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Direct and Indirect Pathways of Basal Ganglia: A Critical Reappraisal

  • Università Telematica San Raffaele Roma
  • Università Telematica San Raffaele Roma

Abstract and Figures

The basal ganglia are subcortical nuclei controlling voluntary actions and have been implicated in Parkinson's disease (PD). The prevailing model of basal ganglia function states that two circuits, the direct and indirect pathways, originate from distinct populations of striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) and project to different output structures. These circuits are believed to have opposite effects on movement. Specifically, the activity of direct pathway MSNs is postulated to promote movement, whereas the activation of indirect pathway MSNs is hypothesized to inhibit it. Recent findings have revealed that this model might not fully account for the concurrent activation of both pathways during movement. Accordingly, we propose a model in which intrastriatal connections are critical and the two pathways are structurally and functionally intertwined. Thus, all MSNs might either facilitate or inhibit movement depending on the form of synaptic plasticity expressed at a certain moment. In PD, alterations of dopamine-dependent synaptic plasticity could alter this coordinated activity.
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1022 VOLUME 17 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2014 nature neuroscience
“Homines dum docent discunt” (men learn while they teach). This
sentence is from the seventh letter of Seneca to Lucilius1. Seneca indi-
cates that learning is a mutual process. For example, when preparing
or giving a lecture on an established scientific theory, one is forced
to weigh the evidence for and against this theory. Often, lecturing
can require greater clarity than is necessary when discussing experi-
ments in the laboratory. Thus, when teaching, we repeatedly analyze a
theory, learning through this didactic process. For instance, teaching
in a course of neuroscience and neurology, the functional anatomy
of several systems and its clinical consequences seems relatively easy.
Conversely, the description of the functional role of the basal ganglia
(BG) in motor control and the pathophysiology of related conditions
such as PD appears much more complex. Thus, when explaining the
canonical model of BG organization, the teacher must either provide
an oversimplification or a too complex explanation of the circuits
underlying movement and related disorders.
Is this problem a simple and limited didactic dilemma, addressable
with better chapters in textbooks, or does it involve a more general
problem with our understanding of the real organization of the BG?
Bearing out Senecas wisdom, while teaching BG physiology and patho-
physiology according to the model of direct/indirect pathways, we came
to believe that the current view has some limitations. In particular, we
feel that this model seems too rigid to account for recent experimental
and clinical findings that have revealed the complexity of the system
while simultaneously being too complex to explain the organization of
the BG to a class of students. Below, we attempt to address this issue,
discussing the implications of recent findings for the direct/indirect
pathway model.
Before the model
Several critical anatomical and physiological descriptions of BG
networks and the striatal complex were made before the elaboration of the
direct/indirect model2. From these studies, a simple network emerged,
linking cortex, striatum and output structures. Briefly, the striatal complex
receives glutamatergic excitatory inputs from cortical and thalamic struc-
tures. These inputs converge in the striatum to establish synapses with
both MSNs, the GABAergic output cells representing about 95% of striatal
neurons3, and aspiny GABAergic and large cholinergic interneurons4.
Other neuromodulatory inputs5, most prominently dopaminergic inputs
from the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc)5, reach the striatum.
These dual glutamatergic and dopaminergic projections converge onto
dendritic spines of the same MSN6. In addition, striatal interneurons
receive both glutamatergic and dopaminergic inputs, and most of them
synapse onto MSNs, representing a link between neuronal inputs from
striatal afferents and striatal projecting neurons7.
The classical model of direct and indirect pathways
The canonical view of the interaction between glutamatergic and
dopaminergic neurotransmission in the striatum, which lies at the
heart of the direct/indirect pathway model, originated in seminal
papers that hypothesized a dual organization of the striatum and
of BG outputs8,9. According to this model, cortical activation pro-
duces a release of glutamate that activates MSNs projecting to the
substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) and the globus pallidus pars
interna (GPi) (the striato-nigral output neurons representing the
direct pathway; Fig. 1). MSNs are GABAergic cells; thus, they exert
an inhibitory action on neurons of the SNpr that are also GABAergic.
This inhibition of the SNpr leads to a disinhibition of the thalamic
glutamatergic neurons, which receive SNpr input and project to the
cortex. The behavioral result of this chain of events is locomotor
Conversely, activation of striato-pallidal MSNs, which project
indirectly to the SNpr via the globus pallidus pars externa (GPe)
and the subthalamic nucleus (STN) (indirect pathway), inhibits the
1Clinica Neurologica, Dipartimento di Medicina, Università degli Studi di Perugia,
Ospedale Santa Maria della Misericordia, S. Andrea delle Fratte, Perugia, Italy.
2Fondazione Santa Lucia, IRCCS, via del Fosso di Fiorano 64, Rome, Italy.
Correspondence should be addressed to P.C. (
Received 14 February; accepted 21 May; published online 28 July 2014;
Direct and indirect pathways of basal
ganglia: a critical reappraisal
Paolo Calabresi1,2, Barbara Picconi2, Alessandro Tozzi1,2, Veronica Ghiglieri2 & Massimiliano Di Filippo1
The basal ganglia are subcortical nuclei controlling voluntary actions and have been implicated in Parkinson’s disease (PD).
The prevailing model of basal ganglia function states that two circuits, the direct and indirect pathways, originate from distinct
populations of striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) and project to different output structures. These circuits are believed
to have opposite effects on movement. Specifically, the activity of direct pathway MSNs is postulated to promote movement,
whereas the activation of indirect pathway MSNs is hypothesized to inhibit it. Recent findings have revealed that this model
might not fully account for the concurrent activation of both pathways during movement. Accordingly, we propose a model in
which intrastriatal connections are critical and the two pathways are structurally and functionally intertwined. Thus, all MSNs
might either facilitate or inhibit movement depending on the form of synaptic plasticity expressed at a certain moment. In PD,
alterations of dopamine-dependent synaptic plasticity could alter this coordinated activity.
npg © 2014 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
nature neuroscience VOLUME 17 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2014 1023
GABAergic neurons of the GPe, leading to a disinhibition of the
glutamatergic neurons of the STN. The increased discharge of these
excitatory STN neurons in turn activates the SNpr GABAergic neu-
rons projecting to the thalamus. Ultimately, this effect results in the
reduction of locomotor activity and movement (Fig. 1).
In addition to their distinct projections, MSNs of the direct and
indirect pathway are characterized by the differential expression of
dopamine (DA) receptors. D1 DA receptors are expressed by direct
pathway MSNs, whereas D2 receptors are expressed by indirect path-
way MSNs. These two receptors are associated with distinct G proteins
that are linked to different intracellular signaling pathways and lead
to different biochemical responses following DA receptor activation.
This neurochemical segregation is considered to be further support
for a dichotomous effect of the activation of the direct and indirect
Experimental consequences of the model
The direct/indirect pathways model has been widely used to explain
experimental findings, build models of BG disorders, and explain
therapeutic effects of both pharmacological and neurosurgical treat-
ments. Distinct, and even opposite, roles of these two pathways in
regulating several physiological functions involving the BG, such as
basal locomotor activity and motor responses to drugs of abuse and
antipsychotic agents, have even been postulated12,13. In particular,
the selective loss of the striatal signaling protein DA- and cAMP-regulated
phosphoprotein 32 kDa (DARPP-32) in direct pathway MSNs reduces
basal and cocaine-induced locomotion, and, in a rodent model of
PD, abolishes dyskinetic behavior in response to levodopa (L-DOPA), a DA
precursor that is widely used as a form of therapy for PD. Conversely,
a loss of DARPP-32 in indirect pathway MSNs augments locomo-
tor activity and reduces cataleptic response to the antipsychotic
drug haloperidol12.
D1 striatonigral and D2 striatopallidal MSNs have typically been
considered as homogeneous populations regarding their somatoden-
dritic morphology, although neurochemical differences have been
found in these neuronal subtypes2,14. In fact, SNpr-projecting MSNs
express substance P, dynorphin and D1 DA receptors, whereas GPe
projecting MSNs express enkephalin and D2 DA receptors. The intro-
duction and use of D1 and D2 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)
transgenic mice13 to distinguish MSNs without post hoc analyses led
to the identification of further possible differences between these two
populations. Electrophysiological studies15,16 found differences in the
excitability of striatal D1 and D2 MSNs, with D2 MSNs consistently
firing at higher frequencies, as well as differences in resting membrane
potential, input resistance and rheobase current. Moreover, experi-
ments using two-photon laser-scanning microscopy in identified
MSNs showed that the dendrites of D2 MSNs are more excitable than
those of D1 MSNs, and that DA depletion augments this asymmetry17.
Notably, three-dimensional reconstructions revealed a significantly
greater total dendritic length of D1 versus D2 MSNs, suggesting that
dendritic anatomy might contribute to differences in MSN excitabil-
ity18. Finally, striatal DA denervation has been found to reduce spines
and glutamatergic synapses, potentially via dysregulation of a Ca2+
channel implicated in the pathophysiology of PD, on striatopallidal,
but not striatonigral, MSNs19.
The introduction of D1 and D2 BAC transgenic mice has also pro-
vided new results regarding features of striatal synaptic plasticity and
its possible functional implications. Although previous studies have
demonstrated the expression of activity-dependent long-term depres-
sion (LTD) in the large majority of MSNs, suggesting an absence of
neuronal segregation between the two pathways20–23, BAC-mediated
targeting of direct and indirect pathways yields a different result.
Kreitzer and Malenka16 showed a selective D2 receptor activation–
dependent LTD in MSNs of the indirect pathway. Notably, this form
of synaptic plasticity was absent in PD rodent models and was res-
cued by D2 receptor stimulation. To determine whether synaptic
plasticity could be unidirectional in D1 and D2 receptor–expressing
MSNs, spike timing–dependent plasticity was also investigated in
brain preparations from DA receptor BAC transgenic mice. This
study showed that, although DA has a complex and complementary
role in these two types of MSNs to ensure bidirectional plasticity in
physiological conditions, this role is altered in mouse models of PD
and only unidirectional changes in plasticity occur24.
Physiological condition
Parkinson’s disease
Kim Caesar/Nature Publishing Group
Figure 1 Schematic representation of the direct/indirect pathway classical
model in the physiological condition and in Parkinson’s disease. (a) In the
physiological condition, DA arising from the SNpc is thought to activate
D1-expressing striatal MSNs of the direct pathway (red lines) and to inhibit
D2-expressing striatal neurons of the indirect pathway (blue lines). The
output nuclei GPi and SNpr project to the thalamus, which in turn sends
efferents that complete the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical loop.
(b) In Parkinson’s disease, degeneration of nigral neurons reduces DA
receptor stimulation in striatal MSNs. The imbalance between direct and
indirect pathways results into abnormal activation of output nuclei and over-
inhibition of thalamic neurons projecting to the cortex.
npg © 2014 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
1024 VOLUME 17 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2014 nature neuroscience
More recently, optogenetic techniques allowed the identification of
specific cell types in vivo through optical stimulation of recorded cells
or optical monitoring of the activity of neurons of a specific cell type.
This approach has permitted the measurement of neural activity-
dependent fluorescence changes from specific types of neurons of the
BG in behaving animals. A study using in vivo optogenetic methods
showed that excitation of D1 and D2 receptor–expressing MSNs
acts bidirectionally on locomotion25. Notably, bilateral excitation of
indirect pathway MSNs elicited a parkinsonian-like state, character-
ized by freezing, bradykinesia and decreased locomotor initiation.
Conversely, activation of direct pathway MSNs reduced freezing and
increased locomotion. Moreover, in a rodent model of PD, activa-
tion of direct pathway reversed freezing, bradykinesia and deficits of
locomotor initiation25.
An interaction between the direct and indirect pathways in action
selection has been postulated, suggesting an integration between these
pathways in producing coordinated behavior, both in terms of motor
output and in fine temporal patterning of neural activity26,27. Indeed,
these interpretations of the classic direct/indirect model predict that
both pathways are active during movement selection and that the inte-
gration of the two outputs arbitrates between the ultimate selection of
motor programs based on outcomes obtained from specific actions.
This was highlighted in an interesting optogenetic study showing that
the stimulation of the direct pathway in one hemisphere increases the
likelihood of choosing the contralateral action according to action
value, whereas indirect pathway stimulation has the opposite effect,
effectively decreasing the action value28.
The selective activation of the direct/indirect pathway is a
possible critical aspect of the synaptic mechanisms implicated in
reinforcement and punishment. Given that reinforcement maintains
or increases, whereas punishment decreases, the probability of spe-
cific behaviors, alterations of these processes could be involved in
psychiatric disorders29 and drug addiction30. The striatum, in fact,
has been highly implicated in both reinforcement and punishment
processes. A recent study investigated the hypothesis that the direct
(indirect) pathway mediates reinforcement (punishment). According
to this hypothesis, optogenetic activation of D1-expressing neurons
causes persistent reinforcement, whereas activation of D2-expressing
neurons induces transient punishment31. Striatal DA levels, by acting
in a distinct manner on either the direct or the indirect pathway, are
critical in rewarding and aversive learning, as well as in drug addic-
tion. The direct pathway seems to be involved in reward learning and
cocaine sensitization, whereas the indirect pathway is implicated in
aversive behavior32. Consistent with this latter observation, it has also
been reported that a transient disruption of indirect pathway MSNs
activity facilitates behavioral sensitization, whereas the decrease of
excitability of direct pathway MSNs impairs the persistence of behav-
ioral sensitization following drug exposure33. Findings suggesting a
distinct role of the direct/indirect pathways in reward, punishment
and behavioral sensitization might be relevant both for psychiatric
diseases, such as depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder, and
impulse control disorders in PD patients. This latter condition is
a DA dysregulation syndrome, frequently observed in PD patients
assuming DA replacement therapy, and causing pathologic gambling,
hypersexuality, compulsive shopping, compulsive eating, excessive
engagement in hobbies and punding34.
Clinical consequences of the model
The direct/indirect pathway model has been of great importance in the
interpretation of the experimental and clinical findings obtained in ani-
mal models and PD patients following pallidotomy, subthalamotomy
and deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the STN, as well as of other BG
nuclei (Fig. 1). Unilateral GPi pallidotomy improved all of the cardinal
motor signs of PD, including tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, abnormal
gait and balance. In addition, L-DOPA–induced dyskinesias were
markedly improved. Although the greatest improvement occurred on
the side contralateral to the lesion, significant ipsilateral improvement
was also observed for bradykinesia, rigidity and dyskinesias35.
The important clinical observation that lesions of the STN, a key
node of the indirect pathway, abolish the cardinal features of PD
contributed to a renaissance in the use of surgical approaches in
the treatment of PD. Although bilateral subthalamotomy improves
symptoms in advanced PD36, this clinical effect seems to be vari-
able, probably depending on the location and volume of the lesions.
Conversely, several clinical studies have clearly shown that the admin-
istration of high-frequency continuous electrical stimulation to the
STN through a surgically implanted device reduces motor symptoms
and L-DOPA–related motor complications in PD patients37. Clinical
trials demonstrated the superior efficacy of neurostimulation over
best pharmacological management both in patients with advanced
PD38 and in patients with early motor complications39. The successful
application of DBS in PD, as a consequence of the pathophysiological
theory of the direct/indirect pathway in BG disorders, led to the appli-
cation of this technique in several medication-refractory hyperki-
netic movement disorders, such as tremor and dystonia, as well as in
psychiatric diseases, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder40.
An imbalance in the activity of striatal direct and indirect path-
way MSNs has also been postulated in Huntington’s disease (HD),
a progressive fatal neurological condition caused by an expansion
of trinucleotide CAG repeats that leads to striatal degeneration41.
An electrophysiological study in mouse genetic models of HD has
suggested that there are differential and complex imbalances in
glutamate and DA modulation in direct and indirect pathway MSNs
during HD progression42. In particular, hyperactive behavior at the
early stage could be explained by augmented glutamate activity and
DA tone in direct pathway MSNs, whereas the hypokinesia obser ved
during advanced stages could be explained by a reduced input to
these neurons42.
Experimental evidence beyond the model
Despite the experimental and clinical findings described, which sup-
port the direct/indirect pathway model, the functional relevance of
these two pathways in motor generation and control is still a matter of
debate. In fact, in contrast with the classical model suggesting oppos-
ing roles of the two pathways, it has recently been demonstrated that
optogenetic activation of striatal direct and indirect pathway projec-
tion neurons produces different cellular responses in SNr neurons,
with stimulation of each pathway eliciting both excitations and inhi-
bitions43. Moreover, experimental findings have suggested a coor-
dinated activation of both pathways during action selection. Thus,
it is possible that the coordinated activity of the direct and indirect
pathways is critical for the appropriate timing and synchrony of BG
circuits during movement.
In particular, a recent study from Cui and colleagues44 challenges
the classical view of BG function, providing an alternative explanation
for understanding the origin of motor symptoms in BG disorders.
The authors developed an in vivo method to measure direct/indirect
pathway MSN activity that uses Cre-dependent viral expression of the
genetically encoded Ca2+ indicator GCaMP3 in the dorsal striatum
of D1-Cre (direct pathway specific) and A2A-Cre (indirect pathway
specific) mice and uses fiber optics and time-correlated single photon
counting in mice performing an operant task. Taking advantage of
npg © 2014 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
nature neuroscience VOLUME 17 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2014 1025
this innovative approach, the authors found that neural activity in
both direct and indirect pathway MSNs was transiently increased
when animals initiated actions. Conversely, this concomitant firing
increase in both pathways was never observed when the animals were
inactive. Thus, it could be assumed that activation of MSNs from both
pathways in one hemisphere preceded the initiation of contraversive
movements. These data on direct/indirect pathways are in apparent
contrast with recent studies showing that optical activation of indi-
rect pathway MSNs decreases locomotion25 and that either ablation
or disruption of the function of indirect pathway MSNs increases
locomotion12,45. Thus, although optogenetic techniques have permit-
ted the identification and the activation of specific cell types in vivo,
these approaches might still have some technical limitations that bias
functional interpretation of the obtained results. In particular, in vivo
optogenetic imaging might not be ideal for exploring the activity of
subcortical structures in freely moving animals, as there are limita-
tions in penetration depth.
Another important issue concerning the model of motor control
is how activity in cortical networks regulates direct and indirect
pathways. Recently, it has been found that cortical information
about motor planning and choice, conducted by intratelencephalic
and pyramidal tract neurons of the motor cortex, is directed to both
direct and indirect pathway MSNs46. This latter observation strongly
supports the possibility that the two pathways act in conjunction to
initiate movements as postulated by Cui and colleagues44.
The use of D1 and D2 BAC transgenic mice to distinguish between
direct and indirect pathway MSNs has also been recently questioned
by experimental findings showing that these animals might show
some functional alteration in comparison with wild-type mice, pos-
sibly leading to phenotypic alterations. In particular, a study using
homozygous D2 eGFP mice, and based on behavioral, electrophysio-
logical and molecular characterization, found that mice expressing
eGFP through the BAC vector are not comparable with the wild-type
littermates, as they overexpress D2 receptors47. Support for caution
in the interpretation of data resulting from the use of eGFP trans-
genic mice is also provided by a study that combined substance P
and adenosine A2A receptor immunohistochemistry (selectively
expressed in direct and indirect pathways, respectively)48,49 to iden-
tify neurons of the two pathways in both eGFP transgenic mice and
control animals. Using this technique, Bagetta and colleagues found
DA-dependent LTD in MSNs of both pathways in control mice, sup-
porting the results of the original studies showing that this form of
plasticity is expressed in both pathways. Surprisingly, D1 eGFP trans-
genic mice showed a lack of LTD in D1-expressing MSNs and showed
behavioral alterations48. These findings suggest caution in the use of
BAC mice targeting DA receptors, as genetic manipulation in these
animals might result per se in behavioral and electrophysiological
phenotypic abnormalities. Nevertheless, two other recent studies have
analyzed BAC transgenic mice, suggesting that, although it is impor-
tant to screen new transgenic mouse lines for abnormal behavior and
physiology, these BAC transgenic lines still represent useful tools for
analyzing behavior and synaptic plasticity50,51. Thus, this question
remains open.
The direct and indirect pathways are often described not only as
functionally opposing, but also as anatomically segregated. However,
a recent study reviewing single-cell tracing studies in rats found that
about one-third of MSNs projected exclusively to the GPe (pure
indirect pathway), whereas a small minority (3%) projected only to
the SNr or entopeduncular nucleus (EN) (pure direct pathway)52.
60% of labeled neurons projected to the SNr/EN and possessed col-
lateral terminal fields in the GPe. Given that these GPe collaterals
may have the ability to bridge the direct and the indirect pathways,
they have been named bridging collaterals. Regulating the extent of
bridging collaterals could be a mechanism by which the direct path-
way modulates the indirect pathway, thereby affecting the behavioral
balance maintained in concert by both pathways. The demonstration
of these bridging collaterals might also have a strong clinical impli-
cation, as they are regulated not only by endogenous DA via the
activation of D2-like DA receptors, but also by antipsychotic agents
blocking D2-like receptors, such as haloperidol, a drug widely used in
schizophrenia52. Consistent with this study, the occurrence of bridging
collaterals of striatal outputs has already been hypothesized both in
the rat53 and in the monkey54,55.
An anatomical study has reported axonal collateralization of
striatofugal cells in non-human primates showing coexpression of
D1-like and D2-like receptors, as well as of the different opioid
peptides56. In particular, the authors demonstrated that neurons
Nucleus Gene
Kim Caesar/Nature Publishing Group
Figure 2 Signaling pathways downstream of D1-like and D1-D2
heteromer receptor activation. Increased intracellular calcium levels,
activation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II
(CaMKII) are mechanisms that are triggered by the activation of D1/D2
heteromers. Activation of the G-coupled D1-D2 heteromer induces a
phospholipase C (PLC)-dependent calcium release, resulting in the
activation of CaMKII and its translocation to the nucleus. CaMKII then
induces cAMP responsive element binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation
and gene expression. In addition, dopamine-induced D1-D2 heteromer
activation can phosphorylate and inactivate glycogen synthase kinase-3
(GSK3). The phosphorylation state of GSK3 can be also regulated by
BDNF-induced activation of TrkB receptor. Dopamine D1-like receptor can
induce two different signaling pathways. Dopamine D1 receptor directly
modulates NMDA receptor activation by Gβγ proteins. Moreover, by
acting on cAMP level increase, the D1 receptor activation induces the
activation of protein kinase A (PKA), which can translocate to the
nucleus and act directly on CREB. PKA phosphorylates DARPP-32,
inducing the disinhibition of the NMDA/Ras-GRF1/ERK pathway, which
finally targets intranucleous CREB protein. All these downstream
pathways result in the transcriptional activation of several genes. AC,
adenylyl cyclase; Arc, activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein;
DAG, diacylglycerol; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; ERK, extracellular
signal-regulated kinases; IP3, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate; MEK,
mitogen-activated protein kinase; PKC, protein kinase C; P-DARPP-32,
phosphorylated dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein 32 kDa;
PP1, protein phosphatase 1; PI3k, phosphatidylinositide 3-kinases;
Ras-GRF1, Ras-guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 1.
npg © 2014 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
1026 VOLUME 17 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2014 nature neuroscience
projecting to the GPi show immunolabeling for D1 and D2 receptors,
rather than just D1 receptors, as classically viewed56. Similarly, striatal
neurons projecting to the GPe show immunolabeling for both D1 and
D2 receptors, rather than just D2 receptors56.
Heteromers of dopamine receptors as a possible molecular
cross-talk between direct and indirect pathways
In recent years, multiple levels of cross-talk between direct and
indirect pathways have been revealed. Accordingly, a first level of
interaction is represented by the molecular cross-talk between hetero-
meric D1-like and D2-like DA receptors57,58. Moreover, interactions
between these pathways, represented by retrograde messengers and
nitric oxide (NO), mediate a biochemical cross-talk, whereas the
synaptic cross-talk is exerted by distinct classes of striatal interneu-
rons. These multiple levels of interactions alter the rigid rule of the
separation between the two systems.
Increased intracellular Ca2+ levels, activation of CaMKII and
release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are mechanisms
triggered by the activation of D1/D2 heteromers (Fig. 2)57,58. These
mechanisms are also required for striatal physiological and activity-
dependent forms of synaptic plasticity59–61, as well as for those
obser ved following the onset of L-DOPA–induced dyskinesia in
models of PD62 and chronic drug abuse63. However, the possible
involvement of D1/D2 heteromers in these events is still unclear, as
these heteromers occur more frequently in the ventral than in the
dorsal striatum57,58. Future studies are necessary to convincingly
demonstrate the function of heteromers in native expression systems
and their distinct signal transduction coupling.
Endocannabinoid system as a biochemical cross-talk between
direct and indirect pathways
Endogenous molecules such as endocannabinoids (eCBs) and NO
modulate the activity of MSNs by non-canonical modes, as well as that
of their afferent and efferent connections, and represent an additional
biochemical substrate for the cross-talk between direct and indirect
pathways. Retrograde signaling is the principal mode by which eCBs
mediate short- and long-term forms of plasticity both at excitatory
and inhibitory synapses and interacts with dopaminergic system64–66.
The role of eCBs in the control of LTD of MSNs is another major
issue of discussion of great relevance to the direct/indirect pathway
model. Lovinger’s group showed for the first time that the induction
of striatal LTD is dependent on activation of the CB1 cannabinoid
receptor. In fact, LTD was facilitated by blocking cellular eCB uptake.
The endocannabinoid necessary for striatal LTD is thus likely to be
released postsynaptically as a retrograde messenger demonstrating
a new role for eCBs in the induction of LTD in a circuit necessary
for habit formation and motor control65,67. Although this effect was
observed in most of the neurons, suggesting a lack of segregation in
a specific pathway, the inhibition of glutamate release by retrograde
endocannabinoid signaling was frequency dependent and D2 receptor
mediated68. Notably, postsynaptic blockade of eCB membrane trans-
port altered eCB release and LTD in the large majority of MSNs69.
In a seminal study, Wang and colleagues70 investigated how the
induction of striatal LTD, which in the original studies20–23 was
observed in most MSNs, could depend on D2 dopamine receptors
localized only in the postsynaptic membrane of a single subclass
of MSNs. In fact, if this was true, LTD should be inducible in neu-
rons from only one of the two projection systems of the striatum, as
reported in the study by Kreitzer and Malenka16. Using transgenic
mice in which neurons that contribute to these two systems were
identified, Wang and colleagues demonstrated that this was not the
case. They raised the idea that cholinergic interneurons, also defined
as tonically active interneurons, are critically involved in this D2
dependence of LTD (Fig. 3). In fact, activation of D2 receptors
induces pauses in the activity of these interneurons, reducing the
release of acetylcholine (ACh) and relieving the inhibitory cholin-
ergic tone on MSNs expressing M1 muscarinic receptors70. Given
that activation of M1 receptors suppresses L-type Ca2+ currents, the
reduced cholinergic tone disinhibits MSNs, promoting production of
eCBs and LTD. Consistent with this hypothesis, application of the M1
antagonist pirenzepine reduces baseline corticostriatal glutamatergic
transmission70,71. Moreover, this effect, induced by the activation of M1
receptors, is blocked by a CB1 receptor antagonist70. These observations
suggest that, although the eCBs system is critical for the biochemical
cross-talk between direct and indirect pathways, the choliner-
gic interneuron represents the cellular substrate for the synaptic
cross-talk between the two classes of MSNs (Fig. 3). A more recent
study, using immunohistochemical characterization of substance P–
positive (direct pathway) and A2A receptor–positive (indirect
pathway) MSNs, confirmed that D2-dependent LTD is present in both
classes of MSNs48.
Profound modifications in eCB signaling after DA depletion
occur in experimental models of PD and in patients suffering from
the disease72,73. In a PD model, striatal levels of anandamide (AEA),
an endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter, are increased74.
This molecular change is associated with increased spontaneous
Ca2+ Ca2+
Cortical/thalamic inputs
Kim Caesar/Nature Publishing Group
Figure 3 Role of MSNs and cholinergic interneurons in the production
and functions of endocannabinoids in the striatum. Striatal cholinergic
interneurons project to both MSNs expressing D1-like and MSNs expressing
D2-like dopamine receptors. The combined activation of both A2A and
D2 receptors on cholinergic interneurons decreases the release of ACh.
The decreased levels of ACh on the M1 muscarinic receptors located on
the synaptic sites of D1 and D2 receptor–expressing MSNs reverses the
blockade of the L-type calcium channels. The increase in intracellular
calcium concentration might in turn trigger endocannabinoid release at the
postsynaptic sites of both D1 and D2 receptor–expressing MSNs, thereby
depressing glutamatergic synaptic transmission of both the direct and
indirect pathways. The NMDA receptors contribute in both D1- and
D2-expressing MSNs to the intracellular calcium increase and to the
resulting endocannabinoid release. A2AR, adenosine 2A receptor; Cav1.3,
L-type calcium channel; CB1R, endocannabinoid receptor.
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nature neuroscience VOLUME 17 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2014 1027
glutamatergic activity recorded from the large majority of MSNs and
is reversed by L-DOPA treatment, making a clear segregation in the
parkinsonian state also unlikely74,75.
eCB-dependent synaptic plasticity of MSNs could represent a syn-
aptic mechanism for the formation of persistent drug-related habits.
In particular, the dorsal striatum might be implicated in the shift from
casual drug use to compulsive drug use and addiction76. Consistent
with this view, it has been observed in a mouse model of cannabinoid
tolerance that persistent activation of the eCB pathway impairs LTD
in MSNs77.
NOS-positive and cholinergic interneurons: a synaptic cross-talk
between direct and indirect pathways
NO was identified as a biological intercellular messenger more than
20 years ago and has been implicated in synaptic transmission and
plasticity, as well as in neurodegeneration78. In the striatum, NO is
produced by a subclass of GABAergic interneurons. In fact, in this
structure, three neurochemically distinct subtypes of GABAergic
interneurons have been distinguished: fast-spiking interneurons
expressing the calcium-binding protein par valbumin, interneurons
expressing the calcium binding protein calretinin, and a third class
of interneurons showing low-threshold spikes and coexpressing neu-
ropeptide Y, somatostatin and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) (Fig. 4)7.
Striatal NO-producing interneurons are important for the regulation
of corticostriatal synaptic transmission and motor behavior (Fig. 3).
Moreover, these interneurons can also show distinct forms of synaptic
plasticity in response to different patterns of stimulation79. Striatal
NO synthesis is stimulated by concomitant activation of glutamate
and D1-like DA receptors, and this gas diffuses into the dendrites of
MSNs containing high levels of NO receptors called soluble guanylyl
cyclases (sGC). NO-mediated activation of sGC leads to the synthesis
of the second messenger cGMP80. Electrophysiological experiments
have shown that NOS inhibitors prevent LTD induction81,82. One
prominent molecular target of NO is the striatally enriched sGC, sug-
gesting the possibility that activation of this enzyme and subsequent
cGMP formation is sufficient to induce LTD. Accordingly, it has been
shown that the cGMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor zaprinast and the
intracellular application of cGMP itself can induce LTD during low-
frequency synaptic activation81.
The role of the NO/cGMP pathway in corticostriatal LTD induc-
tion has also been investigated in a rat model of parkinsonism and
L-DOPA–induced dyskinesia to test the possibility of targeting stri-
atal phosphodiesterases to reduce involuntary movements caused by
chronic treatment with this drug82. L-DOPA–induced dyskinesia was
associated with the loss of LTD expression at glutamatergic striatal
synapses onto both classes of MSNs. Inhibitors of phosphodieste-
rases rescued the induction of this form of synaptic plasticity via a
mechanism requiring the modulation of intracellular cGMP levels.
Cortical/thalamic inputs
Fast spiking
Physiological conditiona
Output nuclei
Cortical/thalamic inputs
Fast spiking
Parkinson’s disease
No change in
motor state
No change in
motor state
Output nuclei
Glu DA
Kim Caesar/Nature Publishing Group
Figure 4 Integrative hypothesis for the role of striatal circuits in controlling motor activity in the physiological condition and in Parkinson’s disease.
(a) Glutamatergic inputs originating from both the cortex and the thalamus release glutamate onto striatal neurons. Dopaminergic terminals, originating from
the substantia nigra pars compacta, release dopamine onto MSNs and different subtypes of striatal interneurons. In particular, three main subtypes of striatal
interneurons are implicated in the feedforward and parallel control of striatal circuits. Cholinergic interneurons release ACh acting on both presynaptic
glutamatergic terminals and postsynaptic MSNs; these interneurons also respond to dopamine via D1/D5 and D2 receptors. NOS-positive interneurons
produce NO, acting as a retrograde messenger as well as on MSNs facilitating LTD at the postsynaptic level. Fast-spiking interneurons release GABA on
MSNs, providing a parallel inhibitory system that controls both direct and indirect pathway MSNs. MSNs can express either D1-like or D2-like receptors, as
well as D1-D2 heteromeric receptors. eCBs released from MSNs can act as retrograde messengers on CB1 cannabinoid receptors located on glutamatergic
terminals. The induction of either LTP or LTD in MSNs regulates the striatal control on output structures and motor activation/inhibition. (b) The advanced
phase of Parkinson’s disease is caused by a severe dopamine denervation that leads to the complete loss of striatal synaptic plasticity. Under this condition,
both LTD and LTP of MSNs are lost. As a consequence of the loss of these forms of plasticity, variations of output signals from the striatum are absent and no
change in the motor state can be induced. Dopamine denervation also alters the physiological activity of striatal interneurons as well as the neurochemical
signals that originate from these cells and influence the activity of MSNs. A2AR, adenosine 2A receptor; CB1R, endocannabinoid receptor; DA, dopamine;
D1R and D2R, dopaminergic receptors; M1R and M2/4R, muscarinic receptors.
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1028 VOLUME 17 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2014 nature neuroscience
This effect on synaptic plasticity was associated with a significant
reduction of abnormal dyskinesias following intrastriatal injection
of phosphodiesterase inhibitors82. Thus, drugs selectively targeting
phosphodiesterases can ameliorate L-DOPA–induced dyskinesia,
possibly by restoring physiological synaptic plasticity in MSNs of both
direct and indirect pathways.
NO is also implicated in the pathophysiology of brain ischemia,
and endogenous DA, via the activation of D1/D5 receptors
expressed in striatal NOS-positive interneurons, seems to amplify
this event. The D1-like receptor antagonist SCH-23390 prevented
post-ischemic long-term potentiation (LTP) in all recorded MSNs.
Immunofluorescence analysis confirmed the induction of post-
ischemic LTP in both substance P–positive, (putative D1 receptor
expressing) and adenosine A2A receptor–positive (putative D2
receptor expressing) MSNs83. Thus, in conjunction with the synaptic
cross-talk between the direct and indirect pathways, represented by
striatal GABAergic and cholinergic interneurons7,14, endogenous
striatal eCBs and NO constitute two systems that influence both path-
ways in parallel (Fig. 3).
Clinical observations beyond the model
The hypothesis that GPi and STN neurons are hyperactive in the
parkinsonian state is supported by studies showing a reduction of
parkinsonian symptoms following lesions of the GPi or STN in mon-
keys and patients with PD84–86. However, another study found that,
in PD patients, apomorphine, a nonselective D1- and D2-dopamine
receptor agonist, significantly decreased the firing rates of GPi neu-
rons at doses sufficient to produce an ON state, but did not change
the overall firing rate of STN neurons87. This latter finding suggests
that the apomorphine-induced reduction of parkinsonian symptoms
is not solely the result of a decrease in overall activity in the GPi or
STN neurons, as predicted by the direct/indirect model of BG, but
requires alternative interpretations.
There is also a simple observation arising from clinical experience
with PD patients that casts doubt on a strict interpretation of the
direct/indirect pathway model. In the last few decades, a great effort
has been undertaken to find a better treatment for PD than L-DOPA.
This drug, however, remains the gold standard in the therapy of this
neurodegenerative disease88. In fact, although long-term treatment
with L-DOPA induces dyskinetic movements62,89, it can be considered
to be the most effective option in almost all phases of the disease.
How does L-DOPA work? This drug is a precursor of endogenous DA
that activates both D1-like and D2-like receptors. Although multiple
mechanisms have been linked to this drug, only this dual pharmaco-
logical effect seems to provide the potent motor activation generated
by L-DOPA in PD patients90. Selective D2/D3 receptor agonists are
currently available and offer interesting therapeutic options91, espe-
cially in the early phase of the disease. However, none of them are
able to generate a therapeutic response similar to that achieved with
L-DOPA. In fact, although it has been recently shown that D2 receptor
activation can reduce motor disability in rodents, thereby reducing
the risk of dyskinesia, high doses of these agonists might also inter-
act with D1 receptors in producing both therapeutic and dyskinetic
actions through heteromeric receptors9 2. More importantly, clinical
therapeutic strategies, selectively activating the D1 receptors in PD,
are neither feasible nor testable at present. Conversely, we also have
to assume that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to observe the
therapeutic effects of L-DOPA in PD patients in the absence of D2-like
receptor stimulation. Accordingly, motor disabilities in PD patients
treated with L-DOPA are markedly worsened by the use of classical
neuroleptic agents (mainly antagonizing D2-like receptors) to control
behavioral alterations93. Thus, we might conclude that the therapeutic
efficacy of L-DOPA results from the activation of both D1-like and
D2-like striatal receptors. Accordingly, it has been recently shown that
experimental parkinsonism induced by MPTP leads to a decrease in
dendritic spine density in both D1 and D2 receptor–containing MSNs
and that intensive exercise leads to increased dendritic spine density
and arborization in MSNs of both the pathways94.
Oscillatory activity in PD: a link with direct/indirect pathways?
DA levels can rapidly modulate the synchronicity and oscillatory
behavior of cortical and striatal circuits95. Moreover, electrophysio-
logical studies in rodent and primate animal models of PD and in PD
patients have discovered abnormally synchronized oscillatory activity
at multiple levels of the basal ganglia–cortical loop96,97. This patho-
logical synchronization correlates with akinesia and is suppressed by
either dopaminergic therapies or DBS. In a rodent model of PD, it
has been shown that striatal NMDA receptors gate cortico-pallidal
synchronization98 , suggesting an interesting similarity with the
NMDA-dependent forms of corticostriatal plasticity. Although the
specific contribution of direct and indirect pathways to this oscillatory
behavior remains to be established, one could speculate that the two
pathways are abnormally coordinated in PD.
Although some recent findings raise possible doubts concerning a too
rigid application of the direct/indirect pathway model, at present, the
literature does not provide compelling evidence against it. However, we
feel that this model, which tries to explain the entire complex activity
of BG function in both physiological and pathological conditions,
needs to be revised to integrate more recent scientific findings.
At this stage, it is possible to postulate a representation of the BG that,
although not depicting all circuits, provides an interpretation of the
‘filtering’ function of the striatum in the BG activity as an integrative
system of cortical glutamatergic and nigral dopaminergic inputs
(Fig. 4). In this scenario, the direct and indirect pathways should not
be seen as separate, parallel systems, as hypothesized in the classical
interpretation of the model. On the contrary, as we describe here, the
two pathways are structurally and functionally intertwined at least
at two distinct levels: in the striatum, where the direct and indirect
pathways communicate via the complex interneuronal network and
the biochemical links between the two MSN subtypes, and outside
of the striatum, where GPe collaterals may bridge the two pathways,
potentially allowing the direct pathway to modulate the indirect
pathway52. The existence of these bridging collaterals provides further
support for the evidence obtained in non-human primates that striatal
neurons projecting to either the GPi or the GPe show immunolabeling
for both D1 and D2 DA receptors56.
The interaction between the two pathways would therefore be
dynamic in both physiological and pathological conditions, with DA
and dopaminergic agents not being able to control a single pathway
in isolation without influencing the other. In this context, the precise
direction of striatal synaptic plastic changes would be driven by both
the intensity of cortical/thalamic glutamatergic activation and the
amount and the precise timing of DA release59.
The coordinated action of the direct and indirect pathways during
action initiation44 and the concomitant activation of SNc make a circuit
to signal start and stop of action sequences99,100 (Fig. 4). Conversely, it is
possible that, in PD, the alterations of the main forms of DA-dependent
synaptic plasticity in MSNs could make the striatum unable to filter neu-
ronal signals. Thus, the lack of coordinated activity between these two
pathways will result in the inability of the PD patient to physiologically
npg © 2014 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
nature neuroscience VOLUME 17 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2014 1029
start and stop action sequences and in a global slowing of motor func-
tion, causing bradykinesia, freezing and gait festination (Fig. 4).
This interpretation integrates the classical direct/indirect hypoth-
esis, as it considers the importance of striatal interneurons in striatal
physiology and suggests that all MSNs might either facilitate or inhibit
movement depending on the form of synaptic plasticity expressed in a
certain moment. Future experimental and clinical studies will provide
answers to the outstanding questions on the complex functions of the
direct/indirect pathways (Box 1).
We thank A. Pisani for reading the manuscript and for critical discussion.
This work was supported by Progetto di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)
2011 2010AHHP5H (to P.C.) and Progetto del Ministero della Salute, Giovani
Ricercatori (GR-2008-1142336 to B.P.; GR-2010-2316671 to V.G.).
The authors declare competing financial interests: details are available in the online
version of the paper.
Reprints and permissions information is available online at
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Box 1 Outstanding questions
Do specific striatal MSNs express in vivo a single form of synaptic plasticity or can these neurons undergo different, and even opposite, forms of
plasticity depending on their functional and metabolic state (membrane potential, energetic condition, endogenous striatal levels of DA)?
Can striatal interneurons modulate the activity of MSN and, in turn, facilitate or inhibit motor activity depending on the form of synaptic plasticity
expressed in a specific functional state?
What are the specific physiological effects resulting from the activation of D1/D2 heteromers as well as of other DA heteromers?
How do distinct levels of DA denervation, as observed during the evolution of the natural history of PD, differentially affect plasticity in direct/
indirect pathway MSNs as well as in various subtypes of striatal interneurons?
How is the activity of direct/indirect pathway MSNs altered by the pathological processes implicated in the different phases of nigral neurodegenera-
tion in PD?
Most animal investigations dealing with potential therapeutic interventions in the direct/indirect pathways have not been performed as blinded
studies. Can similar results be obtained using a blind protocol as in many clinical trials?
Will a selective activation of MSNs of either direct or indirect pathways in isolation and in conjunction be possible in the near future in humans?
How would these specific activations affect the symptoms and the natural history of disabling neurodegenerative diseases of the BG such as PD and HD?
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... This precise process involves the recruitment of diverse neuronal populations and circuits distributed throughout the nervous system. The striatum, the input nucleus of the basal ganglia, plays a critical role in motor control and is predominantly comprised of D1R-expressing direct pathway spiny projection neurons (dSPNs) and D2R-expressing indirect pathways SPNs (iSPNs) (Graybiel, 2005;Jin and Costa, 2010;Calabresi et al., 2014;Santos et al., 2015). The striatum receives convergent inputs from various sensorimotor areas, including the cortex and thalamus. ...
... Decades of research have yielded a current model of the basal ganglia wherein dSPNs and iSPNs exert largely distinct and at times opponent commands over actions (Gittis and Kreitzer, 2012;Calabresi et al., 2014), but with the precise recruitment of both pathways being required for normal action selection, control, and learning (Cui et al., 2013;Klaus et al., 2017;Arber and Costa, 2022). Our observations are consistent with a model involving the activation of both dSPNs and iSPNs across distinct (even opposing) actions, as both locomotion onsets and offsets recruit both pathways ( Figure 1). ...
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The striatum is required for normal action selection, movement, and sensorimotor learning. Although action-specific striatal ensembles have been well documented, it is not well understood how these ensembles are formed and how their dynamics may evolve throughout motor learning. Here we used longitudinal 2-photon Ca ²⁺ imaging of dorsal striatal neurons in head-fixed mice as they learned to self-generate locomotion. We observed a significant activation of both direct- and indirect-pathway spiny projection neurons (dSPNs and iSPNs, respectively) during early locomotion bouts and sessions that gradually decreased over time. For dSPNs, onset- and offset-ensembles were gradually refined from active motion-nonspecific cells. iSPN ensembles emerged from neurons initially active during opponent actions before becoming onset- or offset-specific. Our results show that as striatal ensembles are progressively refined, the number of active nonspecific striatal neurons decrease and the overall efficiency of the striatum information encoding for learned actions increases.
... The striatum constitutes a subcortical region which loops information from the cortex via the other basal ganglia nuclei and the thalamus back to the cortex, thereby orchestrating such varied activities as motor control, decision-making, choosing actions, and, importantly, also reward behaviour [1][2][3] . The striatum integrates cortical signals (prefrontal, motor, cerebral cortex) to create motor activities based on experience and forthcoming selections. ...
... In this way, the dorsal striatum has been recognised to be particularly involved in decision-making, goal-directed actions and reward mechanisms 15 . Consequently, low dopamine levels and disturbed striatal activity are linked with diseases involving movement disorders, but also depression and other neuropsychiatric diseases 2,16,17 . The main other input to the striatum is, obviously, cortical. ...
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In this study, we develop a large-scale biophysical network model for the isolated striatal body to optimise potential intrastriatal deep brain stimulation applied in, e.g. obsessive-compulsive disorder by using spatiotemporal patterns produced by the network. The model uses modified Hodgkin-Huxley models on small-world connectivity, while the spatial information, i.e. the positions of neurons, is obtained from a detailed human atlas. The model produces neuronal activity patterns segregating healthy from pathological conditions. Three indices were used for the optimisation of stimulation protocols regarding stimulation frequency, amplitude and localisation: the mean activity of the entire network, the mean activity of the ventral striatal area (emerging as a defined community using modularity detection algorithms), and the frequency spectrum of the entire network activity. By minimising the deviation of the aforementioned indices from the normal state, we guide the optimisation of deep brain stimulation parameters regarding position, amplitude and frequency.
... In PD, the lack of DA in the striatum disrupts the internal motor control loop within the basal ganglia, thereby contributing to significant motor impairment 5 . The conventional model posits that the basal ganglia comprise two parallel neural circuits (direct and indirect pathways) originating from distinct subtypes of medium spiny neurons (MSNs) in the striatum 6 . In general, these two pathways exert opposing effects on the regulation of autonomous movement. ...
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The striatum plays a crucial role in providing input to the basal ganglia circuit and is implicated in the pathological process of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Disruption of the dynamic equilibrium in the basal ganglia loop can be attributed to the abnormal functioning of the medium spiny neurons (MSNs) within the striatum, potentially acting as a trigger for PD. Exercise has been shown to mitigate striatal neuronal dysfunction through neuroprotective and neurorestorative effects and to improve behavioral deficits in PD model mice. In addition, this effect is offset by the activation of MSNs expressing dopamine D2 receptors (D2-MSNs). In the current study, we investigated the underlying neurobiological mechanisms of this effect. Our findings indicated that exercise reduces the power spectral density of the beta-band in the striatum and decreases the overall firing frequency of MSNs, particularly in the case of striatal D2-MSNs. These observations were consistent with the results of molecular biology experiments, which revealed that aerobic training specifically enhanced the expression of striatal dopamine D2 receptors (D2R). Taken together, our results suggest that aerobic training aimed at upregulating striatal D2R expression to inhibit the functional activity of D2-MSNs represents a potential therapeutic strategy for the amelioration of motor dysfunction in PD.
... Dopaminergic system and motor circuits depend on a correct equilibrium between direct and indirect pathways through DA binding to dopaminergic D1 or D2 receptors, respectively [23]. The alteration of direct and indirect pathways leads to a PD condition in which overstimulation of the internal globus pallidus (GPi) occurs with the consequent inhibition of the motor thalamus and the limitation of the activity of the corresponding motor area [24,25]. ...
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Levodopa (L-DOPA) treatment represents the gold standard therapy for Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. L-DOPA therapy shows many side effects, among them, L-DOPA-induced dyskinesias (LIDs) remain the most problematic. Several are the mechanisms underlying these processes: abnormal corticostriatal neurotransmission, pre- and post-synaptic neuronal events, changes in gene expression, and altered plasticity. In recent years, researchers have also suggested non-neuronal mechanisms as a possible cause for LIDs. We reviewed recent clinical and pre-clinical studies on neuroinflammation contribution to LIDs. Microglia and astrocytes seem to play a strategic role in LIDs phenomenon. In particular, their inflammatory response affects neuron-glia communication, synaptic activity and neuroplasticity, contributing to LIDs development. Finally, we describe possible new therapeutic interventions for dyskinesia prevention targeting glia cells.
... The striatum is primarily composed of GABAergic striatal projection neurons (SPNs), which make up two functionally distinct output pathways: the D1-receptor expressing cells of the direct pathway (dSPNs), which project to substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr), and the D2receptor expressing cells of the indirect pathway (iSPNs), which project to external globus pallidus (GPe) (Calabresi et al., 2014;Gerfen & Surmeier, 2011;Kravitz et al., 2010;Tai et al., 2012). The two types of SPNs are intermixed throughout the striatum and receive excitatory glutamatergic inputs from cortex and thalamus, as well as dopaminergic input from the midbrain (Ding et al., 2008;Doig et al., 2010;Gerfen & Surmeier, 2011). ...
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by two major diagnostic criteria - persistent deficits in social communication and interaction, and the presence of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior (RRBs). Evidence from both human and animal model studies of ASD suggest that alteration of striatal circuits, which mediate motor learning, action selection, and habit formation, may contribute to the manifestation of RRBs. CNTNAP2 is a syndromic ASD risk gene, and loss of function of Cntnap2 in mice is associated with RRBs. How loss of Cntnap2 impacts striatal neuron function is largely unknown. In this study, we utilized Cntnap2 -/- mice to test whether altered striatal neuron activity contributes to aberrant motor behaviors relevant to ASD. We find that Cntnap2 -/- mice exhibit increased cortical drive of striatal projection neurons (SPNs), with the most pronounced effects in direct pathway SPNs. This enhanced drive is likely due to increased intrinsic excitability of SPNs, which make them more responsive to cortical inputs. We also find that Cntnap2 -/- mice exhibit spontaneous repetitive behaviors, increased motor routine learning, and cognitive inflexibility. Increased corticostriatal drive, in particular of the direct pathway, may contribute to the acquisition of repetitive, inflexible behaviors in Cntnap2 mice.
... It has been shown that patients with PD differ from healthy participants in parameters such as latency and saccade accuracy . The nerve fibers associated with eye movement project to the superior colliculus (SC) through the basal ganglia substantia nigra pars reticulata, which exerts a sustained inhibitory effect on the SC, and the abnormal saccades of PD may be associated with the weakened inhibition of SC by the apoptosis of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra (Calabresi et al., 2014;Chevalier et al., 1981;Hikosaka et al., 2000). Our study also found that patients with PD had abnormalities in several indicators of saccade testing compared with HCs, whereas patients with MSA were similar to PD. ...
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Background Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a neurodegenerative disease that progresses rapidly and has a poor prognosis. This study aimed to assess the value of video oculomotor evaluation (VOE) in the differential diagnosis of MSA and Parkinson's disease (PD). Methods In total, 28 patients with MSA, 31 patients with PD, and 30 age‐ and sex‐matched healthy controls (HC) were screened and included in this study. The evaluation consisted of a gaze‐holding test, smooth pursuit eye movement (SPEM), random saccade, and optokinetic nystagmus (OKN). Results The MSA and PD groups had more abnormalities and decreased SPEM gain than the HC group (64.29%, 35.48%, 10%, p < .001). The SPEM gain in the MSA group was significantly lower than that in the PD group at specific frequencies. Patients with MSA and PD showed prolonged latencies in all saccade directions compared with those with HC. However, the two diseases had no significant differences in the saccade parameters. The OKN gain gradually decreased from the HC to the PD and the MSA groups (p < .05). Compared with the PD group, the gain in the MSA group was further decreased in the OKN test at 30°/s (Left, p = .010; Right p = .016). Receiver operating characteristic curves showed that the combination of oculomotor parameters with age and course of disease could aid in the differential diagnosis of patients with MSA and PD, with a sensitivity of 89.29% and a specificity of 70.97%. Conclusions The combination of oculomotor parameters and clinical data may aid in the differential diagnosis of MSA and PD. Furthermore, VOE is vital in the identification of neurodegenerative diseases.
... As was pointed out in Section 2.2, the GPe was traditionally considered to be a node of the 'motor-suppressing' indirect pathway, conveying descending signals to the output nuclei of the basal ganglia circuit (Calabresi et al., 2014). Indeed, according to the classical model, striatal iSPNs send the majority of their projections to the GPe, which then exerts an inhibitory influence on the STN and the GPi (Kita, 2007). ...
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For decades, the external globus pallidus (GPe) has been viewed as a passive way-station in the indirect pathway of the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic (CBGT) circuit, sandwiched between striatal inputs and basal ganglia outputs. According to this model, one-way descending striatal signals in the indirect pathway amplify the suppression of downstream thalamic nuclei by inhibiting GPe activity. Here, we revisit this assumption, in light of new and emerging work on the cellular complexity, connectivity and functional role of the GPe in behaviour. We show how, according to this new circuit-level logic, the GPe is ideally positioned for relaying ascending and descending control signals within the basal ganglia. Focusing on the problem of inhibitory control, we illustrate how this bidirectional flow of information allows for the integration of reactive and proactive control mechanisms during action selection. Taken together, this new evidence points to the GPe as being a central hub in the CBGT circuit, participating in bidirectional information flow and linking multifaceted control signals to regulate behaviour.
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Under normal conditions the principal cells of the striatum, medium spiny neurons (MSNs), show structured cell assembly activity patterns which alternate sequentially over exceedingly long timescales of many minutes. It is important to understand this activity since it is characteristically disrupted in multiple pathologies, such as Parkinson's disease and dyskinesia, and thought to be caused by alterations in the MSN to MSN lateral inhibitory connections and in the strength and distribution of cortical excitation to MSNs. To understand how these long timescales arise we extended a previous network model of MSN cells to include synapses with short-term plasticity, with parameters taken from a recent detailed striatal connectome study. We first confirmed the presence of sequentially switching cell clusters using the non-linear dimensionality reduction technique, Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP). We found that the network could generate non-stationary activity patterns varying extremely slowly on the order of minutes under biologically realistic conditions. Next we used Simulation Based Inference (SBI) to train a deep net to map features of the MSN network generated cell assembly activity to MSN network parameters. We used the trained SBI model to estimate MSN network parameters from ex-vivo brain slice calcium imaging data. We found that best fit network parameters were very close to their physiologically observed values. On the other hand network parameters estimated from Parkinsonian, decorticated and dyskinetic ex-vivo slice preparations were different. Our work may provide a pipeline for diagnosis of basal ganglia pathology from spiking data as well as for the design pharmacological treatments.
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Tourette syndrome (TS) has been associated with a rich set of symptoms that are said to be uncomfortable, unwilled, and effortful to manage. Furthermore, tics, the canonical characteristic of TS, are multifaceted, and their onset and maintenance is complex. A formal account that integrates these features of TS symptomatology within a plausible theoretical framework is currently absent from the field. In this paper, we assess the explanatory power of hierarchical generative modelling in accounting for TS symptomatology from the perspective of active inference. We propose a fourfold analysis of sensory, motor, and cognitive phenomena associated with TS. In Section 1, we characterise tics as a form of action aimed at sensory attenuation . In Section 2, we introduce the notion of epistemic ticcing and describe such behaviour as the search for evidence that there is an agent (i.e., self) at the heart of the generative hierarchy. In Section 3, we characterise both epistemic (sensation-free) and nonepistemic (sensational) tics as habitual behaviour. Finally, in Section 4, we propose that ticcing behaviour involves an inevitable conflict between distinguishable aspects of selfhood; namely, between the minimal phenomenal sense of self—which is putatively underwritten by interoceptive inference—and the explicit preferences that constitute the individual’s conceptual sense of self. In sum, we aim to provide an empirically informed analysis of TS symptomatology under active inference, revealing a continuity between covert and overt features of the condition.
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The polygenic architecture of schizophrenia implicates several molecular pathways involved in synaptic function. However, it is unclear how polygenic risk funnels through these pathways to translate into syndromic illness. Using tensor decomposition, we analyze gene co-expression in the caudate nucleus, hippocampus, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of post-mortem brain samples from 358 individuals. We identify a set of genes predominantly expressed in the caudate nucleus and associated with both clinical state and genetic risk for schizophrenia that shows dopaminergic selectivity. A higher polygenic risk score for schizophrenia parsed by this set of genes predicts greater dopamine synthesis in the striatum and greater striatal activation during reward anticipation. These results translate dopamine-linked genetic risk variation into in vivo neurochemical and hemodynamic phenotypes in the striatum that have long been implicated in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.
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Individual neostriatal-matrix spiny neurons were stained intracellularly with biocytin after intracellular recording in vivo, and their axons were traced into the globus pallidus (GP), entopeduncular nucleus (EP), and/or substantia nigra (SN). The locations of the neurons within the matrix compartment of the neostriatum (NS) were established by immunocytochemical counterstaining of sections containing the cell bodies using antibodies for calbindin- D28K. This allowed nearly complete visualization of the axonal projections of single NS neurons. On the basis of their intrastriatal axonal arborizations, matrix spiny neurons could be divided into 2 types. One type, which was the more common, had local axonal arborizations restricted to the region of the dendritic field, often with axon collaterals arborizing within the dendritic field of the cells of origin. A second, less common, cell type in the matrix had local axon collaterals distributed widely in the NS. Among matrix neurons with restricted local collateral fields, 3 subtypes could be distinguished on the basis of their efferent axonal projections. Type I cells projected only to the GP. Type IIa cells projected to the GP, EP, and SN pars reticulata. Type IIb cells projected to the GP and SN but not to the EP. The shapes and densities of the GP arborizations varied in the 3 cell types, with the cells projecting only to the GP (type I) projecting more heavily and filling a larger volume there than type II cells. The dendrites and intrastriatal axon collaterals of 3 subtypes were similar in morphology. The class of matrix spiny neurons with intrastriatal axon collaterals distributed widely in the NS were observed to project to the GP. Projections beyond the GP were not identified for this cell type, but could not be ruled out. Somatodendritic morphologies of neurons did not differ according to the projection site. These results demonstrate that NS matrix spiny cells are more heterogeneous in their efferent projection patterns than previously suspected on the basis of retrograde axonal tracing and immunocytochemical studies. As predicted by those previous studies, there is a class of matrix neurons that projects only to the GP. Presumably, these cells contain enkephalin. Cells projecting to the SN and EP, and so presumably containing substance P, give off a small projection to the GP, as well, and differ in their collateralization patterns within the 3 major target nuclei.
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Structural plasticity in the adult brain is essential for adaptive behavior. We have found a remarkable anatomical plasticity in the basal ganglia of adult mice that is regulated by dopamine D2 receptors (D2Rs). By modulating neuronal excitability, striatal D2Rs bidirectionally control the density of direct pathway collaterals in the globus pallidus that bridge the direct pathway with the functionally opposing indirect pathway. An increase in bridging collaterals is associated with enhanced inhibition of pallidal neurons in vivo and disrupted locomotor activation after optogenetic stimulation of the direct pathway. Chronic blockade with haloperidol, an antipsychotic medication used to treat schizophrenia, decreases the extent of bridging collaterals and rescues the locomotor imbalance. These findings identify a role for bridging collaterals in regulating the concerted balance of striatal output and may have important implications for understanding schizophrenia, a disease involving excessive activation of striatal D2Rs that is treated with D2R blockers.
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The direct and indirect efferent pathways from striatum ultimately reconverge to influence basal ganglia output nuclei, which in turn regulate behavior via thalamocortical and brainstem motor circuits. However, the distinct contributions of these two efferent pathways in shaping basal ganglia output are not well understood. We investigated these processes using selective optogenetic control of the direct and indirect pathways, in combination with single-unit recording in the basal ganglia output nucleus substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) in mice. Optogenetic activation of striatal direct and indirect pathway projection neurons produced diverse cellular responses in SNr neurons, with stimulation of each pathway eliciting both excitations and inhibitions. Despite this response heterogeneity, the effectiveness of direct pathway stimulation in producing movement initiation correlated selectively with the subpopulation of inhibited SNr neurons. In contrast, effective indirect pathway-mediated motor suppression was most strongly influenced by excited SNr neurons. Our results support the theory that key basal ganglia output neurons serve as an inhibitory gate over motor output that can be opened or closed by striatal direct and indirect pathways, respectively.
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Anatomical studies have led to the assertion that intratelencephalic and pyramidal tract cortical neurons innervate different striatal projection neurons. To test this hypothesis, we measured the responses of mouse striatal neurons to optogenetic activation of intratelencephalic and pyramidal tract axons. Contrary to expectation, direct and indirect pathway striatal spiny projection neurons responded to both intratelencephalic and pyramidal tract activation, arguing that these cortical networks innervate both striatal projection neurons.
Exercise has been shown to be beneficial for Parkinson's disease (PD). A major interest in our lab has been to investigate how exercise modulates basal ganglia function and modifies disease progression. Dopamine (DA) depletion leads to loss of dendritic spines within the caudate nucleus and putamen (striatum) in PD and its animal models and contributes to motor impairments. Striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) can be delineated into two populations, the dopamine D1 receptor (DA-D1R)-containing MSNs of the direct pathway and dopamine D2 receptor (DA-D2R)-containing MSNs of the indirect pathway. There is evidence to suggest that the DA-D2R-indirect pathway MSNs may be preferentially affected after DA-depletion with a predominate loss of dendritic spine density when compared to MSNs of the DA-D1R-direct pathway in rodents; however, others have reported that both pathways may be affected in primates. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of intensive exercise on dendritic spine density and arborization in MSNs of these two pathways in the MPTP mouse model of PD. We found that MPTP led to a decrease in dendritic spine density in both DA-D1R- and DA-D2R-containing MSNs and 30days of intensive treadmill exercise led to increased dendritic spine density and arborization in MSNs of both pathways. In addition, exercise increased the expression of synaptic proteins PSD-95 and synaptophysin. Taken together these findings support the potential effect of exercise in modifying synaptic connectivity within the DA-depleted striatum and in modifying disease progression in individuals with PD.
Dopamine modulates the response of striatal projection neurons to excitatory cortical and thalamic input. The two major dopamine-receptor subtypes, the D1 and D2 receptors, are selectively localized on striatonigral and striatopallidal output neurons, respectively. Activation of these receptors has opposite effects on these striatal neurons and consequently dopamine functions to modulate the relative activity of the striatonigral and striatopallidal pathways. Thus, striatal circuitry converts excitatory cortical and thalamic inputs into antagonistic inputs to the output neurons of the basal ganglia, which are the GABA neurons of the entopeduncular and substantia nigra nuclei. The behavioural relevance of these antagonistic mechanisms is evident in Parkinson's disease, in which the degeneration of dopamine input to the striatum results in an imbalance in the striatal output pathways, which has been directly related to the clinical akinesia of this disease.
The pharmacological modification of dopamine transmission has long been employed as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of many mental health disorders. However, as many of the pharmacotherapies today are not without significant side effects, or they alleviate only a particular subset of symptoms, the identification of novel therapeutic targets is imperative. In light of these challenges, the recognition that dopamine receptors can form heteromers has significantly expanded the range of physiologically relevant signaling complexes as well as potential drug targets. Furthermore, as the physiology and disease relevance of these receptor heteromers is further understood, their ability to exhibit pharmacological and functional properties distinct from their constituent receptors, or modulate the function of endogenous homomeric receptor complexes may allow for the development of alternate therapeutic strategies and provide new avenues for drug design. In this review, we describe the emerging neurobiology of the known dopamine receptor heteromers, their physiological relevance in brain, and discuss the potential role of these receptor complexes in neuropsychiatric disease. We highlight their value as targets for future drug development and discuss innovative research strategies designed to selectively target these dopamine receptor heteromers in the search for novel and clinically efficacious pharmacotherapies.Neuropsychopharmacology accepted article preview online, 18 June 2013; doi:10.1038/npp.2013.148.