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Comparative morphology of living Nautilus (Cephalopoda) from the Philippines, Fiji and Palau



Morphological features of Nautilus from the Philippines, Fiji and Palau are compared from a taxonomic viewpoint on the basis of live-caught animals. In spite of their widely separated distributions, animals from the three populations share quite similar overall shell morphology, ontogenetic shell variation, and radular and jaw structures. Shell coloration and sculpture, and the shape of radular teeth, all of which have been used in previous taxonomic studies, are also markedly variable even in specimens of individual populations, and their ranges of variation overlap among the three samples. The three samples can be distinguished mainly by adult features, such as the dimensions of the shells and total number of septa, which are probably attributed to the difference in their pre-reproductive ages. Judging from these observations and available genetic data, it is suggested that the Palau population, previously distinguished as N. belauensis and the other two populations belong to the same, wide ranging species, N. pompilius, or otherwise they are closely related sibling species, N. belauensis and N. pompilius respectively.
Kazushige ttanabel,」 yunzo丁sukahara2&shozo Hayasaka3
Morphological features of rVaυ rllυ s frOm the Philippines,Fり i and Palau are compared from a
taxonomic viewpOint on the basis of live― caught animals ln spite of their widely separated
distributions,animals from the three pOpulations share qu te sln∩ │lar overa‖ she‖ morphology,
ontogenetic she‖ variation,and radular and iaW Structures SheH coloration and sculpture,and
the shape of radularteeth,a‖ of which have been used in previous taxonomic studies,are also
markedly variable even in specimens of individual pOpulations, and their ranges of var ation
overiap among the three samples The three samples can be distinguished malnly by adut
features,such as the dimensions ofthe she‖ s and totai number of septa,which are probably
attributed to the difference in their pre― reproductive ages udging from these observatlons and
avallable genetic data,itis suggested that the Palau population,previously distinguished as N
beraυ θ
sls and the other two populations belong to the same,wide ranging species,N ρ
j/1υ S, Or otherwise they are closely related sib ing species, 7V belat7θ nsls and 7V ρ
mpr/1υ s
Key wOrdsi rVaυ rllυs ρ
mpllrtys,7Vaurllυs belat/θ ηsls,SOuthwest Pacric,mOrphology,taxon―
The superfamily Naullaceae (Ceph―
alopoda,Nautiloidea)first appeared in the ttri‐
assic,and fiourished rnainly during the Meso―
zoic and 4iddle ttertiary tthey suddenly
declined afterthe Miocene,and atthe present
tirne only a few species ofthe genus Naυ υs
survive, in the reiatively deep waters of the
tropical southwestern Pacific
Although ll species and seven variants of
υs have hitherto been proposed (See
Saunders,1987,table l),theirtaxonomic va‐
dity has long been obscured because ofthe
seemingly rnorphological conservatism of the
genus,extreme splitting Of phenotypes based
on sma‖ co‖ ections, and the lack of knowl―
edge of the morphological and genetic varia‐
tlon within individual populations. Recently,
Saunders(1987)reviSed these``species''and
variants into five or pOssibly six recognized
species(Araυ rf/yS ρ
npr17L/s Linnaeus, 1758;
rv macrOmpわ aノυ
s Sowerby,1849;ヽ scrobrc‐
υlarυs ILightfoot, 1786]; rV sゎη
Sowerby, 1849; Ar θ
17sた Saunders,
1981:and possibly rV rθ ρ
but some malacologists(eg Habe,1980:Ab‐
bott& pance, 1983)regard the latter three
species as geographic variants of′ V ρ
he species‐level taxonomy of Araυ lJs
should,therefore,be re― exanlined in view of
recent biometric and electrophoretic analyses
of large live‐ caught co‖ ections(Ward et al,
1977;丁anabe et al,1983,1985;Saunders&
suda & Shinomiya, 1983; Woodruff et al.,
1983, 1987: Swan & Saunders, 1987), for
these works detected marked morphological
and genetic variation even within individual
his paper considers the taxonomic rela‐
tionships oftwo closely a‖ ied morphospecies,
Ar bθlat/θnsls and N ρ
mp″υS,On the basis
of the comparative morphologic examination
of large co‖ections from several populations
The fo‖ owing three samples of rVaυ rr/υ s
populations from vvide:y separated areas
were used in this study:(1)34 specimens(10
l Geologlcal lnsttute, UnlverS ty of Tokyo,Tokyo l13,」 apan
21nSttute of Blology, Facu ty of Sclence,Kagoshima Unlvers ty, KagOsh rna 890,」 apan
31nSttute of Earth Sciё nces,Faculty of Science,Kagoshlma Unlversity,KagOshlma 890,」 apan
males and 24 females)ofrV ρ
lyS Cap‐
tured with baited traps from off Bindoy Vi‖ age
(depth Of 120-310m),丁 anon Stralt,the Phil―
ippines,in September 1981(speCimens Bl一
B32,B41 and B52 among 52 anirnals listed in
Hayasaka et al,1982,table 1 0);(2)A total of
280 specimens(245 maies,34 females and
one unsexed iuvenile)Of Ar ρ
O177p′υs cap‐
tured alive from off Suva(Kandavu Passage;
depth of 290-450m),∨ li Lebu,FJi,on tWO
occasions (August‐ September 1983 and
1986: see ttanabe, 1985, fig 5, tables l-3,
and ttanabe,1988,fig.3,tables l-4,for their
iocations and biological data), and (3)94
specimens(57 males, 36 females and one
unsexed luvenile)of Ar θ
laυθr7Sた Captured
live from eastern Mutremdiu Bay(=Mutrem―
diu Point of Saunders,1981a,19ure l);depth
of 190-400m,off Augulpelu ReeF,Palau,in
August‐September 1988 and in
1989 1n addition to the above three ve‐
caught samples,two specimens caughtfrom
off Siqulor iSland, Bohol Strait, the Philip―
pines(provided by the courtesy of native fish‐
errnen;sp nos SQ l-2 in Hayasaka et al,
1982)were uSed for comparison of ontoge―
netic septal growth and mature she‖ size
The specimens i‖ ustrated are kept at the
Universty Museum, Universly of Tokyo
(UMUT), and the remaining ones used for
measurements are deposited at the Geology
and Biology lnstitutes,KagOshima∪ niversity
Of three(Habe,1980)or pOSSibly six(Saun―
ders, 1987)currently recognized Araυ rrlyS
species, IV ρ
υs has the widest 9eo‐
graphic range,extending from the Philippines
in the northwest to Amerlcan Samoa in the
southeast(Saunders, 1987)丁 he two sam‐
ples from the Philippines(丁anon Strait)and
Fli thuS represent the western and eastern
marginal populations of this species tthe two
specimens from Bohol Stral(Philippines)are
compared wlth the rnorphotype distinguished
as IV.ροmprlJus str′ υθ
nsた by Habe&Okutani
(1988,lgs l-4).IV.bθlaυ θ
r7sls is known only
from Palauan waters,about 800 km from the
range of r吼 ρ
Fo‖ owing the methods described in ttan‐
abe&Tsukahara(1987),a‖ animals captured
were weighed,sexed,and measured(See
Hayasaka et a:, 1982,table 1 0,and the re‐
vised version in Tanabe et al,1983,table l:
anabe,1988,table 3;丁 anabe&Tsukahara,
1989, table 2) Some Were tagged and re‐
leased nearthe samp‖ ng locations for long‐
ternl growth analysis,and most ofthe remain一
ing animals were dissected, and their fresh
soft tissues and gonads were weighed by
means of a dial scale(acCuracy± 10 mg)for
biometry ln addition, the buccal mass was
removed from the body of selected speci―
mens it was soaked in a 20%KOH solulon
for 20 minutes, and thereafter the mandib!e
and radular ribbon were carefu‖ y removed.
he radular and iaw mOrphologies of each
specirnen were observed under the optica!
and scanning electron microscopes
We further anOlyzed the ontogenetic she‖
gr6wth patterns in several specimens se‐
lected from each sampie. For this purpose,
radius vector(Rl,breadth(3),height(1つ and
flank length(o ofa WhOn,and har length Of
umbi!icus(C),diSregarding secondary umbil‐
ical deposls(callus),WhiCh were measured in
each dorso― ventra‖y sectioned she‖ at inter‐
va:s of180° using a prolle prolectOr(NIKON,
V16),attaChed to a dignal micrOmeter(aCCu―
racy± l μ
m)(magnrica10n ×20:see ttan‐
abe & sukahara, 1987, figure l, for mea―
surements)Based on these measurements,
four geometric parameters:ie whorl expan‐
sion rate[(Rn/Rη _1)2;n>1宙],flank poslion
(FD),whOn infla10n(3/→ and invo:ution(C
Rl at different growth stages were calculated
for each specirnen.
Gross Morphology and Coloration
he shells ofthe Palau,Philippine(TanOn)
and Fり i Araυ r〃υs essentia‖ y resemble one an‐
otherin overa‖ morphology and she‖ colora―
tion.Their whorls are tightly co‖ ed with a nar‐
row umbilicus,rnostly filled with a ca‖ us in the
middle‐late growth stages The she‖ colora‐
tion consists of two elements, i e irregu:ar
reddish brown to brown serrate radiai stripes
extending from the inner flank to venter and
branching across the mid‐f!ank, and a longi‐
tudinal stripe of the same color around the
umbilical area(Fig l)ln mature and almost
mature she‖ s, the former element tends to
disappear toward the aperture,retaining only
its trace on the inner flank tthe mode of dis―
tribution,strength and hue ofthe she‖ color‐
ation is fairly variable even in the specimens
from the same area,butthe Ftti sample con‐
sists mostly of the phenotype with relatively
short and broad radial stripes(Fig l)
│││││││││││■││││││‐ ││
FIG l Mature shelis of Nat7111t/s belatrθ ηsrs(A-3)and Nat7″ υS ρ
Ompllrus(C― G),shoWing the simi anty in
overall morphology and coloralon A― B Male(A:T3‐ 2:UMUT RM 18708-3)and female(B:T9-3;UMUT RM
18708-9)frOm Palau C― D Male(C:B21;∪ MUT RM 18705-3)and fema e(B30:UMUT RM 18705-7)from
TanOn strat,the Phllippines E― F Male(E:SV6-1:UM∪T RM 18707-2)and female(Fi SV5‐3;UMUtt RM
18707-1)frOm Off Suva,Vli Lebu lsland,Fl G Sex― unknown specimen(SQ3;UMUT RM 18706-2)from
Bohol Stran near siquり or lSiand,the Philppines Scale bar represents 5 cm
FIG 2 0plcal micrographs ofthe ventral she‖ surface of rvaυ rllus belaυθ,slS(A)and rvaυrrlυ s ρ
(B― D),shoWing ongludinally crenulated sculpture A UMUT RM 18708-2(T2-4;female)frOm Palau B
UMUT RM 18707-7(S∨ 13‐ 8;female)frOm Fりi C UMUT RM 18707-8(SV13-13;male)from FJi D UMUT
RM 18705-8(B31;female)frOm the Ph lippines(TanOn stran)Scale bars indicate 500 μ
he whorls of every specimen exhibit
dense sinuous growth lines.ln addition,we‖
marked, longitudina‖y crenulated ridges
showing a reticulate pattern are developed in
every specirnen from Palau tthis sculpture
was assigned by Saunders(1981a)as One Of
the diagnoses for dlstinguishing the Palauan
/aυ θ
nsrs from N ρ
177pr/Jυs However,1
also occurs on the ventral side of rnany spec‐
imens of Ar ρ
υs from Fり i and the Phiト
ippines,although it is especia‖ y conspicuous
in the Palau specimens(Fig 2).
Ontogenetlc She‖ VanatiOn
BIometric analysis of selected specimens in
dorso‐ventral section reveals that the three
samples exhibit sinnilar ontogenetic patterns
of she‖ geometric parameters, as repre‐
sented by the gradual decrease of whorl in‐
flalon(3/→ Wth increase of who‖ number,
sudden decline of flank pos1lon(FD)near
the end ofthe first whorl,and abruptincrease
and subsequent decline of distance of the
who‖s to the coiling axis(CR)in the second―
third who‖ s(Fig 3)!n every sample,the
ranges of variation of geometric Parameters
are!arger in the early stage than in the later
stage tthe observed ranges of each param‐
eter at a given whorl stage in FJi and Palau
specimens rnostly overlap each other,except
forthe larger C R ratio in the later stage ofthe
Palau specirnens tthe umbilicus of every
specimen is initia‖ y free from a ca‖us The
ca‖ us begins to appear during the develop‐
ment ofthe second whorl,increasing its thick―
O Fili (N=21)
*Phi:ippineS(N二 4)
F◆ ν
Q5 1.5 25 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5π 2.5 4.5
3.5 5.5 6.5ル
0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5ι 0
FIG 3 0ntogenelc changes of whon expansion rate[(ヽ Rヽ
_1)21,frank poslion(馬 D),WhO‖ inlalon rate
(34り ,and who‖ involuJon rate(C Rl versus total rota‖ on angle of spiralfor specimens of Naυfllys bθ rat7θ n_
sls from Palau and Naurllυ s ρ
mplrrυ s frOm the Philippines(Tanon stral)and Fli VertiCal bars indicate the
range of one standard deviation
ness as the she‖ grows(Fig.4)A complete
seal ofthe umbilicus by the ca‖ us occurs dur‐ ing the formation of the second whorlforthe
F,i and Philippine specimens,while n is de―
FIG 4 Drawings of cross―sectioned specirnens of
Naυrrlυ s belaυ θ77SIS from Palau(A― C)and 7Vaυ rllυs
plllus from the Philippines(TanOn strait)(D―F)
and Fり i(G―H)A UMUT RM 18708‐ 7(T9‐ 1,ma―
ture male),B UMUT RM 18708-8(T9-2,mature
male), C UMUT RM 18708‐2(T2-4, mature
female), D UMUT RM 18705-5(B27, mature
male),E UM∪T RM 18705-6(B29,mature male),
F UMUT RM 18705-4(B22,submature female),G
UMUT RM 18707-3(SV12-1,submature female),
H UMUT RM 18707-5(SV13-1,submature male)
b ci body chamber,ci ca‖ us
layed afterthe formation ofthe second whorl
for the Palau specimens tthis obseⅣ ation
correlates we‖ with the description of Saun‐
derS(1987,pp 43-44)
The scatter plot of f3ィ H ratios of a‖ captured
anirnals exhibits wide ranging intra‐ and inter―
populational variation of this parameter at
least for premature and mature specimens
(Fig 5).Atthe same she‖ size(D=150-160
mm)mOSt Fli speCimens have a more com‐
pressed she‖ than the Philippine specirnens
he Palau specimens display remarkably
wide variation in gリ H ratio both in the imrna―
ture and mature stages, and the values of
irnmature and submature specimens partly
Ovenap those of mature specimens from Fll
and the Philippines
he ontogenetic pattern of chamberlength
(=diStance between contlguous septa)in the
early to middle stages is fairly anke amOng
specirnens ofthe three samples and the one
Siqu10r specimen(Fig 6)
vana10n Of Mature Shelis
As demonstrated by previous authors
(HaVen,1977;Ward et al,1977;Saunders&
Spinosa, 1978; Ward & Martin, 1980, Ha―
yasaka et al., 1982, 1987; Tanabe et al,
1983i Tanabe&丁 sukahara,1987),speCies of
ving Naυ rflυ s show distinct sexual dimor‐
phism in the size and weight of anirnals and
she‖ proportions at maturity Namely,mature
males are genera‖y larger and possess
broader she‖ s than mature females
By examining the gonad development in
ve‐ caught anirnals, Tanabe & sukahara
(1987)discuSSed the sexual dimorphism in JV.
οmpllfys from the Philippines(丁 anon Stralt)
and Fり i The difference in she‖ size at maturity
among the Palau,Fli and Philippine(丁 anon)
populations is rnade clear by summarizing the
gonad and tissue weight data on live‐ caught
hara, 1987)(Fig 7)in eaCh Sample,abrupt
increase of 9onad Weightinitiates atthe same
she‖ size for both sexes.Fu‖ development of
the gonad is we‖ marked in the male speci‐
mensfrom Palau and Fり i,and this causes the
relatively larger she‖ size in males than in fe‐
males at the same gonad index[= gonad
weight/1ssue weight(%)](Fig.7).
Figure 7 also shows the difference in she‖
diameter at maturity among the three sam‐
ples The average diameters of rnale and fe‐
male specimensin the Palau sample(Ca 210
mm and 190 mm respeclvely)are much
!arger than those in the Fli sample(ca 150
mm and140 mm,respectively)丁hose in the
Philippine(Tanon)sample(ca 170 mm and
160 mm:see also Tanabe et al, 1983,table
3)are intermediate between the Fり i and
Palau samples Thus,the above differences
in mature she‖ size among the three samp!es
are much larger than that between sexes
wnhin the same sample
Recognition of maturity is also shown by
such characteristic she‖ features as approxi‐
mation ofthe finaltwo orthree septa,a thick‐
ened last septunl, and blackened and thick‐
ened aperture(e g Stenzel, 1964;Collins&
150 200
FIG 5 Scatter plot of she‖ breadth/height ralo(3イ Fう Versus she‖ diameter for specimens of rVaυ llrtys
belatrensls from Palau and 7Vaυ rrlυ s ρ
mplrrtrs frOm the Philippines(Tanon stral)and Fl Measurements of
1 79 anirnals captured in 1 986(Tanabe,1987,table 3)are uSed for the FJi sample
Ward, 1987), because these features com‐
mon:y occurin specimens with a large gonad
index. in accordance with these criteria,the
two specimens from Bohol Stral near Siqu10r
lsland(the Philippines)are regarded as ma‐
ture or submature she‖ s tthey are much
smaller in shell diameter(ca 130 mm;Fig
lG)than the mature specimens from TanOn
Stral Totai number of septa at rnaturlty ap―
pears to be different among the three sam‐
ples(33-39,32-35,and 28-32 septa in the
Palau,Philippine(丁anon)and Fり i samples re―
spectively)(Fig 8)
he radula ofrVaυr′
υsis secreted by colum‐
nar epithelial ce‖ s, named odontoblasts, in
the posterior part of the radular sac, and is
generated anteriorly in a series of rows
(丁anabe&Fukuda,1987)Each row consists
of nine primary teeth(one central rachidian,
and two pairs of laterals and marginals on
each side)and tWO pairs of rnarginal support
plates(丁hiele,1893:Vayssiё re,1896;Griffin,
1900; Naef, 1923; Solem & Richardson,
1975; Lehmann, 1976; Mikanli et al, 1980;
Saunders, 1981a, 1987;Tanabe & Fukuda,
1987) his arrangement is clea‖ y distln―
guished from that in modern coleoids,which
in general havё seven primary teeth and a
pair of marginal plates(Solem&Richardson,
Morphologicalfeatures of each radular ele‐
ment are essentia‖ y identical among the Phil‐
ippine(丁anon),Fり i and Palau rVatr″υs(Figs
9-10)Namely,the central rachidian tooth is
triangular in shape, being more than two or
three tirnes as high as the two laterals(Fig 9)
he two rnarginalteeth are much longerthan
the central and laterals: they are gently
A T2-1(male), Palau
OB T5-3《 female), Palau
C B-5(male), Ta3on st., PhHippines
D B-3(female), TanOn st., Phi‖ ppines
E SQ-1(sex unknown), Boh。 l st.,Ph‖ ip
F SV13-2(ma:o), suva,Flii
10 20 30 40
FIG 6 0ntogenelc change ofchamberlength(=septalinterval)for Selected rnature specimens of JVa″ frlυ s
laυ θ
s/s frOm Palau and Natrrrlys ρ
pl17ys from the Ph‖ ippines(TanOn and BOhol Strans)and Fli A
UMUtt RM 18708-1,B UMUT RM 18708-5,C UMUT RM 18705-2,D UMUT RM 18705-1,E UMUT RM
18706-1,F UMUT RM 18707-6
curved and acutely proleCted anteriorly,vvith
two strong grooves along their longitudinal
axis(Fig lo)ln the anterior portion,the teeth
are subcircular in cross section with a round
tlp, but they become rapidly broaden and
compressed tovvard the base A characteristic
spatula‐ like anterior expansion is present at
the base ofthe rnarginalteeth of every spec‐
imen from Palau and Fui(Fig loA― C&E),
but this feature is nOt so pronlinent in many
specimens from the Philippines(Fi9 10D;
see also Saunders, 1981a, figure 2) The
marginal support plates are rectangular in
outline;the inner one is largerthan the outer
A marked depression is developed in the an‐
terior portion of the outer plate
he shape of each radular elementis rnark―
edly variable even in the specimens from the
same area,and the range of variation of the
height/width ratio of the central tooth in the
Palau sample apparently overlaps those in
the Fli and the Philippine samples(Fig ll).
he law apparatus of Naυ rrlυ s differs from
those of modern coleoids by the presence of
conspicuous anterior calcareous coverings
Number of septa
FIG 8 Variation in the total number of septa at
maturity for Naυrrrys bθ
er7srs from Palau and
Naυflrys ρ
mp1/1ys from the Philippines(Tanon
Stral)and Fui
on the chitinous plates ofthe upper and lower
iaWS and by the shorterinnerlame‖ ae ofthe
et al, 1978; anabe & Fukuda, 1987) :ts
overa‖ morphology, composition and struc‐
turalrelalonship wth the iaw muscles are the
same among the species ofrVaυr〃 υs,and are
we‖ designed for a cutting and shearing func‐
190 200 210 220 230
10n (Saunders et al, 1978;
anabe &
he loweriawS Ofthe Fり i and Palau spec‐
irnens are both characterized by a distinct an‐
terior depression in the antero‐dorsal rnargin
of the outer lame‖ a, fo‖owed by a rather
straight shoulder(Fi9 12A― B&E一 F)in con―
trast,the loweriaWS Ofthe Philippine(丁anon)
specimens mostly lack such a depression,
and their outer lame‖a has gently concave
antero‐ dorsal margin and roundly convex
shoulder(Fig 12C― D)
axonomic Re!ationships
he present study shows thatthe Philippine
(丁anon Stran), Fり i and Palau rvaυ υ
s popu―
lations have strong affinities in overa‖ she‖
morpholo9y and radular and iaW Structures
Furtherrnore, the large co‖ ections from the
populations dispiay similar ontogenetic pat‐
terns for the she‖ shape parameters and
chamber length, and they can be distin‐
140 150 160 170 180
100 130
FiG 7 Scatter plot of 9onad index[90nad weight/1ssue weight(%)]VersuS She l diameterfor specimens of
υs belaυ θ
sys from Palau and Naυ υ
s ρ
Omρrllus from the Philippines(TanOn stral)and Fり i
:ド=綸ale PALAU
:Ygれle Fi」
F:G 9 Scanning electron micrographs of central rachidian and lateral(in part)radular teeth in /Vat7tilus
belat/er7Sた frOm Palau(A― B)and rvaurrlυs ρ
lll1/s from the Philippines(TanOn stral)(C― D)and Fり i(E― F)
A UMUT RM 18708-6(T5-4,mature female),B UMUT RM 18708-8(T9‐ 2,mature male),C UM∪ T RM
18705-7(B30;mature female),D UMUT RM 18705-5(B27:mature male),E UMUT RM 18707-4(SV12-3;
immature female),F UMUT RM 18707-9(SV13-14:immature female)Scale bars indicate 200 μ
mnσ and o帆
σtt bdL鴫 and Mが
n∝ and:∬
marginal support plates
et al, 1978; Saunders & Spinosa, 1978,
ing the Palauan population as a separate spe―
tte PJauan Naυυs was de雨 led by l:ア
H/W=20 of she‖s,and the trends of the allometric re―
lationships of several characters of the she‖ s
and soft tissues, not only among the geo‐
graphica‖ y separated populations (Ward et
al, 1977:Hayasaka et al, 1982, 1987;丁 an‐
abe&丁sukahara, 1987;Saunders, 1987:K.
Tanabe's observations on specirnens from
various ioca!ities housed in the∪ S.National
Museum of Natural History),but also among
neighboring populations (Hayasaka et al,
1982; Saunders, 1987; Swan & Saunders,
1987;Habe&Okutani,1988).丁 he minor dif‐
ference in the loweriaw mOrphology between
the Philippine anl Fり i Specimens can proba‐
bly be attributed to conspecific variation.
:n addition to the above results at morpho―
logicallevel,recent examinations ofiarge coト
lections using electropheretic techniques pro‐
vided interesting data relevant to taxonomic
relationships of rVaυ rf/yS populations from a
genelc viewpoint(Masuda & shinomiya,
1983; Woodruff et al., 1983, 1987) hese
works have rnade clear that Araυ rf/υs exhibits
normal or s‖ghtly high levels of genetic vari‐
ation and that the isolated populations are
we‖ differentiated genetica‖y Relying upon
Nei's (1978)genetiC distance coefficients,
Woodruff et al (1987)suggeSted that the
Palau population(rV.bθ /aυθns′s)and possibly
the Fli pOpula10n(N.ρ ο
mpttυs)are C10Sely
related to,but we‖ differentiated at a species
level from the populalons ofノV ρ
OmprlJys in
the waters around New Guinea and Queen‐
sland tthe genetic distance coefficients be―
tween the samples of Ar.bθ laυθnsls from
Palau and οmpilius from eight locali‖ es in
the southwestern Pacific excluding the Ph‖ ip―
pines(<o2)are, hOWever, much smaller
than those between paired samples of Ar.
scЮbrcυ larυs,7v macro177pゎ aルS and′ρ
J/fυ S(>0・5)(see W00druff et al,1987,table
:V&19 2)As Woodruff et al.(1987)docu―
mented,there is no simple basis to translate a
genetic distance into a taxonomic decision,
because the processes of speciation are not
closely coupled to the changes of structural
genes tto Sum up the above― rnentioned mor‐
phological and genetic data,two different in―
terpretations can be considered for the taxo‐
nomic relationship among the three
populations tthe one is thatthe populations in
the Phi:ippine, Fりi and Palauan waters are
summarized into the amphimictica‖ y out―
breeding species,ノ V ρ
Ompilitys,with high lev‐
els of genetic and morphological differentia―
tion,and the other is that Ar.わ θraυ θηsls is a
distinct species reproductively isolated from
H/W‐ 15
0301 03 04 05 06 07 0B
FIG ll Scatter plot of central rachidian tooth
height(H)and basal width(W)fOr specimens of
Naυlt/s bθ /aυθ
sls from Palau and Araυfrlυ s ρ
1/1tys from the Philippines(Tanon stral)and Fli
examination of more than l,00o live caught
anirnals According to Saunders(1981a, b,
1987),Ar bθlaυ θns/s is dislnguished from Ar
OmρJ/fυ S by ls larger mature size and wider
central rachidian radular tooth, and by the
presence of longitudina‖ y crenulated growth
lines on the she‖ The present work,however,
confirms the presence of crenulated she‖ or‐
namentalon in many specimens of rV ρ
υS from Fli and the Ph‖ ippines Further‐
more, the width/height ratios of radular
elements are highly variable even in the spec―
irnens fronl the same area, suggesting that
the shape of radular teeth appears to be of
little significance at!eastforthe species― level
systematics of living rvaυ r′ υs The remaining
diagnosis of the Palau population, unusua‖ y
large mature she‖ size, should not be rened
on for distinguishing species for the fo‖ owing
reasons lndeed,the widespread species,Ar
OttρJ/fυ S displays well― marked morphologi‐
cal differentiation regarding overa‖ weight
and size at rnaturity,proportion and coloration
FIG 12 Drawings of upper(nght s de)and OWer(lefl Side)iaws fOr specimens of Naυ rlltys ρ
υS from
Fり i(A―B)and the Philippines(Tanon stral)(C― D),and 7Vatrrllυs belat7θ η
SIS frOm Palau(E― F)(lateral views)
A UMUT RM 18707-9(SV13-14;mature female),B UMUT RM 18707-10(SV28-4‐ 2;mature male),C
UMUT RM 18705-7(B30;mature female),D UMUT RM 18705-2(B5,mature ma e),E UMUT RM 18708-5
(T5-3;mature female),F
M∪T RM 18708-4(T5-1;mature male)SCale bars indlcate l cm
the populations ofrV ρ
υ this paper,
we refrain from choosing between the two be―
cause of the insufficient data for the genetic
variation of rV ρ
υs throughout its wide
geographic range, especia‖ y of the popula―
tions in the Ph‖ ippine waters
lnterpretation on Mature She‖ Size Variation
!n his discussion of Naυrrltls systematics,
Saunders(1987)suggeSted that the drfer_
encein mature she‖ size between Ar bθ laυθn_
sls and Ar ρ
p″υs dOes not resu‖ from the
difference in the period of growth,on the basis
of counting of septal number and the stage of
the umbilical ca‖ us appearance Although the
absolute growth and longevity of Araυ fr′υ
s in
their natural habitats are not fu‖ y understood,
previous direct and indirect growth rate mea―
surements by release‐ recapture experiments
of tagged specirnens, radiographic obsen/a―
tion of aquarium specimens,and radiometric
dating of septa have shown thatthe period of
chamber(septal)fOrmalon increases expo‐
nentia‖ y with increasing chamber number
(COChran et al,1981;Saunders,1983,1984;
Ward,1985i Cochran&Landman,1984;see
comp‖ ation in Landman&Cochran,1987,fig―
ure 4,table V)丁 he marked difference in the
totalnumber of septa among the mature spec‐
imensfrom Fり i,the Philippines and Palau can
be,therefore,interpreted as refiecting the dif―
ference in the pre― reproductive age among
them tthis interpretation is in accord vvith
Landman & Cochran's(1987)age eStimate
from septal growth equalons(109 y and 5 9
y for N θ
nsys and rV ρ
υS respec―
tively)The Palau population may attain sexual
matunty at siower rates than the FJi and Phiト
ippine populations,although its rate of septal
formation in earlier stages may not differ
greaJy from those in the Ph‖ ippine and Fli
populations tthe rate of shell growth and the
tirne required to attain sexual maturity rnay be
contro‖ed by both ecology(foOd Supply,tem―
perature, water depth etc)and genetic fac―
tors,and the degrees of dependence ofthese
factors on growth apparently differ among in―
dividual populations Based on the data from
genetic analysis,Woodruff et al(1987)sug‐
distinctly diverged from the ancestral form of
Ar ρ
υs by peripheralisolation for about
l million years VVe have no available data on
the fossil record of Naυ
υs to verify this hy‐
pothesis,but if it is correct,the adult size in―
crease or decrease in relation to the length of
pre‐ reproductive age in the history of Al ρ
υS StOCk can be expressed by hypermor‐
phosis and progenesis in terms of McNama―
ra'S(1986)definitiOn of heterochrony
The Araυrrノυ
s pOpulations in Palau,the Ph‖
ippines and Fli are eSSentia‖ y similarin over‐
a‖ she‖ morphology,ontogenetic she‖ varia―
lon,and iaw and radular structures tthey are
distinguished mainly by the dirnensions of
adult animals From these morphological ev―
idence and the avallable genetic data, the
Palau and the other two populations are re―
garded as either summarizing into the wide‐
spread species, Aratyrr′ tls ρ
pllJus, or be―
longing to the closely related sib‖ ng species,
N θ
17srS and Ar ρ
O177pl17υs respectlvely
he size difference among the adult anirnals
from the three populations probably results
from the difference in their pre― reproductive
llVe acknowiedge Yoshiko Kakinuma for her
facilities and encouragement,both in the field
and laboratory Ourthanks to Angel C AIcala,
Uday Ral,and David K !dip for providing fa―
c‖ ities to operate our field research, other
members ofthe prolectin the Philippines,Fり i
and Palau for their assistance in co‖ ecting
live rvaυ rlltJs and for hetpful discussions,and
Clyde F Roperfor a‖ owing one of us(K丁 )to
observe the co‖ ectlons of AraL/fflυ s atthe∪ S
Natlonal Museum of Natural History in his
care 1/V Bruce Saunders and Neil H Land‐
man read the manuscript critica‖y and gave
useful comments forimprovement of this pa―
per Supported by the Scientific Research
Fund from the」 apanese Ministry of Educa―
lon, Science and Cunure(MOmbυ Sわο
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... Since then, the morphology of Nautilus has been further examined in terms of various characters including the embryonic shell and shell ultrastructure (Arnold, 1988; Blind, 1988; Landman et al., 1989; Mutvei & Doguzhaeva, 1997; Tanabe & Uchiyama, 1997), mantle (Westermann et al., 2005), body musculature (Bizikov, 2002), muscle attachments (Mutvei et al., 1993; Isaji et al., 2002), buccal organs and musculature (Young, 1991; Tanabe & Fukuda, 1999; Messenger & Young, 1999), digestive tract and glands (Ruth et al., 1988; Westermann & Schipp, 1998; Westermann et al., 2002), siphuncular cord (Tanabe et al., 2000), nervous system (Young, 1965;), sensory tentacles (Munz & Wentworth, 1995; Ruth et al., 2002), statocysts (Neumeister & Budelmann, 1997), and development (Arnold, 1987a, b; Tanabe and Uchiyama, 1997; Shigeno et al., 2008). Taxonomic studies based on morphology have also been performed at generic and species levels (Tanabe et al., 1990; Ward & Saunders, 1997). All anatomic data published before 1997 were reviewed together with those on the Coleoidea by Budelmann et al. (1997). ...
... Dissected specimens were registered and deposited in the Department of Historical Geology and Paleontology, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo (UMUT). Descriptions in this study are based on specimens from four different sources, all from the Philippine coastal waters: (1) three complete specimens of two adult females and one adult male (see Tanabe et al., 1990, for sampling data) (registration number: UMUT RM30005- 30007); (2) isolated buccal masses from seven adults (UMUT RM30008-30014); (3) five immature specimens purchased from an aquarium company (UMUT RM30015-30019); and (4) two embryos obtained from the Toba Aquarium (UMUT RM30020-30021). All of the adult samples were originally fixed in 10% formalin and preserved in 70% ethanol. ...
... Both beaks consist of inner and outer lamellae that join on the anterior side. In the upper beak, the inner lamella is much longer than the outer one and is posteriorly elongated, whereas in the lower beak, the inner lamella is reduced and entirely covered by the well-developed outer lamella, so that it cannot be seen from the lateral side (see Saunders et al., 1978; Tanabe et al., 1990). Both jaws are tied with thick muscles (bm:Figure 5A–C) connecting the inner surface of the lower jaw (bma:Figure 5A, B) and outer surface of the upper jaw. ...
Full-text available
The anatomy of Nautilus pompilius was reinvestigated on the basis of material from the Philippines to evaluate the “primitiveness” of the living fossil cephalopod. All organ systems were dissected at the gross level, photographed, and described. The results of dissection were compared with the knowledge of other living cephalopods (Coleoidea) and noncephalopod conchiferan molluscs. As a result, 16 characters were identified as synapomorphies of the Recent cephalopods, and there are more possible characters in the buccal musculature and various types of cartilage. Further comparison revealed clear differences in 52 characters between Nautilus and the Coleoidea. These differences include Nautilus autapomorphies and/or coleoidean synapomorphies. By outgroup comparison within the Conchifera, especially with basal gastropods and scaphopods, the polarity and “primitiveness” were evaluated for each character. Sixteen characters were inferred to be obviously plesiomorphic in Nautilus, but others are apomorphic or ambiguous. The large number of arms and ctenidia in Nautilus are possibly derived characters rather than primitiveness. The two-paired renopericardial organs might also be apomorphic, but this hypothesis should be tested in further ontogenetic studies.
... The arrowhead-and scallop-shaped calcified tips in the upper and lower jaws of modern and fossil nautilids and lytoceratid and phylloceratid ammonoids are currently termed rhyncholites and conchorhynchs, respectively (Teichert et al., 1964;Saunders et al., 1978;Tanabe et al., 1980). The lower jaws of modern and fossil nautilids are, however, much smaller ( < 50 mm in maximal size even in the adult stage; Saunders et al., 1978;Tanabe et al., 1990;Dietl and Schweigert, 1999;Klug, 2001) than HMG-1847, and exceptionally large nautilid conchs that could accommodate a lower jaw similar in size to that of HMG-1847 have not yet been found from the Cretaceous of Japan or other regions. Based on the aforementioned characteristic features of HMG-1847 and KMNH IvP 902012, we assigned their higher taxonomic positions to the Ammonoidea. ...
Two exceptionally large cephalopod jaws collected from the Upper Cretaceous marine deposits of the Hidaka area, Hokkaido (Yezo Group), and Awaji Island, Southwest Japan (Izumi Group), respectively, are described. Further, their taxonomic relationships and functional morphologic aspect for feeding are discussed. Based on a comparison to counterparts of modern and extinct cephalopods, they were identified as the lower jaws of ammonoids. Owing to the development of a thick calcareous tip in the large outer chitinous lamella, the lower jaw from the Yezo Group is classified as a rhychaptychus-type known from the Cretaceous Lytoceratina and Phylloceratina. The lower jaw from the Izumi Group lacks a sharply pointed calcareous tip and is characterized by a posteriorly elongated outer chitinous lamella, whose outer surface is sculptured by a median furrow in the anterior portion. These features categorize it as an intermediate-type lower jaw shared by the Cretaceous Desmoceratoidea. As determined from the co-occurring ammonoids and the relationship between the dimensions of in situ lower jaws and conchs for ammonoids previously described, the two lower jaws from the Yezo and Izumi groups were, respectively, thought to belong to large gaudryceratid and pachydiscid specimens, both of which have shell diameters greater than 40 cm. The overall shape and structure of the two lower jaws suggest a scavenging-predatory feeding habit for the gaudryceratid and a passive microphagous habitat for the pachydiscid.
... Nautilus is an extant genus of ectocochleate cephalopods that has been widely used as a modern analogue for extinct ammonoids (for a critical opinion, see Jacobs and Landman 1993). Although research on taxonomy and morphological variation of Nautilus has been carried out intensively by paleontologists (Tanabe et al. 1983(Tanabe et al. , 1985(Tanabe et al. , 1990Swan and Saunders 1987;Tanabe and Tsukahara 1995), the patterns of ontogenetic intraspecific variation of their main conch parameters were largely unknown. In fact, some biologists suggested that some of the established morphospecies of Nautilus need to be synonymized based on their genetic similarities (Wray et al. 1995;Bonnaud et al. 2004;Sinclair et al. 2007;Vandepas et al. 2016). ...
Full-text available
Intraspecific variation of organisms is of great importance to correctly carry out taxonomic work, which is a prerequisite for key disciplines in paleontology such as community paleoecology, biostratigraphy, and biogeography. However, intraspecific variation is rarely studied in ectocochleate cephalopods (ammonoids and nautiloids), for which an excessive number of taxa was established during the past centuries. Because intraspecific variation of fossilized organisms suffers from various biases (time averaging and taphonomy), an extant example is needed for actualistic comparison. We applied 3D morphometry to 93 specimens of Nautilus pompilius from three different geographic populations. This data set was used to examine the intraspecific variation throughout ontogeny in detail. Although there are slight differences between the populations as well as some measurement biases, a common pattern of intraspecific variation appears to be present. High variation in morphometric variables appears early in ontogeny and then decreases gradually in the following ontogenetic stages. Subsequently, the variation shows an increase again before maturity until a sharp increase or decrease occurs toward the end of ontogeny. Comparison with intraspecific variation of ammonoids and belemnites illustrated that some groups have ontogenetic patterns of intraspecific variation that are similar to that of N. pompilius . This implies that the abovementioned ontogenetic pattern of intraspecific variation might be common in some major cephalopod clades.
... However, within this range, comprising hundreds of archipelagoes and thousands of islands, there have been few efforts to systematically document the presence of living populations. Historically, most data on living populations were derived from indigenous artisanal fi sheries information (e.g., Willey 1899, Griffi n 1900, with only a few quantitative accounts of these efforts (e.g., Haven 1972, Hayasaka et al. 1982, Tanabe et al. 1990, Del Norte-Campos 2005, Dunstan et al. 2010. There are relatively few published accounts documenting new occurrences of living populations (e.g., Saunders and Davis 1985, Saunders and Ward 1987b, Saunders et al.1989. ...
Full-text available
The taxonomic history of Nautilus pompilius Linnaeus, 1758, the most widely distributed species of Nautilus Linnaeus, 1758, is complex, mostly owing to the antiquity of the earliest description by the naturalist Rumphius (Rumpf) in 1705. His account of its habits and illustrations of soft anatomy of specimens from Ambon, Molucca Islands, Indonesia were cited by Linnaeus in his description of N. pompilius. Nevertheless, there is almost no information on Nautilus in Indonesia. Live-caught animals (n = 44) from 150-400 m depth off Ambon provide the first morphologic and genetic details on Nautilus pompilius from the type region, including a recently proposed neotype for the type species. An additional sample (n = 62) obtained from the Sumbawa-Lombok Islands area, Indonesia, 1,500km to the southeast appears identical to those from Ambon. These populations have the largest known mature shells (mean ∼198mm diameter, ∼1,160 g shell plus body weight) of any of the numerous Indo-Pacific occurrences of Nautilus pompilius s.l. presently assigned to this species. Aside from size, few major phenotypic aspects differ from other populations of the species throughout its broad Indo-Pacific range. Data from two mitochondrial DNA gene regions identified a strongly supported clade comprising Ambon, Sumbawa, and Philippines N. pompilius s.s. These new data provide a baseline for evaluating genetic, phenotypic and geographic variation in the broadly distributed species N. pompilius s.l., as well as for establishing taxonomic relationships in populations of living Nautilus, including N. pompilius pompilius Linnaeus, 1758.
... The radula has been described and figured by several authors (e.g. Solem & Richardson, 1975;Saunders et al., 1978;Tanabe et al., 1990). Thus another description is unnecessary and only some measurements and additional photographs are provided (PI. ...
... The radula of extant Nautilus is composed of 13 elements (R, L1, L2, M1, MP1, M2, MP2) with marginal plates inserted between marginal teeth (Fig. 11.2a,3a). The morphology of the radula is very conservative in the genus (Tanabe et al. 1990). The radula is wide and is approximately 10 mm wide and 30 mm long (Saunders et al. 1978). ...
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The radula is a molluscan feeding device that was also present in ammonoids. It consists of a ribbon with regularly arranged chitinous teeth disposed in transversal rows located between the upper and lower jaws. This chapter describes the radula in twelve ammonoid genera. The radula is composed of seven teeth per row: the rachidian tooth, two lateral teeth on each side of the rachidian tooth, and the marginal teeth on the external part of the ribbon. Marginal plates are only present in a few taxa. Compared to Recent cephalopods, the radula of ammonoids is similar in morphology and number of elements to that of coleoids. The radula in the Goniatitina is unicuspidate and shows little variation so far, while the radula in the Ammonitina and Ancyloceratina is more variable and consists of multicuspidate rachidian and lateral teeth and elongate marginal teeth.
... In practice, this will prove difficult because complete Spirula specimens are seldom caught. Although limited in geographical scope compared to the present study, an analogous analysis based on Nautilus may help interpreting the present results (Tanabe et al. 1990). In spite of their non-overlapping distributions (live-caught specimens were coming from the Philip- H p-values Radius at adult stage, Geographical areas 43.6 <0.0001 *** Whorl height at adult stage, Geographical areas 49.7 <0.0001 *** Number of septa at adult stage, Geographical areas 25.9 <0.0001 *** Rotational angle at adult stage, Geographical areas 11.3 0.023 *Table 3. Non parametric Kruskal-Wallis test for various data sets (see main text). ...
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We compare 110 Spirula shells from five geographical areas. Morphometry provides a criterion for determining when shell growth ends (decrease in whorl height). Characteristics of adult shells apparently vary with geographical origin: specimens from Madagascar, New Zealand and Brazil are larger than those from North-West Africa and Australia. These findings challenge the monospecific status of the genus Spirula but fall short of proving the occurrence of more than one species. Supplementary molecular investigations are called for.
... This information refutes the notion that Nautilus displays ontogenetic habitat partitioning and instead suggests that juveniles are indeed rare [3,9,31]. Indeed, there are few data collected elsewhere describing the juvenile component of the population beyond occasional trapping [9,23,31,35,36,37,38,39] and remote camera data [34,40]. These data indicate that juveniles represent ,10% of the population). ...
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The low fecundity, late maturity, long gestation and long life span of Nautilus suggest that this species is vulnerable to over-exploitation. Demand from the ornamental shell trade has contributed to their rapid decline in localized populations. More data from wild populations are needed to design management plans which ensure Nautilus persistence. We used a variety of techniques including capture-mark-recapture, baited remote underwater video systems, ultrasonic telemetry and remotely operated vehicles to estimate population size, growth rates, distribution and demographic characteristics of an unexploited Nautilus pompilius population at Osprey Reef (Coral Sea, Australia). We estimated a small and dispersed population of between 844 and 4467 individuals (14.6-77.4 km(-2)) dominated by males (83:17 male:female) and comprised of few juveniles (<10%).These results provide the first Nautilid population and density estimates which are essential elements for long-term management of populations via sustainable catch models. Results from baited remote underwater video systems provide confidence for their more widespread use to assess efficiently the size and density of exploited and unexploited Nautilus populations worldwide.
The Triassic ammonoid Czekanowskites rieberi displays a covariation of morphological charac ters, which is rather common in ammonoids. Its morphological spectrum ranges from laterally compressed, involute, weakly ribbed forms to depressed, semiinvolute, strongly ribbed forms. In order to study this covariation, fifteen axially cut specimens have been analyzed by means of image analysis, which allows us to obtain the ontogenetic record of radii, area and perimeter of the individual whorl cross-sections. A logarithmic model of growth has been applied. Our data indicate that, owing to the covariation, the radii from the origin to the venter and to the umbil ical seam of a given whorl section vary inversely in order to maintain the relative position of the center of gravity of the whorl cross-section both throughout the ontogeny of single specimens and within the population. This influences hydrostatic parameters, such as the position of the center of mass and the orientation and stability of the shell. Since the ontogenetic record of the angular length of the body chamber is not known, we have calculated those hydrostatic varia bles using two mutually exclusive assumptions: (1) the angular length of the body chamber was constant throughout ontogeny and (2) the volume of the body chamber grew monotonically with the revolution angle. Fluctuations of the three hydrostatic variables were always less important in the first assumption. In any case, the spectrum of, for example, theoretical orien tations is comparable to those observed in the species of present-day Nautilus. The range of adult body-chamber length observed in C. rieberi is much narrower than the theoretical adult body-chamber length calculated under the second assumption which indicates that a certain control over this parameter existed in the natural population, probably in order to maintain a narrow range in orientation and stability. The excess or deficit in soft-body weight was probably compensated by inverse variations in shell-wall weight. The main conclusion is that, despite the extreme morphological variability, hydrostatic and, possibly, hydrodynamic properties of the population remained within narrow limits.
Baseline capture and mark-and-release studies of Nautilus pompilius conducted at Osprey Reef, Coral Sea, Australia reveal that this unexploited population is stable from a catch per unit effort (CPUE) basis over 12 years. In contrast, data from a detailed interview questionnaire of N. pompilius fishers and traders in Palawan, Philippines highlight a fishery that is unsustainable. The results from the Philippines show up to 80% declines in reported CPUE from 1980 to the present, fewer than three Nautilus generations, which can be attributed to fishing pressure. This is evidence for N. pompilius (and by ecological association, other Nautilus species) to be assessed as ‘endangered’ in the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List. Questionnaire responses suggested there is no cultural or historical relevance of Nautilus fishing to local communities and the fishery only provides approximately 10–20 years of economic return before becoming non-viable. Identification of new Nautilus fishing sites and training of locals by buyers from distant depleted fishing areas illustrate how the value and demand for Nautilus shells generates fishing pressure.
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