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The Korean Peninsula Warming Based on Appearance Trend of Tropical Dinoflagellate Species, Genus Ornithocercus


Abstract and Figures

We investigated about change of dinoflagellate composition during October 2006 to November 2007 at the Chagwi-Do, west-part of Jeju Island. There were 32 dinoflagellate species in collected samples and 19 species Amphisolenia bidentata, Ceratium gravidum, C. hexacanthum, C. platycorne, C. praelongum, C. ranipes, C. reflexum, C. geniculatum, Dissodinium elegans, D. bicorne, Ornithocercus heteroporus, O. magnificus, O. quadratus, O. splendidus, O. steinii, Protoperidinium excentricum, Pseliodinium vaubanii, Ptychodiscus noctiluca, Pyrocystis hamulus of collected dinoflagellate species were rare and unrecorded species from around the Korean Peninsula. The quantities by month of these tropical oceanic species, Ornithocercus were 28, 22, 0, 3 and in October 2006, February, April, September and November 2007 respectively. The abundance of genus Ornithocercus for whole dinoflagellate species were 8, 3.9, 0, 0.2 and 97.9% respectively. These results suggest that the coast of Korean Peninsula is getting warm by global warming.
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The SeaJournal of the Korean Society of Oceanography
Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 303 307, November 2008
열대 해역 지표종 Ornithocercus 와편모조의
출현 동향으로 한반도 온난화
김형신*· 정민민 1· 이준백2
제주대학교 기초과학연구소
국립수산과학원 종보존연구센터
제주대학교 해양과학대학
The Korean Peninsula Warming Based on Appearance Trend of Tropical
Dinoflagellate Species, Genus Ornithocercus
Research Institute for Basic Science, Cheju National University, Korea
Marine Conservation Research Institute, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute(NFRDI), Korea
College of Ocean Sciences Cheju National University, Korea
제주도 서부해역인 차귀도 연안 해역에서 2006 10월부터 2007 11 사이 5회에 걸쳐 식물 플랑크톤의 일종
와편모조의 조성 변화를 조사하였으며 32종의 와편모조가 관찰되었다 . 이들 와편모조 19 , Amphisolenia
bidentata, Ceratium gravidum, C. hexacanthum, C. platycorne, C. praelongum, C. ranipes, C. reflexum, C. geniculatum,
Dissodinium elegans, D. bicorne, Ornithocercus heteroporus, O. magnificus, O. quadratus, O. splendidus, O. steinii,
Protoperidinium excentricum, Pseliodinium vaubanii, Ptychodiscus noctiluca, Pyrocystis hamulus 등의 종은 한국
연안 해역에서는 매우 드물게 출현이 보고된 종이거나 미기록 종이었다. 그리고 채집된 시료에서 열대 해역 지표종
Ornithocercus 속의 월별 단위체적당 출현량을 분석한 결과 2006 10, 2007 2, 4, 9 11월에 각각 28,
22, 0, 3 502 cells/m
이었다. 또한 월별 와편모조류 출현량에 대한 Ornithocercus 속의 점유율은 각각 8, 3.9,
0, 0.2 97.9% 2007 11월에 최고치를 나타내었다 . 이상의 연구 결과는 심각하게 진행되고 있는 지구 온난화
발맞추어 한반도 연안 해역 역시 온난화 되어지고 있음을 부분적으로 나타내고 있다고 판단된다.
We investigated about change of dinoflagellate composition during October 2006 to November 2007 at the
Chagwi-Do, west-part of Jeju Island. There were 32 dinoflagellate species in collected samples and 19 species
Amphisolenia bidentata, Ceratium gravidum, C. hexacanthum, C. platycorne, C. praelongum, C. ranipes, C.
reflexum, C. geniculatum, Dissodinium elegans, D. bicorne, Ornithocercus heteroporus, O. magnificus, O.
quadratus, O. splendidus, O. steinii, Protoperidinium excentricum, Pseliodinium vaubanii, Ptychodiscus noc-
tiluca, Pyrocystis hamulus of collected dinoflagellate species were rare and unrecorded species from around the
Korean Peninsula. The quantities by month of these tropical oceanic species, Ornithocercus were 28, 22, 0, 3
and 502 cells/m
in October 2006, February, April, September and November 2007 respectively. The abundance
of genus Ornithocercus for whole dinoflagellate species were 8, 3.9, 0, 0.2 and 97.9% respectively. These
results suggest that the coast of Korean Peninsula is getting warm by global warming.
Keywords: Dinoflagellate, Tropical Oceanic Species, Ornithocercus, Korean Peninsula, Global Warming
최근 지구 온난화와 관련된 많은 부정적 문제가 언론매체를
세계 거의 모든 나라에서 속속 보도되고 있다 . 이러한 가운데
1992 리우 환경개발회의에서는 기후변화에 관한 국제연합
협약(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,
UNFCCC) 채택했으며 우리나라도 1993 가입하였다 . 또한
1997년에는 UNFCCC 부속 의정서로 교토의정서 (Kyoto Protocol)
채택되었고 2005 러시아의 비준을 끝으 교토의정서 체제
돌입하였다. 이러한 추세에 발맞추어 세계 선진국들은 최근
온난화로 인한 세계 각국의 기후 변화와 그에 동반되 생물
변화 등에 관한 많은 보고와 그에 따른 지구적 원에서의
대책 방안을 강구하기 위한 노력을 펼치고 있다 .
지구 온난화와 관련된 ·간접적 징후는 우리나라에서도 나타나
*Corresponding author:
304 신·정민·이
있다. 우리나라 최남단에 위치하고 있는 제주도 기온과 주변
해수면 온도와의 상관관계에 관한 연구결과에 의하면 ( , 2006)
기온은 80 동안 0.020
C/year 정도의 상승률을 보이고 최근 30
동안 0.035
C/year 상승률을 보여 비교적 높은 상승추세를
보이고 있음을 있었다. 또한 해수면 온도는 0.024
상승률을 보이고 특히 겨울철인 12월에는 0.047
C/year 가장
상승률을 보였다. , 제주도 주변 해역의 해수면 온도는 제주
기온변화와 함께 상승 추세를 보이고 있음을 있었다.
아니라 우리나라 연안 해역에서도 연근해 주요 난류성 어종의
겨울철 분포 해역의 북상 , 동해의 대표적 한류성 어종인 명태의
남하 한계선의 북상 무게가 200 kg 이상에 달하는 대형 해파
, 초대형 가오리, 보라문어 등과 같은 미기록 해양생물의 출현
등과 같은 현상이 최근 들어 자주 알려지고 있다 .
연구에서는 이처럼 지구적 차원의 온난화 현상에 따라
반도 연안 해역의 해양 생물 분포 경향이 변화하고 있는 가운데
해양 생태계의 주요 구성 생물의 하나인 식물플랑크톤 횡구와
종구 부분의 화려하고 넓은 날개 조각이 특징적으로 알려져 있는
열대해역 지표종에 속하는 와편모조 Ornithocercus (Taylor, 1971)
출현 분석을 통해 한반도 온난화 현상을 분석하고 앞으로
대처 방안을 모색해 나아가고자 하였다 .
재료 방법
플랑크톤 시료는 2006 10, 2007 2, 4, 9, 11월에 제주도
서부 해역인 차귀도 연안 (Fig. 1)에서 망목 20 µm 플랑크톤
트에 여수계(Hydro-bios kiel) 부착하여 저층에서 표층까지 균등
하게 예망하여 채집하였다 . 채집한 시료는 현장에서 바로 포르말
린을 이용하여 고정하였으며 , 실험실로 옮겨 종을 분류하고 계수
하였다. 연구에서는 보다 정확한 출현 종과 종별 출현량
석을 위해 채집한 시료 전체를 계수하였다 .
결과 고찰
제주도 서부 해역인 차귀도 연안에서 2006 10월부터 2007
11 사이에 5회에 걸쳐 채집된 시료에서 관찰된 와편모조는
32종이었다 (Table 1).
채집된 와편모조 우점종은 채집 월별로 차이를 보였다 . ,
2006 10월에는 Diplopsalis 속과 Protoperidinium 속의 종이
점하여 출현하였으며, 2007 2월에는 Ceratium furca, C. fusus
C. tripos 등이 우점하였다. 그리고 4월에는 C. minutum
Protoperidinium 속의 종이 우점하였으며 , 9월에는 C. tripos, 11
에는 Ornithocercus magnificus O. steinii 우점하였다(Table
1). 제주도 연안 해역에서는 물론 남해안에서도 C. furca, C. fusus
그리고 C. tripos 등은 주요 점종으로 알려져 있다(Shim and
Lee, 1983; , 1984; 좌와 , 2000). 반면 2007 11월에는
열대해역 지표종으로 널리 알려진 Ornithocercus 속의 종이 우점
종으로 출현하였으며 2월과 9월에 우점하였던 C. furca, C. fusus
그리고 C. tripos 등의 종은 관찰되지 않았다 . 뿐만 아니라 2007
11 다음으로 Ornithocercus 속의 출현량이 많았던 2006 10
월의 시료에서도 이들 Ceratium 속의 종이 관찰되 않았다.
Fig. 1. Sampling station of west-part of Jeju Island.
Table 1. Observed Ornithocercus species and other dinoflagellates in
the coast of Chagwi-Do, Jeju Island (***: dominant, **: sub-dominant,
*: rare)
Species ’06.10. ’07.02. ’07.04. ’07.09. ’07.11.
Amphisolenia bidentata ***
Ceratium furca *** **
C. fusus *** ** **
C. geniculatum *
C. gravidum *
C. hexacanthum ** *
C. longirostrum **
C. minutum ***
C. platycorne ***
C. praelongum *
C. ranipes *
C. reflexum *
C. tripos *** ***
Ceratium sp. *
Dinophysis caudata **
Diplopsalis spp. ***
Dissodinium bicorne *
D. elegans **
Gonyaulax spinifera *
Gonyaulax spp. *
Ornithocercus heteroporus *
O. magnificus ** * * ***
O. quadratus *
O. splendidus *
O. steinii ** * * ***
Podolampas bipes ***
P. palmipes **
Protoperidinium excentricum *
Protoperidinium spp. *** ** ***
Pseliodinium vaubanii ** *
Ptychodiscus noctiluca **
Pyrocystis hamulus *
열대 해역 지표종 Ornithocercus 와편모조의 출현 동향으로 한반도 온난화 305
연구 결과와 같이 열대해역 지표종인 Ornithocercus 속의 종이
리나라 연안 해역에서 출현한 와편모조 우점종으로 보고된
우는 전무하다.
또한 이번 연구를 통해 관찰되어진 32종의 와편모조 19
, Amphisolenia bidentata, Ceratium gravidum, C. hexacanthum,
C. platycorne, C. praelongum, C. ranipes, C. reflexum, C. geniculatum,
Dissodinium elegans, D. bicorne, Ornithocercus heteroporus, O.
magnificus, O. quadratus, O. splendidus, O. steinii, Protoperidinium
excentricum, Pseliodinium vaubanii, Ptychodiscus noctiluca,
Pyrocystis hamulus 등은 한국 연안 해역에서는 매우 드물게 출현
보고된 종이거나 미기록 종이었다 . 이들 종의 대부분이 열대
아열대 해역에 서식하는 종으로서 일부 종은 쿠로시오해류를
따라 일본 해역에 출현하는 것으로도 알려져 있다 (Hallegraeff and
Jeffrey, 1984; Taylor, 1971; 藤岡 , 1990). 그러나 지금까지의 연구
보고에 의하면 우리나라 연안 해역에서의 이들 종의 출현은 전혀
보고되어 있지 않은 미기록 종이거나 매우 드물게 출현 기록만이
보고되어 있는 종으로 더욱이 출현 당시의 단위체적당 출현량
구체적으로 명기되어 있지 않다 (문과 , 2003; , 1994;
, 1986; , 1984; Shim and Lee, 1983). 그러나 이번 연구
에서 이들 특히 열대 해역 지표종으로 알려진 Ornithocercus
속에 속하는 종의 종류와 출현량에서 매우 특이한 경향을
지금까지 세계적으로 Ornithocercus 속은 모두 15종이 보고되
었으나(Gómez, 2005), 이번 연구에 관찰된 Ornithocercus 속은
모두 5종이었다. 이들 중에서 O. steinii 만이 우리나라 연안
역에서의 출현이 보고되었으며 (Shim and Lee, 1983) 나머지 4
, O. heteroporus, O. magnificus, O. quadratus O. splendidus
우리나라 연안에서의 출현에 대해서 전혀 보고된 없는
기록 종이었다 (Fig. 2). 2007 4 시료를 제외한 모든 시료에서
Ornithocercus 속의 종이 관찰되었으며 O. magnificus O. steinii
공통적으로 출현한 반면 외의 출현종인 O. heteroporus, O.
quadratus O. splendidus 2007 11 시료에서만 관찰되었
. , 2006 10, 2007 2월과 9월에는 Ornithocercus
종수가 2종인데 반해 2007 11월에 5종으로 증가하였다
(Table 1).
Ornithocercus 속의 조사 월별 단위체적당 출현량을 비교해
각각 28, 22, 0, 3 502 cells/m
이었다. , 2006 10월에
28 cells/m
출현하였으나 2007 2월에는 22 cells/m
으로 약간
하였으며 바와 같이 4월에는 Ornithocercus 속의 종은
출현하지 않았다 . 그리고 9월에는 3 cells/m
매우 적은 양의
Ornithocercus 속이 관찰되었으나 2007 11월에는 양이 급격
증가하여 단위체적당 출현량이 502 cells/m
최고치에 달했
(Fig. 3). 이상과 같은 Ornithocercus 속의 단위체적당 출현량을
와편모조 출현량에 대한 Ornithocercus 속의 유율
보면 2006 10월에는 8% 달했으나 2007 2월에는 3.9%
하였으며 , 4월에는 0% 그리고 9월이 되어
량이지만 0.2% 정도의 유율 보인 11월에는 급격 증가하
97.9% 유율 나타었다(Fig. 4). , 제주도 서부 해역인
차귀도 연안 해역에서는 2006 10(추계) 8% 달했던
Ornithocercus 속의 유율 2007 2(동계 ) 4()
르는 사이 급격하게 하였으며 9월부터 다시 출현하기
11(추계)에는 다시 급격 증가 추세를 보였다 . 연구
과는 제주도 서부해역을 통과해 해로 들어가는 쿠로시오
해류의 흐름 철에 비해 겨울철에 비교적 강하다는 연구
(방과 , 1995) 상통한다고 있다 . 제주도 서부
해역에서는 비교적 강한 쿠로시오 해류의 향을 되는 동계
열대 해역 지표종의 유율 증가하게 되는 것으로 추정된다 .
러나 열대 해역 지표종인 Ornithocercus 속이 연구 결과에서와
같이 출현량의 증가 현상이 보고된 경우는 전무한
정이다. 따라서 이러한 현상을 하게 원인 분석이 하다
채집 월별 출현 와편모조 종수를 살펴보면 2006 10월에는 9
Fig. 2. Ornithocercus species observed during this study in the coast
of Chagwi-Do, Jeju Island. A: O. steinii, B: O. splendidus, C: O.
heteroporus, D: O. quadratus, E. O. magnificus, scale bars 10 µm.
Fig. 3. Seasonal variations of the cell numbers of dinoflagellate,
Ornithocercus in the coast of Chagwi-Do, Jeju Island.
306 신·정민·이
종의 와편모조가 출현하였으며 2007 2월에는 19종으로 전체
사기간 가장 많은 와편모조를 관찰 있었다 . 그리 4월에
10, 9월에는 7종으로 하였고 , 11월에는 다시 13종으로
증가하였다 (Fig. 5). 결과는 (1994) (1984)
연구 결과에서 나타난 바와 같이 계에 와편모조 출현 수가
반면 사계 추계에는 비교적 종수가 증가한다는 연구
보고와 사하다 . 또한 연구에서 출현 와편모조 한국
해역에서는 매우 드물게 출현이 보고된 종이거나 미기록 종으
19종의 유율 보면 2006 10월에는 5종으로
와편모조의 55.6% 차지했으며 , 2007 2월에는 13종으로
68.4%, 4월에는 2종으로 20%, 9월에는 4종으로 57.1% 그리고 11
월에는 11종으로 84.6% 차지했다(Fig. 5). 이러한 결과를 통해
열대 해역 지표종으로 알려진 Ornithocercus 속이 5 출현하
, 유율 또한 최대치에 달했던 2007 11월의 시료에서
Ornithocercus 이외에도 다양한 미기록종 또는 한국 연안 해역
에서의 출현이 매우 드문 종이 출현하고 있음을 있었다.
달리 2007 4 시료에서는 Ornithocercus 속의 종이 전혀
찰되지 않았는데 출현 보고가 드물거나 미기록 종의 출현 역시 2
(20%) .
이상의 연구 결과는 2006 10월부 2007 11 사이에
시된 5회의 채집 시료 분석을 통해 나타난 결과로서 우리나라
해역의 온난화를 단정 지을 있는 확실한 증거라고 말하기
조금 이르다. 하지만 1 동안의 조사에서 우리나라 주변
연안 해역의 일부 구성 생물상이 과거와는 달라져 가고 있음을
수는 있었다 . 특히 대해역 지표종의 출현 개체수 유율
증가와 함께 미기록 역시 다수 출현하는 것으로 , 지구
난화에 따라 우리나라 주변 연안 해역의 해수온 역시 열대 해역
지표종이 서식하기에 적합 정도로 높아지고 있거나 , 쿠로
시오 해류가 과거 알려진 것과는 달리 매우 확장되거나 또는
로시오 해류의 흐름 방향이 변화하고 있다는 사실을 추해
있다. 따라서 장기간에 해양 생물 , , 물리 면에서
통합 연구를 통해 이러한 일부 해양 생물의 변화가 나아가
생물의 서식에 향을 미치게 것인지 그리고 우리
나라의 해양 산업 미치는 향은 인지 등과 관련한
합적인 연구와 그에 따른 대처 방안이 어져
으로 단된다 .
문은 2007년도 정부(인적자원부 학술연구조성사
)으로 한국학술흥재단의 지원을 연구되었으며(KRF-
2007-532-C00026) 일부 2007 환경부 자생생물 조사 연구사
의해 되었다.
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장승민, 김성수, 최영찬, 김수강, 2006. 제주도 기온과 주변해역
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조기안, 위인선, 최청일, 1994. 광양만 식물플랑크톤의 생태학적
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Fig. 4. Appearance ratio of Ornithocercus among observed total
dinoflagellates in the coast of Chagwi-Do, Jeju Island.
Fig. 5. Seasonal comparison of the total species numbers(black bars)
and rare/unrecorded species numbers(white bars) of dinoflagellate in
the coast of Chagwi-Do, Jeju Island.
열대 해역 지표종 Ornithocercus 와편모조의 출현 동향으로 한반도 온난화 307
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2008 5 7 원고접수
2008 6 11 수정본 채택
담당편집위원: 박명길
... O. magnificus is used as an indicator species for climate and environmental change along the South Korean waters (Kim et al., 2008). Korea being in the temperate region, the warmest water temperature recorded was 23.7 0 C, however, the presence of 19 new tropical dinoflagellate species, including the indicator species O. magnificus in very high abundance, indicated a significant change in the dinoflagellate composition in Korean waters. ...
... Korea being in the temperate region, the warmest water temperature recorded was 23.7 0 C, however, the presence of 19 new tropical dinoflagellate species, including the indicator species O. magnificus in very high abundance, indicated a significant change in the dinoflagellate composition in Korean waters. These observed changes were attributed to warming up of the coastal waters (Kim et al., 2008). Kim (2013) reported the presence of 34 as yet unrecorded dinoflagellate species from South Korean waters and 23 of these were tropical species. ...
... The unusual increase in the dinoflagellate population density was in response to the El Nino induced high-temperature and high-saline and nutrient deficient (Nitrogen limited) conditions which were favourable for the growth of mixotrpohic Ornithocercus sp. Changes in the dinoflagellate composition with the dominance of Ornithocercus sp. at high densities and its relation to increasing SST have been reported along the coastal waters off Korean Peninsula (Kim et al., 2008;Kim et al., 2013) and from off Kochi coastal waters (Lavanya et al., 2020). The present bloom lasted for a month (peak abundance observed 17 days from pre-bloom phase) and caused notable changes in the water quality and phytoplankton composition. ...
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Frequent bloom incidences of the dinoflagellate Ornithocercus magnificus Stein, 1883 along the surface waters off Southeastern Arabian Sea (SEAS) have been reported since 2015 and specifically during the years 2015, 2019 and 2020. All these blooming incidences coincided with the strong El Nino phases in the Indian Ocean. The present study addressed the bloom (1.65 x 10 6 cells l-1) of this species in the nearshore waters (7 m depth) off Dakshina Kannada (Surathkal and Chitrapur) on 11.02.2016 which occurred during pre-monsoon period and corresponding to the super El Nino year 2015/2016. A detailed evaluation of the physico-chemical characteristics and phytoplankton abundance as well as community structure was made, concurrent to the three phases viz, pre-bloom, bloom and post-bloom periods in this region. The study revealed that the bloom occurred in high saline (35.0±0.91 PSU), well oxygenated (7.414±0.823 mg l-1) and nitrogen limited waters (oligotrophic conditions) and had a positive correlation with oceanic nino index (ONI; r s = 0.790, p<0.001). Some of the O. magnificus (3%) harboured ectosymbionts probably cyanobacteria in their cingulum in response to the beginning of a stratified oligotrophic condition in this region. The water quality was fair during the bloom period with no conspicuous discolouration of the surface waters. The present study also attempted to evaluate the influence of the increasing frequency of the O. magnificus blooms on the oilsardine fishery along the SEAS.
... The East Sea has relatively high productivity in spite of its oligotrophic waters, because of complex water mixing processes related to seasonal ocean-atmosphere interactions and the ocean current systems (including the TWC, NKCC, and eddies). Many studies are still being conducted to explain the high productivity in the East Sea, involving factors such as the supply of other nutrients (i.e., dissolved organic nitrate) or the influence of currents [14,[40][41][42]. Therefore, we investigated the relationship between the seasonal oceanographic characteristics and the structure of the pigment-based phytoplankton community in the waters near Dokdo, which is located in the middle of the East Sea but has a low water depth. ...
... Generally, SCM forms under the MLD in the East Sea, but that relationship varied with each season in the waters surrounding Dokdo Island [44]. Kim et al. [42] demonstrated that, because of the topographic features, there are complex water masses in the vicinity of Dokdo Island. ...
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In this study, we investigated the seasonal phytoplankton community and phytoplankton functional types (PFTs) in the vicinity of Dokdo Island, located in the East/Japan Sea, in 2019. With strong seasonal winds, the water column was well mixed in winter. In spring and autumn, the upper mixed layer depth (MLD) was relatively deep, and the Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum (SCM) formed in the middle layer. Small phytoplankton were dominant in the summer, which is a time of high water temperatures and strong stratification associated with a shallower MLD. Based on CHEMTAX analysis, in spring, the high phytoplankton biomass was mainly derived from cyanobacteria, diatoms, and dinoflagellates. In summer, >73.2% of the surface biomass was comprised of cyanobacteria. In autumn, pelagophytes accounted for the highest proportion of the biomass. The fraction of microphytoplankton (fmicro) was highest in winter and spring, whereas the fraction of nanophytoplankton (fnano) was highest in autumn and summer. A high fraction of picophytoplankton (fpico) was evident in the surface layers in summer. Values for both the photoprotection index (PI) and the ratio of photoprotective carotenoids (PPC) to photosynthetic carotenoids (PSC) indicate that this study area had high primary productivity in 2019. In order to predict long-term changes in marine food webs due to climate change, it is important to evaluate the size and composition of phytoplankton.
... If these dinoflagellates are therefore beginning to be found in new oceanic environments such as temperate regions, it would mean that those regions are becoming suitable habitats for them as a result of environmental changes such as increased seawater temperature. Indeed, tropical dinoflagellates can now be observed off Jeju Island all year round (Kim et al., 2008;Jung and Kim, 2013;Kim et al., 2013;Lee et al., 2015;Kim et al., 2021), implying that it can no longer be considered a temperate region. In this context, a growing concern is the extent to which these (sub) tropical dinoflagellates are expanding northwards in coastal waters around Korea. ...
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Rising seawater temperatures are causing geographic shifts in the composition and abundance of the marine plankton that make up the microbial food web. Over the past few years, the water temperature around the Korea Strait has been increasing rapidly. Twelve cruise surveys were conducted in the Jeju Strait between 2017 and 2019 to monitor the presence of the tropical dinoflagellate genera Ornithocercus and Triposolenia, which are brought in by the Jeju Warm Current. Additionally, passive tracer experiments were performed using the Regional Ocean Modeling System to understand how the warm currents impact the Jeju Strait. The results of these simulations were then compared against the distribution ranges and abundance of Ornithocercus and Triposolenia. The study found that there were significant seasonal variations in abundance and spatial distribution of the tropical dinoflagellates during the sampling period, particularly during September and November when they were highly abundant and widely distributed. These patterns were closely related to the intensity and path of the Jeju Warm Current, particularly from southeastern offshore (EKB02; Eastern Kuroshio Branch02) rather than from southwestern offshore (EKB01; Eastern Kuroshio Branch01) of Jeju Island. The study also found no tropical dinoflagellates at any of the stations near the south coast of Korea during the sampling period. These findings suggest that the Ornithocercus and Triposolenia tropical dinoflagellate genera may serve as useful biological indicators to monitor the advection of warm currents into the Jeju Strait, Korea.
... The genus Ornithocercus, which encompasses tropical oceanic dinoflagellate species, accounts for 97.9% of the total abundance of dinoflagellate species. Moreover, subtropical and tropical fish species, e.g., Siganus fuscescens, Apogon semilineatus, and Pomacentrus coelestis, account for approximately 88% of the total fish abundance [46,47]. These results may be related to the climate change in the coastal region of Jeju. ...
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We investigated the photosynthetic characteristics of the crustose coralline alga Pneophyllum fragile (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) according to elevated water temperature and irradiance on the coast of Jeju in 2018. P. fragile was cultured under different temperature (11 °C, 21 °C, 26 °C, and 31 °C) and irradiance (0–1250 μmol photon m−2 s−1) conditions. Oxygen (O2) concentrations at the P. fragile mat–water interface (MWI) were measured using an O2 microsensor. At the MWI, the diffusive boundary layer thicknesses ranged from 200 to 400 μm. The O2 concentrations at the mat surface increased in response to increasing irradiance, and reached 344% air saturation. The maximum photosynthesis capacity (Pmax) and respiration rate in the dark (Rd) at 31 °C were about 3 times higher than those recorded at 11 °C. The compensation irradiance (Ec) and saturation irradiance (Ek) increased with increasing water temperature. The Pmax, Rd, and Ec were statistically correlated with temperature (p < 0.05). The Ek increased up to 833 μmol photon m−2 s−1 at 31 °C and exhibited a strong dependence on irradiance at high temperatures. The adaptability of P. fragile to high temperatures and strong irradiance was distinct from that observed for coralline algae in other temperate waters.
... A similar observation on the temporal changes occurring in the dinoflagellate composition along the coastal waters off Korean Peninsula, at the Chagwi-Do, west-part of Jeju Island, was made by Kim et al. (2008) reporting the occurrence of 19 new dinoflagellate species which were previously not observed or found to be rare around this peninsula. Among the new species observed, Ornithocercus dominated with markedly higher abundance. ...
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A bloom of the planktonic dinoflagellate, Ornithocercus magnificus was reported for the first time in the surface waters of the off Kochi coastal region with an evidently higher density of 1.7 x 10 6 cells L-1 on 18.12.2019. No conspicuous colouration of the surface waters was noticed even with the higher abundance of (1.7 x 10 6 cells L-1) observed near the barmouth area (6-7 m). The tracking on the occurrence of this genus in this region from 2013 to 2019 revealed their occurrence only during three times over the six years, i.e. the post monsoon season of 2013 and 2014 and during pre-monsoon of 2016. The SST of the three stations of the post monsoon season was compared for the last three years from 2017 to 2019, and an evident variation in the SST distribution was noticed in this region. The SST in 2019 was 2.1°C higher than that observed during 2017. The occurrence of Ornithocercus magnificus showed a positive correlation with SST (r s =0.425, p<0.05). It was also noted that the occurrence of this species was observed during the El Nino years. The Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) also positively correlated with the SST during the period (r s =0.432, p<0.05). The higher abundance of this species in 2019 when warmer SST was observed and their positive correlation with SST indicates the preferences of O.magnificus to warmer waters. The Shannon and Weiner diversity index (H') ranged from 2.87-3.29 and the water quality index (WQI) remained good during the bloom. As Ornithocercus magnificus did occur during higher SST, this genus can be used as a proxy of climate change and hence has a strong potential to be used as indicator species of higher SST variation if found in novel environments.
... The subtropical microalgal species, particularly dinoflagellates, has steadily been reported from the coastal water of Jeju Island (e.g. Kim et al. 2008;Shah et al. 2013), but the study on the subtropical diatom in Jeju Island have been little known. ...
... In China and Korea regions, 13 invasive bryozoans are reported (Seo and Lee 2009). Kim et al. 2008). The presence of tropical phytoplankton species could be attributed to recent changes in strength and direction the Kuroshio Current moving warmer southern waters close to the shores of Northeast Asia. ...
... In China and Korea regions, 13 invasive bryozoans are reported (Seo and Lee 2009). Kim et al. 2008). The presence of tropical phytoplankton species could be attributed to recent changes in strength and direction the Kuroshio Current moving warmer southern waters close to the shores of Northeast Asia. ...
... However, the 34 newly recorded species included some species reported in a check list of ecological studies without taxonomic descriptions, including Ornithocercus steinii (Shim and Lee 1983), O. thumii (Shim and Lee 1983), Pyrophacus steinii (Shim and Yeo 1988, Yoon 2000, Park et al. 2004, Dissodium asymmetricum (Shim and Yeo 1988), Protoperidinium oblongum (Lee and Yoo 1991,Choa and Lee 2000, Lee et al. 2002,Park et al. 2004, P. quinquecorne (Shim and Yeo 1988, Yoon 2000, Choa and Lee 2000, Lee et al. 2002, P. steinii (Lee et al. 2002, Jeong et al. 2002, and P. thorianum (Lee et al. 2002). Kim et al. (2008) reported seasonal variation in the genus Ornithocercus, a famous tropical genus of dinoflagellates, near western Jeju Island, where the occurrence of tropical dinoflagellates was first confirmed. Kim (2008) also reported some tropical dinoflagellates near the Jeju Island coast line. ...
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Dinoflagellate species composition has changed around Jeju Island as well as in Korean waters due to global warming and climate changes. An investigation was conducted to monitor changes in planktonic dinoflagellates around Jeju Island from June 2006 to September 2009. A total of 86 species belonging to 14 families and 15 genera were identified, of which 34 species were newly recorded in Korean waters. Among the newly recorded species, >20 were confirmed as tropical species. Thus, the occurrence of such tropical dinoflagellates could be an indicator to monitor of environmental changes including global warming around Jeju Island and in Korean waters.
... Past studies in this region suggested that basin-wide regime shifts have impacted marine ecosystems (Kang et al. 2000;Zhang et al. 2000;PICES 2004;Lee et al. 2009), phytoplankton (Chiba and Saino 2002), zooplankton (Rebstock and Kang 2003;Kang et al. 2012), and the fisheries (Takasuka et al. 2003;Zhang et al. 2004;Zhang and Gong 2005;Tian et al. 2006;Kim et al. 2007;Takasuka et al. 2007;Zhang et al. 2007;Tian et al. 2008;Tian et al. 2011;Hwang and Jung 2012;Gong and Suh 2013). Together with anthropogenic interventions, the warming ocean (Kim et al. 2001;Fukasawa et al. 2004;Jung 2008;Tang et al. 2009) has recently become a major focus of research regarding the region's marine ecosystems (Lin et al. 2005;Hashioka and Yamanaka 2007;Kang et al. 2007;Kim et al. 2008;Uye 2008;Yoon et al. 2008;Hashioka et al. 2009;Ma et al. 2009;Dong et al. 2010;Gao and Xu 2011) and fish (Ishida et al. 2001;Masuda 2008;Kimura et al. 2010;Shoji et al. 2011;Tian et al. 2012). ...
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Sea surface temperatures in Korean waters have increased by approximately 1 °C during the past 40 years, implying possible range shifts of marine fishes and invertebrates. We analyzed spatially explicit, commercial catch data for 12 major fish species collected from 1984 to 2010 in Korean waters to evaluate and project their range shifts based on climate-driven hydrographic changes simulated by a general circulation model under a climate change scenario. There were significant relationships between the mean latitude of the catch distribution and water temperature for seven of the 12 species examined. Our circulation model projected that temperature stratification in the Korea Strait will disappear by 2030, and our empirical relationships predicted that the ranges of five of the fish species examined will shift poleward by 19–71 km from the 2000s to the 2030s. Compared with studies of demersal fishes in the western North Atlantic and the North Sea, our estimated speeds of shift in mean latitude of fishes were, on average, slower by factors of 2.3 and 5.7, respectively. This suggests that the pattern of range shift of marine species can vary regionally, depending on oceanographic and geomorphologic conditions. International cooperative research among fisheries scientists from countries throughout the region, especially Japan and China, is required to more reliably and comprehensively assess and project the range shifts of fish species. This will provide a scientific basis for the development of fishery policies and their adaptation to climate change in the western North Pacific.
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A checklist of free-living marine dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) is given. The nomencla-ture is brought up to date and synonyms are included. The spelling of several taxa is cor-rected according to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN). A total of 1555 species (117 genera) constitute the free-living marine dinoflagellates, with 135 new species in the period 1993 to 2003. The most numerous genera are: Protoperidinium (264 species), Gymnodinium (173 species), Dinophysis+Phalacroma (104+41 species), Gyro-dinium (87 species), Amphidinium (76 species), Histioneis (65 species), Ceratium (64 species) and Gonyaulax (60 species).
Members of the genus Ornithocercus are all tropical oceanic species in which the theca is extended in the form of elaborate wing‐like projections, the lists, supported by ribs. This paper illustrates the topography of 6 of the species. The theca is penetrated by numerous simple pores opening flush with the outer surface. On the inner side of the thecae the pores have a raised rim. The hypotheca of all species examined except O. splendidus have shallow depressions, the areolae, over most of the surface. Secondary thickening of mature cell walls deepens the appearance of the areolae, and increases their extent over the hypotheca in O. quadratus. The number of pores is not directly correlated with the areolae but seems rather to be a function of cell size. A comparison of the surface features confirms views that O. splendidus occupies a relatively isolated phenetic position. It also confirms the close similarity of O. steinii with O. thumii. Unexpectedly it suggested a phenetic closeness between O. magnificus and O. quadratus on the basis of hypothecal structure and rib features of the left sulcal list. O. heteroporus could not be subjected to the same degree of study and its position cannot be commented on. Some theoretical hydrodynamic and morphogenetic problems in Ornithocercus are discussed.
Plankton study in the Southeastern sea of Korea (I) -Phytoplankton distribution in September
  • J H Shim
  • W H Lee
Shim, J.H. and W.H. Lee, 1983. Plankton study in the Southeastern sea of Korea (I) -Phytoplankton distribution in September, 1981-. J. Oceanologi. Soc. Korea, 18: 91−103.
  • 위인선 조기안
  • 최청일
조기안, 위인선, 최청일, 1994. 광양만 식물플랑크톤의 생태학적 연구. 환경생물학회지, 12: 137−150.