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A comparative morphological treatise of recent and fossil otoliths of the order Pleuronectiformes

A comparative morphological treatise
of recent and fossil otoliths
of the order Pleuronectiformes
Edited by
Dr. Friedrich H. PFEIL
A continuing file of all recent and fossil fishes
from a paleoichthyological point of view
Edited by Dr. Friedrich H. PFEIL, München
Volume 2
A comparative morphological treatise
of recent and fossil otoliths
of the order
Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil
München, April 1999
ISSN 0724-9012
ISBN 3-931516-54-7
Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme
Schwarzhans, Werner:
A comparative morphological treatise of recent and fossil otoliths
of the order Pleuronectiformes / Werner Schwarzhans. - München : Pfeil, 1999
(Piscium catalogus : Pt. Otolithi piscium ; Vol. 2
ISBN 3-931516-54-7
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Piscium Catalogus: Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2, pp. 1-391, 1021 figs., April 1999
© 1999 by Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München, FRG – ISSN 0724-9012
A comparative morphological treatise
of recent and fossil otoliths of the order Pleuronectiformes
Werner Schwarzhans*
The following morphological study of otoliths of the order Pleuronectiformes (flatfishes) is the second part of a
long term catalogue project mainly dealing with recent otoliths. Amongst teleost groups of comparable size, the
otoliths of the order Pleuronectiformes are amongst the least well known. They are also not the easiest to work
with morphologically and have never been subject of a comprehensive analysis. Taxonomic work with
pleuronectiform otoliths is somewhat hampered by the often high degree of intraspecific variability, the low level
of interspecific morphological differentiation and of course the ubiquitous effects of asymmetry.
For this treatise I have investigated otoliths of more than 300 recent species of the Pleuronectiformes (corre-
sponding to more than 50 % of the known recent species of the order) covering 116 genera of the 133 currently
recognized. In addition, the 124 nominal fossil otolith species of the Pleuronectiformes and 47 recent species that
have also been described from fossil otoliths are being revised. For this revision I have investigated otoliths of the
majority of the nominal fossil species, mostly including type-material. The results of other important revisions
recently made have been incorporated. As a result of this revision, 26 species are removed from the Pleuro-
nectiformes, 60 fossil species and 35 recent species recorded as fossils are regarded as valid. 18 species are de-
scribed as new: genus aff. Rhombocitharus novaezeelandiae, genus aff. Brachypleura xenosulcis, Pseudorhombus weinfurteri,
Cyclopsetta transitus, Syacium dominicensis, Etropus concaviventris, Grammatobothus awamoaensis, Grammatobothus
radwanskae, Arnoglossus grenfelli, Arnoglossus quadratus, Caulopsetta arnoglossoides, Laeops rharbensis, Samaris validus,
Microchirus wienrichi, Quenselia cornuta, Pseudopardachirolithus nolfi, Peltorhamphus flexodorsalis, Cynoglossus
obliqueventralis. 3 new fossil genera are established, all in the family Soleidae: Granulithus, Praeachirolithus and
Pseudopardachirolithus. The phylogenetic interpretations and conclusions from the character-analysis of the otolith-
morphology are being discussed and compared to published ichthyological analyses. As a result of this several
systematical reallocations within the Pleuronectiformes are being proposed. This includes:
1. The separation of the genera Tephrinectes, Paralichthodes and of the Ammotretis Group from their traditional
allocations to a position near the Citharidae (as early pleuronectiform off springs).
2. Upgrading of the Brachypleuridae to a separate family next to the Citharidae.
3. Reallocation of the genus Azygopus from the Rhombosoleinae (sensu NORMAN, 1934) to the Samarinae.
4. Reallocation of the genus Peltorhamphus from the Pleuronectidae (Rhombosoleinae; sensu NORMAN 1934) to
the Soleidae.
5. Reduction of the Rhombosoleinae (sensu NORMAN, 1934) to include only the two genera Pelotretis and
Dr. Werner SCHWARZHANS, Ahrensburger Weg 103, D-22359 Hamburg, Deutschland.
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Possible relationships are being discussed between the various genera in the Bothidae, Pleuronectidae and Soleidae
as well as between the two families Soleidae and Cynoglossidae. The descriptions and figures of the pleuronectiform
otoliths are arranged in 40 informal genus groups, distributed through 8 families and one group of genera of
uncertain relationship, reflecting the results of the otolith analyses. This arrangement is not meant to represent a
new formal subclassification of the order Pleuronectiformes.
With this second volume (as with the previous one) in the newly established Otolithi Piscium Catalogus for-
mat, I have put great emphasis on large and, I hope, clear and detailed drawings. Whenever possible, I tried to
figure more than just one specimen of each species to document intraspecific variability, morphological asymme-
try when and where it occurs and ontogenetic changes in morphology. Due to the nature of the flatfishes, special
emphasis is paid to side dimorphism of their otoliths, which is reflected in depicting otoliths of both sides of the
fishes as far as this was achievable.
With this monograph I hope to fulfill the following main objective: Present as many as possible detailed fig-
ures of recent and fossil pleuronectiform otoliths and thereby create a comprehensive basis for identification and
correlation of otoliths for this order.
Im Rahmen einer langfristig angelegten systematischen Bearbeitung vorwiegend rezenter Otolithen befaßt sich
diese Studie mit denjenigen der Ordnung Pleuronectiformes (Plattfische). Im Vergleich zu anderen Teleosteer-
Gruppen gehören die Otolithen der Pleuronectiformes zu den weniger gut bekannten und waren auch bisher nie
Gegenstand einer umfassenden morphologischen Analyse gewesen. Bedingt durch den oft hohen Grad
intraspezifischer Variabilität bei ebenso oft geringen morphologischen Unterschieden zwischen verwandten Ar-
ten und die für Plattfische typische Asymmetrie, die auch bei Otolithen zu beobachten ist, gehört die taxonomische
Arbeit mit Otolithen der Pleuronectiformes zu den komplizierteren innerhalb der Teleosteer.
Für diese Arbeit lagen Otolithen von mehr als 300 rezenten Arten (mehr als 50 % der Pleuronectiformes) zur
Untersuchung vor und zwar Vertreter von 116 der gegenwärtig 133 als valide angesehenen Gattungen. Die 124
beschriebenen fossilen Otolithen-Arten der Pleuronectiformes und 47 rezente Arten, die auch paläontologisch
nachgewiesen wurden, wurden überwiegend auf der Basis eingesehenen Typ-Materials unter Hinzuziehung neuerer
Bearbeitungen revidiert. Die Revision erbrachte , daß 26 Arten keine Pleuronectiformes sind. Von den verbleiben-
den werden 60 fossile Arten und 35 fossile Nachweise rezenter Arten als valide angesehen. Darin enthalten sind 18
neue Arten: genus aff. Rhombocitharus novaezeelandiae, genus aff. Brachypleura xenosulcis, Pseudorhombus weinfurteri,
Cyclopsetta transitus, Syacium dominicensis, Etropus concaviventris, Grammatobothus awamoaensis, Grammatobothus
radwanskae, Arnoglossus grenfelli, Arnoglossus quadratus, Caulopsetta arnoglossoides, Laeops rharbensis, Samaris validus,
Microchirus wienrichi, Quenselia cornuta, Pseudopardachirolithus nolfi, Peltorhamphus flexodorsalis, Cynoglossus
obliqueventralis. Es werden drei neue fossile Gattungen basierend auf Otolithen in der Familie Soleidae aufgestellt:
Granulithus, Praeachirolithus und Pseudopardachirolithus. Die sich aus der morphologischen Charakter-Analyse der
Otolithen ergebenden phylogenetischen Interpretationen werden mit entsprechenden ichthyologischen Analysen
verglichen. Als Ergebnis davon werden einzelne systematische Umstellungen zur Diskussion vorgeschlagen, wie:
1. Abtrennung der Gattungen Tephrinectes, Paralichthodes und der Ammotretis Gruppe in eigene, früh
phylogenetisch auf dem Niveau der Cithariden abgespaltene Gruppen.
2. Aufwertung der Brachypleuridae als familie neben den Citharidae.
3. Umstellung der Gattung Azygopus von der Unterfamilie Rhombosoleinae (sensu NORMAN, 1934) zur Unter-
familie Samarinae.
4. Umstellung der Gattung Peltorhamphus von den Pleuronectidae (Unterfamilie Rhombosoleinae; sensu
NORMAN, 1934) zur Familie Soleidae.
5. Reduzierung der Rhombosoleinae (sensu NORMAN, 1934) auf die beiden Gattungen Pelotretis und Rhombosolea.
Des weiteren werden auf Otolithen-Analyse basierende mögliche generische Verwandtschaften in den Familien
Bothidae, Pleuronectidae und Soleidae sowie mögliche phylogenetische Verbindungen zwischen den Familien
Soleidae und Cynoglossidae ausführlich diskutiert. Die systematische Gliederung der Otolithen-Beschreibungen
und Abbildungen folgt einer informellen, nomenklatorisch unverbindlichen Gliederung in 40 Gattungs-Grup-
pen aufgeteilt auf 8 Familien und eine Einheit von Gattungen problematischer Zuordnung.
In diesem zweiten Band der Otolithi Piscium Catalogus Reihe habe ich, ähnlich wie im ersten Band, Wert auf
große und, wie ich hoffe, klare und detaillierte Zeichnungen gelegt. Wenn immer möglich werden mehrere Exem-
plare einer Art gezeigt, um intraspezifische Variabilität, ontogenetische Veränderungen und Seitendimorphismus
zu verdeutlichen. Seitendimorphismus, auch bei Otolithen, ist eine Spezialität der Plattfische und dem wird,
soweit möglich, mit der Abbildung von Otolithen beider Seiten des Fisches Rechnung getragen.
Mit dieser Monographie hoffe ich eine Bestimmungs- und Bearbeitungsgrundlage für die Otolithen der
Pleuronectiformes geschaffen zu haben.
Table of contents
1. Introduction and Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ 5
2. Catalogue of investigated material ................................................................................................................. 9
3. Distribution of recent Pleuronectiformes ....................................................................................................... 10
4. Fossil Pleuronectiformes otoliths..................................................................................................................... 12
4.1 Systematics of fossil Pleuronectiformes otoliths ................................................................................ 12
4.2 Revision of fossil Pleuronectiformes otoliths...................................................................................... 14
4.3 Distribution of fossil Pleuronectiformes faunas ................................................................................. 22
4.3.1 North and Middle America...................................................................................................... 22
4.3.2 Europe .......................................................................................................................................... 22
4.3.3 NW-Africa ................................................................................................................................... 26
4.3.4 Indo-Pacific.................................................................................................................................. 26
4.3.5 New Zealand .............................................................................................................................. 27
5. Phylogenetic usage of Pleuronectiformes otoliths........................................................................................ 27
5.1 Characterization of Pleuronectiformes otoliths .................................................................................. 27
5.2 The origin of the Pleuronectiformes and their outgroup relationship ........................................... 27
5.3 Pleuronectiform grouping according to their otolith morphology.............................................. 28
5.3.1 Evolutionary trends in pleuronectiform otolith morphologies .......................................... 28
5.3.2 Definition of suborders, families and genus groups according to otolith morphologies 29
5.4 Discussion of phylogenetic concepts in Pleuronectiformes ............................................................. 36
6. Morphological characterization of Pleuronectiformes otoliths ..................................................................41
6.1 Terminology.............................................................................................................................................. 41
6.2 Side dimorphism ..................................................................................................................................... 45
6.3 Variability and ontogenetic trends........................................................................................................ 51
6.4 Otoliths of reversed individuals ........................................................................................................... 53
6.5 Sexual dimorphism ................................................................................................................................. 55
7. Descriptive part .............................................................................................................
..................................... 57
7.1 Psettodidae: Psettodes .............................................................................................................................. 57
7.2 Genera of uncertain relationship .......................................................................................................... 62
7.2.1 Tephrinectes Group: Tephrinectes ................................................................................................ 62
7.2.2 Paralichthodes Group: Paralichthodes......................................................................................... 63
7.2.3 Ammotretis Group: Collistium, Ammotretis, Oncopterus, [Psammodiscus], [Taratretis]........ 65
7.3 Citharidae: Citharus, Paracitharus, Citharoides, Rhombocitharus ....................................................... 70
7.4 Brachypleuridae: Lepidoblepharon, Brachypleura .................................................................................. 84
7.5 Scophthalmidae........................................................................................................................................ 89
7.5.1 Scophthalmus Group: Scophthalmus .......................................................................................... 90
7.5.2 Lepidorhombus Group: Lepidorhombus ...................................................................................... 92
7.5.3 Zeugopterus Group: Zeugopterus, Phrynorhombus................................................................... 100
7.6 Bothidae .................................................................................................................................................... 104
7.6.1 Paralichthys Group: Ancylopsetta, Gastropsetta, Hippoglossina, Xystreurys, Lioglossina,
Paralichthys................................................................................................................................... 106
7.6.2 Pseudorhombus Group: Pseudorhombus, Tarphops, [Cephalopsetta] ........................................ 124
7.6.3 Syacium Group: Syacium, Cyclopsetta....................................................................................... 135
7.6.4 Citharichthys Group: Citharichthys, Orthopsetta, Etropus ....................................................... 145
7.6.5 Bothus Group: Bothus, Parabothus, Grammatobothus .............................................................. 157
7.6.6 Arnoglossus Group: Neolaeops, Arnoglossus, Caulopsetta, Lophonectes, Psettina, Taenio-
psetta ............................................................................................................................................. 165
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Footnote: Genera listed in brackets are not represented by otoliths.
7.6.7 Monolene-Laeops Group: Trichopsetta, Engyophrys, [Perissias], Laeops, [Japanolaeops],
Monolene ....................................................................................................................................... 189
7.6.8 Engyprosopon Group: Asterorhombus, Engyprosopon, Crossorhombus, [Tosarhombus] ......... 199
7.6.9 Thysanopsetta Group: Thysanopsetta ......................................................................................... 205
7.6.10 Chascanopsetta Group: Chascanopsetta, [Pelecanichthys], [Kamoharaia] ................................. 206
7.6.11 Mancopsetta Group: Mancopsetta, [Achiropsetta] ..................................................................... 208
7.7 Pleuronectidae.......................................................................................................................................... 210
7.7.1 Hippoglossus Group: Eopsetta, Hippoglossus ............................................................................ 212
7.7.2 Hippoglossoides Group: Atherestes, Cleisthenes, Lyopsetta, Acanthopsetta, Hippoglossoides,
Reinhardtius.................................................................................................................................. 214
7.7.3 Glyptocephalus Group: Glyptocephalus, Tanakius ..................................................................... 223
7.7.4 Pleuronectes-Limanda Group: Limanda, Dexistes, Liopsetta, Parophrys, Pleuronectes, Platichthys,
Kareius, Pseudopleuronectes, Lepidopsetta, Inopsetta ................................................................. 226
7.7.5 Isopsetta Group: Psettichthys, Isopsetta ..................................................................................... 241
7.7.6 Verasper Group: Verasper, Clidoderma ....................................................................................... 243
7.7.7 Microstomus-Pleuronichthys Group: Microstomus, [Embassichthys], Pleuronichthys, Hypso-
psetta ............................................................................................................................................. 245
7.7.8 Pelotretis Group: Pelotretis ......................................................................................................... 250
7.7.9 Rhombosolea Group: Rhombosolea .............................................................................................. 252
7.7.10 Samaris Group: Plagiopsetta, Samaris, Samariscus, Azygopus ................................................ 254
7.7.11 Marleyella Group: Marleyella ..................................................................................................... 264
7.7.12 Poecilopsetta Group: Poecilopsetta, Nematops............................................................................ 265
7.8 Soleidae ..................................................................................................................................................... 269
7.8.1 Achirus Group: Trinectes, Achirus, Catathyridium, Hypoclinemus, Gymnachirus, Nodo-
gymnus.......................................................................................................................................... 270
7.8.2 Apionichthys Group: Apionichthys, [Achiropsis], [Pnictes], [Soleonasus] ............................... 279
7.8.3 Solea Group: Microchirus, Monochirus, Quenselia, Dicologlossa, Solea, [Dageichthys], Microbu-
glossus, Vanstraelenia, Bathysolea ............................................................................................... 280
7.8.4 Synaptura Group: Austroglossus, Synaptura ............................................................................ 306
7.8.5 Brachirus Group: Heterobuglossus, Dexillichthys, Brachirus, Anisochirus, Phyllichthys ....... 310
7.8.6 Zebrias Group: Aesopia, Granultihus, Soleichthys, Pseudaesopia, Zebrias, [Typhlachirus]... 316
7.8.7 Pardachirus Group: Praeachirolithus, Aseraggodes, Pseudopardachirolithus, Pardachirus,
[Parachirus]................................................................................................................................... 323
7.8.8. Heteromycteris Group: Heteromycteris, Rendahlia, Peltorhamphus ......................................... 330
7.9 Cynoglossidae .......................................................................................................................................... 338
7.9.1 Cynoglossus Group: Cynoglossus ...............................................................................................
7.9.2 Symphurus Group: Symphurus .................................................................................................. 359
8. Selected Literature.............................................................................................................................................. 368
Index ....................................................................................................................................................... 373
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Footnote: Genera listed in brackets are not represented by otoliths.
1. Introduction and Acknowledgements
The fishes of the order Pleuronectiformes, or flat-
fishes as they are commonly known, are readily
recognized by their high degree of external asym-
metry. This asymmetry has developed as a re-
sponse to their benthic life-style. Unlike other flat
bodied bottom-living fishes, which have become
laterally expanded and vertically compressed,
such as rays or certain monkfishes, Pleuronecti-
formes are derived from some kind of presuma-
bly deep bodied vertically oriented fish, which
sort of laid down sideways on the ground. As
a result of this habit adult Pleuronectiformes
developed a set of unique asymmetrical features
both externally and internally, involving the soft
organs as well as the skeleton and, of course, the
otoliths (larvae are bilaterally symmetrical). For
instance the eye on the side facing ground moves
over the top of the head to a position close to the
eye on the other side. This results in a blind
side and an eyed side. The skull, mouth, and
the anterior vertebrae, all look distorted. The
fins, lateral line system, coloration, even the den-
tition of the mouth and many other characters
are often distinctly asymmetrical. In combination
the resulting asymmetry is so eye-catching and
so different from any other fish that the Pleu-
ronectiformes (or Heterosomata, which better
refers to their appearance) have almost always
been understood as a well defined natural sys-
tematic unit.
The asymmetrical specialization of Pleuronec-
tiformes appears to have been a very successful
adaption. Nowadays, flatfishes occur in practi-
cally every ocean and are represented by a large
number of species (more than 550) and genera
(about 132, plus 4 fossil otolith based genera)
distributed amongst 6 to 11 families or more de-
pending on the view of individual taxonomists.
Many flatfishes are of considerable commercial
importance. Such names as turbot (Steinbutt;
Scophthalmus maximus), plaice (plie, Scholle; Pleu-
ronectes platessa) or sole (Seezunge; Solea solea) are
well known from European fish markets and so
are their equivalents from fish markets through-
out the world. Through the systematic works of
NORMAN (1934), CHABANAUD (div.) and
many other authors our status of knowledge of
pleuronectiform fishes is very good.
However, amongst teleost groups of compa-
rable size, the otoliths of the order Pleuronecti-
formes are amongst the least well known. The
work by CHAINE (1936), notable for its superb
photographic technique, stands alone. Unfortu-
nately, some of the illustrations are too small to
be of practical use. The reasons for this discrep-
ancy are, I believe, twofold. Firstly, ichthyologists
working with recent material appear to have been
content with the amount of information gathered
from the complete fish and have paid little care
to what the analysis of otoliths might reveal. Sec-
ondly, paleoichthyologists, who in the past have
been the driving force for investigations of oto-
lith morphology, in both fossil and living fishes,
have been more interested in other Teleost groups
which seemed to promise higher rewards. Indeed,
pleuronectiform otoliths are not the easiest to
work with morphologically. Taxonomic work is
somewhat hampered by the often high degree of
intraspecific variability, the low level of interspe-
cific morphological differentiation and of course
the ubiquitous effects of asymmetry. However,
morphological differentiation is possible in most
cases and in some it may contribute to a better
understanding of pleuronectiform systematics, as
I hope this monograph is able to demonstrate.
My ambition to prepare a comparative morpho-
logical study of pleuronectiform otoliths and to
make it as comprehensive as possible was trig-
gered by the very extensive collection of recent
flatfishes in the collection of The Natural History
Museum, formerly British Museums (Nat. Hist.),
in London. The major portion of the flatfish col-
lection was put together by J. R. NORMAN when
he prepared his Systematic monograph of the
flatfishes (Heterosomata) – Vol. 1: Psettodidae,
Bothidae, Pleuronectidae (1934). (The second
part that was proposed to cover the Soleidae and
Cynoglossidae was unfortunately never complet-
ed due to the early death of NORMAN.) This
collection offered a unique opportunity to accu-
mulate a large amount of pleuronectiform otolith
data from a single location and in short time, and
also had the advantage that the fishes had been
identified by one of the most distinguished flat-
fish taxonomists.
In this treatise I tried to compile and figure as
much data as possible for both recent and fossil
pleuronectiform otoliths. Recent otoliths figured
represent 116 genera of the 132 currently recog-
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
nized and more than 300 species corresponding
to more than 50 % of the known recent species.
Largest gaps of otolith knowledge are within the
specious genera Bothus, Laeops and Engyprosopon
(Bothidae), Samariscus (Pleuronectidae), Trinectes,
Achirus, Brachirus and Aseraggodes (Soleidae) and
Symphurus (Cynoglossidae). I have concentrated
my efforts on the Pleuronectoidei and therefore
otoliths of the Soleidae and Cynoglossidae are
somewhat less well represented (particularly the
freshwater soleids of America). However, many
of the missing genera (and species, too) are very
rare fishes which are kept in various collections
at different locations. I felt that extending the
study to these taxa would entail very much time
and effort but provide relatively little additional
information. The extent of the data collected for
this study represents a considerable advance on
previously published information and was con-
sidered sufficiently comprehensive to prepare the
following treatise.
As with the previous (and first) volume in the
newly established Otolithi Piscium Catalogus
format – A comparative morphological treatise
of recent and fossil otoliths of the family Sciaeni-
dae (SCHWARZHANS 1993) – I have put great
emphasis on large and, I hope, clear and detailed
drawings. Whenever possible, I tried to figure
more than just one specimen of each species to
document intraspecific variability, morphologi-
cal asymmetry when and where it occurs and
ontogenetic changes in morphology.
The compilation of all these recent data would
have been impossible without the most generous
help and support which I received from the fol-
lowing co-scientists and institutions. First and
foremost I wish to cordially thank the authorities
of The Natural History Museum (BMNH, Lon-
don) and in particular Mrs. N. Merrett and O.
Crimmen. Another major source of recent mate-
rial have been otoliths donated by the late J. Fitch,
mostly from the Pacific coast of North and Mid-
dle America. Further I wish to cordially thank:
Mrs. Dose, Mrs. C. Karrer, A. Post and H. Wilkens
(Zoologisches Museum Hamburg – ZMH; and
Institut für Seefischerei, Hamburg – ISH now
transferred to ZMH), J. Nielsen (Universitetets
Zoologiske Museum, Kobenhavn – ZMUC), D.
Nolf (Institut Royale des Sciences Naturelles de
Belgique, Bruxelles – IRSNB), F. Krupp (Sencken-
berg Museum, Frankfurt/M. – SMF), W. Schmidt
(Vockenhausen, Germany), K. Sasaki (Kochi Uni-
versity, Kochi), F. Ohe (Nagakute Senior High
School, Aichi), H. Grenfell (University of Auck-
land), G. Allen (West Australian Museum, Perth
WAM), R. Mckay (Queensland Museum, Bris-
bane – QMB), P. Castle (National Museum of New
Zealand, Wellington – NMNZ), T. Hecht (Rhodes
University, Grahamstown) and J. Paxton (Aus-
tralian Museum, Sydney – AMS).
The majority of the described fossil pleuronec-
tiform otolith species are revised. As far as pos-
sible these revisions are based on a review of the
type-material or newly collected material prefer-
ably from the type-localities. Wherever appro-
priate, type specimens are being refigured. All
these valuable data were made available most
generously by: F. Stojaspal (Geologische Bunde-
sanstalt, Wien – GBW), D. Nolf (Institute Royale
des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles –
IRSNB), H. Malz (Senckenberg Museum, Frank-
furt/M. – SMF P), E. Martini (Universität Frank-
furt), W.-D. Heinrich (Paläontologisches Museum
der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin – PMHUB),
R. Niederl (Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum
Joanneum, Graz – LMJ), Mrs. A. Mastandrea (Uni-
versita di Modena – IPUM), C.H. v.Daniels (Nied-
ersächsisches Landesamt, Hannover – NLH) and
from the private collections of F. Pfeil (München),
Mrs.U. Radwanska (Warszaw – IGUW), E. Rich-
ardson (Henderson, New Zealand), J. Boscheinen
(Düsseldorf), C. Klinger (Düsseldorf), F. von der
Hocht (Kerpen), W. Wienrich (Weetze, Nieder-
rhein), M. Möller (Kleve) and W. Neumann
The material kindly made available through
these co-scientists and institutions allowed for
the first time an almost complete revision of the
largest fossil pleuronectiform fauna known to
date: that from Central and Western Europe. Other
important fossil flatfish faunas reviewed include
those described from Central America and New
Zealand. Unfortunately, fossil pleuronectiform
otoliths described from Kazakhstan, Japan and
Indonesia have not been available for revision.
Fossil pleuronectiform otoliths are fairly well
known from Central and Western Europe and
from New Zealand, but from other regions in the
world our knowledge is still very limited. In fu-
ture years I would expect many new fossil flat-
fish otoliths to surface from such areas and I hope
that this monograph will contribute to a better
understanding of them. The rich recent flatfish
faunas in Central America, Japan or Indonesia
already indicate the vast potential range of fossil
forms to be expected from such areas. However,
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Recent and fossil pleuronectiform otoliths have
been investigated from the following institution-
al collections:
AIM Auckland Institute and Museum
AMS Australian Museum, Sydney
AUG Auckland University, Geology Depart-
BMNH Natural History Museum), London
BSP Bayer. Staatssammlung für Paläon-
tologie und hist. Geologie, München
GBW Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien
GPIM-M Paläontologische Institut der Univer-
sität Mainz
IPUM Instituto di Paleontolgia, Universita di
IRSNB Institut Royale des Sciences Naturelles
de Belgique, Bruxelles
ISH Institut für Seefischerei, Hamburg
(now ZMH)
LMJ Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum
Joanneum, Graz
NLH Niedersächsisches Landesamt, Hanno-
NMB Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel
NMNZ National Museum of New Zealand,
NZGS New Zealand Geological Survey,
Lower Hutt
PMHUB Paläontologisches Museum der Hum-
boldt-Universität, Berlin
QMB Queensland Museum, Brisbane
SIO Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
La Jolla
SMF Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt/M.
USNM National Museum of Natural History,
Washington D.C.
WAM West Australian Museum, Perth
ZMH Zoologisches Museum der Universität
ZMUC Universitetets Zoologiske Museum,
ZPalUW Institute of Geology of the University
of Warsaw
and the following private collections:
J. Boscheinen – Düsseldorf (type-material at SMF)
J. Fitch (material donated to the author – Fitchs
main collection is now at LACM)
H. Grenfell – Auckland (material at AIM and
T. Hecht – Grahamstown (material donated and
loaned to the author)
F. von der Hocht – Kerpen (type-material now at
C. Klinger – Düsseldorf (type-material at SMF)
E. Martini – Frankfurt/M. (material at University
of Frankfurt)
P. Maxwell – Waimate (type-material now at
M. Möller – Kleve (type-material now at SMF)
W. Neumann – Krefeld (type-material at SMF)
D. Nolf – Brugge (material now at IRSNB)
F. Ohe – Aichi (private collection kept at Naga-
kute Senior High School)
F. Pfeil – München (material now catalogued at
U. Radwanska – Warszaw (material now at
E. Richardson – Henderson (type-material now
at NZGS)
K. Sasaki – Kochi (material donated to the au-
W. Schmidt – Vockenhausen near Stuttgart (ma-
terial donated to the author)
W. Schwarzhans – Mülheim a.d. Ruhr (recent
material now catalogued at ISH/ZMH; fossil
type-material now at NZGS, SMF and GBW)
E. Steurbaut – Bruxelles (material now at IRSNB)
W. Wienrich – Weetze (type-material now at SMF)
Recent otoliths are usually stored separately from
the fishes from which they were obtained. It is
from newly collected material by F. Pfeil, W.
Wienrich and myself some new fossil species are
being described. They have been obtained from
locations in Northern Germany, Austria, New
Zealand and Morocco, the latter representing the
first fossil pleuronectiform otoliths from Africa.
I wish to thank Mr. O. Crimmen (London) for
reviewing major parts of the manuscript for Eng-
lish language.
2. Catalogue of Investigated material
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
therefore important to give a track record of each
recent otolith specimen as complete as possible.
Unfortunately, this data is not always available.
In recent times the necessity providing good spec-
imen data has become more and more apparent
to otolith workers. (My own collection techniques
have changed in this respect.)
In most institutional collections dissected oto-
liths are kept under the same catalogue number
as the fish. In fossil collections of course cata-
logue numbers refer only to the otoliths. In addi-
tion, in private collections and also in some insti-
tutional collections, there exists a large amount
of non-catalogued material.
In citations of material examined for this trea-
tise the collection number (followed by the cata-
logue number when available) is always noted
first and without brackets or quotation marks.
Additional information may follow in brackets,
for instance:
Collection and catalogue number of the fish
from which the otolith was dissected when not
identical with present location of the otolith spec-
Prefix – leg. – for material that was donated
from private or institutional collections.
Prefix – coll. – for material that is or was orig-
inally kept in a private collection and became sub-
sequently submitted to an institutional collection.
Any type-material investigated or lectotypes
or neotypes newly selected are quoted accord-
The recent otoliths of my formerly private collec-
tion are being transmitted to the ISH collection
(now transferred to the ZMH collection), with
the provision of a lifetime loan-agreement for
myself. This material is not yet catalogued, but
will be catalogued in the course of it being pub-
lished. This will greatly increase the accessibility
of the collection. These otoliths will be catalogued
in a new ZMH (formerly ISH) catalogue format
obeying the following the rules:
ZMH Ot. (stands for assigned otolith collec-
tion) day.month.year.current number (corre-
sponds to the time when the otolith was actually
catalogued). This system is similar to that at the
Flatfishes are adapted to a benthic life-style. They
spend most of their time on the bottom resting on
the blind side. Often they bury themselves in the
sediment, with only the eyes and nostrils uncov-
ered. Some flatfishes, however, are regularly
caught pelagically (Hippoglossus, Reinhardtius).
Psettodes and Reinhardtius are known to adopt a
vertical posture, at least occasionally, the latter
genus probably does so as a secondary adaption
to its pelagic way of living.
Flatfishes are widely distributed in the shal-
low seas of the world. They are most common in
near-shore environments and down to the conti-
nental break (10 to 200 m). Some genera and spe-
cies, however, live at greater depths on the con-
tinental rise (for example Lepidorhombus boscii, Ar-
noglossus rueppelli, Chascanopsetta, Mancopsetta,
Hippoglossus, Glyptocephalus, Poecilopsetta, Bathyso-
lea or Symphurus). Some flatfishes are also found
close inshore, in tidal and subtidal environments
and even in estuarine and brackish waters. Truly
freshwater Pleuronectiformes are rare, most of
them representatives of the family Soleidae (Achi-
rus and Apionichthys Groups). Their occurrence is
restricted to tropical rivers and estuaries, particu-
larly in South America, but also in Africa, the In-
do-Malayan archipelago and northern Australia.
Due to their benthic habit flatfishes are often
adapted to certain kinds of substratum. They are
most abundant in clastic environments on soft
muddy or sandy bottoms. Some genera and spe-
cies are specialized on hard pebbly or rocky bot-
toms (for example Phrynorhombus, Zeugopterus).
But apparently there are also some genera which
occur regularly in coral reef environments (for
example Samariscus) or lagoonal facies settings.
Flatfishes are carnivorous, feeding mostly on
other fish, squids and crustaceans. The largest
flatfishes, like the giant Hippoglossus which can
reach 2 m in length or Reinhardtius are active pred-
ators feeding on a variety of prey, but mostly fish,
squids and prawns. Most other flatfishes hide on
or partially submerged in the sediment waiting
for prey to pass within reach. Soleidae and Cyno-
glossidae are adapted to feed on bottom living
invertebrates (worms, bivalves etc.). Soleidae are
3. Distribution of recent Pleuronectiformes
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
mostly nocturnally active creeping over the
sediment in the search of their prey. The Cynoglos-
sidae are adapted primarily to ploughing the sand
in search of prey and to feeding on organisms
living below the surface.
Geographically, Pleuronectiformes are distrib-
uted throughout the world oceans from the Sub-
arctic in the north (about 75°N) to the Subantarc-
tic in the south (about 55°S, just north of the
Antarctic front), with one species (Mancopsetta ma-
culata) having been collected off the coast of
Antarctica. They are most common and specious,
however, in tropical and subtropical seas. NOR-
MAN (1934) produced a diagram (p.49) depict-
ing the latitudinal range of pleuronectiform fam-
ilies and subfamilies. From this it can be seen that
the majority of flatfishes are distributed between
the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn
(Psettodidae, many Bothidae, Cynoglossidae,
most Soleidae and the pleuronectid subfamilies
Poecilopsettinae and Samarinae). However, there
are also certain families and groups with a dis-
tinctly antitropical distribution pattern. The Ci-
tharidae are known from the temperate to sub-
tropic seas of Europe and West Africa (Citharus),
South Africa (Paracitharus) and Japan (Citharoides).
Scophthalmidae as a family are exclusively known
from the North Atlantic (most species from the
Northeast Atlantic, only one from the Atlantic
coast of North America) and between the Arctic
Circle and the Tropic of Cancer. Likewise the
majority of the Pleuronectidae (subfamily Pleu-
ronectinae in NORMAN 1934) is restricted to the
temperate and subtropic waters of the North
Pacific and the North Atlantic. The Rhombosolei-
nae (Pelotretis, Rhombosolea and Ammotretis Groups
as defined here) are endemic to the Southern
Oceans, chiefly around New Zealand, southern
Australia and with one species off Patagonia
(South America).
It has been argued that the geographical
spread of shallow marine benthic fishes would to
a certain extend depend on the pelagic larval
phase (see discussion in NORMAN 1934; p.30-33).
This would be particularly important for flatfish-
es, which are not very active swimmers and are
mostly rather sedentary during their adult life,
(exceptions are the more active swimmers like
Hippoglossus, Reinhardtius or Glyptocephalus, and
indeed these are much more widely distributed).
The eggs of the great majority of the Pleuronec-
tiformes are buoyant and pelagic as are their lar-
val stages. Accepting the pelagic life of eggs and
larvae as the principal phase during which geo-
graphical spreading of flatfishes may occur, it
becomes obvious that two factors largely control
their distribution patterns – 1. nature and orien-
tation of oceanic surface currents both in the
Recent and the geological history, and 2. the length
of the pelagic larval life. As for the latter NOR-
MAN (1934) noted that in most Pleuronectinae
the pelagic life is very short, whereas that of the
genera Arnoglossus and Bothus is considerably
prolonged. He also assumed a prolonged early
pelagic life for the genera Syacium and Citharich-
thys, both in essence new world genera known
from a single species each from the West African
coast. A similar situation is recorded for the Mio-
cene, from which a true Syacium species (S. syacio-
ides, not related to the recent S. micrurum from
the West African coast) has been described from
In general, however, the spreading of pleu-
ronectiform genera or even species across major
deep ocean barriers remains the exception rath-
er than the rule. Indeed one notes a relatively
distinct regionalisation in the distribution pattern
of the Pleuronectiformes. Many flatfish genera
seem to be endemic to certain regions and likely
have been so during their evolution. I assume
that most endemic genera of this type represent
true primary endemics. In the Pleuronectoidei the
largest number of endemic genera is known from
the seas around Japan, Northern China and Ko-
rea (11 genera), the Pacific coast of America (par-
ticularly California; 10 genera) and the temper-
ate seas around New Zealand and southern Aus-
tralia (8 genera). 4 genera are endemic to Europe
and Northwest Africa (Citharus, Lepidorhombus,
Phrynorhombus and Zeugopterus), 3 genera each
to the seas of Indonesia and Southeast America,
2 genera each to the Subantarctic and to South
Africa and 1 genus each to Southwest America,
Hawaii and tropical eastern America. The 4 gen-
era endemic to Europe and Northwest Africa seem
to have long reaching and well established fossil
records in the same area since at least Oligocene
times. However, one of the genera thought to be
endemic for South Africa probably also had a
fossil record from Europe (Paracitharus angustus
from the Pliocene), indicating that its present re-
striction to South Africa probably represents a
secondary endemism. (Similar observations have
been made for other present day endemic fishes
of South Africa as well – for instance Afroscion of
the family Sciaenidae (SCHWARZHANS 1993)
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
and Bidenichthys of the family Bythitidae
(SCHWARZHANS 1994). The geographically iso-
lated subtropic and temperate seas around South
Africa seem to represent an ideal refugium for
living fossils in the marine life.) In the Soleoi-
dei regionalization seems to be developed best in
the Soleidae. For instance the Achirus and Apion-
ichthys Groups are restricted to the Americas,
whereas all other groups are strictly old world
representatives with the highest degree of diver-
sity in the Indopacific (Brachirus, Zebrias, Pardachi-
rus and Heteromycteris Groups). Biogeographic
analysis of the soleid genera is somewhat ham-
pered by the often unclear delimitation of gener-
ic definitions. Therefore, 7 genera are tentatively
accepted as endemic to the central Indopacific
(Philippines, Indonesia and northern Australia,
of which 1 is endemic to Indonesia and 3 to Aus-
tralia), 6 genera are endemic to South America
(several of them freshwater genera), and 4 are
endemic to Europe and North Africa. Endemism
in other bioprovinces is less well developed: 2
genera in West Africa, 1 in South Africa, 1 in Ja-
pan (not counting the problematical Rhinosolea)
and 1 genus in New Zealand (assuming Peltorham-
phus to represent a soleid). As can be seen from
the above listing the majority of pleuronectoid
endemics occur in temperate to subtropic waters,
whereas the majority of soleoid endemics are trop-
ical (several of them in freshwater). However, they
rarely exceed 10 to 20 % of the total pleuronecti-
form fauna. This is even true for those bioprov-
inces with a very high number of endemic gen-
era, such as Japan or California. The only notable
exception is the flatfish-fauna from New Zealand
and southern temperate Australia. There, 8 out of
15 genera are endemic. Of these endemics 5 are
only known from New Zealand. This high de-
gree of presumably primary endemics is evident-
ly caused by the isolation of the two regions ef-
fective for a considerable interval of time in geo-
logical history. Paleontological findings (see
chapter 4.3.5) support this concept.
4.1 Systematics of
fossil Pleuronectiformes otoliths
Pleuronectiform otoliths are not uncommon in
the fossil record, although they rarely occur in
very great numbers. Since flatfishes are mainly
adapted to shallow marine soft bottom environ-
ments it is not surprising that they are also spe-
cious and common in adequate sediments. But
they are also known, both recent and fossil, from
the deeper shelf or the continental rise. Some
genera are adapted to rocky or reef environments.
These are represented extremely rarely in the
fossil record due to the poor fossilization poten-
tial of the aragonitic otoliths in carbonatic rocks
which prevail in such settings. So far no fossil
pleuronectiform otoliths are known from true
freshwater sediments.
In the stratigraphic record pleuronectiform
otoliths are known best from the Oligocene on-
ward. The oldest certain records date back into
Early Eocene times and are generally represent-
ed by rather plesiomorphic groups such as the
genera Psettodes and Rhombocitharus. But it also
comprises a surprisingly modern looking both-
id of the genus Arnoglossus. In the Upper Eocene
two Soleidae are added to the list representing
extinct genera (Praearchirolithus and Pseudop-
ardachirolithus) of the Pardachirinae. In the Up-
per Eocene and Lower Oligocene the number of
modern pleuronectiform otoliths increases (a
second Arnoglossus species from New Zealand,
two soleid species and Brachypleura). Records from
the Oligocene and the Neogene reflect a wide
spectrum of families. So far the most commonly
recorded families have been the Bothidae (partic-
ularly the Arnoglossus Group), Soleidae (Solea
Group) and the Citharidae. The Cynoglossidae,
Scophthalmidae and even the Brachypleuridae
are known as well, but less commonly. Amazing-
ly, the poorest fossil knowledge refers to the Pleu-
ronectidae. From this family only two fossil spe-
cies have been noted for certain, one from
the Upper Oligocene of northern Germany
(SCHWARZHANS 1994), the other from the Low-
er Pliocene of New Zealand described as new
below. However, some extant species have been
recorded from the Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene
of California (FITCH, div. pub.) and Japan (OHE
1981, 1983).
4. Fossil Pleuronectiformes otoliths
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
To date (and including this monograph) about
124 fossil pleuronectiform species based on oto-
liths have been described, mostly from Europe
and New Zealand. In addition about 47 recent
species have also been described as fossils from
Pliocene to Pleistocene sediments of Europe,
North America and Japan. About half of the fos-
sil species are here accepted as valid, i.e. 60 fossil
species (including 18 described as new) and 35 of
the recent species recorded as fossils. Of the three
previously established fossil otolith based gen-
era – Citharopsettodes, Eosolea and Rhombocitharus
only Rhombocitharus is here regarded as valid;
Citharopsettodes is placed in synonymy with Para-
citharus and Eosolea is not a pleuronectiform. In
addition, three new fossil otolith based genera
are described – Granulithus, Praearchirolithus and
Pseudopardachirolithus. [The formal ending lithus
has been attached to the names to indicate that
they are otolith-based fossil genera.]
From the inception of otolith research, fossil
pleuronectiform otoliths have been described by
of their species are still regarded as valid. How-
ever, their figures and descriptions have often
been inadequate to allow recognition of the del-
icate features that distinguish closely related spe-
cies from each other. Good documentation and
diagnosis is particularly important in this group
due to the high degree of intraspecific variability,
the often relatively low level of interspecific
morphological differentiation and the prevalence
of poorly preserved or juvenile otoliths lacking
diagnostic features in the fossil record. As a re-
sult of this problematic situation secondary refer-
ences in subsequent publications suffer from in-
adequate identifications. In fact the taxonomic
situation can only be described as chaotic in many
instances. Sorting out all the secondary referenc-
es that have occurred will be a very laborious
task. And before such a task can be realized the
type-material of the earlier works needs to be
thoroughly revised. Such a revision, the re-figur-
ing of types wherever appropriate and the de-
scription of a detailed differential diagnosis is one
of the major objectives of my study (see next
chapter) and hopefully it will help towards a
better identification of fossil pleuronectiform oto-
liths in future investigations. The results of other
important revisions recently made by NOLF
(1981; SCHUBERTs type-material), STEURBAUT
& JONET (1981; JONETs type-material), NOLF
& STEURBAUT (1983; BASSOLIs type-material)
and SCHWARZHANS (1994; KOKENs type-
material) have been incorporated. In addition
other type-material or new material from type-
locations was reviewed insofar as it was availa-
ble. However, I regret that there remains still a
number of important type specimens that could
not be investigated. This is particularly true for
the otoliths described by POBEDINA (1954) and
SUZIN (1968) from the Miocene of Kazakhstan,
which are mostly based on juvenile otoliths for
the greater part and are therefore presently re-
garded as of doubtful identity. This also applies
to the otoliths described by FROST (1925), VORST-
MANN (1927) and HATAI (1965) from the Terti-
ary of Indonesia and Japan. Secondary references
have only been taken into consideration when
the specimens have been reviewed or they are
sufficiently identifiable from the illustrations of
the respective publications.
In early publications the diagnostic features
of pleuronectiform otoliths, namely the circum-
sulcal depression (see chapters 5.1. and 6.1. for
explanation), were not recognized. Therefore, a
number of otoliths have originally been described
as representing pleuronectiforms of some sort
which must in fact now be regarded as belonging
to other Teleosts. This is the case for at least 26
nominal species, an unusually high percentage.
In one case, even a genus – Eosolea DANTE &
FRIZZELL 1965 – based on otoliths, and thought
to be a Soleidae, is not in fact a pleuronectiform.
All the species referred to this nominally valid
genus have been identified as belonging to the
Anguilliform family Heterenchelyidae (NOLF &
MARTINELL 1980). On the other hand, only 2
species have been transferred from a systematic
position outside the Pleuronectiformes into this
As already pointed out the number of doubt-
ful fossil species needing thorough revision is still
as high as 20. I strongly recommend against the
use of these species names although they are
nominally valid until proper revisions have been
carried out. 15 fossil species are regarded as syn-
onyms, 2 are rejected as having been based on
indeterminable material and 1 represents a no-
men nudum.
In more recent literature from the 70s onward
the taxonomic problems prevailing in earlier
publications and the difficulties involved in dis-
tinguishing otoliths of related flatfish species
became widely recognized by otolith research
workers and led to a drastic change in their atti-
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
tude when describing fossil pleuronectiform oto-
liths. Quite often we now find pleuronectiform
otoliths placed in open nomenclature (NOLF,
BAUT). Fortunately, this attitude has stopped the
introduction of an ever increasing amount of ill-
defined new fossil taxa. Now that the majority of
the type-material is being revised and a previ-
ously unpreceded amount of recent data is avail-
able, new species may be better defined. Howev-
er, it is strongly recommended that in the estab-
lishment of new fossil species certain rules are
observed which should be common sense any-
way: – Making sure that the type-material is of
good quality, is sufficient to demonstrate that the
diagnostic characters do not fall within the vari-
ability range of a previously described species
and represents truly adult specimens that exhibit
enough characters of diagnostic value. Also it is
my suggestion to make significant efforts to pro-
vide illustrations that are as detailed as possible
in order to facilitate future references. This last
point I wish to stress in particular since in the
past many illustrations have been published that
are inadequate for accurate interpretation. Un-
fortunate examples are the publications of FROST,
STINTON and some early works of NOLF. If such
type-material is ever mislaid (and in the case of
FROST some of it evidently has been) it will be
almost impossible, without extensive re-collect-
ing at the type-location (and sometimes not even
then), to reconstruct the nature of the respec-
tive species.
Another attitude adopted in more recent stud-
ies and obviously born of the same insight is that
of placing fossil flatfish otoliths, particularly those
from the Younger Tertiary, in living species often
accompanied with some prefix like aff. or cf. This
method is somewhat more problematical. It in-
tends to reflect a status of knowledge which in
fact is not quite the case. Several of these recent
species described as fossils are based on single
and/or poorly preserved specimens that should
better be left in open nomenclature (see chapter
4.2). A clear example of such a misguided attempt
at positive identification is even found in the
publication of such a competent otolith specialist
as OHE (1983), who described several recent
European pleuronectiform species from the
Pliocene of Japan, such as Arnoglossus cf. laterna,
Solea cf. solea or Solea cf. lascaris. Judging from his
photographs most of these are either undetermi-
nable, eroded and/or juvenile specimens or rep-
resent extant Japanese species. In this light I wish
to recommend following the rules outlined above
(for the erection of new fossil taxa) for the alloca-
tion of any fossil otolith to a recent species.
In fact, when reading more recent literature
on fossil otoliths one definitely gets the impres-
sion that fossil pleuronectiform otoliths have not
been a favored group to anybody. For instance
NOLF (1985) noted that the intraspecific variabil-
ity in flatfish otoliths is unusually wide, but: if
one has a good series of otoliths, the characters of
the species can still be recognized. SCHWARZ-
HANS (1984) wrote in an introductory chapter to
the Soleoidei that the morphology is strongly
reduced and that here may be one of the few
cases (in Teleosts), where otoliths of related spe-
cies are not always distinguishable. There is a
lot of truth in both statements. Pleuronectiforms
are indeed among the few Teleost groups where
we have to accept that not all related species may
be distinguishable on the basis of otoliths alone.
Particularly when dealing with fossils one should
treat certain species with very generalized
morphologies more like species groups than
fully defined species (see entries on Microchirus
frequens and Microchirus kirchbergeanus for in-
stance). However, it is also true that with a large
series of specimens diagnostically valid charac-
ters can still be defined to distinguish such relat-
ed species. This observation not only calls for a
conservative approach in taxonomic analyses,
but also means that isolated specimens, particu-
larly when eroded or juvenile, cannot always be
attributed to a certain species.
4.2 Revision of
fossil Pleuronectiformes otoliths
The following is an alphabetical list of fossil pleu-
ronectiform species which are based on otoliths.
Each species name is followed by author and
original designation in brackets and the revised
designation as adopted here. This list includes
every otolith based species originally described
as a pleuronectiform and species that have been
described as belonging to some other Teleost order
but are now accepted as pleuronectiforms. Wher-
ever revisions of other authors are adopted this is
Species accepted as valid are shown in bold
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
At the beginning of every new line symbols
show what material has been available for re-
examination. An asterisk (*) denotes re-examined
holotypes or selected lectotypes, # denotes
paratype(s) or syntype(s) (but no holotype) or
any other specimen collected from the type-lo-
cality, a small s denotes any other specimens.
In separate lists, doubtful species (based on
inconclusive type material or still needing revi-
sion) and also recent species that have been de-
scribed as fossils are put together. Finally, valid
fossil species and recent species recorded as fos-
sils are listed in their current systematic position.
* acuminatus KOKEN 1891 (Pleuronectidarum)
alta STEURBAUT & JONET 1981 (Paraplagu-
sia) – syn. Cynoglossus leuchsi
altus POBEDINA 1954 (Rhombus) – doubtful
species, probably a true pleuronectiform, pos-
sibly a Pleuronectidae, but cannot be evaluat-
ed from figures
* altus MENZEL 1986 (Cynoglossus) – syn. Cy-
noglossus leuchsi
angulata FROST 1925 (Solea) – doubtful spe-
cies, drawing very schematic
s angulosus NOLF 1976 (Lepidorhombus)Lep-
idorhombus angulosus
s angulosus NOLF 1976 (sensu RADWANSKA
1992) – syn. Lepidorhombus subtriangularis
* angustus SCHWARZHANS 1978 (Citharopset-
todes) – Paracitharus angustus
aomoriensis HATAI 1965 (Limanda) – doubtful
s approximata KOKEN 1891 (Solea) – type lost,
can not be evaluated from the illustrations,
species rejected (see entry on Microchirus fre-
* arnoglossoides n.sp. – Caulopsetta arnoglos-
* awamoaensis n.sp. – Grammatobothus awamo-
balangoensis VORSTMANN 1927 (Solea)
doubtful species
s balearicus BAUZA RULLAN 1955 (Eucitha-
rus) – syn. Citharus balearicus
s bartonensis FROST 1934 (Solea) – Heterenche-
* bassolii
SCHUBERT 1906 (Phrynorhombus)
sulcus of unique type eroded, doubtful spe-
cies, not a pleuronectiform
s bauzai SANZ ECHEVERRIA 1950 (Arnoglos-
sus) – syn. Arnoglossus kokeni
* bavayi NOLF 1988 (Psettodes) – genus aff. Pset-
todes bavayi
s belgicus GAEMERS 1972 (Eucitharus) – syn.
Rhombocitharus rhenanus
biaculeatus NOLF & LAPIERRE 1979 (Both-
idarum)Rhombocitharus biaculeatus
boerialensis VORSTMANN 1927 (Pleuro-
* cauneillensis NOLF 1988 (Citharus)Rhom-
bocitharus cauneillensis
s circularis STINTON 1966 (Eucitharus)Rhom-
bocitharus circularis
claibornensis DANTE & FRIZZELL 1965
(Eosolea) – Heterenchelyidae
* collatus NOLF 1972 (Psettodes)Psettodes col-
* concaviventris n.sp. – Etropus concaviventris
s concavus PRIEM 1914 (Pleuronectidarum) – Po-
contortus FROST 1934 (Bothus) – doubtful spe-
cies (see NOLF 1985)
corius CHALIKOV 1946 (Rhombus) – doubtful
species, figure in POBEDINA (1954) cannot
be evaluated
* cornuta n.sp. – Quenselia cornuta
corpulentus SUZIN 1968 (Solea) – Callionymi-
cottreaui PRIEM 1911 (Solea) – Myctophidae
(see NOLF 1985)
STINTON 1966 (Bothus) – doubtful
* dominicensis n.sp. – Syacium dominicensis (as
Bothidae sp. in NOLF & STRINGER, 1992)
* dorsolobatus SCHWARZHANS 1980 (Both-
idarum)Taeniopsetta dorsolobata
elongatus FROST 1925 (Pleuronectes) – doubt-
ful species, drawing very schematic
* extremus SCHWARZHANS 1980 (Arnoglos-
sus)Arnoglossus extremus
fangariensis SCHUBERT 1912 (Pleuronecti-
darum) – doubtful species, type lost, cannot
be evaluated from figure
* flexodorsalis n.sp. – Peltorhamphus flexodorsa-
foliformis POBEDINA 1954 (Rhombus) – doubt
ful species (see Nolf 1985)
* fordycei SCHWARZHANS 1980 (Achirus)
Peltorhamphus fordycei
* frequens STEURBAUT 1984 (Buglossidium)
Microchirus frequens (replaces Solea approxi-
mata of authors)
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
glaber KOKEN 1888 (Solea) – Heterenchelyi-
* granum SCHWARZHANS 1994 (Aesopia)
Granulithus granum
* grenfelli n.sp. – Arnoglossus grenfelli
* guestfalica KOKEN 1891 (Solea) – syn. Rhombo-
citharus rhenanus
heletroides (STINTON ms, in NOLF & CAPET-
TA 1976) (Bothidarum) – nomen nudum, su-
besquently described as Bothidarum biaculea-
tus by NOLF & LAPIERRE 1979
helvecianus JONET 1972 (Pseudorhombus) – He-
terenchelyidae (see STEUTBAUT & JONET
* holleri WEINFURTER 1952 (Arnoglossus)
Arnoglossus holleri
hunyadensis SCHUBERT 1912 (Pleuronectida-
rum) – doubtful species, type lost, cannot be
evaluated from figure
* ignobilis SCHWARZHANS 1994 (Limanda)
Limanda ignobilis
inconspectus SMIGIELSKA 1973 (Arnoglos-
sus)syn. Arnoglossus taureri
irregularis WEILER 1959 (Pleuronectidarum)
doubtful species, not identifiable juvenile
karaganensis SUZIN 1968 (Rhombus) – Callio-
s kirchbergeana H.v.MEYER 1852 (Solea)Mi-
crochirus kirchbergeanus, found in situ by
* klockenhoffi GAEMERS & SCHWARZHANS
1982 (Lepidorhombus)Lepidorhombus klocken-
* kokeni
BASSOLI 1906 (Solea)Arnoglossus
* kokeni SCHUBERT 1906 (Solea) – syn. Dico-
loglossa patens
konkensis SUZIN 1968 (Rhombus) – doubtful
species, cannot be evaluated from figure
* lapierrei NOLF 1988 (Bothidarum)Arnoglos-
sus lapierrei
* latior SCHUBERT 1906 (Solea)Microchirus
* latisulcatus FROST 1924 (Citharus) – Trachi-
# lenticularis KOKEN 1884 (Solea) – Nettasto-
* leuchsi WEINFURTER 1952 (Cynoglossus)
Cynoglossus leuchsi
lobata BASSOLI 1906 (Platessa) – Chaunacidae
(see NOLF & STEURBAUT 1983)
* longus SCHWARZHANS 1980 (Arnoglossus)
Arnoglossus longus
# lusitanicus JONET 1972 (Eucitharus)Citha-
rus lusitanicus
s medius WEILER 1958 (Phrynorhombus)
Phrynorhombus medius
s minor SCHUBERT 1906 (Rhombus) – Hemi-
miocenica POBEDINA 1954 (Rhombus) – doubt-
ful species, cannot be evaluated from figure
miocenicus WEILER 1942 (Eucitharus)Citha-
rus sp., based on non-diagnostic juvenile,
doubtful species.
s miocenicus WEILER 1962 (Arnoglossus)
– syn.
Arnoglossus holleri
* nolfi n.sp. – Pseudopardachirolithus nolfi
* novaezeelandiae n.sp. – genus aff. Rhomboci-
tharus novaezeelandiae
* novus SCHWARZHANS 1980 (Arnoglossus)
Arnoglossus novus
* obliquoventralis n.sp. – Cynoglossus obliquo-
* obliquus MENZEL 1986 (Bothidarum) – syn.
Phrynorhombus medius
* oedelemensis NOLF 1972 (Psettodes) -syn. Pset-
todes collatus
* orbicularis FROST 1933 (Pleuronectidarum)
rejected fragmentary species
otomoi HATAI 1965 (Limanda) – doubtful spe-
s patens BASSOLI 1906 (Solea)Dicologlossa
* pentagonalis STEURBAUT 1984 (Pleuronecti-
darum)Brachypleura pentagonalis
* polonica n.sp.- Bathysolea polonica
premaxima SHEPHERD 1916 (Psetta) – syn. Ge-
nartina hampshirensis, family indeterminable,
probably close to Pterothrissidae (NOLF 1985)
* priscus SCHWARZHANS 1994 (Monolene)
Monolene priscus
# prudhommae STEURBAUT 1984 (Monolene)
Arnoglossus prudhommae
* quadratus n.sp. – Arnoglossus quadratus
* radwanskae n.sp. – Grammatobothus radwan-
rharbensis n.sp. – Laeops rharbensis
* rhenanus KOKEN 1891 (Rhombus)Rhomboc-
itharus rhenanus
* rhenanus KOKEN 1891 (sensu SCHUBERT
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
1906) – syn. Lepidorhombus subtriangularis
rhenanus KOKEN 1891 (sensu LIEBUS 1927) –
from the Upper Cretaceous of Austria, an un-
described Acropomatidae of the fossil genus
Plesiopoma (SCHWARZHANS 1995)
rhenanus KOKEN 1891 (sensu WEINFURTER
1952) – Citharus lusitanicus
* rhomboides SCHWARZHANS 1973 (Bothi-
darum)Rhombocitharus rhomboides
roseni NOLF & CAPETTA 1980 (Paraplagusia)
syn. Cynoglossus leuchsi
s rosenthalensis WEILER 1942 (Bothus)
Zeugopterus rosenthalensis
s rotunda PRIEM 1914 (Gobius)Solea rotunda
rotundus SUZIN 1968 (Solea) – doubtful spe-
cies, not identifiable juvenile pleuronectiform
* schuberti BASSOLI 1906 (Eucitharus)Citha-
rus schuberti
# schultzei NOLF & LAPIERRE 1979 (Solei-
darum)Praearchirolithus schultzei
sector KOKEN 1891 (Platessa) – Congridae
sectoroides SCHUBERT 1906 (Pleuronectes)
# semen NOLF 1972 (Bothus) – not a pleuronec-
simplex POBEDINA 1954 (Solea) – doubtful
species, cannot be evaluated from figure
* solitarius ROEDEL 1928 (Solea) – rejected spe-
cies, not identifiable fragmentary otolith, not
a pleuronectiform
songgoensis VORSTMANN 1927 (Solea)
doubtful species
* splendens SCHUBERT 1906 (Pleuronecti-
Laeops splendens
* spinosus NOLF 1972 (Psettodes) – syn. Psettodes
s subglaber SCHUBERT 1906 (Solea) – Heter-
subrostratus SCHUBERT 1908 (Pleuronecti-
darum) – Gonostomiatidae (see NOLF &
s subtriangularis HEINRICH 1970 (Lepidorhom-
bus)Lepidorhombus subtriangularis
* subvulgaris SCHUBERT 1906 (Solea) – syn.
Microchirus kirchbergeanus
# sulci STEURBAUT 1984 (Solea)Pseudo-
pardachirolithus sulci
* syacioides WEINFURTER 1952 (Pleuronecti-
darum)Syacium syacioides
s taureri WEINFURTER 1952 (Solea)Arnoglos-
sus taureri
temputulensis POSTHUMUS 1929 (Pleuronecti-
darum) – not a pleuronectiform (WEILER
* tenuis SCHUBERT 1906 (Solea) – based on
unique juvenile specimen, doubtful species,
possibly syn. Laeops splendens
texana DANTE & FRIZZELL 1965 (Eosolea)
a Heterenchelyidae
* transitus n.sp. – Cyclopsetta transitus (as Pleu-
ronectiformorum sp. in NOLF, 1976)
* validus n.sp. – Samaris validus
varians STINTON 1966 (Citharichthys) – reject-
ed species (NOLF 1985)
* vulsus STINTON 1958
(Pleuronectes) – a frag-
mentary and not identifiable Cepolidae
weileri GAEMERS 1972 (Sebastes) – ? syn.
Rhombocitharus rhenanus
* weileri SCHWARZHANS 1974 (Bothidarum)
syn. Rhombocitharus rhenanus
* weinfurteri n.sp. – Pseudorhombus weinfurteri
* wienrichi n.sp. – Microchirus wienrichi
* xenosulcis n.sp. – genus aff. Brachypleura xeno-
sulcis (as Bothidae sp. in NOLF & BAJPAI,
The following is a list of species regarded as
doubtful. It contains species based on inconclu-
sive type-material (juvenile and/or eroded types
whose status has not been clarified by subsequent
findings) or species still needing revision. Type
location and formation is added. These names –
although nominally valid – should not be used in
future descriptions of fossil faunas until revision
is carried out or until additional material has been
obtained to clarify the status.
altus, Rhombus, POBEDINA 1954 from the Upper
Miocene of Kazakhstan
angulata, Solea, FROST 1925 from the Neogene of
aomoriensis, Limanda, HATAI 1965 from the
Pliocene of Japan
balangoensis, Solea, VORSTMANN 1927 from the
Upper Eocene of Java
contortus, Bothus, FROST 1934 from the Upper
Eocene of England
corius, Rhombus, CHALIKOV 1946 (in POBEDI-
NA 1954) from the Upper Miocene of Kaza-
decipiens, Bothus, STINTON 1966 from the Lower
Eocene of England
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
elongatus, Pleuronectes, FROST 1925 from the Neo-
gene of Sumatra
fangariensis, Pleuronectidarum, SCHUBERT 1912
from the Miocene of Sardinia
foliformis, Rhombus, POBEDINA 1954 from the
Upper Miocene of Kazakhstan
hunyadensis, Pleuronectidarum, SCHUBERT 1912
from the Lower Miocene of Hungary
irregularis, Pleuronectidarum, WEILER 1959 from
the Lower Miocene of Mexico
konkensis, Rhombus, SUZIN 1968 from the Lower
Pliocene of Kazakhstan
miocenica, Rhombus, POBEDINA 1954 from the
Upper Miocene of Kazakhstan
miocenicus, Eucitharus, WEILER 1942 from the
Lower Miocene of Germany
otomoi, Limanda, HATAI 1965 from the Pliocene
of Japan
rotundus, Solea, SUZIN 1968 from the Lower
Pliocene of Kazakhstan
simplex, Solea, POBEDINA 1954 from the Upper
Miocene of Kazakhstan
songgoensis, Solea, VORSTMANN 1927 from the
Upper Eocene of Java
tenuis, Solea, SCHUBERT 1906 from the Middle
Miocene of Austria
The following is a compilation of recent species
to which fossil specimens have been assigned.
Wherever appropriate a revised identification is
included. Records regarded as valid are shown
in bold print.
asperrimum, Clidoderma, (as Lyopsetta cf. exilis in
OHE, 1983) -Upper Pliocene of Japan
atricaudus, Symphurus, (in FITCH, 1966) – Pleis-
tocene of California
bilineata, Paraplagusia, (in OHE, 1981) – Pliocene
of Japan
boscii, aff., Lepidorhombus, (in NOLF, 1978) –
Pliocene of Belgium, an inidentifiable eroded
specimen of the genus Lepidorhombus
californicus, Paralichthys, (in FITCH, 1964, 1967a,
1970) – Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene of
commersoniana, cf., Synaptura, (in OHE, 1981) –
Pliocene of Japan, not a pleuronectiform
cornutus, Pleuronichthys, (in OHE, 1981) – Pliocene
of Japan
cuneata, Dicologlossa (in STEURBAUT & JONET,
1981) – Lower Miocene of Portugal, Dicologlos-
sa patens
cuneata, aff., Dicologlossa, (in RADWANSKA,
1992) – Middle Miocene of Poland, Microchi-
rus kirchbergeanus (pars) and Pseudorhombus
Lyopsetta, (in FITCH, 1964, 1967a, 1967b,
1968, 1970) – Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene
of California
exilis, cf., Lyopsetta, (in OHE, 1983) – Upper
Pliocene of Japan, Clidoderma asperrimum
ferruginea, aff., Limanda, (in NOLF, 1978) – Pleis-
tocene of Belgium, Limanda limanda
flesus, Platichthys, ( in STINTON, 1985) – Pleis-
tocene of southern England
hexophthalma, aff., Dicologlossa, (in STEURBAUT
& JONET, 1981 and STEURBAUT, 1984) – Mio-
cene of Portugal and SW-France, probably an
undescribed species of Quenselia
imperialis, Arnoglossus, – Lower Pliocene of Bel-
imperialis, aff., Arnoglossus, (in LANCKNEUS &
NOLF, 1979) – Upper Miocene of NW-France,
an indeterminable juvenile otolith of the ge-
nus Arnoglossus
isolepis, Isopsetta, (in FITCH, 1970) – Pleistocene
of California
japonica, Paraplagusia, (in OHE, 1981) – Pliocene
of Japan
jordani, Eopsetta, (in FITCH, 1967b, 1970) – Pleis-
tocene of California
joyneri, cf., Cynoglossus, (in OHE, 1981) – Pliocene
of Japan
lascaris, Pegusa, (in GAEMERS &
SCHWARZHANS, 1973) – Pliocene of Bel-
gium, Microchirus variegatus
lascaris, cf., Solea, (in OHE, 1981) – Pliocene of
Japan, Heteromycteris sp.
laterna, Arnoglossus, (in GAEMERS &
SCHWARZHANS, 1973 and NOLF 1978) –
Pliocene of Belgium
laterna, Arnoglossus, (in ANFOSSI & MOSNA,
1979) – Lower Plicene of Italy, Arnoglossus
laterna, cf., Arnoglossus, (in OHE, 1981) – Pliocene
of Japan, Paralichthys aff. olivaceus
laterna, Arnoglossus, (in RADWANSKA, 1992) –
Middle Miocene of Poland, Arnoglossus taureri
limanda, Limanda,
(in GAEMERS, 1974 and NOLF,
1978 as Limanda aff. ferruginea) – Pleistocene
of Belgium, (in STINTON, 1985) Pleistocene
of southern England
linguatula, Citharus, (in NOLF & CAPPETTA
1988) – Lower Pliocene of SW-France, Citha-
rus balearicus
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
lugubris, cf., Chascanopsetta, (in OHE, 1981, 1983)
Pliocene of Japan, probably an undescribed
species of Tarphops
luteum, Buglossidium, (in NOLF 1978) – Pliocene
of Belgium, probably Microchirus variegatus
nigrescens, Symphurus, – Lower Pliocene of NW-
olivaceus, aff., Paralichthys, (as Arnoglossus cf. lat-
erna in OHE, 1981) – Pliocene of Japan
pacificus, Microstomus, (in FITCH, 1968) – Pleis-
tocene of California
panamensis, aff., Cyclopsetta, (as ?Pleuronectidae
indet. in NOLF & STRINGER, 1992) – Pliocene
of Dominican Republic
pavoninus, cf., Pardachirus, (in OHE, 1981) –
Pliocene of Japan
pentophthalmus, Pseudorhombus, (in OHE, 1981,
1983) – Pliocene of Japan, indeterminable
eroded otoliths, possibly of the family Solei-
platessa, Pleuronectes, (in STINTON, 1985) – Pleis-
tocene of southern England
platessa, cf., Pleuronectes, (in NOLF, 1978) – Pleis-
tocene of Belgium, indeterminable eroded
pleuronectid otolith
platessoides, Hippoglossoides, (in GAEMERS,
1974) – Pleistocene of Belgium
punctatus, cf., Zeugopteru,s (in NOLF, 1978) –
Pliocene of Belgium, cannot be evaluated from
ritteri, Pleuronichthys, (in FITCH, 1964, 1970) –
Pleistocene of California
senegalensis, aff. Solea, (in STEURBAUT, 1979) –
Miocene of SW-France, single eroded speci-
men, likely representing Dicologlossa patens
solea, Solea, (in RADWANSKA, 1992) – Middle
Miocene of Poland, Dicologlossa patens (pars)
and Solea rotunda (pars)
solea, cf., Solea, (in Ohe, 1981) – Pliocene of Japan,
probably a species of the genus Pseudorhom-
sordidus, Citharichthys, (in FITCH, 1964, 1967a, b,
1968, 1970) – Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene
of California
stellatus, Platichthys, (in FITCH, 1970) – Pleisto-
cene of California
stenolepis, Hipoglossus, (in FITCH, 1970) – Pleisto-
cene of California
stigmaeus, Citharichthys, (in FITCH, 1964,
1967a, b, 1968, 1970) – Upper Pliocene and
Pleistocene of California
stomias, Atherestes, (in FITCH, 1968, 1970) – Pleis-
tocene of California
tenius, Peltorhamphus, – Lower Pliocene of New
ui, Engyproson, (in OHE, 1981, 1983) – Pliocene of
Japan, eroded specimens, probably indeter-
minable ui, aff., Engyprosopon, (in OHE 1981)
Pliocene of Japan, probably an undescribed
species of the genus Tarphops
variegatus, Microchirus, (in NOLF, 1978, STIN-
HANS, 1973 as Pegusa lascaris) – Pliocene and
Pleistocene of Belgium and southern England
variegatus, Microchirus, (in NOLF & CAPPETTA
1988) – Pliocene of France, probably an unde-
scribed species of the genus Microchirus
variegatus, aff., Microchirus, (in RADWANSKA,
1992) – Middle Miocene of Poland, Microchi-
rus latior
vetulus, Parophrys, (in FITCH, 1964, 1967a, 1968,
1970) – Pleistocene of California
vulgaris, Solea, (in STINTON, 1985) – Pleistocene
of southern England
whiffiagonis, Lepidorhombus, (in GAEMERS &
SCHWARZHANS, 1973) – Pliocene of Bel-
xanthostigma, Citharichthys, (in FITCH, 1968,
1970) – Pleistocene of California
zachirus, Glyptocephalus, (in FITCH, 1967b, 1968,
1970) – Pleistocene of California
In the following summary-list all fossil records
accepted as valid are compiled in their current
systematic position. The list contains both fossil
otolith based species as well as recent species
which have been recorded as fossils. It also in-
cludes stratigraphic and geographic distributions.
Psettodes collatus NOLF 1972 – Middle Eocene of
genus aff. Psettodes bavayi (NOLF 1988) – Lower
Eocene of France (Aquitaine Basin)
Citharus balearicus BAUZA RULLAN 1955 – Up-
per Pliocene of Mallorca (Spain) and Lower
Pliocene of SW-France and Morocco
Citharus lusitanicus JONET 1972 – Lower to Mid-
dle Miocene of Portugal, France (Aquitaine
Basin), Austria and Poland (both Paratethys)
Citharus schuberti BASSOLI 1906 – Upper Miocene
and Lower Pliocene of Italy
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Paracitharus angustus (SCHWARZHANS 1978) –
Lower Pliocene of Italy
Rhombocitharus biaculeatus (NOLF & LAPIERRE
1979) – Middle Eocene of Belgium and Eng-
Rhombocitharus cauneillensis (NOLF 1988) – Up-
per Eocene of France (Aquitaine Basin)
Rhombocitharus circularis (STINTON 1966) – Low-
er Eocene of England and France (Aquitaine
Rhombocitharus rhenanus (KOKEN 1891) – Mid-
dle and Upper Oligocene of northern Germa-
ny and Mainz Basin
Rhombocitharus rhomboides (SCHWARZHANS
1973) – Lower Miocene of northern Germany
genus aff. Rhombocitharus novaezeelandiae n.sp. –
Upper Oligocene of New Zealand.
Brachypleura pentagonalis (STEURBAUT 1984) –
Lower Oligocene of France (Aquitaine Basin)
genus aff. Brachypleura xenosulcis n.sp. – Upper
Eocene of Java
Lepidorhombus angulosus NOLF 1976 – Lower and
Middle Miocene of Belgium and northern
Lepidorhombus klockenhoffi GAEMERS &
SCHWARZHANS 1982 – Upper Miocene of
northern Germany
Lepidorhombus subtriangularis HEINRICH 1970 –
Upper Oligocene to Middle Miocene of north-
ern Germany, Middle Miocene of Austria and
Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis (WALBAUM 1792) –
Recent species, also known from the Lower
Pliocene of Belgium
Zeugopterus rosenthalensis (WEILER 1942) – Up-
per Oligocene of northern Germany
Zeugopterus cf. punctatus (BLOCH 1787) – Recent
species, also known from the Lower Pliocene
of Belgium
Phrynorhombus medius WEILER 1958 – Lower to
Upper Miocene of northern Germany
Paralichthys californicus (AYRES 1862) – Recent
species, also known from the Upper Pliocene
and Pleistocene of California
Paralichthys aff. olivaceus (TEMMINCK & SCH-
LEGEL 1846) – Recent species, also known
from the Pliocene of Japan
Pseudorhombus weinfurteri n.sp. – Middle Miocene
of Austria
Cyclopsetta aff. panamensis (STEINDACHNER
1875) – Recent species, also known from the
Pliocene of Dominican Republic
Cyclopsetta transitus n.sp. – Lower Miocene of
Syacium dominicensis n.sp. – Upper Miocene of
Domonican Republic
Syacium syacioides (WEINFURTER 1952) – Mid-
dle Miocene of Austria
Citharichthys sordidus (GIRARD 1856) – Recent
species, also known from the Upper Pliocene
and Pleistocene of California
Citharichthys stigmaeus JORDAN & GILBERT
1883 – Recent species, also known from the
Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene of California
Citharichthys xanthostigma GILBERT 1890 – Re-
cent species, also known from the Pleistocene
of California
Etropus concaviventris n.sp. – Upper Miocene of
Dominican Republic
Grammatobothus awamoaensis n.sp. – Lower Mio-
cene of New Zealand
Grammatobothus radwanskae n.sp. – Middle Mio-
cene of Poland
Arnoglossus extremus
Upper Eocene of New Zealand
Arnoglossus grenfelli n.sp. – Lower Pliocene of New
Arnoglossus holleri WEINFURTER 1952 – Lower
and Middle Miocene of northern Germany,
Lower and Middle Miocene of Austria, Po-
land, Portugal and SW-France
Arnoglossus imperialis (RAFINESQUE 1810) –
Recent species, also known from the Lower
Pliocene of Belgium
Arnoglossus kokeni (BASSOLI 1906) – Upper Mi-
ocene of Italy, Lower Pliocene of Morocco and
southern France and Pliocene of Spain
Arnoglossus lapierrei NOLF 1988 – Lower Eocene
of France (Aquitaine Basin)
Arnoglossus laterna (WALBAUM 1792) – Recent
species, also known from the Lower and
Upper Pliocene of Belgium
Arnoglossus longus SCHWARZHANS 1980 – Up-
per Oligocene and Lower Miocene of New
Arnoglossus novus SCHWARZHANS 1980 – Low-
er and Middle Miocene of New Zealand
Arnoglossus prudhommae (STEURBAUT 1984) –
Lower Oligocene of France (Aquitaine Basin)
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Arnoglossus quadratus n.sp. – Lower Pliocene of
Arnoglossus taureri (WEINFURTER 1952) – Low-
er and Middle Miocene of Austria, Poland and
Caulopsetta arnoglossoides n.sp. – Lower Miocene
of New Zealand
Taeniopsetta dorsolobata (SCHWARZHANS 1980)
Lower Miocene of New Zealand
Laeops splendens (SCHUBERT 1906) – Middle
Miocene of Austria and Poland
Laeops rharbensis n.sp. – Lower Pliocene of NW-
Monolene priscus SCHWARZHANS 1994 – Upper
Oligocene of northern Germany
Eopsetta jordani (LOCKINGTON 1880) – Recent
species, also known from the Pleistocene of
Hippoglossus stenolepis SCHMIDT 1904 – Recent
species, also known from the Pleistocene of
Atherestes stomias (JORDAN & GILBERT 1881) –
Recent species, also known from the Pleisto-
cene of California
Hippoglossoides platessoides (FABRICIUS 1780) –
Recent species, also known from the Pleisto-
cene of Belgium
Lyopsetta exilis (JORDAN & GILBERT 1881) –
Recent species, also known from the Upper
Pliocene and Pleistocene of California
Glyptocephalus zachirus LOCKINGTON 1878 –
Recent species, also known from the Pleisto-
cene of California
Clidoderma asperrimum (TEMMINCK & SCH-
LEGEL 1846) – Recent species, also known
from the Upper Pliocene of Japan
Limanda ignobilis SCHWARZHANS 1994 – Up-
per Oligocene of northern Germany
Limanda limanda (LINNAEUS 1758) – Recent spe-
cies, also known from the Pleistocene of Bel-
gium and England
Parophrys vetulus GIRARD 1856 – Recent species,
also known from the Pleistocene of California
Pleuronectes platessa LINNAEUS 1758 – Recent
species, also known from the Pleistocene of
Platichthys flesus (LINNAEUS 1758) – Recent spe-
cies, also known from the Pleistocene of Eng-
Platichthys stellatus (PALLAS 1787) – Recent spe-
cies, also known from the Pleistocene of Cali-
Microstomus pacificus (LOCKINGTON 1878) –
Recent species, also known from the Pleisto-
cene of California
Pleuronichthys cornutus (TEMMINCK & SCH-
LEGEL 1846) – Recent species, also known
from the Pliocene of Japan
Pleuronichthys ritteri STARKS & MORRIS 1907 –
Recent species, also known from the Pleisto-
cene of California
Isopsetta isolepis (LOCKINGTON 1881) – Recent
species, also known from the Pleistocene of
Samaris validus n.sp. – Lower Pliocene of New
Microchirus frequens (STEURBAUT 1984) – Upper
Oligocene and Lower Miocene of France
(Aquitaine Basin), Upper Oligocene (?to Up-
per Miocene) of northern Germany, Belgium
and the Netherlands
Microchirus kirchbergeanus (H.v.MEYER 1852) –
known from otoliths and skeletons with oto-
liths in situ from the Middle Miocene of
Bavaria, Austria, Poland and the Lower Mio-
cene of Portugal
Microchirus latior (SCHUBERT 1906) – Lower and
Middle Miocene of Austria
Microchirus variegatus (DONOVAN 1802) – Re-
cent species, also known from the Pliocene
and Pleistocene of Belgium and England
Microchirus wienrichi n.sp. – Lower and Middle
Miocene of northern Germany, Belgium and
the Netherlands
Dicologlossa patens (BASSOLI 1906) – Lower to
Upper Miocene of Italy, Austria, France and
Quenselia cornuta n.sp. – Lower Pliocene of NW-
Morocco and possibly also Upper Miocene of
Solea rotunda (PRIEM 1914) – Lower Miocene of
France (Aquitaine Basin), Middle Miocene of
Solea vulgaris QUENSEL 1806 – Recent species,
also known from the Pleistocene of England
Bathysolea polonica n.sp. – Middle Miocene of
Granulithus granum SCHWARZHANS 1994 –
Upper Oligocene of northern Germany
Praearchirolithus schultzei NOLF & LAPIERRE
1979 – Upper Eocene of France (Paris Basin)
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Pardachirus cf. pavoninus (LACEPEDE 1802) –
Recent species, also known from the Pliocene
of Japan
Pseudopardachirolithus nolfi n.sp. – Upper Eocene
of France (Paris Basin)
Pseudopardachirolithus sulci STEURBAUT 1984 –
Upper Oligocene and Lower Miocene of-
France (Aquitaine Basin)
Peltorhamphus flexodorsalis n.sp. – Lower Pliocene
of New Zealand
Peltorhamphus fordycei (SCHWARZHANS 1980) –
Middle Miocene of New Zealand
Peltorhamphus tenuis JAMES 1972 – Recent spe-
cies, also known from the Lower Pliocene of
New Zealand
Cynoglossus (Paraplagusia) bilineata (BLOCH
1785) – Recent species, also known from the
Pliocene of Japan
Cynoglossus (Paraplagusia) japonica (TEMMINCK
& SCHLEGEL 1846) – Recent species, also
known from the Pliocene of Japan
Cynoglossus cf. joyneri GÜNTHER 1878 – Recent
species, also known from the Pliocene of Ja-
Cynoglossus leuchsi WEINFURTER 1952 – Lower
and Middle Miocene of Austria, France (Aqui-
taine and Mediterranean Basins), Portugal and
northern Germany
Cynoglossus obliqueventralis n.sp. – Lower Pliocene
of NW-Morocco
Symphurus atricaudus (JORDAN & GILBERT
1880) – Recent species, also known from the
Pleistocene of California
Symphurus nigrescens RAFINESQUE 1810 – Re-
cent species, also known from the Lower
Pliocene of NW-Morocco
4.3 Distribution of
fossil pleuronectiform faunas
based on otolith findings
4.3.1 North and Middle America
Pliocene and Pleistocene – California.
References: FITCH (div.).
In various publications FITCH has reported a
total of 15 otolith based pleuronectiform species
from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of California.
They all represent living species from that region.
Miocene and Pliocene – Mexico, Trinidad and
Dominican Republic.
References: WEILER 1959, NOLF 1976, NOLF &
Pleuronectiform otoliths seem to be quite com-
mon and specious in these sediments judging
from the amount of taxa recorded from just a few
localities. WEILER (1959) described a genus Pleu-
ronectidarum irregularis from the Lower Miocene
of Mexico. This species, however, was based on
juvenile otoliths without really diagnostic char-
acters and should be regarded as a doubtful spe-
cies for the time being. NOLF (1976) left four
species, from various Miocene strata of Trinidad,
in open nomenclature, because he felt that not
enough recent pleuronectiform otoliths were
known from the area. This situation has changed
now. One species from the Lower Miocene is here
described as Cyclopsetta transitus (as genus Pleu-
ronectiformorum sp.1 in NOLF 1976). The others
are too poorly preserved for specific identifica-
tion. They represent Citharichthys sp., an uniden-
tifiable bothid and a species of Symphurus. The
material described by NOLF & STRINGER (1992)
from the Upper Miocene and Pliocene of the
Dominican Republic contains five pleuronecti-
forms, which they likewise left in open nomen-
clature. Three of them are described here as Cyclo-
psetta aff. panamensis (as ?Pleuronectidae indet. in
NOLF & STRINGER 1992) from the Pliocene,
Syacium dominicensis (as Bothidae indet.) from the
Upper Miocene and Etropus concaviventris also
from the Upper Miocene. In addition there are
two unidentifiable species, one of the genus Sym-
phurus and a soleid of the genus Achirus (as Solei-
dae indet.) both from the Upper Miocene.
This short list documents the potential for
future discoveries of pleuronectiform otoliths in
the general area. From my colleague A. MÜLLER
I was informed that a number of pleuronectiform
otoliths have also surfaced during his ongoing
research in Neogene strata of the Atlantic coast of
the United States and the Miocene of Ecuador.
4.3.2 Europe
The largest number of fossil pleuronectiform oto-
liths until now has been described from the Eu-
ropean younger Tertiary. This is an artificial situ-
ation reflecting only the high level of investiga-
tion this area has received in the past. Once other
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
areas have been studied more extensively there
will undoubtedly be a shift of importance to such
areas as Middle America or the Far East (Japan,
China and Indonesia).
The taxonomic status of many of the pleu-
ronectiform otolith records from Europe is badly
in need of revision (as indicated above), in partic-
ular the many secondary references and speci-
mens left in open nomenclature in more recent
literature. I have reviewed a fair proportion of
type- and non-type-material from a considerable
number of locations. However, the taxonomic
summary presented below must still be regarded
as incomplete. This is particularly true as far as
the geographic and stratigraphic distribution of
the various species is concerned.
Eocene – Belgium, Great Britain and France
References: FROST 1934, STINTON 1966, NOLF
1972a,b, NOLF & CAPPETTA 1976, NOLF &
LAPIERRE 1979, NOLF 1988.
Lower to Upper Eocene strata from Belgium,
Great Britain and France have yielded the earli-
est otolith records of the Pleuronectiformes. Most
otoliths represent very plesiomorphic genera.
Psettodidae such as Psettodes collatus from the
Middle Eocene of Belgium and genus aff. Pset-
todes bavayi from the Lower Eocene of the Aqui-
taine Basin (France) are typical representatives as
well as the fossil citharid genus Rhombocitharus
with the three species – R. circularis (Lower
Eocene, London Basin and Aquitaine Basin), R.
biaculeatus (Middle Eocene of Belgium and Eng-
land) and R. cauneillensis (Upper Eocene of the
Aquitaine Basin). The Bothidae are represented
by Arnoglossus lapierrei. Finally, there are two
records of the Soleidae, both from the Pardachirus
Group – Praearchirolithus schultzei and Pseudop-
ardachirolithus nolfi – both from the Upper Eocene
of the Paris Basin.
Although representing typical Pleuronecti-
formes these earliest otolith records are interpret-
ed as being relatively close to theroot of flat-
fishes phylogenetically, as indicated by their very
plesiomorphic features. However, the Arnoglos-
sus species and the two species of the Pardachirus
Group already exhibit a surprisinglymodern
otolith morphology. In any case, they confirm the
presence of true Pleuronectiformes as far back as
the early Tertiary. Likewise, the earliest skeleton-
based fossil records of the order Pleuronecti-
formes date back to the Middle Eocene at least
(see NORMAN 1934 and ANDREWS, GAR-
DINER, MILES & PATTERSON 1967), where they
are represented by Psettodidae s.l., Bothidae and
Oligocene and Neogene – North Sea Basin (Bel-
gium, Netherlands and Germany).
References: KOKEN 1884, 1891, WEILER 1942,
1958, 1962, HEINRICH 1970, GAEMERS 1972,
1974, SCHWARZHANS 1973, 1974, 1977, 1994,
NOLF 1976, 1978, NOLF & SMITH 1983, MEN-
ZEL 1986, MÜLLER 1994.
Throughout the Tertiary of the North Sea Basin
pleuronectiform otoliths generally are rare to very
rare, but in some strata they are still represented
by a surprising number of taxa. Their record in
the North Sea Basin proper begins in the Lower
Oligocene with a representative of the fossil ge-
nus Rhombocitharus (Citharidae) – R. rhomboides.
Their record of this lineage continues into Mid-
dle and Upper Oligocene times with the well
known R. rhenanus, and then terminates.
Sediments of the Upper Oligocene are the first
to contain a larger number of species. In view of
the then isolated situation of the North Sea Basin
the origin of the fauna is not very clear. Immigra-
tion from the Tethys via Upper Rhine Valley and
Mainz Basin does not seem to have played a major
role. The oceanic connection to the Arctic Basin
newly established in the course of late Eocene to
Oligocene history is well established geological-
ly, but can not be evaluated biogeographically
due to the total lack of any fossil otoliths from the
far northern latitudes. In any case, the indige-
nous character of the Oligocene Teleost fauna of
the North Sea Basin becomes evident immediate-
ly, when a comparison is made with contempo-
rary faunas of the European Atlantic Basins
Upper Oligocene contains the following taxa (see
SCHWARZHANS 1994 for the most recent re-
view): Citharidae: Rhombocitharus rhenanus;
Scophthalmidae: Lepidorhombus subtriangularis,
Zeugopterus rosenthalensis; Bothidae: Monolene
priscus and an additional bothid (gen. and spec.
indet.); Pleuronectidae: Limanda ignobilis; Solei-
dae: Microchirus frequens (replacement for the re-
jected Solea approximata), Granulithus granum (the
latter indicative of rocky nearshore environ-
During Miocene north of Scotland a new con-
nection became established between the North
Sea and the East Atlantic. This opening facilitat-
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
ed to a certain extend the faunal exchange be-
tween of the two regions, which had been impos-
sible during Oligocene times. Probable immi-
grants into the North Sea Basin include Cynoglos-
sus leuchsi and Citharus sp. The latter was
originally described by WEILER (1942) as Eucith-
arus miocenicus. However, his unique type-spec-
imen was a juvenile lacking characters of true
diagnostic value and thus the species must at
present be regarded as of doubtful nature. Lepi-
dorhombus subtriangularis and possibly also Ar-
noglossus holleri were probable emigrants from the
North Sea Basin. Lepidorhombus angulosus appears
to have been restricted to the North Sea Basin, as
was still another scophthalmid – Phrynorhombus
medius. Microchirus wienrichi is also restricted to
the Miocene of the North Sea Basin. The occur-
rence of Microchirus frequens in the Miocene of
the North Sea Basin remains somewhat ques-
tionable (including the type of the now rejected
Solea approximata, see entry to M. frequens for
detailed discussion). A third Lepidorhombus spe-
cies is known from the Upper Miocene – L. klock-
enhoffireplacing L. angulosus of the Lower and
Middle Miocene.
Plio-/Pleistocene records of flatfish otoliths
from the North Sea Basin have been placed into
recent species from the same region. From the
Pliocene the following species are here accepted
as valid: Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis, Zeugopterus
cf. punctatus, Arnoglossus laterna, Arnoglossus im-
perialis, Microchirus variegatus and Solea vulgaris.
The firstmodern pleuronectids reported from
the North Sea Basin are Hippoglossoides platessoides
from the Pleistocene of Belgium and Limanda
limanda, Pleuronectes platessa and Platichthys flesus
from the Pleistocene of southern England. In view
of their abundance in the Recent North Sea this
very late appearance of a Pleuronectidae is par-
ticularly amazing.
In summary, the North Sea Basin contained a
rich flatfish faunal component since Oligocene
times at least, although abundance of otoliths is
much less than would be expected from the
present day picture. Some fossil taxa relate well
to the recent fauna, for instance the Scophthalmi-
dae, Arnoglossus of Bothidae or Microchirus of
Soleidae, others do not (particularly in respect to
the lack of fossil Pleuronectidae). In total 19 spe-
cies are accepted as valid records from the Oli-
gocene to the Pleistocene. There are 7 fossil spe-
cies from the Oligocene and 8 from the Miocene
(2 of which occurring in both strata). 6 species
recorded from the Plio-/Pleistocene all represent
extant species.
Oligocene – Mainz Basin (Germany).
References: KOKEN 1891, SCHWARZHANS
Rhombocitharus rhenanus (Citharidae) from the
Middle Oligocene is the only pleuronectiform
recorded so far from this small basin. For a short
period during the Middle Oligocene a marine
fairway led through the Mainz Basin connecting
the North Sea Basin to the Bavarian Basin and the
Paratethys. R. rhenanus represents a lineage well
known from the North Sea since at least Early
Oligocene times. Its occurrence in the Mainz Ba-
sin is therefore regarded as due to immigration
from the north.
Oligocene and Miocene – Atlantic Basins (France
and Portugal).
References: PRIEM 1914, JONET 1973, LANCK-
NEUS & NOLF 1979, STEURBAUT 1979, 1984,
The Aquitaine Basin in SW-France and the
Lusitanian Basin in Portugal have yielded a com-
paratively rich flatfish otolith fauna, representing
practically every family except for the Pleuronec-
tidae. 16 species are tentatively regarded as valid.
From Lower Oligocene strata of the Aquitaine
Basin 5 species have been recorded: Brachypleura
pentagonalis (Brachypleuridae), Citharus sp. (also
Upper Oligocene and Lower Miocene) and an
undescribed species of the genus Rhombocitharus
(as genus Bothidarum sp. in STEURBAUT 1984),
both members of the Citharidae, Arnoglossus prud-
hommae and a possible Bothus.
The Upper Oligocene strata of the Aquitaine
Basin are less rich: except for Citharus sp. (see
above) they have yielded Pseudopardachirolithus
sulci and a second soleid, Microchirus frequens.
Lower Miocene pleuronectiform are known
from both the Aquitaine and the Lusitanian Ba-
sin. Otoliths that I had collected from the type-
localities in the Lusitanian Basin contained two
Arnoglossus species, A. taureri and A. holleri, one
citharid, Citharus lusitanicus, three soleids, Dico-
loglossa patens, Microchirus kirchbergeanus and an
undescribed species of Quenselia and one cyno-
glossid, Cynoglossus leuchsi. – The Lower and
Middle Miocene from the Aquitaine Basin is rich-
er in pleuronectiforms: Psettodes sp., Citharus lusi-
tanicus, Arnoglossus holleri, Microchirus frequens,
an undescribed Quenselia, Pseudopardachirolithus
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
sulci, Solea rotunda, Dicologlossa patens and Cyno-
glossus leuchsi. Arnoglossus taureri seems to be
missing and Microchirus kirchbergeanus may be
replaced by Microchirus frequens (if these two
species can really be reliably differentiated). The
Miocene pleuronectiform assemblages from the
Atlantic European Basins bear a remarkable re-
semblance to the contemporary fauna of the
northern Paratethys. Except for Solea rotunda and
Pseudopardachirolithus sulci which are indigenous
to the Aquitaine Basin and Microchirus frequens,
which might be an immigrant from the North
Sea Basin, all these species are likewise known
from the Paratethys. Cynoglossus leuchsi, a spe-
cies that has been described under a different
name from each basin where it occurs, has even
migrated into the North Sea.
Citharus lusitanicus, an Arnoglossus sp. and a
species tentatively assigned to Quenselia cornuta
(described as new from the Lower Pliocene of
Morocco) are obtained from the Upper Miocene
of Portugal.
Upper Miocene and Pliocene – Mediterranean
(Spain, France and Italy).
1978, 1986, ANFOSSI & MOSNA 1979, NOLF &
1988, NOLF & STEURBAUT 1983.
From the Upper Miocene of the Mediterrane-
an 4 species are accepted as valid: Citharus schu-
berti, Arnoglossus kokeni, Dicologlossa patens and
Cynoglossus leuchsi. There is also a possibly unde-
scribed Microchirus (as Solea sp. in NOLF & CAP-
PETTA 1980 and as Buglossidium sp. in NOLF &
STEURBAUT 1983). The Lower Pliocene has
yielded two species of CitharusC. schuberti and
C. balearicus – and in addition a third citharid –
Paracitharus angustus. Other species recorded are
Arnoglossus kokeni (also described as A. bauzai from
the Late Pliocene), Dicologlossa patens and Micro-
chirus sp. (as M. variegatus in NOLF & CAPETTA
1988). The richness in citharids probably reflects
the predominance of deeper marine sediments
from which most of the described faunas have
been collected. In particular Citharus schuberti may
very well represent a deep water species replac-
ing the more shallow Citharus balearicus. Paracith-
arus angustus was found in a true deep water
sediment deposited below at least 500 m water
depth. It represents a genus nowadays endemic
to waters around South Africa.
Miocene – Vienna, Pannonian and Bavarian Ba-
sins (Austria, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, south-
ern Poland and southern Germany).
References: SCHUBERT 1906, 1912, WEINFURT-
ER 1952a,b, WEILER 1955, SMIGIELSKA 1973,
NOLF 1981, RADWANSKA 1984, 1992, REI-
Middle Miocene sediments (Badenian) of
these basins, which represent the northern por-
tion of the former Paratethys have proven to be
relatively rich in pleuronectiform otoliths. The
following 15 species are accepted as valid: Cith-
aridae: Citharus lusitanicus; Scophthalmidae:
Scophthalmus sp., Lepidorhombus aff. subtriangula-
; Bothidae: Pseudorhombus weinfurteri, Syacium
syacioides, Laeops splendens, Arnoglossus holleri,
Arnoglossus taureri, Grammatobothus radwanskae;
Soleidae: Microchirus kirchbergeanus, Microchirus
latior, Solea rotunda, Bathysolea polonica, Dicologlos-
sa patens; Cynoglossidae: Cynoglossus leuchsi. Lep-
idorhombus aff. subtriangularis and Arnoglossus
holleri might have been immigrants from the
North Sea Basin, whereas Pseudorhombus, Syacium,
Grammatobothus and Laeops probably have south-
ern links judging from the recent distribution
pattern of the genera. Most other species except
for Microchirus latior have been found widely
distributed throughout Miocene European sedi-
ments. The Middle Miocene of the northern Pa-
ratethys thus ranks as one of the richest fossil
pleuronectiform faunas known so far.
From the Lower Miocene (Ottnangian and
Eggenburgian) only 2 species have been record-
ed so far: Microchirus latior and Microchirus kirch-
bergeanus both members of the family Soleidae,
the latter also known from otolithsin situ.
Upper Miocene and Lower Pliocene – Caspi Ba-
sin (Kazakhstan)
References: POBEDINA 1954, SUZIN 1968.
The fauna from the southern Paratethys is of
great interest both biogeographically and histor-
ically as far as the roots of the present day en-
demic Caspian fish fauna are concerned. POBEDI-
NA and SUZIN described no less than 9 otolith-
based species which they regarded as some kind
of pleuronectiform (mostly placed in Rhombus and
Solea). I was not able to investigate their type-
material and, unfortunately, their drawings are
not detailed enough to permit an interpretation
or even review. It seems that many species were
based on juveniles and therefore must be regard-
ed as of doubtful identity. At least two are not
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
pleuronectiforms. In only one case I feel confi-
dent that the figured specimen might indeed be
a good and diagnostically valid pleuronectiform
otolith, possibly a pleuronectid. This is Rhom-
bus altus POBEDINA 1954. Although the number
of species is certainly exaggerated there may very
well be additional pleuronectiform representa-
tives amongst the othermore doubtful species.
4.3.3 NW-Africa
Lower Pliocene – NW-Morocco.
So far very little is known of the fossil otoliths
from Africa. A still largely undescribed fauna from
the Lower Pliocene of the Rharb Embayment in
NW-Morocco has yielded a relatively rich pleu-
ronectiform assemblage with 7 species: Cithari-
dae: Citharus balearicus; Bothidae: Arnoglossus ko-
keni, Arnoglossus quadratus, Laeops rharbensis; So-
leidae: Quenselia cornuta; Cynoglossidae:
Cynoglossus obliqueventralis, Symphurus nigrescens
(also Recent in the area). Two species, namely
Citharus balearicus and Arnoglossus kokeni, are also
known from time equivalent sediments of the
European Mediterranean Basin. All the other
species seem to be indigenous to NW-Africa. To
me, this comes as a surprise, since from the geo-
graphical location of the Rharb Embayment close
to the Strait of Gibraltar one certainly would have
expected a much closer correspondence between
the two faunas. Similar observations, however,
have been made with other Teleost groups repre-
sented in both faunas: Pterothrissidae
(SCHWARZHANS 1981), Myctophidae and Acro-
pomatidae (SCHWARZHANS 1986) and Sciaeni-
dae (SCHWARZHANS 1993). The most likely
explanation for this phenomenon in my opinion
is that the subtropical temperature belt, which
today is sharply limited south of the Canary Cold
Water Current (Mauritania), extended in Early
Pliocene times much further to the north to some-
where between the Rharb Embayment and the
Strait of Gibraltar. This interpretation is support-
ed by the close relation of the Lower Pliocene
otoliths from the Rharb Embayment with the
Recent ones from tropical West Africa. Still the
degree of persistent species from Early Pliocene
times is amazingly low in all the Teleost groups
so far analysed. It thus seems quite possible that
the Lower Pliocene Teleost fauna from NW-Mo-
rocco represents an extinct biogeographical sub-
province of the former West-African bioprovince
that vanished after the establishment of the Ca-
nary Cold Water Current.
4.3.4 Indopacific
References: FROST 1925, VORSTMANN 1927,
POSTHUMUS 1929, HATAI 1965, OHE 1981,
1983, NOLF & BAJPAI 1992.
Fossil otoliths from Indonesia and Japan have
been described rather erratically. Some have been
allocated to the Pleuronectiformes, but they all
need thorough revision. Unfortunately, I was not
in a position to inspect most of the specimens,
except for the ones described by NOLF & BAJPAI
from the Upper Eocene of Java. They are rede-
scribed here as genus aff. Brachypleura xenosulcis.
The remainder of this Indopacific summary forms
a very preliminary review. VORSTMANN (1927)
described three fossil pleuronectiform otolith
species from the Upper Eocene of Java. One of
these apparently represents a member of the fam-
ily Congridae (Anguilliformes), the two other can
not be evaluated from his figures. POSTHUMUS
(1929) and FROST (1925) recorded a total of three
pleuronectiform species from the Neogene of
Sumatra. The one described by POSTHUMUS is
probably not a pleuronectiform. The figures of
the two other species by FROST are so poor that
it is impossible to say whether or not they repre-
sent pleuronectiforms at all. The indications are
that, the Indonesian Tertiary is relatively rich in
pleuronectiform otoliths, but the unfortunate sit-
uation with FROSTs, VORSTMANNs and
POSTHUMUS early publications prohibits any
further interpretation of the data.
Pleuronectiform otoliths also seem to be quite
common in the Pliocene of Japan. HATAI (1965)
described two fossil species. His photographs are
so minute and of such poor quality that any eval-
uation of his data without review of the original
material is impossible. Subsequently OHE (1981,
1983) described a further series of pleuronecti-
form otoliths from the Pliocene of Japan. He
placed all of his fossil specimens into recent taxa,
some even in taxa now restricted to European
waters. Those allocations are at least highly sus-
pect and judging from his photographs they are
indeed erroneous. Some of the other allocations,
many based on eroded or juvenile specimens, are
doubtful as well. Judging from his figures I have
tentatively accepted the following species as val-
id (OHEs interpretations are included in brack-
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
ets): Bothidae: Paralichthys aff. olivaceus (as Arno-
glossus cf. laterna), Pseudorhombus sp. (as Solea cf.
solea), Tarphops (n.)sp. (as Chascanopsetta cf. lugu-
bris and Pseudorhombus pentophthalmus); Pleu-
ronectidae: Clidoderma asperrimum (as Lyopsetta cf.
exilis), Pleuronichthys cornutus; Soleidae: Pardachi-
rus cf. pavoninus; Cynoglossidae: Cynoglossus bi-
lineata, Cynoglossus japonica, Cynoglossus cf. joyneri.
4.3.5 New Zealand
References: SCHWARZHANS 1980 (1984),
Pleuronectiform otoliths are not uncommon
in the Tertiary strata of New Zealand. In fact,
some of the Neogene species can be quite com-
mon at locations. FROST and STINTON (various
publications) have been the first to report fossil
flatfish otoliths from New Zealand and Austral-
ia, but an in-depth revision of their type-material
(SCHWARZHANS 1980) has revealed that none
represents a true pleuronectiform. Nevertheless,
species described by SCHWARZHANS, by
GRENFELL and those described as new in the
descriptive section which follows, amount to a
total of 11 species. The earliest record is Arnoglos-
sus extremus from the Upper Eocene. The next is
Arnoglossus longus in the Upper Oligocene and
Lower Miocene. Five additional bothids occur in
the Lower Miocene – genus aff. Rhombocitharus
novaezeelandiae, Grammatobothus awamoaensis, Ar-
noglossus novus (also known from the Middle
Miocene), Caulopsetta arnoglossoides and Taeniopset-
ta dorsolobata. In the Lower and Middle Miocene
the first representatives occur of those endemic
genera which nowadays are so characteristic for
New Zealand – Caulopsetta arnoglossoides and
Peltorhamphus fordycei. The richest assemblage so
far is recorded from the Lower Pliocene with
Arnoglossus grenfelli, Pelotretis sp., Samaris valid-
us, Peltorhamphus flexodorsalis and Peltorhamphus
tenuis. Of these, Arnoglossus and Samaris are not
now represented in the New Zealandian fauna.
Peltorhamphus tenuis represents a recent species
from New Zealand and is now also evident from
the Lower Pliocene.
In contrast to the relatively rich fossil pleu-
ronectiform fauna from New Zealand, the Terti-
ary strata from southern Australia have so far not
yielded a single flatfish otolith (SCHWARZHANS
1985). However, these sediments have not been
searched for otoliths quite as extensively.
5.1 Characterisation of
Pleuronectiformes otoliths
Otoliths of the order Pleuronectiformes are char-
acterised by the circumsulcal depression (for ex-
planation see chapter 6.1.). This character may
not always be very distinctively developed or it
may be disrupted behind the caudal tip, but it
remains the only true synapomorphic character
found in all otoliths of this order.
Otherwise, pleuronectiform otoliths show a
bipartite sulcus divided into an ostium and a
cauda (with very few exceptions). Proportions of
ostium and cauda are variable. Usually, the os-
tium is longer than the cauda, but in some groups
(Psettodidae, Citharidae, Tephrinectes, Paralich-
thodes, Ammotretis Group) it is shorter or equal in
length. The ostium may open anteriorly, but more
commonly its opening is pseudoostial or com-
5. Phylogenetic usage of Pleuronectiformes otoliths
pletely reduced. The cauda is usually straight and
not particularly narrower than the ostium, but in
Psettodidae, Tephrinectes, Paralichthodes and few
other genera it is distinctly narrower and with a
somewhat inclined tip.
5.2 The origin of the Pleuronectiformes
and their outgroup relationship
Since REGAN (1913) and NORMAN (1934) the
Pleuronectiformes have been understood as be-
ing derived from some kind of percoid ancestor.
This view has remained unchanged since then.
NORMAN (1934) has discussed at length his rea-
soning for regarding them as related to the Per-
ciformes putting particular emphasis on the anal-
ysis of the genus Psettodes (Psettodidae), which
he regarded as the most primitive representative
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
of the flatfishes. He found thatapart from the
asymmetry and the long dorsal and anal fins,
Psettodes might almost be placed in the percoid
family Serranidae. Amongst other characters, he
used otolith evidence as illustrated by FROST
Analyses of the otolith morphology strongly
support this concept of Psettodes relationships.
And otoliths of the genus Psettodes are indeed
amongst the most plesiomorphic of the order
(other plesiomorphic looking otoliths being the
ones of Tephrinectes, Paralichthodes, the Ammotretis
Group and the Citharidae s.s.). Psettodes otoliths
are characterised by the following features regard-
ed as plesiomorphic:
the distinct anterior opening of the sulcus;
the cauda being longer and considerably nar-
rower than the ostium;
the cauda showing an inclined caudal tip;
the circumsulcal depression being disrupted
behind the caudal tip.
This kind of otolith morphology is found in
manybasal Percoidei as well. The only charac-
ter distinguishing Psettodes from any percoid and
combining it with the rest of the Pleuronecti-
formes is the presence of the (yet incomplete)
circumsulcal depression. FROST (1930) appreci-
ated the close resemblance of percoid and psetto-
did otoliths stating thatthe otolith of Psettodes
erumei resembles in every feature those of the
suborder Percoidea. In particular he found a
good relation with otoliths of the Percidae and
Centropomidae. SCHWARZHANS (1978, 1980)
also argued that the otolith morphology of prim-
itive Pleuronectiformes (of the Psettodidae) most
likely derived from some percoid ancestor. I then
found particularly close resemblance between
otoliths of Psettodes and those of certain genera of
Centrarchidae (a freshwater percoid family of
North America) and wrote thatMicropterus and
Psettodes can hardly be distinguished on the ge-
neric level. Later (1995) I hypothesised that the
circumsulcal depression of pleuronectiform oto-
liths (in particular its ventral part) may have orig-
inated from thedoubled ventral line seen in
certain basal Percoidei (for instance Acropomati-
dae or Centrarchidae). – In conclusion, the close
correspondence between the otoliths of the Pset-
todidae and those ofbasal percoids, together
with the indications from psettodid otolith mor-
phology of their most plesiomorphic position
among flatfishes, lend strong support to the con-
cept of Pleuronectiformes having derived from a
percoid ancestor. However, it may be premature
at this stage to speculate which family orgroup
of percoids would represent the closest relative.
Apart from the percoid relationship of the Pset-
todidae it has been debated in the ichthyological
literature, whether the Pleuronectiformes as a
whole represent a truly monophyletic unit or a
polyphyletic assemblage. Each of the three sub-
orders (Psettodoidei, Pleuronectoidei and Soleoi-
dei) have been suspected of having originated
independently and fromdifferent parts of a
percoid stock. NORMAN (1934) discussed this
matter at length and reached the conclusion that
the evidence suggests that the Heterosomata
(Pleuronectiformes) represent a homogenous
group, although it is just possible that the Solei-
dae and Cynoglossidae may have arisen from
another part of the percoid stem; and thatif the
flatfishes have derived from a percoid stock, then
Psettodes provides just that intermediate stage
which might be expected. – His conclusions say
it all. Based on otolith studies there is absolutely
no argument against this view. Otoliths of the
Psettodidae, Citharidae, Brachypleuridae, Scoph-
thalmidae, Bothidae and Pleuronectidae can all
be linked in a convincing morphological-evolu-
tionary succession as has already been pointed
out by FROST (1930). Otoliths of the Soleidae and
Cynoglossidae indeed seem to be somewhat sep-
arated from the rest of the Pleuronectiformes, but
in principal their morphology is still in good ac-
cordance with that of the other families of the
5.3 Pleuronectiformgrouping according
to their otolith morphology
5.3.1 Evolutionary trends in pleuronectiform
otolith morphologies
The otoliths of the Pleuronectiformes as a group
are characterised by a certain tendency towards
reduction orsimplification of the morphologi-
cal pattern (although certainspecialised pat-
terns are to be found as well). This trend is likely
to reflect some kind of functional morphological
adaptation similar to those observed in other
benthic fishes (see also chapter 6.1). What exactly
has caused this development remains unknown
at present.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
When comparing otoliths of the most primi-
tive groups (Psettodidae, Citharidae, Tephrinectes,
Paralichthodes, Ammotretis Group) with that of
intermediate forms (Scophthalmidae, Brachy-
pleuridae, Achirinae and certain genera of the
Bothidae and Pleuronectidae) and finally the most
derived forms (many Bothidae and Pleuronecti-
dae, Soleinae, Pardachirinae and Cynoglossidae)
a number of morphologicalsimplification
trends become apparent. They are the follow-
Reduction of the inclination of the caudal tip
to form a straight cauda;
Reduction of the ostial opening;
A change of sulcus proportions so that the
cauda, which is originally longer than the
ostium, first reaches the same length as the
ostium and finally becomes considerably
An adjustment of ostial and caudal width;
A tendency towards the fusion of the ostial
and the caudal colliculi.
Thesesimplification trends apparently have
occurred parallel and independently in several
pleuronectiform lineages, again suggesting their
adaptive functional morphological nature.
In contrast to this development there are only
fewspecialisation trends:
The continuous development of the circum-
sulcal depression;
Special sulcus morphologies observed in the
Syacium and Citharichthys Groups (of Bothi-
dae) and the Cynoglossidae (see chapter 6.1
for explanation).
In many instances this morphological develop-
ment reflects, in my opinion, true evolution (see
next chapter and entries for specific Groups for
more details). A particularly well documented
example is the following supposedly phyloge-
netic succession starting with the Psettodidae:
Psettodidae – Tephrinectes (and possibly also
Paralichthodes) – Citharidae – Scophthalmi-
dae – Bothidae (Paralichthyinae).
5.3.2 Definition of suborders, families
and genus groups according
to otolith morphologies
(Fig. 1)
Ichthyological studies of flatfishes have almost
exclusively been based on meristic, morphomet-
ric and osteological analyses of the fishes them-
selves. To the best of my knowledge NORMAN
(1934) has been the only one to consider otoliths
at all. Since the present study of pleuronectiform
otoliths represents the first comprehensive one
of its kind it is only natural that one of its tasks
is to test the traditional ichthyological classifica-
tion of the group by incorporating the results of
otolith analyses. However, since the Teleostei have
become a prime play ground for cladistic analy-
ses the understanding of pleuronectiform inter-
relationships and definition of families (and sub-
families) has undergone a number of changes in
recent years (LAUDER & LIEM 1983, HENS-
LEY & AHLSTROM 1984 and CHAPLEAU 1993).
These and other published analyses are taken into
consideration and are discussed in the introduc-
tionary chapters to the larger systematic units and
are summarised in the following chapter (5.4).
The grouping of the Pleuronectiformes pre-
sented in this treatise is principally based on oto-
lith morphology. Wherever possible, I have used
available family names to which I have assigned
my otolith groups (genus groups). The only ex-
ceptions are the Brachypleuridae, formerly re-
garded as a subfamily of the Citharidae and here
understood as a separate family, and the genera
Tephrinectes, Paralichthodes and those of the Am-
motretis Group. The latter are removed from their
position in the Bothidae and Pleuronectidae re-
spectively and are placed in a category of uncer-
tain family affinities. The three generic groups in
question may not be related to each other. Ac-
cording to otolith morphology, however, they
exhibit a decisively plesiomorphic pattern that
indicates an early phylogenetic separation from
the main evolutionary branches of the Pleuronec-
toidei (i.e. Bothidae and Pleuronectidae). The
various and changing concepts of subfamilies (or
separated families) in the Bothidae, Pleuronecti-
dae and Soleidae are being used in an informal
way only and in essence are replaced bygenus
groups based on otolith morphology. I feel that
the loose assignment in genus groups more accu-
rately reflects the taxonomic information that can
be gained from otoliths. The genus groups as
defined below usually represent smaller units
than the subfamilies in use. The intention has
been to break down the vast number of genera to
form clusters which based on otolith analysis look
similar and may in fact represent homogenous
groups. The interrelationship of the various ge-
nus groups on the other hand is much less well
defined. However, in most instances they can be
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
PSETTODIDAE Fam. indet. Fam. indet.
Psettodes Tephrinectes Paralichthodes
Ammotretis Citharus Brachypleura
Scophthalmus Zeugopterus ParalichthysLepidorhombus
Pseudorhombus Syacium Citharichthys
Bothus Monolene-Laeops EngyprosoponArnoglossus
Thysanopsetta Chascanopsetta Mancopsetta
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Fig. 1: Pleuronectiform otoliths – quick look interpretation chart.
(Generic names below figures refer to otolith groups.)
Hippoglossus Hippoglossoides Glyptocephalus
Pleuronectes-Limanda Isopsetta Verasper
Microstomus-Pleuronichthys Samaris PoecilopsettaMarleyella
Pelotretis Rhombosolea ApionichthysAchirus
Solea Synaptura ZebriasBrachirus
Pardachirus Heteromycteris SymphurusCynoglossus
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
grouped conveniently in existing subfamilies (or
super-groups). In the light of the rapidly chang-
ing classification concepts in Pleuronectiformes
as a result of the various recent phylogenetic and
cladistic studies I have adhered to the more con-
servative view of pleuronectiform family group-
ing of NELSON (1984). Other findings forward-
ed in HENSLEY & AHLSTROM (1984), CHAP-
LEAU (1993) and their adoption in NELSON
(1994) are nevertheless discussed and compared
with otolith-based groupings (see chapter 5.4).
I must stress the point that the otolith genus
groups introduced here have the character of a
working hypothesis aimed to give some help
when arranging all the diverse otolith morphol-
ogies in this order. The work is certainly not in-
tended to introduce a newofficial subclassifi-
cation of the families of the order Pleuronecti-
formes in the sense of subfamilies or tribes.
The following table gives a guide of how the
otolith genus groups described (third row) fit into
the traditional classification of the Pleuronecti-
formes (first row, composed from NORMAN
1934, CHABANAUD 1939 and NELSON 1984)
and the more recent classification based on cla-
distic analyses (second row, adopted from NEL-
SON 1994 after HENSLEY & AHLSTROM 1984
and CHAPLEAU 1993).
combined from combined from
NORMAN (1934), HENSLEY & AHLSTROM (1984) Otolith grouping
CHABANAUD (1939) CHAPLEAU (1993) as proposed in this paper
and NELSON (1984) and NELSON (1994)
Psettodidae Psettodidae Psettodidae
genera of uncertain relationship:
(ex Bothidae) (ex Paralichthyidae) Tephrinectes Group
(ex Pleuronectidae) (ex Pleuronectidae) Paralichthodes Group
(ex Pleuronectidae) (ex Pleuronectidae) Ammotretis Group
Citharidae Citharidae
Citharinae Citharidae
Brachypleurinae Brachypleuridae
Scophthalmidae Scophthalmidae Scophthalmidae
Scophthalmus Group
Lepidorhombus Group
Zeugopterus Group
Bothidae Paralichthyidae Bothidae
Paralichthyinae Paralichthys Group
(excluded: Tephrinectes, (excluded: Pseudorhombus Group
Thysanopsetta, Monolene, Tephrinectes, Citharichthys Group
Engyophrys, Trichopsetta) Thysanopsetta) Syacium Group
(fam. indet.) Tephrinectes Group
Bothinae Bothidae Bothus Group
Arnoglossus Group
Monolene-Laeops Group
Engyprosopon Group
Thysanopsetta Group
Chascanopsetta Group
Achiropsettidae Mancopsetta Group
Pleuronectidae Pleuronectidae Pleuronectidae
Pleuronectinae Pleuronectinae Hippoglossus Group
Hippoglossoides Group
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Glyptocephalus Group
Pleuronectes-Limanda Group
Isopsetta Group
Verasper Group
Microstomus-Pleuronichthys Gr.
Poecilopsettinae Poecilopsettinae Marleyella Group
Poecilopsetta Group
Paralichthodinae Paralichthodinae (fam. indet.) Paralichthodes Group
Samarinae Samaridae Samaris Group (incl. Azygopus
ex Rhombosoleinae)
Rhombosoleinae Rhombosoleinae Pelotretis Group
Rhombosolea Group
excluded genera:
(fam. indet.) Ammotretis
Group (Soleidae) Peltorham-
phus (Samarinae) Azygopus
Soleidae Achiridae Soleidae
Achirinae Achirus Group
Apionichthyinae Apionichthys Group
Soleinae Soleidae Solea Group
Synaptura Group
Brachirus Group
Zebrias Group
Pardachirinae Pardachirus Group
Heteromycterinae Heteromycteris Group (incl.
Peltorhamphus ex Pleuronect.)
Cynoglossidae Cynoglossidae Cynoglossidae
Cynoglossinae Cynoglossinae Cynoglossus Group
Symphurinae Symphurinae Symphurus Group
The traditional classification of the Pleuronecti-
formes is based on several characters, the most
widely used ones being the position of the optic
nerve of the migrating eye and the side on which
the eyes are located. In the Psettodoidei and So-
leoidei the optic nerves are crossed, which is
thought to be a plesiomorphic character, whereas
in the Pleuronectoidei the optic nerve of the mi-
grating eye is always dorsal. In the Psettodidae
(and Tephrinectes too) the eyes can be sinistral or
dextral. The Citharidae were defined by the po-
sition of the anus on the eyed side and the pres-
ence of 1 spine in the pelvic fins. In the subfamily
Citharinae the eyes are sinistral, whereas in the
Brachypleurinae they are dextral. Scophthalmi-
dae and Bothidae have sinistral eyes, Pleuronecti-
dae dextral eyes. The Scophthalmidae are char-
acterised by the elongate pelvic fin base. The two
bothid subfamilies Paralichthyinae and Bothinae
are defined by the presence or absence of
branched pectoral and pelvic rays and symmetry
or asymmetry of pelvic fin bases. In the suborder
Soleoidei again the two families are distinguished
by the position of the eyes:- in Soleidae eyes are
dextral, in Cynoglossidae eyes are sinistral.
In the following paragraphs I have briefly
summarised the otolith characters used to distin-
guish the families and the otolith genus groups.
For more detailed discussions see respective en-
tries to families and genus groups.
Psettodid otoliths are defined by a combina-
tion of very plesiomorphic characters (see descrip-
tion in chapter 5.2).
The genera Tephrinectes (ex Bothidae), Paralich-
thodes (ex Pleuronectidae) and those of the Ammo-
tretis Group (ex Pleuronectidae) exhibit a similar-
ly plesiomorphic otolith pattern. This is also the
reason, why they are here removed from the fam-
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
ilies in which they have traditionally been placed
and put in a category of uncertain relationship in
an open familial status. They may in fact not be
closely related, representing various early evolu-
tionaryspin-offs from the main pleuronectoid
branches. Tephrinectes differs from Psettodes sole-
ly in the ostium to cauda ratio, which is nearly 1.
In Psettodes and Paralichthodes the cauda is con-
siderably longer than the ostium. Paralichthodes
otoliths are remarkable for their extremely faint
ventral portion of the circumsulcal depression and
the rather strong inclination of the caudal tip, the
strongest of its kind found in the Pleuronecti-
formes. Otoliths from the Ammotretis Group are
quite different from those of any other pleuronec-
tiforms. They show a clear sulcus opening, a cau-
da that is narrower than the ostium and about
equal in length, sometimes with a peculiar point-
ed tip, and a very faint and incomplete circum-
sulcal depression. This pattern must be regarded
as decisively plesiomorphic despite the apomor-
phic appearance of the fishes themselves. If found
isolated and without knowledge of the recent fish
from which they were dissected one would hard-
ly recognise otoliths of the Ammotretis Group as
belonging to the Pleuronectiforms. In conclusion,
I would suggest from otolith analysis that the
Ammotretis Group is of pre-pleuronectid origin
and should be separated from the Pleuronectidae
and put in a family of its own.
In the Citharidae ostium and cauda are of
about the same length, but the cauda is much
narrower than the ostium. Morphologically, these
otoliths occupy an intermediate stage between
the very plesiomorphic otoliths of the Psettodi-
dae and the more specialised ones of thehigher
Pleuronectoidei, which is in accordance with the
position this family occupies in the cladogram of
LAUDER & LIEM (1984) (see chapter 5.4).
Brachypleurid otoliths differ from citharids
in the short cauda with its rounded tip, equally in
width with the ostium and the anteriorly reduced
sulcus opening, which are all apomorphic fea-
tures. The genus Brachypleura is more advanced
than Lepidoblepharon in many aspects of the oto-
lith morphology. The rostrum is strongly reduced.
A unique feature is also the slight ventral expan-
sion of the collum (see chapter 6.1. for explana-
tion; incipiently so in Lepidoblepharon). In outline,
the compressed Brachypleura otoliths with their
strong predorsal lobe resemble those of certain
Soleidae. Lepidoblepharon otoliths in outline resem-
ble more citharid otoliths. This, however, is re-
garded as a plesiomorphic feature indicating basal
relationship of the two families.
Scophthalmid otolith morphologies are quite
divergent. That of the Scophthalmus Group resem-
ble psettodids or citharids but with a cauda much
more reduced in length. Lepidorhombus appears
to fit perfectly within the Bothidae and is remark-
able for its extreme side dimorphism in otoliths.
Otoliths of the Zeugopterus Group look like
dwarfed Scophthalmus otoliths, but with a cau-
da less reduced in length. The ostial opening in
all Scophthalmidae is either present or only very
slightly reduced.
Bothid otoliths display a wide variety of pat-
terns. Recognition of bothid otoliths depends on
correlation with and assignment to a certain oto-
lith genus group. In general terms, however, two
major morphological groupings are readily dis-
tinguishable, to which subfamily ranking is here
1. One group with relatively thin, large and
mostly flat otoliths with a moderately to
strongly reduced sulcus opening. Thissu-
pergroup roughly corresponds to NOR-
MANs Paralichthyinae, but much better to
HENSLEY & AHLSTROMs Paralichthyidae.
Within thissupergroup there is one partic-
ularly well established morphological-evolu-
tionary trend starting with Paralichthys and
Lioglossina leading to the Pseudorhombus
and then to the Citharichthys and Syacium
Groups. This trend is characterised by the
development of thefusiform sulcus outline
(see chapter 6.1).
2. The secondsupergroup comprises smaller
more compact and robust otoliths, often with
a deep sulcus and with a clear ostial or at
least pseudoostial sulcus opening. Thissu-
pergroup more or less corresponds to NOR-
MANs Bothinae, or the Bothidae of HENS-
LEY & AHLSTROM (1984) together with the
Achiropsettidae of HENSLEY (1986).
The position of the Thysanopsetta, Chascano-
psetta and Mancopsetta Groups remains some-
what obscure (here included in the Bothinae
for convenience).
In pleuronectids as in bothids there is not a single
otolith character that could unambiguously be
used for definition.
However, the various genus groups combined
in the Pleuronectinae are characterised by a
more or less strongly reduced sulcus opening
(except for the Verasper and Microstomus-Pleu-
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
ronichthys Groups, which have a clear sulcus
opening), a short cauda, a relatively smooth
inner face and a rather thin appearance.
Otoliths of the Samaris Group (Samarinae) are
characterised by an extremely deep sulcus and
an extremely deep circumsulcal depression.
The ostium shows a distinct opening often
with a clear cut excisura. The genus Azygo-
pus, which was placed by (NORMAN 1934)
in the Rhombosoleinae is tentatively includ-
ed in this group as well.
Otoliths of the Poecilopsettinae contain two
morphologies. That of the Marleyella Group is
rather plesiomorphic resembling citharids in
many aspects except that cauda and ostium
are of about equal width. In the Poecilopsetta
Group the sulcus morphology is more re-
duced, particularly the length of the cauda.
These otoliths are robust, round in shape, with
an ostial to pseudoostial sulcus opening. The
otolith morphology of Marleyella suggests that
the Poecilopsettinae represent a basal offshot
from the Pleuronectidae or from the Brachy-
pleuridae (Lepidoblepharon).
Rhombosoleinae, as defined by NORMAN
(1934), seem to me to represent a catch-all
assemblage of dextral Pleuronectoidei from
the Southern Oceans. I have considerable
doubts that this subfamily really represents a
homogenous unit. NORMAN pointed out that
some rhombosolein genera resemble Soleidae,
but argued that this would be due to conver-
gence. On this point I agree with his conclu-
sions except for the genus Peltorhamphus
which shows a typical soleid sulcus pattern
(and therefore is here placed in the Soleidae).
Also the genera that I have put together in the
Ammotretis Group are here removed from the
Pleuronectidae and placed in a category of
uncertain familial relationship (see above).
Pelotretis shows rather indistinct otoliths sim-
ilar to so many pleuronectids, but also to Lepi-
dorhombus of the Scopthalmidae. Rhombosolea
has rather unique otoliths with a strongly out-
wardly curved ventral margin and the mirror
image orientation of the asymmetric charac-
ters (see chapter 6.2). Otherwise it might be
considered a pleuronectid. Otoliths of Azygo-
pus, with their very deep sulcus and deep
excisura, are quite different from other Rhom-
bosoleinae. This genus is here included in the
Samaris Group. In certain general aspects they
resemble those of the Ammotretis Group which
I have removed from the Pleuronectidae alto-
gether. To me the relationship of several so-
called rhombosolein genera, as mentioned
above, remains obscure. Only Pelotretis and
Rhombosolea in my classification remain in the
subfamily Rhombosoleinae.
Otoliths of the Soleidae are in my opinion recog-
nised quite easily, although it is difficult to say
which characters precisely make them look so
peculiar. They are compressed otoliths with a
rather regular round or oval shape, a somewhat
reduced sulcus opening and a tendency towards
a shallow sulcus and fused or at least poorly
defined colliculi. Often, their inner face is quite
convex and smooth which can best be shown in
lateral views.
The Achirus Group corresponds to the sub-
family Achirinae and probably represents the
most plesiomorphic sulcus pattern found in
the Soleoidei. Ostium and cauda are of about
equal length or the cauda is just slightly short-
er than the ostium. The sulcus is slightly deep-
ened to considerably deepened in some gen-
era (Gymnachirus and Nodogymnus) which
show also fused colliculi. In this respect oto-
liths of the Zebrias Group, traditionally placed
in the Soleinae, are quite similar to those of
the genus Gymnachirus. Whether this resem-
blance reflects true relationship of the two
groups or just convergent evolution remains
to be tested by other characters. However, due
to the resemblance of otoliths of the genera of
the Zebrias Group to those of the Brachirus
Group I have elected to keep them in their
traditional place. – Otoliths of the Apionich-
thys Group (Apionichthyinae in CHABA-
NAUD, 1939), although not very well known,
do not seem to depart much from the pattern
found in the Achirus Group and are here in-
cluded in the Achirinae.
The Soleinae include quite a variety of otolith
morphologies. Otoliths of the Synaptura Group
are elongate and exhibit a very special sulcus
morphology different from all other Soleoi-
dei. The cauda is short, but the ostium is bi-
partite with its anterior portion considerably
narrowed. Otoliths of the Solea Group exhibit
the typical soleid otolith pattern. The outline
of the otoliths is evenly rounded. The inner
face is convex (except for Bathysolea and Van-
straelenia which have flat inner faces). The
cauda is small, usually shorter than the os-
tium. The sulcus is not much deepened and
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
there is a notable tendency for a fusion of the
colliculi. Otoliths of the Brachirus Group are
similar in general appearance, but with a rath-
er flat inner face and an anteriorly narrowed
outline. The genera of the Zebrias Group are
thought to have derived from the Brachirus
Group and are characterised by flat and thin
otoliths with a rather short and deep sulcus
and fused colliculi, thus resembling certain
genera of the Achirus Group (see above).
Where not completely fused, colliculi are
about equal in length, which is the main dis-
tinction from otoliths of the Brachirus Group
(together with the anteriorly reduced ostium).
The otoliths of the Pardachirus Group
(Pardachirinae in CHABANAUD, 1939) and
the Heteromycteris Group (Heteromycterinae
in CHABANAUD, 1939, but including the
genus Peltorhamphus ex Pleuronectidae, sub-
family Rhombosoleinae, sensu NORMAN,
1934) all look very similar. Based on otolith
morphology alone they could easily be com-
bined in a single group or subfamily, the
Pardachirinae. The characters defining this
group are a compressed outline with a deeply
curved posteriorly oriented ventral rim and a
rather flat dorsal rim, a strongly convex inner
face which is rather smooth including a shal-
low sulcus, a concave outer face, the circum-
sulcal depression often being reduced in width
and a short almost circular cauda which in
some genera exhibits a tendency to widen.
The development of the circumsulcal depres-
sion is the only character useful for distin-
guishing the members of the two genus
groups: in the Heteromycteris Group it is mod-
erately narrowed and usually runs close to
the sulcus, and in the Pardachirus Group it is
most narrowed, almost to a furrow that runs
close to the rims of the otolith. Cynoglossid
otoliths are in many respects very similar to
those of thissupergroup (the Pardachirinae)
and in fact may very well have originated from
it. The peculiar widened cauda of the Cy-
noglossidae seems to beforeshadowed in
certain genera of thissupergroup, such as
Pardachirus and even more so in Rendahlia
(Heteromycteris Group).
Cynoglossid otoliths are readily recognised
by theirhammer-shaped sulcus (see chapter 6.1)
which has resulted from a distinctive widening
of the cauda. Ostial and caudal colliculum are
fused. In all other aspects otoliths of the Cynoglos-
sidae perfectly resemble those of the Pardachirus
and Heteromycteris Groups of the Soleidae from
where in fact they may have originated. Otoliths
of the Cynoglossus Group exhibit the more plesi-
omorphic pattern, whereas those of the Symphu-
rus Group are characterised by a further special-
isation of the sulcus outline and the circumsulcal
depression. The two groups have traditionally
been placed in two separate cynoglossid sub-
families, but I have refrained from doing so due
to the close relationship of the two groups.
Typical representatives of each of the otolith ge-
nus groups as defined in this treatise are sche-
matically outlined in a quick look interpretation
chart (fig. 1).
5.4 Discussion of phylogenetic concepts
in Pleuronectiformes
Until recently, NORMANs classification with
modifications by HUBBS (1945), AMAOKA
(1969), FUTCH (1977) and HENSLEY (1977) rep-
resented the most detailed hypothesis for pleu-
ronectiform evolution. This model is depicted in
row one of the classification list in chapter 5.3.2
and as a phylogram in figure 2. It has served as
basis for the otolith analysis of Pleuronectiformes
as presented here. However, as HENSLEY &
AHLSTROM (1984) stated:Formation of the
(Regan-)Norman model involved an eclectic ap-
proach, i.e. a combination of phyletic and phenetic
methods. Although some of the groups (currently)
recognised appear to be based on synapomor-
phies, many are clearly based on symplesiomor-
phies and were recognised as such by the au-
In recent years a number of publications have
been published devoted to a more cladistic phy-
logenetic interpretation of pleuronectiform rela-
tionships (or certain pleuronectiform families).
These are works by LAUDER & LIEM (1983),
(1984) and CHAPLEAU (1987,1993). The results
of these analyses are briefly discussed in the fol-
lowing and are compared to the findings of ana-
lyses of the otolith morphology.
A first cladistic analysis of the Pleuronecti-
formes was presented by LAUDER & LIEM
(1983). In their cladogram the Psettodidae are
identified as the plesiomorphic sister-group of
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
all remaining Pleuronectiformes. The next dicho-
tomy separates the Citharidae (loss of spines in
dorsal and anal fins, loss of dentition on palati-
num and basihyale, tip of dorsal fin commencing
above eye). They are characterised by one sup-
posedly autapomorphic character – the shift of
the anus onto the eyed side. In the case of the
Brachypleuridae (usually accorded subfamily
rank within the Citharidae) the synapomorphic
nature of this character must be doubted. Pres-
ence of a spine in the pelvic fin separates the
Citharidae (sensu HUBBS 1945, LAUDER & LIEM
1983) from the Scophthalmidae, which are sepa-
rated next from the main branch of the Pleuronec-
tiformes. Loss of dentition on the vomer and
uniting of the branchiostegal membranes of the
two sides characterises the remaininghigher
Pleuronectiformes from which Pleuronectidae
and Bothidae are subsequently separated as the
next units. Finally, Soleoidei are regarded as the
most advanced pleuronectiforms characterised by
the loss of the postcleithra and the ribs. And
within the Soleoidei, Cynoglossidae are the last
group to be singled out on the basis of the loss of
the pectorals (which, however, are also missing
in some Soleidae). – In the Psettodoidei and Pleu-
ronectoidei this phylogenetic interpretation large-
ly reflects NORMANs concept of classification
(1934) including HUBBS (1945) emendations.
Soleoidei, however, were then thought to repre-
sent a separate lineage from Pleuronectoidei al-
together. Fossil evidence both from skeletons and
otoliths extends back well into Eocene times (see
respective entries) and thus support the concept
of an early evolutionary separation of the Soleoi-
dei, earlier in fact than is suggested by LAUDER
& LIEMs cladogram.
Since then further and more detailed cladistic
analyses have been published by HENSLEY &
AHLSTROM (1984) and CHAPLEAU (1993)
plus a specialised one dealing exclusively with
interrelationships of the family Pleuronectidae
by SAKAMOTO (1984) (see also NELSON 1994).
questioned the monophyly of the families Cith-
aridae and Pleuronectidae. For Citharidae CHAP-
LEAU suggested that the dextral Lepidoblepharon
and the sinistral Citharoides form a trichotomy
with all remaining Pleuronectiformes, including
the other citharid genera (the sinistral Citharus
Fig. 2: Hypothesis of interrelationships of pleuronectiform fishes presented in HENSLEY & AHLSTROM
(1984), based on NORMAN (1934), HUBBS (1945) and AMAOKA (1969)
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
and the dextral Brachypleura). Otoliths, however,
strongly indicate that the separation of the former
Citharidae runs between the sinistral and the
dextral genera, and in fact they are here placed in
two separate families – Citharidae and Brachyp-
leuridae. Nevertheless, in this concept Lepido-
blepharon represents the more plesiomorphic char-
acter status within the Brachypleuridae, resem-
bling Citharidae in several plesiomorphic aspects,
such as the outline of the otoliths. HENSLEY &
AHLSTROM regard Brachypleura as related to the
Scophthalmidae-Bothidae lineage because of the
hypural pattern which it shares with those but
not with the Citharidae (sensu strictu). From the
otoliths point of view, I feel unable to define which
of the two families (Citharidae and Brachypleu-
ridae) may in fact be more closely related to the
higher Pleuronectoidei (Scophthalmidae, Bothi-
dae and Pleuronectidae). They do most likely
represent a basal alignment from near which these
families may have evolved.
LEAU) separated the Bothidae in the two fami-
lies Bothidae and Paralichthyidae. This separa-
tion is adopted here as well, but with subfamily
ranking. Based on the analysis of the pattern of
the hypurals HENSLEY & AHLSTROM defined
one particular pattern they referred to as the bot-
hoid group, containing Brachypleura, Scoph-
thalmidae, most Bothidae (in the sense used here)
and Pleuronectinae.
HENSLEY & AHLSTROM excluded Tephri-
nectes and Thysanopsetta from their bothoid group
stating thatthese two genera are much more
primitive than expressed in the current classifi-
cation and definitely do not belong to the both-
oid group. Also, they support the removal of the
genera Taeniopsetta, Monolene, Engyophrys and
Trichopsetta from the Paralichthyidae (here Paral-
ichthyinae) to the Bothidae (here Bothinae). With-
in the Paralichthyidae they distinguish three
groups – a plesiomorphic, possibly non-mono-
phyletic group containing the genera Ancylopset-
ta, Gastropsetta, Hippoglossina, Lioglossina, Parali-
chthys and Xystreurys and two better defined
apomorphic groups, the Cyclopsetta group with
Cyclopsetta, Syacium, Citharichthys and Etropus and
the Pseudorhombus group with Pseudorhombus,
Tarphops and Cephalopsetta. These conclusions are
in perfect agreement with the otolith findings (see
entries to the Tephrinectes Group and the Bothi-
dae and its groups).
Fig. 3: Hypothesis of interrelationships of pleuronectiform fishes redrawn
from the consensus tree diagram presented by CHAPLEAU (1992).
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Within the Bothidae (sensu HENSLEY &
AHLSTROM, here Bothinae) two groups or sub-
families are recognised by HENSLEY & AHL-
STROM – the plesiomorphic Taeniopsettinae in-
cluding at least Taeniopsetta, Engyophrys, Trichopset-
ta and Perissias and (poorly defined) the Bothinae
for the remainder. Otolith analysis is less conclu-
sive in this group.
The genus Mancopsetta is not regarded as a
bothoid by HENSLEY & AHLSTROM because of
several primitive characters not found in the
Bothidae. EVSEENKO (1984) later erected a fam-
ily Achiropsettidae (here equivalent to the Man-
copsetta Group).
LEAU regard the Pleuronectidae as non-mono-
phyletic, with the Pleuronectinae being more
closely related to the Paralichthyidae (ex Bothi-
dae). According to HENSLEY & AHLSTROM the
Pleuronectinae are the only pleuronectid subfami-
ly with a bothoid hypural pattern, thus relating
them to the Bothidae (in the sense used here) and
demonstrating the polyphyly of the Pleuronecti-
dae. Likewise, CHAPLEAU identifies the Pleu-
ronectinae as the most plesiomorphic subfamily
in Pleuronectidae and close to the Bothidae (s.l.).
Pleuronectine otoliths too show a close resem-
blance to those of the bothid subfamily Paralich-
tyinae and differ considerably from those of the
other pleuronectid subfamilies.
HENSLEY & AHLSTROM concluded that the
other pleuronectid subfamilies do not show the
bothoid hypural pattern and used this observa-
tion as an argument for the supposed polyphyly
Fig. 4: Hypothesis of interrelationships of pleuronectiform fishes according to otolith analysis as proposed in this
treatise. – Characters used for discrimination are: Inherited plesiomorphic characters: A = Dorsal depression; B =
Ostial sulcus opening; C = Ostium shorter and wider than cauda; D = Cauda curved; Apomorphic characters:
1 = Ventral depression; 2 = Cauda about equal in length to ostium; 2a = Caudal tip widened; 2b = Caudal tip
pointed; 2c = Cauda shorter than ostium; 3 = Sulcus opening pseudoostial; 3a = Sulcus closed; 3b = Secondary
sulcus opening; 4 = Cauda straight; 5 = Loss of tapering caudal tip; 6 = Circumsulcal depression complete; 7 =
High, soleiform outline of otolith; 8 = Collum ventrally widened; 9 = Circumsulcal depression narrow; 10 =
Hammer shaped sulcus; 11 = Colliculi fused; 11a = Colliculi partly fused. Hatched markers indicate that only
some genera of the group have developed the respective character. Note: Some of the reduced characters (such
as 4, 5, 11) apparently have occured in independent lineages.
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
of the Pleuronectidae. CHAPLEAU recommend-
ed that the Poecilopsettinae, Rhombosoleinae and
Samarinae be raised to familial rank. Seeing the
uncertainties for instance in the interrelationships
of the so called Rhombosoleinae (see entry to
Rhombosolea Group and Pleuronectidae) I agree
with NELSON (1994) that this classification is at
this stage premature, but the principal concept of
the Pleuronectidae being possibly polyphyletic is
supported by otolith analyses.
The Poecilopsettinae are placed in CHAP-
LEAUs cladogram near to the Rhombosoleinae,
whereas SAKAMOTO combines them in the Pleu-
ronectinae-Poecilopsettinae stem.
The Samarinae show a number of highly spe-
cialised features both in skeleton and in otoliths.
Their interrelationships therefore presently are
much under debate. Both HENSLEY & AHL-
STROM and CHAPLEAU find arguments that
they could be related to soleoids. However, oto-
lith analysis strongly contradicts this view. The
degree and kind of otolith specialisation found in
Samarinae has nothing in common with that
observed in the Soleoidei. Furthermore, fossil
evidence seems to indicate that the Soleoidei are
a rather ancient group in pleuronectiforms and
may have split off from the other pleuronecti-
form stems much earlier than is suggested by
modern cladograms (see fig. 3, cladogram from
Paralichthodes has usually been associated with
the Samarinae either as a separate but related
subfamily or entirely included with the Samari-
nae. Its otolith pattern is distinctly plesiomorphic
pointing to a pre-bothid/pleuronectid origin (see
entry to Paralichthodes Group), but this conclu-
sion will need further verification by other ich-
thyological investigations.
Finally, the Rhombosoleinae represent the
most enigmatic subfamily within the Pleuronecti-
dae. Except for SAKAMOTO (1984) they have
not been subject to a recent review and a phylo-
genetic analysis. In SAKAMOTOs cladogram of
the Pleuronectidae the various rhombosoleine
genera are widely separated although he still
regards them as a distinct unit. Otolith analysis
instead clearly demonstrates the Rhombosolein-
ae not to represent a natural assemblage (see
chapter 5.3.2. and entries to Ammotretis, Samaris,
Pelotretis and Rhombosolea Groups and Soleidae).
Part of the so-called Rhombosoleinae are proba-
bly of pre-bothid/pleuronectid origin or are re-
lated to the Samarinae (Ammotretis Group and
Azygopus) and one genus (Peltorhamphus) is re-
moved to the Soleidae. As understood here, only
Pelotretis and Rhombosolea remain in the Rhom-
bosoleinae sensu strictu.
Soleoidei have been thought to form a mono-
phyletic group in recent cladistic analyses (HENS-
1988). Achiridae are separated from Soleidae and
are thought to represent the primitive sister group
to Soleidae and Cynoglossidae, according to
note that the Achirinae exhibit a very primitive
hypural pattern and thus assume that the Soleoi-
dei might be of rather early origin. This view is
support by the geologically early findings of so-
leoid otoliths. In contrast LAUDER & LIEM (1983)
and CHAPLEAU (1993) have separated the
Soleoidei as the latest stem from the pleuronecti-
form cladogram, branching even later than the
Pleuronectidae and close to the Samarinae. Also
the separation of Achirinae and Soleinae is sup-
ported by otolith analysis (I have left them at
subfamily rank next to Soleinae and Pardachiri-
All authors regard the Cynoglossidae as be-
ing closely related to the Soleidae. CHAPLEAU
(1993) in his cladogram separates the Achiridae
(here Achirinae) first before the dichotomy of
Soleidae and Cynoglossidae. Otoliths indeed
strongly support the concept of the Cynoglossi-
dae having derived from the Soleidae. From oto-
liths there is convincing synapomorphic evidence
that the Cynoglossidae originated from near
Pardachirinae of the Soleidae (see respective en-
tries). CHAPLEAU (1988) analysed the interrela-
tionships of the Cynoglossidae concluding the
Symphurinae (here Symphurus Group) to repre-
sent the plesiomorphic sister group of the Cy-
noglossinae (here Cynoglossus Group). Otolith
analysis, however, contradicts this view. Symphu-
rus otoliths seem to be the more specialised ones.
Maybe, the apparent plesiomorphic character of
Symphurus fishes represents a secondary reduc-
tion rather than a more primitive character state.
1. The basal alignment of the Pleuronectiformes
(Psettodidae, Citharidae and Scophthalmidae)
accords well with otolith findings. However,
CHAPLEAUs concept of the splitting of the
Citharidae is not supported. Instead, it is rec-
ommended to separate Citharidae and Brach-
ypleuridae. Also, otolith analysis suggests that
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
the basal pleuronectiform group may contain
additional taxa – the Tephrinectes, Paralichthodes
and Ammotretis Groups, here placed in a group
of uncertain familial affinities.
2. HENSLEY & AHLSTROMs concept of sub-
dividing the Bothidae (Paralichthyinae and
Bothinae and subgroups including removal
of Tephrinectes and perhaps also Thysanopsetta
and Mancopsetta) is fully supported by otolith
3. Otoliths support the hypothesis of the po-
lyphyly of the family Pleuronectidae, with the
Pleuronectinae more closely related to the Bo-
thidae than the other subfamilies. The relation-
ships of the other subfamilies remain cryptic.
4. According to otoliths the Rhombosoleinae do
not form a natural assembly.
5. In accordance with HENSLEY & AHLSTROM
the Soleoidei are thought to represent a natu-
ral group of quite early origin. Within the
Soleoidei the Achirinae represent the most
primitive group and the Cynoglossidae are
very likely derived from the Soleidae
For comparison I have figured the three main
concepts discussed as cladograms or phyllo-
grams. Fig. 2 shows the phylogram according to
NORMANs model (from HENSLEY & AHL-
STROM, 1984). Fig. 3 shows the cladogram of
CHAPLEAU (1993). Fig. 4 depicts the results of
the otolith analysis in the form of a cladogram, in
order to compare it to the analyses presented by
STROM (1984) and CHAPLEAU (1993) (fig. 2).
(Generally, I hesitate to depict assumedotolith
relationships as cladograms, because I feel that
any otolith based systematic suggestions should
first be tested and verified by other ichthyologi-
cal investigations.)
6.1 Terminology
(Fig. 5-13)
Pleuronectiform otoliths are not always easily
recognised as such. As stated before (see chap-
ters 5.1. and 5.3) there is a widespread tendency
within the otoliths of this order towards reduc-
tion orsimplification of certain aspects of their
morphology. Sulcus morphology and outline of
the otolith are the characters most commonly af-
fected. This morphologicalsimplification is
thought to be a result of functional morphologi-
cal adaptation and evidently it has developed in-
dependently in several lineages. Although very
little is known so far of the functional morphol-
ogy of otoliths it has been observed empirically
that many benthic fishes have developedlook
alike otoliths. Common characteristics are a ro-
bust, relatively large otolith, smooth otolith rims
and a smooth outer surface and, finally, asim-
plified sulcus pattern. Typically, the sulcus open-
ing is reduced, its outline becomes smoother, ul-
timately forming a regular oval shape, and ostial
and caudal colliculi become fused. Often the sul-
cus becomes very shallow, level with the rest of
the inner face. This kind of sulcus is found in
6. Morphological characterisation of Pleuronectiformes otoliths
many pleuronectiforms but is also common in
other benthic fishes (for instance Congroidei, Lo-
phiiformes, Ophidiiformes, Gobioidei). There is,
however, a second morphotype of sulcus organ-
isation in benthic fishes that is characterised by a
deepened (thoughsimplified) sulcus usually
combined with a well developed opening. Such
otoliths are found in the Pleuronectiformes as
well, although less commonly, and are also known
from such benthic fishes as the Anguilloidei,
Gobiesociformes, Cottoidei or Blennioidei.
From this discussion it is understandable why
pleuronectiform otoliths are not very easily char-
acterised and in the fossil record they have some-
times been confused with representatives of oth-
er, unrelated Teleosts. Sulcus morphology, usual-
ly the most diagnostically valid and most stable
character, in many instances does not allow the
differentiation of pleuronectiform otoliths from
those of certain other groups of benthic fishes.
Fortunately, there is one single character seem-
ingly unique to the Pleuronectiformes. This is the
circumsulcal depression. The circumsulcal de-
pression is usually deep and well marked, but
there are also instances where it can be relatively
feeble (particularly in otoliths from the blind side),
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
very narrow or disrupted behind the tip of the
cauda. In these cases proper assignment of isolat-
ed otoliths, fossil or recent, to the Pleuronecti-
formes can become a little more difficult, partic-
ularly if erosional effects are also involved.
In the following I briefly discuss the various
morphological characters that occur in the Pleuro-
nectiformes. For a few peculiar features informal
circumscriptive terms are used in order to short-
en repeated descriptions in the systematic part.
Outline. The outline of most pleuronectiform
otoliths is smooth, rounded, but rectangular and
other shapes occur as well. Sometimes it is irreg-
ularly lobate or undulate. Angles along the rims
are rare, the most common ones being an obtuse
medioventral angle particularly in the Psettodi-
dae (fig. 6), Scophthalmidae and certain Bothi-
dae (fig. 9). A postdorsal angle situated at the
very end of the dorsal rim is characteristic for
several pleuronectids and can be quite sharp (fig.
10). Otherwise pre- and postdorsal angles are
rarely observed and are usually very feeble. Cer-
tain Soleidae and Cynoglossidae have developed
some kind of predorsal lobe at the anterior end of
the dorsal rim. This predorsal lobe is also present
in Brachypleura and in fact has been developed
most strongly (fig. 11). In some Bothidae (Pseu-
dorhombus, Syacium and Citharichthys Groups) the
predorsal rim is expanded to some kind of broad
projection. The posterior tip of the otolith can be
developed quite diversely. Usually it is blunt or
rounded, but it can also be pointed. Pointed pos-
terior tips are known from the Psettodidae (fig. 6;
inframedian), some Citharidae, Bothidae (fig. 9)
and the pleuronectid genus Marleyella (median)
and Paralichthodes (supramedian). Concave pos-
terior rims occur in most Cynoglossidae and the
Solea and Pardachirus Groups of the Soleidae
(fig. 12). Anteriorly many pleuronectiform oto-
liths exhibit some kind of rostrum (fig. 6-11),
whereas development of an excisura (see sulcus
opening) and an antirostrum are much more sel-
dom (fig. 7-8).
The rostrum is usually massive, not pointed
and developed best in the moreprimitive mem-
bers of the order (fig. 6-9). Nevertheless, a ros-
trum look-alike and probably homologous pro-
jection is also evident from many otoliths with a
reduced sulcus opening (fig. 9-11). Development
of the rostrum and in some instances its length
are important characters of diagnostic value.
In certain very thin and delicately ornament-
ed otoliths one sometimes observes a tendency
toskeletonization of the outline of the otolith.
This means that radial marginal furrows trans-
form into deep incisions orfenestrae. This trend
usually occurs in otoliths of epipelagic fishes. In
the Pleuronectiformes this phenomenon is ob-
served best in the otoliths of the genus Reinhard-
tius. In otoliths of the blind sideskeletonization
occurs postdorsally and in otoliths of the eyed
side preventrally. Similar effects, although to a
much lesser degree, have also been observed in
otoliths of the genera Psettodes and Rhombosolea.
Inner face. Circumsulcal depression (fig.5a): a
depression surrounding the sulcus dorsally and
ventrally and joined behind the caudal tip. The
circumsulcal depression has developed as a com-
bination of the dorsal depression known from
most Teleosts and a ventral depression which in
its expression is unique amongst Teleosts.
SCHWARZHANS (1995) has postulated that this
ventral depression has developed between the
area of theclassical ventral line and a second
doubled ventral line closer to the sulcus as
observed in certain Percoidei. The circumsulcal
depression should not be confused with the con-
tinuous line (extended ventral line) as observed
in Gobioidei or the fusion of the ventral line with
the dorsal depression seen in certain Trachinoi-
dei. These lines are not homologous and run close
to the rim of the otolith. The circumsulcal depres-
sion is usually situated very close to the sulcus,
leaving only the cristae superior and inferior to
separate them. Usually, the separation of the cir-
cumsulcal depression is fairly sharp towards the
cristae and more gradual outwards towards the
otolith margins. An exception is seen in the Cy-
noglossidae and certain Soleidae which have a
(secondarily reduced) narrow circumsulcal de-
pression, sometimes almost reduced to a line,
running at some distance from the sulcus (fig. 13).
In the genus Symphurus (Cynoglossidae) the cir-
cumsulcal depression is bilobate with extended
areas postdorsally and postventrally. Width and
depth of the circumsulcal depression is quite
variable and in some instances can be of diagnos-
tic importance. The junction of the dorsal and
ventral depressions behind the caudal tip is usu-
ally somewhat shallowed. It is complete in most
Bothidae (fig. 9), Pleuronectidae (fig. 8, 10), Solei-
dae (fig. 12) and Cynoglossidae (fig. 13), but in-
complete (disrupted) in the moreprimitive
Pleuronectiformes (Psettodidae – fig. 6 -, Cithari-
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Fig. 5: Morphological terminology in Pleuronectiform otoliths. Fig. 5a = Inner face; abbreviations: l = length,
h = height, s.i.a.=sulcus inclination angle. Figs. 5b, c = View from ventral; abbreviations: t = thickness, con.i. = con-
vexity of inner face, con.o. = convexity of outer face.
Figs. 6-13: Morphological examples of Pleuronectiform otoliths – fig. 6 genus Psettodes, fig. 7 genus Bothus, fig. 8
genus Samaris, fig. 9 genus Citharichthys, fig. 10 genus Hippoglosoides, fig. 11 genus Brachypleura, fig. 12genus Solea,
fig. 13 genus Cynoglossus (otoliths from the right-eyed flatfishes mirror-furned).
12 13
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
dae, Brachypleuridae – fig. 11 – , Scophthalmidae
and certain Bothidae – fig. 7).
Sulcus. Despite the tendency towardssimplifi-
cation of the sulcus morphology observed in so
many Pleuronectiformes (see above) the sulcus
still remains the single most important character
for systematic purposes. However, in many in-
stances the correct interpretation of the outline of
the sulcus and the colliculi requires very careful
analysis. If the sulcus is very shallow, the outline
of the colliculi is usually well defined but the
outline of the sulcus may not be. If on the contra-
ry the sulcus is deep its outline is usually sharply
developed but the outline of the colliculi may not
be. Also the differentiation of the ostial and cau-
dal colliculi is often feeble where they meet or
approach each other.
Sulcus proportions (fig. 5a): Sulcus propor-
tions include sulcus versus whole otolith correla-
tions (otolith length to sulcus length; approach of
caudal tip to posterior tip of otolith; in the case of
an anteriorly closed sulcus approach of the ostial
tip to the anterior tip of the otolith). Intrasulcus
correlations are more important, in particularly
the length of the ostial colliculum to the length of
the caudal colliculum (ol:cl). In most pleuronec-
tiform otoliths the ostium is longer than the cau-
da, often by a factor of two or more. However, in
the moreprimitive members of the order (Pset-
todidae, Paralichthodes, Tephrinectes, Ammotretis
Group, Citharidae and some Achirinae) they are
of about equal length or the cauda is actually
longer than the ostium (fig. 6). It appears that
reduction of the cauda has developed at a faster
pace than reduction of the ostium. Within the
Soleidae, however, there is a single genus (Quense-
lia) in which, seemingly, the cauda has become
secondarily enlarged, approaching the length of
the ostium and, in the case of a fossil species,
(Quenselia cornuta), even surpassing it. This secon-
dary enlargement has probably occurred at the
expense of the ostial colliculum into which the
caudal colliculum appears to be protruding. Oth-
er intrasulcus correlations include ostium length
to height (ol:oh) and ostium height to cauda height
(oh:ch). However, any intrasulcus correlations can
of course only be applied where there is a clear
distinction between ostium and cauda, i.e. sepa-
ration of the colliculi. The latter is important since
the junction of ostium and cauda is not always
marked by an incursion or indentation at the
ventral rim of the sulcus.
Sulcus opening: A character of some diagnos-
tic value is the status of the sulcus opening. In
moreprimitive members of the Pleuronecti-
formes (Psettodidae, Tephrinectes, Paralichthodes,
Ammotretis Group, Citharidae, some Scophthalmi-
dae, Bothidae and the Microstomus-Pleuronichthys
and the Samaris Groups of the Pleuronectidae)
the ostium distinctly opens anteriorly and the
ostial colliculum meets the anterior rim of the
otolith (fig. 6-8). A definite ostial excisura is rare-
ly observed (Thysanopsetta, Chascanopsetta, Man-
copsetta and some members of the Bothus Group
of the Bothidae, Samaris Group – fig. 8 – of the
Pleuronectidae). More often one observes a cer-
tain reduction of the ostial opening. First it be-
comes indistinct (pseudoostial opening) with an
anteriorly closed ostial colliculum and finally the
ostium becomes completely closed anteriorly. The
latter has occurred separately in several distinct
lineages, for instance in the Brachypleuridae
(fig. 11), the Citharichthys (fig. 9) and Syacium
Groups of the Bothidae, the Isopsetta, Pleuronectes-
Limanda, Hippoglossoides (fig. 10) and Glyptoceph-
alus Groups of the Pleuronectidae, most Soleidae
(fig. 12) and Cynoglossidae (fig. 13). Sometimes
a faint ostial channel still connects the ostium
and the anterior rim of the otolith (fig. 11).
Sulcus outlines: Usually, the outline of the
sulcus in pleuronectiforms is not very spectacular.
Some exceptions, however, are described below.
Inclined caudal tip (fig. 6): A faintly inclining
caudal tip is only observed in what I regard as
the mostprimitive members of the Pleuronec-
tiformes (Psettodidae, Paralichthodes, Tephrinectes,
Ammotretis Group and incipiently in some Scoph-
thalmidae). This character is thought to be inher-
ited from some kind of perciform ancestor (see
also chapter 5.2).
Ventral expansion of collum (fig. 11): A small
widening of the sulcus just below the ostial-caudal
joint, which is deepened and remains unfilled by
colliculi. This character is only known from Bra-
chypleura (and incipiently so from Lepidoblepharon).
Bipartite ostium: In otoliths of the Synaptura
Group (Soleidae) the long ostium is divided into
two portions, marked by collum-like incursions
of the rims of the sulcus. The anterior portion of
the ostium is much narrower than the strongly
widened posterior portion and also deeper. In
some instances the bipartition of the ostium can
be more distinctly developed than the separation
of ostium and cauda.
Fusiform sulcus (fig. 9): A veryspecialised
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
sulcus outline is characterised by a widening of
the sulcus just behind its middle. The anterior
and posterior portions are much narrower, the
cauda terminating with a pointed tip. Ostial and
caudal colliculi are completely fused but it is
assumed that the conspicuous widening of the
sulcus corresponds with the posterior portion of
the ostium. The sulcus is shallow except for the
widened portion, which may be somewhat deep-
ened. The fusiform sulcus outline only occurs in
the Citharichthys and Syacium Groups and incipi-
ently also in the genus Tarphops of the Pseudor-
hombus Group (all Bothidae) and is accepted as a
synapomorphic character combining these fishes
Hammer-shaped cauda (fig. 13): In the Cy-
noglossidae and incipiently in a few Soleidae
(Pardachirus and Heteromycteris Groups) the cau-
da is extremely widened, both dorsally and ven-
trally, but very short. Its posterior termination is
abrupt, nearly vertically cut. Together with the
much narrower ostium the shape of the sulcus
resembles that of a hammer. In the Cynoglossi-
dae the colliculi are fused, but in the Soleidae
mentioned above (where this character is only
incipiently developed) ostial and caudal colliculi
are well separated. This feature, unique amongst
Teleostean otoliths, is a perfect autapomorphic
character found in all Cynoglossidae.
Deep sulcus (fig. 7-8): A continuously deep
sulcus is developed in the Ammotretis Group, the
Samaris and Microstomus-Pleuronichthys Groups
of the Pleuronectidae and part of the Achirus, the
Zebrias and part of the Synaptura Group of the
Soleidae. That of Samaris is probably the most
deeply incised sulcus observed in pleuronecti-
forms. More commonly, only ostial and caudal
colliculi are deepened. They may be connected
by a narrow furrow (Zeugopterus Group of Scoph-
thalmidae, certain members of the Bothus and
Arnoglossus Groups and the Thysanopsetta, Man-
copsetta and Chascanopsetta Groups of the Bothi-
dae) or completely separated, then looking like
two holes in the surface of the otolith (Hippoglos-
soides, Glyptocephalus and Poecilopsetta Groups of
the Pleuronectidae). Often the cauda is more
depressed than the ostium. Infact, in many so-
leids the cauda is depressed, whereas the ostium
has remained almost completely flat.
Sulcus orientation: In most Pleuronectiformes
the sulcus occupies a median position on the in-
ner face of the otolith, but supramedian and in-
framedian positions occasionally occur as well.
In some groups (particularly among the Bothi-
dae) the sulcus is not oriented horizontally on
the inner face but inclined downwards (fig. 5a).
The angle of inclination measured between the
long axis of the otolith and the axis of the sulcus
(s.i.a.) is in some instances an important tool for
differentiating between related species (for in-
stance of the genus Arnoglossus) or genera. Iden-
tification of the horizontal axis of the otolith is
not always easy. Rounded otoliths are displayed
such that the sulcus runs horizontally. Then, of
course, a sulcus inclination angle cannot be meas-
ured. Otoliths with anterior and posterior tips
are oriented along the axis connecting the two
points. Rectangular otoliths (for instance of the
Arnoglossus Group) are traditionally figured with
their ventral rims running horizontally. In these,
the sulcus inclination angle is often an important
Curvatures (fig. 5b-c). This is quite commonly
another diagnostically important group of fea-
tures. Curvatures, particularly of the inner face
both in horizontal (fig. 5b; con.i.) and in vertical
direction can often be used to distinguish the
otoliths of related genera which otherwise may
look quite similar. Also thickness of the otolith
and, to a lesser extent, curvatures of the outer
face (fig. 5c; con.o.) are useful characters. Also
smoothness of the inner face, depth and width of
the circumsulcal depression (as well as of the
sulcus) can thus be visualised much better. It is
therefore important to figure and describe lateral
views of pleuronectiform otoliths, preferably from
ventral and anterior aspects. – Outer faces on the
other hand do not exhibit much that is of diag-
nostic value and do not need to be figured in the
case of the Pleuronectiformes. Adequate figures
from lateral views are sufficient in this respect.
6.2 Side dimorphism
(Fig. 14-23)
Since pleuronectiform fishes as a group are char-
acterised by their extreme asymmetry similar
effects had to be expected from the otoliths.
KOKEN (1891), who laid the basis for sys-
tematic otolith research, was of the opinion that
pleuronectiform otoliths do not exhibit any kind
of clear cut asymmetry (apparently he looked at
only very few flatfish otoliths). His explanation
was that otoliths, situated in theinterior of the
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Figs. 14-23: Examples of side dimorphism in Pleuronectiform otoliths – fig. 14 family Scophthalmidae,
figs. 15-18 family Bothidae, figs. 19-22 family Pleuronectidae, fig. 23 family Soleidae.
Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis
Trichopsetta ventralis
Chacanopsetta lugubris Mancopsetta milfordi
Paralichthys adspersus
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides
Parophrys vetulus
Rhombosolea tapirina
Glyptocephalus zachirus Dicologlossa cuneata
22 23
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
fish, may not react as vigorously to the forces of
functional adaptation as do organs along the
periphery of the fishes (for instance dentition).
We now know that his assumptions were wrong.
SCHWARZHANS have pointed out in several
publications that side dimorphism in the otoliths
of the Pleuronectiformes is just as characteristic
of the group. However, this phenomenon does
not occur in all flatfishes. There are a number of
species, genera and families which have relative-
ly symmetrical otoliths or else the asymmetry is
so slight that it is indistinguishable as a character,
within the normal range of intraspecific varia-
tion. Some genera include both species with and
without lateral dimorphism.
Of course, the phenomenon of asymmetrical
otoliths occasionally causes some problems when
identifying isolated otoliths particularly in fos-
sils. Although I know of only few instances where
left and right hand otoliths have been described
as different species (see entry to Laeops splendens
from the Miocene of Austria) paleontologists
describing fossil flatfish otoliths should be well
aware of the phenomenon. In principal diagnos-
tic differentiation of species should always be
based on comparison of otoliths from the same
side. New fossil species belonging to genera
which are known for their asymmetrical otolith
morphology should preferably be established if
and when otoliths of both sides are available.
With the extensive material now available it
is also possible to better understand the kinds
and variations of asymmetry that can occur. There
are a number of obvious regularities. First of all
it is, with very few exceptions, the otolith of the
eyed side that shows alterations from thenor-
mal form. Secondly, there are certain regular pat-
terns or kinds of asymmetrical development, a
fact which is helpful in the identification of iso-
lated otoliths. These regularities were a surpris-
ing discovery since practically every character can
be affected by asymmetry: – outline and propor-
tions of the otolith, depth and width of the sul-
cus, separation or fusion of colliculi, opening of
the ostium, development of an excisura, depth
and width of the circumsulcal depression, curva-
ture of the inner face. Also the degree of asym-
metrical development can vary considerably from
one genus to another (it is usually fairly consist-
ent within a given genus). In many instances the
alteration is not very strong and can readily be
recognised even in isolated otoliths. In other
words, even though left and right hand otoliths
may look different it is usually not very difficult
to tell which belong to the same species. This is
of great importance for the paleontologist who
has to deal with isolated otoliths. In close corre-
lation with the recent findings I was able to iden-
tify left and right hand otoliths in practically every
fossil species when they were both available. Even
in those instances of more strongly developed
asymmetry correlation with extant material usu-
ally solves the problem. In this respect it is inter-
esting to note that the otoliths of the
genus Rheinhardtius are amongst the ones with
the most strongly developed side dimorphism.
Paradoxically, this is the only pleuronectiform
known to swim in a vertical posture (except for
theprimitive Psettodes).
Of the 120 genera of living and fossil Pleuronec-
tiformes of which otoliths have been studied 36
do not exhibit side dimorphism, corresponding
to a fourth of all genera known by otoliths. These
are representatives of the Psettodidae, Cithari-
dae, Scophthalmidae (all except Lepidorhombus),
Cynoglossidae and a number of genera from the
families Bothidae and Soleidae. 9 additional gen-
era of the Bothidae and Soleidae include species
with asymmetrical otoliths (although usually very
faintly so) and others with symmetrical ones.
From a further 19 pleuronectiform genera only
blind side otoliths are available and therefore their
status in respect to symmetry remains question-
able (most of these genera are from the Soleidae).
Asymmetry of otoliths is established in at least
62 genera (including the 9 genera with occasional
asymmetry), corresponding to about half of all
investigated genera. Otolith asymmetry is par-
ticularly widespread in the Pleuronectidae, but is
also known from several Bothidae and Soleidae.
However, once otoliths of both sides are described
from the 19 not investigated and the 19 single
sided genera this number is likely to increase
further. However, the effects of side dimorphism
in most of these cases are not very dramatic.
17 genera show alterations of a single character
only. Only 13 genera (about 10%) exhibit really
pronounced otolith asymmetry. They are Lepido-
blepharon (Brachypleuridae), Lepidorhombus
(Scophthalmidae, fig. 14), Chascanopsetta (Bothi-
dae, fig. 17), Eopsetta, Reinhardtius (fig. 20), Hip-
poglossoides, Lyopsetta, Glyptocephalus (fig. 22), Paro-
phrys, Hypsopsetta, Rhombosolea (Pleuronectidae,
fig. 21), Soleichthys and Dicologlossa (Soleidae, fig.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
23). As stated above, alterations usually occur in
otoliths of the eyed side. Some exceptions to this
rule seem to be manifested in the genera Cyclopset-
ta, Chascanopsetta (Bothidae), Hypsopsetta and
Rhombosolea (Pleuronectidae).
The various types of side dimorphism observed
in pleuronectiform otoliths are described below.
Descriptions centre on the alterations from the
normal picture and usually refer to otoliths from
the eyed side. The table below lists all the genera
investigated and the various characters affected
by asymmetry for each genus. Unfortunately, left
and right hand otoliths are not known from eve-
ry genus and such cases are marked accordingly
on the list.
Outline and proportions of otoliths. The most
common type of asymmetry is observed in de-
tails of the outline of the otolith (45 genera). Usu-
ally, the outline of the altered otoliths (mostly
from the eyed side) appear to be smoother and
more uniform than those from the blind side (the
reverse in Chascanopsetta, Hypsopsetta and Rhom-
bosolea). The strongest type of alteration of the
outline of the otolith is observed in the genera
Chascanopsetta (fig. 17), Reinhardtius (fig. 20), Hip-
poglossoides, Hypsopsetta and Rhombosolea (fig. 21).
Sometimes alteration of the outline is also reflect-
ed in the proportions of the otolith (length to
height ratio; 5 genera). In this respect, otoliths of
the eyed side are usually more elongate than those
of the blind side.
Sulcus and colliculi. Quite commonly otoliths
from the eyed side slightly differ from those of
the blind side in certain aspects of the sulcus
morphology. Often, the sulcus is slightly narrow-
er, sometimes also shorter and in few instances
deeper. Also the proportions of ostium to cauda
may be affected. Another common character is a
reduced separation of the ostial and the caudal
colliculum. Sometimes these are completely fused
in otoliths of the eyed side whereas they are clearly
separated in otoliths of the blind side. The most
striking examples of this are found in the otoliths
of Reinhardtius and Glyptocephalus. Side dimor-
phism in the morphology of the sulcus and/or
colliculi is observed in 42 genera. The strongest
alterations occur in Lepidoblepharon, Lepidorhom-
bus (fig. 14), Reinhardtius (fig. 20), Hippoglossoides,
Lyopsetta, Glyptocephalus (fig.22), Dicologlossa
(fig. 23) and Soleichthys (in just one of two spe-
cies). The soleid Dicologlossa is remarkable for the
different sizes of its caudal colliculum which is
larger in otoliths of the eyed side than in otoliths
of the blind side.
Sulcus opening and excisura. These characters
are much less commonly affected by side dimor-
phism (11 genera). Where it occurs, otoliths of the
eyed side usually exhibit a more clear cut open-
ing of the ostium and a deeper excisura (the
reverse in Rhombosolea). Chascanopsetta (fig. 17)
and Rhombosolea (fig. 21) are the only genera in
which this character is strongly developed.
Circumsulcal depression and curvature of the
inner face. This is another set of characters in-
volved in side dimorphism. Often it is the most
noticeable affected feature where it has been sub-
ject to alteration. At a low level of alteration the
circumsulcal depression of the otolith from the
eyed side may just be somewhat narrower or
shallower than that of the blind side. Sometimes,
however, it almost disappears in otoliths from
the eyed side. In the more pronounced cases the
surface of the circumsulcal depression, particu-
larly its rear portion, is completely filled with
sharp radial furrows and ridges the latter often
exhibiting some kind of crystalline structure. At
first sight the inner face of the otolith looks as if
it has been eroded exposing the internal texture
of the otolith at the surface. There are, however,
few cases where this structure is developed in
otoliths of both sides. Another character often
combined with the reduction of the circumsulcal
depression is a change in the curvature of the
inner face, the inner face of otoliths from the eyed
side becoming more convex. These characters,
individually or in combination, are observed in
24 genera. Except for Rhombosolea they are only to
be found in otoliths from the eyed side. They are
most strongly developed in the genera Lepidorhom-
bus (fig. 14), Eopsetta, Hippoglossoides and Paro-
phrys (fig. 19).
Key to the table listing asymmetrical develop-
ment of otoliths:
An asterisk (*) denotes alterations in otoliths
of the blind side; a double-cross (#) on the eyed
side. One mark corresponds to moderate altera-
tion, two marks to strong alteration. A cross (+) is
used in columns referring to general informations.
Each character is coded by a number as fol-
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Caulopsetta #
Lophonectes +
Psettina ##
Taeniopsetta +
Trichopsetta ## #
Engyophrys ##
Laeops +##
Monolene ##
Asterorhombus +
Engyprosopon ###
Crossorhombus ##
Thysanopsetta #
Chascanopsetta ****####
Mancopsetta +##
Eopsetta ## # ###
Hippoglossus ## # ##
Atherestes ##
Cleisthenes ##
Lyopsetta ### # #
Acanthopsetta +
Hippoglossoides ### ## #
Reinhardtius ## # ## ## * # #
Tanakius +
Glyptocephalus ### ##
Limanda #
Dexistes +
Liopsetta +
Parophrys ## # ####
Pleuronectes # # juv. #
Platichthys ## ##
Kareius ## #
Pseudopleuronectes ##
Lepidopsetta ##
Inopsetta #
Psettichthys +
Isopsetta ##
Verasper ## #
Clidoderma +
Microstomus #
Pleuronichthys #
Hypsopsetta #****
Pelotretis #####
Rhombosolea ******** *
Plagiopsetta ## ##
Samaris #
Samariscus ###
Azygopus +
Marleyella +
Poecilopsetta ###
Trinectes +
Achirus +
Catathyridium +
Hypoclinemus +
Gymnachirus +
1 =sulcus shape and/or depth
2 =separation of colliculi
3 =otolith proportions (l:h)
4 =outline of the otolith
5 =sulcus opening
6 =excisura
7 =depth, width and expression of the circum-
sulcal depression
8 =curvature of the inner face
A question mark (?) indicates those cases,
where the status of asymmetry is unknown, i.e.
otolith is known from one side only. The abbrevi-
ation s. stands for symmetrical otoliths.
Psettodes +
genera of uncertain relationship
Tephrinectes +
Paralichthodes +
Collistium #
Ammotretis +
Oncopterus +
Citharus +
Paracitharus +
Citharoides +
Rhombocitharus +
Lepidoblepharon ## ## #
Brachypleura #
Scophthalmus +
Lepidorhombus ## # # # ## ##
Zeugopterus +
Phrynorhombus *
Ancylopsetta +
Gastropsetta +
Hippoglossina ##
Xystreurys +
Lioglossina ##
Paralichthys +#
Pseudorhombus +##
Tarphops +
Syacium +
Cyclopsetta +*
Citharichthys +
Orthopsetta +
Etropus +
Bothus ##
Parabothus #
Grammatobothus +
Neolaeops +
Arnoglossus +
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
more, as the example of Pleuronectes platessa
shows, early ontogenetic side dimorphism may
differ in character from that of adults (chapter
6.3). – I have made similar observations with
otoliths of the genus Rhombosolea. There, quite
dramatic changes in the nature of the side dimor-
phism apparently occurs much later in the on-
togeny. Otoliths of 3 to 4 mm length usually ex-
hibit a rather distinct rostrum and often a clear
sulcus opening, both particularly in otoliths of
the blind side (side dimorphism). In otoliths of 5
mm of length and more rostrum and sulcus open-
ing are reduced or practically absent. Side dimor-
phism now finds its expression in differences in
the outline, otolith proportions, curvatures and
presence of an excisura on blind sided otoliths. In
fact, side dimorphism is quite strong in both
ontogenetic stages observed.
6.3 Variability and ontogenetic trends
The intraspecific variability in flatfish otoliths is
high; higher than in otoliths of most other Teleost
groups. A good impression of the range of this
variation may be gained from a number of pleu-
ronectiform species, both recent and fossil, fig-
ured by CHAINE (1936) and in this treatise. NOLF
(1985) noted that although the intraspecific var-
iability is unusually high in flatfishes the charac-
ters of individual species can still be recognised
if one has a good series of otoliths. SCHWARZ-
HANS (1984) remarked that particularly in the
Soleoidei, where the morphology of otoliths is
strongly reduced, there may exist cases where
otoliths of related species are not always distin-
It now appears that the degree of intraspecif-
ic variability is quite different from one group of
flatfishes to another. For instance groups with a
relatively low degree of variability are the Psetto-
didae, Brachypleuridae, the Paralichthys, Pseudor-
hombus, Citharichthys and Syacium Groups of the
Bothidae, most Pleuronectidae except for the
Microstomus-Pleuronichthys Group, the Brachirus,
Zebrias, Synaptura and Pardachirus Groups of the
Soleidae and the Cynoglossus Group of the Cyno-
glossidae. Groups with a high degree of intraspe-
cific variability are the Citharidae, most Scoph-
thalmidae, the Bothus and Arnoglossus Groups of
the Bothidae, the Microstomus-Pleuronichthys
Group of the Pleuronectidae, the Solea and part
of the Heteromycteris Groups of the Soleidae and
Nodogymnus +
Apionichthys +
Microchirus ##
Monochirus ## #
Quenselia +#
Dicologlossa ##
Solea #
Microbuglossus +
Vanstraelenia ##
Bathysolea +
Austroglossus +
Synaptura ##
Heterobuglossus +
Dexillichthys +
Brachirus #
Anisochirus +
Phyllichthys +
Aesopia +
Granulithus +
Soleichthys +##
Pseudaesopia +
Zebrias +###
Praearchirolithus +
Aseraggodes +
Pseudopardachirolithus +
Pardachirus +
Heteromycteris +
Rendahlia #
Peltorhamphus +#
Cynoglossus *
Symphurus +
Some good examples of side dimorphism in oto-
liths are shown in figs. 14-23. More detailed re-
marks and figures are found in the descriptive
section, when and where side dimorphism has
been investigated.
It is not yet known in which ontogenetic stage
side dimorphism of otoliths may begin to devel-
op. However, one would expect it to occur earli-
est in postlarval stages when the fish settles on
the bottom and the other asymmetrical charac-
ters are being developed. Otoliths of pelagic lar-
val stages with which to examine this hypothesis
are, however, unknown.
I have investigated otoliths of early postlar-
val fishes from Pleuronectes platessa (TL=
27-60 mm). They do already show some kind of
incipient side dimorphism (see chapter 6.3). Re-
alising that the patterns of side dimorphism of
otoliths are quite different in many of the flatfish
genera it seems also likely that it may begin to
develop at different ontogenetic stages. Further-
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
part of the genus Symphurus of the Cynoglossi-
dae. In particular otoliths of the species-rich gen-
era Bothus, Arnoglossus, Engyprosopon, Laeops,
Monolene (Bothidae), Microchirus, Solea (Soleidae)
and Symphurus (Cynoglossidae) are at times very
difficult to differentiate accurately to species lev-
el. Also defining features for a reliable differenti-
ation of related genera sometimes presents some
difficulties and then remains very tentative. In
the fossil record of these genera we must be pre-
pared to deal withmorphological species
groups rather than with defined species, at least
in some cases (see for instances entries to Microchi-
rus frequens, Microchirus kirchbergeanus or Symphu-
rus atricaudus). Other species-rich genera with a
much lower degree of intraspecific variability and
a better morphological differentiation do allow
for a relatively well established taxonomic ana-
lysis, for instance Paralichthys, Pseudorhombus,
Citharichthys (Bothidae) or Cynoglossus (Cynoglos-
The characters most commonly affected by
intraspecific variability are those of the outline of
the otolith and its proportions. This is particular-
ly true for otoliths with a much reduced mor-
phology. Unfortunately, these characters are of-
ten important for distinguishing between closely
related species. It is advisable for the paleonto-
logist wishing to identify fossil pleuronectiform
otoliths to proceed very carefully in those cases
(see list of genera above) and adopt aconserv-
ative interpretation habit (see also chapter 4.1).
Other characters such as details of the sulcus
morphology, thickness or curvatures may vary
as well, but usually to a much lesser degree.
Ontogenetic changes, as in almost any other Tel-
eost group, play a very important role in the Pleu-
ronectiformes and these are often of greater mag-
nitude than the differences due to intraspecific
variability. Otoliths of pelagic larval stages are
unknown. However, I have investigated otoliths
from early bottom-living postlarval stages of Pleu-
ronectes platessa and Samariscus triocellatus. Those
of Pleuronectes platessa came from fishes of 27 to
60 mm TL which were probably between 4 and 8
months old. Otolith sizes are 1.0 to 1.6 mm. They
differ from adults in many aspects of the outline,
but already show the typical pleuronectiform cir-
cumsulcal depression. Also the sulcus opening is
already much reduced. They even exhibit a very
faint side dimorphism as far as the development
of the posterior tip of the otolith is concerned (see
chapter 6.2), which is obscured and replaced by
other asymmetrical characters in adults. A simi-
lar observation occurring somewhat later in on-
togeny is observed in Rhombosolea tapirina and R.
plebeia. Left hand otoliths in the category up to
5 mm show a pronounced rostrum which is ab-
sent in right hand otoliths of the same size. In
larger specimens from 5 mm or greater, the ros-
trum is reduced in otoliths of both sides. Instead
left hand otoliths have developed some kind of
irregular excisura. This indicates that side dimor-
phism, at least in some cases, may develop very
early in ontogeny and then it may be subject to
radical change as a process of subsequent devel-
In general, most juvenile otoliths exhibit a
much more generalised morphology than do
adults and in many cases (e.g. if found isolated)
these can only be identified in the context of a
well established ontogenetic succession. Charac-
ters affected are mostly those concerning features
of the outline of the otolith and its proportions,
curvature of the inner face and thickness. But also
certain aspects of the sulcus characters may at
times show allometric ontogenetic growth.
In the case of mixed lots of closely related
species, their respective juvenile representatives
may not be distinguishable at all (see for instance
entries to Arnoglossus novus and A. longus). At-
tempts to identify juvenile pleuronectiform oto-
liths should therefore be restricted to those cases
from which sufficient ontogenetic successions are
In palaeontology the creation of doubtful flat-
fish records on the basis of juvenile otoliths has
become a problem. It is imperative that new fos-
sil species or new records (both geographic or
stratigraphic) are based on adult specimens which
have reached a certain minimum size that guar-
antees that valid diagnostic characters have been
developed. Since flatfishes and their correspond-
ing otoliths grow to quite different sizes it is nec-
essary to define such minimum sizes separately
for each genus or genus group. For example, an
adult otolith of the genus Hippoglossus may reach
10 to 15 mm in length, an adult Arnoglossus oto-
lith ranges from 2 to 4 mm, and an adult Apion-
ichthys otolith may be just slightly over 1 mm.
Wherever available data have permitted the def-
inition of minimum diagnostic size I have done
so in the following systematic part.
Usually, otoliths of the Pleuronectiformes are
fairly large when compared to the size of the fish,
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
with one notable exception: that of the Ammo-
tretis Group, which have comparatively small
6.4 Otoliths of reversed specimens
(Fig. 24-26)
In the great majority of flatfishes all the individ-
uals of a particular species and genus are either
right-sided (dextral) or left-sided (sinistral).
NORMAN (1934) has used this character as one
of the key parameters to define several families,
such as the Bothidae (sinistral eyes), Pleuronecti-
dae (dextral eyes), Soleidae (dextral eyes) and
Cynoglossidae (sinistral eyes) (see also chapter
5.3.2). Some of the more primitive members –
Psettodidae, Tephrinectes, Hippoglossina – are in-
differently dextral or sinistral. These are also
groups that do not exhibit side dimorphism in
However, reversal, or the occurrence of indi-
viduals with the eyes and colouring on the side
which is generally eyeless and unpigmented in
the species, is a not uncommon phenomenon in
certain other flatfishes as well, including some
species showing pronounced side dimorphism
in otoliths. One of the genera known for common
occurrence of reversed specimens is Platichthys.
Platichthys stellatus in particular is known for al-
most invariably reversed (sinistral) specimens in
the waters around Japan, whereas in California
the number of dextral and sinistral individuals is
about equal (NORMAN, 1934). Otoliths of the
two species of Platichthys (P. flesus and P. stellatus)
and a specimen from Rhombosolea tapirina from
the BMNH collection were selected to investigate
the influence that reversal might have on the
morphology of their otoliths already known for
pronounced side dimorphism.
In these specimens it was found that reversal
of the fish does not mean that the features of the
otolith morphology affected by side dimorphism
become simply reversed as well. In other words,
the otolith of the right (blind) side of a reversed
individual from a sinistral specimen does not
necessarily resemble the otolith of the left (blind)
side of a non-reversed individual from a dextral
specimen (and neither do the otoliths of the re-
spective eyed sides).
In Platichthys stellatus (fig. 24), however, one
character is indeed developed in mirror image,
and this is the reduced separation of the colliculi
in otoliths of the eyed side (right side in normal
specimens and left side in reversed individuals).
With that exception side dimorphism does not
become transformed. In fact in otoliths of reversed
individuals the typical side dimorphic features
characteristic of the non-reversed individuals
become less pronounced and both sides come to
resemble each other more closely. More intrigu-
ingly, otoliths of reversed specimens exhibit a
different habitus than those of non-reversed in-
dividuals. Reversed specimens from California
show much more elongate otoliths than non-re-
versed, whereas reversed specimens from the
West Pacific show more compressed otoliths than
non-reversed ones. Clearly, when investigated as
isolated otoliths (for instance in the fossil record)
these three morphotypes would have been at-
tributed to three different species.
In Platichthys flesus (fig. 25), reversal has a less
pronounced effect on otolith morphology. Oto-
liths of reversed specimens have practically lost
all the side dimorphic features (including the lack
of separation of the colliculi, see above) and are
almost completely symmetrical (resembling oto-
liths of the blind, left side of non-reversed indi-
viduals). Apart from that they do not differ much
from those of non-reversed specimens.
The single reversed specimen of Rhombosolea
tapirina (fig. 26) investigated shows otoliths which
are much more compressed than those of non-
reversed individuals. Also the morphology of the
sulcus is somewhat distorted. The typical side
dimorphic features observed in non-reversed
specimens are lacking. As with Platichthys stella-
tus the otoliths of the reversed specimen would
probably be attributed to a separate species if
analysed in isolation.
It can be concluded from these investigations
that reversal has quite different effects on otolith
morphology from one species to another, is un-
predictable in morphological terms and needs to
be investigated separately for each species. From
the otolith morphology alone it can not be judged
whether a given otolith has originated from a
non-reversednormal individual or a reversed
one. For the paleontologist dealing with isolated
otoliths it means once again that he or she should
deal very carefully with unique aberrant speci-
mens of genera known for side dimorphism in
otoliths (practically all Pleuronectidae and many
Bothidae). They could representdistorted oto-
liths of a reversed specimen (or else teratological
effects). It will, however, become difficult in those
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Platichthys stellatus
dextral (normal) from California
sinistral (reversed) from California
sinistral (reversed) from NW-Pacific
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
very few instances, where reversal occurs regu-
larly in side dimorphic otoliths as, for example,
in the recent Platichthys stellatus. Although this
phenomenon appears to occur extremely rarely
(at least in recent flatfishes) it must still be born
in mind that clearly distinct flatfish otolith mor-
phologies do not necessarily represent different
species in every case.
6.5 Sexual dimorphism
The differences between the sexes in certain gen-
era and species is most marked in the overall
external morphology, especially in the family
Bothidae and certain Pleuronectidae. Various
characters may be involved such as scales, rostral
and orbital spines, interorbital width, form of fins,
Figs. 24-26: Examples of otolith morphology in reversed and normal specimens of Pleuronectiform fishes –
fig. 24 Platichthys stellatus, fig. 25 Platichthys flesus, fig. 26 Rhombosolea tapirina.
Rhombosolea tapirina
dextral (normal)
sinistral (reversed)
25dextral (normal) sinistral (reversed)
Platichthys flesus
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
coloration, and (in Marleyella bicolorata) the teeth
(NORMAN, 1934). In some instances sexual di-
morphism is such that males and females of a
single species were originally described as sepa-
rate species (see entry for Syacium ovale).
In otoliths, sexual dimorphism has been ob-
served only very rarely (SCHWARZHANS 1994).
In the case of the Pleuronectiformes I have
checked several species with external sexual dif-
ferences (Bothidae, Marleyella) for corresponding
sexual dimorphism in the otoliths. Marleyella,
which was noted by NORMAN (1934) as a flat-
fish with a very peculiar type of sexual dimor-
phism, did not show any sexual differences in
their otoliths. The same is true for practically all
Bothidae investigated in this respect. A possible
exception is Syacium ovale. In that species, it seems
that otoliths from females differ from those of
males in having less ornamented rims and a pro-
nounced postdorsal concavity. This, however, is
only true for otoliths of the blind side (right side);
those of the eyed (left) side can not be distin-
guished. In this respect it is interesting to note
that Syacium ovale is one of the bothid species
with strongly enlarged interorbital width in males.
Other genera with such a sexually dimorphic
development of the interorbital width, chiefly of
the Bothus and Engyprosopon Groups, either could
not be checked for otoliths or gave inconclusive
results. Nevertheless, I think it is quite possible
that sexually dimorphic interorbital widths may
express themselves in sexually dimorphic oto-
liths as well. This subject needs further investiga-
Otoliths of the species of the Samaris Group
often exhibit two quite distinct morphologies. One
morphology is characterised by a more com-
pressed appearance, a clear excisura and rostrum
and strongly ornamented rims, whereas the oth-
er morphology is more elongate, with a reduced
excisura, rounded rostrum and a more regularly
curving and smooth outline. This phenomenon
is observed in Plagiopsetta and Samaris (see re-
spective entries), and may also be expected in the
third genus of the group – Samariscus. None of
these genera is known for external sexual differ-
ences. Nevertheless, I suspect that the two mor-
phologies observed in otoliths possibly might rep-
resent such sexual dimorphism. (In the few in-
stances of known sexual dimorphism of otoliths
sexual differences of external characters likewise
are usually inconspicuous; see SCHWARZHANS
1994.) Unfortunately, I was not able to verify this
hypothesis by identifying the sexes of the speci-
mens involved. The fishes of Samaris from which
the otoliths have been taken (coll. IRSNB) could
not be traced and the specimens of Plagiopsetta
could not be identified to sex.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Abbreviations used:
l:h = otolith length to otolith height
h:t = otolith height to otolith thickness
ol:cl = ostium length to cauda length
oh:ch = ostium height to cauda height
s.i.a. = sulcus inclination angle
con.i. = convexity index of inner face (otolith
length/2 to thickness of inner face in
ventral view)
con.o. = convexity index of outer face (otolith
length/2 to thickness of outer face in
ventral view)
Synonymy listings for recent fishes only include
primary synonyms and are mostly based on
NORMAN (1934) for Pleuronectoidei and ME-
NON (1978) for Cynoglossus. Other references
(Soleoidei) are based on various sources and list-
ings may not be complete. Synonymy listings for
fossil otolith based species are as complete as
possible. However, secondary references are only
included if either checked with original speci-
mens or if figures in literature are detailed enough
to allow identification. Thus a number of ques-
tionable or not verified secondary references are
omitted for the time being.
7.1 Psettodidae
Genera: The family Psettodidae contains but a
single recent genus – Psettodes – with two recent
species, one from tropical West Africa, the other
from East Africa and the Red Sea to the western
Pacific. Two fossil otolith based species have been
recorded from the Eocene of Belgium and France.
Joleaudichthys CHABANAUD 1937, a fossil skel-
eton based genus from the Middle Eocene of
Egypt, may also be placed in the Psettodidae
(HUBBS 1945).
Definition and relationship: NORMAN (1934)
has worked out in great detail the very primi-
tive nature of the genus Psettodes. Plesiomorphic
characters include the high degree of symmetry
(pelvic fins, nasal organ, lateral line, dentition),
the indifference in left and right eyed individu-
als, the low number of anal (<45) and dorsal (<60)
fin rays, the presence of a spine in the dorsal and
pelvic fins, the tip of the dorsal fin situated be-
hind the nostrils, and the dimorphic optic chias-
ma. Psettodes frequently swims in an upright
posture . The only autapomorphic character that
NORMAN was able to identify is the absence of
gill rakers.
Otoliths likewise are characterized by a num-
ber of plesiomorphic features, such as the dis-
tinct anterior opening of the sulcus, the long and
narrow cauda with its slightly inclined caudal
tip, and the incomplete circumsulcal depression
(see also chapter 5.2).
Discussion: As suggested on various occasions
(see chapter 5.2) Psettodid otoliths strongly re-
semble certain percoid otolith patterns. Otolith
analysis supports NORMAN’s concept of the very
plesiomorphic nature of the Psettodidae with
respect to the other pleuronectiforms and their
origin from a percoid stock. Psettodidae repre-
sent the earliest fossil records of the flatfishes (to-
gether with a few other primitive genera) dating
back, at least, to Early Eocene times. Otolith mor-
phology has not changed much since then.
Psettodes BENNETT 1831
Type-species: Psettodes belcheri BENNETT 1831
syn. Sphagomorus COPE 1869 (type-species: Pleu-
ronectes erumei)
Diagnosis: Thin, elongate otoliths; ventral rim
gently curving, dorsal rim with distinct pre- and
postdorsal angles, posterior tip pointed, angular;
index l:h 1.6 to 2.6.
Ostium widened, anteriorly open, shallow,
shorter than cauda. Cauda long, narrow, some-
what deepened, with pointed and slightly inclined
posterior tip. Index ol:cl < 1.0. Dorsal and ventral
depression not connected around caudal tip, not
forming a circumsulcal depression. Ventral de-
pression rather short.
Inner face slightly convex; outer face slightly
concave, with some radial ornamentation. Rims
sharp, thin, often crenulated (particularly the
ventral rim).
7. Descriptive Part
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
belcheri (ad.) 2.15-2.60 >3.5 0.75-0.95 1.8-2.2 about 6
belcheri (juv.) 1.80-2.00 >3.5 0.95 1.9 about 6
erumei (ad.) 2.00-2.15 >3.5 0.90 1.8 about 6
erumei (juv.) 1.65-1.85 >3.5 0.75-0.95 2.0-2.6 about 5
collatus 1.65-1.75 3.5 0.85-1.05 1.9-2.2 about 4
bavayi 1.80 3.0 0.70 1.6 about 6
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability and ontogeny: CHAINE (1936) has
figured a large series of otoliths of the two recent
species. From his illustrations it appears that the
variability in this genus is relatively moderate,
restricted to slight variations in outline and oto-
lith proportions. Ontogenetic changes are much
stronger as shown in the figures to both recent
species. Smaller otoliths as a rule are considera-
bly more compressed than larger otoliths. The
smallest specimen figured is about 5 mm long. It
already exhibits good diagnostic characters, but
only otoliths from 6 to 7 mm onward seem to
have developed the full set of pertinent diagnos-
tic features. Otoliths from truly adult fishes are in
the range of 10 to 15 mm.
Species and distribution: Two recent species:
P. belcheri from the tropical west African coast and
P. erumei ranging from East Africa to the tropical
western Pacific. Two fossil species: P. collatus and
genus aff. Psettodes bavayi from the Lower Eocene
of the Aquitaine Basin (France) which is tenta-
tively placed in this genus. The latter is even more
plesiomorphic in several characters and may very
well represent an extinct fossil genus. In addition
STEURBAUT (1984) has recorded a Psettodes sp.
from the Lower Miocene of France (Aquitaine
Psettodes belcheri BENNETT 1831
Figs. 27-29
syn. Psettodes bennettii STEINDACHNER 1870
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths, one (left side,
fig. 27) IRSNB (coll. Nolf), one (right side, fig. 28)
from off Lagos, Nigeria, BMNH 1914.11.2.73, one
(left side, fig. 29) from off Accra, Gold Coast,
BMNH 1930.3.24.43.
Discussion: Otoliths of P. belcheri are always
more elongate than those of P. erumei of the same
ontogenetic stage. Also the ostium is usually nar-
rower and the marginal crenulation more irregu-
larly developed. Illustrations in CHAINE (1936)
exhibit a notable trend to develop fenestrate
otolith margins.
Distribution: Tropical West Africa, at shallow
Psettodes erumei (SCHNEIDER 1801)
Figs. 30-31
syn. Pleuronectes nalaka CUVIER 1829
syn. Hippoglossus dentex RICHARDSON 1845
syn. Hippoglossus orthorhynchus RICHARDSON
syn. Hippoglossus goniographicus RICHARDSON
Investigated otoliths: Three otoliths, one (right
side, fig. 30) from Western Australia, ZMH Ot.
1.12.1993.1 (coll. Schwarzhans, leg. WAM), one
(left side, fig. 31) from off Orissa, India, BMNH
1927.1.6.1, one (left side) from the Persian Gulf
off Saudi Arabia, BMNH 1987.2.12.29.
Discussion: Otoliths of P. erumei are more com-
pressed than those of P. belcheri of the same size
and more regularly ornamented. The ventral rim
is more deeply curving, often with an obtuse
midventral angle.
Distribution: Red Sea and Indo-West-Pacific
from South Africa to Australia and Japan, in shal-
low water.
Psettodes collatus NOLF 1972
Figs. 32-39
syn. Psettodes collatus NOLF 1972 – NOLF 1972a:
fig. 25
syn. Psettodes oedelemensis NOLF 1972 – NOLF
1972b: pl. 3, fig. 5-6
syn. Psettodes oedelemensis – NOLF 1972c: pl. 2,
fig. 24
syn. Psettodes spinosus NOLF 1972 – NOLF 1972c:
pl. 2, fig. 25
syn. Psettodes
sp. – NOLF 1988: pl. 14, fig. 2
Investigated otoliths: 8 otoliths, the holotype of
P. collatus (fig. 32; IRSNB P 2221) from the Ledian
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
(Middle Eocene) of Balegem (Belgium), a para-
type of P. collatus (fig. 37; IRSNB P) from the
Middle Eocene of Meldert (Belgium), two further
specimens from Balegem (figs. 33-34; IRSNB
P 2163-2164), the holotype of P. oedelemensis
(fig. 39; IRSNB P 2261) from the Sands of Oedelem
(Middle Eocene) of Oedelem (Belgium) and the
paratype of P. oedelemensis (fig. 38; IRSNB P 2262)
from the Calcier Grossier (Middle Eocene) of
Fercourt (France), the holotype of P. spinosus
(fig. 35; IRSNB P 2314) from the Calcier Grossier
(Middle Eocene) of Fercourt (Paris Basin, France)
and the specimen described as P. sp. by NOLF
(1988) (fig. 36; IRSNB P 4518) from the Ypresian
(Lower Eocene) of the tuilerie de Gan (Aquitaine
Basin, France).
Ontogeny and variability: The specimens inves-
tigated are between 2.5 and 5.5 mm in size. The
smaller specimens (figs. 32-36) are somewhat
more generalized in outline as the larger ones
(figs. 37-39) and show more delicately ornament-
ed rims. The largest specimens, including a para-
type of P. collatus (fig. 37) and the holotype and
paratype of P. oedelemensis (figs. 38-39) show a
tendency to reduce the intensity of the marginal
crenulation and develop a more accentuated
postdorsal angle.
Variations in morphology are restricted to
relatively few characters. These are the strength
of the marginal crenulation and development of
the postdorsal angle, which usually is quite
rounded, and the strength of the caudal curva-
Discussion: The holotype of P. collatus is of mod-
erate size and perfectly preserved. It is a typical
specimen of the genus Psettodes, quite similar to
the recent P. erumei. The main difference to the
recent species is the more rounded postdorsal
angle and the blunt posterior tip.
Figs. 27-29: Psettodes belcheri BENNETT 1831 – 6 ×
Figs. 30-31: Psettodes erumei (SCHNEIDER 1801) – 6 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Similar otoliths have been described by NOLF
from the Middle Eocene of Belgium and France as
P. oedelemensis and P. spinosus. The latter is based
on a unique and very small type-specimen which
I find to fit perfectly with specimens of P. collatus
of the same size. This specimen and also the one
described by NOLF (1988) in open specific no-
menclature from the Lower Eocene of the Aqui-
taine Basin therefore are synonymized with
P. collatus. P. oedelemensis is based on two much
larger specimens (5.5 mm), which both show a
pronounced postdorsal angle and a much lesser
degree of marginal crenulation. However, both
characters are likely to be the result of allometric
ontogenetic changes, similarly to the specimens
of the two recent species as figured by CHAINE
(1936). Furthermore, the holotype of P. oedelemen-
sis is slightly eroded marginally, which no doubt
has influenced the marginal ornamentation. The
large paratype of P. collatus from Meldert is the
only specimen of this nominal species in compa-
rable size. It too is somewhat eroded marginally
resulting in a similar intensity of the ornamenta-
tion as seen in the holotype of P. oedelemensis. The
only difference is the weaker postdorsal angle,
but this too could be an erosional effect. In the
light of allometric ontogenetical changes this sin-
gular character does not warrant the separation
of two species of the genus Psettodes occurring
simultaneously in stratigraphy and geography.
As it stands now, I have little doubts that P. spino-
sus, P. collatus and P. oedelemensis simply repre-
sent different ontogenetic stages of a single spe-
cies. P. collatus deserves priority over P. oedelemen-
sis and P. spinosus as the first species that has been
described by NOLF in a series of three subse-
quent publications in the same year, all dealing
with Eocene otoliths from Belgium and France.
Distribution: Lower Eocene of the Aquitaine
Basin (France) and Middle Eocene of Belgium and
the Paris Basin (France).
Figs. 32-36: Psettodes collatus NOLF 1972 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
genus aff. Psettodes bavayi NOLF 1988
Figs. 40-41
syn. Psettodes bavayi NOLF 1988 – NOLF 1988:
pl. 14, fig. 1
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths, the holotype
(fig. 40, IRSNB P 4517) and the paratype (fig. 41,
IRSNB P) both from the Ypresian (Lower Eocene)
of tuillerie de Gan (Aquitaine Basin, France).
Ontogeny and variability: The paratype is about
half the size of the holotype and differs in show-
ing a less pronounced postdorsal angle and a
delicately crenulated rim.
Discussion: This species is known only from two
relatively small otoliths. The holotype is about
Figs. 37-39: Psettodes collatus NOLF 1972 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
3.3 mm in size, the paratype 2.0 mm. Neverthe-
less, g. aff. P. bavayi is easily recognized by the
following characters – the elongate shape, the
pronounced postdorsal angle in combination with
the vertically cut posterior rim, the narrow os-
tium and the rather strongly bent cauda. Without
the ventral depression being present, these oto-
liths perfectly resemble certain Percoidei. In fact,
g. aff. P. bavayi represents the most plesiomor-
phic otolith pattern so far observed in Pleuronec-
tiformes. In my opinion it probably represents an
extinct and very basal Pleuronectiform genus.
Closest resemblance no doubt is to Psettodes
(where this species is now preliminarily being
placed) and also Paralichthodes. The latter is sur-
prisingly similar in outline, the narrow ostium
and the very feeble ventral depression. Main dif-
ference is the deepened and widened caudal tip
in the recent otoliths of Paralichthodes algoensis.
Distribution: Lower Eocene of the Aquitaine
Basin (France).
7.2 Genera of uncertain relationship
Remarks: In this category I have provisionally
put together a few genera with very plesiomor-
phic otolith patterns, which in the past have been
placed in the Bothidae or Pleuronectidae respec-
tively. They are: Tephrinectes from Bothidae, Para-
lichthodes from Pleuronectidae (subfamily Para-
lichthodinae of NORMAN 1934), Colistium,
Ammotretis, Oncopterus and possibly also Psam-
modiscus and Taratretis from Pleuronectidae (sub-
family Rhombosoleinae of NORMAN 1934). Their
otoliths resemble those of psettodids and cith-
arids, and otolith-only studies would suggest
alternative classification. However, since charac-
ter analysis of the otoliths is based on plesiomor-
phic features alone I have selected to present them
in open familial nomenclature. Additional ich-
thyological analyses (f.i. osteological) will be
needed before an adequate taxonomic allocation
of these problematic genera can be formulated.
However, recently HENSLEY & AHLSTROM
(1984) have suggested a similar position regard-
ing the genus Tephrinectes.
As far as otolith analysis is concerned, it is
suspected that the phylogenetic divergence of
these genera occurred before the origin of the
Bothidae or Pleuronectidae in which they have
traditionally been placed. Some characters such
as the long and slightly inclined cauda and the
very incomplete circumsulcal depression are more
primitive than the pattern found in the Citharidae,
which may be regarded as the plesiomorphic sis-
ter-group of Scophthalmidae, Bothidae and Pleu-
ronectidae (see also entry for Citharidae).
The genera placed in this category of open
familial nomenclature fall readily into three ge-
nus groups - the Tephrinectes Group, the Paralich-
thodes Group (both monogeneric) and the Ammo-
tretis Group (for definitions see respective entries).
This grouping is different from that proposed by
NORMAN, and suggests also that these genera
are not in fact closely related. Their otoliths share
plesiomorphic features.
7.2.1 Tephrinectes Group
Genera: One genus – Tephrinectes – with one re-
cent species from the coasts of China.
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of Tephri-
nectes are very similar to those of Psettodes. How-
ever, this similarity is based on plesiomorphic
characters such as the clear anterior opening of
the sulcus, the long an narrow cauda with its
slightly inclined tip and the incomplete circum-
sulcal depression. The only difference of any
Figs. 40-41: Psettodes bavayi NOLF 1988 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
importance is the index: ostium length to cauda
length (ol:cl) which is 1 or slightly more. Clearly
this is one of the most plesiomorphic otolith pat-
terns to be found in pleuronectiforms next to the
According to NORMANs detailed descrip-
tion the fish itself exhibits a number of primitive
characters as well. These are the indifference of
left and right eyed individuals, the low number
of anal (<40) and dorsal fin rays (<50), the tip of
the dorsal fin situated behind the nostrils, and
the olfactory laminae with a long rachis. These
are all plesiomorphic characters which Tephrinectes
shares with Psettodes. More advanced, in com-
parison with Psettodes, is the monomorphic optic
chiasma, the asymmetrical nature of the nasal
organ, and the loss of spines in the dorsal and
anal fins.
NORMAN (1934) placed Tephrinectes in the
family Bothidae, but judging by its position as
the first genus listed in the family Bothidae, he
probably regarded it as a primitive genus. Otolith
analysis suggests even a pre-bothid origin of the
genus. This agrees with the suggestion put for-
ward by HENSLEY & AHLSTROM (1984). In a
cladogram it may be placed close to the Cith-
aridae or between Psettodidae and Citharidae.
Tephrinectes GÜNTHER 1862
Type-species: Pleuronectes sinensis LACEPEDE
syn. Tephrites GÜNTHER 1862 (preocc.; type-spe-
cies: Pleuronectes sinensis)
syn. Velifracta JORDAN 1907 (type-species: Pleu-
ronectes sinensis)
Diagnosis: Thin, moderately elongate otoliths;
ventral and dorsal rims gently curving, posterior
tip blunt, anterior tip with rostrum somewhat
more pointed; index l:h 1.65 to 1.8.
Ostium somewhat widened, anteriorly open,
shallow, about as long as cauda. Cauda narrow,
somewhat deepened, with pointed and slightly
inclined posterior tip. Index ol:cl 1.0 to 1.3. Dor-
sal and ventral depression not connected around
caudal tip, not forming a circumsulcal depres-
sion. Ventral depression feeble.
Inner face moderately convex; outer face
slightly concave, with some radial ornamenta-
tion. Rims sharp, thin, crenulated.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
sinensis 1.65-1.80 about 4 1.0-1.3 1.5-2.0 about 4
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Species and distribution: A single living spe-
cies: T. sinensis from the coasts of China.
Tephrinectes sinensis (LACEPEDE 1802)
Figs. 42-45
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths, one (left side,
fig. 42) from Hongkong, BMNH 1939.3.23.90, one
(right side, fig. 43) from China, BMNH,
two (left and right side, figs. 44-45) from Fokien,
China, ZMH 20003.
Ontogeny and variability: The largest otolith
available is 6 mm long (fig. 42). Smaller otoliths
of about 2.5 mm length (figs. 44-45) are much more
intensely and irregularly crenulated along the
rims. They are still identifiable, but I would as-
sume that only otoliths larger than 4 mm (fig. 43)
have developed all pertinent diagnostic charac-
Distribution: Coasts of China.
7.2.2 Paralichthodes Group
Genera: One genus – Paralichthodes – with one
recent species from the coasts of South Africa.
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of Parali-
chthodes are very similar to those of Psettodes and
Tephrinectes in many plesiomorphic characters.
These are the clear anterior opening of the sul-
cus, the long an narrow cauda with its inclined
tip and the incomplete circumsulcal depression.
Like in Psettodes the ostium is markedly shorter
than the cauda. The inclination of the caudal tip
is even stronger than in Psettodes, and in fact the
strongest of its kind to be found in flatfishes.
Clearly this is one of the most plesiomorphic oto-
lith patterns to be found in Pleuronectiformes next
just to Psettodidae.
Paralichthodes is always right eyed. In shape
and general appearance it resembles the left eyed
Citharidae but also the right eyed Brachypleuri-
dae. Most other characters of Paralichthodes are
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
not particularly primitive except for the olfactory
laminae with the long rachis.
NORMAN (1934) had placed Paralichthodes
in the family Pleuronectidae, but in a separate
subfamily Paralichthodinae. In recent literature
Paralichthodes is often associated with another
Pleuronectid subfamily, the Samarinae (NELSON
1984), however, HENSLEY & AHLSTROM (1984)
regarded this genus as a Pleuronectid of uncer-
tain relationship. As it seems otoliths point to a
radically different systematic allocation, possibly
close to or within the Citharidae. The only reason
that makes me hesitate is the fact that Citharidae
are left eyed. The right eyed Brachypleuridae
would have been an alternative. They have been
regarded as a subfamily of the Citharidae by
HUBBS (1945), who established the family. How-
ever, otoliths of Brachypleura and Lepidoblepharon
have nothing in common with those of Paralich-
thodes (see respective entry).
Paralichthodes GILCHRIST 1902
Type-species: Paralichthodes algoensis GILCHRIST
Diagnosis: Thin, moderately elongate otoliths;
ventral rim gently curving, posterior and anteri-
or tips broadly rounded, blunt; index l:h 1.6 to
Ostium widened, anteriorly open, somewhat
deepened, considerably shorter than cauda. Cau-
da long, narrow, with rounded and inclined pos-
terior tip. Index ol:cl 0.75-0.85. Dorsal and ven-
tral depression not connected around caudal tip,
not forming a circumsulcal depression. Ventral
depression extremely indistinct; dorsal depres-
sion also very shallow.
Inner face slightly convex; outer face slightly
concave, smooth. Rims sharp, thin, smooth to
slightly undulating.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
algoensis 1.6-1.8 about 4 0.75-0.85 1.6-1.7 about 3.5
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Species and distribution: One recent species –
P. algoensis from the coasts of South Africa. There
is also fossil otolith based species from the Lower
Eocene of France – genus aff. Psettodes bavayi
(NOLF 1988) which bears a lot of resemblance
with P. algoensis and alternatively could be placed
in this genus as well (for details see entry to g. aff.
Psettodes bavayi).
Figs. 42-45: Tephrinectes sinensis (LACEPEDE 1802) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Paralichthodes algoensis GILCHRIST 1902
Figs. 46-47
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from off Durban, South Africa, BMNH
Remarks: Both extracted otoliths have been
somewhat affected by formalin. In particular the
dorsal rim is incomplete. Other characters, how-
ever, in particular those of the sulcus are very
well preserved.
Recently, SMALE et al. (1995) have figured
two complete specimens of this species, wich
support above analysis, figures and descriptions.
Otolith size is only about 3.5 mm but pertinent
diagnostic features seem to be fully developed.
Distribution: South Africa, from Mossel Bay to
Delagoa Bay in 1-100 m.
7.2.3 Ammotretis Group
Genera: In this group I have united the genera
Colistium, Ammotretis, Oncopterus, Psammodiscus
and Taratretis of NORMANs Rhombosoleinae.
Psammodiscus, of which otoliths are unknown, is
placed here because NORMAN has regarded it
as related to Oncopterus, and so is Taratretis which
has been erected more recently. Azygopus (of Pleu-
ronectidae, see respective entry) could also alter-
natively be placed in this group and was includ-
ed in the Rhombosoleinae by NORMAN. All these
genera are endemic to the southern oceans, chief-
ly around Australia and New Zealand except for
Oncopterus which occurs along the coasts of south-
eastern South America.
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the
Ammotretis Group are characterized by a unique
combination of very plesiomorphic and
(aut)apomorphic characters. Plesiomorphic char-
acters are the clear sulcus opening, the somewhat
widened ostium, the narrowed cauda which usu-
ally is slightly longer than the ostium, and the
extreme feeble development of the incomplete
dorsal and ventral depression. I would think that
these otoliths may not have been recognized as
representatives of Pleuronectiformes when inves-
tigated isolated and without the knowledge of
the fishes from which they have been extracted.
Apomorphic characters are the development of
the caudal tip which is widened in Colistium and
pointed in a very distinctive way in Ammotretis
and Oncopterus. Also these otoliths are extremely
small in comparison to the size of the fish or the
head. Otoliths extracted from Oncopterus darwini
and Ammotretis elongatus of a SL of more than
200 mm was found to be less than 2 mm long.
Otolith of similar sizes are found in Pleuronec-
tids, Bothids, Soleids or Cynoglossids in fishes
the size of 40 to 80 mm (taking head proportions
into consideration this disproportion would even
become larger).
The fishes themselves, however, are by no
means plesiomorphic in appearance. In fact,
Ammotretis and Colistium were noted by NOR-
MAN (1934) to be the ones exhibiting some su-
perficial resemblance with Soleids which he re-
garded as a convergent evolution. (Another ge-
nus mentioned in this respect was Peltorhamphus,
which according to otolith analysis indeed should
be placed in the Soleidae – see respective entry.)
If there is a true plesiomorphic character in the
fishes of this group it is probably the symmetrical
nature of the nasal organ (and possibly the olfac-
tory laminae in Oncopterus and Psammodiscus).
Specialized characters are the commencement of
Figs. 46-47: Paralichthodes algoensis GILCHRIST 1902 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
the dorsal fin in advance of the nostrils of the
blind side, the small narrowly placed eyes, the
strongly asymmetrical nature of mouth and den-
tition, the toothless vomer, the fusion of the pelvic
fin of the ocular side with the anal fin (in Ammo-
tretis and Colistium) and the enlargement of the
number of gill rakers (in Colistium).
Otolith analysis indicates that the Rhomboso-
leinae as understood by NORMAN (1934) do not
form a homogenous unit in a phylogenetic sense.
The five genera of the Ammotretis Group instead
seem to form a more natural unit to be separated
not only from the other genera of the so-called
Rhombosoleinae but perhaps from the Pleu-
ronectidae altogether. In my opinion this group
is of pre-pleuronectid origin, split off early from
the main stem of the Pleuronectoidei probably at
about the Citharid level in LAUDER & LIEMs
(1984) cladogram. Their degree of specialization
in particular in respect to the fish-morphology
would then be regarded as autapomorphic ex-
cluding them from a close relationship with oth-
er plesiomorphic groups such as Psettodidae,
Citharidae, Tephrinectes or Paralichthodes. Based
on otolith analysis I would recommend to estab-
lish a separate and new pleuronectoid family for
the five genera of the Ammotretis Group.
Colistium NORMAN 1926
Type-species: Ammotretis nudipinnis WAITE 1911
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset and not very
elongate otoliths; ventral rim rather flat, dorsal
rim with broad mid- to postdorsal angle, poste-
rior tip blunt, rostrum short, massive, with infra-
median position; index l:h 1.4 to 1.6. Otolith size
up to 4 mm.
Ostium slightly widened, anteriorly open,
somewhat deepened, usually shorter than cau-
da. Cauda longer, narrower anteriorly but wid-
ened posteriorly, somewhat deepened, with
rounded and very slightly inclined posterior tip.
Index ol:cl quite variable, 0.75 to 1.3. Dorsal and
ventral depression not connected around caudal
tip, not forming a circumsulcal depression. Ven-
tral depression indistinct, dorsal depression bare-
ly visible. This results in a relatively smooth in-
ner face, except for the depressed sulcus.
Inner face convex; outer face slightly concave,
with some irregular ornamentation. Rims mod-
erately sharp, irregularly crenulated and undu-
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
nudipinnis 1.50 about 3 0.75 nm about 3.5
guentheri 1.45-1.55 3.0-3.5 1.0-1.3 1.1-1.5 about 3.5
Discussion: Otoliths of Colistium differ from
those of Ammotretis and Oncopterus in the round-
ed somewhat widened caudal tip and the some-
what larger size that they can reach (3 to 4 mm).
In this respect their otolith pattern looks more
primitive than that of the other two genera.
The characters of the fishes, however, suggest
Colistium to be the most apomorphic genus in
this group.
Side dimorphism: See entry to C. guentheri.
Species and distribution: Two recent species
both endemic to New Zealand – C. nudipinnis and
C. guentheri.
Fig. 48: Colistium nudipinnis (WAITE 1911) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Colistium nudipinnis (WAITE 1911)
Fig. 48
Investigated otoliths: One otolith (right side)
from New Zealand, AUG-V 290 (pars; coll. Gren-
Discussion: The single otolith available from
C. nudipinnis can readily be distinguished from
those of C. guentheri by the following characters:
the massive postdorsal angle, the considerably
widened and deepened caudal tip and the close
approach of the caudal tip of the sulcus towards
the posterior tip of the otolith. The latter character
is unique amongst Pleuronectiform otoliths resul-
ting in a very unusual flatfish otolith morphology.
Distribution: The species is endemic to New
Colistium guentheri (HUTTON 1873)
Figs. 49-51
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths, 2 (left and right
side, figs. 49-50) off Wellington, BMNH
1923.11.5.5, one otolith (right side, fig. 51), AUG-
V 294 (coll. Grenfell).
Side dimorphism: Of the two otoliths obtained
from the left and right side of one fish specimen
the right handed otolith shows a more distinct
and broad excisura. The additional otolith, how-
ever, which is also right handed, does not show
an excisura at all.
Ontogeny and variability: The two right hand-
ed otoliths available differ from each other in the
development of the excisura, the proportion of
ostium length to cauda length and the expression
of the dorsal rim.
Figs. 49-51: Colistium guentheri (HUTTON 1873) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Discussion: C. guentheri differs from C. nudipin-
nis in the less prominent medio- to postdorsal
angle, the more regularly narrowed cauda which
terminates at some distance from the posterior
tip of the cauda, and the proportionally some-
what longer ostium.
Distribution: This species is endemic to New
Ammotretis GÜNTHER 1862
Type-species: Ammotretis rostratus GÜNTHER
syn. Tapirisolea RAMSAY 1883 (type-species:
Diagnosis: Thin, very small, compressed otoliths,
almost rectangular to irregularly rounded in out-
line; ventral and dorsal rim rather flat, the latter
often with postdorsal angle, posterior tip blunt
sometimes rounded, anterior rim blunt too, ros-
trum moderately strong or reduced in size, ex-
cisura and antirostrum relatively well developed;
index l:h 1.1-1.5. Otolith size may not exceed
3 mm.
Ostium somewhat widened, anteriorly open,
somewhat deepened, slightly longer than cauda.
Cauda narrower than ostium, slightly widened
in the middle and with a tapering and pointed
tip. Dorsal and ventral depression not connected
around caudal tip, not forming a circumsulcal
depression. Ventral depression short, feeble, dor-
sal depression also weak.
Inner face slightly convex; outer face slightly
concave to flat, rather smooth. Rims smooth,
except for ventral rim which may be slightly
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
rostratus 1.40-1.45 3.2-3.5 1.15-1.30 1.2-1.5 about 3
tudori 1.45 nm 1.2 1.25 nm
elongatus 1.10 3.1 1.0 1.2 3.5
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Discussion: Ammotretis otoliths no doubt resem-
ble those of Colistium. They are, however, more
compressed with a more reduced rostrum and
exhibit a different type of caudal tip. In these two
respects Oncopterus resembles even better.
Species and distribution: Four to five recent
species, all from southern temperate Australia:
Figs. 52-55: Ammotretis rostratus GÜNTHER 1862 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
A. rostratus, A. brevipinnis, A. tudori, A. macrolepis
(possibly syn. A. tudori) and A. elongatus. Of these
A. rostratus is the most widely distributed one.
Ammotretis rostratus GÜNTHER 1862
Figs. 52-55
syn. Ammotretis rostratus vel adspersus KNER 1869
syn. Rhombosolea bassensis CASTELNAU 1872
syn. Solea uncinata KLUNZINGER 1880
syn. Ammotretis zonatus MACLEAY 1883
syn. Ammotretis ovalis SAVILLE-KENT 1889
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths, one (left side,
fig. 52) from the coast of Victoria, Australia, off
Melbourne, ZMH 20008, three (two left, fig. 53-54;
one right, fig. 55) from off Hobart, Tasmania, ZMH
Ot. 2.1.1995.1-2 (leg. BMNH 1934.3.18.1-10) and
BMNH 1934.3.18.1-10.
Variability: The otoliths of the three specimens
investigated do not differ greatly from each oth-
er. One of the specimens (fig. 52) shows a more
widened ostium than the others.
Discussion: A. rostratus differs from A. tudori and
A. elongatus in the more massive posterior tip of
the otolith and the reduced rostrum.
Distribution: Temperate Australia, from Port
Jackson in New South Wales, Victoria, South
Australia, southern Western Australia and Tas-
mania in shallow water.
Ammotretis tudori McCULLOCH 1914
Fig. 56
Investigated otoliths: One otolith (left side) from
off South Australia, BMNH 1925.3.20.1.
Discussion: Similar to A. rostratus, but with a
more prominent rostrum and a more rounded
posterior tip.
Distribution: Temperate Australia, in Victoria,
South Australia and Tasmania.
Ammotretis elongatus McCULLOCH 1914
Fig. 57
Investigated otoliths: One otolith (right side)
from Kangaroo Isl., off South Australia, BMNH
Discussion: Otolith extremely small in compar-
ison to size of fish. Outline more rounded than in
the other two species investigated and with a
rather strong rostrum like A. rostratus.
Distribution: Off South Australia.
Oncopterus STEINDACHNER 1875
Type-species: Oncopterus darwini STEINDACHN-
ER 1875
syn. Curioptera WHITLEY 1951 (unneeded sub-
stitute for Oncopterus)
Diagnosis: Thin, compressed otoliths; ventral
rim rather flat, dorsal rim gently curving with a
prominent predorsal dome, posterior tip broadly
rounded, anterior rim blunt; index l:h 1.1. Oto-
liths size may not exceed 2 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda, anteriorly
open, somewhat deepened, shorter than cauda.
Cauda slightly widened in the middle and with
a tapering and pointed tip. Index ol:cl about 0.8.
Dorsal and ventral depressions feeble not con-
nected around caudal tip, not forming a circum-
sulcal depression.
Inner face very slightly convex, almost flat;
outer face flat, smooth. Rims sharp, smooth.
Fig. 56: Ammotretis tudori McCULLOCH 1914 – 15 ×
Fig. 57: Ammotretis elongatus McCULLOCH 1914 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
darwini 1.1 about 3.5 0.8 about 1.0 nm
Side dimorphism: No data.
Discussion: Otoliths of Oncopterus are extreme-
ly small in comparision to the size of the fish
(ratio about 1:100). Otherwise they resemble well
otoliths of Ammotretis, particularly in the outline
of the cauda and the compressed appearance.
Species and distribution: A single recent spe-
cies – O. darwini – from the southeastern coast of
South America.
Oncopterus darwini STEINDACHNER 1875
Fig. 58
Investigated otoliths: One otolith (right side)
from off Patagonia, South-East America, BMNH
Remarks: Due to the small size and the fragile
nature of the otolith the only otolith successfully
extracted from the fish has been somewhat dam-
aged. The rostral portion of the otolith broke away
when touched with the tweezers. However, it is
quite apparent that the missing rostrum must
have been a very short and blunt one.
Distribution: This species is exclusively known
from the southeastern coast of South America,
from Rio Grande do Sul (southernmost Brazil) to
San Matias Bay (Argentina).
Psammodiscus GÜNTHER 1862
Type-species: Psammodiscus ocellatus GÜNTHER
Remarks: Psammodiscus is a monospecific genus.
Until very recently only the four type specimens
were known. They are kept in the BMNH and I
opened two of them in order to extract otoliths.
Unfortunately, they seem to be completely dis-
solved by formalin. In a report of fishes trawled
of southern Indonesia and northwestern Australia
GLOERFELT-TARP & KAILOLA (1984) addition-
al reference is given (coll CSIRO), but I did not
have the opportunity to investigate any of the
new specimens.
In the absence of otoliths to be investigated
Psammodiscus is included in the Ammotretis Group
following NORMAN (1934), who related it to On-
Species and distribution: The type specimens
(and for a long time the only specimens) were
lacking geographical coordinates. The recent ref-
erence by GLOERFELT-TARP & KAILOLA is from
northern Western Australia, vicinity of Barrow
Taratretis LAST 1978
Type-species: Taratretis derwentensis LAST 1978
Remarks: Taratretis is a monospecific genus en-
demic to the shores of Tasmania (Australia). Oto-
liths have not been available for investigation.
7.3 Citharidae
Genera: As understood here, I have reduced the
Citharidae to the Citharinae of HUBBS (1945) and
included the recent genera Citharus, Paracitharus,
Citharoides and the fossil otolith based genus
Rhombocitharus. Another fossil otolith based ge-
nus – Citharopsettodes – was found to be a junior
synonym of the living Paracitharus.
Definition and relationship: When HUBBS
(1945) established the family Citharidae he dis-
cussed at length the relatively primitive nature of
the genera he included, but also one character
(position of the vent on the eyed side) which could
be regarded as an autapomorphic character of
the family. He included left eyed (Citharinae) and
right eyed (Brachypleurinae) genera.
Otoliths indicate instead that the two subfam-
ilies may not be so closely related. Brachypleuri-
nae (which show a number of specialized charac-
Fig. 58: Oncopterus darwini STEINDACHNER 1875 –15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
ters; see respective entry) are here separated from
the Citharidae and constitute a family by them-
selves. The remainder, the left eyed Citharidae,
form a cohesive group in otolith morphology as
well. Paralichthodes (see respective entry) is, per-
haps, a case of a dextral flatfish whose otoliths do
resemble those of the sinistral Citharidae. In a
recent cladistic analysis CHAPLEAU (1993) also
regarded the Citharidae as polyphyletic but
placed the dividing line between Citharoides and
Citharus. He suggested that the dextral Lepidoble-
pharon and the sinistral Citharoides form a trichot-
omy with all remaining pleuronectiforms, with
the sinistral Citharus and the dextral Brachypleura
being in the latter clade. Otolith analysis, howev-
er, clearly contradicts this alignment and in stead
suggests that the dividing line should be between
the left eyed and right eyed Citharidae (Citharidae
and Brachypleuridae as presented here).
Citharid otoliths again are characterized by a
number of plesiomorphic characters. These are
the sulcus proportions in which the ostium is
shorter than the cauda or both are of about equal
length, and the narrow cauda which is sometimes
slightly inclined posteriorly. Also the ostium is
open anteriorly. The circumsulcal depression is
much better developed than in the Psettodidae
and the genera of uncertain relationship, but
still not completely connected around the tip of
the cauda.
In conclusion, otoliths of the Citharidae sensu
stricto support HUBBS (1945) concept of the in-
termediate phylogenetic position of this group.
The pattern is also perfectly in accordance with
LAUDER & LIEMs (1984) cladogram which
shows Citharidae branching off after Psettodidae
and before the main diversification in the Pleu-
ronectoidei commenced. Their fossil abundance,
particularly in the early Tertiary, further supports
the antiquity of the family.
Ontogeny: Citharid otoliths may reach up to 10
mm in length, but rarely exceed 7 mm. Since on-
togenetic changes are generally slight, otoliths of
4 to 5 mm length are usually adequate for specif-
ic identification, but in some of the smaller fossil
species otoliths of just 3 mm can be sufficient in
Distribution: The present distribution of cith-
arids is somewhat patchy, clearly the relict of a
once much wider distribution. Furthermore, all
three genera exhibit an antitropical distribution
pattern: Citharus in the Mediterranean and the
Northeast Atlantic (but as an exception also along
the coasts of tropical West Africa), Paracitharus
along the coasts of South and southern East Af-
rica, and Citharoides from Japan and Korea.
Citharus RÖSE 1793
Type-species: Pleuronectes linguatula LINNAEUS
syn. Eucitharus GILL 1889 (type-species: Pleu-
ronectes linguatula)
syn. Chopinopsetta WHITLEY 1931 (type-species:
Pleuronectes linguatula)
Remarks: I have followed HUBBS (1945) re-
marks in accepting Citharus as a valid genus name.
Diagnosis: Thin, moderately elongate otoliths;
ventral rim deeply curving, deepest midventral-
ly, dorsal rim usually with distinct mid- and post-
dorsal angles, posterior tip rounded, blunt, or with
obtuse angle, anterior rim with short massive
rostrum, but without excisura; index l:h 1.4 to
2.0. Otolith size up to 7 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and usual-
ly shorter too, anteriorly open, rather shallow.
Cauda narrow, usually straight, but sometimes
just very faintly inclining towards the tip, reach-
ing close to the posterior tip of the otolith. Dorsal
and ventral depressions well developed and large,
but not completely connected around caudal tip
to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face almost flat; outer face flat to slight-
ly concave, smooth to slightly ornamented. Rims
sharp, often crenulated or irregularly undulat-
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
linguatula (ad.) 1.55-1.95 3.0 0.60-0.65 1.50-1.55 5.5
linguatula (juv.) 1.50-1.70 3.0-3.5 0.75-0.90 1.45-1.65 about 6
balearicus 1.45-1.55 3.0-3.5 0.65-0.75 1.30-1.45 4-5
lusitanicus 1.55-1.75 about 4 0.75-0.95 1.35-1.65 about 5
sp.(STEUR.) 1.40-1.50 0.75 1.70
schuberti 1.60-1.65 <3.0 0.65 1.70-2.00 about 5
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Discussion: Otoliths of Citharus do not differ
much from those of the two other recent genera
of the family – Paracitharus and Citharoides. As it
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
seems the outline of Citharus otoliths usually is
more angular, particularly the dorsal rim. In Parac-
itharus the ostium is nearly of the length of the
cauda. Citharoides otoliths are more elongate than
the other two and exhibit a more gently curving
Species and distribution: One recent species:
C. linguatula known from the Mediterranean and
the eastern Atlantic from Portugal to Angola. In
addition there are 4 nominal fossil species de-
scribed from European and North African sedi-
ments: C. balearicus from the Pliocene of Mallorca
(Spain), SW-France and NW- Morocco, C. lusitani-
cus from the Lower and Middle Miocene of Por-
tugal, France, Austria and Poland (both Parate-
thys), C. schuberti from the Upper Miocene and
Lower Pliocene of Italy. C. miocenicus from the
Lower Miocene of Germany was based on a sin-
gle non-diagnostic juvenile specimen and must
therefore be regarded as of doubtful nature. How-
ever, STEURBAUT (1984) figured a Citharus sp.
from the Lower Oligocene to Middle Miocene of
France, which in fact may very well represent a
fourth species. I agree with STEURBAUT to leave
this species in open nomenclature until more
material becomes available from the North Sea
Basin and the taxonomical status of C. miocenicus
becomes resolved. The definition and delimita-
tion of some of the fossil species is not as yet
sufficiently validitated (see respective entries).
Citharus linguatula (LINNAEUS 1758)
Figs. 59-64
syn. Pleuronectes macrolepidotus BLOCH 1787
syn. Pleuronectes citharus SPINOLA 1807
syn. Pleuronectes patarachia NARDO 1847
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths, 2 (left and right
side, figs. 62-63) and 1 (right side, fig. 64) from off
Neapel, ZMH 19951, 3 (right side, figs. 59-61) from
off Angola, ZMH Ot. 2.1.1995.3-4 (leg. BMNH
1930.5.6.27-29) and BMNH 1930.5.6.27-29.
Remarks: I have followed NORMANs view in
accepting linguatula as valid species name. This
also rules out possible confusion with Citharoides
macrolepidotus HUBBS 1915.
Ontogeny and variability: The 6 otoliths inves-
tigated are from two different sizes. Three are of
relatively small size (about 4 mm, figs. 62-64) and
have not developed all pertinent diagnostic fea-
tures, whereas the other three are more than 6 mm
(figs. 59-61) long and are typical adult specimens.
A larger set of recent otoliths is figured by
CHAINE (1936) of sizes up to 7 mm. Larger oto-
liths (more than 5 mm of length) are slightly more
elongate, lack the fine crenulation of the rims,
and have developed the postdorsal portion more
strongly, whereas the middorsal portion is
more flat.
Variability is not very prominent and restrict-
ed to minor variations of the proportions and in
the expression of the dorsal rim.
Discussion: The differentiation of C. linguatula
from the various nominal fossil species is by no
means clear. It seems that, except for C. schuberti,
the fossil species in question have achieved a
mature state of the morphological pattern at
smaller sizes. NOLF (1985) has tentatively syno-
nymized C. balearicus with the recent species.
From my investigations, however, it seems that
otoliths of C. balearicus (and C. sp. too) regularly
are somewhat more compressed than those of
C. linguatula. C. lusitanicus exhibits similar pro-
portions than C. linguatula but has a more pro-
nounced mediodorsal angle and seems also slight-
ly more thinset. C. schuberti finally resembles the
recent species both in proportions and outline
except for its very characteristic vertically cut
posterior rim, and in its being more thickset. More
material of C. balearicus and C. lusitanicus will be
needed before the validity of these two species
can be proven in comparison with the recent C. lin-
Distribution: Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic
from Portugal to Angola on the continental shelf.
Citharus lusitanicus JONET 1972
Figs. 65-73
syn. Eucitharus rhenanus KOKEN – WEINFURT-
ER 1952: pl. 2, figs. 9-10
syn. Eucitharus lusitanicus JONET 1972 – JONET
1972: fig. 12; pl. 4, figs. 131-133
syn. Citharus lusitanicus – SMIGIELSKA 1979: figs.
34-35; pl. 8, figs. 6-8
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
syn. Eucitharus lusitanicus – JONET 1980: pl. 4,
fig. 3
syn. Citharus lusitanicus – STEURBAUT & JONET
1982: pl. 4, figs. 14-16
?syn. Citharus lusitanicus – STEURBAUT 1984: pl.
34, figs. 11-16
syn. Citharus lusitanicus – RADWANSKA 1992:
fig. 151; pl.35, figs. 3-6
?syn. Citharus sp.1 – RADWANSKA 1992: fig. 152;
pl. 36, figs. 14-16
syn. Citharus sp.2 – RADWANSKA 1992: fig. 153;
pl. 36, figs. 1-2
Investigated otoliths: 97 otoliths, 9 (figs. 65-67)
from Costa da Caparica, Portugal, Burdigalian,
Lower Miocene (topo- and strati-typical), coll.
Schwarzhans, 88 (figs. 68-72) from Korytnica,
Poland, Badenian, Middle Miocene, ZPalUW-RaK
408-417 (coll. Radwanska).
Figs. 59-64: Citharus linguatula (LINNAEUS 1758) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Ontogeny and variability: Two otoliths figured
are 3.5 mm (fig. 65) and 4 mm (fig. 66) long. They
seem to have developed all pertinent diagnostic
features indicating that otoliths of this species
mature at smaller sizes than those of the recent
C. linguatula. The largest specimen known so far
is JONETs type of slightly over 5 mm of length.
The smallest specimen known to me (fig. 67) is
3 mm long and shows the kind of marginal crenu-
lation typical for juvenile Citharus otoliths (see
C. linguatula). – The otoliths described from the
Middle Miocene of Poland by RADWANSKA
(1992) (see also figs. 68-72) perfectly fit with the
specimens from the Middle Miocene of Portugal.
A specimen originally described as Citharus sp.1
by RADWANSKA is considerably more com-
pressed, thus resembling STEURBAUTs Citha-
rus sp. from the Oligocene and Miocene of France.
Since the specimen from Poland is an unique find-
ing it could also represent a teratological effect. I
have therefore selected to regard it as C. aff. lusi-
tanicus (fig. 73). Two other otoliths from Poland –
described as Citharus sp.2 by RADWANSKA
(1992) – in my opinion just represent eroded spec-
imens of C. lusitanicus (not figured).
Discussion: C. lusitanicus very closely resembles
the recent C. linguatula and the Pliocene C. ba-
learicus (see respective entries for discussion).
Fig. 73: Citharus aff. lusitanicus JONET 1972 – 10 ×
Figs. 65-72: Citharus lusitanicus JONET 1972 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Distribution: Lower to Middle Miocene of Por-
tugal, France (Aquitaine Basin), Austria and Po-
land (Paratethys).
Citharus balearicus BAUZA RULLAN 1955
Figs. 74-76
syn. Eucitharus balearicus BAUZA RULLAN
1955 – BAUZA RULLAN 1955: pl. 8, fig. 16
syn. Eucitharus balearicus – BAUZA RULLAN
1964: pl. 4, fig. 5
syn. Eucitharus balearicus – BAUZA RULLAN
1972: fig. 17
syn. Citharus linguatulus (LINNAEUS) – NOLF
& CAPPETTA 1988: pl. 18, fig. 14
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (figs. 74-76) from
the river banks of the Oued Beth near Dar Bel
Hamri, NW-Morocco, Sands of Dar Bel Hamri,
Lower Pliocene, coll. Schwarzhans.
Ontogeny and variability: The otoliths investi-
gated are between 3.5 and 4.5 mm in length. They
do not exhibit any significant ontogenetic chang-
es or variability. Their relatively smooth outline
indicates a mature ontogenetic stage of the oto-
lith morphology.
Discussion: NOLF (1985) has synonymized
C. balearicus with the recent C. linguatula. In my
opinion, however, the fossil specimens are always
more compressed than recent ones of the same
ontogenetic stage. I therefore provisionally keep
C. balearicus as a valid species. Differentiation from
C. lusitanicus and C. sp. (sensu STEURBAUT,
1984) both from the Miocene is much less obvi-
ous. C. lusitanicus mainly differs in being more
elongate, but there are indications that interme-
diate forms may exist. Differentiation of the two
species will then become very difficult if at all
possible. C. sp. (sensu STEURBAUT) is just slight-
ly more compressed and shows a more regularly
rounded outline.
Distribution: Lower Pliocene of SW-France and
NW-Morocco and Upper Pliocene of Mallorca
Citharus sp. (sensu STEURBAUT 1984)
?ref. Eucitharus miocenicus WEILER 1942 – WEI-
LER 1942: pl. 4, fig. 36
ref. Citharus miocenicus – STEURBAUT 1979:
pl. 11, fig. 16
?ref. Citharus miocenicus – NOLF & SMITH 1983:
pl. 2, fig. 21
ref. Citharus sp. – STEURBAUT 1984: pl. 34,
figs. 3-9
Remarks: WEILERs original description was
based on a juvenile not diagnostic otolith of only
2 mm of length. NOLF & SMITH (1983) figured
another specimen from the Lower Miocene of the
North Sea Basin (Belgium), which is slightly larg-
Figs. 74-76: Citharus balearicus BAUZA RULLAN 1955 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
er (2.5 mm), but still does not exhibit all neces-
sary diagnostic features. Besides the two small
specimens STEURBAUT (1984) has figured oto-
liths of up to 4 mm in length. Although originat-
ing from different basins (Aquitaine Basin) they
could possibly represent the same species as the
specimens from the North Sea Basin. However,
until more material becomes available from the
North Sea Tertiary it seems advisable to follow
STEURBAUTs recommendation to leave these
otoliths in open nomenclature.
Ontogeny and variability: Otoliths of C. sp. seem
to have reached morphological maturity at rela-
tively small sizes of about 3 mm. However, even
larger specimen of up to 4 mm occasionally ex-
hibit some fine marginal crenulation. The type
specimen of C. miocenicus was only 2 mm in length
and is not diagnostic in its outline. It must be
considered as a juvenile.
Variability is limited to details of the outline,
ornamentation and slight variations of the length
to height ratio.
Discussion: C. sp. (sensu STEURBAUT 1984) as
defined here is very similar to C. balearicus from
the Pliocene of the Mediterranean. Major differ-
ence is only the more regularly rounded outline
observed in C. sp. However, more and larger
specimens of both species are needed to validate
the diagnostic value of this character.
Distribution: Lower Oligocene to Lower Mi-
ocene of France (Aquitaine Basin) and possibly
also Lower Miocene of the North Sea Basin (Ger-
many and Belgium).
Citharus schuberti BASSOLI 1906
Fig. 77
syn. Citharus schuberti BASSOLI 1906 – BASSOLI
1906: pl. 6, fig. 9
syn. Eucitharus schubertiANFOSSI & MOSNA
1979: pl. 4, fig. 10
syn. Citharus schuberti – NOLF & STEURBAUT
1983: pl. 7, fig. 25
Investigated otoliths: BASSOLIs type-specimen
from Montegibbio, Italy, Tortonian, Upper Mi-
ocene, IPUM 16629.
Discussion: Although only few specimens so far
have been recorded they are nevertheless easily
recognized by their flat dorsal rim, the vertically
cut posterior rim and the more thickset nature.
Otherwise, in outline and proportions, they re-
semble closest the recent C. linguatula.
Distribution: Known from the type-specimen
from the Upper Miocene of Italy and few addi-
tional specimens from the Lower Pliocene of Ita-
ly. All records so far are from relatively deep
marine environments. C. schuberti does not seem
to occur simultaneously with C. balearicus al-
though found in the same general area and strati-
graphic sequence. Possibly, C. schuberti represents
a deeper water species and C. balearicus its shal-
low water equivalent. C. schuberti is one of the
few fossil Pleuronectiform species collected from
deeper marine environments.
Fig. 77: Citharus schuberti BASSOLI 1906 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Paracitharus REGAN 1920
Type-species: Arnoglossus macrolepis GILCHRIST
syn. Citharopsettodes SCHWARZHANS 1978
(type-species: Citharopsettodes angustus
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, roundish to mod-
erately elongate otoliths; ventral rim deeply curv-
ing, deepest midventrally, dorsal rim usually with
distinct pre- and postdorsal angles, posterior tip
rounded or angular, anterior rim with short mas-
sive rostrum, but without excisura; index l:h in
adults 1.5 to 2.0. Otolith size up to 7 mm.
Ostium very slightly wider than cauda and of
about equal length. Cauda narrow, usually
straight, but sometimes just very faintly inclining
towards the tip, reaching close to the posterior
tip of the otolith. Dorsal and ventral depressions
well developed and large, but not completely
connected around caudal tip to form a circum-
sulcal depression.
Inner face almost flat; outer face flat to slight-
ly concave, smooth to slightly ornamented. Rims
sharp, smooth in adults, crenulated or irregular-
ly undulating in smaller specimens.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
macrolepis (ad.) 1.60 about 2.5 1.0-1.1 1.4-1.5 about 5
macrolepis (juv.) 1.35-1.45 about 3
angustus 2.00 about 3 0.9 1.15 about 6
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Discussion: Otoliths of Paracitharus very closely
resemble those of Citharus. Main differences are
the proportions of the sulcus. From the point of
otolith morphology alone this may not warrant
separation in two genera.
Species and distribution: One recent species –
P. macrolepis – from South and SE-Africa (Natal to
Kenya) and one fossil species – P. angustus – from
the Lower Pliocene of Italy.
Paracitharus macrolepis (GILCHRIST 1905)
Figs. 78-87
Investigated otoliths: 13 otoliths, figured otoliths
10 (left and right side, figs. 78-82, 84-87) from off
Zanzibar, ZMH Ot. 3.1.1994.1-10 (leg. BMNH
1939.5.24.1706-1717), 2 BMNH 1939.5.24.1706-
1717, 1 otolith (right side, fig. 83) from off South
Africa, ZMH Ot. 3.1.1994.11 (leg. ZMUC).
Ontogeny and variability: From this species I
have available a continuous set of otoliths of
variable sizes from about 2.5 mm to 7 mm in
length. The smallest otoliths up to 2.5 mm (figs.
86-87) exhibit a fairly generalized pattern which
is even difficult to distinguish from Citharus spe-
cies (only valuable difference might be the pro-
portions of ostium to cauda). They are compressed
(ratio l:h 1.35) and show undulated margins. Their
outline is pretty rounded. Otoliths from 3.5 to
5.5 mm (figs. 79-85) are still similar as far as mar-
ginal crenulation is concerned. Ratio l:h ranges
from 1.35 to 1.45. The outline is still very much
rounded, but the postdorsal portion becomes a
little more accentuated. The only large otolith
available (7 mm, fig. 78) is considerably more
elongate (ratio l:h 1.6) and exhibits a completely
smooth outline. Its posterior tip is somewhat
pointed. – It seems that diagnostic valid charac-
ters are only developed in otoliths of about 6 mm
or more.
Discussion: See entry to genus and to P. angus-
Distribution: Southern Africa, from Natal to
Kenya in moderately deep water (100 to 200 m).
Paracitharus angustus
Fig. 88
syn. Citharopsettodes angustus SCHWARZHANS
1978 – SCHWARZHANS 1978: pl. 10, fig. 123
Investigated otoliths: One otolith (the unique
type-specimen) from Cetona near Siena, Tosca-
na, Italy, Zanclian, Lower Pliocene, SMF P 5696.
Discussion: The single specimen known to date
is a well preserved large otolith of about 7 mm of
length. In ignorance of recent otoliths of Paracitha-
rus I had originally placed this species in a (as-
sumed) fossil genus of its own – Citharopsettodes
and regarded it as a Psettodidae intermediate in
morphology between that family and the Cith-
aridae. Now, that otoliths of the recent Paracitha-
rus are available it becomes apparent that
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
specific separation indubitable. The occurrence
of the genus Paracitharus in the Pliocene of the
Mediterranean indicates that this genus once was
more widely distributed, and that its present dis-
tribution represents a secondary endemism.
P. angustus should belong to the same genus. Gen-
eral appearance and proportions of the sulcus
are practically identical. However, the fossil
P. angustus is considerably more elongate and also
shows a comparatively narrow ostium making
Figs. 78-82: Paracitharus macrolepis (GILCHRIST 1905) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Distribution: Only known from the type-speci-
men from the Lower Pliocene of Italy. Sedimen-
tary environment is deeper marine, off the conti-
nental shelf.
Citharoides HUBBS 1915
Type-species: Citharoides macrolepidotus HUBBS
syn. Brachypleurops FOWLER 1934 (type-species:
Brachypleurops axillaris = Citharoides macrolepi-
Diagnosis: Thin, elongate otoliths; ventral rim
gently curving, deepest midventrally, dorsal rim
shallow, without distinct pre- and postdorsal
angles, posterior tip rounded, anterior rim with
short massive rostrum, but without excisura; in-
dex l:h about 2.0. Otolith size reaching at least
6.5 mm.
Sulcus narrow. Ostium almost as wide as cau-
da and also about as long. Cauda narrow, almost
straight, very faintly inclining towards the tip,
reaching close to the posterior tip of the otolith.
Dorsal and ventral depressions well developed
and large, but not completely connected around
caudal tip to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face relatively flat; outer face flat to
slightly concave, smooth. Rims moderately sharp,
smooth somewhat undulating posterior-ventrally.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
macrolepidotus 2.05 <3.0 about 1.0 1.35 about 5
Side dimorphism: No data.
Discussion: Similar to Citharus and Paracitharus
but more elongate, with a smooth dorsal rim, and
a narrow sulcus with ostium and cauda of about
equal length.
Species and distribution: One recent species off
Japan and Korea.
Citharoides macrolepidotus HUBBS 1915
Fig. 89
syn. Brachypleurops axillaris FOWLER 1934
Investigated otoliths: One otolith (right side)
from off Kochi, Japan, ZMH Ot. 2.1.1994.12 (leg.
Distribution: Off Japan and Korea.
Fig. 88: Paracitharus angustus
(SCHWARZHANS 1978) – 10 ×
Figs. 83-87: Paracitharus macrolepis (GILCHRIST 1905) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Rhombocitharus SCHWARZHANS 1994
Type-species: Rhombus rhenanus KOKEN 1891
Diagnosis: Thin, compressed to moderately elon-
gate otoliths; ventral rim deeply curving, deepest
midventrally, dorsal rim usually shallow, with
indistinct predorsal angle and pronounced post-
dorsal portion, posterior tip rounded, sometimes
obtuse angular, anterior rim with very short in-
distinct rostrum, and without excisura; index l:h
1.15 to 1.8. Otoliths small, merely reaching 4 mm.
Ostium about as wide as cauda, about the
same in length or slightly shorter, anteriorly in-
distinctly opened, rather shallow. Cauda narrow,
straight, sometimes tapering, reaching moderate-
ly close to the posterior tip of the otolith. Dorsal
and ventral depressions well developed and large,
incompletely connected around caudal tip to form
a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face almost flat; outer face flat to slight-
ly concave, smooth to slightly ornamented. Rims
sharp, sometimes crenulated or irregularly un-
dulating but mostly smooth.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
biaculeatus 1.55-1.75 ab. 1.0 1.0-1.1
cauneillensis 1.30-1.40 ab. 3.0 ab. 1.0 ab. 1.0
circularis 1.35-1.40 0.8-0.9 1.0-1.1
rhenanus (ad.) 1.55-1.80 ab. 2.0 1.15-1.25 1.05-1.2 ab. 4.5
rhenanus (juv.) 1.40-1.55 ab. 3.0 1.3-1.7
rhomboides 1.20 ab. 1.0 ab. 1.0
novaezeelandiae 1.85 ab. 2.5 1.2 1.3 ab. 4.0
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Discussion: Most Rhombocitharus species de-
scribed so far have been based on otoliths of less
than 2.5 mm of length. In fact, the only species of
which larger specimens are known (up to 4 mm)
is R. rhenanus. Analysis of a good ontogenetic
sequence of otoliths of this species have shown
that only otoliths of 3 mm of length or more have
developed the full set of diagnostic valid features.
Principal ontogenetic changes concern the ratio
l:h as can be seen from above listing. Therefore, it
must be concluded that the other four species are
based on juveniles. It is true, however, that even
those juveniles can be distinguished sufficiently
from each other to warrant valid diagnoses, but
one must expect that these will change once larg-
er otoliths become available. For the time being
the four species in question are (tentatively) re-
garded as valid, but it is strongly recommended
that future descriptions of new species should be
based on otoliths of at least 3 mm in length.
Otoliths of Rhombocitharus in many ways are
morphologically intermediate between Cithari-
dae and Scophthalmidae. Many characters such
as outline, general habitus and proportion of
ostium to cauda length resemble citharids. The
narrow ostium which is about the height of the
cauda and the nearly complete circumsulcal de-
pression on the other hand resemble Scophthalmi-
dae and also certain Bothidae. In particular right
handed otoliths of the Scophthalmid genus Lep-
idorhombus are quite similar. Also in Scophthalmi-
dae the ostium usually is only slightly longer than
the cauda (whereas in bothids it is usually about
1.5 to 2 times as long).
In conclusion, features regarded as plesiomor-
phic resemble citharids, whereas features as-
sumed to be apomorphic resemble Scophthalmi-
dae. Therefore, an alternative systematic position
for Rhombocitharus would be to regard it as the
most plesiomorphic member in Scophthalmidae.
Fig. 89: Citharoides macrolepidotus HUBBS 1915 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Species and distribution: Rhombocitharus con-
tains 6 nominally valid fossil species – R. circularis
from the Lower Eocene of England and France,
R. biaculeatus from the Middle Eocene of Belgium
and England, R. cauneillensis from the Upper
Eocene of France (Aquitaine Basin), R. rhomboides
from the Lower Oligocene of northern Germany
and Belgium (North Sea Basin), and R. rhenanus
from the Middle and Upper Oligocene of north-
ern Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands
(North Sea Basin) and from the Middle Oligocene
of the Mainz Basin in Germany. Genus aff. R. no-
vaezeelandiae from the Lower Miocene of New
Zealand is only tentatively included in this ge-
nus and might very well represent a fossil genus
of its own.
Rhombocitharus rhenanus (KOKEN 1891)
Figs. 90-98
syn. Rhombus rhenanus KOKEN 1891 – KOKEN
1891: pl. 5, fig. 12
syn. Solea guestfalicus KOKEN 1891 – KOKEN
1891: pl. 5, fig. 10
Figs. 90-98: Rhombocitharus rhenanus (KOKEN 1891) – figs. 90-97 = 15 ×, fig. 98 = 25 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
syn. Eucitharus rhenanus – POSTHUMUS 1923:
figs. 52-53
syn. ?Eucitharus rhenanus – WEILER 1942: pl. 4,
fig. 37; pl. 5, figs. 2-3
syn. Solea aff. guestfalica – WEILER 1958: pl. 3,
figs. 30-31
syn. ?Eucitharus rhenanus – ZILCH 1965: pl. 37,
fig. 22
syn. Solea guestfalica – ZILCH 1965: pl. 37, fig. 23
syn. Eucitharus belgicus GAEMERS 1972 – GAE-
MERS 1972: pl. 1, fig. 2; pl. 3, figs. 5-6
?syn. Sebastes weileri GAEMERS 1972 – GAEM-
ERS 1972: pl. 1, fig. 5; pl. 3, fig. 4
syn. Bothidarum weileri SCHWARZHANS 1974
SCHWARZHANS 1974: figs. 60-61; pl. 3,
fig. 13
syn. Soleidarum guestfalica – SCHWARZHANS
1974: figs. 58-59; pl. 3, fig. 16
syn. Bothidarum weileri – SCHWARZHANS 1973:
pl. 1, fig. 6
syn. Bothidarum weileri – MENZEL 1980: pl. 2,
fig. 7
syn. Bothidarum weileri – MENZEL 1983: pl. 4,
fig. 7
?syn. Scophthalmidarum sp. – MENZEL 1983: pl.1,
fig. 6
syn. Citharus belgicus – GAEMERS 1984: pl. 4,
figs. 13-14
syn. Citharus sp. – MÜLLER 1994: pl. 10, figs.
syn. Rhombocitharus rhenanus – SCHWARZ-
HANS 1994: figs. 498-506
Investigated otoliths: The lectotype (SMF P
1133a, fig. 90) and two paralectotypes (SMF P
1132, figs. 91-92) of R. rhenanus from Waldböckel-
heim, Mainz Basin, Germany, Middle Oligocene,
the neotype of Solea guestfalicus (SMF P 1425,
fig. 98) from Bünde, northern Germany, Upper
Oligocene, and the holotype of Bothidarum weileri
(SMF P 4279, fig. 96) from Moers-Schwafheim,
northern Germany, Upper Oligocene. In addition
I have investigated some 75 otoliths from various
localities in northern Germany of Upper Oli-
gocene age; figured specimens are from Söllingen
(otolith investigated by KOKEN and identified
as Percidarum varians, PMHUB Ot. 147, fig. 93),
and 3 otoliths from Ratingen near Düsseldorf (coll.
Schwarzhans, leg. Klinger and Boscheinen, figs.
94, 95, 97).
Remarks: R. rhenanus has also frequently been
described from locations outside the North Sea
Basin and from quite different stratigraphic lev-
els. All these secondary records represent differ-
ent species. The records from the Miocene of the
Paratethys (Austria) represent either Lepidorhom-
bus subtriangularis (in the sense of SCHUBERT,
1906) or Citharus lusitanicus (in the sense of WEIN-
FURTER, 1952). A record from the Upper Creta-
ceous of Austria by LIEBUS (1927) does not rep-
resent a Pleuronectiform at all but likely a perci-
form (SCHWARZHANS 1997).
Ontogeny and variability: For discussion of
ontogenetic changes see chapter discussion to the
Variability in this species is moderate. But
together with the drastic ontogenetic changes this
apparently had led in the past to the erection of
so many different species which now have to be
placed in synonymy. Major variations are seen in
the development of the posterior and postdorsal
rims, and the length-proportions of ostium and
cauda, both particularly so in juveniles. In some
instances ventral and posterior rims are some-
what undulated.
Discussion: Otoliths of R. rhenanus are more
elongate than those of R. rhomboides of the same
size. It differs from all other species known so far
in the ostium being always somewhat longer than
the cauda. It must reminded, however, the com-
parison with other species of the genus is solely
based on juveniles. R. rhenanus is the only species
from which adults are known for certain.
Distribution: Middle and Upper Oligocene of the
North Sea Basin (northern Germany, Belgium and
the Netherlands) and Middle Oligocene of the
Mainz Basin (Germany).
Fig. 99: Rhombocitharus rhomboides
(SCHWARZHANS 1973) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Rhombocitharus rhomboides
Fig. 99
syn. Bothidarum rhomboides SCHWARZHANS
1973 – SCHWARZHANS 1973: pl. 1, fig. 5
syn. Citharus belgicus GAEMERS – NOLF 1976:
pl. 17, figs. 17-18
syn. Bothidarum rhomboides – SCHWARZHANS
1977: fig. 29
Investigated otoliths: The holotype (RGM
175647, fig. 99), 3 paratypes (1 coll. Schwarzhans,
2 coll. Schürmann) and one additional otolith (coll.
Geol. Landesamt of NRW), all from the shaft
Sophia Jacoba IV near Hückelhoven, northern
Germany, depth interval 55-80 m, Lower Oli-
Ontogeny and variability: Since the few otoliths
investigated are very much of the same size anal-
yses of ontogenetic changes and variability are
not possible.
Discussion: This species was based on rather
juvenile otoliths in the order of 1.5 to 2.0 mm.
They are easily recognized by their extremely
compressed appearance and the rombohedral
outline with its strong predorsal angle. Never-
theless, the validity of this species must be re-
garded as preliminary for the time being until
larger specimens have come to light. There is
indeed a good chance for such additional mate-
rial since a newly sunk shaft at Hückelhoven has
yielded a rich Lower Oligocene fauna. However,
this material has not been picked and determined
until now.
Distribution: Lower Oligocene of northern Ger-
many and Belgium.
Rhombocitharus cauneillensis NOLF 1988
Figs. 100-101
syn. Citharus cauneillensis NOLF 1988 – NOLF
1988: pl. 14, fig. 3-4
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths, the holotype
(IRSNB P 4519, fig. 100) from Cauneille and the
two paratypes (one figured, IRSNB P 4520,
fig. 101) from Saint-Lon-les-Mines, all Upper
Eocene of Aquitaine Basin (France).
Discussion: The three unique type-specimens of
this species are all very small, between 1.0 and
1.5 mm. They may not have developed all perti-
nent diagnostic features at this size. Also all of
them are slightly eroded along the rims or on the
inner face. Hence the taxonomic validity of the
species at present is somewhat questionable.
R. cauneillensis is very similar to R. circularis
from the Lower Eocene of England (London Ba-
sin) and France (Aquitaine Basin). R. cauneillensis
differs from the older species in the more undu-
lating posterior rims and the relatively short cau-
da. Additional material has yet to prove, whether
these delicate differences are statistically stable
or not.
Distribution: Upper Eocene of the Aquitaine
Basin (France).
genus aff.
Rhombocitharus novaezeelandiae n.sp.
Fig. 102
Name: After New Zealand, from where this spe-
cies has been obtained.
Holotype (and unique specimen): Fig. 102, NZGS.
Type locality: Awamoa Creek, Otago, New Zea-
land South Island.
Figs. 100-101: Rhombocitharus ccauneillensis (NOLF 1988) – 25 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Age: Altonian, Lower Miocene.
Diagnosis: Elongate otolith with shallow ven-
tral and dorsal rims and pointed posterior tip.
Inner face rather convex in vertical direction.
Cauda narrower than ostium, not much shorter.
Description: Outline: Otolith small, about 2 mm
long and elongate. Dorsal and ventral rims shal-
low, dorsal rim with rounded pre- and postdorsal
angles; anterior tip somewhat pointed, posterior
tip more sharply pointed. Otolith rather thickset.
Inner face: Moderately convex in horizontal
direction and more strongly convex in vertical
direction. Sulcus moderately long and wide, rath-
er shallow. Ostium wider than cauda, but not
much longer, with pseudoostial opening. Cauda
straight, terminating at some distance from the
posterior tip of the otolith. Colliculi well separat-
ed. Dorsal and ventral depressions shallow, not
completely fused around the caudal tip.
Other views: Rims moderately sharp to thick-
set, smooth. Outer face rather flat, smooth.
Discussion: The genus Rhombocitharus so far has
only been reported from the European Tertiary.
This record from New Zealand is only tentative-
ly placed into the genus and may very well rep-
resent yet another fossil genus of Citharidae. Out-
line and habitus of the otolith does show some
remarkable differences to the European species.
The single holotype is a rather small speci-
men and is probably from a subadult fish. Nev-
ertheless, it is very characteristic and thus war-
rants the establishment of a new species.
7.4 Brachypleuridae
Genera: The family Brachypleuridae as defined
here contains two genera – Brachypleura and Lep-
Definition and relationship: When HUBBS
(1945) erected the new family Citharidae he in-
cluded the three left eyed genera Citharus, Cith-
aroides and Paracitharus as Citharinae (see chap-
ter 7.3 – Citharidae in this treatise) and the two
right eyed genera Brachypleura and Lepidoblepharon
as Brachypleurinae. The three former genera had
been removed from the Bothidae and the two
latter from the Pleuronectidae of NORMANs
In his detailed analysis of the above genera
HUBBS discussed at length the primitive charac-
ters shared with Psettodidae (presence of a spine
in the pelvic fin and wide separation of gill-mem-
branes) and the various more derived characters
shared with Bothidae and Pleuronectidae. He
defined one character as exclusive to Citharidae
s.l., that is the position of the vent on the eyed
side. However, he also noted that Brachypleura
(and possibly Lepidoblepharon as well) differ in
several aspects from the left eyed genera.
Otoliths of Brachypleura and Lepidoblepharon
indeed strongly suggest that the two genera may
not be as closely related to the Citharidae s.s.
(Citharinae of HUBBS) as previously assumed.
They are characterized by a number of unique
features which distinguish them from the left eyed
citharids: the strongly reduced sulcus opening,
the good separation of ostium and cauda (at least
in left sided otoliths) the latter being slightly short-
er than the ostium but of about equal width and
with a rounded tip. Otoliths of Brachypleura as
the more advanced genus are additionally char-
acterized by the ventral expansion of the collum
(see chapter 6.1; incipient in Lepidoblepharon), the
reduced rostrum and the presence of a strong
predorsal lobe.
In conclusion, it is my recommendation to remove
Brachypleura and Lepidoblepharon from the Cith-
aridae and place them in a family of their own.
Lepidoblepharon is the more plesiomorphic in this
family and its otolith outline bears some resem-
blance to citharids, indicating nevertheless some
Fig. 102: genus aff. Rhombocitharus novaezeelandiae
n.sp. – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
relationship of the two families. Relationship of
the Brachypleuridae to higher flatfishes, how-
ever, remains obscure. Resemblance with certain
Soleidae is probably superficial and due to con-
vergent evolution. Also, the possible relationship
with Pleuronectidae suggested by their dextral
body-orientation and the reduced sulcus opening
in otoliths does not seem very convincing (al-
though Lepidoblepharon otoliths resemble those of
the Poecilopsettinae to some degree). Most likely,
Brachypleuridae represent a separate specialized
offshot from the main pleuronectoid lineage at
approximately the citharid to scophthalmid level
in the cladogram of LAUDER & LIEM (1983).
Ontogeny: Available otoliths range in size from
1.5 to 3.0 mm. Although the smallest specimens
are more rounded in outline they already seem to
have developed all important and diagnostically
valid features.
Distribution: Brachypleura is known from a sin-
gle recent species in the Indo-West-Pacific (India,
Indonesian Archipelago and Philippines), a fos-
sil species from the Lower Oligocene of France
and a second fossil species tentatively attributed
to this genus from the Upper Eocene of Java, thus
indicating the antiquity of the family and its two
genera. The monospecific Lepidoblepharon is
known from very few specimens from Indonesia,
northern Australia and Japan.
Lepidoblepharon WEBER 1913
Type-species: Lepidoblepharon ophthalmolepis WE-
BER 1913
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset, compressed oto-
liths, almost circular in shape except for the some-
what pointed anterior tip. Dorsal and ventral rims
regularly curving, without prominent angles,
anterior tip blunt, somewhat pointed at the ros-
trum, posterior tip broadly rounded; index l:h
1.15-1.2. Otolith size at least 3 mm.
Sulcus shallow, short, anteriorly closed and
posteriorly terminating at some distance from the
posterior tip of the otolith. Ostium slightly long-
er than cauda, not wider. Cauda with a rounded
termination. Colliculi well developed and sepa-
rated (in left hand otoliths; nearly fused in right
hand otoliths). Collum slightly enlarged ventral-
ly. Dorsal and ventral depressions well developed,
wide and deep but not completely fused behind
cauda to form circumsulcal depression.
Inner face relatively flat; outer face slightly
convex, smooth. All rims rather sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.o
ophthalmolepis (l) 1.20 3.5 1.25 1.0 3.2
ophthalmolepis (r) 1.15 1.55
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism in this ge-
nus seems to be quite well developed. In left hand
otoliths the sulcus is much wider than in right
hand otoliths and the colliculi are well separated,
whereas in right hand otoliths they are almost
completely fused. Also right hand otoliths seem
to be more compressed than left hand otoliths.
Discussion: Of the two genera of the family
Brachypleuridae, Lepidoblepharon no doubt is the
one with the more plesiomorphic otolith pattern.
This is most apparent in the outline of the oto-
liths with the lack of the predorsal projection and
the somewhat pointed rostrum. In this respect
Lepidoblepharon resembles Citharid otoliths. On
the other hand the sulcus with its short cauda
terminating at some distance from the posterior
tip of the otolith and its ovale, rounded collicu-
lum separates Lepidoblepharon from the Cithari-
dae. This apomorphic character it shares with
Species and distribution: The single species
L. ophthalmolepis has been caught very rarely in
the Arafura Sea (Indonesia) in about 300 to 400 m
depth and off Japan and northern Australia. A
possible second species from off Queensland,
Australia, kept in the AMS collection (AMS
I.23999-003, as Lepidoblepharon? sp.) was also in-
vestigated but its otoliths were found to be dis-
solved by formalin.
Lepidoblepharon ophthalmolepis WEBER 1913
Figs. 103-104
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side), 200 km NW of Port Hedland, West Aus-
tralia, from 400 m depth, AMS I.22822-022.
Distribution: Very rare in deeper water from
southern Japan to Indonesia and NW-Australia.
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Brachypleura GÜNTHER 1862
Type-species: Brachypleura novaezeelandiae GÜN-
THER 1862
syn. Laiopteryx WEBER 1913 (type-species: Brach-
ypleura xanthosticta ALCOCK = Brachypleura
Diagnosis: Thickset, compressed otoliths, almost
circular in shape except for the very pronounced
predorsal lobe. Dorsal rim irregular, sometimes
with postdorsal angle which is situated far back
along the dorsal rim, ventral rim deeply and reg-
ularly curving, anterior tip blunt, posterior tip
broadly rounded or with obtuse angle; index l:h
1.0-1.1. Otolith size reaching just slightly over
3 mm.
Sulcus shallow, relatively narrow, short, ante-
riorly closed and posteriorly terminating at some
distance from the posterior tip of the otolith.
Ostium slightly longer and wider than cauda.
Ostium connected with anterior tip of otolith by
faint ostial channel. Colliculi well developed and
separated. Collum expanded ventrally, not filled
with a colliculum. Dorsal and ventral depressions
well developed but not completely fused behind
cauda to form circumsulcal depression, running
at considerable distance from the sulcus.
Inner face relatively flat; outer face slightly
convex, smooth. All rims thickset except for the
thin dorsal rim and smooth.
Measurements (ab.=about):
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
novaezeelandiae (l) 1.00-1.10 ab. 3.0 1.15-1.40 1.0-1.4 ab. 3.5
novaezeelandiae (r) 1.55
pentagonalis (l) 1.10-1.15 ab. 3.0 0.85-1.10 1.0-1.2 ab. 3.0
pentagonalis (r) 1.70-1.90
xenosulcis 1.10-1.20 2.5-3.0 1.50-1.95 1.1-1.3 ab. 4.0
Side dimorphism: The only character seeming-
ly affected by side dimorphism is the proportions
of the sulcus. In left hand otoliths the cauda is
comparatively longer and the ostium shorter than
in otoliths of the right side. This finds its expres-
sion in the index ol:cl. It is most strongly devel-
oped in the fossil B. pentagonalis. However, in the
second fossil species – genus aff. Brachypleura
xenosulcis – even a mild degree of asymmetry is
Discussion: Brachypleura is characterized by two
very specialized features – the predorsal projec-
tion and the ventrally widened collum. In this
respect it clearly differs from the second genus of
the family – Lepidoblepharon (see respective en-
try). Although the otolith pattern of Brachypleura
definitely is more apomorphic in character, its
fossil record since Upper Eocene indicates a long
separation of the two genera.
Species and distribution: One recent species –
B. novaezeelandiae – from the Indo-West-Pacific on
the lower shelf (50 to 100 m), one fossil species –
Figs. 103-104: Lepidoblepharon ophthalmolepis WEBER 1913 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
B. pentagonalis – from the Lower Oligocene of
France (Aquitaine Basin) and a second fossil spe-
cies tentatively placed in this genus – genus aff.
B. xenosulcis – from the Upper Eocene of Java.
Brachypleura novaezeelandiae
Figs. 105-110
syn. Brachypleura xanthosticta ALCOCK 1889
Investigated otoliths: 9 otoliths, 3 otoliths (2 left
side and 1 right side, figs. 105-107) from the Arafu-
ra Sea, 2 ZMH Ot. 3.1.1994.1-2 (leg. BMNH and 1 BMNH, 2 oto-
liths (left side) from the Ganjam coast, India (iden-
tified as B. xanthosticta), 1 ZMH Ot. 3.1.1994.3 (leg.
BMNH and 1 BMNH,
4 otoliths (left side, figs. 108-110) without loca-
tion, ZMH Ot. 3.1.1994.4-7 (leg. ZMUC).
Ontogeny and variability: Ontogenetic changes
and variability is very limited in the specimens
investigated. The smallest specimen investigated
(fig. 110) is somewhat more gently rounded in
outline and shows a less well developed predor-
sal lobe.
Discussion: The fossil B. pentagonalis differs from
the recent species only in the less prominently
developed predorsal projection and the poorly
Figs. 105-110: Brachypleura novaezeelandiae GÜNTHER 1862 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
developed ventral enlargement of the collum.
Distribution: In the Indo-West-Pacific (India,
Indonesian Archipelago and Philippines) on the
lower shelf (50 to 100 m). The type-specimens
were recorded to have been obtained from New
Zealand (hence the etymology). NORMAN (1934),
however, doubted the correctness of the type lo-
cality. So far, no additional specimens have been
obtained from New Zealandian waters.
Brachypleura pentagonalis (STEURBAUT 1984)
Figs. 111-114
syn. genus Pleuronectidarum pentagonalis STEUR-
BAUT 1984 – STEURBAUT 1984: pl. 35,
figs. 1-6
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths, the holotype
(IRSNB P 4248, fig. 112) and 3 paratypes (IRSNB,
figs. 111, 113, 114) from the Lower Oligocene of
dYrieu, Aquitaine Basin (France).
Ontogeny and variability: Like in B. novaezee-
landiae ontogenetic changes and variability is very
limited in this species, smaller specimens seem-
ingly being somewhat more rounded in outline.
Discussion: B. pentagonalis is a typical represent-
ative of the genus Brachypleura, differing from
the recent B. novaezeelandiae merely in the less
prominently developed predorsal projection and
the lack of a ventrally enlarged collum. The latter
character seemingly is a fairly recent achievement
in Brachypleura. Otherwise, the fossil species from
the Lower Oligocene proves the antiquity of the
genus and the family.
Distribution: Lower Oligocene of France (Aqui-
taine Basin).
genus aff. Brachypleura xenosulcis n.sp.
Figs. 115-117
syn. genus Bothidarum sp. – NOLF & BAJPAI
1992: pl. 6, fig. 6-8
Name: xenos (gr.) = strange and sulcus (from
Otolith terminology), referring to the sulcus
morphology, which is somewhat atypical for the
genus Brachypleura.
Holotype: Fig. 115, IRSNB P 5967.
Type locality: River outcrops about 4 km NW of
Nanggulan, Java, Indonesia.
Age: Nanggulan Formation, Early Bartonian
Figs. 111-114: Brachypleura pentagonalis (STEURBAUT 1984) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
(NP16 Zone), Upper Eocene.
Paratypes: 2 otoliths, topo- and stratitypic, IRSNB
P 5968 and IRSNB P 5969 (fig. 116-117).
Diagnosis: Compressed, small otoliths with al-
most circular outline. Predorsal projection feeble,
posterior tip obtuse. Ostium 1 { to nearly 2 times
as long as cauda, slightly widened ventrally near
junction with cauda. Cauda slightly narrower
than ostium and slightly curved. Circumsulcal
depression incomplete.
Description: Outline: Otoliths small (less than
2 mm), with a compressed, nearly circular out-
line. Dorsal rim highest anteriorly at the relative
weekly developed predorsal projection; anterior
and posterior tips obtuse; ventral rim deeply and
regularly curving. Otoliths moderately thickset.
Inner face: Moderately convex and rather
smooth. Sulcus short, narrow, with slightly su-
pramedian position, not much deepened. Ostium
about 1 { to 2 times as long as cauda, somewhat
widened, particularly ventrally in the area close
to junction with cauda; ostial opening reduced,
terminating at some distance from the anterior
rim of the otolith. Cauda somewhat narrowed,
slightly curving and slightly deepened, terminat-
ing at considerable distance from the posterior
tip of the otolith. Separation of colliculi rather
indistinct. Dorsal and ventral depressions well
developed, but not connected around caudal tip
of sulcus.
Other views: Rims are moderately sharp and
rather smooth. Outer face smooth, not as strong-
ly convex as inner face.
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Ontogeny: The size of the three species ranges
from 1.0 to 1.5 mm. The smallest specimen
(fig. 117) is much more rounded in outline than
the two larger ones, resulting in a more general-
ized appearance. The degree of allometric ontoge-
netic changes observed in the few specimens in-
dicates that the two larger specimens are more
less morphologically mature, i.e. rather represent
a small species than juveniles.
Discussion: genus aff. Brachypleura xenosulcis is
quite unmistakable by the characters given in the
diagnosis. It resembles other Brachypleura species
in the outline, the reduced sulcus opening and
the incomplete circumsulcal depression. It dif-
fers in the curved cauda, which may be regarded
as a plesiomorphic character. Because of this, its
placement in the genus Brachypleura must there-
fore be regarded as preliminary. It is quite possible
that genus aff. Brachypleura xenosulcis represents
an extinct fossil genus of the Brachypleuridae.
7.5 Scophthalmidae
Genera: Scophthalmus, Lepidorhombus, Zeugopterus
and Phrynorhombus.
Definition and relationship: Scophthalmidae are
left eyed flatfishes. They were first mentioned by
NORMAN (1934) as a subfamily (Scophthalmi-
nae) of the Bothidae and then became elevated to
family ranking by HUBBS (1945). The following
Figs. 115-117: genus aff. Brachypleura xenosulcis n.sp. – 25 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
discussion is based on the analyses of HUBBS.
Scophthalmidae are distinguished from Bothidae
and Citharidae by the elongate pelvic fin bases.
The gill-membranes are separated as in citharids,
but not as widely; in bothids and pleuronectids
they are united. From citharids (and brachypleu-
rids, which are right eyed) they are further dis-
tinguished by the loss of the spine in the pelvic
fin. This character, which scophthalmids share
with bothids and pleuronectids, was regarded as
an important synapomorphic character of the
three families in LAUDER & LIEMs phylogenet-
ic analysis (1983). They placed Scophthalmidae
in their cladogram between Citharidae (plesio-
morphic outgroup) and Bothidae and Pleuronec-
tidae (apomorphic ingroup).
With otoliths alone it is difficult to define the
limits of this small family since they exhibit quite
a morphological variation. This finds its expres-
sion in three genus groups, based on otoliths, that
I define as follows – Scophthalmus Group, Lepido-
rhombus Group and Zeugopterus Group. The Scoph-
thalmus and Zeugopterus Groups bear more re-
semblance to each other than either do to the
Lepidorhombus Group. The otoliths of the two
former groups may be regarded as more plesio-
morphic. They are characterized by a virtual lack
of side dimorphism in otoliths, an outline that
roughly resembles that seen in the otoliths of ci-
tharids, and an ostium which is slightly enlarged
in width. These features and the distinct opening
of the ostium which is evident in all Scophthalm-
idae are regarded as plesiomorphic. Lepidorhom-
bus otoliths on the other hand show a more elon-
gate shape with a less distinctive outline, and are
also characterized by an extreme side dimor-
Two apomorphic features are found in all
scophthalmid otoliths. One is the nearly complete
circumsulcal area which goes in hand with a rel-
atively wide separation of the caudal tip from the
rear end of the otolith. The other is the ratio ol:cl
(ranging between 1.3 and 2.2, except for Zeugopte-
rus where it can approach nearly 1.0) which re-
flects an early stage in the reduction of the length
of the cauda. Those two characters represent an
early stage in the development of the otolith
morphology seen in maturity in the Bothidae
and Pleuronectidae.
In conclusion, otoliths of the scophthalmid gen-
era do not contradict their being classified in one
family – Scophthalmidae although they exhibit
rather divergent morphological patterns. They
also in principal support the phylogenetic con-
cept proposed by LAUDER & LIEM.
Distribution: The four genera of the Scophthal-
midae are restricted to the temperate North At-
lantic, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, in
both recent and fossil records.
7.5.1 Scophthalmus Group
Genera: One genus – Scophthalmus – with three
recent species from the temperate North Atlan-
tic, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. In ad-
dition there is one undescribed fossil species re-
corded from the Middle Miocene of southern
Poland (Paratethys). It is the only group of the
family recorded from the coasts of North Amer-
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the
Scophthalmus Group seem to represent the most
plesiomorphic in this family. They are thin, com-
pressed in outline with a distinct predorsal an-
gle. They resemble in shape somewhat Citharids.
The sulcus is clearly opening anteriorly. The os-
tium is slightly to considerably longer than the
cauda and also slightly wider. The cauda is gen-
tly curved over its entire length and terminates at
some distance from the posterior rim of the oto-
lith. The circumsulcal depression is shallow, but
more or less complete.
Otoliths of the Zeugopterus Group are quite
similar merely looking like dwarfed specimens
of Scophthalmus. Otoliths of the Lepidorhombus
Group in contrary differ in several aspects (see
respective entry).
Scophthalmus RAFINESQUE 1810
Type-species: Pleuronectes rhombus LINNAEUS
syn. Rhombus [non COSTA 1776] WALBAUM
1792 (type-species: Pleuronectes rhombus)
syn. Rhomboides GOLDFUSS 1820 (type-species:
Pleuronectes rhombus)
syn. Psetta CUVIER 1817 (type-species: Pleu-
ronectes maximus)
syn. Lophopsetta GILL 1862 (type-species: Pleu-
ronectes maculatus MITCHILL 1814 = Scoph-
thalmus aquosus)
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Diagnosis: Thin, compressed otoliths; ventral
rim deeply and regularly curving, deepest slight-
ly anterior of the middle, dorsal rim with prom-
inent predorsal angle and indistinct postdorsal
angle situated far backwards close to the posteri-
or rim, posterior tip blunt or with indistinct ob-
tuse angle, anterior rim with very short rostrum,
but without excisura; index l:h 1.2 to 1.4. Otolith
size up to 14 mm, but usually smaller than 10 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and slight-
ly to considerably longer, anteriorly open, rather
shallow. Cauda straight to very gently curving
over the whole length, terminating at some dis-
tance from the posterior rim of the otolith. Dorsal
and ventral depressions shallow, often indistinct,
more or less connected around caudal tip to form
a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face slightly convex; outer face slightly
concave, smooth to slightly ornamented. Rims
sharp, often crenulated or irregularly undulat-
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
rhombus 1.25-1.45 4.0-4.5 1.75-2.0 1.2-1.3 about 3.5
maximus 1.30-1.60 4.0-4.5 1.35-1.75 1.1-1.3 3.0-3.5
aquosus 1.35 4.0 1.30 1.1 about 3.5
Side dimorphism: Not apparent or else hidden
by the relatively wide intraspecific variability.
Ontogeny and variability: CHAINE (1936) has
figured large series of S. rhombus and S. maximus.
From his figures it appears that ontogenetic
changes are not very significant. Even small spec-
imens in the range of 3 to 4 mm are diagnostical-
ly valid. The smallest otolith in my collection,
however, which is about 1.5 mm long, has not
developed all pertinent diagnostic features.
Variability to the contrary can be quite signif-
icant. In particular details of the outline and length
to height proportions are apt to variations.
Discussion: See discussion in entry to group.
Species and distribution: Three recent species –
S. rhombus in the Mediterranean, Black Sea and
the NE-Atlantic from northernmost Morocco to
southern Norway, S. maximus with the same dis-
tribution pattern but also occurring of Iceland,
and S. aquosus from the Atlantic coast of North
America from Casco Bay to South Carolina. In
addition there is a single juvenile fossil record
from the Middle Miocene of southern Poland
(Paratethys) described by RADWANSKA (1992)
as Scophthalmus sp. (fig. 155, pl. 37, figs. 8-10) (see
fig. 122).
Scophthalmus maximus (LINNAEUS 1758)
Figs. 118-121
syn. Pleuronectes turbot LACEPEDE 1802
syn. Pleuronectes tuberculatus SHAW 1803
syn. Pleuronectes cyclops DONOVAN 1806
syn. Pleuronectes maeoticus PALLAS 1814 (subspe-
syn. Rhombus aculeatus GOTTSCHE 1835
syn. Rhombus stellosus BENNETT 1835
syn. Scophthalmus ponticus NINNI 1932
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths, 2 (right side,
fig. 121) from off Portugal, south of Lisboa, one
otolith ZMH Ot. 3.1.1994.8 (leg BMNH
7), the other BMNH, 4 (left and right
side, figs. 118-120), North Sea, ZMH Ot. 2.1.1995.5-
8 (coll. Schwarzhans).
Ontogeny and variability: See entry to genus. A
large series of otoliths from this species has been
figured by CHAINE (1936).
Discussion: S. maximus differs from the parallelly
occurring S. rhombus in the comparatively longer
cauda and in being slightly more elongate.
S.aquosus shows similar sulcus proportions but
has a much less developed predorsal angle.
Distribution: Mediterranean, Black Sea, and NE-
Atlantic from southern Norway to northernmost
Morocco and from Iceland.
Scophthalmus rhombus (LINNAEUS 1758)
Fig. 123
syn. Pleuronectes cristatus LICHTENSTEIN 1801
syn. Pleuronectes laevis TURTON 1802
syn. Rhombus barbatus RISSO 1826
syn. Pleuronectes lioderma NARDO 1827
syn. Platessa pavonina COSTA 1847
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off Plymouth, England, BMNH 1988.10.11.18-23.
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Ontogeny and variability: See entry to genus. A
large series of otoliths has been figured by
CHAINE (1936).
Discussion: Otoliths of S. rhombus are character-
ized by their relatively short cauda.
Distribution: Mediterranean, Black Sea, and NE-
Atlantic from southern Norway to northernmost
Scophthalmus aquosus (MITCHILL 1815)
Fig. 124
syn. Pleuronectes maculatus MITCHILL 1814 (pre-
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
the coast of Connecticut, USA, BMNH
Ontogeny and variability: No data.
Discussion: Otoliths of S. aquosus are recognized
by the combination of the relatively long cauda
which is almost as wide as the ostium and the
moderate predorsal angle. They resembles clos-
est otoliths of S. maximus.
Distribution: NW-Atlantic, coasts of North
America from Casco Bay to South Carolina.
7.5.2 Lepidorhombus Group
Genera: One genus – Lepidorhombus – with two
recent species in the NE-Atlantic and the western
Mediterranean and three fossil species from the
Upper Oligocene to the Upper Miocene of the
North Sea Basin and the Paratethys. One of the
two recent species – L. whiffiagonis – has also been
recorded as fossil from the Pliocene of the North
Sea Basin.
Fig. 122: Scophthalmus sp. – 10 ×
Figs. 118-121: Sophthalmus maximus (LINNAEUS 1758) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the ge-
nus Lepidorhombus differ in a number of aspects
from those of the other genera in the family Scoph-
thalmidae. For one thing they are the only genus
with a pronounced side dimorphism in otoliths.
Furthermore they are characterized by a more
gently curved outline, a more massive rostrum,
the more strongly reduced size of the cauda which
is oval in shape, and the rather strongly devel-
oped and complete circumsulcal depression.
From otolith analysis it seems that the Lepi-
dorhombus Group occupies a somewhat separat-
ed position within the Scophthalmidae. Judging
from otoliths alone Lepidorhombus could also be
placed in the Bothidae, for instance close to the
Paralichthys Group.
Lepidorhombus GÜNTHER 1862
Type-species: Pleuronectes megastoma DONOVAN
1804 (syn. L. whiffiagonis)
Diagnosis: Thin, roundish to moderately elon-
gate otoliths; ventral rim shallow to moderately
deep, regularly curving, dorsal rim gently curv-
ing in left sided otoliths, with prominent post-
dorsal angle in right sided otoliths, predorsal
angle indistinct, posterior tip rounded or point-
ed, anterior rim with relatively strong massive
rostrum, but without excisura; index l:h 1.1 to
1.85. Otolith size up to 10 mm, but usually small-
er than 7 mm. Specimens from about 3 to 4 mm
seem to be morphologically mature.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda but consid-
erably longer, anteriorly open, moderately deep.
Cauda short, oval in shape, terminating at some
distance from the posterior rim of the otolith.
Dorsal and ventral depressions deep, wide, well
connected around caudal tip to form a circum-
sulcal depression.
Inner face almost flat; outer face flat to slight-
ly concave, smooth, sometimes with postdorsal
ridge. Rims sharp, smooth or slightly and ir-
regularly undulating.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
whiffiagonis (left) 1.60-1.70 3.5 2.1-2.2 1.0-1.2 5-6
whiffiagonis (right) 1.55-1.60 4.5 1.5-1.6 7-8
boscii (left) 1.35-1.50 ab. 5.0 2.0-2.2 0.9-1.1 5-6
boscii (right) 1.30-1.45 ab. 5.0 1.65-1.8 6-7
subtriangularis (l) 1.65-1.85 2.5-3.5 1.6-1.8 1.1-1.35 4.5
subtriangularis (r) 1.55-1.80 3.5 1.25-1.4 1.0-1.1 6.5
angulosus (left) 1.45-1.55 3.5-4.0 1.5-2.2 1.1-1.35 4-5
klockenhoffi (l) 1.10-1.25 1.6-2.0 1.1-1.2 nm
Fig. 123: Scophthalmus rhombus (LINNAEUS 1758) – 10 ×
Fig. 124: Scophthalmus aquosus (MITCHILL 1815) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Side dimorphism: Otoliths of the genus Lepido-
rhombus exhibit a remarkable degree of side di-
morphism, one of the largest to be seen in Pleu-
ronectiforms. The features are:
Sulcus shape and depth: Otoliths of the eyed
side show a much deeper sulcus with a propor-
tionally shorter cauda.
Separation of colliculi: Otoliths of the blind
side usually show well separated colliculi, where-
as in otoliths of the eyed side they are almost
completely fused.
Otolith proportions: Otoliths of the eyed side
are often more elongate than those of the blind
Outline of otolith: Otoliths of the blind side
show a rather gently curved dorsal rim, whereas
those of the eyed side exhibit a strong postdorsal
angle. Also, in otoliths of the eyed side the rostrum
is more massive. Rims of otoliths of the eyed side
are usually smoother than those of the blind side.
Circumsulcal depression: In otoliths of the
eyed side the circumsulcal depression is less well
limited towards the cauda and usually shallower
than in otoliths of the blind side. Also, otoliths of
the eyed side often show multiple radial ridges
and furrows crossing the rear part of the circum-
sulcal depression.
Curvature of the inner face: The inner faces of
otoliths of the eyed side are usually more convex
than those of the blind side, particularly so in the
vertical direction.
It must be noted, however, that the degree of
side dimorphism in otoliths is somewhat varia-
ble from species to species. It is strongest in
L. whiffiagonis and L. subtriangularis, but less well
developed in L. boscii.
Ontogeny and variability: CHAINE (1936) has
figured a large set of otoliths from the two recent
species. From his figures it appears that ontoge-
netic changes of otoliths down to about 4 to 5 mm
in length are rather inconspicuous. They have
often developed a ridge or knob situated post-
dorsally on the outer face. In specimens smaller
than 3 to 4 mm this character usually is not de-
Intraspecific variability, on the other side, is
relatively strong. Both otolith and sulcus propor-
tions may be affected to a certain extend as well
as details of the outline and its ornamentation.
Discussion: See entry to Lepidorhombus Group.
Species and distribution: Two recent species –
L. whiffiagonis in the western Mediterranean and
Figs. 125-128: Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis (WALBAUM 1792) – 6 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
in the NE-Atlantic found on the deep shelf down
to 400 m, and L. boscii with the same distribution
pattern but found in depths down to 800 m.
L. whiffiagonis is also known as fossil from the
Pliocene of Belgium. In addition there are three
fossil species – L. subtriangularis from the Upper
Oligocene to Middle Miocene of the North Sea
Basin and the Middle Miocene of Austria and
Poland (Paratethys), L. angulosus from the Lower
and Middle Miocene of the North Sea Basin, and
L. klockenhoffi from the Upper Miocene of the
North Sea Basin.
Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis
(WALBAUM 1792)
Figs. 125-128, 14
syn. Pleuronectes megastoma DONOVAN 1804
syn. Pleuronectes pseudopalus PENNANT 1812
syn. Pleuronectes (Rhombus) cardina CUVIER 1829
syn. Lepidorhombus megastoma borealis KYLE 1913
syn. Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis – otoliths: GAE-
MERS & SCHWARZHANS 1973: pl. 3,
fig. 38; pl. 10, fig. 7
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (2 left side and
2 right side) from the North Sea, ZMH Ot.
5.1.1994.1-4 (coll. Schwarzhans).
Ontogeny and variability: See entry to genus. A
large series of otoliths has been figured by
CHAINE (1936).
Side dimorphism: L. whiffiagonis is one of the
species of this genus with a very strongly devel-
oped side dimorphism (see entry to genus).
Discussion: Otoliths of L. whiffiagonis are readi-
ly distinguished from those of the other recent
species – L. boscii – in being more elongate. The
ventral rim is curving more shallow. Otoliths of
the eyed side show a much stronger postdorsal
angle than those of L. boscii.
Distribution: Western and Central Mediterrane-
an and NE-Atlantic from southern Norway and
Iceland to southern Morocco (Cape Bojador).
L. whiffiagonis is also known as fossil from the
Lower Pliocene of Belgium.
Lepidorhombus boscii (RISSO 1810)
Figs. 129-131
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths, 2 (right and left
side, figs. 129-130) from Banjules, France, West-
ern Mediterranean, BMNH 1976.7.30.270-4, 1 oto-
lith (right side, fig. 131) from off Malta, 25°44N/
15°07E, ZMH Ot. 5.1.1994.5 (leg. ZMUC 853446).
Ontogeny and variability: See entry to genus.
A large series of otoliths has been figured by
CHAINE (1936).
Side dimorphism: Otolith asymmetry is less
strongly developed in L. boscii than in other spe-
cies of the genus. Sulcus proportions are practi-
cally identical between otoliths from the eyed and
from the blind sides. Also the development of the
postdorsal angle is much less differential than
for instance in L. whiffiagonis.
Discussion: See L. whiffiagonis.
Figs. 129-131: Lepidorhombus boscii (RISSO 1810) – 6 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Distribution: Western Mediterranean and NE-
Atlantic from Scotland to southern Morocco (Cape
Bojador). A fossil record of this species from the
Pliocene of Belgium (NOLF, 1978) is based on a
very eroded otolith and therefore may not be
regarded as valid.
Lepidorhombus subtriangularis
Figs. 132-142
syn. Rhombus rhenanus KOKEN – SCHUBERT
1906: pl. 6, fig. 15
syn. Lepidorhombus subtriangularis HEINRICH
1970 – HEINRICH 1970: fig. 1
syn. Solea subglabra SCHUBERT – SMIGIELSKA
1973: pl. 5, fig. 9
syn. Lepidorhombus angulosus NOLF 1976 (pars) –
NOLF 1976: pl. 17, fig. 15 (non fig. 16 = hol-
syn. Lepidorhombus angulosus NOLF – RADWAN-
SKA 1992: fig. 154; pl. 37, figs. 1-7
syn. Scophthalmus sp. – RADWANSKA 1992
(part): fig. 155; pl. 37, figs. 9-10 (non pl. 37,
fig. 8 Scophthalmus sp.)
syn. Lepidorhombus aff. subtriangularis – MÜLLER
1994: pl. 10, fig. 5
syn. Lepidorhombus subtriangularis – SCHWARZ-
HANS 1994: figs. 517-521
Investigated otoliths: 24 otoliths, 6 otoliths from
the Upper Oligocene of various locations in north-
ern Germany (2 figured from Ratingen, coll Klin-
ger, left side, figs. 133-134), 1 otolith (left side,
fig. 132) from well Wetten near Goch, northern
Germany, Reinbekian, Middle Miocene, coll.
Wienrich, and as L. aff. subtriangularis 2 otoliths
(right side) from Bad Vöslau, Austria, Badenian,
Middle Miocene, GBW 1906/1/69 (originally
identified by SCHUBERT, 1906 as Rhombus rhen-
anus) and 14 otoliths (figs. 135-142) from Rybni-
ca, Poland, Badenian, Middle Miocene, ZPalUW-
RaR 418-426, 427-429 (coll. Radwanska).
Ontogeny and variability: The largest otolith of
this species known so far is the well preserved
holotype of HEINRICH (1970), which is about
5.5 mm long. This specimen and the one of
fig. 132, which is about 4 mm long seemingly
represent a mature morphological stage. The
smaller ones are lacking the horizontal ridge or
knob situated postdorsally on the outer face.
A feature of considerable variability is the
postdorsal angle in left sided otoliths. It is strongly
developed in the well preserved holotype of
Figs. 132-134: Lepidorhombus subtriangularis HEINRICH 1970 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
HEINRICH (1970) and the specimen figured as a
paratype of L. angulosus by NOLF (1976). Figures
by RADWANSKA (1992) and those otoliths fig-
ured here show both strong and feeble postdor-
sal angles. However, the otoliths from the Mid-
dle Miocene of Austria and Poland in general are
Figs. 135-142: Lepidorhombus aff. subtriangularis HEINRICH 1970 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
a little more slender and do not show the post-
dorsal thickening of the outer face, which seems
to be typical at least for the larger specimens from
the North Sea Basin. Eventually, once more ma-
terial has become available, they might be regard-
ed as a different species altogether. For the time
being I recommend to leave them as L. aff. subtri-
angularis (figs. 135-142).
Side dimorphism: Like L. whiffiagonis, L. subtri-
angularis too exhibits a rather strong degree of
side dimorphism. This can be seen best in a series
of both left and right sided otoliths from Poland
(figs. 135-142; see also RADWANSKA, 1992).
Specimens from the Tertiary of the North Sea
Basin so far have almost exclusively been left sid-
Discussion: L. subtriangularis resembles in all
aspects the recent L. whiffiagonis. Differences if any
are the slightly more elongate appearance and
the comparatively longer cauda (index ol:cl, see
list to genus). Larger otoliths of L. subtriangularis
seem to be more thickset than those of
L. whiffiagonis due to the strong postcentral ridge
or knob on the outer face (apparent only in spec-
imens from the North Sea Basin). Anyway, both
species apparently are closely related, i.e. L. sub-
triangularis may represent the ancestor of L. whif-
Figs. 143-146: Lepidorhombus angulosus NOLF 1976 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Distribution: Upper Oligocene to Middle Mi-
ocene of the North Sea Basin and as L. aff. subtri-
angularis (figs. 135-142) also from the Middle
Miocene of the northern Paratethys (Austria and
Poland). It may additionally be expected in the
Middle Miocene of the Atlantic European Basins,
although not proven as yet despite extensive re-
search (STEURBAUT, 1984).
Lepidorhombus angulosus NOLF 1976
Figs. 143-146
syn. Lepidorhombus angulosus NOLF 1976 (pars) –
NOLF 1976: pl. 17, fig. 16 (holotype), non
fig. 15 (L. subtriangularis)
syn. Lepidorhombus angulosus – MENZEL 1986:
pl. 9, fig. 3
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths, 1 otolith (left
side, fig. 143), well Lüllingen near Goch, north-
ern Germany, Hemmoorian to Reinbekian, Low-
er to Middel Miocene, coll. Wienrich, 1 otolith
(left side, fig. 145), well UWO 36 Hellwege near
Ahaus (129-132 m), northern Germany, Hemmoo-
rian, Lower Miocene, NLB 11732 (ident. and leg.
Menzel), 1 otolith (right side, fig. 144), well Wet-
ten near Goch, northern Germany, Reinbekian,
Middle Miocene, coll. Wienrich, 1 otolith (left side)
from Dingden near Bocholt, northern Germany,
Reinbekian, Middle Miocene, coll. Schwarzhans,
1 small otolith (right side, fig. 146) from quarry
Sunder at Twistringen near Bremen, Reinbekian,
Middle Miocene, coll. Schwarzhans.
Ontogeny and variability: The few specimens
known so far do not allow analysis of ontogenet-
ic changes or variability.
Side dimorphism: Although known from very
few specimens so far, it seems that side dimor-
phism is not very strongly developed in this spe-
cies, comparable may be to L. boscii.
Discussion: L. angulosus differs from the paral-
lelly occurring L. subtriangularis in being more
compressed and more thinset. In these respects it
resembles closely the recent L. boscii (also in the
degree of side dimorphism, see above). Otoliths
of L. boscii seem to be even more compressed and
usually exhibit a shorter cauda (see index ol:cl in
listing to genus). However, morphological differ-
ences are so small that a very close relationship is
being postulated. This indicates that the lineage
L. angulosusL. boscii has been separated from
the lineage L. subtriangularisL. whiffiagonis for a
considerable time span.
Distribution: Lower (?) and Middle Miocene of
the North Sea Basin (Belgium and northern Ger-
Lepidorhombus klockenhoffi
Fig. 147-150
syn. Lepidorhombus klockenhoffi GAEMERS &
SCHWARZHANS 1982: pl. 8, figs. 6-11
Investigated otoliths: 17 otoliths (all type-mate-
rial) from the Isle of Sylt, northern Germany,
Syltian, Upper Miocene, figured specimens are
fig. 147 (holotype, left side, RGM 176 674) and
figs. 148-150 (paratypes, 2 left and 1 right side,
RGM 176 684).
Figs. 147-150: Lepidorhombus klockenhoffi GAEMERS & SCHWARZHANS 1982 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Ontogeny and variability: The largest otolith
known to date is about 3.6 mm long and may not
be fully mature.
Variability is particularly evident in the de-
velopment of the postdorsal and the posterior
rims. Usually, the postdorsal angle is pronounced
and the posterior rim blunt, but some otoliths
show a weak postdorsal rim and a somewhat
angular to pointed posterior tip (not figured). It
looks as if the postdorsal angle has moved down-
Side dimorphism: Practically all right handed
otoliths are poorly preserved and therefore only
one specimen is figured. It seems that right hand-
ed otoliths are more roundish in shape with fee-
ble postdorsal angles and a weak rostrum.
Discussion: L. klockenhoffi is easily recognized by
its extreme compressed appearance. It apparent-
ly represents a third yet extinct lineage within
the genus Lepidorhombus.
Distribution: Known exclusively from the type
7.5.3 Zeugopterus Group
Genera: Two genera – Zeugopterus – with one
recent species from the North Sea and one fossil
species from the Upper Oligocene of the North
Sea Basin, and – Phrynorhombus – with two recent
species from the European coast of the Atlantic
and the Western Mediterranean and one fossil
species from the Miocene of the North Sea Basin.
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the
Zeugopterus Group in many aspects resemble
those of Scophthalmus, single genus of the Scoph-
thalmus Group. In fact, they somehow look like
dwarfed Scophthalmus otoliths.
Otoliths of the Zeugopterus Group are rela-
tively small in size like the fishes themselves, too.
The ostium is just slightly longer and wider than
the cauda. The cauda sometimes shows an incip-
ient and very gently curvature over its whole
length. The circumsulcal depression is complete
in both genera, although sometimes quite feeble.
I assume that the Zeugopterus Group repre-
sents a specialized offshot from near the Scoph-
thalmus Group.
Zeugopterus GOTTSCHE 1835
Type-species: Pleuronectes hirtus ABILDGAARD
1789 (syn. Z. punctatus)
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, compressed otoliths;
ventral rim regularly curving, deepest at about
the middle, dorsal rim with rounded predorsal
angle and usually prominent postdorsal angle
situated far backwards close to the posterior rim,
posterior tip with obtuse angle, anterior rim with
short, sometimes massive rostrum, but without
excisura; index l:h 1.25 to 1.65. Otolith size not
exceeding 2.5 mm, morphologically mature from
about 1.5 mm.
Ostium markedly wider than cauda and only
slightly longer, anteriorly open, moderately deep.
Cauda straight to very gently curving over the
whole length, terminating relatively close to the
posterior rim of the otolith. Dorsal and ventral
Figs. 151-153: Zeugopterus punctatus (BLOCH 1787) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
depressions shallow, often indistinct, but connect-
ed around caudal tip to form a circumsulcal de-
Inner face slightly convex, particularly so in
the vertical direction; outer face slightly concave,
smooth. Rims sharp, sometimes irregularly un-
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
punctatus 1.25-1.40 3.0 1.05-1.2 1.2-1.7 3.5-4.0
rosenthalensis 1.40-1.55 3.0 1.15-1.35 1.1-1.5 3.5-4.0
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Ontogeny and variability: Ontogenetic changes
do not seem to be very drastic. Small otoliths of
1.5 mm or less just look more generalized and
smoothed in outline.
Variability to the contrary is considerable. It
affects aspects of the outline, and proportions of
otolith and sulcus to some extent.
Discussion: Fishes and otoliths of Zeugopterus
grow to larger sizes than those of Phrynorhombus.
This is probably the reason why they look less
reduced in otolith morphology. Outline of the
otolith, proportions of the sulcus and shape of
the cauda still resembles Scophthalmus very much.
In Phrynorhombus for instance the gentle curva-
ture of the cauda is completely reduced, the cau-
da ovally shaped.
Species and distribution: One recent species –
Z. punctatus – in the North Sea, and one fossil
species – Z. rosenthalensis – from the Upper Oli-
gocene of northern Germany.
Zeugopterus punctatus (BLOCH 1787)
Figs. 151-153
syn. Pleuronectes hirtus ABILDGAARD 1789
syn. Zeugopterus papillosus BROOK 1886
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths, (2 right, 1 left
side) off Plymouth, ZMH Ot. 5.1.1994.6 (leg.
BMNH 1988.10.11.27-29) and BMNH 1988.
Ontogeny and variability: See entry to genus.
Discussion: Z. punctatus differs from the fossil
Z. rosenthalensis in being more compressed and
showing a more angularly developed dorsal rim.
Also in Z. rosenthalensis the cauda is completely
Distribution: North Sea from southern Norway
thru the channel to the Bay of Biscay mainly on
stones and rocks in the algal zone. In addition
there is a possible record from the Pliocene of
Belgium by NOLF (1978; as Zeugopterus cf. punc-
tatus). His drawing, however, does not allow for
a reliable identification.
Zeugopterus rosenthalensis (WEILER 1942)
Figs. 154-157
syn. Bothus rosenthalensis WEILER 1942 – WEILER
1942: pl. 5, fig. 1
syn. Bothidarum rosenthalensis – SCHWARZ-
HANS 1974: fig. 68
syn. Zeugopterus rosenthalensis – SCHWARZ-
HANS 1994: figs. 512-516
Figs. 154-157: Zeugopterus rosenthalensis (WEILER 1942) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Investigated otoliths: 17 otoliths from various
locations from the Upper Oligocene of northern
Germany, figured specimens, 1 otolith (left side,
fig. ) shaft Sophia Jacoba 8 near Hückelhoven
(279-282.5 m), coll. von der Hocht, 1 otolith (left
side, fig. ) from well in Krefeld-Uerdingen, coll.
Schwarzhans, 2 otoliths (1 left side, 1 right side,
figs.) from well near Willich, coll. von der Hocht.
Variability: Variations concern details of the out-
line and proportions of otolith and sulcus.
Discussion: Z. rosenthalensis differs from the re-
cent Z. punctatus in being more elongate, show-
ing a more regularly rounded dorsal rim and a
rather massive rostrum. Also the cauda is com-
pletely straight. In these aspects, particularly so
the shape of the cauda, Z. rosenthalensis also re-
sembles otoliths of Phrynorhombus. In fact, this
species seems like being morphologically inter-
mediate between the two closely related genera.
Distribution: Upper Oligocene of northern Ger-
many (North Sea Basin).
Phrynorhombus GÜNTHER 1862
Type-species: Rhombus unimaculatus RISSO 1826
(syn. P. regius)
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, compressed otoliths;
ventral rim deeply and regularly curving, deep-
est at about the middle, dorsal rim irregular some-
times with pre- and postdorsal angles or medio-
dorsal angle, posterior tip blunt or with obtuse
angle, anterior rim without or with very short
rostrum, but without excisura; index l:h 1.15 to
1.45. Otolith size up to 2.5 mm, but usually smaller
than 2 mm.
Ostium wider and longer than cauda, anteri-
orly open, moderately deep. Cauda straight, oval
in shape, terminating at some distance from the
posterior rim of the otolith. Dorsal and ventral
depressions marked, well connected around cau-
dal tip to form a circumsulcal depression. Some-
times dorsal and/or ventral depression are
crossed by radial furrows in otoliths of both sides.
The dorsal and ventral cristae of the cauda are
often prominent, sometimes tubercular.
Inner face flat to slightly convex; outer face
flat to slightly concave, smooth. Rims moderate-
ly sharp, sometimes irregularly undulating.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
norvegicus 1.15-1.25 about 3.0 1.2-1.75 1.1-1.6 3.0-4.0
medius 1.30-1.45 3.0-3.7 1.05-1.35 1.0-1.2 5.4-5.7
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism in this ge-
nus is masked by the very high degree of the
intraspecific variability. It seems that otoliths of
the eyed side are just slightly more elongate.
Ontogeny and variability: Practically all Phry-
norhombus otoliths known so far are between 1.5
and 2.5 mm large. Within this size distribution
ontogenetic changes are not apparent.
Variability within the species of this genus is
extremely high. There is almost no character
which remains uninfluenced. Outline, propor-
tions of otolith and sulcus vary to quite some
extent. Diagnosis of species will depend on large
otolith series and even then distinction of them
will not always be possible.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Phrynorhom-
bus are very small and look like dwarfed Scoph-
thalmus otoliths in many ways. In fact, they are
even smaller than the otoliths of the related ge-
nus Zeugopterus. Morphologically, they are also
more generalized, for instance as far the sulcus is
concerned. This makes recognition of isolated
otoliths of Phrynorhombus very difficult. The low
diagnostic value of Phrynorhombus otoliths will
make it even difficult at times to safely distin-
guish them from juvenile otoliths of some other
Pleuronectiform genus.
Apart from the difficulties in recognizing
Phrynorhombus otoliths they certainly resemble
Zeugopterus otoliths, and in my opinion both gen-
era are closely related.
Species and distribution: Phrynorhombus con-
tains two recent species – P. norvegicus from the
North Sea, northern Norway to the Bay of Biscay
and Iceland and P. regius from the British Isles to
Gibraltar and in the western Mediterranean. There
is one fossil record – P. medius – from the Lower
to Upper Miocene of northern Germany (North
Sea Basin). A second fossil record – P. bassolii – by
SCHUBERT (1906) from the Middle Miocene of
Austria (Paratethys) does not represent a Pleu-
ronectiform (see chapter 4.2).
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Phrynorhombus norvegicus (GÜNTHER 1862)
Figs. 158-162
Investigated otoliths: 7 otoliths (4 left and 3 right
side) from SW-England, IRSNB (coll. Nolf).
Ontogeny and variability: See entry to genus.
The 5 otoliths figured have been selected to give
an impression of the variability occurring in this
Discussion: Otoliths of P. norvegicus differ from
those of the other recent species – P. regius – in
the absence of a distinct rostrum.
Distribution: Iceland, Norway, British Isles and
France south to the Bay of Biscay on rocky bot-
toms between 10 and 180 m.
Phrynorhombus regius (BONNATERRE 1788)
syn. Pleuronectes calimanda LACEPEDE 1802
syn. Pleuronectes uniocellatus NARDO 1824
syn. Rhombus unimaculatus RISSO 1826
syn. Rhombus setiger MICHAHELLAS 1829
syn. Pleuronectes saxatilis NARDO 1847
Discussion: I have not investigated otoliths of
this species. CHAINE (1936) has figured a number
of otoliths from both recent Phrynorhombus spe-
cies. Unfortunately, his figures are very small and
do not allow for a detailed analysis. Anyhow, it
seems that otoliths of P. regius differ from those
of P. norvegicus in exhibiting a more pronounced
Distribution: From the British Isles to Gibraltar
and in the western Mediterranean on rocky bot-
toms between 10 and 180 m.
Phrynorhombus medius WEILER 1958
Figs. 163-165
syn. Phrynorhombus medius WEILER 1958 –
WEILER 1958: pl. 3, fig. 16
?syn. Phrynorhombus medius – GAEMERS &
SCHWARZHANS 1982: pl. 2, fig. 6
syn. Bothidarum obliquus MENZEL 1986 – MEN-
ZEL 1986: pl. 8, fig. 10; pl. 10, fig. 6
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths, the holotype of
Bothidarum obliquus (right side, fig. 165) from well
UE 45 Wistedt near Zeven, Lower Saxonia, Hem-
moorian, Lower Miocene, NLB 11733 (leg. Men-
zel), 2 otoliths (right side, fig. 163, 164) from well
Oxlund (105-128 m), Schleswig-Holstein, Hem-
moorian, Lower Miocene, coll. Martini (leg. An-
derson), 2 otoliths (left side, one figured in GAE-
MERS & SCHWARZHANS, 1982), Morsum Kliff,
Isle of Sylt, Syltian, Upper Miocene, RGM 176
Ontogeny and variability: Variability like in all
Phrynorhombus otoliths is considerable, mostly
concerning proportions of otolith and sulcus. The
otolith of fig. 164 is remarkable for its considera-
Figs. 158-162: Phrynorhombus norvegicus (GÜNTHER 1862) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
bly more compressed and roundish outline. It
could possibly represent a distinct species, but
since it is a unique specimen of a genus known
for its high variability it could also represent just
an extreme variation.
Discussion: Otoliths of P. medius seem to grow
to slightly larger sizes than those of the two re-
cent species. In general their otoliths are slightly
more elongate and the ostium is usually not as
much longer as the cauda (see index ol:cl in list-
ing to genus). The latter character also distinguish-
es them from parallelly occurring juveniles of
Lepidorhombus spp.
Distribution: Lower to Upper Miocene of north-
ern Germany.
7.6 Bothidae
Genera: The Bothidae as recognized here con-
tains some 39 living genera. In alphabetical order
they are: Achiropsetta, Ancylopsetta, Arnoglossus,
Asterorhombus, Bothus, Caulopsetta, Cephalopsetta,
Chascanopsetta, Citharichthys, Crossorhombus, Cyclo-
psetta, Engyophrys, Engyprosopon, Etropus, Gas-
tropsetta, Grammatobothus, Hippoglossina, Japonol-
aeops, Kamoharaia, Laeops, Lioglossina, Lophonectes,
Mancopsetta, Monolene, Neolaeops, Orthopsetta,
Parabothus, Paralichthys, Pelecanichthys, Perissias,
Psettina, Pseudorhombus, Syacium, Taeniopsetta, Tar-
phops, Thysanopsetta, Tosarhombus, Trichopsetta,
Definition and relationship: In NORMAN
(1934) the Bothidae were understood as an as-
semblage of all left eyed Pleuronectoidei, includ-
ing of what are now the Citharidae and the Scoph-
thalmidae. He distinguished three subfamilies –
Paralichthyinae, Bothinae and Scophthalminae –
based on the nature of the pelvic fin bases and
presence or absence of transverse apophyses in
the caudal vertebrae. HUBBS (1945) separated
Scophthalmidae and Citharidae from Bothidae
as distinct families (see entry to Citharidae and
Scophthalmidae). In some recent literature Paral-
ichthyinae have also been distinguished as a sep-
arate family (see NELSON 1984). EVSEENKO
(1984) and GON & HEEMSTRA (1990) placed the
two genera Achiropsetta and Mancopsetta in a fam-
ily of their own – the Achiropsettidae. Compar-
ing the characters listed by NORMAN there are
indeed some features, for instance in the genus
Mancopsetta, which do distinguish them from
other bothids (see also HENSLEY & AHLSTROM
1984). These are the median position of the vent
in front of the anal fin, the position of the tip of
the dorsal fin behind the posterior nostril of the
blind side (both presumably plesiomorphic char-
acters), the loss of pectoral fins (an apomorphic
character) and the pattern of the hypurals. – These
alternative views raise the question whether the
Bothidae in its wider sense may not represent a
polyphyletic assemblage, even after extraction of
the Citharidae and the Scophthalmidae. Otolith
analyses might offer support for a solution but
the available evidence is rather feeble and I have
therefore selected to retain Bothidae as a single
family in the sense of HUBBS (1945) with two
subfamilies (Bothinae and Paralichthyinae) in the
sense of HENSLEY & AHLSTROM (1984). The
only exception from this is the genus Tephrinectes
which I have removed from the Bothidae and
placed into a category of uncertain relationship
close to Psettodidae and Citharidae solely on the
Figs. 163-165: Phrynorhombus medius WEILER 1958 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
base of otolith analysis (see entry to Tephrinectes
Group, chapters 7.2. and 7.2.1).
Otoliths of Bothidae exhibit a wide range of
morphological patterns that do not allow for a
simple definition as a family. In general terms the
cauda is already quite reduced in length, width
and morphology (i.e. it is straight with a rounded
tip). The circumsulcal depression is complete or
nearly complete around the posterior tip of the
cauda. These are the main distinctions from the
more plesiomorphic families such as Psettodidae,
Citharidae or Scophthalmidae, although some-
what intermediate forms particularly towards the
pattern seen in the Scopthalmidae do exist. The
ostium can be clearly open anteriorly even with
development of an excisura, but more commonly
it is closed sometimes terminating at a consider-
able distance from the anterior rim of the otolith.
In this respect bothid and pleuronectid otoliths
are often quite similar, although in Pleuronecti-
nae the reduction of the sulcus opening is usually
more strongly developed. In fact placement of
otoliths in either the one or other family often
depends very much on correlation at the generic
level. Then, however, the taxonomic problem can
be solved quite reliably in most instances. The
degree of side dimorphism in bothid otoliths is
not as great as in pleuronectids and in most in-
stances is limited to details of the outline of the
As stated before I have informally employed
a division of the family Bothidae into two sub-
families – the Paralichthyinae and the Bothinae.
In addition, it is possible, with the help of otolith
analysis, to define at least 11 genus-groups ex-
hibiting specific otolith morphologies. These are
the Paralichthys, Pseudorhombus, Syacium, Citharich-
thys, Bothus, Arnoglossus, Monolene-Laeops, Engy-
prosopon, Thysanopsetta, Chascanopsetta and Man-
copsetta Groups. The first four (Paralichthys, Pseu-
dorhombus, Syacium and Citharichthys Groups)
probably form a related cluster to which the sub-
family status of Paralichthyinae may be attribut-
ed. This group is more or less equivalent to the
Paralichthyinae of NORMAN (1934) and the Par-
alichthyidae of HENSLEY & AHLSTROM (1984).
Their otoliths are relatively large, delicately or-
namented, with a moderately to strongly reduced
ostial opening. Furthermore, the Syacium and
Citharichthys Groups exhibit a number of derived,
presumably autapomorphic characters which
makes their recognition relatively easy (see re-
spective entries). HENSLEY & AHLSTROM
(1984) recognized two generic groups, the Pseu-
dorhombus and Cyclopsetta Groups (the latter in-
cluding the Syacium and Citharichthys otolith
groups). Likewise, the genera of the Bothus Group
and the Arnoglossus, Monolene-Laeops and Engy-
prosopon Groups may be interrelated constituting
the Bothinae of NORMAN (1934) (except for Tri-
chopsetta, Engyophrys, Perissias and Monolene
which he placed in the Paralichthyinae; in this
latter respect the concept of the Bothidae of HENS-
LEY & AHLSTROM, 1984, agrees better with the
otolith findings). The otoliths of these four both-
ine groups are relatively small in size, compact,
often with a nearly rectangular outline with little
ornamentation and with a full or only slightly
reduced ostial opening. However, most of these
characters except for the ostial opening must be
regarded as somehow reduced. The remaining
three groups – Thysanopsetta, Chascanopsetta and
Mancopsetta Groups – stand somewhat apart from
the rest of the Bothidae and, together with Tephri-
nectes, in my opinion are the first candidates for
exclusion from the Bothidae proper (for details
see respective entries and HENSLEY & AHL-
STROM, 1984). For convenience only they are here
kept in the subfamily Bothinae.
In conclusion, the definition of the Bothidae by
means of otolith morphology is not very satisfac-
tory. Nevertheless, using otoliths, two large
groups can be outlined which more or less reflect
NORMANs classification of the two subfamilies
Paralichthyinae and Bothinae and even more
closely HENSLEY & AHLSTROMs classification
of the two families Paralichthyidae and Bothi-
dae. In addition there are three small generic
groups which stand somewhat isolated from the
rest, and one genus – Tephrinectes – which clearly
should be removed from the family.
Distribution: Bothidae are widely distributed
throughout the shallow seas of the world oceans.
They are most common and specious in the trop-
ical and subtropical latitudes. The two genera of
the Mancopsetta Group are the only flatfishes oc-
curring in Subantarctic and Antarctic waters.
Some genera are caught in relatively deep water
(Gastropsetta, Mancopsetta, Perissias, Thysanopset-
ta, Trichopsetta and certain species of Arnoglossus)
on the lower continental shelf. The genera of the
Chascanopsetta Group are amongst the deepest
living flatfishes, usually caught on the continen-
tal rises.
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
7.6.1 Paralichthys Group
Genera: In this group I have placed 6 genera –
Ancylopsetta, Gastropsetta, Hippoglossina, Xystr-
eurys, Lioglossina and Paralichthys. This group is
almost entirely from the new world, the excep-
tion being a single species of the genus Paralich-
thys (P. olivaceus from the coasts of China and
Japan). Apart from two recent Paralichthys spe-
cies recorded as fossils from the Pliocene of Cal-
ifornia and Japan, there are no fossil records of
this group.
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the Par-
alichthys Group probably represent the most ple-
siomorphic condition within the Bothidae. Oto-
liths are moderately large, rather elongate and
often nicely ornamented. The rostrum is always
well developed. The sulcus opening is pseudoos-
tial. The ostium is usually much longer than the
cauda and sometimes slightly wider too. The
cauda is short, straight and with a rounded ter-
mination. This reduced character constitutes the
main difference from otoliths of the Scophthalmi-
dae, which are otherwise quite similar. The cir-
cumsulcal depression is usually relatively feeble,
but in most instances well connected behind the
cauda. The degree of side dimorphism is very
low, usually confined to minor differences in the
outline of the otolith, if it is detectable at all. As
a general rule the diagnostically critical size of
otoliths of this group is reached between 3 and
4 mm. Total size rarely exceeding 8 mm.
Morphologically, otoliths of the Paralichthys
Group are somewhat intermediate between those
of the Scophthalmidae and the more advanced
bothid groups. Of the latter the Pseudorhombus,
Syacium and Citharichthys seem to be most close-
ly related. In ichthyological literature the two
genera Paralichthys and Pseudorhombus are com-
monly regarded as very closely related (see
NORMAN, 1934 and GINSBURG, 1952), to an
extant that differentiation of the two genera be-
comes a very delicate task. Otoliths on the other
hand are quite easily differentiated, although the
close relationship may not be questioned. The
reason for separating Pseudorhombus (and related
genera) from the Paralichthys Group is principal-
ly based on the argument that their otolith anal-
ysis characterizes them as the basal morphology
from which the other paralichthin groups may
have derived (for detailed discussion see entries
to genera Paralichthys, Pseudorhombus and the
Pseudorhombus Group).
Ancylopsetta GILL 1864
Type-species: Ancylopsetta quadrocellata GILL 1864
syn. Notosema GOODE & BEAN 1883 (type-spe-
cies: Notosema dilecta)
syn. Ranularia JORDAN & EVERMANN 1898
(type-species: Ancylopsetta dendritica)
Diagnosis: Relatively thin, oval to elongate oto-
liths; ventral rim shallow and gently curving,
deepest slightly posterior of the middle, dorsal
rim with angular to rounded postdorsal angle
and indistinct predorsal angle situated at about
midventral position, posterior tip blunt or round-
ed, anterior rim with prominent rostrum, but
without excisura; index l:h 1.45 to 1.85. Otolith
size probably not much exceeding 5.5 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda but consid-
erably longer, rather shallow. Index ol:cl 1.55 to
2.25. Ostial opening pseudoostial. Cauda short,
straight with rounded termination at considera-
ble distance from the posterior rim of the otolith.
Dorsal and ventral depressions shallow, often
indistinct, more or less well connected around
caudal tip to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face slightly convex; outer face slightly
concave, flat or slightly convex, smooth to slight-
ly ornamented. Rims sharp, smooth or slightly
crenulated to irregularly undulating.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
dilecta 1.45 3.1 1.55 1.1 about 4.0
quadrocellata 1.80-1.85 3.7 2.25 1.1-1.2 about 4.5
cycloidea 1.70 nm 1.55 1.3 nm
microtenus 1.70 3.0 1.55 1.0 about 5.0
antillarum 1.55 2.8 1.65 1.1 about 6.0
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Ancylopsetta
are the least characteristic within this group due
to their rather smooth and regularly curved out-
line. They closely resemble Lioglossina and cer-
tain Paralichthys species.
Species and distribution: Ancylopsetta contains
7 recent species, 6 from the Atlantic coasts of
Central and southern North America – A. antilla-
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
rum, A. cycloidea, A. dilecta, A. kumperae,
A. microtenus and A. quadrocellata – and one from
the Pacific coast of America from California to
Panama – A. dendritica.
Ancylopsetta dilecta (GOODE & BEAN 1883)
Fig. 166
syn. Paralichthys stigmatias GOODE 1884
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off Carolina, USA (32°54N/77°3W), ZMH Ot.
20.3.1994.1 (leg USNM 45596).
Discussion: This is the most compressed otolith
found in all species of the Paralichthys Group with
the most regularly rounded outline. A. dilecta thus
is relatively easy to be recognized. The genus
Notosema established for this species by GOODE
& BEAN (1883) could possibly be regarded as a
subgenus of Ancylopsetta.
Distribution: Known only from the coasts of
Carolina, USA.
Ancylopsetta quadrocellata GILL 1864
Figs. 167-168
syn. Paralichthys ommatus JORDAN & GILBERT
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from off Charleston, South Carolina, USA,
ZMH Ot. 20.3.1994.2 (leg. BMNH 1933.8.10.13)
and BMNH 1933.8.10.13.
Discussion: Otoliths of A. quadrocellata are con-
siderably more elongate than those of the other
species investigated. They do resemble Paralich-
thys species with more rounded otolith outlines
such as P. squamilentus and P. albiguttata. Both,
however, show a relatively longer cauda as do
most species of the genus Paralichthys.
Distribution: Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the
United States.
Ancylopsetta cycloidea TYLER 1959
Fig. 169
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off Tobago, BMNH 1965.6.17.1.
Discussion: The only specimen investigated is
slightly damaged ventrally, but otherwise well
preserved. It closely resembles A. quadrocellata ex-
cept for the almost entirely smooth outline and
the slightly lesser index l:h.
Distribution: Caribbean.
Figs. 167-168: Ancylopsetta quadrocellata GILL 1864 – 10 ×
Fig. 166: Ancylopsetta dilecta
(GOODE & BEAN 1883) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Ancylopsetta microtenus
Fig. 170
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side), para-
type, off Honduras, 16°5N/81°7W, BMNH
Discussion: Very similar to A. cycloidea but less
rounded in outline and with blunt posterior tip.
Distribution: Off Honduras.
Ancylopsetta antillarum
Fig. 171
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side), para-
type, NW Bahamas, 25°3N/79°3W, BMNH
Discussion: Rather compressed, massive otolith
with relatively flat ventral rim and pronounced
dorsal rim.
Distribution: Off Bahamas.
Gastropsetta BEAN 1895
Type-species: Gastropsetta frontalis BEAN 1895
Diagnosis: Thin, fragile, moderately elongate
otolith; ventral rim shallow and gently curving,
dorsal rim more strongly bent with a pronounced,
broadly rounded medioventral angle and a rela-
tively feeble postdorsal angle, posterior tip rath-
er blunt, anterior rim with massive, not very
prominent rostrum and without excisura; index
l:h 1.55. Otolith size about 3 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda but consid-
erably longer, rather shallow. Index ol:cl 2.9. Os-
tial opening pseudoostial. Cauda short, straight
with rounded termination at considerable dis-
tance from the posterior rim of the otolith. Dorsal
and ventral depressions very shallow to indis-
tinct, but well connected around caudal tip to
form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face slightly convex; outer face slightly
concave, smooth to slightly ornamented. Rims
sharp, slightly undulating.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
frontalis 1.55 4.3 2.9 1.5 4.8
Side dimorphism: Not known.
Discussion: NORMAN (1934) regarded this ge-
nus as closely related to Ancylopsetta. This inter-
pretation is supported by the habitus of the oto-
lith in particular the very short cauda. In fact, it
is the shortest cauda to be found within the Par-
alichthys Group. Gastropsetta may be regarded as
a specialized off-branch from Ancylopsetta.
NIELSEN (1963) described the new genus Dor-
sopsetta from off Peru, which he regarded as close-
ly related to Gastropsetta (otoliths of that genus
are not known).
Species and distribution: Gastropsetta is a mono-
typic genus. Its only species G. frontalis has been
caught very rarely in relatively deep water off
Florida, USA. NORMAN (1934) has recorded only
three catches of this species.
Fig. 170: Ancylopsetta microtenus GUTHERZ 1966
– 10 ×
Fig. 169: Ancylopsetta cycloidea TYLER 1959 – 10x
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Gastropsetta frontalis BEAN 1895
Fig. 172
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
off dry Tortugas, Florida, USA, BMNH 1933.
Discussion: See entry to genus (monotypic ge-
Distribution: In relatively deep water off Flori-
da, USA.
[Dorsopsetta NIELSEN 1963]
Type-species: Dorsopsetta norma NIELSEN 1963
Remarks: Dorsopsetta was erected as a monospe-
cific genus by NIELSEN, known only from two
relatively small subadults caught off Peru. The
paratype in the ZMUC collection (P 853116) has
been x-rayed in order to find out whether oto-
liths are still preserved. Unfortunately, they were
not, probably dissolved by formalin.
NIELSEN regarded Dorsopsetta als related to
Gastropsetta. In the meantime D. norma has been
reviewed by HEIDEN & PEREZ (1993). They re-
garded NIELSENs type-specimens as a synonym
of Cyclopsetta querna (see respective entry).
Hippoglossina STEINDACHNER 1876
Type-species: Hippoglossina macrops STEIN-
Diagnosis: Relatively thin, elongate otoliths;
ventral rim shallow and gently curving, deepest
slightly posterior of the middle, dorsal rim like-
wise shallow with rounded pre- and postdorsal
angles, posterior tip obtuse or rounded, anterior
rim with moderately strong and blunt rostrum,
but without excisura; index l:h 1.70 to 1.85. Oto-
lith size probably not much exceeding 7 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda but not very
much longer, slightly deepened. Index ol:cl 1.4 to
1.8. Ostial opening pseudoostial. Cauda not very
short, straight to just very slightly curving, with
rounded termination at considerable distance
from the posterior rim of the otolith. Dorsal and
ventral depressions rather well developed, but
connection around caudal tip often feeble or in-
Inner face almost flat; outer face slightly con-
vex, smooth. Rims sharp, smooth or slightly and
irregularly undulating.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.o
macrops (left) 1.70-1.80 3.5 1.8 1.0-1.1 about 7.0
macrops (right) 2.8 1.45 about 3.5
stomata (left) 1.80-1.85 3.4 1.4 1.1-1.2 about 5.5
stomata (right) 2.8 about 4.5
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism in otoliths
of this genus is rather feeble or so tends to sub-
merge under the relatively high degree of varia-
bility. The latter is particularly true for the pro-
portions and outline of otoliths and sulcus. How-
Fig. 171: Ancylopsetta antillarum
BERRY & GUTHERZ 1965 – 10 ×
Fig. 172: Gastropsetta frontalis BEAN 1895 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
ever, some degree of side dimorphism seems to
be stable as far as width of the sulcus (narrower
in left otoliths) and convexity of outer face (more
convex or thickset in right otoliths) is being con-
Variability: Details of the outline of the otoliths
as well as its proportions and the proportions of
the sulcus seem to be quite variable. As a result
of this distinction of the closely related species
may not always be possible.
Discussion: Hippoglossina otoliths can be distin-
guished from other genera of the Paralichthys
Group by at least three major characters. They
show the proportionally longest cauda which in
some instances even exhibits a faint curvature.
This is supposed to be an inherited plesiomor-
phic character. Secondly, the inner face is unusu-
ally flat. Thirdly, the otoliths are quite elongate,
but this is not due to a long rostrum but the over-
all elongate shape of the otolith. The two latter
are regarded as apomorphic features.
NORMAN (1934) has related Hippoglossina to
Lioglossina and Paralichthys and also regarded
Hippoglossina as one of the most plesiomorphic
genera in his Paralichthyinae. Indeed does the
structure of the cauda exhibit a comparatively
more primitive nature, but the other characters
as listed above do not. A close relationship to
Lioglossina and Paralichthys may very well be the
case, but according to otolith analysis I would
then regard Hippoglossina as an early somewhat
specialized off-shot from the main Paralichthin
branch. GINSBURG (1952) stated that he found
Hippoglossina to be even more closely related to
Pseudorhombus. This view, however, is decidedly
contradicted by the otolith analysis (see also en-
tries to Pseudorhombus and Pseudorhombus Group).
Species and distribution: GINSBURG (1952)
mentioned four species of the genus Hippogloss-
ina, all of them restricted to the Pacific shores of
America (from California to southern Chile) –
H. bollmani, H. macrops, H. mystacium and H. sto-
mata. CHIRICHIGNO (1974) lists a fifth species
from southern Peru and Chile – H. montemaris.
Hippoglossina aff. macrops
Fig. 173
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths from 1 specimen
(left and right side) from the Smyth Channel,
Magellan Strait, ZMH Ot. 20.3.1994.3-4 (leg. ZMH
Remarks: These otoliths were obtained from one
of two specimens recorded by LÖNNBERG
(1907). According to GINSBERG (1952) the spe-
cific assignment of the two specimens is ques-
tionable, particularly since the origin of STEIN-
DACHNERs holotype is unclear. NORMAN
(1934) describes the two specimens of GÜNTHER
as representing H. macrops which originated from
the same region (Magellan Strait) as the one
LÖNNBERG specimen from which I have taken
otoliths. Later (1937) he placed the two
GÜNTHER specimens in H. mystacium. In GINS-
BURGs recommendations the two LÖNNBERG
specimens need restudy before a definite conclu-
sion about their specific allocation can be reached.
Preliminarily, I have chosen to leave the speci-
men in question and from which the otoliths have
been obtained with H. macrops, following LÖN-
NBERGs original identifications.
Discussion: The otoliths of H. aff. macrops are
very similar to those of H. stomata. If there are
any diagnostically valid and stable differences
they are probably the more bluntly developed
posterior rim in H. aff. macrops and also its slight-
ly lesser index l:h. Anyway, the specimens inves-
tigated from H. stomata and H. aff. macrops have
been obtained at the northern and southern lim-
its of the distribution pattern of this genus and
thus sheds some light on the poor level of mor-
Fig. 173: Hippoglossina aff. macrops STEINDACHNER
1876 – fig. 173a = 15 ×; fig. 173b = 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
phological differentiation to be expected from the
otoliths of its species. If I interpret GINSBERGs
remarks correctly the same may be true as well
for other more traditional taxonomic methods.
Distribution: The type location of the species
given by STEINDACHNER was Mazatlan (north-
ern Mexico, Pacific coast), which falls in the
distribution range of H. stomata. NORMAN (1934)
concluded that the type locality given by STEIN-
DACHNER was almost certainly incorrect. Then
H. macrops should be distributed only along the
shores of Chile as far south as the Magellan Strait.
Hippoglossina stomata
Figs. 174-176
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths, 3 figured (left
and right side) from off Acapulco, Pacific coast of
central Mexico, ZMH Ot. 20.3.1994.5-8 (leg. Fitch).
Variability: The two specimens figured already
show the relatively large degree of variability to
be expected within the species of this genus. Fea-
tures concerned are ornamentation of the outline
(smooth or undulating), proportions of the oto-
lith (index l:h) and development of the angles at
the dorsal rim.
Discussion: Otoliths of H. stomata are hardly to
distinguished from those of H. aff. macrops (see
respective entry).
Distribution: California, USA and Pacific coast
of Mexico.
Xystreurys JORDAN & GILBERT 1881
Type-species: Xystreurys liolepis JORDAN & GIL-
BERT 1881
syn. Verecundum JORDAN 1890 (type-species:
Verecundum rasile)
Diagnosis: Thin, elongate otoliths; ventral and
dorsal rims shallow and gently curving, dorsal
rim with indistinct and rounded pre- and post-
dorsal angles, posterior tip blunt or obtuse, ante-
rior rim with moderately pronounced rostrum,
but without excisura; index l:h 1.75 to 1.8. Otolith
size of specimens investigated about 5 mm.
Sulcus narrow. Ostium not or only slightly
wider than cauda and not very much longer, rath-
er shallow. Index ol:cl 1.45 to 1.65. Ostial opening
Figs. 174-176: Hippoglossina stomata EIGENMANN & EIGENMANN 1890 –
figs. 174, 175a, 176a = 15 ×; figs. 175b,c 176b = 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Xystreurys liolepis
Figs. 177-179
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths from off Cali-
fornia USA, (2 left and 1 right side) ZMH Ot.
20.3.1994.10-11 (leg. BMNH and
Discussion: See entry to X. rasile.
Distribution: Coast of California, USA.
Xystreurys rasile (JORDAN 1890)
Figs. 180-181
syn. Hippoglossina notata BERG 1895
syn. Xystreurys brasiliensis REGAN 1914
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right side) from
off Uruguay, ZMH Ot. 2.1.1995.9 (leg. BMNH
1935.9.11.10-11) and BMNH 1935.9.11.10-11.
Discussion: Similar to X. liolepis but without
marginal crenulation and with rather strongly
developed predorsal angle. Also the cauda is
somewhat shorter (index ol:cl).
Distribution: Coasts of Brazil, Uruguay and
pseudoostial. Cauda moderately short, straight
with rounded termination at considerable dis-
tance from the posterior rim of the otolith. Dorsal
and ventral depressions well marked, faintly con-
nected around caudal tip to form a circumsulcal
Inner face slightly convex; outer face slightly
concave and slightly ornamented. Rims sharp,
delicately undulating.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
liolepis 1.75-1.80 4.8 1.45-1.65 1.0-1.1 about 6.5
rasile 1.75-1.80 4.1 1.8-1.85 1.1 about 10
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: The variability seems to be unusual-
ly small, except for the intensity of the marginal
ornamentation observed in X. liolepis, particular-
ly so at the posterior rim.
Discussion: The otoliths of the genus Xystreurys
resemble those of Hippoglossina in outline.
Species and distribution: Two recent species,
one – X. liolepis – from southern California, USA,
the other – X. rasile – from Brazil to Argentine.
Figs. 177-179: Xystreurys liolepis JORDAN & GILBERT 1881 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Lioglossina GILBERT 1891
Type-species: Lioglossina tetrophthalmus GILBERT
Diagnosis: Moderately thin and moderately
elongate otoliths; ventral rim shallow and gently
curving, deepest slightly posterior of the middle,
dorsal rim relatively high and also regularly curv-
ing with faint postdorsal angle and very indis-
tinct predorsal angle, posterior tip rounded, an-
terior rim with prominent rostrum, but without
excisura; index l:h 1.55 to 1.75. Otolith size prob-
ably not exceeding much 5-6 mm.
Ostium not or only slightly wider than cauda
but considerably longer, rather shallow. Index ol:cl
1.75 to 2.9. Ostial opening pseudoostial with ten-
dency for further reduction. Cauda short, straight
with rounded termination at considerable dis-
tance from the posterior rim of the otolith. Dorsal
and ventral depressions moderate, faintly con-
nected around caudal tip to form a circumsulcal
Inner face slightly convex, more strongly so
in the vertical direction; outer face more or less
flat, slightly ornamented. Rims sharp, intensely
to very intensely ornamented.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
tetrophthalmus (l) 1.75 3.5 2.9 1.1-1.2 about 8.0
tetrophthalmus (r) 1.65 1.8
oblongus (r) 1.55 4.3 1.75 1.0 about 9.0
Side dimorphism: Development of side dimor-
phism is relatively feeble, as seen in one of the
two species (L. tetrophthalmus). It seems that the
left otoliths have a slightly more pronounced
rostrum, which also finds its expression in the
index l:h. As a consequence the ostium is also
longer in the left otolith which account for at least
half of the unusually high index ol:cl.
Ontogeny: The otoliths examined of the two
species are still relatively small and may not have
developed all pertinent diagnostic features, al-
though it seems that at least the one from L. ob-
longus is quite characteristic (5 mm length).
Discussion: NORMAN (1934) and GINSBURG
(1952) both had Lioglossina as closely related to
Hippoglossina and Paralichthys. This is confirmed
by otoliths, although from their analysis Liogloss-
ina seems to be more closely related to Paralich-
thys than Hippoglossina. In fact, Lioglossina could
well represent a specialized off-shot from Parali-
chthys. The high dorsal rim and the tendency to
reduce the ostial opening are seen as the major
differences to Paralichthys otoliths.
NORMAN (1934) regarded Lioglossina as a
monotypic genus with L. tetrophthalmus being its
only species. GINSBURG (1952) also included
L. oblonga. I have followed his view, although the
status of investigation of otoliths from L. tetroph-
thalmus at present is not really adequate (see also
to species).
Species and distribution: Two species – L. te-
trophthalmus known from the Gulf of California
and Pacific coast of Central America (the speci-
men from which the otolith were obtained was
caught at the Pacific coast of Columbia) and
L. oblonga from the Atlantic coast of North Amer-
ica from Massachusetts to Florida.
Figs. 180-181: Xystreurys rasile (JORDAN 1890) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Lioglossina tetrophthalmus GILBERT 1891
Figs. 182-183
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths from 1 specimen
(left and right side) from the Pacific coast of Co-
lumbia (3°44N/77°32W), SMF unreg. (1 now
ZMH Ot. 20.3.1994.9).
Discussion: Otoliths of L. tetrophthalmus are more
Paralichthys alike than those of the other spe-
cies of the genus – L. oblonga. The latter differs in
the more reduced ostial opening and the very
high dorsal rim with its extremely strong orna-
Distribution: Pacific coast from California to
Middle America. The specimen figured was tak-
en from a fish caught at the Pacific coast of Co-
lumbia, which is south of the distribution limits
noted by NORMAN (1934) and GINSBURG
Lioglossina oblonga (MITCHILL 1815)
Fig. 184
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off New Jersey, USA (40°10N / 73°36W), BMNH
Discussion: Otoliths of this species are readily
distinguished from other species in the Paralich-
thys Group by the high dorsal rim, which is very
intensely ornamented, and the reduced ostial
opening. The whole sulcus is relatively small and
Distribution: Atlantic coast of North America
from Massachusetts to Florida.
Paralichthys GIRARD 1858
Type-species: Pleuronectes maculosus GIRARD
1856 (preoccupied) – syn. Paralichthys californicus
syn. Chaenopsetta GILL 1861 (type-species: Pleu-
ronectes dentatus – see GINSBURG 1952)
syn. Uropsetta GILL 1863 (type-species: Hippoglos-
sus californicus)
Figs. 182-183: Lioglossina tetrophthalmus GILBERT 1891 – 15 ×
Fig. 184: Lioglossina oblonga (MITCHILL 1815) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Diagnosis: Relatively thin, moderately elongate
to elongate otoliths; ventral rim shallow and gen-
tly curving, dorsal rim variable, usually with
pronounced postdorsal and less well developed
predorsal angles, posterior tip blunt or rounded
sometimes with obtuse angle, anterior rim with
prominent to very prominent rostrum, but usual-
ly without excisura; index l:h ranging from 1.55
to 2.05. Otolith size probably not much exceed-
ing 8 mm.
Ostium usually slightly wider than cauda and
considerably longer, rather shallow. Index ol:cl
ranging from 1.45 to 2.20, rarely up to 2.85. Ostial
opening pseudoostial. Cauda short, straight with
rounded termination at considerable distance
from the posterior rim of the otolith. Dorsal and
ventral depressions usually well marked, more
or less well connected around caudal tip to form
a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face slightly to moderately convex; out-
er face slightly concave to flat, smooth to slightly
ornamented. Rims sharp, smooth or variably
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
orbignyana 1.60 3.0 1.60-1.85 1.05-1.6 ab. 4.0
dentatus 1.55-1.65 3.2 1.65 1.1-1.2 ab. 5.5
albiguttata 1.80 3.2 1.45-2.00 1.2-1.3 ab. 5.5
squamilentus 1.75 3.2 2.00 1.25 ab. 4.3
lethostigma 1.70 3.9 1.85 1.15 ab. 5.0
tropicus 2.00 2.5 1.70 1.35 ab. 4.0
brasiliensis 1.95 3.2 1.50 1.2 ab. 4.2
californicus 1.70-1.85 3.4 2.0-2.1 1.45-1,55 ab. 6.0
adspersus 1.65 3.7 1.65-1.8 1.2-1.25 ab. 7.0
microps 1.75-1.85 3.4 1.80-1.85 1.25-1.5 ab. 8.0
olivaceus 1.85 2.9 2.2-2.3 1.1-1.2 ab. 5.0
isocles 1.55 2.7 2.4-2.85 1.05-1.25 ab. 15.0
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism is poorly
developed in this genus and there are some spe-
cies which do not show any asymmetry at all.
Characters affected are exclusively those of the
outline of the otolith, in particular length and
expression of the rostrum, angles at the dorsal
rim and expression of the posterior rim.
Ontogeny and variability: Ontogenetic changes
can only be studied in P. californicus and P. oliva-
ceus. From this it appears that smaller specimens
exhibit a much more rounded and more general-
ized outline than larger ones and sometimes are
also more strongly ornamented along its margins,
but in a less regular fashion. It seems that the
critical size at which all pertinent characters are
being developed is of considerable importance in
this genus. It seems that in P. californicus this size
is reached with otoliths of about 5 mm of length.
In P. olivaceus that size is reached at about 6 mm.
However, this is one of the largest growing spe-
cies within the genus. There are indications from
other, smaller species that the critical size may
commonly been reached somewhere between 4
and 5 mm of length.
Variability on the other hand seems to play a
less important role in this genus once the critical
size is being reached. In general it is restricted to
details of the outline and proportions of the sul-
cus, but seemingly never reaches the amount
observed in so many other Pleuronectiform oto-
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Paralichthys are
quite easily recognized by their typical outline
including the strongly developed rostrum and
the pattern of their sulcus. Distinction of isolated
otoliths from some of the related genera, namely
Ancylopsetta and Lioglossina, however, may not
always be easy. Otoliths of the genus Pseudorhom-
bus, which is thought to be closely related to Para-
lichthys, are readily differentiated by their strong-
ly reduced rostrum and their peculiar outline.
There are certain Pleuronectid otoliths which also
bear some basal similarity, particularly in the
Hippoglossus and the Pleuronectes-Limanda Groups.
These similarities in the overall habitus of the
otoliths are probably due to synplesiomorphies.
The Paralichthys and the Hippoglossus Groups are
thought to represent the most plesiomorphic
groups within their respective families (Bothidae
and Pleuronectidae). However, otoliths of the two
Pleuronectid groups mentioned are in most in-
stances easily recognized by their more strongly
reduced ostial opening and the much wider and
more clearly developed circumsulcal depression.
Also the colliculi are usually more deepened.
GINSBURG (1952) has proposed to subdivide
the genus Paralichthys into two subgenera, name-
ly Paralichthys and Chaenopsetta. However, his
subdivision can not be verified by otolith find-
ings. Although otolith analysis could be used to
point out certain species which may be more
closely related to each other than others, the dif-
ferentiation at this stage in my opinion is to vague-
ly to cluster them in species groups or even sub-
genera. However, the somewhat isolated posi-
tion of P. isocles is well supported by otolith
analysis. This species differs from all the others
by its quite thickset appearance, the relatively flat
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
inner face, the very short cauda and the more
strongly deepened sulcus with its tendency to
fused colliculi. GINSBURG (1952) placed this
species into the genus Pseudorhombus which
would make it the only representative of that
genus in the new world. The presence of a well
developed rostrum in my opinion still warrants
its placement in Paralichthys or may be a separate
genus close to Paralichthys.
Remarks: In a monograph dealing with the spe-
cies of genus Paralichthys GINSBERG (1952) point-
ed out the difficulties in safely distinguishing
several of them. From his list of synonymies it
appears that many species have been confused in
the past and even his excellent review is not free
of remaining open questions as to the exact no-
menclature of some species. In this light the Par-
alichthys otoliths discussed and figured in the
following must be viewed with some care. It is
possible that few specimens from which otoliths
have been obtained were misidentified. Most of
the BMNH material probably was identified by
NORMAN. Other otoliths were extracted from
fishes in the ZMH collection which most likely
still bear their original labels irrespective of
NORMANs and GINSBURGs works. The iden-
tification of these otoliths may be found less re-
Species and distribution: In combining NOR-
MANs and GINSBURGs works at least 17 spe-
cies of the genus Paralichthys may tentatively be
regarded as valid. They are:
Atlantic coast of America: P. aestuarius, P. albi-
guttata, P. brasiliensis, P. dentatus, P. isocles, P. letho-
stigma, P. orbignyana, P. squamilentus, P. tropicus;
Pacific coast of America: P. adspersus, P. cali-
fornicus, P. fernandezianus, P. hilgendorfi, P. microps,
P. schmitti, P. woolmani; Coasts of China and Ja-
pan: P. olivaceus.
In addition there are some doubtful species
such as P. triocellatus from the South Atlantic and
P. caeruleosticta from Juan Fernandez Island off
Chile. P. bicyclophorus from the South Atlantic was
regarded as a valid species by NORMAN but as
a synonym of P. orbignyana by GINSBURG.
P. vorax was regarded as a valid species by GINS-
BURG but as a synonym of P. brasiliensis by
Several of these species have been described
by a single holotype such as P. bicyclophorus,
P. triocellatus, P. caeruleosticta, P. fernandezianus,
P.hilgendorfi and P. schmitti. The last four were all
described from the small Juan Fernandez Island
of Chile. This fact alone renders some doubt as to
the validity of so many species in such an isolat-
ed and restricted geographic situation. Of course,
otoliths of these species have not been available
for investigation.
Paralichthys orbignyana JENYNS 1842
Figs. 185-186
syn. Paralichthys patagonicus JORDAN & GOSS
1889 (according to GINSBURG, 1952)
?syn. Paralichthys bicyclophorus RIBEIRO 1915 (ac-
cording to GINSBURG, 1952)
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths from one speci-
men (left and right side) from off Rio Grande do
Sul, southern Brazil, ZMH Ot. 20.3.1994.12 (leg.
Side dimorphism: The right hand otolith seems
to have a slightly more pointed and elongate
Figs. 185-186: Paralichthys orbignyana JENYNS 1842 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Discussion: Otoliths of P. orbignyana are quite
easily recognized by their relatively compressed
shape, which includes a deeply curved ventral
rim and a relatively short rostrum and the feeble
development of the postdorsal angle. Also the
rims are smooth without much of an ornamenta-
tion. In outline and habitus P. squamilentus and
P. albiguttata are similar, but their otoliths are more
elongate. The same is true for P. lethostigma which
also shows a shorter cauda. P. dentatus is similar-
ly compressed as P. orbignyana, but sulcus and in
particular cauda are wider and the postdorsal
angle is much more strongly developed.
Distribution: Southern Atlantic, coasts from Bra-
zil to Argentina.
Paralichthys dentatus (LINNAEUS 1766)
Figs. 187-188
syn. Pleuronectes melanogaster MITCHILL 1825
syn. Platessa ocellaris DE KAY 1842
syn. Paralichthys ophyras JORDAN & GILBERT
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths from one speci-
men (left and right side) from off Long Island,
USA, ZMH Ot. 20.3.1994.13-14 (leg. ZMH 19971).
Side dimorphism: The right hand otolith shows
a much shorter rostrum and a more pointed pos-
terior tip.
Discussion: Otoliths of P. dentatus are rather com-
pressed. In this respect they resemble P. orbignya-
na and P. adspersus. P. orbignyana shows a more
gently curving dorsal rim and a narrower sulcus;
P. adspersus exhibits a more strongly protruding
postdorsal angle and a less convex inner face.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of North America,
from Maine to Florida.
Paralichthys albiguttata
Figs. 189-190
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths from one speci-
men (left and right side) from of SW-Florida, USA,
ZMH Ot. 20.3.1994.15 (leg. BMNH 1930.8.6.1-2)
and BMNH 1930.8.6.1-2.
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Discussion: Otoliths of P. albiguttata are easily
recognized by the combination of an elongate
shape and a rather regularly curving outline with-
Figs. 187-188: Paralichthys dentatus (LINNAEUS 1766) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
out any prominent angles at the dorsal rim.
P. albiguttata is a relatively small species of this
genus and it is therefore assumed that this mor-
phology represents a true adult type. However,
distinction of subadult otoliths of other Paralich-
thys species may not always be easy (see also
P. squamilentus).
Distribution: South Atlantic and Gulf coast of
the United States.
Paralichthys squamilentus
Fig. 191
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off Port Arkansas, Texas, USA, BMNH 1948.
Discussion: This otolith of P. squamilentus in all
respects closely resembles the one from P. albi-
guttata. Distinction of the two is almost impossi-
ble. However, as said before, certain doubts may
remain as far as the correct identification of the
species is concerned. Also P. squamilentus is known
to grow to larger sizes than P. albiguttata. There-
fore, the single specimen available from that spe-
cies may not necessarily exhibit all valid diag-
nostic features.
Distribution: South Atlantic and Gulf coast of
the United States.
Paralichthys lethostigma
Figs. 192-193
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths, one (right side)
from of North Carolina, USA, BMNH 1923.12.
Discussion: The otoliths of P. lethostigma proba-
bly represent subadults since this is known as
one of the largest species of the genus. Its irreg-
ular marginal crenulation indeed suggests that
not all pertinent diagnostic features are yet de-
veloped (see also to P. olivaceus). Otherwise,
P. lethostigma resembles both P. albiguttata and
P. squamilentus in general appearance. It can be
distinguished in being thinner and exhibiting a
more pronounced postdorsal angle.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of America, from
New York to Trinidad.
Fig. 191: Paralichthys squamilentus
JORDAN & GILBERT 1883 – 10 ×
Figs. 189-190: Paralichthys albiguttata JORDAN & GILBERT 1883 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Paralichthys tropicus GINSBURG 1933
Fig. 194
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off British Guiana, BMNH 1984.8.8.327.
Discussion: This large and surely adult otolith
of P. tropicus is readily recognized by its very elon-
gate shape. Dorsal and ventral rims are both shal-
low. The predorsal angle is almost more strongly
developed than the postdorsal angle and the
posterior tip of the otolith is developed to a pro-
truding, massive projection. The only similar
species is P. brasiliensis (see respective entry).
P. squamilentus and P. albiguttata are somewhat
similar as well, but not quite as elongate and
without the protruding posterior tip.
Distribution: Tropical Atlantic, from Trinidad
and Guiana.
Paralichthys brasiliensis (RANZANI 1840)
Fig. 195
syn. Rhombus aramaca CASTELNAU 1855
?syn. Pseudorhombus vorax GÜNTHER 1862
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) with-
out mentioning of a location, ZMH Ot.
20.3.1994.16 (leg. ZMH 19966).
Discussion: The only available otolith exhibits a
truly mature morphology. It is as elongate as
P. tropicus and mainly differs in being more thin,
exhibiting a more slender rostrum and a deep
incision at the posterior rim just above the pro-
jecting posterior tip. This posterior tip is not as
massively and as protrudingly developed as in
P. tropicus. Nevertheless, the two otoliths could
well represent variations of only one species.
Fig. 194: Paralichthys tropicus GINSBERG 1933 – 10 ×
Fig. 195: Paralichthys brasiliensis (RANZANI 1840) – 10 ×
Figs. 192-193: Paralichthys lethostigma JORDAN & GILBERT 1885 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Distribution: Atlantic coast of South America,
from southern Brazil to Patagonia.
Paralichthys californicus (AYRES 1862)
Figs. 196-199
syn. Pleuronectes maculosus GIRARD 1856 (pre-
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths from 3 specimens
(left and right side) from off California, USA,
ZMH Ot. 20.3.1994.17-22 (leg. Fitch).
Ontogeny and variability: The smallest otolith
(fig. 199), which is about half the size of the larg-
est (fig. 196), shows a much more regularly curv-
ing outline. In particularly the postdorsal angle
and the rostrum are not nearly as strongly devel-
oped as in the larger otoliths.
Variability on the other hand seems to be very
Side dimorphism: Apparently in left hand oto-
liths the sulcus is somewhat deeper and the sep-
aration of the colliculi has almost disappeared.
Figs. 196-199: Paralichthys californicus (AYRES 1862) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Discussion: P. californicus has moderately elon-
gate otoliths which are characterized by a very
sharp and angular postdorsal angle in combina-
tion with an almost vertically cut posterior rim.
These are the main differences to P. tropicus and
P. brasiliensis. More similar are P. microps, P. ad-
spersus and P. olivaceus. P. microps shows a more
regularly curved ventral rim, a very long and
massive rostrum and rather smooth rims. P. ad-
spersus is more compressed and with a much
smaller index ol:cl. P. olivaceus probably comes
closest, but its otoliths are more strongly and ir-
regularly ornamented and the posterior rim is
not really vertically cut. Finally, P. lethostigma
could prove to have similar otoliths as well, once
truly adult otoliths of this species have been in-
Distribution: Coasts of California, USA and
northern Mexico. P. californicus is also known as
fossil from the Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene of
Paralichthys aff. adspersus
Figs. 200-201, 15
?syn. Hippoglossus kingii JENYNS 1842
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths from 1 specimen
(left and right side) from off Coronel, Chile, ZMH
20.3.1994.23-24 (leg. ZMH 19970, identified as
P. dentatus).
Remarks: The specimen, from which this otolith
has been taken, was labeled as P. dentatus from
Chile. This label does not fit with the distribution
pattern of P. dentatus. Therefore, either geographic
allocation or specific identification must be erro-
neous. After having correlated the otoliths with
those of a supposedly well identified P. dentatus
(see above) I have concluded that it is possibly
the identification that is wrong. Along the shores
of Chile there are two Paralichthys species –
P. microps and P. adspersus. Otoliths of P. microps
again are quite different, leaving P. adspersus as a
logical alternative. However, the specific assign-
ment must be regarded as tentative only until the
fish itself has been re-examined.
Side dimorphism: The left hand otolith exhibits
a somewhat deeper sulcus and less clearly sepa-
rated colliculi.
Discussion: The outline of these otoliths closely
resemble P. microps and P. californicus in the long
and pointed rostrum, the strong and nearly rectan-
gular postdorsal angle and the vertically cut pos-
terior rim. However, the otoliths of P. aff. adsper-
sus are more compressed and have a lesser index
Distribution: Coasts of Peru and Chile.
Paralichthys microps (GÜNTHER 1881)
Figs. 202-204
syn. Paralichthys jordani STEINDACHNER 1898
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths from 3 specimens
(1 left and 3 right side) from the coast of Chile,
ZMH Ot. 20.3.1994.25-27 (BMNH 1935.4.23.63-66)
and BMNH 1935.4.23.63-66.
Variability: The variability within this species is
quite restricted to details of the dorsal and poste-
rior rims.
Figs. 200-201: Paralichthys aff. adspersus (STEINDACHNER 1867) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Discussion: Otoliths of P. microps are quite char-
acteristic. They are easily recognized by their
gently and regularly curving ventral rim, the blunt
posterior tip, the very long and massive rostrum,
the thin appearance and the rather flat inner face.
They belong to the more elongate species in this
Distribution: Coasts of Chile.
Paralichthys olivaceus
Figs. 205-206
syn. Rhombus wolffii BLEEKER 1854
syn. Platessa percocephala BASILEWSKY 1855
syn. Pseudorhombus swinhonis GÜNTHER 1873
syn. Paralichthys coreanicus SCHMIDT 1904
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths, 1 large speci-
men (right side, fig. 205) from off China, ZMH
Ot. 20.3.1994.28 (leg. BMNH, and 1
smaller specimen (right side, fig. 206) from Toya-
ma, Japan, BMNH 1933.6.12.1.
Ontogeny: The smaller otolith is more general-
ized, less characteristic in outline and also much
more strongly crenulated along its rims. P. oli-
vaceus obviously is one of the larger species with-
in this genus and the diagnostically critical size is
only reached at about an otolith length of 6 mm.
Discussion: P. olivaceus is quite similar to
P. californicus merely differing in the stronger or-
namentation of the otolith rims and in the less
bluntly developed posterior rim.
Distribution: P. olivaceus is the only species of
this genus which occurs outside the new world.
It is known from the shores of China, Japan and
Korea. It has also been obtained as fossil from the
Pliocene of Japan (OHE, 1981; as Arnoglossus aff.
Paralichthys isocles JORDAN 1890
Figs. 207-208
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths from 1 specimen
(left and right side) from the Discovery station
W.S. 852 and 788, ZMH Ot. 20.3.1994.29 (leg.
BMNH 1936.8.26.1221-3) and BMNH 1936.8.26.
Figs. 202-204: Paralichthys microps (GÜNTHER 1881) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Side dimorphism: Separation of the colliculi is
less well developed in the left hand specimen
and also the cauda is considerably shorter.
Discussion: Otoliths of P. isocles somewhat stand
apart from other species in the genus. They are
characterized by the thickset appearance, the rel-
atively flat inner face, the very short cauda and
the more strongly deepened sulcus. GINSBURG
Figs. 205-206: Paralichthys olivaceus (TEMMINCK & SCHLEGEL 1846) – 10 ×
Figs. 207-208: Paralichthys isocles JORDAN 1890 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
(1952) felt that it should be placed in the genus
Pseudorhombus. However, the massive although
not very long rostrum contradict such a generic
allocation. In my opinion the species represents a
specialized off-shot from Paralichthys rather than
a Pseudorhombus species. Eventually, it might best
be placed into a genus of its own.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of North America,
from Brazil to northern Argentina.
7.6.2 Pseudorhombus Group
Genera: Two genera are placed in this group –
Pseudorhombus and Tarphops – and a third genus –
Cephalopsetta – of which otoliths are not known,
is tentatively associated as well. The geographic
distribution of this group is confined to the Indo-
Pacific. However, there is also one good fossil
record of the genus Pseudorhombus from the Mi-
ocene of Europe (Austria, Paratethys).
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the Pseu-
dorhombus Group are easily recognized by the
combination of the following characters. The ros-
trum is more or less completely reduced and the
ostial opening of the sulcus is somewhat reduced
as well. The outline of the otolith is characterized
by a massively developed predorsal projection
and also an often similarly massive postventral
angle. The resulting shape of the otolith resem-
bles a rectangle. When oriented in the traditional
way, which means horizontal to the more or less
straight and parallel dorsal and ventral rims, the
sulcus appears to be inclining anteriorly. The
sulcus itself is divided into a longer ostium and
an ovally shaped cauda which is of about half the
length of the ostium. The sulcus is widest at about
midpoint, equaling the posterior portion of the
ostium. This character is interpreted as an incip-
ient stage towards the fusiform sulcus structure
observed in the Syacium and Citharichthys Groups.
The circumsulcal depression is usually well de-
veloped. The size of the otoliths is relatively small,
rarely surpassing 4 mm in length. Specimens of
about 2 to 2.5 mm length generally have devel-
oped all pertinent and diagnostically valid fea-
tures. Side dimorphism is mild, usually confined
to slight differences in the outline of the otolith
and separation of the colliculi.
In ichthyological literature (see for instance
NORMAN, 1934) Pseudorhombus is generally con-
sidered to be closely related to Paralichthys of the
Paralichthys Group. Even defining the generic
boundaries between the two genera seems to be
problematical in some instances. With otoliths the
separation is quite clear. The reduced, practically
absent rostrum and the peculiar outline of Pseu-
dorhombus otoliths define this genus quite relia-
bly. However, few transitional morphologies do
exists (see entry to Pseudorhombus) and thus con-
firm the apparent relationship of the two genera.
However, I have selected to place Pseudorhombus
in a different otolith group, because it likely rep-
resents the starting point for the evolution of the
highly specialized otolith morphologies found in
the related Syacium and Citharichthys Groups (see
respective entries). Also the small and compact
otoliths of the Bothus and the Arnoglossus-Mono-
lene Groups (more or less equaling the Bothinae
of NORMAN) exhibit some basal resemblance to
Pseudorhombus otoliths, at least as far as the almost
rectangular outline is concerned. I do not consider
these two groups of being particularly closely re-
lated to the Pseudorhombus Group or its deriva-
tives, but it is quite possible that their otolith mor-
phology had developed along similar patterns.
Pseudorhombus BLEEKER 1862
Type-species: Rhombus polyspilus BLEEKER 1853
(syn. P. arsius)
?syn. Neorhombus CASTELNAU 1875 (type-spe-
cies: Neorhombus unicolor)
syn. Teratorhombus
MACLEAY 1882 (type-spe-
cies: Teratorhombus excisiceps, syn. P. arsius)
syn. Rhombiscus JORDAN & SNYDER 1901
(type-species: Rhombus cinnamoneus — sub-
syn. Spinirhombus OSHIMA 1927 (type-species:
Spinirhombus ctenosquamis)
syn. Istiorhombus WHITLEY 1931 (type-species:
Pseudorhombus spinosus)
Diagnosis: Moderately thin to quite massive,
small otoliths with compressed oval to rectangu-
lar shape; ventral rim shallow, more or less hor-
izontal with pronounced but broadly rounded
postventral angle, dorsal rim with pronounced
pre- and postdorsal angles, the former often de-
veloped to a broad projection, posterior tip blunt,
rounded or vertically cut, anterior rim without
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
rostrum (very feeble rostrum in subgenus Rhom-
biscus); index l:h 1.15 to 1.65. Otolith size proba-
bly not much exceeding 5 to 6 mm.
Ostium about two times as long as cauda,
widest at about its midpoint (posterior portion of
ostium – fusiform sulcus). Colliculi usually well
separated. Ostial opening reduced, pseudoostial
to medial. Cauda ovally shaped, terminating at
considerable distance from the posterior rim of
the otolith. Dorsal and ventral depressions usually
well developed and continuously connected
around caudal tip to form a circumsulcal depres-
Inner face slightly convex to nearly flat; outer
face flat to distinctly convex, smooth to slightly
ornamented. Rims sharp, sometimes massive,
smooth or very slightly ornamented.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.i
subgenus Rhombiscus
cinnamoneus 1.55-1.65 2.5 2.4 1.1 7.0
levisquamis 1.70 3.0 1.8 1.25 5.4
subgenus Pseudorhombus
malayanus 1.70 2.1 2.2 1.1 8.0
javanicus A 1.35-1.45 2.9 1.6-1.7 1.1-1.2 10° 3.8
javanicus B 1.35-1.45 2.1 1.8 1.1-1.2 5-10° 6.5
arsius 1.35 3.2 1.8-2.0 1.1-1.2 5-10° 4.0
neglectus 1.40-1.60 3.2 1.7-1.8 1.1-1.2 10° 2.5
dupliciocellatus 1.35 nm 1.5 1.2 nm
oligodon 1.25 3.3 2.2 1.25 5.7
annulatus 1.50 nm 1.6 1.35 >5° nm
jenynsii 1.55-1.60 2.8 1.7-1.8 1.05-1.2 6.0
elevatus 1.40 3.0 2.1 1.5 10° 4.2
pentophthalmus 1.35-1.40 2.7 2.0-2.4 1.2 15° 5.0
tenuirastrum 1.45 nm 2.3 1.1 nm
triocellatus 1.40-1.50 2.4 1.7-2.4 1.1-1.4 2.8
argus 1.15 2.9 1.45 1.15 10° 3.6
weinfurteri 1.30 3.7-3.9 1.9-2.2 1.1-1.25 10° 4.0
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism is poorly
developed in this genus and may not occur in all
species. Characters affected concern details of
the outline of the otoliths and separation of
the colliculi.
Ontogeny and variability: The material availa-
ble to me does not allow detailed conclusions as
to ontogenetic changes. However, there are some
specimens close to the critical size of 2 to 2.5 mm.
Expectedly, they exhibit a more generalized and
less characteristic otolith morphology. Also it
seems that larger otoliths in several species would
become more thickset.
Variability seems to be at relatively low level
within this genus, concerning mainly details in the
outline and the proportions of otolith and sulcus.
Discussion: For outgroup relationship of Pseu-
dorhombus see entry to the Pseudorhombus Group
(including correlation with the related genus Par-
alichthys). The second genus of this group – Tar-
phops – is readily recognized by its extremely com-
pressed nearly circular outline and the complete-
ly fused colliculi.
Within the genus Pseudorhombus two species
groups can readily be distinguished by means of
otoliths: a large group containing most of the
species which represent the typical picture as
described in the generic diagnosis and a small
group consisting of P. cinnamoneus and P. levisq-
uamis. Their otoliths show some kind of relict
rostrum and a much shallower predorsal portion.
In this respect they are morphologically interme-
diate between Paralichthys and Pseudorhombus,
although in fact the complete picture is much
more in line with Pseudorhombus. This little group
could possibly represent the most plesiomorphic
character status in Pseudorhombus, which would
then also support the assumed relationship with
Paralichthys. I have attributed to the two species
an available genus name Rhombiscus in subge-
neric ranking.
Species and distribution: NORMAN (1934) has
listed 21 species in this genus plus 3 doubtful
species. Assuming P. ctenosquamis as a possible
synonym of P. cinnamoneus as discussed by him
this would leave the following list of 20 valid
species (plus 1 species described later; list may
not be complete): P. annulatus, P. argus, P. arsius,
P. cinnamoneus, P. diplospilus, P. dupliciocellatus,
P. elevatus, P. javanicus, P. jenynsii, P. levisquamis,
P. malayanus, P. micrognathus, P. natalensis, P. ne-
glectus, P. oculocirris, P. oligodon, P. pentophthalmus,
P. quinquocellatus, P. spinosus, P. tenuirastrum, P. tri-
ocellatus. The 21 species of Pseudorhombus are
widely distributed through the Indo-West-Pacif-
ic. The genus is missing from the Pacific shores of
America (see discussion to Paralichthys isocles and
reference to GINSBURG, 1952) and the Atlantic.
There is, however, one fossil species from the
Miocene of Austria (Paratethys) – P. weinfurteri
described as new in the following. A record of
P. pentophthalmus from the Pliocene of Japan by
OHE (1981, 1983) probably represents a Soleidae,
but another record of his described as Solea cf.
solea may in fact represent a species of Pseudo-
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Pseudorhombus (Rhombiscus) cinnamoneus
Figs. 209-211
syn. Pseudorhombus misakius JORDAN &
syn. Pseudorhombus formosanus OSHIMA 1927
syn. Spinirhombus taiwanus OSHIMA 1927
?syn. Spinirhombus ctenosquamis OSHIMA 1927
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (1 left and 2 right
side) from the Inland Sea of Japan, figs. 209-210
ZMH Ot. 12.5.1994.1-2 (leg. BMNH 1905.6.6.234-
5), fig. 211 BMNH 1905.6.6.234-5.
Ontogeny: The smaller specimen (fig. 211) dif-
fers from the larger ones in exhibiting a shorter
rostrum and a somewhat more crenulated out-
Figs. 209-211: Pseudorhombus (Rhombiscus) cinnamoneus (TEMMINCK & SCHLEGEL 1846) – 10 ×
Fig. 212: Pseudorhombus (Rhombiscus) levisquamis (OSHIMA 1927) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Side dimorphism: Separation of colliculi seems
to be less well developed in left hand otoliths.
Discussion: P. cinnamoneus is readily recognized
by its comparatively strong rostrum, which puts
this species somewhat apart from all other spe-
cies of the genus. Closest resemblance may be
with P. levisquamis (which is placed in the same
subgenus – Rhombiscus). Otoliths of P. levisquamis,
however, show a much shorter rostrum and a
peculiar spinous posterior tip.
Distribution: Coasts of Japan, China and Taiwan.
Pseudorhombus (Rhombiscus) levisquamis
(OSHIMA 1927)
Fig. 212
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off Taiwan, SMF 24797.
Discussion: Probably closely related to P. cinna-
moneus (see respective entry).
Distribution: Coasts of China and Taiwan.
Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) malayanus
Fig. 213
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
South coast of Java, BMNH 1984.11.14.8.
Discussion: The otolith of P. malayanus is char-
acterized by its relatively elongate and massive
appearance and the rather strongly reduced dor-
sal field.
Distribution: Widely distributed from the coasts
of India through the Malay Peninsula to Indone-
sia and the Philippines.
Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) javanicus
(BLEEKER 1853)
Figs. 214-219
Investigated otoliths: 7 otoliths; morphotype A:
3 otoliths, 2 (right side) from off Singapore (figs.
214, 216) ZMH Ot. 12.5.1994.3-4 (leg. BMNH
1933.7.31.5-9) and 1 (right side) from off Sumatra
(fig. 215) BMNH 1984.11.14.6; morphotype B: 4
otoliths (3 right side and 1 left side, figs. 217-219)
from off Singapore, 3 ZMH Ot. 12.5.1994.5-7 (leg.
BMNH 1933.7.31.5-9), 1 BMNH 1933.7.31.5-9.
Variability: All seven otoliths are of similar siz-
es. Except for the two morphotypes discussed in
the following variability seems to be restricted to
minor variations in the expression of the orna-
mentation and details of the outline.
Side dimorphism: The only available left hand-
ed otolith exhibits a slightly more pronounced
rostrum than the right handed ones.
Discussion: Otoliths of P. javanicus resemble
those of P. arsius in many respects and differenti-
Fig. 213: Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) malayanus BLEEKER 1866 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Figs. 214-219: Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) javanicus (BLEEKER 1853);
figs. 214-216 morphotype A, figs. 217-219 morphotype B; 15 ×
ation of the two may not always be easy. Otoliths
of both species are characterized by a vivid tu-
berculous ornamentation of the inner face both
on the dorsal and the ventral fields.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
It so seems that amongst investigated otoliths
of P. javanicus two morphotypes are to be found
which can be distinguished from each other quite
reliably. Morphotype A is more thin than morpho-
type B and exhibits more strongly developed
predorsal and postventral projections. In this re-
spect morphotype A very strongly resembles oto-
liths of P. arsius. In fact, it could be that the fishes
from which these otoliths were extracted have
been mistaken as P. javanicus and rather repre-
sent P. arsius.
Distribution: East coast of India through the Ma-
lay Peninsula and Indonesia to southern China.
Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) arsius
Figs. 220-221
?syn. Pleuronectes maculosus CUVIER 1829
syn. Platessa russellii GRAY 1834
syn. Rhombus lentiginosus RICHARDSON 1843
syn. Platessa balteata RICHARDSON 1843
syn. Rhombus polyspilus BLEEKER 1853
syn. Teratorhombus excisiceps MACLEAY 1882
syn. Pleuronectes mortoniensis DE VIS 1883
syn. Pseudorhombus andersoni GILCHRIST 1905
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (4 right side and
1 left side) from off Singapore, ZMH Ot. 12.5.
1994.8-12 (leg. ZMH 19977).
Ontogeny and variability: Both ontogenetic
changes and intraspecific variability seem to be
at moderate level within this species, mostly con-
cerning details of the outline, as evidenced by
investigated specimens and a series of otoliths
figured by CHAINE (1936).
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Discussion: Otoliths of P. arsius closely resem-
ble those of the related species P. javanicus (mor-
photype A, see respective entry). It seems possi-
ble that the two species may have been confused
to some degree in the past.
Distribution: P. arsius is the most common and
most widely distributed species of the genus. It is
known from the East coast of Africa, the Indian
Ocean to Indonesia and the Pacific.
Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) neglectus
Figs. 222-223
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (right side) from
Singapore, ZMH Ot. 2.1.1995.10-11 (leg. BMNH
1933.7.31.13-15) and BMNH 1933.7.31.13-15.
Discussion: Similar to P. arsius and P. javanicus
but more elongate.
Distribution: Indo-Australian Archipelago, Phil-
ippines and southern China Sea.
Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus)
dupliciocellatus REGAN 1905
Fig. 224
syn. Platophrys palad EVERMANN & SEALE 1907
syn. Pseudorhombus cartwrighti OGILBY 1912
Investigated otoliths: 1 somewhat eroded oto-
lith (right side) from the Java Sea, 05°20S/
114°34E, BMNH 1925.4.2.1-2.
Discussion: The single available otolith of this
species is somewhat eroded on the inner face. It
strongly resembles P. arsius
and P. javanicus ex-
cept for the somewhat more pronounced rostrum.
Figs. 220-221: Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) arsius (HAMILTON 1822) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Distribution: Indian Ocean from Nicobar Isl. to
Indonesia and NE Australia.
Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) oligodon
(BLEEKER 1854)
Fig. 226
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off Hongkong, BMNH
Discussion: P. oligodon resembles P. arsius and
P. javanicus differing merely in being more com-
pressed. NORMAN (1934) related it to P. malaya-
nus. This relationship, however, is not supported
by otoliths.
Distribution: Coasts of Japan, China and Taiwan.
Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) annulatus
Fig. 225
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right side) from
off Pakistan, one ZMH Ot. 12.5.1994.13 (leg.
BMNH 1983.5.10.4-5), the other BMNH 1983.
Discussion: Both available otoliths are relative-
ly small in size and may not exhibit all pertinent
diagnostic features. Characteristic is the relative-
ly shallow ventral rim and the massive, some-
Figs. 222-223: Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) neglectus BLEEKER 1866 – 10 ×
Fig. 224: Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) dupliciocellatus REGAN 1905 – 10 ×
Fig. 225: Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) annulatus NORMAN 1927 – 15 ×
Fig. 226: Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) oligodon BLEEKER 1854 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
what crenulated and dorsally pronounced poste-
rior tip. NORMAN (1934) related this species to
P. triocellatus.
Distribution: Gulf of Oman, coasts of Oman and
Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) jenynsii
(BLEEKER 1855)
Fig. 227-229
syn. Pseudorhombus multimaculatus GÜNTHER
syn. Pseudorhombus multiradiatus MACLEAY
syn. Paralichthys novaecambriae OGILBY 1898
?syn. Pseudorhombus anomalus OGILBY 1912
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (3 right side and
1 left side) from HWAF station 21,39, ZMH Ot.
12.5.1994.14-17 (leg. ZMH 19983).
Ontogeny: The two smaller specimens differ
from the larger ones in a more pronounced post-
dorsal angle and smoother rims. Ontogenetic
changes in this species seem to be larger than in
the others investigated of the genus.
Side dimorphism: Separation of colliculi seems
to be less well developed in left hand otoliths.
Discussion: Otoliths of P. jenynsii are morpho-
logically intermediate to some extent between
those of P. levisquamis and more typical species
such as P. arsius. From the letter it differs in being
more elongate and showing a more regular out-
line. From the former it is easily distinguished by
the more massive predorsal projection and the
lack of a spinous posterior tip.
Distribution: Along the coasts of northern Aus-
tralia from Western Australia to southern Queens-
Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) elevatus
Fig. 230
syn. Pseudorhombus affinis WEBER 1913
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
off Townsville, northern Queensland, Australia,
ZMH Ot. 12.5.1994.18.
Figs. 227-229: Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) jenynsii (BLEEKER 1855) – 10 ×
Fig. 230: Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) elevatus OGILBY 1912 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Discussion: The only otolith available is relative-
ly small and may not exhibit all pertinent diag-
nostic features. It is a compressed otolith with
relatively smooth rims and prominent pre- and
postdorsal angles. It resembles small otoliths of
P. jenynsii except for being more compressed.
Distribution: Persian Gulf, coasts of India, Bur-
ma and Queensland (Australia).
Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus)
pentophthalmus GÜNTHER 1862
Figs. 232-233
syn. Pseudorhombus ocellifer REGAN 1905
syn. Pseudorhombus annamensis CHABANAUD
syn. Arnoglossus waikyai SCHMIDT 1931
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths, (left and right
side) from a single specimen, coast of Fokien,
China, ZMH Ot. 12.5.1994.19-20 (leg. ZMH 19984).
Side dimorphism: Separation of colliculi is al-
most indistinctive in left hand otoliths.
Discussion: Otoliths of P. pentophthalmus are
characterized by their rather steeply inclined
sulcus, the massive predorsal projection and the
strongly reduced postdorsal part.
Distribution: Coasts of Korea, Japan, China,
Taiwan, Java and Indo-China.
Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) tenuirastrum
(WAIT 1899)
Fig. 234
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off New South Wales, Australia, BMNH 1925.
Discussion: The only available otolith is some-
what eroded by formalin and rather small, prob-
ably not exhibiting all pertinent diagnostic fea-
tures. It resembles both P. pentophthalmus (except
for being more elongate) and P. triocellatus.
Distribution: Restricted to the shores of south-
eastern Australia, from New South Wales to south-
ern Queensland.
Fig. 231: Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) argus
WEBER 1913 – 15 ×
Figs. 232-233: Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) pentophthalmus GÜNTHER 1862 – 10 ×
Fig. 234: Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) tenuirastrum (WAITE 1899) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) triocellatus
Figs. 235-237
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (4 right side and
1 left side) from the shores off Orissa, India, 4
ZMH Ot. 12.5.1994.21-24 (leg. BMNH 1927.1.6.4-
10) and 1 BMNH 1927.1.6.4-10.
Variability: Details of the outline and propor-
tions are the main variating characters.
Side dimorphism: Separation of colliculi is less
developed in left handed otoliths.
Discussion: These compact, rather thickset oto-
liths with their relatively regular outline are easy
to distinguish from most other species of the
genus, including P. annulatus which NORMAN
(1934) felt is the most closely related one. As far
as otoliths are concerned, P. tenuirastrum bears
the closest resemblance.
Distribution: East coast of India to the Malay
Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) argus
WEBER 1913
Fig. 231
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
an undefined location, BMNH 1977.6.15.5.
Discussion: The single small otolith available is
easily recognized by its very compressed appear-
Distribution: Aru Islands (Indonesia) and
Queensland (Australia).
Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus)
weinfurteri n.sp.
Figs. 238-239
syn. Dicologlossa aff. cuneata – RADWANSKA
1992: fig. 160b, pl. 38, fig. 7 (non fig. 160a,
pl. 38, fig. 8)
Name: In honor of the late Emil Weinfurter and
his outstanding work in fossil otoliths of the
Figs. 235-237: Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) triocellatus (SCHNEIDER 1801) – 15 ×
Figs. 238-239: Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus) weinfurteri n.sp. – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Austrian Basins.
Holotype: Fig. 238, GBW 1995/5.
Type locality: Wetzelsdorf near Preding, Graz
Basin, Austria.
Age: Florianer Tegel, Upper Badenian, Middle
Paratype: 1 otolith (fig. 239) from Beczyn near
Wadowice (Poland), Badenian, Middle Miocene
(described as Dicologlossa aff. cuneata by RAD-
WANSKA, 1992).
Diagnosis: Moderately compressed, thin and
small otoliths with rather regular outline. Pre-
dorsal projection massive, ornamented, postdor-
sal portion somewhat reduced in height.
Description: Outline: Otoliths relatively small
(2.0 to 2.5 mm), compressed, with rather regular
outline. Dorsal rim with prominent and massive
predorsal projection, crenulated and somewhat
reduced postdorsal portion; ventral rim regular-
ly curved; anterior and posterior tips blunt, round-
ed. Otolith very thin, fragile.
Inner face: Convex, rather smooth. Sulcus an-
teriorly inclined, rather narrow and shallow. Os-
tium about 2 times as long as cauda, very slightly
widened, with pseudoostial opening. Cauda
slightly deeper and with rounded tip terminat-
ing at some distance from the posterior rim of the
otolith. Separation of colliculi rather indistinct.
Dorsal and ventral depressions rather shallow,
narrow, somewhat widened posteriorly, indis-
tinctly connected around caudal tip.
Other views: Rims sharp and smooth (except
for the predorsal portion). Outer face smooth,
Side dimorphism: The holotype is a right hand
otolith and the paratype a left hand otolith, which
is slightly smaller and less well preserved. In the
two specimens side dimorphism is not apparent.
Discussion: P. weinfurteri is the first otolith based
fossil record of the genus and furthermore orig-
inates from outside the present distribution range
of the genus. Nevertheless, otolith outline and
sulcus morphology characterize it as a typical
species of Pseudorhombus. Its very thin appear-
ance and the development of the dorsal rim dis-
tinguish P. weinfurteri from all recent species
known by otoliths. Closest resembling species are
P. arsius and P. oligodon.
Distribution: Middle Miocene of the Parateth-
ys, Poland and Austria.
Tarphops JORDAN & THOMPSON 1914
Type-species: Rhombus oligolepis BLEEKER 1858
Diagnosis: Moderately massive, small, com-
pressed otoliths with almost circular outline; ven-
tral rim deeply and regularly curved, dorsal rim
strongly curved with rounded predorsal projec-
tion, posterior tip blunt, nearly vertically cut,
anterior rim without rostrum, blunt; index l:h
about 1.0. Otolith size probably not much exceed-
ing 2 mm.
Colliculi fused, distinction of ostium and cau-
da practically impossible, but ostium may have
originally been much longer than cauda. Sulcus
very slightly widened in the middle (fusiform
sulcus). Ostial opening reduced, pseudoostial.
Dorsal and ventral depressions well developed
and continuously connected around caudal tip to
form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face convex; outer face flat to slightly
convex, smooth to slightly ornamented. Rims
Figs. 240-243: Tarphops oligolepis (BLEEKER 1858) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
moderately sharp, slightly ornamented.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.i
oligolepis 1.00-1.05 3.0 nm nm 2.5
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Ontogeny and variability: All investigated spec-
imens are of about the same size and exhibit only
a very minor degree of variability. Details of the
dorsal rim and ornamentation of the rims are
practically the only characters affected.
Discussion: NORMAN (1934) felt that Tarphops
is very close to Pseudorhombus, probably identi-
cal. The close relationship of the two genera is
clearly supported by the otoliths. However, Tar-
phops otoliths differ from those of Pseudorhombus
in two aspects, the very compressed shape and
the fused colliculi. This in my opinion warrants
it to be regarded as a separate genus, possibly
representing a specialized offshot from near Pseu-
Species and distribution: In NORMAN (1934)
Tarphops was regarded as a monospecific genus
from Japan and Taiwan. MASUDA et al. (1984)
report a second species – T. elegans – from Japan.
In addition OHE (1981, 1983) described otoliths
from the Pliocene of Japan as Chascanopsetta cf.
lugubris and Engyprosopon aff. ui which likely rep-
resent a fossil yet undescribed species of Tarphops.
Tarphops oligolepis (BLEEKER 1858)
Figs. 240-243
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (4 right side and
1 left side) from the Inland Sea of Japan, 4 ZMH
Ot. 13.5.1994.1-4 (leg. BMNH 1905.6.6.237-42) and
one BMNH 1905.6.6.237-42.
Distribution: Coasts of Japan and Taiwan.
Cephalopsetta DUTT & RAO 1965
Type-species: Cephalopsetta ventrocellatus DUTT &
RAO 1965
Remarks: Cephalopsetta is a monospecific genus.
This species has been rarely recorded from the
coasts of India and Pakistan (DUTT & RAO, 1965
and KOTTHAUS 1977). Otoliths have not been
available for investigation. According to KOT-
THAUS (1977) the genus is possibly related to
Species and distribution: The single species
C. ventrocellatus has rarely been caught along the
coasts of India and Pakistan in relatively deep
water (70 to 170 m).
7.6.3 Syacium Group
Genera: Two genera – Syacium and Cyclopsetta
both restricted to the shores of tropical America,
but one species of Syacium also occurring along
the tropical shores of West Africa. There are sev-
eral fossil records from the Neogene of America
and one of the genus Syacium from the Miocene
of Europe (Austria, Paratethys).
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the Sya-
cium Group are amongst the most specialized and
easiest for recognition amongst Pleuronecti-
formes. First of all they are characterized by their
fusiform sulcus pattern (see chapter 6.1) and
the fused colliculi. The fusiform sulcus is charac-
terized by a widening of the sulcus just behind its
middle with the anterior and posterior portions
being much narrower. This character is similarly
developed in the Citharichthys Group and incip-
iently also in parts of the Pseudorhombus Group.
All three groups are here regarded as being inter-
related in the way that both, the Syacium Group
and the Citharichthys Group, represent special-
ized offshots from the Pseudorhombus Group.
In many other aspects including outline of
the otolith or orientation of the sulcus otoliths of
the Syacium Group vividly resemble those of the
Pseudorhombus Group. Certain characters such as
the predorsal projection or the development of
the posterior tip of the otolith are often more
Syacium RANZANI 1840
Type-species: Syacium micrurum RANZANI 1840
syn. Hemirhombus BLEEKER 1862 (type-species:
Hemirhombus guineensis, syn. S. micrurum)
syn. Aramaca JORDAN 1885 (type-species:
Hemirhombus paetulus BEAN 1882, syn.
S. papillosum)
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Diagnosis: Moderately thin and quite large oto-
liths with compressed oval to rectangular shape;
ventral rim shallow, more or less horizontal with
pronounced, often angular postventral angle,
dorsal rim with pronounced predorsal projection
and reduced postdorsal part, predorsal projec-
tion often bend outward, posterior tip blunt,
rounded or pointed, shifted dorsally, anterior rim
blunt without rostrum, nearly vertically cut; in-
dex l:h 1.3 to 1.45. Otolith size up to 7 mm, but
specimens of 2 to 3 mm in length are already
enough mature diagnostically for identification.
Colliculi fused, distinction of ostium and cau-
da practically completely masked. Sulcus inclined,
fusiform, narrow anterior portion making up
about half of the sulcus length, narrow posterior
portion short, often pointed. Dorsal and ventral
depressions usually rather faint, but more or less
continuously connected around caudal tip to form
a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face convex in particular the predorsal
projection, rather smooth; outer face flat to dis-
tinctly concave, with little ornamentation. Rims
sharp, usually smooth ventrally and ornamented
l:h h:t ol:cl (oh:ch) s.i.a. con.i
micrurum 1.40 4.0 nm 2.0 5-10° 5.0
papillosum 1.35-1.40 4.5 nm 2.5 20° 5.0
ovale 1.30-1.35 4.0 nm 1.2-1.3 10-20° 5.0
gunteri 1.30 3.5 nm 1.5 15-20° 5.5
dominicensis 1.15-1.25 3.5 nm 2.0-2.5 10-15° 4.5
syacioides 1.30 3.0 nm 2.0 4.0
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Sexual dimorphism: The otoliths of S. ovale ex-
hibit some kind of incipient sexual dimorphism.
Judging from the specimens available female oto-
liths differ from male otoliths in showing less
strongly ornamented rims and a pronounced
postdorsal concavity. This, however, is only true
for otoliths of the blind side (right side), whereas
those of the eyed (left) side can not be distin-
guished. In otoliths of the other species such a
trend is not apparent. In this respect it is interest-
ing to note that S. ovale is the only species of the
genus in which the interorbital width is different
in males and females (larger in males). Other
sexual dimorphism of the fish is observed in the
elongated pectorals of males (in all species of the
Ontogeny and variability: Apart from the ob-
served sexual dimorphism in S. ovale any other
variability is quite restricted in the species of this
genus. Ontogenetic differences likewise are not
apparent within the range of otolith sizes inves-
tigated (3 to 6.5 mm).
Discussion: Outline and general appearance of
otoliths of Syacium resemble certain species of
the genus Pseudorhombus (Pseudorhombus Group).
However, the sulcus organization (fusiform) is
quite different. As far as sulcus morphology is
concerned, otoliths of the genus Cyclopsetta are
most similar to Syacium and both genera are in
fact regarded here as closely related. Otoliths of
Cyclopsetta are more elongate, show a more me-
dian pointed posterior tip and the predorsal pro-
jection is more strongly bend outward.
Species and distribution: 5 recent species, 3 from
the tropical Atlantic coasts of America – S. micru-
rum, S. papillosum and S. gunteri – and 2 from the
tropical Pacific coast of America – S. ovale and
S. longidorsale. One species – S. micrurum – is
known to be crossing the tropical Atlantic and
thus is also present at the tropical coasts of West
Africa. NORMAN (1934) has assumed that this
crossing of the Atlantic is due to a prolonged
pelagic larval life. In addition there are two valid
fossil records – S. dominicensis from the Upper
Miocene of the Dominican Republic and
S. syacioides from the Middle Miocene of Austria.
Syacium micrurum RANZANI 1840
Fig. 244
syn. Hippoglossus ocellatus POEY 1856
syn. Hemirhombus guineensis BLEEKER 1862
syn. Citharichthys aethalion JORDAN 1887
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths, 3 otoliths (2 right
side, fig. 244, and 1 left side) from the Atlantide
St. 44, 10°22N/16°22W, 2 ZMH Ot. 13.5.1994.5-
6 (leg. BMNH 1962.6.18.3-5) and 1 BMNH
1962.6.18.3-5, 2 eroded otoliths (right and left side)
from St.Croix, ZMH Ot. 13.5.1994.7-8 (leg.
Variability: The variability of this species is con-
fined to details of the outline as shown in a series
of specimens figured by CHAINE (1936).
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Discussion: S. micrurum is the species with the
most regular outline and the least inclined sul-
Distribution: S. micrurum represents the only
transatlantic Pleuronectiform species. It is known
from the tropical Atlantic coasts of America from
Florida to Rio de Janeiro and along the tropical
West African coast.
Syacium papillosum (LINNAEUS 1758)
Figs. 245-248
syn. Pleuronectes aramaca WALBAUM 1792
syn. Rhombus soleaeformis AGASSIZ 1831
syn. Hippoglossus intermedius RANZANI 1840
syn. Hemirhombus paetulus JORDAN & GILBERT
Investigated otoliths: 7 otoliths (5 right side and
2 left side) from the Dry Tortugas, off Florida, 6
ZMH Ot. 13.5.1994.9-14 (leg. BMNH 1933.10.
12.171-180) and 1 BMNH 1933.10.12. 171.180.
Ontogeny and variability: Variability in this
species is very limited, restricted to details of the
outline. Smaller specimens are somewhat more
rounded, generalized in outline, in particular as
far as the ornamentation of the dorsal rim is con-
Discussion: S. papillosum closely resembles
S. micrurum. However, the outline of the otoliths
is less rounded, more angular and almost rectan-
gular. Both species seemingly are closely related.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of America from
South Carolina to Rio de Janeiro.
Syacium ovale (GÜNTHER 1864)
Figs. 249-252
syn. Citharichthys latifrons JORDAN & GILBERT
1882 (male specimen acc. to NORMAN,
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths, 3 from male
specimens (2 right side and 1 left side, figs. 249-
250) from the Pacific coast of Panama, ZMH Ot.
13.5.1994.15-16 (leg. BMNH 1903.5.15.270-71) and
BMNH 1903.5.15.270-71, 2 from a female speci-
men (right and left side, figs. 251-252) from the
Pacific coast of Colombia, ZMH Ot. 13.5.1994.17-
18 (leg. ZMH 19956).
Variability: Otoliths of S. ovale a remarkable for
some kind of incipient sexual dimorphism (see
entry to genus). Otherwise variations are very
Discussion: Otoliths of S. ovale can be easily rec-
ognized by the much less widened postcentral
Fig. 244: Syacium micrurum RANZANI 1840 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
part of the sulcus, which finds its expression in
the index oh:ch. In outline of the otolith and oth-
er characters they are very similar to S. papillo-
Distribution: Pacific coast of tropical America
from the Gulf of California to Colombia.
Syacium gunteri GINSBURG 1933
Figs. 253-254
syn. Syacium longleyi NORMAN 1933
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from off Dry Tortugas, Florida, ZMH Ot.
2.1.1995.12 (leg. BMNH 1933.10.12.127-36) and
BMNH 1933.10.12.127-36.
Discussion: Similar to S. ovale but with smooth,
somewhat undulating rims, a more widened cen-
tral part of the sulcus and a pointed postdorsal
Distribution: Coasts of Florida and Louisiana.
Figs. 245-248: Syacium papillosum (LINNAEUS 1758) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Syacium dominicensis n.sp.
Figs. 255-257
syn. Bothidae indet. – NOLF & STRINGER 1992:
pl. 17, fig. 15-16
Name: After the Dominican Republic, from
where the type-material was obtained.
Holotype: Fig. 255, NMB P 140.
Type locality: Rio Mao, Cibao Valley, northern
Dominican Republic.
Age: Cercado Formation, Upper Miocene.
Paratypes: 7 otoliths (figs. 256-257), topo- and
stratitypic, loc. NMB 15904, 16918, 16923, 16924,
17287 (2 specimens); NMB P 141.
Diagnosis: Compressed, moderately thickset
otoliths with almost rectangular outline. All rims
rather smooth. Sulcus inclined, considerably wid-
ened postcentrally.
Figs. 249-252: Syacium ovale (GÜNTHER 1864) – 10 ×
Figs. 253-254: Syacium gunteri GINSBURG 1933 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Description: Outline: Compressed, medium
sized otoliths (up to 4.5 mm) with almost rectan-
gular outline. Pre- and postdorsal portions well
developed, angular. Posterior tip shifted dorsal-
ly, somewhat pointed. Postventral portion deep-
ly curved.
Inner face: Convex in both directions, partic-
ularly so along the vertical axis. Colliculi com-
pletely fused. Sulcus shallow, moderately narrow,
with a distinctly widened portion just behind its
middle. Sulcus opening pseudoostial. Dorsal and
ventral depressions feeble, narrow, usually con-
nected around the caudal tip.
Other views: Rims moderately sharp to sharp,
smooth, somewhat undulating. Outer face rather
smooth, flat to slightly concave.
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: All the investigated specimens are
of similar sizes and do show very little variations.
Discussion: S. dominicensis is considerably more
compressed than the known recent species. In
outline and sulcus character it resembles best
S. papillosum.
Syacium syacioides (WEINFURTER 1952)
Fig. 258
syn. Pleuronectidarum syacioides WEINFURTER
1952 – WEINFURTER 1952: pl. 4, fig. 5
Investigated otoliths: Weinfurters holotype
(and unique specimen) from the Florianer Tegel,
Badenian, Middle Miocene of Wetzelsdorf, Graz
Basin, Austria, LMJ.
Discussion: Although a typical otolith of the
genus Syacium, S. syacioides is readily recognized
by a number of characters, such as the more
median position of the ventral curvature, the
Figs. 255-257: Syacium dominicensis n.sp. – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
course of the dorsal rim, the more thickset ap-
pearance and the slightly convex outer face. In
many ways it is morphologically intermediate
between the genera Syacium and Cyclopsetta.
Distribution: S. syacioides so far is the only strictly
Old World species of the genus, indicating that
Syacium has crossed the Atlantic more than once
in the past. It is known only from the single hol-
otype obtained from Middle Miocene strata in
southern Austria (Paratethys).
Cyclopsetta GILL 1889
Type-species: Hemirhombus fimbriatus GOODE &
BEAN 1886
syn. Azevia JORDAN & GOSS 1889 (type-species:
Citharichthys panamensis)
syn. Dorsopsetta NIELSEN 1963 (type-species:
D. norma, syn. C. querna acc. to van der HEI-
DEN & PEREZ 1993)
Diagnosis: Moderately thin and quite large oto-
liths with an elongate shape; ventral rim with a
shallow postventral curvature, dorsal rim with
pronounced predorsal projection and shallow
postdorsal part, predorsal projection strongly
bend outward, posterior tip rounded, somewhat
shifted dorsally, anterior rim blunt without ros-
trum; index l:h 1.4 to 1.8. Otolith size up to 8 mm.
Colliculi fused, distinction of ostium and cau-
da practically completely masked. Sulcus slight-
ly inclined, fusiform, narrow anterior portion
making up about half of the sulcus length, nar-
row posterior portion short, with rounded or
pointed tip. Dorsal and ventral depressions usu-
ally faint except for the postventral portion which
is well set off from the sulcus, more or less con-
tinuously connected around caudal tip to form a
circumsulcal depression.
Inner face slightly convex in the horizontal
direction but strongly convex in the vertical di-
rection, particular so the predorsal projection,
rather smooth; outer face flat to distinctly con-
cave in the vertical direction, with little ornamen-
tation. Rims sharp, usually smooth ventrally,
sometimes ornamented dorsally.
l:h h:t ol:cl (oh:ch) s.i.a. con.i
chittendeni 1.40-1.50 3.5 nm 1.9-2.3 5-10° 7
querna 1.65 3.0 nm 2.1 10° 9
fimbriata 1.60 4.0 nm 2.0 5
panamensis 1.75-1.80 3.5 nm 1.6-1.9 5-10° 5
transitus 1.30-1.35 3.0 nm 1.6-2.3 5-10° 6
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism is not ap-
parent in two of the three investigated recent
species. In the case of C. chittendeni left hand oto-
liths seem to be slightly more compressed than
right hand specimens.
Ontogeny and variability: A single, very small
otolith (about 1 mm) of C. querna is more round-
ed and compressed in outline (generalized) and
exhibits a very vivid marginal crenulation. Diag-
nostically valid characters may not have been
achieved with otoliths smaller than 3 to 4 mm in
size. Variability of adult specimens on the other
hand seems to be very limited.
Discussion: Cyclopsetta apparently is closely re-
lated to Syacium. It exhibits the same type of fusi-
form sulcus morphology with its fused colliculi.
Otoliths of Cyclopsetta differ in being more elon-
gate and more rounded, less rectangular in out-
Species and distribution: NORMAN (1934) re-
corded 4 recent species from the tropical coasts of
America – C. chittendeni and C. fimbriata from the
Atlantic and C. querna and C. panamensis from the
Pacific – plus a doubtful fifth species from the
Pacific – C. maculifera. In addition a possible C. aff.
panamensis is recorded as a fossil from the Pliocene
of the Dominican Republic and C. transitus is
being described as a new species from the Lower
Miocene of Trinidad.
Fig. 258: Syacium syacioides (WEINFURTER 1952)
– 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Cyclopsetta chittendeni BEAN 1895
Figs. 259-260
Investigated otoliths: 8 otoliths, 4 otoliths (3 right
side and 1 left side, figs. 259-260) from British
Guiana, ZMH Ot. 14.5.1994.1-3 (leg. BMNH
1961.9.4.106) and BMNH 1961.9.4.106, 4 otoliths
(2 right side, 2 left side) from Trinidad, ZMH Ot.
14.5.1994.4-7 (coll. Schwarzhans)
Variability: Variability in this species is limited
to minor modifications of the outline.
Side dimorphism: Right hand otoliths seem to be
slightly more compressed than left hand otoliths.
Discussion: Otoliths of C. chittendeni are more
compressed than those of the two other recent
species investigated.
Figs. 259-260: Cyclopsetta chittendeni BEAN 1895 – 10 ×
Fig. 261: Cyclopsetta querna (JORDAN & BOLLMAN 1890) – 10 ×
259 260a
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Distribution: Caribbean, Trinidad to Guiana.
Cyclopsetta querna
Fig. 261
syn. Dorsopsetta norma NIELSEN 1963 acc. to van
der HEIDEN & PEREZ 1993)
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths, 3 large otoliths
(right side, fig. 261) from the Pacific coast of Pan-
ama, ZMH Ot. 14.5.1994.8-9 (leg. BMNH
1903.5.15.246-7) and BMNH 1903.5.15.246-7, 3
small otoliths (2 right side, one left side) without
location, SMF unreg.
Ontogeny: The very small specimens are some-
what more generalized in outline (more rounded
and compressed). All their rims are intensely
Discussion: C. querna is quite similar to C. chit-
tendeni from the Atlantic side of America. It dif-
fers in being slightly more elongate and exhibit-
ing a more flat inner face.
Distribution: Pacific coast of Panama and Co-
Cyclopsetta fimbriata
(GOODE & BEAN 1886)
Fig. 262
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off British Guiana, 07°53N/57°25W, BMNH
Discussion: The only available otolith is some-
what eroded marginally, in particularly so its
predorsal region, which can not be reconstruct-
ed. Otherwise it resembles both C. chittendeni and
C. querna, but shows a slight development of a
rostrum and a rather pointed posterior tip.
Distribution: Deep water in the Gulf of Mexico.
Cyclopsetta panamensis
Figs. 263-265
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (2 right and 2
left side, figs. 263-264) from off Mazatlan, Pacific
coast of Mexico, ZMH Ot. 14.5.1994.10-11 (leg.
– 1 fossil otolith (as C. aff. panamensis, fig. 265)
from the Pliocene of Arroyo Zalaya, Dominican
Republic (described by NOLF & STRINGER
1992 as ?Pleuronectidae indet., pl. 17, fig. 20; NMB
P 145).
Variability: Not apparent from the material avail-
Discussion: C. panamensis is the most elongate
and most delicately ornamented otolith to be
found in this genus.
Distribution: Pacific coast of America from Low-
er California to Panama. In addition, there is a
possible fossil record from the Atlantic Pliocene
of the Dominican Republic (as C. aff. panamensis).
Cyclopsetta transitus n.sp.
Figs. 266-267
syn. genus Pleuronectiformorum sp.1 – NOLF 1976:
pl. 9. fig. 14
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Fig. 262: Cyclopsetta fimbriata
(GOODE & BEAN 1886) – 10 ×
Name: transitus (lat.) = transitional, referring to
the intermediate morphology between the two
related genera Cyclopsetta and Syacium.
Holotype: Fig. 266, NMB SA 1530.
Type locality: Tamanaquito river banks, Trini-
dad, (K.R.6666).
Age: Brasso Formation, Lower Miocene.
Paratypes: 2 otoliths (fig. 267), Mayo river banks,
Trinidad (K.R.25953), Nariva Formation, Lower
Miocene, NMB SA.
Diagnosis: Compressed, moderately thickset
otoliths with a very prominent predorsal projec-
tion, which is not very strongly bend outward.
Sulcus comparatively short. Ventral rim massive,
posterior rim blunt.
Description: Outline: Compressed, rather small
otoliths with a prominent predorsal projection,
which is not very strongly bend outward. Dorsal
rim otherwise shallow, smooth. Ventral rim deeply
curved, smooth. Posterior tip blunt, sometimes
faintly crenulated. Anterior tip blunt.
Inner face: Moderately convex and rather
smooth. Sulcus rather short, slightly inclined, with
completely fused colliculi and the typical fusi-
form shape. Sulcus opening reduced pseudoos-
tial. Dorsal and ventral depressions rather shal-
low, but wide and connected around the caudal
Other views: Rims moderately sharp and
rather smooth. Outer face smooth, flat to slightly
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Ontogeny and variability: The smallest speci-
men has been selected as holotype, since the two
larger ones are slightly eroded. It differs slightly
in the somewhat crenulated posterior rim and
Figs. 263-264: Cyclopsetta panamensis (STEINDACHNER 1875) – 10 ×
Fig. 265: Cyclopsetta aff. panamensis (STEINDACHNER 1875) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
the narrower sulcus. The latter, however, may not
be regarded as a ontogenetic feature but due to a
certain variability.
Discussion: C. transitus is readily distinguished
from the recent species of the genus by its more
compressed and more thickset appearance. In this
respect it is somewhat intermediate morpholog-
ically to the species of the related genus Syacium,
hence the etymology. However, outline and less-
er inclination of the sulcus characterize this spe-
cies as a representative of Cyclopsetta.
7.6.4 Citharichthys Group
Genera: Three genera – Citharichthys, Orthopset-
ta and Etropus – distributed along the shores of
both Americas. A single species of the genus Ci-
tharichthys is known from the tropic coasts of West
Africa. In addition, there is one fossil record of
the genus Etropus from the Miocene of the Do-
minican Republic and possibly a second one from
the Miocene of Ecuador (A. Müller, com. pers.). –
& CLARK (1930) Orthopsetta was treated as a
subgenus of Citharichthys. In this treatise it is
ranked a genus, primarily based on otolith mor-
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the Ci-
tharichthys Group are easily recognized by the
following characters: colliculi completely fused;
sulcus opening reduced to a medial position;
sulcus shape fusiform (see chapter 6.1., sulcus
widened just behind its middle with the anterior
and posterior portions being narrower); otoliths
compressed with a typical pentagonal outline, the
corners being the predorsal, postdorsal and mid-
ventral angles as well as the anterior and poste-
rior tips, the latter usually being somewhat pro-
The fusiform sulcus morphology and the
fused colliculi closely resemble otoliths of the
Syacium Group and is also found incipiently in
certain members of the Pseudorhombus Group. In
fact, both the Citharichthys and Syacium Groups
are thought to have derived from a common an-
cestor from within or close to the Pseudorhombus
Within the Citharichthys Group the genus Ci-
tharichthys probably represents the most plesio-
morphic morphology. The two other genera –
Orthopsetta and Etropus – exhibit a tendency to
reduce the sulcus morphology resulting in a more
regularly ovally shaped sulcus and variations of
the outline of the otolith.
Citharichthys BLEEKER 1862
Type-species: Citharichthys cayennensis BLEEKER
1862 (syn. C. spilopterus)
Diagnosis: Relatively thin, small otoliths with a
compressed pentagonal shape; ventral rim deep-
ly curved, with a rounded medioventral angle;
dorsal rim with pronounced predorsal projection
and angular postdorsal angle, predorsal projec-
tion not or only slightly bend outward, portion
between postdorsal angle and posterior tip slight-
ly concave; posterior tip pointed, somewhat pro-
jecting, occupying a median position; anterior rim
with obtuse median angle, but without rostrum;
index l:h 1.2 to 1.35. Otolith size possibly not
exceeding much 3 mm.
Figs. 266-267: Cyclopsetta transitus n.sp. – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Colliculi fused, distinction of ostium and cau-
da practically completely masked. Sulcus more
or less horizontal, fusiform, narrow anterior
portion making up about one third of the sulcus
length, narrow posterior portion short, somewhat
shifted towards dorsal. Dorsal and ventral de-
pressions moderately deep, more or less contin-
uously connected around caudal tip to form a
circumsulcal depression.
Inner face moderately convex, rather smooth;
outer face flat to slightly concave, with little or-
namentation. Rims sharp, usually smooth, some-
times slightly undulated or crenulated.
l:h h:t ol:cl (oh:ch) con.i
spilopterus 1.20-1.25 4.5 nm 1.4 5
stampflii 1.30-1.35 4.5 nm 1.3 4.5
gilberti 1.40 4.7 nm 1.5 6
macrops 1.20 4.5 nm 1.4-1.6 3.5
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Ontogeny and variability: Otoliths of relatively
small sizes in the order of 2 mm already exhibit
all pertinent diagnostic features. Range of varia-
tions is moderate, restricted to details of the out-
lines of the otolith and the sulcus.
Discussion: NORMAN (1934) differentiated Ci-
tharichthys and Orthopsetta (as subgenera) prima-
rily on the basis of the shape of the head – closely
compressed in Citharichthys, more elongated in
Orthopsetta. Based on otoliths, the distinction is
even easier and this has led me to regard Or-
thopsetta as a separate genus. Otoliths of Citharich-
thys are more angular, pentagonal in outline, the
sulcus is narrower, with the typical fusiform
outline, whereas in Orthopsetta it tends to become
regularly ovally in shape. Also Citharichthys oto-
liths are thinner, with a distinctly convex inner
face, whereas in Orthopsetta the inner face is prac-
tically flat. It so seems that Orthopsetta represents
the more advanced (in this case reduced) oto-
lith morphology and Citharichthys the more ple-
siomorphic one. However, since otoliths are not
known from all the species in these two genera,
morphologically intermediate forms may have
to be expected.
The differentiation of the two genera Citharich-
thys and Orthopsetta as suggested by their otolith
morphology does not completely fit with NOR-
MANs subdivision (in two subgenera). Based
on otoliths I would like to include more species
in Orthopsetta than NORMAN did. From his mor-
phological analyses of the fishes it seems that the
Figs. 268-269: Citharichthys spilopetrus GÜNTHER 1862 – 15 ×
Figs. 270-272: Citharichthys stampflii STEINDACHNER 1894 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
shape of the head may not be the most useful
character to distinguish the two genera. Instead,
there are three other characters which seem to
correlate quite well with the two otolith groups
proposed. They are: shape of the gill rakers (mod-
erate to stout in Citharichthys, long and slender in
Orthopsetta), scales (ctenoid on eyed side and
cycloid on blind side in Citharichthys, cycloid on
both sides in Orthopsetta) and number of rays in
the anal fin (less than 65 in Citharichthys, more
than 67 in Orthopsetta).
Species and distribution: Tentatively, I have
placed 8 species in the genus Citharichthys based
on ichthyological grounds as discussed above.
They are: C. abbotti, C. arenaceus, C. macrops,
C. spilopterus and C. uhleri from the Atlantic coasts
of America, C. gilberti and C. platophrys from the
Pacific coasts of America and C. stampflii from
West Africa. Otoliths are only known from four
of these species – C. gilberti, C. macrops, C. spilop-
terus and C. stampflii.
Citharichthys spilopterus GÜNTHER 1862
Figs. 268-269
syn. Citharichthys cayennensis BLEEKER 1862
syn. Citharichthys guatimalensis BLEEKER 1863
syn. Hemirhombus fuscus POEY 1868
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths, 2 otoliths (right
side and left side, fig. 268) from Santiago de Cuba,
ZMH Ot. 14.5.1994.12-13 (leg. ZMH 19882) and 2
otoliths (right side, fig. 269) from the Bahamas,
ZMH Ot. 14.5.1994.14-15 (leg. ZMH 19947).
Discussion: Otoliths of C. spilopterus are more
compressed than those of the two other recent
species investigated and exhibit rather sharp
angles along the outline. Also the sulcus is rela-
tively short.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of America from
New Jersey to Brazil.
Citharichthys stampflii
Figs. 270-272
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (3 right side, figs.
270-271; 2 left side, fig. 272) from of Togo, West
Africa, ZMH Ot. 14.5.1994.16-20 (leg. ZMH 1884
and ZMH 19944).
Discussion: C. stampflii apparently is closely relat-
ed to C. spilopterus. Their otoliths are slightly more
elongate and show a somewhat longer sulcus.
Distribution: West African coast from Senegal
to Angola.
Citharichthys gilberti
Fig. 273
syn. Citharichthys sumichrasti JORDAN & GOSS
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off Ecuador, Guyas river, BMNH 1938.11.18.49.
Discussion: Similar to C. spilopterus and C. stam-
but with less accentuated dorsal angles and
slightly more elongate. In sulcus morphology
C. gilberti is somewhat intermediate between
Citharichthys and Orthopsetta.
Fig. 273: Citharichthys gilberti JENKINS & EVERMANN 1889 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Distribution: Pacific coast of America from Low-
er California to Peru.
Citharichthys macrops DRESEL 1885
Figs. 274-275
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from off Georgia, USA, ZMH Ot. 14.5.1994.
21-22 (leg. SMF 13008).
Discussion: Otoliths of C. macrops are character-
ized by their delicately crenulated rims and the
more rounded posterior tip.
Distribution: South Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of
the United States northward to N. Carolina.
Orthopsetta GILL 1862
Type-species: Psettichthys sordidus GIRARD 1856
syn. Metoponops GILL 1864 (type-species: Meto-
ponops cooperi, syn. O. sordidus)
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset, small otoliths
with a compressed, rounded pentagonal shape;
ventral rim deeply and rather regularly curved,
with a rounded medioventral angle, dorsal rim
with pronounced predorsal projection and round-
ed postdorsal angle, predorsal projection not bend
outward, portion between postdorsal angle and
posterior tip slightly concave, posterior tip round-
ed, somewhat projecting, occupying a median to
submedian position, anterior rim bluntly round-
ed; index l:h 0.9 to 1.15. Otolith size possibly not
exceeding much 4.5 mm.
Colliculi fused, distinction of ostium and cau-
da practically completely masked. Sulcus more
or less horizontal, indistinctly fusiform to oval
in shape. Dorsal and ventral depressions moder-
ately deep, more or less continuously connected
around caudal tip to form a circumsulcal depres-
Inner face flat to very slightly convex, rather
smooth; outer face convex, smooth or with little
ornamentation. Rims moderately sharp, usually
smooth, sometimes slightly undulated or crenu-
l:h h:t ol:cl (oh:ch) con.o
stigmaeus 1.00-1.15 3.7 nm 1.2-1.4 3.7
sordidus 0.95-1.10 5.5 nm nm 3.5
fragilis 1.00 3.8 nm nm 3.5
xanthostigma 0.95-1.00 4.2 nm nm 2.8
arctifrons 0.90-1.00 4.0 nm nm 2.9
cornutus 0.90-0.95 2.9 nm 1.5-1.7 2.5
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Ontogeny and variability: Smaller otoliths are
usually not as extremely compressed than larger
ones. Diagnostic size may be reached with 2 to
2.5 mm. Intraspecific variability somewhat vari-
ably, but usually of moderate nature. Details and
proportions of otolith outline are the most strongly
affected parameters, but in some instances out-
line of sulcus may be affected as well.
Discussion: Otoliths of Orthopsetta may be dis-
tinguished from those of the related genus Cith-
arichthys by their more strongly reduced sulcus
morphology, the more roundish shape of the oto-
liths which are also more compressed and the
almost completely flat inner face (resulting in a
Figs. 274-275: Citharichthys macrops DRESEL 1885 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
convex outer face). For further discussion includ-
ing ichthyological differentiation of the two gen-
era see entry to Citharichthys. Distinction from
Etropus in many aspects is less clear. NORMAN
(1934) noted to Etropus: very close to Citharich-
thys, but eyes always separated by a narrow, bony
ridge. Otoliths do show a certain tendency to
widen the sulcus. They are not always as com-
pressed as those of Orthopsetta and also even more
roundish in shape. Often, not only the postdorsal
but also the postventral rims are mildly concave.
However, all these otolith characters are so subtle
and so variable in nature that in my opinion oto-
liths of the two genera Orthopsetta and Etropus
will not always be distinguishable on the generic
Species and distribution: Following the ichthyo-
logical parameters proposed for differentiation
of the two genera Citharichthys and Orthopsetta as
discussed in the entry to Citharichthys, I have ten-
tatively placed the following species in the genus
Orthopsetta: O, amblybregmatus, O. arctifrons,
O. cornutus, O. dinoceros and O. gymnorhinus from
the Atlantic coasts of America and O. fragilis,
O. mariajorsiae, O. sordidus, O. stigmaeus and
O. xanthostigma from the Pacific coasts of Amer-
ica. Except for O. dinoceros, O. gymnorhinus,
O. mariajorsiae and O. amblybregmatus otoliths are
known from all of these species.
Orthopsetta stigmaeus
Figs. 276-278
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (4 right side, figs.
277-278; 1 left side, fig. 276) from off California,
ZMH Ot. 14.5.1994.23-27 (leg. Fitch).
Variability: Variability within this species is rel-
atively small, restricted to details of the outline.
Discussion: O. stigmaeus in many aspects exhib-
its the most plesiomorphic otolith morphology
in this genus. The outline of the otoliths is round-
ed pentagonal, the sulcus still rather long with an
indistinct fusiform shape and the inner face is
slightly convex. Also it is more elongate than most
other species of the genus.
Distribution: Pacific coast of North America
from Oregon to southern California.
Orthopsetta sordidus (GIRARD 1856)
Figs. 279-282
syn. Metoponops cooperi GILL 1864
Investigated otoliths: 7 otoliths (4 right side, figs.
279, 280, 282; 3 left side, fig. 281) from off Califor-
nia, ZMH Ot. 14.5.1994.28-34 (leg. Fitch)
Ontogeny and variability: Otoliths of O. sordidus
show a rather strong degree of allometric ontoge-
netic changes. Otoliths of up to 3.5 mm in size are
Figs. 276-278: Orthopsetta stigmaeus (JORDAN & GILBERT 1883) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Figs. 279-282: Orthopsetta sordidus (GIRARD 1856) – 15 ×
Fig. 283: Orthopsetta fragilis (GILBERT 1891) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
considerably less compressed than the large ones
of 4 to 4.5 mm length. Variations of the outline of
the otolith is moderate and mainly concerns the
expression of the dorsal and the posterior rims.
Discussion: O. sordidus differs from O. stigmae-
us in the more compressed and more rounded
outline and the rather wide and ovally shaped
sulcus. Even more closely related is O. fragilis,
which mainly differs in the more massive dorsal
field and the somewhat more thickset appear-
ance. However, once a larger series of otoliths of
O. fragilis becomes available, the limits between
the otoliths of both species may very well fade
Distribution: Pacific coast of North America
from British Columbia to Lower California.
Orthopsetta fragilis (GILBERT 1891)
Fig. 283
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
the Gulf of California, BMNH 1900.9.29.252.
Discussion: Very close to O. sordidus (see respec-
tive entry).
Distribution: Pacific coast of North America,
restricted to the Gulf of California.
Orthopsetta xanthostigma (GILBERT 1890)
Figs. 284-285
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (3 right side,
fig. 284; 2 left side, fig. 285) from off California,
ZMH Ot. 14.5.1994.35-39 (leg. Fitch).
Variability: As in most species of this genus the
outline of the otolith is the character most strong-
ly affected by variability. However, in the case of
O. xanthostigma the degree of variations is rela-
tively small.
Discussion: Otoliths of O. xanthostigma are quite
compressed and exhibit a rather regularly round-
ed dorsal rim. The sulcus is wide, oval in shape
and rather short. The short sulcus and the shape
of the otolith distinguishes it from O. sordidus and
O. fragilis.
Distribution: Pacific coasts of North America,
both coasts of Lower California.
Orthopsetta arctifrons (GOODE 1881)
Figs. 286-289
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (3 right side, figs.
287, 289; 2 left side, figs. 286, 288) from off Virgin-
ia, USA, ZMH Ot. 14.5.1994.40-44 (leg. ISH).
Variability: Details of the outline can be quite
variable in this species. This concerns presence
Figs. 284-285: Orthopsetta ×anthostigma (GILBERT 1890) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
or absence of a slight marginal crenulation as well
as degree of roundness of the outline. In gener-
al, however, otoliths are more regularly rounded
than those of any other species in the genus.
Discussion: Seemingly, O. arctifrons somewhat
stands apart from the rest of the species in this
genus. Their otoliths are easily recognized by their
almost round outline and the extremely short
Distribution: Atlantic coasts of North America,
in relatively deep waters (70 to 350 m) of the Gulf
Orthopsetta cornutus (GÜNTHER 1880)
Figs. 290-291
syn. Citharichthys unicornis GOODE 1881
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (2 right side,
fig. 290; 2 left side, fig. 291) West of Trinidad
(10°51N/60°29W), ZMH Ot. 14.5.1994.45-46 (leg.
ZMUC 853448-49) and ZMUC 853448-49.
Variability: Otoliths of this species seem to be
quite variable as far as their outline is concerned.
Discussion: O. cornutus probably shows the most
compressed and most thickset otoliths in this
genus. In fact, it is the only species in which the
ventral rim is more deeply curved than the dor-
sal rim. The sulcus is small and short. These char-
acters make O. cornutus quite unmistakable.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of Central America
and Brazil, in relatively deep waters (60 to 600 m)
of the Gulf Stream.
Etropus JORDAN & GILBERT 1882
Type-species: Etropus crossotus JORDAN & GIL-
BERT 1882
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset, small otoliths
with a compressed, rounded pentagonal shape;
ventral rim moderately curved, broadly rounded
or with a rounded medioventral angle, postven-
tral portion often concave, dorsal rim with rather
shallow predorsal projection and rounded post-
dorsal angle, predorsal projection not bend out-
ward, postdorsal portion straight or slightly con-
cave, posterior tip pointed or rounded, project-
ing, occupying a median position, anterior rim
blunt or rounded; index l:h 1.2 to 1.3. Otolith size
possibly not exceeding much 3.5 mm.
Figs. 286-289: Orthopsetta arctifrons (GOODE 1881) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Colliculi fused, distinction of ostium and cau-
da practically completely masked. Sulcus more
or less horizontal, oval in shape, not reduced in
length. Dorsal and ventral depressions moder-
ately deep, more or less continuously connected
around caudal tip to form a circumsulcal depres-
Inner face moderately convex to almost flat,
rather smooth; outer face flat to moderately con-
vex, usually smooth. Rims moderately sharp,
usually smooth, sometimes slightly undulated.
l:h h:t ol:cl (oh:ch) con.i
crossotus 1.25-1.30 4.5 nm nm 4.5
intermedius 1.20 4.0 nm nm 4.5
longimanus 1.10-1.25 3.4 nm nm 6.5
microstomus 1.15-1.20 3.5 nm nm 7.0
concaviventris 1.05-1.15 3.3 nm nm 3.0
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Ontogeny and variability: Ontogenetic changes
do not seem to play a major role in the species of
this genus. Even small specimens of 1.5 to 2 mm
in size exhibit all pertinent diagnostic characters.
Variability on the other hand can be quite consid-
erable, as exemplified by the figures to
E. longimanus and concerns many aspects of the
outline of the otolith.
Discussion: As stated before otoliths of Etropus
are hardly distinguishable from those of the re-
lated genus Orthopsetta (see entry to this genus
for lengthy discussion). One useful character
adherent to many but not all species is the slight-
ly concave postventral rim. Likewise, NORMAN
(1934) stated that Etropus is very similar to Citha-
richthys (including Orthopsetta as a subgenus in
his views), but eyes are always separated by a
narrow, bony ridge.
Species and distribution: There are 9 nominal
recent species recorded, 7 from the Atlantic coasts
of America E. crossotus, E. cyclosquamus, E. dels-
mani, E. intermedius, E. longimanus, E. microstomus
and E. rimosus – and 4 from the Pacific coast of
America – E. crossotus, E. delsmani, E. peruvianus
and E. ectenes. Thus E. crossotus and E. delsmani
are among of the very few species occurring si-
multaneously on both sides of America. Otoliths
are only known from 4 species, namely E. crosso-
tus, E. intermedius, E. longimanus and E. micro-
stomus. However, most of the remaining species
seem to be extremely rare, some of them based
on one or two specimens only. In addition, there
is a fossil record from the Upper Miocene of the
Dominican Republic, described here as E. con-
caviventris and possibly a second record from the
Miocene of Ecuador (com. pers. A. Müller).
Figs. 290-291: Orthopsetta cornutus (GÜNTHER 1880) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Etropus crossotus JORDAN & GILBERT 1882
Figs. 292-294
syn. Citharichthys crossotus atlanticus PARR 1931
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (right side) from
off Mazatlan, Pacific coast of Mexico, ZMH Ot.
14.5.1994.47-48 (leg. BMNH and
Variability: Variations in this species seems to
be limited to the expression of the predorsal pro-
Discussion: Otoliths of E. crossotus are very sim-
ilar to those of the various species of the genus
Citharichthys. Similar are the thin appearance, the
rather elongate and pentagonal outline of the
otolith and the long and narrow sulcus. Differ-
ences are so delicate that from otoliths alone one
would certainly be tempted to place this species
in the genus Citharichthys altogether.
Distribution: E. crossotus is the only Pleuronec-
tiform species occurring simultaneously on both
sides of America. In the Atlantic it is found from
Chesapeake Bay to the West Indies and in the
Pacific from Lower California to Panama.
Etropus intermedius NORMAN 1933
Fig. 295
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off Georgetown, British Guiana, BMNH 1950.5.
Discussion: Very similar to both E. crossotus and
E. longimanus. Main difference is the strongly
developed predorsal projection resulting in a very
blunt anterior rim. Whether this character is suf-
ficient to distinguish otoliths of this species from
those of the two others mentioned before remains
to be verified once more material has become
Distribution: Atlantic coast of South America
from Trinidad to Rio de Janeiro.
Figs. 292-294: Etropus crossotus JORDAN & GILBERT 1882 – 15 ×
Fig. 295: Etropus intermedius NORMAN 1933 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Etropus longimanus NORMAN 1933
Figs. 296-299
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (4 right side,
fig. 296-297, 299; 1 left side, fig. 298) from off Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, ZMH Ot. 14.5.1994.49-52 (leg.
BMNH 1913.12.4.311-20) and BMNH 1913.12.4.
Variability: As shown in the figures to this spe-
cies, variations of the outline of the otolith are
quite considerable, as are its proportions. In fact,
it is difficult to find a single character to define
the species by otoliths alone.
Discussion: E. longimanus is quite similar to
E. crossotus. Its otoliths are slightly more com-
pressed, more thickset and exhibit a much less
convex inner face. Also the sulcus is somewhat
shorter and wider.
Distribution: Southern Atlantic, coasts of Brazil
and Argentina.
Etropus microstomus GILL 1864
Figs. 300-301
syn. Citharichthys microps FOWLER 1911
Figs. 296-299: Etropus longimanus NORMAN 1933 – 15 ×
Figs. 300-301: Etropus microstomus GILL 1864 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right side) from
the Delaware Bay, Atlantic coast of North Amer-
ica, ZMH Ot. 14.5.1994.53 (leg. BMNH 1933.6.15.1)
and BMNH 1933.6.15.1.
Discussion: Otoliths of this species are easily
recognized by their roundish outline (except for
the concave postdorsal rim) and the rather wide
and deep sulcus.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of North America,
from New England to Florida.
Etropus concaviventris n.sp.
Figs. 302-304
Name: Combination of concavus (lat.) = concave,
and venter (lat.) = body, stomach; referring to the
strongly concave postventral rim of the otolith.
Holotype: Fig. 302, NMB 15896a.
Type locality: Rio Gurabo river banks, Cibao
Valley, northern Dominican Republic.
Age: Cerrado Formation, Upper Miocene.
Paratypes: 2 otoliths (figs. 303-304), topo- and
stratitypic, NMB 15896b and NMB 16922.
Diagnosis: Compressed otoliths with rounded
pentagonal outline. Postdorsal portion higher
than predorsal portion. Postventral rim distinct-
ly concave. Inner face markedly convex.
Description: Small, compressed, moderately
thick otoliths with a rounded pentagonal outline.
Dorsal rim rather rounded, highest posteriorly,
ventral rim deeply bodied with distinct and long
concave postventral portion, posterior tip short,
pointed, situated slightly inframedianly, anterior
tip blunt.
Inner face: Rather strongly convex and
smooth. Sulcus moderately long, horizontal, with
completely fused colliculi, indistinctly fusiform
in shape. Sulcus opening reduced, medial. Dor-
sal and ventral depressions rather shallow, mod-
erately wide and connected around the caudal
Other views: Rims moderately sharp and
smooth, postdorsal rim sometimes slightly crenu-
lated. Outer face more or less smooth, flat.
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Ontogeny and variability: The smallest speci-
men is 1.5 mm long but does not differ signifi-
cantly from the largest specimen of about 2.3 mm
length. All specimens exhibit suitable diagnostic
characters indicating that morphological maturi-
ty in this species is reached at relatively small
otolith sizes. Variability is moderate, restricted to
details in the expression of the dorsal rim, projec-
tion of the posterior tip and details in the outline
of the sulcus.
Discussion: E. concaviventris is readily recog-
nized by the pronounced concavity of the
postventral rim in combination with the shape of
the dorsal rim and the rather convex inner face.
It resembles species of the genus Etropus as well
as Citharichthys. I have tentatively placed it in the
former because of the strongly concave postven-
tral rim and the somewhat reduced outline of the
Figs. 302-304: Etropus concaviventris n.sp. – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
7.6.5 Bothus Group
Genera: Three genera – Bothus, Parabothus and
Grammatobothus. This group is particularly well
represented in the Indo-Pacific, but one of its
genera – Bothus – is also found in the Mediterra-
nean and the Atlantic. In addition, there is a sin-
gle otolith based fossil record of the genus Gram-
matobothus from the Miocene of Europe (Poland,
Definition and relationship: Together with the
Arnoglossus, Monolene-Laeops and Engyprosopon
Groups described later the Bothus Group consti-
tutes the bulk of the genera placed into the sub-
family Bothinae by NORMAN (1934), respectively
Bothidae by HENSLEY & AHLSTROM (1984).
The otoliths of the four groups in general are
rather small, oval to roundish to rectangular in
shape and with an ostial to pseudoostial sulcus
opening. Dorsal and ventral depressions are usu-
ally well marked and deep and often well con-
nected around the caudal tip. The ostium is al-
most always considerably longer than the cauda
and slightly wider too. This combination of char-
acters puts these groups well apart from the four
other bothid otolith groups described before and
in a way supports NORMANs concept to subdi-
vide the Bothidae into two subfamilies. Howev-
er, the line of subdivision according to otolith
grouping slightly departs from NORMANs con-
cept (not so much from HENSLEY & AHL-
STROMs concept), and this is being dealt with
in the respective chapter to the Monolene-Laeops
The otoliths of the Bothus Group are quite thin,
with a distinctly convex inner face and a round-
ed oval outline. In most instances, the sulcus open-
ing is clearly ostial. It is this combination that
distinguishes otoliths of the Bothus Group from
the more compressed and massive otoliths of the
other groups. However, the line of distinction is
somewhat fluent and there are some genera, such
as Parabothus, Crossorhombus or Engyprosopon,
which could be placed in the one or the other
group. In conclusion, the otoliths of both the
Bothus Group as well as of the other three groups
are characterized by a number of morphological
reductions, which sometimes result in analytical
uncertainties at all taxonomic levels. This is par-
ticularly true for the Arnoglossus and the Mono-
lene-Laeops Group and is being discussed there in
more detail.
Bothus RAFINESQUE 1810
Type-species: Bothus rumulo RAFINESQUE 1810
(syn. B. podas)
syn. Platophrys SWAINSON 1839 (type-species:
Rhombus ocellatus)
syn. Peloria COCCO 1844 (type-species: Peloria
heckeli, syn. B. podas)
syn. Coccolus BONAPARTE 1846 (type-species:
Coccolus annectens, syn. B. podas)
syn. Rhomboidichthys BLEEKER 1856 (type-spe-
cies: Rhomboidichthys myriaster) subgenus
syn. Psettylis ALCOCK 1890 (type-species: Pset-
tylis pelucida – acc. to NORMAN 1934, post-
larval spec. indet.)
syn. Pseudocitharichthys WEBER 1913 (type-spe-
cies: Citharichthys aureus, syn. B. pantherinus)
syn. Platotichthys NICHOLS 1921 (type-species:
Platotichthys chartes – acc. to NORMAN 1934,
post-larval of B. lunatus)
syn. Symboulichthys CHABANAUD 1927 (type-
species: Platophrys maculifer)
Diagnosis: Relatively thin, small to very small
otoliths with a rounded oval shape; ventral and
dorsal rims gently curved, without major angles,
posterior tip variable, rounded, blunt or project-
ing, anterior rim rounded or with short rostrum,
then usually with faint excisura; index l:h 1.2 to
1.7. Otolith size rarely exceeding 3 mm, in fact
otoliths are rather small in comparison to size of
Ostium slightly longer than cauda and slight-
ly wider too. Sulcus narrow, deep, often with clear
ostial opening. Excisura sometimes developed.
Cauda terminating not very far from posterior
tip of otolith. Colliculi separated, but distinction
of ostium and cauda often very indistinct. Dorsal
and ventral depressions narrow, but rather deep
and well marked, indistinctly connected around
caudal tip to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face convex, not very smooth; outer face
flat to slightly concave, with little ornamentation.
Rims sharp, usually smooth, sometimes slightly
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
subgenus Bothus
podas 1.40 2.3 1.3 1.4 3
pantherinus 1.55-1.65 3.0 1.3-1.8 1.2-1.5 3
ocellatus 1.60-1.70 2.7 1.5-1.6 1.2 4
constellatus 1.50-1.55 3.0 1.3-1.5 1.2-1.3 2.8
lunatus 1.60 3.0 1.2 1.2 2.5
subgenus Rhomboidichthys
myriaster 1.25 2.7 1.7-1.9 1.2-1.3 3
mancus 1.30 nm 1.1 1.2-1.3 nm
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism in this ge-
nus is quite inconspicuous and may vary from
species to species. A series of specimens from
B. podas figured by CHAINE (1936) indicate that
right hand otoliths tend to be more regularly
rounded in outline and left hand otoliths show a
stronger tendency towards development of an
excisura. This observation is also confirmed by
otoliths of B. pantherinus, but in B. myriaster it is
the other way round, and otoliths of B. ocellatus
show virtually no side dimorphism. NOLF (1985)
stated that some species of Bothus do not show
any side dimorphism (example used was B. po-
das) and others a very strong side dimorphism
(example was B. lunatus). His interpretation was
based on a very compressed right hand otolith of
B. lunatus (NOLF, 1985 – fig. 15 C2). A right hand
specimen of the same species available to me does
not show this habitus, but rather fits with the left
hand specimen he figured. Judging from this, the
compressed right side otolith of B. lunatus as fig-
ured by NOLF rather represents a singular case
of teratological deformation than a valid case of
side dimorphism.
Sexual dimorphism: The fishes of the genus Both-
us like several other Bothinae genera (Engypro-
sopon, Crossorhombus, Perissias, Parabothus and one
species of Syacium) are well known for a sexual
difference in the width of the interorbital region.
The interorbital region in those genera is wider in
males than it is in females and this curious fea-
ture attains its maximum development in certain
species of the genus Bothus (= Platophrys auctt.).
It may be expected that this development is also
reflected in some kind of sexual dimorphism in
otoliths. And indeed this seems to be the case
with the genus Syacium (S. ovale – see respective
entry). In the case of Bothus and the other genera
mentioned presently available otolith material,
unfortunately, is not sufficient for such an inves-
Ontogeny and variability: So far too few oto-
liths are known from this genus to allow for any
analysis of ontogenetic changes. However, since
otoliths in general are very small it seems that
diagnostic maturity is reached already with rela-
tively small specimens in the order of 1.5 to 2 mm.
Judging from CHAINEs (1936) figures of B. podas
intraspecific variability is moderate and only
concerns details of the outline of the otolith and
expression of the excisura, both characters which
are also touched by the effects of side dimorphism.
Discussion: Bothus otoliths resemble both Pa-
rabothus and Grammatobothus otoliths. In the two
latter genera the inner faces of the otoliths are
less convex and the postventral angle is always
quite well developed. In Parabothus the ostial
opening is somewhat reduced, but this is also the
case in certain Bothus species (see for instance
B. ocellatus).
The genus Bothus contains some 18 nominal-
ly valid species. Otoliths are known from 8 of
them. From this it appears that at least two differ-
ent morphologies can be recognized from oto-
liths. One group comprises relatively elongate,
oval otoliths, mostly without excisura (except for
B. lunatus), whereas the other group comprises
roundish, compressed otoliths, which are ex-
tremely small in comparison to the size of the
fishes from which they have been taken. Availa-
ble generic names are attributed to the two groups
in subgeneric ranking – the first would become
the subgenus Bothus, the second the subgenus
Rhomboidichthys. Realizing, however, that otoliths
are only known from about half of the recent
species of this genus one may expect more poten-
tial for such subdivisions.
Species and distribution: 18 nominally valid
species: B. podas, B. mellissi and B. guibei from the
Mediterranean and East Atlantic, B. ocellatus,
B. lunatus, B. maculiferus, B. robinsi and B. ellipticus
from the West Atlantic,
B. leopardinus and B. con-
stellatus from the Pacific coast of America and
B. mancus, B. pantherinus, B. bleekeri, B. myriaster,
B. ovalis, B. tricirrhatus, B. ypsigrammus and B. as-
similis from the Indo-West-Pacific. Thus the ge-
nus Bothus is one of the most widely distributed
genera of Pleuronectiformes. NORMAN (1934)
has explained this unusually wide distribution
pattern of the genus by a prolonged early pelagic
life adherent to the larval stage.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Bothus (Bothus) podas (DELAROCHE 1809)
Fig. 305
syn. Pleuronectes argus RISSO 1810
syn. Bothus rumulo RAFINESQUE 1810
syn. Solea rhomboides RAFINESQUE 1810
syn. Bothus diaphanus RAFINESQUE 1814
?syn. Rhombus candidissimus RISSO 1820
syn. Rhombus gesneri RISSO 1826
syn. Rhombus heterophthalmus BENNETT 1831
syn. Rhombus rhomboides BONAPARTE 1833
syn. Rhombus maderensis LOWE 1834
syn. Rhombus serratus VALENCIENNES 1843
syn. Peloria heckelii COCCO 1844
?syn. Coccolus annectens BONAPARTE 1846
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off Calabria, Italy, ZMH Ot. 16.5.1994.1 (leg. ZMH
Discussion: Otoliths of B. podas are more com-
pressed and more regularly rounded than those
of the other species investigated.
Distribution: Mediterranean and East Atlantic,
from Portugal to Angola and westward to Ma-
deira and the Canaries.
Bothus (Bothus) pantherinus (RÜPPEL 1830)
Figs. 306-307
syn. Rhombus parvimanus BENNETT 1832
syn. Rhombus sumatranus BLEEKER 1851
?syn. Passer marchionessarum VALENCIENNES
syn. Pleuronectes lunulatus JOUAN 1861
?syn. Citharichthys aureus DAY 1877
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right and left
side) from off Zanzibar, ZMH Ot. 16.5.1994.2-3
(leg. ZMH 19925).
Discussion: Otoliths of B. pantherinus are quite
similar to those of B. podas, but are more elongate
and thin.
Distribution: Indian Ocean from East Africa and
the Red Sea to Indonesia, Australia and the Pacific.
Bothus (Bothus) ocellatus (AGASSIZ 1831)
Figs. 308-309
syn. Rhombus bahianus CASTELNAU 1855
syn. Platophrys nebularis JORDAN & GILBERT
?syn. Bothus atlanticus KYLE 1913
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right and left
side) from off Georgia, USA, ZMH Ot. 16.5.1994.4-
5 (leg. Fitch).
Discussion: B. ocellatus is easily recognized by
its anteriorly pronounced dorsal rim and the
somewhat reduced ostial opening.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of America, from
New York to Rio de Janeiro.
Bothus (Bothus) constellatus
(JORDAN & GOSS 1889)
Figs. 310-313
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (3 right and one
left) from the Galapagos Isl., ZMH Ot. 2.1.1995.13-
15 (leg. BMNH 1938.12.12.163-5) and BMNH
Fig. 305: Bothus (Bothus) podas (DELAROCHE 1809) – 15 ×
Figs. 306-307: Bothus (Bothus) pantherinus (RÜPPEL 1830) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
NORMAN (1934) doubted B. constellatus to
be distinct from B. leopardinus (GÜNTHER 1862)
from the Pacific coast of tropical America. Of the
latter species otoliths so far are missing for com-
Distribution: Panama Bay (Pacific) and Galapa-
gos Islands.
Bothus (Bothus) lunatus (LINNAEUS 1758)
Fig. 314
syn. Pleuronectes argus BLOCH 1783
?syn. Pleuronectes surinamensis SCHNEIDER 1801
syn. Platotichthys chartes NICHOLS 1921
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off St. Thomas, Caribbean, ZMH Ot. 16.5.1994.6
(leg. ZMH 19894).
Discussion: Quite similar to B. podas but more
elongate. Otoliths of B. pantherinus are more thin
and less regularly rounded in outline. Those of
B. ocellatus from the Atlantic coast of North Amer-
ica are somewhat narrowed posteriorly.
Figs. 308-309: Bothus (Bothus) ocellatus (AGASSIZ 1831) – 15 ×
Figs. 310-313: Bothus (Bothus) constellatus (JORDAN & GOSS 1889) – 15 ×
Fig. 314: Bothus (Bothus) lunatus (LINNAEUS 1758)
– 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Discussion: The otolith of B. lunatus is very thin
and fragile, with a rather strongly convex inner
face, a deep excisura and a rather pronounced
postdorsal angle.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of America, from
Florida to northern Brazil and eastward to Fern-
ando Noronha Isl.
Bothus (Rhomboidichthys) myriaster
Figs. 315-316
syn. Platophrys circularis FRANZ 1910
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from off Formosa, ZMH Ot. 2.1.1994.17 (leg.
BMNH 1933.6.12.4) and BMNH 1933.6.12.4.
Discussion: A small, easily recognized thin oto-
lith with almost circular outline, convex inner face
and concave outer face. All rims are intensely
Distribution: Coasts of China, Japan, Formosa
and Indo-China.
Bothus (Rhomboidichthys) ovalis
(REGAN 1908)
Remarks: The only otolith extracted from a fish
caught off India (BMNH 1928.3.20.135) was too
much eroded by formalin to warrant a figure.
Nevertheless, it was apparent that the otolith must
have been quite similar to those of B. myriaster,
may be slightly more elongate. NORMAN (1934)
regarded both species as closely related, proba-
bly synonymous.
Distribution: Coasts of India to Burma and
Amirantes Islands.
Bothus (Rhomboidichthys) mancus
Fig. 317
syn. Pleuronectes spinosus SCHNEIDER 1801
syn. Rhombus macropterus QUOY & GAIMARD
syn. Pleuronectes pictus FORSTER 1844
syn. Rhombus pavo BLEEKER 1855
syn. Platophrys smithi RENDAHL 1921
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
the Tarawa lagoon, Gilbert & Ellice Islands, Poly-
nesia, BMNH 1969.8.26.239-302.
Discussion: The only otolith available is some-
what eroded, in particular the sulcal portion of
the inner face. It is characterized by its extremely
small size compared to the size of the fish.
B. mancus differs from B. myriaster in the rather
flat ventral rim and the lack of marginal crenula-
Distribution: Widely distributed in the Indo-
West-Pacific from China to the Micronesian and
Polynesian Islands to the Maldives.
Figs. 315-316: Bothus (Rhomboidichthys) myriaster (TEMMINCK & SCHLEGEL 1846) – 15 ×
Fig. 317: Bothus (Rhomboidichthys) mancus (BROUSSONET 1782) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Parabothus NORMAN 1931
Type-species: Arnoglossus polylepis ALCOCK 1889
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, small otoliths with
an irregular oval shape; ventral rim gently curv-
ing, dorsal rim with rounded predorsal and pro-
nounced postdorsal angles, straight and horizon-
tal in between, posterior tip blunt or faintly point-
ed, anterior rim rounded or blunt, without
marked rostrum, nor excisura; index l:h about
1.5. Otolith size probably not exceeding 3 mm.
Ostium longer than cauda and slightly wider
too. Sulcus moderately narrow, deep, with slightly
reduced opening. Cauda terminating not very far
from posterior tip of otolith. Colliculi separated,
distinction usually well marked. Dorsal and ven-
tral depressions rather deep and well marked,
indistinctly connected around caudal tip to form
a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face slightly convex, not very smooth;
outer face flat, with little ornamentation. Rims
moderately sharp, smooth.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
chlorospilus 1.45-1.50 2.5 1.3-1.6 1.1-1.3 3.5
Side dimorphism: Like in the related genus Both-
us side dimorphism is very indistinct. It so seems
that the reduction of the sulcus opening is stronger
in right hand than in left hand otoliths.
Variability: Some of the proportions can be quite
variable, particularly as far as the sulcus is con-
cerned. Also the posterior tip of the otolith can be
pointed or blunt and nearly vertically cut.
Discussion: Close to Bothus (see respective en-
try) and Grammatobothus. The latter differs in
being more elongate and always showing a clear
sulcus opening.
Species and distribution: NORMAN (1934) and
MASUDA et al. (1984) reported 4 species – P. po-
lylepis, P. chlorospilus, P. coarctus, P. kiensis – plus 4
somewhat problematical additional species which
were based on unique holotypes – P. amaokai, P. tai-
wanensis, P. violaceus, P. malhensis. All species are
from the Indo-Pacific. Otoliths are only known
from a single species, P. chlorospilus.
Parabothus chlorospilus (GILBERT 1905)
Figs. 318-320
syn. Platophrys inermis GILBERT 1905
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (two right side
and one left side) from off Hawaii, ZMH Ot.
16.5.1994.7-9 (leg. Fitch).
Discussion: See entry to genus.
Distribution: Hawaiian Islands.
Grammatobothus NORMAN 1926
Type-species: Platophrys polyophthalmus BLEEK-
ER 1866
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, small to medium
sized otoliths with an elongated rectangular
shape; ventral rim shallow, gently curving, dor-
sal rim straight, horizontal, with marked pre- and
postdorsal angles, posterior tip blunt, anterior rim
blunt, with faint excisura and short rostrum; in-
dex l:h about 1.7. Otolith size up to 4 mm and
possibly more.
Figs. 318-320: Parabothus chlorospilus (GILBERT 1905) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Ostium slightly longer than cauda and slight-
ly wider too. Sulcus moderately narrow, deep,
with clear ostial opening. Cauda terminating not
very far from posterior tip of otolith. Colliculi
separated, but distinction of ostium and cauda
often very indistinct. Dorsal and ventral depres-
sions narrow, but rather deep and well marked,
more or less connected around caudal tip to form
a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face slightly convex, not very smooth;
outer face flat, with little ornamentation. Rims
moderately sharp, usually smooth, sometimes
slightly undulating.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
polyophthalmus 1.70 2.8 1.5-1.8 1.2-1.3 5
radwanskae 1.70-1.75 2.8 0.8-1.0 1.1-1.2 4
awamoaensis 1.80 2.9 1.45 1.1 4
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: Variations concern details of the ex-
pression of the dorsal rim, development of the
rostrum and proportions of the sulcus.
Discussion: Close to Bothus and Parabothus (see
respective entries).
Species and distribution: Grammatobothus is
known from 3 recent species from the Indo-Pacif-
ic – G. polyophthalmus, G. pennatus, G. krempfi – and
two fossil species, one from the Middle Miocene
of Poland (Paratethys) – G. radwanskae – the other
from the Lower Miocene of New Zealand –
G. awamoaensis.
Grammatobothus polyophthalmus
(BLEEKER 1866)
Figs. 321-322
syn. Rhomboidichthys angustifrons GÜNTHER
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right and left
side) from Pukhet, Thailand, ZMH Ot. 16.5.
1994.10-11 (leg. ZMUC P 853412).
Discussion: The otoliths of G. polyophthalmus are
somewhat smaller than those of the fossil
G. radwanskae, but otherwise are quite similar ex-
cept for the sulcus proportions.
Distribution: From the Indian Ocean through the
Malay Peninsula and Indonesia to Australia.
Grammatobothus radwanskae n.sp.
Figs. 323-325
syn. genus Bothidarum sp. – RADWANSKA 1992:
fig. 159, pl. 36, fig. 11-12
Name: In honor to Mrs. U. Radwanska (Warsaw)
and her outstanding monograph on otoliths from
the Polish Miocene.
Holotype: Fig. , ZPalUW/Rak-441.
Type locality: Korytnica, southern Holy Cross
Mountains, southern Poland.
Age: Korytnica Clay, Badenian, Middle Miocene.
Paratypes: 2 otoliths, topo-and stratitypic,
Diagnosis: Elongate, moderately thickset otoliths
with roughly rectangular outline. Excisura and
short rostrum present. Sulcus deep, long, with
Figs. 321-322: Grammatobothus polyophthalmus (BLEEKER 1866) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
clear ostial opening. Dorsal and ventral depres-
sion distinct, deep.
Description: Outline: Rather elongate, moderate-
ly large and massive otoliths with roughly rec-
tangular outline. Dorsal rim straight, horizontal,
somewhat undulating, with rounded predorsal
and prominent postdorsal angles. Ventral rim
shallow, gently curving. Posterior tip blunt, near-
ly vertically cut. Anterior rim blunt, with excisu-
ra and short rostrum.
Inner face: Moderately convex and not very
smooth. Sulcus long, median, deep, clearly open-
ing anteriorly, posteriorly terminating not very
far from posterior tip of otolith. Partition into
ostium and cauda indistinct, but ostium usually
not longer than cauda, sometimes considerably
shorter. Dorsal and ventral depressions narrow,
deep, well marked, more or less connected around
caudal tip.
Other views: Rims moderately sharp and
mostly smooth. Outer face smooth, flat to very
slightly concave.
Side dimorphism: Not apparent, but index ol:cl
may be smaller in right hand otoliths than in left
hand otoliths.
Variability: Ornamentation of the otolith rims
and proportions of the sulcus seem to be some-
what variable.
Discussion: Otoliths of G. radwanskae are quite
similar to those of the recent G. polyophthalmus.
The most obvious character to distinguish the two
species is the proportion of ostium to cauda
length. In G. polyophthalmus the ostium is much
longer than the cauda, whereas in G. radwanskae
it is either shorter or of about the same length.
Grammatobothus awamoaensis n.sp.
Figs. 326
Name: Named after the type location – Awamoa
Creek – in New Zealand.
Holotype: Fig. 326, NZGS.
Type locality: Awamoa Creek, Otago, New Zea-
land South Island.
Age: Altonian, Lower Miocene.
Figs. 323-325: Grammatobothus radwanskae n.sp. – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Diagnosis: Elongate, rather thin otolith with
rounded rectangular outline. No excisura, short
rostrum present. Sulcus moderately deep, long,
with slightly reduced ostial opening. Dorsal and
ventral depression distinct, deep.
Description: Outline: Rather elongate, moderate-
ly large and rather thin otolith with rounded rec-
tangular outline. Dorsal rim straight, horizontal,
with rounded predorsal and prominent postdor-
sal angles. Ventral rim more deeply, gently curv-
ing. Posterior tip rounded. Anterior rim ventral-
ly pointed, with short rostrum.
Inner face: Moderately convex and not very
smooth. Sulcus long, slightly supramedian, mod-
erately deep, anterior opening somewhat reduced.
Partition into ostium and cauda distinct, ostium
somewhat longer than cauda. Dorsal and ventral
depressions narrow, deep, well marked, more or
less connected around caudal tip.
Other views: Rims sharp and smooth. Outer
face smooth, flat to very slightly concave.
Discussion: The otolith of G. awamoaensis is more
elongate than those of the two other species and
also characterized by its somewhat reduced sul-
cus opening and the thin appearance.
7.6.6 Arnoglossus Group
Genera: In this group I have tentatively placed 6
genera – Neolaeops, Arnoglossus, Caulopsetta, Lo-
phonectes, Psettina and Taeniopsetta. Most of these
genera are concentrated in the Indo-Pacific, but
the very large genus Arnoglossus is also well
known from the East Atlantic and the Mediterra-
nean. It is not reported from the shores of the
Americas. Otoliths are known from all genera.
Fossil records of Arnoglossus are common in Eu-
rope, NW-Africa and New Zealand and date well
back into Eocene times. Caulopsetta and Taeni-
opsetta are also known from the Miocene of New
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the Ar-
noglossus Group are rather compact and small,
compressed to moderately elongate and rectan-
gular to rounded rectangular in outline. The sul-
cus typically is deep and somewhat inclined. Its
opening is slightly reduced in most instances.
Dorsal and ventral depressions are deep and more
or less well connected around the caudal tip. The
inner face in most instances is rather flat, but there
are few cases where it is markedly convex.
The somewhat inclined sulcus in combina-
tion with the usually relatively flat inner face and
the more or less rectangular outline are the main
characters that distinguish otoliths of the Arnoglos-
sus Group from the supposed related groups. The
other extreme is found in the Bothus Group with
its more gently curving outline, the horizontal
sulcus (often with a clear ostial opening) and the
markedly convex inner face. Otoliths of the Mo-
nolene-Laeops Group are similar to those of the
Arnoglossus Group in their compact and com-
pressed appearance, including the flat inner face.
Differing, however, these otoliths do not show
much of an inclined sulcus and also the outline is
more trapezoidal than rectangular. Otoliths of the
Engyprosopon Group finally exhibit a combina-
tion of characters of the Arnoglossus and the Both-
us Groups. With the latter they share the strongly
convex, often rather smooth inner face, with the
Arnoglossus Group the compact appearance and
the (rounded) rectangular outline. Also the sul-
cus sometimes is slightly inclined. However, as
already stated in the introductory note to the
Bothus Group, otoliths of all four groups are char-
acterized by certain trends in reduction of the
morphology. Therefore, definition and delimita-
tion of these groups is somewhat fluent and much
less certain than for the other bothid otolith
groups. As it stands now, the differentiation of
the Bothus, Arnoglossus, Monolene-Laeops and the
Engyprosopon Groups must be viewed as a very
tentative one. It should be noted, however, that
NORMAN in his analysis of the bothids also as-
sumed the genera here included in the Arnoglos-
sus Group to be closely related, but except for
Fig. 326: Grammatobothus awamoaensis n.sp. – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Neolaeops AMAOKA 1969
Type-species: Laeops microphthalmus VON BON-
DE 1922
Diagnosis: Relatively thick, small otoliths with
a rounded rectangular outline; ventral rim shal-
low, gently curved, dorsal rim flat, horizontal,
with rounded pre-and postdorsal angles, poste-
rior tip blunt, nearly vertically cut, anterior rim
blunt, with incipient short rostrum, but without
excisura; index l:h about 1.4. Otolith size about
3 mm.
Ostium longer than cauda and slightly wider
too. Sulcus narrow, moderately deep, very slight-
ly inclined, with a slightly reduced ostial open-
ing. Cauda terminating at some distance from
posterior tip of otolith. Colliculi well separated.
Dorsal and ventral depressions moderately deep
and well marked, connected around caudal tip to
form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face almost flat in horizontal direction
and only slightly convex in vertical direction,
rather smooth; outer face convex, smooth. Rims
moderately sharp, slightly and irregularly undu-
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.i
microphthalmus 1.45 2.7 1.3 1.3 6
Side dimorphism: Not known.
Discussion: Within the Arnoglossus Group the
otolith of Neolaeops probably represents the most
plesiomorphic morphology. This is indicated by
the rounded rectangular outline, the very feeble
inclination of the sulcus and the presence of a
very small rostrum. In fact, Neolaeops could also
be regarded as a plesiomorphic representative of
the Monolene-Laeops Group. Morphologically, it
bridges between the two groups.
Species and distribution: Neolaeops contains but
a single recent species – N. microphthalmus – which
is widely distributed throughout the Indo-West-
Pacific, from South Africa to Japan. NORMAN
(1934) tentatively included N. microphthalmus
within the genus Arnoglossus as well as A. inter-
medius, which is now placed in the monospecific
genus Asterorhombus.
Neolaeops microphthalmus
(VON BONDE 1922)
Fig. 327
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off Kochi, Japan, ZMH Ot. 16.5.1994.12 (leg. Sas-
Discussion and distribution: See entry to
genus (monospecific genus).
Arnoglossus BLEEKER 1862
Type-species: Pleuronectes arnoglossus SCHNEI-
DER 1801 (syn. A. laterna)
syn. Bascanius SCHIODTE 1868 (type-species:
Bascanius taedifer, syn. A. rueppellii)
syn. Anticitharus GÜNTHER 1880 (type-species:
Anticitharus polyspilus)
syn. Charybdia FACCIOLA 1885 (type-species:
Peloria rueppellii)
syn. Scidorhombus TANAKA 1915 (type-species:
Scidorhombus pallidus)
syn. Kyleia CHABANAUD 1931 (type-species:
Arnoglossus thori)
syn. Dollfusiana CHABANAUD 1933 (type-spe-
cies: Peloria rueppellii)
syn. Dollfusetta WHITLEY 1950 (substitute for
Diagnosis: Mostly thickset, small and compact
otoliths with a rectangular or rounded rectangu-
lar outline; ventral rim shallow, gently curved to
almost straight and horizontal, dorsal rim flat,
horizontal, with rounded pre-and postdorsal
angles, postdorsal angle usually more strongly
Fig. 327: Neolaeops microphthalmus
(VON BONDE 1922) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
pronounced, posterior tip blunt, nearly vertically
cut, anterior rim blunt, without rostrum; index
l:h 1.1 to 1.7. Otolith size up to 3.5 – 4 mm.
Ostium longer than cauda and slightly wider
too. Sulcus narrow, deep to very deep, inclined,
usually with a slightly reduced ostial opening.
Cauda terminating at moderate distance from
posterior tip of otolith. Colliculi well separated,
deepened. Dorsal and ventral depressions deep
to very deep, well marked, connected around
caudal tip to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face almost flat to slightly convex in
horizontal direction and only slightly convex in
vertical direction, not smooth; outer face flat to
convex, mostly smooth. Rims moderately sharp
or thickened, smooth to slightly and irregularly
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.i
laterna 1.20-1.40 2.8 1.8-2.2 1.2-1.3 10° 5.5
macrostoma 1.50-1.60 2.0-2.6 1.5-1.8 1.0-1.3 5.5
thori 1.45-1.65 2.5 1.5-1.7 1.1-1.3 5-10° 4
grohmanni 1.70-1.85 2.5 1.1-1.5 1.2-1.3 nm
imperialis 1.55-1.75 2.3 1.4-1.5 1.0-1.1 4
holleri 1.15-1.30 2.6-2.8 1.4-1.7 1.2-1.4 10° 3
taureri 1.10-1.30 2.5-2.6 1.5-2.0 1.2-1.4 10-15° 5
kokeni 1.10-1.20 2.4-2.7 1.8-2.2 1.2-1.3 10-15° -5
quadratus 1.25-1.30 2.0-2.3 1.3-1.7 1.3-1.5 5-10° 5-6
capensis 1.65 2.0 1.6 1.1 2.5
rueppellii 1.45 nd 2.2 1.2 20° nd
tapeinosoma 1.25-1.35 2.5 1.8-2.0 1.1 20° 3.5
waitei 1.35 2.7 1.7 1.5 10° 3.5
aspilos 1.20 2.7 1.6 1.3 15° 4.5
lapierrei 1.35 2.0 1.5 1.1 25° 2.8
prudhommae 1.10 3.2 1.8 1.2 25° 4
extremus 1.50 nd 1.0 1.0 25° nd
novus 1.15-1.20 2.2 1.6-2.0 1.1-1.2 25° 2.8
longus 1.35-1.55 2.2 1.4-1.9 1.1 10° 3.5
grenfelli 1.35-1.45 2.5-2.6 1.4-1.5 1.1-1.2 10° 4-5
debilis 1.30 3.4 1.4 1.2 10° 6
dalgleishi 1.30-1.40 3.2 1.5-1.8 1.1 10° 5.5
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Ontogeny and variability: Ontogenetic changes
in the otoliths of this genus are quite considera-
ble and so is intraspecific variability. Due to the
somewhat reduced morphological habitus of
the otoliths relatively few features are left for
diagnosis and differentiation of species. Many of
them concern outline and proportions of the oto-
liths, and these are the very characters most
strongly affected by intraspecific variations. In
several instances relatively large series of speci-
mens will be needed to reliably distinguish be-
tween otoliths of related species (see for instance
entries to A. laterna or A. imperialis).
Likewise, ontogenetic effects need to be dealt
with in great care. Small otoliths of less than
1.5 mm (sometimes 2 mm) of length are often so
much generalized in appearance that related spe-
cies can not be distinguished (see entries to A. lon-
gus and A. novus). Again it is mostly the outline
that is affected. There are also few cases, where
juvenile otoliths look quite different from adults
due to additional changes in the marginal orna-
mentation (see entry to A. quadratus). Unfortu-
nately, ontogenetic (and erosive) effects have not
always been taken into consideration in the de-
scriptions of the many fossil species. This has led
to a rather chaotic taxonomic situation in fossils,
particularly as far as secondary references are
concerned. I was not able to check all the various
secondary references in literature and therefore
have restricted myself to reviewing mainly pri-
mary references plus a certain selection of sec-
ondary references when available and important
for faunal reconstructions. The aim was to estab-
lish diagnoses for each fossil species based on
type material and make them as detailed and
reliable as possible. I hope that this will help to
more accurate secondary references in future in-
Discussion: The otolith morphologies found in
the genus Arnoglossus are quite diverse. Accord-
ing to NORMAN (1934) this also seems to be the
case for the fishes themselves which in the past
has led some authors to subdivide Arnoglossus
into more genera or subgenera. NORMAN stat-
ed that the genus Arnoglossus still remains a
somewhat heterogenous group, but I (NORMAN)
am unable to find any valid reasons for its fur-
ther subdivision. Results from otolith analyses
are similar. Some species morphologically are
more different from the core of the genus, such
as A. rueppellii, A. capensis, A. tapeinosoma or A. dal-
gleishi, but overall the patterns are to mosaic in
nature to warrant their separation from Arno-
glossus based on otoliths alone. It seems, howev-
er, that the European and East Atlantic species
(except for A. rueppellii) form a cluster of species
and the Indo-Pacific ones one or two other clus-
ters (for discussions see entries to species). In dif-
ferentiating the two main clusters the degree of
sulcal inclination could become a valuable char-
Otoliths of Arnoglossus resemble those of the
other genera in the group and differentiation on
the generic level is not always easy, even to gen-
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
era of presumably related otolith groups such as
Trichopsetta or Monolene of the Monolene-Laeops
Group. The most useful character for recognition
of Arnoglossus otoliths probably is the combina-
tion of the rather regularly rectangular outline
and the inclined sulcus.
Species and distribution: According to NOR-
MAN (1934) and HENSLEY (1986) there may be
some 19 to 24 recent species in the genus (exclud-
ing the species placed in the genera Neolaeops,
Asterorhombus and Caulopsetta). The following list
containing 29 species may not be complete. 7 spe-
cies are recorded from European and African
waters – A. capensis, A. grohmanni, A. imperialis,
A. laterna, A. macrostoma, A. rueppellii and A. thori
– and 22 from the Indo-West-Pacific and South-
ern Ocean – A.andrewsi, A. arabicus, A. armstrongi,
A. aspilos, A. bassensis, A. dalgleishi, A. debilis,
A. elongatus, A. fisoni, A. japonicus, A. kotthausi,
A. maculipinnis, A. marisrubri, A. muelleri, A. mul-
tirastris, A. oxyrhynchus, A. polyspilus, A. profundus,
A. sayaensis, A. tapeinosoma, A. tenuis and A. waitei.
Otoliths are known from 12 species. 2 recent spe-
cies are also known as fossils from the Pliocene of
the North Sea Basin – A. laterna and A. imperialis.
In addition there are 10 valid otolith based fossil
species of Arnoglossus ranging in age from Eocene
to Pliocene – 6 species from Europe and North
Africa (A. kokeni, A. lapierrei, A. holleri, A. prudhom-
mae, A. quadratus, A. taureri) and 4 from New Zea-
land (A. extremus, A. grenfelli, A. longus, A. novus).
Arnoglossus laterna (WALBAUM 1792)
Figs. 328-332
syn. Pleuronectes arnoglossus SCHNEIDER 1801
syn. Pleuronectes diaphanus SHAW 1803
syn. Pleuronectes leotardi RISSO 1810
syn. Rhombus nudus CUVIER 1817
syn. Pleuronectes conspersus CANESTRINI 1862
syn. Arnoglossus laterna microstoma KYLE 1913
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths, 2 otoliths (right
and left side, figs. 328-329) from the North Sea,
ZMH Ot. 16.5.1994.13-14 (coll. Schwarzhans), 1
otolith (right side, fig. 330) Bretagne, France, ZMH
Ot. 16.5.1994.15 (leg. FBH), 2 otoliths (right and
left side) from the Mediterranean, SMF 7620, 2
otoliths (figs. 331-332) from the Lower Pliocene
(Katendijkian) of Antwerp, Belgium, coll.
Variability: Otoliths of A. laterna have been fig-
ured during several occasions, the most complete
Figs. 328-332: Arnoglossus laterna (WALBAUM 1792) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
series being the one of CHAINE (1936). The spe-
cies is well known for its rather large degree of
intraspecific variations. Features of the outline
and otolith proportions are heavily affected. Ex-
treme phenotypes, when isolated, may not always
be distinguishable from those of related species
such as A. thori or A. imperialis. However, the lack
of differentiation between A. laterna and A. mac-
rostoma in many collections and in literature as
well may well play a part in what seems to be an
overly variability spectrum. In any case, the range
of variations seen in such a well known species
as A. laterna should be kept in mind when deal-
ing with fossil otoliths of this genus.
Discussion: Otoliths of A. laterna exactly look like
the average Arnoglossus otolith to which many
of the other species, particularly from Europe and
North Africa, are traditionally being compared to.
Distribution: Eastern Atlantic, from Middle
Norway to Cape Blanc (Mauritania) and through-
out the Mediterranean. Also known as fossils from
the Pliocene of Belgium.
Arnoglossus macrostoma KYLE 1913
Figs. 333-334
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right side) from
off Dalmatian, Mediterranean, ZMH Ot.
16.5.1994.16 (leg. BMNH and
Variability: One of the two specimens is more
thickset, the other one shows a slightly undulat-
ing ventral rim.
Discussion: In most ichthyological literature
A. macrostoma is regarded as a junior synonym of
A. laterna. NORMAN (1934) discussed this aspect
and gave his reasoning why he selected to regard
it as a separate species. After having extracted
otoliths from specimens identified by him as
A. macrostoma it seems that otoliths are somewhat
different from those of typical A. laterna speci-
mens as well. They are somewhat more elongate
and more rounded in outline. It appears that part
of the unusually high degree of intraspecific var-
iability reported for otoliths of A. laterna may be
due to lack of differentiation of the two species.
Distribution: Restricted to the Mediterranean.
Arnoglossus thori KYLE 1913
Fig. 335
syn. Arnoglossus moltoni TORCHIO 1961
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths (4 right and 2
left) from the Adriatic coast of Italy, ZMH Ot.
2.1.1995.18 (leg. BMNH and BMNH
Discussion: From the specimens extracted from
the BMNH collection only the one figured is well
preserved. Also judging from BAUZA-RUL-
Figs. 333-334: Arnoglossus macrostoma KYLE 1913 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
LANs (1957) figures otoliths of A. thori are quite
similar to those of A. grohmanni or A. imperialis,
all three being species with rather elongate oto-
liths. Those of A. thori usually show some kind of
an irregularly undulating dorsal rim, often with
a notch at the posterior tip of the otolith, and an
obtuse midventral angle. However, I doubt that
the three species can always be distinguished
reliably by means of otoliths.
Distribution: Western Mediterranean and East
Atlantic, from Ireland to southernmost Morocco.
Arnoglossus grohmanni (BONAPARTE 1837)
Fig. 336
syn. Arnoglossus kessleri SCHMIDT 1915
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
the Adria, Yugoslavia, SMF 13100.
Discussion: Larger series of this species have
been figured by CHAINE (1936) and BAUZA-
RULLAN (1957). From this it seems that the oto-
liths of A. grohmanni are the most elongate to be
found in Arnoglossus. However, this remains the
only character to distinguish the species from
A. imperialis. A certain degree of overlap appar-
ently exists and I doubt that the two species will
always be distinguishable by means of otoliths.
Distribution: Mediterranean and Black Sea.
Arnoglossus imperialis RAFINESQUE 1810
Figs. 337-339
syn. Arnoglossus lophotes GÜNTHER 1862
?syn. Arnoglossus blachei STAUCH 1965 (acc. to
HENSLEY, 1986)
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths, 3 otoliths (right
side, fig. 337-338) from Great Britain, ZMH Ot.
16.5.1994.17-18 (leg. BMNH and
BMNH, 2 otoliths (right and left side)
from the Scyllies, ZMH Ot. 16.5.1994.19 (leg. SMF
15885) and SMF 15885, 1 eroded otolith (ident. as
A. blachei), 07°29N/13°38W, BMNH 1962.6.18.
36-45; 1 otolith (fig. 339) from the Lower Pliocene
(Katendijkian) of Antwerp, Belgium.
Ontogeny and variability: The outline of the
otoliths of this species is rather constant, but the
length to height ratio seems to be quite variable.
Also larger specimens are continuously becom-
ing more elongate.
Discussion: A. imperialis is one of the European
species of Arnoglossus with rather elongate oto-
liths, like A. macrostoma, A. thori and A. grohmanni.
Seemingly they are the ones with the most regu-
lar rectangular outline and they do not seem to
become as elongate as the ones of A. grohmanni.
Nevertheless, distinction of otoliths of these spe-
cies may not always be possible, in particular
when dealing with isolated specimens. A single
eroded specimen extracted from a fish identified
as A. blachei was too much eroded to be figured.
Its general appearance, however, confirms HENS-
LEYs (1986, in SMITH & HEEMSTRA) view of
this species representing a junior synonym of
A. imperialis.
Together with the three species mentioned
above and A. laterna A. imperialis seems to form a
cluster of species within the genus Arnoglossus.
All these species are remarkable for their rela-
tively flat inner face and the rather low degree of
inclination of the sulcus. In addition, there are
certain fossil species from the same geographic
area which also seem to fit within this cluster.
They are described in the following – A. holleri,
A. taureri, A. kokeni and A. quadratus.
Distribution: Western Mediterranean and East
Atlantic, from Scotland southward to Angola.
Arnoglossus holleri WEINFURTER 1952
Figs. 341-352
syn. Arnoglossus holleri WEINFURTER 1952 –
WEINFURTER 1952: pl. 4, fig. 4
syn. Arnoglossus miocenicus WEILER 1962 –
WEILER 1962: fig. 1, 18a-20
syn. Arnoglossus miocenicus – STEURBAUT 1979:
pl. 11, fig. 12-14
?syn. Arnoglossus sp. – NOLF & CAPPETTA 1980:
pl. 3, fig. 15-16
syn. Arnoglossus sp. STEURBAUT & JONET
1981: pl. 4, fig. 6
syn. Arnoglossus sp. – STEURBAUT 1984: pl. 34,
fig. 17-22
syn. Arnoglossus sp.2 – RADWANSKA 1992:
fig. 158, pl. 38, fig. 1-3
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Investigated otoliths: About 50 otoliths, figured
specimens are: holotype of A. holleri (fig. 341),
Badenian, Middle Miocene, Wetzelsdorf in Graz
Basin, Austria (LMJ); 1 otolith (fig. 342), Badeni-
an of Sooß, Vienna Basin, Austria (coll.
Schwarzhans); 5 otoliths (figs. 343-346), Badeni-
an, Middle Miocene, Korytnica, Poland
(ZPalUW/Rak 434, 435, 437); 6 otoliths (figs. 347-
349), Burdigalian, Lower Miocene, Costa di Ca-
parica near Lisbon, Portugal (coll. Schwarzhans);
3 otoliths (figs. 350-352), Hemmoorian and Rein-
bekian, Lower to Middle Miocene, well Lüllingen,
NW-Germany (coll. Wienrich).
Fig. 335: Arnoglossus thori KYLE 1913 – 15 ×
Fig. 336: Arnoglossus grohmanni (BONAPARTE 1837) – 15 ×
Figs. 337-339: Arnoglossus imperialis RAFINESQUE 1810 – 15 ×
Fig. 340: Arnoglossus capensis BOULANGER 1898 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Ontogeny and variability: This is a relatively
small species. Diagnostic maturity seems to be
reached with otoliths of about 1.5 mm length.
Smaller otoliths are extremely generalized and
can only be identified in the context of sufficient
ontogenetical sequences.
Variability is rather moderate, mainly concern-
ing details of the outline and otolith proportions.
Discussion: These small otoliths are relatively
compressed and somewhat roundish in outline.
Otherwise they are similar to the recent A. laterna
and the parallelly occurring A. taureri. The indis-
tinct, roundish appearance and the small size of
the otoliths has led otolith specialists in previous
publications to regard them as some kind of un-
identifiable juvenile forms. This interpretation is
tempting, of course, but now that a large series of
specimens is available it becomes obvious that
they rather represent a small species. Neverthe-
less, it may at times become difficult to distin-
guish A. holleri from juveniles of other species,
particularly so in isolated findings. – The type-
specimens of WEILERs A. miocenicus from the
Middle Miocene of the North Sea Basin has not
been available for review. However, newly col-
lected material from the same area and strata (figs.
350-352) prove that this nominal species should
be regarded as a junior synonym of A. holleri.
Distribution: Lower and Middle Miocene of the
Paratethys (Poland and Austria), the European
Atlantic Basins (Portugal and western France) and
the North Sea Basin (NW-Germany).
Arnoglossus taureri (WEINFURTER 1952)
Figs. 353-359
syn. Solea taureri WEINFURTER 1952 – WEIN-
FURTER 1952: pl. 2, fig. 12-13
syn. Solea aff. taureri – SMIGIELSKA 1966: pl. 15,
fig. 10-11
syn. Arnoglossus inconspectus SMIGIELSKA
1973 – SMIGIELSKA 1973: pl. 5, fig. 10
syn. Arnoglossus sp. – STEURBAUT & JONET
1981: pl. 4, fig. 5
syn. Arnoglossus aff. laterna – RADWANSKA 1992:
fig. 156, pl. 36, fig. 8-10
syn. Arnoglossus sp.1 – RADWANSKA 1992:
fig. 157, pl. 36, fig. 11
Investigated otoliths: About 30 otoliths, figured
specimens are: 3 otoliths (figs. 353-355), Badeni-
an, Middle Miocene, Niskowa, southern Poland
(ZPalUW/RaNi 430, 431, 432); 5 otoliths (figs. 356-
359), Burdigalian, Lower Miocene, Costa di Ca-
parica near Lisbon, Portugal (coll. Schwarzhans).
Ontogeny and variability: Like A. holleri, A. tau-
reri too is a rather small species with compressed
otoliths. But in this case even very small speci-
mens of about 1.2 to 1.5 mm can be identified
due to their characteristic outline. Variability too
is moderate in this species, however, erosive ef-
fects need to be taken into account as well.
Discussion: A. taureri is rather easily recognized
by its pronounced rectangular outline. Charac-
teristically, the posterior portion of the otolith is
much higher than the anterior portion. This ef-
fect is caused by the very strong and sharp post-
dorsal and postventral angles.
Distribution: A. taureri occurs parallelly to
A. holleri in the Lower and Middle Miocene of the
Paratethys (Poland and Austria) and the Europe-
an Atlantic Basins (Portugal and possibly also
western France). It is missing from the North Sea
Arnoglossus kokeni (BASSOLI 1906)
Figs. 360-364
syn. Solea kokeni BASSOLI 1906 – BASSOLI 1906:
pl. 2, fig. 3
syn. Arnoglossus bauzai SANZ ECHEVERRIA
1950 – SANZ ECHEVERRIA 1950: pl. 55,
fig. 1.3
Arnoglossus bauzai – BAUZA-RULLAN 1964:
pl. 4, fig. 4
syn. Arnoglossus laterna – ANFOSSI & MOSNA
1973: pl. 12, fig. 11-13
syn. Arnoglossus bauzai – NOLF & MARTINELL
1980: pl. 5, fig. 26-29
syn. Arnoglossus kokeni – NOLF & STEURBAUT
1983: pl. 7, fig. 24
Investigated otoliths: 10 otoliths; the holotype
of A. kokeni (fig. 360), Tortonian, Upper Miocene,
Montegibbio, Toscana, Italy (IPUM 16628); 9 oto-
liths (figs. 361-364), Lower Pliocene, Dar Bel
Hamri, NW-Morocco (coll. Schwarzhans).
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Figs. 341-352: Arnoglossus holleri WEINFURTER 1952 – 15 ×
Figs. 353-359: Arnoglossus taureri (WEINFURTER 1952) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Ontogeny and variability: Specimens smaller
than 1.5 mm are more roundish in outline than
those up to 2.2 mm. Otherwise, the otoliths of
this species seem to be rather constant, even as
far as the outline is concerned.
Discussion: This are typical compact otoliths
with a regular rectangular outline. In many ways
they are similar to the recent A. laterna. However,
otoliths of A. kokeni are almost always more com-
pressed and more thickset. (It is interesting to
note that the recent A. laterna occurred simulta-
neously in the Lower Pliocene of the North Sea
Basin.) However, separation of the two species
may not be possible in all instances. In the Lower
Pliocene of NW-Morocco a second Arnoglossus
species occurs parallelly – A. quadratus – which is
similar in outline and habitus, but more elongate
and even more thickset.
Distribution: Upper Miocene of Italy, Lower
Pliocene of Morocco, southern France and Spain.
Arnoglossus quadratus n.sp.
Figs. 365-373
Name: quadratus (lat.) = rectangular, referring
to the outline of the otolith.
Holotype: Fig. 365, SMF P 9317.
Type-locality: Right river banks of the Oued Beth,
ca. 1 km south of Dar Bel Hamri, NW-Morocco.
Age: Lumachelle at the base of the Sands of Dar
Bel Hamri, Lower Pliocene.
Paratypes: 11 otoliths (figs. 366-373), topo- and
stratitypic, SMF P 9318.
Diagnosis: Moderately elongate, very massive
and thickset otoliths up to 2.5 mm, with a regular
rectangular outline. Inner face flat in adults, con-
vex in juveniles. Sulcus moderately wide and
deep, inclined at an angle of about 5 to 10°.
Description (of adults): Outline: Moderately
elongate, massive and very thickset otoliths with
a regularly rectangular outline. Dorsal and ven-
tral rims nearly straight, flat and horizontal.
Anterior and posterior tips vertically cut. All rims
Inner face: Flat in the horizontal and slightly
convex in the vertical direction, rather smooth.
Sulcus rather wide, moderately deep and anteri-
orly inclined at an angle of 5 to 10°. Sulcus opening
somewhat reduced. Ostium and cauda clearly
separated, ostium considerably longer and wider
than cauda. Dorsal and ventral depressions wide,
moderately deep, with indistinct boundaries,
more or less connected around the caudal tip.
Figs. 360-364: Arnoglossus kokeni (BASSOLI 1906) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Other views: Otolith rims rather thickset,
smooth. Outer face convex, smooth.
Ontogeny and Variability: A. quadratus shows a
very pronounced allometric ontogenetic change.
Otoliths smaller than 1.8 mm in length are more
compressed, show a more regularly rounded,
somewhat undulating outline, a much more con-
vex inner face and a narrower sulcus. Few spec-
imens are intermediate in size and morphology
(figs. 367-369) proving that both morphotypes
indeed represent ontogenetic stages of a single
species and not two separate species which could
also have been assumed. This fact once more
exemplifies that specific identification based on
juvenile or subadult otoliths alone can be quite
misleading and that establishing of new fossil spe-
cies should be avoided to be based on such forms.
Intraspecific variability on the other hand is
much less prominent within the two ontogenetic
categories. The smaller otoliths, however, are
more apt to slight variations in the expression of
the outline.
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Discussion: A, quadratus is quite similar to
A. kokeni with which it occurs simultaneously in
northern Morocco (but not elsewhere). It differs
in being somewhat more elongate and consider-
ably more thickset. Also the index ol:cl is lesser
and in adults the ostium is more widened as
compared to the cauda. A. laterna, which is sim-
ilar too, has much more thin otoliths and a higher
index ol:cl (just like A. kokeni).
Arnoglossus capensis BOULANGER 1898
Fig. 340
?syn. Arnoglossus entomorhynchus STAUCH 1967
(acc. to HENSLEY, 1986)
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
Gough Island, Central South Atlantic, west of
South Africa, BMNH 1957.9.4.1.
Figs. 365-373: Arnoglossus quadratus n.sp. – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Discussion: A. capensis differs from the other
European and African species at the genus in the
more regularly rounded elongate shape, the dis-
tinctly convex inner face and the ostial opening
of the very deep sulcus. With this pattern it stands
somewhat apart from all the other species of the
genus. In fact, the general appearance is more
like the species of the closely related genus Cau-
lopsetta, an endemic New Zealandian genus.
Distribution: Coasts of South Africa. The speci-
men from which the otolith was extracted origi-
nates from the Gough Island, an isolated central
South Atlantic Island located at considerable dis-
tance from the African continent.
Arnoglossus rueppellii (COCCO 1844)
Fig. 374
syn. Bascanius taedifer SCHIODTE 1868
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (2 right side; 1
left side, fig. ) from off Sardinia, Mediterranean,
ZMH Ot. 17.6.1994.1-3 (leg. ZMUC 853172-76).
Discussion: A. rueppellii is the first of a series of
species with strongly inclined sulci. Sulcus incli-
nation is in the order of 20-25°. Within this group
it is the only one from the East Atlantic/Mediter-
ranean, all the others originating from the Indo-
Pacific. A. rueppellii is remarkable for its very short
cauda and the oblique, dorsally projecting poste-
rior rim.
Distribution: Western Mediterranean and Adria-
tic and East Atlantic, from the Strait of Gibraltar
to southern Morocco, in rather deep water (200-
550 m).
Arnoglossus tapeinosoma (BLEEKER 1866)
Figs. 375-376
syn. Arnoglossus macrolophus ALCOCK 1889
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (2 right side and
1 left side) from the Gulf of Oman, ZMH Ot.
17.5.1994.4-5 (leg. BMNH 1939.5.24.1718-20) and
BMNH 1939.5.24.1718-20.
Discussion: Similar to A. rueppellii in many as-
pects, including the oblique, dorsally projecting
Fig. 374: Arnoglossus rueppellii (COCCO 1844) – 15 ×
Figs. 375-376: Arnoglossus tapeinosoma (BLEEKER 1866) – 15 ×
Fig. 377: Arnoglossus waitei NORMAN 1926 – 15 ×
Fig. 378: Arnoglossus aspilos (BLEEKER 1851) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
posterior rim. However, otoliths of A. tapeinosoma
are more compressed and show a distinctive
middorsal concavity.
Distribution: Indo-West-Pacific, from the Persian
Gulf to the Malay Peninsula and Indonesia.
Arnoglossus waitei NORMAN 1926
Fig. 377
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
the Arafura Sea, Indonesia, BMNH
Discussion: A. waitei shows a more regular rec-
tangular outline than A. rueppellii or A. tapeino-
soma and the sulcus is less steeply inclined (about
10°). More similar in this respect is A. aspilos, but
these otoliths are more compressed.
Distribution: Arafura Sea and east coast of
Arnoglossus aspilos (BLEEKER 1851)
Fig. 378
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith ( right side) from
Singapore, ZMH Ot. 17.5.1994.6 (leg. ZMH 19883).
Discussion: Similar to A. waitei, but more com-
Distribution: Malay Peninsula and Indonesia.
Arnoglossus lapierrei (NOLF 1988)
Fig. 379 (381-382)
syn. genus Bothidarum lapierrei NOLF 1988 –
NOLF 1988: pl. 14, fig. 9 (non figs. 10-11).
Investigated otoliths: NOLFs holotype (fig. 379;
IRSNB P 4522) and his 2 paratypes (figs. 381-382;
IRSNB P 4523-4524) from the tuillerie de Gan near
Pau, Aquitaine Basin, SW-France, Clays of Gan,
Ypresian, Lower Eocene, IRSNB.
Fig. 379: Arnoglossus lapierri (NOLF 1988) – 15 ×
Fig. 380: Arnoglossus prudhommae (STEURBAUT 1984) – 15 ×
Figs. 381-382: Pleuroenctiformes indet. (Paratypes of Arnoglossus lapierri) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Discussion: A. lapierrei is one of the fossil spe-
cies with a steeply inclined sulcus and it is the
oldest record of the genus. Otoliths are moder-
ately compressed, rather thickset, with a rectan-
gular outline and a clear sulcus opening.
Remarks: NOLF (1988) also placed two addition-
al specimens in this species (as paratypes). A re-
view of those specimens (see figs. 381-382) indi-
cates that they represent quite a different species
and may be genus altogether (possibly a plesio-
morphic fossil genus of some Bothidae). These
otoliths are more thin, with a very characteristic
and quite different outline and dorsal and ven-
tral depressions (the latter with a very special
outline) are clearly disconnected behind the cau-
da. Nolf has informed me that more material from
this location is being expected soon. Therefore, I
have refrained from establishing a new species
based on this little material. Anyway, only the
unique holotype is at present regarded as a valid
record of A. lapierrei.
Distribution: Lower Eocene of SW-France.
Arnoglossus prudhommae (STEURBAUT 1984)
Fig. 380
syn. Monolene prudhommae STEURBAUT 1984 –
STEURBAUT 1984: pl. 34, fig. 26-27.
Investigated otoliths: 1 paratype from Moulin
dYrieu, Aquitaine Basin, SW-France, Sands of
Yrieu, Lower Oligocene, IRSNB P 4240.
Variability: According to the figures of STEUR-
BAUT (1984) the holotype is slightly larger and
shows some faint crenulation of the dorsal rim.
Discussion: A. prudhommae is very similar to
A. lapierrei, but considerably more compressed.
The strong inclination of the sulcus (25°) charac-
terize both species as representatives of the ge-
nus Arnoglossus.
Distribution: Lower Oligocene of the Aquitaine
Basin, SW-France.
Arnoglossus extremus SCHWARZHANS 1980
Fig. 383
syn. Arnoglossus extremus SCHWARZHANS
1980 – SCHWARZHANS 1980: fig. 576
Investigated otoliths: The unique holotype from
McCulloughs Bridge (GS 9508), Canterbury, New
Zealand South Island, Kaiatan, Upper Eocene,
Discussion: A. extremus closely resembles the
two Early Tertiary species of Europe – A. lapierrei
and A. prudhommae. It is recognized by its slight-
ly more elongate shape and an index ol:cl of about
Distribution: Upper Eocene of New Zealand.
Arnoglossus longus SCHWARZHANS 1980
Figs. 384-394
syn. Arnoglossus longus SCHWARZHANS 1980 –
SCHWARZHANS 1980: fig. 577-578
syn. Arnoglossus novus – GRENFELL 1984:
fig. 107-108, 214-216
Investigated otoliths: 69 otoliths, the holotype
(fig. 386) and 1 paratype (fig. 385) from Pukeuri
(GS 9685), Otago, New Zealand South Island,
Altonian, Lower Miocene; 1 paratype from Waiau
river (GS 1228), Clifden, Southland, New Zea-
land South Island, Altonian, Lower Miocene; 1
paratype from Otekaike (GS 9517), Otago, New
Zealand South Island, Waitakian, Upper Oli-
gocene, all NZGS; 2 otoliths (fig. 384) from Suth-
erland, Otago and 1 otolith from Pukeuri, both
Altonian, Lower Miocene, coll. Richardson; 57
otoliths (figs. 387-392) from the Pareora River,
Otago, Waitakian, Upper Oligocene and 5 oto-
liths (figs. 393-394) from Chatton, Otago, Dun-
troonian, Middle Oligocene, coll. Maxwell.
Fig. 383: Arnoglossus extremus
SCHWARZHANS 1980 – 25 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Ontogeny and variability: Small otoliths
(>1.2 mm) may not always be distinguishable
from those of A. novus, whereas in adult otoliths
this is not at all problematical. A series of small
otoliths collected from the Upper and Middle
Oligocene, a time when only A. longus was
present, show a more compressed and rounded
outline with somewhat undulating rims (figs. 387-
394). Juveniles of A. novus seem to have a more
regular, smooth outline. Large otoliths show a
certain variation in otolith and sulcus proportions
and details of the outline.
Discussion: See entry to A. novus.
Distribution: Middle Oligocene to Lower Mio-
cene of New Zealand.
Arnoglossus novus SCHWARZHANS 1980
Figs. 395-397
syn. Arnoglossus novus SCHWARZHANS 1980 –
SCHWARZHANS 1980: fig. 579-580
Investigated otoliths: 11 otoliths, the holotype
(fig. 395) and 4 paratypes (fig. 396) from Pukeuri
(GS 9685), Otago, New Zealand South Island,
Altonian, Lower Miocene; 1 paratype from Weka
Creek (GS 9567), Canterbury, New Zealand South
Island, Altonian, Lower Miocene; 4 paratypes
from Masterton near Wellington, New Zealand
North Island, Waiauan, Middle Miocene, all
NZGS; 1 otolith (fig. 397) from Pukeuri, coll. Ri-
Ontogeny and variability: Small otoliths of less
than 1.0 to 1.5 mm show a much more rounded
outline and in fact are so generalized that they
Figs. 384-394: Arnoglossus longus SCHWARZHANS 1980 – figs. 384-385, 387-394 = 15 ×; fig. 386 = 25 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
can not be reliably distinguished from the paral-
lelly occurring A. longus. Adult otoliths do not
show much variability at all, except for some
variations of the sulcus proportions.
Discussion: A rather compressed, massive oto-
lith with a rectangular outline and very deep
sulcus and dorsal and ventral depressions. The
inclination of the sulcus is steep, about 25°. From
the parallelly occurring A. longus it is easily dis-
tinguished by its more compressed shape, the
steeply inclined sulcus and the deep morpholo-
gy of the inner face.
Distribution: Lower and Middle Miocene of
New Zealand.
Arnoglossus grenfelli n.sp.
Figs. 398-399
Name: In honor of H. Grenfell (Auckland) and
his fine work on fossil otoliths from the North
Island of New Zealand.
Holotype: Fig. 398, BSP 1984 X 114.
Type-locality: Martinborough, New Zealand
North Island.
Age: Wanganuian, Lower Pliocene.
Paratypes: 1 otolith (fig. 399), topo- and strati-
typic, BSP 1984 X 115.
Diagnosis: Moderately elongate and massive
otoliths with rectangular outline. Anteriorly with
incipient rostrum. Otolith rims slightly undulat-
ing. Inclination of sulcus moderate (10°).
Figs. 395-397: Arnoglossus novus SCHWARZHANS 1980 – figs. 395-396 = 25 ×; fig. 397 = 15 ×
Figs. 398-399: Arnoglossus grenfelli n.sp. – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Description: Outline: Moderately elongate and
massive otoliths with a typical rectangular out-
line. Dorsal rim straight, horizontal, with prom-
inent pre-and postdorsal angles, the latter being
more pronounced. Ventral rim flat, slightly curv-
ing. Posterior rim vertically cut to slightly ob-
lique, then dorsally projecting. Anterior tip ob-
lique, with incipient rostrum. All rims slightly
Inner face: Slightly to moderately convex,
with a narrow, moderately deep, slightly inclined
sulcus (10°). Sulcus opening ostial to very slight-
ly reduced. Ostium and cauda clearly separated,
ostium longer, but not much wider than cauda.
Dorsal and ventral depressions wide, moderate-
ly deep, connected around the caudal tip.
Other views: Otolith rims moderately thick-
set, slightly undulating. Outer face slightly to
moderately convex, rather smooth.
Side dimorphism: An incipient side dimorphism
seems to be present in this species. The left hand
otolith shows a more convex inner face than the
right hand otolith.
Discussion: A. grenfelli resembles the European
A. laterna, but is more thickset and shows a smaller
index ol:cl. Other Arnoglossus species of the re-
gion, fossil or recent, do not much resemble
A. grenfelli.
Arnoglossus debilis (GILBERT 1905)
Fig. 400
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
Hawaii, BMNH 1931.8.19.3.
Discussion: The otoliths of A. debilis are quite
inconspicuous morphologically. They show a
compressed, rounded rectangular shape and a
not very steeply inclined sulcus (10°). The inner
face is relatively flat and the otolith rather thin. In
these aspects A. debilis resembles closest A. dal-
Distribution: Hawaiian Islands, in rather deep
Arnoglossus dalgleishi (VON BONDE 1922)
Figs. 401-402
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (3 right side and
1 left side) from off Zanzibar, ZMH Ot. 17.5.1994.7-
9 (leg. BMNH 1939.5.24.1731-34) and BMNH
Variability: The otoliths of this species seem to
be quite constant morphologically.
Discussion: A. dalgleishi resembles A. debilis in
the rather thin appearance, the flat inner face and
the low inclination angle of the sulcus. These two
species probably form the core of still another
cluster of Arnoglossus species to which NORMAN
(1934) has assigned the name Anticitharus in sub-
generic ranking. A. dalgleishi differs from A. debilis
in the more rounded and conspicuously undulat-
ed otolith rims and in the reduction of the ante-
rior part of the ostial colliculum.
Distribution: South and East Africa.
Fig. 400: Arnoglossus debilis (GILBERT 1905) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Caulopsetta GILL 1893
Type-species: Pleuronectes scapha SCHNEIDER
Diagnosis: Moderately thick and relatively large
otoliths with a rounded rectangular outline; ven-
tral rim shallow, gently curved, dorsal rim shal-
low too, with rounded pre-and postdorsal an-
gles, posterior tip blunt, nearly vertically cut,
sometimes with deep notch, anterior rim blunt,
with incipient short rostrum, but without excisu-
ra; index l:h 1.4 to 1.6. Otolith size up to 6 mm.
Ostium much longer than cauda and slightly
wider too. Sulcus narrow, moderately deep, very
slightly inclined, with a slightly reduced ostial
opening. Cauda terminating relatively close to
posterior tip of otolith. Separation of colliculi
variable. Dorsal and ventral depressions deep,
sharp and well marked, not completely connect-
ed around caudal tip to form a circumsulcal de-
Inner face moderately convex, not smooth;
outer face flat to slightly convex, usually smooth.
Rims sharp, sometimes slightly undulating.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.i
scapha 1.40-1.60 2.7 1.45-1.65 1.1-1.4 5.5
+arnoglossoides 1.15-1.30 3.0 1.7-1.9 1.0-1.3 5-10° 3.0
Side dimorphism: The recent C. scapha exhibits
some obvious side dimorphism in the morphol-
ogy of the posterior rim of the otolith. In left hand
specimens it is blunt, vertically cut. In right hand
specimens the posterior rim is distinctly concave,
sometimes deeply incised, with the postdorsal
part being expanded and the postventral part
projecting backwards. In the fossil C. arnoglos-
soides side dimorphism is similarly developed,
but less pronounced.
Ontogeny: Smaller specimens tend to be more
compressed than adult ones, sometimes also be-
ing crenulated along the rims.
Discussion: Caulopsetta no doubt is closely relat-
ed to Arnoglossus. In fact, NORMAN (1934) did
place Caulopsetta in the synonymy of the latter.
Otoliths, however, differ in certain aspects from
typical Arnoglossus species, thus warranting in
my opinion the separation of the genus. Caulopset-
ta otoliths are larger, show a more regularly elon-
gate outline, a low inclination angle of the sulcus
and an incomplete connection of the dorsal and
ventral depressions around the cauda. In a way
this otolith pattern could be interpreted as plesi-
omorphic in comparison to the one found in
Arnoglossus. Within Arnoglossus there is one spe-
cies that stands somewhat apart from the rest
Figs. 401-402: Arnoglossus dalgleishi (VON BONDE 1922) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
and resembles Caulopsetta most – A. capensis (see
also respective entry). May be this indicates that
the dividing line between Arnoglossus and Cau-
lopsetta needs to be revised somewhat.
Species and distribution: Two recent species
endemic to New Zealand – C. scapha and C. boops
and one fossil species from the Lower Miocene of
New Zealand – C. arnoglossoides.
Caulopsetta scapha
Figs. 403-406
syn. Pseudorhombus hectoris GÜNTHER 1887
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths, 4 otoliths (2 right
side and 2 left side, figs. 403-404) from off
Christchurch, New Zealand, ZMH Ot. 23.5.1994.1-
3 (leg. BMNH 1930.12.30.1-3) and BMNH
1930.12.30.1-3, 2 otoliths from the paratypes of
C. hectoris (right side, figs. 405-406), Challenger
stat. 167, BMNH
Side dimorphism: See entry to genus.
Discussion: The two otoliths from the paratypes
of C. hectoris perfectly fit with the other speci-
mens of C. scapha supporting NORMANs syno-
nymisation of the two species.
Distribution: Endemic to the coasts of New Zea-
Caulopsetta arnoglossoides n.sp.
Figs. 407-411
Name: Referring to the similarity of these oto-
liths (particularly the juvenile ones) to the genus
Holotype: Fig. 410, NZGS.
Type-locality: Ardgowan Shell Bed, Black Bridge,
Otago, New Zealand South Island.
Age: Altonian, Lower Miocene.
Paratypes: 1 otolith (fig. 411), topo- and stratit-
ypic; 3 otoliths (figs. 407-409) from Sutherlands
Cliffs, Lower Tengawai River, Canterbury, New
Zealand South Island; 2 otoliths from Clifden,
Waiau River, Southland, Altonian; 1 otolith from
Clelland road bridge, Tengawai River, Canterbury,
Otaian, Lower Miocene; all NZGS.
Diagnosis: Compressed, relatively thin otoliths
with deeply curved ventral and flat dorsal rim.
Posterior rim vertically cut or concave. Sulcus
slightly inclined, deep and long. Dorsal and ven-
tral depressions deep, well marked, incomplete-
ly connected around caudal tip.
Figs. 403-406: Caulopsetta scapha (BLOCH & SCHNEIDER 1801) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Description (of adults): Outline: Compressed,
rather thin otoliths, with deeply curved ventral
rim and rather flat, horizontal dorsal rim, with
rounded pre- and pronounced postdorsal angles.
Posterior tip concave (in right hand otoliths) or
vertically cut. Anterior tip blunt, but somewhat
pointed. All rims smooth.
Inner face: Moderately convex, not smooth.
Sulcus narrow, long, terminating close to the pos-
terior tip of the otolith, slightly inclined, deep.
Sulcus opening very slightly reduced. Ostium and
cauda separated, ostium considerably longer than
cauda, but only slightly wider. Dorsal and ven-
tral depressions deep, sharp, well marked, incom-
pletely connected around caudal tip.
Other views: Otolith rims sharp, smooth.
Outer face flat to slightly convex, practically
Ontogeny: Most specimens are of relatively small
size and represent juvenile to subadult stages
except for the holotype and two paratypes which
are fully mature morphologically. The smaller
specimens (less than 2 mm) are more compressed
due to a more bluntly developed anterior tip and
also the sulcus sometimes is more steeply inclined.
The very smallest specimen of about 1.2 mm
(fig. 409) shows some marginal crenulation.
Side dimorphism: Like in the recent species,
otoliths of the right side exhibit a concave poste-
rior rim in adults, whereas in those of the left side
it is vertically cut.
Discussion: This is a typical species of the
genus Caulopsetta, differing from the recent C. sca-
pha in being more compressed and showing a
more deeply curved ventral rim. Juveniles, how-
ever, bear some resemblance to Arnoglossus oto-
liths in outline due to the more bluntly devel-
oped anterior tip. Two parallelly occurring spe-
cies of ArnoglossusA. longus and A. novus – are
much more thickset with a rectangular outline of
the otolith. A. longus is also more elongate. Even
juveniles of C. arnoglossoides can reliably been
differentiated from these two species.
Figs. 407-411: Caulopsetta arnoglossoides n.sp. – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Lophonectes GÜNTHER 1880
Type-species: Lophonectes gallus
syn. Lophorhombus MACLEAY 1883 (type-species:
Lophorhombus cristatus, syn. L. gallus)
Diagnosis: Relatively thickset otoliths with an
elongated, rounded outline; ventral rim shallow,
gently curved, dorsal rim also regularly curved,
with a faint and strongly rounded predorsal an-
gle, posterior tip rounded, anterior rim rounded,
with incipient short rostrum, but without excisu-
ra; index l:h 1.55-1.65. Otolith size slightly over
3 mm.
Ostium longer than cauda and slightly wider
too. Sulcus rather deep, very slightly inclined,
with a slightly reduced ostial opening. Cauda
terminating at moderate distance from posterior
tip of otolith. Colliculi well separated. Dorsal and
ventral depressions moderately deep and well
marked, more or less connected around caudal
tip to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face moderately convex, not very
smooth; outer face flat, rather smooth. Rims mod-
erately sharp, smooth.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.i
gallus 1.55-1.65 2.5 1.2-1.8 1.2-1.5 3.2
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: Variability within this species is
moderate, restricted to variations of the propor-
tions of the sulcus, expression of the predorsal
angle and thickness of the rims.
Discussion: The elongate otoliths of Lophonectes
with their regularly rounded outline and the rath-
er deep sulcus which is only slightly inclined
definitely resembles otoliths of the genus Cau-
lopsetta and of the species Arnoglossus capensis.
Species and distribution: Lophonectes is a mon-
ospecific genus with a single species – L. gallus
from SE-Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand.
Lophonectes gallus GÜNTHER 1880
Fig. 412-414-A, 414-B
syn. Lophorhombus cristatus MACLEAY 1883
syn. Arnoglossus mongonuiensis REGAN 1914
Figs. 412-414-A, 414-B: Lophonectes gallus GÜNTHER 1880 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (4 right side and
1 left side) from Port Jackson, New South Wales,
Australia, ZMH Ot. 25.5.1994.2-5 (leg. BMNH and BMNH
Discussion and distribution: See entry to genus
(monospecific genus).
Psettina HUBBS 1915
Type-species: Engyprosopon iijimae JORDAN &
syn. Crossolepis NORMAN 1927 (type-species:
Arnoglossus brevirictis)
syn. Crossobothus FOWLER 1934 (type-species:
Bothus (Crossobothus) variegatus)
syn. Psettinella FEDOROV & FOROSHCHUK
1988 (type-species: N.N.)
Diagnosis: Relatively thick, massive, small oto-
liths with a rounded outline; ventral rim shallow,
regularly curved, dorsal rim curved or flat, then
with rounded pre-and postdorsal angles, poste-
rior tip blunt, rounded, anterior rim blunt, some-
times with incipient short rostrum, but without
excisura; index l:h 1.1-1.4. Otolith size up to 3 mm.
Ostium longer than cauda and considerably
wider. Sulcus wide, moderately deep, slightly
inclined, with a slightly reduced ostial opening.
Cauda terminating at moderate distance from
posterior tip of otolith. Colliculi well separated.
Dorsal and ventral depressions moderately deep
and well marked, connected around caudal tip to
form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face slightly to moderately convex, not
very smooth; outer face slightly convex, smooth.
Rims thickset, smooth to slightly undulating.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.i
iijimae 1.15-1.25 2.2 1.3-1.5 1.3-1.5 2.8
brevirictis 1.40 2.4 1.4 1.4 3.7
Side dimorphism: Otoliths of the left side seem
to be more rounded in outline, which is particu-
larly relevant for the expression of the dorsal rim.
Also the colliculi are less well separated.
Discussion: Psettina is very close to Arnoglossus
(in accordance with NORMAN, 1934). In fact,
differentiation of the two genera based on oto-
liths alone may not always be possible. Psettina
otoliths are characterized by their roundish shape
and the rather wide ostium.
Species and distribution: At least 6 species from
the Indo-West-Pacific, usually in rather deep
water. Two species are known from India to the
Indo-Australian Archipelago – P. brevirictis and
P. profunda – and three species from Japan – P. ii-
jimae, P. gigantea, P. tosana and P. variegata. Oto-
liths are known from P. brevirictis and P. iijimae.
Psettina brevirictis (ALCOCK 1890)
Fig. 417
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
the Madras coast, India, BMNH 1927.1.6.30-32.
Figs. 415-416: Psettina iijimae (JORDAN & STARKS 1904) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Discussion: Otoliths of P. iijimae are considera-
bly more compressed.
Distribution: SE-India and Indonesia.
Psettina iijimae (JORDAN & STARKS 1904)
Figs. 415-416
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right and left
side) from Okishima, Japan, ZMH Ot. 25.5.1994.1
(leg. BMNH 1931.8.19.4) and BMNH 1931.8.19.4.
Discussion: More compressed than P. brevirictis.
Distribution: Southern Japan.
Taeniopsetta GILBERT 1905
Type-species: Taeniopsetta radula GILBERT 1905
Diagnosis: Moderately thick and rather large
otoliths with a more or less rectangular outline;
ventral rim shallow, postventrally pronounced,
dorsal rim flat, horizontal, with marked pre-and
postdorsal angles, posterior tip blunt, oblique, its
tip shifted ventrally, anterior rim blunt, rarely with
incipient short rostrum, but without excisura;
index l:h 1.3-1.4. Otolith size up to 3.5-4 mm.
Ostium longer than cauda and very slightly
wider. Sulcus very narrow, moderately deep,
slightly inclined, with somewhat reduced ostial
opening. Cauda terminating at moderate distance
from posterior tip of otolith. Colliculi well sepa-
rated. Dorsal and ventral depressions moderate-
ly deep, wide and well marked, connected around
caudal tip to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face rather flat and rather smooth; out-
er face convex, smooth to slightly ornamented.
Rims moderately sharp, usually somewhat un-
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.i
ocellata 1.30-1.40 2.5 1.5-1.6 1.1-1.2 4
radula 1.40 2.2 1.45 1.25 4.5
dorsolobata 1.30-1.45 nm 1.0-1.1 1.3-1.4 nm
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: Variability of otoliths in this genus
is very much restricted to details of the expres-
sion of the dorsal rim.
Discussion: NORMAN (1934) placed Taeniopsetta
in his Paralichthyinae, in a systematic position
quite distant to the genera here included in the
Arnoglossus-Group. Its otoliths, however, show
considerable resemblance to those of the other
genera in this group, particularly as far as outline
and inclination of the sulcus is concerned. I have
therefore tentatively included Taeniopsetta in the
Species and distribution: Two recent species
with rather restricted distribution patterns –
T. ocellata from the Indian Ocean and T. radula
from Hawaii. In addition I have tentatively placed
in this genus the fossil T. dorsolobata from the
Lower Miocene of New Zealand.
Taeniopsetta ocellata (GÜNTHER 1880)
Figs. 418-421
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (3 right side and
1 left side) from Saya de Molha Bank, Indian
Ocean, ZMH Ot. 25.5.1994.6-8 (leg. BMNH
1908.3.23.123-5) and BMNH 1908.3.23.123-5.
Variability: The expression of the predorsal an-
gle seems to be the only character of a certain
Discussion: See entry to T. dorsolobata and to
T. radula.
Distribution: NORMAN (1934) reported this
species from two very distant locations. One lo-
cation is the Admirality Islands near New Guin-
ea (holotype), the other the Saya de Molha Bank
north of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean (investi-
gated specimens).
Fig. 417: Psettina brevirictis (ALCOCK 1890) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Taeniopsetta radula GILBERT 1905
Fig. 422
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side), para-
type, from Hawaii, BMNH 1931.8.19.1-2.
Discussion: The otolith of T. radula is slightly
more thickset than those of T. ocellata, its sulcus
somewhat wider and the postdorsal angle is more
strongly developed than the predorsal angle.
Distribution: Restricted to the Hawaiian Islands.
Taeniopsetta dorsolobata
Figs. 423-426
syn. Bothidarum dorsolobatus SCHWARZHANS
1980 – SCHWARZHANS 1980: fig. 582-584
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths, the holotype
(fig. 423) and the two paratypes (figs. 424-425)
from Pukeuri, Otago, New Zealand South Island,
Altonian, Lower Miocene, NZGS, and 1 otolith
(fig. 426) from Awamoa Creek, Otago, New Zea-
land South Island, Altonian, Lower Miocene, coll.
Ontogeny and variability: The smallest speci-
men (fig. 425) is more elongate than the larger
ones. One specimen (fig. 424) shows a slightly
stronger rostrum.
Discussion: T. dorsolobata is placed provisional-
ly in this genus. It differs from the two recent
species in a number of aspects. These are the in-
dex ol:cl, the somewhat wider sulcus, the incip-
ient rostrum, the strongly pronounced medio- to
postdorsal angle (in T. ocellata it is the predorsal
angle, in T. radula it is the postdorsal angle) and
the rather flat inner face. However, there is no
other recent genus, which would show similar
features, but it may eventually turn out that T. dor-
solobata represents an extinct genus altogether.
Figs. 418-421: Taeniopsetta ocellata (GÜNTHER 1880) – 10 ×
Fig. 422: Taeniopsetta radula GILBERT 1905 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Distribution: Lower Miocene of the southeast-
ern part of the South Island of New Zealand.
7.6.7 Monolene-Laeops Group
Genera: In this group I have tentatively placed 6
genera – Trichopsetta, Engyophrys, Perissias, Lae-
ops, Japanolaeops and Monolene. The first three
genera are confined to the tropical coasts of
America, Monolene occurs along the coasts of
America and West Africa, and Laeops and Japa-
nolaeops are distributed in the Indo-Pacific. Oto-
liths are unknown from Perissias and Japanolaeops.
Perissias is placed here, because of NORMANs
correlation with Trichopsetta and Engyophrys, Japa-
nolaeops because of its apparent relationship to
Laeops. There are also few fossil records – one
possible species of Monolene from the Upper Oli-
gocene of the North Sea Basin and two species of
Laeops, one from the Middle Miocene of the Para-
tethys and one from the Lower Pliocene of Mo-
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the
Monolene-Laeops Group closely resemble those of
the Arnoglossus Group. They are compact and
small and compressed in outline. The sulcus
opening is not much reduced. Dorsal and ventral
depressions are well marked and connected
around the caudal tip. The inner face is rather
flat, sometimes almost completely flat. Differing
from the Arnoglossus Group is the more trapezoi-
dal than rectangular outline of the otoliths and in
many (but not all) instances the almost horizon-
tal orientation of the sulcus. The inner face is
usually more flat and some genera show a pro-
nounced side dimorphism. However, there exist
a number of intermediate morphologies, which
in several instances does not allow to draw a very
definite boundary between the members of the
two groups.
In NORMANs (1934) concept most of the
genera placed in the Monolene-Laeops Group where
not regarded to be particularly related to the gen-
era of the Arnoglossus Group. In fact, he placed all
genera in his Paralichthyinae except for Laeops
(and Japanolaeops, which was described later).
NORMAN used three characters to differentiate
among the two subfamilies Paralichthynae and
Bothinae – placement of the ventral fin in relation
to each other, location of the cleithra in relation to
the most anterior of the ventral fins and presence
or absence of the processus transversus on the
caudal vertebrae. The implications of these three
characters for the distinction of the two genera
Monolene and Laeops has been discussed at length
by NIELSEN (1961) in his description of Mono-
lene mertensi, a species originally described as be-
longing to Laeops. Interestingly, the fishes of these
two genera not only resemble each other in habi-
tus but also there otoliths can hardly be differen-
tiated. It may be possible that the latter is due the
very reduced morphology of the otoliths which
leaves few diagnostically valid characters. On the
other hand, such tendencies or otolith patterns
are not observed in any of the other Paralichthy-
nae genera (Paralichthys, Pseudorhombus, Syacium
and Citharichthys Groups). The only exceptions
from this are the two genera Trichopsetta and
Figs. 423-426: Taeniopsetta dorsolobata (SCHWARZHANS 1980) – 25 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Engyophrys. – These are the principal reasons, why
I have united the 6 genera listed above in the
Monolene-Laeops Group and placed them in the
vicinity of the Arnoglossus Group, well aware, of
course, that this classification contradicts the ich-
thyological concept of NORMAN. In recent liter-
ature, however, (HENSLEY & AHLSTROM, 1984,
NELSON, 1994) these genera in question are in-
cluded with the Bothidae, very similar indeed to
the otolith grouping as proposed here.
Trichopsetta GILL 1889
Type-species: Citharichthys ventralis GOODE &
BEAN 1886
Diagnosis: Relatively thick, small otoliths with
a more or less trapezoidal outline; ventral rim
shallow, almost straight, dorsal rim flat, with
marked pre-and postdorsal angles, posterior tip
blunt, slightly oblique and ventrally pronounced,
anterior rim oblique, with incipient short rostrum,
but without excisura; index l:h 1.45-1.55. Otolith
size about 3 mm.
Ostium longer than cauda and slightly wider
too. Sulcus moderately deep, slightly inclined,
with a somewhat reduced ostial opening. Cauda
terminating at moderate distance from posterior
tip of otolith. Colliculi well separated. Dorsal and
ventral depressions wide, well marked towards
the sulcus, more or less connected around caudal
tip to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face almost flat except for the some-
what elevated area around the sulcus, rather
smooth; outer face convex, smooth. Rims moder-
ately sharp, smooth.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.o
ventralis (right) 1.45 2.3 1.2 1.0 10° 2.7
ventralis (left) 1.55 nm 2.2 1.3 nm
melasma (right) 1.60 2.9 1.3 1.0 10° 5
Side dimorphism: Trichopsetta belongs to the
genera within this group with a rather pro-
nounced side dimorphism. This is most obvious
in the outline of the otolith – the right hand oto-
lith shows the typical trapezoidal outline, where-
as the left hand otolith is much more rounded.
Also the right hand otolith shows an inclined
sulcus, the left hand otolith a nearly horizontal
orientation. Separation of colliculi is much less
developed in the left hand otolith, the sulcus more
narrow and the index ol:cl is much larger.
Discussion: Trichopsetta apparently is closely re-
lated to Engyophrys. With otoliths of more species
of the two genera becoming available I would
expect differentiation of the two genera to be-
come very difficult, if at all possible. In fact, the
separation of the two genera appears to be some-
what artificial judging from otoliths alone.
Species and distribution: Trichopsetta includes 4
recent species – T. caribbaea, T. melasma, T. orbiscu-
lus and T. ventralis – all endemic to the deeper
water of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.
Trichopsetta ventralis
(GOODE & BEAN 1886)
Figs. 427-428, 16
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right and left
side) from off Florida (29°14N/88°09W), BMNH
Discussion: Otoliths of T. ventralis are more com-
pressed than those of T. melasma.
Distribution: In deeper water throughout the
Gulf of Mexico.
Trichopsetta melasma ANDERSON &
Fig. 429
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side), para-
type, Andros Isl., 24°34N/79°6W, BMNH
Discussion: More elongate than T. ventralis and
with pointed posterior tip. In appearance T. melas-
ma is very similar to Engyophrys sanctilaurenti (see
respective entry). The separation of the two gen-
era, at least by means of otoliths, seems rather
Engyophrys JORDAN & BOLLMAN 1890
Type-species: Engyophrys sanctilaurenti JOR-
Diagnosis: Relatively thick, small otoliths with
a rounded trapezoidal outline; ventral rim shal-
low, almost straight, dorsal rim flat, with round-
ed pre-and postdorsal angles, posterior tip ven-
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
trally pointed in right hand otoliths, rounded in
left hand otoliths, anterior rim blunt, without
rostrum; index l:h about 1.55. Otolith size about
3 mm.
Ostium longer than cauda and slightly wider
too. Sulcus moderately deep, horizontal, with a
somewhat reduced ostial opening. Cauda termi-
nating at some distance from posterior tip of oto-
lith. Colliculi indistinctly separated. Dorsal and
ventral depressions wide, not well marked, more
or less connected around caudal tip to form a
circumsulcal depression.
Inner face almost flat, rather smooth; outer
face convex, smooth. Rims moderately sharp,
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.o
sanctilaurenti 1.55 2.4 1.6-1.7 1.3 3
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism in Engyo-
phrys is somewhat less developed than in Tri-
chopsetta. The right hand otolith shows a pointed
posterior tip, the left hand otolith a rounded
posterior tip. Also the sulcus is narrower and
deeper in left hand otoliths.
Discussion: Engyophrys apparently is loosely
related to Trichopsetta. Main difference is the de-
velopment of the posterior tip of the otolith and
the lack of a sulcus inclination.
Species and distribution: Three species, one
from the Pacific coast of Panama and Columbia –
E. sanctilaurenti – and one from the Atlantic coast
off Florida – E. sentus (acc. to NORMAN only
known from the single holotype) – and one from
Brazil – E. ciliaris.
Engyophrys sanctilaurenti
Figs. 430-431
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right and left
side) from the Pacific coast of Mexico, off Mazat-
lan (23°6N/107°9W), ZMH Ot. 26.5.1994.1-2 (leg.
ZMUC ex SIO 59-262-64A).
Discussion and distribution: See entry to genus.
Figs. 427-428: Trichopsetta ventralis (GOODE & BEAN 1886) – 15 ×
Fig. 429: Trichopsetta melasma ANDERSON & GUTHERZ 1967 – 15 ×
428 427
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Perissias JORDAN & EVERMANN 1898
Type-species: Platophrys taeniopterus GILBERT
Remarks: A specimen of P. taeniopterus in the
ZMUC collection was x-rayed and revealed that
otoliths have been dissolved (by formalin). Ac-
cording to NORMAN (1934) Perissias is closely
related to Trichopsetta and Engyophrys.
Species and distribution: Perissias is a monospe-
cific genus with P. taeniopterus known from the
Pacific coast of California to Panama.
Laeops GÜNTHER 1880
Type-species: Laeops parviceps GÜNTHER 1880
syn. Scianectes ALCOCK 1889 (type-species:
Scianectes macrophthalmus)
syn. Lambdopsetta SMITH & POPE 1906 (type-
species: Lambdopsetta kitaharae)
syn. Laeoptichthys HUBBS 1915 (type-species:
Laeoptichthys fragilis, ?syn. L. kitaharae)
syn. Leptolaeops FOWLER 1934 (type-species: Lep-
tolaeops clarus)
Diagnosis: Relatively thick, small and com-
pressed otoliths with a more or less trapezoidal
outline; ventral rim shallow, almost straight, dor-
sal rim flat, with marked pre-and postdorsal an-
gles, posterior tip blunt, slightly oblique and
ventrally pronounced, anterior rim oblique, with
incipient short rostrum, but without excisura;
index l:h 1.10-1.40. Otolith size up to 3 mm.
Ostium longer than cauda and usually wider.
Sulcus moderately deep, sometimes inclined, with
a somewhat reduced ostial opening. Cauda ter-
minating at moderate distance from posterior tip
of otolith. Colliculi well separated. Dorsal and
ventral depressions wide, well marked towards
the sulcus, connected around caudal tip to form
a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face almost flat except for the some-
what elevated area around the sulcus, rather
smooth; outer face convex, smooth. Rims moder-
ately sharp to thickset, smooth.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.o
guentheri 1.35-1.40 2.6 1.6-1.8 1.6 3.5
nigrescens 1.20-1.30 2.8 1.3-1.5 1.2-1.3 5-10° 2.5
macrophthalmus 1.15-1.20 2.8 1.1-1.4 1.5 5-10° 2.7
nigromaculatus 1.10 nm 2.0 1.1 nm
splendens 1.20 3.0 1.3-1.4 1.2 10-15° 3.0
rharbensis 1.00-1.10 3.0-3.3 1.9-2.2 1.6-1.7 10° 3.0
Side dimorphism: Generally not apparent. In the
fossil L. splendens the right hand otolith is more
rounded in outline and lacks a rostrum. Howev-
er, since this is an extremely small otolith these
apparent differences could at least partially be
due to allometric ontogenetic growth.
Ontogeny and variability: Except for the possi-
ble case in the fossil L. splendens no remarkable
ontogenetic changes have been observed. Oto-
liths of about 1.5 mm usually have developed all
pertinent diagnostic features. Variability too in
most species seems to be moderate, mainly re-
stricted to details of the outline.
Discussion: Otoliths of Laeops are extremely sim-
ilar to those of the genus Monolene, which in ich-
thyological literature are not regarded as partic-
Figs. 430-431: Engyophrys sanctilaurenti JORDAN & BOLLMAN 1890 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
ularly related (see NORMAN 1934 and general
remarks to the Monolene-Laeops Group). In fact I
can not find a single otolith character that would
allow a safe distinction of the two. Both genera
are quite specious and so far only a limited
number of species are known from otoliths. Once
our knowledge increases I would expect even
more uncertainty in telling the species of the two
genera apart by means of otoliths. This implies,
of course, that the allocation of fossil otoliths to
the one or other genus probably will always re-
main somewhat questionable (see entries to the
fossil species). In rare instances even the distinc-
tion to certain species of the genus Arnoglossus
may become problematical. The single most reli-
able character to distinguish otoliths of Monolene
and Laeops from those genera of the Arnoglossus
Group probably is the trapezoidal outline of the
Species and distribution: There are about 15
nominally valid species in the genus Laeops:
L. clarus, L. cypho and L. gracilis (all described by
FOWLER, 1933 from the Philippines), L. guen-
theri, L. kitaharae, L. lanceolata, L. variegata (the two
latter likely synonyms of L. kitaharae), L. macroph-
thalmus, L. natalensis, L. nigrescens, L. nigromacula-
tus, L. parviceps, L. pectoralis, L. sinusarabici,
L. tungkongensis. Judging from the comments and
listings of NORMAN (1934) and CHABANAUD
(1939) the genus is in need of revision and may
be less than 10 species may finally prove to be
valid. Otoliths of four recent species are figured
here. Otoliths of a fifth species – L. pectoralis – are
figured in SMALE et al. (1995). They resemble
those of L. guentheri with the predorsal lobe.
Laeops is widely distributed in the Indo-West-
Pacific, from South Africa to Japan and the Phil-
ippines. In addition there are two fossil records
tentatively placed in this genus (regarding Mon-
olene as an alternative allocation) – L. splendens
from the Middle Miocene of the Paratethys (Aus-
tria) and L. rharbensis from the Lower Pliocene of
Laeops guentheri ALCOCK 1890
Figs. 432-433
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (2 right side and
1 left side) from off Calcutta, India, ZMH Ot.
26.5.1994.3-4 (leg. BMNH 1928.3.29.3-4) and
BMNH 1928.3.29.3-4.
Discussion: The otoliths of L. guentheri are char-
acterized by their rather elongate shape, the lack
of a sulcal inclination and a conspicuous middor-
sal concavity.
Distribution: Persian Gulf and along the coasts
of Pakistan and India to Burma.
Laeops nigrescens LLOYD 1907
Figs. 434-437
Investigated otoliths: 14 otoliths (9 right side and
5 left side) from the Gulf of Aden, ZMH Ot.
26.5.1994.5-12 (leg. BMNH 1939.5.24.1739-73) and
BMNH 1939.5.24.1739-73.
Ontogeny and variability: Both ontogenetic
changes and variability in this species is relative-
ly small and restricted to minor variations in the
outline of the otolith.
Discussion: Otoliths of L. nigrescens are compact,
compressed and show the typical trapezoidal
outline. They are very similar to L. macrophthal-
Distribution: Gulf of Aden, in relatively deep
Figs. 432-433: Laeops guentheri ALCOCK 1890 – 15 ×
432b 432a
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Laeops macrophthalmus (ALCOCK 1889)
Figs. 438-439
syn. Scianectes lophoptera ALCOCK 1889
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths, 2 otoliths (right
and left side, fig. 438-439) from the bay of Bengal,
BMNH 1927.1.6.59-60, 3 otoliths (2 right side, 1
left side) from the Sea of Oman, ZMH Ot.
26.5.1994.13-15 (leg. BMNH 1904.5.25.2-5).
Discussion: L. macrophthalmus is very similar to
L. nigrescens. However, the otoliths seem to be
just slightly more compressed and the predorsal
angle more pronounced.
Distribution: From the Gulf of Oman through
the Indian Ocean to Burma.
Laeops nigromaculatus VON BONDE 1922
Fig. 440
Investigated otoliths: 1 slightly eroded otolith
(right side), paratype, off Natal, South Africa,
BMNH 1922.3.27.13-14.
Discussion: A very compressed, roundish oto-
lith with an anisole narrow sulcus, including a
very narrow ostium.
Figs. 434-437: Laeops nigrescens LLOYD 1907 – 15 ×
Figs. 438-439: Laeops macrophthalmus (ALCOCK 1889) – 15 ×
Fig. 440: Laeops nigromaculatus VON BONDE 1922 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Distribution: Off Natal coast and Delagoa Bay,
South Africa.
Laeops splendens (SCHUBERT 1906)
Figs. 441-443
syn. Ot. Pleuronectidarum splendens SCHUBERT
1906 – SCHUBERT 1906: pl. 6, fig. 10-11
syn. Solea tenuis SCHUBERT 1906 – SCHUBERT
1906: pl. 6, fig. 9
syn. Hippoglossoides splendens – NOLF 1981: pl. 3,
fig. 11
syn. genus Pleuronectiformorum tenuis – NOLF
1981: no fig.
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths, the lectotype
(GBW 1906/1/57a; fig. 441) and paralectotype
(GBW 1906/1/57b; fig. 442) of Ot. Pleuronecti-
darum splendens from the Badenian, Middle Mi-
ocene of Bad Vöslau, Vienna Basin, Austria and
the holotype (GBW 1906/1/56; fig. 443) of Solea
tenuis from the Badenian of Neudorf an der
Merch, Vienna Basin, Slowakia.
Side dimorphism: The two types of Ot. Pleu-
ronectidarum splendens are left hand otoliths,
whereas the holotype of Solea tenuis is a very small
right hand otolith. The latter differs in the more
roundish shape and the complete lack of a ros-
trum. This may indicate some degree of side di-
morphism, but at least part of the morphological
difference may better be explained by allometric
ontogenetic growth. Because of these uncertain-
ties, this specimen was not used for measure-
ments (see entry to genus).
Discussion: The shape of the dorsal and poste-
rior rims and the rather strongly inclined sulcus
distinguish these otoliths from those of the known
recent species. In all other characters it perfectly
fits into this genus.
Distribution: Middle Miocene of the Vienna
Basin (Paratethys).
Laeops rharbensis n.sp.
Figs. 444-447
Name: Referring to the Rharb province of NW-
Morocco, where these otoliths were found.
Holotype: Fig. 444, SMF P 9319.
Type-locality: Right river banks of the Oued Beth,
ca. 1 km south of Dar Bel Hamri, NW-Morocco.
Age: Lumachelle at the base of the Sands of Dar
Bel Hamri, Lower Pliocene.
Paratypes: 6 otoliths (figs. 445-447), topo- and
stratitypic., SMF P 9320.
Diagnosis: Very compressed otoliths with an
index l:h of about 1.0. Outline trapezoidal, some-
what undulating. Inner face rather flat and
smooth, with slightly inclined sulcus. Ostium
much longer and wider than cauda.
Description: Outline: Massive, compressed oto-
liths, about as long as high, with somewhat un-
dulating trapezoidal outline. Ventral rim flat,
dorsal rim almost straight, with pre- and post-
dorsal angles. Anterior and posterior rims ob-
lique, anterior rim with incipient rostrum, poste-
rior rim often with small notch.
Inner face: Relatively flat and smooth, with
inclined and rather short sulcus. Sulcus opening
somewhat reduced. Ostium much longer and
wider than cauda, the latter terminating at mod-
erate distance from the posterior rim of the oto-
Figs. 441-443: Laeops splendens (SCHUBERT 1906) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
lith. Colliculi well separated, caudal colliculum
very small. Dorsal and ventral depressions wide,
rather shallow, but well marked towards the sul-
cus, connected around the caudal tip.
Other views: Otolith rim rather thickset, smooth.
Outer face convex, smooth.
Ontogeny and Variability: In smaller specimens
the marginal crenulation is more strongly devel-
oped. Also otoliths seem to grow more thickset
with size. Variability is minor, in principal restrict-
ed to details of the outline.
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Discussion: L. rharbensis is a typical example of
a species that based on isolated otoliths could
either be placed in the genus Laeops or Monolene.
In Laeops it closely resembles L. nigrescens and
L. macrophthalmus except for the somewhat more
compressed outline and the very tiny cauda. In
Monolene it resembles M. microstoma, Recent from
the West African coast. This rather variable spe-
cies has even more thickset otoliths, a deep sul-
cus and dorsal and ventral depressions and again
a larger cauda. Of course, it is tempting to place
the fossil species from Morocco in Monolene be-
cause a recent species is known from the same
area at large, but the recent species (M. microsto-
ma) somewhat departs from the typical otolith
morphology to be found in the genus. In general,
the trapezoidal outline seems to be more com-
mon in Laeops and this is the main reason, why I
have placed L. rharbensis here.
Japanolaeops AMAOKA 1969
Type-species: Japanolaeops dentatus AMAOKA
Remarks: Otoliths of Japanolaeops have not been
available for identification. Specimens kindly
dissected by K. Sasaki were found to had their
otoliths dissolved due to formalin. Japanolaeops
was tentatively included in the Monolene-Laeops
Group because of its apparent affinities to Laeops.
Species and distribution: Japanolaeops is a mon-
ospecific genus with J. dentatus being endemic to
Figs. 444-447: Laeops rharbensis n.sp. – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Monolene GOODE 1881
Type-species: Monolene sessilicauda GOODE 1881
syn. Thyris GOODE 1881 (preoccupied; type-spe-
cies: Thyris pellucidus, syn. M. sessilicauda)
syn. Delothyris GOODE 1884 (substitute for Thy-
Diagnosis: Moderately thick to thick, small oto-
liths with an irregular roundish to rectangular to
trapezoidal outline; ventral rim usually deeper
than dorsal rim, the latter flat, often with marked
pre-and postdorsal angles, posterior tip blunt,
slightly oblique and dorsally pronounced or ver-
tically cut, anterior rim blunt or rounded, with-
out rostrum; index l:h 1.1-1.6. Otolith size rarely
reaching 3 mm.
Ostium longer than cauda and slightly wider
too. Sulcus moderately deep to deep, sometimes
slightly inclined, with a somewhat reduced ostial
opening. Cauda terminating at moderate distance
from posterior tip of otolith. Colliculi well sepa-
rated. Dorsal and ventral depressions wide, usu-
ally deep, well marked towards the sulcus, con-
nected around caudal tip to form a circumsulcal
Inner face rather flat except for the somewhat
elevated area around the sulcus, moderately
smooth; outer face convex, smooth. Rims moder-
ately sharp to thickset, smooth.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.o
antillarum 1.15-1.40 2.8 1.4-1.7 1.0-1.3 0-5° 4.5
sessilicauda 1.25 2.3 1.4 1.1 3.5
microstoma 1.10-1.35 1.8 1.5-2.0 1.0-1.2 0-5° 1.5
maculipinna 1.60 nm 1.6 1.2 nm
priscus 1.20-1.30 2.5-3.0 1.2-1.4 1.0-1.3 3.8
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism in the oto-
liths of this genus is not very obvious and may
not occur in all species. Sometimes the sulcus of
left hand specimens seems to be more deepened
and they can also be more roundish in outline.
Ontogeny and variability: Due to the rather re-
duced morphology of the otoliths, ontogenetic
changes are strong. Even small otoliths of less
than 2 mm in size generally seem to be morpho-
logically mature. Variability on the other hand
often is very considerable, in particular concern-
ing the outline of the otoliths. This character can
be become so variable in some species that spe-
cific identification can be seriously hampered.
Discussion: Otoliths of Monolene very closely
resemble those of Laeops (see respective entry)
and sometimes it is difficult, if at all possible, to
distinguish amongst the two by means of oto-
liths alone.
Species and distribution: According to
NIELSEN (1961) the genus Monolene contains 10
species, 3 from the Pacific coast of America (M. du-
biosa, M. asaedae, M. maculipinna), 5 from the At-
lantic coast of America (M. sessilicauda, M. antil-
larum, M. atrimana, M. danae, M. megalepis) and 2
from West Africa (M. microstoma, M. mertensi). In
addition, I have tentatively placed a fossil record
from the Upper Oligocene of Germany (North
Sea Basin) in this genus (M. priscus).
Monolene antillarum NORMAN 1933
Figs. 448-451
Investigated otoliths: 8 otoliths (6 right side and
2 left side) from off Dry Tortugas, Florida, ZMH
Ot. 26.5.1994.16-21 (leg. BMNH 1933.10.12.137-
143) and BMNH 1933.10.12.137-143.
Variability: The figured specimens exemplify the
rather large degree of variations found in the
otoliths of this species, in particular as far as
outline and proportions of otoliths are concerned.
One of the otoliths (fig. 451) is much more com-
pressed than the others
Discussion: Otoliths of M. antillarum are amongst
the least characteristic ones to be found in this
genus. In general they seem to be more rounded
in outline than those of the other recent species
Distribution: Off the coasts of Florida and the
west Indies.
Monolene sessilicauda GOODE 1881
Figs. 452
syn. Thyris pellucidus GOODE 1881
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
off Newport, Rhode Island, Atlantic coast of the
USA, ZMH Ot. 26.5.1994.22 (leg. ZMUC, ex
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Discussion: The single otolith of M. sessilicauda
differs from those of the apparently related
M. antillarum in the rectangular outline.
Distribution: Off the coast of southern New
England, Atlantic coast of the USA.
Monolene microstoma (CADENAT 1937)
Figs. 454-457
Investigated otoliths: 8 otoliths (4 right side and
4 left side) from the Atlantide Stat. 120 off Rio
Muni, West Africa (02°9N/09°7E), ZMH Ot.
26.5.1994.23-26 (leg. BMNH 1962.6.18.13-19) and
BMNH 1962.6.18.13-19.
Ontogeny and variability: The otoliths of this
species too show a large degree of intraspecific
variability. In particularly the outline is quite
variable ranging from almost rounded to round-
ed with distinct pre- and postdorsal angles to
trapezoidal. Sometimes an incipient rostrum is
being developed. Also proportions of the otoliths
are quite variable. Ontogenetic changes sort of
submerge under the high degree of variability.
However, smaller specimens tend to be less thick-
set than the larger specimens.
Discussion: Due to the high degree of intraspe-
cific variability it is very difficult to reliably de-
fine this species by means of otoliths alone. Oto-
liths with a trapezoidal outline bear a lot of re-
semblance with certain species of the genus Laeops. If
found isolated they might well be mistaken as
representatives of that genus. In this respect it is
interesting to not that prior to the revision of
NIELSEN (1961) M. microstoma was indeed re-
garded as a representative of Laeops.
Distribution: Tropical coasts of West Africa.
Figs. 448-451: Monolene antillarum NORMAN 1933 – 15 ×
Fig. 452: Monolene sessilicauda GOODE 1881 – 15 ×
Fig. 453: Monolene maculipinna GARMAN 1899 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Monolene maculipinna GARMAN 1899
Fig. 453
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right and left
side) from the Pacific coast of Columbia (07°7N/
78°7W), ZMH Ot. 27-28 (leg. SMF).
Discussion: The otoliths of M. maculipinna are
readily recognized by their rectangular outline
and their elongate shape.
Distribution: Off the Pacific coast of Panama and
Columbia in rather deep water.
Monolene priscus SCHWARZHANS 1994
Figs. 458-461
syn. Monolene priscus SCHWARZHANS 1994 –
SCHWARZHANS 1994: fig. 507-511
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths, the holotype
(GPIM-M 2908, fig. 460) and 4 paratypes (GPIM-
M 2909-2911 and SMF P 8724, figs. 458, 459, 461)
from wells in the Lower Rhine Valley near Krefeld
and Erkrath, Chattian, Upper Oligocene.
Ontogeny and variability: Ontogenetic changes
and intraspecific variability are relatively small
in this species, confined to details of the outline
and absence or presence of a faint marginal crenu-
Discussion: Otoliths of M. priscus are rather in-
conspicuous. They differ from the known recent
species of the genus in their rather regularly
rounded outline. The inclusion of the species in
the genus Monolene has a somewhat tentative
Distribution: Upper Oligocene of the Lower
Rhine Valley, North Sea Basin.
7.6.8 Engyprosopon Group
Genera: Four genera – Asterorhombus, Engypro-
sopon, Crossorhombus and Tosarhombus – distribut-
ed in the Indo-Pacific. Otoliths of Tosarhombus are
not known. The genus is included in the group,
because MACHIDA et al. (1984) placed it near
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the En-
gyprosopon Group closely resemble to those of the
Arnoglossus Group. They are rather small, com-
pact and rounded rectangular in outline. The
sulcus opening is somewhat reduced. Differing
from the Arnoglossus Group is the rather strongly
convex and smooth inner face. In this respect
Figs. 454-457: Monolene microstoma (CADENAT 1937) – 15 ×
456 457
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
otoliths of the Engyprosopon Group look morpho-
logically intermediate between those of the Bothus
Group and the Arnoglossus Group. However,
unlike in the Bothus Group the sulcus is rather
shallow and so are the dorsal and ventral depres-
NORMAN (1934) placed the genera of this
group in the subfamily Bothinae close to Bothus.
In this genera, like in the Bothus Group as well,
the interorbital region is wider in males than in
females. It is possible that this kind of sexual
dimorphism has some impact on otolith morphol-
ogy as well, as was demonstrated in the case of
Syacium ovale (see entry to genus Syacium), but
the few otoliths available do not allow for such
investigations. In any case, NORMANs concept
of relating the genera to Bothus is understandable
and to some degree also supported by otolith
morphology. However, as discussed above, the
otolith pattern found in the Engyprosopon Group
shows some peculiarities morphologically inter-
mediate between the Bothus and Arnoglossus
Group and thus in my opinion warrants their
separation in a group of their own.
Asterorhombus TANAKA 1915
Type-species: Platophrys (Arnoglossus) intermedius
Diagnosis: Small, elongate, moderately thickset
otoliths; ventral rim rather shallow, somewhat
undulating, dorsal rim slightly more rounded,
undulating, without prominent angles, posterior
tip oblique or with slight projection, anterior rim
blunt, rounded, sometimes with incipient, ven-
trally shifted short rostrum, but without excisu-
ra; index l:h 1.55-1.65. Otolith size probably not
much exceeding 2 mm.
Ostium slightly longer than cauda and slightly
wider. Sulcus rather deep, narrow, anteriorly in-
clined, with a somewhat reduced ostial opening.
Cauda terminating at moderate distance from
posterior tip of otolith. Colliculi deep, separated.
Dorsal and ventral depressions narrow, not very
deep, well marked towards the sulcus, more or
less connected around caudal tip to form a cir-
cumsulcal depression.
Inner face strongly convex in both directions,
not smooth; outer face slightly concave, rather
smooth. Rims moderately sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.i
intermedius 1.55-1.65 2.8 1.1-1.5 1.4-1.6 5-10° 2.4
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Discussion: Asterorhombus probably represents
the most plesiomorphic genus in the Engyprosopon
Group. Its otoliths are morphologically interme-
diate between those of the Arnoglossus Group and
the more advanced Engyprosopon Group. With the
former it shares the deep and inclined sulcus,
with the latter the strongly convex inner face and
the very small size. Interestingly, the two species
now placed in this genus had been placed in Arno-
glossus (A. intermedius) and Engyprosopon
(A. fijiensis) by NORMAN (1934).
Species and distribution: Two species – A. inter-
medius, widely distributed throughout the Indian
Ocean, from East Africa and the Red Sea to Aus-
tralia and the Solomon Islands and A. fijiensis,
from the Fiji Islands and northeastern Australia.
Figs. 458-461: Monolene priscus SCHWARZHANS 1994 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Asterorhombus intermedius (BLEEKER 1866)
Figs. 462-463
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (two left and one
right), from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef,
Queensland, Australia, AMS I.20753-022.
Discussion: An otolith from the second species
A. fijiensis – also from the Great Barrier Reef off
Queensland (AMS I.22579-018) was found to be
strongly affected by formalin and therefore is not
figured. Anyway, it is very similar to A. interme-
dius, may be just slightly more compressed.
Distribution: Throughout the Indian Ocean from
East Africa and the Red Sea to Australia.
Engyprosopon GÜNTHER 1862
Type-species: Rhombus mogkii BLEEKER 1854
syn. Scaeops JORDAN & STARKS 1904 (type-spe-
cies: Rhombus grandisquama)
Diagnosis: Small, thickset otoliths with a round-
ed, oval outline; ventral rim gently and moder-
ately deep curving, dorsal rim less curving, usu-
ally with a rounded predorsal angle, posterior
tip rounded or oblique, then with its tip shifted
dorsally, anterior rim blunt, rounded, sometimes
with incipient short rostrum, but without excisu-
ra; index l:h 1.2-1.7. Otolith size rarely up to 3 mm.
Ostium considerably longer than cauda and
slightly wider. Sulcus rather shallow, sometimes
slightly inclined, with a somewhat reduced ostial
opening. Cauda terminating at moderate distance
from posterior tip of otolith. Colliculi well sepa-
rated. Dorsal and ventral depressions narrow,
rather shallow, but well marked towards the sul-
cus, more or less connected around caudal tip to
form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face rather strongly convex and rela-
tively smooth; outer face flat, smooth. Rims mod-
erately sharp, smooth.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.i
xenandrus (right) 1.35 2.6 1.4 1.1 3.0
xenandrus (left) 1.50-1.70 2.6 1.6-1.8 1.1-1.2 5-10° 3.0
filimanus (right) 1.30 nm 1.6 1.1 nm
cocosensis (right) 1.25 2.5 0.8 1.1 20° 3.2
grandisquama (r) 1.20 2.4 1.3 1.0 0-5° 2.0
bleekeri (right) 1.20 3.2 1.5 1.0 0-5° 3.7
Side dimorphism: Left hand otoliths usually are
considerably more elongate than right hand oto-
liths. This is mainly due to the development of an
incipient rostrum and a somewhat more pointed
posterior tip. This is particularly obvious in
E. xenandrus, the only species from which a larg-
er series of otoliths is available. Apart from this,
the index ol:cl is also larger in left hand otoliths.
Variability: Variability is less conspicuous due
to the relatively high degree of side dimorphism.
Discussion: Engyprosopon apparently is related
to Crossorhombus. Generally it seems, that otoliths
of Engyprosopon are somewhat more thickset.
However, only few species have been investigat-
ed and with more knowledge it may become
difficult to reliably differentiate between otoliths
of the two genera.
Figs. 462-463: Asterorhombus intermedius (BLEEKER 1866) – 25 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Species and distribution: Engyprosopon is a spe-
cious genus with some 27 species reported and
widely distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific,
from South Africa into the Red Sea, to Hawaii
and the Easter Islands. They are (listing possibly
not complete) – E. arenicola, E. bellonaensis,
E. bleekeri, E. borneensis, E. cocosensis, E. filimanus,
E. grandisquama, E. hawaiiensis, E. hensleyi, E. hu-
reaui, E. latifrons, E. longipelvis, E. longipterum,
E. macrolepis, , E. macroptera, E. maldivensis, E. mog-
kii, E. multisquama, E. natalensis, E. raoulensis, E.
regani, E. rostratum, E. sechellensis, E. septempes,
E.smithi, E. xenandrus, E. xystrias. Several of these
species are known only from the holotype or else
very few specimens. Otoliths are only known from
five species, namely E. xenandrus, E. filimanus,
E. cocosensis, E. bleekeri and E. grandisquama.
Engyprosopon xenandrus GILBERT 1905
Figs. 464-466
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths (3 right side and
3 left side) from Hawaii, ZMH Ot. 27.5.1994.1-6
(leg. Fitch).
Discussion: Otoliths of E. xenandrus are more
elongate than those of the other two investigated
Distribution: Hawaiian Islands, in rather deep
Engyprosopon filimanus (REGAN 1908)
Fig. 467
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (right side) from
off Muscat, Sea of Oman, ZMH Ot. 27.5.1994.7-8
(leg. BMNH 1904.5.25.78-80) and BMNH 1904.
Discussion: Otoliths of E. filimanus are rather
compressed with a conspicuous rectangular out-
Distribution: The types of E. filimanus have been
collected from the Maldives Islands. The otoliths
have been extracted from fishes collected in the
Sea of Oman. Their specific identification was
marked with a question mark by NORMAN
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Figs. 464-466: Engyprosopon ×enandrus GILBERT 1905 – 15 ×
Fig. 467: Engyprosopon filimanus (REGAN 1908) – 15 ×
Fig. 468: Engyprosopon cocosensis (BLEEKER 1855) – 15 ×
Engyprosopon cocosensis (BLEEKER 1855)
Fig. 468
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
the Nicobar Islands, BMNH 1927.1.6.33-37.
Discussion: In its compressed rectangular out-
line this otolith resembles E. filimanus. Very char-
acteristic is the steeply inclined sulcus and the
unusually short ostium (see index ol:cl).
Distribution: Nicobar Islands and coasts of In-
dia and Burma.
Engyprosopon grandisquama
Fig. 469
syn. Rhombus poecilurus BLEEKER 1852
syn. Rhomboidichthys spilurus GÜNTHER 1880
syn. Scaeops orbicularis JORDAN & SEALE 1907
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right and left
side) from the Gulf of Manaar, Ceylon, ZMH Ot.9-
10 (leg. ZMH 19950).
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism in this spe-
cies is much less apparent than in E. xenandrus.
Discussion: Otoliths of E. grandisquama are rela-
tively well rounded in outline, but with a rather
prominent predorsal angle, and very compressed.
Distribution: E. grandisquama is a widely distrib-
uted and apparently rather common species
known from South Africa through the Indian
Ocean to Indonesia, Australia and Japan.
Engyprosopon bleekeri (MACLEAY 1882)
Fig. 470
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
Nagasaki, Japan, BMNH 1933.6.12.3.
Discussion: Very similar in habitus to E. gran-
disquama, but with a deeper ventral rim and a
shallower dorsal rim with pronounced postdor-
sal angle.
Distribution: NE Australia to southern Japan.
Tosarhombus AMAOKA 1969
Type-species: Tosarhombus octoculatus AMAOKA
Remarks: Otoliths of Tosarhombus have not been
available for investigation. The genus is placed
in the Engyprosopon Group because of its close
allocation with Engyprosopon and Crossorhombus
in MASUDA et al. (1984).
Species and distribution: Tosarhombus is a mon-
ospecific genus with T. octoculatus restricted to
the coasts of Japan.
Fig. 469: Engyprosopon grandisquama (TEMMINCK & SCHLEGEL 1846) – 15 ×
Fig. 470: Engyprosopon bleekeri (MACLEAY 1882) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Crossorhombus REGAN 1920
Type-species: Platophrys dimorphus GILCHRIST
1905 (syn. C. valderostratus)
Diagnosis: Small, thin to moderately thickset
otoliths with a rounded, oval outline; ventral rim
rather shallow, dorsal rim shallow too, variably
with a rounded pre- and/or postdorsal angles,
posterior tip rounded or cut, anterior rim round-
ed, sometimes with incipient short rostrum, but
without excisura; index l:h 1.4-1.5. Otolith size
rarely up to 3 mm.
Ostium considerably longer than cauda and
slightly wider. Sulcus rather shallow to moder-
ately deep, not inclined, with a somewhat reduced
ostial opening. Cauda terminating at moderate
distance from posterior tip of otolith. Colliculi
well separated. Dorsal and ventral depressions
narrow, usually rather shallow, but well marked
towards the sulcus, more or less connected around
caudal tip to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face moderately convex and relatively
smooth; outer face flat to slightly convex, smooth.
Rims moderately sharp, smooth.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch s.i.a. con.i
valderostratus 1.35-1.50 2.3 1.5-1.7 1.3-1.4 2.7
azureus 1.50 3.1 1.7 1.4 0-5° 3.8
kanekonis 1.35-1.40 2.6 1.8 1.1 4.3
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism is moder-
ately developed in C. valderostratus, but absent in
C. kanekonis. When developed, left hand otoliths
are slightly more elongate than right hand oto-
liths, separation of colliculi is less obvious and
the otolith is slightly less thickset.
Ontogeny: The investigated otoliths of C. kane-
konis are somewhat smaller than those of the two
other species (2 mm versus 3 mm) and show some
delicate marginal crenulation. It is quite possible
that this reflects ontogeny.
Discussion: Crossorhombus is closely related to
Engyprosopon (see respective entry for detailed
Species and distribution: Crossorhombus contains
four recent species from the Indo-Pacific – C. val-
derostratus, C. azureus, C. kanekonis, C. howensis.
Crossorhombus valderostratus
(ALCOCK 1890)
Figs. 471-472
syn. Platophrys dimorphus GILCHRIST 1905
syn. Scaeops kobensis JORDAN & STARKS 1906
syn. Scaeops ui TANAKA 1918
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right and left
side) from the Mikawa Bay, Japan, coll. Ohe
Discussion: Otoliths of C. valderostratus are rather
thickset and show a rounded rectangular outline.
Distribution: C. valderostratus is widely distrib-
uted throughout the Indo-Pacific, from East Afri-
ca to China and Japan.
Crossorhombus azureus (ALCOCK 1889)
Fig. 473
syn. Platophrys microstoma WEBER 1913
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
off Hongkong, IRSNB (coll. Nolf, leg. Stinton).
Discussion: This relatively thin otolith is char-
acterized by its incipient rostrum.
Distribution: SE-India, Ceylon, Indo-China,
China and Aru Islands.
Crossorhombus kanekonis (TANAKA 1918)
Figs. 474-475
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right and left
side) from Enshu Nada, Central Japan, coll. Ohe
Discussion: These small and rather thin otoliths
are characterized by their rather regularly round-
ed outline and the delicate marginal crenulation.
The latter, however, could well represent an on-
togenetic effect.
Distribution: Japan and Taiwan.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
7.6.9 Thysanopsetta Group
Genera: Thysanopsetta.
Definition and relationship: The small, compact
otoliths of the genus Thysanopsetta are unique in
several aspects. They exhibit a deep excisura and
a relatively strong rostrum and antirostrum. The
sulcus is deeply cut and so are the narrow dorsal
and ventral depressions which are perfectly con-
nected around the caudal tip. The portion around
the sulcus is strongly elevated against the rest of
the inner face. Thus the otoliths do not resemble
any of the other Bothidae. Only a certain overall
resemblance to the Bothus or the Mancopsetta
Groups could be thought of, but this may as well
be purely accidental. As it stands now, Thysanop-
setta is somewhat isolated from the rest of the
Bothidae and its relationship is obscure. I have
therefore selected to place it into an otolith group
of its own.
Apparently NORMAN (1934) felt similar. He
stated that the relationships of this genus (Thy-
sanopsetta) are somewhat obscure, but it may
Figs. 471-472: Crossorhombus valderostratus (ALCOCK 1890) – 15 ×
Fig. 473: Crossorhombus azureus (ALCOCK 1889) – 15 ×
Figs. 474-475: Crossorhombus kanekonis (TANAKA 1918) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
conveniently be placed near Tephrinectes. Oto-
lith morphology, however, strongly contradicts
any relationship with Tephrinectes (see respective
Thysanopsetta GÜNTHER 1880
Type-species: Thysanopsetta naresi GÜNTHER
Diagnosis: Small, rather thickset and compact
otoliths with a rounded, oval outline; all rims
gently curving, except for the anterior rim, which
shows a deep excisura and marked rostrum and
antirostrum; index l:h about 1.4. Otolith size less
than 3 mm.
Ostium longer than cauda and wider too.
Sulcus very deep, with a clear ostial opening.
Cauda terminating at moderate distance from
posterior tip of otolith. Colliculi separated, deep-
ened. Dorsal and ventral depressions narrow, very
deep and sharp, well connected around caudal
tip to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face markedly convex, area around sul-
cus considerably elevated; outer face slightly
convex, smooth. Rims moderately sharp, smooth.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
naresi 1.40-1.50 2.0 1.8 1.2-1.3 2.0
Side dimorphism: The left hand otolith is slightly
more elongate than the right hand otolith.
Species and distribution: A single species –
T. naresi – from the Magellan-Falkland Islands re-
gion of south-eastern South America.
Thysanopsetta naresi GÜNTHER 1880
Figs. 476-477
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths, 2 otoliths (right
and left side) from off Cape Virgins, Argentina,
ZMH Ot. 28.5.1994.1 (leg. BMNH and
BMNH, 1 otolith (right side) from off
Punta Arenas, Argentina, ZMH Ot. 28.5.1994.2
(leg. ZMH Ot. 20006).
Discussion and distribution: See entries to ge-
nus and group.
7.6.10 Chascanopsetta Group
Genera: Three genera – Chascanopsetta, Peleca-
nichthys, Kamoharaia – from the deep waters of
the Indo-Pacific. Otoliths are only known from
the genus Chascanopsetta.
Definition and relationship: The fishes of the
three genera placed in this group are readily rec-
ognized by their extremely enlarged mouth. This
character has also been used to separate the two
monospecific genera Pelecanichthys and Kamo-
haraia from Chascanopsetta. CHABANAUD (1939)
has questioned the value of this single character,
which is typical (autapomorphic) for the group
as such, to be used in this sense. He regarded
Pelecanichthys as synonym of Chascanopsetta
(Kamoharaia was not erected then). I find his ar-
gumentation quite convincing, but without addi-
tional otolith material it can not be tested.
Otoliths of Chascanopsetta show an extraordi-
nary strong side dimorphism affecting almost all
possible characters. The left hand otolith differs
from the right hand otolith in the longer sulcus,
the clear ostial opening, the outline of the otolith
(in particular the presence of a massive rostrum),
the presence of a faint excisura (but no antiros-
Figs. 476-477: Thysanopsetta naresi GÜNTHER 1880 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
trum) and the more narrow circumsulcal depres-
sion. Taking the left hand otolith as the more
typical, which reflects an inversion of the usual
type of side dimorphism, the otoliths are further
characterized by their small, compressed size and
the rather flat inner face. They do not particular-
ly resemble any of the other bothid otolith groups
and that is the reason why I have placed these
genera in an otolith group by themselves.
Chascanopsetta ALCOCK 1894
Type-species: Chascanopsetta lugubris ALCOCK
syn. Trachypterophrys FRANZ 1910 (type-species:
T. raptator, syn. C. lugubris)
Diagnosis: Small, moderately thickset otoliths
with aa irregularly rounded outline; ventral rim
shallow, gently curving, dorsal rim much higher,
somewhat irregularly undulating, sometimes
with faint pre- and postdorsal angles, posterior
tip blunt, rounded to slightly pointed inframedi-
anly, anterior tip blunt in right hand otoliths, with
massive rostrum and faint excisura in left hand
otoliths; index l:h 1.25. Otolith size less than 3 mm.
Ostium longer than cauda and slightly wider.
Sulcus moderately deep, with a clear ostial open-
ing in left hand otoliths and somewhat reduced
opening in right hand otoliths. Cauda terminat-
ing at some distance from posterior tip of otolith.
Colliculi separated, deepened. Dorsal and ven-
tral depressions moderately deep, well marked
towards the sulcus and well connected around
caudal tip to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face almost flat, area around sulcus
slightly elevated; outer face slightly convex,
smooth. Rims moderately sharp, smooth.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.o
lugubris (right) 1.25 3.0 1.6 1.1 3.0
lugubris (left) 1.25 3.0 2.1 1.8 3.0
Side dimorphism: See diagnosis to genus and
discussion to group.
Discussion: See discussion to group.
Species and distribution: There are 8 nominally
valid species in this genus from the deeper wa-
ters of the Indo-Pacific – C. lugubris, C. normani,
C. megagnatha C. microstoma, C. prognathus,
C. prorigera, C. galathaea, C. micrognathus.
Chascanopsetta lugubris ALCOCK 1894
Figs. 478-479, 17
syn. Trachypterophrys raptator FRANZ 1910
syn. Chascanopsetta gilchristi VON BONDE 1922
syn. Chascanopsetta maculata VON BONDE 1922
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right and left
side) from W off Ceylon, ZMH Ot. 28.5.1994.3
(leg. BMNH 1927.1.6.53) and BMNH 1927.1.6.53.
Side dimorphism: See entry to genus and group.
Distribution: C. lugubris is the most common and
most widely distributed species of the genus, the
other species known from very few specimens or
types only. It is known from SE-Africa through
the Indo-Pacific to Japan.
Pelecanichthys GILBERT & CRAMER 1897
Remarks: Otoliths of Pelecanichthys are not
known. Paratypes kept in the BMNH were found
with completely dissolved otoliths.
Figs. 478-479: Chascanopsetta lugubris ALCOCK 1894 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Species and distribution: Pelecanichthys is a mon-
ospecific genus with P. crumenalis restricted to the
deep water around the Hawaiian Islands.
Kamoharaia KURONAMA 1940
Type-species: Chascanopsetta megastoma KAMO-
HARA 1936
Species and distribution: The single species –
K. megastoma – is known from the unique holo-
type from off Japan and a small postlarval taken
in the Philippine Sea (NIELSEN, 1963). Otoliths
have not been available for investigation.
7.6.11 Mancopsetta Group
Genera: Two genera from the Subantarctic and
Antarctic waters – Mancopsetta and Achiropsetta.
Otoliths are only known from Mancopsetta.
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of Manco-
psetta are easily recognized by their high, round-
ed, almost circular outline, the strong rostrum
and the marked excisura. The ostium is only
slightly longer than the cauda. The colliculi are
well separated and deepened. Superficially, Man-
copsetta otoliths somewhat resemble Chascanop-
setta and even Thysanopsetta otoliths, but most of
the characters listed above exemplify their sepa-
rate position. In fact the relationships of these
otoliths to other Bothidae remains obscure.
Likewise, the relationship of these fishes based
on ichthyological analyses has been disputed in
recent literature. EVSEENKO (1984) has proposed
the family Achiropsettidae for these two genera
based on a number of unique characters found in
the fishes. These are the median position of the
vent in front of the anal fin, the position of the tip
of the dorsal fin behind the posterior nostril of
the blind side and the loss of pectoral fins. Al-
though otolith analysis supports the concept of
Mancopsetta and Achiropsetta to be somewhat sep-
arated from the main body of the Bothidae, I do
not feel for the necessity to put them in a separate
family altogether. The general appearance of the
otoliths still is in line with a number of other
aberrant Bothidae (see above).
Mancopsetta GILL 1881
Type-species: Lepidopsetta maculata GÜNTHER
syn. Lepidopsetta GÜNTHER 1880 (preoccupied
by Lepidopsetta GILL 1864, a genus of Pleu-
ronectidae, type-species: L. maculata)
syn. Apterygopectus OJEDA 1978 (type-species:
A. avilesi, syn. M. milfordi)
syn. Neachiropsetta KOTLYAR 1978 (type-spe-
cies: Mancopsetta milfordi)
?syn. Pseudomancopsetta EVSEENKO 1984 (type-
species: P. andriashevi)
Figs. 480-482: Mancopsetta milfordi PENRITH 1965 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Diagnosis: Moderately large and not very thick-
set otoliths with a high, rounded, nearly circular
outline, from which only the massive rostrum
sticks out; all rims gently curving, usually some-
what undulating; the massive rostrum accompa-
nied by a marked excisura; index l:h 1.05-1.35.
Otolith size up to 4 mm.
Ostium slightly longer than cauda, not wider.
Sulcus deep, with a clear ostial opening. Cauda
terminating at some distance from posterior tip
of otolith. Colliculi well separated, strongly deep-
ened. Dorsal and ventral depressions narrow,
often indistinct, but well connected around cau-
dal tip to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face flat to slightly convex, rather
smooth; outer face slightly convex, smooth to
slightly undulating. Rims moderately sharp,
smooth to undulating.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
milfordi 1.05-1.10 2.9 1.2-1.5 0.85-1.0 4.5
maculata 1.30-1.35 3.4 1.1-1.3 0.95-1.0 5.0
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism is moder-
ate in the species of Mancopsetta. In left hand oto-
liths the excisura is usually deeper, the shape may
be slightly more elongate or more regularly
Variability: Intraspecific variations are moder-
ate too, mainly restricted to details of the outline.
Discussion: See entry to group.
Species and distribution: There are 2, possibly 3
species from Antarctic and Subantarctic waters –
M. maculata, M. milfordi and M. andriashevi (the
latter when accepting Pseudomancopsetta as a syn-
Mancopsetta milfordi PENRITH 1965
Figs. 480-482, 18
syn. Apterygopectus avilesi OJEDA 1978
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (2 right side and
1 left side) from off southern New Zealand, ZMH
Ot. 28.5.1994.4-6 (coll. Schwarzhans).
Discussion: Otoliths of M. milfordi are more com-
pressed, higher than those of M. maculata.
Distribution: On the continental shelf and up-
per slope off southern New Zealand and the
southern tip of South America and Islands and
Seamounts in the Subantarctic.
Mancopsetta maculata (GÜNTHER 1880)
Figs. 483-484
syn. Achiropsetta slavae ANDRIASHEV 1960
syn. Mancopsetta antarctica KOTLYAR 1978
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right and left
side) from off Falkland Islands, ZMH Ot.
28.5.1994.7 (leg. BMNH 1930.5.6.41) and BMNH
Discussion: Otoliths more elongate than in
M. milfordi.
Distribution: Shelf and slope off southernmost
North America, Islands and Seamounts of the
Subantarctic and coasts of Antarctica. This is the
only flatfish caught at the Antarctic coasts.
Figs. 483-484: Mancopsetta maculata (GÜNTHER 1880) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Achiropsetta NORMAN 1930
Type-species: Achiropsetta tricholepis NORMAN
Species and distribution: Achiropsetta apparently
is closely related to Mancopsetta. It is a monospe-
cific genus with A. tricholepis known from the
upper slope off the southernmost tip of South
America, off southern New Zealand and Islands
and Seamounts of the Subantarctic. Otoliths have
not been available for investigation. The type spec-
imen in the BMNH collection apparently repre-
sents a postlarval form. It is nearly translucent
and upon close examination it seemed that oto-
liths were dissolved.
7.7 Pleuronectidae
Genera: The Pleuronectidae contain some 37 re-
cent genera in the limits as presented here. In
alphabetical order they are the following: Acan-
thopsetta, Atherestes, Azygopus, Cleisthenes, Clido-
derma, Dexistes, Embassichthys, Eopsetta, Glyptoce-
phalus, Hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus, Hypsopsetta,
Inopsetta, Isopsetta, Kareius, Lepidopsetta, Limanda,
Liopsetta, Lyopsetta, Marleyella, Microstomus, Nemat-
ops, Parophrys, Pelotretis, Plagiopsetta, Platichthys,
Pleuronectes, Pleuronichthys, Poecilopsetta, Psettich-
thys, Pseudopleuronectes, Reinhardtius, Rhombosolea,
Samaris, Samariscus, Tanakius, Verasper. In addi-
tion, there are three monotypic genera, which
need revision and their generic status verified:
Pluviopsetta TANAKA 1916, Pseudoplatichthys
HIKITA 1934 and Neoetropus HILDEBRAND &
Definition and relationship: NORMAN (1934)
understood the Pleuronectidae as an assemblage
containing all left eyed Pleuronectoidei, includ-
ing the Brachypleuridae, as well as the genera
which I have placed here in the Paralichthodes and
Ammotretis Groups of uncertain familial relation-
ship. He distinguished 5 subfamilies – Pleuronec-
tinae, containing more than half of the total
number of genera, Poecilopsettinae, Paralichtho-
dinae, Samarinae and Rhombosoleinae – based
on a variety of characters such as symmetry of
pelvic fins, anterior origin of dorsal fin, status of
lateral line on blind side and other characters.
HUBBS (1945) excluded Brachypleura and Lepido-
blepharon from the Samarinae (where they were
placed by NORMAN) and included them in the
Citharidae (in the present study they are thought
to represent a separate family). NORMANS
monogeneric Paralichthodinae are here excluded
as well (see Paralithodes Group). Similar views
have also been discussed by HENSLEY & AHL-
STROM (1984) and CHAPLEAU (1993). Based
on otoliths, the Rhombosoleinae sensu NORMAN
are not thought to represent a natural group. The
genera of NORMANs Rhombosoleinae are di-
visible into: three groups within the Pleuronecti-
dae (Pelotretis Group, Rhombosolea Group and the
genus Azygopus with the Samaris Group), one
group of uncertain relationship (the Ammotretis
Group with several genera) and one genus (Pelto-
rhamphus) excluded from the Pleuronectoidei and
placed in the Soleidae (Heteromycteris Group, see
respective entry). Only the Pelotretis and Rhombo-
solea Groups may remain in the much reduced
subfamily Rhombosoleinae. The reasoning behind
splitting the Rhombosoleinae is given in detail in
chapter 5.3.2.
NORMAN (1934) roughly subdivided his
Pleuronectinae into two generic groups. One was
to be characterized by a large and symmetrical
mouth (tribe Hippoglossini in NELSON 1994) and
it included genera placed here in the Hippoglossus
and the Hippoglossoides Groups as well as Pset-
tichthys of the Isopsetta Group. The other group
was characterized by a small mouth with asym-
metrical jaws and dentition (tribe Pleuronectini
in NELSON 1994) and it included genera placed
in the Glyptocephalus, Pleuronectes-Limanda,
Isopsetta and Microstomus-Pleuronichthys Groups.
The two genera of the Verasper Group were
thought to be somehow intermediate between the
two groups. Following the analysis of the otolith
morphology I find this bipartition of the Pleu-
ronectinae phylogentically not sound. No doubt
the genera with a large and symmetrical mouth
represent a plesiomorphic condition, but the var-
ious fishes found in NORMANs group with a
small and asymmetrical mouth are seemingly the
result of several different lineages of specializa-
tion not necessarily related to each other and
probably derived separately from plesiomorphic
groups (further details will be discussed in the
general entries to the various groups).
Otoliths of the Pleuronectidae exhibit a wide
range of morphological patterns that do not al-
low for a simple definition of the family. With the
Bothidae, the Pleuronectidae share most of the
advanced pleuronectiform otolith patterns such
as the completely developed circumsulcal depres-
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
sion and the rather short cauda. In fact, in com-
parison with the ostium the cauda is often more
strongly reduced in Pleuronectidae than in Both-
idae. Also, most genera constituting the core of
the Pleuronectidae (Pleuronectinae in NORMAN
1934) are characterized by a strong reduction of
the ostial opening. However, well developed os-
tial openings, sometimes even with an excisura,
are also found (Microstomus-Pleuronichthys, Sa-
maris and Poecilopsetta Groups). Except for these
latter groups the sulcus is shallow to very shal-
low and the otoliths are thin with a slightly con-
vex inner face and a concave to flat outer face. In
the three groups already mentioned the sulcus is
deep to extremely deep and the otoliths are ro-
bust. As a result, there is considerable morpho-
logical overlap in the otoliths of the two families
Pleuronectidae and Bothidae and the appropri-
ate placement of otoliths in the one or other fam-
ily will often depend very much on correlation at
generic or group level. Then, however, the taxo-
nomic problem can be solved quite reliably in
most cases. The degree of side dimorphism in
pleuronectid otoliths is often considerably and
affects a large variety of characters. With the
possible exception of Azygopus, there is not a sin-
gle genus in this family without more or less well
developed side dimorphism in the otoliths. Those
of Reinhardtius are amongst the most extreme
examples of side dimorphism found in any oto-
In this treatise the 37 genera of the Pleuronecti-
dae are organized in 12 informal genus groups
exhibiting similar otolith morphologies. These
genus groups are assigned to 4 informal sub-
families. The groups are: Hippoglossus, Hippoglos-
soides, Glyptocephalus, Pleuronectes-Limanda,
Isopsetta, Verasper, Microstomus-Pleuronichthys,
Samaris, Marleyella, Poecilopsetta, Pelotretis and
Rhombosolea Groups. The first five (Hippoglossus,
Hippoglossoides, Glyptocephalus, Pleuronectes-
Limanda and Isopsetta Groups) represent the core
of NORMANs Pleuronectinae and could be de-
scribed as the typical forms to be found within
Pleuronectidae. They are all characterized by a
reduced ostial opening, a very small cauda, a
shallow sulcus and thin otoliths with a flat to
slightly concave outer face. Also the Pelotretis and
Rhombosolea Groups (making up the Rhomboso-
leinae) are quite similar except for the ostial open-
ing which is less reduced. The Verasper and Micro-
stomus-Pleuronichthys Groups (also from NOR-
MANs Pleuronectinae) stand somewhat apart
from this cluster of groups in possessing a deep
sulcus with a clear ostial opening. In the otoliths
of the Samaris Group (sole group of the Samari-
nae) this trend is taken to its extremes. Here, we
find the deepest sulci within the Pleuronecti-
formes, a deeply cut excisura where the ostium
opens anteriorly and very robust otoliths. Final-
ly, the Marleyella and Poecilopsetta Groups consti-
tute a small cluster of more distantly related gen-
era. Marleyella probably represents the most ple-
siomorphic morphology within this cluster and
the otoliths show a remarkable resemblance to
those of certain citharids. This indicates, that the
two groups either represent a very early diver-
gence from the main branch of the Pleuronecti-
dae or are of pre-pleuronectid origin altogether.
Following the traditional classification they are
here placed under Poecilopsettinae in the Pleu-
Based on osteological investigations, such as
the hypural patterns, HENSLEY & AHLSTROM
(1984) have questioned the monophyly of Pleu-
ronectidae. Furthermore, they concluded that
Pleuronectinae are more closely related to Both-
idae (s.l., here Paralichthyinae) and that Samari-
nae and Poecilopsettinae might be of different
origin. CHAPLEAU (1993) even proposed rais-
ing Samarinae to family status.
In conclusion, several genus groups or clusters of
pleuronectid genus groups can be well defined
by means of otoliths, as for instance the core of
NORMANs Pleuronectinae or his Samarinae
(Samaris Group), whereas others are not so obvi-
ous (Verasper, Microstomus-Pleuronichthys and
Marleyella Groups). Also, there is no single char-
acter found in otoliths to define Pleuronectidae
as a whole and therefore assignment of a certain
otolith to this family has to rely on careful corre-
lation at generic or group level. Even after the
exclusion of Paralichthodes and several genera of
the former Rhombosoleinae from the Pleuronecti-
dae the family is probably still polyphyletic (see
above). Samarinae and Poecilopsettinae are like-
ly further candidates for exclusion. The remain-
der, the Pleuronectinae (auctt.), indeed could be
allocated more closely to the Paralichthyinae in
the sense of HENSLEY & AHLSTROM (1984).
Distribution: Except for the tropical Samaris,
Marleyella and Poecilopsetta Groups the Pleu-
ronectidae show a distinct antitropical distribu-
tion pattern. The pleuronectine groups are restrict-
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
ed to the temperate and subtropical waters of the
North Atlantic and North Pacific and the Pelotretis
and Rhombosolea Groups (Rhombosoleinae) are
endemic to the temperate seas of New Zealand
and southern Australia. Fishes of the Poecilopsetta
Group occur in deeper water.
7.7.1 Hippoglossus Group
Genera: This group contains the two genera
Eopsetta and Hippoglossus.
Definition and relationship: Within the cluster
of groups representing the core of the Pleuronec-
tinae (NORMAN, 1934) otoliths of this group
probably represent the most plesiomorphic char-
acter status. This is mainly evident from a not yet
so strongly reduced ostial opening and the lack
of specialized sulcus development as observed
in the following groups (see respective entries).
The cauda is short and small, the otoliths thin,
with a slightly convex inner face and a slightly
concave outer face. Otoliths are rather elongate
in shape. The sulcus is relatively long, reaching
close to the posterior tip of the otolith, thus leav-
ing little space for the connection of the circum-
sulcal depression around the tip of the cauda.
The degree of side dimorphism is moderate. It
concerns details of outline and ornamentation of
the otolith and loss of clear separation of the
colliculi in otoliths of the eyed side. As do the
fishes of this group (Hippoglossus is the largest
Pleuronectiform) otoliths grow fairly big reach-
ing up to 15 m.
The Hippoglossus Group falls in NORMANs
category of Pleuronectinae with a large and sym-
metrical mouth. The Hippoglossoides Group seems
to be closely related to the Hippoglossus Group
and probably has developed from it. Otoliths of
the Hippoglossoides Group differ in the somewhat
shortened sulcus, the flat inner face and the indi-
vidually deepened colliculi. Also, the Pleuronectes-
Limanda Group may have evolved from near the
Hippoglossus Group and merely differs in the
somewhat more reduced ostial opening and the
shorter sulcus.
Eopsetta JORDAN & GOSS 1887
Type-species: Hippoglossoides jordani LOCKING-
TON 1880
syn. Xystrias JORDAN & STARKS 1904 (type-
species: Hippoglossus grigorjewi)
Diagnosis: Thin, elongate otoliths; ventral rim
shallow, gently curving, deepest behind the mid-
dle, dorsal rim with postdorsal angle, somewhat
undulating, posterior tip blunt to irregularly
rounded, anterior tip strongly projecting like a
rostrum, rounded. Index l:h 1.6 to 1.8. Otolith
size at least 7 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and much
longer. Index ol:cl 1.7 to 2.0. Ostial opening pseu-
doostial. Cauda short, with rounded termination
at some distance from the posterior rim of the
otolith. Sulcus relatively shallow. Circumsulcal
depression completely connected but rather shal-
Inner face flat in the horizontal direction and
slightly convex in the vertical direction; outer face
slightly concave and rather smooth. Rims sharp,
ventrally smooth, dorsally somewhat undulating.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
jordani 1.60-1.80 3.5 1.70-2.00 1.1-1.2 about 10
Side dimorphism: Otoliths of the eyed side show
smoother dorsal and posterior rims but a much
more strongly developed postdorsal angle. Os-
tium and cauda are less clearly differentiated,
almost completely fused, and the sulcus as such
is deeper. The circumsulcal depression is less
clearly developed, particularly so its ventral por-
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Eopsetta differ
from those of Hippoglossus in the shorter sulcus
and some details of the outline. They also closely
resemble certain genera of the Pleuronectes-Liman-
da Group, thus indicating a close relationship.
Species and distribution: Two species – E. jordani
from the Pacific coast of North America and
E. grigorjewi from Japan, Korea and Taiwan.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Eopsetta jordani (LOCKINGTON 1880)
Figs. 485-488
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (left and right)
from off Acapulco, Mexico, Pacific coast, ZMH
Ot. 21.1.1995.1-4 (leg. Fitch).
Distribution: Pacific coast of North America,
USA and northern Mexico, also recorded as fossil
from the Pleistocene of California.
Hippoglossus CUVIER 1817
Type-species: Pleuronectes hippoglossus LINNAE-
US 1758
Diagnosis: Thin, elongate otoliths; ventral rim
very shallow, gently curving, deepest behind the
middle, dorsal rim with postdorsal and predor-
sal angles, posterior tip blunt, anterior tip mod-
erately projecting like a rostrum, blunt, rounded.
Index l:h 1.6 to 1.7. Otolith size at least 15 mm.
Ostium wider than cauda and much longer.
Index ol:cl 1.8 to 2.0. Ostial opening pseudoost-
ial. Cauda short, with rounded termination not
very far from the posterior rim of the otolith.
Sulcus relatively shallow. Circumsulcal depres-
sion not completely connected behind caudal tip
and rather shallow.
Inner face flat in the horizontal direction and
slightly convex in the vertical direction; outer face
slightly concave and with fine radial furrows.
Rims sharp, moderately to intensely crenulated.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
hippoglossus 1.60-1.65 5.4 1.80 1.2-1.4 about 10
stenolepis 1.70-1.80 4.0 1.85 1.0-1.2 about 10
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism is moder-
ately developed. Otoliths of the eyed side show
slightly smoother rims, ostium and cauda are less
clearly differentiated, almost completely fused,
and the sulcus as such is deeper. The circumsul-
cal depression is less clearly developed, particu-
larly so its ventral portion.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Hippoglossus
are easily recognized by their long sulcus, which
reaches rather closely to the posterior tip of the
Species and distribution: Two species – H. hip-
poglossus from the North Atlantic and H. stenolepis
from the North Pacific. Fishes of the genus Hip-
poglossus are active predators often caught in mid-
Hippoglossus hippoglossus (LINNAEUS 1758)
Figs. 489-490
syn. Hippoglossus vulgaris FLEMING 1828
syn. Hippoglossus septentrionalis THON 1831
syn. Hippoglossus maximus GOTTSCHE 1835
syn. Hippoglossus gigas SWAINSON 1839
syn. Hippoglossus ponticus BONAPARTE 1846
syn. Hippoglossus americanus GILL 1864
syn. Hippoglossus linnei MALM 1877
Figs. 485-488: Eopsetta jordani (LOCKINGTON 1880) – 6 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from the North Atlantic, Meteor St. 814, ZMH Ot.
21.1.1995.5-6 (leg. W. Schmidt).
Discussion: H. hipoglossus differs from H. sten-
olepis in the more massive predorsal angle and
the shorter and blunter rostrum.
Distribution: North Atlantic as far north as Spitz-
bergen and Greenland.
Hippoglossus stenolepis SCHMIDT 1904
Figs. 491-492
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from the Bering Sea, ZMH Ot. 21.1.1995.7-8 (leg.
Discussion: See entry to H. hippoglossus.
Distribution: North Pacific, Bering Sea, Okhotsk
Sea, and Alaska to California (there also as fossil
from the Pleistocene).
7.7.2 Hippoglossoides Group
Genera: 6 genera are placed in this group – Ather-
estes, Cleisthenes, Lyopsetta, Acanthopsetta, Hippo-
glossoides and Reinhardtius from the North Atlan-
tic and the North Pacific.
Definition and relationship: The otoliths of the
genera combined in the Hippoglossoides Group are
relatively easily recognized by their extremely flat
and smooth inner face, the rather short sulcus
with its individually deepened and well separat-
Figs. 489-490: Hippoglossus hippoglossus (LINNAEUS 1758) – 4 ×
Figs. 491-492: Hippoglossus stenolepis SCHMIDT 1904 – 4 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
ed colliculi and the very wide and well devel-
oped circumsulcal depression. Side dimorphism
is developed variably, from feeble as in Atherestes
to one of the most prominent expressions as in
Reinhardtius (see entries to genera).
The Hippoglossoides Group represents a mor-
phologically well defined and dense cluster of
genera probably having descended from near the
Hippoglossus Group. Like this group, the Hip-
poglossoides Group belongs to NORMANs cate-
gory of Pleuronectinae with a large and symmet-
rical mouth. Also closely related probably is the
Glyptocephalus Group, which differs merely in
showing more compressed otolith shapes.
Atherestes JORDAN & GILBERT 1881
Type-species: Platisomatichthys stomias JORDAN
& GILBERT 1881
Diagnosis: Thin, moderately elongate otoliths;
ventral rim shallow, gently curving, deepest at
about the middle, dorsal rim with postdorsal and
somewhat more prominent predorsal angle,
sometimes finely crenulated, posterior tip blunt
to irregularly rounded, anterior tip projecting like
a rostrum, rounded. Index l:h 1.5 to 1.9. Otolith
size at least 9 mm. Otoliths below a size of 6.5 mm
may not have developed all pertinent diagnostic
Ostium wider than cauda and much longer.
Index ol:cl 1.6 to 2.2. Ostial opening strongly re-
duced. Cauda short, with rounded termination
at considerable distance from the posterior rim of
the otolith. Sulcus well divided into ostium and
cauda, its respective colliculi deepened (only in
otoliths of the blind, left side). Circumsulcal de-
pression completely connected, wide and rather
Inner face almost completely flat and rather
smooth; outer face also practically flat, with little
ornamentation. Rims sharp, ventrally smooth,
dorsally and posteriorly sometimes finely crenu-
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
stomias (left) 1.60-1.90 4.5 1.60-2.00 1.3-1.4 nm
stomias (right) 1.50-1.60 nm 1.75-2.25 1.1-1.2 nm
evermanni (left) 1.50-1.65 4.5 2.2 1.2-1.5 nm
evermanni (right) 1.50 nm 2.2 1.25 nm
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism in otoliths
of Atherestes is only mildly developed. Otoliths of
the eyed side are slightly more compressed. Os-
tium and cauda are less clearly differentiated,
almost completely fused.
Ontogeny and variability: Smaller specimens
below 6.5 to 7 mm length are more rounded in
outline and the otolith rims are more densely
crenulated. Variability on the other hand seems
to be restricted to very minor details only.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Atherestes prob-
ably show the most elongate otoliths in this group
with the least side dimorphism.
Species and distribution: Two species – A. sto-
mias from the Pacific coast of North America, from
the Bering Sea to San Francisco, and A. evermanni
from Japan.
Atherestes stomias
Figs. 493-497
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths (left and right)
from off California, ZMH Ot. 21.1.1995.9-14 (leg.
Discussion: Otoliths of A. stomias do not differ
greatly from those of A. evermanni. They are slight-
ly more elongate and the proportions of the sul-
cus are slightly different.
Distribution: North America, Bering Sea to San
Francisco, fossil from the Pleistocene of Califor-
Atherestes evermanni
Figs. 498-500
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (2 left side and
1 right side) from Japan, ZMH Ot. 21.1.1995.15-
16 (leg. BMNH 1923.9.28.2-4) and BMNH
Discussion: See entry to A. stomias.
Distribution: Japan.
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Cleisthenes JORDAN & STARKS 1904
Type-species: Cleisthenes pimetorum JORDAN &
syn. Protopsetta Jordan & STARKS 1906 (type-
species: Hippoglossoides herzensteini)
Diagnosis: Thin, rather compressed otoliths;
ventral rim deeply and gently curving, deepest
at about the middle, dorsal rim with prominent
and somewhat projecting postdorsal and predor-
sal angles, faintly undulating, posterior tip blunt,
ventrally rounded, dorsally concave, anterior tip
slightly projecting like a rostrum, rounded. In-
dex l:h 1.25 to 1.4. Otolith size at least 7 mm.
Ostium wider than cauda and much longer.
Index ol:cl 1.6 to 2.0. Ostial opening strongly re-
duced. Cauda short, with rounded termination
at considerable distance from the posterior rim of
the otolith. Colliculi well separated and some-
what deepened. Circumsulcal depression com-
pletely connected and rather wide.
Inner face almost entirely flat, smooth; outer
face flat, rather smooth. Rims sharp.
Figs. 493-497: Atherestes stomias (JORDAN & GILBERT 1881) – 6 ×
Figs. 498-500: Atherestes evermanni JORDAN & STARKS 1904 – 6 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
herzensteini 1.25-140 4.5 1.70-2.00 1.25-1.45 nm
Side dimorphism: Rather inconspicuous. Oto-
liths of the eyed side show a less pronounced
predorsal angle, and ostium and cauda are less
clearly differentiated.
Variability: Variability of otoliths of this genus
is very low, restricted to details of the marginal
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Cleisthenes re-
semble those of Atherestes, but are more com-
pressed and show a very typical development of
the dorsal rim
Species and distribution: Two species (some-
times regarded as subspecies of a single species
only) – C. herzensteini from the Okhotsk Sea to
Japan, Korea and northern China and C. pimeto-
rum from Japan.
Cleisthenes herzensteini (SCHMIDT 1904)
Figs. 501-504
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (3 left side and
1 right side) from Toyama, Japan, ZMH Ot.
22.1.1995.1-3 (leg BMNH 1933.6.12.7 and BMNH
1931.9.18.9-10) and BMNH 1931.9.18.9-10.
Distribution: Okhotsk Sea, Japan, Korea and
northern China.
Lyopsetta JORDAN & GOSS 1887
Type-species: Hippoglossoides exilis JORDAN &
Diagnosis: Moderately thin and moderately
elongate otoliths; ventral rim rather shallow, ir-
regularly curving, deepest somewhat behind the
middle, dorsal rim with postdorsal angle, slight-
ly undulating, posteriorly irregularly rounded,
anterior tip projecting like a rostrum, rounded.
Index l:h 1.3 to 1.5. Otolith size at least 5 mm. The
critical diagnostic size is reached with about
3.5 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and much
longer. Index ol:cl 1.7 to 2.0. Ostial opening strong-
ly reduced. Cauda short, with rounded termina-
tion at great distance from the posterior rim of
the otolith. Ostial and caudal colliculi well sepa-
rated and deepened. Sulcus relatively wide. Cir-
cumsulcal depression well developed and rather
wide and deep.
Inner face almost completely flat and rather
smooth; outer face slightly convex and smooth.
Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
exilis 1.30-1.50 3.0 1.70-2.00 1.0-1.2 nm
Figs. 501-504: Cleisthenes herzensteini (SCHMIDT 1904) – 6 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism in otoliths
of this genus again is not very strongly devel-
oped. Otoliths of the eyed side almost complete-
ly lack the differentiation of ostial and caudal
colliculi and the ostium is narrower, about the
width of the cauda only. Right hand otoliths are
more convex in the vertical direction.
Ontogeny and variability: Otoliths below
3.5 mm are more compressed and rounded in out-
line and show slightly more intense marginal
crenulation, thus not exhibiting all the pertinent
diagnostically important features. Variability on
the other hand is low and restricted to details of
the outline and the proportions.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Lyopsetta are
very similar to those of the genera Hippoglossoides
and Acanthopsetta. Especially differentiation from
Hippoglossoides is very feeble and judging from
otolith morphology alone may not warrant sep-
aration of the two genera.
Species and distribution: Lyopsetta is a mono-
specific genus with L. exilis restricted to the deeper
water of the Pacific coast of North America.
Lyopsetta exilis (JORDAN & GILBERT 1881)
Figs. 505-510
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths (left and right
side) from off California, ZMH Ot. 22.1.1995.4-9
(leg. Fitch).
Distribution: Pacific coast of North America,
from Alaska to San Francisco in rather deep wa-
ter; fossil from the Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene
of California.
Figs. 505-510: Lyopsetta exilis JORDAN & GILBERT 1881) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Acanthopsetta SCHMIDT 1904
Type-species: Acanthopsetta nadeshnyi SCHMIDT
Diagnosis: Thin, moderately elongate otoliths;
ventral rim shallow, gently curving, deepest be-
hind the middle, dorsal rim with rounded post-
dorsal angle, otherwise smooth and gently curv-
ing, posterior tip blunt, projecting strongest ven-
trally and with notch towards the postdorsal
angle, anterior tip projecting like a rostrum, round-
ed. Index l:h about 1.4. Otolith size at least 6 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and some-
what longer. Index ol:cl 1.3. Ostial opening strong-
ly reduced. Cauda short, with rounded termina-
tion at considerable distance from the posterior
rim of the otolith. Colliculi well separated and
rather strongly deepened. Circumsulcal depres-
sion completely connected, rather deep and ex-
tremely wide, reaching close to the margins of
the otolith.
Inner face almost completely flat and rather
smooth; outer face slightly convex and smooth.
Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
nadeshnyi 1.40 3.1 1.30 1.25 nm
Side dimorphism: No data.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Acanthopsetta
closely resemble those of the genera Hippoglos-
soides and Lyopsetta but differ in the development
of the posterior rim.
Species and distribution: Acanthopsetta is a
monospecific genus with A. nadeshnyi known
from the Okhotsk Sea to Japan and Korea.
Acanthopsetta nadeshnyi SCHMIDT 1904
Fig. 511
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka, BMNH 1923.11.21.6.
Distribution: Sea of Okhotsk to Japan and Korea.
Hippoglossoides GOTTSCHE 1835
Type-species: Hippoglossoides limanda GOTT-
SCHE 1835 (H. platessoides limandoides)
syn. Drepanopsetta GILL 1861 (type-species: Pleu-
ronectes platessoides platessoides)
syn. Pomatopsetta GILL 1864 (type-species: Pla-
tessa dentata, syn. H. platessoides platessoides)
syn. Cynopsetta JORDAN & STARKS 1906 (type-
species: Hippoglossoides dubius)
Diagnosis: Thin, roundish to moderately elon-
gate otoliths; ventral rim moderately deep, gen-
tly curving, deepest at or slightly behind the
middle, dorsal rim with postdorsal angle, some-
what undulating, posterior tip blunt, sometimes
slightly projecting ventrally, often irregularly
undulating, anterior tip somewhat projecting like
a rostrum, rounded. Index l:h 1.25 to 1.5. Otolith
size at least 9 mm. Otoliths smaller than 4 mm
may not have developed all pertinent diagnostic
Fig. 511: Acanthopsetta nadeshnyi SCHMIDT 1904 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Ostium wider than cauda and much longer.
Index ol:cl 1.9 to 2.2. Ostial opening strongly re-
duced. Cauda short, with rounded termination
at considerable distance from the posterior rim of
the otolith. Sulcus very short, relatively wide.
Colliculi clearly separated and considerably deep-
ened. Circumsulcal depression completely con-
nected, moderately deep and very wide.
Inner face almost completely flat and rather
smooth; outer face slightly convex and smooth
too. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
platessoides 1.30-1.40 3.3 2.00-2.20 1.1-1.3 nm
elassodon 1.35-1.50 4.0 2.00-2.20 1.1-1.5 nm
dubius (left) 1.25-1.35 3.2 1.9-2.2 1.5-1.8 nm
dubius (right) 1.20 4.0 (2.5) 1.1 nm
Side dimorphism: In H. platessoides and H. elas-
sodon side dimorphism of the otoliths is rather
inconspicuous. The only obvious dimorphism is
the fact that otoliths of the eyed side show a less
clear separation of ostium and cauda and a some-
what more narrow sulcus. In H. dubius these two
characters are developed much more dimor-
phous. In addition, the shape of the otolith of the
eyed side is more roundish and the anterior-ven-
tral rim shows an intense crenulation. This kind
of dimorphism resembles the extreme side di-
morphism observed in the otoliths of the genus
Reinhardtius (see respective entry).
Ontogeny and variability: Otoliths smaller than
4 mm tend to be more roundish and less charac-
teristic. Variability is moderate, mainly restricted
to variations in the expression of dorsal and pos-
terior rims and some of the otolith and sulcus
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Hippoglossoides
closely resemble those of the related genera Acan-
thopsetta and Lyopsetta, and it must be doubted
whether the few differences observed in otolith
morphology are stable enough to support their
separation in three different genera. The aberrant
otoliths of Reinhardtius also resemble to a certain
extent, in particular the otoliths of H. dubius (for
detailed discussion see entry to Reinhardtius).
Species and distribution: Four species and two
subspecies – H. platessoides from the North Atlan-
tic, with one subspecies along the North Ameri-
can shores and another in the North-East Atlan-
tic, and H. elassodon, H. dubius and H. robustus in
the North Pacific.
Hippoglossoides platessoides FABRICIUS 1780
Figs. 512-515
syn. Pleuronectes limandoides BLOCH 1787 [sub-
syn. Hippoglossoides limanda GOTTSCHE 1835
syn. Hippoglossoides dentatus STORER 1839
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (left and right)
from the North Sea, ZMH Ot. 22.1.1995.10-13 (coll.
Discussion: Very similar to H. elassodon from the
North Pacific but slightly more compressed and
with a more massive anterior tip.
Distribution: Two subspecies – H. p. platessoides
(FABRICIUS 1780) from the northern Atlantic
coast of the USA and H. p. limandoides (BLOCH
1787) from the coasts of north-western Europe.
The investigated specimens from the North Sea
belong to the latter subspecies. Also known as
fossil from the Pleistocene of Belgium.
Hippoglossoides elassodon
Figs. 516-519
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (left and right)
from Alaska, ZMH Ot. 22.1.1995.14-17 (leg. Fitch).
Discussion: Closely related to H. platessoides (see
respective entry).
Distribution: Northern Pacific coast of North
America and Sea of Okhotsk.
Hippoglossoides dubius SCHMIDT 1904
Figs. 520-523
syn. Hippoglossoides katakurae SNYDER 1911
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths, 2 (left and right,
figs. 520-521) from Wakkanai, Hokkaido, Japan,
coll. Ohe No. 811212, and 2 (left and right, figs.
522-523) from Owase, Mie prefecture, Japan, coll.
Ohe No. 760828.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Discussion: Otoliths of this species are remark-
able for their strong side dimorphism. Left oto-
liths (from the blind side) show a more elongate
outline, a much wider sulcus and a clear separa-
tion of the two colliculi. Also the sulcus is ex-
tremely short.
Distribution: Southern Okhotsk Sea to Japan and
Reinhardtius GILL 1861
Type-species: Pleuronectes cynoglossus sensu FAB-
RICIUS 1780 (syn. R. hippoglossoides)
syn. Platysomatichthys BLEEKER 1862 (type-spe-
cies: Pleuronectes pinguis, syn. R. hippoglos-
Remarks: Otoliths of the genus Rheinhardtius are
probably the ones with the most drastic side di-
morphism. This necessitates a separate descrip-
tion of left (blind side) and right (eyed side) spec-
imens (replacing the chapter on side dimor-
phism). Amazingly, Reinhardtius is one of two flat-
fishes known to be swimming in an upright po-
sition (the other one being the primitive Pset-
todes). In the case of Reinhardtius this is clearly an
adaption to its role as an active predator in the
open sea. Why this way of living has resulted in
such an extreme development of side dimorphism
in otoliths at this stage remains unresolved.
Diagnosis (left, blind side): Very thin, moder-
ately elongate otoliths; ventral rim deeply curv-
ing, with pronounced midventral angle, dorsal
rim with pronounced postdorsal and slightly less
pronounced predorsal angle, intensely furcate,
posterior rim blunt, nearly vertically cut, with
deeply serrated ornamentation, sometimes devel-
oped to form fenestrae, anterior tip strongly pro-
jecting like a rostrum, not much rounded. Index
l:h 1.4 to 1.5. Otolith size at least 15 mm.
Ostium very much wider than cauda and
much longer, too. Index ol:cl about 3.0. Ostial
opening reduced. Cauda extremely short, round-
Figs. 512-515: Hippoglossoides platessoides FABRICIUS 1780 – 6 ×
Figs. 516-519: Hippoglossoides elassodon JORDAN & GILBERT 1881 – 6 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
ish, terminating very far from the posterior rim
of the otolith. Sulcus shallow, except for a small
portion in the rear area of the ostium, which is
slightly deepened. Circumsulcal depression well
developed, very wide and somewhat deepened.
Inner face completely flat, even slightly con-
cave in cases, showing some concentrical growth
furrows in the circumslucal depression and dor-
sally and posteriorly some radial furrows origi-
nating from the marginal ornamentation; outer
face flat, with some radial furrows. Rims sharp.
(Right, eyed side): Very thin, rather compressed
otoliths; ventral rim deeply and regularly curv-
ing, deepest at about the middle, anterior-ventral
portion strongly serrated, sometimes with devel-
opment of fenestrae, dorsal rim with equally
pronounced pre- and postdorsal angles, smooth,
posterior rim blunt or broadly rounded, smooth,
anterior tip strongly projecting like a rostrum,
rounded. Index l:h 1.25 to 1.35. Otolith size at
least 15 mm.
Ostium and cauda practically completely
fused, including the colliculi, which anteriorly
are elevated and posteriorly somewhat deepened.
Sulcus as a whole rather narrow, long, and except
for the colliculi very poorly defined. Ostial open-
ing reduced, but reaching relatively close to the
anterior rim of the otolith. Cauda terminating not
very far from the posterior rim of the otolith.
Circumsulcal depression well developed only in
the posterior portion, there very wide and some-
what deepened.
Inner face flat, but with ventral portion some-
what bent outward, smooth except for few radial
furrows originating from the marginal ornamen-
tation; outer face flat to slightly concave, with
some radial furrows. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
hippoglossoides (l.)1.40-1.50 5.5 about 3.0 about 3.0 nm
hippoglossoides (r.)1.25-1.35 5.5 nm nm nm
Figs. 520-523: Hippoglossoides dubius SCHMIDT 1904 – 6 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Side dimorphism: See above (diagnosis and re-
Variability: Overall variability is moderate. The
intensity of the ornamentation of the rims of the
otoliths and the development of fenestrae are
apt to some variations
Discussion: NORMAN (1934) related Reinhard-
tius to Atherestes. Otoliths of the less altered
blind side indeed suggest a relationship of Rein-
hardtius to the genera of the Hippoglossoides Group,
in which I have also placed Atherestes. The high
degree of otolith specialization, however, ham-
pers any detailed interpretation. Nevertheless, it
seems that in certain species of the genus Hip-
poglossoides (H. dubius, see respective entry) the
kind of extreme side dimorphism of otoliths found
in Reinhardtius is foreshadowed to a certain
degree. I therefore tend to relate Reinhardtius closer
to Hippoglossoides than to Atherestes.
Species and distribution: Reinhardtius is a mon-
ospecific genus with R. hippoglossoides occurring
pelagically in the Northern Atlantic and the
Northern Pacific. Specimens caught in the North-
ern Pacific have originally been described as a
distinct species (R. matsuurae), but NORMAN
(1934) already suggested them to represent an
identical species. Otoliths available from fishes
of both regions clearly support his view.
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides
(WALBAUM 1792)
Figs. 524-528, 20
syn. Pleuronectes cynoglossus (non LINNAEUS)
sensu FABRICIUS 1780
syn. Pleuronectes pinguis FABRICIUS 1824
syn. Reinhardtius matsuurae JORDAN & SNYDER
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths, 2 (left and right,
figs. 526-527) from off Hokkaido, Japan, IRSNB
(coll. Nolf), 1 (left, fig. 528) from of New Found-
land, IRSNB (coll. Nolf), 2 (right, fig. 524-525) from
off Greenland, ZMH Ot. 22.1.1995.18-19 (leg.
Distribution: Pelagic in deeper waters of the
northern North Atlantic and the North Pacific.
7.7.3 Glyptocephalus Group
Genera: Two genera – Tanakius and Glyptocephalus.
Definition and relationship: The Glyptocephalus
Group no doubt is closely related to the preced-
ing Hippoglossoides Group and probably represents
a specialized offshot from it. Its otoliths merely
differ from those of the Hippoglossoides Group in
its more gently curving outline and the more
compressed appearance (particularly the genus
Glyptocephalus). NORMAN (1934) related them
instead to Limanda and related genera (e.g. Dex-
istes) based on the small and asymmetrical mouth
which they share with these genera and which he
used as one of the main features for grouping the
various genera in his Pleuronectinae (see general
discussion to Pleuronectidae). In this particular
case, this characterization does not seem to hold
and otoliths clearly point to a closer relationship
with the Hippoglossoides Group.
Tanakius HUBBS 1918
Type-species: Microstomus kitaharae JORDAN &
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, ovale otoliths; ven-
tral and dorsal rims shallow and gently curving,
without prominent angles or ornamentation,
posterior and anterior rims broadly rounded.
Index l:h 1.6. Otolith size at least 4 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and much
longer. Index ol:cl 2.0. Ostial opening reduced.
Colliculi well separated and deepened. Cauda
short, round, terminating at some distance from
the posterior rim of the otolith. Sulcus rather wide,
moderately short. Circumsulcal depression well
developed, wide and somewhat deepened.
Inner face flat, smooth; outer face slightly
convex and smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
kitaharae 1.60 3.2 2.00 1.2 4
Side dimorphism: No data.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Tanakius are
readily distinguished of those of the related ge-
nus Glyptocephalus in being more elongate. They
probably represent the more plesiomorphic char-
acter status.
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Species and distribution: Tanakius is a mono-
specific genus with T. kitaharae restricted to the
waters of Japan and Korea.
Tanakius kitaharae JORDAN & STARKS 1904
Fig. 529
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
Japan, BMNH 1923.11.21.19.
Distribution: Southern Japan and Korea.
Figs. 524-528: Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (WALBAUM 1792) – 6 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Glyptocephalus GOTTSCHE 1835
Type-species: Pleuronectes saxicola FABER 1828
(syn. G. cynoglossus)
syn. Errex JORDAN 1919 (type-species: Glypto-
cephalus zachirus)
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, almost perfectly
round otoliths; all rims gently curving, sometimes
slightly undulating, otherwise smooth, postdor-
sal and sometimes also predorsal angle weekly
developed. Index l:h 1.0 to 1.25. Otolith size at
least 8 mm, but otoliths of about 4.5 mm already
diagnostically mature.
Ostium wider than cauda and somewhat long-
er. Index ol:cl 1.4 to 1.6. Ostial opening reduced.
Cauda short, round, terminating at some distance
from the posterior rim of the otolith. Colliculi well
separated and deepened. Sulcus moderately wide
and short. Circumsulcal depression well devel-
oped, wide, but not very deep..
Inner face practically flat, smooth, except for
few thin radial furrows to be seen within the cir-
cumsulcal depression; outer face slightly convex,
rather smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.o
cynoglossus 1.00 4.0 1.5 1.2 3.2
zachirus 1.10-1.25 3.3 1.4-1.5 1.1-1.4 2.8
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism in otoliths
of the genus Glyptocephalus is quite strongly de-
veloped. First of all, otoliths of the eyed side dif-
fer from those of the blind side in the completely
fused colliculi (intrasulcal proportions listed
above therefore are only valid for left hand oto-
liths). The sulcus is also narrower in otoliths from
the eyed side and within the circumsulcal de-
pression radial furrows are much more common.
Also the rear part of the circumsulcal depression
is more deepened, sometimes showing concen-
tric growth lines.
Ontogeny and variability: A single large speci-
men obtained from G. zachirus does not differ
greatly from the smaller ones, except for being
slightly more elongate and showing a more
rounded outline than smaller specimens of the
same species. Likewise, variability seems to be
restricted to minor variations of the outline.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Glyptocephalus
are readily recognized by their compressed,
roundish outline.
Species and distribution: Three species from the
North Atlantic and North Pacific – G. cynoglos-
sus, G. zachirus and G. stelleri.
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus
Figs. 530-531
syn. Pleuronectes saxicola FABER 1828
syn. Pleuronectes nigromanus NILSSON 1829
syn. Platessa elongata YARELL 1839
syn. Glyptocephalus acadianus GILL 1873
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from the North Atlantic, Meteor St. 2017, ZMH
Ot. 23.1.1995.1-2 (leg. W. Schmidt).
Discussion: Although otoliths of the Glyptoceph-
alus species do not differ much from each other,
those of G. cynoglossus may be recognized as the
most compressed ones.
Distribution: On both sides of the North Atlantic.
Glyptocephalus zachirus LOCKINGTON 1878
Figs. 532-538, 22
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (2 left and 3 right,
figs. 532-536) from off California, ZMH Ot.
23.1.1995.3-7 (leg. Fitch), and 2 otoliths (left and
right, figs. 537-538) as G. aff. zachirus (identified
Fig. 529: Tanakius kitaharae
JORDAN & STARKS 1904 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
as Brachypleura novaezeelandiae probably due to
mistake in jar labels) from the ZMH collection,
ZMH 20010.
Discussion: Otoliths of G. zachirus are slightly
more elongate than those of G. cynoglossus.
Distribution: Pacific coast of North America,
from the Bering Sea to San Francisco; fossil from
the Pleistocene of California.
7.7.4 Pleuronectes-Limanda Group
Genera: 9 genera – Limanda, Dexistes, Liopsetta,
Parophrys, Pleuronectes, Platichthys, Kareius, Pseudo-
pleuronectes, Lepidopsetta and Inopsettadistrib-
uted in the northern Atlantic and the northern
Definition and relationship: This group com-
bines the bulk of the genera placed by NORMAN
(1934) in the category of Pleuronectinae with a
small and asymmetrical mouth.
Their otoliths are typically elongate and thin
to very thin, usually with a pronounced postdor-
sal angle and a very smooth inner face. The sul-
cus is relatively long and shallow. The ostial open-
ing is quite reduced. The cauda is much shorter
than the ostium and terminates at considerable
distance from the posterior rim of the otolith.
Although forming a dense unit in respect to
the otolith morphology this group could be sub-
divided into two smaller subgroups. One sub-
group would cluster around Limanda (including
Dexistes and Liopsetta). These otoliths are more
gently curving in outline and their sulcus is more
structured. In this respect they show a certain
resemblance to otoliths of the Hippoglossoides and
Figs. 530-531: Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (LINNAEUS 1758) – 6 ×
Figs. 532-536: Glyptocephalus zachirus LOCKINGTON 1878 – 6 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
even the Glyptocephalus Groups. All the other
genera clustering around Pleuronectes seem to be
very closely related to each other and distinction
of the genera by means of otoliths is not always
easy. They show better resemblance to the Hip-
poglossus Group (in particular the genus Eopset-
ta). I assume the Pleuronectes-Limanda Group to
be basically related to the Hippoglossus and may
be also the Hippoglossoides Group.
Limanda GOTTSCHE 1835
Type-species: Pleuronectes limanda LINNAEUS
syn. Myzopsetta GILL 1864 (type-species: Platessa
ferruginea STORER 1839)
Diagnosis: Thin, moderately elongate to round-
ish otoliths; ventral rim gently curving, deepest
at about the middle, dorsal rim with rounded
postdorsal angle, often somewhat undulating,
posterior tip blunt to irregularly rounded, anteri-
or tip slightly projecting like a rostrum, rounded.
Index l:h 1.25 to 1.6. Otolith size at least 5 mm.
Diagnostic size reached at about 3 to 3.5 mm.
Ostium not much wider than cauda, but con-
siderably longer. Index ol:cl 1.9 to 2.4. Ostial open-
ing reduced. Cauda short, rounded, terminating
at some distance from the posterior rim of the
otolith. Sulcus relatively shallow. Circumsulcal
depression completely connected and wide, but
rather shallow.
Inner face rather flat and smooth; outer face
completely flat, smooth or faintly ornamented.
Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
limanda 1.50-1.60 4.0 1.90-2.25 1.0-1.2 about 9
aspera 1.30-1.40 3.2 2.0-2.4 1.1-1.3 about 5
ferruginea 1.25-1.30 3.8 2.3-2.6 1.1-1.2 3.5
ignobilis 1.40 4.2 2.1 1.2 about 5
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism in the spe-
cies of the genus Limanda is only feeble. Otoliths
of the eyed side show a slightly stronger postdor-
sal angle and the colliculi are less well separated.
Ontogeny: Smaller specimens, particularly be-
low 3.5 to 3 mm are somewhat more gently round-
ed in outline and its rims are much more intense-
ly crenulated.
Discussion: Otoliths of Limanda show the clos-
est resemblance to those of Dexistes, the latter
merely differing in a more elongate shape, an
almost completely flat inner face and a somewhat
deeper sulcus.
Species and distribution: 6 recent species –
L. limanda and L. ferruginea from the North Atlan-
tic, and L. aspera, L. punctatissima, L. proboscidea
and L. sakhalinensis from the North Pacific. Liman-
da is also one of the very few Pleuronectid genera
known from a fossil otolith based species –
L. ignobilis from the Upper Oligocene of northern
Limanda limanda (LINNAEUS 1758)
Figs. 539-541
syn. Pleuronectes limandula BONATERRE 1788
syn. Limanda vulgaris GOTTSCHE 1835
syn. Limanda oceanica BONAPARTE 1846
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths, 2 (right side,
figs.) form the North Sea, ZMH Ot. 23.1.1995.8-9
(coll. Schwarzhans) and 1 (left side, fig. ) (as L. fer-
ruginea) from Iceland, ZMH Ot. 23.1.1995.10 (leg.
ZMUC 853359-61).
Discussion: Of all the species investigated from
this genus the otoliths of L. limanda are the most
Distribution: Coasts of north-western Europe
and Iceland; fossil from the Pleistocene of Bel-
gium and southern England.
Figs. 537-538: Glyptocephalus aff. zachirus
LOCKINGTON 1878 – 6 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Limanda aspera (PALLAS 1814)
Figs. 542-544
syn. Limanda asprella HUBBS 1915
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (1 left and 2 right)
from the Bering Sea, ZMH Ot. 23.1.1995.11-13 (leg.
Discussion: Otoliths of L. aspera are more com-
pressed than those of L. limanda, but less than
those of L. ferruginea.
Distribution: Bering Sea to Vancouver Island and
Limanda ferruginea (STORER 1839)
Figs. 545-548
syn. Myzopsetta rostrata GILL 1861
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (left and right)
from Iceland, ZMH Ot. 23.1.1995. 14-17 (leg.
ZMUC 853359-61).
Discussion: L. ferruginea shows the most com-
pressed otoliths within this genus, and with the
smallest cauda. Otolith margins are relatively
intensely crenulated.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of North America,
from Labrador to New York, and eastward to
Limanda ignobilis SCHWARZHANS 1994
Fig. 549
Investigated otoliths: The unique holotype from
the uppermost Oligocene (Chatt C) of Krefeld,
northern Germany, GPIM-M 2916 (leg. von der
Discussion: This fossil species differs from the
recent ones mainly in the longer sulcus which
reaches somewhat closer to the anterior tip of the
Distribution: Upper Oligocene of northern Ger-
Dexistes JORDAN & STARK 1904
Type-species: Dexistes rikuzenius JORDAN &
syn. Araias JORDAN & STARKS 1904 (type-spe-
cies: A. ariommus, syn. D. rikuzenius)
Diagnosis: Moderately thin and rather elongate
otoliths; ventral rim shallow, gently curving, deep-
est at about the middle, dorsal rim without prom-
inent postdorsal angle, but rounded predorsal
projection, slightly undulating, posterior tip
rounded, anterior tip slightly projecting like a
rostrum, rounded. Index l:h 1.7 to 1.8. Otolith
size at least 6 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and much
longer. Index ol:cl 1.9 to 2.0. Ostial opening re-
duced. Cauda short, with rounded termination
at some distance from the posterior rim of the
Figs. 539-541: Limanda limanda (LINNAEUS 1758) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
otolith. Colliculi separated, sulcus slightly deep-
ened. Circumsulcal depression well developed,
wide and somewhat deepened.
Inner face completely flat, smooth; outer face
slightly convex and smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.o
rikuzenius 1.70-1.80 2.7 1.90-2.00 1.05-1.3 3.4
Side dimorphism: No data.
Discussion: Very similar to Limanda (see respec-
tive entry).
Figs. 542-544: Limanda aspera (PALLAS 1814) – 10 ×
Figs. 545-548: Limanda ferruginea (STORER 1839) – 10 ×
Fig. 549: Limanda ignobilis SCHWARZHANS 1994 –
15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Species and distribution: Dexistes is a monospe-
cific genus with D. rikuzenius known from the
shores of Japan.
Dexistes rikuzenius JORDAN & STARKS 1904
Figs. 550-551
syn. Araias ariommus JORDAN & STARKS 1904
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left side) from
Japan, ZMH Ot. 23.1.1995.18 (leg. BMNH
1933.6.12.14) and BMNH 1933.6.12.14.
Distribution: Coasts of Japan.
Liopsetta GILL 1864
Type-species: Platessa glabra (non RATHKE) sen-
su STORER 1844, syn. L. putnami
syn. Euchalarodus GILL 1864 (type-species: Pleuro-
nectes obscurus)
Diagnosis: Moderately thin and moderately
elongate otoliths; ventral rim very shallow, gen-
tly curving, deepest at about the middle, dorsal
rim with postdorsal angle, slightly undulating,
posterior tip blunt, with somewhat projecting
posterior-ventral corner, anterior tip blunt, with
faint rostrum like projection. Index l:h 1.55 to 1.75.
Otolith size at least 6 mm.
Ostium slightly to considerably wider than
cauda and longer. Index ol:cl 1.3 to 1.6. Ostial
opening reduced. Cauda short, roundish, termi-
nating at some distance from the posterior rim of
the otolith. Colliculi well separated, sulcus some-
what deepened. Circumsulcal depression
completely connected, rather narrow and not very
Inner face flat, not very smooth. Rims moder-
ately sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
putnami 1.55 3.4 1.60 1.75 nm
glacialis 1.60 3.6 1.40-1.60 1.15-1.45 about 7
obscurus 1.75 3.0 1.30 1.20 about 5
Side dimorphism: No data.
Variability: The two specimens of L. glacialis al-
ready indicate, that the variability in the species
of this genus probably is more considerable than
in other genera of the Pleuronectes-Limanda Group.
It concerns the expression of the posterior tip of
the otolith and proportions of the sulcus.
Discussion: The posterior-ventrally projecting
posterior rim in combination with the somewhat
deepened sulcus characterize otoliths of this genus.
Species and distribution: Four species – L. ob-
scura and L. pinnifasciata from the North Pacific,
L. putnami from the Atlantic coast of North Amer-
ica, and L. glacialis from the Arctic coasts of Sibe-
ria and Alaska.
Figs. 550-551: Dexistes rikuzenius JORDAN & STARKS 1904 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Liopsetta putnami (GILL 1864)
Fig. 554
syn. Platessa glabra (non RATHKE) sensu STORER
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
off Massachusetts, USA, BMNH 1924.2.25.1.
Discussion: The otoliths of L. putnami are read-
ily recognized by their much widened ostium and
the more rounded dorsal rim.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of North America,
from Labrador to Cape Cod.
Liopsetta glacialis (PALLAS 1776)
Figs. 552-553
syn. Pleuronectes cicatricosus PALLAS 1814
syn. Platessa dwinensis LILLJEBORG 1851
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left side) from
off northern Alaska, ZMH Ot. 23.1.1995.19 (leg.
BMNH 1932.12.31.35-36) and BMNH 1932.12.31.
Discussion: Similar to L. putnami, but with less
widened ostium.
Distribution: Arctic coasts of Siberia and Alaska.
Liopsetta obscurus (HERZENSTEIN 1891)
Fig. 555
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
off Vladivostock, Russia, BMNH 1923.12.18.6-7.
Discussion: Otoliths of L. obscura are considera-
bly more elongate than those of the two other
species of the genus investigated.
Distribution: Okhotsk Sea, Sakhalin Island, Sea
of Japan, and Yellow Sea.
Figs. 552-553: Liopsetta glacialis (PALLAS 1776) – 10 ×
Fig. 554: Liopsetta putnami (GILL 1864) – 10 ×
Fig. 555: Liopsetta obscura (HERZENSTEIN 1891) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Parophrys GIRARD 1856
Type-species: Parophrys vetula GIRARD 1856
Diagnosis: Thin, elongate otoliths; ventral rim
shallow, gently curving, deepest at about the
middle, dorsal rim with postdorsal angle, some-
what undulating, posterior tip blunt, anterior tip
somewhat projecting like a rostrum, rounded.
Index l:h 1.65 to 2.0. Otolith size at least 10 mm.
Otoliths below 5 mm not diagnostically mature.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and much
longer. Index ol:cl 2.15 to 2.65. Ostial opening
reduced. Cauda short, terminating at some dis-
tance from the posterior tip of the otolith. Sulcus
slightly deepened. Colliculi separated. Circum-
sulcal depression well developed, wide, slightly
Inner face rather flat and smooth; outer face
also flat and smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
vetula (left, adult) 2.00 3.5 2.65 1.6 about 10
vetula (right, adult) 1.70 3.8 2.50 1.35 about 10
vetula (left, juv.) 1.70 3.2 2.25 1.15 about 7
vetula (right, juv.) 1.65 3.3 2.25 1.20 about 5
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism in this ge-
nus is moderate. It so seems that otoliths of the
eyed (right) side are somewhat more compressed
and show less well separated colliculi in the sul-
cus. In the vertical direction the inner face of oto-
liths of the eyed side is slightly more convex and
the area of the circumsulcal depression often
shows delicate radial furrows and concentrical
growth rings.
Ontogeny: Small specimens, particularly below
5 mm, are somewhat more compressed and a
show a more intense crenulation of the otolith
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Parophrys re-
semble those of Eopsetta from the Hippoglossus
Group in general appearance. In fact, this could
point to a possible relationship. Genera of the
Pleuronectes-Limanda Group differ mainly in be-
ing less elongate.
Species and distribution: Parophrys is a mono-
specific genus with P. vetula restricted to the Pa-
cific coast of North America.
Parophrys vetula GIRARD 1856
Figs. 556-560, 19
syn. Pleuronectes diagrammus GÜNTHER 1862
syn. Parophrys hubbardi GILL 1863
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (2 left and 3 right)
from off California, ZMH Ot. 24.1.1995.1-5 (leg.
Distribution: Pacific coast of North America,
from Sitka to Santa Barbara; fossil from the Pleis-
tocene of California.
Pleuronectes LINNAEUS 1758
Type-species: Pleuronectes platessa LINNAEUS
syn. Platessa CUVIER 1817 (type-species: Pleu-
ronectes platessa)
Diagnosis: Thin, moderately elongate, ovale oto-
liths; ventral rim shallow, gently curving, deepest
at about the middle, often delicately crenulated,
dorsal rim with sharp postdorsal angle, some-
what undulating, posterior tip blunt, anterior tip
somewhat projecting like a rostrum, rounded.
Index l:h 1.45 to 1.6. Otolith size at least 7 mm.
Otoliths below 3 to 4 mm not diagnostically
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and much
longer. Index ol:cl 1.5 to 2.1. Ostial opening re-
duced. Cauda short, terminating at some distance
from the posterior tip of the otolith. Colliculi sep-
arated, but not very clearly though. Cauda slightly
deepened and also the anterior portion of the
ostium. Circumsulcal depression well developed,
not very wide, rather shallow.
Inner face slightly convex, rather smooth;
outer face flat and delicately ornamented. Rims
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
platessa 1.45-16.0 4.0-5.0 1.50-2.10 1.05-1.15 6.5-8
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism of the oto-
liths is not very strongly developed in Pleuronectes.
Otoliths of the blind (left) side often show a pe-
culiar deepening of the anterior portion of the
ostium, a rather unique character in Pleuronecti-
dae. Otoliths of the eyed (right) side may show a
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
less well developed separation of the colliculi and
a slightly more convex inner face.
In the case of Pleuronectes platessa I have stud-
ied the effects of side dimorphism in otoliths
during ontogeny starting from early bottom liv-
ing postlarval fishes of 30 to 60 mm length (se
also chapters 6.2 and 6.3) (figs.). These otoliths,
which are about 1.0 to 1.6 mm long, do not show
the kind of side dimorphism described above
from adults. Instead, there otoliths of the eyed
(right) side exhibit a more pronounced postdor-
sal projection of the otolith rim than otoliths of
the blind (left) side, a dimorphic character, which
apparently gets lost later in ontogeny.
Ontogeny and variability: The very small oto-
liths of postlarval stages (figs.) look like very
generalized pleuronectid otoliths and certainly
are not diagnostically mature. They are more
compressed and roundish in outline and their
rims less ornamented. The sulcus opening, how-
ever, is already reduced and the circumsulcal de-
pression completely developed. It seems that di-
agnostic maturation of the otoliths is reached at
about 4 mm of size.
Discussion: The oval outline with the gently
curving ventral rim and the peculiar deepening
of the anterior portion of the ostium in otoliths of
the blind (left) side characterizes otoliths of this
In a recent review of the Pleuronectidae
SAKAMOTO (1984) has synonymized a number
of genera with Pleuronectes. These are Isopsetta,
Parophrys, Lepidopsetta, Limanda, Pseudopleuronectes
and Liopsetta. Except for Isopsetta, which is quite
Figs. 556-560: Parophrys vetulus GIRARD 1856 – 6 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Figs. 561-569: Pleuronectes platessa LINNAEAUS 1758 – figs. 561a, 562a, 563-567, 568c, 569c = 10 ×; figs. 561b,c,
562b,c = 6 ×; figs. 568a, b, 569a, b = 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
distinct as far as otoliths are concerned, these
genera are here placed in the Pleuronectes-Limanda
Group and undoubtedly are closely interrelated
with each other. Indeed, it seems that generic
splitting may have been driven to far in this group,
but with the present state of knowledge I do not
feel in the position to comment on the basis of
Species and distribution: two species – P. platessa
from the north-eastern Atlantic and P. pallasii from
the northern, Arctic Pacific.
Pleuronectes platessa LINNAEUS 1758
Figs. 561-569
syn. Platessa vulgaris CLOQUET 1826
syn. Pleuronectes borealis FABER 1828
syn. Platessa lata CUVIER 1829
syn. Pleuronectes baltica NILSSON 1855
Investigated otoliths: 12 otoliths (left and right)
from the North Sea, ZMH Ot. 24.1.1995.6-17 (coll.
Distribution: North-western Europe, from the
White Sea to Spain, Iceland, and in the Adriatic;
also as fossil from the Pleistocene of southern
Platichthys GIRARD 1856
Type-species: Platichthys rugosus GIRARD 1856
(syn. P. stellatus)
syn. Flesus MOREAU 1881
Diagnosis: Thin, rather elongate otoliths; ven-
tral rim shallow, gently curving, deepest at about
the middle, dorsal rim with prominent postdor-
sal angle, slightly undulating, posterior tip blunt,
anterior tip somewhat projecting like a rostrum,
rounded. Index l:h 1.55 to 1.85. Otolith size at
least 6 mm. Otoliths below 3 mm not diagnosti-
cally mature.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and much
longer. Index ol:cl 2.0 to 2.6. Ostial opening re-
duced. Cauda short, terminating at some distance
from the posterior tip of the otolith. Sulcus slight-
ly deepened. Colliculi separated. Circumsulcal
depression well developed, moderately wide,
slightly deepened.
Inner face slightly convex and rather smooth;
outer face flat and smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
flesus 1.55-1.70 3.2 2.00-2.50 1.35-1.55 5.5-8
stellatus 1.65-1.85 3.2 2.50-2.60 1.5 about 5
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism is moder-
ately developed in this genus. The separation of
the colliculi is less well developed in otoliths of
the eyed (right) side, the inner face slightly more
convex, the circumsulcal depression more shal-
low, and the postdorsal projection more pointed.
Determination of side dimorphism in the oto-
liths of this genus is hampered by the common
occurrence of reversed specimens. In particular
in P. stellatus it has been noted that specimens
from the North-West Pacific are almost always
reversed, whereas in the North-East Pacific re-
versed and non-reversed specimens occur in
about equal amounts. Reversal bears a strong
impact in the otolith morphology, and this is being
discussed in detail in chapter 6.4.
Ontogeny and variability: Otoliths of a size
down to about 3 mm do not differ greatly from
larger ones and can be regarded as diagnostically
mature. Variability is more considerable than in
other genera of the Pleuronectidae and mainly
concerns otolith and sulcus proportions. Again,
the effects of reversal on otolith morphology are
most notable.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Platichthys are
very similar to both the genera Kareius (placed in
synonymy with Platichthys by NORMAN 1934)
and Pleuronectes. NORMAN related this genus
also to Liopsetta.
Species and distribution: Two species – P. flesus
from the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean
and P. stellatus from the North Pacific.
Platichthys flesus (LINNAEUS 1758)
Figs. 570-572, 25
syn. Pleuronectes passer LINNAEUS 1758
syn. Pleuronectes flesoides PONTOPPIDAN 1765
syn. Pleuronectes roseus SHAW 1796
syn. Scophthalmus diurus RAFINESQUE 1810
syn. Pleuronectes luscus PALLAS 1814
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
syn. Platessa carnaria BROWN 1830
syn. Platessa glabra RATHKE 1837
syn. Pleuronectes passarinus NARDO 1847
syn. Pleuronectes italicus GÜNTHER 1862
syn. Pleuronectes bogdanovi SANDEBERG 1878
Investigated otoliths: 9 otoliths (4 left and 5 right,
including 4 from reversed specimens, figs. 571-
572, 25), 8 from Plymouth, Great Britain, ZMH
Ot. 24.1.1995.18-21 (leg. BMNH 1988.10.11.39-52)
and BMNH 1988.10.11.39-52, and 1 from Portu-
gal (fig. 570), ZMH Ot. 24.1.1995.22 (coll.
Discussion: As a rule, otoliths of P. flesus are less
elongate than those of P. stellatus.
Distribution: Coasts of Europe, from the White
Sea to the Mediterranean and the Black Sea; also
as fossil from the Pleistocene of southern Eng-
Platichthys stellatus (PALLAS 1787)
Figs. 573-574, 24
syn. Platichthys rugosus GIRARD 1856
Investigated otoliths: 12 otoliths, 2 (left and right,
non-reversed) from California, BMNH (Ayres
coll.), 2 (left and right, non-reversed, figs. 573-
574, 24) from California, ZMH Ot. 24.1.1995.23-
24 (leg. BMNH, 4 (left and right, re-
versed, fig. 24) from California, ZMH Ot.
24.1.1995.25-26 (leg. BMNH, Ayres coll.) and
BMNH, Ayres coll., 2 (left and right, reversed,
fig. 24) from Kamchatka, ZMH Ot. 24.1.1995.27-
28 (leg. BMNH, and 2 (left and right,
reversed, fig. 24) from the Raes collection, BMNH
Discussion: Otoliths of normal, non-reversed
specimens of P. stellatus differ from those of
P. flesus in being somewhat more elongate.
Distribution: North Pacific, Japan, Korea and
southern California; fossil from the Pleistocene
of California.
Kareius JORDAN & SNYDER 1901
Type-species: Pleuronectes scutifer STEINDACH-
NER 1870 (syn. K. bicoloratus)
Diagnosis: Thin, rather elongate otoliths; ven-
tral rim shallow, gently curving, deepest at about
the middle, dorsal rim with postdorsal angle,
posterior tip blunt, anterior tip somewhat pro-
jecting like a rostrum, rounded. All rims some-
what crenulated. Index l:h 1.5 to 1.75. Otolith size
at least 5 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and con-
siderably longer. Index ol:cl 1.75 to 1.9. Ostial
opening reduced. Cauda short, terminating at
some distance from the posterior tip of the oto-
lith. Sulcus very slightly deepened. Colliculi sep-
arated. Circumsulcal depression well developed,
moderately wide, slightly deepened.
Inner face rather flat and smooth; outer face
also flat and smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
bicoloratus 1.50-1.75 3.0-3.5 1.75-1.90 1.05-1.25 5.5-6.5
Side dimorphism: Weekly developed. The sep-
aration of the colliculi is less well developed in
otoliths of the eyed (right) side. Also the postdor-
sal angle is more pointed and the ostium seem-
ingly more narrow.
Variability: The most variable character seems
to be the index l:h of the otolith.
Discussion: Kareius apparently is closely related
to Platichthys (placed in synonymy by NORMAN,
1934). Main difference is the lesser index ol:cl and
the fine marginal crenulation.
Species and distribution: Kareius is a monospe-
cific genus with K. bicoloratus known from the
coasts of Japan, Korea and northern China.
Kareius bicoloratus (BASILEWSKY 1855)
Figs. 575-578
syn. Pleuronectes scutifer STEINDACHNER 1870
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (left and right)
from the Ise Bay, central Japan, coll. Ohe No.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Figs. 570-572: Platichthys flesus (LINNAEUS 1758) – 10 ×
Figs. 573-574: Platichthys stellatus (PALLAS 1787) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Distribution: Japan, Korea and northern China.
Pseudopleuronectes BLEEKER 1862
Type-species: Pleuronectes planus MITCHILL 1814
(syn. P. americanus)
syn. Limandella (type-species: Pleuronectes yoko-
Diagnosis: Thin, elongate otoliths; ventral rim
shallow, gently curving, deepest at about the
middle, dorsal rim with postdorsal angle, usual-
ly irregularly undulating, predorsal angle some-
times developed, posterior tip blunt, anterior tip
somewhat projecting like a rostrum, rounded.
Index l:h 1.65 to 1.8. Otolith size at least 6 mm.
Otoliths below 3 mm probably not diagnostically
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and much
longer. Index ol:cl 1.6 to 1.9. Ostial opening re-
duced. Cauda short, terminating at some distance
from the posterior tip of the otolith. Sulcus slightly
deepened. Colliculi separated. Circumsulcal de-
pression well developed, wide, slightly deepened.
Inner face rather flat and smooth; outer face
also flat and smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
americanus 1.70-1.80 3.0 1.60 1.2-1.3 nm
yokohamae 1.65-1.80 3.0 1.70-1.90 1.0-1.2 nm
herzensteini 1.80 3.0 1.70 1.3 nm
Side dimorphism: In the case of P. americanus the
otolith from the eyed side seems to be slightly
more elongate than the one from the blind side,
but they are both rather small and probably not
fully diagnostically mature.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Pseudopleu-
ronectes very closely resemble those of the genus
Platichthys may be except for the somewhat less
pronounced postdorsal angle. Nevertheless,
based on otolith morphology they would proba-
bly not be regarded as representing separate gen-
Species and distribution: Three species – P. ame-
ricanus from the North-West Atlantic, P. yokoham-
ae and P. herzensteini from the North-West Pacific.
Pseudopleuronectes americanus
(WALBAUM 1792)
Figs. 579-580
syn. Pleuronectes planus MITCHILL 1814
syn. Platessa pusilla DE KAY 1842
syn. Pseudopleuronectes dignabilis KENDALL 1912
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from New Foundland, ZMH Ot. 28.1.1995.1-2 (leg.
ZMH 20103).
Discussion: The two investigated otoliths are
relatively small (about 3 mm) and probably not
fully diagnostically mature. They differ from those
of the two other species of the genus in being
more regularly rounded in outline.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of North America
from Labrador to Chesapeake Bay.
Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae
(GÜNTHER 1877)
Figs. 581-582
syn. Limanda schrencki SCHMIDT 1904
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left side) from
Hakata, Japan, ZMH Ot. 28.1.1995.3 (leg. BMNH
1923.2.26.630-32) and BMNH 1923.2.26.630-32.
Discussion: Very similar to P. herzensteini but
somewhat more elongated and with less pro-
nounced predorsal angle.
Distribution: Shores of Japan and Korea.
Pseudopleuronectes herzensteini
Fig. 583
syn. Limanda angustirostris JORDAN & STARKS
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
Japan, BMNH 1923.2.26.636-37 (identified as
L. angustirostris)
Discussion: Very similar to P. yokohamae (see re-
spective entry).
Distribution: Japan.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Figs. 575-578: Kareius bicoloratus (BASILEWSKY 1855) – 10 ×
Figs. 579-580: Pseudopleuronectes americanus (WALBAUM 1792) – 10 ×
Figs. 581-582: Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae (GÜNTHER 1877) – 10 ×
Figs. 583: Pseudopleuronectes herzensteini JORDAN & SNYDER 1901 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Lepidopsetta GILL 1864
Type-species: Platichthys umbrosus GIRARD 1857
(syn. L. bilineata)
Diagnosis: Thin, moderately elongate otoliths;
ventral rim shallow, gently curving, deepest at
about the middle, dorsal rim with pre- and post-
dorsal angles, smooth, posterior tip rounded,
anterior tip somewhat projecting like a rostrum,
rounded. Index l:h 1.45 to 1.55. Otolith size at
least 5 mm. Otoliths below 3 mm not diagnosti-
cally mature.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and much
longer. Index ol:cl 1.9 to 2.0. Ostial opening re-
duced. Cauda short, terminating at some distance
from the posterior tip of the otolith. Sulcus slight-
ly deepened. Colliculi separated. Circumsulcal
depression well developed, wide, slightly deep-
Inner face rather flat and smooth; outer face
also flat and smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
bilineata 1.45-1.55 3.5 1.90-2.00 1.05-1.1 about 5
Side dimorphism: Very feeble. Otoliths of the
eyed side show a somewhat narrower sulcus and
less well separated colliculi.
Ontogeny: Smaller specimens below 3 mm
length already show rather generalized pleu-
ronectid-type otoliths and are not diagnostically
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Lepidopsetta are
not very characteristic amongst Pleuronectinae
(sensu NORMAN, 1934). In accordance with
NORMAN they seem to be closest related to Li-
manda or Pseudopleuronectes.
Species and distribution: Two species – L. bili-
neata and L. mochigarei from the northern Pacific.
Lepidopsetta bilineata (AYRES 1854)
Figs. 584-587
syn. Platichthys umbrosus GIRARD 1857
syn. Pleuronectes perarcuatus COPE 1873
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (left and right)
from California, ZMH Ot. 28.1.1995.4-7 (leg.
Distribution: Pacific coast of North America
from the Bering Sea to California and in the
Okhotsk Sea.
Inopsetta JORDAN 1887
Type-species: Parophrys ishyrus JORDAN & GIL-
BERT 1881
Diagnosis: Moderately thin and elongate oto-
liths; ventral rim shallow, gently curving, deep-
est at about the middle, dorsal rim with promi-
nent postdorsal and less pronounced predorsal
angle, somewhat undulating, posterior tip blunt,
undulating, anterior tip somewhat projecting like
a rostrum, rounded. Index l:h 1.60 to 1.65. Otolith
size at least 5 mm.
Figs. 584-587: Lepidopsetta bilineata (AYRES 1854) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Ostium about as wide as cauda, but much
longer. Index ol:cl 2.0 to 2.2. Ostial opening re-
duced. Cauda short, terminating at some distance
from the posterior tip of the otolith. Cauda slightly
deepened. Colliculi separated. Circumsulcal de-
pression well developed, wide, slightly deepened.
Inner face slightly convex and rather smooth;
outer face flat and slightly ornamented. Rims
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
ishyra 1.60-1.65 3.0 2.00-2.20 1.0 5
Side dimorphism: Very feeble. The separation
of the colliculi in otoliths of the eyed side is not
well developed.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Inopsetta closely
resemble those of Lepidopsetta, except for being
more elongated. Other related genera apparently
are Platichthys and Pseudopleuronectes. NORMAN
(1934) assumed that Inopsetta ishyra may prove to
be a hybrid between Lepidopsetta bilineata and
Platichthys stellatus.
Species and distribution: Inopsetta ishyra is a
monospecific genus with I. ishyra restricted to the
Puget Sound, Pacific coast of North America.
Inopsetta ishyra (JORDAN & GILBERT 1881)
Figs. 588-589
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from the Puget Sound, ZMH Ot. 28.1.1995.8-9 (leg.
ZMH 20022).
Distribution: Puget Sound, Pacific coast of North
7.7.5 Isopsetta Group
Genera: Two monospecific genera from the Pa-
cific coasts of North America – Psettichthys and
Definition and relationship: In this small and
specialized group I have placed two genera which
are characterized by the following otolith pat-
tern. The otoliths are compressed, moderately
thickset, with prominent pre- and postdorsal
angles and a reduced ostial opening. The sulcus
is shallow and very characteristic due to the ele-
vated rims of the colliculi, which are clearly sep-
arated. In general appearance, these otoliths could
even be mistaken for some kind of Soleidae. Side
dimorphism is faintly developed in the genera of
this group.
NORMAN (1934) placed these two genera at
quite different systematic positions within the
Pleuronectinae and apparently felt that they were
not particularly related to each other. Psettichthys
he related to Hippoglossoides and other large and
symmetrically mouthed genera, whereas Isopset-
ta was placed in the group of genera with small
mouths and asymmetrical jaws and dentition
(here mainly placed in the Pleuronectes-Limanda
Group). It can therefore not be excluded that the
observed similarities of the otolith morphology
represent an analogous development only.
Figs. 588-589: Inopsetta ishyra (JORDAN & GILBERT 1881) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Psettichthys GIRARD 1854
Type-species: Psettichthys melanostictus GIRARD
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, rather compressed,
otoliths with almost rectangular outline; ventral
rim very shallow, gently curving, deepest at about
the middle, dorsal rim with prominent pre- and
postdorsal angles, posterior tip blunt, anterior tip
somewhat projecting like a rostrum, short and
rounded. All rims slightly undulating. Index l:h
1.4 to 1.5. Otolith size at least 5 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and much
longer. Index ol:cl 2.00. Ostial opening reduced.
Cauda short, terminating at some distance from
the posterior tip of the otolith. Sulcus shallow.
Colliculi separated, their rims somewhat elevat-
ed, the central portion somewhat deepened. Cir-
cumsulcal depression well developed, not very
wide, slightly deepened.
Inner face rather flat and smooth; outer face
also flat and slightly ornamented. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
melanostictus 1.40-1.50 3.0 2.00 1.2-1.3 nm
Side dimorphism: No data.
Discussion: According to otolith morphology
close to Isopsetta, but with somewhat less com-
pressed otoliths. NORMANs supposed relation
to Hippoglossoides is not confirmed by otoliths.
Species and distribution: Psettichthys is a mon-
ospecific genus with P. melanostictus restricted to
the Pacific coast of North America.
Psettichthys melanostictus GIRARD 1854
Figs. 590-591
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left side) from
off Oregon, USA, ZMH Ot. 28.1.1995.10 (leg.
Distribution: Pacific coast of North America,
from Sitka (Alaska) to Monterey (California).
Isopsetta JORDAN & GILBERT 1882
Type-species: Lepidopsetta isolepis LOCKINGTON
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset, compressed,
roundish otoliths; ventral rim gently curving,
deepest at about the middle, dorsal rim with
prominent pre- and postdorsal angles, posterior
tip blunt, anterior tip slightly projecting, short
and rounded. Rims smooth to slightly undulat-
ing. Index l:h 1.1. Otolith size at least 5 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and much
longer. Index ol:cl 1.9 to 2.2. Ostial opening re-
duced. Cauda short, terminating at some distance
from the posterior tip of the otolith. Sulcus shal-
low. Colliculi separated, their rims somewhat
elevated, the central portion somewhat deepened.
Circumsulcal depression well developed, not very
wide, slightly deepened.
Inner face slightly convex and smooth; outer
face flat and rather smooth. Rims not very sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
isolepis 1.10 3.0 1.90-2.20 1.05 about 4
Figs. 590-591: Psettichthys melanostictus GIRARD 1854 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Side dimorphism: Very feeble. Otoliths of the
eyed side show a slightly less well developed
separation of the colliculi and are also more
rounded in outline.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Isopsetta could
almost be mistaken for some kind of Soleidae
due to their compressed appearance and the gen-
eral habitus of the sulcus. Amongst Pleuronecti-
dae Psettichthys comes closest, but its otoliths are
less compressed.
Species and distribution: Isopsetta is a monospe-
cific genus with I. isolepis from the Pacific coast of
North America.
Isopsetta isolepis (LOCKINGTON 1881)
Figs. 592-593
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from California, ZMH Ot. 28.1.1995.11-12 (leg.
Distribution: Pacific coast of North America,
from Puget Sound to southern California; fossil
from the Pleistocene of California.
7.7.6 Verasper Group
Genera: Two genera from the North-West
Pacific – Verasper and Clidoderma.
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the fish-
es of the Verasper Group are readily recognized
by their long and wide sulcus which reaches rel-
atively close to the posterior rim of the otolith
and anteriorly shows almost no reduction of the
ostial opening. Also the cauda is comparatively
long as compared to the pleuronectid groups
described before. All these characters are distinctly
plesiomorphic for pleuronectidae and the char-
acter status thus is only comparable to that found
in the Hippoglossus Group (see respective entry).
Presumably the Verasper Group represents a very
early split-off from the main pleuronectid stem
and in turn possibly gave rise to the Microstomus-
Pleuronichthys and may be even the Samaris
Groups. In both these groups the sulcus clearly
opens anteriorly, often with a distinct excisura
and is considerably deepened.
NORMAN (1934) also did not feel too certain
about the outside relationship of these two close-
ly related genera. To Clidoderma he noted that this
aberrant genus in some respects forms a connect-
ing link between the large and symmetrical-
mouthed genera and those in which the jaws and
dentition are markedly asymmetrical. As this
concept of subdividing the Pleuronectinae may
now need to be abandoned (see general entries to
Pleuronectidae and group definitions) the gen-
era of the Verasper Group probably occupy a more
primitive position within the Pleuronectidae,
closer to the basal branching in this family.
Verasper JORDAN & EVERMANN 1898
Type-species: Verasper moseri JORDAN & EVER-
MANN 1898
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, not very elongate
otoliths; ventral rim very shallow, smooth, gen-
tly curving, deepest at about the middle, dorsal
rim with strong postdorsal and less well devel-
oped predorsal angles, rather smooth, posterior
Figs. 592-593: Isopsetta isolepis (LOCKINGTON 1881) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
tip blunt, with small notch at about the level of
the cauda, ventrally projecting strongest, anteri-
or tip somewhat projecting like a rostrum, round-
ed. Index l:h 1.45 to 1.55. Otolith size at least 6 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and not
much longer at all. Index ol:cl 1.1 to 1.4. Ostium
nearly opening anteriorly, only very slightly re-
duced. Cauda tapering, terminating not far from
the posterior tip of the otolith. Sulcus somewhat
deepened. Colliculi poorly separated. Circumsul-
cal depression well developed, moderately wide,
slightly deepened.
Inner face rather flat and relatively smooth;
outer face slightly convex and smooth. Rims
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.o
variegatus 1.45-1.55 3.0 1.10-1.40 1.2-1.4 about 3
Side dimorphism: Otoliths of the eyed side are
more roundish in outline, particularly in respect
to the rostrum and the predorsal angle. At the
posterior tip of the otolith the postdorsal angle is
projecting further than the posterior-ventral por-
tion. The sulcus and in particular the ostium is
somewhat narrower.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Verasper very
closely resemble those of the related genus Clido-
derma, which is in full agreement with NOR-
MANs relating of the two genera. Otoliths of
Clidoderma are somewhat more elongate and show
a less deepened sulcus.
Species and distribution: Two species – V. moseri
and V. variegatus from Japan, the Kuril Islands
and China.
Verasper variegatus
Figs. 594-596
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths, 3 (2 left and
1 right) from Tsingtao, China, IRSNB (coll. Nolf)
and 1 (left side) from the Inland Sea of Japan,
BMNH 1905.6.6.230-1.
Distribution: Seas of southern Japan and north-
ern China.
Figs. 594-596: Verasper variegatus (TEMMINCK & SCHLEGEL 1846) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Clidoderma BLEEKER 1862
Type-species: Platessa asperrima TEMMINCK &
Diagnosis: Moderately thin and moderately
elongate otoliths; ventral rim very shallow,
smooth, gently curving, deepest at about the
middle, dorsal rim with moderate pre- and post-
dorsal angles, rather smooth, posterior tip blunt,
with small concavity at about the level of the
cauda, ventrally projecting strongest, anterior tip
somewhat projecting like a rostrum, rounded.
Index l:h 1.6. Otolith size at least 5 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and not
much longer at all. Index ol:cl 1.4. Ostium nearly
opening anteriorly, only very slightly reduced.
Cauda rounded, terminating not far from the
posterior tip of the otolith. Sulcus slightly deep-
ened. Colliculi poorly separated. Circumsulcal de-
pression well developed, not wide, slightly deep-
Inner face flat and relatively smooth; outer
face slightly convex and smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.o
asperrimum 1.60 3.2 1.40 1.05 about 3.5
Side dimorphism: No data.
Discussion: Very close to Verasper (see respec-
tive entry).
Species and distribution: Clidoderma is a mono-
specific genus with C. asperrimum from Japan.
Clidoderma asperrimum
Fig. 597
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
the Mutsu province, Japan, BMNH 1923.9.28.13.
Distribution: Coasts of Japan, chiefly northward;
fossil from the Upper Pliocene of Japan.
7.7.7 Microstomus-Pleuronichthys Group
Genera: Four genera from the northern Atlantic
and the northern Pacific – Microstomus, Embassich-
thys, Pleuronichthys and Hypsopsetta.
Definition and relationship: In this group I have
combined a number of genera with otoliths which
besides the Samaris Group stick out immediately
from the other Pleuronectidae. Its otoliths are
relatively small and readily recognized by the long
and deep sulcus which either reaches very close
to the anterior rim of the otoliths or even opens
to it (but different from the Samaris Group with-
out a clear excisura). Ostium and cauda are of
about equal length, although the ostium is usual-
ly slightly longer and wider. Margins and sepa-
ration of the colliculi are very feeble.
In many aspects these otoliths resemble more
certain Bothidae (like in the Bothus Group) than
Pleuronectidae. However, in this case it may not
represent a plesiomorphic character but a sec-
ondary development. I assume that this kind of
otolith morphology has developed from a char-
acter status as found in the Verasper Group, from
near which it may have originated as a special-
ized lineage. Again it documents, that NOR-
MANs pleuronectin grouping of genera with a
small and asymmetrical mouth is not natural (see
also general chapter to Pleuronectidae).
The four genera placed in this group could
also be seen as two sub-groups of two closely
related genera each. One of these subgroups com-
bines Pleuronichthys and Hypsopsetta, which NOR-
MAN (1934) also placed close to Verasper and
Clidoderma (see entry to Verasper Group). The oth-
er two genera – Microstomus and Embassichthys
he related to Pseudopleuronectes and related gen-
era, placed here in the Pleuronectes-Limanda Group.
This supposed relationship clearly is not support-
ed by otolith morphology. However, the degree
Fig. 597: Clidoderma asperrima (TEMMINCK &
SCHLEGEL 1846) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
of interrelationship of these two subgroups as
based on otoliths still remains somewhat ques-
tionable (hence the double name Microstomus-
Pleuronichthys Group).
Microstomus GOTTSCHE 1835
Type-species: Microstomus latidens GOTTSCHE
1835 (syn. M. kitt)
syn. Cynicoglossus BONAPARTE 1837 [1846]
(type-species: Pleuronectes microcephalus)
syn. Brachyprosopon BLEEKER 1862 (type-species:
Pleuronectes microcephalus)
syn. Veraequa JORDAN & STARKS 1904 (type-
species: V. achne)
Diagnosis: Small, compact, moderately thickset,
ovale otoliths; ventral rim very shallow, gently
curving, deepest at about the middle, dorsal rim
gently curving as well, posterior tip blunt or
rounded, anterior tip somewhat narrowing, with
very faint indication of a rostrum. All rims
smooth. Index l:h 1.40 to 1.45. Otolith size prob-
ably not exceeding 4 mm.
Ostium about as wide as cauda and not much
longer at all. Index ol:cl 1.2 to 1.4. Ostium open-
ing anteriorly or reaching very close to the anteri-
or rim of the otolith. Cauda terminating not far
from the posterior tip of the otolith. Sulcus con-
siderably deepened. Colliculi poorly defined and
separated. Circumsulcal depression faint, narrow.
Inner face rather flat and not smooth; outer
face slightly convex and smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
kitt 1.40-1.45 3.0-3.5 1.20-1.40 1.0-1.15 about 8
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism is feeble in
this genus and masked by the high degree of
variability. In otoliths of the eyed side the col-
liculi are less separated.
Variability: The variability in this genus appar-
ently is very high (refer also to figures by
CHAINE, 1936) and concerns mainly the outline
of the otoliths. Although I have investigated only
otoliths of one recent species (M. kitt) it seems
that the species will not be easily distinguished
by means of otoliths judging from the low level
of diagnostic features and the high level of vari-
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Microstomus
in many aspects resemble those of the genera
Pleuronichthys and Hypsopsetta, but are more com-
pressed and easily characterized by the anterior-
ly narrowing outline.
Species and distribution: Four species – M. kitt
from the North-East Atlantic and M. achne,
M. shuntovi and M. pacificus from the northern Pa-
cific (the latter also as fossil from the Pleistocene
of California).
Microstomus kitt (WALBAUM 1792)
Figs. 598-601
syn. Pleuronectes microcephalus DONOVAN 1803
syn. Pleuronectes laevis SHAW 1803
syn. Pleuronectes quenselii HOLLBERG 1821
syn. Pleuronectes quadridens FABRICIUS 1828
syn. Pleuronectes microstomus FABER 1828
syn. Platessa pola CUVIER 1829
syn. Microstomus groenlandicus REINHARDT
syn. Pleuronectes gilli STEINDACHNER 1868
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (2 left and 3 right)
from the North Sea, ZMH Ot. 29.1.1995.1-5 (coll.
Distribution: Coasts of north-western Europe,
from the White Sea to the Bay of Biscay and to
Embassichthys JORDAN & EVERMANN 1896
Type-species: Cynicoglossus bathybius GILBERT
Remarks: Embassichthys is a monospecific genus
with E. bathybius known from the deeper waters
off the Pacific coast of North America and Japan.
Otoliths have not been available for investiga-
tion. According to NORMAN (1934) Embassich-
thys is closely related to Microstomus.
Pleuronichthys GIRARD 1856
Type-species: Pleuronichthys coenosus GIRARD
syn. Heteroprosopon BLEEKER 1862 (type-species:
Platessa cornuta)
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, elongate otoliths;
ventral and dorsal rim very shallow, gently curv-
ing, deepest at about their respective middle,
dorsal rim with feeble postdorsal and broad pre-
dorsal angle, posterior tip blunt, usually ventral-
ly projecting, anterior tip somewhat projecting
like a rostrum, rounded or somewhat pointed.
Rims usually smooth. Index l:h 1.7 to 1.95. Oto-
lith size not exceeding 6 mm. Otoliths smaller than
3.5 to 4 mm probably not fully diagnostically
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and not
much longer. Index ol:cl variable, 1.2 to 2.0. Os-
tium nearly opening anteriorly, only very slight-
ly reduced. Cauda terminating not very far from
the posterior tip of the otolith. Sulcus markedly
deepened. Colliculi poorly defined and separat-
ed. Circumsulcal depression well developed,
narrow, slightly deepened.
Inner face rather flat, not smooth; outer face
slightly convex or flat and smooth. Rims moder-
ately sharp to sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
coenosus 1.75-1.95 2.5-3.3 1.5-2.0 1.0-1.1 5-6
decurrens 1.75-1.80 3.2 1.7-2.0 1.0-1.1 about 8
verticalis 1.70-1.95 3.0 1.5-2.0 1.0-1.1 about 6
ritteri 1.80-1.90 2.4-3.2 1.5-1.7 1.3-1.5 7-8
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism in the oto-
liths of this genus is very inconspicuous or else
masked by the high degree of variability. In some
species otoliths of the eyed side show a less pro-
nounced posterior-ventral projection.
Ontogeny and variability: Otoliths smaller than
3.5 to 4 mm are usually thinner than the larger
ones and less ornamented.
Variability of the otoliths of Pleuronichthys is
considerable and affects outline as well as pro-
portions of sulcus and otolith. In fact, differenti-
ation of the various species by means of otoliths
alone may not always be possible due to overlap
in characteristics caused by this high degree of
intraspecific variations.
Discussion: Pleuronichthys apparently is closely
related to Hypsopsetta. Micromesistius is also sim-
ilar but its otoliths are more compressed. All three
genera share the long and deep sulcus, opening
(or nearly opening) to the anterior rim.
Species and distribution: Seven species – P. cor-
nutus from the North-West Pacific (also as fossil
from the Pliocene of Japan) and P. coenosus, P. de-
currens, P. nephelus, P. ocellatus, P. ritteri and P. ver-
ticalis from the Pacific coast of North America.
Pleuronichthys coenosus GIRARD 1856
Figs. 602-605
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (left and right)
from California, ZMH Ot. 29.1.1995.6-9 (leg.
Discussion: P. coenosus is hardly distinguishable
from P. decurrens and P. verticalis. Its otoliths are
usually somewhat more elongate than those of
P. decurrens and, at least in large specimens, more
thickset than those of P. verticalis.
Distribution: Coast of California.
Figs. 598-601: Microstomus kitt (WALBAUM 1792) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Pleuronichthys decurrens
Figs. 606-609
syn. Pleuronichthys quadrituberculatus JORDAN &
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (left and right)
from California, ZMH Ot. 29.1.1995.10-13 (leg.
Discussion: Very similar to P. coenosus and
P. verticalis but usually somewhat more com-
pressed and with a less pronounced postdorsal
projection. Rostrum very short.
Distribution: Pacific coast of North America,
from Alaska to California.
Figs. 602-605: Pleuronichthys coenosus GIRARD 1856 – 10 ×
Figs. 606-609: Pleuronichthys decurrens JORDAN & GILBERT 1881 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Pleuronichthys verticalis
Figs. 610-617
Investigated otoliths: 8 otoliths (left and right)
from California, ZMH Ot. 29.1.1995.14-21 (leg.
Discussion: Very similar to P. coenosus but usu-
ally with a more pronounced postdorsal projec-
tion and also somewhat thinner.
Distribution: California and Gulf of California.
Pleuronichthys ritteri
Figs. 618-621
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (left and right)
from California, ZMH Ot. 29.1.1995.22-25 (leg.
Discussion: Otoliths of P. ritteri may be recog-
nized by their widened ostium (see index oh:ch)
distinguishing it from the other three species in-
Distribution: California, also fossil from the
Hypsopsetta GILL 1863
Type-species: Pleuronichthys guttulatus GIRARD
Diagnosis: Rather thickset, Moderately elongate
otoliths; ventral rim gently curving, deepest
slightly anterior of the middle, dorsal rim with
pronounced postdorsal and less pronounced pre-
dorsal angle, otherwise straight, posterior tip
blunt, nearly vertically cut, anterior tip somewhat
projecting like a rostrum, broadly rounded. Rims
smooth or irregularly undulating. Index l:h 1.5 to
1.75. Otolith size not exceeding 5 to 6 mm.
Ostium markedly wider than cauda and long-
er. Index ol:cl 1.6 to 2.0. Ostium nearly opening
Figs. 610-617: Pleuronichthys verticalis JORDAN & GILBERT 1881 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
anteriorly, only very slightly reduced. Cauda ter-
minating not very far from the posterior tip of
the otolith. Sulcus markedly deepened. Colliculi
poorly defined and separated. Circumsulcal de-
pression well developed, narrow, slightly deep-
Inner face rather flat, not smooth; outer face
flat and rather smooth. Rims not very sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
guttulatus (left) 1.70-1.75 2.6 1.60-1.75 1.2-1.4 3.5
guttulatus (right) 1.50-1.55 2.6 1.85-2.00 1.3 3.5
Side dimorphism: Quite markedly. Otoliths of
the eyed side are more compressed due to a more
deeply curving ventral rim. Also the postdorsal
angle is somewhat projecting and the index ol:cl
is somewhat higher.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Hypsopsetta are
very similar to those of Pleuronichthys but some-
what more compressed and with a different de-
velopment of the posterior rim.
Species and distribution: Two species from the
Pacific coast of North America – H. guttulata and
H. macrocephala.
Hypsopsetta guttulata (GIRARD 1857)
Figs. 622-625
syn. Parophrys ayresii GÜNTHER 1862
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (left and right)
from California, ZMH Ot. 29.1.1995.26-29 (leg.
Distribution: California.
7.7.8 Pelotretis Group
Genera: A single monospecific genus – Pelotretis
endemic to New Zealand.
Definition and relationship: The elongate and
thin otoliths of the genus Pelotretis could go as a
Bothidae as well as a Pleuronectidae. The long
and distinctly inframedian rostrum, the only very
slightly reduced ostial opening and the long sul-
cus reaching relatively close to the posterior tip
of the otolith all resemble otoliths of certain both-
id genera (Paralichthys Group) and even Lepi-
dorhombus of the Scophthalmidae.
The genus Pelotretis is one of those enigmatic
right eyed flatfishes of the southern Australian
and New Zealandian region that NORMAN
(1934) had combined in the subfamily Rhombos-
oleinae. The Rhombosoleinae are here regarded
Figs. 618-621: Pleuronichthys ritteri STARKS & MORRIS 1907 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
as a polyphyletic group and its members have
been re-arranged in groups partly outside the
Pleuronectidae (see chapter 5.3.2. and introduc-
tion to Pleuronectidae). Pelotretis tentatively is left
with the Pleuronectidae, but its relationship re-
mains unclear as from otolith morphology. How-
ever, it may possibly be related to the genus Rhom-
bosolea (Rhombosolea Group), and together with it
is tentatively left in the much reduced subfamily
Pelotretis WAITE 1911
Type-species: Pelotretis flavilatus WAITE 1911
Diagnosis: Thin, elongate otoliths; ventral rim
very shallow, dorsal likewise shallow, shorter,
without prominent angles, posterior tip irregu-
larly rounded or inframedianly pointed, anteri-
orly a long and inframedian, thereby massive and
often pointed rostrum. Index l:h 1.7 to 1.85. Oto-
lith size up to about 6 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and much
longer. Index ol:cl 2.0 to 2.6. Ostium anteriorly
open, just very slightly reduced. Cauda short,
terminating not far from the posterior tip of the
otolith. Sulcus rather shallow. Colliculi separat-
ed. Circumsulcal depression well developed,
moderately wide, slightly deepened.
Inner face rather flat and smooth; outer face
also flat and smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
flavilatus 1.70-1.85 3.2-3.8 2.00-2.60 1.1-1.2 about 8
Side dimorphism: Affecting many characters,
but in total rather moderate. Otoliths of the eyed
side show less well separated colliculi, a more
rounded posterior-dorsal portion of the rim and
sometimes a faint excisura. Also the circumsulcal
depression is better developed around the poste-
rior tip of the cauda and often ornamented with
delicate radial furrows. Finally, the inner face of
right (eyed) side otoliths is just slightly more
Variability: Moderate, restricted to few details
of the outline and the sulcus proportions.
Discussion: See entry to group.
Species and distribution: Pelotretis is a mono-
specific genus with P. flavilatus endemic to New
Figs. 622-625: Hypsopsetta guttulata (GIRARD 1857) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Pelotretis flavilatus WAITE 1911
Figs. 626-630
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths, 4 (left and right,
figs.) from New Zealand, AIM 2759 (coll. Gren-
fell), 2 (left and right) from off Wellington, New
Zealand, BMNH 1935.3.14.216.
Distribution: Shores of New Zealand and Chat-
ham Islands.
Remarks: A potential fossil representative of Pelo-
tretis is figured for further comparison (fig. 631;
Pelotretis sp. from the Lower Pliocene, Wanganu-
ian, of Martinborough, New Zealand, coll. Pfeil,
BSP). This otolith probably represents a subadult
with a not fully mature morphology.
7.7.9 Rhombosolea Group
Genera: A single genus – Rhombosolea – from the
coasts of southern Australia and New Zealand.
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of Rhom-
bosolea again are rather typical pleuronectids, not
much unlike those found in the Pleuronectes-
Limanda Group. Characteristic is the not much
reduced ostial opening and the ventral and dor-
sal portions of the inner face, which are strongly
bent outward.
Rhombosolea is the one genus of NORMANs
Rhombosoleinae which remains at its position
relative to the Pleuronectidae (see also chapter
5.2.3 and introduction to Pleuronectidae). Of the
other former Rhombosoleinae only the genus
Pelotretis (Pelotretis Group) may possibly be relat-
ed and is kept in that subfamily.
Rhombosolea GÜNTHER 1862
Type-species: Rhombosolea monopus GÜNTHER
1862 (syn. R. plebeia)
syn. Bowenia HAAST 1873 (type-species:
B. novaezeelandiae, syn. R. plebeia)
syn. Apsetta KYLE 1900 (type-species: A. thomp-
soni, syn. R. plebeia)
syn. Adamasoma WHITLEY & PHILLIPS 1939
(type-species: Rhombosolea retiaria)
Diagnosis: Rather thin, moderately elongate oto-
liths; ventral and dorsal rims gently and regular-
ly curving, but often intensely ornamented, some-
times with tendency to fenestrate development,
posterior tip usually rounded, anterior tip blunt
or with somewhat projecting rostrum. Index l:h
1.35 to 1.60. Otolith size up to 8 mm. Otoliths
below 4 to 4.5 mm representing a quite distinct
ontogenetic stage (see below).
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and longer.
Index ol:cl 1.45 to 2.25. Ostial opening only slightly
reduced. Cauda moderately short, terminating
not very far from the posterior tip of the otolith.
Sulcus slightly deepened. Colliculi not very well
separated. Circumsulcal depression well devel-
oped, wide, moderately deepened.
Inner face almost flat in the horizontal direc-
tion, but rather strongly convex in the vertical
direction due to the marginal portions of the
ventral and sometimes also dorsal field being
bend outward; outer face concave, rarely flat,
usually intensely ornamented. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
plebeia (adult) 1.45-1.50 3.0 1.60-1.70 1.2-1.3 about 6
plebeia (juv., left) 1.35 4.0 1.90 1.25 nm
plebeia (juv., right) 1.40 4.0 1.70 1.05 nm
leporina (ad.,left) 1.45-1.55 3.5 1.8-1.9 1.2-1.3 about 5
leporina (ad., right) 1.65 4.0 1.60 1.5 about 6
tapirina (ad., left) 1.45-1.50 4.0 2.20-2.25 1.4-1.5 about 5
tapirina (ad., right) 1.60-1.65 4.0 1.60 1.2-1.3 about 5
tapirina (juv., left) 1.45 3.0 (3.3) 1.1 about 7
tapirina (juv., right) 1.40 3.0 1.60 1.3 about 10
retiaria 1.50 3.5 1.80 1.15 about 4
Side dimorphism: Rhombosolea no doubt is one
of the genera with more remarkable side dimor-
phism in otoliths. Furthermore, side dimorphism
in Rhombosolea is special in two aspects – first,
unlike in most flatfishes it is the otolith of the
blind side which departs from the normal
morphology in most aspects, and secondly side
dimorphism of subadults is distinctively differ-
ent from that of adults (see also chapters 6.3 and
6.5; figs. 632-635, 638-643). This has best been
studied with otoliths of the species R. tapirina.
In adults otoliths of the blind (left) side (larg-
er than 4 to 4.5 mm) are more compressed, show
a tendency to develop a thin, deep excisura, show
less well separated colliculi, a higher index ol:cl,
and sometimes a lesser index oh:ch.
In smaller otoliths (less than 4 to 4.5 mm) those
of the blind (left) side may show a rostrum and
a clear ostial opening, which those of the right
side may not show. The index ol:cl is higher and
the index oh:ch lesser in otoliths of the blind side.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Otoliths of the eyed side show a more flat inner
Ontogeny and variability: Apart from the
change in quality of the side dimorphism there
are some other prominent ontogenetic changes
in otolith morphology as well. Smaller otoliths
(less than 4 to 4.5 mm) have less ornamented
margins, sometimes a well developed postdorsal
angle and the inner face is much less convex in
the vertical direction (i.e. the dorsal and ventral
fields are not as yet bend outward). Also, these
otoliths often show a clear rostrum (at least those
of the left, blind side), which is unknown from
adults (except for the species R. retiaria). (See also
chapter 6.3)
In the light of all these morphological chang-
es it comes as a relief that at least the variability
is not extraordinary. Variations are mainly restrict-
ed to the irregularly ornamented outline of the
Discussion: See entry to group.
Species and distribution: Four species from the
temperate seas of Australia and New Zealand –
R. plebeia, R. leporina, R. tapirina and R. retiaria.
Figs. 626-630: Pelotretis flavilatus WAITE 1911 – 10 ×
Fig. 631: Pelotretis sp. – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Rhombosolea plebeia (RICHARDSON 1843)
Figs. 632-635
syn. Rhombosolea monopus GÜNTHER 1862
syn. Bowenia novaezeelandiae HAAST 1873
syn. Apsetta thompsoni KYLE 1900
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths from New Zea-
land, 1 (adult right, fig. 632) ZMH Ot. 31.1.1995.1
(leg. ZMH 20106), 1 (adult right, fig. 633) AUG-V
289 (coll. Grenfell), 2 (subadult left and right, figs.
634-635) AIM 2761 (coll. Grenfell).
Discussion: Otoliths of the three species R. ple-
beia, R. leporina and R. tapirina are all very similar
to each other. May be those of R. plebeia are the
most compressed of these.
Distribution: New Zealand and Auckland Is-
lands, records from Australia doubtful as to
NORMAN (1934).
Rhombosolea leporina GÜNTHER 1862
Figs. 636-637
syn. Rhombosolea millari WAITE 1911
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths from New Zea-
land, 2 (left) AUG-V 289 (coll. Grenfell), 1 (right)
Discussion: Very similar to R. tapirina. If there is
any discernable difference between the otoliths
of the two species it is that those of R. leporina
show a more regular outline with a much smooth-
er dorsal rim. In left hand otoliths the ostium is
rather narrow as compared to R. tapirina.
Distribution: Australia and New Zealand.
Rhombosolea tapirina GÜNTHER 1862
Figs. 638-643, 21, 26
syn. Rhombosolea flesoides GÜNTHER 1863
syn. Pleuronectes victoriae CASTELNAU 1872
Investigated otoliths: 8 otoliths, 4 (adult left and
right, figs. 638-641) from New Zealand, AIM 2762
(coll. Grenfell), 2 (subadult left and right, figs.
642-643) from Port Philipp, Australia, ZMH Ot.
31.1.1995.2-3 (leg. ZMH 20107), and 2 (adult re-
versed left and right, figs. 26) from Dunedin, New
Zealand, BMNH
Discussion: Very similar to R. leporina (see re-
spective entry).
Otoliths of this species have been used to
analyze side dimorphism occurring in this genus
as well as ontogenetic changes and the combined
effects of the two (see entry to genus).
Finally, a representative of this species was
selected to analyze effects of reversal on otolith
morphology. The otoliths of the reversed speci-
men were found to be completely out of bounds,
showing very little resemblance to otoliths of
normal non-reversed specimens (see chapter
6.4 for detailed discussion).
Distribution: Southern temperate Australia,
New Zealand, Auckland and Campbell Islands.
Rhombosolea retiaria HUTTON 1873
Fig. 644
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left) from New
Zealand, BMNH 1935.3.14.227.
Discussion: Easily recognized by its smooth and
gently curving dorsal rim and the rather massive
and long rostrum. This the only species of Rhom-
bosolea in which otoliths from adults show a dis-
tinct rostrum.
New Zealand, entering fresh water.
7.7.10 Samaris Group
Genera: This group combines three genera of
NORMANs Samarinae – Samaris, Samariscus and
Plagiopsetta – plus a fourth genus from his Rhom-
bosoleinae – Azygopus. Geographical distribution
is chiefly the tropical and subtropical Indo-Pacif-
ic, with the exception of Azygopus which is re-
stricted to temperate Australia and New Zealand.
Definition and relationship: The fishes of the
genera placed in the Samaris Group show a
number of unique specializations (except for
Azygopus, which is placed here mainly because of
similarity in otolith morphology). According to
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
NORMAN (1934) these are the expanded hypoc-
oracoids, the loss of the pectoral fins on the blind
side and the reduced number of 4 rays of the
pectoral fin on the eyed side (except for Plagio-
psetta). Several species are specially adapted to
living in a reefoidal environment. In recent liter-
ature the fishes of this group are placed in a fam-
ily of its own – Samaridae (CHAPLEAU 1993 and
NELSON 1994) – but are kept here in subfamily
ranking provisionally until the interrelationship
Figs. 632-635: Rhombosolea plebeia (RICHARDSON 1843) – 10 ×
Figs. 636-637: Rhombosolea leparina GÜNTHER 1862 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Figs. 638-643: Rhombosolea tapirina GÜNTHER 1862 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
of the Pleuronectidae s.l. becomes further re-
The otoliths of this group likewise are quite
specialized. They are relatively small and thick-
set and show an extremely deepened sulcus with
a clear ostial opening often associated with an
excisura. Amongst Pleuronectiformes these are
the otoliths with the deepest, v-shaped sulcus.
Outline and separation of colliculi often is barely
visible. They are still recognizable as pleuronec-
tiform otoliths by the well developed and often
very deep circumsulcal depression. This charac-
ter also holds against them representing a plesi-
omorphic otolith morphology which might be
suggested by the other features. In fact, the deep
sulcus and the clear ostial opening may very well
be a secondary specialized development which
could have evolved from similar morphologies
as found in the Verasper and the Microstomus-Pleu-
ronichthys Groups.
It must be noted that at least the species of the
genera Plagiopsetta and Samaris contain two dis-
tinct morphologies which in the following text
will be termed morphology A and B. Whether
Samariscus and Azygopus show a similar phenom-
enon is not as yet known. Also it is not yet known
what may be the cause for the presence of these
two distinct morphologies. Recently, a similar
phenomenon has been reported from certain ophi-
diiform genera, where it correlates with sexual
dimorphism (SCHWARZHANS, 1994). So far, sex-
ual dimorphism in otoliths is extremely rare. Al-
though fishes of the order Pleuronectiformes ex-
hibit a wide spectrum of sexual dimorphism both
in character an intensity, there is no proof so far
that this finds its reflection in otolith morpholo-
gy as well (for further discussion see also chap-
ter 6.5).
Plagiopsetta FRANZ 1910
Type-species: Plagiopsetta glossa FRANZ 1910
Diagnosis: Small, thickset, elongate otoliths;
ventral and dorsal rim very shallow, gently curv-
ing, dorsal rim without conspicuous angles, pos-
terior tip pointed, usually ventrally projecting,
anterior tip rather blunt, with a short, massive
rostrum and a distinct excisura. Index l:h 1.45 to
2.00. Otolith size not exceeding 3 mm at most.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and not
much longer. Differentiation of ostium and cau-
da very feeble due to poor definition of outline of
colliculi. Sulcus very deep, v-shaped. Ostium
clearly opening anteriorly; excisura present. Cau-
da terminating at moderate distance from the
posterior tip of the otolith. Circumsulcal depres-
sion well developed, narrow, rather deep.
Inner face rather flat to slightly convex, not
smooth; outer face slightly convex or flat and
smooth. Rims smooth and thickset.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
glossa (A, left) 1.50 1.8 about 1.7 1.2 about 3
glossa (A, right) 1.45 2.8 about 2.0 1.1 about 3
glossa (B, left) 1.70 1.9 about 1.4 1.0 about 5
glossa (B, right) 2.00 2.8 about 1.8 1.3 about 5
Side dimorphism: Otoliths of the eyed side are
consistently much more thin than those of the
blind side. Minor differences may also exist in
other otolith and sulcus proportions.
Morphology types: The two morphology types
found in Plagiopsetta certainly would have been
attributed to separate species when studied with
isolated otoliths alone.
Fig. 644: Rhombosolea retiaria HUTTON 1873 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Morphology A (figs. 645-646) shows rather
compressed otoliths with a comparatively short
sulcus and a more strongly convex inner face.
Morphology B (figs. 647-648) contains much
more elongate otoliths with perfectly smooth rims
and a more flat inner face.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Plagiopsetta
closely resemble those of the related genera Sa-
maris and Samariscus.
Species and distribution: Plagiopsetta glossa is a
monospecific genus with P. glossa restricted to the
waters around Japan.
Plagiopsetta glossa FRANZ 1910
Figs. 645-648
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (left and right)
from off Kochi, Japan, ZMH Ot. 29.1.1995.30-33
(leg. Sasaki; fishes now in BMNH coll.).
Distribution: Japan.
Samaris GRAY 1831
Type-species: Samaris cristatus GRAY 1831
Diagnosis: Small, thickset, elongate otoliths;
ventral and dorsal rim very shallow, gently curv-
ing, dorsal rim sometimes with postdorsal angle
and predorsal projection, posterior tip rounded
Figs. 645-648: Plagiopsetta glossa FRANZ 1910; figs. 645-646 morphotype A, figs. 647-648 morphotype B – 25 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
or blunt, anterior tip rather blunt, with a short,
massive, sometimes pointed rostrum and usual-
ly distinct excisura. Index l:h 1.55 to 1.65. Otolith
size not exceeding 3 mm at most.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and not
much longer. Differentiation of ostium and cau-
da very feeble due to poor definition of outline of
colliculi. Sulcus very deep, v-shaped. Ostium
clearly opening anteriorly; excisura present. Cau-
da terminating at moderate distance from the
posterior tip of the otolith. Circumsulcal depres-
sion well developed, narrow, very deep.
Inner face slightly convex, not smooth; outer
face slightly convex or flat and rather smooth.
Rims smooth or slightly undulating, thickset.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
cristatus (A, left) 1.55 2.1 about 1.4 1.0 2.5
cristatus (A, right) 1.65 2.4 about 1.6 1.0 3.0
cristatus (B, left) 1.60 1.8 about 1.5 1.1 2.8
cristatus (B, right) 1.60 2.2 about 1.5 1.1 3.0
validus 1.70 2.0 about 1.8 1.1 2.5
Side dimorphism: Less well developed than in
the genus Plagiopsetta. Still otoliths from the eyed
side are slightly thinner and their inner face slight-
ly more convex than those of the blind side.
Morphology types: The two morphology types
found in Samaris certainly would have been at-
tributed to separate species when studied with
isolated otoliths alone.
Morphology A (figs. 649-650) shows otoliths
with a flat, horizontal dorsal rim, a pronounced
postdorsal angle, a blunt posterior tip and a rath-
er distinct and pointed rostrum.
Morphology B (figs. 651-652) is characterized
by more ovally shaped otoliths with a gently
curving dorsal rim including a broad predorsal
projection and a rounded posterior tip. Also the
rostrum is shorter and blunt or rounded.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Samaris close-
ly resemble those of the related genera Plagiopset-
ta and Samariscus. Those of Samaris are the largest
in size and with a rather characteristic outline in
morpho-type A.
Species and distribution: According to HEEM-
STRA ( 1986) probably a monospecific genus (also
indicated by NORMAN, 1934, who noted 5 nom-
inal species) with S. cristatus widely distributed
in the Indo-Pacific. In a recent publication by
QUERO, HENSLEY & MAUGE (1989), however,
two additional species are listed – S. macrolepis
and S. costae. In addition the fossil species
S. validus is here described from the Lower
Pliocene of New Zealand.
Samaris cristatus GRAY 1831
Figs. 649-652
?syn. Arnoglossus cacatuae OGILBY 1910
syn. Samaris ornatus VON BONDE 1922
syn. Samaris delagoensis VON BONDE 1925
?syn. Samaris macrolepis NORMAN 1927
Investigated otoliths: 8 otoliths, 6 (left and right)
from Hongkong, IRSNB (coll. Nolf, leg. Stinton),
1 (right side) from the Java Sea, BMNH
1931.4.23.28, 1 (left side) from Hinan, China, SMF.
Distribution: From South Africa throughout the
Indian Ocean, to the Chinese seas, Japan, Indo-
nesia and Queensland.
Samaris validus n.sp.
Fig. 653
Name: validus (lat.) = valid, referring to first fossil
record of this group.
Holotype (and unique specimen): Fig. 653, BSP
1984 X 116.
Type locality: Martinborough, New Zealand
northern Island.
Age: Wanganuian, Lower Pliocene.
Diagnosis: Moderately elongate, thickset otoliths
with flat dorsal and ventral rims and prominent
rostrum. Sulcus deep, anteriorly opening, with
distinct excisura. Circumsulcal depression well
developed, rather wide and deep.
Description: Outline: Otolith about 3.5 mm long,
almost rectangular in outline except for the strong-
ly protruding rostrum. Ventral and dorsal rims
flat, practically horizontal and parallel, posterior
rim vertically cut. Excisura broad and deep, anti-
rostrum small. Index l:h 1.7.
Inner face: Moderately convex, not smooth.
Sulcus long, deep, moderately wide, anteriorly
open. Colliculi indistinct, ostium somewhat long-
er than cauda. Circumsulcal depression well de-
veloped, wide and rather deep.
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Other views: Otolith compact and thickset,
with smooth and not very sharp rims. Outer face
rather flat and smooth.
Discussion: This otolith is slightly larger than
those of the recent S. cristatus, possibly indicat-
ing that the fossil species was growing to larger
sizes than the recent one. Although in general
very similar to S. cristatus, S. validus differs in the
nearly straight ventral rim and the long and
massive rostrum. It probably represents morpho-
type A. The unique holotype is very well pre-
served and represents the first record of the ge-
nus from New Zealand.
Figs. 649-652: Samaris cristatus GRAY 1831; figs. 649-650 morphotype A, figs. 651-652 morphotype B – 15 ×
Fig. 653: Samaris verus n.sp. – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Samariscus GILBERT 1905
Type-species: Samariscus corallinus GILBERT 1905
Diagnosis: Small, thickset, moderately elongate
otoliths; ventral and dorsal rims gently curving,
smooth or undulating, posterior tip pointed or
rounded, anterior tip rather blunt, with a short,
massive rostrum and a more or less distinct ex-
cisura. Index l:h 1.25 to 1.75. Otolith size not ex-
ceeding 2.5 mm at most. Otoliths smaller than 1
to 1.5 mm probably not diagnostically mature.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and not
much longer. Differentiation of ostium and cau-
da very feeble due to poor definition of outline of
colliculi. Sulcus very deep, v-shaped. Ostium
clearly opening anteriorly; excisura present. Cau-
da terminating at moderate distance from the
posterior tip of the otolith. Circumsulcal depres-
sion well developed, narrow, rather deep to very
Inner face flat to slightly convex, not smooth;
outer face slightly to strongly convex and smooth.
Rims thickset.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
japonicus 1.30-1.50 2.5-3.0 1.5-2.0 1.0-1.2 about 4
sunieri 1.40 2.5 1.6 1.2 about 4
huysmani 1.75 1.5 about 1.5 nm about 4
triocellatus 1.25-1.30 2.2 about 2.0 1.0 about 5
Side dimorphism: Judging from the otoliths of
S. japonicus the degree of side dimorphism is
moderate. Otoliths of the eyed side are more reg-
ularly rounded in outline, slightly more thin with
a slightly more convex inner face, and also the
excisura is usually deeper.
Ontogeny and variability: The otoliths of S. trio-
cellatus are less than 1 mm long and were obtained
from a very small fish. They are probably sub-
adult and in many ways are quite generalized in
appearance. Sulcus and circumsulcal area are not
very deep as yet. Its low index l:h may also reflect
an early ontogenetic stage. Otherwise the otolith
is relatively thickset.
A series of otoliths obtained from S. japonicus
exhibit a moderate degree of variability, mainly
restricted to details of the outline, particularly
concerning the expression of the dorsal rim and
the rostrum.
Morphology types: The only species of which a
larger series of otoliths is available is S. japonicus.
There, no distinction in two otolith morpho-types
can be observed as this is the case in Samaris and
Plagiopsetta. However, this could still be purely
Discussion: Closely related to Samaris and Pla-
giopsetta (see respective entries).
Species and distribution: About 17 species (ac-
cording to QUERO; HENSLEY & MAUGE, 1989)
from the tropical and subtropical waters of the
Indo-West-Pacific – S. asanoi, S. corallinus, S. de-
soutterae, S. fasciatus, S. filipectoralis, S. huysmani,
S. inornatus, S. japonicus, S. latus, S. longimanus,
S. luzonensis, S. macrognathus, S. maculatus,
S. nielseni, S. sunieri, S. triocellatus and S. xeni-
cus. Habitat of these fishes is often associated with
reefs or near reef environments, which is rather
untypical for Pleuronectiform fishes.
Samariscus japonicus KAMOHARA 1936
Figs. 654-659
Investigated otoliths: 8 otoliths (left and right)
from off Kochi, Japan, ZMH Ot. 29.1.1995.34-41
(leg. Sasaki).
Discussion: Similar to S. sunieri, but otoliths of
that species have a shallower dorsal rim and a
deeper ventral rim (although resulting index l:h
is the same).
Distribution: Chiefly off Japan.
Samariscus sunieri
Fig. 660
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
St. Nikolaas Bay, Bali, BMNH 1933.2.18.17 (para-
Discussion: Similar to S. japonicus (see respec-
tive entry).
Distribution: Chiefly around Bali, Indonesia.
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Samariscus huysmani WEBER 1913
Fig. 661
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
Indonesia, 08°50S/114°14E, BMNH 1984.1.1.108.
Discussion: This otolith is readily recognized by
its smooth and gently and regularly curving dor-
sal and ventral rims, the symmetrically pointed
posterior and anterior (rostrum) tips, and the very
thickset appearance. If Samariscus species also
include two morphotypes as observed in Samaris
and Plagiopsetta this otolith would become the
only candidate for a morpho-type B of all the
Samariscus otoliths investigated.
Distribution: Gulf of Martaban and Java Sea.
Samariscus triocellatus WOODS 1984
Figs. 662-663
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from the Eniwetok atoll, Marshall Islands, SMF
Discussion: These otoliths are very small (about
0.6 mm long) and originate from a small and
possibly subadult fish. They are certainly not
diagnostically mature. Larger specimens have
been recently figured by SMALE et al. (1995). They
are also compressed, resembling in proportions
those of S. japonicus but show a rather narrow
sulcus and a very sharpely pointed rostrum.
Distribution: Marshall Islands, Micronesia.
Figs. 654-659: Samariscus japonicus KAMOHARA 1936 – 25 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Azygopus NORMAN 1926
Type-species: Azygopus pinnifasciatus NORMAN
Diagnosis: Small, thickset, rather compressed
otoliths; ventral rim shallow, gently curving,
dorsal rim with prominent mediodorsal angles,
posterior tip pointed, ventrally projecting, ante-
rior tip with a short, massive, but pointed ros-
trum, situated inframedianly, a distinct excisura,
and a rather sharp and long antirostrum. Index
l:h 1.3. Otolith size not exceeding 3 mm at most.
Ostium about as wide as cauda and not much
longer. Differentiation of ostium and cauda very
feeble due to poor definition of outline of col-
liculi. Sulcus very deep, v-shaped. Ostium clear-
ly opening anteriorly. Cauda terminating at mod-
erate distance from the posterior tip of the oto-
lith. Circumsulcal depression well developed,
narrow, rather deep.
Inner face rather flat, not smooth; outer face
convex and smooth. Rims smooth and moderate-
ly thickset.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.o
pinnifasciatus 1.30 2.2-2.5 1.3-1.4 1.0 2.5-3.0
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Azygopus re-
semble those of the other three genera in the Sa-
maris Group in all principal aspects, such as ha-
bitus and sulcus morphology. This is also the
reason why I have placed Azygopus in this group.
The fish itself, however, does not show all the
specialized characters observed in the three oth-
er genera. But in Plagiopsetta for instance the
number of rays in the pelvic fins also is not re-
duced. Possibly Plagiopsetta and also Azygopus
represent more plesiomorphic genera in this
Species and distribution: Azygopus is a mono-
specific genus with A. pinnifasciatus restricted to
the temperate waters of southern Australia and
New Zealand.
Fig. 660: Samariscus suineri WEBER & BEAUFORT 1929 – 25 ×
Fig. 661: Samariscus huysmani WEBER 1913 – 25 ×
Figs. 662-663: Samariscus triocellatus WOODS 1984 – 25 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Azygopus pinnifasciatus NORMAN 1926
Figs. 664-665
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from New Zealand, AUG-V 291 (coll. Grenfell).
Distribution: Southern Australia and New Zea-
7.7.11 Marleyella Group
Genera: A single genus – Marleyella – from the
Indian Ocean.
Definition and relationship: The otoliths of the
genus Marleyella exhibit a rather plesiomorphic
character status, somewhat resembling Cithari-
dae otoliths. This is expressed by the pentagonal
outline of the otolith, the anterior opening of the
sulcus and the low index ol:cl. On the other hand,
and different from Citharidae, the circumsulcal
depression is already complete and well devel-
It is assumed that the Marleyella Group repre-
sents an early phylogenetical spin-off from the
main Pleuronectid stem or even a pre-pleuronec-
tid stage and has given raise to the Poecilopsetta
Group (see respective entry). NORMAN (1934),
NELSON (1994) and others related Marleyella
closely to Poecilopsetta and had the two groups as
defined here by otoliths in a separate subfamily
Poecilopsettinae. CHAPLEAU (1993) even sug-
gested family ranking.
Marleyella FOWLER 1925
Type-species: Poecilopsetta bicolorata VON
BONDE 1922
Diagnosis: Thin, moderately elongate otoliths;
ventral rim with distinct medioventral angle,
dorsal rim rounded with postdorsal angle and
pronounced mediodorsal projection, anterior and
posterior tips pointed inframedianly. Index l:h
1.5 to 1.6. Otolith size not much exceeding 3.5 mm.
Ostium slightly wider than cauda and not
much longer. Index ol:cl 1.4 to 1.5. Ostium ante-
riorly opened, only very slightly reduced. Cauda
terminating at moderate distance from the poste-
rior tip of the otolith. Sulcus slightly deepened.
Colliculi well separated. Circumsulcal depression
posteriorly well developed, moderately wide and
Inner face slightly convex and rather smooth;
outer face flat and smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
bicolorata 1.50-1.60 3.4 1.40-1.50 1.35-1.65 about 5
Side dimorphism: No data.
Discussion: See entry to group.
Species and distribution: Two species – M. bico-
lorata and M. maldivensis – from the Indian Ocean.
Marleyella bicolorata (VON BONDE 1922)
Figs. 666-667
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left side) from
off Natal, South Africa, ZMH Ot. 29.1.1995.42 (leg.
BMNH 1922.3.27.5-6) and BMNH 1922.3.27.5-6
Figs. 664-665: Azygopus pinnifasciatus NORMAN 1926 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Distribution: Indian Ocean, chiefly South and
East Africa.
7.7.12 Poecilopsetta Group
Genera: Two genera – Poecilopsetta and Nema-
tops – in relatively deep water in tropical and sub-
tropical seas.
Definition and relationship: The two genera of
the Poecilopsetta Group no doubt are closely relat-
ed to Marleyella and probably have derived from
it. Together they form the subfamily Poecilopset-
tinae (see also respective entry).
Their otoliths are easily recognized by their
almost circular outline (except for the short and
massive rostrum) and the clear cut sulcus with
its rather high index ol:cl and the ostial opening.
In habitus they can be confused with similar look-
ing otoliths of certain Bothid groups, such as the
Arnoglossus or the Monolene-Laeops Group.
Poecilopsetta GÜNTHER 1880
Type-species: Poecilopsetta colorata GÜNTHER
syn. Boopsetta ALCOCK 1896 (type-species:
Boopsetta umbrarum, syn. P. praelongo)
syn. Alaeops JORDAN & STARKS 1904 (type-spe-
cies: Alaeops plinthus)
syn. Paralimanda BREDER 1927 (type-species:
Paralimanda inermis)
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset, almost com-
pletely round otoliths; only the massive but short
rostrum sticking out from it, all rims more or less
gently and regularly curving, sometimes undu-
lating or with a rounded postdorsal angle. Index
l:h 1.0 to 1.3. Otolith size not much exceeding
3 mm. Otoliths below 1.5 mm probably not diag-
nostically mature.
Ostium wider than cauda and usually much
longer. Index ol:cl 1.4 to 2.3. Ostium anteriorly
open or just slightly reduced. Cauda short, termi-
nating at some distance from the posterior tip of
the otolith. Sulcus deepened, at least the colliculi
which are well separated. Circumsulcal depres-
sion well developed, wide and somewhat deep-
Inner face rather flat, not very smooth; outer
face flat to slightly convex, and smooth. Rims
moderately sharp to thickset.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
plinthus 1.25-1.30 2.8-3.1 1.40-1.80 1.2-1.3 5-7
praelongo 1.00-1.10 3.0 2.00-2.30 1.2 about 6
beanii 1.10 nm 2.00 1.2 nm
albomaculatus 1.15 2.5 2.30 1.4 3.5
zanzibarensis 1.10-1.15 2.7-3.0 1.65-1.85 1.2-1.3 4-5
natalensis 1.10-1.15 3.0 1.80 1.3-1.4 3.5
Side dimorphism: Not very strongly developed.
Otoliths of the eyed side tend to develop a more
pronounced postdorsal angle, a more clear cut
ostial opening and sometimes also less well sep-
arated colliculi.
Variability: Variability seems to be rather limit-
ed in most cases. The characters most commonly
affected are details of the outline. Unfortunately,
this also one of the few features useful to distin-
guish amongst the various species, which some-
times may become very difficult or even impos-
sible with otoliths alone.
Figs. 666-667: Marleyella bicolorata (VON BONDE 1922) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Discussion: Closely related to Nematops which
may have just slightly more regularly rounded
and fragrant otoliths as compared to Poecilopset-
ta. Differentiation of the various species within
the genus Poecilopsetta often is very difficult by
means of otoliths alone.
Figs. 668-670: Poecilopsetta plinthus (JORDAN & STARKS 1904) – 15 ×
Figs. 671-672: Poecilopsetta praelongo ALCOCK 1894 – 15 ×
Fig. 673: Poecilopsetta albomaculata NORMAN 1938 – 15 ×
Fig. 674: Poecilopsetta beani (GOODE 1881) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Species and distribution: About 13 species from
the deeper tropical and subtropical seas – P. beanii,
P. inermis and P. megalepis from the tropical West
Atlantic, P. hawaiiensis from Hawaii, P. plinthus
from Japan, P. albomaculata, P. albomarginata, P. co-
lorata, P. natalensis, P. normani, P. praelongo, P. vay-
nei and P. zanzibarensis from the Indian Ocean.
Poecilopsetta plinthus
Figs. 668-670
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths, 1 (left side, fig. )
from the Suruga Bay, Japan, BMNH 1931.8.19.8,
2 (left and right, figs.) from Japan, coll. Ohe No
Discussion: The otoliths of P. plinthus are some-
what less compressed than those of most other
species of the genus and are also characterized
by their relatively low index ol:cl.
Distribution: Coasts of Japan.
Poecilopsetta praelongo ALCOCK 1894
Figs. 671-672
syn. Boopsetta umbrarum ALCOCK 1896
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from the Deutsche Tiefsee-Expedition 1898/99
Stat. 209, ZMH Ot. 30.1.1995.1-2 (leg. ZMH 21160).
Discussion: Otoliths of P. praelongo are probably
the most compressed to be found in this genus so
far, together with P. beanii. Also characteristic is
the very small cauda.
Distribution: Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea.
Poecilopsetta beanii (GOODE 1881)
Fig. 674
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side),
28°41N/86°07W, BMNH 1931.8.19.10.
Discussion: The only investigated otolith is
slightly eroded by formalin. Nevertheless, it is
characterized by the very compressed appearance
and the very narrow sulcus. It closely resembles
P. praelongo.
Distribution: Gulf of Mexico and coast of New
Poecilopsetta albomaculata NORMAN 1938
Fig. 673
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
the Maldives Islands, BMNH 1939.5.24.1774-6
Discussion: Rather compact and thickset otolith
with a strongly widened ostium and a nearly
straight anterior part of the ventral rim.
Distribution: Maldives Islands.
Poecilopsetta zanzibarensis NORMAN 1938
Figs. 675-678
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (3 left and 1 right)
from Zanzibar, ZMH Ot. 30.1.1995.3-5 (leg. BMNH
1939.5.24.1777-84) and BMNH 1939.5.24.1777-84
Discussion: Like P. praelongo a species with a
rather strong postdorsal angle and a more point-
ed rostrum. Unlike P. praelongo the index ol:cl is
rather small.
Distribution: East Africa.
Poecilopsetta natalensis NORMAN 1931
Figs. 679-680
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from off South Africa, Vityaz Stat. 2644, ZMH Ot.
30.1.1995.6-7 (leg. ZMUC; specimens obtained
from a unlabeled fish in jar together with Parac-
itharus macrolepis).
Discussion: Rather thin otolith with a wide os-
tium and a high index ol:cl. Similar to P. zanziba-
rensis and P. albomaculatus.
Distribution: South Africa, off Natal and Dela-
goa Bay.
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Nematops GÜNTHER 1880
Type-species: Nematops microstoma GÜNTHER
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, almost completely
round otoliths; only the short and not very mas-
sive rostrum sticking out from it, all rims more or
less gently curving, sometimes undulating. In-
dex l:h about 1.2. Otolith size probably not ex-
ceeding 3 mm.
Ostium not wider than cauda but considera-
bly longer. Index ol:cl about 1.6. Ostium anterior-
ly open. Cauda short, terminating at some dis-
tance from the posterior tip of the otolith. Sulcus
slightly deepened, at least the colliculi which are
rather well separated. Circumsulcal depression
well developed, wide and not very deep.
Inner face rather flat and rather smooth; out-
er face slightly convex, and smooth. Rims mod-
erately sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
grandisquama 1.20 3.0 1.60 1.0 4.5
Side dimorphism: No data.
Discussion: The fishes of the genus Nematops are
very rare. The otolith of a single specimen inves-
tigated does not differ greatly from otoliths of the
closely related genus Poecilopsetta. It is thinner
than most Poecilopsetta otoliths and the narrow
sulcus resembles such species as Poecilopsetta bea-
Figs. 675-678: Poecilopsetta zanzibarensis NORMAN 1938 – 15 ×
Figs. 679-680: Poecilopsetta natalensis NORMAN 1931 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Species and distribution: Four species from the
deeper water of the Indo-Australian Archipela-
go – N. chui, N. grandisquama, N. macrochirus and
M. microstoma.
Nematops grandisquama
Fig. 681
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
St. Nikolaas Bay, Bali, BMNH 1933.2.18.16 (para-
Distribution: Chiefly coasts of Bali.
7.8 Soleidae
Genera: Unlike Pleuronectoidei and part of Cy-
noglossidae the Soleidae have never been subject
to a comprehensive revision. Soleid genera (and
species) are often poorly defined and in need for
a general revision. Many genera of doubtful def-
inition have been introduced, mostly through the
work of CHABANAUD (div.). I have adopted
here a more generalized attitude, following the
view expressed by HEEMSTRA & GON (1981), I
have lumped a number of nominally valid gen-
era together. Thus the family Soleidae as present-
ed here contains 37 extant genera plus 3 fossil
otolith-based genera. In alphabetical order they
are: Achiropsis, Achirus, Aesopia, Anisochirus, Apio-
nichthys, Aseraggodes, Austroglossus, Bathysolea,
Brachirus, Catathyridium, Dageichthys, Dexillichthys,
Dicologlossa, Gymnachirus, Heterobuglossus, Hetero-
mycteris, Hypoclinemus, Microbuglossus, Microchi-
rus, Monochirus, Nodogymnus, Parachirus, Pardachi-
rus, Peltorhamphus, Phyllichthys, Pnictes, Pseudae-
sopia, Quenselia, Rendahlia, Solea, Soleichthys,
Soleonasus, Synaptura, Trinectes, Typhlachirus, Van-
straelenia, Zebrias – and the fossil Granulithus,
Praearchirolithus, Pseudopardachirolithus. Rhinosolea
FOWLER 1946 was based on a single anomalous
specimen (SASAKI, written communication) and
is here not regarded as a valid genus.
Definition and relationship: Soleidae are the
amalgamation of all right eyed Soleoidei (the Cy-
noglossidae representing the left eyed Soleoidei).
In past literature they have been subdivided to
various degrees into subfamilies. This was car-
ried furthest by CHABANAUD (1939), who di-
vided the Soleidae into Achiridae and Soleidae.
In Achiridae he recognized the Achirinae and the
Apionichthyinae and in Soleidae, the Soleinae,
Pardachirinae and Heteromycterinae. The limits
of the five subfamilies of CHABANAUD (1939)
correspond well to the otolith grouping as pre-
sented here, but I have subdivided the Soleinae
in four genus groups – the Solea, Synaptura, Bra-
chirus and Zebrias Groups. Separation of Achiri-
dae from Soleidae again was promoted in the
phylogenetical analysis of CHAPLEAU (1993)
with the argument that the Achiridae would rep-
resent the plesiomorphic sistergroup of the re-
maining Soleoidei (see also NELSON, 1994). I
have adhered here to the more traditional view
and keep Achiridae as subfamily Achirinae in the
Soleidae (see NELSON 1984).
Otoliths of the Soleidae typically are com-
pressed with a rather regular round or oval shape,
a somewhat reduced sulcus opening and a ten-
dency towards a shallow sulcus and fused or at
least poorly defined colliculi. Often their inner
face is quite convex and smooth which can best
be shown in lateral views. Thus soleid otoliths in
most instances are quite easily recognized and
differentiated from those of other pleuronectiform
Soleid otolith morphologies can readily be
differentiated into three main groups, to which I
have applied subfamily ranking. These are the
Achirinae (Achirus and Apionichthys Groups), the
Soleinae (Solea, Synaptura, Brachirus and Zebrias
Groups) and the Pardachirinae (Pardachirus and
Heteromycteris Groups, the latter including the
genus Peltorhamphus from NORMANs (1934)
Rhombosoleinae, a subfamily of the Pleuronecti-
Otoliths of the Achirinae are characterized by
a rather elongate, regularly oval outline and a
long cauda. The cauda is in fact almost as long as
Fig. 681: Nematops grandisquama WEBER &
BEAUFORT 1929 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
the ostium in most genera. This must be regard-
ed as a plesiomorphic feature which supports
CHAPLEAUs (1993) phylogenetical analysis.
The otoliths of the Soleinae are similar in
appearance, but usually somewhat more com-
pressed and with a reduced cauda. Also in most
instances their inner face is distinctly convex.
Finally, otoliths of the Pardachirinae are usu-
ally even more compressed, often with an index
l:h of about 1.0 or less and with a short cauda.
The sulcus is shallow as is the circumsulcal de-
pression giving the inner face, which is often
markedly convex, a very smooth appearance. In
some genera a certain tendency toward fused
colliculi and a widened cauda can be observed.
These otoliths (specially from the Heteromycteris
Group) closely resemble cynoglossid otoliths, as
do the fishes of the two groups themselves (e.g.
loss of the pectoral fins; incipiently hooked
mouth). Indeed it seems very likely to me that
the Cynoglossidae evolved from near the
NORMAN (1934) noted that some members
of the pleuronectid subfamily Rhombosoleinae
resemble Soleids but concluded that this was mere
analogy. Otolith analysis shows that the Rhom-
bosoleinae, as then understood, very probably
do not form a natural assemblage and it seems
possible that several of ist genera do not belong
to the family Pleuronectidae at all (see entries to
chapters 5.3.2., the Ammotretis Group, Pleuronecti-
dae and the Samaris, Pelotretis and Rhombosolea
Groups). However, in regard to the non-relation-
ship of the Rhombosoleinae to the Soleidae NOR-
MAN was essentially correct, except in respect of
the genus Peltorhamphus. Although my conclu-
sions are entirely based on otolith analysis I feel
very strongly convinced that Peltorhamphus be-
longs with the Soleidae in the vicinity of Hetero-
mycteris and Rendahlia of the Heteromycteris Group.
In the fossil record soleid otoliths are relative-
ly well known from the Oligocene onward. Ear-
liest findings are from the Eocene of France and
represent the subfamily Pardachirinae. This indi-
cates that the origin of the Soleidae occured rel-
atively early in the history of the Pleuronecti-
formes. Even more, the subdivision of the Solei-
dae into the three main branches was already
established at that time, with the Pardachirinae
probably representing the most apomorphic lin-
eage. This also indicates that the dichotomy that
gave raise to the Soleidae may well pre-date, for
instance, the splitting of the main pleuronectoid
stem into Scophthalmidae, Bothidae and Pleu-
ronectidae, and must have occured at about the
citharid-brachypleurid level. In this respect it is
of interest to note the overall resemblance of
brachypleurid otoliths with soleid otoliths (see
respective entries).
Distribution: Soleidae are widely distributed
throughout the shallow warm seas of the world
oceans and several species ascent into rivers or
are entirely adapted to fresh water. The family is
most speciose and diverse in the tropics. Achirin-
iae are restricted to the Americas and are also
commonly found in freshwater. Soleinae and
Pardachirinae, on the other hand, are exclusively
old world subfamilies, the Pardachirinae with
very few exceptions being confined to the Indo-
7.8.1 Achirus Group
Genera: Trinectes, Achirus, Catathyridium, Hy-
poclinemus, Gymnachirus, Nodogymnus. There are
few undeterminable fossil otolith records from
the Miocene of Trinidad and the Dominican Re-
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the
Achirus Group probably represent the most ple-
siomorphic ones to be found in the Soleidae.
Outline is rather regularly rounded to oval. The
otoliths are relatively robust with only a moder-
ately convex inner face. Most important though
is the plesiomorphic pattern of the sulcus. The
sulcus is somewhat deepened and the cauda is
not much shorter than the ostium. In few genera
(Gymnachirus, Nodogymnus), which form a small
subgroup in this group, the sulcus is considera-
bly deepened and the colliculi are completely
fused, thus resembling certain morphologies
found in the Zebrias Group (see respective entry).
The genera of the Apionichthys Group are con-
sidered to be closely related, but differ in the al-
ready much reduced cauda.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Trinectes RAFINESQUE 1832
Type-species: Trinectes scabra RAFINESQUE 1832
(syn. T. maculatus)
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset, ovale otoliths;
ventral rim shallow and gently curving, dorsal
rim likewise but somewhat more irregularly,
anterior rim rounded, posterior rim cut to slight-
ly concave, usually with prominent angles where
it meets the dorsal and ventral rims. Index l:h
1.15 to 1.35. Otolith size up to 4.5 mm.
Sulcus deepened, rather wide, centrally posi-
tioned, terminating with rounded tips at some
distance from anterior and posterior rims. Os-
tium not or just slightly wider than cauda and
not much longer. Dorsal and ventral depressions
rather wide, moderately deep and well connect-
ed around the cauda to form a circumsulcal de-
Inner face rather flat, not very smooth, some-
times with irregular marginal ornamentation;
outer face flat, sometimes irregularly ornament-
ed. Rims rather thickset, sometimes irregularly
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
maculatus 1.15-1.35 2.4-3.1 1.05-1.10 1.0 3.5
paulistanus 1.15-1.25 2.9 1.25-1.40 1.2-1.3 3.0-3.2
fonsecensis nm nm 1.45 1.0 2.8
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: The variability of otoliths in the spe-
cies of this genus seems to be rather limited. As
the figures of T. maculatus show it mostly con-
cerns the index l:h.
Discussion: Very similar to Achirus of which
Trinectes sometimes is regarded as a subgenus.
Trinectes otoliths seem to generally show a flatter
inner face, a deeper circumsulcal depression and
a lower index ol:cl.
Species and distribution: CHABANAUD (1939)
lists 7 nominally valid species – T. maculatus,
T. paulistanus, T. inscriptus, T. microphthalmus from
the Atlantic coast of America and T. fonsecensis,
T. fluviatilis and T. fimbriatus from the Pacific coast
of America.
Trinectes maculatus
Figs. 682-683
syn. Achirus fasciatus LACEPEDE 1803
syn. Pleuronectes mollis MITCHILL 1815
syn. Pleuronectes apoda MITCHILL 1815
syn. Trinectes scabra RAFINESQUE 1832
syn. Solea browni GÜNTHER 1862
syn. Achirus comifer JORDAN & GILBERT 1884
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left side) from
off New York, USA, ZMH Ot. 12.3.1995.1 (leg.
BMNH 1982.11.10.21-26) and BMNH 1982.11.
Discussion: Otoliths of T. maculatus are recog-
nized by their very low index ol:cl and oh:ch and
the rather wide sulcus.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of North America
from Massachusetts to the Caribbean.
Figs. 682-683: Trinectes maculatus (BLOCH & SCHNEIDER 1801) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Trinectes paulistanus (RIBEIRO 1915)
Figs. 684-685
syn. Achirus austrinus CHABANAUD 1928
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from British Guiana, ZMH Ot. 12.3.1995.2 (leg.
BMNH 1950.5.15.47-49) and BMNH 1950.5.15.
Discussion: Very similar to T. maculatus but with
shorter and narrower cauda.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of South America
from the Guianas to Rio de Janeiro.
Trinectes fonsecensis (GÜNTHER 1862)
Figs. 686
syn. Solea panamensis STEINDACHNER 1876
syn. Solea fischeri STEINDACHNER 1879
Investigated otoliths: 1 dorsally eroded otolith
from the Pacific coast of Panama, BMNH
Distribution: Pacific coast of America in the Gulf
of Panama.
Achirus LACAPEDE 1803
Type-species: Pleuronectes achirus LINNAEUS
syn. Grammichthys KAUP 1858 (type-species:
Pleuronectes lineatus)
syn. Baiostoma BEAN 1882 (type-species: B. bra-
chialis, syn. A. lineatus)
syn. Anathyridium CHABANAUD 1928 (type-
species: Solea gronovii, syn. Achirus achirus)
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset oval to round-
ish otoliths; ventral rim moderately shallow to
deeply and gently curving, dorsal rim shallow,
often somewhat more irregular, anterior rim
rounded, posterior rim broadly rounded or blunt,
but not concave, usually with prominent angles
where it meets the dorsal rim. Index l:h 1.05 to
1.30. Otolith size up to 4.5 mm.
Sulcus somewhat deepened, not very wide,
centrally positioned, terminating with rounded
tips at some distance from anterior and posterior
Figs. 684-685: Trinectes paulistanus (RIBEIRO 1915) – 15 ×
Fig. 686: Trinectes fonsecensis (GÜNTHER 1862) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
rims. Ostium not or just slightly wider than cau-
da but somewhat longer. Dorsal and ventral de-
pressions rather wide, not very deep and well
connected around the cauda to form a circumsul-
cal depression.
Inner face moderately convex, moderately
smooth, sometimes with irregular marginal or-
namentation; outer face flat to concave, some-
times irregularly ornamented. Rims moderately
thickset sometimes rather sharp and irregularly
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
achirus 1.25-1.30 3.8 1.20-1.40 1.0 3.8
declivis 1.10-1.20 3.0 1.15-1.30 0.9-1.1 2.8-3.4
mazatlanus 1.15-1.25 3.1 1.50-1.80 1.1-1.3 3.4
scutum 1.05-1.10 3.2 1.35-1.45 1.2 2.7
garmani 1.10 3.0 1.25 1.45 2.5
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability and ontogeny: The level of variabil-
ity is rather restricted and so is the level of on-
togenetic changes as can be seen from the figures
of A. mazatlanus. The critical diagnostic size seems
to be reached with 2 mm of length.
Discussion: Very similar to Trinectes. Achirus oto-
liths usually are more compressed with a more
convex inner face and a shorter cauda.
Species and distribution: At least 14 nominally
valid species – A. achirus, A. declivis, A. garmani,
A. lorentzi, A. lineatus, A. microphthalamus, A. no-
vae, A. opercularis, A. trichospilus, A. zebrinus from
the Atlantic coast of America and A. barnharti,
A. klunzingeri, A. mazatlanus, A. scutum from the
Pacific coast of America.
Achirus achirus (LINNAEUS 1758)
Figs. 687-688
syn. Solea gronovii GÜNTHER 1862
syn. Solea indica GÜNTHER 1862
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths from British
Guiana, ZMH Ot. 12.3.1995.3 (leg. ZMH H 871,
fig. 687) and BMNH 1984.8.8.338-344 (fig. 688).
Discussion: Otoliths of A. achirus is immediate-
ly differentiated from other species of the genus
by its more elongate otoliths. In this respect it is
more difficult to distinguish it from species of the
related genera Trinectes and Catathyridium.
Distribution: Tropical Atlantic coast of America.
Achirus declivis CHABANAUD 1940
Figs. 689-692
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (3 left, 1 right)
from Trinidad, ZMH Ot.19.3.1995.1-3 (leg. BMNH
1932.5.9.20-23) and BMNH 1932.5.9.20-23.
Discussion: Otoliths with the typical com-
pressed, roundish outline to be found in this
genus, but with a rather small and narrow sul-
Distribution: Caribbean.
Figs. 687-688: Achirus achirus (LINNAEUS 1758) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Achirus scutum (GÜNTHER 1862)
Figs. 695-696
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from the Pacific coast of Panama, ZMH Ot.
19.3.1995.5 (leg. BMNH 1930.9.2.36) and BMNH
Discussion: Otoliths are rather easily recognized
by their more thin appearance and the wide and
somewhat deepened sulcus.
Distribution: Pacific coast of Panama.
Achirus mazatlanus (STEINDACHNER 1869)
Figs. 693-694
syn. Solea pilosa PETERS 1869
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left side) from
the Mazatlan lagoon, Pacific coast of Mexico,
ZMH Ot. 19.3.1995.4 (leg. BMNH 1982.8.19.2306-
20) and BMNH 1982.8.19.2306-20).
Discussion: Similar to A. declivis, but with more
or less straight dorsal and posterior rims.
Distribution: Tropical coast of Pacific America.
Figs. 689-692: Achirus declivis CHABANAUD 1940 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Achirus garmani JORDAN 1889
Fig. 697
syn. Catathyridium grandiviri (CHABANAUD
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, BMNH
Discussion: The sulcus is wide and rather deep
as in A. scutum but the otolith is more thickset.
All rims are rather smooth and gently curved.
Distribution: Southern coasts of Brazil.
Catathyridium CHABANAUD 1928
Type-species: Solea jenynsi GÜNTHER 1862
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset ovale otoliths;
ventral rim shallow and gently curving, dorsal
rim likewise but somewhat more irregularly,
Figs. 693-694: Achirus mazatlanus (STEINDACHNER 1869) – 15 ×
Figs. 695-696: Achirus scutum (GÜNTHER 1862) – 15 ×
Fig. 697: Achirus garmani JORDAN 1889 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
anterior rim rounded, posterior rim cut or also
rounded, sometimes with postdorsal angle. In-
dex l:h 1.25 to 1.45. Otolith size up to 4 mm.
Sulcus deepened, rather wide and long, cen-
trally positioned, terminating with rounded tips
not very far from anterior and posterior rims.
Ostium not or just slightly wider than cauda and
not much longer. Dorsal and ventral depressions
rather wide, shallow and well connected around
the cauda to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face moderately convex, irregularly
ornamented, particularly near the otolith mar-
gins; outer face flat, slightly and irregularly orna-
mented. Rims rather thin, irregularly crenulated.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
jenynsi 1.25-1.45 2.8 1.20-1.25 1.0-1.2 2.8
Side dimorphism: No data.
Variability and ontogeny: Details of the outline
and in particularly strength and nature of the
marginal ornamentation seem to be quite variable.
Smaller specimens of less than 2.5 mm are more
compressed than those of 3 mm and more. Thus
specimens below 2.5 mm may not have devel-
oped all pertinent diagnostically valid characters.
Discussion: Otoliths of Catathyridium closely
resemble those of the genus Achirus, in particular
those of its type-species A. achirus. Characteristic
is the more elongate shape and the rather long
Species and distribution: Catathyridium proba-
bly is a monospecific genus since C. grandiviri
CHABANAUD 1928 may represent a synonym
of Achirus garmani JORDAN 1889 (see respective
entry). C. jenynsi is known from the Atlantic coast
of southern America and in the La Plata and
Paraguay river systems.
Catathyridium jenynsi (GÜNTHER 1862)
Figs. 698-700
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (left side) from
the Paraguay river, ZMH Ot. 19.3.1995.6-8 (leg.
ZMH H878).
Distribution: Atlantic coast of South America,
La Plata and Paraguay rivers.
Hypoclinemus CHABANAUD 1928
Type-species: Hypoclinemus paraguayensis CHA-
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset oval otoliths;
ventral rim gently curving, smooth, dorsal rim
likewise but somewhat irregularly undulating,
anterior rim rounded or slightly pointed, poste-
rior rim bluntly rounded, postdorsal angle may
be present. Index l:h 1.30 to 1.45. Otolith size up
to 3.5 mm.
Sulcus rather deep and wide, centrally posi-
tioned, terminating with rounded tips at some
distance from anterior and posterior rims. Os-
Figs. 698-700: Catathyridium jenynsi (GÜNTHER 1862) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
tium and cauda almost fused. Ostium not or just
slightly wider than cauda and not much longer.
Dorsal and ventral depressions rather wide,
moderately deep and well connected around the
cauda to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face rather flat, smooth; outer face slight-
ly convex, smooth. Rims rather thickset.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
mentalis 1.30-1.45 2.5 1.20-1.35 1.0-1.1 about 4
Side dimorphism: No data.
Variability: Judging from the two specimens
investigated it seems that the variations are quite
remarkable as far as the outline of the otoliths is
concerned and the index l:h.
Discussion: Otoliths of Hypoclinemus are quite
easily recognized by their deep sulcus with the
nearly fused colliculi. In this respect they resem-
ble otoliths of Gymnachirus and Nodogymnus. The
latter, however, are more thin with a more con-
vex inner face, and show a thinner, anteriorly
pointed sulcus with completely fused colliculi.
Species and distribution: Two species along the
Atlantic shores of South America entering the
Amazonas and Paraguay river systems – H. men-
talis and H. paraguayensis.
Hypoclinemus mentalis (GÜNTHER 1862)
Figs. 701-702
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left side) from
the Amazonas upstream in Peru, ZMH Ot.
19.3.1995.9-10 (ZMH H879).
Distribution: Atlantic coast of South America
and entering into the Amazonas river system
upstream to Peru.
Gymnachirus KAUP 1858
Type-species: Gymnachirus nudus KAUP 1858
Diagnosis: Rather thin ovale otoliths; ventral rim
shallow, posteriorly almost straight and anterior-
ly steeply ascending to a pointed tip, dorsal rim
more gently curving somewhat irregularly un-
dulating, with a slight concavity towards the
pointed anterior tip, posterior rim cut to slightly
concave, usually with prominent angles where it
meets the dorsal and ventral rims. Index l:h 1.2 to
1.35. Otolith size up to 3.5 mm.
Sulcus deep, rather wide, with completely
fused colliculi, centrally positioned, terminating
with a rounded tip at some distance from poste-
rior rim, but anteriorly pointed and close to the
anterior tip of the otolith. A small ventral inden-
tation of the fused colliculum indicates ostium
and cauda. Ostium not or just slightly wider than
cauda and not much longer. Dorsal and ventral
depressions rather wide, moderately deep and
well connected around the cauda to form a cir-
cumsulcal depression.
Inner face slightly convex, rather smooth ex-
cept for the deep sulcus; outer face flat, smooth.
Rims rather thin.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
melas 1.20-1.35 3.8 1.35-1.40 nm 3.5
Side dimorphism: No data.
Discussion: The characteristic outline of the oto-
liths and the very deep sulcus with the complete-
Figs. 701-702: Hypoclinemus mentalis (GÜNTHER 1862) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
ly fused colliculi readily distinguishes otoliths of
the genus Gymnachirus (and those of the related
genus Nodogymnus) from all other achirin gen-
era. In this respect they do resemble certain gen-
era of the Zebrias Group (see respective entry) but
this probably represents parallel evolution or
functional morphological adaption.
CHABANAUD (1940, 1949) not only regard-
ed Nodogymnus as a synonym of Gymnachirus but
also suggested that the two species of Gymnach-
irus and the 5 nominal species of Nodogymnus
(see CHABANAUD, 1939) would represent just
one single species – G. nudus. Apparently, this
view has not been shared in more recent litera-
ture. Knowledge of otoliths from the two nomi-
nal genera is as yet not sufficient to comment.
Species and distribution: Two species G. nudus
from the Atlantic coast of South America and
G. melas from the Atlantic coast of North America.
Gymnachirus melas NICHOLS 1916
Figs. 703-704
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from off Georgia, USA, ZMH Ot. 9.3.1995.11-12
(leg. Fitch).
Discussion: See entry to genus and to Nodogym-
nus texae.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of North America
and the Bahamas.
Nodogymnus CHABANAUD 1928
Type-species: Gymnachirus fasciatus GÜNTHER
Diagnosis: Rather thin otoliths with nearly rec-
tangular outline; ventral rim shallow, undulat-
ing, posteriorly almost straight and anteriorly
steeply ascending to a pointed tip, dorsal rim more
gently curving and more strongly undulating,
with a slight concavity towards the pointed ante-
rior tip, posterior rim nearly vertically cut, with
prominent angles where it meets the dorsal and
ventral rims. Index l:h about 1.2. Otolith size
probably more than 3 mm.
Sulcus moderately deep, narrow, with com-
pletely fused colliculi, centrally positioned, ter-
minating with a rounded tip at some distance
from posterior rim, anteriorly somewhat nar-
rowed and close to the anterior tip of the otolith.
A small ventral indentation of the fused collicu-
lum indicates ostium and cauda. Ostium just
slightly wider than cauda and somewhat longer.
Dorsal and ventral depressions rather wide,
moderately deep and well connected around the
cauda to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face nearly flat, moderately smooth;
outer face flat, slightly ornamented. Rims rather
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
texae 1.20 3.8 1.55-1.70 1.15 about 4
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Discussion: CHABANAUD (1928) suggested
that the two species of Gymnachirus and the five
nominal species of Nodogymnus represent but a
single species – Gymnachirus nudus (see also en-
try to Gymnachirus and Nodogymnus texae).
Species and distribution: According to CHABA-
NAUD (1939) there are five nominal species in
NodogymnusN. fasciatus, N. nicholsi, N. williamso-
ni, N. texae from the Atlantic coast of North Amer-
ica and N. zebrinus from the Atlantic coast of South
Nodogymnus texae GUNTER 1936
Figs. 705-706
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right)
from Port Aransas, Texas, ZMH Ot. 19.3.1995.13
(leg. BMNH 1948.8.6.1455-59) and BMNH 1948.8.
Discussion: The two otoliths investigated from
N. texae differ from those of Gymnachirus melas in
the more rectangular outline, the undulating
margins and the rather narrow and not so deep
sulcus. Since the specimens investigated are con-
siderably smaller than those of Gymnachirus melas
it is difficult to say how much of these differences
are due to allometric ontogeny (see also entry to
Gymnachirus and Nodogymnus).
Distribution: Coasts of Texas.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
7.8.2 Apionichthys Group
Genera: Following CHABANAUD (1939) 4 most-
ly monospecific genera from the Atlantic coast of
South America and its rivers are placed in this
group, also otoliths are only known from one of
them. The 4 genera are – Apionichthys, Achiropsis,
Soleonasus and Pnictes.
Definition and relationship: Since CHABA-
NAUDs review of the Achirinae (1928) the four
genera making up the Apionichthys Group are
thought to be closely related to those of the Achirus
Group. In 1939 CHABANAUD separated them
from the Achirinae in a subfamily of there own,
the Apionichthyinae in the then family Achiridae.
Otoliths have only been available from one
genus of these rare fishes, and any conclusions to
possible relationships are difficult to draw. Nev-
ertheless, this otolith differs from those in the
Achirus Group in two main features. That is the
rather short and reduced cauda and the rather
strongly convex and smooth inner face with the
shallow sulcus. In this respect it much closer re-
sembles otoliths of the Solea Group. Anyhow, more
material has to be awaited for further discussions
of this matter.
Apionichthys KAUP 1858
Type-species: Apionichthys dumerili KAUP 1858
syn. Soleotalpa GÜNTHER 1862 (type-species:
Soleotalpa unicolor, syn. A. dumerili)
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset roundish oto-
liths; ventral rim moderately deep, gently curv-
ing, with rounded postventral angle, dorsal rim
more shallow, with broadly rounded pre- and
postdorsal angles and a wide middorsal notch,
anterior rim broadly rounded, posterior rim near-
ly vertically cut with median notch. Index l:h 1.15.
Otolith size small, probably not exceeding much
2 mm.
Sulcus shallow, rather narrow, centrally posi-
tioned, with rounded terminations anteriorly
Figs. 703-704: Gymnachirus melas NICHOLS 1916 – 15 ×
Figs. 705-706: Nodogymnus texae GUNTER 1936 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
close to the anterior rim of the otolith. Ostium
not or just slightly wider than cauda, but much
longer. Dorsal and ventral depressions narrow,
rather shallow, but well connected around the
cauda to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face markedly convex, smooth; outer
face almost flat, smooth. Rims rather thickset.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
dumerili 1.15 2.1 2.7 1.15 2.5
Side dimorphism: No data.
Ontogeny: The only investigated otolith of this
genus is less than 1.5 mm long and probably does
not represent a fully adult specimen. Neverthe-
less, its appearance is quite characteristic and I
therefore assume that in this case even very small
otoliths may be diagnostically mature.
Discussion: See entry to group.
Species and distribution: A single species –
A. dumerili – from the coast of the Guianas, South
Apionichthys dumerili KAUP 1858
Fig. 707
syn. Soleotalpa unicolor GÜNTHER 1862
syn. Apionichthys ottonis STEINDACHNER 1868
syn. Apionichthys nebulosus PETERS 1869
syn. Apionichthys bleekeri HARST 1879
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
British Guiana, BMNH 1984.8.8.336-337.
Distribution: South America, coasts of the Guia-
Achiropsis STEINDACHNER 1876
Type-species: Achiropsis nattereri STEINDACHN-
ER 1876
Remarks: A specimen of A. nattereri in the ZMUC
collection was x-rayed and revealed that otoliths
have been dissolved (by formalin).
Species and distribution: Two species from the
Atlantic coast of South America – A. nattereri and
A. normani.
Soleonasus EIGENMANN 1912
Type-species: Soleonasus finis EIGENMANN 1912
Remarks: Soleonasus is a monospecific genus –
S. finis. Otoliths of this rare species from the coasts
and rivers of British Guiana have not been avail-
able for investigation.
Pnictes JORDAN 1918
Type-species: Achiropsis asphyxiatus JORDAN &
GOSS 1886
Remarks: Pnictes is a monospecific genus –
P. asphyxiatus. Otoliths of this rare species from
the coast of Brazil and the Amazonas river sys-
tem have not been available for investigation.
7.8.3 Solea Group
Genera: Microchirus, Monochirus, Dicologlossa,
Quenselia, Solea, Dageichthys, Microbuglossus, Bath-
ysolea, Vanstraelenia. This group is also well known
from the fossil record of Europe since Oligocene
Definition and relationship: The genera incor-
porated in this group represent the core of the
Soleinae that probably has given rise to the more
advanced groups of the subfamily discussed lat-
er. Their otoliths come closest to what could be
described as the typical Soleid pattern. They are
roundish, compressed, with a deep ventral and a
shallow dorsal margin. Except for Bathysolea and
Vanstraelenia the inner face is distinctly convex,
the outer face flat or slightly convex. The sulcus
Fig. 707: Apionichthys dumerili KAUP 1858 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
generally is rather shallow (although the cauda
may be somewhat deepened) anteriorly reaches
close to the rim and is indistinctly separated into
an ostium and a cauda, the latter being some-
what shorter. The circumsulcal depression is well
developed and well connected around the cauda.
As already stated a number of more special-
ized groups may have originated from near the
Solea Group. First to mention is the Synaptura
Group with its characteristic elongated otoliths
and the tendency to develop a bipartite ostium.
Also the Brachirus Group is closely related and its
limits to the Solea Group in fact are somewhat
fluent. Typical members of the Brachirus Group
are characterized by their distinctive otolith out-
line which in fact resembles the Achirinae (see
respective entry). Finally, the Zebrias Group may
have developed from the Brachirus Group. Its
members are characterized by the tendency to
fused colliculi and a deepened sulcus. The Solea
Group thus is regarded as the most plesiomor-
phic unit of the Soleinae.
Microchirus BONAPARTE 1833
Type-species: Pleuronectes microchirus DELARO-
CHE 1809 (syn. M. variegatus)
syn. Buglossus GÜNTHER 1862 (type-species:
Pleuronectes variegatus)
syn. Buglossidium CHABANAUD 1930 (type-spe-
cies: Solea lutea)
syn. Microchiropsis CHABANAUD 1956 (type-
species: Solea boscanion)
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset to thickset com-
pressed otoliths; ventral rim deeply and regular-
ly curving, dorsal rim more shallow, with broad-
ly rounded postdorsal angle, anterior rim broad-
ly rounded, posterior rim blunt, nearly vertically
cut or broadly rounded. Index l:h 1.00 to 1.35.
Otolith size up to 4 mm, diagnostic maturity
reached at about 1.5 to 2.0 mm.
Sulcus rather shallow and narrow, position
slightly supramedian, anteriorly reaching close
to the anterior rim of the otolith. Ostium not wider
than cauda, sometimes more narrow, and not
much longer. Dorsal and ventral depressions rath-
er wide, somewhat deepened and well connect-
ed around the cauda to form a circumsulcal de-
Inner face markedly convex, smooth; outer
face almost flat, smooth. Rims mostly thickset.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
variegatus 1.05-1.20 2.8-3.5 1.2-1.4 1.0 2.8-3.3
luteus 1.20-1.25 2.3 1.4-2.0 1.0-1.1 3.2-3.5
boscanion 1.15-1.20 3.0 1.1-1.2 1.0 3.0-3.5
frequens 1.05-1.15 2.5-2.7 1.1-1.4 0.8-1.0 2.0
kirchbergeanus 1.20-1.35 2.5-3.0 1.1-1.3 1.0 2.8-3.3
latior 1.00-1.15 2.5 1.2-1.3 1.0 2.5
wienrichi (ad.) 1.25-1.35 2.3-2.5 1.1-1.3 0.9-1.0 4.0-4.3
wienrichi (juv.) 1.10-1.20 2.7-3.5 1.1-1.5 0.9-1.2 2.8-3.5
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism is very fee-
ble in the species of this genus or else submerges
in the considerable variability. Sometimes otoliths
of the right side show less separated colliculi and
some radial furrows within the circumsulcal de-
Ontogeny and variability: Usually, specimens
below a size of 1.5 to 2 mm do not exhibit all
pertinent diagnostically valid features. They are
so generalized in appearance that they can hard-
ly be separated on species level. An exception
from this is the fossil species M. wienrichi which
shows some special morphological development
in juveniles (see respective entry).
Variability in this genus is rather strong and
mostly concerns the outline of the otoliths and
the proportions of sulcus and otolith. Since the
overall morphological pattern is rather simple, it
can become difficult at times even with adult
specimens to distinguish between related species.
In fossils this means that at times phenotypical
species could in fact represent species groups and
they should be dealt with accordingly and care-
Discussion: Closely related genera are Monochi-
rus, Dicologlossa and Quenselia. The latter has usu-
ally been placed in synonymy with Microchirus
in recent literature. The typical thin appearance
of the otoliths, however, have led me to regard
Quenselia as a separate genus, morphologically
intermediate between Microchirus and Dicologlos-
sa. Probably even more closely related or synon-
ymous is Monochirus. Also, the two specialized
genera Bathysolea and Vanstraelenia may have
originated from near Microchirus. They are both
characterized by the flat inner face and the mas-
sive convex outer face.
There has been some confusion about the
nature of the genus Buglossidium in literature and
the delimitation of its species as to those of Micro-
chirus. M. boscanion has been regarded at times as
synonym of Buglossidium luteum (TORCHIO
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Microchirus. On the other hand she does include
M. (Z.) hexophthalma which is placed here in the
related genus Dicologlossa (although placement
in the genus Quenselia would be a viable alterna-
tive according to otoliths; see respective entries).
Buglossidium was regarded by DESOUTTER as a
valid monospecific genus.
Species and distribution: Regarding Buglossidi-
um as synonymy of Microchirus there are at least
three recent species to be placed in this genus –
M. variegatus, M luteus and M. boscanion – all from
the shores of Europe and North Africa. The ge-
neric status of two further North African species
usually placed in MicrochirusM. wittei and
M. frechkopi – remains uncertain at the time. DE-
SOUTTER (1994) has them in her subgenus Micro-
chirus (see above). They could also be represent-
atives of the genus Quenselia. In addition there
1973), suspected as hybrid of Buglossidium luteum
and M. variegatus (CHABANAUD 1939, but ruled
out by observations of NIELSEN, 1963), or been
placed in Microchirus (DESOUTTER 1994). Hav-
ing studied otolith of the three species in ques-
tion, I must in deed agree that they are very sim-
ilar to each other, in particular so M. luteus and
M. boscanion. The conclusion I have drawn is such
that there does not seem to be much good reason
to keep both genera separate. Based on otolith
analysis I therefore suggest to regard Buglossidi-
um as a junior synonymy of Microchirus.
Recently, the genus Microchirus and related
genera have been revised by DESOUTTER (1994).
In her review Microchirus is split into two sub-
genera – Microchirus and Zevaia. The latter corre-
sponds to the genus Quenselia as presented here,
only that its type-species – Q. ocellata – is exclud-
ed by DESOUTTER and left in her subgenus
Figs. 708-712: Microchirus variegatus (DONOVAN 1808) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
are four fossil species representing the genus from
the Oligocene and Miocene of Europe – M. fre-
quens, M. kirchbergeanus, M. latior and M. wienrichi.
Microchirus variegatus (DONOVAN 1808)
Figs. 708-712
syn. Pleuronectes microchirus DELAROCHE 1809
syn. Pleuronectes mangili RISSO 1810
syn. Pleuronectes fasciatus NARDO 1827
syn. Monochirus lingula COSTA 1847
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths from recent spec-
imens (2 left side and 1 right side) from Plymouth,
England, 2 otoliths (figs. 708-709) ZMH Ot.7.5.
1995.1-2 (leg. BMNH 1988.10.11.278-292), 1 oto-
lith (fig. 710) BMNH 1988.10.11.278-292; 2 fossil
otoliths (figs. 711-712) from the Lower Pliocene
of Belgium, harbor of Antwerp, coll. Schwarzhans.
Variability: Morphological variations within this
species like in most species of the genus are quite
considerable concerning outline of the otolith as
well as certain proportions of the otolith and the
sulcus. At the same time the otolith pattern is
very simplified, and therefore distinction from re-
lated species may not always be possible (see
Discussion: Otoliths of M. variegatus are very
similar to those of the two other recent species
investigated – M. boscanion and M. luteus – in most
aspects. Those of M. luteus usually are a bit more
thickset with a higher ol:cl index and those of
M. boscanion show a lower ol:cl index. Of the fos-
sil species M. frequens and M. latior resemble clos-
est. Both are more gently rounded in outline and
show a more strongly convex inner face. Also the
predorsal portion is usually more pronounced
than is the case with M. variegatus. M. frequens
differs further in the unusually low index oh:ch
(less than 1.0) indicating that the cauda is wider
than the ostium. However, differentiation of all
these species by otoliths alone may not always be
Distribution: Recent in the Mediterranean and
the Northeast-Atlantic from Senegal to North of
the British Isles at depth between 80 and 400 m.
Also known as fossil from the Pliocene and Pleis-
tocene of Belgium. Other fossil records of this
species from the Pliocene of France and the Mid-
dle Miocene of Poland are probably erroneous
(see chapter 4.2).
Microchirus luteus (RISSO 1810)
Figs. 716-717
syn. Monochirus minutus PARNELL 1837
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left side) from
Plymouth, England, ZMH Ot.7.5.1995.3 (leg.
BMNH 1988.10.11.176-8) and BMNH 1988.10.11.
Variability: The two specimens figured and those
depicted in various previous publications indi-
cate that the morphological variability found in
this species is even bigger than in M. variegatus,
especially as far as the outline of the otoliths are
From this it seems doubtful that otoliths of
M. luteus could always be differentiated from
those of the two related species M. variegatus and
M. boscanion. In fact, the fishes themselves also
seem to be difficult to be distinguished and in the
past obviously have been confused to a certain
Discussion: See entry to M. variegatus.
Distribution: Mediterranean to western Black
Sea and Northeast-Atlantic from Scotland to
southern Morocco.
Microchirus boscanion (CHABANAUD 1926)
Figs. 713-715
syn. Microchirus australis CHABANAUD 1950
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (2 left side, 1 right
side) from West Africa, 14°W/8°N, ZMH
Ot.7.5.1995.4-5 (leg. BMNH 1956.7.12.16-19) and
BMNH 1956.7.12.16-19.
Variability: Unlike the other two recent species
described above, the variability in M. boscanion
seems to be rather limited.
Discussion: See entry to M. variegatus. – M. bos-
canion at various times has been regarded as a
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
synonym of M. luteus or as a hybrid of M. luteus
and M. variegatus. Both assumptions are not sub-
stantiated by otolith analysis.
Distribution: West African coast from the
Straight of Gibraltar to Angola, in the North over-
lapping with both M. variegatus and M luteus.
Figs. 713-715: Microchirus boscanion (CHABANAUD 1926) – 15 ×
Figs. 716-717: Microchirus luteus (RISSO 1810) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Microchirus frequens (STEURBAUT 1984)
Figs. 718-724
[?syn.Solea approximata KOKEN 1891 – KOKEN
1891: pl. 5, fig. 13 – holotype lost, figure
and description of holotype inconclusive,
species rejected]
syn. Solea approximata – WEILER 1942: pl. 4, figs.
?syn. Solea approximata – WEILER 1942: pl. 4, figs.
47-49, 51,
non fig. 50
?syn. Solea approximata – HEINRICH 1969: pl. 13,
figs. 1,3,5
syn. Solea approximata – SCHWARZHANS 1974:
fig. 57, pl. 3, fig. 15
syn. Microchirus sp. – NOLF & STEURBAUT
1979: pl. 5, figs. 27-29
syn. Solea approximata – MENZEL 1980: pl.
2, fig. 6
syn. Solea approximata – MENZEL 1982: pl. 2,
fig. 5
?syn. Buglossidium aff. approximatum – GAEMERS
& SCHWARZHANS 1982: pl. 2, figs. 12,
24-26, pl. 10, fig. 5
?syn. Soleidarum sp. – GAEMERS & SCHWARZ-
HANS 1982: pl. 10, fig. 4
syn. Solea approximata – MENZEL 1983: pl. 4,
fig. 6
syn. Buglossidium frequens STEURBAUT 1984 –
STEURBAUT 1984: pl. 35, figs. 9-18
syn. Buglossidium approximatum – MÜLLER
1990: pl. 5, fig. 8
syn. Buglossidium approximatum – MÜLLER
1994: pl. 10, figs. 6, 7, 12, 14, 17
syn. Solea approximata – SCHWARZHANS 1994:
figs. 525-528
Figs. 718-724: Microchirus frequens (STEURBAUT 1984) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Remarks: Practically all publications dealing
with fossil otoliths from the Oligocene and Mio-
cene of the North Sea Basin have cited only one
soleid species – Solea approximata KOKEN 1891.
After having reviewed the type specimens of Bu-
glossidium frequens STEURBAUT 1984 from the
Lower Miocene of France it has become obvious
that this nominal species is identical with those
otoliths described as S. approximata from the
Upper Oligocene of the North Sea Basin. It is not
yet certain whether or not this species also ex-
tends into the Lower Miocene of the North Sea
Basin. Those otoliths I have investigated from the
Miocene of the North Sea Basin all represent a
different species described in the following as
M. wienrichi.
KOKEN (1891) based Solea approximata on a
single and small specimen from the Middle Mio-
cene of Northern Germany. The holotype must
now be regarded as lost. His drawing is so gen-
eralized that it is impossible to judge the nature
of the species from it. It is to remind that a both-
id – Arnoglossus holleri – occurs parallelly and his
drawing is such that it could even represent this
Despite the apparent priority of KOKENs
description and the wide usage of Solea approxi-
mata in past literature I therefore propose to re-
ject this species in favor of M. frequens and
M. wienrichi respectively.
Investigated otoliths: Numerous specimens
from the Upper Oligocene of northern Germany;
figured specimens are from Kassel (fig. 722, coll.
Schwarzhans), Meerbusch-Osterath near Düssel-
dorf (fig. 721, coll. Neumann) and Krefeld Kem-
pener Feld (figs. 723-724, coll. Neumann and coll.
Schwarzhans). In addition the type material of
Buglossidium frequens from the Lower Miocene
(Burdigalian) of Paillou (Aqutaine Basin, France)
was reviewed; figured specimens are the holo-
type (IRSNB-P 4251, fig. 718) and two paratypes
(IRSNB-P 4252-53, fig. 719; IRSNB-P 4254-59,
fig. 720).
Ontogeny and variability: Otoliths of less than
2.0 mm (figs. 723-724) are somewhat generalized
in morphology and may not exhibit all pertinent
diagnostic features. In particular the widening of
the cauda, characteristic for this species, may not
be completed.
Like in most species of the genus Microchirus
variability is considerable and concerns detail of
the outline as well as certain proportions of the
Discussion: M. frequens differs from the recent
M. variegatus in the more gently rounded outline,
the pronounced predorsal portion, the more
strongly convex inner face and the rather wide
cauda. M. kirchbergeanus from the Miocene of the
Paratethys is more elongated and M. latior, also
from the Miocene of the Paratethys lacks the
widened cauda and at least in adults is more
compressed. M. wienrichi, finally, from the Mio-
cene of the North Sea Basin is characterized by its
peculiar outline of the otolith, the rather short
sulcus and (in adults) the rather flat inner face.
Distribution: Upper Oligocene and Lower Mi-
ocene of France (Aquitaine Basin), Upper Oli-
gocene (?to Middle Miocene) of northern Germa-
ny, Belgium and the Netherlands. Most if not all
records from the Miocene of the North Sea Basin
represent the species M. wienrichi described as
new in the following.
It is assumed that M. frequens represents an
indigenous species of the North Sea Basin during
Upper Oligocene and with the beginning of Mio-
cene invaded the Northeast Atlantic through the
then opening connection north of the British Isles.
Microchirus kirchbergeanus (H.v.MEYER 1852)
Figs. 725-729
syn. Solea kirchbergeana H.v.MEYER 1852 –
H.v.MEYER 1852: pl. 17, figs. 2-3
syn. Solea antiqua H.v.MEYER 1852 – H.v.MEYER
1852: pl.17, figs. 4-7 (according to WEILER
syn. Solea subvulgaris SCHUBERT 1906 – SCHU-
BERT 1906: pl. 5, fig. 53,55
syn. Solea kirchbergeana – WEILER 1955: figs. 9-10
(otoliths found in situ)
syn. Solea approximata – JONET 1973: pl. 4, figs.
?syn. Solea approximata – JONET 1979: pl. 2, fig. 17
syn. Solea kirchbergeana – REICHENBACHER
1988: pl. 1, figs. 5-6
?syn. Dicologlossa sp. – BRZOBOHATY 1989: pl.
2, fig. 7
syn. Dicologlossa aff. cuneata – RADWANSKA
1992: pl. 38, fig. 8
syn. Buglossidium sp. – BRZOBOHATY 1994: pl.
1, fig. 11
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Remarks: M. kirchbergeanus is the only fossil Pleu-
ronectiform from which otoliths have been de-
scribed in situ (WEILER, 1955). Synonymization
with Solea subvulgaris described by SCHUBERT
(1906) is mainly based on WEILERs excellent
drawing of the otolith found in situ although it
shows a somewhat atypical undulating outline.
Apparently, WEILERs specimen was rather
small. Recently, this interpretation has been con-
firmed by two isolated otolith findings of this
species at the type-locality described by RE-
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths, the lectotype
(GBW 1906/1/47a, fig. 727) and 2 paralectotypes
(GBW 1906/1/47c, fig. 726 and GBW 1906/1/47b)
of Solea subvulgaris from the Middle Miocene
(Badenian) of Bad Vöslau, Austria, 1 otolith
(fig. 725) from the Middle Miocene (Badenian) of
Poland (ZPalUW RaK-454, described by RAD-
WANSKA, 1992 as Dicologlossa aff. cuneata) and 2
otoliths (figs. 728-729) from the Lower Miocene
(Burdigalian) from Costa da Caparica, Portugal
(coll. Schwarzhans)
Discussion: Otoliths of M. kirchbergeanus are
more elongate than those of other recent or fossil
species of the genus except for M. wienrichi which,
however, differs in a number of other specialized
features (see respective entry). Other than that
otoliths of M. kirchbergeanus are very generalized
in appearance and not very characteristic.
M. kirchbergeanus is regarded here in rather
wide limits and it may not in fact represent a
single species but possibly a group of two or more
related species that cannot be distinguished by
means of otoliths. This conspicuousness is build
on the very simplified morphology that it exhib-
its, the high variability and the wide distribution
pattern. May be once, when large amounts of data
(from adult specimens) from the various locations
and time intervals have been gathered it could
become possible to distinguish more than one
species. Until such fictional date one should be
aware that M. kirchbergeanus represents a pheno-
typic species or species group.
Distribution: Known from otoliths and skeletons
with otoliths in situ from the Middle Miocene
of Bavaria, otoliths alone from Austria, Poland
and the Lower Miocene of Portugal
Figs. 725-729: Microchirus kirchbergeanus (H.v.MEYER 1852) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Microchirus latior (SCHUBERT 1906)
Figs. 730-733
syn. Solea latior SCHUBERT 1906 – SCHUBERT
1906: pl. 6, figs. 12-14
?syn. Solea latiorANFOSSI & MOSNA 1979: pl.
4, fig. 14
syn. Microchirus aff. variegatus – BRZOBOHATY
1989: pl. 2, fig. 8
syn. Buglossidium frequens – BRZOBOHATY 1989:
pl. 2, fig. 9
syn. Microchirus aff. variegatus – RADWANSKA
1992: pl. 38, fig. 9
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths, the lectotype
(GBW 1906/1/58b, fig. 731) and 2 paralectotypes
(GBW 1906/1/58a, fig. 732, GBW 1906/1/58c)
from the Middle Miocene (Badenian) of Bad
Vöslau, Austria, 1 otolith (fig. 733) from the Mid-
dle Miocene (Badenian) of Poland (ZPalUW RaNi-
448, described as Microchirus aff. variegatus by
RADWANSKA, 1992), 1 otolith (fig. 730) from the
Lower Miocene (Eggenburgian) of Mold, Austria
(coll. Schwarzhans).
Discussion: Very close to M. variegatus, but dif-
fering in the more regularly and gently curving
outline and the more convex inner face. M. latior
shows the most compressed otoliths of all Micro-
chirus species, at least in adults.
Distribution: Lower and Middle Miocene of
Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland.
Microchirus wienrichi n.sp.
Figs. 734-741
?syn. Solea approximata – WEILER 1958: pl. 3,
fig. 17-19
syn. Solea approximata – GAEMERS 1971: pl. 3,
fig. 16, pl. 9, fig. 5
syn. Solea approximata – NOLF 1976: pl. 17, figs.
syn. Buglossidium approximatum – HUYGHE-
BAERT & NOLF 1979: pl. 6, figs. 22, 23, ?24
syn. Soleidarum sp. 2 – GAEMERS & SCHWARZ-
HANS 1982: pl. 2, fig. 24
Name: In honor of Günther Wienrich (Weetze,
NW-Germany), who has collected most of the
Holotype: Fig. 737, SMF P 9321.
Type locality: Water well Lüllingen near Keve-
laer, NW-Germany.
Age: Reinbekian, lower Middle Miocene.
Paratypes: 9 otoliths, 7 topo- and stratitypic (figs.
736, 738-741, SMF P 9322), 1 Reinbekian of Din-
gden near Bocholt (fig. 734, SMF P 9323) and 1
Hemmoorian (fig. 735), Lower Miocene from
Miste near Winterswijk (Netherlands) (SMF P
Diagnosis: Compressed, moderately small oto-
liths with almost circular outline. Predorsal projec-
tion angular, but not very strong, postdorsal pro-
jection strong, postventral angle shifted far back-
wards, posterior rim undulating in juveniles.
Figs. 730-733: Microchirus latior (SCHUBERT 1906) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Sulcus rather short, terminating at considerable
distance from the posterior rim of the otolith.
Otoliths thin and inner face convex in juveniles,
more thickset and with flattened inner face in
Description: Outline: Otoliths small (not exceed-
ing 3 mm) with compressed, roundish outline.
Dorsal rim often with angular but not very strong
predorsal projection and massive rounded post-
dorsal projection, postventral portion sometimes
angular, shifted far backwards; anterior and pos-
terior tips blunt, the latter often undulating. Oto-
liths moderately thickset.
Inner Face: Convex in juveniles, rather flat in
adults, smooth. Sulcus rather short, terminating
at considerable distance from the posterior tip of
the otolith, rather narrow and moderately deep.
Ostium not much longer than cauda and usually
not wider, too. Colliculi indistinctly separated and
somewhat deepened. Circumsulcal depression
well developed and rather wide.
Other views: Rims smooth, sharp in juveniles,
thickset in adults. Outer face smooth, almost flat
in juveniles, convex in adults.
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Figs. 734-741: Microchirus wienrichi n.sp. – 15 ×
740b 740a
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Ontogeny and variability: M. wienrichi is a spe-
cies with a rather unusual high degree of ontoge-
netic changes. Smaller otoliths to approximately
1.7 mm (figs. 738-741) are more compressed, show
a more undulating outline, are rather thin with a
convex inner face and a nearly flat outer face and
exhibit a more narrow sulcus. Larger otoliths
above 2.0 mm (figs. 734-736) are slightly more
elongate, much more thickset with a flattened
inner face and a convex outer face and show a
wider sulcus and a smoothed outline. In fact this
is one of the rare instances where juvenile oto-
liths can be identified easier than adults.
Variability in this species is moderate, mostly
concerning details of the outline and the width of
the sulcus. Anyhow, specimens of M. wienrichi
remain more characteristic than those of most
other species of Microchirus.
Discussion: The diagnostic pattern of M. wien-
richi distinguishes it well from other otoliths of
the genus including M. frequens from the Upper
Oligocene of the area.
Remarks: The reason for rejection of the species
Solea approximata, which otherwise could be in
conflict with M. wienrichi, is given in the descrip-
tion of M. frequens.
Distribution: Lower and Middle Miocene of
northern Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Monochirus RAFINESQUE 1814
Type-species: Monochirus hispidus RAFINESQUE
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, rather elongate oto-
liths; ventral rim moderately deep and regularly
curving, dorsal rim more shallow, with somewhat
anteriorly projecting predorsal angle, anterior rim
inclined, posterior rim rounded. Index l:h 1.30 to
1.35. Otolith size small, not exceeding 3 mm.
Sulcus not much deepened and rather nar-
row, position slightly supramedian, anteriorly
reaching close to the anterior rim of the otolith.
Ostium not wider than cauda, but much longer.
Colliculi poorly defined and poorly separated.
Dorsal and ventral depressions rather wide, some-
what deepened and well connected around the
cauda to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face markedly convex, smooth; outer
face almost flat, smooth. Rims rather sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
hispidus 1.30-1.35 2.8-3.0 1.6 1.0 2.8-3.0
Side dimorphism: Otoliths of the right (eyed)
side show a narrower sulcus, a complete lack of
the separation of the colliculi and some radial
furrows in the zone near to the circumsulcal de-
Discussion: Monochirus apparently is closely re-
lated to Microchirus and in fact judging from the
otoliths the latter could even be placed included
as a synonymy. Main differences are the more
elongate shape of the otolith and the poorly de-
fined separation of the colliculi.
Species and distribution: Monochirus is a mon-
ospecific genus with M. hispidus distributed
throughout the Mediterranean and in the North-
east-Atlantic from Portugal to Ghana.
Monochirus hispidus RAFINESQUE 1814
Figs. 742-744
syn. Pleuronectes trichodactylus NARDO 1827
syn. Monochirus atlanticus CHABANAUD 1949
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (2 left side, 1 right
side) without location, IRSNB (coll. Nolf, leg.
Distribution: Mediterranean and NE-Atlantic
from Portugal to Ghana at depth down to 250 m.
Quenselia JORDAN 1889
Type-species: Pleuronectes ocellatus LINNAEUS
syn. Echinosolea CHABANAUD 1927 (type-spe-
cies: Pleuronectes ocellatus)
syn. Zevaia CHABANAUD 1943 (type-species:
Solea azevia)
Diagnosis: Thin otoliths with very regular round-
ish outline; ventral rim deeply and very regular-
ly curving, dorsal rim also regularly rounded,
but sometimes with pre- and/or postdorsal an-
gles, anterior and posterior rims broadly round-
ed. Index l:h 1.15 to 1.25. Otolith size up to 5 mm,
diagnostic maturity reached relatively early at
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
about 1.5 mm.
Sulcus shallow, narrow and rather long, posi-
tion slightly supramedian, anteriorly reaching
close to the anterior rim of the otolith. Ostium
not wider than cauda, sometimes more narrow,
but much longer (except for the fossil Q. cornuta,
the only Soleid in which the cauda is longer than
the ostium). Dorsal and ventral depressions nar-
row, not very deep and well connected around
the cauda to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face markedly convex, smooth or deli-
cately ornamented towards the rims; outer face
flat to slightly concave, smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
ocellata 1.25 3.7-4.0 1.2-1.5 0.9-1.0 3.0
azevia 1.25 4.2-4.6 1.3-1.5 0.9 3.0-3.5
cornuta 1.05-1.15 3.0-3.2 0.5-0.7 1.0 2.5-2.7
Side dimorphism: Side dimorphism is very fee-
ble in the species of this genus or else submerges
in the variability.
Ontogeny and variability: Smaller otoliths are
only known from the somewhat peculiar fossil
species. However, even small specimens below
1.5 mm are quite characteristic and unmistakable.
Also the level of variability in this genus is
rather restricted, mainly concerning details of the
outline of the otolith and the ornamentation on
the inner face.
Discussion: In recent ichthyological literature
Quenselia is usually understood as a junior syno-
nym of Microchirus. The otolith pattern, however,
has let me to regard Quenselia as a valid genus
and separate it from Microchirus. Quenselia oto-
liths are characterized by their very thin appear-
ance and the very regular ovale outline.
Morphologically, they are intermediate be-
tween those of Microchirus and the related genus
Dicologlossa, probably representing a lineage of
specialization. Dicologlossa otoliths are more elon-
gate and show a tendency to enlarge their caudal
colliculum. (This is a similar trend as is observed
in the peculiar fossil Q. cornuta.) Dicologlossa
hexophthalma represents an almost perfect link be-
tween the two genera (see respective entry).
In a recent review of the genus Microchirus
DESOUTTER (1994) regarded Quenselia as a syn-
onym, discriminating two subgenera – Microchirus
and Zevaia (for more details see entry to Micro-
chirus). Otolith analysis does not support DE-
SOUTTERs view of the type-species – Q. ocellata
to represent a member of the genus Microchirus.
Figs. 742-744: Monochirus hispidus RAFINESQUE 1814 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Species and distribution: There are at least two
recent species in the genus QuenseliaQ. ocellata
and Q. theophila – known from the Mediterrane-
an and the Northeast Atlantic. The generic status
of two further African species usually placed in
MicrochirusM. wittei and M. frechkopi – remains
uncertain at the time (see also entry to Microchi-
rus). Although placed into Microchirus by DE-
SOUTTER (1994), they have also been regarded
as representatives the genus Quenselia by
CHABANAUD (1955). In addition, there is one
fossil species placed in this genus – Q. cornuta
from the Lower Pliocene of NW-Morocco.
Figs. 745-748: Quenselia ocellata (LINNAEUS 1758) – 10 ×
Figs. 749-750: Quenselia theophila (RISSO 1810) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Quenselia ocellata (LINNAEUS 1758)
Figs. 745-748
syn. Solea quadriocellata von BONDE 1922
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (2 left side and
2 right side) from Teneriffa, Canary Islands, ZMH
Ot.9.5.1995.1-4 (coll. Schwarzhans).
Discussion: Very similar to Q. azevia, but may
be less thin and less ornamented on the inner
face. Distinction of the two species by otoliths
alone, however, will be very difficult.
Distribution: Mediterranean and Northeast-At-
lantic from Spain to Mauritania and including
Madeira and the Canary Islands from shallow
depth to 300 m.
Quenselia theophila (RISSO 1810)
Figs. 749-750
syn. Quenselia azevia (CAPELLO 1867)
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from Portugal, ZMH Ot.9.5.1995.5 (leg.
BMNH 1867.7.23.8) and BMNH 1867.7.23.8.
Discussion: Very similar to Q. ocellata but even
more thin and with intense delicate ornamenta-
tion on the inner face.
Distribution: Western Mediterranean and North-
east-Atlantic from Portugal to Senegal.
Quenselia cornuta n.sp.
Figs. 751-758
Name: cornutus (lat.) = horn bearing, referring
to the hornlike predorsal projection.
Holotype: Fig. 752, SMF P 9325.
Type locality: River banks of the Oued Beth due
South of Dar Bel Hamri, northern Morocco.
Age: Zanclian, Lower Pliocene.
Paratypes: 6 otoliths (figs. 751, 753-757), topo-
and stratitypic, SMF P 9326.
Figs. 751-758: Quenselia cornuta n.sp. – 15 ×
751a 752c
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Diagnosis: Small roundish otoliths with convex
inner face. Predorsal projection hornlike. Caudal
colliculum about twice as long as ostial colliculum.
Description: Outline: Otoliths small (less than
2.5 mm), with compressed, irregularly roundish
outline. Dorsal rim with prominent predorsal
hornlike projection, postdorsally broadly round-
ed; ventral rim deeply curving; anterior and pos-
terior rims broadly rounded, the posterior one
more blunt so. Otoliths rather thin.
Inner face: Rather strongly convex and
smooth. Sulcus rather short and narrow, with
slightly supramedian position and not much
deepened. This is the only Soleid species in which
the caudal colliculum is considerably longer than
the ostial colliculum (about two times). The sep-
aration of the colliculi is rather distinct. Circum-
sulcal depression narrow, shallow, but well con-
nected around the caudal tip of the sulcus.
Other views: Outer face smooth, almost flat.
Rims sharp.
Side dimorphism: In otoliths of the right side
the hornlike predorsal projection seems to be
generally less well developed.
Ontogeny and variability: Specimens are present
down to about 1 mm in size but do not show any
major ontogenetic changes.
Variability likewise is rather moderate, re-
stricted mainly to details of the outline and pro-
portions of the sulcus.
Discussion: This species is immediately recog-
nized by its unusually long cauda which is about
two times as long as the ostium, a unique charac-
ter amongst otoliths of the Soleidae. This and the
compressed outline with the hornlike predorsal
projection result in a very typical morphology
which only tentatively is placed in the genus
Quenselia. A single finding of a similar otolith from
the Upper Miocene (Tortonian) of Cacela in south-
ern Portugal (fig. 758, coll. Schwarzhans) differs
in the lack of the extended cauda. It is referred to
as Q. aff. cornuta. If this otolith represents the
predecessor of Q. cornuta, as it seems likely, this
would be an indication that the peculiar expan-
sion of cauda and caudal colliculum is a derived
feature not to be mistaken with the plesiomor-
phic long cauda found in members of the Psetto-
didae and the Tephrinectes, Paralichthodes and
Ammotretis Groups.
Dicologlossa CHABANAUD 1927
Type-species: Solea cuneata MOREAU 1881
syn. Xenobuglossus CHABANAUD 1950 (type-
species: X. elongatus)
Diagnosis: Thin and rather elongate otoliths;
ventral rim shallow and regularly curving, dor-
sal rim also shallow, with broadly rounded pre-
and postdorsal angles, anterior and posterior rims
broadly rounded. Index l:h 1.20 to 1.70. Otolith
size up to 5 mm, diagnostic maturity reached at
about 1.5 mm.
Sulcus rather shallow and narrow, position
almost median, anteriorly reaching close to the
anterior rim of the otolith. Ostium not wider than
cauda, sometimes more narrow, and about equal
in length. Dorsal and ventral depressions rather
narrow, somewhat deepened and well connected
around the cauda to form a circumsulcal depres-
Inner face convex, smooth; outer face almost
flat, smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
hexophthalma 1.40-1.45 4.5 0.85-1.05 0.8-0.9 5.5
cuneata (left) 1.45-1.70 3.2-3.7 1.60-1.80 1.0 3.5-4.0
cuneata (right) 1.45-1.55 3.2-3.7 1.05-1.10 1.0 3.5-4.0
patens 1.20-1.35 3.0 1.60-1.70 1.1 2.5-2.8
Side dimorphism: Only apparent in D. cuneata.
There, otoliths of the right side have a much more
expanded cauda, almost to the size of the ostium,
whereas in otoliths of the left side the cauda is
much shorter than the ostium.
Ontogeny and variability: As in the related ge-
nus Quenselia ontogenetic changes seem to be
rather small.
Variability is quite changeable in the species
of this genus. In D. hexophthalma it remains at a
low level, in the fossil D. patens it is moderate,
but in D. cuneata it is considerable. There, mostly
features of the outline and proportions of the oto-
liths are concerned.
Discussion: Dicologlossa is closely related to
Quenselia and marks the final stage of lineage
probably having originated from near Microchi-
rus. Like the fossil Quenselia cornuta, otoliths of
the genus Dicologlossa show a tendency to en-
large its cauda (but not as much – only to about
the length of the ostium).
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Species and distribution: Two recent species –
D. hexophthalma and D. cuneata – from the Medi-
terranean and the Northeast-Atlantic and one
fossil species – D. patens – from the Miocene of
Italy, Austria, France and Portugal. D. hexophthal-
ma was regarded by DESOUTTER (1994) as a
member of the genus Microchirus subgenus Zevaia
(here as Quenselia; see also entry to Microchirus).
Dicologlossa hexophthalma
(BENNETT 1831)
Figs. 759-762
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (2 left side and
2 right side), 2 from Lagos, Portugal and 2 from
Teneriffa, Canary Islands, ZMH Ot.9.5.1995.6-9
(coll. Schwarzhans).
Discussion: Otoliths of D. hexophthalma are less
elongate than those of D. cuneata and also show
always an extended cauda to about the size of the
ostium. They also resemble otoliths of the genus
Quenselia in habitus, differing mainly in being
more elongate. Thus C. hexophthalma is morpho-
logically intermediate between Quenselia and
C. cuneata.
Distribution: Northeastern Atlantic from Portu-
gal to Angola including Madeira and the Canary
Dicologlossa cuneata
([DE LA PYLAIE 1835] MOREAU 1881)
Figs. 763-766, 23
syn. Solea angulosa KAUP 1858
syn. Solea clerveleyi GILCHRIST 1906
syn. Solea senegalensis mbaoensis PELLEGRIN 1907
syn. Xenobuglossus elongatus CHABANAUD 1950
Investigated otoliths: 8 otoliths (4 left and 4 right
side), 4 from Portugal and 4 from La Rochelle,
France, ZMH Ot.9.5.1995.10-17 (coll. Schwarz-
Side dimorphism: Otoliths of the right side ex-
hibit an enlarged cauda, whereas those of the left
side do not.
Variability: Variability in this species is consid-
erable and concerns the outline and the propor-
tions of the otoliths. Occasionally, the posterior
rim is expanded dorsally and pointed (fig. 766).
Figs. 759-762: Dicologlossa hexophthalma (BENNETT 1831) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Discussion: See entry to D. hexophthalma.
Distribution: Western Mediterranean and North-
east-Atlantic from the Bay of Biscay to the Cape
of Good Hope.
Dicologlossa patens (BASSOLI 1906)
Figs. 767-769
syn. Solea patens BASSOLI 1906 – BASSOLI 1906:
pl. 2, fig. 4
syn. Solea kokeni SCHUBERT 1906 – SCHUBERT
1906: pl. 20, fig. 8
syn. Solea kokeni – JONET 1973: pl. 4, fig. 144
syn. Pegusa sp. – NOLF & STEURBAUT 1979:
pl. 5, fig. 30
syn. Solea kokeniANFOSSI & MOSNA 1979:
pl. 4, fig. 15
syn. Solea aff. kokeni – JONET 1980: pl. 2, fig. 21
syn. Solea patens – STEURBAUT & JONET 1981:
pl. 4, fig. 7
syn. Dicologlossa cuneata – STEURBAUT & JONET
1981: pl. 4, figs. 10-11
syn. Solea patens – STEURBAUT 1984: pl. 36,
figs. 1-4
syn. Solea solea – RADWANSKA 1992: pl. 38,
figs. 13-14
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths, the holotype of
Solea kokeni (GBW 1906/1/55, fig. 768) from the
Middle Miocene, Badenian of Bad Vöslau, Aus-
tria, 1 otolith from the Burdigalian, Lower Mio-
cene of Costa da Caparica, Portugal (coll.
Schwarzhans, fig. 769), 3 otoliths from the Bade-
nian, Middle Miocene of Poland (ZPalUW RaK-
447,452,453; described by Radwanska as Solea
solea; fig. 767).
Discussion: Otoliths of D. patens are more com-
pressed and more robust than those of the two
recent species and also do not show an extended
cauda. Quite clearly, they exhibit the most plesi-
omorphic otolith pattern in this genus.
Distribution: Lower to Upper Miocene of Italy,
Austria, France and Portugal
Solea QUENSEL 1806
Type-species: Solea vulgaris QUENSEL 1806
syn. Pegusa GÜNTHER 1862 (type-species: Solea
pegusa, syn. S. lascaris)
syn. Synapturichthys CHABANAUD 1927 (type-
species: Synaptura sauvignyi, syn. S. kleini)
syn. Barnardichthys CHABANAUD 1927 (type-
species: Solea fulvomarginata)
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset to thickset, com-
pressed to elongate otoliths; ventral rim moder-
ately deep to deeply and regularly curving, dor-
sal rim more shallow, anteriorly broadly round-
ed, but posterior-dorsal portion usually extended
and pointed, anterior rim broadly rounded, pos-
terior rim blunt, often nearly vertically cut and
with distinct concavity. Index l:h 1.10 to 1.50.
Otolith size up to 4 mm, rarely up to 5.5 mm,
diagnostic maturity reached at about 1.5 mm.
Sulcus somewhat deepened and rather nar-
row, position slightly supramedian, anteriorly
reaching close to the anterior rim of the otolith.
Ostium not or only slightly wider than cauda and
much longer. Dorsal and ventral depressions
moderately wide, somewhat deepened and well
connected around the cauda to form a circumsul-
cal depression.
Inner face markedly convex, not very smooth;
outer face flat to slightly concave, smooth. Rims
thin to moderately thickset.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
senegalensis 1.40 3.0-3.3 1.7-2.1 1.0 3.3-3.7
triophthalma 1.45-1.50 3.5 1.9-2.2 1.1-1.2 3.0
aegyptiaca 1.25 3.3 1.8 1.1 3.3
rotunda 1.15-1.25 2.0-2.5 1.5-2.3 1.0-1.2 1.7-2.2
vulgaris 1.20 3.0-3.2 1.4-1.7 1.1-1.2 2.3-2.5
lascaris 1.10 3.1-3.3 1.8-1.9 1.1-1.3 2.4-2.5
nasuta 1.15-1.20 3.0 2.3-2.4 1.1 2.3
kleini 1.10 3.6 1.7 1.0 3.0
Side dimorphism: Only occasionally apparent.
In some species the otoliths of the right side show
a more strongly convex inner face than those of
the left side.
Ontogeny and variability: Both ontogenetic
changes and intraspecific variability in the species
of this genus seem to be at rather moderate level.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Discussion: Most species of the genus Solea share
the following features that readily distinguishes
them from other genera of the group. This is the
combine of a rather strongly convex inner face,
the concave posterior rim and the rather high
ol:cl index. Only few species, such as
S. triophthalmus, S. aegyptiaca and possibly also
S. bleekeri lack the concavity of the posterior rim.
In most recent literature several of the species
listed here under the genus Solea are being placed
in a separate genus – Pegusa – based on the en-
larged and specialized nostril on the blind side.
However, otolith analysis does not seem to fol-
low the same tracks. I have therefore chosen
TORCHIOs (1973) view and regard Pegusa as a
junior synonym of Solea. Nevertheless, the oto-
lith morphologies found in Solea can be differen-
tiated into three distinctive groups, which if ver-
ified by other ichthyological methods should be
given generic or subgeneric ranking. The three
groups are characterized as follows.
Otoliths of S. senegalensis differ from all other
members of the genus in the combination of be-
ing more elongate and showing a more flat inner
face. They are also the ones growing to the larg-
est size. There is quite some overall resemblance
to otoliths of the genus Austroglossus the most
plesiomorphic genus in the Synaptura Group and
maybe this is from near where the Synaptura
Group could have developed.
The second group contains those species with-
out the concavity at the posterior rim – S. trioph-
thalma, S. aegyptiaca and probably also S. bleekeri
(judging from a very eroded otolith investigated).
Figs. 763-766: Dicologlossa cuneata (DE LA PYLAIE 1835) – 10 ×
Figs. 767-769: Dicologlossa patens (BASSOLI 1906) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Finally, the third and largest group contains
those species with a compressed outline, a strong-
ly convex inner face and most notably a concave
posterior rim. To this group belong all those spe-
cies traditionally placed in the genus Pegusa such
as S. lascaris, S. nasuta and S. kleini, but also the
type-species of the genus SoleaS. vulgaris. In
addition, the fossil S. rotunda belongs to this group
as well.
Species and distribution: There are at least 11
valid recent species in Solea distributed through
the Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic all
the way from Europe to the tip of South Africa –
S. aegyptiaca, S. bleekeri, (otoliths figured in
SMALE et al. 1995), S. fulvomarginata, S. impar,
S. kleini, S. lascaris, S. nasuta, S. senegalensis, S. stan-
alandi, S. vulgaris and S. triophthalma. Of all the
fossil species formally recorded for Solea (more in
the sense of a Soleidae) only one – S. rotunda
from the Miocene of France and Poland may re-
main in it.
Solea senegalensis KAUP 1858
Figs. 770-771
syn. Solea melanochira MOREAU 1874
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from off Mauritania, ZMH Ot.9.5.1995.18-
19 (coll. Schwarzhans, leg. W. Schmidt).
Discussion: Otoliths of S senegalensis are easily
recognized by their elongate shape, the relatively
flat inner face and the presence of a slight con-
cavity at the posterior rim.
Distribution: Northeast Atlantic from Portugal
to Senegal at shallow depth down to 80 m.
Solea triophthalma BLEEKER 1863
Figs. 772-773
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from tropical West Africa, ZMH
Ot.9.5.1995.20 (leg. BMNH 1953.6.22.2) and
BMNH 1953.6.22.2.
Discussion: Otoliths of S. triophthalma are recog-
nized by the elongate shape, the lack of the pos-
terior concavity and the very thin appearance with
a convex inner and a concave outer face.
Distribution: Tropical West Africa.
Solea aegyptiaca CHABANAUD 1927
Fig. 784
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
the Suez Channel, Egypt, BMNH 1925.9.19.142.
Figs. 770-771: Solea senegalensis KAUP 1858 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Discussion: Similar to S. triophthalma but more
Distribution: Mediterranean coast of North Af-
rica and entering into the Suez Channel.
Solea rotunda (PRIEM 1914)
Figs. 774-777
syn. Gobius rotundus PRIEM 1914 – PRIEM 1914:
fig. 66
syn. Solea rotunda – STEURBAUT 1984: pl.36,
figs. 5-8
syn. Solea solea – RADWANSKA 1992: pl. 38,
figs. 10-12
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths, 2 from the Bur-
digalian (Lower Miocene) of Pont Pourquey,
Aquitaine Basin, France (IRSNB P 4272, 4273; figs.
774-775) and 3 from the Badenian, Middle Mio-
cene of Poland (ZPalUW RaR-449, RaK-450, RaNi-
451; described by RADWANSKA, 1992 as Solea
solea; figs. 776-777).
Discussion: Also somewhat variable in expres-
sion otoliths of this species are best recognized
by their near circular outline. The posterior rim,
however, is still concave.
Distribution: Lower Miocene of France (Aqui-
taine Basin), Middle Miocene of Poland.
Figs. 772-773: Solea triophthalmua BLEEKER 1863 – 10 ×
Figs. 774-777: Solea rotunda (PRIEM 1914) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Solea vulgaris QUENSEL 1806
Figs. 782-783
?syn. Pleuronectes solea LINNAEUS 1758
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (2 left and 2 right
side) from the German North Sea, ZMH
Ot.9.5.1995.21-24 (coll. Schwarzhans).
Discussion: Very similar to S. lascaris, but gener-
ally somewhat more elongate and with a wider
sulcus. A large series of otoliths of this species
was also figured by CHAINE (1936).
Distribution: North Sea, western Baltic Sea,
Northeast-Atlantic from Mid-Norway to Senegal,
European coast of the Mediterranean and west-
ern Black Sea.
Solea lascaris (RISSO 1810)
Figs. 778-779
syn. Solea pegusa YARELL 1829
syn. Solea aurantiaca GÜNTHER 1862
syn. Solea margaritifera GÜNTHER 1862
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left side) from
Plymouth, England, ZMH Ot.9.5.1995.25 (leg.
BMNH 1988.10.11.334) and BMNH 1988.10.11.334.
Discussion: Otoliths of S. lascaris are somewhat
more compressed than those of S. vulgaris due to
the deeper ventral rim and less rounded in out-
line than those of S. nasuta. A large series of oto-
liths of this species was also figured by CHAINE
Distribution: Mediterranean, southern North
Sea and East-Atlantic from SW of Great Britain to
South Africa at depth from 30 to 350 m.
Solea nasuta (PALLAS 1811)
Figs. 780-781
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from the Black Sea off Rumania, ZMH Ot.
9.5.1995.26 (leg. BMNH 1964.12.7.3) and BMNH
Discussion: Very similar to S. lascaris but more
circular in outline. Probably very difficult to dis-
Figs. 778-779: Solea lascaris (RISSO 1810) – 10 ×
Figs. 780-781: Solea nasuta (PALLAS 1811) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Distribution: Black Sea and Mediterranean.
Solea kleini (RISSO 1810)
Fig. 785
syn. Synaptura savignyi KAUP 1858
syn. Solea capellonis STEINDACHNER 1868
Investigated otoliths: 1 somewhat eroded oto-
lith (left side) from Nice, southern France, BMNH
Discussion: Otoliths compressed, similar to
S. lascaris and S. nasuta but always with some-
what crenulated rims and a less convex inner face.
A large series of otoliths of this species was also
figured by CHAINE (1936).
Distribution: Mediterranean and all along the
Atlantic coast of Africa to the tip of South Africa.
Dageichthys STAUCH & BLANC 1964
Type-species: Dageichthys lakdoensis STAUCH &
BLANC 1964
Remarks: Dageichthys is an endemic monospe-
cific freshwater genus exclusively recorded from
the Benue river basin in Cameroon. No specimen
of this rare species has been available for otolith
Microbuglossus GÜNTHER 1862
Type-species: Solea humilis CANTOR 1850 (syn.
M. ovatus)
Diagnosis: Small, moderately thickset, com-
pressed otoliths with a roundish outline; ventral
and dorsal rims regularly curving, anterior and
posterior rims broadly rounded. Index l:h 1.10 to
1.25. Otoliths small, its size not much exceeding
3 mm.
Figs. 782-783: Solea vulgaris QUENSEL 1806 – 10 ×
Fig. 784: Solea aegyptiaca CHABANAUD 1927 – 10 ×
Fig. 785: Solea kleini (RISSO 1810) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Sulcus somewhat deepened and moderately
wide, position median to slightly supramedian,
anteriorly reaching close to the anterior rim of
the otolith. Ostium usually not much wider than
cauda and also not much longer. Dorsal and ven-
tral depressions rather wide, somewhat deepened
and well connected around the cauda to form a
circumsulcal depression.
Inner face slightly convex, moderately
smooth; outer face almost flat, smooth. Rims
moderately thickset.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
ovatus 1.10-1.15 3.1 1.55-1.75 1.0-1.2 3.0
heini 1.15-1.25 3.1 nm about 1.0 3.0
elongatus 1.15-1.25 2.5 1.4 1.0-1.3 3.0
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: Details of the outline, which anyway
is not very characteristic, and certain proportions
of the sulcus are apt to some variations.
Discussion: The overall appearance of the oto-
liths of this dwarfed genus is somewhat neo-
tenic, resembling juvenile specimens of Solea and
related genera. The main difference to otoliths of
the genus Solea is the complete absence of any
concavity at the posterior rim, but this character
could be lacking in very small specimens of that
genus as well. All in all, otoliths of Microbuglossus
will be difficult to be distinguished from juvenile
otoliths of other Soleidae if found isolated, par-
ticularly so as fossils. Because of the neotenic
appearance and the lack of a concavity at the
posterior rim I have decided to keep Microbuglos-
sus separate from Solea in contrast to most recent
citations in ichthyological literature.
Species and distribution: Three species from the
Indian Ocean – M. ovatus, M. heini and M. elonga-
Microbuglossus ovatus (RICHARDSON 1846)
Figs. 786-788
syn. Solea humilis CANTOR 1850
syn. Solea maculata BLEEKER 1851
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (2 left side and
1 right side) from Singapore, ZMH Ot.14.5.1995.1-
2 (leg. BMNH 1984.1.12.83-86) and BMNH
Discussion: Very similar to M. heini, but may be
consistently somewhat more compressed.
Distribution: Coasts of India to Malaysia and
southern China.
Microbuglossus heini (STEINDACHNER 1902)
Figs. 789-791
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (left side) from
Karachee, Pakistan, ZMH Ot.14.5.1995.3-4 (leg.
BMNH 1911.12.6.22-41) and BMNH 1911.12.6.22-
Discussion: Very similar to M. ovatus (see above).
Colliculi in this species are completely fused.
Distribution: Coasts of the Arabian Peninsula
and Makran.
Microbuglossus elongatus (DAY 1877)
Figs. 792-794
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (left side) from
the Persian Gulf, ZMH Ot.14.5.1995.5-6 (leg.
BMNH 1928.3.20.1-5) and BMNH 1928.3.20.1-5.
Discussion: Otoliths of M. elongatus are easily
recognized by their much more deepened sulcus.
Distribution: Persian Gulf and coasts of India
and Ceylon.
Vanstraelenia CHABANAUD 1950
Type-species: Vanstraelenia insignis CHABA-
NAUD 1950
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset to thickset, com-
pressed otoliths; ventral rim deeply and regular-
ly curving, deepest postventrally, dorsal rim near-
ly straight except for the more or less pronounced
predorsal projection, anterior rim ventrally round-
ed, dorsally joining the predorsal projection, pos-
terior rim blunt, nearly vertically cut, with faint
concavity. Index l:h 1.10 to 1.15. Otolith size up to
4 mm.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Sulcus somewhat deepened, variable in width,
position median to slightly supramedian, anteri-
orly reduced and not reaching very close to the
anterior rim of the otolith. Ostium wider than
cauda and somewhat longer. Dorsal and ventral
depressions rather wide, somewhat deepened and
well connected around the cauda to form a cir-
cumsulcal depression.
Inner face completely flat, not very smooth;
outer face markedly convex, smooth. Rims most-
ly thickset.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.o
chirophthalma 1.10-1.15 2.7-2.9 1.4-1.5 1.1-1.2 2.6-3.0
insignis 1.10 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.6
Side dimorphism: Otoliths of the right side seem
to lack the faint concavity at the posterior rim.
Discussion: The otoliths of the two genera Van-
straelenia and Bathysolea form a morphologically
well defined subgroup within the Solea Group.
They are characterized by the completely flat
inner face and the anteriorly somewhat reduced
sulcus. In Bathysolea this character is further de-
veloped to form an undivided sulcus with fused
colliculi. It is assumed that these two genera rep-
resent a lineage endemic to the eastern Atlantic
which has originated from near such genera as
Microchirus with which it shares the most resem-
Species and distribution: Two species from the
tropical West African coast – V. chirophthalma and
V. insignis.
Figs. 786-788: Microbuglossus ovatus (RICHARDSON 1846) – 15 ×
Figs. 789-791: Microbuglossus heini (STEINDACHNER 1902) – 15 ×
Figs. 792-794: Microbuglossus elongatus (DAY 1877) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Vanstraelenia chirophthalma (REGAN 1915)
Figs. 795-796
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from off Lagos, Nigeria, ZMH Ot.14.5.1995.7
(leg. BMNH 1951.3.12.12) and BMNH 1951.3.
Discussion: Otoliths of V. chirophthalma differ
from those of V. insignis in being more thin, show-
ing a less pronounced predorsal projection and a
narrower sulcus.
Distribution: Tropical coast of West Africa.
Vanstraelenia insignis CHABANAUD 1950
Fig. 797
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left side) from
off Nigeria, 4°01N/7°56E, BMNH 1962.6.18.125-
Discussion: Otoliths of V. insignis are easily rec-
ognized by their much widened ostium, the very
thickset appearance and the pronounced predor-
sal projection.
V. insignis was regarded by DESOUTTER
(1994) as a synonym of V. chirophthalma. Otoliths,
however, seem to indicate that there might in-
deed be two recent species occurring simultane-
Distribution: Tropical coats of West Africa.
Bathysolea ROULE 1916
Type-species: Solea profundicola VAILLANT 1888
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset to thickset, com-
pressed otoliths with nearly round outline; all
rims regularly curving, ventral rim somewhat
deeper than dorsal rim. Index l:h 1.00 to 1.20.
Otolith size up to 3 mm, diagnostic maturity
reached at slightly above 1.0 mm.
Figs. 795-796: Vanstraelenia chirophthalma (REGAN 1915) – 10 ×
Fig. 797: Vanstraelenia insignis CHABANAUD 1950 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Sulcus rather shallow, short and narrow, po-
sition slightly supramedian, anteriorly not reach-
ing very close to the anterior rim of the otolith.
Ostium and cauda not differentiated and colliculi
completely fused. Dorsal and ventral depressions
rather wide, somewhat deepened and well con-
nected around the cauda to form a circumsulcal
Inner face almost completely flat, rather
smooth; outer face markedly convex, smooth.
Rims moderately thickset.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.o
profundicola 1.20 2.4 nm nm 2.1
polonica 1.00-1.15 2.6 nm nm 2.5-2.6
Side dimorphism: No data.
Discussion: In Bathysolea the sulcus morpholo-
gy is further reduced than in the related genus
Vanstraelenia. Ostium and cauda are completely
fused and so are its colliculi. The outline of the
otoliths is much more rounded. Bathysolea no
doubt represents the more apomorphic genus in
this little subgroup or lineage combining it with
Species and distribution: Two recent species from
the eastern Atlantic and the western Mediterra-
nean – B. profundicola and B. lactea – and one fossil
species from the Miocene of Poland – B. polonica.
Bathysolea profundicola (VAILLANT 1888)
Fig. 798
syn. Solea greenii GÜNTHER 1889
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
51°50N/11°51W. BMNH 1987.1.21.906.
Discussion: This otolith is characterized by the
peculiar anteriorly narrowing sulcus.
Fig. 798: Bathysolea profundicola (VAILLANT 1888) – 15 ×
Figs. 799-801: Bathysolea polonica n.sp. – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Distribution: Rare, but widely distributed in the
eastern Atlantic from Ireland to Angola and in
the western Mediterranean from 200 to 1000 m.
The second recent species (B. lactea) is endemic to
the Cape Verde Islands off West Africa.
Bathysolea polonica n.sp.
Figs. 799-801
syn. genus Soleidarum sp. 2 – RADWANSKA
1992: pl. 38, figs. 4-6
Name: After Poland, the only area this species
so far has been recorded from.
Holotype: Fig. 799, ZPalUW Rak-445.
Type-Locality; Korytnica, southern Poland.
Age: Badenian, Middle Miocene.
Paratypes: 2 otoliths, topo- and stratitypic,
ZPalUW Rak-443 (fig. 800) and Rak-444 (fig. 801).
Diagnosis: Small, compressed otoliths with a
roundish outline, a nearly flat inner face and a
convex, smooth outer face. Ostium short and
narrow, with completely fused colliculi. Inner face
with irregularly distributed radial furrows.
Description: Outline: Otoliths small, to about
2 mm, with a compressed, nearly circular out-
line. Ventral rim somewhat deeper than dorsal
rim. Otoliths rather thickset.
Inner face: Almost completely flat and rather
smooth, except for some irregularly distributed
radial furrows. Sulcus short, narrow, beginning
at some distance from the anterior rim of the
otolith, rather shallow and with completely fused
colliculi. Circumsulcal depression wide and well
developed, but not very deep and with indistinct
outer margins.
Other views: Rims moderately sharp and
smooth. Outer face markedly convex and smooth.
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Ontogeny and Variability: The smallest otoliths
available is about 1.2 mm long (fig. 801) but does
not differ significantly from the largest one
(fig. 799) which is about 2.2 mm long.
Also variability seems to be rather restricted.
One specimen (fig. ) shows a somewhat more
deepened sulcus.
Discussion: B. polonica resembles well the recent
B. profundicola but is somewhat more compressed
and does not show that peculiar narrowing of the
sulcus anteriorly.
Distribution: Middle Miocene of Poland
7.8.4 Synaptura Group
Genera: Two genera – Austroglossus and Syn-
Definition and relationship: The otoliths of the
two genera in the Synaptura Group are quite elon-
gate for soleids. Inner and outer faces are rather
flat, particularly in the horizontal direction,
whereas in the vertical direction the inner face
may be considerably convex. The cauda is short,
less than half the size of the ostium. In Synaptura
the ostium shows a tendency towards a bipartite
expression. That means, the anterior half of the
ostium is somewhat set apart from the posterior
half and deepened, thus giving the impression of
a sulcus divided into three more or less equally
long portions.
The elongate shape and the peculiar bipartite
ostium found in Synaptura has led me to separate
the Synaptura Group from the Solea Group from
which it most likely has originated as a special-
ized offshot. Austroglossus as the more plesiomor-
phic genus shows some relationship to such oto-
liths as Solea senegalensis (see respective entry).
Synaptura has also been often regarded as related
to Zebrias or Brachirus and other genera in the
Brachirus and Zebrias Groups. Otolith morpholo-
gy does not support such a supposed relation-
Austroglossus REGAN 1920
Type-species: Synaptura pectoralis KAUP 1858
syn. Pseudaustroglossus CHABANAUD 1937
(type-species: P. annectens; hybrid of A. micro-
lepis and Synaptura lusitanica)
Diagnosis: Rather thin, large and elongate oto-
liths; ventral rim moderately deep and regularly
curving, dorsal rim nearly straight, with pro-
nounced angles where it meets the anterior and
the posterior rims respectively, anterior rim
rounded, sometimes with notch above ostium,
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
posterior rim blunt, nearly vertically cut and
somewhat inclined ventrally. Index l:h 1.50 to 1.70.
Otolith size up to 6 mm.
Sulcus not much deepened and rather wide,
position slightly supramedian, anteriorly reach-
ing close to the anterior rim of the otolith. Ostium
not wider than cauda, but much longer. Dorsal
and ventral depressions rather wide, somewhat
deepened and well connected around the cauda
to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face slightly convex, the postventral
portion being somewhat bend outside, not very
smooth; outer face almost flat, smooth. Rims
mostly thin.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
pectoralis 1.50-1.70 3.0 2.3-2.4 about 1.0 5-6
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: Apparently very limited.
Discussion: Of the two genera in the Synaptura
Group Austroglossus is the more plesiomorphic
one and has not developed the bipartite ostium.
Also the straight dorsal rim and the nearly ver-
tically cut posterior rim are typical for this genus.
Species and distribution: Two species endemic
to the shores of southern Africa (Namibia and
Republic of South Africa) – A. pectoralis and A. mi-
crolepis. Otoliths of both species have recently been
figured in SMALE et al. (1995).
Austroglossus pectoralis (KAUP 1858)
Figs. 802-804
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (2 left side and
1 right side) from Natal, South Africa, ZMH
Ot.14.5.1995.8-9 (leg. BMNH 1905.6.8.29-30) and
BMNH 1905.6.8.29-30.
Distribution: South Africa, from the Cape of
Good Hope to Natal.
Figs. 802-804: Austroglossus pectoralis (KAUP 1858) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Synaptura CANTOR 1849
Type-species: Synaptura commersoniana CANTOR
Diagnosis: Rather thin, moderately large and
elongate otoliths; ventral rim not very deep and
regularly curving, dorsal rim shallow, often with
pronounced angle where it meets the posterior
rim, sometimes developed as pointed spine, an-
terior rim more rounded, with angular rostrum-
like tip at height of the sulcus, posterior rim blunt,
ventrally inclined. Index l:h 1.55 to 2.00. Otolith
size up to about 5.5 mm.
Sulcus usually deepened and rather wide,
position slightly supramedian, anteriorly reach-
ing close to the anterior rim of the otolith. Ostium
wider and much longer than cauda, bipartite with
the anterior half being deepened and the poste-
rior half being wider. Dorsal and ventral depres-
sions moderately wide, somewhat deepened and
well connected around the cauda to form a cir-
cumsulcal depression.
Inner face slightly convex, not very smooth;
outer face almost flat, rather smooth. Rims most-
ly sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
commersoniana 1.55-1.65 2.3-2.4 2.0-2.5 1.1-1.2 3.5-4.0
albomaculata 1.65 2.8 2.8 1.3 3.2
lusitanica 1.85-2.00 2.0-2.8 2.0-2.2 1.35-1.5 3.0-4.0
Side dimorphism: Otoliths of the left side seem
to have a slightly more convex inner face and the
postventral area is more gently curving.
Ontogeny and variability: Smaller otoliths are
more gently curving in outline (see figures in
CHAINE, 1937).
Variability as it seems is very restricted.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Synaptura are
easily recognized by their elongate shape and the
bipartite ostium. Both characters are least devel-
oped in S. commersoniana which is probably the
most plesiomorphic species in this genus.
Species and distribution: Five nominally valid
species – S. commersoniana and S. albomaculata from
the Indian Ocean, S. marginata from South Africa,
S. cadenati from West Africa and S. lusitanica along
the coasts of West Africa and Portugal.
Synaptura commersoniana CANTOR 1849
Figs. 805-806
syn. Solea russellii BLEEKER 1852
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from Karachee, Pakistan, ZMH Ot.14.5.
1995.10 (leg. BMNH 1911.12.6.19-21) and BMNH
Figs. 805-806: Synaptura commersoniana CANTOR 1849 – 15 ×
Fig. 807: Synaptura albomaculata (KAUP 1858) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Discussion: The otoliths of S. commersoniana ex-
hibit the most plesiomorphic pattern of the spe-
cies in this genus with only an incipient bipartite
ostium and a rather low index l:h.
Distribution: Eastern Atlantic from Portugal to
the Congo river mouth and in the western Med-
Synaptura albomaculata (KAUP 1858)
Fig. 807
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
southern India, BMNH 1969.3.27.1-2.
Discussion: In this species the ostium is distinctly
bipartite. It differs from S. lustanica by the lower
index l:h and the lack of a postdorsal spine.
Distribution: Indian Ocean from Oman to Sin-
Synaptura lusitanica CAPELLO 1868
Figs. 808-811
syn. Synaptura punctatissima PETERS 1877
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (2 left side and
2 right side) from Senegal, IRSNB (coll. Nolf).
Discussion: Like S. albomaculata otoliths of
S. lusitanica show a distinctly bipartite ostium, but
they are more elongate and with a sharp postdor-
sal spine.
Distribution: Eastern Atlantic from Portugal to
the river Congo mouth and western Mediterra-
Figs. 808-811: Synaptura lusitanica CAPELLO 1868 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
7.8.5 Brachirus Group
Genera: Four genera – Heterobuglossus, Dexillich-
thys, Brachirus, Anisochirus and Phyllichthys.
Definition and relationship: The otoliths of the
five genera in the Brachirus Group are morpho-
logically intermediate between those of the Solea
Group, from which they have derived most like-
ly, and the apomorphic Zebrias Group. Its com-
bine may not be entirely natural. The two more
plesiomorphic genera – Heterobuglossus and Dexil-
lichthys – could also be placed in the Solea Group,
Brachirus, Anisochirus and Phyllichthys could be
regarded as the most primitive members of the
Zebrias Group.
The common character found in the members
of this group is an expansion of the postventral
portion, a rather shallow ventral rim and a re-
duction of the postdorsal portion (at least in most
species). This is even more so developed in the
genera of the Zebrias Group. Unlike in otoliths of
the Zebrias Group, however, the sulcus is not re-
duced anteriorly and neither are the colliculi
fused. All in all, otoliths of the Brachirus and the
Zebrias Groups often look like being placed up-
side down.
Heterobuglossus CHABANAUD 1931
Type-species: Synaptura aspilos BLEEKER 1851
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset, compressed oto-
liths with rounded rectangular outline; ventral
and dorsal rims regularly curving but shallow,
somewhat undulating, anterior rim broadly
rounded or blunt, posterior rim blunt, slightly
concave, postventral and postdorsal projections
nearly equal in expression. Index l:h 1.00 to 1.15.
Otolith size up to nearly 3 mm.
Sulcus somewhat deepened and rather nar-
row, position slightly supramedian, anteriorly
reaching close to the anterior rim of the otolith.
Ostium not wider than cauda, but much longer.
Dorsal and ventral depressions moderately wide,
somewhat deepened and well connected around
the cauda to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face markedly convex, smooth; outer
face almost flat, smooth. Rims moderately sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
aspilos 1.00-1.15 3.0 1.4-1.8 0.95-1.1 2.6
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: Variability in this genus seemingly
is restricted to minor variations of the outline and
the sulcus proportions.
Discussion: Heterobuglossus is the most plesio-
morphic genus in this group and could also be
regarded as a member of the Solea Group. Char-
acteristic is its rounded rectangular outline and
the rather shallow ventral rim.
Species and distribution: Heterobuglossus is a
monospecific genus with H. aspilos distributed
from Malaysia through Indonesia to northern
Heterobuglossus aspilos (BLEEKER 1851)
Figs. 812-814
syn. Synaptura marmorata BLEEKER 1853
syn. Synaptura heterolepis BLEEKER 1856
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (2 left side and
1 right side) from Singapore, ZMH Ot.
14.5.1995.11-12 (leg. BMNH 1933.7.31.21-22) and
BMNH 1933.7.31.21-22.
Dexillichthys (WHITLEY 1931)
Type-species: Synaptura macrolepis BLEEKER
syn. Dexillus CHABANAUD 1930 (pre-occupied;
type-species: S. macrolepis)
syn. Whitleyia CHABANAUD 1930 (pre-occu-
pied; type-species: Synaptura setifer)
syn. Paradicula WHITLEY 1931 (type-species:
Synaptura setifer)
syn. Strandichthys WHITLEY 1937 (type-species:
Synaptura muelleri)
syn. Mischommatus CHABANAUD 1938 (type-
species: Synaptura muelleri)
Diagnosis: Moderately thickset, compressed oto-
liths; ventral rim moderately deep, deepest pos-
teriorly, dorsal rim more shallow, somewhat un-
dulating, anterior rim rounded, posterior rim
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
blunt, nearly vertically cut, postventral projec-
tion more pronounced than angular postdorsal
projection. Index l:h 1.25. Otolith size up to about
4 mm.
Sulcus very shallow and narrow, position
nearly median, anteriorly somewhat reduced and
not reaching very close to the anterior rim of the
otolith. Ostium slightly wider than cauda and
much longer. Dorsal and ventral depressions rath-
er wide, with indistinct outer margins, somewhat
deepened and well connected around the cauda
to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face nearly flat, not very smooth; outer
face almost flat, centrally concave and rather
smooth. Rims mostly thickset.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
macrolepis 1.25 2.6 2.9 1.4 about 10
Side dimorphism: No data.
Discussion: Dexillichthys is only tentatively
placed in this group. The otoliths are character-
ized by the nearly flat inner face with the very
shallow sulcus, the extremely small cauda and
the anteriorly reduced ostial opening.
Species and distribution: Three species from the
Indonesian Archipelago, the Philippines and
northern Australia D. macrolepis, D. muelleri and
D. setifer.
Dexillichthys macrolepis (BLEEKER 1858)
Fig. 815
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
the Kumai river, SW Borneo, BMNH 1933.3.11-11a.
Distribution: The Gulf of Bengal and Borneo.
Brachirus SWAINSON 1839
Type-species: Pleuronectes orientalis BLOCH &
syn. Achiroides BLEEKER 1851 (type-species: Pla-
gusia melanorhynchus)
syn. Euryglossa KAUP 1858 (type-species: Pleu-
ronectes orientalis)
syn. Eurypleura KAUP 1858 (type-species: Plagu-
sia melanorhynchus)
syn. Barbourichthys CHABANAUD 1933 (type-
species: Barbourichthys zanzibaricus)
Figs. 812-814: Heterobuglossus aspilos (BLEEKER 1851) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
syn. Trichobrachirus CHABANAUD 1943 (type-
species: Synaptura villosa)
syn. Achlyopa WHITLEY 1947 (type-species: Syn-
aptura nigra)
Diagnosis: Thin to moderately thickset, com-
pressed otoliths; ventral rim shallow, regularly
curving, postventral projection usually well de-
veloped, dorsal rim less shallow, sometimes with
postdorsal angle, anterior rim broadly rounded,
posterior rim blunt, cut, ventrally or (less com-
mon) dorsally inclined. Index l:h 1.05 to 1.30.
Otolith size up to about 3 mm, diagnostic matu-
rity probably reached early at about 1.2 to 1.5 mm.
Sulcus moderately deep and moderately wide,
position more or less median, anteriorly reaching
close to the anterior rim of the otolith. Ostium
slightly wider than cauda, but much longer. Dor-
sal and ventral depressions not very wide, slight-
ly deepened and well connected around the cau-
da to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face markedly convex, smooth; outer
face almost flat, smooth or slightly ornamented.
Rims mostly sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
orientalis 1.10 3.4-3.8 1.9-2.6 1.2-1.3 2.6-2.8
niger 1.15 nd 1.8-2.0 1.1-1.2 nd
cinerascens 1.20-1.30 3.0 1.8-2.0 1.2-1.3 3.0
pan 1.05 2.4 1.6 1.2 3.0
melanorhynchus 1.25 nd 2.0 1.3 nd
Side dimorphism: Otoliths of the right side may
have a slightly stronger convex inner face than
those of the left side.
Ontogeny and variability: In B. cinerascens small-
er otoliths are slightly more compressed than
larger ones.
The level of variations is rather moderate,
except for the index ol:cl which seems to variate
quite considerably.
Discussion: Most species of the genus Brachirus
show the ventrally inclined posterior rim and a
tendency to fuse the colliculi. These characters
are further developed in the Zebrias Group and in
fact Brachirus could also be regarded as the most
primitive member of that group. More interme-
diate even are ovally shaped otoliths of the relat-
ed genera Anisochirus and Phyllichthys (see respec-
tive entries). Most members of the Zebrias Group
show completely fused colliculi and except for
the genus Aesopia, a somewhat reduced sulcus
Species and distribution: Brachirus is a species
rich genus in the Indo-West-Pacific, but appar-
ently in need of revision. The following list of
nominally valid species thus may not be com-
plete – B. annularis, B. breviceps, B. cinerascens,
B. melanorhynchus, B. orientalis, B. nigra, B. pan,
B. salinarum, B. selheimi, B. villosa, B. zanzibarica.
B. panoides is tentatively being excluded from the
genus and placed in a genus of its own – Aniso-
chirus (see respective entry). Many species of Bra-
chirus are known to invade upstream into rivers,
some are exclusively freshwater.
Brachirus orientalis
Figs. 816-817
syn. Solea foliacea RICHARDSON 1840
syn. Solea trichodactylus KAUP 1858
syn. Brachirus sundaicus BLEEKER 1866
Fig. 815: Dexillichthys macrolepis (BLEEKER 1858) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from off Pakistan, IRSNB (coll. Nolf).
Discussion: A species with the typical outline of
otoliths of the Brachirus Group. The otoliths are
relatively compressed and the sulcus is rather
Distribution: Makran Coast, Pakistan, to China.
Brachirus niger (MACLEAY 1881)
Figs. 818-819
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from off Sydney, Australia, ZMH Ot.20.5.
1995.1 (leg. BMNH 1890.9.23.226-8) and BMNH
Discussion: This species is remarkable for its
pronounced postdorsal angle.
Distribution: Coasts of northern Australia.
Figs. 816-817: Brachirus orientalis (BLOCH & SCHNEIDER 1801) – 10 ×
Figs. 818-819: Brachirus niger (MACLEAY 1881) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Brachirus cinerascens GÜNTHER 1862
Figs. 820-822
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (left side) from
Basra, Iraq, ZMH Ot.20.5.1995.2-3 (leg. BMNH
1920.3.3.290-6) and BMNH 1920.3.3.290-6.
Discussion: Similar to B. orientalis and often re-
garded as synonymous, but otoliths more elon-
gate and delicately ornamented.
Distribution: Persian Gulf; also recorded from
Brachirus pan
Fig. 823
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
the Sunderabands, Bangla Desh, BMNH
1928.3.20. 15-17.
Discussion: Otoliths compressed with a rather
flat inner face and a very wide sulcus.
Distribution: Coasts of eastern India and Ma-
laysia; entering rivers.
Brachirus melanorhynchus (BLEEKER 1850)
Fig. 824
syn. Achiroides leucorhynchus BLEEKER 1851
syn. Solea harmandi SAUVAGE 1878
Investigated otoliths: 1 somewhat eroded, prob-
ably juvenile otolith (right side) from Singapore,
BMNH 1984.1.18.263.
Discussion: Judging from the poorly preserved
and small, probably juvenile specimen available,
it is an otolith with a strong postdorsal angle and
a wide sulcus.
Distribution: Freshwater of Malaysia, Indochi-
na, Java, Sumatra and Borneo.
Anisochirus GÜNTHER 1862
Type-species: Synaptura panoides BLEEKER 1851
syn. Chabanaudetta WHITLEY 1931 (unneeded
substitute for Anisochirus)
Diagnosis: Rather thin, oval otoliths; ventral rim
shallow and regularly curving, dorsal rim some-
what reduced, also rather shallow, anterior rim
rounded, posterior rim too, but more broadly so.
Index l:h about 1.3. Otolith size small, not much
exceeding 2 mm.
Sulcus moderately deep, rather narrow and
short, terminating at some distance from the
posterior tip of the otolith, position slightly su-
pramedian, anteriorly reaching close to the ante-
rior rim of the otolith. Ostium slightly wider than
cauda, but much longer. Colliculi separated.
Dorsal and ventral depressions rather narrow,
somewhat deepened and well connected around
the cauda to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face convex, smooth; outer face almost
flat, smooth or slightly ornamented. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
panoides about 1.3 nm 1.8 0.95 nm
Side dimorphism: No data.
Discussion: I have selected to keep this mono-
specific genus separate from Brachirus, where it
is usually placed, because of its intermediate oto-
lith morphology between Brachirus and Phyllich-
thys. From the letter it merely differs in the more
clearly separated colliculi. The short sulcus and
the oval outline relate it to Phyllichthys.
Species and distribution: Anisochirus presuma-
bly is a monospecific genus with A. panoides
known from the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago.
Anisochirus panoides (BLEEKER 1851)
Fig. 825
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith, eroded along the
dorsal rim (left side) from Bangkok, BMNH
Discussion: Judging from the somewhat eroded
otolith available A. panoides similar to P. puncta-
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
tus (see below), but with more clearly separated
Distribution: Indochina, Sumatra and Borneo,
entering freshwater.
Phyllichthys MCCULLOCH 1916
Type-species: Synaptura sclerolepis MACLEAY
Diagnosis: Rather thin, oval otoliths; ventral rim
shallow and regularly curving, dorsal rim some-
what reduced, also rather shallow, anterior rim
rounded, posterior rim too, but more broadly so.
Index l:h 1.45. Otolith size small, not much ex-
ceeding 2 mm.
Sulcus moderately deep, rather narrow and
short, terminating at some distance from the
posterior tip of the otolith, position slightly su-
pramedian, anteriorly reaching close to the ante-
rior rim of the otolith. Ostium slightly wider than
cauda, but much longer. Ostium nearly fused with
cauda. Dorsal and ventral depressions rather
narrow, somewhat deepened and well connected
around the cauda to form a circumsulcal depres-
Inner face convex, smooth; outer face almost
flat, smooth or slightly ornamented. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
punctatus 1.45 nm 2.6 1.2 nm
Side dimorphism: No data.
Discussion: CHABANAUD (1939) placed Phyl-
lichthys close to Zebrias (see Zebrias Group). Their
otoliths morphologically perfectly close the gap
between the genera of the Brachirus and the Ze-
brias Group. Phyllichthys is particularly close to
Anisochirus (see above). The ventrally pronounced
outline of the otolith and the short sulcus resem-
ble otoliths of the Zebrias Group, whereas the faint
separation of the colliculi and the close approach
of the sulcus to the anterior rim is similar to other
genera in the Brachirus Group. Phyllichthys (and
also Anisochirus) thus could also be regarded as
the most plesiomorphic genus of the Zebrias
Species and distribution: CHABANAUD (1939)
listed three species from the warm waters of
Australia – P. sclerolepis, P. punctatus and P. sejunc-
Figs. 820-822: Brachirus cinerascens GÜNTHER 1862 – 10 ×
Fig. 823: Brachirus pan (HAMILTON-BUCHANAN 1922) – 15 ×
Fig. 824: Brachirus melanorhynchus (BLEEKER 1850) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Phyllichthys punctatus MCCULLOCH 1916
Fig. 826
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths, somewhat erod-
ed by formalin (left and right side) from Western
Australia, off Singletown Beach, 32°27S/
115°45E, ZMH Ot.20.5.1995.4-5 (leg. WAM-P
Distribution: Western Australia.
7.8.6 Zebrias Group
Genera: This group contains at least 5 recent
genera – Aesopia, Pseudaesopia, Soleichthys, Zebrias
and Typhlachirus. Except for the latter, otoliths are
known from all of these. Recommendation is
made to separate the two species of the genus
Soleichthys and erect a new genus for Soleichthys
microcephalus should other ichthyological inves-
tigations support the otolith analysis. Phyllichthys
and Anisochirus of the Brachirus Group could also
be placed in this group (see respective entries).
Finally, one newly erected fossil genus – Granu-
lithus – is also included in this group. The ending
-lithus is chosen to indicate that it represents an
otolith based genus.
Definition and relationship: The otoliths of this
group of fishes, which are often found in near
coralline environments, are characterized by oto-
liths with a set of synapomorphic features. These
are the ventrally pronounced outline and the deep
sulcus with completely fused colliculi (except for
Soleichthys microcephalus). Also the sulcus is
rather short, terminating at some distance from
the posterior rim and also from the anterior rim
of the otolith (except for Aesopia and Granulithus).
The Zebrias Group clearly represents a spe-
cialized offshot from the Brachirus Group. A
morphologically intermediate genus as far as
otoliths are concerned is Phyllichthys. Phyllichthys
is placed here in the Brachirus Group (see respec-
tive entry) but could also be regarded as the most
plesiomorphic genus of the Zebrias Group.
Aesopia KAUP 1858
Type-species: Aesopia cornuta KAUP 1858
syn. Coryphaesopia CHABANAUD 1930 (type-
species: A. cornuta)
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, rather elongate and
ovally shaped otoliths; ventral rim shallow, broad,
dorsal rim more rounded, short, without angles,
anterior and posterior rims rounded. The otolith
looks like turned upside down. Index l:h 1.55 to
1.65. Otolith size small, not exceeding much
2.5 mm.
Sulcus deepened, wide, anteriorly reaching
relatively close to the anterior rim of the otolith,
posteriorly terminating at some distance from the
posterior rim of the otolith. Ostium and cauda
completely fused, and so are the colliculi. Dorsal
and ventral depressions rather narrow, somewhat
deepened and well connected around the cauda
to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face slightly convex, not very smooth;
outer face almost flat, smooth. Rims moderately
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
cornuta 1.55-1.65 2.5-2.7 3.5-4.2
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: Details of the outline and the width
of the sulcus seem to variate slightly.
Discussion: Otoliths of Aesopia differ somewhat
from those of the other genera in the Zebrias
Group. They are rather elongate and, most im-
portant, the sulcus still reaches close to the ante-
rior tip of the otolith.
Species and distribution: Aesopia is a monospe-
cific genus with A. cornuta widely distributed
through the Indo-West Pacific.
Fig. 825: Anisochirus panoides (BLEEKER 1851) – 15 ×
Fig. 826: Phyllichthys punctatus MCCULLOCH 1916
– 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Aesopia cornuta KAUP 1858
Figs. 827-829
syn. Coryphaesopia barnardi CHABANAUD 1934
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (2 left and 1 right
side) from the Ganjam coast, India, ZMH
Ot.20.5.1995.6-7 (leg. BMNH and
Distribution: South Africa through the Indian
Ocean to the West Pacific (Japan).
Granulithus n.gen.
Type-species: Aesopia granum SCHWARZHANS
Name: By tautonomy from the type-species; end-
ing -lithus indicates it being an otolith based fos-
sil genus.
Diagnosis: A fossil, otolith based genus of the
family Soleidae, subfamily Soleinae, Zebrias oto-
lith group with the following characters. The oto-
liths are very small, not exceeding 1.5 mm, com-
pact and rather thickset. Outline is moderately
elongate, ovally, somewhat variable. Sulcus mod-
erately wide to wide, very deep, with completely
fused colliculi, short, terminating at some dis-
tance from the posterior rim of the otolith, but
anteriorly reaching relatively close to the anteri-
or tip of the otolith. Circumsulcal depression
narrow, rather shallow, but well developed
around caudal tip of sulcus. Inner and outer fac-
es moderately convex and smooth. Rims rather
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
granum 1.40-1.80 2.2-2.4 3.2-3.8
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: Outline and width of the sulcus are
quite variable.
Discussion: Granulithus is quite similar to Aeso-
pia in which it has originally been placed. It is in
particular the deep sulcus, which closely reaches
to the anterior tip of the otolith which both gen-
era share. However, the compact appearance and
the extremely deepened sulcus are quite distinc-
tive and represent the main reasons to separate
the fossil from the recent genus.
Species and distribution: Granulithus is a mon-
ospecific genus with G. granum exclusively known
from the Upper Oligocene of northern Germany.
There it occurs in a near shore rocky subtidal pool
Granulithus granum (SCHWARZHANS 1994)
Figs. 830-833
syn. Aesopia granum SCHWARZHANS 1994 –
SCHWARZHANS 1994: figs. 529-532
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (1 left, 3 right
side) including the holotype (fig. 830) and the
paratypes (figs. 831-833) from the Upper Oli-
gocene of Ratingen near Düsseldorf, northern
Distribution: Upper Oligocene of northern Ger-
many, known only from the type-locality.
Figs. 827-829: Aesopia cornuta KAUP 1858 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Soleichthys BLEEKER 1860
Type-species: Solea heterorhinos BLEEKER 1856
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, compressed, ovally
shaped otoliths; ventral rim shallow, broad, dor-
sal rim more rounded, short, without angles,
anterior rim rounded, posterior rim blunt or
rounded. All rims somewhat undulating. The
otolith looks like turned upside down. Index l:h
about 1.30. Otolith size rather small, probably not
exceeding much 3 mm.
Sulcus deepened, wide, anteriorly reduced,
posteriorly terminating at some distance from the
posterior rim of the otolith. Ostium and cauda
completely fused, and so are the colliculi. Dorsal
and ventral depressions moderately wide, some-
what deepened and well connected around the
cauda to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face convex, not very smooth; outer face
almost flat, smooth. Rims sharp to moderately
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
microcephalus 1.10-1.15 2.9 1.5-1.6 1.05-1.20 3.0
heterorhinos 1.30 3.5 2.7
Side dimorphism: Not apparent in S. heterorhi-
nos. In S. microcephalus otoliths of the left side
show separated colliculi, whereas in otoliths of
the right side they are practically fused.
Variability: Apparently very limited.
Discussion: Otoliths of S. heterorhinos resemble
those of the genus Aesopia in outline and general
appearance. However, the sulcus is anteriorly
reduced and the otolith itself more compressed.
S. microcephalus resembles more otoliths of
Pseudaesopia in its more rectangular outline. A very
plesiomorphic character for a member of the
Zebrias Group found in this species is the separa-
tion of the colliculi (particularly so in otoliths of
the left side). All in all, otoliths of S. microcepha-
lus differ significantly from the type-species of
SoleichthysS. heterorhinos – and it is because of
that that I suggest to place it in a separate genus
altogether, provided other ichthyological analy-
ses support the otolith findings. S. microcepha-
lus seemingly represents one of the most plesio-
morphic species in the Zebrias Group character-
ized by its separated colliculi. It has probably
given rise to the genera Pseudaesopia and Zebrias.
Species and distribution: Traditionally, two spe-
cies have been placed in this genus – S. heterorhi-
nos widely distributed throughout the Indo-West
Pacific and S. microcephalus from southern
Australia. Recently, S. siammakuti has been de-
scribed from the Gulf of Thailand.
Soleichthys heterorhinos (BLEEKER 1856)
Fig. 834
syn. Aesopia multifasciata KAUP 1858
syn. Solea nigrostriolata STEINDACHNER &
KNER 1870
syn. Solea tubifera PETERS 1876
syn. Solea lineata RAMSAY 1883
?syn. Solea borbonica REGAN 1905
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
the Oualau atoll, BMNH
Discussion: See entry to genus.
Distribution: Indo-West Pacific from the Isle of
Mauritius to Australia and the Philippines.
Figs. 830-833: Granulithus granum (SCHWARZHANS 1994) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Soleichthys microcephalus GÜNTHER 1862
Figs. 835-837
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (2 left side, figs.
835, 837 and 1 right side, fig. 836) from Port Jack-
son, Australia, ZMH Ot.20.5.1995.8-9 (leg. BMNH and BMNH
Discussion: See entry to genus.
Distribution: Coasts of southern temperate Aus-
Pseudaesopia CHABANAUD 1934
Type-species: Aesopia regani GILCHRIST 1906
Diagnosis: Moderately thin, compressed otoliths
with rounded rectangular outline; ventral rim
shallow, broad, dorsal rim more rounded, short,
with rounded medio- and postdorsal angles, ante-
rior rim rounded, posterior rim blunt, high, near-
ly vertically cut. The otolith looks like turned
upside down. Index l:h 1.15 to 1.30. Otolith size
small, not exceeding much 2.5 mm.
Sulcus deepened, wide, anteriorly reduced,
posteriorly terminating at some distance from the
posterior rim of the otolith. Ostium and cauda
completely fused, and so are the colliculi. Dorsal
and ventral depressions rather narrow, somewhat
deepened and well connected around the cauda
to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face convex, not very smooth; outer face
almost flat, smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
japonica 1.15-1.30 3.0 2.3
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: Except for the proportions of the
otolith intraspecific variability seems to be very
Fig. 834: Soleichthys heterorhinus (BLEEKER 1856) – 15 ×
Figs. 835-837: Soleichthys microcephalus GÜNTHER 1862 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Pseudaesopia
very closely resemble those of the genera Zebrias
and Soleichthys. In fact, similarity with Zebrias is
so close that based on otoliths Pseudaesopia would
better be regarded as a subgenus only. Within the
genus Soleichthys S. microcephalus is closest,
merely differing in the separation of the colliculi
(see respective entry for further discussion).
Species and distribution: Pseudaesopia contains
three species – P. regani from South Africa, P. ja-
ponica from Japan and P. crossolepis from China.
Pseudaesopia japonica (BLEEKER 1860)
Figs. 838-841
syn. Zebrias smithii SMITH & POPE 1906
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (3 left and 1 right
side) from the Inland Sea of Japan, ZMH
Ot.20.5.1995.10-12 (leg. BMNH 1905.6.6.213-222)
and BMNH 1905.6.6.213-222.
Distribution: Japan.
Zebrias JORDAN & SNYDER 1900
Type-species: Pleuronectes zebra BLOCH 1785
syn. Holonodus CHABANAUD 1936 (type-spe-
cies: Synaptura synapturoides)
syn. Haplozebrias CHABANAUD 1943 (type-spe-
cies: Synaptura fasciata)
syn. Nematozebrias CHABANAUD 1943 (type-
species: Aesopia quagga)
syn. Strabozebrias CHABANAUD 1943 (type-spe-
cies: Synaptura cancellata)
Diagnosis: Thin to moderately thickset, com-
pressed otoliths with rounded rectangular out-
line; ventral rim shallow, broad, dorsal rim more
rounded, with rounded pre- and postdorsal an-
gles, anterior and posterior rims blunt, high, near-
ly vertically cut. The otolith looks like turned
upside down. Index l:h 1.15 to 1.30. Otolith size
moderate, not exceeding much 3.5 mm.
Sulcus deepened, narrow or wide, very short,
anteriorly reduced, posteriorly terminating at
some distance from the posterior rim of the oto-
lith. Ostium and cauda completely fused, and so
are the colliculi. Dorsal and ventral depressions
moderately wide, somewhat deepened and well
connected around the cauda to form a circumsul-
cal depression.
Inner face convex, not very smooth; outer face
almost flat, smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
altipinnis 1.25 3.0 3.3
synapturoides 1.05-1.10 3.1 2.6
cancellatus 1.20-1.30 3.5 3.0
zebrias 1.30 4.0 4.5
quagga 1.20-1.25 nm nm
Figs. 838-841: Pseudaesopia japonica (BLEEKER 1860) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Side dimorphism: Otoliths of the left side usu-
ally show a wider sulcus than those of the right
side. Also sometimes left hand otoliths exhibit an
incipient separation into ostium and cauda (al-
though colliculi are always fused) or sometimes
are slightly more compressed than those of the
right side.
Discussion: Zebrias has been separated into var-
ious genera or subgenera depending on the au-
thors views. At this stage the mosaic pattern of
the otolith morphology does not support such a
concept. Nevertheless, it seems that two slightly
different morphologies could possibly be distin-
guished and could eventually be attributed to two
separate genera or subgenera.
At first, there is a group of species with oto-
liths nearly rectangular in outline containing
Z. altipinnis, Z. synapturoides and Z. cancellatus.
Those closely resemble Pseudaesopia and may even
be placed in that genus. But also Soleichthys
microcephalus is very similar except for the sepa-
rated colliculi in that species.
The second group shows anteriorly narrowed
otoliths which are rather thin and have a more
flat inner face. This species group contains Z. zebra
and Z. quagga.
Species and distribution: Zebrias contains about
14 nominally valid species mostly from the Indi-
an Ocean – Z. altipinnis, Z. annadalei, Z.cancellatus,
Z. cochinensis, Z. craticulus, Z. fasciatus, Z. keralen-
sis, Z. lucapensis, , Z. munroi, Z. penescalaris, Z. quag-
ga, Z. scalaris, Z. synapturoides and Z. zebra.
Zebrias altipinnis (ALCOCK 1890)
Figs. 842-843
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (1 left and 1 right
side) from the river Hughli, India, ZMH Ot.20.5.
1995.13 (leg. BMNH 1928.3.20.29-30) and BMNH
Discussion: This species is remarkable for the
incipient distinction into ostium and cauda in
otoliths of the left side. In this respect it resem-
bles Soleichthys microcephalus, although there
even the colliculi are separated. Otolith morphol-
ogy suggests that Z. altipinnis probably is the most
plesiomorphic species in the genus.
Distribution: India and Malaysia.
Figs. 842-843: Zebrias altipinnis (ALCOCK 1890) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Zebrias synapturoides (JENKINS 1910)
Figs. 844-845
syn. Solea jerreus CUVIER 1829
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from the Ganjam coast, India, ZMH Ot.20.5.
1995.14 (leg. BMNH 1928.3.20.23-25) and BMNH
Discussion: Otoliths of Z. synapturoides are very
compressed and those of the left side show an
extremely widened sulcus.
Distribution: India.
Zebrias cancellatus MCCULLOCH 1916
Figs. 846-847
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from Shark Bay, Western Australia, 25°21S/
113°44E, ZMH Ot.20.5.1995.15-16 (leg. WAM-P
Discussion: Similar to Z. synapturoides, but more
elongate and with a very regular rectangular
Distribution: Western Australia.
Zebrias zebra (BLOCH 1785)
Fig. 848
syn. Solea ommatura RICHARDSON 1845
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side), with-
out location, BMNH
Discussion: Otoliths of Z. zebra are readily rec-
ognized by its anteriorly narrowed outline.
Distribution: Widely distributed from Indone-
sia to China and Japan.
Zebrias quagga (ALCOCK 1890)
Figs. 849-850
Investigated otoliths: 2 somewhat eroded, juve-
nile otoliths (left side) from the Persian Gulf,
BMNH 1911.2.23.53-57.
Discussion: The otoliths available from Z. quagga
are too small and poorly preserved to allow reli-
able analysis. It seems that they are basically sim-
ilar to Z. zebrias.
Distribution: Widely distributed from the Per-
sian Gulf to China and the Sea of Java.
Figs. 844-845: Zebrias synapturoides (JENKINS 1910) – 15 ×
Figs. 846-847: Zebrias cancellatus MCCULLOCH 1916 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Typhlachirus HARDENBERG 1931
Type-species: Synaptura lipophthalma JANOS 1881
syn. Cryptops HARDENBERG 1931 (type-species:
C. caeca; syn. T. lipophthalma)
Remarks: Otoliths of Typhlachirus have not been
available for investigation. A specimen in the
BMNH collection was found to have its otoliths
dissolved by formalin.
Typhlachirus is thought to be related to Brachi-
rus and/or Zebrias (CHABANAUD, 1948).
Species and distribution: Typhlachirus is known
from two species – T. lipophthalmus from Borneo
and T. sorsogonensis from the Philippines – both
of which have been collected very rarely.
7.8.7 Pardachirus Group
Genera: The Pardachirus Group contains three
recent genera – Aseraggodes, Pardachirus (with Lia-
chirus as a junior synonym) and Parachirus – and
two newly erected fossil otolith based genera from
the European Eocene – Praearchirolithus and Pseu-
dopardachirolithus. The two fossil records from
Eocene times prove the ancient origin not only of
the Soleidae but also of the subfamily Pardachir-
inae, which in many respects is the most apomor-
phic subfamily of the Soleidae.
Definition and relationship: The otoliths of the
Pardachirus Group like those of the related Hetro-
mycteris Group are characterized by their com-
pressed, high bodied outline, the smooth convex
inner face and the shallow sulcus. In contrast to
the otoliths of the Heteromycteris Group the cir-
cumsulcal depression (well connected around the
cauda) runs relatively close to the rims of the
otoliths and is often very narrow, sometimes re-
duced to a furrow only. Also the cauda is not
The otoliths of the Pardachirinae bear close
resemblance to the Cynoglossidae and it is quite
probable that the Cynoglossidae have derived
from them. Cynoglossid otoliths are character-
ized by the unique widened cauda and the fused
colliculi resulting in a hammer shaped sulcus.
This pattern is already foreshadowed in the Hete-
romycteris Group (see respective entries). On the
other hand Cynoglossidae share the narrow cir-
cumsulcal depression which runs close to the
otolith rims with the Pardachirus Group.
Praearchirolithus n.gen.
Type-species: genus Soleidarum schultzei NOLF &
Name: A combination of prae (lat. = early) and
the generic name Achirus; ending -lithus indicates
it being an otolith based fossil genus.
Diagnosis: A fossil otolith based genus of the
family Soleidae, subfamily Pardachirinae,
Pardachirus Group with the following characters.
The otoliths are small, not exceeding 1.5 mm,
compact, moderately thickset and with an almost
circular outline. Ventral rim deeply and regularly
curving, dorsal rim flat, with pre- and postdorsal
angles. They represent the only genus in the group
with an index l:h of more than 1.0. The sulcus is
narrow, slightly deepened, particularly so the
Fig. 848: Zebrias zebra (BLOCH 1785) – 15 ×
Figs. 849-850: Zebrias quagga (ALCOCK 1890) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
small cauda. Inner face otherwise rather smooth
and moderately convex. Circumsulcal depression
narrow, running close to the rims of the otolith.
Rims rather thickset. Outer face smooth, slightly
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
schultzei 1.05-1.10 2.6-2.8 1.7-2.1 1.0-1.25 2.4-2.5
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: Very limited to details of the outline,
especially the expression of the dorsal rim, and
minor modifications of the sulcus proportions.
Discussion: Praearchirolithus no doubt represents
the most primitive genus in the Pardachirus
Group evidenced by the high index l:h and the
simple character status of sulcus and otolith out-
Species and distribution: Praearchirolithus is a
monospecific genus with P. schultzei from the
Upper Eocene of France, Paris Basin.
Praearchirolithus schultzei
Figs. 851-853
syn. genus Soleidarum schultzei NOLF & LAPI-
ERRE 1979 – NOLF & LAPIERRE 1979: pl. 6,
figs. 21-23 (
non figs. 24-25)
Investigated otoliths: 13 otoliths (paratypes)
from the Upper Eocene, Auversian of Ronquer-
olles, France, coll. IRSNB.
Distribution: Upper Eocene of France (Paris
Aseraggodes KAUP 1858
Type-species: Aseraggodes guttulatus KAUP 1858
syn. Coryphillus CHABANAUD 1931 (type-spe-
cies: Aseraggodes filiger), possible subgenus
syn. Beaufortella CHABANAUD 1943 (type-spe-
cies: Aseraggodes abnormis)
syn. Synclidopus CHABANAUD 1943 (type-spe-
cies: Solea macleayana), possible subgenus
Diagnosis: Thin to moderately thickset com-
pressed otoliths; ventral rim deeply and mostly
regularly curving, dorsal rim more shallow, often
irregularly curving, with massive, variable pre-
dorsal and less pronounced postdorsal angles,
anterior rim blunt, posterior rim blunt, nearly
vertically cut or broadly rounded, rarely concave.
Index l:h less than 1.00. Otolith size up to 2.5 mm,
diagnostic maturity probably reached at about
1.2 to 1.5 mm.
Sulcus variable in width, moderately shallow,
but sometimes deepened, position slightly supra-
median, anteriorly reaching close to the anterior
rim of the otolith. Ostium usually wider than
cauda and usually not much longer. Dorsal and
ventral depressions moderately wide, somewhat
deepened and well connected around the cauda
to form a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face markedly convex, smooth; outer
face almost flat, smooth. Rims more or less thick-
Figs. 851-853: Praearchirolithus schultzei (NOLF & LAPIERRE 1979) – 25 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
kobensis 0.95-1.00 2.9-3.3 1.2-1.4 1.0-1.35 2.5-3.8
cyaneus 0.85-0.95 3.7 0.9-1.0 1.0-1.15 4.0
klunzingeri 1.05 3.8 0.9-1.05 0.95 3.2
macleayanus 1.05 2.4 2.2 1.35 2.2
filiger 0.95 3.3 1.0 0.95 2.6
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: Details of the outline and propor-
tions of otolith and sulcus are all apt to some,
usually minor, modifications.
Discussion: Except for A. macleayanus otoliths of
the genus Aseraggodes are characterized by the
rather low index ol:cl and the relatively flat inner
face with the rather wide circumsulcal depres-
sion. In A. filiger the anterior sulcal opening is
reduced. The two somewhat aberrant species
mentioned may be regarded as representatives
of distinct subgenera or genera (Synclidopus and
Coryphillus respectively). However, the genus
Aseraggodes is very specious and otoliths so far
are only known from relatively few species. More
material of this interesting genus has to be inves-
tigated before any further conclusions can be
drawn based on otoliths.
Aseraggodes represents a somewhat separate
lineage within the Pardachirus Group.
Species and distribution: Aseraggodes is a spe-
cious genus widely distributed throughout the
Indo-West Pacific. The following list of 22 species
may not be complete: A. abnormis, A. bahamondi,
A. beauforti, A. cyaneus, A. dubius, A. filiger, A. gut-
tulatus, A. haackeanus, A. herrei, A. kaianus, A. klun-
zingeri, A. kobensis, A. macleayanus, A. melanostic-
tus, A. microlepidotus, A. normani, A. ocellatus,
A. persimilis, A. sinusarabici, A. smithi, A. texturatus,
A. whittakeri. Of these species A. herrei from the
Galapagos Islands is the only species outside the
Indo-West Pacific.
Aseraggodes kobensis
Figs. 854-858
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths (3 left and 3 right
side) from off Kochi, Japan, ZMH Ot.11.6.1995.1-
6 (leg. Sasaki).
Figs. 854-858: Aseraggodes kobensis (STEINDACHNER 1896) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Discussion: A rather flat and roundish otolith
with irregularly curving dorsal and posterior
Distribution: Coasts of Japan.
Aseraggodes cyaneus (ALCOCK 1890)
Figs. 859-861
syn. Solea umbratilis ALCOCK 1894
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (1 left and 2 right
side) from the Bay of Bengal, ZMH Ot. 11.6.1995.7-
8 (leg. BMNH 1928.3.20.49-51) and BMNH
Discussion: Very similar to A. kobensis, but some-
what more compressed and thin.
Distribution: Persian Gulf to the Bay of Bengal.
Aseraggodes klunzingeri (WEBER 1908)
Figs. 863-864
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from New Guinea, ZMH Ot.11.6.1995.9 (leg.
BMNH 1938.2.24.1-3) and BMNH 1938.2.24.1-3.
Discussion: Similar to A. kobensis and A. cyaneus
but less compressed and with a more regular
Distribution: Southern New Guinea ascending
into the Lorentz and Meraukee rivers, northern
Australia in Drysdale and Ord rivers.
Aseraggodes macleayanus (RAMSAY 1881)
Fig. 862
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
Queensland, Australia, ZMH Ot.11.6.1995.10 (leg.
ZMH 20110).
Discussion: Otoliths of A. macleayanus are easily
recognized by their outline (backward shift of the
ventral rim and concave posterior rim), the deep-
ened and widened ostium, the high index ol:cl
and the very narrow ventral portion of the cir-
cumsulcal depression. In this respect they show
quite some similarities with otoliths of the genus
Pardachirus. Possibly A. macleayanus represents a
distinct genus or subgenus of Aseraggodes, name-
ly Synclidopus.
Distribution: Australia, coasts of Queensland.
Aseraggodes filiger WEBER 1913
Fig. 865
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
Singapore, BMNH 1934.9.6.2.
Discussion: This otolith is characterized by its
regular roundish outline and the anteriorly re-
duced sulcus. It may represent a distinct subge-
nus of Aseraggodes, namely Coryphillus.
Distribution: Sea of Java to Malaysia.
Figs. 859-861: Aseraggodes cyaneus (ALCOCK 1890) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Pseudopardachirolithus n.gen.
Type-species: Pseudopardachirolithus nolfi n.sp.
Name: A combination of pseudo and the genus
name Pardachirus; ending -lithus indicates it be-
ing an otolith based fossil genus.
Diagnosis: A fossil, otolith based genus of the
family Soleidae, subfamily Pardachirinae,
Pardachirus Group with the following characters.
The otoliths are small, up to 2.0 mm, compact
and thickset with an index l:h well below 1.0.
Ventral rim deeply curved, somewhat shifted
backwards, dorsal rim high, somewhat irregular-
ly curved, anterior rim blunt, posterior rim near-
ly vertically cut, slightly concave. Sulcus narrow
to moderately wide, shallow, reaching close to
the anterior rim of the otolith. Cauda much shorter
than ostium. Circumsulcal depression dorsally
widened, ventrally very narrow, resembling a
ventral furrow, running close to the otolith rims.
Inner face strongly convex, smooth; outer face
flat, smooth. Rims rather sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
nolfi 0.75-0.85 2.7 1.65-2.4 0.95-1.05 1.6
sulci 0.90-1.00 2.5 1.85-2.0 0.8-0.9 1.6
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Variability: Ornamentation of the outline and
proportions of the otolith are apt to some minor
Discussion: Otoliths of Pseudopardachirolithus are
quite similar to those of Pardachirus. However,
they are more thickset, with a more convex inner
face and a more primitive character status of
the circumsulcal depression and the sulcus. Ap-
parently, both genera are closely related. The fos-
sil Praearchirolithus is more roundish in outline
and with a much less convex inner face, thus
representing a still more primitive character state.
Species and distribution: Two fossil species –
P. nolfi from the Upper Eocene of France and
P. sulci from the Upper Oligocene and Lower Mio-
cene of France.
Fig. 862: Aseraggodes macleayanus (RAMSAY 1881) – 15 ×
Figs. 863-864: Aseraggodes klunzingeri (WEBER 1908) – 15 ×
Fig. 865: Aseraggodes filiger WEBER 1913 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Pseudopardachirolithus nolfi n.sp.
Figs. 866-869
syn. genus Soleidarum schultzei – NOLF & LAPI-
ERRE 1979: pl. 6, figs. 24-25 (
non figs. 21-23)
Name: In honor of Dirk Nolf, renown otolith spe-
cialist from Brussels, Belgium.
Holotype: Fig. 866, IRSNB P.
Type locality: Ronquerolles, sheet Creil, x=
590275, y=162300, Paris Basin, France.
Age: Auversian, Upper Eocene.
Paratypes: 6 otoliths (figs. 867-869), topo- and stra-
titypic, IRSNB P (all from the paratype sequence
of genus Soleidarum schultzei).
Diagnosis: Extremely high bodied, compact,
small, thickset otoliths with an index l:h of 0.75 to
0.85. Ventral rim very deeply curving. Inner face
strongly convex, smooth. Sulcus very narrow,
shallow, ostium about two times as long as cauda.
Description: Outline: Otoliths small (less than
1.5 mm), very high and compact. Ventral rim
deeply curving, dorsal rim likewise, but some-
what irregularly, anterior rim blunt or broadly
rounded, posterior rim vertically cut with faint
concavity. Occasionally rims delicately crenulat-
ed. Otoliths very thickset.
Inner face: Strongly convex and smooth. Sul-
cus long, narrow, shallow, with slightly supra-
median position. Ostium about two times as long
as cauda, similar in width. Separation of colliculi
distinct. Circumsulcal depression close to the rims
of the otolith, dorsally widened, ventrally reduced
to a narrow line.
Other views: Rims rather sharp. Outer face
smooth, nearly flat.
Side dimorphism: Not apparent.
Ontogeny and variability: Proportions of the
otolith and details of the outline may vary slightly.
Sometimes the otolith margins are delicately or-
namented. This seems to occur in the smallest
specimens only and could be an ontogenetic effect.
Discussion: Holotype and paratypes of this spe-
cies originally have been described in the type
sequence of genus Soleidarum schultzei (see Prae-
archirolithus schultzei). However, they are easily
distinguished by the characters given in the di-
agnosis. The geologically younger P. sulci from
the Upper Oligocene and Lower Miocene of
France is somewhat less high bodied with the
backward shifted ventral rim and a wider sulcus.
Both species likely represent part of a fossil line-
Distribution: Upper Eocene of France (Paris
Pseudopardachirolithus sulci
Figs. 870-871
syn. genus aff. Paraplagusia sp. – STEURBAUT
1979: pl. 11, fig. 18
syn. Solea sulci STEURBAUT 1984 – STEURBAUT
1984: pl. 35, figs. 24-26
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side), paratypes (IRSNB P 4265-4266) from the
Burdigalian, Lower Miocene of Pont-Pourquey,
Aquitaine Basin, France.
Discussion: Similar to P. nolfi (see respective
Distribution: Upper Oligocene and Lower Mi-
ocene of France (Aquitaine Basin)
Pardachirus GÜNTHER 1862
Type-species: Achirus marmoratus (LACEPEDE
syn. Liachirus GÜNTHER 1862 (type-species:
L. nitidus, syn. P. melanospilos)
syn. Normanetta WHITLEY 1931 (type-species:
Achirus poropterus)
Diagnosis: Thin to moderately thickset com-
pressed otoliths; ventral rim deeply and regular-
ly curving, somewhat shifted backwards, dorsal
rim more shallow, often irregularly curving, with
massive, variable predorsal and less pronounced
postdorsal angle, anterior rim broadly rounded,
posterior rim blunt to vertically cut, sometimes
with faint concavity. Index l:h 0.90 to 1.05. Oto-
lith size up to 3.0 mm, diagnostic maturity prob-
ably reached at about 1.5 mm.
Sulcus rather narrow, shallow, rarely some-
what deepened, position slightly supramedian,
anteriorly reaching close to the anterior rim of
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
the otolith. Ostium usually narrower than cauda,
much longer. Colliculi nearly fused. Dorsal and
ventral depressions very narrow like a furrow,
well connected around the cauda to form a cir-
cumsulcal depression.
Inner face markedly convex, smooth; outer
face almost flat, smooth. Rims more or less sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
hedleyi 1.00 3.5 1.75 0.85 2.4
marmoratus 0.95 2.7 1.80 0.70 1.8
pavoninus 0.90 3.4 1.35 0.90 2.5
melanospilos 1.05 3.1 2.40 1.05 2.6
Side dimorphism: Not apparent, according to a
sequence of otoliths of P. pavoninus figured in
CHAINE (1936).
Variability: According to figures by CHAINE
(1936) limited to variations in the proportions of
the otolith and details of the outline.
Discussion: Otoliths of the genus Pardachirus
show a number of similarities with genera of the
Heteromycteris Group (see respective entry) and
also resemble Cynoglossid otoliths, except for that
those show completely fused colliculi and the
peculiar hammer shaped sulcus. Pardachirus
and possibly also the related genus Parachirus (of
which otoliths are not known) represent the most
apomorphic genus in the Pardachirus Group.
The monospecific genus Liachirus (L. melano-
spilos) is being placed in synonymy with Pardachi-
rus based on the very close resemblance of its
respective otoliths.
Species and distribution: Pardachirus contains 6
nominal species from the Indo-West Pacific –
P. hedleyi, P. marmoratus, P. melanospilos, P. morrowi,
P. pavoninus and P. poropterus.
Figs. 866-869: Pseudopardachirolithus nolfi n.sp. – 25 ×
Figs. 870-871: Pseudopardachirolithus sulci (STEURBAUT 1984) – 25 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Pardachirus hedleyi OGILBY 1916
Fig. 872
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
New South Wales, Australia. BMNH 1925.9.21.4.
Discussion: P. hedleyi is recognized by its some-
what deepened cauda and the still rather wide
circumsulcal depression.
Distribution: Coasts of Queensland and New
South Wales, Australia.
Pardachirus marmoratus (LACEPEDE 1802)
Fig. 873
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
East Africa, ZMH Ot.11.6.1995.11 (leg. ZMH
Discussion: Very similar to P. pavoninus but more
rounded in outline, with a more widened cauda
and a more strongly convex inner face.
Distribution: Persian Gulf to Red Sea and East
Africa south to Mozambique and Madagascar.
Pardachirus pavoninus (LACEPEDE 1802)
Fig. 875
syn. Achirus maculatus KUHL & v.HASSELT 1845
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
Singapore, ZMH Ot.11.6.1995.12 (leg. ZMH
Discussion: Similar to P. marmoratus but more
high bodied and with conspicuous predorsal
projection; also cauda less widened.
Distribution: Andaman Islands to Japan and
northern Australia.
Pardachirus aff. melanospilos
(BLEEKER 1854)
Fig. 874
syn. Liachirus nitidus GÜNTHER 1862
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
Daresalam (?), ZMH Ot.11.6.1995.13 (leg. ZMH
Remarks: The label of the specimen from the
ZMH collection, from which the otolith was ex-
tracted, is either faulty since it indicates as loca-
tion Daresalam in Tanzania or it represents a dif-
ferent species. According to the geographical dis-
tribution pattern, this could then possibly be
P. morrowi.
Discussion: Characterized by a somewhat point-
ed anterior rim and an index l:h of slightly over
Distribution: Coasts of India, Indonesia and
Parachirus MATSUBARA & OCHIAI 1963
Type-species: Parachirus xenicus MATSUBARA &
Remarks: Otoliths of Parachirus have not been
available for investigation. Parachirus is appar-
ently closely related to Pardachirus.
Species and distribution: Parachirus is a mono-
specific genus with P. xenicus known from Japan
through the Indo-West Pacific to South Africa.
7.8.8 Heteromycteris Group
Genera: The Heteromycteris Group (or Hetero-
mycterinae of CHABANAUD, 1939) as under-
stood here contain three genera – Heteromycteris,
Rendahlia and Peltorhamphus. Since NORMAN
(1934) Peltorhamphus has been placed in the Pleu-
ronectidae in the subfamily Rhombosoleinae, al-
though he noted that some genera bear some
superficial resemblance with Soleidae. Accord-
ing to otolith analysis Rhombosoleinae are regard-
ed as a polyphyletic combine (see entries to chap-
ters 5.3.2., the Ammotretis Group, Pleuronectidae
and the Samaris, Pelotretis and Rhombosolea
Groups). However, NORMAN was right in re-
garding similarities of his Rhombosoleinae with
Soleidae as purely superficial, that is except for
Peltorhamphus. Otolith analysis clearly character-
izes Peltorhamphus as a Soleidae, probably close to
Heteromycteris. This conclusion, however, needs to
be verified by other ichthyological investigations.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Fishes of the Heteromycteris Group are distrib-
uted from the West African coast through the
Indo-West Pacific. Peltorhamphus is entirely en-
demic to the waters around New Zealand.
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the He-
tromycteris Group share a number of apomorphic
characters with those of the Pardachirus Group,
such as the shallow sulcus with the short cauda,
the smooth convex inner face, the narrow circum-
sulcal depression and the general outline of the
otolith. Differing from otoliths of the Pardachirus
Group is the position of the circumsulcal depres-
sion at some distance from the rims of the oto-
liths and the tendency to enlarge the cauda.
The latter character, the widened cauda, has
further developed in Cynoglossidae to the char-
acteristic hammer shaped sulcus with complete-
ly fused colliculi. In fact the overall pattern of
Cynoglossid otoliths show good resemblance to
those of the Heteromycteris and Pardachirus
Groups. Fishes of the Heteromycteris Group too
resemble cynoglossids in the loss of the pectoral
fins and the incipiently hooked mouth. I there-
fore postulate that the Cynoglossidae have de-
rived from near the Pardachirinae and there pos-
sibly the Heteromycteris Group (see also entry to
Fig. 872: Pardachirus hedleyi OGILBY 1916 – 15 ×
Fig. 873: Pardachirus marmoratus (LACEPEDE 1802) – 15 ×
Fig. 874: Pardachirus aff. melanospilus (BLEEKER 1854) – 15 ×
Fig. 875: Pardachirus pavoninus (LACEPEDE 1802) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Heteromycteris KAUP 1858
Type-species: Heteromycteris capensis KAUP 1858
syn. Amate JORDAN & STARKS 1906 (type-spe-
cies: Achirus japonicus)
syn. Monodichthys CHABANAUD 1925 (type-
species: M. proboscideus)
Diagnosis: Thin to moderately thickset, rather
elongate otoliths; ventral rim not very deeply and
mostly regularly curving, somewhat shifted back-
wards, dorsal rim more shallow, often irregularly
curving, with massive, variable predorsal and less
pronounced postdorsal angle, anterior rim round-
ed, posterior rim blunt, rounded. Index l:h 1.20 to
1.40. Otolith size up to 3.5 mm, diagnostic matu-
rity probably reached at about 1.2 mm.
Sulcus rather narrow, moderately shallow to
shallow, position median to slightly supramedi-
an, anteriorly reaching close to the anterior rim
of the otolith. Ostium narrower than cauda and
much longer. Dorsal and ventral depressions rath-
er narrow, somewhat deepened, close to the sul-
cus and well connected around the cauda to form
a circumsulcal depression.
Inner face markedly convex, smooth; outer
face almost flat, smooth. Rims sharp to moder-
ately thickset.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
japonicus 1.25-1.40 1.9-2.2 2.3-2.8 0.6-0.75 2.2-2.6
oculus 1.35-1.40 2.2 2.0-2.5 0.7-1.0 2.5
capensis 1.20 3.2 2.8 0.7 2.8
Side dimorphism: Not data.
Ontogeny and variability: A rather large otolith
of H. japonicus shows a more gently curving ovale
outline and is also more thickset than smaller ones.
Variability apparently is very limited in this
genus, restricted mainly to details of the dorsal
rim and variations in the index oh:ch.
Discussion: Otoliths of Heteromycteris are very
similar to those of the related genus Rendahlia.
However, the latter are more compressed and the
shape of the sulcus has further advanced to re-
semble Cynoglossidae.
Species and distribution: Heteromycteris contains
6 nominally valid species – H. proboscideus from
West Africa, H. capensis from South Africa, H. ocu-
lus from the Indian subcontinent, H. cheni from
China and H. japonicus and H. matsubarai from
Japan. H. hartzfeldi is being placed in the genus
Rendahlia (see respective entry).
Heteromycteris japonicus
Figs. 876-877
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left side) from
the Inland Sea of Japan, ZMH Ot.12.6.1995.1 (leg.
BMNH 1905.6.6.223-7) and BMNH 1905.6.6.223-7.
Discussion: Rather thickset otoliths with a slight-
ly deepened sulcus.
Distribution: Coasts of China and Japan.
Heteromycteris oculus (ALCOCK 1889)
Figs. 878-879
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left side) from
the Ganjam coast, India, ZMH Ot.12.6.1995.2 (leg.
BMNH 1928.3.20.52-56) and BMNH 1928.3.20.52-
Discussion: Otoliths of H. oculus are character-
ized by their rather massive predorsal projection.
Distribution: Coasts of India.
Heteromycteris capensis KAUP 1858
Fig. 880
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
False Bay, South Africa, BMNH 1930.5.6.43.
Discussion: Otolith rather thin and more com-
pressed than those of the two other species.
Distribution: Coasts of South Africa.
Rendahlia CHABANAUD 1930
Type-species: Achirus jaubertensis RENDAHL
Diagnosis: Thin, compressed otoliths; ventral
rim deeply and mostly regularly curving, some-
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
what shifted backwards, dorsal rim more shal-
low, often irregularly curving, with weak predor-
sal and pointed postdorsal angle, anterior rim
rounded, sometimes pointed, posterior rim blunt,
incipiently concave. Index l:h 1.05 to 1.15. Otolith
size may be up to 3.0 mm, diagnostic maturity
probably reached at about 1.0 mm.
Sulcus rather narrow, moderately shallow to
shallow, position slightly supramedian, anteriorly
reaching close to the anterior rim of the otolith.
Ostium narrower than cauda and longer. Dorsal
and ventral depressions rather narrow, somewhat
deepened, close to the sulcus and well connected
around the cauda to form a circumsulcal depres-
Inner face markedly convex, smooth; outer
face almost flat, smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
hartzfeldi 1.05 2.9 nm 0.6 2.5
jaubertensis 1.10-1.15 3.1 1.8-2.0 0.6 1.5
Side dimorphism: The single right hand otolith
of R. jaubertensis shows a somewhat smaller,
slightly deepened sulcus.
Discussion: Otoliths of Rendahlia are very simi-
lar to Heteromycteris. They differ in being more
compressed and showing a more widened cauda
(index oh:ch) thus more closely resembling Cyno-
glossid otoliths.
Figs. 876-877: Heteromycteris japonicus (TEMMINCK & SCHLEGEL 1846) – 15 ×
Figs. 878-879: Heteromycteris oculus (ALCOCK 1889) – 15 ×
Fig. 880: Heteromycteris capensis KAUP 1858 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Species and distribution: Originally described
as a monospecific genus I have also placed
R. hartzfeldi in this genus, purely based on its
otolith morphology.
Rendahlia hartzfeldi (BLEEKER 1853)
Fig. 881
syn. Heteromycteris normani CHABANAUD 1935
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) from
Singapore, BMNH 1934.9.6.4.
Discussion: Otoliths of R. hartzfeldi are readily
recognized by the pointed postdorsal angle and
the completely fused colliculi. In this respect they
almost perfectly resemble Cynoglossid otoliths,
differing mainly in the circumsulcal depression
located close to the sulcus.
Distribution: Gulf of Bengal, Malaysia, Indone-
sia and New Guinea.
Rendahlia jaubertensis (RENDAHL 1923)
Figs. 882-883
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from Lord Byron Island, Timor Sea off Der-
by, NW-Australia, 16°10S/123°28E, ZMH
Ot.12.6.1995.3-4 (leg. WAM P 30319-023).
Discussion: Similar to R. hartzfeldi, but with
pointed anterior tip and separated colliculi.
Distribution: Northwest Australia.
Peltorhamphus GÜNTHER 1862
Type-species: Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae
Diagnosis: Thin to moderately thickset, com-
pressed otoliths; ventral rim deeply and regular-
ly curving, shifted backwards, dorsal rim more
shallow, often irregularly curving, with massive,
variable pre- to middorsal projection and round-
ed postdorsal angle, anterior rim rounded, pos-
terior rim blunt, rounded to vertically cut. Index
l:h 0.75 to 1.10. Otolith size up to 4.5 mm, diag-
nostic maturity probably reached at about 1.5 to
2.0 mm.
Sulcus moderately wide, moderately shallow
to shallow, cauda sometimes deepened, position
median to slightly supramedian, anteriorly reach-
ing close to the anterior rim of the otolith or open-
ing to it (pseudoostial opening). Ostium narrow-
er than cauda and much longer. Separation of
colliculi variable, sometimes quite indistinct.
Dorsal and ventral depressions moderately wide,
slightly deepened, close to the sulcus and well
connected around the cauda to form a circumsul-
cal depression.
Inner face markedly convex, smooth; outer
face almost flat, smooth. Rims sharp.
l:h h:t ol:cl oh:ch con.i
novaezeelandiae 1.00-1.10 4.2 (1.6-2.2) 0.85-0.9 2.1-2.5
flexodorsalis 1.05-1.10 2.7 2.1-2.4 0.65-0.9 2.3
latus 1.10 3.3 1.8 1.0 2.6
tenuis 0.90-1.00 3.1 2.1-2.7 0.8-1.0 1.8-2.0
fordycei 0.75-0.80 3.5 1.6-1.9 0.95-1.0 2.2
Side dimorphism: Not apparent. Sometimes it
seems that otoliths of the right side are slightly
more compressed than those of the left side.
Ontogeny and variability: Otoliths of 2 mm of
size and smaller are usually more rounded in
outline than larger ones.
Variability is moderate, restricted to details of
the outline and proportions of otolith and sulcus.
Also the degree of the ostial opening is apt to
some modifications.
Discussion: Peltorhamphus is generally regarded
as a Pleuronectidae, subfamily Rhombosoleinae
(NORMAN, 1934). Otoliths, in my opinion, clearly
demonstrate this genus to represent a Soleidae,
probably close to Heteromycteris. This hypothesis,
however, needs to be verified by other ichthyo-
logical investigations.
Species and distribution: Peltorhamphus is en-
demic to the sea around New Zealand. It con-
tains 3 recent species – P. novaezeelandiae, P. latus
and P. tenuis – plus 2 fossil species – P. fordycei
from the Miocene and P. flexodorsalis from the
Pliocene. Also P. tenuis is known as fossil from
the Pliocene of New Zealand.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae
Figs. 884-886
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths, 4 (left and right
side, figs. 884-886), AIM 2760 (coll. Grenfell) and
1 (right side) from off Wellington, New Zealand,
Discussion: Otoliths of P. novaezeelandiae are rath-
er compressed with a massive middorsal projec-
tion. The differ from the related fossil P. flexo-
dorsalis in the almost completely fused colliculi.
Also in P. flexodorsalis the middorsal projection is
still more massively developed.
Distribution: New Zealand.
Peltorhamphus flexodorsalis n.sp.
Figs. 888-894
Name: flexus (lat.) = bent and dorsalis, referring
to the very strongly developed middorsal projec-
Holotype: Fig. 888, BSP 1984 X 117.
Type locality: Martinborough, New Zealand
northern Island.
Age: Wanganuian, Pliocene.
Paratypes: 6 otoliths (figs. 889-894), topo- and
stratitypic, BSP 1984 X 118-123.
Diagnosis: Compressed, massive otoliths with
an extremely strongly developed middorsal pro-
jection. Postdorsal portion often concave. Ostium
and cauda clearly separated, cauda somewhat
deepened, ostium anteriorly open (pseudoostial
Description: Outline: Otoliths compressed with
a moderately deeply curving ventral rim, shifted
far backwards. Dorsal rim with extremely strongly
developed middorsal projection, often concave
behind. Anterior rim rounded, sometimes with
pseudo-excisura, posterior rim blunt, nearly ver-
tically cut. Otolith compact, moderately thickset.
Inner face: Convex and rather smooth. Sul-
cus long, moderately wide, with median position
and slightly deepened, especially the cauda. Os-
tium at least two times as long as cauda, slightly
narrower, anteriorly open (pseudoostial opening).
Colliculi well separated. Circumsulcal depression
moderately wide, rather shallow, close to the
sulcus, well connected around the caudal tip of
the sulcus.
Other views: Outer face nearly flat, rather
smooth. Rims mostly sharp.
Side dimorphism: Otoliths of the right side seem
to be slightly more compressed than those of the
left side.
Ontogeny and variability: Otoliths of 2 mm of
size and smaller are usually more rounded in
outline than larger ones.
Variability is moderate, restricted to details of
the outline and proportions of otolith and sulcus.
Also the degree of the ostial opening is apt to
some modifications.
Discussion: P. flexodorsalis is very close to the
recent P. novaezeelandiae and may very well rep-
resent the direct ancestor. It differs in the more
strongly developed middorsal projection and the
clear separation of the colliculi.
Fig. 881: Rendahlia hartzfeldi (BLEEKER 1853) – 15 ×
Figs. 882-883: Rendahlia jaubertensis (RENDAHL 1923) – 25 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Peltorhamphus latus JAMES 1972
Fig. 887
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side) (para-
type) from the Tasman Bay, New Zealand, 41°0S/
173°7E, BMNH 1970.12.15.3-5.
Discussion: Similar to P. novaezeelandiae but with
very shallow middorsal portion and with clearly
separated colliculi. Also the sulcus is rather wide.
Distribution: New Zealand.
Peltorhamphus tenuis JAMES 1972
Figs. 895-899
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (left side, fig. 895)
(paratype) from Pegasus Bay, New Zealand,
43°27S/172°7E, BMNH 1970.12.15.10-11 and 5
fossil specimens (figs. 896-899) from the Pliocene,
Wanganuian of Martinborough, New Zealand
north island.
Figs. 884-886: Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae GÜNTHER 1862 – 15 ×
Fig. 887: Peltorhamphus latus JAMES 1972 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Discussion: Otoliths of P. tenuis are more com-
pressed than those of the other two recent spe-
cies and show a rather gently curving dorsal rim.
Distribution: New Zealand, also known as fos-
sil from the Pliocene of the same area.
Peltorhamphus fordycei
Figs. 900-902
syn. Achirus fordycei SCHWARZHANS 1980 –
SCHWARZHANS 1980: figs. 585-588
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths, including holo-
type (fig. 900) and paratypes (figs. 901-902) from
the Double Corner Shellbed Formation, Lillbur-
nian/Waiauan, Middle Miocene of the Waipara
river, sheet S68-137/074, Canterbury, New Zea-
land south island, NZGS.
Discussion: Otoliths of P. fordycei are readily rec-
ognized by their extremely low index l:h.
Distribution: Middle Miocene of New Zealand.
Figs. 888-894: Peltorhamphus flexodorsalis n.sp. – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
7.9 Cynoglossidae
Genera: The family Cynoglossidae contains 2
large genera – Cynoglossus and Symphurus. Each
of the two genera contains more than 50 species
making them the most speciouss genera of the
Pleuronectiformes. A third genus usually recog-
nized in ichthyological literature – Paraplagusia
(with only few species) – is here regarded as a
subgenus of Cynoglossus (for reasoning see below
and introduction to Cynoglossus). The otoliths of
the various species of both genera show a dis-
tinct clustering. These clusters are presented here
in subgeneric ranking using generic names from
the synonymy lists of the respective genera (see
respective entries). It is envisaged that these clus-
ters could be given generic ranking if supported
by other ichthyological analyses.
Definition and relationship: The Cynoglossidae
are the amalgamation of all left eyed Soleoidei
(and the Soleidae of the right eyed Soleoidei). In
some literature they are subdivided into two sub-
families – the Cynoglossinae and the Symphuri-
Figs. 895-899: Peltorhamphus tenuis JAMES 1972 – 15 ×
Figs. 900-902: Peltorhamphus fordycei (SCHWARZHANS 1980) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Apparently, Cynoglossidae form a morpho-
logically well defined and dense cluster. Their
otoliths are immediately recognized by the ham-
mer shaped sulcus. The sulcus is shallow, not or
not distinctly opening anteriorly and filled with
a uniform colliculum. Anteriorly (representing the
ostium) it is narrow, posteriorly (representing the
cauda) it is extremely widened dorsally and ven-
trally with a nearly vertically cut termination
resulting in the typical hammer shaped out-
line. Else, the inner face typically is convex and
smooth, with a narrow furrow-like circumsulcal
depression close to the rims of the otolith. In
outline, the otoliths are often very high bodied,
commonly with a massive predorsal projection
and a far backwardly shifted postventral corner.
The otolith pattern of the Cynoglossidae re-
sembles that of certain genera of the Pardachiri-
nae (Soleidae) even to the point that the ham-
mer shaped sulcus is foreshadowed in those
genera. Such initial feature is found in the genera
of the Heteromycteris Group of the Pardachirinae
like in the genus Rendahlia (see respective entries).
The fishes of the Heteromycteris Group too resem-
ble cynoglossids in the loss of the pectoral fins
and the incipiently hooked mouth. From these
observations it may be concluded that the Cy-
noglossidae have derived from near the
Pardachirinae and thus represent a paraphyletic
The members of the Cynoglossidae have re-
cently been subject to a phylogenetical study by
CHAPLEAU (1987). He regarded the genus Sym-
phurus as the most plesiomorphic in the family
forming the sister group to Cynoglossus and Para-
plagusia, the latter representing the most apomor-
phic one. Similar views were expressed in ME-
NONs review of the genus Cynoglossus in 1977.
Otoliths, however, point to a completely differ-
ent phylogenetic alignment. Those of the genus
Symphurus exhibit a number of additional and
highly specialized characters (for details see en-
try to genus) which can not possibly be interpret-
ed as plesiomorphic in comparison with the ge-
nus Cynoglossus. Therefore, it may be questioned
whether the seemingly primitive characters ob-
served in fishes of the genus Symphurus may not
possible represent a reduction rather than a ple-
siomorphic character state.
In the fossil record, cynoglossid otoliths are
rare, but both genera are known since Lower
Miocene times (not identifiable to the species in
the case of Symphurus). Typical representatives of
the genus Cynoglossus from the Miocene, howev-
er, document that the genus is probably older
than assumed by MENON (1977). Also its occur-
rence in European sediments contradicts his hy-
pothesis that the genus Cynoglossus had devel-
oped in the Indian Ocean and as lately as Pliocene,
after the Tethyan waterways had been destruct-
ed. The wider present day geographical distribu-
tion of the genus Symphurus is irrelevant in this
respect since it is a genus mostly adapted to deep-
er water. Plate tectonic developments and paleo-
geographic situations should be used much more
carefully to explain recent biogeographic distri-
bution patterns or phylogenetic assumptions,
especially in the (seeming) absence of fossil data.
Distribution: Cynoglossidae are widely distrib-
uted throughout the tropical and subtropical seas.
The genus Cynoglossus chiefly occurs in the shal-
low water of the Indo-West Pacific and with few
species in the East Atlantic. Fishes of the genus
Symphurus are mostly adapted to deeper water
on the continental shelfs and slopes in all tropical
and subtropical oceans.
7.9.1 Cynoglossus Group
Genera: One genus – Cynoglossus. Paraplagusia
is regarded as a subgenus of Cynoglossus (see entry
to genus).
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the ge-
nus Cynoglossus show the typically shallow ham-
mer shaped sulcus with fused colliculi and the
high bodied outline often with a massive predor-
sal projection and a backwardly shifted postven-
tral corner. Typically, the inner face is convex and
smooth, with a narrow circumsulcal depression
running close to the otolith rims.
A similar pattern is foreshadowed in the
Pardachirinae (Heteromycteris Group) from near
which Cynoglossidae are supposed to have de-
rived. Otoliths of the second cynoglossid group,
the Symphurus Group, show further specializa-
tions such as the anteriorly reduced sulcus, a very
special development of the postdorsal and the
postventral portions of the circumsulcal depres-
sion (bilobate) and the backwardly shifted dorsal
rim. It is therefore assumed that Symphurus orig-
inated from near certain species groups within
the genus Cynoglossus, where similar trends can
be observed.
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Cynoglossus HAMILTON-BUCHANAN 1822
Type-species: Cynoglossus lingua HAMILTON-
syn. Cantoria KAUP 1858 (type-species: Plagusia
potous, syn. C. arel)
syn. Arelia KAUP 1858 (type-species: C. arel)
syn. Icania KAUP 1858 (type-species: C. cynoglos-
sus) – subgenus
syn. Trulla KAUP 1858 (type-species: Trulla can-
tori, syn. C. borneensis) – subgenus
syn. Paraplagusia BLEEKER 1865 (type-species:
Pleuronectes bilineatus) – subgenus
syn. Rhinoplagusia BLEEKER 1875 (type-species:
Plagusia japonica)
syn. Usinostia JORDAN & SNYDER 1900 (type-
species: Plagusia japonica)
syn. Areliscus JORDAN & SNYDER 1900 (type-
species: C. joyneri)
syn. Cynoglossoides VON BONDE 1922 (type-spe-
cies: C. attenuatus)
syn. Dollfusichthys CHABANAUD 1931 (type-
species: D. sinusarabici)
syn. Dexiourius CHABANAUD 1947 (type-spe-
cies: C. semilaevis) – subgenus
syn. Cynoglossoides [not VON BONDE 1922]
SMITH 1949 (type-species: C. ecaudatus)
Diagnosis: Thin to moderately thickset, ovale to
high bodied otoliths; ventral rim deeply curving,
anteriorly inclined, posteriorly with massive cor-
ner towards the posterior rim, dorsal rim more
shallow with postdorsal angle and usually mas-
sive predorsal projection, anterior rim broadly
rounded, posterior rim high, oblique or vertical-
ly cut, with or without concavity, or broadly
rounded. Maximal otolith size variable, up to and
more than 5 mm in large species and 1.5 to 2 mm
in dwarfed species.
Sulcus usually shallow, occasionally some-
what deepened, with fused colliculi, typical ham-
mer shaped outline, not or indistinctly opening
anteriorly. Circumsulcal depression well devel-
oped but very narrow, often furrow like, some-
times postdorsally somewhat widened, running
close to the otolith rims.
Inner face markedly to strongly convex, usu-
ally rather smooth; outer face flat to markedly
concave, rarely convex, usually smooth. Rims
usually sharp, occasionally more thickset, not or
only faintly ornamented.
Subgeneric definitions: The various species of
the genus Cynoglossus can be subdivided in spe-
cies clusters by means of otolith analysis to which
subgeneric ranking and naming from the synon-
ymy list can provisionally be applied (see discus-
sion lateron for more details).
Otoliths of the subgenus Trulla show a very
convex and rather smooth inner face. The pre-
dorsal projection is strongly developed.
Otoliths of the subgenus Dexiourius are sim-
ilar to Trulla, but usually with a less pronounced
predorsal projection and a not so much widened
cauda, often with a rounded termination. – Both
subgenera are supposed to represent rather ple-
siomorphic otolith patterns.
Otoliths of the subgenus Paraplagusia again
have a very convex and very smooth inner face.
The sulcus is completely flat and a predorsal
projection is completely missing.
The subgenus Cynoglossus contains a number
of dwarfed species. Otoliths have a rather flat
inner face and the ostium is anteriorly narrowed,
often pointed. A predorsal projection is devel-
oped. The circumsulcal depression has developed
some kind of secondary funnel-shaped connec-
tion towards the extended dorsal and ventral tips
of the cauda. This character is similarly devel-
oped as in the genus Symphurus.
The subgenus Icania again contains numer-
ous dwarfed species. Otoliths resemble those of
the subgenus Cynoglossus in the rather flat inner
face and the moderate predorsal projection but
lack the anterior narrowing of the ostium and the
peculiar development of the circumsulcal depres-
sion. Instead a tendency is observed to smoothen
the outline of the sulcus. This has developed fur-
thest in C. carpentari where the sulcus secondar-
ily has become ovale again and is also consider-
ably deepened.
l:h h:t l:ol ch:oh con.i
subgenus Trulla
canariensis 0.95-1.00 3.3 1.5-1.6 1.9 3.0
obliqueventralis 0.80-0.85 4.3 1.7 2.4-2.6 2.6
dubius 1.20-1.30 4.9 1.7-1.8 1.7-1.9 3.7
borneensis 1.05-1.15 4.0 1.6-1.8 1.9-2.1 3.0
senegalensis 1.10 3.3 1.7 2.0 2.9
quadrilineatus 1.10-1.20 2.6-3.0 1.5 1.5-1.6 2.6
lida 1.25 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.6
subgenus Dexiourius
kapuasensis 1.05 2.8 1.6 2.6 2.1
heterolepis 1.30 2.4 2.0 1.7 2.8
feldmanni 0.95 3.4 1.5 2.1 2.5
semilaevis 1.10 3.8 1.9 2.0 2.6
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
gracilis 1.00 4.2 1.8 2.3 3.2
abbreviatus 1.00 5.0 1.7-1.9 2.0 2.3
trigrammus 1.05 3.3 1.7 2.1 3.4
subgenus Paraplagusia
dispar 1.05 4.4 1.5-1.6 1.8-1.9 2.5
japonicus 1.05-1.10 3.4 1.6-1.71.5-1.8 1.7-1.9
bilineatus 1.15 3.7 1.6 2.2 1.9
blochi 1.40 3.5 1.8 1.7 2.3
unicolor 1.15 3.2 1.8 1.8 1.9
subgenus Cynoglossus
arel 1.05-1.10 3.7 1.6-1.8 3.5-4.1 6.0
robustus 1.10-1.15 4.1 1.7-1.9 3.3-3.6 4.5
lingua 1.20-1.30 3.0 1.6-1.7 3.1-4.4 5.5
joyneri 1.25-1.35 2.8-3.0 1.6-1.8 1.7-2.2 4.5
itinus 0.85-0.90 3.3 1.5-1.7 2.6-3.4 1.9
kopsi 1.00-1.05 3.8 1.8-1.9 6.5-7.0 2.3
interruptus 0.95 nm 2.2 3.5 nm
sealarki 1.00 3.6 1.9-2.1 3.6-3.9 2.6
zanzibarensis 1.15 3.1 1.9 3.0-4.5 3.7
subgenus Icania
broadhursti 0.90 3.5 1.4-1.6 2.4-2.9 3.4
maculipinnis 0.90 3.2 1.6-1.7 2.7-3.0 2.6
gilchristi 0.90 3.4 1.8 2.4 2.0
puncticeps 0.85-0.90 4.1 1.8-1.9 2.2-2.4 1.9
leuchsi 0.85-0.95 4.0 1.6-1.8 2.3-2.6 nm
cynoglossus 1.15 3.0 1.8 1.7 3.7
semifasciatus 1.10 2.8 1.9 2.4 3.0
monopus 1.20 3.2 2.1 1.3 3.0
carpentari A 1.30-1.50 2.4-2.6 1.8-2.4 nm about 7
carpentari B 1.20 3.2 1.9-2.3 nm about 10
Side dimorphism: Usually not apparent. Some-
times a very faint degree of side dimorphism is
seen in details of the outline.
Ontogeny and variability: Smaller otoliths are
usually more gently rounded and thus less charac-
teristic than larger ones. All in all the degree of
ontogenetical changes is rather small and in most
instances juvenile otoliths can be attributed with-
out much difficulties. However, in the presence
of dwarfed species in the same area differentiation
of otoliths from adult dwarfed species from small
otoliths of large species could become difficult.
Variability in most species is at low or mod-
erate level mainly concerning details of the out-
line and minor variations in sulcus proportions.
Discussion: The various species of the genus Cy-
noglossus have been comprehensively revised by
MENON (1977). He defined six major species
groups, some of them including subgroups (or
complexes, as he termed them). He did not offi-
cially name them as subgenera, because he felt
Cynoglossus to represent a very dense cluster in
itself with a mosaic morphology distribution. Like
in most ichthyological literature Paraplagusia was
then excluded as a separate genus, which ME-
NON reviewed in 1979.
MENON (1977, 1979) stated that Paraplagu-
sia can be distinguished from Cynoglossus mainly
by its possession of a series of fringes an the lips
on the ocular side. In all other features, including
the osteology, Paraplagusia is very similar to Cy-
noglossus. Otoliths support this close relation-
ship. In fact, otolith morphology in the genus
Cynoglossus is more diverse than differences of
some of its species to the four species usually
placed in Paraplagusia. It seems that separation of
Paraplagusia from Cynoglossus is mainly based on
a single highly obvious and autapomorphic char-
acter. In my opinion this is a typical case of par-
aphyly. Either the various species groups ob-
served in Cynoglossus have to be raised to genus
level or else Paraplagusia must be regarded as a
subgenus of Cynoglossus in order to arrive at a
sound phylogenetic classification. I have here
chosen the second solution and have included
Paraplagusia in Cynoglossus.
MENONs groups and complexes have been
divided based on a number of meristic characters
such as presence or absence of lateral lines on the
blind side, number of rays in the caudal fin, size
of eyes, width of interorbital space, shape of snout
and others (f.i. dwarfing of species). I have in-
vestigated otoliths of 35 species of the 54 includ-
ed in this genus (including 4 species traditionally
being placed in Paraplagusia). This covers all of
MENONs species groups and complexes except
for the monospecific C. macrophthalmus complex
and the C. ecaudatus complex. (An otolith extract-
ed from C. ecaudatus was so brittle due to the
effects of formalin that it fell apart when touched
by the tweezers. However, it seemed to be a com-
pact, thick otolith probably not unlike the one
from C. sealarki). His grouping in most instances
compares very well with the grouping according
to otolith patterns.
The species placed here in the subgenus Trul-
la quite well corresponds to MENONs canarien-
sis group. I have, however, excluded C. dispar and
placed it in the subgenus Paraplagusia chiefly
because of its otolith morphology, although the
presence of a lateral line on the blind side was
used as a prime character by MENON to define
this group. On the other hand C. lida was tenta-
tively included from MENONs cynoglossus
group. Otoliths of C. attennatus recently figured
by SMALE et al. (1995) suggest that this species
may also belong to the subgenus Trulla. – ME-
NON regarded this group as the most primitive
in the genus because of the presence of lateral
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
lines on the blind side. Otoliths suggest this too
since the cauda is not as much widened as com-
pared to the ostium and compared to the situa-
tion in most other groups (index ch:oh mostly
below 2).
The species placed in the subgenus Dexiouri-
us represent MENONs heterolepis group. How-
ever, unlike MENON I do not regard it as closely
related to the carpentari group (subgenus Icania),
but instead as a still rather primitive group close
to Trulla. In particular the posteriorly rounded
cauda is an indication of the primitive status of
this subgenus.
The subgenus Paraplagusia corresponds to the
genus Paraplagusia of MENON (1977, 1979), only
that C. dispar has tentatively been included as well
(see above). Despite the obvious specialization of
the lips (see above) characterizing the fishes of
this subgenus, otoliths seem to indicate that this
too is still a rather plesiomorphic subgenus (low
index ch:oh). However, the very strongly convex
inner face found in the otoliths of this subgenus
and the shallow predorsal rim must be regarded
as apomorphic developments.
The species placed in the subgenus Cynoglos-
sus comprises the kopsi (to the largest part) and
arel groups of MENON. Species of the kopsi group
are all dwarfed whereas those of the arel group
are large. Still their otoliths depict a number of
specialized features (see earlier) which they share
with each other and they are therefore placed
together in one group. In some of the specialized
features otoliths of this group resemble those of
the genus Symphurus. MENONs ogilbyi complex
of the kopsi group exhibits quite a different oto-
lith pattern and is placed in the subgenus Icania.
The last subgenus is Icania, comprising ME-
NONs cynoglossus and carpentari groups and his
ogilbyi complex from the kopsi group. Again spe-
cies of the cynoglossus group are dwarfed, those
of the carpentari group are not. By means of oto-
liths this is probably the most diverse, least well
defined subgenus and some of its members show
the most specialized otolith morphology in this
genus. Also it seems to me that this group could
reasonably be split up into two or even three
separate groups (or subgenera). C. lida of ME-
NONs cynoglossus group is already removed and
placed in the subgenus Trulla. The roughly trian-
gular shaped otoliths of the dwarfed ogilbyi com-
plex and the puncticeps complex of MENON look
just like small specimens of members of the sub-
genus Trulla, where they could be placed alterna-
tively. MENONs cynoglossus
and monopus com-
plexes show some special features such as the
nearly flat inner face and the tendency to
smoothen the outline of the sulcus. This charac-
ter is further developed in MENONs carpentari
group to an ovally shaped sulcus outline (sulcus
is also deepened), which is very untypical for a
cynoglossid otolith. Again this is a very special-
ized feature which could be interpreted to sepa-
rate the carpentari group from the subgenus Ica-
nia altogether. Unfortunatelly, otoliths are not
known from the two of the other species in this
group (paratypes of C. acutirostris in the BMNH
collection were found to have otoliths dissolved
by formalin). Recently, otoliths of C. marleyi have
been figured by SMALE et al. (1995) and they
indeed closely resemble those of C. carpentari. On
the other hand, the otolith pattern of C. monopus
could be interpreted as some kind of plesiomor-
phic character state from which the carpentari
group evolved.
Species and distribution: Including Paraplagu-
sia as a subgenus, Cynoglossus contains some 54
valid species. In alphabetic order they are the
following: C. abbreviatus, C. acutirostris, C. arel,
C. attenuatus, C. bilineatus, C. blochi, C. borneensis,
C. broadhursti, C. browni, C. cadenati, C. canariensis,
C. capensis, C. carpentari, C. cynoglossus, C. dispar,
C. dollfusi, C. dubius, C. durbanensis, C. ecaudatus,
C. feldmanni, C. gilchristi, C. gracilis, C. heterolepis,
C. interruptus, C. itinus, C. japonicus, C. joyneri,
C. kapuasensis, C. kopsi, C. lachneri, C. lida, C. lingua,
C. macrophthalmus, C. macrostomus, C. maculipin-
nis, C. marleyi, C. microlepis, C. microphthalmus,
C. monodi, C. monopus, C. ogilbyi, C. puncticeps,
C. quadrilineatus, C. robustus, C. sealarki, C. semifas-
ciatus, C. semilaevis, C. senegalensis, C. sinusarabici,
C. suyeni, C. trigrammus (regarded as synonym of
C. abbreviatus by MENON), C. unicolor (regarded
as synonym of C. bilineatus by MENON), C. wa-
andersi, C. zanzibarensis. In addition there are two
fossil records – C. leuchsi from the Miocene of
Europe and C. obliqueventralis from the Pliocene
of NW-Africa.
The fishes of the genus Cynoglossus are wide-
ly distributed through the Indo-West Pacific and
along the shores of Australia and West Africa.
One species – C. sinusarabici – has immigrated
into the eastern Mediterranean by Lessepsian
migration from the Red Sea through the Suez
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Cynoglossus (Trulla) canariensis
Figs. 903-904
syn. Cynoglossus lagoensis REGAN 1915
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from off Luanda, Angola, ZMH Ot. 27.6.
1995.1-2 (leg. ZMH 20180).
Discussion: A species with a massive, rounded
predorsal projection, a deep postventral corner
and a rather wide ostium.
Distribution: West Africa, Canary Islands, Sen-
egal to Angola.
Cynoglossus (Trulla) obliqueventralis n.sp.
Figs. 905-906
Name: Referring to the steeply inclined anteri-
or-ventral rim.
Holotype: Fig. 905, SMF P 9327.
Type-locality: Right river banks of the Oued Beth,
ca. 1 km south of Dar Bel Hamri, NW-Morocco.
Age: Lumachelle at the base of the Sands of Dar
Bel Hamri, Lower Pliocene.
Figs. 903-904: Cynoglossus (Trulla) canariensis STEINDACHNER 1882 – 10 ×
Figs. 905-906: Cynoglossus (Trulla) obliqueventralis n.sp. – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Paratypes: 1 otolith (fig. 906), topo- and stratit-
ypic, SMF P 9328.
Diagnosis: Large, very high bodied otoliths (in-
dex l:h 0.80-0.85). Predorsal projection broadly
rounded, anterior-ventral rim steeply inclined,
postventral corner very strongly developed.
Description: Outline: Thin, very high otoliths
with a broadly rounded predorsal projection, a
moderate postdorsal angle, a steeply inclined
anterior-ventral rim, a very strong postventral
corner and a vertically cut, straight to slightly
concave posterior rim. All rims smooth.
Inner face: Smooth and considerably convex,
particularly in the vertical direction. Sulcus ham-
mer shaped, shallow, with pseudoostial open-
ing, anteriorly moderately wide, posteriorly much
widened. Colliculi completely fused. Circumsul-
cal depression indistinct, rather shallow, postven-
trally and dorsally somewhat widened.
Other views: Rims sharp. Outer face concave,
Discussion: This is the most highly bodied oto-
lith of the genus Cynoglossus. Also the outline of
the otolith is highly characteristic as described in
the diagnosis. C. obliqueventralis probably is re-
lated to C. canariensis.
Cynoglossus (Trulla) dubius DAY 1873
Figs. 907-908
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from Karachee, India, ZMH Ot.27.6.1995.3
(leg. BMNH 1911.12.6.16) and BMNH 1911.12.
Discussion: A rather elongate otolith with a char-
acteristically hooked predorsal projection.
Distribution: West coast of India.
Cynoglossus (Trulla) borneensis
(BLEEKER 1858)
Figs. 909-911
?syn. Plagusia trulla CANTOR 1850
syn. Trulla cantori KAUP 1858
syn. Cynoglossus sinicus WU 1932
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (1 left and 2 right
side) from Singapore, ZMH Ot.27.6.1995.4-5 (leg.
BMNH 1933.7.31.28-29) and BMNH 1933.7.31.28-
Discussion: Very similar to C. dubius but more
Distribution: Borneo, Malaya, Thailand and
South China Sea.
Cynoglossus (Trulla) senegalensis
(KAUP 1858)
Fig. 912
syn. Cynoglossus goreensis STEINDACHNER 1882
syn. Cynoglossus simulator CHABANAUD 1949
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side), ZMH
Ot.27.6.1995.6 (leg. ZMH 20180).
Discussion: A moderately compressed otolith
with a rather feeble postventral corner and a
shallow and broad predorsal projection.
Distribution: West Africa, Senegal to Nigeria.
Cynoglossus (Trulla) quadrilineatus
(BLEEKER 1851)
Figs. 913-914
syn. Achirus bilineatus LACEPEDE 1802 (non Pleu-
ronectes bilineatus BLOCH 1787)
syn. Cynoglossus lineolatus STEINDACHNER
syn. Cynoglossus quinquelineatus DAY 1877
syn. Cynoglossus sindensis DAY 1877
syn. Arelia diplasios JORDAN & EVERMANN
Remarks: Following the inclusion of Paraplagu-
sia as a subgenus in Cynoglossus, C. (Trulla) bilin-
eatus (LACEPEDE 1802) becomes preoccupied by
C. (Paraplagusia) bilineatus (BLOCH 1787).
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from northern Australia, ZMH Ot.27.6. 1995.
7-8 (leg. WAM).
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Discussion: These otoliths are characterized by
their extremely wide and somewhat deepened
Figs. 907-908: Cynoglossus (Trulla) dubius DAY 1873 – 10 ×
Figs. 909-911: Cynoglossus (Trulla) borneensis (BLEEKER 1858) – 10 ×
Fig. 912: Cynoglossus (Trulla) senegalensis (KAUP 1858) – 10 ×
Distribution: Widely distributed through the
Indo-West Pacific from Pakistan to Japan and
southward to Australia.
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Cynoglossus (Trulla) lida (BLEEKER 1851)
Figs. 915-916
syn. Plagusia polytaenia BLEEKER 1853
syn. Cynoglossus intermedius ALCOCK 1889
syn. Cynoglossus os FOWLER 1904
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side), Ganjam coast, India, ZMH Ot.27.6.1995.9
(leg. BMNH 1928.3.20.131) and BMNH 1928.
Discussion: Similar to C. quadrilineatus, special-
ly as far as the sulcus is concerned, but with a
more gently curving outline and a conspicuous
concavity at the anterior-ventral rim.
Distribution: East coast of Africa and Pakistan
to Philippines.
Cynoglossus (Dexiourius) kapuasensis
Figs. 917-918
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right side) from
Sarawak, Borneo, ZMH Ot.27.6.1995.10 (leg.
BMNH 1906.10.29.39-40) and BMNH 1906.10.
Discussion: Characteristic is the sharply deep-
ened postdorsal portion of the circumsulcal de-
Distribution: Western Borneo, entering the Ka-
puas river.
Cynoglossus (Dexiourius) heterolepis
WEBER 1910
Fig. 919
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
the Upper Fly river, Papua New Guinea, BMNH
Figs. 913-914: Cynoglossus (Trulla) quadrilineatus (BLEEKER 1851) – 10 ×
Figs. 915-916: Cynoglossus (Trulla) lida (BLEEKER 1851) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Discussion: Untypically otolith with a very shal-
low ventral rim and a very smooth and convex
inner face. Also otolith rather thickset.
Distribution: New Guinea and northern Austral-
ia, entering into rivers.
Cynoglossus (Dexiourius) feldmanni
(BLEEKER 1853)
Fig. 920
syn. Cynoglossus hardenbergi NORMAN 1931
syn. Cynoglossus abentoni STAUCH 1966
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
Thailand, BMNH 1989.11.20.2.
Discussion: Otolith high, with nearly triangular
outline and slightly deepened postdorsal portion
of the circumsulcal depression.
Distribution: Thailand, Cambodia, Borneo and
Sumatra, entering into rivers.
Cynoglossus (Dexiourius) semilaevis
Fig. 921
syn. Arelia rhomaleus JORDAN & STARKS 1906
syn. Cynoglossus roulei WU 1932
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
Chekiang, China, BMNH 1930.7.28.13.
Discussion: Otolith with rounded caudal tip.
Otherwise very similar to C. gracilis but may be
slightly more elongate.
Distribution: China.
Figs. 917-918: Cynoglossus (Dexiourius) kapuasensis FOWLER 1905 – 10 ×
Fig. 919: Cynoglossus (Dexiourius) heterolepis WEBER 1910 – 10 ×
Fig. 920: Cynoglossus (Dexiourius) feldmanni (BLEEKER 1853) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Cynoglossus (Dexiourius) gracilis
Fig. 922
syn. Cynoglossus microps STEINDACHNER 1898
syn. Areliscus hollandi JORDAN & METZ 1913
syn. Cynoglossus pellegrini WU 1932
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
Chekiang, China, BMNH 1930.7.28.12.
Discussion: Otolith with rounded caudal tip.
Very similar to C. semilaevis.
Distribution: Korea and China.
Cynoglossus (Dexiourius) abbreviatus
(GRAY 1835)
Figs. 923-924
syn. Areliscus purpureomaculatus REGAN 1905
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right side) from
Kiautshou, China, ZMH Ot.27.6.1995.11-12 (leg.
ZMH 20158).
Discussion: Otolith with rounded caudal tip.
Typical is the fine marginal crenulation and the
very convex and smooth inner face.
Distribution: Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China.
Cynoglossus (Dexiourius) trigrammus
Figs. 925-927
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (1 left and 2 right
side) from the Canton coast, China, ZMH
Ot.27.6.1995.13-14 (leg. BMNH 1930.7.28.10-11)
and BMNH 1930.7.28.10-11.
Discussion: Otolith with rounded caudal tip.
Similar to C. gracilis but with more smooth rims
and less convex inner face. – MENON (1977)
placed C. trigrammus in synonymy with C. abbre-
viatus, but otoliths indicate that it should be kept
as a separate species.
Distribution: China.
Cynoglossus (Paraplagusia) aff. dispar
DAY 1877
Figs. 928-929
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from the Seychelles, ZMH Ot.27.6.1995.15
(leg. BMNH 1869.3.1.30-31) and BMNH 1869.3.1.
Discussion: Inner face convex, smooth, with
sharp and narrow circumsulcal depression.
Posterior rim concave. Predorsal projection re-
duced. – MENON (1977) placed this species in
his canariensis group (here subgenus Trulla) but
otoliths are very alike those found in other spe-
cies of the subgenus Paraplagusia. The presence
of lateral line on the blind side is different and
thus the supposed re-arrangement needs to be
verified by other ichthyological investigations. –
However, it is also possible, that this specimen
not investigated by MENON rather represents
C. bilineatus. It also originates from a different
geographical location than the type specimens.
Distribution: Seychelles (?), Pakistan and India.
Cynoglossus (Paraplagusia) japonicus
Figs. 930-931
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from Enchu Nada, Central Japan, coll. Ohe
Discussion: Similar to C. bilineatus but with a less
reduced predorsal projection.
Distribution: Korea, Japan and South China.
Cynoglossus (Paraplagusia) bilineatus
(BLOCH 1787)
Fig. 932
syn. Plagusia dipterygia RÜPPELL 1828
syn. Paraplagusia macrocephalus BLEEKER 1875
syn. Plagusia acuminata CASTELNAU 1875
?syn. Plagusia guttata MACLEAY 1878
?syn. Plagusia notata DE VIS 1883
?syn. Plagusia brevirostris KENT 1893
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
syn. Plagusia robinsoni REGAN 1919
?syn. Rhinoplagusia australis RENDAHL 1921
syn. Rhinoplagusia formoana OSHIMA 1927
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from off
Kochi, Japan, ZMH Ot.27.6.1995.16 (leg. Sasaki).
Fig. 921: Cynoglossus (Dexiourius) semilaevis GÜNTHER 1873 – 15 ×
Fig. 922: Cynoglossus (Dexiourius) gracilis GÜNTHER 1873 – 15 ×
Figs. 923-924: Cynoglossus (Dexiourius) abbreviatus (GRAY 1853) – 10 ×
Figs. 925-927: Cynoglossus (Dexiourius) trigrammus GÜNTHER 1862 – figs. 925-926 = 10 ×; fig. 927 = 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Discussion: Very similar to C. dispar and C. ja-
ponicus. Distinguished from the latter by the re-
duced predorsal projection.
Figs. 928-929: Cynoglossus (Paraplagusia) aff. dispar DAY 1877 – 10 ×
Figs. 930-931: Cynoglossus (Paraplagusia) japonicus (TEMMINCK & SCHLEGEL 1842) – 10 ×
Fig. 932: Cynoglossus (Paraplagusia) bilineatus (BLOCH 1787) – 10 ×
Fig. 933: Cynoglossus (Paraplagusia) blochi BLEEKER 1875 – 15 ×
Fig. 934: Cynoglossus (Paraplagusia) unicolor MACLEAY 1882 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Distribution: Widely distributed throughout the
Indo-West Pacific, from East Africa through the
Indian Ocean to China and Australia(?).
Cynoglossus (Paraplagusia) blochi
Fig. 933
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
Calcutta, India, BMNH 1933.1.2.5.
Discussion: Otolith rather elongate.
Distribution: Pakistan to the Malay Archipela-
go and Australia.
Cynoglossus (Paraplagusia) unicolor
Fig. 934
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
Western Australia, ZMH Ot.27.6.1995.17 (leg.
Discussion: Similar to C. japonicus but may be
more elongate. The presence of the predorsal
angle distinguishes this otolith from C. bilineatus,
which is also the reason why I kept the Austral-
ian specimens separate, contrary to MENON
Distribution: Australia.
Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) arel
Figs. 935-940
syn. Cynoglossus melampetalus RICHARDSON
syn. Plagusia grandisquamis CANTOR 1850
syn. Plagusia macrolepidota BLEEKER 1851
syn. Plagusia cantoris BLEEKER 1853
syn. Plagusia oligolepis BLEEKER 1854
syn. Cantoria pinangensis KAUP 1858
syn. Arelia kaupii BLEEKER 1860
syn. Cynoglossus elongatus GÜNTHER 1862
Investigated otoliths: 7 otoliths (3 left and 4 right
side), 4 otoliths identified as C. macrolepidotus (figs.
935-938) from the Persian Gulf, ZMH Ot.27.6.
1995.18-20 (leg. BMNH 1928.3.20.89-90) and
BMNH 1928.3.20.89-90, 2 otoliths identified as
C. melampetalus (figs. 939-940) from Amoy, Chi-
na, ZMH Ot.27.6.1995.21 (leg. BMNH 1924.12.
15.82-86) and BMNH 1924.12.15.82-86), 1 otolith
(not figured) identified as C. arel from Indonesia,
BMNH 1968.9.8.13-14.
Discussion: Otoliths large. Predorsal projection
massive. Sulcus with narrowed, pointed anterior
tip. Similar to C. robustus and C. lingua but more
compressed. Those specimens identified as C. me-
Figs. 935-940: Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) arel (SCHNEIDER 1801) – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
lampetalus are more regular in outline and with a
less pronounced predorsal projection.
Distribution: Persian Gulf to India and to the
South China Sea, the Philippines and Taiwan.
Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) robustus
Figs. 941-942
syn. Cynoglossus brunneaus REGAN 1905
syn. Cynoglossus inusita JORDAN, TANAKA &
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from Japan, ZMH Ot.27.6.1995.22 (leg.
BMNH 1960.5.13.1-2) and BMNH 1960.5.13.1-2.
Discussion: Similar to C. arel and C. lingua, with
a very pronounced predorsal projection.
Distribution: Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China.
Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) lingua
Figs. 943-945
syn. Pleuronectes potous CUVIER 1836
syn. Plagusia macrorhynchos BLEEKER 1851
syn. Cynoglossus acinaceus JENKINS 1910
Figs. 941-942: Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) robustus GÜNTHER 1873 – 10 ×
Figs. 943-945: Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) lingua HAMILTON-BUCHANAN 1822 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (1 left and 2 right
side) from Singapore, ZMH Ot.27.6.1995.23-24
(leg. BMNH 1933.7.31.24-26) and BMNH
Discussion: Very similar to C. arel and C. robus-
tus but somewhat more elongate.
Distribution: Pakistan and India to Thailand and
Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) joyneri
Figs. 946-949
syn. Cynoglossus lighti NORMAN 1925
syn. Areliscus tenuis OSHIMA 1927
syn. Cynoglossus tshusanensis CHABANAUD
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (2 left and 2 right
side) from Japan, coll. Ohe #76424-26 and #820710-
Discussion: Small, rather elongate otoliths, with
not much anteriorly narrowed sulcus. Inner face
rather flat. Circumsulcal depression incipiently
Distribution: Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China.
Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) itinus
(SNYDER 1909)
Figs. 950-953
syn. Cynoglossus punctatus SHEN 1969
Investigated otoliths: 4 otoliths (2 left and 2 right
side) from off Kochi, Japan, ZMH Ot.27.6.1995.25-
28 (leg. Sasaki).
Discussion: Small, compressed otoliths with
nearly triangular outline. Inner face convex. Sul-
cus anteriorly not much narrowed. Circumsulcal
depression bilobate.
Distribution: Japan and Hong Kong.
Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) kopsi
(BLEEKER 1851)
Figs. 954-958
syn. Cynoglossus brachycephalus BLEEKER 1875
syn. Cynoglossus praecisus ALCOCK 1890
syn. Cynoglossus versicolor ALCOCK 1890
syn. Cynoglossus sibogae WEBER 1913
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (1 left and 4 right
side), 3 otoliths identified as C. kopsi (figs. 954,
955, 958) from the Arafura Sea, ZMH
Ot.27.6.1995.29-30 (leg. BMNH and
BMNH, 2 otoliths identified as C. brach-
ycephalus (figs. 956-957) from India, ZMH
Ot.27.6.1995.31-32 (leg. BMNH 1908.3.23.149-52).
Discussion: Similar to C. itinus but with anteri-
orly narrowed and pointed sulcus.
Distribution: Indo-Australian Archipelago and
from Persian Gulf and India to the Philippines
and Taiwan.
Figs. 946-949: Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) joyneri GÜNTHER 1878 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) interruptus
Figs. 959-960
syn. Cynoglossus nigropinnatus OCHIAI 1959
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right side) from
Wakanoura, Japan, ZMH Ot.27.6.1995.33 (leg.
BMNH 1923.2.26.660-7) and BMNH 1923.2.26.660-
Discussion: Very similar to C. kopsi but may be
more compressed.
Distribution: Japan.
Figs. 950-953: Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) itinus (SNYDER 1909) – 10 ×
Figs. 954-958: Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) kopsi (BLEEKER 1851) – 10 ×
Figs. 959-960: Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) interruptus GÜNTHER 1880 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) sealarki
REGAN 1908
Figs. 961-963
Investigated otoliths: 3 otoliths (paratypes, 1 left
and 2 right side) from Saya de Malha Bank, ZMH
Ot.27.6.1995.34-35 (leg. BMNH 1908.3.23.153-6)
and BMNH 1908.3.23.153-6.
Discussion: Moderately large, compressed, rath-
er thickset otoliths with rather gently curving
outline. Sulcus anteriorly narrowed and pointed.
Circumsulcal depression bilobate.
Distribution: Saya de Malha Bank.
Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) zanzibarensis
Figs. 964-965
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (syntype, left and
right side) from Zanzibar, ZMH Ot.27.6.1995.36
(leg. BMNH 1939.5.24.1812-14) and BMNH 1939.5.
Discussion: Very similar to C. sealarki and may
be not distinguishable by means of otoliths.
Distribution: Durban, South Africa, through
Zanzibar to Kenya.
Cynoglossus (Icania) broadhursti WAITE 1905
Figs. 966-967
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from Western Australia, ZMH Ot.28.6.1995.
1-2 (leg. WAM).
Discussion: Medium sized, high otoliths with
roughly triangular outline. Cauda very wide,
ostium anteriorly not narrowed. Circumsulcal
depression faint, narrow.
Distribution: Western and southern Australia.
Figs. 961-963: Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) sealarki REGAN 1908 – 10 ×
Figs. 964-965: Cynoglossus (Cynoglossus) zanzibarensis NORMAN 1939 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Cynoglossus (Icania) maculipinnis
Figs. 968-969
syn. Cynoglossus maccullochi NORMAN 1926
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side), identified as C. maccullochi from Western
Australia, ZMH Ot.28.6.1995.3-4 (leg. WAM).
Discussion: Small, high otoliths with roughly
triangular outline. Cauda moderately wide, os-
tium anteriorly not narrowed. Circumsulcal de-
pression narrow.
Distribution: Western and northern Australia
and Queensland.
Cynoglossus (Icania) gilchristi REGAN 1920
Fig. 970
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
the Rufiji delta, Tanzania, BMNH 1981.6.25.102-
Discussion: Similar to C. maculipinnis, but with
somewhat smoothed outline of sulcus. Similar to
C. puncticeps, but less high.
Distribution: South Africa to Madagascar and
Cynoglossus (Icania) puncticeps
Figs. 971-975
syn. Plagusia nigrolabeculata RICHARDSON 1846
syn. Plagusia aurolimbata RICHARDSON 1846
syn. Plagusia javanica BLEEKER 1851
syn. Plagusia brachyrhynchus BLEEKER 1851
syn. Cynoglossus brevis GÜNTHER 1862
syn. Cynoglossus immaculatus PELLEGRIN &
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths ( 1 left and 4 right
side) from Singapore, ZMH Ot.28.6.1995.5-8 (leg.
BMNH 1934.11.21.1-8) and BMNH 1934.11.21.1-
Discussion: Very similar to C. gilchristi, but some-
what higher.
Distribution: From India through the Malay
Archipelago to the Philippines, the South China
Sea and Japan and southward to northwest Aus-
Cynoglossus (Icania) leuchsi
Figs. 976-980
syn. Scopelus? sp. – PRIEM 1914: fig. 8
syn. Cynoglossus leuchsi WEINFURTER 1952 –
WEINFURTER 1952: pl. 4, figs. 1-3
syn. Rhinoplagusia altus – LAFOND-GRELLETY
1967: pl. 11, fig. 52 (nomen nudum)
syn. Rhinoplagusia sp. – JONET 1973: pl. 4, fig. 137
syn. Rhinoplagusia leuchsi – JONET 1973: pl. 4,
fig. 138
syn. genus Cynoglossidarum sp. – STEURBAUT
1979: pl. 11, fig. 11
syn. Paraplagusia roseni NOLF & CAPPETTA 198
– NOLF & CAPPETTA 1980: pl. 3, figs. 19-21
syn. Paraplagusia alta STEURBAUT & JONET
1981 – STEURBAUT & JONET 1981: pl. 5,
figs. 10-13
Paraplagusia alta – STEURBAUT 1984: pl. 36,
figs. 11-14
syn. Cynoglossus altus MENZEL 1986 – MENZEL
1986: pl. 9, fig. 2, pl. 10, fig. 7
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths, the holotype of
C. leuchsi (fig. 977) from Wetzelsteffi near Wet-
zelsdorf, Austria, Middle Miocene, LMJ, 2 para-
types of C. leuchsi (figs. 979-980) from Mühlbauer
near St. Florian, Austria, Middle Miocene, LMJ,
the holotype of C. altus MENZEL (fig. 978) from
the well UE 12 Gräpl near Mulsum, northern
Germany, Hemmoorian, Lower Miocene, NLH
11735, 1 otolith (fig. 976) from the Hörstgen 4 shaft,
northwest Germany, Hemmoorian, Lower Mio-
cene, SMF P (coll. Anderson).
Ontogeny and variability: The small paratypes
of C. leuchsi are more gently rounded in outline,
but the predorsal projection is more strongly
Otoliths of this species vary somewhat in
outline. The postventral corner, the predorsal
projection and the postdorsal angle can all be
developed more broadly rounded or more angu-
lar. This and the wide geographic distribution of
the species in the Miocene of Europe probably is
the reason for the extended synonymy list.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Figs. 966-967: Cynoglossus (Icania) broadhursti WAITE 1905 – 10 ×
Figs. 968-969: Cynoglossus (Icania) maculipinnis RENDAHL 1921 – 10 ×
Fig. 970: Cynoglossus (Icania) gilchristi REGAN 1920 – 15 ×
Figs. 971-975: Cynoglossus (Icania) puncticeps RICHARDSON 1846 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Discussion: Very similar to the recent C. gilchris-
ti and C. puncticeps, but usually with a more reg-
ularly curving outline.
Distribution: Lower and Middle Miocene of
Austria, France (Aquitaine and Mediterranean
Basins), Portugal and northern Germany.
Cynoglossus (Icania) cynoglossus
Fig. 981
syn. Plagusia oxyrhynchos BLEEKER 1851
syn. Plagusia sumatrana BLEEKER 1853
syn. Plagusia bengalensis BLEEKER 1853
syn. Cynoglossus hamiltonii GÜNTHER 1862
syn. Cynoglossus buchanani DAY 1869
syn. Cynoglossus deltae JENKINS 1910
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
Singapore, BMNH 1933.12.27.5.
Discussion: Small, moderately compressed oto-
liths with rather flat inner face. Sulcus with ten-
dency to smoothed outline. Circumsulcal depres-
sion rather wide.
Distribution: Western India to Malay Archipel-
ago and the Philippines.
Cynoglossus (Icania) semifasciatus
DAY 1877
Fig. 982
syn. Cynoglossus brevirostris DAY 1877
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
the Ganjam coast, India, BMNH 1928.3.20.107.
Discussion: Hardly distinguishable from C. cyno-
glossus by means of otoliths.
Distribution: Eastern India and Ceylon.
Cynoglossus (Icania) monopus
(BLEEKER 1849)
Fig. 983
syn. Plagusia melanopterus BLEEKER 1851
syn. Arelia ceratophrys KAUP 1858
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
Singapore, BMNH 1984.1.12.91-93.
Discussion: Similar to C. cynoglossus and C. semi-
fasciatus, but unique for its extremely narrow
cauda (very low index ch:oh).
Distribution: From the Bay of Bengal through
the Malay Archipelago to Hong Kong.
Figs. 976-980: Cynoglossus (Icania) leuchsi WEINFURTER 1952 – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Cynoglossus (Icania) carpentari
Figs. 984-989
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths (2 left and 4 right
side), 4 otoliths from the Bay of Bengal (figs. 984-
987), ZMH Ot.28.6.1995.9-11 (leg. BMNH 1928.
3.20.75-77) and BMNH 1928.3.20.75-77 and 2 oto-
liths from the Gulf of Oman (figs. 988-989), ZMH
Ot.28.6.1995.12-13 (leg. BMNH 1939.5.24.1799).
Discussion: Otoliths of this species are unique
amongst the genus Cynoglossus for a number of
characters. They are small (also as compared to
the size of the fishes), rather elongate, thickset,
with a flat inner face and a concave outer face.
The sulcus is reduced to a completely ovale shape,
considerably deepened and terminating at some
distance from the anterior rim of the otolith. The
circumsulcal depression is regularly curved, con-
siderably deepened and runs rather close to the
The otoliths of the specimen from the Gulf of
Oman (type B, figs. 988-989) differ slightly from
those of the Bay of Bengal (type A, figs. 984-987)
in being more thin and compressed and showing
an even smaller sulcus.
SMALE et al. (1995) figured otoliths of the
related species C. marleyi, wich indeed in all as-
pects closely resemble those of C. carpentari, in
particular as far as the sulcus morphology is con-
cerned. Main difference seems to be the slightly
convex inner face and the more rectangular out-
line. However, these findings further support the
special position of this little group within the
genus Cynoglossus and, in my opinion, warrants
their distinction as a distinctive subgenus.
Distribution: Persian Gulf to the Bay of Bengal,
in rather deep water.
7.9.2 Symphurus Group
Genera: One genus – Symphurus – widely dis-
tributed throughout the tropical and subtropical
world oceans in shallow to relatively deep water
on the continental shelfs and slopes.
Definition and relationship: Otoliths of the Sym-
phurus Group are typical representatives of the
family Cynoglossidae with its hammer shaped
sulcus. However, differing from the Cynoglossus
Group, the sulcus is somewhat reduced anterior-
ly. Further specializations are as follows. The
ventral rim is gently and regularly curving, not
very deep, whereas the dorsal rim is usually high-
er and shifted backwards. Thus the otoliths are
almost symmetrical along the horizontal axis,
which sometimes may cause difficulties to dis-
tinguish between left and right otoliths, especial-
ly when found isolated as in the fossil record.
Most notable though is the strange development
of the circumsulcal depression. It is considerably
widened and deepened postdorsally and postven-
trally (bilobate) to an extent where it almost meets
the dorsal and ventral tips of the much widened
In most ichthyological literature Symphurus is
regarded as the plesiomorphic sister group of
Fig. 981: Cynoglossus (Icania) cynoglossus (HAMILTON-BUCHANAN 1822) – 15 ×
Fig. 982: Cynoglossus (Icania) semifasciatus DAY 1877 – 15 ×
Fig. 983: Cynoglossus (Icania) monopus (BLEEKER 1849) – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Cynoglossus (and Paraplagusia), mostly because of
its not hooked and terminal snout, the still present
but rudimentary pectoral fins and the pelvic fin,
which is free from the anal fin (see MENNON,
1977 and CHAPLEAU, 1987). However, lateral
lines are absent from both sides. The otoliths in-
stead point to a completely different story. The
further and very peculiar specialization of its
morphology (see above) rather indicates Symphu-
rus to represent an apomorphic group within the
Cynoglossidae. It must be questioned if not at
least some of the seemingly plesiomorphic mor-
phological characters of the fishes rather repre-
sent some kind of secondary reduction.
Symphurus RAFINESQUE 1810
Type-species: Symphurus nigrescens RAFIN-
ESQUE 1810
syn. Odontolepis FISCHER 1813 (type-species:
S. nigrescens)
syn. Plagusia CUVIER 1816 (type-species: Pleu-
ronectes plagusia, pre-occupied)
syn. Bibronia COCCO 1844 (type-species: B. ligu-
syn. Plagiusa BONAPARTE 1846 (type-species:
P. lactea, syn. S. nigrescens, substitute for Pla-
syn. Eupnoea GISTEL 1848 (type-species: Plagu-
sia lactea, syn. S. nigrescens)
syn. Euporista GISTEL 1848 (substitute for Plagu-
syn. Aphorista KAUP 1858 (type-species: Achirus
ornatus, syn. S. plagusia) – subgenus
syn. Glossichthys GILL 1861 (type-species: Pleu-
ronectes plagusia)
syn. Ammopleurops GÜNTHER 1862 (type-spe-
cies: Plagusia lactea, syn. S. nigrescens)
syn. Bascanius SCHIÖDTE 1867 (type-species:
B. taedifer, larval)
syn. Acedia JORDAN 1888 (type-species: Apho-
rista nebulosa)
Diagnosis: Moderately thin to thickset, high
bodied otoliths; ventral rim moderately deep and
rather regularly curving, dorsal rim usually more
high, with an inclined predorsal portion and a
massive, rounded postdorsal portion, anterior rim
broadly rounded, posterior rim high, oblique or
vertically cut, with or without concavity, or broad-
ly rounded. Otoliths small, up to 3 mm.
Sulcus usually shallow, occasionally slightly
deepened, with fused colliculi, typical hammer
shaped outline, often with smoothed outline,
anteriorly reduced. Circumsulcal depression well
developed, narrow, often furrow like, postdor-
sally and postventrally widened to nearly reach
the dorsal and ventral tips of the cauda (bilo-
bate), running close to the otolith rims.
Inner face moderately convex to nearly flat,
usually rather smooth; outer face flat to marked-
ly convex, usually smooth. Rims moderately
sharp, sometimes thickset, not or only faintly
Subgeneric definitions: So far otoliths have only
be investigated from 15 species of the extant 72
nominal species of the genus. It may thus seem
premature to formulate a detailed analysis of
morphological clusters observed. Anyhow, oto-
liths of those species investigated fall into two
quite well defined groups characterized in the
following. However, more material should be
awaited of additional species to support this con-
cept once they get available or other ichthyolog-
ical investigations to verify this grouping. Tenta-
tively, the two distinctive groups are assigned to
subgeneric ranking with names taken from the
generic synonymy list.
One group is characterized by very high oto-
liths with an outline as described in the above
diagnosis. Also, they are usually quite thin and
their sulcus is rather large. These species are placed
in the formal subgenus Aphorista. So far, this pat-
tern has only be found in new world species.
The second group of species is placed in the
formal subgenus Symphurus. These otoliths have
an almost perfectly round outline. They are much
more thickset and show a tendency to reduce the
size of the sulcus. The latter is carried furthest in
S. gilesi and S. nigrescens. The majority of species
placed in this group are from the old world, but
few new world species are tentatively included
as well. With more material coming at hand it
could be envisaged that this group is being split
up further. Candidates for this are the two spe-
cies mentioned above.
The features separating the subgenus Sym-
phurus from Aphorista are mainly due to reduc-
tion of certain characters. They are therefore
thought to represent a more derived group.
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
l:h h:t l:ol ch:oh con.i
subgenus Aphorista
plagusia 0.95 4.0 2.0 2.4 3.5
elongatus 0.85 4.4 2.1 2.5 4.4
chabanaudi 0.85 3.6 2.1 2.4 3.2
plagiusa 0.75 nm 1.9 3.5 nm
trewavasae 0.90-1.00 2.9 1.8-2.3 2.1-2.4 5.2
civitatus 0.90-0.95 3.4 1.9-2.1 2.2-2.4 2.9
oculellus 1.00 3.6 2.4 3.6 3.5
leei 0.90-0.95 3.8 2.0-2.2 2.5 4.3
atricaudus 0.85-0.90 2.8-3.0 1.8-2.2 1.7-2.4 2.8
subgenus Symphurus
williamsi 1.10 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.4
atramentatus 1.10 2.7 2.6 1.8 3.0
orientalis 1.00-1.05 2.0 2.7-2.8 2.8 2.2
septemstriatus 0.95-1.00 2.9 2.6-2.8 1.5-1.8 5.5
gilesi 0.95 nm 3.2 1.8 nm
nigrescens 1.00-1.05 2.8 2.8-2.9 nm 3.3
Side dimorphism: Usually not apparent. Occa-
sional, otoliths of the left side show a slightly less
high cauda.
Variability: The variability level in the species of
this genus apparently is quite different. In most
species it seems to be very moderate and then
distinction of even closely related species may
not be very difficult. Few species, however, show
extreme variations of the outline. S. atricaudatus
is such a species with a very irregular outline. In
such cases it becomes very difficult to find diag-
nostic characters on the species level.
Discussion: As stated before (see entry to Cy-
noglossidae and the Symphurus Group) otoliths
of the genus Symphurus are characterized by a
number of autapomorphic features, such as the
anteriorly reduced sulcus, the bilobate circum-
sulcal depression and the backwardly shifted
dorsal rim. Some of these characters are to cer-
tain extent foreshadowed in some members of
the genus Cynoglossus (subgenus Cynoglossus). I
therefore regard Symphurus as the more derived
genus in the Cynoglossidae.
Species and distribution: Unlike the genus Cy-
noglossus, Symphurus has so far not been subject
to a comprehensive revision, although a number
of regional revisions have been published
EZES & BENVEGNU 1976, MUNROE 1990, 1991).
There may be up to 72 nominally valid recent
species in this genus and new species are con-
stantly being described. Apparently, the high
number of species is due to a very pronounced
regionalization of the species in this genus. Also
many species seem to be established on few spec-
imens only and are difficult to come by for otolith
extraction (hence only 15 species represented
here). Furthermore, it was found while extract-
ing otoliths from specimens of Symphurus that
they were often dissolved by formalin. Possibly
Figs. 984-989: Cynoglossus (Icania) carpentari ALCOCK 1889;
figs. 984-987 morphotype A, figs. 988-989 morphotype B – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
they act more sensitive to formalin than those of
other Pleuronectiformes.
72 nominally valid species are listed in the
following (new and old world species listed sep-
arately). The list may not be complete.
New world species: S. arawak, S. atramentatus,
S. atricaudus, S. bergi, S. callopterus, S. caribbeanus,
S. chabanaudi, S. civitatum, S. diabolicus, S. dio-
medianus, S. elongatus, S. fasciolaris, S. ginsburgi,
S. gorgonae, S. jenynsi, S. kyaropterygium, S. leei, S.
luzonensis, S. marginatus, S. melanurus, S. melas-
matotheca, S. meridionalis, S. microlepis, S. minor,
S. nebulosus, S. oculellus, S. oligomerus, S. omma-
spilus, S.paitensis, S. parvus, S. pelicanus, S. piger,
S. plagiusa, S. plagusia, S. prolatinaris, S. pterospi-
lotus, S. pusillus, S. rhytisma, S. sumtuosus,
S. tesselatus, S. trewavasae, S. undatus, S. undecim-
plerus, S. urospilos, S. varius, S. williamsi.
Old world species: S. arabicus, S. australis, S.
fallax, S. fuscus, S. gilesi, S. holothuriae, S. ligulatus,
S.lubbocki, S. macrophthalmus, S. maldiviensis,
S. marmoratus, S. nigrescens, S. normani, S. novem-
fasciatus, S. ocellatus, S. orientalis, S. regani, S. reticu-
latus, S. sayademalhensis, S. schultzi, S. sep-
temstriatus, S. strictus, S. trifasciatus, S. variegatus,
S. vittatus, S. woodmasoni.
In the fossil record Symphurus otoliths have
rarely been reported. Two specimens reported
from the Miocene of Trinidad (NOLF, 1976) and
the Miocene of the Dominican Republic (NOLF
& STRINGER, 1992) are too poorly preserved for
specific identification. A single specimen from the
Pliocene of northern Morocco is tentatively as-
signed to the recent S. nigrescens.
Symphurus (Aphorista) plagusia
Fig. 990
syn. Achirus ornatus LACEPEDE 1803
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
Trinidad (identified as S. ornatus), BMNH
Discussion: An otolith with a rather regularly
curving outline and a rather large sulcus.
Distribution: West Indies, south to Rio de Janei-
ro, in shallow water.
Fig. 990: Symphurus (Aphorista) plagusia (BLOCH & SCHNEIDER 1801) – 10 ×
Fig. 991: Symphurus (Aphorista) elongatus (GÜNTHER 1869) – 10 ×
Figs. 992-993: Symphurus (Aphorista) chabanaudi MAHADEVA & MUNROE 1990– 10 ×
Fig. 994: Symphurus (Aphorista) plagiusa (LINNAEUS 1766) – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Symphurus (Aphorista) elongatus
(GÜNTHER 1869)
Fig. 991
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side), ZMH
Ot. 4.7.1995.1 (leg. ZMH 20195).
Discussion: A thin otolith with a straight, verti-
cally cut posterior rim and a markedly concave
predorsal rim.
Distribution: Pacific coast of tropical America.
Symphurus (Aphorista) chabanaudi
Figs. 992-993
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right side), para-
types from the Gulf of California, ZMH Ot.4.7.
1995.2 (leg. BMNH 1956.3.1.6-14) and BMNH
Discussion: Very similar to S. plagusia but some-
what more compressed.
Distribution: Gulf of California.
Symphurus (Aphorista) plagiusa
Fig. 994
syn. Plagusia fasciata HOLBROOK 1842
Investigated otoliths: 1 somewhat eroded oto-
lith (right side) from Rockport, USA, BMNH
Discussion: Extremely high and rather thickset
otolith with an almost triangular sulcus outline.
Distribution: South Atlantic and Gulf coast of
the USA.
Symphurus (Aphorista) trewavasae
Figs. 995-999
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (1 left side and
4 right side), paratypes from Rio de Janeiro, Bra-
zil, ZMH Ot. 4.7.1995.3-6 (leg. BMNH 1913.12.
4.264-73) and BMNH 1913.12.4.264-73.
Discussion: Otoliths with a distinctly concave
predorsal rim and a bluntly rounded posterior
rim similar to S. elongatus, but more thickset and
with a rather narrow cauda.
Distribution: Atlantic coast of South America.
Figs. 995-999: Symphurus (Aphorista) trewavasae CHABANAUD 1948 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Symphurus (Aphorista) civitatum
Figs. 1000-1001
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (right side) from
Louisiana, USA, ZMH Ot.4.7.1995.7 (leg. BMNH
1931.11.5.76-81( and BMNH 1931.11.5.76-81.
Discussion: Similar to S. trewavasae, but without
concave predorsal rim, with a pointed postdorsal
angle and e regularly deepened sulcus.
Distribution: Gulf coast, USA and Mexico, Ber-
mudas, in moderately deep water.
Symphurus (Aphorista) oculellus
Fig. 1002
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side), para-
type from British Guyana, 8°30N/59°02W,
BMNH 1961.9.4.117-118.
Discussion: Similar to S. civitatum, but less com-
pressed and with a somewhat pointed anterior
Distribution: Guyana and northeastern Brazil,
in moderately deep water.
Symphurus (Aphorista) leei
Figs. 1003-1004
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from the Pacific coast of Panama, ZMH
Ot.4.7.1995.8 (leg. BMNH 1930.9.2.41) and BMNH
Discussion: Very similar to S. oculellus and pos-
sibly an allopatric species, but more compressed.
S. leei is also one of the few species of the genus
in which an incipient side dimorphism of the
otoliths could be observed.
Distribution: Pacific cost of Columbia and Pan-
Symphurus (Aphorista) atricaudus
Figs. 1005-1009
Investigated otoliths: 6 otoliths (3 left side and
3 right side) from southern California, ZMH
Ot.4.7.1995.9-14 (leg. Fitch).
Discussion: Rather thickset, high otoliths with a
rather narrow sulcus and an extremely irregular
S. atricaudus is one of the species within this
genus with a very wide range in morphological
variations, in particular as the outline is con-
Distribution: California, USA.
Figs. 1000-1001: Symphurus (Aphorista) civitatum GINSBURG 1951 – 10 ×
Fig. 1002: Symphurus (Aphorista) oculellus MUNROE 1991 – 10 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Symphurus (Symphurus) williamsi
Fig. 1010
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side), To-
bago Isl., Pacific coast of Panama, BMNH 1926.7.
Discussion: A roundish, rather thickset otolith
with still a rather large sulcus.
Distribution: Pacific coast of Mexico, south to
Symphurus (Symphurus) atramentatus
Fig. 1011
Investigated otoliths: 1 otolith (right side) from
Lower California, BMNH 1930.9.2.38.
Discussion: Very similar to S. williamsi and prob-
ably a sympatric species, but may be somewhat
more thin.
Distribution: Pacific coast of tropical America
from Lower California to Colombia.
Figs. 1003-1004: Symphurus (Aphorista) leei JORDAN & BOLLMAN 1889 – 15 ×
Figs. 1005-1009: Symphurus (Aphorista) atricaudus JORDAN & GILBERT 1880 – 10 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
Symphurus (Symphurus) orientalis
(BLEEKER 1879)
Figs. 1012-1013
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from off Kochi, Japan, ZMH Ot.4.7.1995.15-
16 (leg. Sasaki).
Discussion: Very thickset, regularly round oto-
liths with a small sulcus and a rather convex in-
ner face.
Distribution: Japan.
Symphurus (Symphurus) septemstriatus
(ALCOCK 1891)
Figs. 1014-1015
Investigated otoliths: 2 otoliths (left and right
side) from off Colombo, Ceylon, ZMH
Ot.4.7.1995.17 (leg. BMNH 1928.3.20.72 and
BMNH 1928.3.20.72.
Discussion: Thickset, less well rounded and high
otoliths with a very small sulcus and a flat inner
Distribution: Ceylon and Andaman Islands.
Fig. 1010: Symphurus (Symphurus) williamsi JORDAN & CULVER 1895 – 15 ×
Fig. 1011: Symphurus (Symphurus) atramentatus JORDAN & BOLLMAN 1889 – 10 ×
Figs. 1012-1013: Symphurus (Symphurus) orientalis (BLEEKER 1879) – 15 ×
Figs. 1014-1015: Symphurus (Symphurus) septemstriatus (ALCOCK 1891) – 15 ×
Fig. 1016: Symphurus (Symphurus) gilesi (ALCOCK 1889) – 15 ×
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Symphurus (Symphurus) gilesi
(ALCOCK 1889)
Fig. 1016
Investigated otoliths: 1 somewhat eroded oto-
lith (left side), from the Gulf of Aden, BMNH
Discussion: Very similar to S. septemstriatus (also
with flat inner face), but with rather shallow
dorsal rim and an extremely small sulcus.
Distribution: Gulf of Aden, Bay of Bengal, Kei
Islands, lower shelf.
Symphurus (Symphurus) nigrescens
Figs. 1017-1021
syn. Plagusia lactea BONAPARTE 1833
syn. Plagusia picta COSTA 1862
Investigated otoliths: 5 otoliths (2 left and 3 right
side), 3 otoliths (figs. 1017, 1018, 1021) from Bou
Aioun, Algeria, ZMH Ot.4.7.1995.18-20 (leg.
BMNH 1950.2.8.1-5), 2 otoliths (figs. 1019-1020)
from the Bay of Biscay, ZMH Ot.4.7.1995.21 (leg.
Discussion: Roundish otoliths with a somewhat
narrowed dorsal rim and a very small sulcus with
rather regular outline, anteriorly pointed.
Distribution: Mediterranean, East-Atlantic from
France to Angola, in rather deep water.
Figs. 1017-1021: Symphurus (Symphurus) nigrescens RAFINESQUE 1810 – 15 ×
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
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8. Selected literature
Recent fishes
(Includes major references which deal with Pleuronectiformes, regional faunal lists or publications which
include figures of recent Pleuronectiform otoliths or other references of recent otoliths cited in the text)
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
GLOERFELT-TARP, T. & KAILOLA, P. J. (1984): Trawled
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MENON, A. G. (1977): A systematic monograph of the
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MENEZES, N. & BENVEGNU, G. de Q. (1976): On the
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teichthys, Pleuronectiformes, Cynoglossidae). – Pap.
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MUNROE, T. A (1990): Eastern Atlantic tonguefishes
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Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
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Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
References to valid taxa and main discussion of valid taxa are in bold. References to taxa from
synonymy listings regarded as invalid are only presented from their individual entries – synony-
mized genera without type-species; synonymized species only under the species headings.
References to figures are in bold and denoted with an asterisk (*).
abbotti, Citharichthys 147
abbreviatus, Cynoglossus 342, 348, 349*
abentoni, Cynoglossus 347
abnormis, Aseraggodes 325
acadianus, Glyptocephalus 225
Acanthopsetta 210, 214, 218, 219, 220
nadeshnyi 219, 219*
Acedia 360
Achiroides 311
Achiropsetta 104, 208, 210
tricholepis 210
Achiropsis 269, 279, 280
nattereri 280
Achirus 8, 22, 35, 36, 269, 270, 271, 272, 276
achirus 272, 273, 273*, 276
barnharti 273
declivis 273, 274*
fordycei 15, 337
garmani 273, 275, 275*, 276
klunzingeri 273
lineatus 273
lorentzi 273
mazatlanus 273, 274, 275*
novae 273
opercularis 273
scutum 273, 274, 275*
trichospilus 273
zebrinus 273
achirus, Achirus 272, 273, 273*, 276
Achlyopa 312
achne, Microstomus 246
acinaceus, Cynoglossus 352
aculeatus, Rhombus 91
acuminata, Plagusia 348
acuminatus, (Pleuronectidarum) 15
acutirostris, Cynoglossus 342
Adamasoma 252
adspersus, Ammotretis 69
adspersus, Paralichthys 46*, 116, 117, 121, 121*
aegyptiaca, Solea 297, 298, 301*
Aesopia 269, 316
cornuta 316, 317, 317*
granum 16, 317
aestuarius, Paralichthys 116
aethalion, Citharichthys 136
affinis, Pseudorhombus 131
Alaeops 265
albiguttata, Paralichthys 107, 116, 117, 118*, 119
albomaculata, Poecilopsetta 266*, 267
albomaculata, Synaptura 308*, 309
albomarginata, Poecilopsetta 267
algoensis, Paralichthodes 62, 64, 65, 65*
alta, Paraplagusia 15, 356
altipinnis, Zebrias 321, 321*
altus, Cynoglossus 15, 356
altus, Rhinoplagusia 356
altus, Rhombus 15, 17, 26
amaokai, Parabothus 162
Amate 332
amblybregmatus, Orthopsetta 149
americanus, Hippoglossus 213
americanus, Pseudopleuronectes 238, 239*
Ammopleurops 360
Ammotretis 27, 28, 29, 35, 40, 44, 45, 62, 65, 66, 68, 70
brevipinnis 69
elongatus 69, 69*
macrolepis 69
rostratus 68, 69, 69*
tudori 69, 69*
annadalei, Zebrias 321
Anathyridium 272
andersoni, Pseudorhombus 129
andriashevi, Mancopsetta 209
Ancylopsetta 38, 104, 106, 108, 115
antillarum 106, 108, 109*
cycloidea 106, 107, 108*
dendritica 107
dilecta 107, 108, 108*
kumperae 107
microtenus 107, 108, 108*
quadrocellata 106, 107, 107*
andrewsi, Arnoglossus 168
angulata, Solea 15, 17
angulosa, Solea 295
angulosus, Lepidorhombus 15, 20, 24, 95, 96, 97, 98*, 99
angustirostris, Limanda 238
angustus, Citharopsettodes 15, 77
angustus, Paracitharus 11, 15, 20, 25, 77, 78, 79*,
Anisochirus 269, 310, 314, 316
panoides 312, 314, 316*
annamensis, Pseudorhombus 132
annectens, Coccolus 159
annectens, Pseudaustroglossus 306
annularis, Brachirus 312
annulatus, Pseudorhombus 125, 130, 130*, 133
anomalus, Pseudorhombus 131
antarctica, Mancopsetta 209
Anticitharus 166
antillarum, Ancylopsetta 106, 108, 109*
antillarum, Monolene 197, 198*
antiqua, Solea 286
aomoriensis, Limanda 15, 17
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Aphorista 360
Apionichthys 35, 52, 269, 279
dumerili 280, 280*
apoda, Pleuronectes 271
approximata, Solea 15, 23, 24, 285, 286, 288, 290
approximatum, Buglossidium 285, 288
Apsetta 252
Apterygopectus 208
aquosus, Scophthalmus 91, 92, 93*
arabicus, Arnoglossus 168
arabicus, Symphurus 362
Araias 228
aramaca, Pleuronectes 137
aramaca, Rhombus 119
Aramaca 135
arawak, Symphurus 362
arctifrons, Orthopsetta 149, 151, 152*
arel, Cynoglossus 342, 351, 351*, 352, 353
Arelia 340
Areliscus 340
arenaceus, Citharichthys 147
arenicola, Engyprosopon 202
argus, Pleuronectes 159, 160
argus, Pseudorhombus 125, 132*, 133
ariommus, Araias 230
armstrongi, Arnoglossus 168
arnoglossoides, Caulopsetta 15, 21, 27, 183, 184*
arnoglossus, Pleuronectes 168
Arnoglossus 11, 12, 24, 45, 51, 52, 104, 105, 165, 166, 182, 183,
184, 186, 193
andrewsi 168
arabicus 168
armstrongi 168
aspilos 168, 176*, 177
bassensis 168
bauzai 15, 25, 172
capensis 167, 168, 171*, 175, 183
dalgleishi 167, 168, 181, 182*
debilis 168, 181, 181*
elongatus 168
15, 20, 27, 168, 178, 178*
fisoni 168
grenfelli 16, 20, 27, 168, 180, 180*
grohmanni 168, 170, 171*
holleri 16, 20, 24, 25, 168, 170, 172, 173*, 286
imperialis 18, 20, 24, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171*
inconspectus 16, 172
japonicus 168
kokeni 15, 16, 18, 20, 25, 26, 168, 170, 172, 174*, 175
kotthausi 168
lapierrei 16, 20, 23, 168, 177, 177*, 178
laterna 14, 18, 20, 24, 27, 122, 166, 167, 168, 168*, 169,
170, 172, 174, 175, 181
longus 16, 20, 27, 52, 167, 168, 178, 179*, 184
macrostoma 168, 169, 169*
maculipinnis 168
marisrubri 168
miocenicus 16, 170, 172
muelleri 168
multirastris 168
novus 16, 20, 27, 52, 167, 168, 179, 180*, 184
oxyrhynchus 168
polyspilus 168
prudhommae 16, 20, 24, 168, 177*, 178
quadratus 16, 21, 26, 167, 168, 170, 174, 175*
rueppelli 10, 167, 168, 176, 176*, 177
sayaensis 168
tapeinosoma 167, 168, 176, 176*, 177
taureri 16, 17, 18, 21, 24, 25, 168, 170, 172, 173*
tenuis 168
thori 168, 169, 171*
waitei 168, 176*, 177
arsius, Pseudorhombus 124, 125, 127, 129, 129*, 134
asaedae, Monolene 197
asanoi, Samariscus 261
Aseraggodes 8, 269, 323, 324, 326
abnormis 325
bahamondi 325
beauforti 325
cyaneus 325, 326, 326*
dubius 325
filiger 325, 326, 327*
guttulatus 324, 325
haackeanus 325
herrei 325
kaianus 325
klunzingeri 325, 326, 327*
kobensis 325, 325*, 326
macleayanus 325, 326, 327*
melanostictus 325
microlepidotus 325
normani 325
ocellatus 325
persimilis 325
sinusarabici 325
smithi 325
texturatus 325
whitakeri 325
aspera, Limanda 227, 228, 229*
asperrimum, Clidoderma 18, 21, 27, 245, 245*
aspilos, Arnoglossus 168, 176*, 177
aspilos, Heterobuglossus 310, 311*
asphyxiatus, Pnictes 280
asprella, Limanda 228
assimilis, Bothus 158
Asterorhombus 104, 166, 168, 199, 200
fijiensis 200, 201
intermedius 166, 200, 201, 201*
Atherestes 210, 214, 215, 223
evermanni 215, 216*
stomias 19, 21, 215, 216*
atlanticus, Bothus 159
atlanticus, Citharichthys 154
atlanticus, Monochirus 290
atramentatus, Symphurus 362, 365, 366*
atricaudus, Symphurus 18, 22, 52, 361, 362, 364, 364*
atrimana, Monolene 197
attenuatus, Cynoglossus 341, 342
aurantiaca, Solea 300
aureus, Citharichthys 159
aurolimbata, Plagusia 356
australis, Microchirus 283
australis, Rhinoplagusia 349
australis, Symphurus 362
austrinus, Achirus 271
Austroglossus 269, 297, 306
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
microlepis 306, 307
pectoralis 306, 307, 307*
avilesi, Apterygopectus 209
awamoaensis, Grammatobothus 15, 20, 27, 163, 164, 165*
axillaris, Brachypleurops 79
ayresii, Parophrys 250
Azevia 141
azevia, Solea 293
Azygopus 34, 35, 40, 65, 210, 211, 254, 263
pinnifasciatus 263, 264, 264*
bahamondi, Aseraggodes 325
bahianus, Rhombus 159
Baiostoma 272
balangoensis, Solea 15, 17
balearicus, Citharus 15, 18, 20, 25, 26, 72, 75, 75*, 76
balteata, Platessa 129
baltica, Pluronectes 235
barbatus, Rhombus 91
Barbourichthys 311
barnardi, Coryphaesopia 317
Barnardichthys 296
barnharti, Achirus 273
bartonensis, Solea 15
Bascanius 166, 360
bassensis, Arnoglossus 168
bassensis, Rhombosolea 69
bassolii, Phrynorhombus 15, 102
bathybius, Embassichthys 246
Bathysolea 10, 35, 269, 280, 281, 302, 304
lactea 305, 306
polonica 16, 21, 25, 305*, 306
profundicola 305, 305*, 306
bauzai, Arnoglossus 15, 25, 172
bavayi, Psettodes 15, 19, 23, 58, 61, 62*, 64
beani, Poecilopsetta 266*, 267
Beaufortella 324
beauforti, Aseraggodes 325
belcheri, Psettodes 58, 59*
belgicus, Citharus 83
belgicus, Eucitharus 15, 82
bellonaensis, Engyprosopon 202
bengalensis, Plagusia 358
bennettii, Psettodes 58
bergi, Symphurus 362
biaculeatus, (Bothidarum) 15
biaculeatus, Rhombocitharus 15, 20, 23, 81
Bibronia 360
bicolorata, Marleyella 55, 264, 265*
bicoloratus, Kareius 236, 239*
bicyclophorus, Paralichthys 116
bilineata, Lepidopsetta 240, 240*, 241
bilineata, Paraplagusia 18
bilineatus, Achirus 344
bilineatus, Cynoglossus 18, 22, 27, 342, 344, 348, 350*, 351
blachei, Arnoglossus 170
bleekeri, Apionichthys 280
bleekeri, Bothus 158
bleekeri, Engyprosopon 202, 203, 203*
bleekeri, Solea 297, 298
blochi, Cynoglossus 342, 350*, 351
boerialensis, Pleuronectes 15
bogdanovi, Pleuronectes 236
bollmani, Hippoglossina 110
boops, Caulopsetta 183
Boopsetta 265
borbonica, Solea 318
borealis, Pleuronectes 235
borneensis, Cynoglossus 342, 344, 345*
borneensis, Engyprosopon 202
boscanion, Microchirus 281, 282, 283, 284*
boscii, Lepidorhombus 10, 18, 94, 95, 95*
biaculeatus 15, 16
dorsolobatus 15
heletroides 16
lapierrei 16, 177
obliquus 16
rhomboides 17
weileri 17
Bothus 8, 11, 24, 44, 45, 51, 56, 104,
157, 162, 200
assimilis 158
bleekeri 158
constellatus 158, 159, 160*
contortus 15, 17
decipiens 15, 17
ellipticus 158
guibei 158
leopardinus 158, 160
lunatus 158, 160, 160*
mancus 158, 161, 161*
melissi 158
myriaster 158, 161, 161*
ocellatus 158, 159, 160*
ovalis 158, 161
pantherinus 158, 159, 159*, 160
podas 157, 158, 159, 159*, 160
robinsi 158
rosenthalensis 17
semen 17
tricirrhatus 158
ypsigrammus 158
Bowenia 252
Brachirus 8, 35, 36, 269, 310, 311, 314, 323
annularis 312
breviceps 312
cinerascens 312, 314, 315*
melanorhynchus 312, 314, 315*
niger 312, 313, 313*
orientalis 311, 312, 313*, 314
pan 312, 314, 315*
salinarum 312
selheimi 312
villosa 312
zanzibarica 312
brachycephalus, Cynoglossus 353
Brachypleura 12, 34, 37, 38, 42, 44, 64, 71, 84, 85, 86, 210
novaezeelandiae 86, 87, 87*
, 226
pentagonalis 16, 20, 24, 86, 87, 88, 88*
xenosulcis 17, 20, 26, 86, 87, 88, 89*
Brachypleurops 79
Brachyprosopon 246
brachyrhynchus, Plagusia 356
brasiliensis, Paralichthys 116, 119, 119*, 121
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
brasiliensis, Xystreurys 112
breviceps, Brachirus 312
brevipinnis, Ammotretis 69
brevirictis, Psettina 186, 187*
brevirostris, Cynoglossus 358
brevirostris, Plagusia 348
brevis, Cynoglossus 356
broadhursti, Cynoglossus 342, 355, 357*
browni, Cynoglossus 342
browni, Solea 271
brunneus, Cynoglossus 352
buchanani, Cynoglossus 358
Buglossidium 281, 282
approximatum 285, 288
frequens 15, 285, 286, 288
luteum 19, 281
Buglossus 281
cacatuae, Arnoglossus 259
cadenati,Cynoglossus 342
cadenati, Synaptura 308
caeca, Cryptops 323
caeruleosticta, Paralichthys 116
californicus, Paralichthys 18, 20, 114, 115, 116, 120, 120*,
121, 122
calimanda, Pleuronectes 103
callopterus, Symphurus 362
canariensis, Cynoglossus 342, 343, 343*, 344
cancellatus, Zebrias 321, 322, 322*
candidissimus, Rhombus 159
cantori, Trulla 344
Cantoria 340
cantoris, Plagusia 351
capellonis, Solea 301
capensis, Arnoglossus 167, 168, 171*, 175, 183
capensis, Cynoglossus 342
capensis, Heteromycteris 332, 333*
caribbaea, Trichopsetta 190
caribbeanus, Symphurus 362
carnaria, Platessa 236
carpentari, Cynoglossus 342, 359, 361*
cartwrighti, Pseudorhombus 129
Catathyridium 269, 270, 273, 275
grandiviri 276
275, 276, 276*
Caulopsetta 104, 165, 168, 176, 182
arnoglossoides 15, 21, 27, 183, 184*
boops 183
scapha 182, 183, 183*, 184
cauneillensis, Citharus 15, 83
cauneillensis, Rhombocitharus 15, 20, 23, 81, 83, 83*
cayennensis, Citharichthys 147
Cephalopsetta 38, 104, 124, 135
ventrocellatus 135
ceratophrys, Arelia 358
Chabanaudetta 314
chabanaudi, Symphurus 362*, 363
Chaenopsetta 114, 115
chartes, Platotichthys 160
Charybdia 166
Chascanopsetta 10, 34, 44, 45, 48, 49, 104, 105, 206, 207, 208
galathaea 207
lugubris 19, 27, 46*, 135, 207, 207*
megagnatha 207
micrognathus 207
microstoma 207
prognathus 207
prorigera 207
cheni, Heteromycteris 332
chirophthalma, Vanstraelenia 303, 304, 304*
chittendeni, Cyclopsetta 141, 142*, 143
chlorospilus, Parabothus 162, 162*
Chopinopsetta 71
chui, Nematops 269
cicatricosus, Pleuronectes 231
ciliaris, Engyophrys 191
cinerascens, Brachirus 312, 314, 315*
cinnamoneus, Pseudorhombus 125, 126, 126*
circularis, Eucitharus 15
circularis, Platophrys 161
circularis, Rhombocitharus 15, 20, 23, 81, 83
Citharichthys 11, 34, 38, 42, 44, 52, 104, 145, 148, 149, 154, 156
abbotti 147
arenaceus 147
gilberti 147, 147*
macrops 147, 148, 148*
platophrys 147
sordidus 19
spilopterus 145, 146*, 147
stampfli 146*, 147
stigmaeus 19
uhleri 147
varians 17
xanthostigma 19
Citharoides 11, 37, 70, 71, 72, 79
macrolepidotus 79, 80*
Citharopsettodes 13, 70, 77
angustus 15, 77
Citharus 11, 70, 71, 72, 77
balearicus 15, 18, 19, 25, 26, 72, 75, 75*, 76
cauneillensis 15
latisulcatus 16
linguatula 18, 71, 72, 73*, 74, 75, 82
lusitanicus 16, 17, 19, 24, 25, 72, 74*, 75
miocenicus 75, 76
schuberti 17, 19, 25, 72, 76, 76*
sp. 74*, 75
civitatus, Symphurus 362, 364, 364*
claibornensis, Eosolea 15
clarus, Laeops 193
Cleisthenes 210, 214, 216
herzensteini 217, 217*
pimetorum 217
clerveleyi, Solea 295
Clidoderma 210, 243, 244, 245
asperrimum 18, 21, 27, 245, 245*
coarctus, Parabothus 162
Coccolus 157
cochinensis, Zebrias
cocosensis, Engyprosopon 202*, 203
coenosus, Pleuronichthys 246, 247, 248*
Colistium 62, 65, 66, 68
guentheri 66, 67, 67*, 68
nudipinnis 66, 67, 67*, 68
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
collatus, Psettodes 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 58, 60*, 61*
colorata, Poecilopsetta 265, 267
comifer, Achirus 271
commersoniana, Synaptura 18, 308, 308*
concaviventris, Etropus 15, 20, 22, 156, 156*
concavus, (Pleuronectidarum) 15
conspersus, Pleuronectes 168
constellatus, Bothus 158, 159, 160*
contortus, Bothus 15, 17
cooperi, Metoponops 149
corallinus, Samariscus 261
coreanicus, Paralichthys 122
corius, Rhombus 15, 17
cornuta, Aesopia 316, 317, 317*
cornuta, Quenselia 15, 21, 25, 26, 44, 291, 292, 293, 293*, 295
cornutus, Orthopsetta 149, 152, 153*
cornutus, Pleuronichthys 18, 21, 27, 247
corpulentus, Solea 15
Coryphaesopia 316
Coryphyllus 324, 326
costae, Samaris 259
cottreaui, Solea 15
craticulus, Zebrias 321
cristatus, Lophorhombus 185
cristatus, Pleuronectes 91
cristatus, Samaris 258, 259, 260*
crossolepis, Pseudaesopia 320
Crossolepis 186
Crossorhombus 104, 157, 158, 199, 201, 204
azureus 204, 205*
howensis 204
kanekonis 204, 205*
valderostratus 204, 205*
crossotus, Etropus 152, 153, 154, 154*
crumenalis, Pelecanichthys 208
Cryptops 323
ctenosquamis, Spinirhombus 126
cuneata, Dicologlossa 18, 47*, 133, 286, 287, 294, 295, 297
Curioptera 69
cyaneus, Aseraggodes
325, 326, 326*
cycloidea, Ancylopsetta 106, 107, 108*
cyclops, Pleuronectes 91
Cyclopsetta 38, 48, 104, 109, 135, 136, 141, 145
chittendeni 141, 142*, 143
fimbriata 141, 143, 143*
maculifera 141
panamensis 19, 20, 22, 141, 143, 144*
querna 109, 141, 142*, 143
transitus 17, 20, 22, 143, 145*
cyclosquamus, Etropus 153
Cynicoglossus 246
Cynoglossoides [VON BONDE 1922] 340
Cynoglossoides [SMITH 1949] 340
cynoglossus, Cynoglossus 342, 358, 359*
Cynoglossus 36, 40, 52, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 359, 361
abbreviatus 342, 348, 349*
acutirostris 342
altus 15, 356
arel 342, 351, 351*, 352, 353
attenuatus 341, 342
bilineatus 18, 22, 27, 342, 344, 348, 350*, 351
blochi 342, 350*, 351
borneensis 342, 344, 345*
broadhursti 342, 355, 357*
browni 342
cadenati 342
canariensis 342, 343, 343*, 344
capensis 342
carpentari 342, 359, 361*
cynoglossus 342, 358, 359*
dispar 341, 342, 348, 350*
dollfusi 342
dubius 342, 344, 345*
durbanensis 342
ecaudatus 341, 342
feldmanni 342, 347, 347*
gilchristi 342, 356, 357*, 358
gracilis 342, 347, 348, 349*
heterolepis 342, 346, 347*
interruptus 342, 354, 354*
itinus 342, 353, 354*
japonicus 18, 22, 27, 342, 348, 350*, 351
joyneri 18, 22, 27, 342, 353, 353*
kapuasensis 342, 346, 347*
kopsi 342, 353, 354*
lachneri 342
leuchsi 15, 16, 17, 22, 24, 25, 342, 356, 358*
lida 341, 342, 346, 346*
lingua 340, 342, 351, 352, 352*
macrophthalmus 342
macrostomus 342
maculipinnis 342, 356, 357*
marleyi 342, 359
microlepis 342
microphthalmus 342
monodi 342
monopus 342, 358, 359*
obliqueventralis 16, 22, 26, 342, 343, 343*
ogilbyi 342
puncticeps 342, 356, 357*, 358
quadrilineatus 342, 344, 346*
robustus 342, 351, 352, 352*, 353
sealarki 341, 342, 355, 355*
semifasciatus 342, 358, 359*
semilaevis 342, 347, 348, 349*
senegalensis 342, 344, 345*
sinusarabici 342
suyeni 342
trigrammus 342, 348, 349*
342, 350*, 351
wandersi 342
zanzibarensis 342, 355, 355*
cynoglossus, Glyptocephalus 225, 226*
cynoglossus, Pleuronectes 223
Cynopsetta 219
cypho, Laeops 193
Dageichthys 269, 280, 301
lakdoensis 301
dalgleishi, Arnoglossus 167, 168, 181, 182*
danae, Monolene 197
darwini, Oncopterus 69, 70, 70*
debilis, Arnoglossus 168, 181, 181*
decipiens, Bothus 15, 17
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
declivis, Achirus 273, 274*
decurrens, Pleuronichthys 247, 248, 248*
delagoensis, Samaris 259
Delothyris 197
delsmani, Etropus 153
deltae, Cynoglossus 358
dendritica, Ancylopsetta 107
dentatus, Hippoglossoides 220
dentatus, Japanolaeops 196
dentatus, Paralichthys 116, 117, 117*, 121
dentex, Hippoglossus 58
derentensis, Taratretis 70
desoutterae, Samariscus 261
Dexillichthys 269, 310
macrolepis 311, 312*
muelleri 311
setiger 311
Dexillus 310
Dexiourius 340, 342
Dexistes 210, 223, 226, 228
rikuzenius 228, 230, 230*
diabolicus, Symphurus 362
diagrammus, Pleuronectes 232
diaphanus, Bothus 159
diaphanus, Pleuronectes 168
Dicologlossa 48, 49, 269, 280, 281, 282, 291, 294
cuneata 18, 47*, 133, 286, 287, 294, 295, 297
hexophthalma 18, 291, 294, 295, 295*, 296
patens 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 294, 296, 297*
dignabilis, Pseudopleuronectes 238
dilecta, Ancylopsetta 107, 108, 108*
dimorphus, Platophrys 204
dinoceros, Orthopsetta 149
diomedianus, Symphurus 362
diplasios, Arelia 344
diplospilus, Pseudorhombus 125
dipterygia, Plagusia 348
dispar, Cynoglossus 341, 342, 348, 350*
diurus, Scophthalmus 235
Dollfusetta 166
dollfusi, Cynoglossus 342
Dollfusiana 166
Dollfusichthys 340
dominicensis, Syacium 15, 20, 22, 136, 139, 140*
dorsolobata, Taeniopsetta 15, 21, 188, 189*
dorsolobatus, (Bothidarum) 15
Dorsopsetta 109
norma 109, 143
Drepanopsetta 219
dubiosa, Monolene 197
dubius, Aseraggodes 325
dubius, Cynoglossus 342, 344, 345*
dubius, Hippoglossoides 220, 222*, 223
dumerili, Apionichthys 280, 280*
dupliciocellatus, Pseudorhombus 125, 129, 130*
durbanensis, Cynoglossus 342
dwinensis, Platessa 231
ecaudatus, Cynoglossus 341, 342
Echinosolea 290
ectenes, Etropus 153
elassodon, Hippoglossoides 220, 221*
elegans, Tarphops 135
elevatus, Pseudorhombus 125, 131, 131*
ellipticus, Bothus 158
elongata, Platessa 225
elongatus, Ammotretis 69, 69*
elongatus, Arnoglossus 168
elongatus, Cynoglossus 351
elongatus, Microbuglossus 302, 303*
elongatus, Pleuronectes 15, 18
elongatus, Symphurus 362*, 363
elongatus, Xenobuglossus 295
Embassichthys 210, 245, 246
bathybius 246
Engyophrys 38, 104, 105, 189, 190, 191, 192
ciliaris 191
sanctilaurenti 190, 191, 192*
sentus 191
Engyprosopon 8, 51, 56, 104, 157, 158, 199, 201, 204
arenicola 202
bellonaensis 202
bleekeri 202,
203, 203*
borneensis 202
cocosensis 202*, 203
filimanus 202, 202*, 203
grandisquama 202, 203, 203*
hawaiensis 202
hensleyi 202
hureaui 202
latifrons 202
longipelvis 202
longipterum 202
macrolepis 202
macroptera 202
maldivensis 202
mogkii 201
multisquamata 202
natalensis 202
raoulensis 202
regani 202
rostratum 202
sechellensis 202
septempes 202
smithi 202
ui 19, 135
xenandrus 201, 202, 202*
entomorhynchus, Arnoglossus 175
Eopsetta 48, 49, 210, 212, 227, 232
grigorjewi 212
jordani 18, 21, 212, 213, 213*
Eosolea 13
claibornensis 15
texana 17
Errex 225
erumei, Psettodes 57, 58, 59*
Etropus 38, 104, 145, 149, 152
concaviventris 15, 20, 22, 156, 156*
crossotus 152, 153, 154, 154*
cyclosquamus 153
delsmani 153
ectenes 153
intermedius 153, 154, 154*
longimanus 153, 154, 155, 155*
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
microstomus 153, 155, 155*
peruvianus 153
rimosus 153
Euchalarodus 230
Eucitharus 71
belgicus 15
circularis 15
lusitanicus 16
miocenicus 16, 18, 24
schuberti 17
Eupnoea 360
Euporista 360
Euryglossa 311
Eurypleura 311
evermanni, Atherestes 215, 216*
excisiceps, Teratorhombus 129
exilis, Lyopsetta 18, 21, 27
extremus, Arnoglossus 15, 20, 27, 168, 178, 178*
fallax, Symphurus 362
fangariensis, (Pleuronectidarum) 15, 18
fasciata, Plagusia 363
fasciatus, Achirus 271
fasciatus, Nodogymnus 278
fasciatus, Pleuronectes 283
fasciatus, Samariscus 261
fasciatus, Zebrias 321
fasciolaris, Symphurus 362
feldmanni, Cynoglossus 342, 347, 347*
fernandezianus, Paralichthys 116
ferruginea, Limanda 18, 227, 228, 229*
filiger, Aseraggodes 325, 326, 327*
filimanus, Engyprosopon 202, 202*, 203
filipectoralis, Samariscus 261
fimbriata, Cyclopsetta 141, 143, 143*
fimbriatus, Trinectes 271
finis, Soleonasus 280
fischeri, Solea 271
fisoni, Arnoglossus 168
flavilatus, Pelotretis 251, 252, 253*
flesoides, Pleuronectes 235
flesoides, Rhombosolea 254
flesus, Platichthys
18, 21, 24, 53, 55*, 235, 237*
flexodorsalis, Peltorhamphus 15, 22, 27, 334, 335, 337*
fluviatilis, Trinectes 271
foliacea, Solea 312
foliformis, Rhombus 15, 18
fonsecensis, Trinectes 271, 272, 272*
fordycei, Achirus 15, 337
fordycei, Peltorhamphus 15, 22, 27, 334, 337, 338*
formoana, Rhinoplagusia 349
formosanus, Pseudorhombus 126
fragilis, Orthopsetta 149, 150*, 151
frechkopi, Microchirus 282, 292
frequens, Buglossidium 15, 285, 286, 288
frequens, Microchirus 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 51, 283, 285,
285*, 290
frontalis, Gastropsetta 108, 109, 109*
fulvomarginata, Solea 298
fuscus, Hemirhombus 147
fuscus, Symphurus 362
galathaea, Chascanopsetta 207
gallus, Lophonectes 185, 185*
garmani, Achirus 273, 275, 275*, 276
Gastropsetta 38, 104, 105, 106, 108
frontalis 108, 109, 109*
gesneri, Rhombus 159
gigantea, Psettina 186
gigas, Hippoglossus 213
gilberti, Citharichthys 147, 147*
gilchristi, Chascanopsetta 207
gilchristi, Cynoglossus 342, 356, 357*, 358
gilesi, Symphurus 360, 362, 366*, 367
gilli, Pleuronectes 246
ginsburgi, Symphurus 362
glaber, Solea 16
glabra, Platessa 231, 236
glacialis, Liopsetta 230, 231, 231*
glossa, Plagiopsetta
257, 258, 258*
Glossichthys 360
Glyptocephalus 10, 11, 44, 45, 48, 49, 210, 223, 225
cynoglossus 225, 226*
stelleri 225
zachirus 19, 21, 47*, 225, 226*, 227*
goniographicus, Hippoglossus 58
goreensis, Cynoglossus 344
gorgonae, Symphurus 362
gracilis, Cynoglossus 342, 347, 348, 349*
gracilis, Laeops 193
Grammatobothus 104, 157, 158, 162
awamoaensis 15, 20, 27, 163, 164, 165*
krempfi 163
pennatus 163
polyophthalmus 162, 163, 163*, 164
radwanskae 16, 20, 25, 163, 164*
Grammichthys 272
grandisquama, Engyprosopon 202, 203, 203*
grandisquama, Nematops 269, 269*
grandisquamis, Plagusia 351
grandiviri, Catathyridium 273, 276
Granulithus 13, 269, 316, 317
granum 16, 21, 23, 317, 318*
granum, Aesopia 16, 317
granum, Granulithus 16, 21, 23, 317, 318*
grenfelli, Arnoglossus 16, 20, 27, 168, 180, 180*
grigorjewi, Eopsetta 212
groenlandicus, Microstomus 246
grohmanni, Arnoglossus 168, 170, 171*
gronovii, Solea 273
guatimalensis, Citharichthys 147
guentheri, Colistium 66, 67, 67*, 68
guentheri, Laeops 193, 193*
guestfalica, Solea 16, 82
guibei, Bothus 158
guineensis, Hemirhombus 136
gunteri, Syacium
136, 138, 139*
guttata, Plagusia 348
guttulata, Hypsopsetta 249, 250, 251*
guttulatus, Aseraggodes 324, 325
Gymnachirus 35, 269, 270, 277
melas 278, 279*
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
nudus 277
gymnorhinus, Orthopsetta 149
haackeanus, Aseraggodes 325
hamiltoni, Cynoglossus 358
Haplozebrias 320
hardenbergi, Cynoglossus 347
harmandi, Solea 314
hartzfeldi, Rendahlia 332, 334, 335*
hawaiensis, Engyprosopon 202
hawaiiensis, Poecilopsetta 267
heckelii, Peloria 159
hectoris, Pseudorhombus 183
hedleyi, Pardachirus 329, 330, 331*
heini, Microbuglossus 302, 303*
heletroides, (Bothidarum) 16
helvecianus, Pseudorhombus 16
Hemirhombus 135
hensleyi, Engyprosopon 202
herrei, Aseraggodes 325
herzensteini, Cleisthenes 217, 217*
herzensteini, Pseudopleuronectes 238, 239*
Heterobuglossus 269, 310
aspilos 310, 311*
heterolepis, Cynoglossus 342, 346, 347*
heterolepis, Synaptura 310
Heteromycteris 18, 36, 45, 269, 330, 332, 334
capensis 332, 333*
cheni 332
japonicus 332, 333*
matsubarai 332
oculus 332, 333*
proboscideus 332
heterophthalmus, Rhombus 159
Heteroprosopon 246
heterorhinos, Soleichthys 318, 319*
hexophthalma, Dicologlossa 18, 291, 294, 295, 295*, 296
hexophthalmus, Microchirus 282
hilgendorfi, Paralichthys 116
Hippoglossina 38, 53, 104, 106, 109, 112, 113
bollmani 110
macrops 109, 110, 110*
montemaris 110
mystacium 110
110, 111, 111*
Hippoglossoides 44, 45, 48, 49, 210, 214, 218, 219, 223, 241
dubius 220, 222*, 223
elassodon 220, 221*
platessoides 19, 21, 24, 220, 221*
robustus 220
hippoglossoides, Reinhardtius 47*, 221, 223, 224*
Hippoglossus 10, 11, 52, 210, 212, 213
hippoglossus 213, 214*
stenolepis 19, 21, 213, 214, 214*
hippoglossus, Hippoglossus 213, 214*
hirtus, Pleuronectes 101
hispidus, Monochirus 290, 291*
hollandi, Areliscus 348
holleri, Arnoglossus 16, 20, 24, 25, 168, 170, 172, 173*, 286
Holonodus 320
holothuriae, Symphurus 362
hubbardi, Parophrys 232
humilis, Solea 302
hunyadensis, (Pleuronectidarum) 16, 18
hureaui, Engyprosopon 202
huysmani, Samariscus 261, 262, 263*
Hypoclinemus 269, 270, 276
mentalis 277, 277*
paraguayensis 276, 277
Hypsopsetta 48, 49, 210, 245, 246, 247, 249
guttulata 249, 250, 251*
Icania 340, 342
ignobilis, Limanda 16, 21, 23, 227, 228, 229*
iijimae, Psettina 186*, 187
immaculatus, Cynoglossus 356
impar, Solea 298
imperialis, Arnoglossus 18, 20, 24, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171*
inconspectus, Arnoglossus 16, 172
indica, Solea 273
inermis, Platophrys 162
inermis, Poecilopsetta 267
Inopsetta 210, 226,
ishyra 240, 241, 241*
inornatus, Samariscus 261
inscriptus, Trinectes 271
insignis, Vanstraelenia 303, 304, 304*
intermedius, Asterorhombus 166
intermedius, Cynoglossus 346
intermedius, Etropus 153, 154, 154*
intermedius, Hippoglossus 137
interruptus, Cynoglossus 342, 354, 354*
inusita, Cynoglossus 352
irregularis, (Pleuronectidarum) 16, 18, 22
ishyra, Inopsetta 240, 241, 241*
isocles, Paralichthys 115, 116, 122, 123*, 125
isolepis, Isopsetta 18, 21, 242, 243, 243*
Isopsetta 44, 210, 233, 241, 242
isolepis 18, 21, 242, 243, 243*
Istiorhombus 124
italicus, Pleuronectes 236
itinus, Cynoglossus 342, 353, 354*
Japanolaeops 196
dentatus 196
japonica, Paraplagusia 18
japonica, Pseudaesopia 320, 320*
japonicus, Arnoglossus 168
japonicus, Cynoglossus 18, 22, 27, 342, 348, 350*, 351
japonicus, Heteromycteris 332, 333*
japonicus, Samariscus 261, 262*
Japonolaeops 104, 189
jaubertensis, Rendahlia 332, 333, 334, 335*
javanica, Plagusia 356
javanicus, Pseudorhombus 125, 127, 128*, 129
jenynsi, Catathyridium 275, 276, 276*
jenynsi, Symphurus 362
jenynsii, Pseudorhombus 125, 131, 131*, 132
Joleaudichthys 57
jordani, Eopsetta 18, 21, 212, 213, 213*
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
jordani, Paralichthys 121
joyneri, Cynoglossus 18, 22, 27, 342, 353, 353*
kaianus, Aseraggodes 325
Kamoharaia 104, 207, 208
megastoma 208
kapuasensis, Cynoglossus 342, 346, 347*
karaganensis, Rhombus 16
Kareius 210, 226, 235, 236
bicoloratus 236, 239*
katakurae, Hippoglossoides 220
kaupii, Arelia 351
keralensis, Zebrias 321
kessleri, Arnoglossus 170
kiensis, Parabothus 162
kingii, Hippoglossus 121
kirchbergeana, Solea 16, 286
kirchbergeanus, Microchirus 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24, 25, 51,
283, 286, 287*
kitaharae, Laeops 193
kitaharae, Tanakius 223, 224, 225*
kitt, Microstomus 246, 247*
kleini, Solea 298, 301, 301*
klockenhoffi, Lepidorhombus 16, 20, 24, 95, 99, 99*, 100
klunzingeri, Achirus 273
klunzingeri, Aseraggodes 325, 326, 327*
kobensis, Aseraggodes 325, 325*, 326
kobensis, Scaeops 204
krempfi, Grammatobothus 163
kokeni, Arnoglossus 15, 16, 18, 20, 25, 26, 168, 170, 172,
174*, 175
kokeni [BASSOLI 1906], Solea 16, 172, 296
kokeni [SCHUBERT 1906], Solea 16, 296
konkensis, Rhombus 16, 18
kopsi, Cynoglossus 342, 353, 354*
kotthausi, Arnoglossus 168
kumperae, Ancylopsetta 107
kyaropterygium, Symphurus 362
lachneri, Cynoglossus 342
lactea, Bathysolea 305, 306
lactea, Plagusia 367
Laeopichthys 192
Laeops 8, 51, 104, 189, 192
clarus 193
cypho 193
gracilis 193
guentheri 193, 193*
kitaharae 193
lanceolata 193
macrophthalmus 193, 194, 194*, 196
natalensis 193
nigrescens 193, 194*, 196
nigromaculatus 193, 194, 194*
parviceps 192, 193
pectoralis 193
rharbensis 16, 21, 26, 193, 195, 196*
sinusarabici 193
splendens 17, 21, 25, 48, 192, 193, 195, 195*
tungkongensis 193
variegata 193
laevis, Pleuronectes 91
lagoensis, Cynoglossus 343
Laiopteryx 86
lakdoensis, Dageichthys 301
Lambdopsetta 192
lanceolata, Laeops 193
lapierrei, Arnoglossus 16, 20, 23, 168, 177, 177*, 178
lapierrei, (Bothidarum) 16, 177
lascaris, Pegusa 18, 19
lascaris, Solea 14, 18, 298, 300, 300*, 301
lata, Platessa 235
laterna, Arnoglossus 14, 18, 24, 27, 122, 166, 167, 168, 168*,
169, 170, 172, 174, 175, 181
latidens, Microstomus 246
latifrons, Citharichthys 137
latifrons, Engyprosopon 202
latior, Microchirus 16, 19, 21, 25, 283, 288, 288*
latior, Solea 16, 288
latisulcatus, Citharus 16
latus, Peltorhamphus 334, 336, 336*
latus, Samariscus 261
leei, Symphurus 362, 364, 364*
lenticularis, Solea 16
leopardinus, Bothus 158, 160
leotardi, Pleuronectes 168
Lepidoblepharon 34, 35, 37, 44, 48, 49, 64, 71, 84, 85, 86, 210
ophthalmolepis 85, 86*
Lepidopsetta [GILL 1864] 210, 226, 233, 240, 241
bilineata 240, 240*, 241
mochigarei 240
Lepidopsetta [GÜNTHER 1880] 208
Lepidorhombus 11, 34, 48, 49, 80, 89, 90, 92, 93, 250
angulosus 15, 20, 24, 95, 96, 97, 98*, 99
boscii 10, 18, 94, 95, 95*
klockenhoffi 16, 20, 24, 95, 99, 99*, 100
subtriangularis 15, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 82, 94, 96, 96*,
97*, 98, 99
whiffiagonis 19, 20, 24, 46*, 92, 93, 94*, 95, 98, 99
leporina, Rhombosolea 253, 254, 255*
Leptolaeops 192
lentiginosus, Rhombus 129
lethostigma, Paralichthys 116, 117, 118, 119*, 121
leuchsi, Cynoglossus 15, 16, 22, 24, 25, 342, 356, 358*
leucorhynchus, Achiroides 314
levisquamis, Pseudorhombus 125, 126*, 127
Liachirus 323, 328, 329
lida, Cynoglossus 341, 342, 346, 346*
lighti, Cynoglossus 353
ligulatus, Symphurus 362
limanda, Hippoglossoides 220
limanda, Limanda 18, 21, 24, 227, 228*
Limanda 44, 210, 223, 226,
227, 229, 233, 240
aomoriensis 15, 17
aspera 227, 228, 229*
ferruginea 18, 227, 228, 229*
ignobilis 16, 21, 23, 227, 228, 229*
limanda 18, 21, 24, 227, 228*
otomoi 16, 18
proboscidea 227
punctatissima 227
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
sakhalinensis 227
Limandella 238
limandoides, Pleuronectes 220
limandula, Pleuronectes 227
lineata, Solea 318
lineatus, Achirus 273
lineolatus, Cynoglossus 344
lingua, Cynoglossus 340, 342, 351, 352, 352*
linguatula, Citharus 18, 71, 72, 73*, 74, 75
lingula, Monochirus 283
linnei, Hippoglossus 213
lioderma, Pleuronectes 91
Lioglossina 34, 38, 104, 106, 110, 113, 115
oblonga 113, 114, 114*
tetrophthalmus 113, 114, 114*
liolepis, Xystreurys 111, 112, 112*
Liopsetta 210, 226, 230, 233, 235
glacialis 230, 231, 231*
obscura 230, 231, 231*
pinnifasciata 230
putnami 230, 231, 231*
lipophthalmus, Typhlachirus 323
lobata, Platessa 16
longidorsale, Syacium 136
longimanus, Etropus 153, 154, 155, 155*
longimanus, Samariscus 261
longipelvis, Engyprosopon 202
longipterum, Engyprosopon 202
longleyi, Syacium 138
longus, Arnoglossus 16, 20, 27, 52, 167, 168, 178, 179*, 184
Lophonectes 104, 165, 185
gallus 185, 185*
Lophopsetta 90
lophoptera, Scianectes 194
Lophorhombus 185
lophotes, Arnoglossus 170
lorentzi, Achirus 273
lubbocki, Symphurus 362
lucapensis, Zebrias 321
lugubris, Chascanopsetta 19, 27, 46*, 135,
207, 207*
lunatus, Bothus 158, 160, 160*
lunulatus, Pleuronectes 159
luscus, Pleuronectes 235
lusitanica, Synaptura 306, 308, 309, 309*
lusitanicus, Citharus 16, 19, 24, 25, 72, 74*, 75, 82
lusitanicus, Eucitharus 16, 72
luteum, Buglossidium 19, 281
luteus, Microchirus 282, 283, 284*
luzonensis, Samariscus 261
luzonensis, Symphurus 362
Lyopsetta 48, 49, 210, 214, 217, 219, 220
exilis 18, 21, 27, 217, 218, 218*
maccullochi, Cynoglossus 356
machionessarum, Passer 159
macleayanus, Aseraggodes 325, 326, 327*
macrocephalus, Paraplagusia 348
macrochirus, Nematops 269
macrognathus, Samariscus 261
macrolepidota, Plagusia 351
macrolepidotus, Citharoides 79, 80*
macrolepis, Ammotretis 69
macrolepis, Dexillichthys 311, 312*
macrolepis, Engyprosopon 202
macrolepis, Paracitharus 77, 78*, 79*
macrolepis, Samaris 259
macrolophus, Arnoglossus 176
macrophthalmus, Cynoglossus 342
macrophthalmus, Laeops 193, 194, 194*, 196
macrophthalmus, Symphurus 362
macrops, Citharichthys 147, 148, 148*
macrops, Hippoglossina 109, 110, 110*
macroptera, Engyprosopon 202
macropterus, Rhombus 161
macrorhynchos, Plagusia 352
macrostoma, Arnoglossus 168, 169, 169*
macrostomus, Cynoglossus 342
maculata, Chascanopsetta 207
maculata, Mancopsetta 11, 209, 209*
maculatus, Pleuronectes 92
maculatus, Samariscus 261
maculatus, Solea 302
maculatus, Trinectes 270, 271, 271*
maculifera, Cyclopsetta 141
maculipinna, Monolene 197, 198*, 199
maculipinnis, Arnoglossus 168
maculipinnis, Cynoglossus 342, 356, 357*
maculosus, Pleuronectes [CUVIER 1829] 129
maculosus, Pleuronectes [GIRARD 1856] 120
maderensis, Rhombus 159
maeoticus, Pleuronectes 91
malayanus, Pseudorhombus 125, 127, 127*
maldivensis, Engyprosopon 202
maldivensis, Marleyella 264
maldiviensis, Symphurus 362
malhensis, Parabothus 162
Mancopsetta 10, 34, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 104, 105, 208, 210
andriashevi 209
maculata 11, 209, 209*
milfordi 46*, 208*, 209
mancus, Bothus 158, 161, 161*
mangili, Pleuronectes 283
margaritifera, Solea 299
marginata, Synaptura 308
marginatus, Symphurus 362
mariajorisae, Orthopsetta 149
marisrubri, Arnoglossus 168
Marleyella 35, 42, 56, 210, 211, 264, 265
bicolorata 55, 264, 265*
maldivensis 264
marleyi, Cynoglossus 342, 359
marmorata, Synaptura 310
marmoratus, Pardachirus 328, 329, 330, 331*
marmoratus, Symphurus 362
matsubarai, Heteromycteris 332
matsuurae, Reinhardtius 223
maximus, Hippoglossus 213
maximus, Scophthalmus 7, 91, 92*
mazatlanus, Achirus 273, 274, 275*
mbaoensis, Solea 295
medius, Phrynorhombus 16, 20, 24, 102, 103, 104*
megagnatha, Chascanopsetta 207
megalepis, Poecilopsetta 267
megastoma, Kamoharaia 208
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
melampetalus, Cynoglossus 351
melanochira, Solea 298
melanogaster, Pleuronectes 117
melanopterus, Plagusia 358
melanorhynchus, Brachirus 312, 314, 315*
melanospilos, Pardachirus 329, 330, 331*
melanostictus, Aseraggodes 325
melanostictus, Psettichthys 242, 242*
melanurus, Symphurus 362
melas, Gymnachirus 278, 279*
melasma, Trichopsetta 190, 191*
melasmatotheca, Symphurus 362
melissi, Bothus 158
mentalis, Hypoclinemus 277, 277*
meridionalis, Symphurus 362
mertensi, Monolene 189, 197
Metoponops 148
Microbuglossus 269, 280, 301
elongatus 302, 303*
heini 302, 303*
ovatus 301, 302, 303*
microcephalus, Pleuronectes 246
microcephalus, Soleichthys 318, 319, 319*, 320, 321
Microchiropsis 281
Microchirus 24, 25, 51, 269, 280, 281, 290, 291, 295
boscanion 281, 282, 283, 284*
frechkopi 282, 292
frequens 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 51, 283, 285, 285*, 290
hexophthalmus 282
kirchbergeanus 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24, 25, 51, 283, 286, 287*
latior 16, 19, 21, 25, 283, 288, 288*
luteus 282, 283, 284*
variegatus 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 281, 282, 282*, 283, 284, 286, 288
wienrichi 17, 21, 24, 283, 286, 287, 288, 289*
wittei 282, 292
microchirus, Pleuronectes 283
micrognathus, Chascanopsetta 207
micrognathus, Pseudorhombus 125
microlepidotus, Aseraggodes 325
microlepis, Austroglossus 306, 307
microlepis, Cynoglossus 342
microlepis, Symphurus 362
microphthalmus, Cynoglossus 342
microphthalmus, Neolaeops 166, 166*
microphthalmus, Trinectes 271
microps, Citharichthys 155
microps, Cynoglossus 348
microps, Paralichthys 116, 121, 122*
microstoma, Arnoglossus 168
microstoma, Chascanopsetta 207
microstoma, Monolene 196, 197, 198, 199*
microstoma, Nematops 269
microstoma, Platophrys 204
Microstomus 44, 45, 210, 245, 246, 247
achne 246
kitt 246, 247*
pacificus 19, 21, 246
shuntovi 246
microstomus, Etropus 153, 155, 155*
microstomus, Pleuronectes 246
microtenus, Ancylopsetta 107, 108, 108*
micrurum, Syacium 11, 135, 136, 137*
milfordi, Mancopsetta 46*, 208*, 209
millari, Rhombosolea 254
minor, Rhombus 16
minor, Symphurus 362
minutus Monochirus 283
miocenica, Rhombus 16, 18
miocenicus, Arnoglossus 16, 170, 172
miocenicus, Citharus 75, 76
miocenicus, Eucitharus 16, 18, 24, 75
misakius, Pseudorhombus 126
Mischommatus 310
mochigarei, Lepidopsetta 240
mogkii, Engyprosopon 201
mollis, Pleuronectes 271
mongonuiensis, Arnoglossus 185
Monochirus 269, 280, 281, 290
hispidus 290, 291*
monodi, Cynoglossus 342
Monodichthys 332
Monolene 38, 51, 104, 105, 189, 192, 193, 196, 197
antillarum 197, 198*
asaedae 197
atrimana 197
danae 197
dubiosa 197
maculipinna 197, 198*, 199
mertensi 189, 197
microstoma 196, 197, 198, 199*
priscus 16, 21, 23, 197, 199, 200*
prudhommae 16, 178
sessilicauda 197, 198*
monopus, Cynoglossus 342, 358, 359*
monopus, Rhombosolea 254
montemaris, Hippoglossina 110
moltoni, Arnoglossus 169
morrowi, Pardachirus 329
mortoniensis, Pleuronectes 129
moseri, Verasper 243, 244
muelleri, Arnoglossus 168
muelleri, Dexillichthys 311
multifasciata, Aesopia 318
multimaculatus, Pseudorhombus 131
multiradiatus, Pseudorhombus 131
multirastris, Arnoglossus 168
multisquamata, Engyprosopon 202
munroi, Zebrias 321
myriaster, Bothus 158, 161, 161*
mystacium, Hippoglossina 110
Myzopsetta 227
nadeshnyi, Acanthopsetta 219, 219*
nalaka, Pleuronectes 58
naresi, Thysanopsetta 206, 206*
nasuta, Solea 298, 300, 300*, 301
natalensis, Engyprosopon 202
natalensis, Laeops 193
natalensis, Poecilopsetta 267, 268*
natalensis, Pseudorhombus 125
nattereri, Achiropsis 280
Neachiropsetta 208
nebularis, Platophrys 159
nebulosus, Apionichthys 280
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
nebulosus, Symphurus 362
neglectus, Pseudorhombus 125, 129, 130*
Nematops 210, 268
chui 269
grandisquama 269, 269*
macrochirus 269
microstoma 269
Nematozebrias 320
Neoetropus 210
Neolaeops 104, 165, 166, 168
microphthalmus 166, 166*
Neorhombus 124
nephelus, Pleuronichthys 247
nicholsi, Nodogymnus 278
nielseni, Samariscus 261
niger, Brachirus 312, 313, 313*
nigrescens, Laeops 193, 194*, 196
nigrescens, Symphurus 19, 22, 26, 360, 362, 367, 367*
nigrolabeculata, Plagusia 356
nigromaculatus, Laeops 193, 194, 194*
nigromanus, Pleuronectes 225
nigropinnatus, Cynoglossus 354
nigrostriolata, Solea 318
Nodogymnus 35, 269, 270, 277, 278
fasciatus 278
nicholsi 278
texae 278, 279*
williamsoni 278
zerbrinus 278
nolfi, Pseudopardachirolithus 16, 22, 23, 327, 328, 329*
norma, Dorsopsetta 109, 143
Normanetta 328
normani, Aseraggodes 325
normani, Heteromycteris 334
normani, Poecilopsetta 267
normani, Symphurus 362
norvegicus, Phrynorhombus 102, 103, 103*
notata, Hippoglossina 112
notata, Plagusia 348
Notosema 106, 107
novae, Achirus 273
novaecambriae, Paralichthys 131
novaezeelandiae, Bowenia
novaezeelandiae, Brachypleura 86, 87, 87*, 226
novaezeelandiae, Peltorhamphus 334, 335, 336*
novaezeelandiae, Rhombocitharus 16, 20, 27, 81, 83, 84*
novemfasciatus, Symphurus 362
novus, Arnoglossus 16, 20, 27, 52, 167, 168, 179, 180*, 184
nudipinnis, Colistium 66, 67, 67*, 68
nudus, Gymnachirus 277
nudus, Rhombus 168
obliqueventralis, Cynoglossus 16, 22, 26, 342, 343, 343*
obliquus, (Bothidarum) 16, 103
oblonga, Lioglossina 113, 114, 114*
obscura, Liopsetta 230, 231, 231*
oceanica, Limanda 227
ocellaris, Platessa 117
ocellata, Quenselia 282, 290, 292*, 293
ocellata, Taeniopsetta 187, 188*
ocellatus, Aseraggodes 325
ocellatus, Bothus 158, 159, 160*
ocellatus, Hippoglossus 136
ocellatus, Pleuronichthys 247
ocellatus, Psammodiscus 70
ocellatus, Symphurus 362
ocellifer, Pseudorhombus 132
octoculatus, Tosarhombus 203
oculellus, Symphurus 362, 364, 364*
oculocirris, Pseudorhombus 125
oculus, Heteromycteris 332, 333*
Odontolepis 360
oedelemensis, Psettodes 16, 58, 59, 60
ogilbyi, Cynoglossus 342
oligodon, Pseudorhombus 125, 130, 130*, 134
oligolepis, Plagusia 351
oligolepis, Tarphops 134*, 135
oligomerus, Symphurus 362
olivaceus, Paralichthys 18, 19, 20, 27, 115, 116, 118, 121, 122, 123*
ommaspilus, Symphurus 362
ommatus, Paralichthys 107
Oncopterus 62, 65, 68, 69
darwini 69, 70, 70*
opercularis, Achirus 273
ophthalmolepis, Lepidoblepharon 85, 86*
ophyras, Paralichthys 117
orbicularis, (Pleuronectidarum) 16
orbicularis, Scaeops 203
orbignyana, Paralichthys 116, 116*, 117
orbisculus, Trichopsetta 190
orientalis, Brachirus 311, 312, 313*, 314
orientalis, Symphurus 362, 366, 366*
ornatus, Achirus 362
ornatus, Samaris 259
Orthopsetta 104, 145, 146, 148, 153
amblybregmatus 149
arctifrons 149, 151, 152*
cornutus 149, 152, 153*
dinoceros 149
fragilis 149, 150*, 151
gymnorhinus 149
mariajorisae 149
sordidus 20, 148, 149, 150*, 151
stigmaeus 20, 149, 149*, 151
xanthostigma 20,149, 151, 151*
orthorhynchus, Hippoglossus 58
os, Cynoglossus 346
otomoi, Limanda 16, 18
ottonis, Apionichthys 280
ovale, Syacium 55, 56, 136, 137, 138, 139*, 158, 200
ovalis, Ammotretis 69
ovalis, Bothus 158, 161
ovatus, Microbuglossus 301, 302, 303*
oxyrhynchos, Plagusia 358
oxyrhynchus, Arnoglossus 168
pacificus, Microstomus 19, 21, 246
paetulus, Hemirhombus 137
paitensis, Symphurus 362
palad, Platophrys 129
pallasii, Pleuronectes 235
pan, Brachirus 312, 314, 315*
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
panamensis, Cyclopsetta 19, 20, 22, 141, 143, 144*
panamensis, Solea 271
panoides, Anisochirus 312, 314, 316*
pantherinus, Bothus 158, 159, 159*, 160
papillosum, Syacium 136, 137, 138*, 140
papillosus, Zeugopterus 101
Parabothus 104, 157, 158, 162
amaokai 162
chlorospilus 162, 162*
coarctus 162
kiensis 162
malhensis 162
polylepis 162
taiwanensis 162
violaceus 162
Parachirus 269, 323, 330
xenicus 330
Paracitharus 11, 70, 71, 72, 77, 78
angustus 11, 15, 20, 25, 77, 78, 79*
macrolepis 77, 78*, 79*
Paradicula 310
paraguayensis, Hypoclinemus 276, 277
Paralichthodes 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 40, 42, 44, 62, 63, 64, 66, 71, 211
algoensis 62, 64, 65, 65*
Paralichthys 34, 38, 52, 104, 106, 107, 108, 110, 113, 114, 124
adspersus 46*, 116, 117, 121, 121*
aestuarius 116
albiguttata 107, 116, 117, 118*, 119
bicyclophorus 116
brasiliensis 116, 119, 119*, 121
caeruleosticta 116
californicus 18, 20, 114, 115, 116, 120, 120*, 121, 122
dentatus 116, 117, 117*, 121
fernandezianus 116
hilgendorfi 116
isocles 115, 116,
122, 123*, 125
lethostigma 116, 117, 118, 119*, 121
microps 116, 121, 122*
olivaceus 18, 19, 20, 27, 115, 116, 118, 121, 122, 123*
orbignyana 116, 116*, 117
shmitti 116
squamilentus 107, 116, 117, 118, 118*, 119
triocellatus 116
tropicus 116, 119, 119*
vorax 116
woolmani 116
Paralimanda 265
Paraplagusia 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 348, 359
alta 15, 356
bilineata 18 , 348
japonica 18, 348
roseni 17, 356
Pardachirus 36, 45, 269, 323, 326, 327, 328
hedleyi 329, 330, 331*
marmoratus 328, 329, 330, 331*
melanospilos 329, 330, 331*
morrowi 329
pavoninus 19, 22, 27, 329, 330, 331*
poropterus 329
Parophrys 48, 49, 210, 226, 232, 233
vetulus 19, 21, 47*, 232, 233*
parviceps, Laeops 192, 193
parvimanus, Rhombus 159
parvus, Symphurus 362
passarinus, Pleuronectes 2
passer, Pleuronectes 235
patagonicus, Paralichthys 116
patens, Dicologlossa 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 294, 296, 297*
patens, Solea 16, 296
paulistanus, Trinectes 271, 272*
pavo, Rhombus 161
pavonina, Platessa 91
pavoninus, Pardachirus 19, 22, 27, 329, 330, 331*
pectoralis, Austroglossus
306, 307, 307*
pectoralis, Laeops 193
pegusa, Solea 300
Pegusa 296, 297
lascaris 18, 19
Pelecanichthys 104, 206, 207
crumenalis 208
pelicanus, Symphurus 362
pellegrini, Cynoglossus 348
pellucidus, Thyris 197
Peloria 157
Pelotretis 27, 35, 40, 210, 250, 251, 252
flavilatus 251, 252, 253*
Peltorhamphus 12, 35, 36, 40, 65, 210, 269, 330, 331, 334
flexodorsalis 15, 22, 27, 334, 335, 337*
fordycei 15, 22, 27, 334, 337, 338*
latus 334, 336, 336*
novaezeelandiae 334, 335, 336*
tenuis 19, 22, 27, 334, 336, 338*
penescalaris, Zebrias 321
pennatus, Grammatobothus 163
pentagonalis, Brachypleura 16, 20, 24, 86, 87, 88, 88*
pentagonalis, (Pleuronectidarum) 16, 88
pentophthalmus, Pseudorhombus 19, 27, 125, 132, 132*
perarcuatus, Pleuronectes 240
percocephala, Platessa 122
Perissias 38, 104, 105, 158, 189, 192
taeniopterus 192
persimilis, Aseraggodes 325
peruvianus. Etropus 153
Phrynorhombus 10, 11, 89, 100, 102
bassolii 15, 102
medius 16, 20, 24, 102, 103, 104*
norvegicus 102, 103, 103*
regius 102, 103
Phyllichthys 269, 310, 314, 315, 316
punctatus 314, 315,
316, 316*
sclerolepis 315
sejunctus 315
picta, Plagusia 367
pictus, Pleuronectes 161
pilosa, Solea 273
piger, Symphurus 362
pimetorum, Cleisthenes 217
pinangensis, Cantoria 351
pinguis, Pleuronectes 223
pinnifasciata, Liopsetta 230
pinnifasciatus, Azygopus 263, 264, 264*
Plagiopsetta 56, 210, 254, 257, 263
glossa 257, 258, 258*
plagiusa, Symphurus 362*, 363
Plagiusa 360
plagusia, Symphurus 362, 362*
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
Plagusia 360
planus, Pleuronectes 238
platessa, Pleuronectes 7, 19, 21, 24, 51, 52, 232, 233, 234*, 235
Platessa 232
lobata 16
sector 17
platessoides, Hippoglossoides 19, 21, 24, 220, 221*
Platichthys 53, 210, 226, 235, 236, 238, 241
flesus 18, 21, 24, 53, 55*, 235, 237*
stellatus 19, 21, 53, 54*, 235, 236, 237*, 241
platophrys, Citharichthys 147
Platophrys 157, 158
Platotichthys 157
Platysomatichthys 221
plebeia, Rhombosolea 52, 252, 253, 254, 255*
Pleuronectes 44, 210, 226, 232, 233, 235
boerialensis 15
elongatus 15, 18
pallasii 235
platessa 7, 19, 21, 24, 51, 52, 232, 233, 234*, 235
sectoroides 17
vulsus 17
acuminatus 15
concavus 15
fangariensis 15, 18
hunyadensis 16, 18
irregularis 16, 18, 22
orbicularis 16
pentagonalis 16
splendens 17
subrostratus 17
syacioides 17
temputulensis 17
Pleuronichthys 44, 45, 210, 245, 246
246, 247, 248*
cornutus 18, 21, 27, 247
decurrens 247, 248, 248*
nephelus 247
ocellatus 247
ritteri 19, 21, 247, 249, 250*
verticalis 247, 249, 249*
plinthus, Poecilopsetta 266*, 267
Pluviopsetta 210
Pnictes 269, 279, 280
asphyxiatus 280
podas, Bothus 157, 158, 159, 159*, 160
Poecilopsetta 10, 45, 210, 264, 265, 268
albomaculata 266*, 267
albomarginata 267
beani 266*, 267
colorata 265, 267
hawaiiensis 267
inermis 267
megalepis 267
natalensis 267, 268*
normani 267
plinthus 266*, 267
praelongo 266*, 267
vaynei 267
zanzibarensis 267, 268*
poecilurus, Rhombus 203
pola, Platessa 246
polonica, Bathysolea 16, 21, 25, 305*, 306
polylepis, Parabothus 162
polyophthalmus, Grammatobothus 162, 163, 163*, 164
polyspilus, Arnoglossus 168
polyspilus, Rhombus 129
polytaenia, Plagusia 346
Pomatopsetta 219
ponticus, Hippoglossus 213
ponticus, Scophthalmus 91
poropterus, Pardachirus 329
potous, Pleuronectes 352
Praearchirolithus 12, 13, 269, 323, 327
schultzei 17, 21, 23, 323, 324, 324*, 328
praecisus, Cynoglossus 353
praelongo, Poecilopsetta 266*, 267
premaxima, Psetta 16
priscus, Monolene 16, 21, 23
proboscidea, Limanda 227
proboscideus, Heteromycteris 332
profunda, Psettina 186
profundicola, Bathysolea 305, 305*, 306
prognathus, Chascanopsetta 207
prolatinaris, Symphurus 362
prorigera, Chascanopsetta 207
Protopsetta 216
prudhommae, Arnoglossus 16, 20, 24, 168, 177*, 178
prudhommae, Monolene 16, 178
Psammodiscus 62, 65, 70
ocellatus 70
Psetta 90
premaxima 16
Psettichthys 210, 241, 242
melanostictus 242, 242*
Psettina 104, 165, 186
brevirictis 186, 187*
gigantea 186
iijimae 186*, 187
profunda 186
tosana 186
variegata 186
Psettinella 186
Psettodes 10, 12, 25, 27, 28, 34, 42, 48, 57, 62, 63
bavayi 15, 19, 23, 58, 61, 62*, 64
belcheri 57, 58, 59*
bennettii 58
collatus 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 58, 59, 60*, 61*
erumei 58, 59*
oedelemensis 16, 58, 59, 60
spinosus 17, 58, 59, 60
Psettylis 157
Pseudaesopia 269, 316, 318, 319, 321
crossolepis 320
japonica 320, 320*
regani 319, 320
Pseudaustroglossus 306
Pseudocitharichthys 157
Pseudomancopsetta 208
Pseudopardachirolithus 12, 13, 269, 323, 327
nolfi 16, 22, 23, 327, 328, 329*
sulci 17, 22, 24, 25, 327, 328, 329*
Pseudoplatichthys 210
Pseudopleuronectes 210, 226, 233, 238, 240, 241, 245
americanus 238, 239*
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
herzensteini 238, 239*
yokohamae 238, 239*
Pseudorhombus 27, 34, 38, 42, 45, 52, 104, 106, 110, 116, 124,
134, 135, 136
annulatus 125, 130, 130*, 133
argus 125, 132*, 133
arsius 124, 125, 127, 129, 129*, 134
cinnamoneus 125, 126, 126*
diplospilus 125
dupliciocellatus 125, 129, 130*
elevatus 125, 131, 131*
helvecianus 16
javanicus 125, 127, 128*, 129
jenynsii 125, 131, 131*, 132
levisquamis 125, 126*, 127
malayanus 125, 127, 127*
micrognathus 125
natalensis 125
neglectus 125, 129, 130*
oculocirris 125
oligodon 125, 130, 130*, 134
pentophthalmus 19, 27, 125, 132, 132*
quinquocellatus 125
spinosus 125
tenuirastrum 125, 132, 132*, 133
triocellatus 125, 131, 132, 133, 133*
weinfurteri 17, 18, 20, 25, 125, 133, 133*
pterospilotus, Symphurus 362
punctatissima, Limanda 227
punctatissima, Synaptura 309
punctatus, Cynoglossus 353
punctatus, Phyllichthys 314, 315, 316, 316*
punctatus, Zeugopterus 19, 20, 24, 100*, 101
puncticeps, Cynoglossus 342, 356, 357*, 358
purpureomaculatus, Areliscus 348
pusilla, Platessa 238
pusillus, Symphurus 362
putnami, Liopsetta 230, 231, 231*
quadratus, Arnoglossus 16, 21, 26, 167, 168, 170, 174, 175*
quadridens, Pleuronectes 246
quadrilineatus, Cynoglossus 342, 344, 346*
quadriocellata, Solea 293
quadrituberculatus, Pleuronichthys 248
quadrocellata, Ancylopsetta 106, 107, 107*
quagga, Zebrias 321, 322, 323*
Quenselia 24, 25, 44, 269, 280, 281, 282, 290, 295
cornuta 15, 21, 25, 26, 44, 291, 292, 293, 293*, 295
ocellata 282, 290, 292*, 293
teophila 292*, 293
quenselii, Pleuronectes 246
querna, Cyclopsetta 109, 141, 142*, 143
quinquelineatus, Cynoglossus 344
quinquocellatus, Pseudorhombus 125
radula, Taeniopsetta 187, 188, 188*
radwanskae, Grammatobothus 16, 20, 25, 163, 164*
Ranularia 106
raoulensis, Engyprosopon 202
raptator, Trachypterophrys 207
rasile, Xystreurys 112, 113*
regani, Engyprosopon 202
regani, Pseudaesopia 319, 320
regani, Symphurus 362
regius, Phrynorhombus 102, 103
Reinhardtius 10, 11, 42, 48, 49, 210, 211, 214, 215, 220, 221
hippoglossoides 47*, 221, 223, 224*
Rendahlia 36, 269, 330, 332, 339
hartzfeldi 332, 334, 335*
jaubertensis 332, 333, 334, 335*
retiaria, Rhombosolea 253, 254, 257*
reticulatus, Symphurus 362
rharbensis, Laeops 16, 21, 26, 193, 195, 196*
rhenanus, Rhombocitharus 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 80, 81, 81*
rhenanus, Rhombus 16, 81, 96
Rhinoplagusia 340
altus 356
Rhinosolea 12, 269
rhomaleus, Arelia 347
Rhombiscus 124
Rhombocitharus 12, 13, 23, 24, 70, 80, 84
biaculeatus 15, 20, 23, 81
cauneillensis 15, 20, 23, 81, 83, 83*
circularis 15, 20, 23, 81, 83
novaezeelandiae 16, 20, 27, 81, 83, 84*
rhenanus 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 80, 81, 81*
rhomboides 17, 20, 23, 81, 82*, 83
Rhomboides 90
rhomboides, (Bothidarum) 17
rhomboides, Rhombocitharus 17, 20, 23, 81, 82*, 83
rhomboides, Rhombus 159
rhomboides, Solea 159
Rhomboidichthys 157, 158
Rhombosolea 35, 39, 40, 42, 48, 49, 51, 210, 251, 252
leporina 253, 254, 255*
plebeia 52, 252, 253, 254, 255*
retiaria 253, 254, 257*
tapirina 47*, 52, 53, 55*, 253, 254, 256*
Rhombus 90
altus 15, 17, 26
corius 15, 17
foliformis 15, 18
karaganensis 16
konkensis 16, 18
minor 16
miocenica 16, 18
rhombus, Scophthalmus 90, 91, 93*
rhytisma, Symphurus 362
rikuzenius, Dexistes 228, 230, 230*
rimosus, Etropus 153
ritteri, Pleuronichthys 19, 21, 247, 249, 250*
robinsi, Bothus 158
robinsoni, Plagusia 349
robustus, Cynoglossus 342, 351, 352, 352*, 353
robustus, Hippoglossoides 220
roseni, Paraplagusia 17, 356
rosenthalensis, Bothus 17, 101
rosenthalensis, Zeugopterus 17, 20, 23, 101, 101*
roseus, Pleuronectes 235
rostrata, Myzopsetta 228
rostratum, Engyprosopon 202
rostratus, Ammotretis 68, 69, 69*
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
rotunda, Solea 17, 19, 21, 25, 298, 299, 299*
rotundus, Gobius 17, 299
rotundus, Solea 17, 18
roulei, Cynoglossus 347
rueppelli, Arnoglossus 10, 167, 168, 176, 176*, 177
rugosus, Platichthys 236
rumulo, Bothus 159
russellii, Platessa 129
russellii, Solea 308
sakhalinensis, Limanda 227
salinarum, Brachirus 312
Samaris 34, 35, 40, 44, 45, 56, 210, 254, 258
costae 259
cristatus 258, 259, 260*
macrolepis 259
validus 17, 21, 27, 259, 260*
Samariscus 8, 10, 56, 210, 254, 258
asanoi 261
corallinus 261
desoutterae 261
fasciatus 261
filipectoralis 261
huysmani 261, 262, 263*
inornatus 261
japonicus 261, 262*
latus 261
longimanus 261
luzonensis 261
macrognathus 261
maculatus 261
nielseni 261
sunieri 261, 263*
triocellatus 52, 261, 262, 263*
xenicus 261
sanctilaurenti, Engyophrys 190, 191, 192*
sauvignyi, Synaptura 301
saxatilis, Pleuronectes 103
saxicola, Pleuronectes 225
sayademalhensis, Symphurus 362
sayaensis, Arnoglossus 168
scabra, Trinectes 271
Scaeops 201
scalaris, Zebrias 321
scapha, Caulopsetta 182, 183, 183*, 184
schrenki, Limanda 238
schuberti, Citharus 17, 19, 25, 72, 76, 76*
schuberti, Eucitharus 17, 76
schultzei, Praearchirolithus 17, 21, 23, 323, 324, 324*, 328
schultzei, (Soleidarum) 17, 324, 328
schultzi, Symphurus 362
Scianectes 192
Scidorhombus 166
sclerolepis, Phyllichthys 315
Scophthalmus 25, 34, 89, 90, 100
aquosus 91, 92, 93*
maximus 7, 91, 92*
rhombus 90, 91, 93*
scutifer, Pleuronectes 236
scutum, Achirus 273, 274, 275*
sealarki, Cynoglossus 341, 342, 355, 355*
sechellensis, Engyprosopon 202
sector, Platessa 17
sectoroides, Pleuronectes 17
sejunctus, Phyllichthys 315
selheimi, Brachirus 312
semen, Bothus 17
semifasciatus, Cynoglossus 342, 358, 359*
semilaevis, Cynoglossus 342, 347, 348, 349*
senegalensis, Cynoglossus 342, 344, 345*
senegalensis, Solea 19, 297, 298, 298*
sentus, Engyophrys 191
septempes, Engyprosopon 202
septemstriatus, Symphurus 362, 366, 366*
septentrionalis, Hippoglossus 213
serratus, Rhombus 159
setiger, Dexillichthys 311
setiger, Rhombus 103
shmitti, Paralichthys 116
shuntovi, Microstomus 246
siammakuti, Soleichthys 318
sibogae, Cynoglossus 353
simplex, Solea 17, 18
simulator, Cynoglossus 344
sindensis, Cynoglossus 344
sinensis, Tephrinectes 63, 64*
sinicus, Cynoglossus 344
sinusarabici, Aseraggodes 325
sinusarabici, Cynoglossus 342
sinusarabici, Laeops 193
slavae, Achiropsetta 209
smithi, Aseraggodes 325
smithi, Engyprosopon 202
smithi, Platophrys 161
smithii, Zebrias 320
solea, Solea 7, 14, 19, 21, 24, 27, 125, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301*
Solea 35, 51, 269, 280, 296, 297, 302
aegyptiaca 297, 298, 301*
angulata 15, 17
antiqua 286
approximata 15, 23, 24, 285, 286, 288, 290
balangoensis 15, 17
bartonensis 15
bleekeri 297, 298
corpulentus 15
cottreaui 15
fulvomarginata 298
guestfalica 16, 82
impar 298
kirchbergeana 16, 286
kleini 298, 301, 301*
kokeni [BASSOLI 1906]16, 172, 296
kokeni [SCHUBERT 1906] 16, 296
lascaris 14, 18, 298, 300, 300*, 301
latior 16, 288
lenticularis 16
nasuta 298, 300, 300*, 301
patens 16, 296
rotunda 17, 19, 21, 25, 298, 299, 299*
rotundus 17, 18
senegalensis 19, 297, 298, 298*
simplex 17, 18
solea 7, 14, 19, 21, 24, 27, 125, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301*
solitarius 17
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
songgoensis 17, 18
stanalandi 298
subglaber 17
subvulgaris 17, 286, 287
sulci 17
taureri 17, 172
tenuis 17, 18, 195
triophthalma 297, 298, 299*
soleaeformis, Rhombus 137
schultzei 17
Soleichthys 48, 49, 269, 316, 318, 320, 321
heterorhinos 318, 319*
microcephalus 318, 319, 319*, 320, 321
siammakuti 318
Soleonasus 269, 279, 280
finis 280
Soleotalpa 279
solitarius, Solea 17
songgoensis, Solea 17, 18
sordidus, Citharichthys 19
sordidus, Orthopsetta 20, 148, 149, 150*, 151
sorsogonensis, Typhlachirus 323
Sphagomorus 57
spilopterus, Citharichthys 145, 146*, 147
spilurus, Rhomboidichthys 203
Spinirhombus 124
spinosus, Pleuronectes 161
spinosus, Psettodes 17, 58, 59, 60
spinosus, Pseudorhombus 125
splendens, Hippoglossoides 195
splendens, Laeops 17, 21, 25, 48, 192, 193, 195, 195*
splendens, (Pleuronectidarum) 17, 195
squamilentus, Paralichthys 107, 116, 117, 118, 118*, 119
stampfli, Citharichthys 146*, 147
stanalandi, Solea 298
stellatus, Platichthys 19, 21, 53, 54*, 235,
236, 237*, 241
stelleri, Glyptocephalus 225
stellosus, Rhombus 91
stenolepis, Hipoglossus 19, 21, 213, 214, 214*
stigmaeus, Citharichthys 19
stigmaeus, Orthopsetta 20, 149, 149*, 151
stigmatias, Paralichthys 107
stomata, Hippoglossina 110, 111, 111*
stomias, Atherestes 19, 21, 215, 216*
Strabozebrias 320
Strandichthys 310
strictus, Symphurus 362
subglaber, Solea 17, 96
subrostratus, (Pleuronectidarum) 17
subtriangularis, Lepidorhombus 15, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 82,
94, 96, 96*, 97*, 98, 99
subvulgaris, Solea 17, 286, 287
sulci, Pseudopardachirolithus 17, 22, 24, 25, 327, 328, 329*
sulci, Solea 17, 328
sumatrana, Plagusia 358
sumatranus, Rhombus 159
sumichrasti, Citharichthys 147
sumptuosus, Symphurus 362
sundaicus, Brachirus 312
sunieri, Samariscus 261, 263*
surinamensis, Pleuronectes 160
suyeni, Cynoglossus 342
swinhonis, Pseudorhombus 122
Syacium 11, 34, 38, 42, 44, 104, 135, 145, 158, 200
dominicensis 15, 20, 22, 136, 139, 140*
gunteri 136, 138, 139*
longidorsale 136
micrurum 11, 135, 136, 137*
ovale 55, 56, 136, 137, 138, 139*, 158, 200
papillosum 136, 137, 138*, 140
syacioides 11, 17, 20, 25, 136, 140, 141*
syacioides, (Pleuronectidarum) 17, 140
syacioides, Syacium 11, 17, 20, 25, 136, 140, 141*
Symboulichthys 157
Symphurus 8, 10, 22, 36, 40, 42, 51, 338, 339, 342, 359, 360, 361
arabicus 362
arawak 362
atramentatus 362, 365, 366*
atricaudus 18, 22, 52, 361, 362, 364, 364*
australis 362
bergi 362
callopterus 362
caribbeanus 362
chabanaudi 362*, 363
civitatus 362, 364, 364*
diabolicus 362
diomedianus 362
elongatus 362*, 363
fallax 362
fasciolaris 362
fuscus 362
gilesi 360, 362, 366*, 367
ginsburgi 362
gorgonae 362
holothuriae 362
jenynsi 362
kyaropterygium 362
leei 362, 364, 364*
ligulatus 362
lubbocki 362
luzonensis 362
macrophthalmus 362
maldiviensis 362
marginatus 362
marmoratus 362
melanurus 362
melasmatotheca 362
meridionalis 362
microlepis 362
minor 362
nebulosus 362
nigrescens 19, 22, 26, 360, 362, 367, 367*
normani 362
novemfasciatus 362
ocellatus 362
362, 364, 364*
oligomerus 362
ommaspilus 362
orientalis 362, 366, 366*
paitensis 362
parvus 362
pelicanus 362
piger 362
plagiusa 362*, 363
plagusia 362, 362*
Schwarzhans: Pleuronectiformes
prolatinaris 362
pterospilotus 362
pusillus 362
regani 362
reticulatus 362
rhytisma 362
sayademalhensis 362
schultzi 362
septemstriatus 362, 366, 366*
strictus 362
sumptuosus 362
tesselatus 362
trewavasae 362, 363, 363*, 364
trifasciatus 362
undatus 362
undecimplerus 362
urospilos 362
variegatus 362
varius 362
vittatus 362
williamsi 362, 365, 366*
woodmasoni 362
Synaptura 35, 44, 45, 269, 306, 308
albomaculata 308*, 309
cadenati 308
commersoniana 18, 308, 308*
lusitanica 306, 308, 309, 309*
marginata 308
Synapturichthys 296
synapturoides, Zebrias 321, 322, 322*
Synclidopus 324, 326
taedifer, Bascanius 176
Taeniopsetta 38, 104, 165, 187
dorsolobata 15, 21, 188, 189*
ocellata 187, 188*
radula 187, 188, 188*
taeniopterus, Perissias 192
taivanus, Spinirhombus 126
taiwanensis, Parabothus 162
Tanakius 210, 223
kitaharae 223, 224, 225*
tapeinosoma, Arnoglossus 167, 168, 176, 176*
, 177
tapirina, Rhombosolea 47*, 52, 53, 55*, 253, 254, 256*
Tapirisolea 68
Taratretis 62, 65, 70
derwentensis 70
Tarphops 19, 27, 38, 45, 104, 124, 134
elegans 135
oligolepis 134*, 135
taureri, Arnoglossus 16, 17, 18, 21, 24, 25, 168, 170, 172, 173*
taureri, Solea 17, 172
temputulensis, (Pleuronectidarum) 17
tenuirastrum, Pseudorhombus 125, 132, 132*, 133
tenuis, Areliscus 353
tenuis, Arnoglossus 168
tenuis, Peltorhamphus 19, 22, 27, 334, 336, 338*
tenuis, (Pleuronectiformorum) 195
tenuis, Solea 17, 18, 195
teophila, Quenselia 292*, 293
Tephrinectes 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 38, 40, 44, 53, 62, 63, 66, 104, 105
sinensis 63, 64*
Teratorhombus 124
tesselatus, Symphurus 362
tetrophthalmus, Lioglossina 113, 114, 114*
texae, Nodogymnus 278, 279*
texana, Eosolea 17
texturatus, Aseraggodes 325
thompsoni, Apsetta 254
thori, Arnoglossus 168, 169, 171*
Thyris 197
Thysanopsetta 34, 38, 40, 42, 45, 104, 105, 205, 206, 208
naresi 206, 206*
tosana, Psettina 186
Tosarhombus 104, 199, 203
octoculatus 203
Trachypterophrys 207
transitus, Cyclopsetta 17, 20, 22, 143, 145*
trewavasae, Symphurus 362, 363, 363*
, 364
Trichobrachirus 312
trichodactylus, Pleuronectes 290
trichodactylus, Solea 312
tricholepis, Achiropsetta 210
Trichopsetta 38, 104, 105, 189, 190, 191, 192
caribbaea 190
melasma 190, 191*
orbisculus 190
ventralis 46*, 190, 191*
trichospilus, Achirus 273
tricirrhatus, Bothus 158
trifasciatus, Symphurus 362
trigrammus, Cynoglossus 342, 348, 349*
Trinectes 8, 269, 270, 273
fimbriatus 271
fluviatilis 271
fonsecensis 271, 272, 272*
inscriptus 271
maculatus 270, 271, 271*
microphthalmus 271
paulistanus 271, 272*
triocellatus, Paralichthys 116
triocellatus, Pseudorhombus 125, 131, 132, 133, 133*
triocellatus, Samariscus 52, 261, 262, 263*
triophthalma, Solea 297, 298, 299*
tropicus, Paralichthys 116, 119, 119*
trulla, Plagusia 344
Trulla 340, 341, 342, 348
tshusanensis, Cynoglossus 353
tuberculatus, Pleuronectes 91
tubifera, Solea 318
tudori, Ammotretis 69, 69*
tungkongensis, Laeops 193
turbot, Pleuronectes 91
Typhlachirus 269, 316, 323
lipophthalmus 323
sorsogonensis 323
uhleri, Citharichthys 147
ui, Engyprosopon 19, 135
ui, Scaeops 204
umborsus, Platichthys 240
uncinata, Solea
Piscium Catalogus, Part Otolithi piscium, Vol. 2
undatus, Symphurus 362
undecimplerus, Symphurus 362
unicolor, Cynoglossus 342, 350*, 351
unicolor, Soleotalpa 280
unicornis, Citharichthys 152
unimaculatus, Rhombus 103
uniocellatus, Pleuronectes 103
Uropsetta 114
urospilos, Symphurus 362
Usinostia 340
validus, Samaris 17, 21, 27, 259, 260*
Vanstraelenia 35, 269, 280, 281, 302, 305
chirophthalma 303, 304, 304*
insignis 303, 304, 304*
varians, Citharichthys 17
variegata, Laeops 193
variegata, Psettina 186
variegatus, Mirochirus 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 281, 282, 282*, 283,
284, 286, 288
variegatus, Symphurus 362
variegatus, Verasper 244, 244*
varius, Symphurus 362
vaynei, Poecilopsetta 267
Velifracta 63
ventralis, Trichopsetta 46*, 190, 191*
ventrocellatus, Cephalopsetta 135
Veraequa 246
Verasper 34, 210, 243, 245
moseri 243, 244
variegatus 244, 244*
Verecundum 111
versicolor, Cynoglossus 353
verticalis, Pleuronichthys 247, 249, 249*
vetulus, Parophrys 19, 21, 47*, 232, 233*
victoriae, Pleuronectes 254
villosa, Brachirus 312
violaceus, Parabothus 162
vittatus, Symphurus 362
vorax, Paralichthys 116
vorax, Pseudorhombus 119
vulgaris, Hippoglossus 213
vulgaris, Limanda 227
vulgaris, Platessa 235
vulgaris, Solea 19, 296, 300
vulsus, Pleuronectes 17
waikyai, Arnoglossus 132
waitei, Arnoglossus 168, 176*, 177
wandersi, Cynoglossus 342
weileri, Sebastes 17, 82
weileri, (Bothidarum) 17, 82
weinfurteri, Pseudorhombus 17, 18, 20, 25, 125, 133, 133*
whiffiagonis, Lepidorhombus 19, 20, 24, 46*, 92, 93, 94*, 95,
98, 99
whitakeri, Aseraggodes 325
Whitleyia 310
wienrichi, Microchirus 17, 21, 24, 283, 286, 287, 288, 289*
williamsi, Symphurus 362, 365, 366*
williamsoni, Nodogymnus 278
wittei, Microchirus 282, 292
wolffii, Rhombus 122
woodmasoni, Symphurus 362
woolmani, Paralichthys 116
xanthosticta, Brachypleura 87
xanthostigma, Citharichthys 19
xanthostigma, Orthopsetta 20, 149, 151, 151*
xenandrus, Engyprosopon 201, 202, 202*
xenicus, Parachirus 330
xenicus, Samariscus 261
Xenobuglossus 294
xenosulcis, Brachypleura 17, 20, 26, 86, 87, 88, 89*
Xystreurys 38, 104, 106, 111
liolepis 111, 112, 112*
rasile 112, 113*
Xystrias 212
yokohamae, Pseudopleuronectes 238, 239*
ypsigrammus, Bothus 158
zachirus, Glyptocephalus 19, 21, 47*, 225, 226*, 227*
zanzibarensis, Cynoglossus 342, 355, 355*
zanzibarensis, Poecilopsetta 267, 268*
zanzibarica, Brachirus 312
zebra, Zebrias
321, 322, 323*
Zebrias 35, 45, 269, 316, 318, 320, 323
altipinnis 321, 321*
annadalei 321
cancellatus 321, 322, 322*
cochinensis 321
craticulus 321
fasciatus 321
keralensis 321
lucapensis 321
munroi 321
penescalaris 321
quagga 321, 322, 323*
scalaris 321
synapturoides 321, 322, 322*
zebra 321, 322, 323*
zebrinus, Achirus 273
zerbrinus, Nodogymnus 278
Zeugopterus 10, 11, 34, 45, 89, 100
punctatus 19, 20, 24, 100*, 101
rosenthalensis 17, 20, 23, 101, 101*
Zevaia 282, 290, 291, 295
zonatus, Ammotretis 69
Piscium Catalogus
ISSN 0724-9012
A continuing file of all recent and fossil fishes
from a paleoichthyological point of view
vol. 1 A comparative morphological treatise
of recent and fossil otoliths
of the family Sciaenidae (Perciformes)
pp. 1-245, 406 figs., July 1993,
ISBN 3-923871-70-8, DM 240,–;
DM 120,–/ ˜ 61,36.
vol. 2 A comparative morphological treatise
of recent and fossil otoliths
of the of the order Pleuronectiformes
pp. 1-392, 1021 figs., April 1999,
ISBN 3-931516-54-7, DM 150,–/ ˜ 76,69.
vol. 3 is in preparation and will deal with
recent and fossil otoliths of the
Gadiformes and Batrachoidiformes
Further volumes are being envisaged and
will be published in 2 to 3 year intervals,
dealing with
Beryciformes and Zeiformes
Osmeriformes and Stomiformes
Trachinoidei and Notothenioidei
For orders please contact
Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil
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is a continuing
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fossil fi shes
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ISSN 0724-9012
ISBN 3-931516-54-7
... The ostium is compressed but very deep and extends from almost the dorsal rim to near the ventral rim. The width of the cauda is only about one-quarter of the height of the ostium and has a characteristic enlarged caudal tip (Schwarzhans, 1993). The outer face commonly has a prominent, raised umbo. ...
... Description.-The sagittae attributed to Pogonias cromis have a typical sciaenid sulcus with a strongly enlarged ostium and a short, narrow cauda with a prominently downturned posterior portion (Schwarzhans, 1993). The inner face is moderately convex. ...
... 27B). The ostium is short and nearly vertical (80-90°) according to Schwarzhans (1993). The ostium appears to be below the anterior tip of the cauda. ...
Extensive bulk sampling at seven Plio-Pleistocene sites spanning approximately 4.5 Ma to 120,000 years ago in age near Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia, produced 1,803 teleostean otoliths. The otolith assemblage was relatively diverse with 50 taxa (representing 18 families) of Plio-Pleistocene teleosts. The otoliths represented mainly shallow-marine fishes, which were all extant except for four species. The assemblage was dominated by 16 sciaenid taxa that represented 65.8% of the total number of otoliths. The Plio-Pleistocene otoliths indicated fishes that are almost identical to the marine fishes from present-day coastal Georgia. The teleostean otoliths are considered especially important for several reasons. This study represents the first description of fish otoliths from the Plio-Pleistocene of coastal Georgia and describes the bony fishes present from approximately 4.5 Ma (Raysor Marl equivalent) to 120,000 years ago (late Pleistocene). This time interval includes the late Neogene climatic changes as well as the glacial-interglacial climatic cycles in North America. Also, the preservation of aragonitic otoliths is rare in coastal Georgia given the very high water table and the intense and rapid weathering. Furthermore, there is a paucity of Plio-Pleistocene fossils, especially bony fishes, in coastal Georgia related to various geological constraints such as highly erosive transgressive sequences. The Plio-Pleistocene otolith assemblage from coastal Georgia contains 13 families representing 28 taxa not recognized by skeletal fossils in Georgia. Although the Ariidae and Sciaenidae were previously recognized based on skeletal fossil material in Georgia, there are 14 newly reported taxa based on otoliths in these families (1 and 13 respectively) including Protosciaena kirbyorum n. sp., the first fossil species of this genus in the U.S. Otolith data also verified fishes previously indicated by skeletal remains and provided greater specificity in several cases.
... For otolith identification, various pertinent references were consulted. These included Ohe (1985), Rivaton and Bourret (1999), Schwarzhans (1999Schwarzhans ( , 2013, Schwarzhans and Aguilera (2013), Lin andChang (2012), andNolf (2013). In addition, a direct comparison was made with our laboratory's modern otolith collection, registered under the code CHLOL. ...
... These features comply with those of Arnoglossus (Lin & Chang, 2012;Schwarzhans, 1999). It is worth noting that Arnoglossus is the most abundant flatfish genus in the collection. ...
... Remarks The triangular shape, flat dorsal rim, curved anterior and ventral rims, and vertical posterior rim are typical features observed in Cynoglossus otoliths (Schwarzhans, 1999). Additionally, the narrow and channel-like ostium and the wide, triangular cauda further support the assignment to the genus. ...
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Understanding the diversity of deep-sea fish fauna based on otoliths in the tropical and subtropical West Pacific has been limited, creating a significant knowledge gap regarding regional and temporal variations in deep-sea fish fauna. To address this gap, we collected a total of 122 bulk sediment samples from the Lower Pliocene Gutingkeng Formation in southwestern Taiwan to reconstruct the otolith-based fish fauna. Using planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, we determined the age of the samples to be 5.6 to 3.1 Ma. A total of 8314 otoliths were assigned to 64 different taxa from 33 families, including the discovery of one new genus, Gutingichthys gen. nov., and three new species: Benthosema duanformis sp. nov., Benthosema parafibulatum sp. nov., and Gutingichthys changi sp. nov. Comparisons with other regional otolith-based assemblages highlighted the exceptional diversity of our collection, making it the most diverse fossil fish fauna reported from Taiwan to date. Otolith diversity analysis revealed very few taxa were dominant in the assemblage, particularly the mesopelagic Myctophidae, with a wide variety of minor taxa. The co-occurrence of shallow-water elements suggests episodic storm events as a potential source. The predominance of deep-sea and oceanic fishes indicated an outer-shelf to upper slope environment, resembling the modern outer-shelf and upper slope fish fauna in the region. Our findings suggest an early establishment and persistent presence of the mesopelagic fish community since the Early Pliocene. Further investigations of the Upper Miocene and Pleistocene sections of the Gutingkeng Formation would provide valuable insights into the evolution of deep-sea fish fauna in the area.
... Laeops rharbensis Schwarzhans, 1999 Discussion Otoliths of D. hexophthalma are relatively thin, oval in shape with a ratio OL:OH of 1,25-1.4 (corrected from Schwarzhans, 1999) and a relatively thin sulcus. A recent specimen is figured for comparison (Fig. 21e). ...
... Microchirus variegatus (Donovan, 1808) Schwarzhans, 1999). ...
... The otolith assemblage from the Early Pliocene of the Rharb Basin is the first Northwest African otolith-based fish fauna described, but a few elements have been described previously (Schwarzhans, 1981(Schwarzhans, , 1993(Schwarzhans, , 1999. It is a rich fauna, with 96 species recognized, 82 thereof identifiable to species level, including 16 new species. ...
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The coquina on the banks of the Oued Beth in the Rharb Basin in northwestern Morocco has long been known to be exceptionally rich in fossils. The stratigraphic position ranging from the Late Miocene to the Pliocene has been controversial, however. In the course of my master’s degree field work in 1975/76, I mapped the right bank of the Oued Beth from Dar bel Hamri to El Kansera. Following multiple recent studies in the general region, I here review my results and present an updated comprehensive stratigraphic and geologic frame for the first time. The coquina near Dar bel Hamri is interpreted to be of Early Pliocene age, possibly containing some reworking of Late Miocene fossils. The coquina and other locations along the Oued Beth have yielded a rich otolith assemblage, which is described in this article. It represents the first fossil otolith-based fish fauna described from Northwest Africa and contains 96 species, 16 of which are new. The new species in the order of their description are Diaphus maghrebensis n. sp., Ophidion tuseti n. sp., Centroberyx vonderhochti n. sp., Myripristis ouarredi n. sp., Deltentosteus planus n. sp., Caranx rharbensis n. sp., Trachurus insectus n. sp., Parapristipoma bethensis n. sp., Pomadasys zemmourensis n. sp., Cepola lombartei n. sp., Trachinus maroccanus n. sp., Trachinus wernlii n. sp., Uranoscopus hoedemakersi n. sp., Uranoscopus vanhinsberghi n. sp., Spondyliosoma tingitana n. sp., and Opsodentex mordax n. sp. In addition, a new species is described from the Tortonian and Zanclean of Italy: Rhynchoconger carnevalei n. sp. Some additional otoliths are described from another Northwest Moroccan location of Early Pliocene age near Asilah, 50 km south of the Strait of Gibraltar. The Early Pliocene fish fauna from Dar bel Hamri in the Rharb Basin is also of interest, because it constitutes the nearest Atlantic fauna of the time of the reconnection of the Mediterranean with the Atlantic and may have acted as a hosting area for the remigration of fishes into the Mediterranean. Indeed, the correlation is high between the Northwest Moroccan and the well-known time-equivalent Mediterranean fish fauna, but the Moroccan fauna also contains a good proportion of putative endemic taxa and taxa with tropical West African affinities that apparently did not migrate into the Mediterranean. Thus, the Early Pliocene fish fauna from the Rharb Basin represents a unique assemblage for which I propose the biogeographic term “Maghrebian bioprovince.”
... Remarks. Pleuronectiform otoliths are known for their side dimorphism, which varies between groups (Schwarzhans 1999). Typically, otoliths from one side reflect diagnostic characteristics better than those from the other side, which are often more modified. ...
... Discussion. Aseraggodes azovensis n. sp. is an exotic species from the Miocene of the Paratethys, representing a genus that is currently restricted to the Indo-West Pacific except for a single endemic species off Galapagos (Schwarzhans 1999). It is readily recognized by its low OL:OH ratio of 1.05-1.10, ...
... which distinguishes it from otoliths of all extant soleid taxa of Europe. The otolith shape resembles that of otoliths of many extant Aseraggodes species (see Schwarzhans 1999, for figures), particularly A. macleayanus (Ramsay, 1881) and A. klunzingeri (Weber, 1908). Among the known otoliths of extant species, the rather large ostium compared to the small cauda is shared with A. macleayanus, but the distance of the ostium from the anterior rim of the otolith is distinctive. ...
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Reconstructing fossil bony fish faunas using otoliths is a well-established method that allows a diverse and dense record in time and space to be assembled. Here, we report about a rich otolith-based fish fauna from the middle Sarmatian s.l. (middle Bessarabian) from Jurkine, Kerch Peninsula, Crimea. The study is based on more than 5,000 specimens constituting 36 different species, 24 of which are new and two remain in open nomenclature. This assemblage represents the first major otolith association described from the Bessarabian. It also represents a fish fauna from the last continuous restricted marine environment that evolved in the Eastern Paratethys, was recruited from the Badenian/Tarkhanian fauna, and was not affected by the subsequent Khersonian crisis. The association of otoliths is characterized by a high content of endemic fishes that derived from the relatively well-known early Sarmatian s.l. (Volhynian) fish fauna, and it contains certain faunal elements that were trapped in the then-isolated Eastern Paratethys and did not range into younger strata. This forced endemic evolution explains the unusually high percentage of new taxa. The fish fauna is dominated by stenohaline marine shelf fishes apparently recruited from the Konkian and earlier Sarmatian s.l. (Volhynian) fauna after the Karaganian crisis. The families Gobiidae and Gadidae benefited most in this restricted marine environment, while deep-water fishes disappeared with the Karaganian crisis. In this study, we discuss the further evolution of Eastern Paratethyan fishes as far as can be reconstructed from the relatively limited data from post-Bessarabian strata and also outline targets for future research in the field. The stratigraphic sequence of the Jurkine section is being revised based on a detailed suite of benthic foraminifera. Implications for the stratigraphy of the middle and upper Sarmatian s.l., their boundary, and the paleoenvironments of this part of the Kerch Peninsula are discussed.
... Ostial and caudal colliculi are fused. Comparisons to extant forms from the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts indicated Citharichthys macrops (Page et al. 2013, Schwarzhans 1999. Stringer (1992) noted the presence of Citharichthys from the late Pleistocene of Louisiana. ...
... The one specimen from Bells Bridge assigned to Syacium cf. S. gunteri resembles Citharichthys macrops. Syacium and Citharichthys are believed to be closely related phylogenetically (Schwarzhans 1999), which is a likely reason for their similarity. Like Citharichthys, the sulcus of Syacium gunteri is fusiform (i.e., the anterior and posterior portions are much narrower, but the middle portion is widened). ...
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Abstract - Two new outcrops from the Late Pliocene Yorktown Formation in North Carolina, USA, at the Bell Bridge and Dixon localities produced 29 and 13 species, respectively, based on 672 teleostean otoliths. Otoliths are closely related to extant species along the present-day eastern U.S. coast with ophidiids, paralichthyids, and haemulids most abundant. Percentage similarity analysis indicates that the localities are markedly different. Based on the fossil fish assemblage, the paleoenvironment is interpreted as marine, deep inner–middle shelf, normal salinity, and tropical–temperate. The new Pliocene fish otolith assemblages were analyzed to understand the relationship to the coeval Yorktown Formation fish assemblage from the Lee Creek Mine. The new assemblages are significant, considering the limited number of North American Pliocene otolith studies and provide insight into northwestern Atlantic Coast Pliocene paleoenvironments. The relationship of the new Pliocene fish otoliths to known Pliocene otolith assemblages from North America is established.
... Taxonomic studies of extant fish otoliths or that include extant fish otoliths have greatly facilitated investigations of the otoliths of modern sea bottoms sediments. Taxonomic analysis of modern fish otoliths include works such as Schwarzhans (1993Schwarzhans ( , 1999Schwarzhans ( , 2013Schwarzhans ( , 2019, Smale et al. (1995), Rivaton and Bourret (1999), Campana (2004), Veen and Hoedemakers (2005) (2012), Nolf (2013), and Aguilera (2013, 2016) . It appears that a strong correlation exists between otolith associations in modern sea-bottom sediments in particular environments and the expected fishes. ...
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The fortuitous discovery of Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian) teleostean otoliths in boring samples (17–31 m below ground level) from the Arkadelphia Formation near Cabot, Arkansas, USA, has consequential and overarching ramifications. The otolith assemblage, which is relatively large with 2,109 specimens, represents the first Mesozoic otolith assemblage described from Arkansas and one of the largest Cretaceous assemblages from a single USA site. The diversity of the assemblage is fairly large with a richness of 19 species with three additional taxa in open nomenclature and one unknown lapillus, which more than doubles the known actinopterygians from the Arkadelphia Formation. The otolith assemblage is extremely uneven in its diversity with one species, a putative siluriform Vorhisia vulpes Frizzell (1965b), accounting for approximately 73% of the total. The most unique feature of the otolith assemblage is the presence of cool-water gadiforms, which represent approximately 7.6% of the total assemblage. The presence of the gadiforms is related to the effects of the Western Interior Seaway and paleogeography during the Late Cretaceous in the western Gulf Coastal Plain. The gadiforms may represent relicts of a greater population and distribution in the early Maastrichtian. Percentage similarity measurements of the otolith assemblage indicate that the Arkadelphia Formation is more closely related to the Severn Formation in eastern Maryland (57.86%) and the Kemp Clay Formation in northeast Texas (35.77%) than to the Ripley Formation in northeastern Mississippi (5.34%). The similarity measurements and other factors indicate that the Arkadelphia Formation otolith assemblage belongs to the Western Interior Seaway community (bioprovince). The Arkadelphia Formation otolith assemblage also contains several taxa that become extinct, such as the ubiquitous V. vulpes, at the K-Pg extinction event. The otoliths point to a very shallow marine environment (possibly inner shelf; less than 20 m in depth) with estuarine and freshwater input nearby and may be utilized for refinement of paleoshorelines for the southern reaches of the Western Interior Seaway during the Late Cretaceous.
... The otoliths of this species demonstrate the great intra-specific variation in flatfishes already mentioned by Schwarzhans (1999). The dissymmetric look of the left and right otoliths further increases this variability. ...
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The fossil otoliths of the southern USA have been known for more than 130 years and are among the richest assemblages worldwide. However, previous studies are often scattered and employed outdated systematic scheme. A collection of over 25000 otoliths ranging in age from the Lutetian to the Priabonian from 47 sites in five states in the eastern and southern USA is analysed here. Combined with the earlier described material, at least 101 otolith-based taxa are documented, of which 83 are identified at species level. Fourteen of these are introduced as new species: Elopothrissus bernardlemorti sp. nov., “Muraenesox” barrytownensis sp. nov., Pseudophichthys texanus sp. nov., Paraconger wechesensis sp. nov., Neoopisthopterus weltoni sp. nov., “aff. Glyptophidium” stringeri sp. nov., Symmetrosulcus dockeryi sp. nov., Mene garviei sp. nov., “Citharus” varians sp. nov., Waitakia beelzebub sp. nov., Astroscopus compactus sp. nov., Parascombrops yanceyi sp. nov., Anisotremus rambo sp. nov., and Pagellus pamunkeyensis sp. nov. The assemblages are distinct from contemporary European faunas by the complete lack of mesopelagic fish otoliths, and by the presence of sciaenids. Dominant taxa in the American Eocene are the Ophidiidae, Sciaenidae, Lactariidae, and Congridae. They indicate shallow water environments for all the sampled sites. The notable abundance of those taxa suggests that they could have had a higher turnover rate, and provided fundamental nutrition in the local Paleogene marine ecosystem. Further analyses of the species in the stratigraphic succession revealed that a faunal turnover between the Claiborne and Jackson seas was evident in teleosts, and it might be more widespread in other marine organisms in the region.
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Glacial-interglacial cycles are characteristic of the large-scale reorganisation of global climate during the Quaternary. Therefore, records of warmer-than-present periods, such as the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e, draw particular interest as they may aid scientists to predict how marine ecosystems may change in the future. However, fish fossil records during such warming periods are less clear. Here, we aim to reconstruct local fish fauna during the MIS 5e by describing fossil otoliths from two localities in central Japan belonging to the Otsu Sand and Mud Member of the Yokosuka Formation. A total of 544 otoliths were analysed, revealing the presence of at least 35 taxa. The fish assemblages reflect a mixture of coastal to oceanic epi-mesopelagic species. In addition, the remarkable occurrences of two present-day tropical species and its species composition demonstrate a possible complex tropical to subtropical-like fish fauna in the higher latitude Palaeo-Tokyo Bay during the warmer-than-present last interglacial period.
Otolith death assemblages provide a valuable source of biological and ecological information that can help address three main problems in marine conservation: a) the lack of pre-industrial, pre-human-impact baselines for evaluating change; b) the inefficiency of survey methods for recording small and cryptic fish species; and c) the absence of long-term data on environmental change impacts on marine ecosystems and fishes. We review here the current knowledge on the formation and preservation of otoliths and their death assemblages, and the methods to obtain, date and analyse them in order to detect changes in the species traits and ecology, the fish population structure and the palaeoceanographic shifts that drove them. Supplementary material at
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RÉSUMÉ : Le présent travail a pour but d'essayer de comprendre l'origine de caractéristiques biologiques de poissons plats, famille des Scophthalmidae, au moyen d'un arbre de relations de parenté. La répartition de 12 caractéristiques a été analysée ; il est apparu que certaines n'étaient présentes que chez certaines espèces étroitement apparentées et pouvaient donc être expliquées en terme d'héritage depuis un ancêtre commun. En revanche, d'autres s'expliquent au moyen de convergences et d'adaptations récentes. Cependant, le manque de données biologiques pour certaines espèces empêche de proposer des scénarios pour expliquer l'origine de ces caractéristiques. ABSTRACT : Biology of species explained by interrelationships. Attempt on scophthalmid fishes [Pleuronectiformes]. The aim of this work is to try to interpret the Life-history traits of scophthalmid fishes with the results of the phylogenetic analysis proposed by Chanet (2003). 12 traits have been analysed: several, such as living on a rocky substrate or at important depth, are only present in some clades within the Scophthalmidae and thus can be interpreted as the result of inheritance and then appear to be synapomorphies. On the opposite, several cases of convergence and recent adaptation seem to have occurred for other traits. Unfortunately, the lack of biological data for some scophthalmid species prevents us from proposing any scenario explaining the origin of several Life-history traits. The importance of researching Life-history traits on various species for a better understanding of the origin of these traits is pointed out.
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