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Expiratory Rib Cage Compressions to Improve Secretion Clearance During Mechanical Ventilation: Not Only a Matter of Squeezing the Chest-Reply



In Reply : We thank Dr Marti and his colleagues for their comments on our study. The different methods used to investigate the clinical and physiological repercussions of airway clearance techniques make comparison between studies difficult. Animal studies like those from Unoki et al[1][1],[2][2]
Expiratory Rib Cage
Compressions to Improve
Secretion Clearance During
Mechanical Ventilation: Not Only
a Matter of Squeezing the Chest—
In Reply:
We thank Dr Martí and his colleagues
for their comments on our study. The dif-
ferent methods used to investigate the clin-
ical and physiological repercussions of air-
way clearance techniques make comparison
between studies difficult. Animal studies
like those from Unoki et al
and Martí
et al
are important to elucidate mechanisms
and raise insights into safety and efficacy of
clinical studies with human participants.
However, compared with animal models,
most mechanically ventilated patients are
not paralyzed and present with diverse clin-
ical conditions and respiratory mechanics
The rational of chest physiotherapy is to
displace secretions from the periphery to
more central airways, where they can be
removed by coughing.
In our study, simi-
lar to the forced expiratory technique, we
used prolonged strong manual compression
aimed at improving the 2-phase gas-liquid
that, according to expiratory flow-volume
loop monitoring, this maneuver increased
not only the peak expiratory flow but also
the air flow throughout the entire expiratory
the brief strong expiratory maneuver in the
study by Martí et al
increased the peak
expiratory flow, it was considered an exog-
Moreover,theincrease in mu-
cus displacement velocity in the central air-
ways (trachea) observed in their study is an
expected result and does not reflect mobi-
lization of secretions from the lung periph-
In conceptual terms, a distinction has to
ual compressive maneuver, which mimics
the attributes of an effective spontaneous
cough, and prolonged expiratory rib cage
compression as a technique to remove se-
cretions from the lung periphery. The first,
also called directed cough or manually as-
sistedcough,consists of “assisting the cough
effort with abdominal or thoracic compres-
sion during exhalation”
and has been indi-
cated to improve the peak expiratory flow
in patients with weak cough.
Because the
hard manual rib cage compressions in the
study by Martí et al
were applied only in
the early expiratory phase, we question
whether it can be compared with a directed
cough maneuver or an exogenous cough.
To date, the literature has not shown any
benefit in mobilizing peripheral secretions
by rapidly squeezing out air with prolonged
strong compressions (manually assisted
cough), brief strong manual compressions
(hardmanualribcage compressions), or pro-
longed strong and slow manual compres-
sions throughout the entire expiration phase
(expiratory rib cage compression) in me-
chanically ventilated patients.
Fernando S Guimara˜esPTPhD
Sara Lucia Silveira de Menezes
Rehabilitation Sciences Master’s Program
Augusto Motta University Center
School of Physiotherapy
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Agnaldo J Lopes MD PhD
Rehabilitation Sciences Master’s Program
Augusto Motta University Center
Pedro Ernesto Hospital
Rio de Janeiro State University
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The authors have disclosed no conflicts of in-
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6. Guimara˜es FS, Lopes AJ, Constantino SS,
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ratory rib cage compression in mechani-
cally ventilated subjects: a randomized
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Changing trends in the management of end-
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Chronic respiratory care for neuromuscular
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... Regarding its objectives, ERRC is usually applied either to assist with secretion movement from distal to proximal airways, or to remove secretion from large airways. 45,46 In theory, if ERRC is applied with gradual intensity (from gentle to strong) to prolong exhalation after the onset of the expiratory phase, it removes secretions from distal airways. On the other hand, if ERRC is applied with hard compressions to increase PEF and synchronized with the onset of expiration, it removes secretions from proximal airways. ...
Secretion management in mechanically ventilated patients is a paramount task for clinicians. A better understanding of the mechanisms of flow bias and airway dynamic compression during airway clearance therapy may enable a more effective approach for this population. Ventilator hyperinflation, expiratory rib cage compression, a PEEP-ZEEP maneuver, and mechanical insufflation-exsufflation are examples of techniques that can be optimized according to such mechanisms. In addition, novel technologies, such as electric impedance tomography, may help improve airway clearance therapy by monitoring the consequences of regional secretion displacement on lung aeration and regional lung mechanics.
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Expiratory rib cage compression (ERCC) has been empirically used by the physiotherapists with the rationale of improving expiratory flows and, therefore, the airway clearance in mechanically ventilated patients. This study aimed at evaluating the acute mechanical effects and sputum clearance of an ERCC protocol in ventilated patients with pulmonary infection. In a randomized crossover study, sputum production and respiratory mechanics were evaluated in 20 mechanically ventilated patients submitted to 2 interventions. Expiratory rib cage compression intervention consisted of a series of manual bilateral expiratory rib-cage compressions followed by a hyperinflation maneuver. Control intervention (CTRL) followed the same sequence, but instead of the compressive maneuver, the patients were kept on normal ventilation. Static (Cst) and effective (Ceff) compliance, and total (Rtot) and initial (Rinit) resistance of the respiratory system were measured pre (baseline), post-ERCC or CTRL (POST1), and post-hyperinflation (POST2). Peak expiratory flow (PEF) and the flow at 30% of the expiratory tidal volume (Flow 30%Vt) were measured during the maneuver. Expiratory rib cage compression cleared 34.4% more secretions than CTRL (2.24±1.59 vs 1.47±1.45mL; P=.04). Respiratory mechanics showed no differences between control and experimental intervention in POST1 for Cst, Ceff, Rtot and Rinit. In POST2 ERCC promoted an increase in Cst (38.7±10.3 vs 42.2 ±12mL/cmH2O; P=.025) and in Ceff (32.6±9.1 vs 34.8±9.4mL/cmH2O; P=.044). During ERCC, PEF increased 16.2L/min P<.001) and Flow 30%Vt increased 25.3L/min (P<.001) when compared with CTRL. Six patients (30%) presented expiratory flow limitation during ERCC. The effect size was small for secretion volume (0.2), Cst (0.15) and Ceff (0.12), and negligible for Rtot (0.04) and Rinit (0.04). Although ERCC increases expiratory flow, it has no clinically relevant effects in improving the sputum production and respiratory mechanics in hypersecretive mechanically ventilated patients. The maneuver can cause expiratory flow limitation in some patients. NCT01525121.
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Objective: Respiratory management of patients with end-stage respiratory muscle failure of neuromuscular disease has evolved from no treatment and inevitable respiratory failure to the use of up to continuous noninvasive intermittent positive pressure ventilatory support (CNVS) to avert respiratory failure and to permit the extubation of "unweanable" patients without tracheostomy. An international panel experienced in CNVS was charged by the 69th Congress of the Mexican Society of Pulmonologists and Thoracic Surgeons to analyze changing respiratory management trends and to make recommendations. Design: Neuromuscular disease respiratory consensuses and reviews were identified from PubMed. Individual respiratory interventions were identified; their importance was established by assessing the quality of evidence-based literature for each one and their patterns of use over time. The panel then determined the evidence-based strength for the efficacy of each intervention and made recommendations for achieving prolonged survival by CNVS. Results: Fifty publications since 1993 were identified. Continuous positive airway pressure, oxygen therapy, bilevel positive airway pressure used at both low and high spans, "air stacking," manually assisted coughing, low pressure (<35 cm H2O) and high pressure (≥40 cm H2O) mechanically assisted coughing, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation part time (<23 hrs per day) and full time (>23 hrs per day; CNVS), extubation and decannulation of ventilator-dependent patients to CNVS, and oximetry feedback for noninvasive positive pressure ventilation and mechanically assisted coughing were identified. All noted interventions are being used with increasing frequency and were unanimously recommended to achieve prolonged survival by CNVS, with the exception of supplemental oxygen and continuous positive airway pressure, which are being used less and were not recommended for this population. Conclusions: CNVS and extubation of unweanable patients to CNVS are increasingly being used to prolong life while avoiding invasive interfaces.
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In Japan, expiratory rib cage compression (a chest physiotherapy technique) is frequently used with mechanically ventilated patients. It has not been determined whether rib cage compression combined with endotracheal suctioning improves oxygenation, ventilation, and mucus clearance. We evaluated the effects of rib cage compression with and without endotracheal suctioning on P(aO(2)), P(aCO(2)), dynamic compliance of the respiratory system (C(RS)), and mucus clearance in rabbits with induced atelectasis. Anesthetized adult rabbits had an 18-gauge catheter placed into the airway, together with a tracheal tube via tracheostoma, and were mechanically ventilated. To create atelectasis, artificial mucus was infused into the airway via the catheter. Each rabbit was randomly assigned to one of 4 groups (= 7 in each): (1) control, (2) received endotracheal suctioning alone, (3) received rib cage compression alone, and (4) received both rib cage compression and endotracheal suctioning. After these interventions, for 30 min, each animal was placed supine without intervention for 120 min. In the groups that received rib cage compression, oxygenation, ventilation, and C.
Effective clearance of inhaled particles requires mucus production and continuous mucus transport from the lower airways to the oropharynx. Mucus production takes place mainly in the peripheral airways. Mucus transport is achieved by the action of the ciliated cells that cover the inner surface of the airways (mucociliary transport) and by expiratory airflow. The capacity for mucociliary transport is highest in the peripheral airways, whereas the capacity for airflow transport is highest in the central airways. In patients with airways disease, mucociliary transport may be impaired and airflow transport may become the most important mucus transport mechanism.
Objectives: We investigated the effects of two different types of manual rib cage compression on expiratory flow and mucus clearance during prolonged mechanical ventilation in pigs. Design: Prospective randomized animal study. Setting: Animal research facility, University of Barcelona, Spain. Subjects: Nine healthy pigs. Measurement and main results: Pigs were tracheally intubated, sedated, paralyzed, and mechanically ventilated. The animals were prone on a surgical bed in the anti-Trendelenburg position. The experiments were carried out at approximately 60 and 80 hrs from the beginning of mechanical ventilation. Two types of manual rib cage compressions were tested: Hard and brief rib cage compressions synchronized with early expiratory phase (hard manual rib cage compression) and soft and gradual rib cage compressions applied during the late expiratory phase (soft manual rib cage compression). The interventions were randomly applied for 15min with a 15-min interval between treatments. Respiratory flow and mucus movement were assessed during the interventions. Respiratory mechanics and hemodynamics were assessed prior to and after the interventions. Peak expiratory flow increased to 60.1±7.1L/min in comparison to 51.2±4.6L/min without treatment (p < 0.0015) and 48.7±4.3L/min with soft manual rib cage compression (p = 0.0002). Similarly, mean expiratory flow increased to 28.4±5.2L/min during hard manual rib cage compression vs. 15.9±2.2 and 16.6±2.8L/min without treatment and soft manual rib cage compression, respectively (p = 0.0006). During hard manual rib cage compression, mucus moved toward the glottis (1.01 ± 2.37mm/min); conversely, mucus moved toward the lungs during no treatment and soft manual rib cage compression, -0.28 ± 0.61 and -0.15±0.95mm/min, respectively (p = 0.0283). Soft manual rib cage compression slightly worsened static lung elastance and cardiac output (p = 0.0391). Conclusions: Hard manual rib cage compression improved mucus clearance in animals positioned in the anti-Trendelenburg position. The technique appeared to be safe. Conversely, soft manual rib cage compression was not effective and potentially unsafe. These findings corroborate the predominant role of peak expiratory flow on mucus clearance.
Neuromuscular diseases (NMD) may affect respiratory muscles, leading to respiratory failure. Studies show that long-term noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIV) improves symptoms, gas exchange, quality of life and survival. NIV improved these parameters in muscular dystrophies and also in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis without severe bulbar dysfunction. NIV should be started at the onset of nocturnal hypoventilation. In selected cases, NIV may be simpler, better accepted by patients and cheaper than invasive mechanical ventilation, but it cannot be used as an alternative. Tracheostomy may be preferred by patients unable to protect their airways and wishing to survive as long as possible, or by ventilator-dependent patients. Glossopharyngeal breathing consists of taking air and propelling it into the lungs. Chest percussions and vibrations can help to mobilise airway secretions but they cannot substitute coughing. Manually assisted coughing requires substantial lung inflation through air stacking or deep lung insufflation, followed by an abdominal thrust with open glottis. The combination of mechanical in-exsufflation with an abdominal thrust is a mechanically assisted cough. In conclusion, recent advances in respiratory care of NMD have improved prognosis and many caregivers have changed from a traditional noninterventional to a more aggressive, supportive approach.
Expiratory rib cage compression is a chest physiotherapy technique known as "squeezing" technique in Japan. It has been claimed that rib cage compression effectively treats and/or prevents lung collapse, but no studies have been reported on rib cage compression focused on improving ventilation and/or oxygenation in subjects with collapsed lung. Therefore, we studied whether rib cage compression, with and without prone positioning, improves the ratio of P(aO)(2) to fraction of inspired oxygen (P(aO)(2)/F(IO)(2)), P(aCO)(2), or dynamic compliance of the respiratory system. We used anesthetized adult rabbits with induced atelectasis. An endotracheal tube and an 18-gauge catheter were placed into the airway via a tracheostoma, and pressure-controlled mechanical ventilation was used. To create atelectasis, artificial mucus was infused into the airway via the catheter. The rabbits were randomly assigned to one of 4 groups ( = 10 in each group): (1) supine without rib cage compression, (2) supine with rib cage compression, (3) prone without rib cage compression, and (4) prone with rib cage compression. Each rib cage compression session lasted for 5 min and was repeated 5 times every 30 min. After these interventions for 180 min all animals were placed in the supine position for 120 min. The prone-position groups had significantly higher P(aO)(2)/F(IO)(2) than the supine-position groups at 60 min after the beginning of the intervention, and at 60, 90, and 120 min after the end of the intervention (p < 0.05). Rib cage compression did not significantly affect P(aO)(2)/F(IO)(2), P(aO)(2), or dynamic compliance. It is unlikely that rib cage compression re-expands collapsed lung. Prone positioning improved oxygenation in rabbits with induced atelectasis.
In health, secretions produced in the respiratory tract are cleared by mucociliary transport, cephalad airflow bias, and cough. In disease, increased secretion viscosity and volume, dyskinesia of the cilia, and ineffective cough combine to reduce secretion clearance, leading to increased risk of infection. In obstructive lung disease these conditions are further complicated by early collapse of airways, due to airway compression, which traps both gas and secretions. Techniques have been developed to optimize expiratory flow and promote airway clearance. Directed cough, forced expiratory technique, active cycle of breathing, and autogenic drainage are all more effective than placebo and comparable in therapeutic effects to postural drainage; they require no special equipment or care-provider assistance for routine use. Researchers have suggested that standard chest physical therapy with active cycle of breathing and forced expiratory technique is more effective than chest physical therapy alone. Evidence-based reviews have suggested that, though successful adoption of techniques such as autogenic drainage may require greater control and training, patients with long-term secretion management problems should be taught as many of these techniques as they can master for adoption in their therapeutic routines.