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Regeln und Standards in der Substanz-unterstützten Psychotherapie (SPT)

  • MIND Foundation


This is my main research chapter in our 2008 book on Therapy with Psychoactive Substances. At that time we mainly focussed on the work of a Swiss group called the Schweizerische Ärztevereinigung für Psycholytische Therapie (SÄPT). My qualitative and partly historical work about them resulted in a structured set of topics and "rules" that the therapists applied in their endeavour to conduct responsible and patient-centered psychotherapy with LSD, MDMA or psilocybin. The field was still very much developing when the Swiss Association for Psycholytic Medicine was able to legally practice this form of therapy. The text still provides very interesting insights into the challenges facing therapists and researchers when it comes to developing effective therapies with entactogenes and psychedelics. Since this is a highly divisive and strangely underresearched field the value of this book is to narrate historical practice and evidence and bring it into connection with beginning research at that time. In the year 2015 (when writing this abstract) things have changed dramatically. Neuroscience and even some therapy research with LSD, MDMA and other mind-opening drugs has begun at a number of University and even outside of the academic field. Die Professionalisierung Substanz-unterstützter Psychotherapie (SPT). Available from: [accessed May 27, 2015].
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... The focus of this therapeutic approach is on remembering and understanding personal life experiences as well as uncovering the inner functioning of one's mind. Preparation and integration at different intensity levels involves more personal, psychodynamic and depth psychology concepts (Jungaberle and Verres, 2008), rather than the US-American humanistic, transcendental characteristics used in IPAP, which primarily seeks to generate overwhelming peak experiences (Reiff et al., 2020). While IPAP and PAGP approaches can both be therapeutic, they require different forms of behaviour from the therapist and patients. ...
... In group therapy, all learning experiences can be processed and shared within the group, including challenging ones, and participants can be supported by both the therapists and their peers. Because PAGP encompasses both expression-oriented phases and introspection-oriented phases within the psychedelic session (Jungaberle and Verres, 2008), patients can benefit from both. ...
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Background Despite the growth of psychedelic research, psychedelic-assisted group psychotherapy (PAGP) has received little attention in comparison to individual psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy models. Methods In this article, we aim to discuss the therapeutic potential of PAGP, as well as outline existing models and the challenges of this approach. Using Irvin Yalom’s 11 therapeutic factors of group therapy as a basic framework, we analyse current literature from clinical studies and neurobiological research relative to the topic of PAGP. Results We argue that combining psychedelic substances and group psychotherapy may prove beneficial for increasing group connectedness and interpersonal learning, potentially enhancing prosocial behaviour with direct opportunities to practice newly acquired knowledge about previously maladaptive behavioural patterns. Challenges regarding this approach include a more rigid therapy structure and potential loss of openness from patients, which may be ameliorated by adequate therapeutic training. Conclusion We hope for this article to support clinical research on PAGP by presenting a therapeutic framework and outlining its mechanisms and challenges.
Gatherings in groups are a ubiquitous phenomenon throughout human history. This is true for everyday social tasks as well as for healing and spiritual purposes. In psychotherapy, group treatment started soon after developing psychoanalytic treatment procedures. For psychedelic therapy however, individual treatment guided by one or sometimes even two therapists is the most common and widespread treatment model for clinical research and therapy thus far. Since the foundation of the Swiss Medical Society for Psycholytic Therapy (Schweizerische Ärztegesellschaft für psycholytische Therapie, SÄPT) in 1985 in Switzerland, we however had the opportunity to conduct psychedelic group treatment in specific settings, which the following article describes.
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À la maladresse avec laquelle l’occidental induit des modifications de sa conscience, les médecines ancestrales répondent par un savoirfaire des plus sophistiqués où non seulement l’induction contrôlée d’états non-ordinaire de la conscience n’est pas dommageable mais permet même de faire face au développement moderne du phénomène toxicomaniaque. À partir de son expérience clinique en Haute Amazonie péruvienne, l’auteur témoigne des ressources thérapeutiques que recèle un sage usage des plantes médicinales y compris celles à effets psychotropes non addictifs comme la fameuse liane ayahuasca. La mise en place, au sein d’une structure d’accueil, d’un dispositif thérapeutique articulant les pratiques autochtones et la psychothérapie contemporaine, permet d’obtenir des résultats très encourageants (positifs chez 2/3 des patients), au-delà du contexte culturel dont émanent toxicomanes et thérapeutes. Ce qui invite à une reconsidération des approches conventionnelles vers l’introduction de l’universelle notion d’initiation oubliée en Occident et vers laquelle semble tendre le toxicomane à travers sa quête ordalique.
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Rationale: Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) receptors play an important role in perception, affect regulation and attention. Pharmacological challenge with the 5-HT2A agonist psilocybin (PY) is useful in studying the neurobiological basis of cognition and consciousness. Objective: Investigation of dose-dependent effects of PY on psycho(patho)logical and physiological parameters. Methods: Eight subjects received placebo (PL), and 45 ("very low dose, VLD”), 115 ("low dose, LD”), 215 ("medium dose, MD”), and 315 ("high dose, HD”) μg/kg body weight PY. The "Altered States of Consciousness Rating Scale” (5D-ASC), the "Frankfurt Attention Inventory” (FAIR), and the "Adjective Mood Rating Scale” (AMRS) were used to assess the effects of PY on psycho(patho)logical core dimensions, attention, and mood. A 24-h electrocardiogram (EKG) was recorded and blood pressure was measured. Plasma concentrations of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), prolactin (PRL), cortisol (CORT), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and standard clinical chemical parameters were determined. Results: PY dose dependently increased scores of all 5D-ASC core dimensions. Only one subject reacted with transient anxiety to HD PY. Compared with PL, MD and HD PY led to a 50% reduction of performance in the FAIR test. "General inactivation”, "emotional excitability”, and "dreaminess” were the only domains of the AMRS showing increased scores following MD and HD PY. The mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) was moderately elevated only 60min following administration of HD PY. Neither EKG nor body temperature was affected by any dose of PY. TSH, ACTH, and CORT plasma levels were elevated during peak effects of HD PY, whereas PRL plasma levels were increased following MD and HD PY. Conclusion: PY affects core dimensions of altered states of consciousness and physiological parameters in a dose-dependent manner. Our study provided no cause for concern that PY is hazardous with respect to somatic health
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In the late 1960's a multi-million dollar interdisciplinary research center opened in the State of Maryland. This center for psychiatric research was a consequence of research in psychedelic psychotherapy performed by Albert Kurland and his associates at the Spring Grove State Hospital. Though the studies at Spring Grove State Hospital and those that followed at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center (MPRC) ended in 1976, they remain the largest, most sustained and systematic study of psychedelic drugs and psychotherapy yet attempted.
Interdisziplinäre Familiendiagnostik! Therapeutin und Therapeut können mit dem Handbuch der Familiendiagnostik den diagnostischen Prozess Schritt für Schritt nachvollziehen. Vom ersten Telefonkontakt über die Durchführung der Gespräche bis hin zur klinischen Dokumentation, enthält dieses Buch alle Fakten und Informationen, die Sie für Ihre tägliche Arbeit benötigen. Ein ausführlicher Leitfaden für die Gesprächsführung unterstützt Sie ganz praktisch. Viele Beispiele illustrieren und erläutern den theoretischen Hintergrund. Der interdisziplinäre Ansatz gewährleistet, dass systemische, psychoanalytische wie auch strukturelle Theorien zur Anwendung kommen. Von den Grundlagen über Therapieverfahren bis hin zu speziellen Situationen werden alle Aspekte der Familiendiagnostik in ihrer praktischen Anwendung dargestellt. Die 3. Auflage wurde komplett überarbeitet und präsentiert sich in einem neuen, modernen Layout.