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An examination of sport fandom in the United Kingdom: A comparative analysis of fan behaviors, socialization processes, and team identification



Despite recent cross-cultural analyses of sport fandom, work in the field is still limited. To partially fill this research void, the current investigation investigated sport fandom in the United Kingdom, and included cross-cultural comparison with existing data. Four research areas were reviewed: a) sport fan behaviors, b) socialization into the sport fan role, c) identification with the social role of sport fan, and d) team identification. A sample of 252 students at a university in the United Kingdom completed a questionnaire packet assessing demographics, fandom, fan behaviors, team identification, and the impact of various socialization agents. Results revealed gender differences in behavior (e.g., males reported greater levels of participation than females) and both team identification and fandom were significant predictors of fan behavior. The importance of the father as a socialization agent was highlighted throughout the sample, and levels of identification were generally high. Cross-cultural analysis indicated that socialization agents for the UK were more varied than other countries, UK fans were more likely to watch sport live, and UK males were more likely to watch and discuss sport daily. In general, it was demonstrated that UK fan behavior was closer to that of Americans and, in particular, Australian fans, rather than fans in European (Greek and Norwegian) samples.
An Examination of Sport Fandom in the United Kingdom: A Comparative Analysis of
Fan Behaviors, Socialization Processes, and Team Identification
Keith D. Parry
University of Western Sydney
Ian Jones
Bournemouth University
Daniel L. Wann
Murray State University
Keywords: sport fandom; team identification; fan behavior; fan socialization; comparative
Address correspondence to Keith Parry, School of Business, University of Western Sydney,
Locked Bag 1797, Penrith South DC, NSW 1797 or to via Internet.
Despite recent cross-cultural analyses of sport fandom, work in the field is still limited. To
partially fill this research void, the current investigation investigated sport fandom in the
United Kingdom, and included cross-cultural comparison with existing data. Four research
areas were reviewed: a) sport fan behaviors, b) socialization into the sport fan role, c)
identification with the social role of sport fan, and d) team identification. A sample of 252
students at a university in the United Kingdom completed a questionnaire packet assessing
demographics, fandom, fan behaviors, team identification, and the impact of various
socialization agents. Results revealed gender differences in behavior (e.g., males reported
greater levels of participation than females) and both team identification and fandom were
significant predictors of fan behavior. The importance of the father as a socialization agent
was highlighted throughout the sample, and levels of identification were generally high.
Cross-cultural analysis indicated that socialization agents for the UK were more varied than
other countries, UK fans were more likely to watch sport live, and UK males were more
likely to watch and discuss sport daily. In general, it was demonstrated that UK fan behavior
was closer to that of Americans and, in particular, Australian fans, rather than fans in
European (Greek and Norwegian) samples.
An Examination of Sport Fandom in the United Kingdom: A Comparative Analysis of
Fan Behaviors, Socialization Processes, and Team Identification
Since Wann and Hamlet (1995) commented upon the lack of literature focused upon
the sport fan, there has been a substantial increase in theoretical and empirical research on the
subject, leading to considerable advances in knowledge and understanding. There is still,
however, limited cross-cultural research, and according to Theodorakis and Wann (2008), a
need to explore cultural differences in fandom. This is particularly true given that existing
research indicates such differences to be present in the motivations and behaviors of sport
fans and spectators from different ethnic groups (Bilyeu & Wann, 2002; Wann, Bilyeu,
Breenan, Osborn & Gambouras, 1999), as well as different nationalities (Melnick & Wann,
2004, 2011; Theodorakis & Wann, 2008). To date, a limited number of cross-cultural studies
have been undertaken. Wann, Melnick, Russell and Pease (2001) report findings from data
collected from North American fans, and further empirical studies have tested Norwegian
(Melnick & Wann, 2004), Greek (Theodorakis & Wann, 2008), and Australian fans (Melnick
& Wann, 2011). The studies have all explored similar aspects of fandom: a) fan related
behavior (such as watching sport on television, b) the role of various agents in the
socialization process (such as parents or the media), c) gender differences, and d) the extent
of fan identification with a favorite team. The following paragraphs highlight some of the
more pertinent findings from these research endeavors.
Fan Related Behavior
Findings on fan related behavior demonstrate in most cases similarity across
contexts, with males consistently demonstrating greater frequencies than females for all types
of behavior. Males from all studies to date and Australian female fans demonstrate high
levels of television spectatorship, with 81% of Norwegian male fans, 86% of Greek male
fans, 97% of Australian male fans, and 86% of Australian female fans watching sport at least
once a week. Female television viewing is lower for Norwegian (66%) and Greek female fans
(34.8%). Listening to sport on the radio is, in most cases, comparatively rare when compared
to television viewing. It is a much more popular activity amongst Greek males, of whom 61%
listen at least once a week, and the entire Australian sample, where 59% of males and 38% of
females listen to sport at least once a week, compared to only 15.9% of Greek females, 16%
of Norwegian males, and 11% of Norwegian females.
The increased frequency of fan behaviors among Australian fans is also reflected in
terms of live attendance at sporting events. Half of male Australian fans (50%) and 31% of
female fans attend sporting events at least once a week according to Melnick and Wann’s
(2011) study, compared with 31% and 10% respectively of Norwegian fans, and only 10.1%
of male and 4.5% of female Greek fans. All studies, however, demonstrate the importance of
discussing sport with others, with 97% of Australian fans and 91% of Norwegian fans doing
so at least once a week. Theodorakis and Wann (2008) found that male Greek fans follow this
pattern, with 86.3% discussing sport once a week (however, only 54.7% of Greek females did
so). The final behavior explored was that of accessing sport on the internet. This was only
been undertaken by Melnick and Wann’s (2011) Australian study, which demonstrates
relatively high levels of internet use amongst Australian males, with 78% accessing sport at
least once a week, compared to 44% of females.
The Role of Various Agents in the Socialization Process
Each study highlights friends and peers as key socialization agents. There is less
consistency with regard to the role of parents, school and community in the socialization
process. The North American data reported by Wann et al. (2001) highlights the importance
of the school, followed by parents, and finally community. Greek fans report that parents and
community are the second and third most important agents. The variability between each,
however, is low. Australian fans, as with North American fans, also report the community as
least significant; however they rate all agents highly, with little variation between them.
Norwegian fans are shown by Melnick and Wann (2004) to be most strongly influenced by
the local community, and both Greek and Norwegian fans cite the school as the least
important socialization agent reflecting, to some extent, the different sporting structures
within each context, such as the emphasis upon club sport in Greece and Norway, as opposed
to the emphasis upon school based sport in the United States. In terms of the single most
influential factor, all studies to date highlight the importance of the father as a socialization
agent. The Greek and Australian studies both report 45% of respondents suggesting that their
father had been the most influential agent, with 30% of Norwegian fans citing this as the
The Extent of Identification with a Favorite Team
Previous cross-cultural research also targeted team identification, which is the extent
to which a fan feels a psychological connection to a team (Wann et al., 2001). Levels of
identification for Australian fans have been found to be very high, with fans supporting an
Australian team scoring a mean of 40.11 (out of a possible 56) on the Sport Spectator
Identification Scale (Wann & Branscombe, 1993), and those following a non-Australian team
scoring 42.07. These are considerably higher than Greek (M = 36.9) and Norwegian fans (M
= 31). Australians also were more likely to have a favorite team (92%), compared to 87.5%
of Greek fans and 65.2% of Norwegian fans. Most Greek fans supported a team based in their
homeland compared to 90% of Australian fans and only 64% of Norwegian fans. As Melnick
and Wann (2011) suggest, this may be due to the absence of a professional sports industry in
Norway, whereas both Greece and Australia possess high profile professional sport teams.
The Current Investigation
Johnes (2005) suggests that the United Kingdom (UK) was the birthplace of modern
sport. Through the rationalization and codification of folk games in the nineteenth century (a
process Elias, 1986, terms “sportization”), many of the sports that are played around the
world saw their birth in the UK. Yet despite this sporting tradition, recent figures (Sport
England, 2011) indicate that only slightly over one third of the adult population participate in
regular (once per week) sporting activity. Although this percentage has risen since 2006,
there has been a decrease in the number of young people (aged 16 – 19) who regularly
participate in sport during the same period. Swimming, association football, athletics, and
cycling are the most participated in sports as identified in the most recent (2010-11) survey of
sports participation rates amongst adults (Sport England, 2011). In July 2005, London won
the right to host the 2012 Olympic Games. The London 2012 bid was backed by the
Government as it was believed that hosting the Olympic Games was one way to improve the
physical and mental well-being of the nation, with additional benefits such as urban
regeneration and a reduction in anti-social behavior (Hill, 2010).
However, although participation may be struggling, sport spectatorship remains high
in the UK. The sporting environment for fans in the UK is dominated both in terms of
attendance and media coverage by the English Premier League (association football). The
combined attendance figures for top-flight English football teams were over thirteen million
in the 2011-12 season (ESPN, 2012). Elsewhere, crowds at major sporting events appear to
be increasing, with the flagship tennis and motorsports events (Wimbledon and the British
Formula One Grand Prix) seeing record attendances in 2011 (PwC, 2011). Clearly, sport
fandom and spectating play an important role in the culture and society of the UK and
permeates many aspects of life.
The purpose of the current study was two-fold. First, we examined sport fandom and
spectating within the United Kingdom, replicating the procedure used in the aforementioned
cross-cultural examinations. Second, we provide a comparison with existing studies based
upon the different cultures outlined above. Due to the lack of past research of this type on
fans in the UK, establishing specific hypotheses was not appropriate (similar to the work by
Melnick & Wann, 2004; Theodorakis & Wann, 2008). Rather, the current investigation
attempted to examine the following research questions:
1. To what degree do male and female university students from the United
Kingdom engage in behaviors commonly associated with sport fandom?
2. To what extent do parents, friends / peers, school and community contribute to
their socialization into the sport fan role?
3. Which one of the aforementioned socialization agents is most influential?
4. How strongly do students identify with their favorite team?
To facilitate comparison with previous studies, the methodology adopted was based
upon the previous cross-cultural studies discussed above.
Participants were a convenience sample of 252 students based in the Department of
Sport at a provincial university in the UK. The gender breakdown was 185 males (73.4%)
and 67 females (26.6%). The mean age was 20.61 (SD = 3.26).
The questionnaire packet contained five sections. The first section asked participants
to provide demographic information regarding gender, age, and year in school. In the second
section participants indicated how often they attended sporting events in person, watched
sporting events on television, listened to sporting events on the radio, and discussed sport
with friends and relatives. Responses options to these scale-items were: 1 = never, 2 = once a
year, 3 = twice a year, 4 = once a month, 5 = twice a month, 6 = once a week, 7 = twice a
week, and 8 = once a day.
The third section of the packet focused on fan socialization. Based on and consistent
with the work of McPherson (1975; 1976), Melnick and Wann (2004) and Wann et al.
(2001), four socialization agents were identified and selected as having the greatest potential
impact on the sport fan socialization process: parents, friends, school and community.
Respondents expressed the impact of each agent on an 8-point Likert-type scale anchored by
1 (the agent had no influence) to 8 (the agent had a great deal of influence). Additionally, an
open ended question was included to allow participants to identify the most influential person
or entity in their decision to be a sport fan. This additional item was justified due to the fact
that forced-choice measures may be less optimal in situations assessing sport fan socialization
(see Spaaij & Anderson, in press). Indeed, inconsistency between forced-choice and open
ended responses have been noted (e.g., Melnick & Wann, 2011).
The fourth section contained the Sport Fandom Questionnaire (SFQ; Wann, 2002) to
measure the degree of identification with the role of sport fan. The SFQ is a reliable and
valid unidimensional scale comprised by five Likert-scale items. Response options ranged
from 1 (strongly disagree) to 8 (strongly agree). Higher numbers represented greater levels of
sport fandom. The fifth and final section of the packet focused on team identification. In this
section, participants completed the Sport Spectator Identification Scale (SSIS; Wann &
Branscombe, 1993). Respondents targeted their favorite team when completing the SSIS.
The SSIS contains seven Likert-scale items with response options ranging from 1 (low
identification) to 8 (high identification).
After receiving permission from class instructors, questionnaires were completed by
participants inside university classrooms. All subjects were informed that their participation
was completely voluntary, participants could withdraw at any time, and the individual
responses would be held in strict confidence. Upon completion of the study (approximately
20 minutes), the participants were debriefed and excused from the testing session.
Current Sample - Sport Fandom in the UK
Initial analyses. The five items on the SFQ were combined to form a single measure
of fandom (Cronbach’s alpha = .90). Using a one-way analysis of variance, males (M =
34.74, SD = 4.80) reported significantly higher [F(1, 243) = 97.62, p < .001] levels of fandom
than females (M = 26.40, SD = 8.04). The seven items of the SSIS were also combined (alpha
= .92), with males (M = 44.01, SD = 8.91) demonstrating significantly higher [F(1, 249) =
55.50, p < 0.001] levels of identification than females (M = 33.90, SD = 11.00).
Sport fan related behavior. The frequency of respondents’ engagement in sport fan
behaviors is presented in Table 1. Males demonstrated greater frequency of participation in
behaviors than females, with the exception of attending events in person (33% of females
attended twice a week or more, compared to 22% of males). Females were, however, also
more likely to be less regular attenders, with 36% attending less than once a month,
compared to 22% of males. Males tended to watch significantly more sport on television,
with over half (51%) watching every day, compared to only 8% of females. This pattern was
repeated for accessing sport on the Internet, but not in terms of listening to sport on the radio
(which was less common for all). Gender differences were also evident in terms of discussing
sport, with 84% of males discussing sport every day, compared to 33% of females.
The relationships among fandom behaviors, team identification and sport fandom
were examined using Spearman correlations. The findings demonstrated significant positive
correlations (all p < .01) between team identification and all five fan behaviors (identification
and attendance r = .24; watching sport on television r = .47; listening to sport on radio r =
.36; accessing sport on Internet r = .43; discussing sport r = .46). Similarly, significant
positive correlations (all p < .01) were found between sport fandom and the fan behaviors
(fandom and attendance r = .20; watching sport on television r = .49; listening to sport on
radio r = .36; accessing sport on Internet r = .54; discussing sport r = .53).
Regression analyses were undertaken to further explore the relationships among
fandom, identification, and fan behavior. Each regression used one of the behaviors as the
dependent variable while fandom and identification were predictor variables. Please see
Table 2 for information regarding regression statistics for the predictor variables. With
respect to attendance at sporting events, the combined effect of the two predictor variables
was significant, F(2, 237) = 8.20, p < .01 (R = 0.25; adjusted R2 = 0.06). With respect to
independent contributions to attendance, team identification accounted for a significant
proportion of unique variance while sport fandom did not. As for watching sport on
television, the combined effect of the two predictor variables was again significant, F(2, 240)
= 64.13, p < .001 (R = 0.59; adjusted R2 = 0.34). With respect to independent contributions
to watching televised sport, both team identification and sport fandom accounted for a
significant proportion of unique variance. The regression on listening to sport on the radio
revealed that the combined effect of the two predictor variables was significant, F(2, 240) =
24.51, p < .001 (R = 0.41; adjusted R2 = 0.16). As for independent contributions to sport
radio listening, both identification and fandom accounted for a significant proportion of
unique variance. With respect to accessing sport on the Internet, the combined effect of the
two predictor variables was significant, F(2, 241) = 64.80, p < .001 (R = 0.59; adjusted R2 =
0.34). With respect to independent contributions to sport on the Internet, identification and
fandom both accounted for a significant proportion of unique variance. And finally, for
discussing sport, once again the combined effect of the two predictor variables was
significant, F(2, 241) = 75.16, p < .001 (R = 0.62; adjusted R2 = 0.38). With respect to
independent contributions to sport discussions, both team identification and sport fandom
accounted for a significant proportion of unique variance.
Sport fan socialization. To examine the impact of the four socialization agents,
scores were analyzed using a 2 (Gender: male or female) X 4 (Socialization Agent: parents,
friends, school and community) mixed factor analysis of variance. Means and standard
deviations appear in Table 3. Results indicated that the gender main effect was significant
(Wilks’ Lambda = .934, F(4, 245) = 3.93, p < .01). However subsequent univariate tests
indicated significant gender differences only in terms of friends/peers, who were more
important for male fans F(1, 249) = 13.01, p < .001), with no gender differences in terms of
parents, school and local community. Table 4 reveals responses for the greatest influence on
participants becoming a sport fan. Fathers (49%) were, by some margin, the most significant
socialization agent, followed by friends (8%). Fewer females (33%) identified their father as
most influential, however.
Team identification, favorite Team, and favorite Sport. Wann et al. (2001)
suggest that a score of 35 or above on the SSIS can be indicative of high identification. The
mean score from the SSIS was 41.31, thus demonstrating a very highly identified sample,
especially among males (M = 44.01). Females were, as noted earlier, significantly less
identified (M = 33.90). Most fans identified with an association football (soccer) team (77%).
Rugby union (10%), cricket (2%), basketball (2%) and American football (1%) were also
listed. Most respondents listed a UK-based team (96% of those who listed a team), with only
4% listing a non-UK team.
Comparison of British Sport Fans to Previous Samples
The results of the current study were compared with previous cross-cultural studies
(i.e., Melnick & Wann, 2004, 2011; Theodorakis & Wann, 2008; Wann et al., 2001).
Comparisons were drawn between levels of sport fandom, team identification, sport fan
behaviors, and socialization agents (note that Wann et al., 2001, did not examine levels of
fandom and identification).
Sport fandom. An analysis of SFQ scores showed that British fans appear to be
more comparable with Australian fans rather than their nearer neighbors in Europe (see Table
5). British fans had the highest average total score, and the highest score from all groups was
among British male fans (the Norwegian sample reported the lowest total mean). It is
interesting to note, however, that female fans from Britain had a mean score lower than those
of Australian females (26.40 compared to 30.34). This finding may be linked to falling
interest in sport in the UK, with lower participation by females than males, a gender gap that
appears to become more pronounced with age (Cox, Coleman, & Roker, 2006). Further, a
gender difference was found in each sample, with males reporting higher levels of fandom
than females.
Team identification. As shown in Table 5, British fans were highly identified with
their favorite teams. Although they identified more strongly than their European
counterparts, British female fans had a lower mean score than Australian females, a finding
consistent with the aforementioned data on fandom. Also similar to fandom, British males
had the highest mean score on team identification and, once again, gender differences were
noted in each sample (although magnitude of the difference was more pronounced in the
British and Greek samples).
Sports fan behavior. British fans were more likely to watch sport in person at least
twice per week than their counterparts (Table 6). British fans were similar to most other
samples in their high level of televised sport consumption (Table 7). Overall, 39% of British
fans and 51% of males from this sample reported watching sport on television on a daily
basis. These totals were the highest levels among all samples. With respect to comparisons
of listening to sport on the radio, subjects in the current sample were less likely to do so on a
weekly basis than those from Greece and Australia. The proportion of British males who
discussed sport each day was considerably higher than the other cultures here with 71% of
respondents indicating that they do so. Data for Internet use was only available for
Australian and British samples. It was clear that British fans use the Internet to follow their
teams to a greater extent than fans in the Australian study.
Socialization into the sport fan role. With respect to category rankings of the four
primary socialization agents, an examination of Tables 3 and 11 reveals that there were no
exact matches between the British sample and the other fan groups. However there were
some similarities between Australian and British fans for the importance of parents and the
importance of school for males. The importance of the local community was lower for
British and American fans.
In each sample, family members, and in particular fathers, were most often listed as
the primary socialization agent (see Table 4). Generally, the results from this British study
were more comparable to those found in the Australian and United States samples than with
the other European studies. The key differences between the British sample and those from
Greece and Norway were that Greek fans reported more friends as most influential while
Norway had higher percentages from friends and, especially, community.
The current study reveals that British sport fans are highly identified, typically with a
British association football team, and that they engage in fandom related behaviors more
frequently than their North American, European, and Australian counterparts. The data reflect
the strong sporting culture within the UK, particularly that in terms of the cultural dominance
of association football as a spectator sport. The favorite sports selected by the UK sample is
noteworthy as only one of the four most popular participation sports for adults (association
football) provided the favourite sports team for the subjects. While swimming, cycling, and
athletics are popular participation sports they did not feature in the list of favorite teams.
However given the more individual nature of these sports it may not be surprising that they
were not selected as a favorite.
It is interesting to note that, overall, British fans demonstrate greater proximity to
Australian fans than the two, geographically closer, European nations. This may support the
notion that a common European culture remains more theory than practice (Schneider &
Barsoux, 2003). The proximity of behavior reflects Hofstede’s (1980) suggestion that British
and Australian cultures are similar while differing on a number of dimensions from both
Norwegian and Greek cultures. This seems reasonable given the colonial history of Australia
which, although Asian influences are becoming more dominant, is still influential in
Australian sport behavior (Cashman, 2010; Schirato, 2007; Taylor et al. 2009). It has been
documented that there are tangible benefits from identifying with a sport team and that this
identification leads to greater levels of social interaction (Wann, 2006). As such, it might be
expected that this social connection could result in increased game attendance. However,
sport fandom was not found to be a significant predictor of attendance. This evidence
reinforces the findings of Wann, Brame, Clarkson, Brooks, and Waddill (2008) who, for the
case of college sports, found no interaction between game attendance and identification.
Higher levels of team identification for male fans was found to result in increased
indirect consumption through electronic media which suggested that the social connections
for highly identified male fans may be formed through the communal watching of sport
through electronic media. The consumption of sport through the media was found to be more
common than attendance in person at games across all samples, reinforcing Crawford’s
(2004) view that indirect sport consumption is now the norm. The extent to which indirect
consumption now dominates the fan experience can be see through a comparison of the
frequencies of attending in person and watching sport on television. Across all samples at
least 70 % of participants watched sport at least once a week via television, whereas, for
attending a game this figure is below 50% and it is in the American and Australian samples
that this distinction is most marked.
British fandom is also revealed to be somewhat male dominated. Specifically, male
fans were more highly identified, engaged in fan related behaviors more often, and fathers
were the most frequent socializing agent into sport fandom. This perhaps reflects the
dominance of male football as a spectator sport within the UK (Jones, 2008). However,
comparison to previous samples reveals that the socialization pattern is not confined to the
UK. In all cultures, the father was the most frequently cited socialization agent, indicating
that gender scripts [as discussed by Melnick and Wann (2004) in relation to their Norwegian
study] may be present across cultures and are witnessed in Europe, North America, and
The apparent lack of importance placed upon community sport as a socializing agent
by UK participants is worthy of future consideration. As was the case with American and
Australian fans, community was ranked as the least important of the four socialization agents
by both males and females (see Table 11). The lack of importance placed upon community
sport may be reflected in the sport structures of these countries where large professional
teams dominate the sporting landscape. The greater emphasis placed on community sport (or
the lesser emphasis on professional sport) in Norway may be linked to their lower levels of
obesity (WHO, 2010) and may offer consideration for the UK in light of their low sport
participation figures (Sport England, 2011). The figures for frequency of attending sports
events in person (see Table 6) and watching sport on television (see Table 7) may also be of
concern for the health of the UK population. If the frequency of consuming sport is at the
expense of sport participation then, as this sample grow older (at present it is relatively young
with a mean of just over 20 years of age) it is likely that their participation will decrease even
further (Kokolakakis, Lera-López, & Panagouleas, 2011).
Summary and Limitations
The data have demonstrated both similarities and differences across different cultures.
Results revealed gender differences in behavior with males reporting greater levels of
participation than females. Both team identification and fandom were significant predictors of
fan behavior. The importance of the father as a socialization agent was highlighted
throughout the sample, and levels of identification were generally high. Cross-cultural
analysis indicated that socialization agents for the UK were more varied than other countries,
UK fans were more likely to watch sport live, and UK males were more likely to watch and
discuss sport daily. In general, it was demonstrated that UK fan behavior was closer to that of
American and, in particular, Australian fans, rather than fans in European (Greek and
Norwegian) samples.
Finally, a few limitations of the current research warrant mention. First, as with
several of the previous studies serving as comparisons for the current investigation (e.g.,
Melnick & Wann, 2004, 2011; Wann et al., 2001), the college student sample tested here was
quite homogeneous with respect to age and, perhaps, experience. That is, although perhaps
unlikely (Wann et al., 2001), it remains possible that younger and older fans as well as fans
without college experience may respond in a different fashion (e.g., report a differential
pattern of fan behaviors and/or a different set of primary socialization agents). Further, there
were several important fan behaviors that were not examined here, such as likelihood of
purchasing team merchandise and propensity to respond in an aggressive manner while
watching sporting events. Future investigators should add to the current work by expanding
the behaviors assessed. And finally, although the list of cross-cultural analyses of fan
behaviors and socialization processes continues to grow (and now totals five countries), there
are certainly many more locales from which samples are needed to acquire a more complete
picture of the cultural differences and idiosyncrasies that impact sport fandom.
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WHO, (2010). WHO Global Infobase. Available from:
Table 1
Frequency Distributions (Percentages) of Responses to the Items Assessing Sport Fandom Behaviors
among the British Sample.
Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Attendance at sporting events
All participants 2 5 19 19 11 19 17 9
Males 1 4 17 22 12 21 14 9
Females 5 8 23 9 6 14 25 8
Sport television viewing
All participants 0 0 1 4 6 23 27 39
Males 0 0 0 1 3 19 27 51
Females 0 0 3 15 13 36 25 8
Sport radio listening
All participants 13 7 12 24 15 22 4 1
Males 9 6 12 26 16 25 4 1
Females 25 10 12 19 10 16 5 0
Sport on the Internet
All participants 2 3 2 11 6 16 19 42
Males 1 1 1 7 2 14 21 55
Females 3 9 5 22 16 22 15 8
Sport discussions
All participants 0 1 0 2 2 8 17 71
Males 0 0 0 0 1 2 14 84
Females 0 3 0 6 8 24 27 33
Notes: Response options were: 1 = never, 2 = once a year, 3 = twice a year, 4 = once a month, 5 =
twice a month, 6 = once a week, 7 = twice a week, and 8 = just about every day. Percentages for each
item may not sum to 100 due to rounding.
Table 2
Regression Statistics for the Analyses Incorporating Sport Fandom Behaviors as the Dependent
Variables and Team Identification (SSIS Scores) and Sport Fandom (SFQ Scores) as the Predictor
Team Identification Sport Fandom
Beta t Beta t
Attendance at events .19 2.4* .07 0.8
Sport television viewing .31 4.5*** .33 4.7***
Sport radio listening .27 3.5*** .18 2.2*
Sport on the Internet .24 3.6*** .41 5.8***
Sport discussions .25 3.6*** .43 6.3***
Note: * p < .05, ** p < .01., ***p < .001.
Table 3
Means and Standard Deviations for the Impact of the Four Socialization Agents.
Socialization Agent British Greek Australian Norwegian United States*
All participants 5.67 (2.03) 4.36 (2.93) 5.72 (2.23) 4.67 (2.28) 4.69
Males 5.72 (2.00) 4.85 (2.94) 5.76 (2.18) 4.43 (2.30) 4.88
Females 5.54 (2.14) 3.16 (2.57) 5.66 (2.34) 4.84 (2.26) 4.52
All participants 5.67 (1.76) 4.47 (2.71) 6.01 (1.80) 4.97 (1.93) 5.47
Males 5.91 (1.69) 4.74 (2.74) 6.24 (1.58) 5.47 (1.89) 6.02
Females 5.01 (1.80) 3.81 (2.52) 5.65 (2.07) 4.62 (1.89) 4.99
All participants 5.33 (1.77) 4.26 (2.47) 5.52 (1.86) 3.82 (2.12) 5.14
Males 5.36 (1.72) 4.56 (2.46) 5.45 (1.79) 3.59 (1.98) 5.25
Females 5.27 (1.92) 3.55 (2.36) 5.63 (1.99) 3.99 (2.21) 5.04
All participants 3.97 (1.89) 4.28 (2.57) 5.42 (2.00) 5.33 (2.01) 4.08
Males 4.09 (1.86) 4.53 (2.44) 5.65 (1.84) 5.45 (1.94) 4.30
Females 3.66 (1.94) 3.65 (2.78) 5.03 (2.19) 5.25 (2.15) 3.88
Notes: Response options ranged from 1 (the agent had no influence) to 8 (the agent had a great deal
of influence). Standard deviations appear in parentheses next to each mean. *Wann et al. (2001) did
not report standard deviations for the US sample.
Table 4
Percentages of Sport Socialization Agents Listed as Most Influential.
Agent British Greek Australian Norwegian United States
All M F All M F All M F All M F All M F
Father 49 55 33 39 49 34 45 53 34 30 28 33 35 39 31
Mother 4 2 10 0 0 0 4 1 10 3 0 5 5 3 7
Both parents 2 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 0 4
Brother 6 5 8 6 5 6 8 6 11 5 10 0 8 11 5
Sister 2 1 5 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 0 5 2 1 2
Siblings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 <1 0 <1
Grandfather <1 1 0 3 4 0 3 2 5 0 0 0 1 2 1
Grandmother 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 <1 <1 <1
Husband 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 2
Uncle 2 3 0 5 6 4 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 2
Cousin <1 1 0 2 2 2 1 0 2 1 2 0 1 <1 1
Family total 66 70 61 55 66 46 65 66 64 46 50 50 57 59 56
Friend 8 10 3 23 22 37 7 6 8 13 14 12 9 10 7
Boyfriend <1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 3 4 0 7
Friend total 9 10 5 23 22 37 8 6 10 15 14 15 13 10 14
School 7 4 15 0 0 0 7 5 10 9 6 10 12 8 15
Teacher 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 <1 0 <1
School total 11 6 17 0 0 0 8 5 13 9 6 10 12 8 16
Community <1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 22 26 19 2 2 2
Mass media 2 3 2 1 <1 1 3 3 2 7 12 3 5 7 4
Coach 2 1 3 2 1 4 1 1 0 1 2 0 2 3 1
Sport team 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Famous player 6 8 4 0 0 0 10 14 5 0 0 0 1 1 <1
Myself 0 0 0 4 3 9 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 1
Notes: Numbers are percentages rounded to the nearest whole number. <1 = .1% to .4%. Columns do not total
100% due to responses classified as “other” and persons failing to provide a response.
Table 5
Means and Standard Deviations for Sport Fandom (SFQ Scores) and Team Identification (SSIS
British Greek Australian Norwegian
Sport Fandom
All participants 32.53 (6.89) 27.66 (3.96) 32.35 (7.82) 26.32 (N/A)
Males 34.74 (4.80) 30.29 (6.77) 33.58 (6.83) 28.50 (7.40)
Females 26.40 (8.04) 21.75 (9.41) 30.34 (8.90) 24.80 (8.90)
Team Identification
All participants 41.31 (10.50) 36.91 (11.82) 40.31 (8.52) 30.50 (N/A)
Males 44.01 (8.91) 40.203 (10.18) 41.19 (8.05) 33.80 (9.80)
Females 33.90 (11.00) 29.91 (12.21) 38.74 (9.17) 27.20 (10.20)
Notes: Wann et al. (2001) did not report fandom and identification scores for their United States
sample. N/A = data not available.
Table 6
Frequency Distributions (Percentages) of Frequency of Attending Sporting Events in Person.
Frequency British Greek Australian Norwegian United States
All participants 2 22 2 7 8
Males 1 16 2 6 N/A
Females 5 35 2 9 N/A
Once a year
All participants 5 13 6 3 9
Males 4 9 5 2 N/A
Females 7 23 8 4 N/A
Twice a year
All participants 19 21 12 21 23
Males 17 20 8 14 N/A
Females 28 25 19 27 N/A
Once a month
All participants 19 25 20 30 22
Males 22 33 18 33 N/A
Females 9 8 23 27 N/A
Twice a month
All participants 11 10 18 20 18
Males 12 12 18 15 N/A
Females 6 5 18 24 N/A
Once a week
All participants 19 5 33 14 13
Males 21 7 39 21 N/A
Females 14 2 23 9 N/A
Twice a week
All participants 17 2 7 4 6
Males 14 2 10 8 N/A
Females 25 2 3 1 N/A
About every day
All participants 9 1 3 1 1
Males 9 1 1 2 N/A
Females 9 1 5 0 N/A
Notes: Response options were: 1 = never, 2 = once a year, 3 = twice a year, 4 = once a month, 5 =
twice a month, 6 = once a week, 7 = twice a week, and 8 = just about every day. Percentages for each
item may not sum to 100 due to rounding. N/A = data not available.
Table 7
Frequency Distributions (Percentages) of Frequency of Watching Sport on Television.
Frequency British Greek Australian Norwegian United States
All participants 0 1 0 1 4
Males 0 1 0 0 N/A
Females 0 0 0 1 N/A
Once a year
All participants 0 2 1 0 2
Males 0 0 2 0 N/A
Females 0 8 0 0 N/A
Twice a year
All participants 1 4 1 2 5
Males 0 2 0 2 N/A
Females 3 10 2 3 N/A
Once a month
All participants 4 10 2 8 11
Males 1 4 0 2 N/A
Females 15 22 5 12 N/A
Twice a month
All participants 6 13 2 8 9
Males 3 7 4 9 N/A
Females 13 25 7 8 N/A
Once a week
All participants 23 16 21 26 17
Males 19 14 12 21 N/A
Females 36 20 36 30 N/A
Twice a week
All participants 27 43 42 30 19
Males 27 57 42 32 N/A
Females 25 11 42 19 N/A
About every day
All participants 39 12 30 25 34
Males 51 15 43 34 N/A
Females 8 4 10 17 N/A
Notes: Response options were: 1 = never, 2 = once a year, 3 = twice a year, 4 = once a month, 5 =
twice a month, 6 = once a week, 7 = twice a week, and 8 = just about every day. Percentages for each
item may not sum to 100 due to rounding. N/A = data not available.
Table 8
Frequency Distributions (Percentages) of Frequency of Listening to Sport on the Radio.
Frequency British Greek Australian Norwegian United States
All participants 14 22 14 14 29
Males 9 16 14 12 N/A
Females 25 36 13 16 N/A
Once a year
All participants 7 7 4 16 13
Males 6 3 3 17 N/A
Females 10 18 5 16 N/A
Twice a year
All participants 12 8 9 22 15
Males 12 7 7 25 N/A
Females 12 10 13 21 N/A
Once a month
All participants 24 6 15 22 17
Males 26 5 12 19 N/A
Females 19 8 19 24 N/A
Twice a month
All participants 15 9 9 12 10
Males 16 9 6 12 N/A
Females 10 11 13 12 N/A
Once a week
All participants 22 11 32 9 7
Males 25 11 33 12 N/A
Females 16 11 31 0 N/A
Twice a week
All participants 4 30 16 2 5
Males 4 42 22 4 N/A
Females 5 3 7 7 N/A
About every day
All participants 1 6 3 3 4
Males 1 8 4 0 N/A
Females 0 2 0 4 N/A
Notes: Response options were: 1 = never, 2 = once a year, 3 = twice a year, 4 = once a month, 5 =
twice a month, 6 = once a week, 7 = twice a week, and 8 = just about every day. Percentages for each
item may not sum to 100 due to rounding. N/A = data not available.
Table 9
Frequency Distributions (Percentages) of Frequency of Discussing Sport with Friends, Relatives,
and/or Family Members.
Frequency British Greek Australian Norwegian United States
All participants 0 1 0 1 4
Males 0 1 0 0 N/A
Females 0 1 0 1 N/A
Once a year
All participants 1 5 1 0 4
Males 1 2 0 0 N/A
Females 3 14 2 0 N/A
Twice a year
All participants 0 4 0 1 6
Males 0 2 0 0 N/A
Females 0 8 0 1 N/A
Once a month
All participants 2 5 1 3 10
Males 0 2 0 2 N/A
Females 6 13 2 4 N/A
Twice a month
All participants 2 8 1 5 8
Males 1 7 0 0 N/A
Females 8 11 3 9 N/A
Once a week
All participants 8 7 17 16 17
Males 2 2 13 11 N/A
Females 24 19 24 18 N/A
Twice a week
All participants 17 40 23 24 16
Males 14 49 19 21 N/A
Females 27 20 31 25 N/A
About every day
All participants 71 29 57 51 34
Males 84 35 68 66 N/A
Females 33 16 39 41 N/A
Notes: Response options were: 1 = never, 2 = once a year, 3 = twice a year, 4 = once a month, 5 =
twice a month, 6 = once a week, 7 = twice a week, and 8 = just about every day. Percentages for each
item may not sum to 100 due to rounding. N/A = data not available.
Table 10
Frequency Distributions (Percentages) of Frequency of Using the Internet to Access Sporting
Frequency British Australian
All participants 2 10
Males 1 7
Females 3 15
Once a year
All participants 3 3
Males 1 1
Females 9 5
Twice a year
All participants 2 4
Males 1 3
Females 5 5
Once a month
All participants 11 12
Males 7 6
Females 22 21
Twice a month
All participants 6 8
Males 2 6
Females 16 11
Once a week
All participants 16 23
Males 14 21
Females 22 26
Twice a week
All participants 19 17
Males 21 22
Females 15 8
About every day
All participants 42 25
Males 55 35
Females 8 19
Notes: Response options were: 1 = never, 2 = once a year, 3 = twice a year, 4 = once a month, 5 =
twice a month, 6 = once a week, 7 = twice a week, and 8 = just about every day. Percentages for each
item may not sum to 100 due to rounding. Wann et al. (2001), Melnick and Wann (2004), and
Theodorakis and Wann (2008) did not request information on Internet use in their research.
Table 11
Rank Order of the Impact of the Four Socialization Agents.
Socialization Agent British Greek Australian Norwegian United States
All M F All M F All M F All M F All M F
Parents 1 2 1 2 1 4 2 2 1 3 3 2 3 3 3
Friends 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 2
Schools 3 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 1
Community 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 4 4 1 2 1 4 4 4
... In the sociology of sports, the problem of socialization into sports consumption and introducing children to the roles of sports consumers (the vast majority of which are recipients of sport television or Internet broadcasts), is less frequently addressed. We know that both for girls and boys, fathers and other male socializing agents are most often responsible for developing an interest in sports (Melnick & Wann, 2004Parry et al., 2014). This may result in shaping a greater interest of women in watching men's sports competitions (Farrell et al., 2011;Melnick & Wann, 2011;Parry et al., 2014;Theodorakis et al., 2017). ...
... We know that both for girls and boys, fathers and other male socializing agents are most often responsible for developing an interest in sports (Melnick & Wann, 2004Parry et al., 2014). This may result in shaping a greater interest of women in watching men's sports competitions (Farrell et al., 2011;Melnick & Wann, 2011;Parry et al., 2014;Theodorakis et al., 2017). Thus, while contemporary longitudinal research (e.g., Gemar & Pope, 2022;Meier et al., 2017) indicate an increasing interest in watching sports among women and the feminization of sports audiences, it mainly concerns man's sports. ...
... The only difference was that the Qataris students were not related to sports studies. In terms of sample size there were 163 Australian students in Melnick and Wann's study (2011), 252 UK students in Parry et al. (2014) study, 132 Norwegian students in Melnick and Wann's (2004) study, 183 US students in Wann and Branscombe (1993) study, 351 Greek students in Theodorakis and Wann (2008) study and 259 Qatarian students in Theodorakis et al. (2017) study. Moreover, the examinations in all previous studies were guided by almost identical research questions to ensure the possibility of exploring cross-cultural differences in sports fandom. ...
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Wann et al., 2001), socialization into sports consumption and the social role of being a sports fan. Interesting cross-national gender differences with regard to sport consumption socialization and fan identity were also analyzed. The decision of using the same validated research tools in cross-national comparisons (data from seven countries) and surveying comparable samples caused the necessity to compare the data from different years and analysis limited only to student samples. These drawbacks of the presented research are described in more detail in the limitations of the study at the end of this paper. In this study aiming at comparing data from several mentioned cross-cultural studies, the following research questions were asked: (1) To what degree do the respondents engage in behaviors commonly associated with sports fandom? (2) To what extent did parents, friends/peers, school and community contribute to respondents' socialization into the sports fan role? (3) Which socialization agents were most influential in their becoming a sports fan? (4) How strongly do the respondents identify with the role of a sports fan? (5) Do the respondents have a favorite team Abstract Background: This study focuses on sports fandom, consumption and socialization in the role of a sports fan. Objective: The study aimed to analyze the international differences between Polish sports fans and those in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Greece, Norway, and Qatar, based on a comparison of the results of studies using the same research methodology. Methods: The research utilized the Sports Fandom Questionnaire (SFQ) and the Sports Spectator Identification Scale (SSIS) concerning fan-related behaviors and socialization in the role of a sports fan. A total of 286 Polish students were surveyed (53% male and 47% female, mean age of 21.3 years). Results: Investigated students strongly identified with the role of being sports fans. Males demonstrated a significantly higher level of sports fandom than females. Male socialization agents for sports fandom and consumption, particularly fathers, were important for both genders. Both genders were less likely to watch women's sports and mainly followed men's sports. Polish women ranked second on the SFQ (27.69) and the SSIS (37.15) among the compared national surveys and their average SFQ and SSIS scores indicate strong identification with the role of being a sports fan. Polish women, like British women, indicated school and parents as the most influential fan socialization agents, while data from other countries pointed rather to the role of community and friends. Conclusions: As in all other national samples, indirect sports consumption precedes direct consumption, and watching sports on television is the most common form of sports consumption in the media. Moreover, male dominance in sports fandom patterns and the role of a sports fan was evident in both males' and females' responses. That is why the male socialization agents may impact the creation of the identity role the most.
... Fan socialization is an important part of the sportswatching experience (Asada & Yo, 2019;Parry et al., 2014). Sports fans like to discuss games and share opinions and experiences with friends and/or watch sports events together (Parry et al., 2014). ...
... Fan socialization is an important part of the sportswatching experience (Asada & Yo, 2019;Parry et al., 2014). Sports fans like to discuss games and share opinions and experiences with friends and/or watch sports events together (Parry et al., 2014). AR adds interesting content for sports audiences to talk about, thus adding to the benefit of fan socialization. ...
... Traditionally, sports fans have been studied from a third-person perspective (Smith and Stewart, 2007) with research typically utilising quantitative examinations of fan behaviour to develop a range of defined groups (Campbell, 2017;Madrigal and Chen, 2008;Theodorakis and Wann, 2008;Parry et al., 2014). However, these approaches do not allow for the nuances and interactions of sports fans to be examined in depth and hence perpetuate myths that they are in some way abnormal and/or deviant (Parry, 2012). ...
... Sport fandom is not necessarily of the same nature (or influenced by the same causal factors) in which it occurs. Whilst fan cultures of particular sports share common ritual elements, each fan group exhibits distinct forms of prescribed ceremonial behaviour and symbolism (Parry et al., 2014). This distinctiveness is because sports fandom is centred on the emotion and the experience of supporting your team. ...
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This chapter explores the benefits of adopting ethnographic methods when studying sports fandom. In a field largely dominated by quantitative analysis and fan typologies, the authors argue that through the use of ethnographic research methods a more holistic viewpoint emerges that provides deeper insights that cannot be captured though more traditional survey-based methods alone. The chapter begins by first describing what ethnography and autoethnography are, and then their application to studying sport fans. Drawing on two case studies, it applies this understanding to demonstrate the value of the ethnographic approach to gain a deeper insight into sport fandom
... Heere and James 2007, Katz and Heere 2013, 2015. This perceived membership leads to various group-based beliefs, opinions, and norms relating to team identity, which influence fans' behaviours (Parry et al. 2014). ...
... Although the USA and Western Europe are culturally similar, it has been stated that traveling to participate in e-sports events may be more interesting for millennials from the USA (Hofstede, 1983;Rita et al., 2019). On the other hand, it is suggested that the regularity of sports consumption and the frequency of fan-related behavior may be higher in Western Europe than in North America (Parry et al., 2014). As a result, there can be significant differences between US and European e-sports audiences, so different aspects need to be considered in order to assess the differences between US and European esports audiences. ...
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Since the concept of tourism has a multifaceted structure, many activities could be evaluated within the scope of tourism activities. Electronic sports events could also be evaluated in this context. E-sports events such as Call of Duty, Counter-Strike, Valorant and Dota 2 bring users together through many gaming platforms. Thus, when e-sports events are considered as event tourism, these events could lead to tourism movements. It is seen that e-sports players and e-sports viewers travel to the destinations where the event is held. Especially the destinations where these events are organized could provide an advantage in terms of touristic recognition. This study is a conceptual study that predicts that e-sports events will be among the new trends of tourism. This study has been carried out in order to reveal an idea on the effects of e-sports events on the tourism sector. Therefore, systematic literature review has been applied in this study. As a result of the literature review, it has been concluded that e-sports activities could have positive effects on the tourism sector.
... Socialization is the process by which individuals internalize the skills, knowledge, and roles that are appropriate given their place in society [3]. People who promote socialization in an individual's environment are motivated by their family, friends, school, and community [4,5]. Socialization also includes the symbolic and cultural meanings that individuals represent in sporting societies [6]. ...
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Few studies have used a quantitative research methodology to examine the socialization process model, and such studies were conducted to verify a new model by intervening in the variables of YouTube sports content. To understand this process, we tested the moderated mediating effect by intervening in YouTube sports content based on the sports socialization process model. We recruited 274 participants from the Jeju Residents’ Jeju Sports Festival, Korea. The PROCESS Macro program was performed to test the research hypotheses. The findings indicate that social support had a significant effect on re-participation intention. Social support had a significant mediation effect on exercise interruption intention, re-participation intention, and exercise performance satisfaction. Furthermore, through the relationship between social support and exercise interruption intention, YouTube sports content showed a significant interaction of re-participation intention in exercise. These results extend sports socialization theory by discovering a new model that explains the relationship between the sports socialization process and YouTube sports content. In addition, it will provide a basis for delivering educational information to the public so that they can recognize the importance of physical activity and exercise skills.
... A previous cross-cultural study examined team identity, which refers to the psychological attachment of fans to the team [28]. Team identity is a term that involves consumers' sense of belonging and their connection with other spectators and sports team supporters. ...
... Mediated consumption of sport has become the most common method for fans to engage with professional sport. It is now more usual for fans from regions such as Europe, North America, and Australia to watch sport via some form of media rather than to attend a venue in person (Parry, Jones, & Wann, 2014). The emergence of new "players" in the media sport market, such as Amazon Prime Video, have rewritten the schedules of many sports leagues, moving games to satisfy television audiencesto the frustration of many fansbut to the joy of those who are happy to spend hours on end watching numerous matches. ...
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This chapter examines the role of food and drink within the sports fan experience. Food and alcohol have historically been the primary purchases of sports fans when they attend a sports match but, until recently, there has been relatively little academic research into the actual offerings in stadia. The small number of academic studies on the topic and anecdotal discussions have highlighted that the cost, quality, and healthiness of food and beverages are areas of dissatisfaction for fans. In this chapter we highlight that sports stadia have not been associated with healthy eating and drinking, rather they are linked to excessive drinking of alcohol with this practice closely tied to traditional hegemonic masculinity. However, a lack of healthy options in stadia can be tied to social and historical factors associated with sports fandom, which can reinforce societal inequalities. We finish by highlighting a push for healthier options, led by the Healthy Stadia network, and provide an updated list of recommendations for food and drink in venues.
... Of particular relevance to this chapter, for example, this even extends to research on sport fandom. Sport fans exist as a community that shares a sense of identification with each other and with the team or object of adoration (Parry, Jones, & Wann, 2014). The sense of belonging to this group is communicated through their words and actions, in ways that are both tribal and ritualized and often framed in relation to other fan groups or sections of society that are antithetical to the fans' ideals, which have been typically based in working class, (hyper)masculinity. ...
Purpose: The aim of this chapter is to explore the relationship between contemporary sport, social media, digital technology, and sexuality and to explore the historical context of sport and sexuality, before then outlining the decline of homophobia in recent years. Despite this decline, social media is one area where we still see the manifestation of homophobia. Design/methodology/approach: This chapter synthesizes a range of academic literature to chart how – despite improving attitudes toward homosexuality in sport – abuse and discrimination is still prevalent on social media. Findings: Eric Anderson’s (2009) Inclusive Masculinity Theory has been the most useful theoretical apparatus to underpin the changing nature of sport, gender, and sexuality. While this has been used in a variety of sporting contexts, these are primarily focused on gay male athletes in the West. Accordingly, there is a gap in knowledge around the experiences of lesbian, bisexual, and trans athletes, as well as those outside of the Western context. Originality/value: Although there has been some literature to document discrimination on social media, very little focuses specifically on the manifestation of homophobia. Accordingly, this chapter provides an important contribution by being one of the first to tie together the literature on improved cultural attitudes toward homosexuality while simultaneously focusing on the prevalence of discrimination on social media.
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The purpose of this study was to conduct a comprehensive literature review and a meta-analysis on team identification, particularly its relation to two outcome variables: intention to attend games and intention to purchase licensed merchandise. Past literature was searched through several electronic databases, including SPORTDiscus, using relevant keywords. Thirteen studies for team identification and intention to attend sport games and nine studies for team identification and intention to purchase licensed merchandise meeting all selection criteria were identified. A random-effect model was used to conduct a meta-analysis. Funnel plot and Egger's test were conducted to test publication bias, followed by fail-safe N to examine the stability of the estimates. The results showed that the total effect size values for the relationships between team identification and intentions to attend games and to purchase licensed merchandise were 0.39 and 0.42, respectively, which indicates a medium-large effect size. The study confirms the predictive power of team identification when it pertains to sport consumption behaviors and provides insights into practical implications in utilizing team identification as a potential driver of promoting consumer behaviors by the way of achieving marketing objectives.
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Although an empirical and theoretical examination of sport fans and spectators appear to be increasing, there is still limited information on cross cultural analyses of fandom. To partially fill this research void, the current investigation involved an examination of sport fandom in Greece. Specifically, four research questions were reviewed: 'To what degree do male and female Greek university students engage in behaviours commonly associated with sport fandom?', 'To what extent do parents, friends peers, school and community contribute to their socialisation into the sport fan role?', 'Which one of the aforementioned socialisation agents is most influential?' and 'How strongly do students identify with their favourite team?' The questions were answered by testing a convenience sample of 351 students at the department of physical education and sport sciences of a metropolitan university in Greece. The participants completed a questionnaire packet assessing demographic, sport fandom, sport fan behaviours, team identification and the impact of various socialisation agents. The results revealed a number of interesting findings including gender differences in sport fandom (males greater than females), the importance of fathers as a agent of socialisation and the large percentage of Greek teams listed as one's favourite team. In the discussion section, the current work is compared and contrasted with research of fans from other cultures, namely North America and Norway.
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This article investigates the role of sociodemographic characteristics, educational and economic variables on sports participation in a comparative way in two European countries: Spain and England. Adopting a broad concept of sport, as in the common European approach, we analyse the determinants of sports participation in 40 different professional and nonprofessional sports and recreational activities in both countries. The research involves a comparative analysis between the data of England and Spain based on two logistic regressions. The regression equation of every country tests the effect of 17 binary explanatory variables on a dependent binary variable for participation. Higher education level, professional occupation, younger age and being male are all factors associated with more sports participation. Although there is no difference in the direction of the factor effects on participation between England and Spain, there is considerable variation in their relative strength, which has sport policy implications in the two nations.
Understanding Sport Culture traces and analyzes the development of the modern field of sport from its ancient and medieval precursors (the festivals of Greece and Rome, and games such as folk football), through to its inception in the mid-nineteenth century as a set of activities designed to instill character and discipline in students in exclusive British public schools, up to its transformation into a global institution and popular spectacle. The narrative also focuses on and provides a detailed account of the gradual coming together of sport and the media. It explains how this relationship has accentuated sport's status as one of the most important sites in contemporary culture, while simultaneously threatening its existence.
In this article I consider women's relationship to football culture, showing how women sometimes downplay their gender identities to reinforce their fan identities. To accomplish this I interviewed 38 female fans at English men's football (soccer) matches and analyzed their responses to abusive or insulting behavior by male fans. Women used three strategies to respond to sexism and homophobia. First, they expressed disgust at abuse, sometimes redefining fandom to exclude abusers. Second, they downplayed sexism. Their third strategy was to embrace gender stereotypes, arguing that femininity was inconsistent with "authentic" fandom and that abuse was a fundamental part of football. Finally, I suggest that examining nontraditional male fans using a similar framework might yield useful results.
To examine sport fandom in Australia, a convenience sample of 163 university students (62% males, 38% females, M = 21.3) attending a large, multi-sector institution located in a western suburb of Melbourne voluntarily completed a 25-item questionnaire survey which included the Sport Fandom Questionnaire (Wann, 2002) and the Sport Spectator Identification Scale (Wann and Branscombe, 1993). Descriptive and inferential statistics revealed that males chose ‘friends’ as their most influential sport fan socialization agent while females ranked friends, parents and school about the same. Male socialization agents were very important for both sexes with ‘father’ chosen most influential. Males scored higher on every measure of sport fandom behavior including attending sports events, watching sports on television, listening to sports on the radio, engaging in a sports conversation with others, and accessing sport information via the Internet. Australian Football League teams were chosen ‘favorite team’ by 81 percent of the total sample; selection was unrelated to the respondent’s sex. Compared with similar data obtained from US, Norwegian and Greek university student samples, these Australian students were judged greater sport consumers and more heavily identified with the sport fan role and a favorite team.