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The timing and spatiotemporal patterning of Neanderthal disappearance



The timing of Neanderthal disappearance and the extent to which they overlapped with the earliest incoming anatomically modern humans (AMHs) in Eurasia are key questions in palaeoanthropology. Determining the spatiotemporal relationship between the two populations is crucial if we are to understand the processes, timing and reasons leading to the disappearance of Neanderthals and the likelihood of cultural and genetic exchange. Serious technical challenges, however, have hindered reliable dating of the period, as the radiocarbon method reaches its limit at ~50,000 years ago. Here we apply improved accelerator mass spectrometry 14C techniques to construct robust chronologies from 40 key Mousterian and Neanderthal archaeological sites, ranging from Russia to Spain. Bayesian age modelling was used to generate probability distribution functions to determine the latest appearance date. We show that the Mousterian ended by 41,030–39,260 calibrated years bp (at 95.4% probability) across Europe. We also demonstrate that succeeding ‘transitional’ archaeological industries, one of which has been linked with Neanderthals (Châtelperronian), end at a similar time. Our data indicate that the disappearance of Neanderthals occurred at different times in different regions. Comparing the data with results obtained from the earliest dated AMH sites in Europe, associated with the Uluzzian technocomplex5, allows us to quantify the temporal overlap between the two human groups. The results reveal a significant overlap of 2,600–5,400 years (at 95.4% probability). This has important implications for models seeking to explain the cultural, technological and biological elements involved in the replacement of Neanderthals by AMHs. A mosaic of populations in Europe during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition suggests that there was ample time for the transmission of cultural and symbolic behaviours, as well as possible genetic exchanges, between the two groups.
LETTER doi:10.1038/nature13621
The timing and spatiotemporal patterning of
Neanderthal disappearance
Tom Higham
, Katerina Douka
, Rachel Wood
, Christopher Bronk Ramsey
, Fiona Brock
, Laura Basell
, Marta Camps
Alvaro Arrizabalaga
, Javier Baena
, Cecillio Barroso-Ruı
, Christopher Bergman
, Coralie Boitard
, Paolo Boscato
Miguel Caparro
, Nicholas J. Conard
, Christelle Draily
, Alain Froment
, Bertila Galva
, Paolo Gambassini
Alejandro Garcia-Moreno
, Stefano Grimaldi
, Paul Haesaerts
, Brigitte Holt
, Maria-Jose Iriarte-Chiapusso
Arthur Jelinek
, Jesu
´s F. Jorda
, Jose
´-Manuel Maı
, Anat Marom
, Julia
, Mario Mene
Laure Metz
, Euge
`ne Morin
, Adriana Moroni
, Fabio Negrino
, Eleni Panagopoulou
, Marco Peresani
, Ste
´phane Pirson
Marco de la Rasilla
, Julien Riel-Salvatore
, Annamaria Ronchitelli
, David Santamaria
, Patrick Semal
Ludovic Slimak
, Joaquim Soler
, Narcı
´s Soler
, Aritza Villaluenga
, Ron Pinhasi
& Roger Jacobi
The timing of Neanderthal disappearance and the extent to which they
overlapped with the earliest incoming anatomically modern humans
(AMHs) in Eurasia are key questions in palaeoanthropology
. Deter-
mining the spatiotemporal relationship between the two populations
is crucial if we are to understand the processes, timing and reasons
leading to the disappearance of Neanderthals and the likelihood of
cultural and genetic exchange. Serious technical challenges, however,
have hindered reliable dating of the period, as the radiocarbon method
reaches its limit at 50,000 years ago
. Here we apply improved accel-
erator mass spectrometry
C techniques to construct robust chro-
nologies from 40 key Mousterian and Neanderthal archaeological
sites, ranging from Russia to Spain. Bayesian agemodelling was used
to generateprobability distribution functions to determine the latest
appearance date. We show that the Mousterian ended by 41,030–39,260
calibrated years BP (at 95.4% probability) across Europe. We also dem-
onstrate that succeeding ‘transitional’ archaeological industries, one
of which has been linked with Neanderthals(Cha
, end
at a similar time. Our data indicate that the disappearance of Nean-
derthals occurred at differenttimes in different regions. Comparing
the data with results obtained from the earliest dated AMH sites in
Europe, associated with the Uluzzian technocomplex
, allows us to
quantify the temporal overlap between the two human groups. The
results reveal a significant overlap of 2,600–5,400 years (at 95.4% prob-
ability). This has important implications for models seeking to explain
the cultural, technological and biological elements involved in the
replacement of Neanderthals by AMHs. A mosaic of populations in
Europe during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition suggests
that there was ample time for the transmission of cultural and sym-
bolic behaviours, as well as possible genetic exchanges, between the
two groups.
European Palaeolithic sites contain the best evidence for thereplace-
ment of one human group (Neanderthals) by another (AMHs)
. The
nature and process of the replacement, both in cultural and genetic terms,
has been the focus of extensive research
. Recent studies of complete
Neanderthal and modern human genomic sequences suggest that Nean-
derthals and AMHs interbred outside Africa
. This resulted in an intro-
gression of 1.5–2.1% of Neanderthal-derived DNA
, or perhaps more
in all modern non-African human populations. The analysis of three
Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genomes from Denisova
(Russian Altai), Vindija (Croatia) and Mezmaiskaya (Russian North Cau-
casus) indicates that the greatest amount of gene flow into non-African
AMHs occurred after these Neanderthal populations had separated from
each other
. At present it is not clear whether interbreeding occurred once
or several times outside Africa
, or where it happened. After the inter-
breeding episode(s), Neanderthals and their distinctive material cul-
ture disappeared and were replaced across Eurasia by AMHs, but the
precise timing of this has remaineddifficult to identify in the absence of
a reliable chronological framework
Recent research has shownthat radiocarbon ages haveusually under-
estimated the true age of Palaeolithic remains, sometimes by several
. This is due largely to problems in removing young carbon
contamination from old organic samples at the limit of the
C method.
The application of more rigorous chemical protocols
has recently
resulted in improved reliability and accuracy. Several determinations
Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit, Research Laboratory for Archaeology & the History of Art, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3QY, UK.
Research School for Earth Sciences, Australian National
University, Canberra 0200, Australia.
School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology (GAP), Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK.
School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, College
Park, 4102 Jime
´nez Hall, University of Maryland, Maryland 20742-4821, USA.
Research Team on Prehistory (IT-622-13), IKERBASQUE, University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), Toma
´s y Valiente
Street, 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
Departimento Prehistoria y Arqueologı
´a, Universidad Auto
´noma de Madrid, Campus Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain.
´n Instituto de Investigacio
Prehistoria y Evolucio
´n Humana, Plaza del Coso 1, 14900 Lucena, Co
´rdoba, Spain.
URS, 525 Vine Street, Suite 1800, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, USA.
8 rue des Sapins, 67100 Strasbourg, France.
Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, della Terra e dell’Ambiente, U.R. Preistoria e Antropologia, Universita
`degli Studi di Siena, Via Laterina 8, 53100 Siena, Italy.
´partement de Pre
´histoire, Muse
National d’Histoire Naturelle, 75013 Parı
´s, France.
Abt. A
¨ltere Urgeschichte und Quarta
¨kologie, Universita
¨bingen, Schloss Hohentu
¨bingen, 72070 Tu
¨bingen, Germany.
¨bingen Senckenberg
Center for Human Evolution and Paleoecology, Schloss Hohentu
¨bingen, 72070 Tu
¨bingen, Germany.
Service public de Wallonie, DGO4, Service de l9Arche
´ologie, rue des Martyrs, 22, B-6700 Arlon,
Laboratoire d’E
´co-antropologie et Ethnobiologie, Muse
´e de l’Homme, 17 place du Trocade
´ro, 75116 Paris, France.
Departamento de Prehistoria, Arqueologı
´a, Antropologı
´a e Historia Antigua,
Universidad de La Laguna, Campus de Guajara, 38071 Tenerife, Spain.
Monrepos Archaeological Research Centre and Museum for Human Behavioural Evolution, Schloss Monrepos, D-56567 Neuwied,
Laboratorio di Preistoria ‘B. Bagolini’, Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, Universita
`degli Studi di Trento, via Tommaso Gar, 14 I-38122 Trento, Italy.
Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de
Belgique, rue Vautier 29, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.
Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts, 103 Machmer Hall, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, USA.
School of Anthropology, Emil
W. Haury Building, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721-0030, USA.
Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueologı
´a, UNED. Paseo Senda del Rey 7, 20840, Madrid, Spain.
The Kimmel Center for
Archaeological Science, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel.
`rea de Prehisto
`ria, Universitat de Girona, pl. Ferrater Mora 1, 17071 Girona, Spain.
CNRS, UMR 5608, TRACES, Toulouse
Jean Jaure
`s University, Maison de la Recherche, 5 Alle
´es Antonio Machado, 31058 Toulouse, Cedex 9, France.
Department of Anthropology, Trent University, Life and Health Sciences Building Block C,
2140 East Bank Drive, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7B8, Canada.
Dipartimento di Antichita
`, Filosofia e Storia, Universita
`di Genova, Via Balbi 2, Genova I-16126, Italy.
Ephoreia of Paleoanthropology of
Southern Greece, Ardittou 34B, Athens 11636, Greece.
`di Ferrara, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Sezione di Scienze Preistoriche e Antropologiche, Corso Ercole I d’Este 32, I-44100 Ferrara,
Service public de Wallonie, DGO4, Direction de l9Arche
´ologie, rue des Brigades d9Irlande, 1, B-5100 Jambes, Belgium.
Departamento de Historia, Universidad de Oviedo, c/Teniente Alfonso
´nez, s/n, 33011 Oviedo, Spain.
´partement d’Anthropologie, Universite
´de Montre
´al, C. P. 6128, Succursale Centre-ville, Montre
´al, Quebec H3T 1N8, Canada.
Service of Scientific Heritage, Royal
Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
UCD Earth Institute and School of Archaeology, University CollegeDublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Department of Prehistory and Europe,
Franks House, The British Museum, London N1 5QJ, UK.
The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK.
The Cantabria International Institute for Prehistoric Research (IIIPC),
University of Cantabria, Avda. Los Castros, s/n. 39005 Santander, Spain.
306 | NATURE | VOL 512 | 21 AUGUST 2014
Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
that had previously supported late Neanderthal survival have been shown
to be marked underestimates (for example, Vindija
, Zafarraya
) and should be set to one side.
We performed extensive accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dat-
ing of critical late or final Mousterian archaeological horizons from 40
sites across Europe and the Mediterranean rim to explore the timing of
Neanderthal extinction(Fig. 1a and Supplementary Methods). We also
dated succeeding ‘transitional’ contexts, containing stone tool indus-
tries associated either with AMHs or with Neanderthals. These include
Uluzzian (distributed across peninsular Italy and southern Greece and
attributed to AMHs on the basis of associated AMH deciduous teeth
excavated in Cavallo Cave
) and Cha
ˆtelperronian (France and Canta-
brian Spain) layers, currently linked with Neanderthals on the basis of
skeletal and technological evidence, although the association is debated
Other transitional industries, such as the Szeletian and Bohunician of
central and eastern Europe have not been dated as part of this study,
nor have sites outside Europe, suchas in the far northern Arctic fringes
of Eurasia, where late Mousterian industries have been reported
We obtained 196 AMS radiocarbon measurements and used them to
build high-precision age models using Bayesian statisticson the OxCal
platform. This allows us to incorporate stratigraphic and other relative
age information, along with the calibrated likelihoods for each site. Prob-
ability distribution functions (PDFs) corresponding with the temporal
boundaries of the latest Mousterian occupations weregenerated (Fig. 1b
and Supplementary Methods).
The results show that the Mousterian end boundary PDFs all fall before
40,000 calibrated years (cal) BP (all probability ranges are expressed at
95.4%) (Fig. 1b). When placed into a single phase Bayesian model, the
PDFs result in an overall end boundary ranging from 41,030–39,260
cal BP (Fig. 1c and Supplementary Methods). This PDF represents the
age of the latest European Mousterian on the basis of our data.
The combined data suggest that the Mousterian ended at a very sim-
ilar time, across sites ranging from the Black Sea and the Near East, to
the Atlanticcoast (Fig. 1a, b). Southern Iberia has been held to represent
an exception to a wider European pattern
derthals previously argued at sites such as Gorham’s Cave, Gibraltar
We could not reproduce any of the late dates from sites in this region
(Supplementary Methods)and it is apparent that many previous deter-
minations underestimate the real age. It is unclear how long Neander-
thals persisted in southern Iberia
. More dating evidence is required
before we can determine whether Neanderthal presence was later here
than elsewhere in Europe.
Our data also reveal differences in the spatiotemporal distribution of
the latest Mousterian sites (Fig. 1b). The PDFs obtained were statistically
ordered and the results show that significant differences exist between
several late Mousterian contexts in different regions of Europe (Sup-
plementaryMethods). This may be attributed to the emergence of ‘tran-
sitional’ industries that replace the Mousterian between ,45,000–41,000
cal BP in some, but not all regions. At Fumane in Italy, for example, the
Mousterian is replaced by the Uluzzian at 44,800–43,950cal BP, while
39. Ksar Akil
40. Mezmaiskaya
38. Lakonis I
33. Geissenklösterle
27. Pin Hole
26. Hyaena Den
34. Fumane
32. Bombrini
25. Arcy-sur-Cure
22. La Quina
24. Les Cottés
19. Le Moustier
16. Romani
17. L'Arbreda
Modelled date (cal BP)
35. Castelcivita
Southern and
eastern Europe
8–15. NW Spain
End of Mousterian
18. Pech de l'Azé
31. Mandrin
28. Spy
Western and northern Europe
23. St Césaire
250 km
616 17 18–21
36 37
38 39
22 0.001
Probability density
42,000 41,000 40,000 39,000
Modelled date (cal BP)
End of Mousterian
68.2% probability
40,800 (68.2%) 40,000 BP
95.4% probability
41,030 (95.4%) 39,260 BP
Figure 1
Site locations and final boundary age
ranges for Mousterian and Neanderthal sites
a, Location of the 40 sites analysed and discussedin
this paper. 1: Gorham’s Cave; 2: Zafarraya; 3: El
˜o; 4: Sima de las Palomas; 5: El Salt; 6:
Quebrada; 7: Jarama VI; 8–15: La Vin
˜a, El Sidro
La Gu
¨elga, Esquilleu, Morı
´n, Arrillor, Labeko
Koba, Lezetxiki; 16: Abric Romanı
´; 17: L’Arbreda;
18–21: Pech de l’Aze
´, Le Moustier, La Ferrassie,
La Chappelle; 22: La Quina; 23: Saint-Ce
24: Les Cotte
´s; 25: Arcy-sur-Cure; 26: Hyaena Den;
27: Pin Hole; 28: Spy; 29: Grotte Walou; 30: Ne
31: Mandrin; 32: Bombrini/Mochi; 33:
Geissenklo¨sterle; 34: Fumane; 35: Castelcivita;
36: Oscurusciuto; 37: Cavallo; 38: Lakonis; 39: Ksar
Akil; 40: Mezmaiskaya. b, Bayesian PDFs for the
model boundaries of the final dated Mousterian
phases by site across Europe (generated using
OxCal4.2 software
and INTCAL13 (ref. 29)).
c, PDF for the latest Mousterian based on the
data in b.
21 AUGUST 2014 | VOL 512 | NATURE | 307
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at Mochi/Bombrini on the Italy–France border the Mousterian seems
to last longer—until 41,460–40,500 cal BP. In the latter region, the Auri-
gnacian arrives after a hiatus and no transitional complexes are evident.
Since both the Uluzzian and Aurignacian are linked to AMHs, this lends
support to the idea of a staggered replacement of Neanderthals in Italy
as they neared local extinction (Supplementary Methods). Other late
Mousterian contexts in sites in northern Spain, such as Abric Romanı
and L’Arbreda, are also considerably later than Fumane, suggesting that
the Mousterian ended at different times in some parts of Europe.
The temporal range of the ‘transitional’ technocomplexes was also
examined. With regard to the Cha
ˆtelperronian, it is apparent on stra-
tigraphic grounds thatthe Mousterian precedes it at all sites where both
occur. However, our results show that the Cha
ˆtelperronian at some sites
(for example, Arcy-sur-Cure) starts statistically significantly before the
end of the Mousterian at other sites in Europe such as Abric Roma
and Geissenklo¨sterle (Germany). If Neanderthals were responsible for
both Mousterian and Cha
ˆtelperronian, the implication is that there was
considerable regional variation in their behaviour and adaptation stra-
tegies during this transition period. Assuming that the Cha
is associated with Neanderthals, we combined the end boundaries for
both into a single-phaseBayesian model and obtained a final ‘Neander-
thal’ end PDF of 40,890–39,220 cal BP. The result is indistinguishable
from the final Mousterian PDF, showin g thatuncertainty over the author-
shipof the Cha
ˆtelperronian does not affect theage estimated for the last
Neanderthals; they did not survive after,41,000–39,000 cal BP (Fig. 2b).
By comparing the final Neanderthal PDF with those obtained for the
start of the Uluzzian at the Cavallo site
, we can quantify the temporal
overlap between Neanderthals and the earliest western European AMHs
(Fig. 2b). The difference is significant and ranges from 2,600 to 5,400
years at 95.4% probability. Coexistence has been linked previouslywith
the possibility of cultural transmission from AMHs to Neanderthals,
termed ‘acculturation’
, as a means of accounting forlate Neanderthal
technical and behavioural development. The early presence of AMHs
in Mediterranean Europe by ,45,000–43,000 cal BP (ref. 23) and the
Modelled date (cal BP)
Uluzzian start
Uluzzian end
Châtelperronian end
Châtelperronian start
Mousterian end
Figure 2
Transitional site locations and Bayesian age ranges for the
start and end of the Cha
ˆtelperronian and Uluzzian technocomplexes.
a, Geographic distribution of Cha
ˆtelperronian (red), Uluzzian (green) and
Mousterian (blue) technocomplexes. Map is shown with sea level at 280 m
below the present day
. Dated ‘transitional’ industry site locations are shown.
Sea-level template map prepared by M. Deve
`s. b, Bayesian modelled PDFs
for the start and end boundaries of the Cha
ˆtelperronian and Uluzzian in
western Europe. The Mousterian end boundary (Fig. 1c) is shown for
comparison. The three end boundaries overlap, but the late Mousterian always
predates the two transitional industries stratigraphically where they co-occur.
45,000 cal BP 44,000 cal BP
43,000 cal BP 42,000 cal BP
40,000 cal BP
41,000 cal BP
Mousterian Uluzzian Châtelperronian
Figure 3
Time slices for western Europe
between 45,000 and 40,000 cal BP showing the
distribution of the Mousterian, Cha
and Uluzzian modelled ages. The size of the dots
represents increasing and decreasing levels of the
95.4% probability ranges determined from the
duration (date range) of each industry, as
calculated by individual Bayesian site models
(Supplementary Methods). Dots with two colours
indicate overlapping date range probabilities for
two industries found at the same site.
308 | NATURE | VOL 512 | 21 AUGUST 2014
Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
potential overlapping time may have acted as a stimulus for putative
Neanderthal innovative and symbolic behaviourin the millennia before
their disappearance. When we compare the start and end boundary PDFs
for both Uluzzian and Cha
ˆtelperronian sites we observe that they are
very similar (Fig. 2b). This may provide further support for an accul-
turation model. Alternatively, this similarity in the start dates of the
two industries might be seen as reflecting an AMH authorship for both.
If this were the case, then the distribution of early modern humans
would be wider than expected.Since the physical evidence linking these
industries to differenthuman groups is scarce, these interpretationsare
potentially prone to change with new excavation data.
High-precision chronometric data and Bayesian modelling allows
us to map the spatiotemporal relationship between the three techno-
complexes during the period ,45,000–41,000 cal BP as a series of time
slices (Fig. 3 and Supplementary Methods). Since there is little to no robust
evidence for interstratification of the transitional industries within Mous-
terian archaeological layers, we concludethat the chronological overlap
observed musthave also involved a degree of spatial separation between
the two populations, regardless of whether Neanderthals were responsi-
ble for the Cha
ˆtelperronian or not. In turn, this suggests that the dispersal
of early AMHs was initially geographically circumscribed, proceeding
step-wise, with the Uluzzian first and the Aurignacian following a few
millennia later. The transitional industries, including those not analysed
here, may be broadly contemporaneous technocomplexes that remained
spatially distinct from one another. Rather than a rapid model of replace-
ment of autochthonous European Neanderthals by incoming AMHs,
our results support a morecomplex picture, one characterized by a bio-
logical and cultural mosaic that lasted for several thousand years.
AMS radiocarbon dating was undertaken at the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator
Unit, University of Oxford. Collagen was extracted using the methods outlined
. Shell samples were dated according to the protocol outlined previously
An acid–base oxidation/stepped combustion (ABOx-SC) method was used for
. Radiocarbon ages are given as conventional ages BP as described previously
Corrections were made to bone collagen AMS determinations using a laboratory
pre-treatmentbackground subtraction
. Bones analysed rangefrom very well pre-
served (a maximum of 14.9wt% collagen) to poorly preserved (a minimum of ,1.0wt%
collagen). C:N atomicratios and otheranalyticalparameters weremeasured to deter-
mine the quality of the extracted collagen. The IntCal13 and Marine13 (ref. 29)
calibration curves and the OxCal4.2 (ref. 20) program were used in the calibration
and Bayesian age modelling. Supplementary Methods contains details of thearchae-
ologicalsites investigated, the samplesused, all determinationsand the full Bayesian
Received 7 May; accepted 27 June 2014.
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Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.
Acknowledgements The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funded this
work (NE/D014077/1). Additional funding was received from the Leverhulme Trust,
through the Ancient Human Occupation of Britain (AHOB) project, the NRCF (NERC
Radiocarbon Facility) programme, Keble College (Oxford) and the European Research
Council. We thank our many collaborators and their excavation teams, and all staff at
the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit for their contribution to this work. Maps at
280 m below current sea level were produced by M. Deve
`s and A. Scheder Black.
Author Contributions T.H. and R.J. conceived the project. T.H. obtained funding and
directed the project. T.H., R.W., K.D., F.B., C.B.R. and A.Ma. performed pre-treatment
chemistry, AMS dating and Bayesian analysis using OxCal. T.H., R.W., K.D., L.B. and R.J.
sampled materials for AMS dating. T.H. and K.D. wrote the paper and all co-authors
contributed to the draft. K.D. and T.H. produced the figures and illustrations. R.J., L.B.,
M.C., A.A.,J.B., C.B.-R., C.Be.,C.Bo., P.B., M.C., N.J.C.,C.D., A.F., B.G., P.G.,A.G.-M., S.G., P.H.,
B.H., M.-J.I.-C., A.J., J.F.J.P., J.-M.M.-F., J.M., M.M., L.M., E.M., A.Mo., F.N., E.P., M.P., S.P.,
M.d.l.R., J.R.-S., A.R., D.S., P.S., L.S., J.S., N.S., A.V. and R.P. provided permits and
archaeological samples, expertise on site sequences and prior data for the modelling.
Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to
T.H. (
21 AUGUST 2014 | VOL 512 | NATURE | 309
Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
... Such a model structure overcomes the statistical problems associated with the approach that consists of constructing separate age models for individual sequences and injecting, into a new model, the a posteriori probability distributions corresponding to the boundaries between phases that represent a change in archaeological cultural traditions. Such a model is composed of chronologically ordered phases, each representing one of the archaeological cultural transitions in question [60,61]. The problem with this approach is that the second-generation model is populated with a posteriori probability distributions that are derived from the individual site age models, thereby introducing additional unknown boundaries as priors. ...
... A phase is a group of archaeological events, represented by event dates, that one wishes to situate chronologically. Due to the fact that it is difficult to determine with certainty the rhythm with which events occurred through time, ChronoModel assumes that a phase's event dates are uniformly distributed within it and that the temporal boundaries of the chronological framework are defined by the start and end times of the broad 'study period' [60]. ChronoModel allows one to estimate the beginning, duration, and termination of a phase based on the posterior event dates observed within it. ...
... This intersecting structure allows ChronoModel to take into account the stratigraphic priors associated with each event along with the priors related to the succession of archaeological cultures observed in a regional archaeological cultural trajectory when calculating the age intervals for successive or contemporaneous archaeological cultures. This structure is advantageous in constructing regional cultural chronologies because it avoids the statistically undesirable practice of breaking the Bayesian scheme into two separate steps, a statistically undesirable practice that is required with OxCal in which a second-generation model is populated with a posteriori probability distributions derived from first-generation age models of individual stratified archaeological sequences [60,61]. ...
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Issues of chronology are central to inferences pertaining to relationships between both contemporaneous and successive prehistoric typo-technological entities (i.e., archaeological cultures), culture–environment relationships, and ultimately the mechanisms at play behind cultural changes observed through time in the archaeological record. We refine the chronology of Upper Paleolithic archaeological cultures between 35–18 calibrated kiloanni before the present in present-day France by incorporating recently published radiocarbon data along with new 14C ages that we obtained from several Gravettian archaeological contexts. We present the results of a Bayesian age model that includes these new radiometric data and that, more importantly, separates Gravettian contexts in regions north of the Garonne River into two successive cultural phases: The Northern Noaillian and the Rayssian, respectively. This new age model places the beginning of the Noaillian during Greenland Stadial 5.2. The appearance of contexts containing assemblages associated with the Rayssian lithic technical system occurs immediately prior to the termination of Greenland Interstadial 5.1, and it is present throughout Heinrich Event 3 (GS-5.1) and into the following GI-4 climatic amelioration. Despite the Rayssian’s initial appearance during the brief and relatively weakly expressed Greenland Interstadial 5.1, its duration suggests that Rayssian lithic technology was well-suited to the environmental conditions of Greenland Stadial 5.1.
... We excluded ages if (i) the author(s) stated that the date was anomalous or (ii) had issues with the extraction protocol, (iii) was/were suspicious of contamination of the sample, or (iv) there was not enough information available to assess reliability. When the ages were not directly identified from human remains, but were instead associated with the age of the layer in which artefacts were found (i.e., indirect association), we assumed that any material (i.e., dates and cultural-related technology) coming from Middle Palaeolithic layers (from 300,000 to 50,000 years ago) was associated with Neanderthals, whereas any material (i.e., dates and cultural related technology) from the Upper Palaeolithic (from 50,000 to 12,000 years ago) was associated with anatomically modern humans 86 . We disregarded any material in the transition from Middle to Upper Palaeolithic since there are transitional industries whose species attribution is controversial. ...
... Second, these ages estimated using optically stimulated luminescence and uranium-thorium methods often describe the presence of anatomically modern humans older than 50,000 years ago, which challenge our assumption that the Middle Palaeolithic is associated with Neanderthals, whereas any material from the Upper Palaeolithic was associated with anatomically modern humans 86 . We concede that before 50 ka, Homo sapiens could be associated with Middle Palaeolithic industries 109,110 , but the fact that our dataset is only based on radiocarbon dates means that we are confident that the Middle Palaeolithic is associated with Neanderthals 111 , except in a few regional cases (e.g., Chatelperronian of northern Spain/ France). ...
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The ability of our ancestors to switch food sources and to migrate to more favourable environments enabled the rapid global expansion of anatomically modern humans beyond Africa as early as 120,000 years ago. Whether this versatility was largely the result of environmentally determined processes or was instead dominated by cultural drivers, social structures, and interactions among different groups, is unclear. We develop a statistical approach that combines both archaeological and genetic data to infer the more-likely initial expansion routes in northern Eurasia and the Americas. We then quantify the main differences in past environmental conditions between the more-likely routes and other potential (less-likely) routes of expansion. We establish that, even though cultural drivers remain plausible at finer scales, the emergent migration corridors were predominantly constrained by a combination of regional environmental conditions, including the presence of a forest-grassland ecotone, changes in temperature and precipitation, and proximity to rivers.
... The population turnover that took place during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition represents a tipping point in the Palaeolithic record of Eurasia (Finlayson and Carrión, 2007;Higham et al., 2014). The northern Iberian Peninsula possesses one of the most detailed behavioural and ecological records for addressing the regional nature of this process empirically, particularly regarding the role that variations in ungulate availability, carnivore competition, and prey choice played in human dietary adaptations Bernaldo de Quirós (1982). ...
... The extent of landscape overlap in a given region was directly related to local Net Primary Productivity values, i.e. the carrying capacity of the environment, particularly in terms of small-and medium-sized herbivores (Vidal-Cordasco et al., 2023). The abundance of these species in northern Iberia, especially deer, enabled a more extensive spatio-temporal interaction interface between Neanderthals and AMHs (cf., Djakovic et al., 2022), enabling a protracted combination of demographic incorporation and competitive exclusion to result in the eventual disappearance of Neanderthal populations as recognisable independent genetic lineages (Banks et al., 2008;Higham et al., 2014;Kolodny and Feldman, 2017;Marín-Arroyo et al., 2018;Vaesen et al., 2019). ...
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The comparative assessment of dietary choices as part of landscape use strategies deployed by Neanderthal and Anatomically Modern Human populations in Eurasia constitutes a fundamental avenue of Palaeolithic research. The increasing number of taphonomic assessments enables a better understanding of what remains were brought to sites by human hunters versus mammalian carnivores or raptors. A zooarchaeological approach can further elucidate the spatio-temporal dynamics of interaction between carnivores and human populations in terms of landscape use and prey choice during this transitional period. To achieve this objective, we conducted an examination of zooarchaeological and taphonomic data, carnivore indices, and other relevant variables across 36 Middle and Early Upper Palaeolithic sites in northern Iberia. These sites encompass 126 archaeological layers dating from 50,000 to 30,000 years ago. Our comprehensive bibliographic meta-analysis reveals that human occupations by both groups at sites across the region were punctuated by episodes influenced by carnivores. This observation implies that human occupations in northern Iberia during Marine Isotope Stage 3 were generally characterised by instability and limited to short periods, often seasonal in nature. From a zooarchaeological perspective, the combined assessment of taxonomic data, species richness and assemblage diversity highlights that the range and proportion of species acquired by these different human groups are similar, although Anatomically Modern Humans engaged in a sustained trend towards increasing dietary diversification even at sites with assemblages heavily dominated by one taxon.
... 1). While both dates are within the range of Late Pleistocene (130-12 ka), the date of underlying sample is at minimum some 7 ka younger than the known calibrated 14 C dates for the terminal Middle Palaeolithic (Higham et al. 2014). Thus, while the character of the assemblage points to Middle Palaeolithic, the OSL dates do not support this at first. ...
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In recent decades, the body of evidence from Croatian sites contributing to the understanding of Middle Palaeolithic behaviours has been significant. However, the data has been biased towards cave sites. Until recently open-air sites have exclusively been identified on the basis of surface finds, which often raise questions regarding assemblage integrity. Rescue excavations in the Istrian peninsula have recently brought to light the open-air site of Campanož and a substantial amount of new data. The site is a large and densely packed lithic scatter found stratified between two horizons of typical Mediterranean terra rossa soil. Among the lithic finds there is a large presence of nodular chert fragments and a smaller proportion of classifiable chert artefacts, which have been recognized as Middle Palaeolithic based on both typological and technological characteristics. A preliminary analysis shows that the blank production methods are coherent at the site. There are few flaking methods in the sample, with most being related to different modes of discoid reduction. Middle Palaeolithic toolmakers repeatedly procured raw materials and produced blanks on-site. Evidence points to the production of small tools, and also indicates recycling of previously discarded artefacts. Although these data are preliminary, the evidence seems to suggest an expedient and flexible technology may have been present in the Middle Palaeolithic of the Northeastern Adriatic. Despite the limited data on age and site formation processes, the site represents a valuable source of information in our understanding of Middle Palaeolithic technological behaviour and land use in the region.
... We obtained a significantly better fit for the EP model than the IG model (Likelihood ratio test, p < 2.2e-16), with the mean time of gene flow of around 47,124 yBP [46,404 yBP], and a duration of around 6,832 years [2,044-9,968 years]. This timing is compatible with archaeological evidence for the overlap of modern humans and Neandertals in Europe (30). We note, however, that uncertainties in local recombination rates over time and sampling ages of ancient individuals make the estimates of duration tentative ( Fig. 3B; fig. ...
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Gene flow from Neandertals has shaped the landscape of genetic and phenotypic variation in modern humans. We identify the location and size of introgressed Neandertal ancestry segments in more than 300 genomes spanning the last 50,000 years. We study how Neandertal ancestry is shared among individuals to infer the time and duration of the Neandertal gene flow. We find the correlation of Neandertal segment locations across individuals and their divergence to sequenced Neandertals, both support a model of single major Neandertal gene flow. Our catalog of introgressed segments through time confirms that most natural selection-positive and negative-on Neandertal ancestry variants occurred immediately after the gene flow, and provides new insights into how the contact with Neandertals shaped human origins and adaptation.
... However, here, we will focus on a much later period and 'constrained' area, the Upper Palaeolithic of Europe, which is broadly dated to between ca. 45 and 12 ka ago. During this time, Neanderthals were replaced by Homo sapiens populations and from ca. 40 ka ago, Europe was exclusively inhabited by the latter (Higham et al. 2014). The ability to create regional or interregional networks might have significantly contributed to the survival rates and expansion of Homo sapiens populations during times of environmental stress. ...
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Northern Australia and particularly the Kimberley and Arnhem Land regions are well known for the intensive production of figurative anthropomorphs as a dominant theme by the terminal Pleistocene. Ongoing analysis and dating places the archaeological efflorescence of individual human figures and grouped scenes, often with extraordinary detail in the depictions of accoutrements, weaponry, and personal ornamentation, subsequent to the LGM (MIS 2) and across the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. In this chapter, we argue that the intensive production of human figures – in contrast to preceding millennia of predominantly figurative animal motifs – was a cultural response to ongoing loss of territory with sea level rise (and especially on the shallow continental shelves of the north), greater identity marking and emerging regionalism in northern Australia starting between 18–12 ka. While the impacts and climate details of MIS 3 and 2 were clearly different in the northern hemisphere, we believe there are complementary trajectories in Western Eurasian art bodies, which equally display regional and interregional patterns during approximately the same time period in both parietal and mobiliary art. We explore whether global drivers associated with glacio-eustatic trends, the loss of land through inundation and the emergence and subsequent relaxation of glacial refugia, might be implicated in the enhancement of anthropomorphic assemblages located on opposite sides of the world.
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Background The Mousterian technocomplex is commonly associated with Neanderthals and therefore serves as a proxy for their presence across Europe. Stratified archaeological sites are the most informative because they can yield information about artefacts' spatial distribution and dating. Only a few of the Mousterian sites in Tuscany (Italy) met these conditions and most of these sites are concentrated in the North-Western area, with three specific sites situated in proximity to the village of Piano di Mommio, on the slopes of a small river canyon. Nevertheless, research on the sites stopped early on due to their small extent and complete excavation, which does not allow for additional fieldwork. Methods This article presents previously unpublished field notes, reports, and images, which are then correlated with recent archaeological surveys. Results This combination of historical and contemporary data aims to provide a more detailed understanding of the context in which the assemblages at these sites were found. The insights gained from this research shed light on the arrangement and positioning of artefacts at these locations, offering valuable information to guide future investigations on the assemblages. Conclusions The proposed stratigraphical interpretation adheres to the available information and therefore contributes to a future baseline for new research on the sites and on Neanderthal presence in the area.
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Whilst the admixture of the Neanderthal and anatomically modern human is precisely proven, due to the shortage of fossils and absence of appropriate DNA, the timing and geography of it, are the subjects of questions. In this study, we applied ecological niche modelling (maximum entropy approach) and GIS to reconstruct Neanderthal and modern human palaeodistribution and identify their contact and potential interbreeding zone during the marine isotope stage 5. We used climatic variables characterising environmental conditions of marine isotope stage 5 ca. 120 to 80 thousand years ago (Kyr) along with topography and coordinates of Neanderthal and modern human archaeological sites to build each species palaeodistribution. Overlapping the models showed that Zagros Mountains was a contact and potential interbreeding zone for the two sub-human species. We believe that Zagros Mountains acted as a corridor connected the Palearctic/Afro-Arabian realms, facilitated northward dispersal of anatomically modern human and southward dispersal of Neanderthal during marine isotope stage 5. Our analyses are comparable with archaeological and genetic evidence collected during the last decades.
The strategic geographical position of the Balkan Peninsula, at the crossroads between southwest Asia and central and western Europe, make of this territory a key area for understanding the different human migrations into Europe during the Pleistocene. This long-time neglected area for the Palaeolithic research, last years has experienced a ‘blossoming’ in terms of research projects and key discoveries. Only in the past decade, sites from the Balkan Peninsula have yielded, for instance, the oldest anatomically modern human occupations in Europe, the first human remains of our species in the continent, the first confirmation of interbreeding between ‘us’ and Neanderthals and evidence of Palaeolithic rock art, a phenomenon traditionally restricted to South-western Europe. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the previous data and new discoveries, addressed by an international list of contributors among the most renowned scholars developing archaeological researches in this territory. It summarises the state of the art for the Early Prehistory Archaeology of one of the most important emerging territories for the discipline.
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The 19981999 direct dating of two Neandertal specimens from level G1 of Vindija Cave in Croatia to 28,000 and 29,000 radiocarbon (14 C) years ago has led to interpretations concerning the late survival of Neandertals in south-central Europe, patterns of interaction between Neandertals and in-dispersing early modern humans in Europe, and complex biocultural scenarios for the earlier phases of the Upper Paleolithic. Given improvements, particularly in sample pretreatment techniques for bone radiocarbon samples, especially ultrafiltration of collagen samples, these Vindija G 1 Neandertal fossils are redated to 32,000 –33,000 14 C years ago and possibly earlier. These results and the recent redat-ing of a number of purportedly old modern human skeletal remains in Europe to younger time periods highlight the importance of fine chronological control when studying this biocultural time period and the tenuous nature of monolithic scenarios for the establishment of modern humans and earlier phases of the Upper Paleolithic in Europe.
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Count rates, representing the rate of 14 C decay, are the basic data obtained in a 14 C laboratory. The conversion of this information into an age or geochemical parameters appears a simple matter at first. However, the path between counting and suitable 14 C data reporting (table 1) causes headaches to many. Minor deflections in pathway, depending on personal interpretations, are possible and give end results that are not always useful for inter-laboratory comparisons. This discussion is an attempt to identify some of these problems and to recommend certain procedures by which reporting ambiguities can be avoided.
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One critical variable in the successful application of radiocarbon dating is the effective removal of carbonaceous contaminants. In the case of marine carbonates, contamination appears usually in the form of secondary low-magnesium calcite, the stable polymorph of calcium carbonate and byproduct of the post-mortem recrystallization or replacement of the autochthonous phase, originally in the form of high-magnesium calcite or aragonite. Depending on the nature of the depositional environment, the secondary phase may be contemporary in age with the original shell carbonate and may have even been derived from it by dissolution-recrystallization processes, or can be an exogenous contaminant of younger or older age. The limited ability of current pretreatment protocols to detect and remove the secondary mineralogical phases prior to dating carbonates has been one of the reasons marine shell and coral 14C determinations are often difficult to validate in terms of their reliability. We have developed a new pretreatment protocol designed to achieve greater reliability and accuracy in the dating of this material. The method entails 2 steps. The first one involves the improved detection and quantification of secondary calcite in aragonite using X-ray diffraction, at a precision of ~0.1% and ~0.8%, respectively. Next, where this is required, a novel density separation step using non-toxic heavy liquids (CarDS) is applied to the diagenetic sample. This enables the clear separation of calcite and aragonite, with only the latter kept for dating. We have applied the new steps, screening and separation, on standard and archaeological examples and our initial results suggest that it is successful and reproducible. In this paper, we describe the method and initial results. © 2010 by the Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of the University of Arizona.
If radiocarbon measurements are to be used at all for chronological purposes, we have to use statistical methods for calibration. The most widely used method of calibration can be seen as a simple application of Bayesian statistics, which uses both the information from the new measurement and information from the 14 C calibration curve. In most dating applications, however, we have larger numbers of 14 C measurements and we wish to relate those to events in the past. Bayesian statistics provides a coherent framework in which such analysis can be performed and is becoming a core element in many 14 C dating projects. This article gives an overview of the main model components used in chronological analysis, their mathematical formulation, and examples of how such analyses can be performed using the latest version of the OxCal software (v4). Many such models can be put together, in a modular fashion, from simple elements, with defined constraints and groupings. In other cases, the commonly used “uniform phase” models might not be appropriate, and ramped, exponential, or normal distributions of events might be more useful. When considering analyses of these kinds, it is useful to be able run simulations on synthetic data. Methods for performing such tests are discussed here along with other methods of diagnosing possible problems with statistical models of this kind.
One critical variable in the successful application of radiocarbon dating is the effective removal of carbonaceous contaminants. In the case of marine carbonates, contamination appears usually in the form of secondary low-magnesium calcite, the stable polymorph of calcium carbonate and byproduct of the post-mortem recrystallization or replacement of the autochthonous phase, originally in the form of high-magnesium calcite or aragonite. Depending on the nature of the depositional environment, the secondary phase may be contemporary in age with the original shell carbonate and may have even been derived from it by dissolution-recrystallization processes, or can be an exogenous contaminant of younger or older age. The limited ability of current pretreatment protocols to detect and remove the secondary mineralogical phases prior to dating carbonates has been one of the reasons marine shell and coral 14 C determinations are often difficult to validate in terms of their reliability. We have developed a new pretreatment protocol designed to achieve greater reliability and accuracy in the dating of this material. The method entails 2 steps. The first one involves the improved detection and quantification of secondary calcite in aragonite using X-ray diffraction, at a precision of ∼0.1% and ∼0.8%, respectively. Next, where this is required, a novel density separation step using non-toxic heavy liquids (CarDS) is applied to the diagenetic sample. This enables the clear separation of calcite and aragonite, with only the latter kept for dating. We have applied the new steps, screening and separation, on standard and archaeological examples and our initial results suggest that it is successful and reproducible. In this paper, we describe the method and initial results.