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Genesis and maintenance of "Mediterranean hurricanes"



Cyclonic storms that closely resemble tropical cyclones in satellite images occasionally form over the Mediterranean Sea. Synoptic and mesoscale analyses of such storms show small, warm-core structure and surface winds sometimes exceeding 25ms<sup>-1</sup> over small areas. These analyses, together with numerical simulations, reveal that in their mature stages, such storms intensify and are maintained by a feedback between surface enthalpy fluxes and wind, and as such are isomorphic with tropical cyclones. In this paper, I demonstrate that a cold, upper low over the Mediterranean can produce strong cyclogenesis in an axisymmetric model, thereby showing that baroclinic instability is not necessary during the mature stages of Mediterranean hurricanes.
Advances in Geosciences, 2, 217–220, 2005
SRef-ID: 1680-7359/adgeo/2005-2-217
European Geosciences Union
© 2005 Author(s). This work is licensed
under a Creative Commons License.
Advances in
Genesis and maintenance of “Mediterranean hurricanes”
K. Emanuel
Program in Atmospheres, Oceans, and Climate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Received: 24 October 2004 – Revised: 21 May 2005 – Accepted: 6 June 2005 – Published: 27 June 2005
Abstract. Cyclonic storms that closely resemble tropi-
cal cyclones in satellite images occasionally form over the
Mediterranean Sea. Synoptic and mesoscale analyses of such
storms show small, warm-core structure and surface winds
sometimes exceeding 25ms
over small areas. These anal-
yses, together with numerical simulations, reveal that in their
mature stages, such storms intensify and are maintained by a
feedback between surface enthalpy fluxes and wind, and as
such are isomorphic with tropical cyclones. In this paper, I
demonstrate that a cold, upper low over the Mediterranean
can produce strong cyclogenesis in an axisymmetric model,
thereby showing that baroclinic instability is not necessary
during the mature stages of Mediterranean hurricanes.
1 Introduction
The Mediterranean Sea is a favored location for the develop-
ment of cyclonic storms (Petterssen, 1956). Most ofthese are
of synoptic scale and baroclinic in origin, sometimes aided
by the peculiar nature of flow around the Alps and Pyre-
nees (Buzzi and Tibaldi, 1978). But once in awhile, intense
mesoscale vortices develop whose structure, as revealed by
satellite images, closely resembles tropical cyclones, having
a clear, circular eye surrounded by an eyewall and a roughly
axisymmetric cloud pattern (Mayengon, 1984). Experiments
with full-physics, three-dimensional models (Pytharoulis et
al., 2000) demonstrate that, at least in their mature phase,
such storms are maintained the same way as tropical cy-
clones, by inducing large enthalpy fluxes from the sea.
In this paper, I review one well-observed Mediterranean
hurricane, and model its development using a nonhydro-
static, axisymmetric, convection-resolving model, to show
that standard baroclinic processes need not be called on to
explain the final development, though they are probably nec-
Correspondence to: K. Emanuel
essary in the early stages. I conclude with a brief theoretical
treatment of the problem.
2 An example
A well-studied example of a Mediterranean hurricane oc-
curred in mid January, 1995. As shown in Fig. 1, this storm
looks very much like a small hurricane in satellite images. It
developed directly underneath an unusually deep, cut-off low
at upper levels, and on the west side of a larger-scale surface
cyclone (Fig. 2). Mediterranean hurricanes usually, and per-
haps always, develop under deep upper tropospheric troughs,
in regions of small baroclinicity but large air-sea thermody-
namic disequilibrium owing to the unusually deep, cold air
associated with the trough. (This is also true of “polar lows”;
Rasmussen et al., 1992.) Soundings near the surface cyclone
reveal very large instability to ascent of surface air saturated
at sea surface temperature (Pytharoulis et al., 2000), a mea-
sure of potential intensity (Bister and Emanuel, 2002). At the
same time, the air is nearly saturated through a deep layer,
owing to its having been lifted (and thereby cooled) on the
approach of the upper low, as dictated by inversion of the
upper potential vorticity anomaly (Hoskins and Robertson,
1985). As we shall see in the next section, the atmosphere
over the relatively warm Mediterranean and under a deep,
cutoff cold low is an ideal embryo in which to gestate a hur-
3 A numerical simulation
To demonstrate that upper cold lows over warm seas are con-
ducive to tropical cyclone development, I use a modified ver-
sion of the axisymmetric, nonhydrostatic, cloud-resolving
model of Rotunno and Emanuel (1987). The model has
been modified to ensure global energy conservation, includ-
ing dissipative heating. Any development in such a model
must occur owing to Wind-Induced Surface Heat Exchange
218 K. Emanuel: Genesis and maintenance of “Mediterranean hurricanes”
Figure 1: Mediterranean Hurricane on 15 January 1995
Fig. 1. Mediterranean Hurricane on 15 January 1995.
(WISHE), since baroclinic instability is absent in axisym-
metric geometry. I run the model with a radial grid size of
3.75km and vertical level separation of 300m. The model is
initialized with an ambient sounding characteristic of radia-
tive equilibrium over a sea surface of temperature 24
C, but
in this integration the sea surface temperature is reduced to
C. (The sounding as produced by running thesame model
into a state of convective neutrality, as described in Rotunno
and Emanuel, 1987.) This has the effect of greatly reducing
the potential intensity, to reflect the low climatological po-
tential intensity over the Mediterranean in January. Into this
state I insert an upper cold low with maximum wind ampli-
tude at 10km altitude, decaying linearly tozero at the surface
and also decaying upward into the stratosphere. The maxi-
mum wind of 20ms
of this initial cold low is at a radius
of 300km; thermal wind balance then gives a minimum tem-
perature perturbation of 4
C at about 9 km altitude. Near
the center of this initial cold upper low, there is considerable
potential intensity. The initial wind and pressure fields are
in gradient and hydrostatic balance. Small perturbations are
introduced into the surface fluxes to initiate convection and
Figure 3 shows the evolution of the azimuthal wind com-
ponent with time. After two days, a shallow, low-level,
warm-core cyclone has developed and by the third day has
maximum winds of about 24 ms
at a radius of around
20km. If allowed to persist for several more days, this
storm extends upward and develops to hurricane strength
), and in large measure destroys the upper cold
low in the process. This development proceeds somewhat
faster than most tropical cyclones do, owing to its small scale
and the relatively large value of the Coriolis parameter.
Fig. 2. 500hPa geopotential height (dm, top) and sea level pressure
(hPa, bottom), at 00:00GMT on 15 January 1995. Analyses from
NCAR/NCEP 2.5 degree re-analysis data.
There is increasing evidence that real tropical cyclones
also develop inside cold core cyclones, though these are
mesoscale features that arise in association with mesoscale
convective complexes (Bister and Emanuel, 1997). The cy-
clonic vorticity together with the downdraft-suppressing hu-
midified air is highly conducive to tropical cyclogenesis.
The simulations described here show that the moist, cold air
found underneath deep upper cold lows over warm seas, such
as the Mediterranean, are likewise nearly ideal incubators for
hurricane-like developments.
4 Theory of cyclone developmentunder upper cold lows
Consider first a horizontally homogeneous atmosphere over-
lying an ocean surface of constant temperature in a state of
radiative-moist convective equilibrium. I will approximate
the temperature lapse rate in the troposphere as moist adia-
batic, having a constant value of the saturation moist static
energy, h
, defined
T + gz + L
, (1)
K. Emanuel: Genesis and maintenance of “Mediterranean hurricanes” 219
Figure 2: 500 hPa geopotential height (dm, top) and sea level pressure (hPa, bottom), at 00
GMT on 15 January 1995. Analyses from NCAR/NCEP 2.5 degree re-analysis data.
Fig. 3. Azimuthal velocity (ms
) in the axisymmetric, nonhy-
drostatic model, after 1 day (top), 2 days (middle), and three days
(bottom) of integration.
where c
is the heat capacity at constant pressure, T is the
absolute temperature, g is the acceleration of gravity, z is the
altitude, L
is the latent heat of vaporization, and q
is the
saturation specific humidity. Then the potential maximum
Figure 4: Potential maximum wind speed (ms
) over the Mediterranean Sea at 12 GMT on 5
October 2004, from the NCEP analysis on a 1 degree grid.
Fig. 4. Potential maximum wind speed (ms
) over the Mediter-
ranean Sea at 12:00GMT on 5 October 2004, from the NCEP anal-
ysis on a 1 degree grid.
wind speed squared is given by (Bister and Emanuel, 1998) :
, (2)
where C
and C
are the surface exchange coefficients for
enthalpy and momentum, T
and T
are the sea surface and
entropy-weighted outflow temperatures, and h
is the satura-
tion moist static energy of air at sea level at sea surface tem-
perature. Usually, over the Mediterranean, V
is too small
to support tropical cyclones, but it can be large in the fall
(Fig. 4). Moreover, the air over the Mediterranean is usually
far too dry to allow tropical cyclones to develop.
Now suppose a synoptic scale, upper cold low is advected
into this environment. As the low approaches, the air mass
is lifted, decreasing the temperature aloft and increasing con-
vective instability. I shall suppose that convection occurs and
holds the lapse rate at a moist adiabatic value. Hydrostatic
equilibrium gives
= α
, (3)
where φ is the geopotential, α is the specific volume,
the primes represent departures from the background state
along surfaces of constant pressure, and I have used one of
Maxwell’s relations (Emanuel, 1986). I can now integrate
this through the depth of the troposphere, to relate the pertur-
bation of h
at the center of the cold low to the perturbation
of φ associated with cold low at the tropopause:
, (4)
where “cl” stands for “cold low”, I have assumed that the
tropopause temperature is also T
, and I have expanded the
logarithm assuming that T
and T
are not too different. Sub-
stituting this perturbation of the saturation moist static energy
220 K. Emanuel: Genesis and maintenance of “Mediterranean hurricanes”
into (2), I obtain an expression for the modified potential in-
tensity at the core of the cold low aloft:
= V
Since φ
will be more negative in a cold upper low than at the
surface underneath it, this will give an increase of potential
intensity. Note that in evaluating (3), the ambient potential
intensity, V
, may very well be negative if the atmosphere is
stable to the lifting of a parcel saturated at sea surface tem-
perature. Examining Fig. 2, I note that the center of the cut-
off low aloft, φ
, while in the synoptic-scale
surface low underneath, φ
. Even if the am-
bient potential intensity (i.e. in theabsence of the cold low) is
zero, this gives a maximum wind speed of around 40ms
assuming that the exchange coefficients are equal.
5 Conclusions
The climatological potential intensity over the Mediterranean
Sea is usually only marginal for tropical cyclone formation,
and the atmosphere is usually far too dry to permit develop-
ment. But when a deep, upper-level cutoff low moves over
the region, the air mass must ascend and cool to maintain
balance. Thus the air under such an upper low is unusually
cold and humid. Its low temperature, in combination with
the relative warmth of the underlying sea, and its high rel-
ative humidity provide an ideal incubator for hurricane-like
development. A simulation with an axisymmetric, nonhy-
drostatic, cloud-resolving model shows rapid development
under these circumstances. Calculations of potential inten-
sity over the Mediterranean using daily re-analysis data are
underway; these should enable an assessment of the overall
risk of hurricanes in the Mediterranean region.
Acknowledgements. The author is grateful for the support provided
by the National Science Foundation, under grant ATM-0349957.
Edited by: L. Ferraris
Reviewed by: anonymous referees
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... These cases show tropical traits such as a symmetric structure without surface fronts, a cloud-free centre resembling an eye, and a warm core extending at least partly through the troposphere. They are widely known as tropical-like cyclones or medicanes (Mediterranean hurricanes; Emanuel, 2005), although their exact definition is still a matter of intense discussion. One debated topic is the extent to which deep convection contributes to the formation of a warm core structure with a central eye as in tropical cyclones, rather than the dry intrusion and 35 warm seclusion characteristic of extratropical cyclones (Fita and Flaounas, 2018;Miglietta and Rotunno, 2019;Dafis et al., 2020). ...
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The paper presents a model intercomparison study to improve the prediction and understanding of Mediterranean cyclone dynamics. It is based on a collective effort with five mesoscale models to look for a robust response among ten numerical frameworks used in the community involved in the networking activity of the EU COST Action "MedCyclones". The obtained multi-model, multi-physics ensemble is applied to the high-impact medicane Ianos of September 2020 with focus on the cyclogenesis phase, which was poorly forecast by numerical weather prediction systems. Models systematically perform better when initialised from operational IFS analysis data compared to the widely used ERA5 reanalysis. Reducing horizontal grid spacing from 10 km with parameterised convection to convection-permitting 2 km further improves the cyclone track and intensity. This highlights the critical role of deep convection during the early development stage. Higher resolution enhances convective activity, which improves the phasing of the cyclone with an upper-level jet and its subsequent intensification and evolution. This upscale impact of convection matches a conceptual model of upscale error growth in the midlatitudes, while it emphasises the crucial interplay between convective and baroclinic processes during medicane cyclogenesis. The ten numerical frameworks show robust agreement but also reveal model specifics that should be taken into consideration, such as the need for a parameterization of deep convection even at 2 km horizontal grid spacing in some models. While they require generalisation to other cases of Mediterranean cyclones, the results provide guidance for the next generation of global convection-permitting models in weather and climate.
... In general, all Mediterranean cyclones have extratropical origin (Trigo et al., 1999); nonetheless, some can develop tropical characteristics in part of their life cycle. These cyclones are frequently called medicanes (MEDIterranean hurriCANES; Emanuel, 2005) or tropical-like cyclones (TLCs). These cyclones are characterized by the presence of deep warm core originated by intense convection in the mature stage (infrared channels and passive microwave sensors; Panegrossi et al., 2023;D'Adderio et al., 2024), and could be detected by satellite images because of their symmetrical structure and the presence of a cloud-free region in their center (visible channels). ...
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Plain Language Summary Mediterranean tropical‐like cyclones (TLCs) are damaging weather systems, which form over the Mediterranean Sea, resembling tropical cyclones. These cyclones can drive important socio‐economic losses in coastal areas. However, due to their small size and the relatively recent investigation of these cyclones, there is currently no robust categorization of which Mediterranean cyclones can be considered TLC. Therefore, in this work, we propose a method to differentiate cyclones that attain actual tropical‐like characteristics in part of their lifetime, as they develop a warm core through intense convective processes. The main results of this study show that part of the analyzed cyclones have features similar to tropical cyclones. Another group of cyclones has a behavior closer to extratropical cyclones with weak convective processes in an environment with intense vertical wind shear, as occurs in warm seclusions or polar lows. The results of this study propose a key to identify the Mediterranean cyclones that have tropical‐like characteristics.
... In the study of the formation and development of TLCs, one of the most strongly considered patterns is the connection between surface energy fluxes and the low temperatures generated at upper levels during cyclogenesis. This relationship contributes to cooling and moistening across all geopotential altitudes, increasing the air-sea gradient of saturation moist static energy [13]. The same model identifies what happens during cyclogenesis, in agreement with the mechanisms of spatial self-aggregation in the presence of convective motions associated with tropical cyclones [14,15]. ...
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Morphological features of the Mediterranean Sea basin have recently been precursors to a significant increase in the formation of extreme events, in relation to climate change effects. It happens very frequently that rotating air masses and the formation of mesoscale vortices can evolve into events with characteristics similar to large-scale tropical cyclones. Generally, they are less intense, with smaller size and duration; thus, they are called Medicanes, a short name for Mediterranean hurricanes, or tropical-like cyclones (TLCs). In this paper, we propose a new perspective for the study and analysis of cyclonic events, starting with data and images acquired from satellites and focusing on the diagnostics of the evolution of atmospheric parameters for these events. More precisely, satellite remote sensing techniques are employed to elaborate on different high spatial-resolution satellite images of the events at a given sensing time. Two case studies are examined, taking into account their development into Medicane stages: Ianos, which intensified in the Ionian Sea and reached the coast of Greece between 14 and 21 September 2020, and Apollo, which impacted Mediterranean latitudes with a long tracking from 24 October to 2 November 2021. For these events, 20 images were acquired from two different satellite sensors, onboard two low-Earth orbit (LEO) platforms, by deeply exploiting their thermal infrared (TIR) spectral channels. A useful extraction of significant physical information was carried out from every image, highlighting several atmospheric quantities, including temperature and altitude layers from the top of the cloud, vertical temperature gradient, atmospheric pressure field, and deep convection cloud. The diagnostics of the two events were investigated through the spatial scale capabilities of the instruments and the spatiotemporal evolution of the cyclones, including the comparison between satellite data and recording data from the BOLAM forecasting model. In addition, 384 images were extracted from the geostationary (GEO) satellite platform for the investigation of the events’ one-day structure intensification, by implementing time as the third dimension.
... The presence of the PV streamer is regarded as essential to trigger cyclogenesis (Massacand et al., 1998;Emanuel, 2005;Fita et al., 2006;Chaboureau et al., 2012;Flaounas et al., 2015;Raveh-Rubin and Flaounas, 2017), and, in addition, several studies have shown that the detailed structure of the streamer is essential for determining the cyclone's track and intensity (e.g., Flocas, 2000;Romero, 2001;Homar and Stensrud, 2004;Argence et al., 2009;Claud et al., 2010;Carrió et al., 2017). Despite the importance of the PV streamer, our knowledge of the chain of events that determines the location of its intrusion over the Mediterranean and its detailed structure are still not fully clear. ...
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Cyclogenesis in the Mediterranean is typically triggered by the intrusion of a potential vorticity (PV) streamer over the Mediterranean. The intrusion of the PV streamer results from a preceding Rossby wave breaking (RWB) upstream over the North Atlantic. The ridge leading to the RWB is typically amplified by the presence of warm conveyor belts (WCBs) in at least one North Atlantic cyclone about 4 d prior to Mediterranean cyclogenesis. Thus, the sequence of these four main events (namely a North Atlantic cyclone, WCBs, RWB, and the resulting PV streamers) forms an archetypal scenario leading to Mediterranean cyclogenesis. However, they rarely occur in a spatially consistent, fully repetitive pattern for real cyclone cases. To more systematically study this connection between upstream North Atlantic cyclones and Mediterranean cyclogenesis, we perform a set of semi-idealized simulations over the Euro-Atlantic domain. For these simulations, we prescribe a constant climatological atmospheric state in the initial and boundary conditions. To trigger the downstream Mediterranean cyclogenesis scenario, we perturb the climatological polar jet through the inversion of a positive upper-level PV anomaly. The amplitude of this perturbation determines the intensity of the triggered North Atlantic cyclone. This cyclone provokes RWB, the intrusion of a PV streamer over the Mediterranean, and thereby the formation of a Mediterranean cyclone. Therefore, our results show a direct connection between the presence of a North Atlantic cyclone and the downstream intrusion of a PV streamer into the Mediterranean, which causes cyclogenesis about 4 d after perturbing the polar jet. We refer to this as the upstream–downstream connection of North Atlantic and Mediterranean cyclones. To investigate the sensitivity of this connection, we vary the position and amplitude of the upper-level PV anomaly. In all simulations, cyclogenesis occurs in the Mediterranean. Nevertheless, the tracks and intensity of the Mediterranean cyclones may vary by up to 20° and 10 hPa (at the time of the mature stage), respectively. This indicates that the Mediterranean cyclone dynamics are sensitive to the dynamical structure and amplitude of the intruding PV streamer, which itself is sensitive to the interaction of the upstream cyclone and the RW(B). By applying different seasonal climatological atmospheric states as initial conditions we show that cyclogenesis occurs in distinct regions in different seasons. Thus, the seasonal cycle of Mediterranean cyclogenesis might be partly determined by the large-scale atmospheric circulation, i.e., the seasonal location of the polar jet. Furthermore, we show that the Mediterranean cyclones in these semi-idealized simulations show characteristics that agree with the observed climatology of Mediterranean cyclones in the respective season.
... Mediterranean tropical-like cyclones (MTLC; Cavicchia et al., 2014) are mesoscale disturbances that manifest tropical-like characteristics, especially around the eye, with a morphology similar to tropical cyclones (TC; see Emanuel, 2005), without visible frontogenesis in the mature stage. In general, due to both the physical processes that intensify the cyclone and the region in which it develops, their ground structure varies considerably. ...
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The Mediterranean Sea is a primary source of food, ecosystem services and economic activities and one of the most active cyclogenetic regions in the world, where the influence of orographic and morphological features of the relatively small basin plays an important role. Together with the explosive cyclogenesis, tropical-like cyclones (also called Mediterranean Hurricanes or Medicanes) are among the strongest types of storms that can be found in the Mediterranean basin, occurring predominantly in the Ionian, Balearic and Tyrrhenian sub-basins. Similarly to tropical cyclones (Hurricanes or Typhoons), these cyclonic structures are characterized by strong rotating and translating wind fields, which often lead to a combination of remotely generated swell waves and locally generated wind waves, often referred to as crossing sea states. Despite the well-known potential of Medicanes to cause significant damage near islands and coastal zones, which is predicted to intensify as a result of climate change, to date the characterization of maximum individual waves generated during these events is still lacking. In this study, we carry out the first analysis of the large-scale geographical distribution of wave maxima within the wave fields generated during three recent Medicane events using the WAVEWATCH III® spectral wave model forced by ERA5 reanalysis winds, also investigating the influence of crossing sea states on the maximum wave amplitudes with novel statistical formulations developed for such conditions. Our results show that, as in the case of tropical cyclones, several regions of the cyclone field are characterized by crossing sea states, whose role in the formation of the maximum individual waves occurring near the eye of the storm was found to be confined. Furthermore, extreme wave predictions accounting for the local crossing conditions yield differences up to 5% compared to standard statistical distributions.
... Derived from the merging of "Mediterranean" and "hurricane," Medicanes refer to mesoscale cyclones with occasionally hurricane-like features that develop over the Mediterranean Sea (Emanuel, 2005). Medicanes may cause severe socio-economic (Lagouvardos et al., 2022;Loli et al., 2022) and environmental impacts (Menna et al., 2023) in this densely populated region, and require interdisciplinary approaches to understand their dynamics and improve our ability to forecast their intensity and impacts. ...
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The present work analyzes the synoptic, thermodynamic, and microphysics characteristics of two Mediterranean cyclones that occurred in February–March 2023. The analysis is mainly carried out through the use of passive microwave (PMW) satellite measurements, which allow us to follow the cyclones’ evolution and state whether Helios and Juliette can be considered as Mediterranean tropical-like cyclones (i.e., medicanes). Both cyclones show a very similar evolution, with a low-stratospheric warm air anomaly during the development phase, followed by the development of a warm anomaly in the low− /mid-troposphere. This feature is often observed in medicanes (e.g., Qendresa, Zorbas), except for few cases (i.e., Medicane Ianos, which shows a warm core (WC) development clearly driven by diabatic processes without a preliminary warming signal in the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere). The analysis carried out highlights that, while Helios maintains this setting through its whole lifetime, Juliette undergoes tropical transition in the final stage of its evolution. As opposed to most medicane cases, the PMW precipitation microphysics diagnostics shows the predominance of shallow clouds, with almost total absence of ice hydrometeors and deep convection in the proximity of the WC center (i.e., within 100 km radius) for Helios and during the initial stage of Juliette. PMW radiometry provides strong indication that diabatic heating plays a role in the WC development when the onset of deep convection features is identified in the proximity of the Juliette cyclone center. Moreover, the PMW cloud-top height product does not show a closed cloud-free eye for Helios, while it is observed for the final stage of Juliette as often happens during medicanes’ mature phase. Therefore, we deem that while Helios can be labeled as a warm seclusion, Juliette can be included in the tropical-like cyclone category.
... Mediterranean cyclones are comprised of about 90% of extratropical-like and 10% of tropical-like cyclones (Emanuel, 2005;Miglietta, 2019;Flaounas et al., 2022). They constitute a distinct group of storms which are typically smaller and weaker than their oceanic counterparts (Flaounas et al., 2015(Flaounas et al., , 2022. ...
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Cyclones are responsible for much of the weather damage in the Mediterranean region, and while their association with individual weather hazards is well understood, their association with impactful multivariate compound hazards remains to be quantified. This study aims to establish a storm-relative climatology of three different multivariate hazards in Mediterranean cyclones. Namely, the co-occurrences of rain and wind, rain and wave, and particulate matter and heat are composited relative to storm centers. Composites are computed for various large-scale environments using a recent cyclone classification, which shows that few different large scale configurations lead to each compound event type. Compound rain and wind events are mostly associated with frontal cyclones and cyclones induced by anticyclonic Rossby wave breaking from late fall to early spring in the northern Mediterranean. Compound rain and wave events occur at similar times and locations, but are also associated with cyclonic Rossby wave breaking. Particulate matter and heat compound events are associated with heat lows, daughter cyclones and anticyclonic Rossby wave breaking in the warm season and over North-Africa. Next, we find that the probability of compounding associated with a cyclone class does not depend monotonically on the probabilities of the individual contributing hazards, but also on the goodness of their temporal and spatial correspondence. Finally, we find warm conveyor belts and cold fronts to frequently co-occur with rain and wind, and rain and wave events, while particulate matter and heat events are not strongly associated with dynamical features. These results, which systematically associate various large-scale environments and dynamical features to different compound event types, have implications for forecasting and climate risk predictions.
Globally, 2023 was the warmest observed year on record since at least 1850 and, according to proxy evidence, possibly of the past 100 000 years. As in recent years, the record warmth has again been accompanied with yet more extreme weather and climate events throughout the world. Here, we provide an overview of those of 2023, with details and key background causes to help build upon our understanding of the roles of internal climate variability and anthropogenic climate change. We also highlight emerging features associated with some of these extreme events. Hot extremes are occurring earlier in the year, and increasingly simultaneously in differing parts of the world (e.g., the concurrent hot extremes in the Northern Hemisphere in July 2023). Intense cyclones are exacerbating precipitation extremes (e.g., the North China flooding in July and the Libya flooding in September). Droughts in some regions (e.g., California and the Horn of Africa) have transitioned into flood conditions. Climate extremes also show increasing interactions with ecosystems via wildfires (e.g., those in Hawaii in August and in Canada from spring to autumn 2023) and sandstorms (e.g., those in Mongolia in April 2023). Finally, we also consider the challenges to research that these emerging characteristics present for the strategy and practice of adaptation.
Accurate modelling of air-sea processes is essential for reliable forecasts of Mediterranean tropical-like cyclones (also known as “Medicanes”). Medicanes occasionally develop in the Mediterranean causing extreme weather conditions with catastrophic potential due to excessive precipitation, windstorms, and coastal flooding. In this work, we investigate how the complexity of ocean-wave-atmosphere coupling and model initialization affect the simulated track and intensity of the Medicane Ianos (2020). Results indicate that the model's initial conditions and the cyclone's development stage are the main drivers of track position errors, while ocean and wave feedback have a significant impact on the intensity and evolution of the cyclone. Compared with an atmosphere-only simulation, an atmosphere-ocean coupled system reproduces the cyclone's SST cooling effect (up to 3.7 °C), in agreement also with the satellite observations thus, reducing the cyclone intensity, as estimated by the minimum MSLP, the 10-m wind speed and the surface enthalpy flux. Adding a wave model to the coupled system, further increases the magnitude of ocean cooling (by about 1.2 °C), due to increased sea surface roughness leading to increased wind stress and enhanced upper ocean mixing. Overall, surface waves are shown to have competing effects on cyclone intensity i.e., negative feedback via increasing the surface momentum flux and positive feedback via increasing the enthalpy flux, the latter being more sensitive to surface roughness rather than to SST modifications brought by the wave coupled system. The turbulent air-sea fluxes under high winds, appear to be very sensitive to sea-state patterns resolved by the coupled models, highlighting the need to improve forecasting systems for extreme weather events in the Mediterranean.
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Mediterranean tropical-like cyclones, called medicanes, present a multi-scale nature, and their track and intensity have been recognized as highly sensitive to large-scale atmospheric forcing and diabatic heating as represented by the physical parameterizations in numerical weather prediction. Here, we analyse the structure and investigate the predictability of medicanes with the aid of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) Integrated Forecast System (IFS) ensemble forecasting system with 25 perturbed members at 9 km horizontal resolution (compared with the 16 km operational resolution). The IFS ensemble system includes the representation of initial uncertainties from the ensemble data assimilation (EDA) and a recently developed uncertainty representation of the model physics with perturbed parameters (stochastically perturbed parameteri-zations, SPP). The focus is on three medicanes, Ianos, Zorbas, and Trixie, among the strongest in recent years. In particular, we have carried out separate ensemble simulations with initial perturbations, full physics SPP, with a reduced set of SPP, where only convection is perturbed to highlight the convective nature of medicanes and an operational ensemble combining the SPP and the initial perturbations. It is found that compared with the operational analysis and satellite rainfall data, the forecasts reproduce the tropical-like features of these cyclones. Furthermore, the SPP simulations compare to the initial-condition perturbation ensemble in terms of tracking, intensity, precipitation, and, more generally, in terms of ensemble skill and spread. Moreover, the study confirms that similar processes are at play in the development of the investigated three medicanes, in that the predictability of these cyclones is linked not only to the prediction of the precursor events (namely the deep cutoff low) but also to the interaction of the upper-level advected potential vorticity (PV) streamer with the tropospheric PV anomaly that is diabatically produced by latent heat.
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A case of deep and rapid cyclogenesis in the lee of the Alps is analysed by means of cross-sections, isentropic maps and trajectories based on synoptic data, to investigate the three-dimensional structure of the phenomenon and the nature of the processes that are responsible for it. The results of the analysis are also compared with available theoretical models. Considerations of the various scales involved in the development lead to a description of the phenomenon in terms of two distinct phases: a very rapid ‘trigger’ phase due to interaction between the frontal layer and the Alps, and a more usual ‘baroclinic development’ phase. Through a selection process typical of baroclinic instability, the lee cyclone acquires the observed horizontal and vertical scales and undergoes the normal life of a mid-latitude depression. The insufficiency of the present synoptic network for a satisfactory analysis of such a meteorological phenomenon is also stressed.
During the polar low episode, circulations develop on different horizontal scales including true mesoscale phenomena. The mesoscale circualtions have the character of symmetric vortices of a much smaller horizontal scale, ~100km, than normally associated with polar lows. Although, during their initial formation, these circualtions may be modulated by baroclinic instability associated with a shallow arctic frontal zone, they are predominantly convectively driven. The term "arctic instability lows' is suggested for these disturbances in order to distinguish them from the more "normal' polar lows. -from Authors
The study of the "polar low episode" over the northern parts of the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea from 12 December 1982 to 16 December 1982 is continued. The role of baroclinic instability in the initial formation of a polar low near the ice edge is considered, including a discussion based on a diagnostic IPV analysis. During the polar low episode, circulations develop on different horizontal scales including true mesoscale phenomena. The mesoscale circulations have the character of symmetric vortices of a much smaller horizontal scale, 100km, than normally associated with polar lows. Although, during their initial formation, these circulations may be modulated by baroclinic instability associated with a shallow arctic frontal zone, they are predominantly convectively driven. The term "arctic instability lows" is suggested for these disturbances in order to distinguish them from the more "normal" polar lows. The polar low formations take place within a large synoptic scale cold dome. The importance of this cold dome as well of cold domes in general for polar low formations is briefly discussed.
The development of a hurricane-like vortex over the Mediterranean Sea was studied using (mainly) the UK Met. Office Unified Model. The Mediterranean cyclone formed in the morning of 15 January 1995 over the sea between Greece and Sicily. Strong convection was observed prior to its genesis. During the longest part of the cyclone's lifetime, strong surface fluxes and, as a result, deep convection existed in its vicinity. Its track was influenced by the surface fluxes and the flow in the wider region. The forecast of the mesoscale and limited-area models reproduced the general characteristics of the actual system as they appeared at the surface and upper-air charts and at the satellite imagery. The investigation of the cyclone's characteristics gave strong evidence (including an ‘eye’ and a warm core) to support the initial assertion that it was similar to tropical cyclones and some polar lows. Baroclinic instability does not seem particularly important, although the cyclone formed at the edge of a baroclinic zone. A numerical experiment showed the vortex did not develop in the absence of surface heat and moisture fluxes. Another experiment showed that sensible and latent heat fluxes were equally important in its development.
1] Recent research suggests that anthropogenic global warming would be associated with an increase in the intensity of tropical cyclones. A recent statistical analysis of observed tropical cyclone intensity shows that its variability with location and season is strongly tied to the variability of the thermodynamic potential intensity (PI) of tropical cyclones, as calculated using a theory described in an earlier work by the authors. Thus it is of interest to look for possible trends in global measures of PI, which are far more stable than those of actual storm intensity. We estimate global trends of PI from 1958 to 1996, averaged over the region where it exceeds 40 m s À1 , using the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) Reanalysis and the NCEP Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) sea surface temperature (SST) analysis. We adjust the Reanalysis temperatures for a large, spurious temperature increase that occurred around 1979. We do this by subtracting from the Reanalysis the atmospheric temperature difference between pairs of years with similar tropical SST before and after 1979. The value of the global mean PI is very large for the SST of the corresponding region in the mid-1990s. Supported by a recent study on the effects of ozone decrease on tropospheric temperatures, we suggest that the ozone decrease might be one of the factors contributing to increase of PI during the 1990s.
In Part I of this study an analytical model for a steady-state tropical cyclone is constructed on the assumption that boundary-layer air parcels are conditionally neutral to displacements along the angular momentum surfaces of the hurricane vortex. The reversible thermodynamics implied by this assumption allows the mature storm to be throught of as a simple Carnot engine. The numerical experiments show that as a result of a finite-amplitude air-sea interaction instability a hurricane-like vortex may indeed amplify in an atmosphere which is neutral to cumulus convection and attain an intensity and structure. We examine in detail the model's heat budget which confirms the crucial importance of boundary-layer processes in controlling the structure and evolution of the vortex. We also confirm the conjecture made in Part I that, within a large-scale limit, the horizontal size of the mature tropical cyclone is determined by that of the initial disturbance.-from Authors
Summary Dissipative heating has not been accounted for in either numerical simulations of hurricanes or in theories for the maximum intensity of hurricanes. We argue that the bulk of dissipative heating occurs in the atmospheric boundary layer near the radius of maximum winds and, using both theory and numerical simulation, show that dissipative heating increases maximum wind speeds in tropical cyclones by about 20%.
The transformation of a mesoscale convective system into Hurricane Guillermo was captured by aircraft and Doppler wind data during the Tropical Experiment in Mexico. The early phase of the system evolves in a way very similar to previously documented mesoscale convective systems, with a midlevel mesocyclone developing in the stratiform precipitation region. More unusually, the cyclone extends to low altitudes: A weak cyclone is discernable even in the 300-m altitude wind field. After another day of evolution, a small, surface-based warmcore cyclone is observed to develop within the relatively cold air associated with the mesocyclone aloft. This mesocyclone develops into a hurricane over the subsequent day.