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The potential of integrated modelling in conservation biology: A case study of the black-footed albatross (Phoebastria nigripes)


Abstract and Figures

Conservation biology aims at assessing the status of a population, based on information which is often incomplete. Integrated population modelling based on state-space models appears to be a powerful and relevant way of combining into a single likelihood several types of information such as capture-recapture data and population surveys. In this paper, the authors describe the principles of integrated population modelling and they evaluate its performance for conservation biology based on a case study, that of the black-footed albatross, a northern Pacific albatross species suspected to be impacted by longline fishing Le potentiel de la mode′lisation inte′gre′e en biologie de la conservation: une e′tude de cas de I'albatros a‵ pieds noirs Phoebastriu nigripes La biologie de la conservation vise à évaluer l'état d'une population à l'aide d'informations souvent incomplètes. La modélisation intégrée des populations à l'aide de modèles à espaces d'états est une méthode puissante qui permet de combiner de façon adéquate en une seule vraisemblance plusieurs types d'informations telles que des données de capture-recapture et des inventaires de population. Dans cet article, les auteurs décrivent les principes de la modélisation intégrée des populations et ils en évaluent la performance pour la biologie de préservation à l'aide d'une étude de cas portant sur l'albatros à pieds noirs, une espèce d'albatros vivant dans l'Océan Pacifique Nord vraisemblablement affectée par la pěche palangrière commerciale.
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The Canadian Journal of Statistics 85
Vol. 36, No. 1, 2008, Pages 85–98
La revue canadienne de statistique
The potential of integrated modelling in
conservation biology: a case study of the
black-footed albatross (Phoebastria nigripes)
Sophie V´
ERAN and Jean-Dominique LEBRETON
Key words and phrases: Albatross; conservation biology; Kalman filter; state-space models.
MSC 2000: Primary 62P10; secondary 92D40.
Abstract: Conservation biology aims at assessing the status of a population, based on information which
is often incomplete. Integrated population modelling based on state-space models appears to be a power-
ful and relevant way of combining into a single likelihood several types of information such as capture-
recapture data and population surveys. In this paper, the authors describe the principles of integrated popu-
lation modelling and they evaluate its performance for conservation biology based on a case study, that of
the black-footed albatross, a northern Pacific albatross species suspected to be impacted by longline fishing.
Le potentiel de la mod´
elisation int´
ee en biologie de la conservation :
une ´
etude de cas de l’albatros `
a pieds noirs (Phoebastria nigripes)
e : La biologie de la conservation vise `
evaluer l’´
etat d’une population `
a l’aide d’informations
souvent incompl`
etes. La mod´
elisation int´
ee des populations `
a l’aide de mod`
eles `
a espaces d’´
etats est
une m´
ethode puissante qui permet de combiner de fac¸on ad´
equate en une seule vraisemblance plusieurs
types d’informations telles que des donn´
ees de capture-recapture et des inventaires de population. Dans
cet article, les auteurs d´
ecrivent les principes de la mod´
elisation int´
ee des populations et ils en ´
la performance pour la biologie de pr´
eservation `
a l’aide d’une ´
etude de cas portant sur l’albatros `
a pieds
noirs, une esp`
ece d’albatros vivant dans l’Oc´
ean Pacifique Nord vraisemblablement affect´
ee par la pˆ
ere commerciale.
Conservation biology often aims at assessing the population status and proposing management
actions for endangered or harvested species (Soul´
e 1987; Gauthier & Lebreton 2004). To this
purpose, two main approaches have been traditionally used: analyses of successive surveys of
population size and structure on the one hand, and population dynamics modelling on the other.
These two approaches are based on quite different sources of information.
In the first approach, the pattern of population change is investigated through more or less
sophisticated time series methods to determine the rate of change and variability of population
size (Miller & Botkin 1974; Clark 2003). This approach requires reliable repeated surveys,
which are often unavailable. Furthermore, observation errors are difficult to incorporate in the
classical time series models and are unfortunately often ignored, with, for instance, disastrous
consequences on the detection of density-dependence in the rate of population change (Dennis
et al. 2006).
Demographic models provide a more process-oriented insight into population dynamics
(Caswell & John 1992; Beissinger & Westphal 1998). Such models require estimates of de-
mographic parameters, such as survival probabilities and fecundity (Caswell 2001). Estimates
of annual survival probabilities in natural animal populations are usually obtained from capture-
mark–recapture sampling, in which animals receive unique individual marks. Subsequent ob-
servations of these marked animals, either alive or dead, result in data which are analysed using
models incorporating annual probabilities of survival (Lebreton, Burnham, Clobert & Ander-
son 1992) together with probabilities of detection. These models are the counterpart when there
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ERAN & LEBRETON Vol. 36, No. 1
is incomplete detection of individuals of the discrete time survival models used in human health
studies (Lebreton, Pradel & Clobert 1993). The quality and relevance of demographic model re-
sults can be highly affected by uncertainties in vital rates estimations and by problems of model
validation and structure (Beissinger & Westphal 1998).
Hence, each of these two approaches has severe shortcomings when used by itself. Moreover,
so-called “integrated population monitoring” often provides both survey information and demo-
graphic data. In this case the two types of information have been until recently always combined
in an ad hoc fashion, by visually matching model predictions to population size estimates (Nel,
Taylor, Ryan & Cooper 2003; Arnold, Brault & Croxall 2006) without resorting to any analytical
tool (Besbeas, Freeman & Morgan 2005). This situation is particularly annoying in conservation
biology, in which data are often sparse or fragmentary, needs are urgent, and an optimal use of
all existing information is thus badly needed.
Recently, integrated population modelling has appeared as a powerful and relevant way of
blending several types of information, by offering the possibility of combining into a single like-
lihood the information brought by surveys and individual demographic data. Integrated popula-
tion modelling is based on state-space models (Harvey 1989, pp. 10–11), with various methods of
treatment and estimation (Besbeas, Freeman, Morgan & Catchpole 2002; Besbeas, Lebreton &
Morgan 2003; Buckland, Newman, Thomas & Koesters 2004; Thomas, Buckland, Newman &
Harwood 2005). As it is a recent and still developing methodology, Integrated population mod-
elling has been little used apart illustrative examples (see, however, Gauthier, Besbeas, Lebre-
ton & Morgan 2007). The potential of integrated population modelling for conservation biology
is strong, as diagnosis and management actions often have to be taken with the information at
hand, stakeholders having limited time and budgets. Integrated population modelling is espe-
cially relevant because, in this context, the data are generally incomplete: Integrated population
modelling can thus be the glue to assemble in a coherent fashion various pieces of information.
The purpose of this paper is to review the basic ideas of integrated population modelling, to
discuss its efficiency, to recommend some specific tools and to propose perspectives for improv-
ing its expected impact on conservation biology. As an example a case study we use through-
out is that of the impact of incidental by-catch by long-line fisheries of black-footed albatross
(Phoebastria nigripes), a north Pacific ocean albatross (Cousins & Cooper 2000; Lewison &
Crowder 2003). In terms of information available, this example is typical of cases studies in con-
servation and management of vertebrate populations: while a capture-recapture study provided
evidence for a relationship between adult survival and fishing activity (V´
eran et al. 2007), there
is no straightforward estimate available for survival in the first part of life, as is often the case
for vertebrates (Clobert & Lebreton 1991). In such a situation can population surveys provide
enough information for estimating such a parameter? This question is particularly critical for a
long-lived species such as albatross, in which the population growth regime is not very sensi-
tive to immature survival. Then, do population surveys bring further information and do they
reinforce the conclusions drawn from the capture-recapture analysis of adult survival?
We present first the albatross case study and the available data (Section 2), then state-space
models (Section 3), their statistical treatment by Kalman filtering (Section 4), and their applica-
tion to the albatross case study (Section 5). The discussion (Section 6) covers perspectives for
integrated population modelling in conservation biology.
Industrial long-line fishing has been suspected since the 1990s to impact upon black-footed
albatross populations by inducing a biologically significant amount of mortality (Cousins &
Cooper 2000), as proven for albatross species in the southern Hemisphere (Weimerskirch, Broth-
ers & Jouventin 1997). However, in particular because of the wide range of the species at sea and
the diversity of fleets concerned, no precise estimate of by-catch mortality has been available to
ascertain this suspicion (Cousins & Cooper 2000; Lewison & Crowder 2003) although educated
guesses of the number caught seem to point to deleterious effects on the population (Niel & Le-
breton 2005). As other albatross species, the black-footed albatross is a long-lived species with
delayed maturity, first breeding taking place at age 5. But for the breeding season, the albatross
spend most of their life at sea. Breeding pairs are faithful for life, and forming a new pair af-
ter death of the partner may require some time, a biological feature with key consequences on
population dynamics.
The only two sources of information are (a) partial surveys of the number of breeders,
(b) capture-recapture data.
(a) The surveys by the US Fish and Wildlife Service concerned breeding numbers in the three
main colonies of the Hawaiian Archipelago: French Frigate Shoals, Midway and Laysan
Island. They account for about 75% of the world population of black-Footed albatross
(Cousins & Cooper 2000). Unavoidably, the investigation is restricted to this segment
of the population. The extrapolation to the entire world population implicitly assumes
that the portion of the population on the sampled islands did not vary over time. A key
feature is that only breeders are surveyed, a large number of non breeders being at sea
and not amenable to any kind of count. The survey data provide some evidence of a
decline. However, the relationship with total population size depends in a complex fashion
of the population structure, and, in the absence of an estimation of survey uncertainty, the
significance of the decline cannot be assessed in a straightforward fashion.
(b) In total, 13854 black-footed albatross chicks have been ringed (with a metal ring from the
United States Fish and Wildlife Service) since 1980 on Tern Island (2345N, 16615W),
in the north western Hawaiian Islands. Regular recaptures of breeding birds started
in 1992. The resulting data set made available to us consisted of 2046 capture histories
of known age breeding birds over T= 12 years (1992–2003), covering thus 11 yearly
intervals for survival. These data were analysed by V´
eran et al. (2007), who related the an-
nual adult survival probability to covariates characterising fishing effort in the Pacific using
a linear regression built as a constraint into the capture-recapture model (Clobert & Lebre-
ton 1985; Lebreton, Burnham, Clobert & Anderson 1992). In relation with the sparseness
of the data, the low number of years of study (11 years), and the large number of largely
collinear candidate covariates, strict rules for protecting the quality of regression were
applied, by reducing 8 candidate covariates to 3 uncorrelated ones using principal com-
ponents analysis, and by using a Bonferroni correction to test for the effect of these 3
resulting covariates. The annual adult survival probability was significantly linked to the
second principal component, which, among the 8 original variables, was most strongly cor-
related with the tonnage of swordfish over the north Pacific. Hence, the results indicated,
as expected, a decrease in survival with increasing fishing effort. However, the estimated
survival for a fishing effort equal to 0 (corresponding to a negative value of the second
principal component) was larger than the baseline survival one could expect for such a
species (0.95) and even larger than 1, suggesting a nonlinear relationship for low levels
of fishing effort, discussed by V´
eran et al. (2007).
Again, this case study is thus quite typical of conservation biology, in that both survey and
demographic information are sparse and lead only to uncertain answers. A state space model
will serve as a link between the two pieces of the puzzle.
A state-space model is made of a state and of an observation equation. The state equation de-
scribes the state of the system, here a population vector, over a discrete time scale, while the
observation equation relates this state to the measurements of the system, here the partial survey.
State-space models are generally used in engineering to estimate the state of the system based
88 V´
ERAN & LEBRETON Vol. 36, No. 1
on incomplete observations (through the observation equation) and assuming a perfect knowl-
edge of the behaviour of the system, i.e., of the parameters of the state equation (Harvey 1989,
pp. 10–11).
We present here and comment on the specific state equation and observation equation for the
black-footed albatross study case.
3.1. State equation.
The state equation relates the population vector of the number of females at time t,Nt, to that
at time t+ 1,Nt+1. The expected change over one time step E (Nt+1 |Nt)is given, as in other
state space models for animal populations (Gauthier et al. 2007), by a stage-structured matrix
model (Caswell 2001, ch. 2, ch. 4), based on the life cycle of the black-footed albatross (see
Table 1). The stages are mutually exclusive. They consist of 8 age classes and 2 adult states,
breeder (B), and nonbreeders (NB), respectively. The parameters are presented in Table 2; the
transitions between states is illustrated in Figure 1.
TABLE 1: The matrix Mused in the state-space model for the black-footed albatross Phoebastria
nigripes. The expected vector E (Nt+1 |Nt)of population size at time t+ 1 is obtained as M×Nt. The
parameters are described in the text and in Table 2.
Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NB B
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5×s1×f
2simm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30simm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 0 simm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 0 0 simm 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 0 0 0 sa(1 r5)0 0 0 0 0
70 0 0 0 0 sa(1 r)0 0 0 0
80 0 0 0 0 0 sa(1 r)0 0 0
NB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 sa(1 b)sa(1 sa)(1 a)
B0 0 0 0 sa×r5sa×r sa×r sasa×b sa(1 sa)a+s2
Breeders produce young females that enter the population at the next time step in age class 1:
The resulting net fecundity 0.5×s1×f, expressed in females of age 1 produced per female,
is the product of the fecundity f(in young fledged per female) by the proportion of female at
birth, 0.5, and the survival probability over the 6 months from fledging, i.e., the time they leave
the nest, to age 1, s1. Survival is assumed to be constant from fledging, at 6 months of age,
until age 5. We denote the corresponding annual survival probability as simm. One thus has
imm since s1covers 6 months. The overall survival from fledging to age 5, sI, is thus
arbitrarily represented as s4.5
imm. The assumption of constancy of survival between fledging and
age 5 inherent in this decomposition has no effect on the growth rate and adult structure of the
model, entirely determined by s1. Breeders and nonbreeders over age 5 (i.e., in stages 5, 6,
7, 8, B, NB) are assumed to have the same adult survival probability sa. Individuals “recruit”
by progressively moving to state B, between age 5, the age at first breeding at the population
level, and age 8, with respective rates r5(at age 5), r(at age 6 and 7), and 1 at age 8, implying
full recruitment. Each of the corresponding transition probabilities is obtained as recruitment
probability ×survival probability (Table 1). Once they become breeders, individuals breed every
year if both members of the couple survive, or if they loose their partner but repair immediately
sa(1 sa)a+s2
a. The widow individuals unable to repair in the same year move during the next
year to the nonbreeder state sa(1 sa)(1 a). Nonbreeding individuals breed again when they
repair sa×b; otherwise they remain in the nonbreeding state sa(1b). The relationship taken into
account in the transitions just described between the death of the partner and future reproduction
is a specific feature of this model (V´
eran in preparation). It accounts for a peculiar albatross
trait of specific interest in the context of the impact of longline by-catch, as the demographic
cost of widowing, in terms of time to form a pair and reproduce again, will tend to increase the
demographic impact of by-catch beyond the direct effect on survival. When using the model in
practice, annual survival probabilities, and in particular, the adult one sawill vary over time, for
example, in relation to fishing effort. The resulting matrix model is thus E (Nt+1 |Nt) = MtNt
where Mtis given in Table 1.
FIGURE 1: Life cycle of the black-footed albatross (P. nigripes). From fledging to age 5, the annual
survival probability is assumed to be simm. From 5 years old onwards, the annual survival probability is
assumed to be the adult one sa. A proportion r5of 5 year old individuals breeds for the first time. This
proportion is rfor 6 and 7 year old individuals, and 1 for 8 year old individuals. Once they become
breeders, if individuals loose their partner, they form a new pair immediately with probability a. The
widows unable to repair the same year become nonbreeders the following year. Nonbreeding individuals
have a probability bto pair again and hence to breed again; otherwise they remain in the nonbreeding state.
0.5×ffemale chick per female (i.e., pair) fledge at the age of 6 months. They are assumed to have a
probability s1=s0.5
imm to survive over the 6 months that follow, i.e., until one year old.
In the state equation, a random term εtaccounts for demographic stochasticity, leading to
Nt+1 =
90 V´
ERAN & LEBRETON Vol. 36, No. 1
The demographic stochasticity for survival is binomial. An albatross laying only 1 egg, i.e.,
f < 1, that for the fecundity component too. Even with small populations made up of a few hun-
dred individuals, a normal approximation is quite acceptable. Hence the components of εtare
assumed to be independent and normally distributed with zero means and appropriate binomial
variances (see also Besbeas, Freeman, Morgan & Catchpole 2002). For instance the variance for
the first component, corresponding to the net fecundity, was Btp(1 p)with p= 0.5×f×s1.
A key feature is that the state equation is linear. Nonlinearity would correspond biologically
to density-dependence; Positive density-dependence, corresponding to a deterioration of demo-
graphic performances with increasing population size, will in general not be a priority to consider
in conservation biology, dealing with small, often decreasing, largely environment driven popula-
tions. Inverse density-dependence at low population size, known as the Allee effect (Courchamp,
Clutton-Brock & Grenfell 1999) is on the contrary quite topical in conservation biology for very
small populations, although not of concern in our case. It could for instance result from difficul-
ties in finding a partner, as a result of randomly unbalanced sex-ratio. It may require nonlinear
state equations and then preclude the formal use of Kalman filtering (see below). An alternative
is to think then of population analysis in terms of pseudo-extinction, considering the population
viability is definitely impaired below some threshold, corresponding for instance to a deterio-
ration of demographic performance through the Allee effect. Linear state equations seem thus
to have a wide applicability in Conservation Biology. For vertebrate population conservation or
management concerns, matrix models are commonly built from the knowledge of the life cycle
(Caswell 2001, p. 56 ff.), and thus it will be relatively easy to build a linear state equation.
TABLE 2: The demographic parameters of the state space model for the black-footed albatross
Phoebastria nigripes (V´
eran & Lebreton, in preparation).
Parameter Notation Estimate Origin
Fecundity f0.67 US Fish and Wildlife Service
(E. Flint, unpublished data)
Annual Immature survival simm 0.771 Based on cohort analysis
then estimated (V´
eran & Lebreton, in prep.)
in this paper
Adult survival saEstimated in
this paper
Probability of remaining a0.34 Based on data of time of repairing
breeder after loss of (Cousins & Cooper 2000;
partner V´
eran & Lebreton, in prep.)
Probability of breeding b0.62 Based on data of time of repairing
for nonbreeder birds (Cousins & Cooper 2000;
eran & Lebreton, in prep.)
Recruitment rate for r50.28 Based on cohort analysis
5 years old birds (V´
eran & Lebreton, in prep.)
Recruitment rate for r0.61 Based on cohort analysis
birds >5years (V´
eran & Lebreton, in prep.)
3.2. Observation equation.
The observation equation links the vector of population size, Nt, with counts of breeding pairs yt,
corresponding to the 10th component of Nt, accounting for survey uncertainty through a random
term ηt.
Hence the observation equation is:
with A= (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1).
The random component on population size ηtis assumed to follow a Normal distribution,
with mean 0 and variance σ2=cB2
t. This amounts to assuming a constant coefficient of vari-
ation cfor the survey, quite a logical assumption in practice and not a very constraining one
given the relatively narrow variation in the number of surveyed breeders over the study years.
Moreover, these components are assumed to be independent over time. Gauthier, Besbeas, Le-
breton & Morgan (2007) show that replacing the state vector component by the observation, i.e.,
approximating the variance as cy2
tgives quite satisfying results, although it is formally incor-
rect. At this stage, the only quantities observed are the surveyed numbers of breeders over time
YT= (y1,...,yT), traditionally called the “observations.”
4.1. Kalman filter and survey likelihood.
In the simplest case of a linear state-space model, the Kalman filter is a method for recursively
forecasting the values of the state vector given the past observations. It is interesting to note that
the first mention of a possible application of the Kalman filter in population biology appears
in Brillinger (1981), a paper published in The Canadian Journal of Statistics. The Kalman
filter can be used to build a likelihood of the survey data LK(Y, θ), in order to estimate the
parameters θof the matrix model in (1) and the variance parameter in (2). Doing so, one attempts
to investigate process (the demographic flows) based on patterns (the surveys) and it is clear that
many components of θwill not be separately identifiable. This is why this likelihood will be
combined later with other pieces of information on the parameters.
All variables in (1) and (2) being normally distributed, the state vector at time tis also nor-
mally distributed, conditional on past observations y1,...,yt1. In order to fully determine these
conditional distributions, it is thus sufficient to obtain their first two moments, which are given
directly by the usual form of the Kalman filter as recurrence equations (Harvey 1989, p. 106),
and to provide a density function g(N0)for the distribution of the initial population vector N0.
With YT= (y1, . . . , yT), the probability density of YTcan be expressed as
f(YT) = T
f(Yt|Yt1, N0, θ)f(Y1|N0, θ)g(N0).
To initialize the Kalman filter, we ran the time-dependent matrix model over the entire study pe-
riod, taking the final age-stage distribution and the observed initial number of breeders to produce
the expectation of N0, following Gauthier, Besbeas, Lebreton & Morgan (2007). The covariance
matrix was obtained by assuming a coefficient of variation equal to 10%, independently on all
components. A multivariate normal density with this expectation and covariance matrix was used
for the probability density of the initial state vector, g(N0).
A derived technique, Kalman smoothing (Harvey 1989) provides estimates of the state
vector, and in turn, the surveyed population size based on all past and future observation
YT= (y1,...,yT). The latter estimates appear as more relevant to an analysis such as ours
than the similar one derived from Kalman filtering which only takes into account the information
of past surveys.
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ERAN & LEBRETON Vol. 36, No. 1
4.2. Overall likelihood.
The purpose of the integrated population modeling is to estimate parameters by combining dif-
ferent sources of information. Based on the independence of the capture-recapture and the survey
data, an overall likelihood can be obtained here as the product of a likelihood for the capture-
recapture data and that for the survey data (Besbeas, Freeman, Morgan & Catchpole 2002).
As often, the capture-recapture models and the resulting likelihood considered in this study
were unavoidably complex, mostly because of a strong capture heterogeneity that had to be
accounted for in the model structure (V´
eran et al. 2007). The data did not fit a simple Cormack–
Jolly–Seber model, and showed strong signs of heterogeneity of capture. V´
eran et al. (2007)
had to use a two-state capture-recapture model which accounted for temporary emigration, with
age-dependence in the emigration rate. Survival was considered equal for the two states. This
model approximately fitted the data, and was further constrained. As a starting point we use a
model with time-dependent annual adult survival probabilities.
To combine the capture-recapture likelihood with the likelihood for the survey data, follow-
ing (Besbeas, Morgan & Lebreton 2003), we used the approximation of the capture-recapture
likelihood based on the asymptotic normal distribution of the estimates. Namely, we used the
estimates of the parameters ˆ
θof the final capture-recapture model and their estimated covariance
matrices b
eran et al. 2007) to approximate the likelihood of the capture-recapture data by
Lc(X, θ)φ(θ;ˆ
θ, b
Σ), where φ(X;µ, Σ) is the probability density of a vector Xdistributed as
N(µ, Σ) (Besbeas, Morgan & Lebreton 2003).
Among the parameters of the state equation, i.e., of the matrix population model, estimates
of the parameters a,b,f, and recruitment rates riand r5were available without information on
their uncertainty (V´
eran & Lebreton, in prep.). Given the high generation time of albatross, these
parameters assumed to be known without uncertainty were indeed low sensitivity parameters in
the matrix model at the core of the state equation (see Gaillard et al. 2005). As a consequence,
assuming a zero variance for these parameters had negligible consequences on the likelihood, as
checked by Gauthier, Besbeas, Lebreton & Morgan (2007).
Finally, immature survival, for which no estimate was available, was looked at in two differ-
ent fashions:
First, a guess estimate was used, and supposed to be known without uncertainty, to check
the behaviour of the overall likelihood by comparison with the capture-recapture analysis,
in particular to determine what degree of improvement could be obtained in the mod-
els relating adult survival to fishing effort. The value used, sI= 0.310, was deduced
from the only available estimate of annual immature survival simm = 0.771 (Cousins &
Cooper 2000) using sI=s4.5
imm which also induced s1=s0.5
imm = 0.878.
Second, in a more tentative fashion, immature survival was considered as part of the pa-
rameters to estimate. In this case, the information on immature survival could only come
from the survey data.
The overall log-likelihood was obtained as
log Lc(X, θ) + log Lk(Y, θ )log Lc(X, θ) + log φ(θ;ˆ
θ, b
Parameter estimates ˆ
θand their variance-covariance were obtained by maximizing the overall
likelihood. We used the MATLAB code kindly provided by P. Besbeas for the Kalman filter
calculations. A quasi-Newton method (function fminunc in MATLAB) was used to minimize
with respect to θthe approximated relative deviance 2{log Lc(X, θ) + log φ(θ;ˆ
θ, b
4.3. Model selection.
In a first step, we estimated the annual adult survival probability saand the squared coefficient
of variation of the observed number of breeders c, by minimizing the approximated relative
deviance of the integrated model above under different constraints; all other parameters were
assumed to be known with uncertainty, in particular the guess estimate of immature survival. We
considered 3 different models:
In the first model, denoted sa(i), the annual adult survival probability was considered as
constant over time.
In the second model, denoted sa(t), it varied over time.
In the third model, denoted sa(E), it was linked to fishing effort Eas: sa=β0
β1E. The measure of fishing effort was, as explained in the Introduction, the 2nd principal
component of 8 fishing effort covariates, selected as the best predictor of adult survival in
capture-recapture models by V´
eran et al. (2007).
In the latter model the parameters of the regression equation, β0and β1, replaced the time-
dependent annual survival probabilities as parameters in the deviance submitted to minimiza-
tion. The linear equation above can be derived as an excellent approximation for high baseline
survival and relatively low rates of by-catch from standard theory on the dynamics of exploited
populations (see, e.g., Lebreton 2005), assuming the number of individuals caught by long lines
is proportional to fishing effort.
Model selection was based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC; Lebreton, Burnham,
Clobert & Anderson 1992).
The effect of longline fishing was also assessed using a formal test of the null hypothesis H0:
β1= 0 versus the alternative hypothesis H1:β16= 0, by analysis of deviance (Skalski 1996).
This statistic is
F=Dev(sa(i)) Dev(sa(E))
Dev(sa(E)) Dev(sa(t)) ×n,
in which nis the difference in the number of identifiable parameters between models sd(t)
and sa(E). It approximately follows under H0:β1= 0 a Fisher–Snedecor distribution with 1
and ndegrees of freedom even in presence of unexplained environmental variation (Lebreton &
Gimenez, in prep.).
In a second step, we also estimated immature survival, and obtained a profile likelihood
95% confidence interval. As for adult survival, we considered three different models, under the
preferred model for adult survival:
The first one with constant immature survival, denoted as model simm(i).
The second with time varying immature survival, denoted as model simm(t).
The third one with immature survival function of fishing effort, denoted as model
simm(E). For the sake of parsimony, when used under sa(E), we used the same slope
for young and adults.
Among the three model structures for adult survival, model sa(E)with survival related to
fishing effort had the lowest AIC (Table 3). The analysis of deviance was highly significant
(F1,9= 7.03; p= 0.0013). The estimations of the number of breeders based on the Kalman
smoother fit the observations quite satisfactorily (see Figure 2): the smoothed breeding pop-
ulation size was almost always within the 95% confidence interval of the observed breeding
population size, except for year 2000 where the smoothed breeding population size was esti-
mated to 46822 individuals for an upper limit of the confidence interval equal to 46109. The
estimated coefficient of variation of the surveyed number of breeders was ˆc= 0.073. The
closeness between the smoothed and the surveyed numbers of breeders (Figure 2) confirmed that
94 V´
ERAN & LEBRETON Vol. 36, No. 1
the approximation σ2=cy2
tinstead of σ2=cB2
twas quite reasonable in (2). Among the three
models for immature survival, the lowest AIC model was that with constant immature survival
(Table 4), although the model with immature survival function of fishing effort (sa(E)simm(E))
and a same slope for adults and immatures came very close (AIC=202.48 vs. 201.36). Although
the sign of the slope was as expected negative, the evidence for an effect of on immature survival
was not significant (analysis of deviance, as a one-tailed student’s test, t9= 1.33; p= 0.1081).
The estimate of the overall immature survival probability sIwas 0.230 (with a profile likeli-
hood 95% confidence interval equal to [0.155; 0.305], leading for the annual immature survival
probability simm to an estimate equal to 0.721, with a profile likelihood 95% confidence interval
equal to [0.661,0.768].
TABLE 3: Model selection for adult survival probabilities based on the combined likelihood. np is the
total number of identifiable parameters, including the coefficient of variation of the census. The preferred
model (lowest AIC) is shown in bold.
Model Deviance np QAIC
sa(t)186.60 12 210.60
sa(i)202.24 2 206.24
sa(E)195.38 3 201.38
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
FIGURE 2: Surveyed () and smoothed (plain line) with 95% confidence interval (dotted line) number of
breeding pairs for the surveyed part of the Hawaii population size of the black-footed albatross. The
smoothed values are obtained by the Kalman smoother.
TABLE 4: Model selection for immature survival probability under a model for adult survival assuming a
linear relationship with fishing effort. np is the total number of identifiable parameters, including the
coefficient of variation of the survey. The preferred model (lowest AIC) is shown in bold. In model
sa(E)simm(E)(last line), the slope of survival as a function of fishing effort is assumed to be the same
for young and adults: this model thus has the same number of parameters as model sa(E)simm (i)(line
Model Deviance np QAIC
sa(E)simm(t)188.80 14 236.80
sa(E)simm(i)193.36 4 201.36
sa(E)simm(E)194.48 4 202.48
Our first conclusion is that, in the black-footed albatross example, the integrated population
modelling (IPM) was quite efficient in providing an estimate of immature survival, a missing
link in the comprehensive view of population dynamics provided by the matrix population model
at the core of the state equation. This conclusion is extremely useful and relatively unexpected:
the elasticity (Caswell 2001), or relative sensitivity, of the asymptotic growth rate one would
deduce from a constant parameter matrix model to changes in immature survival is indeed the
inverse of generation time (Lebreton & Clobert 1991; Gaillard et al. 2005). For the black-footed
Albatross, with a generation time close to 25 years (Niel & Lebreton 2005), this sensitivity is
around 0.04, i.e., a 25% change in immature survival is needed to generate a 1% change in the
population growth rate. Obviously this context results in a fairly wide confidence interval for
immature survival, carefully estimated here by profile likelihood. However, even when direct
capture-recapture approaches such as those based on dead recoveries can be used to estimate
immature survival, the precision will often be low. Hence, it is clear that in many cases, IPM will
be able to help in estimating parameters difficult to estimate by regular demographic approaches.
TABLE 5: Comparison of parameter estimates and their precision: capture-recapture analysis only versus
integrated population modelling (IPM) without estimation of immature survival, and the integrated
population modelling with estimation of immature survival. In all cases, adult survival is linearly linked to
fishing effort E, as sa(i) = β0+β1E(i)for interval i, a model denoted sa(E). Since fishing effort is
expressed as a standardized covariate, the intercept corresponds to the average fishing effort.
Parameter estimate
Model Intercept β0(s.e.) Slope β1(s.e.)
Capture-recapture 0.930 (0.0043) 0.036 (0.0047)
IPM, sa(E), without 0.926 (0.0029) 0.034 (0.0044)
estimation of immature survival
IPM, sa(E)simm(i), with 0.930 (0.0028) 0.033 (0.0044)
estimation of immature survival
Our second conclusion is that IPM confirmed the capture-recapture based evidence for a
relationship between adult survival and fishing effort. The survival estimates were comparable
to those obtained by capture-recapture and their precision was slightly increased. One could
have expected that the estimation of immature survival would have used all the information
available in the population survey. In fact, immature survival was largely determined by the
overall population growth rate. In that sense IPM formalizes the ad hoc practice of model tuning,
according to which a parameter can be estimated by matching the growth rate of a matrix model
to the growth rate estimated from the surveys. However, the surveys have ups and downs which
provide information distinct from that in the growth rate and which can translate in the estimates
in two different fashions:
1. If these ups and downs do no match changes in adult survival, the most sensitive pa-
rameters, they will contribute to increase the estimate of the variance parameter of the
observation equation. This will also be the case if the variation in survival estimates is
2. If they do match changes in survival, they will increase theprecision of survival estimates,
and lead to a low estimate of the variance parameter in the state equation.
We are clearly in the second case here, as confirmed by the good match between the observed
survey of the number of breeders and the smoothed estimates, and the low estimated coefficient of
96 V´
ERAN & LEBRETON Vol. 36, No. 1
variation of the survey. This good match also dismisses another possible mechanism, a variation
in the number of breeding adults being only the result of a variation in the number of individuals
skipping reproduction.
IPM appears thus as efficient and promising for consolidating relationships expressing a vari-
ation in demographic parameters explained by environmental covariates. A key perspective for
integrated modelling concerns variation over time in parameters unexplained by environmental
covariates. When such a time variation will be confirmed by IPM, i.e., when concomitant ev-
idence for such a variation comes from the survey, a capture-recapture model with a random
effect will be relevant. Based on the alternative described above, IPM would then appear as nat-
ural way to separate a process variance (e.g., in survival) from a sampling variance both in the
capture-recapture sampling and in the surveys.
More generally, in conservation biology as well as in other population dynamics studies, IPM
will be useful every time there are problems with parameter identifiability. In particular multi-
event models (Pradel 2005) which generalise multistate capture-recapture models to uncertain
state attribution, appear to be very promising by widely broadening the type of biological infor-
mation that can be recovered from individual capture-recapture data. The price to pay in terms
of parameters identifiability could be to a great extent alleviated by combining these models with
survey information by IPM.
Finally, this study confirms that integrated modelling is a very promising method in demogra-
phy and particularly in conservation biology, a field characterized by often sparse and incomplete
data. We expect improved population estimates resulting from IPM to help make population vi-
ability analysis, in particular extinction risk analyses, more precise and robust.
This project was funded by Cooperative Agreement NA17RJ1230 between the Joint Institute for Marine
and Atmospheric Research (JIMAR) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA of
any of its subdivisions. The U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
provided data. The field research was done on a National Wildlife Refuge by refuge staff and volunteers.
We would like to thank the field workers for their hard work banding and reading bands. We thank also
P. Besbeas for making available the MATLAB code for the Kalman filter. We also thank an anonymous
referee for helpful comments that greatly helped to improve this paper.
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Received 28 January 2007 Sophie V´
Accepted 24 October 2007 Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management
137 Mulford Hall #3114, University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3114, USA
Jean-Dominique LEBRETON:
Centre d’´
ecologie fonctionnelle et ´
evolutive, UMR 5175
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
1919, route de Mende, FR-34293 Montpellier cedex 5, France
... For example, IPMs have been successfully used to quantify immigration dynamics in Kittiwake (Horswill et al., 2022b) and immature survival in several seabird species (i.e. Véran and Lebreton, 2008;Abadi et al., 2017;Sarzo et al., 2021). However, there is a limit to how far this approach can be taken, since unmodelled variation in parameters can reduce model fit, and influence the estimation of other parameters, especially those for which data are sparse or mismatched (e.g. ...
Species face a multitude of stressors due to human activities, especially in marine environments. Seabirds are among the most threatened group of birds globally. A key challenge in their conservation is quantifying the impact of multiple interacting stressors on populations effectively, especially for species that undertake large-scale movements. We use the relatively well-studied Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla as a case study to highlight knowledge gaps in demographic rates and how key stressors act on populations across different parts of their biogeographic range. From this starting point we provide a strategic approach to identify and prioritise data collection and research efforts from species and regions where data are currently lacking. Obtaining accurate and precise empirical data on demographic rates and movement will increase the pre-dictive accuracy, and realism, of population models, and confidence in how populations will respond to multiple stressors over the life and annual cycle, facilitating better management decisions.
... Population models, which require sex and age-specific demographic rates, have been used to predict impacts of longline fisheries on populations of long-lived marine organisms, including the BFAL (Arata et al. 2008;Cousins 2001;Véran and Lebreton 2008). These models use three underlying assumptions in bycatch analyses: (1) males (♂) and females (♀) have equal bycatch mortality; (2) bycatch affects only after-hatch year birds (age >1 year) and is distributed among age classes proportionally to their relative abundance; and (3) yearly bycatch mortality has remained stable (in this case since 2005, when the last BFAL population assessment was completed (Bakker and Finkelstein, this report)). ...
Technical Report
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Copies of this report are available from: Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1845 Wasp Boulevard, Building #176, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818 Or online at: DOI:
... Mais la probabilité de survie s'est montrée significativement liée, de façon négative, à l'effort de pêche [21]. Dans une étape suivante, un modèle matriciel a été couplé à ces données [22], et a effectivement permis de relier l'impact de la pêche sur la mortalité avec le déclin des effectifs. Parallèlement le patient assemblage de données de nombre de captures par des observateurs embarqués sur les bateaux de pêche a permis de produire en 2007 une estimation des effectifs annuellement tués par la pêche palangrière de 1981 à 2004. ...
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Les études de la biodiversité, qui recoupent l’ensemble de l’écologie scientifique, font largement appel à des approches quantitatives très variées, souvent complètement intégrées aux problématiques de recherche, tant fondamentale qu’appliquée. La bioinformatique et la biomathématique de la biodiversité s’insèrent donc dans une ingénierie de l’écologie en plein développement. Cet article propose un tour d’horizon de ces approches quantitatives à l’intention des ingénieurs, en s’appuyant sur les niveaux traditionnels d’organisation des systèmes écologiques : populations, communautés, écosystèmes. Abstract Biodiversity studies, which largely coincide with the whole of scientific ecology, use a large array of quantitative approaches. These approaches are often fully integrated to the development of research, whether fundamental or applied. Bioinformatics and Biomathematics of biodiversity are thus an integral part of engineering in ecology, a domain in fast development. This article proposes an overview of these quantitative approaches for engineers, using as a base the traditional levels of organization in ecology: populations, communities, ecosystems. Mots-clés : Bioinformatique, Biomathématique, Biodiversité, Ecologie, Modélisation Keywords : Bioinformatics, Biomathematics, Biodiversity, Ecology, Modelling
... Compared to more conventional models that are applied to individual data sets, IPMs present a series of key advantages: proper error propagation by accounting for multiple sources of uncertainty and standardising the error structure across the different data sets incorporated in the model; increased precision of demographic estimates; and crucially, the capability of estimating hidden demographic parameters for cryptic life-history stages such as sub-adult stages in seabirds (Abadi et al. 2010, 2017, Schaub & Abadi 2011. IPMs have been utilised on mammals and other avian taxa (re -viewed in Zipkin & Saunders 2018), but rarely in seabird population ecology studies (but see Véran & Lebreton 2008). Nevertheless, thanks to the accessibility of their breeding sites, several seabird species have been intensively monitored for decades, providing some of the best long-term ecological data sets available for the use of IPMs. ...
In long-lived marine top-predators with delayed sexual maturity such as seabirds, adult survival is predicted to drive population dynamics. Major knowledge gaps exist for the cryptic sub-adult stages of the population. Yet as the oceans undergo dramatic change, investigating the trends of top-predator populations and their responses to environmental variability is key for a process-based understanding of climate change. Using integrated population models based on a longitudinal data set spanning nearly 2 decades, we investigated the demographic rates and environmental drivers shaping the dynamics of a longevous marine top-predator population, the black-browed albatross Thalassarche melanophris in the Falklands. We quantified the dynamics of the whole population, including its cryptic sub-adult stages, and examined the effects of candidate environmental covariates on adult survival and productivity parameters. We found that high survival rates of both adults and juveniles are the main contributors to the growth of this albatross population, the only one that is increasing in the South Atlantic. The breeding parameters were affected by environmental fluctuations through bottom-up processes, with a negative effect of higher sea surface temperatures and a positive effect of wind intensity. The relatively constant adult survival was influenced by deeper ecosystem changes, captured by large-scale indices (Southern Annular Mode). Approximately half of the total population is composed of sub-adults, and the population dynamics are highly sensitive to changes in juvenile survival; addressing current knowledge gaps in these cryptic life-history stages is therefore a conservation goal of primary importance.
... Integrated population modelling is a relatively novel approach that overcomes this issue by performing a joint likelihood from the likelihoods calculated from single datasets (White and Lubow 2002, Jenouvrier et al. 2003, Schaub et al. 2007. It has yet been applied to many wildlife research areas, most notably, to threatened species, where information available is often limited and therefore it is advisable to take advantage of all available information (Freeman and Crick 2003, Schaub et al. 2007, Véran and Lebreton 2008, Rhodes et al. 2011 and to fishery and game species (Meyer and Millar 1999, White and Lubow 2002, Chee and Wintle 2010, Maunder and Punt 2013, Davis et al. 2014). ...
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Mountains are reservoirs of biodiversity whose strong altitudinal gradients over short distances are associated with strong spatial heterogeneity of local environmental conditions. While biodiversity has so far been rather well preserved in mountains due to poor accessibility, predictions of ongoing climate change suggest even more rapid and marked effects in mountains than in plains. My main objective is to understand how global change are impacting the population dynamics of mountain galliformes. My work has shown (1) a strong heterogeneity of demographic strategies between populations of rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta) (2) that black grouse populations (Tetrao tetrix) show spatially very heterogeneous trends, influenced by local conditions (3) that for such species that are difficult to count and show strong spatial and interannual variability it is necessary to rely on long-term monitoring to reach a satifactory statistical power to detect a decline.
... Estimation under the resulting joint models can be accomplished by maximum likelihood (e.g., Besbeas et al., 2002Besbeas et al., , 2005Gove et al., 2002), least squares (White and Lubow, 2002), or using Bayesian approaches (e.g., Elliott and Little, 2000;Millar and Meyer, 2000;Newman et al., 2006;Trenkel et al., 2000;Thomas et al., 2005). This general approach has been used for several years by fisheries scientists (e.g., Gallucci et al., 1996;Quinn and Deriso, 1999;Schnute, 1994) and is beginning to see use in investigations of terrestrial animal ecology (Besbeas et al., 2002;Gauthier et al., 2007;Gove et al., 2002;Trenkel et al., 2000;Véran and Lebreton, 2008;White and Lubow, 2002). An even more intimate and fruitful relationship between capture-markrecapture models and integrated modeling is provided by formulating the hidden Markov chain model inherent in MSMR models as a set of state equations (the multistate Markov chain, at the individual level) and observations equations (the recapture/detection process) (Gimenez et al., 2007). ...
... This combination of data sources yields more robust estimation than from analysis of any one dataset alone (Brooks et al. 2004, Schaub et al. 2007) and makes it possible to estimate parameters with incomplete (i.e. missing) data (Schaub et al. 2007, V eran & Lebreton 2008, K ery & Schaub 2012, Zipkin & Saunders 2018. IPMs are also capable of estimating demographic parameters and their potential drivers simultaneously and thus are useful tools for steering management actions (Gamelon et al. 2017, Arnold et al. 2018. ...
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Despite declines in numerous migratory bird populations due to global climate and landscape changes, the Pacific Flyway population of Greater White‐fronted Geese Anser albifrons frontalis in North America has flourished over recent decades. However, the demographic foundations of the population increase remain unclear, largely due to sparse data. In this study, we used a Bayesian integrated population model (IPM) to maximize information from multiple data sources including coordinated population survey, ring‐recovery and hunter harvested goose tail data. We estimated demographic parameters and assessed the role of several possible drivers of the observed population increase, including density dependent processes, agricultural land use change, and climate conditions in both wintering and breeding season, while also accounting for the impacts of harvest.
... Integrated population models are now usually fit with MCMC in a Bayesian framework (Schaub and Abadi 2011, Chapter 9). The Bayesian framework requires definition of prior distributions for model parameters but allows use of binomial distributions for probabilities and Poisson or negative binomial distributions for count data, and may be more efficient for sparse datasets (Véran and Lebreton 2008;Schaub et al. 2012). ...
Population ecologists require robust estimates of survival and other demographic parameters for understanding the ecological and evolutionary drivers of wildlife population dynamics. Live encounter data from individual animals marked with unique tags or natural marking patterns are a key source of information for many species. Imperfect detection and losses to emigration can be challenging issues when tracking mobile organisms under natural conditions. Mark-recapture models utilize encounter histories for marked individuals where consecutive sampling occasions are coded with detection or nondetection data. Alternative models can then be fit as fixed effect models with maximum likelihood methods in a frequentist framework, or as hierarchical models with random effects in a Bayesian framework. The Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) model conditions upon first capture and uses forward time-modeling to estimate apparent survival corrected for the probability of encounter. More complex models extend the basic CJS model to estimate additional parameters. Time-since-marking models estimate apparent survival corrected for losses due to transients, age effects, and other factors. Temporal symmetry and Jolly-Seber models combine forward and reverse-time modeling to estimate recruitment and population change without the need to parameterize a full matrix model. Robust design models adopt a nested sampling approach and are useful for investigating the dynamics of temporary emigration due to regional movements, dormancy, and intermittent breeding. Multistate models extend the single-state CJS model to multiple categorical states and provide state-specific estimates of apparent survival and transition rates among sites, demographic classes, disease status, or other states. Extended multistate models allow for unobservable states or situations where state classifications may be uncertain. Other models combine live encounter from marked individuals with different types of auxiliary data. Mark-resighting models add counts of unmarked individuals to estimate total abundance. Joint models add data on dead recoveries or supplementary resightings to estimate true survival and site fidelity. Integrated population models combine live encounters with count and fecundity data to estimate immigration rates and population change. Mark-recapture models are powerful tools because they correct for imperfect detection and imperfect availability, they control for transients, social structure, and other potential sources of heterogeneity, and they also allow joint analysis across independent datasets. Demographic parameters are estimated with less bias and greater precision, thereby providing a stronger foundation for addressing key questions in population biology, evolutionary ecology, and wildlife management.
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Population dynamics models have long assumed that populations are composed of a restricted number of groups, where individuals in each group have identical demographic rates and where all groups are similarly affected by density‐dependent and ‐independent effects. However, individuals usually vary tremendously in performance and in their sensitivity to environmental conditions or resource limitation, such that individual contributions to population growth will be highly variable. Recent efforts to integrate individual processes in population models open up new opportunities for the study of eco‐evolutionary processes, such as the density‐dependent influence of environmental conditions on the evolution of morphological, behavioral, and life‐history traits. We review recent advances that demonstrate how including individual mechanisms in models of population dynamics contributes to a better understanding of the drivers of population dynamics within the framework of integrated population models (IPMs). IPMs allow for the integration in a single inferential framework of different data types as well as variable population structure including sex, social group, or territory, all of which can be formulated to include individual‐level processes. Through a series of examples, we first show how IPMs can be beneficial for getting more accurate estimates of demographic traits than classic matrix population models by including basic population structure and their influence on population dynamics. Second, the integration of individual‐ and population‐level data allows estimating density‐dependent effects along with their inherent uncertainty by directly using the population structure and size to feedback on demography. Third, we show how IPMs can be used to study the influence of the dynamics of continuous individual traits and individual quality on population dynamics. We conclude by discussing the benefits and limitations of IPMs for integrating data at different spatial, temporal, and organismal levels to build more mechanistic models of population dynamics.
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Describing the population dynamics of a group of individuals requires some knowledge of its density, the number of births and deaths, and the number of individuals moving in or out (Lack 1954; Von Haartman 1971; Ricklefs 1973; Eberhardt 1985). Population biologists who wish to measure these processes must focus part of their attention on how to estimate demographic parameters (Lincoln 1930; Jackson 1933, 1939; Ricker 1956; De Lury 1947; Deevey 1947; Bailey 1951). However, it is extremely difficult to obtain comprehensive data on all aspects of the demography of a population. Usually only partial information about the life and death of a variable proportion of the population can be gathered. Thus in practice, demographic parameters are often estimated by sampling the population (involving some assumptions) and using appropriate statistical techniques.
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In the real world animal populations rarely show simple patterns of growth such as the exponential or logistic model: most of the time complex mechanisms interact over time in an intrinsically multiplicative process. This complexity limits the value of intuitive reasoning or of simple models. In a parallel way, biological goals in studies of the dynamics of bird populations are very diverse, ranging e.g. from deciding if a population is stable in numbers, to assessing the effects of dispersal at various levels in time and space. This might be used equally to fight a pest as to predict the risk of extinction of an endangered population.
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Estimates survival from recaptures in animal populations. The model incorporates a linear or logistic-linear relationship between survival and one or several variables. Autocorrelations between consecutive survival rate estimates are taken into account and a greater parsimony can be achieved. Data from a starling Sturnus vulgaris population are used as an example. -from English summary
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If fecundity is clearly defined with respect to other demographic parameters, its estimation does not raise major problems. Data and methods for analysing survival rate are numerous although problems still exist in obtaining survival rates of young individuals. Data on age-specific proportions of breeders and immigration-emigration processes are scarce. Methods of population size estimation are divided into those that give a relative estimation and those that give an absolute one. The reliability of the former depends on a variety of assumptions which clearly need to be tested fully. Review of the literature leads to the following conclusions: 1) More data have to be collected for the estimation of some parameters (immigration-emigration, age-specific proportion of breeders). 2) The philosophy of the methodological development seems to be driven by the following principles: hierarchy of models, test between models, numerical estimations, and powerful goodness-of-fit tests. 3) Communication between biologists and statisticians has to be increased as well as transfer of techniques from other fields. 4) The sampling design and the methodology chosen need to be in agreement with managers' and conservationists' requirements. 5) Rare or shy species offer little possibility to get precise estimation of demographic parameters. Acquisition of high quality data, comparison with similar species and the exploration of theoretical or predictive models may be good ways of overcoming this difficulty. -from Authors
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Reviews, in four steps, mathematical models of the dynamics of bird populations which are relevant to conservation and management: 1) demographic models with constant parameters, with an emphasis on sensitivity analysis and on the comparison of model results with population censuses; 2) environmental variability and its effect on population growth rate; 3) density-dependent models, with comments on the difficulties to assess density dependence using censuses; and 4) models incorporating density dependence, spatial aspects, and various kinds of stochasticity. -from Authors
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The subantarctic Prince Edward Islands (Marion and Prince Edward) support the largest breeding population of the Vulnerable wandering albatross Diomedea exulans. The number of birds breeding at Marion Island has fluctuated over the past three decades apparently as a result of both real changes in the size of the population and changes in the proportion of the population that attempts to breed in a given year. Changes in several demographic parameters that appear to be influenced by both environmental and anthropogenic effects are described. From 1994–2001, the proportion of first-time breeders in the population was positively correlated with the maximum ENSO (Niño 3) index, whereas from 1984–2000 the annual survival rates of breeding adults were negatively correlated with Japanese pelagic longline fishing effort in the southern Indian Ocean. Adult survival rates were significantly correlated with those on neighbouring Possession Island, Crozet Islands, but differed from those at South Georgia, suggesting common factors operating at an ocean-basin scale. The average survival rate of adult females was lower than that of males. Males who lost partners took 40% longer than females to find a new mate, suggesting a male-biased population. Survival rates of juvenile males and females did not differ. The age distribution of first-time breeders shifted progressively towards younger birds during the 1990s. Higher than expected survival rates of breeding adults during the late 1990s may be linked to large amounts of supplementary food being made available by the initiation of a longline fishery for Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides close to the islands at this time. Overall, breeding success was better than recorded at other localities, indicating that breeding conditions at Marion Island were comparatively favourable. The early implementation of both international and national conservation initiatives to reduce the impact of longline fishing on this species and improve its conservation status is encouraged.
Estimates of uncertainty are the basis for inference of population risk. Uncertainty is estimated from models fitted to data that typically include a deterministic model (e.g., population growth) and stochastic elements, which should accommodate errors in sampling and any sources of variability that affect observations. Prediction from fitted models (of, say, demography) to new variables (say, population growth) requires propagation of these stochastic elements. Ecological models ignore most forms of variability, because they make statistical models complex, and they pose computational challenges. Variability associated with space, time, and among individuals that is not accommodated by demographic models can make parameter estimates and growth rate predictions unrealistic. I adapt a hierarchical approach to the problem of estimating population growth rates and their uncertainties when individuals vary and that variability cannot be assigned to specific causes. In contrast to an overfitted model that would assign a different parameter value to each individual, hierarchical models accommodate individual differences, but assume that those differences derive from an underlying distribution - they belong to a "population." The hierarchical model can be implemented in classical (frequentist) and Bayesian frameworks (I demonstrate both) and analyzed using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation. Results show that population growth models that rely on standard propagation of estimation error but ignore variability among individuals can misrepresent uncertainties in ways that erode credibility.
In this book, Andrew Harvey sets out to provide a unified and comprehensive theory of structural time series models. Unlike the traditional ARIMA models, structural time series models consist explicitly of unobserved components, such as trends and seasonals, which have a direct interpretation. As a result the model selection methodology associated with structural models is much closer to econometric methodology. The link with econometrics is made even closer by the natural way in which the models can be extended to include explanatory variables and to cope with multivariate time series. From the technical point of view, state space models and the Kalman filter play a key role in the statistical treatment of structural time series models. The book includes a detailed treatment of the Kalman filter. This technique was originally developed in control engineering, but is becoming increasingly important in fields such as economics and operations research. This book is concerned primarily with modelling economic and social time series, and with addressing the special problems which the treatment of such series poses. The properties of the models and the methodological techniques used to select them are illustrated with various applications. These range from the modellling of trends and cycles in US macroeconomic time series to to an evaluation of the effects of seat belt legislation in the UK.
We describe a discrete-time, stochastic population model with density depend- ence, environmental-type process noise, and lognormal observation or sampling error. The model, a stochastic version of the Gompertz model, can be transformed into a linear Gaussian state-space model (Kalman filter) for convenient fitting to time series data. The model has a multivariate normal likelihood function and is simple enough for a variety of uses ranging from theoretical study of parameter estimation issues to routine data analyses in population monitoring. A special case of the model is the discrete-time, stochastic exponential growth model (density independence) with environmental-type process error and lognormal observation error. We describe two methods for estimating parameters in the Gompertz state-space model, and we compare the statistical qualities of the methods with computer simulations. The methods are maximum likelihood based on observations and restricted maximum likelihood based on first differences. Both offer adequate statistical properties. Because the likelihood function is identical to a repeated-measures analysis of variance model with a random time effect, parameter estimates can be calculated using PROC MIXED of SAS. We use the model to analyze a data set from the Breeding Bird Survey. The fitted model suggests that over 70% of the noise in the population's growth rate is due to observation error. The model describes the autocovariance properties of the data especially well. While observation error and process noise variance parameters can both be estimated from one time series, multimodal likelihood functions can and do occur. For data arising from the model, the statistically consistent parameter estimates do not necessarily correspond to the global maximum in the likelihood function. Maximization, simulation, and bootstrapping programs must accommodate the phenomenon of multimodal likelihood functions to produce statistically valid results.