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Managing Sarcopenia and Its Related-Fractures to Improve Quality of Life in Geriatric Populations


Abstract and Figures

Sarcopenia, an aging-induced generalized decrease in muscle mass, strength, and function, is known to affect elderly individuals by decreasing mobile function and increasing frailty and imbalance that lead to falls and fragile fractures. Sarcopenia is a known risk factor for osteoporotic fractures, infections, and early death in some specific situations. The number of patients with sarcopenia is estimated to increase to 500 million people in the year 2050. Sarcopenia is believed to be caused by multiple factors such as disuse, malnutrition, age-related cellular changes, apoptosis, and genetic predisposition; however, this remains to be determined. Various methods have been developed, but no safe or effective treatment has been found to date. This paper is a review on the association between sarcopenia and its related-fractures and their diagnoses and management methods to prevent fractures.
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*Correspondence should be addressed to: Dr. Tetsuro Hida, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Nagoya University
Graduate School of Medicine, 35, Tsuruma, Showa-ku, Nagoya, 466-8550, Japan. Email:
ISSN: 2152-5250 1
Review Article
Managing Sarcopenia and Its Related-Fractures to
Improve Quality of Life in Geriatric Populations
Tetsuro Hida1*, Atsushi Harada2, Shiro Imagama1, Naoki Ishiguro1
1Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
2Department of Orthopedic Surgery, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
[Received October 10, 2013; Revised November 19, 2013; Accepted November 24, 2013]
ABSTRACT: Sarcopenia, an aging-induced generalized decrease in muscle mass, strength, and function, is
known to affect elderly individuals by decreasing mobile function and increasing frailty and imbalance that
lead to falls and fragile fractures. Sarcopenia is a known risk factor for osteoporotic fractures, infections,
and early death in some specific situations. The number of patients with sarcopenia is estimated to increase
to 500 million people in the year 2050. Sarcopenia is believed to be caused by multiple factors such as disuse,
malnutrition, age-related cellular changes, apoptosis, and genetic predisposition; however, this remains to be
determined. Various methods have been developed, but no safe or effective treatment has been found to date.
This paper is a review on the association between sarcopenia and its related-fractures and their diagnoses
and management methods to prevent fractures.
Key words: sarcopenia, sarcopenia-related fracture, osteoporosis, diagnosis, muscle mass, treatment, pathogenesis
Sarcopenia, an aging-induced decrease in muscle mass, is
known to affect elderly individuals by decreasing
activities of daily living and increasing frailty and
vulnerability to falls and osteoporotic fractures.
In the field of orthopedics, the elements of the
musculoskeletal system have been classified as follows:
the “muscles,” the source of the power; the “tendons,”
which bind the muscles and the bones; the “bones,” which
are load-bearing structures; and the “joints,” which
connect bones with other bones. Thus far, efforts have
been made to deepen the understanding of the functions
and impairments of each of those elements. Compared
with other musculoskeletal disorders such as fractures,
osteoarthritis, and tendon or ligament ruptures, muscles
have a high capacity to regenerate and are often believed
to “heal even without treatment.” [1] Unfortunately, there
has been a delay in the understanding of the
pathophysiology of muscular regeneration and sarcopenia
as well as the awareness of treatments. In fact, the
regenerative capacity of skeletal muscles is decreased in
the elderly; in recent years, it has been found that even
when the muscles regenerate, the muscle fibers are
abnormal, fatty, and fibrosed [2-4] in aged environment.
Such a decrease in muscle mass and strength causes a
physical instability that makes the body fall easily,
resulting in reduced mobility [5]; and ultimately, the
patient experiences falls and fractures and is confined to
bed [6, 7].
Sarcopenia has been reported to affect more than 40%
of elderly individuals ≥70 years of age, approximately 50
million people worldwide. This number is estimated to
increase to 500 million people in the year 2050 [8].
Therefore, there has been major interest in developing
strategies to reduce the disadvantage of sarcopenia and
help in attenuating the age related decline and disability.
In this communication, we comment on the association
between sarcopenia and osteoporotic fractures, and the
management of sarcopenia to prevent osteoporotic
Volume 5, Number 2; xxx-xx, April 2014
T. Hida et al Managing Sarcopenia and Fractures
Aging and Disease Volume 5, Number 2, April 2014 2
Definition and Diagnosis of Sarcopenia
The term sarcopenia is a recently coined term, which
originates from the Greek words sarx, meaning muscle,
and penia, meaning loss. It was first demonstrated by
Rosenberg [9] in 1989. Recently, the European Working
Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP)
published a useful guideline [8] in 2010. A similar
guideline was published by the International Working
Group on Sarcopenia (IWGS)[10]. In these guidelines,
sarcopenia is defined as a progressive and generalized
loss of muscle mass and low muscle function (strength or
performance). Classification of sarcopenia by cause is
also suggested in this guideline. ‘Primary’ sarcopenia is
defined as when no other cause is evident but ageing itself.
Sarcopenia can be considered ‘secondary’ when one or
more other causes are evident. Because this classification
is preliminary one, the study comparing each type of
sarcopenia does not exist, so the evidence for specific
treatment for primary or secondary was not established
yet. Figure 1 shows the algorithm of diagnosing
sarcopenia by EWGSOP. The cutoff values for grip
strength and habitual gait speed (less than 0.8 m/s) have
been used to assess muscle strength and performance loss.
On the other hand, the IWGS guideline established a
cutoff value for gait speed (less than 1.0 m/s) only.
However, not only muscle mass loss but also muscle
strength or performance loss is mandatory to diagnose
Figure 1. Recommended algorithm for diagnosing sarcopenia from EWGSOP (ref.8, partly modified
from original)
Measuring techniques for muscle mass
In general, maximum muscle mass is observed between
the ages of 20 and 30 years in men and women, and
muscle mass gradually decreases with age [11-14]. After
the age of 45 years, 0.3% of muscle mass is lost from the
total body weight annually [15]. Three major methods are
used for evaluating muscle volume, namely (1) analysis
of cross-sectional area (CSA) by magnetic resonance
imaging or computed tomographic (CT) scanning, (2)
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and (3)
bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA).
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(1) Cross-sectional area
CSA directly reflects the muscle mass of a specific part of
the body, and is considered one of the most accurate
measuring methods. The midthigh muscle is the most
preferred part for CSA measurement; it is highly
associated with lower extremity function [2, 16-20].
Greater psoas muscle, lumbar paraspinal muscles, and
rectus abdominis muscle are also often used because they
can be evaluated simultaneously through abdominal
examination by CT scan; thus, they are mainly used for
evaluating sarcopenia in patients with gastrointestinal
disease[21-23]. However, the use of the CSA has some
limitations. For diagnosing sarcopenia, the cutoff value
from the normal young mean has not been established yet.
Other demerits for CSA are less accessibility, high cost,
and radiation exposure (CT scan). CSA is the criterion
standard for research use, but more noninvasive
alternatives such as DXA or BIA are more preferred for
clinical use.
(2) Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
DXA is a traditional method for determining body
composition, which is classically used for measuring bone
mineral density[24]. Two X-ray beams of different energy
levels are aimed at the patient’s body. Body compositions
such as bone mass, fat mass, and lean soft tissue mass
were determined from the absorption rate of each X-ray
beam. Whole-body DXA can independently estimate the
composition of each part of the body. Its exposure dose of
radiation is quite low compared with X-ray examination
or CT scan[25]. The lean masses of the head and trunk
contain not only muscle but also the brain and internal
organs, respectively. In contrast, the arms and legs contain
only skeletal muscle. The skin and vessels are so minimal
that they can be ignored. We can measure skeletal muscle
mass with accuracy at the arms and legs[26]. For this
reason, appendicular muscle mass (ASM) is preferred for
evaluating sarcopenia by DXA [5, 27]. DXA has adequate
precision and reproducibility compared with CSA[17].
Technical errors in DXA for CSA by CT scan are reported
in only 2.5% of cases[25]. DXA is currently a preferred
method for research and clinical use.
(3) Bioelectrical impedance analysis
BIA also is a noninvasive and traditional method for
measuring body composition [28, 29]. Electrodes are
attached to various parts of the body, and a small electric
signal is circulated. BIA measures the impedance or
resistance of muscle and fat tissues and estimates tissue
content and composition. Modern BIA can separately
measure each part of the body. The best feature of BIA is
the portability of the equipment used, making it suitable
for epidemiological examination for community-dwelling
people [30, 31]. The validity of BIA, however, is not
ascertained for the population whose hydration status
alters with edematous disease[15], such as heart failure,
renal failure, and lymphedema. BIA is regarded as an
accurate alternative for epidemiological and clinical uses
Some other noninvasive methods have been
developed. In particular, ultrasonography can investigate
muscle thickness (muscle volume) [35] and muscle echo
intensity (muscle quality) [36-39] at one time.
Ultrasonography is a potentially useful method for
evaluating sarcopenia. Anthropometric measurements
such as calf circumference are traditional and convenient
methods of measuring skeletal muscle mass, although
they are easily influenced by subcutaneous fat and their
reliability is inadequate for sarcopenia screening [40].
The cutoff value for sarcopenia was established by
Baumgartner in 1998. He proposed the use ASM from
DXA examination relative to height. Individuals with
ASM/height2, which is the sum of arm and leg muscle
masses divided by the square of height, of two standard
deviations below the mean of young healthy volunteers
were considered as likely to have sarcopenia [11]. The
expression ASM/height2 is synonymous to appendicular
lean mass/height2 (often abbreviated to “aLM/h2”) [41]
and skeletal muscle mass index (often abbreviated to
“SMI”)[42, 43].The cutoff value for BIA is similar to that
for DXA[32, 33].
Sarcopenia and its related fractures
Sarcopenia-induced functional impairment and frailty
The decrease in muscle mass in the elderly has two
aspects. The first aspect is a decrease in muscle mass as
part of the musculoskeletal system. Sarcopenia should be
taken into consideration as the cause of “locomotive
syndrome”, which is defined by the Japanese Orthopedic
Association (JOA) as a condition in people with
musculoskeletal disease in high-risk groups who are
highly likely to require nursing care at some point [44-49],
as well as “musculoskeletal ambulation disability
symptom complex,” condition in which aging causes a
reduced capacity to maintain balance and a decrease in
mobility and walking ability [50]. For example, an 80
year-old female who was injured at home and developed
a hip fracture (Figure 2) had a standing height of 149 cm,
a body weight of 32 kg, and an ASM/height2 of 4.8 kg/m2,
and the fracture was diagnosed as a complication of
sarcopenia. After surgery, the patient was capable of
walking with support and was discharged from the
hospital to a nursing home [51]. It is easily imaginable that
T. Hida et al Managing Sarcopenia and Fractures
Aging and Disease Volume 5, Number 2, April 2014 4
the risk of osteoporotic fracture is higher in elderly
individuals with sarcopenia.
Figure 2. 80 year-old woman with a hip fracture
lying on operation table. Coexisting severe sarcopenia
was pointed out.
The second aspect of the disorder is sarcopenia as a
systemic disease. Skeletal muscles are distributed
throughout the musculoskeletal system as well as in
organs throughout the body. Muscle weakness in the
pelvic floor muscle group causes urinary incontinence
[52], reduces the ability to perform activities of daily
living (ADL) [53], and may increase the risk of urinary
tract infections in the elderly. Understandably,
dysfunction of the respiratory muscles increases the risk
of aspiration and aspiration pneumonia [54, 55].
Decreased masticatory muscle force and weak
swallowing function lead to malnutrition [56-60]. The
incidence of infections is known to be significantly higher
in patients diagnosed with sarcopenia and hospitalized in
geriatric wards [61]. In addition, patients with sarcopenia
have been reported to have higher HbA1c levels and be at
risk of developing diabetes [62-64]. Although sarcopenia
and diabetes are seemingly unrelated, muscles are not
only responsible for body movements but are also the
organs that account for the majority of the body's glucose
metabolism [65]. A decrease in muscle mass causes
decreased insulin sensitivity and is a risk factor for
diabetes and eventually cardiovascular diseases [13, 66].
This disorder has also recently been reported to affect the
mortality of patients with liver cirrhosis[67], cancer[21,
68-70], and other systemic disease[19, 71, 72]. Thus,
sarcopenia is also an important keyword in terms of frailty
in the elderly.
Muscle mass and bone density
Reports have shown that sarcopenia is associated with
decreased bone density. In a study conducted on 352
elderly individuals, Coin et al reported a positive
correlation between bone density and muscle mass [73].
In a survey conducted on 600 patients aged 4580 years,
Wu et al. reported that sarcopenia was an independent risk
factor for osteoporosis [74]. In other words, it can be said
that “patients with less muscle mass have a low bone
density.” As shown in Figure 3, causes that are common
to sarcopenia and osteoporosis, such as disuse,
malnutrition, and vitamin D deficiency, lead to
simultaneous loss of bone and bone strength with a
decrease in muscle mass and a predisposition to falls [75].
These findings suggest that fractures are caused by a
combination of osteoporosis and sarcopenia.
Sarcopenia and osteoporotic fractures
Osteoporotic fractures are rapidly increasing in incidence
worldwide as the population ages [76]. According to a
report published by JOA in 2009, approximately 180,000
hip fracture cases occur per year in Japan, and
approximately 2 million vertebral fractures are reported
per year [77]. According to a report published by the
World Health Organization, hip fractures, which had an
incidence of approximately 1.5 million cases per year
worldwide in 1990, are expected to rise to 2.7 million
cases annually in 2025 (World Health Organization., accessed 30th, April/2009), and
the majority of this increase is predicted to be due to an
increase in the elderly population in Asian countries
including Japan and China [78]. Osteoporotic fractures
cause patients to fall into a bedridden state, severely
impacting their ADLs and leading them to require nursing
care. In other countries as well, social security costs
associated with osteoporosis are increasing steadily [79].
In world wide fragile economic condition, the prevention
of osteoporotic fractures through the early detection and
treatment of sarcopenia could be an effective prescription
for the use of limited social resources [80].
However, there have been only a limited number of
reports on the realities pertaining to sarcopenia in patients
with osteoporotic fractures [41, 81-83]. In our past study
of 327 patients with hip fracture and 2511 outpatient
controls, we found a higher prevalence of sarcopenia in
patients with hip fractures and the presence of sarcopenia
as an independent risk factor for a hip fracture [43].
Thus, sarcopenia is a potential risk factor for
osteoporosis and subsequent fracture, and its management
is the key to preventing osteoporotic fracture.
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Aging and Disease Volume 5, Number 2, April 2014 5
Figure 3. Relationship between sarcopenia, osteoporosis and fracture
Etiology of sarcopenia
The etiology of sarcopenia comprises a wide variety of
causes that are involved in a complex manner, including
the aforementioned disuse secondary to comorbidities
(malnutrition[84], vitamin D deficiency [85], cerebral
infarction, heart failure, and osteoarthritis [86], disuse [6,
87]) as well as age-related hormonal changes (involving
testosterone [88-90], estrogen [91, 92], insulin-like
growth factor 1 [93], and insulin[94]), apoptosis [95],
denervation [96], and changes in inflammation and
immunity involving interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6 and tumor
necrosis factor-α[97], social causes, and mental causes
such as decline in cognitive function [98] or decrease in
social activity. It has been reported that in the histological
examination of muscle fibers, type II muscle fibers (in
other words, the so-called fast muscles) decrease with age,
while type I muscle fibers (in other words, the so-called
slow muscles) are preserved [99]. The decrease in fast
muscles causes a delay in the muscle contraction reaction
time; as a result, the righting reflex and the protective
extension reflex are too late when the body vacillates,
which may cause a fall.
Various types of signal transduction systems such as
the Akt/mTOR signaling system and the Notch signaling
system have recently been found to be involved in the
molecular mechanisms of muscle fiber tissue regeneration
[100-102]. Most of all, the Wnt/β-catenin signaling
system is one of the signal transduction pathways
involved in muscle regeneration.
Brack et al. reported that the serum of aged mice
contained high levels of Wnt, that the substances that
activated the Wnt signal in the serum caused abnormal
fibrosis in the regenerating muscle, and that they were
able to suppress fibrosis in aged mice by administering
Dkk1, a Wnt inhibitor [103]. Naito et al. reported
identifying the complement molecule C1q as a new Wnt
signal activator, where the administration of C1q in young
mice resulted in a decline in the regenerative capacity,
whereas the administration of neutralizing antibodies
against C1s resulted in an improvement of the age-related
decline in the regenerative capacity [104]. The findings
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showed that through Wnt signal activation, C1q caused a
decline in regenerative capacity after skeletal muscle
damage, which is one of the phenotypes of aging.
Interestingly, the Wnt/β-catenin signaling system is
also involved in osteoblast differentiation. In rats,
inhibition of the Wnt signaling system by using Dkk1 has
been found to decrease bone mineral density, while anti-
Dkk1 neutralizing antibody has been found to increase
bone mineral density [105]. In humans as well, blood
levels of DKK1 have been found in be elevated in patients
with osteoporosis, although the causality remains unclear
[106]. Activation of the Wnt signaling system through
sclerostin antibody is viewed as a target in the prevention
of osteoporotic fractures and the development of new
drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis [107]. However,
one should keep in mind that inhibiting Wnt signaling also
has some negative aspects, especially with regard to
muscle regeneration.
Much remains unknown in the molecular biological
mechanism of muscle aging, and further elucidation in
this area is desired.
Treating sarcopenia to prevent fractures
Multiple factors are involved in the pathogenesis of
sarcopenia; therefore, the development of a specific
treatment is quite difficult and evidence of effective
treatment is limited. The therapeutic methods that are
currently being attempted can be roughly classified as
follows: (1) exercise therapy, (2) nutritional therapy, and
(3) pharmacological treatment.
(1) Exercise therapy
There has been much evidence to support the fact that the
so-called elderly “muscle training” is effective. In
randomized controlled trials using high-intensity muscle
strength training in 39 postmenopausal women, Nelson et
al. reported improved muscle mass, muscle strength, and
balance [108]. In a meta-analysis of a total of 1,328
patients in 49 studies consisting of randomized controlled
trials on muscle strength training, Peterson et al.
concluded that muscle strength training effectively
increased muscle mass [109]. However, from the
perspective of preventing osteoporotic fractures,
performing exercise therapy directly may pose some
issues. Patients with osteoporotic fractures often show
various complications [110]. In addition to such a
deterioration of mental function, patients with a high risk
of fragile fracture are also affected by paralysis caused by
the original cerebrovascular disease, locomotor disorders
caused by osteoarthritis and complications of heart
disease; moreover, their locomotor functions are believed
to be lower than those of healthy subjects. When
clinicians are managing more debilitated elderly patients
with lower cognitive function and motor function, some
improvement is needed when performing efficient muscle
strength training while maintaining treatment compliance.
Of course, for highly active elderly patients who are
capable of performing exercise therapy by themselves, it
can be said that exercise therapy is safe and highly
effective for sarcopenia.
(2) Nutritional therapy
A study conducted on 403 institutionalized elderly
women in Japan showed a high rate (49.1%) of vitamin D
deficiency with serum 25(OH)D3 levels ≤16 ng/mL.
Patients with a potential vitamin D insufficiency are
believed to be numerous[111]. In addition to the role of
vitamin D in increasing the bone mass, vitamin D
receptors in striated muscles are also responsible for
increasing muscle strength and muscle mass[85, 112].
The ingestion of a sufficient amount of vitamin D as a
supplement is known to have a preventive effect against
falls and fractures [85, 113-115]. Administration of
vitamin D in the elderly may effectively treat sarcopenia
and prevent osteoporotic fractures.
Most elderly subjects have insufficient caloric and
protein intake, and the combination of exercise and
dietary supplements containing amino acids and proteins
may have an effect on sarcopenia. A short-term increase
in muscle mass and muscle strength results, even in the
elderly [109, 116]. Bonnefoy et al. examined the
combination of dietary supplements and exercise by using
a randomized controlled trial[117]. Dietary intervention
based on nutritional supplement drinks containing
proteins and exercise therapy was conducted for 9 months
in 57 elderly women, and the effects were compared with
those of a placebo. Forty-two participants completed the
tests and showed improved muscle strength. However, it
is important to note that the effect of dietary supplements
on preventing osteoporotic fractures has not yet been
clarified and that a decrease in adherence to nutritional
therapy may occur in addition to reduced intake of regular
(3) Pharmacological treatment
Testosterone is a typical and strong anabolic hormone. A
clinical trial examining testosterone replacement therapy
was discontinued after 6 months due to an increasing
number of cardiovascular events[118]. However, a
significant increase in muscle strength was found in the
testosterone-treated group.
Clenbuterol, which stimulates β2 sympathetic
receptors and is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma,
causes an increase in skeletal muscles by acting on the
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Aging and Disease Volume 5, Number 2, April 2014 7
PI3K/Akt signal system [119]. Clenbuterol is known to
increase lean meat in pork, and abused by livestock
industry in some countries. β stimulant is also a target
drug in doping tests, so that athletes were warned not to
eat pork in such countries(Telegraph Sport and Agencies.
London 2012 Olympics: China bans athletes from eating
meat for fear of ingesting banned substance clenbuterol.
The Telegraph. United Kingdom: Telegraph Media Group
Limited, 2012/03/02). Clenbuterol has previously been
reported to cause an increase in muscle mass when
administered to patients with heart failure[120]; however,
a large-scale case-control study conducted in Denmark on
patients using β-stimulants and those with osteoporotic
fractures concluded that short-acting β-stimulants were a
risk factor for osteoporotic fracture and that other types of
β-stimulants had no effect on osteoporotic fractures[121].
Angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, the
strong candidates for the treatment of sarcopenia, was
originally an anti-hypertensive medication that was used
to prevent cardiovascular disease [122] and diabetic
nephropathy [123]. ACE inhibitors have been used for a
long time and their dosage, administration, and side
effects are already known. ACE inhibiter is known to
decrease muscle fibrosis in vitro through connective
tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN-2) [124]. Several
clinical studies have reported that ACE inhibitor
improved exercise performance in patients with heart
failure [125-128]. Of course, these studies are biased
towards improved heart function, but the direct effect on
skeletal muscle tissue cannot be denied.
Other pharmacological therapies, such as growth
hormone [129], insulin-like growth factor1 [130], and
estrogen [92, 131, 132] have also been attempted, but no
clear evidence has yet been found. The methods for
increasing muscle mass are the same for young athletes
and the elderly. Even in the elderly, muscle mass has been
shown to increase upon engaging in muscle strength
training (exercise therapy), ingesting proteins (nutritional
therapy), and doping (pharmacological treatment).
However, the fact that there is a need to continue
treatment while maintaining safety and compliance in
debilitated elderly subjects suffering from complications
makes it difficult to treat sarcopenia.
Awareness of sarcopenia, specifically as a risk factor for
falls and fractures in the elderly, is necessary. The
treatment of sarcopenia will be an important element in
the future prevention of fractures. However, evidence
pertaining to the treatment of sarcopenia for the purpose
of preventing fragile fractures remains insufficient. To
reduce the number of patients suffering from osteoporotic
fractures, there is an urgent need to further elucidate the
facts about and develop therapeutic methods for
Conflicts of interest
No benefits in any form have been received or will be
received from a commercial party related directly or
indirectly to the subject of this article.
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... Given the recent rise in life expectancy, this figure is projected to multiply tenfold by 2050. It is worth noting that while sarcopenia is predominantly diagnosed in the older person, it can manifest in various clinical scenarios (5). ...
Full-text available
Background While increasing concerns arise about the health effects of environmental pollutants, the relationship between blood manganese (Mn) and sarcopenia has yet to be fully explored in the general population. Objective This study aims to investigate the association between blood manganese (Mn) levels and sarcopenia in adults. Methods In our study, we evaluated 8,135 individuals aged 18–59 years, utilizing data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) spanning 2011 to 2018. We employed generalized additive model (GAM) to discern potential non-linear relationships and utilized the two-piecewise linear regression model to probe the association between blood Mn levels and sarcopenia. Results After adjusting for potential confounders, we identified non-linear association between blood Mn levels and sarcopenia, with an inflection point at 13.45 μg/L. The effect sizes and the confidence intervals on the left and right sides of the inflection point were 1.006 (0.996 to 1.048) and 1.082 (1.043 to 1.122), respectively. Subgroup analysis showed that the effect sizes of blood Mn on sarcopenia have significant differences in gender and different BMI groups. Conclusion Our results showed that a reverse U-shaped curve between blood Mn levels and sarcopenia, with an identified the inflection point at blood Mn level of 13.45 μg/L.
... SP is a muscle disease (muscle failure) , characterized by an accelerated loss of muscle mass and function (Cruz-Jentoft and Sayer, 2019). Currently, about 50 million people worldwide suffer from SP, and its prevalence increases with age (Hida et al., 2014). Some studies have shown that the global prevalence of SP in people over 60 years old ranges from 10.00% to 27.00%, and in people over 80 years old is as high as 50.00% ...
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Background: Previous studies demonstrated a controversial relationship between sarcopenia (SP) and osteoarthritis (OA) and their genetic causality is unclear. Thus, we conducted a Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis to evaluate the possible causal association between sarcopenia-related traits (appendicular lean mass (ALM), grip strength, usual walking pace) and OA. Method: We used pooled genetic data from the UK Biobank for ALM(n = 450,243), left-hand grip strength (n = 461,026), right-hand grip strength (n = 461,089) and usual walking pace (n = 459,915). Moreover, summary statistics for OA were obtained from the latest study conducted by the Genetics of Osteoarthritis Consortium, including all OA (n = 826,690), hand OA (n = 303,7782), hip OA (n = 353,388) and knee OA (n = 396,054). The primary method for estimating causal effects was the inverse-variance weighted (IVW) method, with the utilizing of false discovery rate adjusted p values (P FDR). Additional MR methods such as MR-Egger regression, MR pleiotropy residual sum and outlier (MR-PRESSO), weighted median were employed as supplementary analyses. Results: We discovered ALM (odds ratio (OR) = 1.103, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.052–1.156, P FDR = 2.87E-04), hand grip strength (left, IVW OR = 0.823, 95% CI = 0.712 to 0.952, P FDR = 0.020; right, OR = 0.826, 95% CI = 0.718 to 0.950, P FDR = 0.020), and usual walking pace (OR = 0.339, 95% CI = 0.204 to 0.564, P FDR = 2.38E-04) were causally associated with OA risk. In the reverse MR analysis, we identified a causal effect of OA on ALM (β = −0.258, 95% CI = −0.369 to 0.146, P FDR = 0.6.07E-06), grip strength (left, β = −0.064, 95% CI = −0.104 to 0.024, P FDR = 0.002; right, β = −0.055, 95% CI = −0.095 to 0.014, P FDR = 0.008), and usual walking pace (β = −0.104, 95% CI = −0.147 to 0.061, P FDR = 1.61E-05). Conclusion: This present study suggests an obvious causality of SP on OA, with condition exhibiting site-specific effects, while evidence was also provided for the causal effect of OA on SP.
... According to the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP), sarcopenia is defined as a systemic, geriatric syndrome of progressive loss of muscle mass and decreased strength (2), results in disastrous outcomes comprising falls, fractures, and decreased quality and function of life as one of the representatives of chronic diseases (3). Previous reports suggest that about 50 million people worldwide suffer from sarcopenia, and it is expected to reach 500 million people in 2050 (4,5), leading to inestimable healthcare expenditures. Moreover, the latest systematic review comprising 130 studies summarized the epidemiological data, suggesting that sarcopenia was thought to affect 10%-16% of the older people worldwide, and compared with the general population, this proportion will be higher in people with other underlying diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease (6). ...
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Background The two geriatric diseases, sarcopenia and cardiovascular disease (CVD), often coexist, yet the causal relationship is unclear. However, few studies focus on the effect of muscle mass on CVD. This comprehensive study is dedicated to unearthing the potential connection between sarcopenia-related traits and CVD at the genetic level. Method A two-sample bi-directional Mendelian randomization (MR) study was conducted. In the first stage, we performed MR analysis regarding coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, and myocardial infarction (MI) as exposure factors to reveal their effect on appendicular lean mass (ALM) and hand grip strength. In the second stage, we reverse the position of exposures and outcomes. The inverse variance weighted (IVW) method was used as the primary approach to reveal the potential causation between the exposure and outcome. Results The results of the IVW method revealed a negative causal effect of ALM on CHD (OR = 0.848, 95% CI = 0.804 to 0.894, p = 8.200E-10), stroke (OR = 0.931, 95% CI = 0.890 to 0.975, p = 2.220E-03), and MI (OR = 0.810, 95% CI = 0.694 to 0.901, p = 1.266E-13). Additionally, the left-hand grip strength is a significant protective factor for CHD (OR = 0.737, 95% CI = 0.601 to 0.904, p = 3.353E-03) and MI (OR = 0.631, 95% CI = 0.515 to 0.765, p = 2.575E-06), but is not causally linked to the stroke (OR = 0.971, 95% CI =0.829 to 1.139, p = 0.720). Meanwhile, the same conclusion about the effect of right-hand grip strength on CHD (OR = 0.681, 95% CI = 0.558 to 0.832, p = 1.702E-05), MI (OR = 0.634, 95% CI = 0.518 to 0.776, p = 9.069E-06), and stroke (OR = 1.041, 95% CI = 0.896 to 1.209, p = 0.604) was obtained. However, no significant causal effect of CVD (CHD, stroke, MI) on sarcopenia-related traits (ALM, handgrip strength) was found. Conclusion There is a unidirectional causal relationship between sarcopenia and CVD. The loss of muscle mass and strength has a significant causal role in promoting the occurrence and development of CVD, providing a reference for the prevention and treatment of comorbidities in older people.
... Sarcopenia is an important pathophysiological factor of frailty in older adults and is diagnosed with a decrease in muscle strength, muscle mass, and low physical performance [5]. Sarcopenia and frailty are significantly associated with an increased risk of falls and fractures in older-adult men, which can lead to a serious decrease in QOL and shortening of healthy life expectancy [6,7]. Preventive measures are, therefore, required. ...
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Age-related decline in testosterone is known to be associated with various clinical symptoms among older men and it is possible that the accompanying decline in muscle mass and strength might lead to a decline in motor and physical functions. Sarcopenia is an important pathophysiological factor associated with frailty in older adults and is diagnosed in older adults as a decrease in muscle strength, muscle mass, and walking speed, which can lead to a significant decline in the quality of life and shortened healthy life expectancy. Testosterone directly interacts with the androgen receptor expressed in myonuclei and satellite cells and is also indirectly associated with muscle metabolism through various cytokines and molecules. Currently, significant correlations between testosterone and frailty in men have been confirmed by numerous cross-sectional studies. Many randomized control studies have also supported the beneficial effect of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on muscle volume and strength among men with low to normal testosterone levels. In the world’s aging society, TRT can be a tool for preventing the onset of sarcopenia in older-adult men. This narrative review aims to show the relationship between the decline in testosterone with age, sarcopenia, and frailty, as well as the effects of testosterone replacement therapy on muscle mass and strength.
Background Previous observational studies have linked circulating cytokines to sarcopenia, but their causal relationship remains unclear. This study employed Mendelian Randomization (MR) to investigate the causal links between circulating cytokines and sarcopenia‐related traits using genetic data. Methods A two‐sample bidirectional MR analysis was conducted using data from individuals of European ancestry, utilizing genome‐wide association studies (GWAS) statistics. The study selected instrumental single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) significantly associated with circulating cytokines and applied multiple MR methods, including inverse variance weighted (IVW), Weighted Median, MR‐Egger, Weighted Mode, Simple Mode, and MR‐PRESSO. The traits analyzed were appendicular lean mass (ALM) and grip strength. Heterogeneity, robustness, and consistency of results were assessed using Cochran's Q statistic, MR‐Egger regression, and “leave‐one‐out” sensitivity analyses. Results The IVM‐MR analysis showed a casual association between genetically predicted circulating levels of interleukin‐16 and both ALM and grip strength (ALM: OR = 0.990, 95% CI: 0.980–1.000, p = .049; grip strength: OR = 0.971, 95% CI: 0.948–0.995, p = .020). Additionally, interferon‐gamma‐induced protein 10 (IP‐10), interleukin‐1‐beta (IL‐1β), and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) were correlated with ALM and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), interleukin‐12 (IL‐12), and interleukin‐5 (IL‐5) with grip strength. Comparable results were confirmed via the MR‐Egger, Weighted Median, Weighted Mode, and Simple Mode methods. Sensitivity analysis showed no horizontal pleiotropy to bias the causal estimates. Conclusion The results suggest a significant causal effect of inflammatory cytokines on sarcopenia, offering new avenues for therapeutic target development. However, the study's focus on a European ancestry cohort limits its generalizability to other populations. Future research should aim to include diverse ethnic groups to validate and broaden these findings, thereby enhancing our understanding of sarcopenia's mechanisms in a global context.
Background and objective: The musculoskeletal imbalance caused by disease is one of the most critical factors leading to spinal injuries, like sarcopenia. However, the effects of musculoskeletal imbalances on the spine are difficult to quantitatively investigate. Thus, a complete finite element spinal model was established to analyze the effects of musculoskeletal imbalance, especially concerning sarcopenia. Methods: A finite element spinal model with active muscles surrounding the vertebrae was established and validated from anatomic verification to the whole spine model in dynamic loading at multiple levels. It was then coupled with the previously developed neuromuscular model to quantitatively analyze the effects of erector spinae (ES) and multifidus (MF) sarcopenia on spinal tissues. The severity of the sarcopenia was classified into three levels by changing the physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) of ES and MF, which were mild (60% PCSA of ES and MF), moderate (48% PCSA of ES and MF), and severe (36% PCSA of ES and MF). Results: The stress and strain levels of most lumbar tissues in the sarcopenia models were more significant than those of the normal model during spinal extension movement. The sarcopenia caused load concentration in several specific regions. The stress level of the L4-L5 intervertebral disc and L1 vertebra significantly increased with the severity of sarcopenia and showed relatively larger values than other segments. From the normal model to a severe sarcopenia model, the stress value of the L4-L5 intervertebral disc and L1 vertebra increased by 128% and 113%, respectively. The strain level of L5-S1 also inclined significantly with the severity of sarcopenia, and the relatively larger capsule strain values occurred at lower back segments from L3 to S1. Conclusions: In summary, the validated spinal coupling model can be used for spinal injury risk analysis caused by musculoskeletal imbalance. The results suggested that sarcopenia can primarily lead to high injury risk of the L4-L5 intervertebral disc, L1 vertebrae, and L3-S1 joint capsule regarding significant stress or strain variance.
Patients with bone and muscle loss from prolonged disuse have higher risk of falls and subsequent fragility fractures. In addition, fracture patients with continued disuse and/or delayed physical rehabilitation have worse clinical outcomes compared to individuals with immediate weight-bearing activity following diaphyseal fracture. However, the effects of prior disuse followed by physical reambulation on fracture healing cellular processes and adjacent bone and skeletal muscle recovery post-injury remains poorly defined. To bridge this knowledge gap and inform future treatment and rehabilitation strategies for fractures, a preclinical model of fracture healing with a history of prior unloading with and without reambulation was employed. First, skeletally mature male and female C57BL/6J mice (18 weeks) underwent hindlimb unloading by tail suspension (HLU) for 3 weeks to induce significant bone and muscle loss modeling enhanced bone fragility. Next, mice had their right femur fractured by open surgical dissection (stabilized with 24-gauge pin). The, mice were randomly assigned to continued HLU or allowed normal weight-bearing reambulation (HLU + R). Mice given normal cage activity throughout the experiment served as healthy age-matched controls. All mice were sacrificed 4-days (DPF4) or 14-days (DPF14) following fracture to assess healing and uninjured hindlimb musculoskeletal properties (6-10 mice per treatment/biological sex). We found that continued disuse following fracture lead to severely diminished uninjured hindlimb skeletal muscle mass (gastrocnemius and soleus) and femoral bone volume adjacent to the fracture site compared to healthy age-matched controls across mouse sexes. Furthermore, HLU led to significantly decreased periosteal expansion (DPF4) and osteochondral tissue formation by DPF14, and trends in increased osteoclastogenesis (DPF14) and decreased woven bone vascular area (DPF14). In contrast, immediate reambulation for 2 weeks after fracture, even following a period of prolonged disuse, was able to increase hindlimb skeletal tissue mass and increase osteochondral tissue formation, albeit not to healthy control levels, in both mouse sexes. Furthermore, reambulation attenuated osteoclast formation seen in woven bone tissue undergoing disuse. Our results suggest that weight-bearing skeletal loading in both sexes immediately following fracture may improve callus healing and prevent further fall risk by stimulating skeletal muscle anabolism and decreasing callus resorption compared to minimal or delayed rehabilitation regimens.
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Latar Belakang: Populasi lanjut usia (lansia) dunia meningkat sangat cepat. Di Indonesia, Badan Pusat Statistik (2013) memproyeksikan jumlahnya mencapai 24.754.500 jiwa pada tahun 2018. Lansia merupakan tahap fisiologis lanjut dari suatu proses kehidupan yang ditandai dengan penurunan kemampuan tubuh beradaptasi terhadap stres lingkungan. Penurunan fungsi yang nyata pada lansia adalah penurunan masa otot atau atropi yang dapat mengakibatkan kesulitan dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. Hal ini dapat memengaruhi kualitas hidup lansia. Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan kekuatan otot dengan kualitas hidup pasien lanjut usia. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan observasional dengan pendekatan cross-sectional yang berlangsung pada bulan November-Desember 2019. Terdapat 40 responden lansia di Panti Wredha Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan yang tergabung dalam penelitian ini. Responden dilakukan pemeriksaan kekuatan otot menggunakan pemeriksaan hand grip strength dan penilaian kualitas hidup secara bersamaan. Hasil: Subyek dengan kekuatan otot baik sebanyak 15 responden (65,22%) berkualitas hidup baik, sedangkan subyek dengan kekuatan otot lemah sebanyak 7 responden (41,17%) memiliki kualitas hidup baik. Subyek dengan kekuatan otot baik 1,5 kali memiliki kualitas hidup baik dibandingkan dengan kekuatan otot yang lemah secara bermakna (p = 0,034; IK 95% 1,34–10,45). Simpulan: Kekuatan otot berhubungan dengan kualitas hidup lansia signifikan secara statistik.
Objective: To review the research progress on the correlation between sarcopenia and osteoarthritis (OA). Methods: The basic and clinical studies at home and abroad in recent years on sarcopenia and OA were extensively reviewed. The correlation between sarcopenia and OA was analyzed and summarized from five aspects: epidemiological status, risk factors, pathogenesis, clinical treatments, and the impact on joint arthroplasty. Results: Sarcopenia and OA are common diseases in the elderly with high prevalence and can increase the ill risk of each other. They share a set of risk factors, and show negative interactive and influence on pathogenesis and clinical treatments, thus participating in each other's disease process and reducing the treatment benefits. Clinical studies show that sarcopenia can affect the rehabilitation effect and increase the risk of postoperative complications after total joint arthroplasty in many ways. Conclusion: Current research results show that sarcopenia and OA are related and can be mutually affected in the above 5 aspects, but more studies are needed to further clarify the relationship between them, so as to provide more theoretical basis for the understanding, prevention, diagnosis, and treatments of the two diseases.
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Relevance. In accordance with Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-ФЗ “On the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation”, the activities of the rehabilitation service for people with disabilities are the most important indicator of public health and the effectiveness of the healthcare system. The official reporting data is one of the most important sources of information, however, the totality of the data presented in them is limited to the information entered in the corresponding reporting forms and, therefore, does not contain all the information that would make it possible to fully judge the problems arising from disability. For this reason, the need for special studies is obvious. Aims. Analysis of the epidemiology of adult disability in the Russian Federation. Materials and methods. The volume of the study was 34,840,933 people aged 18 years and older, recognized as disabled, including 12,971,062 elderly people with disabilities. The object of the study was the data on primary and secondary disability in the form of state statistical observation No. 7-sobes approved by the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, statistical compilations of the Federal State Budget Institution of the Federal Security Service of the Ministry of Labor of the Ministry of Labor of Russia for 2005–2016. The study is continuous. Study Period 2009–2016 Research methods: documentary, data copying, statistical and graphic. Research bases: Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Federal Security Bureau of the Ministry of Labor of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and branches of the main bureau of medical and social expertise in Moscow (19 branches in the administrative districts of Moscow). Results. The leading age cohort in the structure of adult disability in the Russian Federation is the elderly, the proportion of which exceeded the VPI among other age groups of the adult population. In 2005–2016 6.6 million elderly people (56.8% of the total number of people with disabilities) were recognized as primarily disabled; on average, 552.2 thousand people a year (56.8%). On average, 156.2 thousand people (16.1% of the total number of people with disabilities) became disabled people at a young age, and 263.1 thousand people (27.1%) became middle-aged people with disabilities. The contingent, both for the first time and repeatedly recognized by people with disabilities, is formed by people with disabilities due to the classes of diseases of the circulatory system, malignant neoplasms, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue. The dynamics of the severity of primary and secondary disability in the Russian Federation is multidirectional. There is a regional differentiation in the prevalence of disability among adults in the territories of federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Older people (about 80%) suffer from multiple chronic pathologies. In one elderly patient older than 60 years, on average, four to five different chronic diseases are detected. The accumulation of impaired functions of organs and systems helps to reduce the adaptive capacity of the body and is associated with limited life, which entails an increase in the risks of disability in the elderly and the need for medical and social rehabilitation. Conclusions. Currently, the low level of rehabilitation and habilitation of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation remains. In order to increase the effectiveness of rehabilitation of people with disabilities, it is necessary to develop a unified system for monitoring the implementation of rehabilitation treatment and socialization technologies as part of a single continuous process of medical and social rehabilitation at all levels of its implementation on an interdepartmental basis.
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The transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signalling pathway is a key mediator of fibroblast activation that drives the aberrant synthesis of extracellular matrix in fibrotic diseases. Here we demonstrate a novel link between transforming growth factor-β and the canonical Wnt pathway. TGF-β stimulates canonical Wnt signalling in a p38-dependent manner by decreasing the expression of the Wnt antagonist Dickkopf-1. Tissue samples from human fibrotic diseases show enhanced expression of Wnt proteins and decreased expression of Dickkopf-1. Activation of the canonical Wnt pathway stimulates fibroblasts in vitro and induces fibrosis in vivo. Transgenic overexpression of Dickkopf-1 ameliorates skin fibrosis induced by constitutively active TGF-β receptor type I signalling and also prevents fibrosis in other TGF-β-dependent animal models. These findings demonstrate that canonical Wnt signalling is necessary for TGF-β-mediated fibrosis and highlight a key role for the interaction of both pathways in the pathogenesis of fibrotic diseases.
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Developing guidelines on a subject as broad as hypertension is difficult, especially when the guidance relates to hypertension in the chronic kidney disease (CKD) population. The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes Guideline Development Group has applied a rigorous methodology in reviewing all available evidence, and their recommendations are consistent with the evidence-based approach. As a result, the European Renal Best Practice endorses most of its recommendations. However, the Work Group feels that some additional advice could help clinicians in daily practice: (i) individualization of treatment should be taken into account, especially (cardiovascular) co-morbidities, age, gender and race; (ii) side-effects, such as postural dizziness should be monitored closely, particularly in elderly, diabetics and patients with arterial stiffness; (iii) the importance of salt restriction should not be neglected; (iv) although angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-Is) and angiotensin receptor blocker (ARBs) remain a cornerstone in the management of hypertension, and especially cardiovascular protection, in some particular situations such as in advanced CKD and in patients without proteinuria, their role is less well defined; (v) as most CKD patients need more than one antihypertensive drug to achieve blood pressure control, the specific (renal) (dis)advantages of other classes than ACE-I or ARB should be taken into account.
This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To determine whether angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for congestive heart failure lead to a lower mortality rate and improvement in somatic growth or heart function in children.
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In any given population of free-living individuals 65 years of age and older, a substantial proportion (in the range of 6% to 25%) suffers from many of the elements of the syndrome of frailty. Although the syndrome is complex and still lacks a standard definition, there is a growing consensus about the signs and symptoms as well as the pattern of biological correlates that characterize this disorder. Patients who are afflicted with frailty typically exhibit loss of muscle strength, fatigue easily, are physically inactive, and have a slow-and often unsteady-gait, with an increased risk (and fear) of failing. They are likely to have a poor appetite and to have undergone a recent, unintentional loss of weight. Frail individuals are more likely than the nonfrail to experience impaired cognition and depression. They die sooner. Frailty, of course, is frequently complicated by a variety of coexistent illnesses. Among the biological correlates of frailty are sarcopenia (now readily measurable by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry [DXA]), osteopenia (with an increased susceptibility to fracture), and activation of the inflammatory and coagulation systems, with a rise in inflammatory cytokines and several markers of coagulopathy. Age-dependent changes in a number of hormones also appear to promote the development of frailty in the elderly, particularly via their effects on muscle mass and strength, bone density, and by contributing to activation of the catabolic cytokines. In particular, serum levels of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) decline progressively during aging, and an association between reduction in the levels of these hormones and the involution of advancing age has been proposed. It is not yet known whether, in comparison with their nonfrail counterparts, frail individuals consistently manifest larger reductions in GH and IGF-1 (and other anabolic hormones). More research is needed before it will be known whether the benefits of administering GH to the frail elderly will outweigh the disadvantages. The poor appetite and weight loss that occur in many frail individuals are likely to be accompanied by a degree of visceral protein depletion (with its attendant morbidity), which can be estimated by making serial measurements of indicators of visceral protein status such as transthyretin (TTR), retinol-binding protein (RBP), and albumin. One characteristic of the frailty syndrome that distinguishes it from the effects of aging per se is the potential reversibility of many of its features. Progressive resistance training is feasible for many elderly individuals - even the oldest old - and, by increasing muscle mass and strength, can ameliorate or reverse important aspects of physical frailty. To the extent that visceral protein depletion has been caused by an inadequate intake of calories and protein, consumption of a more adequate diet can result in betterment of the frail patient's nutritional status, as determined by clinical improvement and favorable changes in TTR, RBP, and albumin.
The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is a well-established therapeutic target in the treatment of heart failure (HF). Substantial advances have been made with existing agents-angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin II-receptor blockers (ARBs), and mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonists (MRAs)-and new data continue to emerge. The indication for the use of MRAs has been broadened to include potentially all patients who have HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), and ACE inhibitors might have a novel application in patients who are at risk of left ventricular dysfunction (those with aortic valvular disease or pacing-induced heart disease). ARBs have been shown to be a beneficial alternative to ACE inhibitors in HFrEF, but their value when added to ACE inhibitors has been questioned. Upstream, direct renin blockade with aliskiren is being pursued in two large trials of HF, despite the premature halting of a third study. A substantial, unmet need remains in patients who have HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). New data on spironolactone and LCZ696 (a combined ARB and neprilysin inhibitor) show promise for these patients. Results of the TOPCAT study of spironolactone in patients with HFpEF are awaited, and LCZ696 is now being tested in a large trial in patients with HFrEF.
The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) is well-established and continues to be pursued as a therapeutic target in the treatment of heart failure, predominantly due to the success of agents that block RAAS in clinical trials of systolic heart failure. The optimal treatment of heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), however, remains unclear. Early trials of direct renin inhibitors have suggested that these agents may play a role in HFpEF, but recent clinical trial results have not been encouraging. Preliminary trials of angiotensin-receptor/neprilysin inhibitors look promising. Whether results with these or other drugs will alter current recommendations remains to be seen. In this review, we assess the current understanding of the role of RAAS modulation in heart failure.