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Evolution of neural function in spina bifida occulta and aperta

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Cerebrospinal Fluid Research
Open Access
Poster Presentation
Evolution of neural function in spina bifida occulta and aperta
D Sival*, O Brouwer, A Staal-Schreinemachers, P Sauer and A de Vylder
Address: University Hospital, Groningen, Netherlands
Email: D Sival* -
* Corresponding author
Spina bifida often results in dysfunction of the central and
peripheral nervous system. In spina bifida, the neural tube
defect may be covered by skin (SBO) or open (SBA). Fetal
surgery in SBA aims to preserve central axonal projections
through the meningomyelocele (MMC) and to prevent
secondary damage. The present study aimed to determine
whether the natural coverage of the neural tube defect in
SBO protects central axonal conduction, as could be
measured by vesico-urodynamics.
To compare central and peripheral neural innervation
between SBO and SBA in a longitudinal fashion.
17 SBO and 16 SBA children were investigated at ages 1
and 2–4 years. In both groups the defect was at L3
(median value, range resp. L1-S1 (SBO), and Th12-S1
(SBA)). In all children, spinal segments S2-S4 (innervat-
ing anal and bladder reflexes) were located caudal to the
defect. Central dysfunctional bladder innervation was
defined as overactive detrusor or pelvic muscle activity
during vesico-urodynamics. Absence of anal reflexes indi-
cated peripheral neural dysfunction. Surgical detethering
was electively performed.
Only in 1 of 17 SBO children detrusor activity became
overactive between year 1 and 2–4. The percentage of chil-
dren with overactive detrusor activity declined signifi-
cantly (P < 0.01) between years 1 and 2–4, both in SBO
(from 47% to 23%) and in SBA (from 79% to 38%). Sim-
ilarly the percentage of children with hyperactive pelvic
muscle activity declined significantly (P < 0.025) in SBO
(from 69% to 20%) and in SBA (from 67% to 45%). At
neither time point, the percentages were significantly dif-
ferent between SBO and SBA. Concerning LMN dysfunc-
tion however, a larger fraction of SBA children had
absence of anal reflexes, compared with SBO (86% vs.
31%, P < 0.005).
1. Natural covering of the spinal defect in SBO compared
with SBA is not associated with improved central innerva-
tion of the bladder; 2. Signs of central bladder dysfunction
decline in both SBA and SBO children between age 1 and
2–4 years; 3. Peripheral innervation is better preserved in
SBO than in SBA, by a mechanism independent of central
from 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research into Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida
Dublin, Ireland, 23–26 June 2004
Published: 23 December 2004
Cerebrospinal Fluid Research 2004, 1(Suppl 1):S55 doi:10.1186/1743-8454-1-S1-S55
<supplement> <title> <p>48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research into Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida</p> </title> <note>Meeting abstracts</note> </supplement>
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... Показания для хирургического лечения spina bifida с проявлениями фиксированного спинного мозга в зрелом возрасте остаются спорными. Неизбежность возникновения ряда вопросов при этом очевидна: 1) каков результат естественной эволюции, которая происходит у взрослых с миеломенингоцеле и синдромом фиксированного спинного мозга; 2) каковы критерии для оперативного вмешательства [35]. Сообщения о первичном хирургическом вмешательстве по поводу spina bifida у взрослых единичны и не охватывают всего многообразия патологии, носят либо сугубо клинический характер, либо сводятся к сообщениям типа «case report». ...
Aim: The study objective was to summarize our own experience of surgical treatment of spina bifida in adults. Material and methods: The mean age of patients was 33 years. The time elapsed since the onset of clinical presentations till surgery varied from 11 to 14 years. Among all elective, surgically significant pathologies of the spinal cord (tumors, syringomyelia, arachnoid cysts, spontaneous epidural hematoma, epidural abscess, abscess), spina bifida in adults amounted to 5.9%. Results: The level of social adaptation of patients at the time of diagnosis was quite acceptable (patients had a normal index of intellectual development and the ability to move). The amount of surgery was large and included implementation of several important surgical manipulations. The operative time was 5.5 h, on average. As a result, the spinal cord and its roots were released from compression and retaining structures that, to some extent, allowed for avoiding dissection of the terminal ligament. Conclusion: Minimally invasive technologies can not still ensure implementation of all surgical manipulations for correction of the vertebral-medullary anomaly. Surgical treatment of congenital anomalies of the spinal cord in adults proved to be reasonable and effective.
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