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Autophagy in Octopus



Automutilation, specifically of the arms, is well known in some octopod species. It occurs in two forms, autotomy and autophagy. Autotomy of an arm is achieved by breaking off at a predetermined site, or by biting off by the animal itself. Biologically, autotomy is a meaningful behaviour. It is well known, e.g. in male Argonauta during reproduction; it has also been described in several octopod species as a survival strategy. Autophagy, in contrast, is more puzzling; it is distinct from cannibalism because the animals eat (parts of) their own arms. This paper is based on 161 cases of autophagy in Octopus vulgaris. Although the data are still limited, they indicate that autophagy is not caused by hunger or stress, but is an infectious, deadly disease. Incubation time is between one and two weeks; death occurs 1–2 days after autophagy starts. Some data suggest that autophagy is caused either by a (so far unknown) substance released by the animal itself or, more likely, by viruses or bacteria; these, in turn, seem to affect the nervous system. Stress (often thought to be the reason for autophagy) may contribute to it but it is not its primary cause.
Cephalopod Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution
L., Lipinski, M.
Clarke, M.
and M.
C. Roeleveld (Eds). S.
mar. Sci.
20: 101-108
Automutilation, specifically of the arms, is well known in some octopod species. It occurs in two forms,
autotomy and autophagy. Autotomy of an arm is achieved by breaking off at a predetermined site, or by biting
off by the animal itself. Biologically, autotomy is a meaningful behaviour. It is well known, e.g. in male Arg-
onauta during reproduction; it has also been described in several octopod species as a survival strategy. Au-
tophagy, in contrast, is more puzzling; it is distinct from cannibalism because the animals eat (parts of) their
own arms. This paper is based on 161 cases of autophagy in Octopus vulgaris. Although the data are stilllirnited,
they indicate that autophagy is not caused by hunger or stress, but is an infectious, deadly disease. Incubation
time is between one and two weeks; death occurs 1-2 days after autophagy starts. Some data suggest that
autophagy is caused either by a (so far unknown) substance released by the animal itself or, more likely, by
viruses or bacteria; these, in turn, seem to affect the nervous system. Stress (often thought to be the reason for
autophagy) may contribute to it but it is not its primary cause.
Autophagy ("self-eating") and autotomy (voluntary
breaking off body parts) are well known
forms of automutilation (self-destruction). They occur
in a variety of animal species, from invertebrates, such
as echinoderms, molluscs and crustaceans (e.g.
Riggenbach 1901) to vertebrates, including man (e.g.
Meyer-Holzapfel 1968, Allyn et at. 1976, Levitt 1985,
Brown et at. 1987, Fisch 1987, Wiesenfeld-Hallin et
at. 1987, Dodman et at. 1988).
In cephalopods, automutilation, specifically of the
arms, is well known in some octopod species, and
animals with a missing, or a regenerating, much smaller,
arm are not uncommon. Whereas some of those cases
are certainly attributable to the action of predators, others
might well be due to automutilation. Automutilation of
the arms includes both autotomy and autophagy.
Autotomy of an arm is achieved either by a direct
break, which starts internally (below the skin) at a pre-
determined site, or by the animal biting off the arm
itself. Biologically, autotomy is a meaningful behaviour.
It is well known in sexually mature male Argonauta,
Tremoctopus and Ocythoe in the process of reproduction
and is frequent in Octopus defilippi. In addition, it has
been described in many other species at the end of their
larval stages, during sexual maturation and spawning,
during fights, and as a form of survival strategy when
an arm of an animal is trapped, ulcerated or otherwise
damaged (Jatta 1896, Riggenbach 1901, Lo Bianco
1909, Nesis 1987, Hanlon and Wolterding 1989, Nor-
man 1992).
In contrast, autophagy of an arm is more puzzling. It
is distinct from cannibalism because the animals eat
(parts of) their own arms. It has been reported in several
octopod species but, with one exception (Taki 1936),
only as a matter of secondary importance or in anecdotal
form: in Octopus vulgaris (Lo Bianco 1909, Taki 1936,
Boycott 1954, I. G. Gleadall, Tohoku University, Japan,
pers. comm.,
Mauro, Rockefeller University, New
York, pers. comm., M. Nixon, Broughton, England,
pers. comm.); O. variabilis (Taki 1936, 1941); 0. ocel-
latus (Taki 1936); O. dofleini (Reimschuessel and
Stoskopf 1990); O. bimaculoides and O. joubini
(J. B. Wood, Dalhousie University, Canada, pers.
comm.); and Eledone moschata (Lo Bianco 1909).
Remarkably, there is no report of autophagy in any of
the decapod (cuttlefish and squid) species.
Quantitative data on autophagy in Octopus vulgaris
are presented for the first time in this paper. Although
the data are still rudimentary, they allow some
comments on the behaviour itself, the number and type
of arms affected, whether autophagy is infectious, the
incubation time, the time between start of autophagy
and death, the agent that may cause autophagy, and a
possible strategy for prevention.
The data were collected between June 1982 and
January 1985. They stem from 161 Octopus vulgaris
(males and females, 30-450 g), obtained from the
Gulf of Naples, Italy. The animals were caught by
local fisherman and brought to the Zoological Station
Marine Biomedical Institute and Department of Otolaryngology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas 77555-1163,
USA. Email:
Manuscript received: September 1997
102 Cephalopod Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution
South African Journal of Marine Science 20 1998
Fig. 1: Octopus vulgaris male (280 g) with the first right arm bitten off at its base, close
to the mouth
"Anton Dohrn" in large buckets, with several animals
sitting together in one bucket. In the laboratory, they
were housed individually in either buckets (20
tanks (120
connected to a large system of natural
seawater. Unfortunately, there is no record on whether
the seawater system ran as an "open" or a "closed"
circulation during those times. When it recirculated,
its turnaround time was between I and 2 days, with
no mechanical or other filters involved. Owing to the
design of the tanks and the connection of the buckets
to the system, the water of individual tanks/buckets
ran through
other tanks before it was either
disposed of into the Gulf, or collected in huge reservoirs
for recirculation. The animals were fed live Carcinus
every day until two days before they were transported
to Germany.
The animals were kept between
days in
Naples. During transport to the University of Regens-
burg, Germany, they were kept individually in small
buckets (5 £), filled with about 4
of seawater and
connected to an oxygen supply; the animals had neither
visual nor water contact. After arrival in Regensburg,
they were acclimatized for up to 20 h to the tempera-
ture and salinity of the local seawater system, then
transferred into individual buckets (20
that were part
of a single closed system (approx. 4 000
for a maxi-
mum of 80 animals) of recirculating artificial seawater.
From that moment on, the animals were in permanent
"water contact" via the recirculating water, but they
still had neither visual nor body contact. However, the
water contact was only after the water had first passed
through the entire circulation. In brief, the overflowing
surface water of each bucket passed through a small
protein skimmer, then through a biological [liter system
that included many different species of algae and
invertebrates (from protozoans to tunicates), then
through a bacterial/sand filter, and finally through a
large (2 m high, 30 ern diameter) protein skimmer.
Budelmann: Autophagy in Octopus
Thereafter, it was collected in a 700
collection reser-
yoir, from where it was pumped (about every 30 minutes)
mto a 700
storage reservoir for recirculation via gravity
(for a diagram of the system, see Boletzky 1989). The
animals were kept at a water temperature of l5-18°C.
"Yater quality was monitored regularly for salinity, pH,
dissolved oxygen, ammonia nitrogen, and nitrite- and
nitrate-nitrogen. In each bucket, oxygen supply was
from a pressurized air system via wooden air stones
~.d, in addition, via the fine jet of recirculating water
injected from above the water surface. The animals
were initially fed once per day with live or frozen
(thawed) Carcinus, but later more sparsely (2-3 times
per week). Whenever animals stopped feeding, food
was offered again once a day.
As octopuses in captivity often have small skin
lesions at the tips of or along their arms (and mantle),
autophagy was recorded as such only when an arm
was actually bitten off and at least parts of it eaten,
or wh~n an arm had a large wound in its proximal
one-third to as deep as the nerve cord (i.e. the arm's
proximal part became non-functional because of the
damage to the nerve cord).
Although 161 cases of autophagy are on record,
the data for each topic discussed do not stem from all
161 animals but only from various fractions thereof
for two reasons. First, the relevant data were not
recorded for all animals. Second, many animals were
used before they died (i .e. right after they showed the
first signs of autophagy) for research on statocyst
transmitters (Auerbach and Budelmann 1986) and
neuroanatomical tracing of brain pathways (Plan
The data are based on records of 161 Octopus vul-
garis from two large populations of 56 (June 1982)
and 65 animals (May 1983), and several smaller ones
(4 animals - June 1983; 5 animals - November 1983'
12 animals - May 1984; 19 animals - November
1984/January 1985). Over a period of 20 years
(1967-1987), during which the author regularly (twice
per year) transported animals from Italy to Germany
and kept them under (almost) identical conditions in
artificial seawater for several months, these were the
only Octopus populations that ever showed autophagy.
Some animals fed regularly until the day before
60 ,--
~ 20
2 34' 5 6 7 8
Fig. 2: Distribution of the number of affected arms in 84
Octopus vulgaris that displayed autophagy
autophagy started, whereas other animals stopped
feeding two days before. This, plus the fact that quite
often larger parts of the arm bitten off were not eaten
indicates that hunger does not seem to be the primary
cause of autophagy, as stated already by Lo Bianco
(1909) and Taki (1936). However, regular controls of
crop and stomach contents were not performed.
The clearest early symptom that an animal was
going to bite off one (or more) of its arms (usually
the following day) was uncoordinated, unstable and,
to various degrees, trembling arm movements. This
finding may indicate that those parts of the central
nervous system and/or of the arm nerve cords that
control arm movements are in some way affected.
When an animal actually bites off an arm, it shows
a characteristic posture. Several centimetres of the
arm bases are held close together in a stiff and stalky
way, whereas the distal ends of the arms are often
curled and do not adhere to the substratum. The arm
bitten off is so heavily bent inwards at its very base
that the site of bite off is as close to the mouth as the
anatomy allows (Fig. 1). This is different from Taki's
(1936) description that autophagy begins at the tip of
the arm and ends at its base. After being bitten off,
the arm's wound on both sides is slimy. Further, no
obvious contraction of the muscular skin can be seen
that may at least partly close the wound (as is known
in healthy animals after surgical procedures).
Taki (1936). reports that no bleeding occurs during
autophagy. This, however, seems doubtful, because in
all those cases where autophagy was in progress, or
had taken place, large quantities of protein foam were
104 Cephalopod Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution
South African Journal of Marine Science 20
r-- r--
r-- r--
~ 16
~ 8
Fig. 3: Distribution by left or right affected arm (n
115) of the same 84 Octopus vulgaris from which Figure 2
was constructed
found accumulated on the water surface of the respec-
tive tanks as a result of the very tine air bubbles of the
water jet inflow and of the air stone. At the same time,
no foam was seen in any of the other tanks (with animals
not undergoing autophagy) connected to the same sea-
water system. Therefore, unexpected foam bubbles on
the water surface of single tanks are another indicator,
besides the animal's posture, that autophagy might be
in progress, or that an arm has already been bitten off.
Whether the animals finally die from blood loss, how-
ever, is not known.
Number and type of arms affected
For 84 animals, a record was kept of the number
of and which arms were affected by autophagy. In
most cases (62
74%) it was only one arm, in some
cases (16
19%) it was two, and only occasionally it
was three (3
3.5%) or four (3
3.5%). There were
no cases with more than four arms affected (Fig. 2).
However, Wood (pers. comm.) had an animal
maculoides) in his laboratory that had bitten off six
Budelmann: Autophagy in Octopus 105
30 a)
Octopus vulgaris
51 (May 1983)
5 (7
8 (6
14 16 18 20
Fig. 4: Incubation time of autophagy in Octopus vulgaris - (a) number of days between the date the animals
were transferred into a closed system of recirculating seawater and the start of autophagy; (b) number
of days between the arrival of fresh animals in the closed system of recirculating seawater and the start
of autophagy in animals that already had been in that seawater system for 6 or 7 months
8 10 12
As mentioned by Taki (1936), there is no clear pref-
erence as to whether left or right arms were affected
(Fig. 3). The first left arm (22 cases
26%) might be
more often involved than any of the other seven (Fig. 3),
but the number of cases is still too few to make this a
significant statement
goodness-of-fit test;
df= 7,p
Is autophagy infectious?
On the first two occasions when autophagy occurred
(June 1982 and May 1983), the entire populations
(57 and 51 animals respectively) were affected and all
ultimately died. At the same time, two small popula-
tions that had been in the Regensburg seawater system
already for respectively six (5 animals) and seven
(8 animals) months prior to the arrival of the "new"
animals were affected and died. These cases indicate
that autophagy is able to spread from one animal to the
next and, therefore, is infectious. At the times when
autophagy happened, the physico-chemical properties
of the seawater did not change, neither prior to auto-
phagy nor when it actually occurred. This, and in
particular the fact that the two established populations
became infected, makes it very likely that an agent was
introduced into the seawater circulation by one, or
several, of the new arrivals. This would then have been
distributed by the recirculating water throughout the
system, infecting all the other octopuses, including
those already established in the system for several
During the four later observations of autophagy
(June 1983-November 1984/January 1985), not all the
106 1998 •Cephalopod Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution
Journal of Marine Science 20
Fig. 5: Number of days between the onset of autophagy
and death of 50 Octopus vulgaris
octopuses were affected, presumably because of the
preventive measures that were taken at those times (see
Incubation time
In each of the two large populations (June 1982,
57 animals; May 1983,51 animals), the first cases of
autophagy were noted six days after the animals
were transferred into the closed seawater system in
Regensburg (Fig. 4a). Thereafter, the number of
cases increased steadily to a maximum of 30 cases at
Day 9 before decreasing again, with the last case at
Day 17 (Fig. 4a).
A similar time-frame was observed for the two
established populations (8 and 5 animals) that had
already been in the Regensburg seawater system for
respectively six and seven months. In those two popu-
lations, the first cases of autophagy were noted
respectively 5 and 7 days after arrival of (and possible
infection by) the new animals from Naples; the last
case was again at Day 17 (Fig. 4b).
From the observations that autophagy took between
5-6 and 17 days in a closed seawater system to manifest
itself (Fig. 4), it may be concluded that the disease has
an incubation time of approximately 1- 2 weeks. How-
ever, there were some exceptions from this timing. In
the other four arriving populations (40 animals
between June 1983 and November
1985), 11 cases of autophagy were recorded 1-5 days
after transfer of the animals into the closed seawater
system in Regensburg (1 day, 1 case; 2 days, 2 cases;
3 days, 2 cases; 4 days, 3 cases; 5 days, 3 cases). Nev-
ertheless, all these cases can still be explained in terms
of a 1-2 week incubation time because 6-16 days be-
fore autophagy started in Regensburg these
animals were in physical contact with other animals
when they were brought into the Zoological Station in
Naples. In the same four arriving populations, there
were an additional six cases of autophagy 18-26 days
after arrival, and another five cases 57 - 84 days after
arrival and transfer into the closed seawater system
in Regensburg. These extended incubation times are
more difficult to explain. One possibility is that the
agent that caused autophagy survived in the seawater
system for those extended periods of time (because
of the preventive actions [see below] that were taken
during those times) and only later became infectious.
Another possibility is that the infection took place
but was initially "subthreshold" with regard to the
symptom, i.e. biting off an arm.
Time between start of autophagy and death
Of the 50 cases recorded, all animals died within
1-5 days after the onset of autophagy. Of those, 80%
died within one day, 10% after two days, and the
remaining 10% within 3-5 days (Fig. 5). This agrees
with Taki's (1936) note that the animals die "soon after
autophagy occurs" and the two cases reported by
Reimschuessel and Stoskopf (1990) where the animals
died within 1-2 days.
What is the agent that causes autophagy?
At present, the data do not allow a clear answer to
that question. The data show, however, that the agent
can be transmitted through a closed seawater system
and is able to bypass biological and sand filters. Possi-
ble candidates for the agent are a chemical substance
that is released by the animals themselves or, more
likely, because of the 1-2 week incubation time,
croorganisms such as viruses or bacteria.
Are there morphological changes of the arm nerve
cord and/or the central nervous system associated
with autophagy?
The brains of several of the infected animals were
processed for a neuroanatomical study of brain path-
ways (Plan 1987). At gross morphological and light
microscopical levels, no obvious changes or anomalies
in the structure of any of the brain lobes were seen
(bearing in mind the different focus of that study). Un-
107Budelmann: Autophagy in Octopus
fortunately, no records exist on the histopathology of
the arm nerve cords, e.g. on inflammations and oede-
mas, as have been described by Reimschuessel and
Stoskopf (1990) as what they called "automutilation
syndrome of the arms" (without proof that lesions of
the skin and the missing suckers and arm tips were due
to a self-mutilation and not simply to mechanical or
other damage associated with secondary infection). To
, research autophagy more fully, a more thorough mor-
phological investigation and bacterial culture and viral
testing are certainly needed.
Strategy for prevention
After having lost two entire populations of octopuses
in the Regensburg facility (June 1982 and May 1983),
two preventive measures were taken:
(i) before transfer into the closed seawater system,
as many animals as possible (for technical reasons
usually not all) were kept in quarantine for
between two and three weeks;
(ii) the protein skimmers were set at high perfor-
mance for the first 2-3 weeks; that way, about
5% (200
of the seawater was eliminated from
the 4 000
circulation as "wet foam" and
replaced by fresh artificial seawater every day.
Although there were no detailed studies on the ef-
fectiveness of those measures, what was clear was that
there were fewer cases of autophagy after the preven-
tive measures and on no occasion were all animals af-
fected. It is also possible that some animals were, or
became, immune against the disease.
Although some data are still rudimentary and not
yet conclusive, they indicate that:
autophagy is a disease that can cause death of an
entire population of animals in a closed seawater
system, i.e. it can be infectious;
there is no preference as to which arm is affected;
the agent that causes the disease might either be a
substance that is released by the animals them-
selves or, more likely, a microorganism (e.g. a
bacterium or virus);
the agent can be transmitted through a closed system
of recirculating seawater and is able to bypass
biological and sand filters;
the incubation time is 1-2 weeks;
the agent seems to affect the nervous system that
controls movement of the arms;
the infected animal usually dies within 1 or 2 days;
high-performance protein skimming might be a
way to impede, or-possibly prevent, the agent's
transmission in a closed seawater system.
Stress and hunger, which are often assumed to
cause autophagy, are obviously not its primary cause.
Whether they contribute to it, e.g. by lowering the
threshold for the infection, or the expression of the
symptoms, needs to be researched further.
The data were collected during the years
1982-1985, when I was affiliated to the Zoological In-
stitute of the University of Regensburg, Germany. I
therefore acknowledge grant support of the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (Bu 404/1- 3 and SFB
and thank the Director and Staff of the Zoological
Station in Naples for their hospitality and help with the
animal supply. I also thank Mr
B. Wood and two
anonymous reviewers for critical comments on some
topics of the manuscript and Dr I. G. Gleadall for helpful
comments on some literature sources. My participation
at the CIAC '97 conference was made possible by the
Marine Medicine Budget of The Marine Biomedical
Institute of The University of Texas Medical Branch at
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... While Calcofluor produced correlated results, tetracycline results were inconsistent, and octopus had an adverse effect in which they participated in autophagy. Often when octopus have a damaged or sick arm, they have been observed to bite it off at the base (autotomy) or eat it (autophagy) (Budelmann 1998, Anderson et al. 2001. This can either be due to stress, bacterial, or viral infections affecting the nervous system (Budelmann 1998). ...
... Often when octopus have a damaged or sick arm, they have been observed to bite it off at the base (autotomy) or eat it (autophagy) (Budelmann 1998, Anderson et al. 2001. This can either be due to stress, bacterial, or viral infections affecting the nervous system (Budelmann 1998). We concluded that the cause of autophagy was due to the tetracycline and not the injection procedure as those in- jected with Calcofluor had normal behaviour. ...
Full-text available
Age data are crucial for understanding and managing target species in commercial and recreational fisheries. Octopus catches are increasing worldwide, yet ageing methods are still in their infancy. Octopus age is estimated by counting growth increments in stylets and beaks. These increments have been validated as daily in some species or assumed to be daily in other species. Here, we conducted an age validation study on both the stylets and beaks of a commercial octopus species (Octopus berrima). Subsequently, we compared and assessed the readability of growth increments in beaks and stylets of wild-caught O. berrima. We found that increment periodicity was nondaily for both structures, with increment periodicity also varying between structures (0.75 increments per day for stylets and 0.53 increments per day for beak). This study highlights the importance of validating increment periodicity for different octopus species and for both stylets and beaks to obtain accurate age and growth data. Without accurate age data, a species may be incorrectly managed with the potential for negative effects on the sustainability of wild populations.
... Self-cannibalism is more puzzling and it is distinct from cannibalism since animals eat (parts of) their own body. Many species, especially when reduced in captivity and isolated, engage in self-destructive behaviours, ranging from self-mutilation to self-cannibalism (Preti 2007;Budelmann 1998;Dodman et al. 1988). More recent evidence widened the occurrence of these behaviours in lizards, where selfcannibalism and autotomy occur simultaneously (Thanou and Kornilios 2019). ...
... Fourteen cases of self-cannibalism within the pool of G. quadricolor individuals employed in this study have been recorded. Selfcannibalism has been observed in all the experimental stages, in animals that have been regularly fed until the day before, suggesting that hunger or acclimation are not the primary factors involved, as already stated in a related study in cephalopods (Budelmann 1998). The early symptom of self-cannibalism was the biting off the terminal part of the posterior foot and cerata, with a stereotyped U-shape position (Videos 2-3, https:// data. ...
Full-text available
Biotic conflict can create evolutionary competition across species in the quest to maintain vital populations. In some cases, this process is driven by conflict among members of the same species, an important selective force in high-density non-indigenous populations. By killing and feeding on their intraspecific competitors, cannibals enhance their chance of survival. Here, we report that the nudibranch Godiva quadricolor (Barnard, 1927) from invasive Mediterranean populations expresses a strong propensity to cannibalism as well as cerata autotomy, a likely antipredatory behaviour. In addition, fourteen cases of self-cannibalistic behaviour during captivity have been recorded, one of the most conspicuous records of this uncommon behaviour up to date. We discuss our observations in the framework of the behavioural traits characterizing non-indigenous populations and biological invasions.
... Confinement within a small space, such as a pot or a trap, might not only cause stress but also result in fighting between individuals. Indeed, limb amputation is commonly observed in wild caught octopuses (Florini et al., 2011), which might be a result of autophagy/auto-mutilation (Budelmann, 1998;Reimschuessel & Stoskopf, 1990) or could be a product of fighting. Another risk is that all coleoid cephalopod groups have cannibalistic tendencies, particularly between individuals that are not size-matched and when insufficient food is provided (Aguado-Gimémenz & Garcia Garcia, 2002;Budelmann, 2010;Hayter, 2005;Ibáñez & Keyl, 2010;Jacquet et al., 2019;Moltschaniwskyj et al., 2007;Pierce et al., 2010). ...
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Sentience is the capacity to have feelings, such as feelings of pain, pleasure, hunger, thirst, warmth, joy, comfort and excitement. It is not simply the capacity to feel pain, but feelings of pain, distress or harm, broadly understood, have a special significance for animal welfare law. Drawing on over 300 scientific studies, we have evaluated the evidence of sentience in two groups of invertebrate animals: the cephalopod molluscs or, for short, cephalopods (including octopods, squid and cuttlefish) and the decapod crustaceans or, for short, decapods (including crabs, lobsters and crayfish). We have also evaluated the potential welfare implications of current commercial practices involving these animals.
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Understanding senescence in semelparous species not only deepens our knowledge of the evolution of aging but also highlights the diversity of life strategies that have evolved in the natural world. This terminal phase occurs at the end of the lifecycle and is particularly evident in the common octopus, Octopus vulgaris, Cuvier 1797, a semelparous species with terminal reproduction. The aim of the present work was to document the natural process of senescence in specimens raised in captivity for two consecutive generations and the differences in morphology,behaviour and functional traits between the two sexes. Both sexes showed similar affections in the skin, with unhealed wounds, paler colors, and white lesions. At the same temperature males live longer (six to seven months) than females, and showed extensive arm tip damage, with the exception of the hectocotylus that was fully functional until the very last day. Females, contrarily to males, lose 35.4 to 46.8% of their body weight during brooding and senescence. Uncommon behaviours were registered during this terminal phase like egg laying outside of the den, egg ingestion or copulation between males. These observations provide new data that will help to better understand this terminal phase and the natural processes occurring in both sexes at the end of their life cycle.
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Psychology and vision science, university of leicester, leicester, uK; j school of veterinary science, Murdoch university, Perth, wA, Australia; k Department of ichthyology, Faculty of Biology, lomonosov Moscow state university, Moscow, Russia; l school of Biomedical sciences, university of queensland, Australia; m Pepperell Research and consulting, noosaville, qlD, Australia; n Kansas Biological survey, and the Biodiversity institute, the university of Kansas, lawrence, Ks, usA; o emeritus (Retired) Department of Zoology and Physiology, university of wyoming laramie, wY, usA; p Britannia heights, nelson, new Zealand; q Biomed sci, Atlantic veterinary college, university of Pei, charlottetown, canada; r the college of william & Mary, virginia institute of Marine science, Gloucester Point, virginia, usA; s emeritus (Retired) tropical Aquaculture laboratory, university of Florida, Gainesville, usA ABSTRACT The welfare of fishes and aquatic invertebrates is important, and several jurisdictions have included these taxa under welfare regulation in recent years. Regulation of welfare requires use of scientifically validated welfare criteria. This is why applying Mertonian skepticism toward claims for sentience and pain in fishes and aquatic invertebrates is scientifically sound and prudent, particularly when those claims are used to justify legislation regulating the welfare of these taxa. Enacting welfare legislation for these taxa without strong scientific evidence is a societal and political choice that risks creating scientific and interpretational problems as well as major policy challenges, including the potential to generate significant unintended consequences. In contrast, a more rigorous science-based approach to the welfare of aquatic organisms that is based on verified, validated and measurable endpoints is more likely to result in "win-win" scenarios that minimize the risk of unintended negative impacts for all stakeholders, including fish and aquatic invertebrates. The authors identify as supporters of animal welfare, and emphasize that this issue is not about choosing between welfare and no welfare for fish and aquatic invertebrates, but rather to ensure that important decisions about their welfare are based on scientifically robust evidence. These ten reasons are delivered in the spirit of organized skepticism to orient legislators, decision makers and the scientific community, and alert them to the need to maintain a high scientific evidential bar for any operational welfare indicators used for aquatic animals, particularly those mandated by legislation. Moving forward, maintaining the highest scientific standards is vitally important, in order to protect not only aquatic animal welfare, but also global food security and the welfare of humans.
Octopuses, crabs and lobsters are probably sentient, yet their welfare needs are poorly protected in the food system. Upholding animal welfare in the seafood industry presents challenges, and more research is needed to address humane capture, housing and slaughter.
Anthropocentrism and the perceived great dissimilarity of these animals compared to humans also help to explain the lack of concern, aversion, and even fear with which many people regard invertebrates. Concerns for animal welfare in vertebrate livestock production are similar to those for invertebrate production, especially when practiced on a large scale. Resources for information on invertebrate animal husbandry, biology, and medicine are listed in the "Recommended Reading" section. Invertebrate cognitive function is often thought to be limited, resulting in behavioral repertoires consisting primarily of reflexes or preprogrammed patterns. Invertebrates display other intriguing actions in response to stimuli that are believed to cause pain in vertebrate species. Physiological evidence for pain in invertebrates lies primarily with aspects of their neurochemical systems. Euthanasia of any animal should be performed humanely, manifested by providing for minimal pain and distress. A common practice among scientists for invertebrate specimen collection is submersion in a preservative substance.
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Cephalopods are an interesting and diverse group of animals in nature, and their dexterity, speed, unique anatomical features, colorful beauty, visual acuity, and ability to learn various tasks make them popular with the communication media and public in general. Cephalopods are members of the phylum Mollusca and share basic body organizational features with the gastropods, bivalves, and other mollusks. The octopuses are represented by several families and have a worldwide distribution. The cephalopod immune system can be compromised easily with poor water quality, overcrowding, and/or increased bacterial load on the aquatic system. Disease management of captive cephalopods depends on careful and attentive husbandry with high-quality nutrition, frequent clinical assessment and observation of animals, and appropriate use of antibiotics. The best approach in the treatment of cephalopods is the careful monitoring and control of water quality. Since the high surface area skin has a microvillus border, drugs may be readily absorbed, and possibly at toxic levels.
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/Volumes/Lexar/Boletzky 1974a.pdf
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Evidence is presented for acetylcholine as neurotransmitter in the sensory epithelia (macula and crista) of the statocyst of Octopus vulgaris, based on the following techniques: (i) histochemical assay of acetylcholinesterase at light- and electron-microscopical levels, in combination with the detailed knowledge of the ultrastructural and neuronal organization of the receptor epithelia; (ii) lesion/degeneration experiments of the efferent fibre system; (iii) radiochemical assay of acetylcholine; and (iv) bioassay of acetylcholine. All data support the hypothesis that in the statocyst of O. vulgaris acetylcholine acts as a neurotransmitter in the efferent fibre system.
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Nalmefene, an opioid antagonist, caused a decrease in self-mutilative behavior in a 500-kg stallion. Self-mutilative attempts were counted during a control period and on 4 subsequent occasions after the IM administration of 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg, or 800 mg of nalmefene. The frequency of self-mutilation decreased with increasing doses of nalmefene and was virtually abolished with the 800-mg dose.
A new genus of octopus is described from northern Australian waters. Ameloctopus litoralis, gen. et sp. nov., is a shallow-water octopus characterised by the absence of an ink sac, vestigial funnel organ, terminal organ without a diverticulum, marked elongation of the arms and arm autotomy. It is found across northern Australia from southern Queensland to north-west Western Australia, primarily on coastal mudflats and intertidal reefs. This species occupies lairs in shallow and intertidal coastal habitats, feeding by extending arms from the safety of the lair or by foraging at night during low tides, over open sand, mud and rubble. A. litoralis lays large eggs, indicating that hatchlings are benthic and dispersal limited. Loss of the ink sac in a shallow-water octopod and the development of arm autotomy are discussed. Relationships with other octopod taxa exhibiting similar traits are examined.
Spontaneously occurring self-fighting behaviour in a male Stumptail macaqueMacaca arctoides with a history of prior social deprivation was studied clinically. Experimental interventions showed external aggression to be a triggering factor when the animal aggressed against could neither escape nor defend itself.
This paper describes an automutilation syndrome (OAS) in three species of captive octopuses, Octopus dolfleini, O. bimaculoides, and O. maya, characterized by external arm and mantle lesions. Three clinical patterns in nine animals had similar and characteristic gross and histopathologic features. Axial nerve or brachial artery lesions were observed in six of the nine cases and vascular lesions were seen in two of eight cases with mantle ulcerations. A relationship between automutilation in the octopus and dysesthesias due to neural or vascular pathology is proposed.