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Petrographic and geochemical study on cave pearls from Kanaan Cave (Lebanon)


Abstract and Figures

The Kanaan cave is situated at the coastal zone, north of Beirut City (capital of Lebanon). The cave is located within the upper part of the Jurassic Kesrouane Formation (Liassic to Oxfordian) which consists mainly of micritic limestone. Twenty seven cave pearls were subjected to petrographic (conventional and scanning electron microscopy) and geochemical analyses (major/trace elements and stable isotopes). The cave pearls were found in an agitated splash-pool with low mud content. They are believed to have formed through chemical precipitation of calcite in water over-saturated with calcium. The nucleus and micritic laminae show δ18OV-PDB values of about -5.0‰ and δ13C V-PDB values of -11.8‰, while the surrounding calcite spar laminae resulted in δ18OV-PDB ranging between -5.3 and -5.2‰, and δ13C V-PDB between -12.3 and -12.1‰. A genesis/diagenesis model for these speleothems is proposed involving recrystallization which has selectively affected the inner layers of the cave pearls. This is chiefly invoked by sparry calcite crystals ‘invading’ the inner micrite cortical laminae and the nuclei (cross-cutting the pre-existing mud-envelopes), and the slight depletion in δ18O values from inner to outer cortical layers. The calculated δ18OV-SMOW of the water (-4.2‰) matches with data on meteoric water signature for the central eastern Mediterranean region.
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International Journal of Speleology 36 (1) 39-50 Bologna (Italy) January 2007
Petrographic and geochemical study on cave pearls from Kanaan Cave
Fadi H. Nader1
A considerable amount of papers have documented
concentrically laminated grains – termed as cave-
pisoids, or pearls – found in low energy rimstone
pools and high energy splash pools in caves (e.g.
Baker & Frostick, 1947; Gradzinski & Radomski,
1967; Donahue, 1969; Jones & Kahle, 1986;
Jones & MacDonald, 1989; Hill & Forti, 1997 and
references herein; Gradzinski, 2001). Only a very
few contributions, strictly descriptive, have reported
similar cave speleothems from the Middle-East (e.g.
Abdul-Nour, 1991; Choppy, 1991; Karkabi, 1991). This
contribution presents results of the rst petrographic
and geochemical studies on cave pearls found in
Lebanon collected from the Kanaan cave (central
Lebanon). New data about the formation of this type
of speleothems in a typical Mediterranean setting is
provided. Also, the various controlling factors on the
genesis and growth of cave pearls with a special focus
on the inherent role of diagenesis are discussed.
Nader F.H. 2007. Petrographic and geochemical study on cave pearls from Kanaan Cave (Lebanon).
International Journal of Speleology, 36 (1), 39-50. Bologna (Italy). ISSN 0392-6672.
The Kanaan cave is situated at the coastal zone, north of Beirut City (capital of Lebanon). The cave is located within the upper part
of the Jurassic Kesrouane Formation (Liassic to Oxfordian) which consists mainly of micritic limestone. Twenty seven cave pearls
were subjected to petrographic (conventional and scanning electron microscopy) and geochemical analyses (major/trace elements
and stable isotopes). The cave pearls were found in an agitated splash-pool with low mud content. They are believed to have formed
through chemical precipitation of calcite in water over-saturated with calcium. The nucleus and micritic laminae show δ18OV-PDB values
of about -5.0‰ and δ13C V-PDB values of -11.8‰, while the surrounding calcite spar laminae resulted in δ18OV-PDB ranging between
-5.3 and -5.2‰, and δ13C V-PDB between -12.3 and -12.1‰. A genesis/diagenesis model for these speleothems is proposed involving
recrystallization which has selectively affected the inner layers of the cave pearls. This is chiey invoked by sparry calcite crystals
‘invading’ the inner micrite cortical laminae and the nuclei (cross-cutting the pre-existing mud-envelopes), and the slight depletion in
δ18O values from inner to outer cortical layers. The calculated δ18OV-SMOW of the water (-4.2‰) matches with data on meteoric water
signature for the central eastern Mediterranean region.
Keywords: Speleothems, diagenesis, aggradational crystal growth, δ18O, Lebanon.
Received 5 May 2006; Revised 14 October 2006; Accepted 14 November 2006
Lebanon covers 10452 km2 of surface area and
stretches along the central eastern coast of the
Mediterranean Sea (Fig. 1A). Geomorphologically, it
consists of two mountain chains (Mount-Lebanon
and Anti-Lebanon) separated by a high inland plain
(the Bekaa; Fig. 1A). The western chain (Mount-
Lebanon) borders the Mediterranean Sea, displaying
relatively gentle slopes on its western anks and
steeper ones on its eastern anks. The highest point
in Lebanon is located in the northern part of this
mountain chain; i.e. the Qornet es Saouda, 3083 m
above sea level (asl). Precipitation (rain and snow)
falls in abundance on the Lebanese mountain chains,
especially on Mount-Lebanon. The precipitation
rate varies between 700 and 1200 mm/year with
increasing elevations (i.e. higher altitudes) across
Mount-Lebanon, and about 80% of the yearly
precipitation falls from November through February
(Edgell, 1997).
Carbonate rocks (limestone and dolostone)
dominate the known Lebanese rock succession.
The oldest exposed rocks are of Liassic age (part of
the Early-Middle Jurassic Kesrouane Formation;
Dubertret, 1975). The Jurassic strata constitute
Available online at
International Journal of Speleology
Ofcial Journal of Union Internationale de Spéléologie
1 Department of Geology, American University of Beirut, PO
Box: 11-0236/26 Beirut, Lebanon
Spéléo-Club du Liban, PO Box: 70-923 Antelias, Lebanon.
Paper presented during the 14th International Congress of Speleology, Kalamos (Greece) 21-28 August 2005.
21-28 AUGUST
the cores of the Mount-Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon.
The Cretaceous strata – especially the Cenomanian-
Turonian Sannine and Maameltain Formations
form the anks of the mountain chains, covering
most of the country surface-area. The stratigraphy
of Lebanon has been investigated by a number of
authors; e.g. Dubertret (1955), Saint-Marc (1974
and 1980), Walley (1997), Beydoun (1988), and
Nader (2000).
The Late Jurassic is characterized by a period
of regional uplift, emergence and erosion. Upon
emergence, the Jurassic rock-mass was deeply
fractured and karstied before volcanism took place.
Subsequently, volcanic deposits and continental
debris lled-up the pre-existing fractures and
depressions accentuating the palaeotopography
(Renouard, 1955; Nader et al., 2003). During the
Cretaceous times, the Early Jurassic strata were
buried to a depth reaching 3 km (Nader et al.,
2004). The nal uplift of Mount-Lebanon mainly
occurred during the Oligocene (Dubertret, 1975;
Nader & Swennen, 2004). Since the Miocene, the
morphology of Mount-Lebanon was not very different
than that of today (Dubertret, 1975; Walley, 2001).
Subsequently, karstication, part of the meteoric
diagenesis processes, is expected to have affected
the exposed Mount Lebanon at least since that time
(i.e. Miocene).
The Kanaan cave is located in the Kassarat area
to the east of the coastal town of Antelias, a few
kilometers north of Beirut City (capital of Lebanon;
Fig. 1B). The cave is located within the deeply
and intensively karstied rocks of the Kesrouane
Formation (Fig. 1B). The deepest known sinkholes
(Houet Fouar ed Dara, -622 m and Houet Qattine
Azar, -450 m) as well as the longest cave in Lebanon
(Magharet Jeita, 9 km) are found within this rock
unit. The Kanaan cave was discovered in 1997, when
its entrance became exposed during rock-quarrying.
The entrance is situated at around 100 m above sea-
level, almost at the foot of a steep limestone cliff with
a height exceeding 150 m (Fig. 2A). The monotonous
blue-grey (fossiliferous) micritic limestone lithology
characterizing the Kesrouane Formation (Dubertret,
1975; Walley, 1997) is, nevertheless, disrupted with
minor clayey/marly horizons – in some places evidence
supporting paleosols and subaerial exposure were
also suggested (see Nader & Swennen, 2004). A marly
horizon, rich in brachiopods, including relatively thin
seams of coal, was observed underlying the Kanaan
cave entrance and its underground network. This
horizon provides a local, impermeable substratum for
karstication, playing an important hydrogeological
role with respect to the cave speleogenesis.
The Kanaan cave, which amounts to some 120 m
Fig. 1. Simplied topographic map of Lebanon (A) – inset map showing the position of Lebanon in the Levant Region. (B) Geological map showing
the location of the Kanaan cave – modied from Dubertret (1955) and Walley (1997).
International Journal of Speleology, 36 (1), 39-50. Bologna (Italy). January 2007
Fadi H. Nader
of underground passages and chambers, is divided
into three parts (Fig. 2B): (i) the Entrance, (ii) the Mud
Gallery, and (iii) the Calcite Gallery. The cave entrance
overlies a rock-collapse slope (quarrying debris) and
forms an articial direct access (due to quarrying) to
a room with a high chimney, hosting a community
of bats. A low passage trending northward leads to
another room with another chimney (ca. the Northern
Chamber, Fig. 2B). The Mud Gallery is named after
the considerable amount of mud existing in this part
of the cave forming small hills of slippery mud. Here,
relatively thick rock slabs (with thickness exceeding
1 m) collapsed from the cave-ceiling. These massive
limestone rocks lay randomly on the cave-oor that
is covered with mud. The southernmost part of the
Kanaan cave, the Calcite Gallery, is loaded with a
wide variety of speleothems. It consists of a big hall
with a high ceiling (more than 20 m) and a lateral
development with reverse “7” shape (see Fig. 2B). The
oor is calcitic and overlies brown mud that is similar
to the mud found in the Mud Gallery). A wide diversity
of speleothems is observed (stalagmites, stalactites,
helictites, ‘curtains’, owstones, rimstone pools,
among others). The investigated cave pearls were
collected from the middle part of this hall (Fig. 2B;
Fig. 3A, B). Here, the calcitic oor is wet and includes
small depressions hosting cave pearls (Fig. 3C, D). To
the opposite side, a relatively large, but shallow, water
pool exists (Fig. 2B).
Twenty-seven cave pearls were collected from the
Kanaan cave. Petrographic observations included
conventional microscopy and scanning electron
microscopy. Ca, Mg, Na, Sr, Fe, Mn, Zn, and K
concentrations in powdered samples, micro-drilled
from the various concentric growth layers within cave
pearls, were analyzed by ame atomic absorption
spectrometry (AAS). Powdered samples (1g of each)
were leached in 40 ml (1 molar) HCl and left on
hot plates until evaporation – the strength of the
acid was chosen to be as low as possible in order
to leach the minimum possible quantity of the non-
carbonate fraction. The residues were dissolved for a
second time in 20 ml (1 molar) HCl, then ltrated and
diluted before AAS analysis. Analytical precision was
generally better than 10 % at the 95% condence level,
Fig. 2. The Kanaan cave, Antelias – central Lebanon: (A) Photograph showing the cave entrance, photo facing east – photo by Hughes Badaoui;
(B) cave survey showing the three distinct sections and the location of the cave pearls (from Nader, 1998).
International Journal of Speleology, 36 (1), 39-50. Bologna (Italy). January 2007
Petrographic and geochemical study on cave pearls from Kanaan Cave (Lebanon)
and the detection limit was 1 ppm. Water, sampled
from the cave pools, was also subjected to chemical
analyses (including Ca, Mg, Na, Sr, Fe, Mn, Zn, and K
concentrations). Various diagenetic phases were micro-
sampled for measurement of their carbon and oxygen
stable isotopic composition. Stable isotope analyses
were done at the University of Erlangen - Germany
(Institute of Geology and Mineralogy). The carbonate
powders were subjected to reaction with phosphoric
acid (density >1.9; Wachter & Hayes, 1985) at 75°C
in an online carbonate preparation line (Carbo-Kiel
- single sample acid bath) connected to a Finnigan
Mat 252 mass-spectrometer. All values are reported
in per mil (‰) relative to Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite
(V-PDB). Reproducibility based on replicate analysis
of laboratory standards is better than ±0.02‰ for δ13C
and ±0.03‰ for δ18O.
The approach followed by Jones & MacDonald
(1989) to characterize cave pearls according to their
size and shape, external appearance, nucleus, and
cortical laminae is applied here as well. The observed
and collected Kanaan pearls range in size from about
1 to 3 cm (with rare exceptions exceeding 5 cm; Figs.
3 & 4). The shape of these cave pearls varies between
spherical, subspherical (with one side almost at),
and ellipsoidal forms. Some of them are attached to
the calcitic oor (Fig. 3C, D). The great majority of the
observed cave pisoids show an external smooth, well-
polished, lustrous morphology (Fig. 3C) advocating
their classication as ‘cave pearls’ (Baker & Frostick,
1947; Donahue, 1969; Hill & Forti, 1997). Less
commonly, some cave pearls show rough, irregular
crenulated surfaces made up of tiny trigonal calcite
crystals (Fig. 4).
The majority of the cut and polished cave pearls
show distinct, relatively spherical nuclei (Fig. 5). Only
a few samples revealed elongated ellipsoidal nuclei
irrespectively of the external shape of the cave pearls.
The nuclei are relatively small with respect to the cave
pearls (less than 10 mm; Fig. 5). Yet, a relatively thick,
yellowish aureole usually surrounds the nucleus. The
investigated cave pearls revealed several concentric
growth layers around the nuclei. These cortical
laminae consist of a repetition of grayish translucent
and massive milky white laminae (Fig. 5). The number
of these growth zones (and their thickness) is not
related to the size of the cave pearls (Fig. 5).
Five thin-sections were prepared out of the twenty-
seven sampled cave pearls. The thin-sections were
stained with alizarin red S, conrming that the cave
pearls consist only of calcite. They were examined
with conventional microscopic techniques.
The thin-sections show two types of cave pearl
nuclei. In the rst group, the nucleus is elliptical
in shape. It consists of terra-rossa with some pyrite
(opaque minerals shining under induced light)
and probable organic matter as well as oxides/
hydroxides (yellowish-brown stained material; Fig.
6A). In the second group, the nucleus is made up of
clear micritic, anhedral calcite crystallites including
clear calcite spars (Fig. 6B, C). Relatively thin, dark
cortical laminae envelop the nucleus displaying
micritic calcite and a considerable amount of terra-
rossa. In both cases, the nucleus is surrounded by
an aureole of darkish (impurity-rich) micritic calcite.
It is worth mentioning that the second group of cave
pearls clearly shows under polarized view a divergent
outward, pseudo-uniaxial cross extinction (Fig. 6D),
resulting from the convergent fabric of elongated
columnar or “palisade” length-fast calcite crystals
(cf. Kendall & Tucker, 1973; Folk & Assereto, 1976).
The cortical laminae which are close to the nucleus
(inner laminae) consist of micritic calcite crystals
(often trigonal in shape; Fig. 7A, B). Here the
intercrystalline porosity is occluded with impurities
(probably terra-rossa, clay and/or organic matter).
The outer cortical laminae consist of elongated,
radial, sparry calcite crystals (size exceeding 1
mm; Fig. 7C, D) similar to length-fast (palisade)
calcite crystals (cf. Folk & Assereto, 1976), with the
original intercrystalline porosity occluded by other
generations of calcite spars. Similar crystal fabrics
were called ‘feather-like calcite crystals’ by Gradzinski
& Radomski (1967) and ‘dendrite calcite crystals’ by
Jones & MacDonald (1989). Alternatively, the growth
competition may have resulted in similar textures
where some crystals did not grow fast as the others,
and remained of smaller sizes due to lack of space
(Fig. 7C, D). Fig. 8A shows the transition from inner
micritic calcite cortical laminae to outer sparry calcite
laminae. A faint syntaxial growth is revealed, as the
same extinction is displayed. The impurity-rich thin
layer (mud-cover) separating these cortical laminae
show a discontinuous pattern, where extensions
of the sparry calcite crystals prevail (Fig. 8B). This
pattern – i.e. the local removal of impurity-rich thin
laminae suggests that recrystallization during
and/or after the sparry calcite formation must have
The external morphology of the cave pearls was
mainly investigated through scanning-electron
microscopy (Fig. 9A, B). The calcite crystals of the
outermost growth layer display a general trigonal
morphology (crystal size: 150 to 500 µm). Further
investigation show that the apexes of these crystals are
rhombohedra faces that are combined to the trigonal
prism faces (Fig. 9A, B). This crystalline framework
results in a considerable amount of intercrystalline
porosity (Fig. 9A). Further investigations of the
calcite crystals revealed that they consist of several
generations of smaller, embedded trigonal crystals
welded together (Fig. 9B). This could be viewed as
an aggradational crystal growth, keeping the same
crystalline morphology and leading to larger crystals.
Note that the sharp extremities of the trigonal crystals
are often broken, probably due to corrosion induced
by movement of the pearl.
International Journal of Speleology, 36 (1), 39-50. Bologna (Italy). January 2007
Fadi H. Nader
Fig. 3. Photographs showing the spot where the cave pearls where found (A, B) (Photos by Sami Karkabi). Macrophotographs showing the cave
pearls at a closer zoom (C, D). Note that some pearls are well polished (C) others are more or less crenulated (D).
Fig. 4. The twenty-seven cave pearls collected from the Kanaan cave. The sizes of the cave pearls range between 1 and 3 cm.
International Journal of Speleology, 36 (1), 39-50. Bologna (Italy). January 2007
Petrographic and geochemical study on cave pearls from Kanaan Cave (Lebanon)
Fig. 5. Scanned polished cut-faces of some cave pearls from the Kanaan cave. Note that [QA1] and [QA2] are not from the Kanaan cave – these
are added for reference.
Fig. 6. Photomicrographs illustrating the main petrographic characteristics of the cave pearls’ nuclei: (A) plane- transmitted light photomicrograph
showing a nucleus made-up of brownish terra-rossa, surrounded by clear micritic calcite cortical laminae; (B) plane- transmitted light
photomicrograph showing a nucleus made-up of clear micritic calcite and a spar, surrounded with brownish impurities-rich laminae; (C) crossed-
polarized photomicrograph showing (B) at a slightly higher magnication – note the uniaxial extinction continuum from the spar through the micritic
calcite crystallites and the inner cortical laminae; (D) crossed-polarized photomicrograph showing crystal continuum from the nucleus through the
inner micrite laminae to the outer spar laminae.
International Journal of Speleology, 36 (1), 39-50. Bologna (Italy). January 2007
Fadi H. Nader
Fig. 7. Photomicrographs illustrating the main petrographic characteristics of the cave pearls’ cortical laminae: (A, B) plane- transmitted light
photomicrographs showing the ne micritic trigonal calcite crystals – note the dark spots are impurities (Fe-oxides/hydroxides) within intercrystalline
porosity; (C, D) crossed-polarized photomicrographs showing the calcite spar laminae with elongated dendritic crystals – note that some crystals
are of smaller sizes and seem embedded within the calcite spars.are added for reference.
Fig. 8. Photomicrographs showing the transition from inner micrite laminae
to outer spar laminae: (A) Crystalline continuum from nucleus to outer
layer – note that the mud-envelope is not continuous and faint under
crossed-polarized view; (B) transmitted light photomicrograph showing the
“purication” of the mud-envelope by the calcite spars, see text for details.
Fig. 9. SEM Photomicrographs showing crystal microfabrics of the
external (outermost) layers of the cave pearls: (A) trigonal calcite
crystals with rhombohedral apexes and a considerable amount
of intercrystalline porosity; (B) aggradational growth of trigonal
crystallites within larger trigonal crystals – see text for details.
International Journal of Speleology, 36 (1), 39-50. Bologna (Italy). January 2007
Petrographic and geochemical study on cave pearls from Kanaan Cave (Lebanon)
Table 1 shows the major and trace element
composition of the only water sample (A) collected
from the rimstone pool located opposite to the
location of the pearls (cf. Fig. 2), the inner and outer
parts of the cave pearls and a typical spelean calcite
from a nearby coastal cave (B). Table 2 shows the
δ18O and δ13C results (in V-PDB) of the cortical
laminae from four different cave pearls. The stable
isotopic values of a recent spelean calcite (less
than 30 years old; precipitated in a tunnel dug in
1971) are also added as a reference for the actual
isotopic signature of speleothems in central coastal
Temperature measurements inside the cave were
conducted during several visits. The air temperature
in the Calcite Gallery (cf. Fig. 2B) is constantly about
20°C, while the water temperature – measured in the
rimstone pool opposite to the location of the pearls,
cf. Fig. 2B – is about 18°C with a pH of 7.65. The cave
water has a calcium concentration ranging between
54.6 and 57.1 wt.%, hence it is over-saturated with
Ca. The same water possesses about 10 ppm of Na,
about 1 ppm of Sr. The measured Fe, Mn, Zn and K
concentrations in the pool-water were all below the
detection limit.
The inner and outer layers of the cave pearls
display almost the same Ca concentrations (ca.
about 36.4 wt.%). The inner layers show a relatively
high Na content (54 ppm) with respect to that of the
outer layers (37 ppm). The Sr, Fe, Mn, Zn, and K
contents are almost the same for inner and outer
layers, and they are higher than those of the cave
water (see Table 1A, B). The insoluble residue (IR%,
after dissolution in 1 molar HCl) is slightly higher for
the outer layers (1.2 wt.%) with respect to that of the
inner layers (1.7 wt.%). When compared to similar
trigonal spelean calcite from a nearby coastal cave,
Ca and Fe contents in the cave pearls are found
higher, while Na and Sr concentrations are much
lower, respectively. The higher Na and Sr values
could be related to sea-water incursions into that
coastal cave.
Figure 10 is a crossplot featuring the δ18O versus
δ13C values for the cortical lamina from different cave
pearls collected from the Kanaan cave (Table 2). The
data show clearly a decreasing trend for both δ18O and
δ13C from inner to outer cortical layers. The average
oxygen isotopic values of the inner layers are in the
order of -5.0 V-PDB, and the corresponding δ13C
Fig. 10. Oxygen versus carbon isotopic compositions of the nucleus and various cortical laminae from four different cave pearls (Kanaan cave; data
from Table 2).
International Journal of Speleology, 36 (1), 39-50. Bologna (Italy). January 2007
Fadi H. Nader
values are around -11.8 V-PDB. The outer layers
exhibit δ18O values ranging between -5.3 and -5.2
V-PDB, and δ13C between -12.3 and -12.1 V-PDB.
Recent spelean calcite (wall owstone), collected
from the tunnel dug in 1971 in Jurassic limestones
in order to reach the underground network of a
nearby Jerita cave, reveals an average δ18O value in
the order of -6.1 V-PDB and δ13C value around -
9.1 V-PDB. While this oxygen isotope signature
is lighter than those recorded in the Kanaan cave
pearls, the carbon isotopic value is less depleted.
According to Baker & Frostick (1947) and Donahue
(1969) the Kanaan spherical to subspherical
concretions, which have smooth (polished) and
lustruous shining surface, may be termed “cave pearls”
and are believed to have formed in agitated water.
Donahue (1969) related the genesis of ooid and pisoid
grains to the prevailing energy (agitated versus non-
agitated conditions). The ‘agitated grains’ were, thus,
characterized by distinct concentric laminations, a
pseudo-uniaxial cross (under polarized view), nucleus,
smooth polished surfaces, low insoluble residue. All of
these characteristics match well with the investigated
Some of the Kanaan cave pearls contain nuclei
surrounded with yellow-brownish aureoles (Fig.
5). These are impurity-rich micritic calcite cortical
laminae directly enveloping the nucleus. Such pearls
usually include a nucleus with preserved terra-rossa.
They do not display uni-axial cross under polarized
light. The impurity-rich nucleus and lamina in some
pearls could suggest the presence of organic matter
as well as clay and oxides/hydroxides. However, their
occurrence is relatively limited when compared to the
overall volumes of the investigated pearls. Jones &
MacDonald (1989) have discussed some similar micrite
laminae in spearls from a cave in the British West
Indies. These authors suggested seven alternatives
for the origin of the micritic calcite; out of which
several scenarios could also work for the Kanaan cave
pearls – e.g. inorganic precipitation from cave water,
formation of destructive coatings, and/or formation
of constructive envelopes. The role of bacteria in the
genesis of the Kanaan cave is refuted based on: (1) the
cave pearls were found in splash-pools where water
Fig. 11. Graphical display of the oxygen isotopic equilibrium relationship between water, temperature of precipitation and calcite minerals (Woronick
& Land, 1985). Estimation of the δ18O composition of the water from which the cave pearls precipitated for temperatures between 18 and 20°C. The
bar on the horizontal axis represents the estimated range for δ18OV-SMOW composition of the calcitizing uid (ca. -4.2‰ V-SMOW).
International Journal of Speleology, 36 (1), 39-50. Bologna (Italy). January 2007
Petrographic and geochemical study on cave pearls from Kanaan Cave (Lebanon)
motion is considerable and agitation prevails, and (2)
no fungal laments or algal mats have been observed
(Jones & MacDonald, 1989; Gradzinski, 2001). Yet,
advanced calcication (and recrystallization) may have
effectively destroyed pre-existing bacterial patterns.
The clear micritic calcite crystallites, devoid of
impurities, and the presence of sparry calcite crystals
with extinction pattern similar/uniaxial to the length-
fast crystals in the surrounding cortical laminae (see
Figs. 6 and 7) advocate for recrystallization phases
that are believed to have occurred after the formation
of the nucleus. This also suggests that the uni-
axial cross pattern could be associated with some
degrees of recrystallization of the pearls, especially
when length-fast calcite crystals are observed in the
nucleus and the different cortical lamina (Fig. 7A,
B). The spar calcite laminae consist of elongate fast-
length calcite spar crystals including some other ner
crystals (Fig. 7C, D). This fabric may be explained
by growth competition, whereby some crystals grew
faster than the others in a radial, outward direction
(e.g. Fig. 6D). Alternatively, the spars were formed
and then the inter-/ intracrystalline porosity was
occluded by another phase of calcite cement. The
“feather-like arrangement” (Gradzinski & Radomski,
1967) has been observed where the nucleus is
made up of calcite micrite and spars rather than
terra-rossa. Here, the spars seem to invade the
inner cortical laminae and the nucleus (Fig. 6). In
addition, the mud envelopes (impurity-rich thin
layers thought to have covered the pearl during its
growth) are incorporated within the length-fast sparry
calcite crystals (Fig. 8). Such envelopes appear like
‘ghost’ inclusions within the calcite and may invoke
recrystallization. The sparry calcite represents rapid
growth from supersaturated solutions, in response
to certain temperature conditions (Jones & Kahle,
1986; Jones & MacDonald, 1989). The water in the
Kanaan cave’s rimstone is highly saturated with Ca
(about 56 wt.%) and its temperature is about 18°C
and the pH around 7.65.
The outermost l
ayers of the investigated cave
pearls consist of crystals having rhombohedra
apexes combined to trigonal prism faces, where a
considerable amount of intercrystalline porosity
remains preserved. Similar crystalline fabrics to the
ones discussed by Jones & MacDonald (1989) are
observed in the Kanaan cave pearls. The prismatic
trigonal crystals reveal through SEM investigation
that they consist of crystallites displaying similar
trigonal morphology (Fig. 9B). This aggradational
crystal growth, with ner crystals welded together
to form coarser crystals, invokes the role of
recrystallization as well. Trigonal crystals are believed
Fig. 12. Simplied schematic illustration describing the major genetic and diagenetic characteristics of the Kanaan cave pearls (inset photo shows
two polished cut faces of cave pearls – note the darkish yellow, impurity-rich nuclei aureoles).
International Journal of Speleology, 36 (1), 39-50. Bologna (Italy). January 2007
Fadi H. Nader
to form exclusively in meteoric vadose environments
where the uids are low in Ca/Mg ratios, have low
salinity and through CO2 degassing (Binkley et al.,
1980; Given & Wilkinson, 1985). The actual water
in the Kanaan cave has a relatively high Ca/Mg
ratio, suggesting that its low salinity and especially
CO2 degassing are the controlling factors for the
precipitation of the trigonal crystals. The Jurassic
Kesrouane limestones are characterized by Na
concentrations ranging between 103 and 214 ppm
(Nader et al., 2004), higher than the Na contents
measured in the cave pearls. These rocks have Sr
contents between 110 and 193 ppm (Nader et al.,
2004). Na and Sr concentrations measured in the
investigated cave pearls could have originate from
the dissolution of the host-rock (i.e. the Kesrouane
limestones) and/or clays and impurities. Iron and
manganese contents are believed to be related to
the vadose and near-surface environments (cf.
Lohmann, 1988).
The oxygen and carbon isotope values from the
various layers from four cave pearls showed that
a decrease in both δ18O and δ13C generally prevails
from inner to outer layers. The δ18O depletion could
be related to precipitation from water that has lower
δ18O values, higher temperature or recrystallization
(Lohmann, 1988). Degassing of CO2 may also result
in a depletion in δ13C values (Given & Wilkinson,
1985), this is further supported by the trigonal
crystalline pattern observed at the outer part of the
pearls (see above). The approach of Woronick & Land
(1985) was used in order to estimate the δ18OSMOW of
the uid from which the cave pearls precipitated (Fig.
11). The temperature was set between 18 and 20°C
and the δ18OPDB of the calcite was measured between
-5.33 and -4.94. This resulted in δ18OSMOW around
-4.2. Note that the δ18O of the meteoric water in
the eastern Mediterranean region ranges between
-6 and -4 V-SMOW (Emery & Robinson, 1993).
Cave pearls Genesis/Diagenesis Model
In general, the nuclei of the investigated pearls show
a yellowish aureole with either terra-rossa (preserved
at the center) or micrite. The original terra-rossa fabric
within the nucleus and the cortical laminae seems
to have been destroyed by calcite crystal formation
and recrystallization. The micrite calcite cortical
laminae which envelope the nuclei, possess relatively
higher δ18O and δ13C values reecting possible
genesis during spelean evaporative conditions, i.e.
CO2 degassing (Gradzinski & Radomski, 1967). The
overlying spar calcite laminae resulted from fast
precipitation in water highly saturated with Ca and
during further degassing of CO2. This is justied by
the relative depletion in δ18O and δ13C with respect to
the inner part of the pearl. Petrographic investigation
suggests the predominance of recrystallization in
some pearls (especially where the nucleus is devoid
of terra-rossa). This is somehow supported by the
corresponding lower δ18O values. Figure 12 shows
two cut-faces of two distinct cave pearls and a sketch
presenting a tentative model explaining the formation
of the cave pearls and their related recrystallization.
After the precipitation of the nucleus and impurity-
rich, inner micrite cortical laminae, the surrounding
spar laminae (length-fast calcite) were formed in
water highly saturated with Ca with enhanced
CO2 degassing. Subsequently, trigonal prismatic
calcite crystals were precipitated on the outermost-
layers. Such process has also triggered selective
recrystallization of the inner layers. With each new
concentric layer added some inner layers would
have severed some degrees of (re)crystallization; e.g.
destruction of mud envelopes, occlusion of porosity
and crystal aggradations
Based on petrographic and geochemical data of some
cave pearls from the Kanaan cave (Jurassic, central
Lebanon), the following points can be concluded:
1. The environment of cave pearl formation consists
of an agitated splash-pool, with low mud content.
2. The formation of the cave pearls is believed to
be due to chemical precipitation of calcite in a uid
over-saturated with calcium here biogenic related
precipitation is dismissed. The internal nucleus and
micritic laminae (δ18OV-PDB: -5.0; δ13 CV-PDB:-11.8)
include impurity-rich calcite crystal framework; while
the surrounding length-fast calcite spar laminae
(δ18OV-PDB: -5.3 to -5.2; δ13CV-PDB: -12.3 to -12.1)
have precipitated from water with low salinity,
highly saturated with Ca and during enhanced CO2
3. A model for the formation of the Kanaan cave
pearls is proposed involving recrystallization which
has selectively affected the inner layers of the cave
pearls during the growth of the successive outermost
4. The calculated δ18OV-SMOW of the water (-4.2‰)
matches with data on meteoric water signature for the
central eastern Mediterranean region.
The author is grateful to Joanna Doummar (Dept. of
Geology, American University of Beirut, AUB – Lebanon)
for assistance in the eldwork and in the petrographic
analyses. Dr. Rudy Swennen (Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, KUL – Belgium) is thanked for his support,
without which this contribution would have never
been succeeded. Dr. Michael Joachimski (University
of Erlangen – Germany) is thanked for performing the
isotopic analyses. H. Nijs (KUL – Belgium) and M. Ijreiss
(Dept. of Geology, AUB – Lebanon) are also acknowledged
for the technical assistance. This work is partially
sponsored by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Afd.
Fysico-chemische geologie). The Spéléo-Club du Liban is
acknowledged for providing data related to the Kanaan
cave (central Lebanon). Critical reviews and valuable
comments made by Dr. Calaforra, an anonymous
reviewer and the editor (Dr. De Waele) have improved the
presentation and content of this contribution, and are
greatly appreciated.
International Journal of Speleology, 36 (1), 39-50. Bologna (Italy). January 2007
Petrographic and geochemical study on some pearls from Kanaan Cave (Lebanon)
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International Journal of Speleology, 36 (1), 39-50. Bologna (Italy). January 2007
Fadi H. Nader
... In addition to the layering, questions remain regarding the importance of microbial activity in the growth of cave pearls (Jones & MacDonald, 1989;Jones, 2009;Melim & Spilde, 2018) and other speleothems (Jones, 2011;Pacton et al., 2013). Early views of caves as sterile settings where microbes could be safely ignored have been replaced with a more nuanced awareness that microbes are likely important in some cave pearls, but not all cave pearls (Donahue, 1969;Jones & MacDonald, 1989;Nader, 2007;Jones, 2009;Gradziñski et al., 2012;Zak et al., 2013;Melim & Spilde, 2018). Research is still needed on the conditions that lead to more or less microbial involvement in cave pearls. ...
... Recrystallization, however, can also occur without changing the mineralogy. Recrystallization of calcite to calcite has been found in some natural cave pearls (Gradziñski & Radomski, 1967;Kirchmayer, 1969Kirchmayer, , 1987Nader, 2007;Melim & Spilde, 2011 but not in other cave pearls (Jones, 2009). Recrystallization has also been recognized, using careful geochemical analysis, in a coarsely crystalline calcite stalagmite without obvious fabric changes (Bajo et al., 2016;Frisia et al., 2018). ...
... Layering in cave pearls is often very complicated (Donahue, 1969;Nader, 2007;Jones, 2009;Melim & Spilde, 2018), but lack of time control makes understanding the origin of these intricacies difficult. Are the different layers due to climatic changes (Mackin & Coombs, 1945;Kirchmayer, 1969;Jones & MacDonald, 1989;Jones, 2009), or are smaller scale variations in local conditions responsible (Jones & Renaut, 1994;Melim & Spilde, 2011)? ...
Speleothems form layered archives of the climate and local cave conditions during their formation. The origin of layering in cave pearls, however, is not well‐understood. Cave pearls grown in two adjacent mine sites between 2006 and 2014 elucidate the complexity of speleothem growth and recrystallization. Site A cave pearls grew under an active drip, while Site B cave pearls grew in small rimstone‐dam pools that filled with reverse‐graded fitted pearls between about 2009 and 2014. Despite the variation in pool setting, all samples are layered in grey and/or brown laminations and dendrites. The order and number of these layers varies widely, even between pearls growing millimetres apart in the same pool. However, stable isotope values reflect homogenized local precipitation. The variability between adjacent samples supports control by very local factors within each pool, likely related to CO2 degassing at the water–air interface and water flow within the confined space of each pool. Recrystallization of calcite to calcite occurs resulting in triangular microspar patches and much less obvious bladed calcite. Laminations of brown or grey 1 to 5 µm calcite crystals recrystallize to bladed calcite up 100 µm long, all the while retaining a memory of the original layers in the form of ‘ghost’ layers, as revealed by gentle acid etching. Pearls at the top of rimstone‐dam pools grew faster than those just a few millimetres deeper, resulting in reverse grading. This model is applicable to reverse grading in marine and lacustrine pisolites. This study suggests cave pearls in active flow regimes (drips or currents) are similar and largely abiogenic, in contrast to other locations with less flow, where more biological input is common. Recrystallization of calcite to calcite proceeds not only to equant spar (classic Ostwald ripening), but also to bladed calcite. Thus, bladed calcite in speleothems needs to be carefully evaluated for recrystallization even when aragonite is absent.
... In addition to the layering, questions remain regarding the importance of microbial activity in the growth of cave pearls (Jones & MacDonald, 1989;Jones, 2009;Melim & Spilde, 2018) and other speleothems (Jones, 2011;Pacton et al., 2013). Early views of caves as sterile settings where microbes could be safely ignored have been replaced with a more nuanced awareness that microbes are likely important in some cave pearls, but not all cave pearls (Donahue, 1969;Jones & MacDonald, 1989;Nader, 2007;Jones, 2009;Gradziñski et al., 2012;Zak et al., 2013;Melim & Spilde, 2018). Research is still needed on the conditions that lead to more or less microbial involvement in cave pearls. ...
... Recrystallization, however, can also occur without changing the mineralogy. Recrystallization of calcite to calcite has been found in some natural cave pearls (Gradziñski & Radomski, 1967;Kirchmayer, 1969Kirchmayer, , 1987Nader, 2007;Melim & Spilde, 2011 but not in other cave pearls (Jones, 2009). Recrystallization has also been recognized, using careful geochemical analysis, in a coarsely crystalline calcite stalagmite without obvious fabric changes (Bajo et al., 2016;Frisia et al., 2018). ...
... Layering in cave pearls is often very complicated (Donahue, 1969;Nader, 2007;Jones, 2009;Melim & Spilde, 2018), but lack of time control makes understanding the origin of these intricacies difficult. Are the different layers due to climatic changes (Mackin & Coombs, 1945;Kirchmayer, 1969;Jones & MacDonald, 1989;Jones, 2009), or are smaller scale variations in local conditions responsible (Jones & Renaut, 1994;Melim & Spilde, 2011)? ...
Conference Paper
Cave pearls are coated grains that form in caves and mines. Cave pearls forming in an underground limestone mine, Quincy, Illinois were monitored from 2005-2014. A classic splash pool (“pearl nest”) accumulated >20 cm of pearls and pool spar during this period, while a new area filled shallow rimstone dam pools with 1-3 cm cave pearls between 2008 and 2014. Regardless of pool, cave pearls are layered with four main fabrics: 1) dendrite layers of porous branching crystals; 2) v. dark brown to pale tan laminated layers; 3) microspar to fine bladed spar layers with poorly defined lamina; and 4) coarse radiating bladed spar. XRD of pearl components (N = 25) show only low-magnesium calcite (LMC). Stable isotope values (N = 18) of these components show no differences (δ13C = -9.7± 0.6; δ18O = -5.7 ± 0.2). Petrography combined with SEM examination of etched thin sections and chips reveals multiple recrystallization styles. Previous work showed recrystallization of laminated layers by cross-cutting microspar advancing as reaction fronts starting in dendrite layers. New work has shown that the brown to tan laminated layers are also internally recrystallized. The darkest laminae are composed of 1 µm crystals defining 1-3 µm laminae. While some dark laminae go all the way around a pearl, more commonly they transition laterally to progressively lighter layers with darkest laminae preferentially on outside corners. In SEM, the petrographic transition to lighter tan is matched by a gradual increase in crystal size from ≤1 µm to >10 µm. The 1-3 µm laminae are destroyed in the process, but often can be traced in SEM as etch lines within coarser spar. The microspar to fine bladed spar layers may also be recrystallized but conclusive proof is elusive. Discontinuous laminae may be remnants of better defined layers, but the transition is not preserved. While recrystallization is well known from ancient carbonates, it is rarely identified in modern carbonates. Here cave pearls only a few years old are recrystallizing without changing mineralogy (LMC to LMC) or apparently water chemistry (isotopic values are constant). The only obvious change is crystal size, suggesting Ostwald ripening. Similar processes are likely operating in modern carbonate muds.
... In addition, changes in mineralogy, with concurrent changes in fabric, also produce layering (e.g., aragonite or clays; this study). Complicating the issue, varying levels of recrystallization obscures depositional layers in some locations (Gradziñski and Radomski 1967;Donahue 1969;Kirchmayer 1969;Nader 2007; Melim and Spilde 2011, this study) but not others (Jones 2009, this study). Although time constraints are usually absent for cave samples, recrystallization in mines has been shown to occur in very short time spans of years (Kirchmayer 1969) or even months . ...
... While a number of studies have documented the presence of a microbial community (Cacchio et al. 2003(Cacchio et al. , 2004Baskar et al. 2005Baskar et al. , 2009Gradziñski et al. 2012;Ortiz et al. 2014), only a few have shown growth layers with a microbial signature (Jones 2009(Jones , 2011Pacton et al. 2013;this study). Cave pearls, like other speleothems, show a range of microbial involvement from nearly absent (Nader 2007;Melim and Spilde 2011;this study) to major contributors to laminae (Jones 2009; this study). However, the microbial community is not independent from the cave system or from climate factors. ...
Although long thought to be largely the result of physicochemical processes, speleothems are now recognized as potentially including a microbial component. Cave pearls, a type of speleothem, are coated grains that form in caves and mines. Three diverse cave pearl sites in Carlsbad Cavern, New Mexico, U.S.A., provide insight into physicochemical and microbial controls on cave pearl formation and, by analogy, other speleothems. Pearl growth beneath active drips in the classic pearl nests of The Rookery was largely abiologic with autochthonous nuclei coated by laminae of columnar low-Mg calcite (LMC) alternating with laminae of LMC, high-Mg calcite (HMC), and aragonite. Changing mineralogy likely reflects a changing Mg/Ca ratio during evolution of the pool water during mineral precipitation, degassing, and evaporation. Pearls in Lower Cave, in contrast, grew on detrital nuclei in shallow pools from water that slowly evolved while flowing across a large, relatively flat cave floor. The pearl layers are variable amounts of LMC, authigenic clay mixed with biofilm (EPS), and aragonite with episodes of erosion and truncation. Here, abiologic precipitation dominated most precipitation but episodes of biofilm development aided precipitation of authigenic Mg clay, likely sepiolite. The third location, Secondary Stream Passage, had faster throughput of water, such that only LMC precipitated. Periodic influx of detrital Mg-Al clay, likely a trioctahedral smectite, supported a microbial community, including abundant reticulated microbial filaments. Combining these results with previous work on cave pearls allows development of a unified model for cave-pearl formation. Required elements include 1) saturated water entering a cave (present in most caves); 2) an available detrital or autochthonous crystal to act as a nucleus (again, readily available); 3) the water must enter into a relatively flat floor in a cave or mine, either as drips from the ceiling or as water slowly flowing across the floor; 4) a shallow pool must form, generally , 3 cm but up to 6 cm deep to allow agitation of the pearls; 5) conditions in the pool must change so as to create layers; and 6) additional chemicals or particles may enter with the groundwater to feed a microbial community and/or add detrital or authigenic clays to the cave pearls. It appears that the most restrictive control is the slope of the cave floor: pearls do not occur without at least a small area of nearly horizontal floor. In addition, the documentation of microbial and authigenic clay laminae in cave pearls suggest any dark and/or organic-rich layer in a speleothem should be thoroughly evaluated for possible authigenic and/or microbial origins and not be assumed to represent detrital, washed-in material.
... Ford and Williams 2007;Parise and Lollino 2011). Researchers have mainly focused on describing karst cave forms (Hill and Forti 2007;Nader 2007;Onac and Forti 2011) or modelling underground geomorphology (Kaufmann 2009). De Waele et al. (2011) or Parise (2015a summarized natural hazards related to karst environment. ...
Full-text available
We conducted one of the first complex geomorphological investigations of underground abandoned slate mines in Czechia, Central Europe. Sixty types of subterranean geomorphic forms were described from 114 abandoned underground slate mines in the Nízký Jeseník Upland. The forms, evaluated according to their type, scale, frequency, and fragility, are independent of each other or embedded. Their cascades occur in large multilevel mines affected by fluvial and gravitational processes. Analysis of the microforms revealed mine pearls enriched with titanium, calcareous soda-straw stalactites, amorphous calcareous-sulphurous piles, and quartz veins. Forty-seven of the identified mines were affected by gravitational failures. Four-year measurements of cracks revealed both negligible oscillations and distinct displacement of rock blocks up to 4 mm. The range of described geomorphic forms together with identified cascades and measured crack displacement point to rich geodiversity and high dynamics within the abandoned mines. Compared to other subterranean geosystems, the geomorphology of abandoned underground slate mines remains poorly investigated, although knowledge of subterranean geomorphic systems is crucial for future natural evaluation, risk assessment, remediation, or tourist management of abandoned mining sites. The recent results are applicable to other types of abandoned mines in the world. However, we should expect new findings and investigation of as yet undescribed geomorphic forms.
... Geralmente possui diâmetro em torno de milímetros a poucos centímetros. São também conhecidas como pisoides e/ou ooides e têm sido descritas na literatura desde o início do século XX (Hess 1929, Baker & Frostik 1951, Black 1952, Donahui 1969, Jones & MacDonalds 1989, Hill & Forti 1996, Gradziòski 2001, Silva et al. 2003, Nader 2007, Meldim & Spilde 2018. Os pré-requisitos para a sua formação são a presença de um núcleo para o crescimento do grão, uma solução saturada a supersaturada em CaCO3 e água disponível no meio ambiente para o seu desenvolvimento (Gradziòski 2001). ...
Full-text available
The Lapa D' Água is one of dozens caves of the Lapa Grande State Park, in the municipality of Montes Claros, northern Minas Gerais. The cave was formed in limestones of the Lagoa do Jacaré Formation, middle floor of the Bambuí sequence, deposited on a platform dominated by storms and tidal currents. It has 1,234 meters of development in horizontal projection in a NW-SE meandering linear pattern, with 20 meters of depth. The floor of the hall near the entrance, in the first 70 meters of the cave, is largely occupied by large pisoid structures known as cave pearls. They are embedded and concreted into old travertine dams, and are exposed in natural erosion ridges and more recent excavations. The genesis of the giant pearls of Lapa D' Água of Montes Claros is not fully unraveled; a genetic model is proposed from morphological and paleohydrological aspects specific to the cave, where the pearls was formed by the precipitation of CaCO3 around seeds available within the travertine basins, from the saturated carbonate solutions under flowing conditions, that promotes rotation of the forming structures. Due to the abundance, atypical dimensions and potential for geochronological and paleoenvironmental studies, it is proposed that Lapa D' Água be considered a geosite of international scientific importance, according to the application of the quantitative evaluation method established in the GEOSSIT platform, of the Geological Survey of Brazil. According to the same application, the geosite also has potential educational and tourist use, with national relevance, and low risk of degradation, since it is located in a nature conservation unit of full protection, under controlled use.
... First, the force of crystallization is widely invoked in carbonates to physically move adjacent grains or matrix, creating space for crystals to grow while shallowly buried (Weyl 1959;Assereto and Kendall 1977;Wallace and Hood 2018). Force of crystallization is used to explain the formation of ''cave pearls,'' which develop millimeter-scale isopachous carbonate cements that fully encircle grains despite a stationary growth habit and contact with neighboring grains (Emmons 1928;Davidson and McKinstry 1931;Bathurst 1972;Nader 2007;Melim and Spilde 2018). These ''cave pearls'' can appear strikingly similar to ooids examined here. ...
In modern ooid-forming environments in the Caribbean, aerobic respiration of organic matter below the sediment–water interface drives an increase in pCO2 and a corresponding decrease in carbonate saturation state (Ω) that creates shallow sediment porewater that is neutral or slightly caustic to carbonate. The locus of ooid growth, therefore, is presumed to be in the water column during suspension, where supersaturation with respect to calcium carbonate is the norm. In the past, however, during conditions of low aqueous O2, high Ω, or low organic-matter input, the shallow sub-sediment marine burial environment was conducive to carbonate precipitation. Here we present petrographic and electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) data from exquisitely preserved oolites through time that suggests that some ancient ooids may have grown within the sediment pile. We propose that each increment of ooid cortical growth originated as incipient isopachous marine cement formed during shallow burial within migrating ooid dunes. After a period of burial (∼ weeks to months), ooids were remobilized and rounded during bedload transport. This “bedform model” for ooid growth explains: 1) why ancient ooids are not limited by the precipitation–abrasion balance that appears to prohibit modern tangential Caribbean ooids from achieving grain sizes larger than coarse sand, 2) the radial crystal fabric that defines the internal structure of many ancient ooids, and 3) the first-order correlation of the abundance of large and giant ooids in the rock record to periods with predicted high porewater Ω. This model implies that photosynthetic microbes were unimportant for growth of large and giant ooid but it remains agnostic to the effect of other microbes. The physical and chemical milieu of modern marine ooid-forming environments is perhaps not the best analogue for ancient ooid-forming environments; this should be considered when using ancient ooids to reconstruct secular trends in ocean chemistry.
... Cave pearls are spheroidal or subprolate grains which are formed by concentric growth of calcium carbonate layers around a nucleus (e.g. Gradziñski and Radomski, 1967;Donahue, 1969;Nader, 2007;Jones, 2009;Melim and Spilde, 2018). In modern karst cave systems, they usually form in two types of settings: low energy shallow pools bordered by rimstone dams and high energy shallow splash pools (Jones and Kahle, 1986;Jones and MacDonald, 1989;Hill et al., 1997;Spilde, 2011, 2018). ...
To extend the range of materials that can be used to provide chronological constraint in archaeological and palaeontological settings, we explore the use of cave pearls that form in shallow pools. Here, we present U-series dating results of cave pearls found in cave sediments with mammal fossils collected from systematic excavations at the Diaozhongyan Cave (“DZY”), located in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, southern China. Similar to soda straw stalactites, cave pearls can be transported after formation and subsequently incorporated into sediments. Thus, the U-series ages of the outermost layers of cave pearls are expected to be older than their host sediments and associated archaeological and paleontological materials. In conjunction with U-series dating of mammal teeth, which can provide a reliable minimum age, U-series ages of cave pearls can provide a maximum age limit of the deposits. Thus, dating of the mammal teeth and cave pearls from DZY reasonably constrains the first occurrence of the DZY Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna to a period between 205.6 ± 1.4 ka and 231.0 ± 12.8 ka. These age constraints agree well with previous estimates for the time range of the late Middle Pleistocene Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna in southern China. We propose that greater attention should be paid to cave pearls, which are commonly found in cave deposits that were laid down at least in part due to fluvial activity, and can be used for U-series dating to better constrain the age of the associated cave deposits.
... In contrast with the spherulites, the shape of these aggregates is poorly rounded and their textures is cataclastic and lacks banding; thus, their genetic mechanism must be distinct from that of the spherulites. By contrast, spherulites are really similar to pisolite or cave pearls (Nader, 2007), related to vadose groundwater circulation or to oolite/pisolite deposits related to hydrothermal circulation (Sant'Anna et al., 2004;Wu et al., 2014). ...
... En los dos sistemas estudiados, el aragonito es el mineral principal (>80%) en las zonas proximales y disminuye distalmente, conforme aumenta la proporción de calcita. Los principales factores que favorecen la precipitación de aragonito en lugar de calcita son (a) temperaturas superiores a 40-45 ˚C (Jones y Renaut, 2010), o (b) relaciones Mg/Ca superiores a 1 (Nader, 2007). ...
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Resumen: En este trabajo se compara un travertino de un sistema activo (El Saladillo, Murcia) con uno fósil (Azuaje, Las Palmas) posiblemente Holoceno. Los dos presentan facies y mineralogías similares. En ambos el mineral dominante en las zonas cercanas a las surgencias es el aragonito (agregados esferulíticos) que disminuye distalmente, a favor de la calcita (morfologías trigonales). Las facies características son: shrubs, burbujas calcificadas, costras laminares, granos con cubiertas y micríticas con diatomeas. En conjunto ambos depósitos corresponden a un sistema de pozas y cascadas. El fuerte desequilibrio químico que caracteriza la zona de surgencia y su tendencia a equilibrarse aguas abajo son los responsables de la mineralogía, las facies, y de la variación de ambas a lo largo del sistema. Palabras clave: aragonito, esferulitos, temperatura, calcita. Abstract: An active travertine (El Saladillo, Murcia) and a fossil travertine (Azuaje, Las Palmas) have been compared in the present work. Both travertines show similar facies and mineralogy despite their formed under different geological settings (sedimentary and volcanic respectively). Aragonite, usually as spherulitic crystal aggregates, is the dominant mineral phase close to the spring. Aragonite content diminishes distally to spring, whereas trigonal calcite crystals become to be the dominant mineral phase. Characteristic facies found in both deposits are: shrubs, coated bubbles, laminated crusts, coated grains, and micrite deposits containing abundant diatoms. These deposits correspond to spring-fed pool-cascade systems. Strong chemical disequilibrium close to spring and downflow trend to chemical equilibrium control facies, mineralogy, and their variations along the system.
Txtbook on cave minerals and speleothems
This book is divided into two parts; the first part describes the regional geology of the area and traces the geological evolution of the Middle East including Proterozoic cratonization; Proterozoic stratigraphic correlation; late Cretaceous tectonic events and ophiolite obduction; the Tertiary opening of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden; and the evolution of the Levant (Dead Sea) fracture. The second part concentrates on the petroleum resources of the area and their exploitation. A short section on other mineral resources is also included. -A.W.Hall
The territory of the Republic of Lebanon stretches along the Mediterranean, covering an area of 10,500 square kilometers. It is 200 kilometers long and 75 kilometers in greatest width. Beirut, the capital, is the door of the Middle East through which nearly all traffic passes between the Aarbian peninsula and other countries. Two of the three pipe lines bringing oil from Iraq and part of the oil produced in Saudi Arabia terminate on the coast of Lebanon. In this land of agriculture, trade, and tourists, roads are numerous and well kept, in spite of rugged topography. No place is more than 15 kilometers from a road open throughout the year. With the exception of some basalt, all the rocks are sedimentary formations, ranging from (Lower?) Middle Jurassic to Recent. Paleogeographic conditions, especially thicknesses and facies, show that the region of Lebanon, from its earliest recorded geological history, was a sedimentary basin, whose borders were regions of movement. Besides possible stratigraphic traps, numerous well closed anticlinal structures, well protected by tight cap rocks, have been described. Bituminous beds are widespread, mostly high in organic content. Several evidences of oil have been observed: hard, more or less viscous asphalt, impregnations, gas, and a live oil seep. Most of these evidences suggest deep origin, probably pre-Jurassic. The characteristic tectonic features resemble block movement. Movement has been vertical, along old lines of tension. Signs of gentle and slow movements can be seen all along the stratigraphic scale. Henson (1951) included Lebanon in the "Unstable Platform," where all the oil accumulations occur in the region extending from Arabia to southwestern Iran. Only two wells have been drilled for oil. Both found plentiful evidence of oil, and provided data to guide future research.
The stratigraphie study of the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous of the Ghazfr area (N Beirut), completed by a detailed geological survey, precises the knowledge of these strata in central Lebanon. It appears that the Jurassic vulcanism, following a thick carbonate deposition and preceding the uplift of the Lebanon Mountains, begins in the Lower Kimmeridgian. The early Cretaceous of which the basal beds rest unconforma-bly on the latest Jurassic strata is characterized by a transgressive marine phase from ? Barremian to late Lower Aptian and by a regressive phase during the Upper Aptian.
Burial diagenetic cements include ferroan and non-ferroan calcite, ferroan baroque dolomite, anhydrite, kaolinite, Ba-rich celestite, galena and sphalerite. A subsurface origin is evidenced by the absence of these minerals in outcrop, their occurrence in fractures, and their chemistry. Most diagenetic phases can be qualitatively accounted for by the injection of basinal brines along fractures and faults into a meteoric-dominated aquifer.-from Authors