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Virologic breakthrough in a patient with chronic hepatitis B by combination treatment with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and entecavir

Taylor & Francis
Drug Design, Development and Therapy

Abstract and Figures

Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) is widely used to treat hepatitis B virus (HBV) patients in the USA and Europe. No confirmed report of resistance selection during treatment with TDF in treatment-naïve and nucleoside/nucleotide analog-treated chronic hepatitis B patients has yet been reported. Here, we report for the first time a patient with chronic hepatitis B and cirrhosis who emerged with virologic breakthrough during combination therapy with TDF and entecavir (ETV), against ETV-resistant virus. A 51-year-old Japanese woman with hepatitis B e-antigen (HBeAg), whose genotype was C, received ETV monotherapy continuously followed by TDF and ETV combination therapy, because her HBV DNA levels had been >3.5 log copies/mL. At the start of combination therapy, amino acid substitutions of the reverse transcriptase (rt) gene, rtL180M, rtT184I/M, and rtM204V, were detected. After this, serum HBV DNA decreased to less than 2.1 log copies/mL and remained at this level until 31 months of combination therapy, when it again began to increase. Amino acid substitutions of rtL180M, rtS202G, and rtM204V emerged and were associated with an increase in serum HBV DNA at virologic breakthrough. Long-term therapy with TDF against the ETV-resistant virus has the potential to induce virologic breakthrough and resistance, and careful follow-up should be carried out.
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Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2014:8 869–873
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Virologic breakthrough in a patient with chronic
hepatitis B by combination treatment with
tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and entecavir
Fumitaka Suzuki1,2
Hitomi Sezaki1
Norio Akuta1
Yoshiyuki Suzuki1
Yusuke Kawamura1
Tetsuya Hosaka1
Masahiro Kobayashi1
Satoshi Saitoh1
Yasuji Arase1
Kenji Ikeda1
Mariko Kobayashi3
Sachiyo Watahiki3
Rie Mineta3
Yukiko Suzuki3
Hiromitsu Kumada1
1Department of Hepatology,
Toranomon Hospital, Tokyo, Japan;
2Okinaka Memorial Institute for
Medical Research, Tokyo, Japan;
3Research Institute for Hepatology,
Toranomon Branch Hospital,
Kawasaki, Japan
Correspondence: Fumitaka Suzuki
Toranomon Hospital, Department
of Hepatology, 2-2-2 Toranomon,
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8470, Japan
Tel +81 44 877 5111
Fax +81 44 860 1623
Abstract: Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) is widely used to treat hepatitis B virus (HBV)
patients in the USA and Europe. No confirmed report of resistance selection during treatment
with TDF in treatment-naïve and nucleoside/nucleotide analog-treated chronic hepatitis B patients
has yet been reported. Here, we report for the first time a patient with chronic hepatitis B and
cirrhosis who emerged with virologic breakthrough during combination therapy with TDF and
entecavir (ETV), against ETV-resistant virus. A 51-year-old Japanese woman with hepatitis B
e-antigen (HBeAg), whose genotype was C, received ETV monotherapy continuously followed
by TDF and ETV combination therapy, because her HBV DNA levels had been .3.5 log copies/
mL. At the start of combination therapy, amino acid substitutions of the reverse transcriptase (rt)
gene, rtL180M, rtT184I/M, and rtM204V, were detected. After this, serum HBV DNA decreased
to less than 2 .1 log copies/mL and remained at this level until 3 1 months of combination therapy,
when it again began to increase. Amino acid substitutions of rtL180M, rtS202G, and rtM204V
emerged and were associated with an increase in serum HBV DNA at virologic breakthrough.
Long-term therapy with TDF against the ETV-resistant virus has the potential to induce virologic
breakthrough and resistance, and careful follow-up should be carried out.
Keywords: hepatitis B virus, resistant
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a common disease that can induce a chronic
carrier state and is associated with the risk of progressive disease and hepatocellular
carcinoma.1 Interferon (IFN) and several nucleoside/nucleotide analogs (NAs), such
as lamivudine (LAM), adefovir dipivoxil (ADV), entecavir (ETV), and tenofovir
disoproxil fumarate (TDF), are currently approved for the treatment of chronic
hepatitis B (CHB) in most countries.2–5 Because NA analogs inhibit reverse transcription
of the HBV polymerase but do not directly interfere with the formation of covalently
closed circular DNA (cccDNA), they require long-term administration, which is usu-
ally accompanied by the emergence and selection of drug-resistant mutations in the
viral polymerase.6
TDF is widely used to treat HBV patients in the USA and Europe. This agent is
equally effective against multiple HBV genotypes (A–H) as well as against LAM-
resistant isolates.7 No confirmed report of resistance selection during treatment with
TDF in treatment-naïve CHB patients has yet been reported.8–10 In a recent study,
long-term TDF monotherapy provided durable antiviral efficacy for 240 or up to
288 weeks (6 years) of treatment, and comprehensive genotypic and phenotypic analy-
ses detected no evidence of TDF resistance.11,12 Additionally, longer treatment duration
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Suzuki et al
did not increase the incidence of virologic breakthrough.12
Moreover, TDF monotherapy has demonstrated the long-term
(median 23 months) efficacy of this agent in NA-experienced
patients with treatment failure, and virologic breakthrough
was not observed in any patient during the entire observa-
tion period.13
Here, we report for the first time a patient with CHB
and cirrhosis who emerged with virologic breakthrough
during TDF and ETV combination therapy against ETV-
resistant virus.
Case report
A 51-year-old Japanese woman with CHB underwent a
checkup in February 1999 and was found to be seropositive for
hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), with mild alanine amin-
otransferase (ALT) elevation. Hepatitis B e-antigen (HBeAg)
was positive, and serum HBV DNA was .7.6 log copies/mL
(Amplicor HBV Monitor assay; F Hoffman-La Roche Ltd,
Basel, Switzerland). The HBV genotype was C, and human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status was negative. She
was diagnosed with cirrhosis by peritoneoscopy and liver
biopsy (moderate hepatitis [A2] and severe fibrosis [F4])
in February 2000. She received LAM (100 mg/day) mono-
therapy from September 2006. The nadir of HBV DNA
was 2.5 log copies/mL in January 2007. HBV DNA levels
gradually increased, and LAM-resistant virus emerged
(reverse transcriptase [rt] M204I). Treatment was switched
from LAM to ETV (0.5 mg/day) in October 2007 (HBV
DNA 3.9 log copies/mL) following the emergence of ETV-
resistant virus (rtL180M, rtS202G, and rtM204V) and
higher elevation in HBV DNA. However, she discontinued
therapy of her own volition from February 2009 to May
2010. She returned to our hospital in May 2010 because of
general fatigue and ascites, at which time serum HBV DNA
was .7.6 log copies/mL, ALT was 687 IU/L, and bilirubin was
3.8 mg/dL. Treatment with ETV (0.5 mg/day) was restarted
immediately, and ALT and serum HBV DNA levels gradually
decreased. However, because HBV DNA levels remained
at .3.5 log copies/mL until September 2010, she was started
on TDF (300 mg/day) and ETV combination therapy (HBV
DNA 3.9 log copies/mL). Serum HBV DNA then decreased
to less than 2.1 log copies/mL (COBAS® TaqMan® HBV Test,
v2.0; F Hoffman-La Roche Ltd) at November 2011 (month 14
of TDF and ETV treatment) and remained at this level until
April 2013 (month 31 of TDF and ETV treatment), when
it again began to increase (HBV DNA 3.9 log copies/mL).
Moreover, ALT was elevated in September 2013 (Figure 1).
Compliance with TDF and ETV was good throughout the
course of treatment.
During treatment, nucleotide sequences of the polymerase
gene were determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
direct sequencing, as previously described.14 The viral poly-
merase reverse transcriptase (rt) gene at the baseline of LAM
treatment (September 2006) showed the wild type sequence
HBV DNA (log copies/mL)
Sept 2006
Sept 2010
Feb 2009 May 2010 Nov 2011 Oct 2013
Oct 2007 Apr 2013
Figure 1 Clinical course of lamivudine or entecavir and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate therapy.
Abbreviations: ALT, alanine aminotransferase; ETV, entecavir; HBV, hepatitis B virus; LAM, lamivudine; TDF, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate.
Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2014:8 submit your manuscript |
Virologic breakthrough with TDF and ETV treatment for HBV
(with no LAM, ADV, ETV, or TDF resistance substitutions). In
October 2007 (after switching from LAM to ETV), an amino
acid substitution of the rt gene, rtM204I (LAM resistance
substitution), was detected. Moreover, amino acid substitu-
tions of rtL180M, rtS202G, and rtM204V (ETV resistance
substitutions) emerged during ETV treatment in February
2009. The rt gene analysis at the baseline of ETV retreat-
ment (May 2010) returned the wild type sequence (with no
LAM or ETV resistance substitutions). In June 2010 (week 3
of ETV retreatment), amino acid substitutions of rtL180M,
rtT184I, and rtM204V (ETV resistance substitutions) were
simultaneously detected. Moreover, amino acid substitu-
tions of rtL180M, rtT184M, and rtM204V coexisted with
the above mutants at the end of June 2010 (week 6 of ETV
retreatment). In October 2010 (week 4 of TDF and ETV
treatment), these amino acid substitutions were replaced
by wild type virus (no ETV resistance substitutions). Since
April 2013 (month 31 of TDF and ETV treatment), amino
acid substitutions of rtL180M, rtS202G, and rtM204V
have emerged and have been found to be associated with an
increase in serum HBV DNA (Figure 2). In comparison with
those at the start of TDF therapy, the amino acid substitu-
tions changed from rtL180M, rtT184M, and rtM204V to
rtL180M, rtS202G, and rtM204V, and no other amino acid
substitutions apart from these in the rt region were observed.
Further, there were no substitutions that could be associated
with reduced TDF susceptibility (rtA181V/T, rtN236T, or
rtA194T) in April 2013.
Genotypic resistance to TDF has been detected in several
patients with HIV-HBV coinfection. The substitution
rtA194T (plus rtL180M + rtM204V) has been associated
with TDF resistance,15 albeit that a second report failed to
confirm this.16 It has been shown that rtA181V + rtN236T
double mutants are resistant to TDF in vitro, but clinical
data suggest that patients with rtA181 or rtN236T remain
susceptible to TDF.17 The substitution rtP177G and rtF249A
reduced susceptibility to TDF in an in vitro study, but no
clinical findings have yet been reported.18 Moreover, rescue
therapy with ETV and TDF in CHB patients harboring viral
resistance patterns (for LAM, ADV, or ETV) or showing
only partial antiviral responses to preceding therapies was
efficient in patients both with and without advanced liver
disease.19 To date, there have been no confirmed reports of
resistance selection during treatment with TDF for CHB.9–12
Moreover, virologic breakthrough occurs infrequently and
has been associated with nonadherence to medication in the
majority of cases.12
To our knowledge, this is the first report of a patient with
virologic breakthrough during TDF therapy. In our case,
compliance with TDF and ETV was good throughout the
Figure 2 Evolution of the viral polymerase reverse transcriptase protein sequence (amino acids 1–344) during lamivudine, entecavir, and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate
Notes: The AB033550 strain was reported by Okamoto et al.23 In June 2010, two kinds of strain were identied, June 2010–1 and –2.
Abbreviation: rt, reverse transcriptase.
Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2014:8
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Suzuki et al
course of treatment. Virologic breakthrough in compliant
patients is generally related to viral resistance.6 Amino acid
substitutions of rtL180M, rtS202G, and rtM204V have
emerged in cases in which serum HBV DNA increased dur-
ing TDF and ETV therapy. Moreover, these amino acid sub-
stitutions changed from rtL180M, rtT184M, and rtM204V
to rtL180M, rtS202G, and rtM204V. This clinical course
suggests that these amino acid substitutions are resistant
to TDF and ETV therapy, although in vitro confirmation
is necessary. Kim et al reported that among 18 patients
who failed multiple NA treatments, including LAM, ADV,
and ETV, 17 patients achieved virologic response and one
patient showed a viral reduction of 3.9 log IU/mL, nearly
reaching virologic response within 24 months.20 These
findings indicate that genotypic resistance to ETV does not
affect the probability of an initial virologic response to TDF
therapy.20 Petersen et al reported that four patients harboring
ETV-resistant virus achieved a virologic response within
9 months.19 Recently, Seto et al reported 142 Asian CHB
patients with at least 6 months exposure to other NAs (includ-
ing ETV) who received TDF with or without LAM. With a
median 2.25 years of follow-up, 45 patients had detectable
viremia in at least one time point.21 For these 45 patients,
which included ten with virologic breakthrough, both line
probe assay and direct sequencing revealed no new amino
acid substitutions, including substitutions that could be asso-
ciated with reduced TDF susceptibility (rtA181V/T, rtN236T,
or rtA194T). Moreover, Karatayli et al reported that HBV
DNA, in seven of eight patients with ETV resistance muta-
tions (T184F/A/L/I, S202G, and M250V), became unde-
tectable with TDF and LAM after 6 months of treatment.22
In vitro drug susceptibility showed that TDF displayed
one- to twofold resistance to ETV-resistant viral strains
(N123D + H124Y + L180M + S202G + M204V + Y257H,
I163V + L164M + L180M + S202G + M204V + C256S, and
H124Y + L180M + S202G + M204V + Y257H). However, in
other cases, the treatment period was relatively shorter. In our
case, virologic breakthrough occurred at month 31 of TDF
and ETV therapy, and the ETV-resistant strain (L180M +
S202G + M204V) of our case was not identical with that in
the in vitro drug susceptibility study above. Clarification of
virologic breakthrough and resistance of TDF against patients
with NA-resistant virus, especially ETV, will likely require
further studies with a longer time frame.
In conclusion, this study shows that long-term treatment
of ETV-resistant virus with TDF has the potential to induce
virologic breakthrough and resistance, and careful follow-up
should be done.
This study was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
Research (C) (grant number 24590999) from the Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science and by a Grant-in-Aid from the
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan.
Dr Kumada reports having received investigator, lecture,
and consulting fees from Bristol-Myers KK, Tokyo, Japan
and GlaxoSmithKline KK, Tokyo, Japan. The other authors
report no conflicts of interest in this work.
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Virologic breakthrough with TDF and ETV treatment for HBV
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... Therefore, it is still unknown whether TDF resistance requires several genetic resistance loci at the same time. However, Suzuki et al. [29] recently reported the occurrence of virological breakthrough during the long-term follow-up period after TDF plus ETV treatment of patients, suggesting that TDF rescue therapy for drug-resistant patients still need to be closely followed up. The study results, by detecting gene loci, did not show the loci that decreased TDF susceptibility. ...
... There were reports of severe complications such as acute tubular necrosis and Fanconi syndrome. [29][30][31][32][33] However, most researches showed that TDF had excellent tolerability and safety in recent years. For treatment-naive CHB patients, studies have shown that the incidence of renal adverse events was <2.2% after treating men with TDF for 8 years. ...
Full-text available
Background Tenofovir disoproxil (TDF) is a promising salvage therapy for patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) who failed regimens of other nucleoside analogues (NAs). In this study, we aimed to investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of TDF monotherapy in Chinese CHB patients with genotypic resistance. Methods A total of 33 CHB patients who had failed treatment with other NAs and had genotypic resistance were switched to TDF monotherapy for 48 weeks. Patients’ demographic data (age, sex, history of hepatitis B virus [HBV] therapy), laboratory testing results (hepatitis B e antigen [HBeAg] status, HBV DNA levels, alanine aminotransferase [ALT] levels, serum creatinine, urinary protein, genotypic assay), clinical symptoms, and liver color ultrasound examinations were collected for evaluation at day 0 (baseline) and the 12th, 24th, 36th, and 48th weeks after initiating treatment. Statistical analyses were carried out using rank sum test or rank correlation. Results With regard to efficacy, the study found that all patients who switched to TDF monotherapy had undetectable HBV DNA levels after 48 weeks. In addition, patients with lower baseline HBV DNA levels realized earlier virological undetectability (rs = 0.39, P = 0.030). ALT levels were normal in 30 of 33 patients (91%). HBeAg negative conversion occurred in 7 of 25 patients (28%), among whom HBeAg seroconversion (12%) and HBeAg seroclearance (16%) occurred. The time of complete virological response was significantly affected by the number of resistance loci (rs = 0.36, P = 0.040). Concerning safety, the study found that no adverse events were observed during the 48 weeks. Conclusion TDF monotherapy is an effective and safe salvage treatment for CHB patients who are resistant to other NAs.
... Apart from interferon, with the use of NUCs such as entecavir and tenofovir, it is always possible for resistant mutants to emerge [97][98][99][100][101] . Suzuki et al [101] reported that 51-year-old Japanese women with chronic hepatitis B and cirrhosis have virological breakthrough during combination therapy with tenofovir and entecavir against entecavir-resistant virus. ...
... Apart from interferon, with the use of NUCs such as entecavir and tenofovir, it is always possible for resistant mutants to emerge [97][98][99][100][101] . Suzuki et al [101] reported that 51-year-old Japanese women with chronic hepatitis B and cirrhosis have virological breakthrough during combination therapy with tenofovir and entecavir against entecavir-resistant virus. Even long-term therapy with tenofovir against the entecavir-resistant virus has the potential to induce virological breakthrough and resistance. ...
Full-text available
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) persistently infects approximately 350 million people, and approximately 600000 liver-related deaths are observed per year worldwide. HBV infection is also one of the major risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The persistence of serum hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) and high level of serum HBV DNA are thought to reflect a high HBV replication status in hepatocytes, causing cirrhosis, HCC and liver-related deaths. It has been reported that antiviral therapy, such as peginterferon and nucleos(t)ide analogues (NUCs), could suppress liver-related death by inhibiting the HBV DNA levels and inducing seroconversion from HBeAg to antibody to HBe antigen. Currently, peginterferon is widely used, but there are also several disadvantages in the use of peginterferon, such as various adverse events, the administration route and duration. It is difficult to predict the effects of treatment and interferon is contraindicated for the patients with advanced fibrosis of the liver and cirrhosis. With respect to NUCs, entecavir and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate are current the first-choice drugs. NUCs can be administered orally, and their anti-viral effects are stronger than that of peginterferon. However, because cessation of NUC administration leads to high levels of viral replication and causes severe hepatitis, they must be administered for a long time. On the other hand, the use of both interferon and NUCs cannot eliminate covalently closed circular DNA of HBV. In this review, we evaluate the natural course of chronic HBV infection and then provide an outline of these representative drugs, such as peginterferon, entecavir and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate.
... Viral breakthrough and associated mutations are known among CHB patients receiving tenofovir and/or entecavir. In order to designate with certainty whether these mutations are truly antiviral resistant, more clinical and in vitro studies are needed [4,5]. Emergence of drug resistance is not an exclusive problem of chronic hepatitis B; there are several viral and non-viral human diseases where nucleoside analogue resistance, non response to the available therapeutic regimens, disease break through and relapse of disease occurs. ...
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Aim: Expression of EGFP was investigated to ascertain the strength and specificity of CMV, U6 and hepatitis B virus (HBV) core promoters in hepatic and non-hepatic cells. Materials and methods: pSilencer-2.1 plasmid vector is known for siRNA-based inhibition. To achieve target-specific correction of disease-causing genes, pSilencer-GFP was constructed. For liver specific expression of therapeutic genes, endogenous U6 promoter of pSilencer-2.1 was replaced with HBV core promoter and ubiquitously active CMV promoter. Results: Transfection results showed that GFP expression under the control of HBV core promoter was higher in hepatic Hep3B than non-hepatic HEK293T cells. Conclusion: HBV core promoter could lead to specific expression in hepatocytes, which might be used in gene therapy of liver diseases as well as for siRNA-based therapeutic strategies.
... However, there is one report of an HIV-and HBVcoinfected patient in whom tenofovir disoproxil fumarate resistance was acquired through the combination of rtL180M and rtM204V, which together confer lamivudine resistance and rtA194T mutations 26) . Suzuki et al. 27) also reported a tenofovir-multiple drug resistant strain in a long-term user of NUCs. Our case suggested that it may be important to add tenofovir disoproxil fumarate to entecavir for the patients with multiple drug resistant HBV strain. ...
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Background: Malignant lymphoma is occasionally observed in chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV)-infected patients. The occurrence of HBV reactivation or acute exacerbation of chronic hepatitis B during and after chemotherapy and immunosuppressive therapies is a major issue. Case presentation: We reported a 65-year-old Japanese man with multiple nucleos(t)ide analogue (NUC)- resistant HBV infection and diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL), stage IV. The patient was treated with the addition of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate to entecavir and chemotherapy to control the HBV and treatment of lymphoma, respectively. Both diseases were safely controlled. Conclusion: Clinicians should pay careful attention to NUC-resistant HBV and select the proper NUCs to control the virus before and during the commencement of chemotherapy.
Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) is widely used to treat hepatitis B virus (HBV) patients worldwide. We previously reported a patient with CHB and cirrhosis in whom viral breakthrough occurred during combination therapy with TDF and entecavir (ETV) against ETV‐resistant virus. A recent Korean report showed that two patients with viral breakthrough during treatment with TDF‐containing regimens were found to carry five rt (reverse transcriptase) mutations ([rt]S106C[C], rtH126Y[Y], rtD134E[E], rtM204I/V, and rtL269I[I]), with the C, Y, E, and I mutations being associated with tenofovir resistance. We report the clinical course up to September 2019 in our patient, and compare the HBV mutations to those of the two Korean patients. Four mutations (rtS106C, rtD134N/S[N/S], rtM204V, and rtL269I) plus entecavir resistance (rtL180M, rtS202G) existed when she developed viral breakthrough during ETV and TDF combination therapy in April 2013. Moreover, three mutations (rtS106C, rtD134N, and rtL269I) existed at baseline. Our patient’s father is Korean. Considering these factors, patients with these three or four mutations (CYEI or CN/SI) at baseline may experience tenofovir resistance in addition to lamivudine or entecavir resistance. In addition, HBV DNA levels fluctuated during tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) and lamivudine therapy in our patient, although treatment was switched from lamivudine, TDF and ETV to lamivudine and TAF combination therapy in April 2018. In conclusion, three mutations (CN/SI) plus entecavir resistance (rtL180M, rtM204V, rtS202G) can cause tenofovir resistance. Long‐term therapy with tenofovir against ETV‐resistant virus has the potential to induce viral breakthrough and resistance, necessitating careful follow‐up. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The Drafting Committee for Hepatitis Management Guidelines established by the Japan Society of Hepatology published the first version of the Guidelines for the Management of Hepatitis B in 2013 (first English version in 2014), and has since been publishing updates to the Guidelines as new drugs become available, with the latest original Japanese version being Version 3.1. Herein, the Drafting Committee publishes the second English version and contain all the changes made since the first English version of the guidelines was published in 2014. This 2019 version covers; (1) the nucleotide analogs tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and tenofovir alafenamide, (2) updates to treatment recommendations and management of drug‐resistant HBV that reflect the new availability of these drugs; and (3) new information about HBV reactivation with each update. This latest update also contains information about treatment goals, indications for treatment, and cessation of nucleos(t)ide analog therapy, most of which were covered by the first version.
A 50-year-old woman with type B liver cirrhosis developed breakthrough hepatitis after she was administered entecavir. Although we switched her treatment to another nucleotide analog, and she achieved temporary viral response; viral breakthrough recurred several times. Finally, we administered the following four agents: entecavir, lamivudine, adefovir pivoxil, and tenofovir; however, she did not achieve persistent virological response. Therefore, we attempted to introduce interferon (IFN) in combination with entecavir and tenofovir, and she finally achieved a virological response. Recently, new treatments for multi-drug resistant hepatitis B virus (HBV) have been explored. In this case, we demonstrated that entecavir and tenofovir plus IFN therapy was efficient for multidrug-resistant HBV and could be a candidate for another therapy for multidrug-resistant HBV.
2′,3′-dideoxyguanosine (DoG) has been demonstrated to inhibit duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) replication in vivo in a duck model of HBV infection. In the current study, the in vitro antiviral effects of DoG on human and animal hepadnaviruses were investigated. Our results showed that DoG effectively inhibited HBV, DHBV, and woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) replication in hepatocyte-derived cells in a dose-dependent manner, with 50% effective concentrations (EC50) of 0.3 ± 0.05, 6.82 ± 0.25, and 23.0 ± 1.5 μmol/L, respectively. Similar to other hepadnaviral DNA polymerase inhibitors, DoG did not alter the levels of intracellular viral RNA but induced the accumulation of a less-than-full-length viral RNA species, which was recently demonstrated to be generated by RNase H cleavage of pgRNA. Furthermore, using a transient transfection assay, DoG showed similar antiviral activity against HBV wild-type, 3TC-resistant rtA181V, and adefovir-resistant rtN236T mutants. Our results suggest that DoG has potential as a nucleoside analogue drug with anti-HBV activity.
Background Few studies have investigated the efficacy of long-term tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF)-based rescue therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis B refractory to nucleoside/nucleotide analogs. Methods We retrospectively analyzed 40 Japanese patients with chronic hepatitis B refractory to nucleoside/nucleotide analogs who received TDF-based rescue therapy [TDF monotherapy, TDF plus lamivudine (LAM) combination therapy, or TDF plus entecavir (ETV) combination therapy] followed up for a median of 45 months (range 14–99 months). Viral response, changes in hepatitis B surface antigen levels from the baseline, and viral breakthrough during therapy were analyzed. ResultsThe proportion of patients with undetectable serum hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA levels (less than 2.1 log copies per milliliter) (viral response) during TDF-based rescue therapy was 68, 78, 85, 88, 83, 81, 88, and 100 % at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, and 4 years respectively. There were no differences in the viral response rate between the TDF plus LAM group and the TDF plus ETV group. The mean reduction from the baseline in hepatitis B surface antigen levels in patients with LAM-resistant HBV was greater than the reductions in patients with adefovir dipivoxil (ADV)-resistant or ETV-resistant HBV at 2 and 3 years (P = 0.024, and P = 0.025 respectively). However, two patients with ADV- or ETV-resistant HBV at the baseline developed viral breakthrough during TDF-based rescue therapy. Conclusions Long-term therapy with a TDF-based rescue regimen demonstrated high viral suppression in patients in whom LAM plus ADV combination therapy, ETV plus ADV combination therapy, or ETV monotherapy had failed. However, patients with ADV- or ETV-resistant HBV at the baseline may develop viral breakthrough and resistance, and careful follow-up is advised.
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Unlabelled: We evaluated the antiviral response of patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) who had baseline high viral load (HVL), defined as having hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA ≥ 9 log10 copies/mL, after 240 weeks of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) treatment. A total of 641 hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)-negative and HBeAg-positive patients (129 with HVL) received 48 weeks of TDF 300 mg (HVL n = 82) or adefovir dipivoxil (ADV) 10 mg (HVL n = 47), followed by open-label TDF for an additional 192 weeks. Patients with confirmed HBV DNA ≥ 400 copies/mL on or after week 72 had the option of adding emtricitabine (FTC). By week 240, 98.3% of HVL and 99.2% of non-HVL patients on treatment achieved HBV DNA <400 copies/mL. Both groups had similar rates of histologic regression between baseline and week 240. Patients with HVL generally took longer to achieve HBV DNA <400 copies/mL than non-HVL patients, but by week 96, the percentages of patients with HBV DNA <400 copies/mL were similar in both groups. Among HVL patients, time to achieving HBV DNA <400 copies/mL was shorter among those initially receiving TDF, compared to ADV. No patient with baseline HVL had persistent viremia at week 240 or amino acid substitutions associated with TDF resistance. Conclusion: CHB patients with HVL can achieve HBV DNA negativity with long-term TDF treatment, although time to HBV DNA <400 copies/mL may be longer, relative to patients with non-HVL.
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To evaluate the efficacy and safety of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) for chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients after multiple failures. A total of 29 CHB patients who had a suboptimal response or developed resistance to two or more previous nucleoside/nucleotide analogue (NA) treatments were included. Study subjects were treated with TDF alone (n = 13) or in combination with lamivudine (LAM, n = 12) or entecavir (ETV, n = 4) for ≥ 6 mo. Complete virologic response (CVR) was defined as an achievement of serum hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA level ≤ 60 IU/mL by real-time polymerase chain reaction method during treatment. Safety assessment was based on serum creatinine and phosphorus level. Eleven patients had histories of LAM and adefovir dipivoxil (ADV) treatment and 18 patients were exposed to LAM, ADV, and ETV. Twenty-seven patients (93.1%) were hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) positive and the mean value of the baseline serum HBV DNA level was 5.5 log IU/mL ± 1.7 log IU/mL. The median treatment duration was 16 mo (range 7 to 29 mo). All the patients had been treated with LAM and developed genotypic and phenotypic resistance to it. Resistance to ADV was present in 7 patients and 10 subjects had a resistance to ETV. One patient had a resistance to both ADV and ETV. The cumulative probabilities of CVR at 12 and 24 mo of TDF containing treatment regimen calculated by the Kaplan Meier method were 86.2% and 96.6%, respectively. Although one patient failed to achieve CVR, serum HBV DNA level decreased by 3.9 log IU/mL from the baseline and the last serum HBV DNA level during treatment was 85 IU/mL, achieving near CVR. No patients in this study showed viral breakthrough or primary non-response during the follow-up period. The cumulative probability of HBeAg clearance in the 27 HBeAg positive patients was 7.4%, 12%, and 27% at 6, 12, and 18 mo of treatment, respectively. Treatment efficacy of TDF containing regimen was not statistically different according to the presence of specific HBV mutations. History of prior exposure to specific antiviral agents did not make a difference to treatment outcome. Treatment efficacy of TDF was not affected by combination therapy with LAM or ETV. No patient developed renal toxicity and no cases of hypophosphatemia associated with TDF therapy were observed. There were no other adverse events related to TDF therapy observed in the study subjects. TDF can be an effective and safe rescue therapy in CHB patients after multiple NA therapy failures.
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Background: Clonal analysis of quasispecies of resistant HBV genomes in patients with entecavir (ETV) resistance receiving lamivudine (3TC) plus adefovir (ADV) rescue therapy has never been performed. Methods: A sample of 10 patients with ETV resistance who were switched to 3TC+ADV treatment were analysed for changes in viral quasispecies. Serum samples at baseline, and at months 3 and 6 of 3TC+ADV treatment could be clonally analysed in 7 of 10 patients; 3-82 clones per sample (total 1,068 clones, mean 63) were sequenced. Results: 3TC+ADV therapy led to a modest decline in HBV DNA. Almost all clones had L180M and M204V 3TC resistance mutations before and during combination therapy. All clones had ≥1 of the S202G, T184F, T184A, T184L, T184I and M250V ETV resistance mutations. The percentages of detected clones bearing 3TC (rtL180M and rtM204V) and ETV mutations did not change with rescue 3TC+ADV therapy. In 7 of 8 patients with detectable HBV DNA (median 5.17 log(10) copies/ml) after a median 24 months of ADV therapy, HBV DNA became undetectable with 3TC plus tenofovir after 6 months of treatment. Conclusions: In patients with ETV resistance tenofovir is effective. Clonal analysis data indicate no selection of specific HBV mutants during rescue 3TC+ADV.
Unlabelled: One major challenge in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B is to maintain long-term viral suppression without promoting the selection of drug-resistant mutations. We analyzed data from 347 hepatitis B e antigen-negative and 238 hepatitis B e antigen positive patients receiving tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) in an open-label, longterm extension of two phase 3 studies. To date, resistance analyses have been completed for patients receiving up to 288 weeks (6 years) of TDF. Population sequencing of hepatitis B virus (HBV) polymerase/reverse transcriptase (pol/RT) was attempted for all patients at baseline, and any patient who remained viremic (HBV DNA 400 copies/mL [69 IU/mL]) at week 288 or at the end of treatment with TDF (n552) or emtricitabine(FTC)/TDF (n57). Phenotypic analyses were performed in HepG2 cells using recombinant HBV containing patient pol/RT sequences. Approximately half of the patients on open-label treatment who qualified for genotyping had pol/RT sequence changes compared to baseline (23/52 [44%] on TDF, 4/7 [57%] on FTC/TDF). Most changes were at polymorphic sites and none were associated with TDF resistance. Virologic breakthrough occurred infrequently and was associated with nonadherence to study medication in the majority of cases (12/16, 75%). Per protocol, 57 patients (10%)were eligible to switch to FTC/TDF; the majority had HBV DNA <400 copies/mL at their last study visit regardless of whether they switched to FTC/TDF (n534) or maintained TDF monotherapy (n517). No patient exhibited persistent viremia (HBV DNA never <400 copies/mL) after week 240. Conclusion: TDF monotherapy maintains effective suppression of HBV DNA through 288 weeks of treatment with no evidence of TDF resistance.
Patterns of serum hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) decline during nucleos(t)ide analogue (NA) therapy have not been well-investigated. We determined the cumulative serologic, virologic and biochemical outcomes of 142 Asian CHB patients, with at least 6 months exposure to other NAs, receiving tenofovir with or without lamivudine for up to 3 years. Liver biochemistry, serum HBV DNA and HBsAg levels were determined at baseline, 6 months and yearly from years 1 to 3. 142, 123 (86.6%) and 70 (49.3%) CHB patients were followed up for 1, 2, and 3 years respectively. Two phases of HBsAg decline were observed. Patients with baseline HBsAg ⩾3 log IU/mL, when compared to patients with baseline HBsAg <3 log IU/mL, had a greater median rate of HBsAg reduction through 3 years of treatment (0.155 and 0.039 log IU/mL/year respectively, p<0.001). Among patients with 3 years of follow-up, there was a significantly greater median rate of HBsAg reduction during the first year when compared to the second and third years (0.220, 0.136 and 0.081 log IU/mL/year respectively, p<0.001). HBeAg status, HBV genotype and concomitant lamivudine therapy were not important determinants of HBsAg kinetics (all p>0.05). The 3-year cumulative virologic suppression rate was 93.3%, with no cases of resistance detected. Serum HBsAg levels in NA-experienced patients receiving tenofovir demonstrated a variable pattern of decline, with slower rates of reduction noted in patients with lower baseline HBsAg levels, and could explain the rarity of HBsAg seroclearance during NA therapy. ( Identifier NCT01728935).
Long term antiviral therapy with nucleoside/nucleotide analogs have been routinely used to treat chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection but may lead to the emergence of drug-resistant viral mutants. However, the HBV resistance mutations for tenofovir (TDF) remain controversial. It is speculated that the genetic barrier for TDF resistance may be high for HBV. We asked whether selected amino acid substitutions in HBV polymerase may reduce susceptibility to TDF. A series of amino acids in HBV polymerase were selected based on bioinformatics analysis for mutagenesis. The replication competence and susceptibility to TDF of the mutated HBV clones were determined both in vitro and in vivo. 19 mutations in HBV polymerase were included and impaired the replication competence of HBV genome in different degrees. The mutations at rtL77F (sS69C), rtF88L (sF80Y), and rtP177G (sR169G) also significantly affected HBsAg expression. The HBV mutants with rtP177G and rtF249A were found to have reduced susceptibility to TDF in vitro with a resistance index of 2.53 and 12.16, respectively. The testing in in vivo model based on the hydrodynamic injection revealed the antiviral effect of TDF against wild type and mutated HBV genomes and confirmed the reduced the susceptibility of mutant HBV to TDF.
Background: Whether long-term suppression of replication of hepatitis B virus (HBV) has any beneficial effect on regression of advanced liver fibrosis associated with chronic HBV infection remains unclear. We aimed to assess the effects on fibrosis and cirrhosis of at least 5 years' treatment with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (DF) in chronic HBV infection. Methods: After 48 weeks of randomised double-blind comparison (trials NCT00117676 and NCT00116805) of tenofovir DF with adefovir dipivoxil, participants (positive or negative for HBeAg) were eligible to enter a 7-year study of open-label tenofovir DF treatment, with a pre-specified repeat liver biopsy at week 240. We assessed histological improvement (≥2 point reduction in Knodell necroinflammatory score with no worsening of fibrosis) and regression of fibrosis (≥1 unit decrease by Ishak scoring system). Findings: Of 641 patients who received randomised treatment, 585 (91%) entered the open-label phase, and 489 (76%) completed 240 weeks. 348 patients (54%) had biopsy results at both baseline and week 240. 304 (87%) of the 348 had histological improvement, and 176 (51%) had regression of fibrosis at week 240 (p<0·0001). Of the 96 (28%) patients with cirrhosis (Ishak score 5 or 6) at baseline, 71 (74%) no longer had cirrhosis (≥1 unit decrease in score), whereas three of 252 patients without cirrhosis at baseline progressed to cirrhosis at year 5 (p<0·0001). Virological breakthrough occurred infrequently and was not due to resistance to tenofovir DF. The safety profile was favourable: 91 (16%) patients had adverse events but only nine patients had serious events related to the study drug. Interpretation: In patients with chronic HBV infection, up to 5 years of treatment with tenofovir DF was safe and effective. Long-term suppression of HBV can lead to regression of fibrosis and cirrhosis. Funding: Gilead Sciences.
We determined the antiviral potency and viral resistance rate after 4 years of continuous entecavir treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infection. The cumulative rates of undetectable hepatitis B virus DNA (HBV DNA;<2.6 log(10) copies/ml), hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) seronegativity, seroconversion, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) normalization, and entecavir signature mutations were calculated in 474 nucleos(t)ide-naïve CHB patients (HBeAg-positive: 47%) on continuous entecavir treatment for 4 years. Median age was 47 years and follow-up period was 2.4 years, with 403, 281, 165, and 73 patients followed-up for at least 1, 2, 3, and 4 years, respectively. Incremental increases were observed in the rates of undetectable HBV DNA, HBeAg seroclearance and seroconversion, and ALT normalization, reaching 96%, 42%, 38% and 93%, respectively, by the fourth year. In all, 100% and 93% of patients negative and positive for HBeAg, respectively, had undetectable HBV DNA at year 4. Of 165 patients, HBV DNA was detectable in nine patients after 3 years. Multivariate analysis identified HBV DNA level (≤7.6 log(10) copies/ml, OR=15.8; 95% CI=43.1-79.9, P=0.001) as an independent predictor of undetectable HBV DNA at year 3. Five patients experienced virological breakthrough including two (0.4%) who developed entecavir-resistance mutations. Continuous treatment of nucleos(t)ide-naïve CHB patients with entecavir over 4 years was associated with 96% chance of undetectable HBV DNA and only 0.4% chance of emerging entecavir-resistant mutations.
Few studies have investigated the long-term effects of interferon (IFN) therapy for chronic hepatitis B (CHB). In this retrospective study, we investigated the efficacy of and predictors of response to IFN therapy in CHB patients. We analyzed data for 615 Japanese CHB patients (hepatitis B e antigen [HBeAg]-positive 414, HBeAg-negative 201) treated with IFN, and conducted follow up for a median duration of 8.1 years (range 0.5-23.2). Responders were defined as patients who showed continuously normalized alanine transaminase (ALT) levels, HBeAg clearance, and low hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA levels at 6 months post-treatment or for a span of more than 6 months until each test point at 1, 3, 5, and 10 years. The IFN response rates of all patients were 21, 18, 21, 23, and 25% at 6 months and 1, 3, 5, and 10 years, respectively. On multivariate analysis, significant determinants of the outcome of IFN therapy were as follows: at 6 months and 1 year, young age, low HBV DNA levels, and long duration of treatment; at 3 years, long duration of treatment, young age, and high level of albumin; at 5 years, high level of albumin, female, and pretreated with IFN; and at 10 years, HBeAg-negative. Sixty-nine of the 615 patients (11%) achieved seroclearance of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). On multivariate analysis, age ≥30 years, HBV genotype A, and male were all independent factors predicting the achievement of HBsAg seroclearance. HBeAg, HBV DNA level, age, sex, albumin, duration of treatment, pretreatment with IFN, and HBV genotype were important factors in determining long-term response to IFN therapy.
Long-term viral suppression is a major goal to prevent disease progression in patients with HBV. Aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of entecavir plus tenofovir combination in 57 CHB partial responders or multidrug resistant patients. Investigator-initiated open-label cohort study. Quantitative HBV-DNA measurement and resistance testing (line-probe-assays and direct-sequencing) at baseline and every 3 months. Fifty seven patients (37 HBeAg+), median age 45 years, previously treated with a median of three lines of antiviral therapy (range 1-6), 24/57 with advanced liver disease, were included. Median ALT at baseline was 1.0 ULN (range 0.3-22) and HBV-DNA 1.5 × 10(4)IU/ml (range 500-1 × 10(11)IU/ml). Median treatment duration of combination therapy was 21 months. HBV-DNA level dropped 3 logs (median, range 0-8 log; p<0.0001), 51/57 patients became HBV-DNA undetectable, median after 6 months (95% CI, 4.6-7). The probability for HBV DNA suppression was not reduced in patients with adefovir or entecavir resistance or in patients with advanced liver disease. Viral suppression led to decline in ALT (median 0.7 ULN; range 0.2-2.4; p=0.001). Five patients lost HBeAg (after 15, 18, 20, 21, and 27 months, respectively), one patient showed HBs-seroconversion. Patients with advanced disease did not show clinical decompensation, two patients with cirrhosis and undetectable HBV DNA developed HCCs. No death, newly induced renal impairment or lactic acidosis were reported. Rescue therapy with entecavir and tenofovir in CHB patients harboring viral resistance patterns or showing only partial antiviral responses to preceding therapies was efficient, safe, and well tolerated in patients with and without advanced liver disease (249).