holland, 1975).Hence, same measures are function of the cross-product ratio (independent of marginal totals) as LOR, η and Q. These indices are also consistent with a variable-criterion model (Swets, 1986, 1996), and ROC analysis can by applied. There are also other indices consistent whith ROC analysis that imply a threshold model. In short, we propound that it is possible to evaluate the empirical data by using two models that can be complementary: TDS and GLMs models.
A Spanish adaptation of the Marlowe and Crowne's social desirability scale (SDS) based on the Item Response Theory (IRT) is presented. The historical evolution of both the social desirability construct and the SDS are revised. The Spanish version of the SDS behaves as essentially undimensional and has psychometric properties similar to those of the original version. The IRT model used to scale the SDS fits well the data and provides useful information about the properties of both the items and the total scale.
Using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) item pool, Wiggins (1966) developed 13 scales, each with a homogeneous content. The 13 scales, along with marker scales for the 1st 3 MMPI factors, Edwards's social desirability (SD), Welsh's repression (R), and Wiggins's social desirability (Sd) respectively, were scored in the MMPI. The same scales were scored in an Experimental Multiphasic Personality Inventory (EMPI). A principal-components analysis of the 16 scales when scored in the MMPI resulted in 4 factors. A principal-components analysis of these same scales when scored in the EMPI also resulted in 4 factors. The rotated factor loadings of the scales when scored in the MMPI and when scored in the EMPI were found to be highly congruent. The SD, R, and Sd scales proved to be excellent markers for the 1st 3 factors of the MMPI and also for the 1st 3 factors of the EMPI. Results provide further evidence that the 1st MMPI factor is a social desirability factor rather than a content factor.
In an earlier study, the probability of a True response to a personality statement was found to be linearly related to the social desirability scale value of the statement. Using the data from the earlier study, the average probability, P, of a socially desirable response, defined as a True response to an item with a socially desirable scale value or a False response to an item with a socially undesirable scale value, was estimated as 31. The average probability, Q = 1 - P, of a socially undesirable response was estimated as. 19. An equation was presented in which the values of P and Q were applied to the number of items keyed for socially desirable responses and the number of items keyed for socially undesirablc responses in each of 43 RIMPI scales to obtain predicted means for thc scales. The predicted means were found to correlate. 93 with the observed means based upon a sample of 155 males.