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A simulated annealing approach to the curriculum-based course timetabling problem

Feature-based tuning of simulated annealing applied to
the curriculum-based course timetabling problem
Ruggero Bellioa, Sara Ceschiab, Luca Di Gasperob, Andrea Schaerfb,
Tommaso Urlic
aDIES, University of Udine, via Tomadini 30/A, I-33100, Udine, Italy
bDIEGM, University of Udine, via delle Scienze 208, I-33100, Udine, Italy
cNICTA, Canberra Research Laboratory, Tower A, 7 London Circuit, Canberra ACT
2601, Australia
We consider the university course timetabling problem, which is one of the
most studied problems in educational timetabling. In particular, we fo-
cus our attention on the formulation known as the curriculum-based course
timetabling problem (CB-CTT), which has been tackled by many researchers
and for which there are many available benchmarks.
The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we propose an effective
and robust single-stage simulated annealing method for solving the prob-
lem. Secondly, we design and apply an extensive and statistically-principled
methodology for the parameter tuning procedure. The outcome of this anal-
ysis is a methodology for modeling the relationship between search method
parameters and instance features that allows us to set the parameters for
unseen instances on the basis of a simple inspection of the instance itself.
Using this methodology, our algorithm, despite its apparent simplicity, has
been able to achieve high quality results on a set of popular benchmarks.
A final contribution of the paper is a novel set of real-world instances,
which could be used as a benchmark for future comparison.
Keywords: Course Timetabling, Simulated Annealing, Metaheuristics,
Feature Analysis, Parameter Tuning
Email addresses: (Ruggero Bellio), (Sara Ceschia), (Luca Di Gaspero), (Andrea Schaerf), (Tommaso Urli)
Preprint submitted to Elsevier March 15, 2016
1. Introduction
The issue of designing the timetable for the courses of the incoming term is
a typical problem that universities or other academic institutions face at each
semester. There are a large number of variants of this problem, depending on
the specific regulations at the involved institutions (see, e.g., Kingston, 2013;
Lewis, 2008; Schaerf, 1999). Among the different variants, two in particular
are now considered standard, and featured at the international timetabling
competitions ITC-2002 and ITC-2007 (McCollum et al., 2010). These stan-
dard formulations are the Post-Enrollment Course Timetabling (PE-CTT)
(Lewis et al., 2007) and Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling (CB-CTT)
(Di Gaspero et al., 2007), which have received an appreciable attention in
the research community so that many recent articles deal with either one of
The distinguishing difference between the two formulations is the origin
of the main constraint of the problem, i.e., the conflicts between courses
that prevent one from scheduling them simultaneously. Indeed, in PE-CTT
the source of conflicts is the actual student enrollment whereas in CB-CTT
the courses in conflict are those that belong to the same predefined group
of courses, or curricula. However, this is only one of the differences, which
actually include many other distinctive features and cost components. For
example in PE-CTT each course is a self-standing event, whereas in CB-CTT
a course consists of multiple lectures. Consequently the soft constraints are
different: in PE-CTT they are all related to events, penalizing late, consecu-
tive, and isolated ones, while in CB-CTT they mainly involve curricula and
courses, ensuring compactness in a curriculum, trying to evenly spread the
lectures of a course in the weekdays, and possibly preserving the same room
for a course.
In this work we focus on CB-CTT, and we build upon our previous work
on this problem (Bellio et al., 2012). The key ingredients of our method
are i) a fast single-stage Simulated Annealing (SA) method, and ii) a com-
prehensive statistical analysis methodology featuring a principled parameter
tuning phase. The aim of the analysis is to model the relationship between
the most relevant parameters of the solver and the features of the instance
under consideration. The proposed approach tackles the parameter selection
as a classification problem, and builds a rule for choosing the set of parame-
ters most likely to perform well for a given instance, on the basis of specific
features. The effectiveness of this methodology is confirmed by the experi-
mental results on two groups of validation instances. We are able to show
that our method compares favorably with all the state-of-the-art methods on
the available instances.
As an additional contribution of this paper, we extend the set of available
problem instances by collecting several new real-world instances that can be
added to the set of standard benchmarks and included in future comparison.
The source code of the solver developed for this work is publicly available
2. Curriculum-based course timetabling
The problem formulation we consider in this paper is essentially the ver-
sion proposed for the ITC-2007, which is by far the most popular. The
detailed formulation is presented in (Di Gaspero et al., 2007), however, in
order to keep the paper self-contained, we briefly report it also in the follow-
ing. Alternative formulations of the problem, used in the experimental part
of the paper (Sect. 6.7), are described in (Bonutti et al., 2012). Essentially,
the problem consists of the following entities
Days, Timeslots, and Periods. We are given a number of teaching days
in the week. Each day is split into a fixed number of timeslots. A period
is a pair composed of a day and a timeslot.
Courses and Teachers. Each course consists of a fixed number of lectures
to be scheduled in distinct periods, it is attended by a number of stu-
dents, and is taught by a teacher. For each course, there is a minimum
number of days across which the lectures of the course should be spread.
Moreover, there are some periods in which the course cannot be sched-
uled (e.g., teacher’s or students’ availabilities).
Rooms. Each room has a capacity, i.e., a number of available seats.
Curricula. Acurriculum is a group of courses that share common students.
Consequently, courses belonging to the same curriculum are in conflict
and cannot be scheduled at the same period.
A solution of the problem is an assignment of a period (day and timeslot)
and a room to all lectures of each course so as to satisfy a set of hard con-
straints and to minimize the violations of soft constraints described in the
2.1. Hard constraints
There are three types of hard constraints
RoomOccupancy:Two lectures cannot take place simultaneously in the
same room.
Conflicts:Lectures of courses in the same curriculum, or taught by the same
teacher, must be scheduled in different periods.
Availabilities:A course may not be available for being scheduled in a certain
2.2. Soft constraints
For the formulation ITC-2007 there are four types of soft constraints
RoomCapacity:The capacity of the room assigned to each lecture must be
greater than or equal to the number of students attending the corre-
sponding course. The penalty for the violation of this constraint is
measured by the number of students in excess.
MinWorkingDays:The lectures of each course cannot be tightly packed, but
they must be spread into a given minimum number of days.
IsolatedLectures:Lectures belonging to a curriculum should be adjacent to
each other (i.e., be assigned to consecutive periods). We account for a
violation of this constraint every time, for a given curriculum, there is
one lecture not adjacent to any other lecture of the same curriculum
within the same day.
RoomStability:All lectures of a course should be given in the same room.
For all the details, including input and output data formats and validation
tools, we refer to (Di Gaspero et al., 2007).
3. Related work
In this section we review the literature on CB-CTT. The presentation
is organized as follows: we firstly describe the solution approaches based
on metaheuristic techniques; secondly, we report the contributions on exact
approaches and on methods for obtaining lower bounds; finally, we discuss
papers that investigate additional aspects related to the problem, such as in-
stance generation and multi-objective formulations. A recent survey covering
all these topics is provided by ?.
3.1. Metaheuristic approaches
uller (2009) solves the problem by applying a constraint-based solver
that incorporates several local search algorithms operating in three stages:
(i) a construction phase that uses an Iterative Forward Search algorithm to
find a feasible solution, (ii) a first search phase delegated to a Hill Climbing
algorithm, followed by (iii) a Great Deluge or Simulated Annealing strategy
to escape from local minima. The algorithm was not specifically designed for
CB-CTT but it was intended to be employed on all three tracks of ITC-2007
(including, besides CB-CTT and PE-CTT, also Examination Timetabling).
The solver was the winner of two out of three competition tracks, and it was
among the finalists in the third one.
The Adaptive Tabu Search proposed by L¨u and Hao (2009) follows a
three stage scheme: in the initialization phase a feasible timetable is built
using a fast heuristic; then the intensification and diversification phases are
alternated through an adaptive tabu search in order to reduce the violations
of soft constraints.
A novel hybrid metaheuristic technique, obtained by combining Electro-
magnetic-like Mechanisms and the Great Deluge algorithm, was employed by
Abdullah et al. (2012) who obtained high-quality results on both CB-CTT
and PE-CTT testbeds.
Finally, L¨u et al. (2011) investigated the search performance of different
neighborhood relations typically used by local search algorithms to solve
this problem. The neighborhoods are compared using different evaluation
criteria, and new combinations of neighborhoods are explored and analyzed.
3.2. Exact approaches and methods for computing lower bounds
Several authors tackled the problem by means of exact approaches with
both the goal of finding solutions or computing lower bounds.
Among these authors, Burke et al. (2010b) engineered a hybrid method
based on the decomposition of the whole problem into different sub-problems,
each of them solved using a mix of different IP formulations. Subsequently,
the authors propose a novel IP model (Burke et al., 2010a) based on the con-
cept of “supernode” which was originally employed to model graph coloring
problems. This new encoding has been applied to the CB-CTT benchmarks
and was compared with the established two-index IP model. The results
showed that the supernodes formulation is able to considerably reduce the
computational time. Lastly, the same authors propose a Branch-and-Cut
procedure (Burke et al., 2012) aimed at computing lower bounds for various
problem formulations.
Lach and L¨ubbecke (2012) proposed an IP approach that decomposes
the problem in two stages: the first aims at assigning courses to periods
Table 1: Lower bounds for the comp instances. Proven optimal solutions in
the Best known column are denoted by an asterisk. Note: These bounds
were obtained using diverse experimental setups (particularly time budgets)
and therefore should not be regarded as a comparison of methods to find lower
bounds but rather as a record of the lower bounds available in literature.
u Burke Hao Lach Burke As´ın Ach´a Cacchiani Best
Instance (2009) (2010) (2011) (2012) (2012) (2012) (2013) known
comp01 454 4 4 0 55*
comp02 11 6 12 11 0 16 16 24
comp03 25 43 38 25 2 28 52 66
comp04 28 2 35 28 0 35 35 35*
comp05 108 183 183 108 99 48 166 284
comp06 12 6 22 10 0 27 11 27*
comp07 606 6 06 6 6*
comp08 37 237 37 037 37 37*
comp09 47 0 72 46 0 35 92 96
comp10 404 4 042 4*
comp11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0*
comp12 57 5 109 53 0 99 100 298
comp13 41 0 59 41 3 59 57 59*
comp14 46 0 51 051 48 51*
comp15 38 28 52 66
comp16 16 18 13 18*
comp17 48 56 48 56*
comp18 24 27 52 62
comp19 56 46 48 57
comp20 24 4 4*
comp21 61 42 42 74
and mainly focuses on satisfying the hard constraints; the second optimizes
for the soft constraints and assigns lectures to rooms by solving a matching
Hao and Benlic (2011) developed a partition-based approach to compute
lower bounds: The idea behind their method is to divide the original in-
stance into sub-instances by means of an Iterative Tabu Search procedure.
Afterwards, each subproblem is solved via an IP solver using the model pro-
posed by Lach and L¨ubbecke (2012); a lower bound of the original instance
is obtained by summing up the lower bound values of all these sub-instances.
A somewhat similar approach has been tried recently by Cacchiani et al.
(2013), who instead exploit soft constraints for the sub-instance partitioning.
After the partitioning phase, two separated problems are formulated as IPs
and then solved to optimality by a Column Generation technique.
As´ın Ach´a and Nieuwenhuis (2014) employed several satisfiability (SAT)
models for tackling the CB-CTT problem that differ on which constraints are
specifically considered soft or hard. Using different encodings they were able
to compute lower bounds and obtain new best solutions for the benchmarks.
Finally, Banbara et al. (2013) translated the CB-CTT formulation into
an Answer Set Programming (ASP) problem and solved it using the ASP
solver clasp.
A summary of the results of the aforementioned literature is given in
Table 1, which reports the lower bounds for the instances of ITC-2007 testbed
(named comp in the table). The results highlighted in boldface indicate the
tightest lower bounds.
Note that these bounds were obtained using diverse experimental setups
(particularly time budgets) and therefore should not be regarded as a fair
comparison of methods, but rather as a record of the lower bounds available
in literature. In the table we also report the best results known at the time
of writing. Best values marked with an asterisk are guaranteed optimal (i.e.,
they match the lower bound).
3.3. Additional research issues
We now discuss research activities on CB-CTT that consider other issues
besides the solution to the original problem.
The first issue concerns the development of instance generators. To the
best of our knowledge, the first attempt to devise an instance generator for
CB-CTT is due to Burke et al. (2010a), who tried to create instances that
resemble the structure of the ITC-2007 comp instances. That generator has
been revised and improved by Lopes and Smith-Miles (2010), who based
their work on a deeper insight on the instance features and made their gen-
erator publicly available. For our experimental analysis we use the generator
developed in the latter work.
A further research issue concerns the investigation of the problem as a
multi-objective one. To this regard, Geiger (2009) considered the CB-CTT
problem as a multi-criteria decision problem, and studied the influence of the
weighted-sum aggregation methodology on the performance of the technique.
Another issue related to multi-objective studies concerns the concept of
fairness. Notably, in the standard single objective formulation, some cur-
ricula can be heavily penalized in the best result in favor of an overall high
quality. uhlenthaler and Wanka (2013) studied this problem and consid-
ered various notions of fairness. Moreover, they compared these notions in
order to evaluate their effects with respect to the other objectives.
4. Search method
We propose a solution method for the problem that is based on the well-
known Simulated Annealing metaheuristic (Kirkpatrick et al., 1983). As it
is customary for local search, in order to instantiate the abstract solution
method to the problem at hand we must define a search space, a neighbor-
hood relation, and a cost function.
4.1. Search space
We consider the search space composed of all the assignments of lectures
to rooms and periods for which the hard constraint Availability is satisfied.
Hard constraints Conflicts and RoomOccupancy are considered as components
of the cost function and their violation is highly penalized.
4.2. Neighborhood relations
We employ two different basic neighborhood relations, defined by the set
of solutions that can be reached by applying any of the following moves to a
MoveLecture (ML):Change the period and the room of one lecture.
SwapLectures (SL):Swap the period and the room of two lectures of dis-
tinct courses.
The two basic neighborhoods are merged in a composite neighborhood
that considers the set union of ML and SL. However, according to the results
of our previous study (Bellio et al., 2012), we restrict the ML neighborhood
so that only moves which place the lecture in an empty room are considered
(whenever possible, i.e., when the room occupancy factor is less than 100%,
as there would be no empty rooms in such a case). Moreover, our previous
findings suggest employing a non-uniform probability for selecting the moves
in the composed neighborhood. In detail, the move selection strategy consists
of two stages: first the neighborhood is randomly selected with a non-uniform
probability controlled by a parameter sr (swap rate), then a random move
in the selected neighborhood is uniformly drawn.
4.3. Cost function
The cost of a solution sis a weighted sum of the violations of the hard con-
straints Conflicts and RoomOccupancy and of the objectives (i.e., the measure
of soft constraints violations)
Cost(s) = Conflicts(s)×whard
+IsolatedLectures(s)×wil ,
where the weights wwd = 5, wrs =wrc = 1 and wil = 2 are defined by the
problem formulation, while whard is a parameter of the algorithm (see Sec-
tion 4.5). This value should be high enough to give precedence to feasibility
over objectives, but it should not be so high as to allow the SA metaheuris-
tic (whose move acceptance criterion is based on the difference in the cost
function between the current solution and the neighboring one) to select also
moves that could increase the number of violations in early stages of the
4.4. The SA metaheuristic
In a departure from our previous work (Bellio et al., 2012), in which the
metaheuristic that guides the search is a combination (token-ring) of Tabu
Search and a “standard” version of SA, in this work we employ a single-stage
enhanced version of the latter method. We show that this rather simple SA
variant, once properly tuned, outperforms such a combination.
The SA metaheuristic (Kirkpatrick et al., 1983) is a local search method
based on a probabilistic acceptance criterion for non-improving moves. Specif-
ically, at each iteration a neighbor of the current solution is randomly selected
and it is accepted if eitheri) it improves the cost function value or, ii) accord-
ing to an exponential probability distribution that is biased by the amount
of worsening and by a parameter Tcalled temperature. Besides the initial-
ization functions (setting the initial solution and fixing temperature T0), the
main hot-spots of the method are the function for updating (i.e., decreasing)
the temperature and the stopping condition. In the standard variant of SA,
the temperature update is performed at regular intervals (i.e., every nsit-
erations) and the cooling scheme employed is a geometric one. That is, the
temperature is decreased by multiplying it for a cooling factor α(0 < α < 1),
so that T0=α·T. The search is stopped when the temperature reaches a
minimum value Tmin that will prevent accepting worsening solutions. The
main differences between the SA approach implemented in this work and the
one proposed in (Bellio et al., 2012) reside in a different specification of these
two components. In this implementation we replace the standard functions
with the following strategies
1. a cutoff-based temperature cooling scheme (Johnson et al., 1989);
2. a different stopping condition for the solver, based on the maximum
number of allowed iterations.
In the following, we detail these two aspects of the SA method employed
in this work.
Cutoff-based cooling scheme. In order to better exploit the time at its dis-
posal, our algorithm employs a cutoff-based cooling scheme. In practice,
instead of sampling a fixed number nsof solutions at each temperature level
(as it is customary in SA implementations), the algorithm is allowed to de-
crease the temperature prematurely by multiplying it by a cooling rate cr,
provided that a portion nansof the sampled solutions has been accepted
already. This allows us to speed-up the initial part of the search, thus saving
iterations that can be used in the final part, where intensification takes place.
Stopping condition. To allow for a fair comparison with the existing litera-
ture, instead of stopping the search when a specific (minimum) temperature
Tmin is reached, our algorithm stops on the basis of an iteration budget,
which is roughly equivalent to fixing a time budget, given that the cost of
one iteration is approximately constant.
A possible limitation of this choice is that the temperature might still
be too high when the budget runs out. In order to overcome this problem,
we fix an expected minimum temperature Tmin to a reasonable value and
we compute the number ns(see Equation 1) of solutions sampled at each
temperature so that the minimum temperature is reached exactly when the
maximum number of iterations is met. That is
Table 2: Parameters of the search method.
Parameter Symbol Range
Starting temperature T0[1,100]
Neighbors accepted ratio (na/ns)ρ[0.01,1]
Cooling rate cr [0.99,0.999]
Hard constraints weight whard [10,1000]
Neighborhood swap rate sr [0.1,0.9]
Expected minimum temperature Tmin [0.01,1]
ns=itermax,log (T0/Tmin )
log cr .(1)
Because of the cutoff-based cooling scheme, at the beginning of the search
the temperature might decrease before all nssolutions have been sampled.
Thus Tmin is reached in kiterations in advance, where kdepends on the cost
landscape and on the ratio na/ns. These spared iterations are exploited at
the end of the search, i.e., after Tmin has been reached, to carry out further
intensification moves.
In order to simplify the parameters of the algorithm, given the dependence
of the cutoff-based scheme on the ratio na/nsand the relation nans, we
decided to indirectly specify the value of the parameter naby including a
real-valued parameter ρ[0,1] defined as ρ=na/ns.
4.5. SA parameters
Our SA metaheuristic involves many parameters. In order to refrain from
making any “premature commitment” (see Hoos, 2012), we consider all of
them in the experimental analysis. They are summarized in Table 2, along
with the ranges involved in the experimental analysis which have been fixed
based on preliminary experiments.
The iterations budget has been fixed, for each instance, to itermax =
3·108, a value that provides the algorithm with a running time which is
approximately equivalent to the one allowed by ITC-2007 computation rules
(namely 408 seconds on our test machine).
5. Problem instances
We now describe the instances considered in this work and how we use
them in our experimental analysis. In particular, according to the custom-
ary cross-validation guidelines (e.g., Hastie et al., 2009), we have split the
instance set in three groups: a set of training instances used to tune the
algorithm, a set of validation instances used to evaluate the tuning, and fi-
nally a set of novel instances to verify the quality of the proposed method
on previously unseen instances.
5.1. Training instances
The first group of instances is a large set of artificial instances created us-
ing the generator by Leo Lopes (see Lopes and Smith-Miles, 2010), which has
been specifically designed to reproduce the features of real-world instances.
The generator is parametrized on two instance features: the total number
of lectures and the percentage of room occupation.
In order to avoid overtuning, this is the only group of instances that has
been used for the tuning phase. Accordingly, reporting individual results on
these instances it would be of little significance and are therefore omitted.
Instead, we will describe in detail the methodology for creating and testing
those instances.
Although Lopes and Smith-Miles (2010) made available a set of 4200
generated instances, in order to have a specific range of values necessary for
our objectives we created our own instances by running their generator.
Specifically, we have created 5 instances for each combination of values of
the two control parameters of the instance generator. Namely, the number
of lectures ranges in {i·50 |i= 1,...,24}, so that they will be comprised
between 50 and 1200, and the percentage of room occupation will be one of
the values {50%,70%,80%,90%}. On overall, the full testbed consists of 480
instances (5 ×24 ×4).
After screening them in detail, it appears that not all instances generated
are useful for our parameter tuning purposes. In particular, we have identified
the following instance classes
Provably infeasible: infeasibility is easily proven (e.g., some courses have
more lectures than available periods).
Unrealistic room endowment: only high cost solutions exist, due to the
presence of courses with more students than the available rooms.
Too hard: the solver has never been able to find a feasible solution (given
a reasonably long timeout).
Too easy: easily solved to cost 0 by all the solver variants.
Instance belonging to these classes are discarded, since these are features
that generally do not appear in real cases. Furthermore, except for the too
hard class, an instance can be easily classified in one of the remaining classes.
In order to have the expected number of instances for any combination of
parameter values, we replace the discarded instances with new ones by re-
peating the instance generation procedure.
5.2. Validation instances
The second group comprises those instances that have been used in the
literature. This group consists of the usual set of instances, the so-called
comp, which is composed by 21 real-world instances that have been used for
Over this set we illustrate the solver emerging from the tuning on the
first group, and we compare it with the state-of-the-art methods.
5.3. Novel instances
The final set is composed by four families of novel instances, which have
been proposed recently so that no (or very few) results are available in the
literature. This set is a candidate to become a new benchmark for future
The first family in this group, contributed by Moritz M¨uhlenthaler, is
called Erlangen and comprises four instances of the course timetabling prob-
lem arising at the University of Erlangen. These instances are considerably
larger than the comp ones and they exhibit a very different structure than
most of the other real-world instances.
The second and third families in this group consist of a set of recent
real-world instances from the University of Udine and of a group of cases
from other Italian universities. These instances have been kindly provided
by EasyStaff S.r.l. (, a company specializing in
timetabling solutions. They were collected by the commercial software Easy-
Academy. We call these two families Udine and EasyAcademy respectively.
A further set of 7 instances, called DDS, from other Italian universities,
are available and have has been used occasionally in the literature.
5.4. Summary of features
Table 3 summarizes the families of instances of the latter two groups,
highlighting some aggregate indicators (i.e., minimum and maximum values)
of the most relevant features. All instances employed in this work, with the
exception of the training instances, are available from the CB-CTT website
Table 3: Minimum and maximum values of the features for the families of
instances (#I: number of instances): courses (C), total lectures (Le), rooms
(R), periods (Pe), curricula (Cu), room occupation (RO), average number
of conflicts (Co), average teachers availability (Av), room suitability (RS),
average daily lectures per curriculum (DL).
Family #I C Le R Pe Cu
comp 21 30 – 131 138 – 434 5 – 20 25 – 36 13 – 150
DDS 7 50 – 201 146 – 972 8 – 31 25 – 75 9 – 105
Udine 9 62 – 152 201 – 400 16 – 25 25 – 25 54 – 101
EasyAcademy 12 50 – 159 139 – 688 12 – 65 25 – 72 12 – 65
Erlangen 6 705 – 850 788 – 930 110 – 176 30 – 30 1949 – 3691
Family #I RO Co Av RS DL
comp 21 42.6 – 88.9 4.7 – 22.1 57.0 – 94.2 50.2 – 72.4 1.5 – 3.9
DDS 7 20.1 – 76.2 2.6 – 23.9 21.3 – 91.4 53.6 – 100.0 1.9 – 5.2
Udine 9 50.2 – 76.2 4.0 – 6.6 70.1 – 95.5 57.5 – 71.3 1.7 – 2.7
EasyAcademy 12 17.6 – 52.0 4.8 – 22.2 55.1 – 100.0 41.8 – 70.0 2.7 – 7.7
Erlangen 6 15.7 – 25.1 3.0 – 3.8 66.7 – 71.4 45.5 – 56.0 0.0 – 0.9
6. Experimental analysis
We conduct a principled and extensive experimental analysis, aimed at
obtaining a robust tuning of the various parameters of our algorithm, so that
its performances compare favorably with those obtained by other state-of-
the-art methods.
In order to achieve this, we investigate the possible relationships between
instance features (reported in Table 3) and ideal configurations of the solver
parameters. The ultimate goal of this study is to find, for each parameter,
either a fixed value that works well on a broad set of instances, or a procedure
to predict the best value based on measurable features of each instance.
Ideally, the results of this study should carry over to unseen instances, thus
making the approach more general than classic parameter tuning. This is,
in fact, an attempt to alleviate the effect of the No Free Lunch Theorems
for Optimization (Wolpert and Macready, 1997), which state that, for any
algorithm (or parameter configuration), any elevated performance over one
class of problems is exactly paid for in performance over another class.
In the following, we first illustrate the experimental setting and the statis-
tical methodology employed in this study. We then summarize our findings
and present the experimental results on the validation and novel instances
compared against the best known results in literature.
6.1. Design of experiments and experimental setting
Our analysis is based on the 480 training instances described in Section
5.1. The parameter configurations used in the analysis are sampled from
the Hammersley point set (Hammersley et al., 1965), for the ranges whose
bounds are reported in Table 2. This choice has been driven by two properties
that make this point generation strategy particularly suitable for parameter
tuning. First, the Hammersley point set is scalable, both with respect to
the number of sampled parameter configurations, and to the dimensions of
the sampled space. Second, the sampled points exhibit low discrepancy, i.e.,
they are space-filling, despite being random in nature. For these reasons,
by sampling the sequence, one can generate any number of representative
combinations of any number of parameters. Note that the sequence is deter-
ministic, and must be seeded with a list of prime numbers. Moreover, since
the sequence generates points p[0,1]n, these values must then be re-scaled
in their desired intervals.
All the experiments were generated and executed using json2run (Urli,
2013) on an Ubuntu Linux 13.04 machine with 16 Intel®Xeon®CPU E5-
2660 (2.20 GHz) physical cores, hyper-threaded to 32; each experiment was
dedicated a single virtual core.
6.2. Exploratory experiments
In preparation to our analysis, we carried out three preliminary steps.
First, we ran an F-Race tuning (Birattari et al., 2010) of our algorithm
over the training instances with a 95% confidence level, in order to establish a
baseline for further comparisons. The race ended with more than one surviv-
ing configuration, mainly differing for the values of whard and cr, but giving a
clear indication about good values for the other parameters. This suggested
that setting a specific value for whard and cr, at least within the investigated
intervals, was essentially irrelevant to the performance, and allowed us to
simplify the analysis by fixing whard = 100 and cr = 0.99 (see Table 4). It is
worth noticing that, removing an irrelevant parameter from the analysis has
the double benefit of reducing experimental noise, and allows a finer-grained
tuning of the other parameters, at the same computational cost.
Secondly, we tested all the sampled parameter configurations against the
whole set of training instances. This allowed us to further refine our study
in two ways. First, we realized that our initial estimates over the parameter
intervals were too conservative, encompassing low-performance areas of the
parameters space. A notable finding was that, on the whole set of training
instances, a golden spot for sr was around 0.43. We thus fixed this parameter
as well, along with whard and cr. Table 4 summarizes the whole parameter
space after this preliminary phase (parameters in boldface have not been
Table 4: Revised intervals for investigated parameters.
Parameter Symbol Range
Starting temperature T0[1,40]
Neighbors accepted ratio (na/ns)ρ[0.034,0.05]
Cooling rate cr {0.99}
Hard constraints weight whard {100}
Neighborhood swap rate sr {0.43}
Expected minimum temperature Tmin [0.015,0.21]
fixed in this phase, and are the subject of the following analysis). Second, by
running a Kruskal-Wallis test (see Hollander et al., 2014) with significance
level 10% on the dependence of cost distribution on parameter values, we
realized that some of the instances were irrelevant to our analysis, and we
therefore decided to drop them, and to limit our study to the 314 significant
Finally, we sampled 20 parameter configurations from the remaining 3-
dimensional (T0,ρ,Tmin) Hammersley point space (see Table 5), repeated
the race with fewer parameters, and found a single winning configuration,
corresponding to configuration #11 in Table 5. In addition, we performed 10
independent runs of each parameter configuration on every instance. This is
the data upon which the rest of our experimental analysis is based.
6.3. Statistical methodology
In order to build a model to predict the parameter values for each instance,
we proceed in two stages. In the first stage, for each of the selected training
instances we identify the effective parameter configurations. The second stage
consists in learning a rule to associate the parameter configurations to the
features. In principle, each of the two stages can be performed using various
strategies. Some compelling choices are described in the following.
6.3.1. Identification of the effective parameter configurations
For each instance, we aim at identifying which of the 20 experimental
configurations perform well. We start by selecting the best-performing con-
figuration, defined here as the configuration with the smallest median cost
(as described in Section 4.3). Other robust estimates of location could be
employed for the task, such as the Hodges-Lehmann estimator (e.g., Hollan-
der et al., 2014, §3.2), but the median is the simplest possibility. Then, a
series of Wilcoxon rank-sum tests are run to identify the configurations which
can be taken as equivalent to the best-performing one. For the latter task,
it is crucial to adjust for multiple testing, as a plurality of statistical tests
are carried out. Here we control the false discovery rate (FDR) (Benjamini
and Hochberg, 1995), thus adopting a more powerful approach than classical
alternatives which control the family-wise error rate, such as Bonferroni or
Holm methods (see Hastie et al., 2009, Chapter 18). In short, we accept to
wrongly declare some of the configurations as less performing than the best
one, rather than strictly controlling the proportion of such mistakes, ending
up declaring nearly all the configurations as equivalent to the best-performing
one for several instances. In this study we set a FDR threshold equal to 0.10.
The result of this first stage is a 314 ×20 binary matrix; the i-th row of
such a matrix contains the value 1 for those configurations equivalent to the
best-performing one on the i-th instance, and 0 otherwise. Table 5 summa-
rizes the column averages for such a matrix, thus reporting the percentages
of “good performances” for each of the experimental configurations. The
striking result is that some of the configurations, such as #3, 4, 5, 10 and
11, perform well in the vast majority of the instances. We will return on this
point in Section 6.5.
6.3.2. Prediction of optimal configurations based on measurable features
Once the performances of each parameter configuration have been identi-
fied for each instance, we include instance features in the process. We tackle
the problem as a classification problem, and use the instance features to pre-
dict the outcome of each of the 20 binary variables reporting the performance
of the different experimental configuration. In other words, we build 20 dif-
ferent classifiers, each using the instance features to return the probability
of good performance of the experimental configuration. The configuration
achieving the highest probability is then identified as the outcome of the
classification process. The idea is that by making use of the instance fea-
tures we have a chance to improve over the majority class rule, that simply
picks up the configuration with the highest success rate in Table 5, namely
configuration #11. In the worst case, where no feature is able to provide
some useful information for performing the classification, we can revert to
the majority class rule, which can be considered as a baseline strategy. In our
experimental setting, where the best-performing configuration has a success
rate as high as 93.9%, getting a significant improvement is, therefore, not
Among the possible classification methods, we choose the random forests
method (Breiman, 2001). This classification method is an extension of classi-
fication trees, that perform rather well compared to alternative methods, and
for which efficient software is available. We use the implementation provided
Table 5: Percentage of “good performances” for the 20 experimental config-
urations (i.e., the percentage of instances in which the given configuration is
equivalent to the best one).
Configuration T0Tmin ×100 ρ×100 % Good performance
1 21.72 20.56 4.76 54.8
2 2.22 18.57 4.68 20.7
3 20.50 17.00 3.48 93.0
4 25.38 19.67 3.80 87.6
5 22.94 15.22 4.12 89.5
6 27.81 17.89 4.44 79.3
7 3.44 20.35 4.04 24.5
8 32.69 19.22 4.28 82.5
9 31.47 17.45 4.92 75.5
10 35.13 18.34 3.96 93.3
11 30.25 15.67 3.64 93.9
12 37.56 16.55 4.60 83.4
13 5.88 17.68 3.72 50.3
14 7.09 19.43 5.00 32.2
15 8.31 15.88 4.36 58.3
16 10.75 19.00 3.56 69.7
17 13.19 17.23 4.20 66.2
18 11.97 15.45 4.84 57.0
19 18.06 19.89 4.52 58.6
20 15.63 16.34 3.88 85.0
by the R package randomForest (Liaw and Wiener, 2002), using 50000 trees
for growing the forest.
We train the different classifiers by including all the available features
reported in Table 3, with the exception of periods (Pe), which was assumed
to be constant across the 314 training instances selected, courses (C) and
rooms (R), which were essentially duplicating the information content of
total lectures (Le). A total number of seven features were therefore used in
the classification process.
We estimate the additional gain provided by feature-based classification
by means of 10-fold cross validation, which provides an estimate of the classi-
fication error (Hastie et al., 2009, §7.10). We obtain a classification accuracy
for the method based on random forests equal to 95.5%, which is better than
simpler methods such as logistic regression or generalized additive models,
providing a classification accuracy equal to 94.3% an 93.9% respectively. Al-
though we use random forests as a black box classifier, one of the good prop-
erties of such methodology is that it also returns some measures of feature
importance. Based on the prediction strength (Hastie et al., 2009, §15.3.2),
we found that for 10 out of the 20 classifiers, total lectures (Le) is the most
important variable, and in the remaining 10 classifiers that role is played by
the average number of conflicts (Co). These two features can then be deemed
as the most important for selecting algorithm parameters.
6.4. Comparison with other approaches
In order to validate the quality of our approach, we compared its results
against the best ones in literature using the ITC-2007 rules and instances.
For the sake of fairness, we do not include in the comparison results that
are obtained by allotting a higher runtime, for example those of As´ın Ach´a
and Nieuwenhuis (2014), who use 100000 to 1000000 seconds instead of about
300 500 seconds as established by the competition rules.
Table 6 shows the average of 31 repetitions of the algorithm, in which
we have highlighted in boldface the lowest average costs. We report the
results obtained with both feature-based tuning (FBT) and standard F-Race
tuning (further discussed in Section 6.5). The figures show that our approach
matches or outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms in more than half of
the instances, also improving on our previous results (Bellio et al., 2012).
This outcome is particularly significant because unlike previous approaches
we have not involved the validation instances in the tuning process, thus
avoiding the classical overtuning phenomenon.
6.5. Comparison with the F-Race baseline
The figures in Table 6 reveal that the feature-based tuning outperforms
the F-Race approach on most instances in terms of average results. A more
precise assessment reveals that the two methods are broadly comparable,
as the Wilcoxon rank-sum test is significant at the 5% level (in favor of
FBT) only on one instance (comp14): consequently, any sensible global test
would not flag any significant difference between the two methods. At any
rate, we can safely say that the FBT method is no worse than F-Race, and
occasionally can be better.
It is worth noting that the above conclusion is something to be expected.
Indeed, the parameter configuration selected by F-Race is #11, which cor-
responds to the best-performing configuration over the training instances
(see Table 5). Strictly speaking, the equivalence between F-Race and the
proposed FBT when the features are not informative is not perfect, as F-
Race uses a different adjustment for multiple testing compared to the FDR
method adopted for FBT, but nevertheless it is hardly surprising that the
configuration surviving the race is the one with the highest percentage of
good performances.
At this point, it makes sense to look for an explanation of why some
configurations could achieve quite high success rates in the training phase. By
looking at Figure 1, which is representative of a large portion of the training
instances, it is possible to glean some information. The parameter space (in
this case for T0) is split in two well-separated parts. One part (the leftmost
in Figure 1) yields poor results, while any choice of values inside the other
part is reasonably safe. In our scenario, the portion of the parameter space
leading to poor results is narrow, while the portion leading to better results
is broader. This suggests that the chosen algorithm is robust with respect
to parameter choice, at least for this problem domain. As a consequence, it
is possible to find some parameter configurations that work consistently well
across a large set of instances.
6.6. Results on the novel instances
In Tables 7–8 we show the results obtained by 31 repetitions of our algo-
rithm on the instances of the novel group of families, for future comparison
with these instances. The results are reported both for the F-Race and the
feature-based tuning.
Across all the 28 instances of Table 7, only in two cases there was a
significant difference at the 5% level (in favor of FBT, namely for the Udine2
and Udine3), so that the two methods are largely equivalent in performance.
Table 7 does not include the instances of the Erlangen family because
this family shows a very particular structure, caused by the peculiar way
Table 6: Best results and comparison with other approaches over the valida-
tion instances. Values are averages over multiple runs of the algorithms.
uller u and Hao Abdullah et al. Bellio et al. us (FBT) us (F-Race)
comp01 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.23 5.16
comp02 61.30 60.60 53.90 51.60 52.94 53.42
comp03 94.80 86.60 84.20 82.70 79.16 80.48
comp04 42.80 47.90 51.90 47.90 39.39 39.29
comp05 343.50 328.50 339.50 333.40 335.13 329.06
comp06 56.80 69.90 64.40 55.90 51.77 53.35
comp07 33.90 28.20 20.20 31.50 26.39 28.45
comp08 46.50 51.40 47.90 44.90 43.32 43.06
comp09 113.10 113.20 113.90 108.30 106.10 106.10
comp10 21.30 38.00 24.10 23.80 21.39 21.71
comp11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
comp12 351.60 365.00 355.90 346.90 336.84 338.39
comp13 73.90 76.20 72.40 73.60 73.39 73.65
comp14 61.80 62.90 63.30 60.70 58.16 59.71
comp15 94.80 87.80 88.00 89.40 78.19 79.10
comp16 41.20 53.70 51.70 43.00 38.06 39.19
comp17 86.60 100.50 86.20 83.10 77.61 78.84
comp18 91.70 82.60 85.80 84.30 81.10 83.29
comp19 68.80 75.00 78.10 71.20 66.77 67.13
comp20 34.30 58.20 42.90 50.60 46.13 45.94
comp21 108.00 125.30 121.50 106.90 103.32 102.19
0 10 20 30
Start temperature
Solution cost
Figure 1: Relation between T0and cost distribution on a single training
instance with Le = 1200. We show the ideal T0found by F-Race and by our
feature-based predictor.
in which the original timetabling problem is represented. In particular, the
average number of lectures (Le) is very close to the average number of courses
(C) (see Table 3), suggesting that, in almost all cases, courses are composed
of a single lecture. Similarly, the number of curricula (Cu), which is typically
smaller than the number of courses, is instead one order of magnitude larger,
possibly because each curriculum represents the choice of a single student.
This kind of mapping is closer in structure to the one used in the PE-CTT
formulation, which has been addressed in Ceschia et al. (2012).
Therefore, for the Erlangen instances we decided to present also the
results of a new F-Race tuning done ad hoc for these cases, using different
ranges for the parameter values. In fact, it turned out that the winning
parameter configuration is T0= 100, Tmin = 0.36, ρ= 0.23, sr = 0.43
and whard = 500, which is considerably different from the ones used in the
previous analyses.
For comparison, we report in Table 8 also the results obtained by re-
running the solver by M¨uller (2009), which is available online. Given that
these instances are larger, we used a longer timeout of 600 seconds.
It is worth mentioning that, although the different semantics of the in-
volved features for this family of instances, our feature-based predictor was
the only one able to obtain always feasible solutions, proving its robustness
and wide range applicability. Indeed, M¨uller’s solver, and the F-Race and
Ad Hoc F-Race-tuned versions of our solver, found feasible solutions for 81%,
21% and 74% of the runs, respectively.
Looking at the average values reported in Table 8, we notice that when-
ever a feasible solution was found, our F-Race tuned solver outperforms all
the other methods on all 6 instances, including M¨uller’s.
6.7. Results on the comp instances for the other problem formulations
Finally, in order to given a more comprehensive picture of the solver ro-
bustness, we report its results on other formulations of the problem with
different constraints and objectives. In particular, we consider the formula-
tions UD3,UD4, and UD5, proposed by Bonutti et al. (2012), that focus on
student load, double lectures presence, and travel costs, respectively.
Tables 9–11 present average and best results for the configurations ob-
tained by both tuning methods, on the three formulations. Those tables also
show the results by Banbara et al. (2013), which are, to our knowledge, the
only published results on these formulations.
The comparison reveals that again FBT and F-Race perform similarly,
and that in general, they perform better than the solver by Banbara et al.
Table 7: Our results on the novel instances.
us (FBT) us (F-Race)
best avg best avg
Udine1 5 13.29 7 12.45
Udine2 14 19.26 11 21.42
Udine3 3 8.52 5 10.23
Udine4 64 66.16 64 66.32
Udine5 0 3.13 0 2.97
Udine6 0 0.35 0 0.19
Udine7 0 2.03 0 2.32
Udine8 34 39.26 33 39.10
Udine9 23 29.84 26 29.90
EasyAcademy01 65 65.26 65 65.03
EasyAcademy02 0 0.06 0 0.03
EasyAcademy03 2 2.06 2 2.10
EasyAcademy04 0 0.35 0 0.10
EasyAcademy05 0 0.00 0 0.00
EasyAcademy06 5 5.13 5 5.06
EasyAcademy07 0 0.48 0 0.32
EasyAcademy08 0 0.00 0 0.00
EasyAcademy09 4 5.16 4 4.74
EasyAcademy10 0 0.03 0 0.06
EasyAcademy11 0 2.90 0 3.23
EasyAcademy12 4 4.03 4 4.00
DDS1 85 110.26 91 106.55
DDS2 0 0.00 0 0.00
DDS3 0 0.00 0 0.00
DDS4 18 21.13 17 20.55
DDS5 0 0.00 0 0.00
DDS6 5 9.87 4 10.35
DDS7 0 0.00 0 0.00
Table 8: Our results on the Erlangen instances.
uller (2009) us (FBT) us (F-Race) us (ad hoc F-Race)
best avg feas best avg feas best avg feas best avg feas
Erlangen-2011-2 5569 5911.10 32% 5444 6568.42 100% – 0% 4680 4971.80 56%
Erlangen-2012-1 8059 8713.48 100% 7991 9130.87 100% 8174 8604.77 71% 7519 7856.85 100%
Erlangen-2012-2 11267 13367.53 61% 13693 16183.74 100% 0% 9587 10130.33 7%
Erlangen-2013-1 7993 8878.19 94% 7445 9299.94 100% 7745 8174.33 29% 7159 7825.55 95%
Erlangen-2013-2 8809 19953.81 100% 8846 11273.97 100% 0% 8329 8844.34 86%
Erlangen-2014-1 6728 7978.42 100% 6601 8251.13 100% 6418 7080.75 26% 6144 6525.05 100%
Table 9: Our results on the comp instances for the UD3 formulation.
us (FBT) us (F-Race) Banbara et al. (2013)
Instance best avg best avg z
comp01 8 8.00 8 8.00 10
comp02 15 22.13 14 24.06 12
comp03 29 35.71 27 34.00 147
comp04 2 2.06 2 2.19 2
comp05 271 331.55 271 329.29 1232
comp06 8 11.42 8 11.94 8
comp07 0 2.00 0 1.81 0
comp08 2 3.61 2 4.19 2
comp09 8 9.87 8 11.19 8
comp10 0 1.74 0 1.35 0
comp11 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
comp12 54 76.23 57 77.94 1281
comp13 22 24.77 22 25.29 63
comp14 0 0.13 0 0.19 0
comp15 18 24.06 16 24.19 118
comp16 4 5.81 4 5.87 4
comp17 12 14.35 12 14.39 12
comp18 0 0.84 0 0.39 0
comp19 24 30.65 26 33.13 93
comp20 0 5.42 0 4.23 0
comp21 12 17.87 10 17.29 6
Table 10: Our results on the comp instances for the UD4 formulation.
us (FBT) us (F-Race-F2) Banbara et al. (2013)
Instance best avg best avg z
comp01 6 6.00 6 6.00 9
comp02 26 31.19 28 32.81 107
comp03 501 547.55 512 551.77 474
comp04 13 14.48 13 14.55 13
comp05 247 258.71 248 260.81 584
comp06 14 18.13 15 19.00 39
comp07 6 8.45 5 8.06 3
comp08 15 16.84 15 16.74 15
comp09 38 40.35 38 40.48 122
comp10 6 9.74 6 10.39 3
comp11 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
comp12 98 108.65 100 111.35 479
comp13 41 43.65 41 44.16 109
comp14 16 17.65 16 18.03 18
comp15 30 34.81 29 35.13 129
comp16 12 14.35 11 13.97 7
comp17 25 28.13 25 28.29 58
comp18 25 27.84 24 27.52 93
comp19 33 37.52 33 37.23 123
comp20 11 14.29 10 14.03 168
comp21 36 41.23 36 40.81 121
Table 11: Our results on the comp instances for the UD5 formulation.
us (FBT) us (F-Race-F2) Banbara et al. (2013)
Instance best avg best avg z
comp01 11 11.06 11 11.13 45
comp02 135 160.19 139 161.45 714
comp03 140 165.58 140 167.65 523
comp04 56 67.42 57 67.74 215
comp05 568 619.29 587 633.58 2753
comp06 82 102.45 88 102.39 747
comp07 43 55.77 37 53.10 910
comp08 64 72.87 64 72.68 212
comp09 154 166.97 152 165.90 428
comp10 68 86.42 69 88.29 633
comp11 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
comp12 471 515.32 471 522.03 2180
comp13 148 160.39 147 159.32 488
comp14 97 107.06 96 109.39 541
comp15 173 189.84 170 191.65 656
comp16 95 109.26 93 109.58 914
comp17 154 165.19 152 169.00 818
comp18 133 143.19 136 142.65 509
comp19 123 140.52 121 137.19 619
comp20 124 146.10 123 147.61 2045
comp21 151 168.00 145 170.52 651
7. Conclusions and future work
In this paper we have proposed a simple yet effective SA approach to
the CB-CTT problem. Moreover, we performed a comprehensive statistical
analysis to identify the relationship between instance features and search
method parameters. The outcome of this analysis makes it possible to set
the parameters for unseen instances on the basis of a simple inspection of
the instance itself.
The results of the feature-based tuned algorithm on a testbed of validation
instances allows us to improve our previous results (Bellio et al., 2012) and
outperform the results in the literature on 10 instances out of 21.
The results of this work support the conclusion that instance features may
provide useful information for tuning the parameters of the solver. There-
fore, a sensible direction for future investigation may focus on refining this
approach by exploring novel features obtained as functions, possibly complex
in nature, of the original features.
In the future, we plan to investigate new versions of SA that could be
applied to this problem. For example, we plan to consider the version that
includes reheating. In addition, we plan to investigate other metaheuristics
techniques for the problem through an analogous statistical analysis. Finally,
we aim at applying this search and tuning technique to other timetabling
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mization. Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on 1 (1), 67–82.
... More speci cally, we show two di erent solution methods, namely a neighborhood search by Simulated Annealing (SA), and a Large Neighborhood Search (LNS) based on a novel CP model for CB-CTT. The chapter is based on the results described in two papers, [5] and [104], which I respectively co-authored and authored, and have been presented to the 6th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA'13), and to the Doctoral Program of CP'13. Moreover, a follow-up of [5] has been recently submitted to a relevant journal of the eld. ...
... The chapter is based on the results described in two papers, [5] and [104], which I respectively co-authored and authored, and have been presented to the 6th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA'13), and to the Doctoral Program of CP'13. Moreover, a follow-up of [5] has been recently submitted to a relevant journal of the eld. ...
... This can be done by using techniques that allow to generate representative sets of points, while keeping the number of generated setups low. q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q One such parameter is the Hammersley point set [52], which we employed for the rst time in [5]. Two properties, in particular, make this point generation strategy particularly suitable for parameter tuning. ...
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Combinatorial optimization problems arise, in many forms, in various aspects of everyday life. Nowadays, a lot of services are driven by optimization algorithms, enabling us to make the best use of the available resources while guaranteeing a level of service. Examples of such services are public transportation, goods delivery, university time-tabling, and patient scheduling. The fields of meta-heuristics, artificial intelligence, and operations research, have been tackling many of these problems for years without much interaction. However, in the last few years, such communities have started looking at each other's advancements, in order to develop optimization techniques that are faster, more robust, and easier to maintain. This effort gave birth to the fertile field of hybrid meta-heuristics. In this thesis, we analyze some of the most common hybrid meta-heuristics approaches, and show how these can be used to solve hard real-world combinatorial optimization problems, and what are the major advantages of using such techniques. This thesis is based on results obtained by working together with many local and international researchers, and published in a number of peer-reviewed papers.
... The generated instances can be used to tune an algorithm, to avoid overtuning phenomena on the set of benchmark instances. In Bellio et al. (2014), for example, a simulated annealing algorithm is tuned on the generated instances and 1 Contributed by Moritz Mühlenthaler. ...
... In Bellio et al. (2014) (see also Bellio et al. 2013), a simulated annealing algorithm is proposed. Two neighborhoods are considered, i.e., the move of a lecture from a time period/room to another time period and/or another room (possibly to one that is empty in that time period), and the swap of time periods and rooms of two lectures of distinct courses. ...
In 2007, the Second International Timetabling Competition (ITC-2007) has been organized and a formal definition of the Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling (CB-CTT) problem has been given, by taking into account several real-world constraints and objectives while keeping the problem general. CB-CTT consists of finding the best weekly assignment of university course lectures to rooms and time periods. A feasible schedule must satisfy a set of hard constraints and must also take into account a set of soft constraints, whose violation produces penalty terms to be minimized in the objective function. From ITC-2007, many researchers have developed advanced models and methods to solve CB-CTT. This survey is devoted to review the main works on the topic, with focus on mathematical models, lower bounds, and exact and heuristic algorithms. Besides giving an overview of these approaches, we highlight interesting extensions that could make the study of CB-CTT even more challenging and closer to reality.
... A feasible schedule must satisfy a set of hard constraints and must also take into account a set of soft constraints. From ITC-2007, many researchers have developed advanced models and methods to solve CB-CTT (see, e.g., [3,4,8,16,17,19,[22][23][24]31]). The survey by [5] is devoted to review the main works on the topic, with focus on mathematical models, lower bounds, and exact and heuristic algorithms. ...
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This paper deals with curriculum-based course timetabling. In particular, we describe the results of a real application at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata.” In this regard, we developed a multi-objective mixed-integer model which attempts to optimize (i) the flow produced by the students enrolled in the lectures, (ii) soft conflicts produced by the possible overlap among compulsory and non-compulsory courses, and (iii) the number of lecture hours per curriculum within the weekdays. The model has been implemented and solved by means of a commercial solver and experiments show that the model is able to provide satisfactory solutions as compared with the real scenario under consideration.
... There are two types of methods in metaheuristic such as local search-based methods and population-based methods [18]. Local search-based methods used in solving CBCTT include simulated annealing (SA) [19,20], great deluge (GD) [21] and tabu search (TS) [22] require only one initial timetable in order to proceed with the improvement process. In the other hand, population-based methods used in solving CBCTT include ant colony optimization (ACO) [23], artificial bee colony (ABC) [15,24], genetic algorithm (GA) [25,26] and harmony search algorithm (HSA) [27,28] require population of initial timetable in its improvement process. ...
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The construction of population of initial timetable is an essential stage in population-based metaheuristic approach for solving curriculum-based university course timetabling problem because it may impact the quality of the final timetable. This paper presents population of initial timetable construction approach in curriculum based course timetabling problem by using the graph heuristics to determine the sequential order of courses/lectures to be assigned in the timetable. The graph heuristics were implemented as single and combination of two heuristics. The courses in curriculum-based university course timetabling problem that was organized based on the heuristics setting will be repeatedly assigned to valid empty slots while fulfilling all the hard constraints. If a course is unable to be assigned to whichever slots because of no more valid empty slots, it will be inserted into the unscheduled courses/lectures list. The unscheduled courses/lectures list will be assigned later to the timetable using several procedures executed in a sequence. The approaches were tested on the ITC2007 instances and the results were analyzed with some statistical tests to determine the best setting of heuristics in the construction approach. The result shows that the construction approach with combination of largest degree followed by saturation degree heuristic, generate the maximum number of population of initial timetables. The result from this study can be used in the improvement stage of metaheuristic algorithm that uses population-based approach.
... One of the prevalent issues in the CB-CTT is low convergence exhibited by metaheuristic algorithms such as Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (Agahian, Pehlivan, and Dehkharghani, 2014), Ant Colony Optimization (Thepphakorn, Pongcharoen, and Hicks, 2014) and Simulated Annealing (Bellio, et. al., 2013) to name a few. In this work, we attempt to solve Track 3 of the International Timetabling Competition 2007, a curriculum-based course timetabling (CB-CTT) problem by introducing four pre-processor matrices to assist in a higher probability of convergence. The problem essentially deals with the scheduling of a set of lectures to various ...
Conference Paper
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This paper describes the effects of pre-processors on the solution quality of the university course timetabling problem. The University Course Timetabling Problem (UCTP) is regarded as both an NP-hard and NP-complete combinatorial optimization problem and is a difficult task since many constraints are needed to be satisfied in order to obtain a feasible solution. The constraints, in this case, are related to the characteristics and regulations of the particular institution. This paper describes the effects of pre-processors which consist of four matrices on the solution quality of the university course timetabling problem as they play a critical role and have significant impact on the solution. In order to evaluate the effects of the pre-processor matrices, the fitness score which is obtained without the pre-processor matrices are tabulated and compared against the fitness score that is obtained with the pre-processor matrices. Seven neighborhood structures are implemented and the experiment is conducted using the datasets obtained from Track 3 of the ITC-2007. The result indicates that there is a significant difference in terms of the fitness score between the solutions obtained without the pre-processors and with the pre-processors, with the latter showing promising results.
... I would like to mention our experience with the latter one, which has been very positive. In fact, as reported in Bellio et al. (2014), a tuning procedure that uses only generated instances and no real ones, has been able to obtain comparable or better results with those tuned (maybe overtuned) on the competition instances. ...
Automated timetabling is a challenging area in the timetabling and scheduling theory and practice, intensively addressed in research papers in the last two decades. There are three main classes of problems, which are usually studied: school timetabling, course timetabling and examination timetabling. In this report, we address a case study of the Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling (CB-CTT) problem, arising at Engineering Department of Sannio University. In general, the problem consists of finding a feasible weekly assignment of course lectures to rooms and time periods while respecting a wide range of constraints, which have to be either strictly satisfied (hard constraints) or satisfied as much as possible (soft constraints). The case study here addressed here has many special requirements due to local organizational rules. We were able to model the complex requirements by an Integer Programming formulation. The solution approach consists of using an MIP solver, integrated with two local branching heuristics tailored for the problem. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated by the computational results on two real instances.
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The course timetabling problem can be generally defined as the task of assigning a number of lectures to a limited set of timeslots and rooms, subject to a given set of hard and soft constraints. The modeling language for course timetabling is required to be expressive enough to specify a wide variety of soft constraints and objective functions. Furthermore, the resulting encoding is required to be extensible for capturing new constraints and for switching them between hard and soft, and to be flexible enough to deal with different formulations. In this paper, we propose to make effective use of ASP as a modeling language for course timetabling. We show that our ASP-based approach can naturally satisfy the above requirements, through an ASP encoding of the curriculum-based course timetabling problem proposed in the third track of the second international timetabling competition (ITC-2007). Our encoding is compact and human-readable, since each constraint is individually expressed by either one or two rules. Each hard constraint is expressed by using integrity constraints and aggregates of ASP. Each soft constraint S is expressed by rules in which the head is the form of penalty(S,V,C), and a violation V and its penalty cost C are detected and calculated respectively in the body. We carried out experiments on four different benchmark sets with five different formulations. We succeeded either in improving the bounds or producing the same bounds for many combinations of problem instances and formulations, compared with the previous best known bounds.
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This paper describes an approach for generating lower bounds for the curriculum-based course timetabling problem, which was presented at the International Timetabling Competition (ITC-2007, Track 3). So far, several methods based on integer linear programming have been proposed for computing lower bounds of this minimization problem. We present a new partition-based approach that is based on the “divide and conquer” principle. The proposed approach uses iterative tabu search to partition the initial problem into sub-problems which are solved with an ILP solver. Computational outcomes show that this approach is able to improve on the current best lower bounds for 12 out of the 21 benchmark instances, and to prove optimality for 6 of them. These new lower bounds are useful to estimate the quality of the upper bounds obtained with various heuristic approaches.
This chapter is an introduction to the problems of timetabling educational institutions such as high schools and universities. These are large problems with multiple sources of NP-completeness, for which robust solvers do not yet exist, although steady progress is being made. This chapter presents the three main problems found in the literature: high school timetabling, university examination timetabling, and university course timetabling. It also examines some major subproblems of these problems: student sectioning, single student timetabling, and room assignment. This chapter also shows how real-world instances of these problems, with their many constraints, can be modelled in full detail, using a case study in high school timetabling as an example.
Technical Report
The timetabling problem consists in fixing a sequence of meetings between teachers and students in a prefixed period of time (typically a week), satisfying a set of constraints of various types. A large number of variants of the timetabling problem have been proposed in the literature, which differ from each other based on the type of institution involved (university or high school) and the type of constraints. This problem, that has been traditionally considered in the operational research field, has recently been tackled with techniques belonging also to artificial intelligence (e.g. genetic algorithms, tabu search, simulated annealing, and constraint satisfaction). In this paper, we survey the various formulations of the problem, and the techniques and algorithms used for its solution.
This paper describes our work on applying novel techniques based on propositional satisfiability (SAT) solvers and optimizers to the Curriculum-based Course Timetabling problem. Out of 32 standard benchmark instances derived from the Second International Timetabling Competition held in 2007, our techniques yield the best known solutions for 21 of them (19 of them being optimal), improving the previously best known solutions for 9. In addition, we obtain 18 new lower bounds for this benchmark set by applying a new full (Weighted) Partial MaxSAT approach of the Curriculum-based Course Timetabling problem.
In this paper, we propose a new method to compute lower bounds for curriculum-based course timetabling (CTT), which calls for the best weekly assignment of university course lectures to rooms and time slots. The lower bound is obtained by splitting the objective function into two parts, considering one separate problem for each part of the objective function, and summing up the corresponding optimal values (or, in some cases, lower bounds on these values), found by formulating the two parts as Integer Linear Programs (ILPs). The solution of one ILP is obtained by using a column generation procedure. Experimental results show that the proposed lower bound is often better than the ones found by the previous methods in the literature, and also much better than those found by other new ILP formulations illustrated in this paper. The proposed approach is able to obtain improved lower bounds on real-world benchmark instances from the literature, used in the international timetabling competitions ITC2002 and ITC2007, proving for the first time that some of the best-known heuristic solutions are indeed optimal (or close to the optimal ones).