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Impact of variance components on reliability of absolute quantification using digital PCR


Abstract and Figures

Background Digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) is an increasingly popular technology for detecting and quantifying target nucleic acids. Its advertised strength is high precision absolute quantification without needing reference curves. The standard data analytic approach follows a seemingly straightforward theoretical framework but ignores sources of variation in the data generating process. These stem from both technical and biological factors, where we distinguish features that are 1) hard-wired in the equipment, 2) user-dependent and 3) provided by manufacturers but may be adapted by the user. The impact of the corresponding variance components on the accuracy and precision of target concentration estimators presented in the literature is studied through simulation. Results We reveal how system-specific technical factors influence accuracy as well as precision of concentration estimates. We find that a well-chosen sample dilution level and modifiable settings such as the fluorescence cut-off for target copy detection have a substantial impact on reliability and can be adapted to the sample analysed in ways that matter. User-dependent technical variation, including pipette inaccuracy and specific sources of sample heterogeneity, leads to a steep increase in uncertainty of estimated concentrations. Users can discover this through replicate experiments and derived variance estimation. Finally, the detection performance can be improved by optimizing the fluorescence intensity cut point as suboptimal thresholds reduce the accuracy of concentration estimates considerably. Conclusions Like any other technology, dPCR is subject to variation induced by natural perturbations, systematic settings as well as user-dependent protocols. Corresponding uncertainty may be controlled with an adapted experimental design. Our findings point to modifiable key sources of uncertainty that form an important starting point for the development of guidelines on dPCR design and data analysis with correct precision bounds. Besides clever choices of sample dilution levels, experiment-specific tuning of machine settings can greatly improve results. Well-chosen data-driven fluorescence intensity thresholds in particular result in major improvements in target presence detection. We call on manufacturers to provide sufficiently detailed output data that allows users to maximize the potential of the method in their setting and obtain high precision and accuracy for their experiments. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-15-283) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Jacobs et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:283
Impact of variance components on reliability
of absolute quantification using digital PCR
Bart KM Jacobs*, Els Goetghebeur and Lieven Clement*
Background: Digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) is an increasingly popular technology for detecting and
quantifying target nucleic acids. Its advertised strength is high precision absolute quantification without needing
reference curves. The standard data analytic approach follows a seemingly straightforward theoretical framework but
ignores sources of variation in the data generating process. These stem from both technical and biological factors,
where we distinguish features that are 1) hard-wired in the equipment, 2) user-dependent and 3) provided by
manufacturers but may be adapted by the user. The impact of the corresponding variance components on the
accuracy and precision of target concentration estimators presented in the literature is studied through simulation.
Results: We reveal how system-specific technical factors influence accuracy as well as precision of concentration
estimates. We find that a well-chosen sample dilution level and modifiable settings such as the fluorescence cut-off
for target copy detection have a substantial impact on reliability and can be adapted to the sample analysed in ways
that matter. User-dependent technical variation, including pipette inaccuracy and specific sources of sample
heterogeneity, leads to a steep increase in uncertainty of estimated concentrations. Users can discover this through
replicate experiments and derived variance estimation. Finally, the detection performance can be improved by
optimizing the fluorescence intensity cut point as suboptimal thresholds reduce the accuracy of concentration
estimates considerably.
Conclusions: Like any other technology, dPCR is subject to variation induced by natural perturbations, systematic
settings as well as user-dependent protocols. Corresponding uncertainty may be controlled with an adapted
experimental design. Our findings point to modifiable key sources of uncertainty that form an important starting
point for the development of guidelines on dPCR design and data analysis with correct precision bounds. Besides
clever choices of sample dilution levels, experiment-specific tuning of machine settings can greatly improve results.
Well-chosen data-driven fluorescence intensity thresholds in particular result in major improvements in target
presence detection. We call on manufacturers to provide sufficiently detailed output data that allows users to
maximize the potential of the method in their setting and obtain high precision and accuracy for their experiments.
Keywords: Digital PCR, Absolute nucleic acid quantification, CNV, Variance component, Precision, Accuracy,
Reliability, Experimental design, Polymerase chain reaction
Advances in the field of polymerase chain reaction have
enabled researchers to detect and quantify nucleic acids
with increasing precision and accuracy. Until recently,
real-time quantitative PCR was the gold standard for
determining the concentration of a known target DNA or
RNA sequence in a sample [1]. More than two decades
Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics, Ghent
University, Krijgslaan 281, S9, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
ago, digital PCR was introduced as a potential alterna-
tive for detecting and quantifying nucleic acids [2]. The
proof of concept followed a few years later [3]. Building
on the necessary technological advances in the field of
nanofluidics, commercially viable products were recently
developed by 4 major players on the current market [4,5].
Promising applications are found in food safety [6],
forensic research, cancer diagnostics detection [7,8],
pathogen detection [9-11], rare allele detection [12],
development of biomarkers [5] and sample preparation for
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Jacobs et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:283 Page 2 of 13
next-generation sequencing [13] among others. The most
popular applications so far are low copy number detection
[14,15] and copy number variation [16,17].
Digital PCR uses microfluidic droplets or chips to divide
a sample in hundreds, thousands or millions of tiny par-
titions. This is followed by a classical PCR amplification
step. The endpoint fluorescence signal is used to clas-
sify partitions in two distinct groups: those that contain
at least one target sequence and those that do not. From
this, the percentage of partitions that are void of copies
is obtained. The concentration of the target sequence can
now be estimated as the number of copies per partition
follows a Poisson distribution under regularity conditions.
Technical and biological factors that influence the con-
centration estimates have been studied extensively for
quantitative PCR, which resulted in the formulation of
guidelines for scientific authors [1]. Similar efforts to raise
awareness and formulate guidelines for digital PCR have
been very recently published [18]. Some of the relevant
sources of variation largely remain to be explored how-
ever. One study examined the assumption that target
copies are randomly distributed among partitions for a
chip based system [19] while another focused on the pres-
ence of variance components in a droplet based system
[20]. Experimental comparative studies between real-time
quantitative PCR and digital PCR have found similar per-
formance [9,10,21] while others are claiming digital PCR
can measure smaller copy number variations than quan-
titative PCR [14,16]. We study how the precision and
accuracy of digital PCR results is affected by realistic lev-
els of variation likely present in either system, and derive
some guidelines for establishing more reliable estimates.
dPCR Workflow
The digital PCR workflow allows for quick quantification
of target sequences. The typical dPCR protocol reads as
follows: (1) Extracting RNA or DNA from the biological
sample. (2) Preparing the PCR master mix and including
a quantity of extract. (3) Dividing the reaction mix over
a large number of partitions. (4) Amplifying the target
material present in the partitions over a selected number
of amplification cycles and measuring the endpoint flu-
orescence. (5) Estimating the target concentration and
quantifying the uncertainty on the estimates.
Below, we discuss the different steps in the dPCR work-
flow together with their key sources of variation in the
data production process as visualized in Figure 1 and
summarized in Table 1.
Digital PCR starts from an extracted DNA or RNA sam-
ple in a similar fashion as qPCR (step 1). Imperfections in
the extract can lead to inhibited amplification of the target
sequence. A dilution step may often be indicated.
Next, a predetermined amount of the (diluted) NA
extract is mixed with the PCR Master Mix to create the
reaction mix (step 2). The importance of transferring
extracted NA accurately into the reaction mix is well rec-
ognized, yet small pipette errors are unavoidable for volu-
metric dilutions. These errors are typically much smaller
for gravimetric dilutions although errors due to the bal-
ance and measurement method may still exist. Technical
replicates of the same experiment may be prepared simul-
taneously, aiming for identical stochastic properties and
sampling variation stemming from the Poisson process
only. In practice they are subject to additional technical
variation as a result of pipette error and sample hetero-
geneity among other technical factors. The magnitude of
pipette error can be estimated from known systematic and
random errors of pipettes.
From this moment on, the digital PCR workflow devi-
ates from classic PCR. In the following dPCR step, each
replicate sample is divided into a large number of par-
titions (step 3). Using microfluidics for instance, parti-
tions are created which are either water-in-oil droplets
or microchambers filled with reaction mix. The theoret-
ical framework assumes that partitions are of equal size.
In practice, droplets vary in size while chambers do not
contain the exact same volume [19,20]. In [19], the within-
array coefficient of variation was estimated at around 10%
The partitions are subsequently thermally amplified
as in a classical PCR. Fluorescence levels are read for
each partition and at the endpoint only in most systems
pipetting unequal
partition size
variation error misclassication
Target Partitions Endpoint
Fluoresence K, n
Figure 1 Visualisation of the different steps in a typical digital PCR workflow. Important variance components are included as arrows
between the appropriate steps. The steps are: (1) extracting RNA or DNA from the biological sample, (2) preparing the PCR master mix and including
a quantity of extract, (3) dividing the reaction mix over a large number of partitions (droplets or cells), (4) amplifying the target material present in
the partitions over a selected number of amplification cycles and measuring the endpoint fluorescence and (5) estimating the target concentration
and quantifying the uncertainty on the estimates. Variance components are (i) technical variation: sampling variation and pipette error, (ii)
machine-specific variation: unequal partition size and possible partition loss, and (iii) possibly user-optimized (mis)classification of endpoint
Jacobs et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:283 Page 3 of 13
Table 1 Digital PCR Workflow
Step Output Associated variation
1 Extracted DNA Inhibition, overdilution, underdilution
2 Reaction mix Pipette error, sample heterogeneity
3 Partitions Loss of partitions, unequal partition size
4 Fluorescence signal Loss of partitions, amplification efficiency
5 Estimated Misclassification, model uncertainty,
concentration inaccurate partition size
A summary of the steps in digital PCR with associated variance components.
(step 4). As in classical PCR, the experimenter is free to
choose the number of amplification cycles. Most com-
mercial machines include a default protocol with a fixed
number of cycles.
Between partitioning and the fluorescence measure-
ment, partitions may be lost in a random fashion for
various reasons. In droplet-based systems, this might be
induced by droplets that stick to the sides of the tube, clog
the reader or coalesce together. In chip-based systems,
spatial effects may play a role as adjacent chambers are
more likely to be both lost, for example because of small
hairs. Losses of about 30% seem normal for droplet-based
systems [4,12,20].
Raw fluorescence levels are finally transformed into a
binary variable by applying a threshold obtained through
data-analysis. Figure 2 illustrates the fluorescence pattern
for an experiment with two dyes with arbitrary thresholds
of 5000 and 4000. When end-point fluorescence exceeds
this threshold, the partition is labelled positive and
assumed to have at least one initial target copy. Mean-
while, a partition for which the fluorescence level does
not reach the threshold is labelled negative and declared
void of target copies. Current systems embed their own
thresholds before labelling fluorescence values obtained
at the end of the amplification cycle as signal of target
presence rather than noise. Inhibition, slow starting reac-
tions, primer depletion and other sources of technical
and biological variation may result in misclassification for
some partitions. The influence of inhibition on efficiency
has been modelled for qPCR [22]. Increased inhibition
has been shown to slow down the reaction considerably.
In digital PCR, inhibitors or slow starting reactions may
result in misclassification as partitions fail to reach the
fluorescence threshold while still containing at least one
initial target copy. Resulting false negatives hence reduce
sensitivity for the detection of positive partitions.
On the other hand, the presence of highly homologous
sequences and other contaminations may lead to non-
specific binding of primers and can cause positive signals
in the absence of a target sequence. These false positives
correspondingly reduce specificity.
From [12,14,20,23], we see that the amount of false pos-
itives for NTC’s (no template controls) is relatively small
and often 0. Experiments on mutant DNA that include
Figure 2 Example of the endpoint fluorescence for two dyes. In the left panel, the endpoint fluorescence of an artificial experiment without rain
is shown, in the right panel the result of an artificial experiment with about 6% rain. For both dyes, the distribution is a mixture of two components,
composed of output from both positive and negative partitions as shown with appropriate density functions on top and on the right of both
graphs. An arbitrary threshold to separate both groups is added for each dye, dividing the area in four classification quadrants.
Jacobs et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:283 Page 4 of 13
a wildtype reference sample provide similar results. The
amount of false negatives may be much larger as we often
see a (downward) bias [12,14,23].
Additionally, we noticed up to about 10% so called ‘rain’,
which are partitions with an endpoint fluorescence mea-
surement that can not be clearly classified as positive
or negative based on the visible clusters. A visual exam-
ple with about 6% rain can be seen in the right panel
of Figure 2. The impact of changes in the threshold is
confided to the labelling of observations in the rain as
cluster members tend to be clearly positively or negatively
It was empirically verified in [23] that an increased
number of amplification cycles tends to increase the per-
centage of amplified partitions. Consequently, the number
of partitions that are difficult to classify, visualised as rain,
are reduced and with it misclassification rates.
The choice of the threshold and subsequent labelling
of the partitions is considered the first part of the data-
analysis (step 5). Although the cut-off is somewhat arbi-
trarily and automatically chosen in most systems, it is
Finally, the proportion of positive partitions is counted
and the concentration of the target gene derived. Define X
as the number of copies in a partition and λas our param-
eter of interest: the expected number of target copies per
partition. When the number of copies in a constant vol-
ume of a homogeneous mix is Poisson distributed [24,25],
we expect a proportion p=P(X=0)=eλof partitions
that is void of target copies. Let Kbe the number of par-
titions with a negative signal and nrthe total number of
partitions for which results are returned. We can estimate
P(X=0)by ˆ
nr, the proportion of observed partitions
void of target copies in our sample and we have:
λ=−log K
Manufacturers of commercial systems provide an aver-
age partition size or volume v, in nanoliter say. The con-
centration estimate ˆ
θof target copies per nanoliter then
follows directly as ˆ
λ/v. When the designated volume vis
inaccurate, this leads to biased concentration estimates
θ. This error is systematic and in addition to any ran-
dom between-replicate variability on the average partition
volume. In practice, small deviations exist. In [20], an
overall average droplet size of 0.868 nL in 1122 droplets
was observed, not significantly different from the estimate
(v=0.89 nL) provided independently by the manufac-
turer. For a hypothetical sample with average partition size
v=0.868, the use of v=0.89 leads to a 2.5% downward
bias of the concentration θ.
When technical replicates are available, results can be
combined in two ways as shown in Figure 3. When the
replicates are pooled, the formula above can be applied on
Figure 3 Comparison of 95% confidence intervals on the target
concentration for different estimation procedures. The analysis
per replicate shows typical 95% confidence intervals for single
samples. Each replicate presents a random sample with expected
concentration λ=1.25 target copies per partition and 5% pipette
error. Option 1 on the left shows the 95% confidence interval
calculated with a single sample method pooling the partitions of the
8 technical replicates before estimating the concentration and its
variance with Poisson statistics. Option 2 on the right uses a replicate
based method to estimate a 95% confidence interval based on the 8
individual replicates. Both the concentration and its variance were
calculated using the empirical mean and variance of the
concentration estimates of 8 independent replicates.
the total number of partitions of all replicates to obtain
a single concentration estimate. Alternatively, the con-
centration estimates can be calculated separately for all
replicates and combined into a single number by taking
the empirical average.
We simulate this digital PCR procedure while taking
into account the different sources of variation to get a
better understanding of the reliability of the proposed esti-
mation procedures under the presence of these variation
components. We quantify the influence of each source
of variation on the accuracy and precision of the con-
centration estimates. Some sources of variation may be
fixed by manufacturers such as equal partition sizes, but
most factors that strongly influence both the accuracy
and precision of concentration estimates are under exper-
imental control or can be if the manufacturer allows it.
This includes the number of amplification cycles, dilu-
tion levels of the sample and the classification method
to determine the percentage of negative partitions. We
study the relative importance and discuss the ability to
improve results by well-chosen experimental set-ups and
corresponding analyses.
Jacobs et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:283 Page 5 of 13
Although the values in the simulation protocol below
may not reflect the exact set-up of a specific machine,
both the theoretical considerations and obtained results
are relevant for all systems including, but not limited to,
all commercial systems currently in use [4].
Below, we detail our simulation set-up presenting plau-
sible departures from the theoretical model described
above. From each generated dataset, we estimate the
number of target copies in the sample and derive the con-
centration of the original dilution relying on the assump-
tions of the simple working model, which may ignore
components of variation in the data-generating model.
For each set-up 1000 simulations are run to get stable
Data-generating model
We generate data according to the steps described in
Table 1 and Figure 1 and evaluate multiple scenarios
that combine different sources of variation in different
In step 1, we simulate the process for several orders of
magnitude of NA concentration reflecting dilution levels
used in practice. We therefore let the expected number
of target copies per partition λrange from 0.0001 (1 in
10 000) up to 5.
In step 2, we add random pipette errors to our sim-
ulations. Pipette error results in a small deviation of
the expected target sequence concentration in the reac-
tion mix from the original concentration in the dilution.
We simulate random pipette errors, without the non-
stochastic systematic pipette error. Our pipetted volume
is normally distributed with a coefficient of variation of
0% to 10%. These deviations are based on the maximum
allowed pipette error guidelines (ISO 8655-7:2005) com-
bined with possible heterogeneity of the original dilution.
All other sources of between-replicate technical variabil-
ity, including between-replicate variation of partition size,
are lumped in what we generally refer to as pipette error.
In [20], a between-well coefficient of variation of 2.8%
was found based on 16 wells in a droplet based sys-
tem. In [19], a between-array coefficient of variation of
4.9% can be crudely estimated based on 2 arrays for a
chip based system. In each simulation run, we consider
8 technical replicates from the same biological sample.
Consequently, they keep technical variability as a direct
result of the pipette error described above among other
sources of technical variation. Hence, our simulations can
be interpreted as repeated experiments under the same
conditions performed by the same experimenter with the
same pipette.
In step 3, we study the difference in partition size, or
equivalently in partition volume between the different
partitions within a replicate. We assume that sizes vary
independently and follow the same distribution in each
replicate. We model this size as a log-normal distribution
with parameters μ=0andσ=0.1 which is approxi-
mately equal to a normal distribution with a coefficient of
variation of 10%. The expected number of target copies in
a partition is modelled to be proportional to the size of the
In step 4, the fluorescence levels of all partitions are
measured. During this process, some partitions may be
lost for unknown reasons. We assume random loss imply-
ing missingness is completely at random with respect to
outcome. If this is true, lost partitions are as likely to
return a positive signal as returned partitions. This is
equivalent to an experiment in which fewer partitions
were created and none lost.
We did our simulations for a system with 20 000
partitions. To examine the influence of random parti-
tion loss, we varied the number of returned partitions
between replicates and simulations independently with an
expected value and standard deviation of approximately
14 000 and 1800 respectively, as in [20].
In Additional file 1, we derive precision estimates.
For the large number of partitions currently generated,
the anticipated loss imply but a slight loss in precision
amounting to a negligible source of variation.
In step 5, the fluorescence level of each partition is
transformed into a binary 0/1-signal after applying a
somewhat arbitrarily chosen threshold based on the data.
In simple experiments, the positive and negative parti-
tions can be easily separated by the observed fluorescence
and as such the number and proportion of partitions with
a positive signal can be determined with minimal error.
This is shown in Figure 2 on the left.
In our simulations, we look at a fixed underlying mis-
classification probability without appointing a specific
cause for this misclassification. This allows us to study the
effect of the misclassification itself without putting much
emphasis on the reason behind it. Every partition contain-
ing a target copy has a given conditional probability to
return a negative signal (the expected false negative rate,
1-sensitivity) while every partition without target copy has
a given conditional probability to return a positive signal
(the expected false positive rate, 1-specificity). We assess
the following false positive-false negative (FPR,FNR) com-
binations: (0.01%; 0%), (0.01%; 0.2%), (0.01%; 1%), (0.01%;
5%), (0.01%; 20%), (0%; 1%), (0.1%; 1%), (1%; 1%).
This set-up allows for a broad range for the false nega-
tive rate under a fixed specificity of 99.99% as experiments
tend to be more vulnerable to not detecting true posi-
tive partitions. The influence of the false positive rate is
limited to smaller deviations with a specificity at least
99% in each simulation under a fixed realistic sensitivity
of 99%.
Jacobs et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:283 Page 6 of 13
We include the different variance components both in
parallel simulations (each separately) as well as sequen-
tially. In the latter case, sources were added in the follow-
ing order: random partition loss, pipette error, unequal
partition size, misclassification.
Generated parameter estimates
We calculate a concentration estimate ˆ
the associated asymptotic variance and a 95% confidence
interval for each of the 8 replicates of each experiment (see
Additional file 1 for the calculation and derivation of the
asymptotic variance and associated confidence interval).
We chose 8 replicates as the number of reactions that can
run simultaneously by the different systems is typically a
multiple of 8. Most systems use 12 ×8=96 well plates for
preparing the reaction mix.
Additionally, the results from the 8 simulations are com-
bined in two different ways.
The first option that we consider, is pooling the repli-
catesasifitwereonesamplewithnr,tot =8
partitions. The estimate, its bias, asymptotic variance and
confidence interval are calculated, again as if it was one
sample. This method is still used in the literature and
stems from initial papers on digital PCR which deal with
small numbers of partitions and pooled repeated experi-
ments to obtain the required accuracy [12,16,21,26].
As a second option, we study the variation between the
replicates by assuming the 8 estimates stem from inde-
pendent results, which may show some between-replicate
variation. We calculate the empirical average and empiri-
cal variance of the 8 separate estimates and derive a 95%
confidence interval under the assumption that the esti-
mates of different replicates follow a normal distribution.
This is a realistic assumption since the number of target
copies in each replicate follows an approximately normal
distribution (Poisson distribution) for a constant volume
under the theoretical assumptions [24,25].
Results and discussion
In what follows, we discuss how the impact of each com-
monly encountered source of variation in the data gen-
erating process can be quantified. These results form a
starting point for optimizing tuning parameters of the
method and guide the experimental design.
Optimal concentration and loss of partitions
The first simulated scenario follows the simple theoretical
model which includes random partition loss as the only
source of variation. When the loss is completely at ran-
dom, the precision of the concentration estimate solely
depends on the model-based variability for a given num-
ber of partitions. This describes the best-case scenario
where random sampling variation as described by the
Poisson process is the only source of variation as in [26].
Since model-based variability is driven by the target
DNA concentration in the sample, an optimal proportion
of positive partitions leads to the most precise estimates.
This can be achieved for an average of 1.59 target copies
per partition (see Additional file 1). Figure 4 shows the-
oretical relative boundaries of the confidence interval for
any given concentration as a function of the true gener-
ated λ. The most narrow intervals close to the optimal
concentration grow into much larger intervals as bound-
ary conditions are reached with few negative or positive
Our simulations confirmed this trend. Estimators are
unbiased while the variance and thus the width of the 95%
confidence interval decreases for increasing concentra-
tion until an optimum is reached around 1.5 target copies
per partition. From 1.5 onwards the variance and CI width
start to increase again. A more detailed figure is shown in
Additional file 2.
A random loss of partitions translates into a small
decrease of precision. We simulated samples under the-
oretical conditions with on average 20 000 created par-
titions. Randomly removing approximately 30% of the
partitions increased the estimated asymptotic relative
standard deviations under the Poisson assumption by on
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
copies/partition (λ)
relative CI boundaries
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Figure 4 Theoretical confidence interval limits of the estimated
concentration relative to the true concentration. The theoretical
limits of a 95% confidence interval of the concentration estimate ˆ
divided by the true concentration λas a function of this concentration
(in copies per partition) for 20 000 analysed partitions. The limits are
shown relative to the true concentration such that the precision of
different dilutions of the same sample can be assessed on the same
scale. Although the application can be used for concentration ranges
of up to 5 orders of magnitude, very precise estimates are
theoretically only possible for about 2 orders of magnitude.
Jacobs et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:283 Page 7 of 13
average about 20%. The standard deviation based on esti-
mates from 1000 simulation runs was 44% higher. These
numbers are consistent with theoretical expectations and
small compared to other sources of variation discussed
Pipette error leads to underestimation of the variation
In a next group of simulations, we study the impact of
additional variation between technical replicates induced
by pipette errors, sample heterogeneity and between-
replicate variation in average partition size. This generates
slightly different amounts of target NA and varying vol-
umes in each replicate. We expect the number of target
copies in a constant volume to vary between replicates due
to pipette errors and sample heterogeneity on top of the
inherent Poisson variability.
Since the theoretical model does not account for varia-
tion between replicates (see Additional file 1), it underes-
timates the variance and overestimates the coverage of the
confidence intervals as illustrated in Figure 5. This is most
problematic for the concentrations where the Poisson
model yields the smallest confidence intervals. The the-
oretical model assumes that the model variance is lower
close to 1.59 copies/partition, but the technical variance
as a result of pipette error is similar for most concen-
trations. Both Poisson and technical variability contribute
to the total variation. The technical variation appears to
dominate the Poisson variation for concentrations close
to the optimum under typical experimental conditions.
Consequently, the precision decreases considerably.
The extra variance can not be estimated from a single
reaction but replicates allow for realistic estimates on the
precision of the results. The replicate based variance esti-
mator has the advantages of being unbiased and capturing
the total variance. The resulting intervals do show a cor-
rect coverage, as illustrated on the right panel of Figure 5.
Naive pooling of partitions from different replicates seems
to increase precision, but in fact it dramatically underesti-
mates the variance and it must be avoided. In Figure 3, we
see how the small confidence interval resulting from pool-
ing (option 1) may not contain the true parameter value.
The replicate based variance estimator (option 2) captures
the variance both within (purple lines) and between (blue
dots) replicates.
Since the width of a replicate based confidence inter-
val is a decreasing function of the number of replicates
m, a large number of replicates is preferred such that the
confidence interval is as small as possible. Conversely, we
would like to keep msmall for cost-efficiency. In Table 2,
we calculated the width of the confidence intervals relative
to the standard deviation and added the expected reduc-
tion of the width as a result of every additional technical
0 20406080100
copies/partition (λ)
coverage (%)
0.001 0.01 0.1 1
pipetting error
0 20406080100
copies/partition (λ)
coverage (%)
0.001 0.01 0.1 1
pipetting error
Figure 5 Coverage of 95% confidence intervals of target concentration in the presence of pipette error. For a given concentration λ,the
coverage was calculated as the ratio of the number of confidence intervals out of 1000 simulations that contain the true concentration λdivided by
the total number of confidence intervals calculated (1000). The left panel shows results for confidence intervals calculated using a single sample
method after pooling the partitions of the 8 technical replicates before estimating the concentration and its variance with Poisson statistics. The
right panel shows results for confidence intervals calculated using a replicate based method. The concentration and its variance were calculated
using the empirical mean and variance of the concentration estimates of 8 independent replicates. The pooled method shows a dramatic loss of
coverage while the replicate based method shows correct coverage.
Jacobs et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:283 Page 8 of 13
Table 2 Width of a replicate based confidence interval
Replicates (m) Width Improvement
2 1.000
3 0.276 72.35%
4 0.177 35.94%
5 0.138 21.97%
6 0.117 15.48%
7 0.103 11.87%
8 0.093 9.60%
9 0.086 8.06%
10 0.080 6.94%
11 0.075 6.09%
12 0.071 5.42%
The relative width of a confidence interval (proportional to t/m) for a constant
standard deviation is a function of the number of technical replicates and the
t-quantile. The rightmost column gives the improvement (percentage decrease
in width) when increasing the number of technical replicates with one. Note,
that in this table we only consider uncertainty due to technical variability and
that reducing technical variability does not eliminate biological variability.
Hence, in experiments for comparing nucleic acid content across biological
conditions an appropriate number of biological repeats, each with technical
replicates, will always be required.
replicate. It can be clearly observed that 4 or more tech-
nical replicates would be preferred to get a decent con-
fidence interval, while more than 8 technical replicates
does not improve the results considerably. Additionally,
biological repeats are essential in most applications to
capture any existing between-sample variation. In the lat-
ter case, at least 4 technical replicates are advised for each
biological repeat.
Unequal partition size leads to downward bias
In this section, we assume that the size for a given parti-
tion is no longer constant, but varies randomly, indepen-
dent of any other variable. We assume that there is no
intra- nor inter-run effect and thus the size follows the
same distribution between replicates.
Theoretical derivations (see Additional file 1) indicate
that underestimation is to be expected especially for
samples with high concentration. In Figure 6, relative
estimates are summarized for normally distributed sizes
with a relative deviation of 10%. The estimators show
a systematic downward bias that is negligible for small
concentrations and maximally 2.5% for the highest con-
centration in this set-up. The variance is similar to that
of the equivalent simulation with constant partition size
although slightly lower for higher concentrations as it is
directly related to the estimated concentration, which is in
turn underestimated.
We use t he RMSE =1
the square root of the sum of the variance and the squared
bias, to take both the variance and the bias into account
and give accuracy and precision an equal weight. In the
right panel of Figure 6, the RMSE reaches its minimum
Figure 6 Relative bias and RMSE of the target concentration estimates in the presence of unequal partition size. When droplets or chips do
not contain the same volume, bias is introduced. In the left panel, a boxplot shows relative estimates for 1000 simulated experiments at given
concentration λ(copies/partition). The relative bias is calculated using a replicate based method as ˆ
λλfor 1000 simulated experiments of 8
replicates. High concentrations show a downward bias. In the right panel, the associated root mean squared error RMSE =1
shown, estimated as the square root of the sum of the relative variance and squared relative bias for S=1000 simulated experiments of 8 replicates.
For a given concentration λ, this combines the errors as a result of the variance and the bias in a single number based on the results of 1000
simulated experiments. The best combination of accuracy and precision is achieved when the function hits its minimum.
Jacobs et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:283 Page 9 of 13
around 0.5 copies per partition with decent performance
between 0.1 and 2 target copies per partition for this
specific set-up.
We note that the influence of unequal partition size is
limited and can be easily avoided by diluting a sample.
Since this is a fixed machine setting, manufacturers should
guarantee that sizes of the partitions created by or present
in their products are somewhat comparable.
Misclassification of target presence leads to bias
Next, we study the misclassification. We assess the follow-
ing false positive-false negative (FPR,FNR) combinations
discussed above: (0.01%; 0%), (0.01%; 0.2%), (0.01%; 1%),
(0.01%; 5%), (0.01%; 20%), (0%; 1%), (0.1%; 1%), (1%; 1%).
In the first data-generating model, misclassification is
the only source of variation while in the other model all
previously discussed sources of variation are included in
addition to the misclassification.
In Figure 7, we see the results for the bias for simula-
tions without other variance components. Misclassifica-
tion creates bias since false negatives lead to underesti-
mation and false positives to overestimation of λ.Afew
false positives already have a big impact on samples with
Figure 7 Relative bias of the target concentration estimates
under theoretical assumptions and misclassification. The relative
bias is calculated as ˆ
λfor 1000 simulated experiments of 8
replicates without any additional sources of variation. As results are
relative to the true concentration λ, the precision of different dilutions
of the same sample can be assessed on the same scale. Results were
plotted for different misclassification probabilities (FPR, FNR) with
FPR =false positive rate =1-specificity and FNR =false negative
rate =1-sensitivity. False positives have considerable influence on the
estimates for low concentrations, while false negatives substantially
influence the results for highly concentrated samples.
few target copies, while increasing false negatives espe-
cially has a very high impact on samples with a higher
Since the variance is proportional to the rate itself,
its estimate decreases as false negatives increase and
increases with more false positives. The false negative
(positive) risk has a bigger impact with higher (lower)
Interestingly, every line in Figure 7 that includes both
sources of misclassification crosses 0 at some point. This
means that for a given combination of false positive and
false negative risks, we can find a dilution for which the
estimator is unbiased.
Based on a dilution series with enough points, one of the
patterns in Figure 7 may be recognized when plotting the
estimated concentration against the dilution rate. This is
similar to the linearity and precision plots that are already
used in the literature [20] and may help the user to assess
possible bias.
Conversely, we can derive the ratio of false negatives
over false positives that results in unbiased estimates for
a given concentration (See Additional file 1). This too
has practical relevance. The threshold to discriminate
between positive and negative partitions can be manually
adapted to allow more positive partitions when false nega-
tives may be most problematic. This is assumingly the case
in most experiments. The threshold should be increased
to allow less positive partitions when false positives are
expected to dominate the estimation error. This would be
especially useful in experiments with small concentrations
or that focus on detection.
Users may choose to add a two-step procedure to
improve the threshold in their protocol. In the first step,
an initial concentration estimate can be obtained with the
standard threshold. In the second step, the threshold may
be changed based on the concentration estimate obtained
in the first step and optional prior information on the
expected misclassification rates.
The bias as a result of misclassification dwarfs any possi-
ble bias that may be present due to unequal partition sizes
if the partition sizes are somewhat similar. In Figure 8, we
see that the lines with respect to high misclassification rise
quickly while the bias as a consequence of unequal par-
tition size is hardly visible as it is a small part of the rise
of the curves for high concentrations. This is more clearly
visible in Figure 9. We see that a small, realistic false neg-
ative rate of 1% leads to increasing bias for increasing λ
while the influence of unequal partition sizes is limited for
average to small concentrations.
The optimal window that gives a concentration esti-
mate ˆ
λwith the highest precision is strongly dependent
on the proportion false positives and false negatives. In
Figure 8, all sources of variation discussed are combined
and the relative RMSE as a combined measure of the bias
Jacobs et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:283 Page 10 of 13
Figure 8 Relative RMSE of the target concentration estimates
under realistic assumptions and misclassification. The RMSE =
λsλ2is estimated as the square root of the sum of the
relative variance and squared relative bias for S=1000 simulated
experiments of 8 replicates. As results are relative to the true
concentration λ, the precision of different dilutions of the same
sample can be assessed on the same scale. Results were plotted for
different misclassification probabilities (FPR, FNR) with FPR =false
positive rate =1-specificity and FNR =false negative rate =
1-sensitivity and in the presence of pipette error and unequal partition
size. When misclassification is limited, a relatively wide window of
dilution exists in which high accuracy and precision can be achieved.
and variance is plotted against the true concentration.
Larger numbers of false positives and false negatives lead
to smaller windows with optimal estimates. When there
is limited misclassification, relatively large windows with
both accurate and precise estimates exist.
Note that one strategy to influence and reduce the mis-
classification rates in practice may involve changing the
number of amplification cycles. Additionally, reference
materials, qPCR and no-template controls can help to
assess the vulnerability of a sample to misclassification
and may allow for a crude estimate of expected misclassi-
fication rates.
Non-stochastic errors
While our simulations focus on stochastic settings, sys-
tematic errors may be present as well.
Systematic pipette error, for instance, introduces under-
estimated (overestimated) concentration estimates and
data-analytic methods cannot correct for a lack (excess)
of NA material in the reaction mix. Systematic volumet-
ric pipette error can however be estimated with gravimetric
procedures and be reduced by recalibrating pipettes regularly.
The partition volume vsupplied by the manufacturer
enters in the denominator of the final concentration esti-
mate as a constant assumed to be correct. When the actual
mean partition volume deviates from v, systematic bias is
added when the concentration θis reported in copies per
nanoliter, λ/v. We demonstrated how small deviations in
partition volume within a replicate create only limited bias
for high concentrations. Systematic deviations of the aver-
age partition size from vcan create a much larger bias. The
small, non-significant difference of 2.5% found in [20] for
instance induces more bias than 10% within replicate vari-
ation. It is therefore essential that manufacturers invest in
accurate partition volume estimates.
Combining sources of variation
In practice, all of the aforementioned sources of variation
are present in experiments in one way or another. It is not
feasible to describe all combinations jointly. Additional
file 3 provides the R-code used in this article and enables
the user to simulate the outcome of an experiment with
specific settings for each source of variation discussed
above. Additional file 4 consists of an interactive tool
embedded in a mini-website that allows researchers to
study results that can be expected from a useful range of
combinations of these sources of variation. The tool pro-
vides valuable information on the joint effect of different
realistic sources of variation present in most experiments.
Note, that our results can guide dPCR users to optimise
their experiments with respect to signal bias or RMSE.
This is useful as our results show that a well-chosen
threshold (rightmost drop-down menu) combined with
an optimal sample dilution (x-axis) can improve accuracy
and precision considerably.
We studied the influence of several sources of variation
on estimators produced by digital PCR. We showed how
some have higher impact than others and found certain
background conditions to be more vulnerable to this than
others. This impact may stay hidden to the naive user who
could take away suboptimal results with a false sense of
precision, accuracy and reliability.
A first source of variance is technical variation, which
includes pipette error. Although careful sample prepara-
tion can keep this error relatively small, it is unavoidable
and reduces precision. This can not be captured with a
single replicate and previously published asymptotic con-
fidence intervals. Replicates allow this source of variation
to be included in the data-analytic process and provide
correct precision estimates.
Unequal partition size reduces the accuracy for highly
concentrated samples. Since this source of variation
is dependent on the machine itself, it is one of the
priorities for manufacturers to optimize it and keep
Jacobs et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:283 Page 11 of 13
Figure 9 Influence of different sources of variation on the width and location of confidence intervals for the target concentration. The
influence of the different sources of variation is shown on the width of 95% confidence intervals calculated with the replicate based method for λ
small (0.009), average (0.18) and large (3.65). Unequal partition size is included in the misclassification examples.
the variation between partitions small. We have shown
that the bias is small for realistic limited deviations
and can be neglected when the concentration is not
close to the upper limit. Users are advised to avoid
strongly concentrated samples and dilute samples when
The fluorescence threshold chosen for target detection
drives the misclassification rates and has a high impact
on the results, reducing accuracy. Samples with few tar-
get copies and experiments with a very high concentration
of target nucleic acid are especially vulnerable. In the
former case, the focus may usefully shift to detection
rather than quantification while in the latter, dilutions or
qPCR may be advised. Misclassification to some extent
is unavoidable, but the informed user can do a lot to
reduce it.
The underlying continuous distribution of the fluores-
cence is a mixture distribution composed of output from
both positive and negative partitions. These two parts may
be partially overlapping as a result of biological factors
such as inhibition, contamination or primer depletion.
The choice of the threshold results in corresponding false
positive and false negative rates. The optimal trade-off
naturally depends on the concentration of target copies in
the sample. When the software allows it, users can cal-
ibrate the threshold to reflect expected misclassification
rates of their application and get more accurate results.
Additionally, dilution series may help to determine the
concentration where the variance-bias trade-off is low-
est and the measurement reflects the best combination
of accuracy and precision. This is especially useful
at high concentrations when the focus is on accurate
quantification. Users can achieve this by comparing pre-
cision and linearity plots to the patterns in Figure 7
to picture the bias, while an estimate of the stan-
dard deviation follows from correctly analysed replicate
Since we identified misclassification as the major bottle-
neck that induces the largest accuracy drop, methods to
optimise classification and accuracy are promising topics
of future research.
Finally, it is worth emphasizing that our results have
focussed on technical replicates involving variation in
results generated by machine settings and human han-
dling of a given biological sample. It is essential to
acknowledge sources of variation such as systematic
pipette error and correct for them when necessary.
As for any biological measurement, additional sampling
Jacobs et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:283 Page 12 of 13
variation may be present in many experiments at several
levels. This happens quite independently of the technol-
ogy and is discussed widely in the literature [1]. A thought-
ful protocol to correct also for this source of variation
should be generally considered in addition to the specific
digital PCR protocol.
Digital PCR is a promising tool for high precision esti-
mation. We showed how several sources of variation can
influence results and can be accommodated with the
correct knowledge such that accurate and precise concen-
tration estimates remain possible. Our findings indicate
that reliability can be increased by well-chosen sample
preparation and machine settings. Machine calibration in
theory allows the researcher to adapt the technology to
yield results optimized for each specific setting. While it
is of course essential to provide default settings to simplify
the process for the users, it is at least as important that
manufacturers provide detailed output to facilitate per-
sonalized treatment and thus enhance the quality of their
Additional files
Additional file 1: Mathematical derivations. This PDF file includes
mathematical derivations on the theoretical confidence interval,
optimization of the theoretical precision, decomposition of the variance in
the presence of pipette error, a model for unequal partition sizes and
theoretical methods to optimize the threshold in the presence of
Additional file 2: Additional figures. This PDF file includes two
additional figures on the width of confidence intervals.
Additional file 3: R-script. Users can simulate their own experiments with
this code as well as reproduce all the numerical results discussed above.
Additional file 4: Interactive tool. In this mini-website, we provide an
interactive tool to study the influence of specific sources of variation on the
performance of the concentration estimators. This can serve as a guide
when designing an experiment. All results are relative to the true
concentration and based on 1000 simulations with 8 technical replicates.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors’ contributions
The concept was jointly developed by all authors. BJ did the theoretical
derivations, performed the simulation study and summarized the results.
All authors analysed the results and formulated the conclusions. All authors
had input in the writing. All authors have read and approved the final
Part of this research was supported by IAP research network “StUDyS”
grant no. P7/06 of the Belgian government (Belgian Science Policy) and
Multidisciplinary Research Partnership “Bioinformatics: from nucleotides to
networks” (01MR0310W) of Ghent University.
The authors would like to thank the two anonymous referees for their
careful reading and insightful comments which significantly improved the
Received: 24 April 2014 Accepted: 6 August 2014
Published: 22 August 2014
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Cite this article as: Jacobs et al.:Impact of variance components on
reliability of absolute quantification using digital PCR. BMC Bioinformatics
2014 15:283.
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... Very often a binomial distribution for the number of positive partitions is assumed and a confidence interval is derived accordingly [8]. However, this assumption may not be valid with other sources of variation present [9]. Besides, this method is not very convenient for non-linear functions, e.g. a ratio or a fraction. ...
... The binomial (for singleplex) or multinomial (for multiplex) assumption for the number of positive partitions stands when there is only sampling variation present (approximately Poisson distribution since an individual sample is very small compared to the experiment subject, such as human body, or animals). This is not realistic because other sources of bias and variability will come in before or during the dPCR experiments [9]. For example, there may be pipetting error in mixing the material, or misclassification of partitions after the amplification process. ...
... We start with a setup of a single replicate to investigate the estimator of the conditional variance given a fixed m and n, as described in Section A Conditional Bootstrap Method for Standard Errors. For multiple replicates, we follow the simulation pipeline of [9]; see also Fig. 2. In the first scenario the number of molecules M is randomly sampled from a Poisson distribution, and next, given M , the number of positive partitions are generated by random partitioning of the molecules over n partitions. Subsequent scenarios add additional sources of variation and bias to the data generating process, as illustrated in Fig. 2 ...
Full-text available
Digital PCR (dPCR) is a highly accurate and precise technique for the quantification of target nucleic acid(s) in a biological sample. This digital quantification relies on the binomial or Poisson distribution to estimate the amount of target molecules based on positive and negative partitions. However, the implementation of these distributions require adherence to underlying assumptions that are often neglected, leading to a suboptimal (too optimistic) variance estimation of the target concentration, especially when considering the multiple sources of variation in experimental dPCR setups. Moreover, these parametric methods cannot be easily used for downstream statistical inference when more advanced analysis are required, such as for copy number variation. We evaluated the performance of three new statistical methods (BootsVar, NonPVar, BinomVar) in both simulations and real-life datasets for target and variance estimation in dPCR setups while taking into account a combination of commonly observed sources of experimental variability that can interfere with the underlying assumptions of the current parametric methods. The results demonstrate the capability of the new methods for variance estimation and present a more accurate reflection of the true variability over the classical binomial approach. In addition, these statistical methods are flexible and generic in the way that they work well for the variance estimation of non-linear statistics that work with ratios (e.g. CNV) and for multiplex dPCR setups. In this study, we provide guidelines when to use the binomial-assumption based methods and when the non-parametric one is better to achieve more accurate variance estimates.
... The main sources of uncertainty described in literature comprise partitioning und subsampling errors, pipetting errors, volume variability between the partitions and misclassification of partitions [23,24]. Subsampling error occurs when not the whole sample but only a fraction of it is analyzed. ...
... Design parameters of compartment-based quantification systems. Different approaches exist to realize the aliquoting of a sample liquid into partitions [23]. In all of them, the number of partitions and their combined volume is defined by certain design parameters. ...
Full-text available
The precision of compartment-based quantification methods is subject to multiple effects, of which partitioning and subsampling play a major role. Partitioning is the process of aliquoting the sample liquid and consequently the contained target molecules, whereas subsampling denotes the fact that usually only a portion of a sample is analyzed. In this work, we present a detailed statistical description comprising the effects of partitioning and subsampling on the relative uncertainty of the test result. We show that the state-of-the-art binomial model does not provide accurate results for the level of subsampling present when analyzing the nucleic acid content of single specific cells. Hence, in this work we address partitioning and subsampling effects separately and subsequently combine them to derive the relative uncertainty of a test system and compare it for single cell content analysis and body fluid analysis. In point-of-care test systems the area for partitioning and detection is usually limited, which means that a trade-off between the number of partitions (related to a partitioning uncertainty) and the amount of analyzed volume (related to a subsampling uncertainty) might be inevitable. In case of low target concentration, the subsampling uncertainty is dominant whereas for high target concentration, the partitioning uncertainty increases, and a larger number of partitions is beneficial to minimize the combined uncertainty. We show, that by minimizing the subsampling uncertainty in the test system, the quantification uncertainty of low target concentrations in single cell content analysis is much smaller than in body fluid analysis. In summary, the work provides the methodological basis for a profound statistical evaluation of partitioning and subsampling effects in compartment-based quantification methods and paves the way towards an improved design of future digital quantification devices for highly accurate molecular diagnostic analysis at the point-of-care.
... However, this manual procedure may introduce bias and lower precision [7]. As misclassification can significantly impact the accuracy of estimates [8], and with higher-throughput instruments being introduced, there is a growing need for automated partition classification methods. ...
Full-text available
Digital PCR (dPCR) is a highly accurate technique for the quantification of target nucleic acid(s). It has shown great potential in clinical applications, like tumor liquid biopsy and validation of biomarkers. Accurate classification of partitions based on end-point fluorescence intensities is crucial to avoid biased estimators of the concentration of the target molecules. We have evaluated many clustering methods, from general-purpose methods to specific methods for dPCR and flowcytometry, on both simulated and real-life data. Clustering method performance was evaluated by simulating various scenarios. Based on our extensive comparison of clustering methods, we describe the limits of these methods, and formulate guidelines for choosing an appropriate method. In addition, we have developed a novel method for simulating realistic dPCR data. The method is based on a mixture distribution of a Poisson point process and a skew-$t$ distribution, which enables the generation of irregularities of cluster shapes and randomness of partitions between clusters ('rain') as commonly observed in dPCR data. Users can fine-tune the model parameters and generate labeled datasets, using their own data as a template. Besides, the database of experimental dPCR data augmented with the labeled simulated data can serve as training and testing data for new clustering methods. The simulation method is available as an R Shiny app.
... The improper placement of a threshold ultimately results in partition misclassification. Misclassification has been demonstrated to be a major contributor to quantification bias (24). Consequently, an objective and correct partition classification is essential, especially for applications for which minor misclassifications may have a major impact. ...
Background: Partition classification is a critical step in the digital PCR data analysis pipeline. A range of partition classification methods have been developed, many motivated by specific experimental setups. An overview of these partition classification methods is lacking and their comparative properties are often unclear, likely impacting the proper application of these methods. Content: This review provides a summary of all available digital PCR partition classification approaches and the challenges they aim to overcome, serving as a guide for the digital PCR practitioner wishing to apply them. We additionally discuss strengths and weaknesses of these methods, which can further guide practitioners in vigilant application of these existing methods. This review provides method developers with ideas for improving methods or designing new ones. The latter is further stimulated by our identification and discussion of application gaps in the literature, for which there are currently no or few methods available. Summary: This review provides an overview of digital PCR partition classification methods, their properties, and potential applications. Ideas for further advances are presented and may bolster method development.
... These biases may relate to factors affecting adequate and consistent amplification, including but not limited to variability in pipetting volume or nucleic acid extraction; nucleic acid shearing, supercoiling, or inconsistent denaturation; an uneven distribution of target molecules among partitions; or inadequately optimized reaction conditions. In addition, and more characteristic of digital systems, the partition size as well as number and volume variation can also affect the limits of detection, linear range, and precision (9)(10)(11). The requirement for reverse transcription introduces another source of variability when quantifying RNA viruses (12). ...
Background Digital polymerase chain reaction (dPCR) is an accurate and sensitive molecular method that can be used in clinical diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive tests. The key component of the dPCR method is the partitioning of a single reaction into many thousands of droplets, nanochannels or other nano- or picoliter-sized reactions. This results in high enough sensitivity to detect rare nucleic acid targets and provides an absolute quantification of target sequences or alleles compared to other PCR-based methods. Content An increasing number of dPCR platforms have been introduced commercially in recent years and more are being developed. These platforms differ in the method of partitioning, degree of automation, and multiplexing capabilities but all can be used in similar ways for sensitive and highly accurate quantification of a variety of nucleic acid targets. Currently, clinical applications of dPCR include oncology, microbiology and infectious disease, genetics, and prenatal/newborn screening. Commercially available tests for clinical applications are being developed for variants with diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic significance in specific disease types. Summary The power of dPCR technology relies on the partitioning of the reactions and results in increased sensitivity and accuracy compared to qPCR. More recently, the sensitivity of dPCR has been applied to the detection of known variants in cell-free DNA and circulating tumor DNA. Future clinical applications of dPCR include liquid biopsy, treatment resistance detection, screening for minimal residual disease, and monitoring allograft engraftment in transplanted patients.
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Digital PCR (dPCR) was first conceived for single-molecule quantitation. However, current dPCR systems often require DNA templates to share partitions due to limited partitioning capacities. Here, we introduce UltraPCR, a next-generation dPCR system where DNA counting is performed in a single-molecule regimen through a 6-log dynamic range using a swift and parallelized workflow. Each UltraPCR reaction is divided into >30 million partitions without microfluidics to achieve single template occupancy. Combined with a unique emulsion chemistry, partitions are optically clear, enabling the use of a three-dimensional imaging technique to rapidly detect DNA-positive partitions. Single-molecule occupancy also allows for more straightforward multiplex assay development due to the absence of partition-specific competition. As a proof of concept, we developed a 222-plex UltraPCR assay and demonstrated its potential use as a rapid, low-cost screening assay for noninvasive prenatal testing for as low as 4% trisomy fraction samples with high precision, accuracy, and reproducibility.
Single Molecule Science (SMS) has emerged from developing, using and combining technologies such as super-resolution microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and optical and magnetic tweezers, alongside sophisticated computational and modelling techniques. This comprehensive, edited volume brings together authoritative overviews of these methods from a biological perspective, and highlights how they can be used to observe and track individual molecules and monitor molecular interactions in living cells. Pioneers in this fast-moving field cover topics such as single molecule optical maps, nanomachines, and protein folding and dynamics. A particular emphasis is also given to mapping DNA molecules for diagnostic purposes, and the study of gene expression. With numerous illustrations, this book reveals how SMS has presented us with a new way of understanding life processes. A must-have for researchers and graduate students, as well as those working in industry, primarily in the areas of biophysics, biological imaging, genomics and structural biology.
Partitions in digital PCR (dPCR) assays do not reach the detection threshold at the same time. This heterogeneity in amplification results in intermediate endpoint fluorescence values (i.e., rain) and misclassification of partitions, which has a major impact on the accuracy of nucleic acid quantification. Rain most often results from a reduced amplification efficiency or template inaccessibility; however, exactly how these contribute to rain has not been described. We developed and experimentally validated an analytical model that mechanistically explains the relationship between amplification efficiency, template accessibility, and rain. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that a reduced amplification efficiency leads to broader threshold cycle (Ct) distributions that can be fitted using a log-normal probability distribution. From the fit parameters, the amplification efficiency can be calculated. Template inaccessibility, on the other hand, leads to a different rain pattern, in which a distinct exponential tail in the Ct distribution can be observed. Using our model, it is possible to determine if the amplification efficiency, template accessibility, or another source is the main contributor of rain in dPCR assays. We envision that this model will facilitate and speed up dPCR assay optimization and provide an indication for the accuracy of the assay.
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For the analysis of cancer, there is great interest in rapid and accurate detection of cancer genome amplifications containing oncogenes that are potential therapeutic targets. The vast majority of cancer tissue samples are formalin fixed and paraffin embedded (FFPE) which enables histopathological examination and long term archiving. However, FFPE cancer genomic DNA is oftentimes degraded and generally a poor substrate for many molecular biology assays. To overcome the issues of poor DNA quality from FFPE samples and detect oncogenic copy number amplifications with high accuracy and sensitivity, we developed a novel approach. Our assay requires nanogram amounts of genomic DNA, thus facilitating study of small amounts of clinical samples. Using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR), we can determine the relative copy number of specific genomic loci even in the presence of intermingled normal tissue. We used a control dilution series to determine the limits of detection for the ddPCR assay and report its improved sensitivity on minimal amounts of DNA compared to standard real-time PCR. To develop this approach, we designed an assay for the fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 gene (FGFR2) that is amplified in a gastric and breast cancers as well as others. We successfully utilized ddPCR to ascertain FGFR2 amplifications from FFPE-preserved gastrointestinal adenocarcinomas.
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There is growing interest in digital PCR (dPCR) because technological progress makes it a practical and increasingly affordable technology. dPCR allows the precise quantification of nucleic acids, facilitating the measurement of small percentage differences and quantification of rare variants. dPCR may also be more reproducible and less susceptible to inhibition than quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). Consequently, dPCR has the potential to have a substantial impact on research as well as diagnostic applications. However, as with qPCR, the ability to perform robust meaningful experiments requires careful design and adequate controls. To assist independent evaluation of experimental data, comprehensive disclosure of all relevant experimental details is required. To facilitate this process we present the Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Digital PCR Experiments guidelines. This report addresses known requirements for dPCR that have already been identified during this early stage of its development and commercial implementation. Adoption of these guidelines by the scientific community will help to standardize experimental protocols, maximize efficient utilization of resources, and enhance the impact of this promising new technology. (c) 2013 American Association for Clinical Chemistry
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Quantitative real-time PCR has been widely implemented for clinical viral load testing, but a lack of standardization and relatively poor precision has hindered its usefulness. Digital PCR offers highly precise, direct quantification without requiring a calibration curve. Performance characteristics of real-time PCR were compared to those of droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) for cytomegalovirus (CMV) viral load testing. Ten-fold serial dilutions of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) CMV quantitative standards were tested, together with the AcroMetrix® CMV tc Panel (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA) and 50 human plasma specimens. Each method was evaluated using all three standards for quantitative linearity, lower limit of detection (LOD), and accuracy. Quantitative correlation, mean viral load, and variability were compared. Real-time PCR showed somewhat higher sensitivity than ddPCR (LOD of 3 log(10)versus 4 log(10)copies and IU/mL for NIST and WHO standards). Both methods showed a high degree of linearity and quantitative correlation, for standards (R(2)≥ 0.98 in each of 6 regression models) and clinical samples (R(2)=0.93) across their detectable ranges. For higher concentrations, ddPCR showed less variability than RT-PCR for the WHO standards and Acrometrix standards (p< 0.05). RT-PCR showed less variability and greater sensitivity than did ddPCR in clinical samples. Both digital and real-time PCR provide accurate CMV viral load data over a wide linear dynamic range. Digital PCR may provide an opportunity to reduce quantitative variability currently seen using real-time PCR, but methods need to be further optimized to match the sensitivity of real-time PCR.
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While many decisions rely on real time quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis few attempts have hitherto been made to quantify bounds of precision accounting for the various sources of variation involved in the measurement process. Besides influences of more obvious factors such as camera noise and pipetting variation, changing efficiencies within and between reactions affect PCR results to a degree which is not fully recognized. Here, we develop a statistical framework that models measurement error and other sources of variation as they contribute to fluorescence observations during the amplification process and to derived parameter estimates. Evaluation of reproducibility is then based on simulations capable of generating realistic variation patterns. To this end, we start from a relatively simple statistical model for the evolution of efficiency in a single PCR reaction and introduce additional error components, one at a time, to arrive at stochastic data generation capable of simulating the variation patterns witnessed in repeated reactions (technical repeats). Most of the variation in [Formula: see text] values was adequately captured by the statistical model in terms of foreseen components. To recreate the dispersion of the repeats' plateau levels while keeping the other aspects of the PCR curves within realistic bounds, additional sources of reagent consumption (side reactions) enter into the model. Once an adequate data generating model is available, simulations can serve to evaluate various aspects of PCR under the assumptions of the model and beyond.
Unlike quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), digital PCR (dPCR) achieves sensitive and accurate absolute quantitation of a DNA sample without the need for a standard curve. A single PCR reaction is divided into many separate reactions that each have a positive or negative signal. By applying Poisson statistics, the number of DNA molecules in the original sample is directly calculated from the number of positive and negative reactions. The recent availability of multiple commercial dPCR platforms has led to increased interest in clinical diagnostic applications, such as low viral load detection and low abundance mutant detection, where dPCR could be superior to traditional qPCR. Here we review current literature that demonstrates dPCR's potential utility in viral diagnostics, particularly through absolute quantification of target DNA sequences and rare mutant allele detection.
Unlabelled: The human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2, also known as erbB2) gene is involved in signal transduction for cell growth and differentiation. It is a cell surface receptor tyrosine kinase and a proto-oncogene. Overexpression of HER2 is of clinical relevance in breast cancer due to its prognostic value correlating elevated expression with worsening clinical outcome. At the same time, HER2 assessment is also of importance because successful anti-tumor treatment with Herceptin® is strongly correlated with HER2 overexpression in the tumor (approximately 30% of all breast tumors overexpress HER2). In a comprehensive national study, Wolff et al. [1] state that "Approximately 20% of current HER2 testing may be inaccurate" which underscores the importance of developing more accurate methods to determine HER2 status. Droplet Digital™ PCR (ddPCR™) has the potential to improve upon HER2 measurements due to its ability to quantitate DNA and RNA targets with high precision and accuracy. Here we present a study which investigates whether ddPCR can be used to assess HER2 transcript levels in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) human breast tumors and whether these ddPCR measurements agree with prior assessments of these same samples by pathologists using immunohistochemistry (IHC) and in some cases fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). We also determined the copy number of HER2 in these samples as compared to the CEP17 reference gene. Results: Clinical FFPE samples were successfully studied using ddPCR and compared to results from standard FISH and IHC methodology. The results demonstrate that ddPCR can rank order the samples in complete agreement with the current standard methods and that ddPCR has the added benefit of providing quantitative results, rather than relying on the expert skill of a seasoned pathologist for determination.
Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) is an emerging nucleic acid detection method that provides absolute quantitations of target sequences without relying on the use of standard curves. The ability of ddPCR to detect and quantitate total HIV-1 DNA and 2-LTR circles from a panel of patients on and off antiviral therapy was evaluated compared to established real-time (RT)-PCR methods. To calculate the dynamic range of ddPCR for HIV-1 DNA and 2-LTR circles, serial dilutions of DNA amplicons or episomes were determined by ddPCR as well as with RT-PCR. HIV-1 DNA from 3 viremic patients and 4 patients on suppressive antiretroviral therapy, and 2-LTR circles from 3 patients with low-level viremia were also quantitated. Copy numbers determined by ddPCR of serial dilutions of HIV-1 or human CCR5 DNA amplicon standards were comparable to nominal input copy number. The sensitivity of ddPCR to detect HIV-1 or CCR5 DNA was similar to that of RT-PCR. Low levels of 2-LTR circles were detected in samples from all 3 patients by both ddPCR and RT-PCR. ddPCR is a promising novel technology for the study of HIV-1 reservoirs and persistence, but further optimization of this novel technology would enhance the detection of very low-level viral genetic targets.
We investigate the applicability of using digital PCR to estimate absolute limits of detection and quantitation associated with the validation of traditional real-time PCR methods for analysis of genetically modified (GM) ingredients. We also demonstrate the use of dynamic arrays as a precursor in selecting suitable sample dilution levels for accurate copy number assessment using the aforementioned digital PCR. Additionally, we further explore the relevance of digital PCR in accurately quantifying plasmid copy numbers associated with a commercially available Certified Reference Material. The use of digital PCR has the advantage of facilitating absolute single molecule detection, therefore negating the necessity for standards on a calibration curve, and reducing associated matrix effects. The approaches described in this paper enable pre-existing validated protocols to be re-examined, and estimates based on an alternative approach using digital PCR to be used in order to objectively characterise sensitivity limits. KeywordsDigital PCR-Digital arrays-GMO analysis-Limit of detection
As the less familiar cousin of quantitative PCR moves mainstream, researchers have more options to choose from.