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The efficiency of Penicillium commune for bioremoval of industrial oil

  • North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Abstract and Figures

Among all environmental contaminations, industrial oil is one of the major pollutants of soil, water, and air. There are different chemical, physical, and biological methods to remove all types of oil pollutions. One of the common biological methods is to utilize the microorganisms like yeast, fungi or bacteria. Previous studies concerning the biodegradation of an aromatic compound in industrial waste water by Aspergillus niger have been reported. In this study, we tried to identify an oil-derived microorganism and evaluate its efficacy on selfremoval of industrial oil. Firstly, the strain of isolated fungus from various bulks of used oil was defined via colonial identification and DNA sequencing. Secondly, bioremoval activity of defined fungus (Penicillium commune) was evaluated using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The optimum conditions in biological elimination of oil including the incubation time, pH level of culture, and amount of reagents were determined. In the best condition, a removal rate of 95.4 % was obtained.
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The efficiency of Penicillium commune for bioremoval
of industrial oil
A. Esmaeili E. Sadeghi
Received: 3 August 2013 / Revised: 17 January 2014 / Accepted: 5 February 2014 / Published online: 25 February 2014
ÓThe Author(s) 2014. This article is published with open access at
Abstract Among all environmental contaminations,
industrial oil is one of the major pollutants of soil, water,
and air. There are different chemical, physical, and bio-
logical methods to remove all types of oil pollutions. One
of the common biological methods is to utilize the
microorganisms like yeast, fungi or bacteria. Previous
studies concerning the biodegradation of an aromatic
compound in industrial waste water by Aspergillus niger
have been reported. In this study, we tried to identify an
oil-derived microorganism and evaluate its efficacy on self-
removal of industrial oil. Firstly, the strain of isolated
fungus from various bulks of used oil was defined via
colonial identification and DNA sequencing. Secondly,
bioremoval activity of defined fungus (Penicillium com-
mune) was evaluated using gas chromatography–mass
spectrometry. The optimum conditions in biological elim-
ination of oil including the incubation time, pH level of
culture, and amount of reagents were determined. In the
best condition, a removal rate of 95.4 % was obtained.
Keywords Bioremoval Industrial oil Penicillium
commune Fungus
Oil pollutants such as lubricants, cutting fluids, and other
types of heavy products such as tar, grease, crude oil, and
diesel oil as well as light hydrocarbons are considered as a
global disaster and a common problem in oil-bearing and
industrial regions (Merkel et al. 2004).
In our research, the biodegradation of 1-naphthol in
industrial waste water was examined. We separated
Aspergillus niger in the soil of industrial waste water and
its biodegradation by the same fungi was further investi-
gated by us (Esmaeili and Fazeli 2012).
In a field study, fugal strains were isolated from oil-
contaminated sites of Arak refinery (Iran) and their growth
ability was checked in potato dextrose agar media con-
taining 0–10 % v/v crude oil, the activity of three enzymes
was evaluated in the fungal colonies and bioremediation
ability of the fungi was checked in the experimental pots
containing 3 kg sterilized soil and different concentrations
of petroleum (0–10 % w/w) (Mohsenzadeh et al. 2012). In
recent years, a number of natural biodegradable sorbents
have been found as one of the most cost-effective and
capable means for the oil spill cleanup, and a number of
works have been studied for utilizing these materials in the
removal of oil spill, e.g., barley straw (Husseien et al.
2009), raw sugarcane bagasse in different particle sizes was
used for the sorption of layer of crude oil from surface of
sea water (Behnood et al. 2013).
During recent years in our country, we have encountered
with the increased destroying effects of oil pollution on
ecosystem similar to the other oil-rich countries. Recently,
the amazing effects of fungi on removal of pollutants or
their transformation to harmless or useful products have
been reported. In this process, many toxic components in
oil industry wastewater can be changed to novel substances
applicable in biotechnological procedures (Esmaeili and
Fazeli 2012). Industrial oils as by-products of mineral-
based oils are derived from crude oil in refineries. These
oils include hydrogen and carbon which forms numerous
compounds called hydrocarbons that are not heavy enough
A. Esmaeili (&)E. Sadeghi
Department of Chemical Engineering, North Tehran Branch,
Islamic Azad University, PO Box 19585/936, Tehran, Iran
Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2014) 11:1271–1276
DOI 10.1007/s13762-014-0523-1
to change from a gas into a solid state. The most important
application of industrial oil is to lubricate the metal parts of
car engine or other types of machines (Dieter 1984).
Hydrocarbons as oil industrial derivatives can be decom-
posed by soil fungi as a natural phenomenon. The living
condition of soil-bacteria or fungi makes them suitable for
bio-removal of hydrocarbon contaminations in soil.
Noticeably, Penicillium is one of the most abundant fungal
floras with the intention that there are 10
spores in
one gram of normal soil and 10
spores in one milliliter of
unpolluted groundwater (Gallegos Martinez et al. 2000).
Recently, a considerable attention has been focused on
using physical, chemical, and biological methods to
remove or modify the environmental contamination created
by petroleum products. (Chehregani and Malayeri 2007).
According to previous studies, biological processes are the
best options because of being cost-effective and less haz-
ardous to both human and natural environment. They are
also a proper replacement of expensive engineering tech-
niques (Chehregani et al. 2009; Merkel et al. 2004; Smith
et al. 1981). From a biological point of view, the aim of this
study was to evaluate the potential of a fungus (Penicillium
commune) isolated from wastewater oil on the elimination
of oil industrial derivatives. More importantly, a probable
metabolic pathway was defined using product analysis.
Materials and methods
Chemicals and culture media
This study has been conducted in Garmsar, Semnan
Province in Iran. Industrial oil with the flash point of
160–350 °C was provided from the second refinement oil
industrial company. Samples were diluted (4 %) and their
pH adjusted to normal (pH 7) using 1 M HCl/1 M NaOH.
The microbiological culture medium used in this study
was SGA 4 % containing 5 g casein peptone, 5 g meat
peptone, 40 g glucose and 15 g agar which were solved in
1 l distilled water and adjusted to pH 5.6 ±0.2 at 25 °C
(Malik 1996; Kachuei et al. 2009; Sherman et al. 1991).
Isolation and cultivation of fungus
In order to cultivate microorganism, a sample of used oil
was collected from a barrel in an auto service using a
sterile 10 ml pipette and was kept in a glass bottle at 4 °C.
This sampling procedure was repeated three times in dif-
ferent auto service shops. Sample preparation was as fol-
low: 1 ml of used oil was mixed with 10 ml of sterile
distilled water and centrifuged 15 min at 1,000 rpm. After
removing the supernatant, the pellet was resuspended in
1 ml distilled water and cultured on Sabouraud Glucose
Agar (SGA) 4 %. Plates were kept at 27 °C incubator to
colonize the microorganism. After a 7-day culture, fully
colony growth plates were stored at a temperature of 4 °C
(Cruickshank et al. 1975).
Identification of microorganism derived from used oil
The following procedures were done to identify the strain
of oil-removal fungus: Colony formation on SGA was
applied to find the type of fungus as previously reported by
Kachuei et al. (2009), special staining of Penicillium on the
slide was done using lacto phenol blue. Finally, we could
detect P. commune in our samples.
DNA extraction
DNA extraction was performed according to the method
published by Kachuei et al. (Glass and Donaldson 1995)
with a few modifications. Briefly, the harvested mycelial
mass was frozen in liquid nitrogen and ground to a fine
powder. The mycelia powder was suspended in a DNA
extraction buffer containing 50 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8),
50 mM EDTA, 3 % sodium dodecyl sulfate, and 50 llof
proteinase-K (20 mg/ml). The suspension was incubated at
65 °C for 1 h, and the cellular debris was removed by
centrifugation at 3,000 rpm for 5 min. The suspension was
extracted once with phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol
(25:24:1) and once with chloroform/isoamyl alcohol
(24:1). DNA was precipitated by addition of an equal
volume of ethanol and sodium acetate (3 M) followed by
centrifugation at 12,000 rpm for 10 min, frozen at -20 °C
for 2 h, and then centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 30 min.
Finally, the DNA pellet was rinsed with 70 % ethanol and
suspended in TE buffer (Fig. 1) for further evaluations.
Fig. 1 Bright field microscopic examination of P. commune fungus
1272 Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2014) 11:1271–1276
PCR and DNA sequencing
Isolated DNA was used in PCR. b-Tubulin gene and the
internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions were amplified
using universal primers Bt2a, Bt2b, ITS5, and ITS4 (White
et al. 1990).
Amplification was performed in a final volume of 25 ll
containing 25 llof109PCR buffer, 0.5 ll deoxynucleo-
side triphosphate (dNTP) at 0.2 mM, each forward and
reverse primer at 20 pmol, 1.25 ll of template DNA, and
2.5 U of qDNA polymerase (0.5 ll). The PCR condition
consisted of the initial denaturation at 94 °C (20 min), 35
cycles each of denaturation at 94 °C (45 s), 58 °C for
annealing (1 min) and finally at 72 °C for 7 min. A tem-
perature of 58 °C was found suitable for the PCR process.
Approximately, 500–600-bp of the PCR product was
obtained and sequenced by Pishgam Biotechnology Co.
The result of the sequence analysis revealed that the iso-
lated fungus was P. commune.
Evaluation of industrial oil
To evaluate the industrial oil, 7 ml of oil were reached to
the volume of 25 ml using dichloromethane solvent in a
volumetric flask and assessed by gas chromatography–
mass spectrometry (GC–MS) device. The levels of indi-
vidual components were determined using the measure-
ment of specific spectral peaks with units of parts per
million (ppm).
Determination of oil-removal capacity of fungus
After completing the fungal growth, industrial oil was
added to the plates with an area of 1 cm using a pipette.
After 10-day culture at 27 °C, the samples were collected
and the oil-removal ability of contained fungus was studied
using GC–MS device. Mass of harvested sample from each
plate was about 0.2 g. Thereafter, the samples were solved
in an appropriate solvent (ethyl acetate) and filtered. The
filtered samples were diluted to a volume of 25 ml in the
flask balloon. The formulae for the assessment of oil-
removal activity and the percentage of removing were as
Percentage of removing ¼100 YðÞ
and X
were the ppm values of initial and final volumes
of oil, respectively. Bioremoval process was assessed by
measuring different parameters including injection volume
of oil to each plate, pH level of plates’ contents and the
removal time. The tests were conducted in various time
intervals between 0 and 10 days. In addition, the effects of
a range of pH values (4, 5, 5.6, 6, and 7), concentration of
oil (1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 25, 50, and 75 ll), and biomass
content were studied in culture medium. All the assess-
ments were repeated five times and the mean ±SD values
were reported.
Statistical analysis
One-way ANOVA and LSD were used to evaluate differ-
ences between groups. All statistical analyses were carried
out using SPSS 17 (SPSS Inc.). The significance level of
0.05 was considered in this study.
Results and discussion
The present study aimed to investigate the potential ability
of wastewater-derived fungus on bioremoval of industrial
oil. A fungus from Penicillin family named P. commune
was isolated from oil in an effluent disposal area near the
second refinement oil industrial company of Garmsar. The
strain of fungus was also confirmed using gene sequence
analysis of 18s Ribosomal RNA. In addition, bioremoval
activity of P. commune to degrade the hydrocarbon com-
pounds was about 95.4 %. A morphological study of
P. commune was done after smearing on slides and staining
them with lactophenol cotton blue wet mount preparation.
Slides were assessed by optical microscopy and the con-
idiophores specifically basipetal conidia were observed
(Fig. 1).
Effect of initial dye pH on the process
The optimum conditions for some important parameters in
this biological process such as final injection volume of oil,
the pH level of culture, and removal time were also
determined (Fig. 2). According to the recent studies, the
changes in pH influence the oil-removal efficiency of fungi.
As shown in Fig. 2, the most bioremoval activity of P.
commune was found in pH 5.6 (83.59 %) which was con-
siderably lower than normal condition (pH 7). The statis-
tical analysis of these changes has been shown in Table 1.
In contrast to acid-resistant microorganisms (e.g., P. com-
mune), the suitable pH for living and higher activity of
some other kinds of microorganisms is near neutral pH.
However, considerable decrease in soil pH level has a great
impact on the ability of microbial population to reduce
hydrocarbons (Bossert and Bartha 1984). In addition,
Verstraete et al. indicated that the biological elimination of
gasoline will be doubled if some modifications perform to
maintain the acidity of soil when it increases from 4.5 to
Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2014) 11:1271–1276 1273
7.4 (Walker and Colwell 1974; Verstraete et al. 1976;
Spain et al. 1980).
Effect of different time on the process
In order to find the optimum incubation time, this process
was done in different time intervals (1–10 days). As shown
in Fig. 3, the ideal length of time for oil degradation is
5 days. A gradually increasing in the efficacy of fungus to
remove the oil was seen from 89.16 % in the first day to
95.4 % in the fifth day. The study continued to day 10 and
the results have been shown in Fig. 3.
The statistical analysis of parameters related to the
10-day evaluation of oil-fungus co-culture has been also
shown in Table 1. The biomass of fungus in this study was
about 0.2 g per 1 cm
. According to a research conducted
in Ardabil, East Azerbaijan Province in Iran, the maximum
bio-removal function of A. niger derived from the soil of
industrial waste water was 75 % after 5-day co-culture
with the fungal concentration of 75 mg/l (Esmaeili and
Kalantari 2012).
Effect of inoculated oil volume on the process
Although there is a report of higher removal efficacy of P.
commune than A. niger following 10 days cultivation, but
another study revealed that the extended duration time
could improve the removal efficacy no more than 75 %. On
the other hand, the effect of different volumes of oil from 1
to 75 ll was evaluated in a period of 10 days. As shown in
Fig. 4, our results pointed to a gradually decrease in the
removal activity due to increased amount of oil from 7 ll
(83.6 %) to 75 ll (3.33 %). Outcomes of related statistical
analysis have been also shown in Table 1. The peaks of
industrial oil analysis in an optimized condition before and
after bioremoval process were obtained by GC (Fig. 5). As
a result of this study, P. commune is a suitable, highly cost-
effective and eco-friendly bioremoval for elimination of
industrial-oil pollution (Atlas et al. 1980; Esmaeili and
Kalantari 2012).
There are some evidences on the abundant amounts of
bacteria and fungi in soil and their potential role in the
elimination of hydrocarbons (White et al. 1990). Effluent
of oil water waste into the soil increases the bacteria
population and makes it easy to collect a large amount of
Fig. 2 Removal of injection volume (7 ll), 0.2 g of biological
weight, 10 days, at different pH
Fig. 3 Removal of injection volume (7 ll), 0.2 g of biological
weight, 10 days, at different time
Table 1 Injection volume, pH, time: ANOVA test statistical study,
0.2 g of biological weight
Between group Within groups Total
Sum of squares
Volume 392.185 50.000 442.185
pH 459.601 69.920 529.521
Time 41,258.556 90.000 41,348.556
Volume 4 20 24
pH 6 28 34
Time 8 36 44
Mean square
Volume 98.046 2.500
pH 76.600 2.497
Time 5,157.319 2.500
Volume 39.218
pH 30.675
Time 2,063
Volume 0.000
pH 0.000
Time –
1274 Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2014) 11:1271–1276
bacteria from the soil (Bossert and Bartha 1984; Jensen
1975; Atlas et al. 1980). In contrast to our study, Song
et al. showed that bacteria (82 %) had a more potent
activity to eliminate n-hexadecane in sandy environments
than fungi (13 %) (Mohsenzadeh et al. 2012). In a
research study, the possible role of different fungi to
eradicate the contamination of soil has been compared.
Among them, Aspergillus terreus,Penicillium sp., Alter-
naria sp., Acromonium sp. could efficiently remove 10, 8,
8, and 2 % of crude oil, respectively (Kirk and Gordon
1988). Although, the environmental oil contaminations
can be removed by bacteria and fungi (Atlas et al. 1980),
but the biological degradation of hydrocarbon compounds
is mostly done by both Penicillium sp. and Aspergillus
(Fusey and Oudot 1984). The highest rate of bioremoval
is associated with saturated hydrocarbons and the lowest
rate to light aromatic, with high molecular and polar
compounds (Kirk and Gordon 1988; Fusey and Oudot
In this study, decreasing in peak area of GC–MS after
passing the time of incubation indicates the successful
ability of P. commune to remove or modify the industrial
oil. In optimum condition (5 days, pH 5.6, 7 ll of oil), the
remove of 95.4 % industrial oil is possible to wrap up, it is
possible to efficiently use of natural metabolic function of
microorganisms to eliminate the environmental pollutants
such as industrial oil and, in fact, it will be as a part of
biological self-removing.
Fig. 4 Effect of injection volume on industrial oil by P. commune.
0.2 g of biological weight, 10 days
Fig. 5 GC spectrum relating to industrial oil before removing process (a) and after biological removing (b)byP. commune in optimized
Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2014) 11:1271–1276 1275
In conclusion, bio-removal of the oil waste water was
carried out by a fungal strain named P. commune which
was derived from oil and identified using biological tests.
Effective identification of the isolated fungus was per-
formed by 18s rRNA gene sequence analysis. GC–MS
spectrums analyses confirmed the remove of oil industrial
by P. commune. The bio-removal of the oil was dependent
on the volume of oil, pH level of culture, and co-culture
time point. The most efficiency of bioremoval process was
up to 95.4 % under optimal condition.
Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Mr. Hossini, Spec-
troscopy of Laboratory, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad Uni-
versity (Tehran, Iran) for her assistance.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, dis-
tribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author(s) and the source are credited.
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1276 Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2014) 11:1271–1276
... However, the optimum conditions led to removal rate amounted to 95.4% of waste oil by P.commune. The fungus may be a new source in industrial applications regarding biodegradation of oil residues in the environment using biological means (Esmaeili and Sadeghi, 2014). Although, P. commune has no known activity of penicillin. ...
The selected fungus isolate Penicillium was diagnosed according to morphological and molecular characteristics when cultured on PDA culture media. The results of DNA extraction from spp. Penicillium fungus that had subjected to a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) showed the possibility of duplicate PCR-amplified products with an expected size of 550 nitrogenous base pairs by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in the presence of pair of the Forward primer (ITS1) and Reverse primer (ITS4). This is considered the first recording for this isolate in Iraq, and it was registered in the gene bank by a name of DSKZ and its code in the gene bank was MT065753.1, which was registered in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Some laboratory tests were conducted on this bio-fungus, where the treatment of antagonism between P.commune fungus and the pathogenic fungus S.sclerotiorum gave the highest percentage of inhibition, which amounted to 86.1, with highly significant differences compared to the control treatment, which amounted to 0.00%. The concentrations of 50% and 60% in the non-heat-treated fungal extracts (non-sterile) in terms of colony diameter and the percentage of inhibition for pathogenic fungus have excelled on the rest of the concentrations, which gave the highest values amounted to 0.00, 100%, respectively, for both concentrations. As for the treatment of the thermally treated fungus extracts (sterilized with an autoclave device at a temperature of 121°C and a pressure of 1.5 for 20 min), the 60% concentration has excelled on the rest of the concentrations by giving it the highest values in terms of colony diameter and the percentage of inhibition, which amounted to 1.012 cm and 88.8%, respectively, compared to the control treatment in which the colony diameter and percentage of inhibition amounted to 9.00 cm and 0.00%, respectively. P. commune extracts concentrations also caused an increase in the percentage of germination for eggplant seeds at a probability level of 0.05.
... applications regarding biodegradation of oil residues in the environment using biological means (Esmaeili and Sadeghi, 2014) although P. commune has no known activity of penicillin. Environmental isolation of the fungus has been shown to produce statin, simvastatin, mevastatin, and anti-disease products. ...
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The selected fungus isolate Penicillium was diagnosed according to morphological and Molecular characteristics when cultured on PDA culture media. The results of DNA extraction from spp. Penicillium fungus that had subjected to a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) showed the possibility of duplicate PCR-amplified products with an expected size of 550 nitrogenous base pairs by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in the presence of pair of the Forward primer (ITS1) and Reverse primer (ITS4). This is considered the first recording for this isolate in Iraq, and it was registered in the gene bank by a name of DSKZ, and its code in the gene bank was MT065753.1, which was registered in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Some laboratory tests were conducted on this bio-fungus, where the treatment of antagonism between P.commune fungus and the pathogenic fungus S.sclerotiorum. gave the highest percentage of inhibition, which amounted to 86.1, with highly significant differences compared to the control treatment, which amounted to 0.00%. The concentrations of 50% and 60% in the non-heat-treated fungal extracts (non-sterile) in terms of colony diameter and the percentage of inhibition for pathogenic fungus have excelled on the rest of the concentrations, which gave the highest values amounted to 0.00, 100%, respectively, for both concentrations. As for the treatment of the thermally treated fungus extracts (sterilized with an autoclave device at a temperature of 121 °C and a pressure of 1.5 for 20 min), the 60% concentration has excelled on the rest of the concentrations by giving it the highest values in terms of colony diameter and the percentage of inhibition, which amounted to 1.012 cm and 88.8 %, respectively, compared to the control treatment in which the colony diameter and percentage of inhibition amounted to 9.00 cm and 0.00%, respectively. P.commune extracts concentrations also caused an increase in the percentage of germination for eggplant seeds at a probability level of 0.05.
... Other contaminants: The presence of total petroleum hydrocarbons (mixtures of hydrocarbons in crude oil) in the environment is a major global issue (Aguilar-Arteaga et al., 2010). Recently, numerous materials and advantageous methods for separating total petroleum hydrocarbons from oil-polluted wastewater have been studied (Esmaeili and Sadeghi, 2014). Surfactant (hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide)-modified granulated NaA zeolite nanoparticles were used as the adsorbent in combination with polyaniline NF membranes to separate total petroleum hydrocarbons from the wastewater generated by an oil refinery (Esmaeili and Saremnia, 2018). ...
Adsorption is an effective method for the removal of inorganic and organic contaminants and has been commonly used as a pretreatment method to improve contaminant removal and control flux during membrane filtration. Over the last two decades, many researchers have reported the use of hybrid systems comprising various adsorbents and different types of membranes, such as nanofiltration (NF), ultrafiltration (UF), and microfiltration (MF) membranes, to remove contaminants from water. However, a comprehensive evaluation of the removal mechanisms and effects of the operating conditions on the transport of contaminants through hybrid systems comprising various adsorbents and NF, UF, or MF membranes has not been performed to date. Therefore, a systematic review of contaminant removal using adsorption–membrane hybrid systems is critical, because the transport of inorganic and organic contaminants via the hybrid systems is considerably affected by the contaminant properties, water quality parameters, and adsorbent/membrane physicochemical properties. Herein, we provide a comprehensive summary of the most recent studies on adsorption–NF/UF/MF membrane systems using various adsorbents and membranes for contaminant removal from water and wastewater and highlight the future research directions to address the current knowledge gap.
... Fungal genome DNA was isolated according to procedure described by Florez et al. (2007). Amplification of target fragment of rDNA was performed using specific primers ITS1-F (5′-TCC GTA GGT GAA CCT GCG G-3′) and ITS4-R (5′-TCC TCC GCT TAT TGA TAT GC-3′) (Esmaeili and Sadeghi 2014). Reaction mixture (with total volume 20 µl) included 10 × buffer for Taq-polymerase, 10 pM of each primer, 2 µl of DNA template, 5 nM of dNTP mixture and 1.25 U of Taq DNA polymerase. ...
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Chitosan-degrading fungal strain, Penicillium sp. IB-37-2A, produced mainly extracellular chitosanolytic enzymes under submerged agitating cultivation in presence of soluble chitosan or colloidal chitin as main carbon source. Significant N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase activity (8–18 × 10³ U·ml⁻¹) was also detected in culture filtrate of the fungal strain. Alone major exo-chitosanase from culture filtrate of Penicillium sp. IB-37-2A was purified in 46-fold using ultrafiltration, affinity sorption on colloidal chitosan and hydrophobic chromatography on Phenyl-Sepharose CL 4B and characterized. Molecular weight of the exo-β-1.4-glucosaminidase is 41 kDa according to SDS-PAGE. The purified enzyme has optima pH and temperature 4.0 and 50–55 °C, respectively, pI 4.9; it is stable under pH 3.0–8.0 and 55 °C. Activity of the enzyme is strongly inhibited by 1 mM Hg²⁺ and Ag⁺, in less degree—10 mM Cu²⁺, Zn²⁺, Ni⁺ and Fe²⁺, slightly activated—with 1 mM Mg²⁺, 10 mM Ca²⁺, tween-80 (10 mM) and Triton X-100 (1 mM). Viscosimetric assay confirmed reported earlier exo-splitting manner of the enzyme activity. Soluble chitosan (deacetylation degree (DD) 80–85%) is most rapidly hydrolyzed by the enzyme (Vmax = 7.635 µM × min⁻¹ × mg⁻¹, KM ~ 0.83 mg/ml). Purified exo-chitosanase also degraded laminarin, β-glucan, colloidal chitin and showed significant chitobiohydrolase activity (V ~ 50 µM × ml⁻¹ × min⁻¹ for pNP-GlcNAc2) but no hydrolyzed CMC, cellulose, xylan and galactomannan. It is found that crude and partially purified exo-β-1.4-glucosaminidase inhibits in vitro the growth of some phytopathogenic fungi that is first report for antifungal activity of exo-chitosanase.
Textile industries are one of the largest industries that consume water and produce colored wastewater. Textile dyes are the largest group of water-soluble synthetic dyes with the most diversity. Therefore, the removal of dyes from wastewater has attracted much attention recently due to their potential toxicity. Polluting dyes are widely used in various industries such as textiles, papermaking, color pictures, pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics. More than 70 million tons of artificial dyes are produced annually worldwide. Recently, mesoporous compounds have had good performance and efficiency in the separation process due to their advantages such as high specific surface area, lack of internal penetration resistance, and tendency to target species in solution. The structure of magnetic mesoporous silica includes a magnetic core surrounded by silica cavities. In other words, magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles sit inside the pores of mesoporous silica. The intermediate compound and the chitosan-dendrimer compound were used to decolorize the effluent of textiles dyed with reactive dyes. The polymer-dendrimer absorbent can be an absorbent with high potential and biodegradable to remove anionic compounds such as reactive dyes from textile industry wastewater. The unique feature of these absorbents is high absorption power, biodegradability, biocompatibility, and nontoxicity. The prepared biopolymer-dendrimer combination can potentially produce various industrial applications, including water purification, purification of organic and metal pollutants harmful to the environment, or preparation of nanofibers for medical applications.
The composition of milk varies from mother to mother in different ruminants but in general milk contains 85-90% of water and 13% of other nutrients, including fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Milk is a rich source of carbohydrate called oligosaccharides, one of the many different sugars in milk. These sugars are responsible for biological effects, such as providing energy for growing babies or contributing to organ development. Oligosaccharides are main components of milk and their bio-active properties like: prebiotics, anti-infective, and immune system modulators and as a possible source of sialic acid for neural concernment. In all mammals' cow and buffalo is the major source of milk cattle of north India. Buffalo milk shows physicochemical properties like higher content of fatty acids and proteins which is different from that of other mammals. In Buffalo milk oligosaccharide propel distinct stimulation of antibody, delayed-type hypersensitivity which react to sheep red blood cells in BALB/c mice. This also stimulates non-specific immune response of the animals i.e., macrophage migration index. In the present process Gaddi sheep's milk was collected and processed through the modified method of Kobata and Ginsburg followed by gel filtration, high performance liquid chromatography and repeated column chromatography, which led to isolation of a novel nonasaccharide, named as Iesose. The result obtained from chemical degradation, chemical transformation along with advanced spectroscopic data suggested that it was a nonasaccharide. Further the structure was reconfirmed by different methods of NMR like: 1H, 13C and 2D NMR (COSY, TOCSY and HSQC) techniques along with mass spectrometry. The structure of Iesose was deduced as: KEYWORD: Oligosaccharides, Gaddi sheep's milk, Analytical methods. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Haematology (ISSN: 2281-4876) Volume 10 Issue 1 (2021) 1945 1. Introduction: Oligosaccharides are the major adnexa of milk. Milk is a grizzled edible liquid and it is secretion of the exocrine glands of mammals. Milk is the rudimentary form of nutrition for infants till they are unable to digest other complementary food. Colostrum or early lactation milk, is richest source of mother's antibodies offer to its young ones and almost reduce the chances of the varied diseases and also full with number of macromolecules like protein and milk sugar. Ingestion of inter species milk is quite common, especially in humans, several of that suction the milk of alternative mammals. An aggregative body of confirmed that milk oligosaccharides are anti-adhesive antimicrobials that play as dispersible decoy receptors that shield to infant mucosal surfaces from infective agents and lower the hazards of microorganisms and protozoan parasite infections. Milk oligosaccharides would possibly regularize epithelial and immune cell respond alongside diminution of immoderate mucosal leukocyte infiltration and activation, reduces the treat for disease like necrotizing enterocolitis and supplied sialic acid that is essential nutrient for brain development and cognizance in infants. In conformity with 'Ayurveda and Unani' system of medicine, the sheep's milk has varied medicinal values aggravates hiccup and dyspnoea, elevates tyrannid and kapha and also reduces body fat. It's used against tuberculosis in ancient medicinal system and jointly helps to increase of platelets count throughout dengue fever. Remembered these bioactive properties, Gaddi sheep's milk was collected and processed by Improved method of Kobata and Ginsburg and so it absolutely was purified by Sephadex G-25 Gel column. It is conjointly confirmed by HPLC. Further the acetylation of oligosaccharides mixture followed by the silica gel chromatography led to isolation of a unique oligosaccharide Iesose that gave positive chemical test for traditional and amino sugars. From the quantitative and qualitative analysis of data, confirmed the position of linkage in oligosaccharides that is reconfirmed by different spectral ways (like 1D, 2D and 3D NMR and Mass spectroscopy).
Milk is an essential white fluid in glycobiology which contains number of important nutrients like: carbohydrate, protein, fats etc. Carbohydrate present in milk is either in free form or as glyco-conjugates. Milk is one of the rich sources of biologically active oligosaccharides in new born which protect from various disease. Milk is full of various biological activities such as antitumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antimicrobial activities. To discovered more novel biologically active milk oligosaccharides, Gaddi Sheep milk was collected and processed by Modern Kobata and Ginsburg method proceed by gel filtration and column chromatography which resulted in the isolation of novel milk oligosaccharide namely Gadose. The structure of isolated novel oligosaccharide 'Gadose" as an Octasaccharide was elucidated with the help of HPLC, NMR (1H, 13C, 2D NMR: COSY, TOCSY and HSQC) techniques and mass spectrometry and further confirmed by chemical degradation. The structure of Gadose is
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A multidisciplinary three-step methodology is being developed to diagnose the extent and type of petroleum pollutants and resulting technological approaches to restore a contaminated site. At first, the site was delimitated and its zones identified by using remote sensors. An area of 307 ha considered of major importance to the national Mexican oil company, Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), was identified. 75% of total analyzed soil samples ranged between 10-50,000 ppm of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and 25% between 50,000 and 434,000 ppm. Aliphatic and asphaltene groups were predominant and technological alternatives were proposed. In a second phase the identification of native botanical and microbial capabilities to biodegrade pollutants was achieved. Three native botanical species were selected for greenhouse studies: Cyperus laxus showed low sensitivity to TPH resulting in higher seed germination efficiency and growth rate. Since microbial consortia isolated from C. laxus rhizosphere were able to degrade up to 70% of TPH in 30 days laboratory cultures, a phytoremediation-reforest alternative was finally proposed to PEMEX. In a third step, the construction of a pilot plant in situ is now in course wherein both treatability studies and reforest strategies are being developed.
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Phytoremediation, i.e. the use of plants to recover contaminated soils, is a non-destructive and cost-effective in situ technology. In the case of oil contamination, it is based on the stimulation of petroleum hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms in the rhizosphere. Investigations about this technology in the tropics are scarce. Before starting time and cost-intensive greenhouse studies, a pre-selection of suitable native plants is indicated. In our work we present an approach to effectively pre-select species for the development and application of phytoremediation of petroleum-contaminated soils. In the eastern savannahs of Venezuela, plant species found on contaminated sites and therefore obviously tolerant of oil pollution were assessed regarding characteristics considered beneficial for their use in phytoremediation, like ease of propagation and favorable root system characteristics. Fifty-seven native or naturalized species, comprising 18 legumes, 19 grasses, 3 sedges and 17 other herbaceous species were found to occur on contaminated sites. Almost forty percent were found on more than one site. The legumes proved to be the easiest group to propagate, whereas most of the wild grasses and the other herbaceous species could not be propagated successfully. The most favorable root system, i.e. deep-reaching, widely branched roots creating an extended rhizosphere, was found in some grasses and sedges. Legumes had, in general, less ramified but deeper reaching roots. The species selected for further research are some wild legumes and cultivated pasture grasses that are widely used in the tropics. Additionally, some native wild grasses and one sedge were included. The study should serve as a basis for further investigations on phytoremediation in the tropics.
The significance of hydrocarbonoclastic filamentous fungi in marine environments is unclear, only poorly adapted terrigenous species having been investigated. This report examines 54 strains indigenous to submerged wood, saltmarsh vegetation and sandy beaches. Beach-adapted Corollospora, Dendryphiella, Lulworthia and Varicosporina species grew using alkanes and alkenes as sole carbon sources and mineralized $\text{n}[1-empty^{14}\text{C}]$ hexadecane. This ability was unrelated to oil pollution at fungal collection sites. Few fungi from other habitats utilized hydrocarbons. The beach fungi have been well positioned for selection of hydrocarbon utilization, interfacing with natural marine hydrocarbons in lipophilic surface films and sea foam, long before anthropogenic petroleum compounds polluted their environment.
The influence of mineral oils and oily waste on the bacterial flora of soil was studied both in the field and in model experiments by plate counts followed by examination of the composition of the bacterial flora developing on the plates and by enrichment cultures followed by isolation of pure cultures. A strong increase in bacterial numbers after oil application was observed both in field and model experiments, and this increase occurred within all groups of bacteria, except spore formers and streptomycetes. The most important species of oil decomposing bacteria belonged to the genera Arthrobacter and Pseudomonas. /// Влияние минеральных масел и их избытка на бактернальную флору почвы было исследовано в полевых и модельных экспериментах с помощью под-счета на стеклах обрастания с последующим исследованием состава бакте-риальной флоры на стеклах и в обогащенных культупах, сопроваждающейся изоляцией чистых культур. Наблюдалось сильное поьышение численности бактений после внесения масел в полевых и модельных экспериментах, и это повышение наблюдалось у всех групп бактерий, кроме спорообразующих и стрептомицетов. Наиболее важные виды бактерий, разлающих масла, принадлежат к родам Arthobacter и Pseudomonas.
Two areas of Chesapeake Bay, Colgate Creek in Baltimore Harbor and Eastern Bay, are presently under study, with routine sampling of water and sediment for petroleum-degrading microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, and fungi) by direct plating and enrichment culture. Selected physical and chemical parameters are recorded for each sampling site, and water and sediment samples are extracted for hydrocarbons. Numbers of petroleum-degrading microorganisms enumerated by direct plating were found to correlate with the concentration of benzene-extractable material and were higher for the Colgate Creek than for the Eastern Bay site. Petroleum-degrading microorganisms were isolated from water and sediment samples at environmental temperatures of 0°, 5°, and 10°C. A salts medium supplemented with nitrate and phosphate was used to provide optimum conditions for petroleum degradation, whereas Chesapeake Bay water was used to simulate natural environmental conditions. Use of a model petroleum permitted quantitative measurement of utilization of individual hydrocarbons ranging in complexity from simple alkanes to polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. Higher growth yields and maximum hydrocarbon degradation was observed for microorganisms in the salts medium at 0°, 5°, and 10°C, although significant quantities of hydrocarbons were utilized in some samples grown in a medium for which Chesapeake Bay water was the diluent. Bacterial hydrocarbon degradation accounted for most of the model petroleum utilization at 0° and 5°C. However, oscillations of bacterial populations, with significant growth of yeasts, was observed at 10°C. Photomicroscopy and scanning electron microscopy revealed aggregates of bacteria, yeasts, and fungi associated with oil globules. From preliminary identification and classification of the hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria, members of the generaVibrio, Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, andAcinetobacter were present in the enrichment cultures. From results of this study, it is concluded that utilization of model petroleum at low temperatures is a function of the types and numbers of microorganisms present in an original inoculum taken from the natural environment.