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Stephanorhinus Hemitoechus (Falc.)(Rhinocerolidae. Mammalia) del Pleistoceno medio y superior de España



This paper synthesizes the Spanish data on Stephanorhinus hemitoechus . lt is widely distributed in middle and upper Pleistocene sites, whose geographic distribution is presented here. The best representation of the species corresponds to upper Pleistocene levels with Mousterian lithic industry. The morphological and the biometrical study of this species is carried out. Dental remains show a greater homogeneity than the postcranial material, which presents a great variation, mainly referred to the size. The Spanish S. hemitoechus seems to be smal1er sized than other European remains of the species. The Spanish reports of S. mercki , species frequently confused with S. hemitoechus , have been only confirmed in two sites, Cova Negra and Lezetxiki. Se han recopilado todos los datos referentes a la especie Stephanorhinus hemitoechus en España. Se presenta su amplia distribución geográfica en yacimientos del Pleistoceno medio y superior. La mejor representación de la especie corresponde a niveles del Pleistoceno superior con industria lítica musteriense. Se ha realizado un estudio morfológico y biométrico del material. Se observa mayor homogeneidad en la dentición que en los restos postcraneales, los cuales presentan gran variación referida, sobre todo, a la talla. En conjunto, se comprueba que los restos españoles de S. hemitoechus son más pequeños que los de otros yacimientos europeos. Las citas en España de S. mercki , especie frecuentemente confundida con S. hemitoechus , sólo han sido confirmadas en los yacimientos de Cova Negra y Lezetxiki.
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... The site was discovered during the exploitation of a Triassic limestone quarry at the entrance of Villavieja de Nules in 1927 and corresponds to a fissure of approximately 40 m depth (Sos Baynat, 1975). The stratigraphic study indicates the presence of five levels, and the macro-mammal remains were found in level 1, attributed to the Middle Pleistocene ("Cuaternario medio"; Sos Baynat, 1975) interpreted as the Riss-Würm interglacial (MIS 5e) by Cerdeño (1990) (but see Sarrión Montañana and Fernández Peris, 2006 for an alternative view of this chronology). The macro-mammal assemblage includes a rhinoceros classified as Rhinoceros mercki, a cervid (Cervus elaphus), a small-sized bear (Helarctros arvernensis?), a large felid (Felis spelaea) and a lynx-sized felid (Caracal brevirrostris? ...
... [sic]) (Sos Baynat, 1975). Cerdeño (1990) re-classified the rhinoceros remains to Stephanorhinus hemitoechus based on the metrical similarities of the postcranial remains to the S. hemitoechus published by Guérin (1980). Sos Baynat (1975) classified the small-sized bear as Helarctros arvernensis? ...
... The site of Villavieja has yielded an interesting faunal assemblage, but its chronology has been a matter of discussion. Sos Baynat (1975) and Cerdeño (1990) attributed the fossils to the Middle Pleistocene. Sarrión Montañana and Fernández Peris (2006) and Sarrión Montañana (2009) found in the southern slope of the same hill micromammal remains of MN 15b-MN 16 chronology (Pliocene) 8 m above the height where the U. thibetanus fossils were found and they proposed that MN 15b-MN 16 should be considered as a minimum age, thus proposing a Ruscinian age (MN 15a) for the site of Villavieja (contra Sos Baynat, 1975;Cerdeño, 1990). ...
... Europe's rhinocerotid record between the late Middle Pleistocene and the early Upper Pleistocene comprises three taxa: Stephanorhinus hemitoechus, S. kirchbergensis, and Coelodonta antiquitatis (e.g., [1,2]), with S. hundsheimensis being known to extend from the late Lower Pleistocene to the early Middle Pleistocene [2]. The most abundant of these species in the Iberian Middle-Upper Pleistocene localities is S. hemitoechus (e.g., [3][4][5]). Layers III and VII are composed of clast-supported breccia. ...
... The presence of antecrochet in the M3 is occasional in S. hundsheimensis and S. etruscus (e.g., [52]). The ectoloph profile in S. hemitoechus, primarily in the P4, differs in terms of presenting a more undulate relief [29], a narrower and more projected parastyle, with a deeper parastyle groove, and a differentiated metacone fold [3,53]. ...
... The isolated lower teeth of S. hundsheimensis from other Spanish localities [20] present some variation, with the p2 and p3 from Fuente Nueva-3 proportionally narrower than those in # 8096, but all teeth are of a similar general size. Similar or slightly higher values are observed in the case of the Spanish S. hemitoechus [3,[55][56][57]. ...
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New rhino remains recovered from Cova del Rinoceront (Castelldefels, Barcelona) confirm the presence of Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis (Toula, 1902) at the site and the taxon’s persistence until the late Middle–early Upper Pleistocene in Europe, that is, its latest documented occurrence. The three individuals recovered from the site are compared with specimens of other Pleistocene species, including those of S. hemitoechus, S. kirchbergensis and Coelodonta antiquitatis, but their anatomical characteristics (a long skull, moderate occipital elevation, partial nasal septum, and slender zygomatic arch) do not coincide with the latter’s documented features. Certain similarities are found with the most frequently occurring rhinocerotid at that time in the Iberian Peninsula, S. hemitoechus, but the cranial features of the latter differ. The anatomical characteristics of the Cova del Rinoceront individuals coincide most closely with those of S. hundsheimensis (i.e., a high occipital face, with rounded proximolateral angles and oblique lateral borders, as well as the frontoparietal angle, and facial development). Despite the marked overlaps in the general measurements of S. hundsheimensis and S. hemitoechus, many (cranial and postcranial) dimensions of the Cova del Rinoceront individuals coincide more closely with those of the former, although some bone proportions are more similar to those of the latter specimens. Therefore, S. kirchbergensis and C. antiquitatis can be discarded as they tend to be larger, more robust species.
... These species could be ancestral to S. kirchbergensis, which is not known from glacial periods in northern Europe and may have spread from China during subsequent interglacials. Initially it reached Eastern Europe (Beliajeva & David 1971), then Germany (Van der Made & Grübe 2010) and France (Guérin 1980) around 600 ka and during the Late Pleistocene may have reached the very north and the Mediterranean coast of Spain (Altuna 1972;Pérez Ripoll 1977;Cerdeño 1990), which were more humid than the Iberian centre. ...
... He gave general descriptions of this species, but not specificially of the fossils from these sites. Of these, the fossils from four Spanish sites were revised by Cerdeño (1990), who assigned them to Stephanorhi nus hemitoechus. Some other sites were indicated to be of lower MNQ26. ...
We present a description of an almost complete skeleton of the forest rhino (Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis) found near Gorzów Wielkopolski (Northwest Poland) in its geological and palaeoenvironmental context. While finds of bones and teeth are common, the importance of this find resides in, that it is the most complete specimen of this species, almost perfectly preserved in a wellstudied and dated stratigraphic and sedimentological context, along with other fossil fauna and flora. The OSL dates of glaciofluvial sediments sandwiching skeleton-bearing horizons indicate a Middle Eemian age of the Pleistocene paleolake land. This warm climate is also indicated by the results of sedimentological, geochemical, paleobotanical, and isotopic analyses. The rhino skeleton was deposited in a shallow area near the lake’s littoral zone. Bite marks of a large predator (cave hyena) were recognized on the rhino’s pelvis, which, due to their location, were probably created post-mortem. With an estimated height of 1.82 m at the withers, this was a large adult Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis. The results of osteometric analyses indicate that we are dealing with one of the largest known individuals of this species. Although it suffered from a pathologically deformed spine, the individual died at a relatively old age. Key words: Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis, Eemian, aDNA, Poland.
... The exploration of additional underground karstic features, particularly in the Cantabrian Range, led to the discovery of a considerable collection of fossil remains and provided important insights on the distribution, biostratigraphy, and paleoecology of Pliocene-Pleistocene rhinoceros species, including their connection with the shifting climate of that time. Numerous reports of narrow-nosed (Stephanorhinus hemitoechus) and woolly rhinos (Coelodonta antiquitatis) among others have been published in the last decades, either in form of monographs (Cerdeño 1990(Cerdeño , 1993Mazo 1995;García-Fernández et al. 2003;Ros et al. 2003 or incorporated in faunal reports. Finally, recent reviews on Pliocene species have brought back to light these poorly represented faunas, many of them still to be re-studied in detail (Malapeira et al. 2014;Pandolfi et al. 2022). ...
... Many of original occurrences of the species (e.g: Cueva del Castillo or Cueva de Arnero) were posteriorly reassigned to S. hundsheimensis (see description of the latter for further details). The only remains included here, from Cova Negra and Lezetxiki, were cited but not reviewed by Cerdeño (1990). ...
The family Rhinocerotidae, also referred to as ‘true rhinoceroses’, is one of the multiple perissodactyl lineages that have independently evolved large body sizes, lophodonty (fully developed crests between dental cusps), a simplified anterior dentition, and the molarization of the premolars. During the last decades, descriptions of novel fossil collections, the update of previously published ones, and taxonomic reviews through cladistic analyses have brought to bear a new, comprehensive perspective on the group, significantly increasing its recorded deep-time diversity. This paper reviews the historical development of the study of Rhinocerotidae in the Iberian Peninsula, provides an up-to-date compendium of the regional rhinoceros fossil record by gathering the available references, and presents an updated taxonomic framework. As a result, 27 out of the more than 200 rhinoceros species described in the literature worldwide inhabited the Iberian Peninsula, regionally ranging from the Oligocene to the Late Pleistocene. Their systematics, stratigraphic, and geographical ranges are detailed in the present article and the occurrences and geographical ranges illustrated.
... 0.5 Ma until the end of the last glaciation (e.g. Guérin 1980;Cerdeño 1990;Fortelius et al. 1993) (Figure 1). ...
Five rhinoceros species, mainly distinguishable through cranial, mandibular and dental morphology, were recognized during the Quaternary across Europe. The postcranial morphology of these taxa is quite variable, with strong superposition among species, especially between Stephanorhinus etruscus and Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis. Here, the complete sample including 25 postcranial bones from the early Middle Pleistocene site of Contrada Monticelli (Apulia, southern Italy) is described and compared through morphological and biometric analyses. A few bones, in addition to cranial and mandibular remains from this site, have been previously referred to Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis. We explored the morphological variability of Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis from Contrada Monticelli against the diagnostic characters described in the literature. The size variation of the Contrada Monticelli sample is also investigated, through a comparison with other Quaternary European rhinoceros samples. Our results indicate a wide morphological variability with several distinct characters and a strong morphological affinity between Stephanorhinus etruscus and S. hundsheimensis. Our results suggest that Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis from Contrada Monticelli is a species with a high degree of intraspecific variability, possibly a hybrid population or a population including two morphotypes of the same species.
... A partir de 1980 el yacimiento vuelve a ser intervenido por L. G. Vega Toscano y su equipo, con el objetivo principal de generar una secuencia paleoclimática y cultural que sirviese de referencia para todo el sur peninsular y solucionar los problemas inconclusos generados en las intervenciones anteriores (Vega Toscano et al. 1997a). Dicho proyecto ofreció numerosas publicaciones en algunos de los campos de estudio, como la industria (Vega Toscano 1988, la cronoestratigrafía (Vega Toscano et al. 1988;Vega Toscano y Carrión 1993), la fauna (Cerdeño 1990;Sevilla 1986Sevilla , 1987, la palinología (Carrión 1992;Fernández et al. 2007) o la tafonomía (Maíllo Fernández 2000). Una de las conclusiones más relevantes de este proyecto fue la propuesta de una pervivencia del tándem neandertal-musteriense en el sur de la península ibérica (Vega Toscano et al. 1988. ...
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... A partir de 1980 el yacimiento vuelve a ser intervenido por L. G. Vega Toscano y su equipo, con el objetivo principal de generar una secuencia paleoclimática y cultural que sirviese de referencia para todo el sur peninsular y solucionar los problemas inconclusos generados en las intervenciones anteriores (Vega Toscano et al. 1997a). Dicho proyecto ofreció numerosas publicaciones en algunos de los campos de estudio, como la industria (Vega Toscano 1988, 1997a, la cronoestratigrafía ; Vega Toscano y Carrión 1993), la fauna (Cerdeño 1990;Sevilla 1986Sevilla , 1987, la palinología (Carrión 1992;Fernández et al. 2007) o la tafonomía (Maíllo Fernández 2000). Una de las conclusiones más relevantes de este proyecto fue la propuesta de una pervivencia del tándem neandertal-musteriense en el sur de la península ibérica , 1997a. ...
... A partir de 1980 el yacimiento vuelve a ser intervenido por L. G. Vega Toscano y su equipo, con el objetivo principal de generar una secuencia paleoclimática y cultural que sirviese de referencia para todo el sur peninsular y solucionar los problemas inconclusos generados en las intervenciones anteriores (Vega Toscano et al. 1997a). Dicho proyecto ofreció numerosas publicaciones en algunos de los campos de estudio, como la industria (Vega Toscano 1988, la cronoestratigrafía (Vega Toscano et al. 1988;Vega Toscano y Carrión 1993), la fauna (Cerdeño 1990;Sevilla 1986Sevilla , 1987, la palinología (Carrión 1992;Fernández et al. 2007) o la tafonomía (Maíllo Fernández 2000). Una de las conclusiones más relevantes de este proyecto fue la propuesta de una pervivencia del tándem neandertal-musteriense en el sur de la península ibérica (Vega Toscano et al. 1988. ...
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... The status, origin, and relationships of Stephanorhinus jeanvireti are still under discussion. Pandolfi et al. (2019) suggested retaining its species name, which is why we continue to use it herein (Azzaroli, 1962;Loose, 1975;Guérin, 1980;Cerdeño, 1990Cerdeño, , 1992Cerdeño, , 1993Cerdeño, , 1995Fortelius et al., 1993;Mazza et al., 1993;Kahlke, 1999;Reissig, 1999;Lacombat, 2003Lacombat, , 2005Lacombat, , 2006Billia and Petronio, 2009;Billia, 2011;Pandolfi and Petronio, 2011;Pandolfi, 2013;Billia and Zervanová, 2014;Pandolfi and Tagliacozzo, 2015;Breda, 2016, 2019;Pandolfi et al., 2016aPandolfi et al., , b, 2017aPandolfi et al., , b, 2019Pandolfi et al., , 2020Pandolfi et al., , 2021aPandolfi et al., , b, 2022Kirillova et al., 2017;Pandolfi and Rook, 2017;Giaourtsakis, 2021). ...
The family Rhinocerotidae is a key component of the Cenozoic European fauna. It reached its peak diversity during Miocene and began to decline in the Pliocene; the last representatives became extinct in Europe during the Quaternary. The present state-of-the-art review takes stock of the knowledge accumulated on Central and Eastern European Pleistocene rhinos to date. Eight species were present in Central and Eastern Europe in the Quaternary; five belonged to the genus Stephanorhinus (S. etruscus, S. jeanvireti, S. hundsheimensis, S. hemitoechus, and S. kirchbergensis), one was the woolly rhino Coelodonta antiquitatis, and two species were members of the genus Elasmotherium (E. peii and E. caucasicum). This review also offered the opportunity to critically reconsider some aspects of the systematics and stratigraphic location of the finds. Coelodonta antiquitatis is shown to have still been present as late as the Interplenivistulian and the Last Glacial Maximum; radiocarbon dating of its latest remains provided the timing of the final disappearance of the woolly rhino from the studied region. The Late Pleistocene distribution of Coelodonta antiquitatis in Central and Eastern Europe was found to largely overlap that of the woolly mammoth.
Isolated teeth and bones of rhinoceroses are sometimes difficult to identify at specific level because our poor knowledge of the morphological variability of fossil and, often, of extant species. During the past century, several studies have been devoted to highlight morphological and morphometric differences among the fossil Pleistocene species, but only a few of them considered the variability of the extant taxa, in particular Dicerorhinus sumatrensis, to support and interpret their results. Dicerorhinus sumatrensis is the closest extant relative of the Eurasian Stephanorhinus, as recently evidenced by molecular analyses, and it provides useful data to better understand the variability in extinct Pleistocene Eurasian taxa. Taking into account the observations on the extant Sumatran rhinoceros, the validity of some morphological traits, often used for specific attribution in Early Pleistocene fossil rhinoceroses, is revised. Sexual dimorphism and ontogenetic stage drive the development of some important features in Eurasian rhinoceroses and a detailed comparison among crania lead to new considerations on taxonomy, and, therefore, on paleobiogeography and biochronology of the different species.
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Se estudia la fauna de los yacimientos pleistocenos de Catalunya. Tomo 1 Universitat de Barcelona
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Se aborda la historia de las investigaciones sobre el Paleolítico y las industrias líticas del BajoAragón, mediante la revisión bibliográfica y el estudio de las colecciones líticas depositadas en el Museo de Zaragoza.