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Update of the digital global map of irrigation areas to version 5.


Abstract and Figures

The Land and Water Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany, are cooperating in the development of a global irrigation-mapping facility. This report describes the update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to version 5. For this update, the inventory of subnational irrigation statistics was updated with new information derived from national census surveys or irrigation sector studies. For the first time, the global map of irrigation areas also contains data layers on the percentage of area equipped for irrigation that is actually used for irrigation and on the source of irrigation water (groundwater, surface water, water from non-conventional sources). The number of subnational units in the global inventory increased to 36 090 for area equipped for irrigation, 10 316 for area actually irrigated and 14 483 for the statistics on the water source for irrigation. The reference years for the statistics differ between countries and variables but in most cases the data refer to period 2000 - 2008. Total area equipped for irrigation at the global scale in version 5 of this data set is 307.6 million ha of which 255.2 million ha (83 percent) were actually irrigated. 116.2 million ha (38 percent of the total area equipped for irrigation) were equipped for irrigation with groundwater, 191.2 million ha (62 percent) for irrigation with surface water and 0.3 million ha (0.1 percent) for irrigation with non-conventional water sources. In order to distribute the statistics on area equipped for irrigation per subnational unit, digital spatial data layers and printed maps were used. Irrigation maps were derived from project reports, irrigation subsector studies, and books related to irrigation and drainage. These maps were digitized and compared with satellite images of many regions. In areas without spatial information on irrigated areas, additional information was used to locate areas where irrigation is likely, such as land-cover and land-use maps that indicate agricultural areas or areas with crops that are usually grown under irrigation. In contrast, percentage of area actually irrigated and of area equipped for irrigation with groundwater, surface water or with water from non-conventional sources was kept constant in most cases for all grid cells belonging to the same subnational statistical unit because the information on the spatial distribution of these areas was very limited. Consequently, map quality differs a lot between the data layers. In the data layer on area equipped for irrigation, 93 percent of the total irrigated area was assigned to regions with excellent, very good or good map quality; the corresponding shares were 43 percent for area actually irrigated and 42 percent for the data layer on the water source of irrigation.
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Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation
Areas to Version 5
Stefan Siebert • Verena Henrich • Karen Frenken • Jacob Burke
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation
Areas (GMIA) to Version 5
Stefan Siebert, Verena Henrich
Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES)
University of Bonn, Germany
Karen Frenken, Jacob Burke
Land and Water Division
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),
Rome, Italy
Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany
October 2013
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1 Summary............................................................................................................ 5
2 Project history ................................................................................................... 6
3 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 7
4 Data and methods ............................................................................................. 8
4.1 Mapping of area equipped for irrigation................................................... 8
4.2 Mapping of area actually irrigated and of areas equipped for irrigation
with groundwater, surface water or water from non-conventional sources.... 9
4.3 Assessment of map quality..................................................................... 10
5 Results ............................................................................................................. 13
6 Discussion ....................................................................................................... 16
6.1 Consistency of irrigation statistics......................................................... 16
6.2 Reference year of the irrigation statistics.............................................. 16
6.3 Map quality ............................................................................................... 16
Appendix A Detailed description of data sources, assumptions and results per
continent and country............................................................................................ 19
Appendix B Additional tables with country specific data................................167
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 - Summary
1 Summary
The Land and Water Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany, are cooperating in the development of a
global irrigation-mapping facility. This report describes the update of the Digital Global Map of
Irrigation Areas to version 5. For this update, the inventory of subnational irrigation statistics was
updated with new information derived from national census surveys or irrigation sector studies. For
the first time, the global map of irrigation areas also contains data layers on the percentage of area
equipped for irrigation that is actually used for irrigation and on the source of irrigation water
(groundwater, surface water, water from non-conventional sources). The number of subnational units
in the global inventory increased to 36 090 for area equipped for irrigation, 10 316 for area actually
irrigated and 14 483 for the statistics on the water source for irrigation. The reference years for the
statistics differ between countries and variables but in most cases the data refer to period 2000 - 2008.
Total area equipped for irrigation at the global scale in version 5 of this data set is 307.6 million ha of
which 255.2 million ha (83 percent) were actually irrigated. 116.2 million ha (38 percent of the total
area equipped for irrigation) were equipped for irrigation with groundwater, 191.2 million ha (62
percent) for irrigation with surface water and 0.3 million ha (0.1 percent) for irrigation with non-
conventional water sources. In order to distribute the statistics on area equipped for irrigation per
subnational unit, digital spatial data layers and printed maps were used. Irrigation maps were derived
from project reports, irrigation subsector studies, and books related to irrigation and drainage. These
maps were digitized and compared with satellite images of many regions. In areas without spatial
information on irrigated areas, additional information was used to locate areas where irrigation is
likely, such as land-cover and land-use maps that indicate agricultural areas or areas with crops that
are usually grown under irrigation. In contrast, percentage of area actually irrigated and of area
equipped for irrigation with groundwater, surface water or with water from non-conventional sources
was kept constant in most cases for all grid cells belonging to the same subnational statistical unit
because the information on the spatial distribution of these areas was very limited. Consequently, map
quality differs a lot between the data layers. In the data layer on area equipped for irrigation, 93
percent of the total irrigated area was assigned to regions with excellent, very good or good map
quality; the corresponding shares were 43 percent for area actually irrigated and 42 percent for the data
layer on the water source of irrigation.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Project history
2 Project history
Brief history of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas
1999 Version 1 Digital Global Map of Irrigated Areas Version 1 published (resolution: 0.5 ° ×
0.5 °).
Döll, P. & Siebert, S. 1999. A digital global map of irrigated areas. Center for
Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel, Germany;
Döll, P. & Siebert, S. 2000. A digital global map of irrigated areas. ICID journal
49, 55-66.
2001 Version 2 Cooperation was established between the project team of the Global Map of
Irrigated Areas and the FAO Aquastat programme. As a result of this cooperation,
the map-generation methodology was improved and an update of the continents of
Latin America and Europe was made. The global grid resolution was increased to a
grid of 5 arc-minutes and the map was made available to the general public as
Version 2.
Siebert, S. & Döll, P. 2001. A digital global map of irrigated areas - an update for
Latin America and Europe. Center for Environmental Systems Research,
University of Kassel, Germany.
2002 Version 2.1 Update of Africa and Oceania using the improved map-generation methodology
described in Siebert & Döll (2001).
Siebert, S., Döll, P. & Hoogeveen, J. 2002. A digital global map of irrigated
areas - an update for Africa and Oceania. Center for Environmental Systems
Research, University of Kassel, Germany and FAO, Rome, Italy.
2005 Version 2.2 Update of the continent of Asia using the map-generation methodology described
in Siebert & Döll (2001).
Siebert, S., Feick, S. & Hoogeveen, J. 2005. A digital global map of irrigated
areas - an update for Asia. Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am
Main, Germany and FAO, Rome, Italy.
2005 Version 3 Update of the map for North America, assessment of the map quality of map
version 3 based on two indicators of map quality.
Siebert, S., Döll, P., Hoogeveen, J., Faurès, J-M., Frenken, K. & Feick, S. 2005.
Development and validation of the global map of irrigation areas. Hydrology and
Earth System Sciences 9, 535-547. DOI:10.5194/hess-9-535-2005
2006 Version 4 Update of the map for the continents of Africa and Europe and for parts of Latin
America using the methodology described in Siebert et al. (2005).
Siebert, S., Hoogeveen, J. & Frenken, K. 2006. Irrigation in Africa, Europe and
Latin America - Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 4.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany and FAO,
Rome, Italy.
2010 Development of an inventory on area actually irrigated and water sources used for
Siebert, S., Burke, J., Faurès, J-M., Frenken, K., Hoogeveen, J., Döll, P. &
Portmann, F.T. 2010. Groundwater use for irrigation – a global inventory.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 14, 1863-1880. DOI:10.5194/hess-14-1863-
2013 Version 5 Development of map version 5 containing layers for area equipped for irrigation,
area actually irrigated and water sources used for irrigation.
Siebert, S., Henrich, V., Frenken, K. & Burke, J. 2013. Update of the digital
global map of irrigation areas to version 5. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-
Universität, Bonn, Germany and FAO, Rome, Italy, (this document).
The complete documentation of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas is always available at: From this address, the map can also be
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Introduction
3 Introduction
Agriculture is by far the largest water-use sector, accounting for about 70 percent of all water
withdrawn worldwide from rivers and aquifers for agricultural, domestic and industrial purposes. In
several developing countries, irrigation represents up to 95 percent of all water withdrawn, and it plays
a major role in food production and food security. The agriculture development strategies of most of
these countries depend on the possibility of maintaining, improving and expanding irrigated
agriculture. However, as the pressure on water resources increases, irrigation is facing growing
competition from other water-use sectors and becoming a threat to the environment in an increasing
number of regions.
In the last decade, the international community has made major efforts to assess the different
elements of the water balance and to predict current and future water needs for the different use
sectors. However, considerable uncertainty remains concerning the extent and distribution of irrigated
land in the world and on agricultural water use, therefore, making it difficult to monitor the irrigation
sector adequately. Coverage of irrigated areas in the world, available in a geographical information
system (GIS), is the single most important item of information needed to improve future global studies
on water and food.
The first version of the Digital Global Map of Irrigated Areas was published in 1999. It consisted
of a raster map with a resolution of 0.5 ° by 0.5 ° containing the percentage of the area that was
equipped for irrigation around 1995, the so-called irrigation density. To further develop and improve
the global GIS coverage of areas equipped for irrigation and to make it available to users in the
international community, cooperation was established between the Johann Wolfgang Goethe
University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany; the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn,
Germany, and the Land and Water Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO).
Through this cooperation, the mapping project has been linked closely to the FAO global
information system on water and agriculture, Aquastat. The Aquastat programme collects and
disseminates data and information by country and by region. Its aim is to provide users interested in
global, regional and national analysis (e.g. policy-makers, decision-makers and researchers) with the
most accurate, reliable, consistent and up-to-date information available on water resources and
agricultural water management. In order to make thorough analyses, the Aquastat programme collects
data from many different sources including national water resources and irrigation master plans,
statistics and yearbooks, FAO technical reports, and national and international surveys and reports
made available by national and international research centres.
The data collected through the Aquastat programme have served as the main source for improving
the overall quality and resolution of the Digital Global Map of Irrigated Areas. In addition, the
methodology for producing the map has been improved substantially. This has made it possible to
increase the spatial resolution of the map to 5 minutes, thus justifying the publication of an improved
second version of the Digital Global Map of Irrigated Areas. For Version 2, updated maps of Latin
America, Europe, Africa and Oceania have been published. The next step in improving the dataset was
the inclusion of updates for the continent of Asia, and for North America. With this update to version
3, the map for the whole globe was generated by using the same methodology. By the update to
version 4 improvements for the continents of Africa and Europe and for parts of Latin America were
incorporated. Here we present version 5 of the data set which contains, for the first time, data layers on
the percentage of area equipped for irrigation that is actually used for irrigation and on the source of
irrigation water. In addition, the data layer on area equipped for irrigation was updated by using the
most recent subnational data collected by Aquastat. The reference years for the statistics differ
between countries and variables but in most cases the data refer to period 2000 - 2008.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Data and methods
4 Data and methods
4.1 Mapping of area equipped for irrigation
The data layer on area equipped for irrigation was developed by combining sub-national irrigation
statistics with geospatial information on the position and extent of irrigation schemes to compute the
fraction of 5 arc minute cells that was equipped for irrigation, which is called irrigation density (Figure
1). In the following, we provide a concise description of the mapping methodology. A detailed
description is given in Siebert et al. (2005).
Irrigation statistics for sub-national units (e.g. districts, counties, provinces, governorates, river
basins), from national census surveys and from reports available at FAO, World Bank and other
international organizations, are being collected on a continuous basis. Statistics for the year closest to
2005 were used if statistics for more than one year were available. For countries, where the irrigation
statistics reported by the AQUASTAT database were assumed to be more representative, the collected
subnational statistics were scaled so that the sum of the irrigated area equals the area equipped for
irrigation as given by AQUASTAT at the country level. For most of the countries, irrigation statistics
refer to the area equipped for irrigation. Due to several reasons (e.g. crop rotation, water shortages, and
damage of infrastructure) the area actually irrigated maybe significantly lower than the area equipped
for irrigation. However, some countries only report the area that was actually irrigated in the year of
the census. In these cases area equipped for irrigation was estimated by using time series of area
actually irrigated (e.g. for five years) and selecting the maximum of the area actually irrigated reported
at the highest available resolution (e.g. counties in the United States of America).
Scheme of mapping methodology used to develop the Global Map of Irrigation Areas.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Data and methods
In order to distribute irrigated area within the sub-national units, geospatial information on position
and extent of irrigated areas was derived by digitizing hundreds of irrigation maps available in reports
of FAO, World Bank, irrigation associations or national ministries of agriculture. Additionally,
information from several atlases or inventories based on remote sensing available in digital format was
utilized. For most of the countries, more than one data source was used. As the relevance and
reliability of the maps varies, it was necessary to decide which geospatial record should be used in a
specific sub-national unit. This was realized by applying a priority level to each record. Only if the
extent of all digitized irrigated areas with the highest priority level was smaller than the total irrigated
area reported for the specific sub-national unit, also records with the second highest priority were
considered. This distribution process was repeated down to the next lower priority level until the sum
of irrigated area in the map was equal to the irrigated area in the sub-national statistics. Several
different criteria have been used to assign priorities to geospatial information, for example:
the scale and publishing date of the maps;
the type of map (simple sketch or drawing to scale);
how the background information for the maps was collected (by ground based mapping,
survey or via remote sensing);
if only the position or also the extent of the irrigation schemes was provided.
In many sub-national units, lack of geospatial information on irrigation made it necessary to use
indirect information to infer areas within the sub-national unit where irrigation is probable. Such
information includes areas where the main irrigated crops are grown, or cultivated areas in very arid
regions. For arid regions, remote sensing data were additionally used to verify the available maps. If
no direct or indirect information about the spatial distribution of irrigation within a sub-national unit
was available, irrigated area was distributed according to one of two global landcover datasets (USGC-
GLCC-2.0 and JRC-GLC2000).
4.2 Mapping of area actually irrigated and of areas equipped for irrigation
with groundwater, surface water or water from non-conventional sources
Statistics on area equipped for irrigation with groundwater, with surface water or with water derived
from non-conventional sources and on area actually irrigated were collected from national census
reports or online data bases and complemented with country information available from the FAO-
AQUASTAT library, data collected by other international organizations or statistical services (e.g.
Eurostat) or data taken from the literature. In many countries different ministries are responsible to
collect, process, and provide data on area equipped for irrigation, area actually irrigated or on the
water source for irrigation resulting in different reference years and different resolution of the statistics
(Figure 2). We used the following rules for the selection of statistics used for this data set and to fill
data gaps:
Statistics provided at high resolution, for the reference year closest to 2005 and using similar
definitions were preferred unless proved wrong.
If statistics on the source of irrigation water were available for area actually irrigated only,
then the fraction of area equipped for irrigation with water from the different sources was
assumed to be similar to the fraction of area actually irrigated with water from the different
If the extent of area equipped for irrigation with water from the different sources was unknown
but irrigation water use from different sources was reported, then the water use statistics were
used to downscale the irrigated area statistics (e.g. if 20 percent of irrigation water use was
from groundwater, then it was assumed that also 20 percent of area equipped for irrigation was
irrigated with groundwater).
If for specific countries the source of irrigation water was unknown and water use statistics
were not available as well, the percentage of AEI irrigated with groundwater, surface water or
non-conventional sources was estimated based on other information, e.g. qualitative estimates
in the literature, based on borehole inventories or based on the availability of water resources.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Data and methods
Areas with conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water were assigned with 50 percent to
area equipped for irrigation with groundwater and 50 percent to area equipped for irrigation
with surface water if not otherwise noted.
If statistics on area actually irrigated or on the source of irrigation water were available for
more than one year, then mean values for periods of up to five years around year 2005 were
computed to reduce the impact of specific conditions in specific years.
Data sources and assumptions made in case of missing data are described for each country in
Appendix A. For most of the countries the data reported at the level of subnational administrative units
were not further disaggregated (except of a few countries for which borehole inventories were used).
This results in equal values of the percentage of area actually irrigated or the percentage of the
different water sources for all pixels belonging to the same subnational administrative unit.
4.3 Assessment of map quality
A common method to assess the quality of a course scale data-set is to compare it with independent
information at selected locations on a more detailed scale in order to draw conclusions with respect to
the map quality at these locations and extrapolate it to the general map quality. Here, however, all
available data on irrigated areas at appropriate scales were used to compile the map itself and therefore
could not be used for a quality assessment. Apart from this, it is very difficult to compare the
quantitative information as presented on the map (expressed e.g. as area equipped for irrigation in a 5-
minute cell in ha) with point information collected for specific positions by ground-truthing (irrigated
or rainfed).
To assess the quality of the Global Map of Irrigation Areas, two indicators were developed that
take into account the geospatial information density of the base data:
Indicator A (IND_A) represents the density of the used subnational irrigation statistics;
Indicator B (IND_B) represents the density of the available geospatial records on position and
extent of irrigated areas.
The combination of IND_A and IND_B is used to describe the overall map quality per country for the
data layer of area equipped for irrigation. In contrast, map quality of the data layers on area actually
irrigated or on the water sources used for irrigation was assessed based on IND_A only, because data
Location and extent of the 36 090 sub-national units with information on area equipped for
irrigation (upper left), 10 316 sub-national units with information on area actually irrigated
(upper right), and 14 483 sub-national units with information on the water sources for irrigation
(buttom left) used to develop version 5 the Global Map of Irrigation Areas.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Data and methods
were not disaggregated below the level of the subnational statistical units (except for a few countries
for which well inventories were available) and therefore IND_B could not be computed.
The density of subnational irrigation statistics can be obtained by calculating the arithmetic mean
of the size of the subnational units. However, there are some countries where irrigation is concentrated
in some small subnational units while in other very large subnational units of the same country there is
no or very little irrigation. To avoid that large subnational units without significant irrigation have a
negative impact on indicator A, the size of each subnational statistical unit is weighted by the
irrigation density in the subnational unit relative to the irrigation density in the entire country:
adm countryadm
country irridensirridens
_ (1)
adm area
irridens (2)
where IND_Acountry is the average weighted size of the sub-national units in the country (ha), areacountry
is the surface area of the country (ha), irridensadm is the irrigation density in sub-national unit adm (-),
irridenscountry is the irrigation density in the country (-), n is the number of sub-national units in the
country, irareaadm is the irrigated area in sub-national unit adm (ha) and areaadm is the surface area in
sub-national unit adm (ha).
IND_A equals the average size of all subnational units in a country if the irrigation density is the
same all over the country. If all irrigated area is concentrated in only one subnational unit, IND_A is
equal to the size of this subnational unit. IND_A is lower than the average size of the subnational units
if the irrigation density is higher in small subnational units than in the larger subnational units. Lower
values of IND_A indicate a better map quality. IND_A was computed for the three data layers (area
equipped for irrigation, area actually irrigated, water source on area equipped for irrigation) separately
to account for the different resolution of statistical data.
The second indicator (IND_B) was developed to give an estimate on the density of geospatial
information used to assign area equipped for irrigation to specific cells within the sub-national units.
IND_B was computed as the fraction of irrigated area that could be assigned to specific grid cells by
using geospatial records on the position and extent of known irrigation schemes. Higher values of
IND_B indicate a better map quality. Both indicators were assigned a country mark according to the
classification presented in Table 1.
For area equipped for irrigation, a mark for the overall quality was given assuming that the types of
information that are reflected by the two indicators can replace each other. The mark for the overall
map quality was set to the better of the two marks given according to IND_A and IND_B. If, for
example, the location and extent of almost all irrigation projects in a country is known then
subnational statistics are not required in addition to prepare a reliable map. On the other hand, if the
size of the subnational statistical units is very small (in an extreme case smaller than the map
resolution of 5 arc minutes), the overall quality of the map should also be fine even if there are no
geospatial records on the position of irrigation schemes within the sub-national units available.
However, in version 5 of the global map of irrigation areas the overall map quality mark “excellent”
was only assigned when the better mark according to IND_A and IND_B was “excellent” and the other
mark “very good” or “excellent” as well.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Data and methods
Values for map quality indicators IND_A and IND_B and corresponding marks of map quality
assigned to specific countries.
Mark Indicator IND_A (ha) Indicator IND_B (%)
Excellent < 100 000 90 - 100
Very good 100 000 - 250 000 70 - 90
Good 250 000 - 500 000 50 - 70
Fair 500 000 - 1 000 000 25 - 50
Poor 1 000 000 - 3 000 000 10 - 25
Very poor > 3 000 000 < 10
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Results
5 Results
Total area equipped for irrigation at the global scale in version 5 of the Global Map of Irrigation Areas
is 307.6 million ha of which 255.2 million ha (83 percent) were actually irrigated around year 2005.
116.2 million ha (38 percent of the total area equipped for irrigation) were equipped for irrigation with
groundwater, 191.2 million ha (62 percent) for irrigation with surface water and 0.3 million ha (0.1
percent) for irrigation with non-conventional water sources. About 69 percent of the total area
equipped for irrigation is located in Asia, 17 percent in America, 8 percent in Europe, 4 percent in
Africa and 2 percent in Oceania (Table 2). The largest values of area equipped for irrigation on the
country level are those for China (62.4 million ha), India (61.9 million ha) and the United States of
America (28.4 million ha) (Appendix A). The largest extent of area actually irrigated was found for
Asia as well with 186.7 million ha (73 percent of total area actually irrigated).
The largest contiguous areas of high irrigation density are found in North India and Pakistan along
the rivers Ganges and Indus, in the Hai He, Huang He and Yangtze basins in China, along the Nile
river in Egypt and Sudan, in the Mississippi-Missouri river basin and in parts of California. Other
areas of high irrigation density with regional importance are located along the Snake and Columbia
rivers in the northwestern United States, along the western coasts of Mexico and Peru, in central Chile,
in the rice growing areas along the border between Brazil and Uruguay, along the Danube and Po
rivers in Europe, in the Euphrates-Tigris basin in Iraq and Turkey, the Aral sea basin, the Amu Darya
and Syr Darya river basins, the Brahmaputra basin in China and Bangladesh, the Mekong delta in
Vietnam, the plain around Bangkok in Thailand, the island of Java (Indonesia) and the Murray-Darling
basin in Australia. Smaller irrigation areas are spread across almost all populated parts of the world
(Figure 3).
Areas predominantly irrigated with groundwater are found in a stripe stretching through the whole
central part of Northern America , in a stripe of about 500 km width and 2500 km length in Brazil, in
the north-eastern part of Argentina, in the northern and western part of India, the north-eastern part of
China and in large parts of Northern Africa, Western Europe, the whole Arabian Peninsula, the eastern
and central part of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the provinces of Punjab and Baluchistan in
Pakistan. In contrast, the irrigation sector in Eastern Europe, in the states of the former Soviet Union,
in Southeast Asia, the southern part of China, in Sub-Saharan Africa, in the north-western part of the
United States of America, Oceania and in most regions of Southern America mainly uses surface
water. The percentage of the area equipped for irrigation that is actually irrigated is in particular low in
Eastern Europe, Russia, Northern Europe and the eastern part of the United States of America where
often less than 30 percent of the available irrigation infrastructure is actually being used (Figure 4).
Area equipped for irrigation (total, with groundwater, with surface water, with water from non-
conventional sources) and area actually irrigated in regions and continents.
Area equipped for irrigation (ha) Region total with
groundwater with surface
water with water
from non-
Area actually
irrigated (ha)
Northern Africa 6 400 826 2 113 437 4 273 626 13 763 6 044 489
Sub-Saharan Africa 7 148 268 399 210 6 747 858 1 200 5 484 099
AFRICA TOTAL 13 549 094 2 512 647 11 021 483 14 963 11 528 588
Central America and
Caribbean 1 865 268 651 185 1 214 083 0 1 051 700
Northern America 36 411 337 21 355 866 15 055 471 0 29 061 283
Southern America 13 055 707 2 235 854 10 819 854 0 11 222 607
AMERICA TOTAL 51 332 312 24 242 905 27 089 407 0 41 335 590
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Results
Area equipped for irrigation (ha) Region total with
groundwater with surface
water with water
from non-
Area actually
irrigated (ha)
Central Asia 13 657 552 1 085 033 12 572 518 0 11 259 730
Middle East 24 083 108 10 747 301 13 130 305 205 502 17 625 241
Southern and Eastern
Asia 175 983 556 68 929 063 107 054 494 0 157 804 809
ASIA TOTAL 213 724 215 80 761 397 132 757 317 205 502 186 689 780
Eastern Europe 5 198 729 494 759 4 703 970 0 1 718 420
Western and Central
Europe 19 138 579 7 004 714 12 133 292 573 10 842 264
EUROPE TOTAL 24 337 308 7 499 473 16 837 262 573 12 560 684
Australia and New
Zealand 4 688 259 1 135 787 3 478 479 73 993 3 067 151
Other Pacific Islands 4 471 759 3 712 0 4 367
OCEANIA TOTAL 4 692 730 1 136 546 3 482 191 73 993 3 071 518
WORLD 307 635 659 116 152 968 191 187 660 295 031 255 186 161
rea equipped for irrigation
in percentage of land area
00.11 51020 35 50 75 100
Area equipped for irrigation
in percentage of land area
00.11 51020 35 50 75 100
Area equipped for irrigation as percentage of total grid cell area in version 5 of the Global Map
of Irrigation Areas.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Results
ercentage of area equipped
r irrigation (AEI)
Percentage of area equipped for irrigation that was actually irrigated (top), irrigated with
groundwater (center) or irrigated with surface water (buttom).
AEI 10 30 50 60 70 80 90 1000
ercentage of area equipped
r irrigation (AEI)
AEI10 30 50 60 70 80 90 1000
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Discussion
6 Discussion
6.1 Consistency of irrigation statistics
A major objective in the development of the Global Map of Irrigation Areas has always been to ensure
consistency between the area equipped for irrigation in the global map and irrigation statistics
provided by the FAO AQUASTAT main country database and the FAOSTAT database. It is not
possible to maintain a complete consistency between these data bases because the data bases are
updated with different frequency. Furthermore, FAOSTAT focuses on annual time series and contains
therefore estimates for years without data while AQUASTAT provides mainly data for years when
national irrigation surveys were undertaken. Furthermore, the Global Map of Irrigation Areas relies a
lot on the availability of subnational data at high resolution. For most of the countries these data
become available only for years in which an agricultural census was undertaken and thus less frequent
than data at aggregated, national level.
A comparison of the data on area equipped for irrigation in version 5 of the Global Map of
Irrigation Areas to the most recent statistics in AQUASTAT and the mean of area equipped for
irrigation in FAOSTAT computed for period 2000-2008 shows in general a very good agreement
between the data bases (Table B1). The total area equipped for irrigation is 307.6 million ha in version
5 of the Global Map of Irrigation Areas, 310.5 million ha in the AQUASTAT main country data base
and 303.4 million ha in FAOSTAT. Differences for most of the countries are small. Larger differences
in area equipped for irrigation in countries like Brazil, Argentina, France, Portugal or Paraguay can be
explained by different reference years of the statistics. In addition, there are larger differences for
countries like the United States of America, India, Pakistan, Australia and Canada where area
equipped for irrigation is not reported by the national census statistics. Here different methods have
been used in the three inventories to estimate area equipped for irrigation based on variables that are
reported by the national statistics, e.g. area actually irrigated in the year of the census survey. A third
group of countries with major differences in area equipped for irrigation contains many countries in
Eastern Europe like Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary or the Russian Federation. In all these countries a
large part of the former irrigation infrastructure has not being used anymore for a long period and
differences in estimates of area equipped for irrigation are mainly caused by uncertainties on the
previous condition of this infrastructure. Some inventories still account for this infrastructure while
other do not account for it anymore.
6.2 Reference year of the irrigation statistics
For most of the countries subnational irrigation statistics for more than one year have been available
and the statistics with a reference year closest to year 2005 were selected for version 5 of the Global
Map of Irrigation Areas. The calculation of the sum of irrigated area in the three different map layers
(area equipped for irrigation, area actually irrigated, water source for irrigation) according to the
reference year of the used subnational statistics shows that around 90 percent of the irrigated area in all
three map layers was assigned according to irrigation statistics from the years 2000-2008 (Table 3).
The percentage of irrigated area derived from statistics with a reference year older than 1996 was
highest for the statistics on the water source of irrigation (9.0 percent) and lowest for area actually
irrigated (1.7 percent).
6.3 Map quality
The assessment of the map quality showed that the quality of the layer on area equipped for irrigation
is better than the quality of the other two data layers (Figure 5). This was expected because geospatial
data on the extent and location of irrigation schemes were used in addition to subnational irrigation
statistics for the distribution of area equipped for irrigation to specific grid cells. Furthermore, the
resolution of the subnational irrigation statistics was highest for area equipped for irrigation (Figure 2).
We need to acknowledge however, that the assessment of map quality for the layers on area actually
irrigated and on the water source for irrigation may be biased by the fact that area actually irrigated
was 100 percent of AEI or 0 percent of AEI in some countries. Similar to this, area equipped for
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Discussion
irrigation with groundwater was 100 percent in some countries and 0 percent in other countries. In
these countries we did not use any subnational data because the percentages would be the same for
each subnational unit (100 percent or 0 percent). Consequently the map quality was often assessed as
poor or very poor because it was determined based on the resolution of the subnational statistics.
Therefore the map quality for these countries may be better than indicated in Figure 5.
In general good marks for the map quality were computed for many countries in Asia, for Northern
America and Southern and Western Europe. In contrast, poor marks for the map quality were found
for most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Eastern Europe and the Russian Federation (Figure 5).
Global sum of irrigated area derived from subnational irrigation statistics for different
reference years. AEI means statistics on area equipped for irrigation, AAI statistics on area
actually irrigated and SRC statistics on the water source for irrigation.
Year AEI (ha) AEI (%) AAI (ha) AAI (%) SRC (ha) SRC (%)
before 1990 2 403 315 0.8 7 704 0.0 3 970 201 1.3
1990 3 525 150 1.1 20 000 0.0 5 299 300 1.7
1991 251 336 0.1 286 629 0.1 251 336 0.1
1992 29 360 0.0 1 567 725 0.6 87 189 0.0
1993 3 304 960 1.1 39 390 0.0 2 972 646 1.0
1994 2 209 518 0.7 558 659 0.2 10 036 898 3.3
1995 2 644 599 0.9 1 858 677 0.7 4 977 842 1.6
1996 29 858 0.0 132 836 0.1 829 033 0.3
1997 2 977 609 1.0 2 264 377 0.9 3 037 983 1.0
1998 1 031 330 0.3 1 028 080 0.4 1 283 560 0.4
1999 5 220 454 1.7 4 961 633 1.9 2 193 819 0.7
2000 16 604 742 5.4 9 860 070 3.9 9 545 716 3.1
2001 67 880 248 22.1 58 753 289 23.0 62 728 233 20.4
2002 8 082 504 2.6 8 514 537 3.3 16 137 485 5.2
2003 3 181 777 1.0 1 879 362 0.7 19 848 531 6.5
2004 6 423 168 2.1 5 525 227 2.2 9 525 690 3.1
2005 85 364 207 27.7 75 175 165 29.5 80 610 414 26.2
2006 30 350 602 9.9 30 507 321 12.0 35 874 785 11.7
2007 49 880 658 16.2 47 397 042 18.6 37 682 947 12.2
2008 1 501 575 0.5 1 390 707 0.5 0 0.0
2009 2 148 744 0.7 0 0.0 742 051 0.2
2010 12 589 947 4.1 3 457 731 1.4 0 0.0
Total 307 635 659 100.0 255 186 161 100.0 307 635 659 100.0
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Discussion
Map qu
Map quality of the layers on area equipped for irrigation (top), area actually irrigated (center)
and the water source for irrigation (buttom).
alityMap qu
No AEI Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Very poor
No AEI Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Very poor
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Appendix A
Detailed description of data sources,
assumptions and results per continent and
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
The update of the irrigation map to version 5 was the third update for Africa. In addition to
the separation of area equipped for irrigation according to the source of water, the following
countries have been updated due to new available spatial information: Angola, Eritrea,
Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Reunion, Senegal, Tunisia and
United Republic of Tanzania. Total area equipped for irrigation in Africa slightly changed due
to this update from 13 457 939 ha in map version 4 to 13 549 094 ha in version 5 (Table A1).
Area equipped for irrigation (AEI) and area actually irrigated (AAI) in Africa in the new
version 5 of the Global Map of Irrigation Areas compared to area AEI in the previous version 4.
Country AEI in
GMIA4 (ha) AEI in
total (ha)
AEI in
AEI in
surface water
AEI in
GMIA5, non-
sources (ha)
AAI in
GMIA5 (ha)
Algeria 569,418 569,418 368,489 200,929 0 453,300
Angola 80,000 80,000 16,000 64,000 0 35,000
Benin 12,258 12,258 2,190 10,068 0 7,131
Botswana 1,439 1,439 665 773 0 620
Burkina Faso 25,000 25,000 3,000 22,000 0 25,000
Burundi 21,430 21,430 0 21,430 0 21,430
Cameroon 25,654 25,654 100 25,554 0 25,654
Cape Verde 2,780 2,780 391 2,389 0 1,821
Central African
Republic 135 135 0 135 0 69
Chad 30,273 30,273 6,000 24,273 0 26,200
Comoros 130 130 5 125 0 85
Congo 2,000 2,000 0 2,000 0 2,000
Cote d'Ivoire 72,750 72,750 0 72,750 0 66,930
Republic of the
Congo 10,500 10,500 0 10,500 0 6,800
Djibouti 1,012 1,012 1,012 0 0 388
Egypt 3,422,178 3,422,178 331,927 3,090,251 0 3,422,178
Equatorial Guinea 0 0 0 0 0 0
Eritrea 21,590 21,590 3,961 17,629 0 13,490
Ethiopia 289,530 290,729 2,611 288,118 0 290,729
Gabon 4,450 4,450 0 4,450 0 4,450
Gambia 2,149 2,149 15 2,134 0 1,400
Ghana 30,900 59,000 12,000 45,800 1,200 56,000
Guinea 94,914 94,914 460 94,454 0 94,914
Guinea Bissau 22,558 22,558 4,195 18,363 0 22,558
Kenya 103,203 103,203 1,032 102,171 0 97,011
Lesotho 2,638 2,638 50 2,588 0 67
Liberia 2,100 2,100 11 2,090 0 2,100
Libya 470,000 470,000 464,000 3,000 3,000 316,000
Madagascar 1,086,291 1,086,291 0 1,086,291 0 1,080,691
Malawi 56,390 56,390 30 56,360 0 54,134
Mali 235,791 235,791 1,000 234,791 0 176,843
Mauritania 45,012 45,012 4,751 40,261 0 22,840
Mauritius 21,222 21,543 5,386 16,157 0 21,115
Morocco 1,484,160 1,484,160 677,201 804,221 2,738 1,448,011
Mozambique 118,120 118,120 639 117,481 0 40,063
Namibia 7,573 7,573 1,632 5,941 0 7,573
Niger 73,663 73,663 1,371 72,292 0 65,615
Nigeria 293,117 293,117 66,800 226,317 0 218,840
Reunion (France) 13,000 8,811 1,762 7,049 0 8,276
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Country AEI in
GMIA4 (ha) AEI in
total (ha)
AEI in
AEI in
surface water
AEI in
GMIA5, non-
sources (ha)
AAI in
GMIA5 (ha)
Rwanda 8,500 8,500 85 8,415 0 8,500
Sao Tome and
Principe 9,700 9,700 0 9,700 0 9,700
Senegal 119,680 119,680 10,218 109,462 0 69,000
Seychelles 260 260 0 260 0 200
Sierra Leone 29,360 29,360 20 29,340 0 10,000
Somalia 200,000 200,000 10,000 190,000 0 65,000
South Africa 1,498,000 1,498,000 127,330 1,370,670 0 1,498,000
Sudan and South
Sudan 1,863,000 1,863,000 69,239 1,793,761 0 800,000
Swaziland 49,843 49,843 1,000 48,843 0 44,859
Togo 7,300 7,300 46 7,254 0 6,278
Tunisia 394,063 455,070 271,820 175,225 8,025 405,000
Uganda 9,150 9,150 92 9,059 0 5,900
United Republic
of Tanzania 184,330 189,047 17,465 171,582 0 189,047
Zambia 155,912 155,912 6,646 149,266 0 155,912
Zimbabwe 173,513 173,513 20,000 153,513 0 123,866
TOTAL 13,457,939 13,549,094 2,512,647 11,021,483 14,963 11,528,588
Area equipped for irrigation is 569 418 ha [DZ01]. The figure refers to year 2001. Area
equipped for irrigation by province was computed by summing up irrigated areas in large
schemes, irrigated area in small schemes and spate irrigation areas. The position and extent of
the large irrigation schemes was derived from two maps [DZ02], while the command area of
these schemes in year 1999 stems from another report [DZ03]. The total irrigated area
assigned that way to the provinces summed up to 171 550 ha. 56 050 ha of spate irrigation
area [DZ01] were assigned to the provinces covering the Saharan Atlas mountains. About 33
000 ha of irrigated areas, of which about 11 000 ha are center pivot systems were digitized
from satellite imagery and assigned to the xeric provinces of Adrar, GhardaSa and
Tamanrasset. The remaining 308 818 ha of irrigated area were assumed to represent small
scale irrigation schemes and assigned to the other provinces relative to statistics stored in the
AQUASTAT database. These statistics per province refer to the situation in 1987 and
summing up to 221 635 ha.
The shape of the boundaries of the 20 large irrigation schemes as digitized from two maps
[DZ02] was adjusted by using satellite imagery [DZ04]. The positions of 77 small scale
schemes (<500 ha) and 38 medium scale schemes (500 - 1000 ha) were digitized from the
same two maps [DZ02]. 250 ha irrigated area was assigned to each small scale scheme and
750 ha to each medium scale scheme respectively. Thus, the total irrigated area assigned to
known irrigation schemes adds up to 219 300 ha. The remaining part of irrigated area was
spread over cultivated land as digitized from satellite imagery [DZ04].
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater for each of the five hydro geographic regions
of Algeria was computed based on the reported percentages of groundwater use in full/partial
control irrigation areas in these regions [DZ05] and was 368 489 ha (64.7 percent of total area
equipped for irrigation) in total. Area actually irrigated in year 2001 was 453 300 ha (79.6
percent of area equipped for irrigation) [DZ01].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[DZ01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Algeria. FAO, Rome,, 14/01/2011.
[DZ02]: Côte, M. 1993. L'irrigation en Algerie. Commentaire de la carte au 1/1,000,000. In H. Popp &
K. Rother, eds. Die Bewässerungsgebiete im Mittelmeerraum, pp. 161-164. Passau,
Germany, Passavia Universitätsverlag.
[DZ03]: République algérienne démocratique et populaire, Conseil national économique et
social, Commission sur les perspectives de développement économique et social.
1999. Problématique de développement agricole: Éléments pour un débat national.
[DZ04]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-181, 071-192, 071-193, 071-194, 071-195, 071-204, 071-205, 071-206, 071-207, 071-
208, 071-216, 071-217, 071-218, 071-219 and 071-220. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[DZ05]: FAO. 2008. Etude sur la gestion des eaux souterraines dans des pays pilotes du Proche-
Orient. Rapport Algerie. Bureau régional de la FAO pour le Proche-Orient, Cairo, Egypt.
Area equipped for irrigation is estimated at about 80 000 ha. The figures refer to year 1975
but are believed to be still valid [AO01]. In contrast, area equipped for irrigation was 340 478
ha in year 2005 according to a more recently published assessment [AO02]. In any case it is
sure that large parts of this area are currently not in operation and area actually used for
irrigation in year 1997 was estimated at 35 000 ha [AO01]. Differences may also be explained
by the use of different definitions of irrigated land in [AO02] as compared to the FAO-
definitions. Area equipped for irrigation per province was computed therefore by scaling the
sum of area under irrigation and the area partially under irrigation given in [AO02] (in total
340 478 ha) to the area equipped for irrigation reported by FAO AQUASTAT (80 000 ha).
This procedure maintained the regional differences reported in [AO02] and the total area
reported in [AO01].
Irrigated area was distributed to 11 schemes indicated on an irrigation map [AO03] and to 7
schemes derived from an inventory of irrigation schemes [AO04]. Additionally a zone along
the coastline and the southern border to Namibia, in which irrigation is concentrated, was
digitized from the same map and irrigated areas were assigned to cultivated areas in that zone
as digitized from satellite imagery [AO05]. Irrigated areas was then distributed to irrigation
projects listed in [AO02] and described in these report as “in operation”. To locate these
irrigation projects a geographical name server was used.
The information on water sources for irrigation is also very week. In year 1974 all irrigation
was from surface water [AO01]. However, according to the SWECO Grǿner assessment use
of groundwater for irrigation is important in the coastal area and in the southwestern
provinces, especially in the basins of Dande, Bengo, Cuanza, Longa, Queve, Cunene and
Cubango were water is taken from the alluvium after rivers have dried up [AO02]. Based on
this qualitative information area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was estimated at 20
[AO01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Angola. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/angola/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[AO02]: SWECO Grǿner. 2005. A rapid water resources and water use assessment. National Water
Sector Management Project, activity C, Final Report to the National Directorate of Water,
SWECO Grǿner, Stockholm, Sweden, 259 pp. + appendix.
[AO03]: MINADER, FAO, PNUD, Banque mondiale, PAM. 2004. Review of agricultural sector and
food security strategy and investment priority setting (TCP/ANG/ 2907) – Figure 1 of working
paper n° 9: Irrigated agriculture development.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[AO04]: MINADER, FAO, PNUD, Banque mondiale, PAM. 2004. Review of agricultural sector and
food security strategy and investment priority setting (TCP/ANG/ 2907) – Annex 1 of working
paper n° 15.
[AO05]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-677, 071-678, 071-679, 071-680 and 071-687. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Area equipped for irrigation per department is summing up to 12 258 ha [BJ01]. The figures
refer to year 2002 and comprise of 10 973 ha in registered schemes and 1 285 ha of equipped
The location of 30 full/partial control schemes was digitized from two irrigations maps
[BJ02]. The command area of these schemes and the location and extent of 39 other schemes
(mainly equipped wetlands) was derived from another report [BJ03]. The command area of
these 69 schemes is summing up to 10 621 ha. The remaining part of the formal irrigation and
the informal irrigation was assigned to the surrounding of large urban centres as digitized
from satellite imagery [BJ04].
20 percent of the area equipped for irrigation in the full/partial control schemes was from
groundwater (2190 ha) [BJ01] while area actually irrigated was 7131 ha in year 2005 [BJ05].
[BJ01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Benin. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/benin/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[BJ02]: Republique du Benin. 1994. Statistique sur l'hydraulique agricole et rurale – Donnees de
base et cartes. 30 pp. Report available in the AQUASTAT-library.
[BJ03]: FAO. 2003. AQUASTAT – Benin. Enquete sur l'utilisation de l'eau pour l'agriculture et le
development rural au Benin. Rapport General. Report available in the AQUASTAT-library.
[BJ04]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-202 and 071-203. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[BJ05]: Gruber, I., Kloos, J., and Schopp, M. 2009. Seasonal water demand in Benin’s agriculture.
Journal of Environmental Management 90, 196-205.
Area equipped for irrigation is reported to be 1438.6 ha [BW01]. The figures refer to year
The location and command area of 11 irrigation projects was available from the FAO-
irrigation map of Africa [BW02]. The command areas are summing up to 1855 ha and were
scaled to meet the statistics reported for the specific regions. However, no irrigation project
was known for the Francistown Region in the North-East of the country. Therefore two areas
close to Francistown, that are likely to be irrigated (one of it is a center pivot scheme), were
digitized from satellite imagery [BW03].
44.3 percent of the total area equipped for irrigation was using groundwater while 3.9 percent
was using water from mixed sources. By assuming a 50 percent contribution of groundwater
in mixed water area equipped for irrigation with groundwater is therefore 665.4 ha. Area
actually irrigated was 620.1 ha (43 percent of total area equipped for irrigation) in the dry
season 2002 [BW01].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[BW01]:FAO. 2003. Botswana. National irrigation policy and strategy – Irrigation situation analysis.
Report November 2003 (second draft) by Stephens T.F. TCP/BOT/0065 (A).
[BW02]:FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[BW03]:Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-694 and 071-695. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Burkina Faso
Area equipped for irrigation was reported to be 25 000 ha. Full/partial control area was 18 600
ha in 2001 and equipped wetlands covered 6 400 ha in 1998 [BF01]. Sub-national statistics
for full/partial control area summing up to 16 915 ha [BF02]. These statistics refer to year
1996 and obviously underestimate actual irrigated area in region Volta Noire (Mouhoun). The
statistics reported for this region an irrigated area of 1705 ha although there are 3200 ha in
one single project (AMVS-project). Therefore area equipped for irrigation was increased in
that region so that the country total is equal to the value reported for 2001 (18 600 ha).
Equipped wetlands were assigned to the regions Hauts Bassins and Volta Noire (Mouhoun)
based on the statistics derived from the AQUASTAT library for the year 1992. Total area
equipped for irrigation per region was then computed as the sum of full/partial control area
and equipped wetland area.
The location and command area of 23 projects was derived from the FAO-irrigation map for
Africa [BF03]. These areas got the highest priority in the distribution process. The command
area of the registered schemes added up to 11 535 ha. The second highest priority was given
to zones of private irrigation digitized from an irrigation map [BF04] and to areas classified as
"irrigated agriculture" in the GLC2000 land cover map of Africa [BF05]. However, the area
equipped for irrigation reported by the sub-national statistics was still larger in regions of
Yatenga and Sud Ouest than the sum of the corresponding digitized areas. Therefore the
remaining irrigated areas was assigned to agricultural land in inland valley bottoms in the
larger surrounding of registered irrigation schemes (Yatenga) as digitized from satellite
imagery [BF06] or to areas classified as "croplands" or "croplands with open woody
vegetation" in the GLC2000 land cover map of Africa (Sud Ouest) [BF05].
Based on the classification of full/partial control schemes and equipped wetlands in the
AQUASTAT country profile [BF01] irrigated area from groundwater was estimated being
3000 ha while area irrigated with surface water was estimated at 22 000 ha. Based on the
harvested area of irrigated crops in full/partial control schemes it was assumed that the whole
area equipped for irrigation is also actually used for irrigation.
[BF01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Burkina Faso. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/burkina_faso/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[BF02]: Dioma K.S., Douamba T.D., Kambou N.F., Nombre A., Traore T.M. 2003. Stratégie
nationale de développement durable de l’irrigation au Burkina Faso (Rapport provisoire).
Ministere de l’agriculture, de l’hydraulique, des ressources halieutiques.
[BF03]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[BF04]: World Bank. 1998. Pilot private irrigation development project. Project appraisal document.
Report No. 18692-BUR (available at
[BF05]: Mayaux, P., Bartholomé, E., Cabral, A., Cherlet, M., Defourny, P., Di Gregorio, A., Diallo,
O., Massart, M., Nonguierma, A., Pekel, J.-F., Pretorius, C., Vancutsem, C., and
Vasconcelos, M. 2003. The Land Cover Map for Africa in the Year 2000. European
Commision Joint Research Centre, available at:
[BF06]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-190 and 071-203. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation in Burundi is 21 430 ha [BI01]. The figures refer to the year
2000. No recent sub-national statistics on irrigated area have been available.
Irrigated area was assigned to specific grid cells by combining a database of irrigation
projects in Africa [BI02], information on irrigated area per district representing the situation
in year 1985 [BI03], indicative information on the location of irrigated areas as published in
the AQUASTAT country profile [BI01], land cover information provided by the
AFRICOVER project [BI04] and a map of micro-dams used in irrigation projects [BI05].
AFRICOVER lists two polygones of irrigated land cover type in the eastern part of the
country. One was classified as irrigated sugar cane and the other one as irrigated herbaceous.
160 ha irrigated rice and 1450 ha irrigated sugar cane have been reported for the eastern part
of the country [BI01]. Therefore these areas were assigned to the polygones derived from
AFRICOVER. 2800 ha of irrigated land were assigned to 28 locations indicated on the map of
micro-dams used for irrigation [BI05]. Information in the AQUASTAT country profile and
the 1985-district data indicate that there exists much irrigation in l’Imbo-plain (districts of
Gihanga, Mpanda and Mutimbuzi). Irrigated area was thus distributed to areas in that region
covered by herbaceous crops [BI04]. Additionally the FAO-irrigation project database lists
some very large projects in upland areas adjacent to the l’Imbo plain. These projects are
assumed to represent rice cultivation and irrigated areas was distributed to herbaceous crop
areas [BI04] surrounding these projects.
Since wells are only used for drinking water [BI01] irrigated area from groundwater was set
to 0. Based on the harvested area of irrigated crops in full/partial control schemes it was
assumed that the whole area equipped for irrigation is also actually used for irrigation.
[BI01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Burundi. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/burundi/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[BI02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[BI03]: PNUD/FAO. 1985. La mise en valeur hydro-agricole au Burundi. Etat actuel et stratégie pour
l'avenir. Rapport préparé par N. Van Leeuwen. Rome.
[BI04]: FAO. 2005. AFRICOVER, Burundi - Spatially Aggregated Multipurpose Landcover database,
FAO, Rome, Italy,, 13/12/2004.
[BI05]: World Bank, Ministere de l'agriculture et de l'elevage. 2004. Projet de rehabilitation et
d'appui au secteur agricole du Burundi (PRASAB). Rapport d'etude sur l'analyse d'impact
environnemental et social du projet.
Area equipped for irrigation is reported to be 25 654 ha, of which 22 450 ha is in full/partial
control schemes, 404 ha in equipped wetlands and 2800 ha in spate irrigation. The figures
refer to year 2000. Irrigated area per province was computed as the sum of the command areas
of irrigation projects mentioned in the AQUASTAT-country profile [CM01].
The command area and position of seven irrigation projects was derived from the FAO
irrigation map for Africa [CM02]. The total area equipped for irrigation of these schemes is
17 270 ha. The outlines of five schemes larger than 1000 ha were adjusted using satellite
imagery [CM03]. According to the statements in the country profile [CM01] there are about
1000 ha irrigated area close to the Lagdo reservoir. The outlines of the scheme were digitized
from satellite imagery [CM03]. Cultivated land in the surrounding of Garoua and in the
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
provinces of Littoral and Sud-Ouest representing spate irrigation areas or banana plantations
was digitized as well.
Irrigation in formal irrigation is completely from surface water resources [CM01] while
farmers in small informal peri-urban irrigation around Yaounde also use groundwater from
shallow wells [CM04]. Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was therefore estimated
at 100 ha. Area actually irrigated was assumed to be similar to area equipped for irrigation
because harvested area of irrigated crops in year 2000 was much larger (at least 44 540 ha)
than area equipped for irrigation indicating a high cropping intensity on irrigated land
[CM01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Cameroon. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/cameroon/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[CM02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[CM03]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-213, 071-214, 071-227, 071-228 and 071-229. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[CM04]:Drechsel, P., Graefe, S., Sonou, M., Cofie, O. 2006. Informal irrigation in urban West Africa:
an overview. Research Report 102, International Water Management Institute (IWMI),
Colombo, Sri Lanka,
index.aspx, 06/10/2010.
Cape Verde
Area equipped for irrigation is 2 780 ha, while the area actually irrigated was 1 821 ha. The
figures refer to year 1997. Irrigation potential was estimated at 3 109 ha in 1993. Irrigation
potential and area actually irrigated were available per island and region [CV01]. Area
equipped for irrigation per island and region was estimated as area actually irrigated +
0.7211 * (irrigation potentialarea actually irrigated) with the exception of the regions
Santa Catarina and Porto Novo. For these regions the area equipped for irrigation was set to
the value reported for area actually irrigated because the irrigation potential reported for the
year 1993 was lower here than the area actually irrigated in 1997.
Irrigated area was assigned to grid cells according to the GLC2000 land cover map for Africa
[CV02] considering all areas classified as "Croplands with open woody vegetation".
22 percent (391 ha) of the area equipped for irrigation is irrigated with groundwater [CV01].
[CV01]: Ministère de l’agriculture de l’élevage et de la sylviculture. 1997. Plan national directeur
de l’irrigation – Cap Vert.
[CV02]: Mayaux, P., Bartholomé, E., Cabral, A., Cherlet, M., Defourny, P., Di Gregorio, A., Diallo,
O., Massart, M., Nonguierma, A., Pekel, J.-F., Pretorius, C., Vancutsem, C., and
Vasconcelos, M. 2003. The Land Cover Map for Africa in the Year 2000. European
Commision Joint Research Centre, available at:
Central African Republic
Area equipped for irrigation is 135 ha [CF01]. The figures refer to year 1987, but no more
recent statistics have been available. No sub-national statistics on irrigated area have been
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Irrigated area was distributed to 6 projects with known location and command area as derived
from the FAO irrigation project database for Africa [CF02]. Total command area reported for
the six schemes was 160 ha and was therefore scaled to meet the country-totals of 135 ha.
Area actually irrigated in year 1987 was 69 ha. All irrigation was from surface water in that
year [CF01].
[CF01]: FAO. 1996. République centrafricaine – Suivi du Sommet mondial de l’alimentation – Projet
de stratégie pour le développement agricole national – Horizon 2010.
[CF02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
Area equipped for irrigation is reported to be 30 273 ha [TD01]. The figures refer to year
Irrigated area was distributed first to 6 large-scale schemes. The position and command area
(in total 10 050 ha) of the schemes was taken from the FAO irrigation project database for
Africa [TD02]. The remaining part of the irrigated area was assigned to zones of traditional or
private irrigation and to palm groves as digitized from an irrigation map [TD03]. The outlines
of the large scale schemes and of the digitized irrigation zones were adjusted using satellite
imagery [TD04].
Area actually irrigated was 26 200 ha in year 2002. Area equipped for irrigation with
groundwater was 6000 ha (19.8 percent) in the same year [TD01].
[TD01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Chad. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/chad/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[TD02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[TD03]: UN Division for Sustainable Development. 2003. The integrated plan for Chad’s water
development and management (SDEA). Chapter 1: Present situation of Chad’s water
development and management., 15/10/2010.
[TD04]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-228, 071-229, 071-230, 071-231, 071-240, 071-241, 071-242 and 071-243. Sioux Falls,
Area equipped for irrigation is reported to be 130 ha, while area actually irrigated was 85 ha
in year 1987 [KM01].
The 130 ha of area equipped for irrigation were assigned to 4 irrigation schemes with known
position and extent as derived from the FAO irrigation project database for Africa [KM02].
Groundwater extracted by boreholes is the only water source on Grand Comoros while water
use on the other two islands is from surface water (rivers). Irrigated area on Grand Comoros
was 5 ha and thus about 4 percent of the total irrigated area [KM01]. Therefore percentage of
irrigated area from groundwater sources was estimated at 4 percent.
[KM01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Comoros. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/comores/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[KM02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
Area equipped for irrigation and area actually irrigated was 2000 ha in year 2003 [CG01]. No
sub-national statistics on the extent of irrigated lands have been available.
Full/partial control irrigated area is 217 ha and located near the cities of Brazzaville and
Pointe-Noire. The remaining area equipped for irrigation is lowland sugar cane cultivation
near Nkayi [CG02]. Small-scale cultivated land near Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire and large-
scale agriculture near Nkayi was digitized from satellite imagery [CG03].
In 1993 all irrigation was from surface water [CG02].
[CG01]: UNECA. 2003. Republic of Congo - National report on water resources development 2003.
[CG02]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Congo. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/congo_rep/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[CG03]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tile
071-677. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Côte d'Ivoire
Area equipped for irrigation is 72 750 ha. The figures refer to year 1994. Area in full/partial
control areas is reported to be 47 750 ha while equipped wetlands cover 25 000 ha [CI01].
Equipped wetland as reported by the statistics for 10 regions [CI02] was 24 940 ha. The total
area of 44 known irrigation schemes derived from the AQUASTAT irrigation project
database [CI03] and from another irrigation map [CI04] is 39 605 ha and was also assigned to
the 10 regions depending on the location of the schemes. To compute total area equipped for
irrigation the figures per region were scaled to meet the country-totals of full/partial control
area and the equipped wetland area respectively.
Irrigated area was distributed to the 44 known projects. The outlines of the five largest
schemes (total command area of these schemes is 30 000 ha) were then adjusted using
satellite imagery [CI05]. The satellite images were also used to digitize cultivated areas along
the main rivers and in lowlands. The remaining irrigated area was distributed to those
digitized areas.
Area actually irrigated was 66 930 ha in year 1994 and completely by using surface water
sources [CI01].
[CI01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Cote D'Ivoire, FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
[CI02]: FAO. 1999. Côte d’Ivoire – Éléments de stratégie nationale de développement de la petite
irrigation et plan d’action opérationel. Document de travail 3: Valorisation de la production
[CI03]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[CI04]: Universite Nationale de Côte d’Ivoire. 1988. Atlas regional du Nord-Est de la Côte d’Ivoire.
Planche 24 (opėrations agricole).
[CI05]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-176, 071-177, 071-178, 071-188, 071-189 and 071-190. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Area equipped for irrigation is 10 500 ha [CD01]. The figures refer to year 1995. No sub-
national statistics on the extent of irrigated lands have been available.
Irrigated area was assigned to areas in the western part of the country, that were classified as
irrigated sugar cane in the AFRICOVER data set [CD02]. These areas are located close to two
irrigation projects listed in the FAO irrigation project data base for Africa [CD03].
Additionally, 3760 ha irrigated area were assigned to projects that are listed in the same
database and located near Bumba in the northern part of the country and near the boundaries
to Burundi and Rwanda in the eastern part.
Area actually irrigated was 6800 ha in year 2000. In year 1995 irrigation was completely
based on surface water resources [CD04].
[CD01]: FAO. 2004. Suivi du sommet mondial de l’alimentation : 5 ans après - Eléments de stratégie
nationale pour la sécurité alimentaire et le développement agricole - Horizon 2015 -
République Démocratique du Congo.
[CD02]: FAO. 2005. AFRICOVER, DR Congo - Spatially Aggregated Multipurpose Landcover
database. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 13/12/2004.
[CD03]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[CD04]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Democratic Republic of the Congo, FAO, Rome,,
Area equipped for irrigation is 1012 ha [DJ01]. The figures refer to year 1999.
No spatial information was available related to the location and extent of irrigation schemes.
Therefore arable land was digitized from satellite imagery [DJ02] and the irrigated area
distributed to these digitized areas.
Area actually irrigated was 388 ha in year 1999. Irrigation is completely based on
groundwater resources [DJ01].
[DJ01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Djibouti, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/djibouti/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[DJ02]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tile
071-295. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Area equipped for irrigation is reported to be 3 422 178 ha [EG01]. The figures refer to year
Irrigated area was distributed within the districts by using AFRICOVER data on land cover
[EG02]. First irrigated area was assigned to polygons classified as completely covered by
irrigated crops and in a second step (if necessary) to polygons classified as mixture between
irrigated crops and other land cover. However, in some districts the area reported as irrigated
by the statistics was still larger than the total area of polygons classified by AFRICOVER as
irrigated or partly irrigated. Therefore for the districts of Port Said, Cairo, Ismailia, Suez,
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Fayoum and Gharbia the difference was assigned to areas adjacent to irrigated areas and
classified as bare soil.
All the area equipped for irrigation was used for irrigation in year 2002. In year 2000 about 11
percent of the irrigated area of the country (361 176 ha) was irrigated from groundwater and
217 527 ha from mixed water while the remaining 2 843 475 ha were irrigated from surface
water [EG03]. Groundwater extraction is concentrated in desert oases, on the Sinai peninsula
and the New Valley [EG03] and therefore in the related provinces of Matruh, Al Wadi al
Jadid, Al Jizah, Janub Sina and Shamal Sina. Total irrigated area in these provinces was 331
927 ha. The province Al Jizah was split in a western part representing oases agriculture and an
eastern part representing irrigation using water from the Nile River. It was assumed that
irrigation in the provinces mentioned before (except the eastern part of Al Jizah) was from
groundwater. The remaining groundwater irrigation area, the area irrigated from mixed water
and the irrigation area from surface water was assigned to the remaining part of the country
representing mainly the use of River Nile water, reused drainage water and treated waste
[EG01]: Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. 2003. Agricultural statistics, Volume 2,
summer and Nili crops 2002. Sector of Economic Affairs. Arab Republic of Egypt.
[EG02]: FAO. 2005. AFRICOVER, Egypt - Spatially Aggregated Multipurpose Landcover database,
FAO, Rome, Italy,, 13/12/2004.
[EG03]: FAO. 2009. AQUASTAT country profile Egypt, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/egypt/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
Equatorial Guinea
No area equipped for irrigation was reported for Equatorial Guinea [EQ01].
[GQ01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Equatorial Guinea. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/eq_guinea/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
The total area equipped for irrigation is 21 590 ha. About 4100 ha are equipped for full/partial
control irrigation and 17 490 ha for spate irrigation [ER01]. The figures relate to year 1993.
No sub-national statistics for irrigated land were available.
540 ha irrigated area was assigned to the location of the Northern Horticulture Development
Project as derived from the FAO irrigation project database for Africa [ER02]. Additionally
irrigated area was assigned to all areas classified as irrigated by AFRICOVER [ER03].
The percentage of groundwater use in full/partial control schemes was 96.6 percent or 3 961
ha in year 1993 [ER01]. Area actually irrigated was about 62.5 percent of the equipped area in
year 1993 [ER01].
[ER01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile of Eritrea, version 2005. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
[ER02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[ER03]: FAO. 2005. AFRICOVER, Eritrea - Spatially Aggregated Multipurpose Landcover database.
FAO, Rome, Italy,, 13/12/2004.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation in year 2001 was 289 530 ha [ET01]. The figures for the district
of Gambela (116 ha in year 2001) were updated by using a more recent inventory of 791
irrigation schemes [ET02] resulting in an area equipped for irrigation of 1315 ha for this
district and of 290 729 ha for Ethiopia. Total AEI in this inventory was 107 266 ha. The
irrigation scheme inventory did not report spate irrigation areas which may be practised on
more than 100 000 ha in Ethiopia [ET03]. This may explain the difference to the total
irrigated area reported by the Ministry of Water Resources (289 530 ha) and reported in the
AQUASTAT country profile [ET01].
Additionally to schemes contained in the inventory described before [ET02], irrigated areas
were localized by using the FAO irrigation project database for Africa [ET04] and a map of
irrigation projects available from the AQUASTAT-library [ET05]. The irrigation schemes
were then digitized by using satellite imagery [ET06]. Most of the medium- and large-scale
projects and some regions in which small scale irrigation is present could be detected that
way. Projects with a known command area got a priority of seven and projects with an
unknown command area a priority of four when assigning irrigated area to specific grid cells.
The remaining irrigated area was assigned to arable land in irrigated regions as indicated on
the FAO-map of irrigated areas in Africa [ET04].
Groundwater use for irrigation (mainly from springs) is practised only on a small scale in the
provinces of Dire Dawa, Harari, Oromia and Amhara [ET02]. Since no data were available
for Addis Ababa it was assumed that the percentage of groundwater use is similar to that one
computed for Harari. Total area irrigated with groundwater computed that way was 2611 ha.
It was assumed that area actually irrigated is similar to area equipped for irrigation.
[ET01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Ethiopia. Table A6. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
[ET02]: Awulachew, S. B., Yilma, A. D., Loulseged, M., Loiskandl, W., Ayana, M., Alamirew, T.
2007. Water Resources and Irrigation Development in Ethiopia. International Water
Management Institute, Working Paper 123, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 78pp.
[ET03]: Government of Ethiopia. 2008. National investment brief Ethiopia. High-level conference on
water for agriculture and energy in Africa: the challenges of climate change, Sirte, Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya, December 15-17, 2008,, 18/08/2009.
[ET04]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[ET05]: Unknown. Ethiopia – irrigation projects, dams and rivers. Map available in the AQUASTAT-
[ET06]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-266, 071-267, 071-268, 071-281, 071-282, 071-283, 071-293, 071-294, 071-295. Sioux
Falls, USA, USGS,
Area equipped for irrigation is 4450 ha [GA01]. The figures refer to year 1987. However, the
figures were confirmed by a recently published report [GA02]. No sub-national statistics on
the extent of irrigated lands have been available.
The locations of four irrigation areas were derived from the FAO-map of irrigated areas in
Africa [GA03]. The irrigation schemes were then digitized by using satellite imagery [GA04].
Based on the qualitative information contained in the AQUASTAT country report [GA01]
and groundwater use in neighbouring countries (Cameroon, Congo) it was assumed that all
irrigation is from surface water.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[GA01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Gabon, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/gabon/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[GA02]: FAO. 2004. République du Gabon. Suivi du Sommet mondial de l’alimentation: Cinq ans
après. Note sur la stratégie pour le développement agricole national – Horizon 2015.
[GA03]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[GA04]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-213, 071-227, 071-673 and 071-677. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Area equipped for irrigation is 2149 ha [GM01]. The figures refer to year 1999.
No sub-national statistics on the extent of irrigated lands have been available, but the location
and corresponding area equipped for irrigation of the existing four projects JPSP, RIDEP,
SSWC and Lamin/Bakau horticulture was available [GM02]. The outlines of the largest
scheme (JPSP) were digitized from satellite imagery [GM03], while the other schemes were
incorporated as point features using the positions indicated on [GM02].
Area actually irrigated was 1400 ha in year 1999 [GM04]. Only 15 ha were irrigated with
groundwater from wells and boreholes in the Lamin Horticultural Project and the Bakau
Horticultural Project. The other irrigation schemes used surface water provided by pumping
from the river or by tidal irrigation [GM04].
[GM01]: International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF). 1999. Development of tidal
irrigation in the Gambia. In: ICDF. 1999 ICDF Annual Report – Special Report. 67-70.
[GM02]: Chancellor, F. 1996. Women in Irrigation: Case studies of schemes in the Gambia, Kenya
and South Africa. HR Wallingford, UK. Report no OD/TN 82.
[GM03]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tile
071-166. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[GM04]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Gambia, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/gambia/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
By year 2000, area equipped for irrigation in formal irrigation schemes consisted of 8587 ha
in public schemes and 10 413 ha in private schemes [GH01]. The extent of informal peri-
urban irrigation is not exactly known. In the area around Kumasi about 11 900 ha of peri-
urban irrigation were reported [GH01] and the total extent of peri-urban irrigation in Ghana
was estimated at 40 000 ha [GH02]. Total area equipped for irrigation is therefore 59 000 ha.
No sub-national statistics on the extent of irrigated lands have been available, but the location
and corresponding area equipped for irrigation of the existing 22 public irrigation schemes
was available (GH03]. The peri-urban irrigation was reported to appear in a 40 km radius
around the city centre of Kumasi [GH04]. Additionally some peri-urban irrigation was
assigned to the surrounding of Accra, Takoradi and Tamale [GH02]. The location of the
private schemes was unknown. Their corresponding irrigation area was assigned to areas
which were classified as irrigable on a map available in the AQUASTAT library [GH05].
While the area in formal irrigation schemes is irrigated with surface water [GH01], farmers in
informal irrigation use different water sources like shallow wells, streams, waste water or
pipe-born water [GH02]. Based on the information in [GH02] it was estimated that 3 percent
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
of the informal irrigation area is irrigated with waste water, 30 percent with groundwater and
67 percent with surface water resulting in 12 000 ha of area equipped for irrigation with
groundwater, 45 800 ha of area equipped for irrigation with surface water and 1200 ha of area
equipped for irrigation with water from non-conventional sources. It was assumed that 3000
ha of the area equipped for irrigation was not actually irrigated [GH01] resulting in an total
area actually irrigated of 56 000 ha.
[GH01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Ghana, FAO, Rome,
aquastat/countries_regions/ghana/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[GH02]: Drechsel, P., Graefe, S., Sonou, M., Cofie, O. 2006. Informal irrigation in urban West Africa:
an overview. Research Report 102, International Water Management Institute (IWMI),
Colombo, Sri Lanka,
index.aspx, 19/08/2009.
[GH03]: Ghana Irrigation Development Authority (GIDA). 2001. General information on public
irrigation projects in Ghana.
[GH04]: HR Wallingford. 2002. Informal irrigation in peri-urban areas. Institutional aspects and
options for improvement. KAR Project R7132.
[GH05]: Unknown. 1985. Existing and proposed irrigation projects in Ghana. Map available in the
AQUASTAT library.
Area equipped for irrigation and area actually irrigated is 20 386 ha in full/partial control
schemes, 74 528 ha in equipped wetlands and thus 94 914 ha in total [GN01]. The figures
refer to year 2001.
The location and command area for 13 irrigation schemes was derived from the FAO-map of
irrigated areas in Africa [GN02]. The total irrigated area in these schemes is summing up to
6870 ha. The remaining irrigated area was distributed according to the GLC2000 land cover
map for Africa [GN03] to areas classified as "Mangrove", "Irrigated cropland", "Mosaic of
cropland and woody vegetation" or "Mosaic of forest and cropland". First it was made sure
that 50 850 ha irrigated area was assigned to areas classified as "Mangrove" (see [GN01]).
After area equipped for irrigation was assigned also to the other land cover types beginning
with "Irrigated cropland", then "Mosaic of cropland and woody vegetation" and finally if
necessary also to areas classified as "Mosaic of forest and cropland" with the lowest priority.
2.3 percent (460 ha) of the area equipped for irrigation in full/partial control schemes is
irrigated with groundwater while the remaining part is irrigated with water from surface water
sources [GN01].
[GN01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Guinea, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/guinea/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[GN02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[GN03]: Mayaux, P., Bartholomé, E., Cabral, A., Cherlet, M., Defourny, P., Di Gregorio, A., Diallo,
O., Massart, M., Nonguierma, A., Pekel, J.-F., Pretorius, C., Vancutsem, C., and
Vasconcelos, M. 2003. The Land Cover Map for Africa in the Year 2000. European
Commision Joint Research Centre, available at:
Guinea Bissau
Area equipped for irrigation is 8562 ha in full/partial control schemes, 13 996 ha in equipped
wetlands and thus 22 558 ha in total [GW01]. The figures refer to year 1996. No sub-national
statistics on the extent of irrigated lands have been available.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
202.5 ha of irrigated area was first assigned to three known projects (Carantabà, Contubuol
and Bafatà) as mentioned in the country profile [GW01]. The remaining fraction of full/partial
control area (8449.5 ha) was assigned to areas along the Geba river [GW01] as digitized from
satellite imagery [GW02]. The 13 996 ha of irrigated area reported to be in mangroves
[GW01] was assigned to land locked areas classified as "Mangrove" or "Irrigated cropland" in
the GLC2000 land cover dataset for Africa [GW03].
Area actually irrigated was similar to area equipped for irrigation in year 1996. 6 percent of
the 8562 ha in full/partial control schemes are irrigated with groundwater, 8 percent with
surface water and the remaining 86 percent with a mixture of water from both sources
[GW01]. By assuming a contribution of 50 percent groundwater in water from mixed sources
area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed as 4195 ha.
[GW01]:FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Guinea Bissau, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/guineabissau/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[GW02]:Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tile
071-166. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[GW03]:Mayaux, P., Bartholomé, E., Cabral, A., Cherlet, M., Defourny, P., Di Gregorio, A., Diallo,
O., Massart, M., Nonguierma, A., Pekel, J.-F., Pretorius, C., Vancutsem, C., and
Vasconcelos, M. 2003. The Land Cover Map for Africa in the Year 2000. European
Commision Joint Research Centre, available at:
Area equipped for irrigation is 103 203 ha [KE01]. The figures refer to year 2003.
The irrigated was first assigned to projects as indicated by the FAO project database [KE02]
and additionally 20 ha of irrigated area was assigned to projects identified by using a map of
irrigation schemes [KE03]. The remaining area was distributed to areas that were classified by
AFRICOVER as irrigated, rice or coffee [KE04] or as irrigated by the IGAD land use data
base [KE05]. Additionally irrigated area was digitized from satellite imagery [KE06] for some
areas where irrigation is known to be practised (map in [KE01]). This procedure worked fine
for six of the eight provinces. For the Western province only 563 ha irrigated area were
reported by the statistics but according to the geographical records there should be much
more. The FAO project database lists three projects of together 1685 ha irrigated land for this
province and additionally 98 schemes were identified on the map of irrigation schemes in
Kenya. Thus we would expect to find about 4000 ha irrigated area there. However, to be
consistent to the statistics it was decided to distribute 421 ha to the three large projects
derived from the FAO project database (25 percent of their command area) and the remaining
irrigated area was distributed to the 98 small scale schemes (about 1.4 ha to each of them). In
contrast, the statistics reported 5803 ha irrigated area for the North Eastern province, while no
schemes could be identified there. Because there is also no irrigated land, rice or coffee
according to AFRICOVER or irrigated land according to the IGAD land use, it was decided
to distribute the irrigated area over other cultivated land as derived from AFRICOVER
Area actually irrigated was 94 percent (97011 ha) of area equipped for irrigation in year 2003
while 1 percent of the area equipped for irrigation was irrigated with groundwater [KE01].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[KE01]: FAO. 2006. AQUASTAT country profile Kenya. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/kenya/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[KE02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[KE03]: Unknown. Irrigation schemes in Kenya. Map available in the AQUASTAT-library.
[KE04]: FAO. 2005. AFRICOVER, Kenya - Spatially Aggregated Multipurpose Landcover database,
FAO, Rome, Italy,, 13/12/2004.
[KE05]: Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). Land use classification of Kenya., 14/07/2008.
[KE06]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-266, 071-281, 071-698 and 071-705. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[KE07]: FAO. 2005. AFRICOVER, Kenya - Thematic Agriculture Aggregation, FAO, Rome, Italy,, 13/12/2004.
Area equipped for irrigation is 2637 ha [LS01]. The figures refer to year 1999.
The location and extent of 6 irrigation schemes covering 570 ha were derived from the FAO
irrigation map for Africa [LS02]. Additionally 17 areas classified as "Cultivated: temporary -
commercial irrigated" covering 726 ha in total were derived from a land cover database for
South Africa [LS03]. Areas classified as "Cultivated: temporary - commercial dryland",
"Cultivated: temporary - semi-commercial/subsistence dryland", "Improved grassland" or
"Herbland" were derived from the same data set. Irrigated area was assigned to those areas
using the priorities documented in Table A2, if the areas were located in four zones marked as
irrigated on the FAO irrigation map for Africa [LS02]. For the district of Leribe also areas
outside these zones were considered.
Area actually irrigated was only 67 ha in year 1999. While the large scale schemes (mainly
sprinkler irrigation) went completely out of operation, small scale irrigation for vegetable
production was successful. Rivers are the water source of large scale schemes and water for
small scale agriculture and home gardens is extracted from the domestic supply system or
from small streams or ponds using pumps. Irrigation potential from groundwater is limited to
the area around Maputsoe [LS04]. Based on this information area equipped for irrigation with
groundwater was estimated at 50 ha (2 percent) of the total area equipped for irrigation.
Priorities used to distribute irrigated area within the districts of Lesotho.
Data set Attribute Priority
[LS02] Irrigation project (point feature) 6
[LS03] Cultivated: temporary - commercial irrigated 6
[LS03] Cultivated: temporary - commercial dryland 5
[LS03] Improved grassland 4
[LS03] Herbland 4
[LS03] Cultivated: temporary - semi-commercial/subsistence dryland 3
[LS01]: FAO and World Bank. 1999. Lesotho smallholders irrigation initiative. Exploratory Mission
[LS02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[LS03]: Thompson, M.W. 1999. South African national land cover data set. Council for Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR), Satellite Applications Centre. CD-ROM, available at:
[LS04]: FAO. 2006. AQUASTAT country profile Lesotho. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/lesotho/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation is 2100 ha with the majority (2000 ha) in equipped wetlands
[LR01]. The figures refer to year 1987. No up-to-date information or sub-national information
on irrigated areas in Liberia is available.
Irrigated area was assigned to areas which were classified as "Mosaic forest / cropland" in the
GLC2000 land cover dataset for Africa [LR02] and which additionally were located within
three zones marked as irrigated on the FAO irrigation map for Africa [LR03].
Based on the qualitative information contained in the AQUASTAT country reports [LR01]
and groundwater use in neighbouring country Guinea, percentage of irrigation area from
groundwater was estimated at 0.5 percent.
[LR01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Liberia, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/liberia/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[LR02]: Mayaux, P., Bartholomé, E., Cabral, A., Cherlet, M., Defourny, P., Di Gregorio, A., Diallo,
O., Massart, M., Nonguierma, A., Pekel, J.-F., Pretorius, C., Vancutsem, C., and
Vasconcelos, M. 2003. The Land Cover Map for Africa in the Year 2000. European
Commision Joint Research Centre, available at:
[LR03]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
Area equipped for irrigation is reported to be about 470 000 ha, while area actually irrigated
was estimated at 316 000 ha [LY01]. The figures refer to year 2000. Irrigation infrastructure
that is still functioning was reported for year 1999 by province [LY02]. The total area added
up to 360 500 ha. However, it was also stated, that the study may underestimate the real
extent of private irrigation, which is dominant in Libya. Therefore, to compute area equipped
for irrigation by province, area equipped for irrigation in private schemes was scaled so that
the total area equipped for irrigation meets the figures reported for the whole country for year
The position and extent of the public irrigation schemes was digitized from maps published in
[LY02]. The command area of these schemes was also given in these report and summed up
to about 88 000 ha. Additionally, some irrigated areas were digitized from maps published in
[LY03] and from a map belonging to the AQUASTAT country profile [LY01]. These areas
were assumed to represent the major areas of private irrigation. The shape of the boundaries
of all digitized irrigation areas were improved by using satellite imagery [LY04].
By far the most irrigation schemes are using groundwater. Only 0.65 percent (3000 ha) of the
total area equipped for irrigation is using water from surface water sources and on a similar
acreage wastewater is used [LY01]. These areas were assigned to the northern plains while for
the rest of the country it was assumed that irrigation is completely from groundwater.
[LY01]: FAO. 2006. AQUASTAT country profile Libya, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/libya/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[LY02]: Palas, P., and Salem, O. 2000. Water resources utilisation and management of the Socialist
People Arab Jamahiriya. 65 pp. Report available in the AQUASTAT-library.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[LY03]: Schliephake, K. 1993. Libyens Bewässerung und der "Große künstliche Fluß". In H. Popp &
K. Rother, eds. Die Bewässerungsgebiete im Mittelmeerraum, pp. 185-192. Passau,
Germany, Passavia Universitätsverlag.
[LY04]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-217, 071-218, 071-219, 071-231, 071-232, 071-233, 071-242, 071-243, 071-244 and 071-
245. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Area equipped for irrigation is 1 086 291 ha [MG01]. The figures refer to year 2000. The
disaggregation of the irrigated area to the province level is based on figures reported for the
year 1992. The equipped area per province for this year added up to 1 087 000 ha in total and
was scaled so that the sum fits to the national value reported for the year 2000.
The location and command area of 38 irrigation schemes was derived from the FAO irrigation
map for Africa [MG02]. The total command area of these schemes was 154 520 ha. 13
polygons representing other irrigation areas where derived from the same map. The location
of 158 irrigation projects was derived from another irrigation map [MG03]. The boundaries
from 14 other irrigation areas where digitized from a map published in [MG04]. In the next
step cultivated areas were digitized from satellite imagery [MG05] if they were located inside
the polygons digitized before or around the points representing irrigation projects. Those areas
that were marked as irrigated on the irrigation maps and additionally also found to be
cultivated got the highest priority in the distribution process. After some irrigation was also
distributed to the other areas assumed to represent widespread small scale irrigation.
Area actually irrigated was 1 080 691 ha in year 2000 and completely based on the use of
surface water sources [MG01].
[MG01]:FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Madagascar, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/madagascar/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[MG02]:FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[MG03]:O.N.E. (unknown). Les perimeters irrigués. Map showing the location of the GPI and PPI
projects, available in the AQUASTAT library.
[MG04]:Achtnich, W. 1980. Bewässerungslandbau. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, Germany.
[MG05]:Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-714, 071-715, 071-716, 071-717, 071-720, 071-721 and 071-722. Sioux Falls, USA,
Area equipped for irrigation is 56 390 ha [MW01]. The figures refer to year 2002. Irrigated
area per province was available for the 25 550 ha of formal irrigation only and neglected
informal irrigation and parts of the small-scale irrigation. Therefore total area equipped for
irrigation was not available at the sub-national scale.
The location and command area of 16 irrigation schemes was derived from the FAO irrigation
map for Africa [MW02]. The total irrigated area of these projects was 15 855 ha. The outlines
of the two largest schemes (Sucoma and Dwanga) with a command area of 13 000 ha were
digitized from Satellite Imagery [MW03]. The satellite images were also used in the
background to digitize cultivated areas near Nkota-Kota, Mulanje and Thyolo representing the
areas of irrigated sugar cane, coffee or tea mentioned in the AQUASTAT country profile
[MW01]. The remaining irrigated area (about 8 000 ha of small scale rice and vegetable
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
growing areas) was assigned to areas classified as "cropland" in the GLC2000 land cover
dataset for Africa [MW04].
In year 1992 about 96 percent of the area equipped for irrigation was actually irrigated and
only 0.05 percent of the irrigated area was irrigated with groundwater [MW01]. It was
assumed that these fractions were similar in year 2000.
[MW01]: FAO. 2006. AQUASTAT country profile Malawi, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/malawi/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[MW02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[MW03]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-699, 071-700 and 071-701. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[MW04]: Mayaux, P., Bartholomé, E., Cabral, A., Cherlet, M., Defourny, P., Di Gregorio, A., Diallo,
O., Massart, M., Nonguierma, A., Pekel, J.-F., Pretorius, C., Vancutsem, C., and
Vasconcelos, M. 2003. The Land Cover Map for Africa in the Year 2000. European
Commision Joint Research Centre, available at:
Area equipped for irrigation is 235 791 ha [ML01]. The figures refer to year 2000. Table A4
in the AQUASTAT country profile [ML01] lists the different types of water managed areas
per region. However, figures for managed wetlands are not given separately for equipped and
non-equipped areas. To estimate total area equipped for irrigation per region it was assumed
therefore, that the 60 000 ha of non-equipped wetlands are located in regions of Segou, Mopti
and Tombouctou only and that the ratio of equipped versus non-equipped wetlands is the
same for all three regions.
The outlines of the irrigated areas of the country were digitized from a irrigation map present
in the AQUASTAT library [ML02]. The command area of 6 very large schemes covering 51
635 ha in total was derived from the FAO irrigation map for Africa [ML03]. The shapes of
the boundaries of the digitized irrigation areas were improved by using satellite imagery
75 percent of the total area equipped for irrigation was actually irrigated in year 2000 while
the area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was about 1000 ha (1 percent of area
equipped for irrigation in full/partial control schemes) [ML01].
[ML01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Mali, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/mali/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[ML02]: Ministere de l'Agriculture de l'Elevage et de la Peche. 2003. Carte d'Irrigation du Mali par
Regions Hydrauliques. Direction Nationale de L'Aménagement et de L'Equipement Rural
(DNAER). Map available in the AQUASTAT library.
[ML03]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[ML04]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-178, 071-179, 071-180, 071-190, 071-191, 071-192, 071-204 and 071-205. Sioux Falls,
Area equipped for irrigation is 45 012 ha, of which 40 261 ha are located along the Senegal
river and 4751 ha irrigated land is located in 218 oases [MR01]. The figures refer to year
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
The irrigated areas along the Senegal river were digitized from a map published as part of the
AQUASTAT country profile [MR02]. The oases were located using the Geographic Name
Server of the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
( The outlines of the irrigated areas were
improved by digitizing cultivated areas along the Senegal river and around the oases by using
satellite imagery [MR03].
Area actually irrigated in year 2004 was 22 840. The irrigation areas along the Senegal river
are using surface water for irrigation while groundwater is used for irrigation in the oases
[MR01]: MDRE. 1998. Politiques et stratégies générales pour le développement du secteur rural –
Horizon 2010.
[MR02]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Mauritania, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/mauritania/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[MR03]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-167, 071-168, 071-179, 071-180 and 071-181. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Area equipped for irrigation is 21 543 ha [MU01]. The figures refer to year 2009.
Irrigated areas were digitized from a map available in the AQUASTAT library [MU02]. The
command area of the operating schemes of the Irrigation Authority was also indicated on this
map (in total 4571 ha). Irrigated area was also distributed to schemes classified as "operating
projects by private sector". The remaining irrigated area was distributed to areas classified as
"projects under design or construction" or "potential irrigable". For the Central district
irrigated area was additionally assigned to cultivated areas as digitized from satellite imagery
About 98 percent of the area equipped for irrigation are actually irrigated [MU04].
Groundwater is used for irrigation on 25 percent of the areas equipped for irrigation [MU04]
while the remaining areas are using water from surface water sources.
[MU01]: Central Statistics Office. 2009. Digest of agricultural statistics 2009., 06/10/2010.
[MU02]: Unknown. 2002. Irrigation projects. Map available in the AQUASTAT library.
[MU03]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tile
071-729. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[MU04]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Mauritius, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/mauritius/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
Area equipped for irrigation is 1 484 160 ha [MA01]. The figures refer to year 2004.
191 Irrigated areas for the northern part of the country were digitized from an irrigation map
published in [MA02] while the main irrigated areas for the southern part were digitized from a
map belonging to the AQUASTAT country profile [MA01]. For the northern part of the
country additionally some irrigated areas were derived from the CORINE land cover database
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
for Europe [MA03]. Finally the shapes of the boundaries of the digitized irrigation areas were
improved by using satellite imagery [MA04].
Area actually irrigated was 1 448 011 ha in year 2004 [MA01]. The separation of irrigated
areas from groundwater and surface water for the public irrigation schemes was based on
Table A3 in [MA05] and AQUASTAT data reported in Tables 12 and 13 of the country
profile Morocco [MA01]. Irrigated area of private irrigation schemes was available for 16
regions distinguishing wells, springs, reservoirs, treated waste water, mixed sources and water
from transfers [MA05]. The total area of private irrigation schemes in year 2002 was 626 609
ha and more than 90 percent used groundwater. In contrast, public irrigation schemes mainly
used irrigation water extracted from surface water sources [MA01]. Total groundwater
irrigation area computed that way was 677 201 ha (46 percent of total), area irrigated with
surface water was 804 221 ha (54 percent) and the remaining 2738 ha represent areas irrigated
with treated wastewater.
[MA01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Morocco, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/morocco/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[MA02]: Popp, H. 1993. Morocco's "policy of dams" and its consequences for irrigation agriculture (in
german). In H. Popp & K. Rother, eds. Die Bewässerungsgebiete im Mittelmeerraum, pp. 161-
164. Passau, Germany, Passavia Universitätsverlag.
[MA03]: EEA. 1999. Corine land cover (CLC1990).
[MA04]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-169, 071-181, 071-182, 071-183, 071-193, 071-194 and 071-195. Sioux Falls, USA,
[MA05]: FAO. 2008. Etude sur la gestion des eaux souterraines dans des pays pilotes du Proche-
Orient. Etude de Cas du Maroc. Bureau régional de la FAO pour le Proche-Orient, Cairo,
Area equipped for irrigation is 118 120 ha [MZ01]. The figures refer to the period 2001-2003.
The position of 448 irrigation schemes with a total area equipped for irrigation of 117 027 ha
was derived from a detailed inventory of irrigation projects [MZ01]. The outlines of 14
irrigation schemes with a command area larger than 1000 ha were digitized from satellite
imagery [MZ02], while the irrigated area of the other schemes was assigned to the positions
of the projects as reported in the inventory.
Area actually irrigated was 40 463 ha in year 2002 [MZ01]. In most irrigation schemes of
Mozambique surface water from rivers is being used. Groundwater is used to a very limited
extent by the family smallholder sector [MZ03]. Based on this qualitative information it was
assumed that groundwater is used by 10 percent of the small scale schemes (<50 ha). This
resulted in a total of 639 ha (about 0.5 percent of the total irrigation area).
[MZ01]: Direccão nacional de hidraulica agricola (DNHA). 2003. Sínteso do Levantamento nacional
dos regadios 2001 e 2003. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Republic of
Mozambique. Maputo.
[MZ02]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-700, 071-701, 071-702, 071-703, 071-707 and 071-708. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[MZ03]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Mozambique, FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation is 7573 ha [NA01]. The figures refer to year 2002. Irrigated area
per river basin was available for year 1999 and adds up to 7318 ha [NA02]. The statistics
presented in both reports were combined to an inventory of schemes irrigating with
groundwater [NA03] to compute area equipped for irrigation per basin for the year 2002.
Irrigated area for the following basins were derived from report [NA02]: Orange (2054 ha),
Fish (2312 ha), Nossob (67 ha), Swakop (174 ha), Omaruru (73 ha), Ugab (198 ha), Huab (38
ha) and Hoanib (64 ha). According to the project-based statistics reported in [NA01] irrigated
area of Zambezi basin was set to 200 ha and that one of Okavango basin and its upstream sub-
basins to 1350 ha. Area equipped for irrigation in the Auob basin was set to 329 ha according
to [NA03]. The total area equipped for irrigation as assigned that way adds up to 6859 ha and
the remaining area of 714 ha was assigned to the Cunene basin and the Cuvelai area.
The location and command area of five large irrigation schemes was derived from the FAO
irrigation map for Africa [NA04]. The shapes of the boundaries of the digitized irrigation
areas were improved by using satellite imagery [NA05]. The total area equipped for irrigation
in these schemes was reported to be 5350 ha. The remaining irrigated area was assigned to
small scale irrigated areas fed by ground water as indicated on an irrigation map available in
the AQUASTAT library and to from an groundwater inventory related to the year 1999
Location and extent of schemes irrigating with groundwater was derived from an inventory
related to year 1999 [NA03]. Total AEI irrigated with groundwater according to this
inventory was 1632 ha or 22 percent of total AEI. The sum of AEI irrigated with groundwater
was then computed for each of the 23 basins contained in version 4 of the GMIA as
subnational units of Namibia. It was assumed that AAI was similar to AEI.
[NA01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Namibia, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/namibia/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[NA02]: Windhoek Consulting Engineers (WCE). 2000. Analysis of Present and Future Water
Demand in Namibia.
[NA03] Christelis, G. and Struckmeier, W. (eds.). 2001. Groundwater in Namibia – an explanation to
the hydrogeological map. Dept. of Water Affairs, Division Geohydrology, Geological Survey of
Namibia, Namibia Water Corporation, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Mineral
Resources, Windhoek, Namibia and Hannover, Germany, 128 pp.
[NA04]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[NA05]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-680, 071-681, 071-682, 071-687, 071-688, 071-689 and 071-694. Sioux Falls, USA,
Area equipped for irrigation is 73 663 ha [NE01], of which about 60 000 ha are equipped
wetlands. The figures refer to year 2005. Irrigated area per district was available for year 2002
and adds up to 67 323 ha [NE02]. Irrigated areas in the provinces of Tillaberi and Tahoua
were scaled so that the country-totals meet the figures as reported for the year 2005.
The location and command area of 30 irrigation projects was derived from the FAO irrigation
map for Africa [NE03]. The total area equipped for irrigation in these schemes is 7700 ha.
Then irrigated area was also assigned to areas along the Niger river [NE01] and to cultivated
areas on river valley bottoms as digitized from satellite imagery [NE03].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area actually irrigated was 65 615 ha (89 percent of area equipped for irrigation) in year 2005
[NE01]. Percentage area irrigated from groundwater was set to the related percentage of
irrigation water use from groundwater (1.86 percent).
[NE01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Niger, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/niger/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[NE02]: FAO. 2002. Niger – Stratégie nationale de développement de l’irrigation et de collecte des
eaux de ruissellement.
[NE03]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-203, 071-204, 071-205, 071-215, 071-216, 071-217, 071-229, 071-230 and 071-231.
Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Area equipped for irrigation is 293 117 ha [NG01]. Recently published sub-national statistics
were available for the schemes controlled by the River Basin Development Authority
(RBDA) only [NG01]. Therefore irrigated area was assigned to river basins according to
figures originating from the AQUASTAT-library and refering to 1993. The irrigated area in
large and medium scale schemes adds up to 119 350 ha. Areas indicated as "Fadama type
irrigation" account for 181 000 ha, which brings the total to 300 350 ha. Irrigated area was
scaled so that the country-totals meet the figures as reported for the year 2004.
The location and extent of 65 public irrigation schemes was derived from a map and an
inventory published in [NG01] and from the FAO irrigation map for Africa [NA02]. The total
command area of these schemes was 81 103 ha. The boundaries of the 7 largest schemes (total
irrigated area of these schemes was 69 750 ha) were digitized from satellite imagery [NG03].
The remaining irrigated area was assigned to cultivated land in valley bottoms of the large
rivers as digitized from satellite imagery. [NG03].
Area actually irrigated was 218 840 ha in year 2004 [NG04]. Irrigation in the public irrigation
schemes is predominantly from surface water sources (rivers, lakes, reservoirs). An inventory
of 62 public irrigation schemes covering 82 205 ha listed 60 irrigation schemes having surface
water supply and two schemes (in total 240 ha) having supply from groundwater [NG01]. In
contrast, water supply in the private sector was reported to be mainly from shallow wells or
small streams [NG04]. It was assumed, that the percentage of irrigation area supplied from
groundwater for public and state farms was similar to the percentage reported in [NG01]
while for the private irrigation schemes 50 percent groundwater supply was assumed.
Irrigation in the traditional fadama-system was assigned to surface water supply because this
system represents wetland cultivation using flood recession water. Although it was reported
that farmers in the fadama-system also use wells to extract the water [NG04], most of these
structures are not permanent and move from year to year. This procedure resulted in 66 800
ha area equipped for irrigation with groundwater (about 23 percent of total equipped area).
[NG01]: Enplan Group. 2004. Review of the Public Irrigation Sector in Nigeria. Draft Final Report of
Project UTF/046/NIR/UTF.
[NG02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[NG03]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-201, 071-202, 071-203, 071-213, 071-214, 071-215, 071-228 and 071-229. Sioux Falls,
[NG04]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Nigeria, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/nigeria/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Réunion (France)
Area equipped for irrigation is 8811 ha [RE01]. The figures refer to year 2007. No sub-
national information on areas equipped for irrigation was available, but it was reported that
irrigation is mainly related to sugar cane cultivation and that about 80 percent of the irrigated
area is located in the southern part of the island [RE02].
Irrigated areas were digitized from irrigation maps published in [RE02], [RE03] and [RE04].
The shapes of the boundaries of the digitized irrigation areas were improved by using satellite
imagery [RE05].
Area actually irrigated in year 2007 was 8276 ha [RE01]. According to the French farm
structure survey undertaken in year 2003 the area irrigated from surface water was 4110 ha,
the area irrigated from groundwater was 330 ha and the area irrigated from mixed sources or
from the public network was 19 050 ha for the entire area of the French over-sea departments
[RE06]. Groundwater was the source of 9 percent of the water withdrawals in the agricultural
sector and of 46 percent of the water withdrawals in the domestic sector in Réunion and year
2007 [RE07]. Based on these statistics and considering the importance of public networks in
irrigation water supply, area irrigated with groundwater was estimated at 20 percent for
[RE01]: Ministère de l’agriculture, de l’alimentation, de la pêche, de la ruralité et de
l’aménagement du territoire. 2010. AGRESTE, Données en ligne, Structure des
exploitations., 06/10/2010.
[RE02]: Saque, C., Fusillier, J.-L., Choisis, J.-P. 2003. Canne à sucre, état des lieux : irrigation et
diversification. Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques (INSEE), Revue
économie de La Réunion 114, pp. 15-17 (available at:
[RE03]: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. 1975. Atlas des Départements Francais d'
Outre-Mer, I – La Réunion.
[RE04]: Achtnich, W. 1980. Bewässerungslandbau. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, Germany.
[RE05]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tile
071-729. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[RE06]: European Commission. 2009. Ad hoc tables from the farm structure survey. European
Commission, EUROSTAT,
[RE07]: IFEN, 2009. Ensemble Intégré des Descripteurs de l'Environnement Régional (EIDER). Institut
Français de l'Environnement (IFEN),, 06/10/2010.
Area equipped for irrigation is 8500 ha [RW01]. The figures refer to year 2000. No sub-
national information on areas equipped for irrigation was available.
The location and command area of 6 irrigation projects was derived from the FAO irrigation
map for Africa [RW02]. The total area equipped for irrigation in these schemes is 2005 ha.
The remaining irrigated area was assigned to polygons classified as irrigated by the FAO-
AFRICOVER data base [RW03].
Based on the qualitative information contained in the AQUASTAT country report [RW01]
and groundwater use in neighbouring countries (Cameroon, Congo) it was assumed that only
1 percent of the irrigation area has groundwater supply.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[RW01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Rwanda, FAO, Rome,
aquastat/countries_regions/rwanda/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[RW02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[RW03]: FAO. 2005. AFRICOVER, Rwanda - Spatially Aggregated Multipurpose Landcover database,
FAO, Rome, Italy,, 13/12/2004.
Sao Tome and Principe
Area equipped for irrigation was 9700 ha in year 1991 [ST01]. No sub-national information
on areas equipped for irrigation was available.
The area equipped for irrigation was assigned to the North-Eastern part of the Sao Tome
island which was reported to receive the lowest amount of annual precipitation and to
temporary suffer from a precipitation deficit [ST01].
Based on the harvested area of irrigated crops reported in [ST01] for 1991 it was assumed that
the whole area equipped for irrigation was actually irrigated in that year. All irrigation is
reported to be from surface water sources [ST01].
[ST01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Sao Tome and Principe, FAO, Rome,,
Area equipped for irrigation is 119 680 ha [SN01]. The figures refer to year 2002. No sub-
national information on areas equipped for irrigation was available. However, based on
statistics in reports [SN02] and [SN03] 19 180 ha irrigated area were assigned to Casamance
basin, 10 000 ha to West Coast basins (Saloum, Sine and Car Car), 600 ha to Senegal oriental
(Gambia basin) and the remaining 89 900 ha were assigned to the Senegal river basin.
The location and extent of 7 large scale irrigation schemes (in total 15 500 ha) was derived
from the FAO irrigation map for Africa [SN04]. Additionally, irrigated land mapped in a land
use dataset [SN05] was extracted and cultivated land close to the Senegal river, in the Niayes
zone and along the other major rivers was digitized from satellite imagery [SN06].
Area actually irrigated was 69 000 ha in year 1996 while area equipped for irrigation with
groundwater was 10 218 ha (10 percent of irrigated area in full/partial control schemes) in
year 2002 [SN01].
[SN01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Senegal, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/senegal/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[SN02]: FAO. 1999. Sénégal – Stratégie de développement de la petite irrigation et plan d’action.
99/025 CP-SEN.
[SN03]: Association Régionale de l'Irrigation et du Drainage en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre.
2003. Compte-rendu de l'atelier de lancement du projet APPIA au Sénégal.
[SN04]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[SN05]: Leonardi, U. 2008. Senegal Land Cover Mapping. Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations,, 05/01/2010.
[SN06]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-166 and 071-167. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation is 260 ha [SC01]. The figures refer to year 2003. Sub-national
statistics on irrigated area per district added up to 362 ha [SC02] and were downscaled to
meet the country-totals.
Information on the location of irrigation projects of the country was not available. Since the
islands are also very small it was decided to distribute irrigated land equally within the
The area actually irrigated was 200 ha in year 2003. Groundwater use for irrigation is very
exceptional and occurs only in very dry periods when surface water bodies dry out [SC01].
Therefore it was assumed that water use for irrigation is completely from surface water
[SC01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Seychelles, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/seychelles/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[SC02]: Talma, W. and Bonne, G. 2001. Farmers on state land. Ministry of Agriculture and Marine
Sierra Leone
Area equipped for irrigation is 29 360 ha, of which 1000 ha belong to full/partial control
schemes and the remaining part to equipped wetlands [SL01]. The figures refer to year 1992.
No sub-national information on areas equipped for irrigation was available.
The location of 14 irrigation projects was derived from the FAO irrigation map for Africa
[SL02]. The related command area was given for 5 schemes and was summing up to 2030 ha.
The remaining irrigated area was assigned to cultivated land in mangroves or along the major
rivers as digitized from satellite imagery [SL03].
The land in full/partial control schemes was used to grow sugar cane in year 1992 but most of
the area in equipped lowlands was not operational [SL01]. Therefore, area actually irrigated
was estimated at 10 000 ha based on this qualitative information. Based on the qualitative
information contained in the AQUASTAT country reports [SL01] and groundwater use in
neighbouring country Guinea, percentage of irrigation area from groundwater was set to 20 ha
(2 percent of the area equipped for irrigation in full/partial control schemes).
[SL01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Sierra Leone, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/sierra_leone/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[SL02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[SL03]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-165, 071-166 and 071-177. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Before the outbreak of the civil war in 1991 area equipped for irrigation was 200 000 ha of
which 50 000 ha AEI was full/partial control surface irrigation and 150 000 ha spate irrigation
[SO01]. No sub-national statistical information on areas equipped for irrigation was available
but full/partial control irrigation was mainly practised along the Juba and Shabelle rivers in
the southern part of the country while in the dryer northern part of Somalia irrigation is
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
practised as small-scale irrigation in dry riverbeds or adjacent areas, using water pumped from
shallow wells and as spate irrigation.
Irrigated area was assigned to 15 irrigation projects according to their command area as
reported by the FAO irrigation map for Africa [SO02]. The total command area of these
schemes was 23 585 ha. Additionally, an irrigation area of 10 ha was assigned to 685
irrigation projects taken from an inventory of dams, drilled wells, dug wells and barrages
[SO03]. The remaining irrigated area was assigned to all areas classified as irrigated by the
AFRICOVER database [SO04]. These areas were grouped into three categories:
a) areas in which only irrigated crops are growing,
b) areas having a mixture of rainfed and irrigated crops with irrigated crops as main
c) areas having a mixture of rainfed and irrigated crops with rainfed crops as main crop.
It was assumed, that the irrigation density in category b) is 67 percent of the density in
category a) and that irrigation density in category c) is 33 percent of the density in category
The war has affected most of the full/partial control schemes in the south so that today hardly
any scheme is fully operational [SO05]. In contrast most of the small-scale irrigation in the
northern part is operational. To assign groundwater and surface water supplied irrigation
areas, the country was split into a northern part and a southern part. Water supply is the
southern part is from surface water [SO05]. 10 000 ha of groundwater irrigation representing
extraction of irrigation water from springs and by wells was assigned to the northern part
[SO06] and the remaining irrigation was assumed to be from surface water (representing spate
irrigation areas). Areas actually irrigated were estimated at 20 000 ha for the northern region
and 45 000 ha for the southern region.
[SO01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Somalia, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/somalia/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[SO02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[SO03]: SWALIM. 2010. SWALIM GeoNetwork,
main.home, 20/12/2010.
[SO04]: FAO. 2005. AFRICOVER, Somalia - Spatially Aggregated Multipurpose Landcover database.
FAO, Rome, Italy,, 13/12/2004.
[SO05]: SWALIM. 2007. Status of medium to large irrigation schemes in Southern Somalia. Project
Report W-05, Somalia Water and Land Information Management Project (SWALIM), Nairobi,
Kenya,, 27/08/2009.
[SO06]: SWALIM, 2007. Water Resources of Somalia. Project Report W-11, Somalia Water and Land
Information Management Project (SWALIM), Nairobi, Kenya,
index.php, 27/08/2009.
South Africa
Area equipped for irrigation is 1 498 000 ha [ZA01]. The figures refer to year 2000 and are
derived from a remote sensing based national land cover inventory [ZA02]. Sub-national
information on areas equipped for irrigation is available in the downloadable PDF file or
Excel file. However, the information refers to the same land cover inventory. To avoid a
replication of information, the statistics have not been used.
Area equipped for irrigation was assigned to grid cells by using the areas classified as
irrigated in the land cover inventory [ZA02].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area actually irrigated was assumed to be similar to area equipped for irrigation [ZA01]. Area
irrigated with groundwater was 8.5 percent of total area equipped for irrigation (127 330 ha)
in year 2000 while the remaining part was irrigated with surface water resources [ZA01].
[ZA01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile South Africa, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/south_africa/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[ZA02]: Thompson, M.W. 1999. South African national land cover database project. CSIR. Data set
on CD-ROM, available at:
Sudan and South Sudan
Area equipped for irrigation is 1 863 000 ha [SD01]. The figures refer to year 2000. No sub-
national statistics on areas equipped for irrigation were available.
Irrigated areas were derived from the AFRICOVER land cover data base [SD02]. However, it
was found that several large irrigation schemes were not detected as irrigated by the land
cover classification (e.g. Gash Delta, Tokar Delta, Aweil). Others were found to be
incomplete. Therefore the missing schemes were derived from the FAO irrigation map for
Africa [SD03] or digitized from another irrigation map [SD04]. The shapes of the boundaries
of the digitized irrigation areas were improved by using satellite imagery [SD05].
Area actually irrigated was 800 000 ha in year 2000. 4 percent of the equipped area in
full/partial control schemes (69 239 ha) was irrigated with groundwater in year 1995 while
surface water sources were used in the remaining part [SD01].
[SD01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Sudan, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/sudan/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[SD02]: FAO. 2005. AFRICOVER, Sudan - Spatially Aggregated Multipurpose Landcover database.
FAO, Rome, Italy,, 13/12/2004.
[SD03]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[SD04]: unknown. Sudan. Irrigated and rainfed projects – hydropower project. Map at scale 1 : 4 Mio,
available in the AQUASTAT-library.
[SD05]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-201, 071-202, 071-203, 071-213, 071-214, 071-215, 071-228 and 071-229. Sioux Falls,
Area equipped for irrigation is 49 843 ha [SZ01]. The figures refer to year 2000. Sub-national
statistics add up to 49 860 ha [SZ02] and were scaled to fit to the statistics reported in the
AQUASTAT-country profile at the national level.
Areas equipped for irrigation were digitized from a map published in [SZ02] or derived from
the South-African land cover data base [SZ03]. The shapes of the boundaries of the digitized
irrigation areas were improved by using satellite imagery [SZ04].
In year 2002 area actually irrigated was 90 percent of the area equipped for irrigation (44 859
ha) [SZ01]. Public and private large scale schemes usually extract the irrigation water from
reservoirs, while in small scale private schemes irrigation water is normally abstracted
directly from the rivers using electric pumps [SZ02]. Based on this information area equipped
for irrigation with groundwater was estimated at 1000 ha.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[SZ01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Swaziland, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/swaziland/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[SZ02]: Riddell, P. J. and Manyatsi, A. M. 2003. Water use challenges and opportunities in the
Swaziland agricultural sector. FAO / Government of Swaziland, TCP/SWA/2801(A).
[SZ03]: Thompson, M.W. 1999. South African national land cover database project. CSIR. Data set
on CD-ROM, available at:
[SZ04]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tile
071-703. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Area equipped for irrigation is 7300 ha [TG01]. The figures refer to year 1996. Sub-national
statistics on areas equipped for irrigation were available for the full/partial control areas (2300
ha) only, but were missing for equipped wetlands (5000 ha). Therefore the sub-national
statistics could not be used.
Irrigated area was assigned to 6 irrigation projects (point data) as derived from the FAO
irrigation map for Africa [TG02]. The total area equipped for irrigation in these schemes was
2900 ha. The remaining area was assigned to 4 irrigation areas (polygon data) derived from
the same map.
Area actually irrigated was 86 percent of the area equipped for irrigation (6278 ha) in year
1996 while area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 2 percent of the area in
full/partial control schemes (46 ha) in year 1990 [TG01].
[TG01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Togo, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/togo/indexfra.stm, 06/10/2010.
[TG02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
Area equipped for irrigation for the 23 governorates was available for year 2000 and added up
to 394 063 ha. Area equipped for irrigation in full/partial control schemes was 366 993 ha
while spate irrigation areas covered 27 070 ha [TN01]. Area equipped for irrigation in
full/partial control schemes increased to 428 000 ha in year 2006 [TN02] with 49.5 percent in
the North, 36.2 percent in the Centre and 14.4 percent in the South. Area equipped for
irrigation in full/partial control schemes per governorate was scaled so that the sum of the
areas in the governorates was similar to the statistics reported for the entire region. Total area
equipped for irrigation per governorate was then computed by adding the spate irrigation
areas reported for year 2000.
The location and command area of 18 small scale irrigation projects was derived from the
FAO irrigation map for Africa [TN03] while the large scale irrigation areas were digitized
from several irrigation maps ([TN04], [TN05] and [TN06]). Finally the shapes of the
boundaries of the digitized irrigation areas were improved by using satellite imagery [TN07].
Area actually irrigated was 405 000 ha in year 2005 [TN02]. Area equipped for irrigation with
groundwater and with surface water was computed for the three regions North, Centre and
South from another report [TN08]. The computed country totals agree well with statistics
reported in the AQUASTAT country profile [TN01].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[TN01]: DGPDIA - S/D STAT. 2000. Résultats de l'enquête sur les périmètes irrigués en intensif.
Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Environnement et des Ressources en Eau.
[TN02]: Government of Tunisia. 2008. Rapport d’investissement par pays Tunisie. High-level
conference on water for agriculture and energy in Africa: the challenges of climate change,
Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, December 15-17, 2008,,
[TN03]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[TN04]: Achenbach, H. 1994. Tunesien – Zur Konkurrenz der Wassernutzung und der
wasserabhängigen Wirtschaftszweige. In H. Popp & K. Rother, eds. Die Bewässerungsgebiete
im Mittelmeerraum, map on p. 167. Passau, Germany, Passavia Universitätsverlag.
[TN05]: Unknown. Irrigation areas of Tunisia, map available from the AQUASTAT library.
[TN06]: Framji, K., Garg, B., Luthra, S. (1983): Irrigation and Drainage in the World, Volume III, p.
1366, ICID, New Delhi, India.
[TN07]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-219 and 071-220. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[TN08]: AGRIDEV. 2009. Agriculture-périmètres irrigués. AGRIDEV Consulting team-Tunisia,, 28/08/2009.
Area equipped for irrigation is 9150 ha [UG01]. The figures refer to year 1998. Area equipped
for irrigation in full or partial control irrigation [UG02] was 5580 ha, while the extent of
equipped lowlands was 3570 ha [UG01].
The location and command area of 15 irrigation projects was derived from the FAO irrigation
map for Africa [UG03]. The total area equipped for irrigation in these schemes was 8120 ha.
The remaining area was assigned to areas classified as irrigated, rice or sugar cane in the FAO
AFRICOVER data base [UG04].
Area actually irrigated was 5900 ha in year 1998 [UG01]. Based on the qualitative
information contained in the AQUASTAT country report [UG01] and groundwater use in
neighbouring countries (Cameroon, Congo) it was assumed that only 1 percent of the
irrigation area has groundwater supply.
[UG01]: FAO. 2006. AQUASTAT country profile Uganda, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/uganda/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[UG02]: IPTRID. 1998. Irrigation sub-sector review, Uganda. Draft Report.
[UG03]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[UG04]: FAO. 2005. AFRICOVER, Uganda - Spatially Aggregated Multipurpose Landcover database.
FAO, Rome, Italy,, 13/12/2004.
United Republic of Tanzania
According to an inventory of irrigation schemes prepared for the National Irrigation Master
Plan (NIMP), area equipped for irrigation was 184 330 ha in year 2002 [TZ01]. In contrast the
agricultural census 2003 reported 166 710 ha of area equipped for irrigation in small-scale
farms [TZ02] and 27 054 ha in large-scale farms [TZ03], which is summing up to 193 764 ha.
Both inventories disagreed significantly in reported irrigated areas, in particular at the district
level but also at the region level. Reasons for the disagreement maybe that the census was a
sample census considering less than 30 percent of all villages and the use of different
definitions for irrigated land (e.g. related to rainwater harvesting). Area equipped for
irrigation was therefore computed as the average of the irrigated areas reported by the census
reports and the NIMP (189 047 ha in total).
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Irrigated area was assigned first to 517 irrigation projects derived from the FAO irrigation
map for Africa [TZ04] or digitized from another irrigation map [TZ05]. The remaining
irrigated area was assigned to areas classified as cultivated by the FAO AFRICOVER land
cover data base ([TZ06], [TZ07]) using the priorities given in Table A3.
It was assumed that area actually irrigated was similar to area equipped for irrigation [TZ08].
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed based on the number of farms
using the water sources river, lake, canal, dam, well, and borehole reported for each district in
the census reports ([TZ02], [TZ03]), resulting in an area irrigated with groundwater of 17 465
ha (9.2 percent of total area equipped for irrigation) while the remaining area is irrigated by
using surface water sources.
Priorities used to assign irrigated area to the areas classified as cultivated in the AFRICOVER
data base for Tanzania.
Attribute Priority
Sugar cane 5
Rice 5
Tree or shrub crop 4
Herbaceous crop 4
Tree or shrub crop (60% polygon area) 3
Herbaceous crop (60% polygon area) 3
Tree or shrub crop (40% polygon area) 2
Herbaceous crop (40% polygon area) 2
Tree or shrub crop (15% polygon area) 1
Herbaceous crop (15% polygon area) 1
[TZ01]: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MAFS) and Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA). 2002. The Study on the National Irrigation Master Plan in the United Republic
of Tanzania. Prepared by Nippon Koei CO. Ltd. and Nippon Giken Inc.
[TZ02]: National Bureau of Statistics. 2007. National sample census of agriculture 2002 / 2003.
Volume V, Regional reports. National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Security, Ministry of Water and Livestock Development, Ministry of Cooperatives and
Marketing, Presidents Office, Regional Administration and Local Government, Ministry of
Finance and Economic Affairs – Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,, 28/08/2009.
[TZ03]: National Bureau of Statistics. 2006. National sample census of agriculture 2002 / 2003.
Large Scale Farm Report. National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Security, Ministry of Water and Livestock Development, Ministry of Cooperatives and
Marketing, Presidents Office, Regional Administration and Local Government, Ministry of
Finance and Economic Affairs – Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,, 28/08/2009.
[TZ04]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[TZ05]: Unknown. Distribution of irrigation schemes on irrigation development potential map. Map
available in the AQUASTAT library.
[TZ06]: FAO. 2005. AFRICOVER, Tanzania - Spatially Aggregated Multipurpose Landcover database.
FAO, Rome, Italy,, 13/12/2004.
[TZ07]: FAO. 2005. AFRICOVER, Tanzania - Thematically Aggregated Multipurpose Landcover
database. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 13/12/2004.
[TZ08]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile United Republic of Tanzania, FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
Area equipped for irrigation is 155 912 ha [ZM01]. The figures refer to year 2002.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
The location and command area of 10 irrigation projects was derived from the FAO irrigation
map for Africa [ZM02]. The total area equipped for irrigation in these schemes was 15 757
ha. The location of 14 additional schemes was digitized from an irrigation map [ZM03]. For
the provinces of Copperbelt, Central Lusaka and Southern center pivot schemes could be
digitized from satellite imagery [ZM04]. The satellite imagery was also used to assign the
remaining irrigated area to cultivated land in large river valleys or in the surrounding of
existing irrigation schemes.
Area actually irrigated was similar to area equipped for irrigation in year 2002 [ZM05]. Area
irrigated with groundwater was 6646 ha or 12 percent of the full/partial equipped irrigated
area in year 2002 [ZM05], most of it located on dolomite or limestone aquifers in the
copperbelt region (Jacob Burke, FAO, pers. communication). Based on this information and a
geological map of the Kafue basin [ZM06], 3000 ha AEI irrigated with groundwater were
assigned to each of the provinces of Copperbelt and Lusaka and the remaining part to the rest
of the country.
[ZM01]: Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. 2002. Strategic Plan for Irrigation Development
2002 - 2006. Draft strategy paper. 33 pages.
[ZM02]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[ZM03]: Unknown. Irrigation Projects. Map available in the AQUASTAT library.
[ZM04]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-686, 071-687, 071-692, 071-693, 071-694, 071-699, 071-700 and 071-701. Sioux Falls,
[ZM05]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Zambia. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/zambia/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[ZM06]: Burke, J. 1994. Approaches to integrated water resource development and management. The
Kafue Basin, Zambia. Natural Resources Forum 18(3), 181-192.
Area equipped for irrigation is 173 513 ha [ZW01]. The figures refer to year 1999. Irrigated
area per province adds up to 173 412 ha [ZW02]. The remaining 101 ha were assigned to
Bulawayo and Harare, because no statistics for these areas were available.
The location and command area of 33 irrigation projects was derived from the FAO irrigation
map for Africa [ZW03]. The total area equipped for irrigation in these schemes was 3830 ha.
The remaining irrigated area was assigned to center pivot schemes as digitized from satellite
imagery [ZW04] or to cultivated land in the surrounding of center pivot schemes.
Area actually irrigated was 123 866 ha (71.4 percent of area equipped for irrigation) in year
1999 [ZW01]. Most formal irrigation schemes in the country depend on water stored in small-
and medium-sized dams [ZW01]. It was estimated that more than 17 000 ha of agricultural
land are irrigated commercially using groundwater [ZW05]. It is however not reported
whether these statistics refer to the area actually irrigated or to the area equipped for
irrigation. Based on this information area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was
estimated at 20 000 ha.
[ZW01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Zimbabwe, FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/zimbabwe/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[ZW02]: Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement. 2002. Report on the status of
irrigation development in Zimbabwe.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[ZW03]: FAO. 1987 (updated in 2005). Irrigated areas in Africa. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[ZW04]: Earth Satellite Corporation, 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-694, 071-695, 071-701 and 071-702. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[ZW05]: Masiyandima, M. and Giordano, M. F. 2007. Sub-Saharan Africa: opportunistic exploitation.
In: Giordano, M. and Villholth, K. G., The agricultural groundwater revolution. Opportunities
and threads to development. International water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri
Lanka, 79-99,,
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
The update of the irrigation map to version 5 was the third update for Latin America and the
Caribbean and the second update for North America. In addition to the separation of area
equipped for irrigation according to the source of water, the following countries have been
updated due to new available spatial information: Belize, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia,
Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guyana, Guadeloupe, Guatemala,
Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia,
United States of America, Uruguay and Venezuela. Total area equipped for irrigation in the
Global Map of Irrigation for America changed due to this update from 48 384 877 ha in map
version 4 to 51 332 312 ha in version 5 (Table A4).
Area equipped for irrigation (AEI) and area actually irrigated (AAI) in America in the new
version 5 of the Global Map of Irrigation Areas compared to area AEI in the previous version 4.
Country AEI in
AEI in
total (ha)
AEI in
AEI in
surface water
AEI in
GMIA5, non-
sources (ha)
AAI in
GMIA5 (ha)
Antigua and Barbuda 130 130 20 111 0 130
Argentina 1,767,784 1,767,784 380,246 1,387,539 0 1,352,376
Bahamas 0 0 0 0 0 0
Barbados 1,000 1,000 900 100 0 1,000
Belize 3,000 3,548 792 2,756 0 3,548
Bolivia (Pluri-national
State of) 128,240 128,240 8,955 119,285 0 128,240
Brazil 3,149,217 4,463,691 969,527 3,494,164 0 4,463,691
Canada 785,046 1,218,345 156,379 1,061,966 0 845,737
Chile 1,900,000 1,936,402 58,900 1,877,502 0 1,084,382
Colombia 900,000 900,000 45,000 855,000 0 900,000
Costa Rica 103,084 103,084 17,524 85,560 0 103,084
Cuba 870,319 870,319 392,742 477,577 0 180,900
Dominica 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dominican Republic 269,710 306,442 67,417 239,025 0 296,128
Ecuador 863,370 853,332 105,120 748,213 0 615,429
El Salvador 44,993 52,452 3,086 49,366 0 33,196
French Guyana
(France) 2,000 5,931 297 5,634 0 5,895
Grenada 219 219 0 219 0 219
Guadeloupe (France) 2,000 6,635 664 5,972 0 3,583
Guatemala 129,803 142,499 31,011 111,488 0 142,499
Guyana 150,134 150,134 0 150,134 0 150,134
Haiti 91,502 91,502 13,725 77,777 0 65,469
Honduras 73,210 81,631 6,264 75,367 0 61,326
Jamaica 25,214 26,650 23,985 2,665 0 26,650
Martinique (France) 3,000 6,170 309 5,862 0 5,291
Mexico 6,435,800 6,817,240 2,815,434 4,001,805 0 5,310,622
Nicaragua 61,365 94,240 65,968 28,272 0 78,519
Panama 34,626 34,626 1,393 33,233 0 27,886
Paraguay 67,000 67,000 6,700 60,300 0 67,000
Peru 1,729,069 1,729,069 489,950 1,239,119 0 1,503,591
Puerto Rico (USA) 37,079 36,997 24,848 12,149 0 15,776
Saint Kitts and Nevis 18 18 9 9 0 18
Saint Lucia 297 3,321 0 3,321 0 3,321
Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines 0 0 0 0 0 0
Suriname 51,180 51,180 0 51,180 0 51,180
Trinidad and Tobago 3,600 3,600 360 3,240 0 3,060
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Country AEI in
AEI in
total (ha)
AEI in
AEI in
surface water
AEI in
GMIA5, non-
sources (ha)
AAI in
GMIA5 (ha)
United States of
America 27,913,872 28,375,752 18,384,053 9,991,699 0 22,904,924
United States Virgin
Islands (USA) 185 185 168 17 0 98
Uruguay 217,593 243,419 19,255 224,164 0 217,593
Venezuela (Bolivarian
Republic of) 570,219 759,524 151,905 607,619 0 683,095
AMERICA TOTAL 48,384,877 51,332,312 24,242,905 27,089,857 0 41,335,590
Antigua and Barbuda
For Antigua and Barbuda no information could be found on irrigated areas on sub-national
level. The total area equipped for irrigation is about 130 ha. The figure refers to 1997 [AG01].
The irrigated area has been equally distributed to areas, which are classified as cropland
according to the USGS Global Land Cover Classification map [AG02].
Area actually irrigated was similar to area equipped for irrigation in year 1997 [AG01].
Surface supplies were reported to be the main source of irrigation water with occasional use
of groundwater when municipal demand allows (AG01]). Based on this qualitative
information AEI irrigated with groundwater was estimated at 15 percent.
[AG01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Antigua and Barbuda. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
[AG02]: USGS. 2001. Global Land Cover Characterization, map version 2,, 10/08/2006.
Area equipped for irrigation in 1997 was reported at 2 328 829 ha, but 778 596 ha were under
rehabilitation so that only 1 550 233 ha were actually used [AR01]. According to the
agricultural census, the area actually irrigated was 1 065 000 ha in 1970, 1 246 748 ha in
1988, 1 437 275 ha in 1995 [AR02] and 1 355 601 ha in 2002 [AR03]. Sub-national statistics
were available by province and district but referred to the area actually irrigated. Area
equipped for irrigation by province as shown in Table A5 was therefore estimated by
selecting the maximum of the areas actually used for irrigation in the years 1995 and 2002
[AR02], [AR03], [AR04]. Total area equipped for irrigation estimated that way was summing
up to 1 767 784 ha. Area equipped for irrigation by district was computed by scaling the area
actually irrigated reported for the year 2002 [AR03] so that the sum of area actually irrigated
by province was equal to the figures reported in Table A5.
To distribute irrigated area within the districts irrigated area was assigned to irrigated areas
digitized from irrigation maps [AR05] and to areas classified as cropland in the GLC2000
land cover map for South America [AR06] located within polygons digitized from province
maps showing the irrigation districts [AR07]. If districts were located completely outside the
irrigation districts, area equipped for irrigation was assigned to all cells classified as cropland.
Area actually irrigated per district was available from the report of the agricultural census
2002 [AR03]. Area irrigated with groundwater was estimated for each district based on the
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
total number of farms irrigating by using different sources of water as reported by the
agricultural census 2002 [AR03]. Percentage of AEI irrigated with groundwater was
computed as 100 * NR_FARMS_GW / (NR_FARMS_GW + NR_FARMS_SW) where
NR_FARMS_GW was the number of farms irrigating using groundwater and
NR_FARMS_SW was the number of farms irrigating using surface water. The total area
irrigated with groundwater computed this way was 323 415 ha or 24 percent of the total
irrigated area reported by the census data base. This is close to the estimates reported by the
AQUASTAT country profile for year 1999 (26 percent).
Distribution of irrigated area in Argentina by Province.
Area actually
irrigated 2002
derived from
[AR03] in ha
Area actually
irrigated 1995
derived from
[AR02] in ha
Area actually
irrigated 1995
derived from
[AR04] in ha
Area equipped for
irrigation on
global map (ha)
Buenos Aires 166,483 101,254 176,500 176,500
Catamarca 61,848 64,304 24,100 64,304
Chaco 7,550 6,000 4,700 7,550
Chubut 18,155 34,449 26,404 34,449
Córdoba 93,835 55,000 55,863 93,835
Corrientes 59,014 68,000 55,334 68,000
Entre Ríos 71,736 109,000 89,250 109,000
Formosa 4,002 11,513 5,200 11,513
Jujuy 91,575 120,000 105,500 120,000
La Pampa 4,715 6,104 6,815 6,815
La Rioja 41,817 5,447 21,247 41,817
Mendoza 267,889 339,600 359,523 359,523
Misiones 170 170
Neuquén 15,798 17,700 10,417 17,700
Río Negro 72,784 120,659 135,171 135,171
Salta 118,898 150,000 140,000 150,000
San Juan 79,516 68,900 68,400 79,516
San Luis 18,575 4,571 9,385 18,575
Santa Cruz 3,841 1,850 5,467 5,467
Santa Fe 37,421 9,000 20,500 37,421
Santiago del Estero 53,954 85,000 142,823 142,823
Tierra del Fuego 0 0
Tucumán 66,025 58,924 87,634 87,634
ARGENTINA TOTAL 1,355,601 1,437,275 1,550,233 1,767,784
[AR01]: FAO. Unpublished. AQUASTAT questionnaire Argentina received in 1999 and available in the
AQUASTAT library.
[AR02]: FAO. 2000. Irrigation in Latin America and the Caribbean in figures. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[AR03]: Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INDEC). 2006. Censo Nacional Agropecuario
2002. Online data base, available at, 10/08/2006.
[AR04]: Morábito, J. 1997. Introducción al Riego. El Riego en el mundo, Argentina y Mendoza.
Instituto Nacional de Ciencia y Técnica Hídricas (INCyTH) - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.
[AR05]: Instituto Nacional de Technologia Agropecuaria. 1986. Aptidud y uso actual de las tierras
Argentinas. Secretaria de Agricultura, Granaderia y Pesca, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
[AR06]: Eva, H.D., de Miranda, E.E., Di Bella, C.M., Gond, V., Huber, O., Sgrenzaroli, M., Jones,
S., Coutinho, A., Dorado, A., Guimarães, M., Elvidge, C., Achard, F., Belward, A.S.,
Bartholomé, S., Baraldi, A., De Grandi, G., Vogt, P., Fritz, S. & Hartley, A. 2003. The land
cover map for South America in the year 2000. GLC2000 database, European Commision
Joint Research Centre, available at, 10/08/2006.
[AR07]: Dirección Nacional de Recursos Hídricos. 1995. Areas irrigadas de la Argentina.
Identificación y localización de las principales areas bajo riego. Subsecretaría de Recursos
Hídricos, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
For Barbados no information could be found on irrigated areas on sub-national level.
According to the agricultural census in 1989 the total area equipped for irrigation is about 1
000 ha [BB01].
The irrigated area was distributed over potential irrigation areas as indicated on a water
resources map [BB02]. The map and the related study are available in the AQUASTAT-
Irrigation water use is mainly based on the use of 120 private hand-dug wells while use of
dams and streams is very limited [BB01]. Based on this qualitative information amount of
irrigation area supplied by groundwater was estimated to be 90 percent.
[BB01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Barbados. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/barbados/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[BB02]: Government of Barbados. 1978. Barbados Water Resources Study - Vol. 4 - Irrigation, map
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, area equipped for irrigation was 3548 ha in year
2005 [BZ01].
The irrigated area has been distributed to irrigated rice areas [BZ02] and the remaining
irrigated area was equally distributed over area classified as “Agro-productive system” in the
Central American Ecosystems Map [BZ03].
Area actually irrigated was assumed to be similar to area equipped for irrigation. Area
irrigated with groundwater was 792 ha in year 2005, most of it located in the district Corozal.
The remaining area was irrigated by using surface water (rivers) [BZ01].
[BZ01]: Ballestero, M., Reyes, V., & Astorga, Y. 2007. Groundwater in Central America: its
importance, development and use, with particular reference to its role in irrigated agriculture.
In: Giordano, M. & Villholth, K. G., The agricultural groundwater revolution. Opportunities and
threads to development. International water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri
Lanka, 100-128,,
[BZ02]: CIAT. 1997. Distribution of rice in Latin America (1000 ha irrigated rice).
prog/global/cgiar/, 07/04/2001.
[BZ03]: World Bank and CCAD. 2001. Ecosystems of Central America (ArcView regional map files at
1:250,000). World Bank, Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD), World
Institute for Conservation and Environment (WICE), and the Centro Agronómico Tropical de
Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Washington, D.C.,
map_download_page.htm, 15/11/2010.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
In 1999 the total area equipped for irrigation added up to 128 240 ha [BO01]. More then 50
percent of the irrigated area is concentrated in the provinces Cochabamba and La Paz in the
centre of the country.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
The irrigated area has been distributed over departments using an inventory of irrigation
projects in 1996 [BO04] and several other maps as available in the AQUASTAT-library
[BO02], [BO03], [BO05].
Area actually irrigated was assumed to be similar to area equipped for irrigation, while area
equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 8955 ha (7 percent of total AEI) in year 1999
[BO01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Bolivia. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/bolivia/indexesp.stm, 06/10/2010.
[BO02]: UNEP. 1996. Diagnostico Ambiental del Sistema Titicaca-Desaguadero-Poopo-Salar de
Coipasa Bolivia-Peru.
[BO03]: Albornoz, J.S.: unknown. La Agricultura de Riego en Bolivia, Situacion Actual y perspectivas.
[BO04]: Ministerio de Desarrollo sostenible y medio Ambiente. 1996. Situacion de los Recursos
Hidricos en Bolivia.
[BO05]: UNEP. 1996. Diagnostico Ambiental del Sistema Titicaca-Desaguadero-Poopo-Salar de
Coipasa Bolivia-Peru.
Area equipped for irrigation was derived from the agricultural census report 2006 and added
up to 4 463 691 ha [BR01]. The census report provided data for 5566 municipalities.
However, data for 474 municipalities were suppressed in the census report to preserve
confidentiality which required an aggregation of the “nodata” areas into larger units (248
micro-regions and 3 meso-regions). Area equipped for irrigation in these aggregated no-data
regions was then computed as difference between total area equipped for irrigation reported
for the whole micro- or meso-region and the sum of equipped for irrigation in municipalities
for which data were reported. This finally resulted in 5341 subnational units for Brazil.
Irrigated area was first assigned to irrigation schemes as digitized from several irrigation maps
([BR02] – [BR11]). The remaining irrigated area was assigned to cells classified on the
GLC2000 land cover map for South America [BR12] as agriculture (intensive) or mosaics of
agriculture and other land uses.
Sub-national irrigation statistics available for Brazil do not distinguish the source of water
supply for irrigation [BR13]. To estimate the percentage of irrigation areas supplied by
groundwater we used therefore an inventory of wells used for irrigation [BR14] and reports
showing the extent and describing the characteristics of the major aquifers of Brazil (BR15],
[BR16]). The extent of the aquifers was digitized from the maps contained in these reports.
The aquifers were classified into 5 groups depending on the reported mean capacity of wells
fed by the aquifers (Table A6). For each county the sum of AEI covering these aquifers was
computed and then, considering the weights shown in Table A6, the potential sum of AEI
irrigated with groundwater, respectively. Next, for each county a sum of potential
groundwater irrigation area defined by existing wells was computed. 6841 registered wells
that were reported to be used for irrigation were considered and to each well an irrigation area
depending on the aquifer in which the well was located was assigned (Table A6). The total
potential groundwater irrigation area computed based on the coverage by major aquifers was
934 051 ha and the area computed based on the number and location of tube wells was 83 956
ha. Finally, we computed for each county the sum of both potential groundwater irrigation
areas and limited this sum to be not larger than the total AEI reported in the agricultural
census 2006 [BR01]. Total AEI from groundwater computed that way was 969 527 ha (22
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
percent of total AEI) and thus close to the area reported by AQUASTAT for year 1998 (19
percent of total AEI).
Parameters used to estimate area irrigated with groundwater per municipal unit in Brazil.
productivity class Mean capacity of wells
(m3 h-1)Weights assigned to
compute irrigated area
from groundwater (-)
Irrigated area assigned
to each registered tube
well (ha)
Very high 30 1.00 30
High 15 0.50 15
Medium 10 0.25 10
Low 5 0.10 5
Very low 2 0.00 2
[BR01]: IBGE. 2006. Censo Agropecuario 2006. Online publication,, 24/01/2012.
[BR02]: CODEVASF. 1999. Mapa da irrigacao publica - perimetros irrigados do Vale do Rio Sao
Francisco. Maps available online at:, 12/10/1999.
[BR03]: Ministerio da Agricultura. 1979. Aptidao agricola das terras do Ceara.
[BR04]: Ministerio da Agricultura. 1979. Aptidao agricola das terras do Rio Grande do Norte.
[BR05]: Ministerio da Agricultura. 1979. Aptidao agricola das terras do Rio Grande do Norte.
[BR06]: Ministerio da Agricultura. 1979. Aptidao agricola das terras do Paraiba.
[BR07]: Ministerio da Agricultura. 1979. Aptidao agricola das terras do Pernambuco.
[BR08]: Ministerio da Agricultura. 1979. Aptidao agricola das terras do Bahia.
[BR09]: Ministerio da Agricultura. 1979. Aptidao agricola das terras do Alagoas.
[BR10]: Ministerio da Agricultura. 1979. Aptidao agricola das terras do Sergipe.
[BR11]: Ministerio da Agricultura. 1979. Aptidao agricola das terras do Rio Grande do Sul.
[BR12]: Eva, H.D., de Miranda, E.E., Di Bella, C.M., Gond, V., Huber, O., Sgrenzaroli, M., Jones,
S., Coutinho, A., Dorado, A., Guimarães, M., Elvidge, C., Achard, F., Belward, A.S.,
Bartholomé, S., Baraldi, A., De Grandi, G., Vogt, P., Fritz, S. & Hartley, A. 2003. The land
cover map for South America in the year 2000. GLC2000 database, European Commision
Joint Research Centre, available at, 10/08/2006.
[BR13]: ANA. 2005a. Disponibilidade e demandas de recursos hídricos no Brasil. Agência Nacional
de Águas (ANA), Brasília – DF, Brazil,
Tela_Apresentacao.htm, 13/08/2009.
[BR14]: Serviço Geológico do Brasil. 2009. Sistema de Informações de Águas Subterrâneas
(SIAGAS). Serviço Geológico do Brasil (CPRM),
wellshow/indice.asp?w=&h=, 14/04/2009.
[BR15]: ANA. 2005b. Atlas Nordeste - Abastecimento Urbano de Água. Agência Nacional de Águas
(ANA), Brasília – DF, Brazil,, 13/08/2009.
[BR16]: Ministério do Meio Ambiente. 2006. Plano Nacional de Recursos Hídricos (PNRH).
Cadernos Regionais. Ministério do Meio Ambiente, Instituto do Meio Ambiente e dos
Recursos Naturais Renováveis,, 13/08/2009.
Data on area equipped for irrigation were not available for entire Canada. In contrast, data on
area actually irrigated were collected by the agricultural census 2006 for provinces, census
agricultural regions, census divisions and census consolidated subdivisions ([CA01], [CA02]).
Area equipped for irrigation was estimated by scaling area actually irrigated reported by the
agricultural census so that the sum of irrigated area was similar to irrigated areas in
inventories available at the province level for Alberta [CA03], British Columbia [CA04] and
Saskatchewan [CA05]. Scaling coefficients were 1.201 for Alberta, 1.63 for British
Columbia, 1.995 for Saskatchewan and were set to 2.0 for the other provinces similar to those
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
found for Saskatchewan. Total area equipped for irrigation computed that way was 1 218 345
ha while area actually irrigated according to the census 2006 was 845 737 ha.
The boundaries of the irrigation districts and the location of private irrigators were digitized
from maps available for the provinces Alberta [CA03] and Saskatchewan [CA05]. All the
other irrigated area was assigned to cells classified as cropland in the GLC2000 land cover
classification for North America [CA06]. In some census divisions the irrigated area as
reported by the census was larger than the area classified as cropland by the GLC2000. Then
also cells classified as cropland mosaics were assumed to be irrigated.
Sources of irrigation water were available for the provinces of Alberta (per basin), British
Columbia (per water region) and Ontario ([CA07], [CA04], [CA08]). More than 80 percent of
the total irrigated area of the country is located in these three provinces. For the other
provinces area irrigated from ground- and surface water was estimated based on statistics and
information provided by similar reports ([CA09], [CA10], [CA11]). Total area equipped for
irrigation with groundwater was 156 379 ha (13 percent of the total area equipped for
irrigation) and mainly located in the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba and Quebec.
[CA01]: Statistics Canada. 2008. 2006 Census of Agriculture, Farm Data and Farm Operator Data,
Table A4.12-1 – All irrigation use, 2005 and 2000.
x/2007000/4182415-eng.htm, 05/11/2010.
[CA02]: Statistics Canada. 2008. 2006 Census of Agriculture, Table A2.12 – Farms in the territories -
Total irrigation use for calendar year prior to the census, 2005 and 2000., 05/11/2010.
[CA03]: Government of Alberta. 2010. Alberta Irrigation Information 2009 - Facts and figures for the
year 2009.$Department/deptdocs.nsf/all/irr7401/$FILE/
altairriginfo2009.pdf, 05/11/2010.
[CA04]: British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 2000. Irrigated Area in British
Columbia. Irrigation Factsheet.
1.pdf, 05/11/2010.
[CA05]: Saskatchewan Agriculture, Food, and Rural Revitalization. 2003. Irrigation in
d357692288d4, 05/11/2010.
[CA06]: Latifovic, R., Zhu, Z., Cihlar, J., Beaubien, J., Fraser, R. 2003. The Land Cover Map for
North America in the Year 2000, map version 2. GLC2000 database, European Commision
Joint Research Centre,, 12/01/2005.
[CA07]: Alberta Environment. 2007. Current and future water use in Alberta. Alberta Environment
and AMEC Earth & Environmental, Edmonton, Canada,
library/egovdocs/2007/alen/164708.pdf, 13/08/2009.
[CA08]: National ad-hoc Committee on Groundwater. 2003. Canadian framework for collaboration
on groundwater. National ad-hoc Committee on Groundwater,
2002_2006/gwp/framework_e.php, 13/08/2009.
[CA09]: CBCL Limited. 2003. Agricultural water supply issues: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince
Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador. Report prepared for Agriculture and Agri-
Food Canada,,
[CA10]: Kulshreshtha, S.N. 2006. Irrigation water productivity in Saskatchewan and Manitoba – an
economic perspective. Presentation held at the CANCID workshop sustainable irrigation on
the Prairies, Saskatoon, March 23, 2006,
icdc_events.htm, 13/08/2009.
[CA11]: Saskatchewan Environment. 2005. Saskatchewan State of the Environment Report 2005.
Saskatchewan Environment,,
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation for each of the 13 regions was derived from the AQUASTAT
country report ([CL01]). The data refer to year 1996. AEI was downscaled to the municipality
level based on the land use statistics reported by the agricultural census 2007 ([CL02]). AEI
was computed as the sum of AAI reported for each municipality (1 084 382 ha in total) and a
second area calculated by scaling the difference between AAI and total cultivated land
([CL02]) for each district so that AEI per region was similar to AEI per region reported in the
AQUASTAT country report ([CL01]). In regions where AAI reported for year 2007 was
larger than AEI reported by AQUASTAT for year 1996, AEI was set to AAI reported for year
2007. This resulted in a total AEI of 1 936 402 ha.
The boundaries of the most important irrigation districts and the location of large public
irrigation projects were digitized from several maps available in the AQUASTAT-library
([CL03], [CL04], [CL05]). The remaining area equipped for irrigation was distributed equally
over the most suitable grid cells using the USGS land cover classification map [CL06].
Area irrigated from groundwater was 58 900 ha (3.2 percent of total AEI) in year 1999
([CL01]). An inventory of registered irrigation schemes indicating the source of irrigation
water was available ([CL07]) but covered only 1 010 113 ha and listed only 3800 ha of
irrigation areas supplied by groundwater. Therefore an inventory of registered wells ([CL08])
showing the location of 4980 wells used for irrigation was used to define irrigated area from
groundwater for each district by assigning a constant irrigated area to each well so that the
total irrigated area from groundwater was equal to the 58 900 ha reported by FAO
AQUASTAT. Area actually irrigated was derived from statistics collected by the agricultural
census 2007 ([CL02]).
[CL01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Chile. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/chile/indexesp.stm, 06/10/2010.
[CL02]: INE. 2009. Resultados Censo Agropecuario 2007. Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE),
Santiago de Chile, Chile,, 17/08/2009.
[CL03]: El Mercurio. 1984. Las Nuevas Obras de Regadio, 24/06/1984.
[CL04]: Unknown source. Map of irrigation projects, grey literature in AQUASTAT-library.
[CL05]: Ministerio de Obras Publicas Chile. 1965. Inventario de Obras Publicas - Riego.
[CL06]: USGS. 2001. Global Land Cover Characterization, map version 2,, 10/08/2006.
[CL07]: Dirección de Obras Hidráulicas. 2009. Catastro complete de Obras de Riego. Dirección de
Obras Hidráulicas, Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Santiago, Chile,, 13/08/2009.
[CL08]: Comisión Nacional de Riego. 2008. Sistema de Informacion Integral de Riego (E-SIIR).
Comisión Nacional de Riego (CNR), Santiago, Chile,, 13/08/2009.
The area equipped for irrigation in Colombia is about 900 000 ha [CO01]. AEI per province
was computed based on the maximum of AEI reported per province in two studies in the
AQUASTAT-library referring to years 1992 and 1997. The irrigated area in these studies adds
up to 870 000 ha and was scaled to meet the AQUASTAT country value for 1998.
Areas of high irrigation density can be found in an interior valley which covers the provinces
Valle del Cauca and Tolima and in the northwestern provinces. Location and extent of 528
public irrigation districts with a total AEI of 361 218 ha was extracted from a digital data set
([CO02]). Additionally, irrigation areas and the location of irrigation projects were digitized
from several maps ([CO03], [CO04], [CO05]). The remaining irrigated area was assigned to
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
cells classified on the GLC2000 land cover map for South America [CO06] as agriculture
Very little information has been available regarding the source of water used for irrigation.
The available data indicate that surface water from rivers, reservoirs and lakes is by far the
major source of irrigation water. In the inventory of public irrigation districts ([CO02]) only
surface water sources (streams, lakes, reservoirs, and lagoons) were indicated. An inventory
of wells per hydro-geological zone shows that only in the major irrigation areas along the
Magdalena and Cauca Rivers and in the surrounding of Bogota there is a significant number
of wells used for irrigation ([CO07]). Based on this indicative information and also
considering the situation in neighbouring countries, percentage of AEI irrigated with
groundwater was estimated at 5 percent.
[CO01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Colombia. FAO, Rome,
nr/water/aquastat/countries_regions/colombia/indexesp.stm, 06/10/2010.
[CO02]: Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC). 2007. Distritos de Riego. República de
Colombia. Año 2007. Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC), Subdirección de
Geografía, División de Ordenamiento Territorial,,
[CO03]: INAT. 1999. Map of medium and large irrigation schemes. INAT, Subdireccion de Planeacion
e Informatica.
[CO04]: Atlas de Colombia. 1998. Mapa de los Distritos de Riego de la Republica de Colombia.
[CO05]: CIAT. 1997. Distribution of rice in Latin America, or
[CO06]: Eva, H.D., de Miranda, E.E., Di Bella, C.M., Gond, V., Huber, O., Sgrenzaroli, M., Jones,
S., Coutinho, A., Dorado, A., Guimarães, M., Elvidge, C., Achard, F., Belward, A.S.,
Bartholomé, S., Baraldi, A., De Grandi, G., Vogt, P., Fritz, S. & Hartley, A. 2003. The land
cover map for South America in the year 2000. GLC2000 database, European Commision
Joint Research Centre, available at, 10/08/2006.
[CO07]: Leyva, P. (ed.). 2001. El medio ambiente en Colombia. 2nd edition, Instituto de Hidrología,
Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM), Bogota, Colombia,, 16/08/2009.
Costa Rica
Areas equipped for irrigation in Costa Rica add up to 103 084 ha [CR01]. The figures per
region originate from the AQUASTAT-library and refer to 1997 but are in good agreement to
more recent estimates reporting a total area equipped for irrigation of 101 500 ha [CR02].
The distribution of irrigated areas within the provinces is based on a World Bank study on
private irrigation from the year 1993 [CR03]. 54 irrigation projects were identified and 22 600
ha irrigated area was assigned to these projects. The Arenal Tempisque irrigation scheme (28
000 ha), which is the largest irrigation project in the country and mainly used to produce rice
and sugar cane, was digitized from satellite imagery by using the maps provided by SENARA
[CR04]. The remaining area equipped for irrigation was equally distributed over area
classified as “Agro-productive system” in the Central American Ecosystems Map [CR05].
Area actually irrigated was assumed to be similar to area equipped for irrigation [CR01]. Area
equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 17 524 ha (17 percent of total AEI) [CR01].
Data on concessions for irrigation water withdrawals granted by the Water Department of the
Environmental Ministry indicate a lower contribution of groundwater irrigation with only 2
percent of the concessions for groundwater. Illegal extraction of water might be one reason
for the differences to the FAO data [CR06].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[CR01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Costa Rica. FAO, Rome,
nr/water/aquastat/countries_regions/costa_rica/indexesp.stm, 06/10/2010.
[CR02]: Ministro de Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones. 2008. Plan Nacional de Gestión
Integrada de los Recursos Hídricos (PNGIRH). MINAET,
rico/Gesti%C3%B3n%20Integrada%20del%20Recurso%20H%C3%ADdrico.pdf, 27/02/2012.
[CR03]: World Bank. 1993. Central America - Subsector Study on private irrigation. Report No.
12097-LAC, World Bank, Washington, D.C., USA.
[CR04]: SENARA. 2012. Distrito de riego Arenal Tempisque. Servicio Nacional de Aguas
Subterráneas Riego y Avenamiento (SENARA),
html, 27/02/2012.
[CR05]: World Bank and CCAD. 2001. Ecosystems of Central America (ArcView regional map files at
1:250,000). World Bank, Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD), World
Institute for Conservation and Environment (WICE), and the Centro Agronómico Tropical de
Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Washington, D.C.,
map_download_page.htm, 15/11/2010.
[CR06]: Ballestero, M., Reyes, V., & Astorga, Y. 2007. Groundwater in Central America: its
importance, development and use, with particular reference to its role in irrigated agriculture.
In: Giordano, M. & Villholth, K. G., The agricultural groundwater revolution. Opportunities and
threads to development. International water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri
Lanka, 100-128,,
The total area equipped for irrigation in Cuba equals 870 319 ha [CU01]. The figures per
province originate from the AQUASTAT-library and refer to 1996 and 1997.
Maps showing irrigated areas were not available for Cuba. The area under irrigated rice
cultivation was taken from a continental study on the distribution of rice in Latin America
[CU02]. The rest of the irrigated area was distributed within the provinces on the basis of land
use maps [CU03].
AAI declined from 822 225 ha in 1997 [CU01] to 180 900 ha in year 2007 [CU04]. In year
1997 about half of the AEI was irrigated with groundwater [CU01]. It was assumed that the
percentage of AEI irrigated with groundwater in year 2007 was similar to the percentage
reported for year 1997.
[CU01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Cuba. FAO, Rome,
aquastat/countries_regions/cuba/indexesp.stm, 06/10/2010.
[CU02]: CIAT. 1997. Distribution of rice in Latin America. or
[CU03]: Academica de Ciencias de Cuba. 1997. Nuevo Atlas National de Cuba, P. XVI. 1.2-3 (uso
de la Tierra).
[CU04]: ONE. 2008. Panorama Uso de la Tierra 2007. Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas (ONE),
Habana, Cuba,
CodPublicacion=13&CodDireccion=5, 17/08/2009.
A few farmers may use irrigation to grow vegetables on a small scale in Dominica. However,
no information is available on the extent of these systems [DM01]. Therefore it was assumed
that irrigation is not used in Dominica.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[DM01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Dominica. FAO, Rome,
aquastat/countries_regions/dominica/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
Dominican Republic
The total area equipped for irrigation in the Dominican Republic equals 4 873 434 tarea (306
442 ha) [DO01]. Area equipped for irrigation per province (in total 253 997 ha) was available
from the AQUASTAT-library. The figures referred to year 1994 and were scaled to meet the
total AEI reported for year 2010.
Most of the irrigated areas are located in the western part of the country ([DO02], [DO03]).
Location and extent of the major irrigation schemes was digitized from maps in [DO03] and
combined with areas classified as cropland in the MODIS land cover classification for year
2005 [DO04]. Irrigated area was assigned with the highest priority to areas mapped as
irrigated in [DO03] and as cropland in [DO04]. The remaining irrigated area was assigned to
pixels that were either irrigated on the maps in [DO03] or cropland in the MODIS land cover
data set [DO04].
Total harvested area of irrigated crops was 296 128 ha in season 2003/2004, with rice as the
major irrigated crop harvested on 160 102 ha (54 percent) [DO05]. About 22 percent of the
AEI was irrigated with groundwater in year 1999 [DO06]. It was assumed that this percentage
is also valid for current day conditions.
[DO01]: INDRHI. 2010. Distritos de Riego. Instituto Nacional de Recursos Hidráulicos (INDRHI),, 28/02/2012.
[DO02]: CIAT. 1997. Distribution of rice in Latin America. or
[DO03]: Organizacion de los Estados Americanos. 1969. Reconocimiento y Evaluacion de los
Recursos Naturales de la Republica Dominica. Report available from the AQUASTAT library.
[DO04]: MODIS Land Cover Group. 2009. Collection 5 Land Cover product (MOD12Q1). Department
of Geography and Environment, Boston University, Boston, USA,
modis/MOD12Q1_data/2005v5_umd_geog.bin.gz, 28/02/2012.
[DO05]: INDRHI. 2010. El Riego y la Producción Alimentaria. Instituto Nacional de Recursos
Hidráulicos (INDRHI),, 28/02/2012.
[DO06]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of the Dominican Republic. FAO, Rome,,
According to results of the agricultural census 2000 [EC01], area equipped for irrigation in
Ecuador is 853 332 ha. This is in good agreement with data presented in the AQUSTAT
country profile [EC02], reporting an AEI of 863 370 ha in year 1997. Most of the irrigated
area is concentrated in the western part of the country.
The irrigated area within the 221 cantons was distributed based on a maps showing the
outlines of 70 irrigated areas in 1993 [EC03] and 1997 [EC04]. Additional area for irrigated
rice cultivation was taken from a continental study on the distribution of rice in Latin America
[EC05]. The remaining irrigated land was assigned areas classified as cropland in the
GLC2000 land cover data set [EC06].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 105 120 ha in year 2000 and derived for
each of the cantons from the agricultural census data base [EC01]. Since the agricultural
census database did not distinguish between equipped and actually irrigated areas it was
assumed that the fraction AAI /AEI was similar to the fraction reported in the AQUASTAT
country questionnaire per province for year 1997. This resulted in total area actually irrigated
of 615 429 ha.
[EC01]: INEC. 2008. Base de Datos Censo Nacional Agropecuario 2000. Instituto Nacional de
Estadística y Censos (INEC),
cen_agr?doAsUserId=W9NEZWtSVLU%253D, 18/08/2009.
[EC02]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Ecuador. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/ecuador/indexesp.stm, 06/10/2010.
[EC03]: INHERI. 1993. Mapa de Ubicacion de los Sistemas de Riego del Ecuador. Map available from
the AQUASTAT library.
[EC04]: CNRH-Direccion de Planificacion. 1997. Inventario de Proyectos de Riego. Report available
from the AQUASTAT library.
[EC05]: CIAT. 1997. CIAT. 1997. Distribution of rice in Latin America. or
[EC06]: Eva, H.D., de Miranda, E.E., Di Bella, C.M., Gond, V., Huber, O., Sgrenzaroli, M., Jones,
S., Coutinho, A., Dorado, A., Guimarães, M., Elvidge, C., Achard, F., Belward, A.S.,
Bartholomé, S., Baraldi, A., De Grandi, G., Vogt, P., Fritz, S. & Hartley, A. 2003. The land
cover map for South America in the year 2000. GLC2000 database, European Commision
Joint Research Centre,, 10/08/2006.
El Salvador
Area equipped for irrigation increased from 44 993 ha in year 1997 [SV01] to 45 027 ha in
year 2005 [SV02], but according to the report of the agricultural census 2007/2008 area
actually used for irrigation was only 47 504 Manzanas (33 196 ha) [SV03]. The maximum of
AEI reported in [SV02] and AAI reported in [SV03] was assigned the each department as AEI
(52 452 ha in total) while AAI was set to the acreage reported by the agricultural census
The distribution of irrigated areas within the country is mainly based on a World Bank study
on private irrigation from the year 1993 [SV04]. Additional information comes from a
government register of irrigation water user associations [SV05]. The remaining area
equipped for irrigation was equally distributed over area classified as “Agro-productive
system” in the Central American Ecosystems Map [SV06].
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 3086.3 ha in year 2005. These figures are
based on statistics provided by the Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Ministry of
Agriculture and Livestock reported in a report on groundwater use in Central America
[SV01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of El Salvador. FAO, Rome,
nr/water/aquastat/countries_regions/el_salvador/indexesp.stm, 06/10/2010.
[SV02]: Division de Riego y Drenaje. 2007. Superficie bajo riego en El Salvador., 19/03/2009.
[SV03]: Ministerio de Economia. 2009. El Salvador, C.A., IV Censo Agropecuario 2007-2008.
Metodología y Resultados Generales. Ministerio de Economia,
util/datos/CENAGRO_0708.PDF, 01/03/2012.
[SV04]: World Bank. 1993. Central America - Subsector Study on private Irrigation, Mapas El
Salvador, Mapa 3.
[SV05]: Division de Riego y Drenaje. 1999. Listado de Asociaciones de Regantes.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[SV06]: World Bank and CCAD. 2001. Ecosystems of Central America (ArcView regional map files at
1:250,000). World Bank, Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD), World
Institute for Conservation and Environment (WICE), and the Centro Agronómico Tropical de
Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Washington, D.C.,
map_download_page.htm, 15/11/2010.
[SV07]: Ballestero, M., Reyes, V., & Astorga, Y. 2007. Groundwater in Central America: its
importance, development and use, with particular reference to its role in irrigated agriculture.
In: Giordano, M. & Villholth, K. G., The agricultural groundwater revolution. Opportunities and
threads to development. International water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri
Lanka, 100-128,,
French Guyana (France)
Area equipped for irrigation was 5931 ha in year 2007, while area actually irrigated was 5895
ha in the same year [GF01]. No information could be found on irrigated areas on a higher sub-
national level.
The irrigated area within French Guyana was distributed based on a map of the major
cropping areas in 1979 [GF02].
According to the farm structure survey undertaken in year 2003 the area irrigated from
surface water was 4110 ha, the area irrigated from groundwater was 330 ha and the area
irrigated from mixed sources or from the public network was 19 050 ha for the entire area of
the French over-sea departments [GF03]. The only department for which the related water use
statistics [GF04] explicitly reported a use of groundwater in agriculture was Réunion (5.6 km3
yr-1 groundwater use as compared to 59.3 km3 yr-1 surface water use in year 2005). The main
extractions of groundwater were reported in general for the domestic sector. The fraction of
municipal water supply from groundwater was about 47 percent for Réunion, 13 percent for
Guadeloupe and 7 percent for Martinique [GF04]. Based on these statistics and considering
the importance of public networks in irrigation water supply, area irrigated with groundwater
was estimated at 5 percent for French Guyana.
[GF01]: Ministère de l’agriculture, de l’alimentation, de la pêche, de la ruralité et de
l’aménagement du territoire. 2010. AGRESTE, Données en ligne, Structure des
exploitations., 06/10/2010.
[GF02]: Centre d'Etudes de Géographie Tropicale. 1979. Atlas des Départements D'Outre-Mer, 23,
Utilisation du Sol, major cropping areas.
[GF03]: European Commission. 2009. Ad hoc tables from the farm structure survey. European
Commission, EUROSTAT,
data/ad_hoc_tables_farm_structure_survey, 12/08/2009.
[GF04]: IFEN. 2009. Ensemble Intégré des Descripteurs de l'Environnement Régional (EIDER). Institut
Français de l'Environnement (IFEN),, 13/08/2009.
In the whole of Grenada 219 ha are equipped for irrigation. The figure refers to 1997 [GD01].
For Grenada no information could be found on irrigated areas on sub-national level.
The irrigated area within the country was distributed to cropping areas as indicated on the
USGS land cover characterization map [GD02].
All irrigation in Grenada is assumed to be based on surface water, 1 percent from river
diversion, 6.5 percent from reservoirs and the remainder from direct pumping from rivers
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[GD01]. It was assumed that area actually irrigated is similar to area equipped for irrigation
reported for year 1997 [GD01].
[GD01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Grenada. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/grenada/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[GD02]: USGS. 2001. Global Land Cover Characterization, map version 2,
index.html, 06/10/2010.
Guadeloupe (France)
Area equipped for irrigation was 6635 ha in year 2007, while area actually irrigated was 3583
ha in the same year [GP01]. No information could be found on irrigated areas on a higher sub-
national level.
The irrigated area within the country was distributed based on a cropping area map of sugar
cane, coffee, fruit trees, vineyards, bushes and orchard lands [GP02].
According to the farm structure survey undertaken in year 2003 the area irrigated from
surface water was 4110 ha, the area irrigated from groundwater was 330 ha and the area
irrigated from mixed sources or from the public network was 19 050 ha for the entire area of
the French over-sea departments [GP03]. The only department for which the related water use
statistics [GP04] explicitly reported a use of groundwater in agriculture was Réunion (5.6 km3
yr-1 groundwater use as compared to 59.3 km3 yr-1 surface water use in year 2005). The main
extractions of groundwater were reported in general for the domestic sector. The fraction of
municipal water supply from groundwater was about 47 percent for Réunion, 13 percent for
Guadeloupe and 7 percent for Martinique [GP04]. Based on these statistics and considering
the importance of public networks in irrigation water supply, area irrigated with groundwater
was estimated at 10 percent for Guadeloupe.
[GP01]: Ministère de l’agriculture, de l’alimentation, de la pêche, de la ruralité et de
l’aménagement du territoire. 2010. AGRESTE, Données en ligne, Structure des
exploitations., 06/10/2010.
[GP02]: Instituto Geografico de Agostini. 1969. World Atlas of Agriculture.
[GP03]: European Commission. 2009. Ad hoc tables from the farm structure survey. European
Commission, EUROSTAT,
data/ad_hoc_tables_farm_structure_survey, 12/08/2009.
[GP04]: IFEN. 2009. Ensemble Intégré des Descripteurs de l'Environnement Régional (EIDER). Institut
Français de l'Environnement (IFEN),, 13/08/2009.
The total area equipped for irrigation in Guatemala increased from 129 803 ha [GT01] in year
1997 to 142 499 ha in year 2004 [GT02]. To assign area equipped for irrigation to
departments, data were used from the Support Program for the Reconversion of Food and
Agriculture Production (PARPA) as cited in [GT02].
The distribution of irrigated areas within the departments is mainly based on a World Bank
study on private irrigation from the year 1993 [GT03] and on a national map showing the
location of irrigation projects in 1967 [GT04]. Apart from this two other national sources
were used with information on the location but without the extent of the areas under irrigation
[GT05], [GT06]. The remaining area equipped for irrigation was equally distributed over area
classified as “Agro-productive system” in the Central American Ecosystems Map [GT07].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 31 011 ha in year 2004 [GT02]. It was
assumed that all area equipped for irrigation is actually being used [GT01].
[GT01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Guatemala. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/guatemala/indexesp.stm, 06/10/2010.
[GT02]: Ballestero, M., Reyes, V., & Astorga, Y. 2007. Groundwater in Central America: its
importance, development and use, with particular reference to its role in irrigated agriculture.
In: Giordano, M. & Villholth, K. G., The agricultural groundwater revolution. Opportunities and
threads to development. International water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri
Lanka, 100-128,,
[GT03]: World Bank. 1993. Central America - Subsector Study on private Irrigation. Vol.2.
[GT04]: Ministerio de Agricultura. 1967. Programa Nacional de Pequeno Riego, Anexo II-12.
[GT05]: Instituto Geografico Nacional. 1982. Mapa de cobertura y uso actual de la tierra, cultivos y
pastos bajo riego.
[GT06]: Ministerio de Agricultura. 1974. Operacion Conservacion y Tecnificacion de Distritos de
Riego. Vol. 1, Anexo 3.
[GT07]: World Bank and CCAD. 2001. Ecosystems of Central America (ArcView regional map files at
1:250,000). World Bank, Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD), World
Institute for Conservation and Environment (WICE), and the Centro Agronómico Tropical de
Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Washington, D.C.,
cam/themes/map_download_page.htm, 15/11/2010.
The total area equipped for irrigation in Guyana equals 150 134 ha [GY01]. The figures per
region originate from the AQUASTAT-library and refer to 1991. The irrigated area is
concentrated in the northern provinces of the country along the coast line.
The irrigated area within the regions was distributed based on an irrigation map published as
part of a World Bank study in 1992 [GY02].
Irrigation water supply in Guyana is from reservoirs (so called conservancies) using a network
of main and secondary canals or from rivers through pumping. In contrast, domestic water
supply in the coastal area is mainly depending on groundwater [GY01]. Based on this
information it was assumed that all irrigation is from surface water.
[GY01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Guyana. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/guyana/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[GY02]: World Bank. 1992. Guyana Agricultural Sector Review. Report No. 10410-GUA, World Bank,
Washington, USA.
The total area equipped for irrigation in Haiti equals 91 502 ha while area actually irrigated is
65 469 ha [HT01]. The figures per department originate from the AQUASTAT-library and
refer to 1991.
The irrigated area within the departments was distributed based on a map showing the
outlines of 84 irrigated areas in 1972 [HT02].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Very little information has been available related to sources of irrigation water in Haiti. The
largest irrigation scheme in the country (35 411 ha area equipped for irrigation, 39 percent of
total irrigation area in Haiti) is located in the Artibonite valley and uses water from the
Artibonite River [HT01]. Also, it was reported, that total groundwater resources of the
country account for 17 percent of the total water resources. Based on this information
percentage of irrigated area from groundwater sources was estimated at 15 percent.
[HT01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Haiti. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/haiti/index.stm, 06/10/2010.
[HT02]: Organisation des Etats Americans. 1972. Mission d'Assistance Technique Integree, Cartes,
map: Donnees Hydrologiques et Utilisation des Eaux.
The total area equipped for irrigation in Honduras increased from 73 210 ha [HN01] in year
1997 to 81 631 ha in year 2005 [HN02]. To assign area equipped for irrigation to
departments, data were used from the General Department of Irrigation and Drainage as cited
in [HN02].
The irrigated area within the provinces was distributed using several irrigation maps which
were published between 1970 and 1992 [HN03], [HN04], [HN05], [HN06]. The remaining
area equipped for irrigation was equally distributed over area classified as “Agro-productive
system” in the Central American Ecosystems Map [HN07].
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 6264 ha in year 2005 [HN02]. It was
assumed that 75 percent of the area equipped for irrigation is actually being used [HN01].
[HN01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Honduras. FAO, Rome,
water/aquastat/countries_regions/honduras/indexesp.stm, 06/10/2010.
[HN02]: Ballestero, M., Reyes, V., & Astorga, Y. 2007. Groundwater in Central America: its
importance, development and use, with particular reference to its role in irrigated agriculture.
In: Giordano, M. & Villholth, K. G., The agricultural groundwater revolution. Opportunities and
threads to development. International water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri
Lanka, 100-128,,
[HN03]: AID Resources Inventory Center. ca. 1970. Map Honduras - Drainage. AID Resources
Inventory Center, Corps of Engineers, USA.
[HN04]: Org. de los Estados Americanos. 1992. Honduras - Proyecto de Manejo de los Recursos
Naturales Renovables de la Cuenca del Embalse el Cajon, mapa 10.
[HN05]: Government of the Republic of Honduras. 1978. Feasibility Study on the agricultural
Development in the Choluteca River Basin, Vol. 1, p. 96, 106, 177.
[HN06]: World Bank. 1993. Central America - Subsector Study on private Irrigation, Vol. 1, p. 193.
[HN07]: World Bank and CCAD. 2001. Ecosystems of Central America (ArcView regional map files at
1:250,000). World Bank, Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD), World
Institute for Conservation and Environment (WICE), and the Centro Agronómico Tropical de
Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Washington, D.C.,
cam/themes/map_download_page.htm, 15/11/2010.
The total area equipped for irrigation in Jamaica was 26 650 ha in year 1997 [JM01] and more
recent reports indicate the extent of irrigation schemes has not changed much until year 2009
[JM02], [JM03]. The figures per parish originate from the National Irrigation Development
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Plan [JM01] and refer to 1997. Most of the irrigated area is concentrated in the southern
parish areas.
The irrigated area within the parish areas was distributed using a map showing the outlines of
15 major irrigation schemes in 1997 [JM01]. The remaining irrigated area (mainly located in
the northern parishes) was distributed to cropland and plantations extracted from a land use
map [JM04].
It was estimated that 92 percent of the total water withdrawal in year 1993 was from
groundwater and that agriculture accounted for 75 percent of the withdrawals [JM05]. This
gives evidence for the importance of groundwater use in irrigation. Based on this information
percentage of irrigated areas supplied by groundwater was estimated at 90 percent.
[JM01]: Harza Engineering Company International L.P. 1998. Preparation of a National Irrigation
Development Plan and preparation of an Irrigation Investment Project. Executive summary.
Report available in the AQUASTAT-library.
[JM02]: Planning Institute of Jamaica. 2009. Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan, final
draft Agriculture Sector Plan.,
[JM03]: National Irrigation Commission. 2011. NIDP Irrigated Crop Production Benefits. National
Irrigation Commission,
Prod.%20%20Benifits.pdf, 14/03/2012.
[JM04]: Government of Jamaica, Forestry Department. 1998. 1998 Land use / cover of the island of
Jamaica. Forestry Department,, 14/03/2012.
[JM05]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Jamaica, version 1997. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
Martinique (France)
Area equipped for irrigation was 6170 ha in year 2007, while area actually irrigated was 5291
ha in the same year [MQ01]. No information could be found on irrigated areas on a higher
sub-national level.
The irrigated area within the country was distributed based on a map showing irrigable areas
in 1977 [MQ02].
According to the farm structure survey undertaken in year 2003 the area irrigated from
surface water was 4110 ha, the area irrigated from groundwater was 330 ha and the area
irrigated from mixed sources or from the public network was 19 050 ha for the entire area of
the French over-sea departments [MQ03]. The only department for which the related water
use statistics [MQ04] explicitly reported a use of groundwater in agriculture was Réunion (5.6
km3 yr-1 groundwater use as compared to 59.3 km3 yr-1 surface water use in year 2005). The
main extractions of groundwater were reported in general for the domestic sector. The
fraction of municipal water supply from groundwater was about 47 percent for Réunion, 13
percent for Guadeloupe and 7 percent for Martinique [MQ04]. Based on these statistics and
considering the importance of public networks in irrigation water supply, area irrigated with
groundwater was estimated at 5 percent for Martinique.
[MQ01]:Ministère de l’agriculture, de l’alimentation, de la pêche, de la ruralité et de
l’aménagement du territoire. 2010. AGRESTE, Données en ligne, Structure des
exploitations., 06/10/2010.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[MQ02]:Institut Geographique National. 1977. Atlas des Départements Francais d'Outre-Mer - La
Martinique, map 21 (êquipements Agricoles).
[MQ03]:European Commission. 2009. Ad hoc tables from the farm structure survey. European
Commission, EUROSTAT,
data/ad_hoc_tables_farm_structure_survey, 12/08/2009.
[MQ04]:IFEN. 2009. Ensemble Intégré des Descripteurs de l'Environnement Régional (EIDER). Institut
Français de l'Environnement (IFEN),, 13/08/2009.
Area equipped for irrigation was reported at 6 452 934 ha for the year 2008, of which 3 496
902 ha for was located in 88 large-scale irrigation districts and 2 956 032 ha in 39 492
irrigation units [MX01]. According to the agricultural census 2007, irrigated area was 5 310
622 ha [MX02]. Likely, these statistics refer to the area that was actually used for irrigation in
this year. However, area actually irrigated reported by the census [MX02] was larger than the
AEI reported in [MX01] for the provinces of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua,
Coahuila de Zaragoza, Durango, Nayarit, Querétaro Arteaga, and Sonora (Table A7). It
should also be mentioned that statistics derived from remote sensing products reported a much
larger extent of irrigated agriculture. Digital land use and vegetation maps developed by
INEGI detected about 6 992 027 ha irrigated land in the reference period 1979-1991 [MX03],
8 507 266 ha irrigated land in the reference period 1993-1999 [MX04] and 9 245 612 ha in
the reference period 2002-2005 [MX05]. In most of the northern provinces irrigated area as
detected in the remote sensing surveys would be larger than the irrigation potential reported
by province [MX06]. It maybe that at least the last two remote sensing based land use maps
([MX04], [MX05]) overestimated the extent of irrigated agriculture. On the other hand census
based statistics mainly account for the registered part of irrigated land located in irrigation
districts and irrigation units and may therefore miss unregistered informal irrigation. Thus it
can be assumed that the physically existing total amount of irrigated land is somewhere
between the census-based and remote sensing based estimates. Therefore, the data from the
three sources were combined to compile this version of the global irrigation map. First, AEI
per province was estimated as the maximum of AEI reported by CNA [MX01] and AAI
reported by the agricultural census data base [MX02]. Then AEI per municipality AEImun (ha)
was computed as:
where AAI_CENSmun was the AAI reported for the municipality by the agricultural census
[MX02], IRR_LULCmun the sum of irrigated area derived from the INEGI land cover
classification [MX05] and fp a scaling coefficient that was constant for municipalities
belonging to the same province. The coefficient fp was selected so that the sum of the AEI of
the municipalities equals the AEI computed before at the province level. This procedure
resulted in a total AEI of 6 817 239 ha while AAI was set to the statistics extracted from the
agricultural census 2007 [MX02].
The digital land use map for the reference period 2002-2005 [MX05] was used to distribute
area equipped for irrigation within the municipalities. First the area equipped for irrigation
reported for the single irrigation districts was assigned to areas classified on the land use map
as "Agricultura de Riego". If AEI per municipality was larger than the area classified in the
land cover map as "Agricultura de riego", the remaining difference was assigned to areas
classified as "Agricultura de temporal" and if the sum of irrigated and rainfed cropland was
still too small to areas classified in the land cover map as "Pastizal cultivado".
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Ground- and surface water use for irrigation by county was extracted from a database
provided by CONAGUA [MX07]. The data are consistent to statistics published per province
in the annual water report [MX01]. It was assumed that the percentage of AEI irrigated with
groundwater was similar to the percentage of water use for irrigation that was from
groundwater. In 1102 municipalities with an AEI of 222 649 ha (3 percent of total AEI)
agricultural water use was 0 while AEI was larger than 0. In this case the fraction of AEI
irrigated with groundwater was set to the average computed at the province level. Total AEI
irrigated with groundwater computed that way was 2 815 434 ha (41 percent) while total AEI
irrigated with surface water was 4 001 805 ha (59 percent).
Distribution of irrigated area in Mexico by Province.
Area equipped for irrigation derived from
[MX01] in ha
Province Area
actually irri-
gated 2007
derived from
[MX02] in
total Irrigation
units 1998
classified as
derived from
[MX05] in
equipped for
irrigation in
version 5 in
Aguascalientes 50,543 66,144 11,938 54,206 123,014 66,144
Baja California 261,295 247,174 184,980 62,194 340,821 261,295
Baja California Sur 94,233 62,897 38,101 24,796 182,034 94,233
Campeche 15,832 18,951 0 18,951 65,648 18,951
Chiapas 45,820 92,479 36,399 56,080 116,513 92,479
Chihuahua 479,375 355,362 170,275 185,087 826,660 479,375
Coahuila de
Zaragoza 304,578 232,881 83,568 149,313 442,291 304,578
Colima 67,228 101,928 37,773 64,155 105,050 101,928
Distrito Federal 1,142 2,035 0 2,035 3,872 2,035
Durango 185,597 185,023 78,968 106,055 351,539 185,597
Guanajuato 341,955 415,201 123,595 291,606 627,858 415,201
Guerrero 93,652 102,077 62,791 39,286 90,311 102,077
Hidalgo 97,791 167,279 105,165 62,114 164,924 167,279
Jalisco 191,967 257,204 95,571 161,633 425,416 257,204
México 107,642 208,845 47,915 160,930 232,161 208,845
Michoacán de
Ocampo 306,512 472,958 248,139 224,819 593,411 472,958
Morelos 41,922 57,684 33,654 24,030 80,924 57,684
Nayarit 110,895 102,670 47,253 55,417 228,629 110,895
Nuevo León 128,264 172,621 29,609 143,012 301,499 172,621
Oaxaca 73,240 101,739 49,104 52,635 159,229 101,739
Puebla 118,968 172,222 49,932 122,290 210,574 172,222
Querétaro Arteaga 68,260 50,020 11,048 38,972 86,810 68,260
Quintana Roo 4,591 38,128 27,182 10,946 39,087 38,128
San Luis Potosí 102,127 146,195 44,889 101,306 211,076 146,195
Sinaloa 618,813 797,231 752,218 45,013 1,056,448 797,231
Sonora 748,795 652,696 524,669 128,027 909,790 748,795
Tabasco 5,519 15,127 0 15,127 21,799 15,127
Tamaulipas 301,387 643,961 469,530 174,431 738,948 643,961
Tlaxcala 10,738 33,957 4,247 29,710 26,195 33,957
Veracruz de
Ignacio de la Llave 88,377 197,013 100,640 96,373 181,945 197,013
Yucatán 45,092 45,421 9,689 35,732 42,126 45,421
Zacatecas 198,470 237,811 18,060 219,751 311,757 237,811
TOTAL 5,310,622 6,452,934 3,496,902 2,956,032 9,298,355 6,817,239
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[MX01]:Comisión Nacional del Agua, 2008a. Estadísticas del Agua en México 2008. Comisión
Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA), Coyoacán, DF, México,
Default.aspx, 24/08/2009.
[MX02]: INEGI. 2010. Censo Agrícola, Ganadero y Forestal 2007. Instituto Nacional de Estadística y
Geografía (INEGI), Aguascalientes, Mexico,
Agro/ca2007/Resultados_Agricola/default.aspx, 29/07/2010.
[MX03]: INEGI. 1991. Conjunto de Datos Vectoriales de la Carta de Uso del Suelo y Vegetación, Serie
I. Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), Aguascalientes, Mexico.
[MX04]: INEGI. 1999. Conjunto de Datos Vectoriales de la Carta de Uso del Suelo y Vegetación,
Escala 1:250,000, Serie II. Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI),
Aguascalientes, Mexico.
[MX05]: INEGI. 2005. Conjunto de Datos Vectoriales de la Carta de Uso del Suelo y Vegetación,
Escala 1:250,000, Serie III. Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI),
Aguascalientes, Mexico.
[MX06]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Mexico, version 2000. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
[MX07]: Comisión Nacional del Agua. 2008b. Cubo de Usos del Agua. Comisión Nacional del Agua
(CONAGUA), Coyoacán, DF, México.
Total area equipped for irrigation in Nicaragua equals 133 673 Manzanas or 94 240 ha
[NI01]. The figures per province originate from the agricultural census in refer to year 2001.
Most of the irrigation schemes are located in the western part of the country.
The irrigated area within the provinces was distributed based on a World Bank study on
private irrigation from the year 1993 [NI02] and based on a CIAT map with irrigated rice
[NI03]. The remaining area equipped for irrigation was equally distributed over area classified
as “Agro-productive system” in the Central American Ecosystems Map [NI04].
No statistics on AAI or on the source of water for irrigation were available from the report of
the agricultural census 2001. Therefore AAI was computed using the ratio between AAI and
AEI reported for year 1998 [NI05]. The percentage of AEI irrigated using groundwater was
derived from the same source. These statistics referred to year 1997.
[NI01]: INIDE. 2002. III Censo Nacional Agropecuario. Instituto Nacional de Información de Desarrollo
(INIDE),, 25/08/2009.
[NI02]: World Bank. 1993. Central America - Subsector Study on private Irrigation. Vol. 2.
[NI03]: CIAT. 1997. Distribution of rice in Latin America. or
[NI04]: World Bank and CCAD. 2001. Ecosystems of Central America (ArcView regional map files at
1:250,000). World Bank, Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD), World
Institute for Conservation and Environment (WICE), and the Centro Agronómico Tropical de
Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Washington, D.C.,
cam/themes/map_download_page.htm, 15/11/2010.
[NI05]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Nicaragua, version 2000. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
The total area equipped for irrigation in Panama equals 34 626 ha while area actually irrigated
was 27 886 ha [PA01]. The figures per province originate from the AQUASTAT-library and
refer to 1997.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
The irrigated area within the provinces was distributed based on a map showing the location
of 22 irrigation projects in 1997 [PA02]. The remaining area equipped for irrigation was
equally distributed over area classified as “Agro-productive system” in the Central American
Ecosystems Map [PA03].
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 1393 ha in year 2005 and located in the
provinces of Herrera and Los Santos [PA04].
[PA01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Panama, version 2000. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
[PA02]: Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario. 1997. Plan Nacional de Riego.
[PA03]: World Bank and CCAD. 2001. Ecosystems of Central America (ArcView regional map files at
1:250,000). World Bank, Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD), World
Institute for Conservation and Environment (WICE), and the Centro Agronómico Tropical de
Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Washington, D.C.,
cam/themes/map_download_page.htm, 15/11/2010.
[PA04]: Ballestero, M., Reyes, V., & Astorga, Y. 2007. Groundwater in Central America: its
importance, development and use, with particular reference to its role in irrigated agriculture.
In: Giordano, M. & Villholth, K. G., The agricultural groundwater revolution. Opportunities and
threads to development. International water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri
Lanka, 100-128,,
For Paraguay no information could be found on the area equipped for irrigation on the sub-
national level. According to the AQUASTAT country survey there are about 67 000 ha
equipped for irrigation in the entire country [PY01]. The figure refers to 1998. AEI equipped
for irrigation per department was estimated by selecting for each department the maximum of
sowing areas of irrigated rice reported for the period 2004/05 – 2008/09 [PY02]. These
maximum rice growing areas (in total 74 475 ha) were then scaled so that the total AEI was
equal to the area of 67 000 ha reported in the AQUASTAT country survey [PY01].
The irrigated area within the country was distributed based on an FAO study on irrigation
development from 1973 [PY03] and on a CIAT map with irrigated rice [PY04]. The
remaining irrigated land was assigned areas classified as cropland in the GLC2000 land cover
data set [PY05].
Water extracted from small streams and rivers is the major source of irrigation water in
Paraguay ([PY01], [PY06]) while artesian wells are used at some places. Based on this
indicative information percentage of irrigated area from groundwater sources was estimated at
10 percent.
[PY01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Paraguay, version 2000. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
[PY02]: Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia. 2010. Arroz con riego: superficie, produccion y
rendimento por departemento. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia,, 17/01/2011.
[PY03]: FAO. 1973. Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, Riego y Usos del Agua.
Report no. 3185.
[PY04]: CIAT. 1997. Distribution of rice in Latin America. or
[PY05]: Eva, H.D., de Miranda, E.E., Di Bella, C.M., Gond, V., Huber, O., Sgrenzaroli, M., Jones,
S., Coutinho, A., Dorado, A., Guimarães, M., Elvidge, C., Achard, F., Belward, A.S.,
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Bartholomé, S., Baraldi, A., De Grandi, G., Vogt, P., Fritz, S. & Hartley, A. 2003. The land
cover map for South America in the year 2000. GLC2000 database, European Commision
Joint Research Centre,, 10/08/2006.
[PY06] Espínola, H. 2005. Situación del Riego en Paraguay. Presentation held at the workshop:
Irrigación y desarrollo rural en el Cono Sur: Desafíos y oportunidades, Santa Cruz de la
Sierra, Bolivia, October 13-14, 2005,
getDocument.aspx?DOCNUM=735667, 25/08/2009.
Area equipped for irrigation was reported at 1 729 065 ha [PE01]. The figures originate from
the last agricultural census and refer to year 1994. Census statistics down to the district level
were used for the departments of Arequipa, Ica, Lambayeque, Loreto, Madre de Dios,
Moquegua, Tacna and Ucayali while for the rest of the country statistics at province level
were used. The total area equipped for irrigation in the 461 statistical units considered in Peru
was summing up to 1 729 069 ha. The small difference of 4 ha to the figures reported at the
national scale obviously originated from rounding errors and was thus neglected.
Irrigated area was assigned to 19 projects indicated of an irrigation map of the region around
Lake Titicaca [PE02]. Additionally cultivated areas along the arid coastal zone were digitized
from satellite imagery [PE03] and area equipped for irrigation was assigned to these
polygons. The remaining irrigated area was assigned to cells classified on the GLC2000 land
cover map for South America [PE04] as agriculture (intensive) or mosaics of agriculture and
other land uses.
Irrigated area from wells, rivers, lakes, springs, reservoirs and combinations of these water
sources were derived for each of the 193 provinces from the agricultural census database
[PE01]. Irrigated area from groundwater was computed as the sum of irrigated area from
wells, springs and half of the irrigated area of locations irrigated from both, wells and rivers.
Total AEI irrigated with groundwater computed this way was 489 948 ha while AEI irrigated
with surface water was 1 239 118 ha. AAI was computed based on the ratio between AAI and
AEI available at the department level for year 1992 [PE05], resulting in a total AAI of 1 503
591 ha.
[PE01]: INEI. 2009. III Censo Nacional Agropecuario 1994. Instituto Nacional de Estadística e
Informática (INEI), Lima, Peru,,
[PE02]: UNEP and Organización de los Estados Americanos. unknown. Diagnostico Ambiental del
Sistema Titicaca – Desaguadero – Poopo - Salar de Coipasa (Sistema TDPS) Bolivia-Peru.
Report available in the AQUASTAT-library.
[PE03]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics. Tiles
071-594, 071-595, 071-596, 071-600, 071-601, 071-602 and 071-612. USGS, Sioux Falls,
USA,, 20/08/2006.
[PE04]: Eva, H.D., de Miranda, E.E., Di Bella, C.M., Gond, V., Huber, O., Sgrenzaroli, M., Jones,
S., Coutinho, A., Dorado, A., Guimarães, M., Elvidge, C., Achard, F., Belward, A.S.,
Bartholomé, S., Baraldi, A., De Grandi, G., Vogt, P., Fritz, S. & Hartley, A. 2003. The land
cover map for South America in the year 2000. GLC2000 database, European Commision
Joint Research Centre,, 10/08/2006.
[PE05]: DGAS. 1992. Estudio Básico Situacional de los Recursos Hídricos del Perú. Dirección
General de Aguas y Suelos (DGAS), Ministerio de Agricultura, Lima, Peru, 335 pp.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Puerto Rico (United States of America)
Area equipped for irrigation was estimated as the maximum of the area actually irrigated
reported per municipality by the agricultural censuses 2007 [US01] and 2002 [US02] and by
the water use censuses 2005 [US03] and 2000 [US04]. Total area equipped for irrigation
computed that way was 91 421 acres (36 997 ha).
Irrigated area in Puerto Rico was distributed to areas classified as agriculture/hay/pasture on a
recent land cover map published in [US05]. However, in some sub-national units of Puerto
Rico the irrigated area according to the sub-national statistics was higher than the irrigated
area distributed according to the land cover map. In these cases (mainly small islands along
the coastline) the difference was distributed equally over the most suitable grid cells using the
USGS land cover classification map [US06].
Area actually irrigated in year 2007 was 39 707 cuerdas (15 776 ha) [US01]. Areas equipped
for irrigation with groundwater or with surface water were computed by combining data on
groundwater and surface water use for irrigation in year 2005 [US03] to data on the number
of farms irrigated with water from wells, rivers and streams, lakes and private ponds or from
canals [US01]. The data showed some disagreement, in particular at the municipality level.
The water use inventory [US03] reported for example for several municipalities that irrigation
water use is completely from groundwater while, according to the agricultural census report,
many farms used water from surface water sources and vice versa. Therefore it was decided to
use both inventories and to separate the water sources for half of the area equipped for
irrigation according to the water use inventory [US03] and for the other half of the equipped
area according to the agricultural census report [US01]. Area equipped for irrigation with
groundwater computed that way was 24 848 ha (67 percent of the total area equipped for
[US01]:NASS. 2009. Puerto Rico island and municipio data. 2007 Census of Agriculture, Volume 1,
Geographic Area Series, Part 52, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), US
Department of Agriculture,,
[US02]: NASS. 2005. Puerto Rico. 2002 Census of Agriculture, Volume 1, Geographic Area Series,
Part 52, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), US Department of Agriculture,, 12/08/2009.
[US03]: Kenny, J.F., Barber, N.L., Hutson, S.S., Linsey, K.S., Lovelace, J.K., Maupin, M.A. 2009.
Estimated use of water in the United States in 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1344,
United States Geological Survey (USGS),,
[US04]: Hutson, S.S., Barber, N.L., Kenny, J.F., Linsey, K.S., Lumia, D.S., Maupin, M.A. 2005.
Estimated use of water in the United States in 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1268,
United States Geological Survey (USGS),,
[US05]: Helmer, E.H., Ramos, O., López, T.M., Quinones, M., Diaz, W. 2002. Mapping the forest
type and land cover of Puerto Rico, a component of the Caribbean biodiversity hotspot.
Caribbean Journal of Science 38, (3/4), 165-183.
[US06]: United States Geological Survey (USGS). 2002. Global Land Cover Characteristics
database Version 2.0,, 11/04/2005.
Saint Kitts and Nevis
For Saint Kitts and Nevis no information could be found on irrigated areas on sub-national
level. In the whole of Saint Kitts and Nevis 18 ha are equipped for irrigation. The figure refers
to 1997 [KN01].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
The irrigated area within the country was distributed to cropping areas as indicated on the
USGS land cover characterization map [KN02].
In Nevis approximately 10 ha of land are irrigated half from groundwater and half from
surface water. On Saint Kitts 8 ha land are irrigated mainly from the domestic water supply
which is from six surface water intakes (small streams) and five wells [KN01]. Based on this
information AEI irrigated with groundwater was estimated to be 50 percent of total AEI.
[KN01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Saint Kitts and Nevis, version 2000. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
[KN02]: USGS. 2001. Global Land Cover Characterization, map version 2,, 10/08/2006.
Saint Lucia
According to the agricultural census 2007 irrigation is used by 1463 farms with a total extent
of 8206 acres (3321 ha) [LC01]. It was assumed that AEI is similar to the reported extent of
irrigated farms.
The irrigated area within the country was distributed to agricultural areas as indicated on a
land use map from 1987 [LC02].
It was assumed that the whole AEI is irrigated with surface water because even for domestic
purposes water from groundwater is exceptional [LC03]. This assumption is supported by a
description of two main irrigation projects extracting water from the Cul-de-Sac and Roseau
rivers [LC04].
[LC01]: Ministry of Agriculture Lands, Forestry and Fisheries. 2007. 2007 St. Lucia Census of
Agriculture – Final report. Ministry of Agriculture Lands Forestry and Fisheries, Corporate
Planning Unit,,
[LC02]: Organization of American States. 1987. Saint Lucia Development Atlas. Organization of
American States, Dpmt. of Regional Development.
[LC03]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Saint Lucia, version 2000. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
[LC04]: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 2002. Report of irrigation project. Ministry
of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Waterfront, Castries, Saint Lucia,, 27/08/2009.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
In 1995 there was no irrigation of importance on Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [VC01]. It
was assumed that this has not changed in the meantime and AEI was set to 0 ha.
[VC01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, version 2000.
FAO, Rome,,
For Suriname no information could be found on irrigated areas on sub-national level. In total
there are 51 180 ha equipped for irrigation. The figure refers to 1998 [SR01].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
The irrigated area within the country was distributed to important agricultural projects as
indicated on a map from the year 1969 [SR02].
Only surface water is used for irrigation, although suitable groundwater resources are
available in many regions as well [SR03].
[SR01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Suriname, version 2000. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
[SR02]: Framji, K.K., Mahajan, I.K. 1969. Irrigation and Drainage in the World. International
Commission on Irrigation & Drainage, New Delhi, India.
[SR03]: US Army Corps of Engineers. 2001. Water Resources Assessment of Suriname.
essment.pdf, 12/03/2012.
Trinidad and Tobago
For Trinidad and Tobago no information could be found on irrigated areas on sub-national
level. In the whole of Trinidad and Tobago 3 600 ha are equipped for irrigation. The figure
refers to 1997 [TT01]. However, extent of AEI in the districts of Tobago (216 ha), Caroni
(1739 ha) and Nariva (147 ha) was derived from the AQUASTAT country profile [TT01].
The irrigated area within the country was distributed over rice growing areas as indicated on a
map from 1977 [TT02] and over cropping areas as indicated on an agricultural map of 1969
Data related to the source of irrigation water were not available for Trinidad and Tobago.
However, surface water resources were reported to be much larger than groundwater
resources and the largest irrigation scheme of the country uses water diverted from the Caroni
River [TT01]. It was furthermore reported that small scale private developments use water
extracted from small streams. Based on this information the percentage of irrigated area that is
using groundwater was estimated at 10 percent.
[TT01]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Trinidad and Tobago, version 2000. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
[TT02]: Government of Trinidad and Tobago. 1977. Topo maps 1:25000, Series 804, Edition 1.
[TT03]: Instituto Geografico de Agostini. 1969. World Atlas of Agriculture.
United States of America (conterminous and Hawaii)
(American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and United States
Virgin Islands are reported separately)
The area equipped for irrigation is not known for the United States of America. The 16th
census of the United States, undertaken in 1940 and published in 1942, reported for the last
time the so called “Area of irrigation works were capable of supplying with water” which
comes close to the definition of area equipped for irrigation used here. At that time this area
was 28 055 248 acres while the area actually irrigated in year 1939 (called “area irrigated” in
the census report) was 21 003 739 acres (75 percent of the equipped area). Beginning with the
1950 Censuses of Agriculture, Irrigation and Drainage the area actually irrigated in the year of
the census survey is reported, which is similar to the area actually irrigated used here.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Therefore, area equipped for irrigation was estimated by selecting for each county the
maximum of the area actually irrigated reported in the agricultural censuses 2007 [US07] and
2002 [US08] and the water use censuses for year 2005 [US03] and year 2000 [US04]. Total
area equipped for irrigation computed that way was 70 118 017 acres (28 375 752 ha). A
similar procedure is also used by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of
USDA, who defined irrigated land as “Land that shows evidence of being irrigated during the
year of the inventory or during two or more years out of the last four years”
( The irrigated area
computed this by the NCRS was 67.5 million acres (27.3 million ha) for year 1997. However,
the NRCS data were unfortunately not available at the county level.
A national land cover data set on a 30 m resolution [US09] was used to assign areas equipped
for irrigation to specific cells within the sub-national units of the conterminous United States.
Irrigated area of the sub-national units was equally distributed over all cells classified as
orchards and vineyards (value 61), row crops (value 82), small grains (value 83) or fallow
(value 84). If the sum of these cropland areas was smaller than the total irrigated area per sub-
national unit, the remaining area was assigned to cells classified as pasture and hay (value 81).
This appeared in the majority of the sub-national units in the states of Arizona, California,
Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming and in
some sub-national units located in the states of Arkansas, Florida, Massachusetts, Missouri,
Montana, Nebraska and Texas. This land cover data set was not available for Alaska and
Hawaii. Therefore, a similar land cover data set with the same resolution [US10] was used for
the Hawaiian Islands. Irrigated area was assigned to all cells classified as cultivated land
(class 4). Additionally areas close to cropland-cells and classified as grassland (class 5) were
assumed to be irrigated on the islands of Honolulu and Kauai. The GLC2000 land cover
classification for North America [US11] was used to distribute irrigated areas within the sub-
national units of Alaska. The highest priority was given to cells classified as cropland (class
18). If the sum of the areas classified as cropland was lower than the irrigated area as reported
by the statistical surveys also cells classified as mosaic of cropland and other land cover types
were considered.
Area actually irrigated was 56 599 305 acres (22 904 924 ha) in year 2007 [US07]. The
percentage of area irrigated with groundwater was derived for each federal state from the
most recent Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey (FRIS) of the US Department of Agriculture
[US12]. The FRIS was used as the primary source of information for the United States
because it is based on questionnaires filled by the irrigating farmers themselves and provides
likely the most complete and detailed profiles of irrigation in the United States. These
statistics reported the extent of irrigated areas using wells, on-farm surface water and off-farm
surface water. According to this survey 66 percent of the irrigated land was irrigated from
wells. However, the average amount of water applied per acre varied significantly by source
with lower values for wells and largest values for off-farm surface water supply. Therefore,
only 53 percent of the irrigation water application was from wells. Since the FRIS is only
reporting statistics at the state level, these statistics were downscaled to the county level by
using data on irrigation water extraction from ground- and surface water ([US03], [US04]) by
assuming that the ratio between irrigated areas from ground- and surface water was similar to
the ratio between groundwater use and surface water use for irrigation.
[US03]: Kenny, J.F., Barber, N.L., Hutson, S.S., Linsey, K.S., Lovelace, J.K., Maupin, M.A. 2009.
Estimated use of water in the United States in 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1344,
United States Geological Survey (USGS),,
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[US04]: Hutson, S.S., Barber, N.L., Kenny, J.F., Linsey, K.S., Lumia, D.S., Maupin, M.A. 2005.
Estimated use of water in the United States in 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1268,
United States Geological Survey (USGS),,
[US07]: NASS. County level data. 2007 Census of Agriculture, Volume 1, Chapter 2, National
Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), US Department of Agriculture,,_Chapter_2_County_
Level/index.asp, 01/02/2011.
[US08]: NASS. County level data. 2002 Census of Agriculture, Volume 1, Chapter 2, National
Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), US Department of Agriculture,,_Chapter_2_County_Level/index.
asp, 12/08/2009.
[US09]: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA).
1999. National Land Cover Data (NLCD).,
[US10]: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coastal Services Center.
2004. Main Eight Hawaiian Islands Land Cover.,
[US11]: Latifovic, R., Zhu, Z., Cihlar, J., Beaubien, J., Fraser, R. 2003. The Land Cover Map for
North America in the Year 2000, map version 2. GLC2000 database, European Commision
Joint Research Centre,, 12/01/2005.
[US12]: NASS. 2010. Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey (2008). 2007 Census of Agriculture, Volume
3, Special Studies, Part 1, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), US Department of
Farm_and_Ranch_Irrigation_Survey/index.asp , 01/02/2011.
United States Virgin Islands (United States of America)
Area equipped for irrigation was estimated as the maximum of the area actually irrigated
reported by the agricultural censuses 2007 [VI01] and 2002 [VI02] for the islands Saint Croix
and Saint John / Saint Thomas. Total area equipped for irrigation computed that way was 457
acres (185 ha).
Since no direct or indirect information about the spatial distribution of irrigation within the
municipalities was available, irrigated area was distributed according to a global land cover
data set [VI03] to all areas classified as: “Dryland Cropland and Pasture”, “Irrigated Cropland
and Pasture”, “Cropland/Grassland Mosaic”, “Cropland/Woodland Mosaic”, “Grassland”,
“Shrubland”, “Mixed Shrubland/Grassland”, “Savanna”, “Herbaceous Wetland” or “Wooded
Area actually irrigated was 243 acres (98 ha) in year 2007 [VI01]. 13 farms used public
utilities as water supplier for irrigation, 51 farms used wells or cisterns and 4 farms used water
extracted from lakes or ponds [MP01]. Percentage area equipped for irrigation with
groundwater was computed based on the number of farms reporting the different water
sources and by assuming that the share of groundwater in the public supply system is 80
[VI01]: NASS. 2009. Virgin Islands of the United States territory and island data. 2007 Census of
Agriculture, Volume 1, Geographic Area Series, Part 54, National Agricultural Statistics
Service (NASS), US Department of Agriculture,
Publications/2007/index.asp, 01/02/2011.
[VI02]: NASS. 2005. Virgin Islands of the United States. 2002 Census of Agriculture, Volume 1,
Geographic Area Series, Part 54, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), US
Department of Agriculture,,
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[VI03]: United States Geological Survey (USGS). 2002. Global Land Cover Characteristics
database Version 2.0,, 11/04/2005.
Area actually irrigated in year 2000 was 217 593 ha [UY01]. The crops with the largest extent
in irrigation were rice (174 728 ha), vegetables (10 844 ha), pasture (8170 ha), and citrus
fruits (6521 ha). The figures originate from the agricultural census undertaken in year 2000,
but AEI was not reported by the census data base. The number of farms with irrigation
equipment was 5608, but 595 farms that reported irrigation infrastructure, did not irrigate in
year 2000. Based on this ratio, we estimated AEI at 243 419 ha. To estimate AEI per
province, irrigated areas for rice, citrus, wine, other fruits and horticulture reported by the
census data base were summed up. The total irrigated area of these crops was 197 492 ha.
Area equipped for irrigation was scaled thereafter so that the sum of area equipped for
irrigation at the national scale was equal to the figures estimated before (243 419 ha).
Since maps showing the location of irrigation areas were not available, irrigated area was
assigned to all regions classified as agriculture (intensive) in the GLC2000 land cover
classification for South America [UY02].
In year 2000, 2645 farms (47.1 percent) used groundwater sources for irrigation [UY01].
Unfortunately the area irrigated with groundwater was not reported in the agricultural census
statistics. The most important irrigated crop was rice with an irrigated area of 174 728 ha or
about 80 percent of the total AAI. However, in year 1998 only 4 percent of the rice area was
irrigated with groundwater while about 50 percent of the horticultural area was irrigated with
groundwater [UY03]. The number of horticulture farms using irrigation was 3793 in year
2000 while the irrigated horticulture area was 10 846 ha [UY01] which could explain the
large total number of farms irrigating with groundwater but relative small areas involved.
Based on these statistics we estimated that 6989 ha rice, 5423 ha horticulture and 4800 ha
other crops were irrigated with groundwater.
[UY01]: Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca. 2001. Censo Agropecuario 2000. Resultados
definitivos, Vol. II. Montevideo, Uruguay,
hgxpp001.aspx?7,5,82,O,S,0, 10/03/2012.
[UY02]: Eva, H.D., de Miranda, E.E., Di Bella, C.M., Gond, V., Huber, O., Sgrenzaroli, M., Jones,
S., Coutinho, A., Dorado, A., Guimarães, M., Elvidge, C., Achard, F., Belward, A.S.,
Bartholomé, S., Baraldi, A., De Grandi, G., Vogt, P., Fritz, S. & Hartley, A. 2003. The land
cover map for South America in the year 2000. GLC2000 database, European Commision
Joint Research Centre,, 10/08/2006.
[UY03]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Uruguay, version 2000. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
AEI and AAI per Parroquia were derived from the data base of the agricultural census
2007/2008. The total area equipped for irrigation in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
equals 759 524 ha, while area actually irrigated in season 2007/2008 was 683 095 ha [VE01].
Most of the irrigated area is located in the northern part of the country. The irrigated area was
distributed within the Parroquias according to irrigation maps originating from an FAO
review on the irrigation and drainage sub-sector done in 1990 [VE02] and a CIAT map with
irrigated rice [VE03]. The remaining irrigated area was assigned was assigned to all regions
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
classified as agriculture (intensive) in the GLC2000 land cover classification for South
America [VE04] and if the extent of these areas was still to small to regions classified in the
same data set as mosaic of agriculture and degraded vegetation or degraded forest
Data related to the source of irrigation water are scarce for Venezuela. In 1989 about 2
percent of the cropland in public irrigation schemes was irrigated with groundwater [VE05]
while the contribution of groundwater to total water abstraction was reported at 50 percent
[VE06]. There is evidence that groundwater extraction for irrigation resulted in an overuse of
several important aquifers [VE06]. Since the majority of irrigation is in private schemes
[VE05], AEI irrigated with groundwater was estimated at 20 percent for Venezuela.
[VE01]: Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Agricultura y Tierras. 2010. VII Censo Agrícola
Nacional. Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Agricultura y Tierras,,
[VE02]: FAO. 1990. Venezuela - Irrigation and Drainage Subsector Review.
[VE03]: CIAT. 1997. Distribution of rice in Latin America. or
[VE04]: Eva, H.D., de Miranda, E.E., Di Bella, C.M., Gond, V., Huber, O., Sgrenzaroli, M., Jones,
S., Coutinho, A., Dorado, A., Guimarães, M., Elvidge, C., Achard, F., Belward, A.S.,
Bartholomé, S., Baraldi, A., De Grandi, G., Vogt, P., Fritz, S. & Hartley, A. 2003. The land
cover map for South America in the year 2000. GLC2000 database, European Commision
Joint Research Centre,, 10/08/2006.
[VE05]: FAO. 2000. AQUASTAT country profile of Venezuela (República Bolivariana de), version
2000. FAO, Rome,
indexesp.stm, 06/10/2010.
[VE06]: Jegat, H., Alvarado, J., Loaiciga, H.A. 1995. Overexploitation and deterioration of aquifers in
Venezuela. Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation 15, 119-123.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
The update of the irrigation map to version 5 was the second update for Asia. In addition to
the separation of area equipped for irrigation according to the source of water, the following
countries have been updated due to new available spatial information: Armenia, Azerbajan,
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan,
Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lao PDR, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mongolia,
Myanmar, Nepal, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar,
Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Thailand,
Timor-Leste, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, and Yemen. Total
area equipped for irrigation in the Global Map of Irrigation for Asia changed due to this
update from 187 600 089 ha in map version 4 to 213 779 671 ha in version 5 (Table A8).
Area equipped for irrigation (AEI) and area actually irrigated (AAI) in Asia in the new version
5 of the Global Map of Irrigation Areas compared to area AEI in the previous version 4.
Country AEI in
GMIA4 (ha) AEI in
total (ha)
AEI in
AEI in
surface water
AEI in
sources (ha)
AAI in
GMIA5 (ha)
Afghanistan 3,199,070 3,199,070 576,387 2,622,682 0 1,731,784
Armenia 286,027 273,530 50,877 222,653 0 176,000
Azerbaijan 1,453,318 1,426,000 96,700 1,329,300 0 1,100,000
Bahrain 4,060 4,060 3,666 0 394 4,060
Bangladesh 3,751,045 5,049,400 3,786,322 1,263,078 0 5,049,400
Bhutan 38,734 27,685 0 27,685 0 27,685
Brunei Darussalam 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 1,000
Cambodia 284,172 506,775 0 506,775 0 454,687
China 54,348,528 62,392,392 18,794,951 43,597,440 0 53,251,357
Cyprus 55,813 55,456 32,276 22,607 573 45,421
Democratic People's
Republic of Korea 1,460,000 1,460,000 205,600 1,254,400 0 1,341,000
Georgia 300,000 432,790 0 432,790 0 135,955
India 57,291,407 61,907,846 39,425,869 22,481,977 0 58,129,630
Indonesia 4,459,000 6,722,299 67,220 6,655,079 0 6,722,299
Iran (Islamic
Republic of) 6,913,800 8,847,818 5,494,495 3,353,323 0 6,407,307
Iraq 3,525,000 3,525,000 220,000 3,305,000 0 2,530,000
Israel 183,408 183,407 89,869 60,524 33,013 151,400
Japan 3,129,000 2,834,956 250,000 2,584,956 0 2,651,256
Jordan 76,912 83,450 44,479 38,971 0 76,200
Kazakhstan 1,855,200 2,482,500 179,000 2,303,500 0 2,141,330
Kuwait 6,968 10,142 7,742 0 2,400 10,142
Kyrgyzstan 1,075,040 1,045,131 7,000 1,038,131 0 1,021,400
Lao People’s
Democratic Republic 295,535 309,657 200 309,457 0 271,704
Lebanon 117,113 104,010 54,070 49,940 0 90,000
Malaysia 362,600 362,687 27,260 335,427 0 362,687
Maldives 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mongolia 57,300 84,300 36,000 48,300 0 62,900
Myanmar 1,841,320 2,110,000 100,000 2,010,000 0 2,110,000
Nepal 1,168,349 1,168,349 229,327 939,021 0 1,168,349
Occupied Palestinian
Territory 19,466 23,484 23,484 0 0 18,946
Oman 72,630 58,850 58,850 0 0 58,850
Pakistan 14,417,464 16,725,843 5,172,552 11,553,291 0 13,378,476
Papua New Guinea 0 0 0 0 0 0
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Country AEI in
GMIA4 (ha) AEI in
total (ha)
AEI in
AEI in
surface water
AEI in
sources (ha)
AAI in
GMIA5 (ha)
Philippines 1,550,000 1,879,084 254,039 1,625,045 0 1,879,084
Qatar 12,520 12,935 12,081 0 854 6,322
Republic of Korea 880,365 806,475 45,300 761,175 0 806,475
Saudi Arabia 1,730,767 1,348,696 1,308,235 0 40,461 1,154,385
Singapore 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sri Lanka 570,000 600,730 6,829 593,901 0 462,500
Syrian Arab
Republic 1,266,900 1,489,000 889,668 599,332 0 1,403,200
Tajikistan 719,200 742,051 39,038 703,013 0 674,416
Thailand 4,985,708 6,414,880 481,063 5,933,817 0 5,059,914
Timor-Leste 14,000 33,698 674 33,024 0 28,907
Turkey 4,185,910 5,215,144 1,621,546 3,484,931 108,668 3,415,144
Turkmenistan 1,744,100 1,990,800 9,608 1,981,192 0 1,990,800
United Arab
Emirates 280,341 230,841 230,841 0 0 218,826
Uzbekistan 4,223,000 4,198,000 274,000 3,924,000 0 3,700,000
Viet Nam 3,000,000 4,585,500 45,855 4,539,645 0 4,585,500
Yemen 388,000 813,951 540,698 253,542 19,712 668,504
ASIA TOTAL 187,600,089 213,779,671 80,793,672 132,779,924 206,075 186,735,200
The last available census-based inventory of irrigated areas dates back to 1967, giving a total
of 2 385 290 ha [AF01]. However, land-cover maps, recently produced through the
collaborative efforts of FAO, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the
Afghan Geodesy and Cartography Office (Kabul), indicate that the extent of irrigated areas
has not changed much in the last 35 years. About 190 000 ha are classified as intensively
irrigated (two crops, rice–wheat), about 1 370 000 ha as cropped and irrigated at least once a
year, and about 1 650 000 ha as irrigated occasionally (every two or three years) [AF02]. Area
equipped for irrigation was computed on a district level based on the recently produced land-
cover map [AF02] as the sum of areas classified as intensively or occasionally irrigated. This
resulted in a total AEI of 3 199 070 ha.
The irrigated areas were derived from land-cover maps, produced through the collaborative
efforts of FAO, the United Nations Development Programme and the Afghan Geodesy and
Cartography Office Kabul [AF02] and referring to year 1993.
The census-based inventory related to year 1967 [AF01] listed areas irrigated from streams,
canals, springs, kharezes and wells for each province. The total area irrigated with
groundwater according to this inventory was 367 240 ha (15.4 percent) while area irrigated
with surface water was 2 018 050 ha. The numbers found in this inventory agree very well
with statistics reported in a more recent publication [AF03]. Therefore we used this inventory
to compute the percentage of area irrigated with groundwater for each province. Total area
equipped for irrigation with groundwater computed this way was 576 387 ha (18 percent of
total AEI). AAI per region was derived from a report referring to season 2001/2002 [AF04].
Total AAI was 1 731 784 ha, of which 1 292 025 ha were used for one irrigated crop and 439
759 ha were under irrigated double-cropping.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[AF01]: Ministry of Water and Power. 1967. Irrigated areas per province and per source. Table
Aavailable in the AQUASTAT library.
[AF02]: Afghanistan Information Management Service (AIMS), FAO. 2003. Land cover of
Afghanistan (1993).,
[AF03]: Qureshi, A.S. 2002. Water resources management in Afghanistan: the issues and options.
Working Paper 49, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka,, 12/08/2009.
[AF04]: Maletta, H. and Favre, R. 2003. Agriculture and food production in post-war Afghanistan - a
report on the winter agricultural survey 2002-2003. Food, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Information Management and Policy Unit (FAAHM) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal
Husbandry of Afghanistan and FAO, Office Kabul, Kabul, Afghanistan,, 12/08/2009.
Area equipped for irrigation per district was derived from a cadaster report [AM01] and totals
273 530 ha at the country level. The figures are for year 2006.
Irrigated areas were digitized from a map at the scale 1:750 000 [AM02]. The digitized areas
have been in good agreement to irrigation schemes shown on other maps, e.g. in [AM03].
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 50 900 ha (18.6 percent of total AEI) in
year 2006 while area actually irrigated was 176 000 ha (64.3 percent of total AEI) in the same
year [AM04].
[AM01]: Ministry of Territorial Administration. 2007. The cadaster of meliorative conditions of
irrigated and drained areas of the Republic of Armenia. Ministry of Territorial Administration,
State Commity on Water Management, Melioration Organization.
[AM02]: Unknown. Irrigation in Armenia. Map at the scale 1:750 000 available from the AQUASTAT
[AM03]: FAO. 1993. Irrigation sub-sector review and project identification. FAO Investment Centre/
World Bank cooperative programme. Report No 79/93 CP - ARM 2. 66p. + 3 annexes.
[AM04]: FAO. 2009. AQUASTAT country profile of Armenia, version 2008. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
Total area equipped for irrigation in Azerbaijan was 1 426 000 ha in year 2003 [AZ01]. For
the region of Nakhichevan, area equipped for irrigation per district was derived from report
[AZ02], which refers to the situation in year 2000. Area equipped for irrigation for the other
regions was derived from statistics collected by the AQUASTAT country survey 2008. The
sum of AEI in these regions was 1 318 466 ha. Therefore AEI was scaled to 1 369 800 ha so
that total AEI for the whole country was similar to national sum (1 426 000 ha).
Irrigated areas were digitized from a map showing irrigation in the Caucasus region [AZ03].
The boundaries of the digitized irrigated areas were then adjusted using recent satellite
imagery [AZ04].
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 96 700 ha in year 1995 [AZ01], while area
actually irrigated was about 1 100 000 ha in year 2001 [AZ05]. The total harvested area of
irrigated crops was 1 391 521 ha in year 2004 [AZ01] indicating either multi-cropping of
irrigated crops or an increase of the actual use of irrigation between 2001 and 2004.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[AZ01]: FAO. 2009. AQUASTAT country profile of Azerbaijan, version 2008. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
[AZ02]: State Amelioration and Irrigation Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 2003.
Irrigation distribution system and management improvement project - environmental
assessment., 12/07/2004.
[AZ03]: Achtnich, W. 1980. Bewässerungslandbau, p. 36. Stuttgart, Germany, Ulmer.
[AZ04]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-300, 071-301, 071-312 and 071-313. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS
[AZ05]: World Bank. 2003. Irrigation distribution system and management improvement project.
Project appraisal document. Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Sector
Unit, Europe and Central Asia Region, Report No. 25755-AZ,,
The cultivated area increased between 1993 and 2000 from 3 160 ha to more than 4 000 ha
[BH01] and it is completely equipped for irrigation. Irrigated area reported for 9 regions adds
up to 4 060 ha [BH02]. The figures refer to the year 2001.
The location of irrigated areas was detected using a land-use map [BH03] showing the
cultivated areas of the country. The irrigated areas were then digitized in detail from Landsat
satellite imagery [BH04].
Because of the arid climate and limited surface water supply, irrigation water withdrawal is
mainly from groundwater. Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater is 90.3 percent of
total AEI [BH05], while the remaining 394 ha are irrigated with non-conventional water
[BH01]: Government of Bahrain. 2004. Statistical abstracts 2002. Table AS20B,, 19/07/2004.
[BH02]: Arab Organization for Agricultural Development. 2003. Arab Agricultural Statistics
Yearbook 2002. Agricultural Information, Documentation and Statistics Center,, 19/07/2004.
[BH03]: Statistisches Bundesamt. 1991. Länderbericht Bahrain 1991. Wiesbaden, Germany.
[BH04]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tile
071-310. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[BH05]: FAO. 2009. AQUASTAT country profile of Bahrain, version 2008. FAO, Rome,, 06/10/2010.
The area equipped for irrigation per region was derived from [BD01] and add up to 5 049 400
ha. The figures refer to year 2008. Statistics for the 64 districts (zilas) at zila were available
for 1998 [BD02] and 2007 [BD03], but in the more recent statistics for year 2007 data were
missing or incomplete for several zilas. Therefore, it was decided to use for each district the
maximum of the irrigated areas reported for years 1998 and 2007 and to scale the irrigated
area per district so that the total at the region level was consistent with the area reported as
equipped for irrigation in the minor irrigation survey [BD01].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Irrigated areas were digitized from a map showing irrigation accumulated in dot form [BD04].
Each dot represented 1 000 acres of irrigated area, and this also allowed the separation of
areas with high and low irrigation density within the districts.
The fraction of AEI irrigated with groundwater was computed for each district based on the
sum of areas reported to be irrigated with wells or tube-wells in [BD03]. For districts where
information was missing in [BD03] we used the statistics in [BD02] referring to year 1998.
Total AEI irrigated with groundwater computed that way was
3 786 322 ha (75 percent of total AEI) while the corresponding percentage reported in [BD01]
was 79 percent. The small underestimate of AEI irrigated with groundwater may be the result
of missing data in [BD03], because the importance of groundwater use for irrigation was
rising within the last decade. It was assumed that AEI is similar to AAI [BD05].
[BD01]: Bangadesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC). 2008. Minor Irrigation Survey
Report 2007-08. BADC, Ministry of Agriculture (MoA ), Govt. Bangladesh.
[BD02]: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). 2004. NDB Statistics, Zila Profiles., 12/07/2004.
[BD03]: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). 2010. Zila Profiles.
RptZillaProfile.aspx, 10/04/2012.
[BD04]: Department of Agricultural Extension. 1995. 1993/94 census of minor irrigation in
Bangladesh. Main report: national and regional summaries, Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka.
[BD05]: FAO. 2011. AQUASTAT country profile of Bangladesh, version 2010. FAO, Rome,, 10/04/2012.
Area equipped for irrigation is 27 685 ha [BT01]. The statistics refer to “wetlands” which is
the local term for irrigated land [BT02]. Area equipped for irrigation is reported for 20
provinces (dzongkhag) and the statistics refer to year 2007.
The irrigated areas were digitized from a land use atlas with a scale of 1 : 250 000 [BT03].
The whole area equipped for irrigation is irrigated by using surface water sources [BT02].
[BT01]: National Statistics Bureau (NSB). 2009. Statistical Yearbook of Bhutan 2009. NSB, Royal
Government of Bhutan, Thimphu,, 10/04/2012.
[BT02]: FAO. 2011. AQUASTAT country profile of Bhutan, version 2010. FAO, Rome,, 10/04/2012.
[BT03]: Ministry of Agriculture. 1997. Atlas of Bhutan 1 : 250 000, land cover & area statistics of 20
Dzongkhags. Thimphu, Land Use Planning Project.
Brunei Darussalam
The irrigated area in Brunei Darussalam is reported to be about 1 000 ha [BN01]. The figures
refer to 1995. No subnational statistics were available.
No map of irrigated areas was available. Therefore, arable land, mainly located in the north of
the country, was digitized from satellite imagery [BN02].
Irrigation in Brunei Darussalam is completely based on using surface water sources [BN01].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[BN01]: FAO. 2011. AQUASTAT country profile of Brunei Darussalam, version 2010. FAO, Rome,, 10/04/2012.
[BN02]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-444 and 071-445. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS
A recent inventory reported 2129 irrigation systems in 15 provinces, covering a total area of
504 675 ha with existing irrigation infrastructure and 164 964 ha of irrigation schemes in the
planning or construction phase [KH01]. Irrigated area is 273 767 ha in the wet season and 260
815 ha in the dry season, while 29 907 ha are irrigated in both seasons. The inventory is
related to the situation in year 2009 and indicates a strong increase of area equipped for
irrigation as compared to former versions of the same inventory reporting areas equipped for
irrigation of 323 591 ha in year 2004 [KH02] or 284 177 ha in year 2001 [KH03]. Area
equipped for full control irrigation in year 2006 was reported at 353 566 ha [KH04]. The
irrigated area of the six provinces not included in the inventory (Preah Vihear, Stung Treng,
Ratana Kiri, Mondul Kiri, Koh Kong and Tonle Sap) was reported to be about 2 100 ha in
1990 [KH05], so that the total irrigated area of the country is about 506 775 ha.
To distribute irrigated area within the country, digital maps of irrigated areas (polygon
dataset) related to year 2001 [KH06] and a digital map of irrigation projects (point dataset)
related to year 2009 [KH01] were used. Because the digital map of irrigation projects (point
dataset) often referred to the position of the headwork (reservoir, weir, sluice structure or
pump) it was used for small schemes (fewer than 300 ha) while the polygon dataset was used
for large schemes (more than 300 ha). The assumption behind this descision was that small
irrigation schemes are located closer to the source of irrigation water while large schemes
might be located in a larger distance to the water source. The remainder of the irrigated area
was distributed to paddy areas taken from a digital landcover map [KH03].
Area actually irrigated was 317 225 ha or 89.7 percent of area equipped for irrigation in year
2006 [KH04]. The ratio between AAI and AEI reported for year 2006 was applied for year
2009 as well resulting in an AAI of 454 687 ha. Irrigation is completely based on surface
water sources (reservoirs, rivers) [KH04].
[KH01]: Mekong River Commission Secretariat. 2009. Irrigation dataset 2009., 18/04/2012.
[KH02]: Mekong River Commission Secretariat. 2009. Irrigation dataset 2004., 18/04/2012.
[KH03]: Mekong River Commission Secretariat. 2003. People and the Environment Atlas of the
Lower Mekong Basin. CD-ROM. Phnom Penh.
[KH04]: FAO. 2011. AQUASTAT country profile of Cambodia, version 2010. FAO, Rome,, 10/04/2012.
[KH05]: FAO. 1994. Agricultural development options review (phase I). Rome.
[KH06]: FAO. 2004. Dataset provided by FAO ASIACOVER project.
China (excluding Macao and Taiwan)
Area equipped for irrigation reported for 31 provinces adds up to 61 897 940 ha [CN01]. The
figures refer to year 2005 and are limited to the provinces in China mainland. The farm area
for China Hong Kong SAR was reported to be 6 960 ha in the 2000 cropping season, while
the area actually cropped was 2 710 ha [CN02]. Based on these statistics, the irrigated area in
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
China Hong Kong SAR was estimated to be 2 000 ha, resulting in a total AEI of 61 899 940
There are large uncertainties regarding the extent of irrigated land in China. Inventories based
on remote sensing reported a much larger extent of areas under irrigation compared to the
census based statistics. For example, irrigated area has been estimated at 78 million ha for the
1992–93 cropping season [CN03], while irrigation statistics derived from the data base of the
agricultural census 1990 [CN04] reported a total AEI of 46 million ha. In addition, irrigated
areas were digitized from a 1:1 000 000 land-use atlas [CN05]. The atlas was published in
1990 and is based on satellite images and large-scale aerial photographs taken in the 1980s.
Irrigated areas and paddy rice areas derived from the land-use map totalled about 68 million
ha. The use of different definitions for irrigated land may explain parts of the difference.
Statistical yearbooks like the annual yearbooks of the National Bureau of Statistical [CN06]
report for example the so called “effective irrigation area” which refers to irrigated area of
annual crops [CN07]. In year 2005 the effective irrigation area was 56 562 360 ha in thus
about 11 percent smaller than total area equipped for irrigation, while only 47 968 730 ha of
the “effective irrigation area” was irrigated in year 2005.
In order to estimate irrigated area per county in year 2005, four inventories were combined.
AEI per province was assumed to be as given in [CN01]. The downscaling to county values
was achieved by combining the census results for the county level in 1990 [CN04] and the
irrigated area per county as taken from the land-use atlas [CN05]. First, the upper and lower
limits of irrigated area per province were computed by calculating the sum of minimum and
maximum irrigated areas per county as taken from the two inventories. If the so computed
maximum extent was larger than total cropland derived from the National Land Cover
Database 2000 (NLCD2000) [CN08], the maximum was reduced to total cropland extent in
the NLCD2000. It was then assumed that the irrigated area per county was at least as high as
the minimum of irrigated area taken from the two inventories plus the difference from the
maximum value scaled by a coefficient s. The coefficient s was constant for all counties
within the same province and was chosen so that the sum of the irrigated area in all counties
equalled the irrigated area per province. It was possible to use this method for 23 of the 30
provinces in China mainland. In the provinces Hebei, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Jilin,
Liaoning, and Tibet the computed upper limit of irrigated area was lower than the AEI
reported for 2005. This indicates a considerable increase in irrigated areas in these provinces
between 1990 and 2005. Irrigated area per county was computed here as a maximum of the
two inventories plus the rainfed agricultural land scaled by a coefficient so that the sum of the
computed irrigated areas per county equalled the irrigated area per province in 2005.
The irrigated areas were derived from the land-use atlas published in 1990 (scale: 1:1 000
000). The atlas was available in a printed hardcover version [CN05] and in a digital version
[CN09]. The digital version had a lower resolution and consisted of fewer classes than the
printed version. Therefore, fields classified as irrigated or as paddy were digitized from the
printed atlas version for 754 counties, covering about 67 percent of the country area. The
digital version of the map was used for the other counties, which are mainly located in
southeast China and usually very small. It was assumed that all the paddy-fields were
irrigated. Additionally, irrigated area was assigned to pixels classified as paddy land in the
NLCD2000. If the irrigated land identified that way was still smaller than total AEI, the
difference from the irrigated area was distributed to rainfed agriculture fields derived from the
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater and area actually irrigated per province in year
2005 was extracted from [CH01]. It was thereby assumed that the AEI irrigated with
groundwater is similar to the area covered by tube wells. Total area equipped for irrigation is
18 658 742 ha (30 percent of total AEI) while area actually irrigated in year 2005 was 52 758
905 ha (85 percent of AEI).
Computed upper and lower limits of irrigated area in Chinese provinces compared to the area
equipped for irrigation as reported by the Ministry of Water Resources [CN01] for the year
Province Computed lower limit (ha) Computed upper limit (ha) AEI reported in the yearbook
of MWR for year 2005 (ha)
Anhui 2,392,445 5,274,661 3,369,860
Beijing 345,700 452,795 367,870
Chongqing 544,546 1,677,412 618,090
Fujian 883,723 1,938,449 1,005,000
Gansu 795,407 2,107,809 1,355,480
Guangdong 1,734,872 3,684,428 2,230,740
Guangxi 1,440,496 3,037,587 1,532,220
Guizhou 513,849 1,978,353 711,920
Hainan 138,826 605,282 250,600
Hebei 3,187,790 4,451,145 4,885,720
Heilongjiang 468,484 2,316,997 2,400,060
Henan 3,152,490 5,241,801 4,941,210
Hong Kong 0 5,537 2,000
Hubei 1,999,137 4,150,791 2,457,630
Hunan 2,320,441 4,475,230 2,761,660
Inner Mongolia 1,091,745 2,522,336 3,332,520
Jiangsu 3,979,156 6,145,719 4,020,100
Jiangxi 1,808,576 3,561,707 1,883,720
Jilin 306,773 1,316,685 1,636,370
Liaoning 714,014 1,506,877 1,715,390
Ningxia 236,792 645,236 497,220
Qinghai 159,943 373,276 371,170
Shaanxi 1,170,126 2,678,166 1,443,620
Shandong 4,149,827 5,727,478 5,360,090
Shanghai 237,610 352,617 308,340
Shanxi 979,825 1,863,713 1,283,460
Sichuan 1,969,102 4,844,050 2,607,420
Tianjin 340,130 601,994 393,010
Tibet 93,272 245,377 306,980
Xinjiang 1,911,531 4,986,898 4,776,980
Yunnan 907,885 2,354,106 1,561,190
Zhejiang 1,452,609 2,673,558 1,512,300
CHINA TOTAL 41,427,122 83,798,073 61,899,940
[CN01]: Ministry of Water Resources. 2006. China statistics on water resources 2005. Ministry of
Water Resources (MWR), Beijing, PR of China.
[CN02]: Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. 2002. Department annual report
2001/02., 21/11/2004.
[CN03]: Frolking, S., Xianming, X., Yahui, Z., Salas, W., Li, C. 1999. Agricultural land-use in China:
a comparison of area estimates from ground-based census and satellite-borne remote
sensing. Glob. Ecol. Biogeog., 8: 407-416.
[CN04]: Skinner, G.W. 1997. China county-level data on population (census) and agriculture, keyed to
1:1M GIS map. Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN),, 20/11/2004.
[CN05]: Wu, C. 1990. Land-use map of China (1:1 000 000 scale). Beijing, Science Press.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[CN06]: National Bureau of Statistics. 2006. China Statistical Yearbook 2006. National Bureau of
Statistics,, 20/08/2010.
[CN07]: FAO. 2011. AQUASTAT country profile of China, version 2010. FAO, Rome,, 05/06/2012.
[CN08]: Liu, J., Tian, H., Liu, M., Zhuang, D., Melillo, J.M., Zhang, Z. 2005. China’s changing
landscape during the 1990s: Large-scale land transformations estimated with satellite data.
Geophysical Research Letters 32, L02405.
[CN09]: Chinese Academy of Sciences. 1994. Digital land-cover map of China. Beijing, Institute of
Remote Sensing Applications.
China Macao Province
The total land area of Macao is about 2 680 ha of which 577 ha are classified as green area.
The green area contains about 67 ha of gardens, parks and squares, 3 ha are classified as
nurseries [MO01]. However, no information was available on agricultural land use and
irrigation. Therefore, it was assumed that there is no irrigated area in Macao.
[MO01]:Statistics and Census Service. 2004. Environment statistics 2002,
China Taiwan Province
Total cultivated area of Taiwan, Province of China, decreased from 667 602 ha in 1990 to 656
676 ha in 1995 [TW01], 627 160 ha in 2000 [TW02], and 597 438 ha in 2005 [TW03]. In
contrast, the irrigated area increased from 510 500 ha in 1990 to 525 528 ha in 1995 [TW04],
but decreased then to 492 452 ha in 2005 [TW03]. Area equipped for irrigation was derived
for each county and city from the report of the agriculture, forestry, fishery and husbandry
census 2005 [TW03].
Irrigated area was assigned to pixels classified as paddy land (priority 7) or non-paddy
cropland (priority 6) in the National Land Cover Database of China for the year 2000
(NLCD2000) [TW05] and to irrigated areas shown on a land cover atlas related to year 1990
Area irrigated from groundwater and surface water sources was derived for each county and
city from the report of the agriculture, forestry, fishery and husbandry census 2005 [TW03]. It
was assumed that the area supplied by “irrigation associations”, “rivers and ponds” and “other
sources” represented area irrigated with surface water while area served with “groundwater”
represented area irrigated with groundwater. Total area irrigated with groundwater was 136
209 ha. Area actually irrigated was assumed to be similar to area equipped for irrigation.
[TW01]: Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics. 1997. 1995 Agricultural,
forestry, fishery and husbandry survey, p. 24. General Report. Taipei, Taiwan Province of
China,, 28/09/2004.
[TW02]: Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics. 2002. 2000 Agricultural,
forestry, fishery and husbandry survey, p. 29. General Report. Taipei, Taiwan Province of
China,, 28/09/2004.
[TW03]: Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics. 2007. Agriculture, forestry,
fishery and husbandry census 2005 – statistical tables. Directorate General of Budget,
Accounting and Statistics, Statistical Bureau, Taipei City, Taiwan,, 28/08/2009.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[TW04]: Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics. 1997. 1995 Agricultural,
forestry, fishery and husbandry survey, Table A16. General Report. Taipei, Taiwan Province of
China,, 28/09/2004.
[TW05]: Liu, J., Tian, H., Liu, M., Zhuang, D., Melillo, J.M., Zhang, Z. 2005. China’s changing
landscape during the 1990s: Large-scale land transformations estimated with satellite data.
Geophysical Research Letters 32, L02405.
[TW06]: Wu, C. 1990. 1:1,000 000 land use map of China. Beijing.
Area equipped for irrigation per municipality in the Republic of Cyprus (in total 45 449 ha)
was derived from the report of the agricultural census 2003 [CY01] while area equipped for
irrigation in per district in Northern Cyprus (in total 10 006 ha) was derived from a report
published in 2005 [CY02]. Therefore, AEI for the whole island of Cyprus was 55 456 ha.
Irrigated areas were extracted from the Corine 2000 land cover data base for Europe [CY03]
or digitized from a land-use map produced in 1975 [CY04]. This map also shows irrigated
areas in the Northern part of Cyprus. In addition, eleven government schemes were digitized
from a recent inventory [CY05].
For the Republic of Cyprus it was assumed, that 51.2 percent of the area is irrigated with
groundwater, 48.2 percent with surface water and 0.5 percent with water from
nonconventional sources [CY06]. Based on the amount of water consumption from different
sources reported in [CY02] we estimated that 90 percent of the AEI in Northern Cyprus was
irrigated with groundwater, 7 percent with surface water and 3 percent with water from
nonconventional sources. For the whole island of Cyprus, his resulted in 32 276 ha AEI
irrigated with groundwater, 22 607 ha irrigated with surface water, and 573 ha irrigated with
water from non-conventional sources. Area actually irrigated for the Republic of Cyprus was
derived from the agricultural census report 2003 (in total 35 928 ha) while the area actually
irrigated for Northern Cyprus (in total 9493 ha) was computed as average of annual irrigated
areas reported for the period 2001-2005 [CY07].
[CY01]: Republic of Cyprus. 2006. Census of agriculture 2003. Statistical Service, Republic of
[CY02]: Elkiran, G., Ergil, M. 2006. Integrated water resources planning and management of North
Cyprus: case study on water supply and demand including drought conditions. International
Conference on "Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support" Ohrid,
Republic of Macedonia, May 23-26, 2006,, 17/08/2009.
[CY03]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[CY04]: Savvides, L. 1975. Land use map of Cyprus - Scale 1:250 000. Nicosia.
[CY05]: Savvides, L., Dörflinger, G., Alexandrou, K. 2001. Reassessment of the island’s water
resources and demand - the assessment of water demand of Cyprus. Nicosia, Ministry of
Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, FAO.
[CY06]: FAO. 2011. AQUASTAT country profile of Cyprus, version 1997. FAO, Rome,, 05/06/2012.
[CY07]: TRNC Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 2002-2006. Agricultural structure and
production., 06/09/2012.
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
The irrigated area in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was 1 460 000 ha in 1995
[KP01]. More recent data were not available from national sources but according to statistics
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
provided by FAOSTAT [KP02], area equipped for irrigation has been constant until 2009.
Subnational data on the extent of irrigated land were missing as well.
An inventory of land form, land cover and crop-use intensity [KP03] was used to assign area
equipped for irrigation to specific pixels. The map is based on remote sensing and
distinguishes land forms (alluvial land, upland, hilly or steep land, and wetland), land uses
(paddy rice, forest, rangeland or pasture, and urban) as well as five different classes of
cultivation intensity. It was assumed that the paddy-fields (about 557 000 ha) were completely
equipped for irrigation. It was further assumed that the fields assigned to other crops were
also equipped for irrigation where they were located in the plains or river valleys with alluvial
land (about 637 000 ha). The difference from the total area equipped for irrigation (about 266
000 ha) was distributed to fields cropped with upland crops.
In 1990 about 200 000 ha were irrigated with groundwater and 1 220 000 ha with surface
water. Based on this ratio area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was assumed to be
205 600 ha. Area actually irrigated was 1 341 000 ha in year 2006 [KP01].
[KP01]: FAO. 2011. AQUASTAT country profile of Democratic People´s Republic of Korea, version
2010. FAO, Rome,,
[KP02]: FAO. 2012. FAOSTAT., 06/09/2012.
[KP03]: United Nations Environment Programme. 2004. Land form, land cover and crop use
intensity mapping for agriculture rehabilitation and food security in the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,, 27/01/2004.
In the Soviet period, infrastructure was built to irrigate 469 000 ha of agricultural land, mainly
located in the more arid east of the country [GE01]. In the 1990s, civil strife, war, vandalism
and theft, as well as problems associated with land reform, the transition to a market
economy, and the loss of markets with traditional trading partners, contributed to a significant
reduction in the irrigated area. It has been reported that only about 160 000 ha were irrigated
during the severe drought in 2000. Almost all pumping schemes (about 143 000 ha) were out
of order. Therefore, a rehabilitation programme was started by Georgia's State Department of
Amelioration and Water Economy to renew the infrastructure of existing irrigation and
drainage schemes and to establish amelioration service cooperatives. About 255 000 ha were
covered by this programme [GE02]. Total area equipped for irrigation in year 2007 was 432
790 ha, consisting of 31 500 ha equipped wetland and inland valley bottoms and 401 290 ha
full or partial control irrigation [GE01]. AEI in full or partial control irrigation for 11 regions
was derived from the Aquastat country questionnaire. No data have been available on the
location of equipped wetland and inland valley bottoms. Therefore total AEI was estimated
for each region by scaling AEI in full or partial control schemes (401 290 ha) to 432 790 ha.
Irrigated areas and main zones of irrigation development were digitized from an irrigation
map published in a project report [GE02] and from a map showing irrigated areas in the
Caucasus region [GE03]. Irrigated area was then assigned to all pixels classified in the
Globcover 2009 landcover data set [GE04] as “Rainfed croplands”, “Mosaic cropland (50-70
percent) / vegetation (grassland/shrubland/forest) (20-50 percent)”, or “Mosaic vegetation
(grassland/shrubland/forest) (50-70 percent) / cropland (20-50 percent)” and located within
the digitized irrigation zones.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Irrigation is completely based on surface water resources (river diversion), groundwater is not
used for irrigation in Georgia [GE01]. In year 2006 only 126 060 ha (31.4 percent) of the area
equipped for irrigation in full/partial control irrigation schemes was irrigated. Based on this
fraction, total area actually irrigated was estimated therefore at 135 955 ha.
[GE01]: FAO. 2011. AQUASTAT country profile of Georgia, version 2008. FAO, Rome,, 18/10/2011.
[GE02]: World Bank. 2001. Irrigation and drainage community development project. Project appraisal
document. Report No. 22042-GE,, 18/10/2004.
[GE03]: Achtnich, W. 1980. Bewässerungslandbau, p. 36. Stuttgart, Germany, Ulmer.
[GE04]: European Space Agency. 2010. GlobCover 2009 (Global Land Cover Map)., 07/09/2012.
Data on the extent of area equipped for irrigation is not collected by statistical surveys in
India. Therefore, statistics on the Net Irrigated Area (NIA) provided by the reports and data
bases of the Agricultural Census 2000/2001 of the Ministry of Agriculture [IN01], the Input
Survey 2001/2002 of the Ministry of Agriculture [IN02], and the Minor Irrigation Census
2000/2001 of the Ministry of Water Resources [IN03] were used to estimate AEI. NIA does
not account for AEI that was left fallow or was completely rainfed in the year of the statistics.
NIA is therefore likely to be lower than the AEI. AEI per district was computed as the
maximum of NIA reported by the three inventories aforementioned resulting in a total sum of
61 907 846 ha.
In the northern part of India, irrigated areas were assigned to pixels classified as irrigated in
the Himalaya land cover classification [IN04]. In addition, irrigated areas were digitized from
a hydrological atlas published in 2005 [IN05] showing the outlines of the large-scale
irrigation schemes of the country and distinguishing between existing schemes, schemes
under construction and proposed schemes. In addition, the location of minor irrigation
schemes is shown in the irrigation atlas in dot-map form, whereby each dot represents 4 000
ha of irrigated area outside the major irrigation schemes. These areas were digitized by
enclosing areas around the dots on the map. The digitized irrigation areas were then combined
with the Globcover landcover classification product for Central Asia [IN06] using the
priorities shown in Table A10.
The percentage of area irrigated with groundwater was computed by using the agricultural
census statistics and the minor irrigation census statistics because these inventories also
reported the source of irrigation water. In general, percentage of area irrigated with
groundwater (P_AEI_GW) was computed as follows:
where NIAGW_AGC was the NIA irrigated with groundwater according to the Agricultural
Census (ha) , NIAGW_MIC was the NIA irrigated with groundwater according to the Minor
Irrigation Census (ha) and NIASW_AGC and NIASW_MIC were the corresponding net
irrigated areas irrigated with surface water as reported by the two census data bases (ha).
Exceptions from this general procedure (mainly caused by missing data) are documented
below by federal state:
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Andaman and Nicobar Islands:
Only Minor Irrigation Census data was used.
Arunachal Pradesh:
Data from the Minor Irrigation Census was used because in the agricultural census data base
most of the NIA was assigned to "other sources", it was assumed that "Major/medium
schemes" in MIC represent surface water sources (862 ha of 39 958 ha total NIA).
In the agricultural census data base there was no data, therefore another inventory reporting
NIA for season 1993/1994 [IN07] was used as second data source.
Daman and Diu:
Because of missing data in the Minor Irrigation Census, only the Agricultural Census data
base was used.
In the agricultural census data base there was no data, therefore another inventory reporting
NIA for season 1993/1994 [IN07] was used as second data source.
It was assumed that all irrigation is from groundwater.
In the agricultural census data base there was no data, therefore the Minor Irrigation Census
was used as the only data source.
Uttar Pradesh:
The percentage of AEI irrigated with groundwater was computed by assuming that all areas
reported in category "others" refer to irrigation from surface water to account for the specific
relevance of water extractions from rivers and reservoirs in some districts of the state.
Total area equipped for irrigation with groundwater computed that way for India was 39 425
869 ha (63.7 percent of total AEI) while 22 481 977 ha (36.3 percent of total AEI) were
irrigated with surface water. AAI was computed for each district as maximum of net irrigated
area reported by the Agricultural Census Database or the Minor Irrigation Census and
neglected therefore the statistics collected by the Input survey in period 2001/02. Total AAI
estimated that way for year 2001 was 58 129 630 ha.
Criteria and corresponding priorities used to assign area equipped for irrigation to grid cells in
Criteria Priority
Irrigated herbaceous crops in [IN04] 8
Operational irrigation schemes in [IN05] AND irrigated crops in [IN06] 7
Either operational irrigation scheme in [IN05] OR irrigated crops in [IN06] 6
Irrigation schemes under construction or planned in [IN05] AND rainfed crops in [IN06] 5
Either irrigation schemes under construction or planned in [IN05] OR rainfed crops in [IN06] 4
[IN01]: Ministry of Agriculture. 2009. Agricultural Census Database. Government of India, Ministry
of Agriculture, Agricultural Census Division,, 05/06/2012.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[IN02]: Ministry of Agriculture. 2009. Input Survey Database 2001-02. Government of India, Ministry
of Agriculture, Agricultural Census Division,, 05/06/2012.
[IN03]: Ministry of Water Resources. 2005. 3rd census of minor irrigation schemes. Ministry of
water Resources, New Delhi, India,,
[IN04]: FAO. 2010. Land Cover of Himalaya Region. FAO, Rome, Italy,
40723cd1847b, 28/01/2010.
[IN05]: Nag, P. (ed). 2005. Hydrological atlas of India. National Atlas & Thematic Mapping
Organisation, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, Kolkata, India.
[IN06]: POSTEL. 2008. GLOBCOVER landcover classification, Version 2.2, Central Asia. Globcover
database., 24/03/2009.
[IN07]: Government of Bihar. 1996. District-wise Net Area Irrigated by canals, tanks, tube-wells and
other sources in Bihar (1991-92 to 1993-94). Government of Bihar, Agricultural Department,, 14/07/2004.
Area equipped for irrigation was 6 722 299 ha in year 2005 [ID01]. Following the
categorization used by FAO, only technical, semi-technical, and simple irrigation schemes
where considered. In addition to areas equipped for irrigation, non-equipped cultivated
wetlands of Indonesia covered 3 133 317 ha, of which 2 088 622 ha were village managed
and 1 044 695 cultivated by the state [ID02]. The statistics indicate a strong increase in areas
equipped for irrigation during the last decade. About 46 percent of the irrigated area is located
on the island of Java and about 34 percent on the island of Sumatra, respectively.
Irrigated areas were digitized from maps provided by the General Directorate of Water
Resources [ID03]. About 28 percent of the AEI were assigned to irrigated areas shown on
these irrigation maps. In addition, irrigated land was assigned to pixels classified as irrigated
crops in a land cover classification based on the Globecover data set [ID04]. When the sum of
irrigated area assigned to specific pixels was still smaller than the AEI reported by the
statistics, the remaining irrigated land was assigned to pixels classified in [ID04] as rainfed
Irrigation from groundwater covered an area of 1 percent of total AEI or about 67 220 ha
[ID02]. Subnational data on the share of groundwater irrigation or on the AEI actually
irrigated were not available. However, the harvested area of irrigated crops was 13 388 358 ha
in year 2005 [ID02], indicating a very high cropping intensity on irrigated land. It was
therefore assumed, that the total AEI was actually irrigated in year 2005.
[ID01]: Ministry of Public Works. 2006. Rekapitulasi Daerah Irigasi Tahun 2005. Ministry of Public
Works of Indonesia,,
[ID02]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of Indonesia, version 2010. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 05/11/2012.
[ID03]: Directorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air. 2012. Daerah Irigasi.,
[ID04]: FAO. 2009. Land cover of Indonesia. FAO, Rome, Italy,
e708183336ec, 13/07/2011.
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Area equipped for irrigation was 8 131 564 ha in year 2003 [IR01]. However, statistics
reported per province were 8 297 031 ha in total for the same year, of which an area of 5 141
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
157 ha was used for annual crops, 1 282 188 ha for orchards and nurseries and the remaining
area was fallow in that year [IR02]. AEI per province for year 2003 was derived from the
Statistical Yearbook of Iran [IR02] and increased in 11 out of the 30 provinces to the
maximum of the area actually irrigated reported in annual steps for the period 2004/2005 –
2009/2010 [IR03]. Total AEI estimated that way for the whole country was 8 847 818 ha.
Irrigated areas were assigned to regions classified as irrigated (priority 8) or as mosaic of
irrigated land and other land use (priority 7) in a land cover inventory that is based on Landsat
imagery and was developed in year 2006 [IR04]. The distribution of irrigated land in this
inventory fitted very well to former maps showing the extent of irrigated land in Iran, e.g.
[IR05] and [IR06].
Percentage of irrigation water use from ground- and surface water reported for 8 water
regions and year 1995 [IR07]. It was assumed that the ratio between AEI irrigated with
groundwater and total AEI was similar to the ratio between irrigation water use from
groundwater and total irrigation water use. AEI from groundwater computed that way for the
whole country was 56.7 percent of total AEI and scaled to meet the 62.1 percent percentage
irrigated area with groundwater supply reported in the AQUASTAT data base for year 2003
[IR01]. Area actually irrigated was 6 423 342 ha in year 2003 [IR02], while total harvested
irrigated cropped area was 8 592 554 ha in the same year [IR01]. This indicates that
multicropping is practised on a large extent of the land used for irrigated annual crops. Area
actually irrigated varied between 5 849 455 ha and 6 739 810 ha in period 2005 – 2010
[IR03]. AAI per province was computed therefore as the mean of the annual AAI reported for
the period 2004/2005 – 2009/2010 [IR03]. Total AAI estimated that way for the whole
country was 6 407 307 ha.
[IR01]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of Iran (Islamic Republic of), version 2008. FAO,
Rome, Italy,,
[IR02]: Statistical Centre of Iran. 2006. Iran Statistical Yearbook 1385. Statistical Centre of Iran,
Tehran, Iran,, 19/08/2009.
[IR03]: Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture. 2007-2012. Agricultural Statistics of Iran 1384-1388.
de648a5f4d52, 30/11/2012.
[IR04]: Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture. 2006. Landcover characterization of Iran. Data set provided
by Noroozi Ali Akbar, Soil Conservation & Watershed Management Research Institute
(SCWMRI), Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture, Islamic Republic of Iran.
[IR05]: Universität Tübingen. 1993. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO), plate
AX3.Wiesbaden, Germany, Reichert.
[IR06]: Universität Tübingen. 1993. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO), plate AX1.
Wiesbaden, Germany, Reichert.
[IR07]: Bybordi, M. 2002. Irrigation and water management in Iran. A contribution to a FAO
sponsored project: Framework for Sustainable Agricultural Development Strategy in Iran.
Tehran, Iran, 43 pp.
Area equipped for irrigation is reported to be 3 525 000 ha [IQ01]. The figures refer to 1990.
A large part of this area is not irrigated. Because of waterlogging and salinity, the area
irrigated in 1993 was about 1 936 000 ha [IQ02] and this had decreased to 1 775 750 ha in
2001 [IQ03] and varied between 2.1 Million ha and 2.6 Million ha in period 2004 to 2009
[IQ04]. However, the three Kurdish provinces in the north of the country (Dahoak, Arbil and
Sulaimania) are not included in these figures. Therefore, statistics originating from a land
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
survey in 1992 and provided by the Kurdistan Democratic Party [IQ05] were used for these
provinces. Statistics on the area equipped for irrigation were not available on a province level.
Therefore, it was estimated by combining areas computed from digitized land-use maps
[IQ06], tactical pilot charts [IQ07] and satellite imagery [IQ08] with province-level statistics
of the area actually irrigated in 1993 [IQ02] and 2001 [IQ03]. It was assumed that the area
equipped for irrigation was as least as high as the maximum of the area actually irrigated in
1993 and 2001. In order to estimate the area of the irrigated areas not in use, the land-use
maps, pilot charts and satellite imagery were used for the downstream provinces of
Muthannia, Qadisiya, Najaf, Babil, Baghdad, Thegar, Diala, Misan and Wasit. The estimates
for the northern provinces of Dahoak, Arbil and Sulaimania are as reported in the land survey.
Irrigated areas were digitized from land-use maps [IQ06], tactical pilot charts [IQ07] and
satellite imagery [IQ08].
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 220 000 ha or 6.2 percent of total AEI in
year 1990 and 146 000 ha in year 1997 [IQ01]. Area actually irrigated was set to 2 530 000 ha
representing the annual mean reported in [IQ04] for the period 2004-2009. Subnational
information on area actually irrigated or area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was
not available.
[IQ01]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of Iraq, version 2008. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 05/11/2012.
[IQ02]: Arab Organization for Agricultural Development. 1994. Arab Agricultural Statistics
Yearbook. Volume No. 14, Table A18. Khartoum.
[IQ03]: Arab Organization for Agricultural Development. 2003. Arab Agricultural Statistics
Yearbook 2002. Agricultural Information, Documentation and Statistics Center,, 19/07/2004.
[IQ04]: Arab Organization for Agricultural Development. 2006-2010. Arab Agricultural Statistics
Yearbook, Volumes 26-30. Arab Organization for Agricultural Development AOAD, Khartoum,, 30/11/2012.
[IQ05]: Kurdistan Democratic Party. 2004. Agriculture in Kurdistan,,
[IQ06]: Universität Tübingen. 1993. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, Plate AX04. Tübingen,
[IQ07]: Humanitarian Information Centre for Iraq. 2004. Tactical pilotage charts at the 1:500.000,, 19/07/2004.
[IQ08]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, Tiles
071-287, 071-288, 071-298, 071-299, 071-300, 071-310 and 071-311. Sioux Falls, USA,
According to the official statistics AEI in year 2004 was 225 000 ha [IL01]. However, the
area actually used for irrigation reached its maximum extent in the mid-1980s at about 230
000 ha and declined then to 205 700 ha in 1990 [IL02], 186 600 ha in 2000 [IL02], and 151
400 ha in 2009 [IL03]. This means that a growing part of the irrigation infrastructure has been
out of use. Subnational statistics on the extent of AEI were not available. To account for the
decline in the extent of irrigated land, AEI per natural region was estimated based on the
extent of the major irrigated crops reported for year 2000 [IL02]. As indicated at the national
scale [IL02], it was assumed that the flower and garden-plant area was completely irrigated,
that citrus plantations were completely irrigated, that 91.88 percent of the vegetable area was
irrigated, and that 74.08 percent of the other plantations (except citrus) was irrigated. Total
AEI computed this way was 186 600 ha of which an irrigated area of about 3 200 ha is located
in enclosed settlements in the West Bank and Gaza territories.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
The irrigated areas were digitized from two irrigation maps ([IL04]; [IL05]). The outlines of
the digitized areas were then adjusted using satellite imagery [IL06]. Some smaller irrigation
schemes visible on the satellite images were also digitized and incorporated.
49 percent of the total water use in Israel is from groundwater, 33 percent from surface water
(extraction from the Jordan River) and 13 percent from treated wastewater and 5 percent from
desalination plants [IL07]. About two third of the water use is for irrigation. About 90 percent
of the fresh water resources have been incorporated into a single system that enables
implementation of a uniform national policy of water production and regular supply to the
different sectors of consumers [IL08]. This also means that water from different sources is
mixed and transported over long distances. Therefore it was assumed that the partitioning of
water supply into different water sources also represents the percentages of irrigated area
irrigated from the corresponding water sources. Area actually irrigated was 151 400 ha in year
2009 [IL03]. Subnational data on AAI were not available.
[IL01]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of Israel, version 2008. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 05/11/2012.
[IL02]: Central Bureau of Statistics. 2003. Statistical abstract of Israel 2002.,
[IL03]: Central Bureau of Statistics. 2012. Time series Data Bank, table “Land by Categories”,, 01/12/2012.
[IL04]: Eichenauer, H. 1993. Die Bewässerungsgebiete Israels, Anmerkungen zu einer Karte 1:1
Million. In H. Popp & K. Rother, eds. Die Bewässerungsgebiete im Mittelmeerraum, pp. 135-
141. Passau, Germany, Passavia Universitätsverlag.
[IL05]: Universität Tübingen. 1993. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO), plate AX7.
Wiesbaden, Germany, Reichert.
[IL06]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-271 and 071-272. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[IL07]: ARIJ. 2007. Status of the environment in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Applied
Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ), Bethlehem, Palestine,, 19/08/2009.
[IL08]: Sitton, D. 2000. Advanced agriculture as a tool against desertification. Israel Ministry of
Foreign Affairs,
20agriculture%20as%20a%20tool%20against%20desertifica, 19/08/2009.
Area equipped for irrigation was 3 128 079 ha in year 1993, comprising of 2 781 411 ha
irrigated paddy fields and 346 668 ha irrigated upland fields [JP01]. Almost all paddy fields
are equipped for irrigation. In contrast, irrigation of non-paddy fields (upland crops) started
after World War II and extended to about 10 percent irrigated upland fields at the beginning
1990s [JP02]. Area equipped for irrigation per prefecture was estimated as the sum of paddy
field area reported for year 2010 [JP03] and irrigated area of upland crops which was
computed based on the percentage of irrigated upland area reported for each province in year
1993 [JP04] and the total growing area of upland crops in year 2010 [JP03]. Total area
equipped for irrigation estimated this way was 2 834 956 ha. The declining trend in AEI
(compared to the data reported for year 1993) has been caused mainly by the reduction in the
extent of paddy land to 2 496 000 ha in year 2010 [JP03].
The irrigated areas were digitized from an irrigation map sent to FAO with the AQUASTAT
country questionnaire [JP05].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
The area equipped for irrigation is in general irrigated with surface water withdrawn from
reservoirs and streams. In addition, groundwater is used supplementary on about 500 000 ha
during the low water season from April to September, especially in August [JP01]. To
account for the area irrigated with a mix of both, surface water and groundwater, area
irrigated with groundwater was set to 250 000 ha and the remaining area was assumed to be
irrigated with surface water. Area actually irrigated per prefecture was computed as the
difference between the area equipped for irrigation and the extent of unplanted paddy land
reported for year 2010 [JP06]. Total area actually irrigated estimated this way was 2 651 256
ha. This should be considered as the maximum extent because more than 27 percent of the
paddy land was cropped in year 2010 with non-rice crops (e.g. vegetables) [JP06] and it
maybe that a fraction of these crops was cultivated as rainfed crops.
[JP01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of Japan, version 1997. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 04/02/2013.
[JP02]: Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering. 1995. Irrigation
and drainage in Japan. Third Edition. Tokyo.
[JP03]: Statistics Bureau. 2011. Japan statistical yearbook 2011. Ministry of Internal Affairs and
Communications, Statistics Bureau,,
[JP04]: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. 1994. Status of agricultural land use in
Japan. Agricultural Structure Improvement Bureau (available in the AQUASTAT library).
[JP05]: Unknown. 1997. Irrigation in Japan. Map sent to FAO with the AQUASTAT country
[JP06]: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. 2012. The 86th statistical yearbook of
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (20102011). Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries,, 04/02/2013.
The area equipped for irrigation increased from 64 300 ha in 1990 [JO01] to 78 860 ha in
2004 [JO02] and 83 450 ha in year 2006 [JO03]. Irrigated area per province was extracted
from the report of the Agricultural Census 2007 [JO04]. However, total irrigated area reported
by the agricultural census (125 870 ha) was larger than the area reported in the
aforementioned statistics, while total cultivated area was similar. One reason maybe that the
limited availability of water resources was not reflected in these statistics. Therefore total AEI
was scaled to 83 450 ha reported by the Department of Statistics for year 2006 [JO03].
The irrigated areas were localized using an irrigation map of the Jordan Valley and a map
showing irrigated areas outside the Jordan Valley [JO05]. The irrigation schemes were then
digitized using satellite imagery [JO06]. The extent of the areas digitized that way in the four
northern provinces Ajlun, Irbid, Jarash and Mafraq was smaller than the AEI reported by the
statistics. Therefore, the remaining AEI was assigned in these provinces to areas classified as
rainfed cropland in the regional Globcover landcover classification for North Africa [JO07].
The percentage of area irrigated with groundwater was extracted for each province from the
report of the agricultural census 2007 [JO04]. Total area equipped for irrigation with
groundwater calculated this way was 44 479 ha or 53 percent of the total AEI and thus similar
to the percentage reported in the FAO Aquastat country report [JO02]. In contrast, AEI
irrigated with a mixture of treated wastewater and surface water was 15.9 percent according to
FAO [JO02] but 0 according to the agricultural census database [JO04]. The reason for this
difference could be that treated waste water is released into rivers and the mixed water is later
extracted downstream by the farmers for irrigation [JO02]. Therefore it is very likely that
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
farmers consider the part of treated waste water extracted from the river or reservoir as
surface water. Area actually irrigated was 72 009 ha or 91 percent of AEI in year 2004
[JO02]. The same ratio between AAI and AEI was used to estimate AAI in year 2006.
[JO01]: Department of Statistics. 1991. Statistical yearbook 1991. Amman, Jordan.
[JO02]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of Jordan, version 2008. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 05/11/2012.
[JO03]: Department of Statistics. 2009. Crop statistics: Irrigated and non-irrigated areas. Department
of Statistics (DOS), Amman, Jordan,
FOCAL_AGR.agr_kk?LANG=E&dis=0, 20/08/2009.
[JO04]: Department of Statistics. 2010. The agricultural census 2007. Department of Statistics
(DOS), Amman, Jordan,, 10/12/2012.
[JO05]: World Bank. 1988. Jordan water resources sector study. World Bank, Infrastructure
Operations Division, report No. 7099-JO, Washington, DC.
[JO06]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-271, 071-272, 071-286 and 071-287. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[JO07]: POSTEL. 2008. GLOBCOVER landcover classification, Version 2.2, North Africa. Globcover
database., 24/03/2009.
Total area equipped for irrigation in year 1993 was 3 556 400 ha and consisted of 2 313 100
ha full or partial control irrigation, 138 700 ha equipped wetlands and inland valley bottoms
and 1 104 600 ha spate irrigation area [KZ01]. However, it has been estimated that about 680
000 ha of the land were out of use in the 1994 cropping season because of soil salinization,
waterlogging, broken or incomplete distribution systems or because of other reasons [KZ02].
The irrigated areas in 2002 consisted of 1 220 000 ha of full or partial control irrigation and
580 600 ha of so-called "engineering-liman irrigation and inundated hay lands" [KZ03]
representing spate irrigation areas and equipped wetlands and inland valley bottoms. Area
equipped for irrigation per province in year 2006 was estimated by selecting for each province
the maximum of the irrigated areas reported in the statistical yearbook “Environmental
protection and sustainable development in Kazakhstan 2010” [KZ04] and the report of the
agricultural census 2006/2007 [KZ05]. The extent of irrigated land in the western part of
Kazakhstan, where mainly spate irrigation is practised, was larger in the yearbook [KZ04]
while irrigated areas in the southern part, where most of the full or partial control irrigation
schemes are located, was larger in the agricultural census report [KZ05]. Total area equipped
for irrigation estimated this way was 2 482 500 ha.
The irrigated areas were localized using a map of irrigation projects [KZ02] and two course-
scale maps showing the outlines of the major irrigated areas of the country ([KZ06]; [KZ07]).
By using Landsat satellite imagery [KZ08] and a map of irrigation areas in the Aral Sea Basin
[KZ09], the outlines of the irrigated areas were then digitized in more detail. These digitized
irrigated areas were combined with irrigated cropland derived from the Globcover regional
classification for Central Asia [KZ10]. Irrigated area was then assigned with the highest
priority to pixels being irrigated according to both data sources and after that, if required, to
pixels that were either covered by the digitized irrigated areas or classified as irrigated by
Area actually irrigated was estimated for each province based on the ratio between irrigated
arable land (1 392 100 ha in total) and arable land equipped for irrigation (1 573 600 ha in
total) reported by the agricultural census 2006/2007 for the full or partial control irrigation
schemes [KZ05]. Total area actually irrigated computed this way was 2 141 300 ha. The
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
difference between AEI and AAI (341 200 ha) is in good agreement with the so called
“reserve land” reported by the statistical yearbook [KZ04] for year 2006 (368 400 ha). Area
equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 179 000 ha in year 1993 [KZ01]. It was
assumed that this infrastructure is still operational. Area equipped for irrigation with
groundwater was assigned to each province relative to the share on equipped arable land
reported by the agricultural census 2006/2007 [KZ05].
[KZ01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of Kazakhstan, version 1998. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 15/02/2013.
[KZ02]: World Bank. 1996. Kazakhstan, irrigation and drainage improvement project. Staff appraisal
report. Report No. 15379-KZ. Washington, DC.
[KZ03]: UNDP. 2004. Water resources of Kazakhstan in the new Millennium 2004. United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP), Almaty, Kazakhstan,
library_of_publications/start.html?redir=center_view&id=2496, 20/08/2009.
[KZ04]: Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakstan. 2010. Environmental protection and
sustainable development in Kazakhstan 2010. Agency of Statistics of the Republic of
Kazakstan, Astana, Kazakhstan,
Statistical_collection.aspx, 15/02/2013.
[KZ05]: Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakstan. 2008. Report of the National
Agricultural Census 2006/2007. Volume 1, part 2, in Russian. Agency of Statistics of the
Republic of Kazakstan, Astana, Kazakhstan,
sborniki/Pages/default.aspx, 15/02/2013.
[KZ06]: UNEP. 2004. Environment State of the Aral Sea Basin., 12/09/2004.
[KZ07]: Achtnich, W. 1980. Bewässerungslandbau, Stuttgart, Germany, Ulmer.
[KZ08]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-302, 071-313, 071-314, 071-315, 071-323, 071-324, 071-325, 071-336, 071-337, 071-
345, 071-346, 071-347, 071-348, 071-361, 071-362, 071-363, 071-364, 071-373, 071-374,
071-375, 071-386 and 071-387. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[KZ09]: Unknown. Aral Sea Basin 1:2,500 000 - administrative boundaries and irrigated areas. Map
available in the FAO-AGL library.
[KZ10]: ESA. 2008. Regional Globcover Land Cover – Central Asia. Version 2.2., 24/03/2009.
The total cultivated area of the 4545 holdings in Kuwait was 10 142 ha in year 2006, of which
3935 ha of cultivated land were located in district Al-Ahmadi and 6207 ha in district Al-Jahra
[KW01]. Because of the climate conditions, all the cultivated area is irrigated and it was
therefore assumed that area equipped for irrigation was similar to the farm area. Harvested
area of irrigated crops was 13 463 ha in the same year, of which winter crops accounted for
5970 ha, summer crops for 1764 ha, perennial crops for 3913 ha and green house crops for
1815 ha [KW01].
The irrigated areas were digitized from Landsat satellite images [KW02]. The digitized areas
were in good agreement with areas shown as vegetated in recent governorate and municipality
maps [KW03].
Area actually irrigated in year 2003 was similar to area equipped for irrigation [KW04].
Therefore and because of the high harvested area of irrigated crops it was assumed that area
actually irrigated in year 2006 was also equal to area equipped for irrigation. The share of area
equipped for irrigation with groundwater was set to 76.3 percent of the total area equipped for
irrigation (7742 ha), similar to the share of groundwater use in agriculture reported for year
2002 [KW04]. The remaining area equipped for irrigation was irrigated with treated waste
water or desalinated water.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[KW01]: Central Statistics Office. 2009. Annual Statistical Abstract 2008. State of Kuwait, Central
Statistical Office, pp. 84-86.
[KW02]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-309 and 071-310. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[KW03]: Kuwait Information Office. 2004. Maps (available at
[KW04]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of Kuwait, version 2008. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 20/01/2013.
Area equipped for irrigation for the seven regions (1 045 131 ha in total) was derived from a
melioration inventory related to year 2005 [KG01]. To estimate area equipped for irrigation
for each of the 40 districts an inventory for year 1994 was used [KG02]. AEI reported in this
inventory for each district (1 075 040 ha in total) was scaled so that the sum of AEI in each
region was similar to the AEI reported in [KG01] for year 2005.
The irrigated areas were localized using a map of irrigation projects [KG03] and then
digitized using satellite imagery [KG04] and a map of irrigated areas in the Aral Sea Basin
[KG05]. These digitized irrigated areas were combined with irrigated cropland derived from
the Globcover regional classification for Central Asia [KG06]. Irrigated area was then
assigned with the highest priority to pixels being irrigated according to both data sources and
after that, if required, to pixels that were either covered by the digitized irrigated areas or
classified as irrigated by Globcover.
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 7000 ha in year 1994 [KG06] while area
actually irrigated was 1 021 400 ha in year 2005 [KG07].
[KG01]: Department of Water Resources. 2005. Melioration Sector's Summary Information of Water
Resources Department on 01.09.2005. Report sent to FAO as part of the country
questionnaire 2009.
[KG02]: Asian Development Bank. 1995. Agriculture sector program loan to the government of the
Kyrgyz Republic. Project Preparation Technical Assistance, Annex 4 - Irrigation, report
prepared by S. Gardiner, ULG Consultants Ltd, available in the AQUASTAT library.
[KG03]: World Bank. 1998. Kyrgyz Republic - Irrigation Rehabilitation Project. Project appraisal
document. Report No. 17531 KG.
[KG04]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-344, 071-345, 071-360, 071-361 and 071-373. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[KG05]: Unknown. Aral Sea Basin 1:2,500 000 - administrative boundaries and irrigated areas. Map
available in the FAO-AGL library.
[KG06]: ESA. 2008. Regional Globcover Land Cover – Central Asia. Version 2.2., 24/03/2009.
[KG07]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT main country database.
dbase/index.stm, 15/02/2013.
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Area equipped for irrigation was reported at 310 000 ha [LA01]. The figures refer to year
2005. Areas equipped for irrigation and area actually irrigated per province were derived from
an inventory reporting areas equipped for irrigation by weirs, reservoirs, pump schemes,
temporary weirs, gabions, gates and dikes and area actually irrigated in the wet and dry season
[LA02]. Area actually irrigated was set to the average of the areas irrigated in the wet season
in the period 2001-2005 (271 704 ha in total). Area equipped for irrigation was set to the area
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
irrigated in the wet season 2002, with the exception of the provinces Bokeo, Luangnamtha
and Oudomxay, where the AAI computed as the average of the years 2001-2005 was larger
than the AAI in year 2002. For these provinces AEI was assumed to be similar to AAI. Total
AEI computed that way summed up to 309 657 ha.
Digital maps of irrigated areas (polygon dataset) and irrigation projects (point dataset) were
used as compiled by the Mekong River Commission [LA03]. In general, the point dataset was
used for small schemes (fewer than 300 ha) while the polygon dataset was used for large
schemes (more than 300 ha) - 265 000 ha of irrigated area was located in this way. The
remaining part of the irrigated area was distributed to paddy areas taken from a digital
landcover map [LA04].
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater is 200 ha [LA05].
[LA01]: Pheddara, P. 2007. Large rice-based irrigation systems in Lao PDR. In: Proceedings of the
regional workshop on the future of large rice-based irrigation systems in Southeast Asia held
in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, October 26-28, 2005. RAP Publication 2007/28, FAO, Rome,
Italy, 101-107,, 18/08/2009.
[LA02]: FAO. 2008. Lao PDR. Agricultural Statistics 30 years (1976-2006). Regional data exchange
systems (RDES) on Food and Agricultural Statistics in Asia and the Pacific. http://www.faorap-, 03/12/2008.
[LA03]: Mekong River Commission Secretariat. 2003. People and the environment atlas of the
Lower Mekong Basin. CD-ROM. Phnom Penh.
[LA04]: FAO. 2004. Dataset, provided by FAO ASIACOVER project.
[LA05]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of Lao People´s Democratic Republic, version 2010.
FAO, Rome,,
Area equipped for irrigation per district was derived from the Agricultural Atlas of Lebanon,
that is based on the results of an agricultural census undertaken in year 1998 [LB01]. Total
AEI according to this inventory was 104 009 ha.
Irrigated areas were digitized from a land-use map [LB02] and from satellite imagery [LB03].
In several districts, the extent of the areas digitized that way was smaller than the AEI
reported by the statistics. Therefore, the remaining AEI was assigned in these districts to areas
classified in the regional Globcover landcover classification for North Africa [LB04] as
rainfed cropland and, if required, to areas classified as mosaics of rainfed cropland with other
land uses. The resulting pattern of irrigated land was quite similar to a map showing irrigation
schemes in Lebanon in year 2004 [LB05].
Area irrigated with surface water and area irrigated with groundwater per district was derived
from the Agricultural Atlas of Lebanon [LB01. Total AEI irrigated with groundwater was 54
070 ha (52 percent of total AEI) while the remaining area was irrigated with water extracted
from surface water bodies.
[LB01]: Ministry of Agriculture and FAO. 2009. Atlas Agricole du Liban. Ministry of Agriculture and
FAO, Beirut, Lebanon,,
[LB02]: Universität Tübingen. 1993. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO). Plate AX6,
Reichert, Germany, Wiesbaden.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[LB03]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tile
071-272. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[LB04]: POSTEL. 2008. GLOBCOVER landcover classification, Version 2.2, North Africa. Globcover
database., 24/03/2009.
[LB05]: Ministry of Energy and Water. 2004. Water Integrated Management Plan. Location of
Existing Irrigation Scheme in Lebanon, map available from the FAO AQUASTAT library.
Total area equipped for irrigation is 362 687 ha [MY01]. The figures refer to 1994. Irrigated
area per state was available for 1993 and totalled 321 696 ha [MY02]. Therefore, irrigated
area per state was scaled so that the sum was equal to the value given by the AQUASTAT
report for the entire country.
The boundaries of nine large, government irrigation schemes, designated as granary schemes
and totalling 210 552 ha, were digitized from maps provided by the Department of Irrigation
and Drainage [MY03]. The remaining part of the irrigated area was assigned to a large
number of small-scale irrigation schemes as digitized from another irrigation map [MY04].
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 27 260 ha in year 1994 [MY01].
Subnational statistics on the fraction of groundwater use were not available. The fraction of
the area equipped for irrigation that is actually used for irrigation was not reported. However,
the because of the high cropping intensity on the full control irrigated area (140 percent in
year 1996) it was assumed that the all area equipped for irrigation is actually irrigated.
[MY01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of Malaysia, version 2011. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 06/02/2013.
[MY02]: Azhari Ghazalli, M. 2002. Water for food and rural development. In Proc. Workshop towards
releasing the National Water Vision, 23-24 May 2000. Kuala Lumpur.
[MY03]: Department of Irrigation and Drainage. 2004. Granary areas in Malaysia., 24/03/2004.
[MY04]: Wong, K.F., Shahrin, B.Y. & Adnan, M.N.M. 1991. Management arrangements for
diversifying rice irrigation systems in Malaysia, Figure 1. In S.M. Miranda & A.R. Maglinao,
eds. Management arrangements for accommodating non-rice crops ricebased irrigation
systems, pp. 53-66. Proc. first progress review and coordination workshop of the research
network on irrigation management for crop diversification in rice based systems, Quezon City,
the Philippines, 10-14 December 1990.
The cultivated area was estimated to be about 3 000 ha in 2000, but there is no irrigation of
importance on the Maldives [MV01].
[MV01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of Malaysia, version 2011. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 06/02/2013..
Area equipped for irrigation in year 1993 comprised of 43 400 ha registered schemes using
sprinkler irrigation, 13 900 ha of unregistered schemes using surface irrigation methods and
27 000 ha of traditional spate irrigation. However, in 1992 only 52 percent of the sprinkler
irrigation area was operational [MN01]. An inventory of the irrigated area per aimag (district)
was only available for the sprinkler-irrigation schemes [MN02]. Most of the sprinkler-
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
irrigated area is located in the west and the north of the country. It was also reported that
about 80 percent of the surface-irrigation schemes are located in the west of the country
[MN03]. Therefore, in order to estimate the total f/p control area equipped for irrigation at
aimag level, the sprinkler-irrigated area per aimag was scaled so that the sum of the irrigated
areas was 57 300 ha (sum of sprinkler irrigation and full control surface irrigation). The extent
of spate irrigation was estimated by computing for each district the difference between the
area classified as irrigated cropland in the Globcover landcover classification for Central Asia
(MN04) and the AEI under f/p control and by scaling this computed difference using a
constant coefficient so that the total area equalled the reported 27 000 ha.
The location of 156 sprinkler-irrigation schemes was derived from a recent inventory
[MN02]. The total area equipped for irrigation in these schemes was reported as being 43 381
ha. Geographical coordinates of the schemes were missing in the inventory. However, the
name of the project and the name of the closest village were given. Therefore, the
geographical coordinates of the villages were detected by using the Geographical Names
Server of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (available at,
and the related irrigated areas were assigned to these locations. However, the location of 13
schemes covering 2 060 ha in total could not be found in this way. In addition, the location of
the unregistered schemes (covering about 13 900 ha in total) and the location of the spate
irrigation schemes (covering about 27 000 ha in total) was unknown. Therefore, area
classified as irrigated cropland was extracted from the Globcover regional land cover product
for Central Asia [MN04] and irrigated land in unregistered schemes or spate irrigation was
distributed to these areas.
According to a report published more recently [MN05] there were 43 000 ha irrigated area in
1990, of which 16 000 ha (37 percent) were irrigated with surface water. Likely these
statistics referred to the registered schemes only. Based on this information it was assumed
that 37 percent of the registered and unregistered irrigation schemes and additionally all of the
spate irrigation areas are irrigated with surface water resulting in 48 300 ha (57.3 percent) of
equipped area irrigated with surface water and 36 000 ha (42.7 percent) irrigated with
groundwater. Area actually irrigated was estimated at 62 900 ha [MN01].
[MN01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of Mongolia, version 2011. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 21/02/2013.
[MN02]: FAO. 1994. Irrigation rehabilitation project, Working Paper 1. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[MN03]: FAO. 1995. Irrigation rehabilitation project. Working Paper 3. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[MN04]: ESA. 2008. Regional Globcover Land Cover – Central Asia. Version 2.2., 24/03/2009.
[MN05]: Tuinhof, A. and Nemer, B. 2009. Groundwater assessment in the Gobi region. Report to the
World Bank, prepared by Acacia Water,
Resources/Southern_mongolia_groundwater_assessment_eng.pdf, 24/08/2009.
The irrigated area in Myanmar increased from about 1 000 000 ha in the 1991–92 cropping
season to 1 841 320 ha in the 1999–2000 cropping season and to 2 110 000 ha in year 2004
[MM01]. Area equipped for irrigation in each of the 63 districts was extracted from the
Digital Agricultural Atlas of Myanmar which contained statistical information for the
cropping season 2001/2002 [MM02]. Area equipped for irrigation derived from the digital
atlas (1 888 141 ha in total) was scaled for each district using the same scaling coefficient so
that total area equipped for irrigation was 2 110 000 ha as reported for year 2004.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
The location of 135 major irrigation works (dams, weirs and tanks) was digitized using three
maps showing irrigation works constructed in the periods before independence, between 1969
and 1988, and post-1988 [MM03]. However, many projects are large and the irrigated fields
may be located far from the major reservoir or weir belonging to the project. Therefore, area
classified as irrigated cropland or as rainfed cropland was extracted from the Globcover
regional land cover product for Central Asia [MM04]. Irrigated area was first assigned to
small scale projects (< 4000 ha) identified according to the three irrigation maps, then to areas
classified as irrigated cropland according to Globcover and finally, if required, to areas
classified by Globcover as rainfed cropland.
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 55 175 ha in year 1995 [MM05] and
increased to 81 000 ha in year 2000 and 100 000 ha in year 2003 [MM01]. The large
harvested area of irrigated crops (2 722 000 ha in year 2006) indicates a high cropping
intensity on irrigated land [MM05]. It was therefore assumed that the whole area equipped for
irrigation is actually being used.
[MM01]: Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation. 2013. Irrigation & crop area.
website/croparea/areasandmultiplecropping.html, 06/03/2013.
[MM02]: FAO, UNDP, MOAI. 2009. Digital Agricultural Atlas of the Union of Myanmar., 06/03/2013.
[MM03]: Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation. 2013. Irrigation works in Myanmar., 06/03/2013.
[MM04]: ESA. 2008. Regional Globcover Land Cover – Central Asia. Version 2.2., 24/03/2009.
[MM05]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT main country database.
dbase/index.stm, 06/03/2013.
[MM06]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of Myanmar, version 2011. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 06/03/2013.
Area equipped for irrigation in Nepal is 1 168 349 ha [NP01]. The figures refer to cropping
season 2001/2002 and were provided by the agricultural census for 75 districts.
Area classified as irrigated cropland or as rainfed cropland was extracted from the Globcover
regional land cover product for Central Asia [NP02]. Irrigated area was first assigned to pixels
classified as irrigated cropland and then, if required, to areas classified as rainfed crops.
The extent of areas irrigated with ground- and surface water was derived for each district from
the agricultural census database 2001/02 [NP01]. AEI irrigated with surface water was
computed as the sum of net irrigated area from seasonal canals, perennial canals, ponds and
tanks while AEI irrigated with groundwater was similar to irrigated area from tube-wells and
wells. Additionally it was assumed that there is a similar fraction of AEI irrigated with
groundwater in categories “other sources” and “mixed”. The large harvested area of irrigated
crops (1 926 000 ha in year 2006) indicates a high cropping intensity on irrigated land
[NP03]. It was therefore assumed that the whole area equipped for irrigation is actually
[NP01]: Central Bureau of Statistics. 2013. National Sample Census of Agriculture 2001/02 - District
Level Contents., 06/03/2013.
[NP02]: ESA. 2008. Regional Globcover Land Cover – Central Asia. Version 2.2., 24/03/2009.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[NP03]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of Nepal, version 2011. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 06/03/2013.
Occupied Palestinian Territory
Area equipped for irrigation was about 24 000 ha in year 2003 [PS01], while the extent of
irrigated agricultural land varied between 15 300 ha and 17 600 ha in period 2002 – 2008
[PS02]. Subnational statistics of AEI were not available. AEI per district was therefore
estimated by selecting for each district the maximum of area actually irrigated reported for
period 2002 – 2008 [PS02]. Based on the methodology described in the section on Israel, the
irrigated area located in enclosed Israeli settlements was estimated to be 3 244 ha. Total AEI
computed this way for the Occupied Palestinian Territory was 23 484 ha.
The irrigated areas were digitized from a land-use map [PS03]. In addition, satellite imagery
was used to map schemes developed more recently [PS04]. The extent of the digitized
irrigated areas in the districts Tulkarem, Qualquiya and Salfit was smaller than the AEI
calculated from the statistics. Therefore, the remaining AEI was assigned in these districts to
areas classified as rainfed cropland in the regional Globcover landcover classification for
North Africa [PS05].
Irrigation is completely based on groundwater resources (wells in the Gaza Strip, wells and
springs in the West Bank) [PS01]. Area actually irrigated was computed as the mean of the
AAI reported for each district in period 2002 – 2008 [PS02].
[PS01]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, version 2008.
FAO, Rome,,
[PS02]: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. 2003-2008. Agricultural Statistics 2002/2003 –
2007/2008., 04/12/2012.
[PS03]: Universität Tübingen. 1993. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO), Plate AX7.
Reichert, Germany, Wiesbaden.
[PS04]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tile
071-272. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[PS05]: POSTEL. 2008. GLOBCOVER landcover classification, Version 2.2, North Africa. Globcover
database., 24/03/2009.
Area equipped for irrigation according to the agricultural census 2004 was 58 850 ha [OM01].
Area equipped for irrigation per region in year 2004 was derived from the census report
[OM02]. Most of the irrigated land was located in the Al Batinah coastal plain (31 696 ha).
The cultivated area, which is completely under irrigation [OM01], was digitized from Landsat
satellite imagery [OM03].
Groundwater extracted from wells or springs is the only source of irrigation water [OM01].
Area actually irrigated in year 2004 was assumed to be similar to area equipped for irrigation
because of the high harvested area of irrigated crops (63 607 ha in year 2004) and the high
share of perennial crops (83 percent of the total harvested area).
[OM01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of Oman, version 2008. FAO, Rome,, 20/01/2013.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[OM02]: Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. 2005. Agricultural census 2004.
0645, 20/01/2013.
[OM03]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-308, 071-318, 071-319 and 071-320. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Data on the extent of area equipped for irrigation is not collected by statistical surveys in
Pakistan. Statistics available from the Central government (e.g. the Agricultural Census
Organization) or institutions of the province governments (e.g. the Ministries of agriculture)
distinguish the net area under irrigation and the sown area of irrigated crops. The net area
under irrigation does not account for structures that were not operating in the year of the
survey. It is therefore similar to the definition of area actually irrigated used in this inventory
but does not account consistently for spate irrigation. The sown area of irrigated crops is
typically higher than the area equipped for irrigation because double cropping is practised in
many regions of Pakistan. Area equipped for irrigation reported by FAO-AQUASTAT is
therefore based on additional information provided by the FAO country questionnaire.
According to this questionnaire total area equipped for irrigation was 19 990 000 ha in year
2008 consisting of 19 270 000 ha full control irrigation and 720 000 ha spate irrigation area
while the harvested area of irrigated crops was 21 451 674 ha [PK01]. To estimate area
equipped for irrigation, area actually irrigated and area irrigated with groundwater or water
extracted from surface water bodies at the district level, data provided by different institutions
under the responsibility of the provinces have been used for this inventory. Data availability
has been very different resulting in different base years of the statistics used here but if
possible, data related to year 2005 were used. The specific references are given below for
each federal state. It is necessary to point out that some statistics were no more available for
download at the time of the preparation of this report because important parts of the data
infrastructure of Pakistan were offline (e.g. the servers of the Sustainable Development
Networking Programme that hosted many databases and statistics at the district level).
Statistics cited in this report that are no more available for download can be obtained from the
authors on request.
Total area equipped for irrigation estimated using the references and methods described below
was 16 725 843 ha of which 5 172 552 ha were irrigated with groundwater and the remaining
area with water extracted from surface water bodies. Area actually irrigated was 13 378 476
ha. Total area equipped for irrigation in this inventory is therefore lower than the one reported
in the FAO AQUASTAT country report [PK01] but agrees quite well with recent data
originating from the agricultural census 2010 [PK02]. According to the census report
cultivated area with irrigation facilities is 13 801 088 ha while another 3 184 009 ha are
classified as Barani (areas depending on flood or seepage water). The spate irrigation areas
belong therefore, together with non-equipped flood recession cropping areas, to the Barani
category. Cultivated area is the area that was cropped at least once in the year of the census or
the year before. There might be therefore some additional area with irrigation infrastructure
that was not cultivated for a longer period and therefore assigned to the farm area classified as
culturable waste (3 592 202 ha in total). According to the census terminology culturable waste
is “that uncultivated farm area which is otherwise fit for cultivation but was not cropped
during the census year or in the year before due to presence of any of the constraints like
water logging, non-availability of irrigation water, salinity, un-levelling of land, manpower
and / or funds shortage, etc” [PK02]. The total area equipped for irrigation of 16 725 843 ha
computed in this inventory seems therefore to be a quite reasonable estimate. The area
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
irrigated with groundwater alone was 2 852 092 ha according to the census report while 5 623
067 ha were irrigated with water from both, canals (surface water) and tubewells
The large-scale canal-irrigated area was digitized from a map showing the irrigation
infrastructure and the irrigated areas of the country [PK03]. Satellite imagery [PK04] was
used to incorporate the small-scale schemes and to adjust the outlines of the digitized canal-
irrigated areas. The so digitized irrigated area was then intersected with areas classified as
cropland in the Globcover regional land cover classification for Central Asia [PK05] or
Northern Africa [PK06]. Irrigated area was first assigned to pixels belonging to both, digitized
irrigation regions and irrigated cropland according to Globcover. If the irrigated area in the
district was larger than the sum of the areas assigned in the first step, irrigated areas was
assigned in addition to pixels belonging to just one the two categories. In the final step, if
required, irrigated area was assigned to pixels classified in Globcover as rainfed cropland.
The following sections present subnational irrigation figures for each of the federal states:
District data on irrigated areas and the source of irrigation water were derived from an
inventory reporting the water sources of the irrigation areas in season 1994/95 [PK07]. AEI
irrigated from wells and tube wells was scaled so that the total sum of these areas for whole
Balochistan were similar to the statistics published by the Ministry of Agriculture for season
2004/05 [PK08]. Total AEI was increased that way by 180 854 ha to 1 173 099 ha, of which
490 000 ha were irrigated from groundwater and the remaining area from surface water
(canals or spate irrigation).
N.W.F.P. and F.A.T.A.
Irrigated area from canals, tanks, tube wells, wells, lift pumps and others were available at the
district level for season 2006/2007 [PK09], [PK10]. It was assumed that areas irrigated from
wells and tube wells represented areas irrigated with groundwater while areas irrigated from
canals, tanks and lift pumps represented areas irrigated with surface water. Percentage
irrigation from groundwater was computed by assuming that the contribution of groundwater
in the group of others is similar to the contribution of groundwater when only considering the
groundwater and surface water sources specified before. Total Area equipped for irrigation
was 959 691 ha, of which 168 900 ha were irrigated with groundwater.
According to the National Water Sector Profile [PK11] area equipped for irrigation in Punjab
is 8.62 million ha, while the harvested area of irrigated crops is about 14 million ha per year
indicating a high cropping intensity on irrigated land. More than half of the irrigated land is
supplied by canal wells and canal tube wells meaning that there is conjunctive use of
groundwater and surface water. Percentage irrigation from groundwater was computed at the
district level by using data related to the season 2005/2006 [PK12]. Areas with conjunctive
use were thus assumed to have 50 percent groundwater and 50 percent surface water supply.
Furthermore we assumed that the fraction of area equipped for irrigation from groundwater is
similar to the fraction of harvested irrigated crop area from groundwater. Area equipped for
irrigation per district was estimated by subtracting the reported rainfed area from the reported
net sown area in season 2005/2006 [PK13]. Area equipped for irrigation computed that way
was 9 133 000 ha, of which 4 293 258 ha were irrigated with groundwater and 4 839 742 ha
were irrigated with surface water.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
According to the National Water Sector Profile [PK11].Area equipped for irrigation in Sindh
is 5.39 million ha. Area equipped for irrigation per district was estimated by subtracting the
reported rainfed area in season 1997/1998 from the reported cultivated area [PK14]. Area
equipped for irrigation computed that way was 5 369 589 ha. However, only small portions of
this area are actually used, mainly because of the shortage of water supply from the Indus
River System. In season 2004/2005 the net area sown was only 2.5 million ha in Sindh and
the total harvested area was about 3.3 million ha [PK08]. Area actually irrigated was
computed at the district level by using data on the area supplied by canals related to the
season 2004/2005 [PK15] and data on the area supplied by wells, tube wells, canal wells and
canal tube wells related to the season 1994/1995 [PK14]. Total AAI computed this way was 2
438 244 ha.
Northern Areas and AJ&K
Irrigated area per district, totals 90 464 ha. It was assumed that all the cultivated area as
reported by the 1990 agricultural census [PK16] was irrigated. However, other studies
indicate that the irrigated area in this very remote, mountainous region might be even larger
than that reported by the census [PK17]. It was assumed that the whole AEI is irrigated with
surface water.
[PK01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of Pakistan, version 2011. FAO, Rome,, 07/03/2013.
[PK02]: Agricultural Census Organization. 2012. Agricultural census 2010 - Pakistan report.
Government of Pakistan, Statistics Division,, 07/03/2010.
[PK03]: Ministry of Water and Power. 1994. Irrigation system of Pakistan. Islamabad, Chief
Engineering Adviser’s Organisation.
[PK04]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-332, 071-333, 071-341, 071-342, 071-343, 071-344, 071-358, 071-359, 071-360 and 071-
370. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[PK05]: ESA. 2008. Regional Globcover Land Cover – Central Asia. Version 2.2., 24/03/2009.
[PK06]: POSTEL. 2008. GLOBCOVER landcover classification, Version 2.2, North Africa. Globcover
database., 24/03/2009.
[PK07]: Government of Balochistan. 2004. District database. Government of Balochistan,, 27/07/2004.
[PK08]: MINFAL. 2006. Agricultural statistics of Pakistan 2004 – 2005. Government of Pakistan,
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (MINFAL), Economic Wing, Islamabad, Pakistan,
index.htm, 25/08/2009.
[PK09]: N.W.F.P. Bureau of Statistics. 2007. Development Statistics of N.W.F.P. 2007. Government
of N.W.F.P., Planning and Development Department, Bureau of Statistics, Peshawar,
Pakistan,, 25/08/2009.
[PK10]: N.W.F.P. Bureau of Statistics. 2007. Development Statistics of F.A.T.A. 2007. Government
of N.W.F.P., Planning and Development Department, Bureau of Statistics, Peshawar,
Pakistan,, 25/08/2009.
[PK11]: Ministry of Water and Power. 2002. Pakistan water sector strategy. Vol. 5: National water
sector profile. Ministry of Water and Power, Office of the Chief Engineering Advisor /
Chairman Federal Flood Commission,, 23/07/2008.
[PK12]: Punjab Bureau of Statistics. 2007. Punjab development statistics 2007. Government of the
Punjab, Planning & Development Board, Bureau of Statistics, Lahore, Pakistan,
202007.pdf , 01/08/2009.
[PK13]: Punjab Bureau of Statistics. 2008. Punjab development statistics 2008. Government of the
Punjab, Planning & Development Board, Bureau of Statistics, Lahore, Pakistan,, 01/08/2009.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[PK14]: Sindh Bureau of Statistics. 2002. Development statistics of Sindh. Government of Sindh,
Bureau of Statistics, Karachi, Pakistan,, 27/07/2004.
[PK15]: Agriculture Department. 2005. Final estimates of kharif crops 2004 and rabi crops 2004-05.
Government of Sindh, Agriculture Department, Karachi, Pakistan,, 25/08/2009.
[PK16]: Agricultural Census Organization. 1992. Agricultural census 1990 - Pakistan report.
Government of Pakistan, Statistics Division, Islamabad, Pakistan.
[PK17]: Ahmed, S. & Joyia, M.F. 2003. Northern Areas strategy for sustainable development.
Background paper water, IUCN, Karachi, Pakistan,,
Area equipped for irrigation was 1 879 084 ha in year 2006 [PH01]. To compute area
equipped for irrigation at the province level, area equipped for irrigation in the National
Irrigation System (NIS) and area equipped for irrigation in the Communal Irrigation system
(CIS) was derived from an inventory provided by the National Irrigation Administration and
related to year 2007 [PH02]. This inventory reported area equipped for irrigation of private
schemes as well, but these data were related to year 1998. Therefore area equipped for
irrigation in private schemes was computed as the difference between the total area equipped
for irrigation in the National Irrigation System, the Communal Irrigation System and the
Individual Irrigation System reported by the Agricultural Census 2002 [PH03] and area
equipped for irrigation in the NIS and the CIS reported by the National Irrigation
Administration for year 2006 [PH02]. The so computed difference was then scaled to fit to the
total AEI reported in the AQUASTAT country questionnaire, resulting in an area equipped
for irrigation of 721 040 ha in the NIS, 559 045 ha in the CIS and 598 639 ha in private
Irrigated areas were digitized from a map provided by the Bureau of Soil and Water
Management showing the extent of irrigated areas in the National Irrigation System (NIS) and
the Communal Irrigation system (CIS) [PH04]. Since irrigated area in private schemes was
not shown on this map, irrigated area related to private schemes was assigned to areas
classified as cropland by the Globcover land cover classification [PH05].
In year 2006, 106 697 ha of the area equipped for irrigation was irrigated with groundwater, 1
477 703 ha with surface water and 294 684 ha with mixed surface and groundwater [PH01].
By assuming a groundwater contribution of 50 percent to areas irrigated with mixed sources,
total area irrigated with groundwater was 254 039 ha or 14 percent of total area equipped for
irrigation. While irrigation in the NIS and the CIS is predominantly from surface water
resources (river diversion and reservoirs), private irrigation schemes are supplied also by
pumping from aquifers and surface water bodies [PH01]. Therefore we assumed that in each
province a constant fraction of 42.4 percent of the area equipped for irrigation in private
schemes is irrigated with groundwater, while the area equipped for irrigation in the NIS and
CIS schemes was assumed to be entirely irrigated with surface water. Because of the large
harvested area of irrigated crops (2 695 825 ha in year 2006) it was assumed that area actually
irrigated is similar to area equipped for irrigation.
[PH01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of the Philippines, version 2011. FAO, Rome,, 06/02/2013.
[PH02]: National Irrigation Administration. 2008. Status of irrigation development 2007. National
Irrigation Administration, Manila, Philippines,
file_22_2007StatusOfIrrigationDevelopment.xls, 09/03/2010.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[PH03]: National Statistics Office. 2004. Agriculture and fishery statistics. National Statistics Office of
the Philippines, Manila, Philippines,,
[PH04]: Bureau of Soil and Water Management. 2009. Irrigated areas of the Philippines. Map send
to FAO in addition to the country questionnaire.
[PH05]: European Space Agency. 2010. GlobCover 2009 (Global Land Cover Map)., 07/09/2012.
Area equipped for irrigation was 12 935 ha in 2001 [QT01]. The share of area equipped for
irrigation per municipality was assumed to be similar to the share of total farmland reported in
the Qatar Socio-Economic Atlas [QT02].
The outlines of the farms in Qatar were digitized from a land use map (map plate 84)
published in the Qatar Socio-Economic Atlas [QT02] and irrigated area was assigned to these
digitized polygones.
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater is 93.4 percent of total area equipped for
irrigation (12 081 ha), while the remaining area refers to irrigation with non-conventional
water sources [QT01]. Area actually irrigated was 6322 ha in year 2004 [QT01].
[QT01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of Qatar, version 2008. FAO, Rome,, 20/01/2013.
[QT02]: State of Qatar, Planning Council. 2001. Qatar socio-economic atlas., 20/01/2013.
Republic of Korea
Area equipped for irrigation in the Republic of Korea declined from 888 800 ha in year 1996
[KR01] to 880 365 ha in year 2002 and 806 475 ha in year 2009 [KR02]. Area equipped for
irrigation per province was derived from the statistical yearbook 2010 [KR02]. The figures
refer to irrigated paddy lands in the year 2009 cropping season. In addition, 203 812 ha of
paddy lands are classified in the same inventory as "partially irrigated" [KR02].
The outlines of paddy areas were digitized from a land-use map provided by the Perry-
Castañeda Library of the University of Texas [KR03]. Because this map dates back to the
year 1973, the shape of the single paddy areas was then adjusted using Landsat satellite
imagery [KR04].
In 1996, out of a total irrigated area of 888 800 ha the area served by surface water was an
estimated 843 500 ha (95 percent) of which 65 percent was fed by 18 000 reservoirs, 21
percent by 6 000 pumping stations, and 14 percent by 18 000 headworks. The area served by
groundwater accounted for 45 300 ha [KR01]. It was assumed, that area equipped for
irrigation with groundwater remained constant at 45 300 ha while area equipped for irrigation
with surface water declined to 761 175 ha. Area actually irrigated was assumed to be similar
to area equipped for irrigation.
[KR01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of the Republic of Korea, version 2010. FAO, Rome,, 05/02/2013.
[KR02]: Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. 2010. Food, Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries Statistical Yearbook 2010., 14/03/2011.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[KR03]: Unknown. 1973. Korea (South) - vegetation and land utilization.
maps/korea.html, 05/02/2013 .
[KR04]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-477 and 071-478. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Russian Federation
(reported under Europe)
Saudi Arabia
In 2005, the cultivated area was 1 213 586 ha, of which 1 011 923 ha consisted of annual
crops and 201 663 ha of permanent crops. The cultivated area in 2005 was 23 percent less
than it was in 1992. All agriculture is irrigated, and the extent of cultivation depends mainly
on the availability of irrigation water as a limiting factor [SA01]. The area equipped for
irrigation per province was estimated by using the maximum value of the cultivated areas
reported for each province within the period 2001-2007 [SA02]. Total area equipped for
irrigation estimated that way was 1 348 696 ha.
The irrigated areas were digitized using Landsat satellite imagery [SA03], MODIS Vegetation
Indices [SA04] and several large-scale irrigation maps ([SA05]; [SA06]; [SA07]). The
approximate position and extent of the major irrigation schemes was detected based on the
corse-scale maps, and their more precise extent was derived by digitizing vegetated areas
from the satellite imagery. The polygons digitized that way were then combined with
cropland extracted from the Globcover regional landcover classification for North Africa
[SA08] and irrigated area was first assigned to pixels that were covered by both data layers
(digitized polygons AND cropland in Globcover) and after, if required, to pixels covered by
just one of the two layers (digitized polygons OR cropland in Globcover).
97 percent of the area equipped for irrigation is irrigated with groundwater while the
remaining area is irrigated with non-conventional water sources [SA01]. Area actually
irrigated per province was estimated by computing the mean of cultivated land reported for
period 2001-2007 [SA02].
[SA01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of Saudi Arabia, version 2008. FAO, Rome,, 20/01/2013.
[SA02]: Central Department of Statistics and Information. 2002-2008. Statistical yearbook. Editions
38-44. Central Department of Statistics and Information, Ministry of Economy and Planning,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
&view=article&id=84&Itemid=172, 20/01/2013.
[SA03]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics,tiles
071-271, 071-284, 071-285, 071-286, 071-287, 071-288, 071-296, 071-297, 071-298, 071-
299, 071-308, 071-309, 071-310, 071-318 and 071-319. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[SA04]: NASA, Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center. 2004. MOD13Q1:
MODIS/Terra Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 250m SIN Grid V004. Enhanced
Vegetation Indices (EVI) from 9 June 2000 and 17 January 2001,
[SA05]: Universität Tübingen. 1993. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO), Plate
AX1.Reichert, Germany, Wiesbaden.
[SA06]: United States Agency for International Development. 1993. Water Resources Action Plan
for the Near East, Figure 3. Washington, DC.
[SA07]: Achtnich, W. 1980. Bewässerungslandbau, p. 39. Stuttgart, Germany, Ulmer.
[SA08]: POSTEL. 2008. GLOBCOVER landcover classification, Version 2.2, North Africa. Globcover
database., 24/03/2009.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Agrotechnology parks, which are agriculture estates developed with the necessary
infrastructure for farming, cover about 1 465 ha. Of this total, 937 ha were used for farming in
2000 [SG01]. However, there are no records that would indicate irrigation in Singapore.
[SG01]: Agri - Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore. 2004. More information - statistics, tables., 27/07/2004.
Sri Lanka
Area equipped for irrigation increased from 457 200 ha in year 1980 to 570 000 ha in year
1995 and was assumed to be constant at this level until year 2011 [LK01]. Subnational
information on total area equipped for irrigation was not available. Area equipped for
irrigation was estimated therefore at the division level based on the irrigated paddy land
extracted from an inventory related to year 2010 [LK02] and an inventory of irrigated land for
crops different from paddy rice for each district related to season 1990-1991 [LK03]. Total
irrigated paddy rice area was 556 630 ha while the area of other irrigated field crops was 60
916 ha in season 1990-1991 and then scaled to the area of 44 100 ha reported for year 2006.
Total area equipped for irrigation estimated this way was 600 730 ha.
The locations of 308 major irrigation schemes (more than 40 ha) and 12 lift-irrigation
schemes covering 246 700 ha in total were digitized from an irrigation map [LK04]. The rest
of the irrigated area was assigned to paddy areas as digitized from a land-use map [LK05],
from another map with a higher resolution but dating from 1972 [LK06], and from a map that
was part of the 1976 Water Resources Development Plan [LK07]. In divisions where area
equipped for irrigation was larger than the sum of area in the registered irrigation schemes and
the digitized paddy fields, the remaining difference was assigned to pixels classified as
cropland by Globcover regional landcover classification for Central Asia [LK08].
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed based on statistics on the use of
agrowells collected by the agricultural census 2002 [LK09] (Department of Census and
Statistics, 2009). It was assumed that the maximum of area irrigated by agrowells in the Maha
2001/02 and the Yala 2002 seasons reported for each district represented the area irrigated
with groundwater (6828 ha in total). Area actually irrigated was 462 500 ha in year 2006 but
subnational information on areas actually irrigated was not available.
[LK01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT main country database.
dbase/index.stm, 06/03/2013.
[LK02]: Department of Census and Statistics - Sri Lanka. 2013. District Statistical Handbook 2011., 06/03/2013.
[LK03]: Jayewardene, J., Jayasinghe, A. & Dayaratne, P.W.C. 1991. Promoting crop diversification
in rice-based irrigation systems. In S.M. Miranda & A.R. Maglinao, eds. Proc. second progress
review and coordination workshop of the Research Network on Irrigation Management for
Crop Diversification in Rice-Based Systems (IMCD) held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 09 to
12 September 1991.
[LK04]: Survey Department. 1988. The national atlas of Sri Lanka. Map ‘Irrigation schemes’.
[LK05]: Survey Department. 1988. The national atlas of Sri Lanka. Map ‘Paddy’. Colombo.
[LK06]: Unknown. 1972. Sri Lanka - land use, 1:1,000,000. Map available in the library of the Land
and Water Division of FAO.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[LK07]: Unknown. 1976. Sri Lanka - water resources development plan. Map available in the library
of the Land and Water Division of FAO.
[LK08]: ESA. 2008. Regional Globcover Land Cover – Central Asia. Version 2.2., 24/03/2009.
[LK09]: Department of Census and Statistics. 2009. Census of Agriculture 2002. Agriculture and
Environment Statistics Division, Department of Census and Statistics, Colombo, Sri Lanka,, 27/08/2009.
Syrian Arab Republic
The extent of irrigated land in the Syrian Arab Republic increased from 670 134 ha in 1989 to
1 088 891 ha in 1995 [SY01] and to 1 439 100 ha in 2004 [SY02], [SY03]. Then it declined
again to 1 238 300 ha in year 2009 [SY03]. Area equipped for irrigation was calculated for
each province as the maximum of irrigated areas reported for period 2004 – 2008 [SY03].
Total AEI calculated for the Syrian Arab Republic was 1 489 000 ha.
The irrigated areas were digitized from an irrigation map covering the west of the country
[SY04] and from two land-use maps ([SY05]; [SY06]). In addition, satellite imagery [SY07]
was used to locate recently developed schemes and to adjust the outlines of the digitized
polygons. Digitized areas have been in good agreement to irrigated land shown on a land use
map prepared by ICARDA [SY08].
In year 2004, in which irrigated land reached its maximum extent, irrigated area with water
supply from wells was 864 700 ha while government projects (mainly reservoirs) provided
water for 340 200 ha and streams provided water for 234 200 ha [SY03]. For each province,
the fraction of AEI that was irrigated with groundwater was set to the fraction of AEI irrigated
from wells in year 2004. This procedure resulted in a total AEI irrigated with groundwater of
889 668 ha (59.7 percent of total AEI). Area actually irrigated was calculated for each
province as the annual mean of the AAI reported for period 2004 – 2008 [SY03]. Total AAI
calculated that way was 1 403 200 ha.
[SY01]: World Bank. 2001. Syrian Arab Republic - irrigation sector report. Rural Development, Water,
and Environment Group, Middle East and North Africa Region. Report No. 22602-SYR, 27/03/2004.
[SY02]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of the Syrian Arab Republic, version 2008. FAO,
Rome,, 07/12/2012.
[SY03]: Central Bureau of Statistics. 2005-2010. Statistical Abstract 2004 – 2009., 07/12/2012.
[SY04]: Hopfinger, H. 1993. Die syrische Bewässerungslandwirtschaft zwischen Staatseinfluß und
freier Entfaltung privatwirtschaftlicher Tätigkeit. In H. Popp & K. Rother, eds. Die
Bewässerungsgebiete im Mittelmeerraum, pp. 127-135. Passau, Germany, Passavia
[SY05]: Universität Tübingen. 1993. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO), Plate AX4.
Reichert, Germany, Wiesbaden.
[SY06]: Universität Tübingen. 1993. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO), Plate AX6.
Reichert, Germany, Wiesbaden.
[SY07]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-272, 071-273, 071-287 and 071-288. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[SY08]: De Pauw, E., Oberle, A., Zöbisch, M. 2004. Overview of land cover and land use in Syria.
Base year 1989/1990. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, 31 pp.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation was 742 051 ha in year 2008 [TJ01]. Subnational statistics have
been available for four regions.
The irrigated areas were digitized from a map showing irrigated areas in the Aral Sea Basin
[TJ02]. The shape of the boundaries of the irrigated areas was then adjusted using satellite
imagery [TJ03]. The digitized irrigated areas were combined with irrigated cropland derived
from the Globcover regional classification for Central Asia [TJ04]. Irrigated area was then
assigned with the highest priority to pixels being irrigated according to both data sources and
after that, if required, to pixels that were either covered by the digitized irrigated areas or
classified as irrigated by Globcover.
Area actually irrigated was 674 416 ha in year 2008. Area equipped for irrigation with
groundwater was 32 500 ha in year 2009 while 13 075 ha were irrigated with mixed surface
and groundwater [TJ05]. Therefore total area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was
set to 39 038 ha.
[TJ01]: Agency on land, geodesy and cartography under Government of the Republic of
Tajikistan. 2008. Annual land use report in Republic of Tajikistan.
[TJ02]: Unknown. Aral Sea Basin 1:2,500 000 - administrative boundaries and irrigated areas. Map
available in the FAO-AGL library.
[TJ03]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-344, 071-345 and 071-360. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS, http://glcfapp.umiacs.
[TJ04]: ESA. 2008. Regional Globcover Land Cover – Central Asia. Version 2.2., 24/03/2009.
[TJ05]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT main country database.
dbase/index.stm, 15/02/2013.
Area equipped for irrigation per province in year 2007 was derived from then country
questionnaire used as base for the AQUASTAT country profile [TH01]. Area equipped for
irrigation per province added up to 6 414 880 ha.
Digital maps of irrigated areas (polygon dataset) and irrigation projects (point dataset) were
used as compiled by the Mekong River Commission [TH02]. However, these inventories
covered only the part of the country that belongs to the Mekong river watershed. In the other
part of the country two similar datasets provided by the remote sensing department of FAO
were used ([TH03]; [TH04]). In general, the point dataset was used for small schemes (less
than 1 000 ha) while the polygon dataset was used for large schemes (more than 1 000 ha).
Exceptions had to be made in cases where schemes were available only in the polygon dataset
or only in the point dataset. In addition, irrigated area was assigned to agricultural land as
taken from a digital land-cover map [TH05] using the priorities shown in Table A11.
In the wet season, the whole irrigated area is irrigated by using surface water resources. In the
dry season, a second or third rice crop can be cultivated if the water supply is ensured. This is
often realized by private shallow tube wells, resulting in dry season paddy areas that are larger
nowadays than the potential area estimated before based on available (surface) water
resources [TH06]. Total area planted with a second rice crop was 495 712 ha in year 1994 and
increased to 1 584 446 ha in year 2006 [TH07]. Detailed statistics on the area irrigated with
groundwater were not available but it was reported that almost all farmers in the Phitsanulok
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
irrigation project (104 000 ha) have access to groundwater extracted by tube wells [TH08].
Another area for which groundwater irrigation was reported is the Sukhotai irrigation project
[TH09]. It was assumed therefore that the area irrigated with groundwater in the Phitsanulok
and Sukhotai provinces is similar to the area planted with a second rice crop in season 2006,
while for all the other provinces area irrigated with groundwater was set to 50 percent of the
reported increase of the area planted with a second rice crop within the period 1994-2006.
Total area equipped for irrigation with groundwater computed that way was 481 063 ha. Area
actually irrigated in year 2007 was reported at 5 059 914 ha [TH01].
Priorities assigned to specific land uses to distribute irrigated areas within the provinces of
Attribute information Priority
Broadcasted paddy-field 5
Paddy-field 5
Paddy-field 50%; broadcasted paddy-field 50% 5
Paddy-field 70%; broadcasted paddy-field 30% 5
Transplanted paddy-field 5
Broadcasted paddy-field 70%; bush and shrubs 30% 4
Coconut 50%; transplanted paddy-field 50% 4
Coconut 70%; paddy-field 30% 4
Coconut 70%; transplanted paddy-field 30% 4
Corn 70%; paddy-field 30% 4
Field crops 70%; paddy-field 30% 4
Mixed field crops 50%; paddy-field 50% 4
Mixed field crops 70%; paddy-field 30% 4
Mixed orchards 50%; transplanted paddy-field 50% 4
Mixed orchards 70%; transplanted paddy-field 30% 4
Mixed orchards 70%; paddy-field 30% 4
Mixed perennial crops 70%; broadcasted paddy-field 30% 4
Mixed perennial crops 70%; paddy-field 30% 4
Paddy-field 50%; bush and shrubs 50% 4
Paddy-field 50%; corn 50% 4
Paddy-field 50%; deciduous forest 50% 4
Paddy-field 50%; evergreen forest 50% 4
Paddy-field 50%; field crops 50% 4
Paddy-field 50%; mixed orchards 50% 4
Paddy-field 50%; para rubber 50% 4
Paddy-field 50%; perennial crops 50% 4
Paddy-field 50%; swidden cultivation 50% 4
Paddy-field 70%; bush and shrubs 30% 4
Paddy-field 70%; corn 30% 4
Paddy-field 70%; deciduous forest 30% 4
Paddy-field 70%; evergreen forest 30% 4
Paddy-field 70%; field crops 30% 4
Paddy-field 70%; mixed field crops 30% 4
Paddy-field 70%; mixed orchards 30% 4
Paddy-field 70%; mixed perennial crops 30% 4
Paddy-field 70%; sugar cane 30% 4
Paddy-field 70%; swidden cultivation 30% 4
Paddy-field 70%; disturbed deciduous forest 30% 4
Sugar cane 50%; paddy-field 50% 4
Transplanted paddy-field 50%; bush and shrubs 50% 4
Transplanted paddy-field 50%; para rubber 50% 4
Transplanted paddy-field 50%; wetland 50% 4
Transplanted paddy-field 70%; bush and shrubs 30% 4
Transplanted paddy-field 70%; coconut 30% 4
Transplanted paddy-field 70%; mixed field crops 30% 4
Transplanted paddy-field 70%; mixed orchards 30% 4
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Attribute information Priority
Transplanted paddy-field 70%; para rubber 30% 4
Village 70%; paddy-field 30% 4
Bush and shrubs 50%; paddy-field 50% 3
Bush and shrubs 70%; paddy-field 30% 3
Bush and shrubs 70%; transplanted paddy-field 30% 3
Deciduous forest 70%; paddy-field 30% 3
Disturbed deciduous forest 50%; paddy-field 50% 3
Disturbed deciduous forest 70%; paddy-field 30% 3
Disturbed evergreen forest 70%; paddy-field 30% 3
Disturbed tropical rain forest 70%; transplanted paddy-field 3
Marsh 50%; paddy-field 50% 3
Marsh 70%; paddy-field 30% 3
Para rubber 50%; transplanted paddy-field 50% 3
Para rubber 70%; transplanted paddy-field 30% 3
Swidden cultivation 70%; paddy-field 30% 3
Wetland 70%; transplanted paddy-field 30% 3
Beans and Peas 70%; sugar cane 30% 2
Cassava 2
Cassava 50%; coconut 50% 2
Cassava 50%; mixed orchards 50% 2
Cassava 50%; pineapple 50% 2
Cassava 70%; corn 30% 2
Cassava 70%; sugar cane 30% 2
Coconut 2
Coconut 50%; mixed orchards 50% 2
Coconut 50%; para rubber 50% 2
Coconut 70%; corn 30% 2
Coconut 70%; mixed field crops 30% 2
Coconut 70%; mixed orchards 30% 2
Coconut 70%; para rubber 30% 2
Coffee 2
Coffee 50%; para rubber 50% 2
Corn 2
Corn 50%; cassava 50% 2
Corn 50%; mixed orchards 50% 2
Corn 50%; sugar cane 50% 2
Corn 70%; beans and peas 30% 2
Corn 70%; cassava 30% 2
Corn 70%; mixed field crops 30% 2
Corn 70%; mixed orchards 30% 2
Corn 70%; sugar cane 30% 2
Field crops 2
Field crops 50%; orchard 50% 2
Field crops 50%; perennial crops 50% 2
Field crops 70%; orchard 30% 2
Mixed field crops 2
Mixed field crops 50%; mixed orchards 50% 2
Mixed field crops 70%; coconut 30% 2
Mixed field crops 70%; mixed horticulture 30% 2
Mixed field crops 70%; mixed orchards 30% 2
Mixed orchards 50%; coconut 50% 2
Mixed orchards 50%; mixed field crops 50% 2
Mixed orchards 50%; para rubber 50% 2
Mixed orchards 70%; coconut 30% 2
Mixed orchards 70%; corn 30% 2
Mixed orchards 70%; mixed field crops 30% 2
Mixed orchards 70%; para rubber 30% 2
Mixed orchards 70%; mixed horticulture 30% 2
Mixed perennial crops 2
Mixed perennial crops 50%; mixed field crops 50% 2
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Attribute information Priority
Mixed perennial crops 50%; mixed orchards 50% 2
Mixed perennial crops 70%; coconut 30% 2
Mixed perennial crops 70%; mixed orchards 30% 2
Perennial crops 2
Sugar cane 2
Sugar cane 50%; cassava 50% 2
Sugar cane 50%; corn 50% 2
Sugar cane 50%; mixed orchards 50% 2
Sugar cane 70%; cassava 30% 2
Sugar cane 70%; corn 30% 2
Sugar cane 70%; mixed horticulture 30% 2
Sugar cane 70%; mixed orchards 30% 2
Sugar cane 70%; pineapple 30% 2
[TH01]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of Thailand, version 2010. FAO, Rome,, 02/04/2012.
[TH02]: Mekong River Commission Secretariat. 2003. People and the environment atlas of the
Lower Mekong Basin. CD-ROM, Phnom Penh.
[TH03]: FAO. 2004. Dataset irr-area, provided by FAO ASIACOVER project.
[TH04]: FAO. 2004. Dataset irr-proj, provided by FAO ASIACOVER project.
[TH05]: FAO. 2004. Dataset landuse, provided by FAO ASIACOVER project.
[TH06]: Wongprasittiporn, C. 2005. Large rice-based irrigation systems in Thailand. In: Proceedings
of the regional workshop on the future of large rice-based irrigation systems in Southeast Asia
held in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, October 26-28, 2005. RAP Publication 2007/28, FAO,
Rome, Italy, 136-140,, 28/08/2009.
[TH07]: FAO. 2008. Regional data exchange system (RDES) on food and agricultural statistics in Asia
and the Pacific. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand,, 28/08/2009.
[TH08]: IPTRID. 2003. The irrigation challenge - increasing irrigation contribution to food security
through higher water productivity from canal irrigation systems. IPTRID Issues Paper 4,
IPTRID Secretariat, FAO, Rome, Italy,
y4854e00.htm#Contents, 28/08/2009.
[TH09]: FAO. 1999. Irrigation in Asia in figures. Water Report 18, FAO, Rome, Italy,, 13/08/2009.
The total irrigated area of the country was about 72 159 ha until August 1999 when pro-
Jakarta militias destroyed most of the infrastructure of the country, including irrigation and
water supply systems. Since October 1999, rehabilitation works supported by the United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have been reconstructed a part of the damaged
rice watering systems [TL01]. According to an inventory compiled for the Strategic
Development Plan 2011-2030 [TL02], 33 698 ha of irrigation schemes were functional in year
2005. Area equipped for irrigation per district was derived from this inventory.
Irrigated rice fields were digitized from a map published as part of the Strategic Development
Plan 2011-2030 [TL02].
Irrigation water in most of the irrigated rice areas is mainly extracted from rivers and
reservoirs [TL02], which is also in accordance to the situation in neighbouring Indonesia.
Based on this information, percentage of irrigated area from groundwater sources was
estimated at 2 percent. Area actually irrigated was 28 907 ha in year 2002 [TL01].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[TL01]: FAO. 2011. AQUASTAT country profile of Timor-Leste, version 2010. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 05/11/2012.
[TL02]: Democratic Republic of Timor Leste. 2010. Draft of the RDTL Strategic Development Plan
2011-2030., 26/11/2010.
Total area equipped for irrigation was 5 280 000 ha in year 2008 [TR01]. AEI per province
was derived from the Village Survey of the Agricultural Census 2001 [TR02]. Total AEI
according to this survey was 5 215 144 ha.
Growing areas of irrigated crops and paddy rice cultivation areas were derived from the
Corine Landcover Classification 2006 [TR03]. Additional irrigated areas were digitized from
a land-use map [TR04]. The outlines of digitized polygons were adjusted by using satellite
imagery [TR05]. In the provinces of Karabük, Giresun, Erzurum, Tunceli, Bingöl and Bitlis
AEI reported by the census statistics was larger than the extent of irrigation schemes derived
from Corine or digitized from land use maps. Therefore, irrigated land was also assigned to
regions classified by the Corine Landcover Classification 2006 as rainfed cropping area by
using the priorities shown in Table A12.
AAI and the percentage of AAI irrigated by groundwater, surface water and non-conventional
water sources were derived from the Household Survey of the Agricultural Census 2001
[TR06]. It was assumed that areas irrigated with water extracted from wells and springs
represented irrigation with groundwater, areas irrigated with water extracted from streams,
lakes, artificial lakes and dams represented irrigation with surface water sources and areas
irrigated with water from other sources represented irrigation with non-conventional water
sources. The percentage of irrigated area supplied by groundwater was only 19 percent
according to the statistics provided by the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works
(DSI) [TR01] and reported by the FAO AQUASTAT country profile [TR07] but 48 percent
according to the agricultural census information collected at the household level [TR06].
However, total irrigated area according to the Household Survey was only 3.5 million ha. As
a compromise it was therefore decided to assign the difference between the irrigated area
reported by the Household Survey report [TR06] and the AEI derived from the Village
Survey [TR02] completely to AEI irrigated with surface water. This procedure resulted in a
total AEI irrigated with groundwater of 1 621 546 ha (31 percent of total AEI), an AEI
irrigated with surface water of 3 484 931 ha (67 percent of total AEI) and an AEI irrigated
with water from non-conventional water sources of 108 668 ha (2 percent of total AEI).
Priorities assigned to specific land uses to distribute irrigated areas within the provinces of
Attribute information Priority
Irrigated crops (212) or paddy rice (213) according to Corine Land Cover 2006 [TR03] 7
Irrigated crops according to [TR04] 6
Arable land (211), vineyards (221), fruit trees, permanent crops and berries (222), olives (223)
or mosaic of annual and permanent crops (241) 5
Pasture (231), complex cultivation patterns (242) or mosaic between agricultural land and
natural vegetation (243) 4
[TR01]: DSI. 2009. Turkey water report 2009. General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI),
Ankara, Turkey,, 07/12/2012.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[TR02]: Turkish Statistical Institute. 2012. Agricultural Census 2001. General Agricultural Census
Village Information Survey Results, Table: Land use,, 07/12/2012.
[TR03]: EEA. 2012. Corine Land Cover 2006 seamless vector data - version 15.
1c645, 07/04/2012.
[TR04]: Universität Tübingen. 1993. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO), Plate AX2.
Reichert, Germany, Wiesbaden.
[TR05]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-261, 071-262, 071-273, 071-274, 071-288, 071-289, 071-300 and 071-301. Sioux Falls,
[TR06]: Turkish Statistical Institute. 2012. Agricultural Census 2001. General Agricultural Census
Agricultural Holdings (Household) Survey Results, Table: Number of agricultural holdings
using irrigation and irrigated area by irrigation sources,, 07/12/2012.
[TR07]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of Turkey, version 2008. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 05/11/2012.
Area equipped for irrigation (1 990 800 ha in total) was derived for five regions from a report
provided with the AQUASTAT country questionnaire [TM01]. The figures refer to year 2006
and indicate that the extent of irrigated land has still been increasing in Turkmenistan.
The irrigated areas were digitized from a map showing irrigated areas in the Aral Sea Basin
[TM02]. The shape of the boundaries of the irrigated areas was then adjusted using satellite
imagery [TM03]. The location of the digitized irrigated areas was in good agreement with a
map showing the irrigation infrastructure of the country [TM04]. These digitized irrigated
areas were combined with irrigated cropland derived from the Globcover regional
classification for Central Asia [TM05]. Irrigated area was then assigned with the highest
priority to pixels being irrigated according to both data sources and after that, if required, to
pixels that were either covered by the digitized irrigated areas or classified as irrigated by
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater declined to 9608 ha in year 2006 [TM06]. Area
actually irrigated was similar to area equipped for irrigation in year 2006 [TM06].
[TM01]: Ministry of Water Economy. 2007. Programme for development of agriculture for the period
up to year 2030. Report of a joint inter-sectoral working group, in Turkmen.
[TM02]: Unknown. Aral Sea Basin 1:2 500 000 - administrative boundaries and irrigated areas. Map
available in the FAO-AGL library.
[TM03]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-312, 071-313, 071-322, 071-323, 071-334 and 071-335. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[TM04]: FAO. 1998. Turkmenistan - FAO special programme for food security. Exploratory mission
report. FAO, Rome, Italy.
[TM05]: ESA. 2008. Regional Globcover Land Cover – Central Asia. Version 2.2., 24/03/2009.
[TM06]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT main country database.
dbase/index.stm, 15/02/2013.
United Arab Emirates
Total cultivated area in year 2003 was 254 918 ha while area equipped for irrigation was 226
600 ha [AE01]. Area equipped for irrigation per emirate was estimated as the difference
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
between total cultivated land and so called shifting area, both reported for year 2003 [AE01].
Total area equipped for irrigation computed this way was 230 841 ha.
The cultivated area of the country, which is completely irrigated, was digitized from Landsat
satellite imagery [AE02]. The digitized areas were in good agreement with areas classified as
"agricultural areas and plantations" in an atlas published in 1993 [AE03].
Irrigation in the United Arab Emirates is completely based on groundwater [AE01]. Area
actually irrigated per emirate was computed as average of cultivated land reported for the
period 2006-2008 [AE04]. Total area actually irrigated computed this way was 218 826 ha.
[AE01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of the United Arab Emirates, version 2008. FAO,
Rome, Italy,,
[AE02]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-309, 071-319 and 071-320. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[AE03]: United Arab Emirates University. 1993. The national atlas of the United Arab Emirates. Al
[AE04]: Ministry of Environment and Water. 2013. Agricultural area, quantity and value according to
Emirates, versions 2006-2008,
statistics.aspx#page=1, 20/01/2013.
Area equipped for irrigation was 4 198 000 ha in year 2005 [UZ01]. Irrigated area in 13
regions was available for year 1996 and totalled 4 223 000 ha [UZ02]. Area equipped for
irrigation per region in year 2005 was estimated by scaling the area reported for year 1996 so
that the total sum was similar to the extent reported at the national scale for year 2005.
The irrigated areas were digitized from a map showing irrigated areas in the Aral Sea Basin
[UZ03]. The shape of the boundaries of the irrigated areas was then adjusted using satellite
imagery [UZ04]. The digitized irrigated areas were combined with irrigated cropland derived
from the Globcover regional classification for Central Asia [UZ05]. Irrigated area was then
assigned with the highest priority to pixels being irrigated according to both data sources and
after that, if required, to pixels that were either covered by the digitized irrigated areas or
classified as irrigated by Globcover.
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was 274 000 ha in year 1994 [UZ01]. More
recent estimates were not available. Since the quantity of groundwater extractions is restricted
to volumes that do not cause surface flow reduction [UZ06], area equipped for irrigation with
groundwater was set to the figures reported for year 1994. Area actually irrigated was 3 700
000 ha in year 2005.
[UZ01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT main country database.
dbase/index.stm, 15/02/2013.
[UZ02]: European Commission, Directorate General. 1996. Water resources management and
agricultural production in the Central Asian Republics - Warmap Project. Vol. 4: Irrigated crop
production systems, Table A4.5. Tashkent.
[UZ03]: Unknown. Aral Sea Basin 1:2 500 000 - administrative boundaries and irrigated areas. Map
available in the FAO-AGL library.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[UZ04]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-323, 071-324, 071-334, 071-335, 071-344 and 071-345. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[UZ05]: ESA. 2008. Regional Globcover Land Cover – Central Asia. Version 2.2., 24/03/2009.
[UZ06]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of the Uzbekistan, version 1997. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 15/02/2013.
Viet Nam
Area equipped for irrigation in Viet Nam was 4 585 500 ha in year 2005, while the area
harvested on irrigated fields was 8 728 192 ha in the same year, which indicates a high
cropping intensity [VN01]. Area equipped for irrigation in 8 regions was derived from the
AQUASTAT country questionnaire and further downscaled to province level according to the
extent of paddy fields (4 130 940 ha in total) reported by the agricultural census 2006 for each
province [VN02].
Digital maps of irrigated areas (polygon dataset) [VN03] and irrigation projects (point
dataset) [VN04] were used as compiled by the Mekong River Commission. However, these
inventories covered only the part of the country that belongs to the Mekong River watershed.
In the other part of the country, irrigated area was distributed according to the GlobeCover
landcover map [VN05] to areas classified as irrigated or rainfed cropland. These areas fitted
well to maps showing the irrigation infrastructure of the country [VN06].
According to the AQUASTAT country profile [VN01], area equipped for irrigation with
groundwater is 1 percent of total AEI, and the whole AEI was irrigated in year 2005.
[VN01]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of Viet Nam, version 2010. FAO, Rome,, 02/04/2012.
[VN02]: General Statistics Office of Viet Nam. 2007. Results of the 2006 Rural, Agricultural and
Fishery Census. Volume I – General Results.
tabid=515&idmid=5&ItemID=8058, 09/03/2010.
[VN03]: Mekong River Commission Secretariat. 2003. People and environment atlas of the Lower
Mekong Basin. CD-Rom. Phnom Penh, MRC.
[VN04]: Mekong River Commission Secretariat. 2009. Irrigation dataset 2009., 18/04/2012.
[VN05]: ESA. 2008. Regional Globcover Land Cover – Central Asia. Version 2.2., 24/03/2009.
[VN06]: World Bank. 1996. Vietnam - water resources sector review. East Asia and Pacific Region,
Report No. 15041-V. Agriculture and Environment Division, Country Department I.
Area equipped for irrigation for year 2004 was estimated at 679 650 ha, consisting of 454 310
ha full/partial control irrigation, 217 541 ha spate irrigation and 7799 ha equipped lowlands
[YE01]. Area actually irrigated shows a high year-to-year variability and mainly depends on
the availability of irrigation water. The highest area actually irrigated was reported for year
2007 (732 029 ha). To account for the increasing trend in irrigated land, area equipped for
irrigation was estimated for each province as the maximum of area actually irrigated reported
for period 2005-2009 [YE02]. Total area equipped for irrigation estimated this way was 813
951 ha.
The irrigated areas were digitized using Landsat satellite imagery [YE03], MODIS Vegetation
Indices [YE04] and several large-scale irrigation maps ([YE05]; [YE06]; [YE07]). The
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
approximate position and extent of the major irrigation schemes was detected based on the
large-scale maps, and their more precise extent was derived by digitizing vegetated areas from
the satellite imagery. The polygons digitized that way were then combined with cropland
extracted from the Globcover regional landcover classification for North Africa [YE08] and
irrigated area was first assigned to pixels that were covered by both data layers (digitized
polygons AND cropland in Globcover) and after, if required, to pixels covered by just one of
the two layers (digitized polygons OR cropland in Globcover). In the provinces of Al-Jawf
and Mareb irrigated land was in addition assigned to pixels classified in Globcover as “Sparse
vegetation (<15 percent)”.
Area actually irrigated was computed for each province as the mean of the irrigated areas
reported for period 2005-2009 [YE02]. The same time series was used to distinguish the
source of irrigation water. Areas irrigated from springs and wells were assumed to represent
groundwater irrigation, areas irrigated with water from dams, reservoirs and from floods were
assumed to represent surface water irrigation and areas irrigated with water from other
sources or water obtained by cars was assumed to represent irrigation with non-conventional
water sources. Total area actually irrigated computed that way was 668 504 ha (82 percent of
area equipped for irrigation). 66.5 percent of the area was irrigated with groundwater, 31.1
percent with surface water and 2.4 percent with water from non-conventional sources.
[YE01]: FAO. 2013. AQUASTAT country profile of Yemen, version 2008. FAO, Rome, Italy,, 20/01/2013.
[YE02]: Central Statistics Office. 2006-2010. Statistical yearbook, volumes 2005-2009, section
agriculture., 20/01/2013.
[YE03]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tiles
071-295, 071-296, 071-307, 071-308 and 071-317. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
[YE04]: NASA, Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center. 2004. MOD13Q1:
MODIS/Terra Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 250m SIN Grid V004. Enhanced
Vegetation Indices (EVI) from 9 June 2000 and 17 January 2001,
[YE05]: Universität Tübingen. 1993. Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients (TAVO), Plate AX1.
Reichert, Germany, Wiesbaden.
[YE06]: United States Agency for International Development. 1993. Water Resources Action Plan
for the Near East, Figure 3. Washington, DC.
[YE07]: Achtnich, W. 1980. Bewässerungslandbau, p. 39. Stuttgart, Germany, Ulmer.
[YE08]: POSTEL. 2008. GLOBCOVER landcover classification, Version 2.2, North Africa. Globcover
database., 24/03/2009.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation in version 5 of the Global Map of Irrigation Areas is similar to
AEI in version 4 for the European countries with exceptions for Austria, Belarus, Belgium,
Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Kosovo, Montenegro, Russian Federation, Serbia,
Switzerland, and United Kingdom. For most of the European countries AEI is based on data
collected in national agricultural censuses or farm structure surveys undertaken in the period
1999-2007. The Global Map of Irrigation Areas will be updated for Europe as soon as the data
from the agricultural census 2010, undertaken in most of the European countries, become
available. One difference to map version 4 is however, that AEI was subdivided according to
the source of water and that statistics on area actually irrigated are attached as well. Total area
equipped for irrigation in the Global Map of Irrigation for Europe is 24 281 853 ha in map
version 5, of which 7 467 198 ha are equipped for irrigation with groundwater. Area actually
irrigated is 12 515 264 ha and thus about half of the area equipped for irrigation (Table A13).
Area equipped for irrigation (AEI) and area actually irrigated (AAI) in Europe in the new
version 5 of the Global Map of Irrigation Areas.
Country AEI in
AEI in
total (ha)
AEI in
AEI in
surface water
AEI in
GMIA5, non-
sources (ha)
AAI in
GMIA5 (ha)
Albania 340,000 340,000 1,000 339,000 0 110,712
Andorra 150 150 38 113 0 150
Austria 97,480 116,050 94,602 21,448 0 43,450
Belarus 115,000 114,100 17,115 96,985 0 25,900
Belgium 35,170 23,830 13,864 9,966 0 5,500
Bosnia and
Herzegovina 4,630 4,630 1,389 3,241 0 4,630
Bulgaria 545,160 545,160 102,003 443,157 0 68,544
Croatia 5,790 9,275 3,414 5,860 0 9,275
Czech Republic 50,590 50,590 3,337 47,253 0 18,037
Denmark 476,000 448,818 448,818 0 0 204,070
Estonia 1,363 1,363 193 1,170 0 600
Finland 103,800 103,800 15,570 88,230 0 15,000
France (excl. oversea
departments) 2,906,081 2,906,081 1,281,673 1,624,408 0 1,693,137
Germany 496,871 515,731 423,479 92,252 0 234,594
Greece 1,544,530 1,544,530 748,535 795,995 0 1,206,017
Hungary 292,147 292,147 63,784 228,363 0 104,415
Iceland 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ireland 1,100 1,100 220 880 0 1,100
Italy 3,892,202 3,892,202 1,285,783 2,606,419 0 2,471,379
Kosovo 77,000 77,000 10,949 66,051 0 39,466
Latvia 1,150 1,150 80 1,070 0 620
Liechtenstein 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lithuania 4,416 4,416 2,331 2,085 0 1,000
Luxembourg 27 27 19 8 0 27
Malta 2,300 2,300 2,287 13 0 2,130
Monaco 0 0 0 0 0 0
Montenegro 2,115 2,115 2,107 8 0 2,115
Netherlands 476,315 476,315 275,899 200,416 0 119,156
Norway 134,396 134,396 8,334 126,062 0 54,970
Poland 134,050 134,050 13,405 120,645 0 63,138
Portugal 792,008 792,008 435,801 356,207 0 374,360
Republic of Moldova 307,000 307,000 0 307,000 0 20,000
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Country AEI in
AEI in
total (ha)
AEI in
AEI in
surface water
AEI in
GMIA5, non-
sources (ha)
AAI in
GMIA5 (ha)
Romania 2,149,903 2,149,903 225,801 1,924,102 0 221,106
Russian Federation
(incl. Asian part) 4,899,900 2,375,200 475,040 1,900,160 0 938,900
San Marino 0 0 0 0 0 0
Serbia 86,311 86,311 4,605 81,706 0 27,541
Slovakia 225,310 225,310 18,161 207,149 0 64,773
Slovenia 15,643 15,643 1,669 13,974 0 7,121
Spain 3,575,488 3,575,488 1,316,656 2,258,832 0 3,315,594
Sweden 188,470 188,470 50,571 137,899 0 52,150
Switzerland 40,000 55,000 12,100 42,900 0 45,390
The former Yugoslav
Republic of
Macedonia 127,800 127,800 5,000 122,800 0 79,638
Ukraine 2,395,500 2,395,500 0 2,395,500 0 731,400
United Kingdom 228,950 246,894 101,565 145,329 0 138,159
EUROPE TOTAL 26,772,116 24,281,853 7,467,198 16,814,655 0 12,515,264
For European countries included in the EU Farm Structure Survey 2003 (Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Netherlands,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden) areas equipped for irrigation with
groundwater were computed based on areas irrigated with groundwater, surface water and
mixed sources reported by EUROSTAT for 134 sub-national or national administrative units
). The conversion of the original data categories reported in the farm structure survey to
ground- versus surface water supply is reported in Table A14. Area equipped for irrigation
with groundwater (AEI_GW) was computed as:
For the other European countries data sources for the separation of AEI into AEI_GW and
AEI_SW are reported in the specific country sections.
Sources of irrigation water for areas irrigated in year 2003 according to the farm structure
survey of the European Union and partitioning into area actually irrigated from groundwater
(AAI_GW) and area actually irrigated from surface water (AAI_SW).
FS2003 classification AAI_GW
(% of reported area ) AAI_SW
(% of reported area)
Groundwater 100 0
On-farm surface water 0 100
Off-farm surface water 0 100
Off-farm water from water supply networks 0 100
Ground- and surface water 50 50
Groundwater and public network 50 0
Surface water and public network 0 50
Mixed surface water 0 100
Other sources or at least 3 mixed sources 0 0
The area equipped for irrigation was about 420 000 ha at the beginning of the 1990’s [AL01],
[AL02] and declined to 340 000 ha around year 2000 [AL03], [AL04]. Area equipped for
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
irrigation per district as given for the year 1993 (in total 416 977 ha, [AL01]) was scaled so
that the country totals meet the value of 340 000 ha reported to be still present.
To distribute irrigated area within the districts, irrigated area was assigned to all polygons
classified as cultivated land in the CORINE land cover 2000 database for Europe [AL05]
using the priority levels reported in Table A15. The result of this assignment has been in good
agreement to other maps showing irrigation infrastructure in Albania ([AL06], [AL07]).
It was reported that irrigation in Albania is from surface water except of 1000 ha land in hilly
regions where water from springs is being used [AL08]. Therefore area equipped for
irrigation with groundwater was set to 1000 ha. Area actually used for irrigation declined
from 316 000 ha in 1991 [AL02] to smaller than 80 000 ha in 1994 because many areas faced
an urgent need for rehabilitation [AL03]. Due to intensive rehabilitation works the area
actually used for irrigation increased again to 120 000 ha in 1996 and about 250 000 ha in
1998 [AL08]. For this inventory, area actually irrigated per county was computed as average
of the AAI reported for the period 2001-2009 [AL09], resulting in a total AAI of 110 712 ha.
Priorities assigned to land cover types to distribute area equipped for irrigation in
administrative units of Albania.
Corine land cover class Priority assigned in the downscaling procedure
Permanently irrigated land 7
Non-irrigated arable land 6
Fruit trees and berry plantations 6
Olive groves 6
Complex cultivation patterns 6
Pastures 5
Land principally occupied by agriculture with significant
areas of natural vegetation 5
[AL01]: World Bank. 1994. Albania - irrigation rehabilitation project. Staff Appraisal Document, Report
no. 12609-ALB, World Bank, Washington, US,, 29/08/2005.
[AL02]: FAO. 1992. Albania - irrigation subsector review. Report no. 93/92 CP-ALB 4 SR, FAO
Investment Centre, Rome, Italy.
[AL03]: World Bank. 2003. Water resources management in South Eastern Europe. Vol. II: Country
water notes and water fact sheets. World Bank, Washington,,
[AL04]: FAO. 2012. Main AQUASTAT country database.
data/query/index.html, 28/02/2012.
[AL05]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[AL06]: Toepfer, H. 1993. Die Bewässerungslandwirtschaft und Nahrungsmittelproduktion in
Albanien. Irrigation map (Figure 1) on p. 107, In Popp, H. & Rother, K. eds. Die
Bewässerungsgebiete im Mittelmeerraum, Passau, Germany, Passavia Universitätsverlag.
[AL07]: National Environmental Agency. 1994. Albanian State of the Environment Report: 1993-
1994. Map: Water reservoir and irrigation areas,
albania/soe/htmls/94/html/alba0.htm, 07/07/2006.
[AL08]: World Bank. 1999. Albania - second irrigation rehabilitation project. Project Appraisal
Document. Report no. 19242-ALB, World Bank, Washington,,
[AL09]: Institute of Statistics. 2011. Irrigated area by county in ha.
16.xls, 15/10/2011.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
No sub-national statistics or maps on irrigated areas have been available for Andorra.
150 ha were classified to be permanently irrigated in the 1990-version of the Corine land
cover data base for Europe. These areas were extracted and assumed to represent the area
equipped for irrigation of Andorra.
Based on the situation in neighbouring administrative units percentage of AEI irrigated with
groundwater was estimated at 25 percent. It was assumed that AAI is similar to AEI.
[AN01]: EEA. 1999. Corine land cover 1990 - vector by country (CLC1990), version 1., 29/08/2005.
Area equipped for irrigation in NUTS3-regions were derived from the EUROSTAT database
[AT01] for year 2007 and further downscaled to municipality level by using data on the
percentage of irrigated land provided by an online GIS-service [AT02]. Total AEI computed
as sum of the areas reported for the NUTS3-regions is 116 050 ha.
Irrigated area was assigned to specific pixels according to the CORINE land cover 2000
database for Europe [AT03]. The highest priority was given to areas classified as non-
irrigated arable land, vineyards or complex cultivation patterns. If the extent of these areas
was not sufficient, irrigated areas was assigned to areas classified as pastures or land
principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation.
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed based on the data collected by
the EU farm structure survey 2003 as described before. Area actually irrigated (in total 43450
ha) per NUTS3-region was derived from the EUROSTAT database [AT01]. The data refer to
year 2007.
[AT01]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
data/database, 28/11/2011.
[AT02]: Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft. 2008.
Geo-Info. Bewässerte Fläche in Prozent der Gemeindefläche., 03/04/2008.
[AT03]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
The area equipped for irrigation reached its maximum in the 1980’s at 163 000 ha and
declined after to 149 000 ha in 1990, 131 000 ha in 1993 [BY01], 115 100 ha in year 2001
and 114 100 ha in year 2006 [BY02]. Area equipped for irrigation in year 2006 was derived
for 6 regions from a statistical yearbook [BY02].
Maps showing the location of irrigation schemes were not available. Since it was reported,
that irrigation takes place only in excessively drained areas it was decided to distribute
irrigated land to cropland and pastures in lowlands along the major rivers. Additionally
irrigated areas were assigned to cultivated land in the Polesye region because it was reported
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
that most of the drainage work was concentrated in that area. Cropland and pasture areas were
derived from the GLC2000 data base for Northern Eurasia [BY03]. Cells classified as humid
grassland, cropland or cropland / grassland were extracted from this land cover data set if
located on river valley bottoms.
Irrigation water is provided mainly by retention tanks. About 77 percent of the area is
reported to be irrigated from these reservoirs. Other water sources are canals and groundwater
[BY01]. Based on this indicative information percentage of AEI irrigated with groundwater
was set to 15 percent (17 250 ha). Because of organizational, economic and technical reasons
the irrigation schemes are not operating at full capacity. It can be assumed that the area
actually used for irrigation is much lower now compared to the situation in 1990 because
irrigation water use declined strongly from 63 Mio m³ in 1985 and 67.3 Mio m³ in 1990 to 5
Mio m³ in 2000 and 11.7 Mio m³ in 2003 [BY04]. Based on the reported ratio of irrigation
water extractions in years 1990 and 2003 AAI in year 2003 was estimated at 25 900 ha.
[BY01]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of Belarus, version 1997. FAO, Rome,, 02/04/2012.
[BY02]: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. 2011. Environmental protection
in the Republic of Belarus. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk,
Belarus, 237 pp.
[BY03]: Bartalev, S.A., Belward, A.S., Erchov, D.V., Isaev, A.S., Bartholomé, E., Gond, V., Vogt,
P., Achard, F., Zubkov, A.M., Mollicone, D., Yu Savin, I., Fritz, S., Repina, G., Hartley, A.
2003. The land cover map for Northern Eurasia for the year 2000. GLC2000 database,
European Commision Joint Research Centre,
[BY04]: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. 2003. Environmental
conditions in the Republic of Belarus., 12/07/2006.
Area equipped for irrigation and area actually irrigated for 11 regions was derived from the
statistics of the farm structure survey 2005 [BE01], [BE02]. Total area equipped for irrigation
is 23 830 ha, of which 21 710 ha is for irrigated outdoor crops and 2120 ha for crops in
Maps showing the location of irrigation schemes were not available. Area equipped for
irrigation was distributed to cultivated land [BE03] in regions of coarse soil [BE04] using
priorities in the distribution process as described in Table A16.
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed based on the data collected by
the EU farm structure survey 2003 as described before.
Priorities used to assign irrigated area to cultivated areas on coarse soil in Belgium.
Attribute in Corine land cover 2000 data base Attributes in soil map Priority
Non-irrigated arable land (211) or complex cultivation
patterns (242) SLTXCL = 1 and SLTXCL2 = 1 6
Non-irrigated arable land (211) or complex cultivation
patterns (242) SLTXCL = 1 and SLTXCL2 > 1 5
Fruit trees and berry plantations (222) or pastures (231)
or land principally occupied by agriculture, with
significant areas of natural vegetation (243)
SLTXCL = 1 and SLTXCL2 = 1 5
Non-irrigated arable land (211) or complex cultivation
patterns (242) or fruit trees and berry plantations (222) 4
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
*: SLTXCL represents the soil texture class of the main soil type, while SLTXCL2 is the soil texture class of an associated
soil; a soil texture class of 1 is assigned to soils having less than 18 percent clay content and more than 65 percent sand
[BE01]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
data/database, 28/11/2011.
[BE02]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2010. Land use., 15/07/2010.
[BE03]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[BE04]: The Commission of the European Communities, Directorate General for Agriculture,
Coordination of Agricultural Research. 1985. Soil Map of the European Communities at 1:1
000 000. The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, ISBN 92-825-
5427-9, L-2985 Luxembourg, 124 pages,, 07/07/2006.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Irrigation potential for Bosnia Herzegovina was estimated at 74 000 ha, but only 4630 ha are
equipped for irrigation [BA01]. The irrigated area of the country is concentrated in three
irrigation systems:
- Ljubuški and Ljubuški Polje (2800 ha),
- Trebinje and Trebinjsko Polje (650 ha), and
- Dubrava Plateau [BA02].
The boundaries of the irrigation systems were digitized from a map published in [BA03].
Irrigated area was assigned to all areas within the digitized polygons that were classified in
the Corine 2000 land cover database for Europe [BA04] as non-irrigated arable land (211),
fruit trees and berry plantations (222), complex cultivation patterns (242) or land principally
occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation (243).
Most of the larger public irrigation schemes in Bosnia and Herzegovina extract water from the
Neretva River or its main tributaries, while small scale irrigation is often practised using
groundwater (springs, wells, sub-surface streams in the Karst system). The actual extent of
irrigation and therefore also the fraction of irrigation areas using groundwater is uncertain
because of missing information on the extent of informal irrigation schemes and because a
significant part of the irrigation infrastructure was destroyed in the last war [BA03].
Percentage of irrigated area from groundwater sources was estimated at 30 percent based on
the description of the irrigation infrastructure in [BA02].
[BA01]: Civil Society Promotion Center. 2002. Environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2002., 07/07/2006.
[BA02]: World Bank. 2002. Bosnia and Herzegovina Small Scale Commercial Agricultural
Development Project. Environmental assessment.,
[BA03]: World Bank. 2003. Bosnia and Herzegovina Small Scale Commercial Agricultural
Development Project. Project appraisal document. Report No: 25519-BiH, http://www-, 12/08/2009.
[BA04]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
The area equipped for irrigation was 1 288 000 ha in 1990 [BG01] but declined later to 673
000 ha in 1995 [BG02] and 545 160 ha in 2003 [BG03]. Even stronger was the decline in the
area actually used for irrigation. While in 1985 about 1 014 000 ha of cultivated land was
irrigated the area actually irrigated declined to 842 000 ha in 1989 [BG01], to about 100 000
ha in the period 1992-1996 [BG02] and to about 40 000 ha nowadays [BG04]. Large parts of
the irrigation infrastructure constructed before 1990 deteriorated because of the break up of
large farms and the lack of finance for restructuring irrigation systems to meet the needs of
small farmers [BG05]. The restructuring of the irrigation sector makes it difficult to estimate
the area equipped for irrigation. The equipment at the former pumping stations is missing
almost everywhere and a significant part of the canals is destroyed [BG04]. Thus it depends
on the definitions used whether areas are still classified as equipped for irrigation or not and
one can find different numbers for the extent of irrigated areas in the statistics. EUROSTAT
for example reported for 2003 an irrigable area of 124 490 ha and an area actually irrigated of
79 370 ha [BG06]. In 2002 the hydraulic infrastructure for 537 558 ha irrigated land in 235
irrigation systems was managed by the Irrigation Systems Co. (ISC) and 3351 ha in five
systems by the Hydro-melioratzii Ltd. Sevlievo (HMS). Both are trade companies. In contrast
4251 ha were managed by newly created irrigation associations [BG03]. Area equipped for
irrigation per branch of the ISC was derived from [BG03].
The outlines of the major irrigation areas of the country were digitized from an irrigation map
published in [BG01] to distribute irrigated areas within the branches of the ISC. Irrigated area
was assigned to all polygons of the Corine land cover 2000 data base [BG07] that were
located within the digitized irrigation areas and that were classified as non-irrigated arable
land (211), rice fields (213), vineyards (221), fruit trees and berry plantations (222) or
complex cultivation patterns (242) using priority levels shown in Table A17.
Area actually irrigated for 5 regions was computed as average of the AAI reported in the EU
farm structure surveys 2003, 2005 and 2007 [BG06]. Total AAI computed that way was 68
544 ha.
Priorities used to assign irrigated area to the areas classified as cultivated in the CORINE land
cover 2000 data base for Bulgaria.
Attribute Priority
Rice fields 7
Non-irrigated arable land 6
Fruit trees and berry plantations 6
Vineyards 6
Complex cultivation patterns 6
[BG01]: FAO. 1991. Bulgaria. Irrigation subsector review. FAO Investment Centre, Report No: 109/91
CP-BUL 2, Rome, Italy.
[BG02]: Öko Inc. Budapest. 2001. Agricultural water management policies in Bulgaria, Hungary,
Romania and Slovakia. Final report. Budapest, Hungary, 35 pp.
[BG03]: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 2004. Rural development project. Study on irrigation
tariffs and subsidy. Sofia, Bulgaria, 63 pp.,, 07/07/2006.
[BG04]: Chehlarova-Simeonova, S., Yusuf, S., Florov, V. and Ninova, M. 2006. Country report from
Bulgaria. In: Dirksen, W. and Huppert, W. (ed.). Irrigation sector reform in Central and Eastern
European countries. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ),
Eschborn, Germany, 41-102.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[BG05]: World Bank. 2003. Water resources management in South Eastern Europe. Vol. II - Country
water notes and water fact sheets. Washington, United States,,
[BG06]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[BG07]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
Sub-national irrigation statistics as compiled by the Agricultural Census 2003 were available
for the area actually irrigated during season 2002-2003 and were summing up to 9275 ha, of
which 5000 ha were used by agricultural households and 4275 ha by business entities [HR01].
It was assumed that AEI is similar to the irrigated areas reported by the agricultural census
report at the county level. Irrigated area at municipality level has been available for
agricultural households only. Therefore it was assumed that the share of municipalities on the
irrigated area of the counties was equal for agricultural households and business entities.
Irrigated area was distributed within the municipalities by assigning area equipped for
irrigation to cultivated land as classified by the Corine 2000 land cover data base for Europe
[HR02] by using the priorities shown in Table A18. The highest priority was given to
polygons classified as permanently irrigated land (212) while olive groves (223) and pastures
(231) got the lowest priority.
The number of farms irrigated from groundwater, surface water and from water supply
networks was reported for each county and per farm size class by the agricultural census
report 2003 [HR01]. Area irrigated from groundwater was computed for each farm size class
as AEI * N_GW / (N_GW + N_SW) where N_GW was the number of farms irrigated from
groundwater and N_SW was the number of farms irrigated from surface water. Next, the sum
of area irrigated from groundwater of all farm size classes was computed for each county.
AEI irrigated with groundwater computed this way was 3414 ha.
Priorities used to assign irrigated area to the areas classified as cultivated in the CORINE land
cover 2000 data base for Croatia.
Attribute Priority
Permanently irrigated land 7
Non-irrigated arable land 6
Fruit trees and berry plantations 6
Vineyards 6
Complex cultivation patterns 6
Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation 5
Olive groves 4
Pastures 4
[HR01]: CROSTAT. 2006. Agricultural census 2003. Republic of Croatia - Central Bureau of Statistics
(CROSTAT),, 17/08/2009.
[HR02]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Czech Republic
During the last century irrigation infrastructure was built on about 155 000 ha of agricultural
land. Area equipped for irrigation was at its maximum in the period 1995-1997 at 132 401 ha
[CZ01]. Area actually irrigated was largest in 1988 (99 115 ha) and declined later to about 48
000 ha at the beginning of the 1990s, about 35 000 ha in the mid 90s and 16 238 ha in 1997
[CZ02]. Irrigation is nowadays only being used for crops that cannot be grown without
irrigation or for those for which irrigation generates high added value (vegetables, hop-fields,
orchards, vineyards and potatoes). EUROSTAT reported areas actually irrigated of 16 870 ha
in 2003 and 17 320 ha in 2005 [CZ03]. The low figures of area actually irrigated in the last
ten years indicate that a large part of the former irrigation infrastructure seems to be dead and
no longer useable. Therefore area equipped for irrigation was estimated for eight regions by
choosing the maximum of the irrigable areas as reported by EUROSTAT for the years 2003
and 2005 [CZ03]. Area equipped for irrigation per region estimated that way is summing up
to 50 590 ha.
The main irrigation areas of the country were digitized from an irrigation map. The map
showed areas in operation, areas under construction and planned irrigation areas [CZ04].
Additionally a large irrigation area was digitized in the surrounding of Znojmo in South
Moravia [CZ05]. Irrigated area was then assigned to cultivated land extracted from the Corine
2000 land cover data base for Europe [CZ06] using the priorities shown in Table A19. In the
regions of Jihozápad and Strední Morava irrigated area was assigned to all areas classified as
vineyards (221), fruit trees and berry plantations (222) or complex cultivation patterns (242)
because none of the digitized irrigation areas was located within these regions.
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed based on the data collected by
the EU farm structure survey 2003 as described before. Area actually irrigated was computed
for each region as average of AAI reported by the EU farm structure surveys 2003, 2005 and
2007 [CZ03]. AAI per region estimated that way is summing up to 18 037 ha.
Priorities used to assign irrigated area to cultivated areas on in the Czech Republic.
Attribute in Corine land cover 2000 data base Status of digitized irrigation areas Priority
Non-irrigated arable land (211) or vineyards (221) or
fruit trees and berry plantations (222) or complex
cultivation patterns (242)
"operating" or "under construction" 7
Vineyards (221) or fruit trees and berry plantations (222)
or complex cultivation patterns (242) "planned" 7
Non-irrigated arable land (211) "planned" 6
Vineyards (221) or fruit trees and berry plantations (222)
or complex cultivation patterns (242) - 5
[CZ01]: Štastná, M., Miškovský, J., Cermák, J., Doležal, F., Zavadil, J. & Spitz, P. 2006. Country
report from Czech Republic. In: Dirksen, W. and Huppert, W. (ed.). Irrigation sector reform in
Central and Eastern European countries. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische
Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn, Germany, 103-118.
[CZ02]: Miskovsky, J. 2002. Privatisation of irrigation systems in the Czech Republic. EWRG letter
12, 3-6.
[CZ03]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[CZ04]: Framji, K.K., Garg, B.C. & Luthra, S.D.L. 1981. Irrigation and drainage in the world. Third
edition. Vol. I, p. 304. New Delhi, ICID.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[CZ05]: Ministry of Agriculture. 2004. General information about water management in the Czech
Republic. Prague, Czech Republic, 14 pp.,, 19/07/2006.
[CZ06]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
AEI and AAI for 12 regions were derived from the EU farm structure survey 2003 [DK01].
Irrigated areas per region are summing up to 448 818 ha (AEI) and 204 070 ha (AAI).
Maps showing the location of irrigation areas in Denmark were not available but it was
reported that irrigation is mainly used in horticulture or to grow semi-intensive or intensive
field crops like maize, potatoes and sugar beets on coarse textured or shallow soils ([DK02],
[DK03]). Irrigated area was therefore assigned to all regions of coarse soil texture [DK04]
classified as non-irrigated arable land (211), fruit trees and berry plantations (222) or complex
cultivation patterns (242) in the Corine 2000 land cover data base for Europe [DK05] by using
the priorities shown in Table A20.
According to the data released by the EU farm structure survey 2003 all irrigation is from
Priorities used to assign irrigated area to cultivated areas on coarse textured soil in Denmark.
Attribute in Corine land cover 2000 data base Attributes in soil map* Priority
Non-irrigated arable land (211) or fruit trees and berry
plantations (222) or complex cultivation patterns (242) SLTXCL = 1 and SLTXCL2 = 1 5
Non-irrigated arable land (211) or fruit trees and berry
plantations (222) or complex cultivation patterns (242) SLTXCL = 1 and SLTXCL2 > 1 or
SLTXCL > 1 and SLTXCL2 = 1 4
Non-irrigated arable land (211) or fruit trees and berry
plantations (222) or complex cultivation patterns (242) SLTXCL = 2 and SLTXCL2 > 1 3
*: SLTXCL represents the soil texture class of the main soil type, while SLTXCL2 is the soil texture class of an associated
soil; a soil texture class of 1 is assigned to soils having less than 18 percent clay content and more than 65 percent sand
[DK01]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[DK02]: Baldock, D., Caraveli, H., Dwyer, J., Einschütz, S., Petersen, J.E., Sumpsi-Vinas, J.,
Varela-Ortega, C. 2000. The environmental impacts of irrigation in the European Union. A
report to the Environment Directorate of the European Commission, 147 pp.,, 07/07/2006.
[DK03]: Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 2004. Nature & Environment 2003 – Theme:
Water in Denmark.
Publications/2004/87-7614-3805/html/helepubl_eng.htm#kap01_eng, 07/07/2006.
[DK04]: The Commission of the European Communities, Directorate General for Agriculture,
Coordination of Agricultural Research. 1985. Soil Map of the European Communities at 1:1
000 000. The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, ISBN 92-825-
5427-9, L-2985 Luxembourg, 124 pages,, 07/07/2006.
[DK05]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
Area equipped for irrigation reached its maximum by the end of the 1970s (14 000 ha), but
was reduced to 3680 ha in 1995 due to the liquidation of the kolkhoz and sovkhoz [EE01].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation per county was available for year 2005 [EE02], the areas sum up
to 1362.7 ha.
Maps showing the location of irrigation areas in Estonia were not available, but it was
reported that irrigation is mainly used to grow vegetables or to water pastures [EE01]. While
the irrigation of pastures was practiced traditionally, the irrigation of early potatoes is
mentioned explicitly in a more recent report [EE03]. It was therefore decided to assign 80
percent of the area still equipped for irrigation to polygons classified as non-irrigated arable
land (211) or complex cultivation patterns (242) in the Corine 2000 land cover data base for
Europe [EE04] and to assign the remaining irrigated area to polygons classified as pastures
(231) in the same data base.
Based on the ratio between groundwater abstractions for agriculture, forestry and fishery and
total water abstractions for agriculture, forestry and fishery in period 2003-2007 [LV06] area
equipped for irrigation with groundwater was estimated at 193 ha (14 percent of total AEI).
Area actually irrigated around year 2000 was reported to be 600 ha [EE06].
[EE01]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of Estonia, version 1997. FAO, Rome,, 02/04/2012.
[EE02]: Area equipped for irrigation per county on 01/01/2005, data provided by Mati Tonismae,
Chairman of ICID National Committee of Estonia (ESTICID) and Head of the Bureau of
Infrastructure, Ministry of Agriculture on 21/02/2006.
[EE03]: Kucera, L. & Genovese, G. (ed.). 2004. Crop monographies on Central European countries –
MOCA Study. Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Directorate General,
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, Agriculture & Fisheries Unit, Ispra, Italy,, 07/07/2006.
[EE04]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[EE05]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Annual water
abstraction by source and by sector.
environment/data/database, 28/11/2011.
[EE06]: Baldock, D., Caraveli, H., Dwyer, J., Einschütz, S., Petersen, J.E., Sumpsi-Vinas, J. &
Varela-Ortega, C. 2000. The environmental impacts of irrigation in the European Union. A
report to the Environment Directorate of the European Commission, 147 pp.,, 07/07/2006.
Area equipped for irrigation for 20 regions (103 800 ha in total) was derived from the EU
farm structure survey 2003 [FI01].
Maps showing the location of irrigation areas in Finland were not available. Therefore area
equipped for irrigation was assigned to all areas classified as non-irrigated arable land (211)
in the Corine 2000 land cover database for Europe [FI02].
In Finland, irrigation water is extracted in most cases from lakes. Groundwater extraction
occurres mainly in vegetable production because of the higher water quality of groundwater
[FI03], but statistics on the involved areas were not available. Based on the qualitative
information in this aforementioned report and considering the situation in neighbouring
Sweden, percentage of irrigated area from groundwater sources was estimated at 15 percent.
The area actually irrigated is however much lower than the equipped area, in dry summers
about 20 000 – 40 000 ha are irrigated [FI04]. The main irrigated crops are vegetables,
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
potatoes and beets ([FI04], [FI05]). Based on this information AAI was estimated at 15 000
[FI01]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[FI02]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[FI03]: Pajula, H. and Triipponen, J.-P. 2003. Selvitys Suomen kastelutilanteesta: esimerkkialueena
Varsinais-Suomi. (A survey of the irrigation in Finland – case study Southwestern Finland).
The Finnish Environment 629. Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland,, 18/08/2009.
[FI04]: Baldock, D., Caraveli, H., Dwyer, J., Einschütz, S., Petersen, J.E., Sumpsi-Vinas, J. &
Varela-Ortega, C. 2000. The environmental impacts of irrigation in the European Union. A
report to the Environment Directorate of the European Commission, 147 pp.,, 07/07/2006.
[FI05]: Sierla, J. 2006. Water resources management and agriculture in Finland. Summary report
available at the web-page of the Finnish National Committee of the ICID (FINCID),, 07/07/2006.
(French Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion are reported separately)
The irrigable area of the country increased steadily from 2 099 700 ha in 1990 to 2 510 410 ha
in 1995 and 2 723 700 ha in 2003. The area actually irrigated was lower but increased also
from 1 484 840 ha in 1990 to 1 629 580 ha in 1995 and 1 938 730 ha in 2003 [FR01].
According to the agricultural census 2000 the main irrigated crops were maize (56 percent of
the irrigated area), vegetables and potatoes (12 percent of irrigated area) and fruits and vines
(9 percent of the irrigated area) [FR02]. Area equipped for irrigation was estimated by
selecting the maximum of the irrigable area as reported by the EIDER data base by
department for the years 1997, 2000 and 2003 [FR03]. For the year 2003 data were available
for only 46 of the 96 departments which may lead to an underestimation of the area equipped
for irrigation in the remaining 50 departments. Area equipped for irrigation by region and
department estimated that way is summing up to 2 906 081 ha.
Area equipped for irrigation was distributed within the departments by combining cultivated
areas as derived from the Corine 2000 land cover data base for Europe [FR04] and a map
published in [FR02] showing the percentage of cultivated land that is irrigated by canton. It
was assumed that the density of area equipped for irrigation within the departments is relative
to the density of area actually irrigated computed that way. To assure that irrigation is mainly
concentrated on arable land, the priority levels shown in Table A21 were used. The irrigation
map for France compiled that way was found to be in good agreement to irrigation maps
published in the literature ([FR05], [FR06]).
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed based on the data collected by
the EU farm structure survey 2003 as described before. Area actually irrigated per province
was computed as average of AAI reported by the farm structure surveys 2003, 2005, and 2007
[FR01]. Total AAI computed that way was summing up to 1 693 137 ha.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Priorities used to assign irrigated area to the areas classified as cultivated in the CORINE land
cover 2000 data base for France.
Attribute Priority
Permanently irrigated land 7
Rice fields 7
Non-irrigated arable land 6
Fruit trees and berry plantations 6
Complex cultivation patterns 6
Vineyards 5
Olive groves 5
Pastures 5
Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation 5
[FR01]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[FR02]: Gleyses, G. & Rieu, T. 2004. L'irrigation en France. État des lieux 2000 et évolution.
CEMAGREF, Antony, France, 60 pp.
[FR03]: Institut français de l’environnement (IFEN). 2005. Ensemble Intégré des Descripteurs de
l'Environnement Régional (EIDER). CD-ROM, version 2005, IFEN, Orleans, France.
[FR04]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[FR05]: Reparaz, A. 1993. Irrigation et agriculture irriguee dans les regions mediterraneennes
francaises. Irrigation map (Figure 1) on p. 80, In H. Popp & K. Rother, eds. Die
Bewässerungsgebiete im Mittelmeerraum, Passau, Germany, Passavia Universitätsverlag.
[FR06]: Roudié, P. 1985. La France – Agriculture, Forêt, Pêche. Second Edition. Irrigation map on p.
131, Paris, France, 197 pp.
Surveys of the German Sprinkler Association undertaken in the years 1995 and 2001 indicate
that about 500 000 ha were equipped for sprinkler irrigation in Germany around year 2000
([DE01], [DE02]). An area of about 5 000 ha is under micro irrigation (mainly drip irrigation
in vineyards). In the north-eastern part of the country there are about 600 000 ha of equipped
lowlands. Combined drainage / subsurface irrigation facilities were installed there to manage
peat soils and groundwater near sandy sites. Surface irrigation methods are not used anymore
[DE03]. Irrigation is mainly practiced on arable land and in most irrigation areas only specific
crops in a crop rotation are irrigated (e.g. potatoes, sugar beets, maize, and vegetables).
Therefore the area actually irrigated was only 236 797 ha in 1998 and 220 907 ha in 2002.
Arable crops covered about 79 percent of the irrigation area, horticulture 17 percent and
perennial crops about 4 percent ([DE04], [DE05]). Sub-national statistics on area equipped for
irrigation were compiled from different sources. The main source of information was the
survey of the German Sprinkler Association undertaken in 2001 that provided figures for the
16 federal states [DE02]. For the federal state of Niedersachsen, where about 47 percent of the
irrigated area is concentrated, statistics per county were provided by the local branch of the
Sprinkler Association [DE06] while statistics for Sachsen-Anhalt, also on the county level,
were derived from the literature [DE07]. The figures for the federal state of Hessen were
replaced by statistics taken from a recently published report [DE08]. Total area equipped for
irrigation was 515 731 ha. Irrigation in equipped lowlands were neglected because it was
reported, that operation and maintenance of the subsurface irrigation systems were drastically
reduced during the transformation process of irrigated agriculture in Eastern Germany. Thus
the water use statistics also do not account for these systems. There are initiatives to reactivate
the systems of ditches, control structures, weirs and pumping stations because under the
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
climatic conditions there is a high requirement for water retention and impounded water
irrigation on cultivated grassland in north-eastern Germany. However, the focus is more on
the protection of the peat soils and wetlands than on increasing agricultural production
[DE03]. AEI reported for the federal states of Bayern, Brandenburg, Hessen, Nordrhein-
Westfalen, and Schleswig-Holstein was then downscaled to NUTS2-regions or districts in
relation to the share of area actually irrigated provided by several publications for year 2002
Irrigation areas within the sub-national units were located and digitized using maps and
information taken from the literature ([DE08], [DE14]-[DE19]). Irrigated area was assigned to
cropland derived from the Corine 2000 land cover data base for Europe [DE20] located within
the digitized polygons. However, for some regions irrigation maps were not available (e.g.
Saarland). Therefore, irrigated area was also assigned to arable land on coarse soils [DE21].
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater (AEI_GW) per NUTS2-region or district was
computed as AEI_GW = AEI * IWU_GW / (IWU_GW + IWU_SW) by using statistics on
irrigation water use from groundwater (IWU_GW) or irrigation water use from surface water
(IWU_SW) reported in several publications of the statistical offices of the federal states
([DE09]-[DE13], [DE22]). Area actually irrigated in year 2002 was derived from the same
[DE01]: Roth, D., Eggers, T., Seesselberg, F. & Albrecht, M. 1995. Status of sprinkler irrigation in
Germany – an analysis of the Federal Sprinkler Irrigation Association. Zeitschrift für
Bewässerungswirtschaft 30 (2), 113-120.
[DE02]: Fricke, E. & Heidorn, H. 2004. Effizientes landwirtschaftliches Beregnungs-Management., 26/07/2006.
[DE03]: Quast, J., Ehlert, V., Lübbe, E., Sourell, H. & Wenkel, K.O. 2006. Country report from
Germany. In: Dirksen, W. and Huppert, W. (ed.). Irrigation sector reform in Central and
Eastern European countries. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ),
Eschborn, Germany, 119-160.
[DE04]: Statistisches Bundesamt. 2001. Wasserversorgung und Abwasserbeseitigung in der
Industrie und in der Landwirtschaft 1998. Fachserie 19, Reihe 2.2, Wiesbaden, Germany, 39
[DE05]: Statistisches Bundesamt. 2004. Statistik der Wasserversorgung in der Landwirtschaft 2002.
Wiesbaden, Germany, 13 pp.
[DE06]: Fricke, E. 2005. Optimierte Nährstoffausnutzung durch Bewässerung. Presentation held on
the Agritechnica Forum 2005, 19 pp.,,
[DE07]: Schrödter, M. 2003. Stand der Beregnung in Sachsen-Anhalt - Entwicklung eines
gemeinsamen Beratungskonzepts zur Beregnung in Mitteldeutschland. Ministerium für
Landwirtschaft und Umwelt, 5 pp.,,
[DE08]: Witzel, D. 2005. Menge und Qualität von Zusatzwasser im Hessischen Ried. Presentation
held on the irrigation conference 2005 of the German Agricultural Society (DLG), 29/06/2005,
Groß-Umstatt, Germany,
fachtagung05.html, 07/07/2006.
[DE09]: Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg. 2007. Wasserversorgung und Abwasserbeseitigung
im Land Brandenburg 2004. Report QI1-3j/04, Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam,
QI1_3j-04.pdf, 18/08/2009.
[DE10]: Bayerisches Landesamt für Statistik und Datenverarbeitung. 2004. Wasserversorgung
und Abwasserbeseitigung in der Landwirtschaft in Bayern 2002. Report Q I 5 - 4j/02,
Bayerisches Landesamt für Statistik und Datenverarbeitung, München, Germany,
efix=Q1500, 18/08/2009.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[DE11]: Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt. 2003. Wasserversorgung und Abwasserbeseitigung
in der Landwirtschaft in Hessen 2002. Report QI5-4j/02, Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt,
Wiesbaden, Germany, 12 pp.
[DE12]: Landesamt für Datenverarbeitung und Statistik Nordrhein-Westfalen. 2004. Wasser-
versorgung und Abwasserbeseitigung in der Landwirtschaft in Nordrhein-Westfalen 2002.
Report Q I – 4j/02, Landesamt für Datenverarbeitung und Statistik Nordrhein-Westfalen,
Düsseldorf, Germany,
3100&prefix=Q159, 18/08/2009.
[DE13]: Statistisches Amt für Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein. 2004. Wasserversorgung und
Abwasserbeseitigung in der Landwirtschaft 2002. Statistisches Amt für Hamburg und
Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany.
[DE14]: Sourell, H. & Albrecht, M. 2000. Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen der Beregnungstechnik.
Zeitschrift für Bewässerungswirtschaft 35 (1), 63-75.
[DE15]: Erlenbach, K.H. 1984. Feldberegnung in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Zeitschrift für
Bewässerungswirtschaft 19 (1), 30-46.
[DE16]: Breuch-Moritz, M. & Wild, A. 1989. Eine klimatologische Untersuchung zur
Sickerwasserbildung in einem Beregnungsgebiet Bayerns am Beispiel Regensburg. Zeitschrift
für Bewässerungswirtschaft 24 (1), 6-25.
[DE17]: Hermann, E.W. 1985. Entwicklung und Stand der Feldberegnung in Hessen. Zeitschrift für
Bewässerungswirtschaft 20 (1), 38-54.
[DE18]: Joba, J. & Martin, K.H. 1984. Feldberegnung in Baden-Württemberg. Zeitschrift für
Bewässerungswirtschaft 19 (1), 47-68.
[DE19]: Framji, K.K., Garg, B.C. & Luthra, S.D.L. 1981. Irrigation and drainage in the world. Third
edition. Vol. I, p. 395. New Delhi, ICID.
[DE20]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[DE21]: The Commission of the European Communities, Directorate General for Agriculture,
Coordination of Agricultural Research. 1985. Soil Map of the European Communities at 1:1
000 000. The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, ISBN 92-825-
5427-9, L-2985 Luxembourg, 124 pages,, 07/07/2006.
[DE22]: Landesbetrieb für Statistik und Kommunikationstechnologie. 2008. Wasserversorgung
und Abwasserbeseitigung in der Landwirtschaft 2002 in Niedersachsen. Landesbetrieb für
Statistik und Kommunikationstechnologie, Hannover, Germany, http://www.nls., 18/08/2009.
The area reported to be irrigable increased in Greece from 1 130 570 ha in 1990 to 1 235 300
ha in 1995 and 1 521 600 ha in 2003. The area actually irrigated also increased from 932 980
ha in 1990 to 1 142 180 ha in 1995 and 1 294 400 ha in 2003 [GR01]. Area equipped for
irrigation was computed by selecting the maximum of the irrigable area as reported by the
EUROSTAT for 13 regions and for the years 1997, 2000 and 2003 [GR01]. The island of
Crete was further subdivided in four districts because irrigation statistics could be obtained
from the literature [GR02]. Area equipped for irrigation by region computed that way adds up
to 1 544 530 ha.
Irrigated area was assigned first to all areas classified as "Permanently irrigated land" (212) or
"Rice fields" (213) by the Corine 2000 land cover database for Europe [GR03]. 658 386 ha
were distributed in total that way. Additionally other irrigation areas were digitized from an
irrigation map [GR04] or from a land use map published in an atlas [GR05]. Cultivated land
located within the digitized polygons was extracted from the Corine land cover data base and
432 250 ha of irrigated land were assigned to these areas. Finally, the remaining fraction of
the area equipped for irrigation was assigned to cultivated land located outside the digitized
polygons by using the priorities shown in Table A22. In this process it was assumed that the
irrigation density in polygons of priority 4 is only 10 percent of the irrigation density in
polygons of priority 5. Polygons of priority 4 represent pastures, marginal areas and olive
groves and thus areas that are usually not irrigated in Greece. An exception was made for the
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
island of Crete. It was reported that more than 40 percent of the olive groves are irrigated
there today [GR06]. Therefore polygons classified as olive groves and located on Crete got
the higher priority level 5.
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed based on the data collected by
the EU farm structure survey 2003 as described before. Area actually irrigated per province
was computed as average of AAI reported by the farm structure surveys 1997, 2000, and 2003
[GR01]. Total AAI computed that way was summing up to 1 206 017 ha.
Priorities used to assign irrigated area to the areas located outside the digitized irrigation areas
and classified as cultivated in the CORINE land cover 2000 data base for Greece.
Attribute Priority
Non-irrigated arable land 5
Fruit trees and berry plantations 5
Annual crops associated with permanent crops 5
Complex cultivation patterns 5
Vineyards 5
Olive groves* 4
Pastures 4
Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation 4
*: Olives groves got priority 5 if located in Crete.
[GR01]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[GR02]: Katsikides, S., Warnat, H. & Dörflinger, G. 2004. Detailed empirical analysis of the present
socio-economic structure under the aspect of water usage. Report within the MEDIS project,
163 pp.,, 27/07/2006.
[GR03]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[GR04]: Sauerwein, F. 1993. Der Bewässerungsfeldbau in Griechenland - Entwicklung, Formen und
Probleme. In H. Popp & K. Rother, eds. Die Bewässerungsgebiete im Mittelmeerraum,
Passau, Germany, Passavia Universitätsverlag, 113-116.
[GR05]: Schulze, H. (ed.) 1998. Alexander Weltatlas. Ernst Klett Schulbuchverlag, Stuttgart, Germany,
225 pp.
[GR06]: Institute of Olive Tree and Subtropical Plants. 2003. General Info. Report available on the
web-page of the National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF), http://www.nagref-, 27/07/2006.
In Hungary the area equipped for irrigation reached its maximum in 1974 at 451 000 ha when
the barrage at Kisköre and a dam in Békés were put into operation [HU01]. The area still
equipped for irrigation is lower today but the statistics differ significantly dependent on the
reference year and the source of information. The irrigable area of the country as reported by
EUROSTAT or the Central Statistics Office was 308 110 ha in 2000 [HU02] and about 242
170 ha in 2003 [HU02], [HU03], while statistics of the National Water Authority indicate an
area equipped for irrigation of 235 500 ha in 2000 and 208 400 ha in 2003 [HU01]. According
to the latter statistics the area equipped for irrigation declined each year within the period
1998 (264 300 ha) to 2004 (159 100 ha). Differences also exist in the statistics referring to the
area actually irrigated. EUROSTAT reported an area actually irrigated of 67 100 ha in 2000
and 148 690 ha in 2003 [HU02]. In contrast, the National Water Authority reported actual
irrigation areas of 125 300 ha in 2000 and 115 200 ha in 2003 [HU01]. Because of the given
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
uncertainties area equipped for irrigation was estimated for this study by selecting for each
county the maximum of the areas reported as irrigable (Central Statistics Office, year 2003) or
equipped for irrigation (National Water Authority, years 2001, 2002 and 2004). The total area
equipped for irrigation estimated that way is summing up to 292 147 ha.
Polygons, showing the irrigation system of Hungary, were digitized from an irrigation map
published in an atlas [HU04] and combined to polygons of cultivated land as extracted from
the Corine 2000 land cover database for Europe [HU05] by using the priority levels shown in
Table A23.
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed based on the data collected by
the EU farm structure survey 2003 as described before. Area actually irrigated per county was
computed as average of AAI reported for the period 2003-2009 [HU06]. Total AAI computed
that way was summing up to 104 415 ha.
Priorities used to assign irrigated area to cultivated areas in Hungary.
Attribute in Corine land cover 2000 data base Location within polygons of the
digitized irrigation areas Priority
Rice fields (213) Yes or No 7
Non-irrigated arable land (211) or vineyards (221) or fruit trees
and berry plantations (222) or complex cultivation patterns (242) Yes 6
Pastures (231) or land principally occupied by agriculture, with
significant areas of natural vegetation (243) Yes 5
Non-irrigated arable land (211) or vineyards (221) or fruit trees
and berry plantations (222) or complex cultivation patterns (242) No 4
[HU01]: Ligetvári, F., Cselotei, L., Kiss, K., Dimény, J., Szilárd, G., Takács-György, K., Kis, S.,
Helyes, L., Pekár, F. & Bozán, C. 2006. Country report from Hungary. In: Dirksen, W. and
Huppert, W. (ed.). Irrigation sector reform in Central and Eastern European countries.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn, Germany, 161-250.
[HU02]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[HU03]: Central Statistics Office. 2004. Agriculture in Hungary 2003, Vol. II – Farm structure survey.
Tab. 6.6. Budapest, Hungary, 260 pp.,, 07/07/2006.
[HU04]: Hungarian Academy of Sciences & Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 1989. National Atlas
of Hungary. Map on p. 208. Cartographia, Budapest, Hungary, 389 pp.
[HU05]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[HU06]: Hungarian Central Statistical Office. 2011. Data on irrigated land area., 15/03/2011.
No data on irrigation in Iceland were available. However, there exists some vegetable
production on Iceland, e.g. cucumbers and tomatoes [IS01]. The total harvested vegetable
area was 77 ha in 2003 [IS02]. Because of the climatic conditions on Iceland it can be
assumed that most of this production is coming from greenhouses what also would indicate
that there might be some irrigation. For this study it was nevertheless assumed that there is no
irrigation in Iceland.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[IS01]: Statistics Iceland. 2005. Iceland in figures 2005–2006. Reykjavik, Iceland, 33 pp.,, 31/07/2006.
[IS02]: FAO. 2006. FAOSTAT – FAO Statistical Databases,, 31/07/2006.
The irrigated area in Ireland is about 1100 ha and consists of about 500 ha early potatoes, 500
ha vegetables and 100 ha strawberries in plastic tunnels. Most of the irrigated area is located
in the southern, eastern and south-eastern regions of the country [IE01]. No sub-national
statistics on irrigated area have been available for Ireland. Therefore the potato growing area
of the counties located in the south, east or south-east was extracted from the Agricultural
Census 2000 [IE02] and it was assumed that the irrigated area is proportional to the potato
growing area (in total 2122 ha).
Area equipped for irrigation was equally distributed over all polygons classified as non-
irrigated arable land (211) or complex cultivation patterns (242) in the Corine 2000 land cover
database for Europe [IE03].
Statistics related to irrigated areas and sources of irrigation water were not available. Based on
data for neighbouring West England and Wales, percentage of irrigated area from
groundwater sources was estimated at 20 percent.
[IE01]: Baldock, D., Caraveli, H., Dwyer, J., Einschütz, S., Petersen, J.E., Sumpsi-Vinas, J. &
Varela-Ortega, C. 2000. The environmental impacts of irrigation in the European Union. A
report to the Environment Directorate of the European Commission, 147 pp.,, 07/07/2006.
[IE02]: Central Statistics Office Ireland. 2002. Census of Agriculture Main Results, June 2000.
Dublin, Ireland, 96 pp.,,
[IE03]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
According to EUROSTAT the irrigable area of Italy was 3 854 910 ha in 2000 and 3 977 210
ha in 2003, while the area actually irrigated was 2 453 120 ha in 2000 and 2 732 730 ha in
2003 [IT01]. The results of the 5th agricultural census, undertaken in growing season 2000-
2001 and reported for the 8101 communities are similar. The irrigable area is summing up to
3 892 202 ha, while the area actually used for irrigation is summing up to 2 471 379 ha
[IT02]. It was assumed, that the irrigable area by community as reported by the agricultural
census also represents the area equipped for irrigation.
Area equipped for irrigation was distributed within the communities to cultivated areas as
extracted from the Corine 2000 land cover database for Europe [IT03] by using the priority
levels shown in Table A24. The resulting irrigation map for Italy was found to agree well with
irrigation maps published in the literature ([IT04]–[IT06]).
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed based on the data collected by
the EU farm structure survey 2003 as described before. Area actually irrigated was derived
from the database of the agricultural census 2000 [IT02].
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Priorities used to assign irrigated area to areas classified as cultivated in the CORINE land
cover 2000 data base for Italy.
Attribute Priority
Permanently irrigated land (212) 7
Rice fields (213) 7
Non-irrigated arable land (211) 6
Fruit trees and berry plantations (222) 6
Annual crops associated with permanent crops (241) 6
Complex cultivation patterns (242) 6
Vineyards (221)* 5
Olive groves (223) 5
Pastures (231) 5
Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation (243) 5
*: Priority level 6 was assigned to vineyard areas if located in the regions of Molise, Puglia, Sicilia, Trento, Alto Adige or Valle d'Aosta .
[IT01]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[IT02]: ISTAT. 2002. 5° Censimento Generale dell' Agricoltura. Online database,, 11/01/2006.
[IT03]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[IT04]: Wagner, H. 1993. Die Bewässerungslandwirtschaft in den italienischen Regionen Latium,
Abruzzen, Molise und Kampanien 1991. In H. Popp & K. Rother, eds. Die
Bewässerungsgebiete im Mittelmeerraum, Passau, Germany, Passavia Universitätsverlag, 87-
[IT05]: Rother, K. 1993. Die Bewässerungsgebiete im fernsten Italien. In H. Popp & K. Rother, eds.
Die Bewässerungsgebiete im Mittelmeerraum, Passau, Germany, Passavia
Universitätsverlag, 93-104.
[IT06]: Framji, K.K., Garg, B.C. & Luthra, S.D.L. 1981. Irrigation and drainage in the world. Third
edition. Vol. II, p. 702. New Delhi, ICID.
Under the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia about 68 000 ha were equipped for
irrigation in the Kosovo area [KV01]. The area equipped for irrigation dropped to 23 000 ha
in 1999 due to the devastation of war and the lack of maintenance. Thanks to donor
contribution about 51 000 ha were under irrigation again in 2002 [KV02] and the actual extent
of the irrigation schemes was given at 77 000 ha [KV01]. Area actually irrigated as derived
from the agricultural household survey 2004 by municipality [KV03] was scaled to meet the
figures for the total area equipped for irrigation in the entire region (77 000 ha).
Area equipped for irrigation was assigned to polygons extracted from the Corine 2000 land
cover database for Europe [KV04] that were classified as non-irrigated arable land (211),
vineyards (221), fruit trees and berry plantations (222), or complex cultivation patterns (242).
Statistics on the source of irrigation water were not available for the Kosovo territory.
However, large irrigation water extractions from surface water sources (rivers and reservoirs)
are reported while because of the aquifer conditions groundwater use is limited to the western
part of the country [KV05]. Other statistics indicate that small scale private irrigation is
nowadays very important in Kosovo ([KV06], [KV07]) and that the rural water supply in
parts of the country is based on groundwater extractions [KV08]. Based on this indicative
information percentage of irrigated area from groundwater sources was estimated at 5 percent
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
for the eastern part of the country and at 25 percent for the western part. Area actually
irrigated in 7 regions was computed as average of AAI in period 2005-2007 [KV09]. Total
AAI computed that way was 39 466 ha.
[KV01]: World Bank. 2003. Water resources management in South Eastern Europe. Vol. II – Country
water notes and water fact sheets. Washington, United States,,
[KV02]: Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning. 2002. Kosovo state of the environment
report., 03/07/2006.
[KV03]: Statistical Office of Kosovo. 2005. Agricultural household survey 2004. Pristine, Kosovo, 32
2004, 26/11/2011.
[KV04]: EEA. 2011. Corine Land Cover 2000 seamless vector data - version 15 (08/2011).
a05adc, 20/05/2012.
[KV05]: OSCE. 2008. Water supply issues in Kosovo. Organization for Security and Co-operation in
Europe (OSCE), Monitoring Department,
32394_en.pdf, 20/08/2009.
[KV06]: Statistical Office of Kosovo. 2006. Agricultural Household Survey 2005. Statistical Office of
Kosovo (SOK), Prishtina, Kosovo,
agricultural-household-survey-2005, 26/11/2011.
[KV07]: Statistical Office of Kosovo. 2003. Socially owned enterprises and cooperatives (SOE) in
agriculture in Kosovo 2003.
owned-enterprises-and-cooperatives-soe-in-agriculture-in-kosovo-2003, 26/11/2011.
[KV08]: Statistical Office of Kosovo. 2007. Facts on the environment. Statistical Office of Kosovo
(SOK), Prishtina, Kosovo,
the-environment-2007, 26/11/2011.
[KV09]: Statistical Office of Kosovo. 2009. Facts on the environment. Statistical Office of Kosovo
(SOK), Prishtina, Kosovo,
the-environment, 26/11/2011.
Area equipped for irrigation was about 20 000 ha in 1995, all of it sprinkler irrigation [LV01].
However, the restructuring of the agricultural sector caused a strong decline of the area
equipped for irrigation. According to EUROSTAT the irrigable area was 560 ha in 2000,
1150 ha in 2003 and 790 ha in 2005 [LV02]. Areas equipped with sprinkler irrigation
infrastructure were reported by district for the year 2001 and were summing up to 569 ha
[LV03]. The sprinkler irrigation areas by district were scaled so that the country totals were
equal to the maximum irrigable area as reported by EUROSTAT (1150 ha).
The main irrigated crops are vegetables, potatoes, sugar beets and strawberries [LV01],
[LV04]. Since irrigation maps were not available for Latvia, irrigated area was assigned to
polygons as extracted from the Corine 2000 land cover database for Europe [LV05] classified
as non-irrigated arable land (211), fruit trees and berry plantations (222) or complex
cultivation patterns (242).
Statistics on the source of irrigation water were not available for Latvia. Based on the ratio
between groundwater abstractions for agriculture, forestry and fishery and total water
abstractions for agriculture, forestry and fishery in period 2003-2007 [LV06] area equipped
for irrigation with groundwater was estimated at 80 ha (7 percent of total AEI).
[LV01]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of Latvia, version 1997. FAO, Rome,, 02/04/2012.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[LV02]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[LV03]: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. 2002. Results of 2001 Agricultural Census., 01/08/2006.
[LV04]: Kucera, L. & Genovese, G. (ed.). 2004. Crop monographies on Central European countries –
MOCA Study. Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Directorate General,
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, Agriculture & Fisheries Unit, Ispra, Italy,, 07/07/2006.
[LV05]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[LV06]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Annual water
abstraction by source and by sector.
environment/data/database, 28/11/2011.
Reports, maps or statistical data indicating that irrigation would exist in Liechtenstein were
not available. Therefore it was assumed that there is no irrigation.
Area equipped for irrigation was 42 700 ha in 1990, the largest part of the irrigation
infrastructure (29 900 ha) was located on meadows and pastures [LT01]. As private owners
started working on small plots there was no need anymore for large scale irrigation
infrastructure. Therefore area equipped for irrigation declined to 9247 ha in 1995 [LT01],
8122 ha in 1998 [LT02] and 4416.3 ha in 2005 [LT03]. 3920.9 ha of the area equipped for
irrigation are located on artificial drained land [LT03]. Area equipped for irrigation by county
and municipality was derived from an inventory related to year 2005 [LT03].
Today the main irrigated crops are potatoes and vegetables [LT04]. Since irrigation maps
were not available for Lithuania, irrigated area was assigned to polygons as extracted from the
Corine 2000 land cover database for Europe [LT05] classified as non-irrigated arable land
(211) or complex cultivation patterns (242).
Based on the ratio between groundwater abstractions for irrigation and total water abstractions
for irrigation in period 2003-2005 [LV06] area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was
estimated at 2331 ha (53 percent of total AEI). [LT06]. Area actually irrigated was set to 1000
ha according to the EU farm structure survey 2007 [LT07].
[LT01]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of Lithuania, version 1997. FAO, Rome,, 02/04/2012.
[LT02]: ICID. unknown. Country profile Lithuania. Lithuanian National Committee of ICID, 13 pp.,, 14/02/2006.
[LT03]: Ministry of Agriculture. 2005. Register of Land equipped for irrigation on 01/01/2005. Data
table provided by Dr. Antanas Maziliauskas, President of the Lithuanian National Committee of
ICID on 09/03/2006.
[LT04]: Kucera, L. & Genovese, G. (ed.). 2004. Crop monographies on Central European countries –
MOCA Study. Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Directorate General,
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, Agriculture & Fisheries Unit, Ispra, Italy,, 07/07/2006.
[LT05]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[LT06]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Annual water
abstraction by source and by sector.
environment/data/database, 28/11/2011.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[LT07]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
In Luxembourg only some small scale vegetable production is irrigated [LU01], but irrigation
statistics were not available. 36 ha vegetable production was reported for Luxembourg and
year 2002 [LU02]. It was assumed that 75 percent of the vegetable production is irrigated,
which results in an estimate of 27 ha for the area equipped for irrigation.
Irrigation maps were not available for Luxembourg. Instead of it, area equipped for irrigation
was assigned to polygons extracted from the Corine 2000 land cover database for Europe
[LU03] classified as non-irrigated arable land (211) or complex cultivation patterns (242) that
were located within polygons indicating coarse soil (sltxtcl = 1) as extracted from a European
soil map [LU04].
Percentage of irrigated area from groundwater sources was estimated at 70 percent based on
the statistics for neighbouring Belgian provinces.
[LU01]: Baldock, D., Caraveli, H., Dwyer, J., Einschütz, S., Petersen, J.E., Sumpsi-Vinas, J. &
Varela-Ortega, C. 2000. The environmental impacts of irrigation in the European Union. A
report to the Environment Directorate of the European Commission, 147 pp.,, 07/07/2006.
[LU02]: Ministere de l'Agriculture, de la Viticulture et du Développement rural. 2005. L'agriculture
luxembourgeoise en chiffres. Service d'économie rurale, Luxembourg, 33 pp.,
s/index.html, 07/07/2006.
[LU03]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[LU04]: The Commission of the European Communities, Directorate General for Agriculture,
Coordination of Agricultural Research. 1985. Soil Map of the European Communities at 1:1
000 000. The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, ISBN 92-825-
5427-9, L-2985 Luxembourg, 124 pp.,, 07/07/2006.
Area equipped for irrigation was 2300 ha in 2003, while the area actually used for irrigation
was 2130 ha in the same year [MT01]. Sub-national irrigation statistics on the community
level collected in the year 2001 reported an area equipped for irrigation of 1509 ha [MT02].
The area equipped for irrigation by community was scaled so that the country totals are equal
to the value reported for the year 2003 (2300 ha).
To distribute area equipped for irrigation within the communities, irrigated area was assigned
to polygons extracted from the Corine 2000 land cover data base for Europe [MT03]
classified as non-irrigated arable land (211), permanently irrigated land (212), vineyards
(221), pastures (231), complex cultivation patterns (242) or land principally occupied by
agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation (243).
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater (2287 ha) was computed based on the data
collected by the EU farm structure survey 2003 as described before.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[MT01]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[MT02]: National Statistics Office. 2004. Agriculture and fisheries 2002. Valletta, Malta, 175 pp.,, 07/07/2006.
[MT03]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
It was assumed that irrigated agriculture does not exist in this urban centre.
No statistics on area equipped for irrigation were available. However, the maximum of the
area actually irrigated during the period 2001 - 2005 was reported at 2115 ha for year 2005
[ME01]. It was assumed that this area also represents the area equipped for irrigation. No
subnational statistics were available.
Since irrigation maps were not available for Montenegro, area equipped for irrigation was
assigned to polygons extracted from the Corine 2000 land cover database for Europe [RS03]
that were classified as non-irrigated arable land (211), vineyards (221), fruit trees and berry
plantations (222), or complex cultivation patterns (242).
Average irrigation water use from groundwater within the period 2005-2007 was 7.3 Million
m3 yr-1 while irrigation water extraction from surface water was only 25 Thousand m3 yr-1
[ME03]. Based on the ratio between irrigation water uses from the different water sources,
area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was estimated at 2108 ha.
[ME01]: Statistical Office of the Republic of Montenegro. 2006. Statistical Yearbook 2006.
MONSTAT, Podgorica, Montenegro, 346 pp.
[ME02]: EEA. 2007. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), update for Serbia and
[ME03]: Montenegro Statistical Office. 2008. Statistical Yearbook 2008. Montenegro Statistical
Office (MONSTAT), Podgorica, Montenegro,,
Area equipped for irrigation was available at the municipality level [NL01] and was summing
up to 475 098 ha. However, for 19 out of the 544 municipalities the database had no data.
After replacing these no-data-values by data using the reported irrigation densities in
neighbouring municipalities total area equipped for irrigation was summing up to 476 315 ha.
The main irrigated crops in the Netherlands are grass, maize, potatoes and vegetables [NL02].
Irrigated area was therefore assigned to polygons extracted from the Corine 2000 land cover
database for Europe [NL03] classified as non-irrigated arable land (211), pastures (231),
complex cultivation patterns (242) or land principally occupied by agriculture, with
significant areas of natural vegetation (243).
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed for 4 regions based on the data
collected by the EU farm structure survey 2003 as described before. Area actually irrigated is
varying from year to year depending on the specific climate in the reference year. In the wet
growing season 1998/1999 area actually irrigated was only 123 300 ha while it was 308 700
ha in the dry growing season 1996/1997 [NL02]. Area actually irrigated per NUTS2-region
was computed therefore as average of AAI reported by the EU farm structure surveys 2003,
2005 and 2007 [NL04]. Total AAI computed that way is summing up to 119 156 ha.
[NL01]: GIS-polygon shapefile provided by Timo Kroon, Rijkswaterstaat (RIZA) on 27/02/2006 and
compiled for the Droogtestudie Nederland [NL02].
[NL02]: Hoogeveen, M.W., van Bommel, K.H.M. & Cotteleer, G. 2003. Beregening in land- en
tuinbouw. Rapport voor de Droogtestudie Nederland. Rapport 3.03.02, LEI, Den Haag,
Netherlands, 64 pp.,
?n=3.03.02, 02/08/2006.
[NL03]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[NL04]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
Area equipped for irrigation was increasing in Norway from 68 815 ha in 1979 to 90 670 ha
in 1989 and 134 396 ha in 1999 [NO01]. Irrigation is mainly practiced on soils of low or
moderate water holding capacity in South-East Norway in locations east of the mountains
trapping rain water. However, in some isolated valleys in the inland the yearly amount of
precipitation is down to 320 mm. Here agriculture (cereals/grass) is not possible without
irrigation. The main irrigated crops are berries, vegetables, cereals, potatoes and grass
[NO02]. Area equipped for irrigation by county is shown in the table below.
An inventory of soil properties on agricultural land [NO03] was used to distribute area
equipped for irrigation within the counties. The inventory does not cover entire Norway but
the largest part of the areas used for agricultural production. Among many other soil
properties the inventory provides the water holding capacity of the topsoil (upper 60 cm) in
four classes. Irrigated area was assigned to all soils of low water holding capacity (<50 mm)
and to soils of moderate water holding capacity (50 – 90 mm). In total 77 845 ha of irrigated
area were assigned to those soil regions. The remaining part of area equipped for irrigation
was assigned to cultivated areas in regions not covered by the soil inventory and to soils of
higher water holding capacity. Polygons for the cultivated land were extracted from a digital
data set also available from the Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory [NO04]. This data set
had a lower resolution but covered the entire country.
The percentage of AEI irrigated with groundwater was estimated by using the number of
holdings irrigating by using ground- or surface water as reported for each county by the
agricultural census 1999 [NO01]. Area actually irrigated per county was derived from the
report of the farm structure survey 2007 as provided by EUROSTAT [NO05].
[NO01]: Statistics Norway. 2003. Census of agriculture 1999. Report No. NOS C 746, Oslo -
Kongsvinger, Norway, 202 pp.,,
[NO02]: Arnold Arnoldussen, Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory (NIJOS), personal
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[NO03]: Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory (NIJOS). 2006. Jordsmonndatabasen,
Vanlagringsevne per commune. Maps in GIS-format,
&context=14, 03/08/2006.
[NO04]: Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory (NIJOS). 2006. Arealressurskart AR 2000. Map in
strUrl=1002109i&context=17, 03/08/2006.
[NO05]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
The extent of irrigated land reached its maximum in Poland in 1975 (408 700 ha) and
declined later to 301 500 ha in 1990, 201 100 ha in 1995 and 83 292 ha in 2003. Sub-surface
irrigation of permanent grasslands in wetlands and inland valley bottoms in combined
drainage / irrigation schemes is dominant in Poland. The area of ameliorated grasslands is
about 1 931 000 ha and about 25 percent of the drained grasslands are equipped with
hydraulic structures that would in general allow to irrigate them. However, in 2004 only 89
000 ha of grasslands were classified as irrigable. The corresponding figures for arable land
listed only 5300 ha, mainly by micro-irrigation [PL01]. In contrast, the statistics published by
EUROSTAT indicate that the extent of both, irrigable and actually irrigated area started
recently to increase again. The irrigable area of Poland was reported at 98 420 ha in 2003 and
124 200 ha in 2005 while the area actually irrigated was 46 910 ha in 2003 and 70 450 ha in
2005 [PL02]. Because of the given uncertainties area equipped for irrigation was estimated
for this study by selecting for each province the maximum of the areas reported as irrigable
for the years 2003 and 2005. Area equipped for irrigation computed that way adds up to 134
050 ha.
To distribute irrigated areas within the provinces, pasture areas were extracted from the
Corine 2000 land cover database for Europe [PL03]. Additionally the major irrigation areas of
the country were digitized from irrigation maps [PL04], [PL05]. Then irrigated area was
assigned to all pasture polygons within the digitized irrigation areas or to pasture polygons
that were located along the major rivers of the country.
90 percent of Poland’s irrigation area is irrigated with surface water and 10 percent with
groundwater [PL01]. Area actually irrigated per district was computed as average of AAI
reported by the EU farm structure surveys 2003, 2005 and 2007 [PL02]. Total AAI computed
that way adds up to 63 138 ha.
[PL01]: Mioduszewski, W., Labedzki, L., Kuzniar, A., and Lipinski, J. 2006. Polish report. In:
Dirksen, W. and Huppert, W. (ed.). Irrigation sector reform in Central and Eastern European
countries. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn,
Germany, 329-383.
[PL02]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[PL03]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[PL04]: Framji, K.K., Garg, B.C. & Luthra, S.D.L. 1981. Irrigation and drainage in the world. Third
edition. Vol. II, p. 1115. New Delhi, ICID.
[PL05]: Achtnich, W. 1980. Bewässerungslandbau. Map on p. 26, Ulmer, Stuttgart, Germany.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
According to the data reported by EUROSTAT irrigated area in Portugal was decreasing
during the last 15 years. While area equipped for irrigation was 877 690 ha in 1990, it
decreased to 796 540 ha in 1995 and 791 990 ha in 2000. For the year 2003 the reported
irrigable area was even much lower at 674 800 ha. The same trend was reported for the year
actually irrigated, which was 631 120 ha in 1990 but only 248 040 ha in 2003 [PT01]. The
agricultural census undertaken in 1999 reported an area equipped for irrigation of 792 008 ha
and an area actually used for irrigation of 606 213 ha [PT02]. These census data were also
used in this study because the area equipped for irrigation was reported down to 306 NUTS
III units.
In order to distribute irrigated areas within the municipalities, irrigation areas were extracted
from a digital land use map at the scale 1 : 250 000 [PT03] and from the Corine 2000 land
cover database for Europe [PT04]. The large-scale irrigation areas shown on an irrigation map
of the country [PT05] were represented very well that way. 421 805 ha irrigated areas were
assigned in total to polygons extracted from the two digital data sets. The remaining irrigated
area was assigned to polygons also extracted from the Corine 2000 land cover database for
Europe [PT04] but classified as rainfed agriculture by using the priority levels shown in Table
A25. Since the Corine 2000 database did not cover the island of Madeira, cultivated land was
digitized from satellite imagery [PT06] and irrigated area was assigned to the digitized
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed for 7 regions based on the data
collected by the EU farm structure survey 2003 as described before.
Priorities used to assign irrigated area to areas classified as rainfed agriculture in the CORINE
land cover 2000 data base for Portugal.
Attribute Priority
Non-irrigated arable land (211) 5
Fruit trees and berry plantations (222) 5
Annual crops associated with permanent crops (241) 5
Complex cultivation patterns (242) 5
Vineyards (221)* 4
Olive groves (223) 4
Pastures (231) 4
Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation
(243) 4
[PT01]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[PT02]: Instituto Nacional de Estatistica. 2003. Recenseamento Geral da Agricultura 1999.
Principais Resultados por Região Agrária., 25/08/2005.
[PT03]: Instituto Geográfico Português. 2001. Carta de Ocupação de solo de 1990., 08/08/2005.
[PT04]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[PT05]: Freund, B. 1993. Entwicklung und Perspektiven der Bewässerungswirtschaft in Portugal. In
H. Popp & K. Rother, eds. Die Bewässerungsgebiete im Mittelmeerraum, Passau, Germany,
Passavia Universitätsverlag, 9-16.
[PT06]: Earth Satellite Corporation. 2004. Landsat GeoCover (2000/ETM+) Edition Mosaics, tile
071-170. Sioux Falls, USA, USGS,
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Republic of Moldova
Area equipped for irrigation was 312 000 ha in 1994 [MD01] but declined later to 302 100 ha
in 2000 and 280 800 ha in 2002 [MD02]. In this study the value 307 000 ha is used as area
equipped for irrigation. The figure refers to 1999 [MD03].
The irrigation schemes of the country were digitized from an irrigation map [MD04] and the
area equipped for irrigation was equally distributed over the digitized polygons.
Large parts of the irrigation infrastructure are abandoned or out of use. AAI in years 1993-
1995 was 49 percent - 67 percent of the AEI [MD05] and the reported agricultural water use
(AWU) in year 1992 was 775 Million m3 [MD01]. In contrast, AWU in year 2008 was only
37 Million m3 [MD06]. Therefore we estimated that the AAI in year 2008 was only about 20
000 ha. It was reported that, because of the low quality of available groundwater resources, all
irrigation is from surface water [MD05].
[MD01]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of the Republic of Moldova, version 1997. FAO,
[MD02]: National Bureau of Statistics. 2005. Agriculture (1995 – 2004 years)., 30/08/2005.
[MD03]: FAO. 2011. FAOSTAT., 13/02/2006.
[MD04]: Catrinescu, V., Calasnic, A. & Melian, R. 1999. Irrigation in Moldova. In: European Regional
Working Group (ERWG) of the ICID. EWRG letter 7, 1-4.
[MD05]: FAO. 1997. Moldova – Irrigation rehabilitation project. Annex 2: irrigation engineering. FAO,
Rome, Italy.
[MD06]: National Bureau of Statistics, 2008. Statistical yearbook of the Republic of Moldova. Edition
2008. National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova,, 24/08/2009.
The total agricultural land reclaimed for irrigation reached its maximum in 1996 at 3 210 000
ha and declined later to 3 176 000 ha in 2003 [RO01]. However, from 1991 onwards a large
part of the irrigation infrastructure was not used anymore. The minimum extent of the actually
used irrigation areas was reported for the period 1998-2000 when less than 10 percent of the
reclaimed irrigation area was irrigated [RO02]. At this time a program started to establish
water user's associations and to transfer the on-farm irrigation infrastructure to them.
Additionally an irrigation rehabilitation program, supported by the World Bank, started in
regions of high crop water requirements. As a consequence of these activities the area actually
used for irrigation was increasing again. Nevertheless it is very unlikely that all the former
irrigation areas will be re-activated within the next years. A study carried out in 1994 with the
support of the World Bank for example clearly indicated that irrigation is not economic in the
higher terraces, even if agriculture redevelops, and should be discontinued so as not to waste
further resources [RO02]. This, and the fact that a large part of the irrigation infrastructure has
not been used for a long time shows that it is not useful to consider all the reclaimed irrigation
area still as equipped for irrigation. EUROSTAT reported the irrigable area for the year 2003
at 1 510 820 ha [RO03], which is about half of the area developed in former times. These
figures might refer to the so called 'area declared prepared for irrigation', which was 2 121
238 ha in 1999, 1 502 642 ha in 2000, 900 678 ha in 2001 and 1 222 000 ha in 2002 [RO02].
For this study area equipped for irrigation was taken out of a table published in [RO01] listing
the total area of schemes in counties where water user's associations are established (as per
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
31/12/2004). The statistics were given for 24 counties covering by far the largest part of the
former irrigation zones and were summing up to 2 021 911 ha. Area equipped for irrigation
for the other counties was estimated based on a map published in the same report showing the
former reclaimed irrigation areas. The total area equipped for irrigation computed that way for
the 17 counties missing in the statistics was 127 992 ha which gives a total sum of 2 149 903
ha for the whole country.
Area equipped for irrigation was assigned to polygons extracted from the Corine 2000 land
cover database for Europe [RO04] that were located within the digitized irrigation areas and
that were classified as non-irrigated arable land (211), permanently irrigated land (212), rice
fields (213), vineyards (221), fruit trees and berry plantations (222), pastures (231), complex
cultivation patterns (242) or land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of
natural vegetation (243).
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed for 8 regions based on the data
collected by the EU farm structure survey 2003 as described before. Area actually irrigated
per NUTS2-region was computed as average of AAI reported by the EU farm structure
surveys 2003, 2005 and 2007 [RO03]. Total AAI computed that way adds up to 221 106 ha.
[RO01]: Nicolaescu, I., Buhociu, L., Condruz, R., Suciu, G.-I., Paraschiv, D. & Boeru, M. 2006.
Country report from Romania. In: Dirksen, W. and Huppert, W. (ed.). Irrigation sector reform in
Central and Eastern European countries. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische
Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn, Germany, 385-462.
[RO02]: World Bank. 2003. Irrigation rehabilitation and reform project. Project appraisal document.
Report No: 26273-RO,, 07/07/2006.
[RO03]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[RO04]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
Russian Federation
Area equipped for irrigation was 6 124 000 ha in year 1990 and declined to 5 158 000 ha in
year 1994 [RU01] and 2 375 200 ha in year 2006 [RU02]. Area equipped for irrigation for the
87 provinces of the Russian Federation was derived from the report of the agricultural census
2006 [RU02].
The irrigated areas and arable land were derived from a land-use map [RU03] and from an
agricultural map [RU04], both provided by the International Institute for Applied Systems
Analysis. In the Asian and more northern parts of Russia, only a few areas are classified as
irrigated. Therefore, irrigated areas were also distributed to other agricultural areas using the
priorities as documented in Table A26. Irrigated area was first distributed only to cells with a
priority of 7, then to cells with a priority of 6, and so on until the sum of the distributed
irrigated area was equal to the irrigated area of the specific region as derived from the
Area actually irrigated was 4 095 000 ha in year 1994 [RU01] but declined to 938 900 ha in
year 2006 [RU02]. Consequently, agricultural water use was 15.3 km3 yr-1 in 1994 [RU01],
but only 8.8 km3 yr-1 in year 2006 [RU05]. The dramatic restructuring of the irrigation sector
results in serious difficulties to estimate the percentage of AEI irrigated with groundwater. In
1990, most of the land under irrigation was commanded by reservoirs and open canals
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
conveyed the water to the irrigation schemes. However, it was also reported, that projects
planned for the period 1998-2003 were mostly based on extraction of groundwater for
irrigation [RU01]. According to another report the percentage of surface water use is 90
percent for industrial water use, 92 percent for domestic water use but only 64 percent for
agricultural water use [RU06]. Based on these statistics and considering the ongoing
transformation of the irrigation sector area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was
estimated at 20 percent of total AEI.
Priorities assigned to specific land uses to distribute irrigated areas within provinces in the
Russian Federation.
Dataset Attribute information Priority
RU03 Irrigated cropland 7
RU03 Irrigated cropland (more than 50%) combined with multiyear plantation 7
RU03 Irrigated meadows 7
RU03 Irrigated multiyear plantation 7
RU03 Irrigated multiyear plantation (more than 50%) combined with irrigated cropland 7
RU03 Cropland 6
RU03 Cropland (more than 50%) combined with forest 6
RU03 Cropland (more than 50%) combined with improved forage land, forest and bushes 6
RU03 Cropland (more than 50%) combined with multiyear plantation 6
RU03 Cropland (more than 50%) combined with natural and improved forage land 6
RU03 Cropland (more than 50%) combined with natural forage land 6
RU03 Cropland (more than 50%) combined with natural forage land and forest 6
RU03 Desert and semi-desert combined with cropland (up to 20%) 6
RU03 Improved forage land combined with cropland (up to 20%) 6
RU03 Multiyear plantation 6
RU03 Multiyear plantation (more than 50%) combined with cropland 6
RU03 Forest combined with cropland (up to 20%) and natural meadow forage land 5
RU03 Forest combined with natural forage land and cropland (up to 20%) 5
RU03 Meadow and meadow-steppe combined with cropland (up to 30%) and forest 5
RU03 Meadow and meadow-steppe combined with cropland (up to 30%), forest and bogs 5
RU03 Meadow and meadow-steppe combined with cropland (up to 30%), forest and solonchaks 5
RU03 Meadows combined with improved meadows, forest and cropland (up to 30%) 5
RU03 Natural forest forage land combined with cropland (up to 20%) 5
RU03 Natural meadow forage land combined with cropland (up to 20%) and forest 5
RU03 Park forest and bushes combined with cropland (up to 20%) 5
RU03 Park forest and bushes combined with cropland (up to 20%) and bogs 5
RU03 Sparse forest and open woodland combined with cropland (up to 20%) 5
RU03 Steppe combined with cropland (up to 20%) 5
RU04 Little used in agriculture 4
[RU01]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of the Russian Federation, version 1997. FAO, Rome,, 02/04/2012.
[RU02]: Federal State Statistics Service. 2008a. Results of all-Russia agricultural census 2006. Vol.
III: Soil resources. Federal State Statistics Service, Moscow, Russia, 311 pp. (in Russian).
[RU03]: Stolbovoi, V. & McCallum, I. 2002. Land resources of Russia. Map ‘Land Use’. Version 1.1.
CD-ROM. Laxenburg, Austria, IIASA,, 29/07/2004.
[RU04]: Stolbovoi, V. & McCallum, I. 2002. Land resources of Russia. Map ‘Agriculture’. Version 1.1.
CD-ROM. Laxenburg, Austria, IIASA,, 29/07/2004.
[RU05]: Federal State Statistics Service. 2008b. Environment protection in Russia, 2008. Federal
State Statistics Service, Moscow, Russia, 253 pp. (in Russian).
[RU06]: Kireycheva, L.V., Glazunova, I.V. & Belova, I.V. 2006. Country report from Russia. In:
Dirksen, W. and Huppert, W. (ed.). Irrigation sector reform in Central and Eastern European
countries. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn,
Germany, 463-524.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
San Marino
It was assumed that irrigated agriculture does not occur in San Marino.
Under the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, about 120 000 ha of agricultural land were
equipped for irrigation in 288 schemes in Serbia. However, only about 35 000 ha of schemes
are fully operational and 47 000 ha are partially functional. Among other, this is caused by the
shortage of markets, redistribution of the Kombinats, adverse farmer financial positions,
deterioration in the physical systems, land ownership problems, legal changes and
institutional weakness [RS01]. Area equipped for irrigation by region was assumed to be
represented by the maximum of the area intended to be used for irrigation in the period 2001-
2005 [RS02]. The total area was summing up to 86 311 ha.
Area equipped for irrigation was assigned to polygons extracted from the Corine 2000 land
cover database for Europe [RS03] that were classified as non-irrigated arable land (211),
vineyards (221), fruit trees and berry plantations (222), or complex cultivation patterns (242).
Total area actually irrigated and related water abstractions of ground- and surface water was
available for the years 2003-2007 for the regions of Central Serbia and Vojvodina [RS04].
Since irrigated areas and corresponding water abstractions varied significantly from year to
year, area actually irrigated and percentage area irrigated from groundwater was computed
based on average in this 5 year period. The area actually used for irrigation in Serbia
computed that way was 27 541 ha.
[RS01]: World Bank. 2005. Serbia irrigation and drainage rehabilitation project. Project appraisal
document. Report No: 32379-YF,, 02/07/2006.
[RS02]: The Agriculture Inspection of the Republic of Serbia. unknown. A survey of the arable
agriculture land in the Republic of Serbia intended for irrigation (for the period 2001-2005).
Table A1.1 in: Ministry for the Protection of the Natural Resources and Environment. 2001.
State of the Environment in 2000 and priorities in 2001+ for Serbia., 05/08/2006.
[RS03]: EEA. 2007. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), update for Serbia and
[RS04]: Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. 2008. Statistical yearbook of Serbia, 2008.
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia,, 26/08/2009.
Irrigation infrastructure was constructed on 308 200 ha of agricultural land [SK01], but area
equipped for irrigation declined to 225 310 ha in year 2001 [SK02] which means that parts of
the former infrastructure cannot be used anymore. Area equipped for irrigation per region was
derived from the database of the farm structure census 2001 [SK02].
The main irrigation areas of the country were digitized from an irrigation map. The map
showed areas in operation, areas under construction and planned irrigation areas of the former
Czechoslovakia [SK03]. Irrigated area was then assigned to cultivated land extracted from the
Corine 2000 land cover data base for Europe [SK04] using the priorities shown in Table A27.
In the regions of Zilina and Presov irrigated area was assigned to all areas classified as
vineyards (221), fruit trees and berry plantations (222) or complex cultivation patterns (242)
because none of the digitized irrigation areas was located within these regions.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed for 4 regions based on the data
collected by the EU farm structure survey 2003 as described before. Area actually irrigated
was computed for 8 regions as average of AAI reported by the farm structure surveys 2001,
2005 and 2007 [SK05]. AAI per region computed that way added up to 64 773 ha.
Priorities used to assign irrigated area to cultivated areas in Slovakia.
Attribute in Corine land cover 2000 data base Status of digitized irrigation areas Priority
Non-irrigated arable land (211) or vineyards (221) or fruit
trees and berry plantations (222) or complex cultivation
patterns (242)
"operating" or "under construction" 7
Non-irrigated arable land (211) or vineyards (221) or fruit
trees and berry plantations (222) or complex cultivation
patterns (242)
"planned" 6
Vineyards (221) or fruit trees and berry plantations (222)
or complex cultivation patterns (242) - 5
[SK01]: Slovak National Committee of ICID. unknown. Slovak Republic. ICID country profile, 07/07/2003.
[SK02]: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. 2002. Farm structure census 2001., 06/08/2006.
[SK03]: Framji, K.K., Garg, B.C. & Luthra, S.D.L. 1981. Irrigation and drainage in the world. Third
edition. Vol. I, p. 304. New Delhi, ICID.
[SK04]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[SK05]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
The area equipped for irrigation was 6500 ha in 1995, most of it located in the Savinja valley,
Podravje region and Vipava valley [SI01]. After a severe drought (1992-1993) a National
Irrigation Program was prepared and based on a feasibility study undertaken by the World
Bank (1997-1999) the development of an additional irrigation area of 10 000 ha was
suggested [SI02]. The total area equipped for irrigation is now 15 643 ha in Slovenia [SI03].
It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the irrigated area of the country is
underestimated in the official statistical yearbook [SI04] and in the statistics reported by
EUROSTAT [SI05] as well. The reason maybe that most of the irrigation facilities are of very
small extent and many of them operate without any authorization for water withdrawal [SI02].
No updated sub-national irrigation statistics have been available, but, instead of it, a rather
detailed map showing the location and extent of the single irrigation areas [SI06]. Area
equipped for irrigation was distributed equally over the polygons digitized from this map.
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed based on the data collected by
the EU farm structure survey 2003 as described before. Area actually irrigated (7121 ha) was
computed based on the ratio between actually irrigated area and equipped area reported for
years 2003-2007 in a pilot study undertaken to prepare the agricultural census 2010 [SI07].
[SI01]: World Bank. 1997. Slovenia – Irrigation project. Working paper 3: Water resources and
irrigation in Slovenia. Report available in the AQUASTAT library.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[SI02]: Maticic, B. & Steinman, F. 2006. Country report from Slovenia. In: Dirksen, W. and Huppert,
W. (ed.). Irrigation sector reform in Central and Eastern European countries. Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn, Germany, 525-606.
[SI03]: Maticic, B. (President of Slovenian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage), personal
[SI04]: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. 2006. Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of
Slovenia 2005., 06/08/2006.
[SI05]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[SI06]: Unknown. Irrigation areas in Slovenia. Map, provided by Prof. Dr. Maticic (President of
Slovenian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage) on 13/04/2006 showing the location
and extent of the Slovenian irrigation schemes.
[SI07]: Pintar, M. & Maver, D. 2009. Pilot studies on estimating the volume of water used for
irrigation. Final Report. Table A6: Irrigated areas in Slovenia, Survey on water for irrigation
(Environmental statistics). Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia,, 04/04/2011.
Area equipped for irrigation was 2 540 310 ha in 1990 and increased then to 2 891 050 ha in
1995, 3 478 050 ha in 2000 and 3 828 110 ha in 2003. A similar trend was observed for the
area actually irrigated that was reported at 2 433 700 ha in 1990, 2 609 920 ha in 1995, 3 235
510 ha in 2000 and 3 437 370 ha in 2003 [ES01]. Sub-national statistics were derived from
the Agricultural Census 1999 for the 326 municipalities [ES02]. The total area equipped for
irrigation as reported by the census in 1999 was 3 575 494 ha, while the area actually irrigated
was 3 315 600 ha. However, the sum of area equipped for irrigation as reported for the single
municipalities, which is similar to the area incorporated in the global irrigation map, was 3
575 488 ha. The difference of 6 ha compared to the value reported at the national scale may
reflect rounding errors and was thus neglected.
Four data sets were combined to distribute irrigated area within the municipalities. First,
irrigated areas were extracted from two digital data sets covering Andalusia and the Ebro river
drainage basin ([ES03], [ES04]). Polygons extracted from these data sets got the highest
priority of 8 in the distribution process because both data sets are regional products associated
by a lot of additional information collected at the ground (e.g. type of irrigation, water sources
etc.). The second highest priority level of 7 was assigned to irrigation areas additionally
extracted from irrigation maps covering entire Spain [ES05]. Priority level of 6 was assigned
to areas classified as permanently irrigated land (212) or rice fields (213) in the Corine 2000
land cover database for Europe [ES06], but not present in the data sets [ES04] or [ES05].
Finally irrigated area was also assigned to 77 908 ha agricultural land classified as rainfed
agriculture in the Corine database, because the area equipped for irrigation reported by the
census statistics was still larger in the related 52 municipalities than the total irrigated area
assigned to the irrigation schemes before.
Area actually irrigated for 60 provinces and regions was derived from the database of the
Agricultural census 1999 [ES02] while area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was
computed for the 19 states by using the data EU farm structure survey 2003 as described
[ES01]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[ES02]: Instituto Nacional de Estadística. 2002. Censo Agrario 1999. Online data base,, 11/04/2006.
[ES03]: Consejeria de Agricultura y Pesca. 2005. Inventario y caracterización de los regadios de
Andalucia. Actualización 2002. Junta de Andalucia, CD-ROM, maps online:, 15/04/2006 .
[ES04]: Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro, Oficina de Planificación Hidrológica. 2004.
Superficies regadío 2000.,
[ES05]: Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca e Alimentación. 2006. Programa de Vigilancia Ambiental
del Plan Nacional de Regadios. Mapa 3 - Perímetro de los regadíos existentes., 06/08/2006.
[ES06]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
Area equipped for irrigation for 8 regions was derived from the statistics of the farm structure
survey 2003. AEI reported for the regions added up to 188 470 [SE01]. Since these 8 regions
are still pretty large and statistics on area equipped for irrigation were not available at higher
resolution, statistics on irrigation water consumption [SE02] were used to downscale the
irrigated area statistics to counties and municipalities. It is very likely that this procedure
introduced an unknown error since irrigation water use per unit area is varying. However, it
helped to identify the main zones of irrigation infrastructure development.
Irrigation maps were not available for Sweden. Instead of it area equipped for irrigation was
assigned to polygons extracted from the Corine 2000 land cover database for Europe [SE03]
using the priorities shown in Table A28.
Area equipped for irrigation with groundwater was computed for 8 regions based on the data
collected by the EU farm structure survey 2003 as described before. Area actually irrigated
for the same regions was computed as average of the AAI reported in the farm structure
surveys 2003, 2005 and 2007 [SE01]. AAI computed this way added up to 52 150 ha.
Priorities used to assign irrigated area to polygons derived from the CORINE land cover 2000
data base for Sweden.
Attribute Priority
Non-irrigated arable land (211) 5
Fruit trees and berry plantations (222) 5
Complex cultivation patterns (242) 5
Pastures (231) 4
Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation (243) 4
[SE01]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[SE02]: Statistiska centralbyrån. 1999. Vattenuttag och vattenanvändningen i Sverige 1995. Report
No: Mi 27 SM 9901, Stockholm, Sweden, 67 pp.
[SE03]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Information about the extent of irrigated areas in Switzerland is very scarce. Total area
equipped for irrigation is estimated at 55 000 ha, of which 43 000 ha are regulary irrigated
while 12 000 ha are irrigated in dry years only. Area equipped for irrigation and area actually
irrigated for 19 cantons were estimated from the statistics contained in a report of the
irrigation survey 2006 [CH01]. For the cantons containing the largest irrigated areas, statistics
were reported by the survey, while for other cantons irrigated areas were computed based on
reported water uses. To estimate areas actually irrigated it was assumed that the areas, which
are irrigated in dry years only, receive irrigation in 1 out of in 5 years.
Irrigation is mainly practiced in some parts of the canton Valais along the Rhone river where
annual precipitation is less than 600 mm. 29 500 ha of irrigated land is located in this region.
The outlines of the corresponding irrigation area and some additional irrigation areas in other
parts of Switzerland were digitized from irrigation maps ([CH02], [CH03]). Regions of high
irrigation water requirements indicated on maps in [CH04] were digitized as well. Area
equipped for irrigation was then assigned to polygons extracted from the Corine 2000 land
cover database [CH05] classified as agricultural land (classes 211 – 243) and located inside
the polygons digitized before. The total extent of agricultural land in the Canton of Valais
according to the Corine 2000 land cover database was smaller than the area considered to be
equipped for irrigation. Therefore the difference of 4630 ha was assigned to areas classfied as
natural grasslands (CLC class 321) and located in the neighbourhoud of agricultural land.
Based on the statistics provided by the irrigation survey 2006 [CH01] area equipped for
irrigation with groundwater was estimated at 12 100 ha.
[CH01]: Weber, M. & Schild, A. 2007. Stand der Bewässerung in der Schweiz. Bericht zur Umfrage
2006. Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft, Abteilung Strukturverbesserungen, Bern, Switzerland,, 27/08/2009.
[CH02]: Framji, K.K., Garg, B.C. & Luthra, S.D.L. 1981. Irrigation and drainage in the world. Third
edition. Vol. III, p. 1306. New Delhi, ICID.
[CH03]: Göpfert, R. 2007. Ermittlung der Bewässerungsbedürftigkeit landwirtschaftlicher Nutzflächen
im Kanton Graubünden. Bündener Bauernverband, Chur, Switzerland,
ste%20Meliorationen/Bericht_Bewaesserung.pdf, 12/07/2010.
[CH04]: Fuhrer, J. & Jasper, K. 2009. Bewässerungsbedürftigkeit in der Schweiz: Schlussbericht.
Forschungsanstalt Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon (ART),
publikationen/einzelpublikation/index.html?lang=en&aid=26435&pid=26883, 18/01/2010.
[CH05]: EEA. 2011. Corine Land Cover 2000 seamless vector data - version 15 (08/2011).
a05adc, 20/05/2012.
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Area under irrigation in The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is 163 700 ha of which
sprinkler systems cover about 100 000 ha and surface irrigation methods 63 700 ha. However,
most of the systems are in poor condition. Additionally parts of this area has been lost to
urbanization, other parts never received water. It is reported, that 32 percent of the irrigation
distribution system is completely out of use, 22 percent faces serious deterioration, 19 percent
moderate deterioration and only 27 percent is fully serviceable. Thus, the actual extent of area
equipped for irrigation is about 127 800 ha [MK01]. No sub-national irrigation statistics have
been available.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
41 Irrigation areas located in the country were digitized from an irrigation map [MK02]. The
area equipped for irrigation was reported for the 8 largest schemes (in total 104 449 ha). The
corresponding area equipped for irrigation was assigned to agricultural land as extracted from
the Corine 2000 land cover database for Europe [MK03] located within the digitized
polygons. Polygons were extracted from the Corine database if classified as non-irrigated
arable land (211), permanently irrigated land (212), rice fields (213), vineyards (221), fruit
trees and berry plantations (222), pastures (231), annual crops associated with permanent
crops (241), complex cultivation patterns (242) or land principally occupied by agriculture,
with significant areas of natural vegetation (243).
The total AEI irrigated with groundwater is estimated at about 5000 ha [MK01], while total
AAI in year 2007 was 79 638 ha [MK04].
[MK01]: Vukelic, Z., Jankovic, J.T. & Kondinski, I. 2006. Country report from Macedonia. In: Dirksen,
W. and Huppert, W. (ed.). Irrigation sector reform in Central and Eastern European countries.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn, Germany, 251-328.
[MK02]: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply. 2005. Irrigation systems., 26/04/2005.
[MK03]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[MK04]: State Statistical Office. 2008. Census of agriculture, 2007. State Statistical Office, Skopje,
Republic of Macedonia,, 21/08/2009.
Until 1992 irrigation infrastructure was installed on a total area of 2 624 000 ha. The highest
construction rates of irrigation systems was registered between 1965 and 1985. After 1992 the
construction of new irrigation systems was virtually stopped and several of the existing
schemes went out of operation. While the area actually irrigated was still 2 291 600 ha in
1990, it decreased to 1 845 100 ha in 1995, 1 402 700 ha in 1998 and only 543 300 ha in
2001. In 2002 area actually irrigated was 730 100 ha and in 2003 it was 731 400 ha [UA01].
The reported lack of government funds to provide for proper operation and maintenance of
the irrigation canals (total length 59 300 km), pumping stations (in total 13 700) and other
hydro-technical constructions (in total 475 000) indicates that the area actually irrigated will,
at least in the near future, very likely not reach the extent observed in the beginning of the
1990s again. Sub-national irrigation statistics were available for the year 1985 and were
summing up to 2 395 500 ha [UA02]. This is very close to recent figures. It was reported that
actually existing main and secondary level irrigation systems can provide watering on an area
of 2 448 000 ha [UA03]. It was therefore decided to use the figures reported for the year 1985
without any changes.
The irrigation schemes of the country were digitized from irrigation maps published in
[UA03] and area equipped for irrigation was assigned to these digitized polygons.
The whole area equipped for irrigation is irrigated with water extracted from surface water
sources ([UA01], [UA04]). Area actually irrigated was set to 731 400 ha as indicated for year
2003 [UA01].
[UA01]: Kovalenko, P., Zhovtonog, O., Filipenko, L., Kruchenyk, V. & Michailov, J. 2006. Country
report from Ukraine. In: Dirksen, W. and Huppert, W. (ed.). Irrigation sector reform in Central
and Eastern European countries. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
(GTZ), Eschborn, Germany, 607-667.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[UA02]: Unknown. Irrigated area per region in 1985. Data table available in the AQUASTAT library.
[UA03]: Zhovtonog, O. 2005. History of irrigation in Ukraine - bridge from the past to future
developments. In: Integrated Land and Water Resources Management in History, Special
Edition 2, Siegburg, Germany, 205-218.
[UA04]: FAO. 2012. AQUASTAT country profile of Ukraine, version 1997. FAO, Rome,, 02/04/2012.
United Kingdom
Irrigable area for the United Kingdom was reported at 267 110 ha for the year 1997 and 228
950 ha for the year 2003 [GB01]. The area actually irrigated for the territory of England,
where the majority of the total area equipped for irrigation is located, was 155 650 ha in the
more dry year 1995 and 147 270 ha in the more wet year 2001 [GB02]. Area equipped for
irrigation reported for 10 regions was derived from the statistics of the farm structure survey
2003. AEI for Scotland was set to 17 944 ha according to information on the extent of
irrigated potatoes [GB03] and vegetables [GB04]. The main irrigated crops in UK are
potatoes and vegetables, which account together for about 79 percent of the total irrigated area
[GB02]. About 47 percent of the potato growing area and about 23 percent of the vegetable
growing area in UK was irrigated in 2001 [GB05]. Irrigated area per county was estimated by
combining harvested crop area derived from the statistics [GB06] and crop specific ratios of
irrigated crop area versus total crop area. These ratios were reported for 8 regions for the year
2001 [GB05]. The irrigated areas computed that way for the specific crops were summed up
and the irrigated areas by county were scaled so that the total irrigated area by region was
equal to the values reported for the area equipped for irrigation for the year 2003. The
resulting irrigation densities by county were found to be in good agreement to the spatial
distribution of irrigation water demand [GB05] and to densities of points of agricultural water
abstractions [GB07].
Area equipped for irrigation was distributed within the counties by assigning irrigated area to
polygons extracted from the Corine 2000 land cover database for Europe [GB08] classified as
non-irrigated arable land (211), fruit trees and berry plantations (222) or complex cultivation
patterns (242).
Irrigation water extraction by source of water was available for 8 regions covering the
territory of England and Wales [GB09]. The data are related to year 2005. It was assumed that
for each region the percentage of AEI irrigated with groundwater was similar to the
percentage of irrigation water use extracted from groundwater. In Scotland irrigation is
mainly practised for potatoes, vegetables, grass and soft fruits [GB04]. Detailed statistics
related to irrigated areas and sources of irrigation water were not available, but case studies
for specific watersheds show that irrigation water is extracted from rivers, reservoirs and
boreholes [GB03]. Based on the survey data in [GB03] percentage of irrigated area from
groundwater sources was estimated at 20 percent for Scotland.
[GB01]: Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT). 2011. Irrigable and irrigated
database, 28/11/2011.
[GB02]: Weatherhead, E.K. & Danert, K. 2002. Survey of irrigation of outdoor crops in 2001 –
England. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and Cranfield
University, Silsoe, UK,
irrig_survey.htm, 07/08/2006.
[GB03]: Crabtree, B., Dunn, S., Chalmers, N., and Stalham, M. 2002. Evaluating the economic
impact of irrigation controls. Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen,
UK,, 31/08/2009.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[GB04]: Macaulay Land Use Research Institute. 2006. The state of Scotlands farmed environment
2005., 20/07/2009.
[GB05]: Morris, J., Weatherhead, E.K., Knox, J.W., Vasilieou, K., de Vries, T.T., Freeman, D.,
Leiva, F.R. & Twite, C. 2004. Sustainability of European irrigated agriculture under Water
Directive and Agenda (WADI). Summary country report: England and Wales. Institute of Water
and Environment, Cranfield University, Silsoe, UK,
iwe/projects/wadi/, 07/08/2006.
[GB06]: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). 2003. June Agricultural
Census Data – 2001.
Publications/complete_pubs.htm#info, 07/08/2006.
[GB07]: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). 2005. Water Framework
Directive. Summary reports of the Article 5 analysis reported to the Commission in March
2005., 07/08/2006.
[GB08]: EEA. 2005. Corine land cover 2000 - vector by country (CLC2000), version 1., 29/08/2005.
[GB09]: Weatherhead, E.K. 2007. Survey of irrigation of outdoor crops in 2005 – England and Wales.
Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK,
-%20revised.pdf, 31/08/2009.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
The year update of the global irrigation map to version 5 was the second update for Oceania.
In addition to the separation of area equipped for irrigation according to the source of water,
the following countries and territories have been updated due to new available spatial
information: Australia, Fiji Islands, New Zealand and Northern Mariana Islands (USA). Total
area equipped for irrigation in Oceania increased strongly due to this update from 2 637 835
ha in map version 4 to 4 692 730 ha in version 5 (Table A29). The major reason for this
increase was the adjustment of the data in Australia and New Zealand with the objective to
distinguish AEI from AAI. In the national statistics only AAI was reported and in version 4 of
the Global Map of Irrigation Areas it was assumed that AEI was equal to AEI.
Area equipped for irrigation (AEI) and area actually irrigated (AAI) in Oceania in the new
version 5 of the Global Map of Irrigation Areas compared to area AEI in the previous version 4.
Country AEI in
AEI in
total (ha)
AEI in
AEI in
surface water
AEI in
GMIA5, non-
sources (ha)
AAI in
GMIA5 (ha)
American Samoa
(USA) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Australia 2,056,580 4,068,965 940,612 3,054,360 73,993 2,558,121
Cook Islands 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fiji Islands 3,000 4,000 400 3,600 0 4,000
Guam (USA) 312 312 237 76 0 229
Kiribati 0 0 0 0 0 0
Marshall Islands 0 0 0 0 0 0
(Federated States of) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nauru 0 0 0 0 0 0
New Zealand 577,882 619,294 195,175 424,119 0 509,031
Niue 0 0 0 0 0 0
Northern Mariana
Islands (USA) 60 159 123 36 0 138
Palau 0 0 0 0 0 0
Samoa 0 0 0 0 0 0
Solomon Islands 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tokelau 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tonga 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tuvalu 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vanuatu 0 0 0 0 0 0
OCEANIA TOTAL 2,637,835 4,692,730 1,136,546 3,482,191 73,993 3,071,518
American Samoa (USA)
The most recent agricultural census report did not indicate any use of irrigation in American
Samoa [AS01]. Because of the humid climate conditions there is likely no requirement for
irrigation in agriculture.
[AS01]: NASS. 2005. American Samoa. 2003 Census of Agriculture, Volume 1, Geographic Area
Series, Part 55, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), US Department of Agriculture,, 12/08/2009.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
Area equipped for irrigation is not reported in the Australian agricultural or water use
statistics. Therefore area equipped for irrigation was estimated based on two independent data
sets: area actually irrigated reported by the water use statistics of the Australian Bureau of
Statistics [AU01] and irrigated land derived from a remote sensing based land use map of
Australia [AU02]. Only a fraction of the area equipped for irrigation is receiving irrigation
and the extent of the areas actually irrigated varies significantly from year to year. Area
actually irrigated was 2 546 318 ha in season 2005/2006 but declined to 1 760 758 ha in
season 2008/2009, mainly as the consequence of a severe drought [AU03]. We used here the
statistics related to season 2005/2006 because the area actually irrigated reported for this
season represents the maximum within the period 2002-2010. Furthermore, the report related
to this season provided statistics for states, statistical divisions, statistical subdivisions and
local government areas while statistics related to other years were limited to states or
statistical divisions. However, for many local government areas and statistical subdivisions
data were suppressed in the census reports to preserve confidentiality which required a
combination of the statistics reported for the different administrative levels and aggregation of
the “nodata” areas into larger units. Since area actually irrigated was reported in units of 1000
ha we preferred to compute this area based on the variables “Irrigation volumes applied” and
“Irrigation volumes applied per ha” which were reported at higher precision. This resulted in a
final data set of area actually irrigated for 691 administrative units and a total area actually
irrigated of 2 558 221 ha. Area equipped for irrigation was then computed for the 691 units by
combining these statistics to the sum of irrigated land in the Australian land use map [AU02]
and by selecting the maximum of both data sources for each of the 691 units. This resulted in
a total area equipped for irrigation of 4 068 965 ha.
Areas equipped for irrigation were assigned to specific cells within the sub-national units by
combining three data sets by using the priorities documented below. The highest priority was
given to areas derived from the Australian land use map [AU02] belonging to the following
classes: 3.3.5 Sugar, 3.3.6 Cotton, 3.4.1 Tree fruits, 3.4.4 Vine fruits, 3.5.4 Vegetables &
herbs, 4.2.0 Irrigated modified pastures, 4.3.0 Irrigated cropping, 4.3.1 Irrigated cereals, 4.3.3
Irrigated hay & silage, 4.3.4 Irrigated oil seeds, 4.3.5 Irrigated sugar, 4.3.6 Irrigated cotton,
4.3.8 Irrigated legumes, 4.4.0 Irrigated perennial horticulture, 4.4.1 Irrigated tree fruits, 4.4.3
Irrigated tree nuts, 4.4.4 Irrigated vine fruits, 4.5.4 Irrigated vegetables & herbs, 5.4.1
Shadehouses, 5.4.3 Glasshouses (hydroponic). Then, with the next priority, we considered
areas classified by the MODIS land cover [AU04] as cropland or cropland/natural vegetation
mosaic (priority 7) or grasslands (priority 6) and located inside polygons showing the extent
of major irrigation areas in Australia [AU05]. Finally, if required, area equipped for irrigation
was also assigned to grid cells belonging to these MODIS land cover classes and located
outside the extent of the major irrigation areas. Irrigated area was first distributed only to cells
having priority 8, then to cells having priority 7 and so on until the sum of the distributed
irrigated area was equal to the irrigated area reported for the related subnational
administrative unit.
The distinction of area equipped for irrigation in areas irrigated with groundwater, surface
water or with non-conventional water sources was based on the water use statistics for season
2006/2006 [AU01] that reported water uses from “surface water”, “groundwater”, “town or
country reticulated mains supply”, “recycled or re-used water from off farm sources” and
“others”. We assumed that the fraction of groundwater in “town or country reticulated mains
supply” is similar to the ratio between “groundwater” and the sum of “surface water” and
“groundwater” while “recycled or re-used water from off farm sources” and “others” were
assumed to represent non-conventional water sources. The ratio of areas equipped for
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
irrigation from the different sources of water was assumed to be similar to the ratio of the
irrigation water use volumes reported in the water use census.
Criteria and priorities used to assign areas equipped for irrigation to specific cells
within the sub-national units in Australia.
Input data priority
National land-use classification [AU02] 8
Modis land use classification class 12 and 14 [AU04] inside of polygons, showing irrigated areas
[AU05] 7
Modis land use classification class 10 [AU04] inside of polygons, showing irrigated areas [AU05] 6
Modis land use classification class 12 and 14 [AU04] outside of polygons, showing irrigated areas
[AU05] 6
Modis land use classification class 10 [AU04] outside of polygons, showing irrigated areas [AU05] 5
[AU01]: ABS, 2008. Water use on Australian farms, 2005-06. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS),
cat. no. 4618.0,
902502BE6F61594CCA2574B100160196?opendocument, 06/06/2011.
[AU02]: BRS, 2010. 2001/2002 Land Use of Australia, Version 3. National Land and Water Resources
Audit, Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS), Commonwealth of Australia,, 07/06/2010.
[AU03]: ABS, 2011. Water use on Australian farms, 2009-10. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS),
cat. no. 4618.0,
A5A4DA2DF9F997A0CA2571AD007DDFD4?opendocument, 06/06/2011.
[AU04]: Modis Land Cover Group, 2009. Modis Global Land Cover. Department of Geography and
Environment, Boston University., 07/06/2010.
[AU05]: BRS, 2001. Australian Irrigation Areas Version 1a. National Land and Water Resources Audit,
compiled by Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS) from data supplied by Agriculture WA,
Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Murray-Darling Basin Commission,
NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation and Tasmanian Department of Primary
Industries, Water and Environment. BRS, Commonwealth of Australia, 2001a., 07/06/2010.
Fiji Islands
Area equipped for irrigation is 4000 ha of which 3000 ha of irrigated land is used for rice
production and 1000 ha for production of upland crops [FJ01]. The figures refer to year 2003.
No sub-national statistics on areas equipped for irrigation were available.
About 366 ha of irrigated land was assigned to locations reported to be irrigated in several
reports [FJ01-FJ04]. The remaining area equipped for irrigation was assigned to cropland
areas as derived from the MODIS land cover classification [FJ05].
Groundwater extractions are reported to be small but increasing [FJ02]. Based on this
information percentage of irrigated area from groundwater sources was estimated at 10
[FJ01]: Pacific Regional Environment Programme. 2003. Pacific regional consultation on water in
small island countries - country brief Fiji Islands. Pacific Regional Environment Programme,, 18/08/2009.
[FJ02] U.S. Global Change Research Information Office. 1997. Final report for Fiji’s United States
country studies climate change program.,
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
[FJ03] UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 2009. Agriculture Fiji. UN Department of
Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development,, 08/06/2010.
[FJ04] Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute. 1985. Irrigation Act., 27/07/2010.
[FJ05]: Modis Land Cover Group, 2009. Modis Global Land Cover. Department of Geography and
Environment, Boston University., 07/06/2010.
Guam (United States of America)
Area equipped for irrigation (772 acres or 312 hectares) was estimated as the maximum of the
area actually irrigated reported in the reports of the agricultural censuses 2007 [GU01] and
2002 [GU02].
Since no direct or indirect information about the spatial distribution of irrigation was available
for Guam, irrigated area was distributed according to a global land cover data set [GU03] to
all areas classified as: “Dryland Cropland and Pasture”, “Irrigated Cropland and Pasture”,
“Cropland/Grassland Mosaic”, “Cropland/Woodland Mosaic”, “Grassland”, “Shrubland”,
“Mixed Shrubland/Grassland”, “Savanna”, “Herbaceous Wetland” or “Wooded Wetland”.
Area actually irrigated was 565 acres (229 ha) in year 2007 [GU02]. By far the most of the
irrigating farms used water from public utilities as major source for irrigation (89 of 96 farms
in total) while 5 farms used surface water sources. Based on the assumption of 80 percent
share of groundwater in water from public utilities area equipped for irrigation with
groundwater was estimated at 237 ha (76 percent of total area equipped for irrigation).
[GU01]: NASS. 2009. Guam island data. 2007 Census of Agriculture, Volume 1, Geographic Area
Series, Part 53, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), US Department of Agriculture,, accessed 01/02/2011.
[GU02]: NASS. 2004. Guam. 2002 Census of Agriculture, Volume 1, Geographic Area Series, Part 53,
National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), US Department of Agriculture,, accessed 12/08/2009.
[GU03]: United States Geological Survey (USGS). 2002. Global Land Cover Characteristics
database Version 2.0,, 11/04/2005.
New Zealand
Area equipped for irrigation at the territorial authority level was derived from the statistics of
the agricultural census 2007 [NZ01]. Total area equipped for irrigation was 619 294 ha, of
which 522 168 ha was located on the South Island 97 126 ha on the North Island.
Area equipped for irrigation was assigned to areas derived from a local land use data set
developed by the Ministry of Environment [NZ02] classified there as short-rotation cropland,
vineyard, orchard and other perennial crops or high producing exotic grassland.
Area actually irrigated was not reported by the agricultural census 2007. Therefore area
equipped for irrigation according to the 2007 census was multiplied for each territorial
authority by the ratio between area actually irrigated and area equipped for irrigation reported
by the agricultural census 2002 [NZ03] to estimate area actually irrigated in year 2007. This
resulted in an estimated total area actually irrigated in year 2007 of 509 031 ha. Irrigation
water use from surface and groundwater sources was available for regional councils [NZ04].
The percentage of equipped for irrigation with groundwater was assumed to be similar to the
percentage of irrigation water use from groundwater reported for each region. Area equipped
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix A
for irrigation with groundwater computed that way was 195 175 ha while area equipped for
irrigation with surface water was 424 119 ha.
[NZ01]: Statistics New Zealand. 2009. 2007 Agricultural Census tables. Statistics New Zealand,
agricultural-census-tables/land-treatments.aspx, 09/06/2009.
[NZ02]: Ministry for the Environment. 2009. The New Zealand Land Cover Database. Ministry for
the Environment, Wellington, New Zealand,
dbase/, 08/07/2009.
[NZ03]: Statistics New Zealand. 2004. 2002 Agricultural Census tables. Statistics New Zealand,
agricultural-census-tables/land-treatments.aspx, 09/06/2009.
[NZ04]: Lincoln Environmental. 2000. Information on water allocation in New Zealand. Report No
4375/1, prepared for the Ministry for the Environment, Lincoln Environmental,, 24/08/2009.
Northern Mariana Islands (United States of America)
Area equipped for irrigation was estimated as the maximum of the area actually irrigated
reported per municipality in the reports of the agricultural censuses 2007 [MP01] and 2002
[MP02]. Total area equipped for irrigation computed that way was 392 acres (159 ha).
Since no direct or indirect information about the spatial distribution of irrigation within the
municipalities was available, irrigated area was distributed according to a global land cover
data set [MP03] to all areas classified as: “Dryland Cropland and Pasture”, “Irrigated
Cropland and Pasture”, “Cropland/Grassland Mosaic”, “Cropland/Woodland Mosaic”,
“Grassland”, “Shrubland”, “Mixed Shrubland/Grassland”, “Savanna”, “Herbaceous Wetland”
or “Wooded Wetland”.
Area actually irrigated was 341 acres (138 ha) in year 2007 [MP01]. 126 farms used public
utilities as water supplier for irrigation, 27 farms used wells or cisterns and 8 farms used water
extracted from rivers or streams [MP01]. Percentage area equipped for irrigation with
groundwater was computed based on the number of farms reporting the different water
sources and by assuming that the share of groundwater in the public supply system is 80
[MP01]: NASS. 2009. Northern Mariana Islands commonwealth and island data. 2007 Census of
Agriculture, Volume 1, Geographic Area Series, Part 56, National Agricultural Statistics
Service (NASS), US Department of Agriculture,, 01/02/2011.
[MP02]: NASS. 2004. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. 2002 Census of Agriculture,
Volume 1, Geographic Area Series, Part 56, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS),
US Department of Agriculture,,
[MP03]: United States Geological Survey (USGS). 2002. Global Land Cover Characteristics
database Version 2.0,, 11/04/2005.
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix B
Appendix B
Additional tables with country specific data
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix B
Comparison of area equipped for irrigation (AEI) in version 5 of the Global Map of Irrigation
Areas, the AQUASTAT main country data base and the FAOSTAT database. Data for the most
recent reference year were extracted from the AQUASTAT main country data base while
FAOSTAT data refer to the mean of area equipped for irrigation in the period 2000 - 2008. Data
were extracted on 01.10.2013. Data for countries and territories without irrigation are not
AEI (ha) Reference
year AEI (ha) Reference
AEI (mean
Afghanistan 3,199,070 1993 3,208,000 2002 3,206,222
Albania 340,000 2000 188,400 2006 351,944
Algeria 569,418 2001 569,400 2001 569,222
Andorra 150 1990 n.a. n.a. 0
Angola 80,000 2005 85,530 2005 84,389
Antigua and Barbuda 130 1997 130 1997 103
Argentina 1,767,784 2002 2,357,000 2011 1,595,556
Armenia 273,530 2006 273,500 2006 274,000
Australia 4,068,965 2006 2,546,000 2006 2,524,000
Austria 116,050 2007 117,000 2007 104,222
Azerbaijan 1,426,000 2003 1,425,000 2010 1,430,389
Bahrain 4,060 2001 4,015 2000 4,000
Bangladesh 5,049,400 2007 5,050,000 2008 4,738,278
Barbados 1,000 1989 5,435 1989 5,000
Belarus 114,100 2001 115,000 2003 117,222
Belgium 23,830 2005 23,350 2007 26,000
Belize 3,548 2005 3,000 1997 3,778
Benin 12,258 2002 23,040 2008 11,778
Bhutan 27,685 2007 31,910 2010 27,333
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 128,240 1999 128,200 1999 146,222
Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,630 2002 3,000 2000 3,000
Botswana 1,439 2002 1,439 2002 1,471
Brazil 4,463,691 2006 5,400,000 2011 4,227,889
Brunei Darussalam 1,000 1995 1,000 1995 1,000
Bulgaria 545,160 2002 104,600 2007 276,176
Burkina Faso 25,000 2001 25,000 2001 26,222
Burundi 21,430 2000 21,430 2000 22,667
Cambodia 506,775 2009 353,600 2006 318,067
Cameroon 25,654 2000 25,650 2000 27,333
Canada 1,218,345 2006 869,900 2004 827,444
Cape Verde 2,780 1997 3,476 2004 3,250
Central African Republic 135 1987 135 1987 1,000
Chad 30,273 2002 30,270 2002 29,333
Chile 1,936,402 1997 1,199,000 1991 1,900,000
China 62,392,392 2004 62,938,000 2006 60,432,333
Colombia 900,000 1998 1,087,000 2011 933,333
Comoros 130 1987 130 1987 130
Congo 2,000 2003 2,000 1993 2,000
Costa Rica 103,084 1997 103,100 1997 108,000
Cote d'Ivoire 72,750 1994 72,750 1994 73,000
Croatia 9,275 2003 3,627 2010 9,867
Cuba 870,319 1997 870,300 1997 870,000
Cyprus 55,456 2003 45,790 2007 44,367
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix B
AEI (ha) Reference
year AEI (ha) Reference
AEI (mean
Czech Republic 50,590 2004 38,530 2007 41,667
Democratic People's Republic
of Korea 1,460,000 1995 1,460,000 1995 1,460,000
Democratic Republic of the
Congo 10,500 1995 10,500 1995 11,000
Denmark 448,818 2003 435,400 2007 445,333
Djibouti 1,012 1999 1,012 1999 1,000
Dominican Republic 306,442 2010 306,500 2009 286,111
Ecuador 853,332 2000 853,400 2000 886,667
Egypt 3,422,178 2002 3,422,000 2002 3,458,111
El Salvador 52,452 2005 44,990 1997 45,000
Eritrea 21,590 1993 21,590 1993 21,000
Estonia 1,363 2005 458 2010 4,000
Ethiopia 290,729 2001 289,600 2001 290,000
Fiji 4,000 1998 3,000 1998 3,000
Finland 103,800 2003 68,580 2010 87,189
France 2,906,081 2000 2,642,000 2007 2,660,889
French Guyana (France) 5,931 2007 5,931 2007 5,600
Gabon 4,450 1987 4,450 1987 4,000
Gambia 2,149 1999 5,000 2011 2,167
Georgia 432,790 2006 432,800 2007 437,444
Germany 515,731 2001 515,700 2006 503,300
Ghana 59,000 2000 30,900 2000 32,333
Greece 1,544,530 2000 1,555,000 2007 1,502,742
Grenada 219 2000 219 1997 689
Guadeloupe (France) 6,635 2007 6,635 2007 6,856
Guam (USA) 312 2007 n.a. n.a. 271
Guatemala 142,499 2004 312,100 2003 280,000
Guinea 94,914 2001 94,920 2001 95,000
Guinea Bissau 22,558 1996 22,560 1996 25,000
Guyana 150,134 1991 150,100 1991 150,000
Haiti 91,502 1991 97,000 2009 95,667
Honduras 81,631 2005 87,850 2007 83,667
Hungary 292,147 2002 140,900 2007 186,961
India 61,907,846 2001 66,334,000 2008 63,792,444
Indonesia 6,722,299 2005 6,722,000 2005 6,320,367
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 8,847,818 2010 8,700,000 2009 8,407,889
Iraq 3,525,000 1990 3,525,000 1990 3,525,000
Ireland 1,100 2000 1,100 1998 0
Israel 183,407 2000 225,000 2004 219,556
Italy 3,892,202 2001 3,951,000 2007 3,941,500
Jamaica 26,650 1997 25,220 1997 25,000
Japan 2,834,956 2010 2,500,000 2010 2,576,000
Jordan 83,450 2007 78,860 2004 80,673
Kazakhstan 2,482,500 2006 2,066,000 2010 1,969,778
Kenya 103,203 2003 103,200 2003 97,778
Kosovo 77,000 2003 n.a. n.a.
Kuwait 10,142 2006 8,600 2007
Kyrgyzstan 1,045,131 2005 1,021,000 2005 1,035,189
Lao People's Democratic
Republic 309,657 2002 310,000 2005 304,778
Latvia 1,150 2003 830 2007 889
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix B
AEI (ha) Reference
year AEI (ha) Reference
AEI (mean
Lebanon 104,010 1999 104,000 1998 90,000
Lesotho 2,638 1999 2,637 1999 3,000
Liberia 2,100 1987 2,100 1987 3,000
Libya 470,000 2000 470,000 2000 470,000
Lithuania 4,416 2005 1,340 2007 4,844
Luxembourg 27 2002 0 n.a. 0
Madagascar 1,086,291 2000 1,086,000 2000 1,086,000
Malawi 56,390 2002 73,500 2006 65,833
Malaysia 362,687 1994 380,000 2009 365,000
Mali 235,791 2000 235,800 2000 236,000
Malta 2,300 2003 3,200 2007 2,489
Martinique (France) 6,170 2007 6,170 2007 6,556
Mauritania 45,012 1994 45,010 2004 45,000
Mauritius 21,543 2009 21,220 2002 21,000
Mexico 6,817,240 2007 6,460,000 2009 6,316,667
Mongolia 84,300 1993 84,300 1993 84,000
Montenegro 2,115 2005 2,412 2010 2,200
Morocco 1,484,160 2004 1,485,000 2004 1,453,000
Mozambique 118,120 2001 118,100 2001 117,667
Myanmar 2,110,000 2004 2,110,000 2004 2,089,778
Namibia 7,573 2002 7,573 2002 7,889
Nepal 1,168,349 2002 1,168,000 2002 1,164,333
Netherlands 476,315 2005 457,200 2007 424,444
New Zealand 619,294 2007 619,300 2007 500,000
Nicaragua 94,240 2001 94,240 2001 61,000
Niger 73,663 2005 73,660 2005 73,444
Nigeria 293,117 2004 293,200 2004 292,000
Norway 134,396 1999 114,900 2007 121,811
Occupied Palestinian Territory 23,484 2006 24,000 2003 22,889
Oman 58,850 2004 58,850 2004 59,333
Pakistan 16,725,843 2004 19,990,000 2008 18,740,000
Panama 34,626 1997 34,620 1997 43,000
Paraguay 67,000 1998 136,200 2012 67,000
Peru 1,729,069 1994 1,196,000 1998 1,196,000
Philippines 1,879,084 2006 1,879,000 2006 1,413,183
Poland 134,050 2004 115,700 2007 106,322
Portugal 792,008 1999 583,700 2007 658,222
Puerto Rico (USA) 36,997 2007 22,040 2005 22,000
Qatar 12,935 2001 12,940 2001 12,989
Republic of Korea 806,475 2009 880,400 2002 866,222
Republic of Moldova 307,000 1999 228,300 2011 249,489
Reunion (France) 8,811 2007 8.811 2007 8,056
Romania 2,149,903 2004 615,300 2007 3,159,333
Russian Federation 2,375,200 2006 4,346,000 2008 4,538,111
Rwanda 8,500 2000 9,625 2007 9,133
Saint Kitts and Nevis 18 1997 18 1997 150
Saint Lucia 3,321 2007 3,000 2007 3,000
Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines 0 n.a. 0 n.a. 1,000
Sao Tome and Principe 9,700 1991 9,700 1991 10,000
Saudi Arabia 1,348,696 2007 1,620,000 2004 1,731,000
Senegal 119,680 2002 119,700 2002 117,556
Update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas to Version 5 – Appendix B
AEI (ha) Reference
year AEI (ha) Reference
AEI (mean
Serbia 86,311 2003 91,960 2011 96,000
Seychelles 260 2003 260 2003 300
Sierra Leone 29,360 1992 29,360 1992 30,000
Slovakia 225,310 2001 172,000 2007 180,889
Slovenia 15,643 2001 7,604 2010 5,778
Somalia 200,000 2003 200,000 2003 200,000
South Africa 1,498,000 2000 1,670,000 2012 1,513,778
Spain 3,575,488 1999 3,470,000 2011 3,794,222
Sri Lanka 600,730 2010 570,000 2006 570,000
Sudan and South Sudan 1,863,000 2000 1,890,000 2010 1,874,889
Suriname 51,180 1998 51,180 1998 54,278
Swaziland 49,843 2000 49,850 2000 50,000
Sweden 188,470 2003 159,700 2007 164,111
Switzerland 55,000 2006 55,000 2007 41,444
Syrian Arab Republic 1,489,000 2006 1,341,000 2010 1,354,778
Tajikistan 742,051 2008 742,100 2009 726,111
Thailand 6,414,880 2007 6,415,000 2007 6,052,444
The former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia 127,800 2005 127,800 2004 107,556
Timor-Leste 33,698 2005 34,650 2002 34,444
Togo 7,300 1996 7,300 1996 7,000
Trinidad and Tobago 3,600 1997 3,600 1997 6,333
Tunisia 455,070 2006 397,000 2003 411,889
Turkey 5,215,144 2000 5,340,000 2012 5,137,222
Turkmenistan 1,990,800 2006 1,991,000 2006 1,947,889
Uganda 9,150 1998 14,420 2010 11,389
Ukraine 2,395,500 1985 2,175,000 2010 2,236,333
United Arab Emirates 230,841 2003 92,000 2010 224,556
United Kingdom 246,894 2003 228,000 2005 212,222
United Republic of Tanzania 189,047 2002 184,300 2002 180,000
United States of America 28,375,752 2007 26,644,000 2007 26,816,297
United States Virgin Islands
(USA) 185 2007 n.a. n.a. 171
Uruguay 243,419 2000 181,000 1998 209,444
Uzbekistan 4,198,000 2005 4,198,000 2005 4,199,111
Venezuela (Bolivarian
Republic of) 759,524 2008 1,055,000 2008 842,778
Viet Nam 4,585,500 2005 4,585,000 2005 4,215,000
Yemen 813,951 2009 680,100 2004 611,111
Zambia 155,912 2002 155,900 2002 152,333
Zimbabwe 173,513 1999 173,500 1999 174,000
TOTAL 307,635,659 310,541,892 303,371,813
... To investigate the relationship between spring and summer soil moisture in the NCP, we use monthly root-zone soil moisture data derived from the Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM), which exhibits a spatial resolution of 0.25°covering 1980-2018 (Martens, et al., 2017). The fifth version of the global map of irrigation areas at a 5-arc min spatial resolution is used to depict where irrigation occurs (Siebert et al., 2013). The new ERA5 Reanalysis data (Copernicus Climate Change Service, 2017), with a spatial resolution of 0.25°and a temporal resolution of 1 hr, are obtained from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF), which are used as lateral boundary forcing in the WRF simulations and for evaluating the WRF outputs of climatic variables. ...
... The fifth version of the global map of irrigation areas (Siebert et al., 2013) is available from ( publications/8/2). The ERA5 global reanalysis data (Copernicus Climate Change Service, 2017) are from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels; ...
Full-text available
Plain Language Summary Irrigation exerts a stronger impact on extreme temperatures than on mean temperatures. The North China Plain (NCP) is a typical winter wheat‐summer maize rotation planting area, where irrigation is necessary in both spring and summer, but with a higher proportion of irrigation water applied during spring. The climatic effects of spring and summer irrigation in the NCP are intertwined due to the carryover effects of soil moisture. Recently, the climatic effect of irrigation in the NCP has been extensively explored, whereas the cross‐seasonal effects of irrigation on summer extreme heat events have never been quantified. In this study, we employ the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with a demand‐driven irrigation algorithm to discern the effects of spring and/or summer irrigation on summer extreme heat events by means of idealized climate simulations. The results show that spring and summer irrigation significantly reduces the frequency and intensity of summer extreme heat events by approximately −6.5 days and −1.0°C, of which spring irrigation contributes about 38% and 30%, respectively. Our findings underline the importance of irrigation‐induced climate impacts in mitigating extreme heat events and emphasize that climate change adaptation planning in terms of irrigation must account for cross‐seasonal climatic effects.
... Despite the significant advancements in the thematic mapping of irrigated cropland facilitated by remote sensing techniques, long-term and fine-scale irrigated cropland maps remain scarce, especially in most arid and semiarid regions. Over the past two decades, the focus of most related studies has been on producing global, continental, national, or regional maps for a single year or over a limited span of years (Meier et al., 2018;Portmann et al., 2010;Salmon et al., 2015;Siddiqui et al., 2016;Siebert et al., 2013;Thenkabail et al., 2009;Zohaib et al., 2019). While these maps may provide instantaneous or short-term snapshots of irrigated cropland across expansive regions, they fall short of capturing long-term fluctuating changes in irrigation patterns. ...
Full-text available
Understanding the long‐term spatiotemporal evolution of irrigated cropland is essential for water resource management, but this knowledge remains elusive in most water‐stressed arid areas. In this study, we introduced an integrated framework for long‐term and field‐scale mapping of annual irrigated cropland in arid and semiarid regions. This framework combines the k‐means algorithm with a semiautomatically trained random forest classifier for initial classification and employs the Bayesian Updating of Land Cover algorithm for subsequent postprocessing. Taking the Heihe River basin in northwestern China as the experimental area, we generated 30‐m annual irrigated cropland maps spanning from 1990 to 2020 based on Landsat imagery and the Google Earth Engine. Comprehensive validation confirmed the reliability of this approach, with the overall accuracy of the annual maps ranging from 83% to 88.3% (mean: 86.6%). Our data set provides an unprecedentedly long‐term and fine‐scale perspective for understanding the continuous spatial and temporal dynamics of irrigated cropland in the Heihe River basin, surpassing previous studies in Central Asia and northwestern China. Notably, a rapid expansion of irrigated areas is occurring in the basin, especially in the water‐stressed midstream and downstream areas. This finding points to potential ecological risks in the foreseeable future due to water resource constraints.
... Additionally, the Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was used to exclude irrigated areas. It represents the global area that is equipped with irrigation at a spatial resolution of 5 arc minutes [42]. In this study, pixels with more than a 10% irrigated area and with land cover types different from those of rainfed and mosaic cropland were hidden. ...
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This study analyzes the temporal patterns of rainfed cereal phenology extracted from the GIMMS NDVI3g dataset in the main cereal-growing regions under a Mediterranean climate in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy during the period 1982–2022. The series before and after the beginning of the 21st century were analyzed separately. Phenological parameters were extracted using the modified dynamic threshold method, and their trends were analyzed. Correlation analyses were performed to study the relationships among these parameters and to analyze the influence of hydroclimatic variables on the start (SOS) and end (EOS) of the growing season. Results showed a temporal reversal in phenological trends between both study periods, coinciding with the global warming hiatus. In the first period (1982–2002), SOS and EOS advanced (−7.5 and −3.1 days, respectively), and the length of growing season (LOS) increased. However, during the second stage (2003–2022), SOS and EOS were delayed (7.5 and 1.7 days, respectively), and LOS decreased. Similar dynamics were observed for the influence of the hydroclimatic variables on SOS and EOS, stronger in the first period and weaker in the second. This study provides valuable information on the phenological dynamics of rainfed cereals that may be useful for their management and planning in climate change scenarios.
... If rate of groundwater withdrawal exceeds its recharge, overexploitation occurs (Wada et al., 2014). India, the most populous and largest user of groundwater (approximately 23% of global total), is one of the most waterstressed countries (Siebert et al., 2013;World Bank, 2010;United Nations, 2023). There are several hotspots of overextraction of groundwater in the country, for example, north-western states of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan (Rodell et al., 2009;United Nations, 2023). ...
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This paper has evaluated the impact of stringent regulation on groundwater use in agriculture. It has revealed that overextraction of groundwater has continued even the regulation being in force and looks for explanations for this perverse outcome in policy offsets. The paper suggests for a holistic approach to groundwater management, encompassing policies, technologies, incentives, institutions, and regulations.
... The energy intensity of each irrigation system (drip, sprinkler, and surface) or pumping system (diesel pumping and electric pumping) (MJ/m 3 ) represents the energy consumption of five different irrigation and pumping system to pump and deliver one cubic meter of water. c CO 2 emissions intensity is expressed as the ratio of the carbon dioxide emitted by irrigation to the irrigated area 34 in a country (100 kg CO 2 /ha). d The CO 2 emissions intensity of each irrigation system or pumping system is expressed in the same way as the energy intensity (g Figure 3 illustrates the global distribution flow of energy consumption and energy-related CO 2 emissions embedded in irrigation and pumping systems, along with irrigation water sources. ...
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Irrigation is a land management practice with major environmental impacts. However, global energy consumption and carbon emissions resulting from irrigation remain unknown. We assess the worldwide energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with irrigation, while also measuring the potential energy and carbon reductions achievable through the adoption of efficient and low-carbon irrigation practices. Currently, irrigation contributes 216 million metric tons of CO2 emissions and consumes 1896 petajoules of energy annually, representing 15% of greenhouse gas emissions and energy utilized in agricultural operations. Despite only 40% of irrigated agriculture relies on groundwater sources, groundwater pumping accounts for 89% of the total energy consumption in irrigation. Projections indicate that future expansion of irrigation could lead to a 28% increase in energy usage. Embracing highly efficient, low-carbon irrigation methods has the potential to cut energy consumption in half and reduce CO2 emissions by 90%. However, considering country-specific feasibility of mitigation options, global CO2 emissions may only see a 55% reduction. Our research offers comprehensive insights into the energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with irrigation, contributing valuable information that can guide assessments of the viability of irrigation in enhancing adaptive capacity within the agricultural sector.
... Subnational administrative boundaries were taken from the Global Administrative Areas database 52 (version 3.6). Information on the areas equipped for irrigation in the year 2005 came from the Global Map of Irrigation Areas (5 arcmin resolution) 21 . Data on cropland and pastureland for the years 2000 through to 2015 came from the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE, version 3.2, 5 arcmin resolution) 20 . ...
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The expansion of irrigated agriculture has increased global crop production but resulted in widespread stress on freshwater resources. Ensuring that increases in irrigated production occur only in places where water is relatively abundant is a key objective of sustainable agriculture and knowledge of how irrigated land has evolved is important for measuring progress towards water sustainability. Yet, a spatially detailed understanding of the evolution of the global area equipped for irrigation (AEI) is missing. In this study, we used the latest subnational irrigation statistics (covering 17,298 administrative units) from various official sources to develop a gridded (5 arcmin resolution) global product of AEI for the years 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015. We found that AEI increased by 11% from 2000 (297 Mha) to 2015 (330 Mha), with areas of both substantial expansion, such as northwest India and northeast China, and decline, such as Russia. Combining these outputs with information on green (that is, rainfall) and blue (that is, surface and ground) water stress, we also examined to what extent irrigation has expanded unsustainably in places already experiencing water stress. We found that more than half (52%) of the irrigation expansion has taken place in areas that were already water-stressed in the year 2000, with India alone accounting for 36% of global unsustainable expansion. These findings provide new insights into the evolving patterns of global irrigation with important implications for global water sustainability and food security.
... The LandScan data distribution models are customized to suit each country and region's data conditions and geographic characteristics. The FAO AQUASTAT irrigated area (version 5) (Siebert et al., 2013) map depicts the area equipped for irrigation as a proportion of the total area of each cell of 10 × 10 km. ...
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The inherent spatial mismatch between satellite-derived and ground-observed near-surface soil moisture (SM) data necessitates cautious interpretation of point-to-pixel comparisons. While upscaling of point-scale SM presents the potential for a statistically defensible comparison, it is often restricted to localised conditions and has overlooked quantifying the uncertainty in assessing the reliable spatial extent for making SM estimates. This gap underscores the need of addressing the prediction uncertainties and extrapolating SM information to a broader spatial scale. Accordingly, this study presents a spatial prediction approach, which integrates machine learning (ML) and spatiotemporal fusion, to extrapolate point-scale SM from in-situ sites to a 100 km × 100 km area at 100 m resolution. Herein 28 stations were used covering both a cross-validation period (2016-2019) and an independent test period (2020-2021). The area of applicability (AOA), which represents the spatial extent within which a ML model can be reliably applied, was determined for two ML models; Random Forests (RF) and eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGB). The AOA of RF and XGB models encompassed 43.1% and 41.5% of the study area, respectively, with an expected unbiased root mean squared error (ubRMSE) of 0.05 m3/m3 and correlation coefficient (R) of 0.78 against input training data. The spatial SM prediction within the AOA was then evaluated against multiple independent observations, including data from field campaigns using the Hydraprobe Data Acquisition System (HDAS), two additional SM networks, and level 2 data of the Soil Moisture Active Passive mission (SMAP L2). Results showed that the spatial SM estimates predicted by the RF model were more robust and had better agreement with observations than that of XGB. Specifically, during the cross-validation period, the RF-based spatial SM prediction achieved a spatial R of 0.62-0.64 against HDAS SM, a temporal R of 0.84-0.91 against independent SM network stations, and a spatiotemporal R of 0.87 against SMAP L2 data, respectively. Notably, spatial SM prediction within the AOA demonstrated markedly lower ubRMSE against SMAP L2 compared to that outside the AOA. Overall, this study demonstrated the capability of using an AOA to quantify the spatial extent within which SM could be reliably predicted by ML models, being influenced by regional nuances of landscapes in training strategies.
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The Caribbean is one of the world's centers of biodiversity and endemism. As in similar regions, many of its islands have complex topography, climate and soils, and ecological zones change over small areas. A segmented, supervised classification approach using Landsat TM imagery enabled us to develop the most detailed island-wide map of Puerto Rico's extremely complex natural vegetation cover. Many Caribbean forest formations that are not spectrally distinct had distributions approximately separable using climatic zone, geology, elevation, and rainfall. Classification accuracy of 26 land cover and woody vegetation classes was 71 % overall and 83 % after combining forest successional stages within image mapping zones. In 1991-92, Puerto Rico had about 364,000 ha of closed forest, which covered 41.6 % of the main island. Unlike previous island-wide mapping, this map better identifies the spatial distributions of forest formations where certain groups of endemic species occur. Approximately 5 % of Puerto Rico's forest area is under protection, but the reserve system grossly underrepresents lowland moist, seasonal evergreen forests.
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"This working paper provides results of a broad assessment of water resources and a database of irrigation development and potential in Ethiopia. The country is blessed with ample water resources in central, western and south western parts, while most of northeastern and eastern parts of the country are relatively dry. Hence, despite abundance in some parts of the country, there is high water-scarcity due to lack of water control infrastructure. Given the amount of water available, it is evident that the promotion of water development technologies, especially irrigation, can provide an opportunity to improve productivity of land and labor and increase production volumes. To utilize the advantages of irrigation development, Ethiopia is increasingly investing in this sector. However, there is no clear information and database available. This paper responds to the information requirement on the database of water resources, its potential, extent of irrigation development, and status."
Technical Report
Approximately 50 percent of the potable, industrial, and agricultural water supply in Venezuela comes from ground water, mined through some 40,000 wells scattered around the country. The majority of the productive aquifers consist of quaternary deposits in mountain valleys and coastal lowlands, all of which are situated in areas with limited or low precipitation. Intensive exploitation of several of these aquifers for the last 30 years has resulted in overdraft conditions and ground water contamination, causing serious socio-economic consequences in various regions of Venezuela. This paper reviews the quality and quantity aspects of overdrafted aquifers in Venezuela, which can he classified into three major categories: (1) aquifers in the coastal lowlands in the stales of Falcon and Zulia of northern Venezuela: (2) the intermontane Carora and Quibor Valley Aquifers: and (3) aquifers in the Lake Valencia Watershed. If current trends of aquifer overexploitation continue, further water deficits and irreversible environmental damage are predicted.
We compare estimates of total cropland area, paddy rice area, and irrigated cropland area in China from land cover maps derived from optical remote sensing in 1992–93 (1-km resolution NOAA AVHRR) and county-level agricultural census data for 1990. At national, regional, provincial, and county scales, the total cropland area estimated by remote sensing is 50–100% higher than reported in the agricultural census. For topographically flat North and Central China, there is a high correlation between county-level cropland area estimates by the two approaches. For other regions, the correlation between remote sensing and agricultural census cropland area is much weaker. Throughout China, there is only moderate to weak correlation between remote sensing-based and census-bases estimates of paddy rice area and total irrigated cropland area. It is likely that the census data underestimates and the remote sensing overestimates the actual cropland area. These uncertainties in agricultural land cover estimates will contribute to uncertainty in any large-scale biogeochemical analyses.
In southern Africa institutional capacity in the water sector is severely limited by diminishing regular budget and external assistance allocations. The result has been an overall decline in operational water resource management. This is ironic given the international community's current concern with ‘integrated’ or ‘comprehensive’ water resources management. Often, so-called integrated attempts at river basin planning and development have been conceived within the framework of a river basin authority or regional master plans. Such large-scale attempts have not necessarily been compatible either with the national capacity in water resources management or the existing institutional and legislative frameworks. In many cases the actual integration of a basin's physical resources and social, economic and environmental demands is poorly executed. To examine a way forward in resolving what is clearly an unsustainable state of affairs, a diagnostic study of the Kafue Basin, Zambia, was carried out in order to identify a set of water resource management options for a basin currently under stress. A physical framework for the Kafue Basin was established and principal subcatchments and hydro-geological subsystems identified. Current water resource issues in the basin are discussed and a multiobjective approach is proposed to allow intersectoral competition for the basin's limited water resources to be reconciled.
De Droogtestudie Nederland is een integrale studie naar het waterbeleid en -beheer in periodes met schaarste aan water. Doel van de studie is om een goed beeld te krijgen van de aard, ernst en omvang van de droogteproblematiek in Nederland, evenals van de oplossingsstrategieën voor korte en lange termijn. Inzicht in het voorkomen en de mate van beregening in de land- en tuinbouw draagt bij aan het zo juist mogelijk schatten van de vraag naar zoet water. Verder wordt aandacht besteed aan enkele voor beregening bepalende factoren en aan het provinciale beleid met betrekking tot beregening.