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Association between light exposure at night and insomnia in the general elderly population: The HEIJO-KYO cohort


Abstract and Figures

Chronic circadian misalignment between the internal and environmental rhythms, which is typically related to night-shift work and clock-gene variants, is associated with disruption of suprachiasmatic nucleus function and increased risk of insomnia. Under controlled laboratory conditions, light at night (LAN) suppresses melatonin secretion, delays the internal biological rhythm, and reduces sleepiness. Therefore, LAN exposure may cause circadian misalignment and insomnia, though it remains unclear in real-life situations whether LAN exposure is associated with insomnia. To evaluate an association between LAN exposure and sleep quality in home settings, we conducted a cross-sectional community-based study in 857 elderly individuals (mean age, 72.2 years). We evaluated bedroom light intensity using a light meter and subjectively and objectively measured sleep quality using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and an actigraph, respectively, along with urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion. Compared with the lowest quartile group of LAN intensity, the highest quartile group revealed a significantly higher odds ratio (OR) for subjective insomnia in a multivariate model adjusted for age, gender, body mass index, daytime physical activity, urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion, bedtime, rising time, and day length (adjusted OR, 1.61, 95% confidence interval, 1.05-2.45, p = 0.029). In addition, higher OR for subjective insomnia was significantly associated with the increase in quartiles of LAN intensity (ptrend = 0.043). Consistently, we observed significant association trends between the increase in quartiles of LAN intensity and poorer actigraphic sleep quality, including decreased sleep efficiency, prolonged sleep-onset latency, increased wake-after-sleep onset, shortened total sleep time, and delayed sleep-mid time in multivariate models adjusted for the covariates mentioned above (all ptrend < 0.001). In conclusion, we demonstrated that LAN exposure in home settings is significantly associated with both subjectively and objectively measured sleep quality in a community-based elderly population.
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Chronobiology International, 2014; 31(9): 976–982
!Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
ISSN: 0742-0528 print / 1525-6073 online
DOI: 10.3109/07420528.2014.937491
Association between light exposure at night and insomnia in the
general elderly population: The HEIJO-KYO cohort
Kenji Obayashi, Keigo Saeki, and Norio Kurumatani
Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Nara Medical University School of Medicine, Nara, Japan
Chronic circadian misalignment between the internal and environmental rhythms, which is typically related to
night-shift work and clock-gene variants, is associated with disruption of suprachiasmatic nucleus function and
increased risk of insomnia. Under controlled laboratory conditions, light at night (LAN) suppresses melatonin
secretion, delays the internal biological rhythm, and reduces sleepiness. Therefore, LAN exposure may cause circadian
misalignment and insomnia, though it remains unclear in real-life situations whether LAN exposure is associated with
insomnia. To evaluate an association between LAN exposure and sleep quality in home settings, we conducted a
cross-sectional community-based study in 857 elderly individuals (mean age, 72.2 years). We evaluated bedroom light
intensity using a light meter and subjectively and objectively measured sleep quality using the Pittsburgh Sleep
Quality Index and an actigraph, respectively, along with urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion. Compared with the
lowest quartile group of LAN intensity, the highest quartile group revealed a significantly higher odds ratio (OR) for
subjective insomnia in a multivariate model adjusted for age, gender, body mass index, daytime physical activity,
urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion, bedtime, rising time, and day length (adjusted OR, 1.61, 95% confidence
interval, 1.05–2.45, p¼0.029). In addition, higher OR for subjective insomnia was significantly associated with the
increase in quartiles of LAN intensity (p
¼0.043). Consistently, we observed significant association trends between
the increase in quartiles of LAN intensity and poorer actigraphic sleep quality, including decreased sleep efficiency,
prolonged sleep-onset latency, increased wake-after-sleep onset, shortened total sleep time, and delayed sleep-mid
time in multivariate models adjusted for the covariates mentioned above (all p
50.001). In conclusion, we
demonstrated that LAN exposure in home settings is significantly associated with both subjectively and objectively
measured sleep quality in a community-based elderly population.
Keywords: Actigraphy, circadian rhythms, insomnia, light at night, melatonin, sleep quality
Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a higher
prevalence of insomnia among the elderly than the
younger population as well as a steady increase in the
prevalence of insomnia in recent decades (Calem et al.,
2012; Ford & Kamerow, 1989; Prinz et al., 1990). Previous
studies involving a large elderly population showed that
approximately 40% of elderly individuals reported any
type of insomnia such as difficulty initiating sleep,
difficulty maintaining sleep, early morning awakening,
and non-restorative sleep (Calem et al., 2012; Walsh
et al., 2011). Insomnia among the elderly is one of the
most important public health issues because of its high
prevalence and its association with increased risk of
psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders such as
depression and dementia, cardiovascular diseases, and
mortality (Cricco et al., 2001; Dew et al., 2003; Eaker
et al., 1992; Yokoyama et al., 2010).
The solar 24 h cycle has led to the evolution of the
human circadian rhythms. The suprachiasmatic nucleus
(SCN) of the hypothalamus, which is an essential
component of the master biological clock, synchronizes
the internal biological rhythm to the environmental
rhythm. Physiologically, light exposure is the most
important environmental entraining cue for SCN func-
tion. Chronic circadian misalignment between the
internal and environmental rhythms, which is typically
related to night-shift work and clock-gene variants, is
associated with disruption of SCN function and
increased risk of insomnia (Allebrandt et al., 2010;
Boudreau et al., 2013; Wyatt et al., 1999). Melatonin, a
pineal gland hormone, is hypothesized to be a major
Correspondence: Kenji Obayashi, Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Nara Medical University School of
Medicine, 840 Shijocho, Kashiharashi, Nara, 634-8521, Japan. Tel: +81-744-22-3051. Fax: +81-744-25-7657. E-mail: obayashi@
Submitted January 19, 2014, Returned for revision May 31, 2014, Accepted June 18, 2014
Downloaded by [Kenji Obayashi] at 14:28 11 August 2015
internal contributor to the association between circa-
dian misalignment and insomnia because endogenous
melatonin levels are closely associated with both light
exposure and sleepiness (Dijk & Cajochen, 1997;
Zeitzer et al., 2000).
Exposure to light at night (LAN) is increasing globally,
not only among night-shift workers but also among the
general population because of the increased use of
artificial lighting in modern society (Navara & Nelson,
2007). The nocturnal input of non-visual light informa-
tion into the SCN through the photosensitive retinal
ganglion cells (pRGCs) is associated with a range of
neurobiological effects, including increased core body
temperature, suppression of melatonin secretion, and
stimulation of brain activity. Under controlled labora-
tory conditions, LAN suppresses melatonin secretion,
delays the internal biological rhythm, and reduces
sleepiness (Cajochen et al., 2000, 2005; Czeisler et al.,
1986; Lockley et al., 2006). Thus, LAN exposure may
cause circadian misalignment and insomnia, though it
remains unclear in real-life situations whether LAN
exposure is associated with insomnia.
In this cross-sectional study on 857 elderly individ-
uals, we examined the association between LAN in
home settings and sleep quality. We evaluated subject-
ively and objectively measured sleep quality using the
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and an actigraph,
respectively, which are the two principal methods used
to measure sleep quality in field studies. We also
measured bedroom light intensity at night using light
meters as well as overnight urinary 6-sulfatoxymelato-
nin excretion (UME), the major melatonin metabolite,
as an index of melatonin secretion.
Participants and study protocol
Between September 2010 and March 2013, 880 commu-
nity-based elderly subjects voluntarily enrolled in a
study titled ‘‘Housing Environments and Health
Investigation among Japanese Older People in Nara,
Kansai Region: a prospective community-based cohort
(HEIJO-KYO) study.’’ Of these, 857 home-dwelling
participants met the inclusion criteria of age 60 years
and completion of the PSQI questionnaire. All partici-
pants provided written informed consent, and the study
protocol was performed in accordance with the ethics
committee of Nara Medical University and the ethical
standards of the Journal (Portaluppi et al., 2010).
The protocols were described in our previous study
(Obayashi et al., 2012). In brief, after collecting demo-
graphic and medical information using a standardized
questionnaire, we initiated measurements of LAN
exposure and actigraphic parameters in two consecutive
days. Subsequently, we instructed the participants to
collect their urine the following night and to maintain a
standardized sleep diary by logging their bedtime and
rising time.
Measurements of subjective and objective
sleep quality
Subjective sleep quality was measured using the PSQI
questionnaire, in which sleep quality over the previous
month was asked using seven subscales measuring
different components of sleep, including sleep quality,
sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, sleep
disturbance, use of sleep medication, and daytime
dysfunction. The score of each component ranges
from 0 to 3, with 3 indicating the worst sleep quality
(Buysse et al., 1989). A cut-off value of 6 was used for the
detection of sleep disturbance. Insomnia was defined as
individuals who were previously diagnosed of insomnia
and currently received a sleep medication and/or
individuals who had PSQI score of 6.
Objective sleep quality was measured at 1 min inter-
vals using an actigraph (Actiwatch 2; Respironics Inc.,
Murrysville, PA) that was worn on the non-dominant
wrist. Sleep/awake status at each epoch, sleep onset,
and sleep offset were automatically detected by the
Actiware version 5.5 (Respironics Inc.) with the default
algorithm (Philips Respironics Actiware Tutorials, 2013).
Epochs with higher activity counts than moderate
threshold (40 counts/min) were treated as awake.
Sleep onset was the first minute followed by 10-min
immobility period comprising not more than one epoch
with any motion count, and sleep offset was the last
minute following the 10 min period of immobility.
Five actigraphic sleep parameters were determined
using objective data (awake/sleep status and sleep
onset/offset) and self-reported data (bedtime and
rising time) as follows: (1) total sleep time (TST), the
time spent with sleep (below the activity threshold of
40 counts/min) between sleep onset and sleep offset;
(2) sleep efficiency (SE), the percentage calculated from
TST divided by the time between bedtime and rising
time; (3) wake after sleep onset (WASO), the time spent
with awake (above the activity threshold of 40 counts/
min) between sleep onset and rising time; (4) sleep
onset latency (SOL), the time between bedtime and
sleep onset; and (5) sleep-mid time, the mid-time
between sleep onset and sleep offset.
Measurement of LAN exposure
LAN exposure was measured at 1-min intervals using a
light meter (LX-28SD; Sato Shouji Inc., Kanagawa,
Japan) with the sensor fixed at 60 cm above the floor,
near the head of the bed, and facing the ceiling. The
optical sensor had spectral sensitivity that approximated
that of the human eye, the illuminance sensitivity that
ranged from 0 to 100 000 lux. The internal clocks of the
light meter and the actigraph were synchronized. We
used the average light intensity between bedtime and
rising time for a parameter of LAN exposure. We divided
the participants into quartile groups according to the
intensity of LAN exposure. Among the 841 participants,
the day-to-day reproducibility of average LAN intensity
Real-life link between LAN and insomnia 977
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in two consecutive days was moderately high
(the Spearman rank correlation coefficient ¼0.66).
UME measurement
The overnight urine collection protocol involved dis-
carding the last void at bedtime and collecting each
subsequent void, including the first morning void.
Samples were stored in a dark bottle with a cold pack
at room temperature, the total volume was measured,
and the samples were stored at 20 C until the assay.
Urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin concentrations were
measured using a highly sensitive enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay kit (RE54031; IBL International,
Hamburg, Germany). UME was calculated as
follows: UME (mg) ¼6-sulfatoxymelatonin concentration
(mg/mL) total overnight urine volume (mL). UME was
used as an index of melatonin secretion because there is
evidence that UME correlates closely with the secreted
levels of this hormone (Baskett et al., 1998).
Other measurements
Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as weight (kg)/
height (m
). Current smoking status, habitual alcohol
consumption, and sleep medication use were evaluated
by administering a questionnaire to participants.
The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was
calculated using the formula from the Japanese Society
of Nephrology-Chronic Kidney Disease Practice
Guide: eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m
)¼194 [serum creatin-
ine (mg/dl)]
[age (years)]
. The result
was multiplied by a correction factor of 0.739 for
female. Diabetes mellitus was diagnosed on the basis
of the following assessments: medical history, current
antidiabetic therapy, fasting plasma glucose levels
7.0 mmol/L, and glycated hemoglobin levels 6.5% of
the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program
value. Daytime physical activity was the average of all
valid physical activity counts evaluated using the
actigraph (Actiwatch 2) between rising time and bed-
time. Data regarding the day length from sunrise to
sunset in Nara (latitude 34N) on the measurement days
were obtained from the webpage of the National
Astronomical Observatory of Japan (National
Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 2013).
Statistical analyses
Variables with a normal distribution were expressed as
the mean and standard deviation (SD), whereas asym-
metrically distributed variables were reported as the
median and interquartile range (IQR). Means and
medians were compared between the subjective insom-
nia and non-insomnia groups using the unpaired t-test
and the Mann–Whitney Utest, respectively. The chi-
square test was used for comparing categorical data.
Comparisons of adjusted means were conducted using
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Variables including
age, gender, BMI, current smoking status, alcohol
consumption habit, diabetes, eGFR, daytime physical
activity, UME, bedtime, rising time, day length, and
actigraphic sleep parameters were compared between
the subjective insomnia and non-insomnia groups. The
average values of LAN exposure, daytime physical
activity, UME, bedtime, rising time, day length, and
actigraphic sleep parameters on two consecutive days
were used for further analyses. UME and SOL with a
skewed distribution were naturally log-transformed for
analyses. Odds ratios (ORs) for subjective insomnia and
means of actigraphic sleep parameters were simultan-
eously adjusted for variables that were marginally to
significantly associated with subjective insomnia
(p50.20) in the univariate comparisons (Table 1).
Trends in the association of quartiles of LAN intensity
with ORs for subjective insomnia and means of
actigraphic sleep parameters were evaluated using
linear regression models for trends. Statistical analyses
were performed using SPSS version 19.0 for Windows
(IBM SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). A two-sided pvalue50.05
was considered significant.
The mean age of the 857 participants was 72.2 ± 7.1
years, and 432 (50.4%) individuals were female. The
median intensity of LAN was 0.8 lux (IQR, 0.1–3.4 lux).
There were 310 individuals with subjective insomnia. Of
these, 84 participants were diagnosed of insomnia and
currently received a sleep medication, and 294 partici-
pants had PSQI score of 6. The subjective insomnia
group (n¼310) showed significantly higher age, more
female, less daytime physical activity, earlier bedtime,
and later rising time than the non-insomnia group
(n¼547, Table 1). The subjective insomnia group
showed marginally but insignificantly lower BMI
(p¼0.10) and UME (p¼0.11) and shorter day length
on measurement day (p¼0.09) than the non-insomnia
Comparisons of actigraphic sleep parameters after
adjustment for age and gender (Table 2) revealed
significantly lower SE and longer SOL, WASO, and TST
in the subjective insomnia group than the non-insomnia
group (SE, 83.6 versus 85.0%, p¼0.019; log-transformed
SOL, 3.1 versus 2.9 log min, p¼0.035; WASO, 85.6 versus
74.8 min, p¼0.001; TST, 429.2 versus 417.9 min,
Compared with the lowest quartile group of LAN
intensity (median, 0 lux), the unadjusted OR for sub-
jective insomnia in the highest quartile group (median,
9.7 lux) was 1.82 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.22–
2.72, p¼0.004; Table 3]. Consistently, in the multivariate
logistic model, the adjusted OR for subjective insomnia
in the highest quartile group was significantly higher
than that in the lowest quartile group even after
adjusting for age, gender, BMI, daytime physical activity,
log-transformed UME, bedtime, rising time, and day
length (adjusted OR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.05–2.45; p¼0.029).
In addition, the higher adjusted ORs for subjective
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insomnia were significantly associated with the
increase in quartiles of LAN intensity (p
Consistently, after adjustment for age and gender, the
higher adjusted ORs for subjective insomnia defined
only by PSQI score were significantly associated with the
increase in quartiles of LAN intensity (p
In contrast, UME did not significantly differ across
quartiles of LAN intensity (p
Regarding the actigraphic sleep parameters, the
increase in quartiles of LAN intensity were significantly
associated with poorer sleep quality, including
decreased SE (both p
50.001), prolonged SOL
(both p
50.001) and WASO (both p
and delayed sleep-mid time (unadjusted p
adjusted p
50.001) in both unadjusted and adjusted
models (Table 4). Although prolonged TST was margin-
ally associated with the increase in quartiles of LAN
intensity in an unadjusted model (p
¼0.07), this
parameter was significantly shortened with quartiles of
LAN intensity increasing in an adjusted model
Furthermore, we have conducted additional analyses
with regard to the association between LAN and
actigraphic sleep parameters in the actual sleep period
defined by actigraphy. Consistently, after adjustment for
age, gender, bedtime, and rising time, an increase in
quartiles of LAN intensity was significantly associated
with poorer sleep quality, including decreased SE (Q1,
88.8%; Q2, 88.6%; Q3, 88.4%; Q4, 87.4%; p
TABLE 2. Comparisons of actigraphic sleep parameters between subjective insomnia and non-insomnia.
Adjusted mean* (95% CI)
Insomnia Non-insomnia
Characteristics (n¼310) (n¼547) p
PSQI score 8.3 (8.1–8.5) 3.0 (2.8–3.1) 50.001
Actigraphic sleep parameters
SE, % 83.6 (82.7–84.5) 85.0 (84.3–85.6) 0.019
Log-transformed SOL, log min 3.1 (3.0–3.2) 2.9 (2.8–3.0) 0.035
WASO, min 85.6 (80.7–90.5) 74.8 (71.1–78.5) 0.001
TST, min 429.2 (421.6–436.8) 417.9 (412.2–423.5) 0.020
Sleep-mid time, clock time 02:37 (02:31–02:43) 02:38 (02:33–02:43) 0.85
PSQI, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; SE, sleep efficiency; SOL, sleep-onset latency; WASO, wake after
sleep-onset; TST, total sleep time; CI, confidence interval. *Adjusted for age and gender using analysis of
TABLE 1. Basic and clinical characteristics between subjective
insomnia and non-insomnia.
Characteristics (n¼310) (n¼547) p
Basic parameters
Age, mean (SD), years 73.6 (6.7) 71.4 (7.2) 50.001
Gender, female,
number (%)
180 (58.1) 252 (46.1) 0.001
Body mass index,
mean (SD), kg/m
22.9 (3.0) 23.2 (3.0) 0.10
Current smoker,
number (%)
15 (4.8) 29 (5.3) 0.77
Alcohol consumption
(430 g/day), number (%)
39 (12.6) 78 (14.3) 0.49
Clinical parameters
Diabetes, number (%) 33 (10.6) 65 (11.9) 0.58
eGFR, mean (SD),
71.1 (16.0) 72.5 (14.1) 0.23
Daytime physical
activity, mean (SD),
286.7 (107.8) 305.4 (105.1) 0.014
UME, median
(IQR), (mg)
6.2 (3.8–9.1) 6.9 (4.1–10.3) 0.11
Bedtime, mean (SD),
clock time
22:16 (1:14) 22:33 (1:06) 0.001
Rising time, mean (SD),
clock time
6:55 (0:52) 6:42 (0:58) 0.003
Day length,
median (IQR), min
642 (606–681) 650 (610–690) 0.09
eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; UME, urinary
6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion; IQR, interquartile range.
TABLE 3. Logistic regression analysis for the associations of exposure to LAN with subjective insomnia.
Quartiles of intensity of LAN (lux) [median, range]
0[50.1] 0.4 [0.1–0.8] 1.7 [0.8–3.4] 9.7 [43.5] p
No. of participants (missing) 205 (5) 208 (2) 207 (4) 208 (2)
No. of cases 63 74 76 92
Unadjusted OR (95% CI) 1.00 (ref) 1.27 (0.84–1.91) 1.31 (0.87–1.98) 1.82 (1.22–2.72) 0.005
Age/gender-adjusted OR (95% CI) 1.00 (ref) 1.26 (0.83–1.92) 1.23 (0.81–1.87) 1.86 (1.23–2.82) 0.005
Fully-adjusted OR* (95% CI) 1.00 (ref) 1.25 (0.81–1.91) 1.19 (0.77–1.83) 1.61 (1.05–2.45) 0.043
LAN, light at night; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; UME, urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion.
*Adjusted for age, gender, body mass index, daytime physical activity, log-transformed UME, bedtime, rising time, and day
length (per quartile increment).
Real-life link between LAN and insomnia 979
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prolonged WASO (Q1, 46.8 min; Q2, 49.4 min; Q3,
51.5 min; Q4, 56.4 min; p
50.001), and delayed
sleep-mid time (Q1, 02:34; Q2, 02:35; Q3, 02:38; Q4,
02:43; p
50.001). In contrast, there was no signifi-
cant association trend between LAN intensity and TST
The present study demonstrated that LAN exposure in
home settings was significantly associated with both
subjective and objective sleep quality in a community-
based elderly population. The findings were evidenced
by the significant association trends of an increase in
LAN intensity with higher prevalence of subjective
insomnia and poorer actigraphic sleep measures,
independent of several potential confounding fac-
tors (p
¼0.043 in subjective measurements and
50.001 in all actigraphic measurements).
Furthermore, the OR for subjective insomnia was 61%
higher in the highest quartile group of LAN intensity
than that in the lowest quartile group (adjusted OR, 1.61;
95% CI, 1.05–2.45; p¼0.029).
The present study, to the best of our knowledge,
provided the first human evidence regarding the asso-
ciation between very low average intensity of LAN
exposure in home settings and risk of insomnia.
A previous well-controlled experimental study indicated
that LAN exposure can exert a dose-dependent alerting
effect, as assessed by subjective ratings, slow eye
movements, and electroencephalographic activity
(Cajochen et al., 2000); whereas, the effective LAN
intensity was higher than that of the highest LAN
quartile group in the present study (median, 9.7 lux).
However, LAN intensity in the present study can include
LAN with high intensity but short duration, because the
LAN intensity was the average bedroom light intensity
during the in-bed period. A recent experimental study
indicated that light exposure with high intensity
but short duration may effect on human circadian
physiology using the duration-response curve for the
association between light exposure and melatonin sup-
pression (Chang et al., 2012). In addition, human
circadian physiology is more closely correlated to
shorter wave length rather than intensity (Cajochen
et al., 2005). Thus, additional experimental researches
are needed to better understand the effect of LAN with
high intensity but short duration, or low intensity but
short wave length as well as very low intensity on sleep
quality in humans.
The clinical implications of sleep disturbances mea-
sured in the present study could be interpreted by
comparing with previously reported data of actigraphic
sleep measures in elderly individuals. A previous well-
designed study (Levenson et al., 2013), where partici-
pants’ age and actigraphic sleep measurement methods
were similar to those in our study, reported that SE was
the best predictor for insomnia because SE takes into
account TST, SOL, and WASO in its measurement, and
that SE was 81.3% and 83.7% in elderly individuals with
and without insomnia, respectively. These results were
also similar to our current data, although SE was 1–2%
higher and difference of SE between insomniacs and
non-insomniacs was 1% smaller in our study than that
in the previous study. On the other hand, in our study,
SE was 3.9% lower in the highest LAN quartile group
than that in the lowest quartile group (82.0% versus
85.9%, respectively). This difference of actigraphic SE
was larger than those observed between elderly individ-
uals with and without depressed mood in large-scale
TABLE 4. Actigraphic sleep parameters stratified by LAN exposure.
Quartiles of intensity of LAN (lux) [median, range]
0[50.1] 0.4 [0.1–0.8] 1.7 [0.8–3.4] 9.7 [43.5]
No. of participants (missing) 205 (5) 208 (2) 207(4) 208 (2)
Unadjusted Mean (5%–95% range) p
SE, % 86.3 (75.5–93.7) 85.3 (71.8–93.1) 84.5 (72.4–93.1) 81.8 (65.3–91.5) 50.001
Log-ransformed SOL, log min 2.6 (0.8–4.1) 2.8 (1.4–4.4) 3.1 (1.3–4.3) 3.4 (1.8–4.7) 50.001
WASO, min 66.0 (27.4–128.5) 73.0 (30.5–144.3) 79.5 (29.0–155.8) 96.4 (40.8–201.0) 50.001
TST, min 416.5 (312.0–530.8) 417.1 (314.9–523.3) 428.3 (313.0–556.5) 425.7 (314.3–542.0) 0.07
Sleep-mid time, clock time 02:26 (0:37–03:46) 02:40 (01:14–04:00) 02:43 (01:24–03:58) 02:42 (00:57–04:12) 0.003
Adjusted* Mean (95% CI) p
SE, % 85.9 (84.9–87.0) 85.2 (84.1–86.2) 84.7 (83.7–85.7) 82.0 (81.0–83.0) 50.001
Log-transformed SOL, log min 2.7 (2.6–2.8) 2.8 (2.7–3.0) 3.0 (2.9–3.2) 3.3 (3.2–3.4) 50.001
WASO, min 71.1 (65.7–76.5) 75.5 (70.2–80.8) 77.3 (71.9–82.6) 92.1 (86.7–97.4) 50.001
TST, min 430.0 (424.6–435.4) 425.8 (420.5–431.1) 423.9 (418.6–429.3) 409.0 (403.7–414.3) 50.001
Sleep-mid time, clock time 02:34 (02:31–02:37) 02:34 (02:31–02:37) 02:39 (02:36–02:42) 02:43 (02:40–02:46) 50.001
LAN, light at night; SE, sleep efficiency; SOL, sleep-onset latency; WASO, wake after sleep-onset; TST, total sleep time; CI, confidence
interval; UME, urinary 6-sufatoxymelatonin excretion.
*Adjusted for age, gender, body mass index, daytime physical activity, log-transformed UME, bedtime, rising time, daylength (per quartile
increment) using ANCOVA.
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community-based studies (Maglione et al., 2012; Paudel
et al., 2008).
Causality of LAN exposure with regard to insomnia
could not be ascertained in the present study because it
was a cross-sectional design. Some participants with
poor sleep may turn on light in the bedrooms. In
addition, epidemiological data in elderly individuals
have demonstrated that poor sleep quality causes
psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders such as
depression and dementia (Cricco et al., 2001; Yokoyama
et al., 2010), and recent experimental studies conducted
in mice showed that chronic exposure to dim LAN
(5 lux) causes depressed mood and impaired cognition
compared with complete darkness at night (Bedrosian
et al., 2013; Fonken et al., 2012). When considering
together, the present study may indicate that LAN
exposure possibly and partly explains the risk for
psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders in poor
sleepers. Further research using a longitudinal design is
required to improve our understanding of the associ-
ation between LAN, sleep quality, and psychiatric and
neurodegenerative disorders.
Although the neurophysiologic mechanisms that
mediate LAN-induced insomnia are not fully under-
stood, possible mechanisms are suggested by
data regarding circadian phase delay. LAN is a well-
established suppressor of melatonin secretion, and
endogenous melatonin levels are closely associated
with sleepiness (Dijk & Cajochen, 1997; Zeitzer et al.,
2000). Therefore, melatonin is hypothesized to be one of
the major internal contributors to the association
between LAN exposure and insomnia, although the
present study showed no significant associations
between LAN exposure and UME in home settings.
In addition, we did not measure potential melatonin
suppression by LAN exposure. However, the present
study indicated a significant association between LAN
exposure and sleep disturbances even after adjusting
for UME, an index of endogenous melatonin amplitude.
Whereas, changes in circadian biological phase remain
to be a potential mediator to the association between
LAN exposure and insomnia. According to the circadian
phase–response curve to light (Khalsa et al., 2003), LAN
delays the subsequent circadian phase, which may be a
potential risk for circadian misalignment between the
internal and environmental rhythms. Chronic circadian
misalignment is associated with the disruption of SCN
function and increased risk of insomnia (Boudreau
et al., 2013; Wyatt et al., 1999). In the present study, a
modest but significant association trend was observed
between an increase in LAN intensity and a delay in
sleep-mid time, which is correlated with a marker of
circadian phase (Burgess et al., 2003).
The strength of the present study included a large
study sample size. This advantage enabled us to analysis
the associations between LAN intensity and outcomes
for actigraphic measurements, although our previous
study was limited to report the association between LAN
and SOL (Obayashi et al., 2014). In addition to its cross-
sectional design, the present study has three limitations.
The first was that the light meters used in our study were
not ambulatory devices; thus, LAN intensity may have
been underestimated because the light meters did not
record light exposure in rooms other than the bedroom
(e.g. during nocturia). Further research using ambula-
tory eye-level light meters is required to assess the
association between LAN exposure in home settings and
sleep quality. However, compared with a wrist light
meter, the fixed bedroom light meter used in the present
study presents the great advantage of never being
covered by bed linen or night clothes. Second, lighting
sources could not be distinguished, e.g. bedroom light
or morning sun light entering the bedroom, and we have
no information related to the location of the windows in
the bedroom. Therefore, interpretation of our results
would be limited to the association between total
amounts of LAN intensity and sleep quality. The third
limitation was non-random sampling because partici-
pants were recruited with the cooperation of local
resident associations and elderly-resident clubs, which
may have led to a selection bias. However, the gener-
alizability of our findings may be acceptable because
some basic data (e.g. BMI and eGFR) were consistent
with those of the National Health and Nutrition Survey
in Japan in 2010 (The National Health and Nutrition
Survey Japan, 2010).
In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that
LAN exposure in home settings was significantly
associated with both subjectively and actigraphically
measured sleep quality in a general elderly population.
We are indebted to all participants of this study.
We would also like to thank Sachiko Uemura and
Naomi Takenaka for their valuable support during the
data collection.
All authors report no conflicts of interest. This work was
supported by Grants from the Department of Indoor
Environmental Medicine, Nara Medical University;
Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Mitsui
Sumitomo Insurance Welfare Foundation; Meiji Yasuda
Life Foundation of Health and Welfare; Osaka Gas Group
Welfare Foundation; Japan Diabetes Foundation; and the
Japan Science and Technology Agency.
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... These studies also mentioned the importance of not spending more than five hours of waking time per day outside the interior spaces for participants [31,37]. One study highlighted how it considered the records of evening light measurements in two 48-hour sessions as an inclusion criterion for participants [73]. ...
... Among the experimental studies that explored various interventional lighting conditions, variations can be seen in terms of lighting exposure duration and timing. Four of the reviewed studies applied the interventional lighting condition during morning time [62,70,79,82], three during evening time [7,56,73], and five studies applied the interventional lighting condition during the night and midnight [57][58][59]66,87]. The duration of the light exposure intervention also varied widely across studies, ranging from 30 minutes to several hours during day and night. ...
... The results indicated that healthy older adults were exposed to higher levels of illuminance compared to younger individuals, and that natural light exposure may impact sleepwake cycles. Obayashi and colleagues conducted a series of observational studies in field settings, examining the influence of light on circadian rhythm and sleep quality in older adults [71,73,87]. In one of their studies [71], melatonin levels were measured through blood sampling and actigraphy was used to assess sleep efficiency. ...
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The impacts of lighting conditions on human circadian rhythms, sleep quality, and cognitive performance have been extensively investigated in the past two decades; however, these studies have yielded inconclusive and variable outcomes. For older adults who are at a higher risk of developing serious physiological and mental illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia, light therapy has emerged as a low-risk intervention to improve sleep quality and cognitive function. Nevertheless, the optimal methodology for evaluating the efficacy of light therapy in older adults remains unclear. This review has been conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and critically analyzes methodologies in previous studies on lighting's impact on sleep and cognitive performance in healthy older adults, focusing on how these approaches affect the findings. The review is structured into six domains: study setting and type, participant characteristics, lighting conditions, study design, sleep quality evaluation methods, and cognitive performance evaluation methods. Diverse study designs, methods, and population characteristics have influenced the outcomes. Bright light, applied from early morning to early evening, has been shown to enhance sleep and cognitive functions, notably working memory and concentration. It also benefits from dawn simulation throughout the day, which regulates circadian rhythms and improves sleep quality, although the ideal timing is yet to be determined. Intense short-wavelength lights and strong placebo conditions can counteract these positive effects, and using bright light in the evening may impair sleep and indirectly worsen cognitive performance in older adults. Further real-world experimental studies on this demographic, meticulous study designs, a combination of objective and subjective evaluation methods, and comprehensive reporting of lighting interventions are crucial for identifying the optimal lighting design approach for this population.
... 19 In addition, LAN was significantly associated with poor objective sleep measures in a dose-dependent manner. 29 Interestingly, it was reported that LAN-induced dopamine neuron damage can trigger neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. 30 In the present study, even patients with early-stage PD had lower daytime and higher nighttime light exposure than controls. ...
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Study objectives: Light information crucially influences the sleep initiation and continuity. The purpose of this study was to compare daily light exposure between patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and non-PD older adults and evaluate the association of daily light exposure with objective sleep measures in patients with PD. Methods: In this cross-sectional study of 189 outpatients with PD and 1101 community dwelling older adults (controls), daily light exposure was measured using wrist light meters during the daytime and light meters set in the bedrooms during the nighttime, and objective sleep quality was measured by wrist actigraphy. Results: The median duration of exposure to ≥1000 lux light was significantly shorter in patients with PD than in controls. The median nighttime light intensity was higher in patients with PD than in controls. Among patients with PD, multivariable analysis suggested that the highest quartile of exposure to ≥1000 lux light during the daytime was linked to significantly higher sleep efficiency by 8.0% and shorter wake after sleep onset (WASO) by 36.9 min than the lowest quartile. During the nighttime, the highest quartile of mean light intensity had significantly lower sleep efficiency by 6.8%, longer WASO by 24.1 min, longer sleep onset latency, and higher fragmentation index, than the lowest quartile. Importantly, daytime and nighttime light levels were independently associated with objective sleep measures. Conclusion: The present study illustrated that greater daytime light exposure and lower nighttime light exposure are significantly associated with better objective sleep measures in patients with PD.
... 61,62 Likewise, increased light exposure at night, which AD patients might experience during awakenings, is expected to have detrimental effects on sleep quality and melatonin secretion. 63,64 Given this, it is noteworthy that our personalized light intervention had a possibility to improve abnormalities in daily patterns of light exposure in AD patients. ...
Objective: We aimed to examine the effectiveness of personalized light intervention using a blue-enriched light-emitting-diodes device on rest-activity rhythm (RAR) and light exposure rhythm (LER) in patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD). Methods: AD patients with poor sleep quality and/or insomnia symptoms were assigned into either an experimental group (EG) or control group (CG) in a single-blind design. Personalized light intervention was given at 9-10 h after individual dim light melatonin onset, lasting for 1 h every day for two weeks in the EG (77.36±5.79 years, n=14) and CG (78.10±7.98 years, n=10). Each patient of CG wore blue-attenuating sunglasses during the intervention. Actigraphy recording at home for 5 days was done at baseline (T0), immediate postintervention (T1), and at four weeks after intervention (T2). The variables of RAR and LER were derived using nonparametric analysis. Results: We found a significant time effect on the intradaily variability (IV) of RAR at T2 with respect to T0 (p=0.039), indicating reduced IV of RAR at four weeks after personalized light intervention regardless of blue-enriched light intervention. There was a time effect on the IV of LER at T1 with respect to T0 (p=0.052), indicating a reduced tendency in the IV of LER immediately after intervention. Conclusion: Our personalized light intervention, regardless of blue-enriched light source, could be useful in alleviating fragmentation of RAR and LER in AD patients.
... Finally, the lux values reported for the day and night-time light quartiles were derived from a validation of the AX3 devices against a lux photometer using a sample of the devices approximately eight years after the original study. However, we note that these devices were a very good predictor of true lux and that the calibrated lux values for day and night-time light exposure cohere with those reported in other studies [49][50][51] . ...
Circadian rhythm disturbance is a common feature of many psychiatric disorders. Light is the primary input to the circadian clock, with daytime light strengthening rhythms and night-time light disrupting them. Therefore, habitual light exposure may represent an environmental risk factor for susceptibility to psychiatric disorders. We performed the largest to date cross-sectional analysis of light, sleep, physical activity, and mental health (n = 86,772 adults; aged 62.4 ± 7.4 years; 57% women). We examined the independent association of day and night-time light exposure with covariate-adjusted risk for psychiatric disorders and self-harm. Greater night-time light exposure was associated with increased risk for major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, psychosis, bipolar disorder, and self-harm behavior. Independent of night-time light exposure, greater daytime light exposure was associated with reduced risk for major depressive disorder, PTSD, psychosis, and self-harm behavior. These findings were robust to adjustment for sociodemographics, photoperiod, physical activity, sleep quality, and cardiometabolic health. Avoiding light at night and seeking light during the day may be a simple and effective, non-pharmacological means of broadly improving mental health.
Sleep quality significantly affects the quality of life of older persons. Therefore, this study explored the relationship between sleep quality and living environment of older persons in China to provide a theoretical basis for therapies to alleviate sleep disorders in older persons. A total of 6211 subjects > 60 years of age in Anhui Province, China, were evaluated using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and a self-reported questionnaire. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that living alone (OR = 1.26, 95% CI 1.09–1.46) and living in a rural area (OR = 1.19, 95% CI 1.06–1.34) were significantly associated with a high incidence of sleep disorders in older persons. Living near a park or foot paths suitable for exercise or walking was significantly associated with a lower incidence of sleep disorders in older persons (OR = 0.87, 95% CI 0.77–0.96). Individual factors such as female sex (OR = 1.30, 95% CI 1.14–1.48) and depression (OR = 2.80, 95% CI 2.47–3.19) were also associated with sleep quality in older persons. These data indicate a correlation exists between living environment and sleep quality.
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Importance Light pollution’s impact on human health is increasingly recognized, but its link to exudative age-related macular degeneration (EAMD) remains unclear. Objective To investigate the association between exposure to outdoor artificial light at night (OALAN) and the risk of incident EAMD. Design, Setting, and Participants In this nationwide population-based case-control study, all individuals 50 years or older with newly diagnosed EAMD between January 1, 2010, and December 31, 2011, were identified with reference to the Korean National Health Insurance Service registration program database for rare and intractable diseases. Birth year– and sex-matched controls (with no EAMD diagnosis until 2020) were selected at a 1:30 ratio. Data were acquired from May 1 to December 31, 2021, and analyzed from June 1 to November 30, 2022. Exposures Mean levels of OALAN at participants’ residential addresses during 2008 and 2009 were estimated using time-varying satellite data for a composite view of persistent nighttime illumination at an approximate scale of 1 km ² . Main Outcomes and Measures The hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs of the association between residential OALAN and risk of incident EAMD were determined based on maximum likelihood estimation after adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics, comorbidities, and area-level risk factors (ie, nighttime traffic noise and particulate matter of aerodynamic diameter ≤10 μm in each participant’s administrative district of residence). Results A total of 126 418 participants were included in the analysis (mean [SD] age, 66.0 [7.9] years; 78 244 men [61.9%]). Of these, 4078 were patients with newly diagnosed EAMD and 122 340 were EAMD-free matched controls. In fully adjusted models, an IQR (55.8 nW/cm ² /sr) increase in OALAN level was associated with an HR of 1.67 (95% CI, 1.56-1.78) for incident EAMD. The exposure-response curve demonstrated a nonlinear, concave upward slope becoming more pronounced at higher levels of light exposure (ie, at approximately 110 nW/cm ² /sr). In a subgroup analysis, an IQR increase in OALAN was associated with increased risk of incident EAMD in urban areas (HR, 1.46 [95% CI, 1.33-1.61]) but not in rural areas (HR, 1.01 [95% CI, 0.84-1.22]). Conclusions and Relevance In this nationwide population-based case-control study, higher levels of residential OALAN were associated with an increased risk of incident EAMD. Future studies with more detailed information on exposure, individual adaptive behaviors, and potential mediators are warranted.
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Objective: Exposure to light at night (LAN) may influence sleep timing and regularity. Here, we test whether greater light exposure during sleep (LEDS) associates with greater irregularity in sleep onset timing in a large cohort of older adults. Methods: Light exposure and activity patterns, measured via wrist-worn actigraphy (ActiWatch Spectrum), were analyzed in 1,933 participants with 6+ valid days of data in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) Exam 5 Sleep Study. Summary measures of LEDS averaged across nights were evaluated in linear and logistic regression analyses to test the association with standard deviation (SD) in sleep onset timing (continuous variable) and irregular sleep onset timing (SD≥1.36 hours, binary). Night-to-night associations between LEDS and absolute differences in nightly sleep onset timing were also evaluated with distributed lag non-linear models and mixed models. Results: In between-individual linear and logistic models adjusted for demographic, health, and seasonal factors, every 5-lux unit increase in LEDS was associated with an increase of 7.8 minutes in sleep onset SD (β=0.13 hours, 95%CI:0.09-0.17) and 40% greater odds (OR=1.40, 95%CI:1.24-1.60) of irregular sleep onset. In within-individual night-to-night mixed model analyses, every 5-lux unit increase in LEDS the night prior (lag0) was associated with a 2.2-minute greater deviation of sleep onset the next night (β=0.036 hours, p<0.05). Conversely, every 1-hour increase in sleep deviation (lag0) was associated with a 0.35-lux increase in future LEDS (β=0.347 lux, p<0.05). Conclusion: LEDS was associated with greater irregularity in sleep onset in between-individual analyses and subsequent deviation in sleep timing in within-individual analyses, supporting a role for LEDS in exacerbating irregular sleep onset timing. Greater deviation in sleep onset was also associated with greater future LEDS, suggesting a bidirectional relationship. Maintaining a dark sleeping environment and preventing LEDS may promote sleep regularity and following a regular sleep schedule may limit LEDS.
Life on earth has evolved under a consistent cycle of light and darkness caused by the earth's rotation around its axis. This has led to a 24-hour circadian system in most organisms, ranging all the way from fungi to humans. With the advent of electric light in the 19th century, cycles of light and darkness have drastically changed. Shift workers and others exposed to high levels of light at night are at increased risk of health problems, including metabolic syndrome, depression, sleep disorders, dementia, heart disease, and cancer. This book will describe how the circadian system regulates physiology and behavior and consider the important health repercussions of chronic disruption of the circadian system in our increasingly lit world. The research summarized here will interest students in psychology, biology, neuroscience, immunology, medicine, and ecology.
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The endogenous melatonin onset in dim light (DLMO) is a marker of circadian phase that can be used to appropriately time the administration of bright light or exogenous melatonin in order to elicit a desired phase shift. Determining an individual’s circadian phase can be costly and time-consuming.We examined the relationship between theDLMOand sleep times in 16 young healthy individuals who slept at their habitual times for a week. TheDLMOoccurred about 2 hours before bedtime and 14 hours after wake. Wake time and midpoint of sleep were significantly associated with the DLMO (r = 0.77, r = 0.68 respectively), but bedtime was not (r = 0.36). The possibility of predicting young healthy normally entrained people’s DLMOs from their sleep times is discussed.
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Epidemiologic data have demonstrated associations of sleep-onset insomnia with a variety of diseases, including depression, dementia, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Sleep initiation is controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus and endogenous melatonin, both of which are influenced by environmental light. Exposure to evening light is hypothesized to cause circadian phase delay and melatonin suppression before bedtime, resulting in circadian misalignment and sleep-onset insomnia; however, whether exposure to evening light disturbs sleep initiation in home settings remains unclear. In this longitudinal analysis of 192 elderly individuals (mean age: 69.9 years), we measured evening light exposure and sleep-onset latency for 4 days using a wrist actigraph incorporating a light meter and an accelerometer. Mixed-effect linear regression analysis for repeated measurements was used to evaluate the effect of evening light exposure on subsequent sleep-onset latency. The median intensity of evening light exposure and the median sleep-onset latency were 27.3 lux (interquartile range, 17.9-43.4) and 17 min (interquartile range, 7-33), respectively. Univariate models showed significant associations between sleep-onset latency and age, gender, daytime physical activity, in-bed time, day length and average intensity of evening and nighttime light exposures. In a multivariate model, log-transformed average intensity of evening light exposure was significantly associated with log-transformed sleep-onset latency independent of the former potential confounding factors (regression coefficient, 0.133; 95% CI, 0.020-0.247; p = 0.021). Day length and nighttime light exposure were also significantly associated with log-transformed sleep-onset latency (p = 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively). In conclusion, exposure to evening light in home setting prolongs subsequent sleep-onset latency in the elderly.
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Our aim was to investigate how circadian adaptation to night shift work affects psychomotor performance, sleep, subjective alertness and mood, melatonin levels, and heart rate variability (HRV). Fifteen healthy police officers on patrol working rotating shifts participated to a bright light intervention study with 2 participants studied under two conditions. The participants entered the laboratory for 48 h before and after a series of 7 consecutive night shifts in the field. The nighttime and daytime sleep periods were scheduled during the first and second laboratory visit, respectively. The subjects were considered "adapted" to night shifts if their peak salivary melatonin occurred during their daytime sleep period during the second visit. The sleep duration and quality were comparable between laboratory visits in the adapted group, whereas they were reduced during visit 2 in the non-adapted group. Reaction speed was higher at the end of the waking period during the second laboratory visit in the adapted compared to the non-adapted group. Sleep onset latency (SOL) and subjective mood levels were significantly reduced and the LF∶HF ratio during daytime sleep was significantly increased in the non-adapted group compared to the adapted group. Circadian adaptation to night shift work led to better performance, alertness and mood levels, longer daytime sleep, and lower sympathetic dominance during daytime sleep. These results suggest that the degree of circadian adaptation to night shift work is associated to different health indices. Longitudinal studies are required to investigate long-term clinical implications of circadian misalignment to atypical work schedules.
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Study objective: Establishing quantitative criteria to distinguish individuals with and without insomnia is important for clinical and research applications, but consensus has not yet been reached for specific values. The purpose of this study was to identify the optimal quantitative thresholds for actigraphy and sleep diary that differentiate older adults (> 60 years) with insomnia from good sleeper controls. Methods: A total of 119 participants (79 insomnia [35% male], 40 control [31.7% male]; mean age = 71.7 [7.2] years) completed at least 7 nights of sleep diary and actigraphy. Receiver operating characteristic curve analyses and the Youden index were used to identify optimal threshold values. Outcomes for each measurement method included sleep onset latency (SOL), wake time after sleep onset (WASO), sleep efficiency (SE), and total sleep time (TST). Results: Sleep diary measures produced areas under the curves (AUC) in the high range (0.84-0.97), whereas actigraphy performed poorly at discriminating the two groups (AUC 0.58-0.61). The Youden index identified SOL = 18 minutes, WASO = 21 minutes, SE = 92%, and TST = 388 minutes as the sleep diary measures that yielded the highest sensitivity and specificity values for insomnia-control discrimination. Accounting for hypnotic medication and sleep apnea use did not change the findings. Conclusion: Sleep diary parameters discriminated individuals with insomnia from good sleepers more accurately than actigraphy. These quantitative criteria are similar to those reported by other investigators using different methods and samples, including younger adults. The results suggest that the sleep diary, an inexpensive self-report sleep measure, may be used in clinical and research settings to help distinguish older adults with and without insomnia.
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Context: Melatonin is involved in a variety of diseases, including cancer, insomnia, depression, dementia, hypertension, and diabetes; its secretion is influenced by environmental light. Although daylight exposure increases nocturnal melatonin secretion in a controlled laboratory setting, whether it increases nocturnal melatonin secretion in an uncontrolled daily life setting remains unclear. Objective: We aimed to determine the association between daylight exposure in an uncontrolled daily life setting and urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion. Design and participants: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 192 elderly individuals (mean age, 69.9 yr). Measures: We measured ambulatory daylight exposure using a wrist light meter in two 48-h sessions; furthermore, we measured overnight urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion, an index of melatonin secretion, on the second night of each session. Results: The median duration of daylight exposure of at least 1000 lux was 72 min (interquartile range, 37-124). Univariate linear regression analysis showed marginal to significant associations between log-transformed urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion and age, current smoking status, benzodiazepine use, day length, log-transformed duration of daylight exposure of at least 1000 lux, and daytime physical activity. In a multivariate model, log-transformed duration of daylight exposure of at least 1000 lux was significantly associated with log-transformed urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion (regression coefficient, 0.101; 95% confidence interval, 0.003-0.199; P = 0.043). Furthermore, an increase in the duration of daylight exposure of at least 1000 lux from 37 to 124 min (25th to 75th percentiles) was associated with a 13.0% increase in urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion (6.8 to 7.7 μg). Conclusions: Daylight exposure in an uncontrolled daily life setting is positively associated with urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion in the elderly.
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Circadian disruption is a common by-product of modern life. Although jet lag and shift work are well-documented challenges to circadian organization, many more subtle environmental changes cause circadian disruption. For example, frequent fluctuations in the timing of the sleep/wake schedule, as well as exposure to nighttime lighting, likely affect the circadian system. Most studies of these effects have focused on nocturnal rodents, which are very different from diurnal species with respect to their patterns of light exposure and the effects that light can have on their activity. Thus, the authors investigated the effect of nighttime light on behavior and the brain of a diurnal rodent, the Nile grass rat. Following 3 weeks of exposure to standard light/dark (LD; 14:10 light [~150 lux] /dark [0 lux]) or dim light at night (dLAN; 14:10 light [~150 lux] /dim [5 lux]), rats underwent behavioral testing, and hippocampal neurons within CA1, CA3, and the dentate gyrus (DG) were examined. Three behavioral effects of dLAN were observed: (1) decreased preference for a sucrose solution, (2) increased latency to float in a forced swim test, and (3) impaired learning and memory in the Barnes maze. Light at night also reduced dendritic length in DG and basilar CA1 dendrites. Dendritic length in the DG positively correlated with sucrose consumption in the sucrose anhedonia task. Nighttime light exposure did not disrupt the pattern of circadian locomotor activity, and all grass rats maintained a diurnal activity pattern. Together, these data suggest that exposure to dLAN can alter affective responses and impair cognition in a diurnal animal.
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The prevalence of major depression has increased in recent decades and women are twice as likely as men to develop the disorder. Recent environmental changes almost certainly have a role in this phenomenon, but a complete set of contributors remains unspecified. Exposure to artificial light at night (LAN) has surged in prevalence during the past 50 years, coinciding with rising rates of depression. Chronic exposure to LAN is linked to increased risk of breast cancer, obesity and mood disorders, although the relationship to mood is not well characterized. In this study, we investigated the effects of chronic exposure to 5 lux LAN on depression-like behaviors in female hamsters. Using this model, we also characterized hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression and hippocampal dendritic morphology, and investigated the reversibility of these changes 1, 2 or 4 weeks following elimination of LAN. Furthermore, we explored the mechanism of action, focusing on hippocampal proinflammatory cytokines given their dual role in synaptic plasticity and the pathogenesis of depression. Using reverse transcription-quantitative PCR, we identified a reversible increase in hippocampal tumor necrosis factor (TNF), but not interleukin-1β, mRNA expression in hamsters exposed to LAN. Direct intracerebroventricular infusion of a dominant-negative inhibitor of soluble TNF, XPro1595, prevented the development of depression-like behavior under LAN, but had no effect on dendritic spine density in the hippocampus. These results indicate a partial role for TNF in the reversible depression-like phenotype observed under chronic dim LAN. Recent environmental changes, such as LAN exposure, may warrant more attention as possible contributors to rising rates of mood disorders.Molecular Psychiatry advance online publication, 24 July 2012; doi:10.1038/mp.2012.96.
The interaction of homeostatic and circadian processes in the regulation of waking neurobehavioral functions and sleep was studied in six healthy young subjects. Subjects were scheduled to 15–24 repetitions of a 20-h rest/activity cycle, resulting in desynchrony between the sleep-wake cycle and the circadian rhythms of body temperature and melatonin. The circadian components of cognitive throughput, short-term memory, alertness, psychomotor vigilance, and sleep disruption were at peak levels near the temperature maximum, shortly before melatonin secretion onset. These measures exhibited their circadian nadir at or shortly after the temperature minimum, which in turn was shortly after the melatonin maximum. Neurobehavioral measures showed impairment toward the end of the 13-h 20-min scheduled wake episodes. This wake-dependent deterioration of neurobehavioral functions can be offset by the circadian drive for wakefulness, which peaks in the latter half of the habitual waking day during entrainment. The data demonstrate the exquisite sensitivity of many neurobehavioral functions to circadian phase and the accumulation of homeostatic drive for sleep.
As part of the National Institute of Mental Health Epidemiologic Catchment Area study, 7954 respondents were questioned at baseline and 1 year later about sleep complaints and psychiatric symptoms using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule. Of this community sample, 10.2% and 3.2% noted insomnia and hypersomnia, respectively, at the first interview. Forty percent of those with insomnia and 46.5% of those with hypersomnia had a psychiatric disorder compared with 16.4% of those with no sleep complaints. The risk of developing new major depression was much higher in those who had insomnia at both interviews compared with those without insomnia (odds ratio, 39.8; 95% confidence interval, 19.8 to 80.0). The risk of developing new major depression was much less for those who had insomnia that had resolved by the second visit (odds ratio, 1.6; 95% confidence interval, 0.5 to 5.3). Further research is needed to determine if early recognition and treatment of sleep disturbances can prevent future psychiatric disorders. (JAMA. 1989;262:1479-1484)