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The leaping behavior of the sally lightfoot crab Grapsus grapsus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) at an oceanic archipelago


Abstract and Figures

The genus Grapsus includes a total of nine recognized species of semi-terrestrial crabs. Among them, Grapsus grapsus (Linnaeus, 1758) stands popularly known as sally lightfoot crab. It is very abundant in Oceanic Islands, such as the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil. The present study registered the behavior of jumping between the rocks by G. grapsus in the supralittoral of Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. Field observations were performed in May 2012, including video footage. The crabs, juveniles and adults, males and females, jump from a rock to another. This can be related to a defense habit, but it seems that the crabs also jump to avoid entering into the sea, or to escape from wave wash. Other registers on crabs jumping from literature are also discussed. However, more studies on this behavior are still necessary for understanding them completely.
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Article Citation:
Marina de Sá Leitão Câmara de Araújo.
The leaping behavior of the sally lightfoot crab Grapsus grapsus (Crustacea: Decapoda:
Brachyura) at an oceanic archipelago.
Journal of Research in Biology (2014) 4(4): 1357-1364
Journal of Research in Biology
The leaping behavior of the sally lightfoot crab
Grapsus grapsus
(Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) at an oceanic archipelago
Crab behavior, Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Red rock crab,
Semi-terrestrial crab.
The genus Grapsus includes a total of nine recognized species of semi-
terrestrial crabs. Among them, Grapsus grapsus (Linnaeus, 1758) stands popularly
known as sally lightfoot crab. It is very abundant in Oceanic Islands, such as the
Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil. The present study registered the behavior
of jumping between the rocks by G. grapsus in the supralittoral of Fernando de
Noronha Archipelago. Field observations were performed in May 2012, including
video footage. The crabs, juveniles and adults, males and females, jump from a rock to
another. This can be related to a defense habit, but it seems that the crabs also jump
to avoid entering into the sea, or to escape from wave wash. Other registers on crabs
jumping from literature are also discussed. However, more studies on this behavior
are still necessary for understanding them completely.
1357-1364 | JRB | 2014 | Vol 4 | No 4
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Journal of Research in Biology
An International
Scientific Research Journal
Marina de Sá Leitão
Câmara de Araújo.
Departamento de Ciências
Exatas e Naturais, Faculdade
de Ciência, Educação e
Tecnologia de Garanhuns
(FACETEG), Campus
Garanhuns, Universidade de
Pernambuco (UPE), Brazil.
Corresponding author:
Marina de Sá Leitão
Câmara de Araújo.
Email Id:
Web Address:
Received: 20 May 2014 Accepted: 30 May 2014 Published: 26 Jun 2014
Journal of Research in Biology
An International Scientific Research Journal
Original Research
ISSN No Print: 2231 6280; Online: 2231- 6299
The genus Grapsus Lamarck, 1801 (Grapsidae)
includes a total of nine recognized species of semi-
terrestrial crabs: G. adscensionis (Osbeck, 1765),
G. albolineatus Latreille, in Milbert, 1812,
G. fourmanoiri Crosnier, 1965, G. granulosus H. Milne
Edwards, 1853, G. grapsus (Linnaeus, 1758),
G. huzardi Desmarest, 1825, G. intermedius de Man,
1888, G. lo n gi ta r s i s D an a , 1 85 1 a nd
G. tenuicrustatus (Herbst, 1783) (WORMS, 2013; Ng
et al., 2008). Among these species, G. grapsus, stands
out popularly and are known as red rock crab, sally
lightfoot crab, "aratu" (in Portuguese) and "abuete negro"
or "sayapa" (in Spanish). This species is found in the
Pacific Ocean, from Baja California to Northern Chile,
and Galapagos Islands, and in the Atlantic Ocean, from
Bermudas, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Antilles, Colombia,
and from Venezuela to Brazil. In the Brazilian coast, this
crab is found from the States of Ceará to Espírito Santo,
but it is more abundant in the Oceanic islands (Fernando
de Noronha Archipelago, Rocas Atoll and Saint Peter
and Saint Paul Rocks) (Melo, 1996; Freire et al., 2011).
At Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks, (Ross 1847, apud
Holthuis et al., 1980) cited that this species is a predator
of the eggs of birds that nest at the area, and Viana et al.,
(2004) cited that this is one of the most abundant animal
species on the rocks. Melo (1996) also signals the
occurrence of this species at Trindade, a Brazilian
volcanic island distant 1,167 km from the continent, but
probably the species inhabiting this island is, in fact,
G. adscensionis (Hartnoll, 2009). Ratti (2004) believed
that the differences between G. adscensionis and
G. grapsus were not enough to support two different
species, but more recently, several authors such as Ng
et al., (2008) and Freire et al., (2011), recognized the
taxonomic validity of both species.
Among the oceanic island this species can be
found, stands out the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago
(FNA) (3°51′S, 32°25′ W), a complex of volcanic islands
and rocks, which is found under jurisdiction of the State
of Pernambuco, Northeast of Brazil. The benthic fauna
of FNA was studied by Lopes and Alvarenga (1955) and
Matthews and Kempf (1970) (Mollusca), Pires et al.,
(1992) (Cnidaria), Mothes and Bastian (1993) and
Muricy and Moraes (1998) (Porifera), among others.
Several oceanographic expeditions explored the
archipelago, such as H.M.S. Beagle Challenger
Expedition, Hartt Expedition, Branner-Agassiz
Expedition, Calypso, Canopus and Almirante Saldanha.
The results of the Crustacea sampled on these
expeditions can be found at several publications, such as
Smith (1869), Miers (1886), Henderson (1888), Bate
(1888), Rathbun (1900, 1918, 1925, among others),
Forest and de Saint-Laurent (1967) and Coelho et al.,
(2006, 2007, 2008). Fausto-Filho (1974) presented a list
of the Decapoda and Stomatopoda collected by himself
and based on some of the cited publications, which
resulted in a total of 66 species (3 Stomatopoda and 63
Decapoda) for FNA. Included, there is G. grapsus. The
species was considered very abundant, being found in all
beaches. There is no doubt that the species inhabiting
FNA is G. grapsus. They are commonly observed in the
rocky shores of the islands that compose the archipelago,
sharing the habitat with Plagusia depressa (Fabricius,
1775) (Plagusiidae). The present study aims to describe
the jumping behavior of Grapsus grapsus at FNA during
field observations.
The archipelago is distant 545 km from the
capital of Pernambuco, the Municipality of Recife,
occupies an area of 26 km² and the main island,
Fernando de Noronha, has an area of 17 km², being 6
miles long and 2 miles wide (Matthews and Kempf,
1970; Fausto-Filho, 1974). In May 2012, during three
days, field observations and footages of this species were
performed at Sueste Bay, FNA (Figure-1) (3º52'01" S;
32º25'19" W). At the bay, the Sueste Beach and the
Araújo, 2014
1358 Journal of Research in Biology (2014) 4(4): 1357-1364
Sueste Mangrove are included, the last one being
considered the only oceanic mangrove of South Atlantic.
In the seawater of the bay, there are several islets, such
as Cabeluda, Chapéu, Ovos and Trinta-Réis.
The individuals of Grapsus grapsus were
observed in the rocky shore of the bay. These rocks are
mainly distributed in the extremities of the bay, and also
serve as habitat for Plagusia depressa. The water was
transparent and shallow, with a depth of 1m. The footage
was performed with a Panasonic camera, DMC-FT10
model. After that, a bibliographic research was
performed to seek possible registers of the jumping
behavior of crabs in the literature.
The air temperature and tidal heights for the
dates of study were obtained through the Integrated
System of Environmental Data (SINDA).
The air temperature for the study period varied
from 25.5 to 30ºC (Figure-2), characterizing a tropical
climate. The observations were performed during the dry
period, equatorial summer. According to Ribeiro et al.,
(2003, 2005), the FNA climate is of the type Aw of
Köppen's classifications, i.e. tropical with semi-arid
Journal of Research in Biology (2014) 4(4): 1357-1364 1359
Araújo, 2014
Figure 1. Brazilian coast with the location of the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, FNA
(A); FNA with the location of the Sueste Bay (B); Aerial view of the Sueste Bay (C);
Rocky shore at Sueste Bay, where the field observations of Grapsus grapsus (Linnaeus,
1758) were perfomed (D).
characteristics, having well defined dry and rainy
The tidal level for the study period varied from
1.25 to 2.75 m (Figure-3). The tidal regime can be
characterized as semi-diurnal tide, since there are two
high tides in each lunar day (Thurman, 1997). According
to Souza (2011), the maximum height of the tide in FNA
is 2.80 m, and the minimum, 0.0m. Thus, regarding its
amplitude, the tide of FNA can be classified as
The observed population consisted of Grapsus
grapsus juveniles and adults of both sexes. They were
found sharing the habitat with Plagusia depressa.
Besides the size, adults and juveniles are also
distinguished by the color of the carapace. Juveniles of
G. grapsus are dark green, dark gray or almost black,
which is important for they camouflage on the
black volcanic rocks of oceanic islands, and with light
yellow spots. On the other hand, adults are quite variable
in color; some are dark red or bright red (especially
Araújo, 2014
1360 Journal of Research in Biology (2014) 4(4): 1357-1364
Figure 2. Air temperature by dates and hour during the study period,
at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago.
Figure 3. Tidal level by dates and hour during the study period,
at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago.
males), others are dark green. Some lines and spots can
be observed (Fausto-Filho, 1974; Freire et al., 2011)
During the field observations, an unusual
behavior in Brachyura could be noticed: the sally
lightfoot jumps from a rock to another. Two scenes of
G. grapsus jumping were recorded (Videos 1, 2 and 3).
This behavior was observed for both males and
females, and juveniles and adults. A total of 12
observations were performed. In a first moment, it can be
an useful strategy to prevent predation, as described to
the species which will be discussed below. Besides, this
type of movement could be important to escape from the
wave wash (Video 1) or to avoid entering into the water
(Video 2), instead of walking through the water to reach
another point of the rocks. They also seem to jump from
a lower to a higher rock (Video 3). Kramer (1967) also
observed this behavior in a population of G. grapsus
from Galapagos. He noticed that the jumpy crabs had an
average carapace width of 30 cm. The crabs from FNA
were not measured, but it was clear that they did not
reach 10 cm CW. Before jumping, the crab aligns the
body by stretching the front running pairs of legs on
(Kramer, 1967), which was also noticed in the present
Some other interesting information was found in
the literature, regarding the locomotion of crabs. The
species Armases roberti (H. Milne Edwards, 1853)
(Sesarmidae) is found along river banks between rocks
and stones, as well as on the vegetation (Chace and
Hobbs, 1969). According to Schubart and Diesel (1998),
when these crabs are disturbed, they jump from the trees
into the water, and due to this behavior, they are know in
the Caribbean as “jumpy crabs”. Thus, this behavior
could be related to a defensive attitude. A similar
behavior was also registered for Percnon gibbesi (H.
Milne-Edwards, 1853) (Percnidae) by Deudero et al.,
(2005); the specimens, observed in shallow waters, run
and jump when threatened, seeking for shelter from
The crabs Sesarma trapezoideum H. Milne
Edwards, 1837 (Sesarmidae) occur preferentially in
riverine cliffs near water streams (Jeng et al., 2003).
According to these authors, these crabs retreat into
crevices or jump into the water below them when
disturbed; few minutes after that, they climb back to the
cliff. The species Leptograpsus variegatus (Fabricius,
1793) (Grapsidae), a supralittoral crab of rocky shores as
G. grapsus, jump into tidal pools or into the sea to escape
from predation (Greenaway et al., 1992).
All these mechanisms described in literature are
related to a fast escape from danger, such as predation,
including jumping into the water. But during the field
observations of G. grapsus, it could be noticed that the
specimens also jump from a rock to another, which could
be useful to escape from the wave wash or to avoid
entering into the water. They also seem to jump to a
higher rock. However, further studies on this feature are
still necessary. For example, to test if there is difference
in the jumping frequency between sexes and age classes,
as well as or to correlate the distance or amplitude of the
jumps with the body size of the crab.
Araújo, 2014
Journal of Research in Biology (2014) 4(4): 1357-1364 1361
Figure 4. Crabs of the species Grapsus grapsus
(Linnaeus, 1758) from the rocky shore at Sueste
Bay, Fernando de Noronha Archipelago.
The author is thankful to Maurício de Leitão
Dévé, Silvia de Sá Leitão Dévé e Jean Luc Dévé for
aiding in the field work and footage of the species. I also
thank Dr. Christoph Schubart for bringing me
informations regarding crabs' behavior, which helped me
describing the 'jumpy' grapsoids of Fernando de Noronha
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Souza VF. 2011. Estudo da estabilidade bidimensional
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de Recursos Hídricos. 1-16.
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Viana GF, Ramos-Porto M and Torres MFA. 2004.
Crustáceos Decápodos coletados no Arquipélago de São
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12(1): 43-50.
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Araújo, 2014
1364 Journal of Research in Biology (2014) 4(4): 1357-1364
... Grapsus grapsus is notorious for its leaping behavior. Araújo (2014) reported on both adults and juveniles males and females jumping from a rock to another rather than entering the water. The leaping behavior has been observed in other species as well (e.g. ...
Forty species of shore and shallow water brachyuran crabs are reported from the remote oceanic Archipelago Trindade and Martin Vaz (TMV), 11 of which were previously known from Trindade Island, 28 are recorded from the Archipelago for the first time, and one is a new species, Epialtus parvulus sp. nov. This brings the total known shore and shallow water decapod fauna of TMV to 99 species. The opportunity is taken here to elaborate on the taxonomy of the species reported from TMV. One new genus, Mecataleptodius, is recognized for two species, Cancer parvulus Fabricius, 1793, its type species, and Cataleptodius olsoni Manning & Chace, 1990, endemic to Ascension Island. The following seven nominal species are synonymized: Acanthonyx dissimulatus Coelho in Coelho & Torres, 1993; A. scutiformis (Dana, 1851a); Dromia gouveai Melo & Campos Junior, 1999; Epialtus portoricensis Rathbun, 1923; Ranilia guinotae Melo & Campos Junior, 1994; R. saldanhai H. Rodrigues da Costa, 1970; and Omalacantha garthi (Lemos de Castro, 1953). TMV is a subset of the western Atlantic crab fauna (23 species or 57.5%), also including 8 (20%) amphi-Atlantic species, 3 (7.5%) amphi-American, 3 (7.5%) endemic, 2 (5%) cosmopolitan, 1 (2.5%) known from both sides of the Atlantic and the Indo-West Pacific. The crab fauna of TMV, Ascension (AS) and Saint Helena (SH) are compared with one another as well as with that of the oceanic islands Fernando de Noronha (FN) and the Rocas Atoll (RA) by means of nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) applied to a dissimilarity matrix generated by Jaccard’s coefficient. TMV-FN-RA and AS-SH clustered into two distinct groups according to the composition of their crab fauna. The NMDS analysis ranked the species that cause segregation of the crab faunal assemblages among TMV, AS, and SH, while revealing a gradient in species composition between the two groups of islands (TMV-FN-RA and AS-SH) formed by the amphi-Atlantic species. Island isolation, age and size alone do not explain the existing differences in species richness among TMV, AS and SH. The taxonomic composition of the shallow water fauna in these islands is likely to have been determined by several variables that were interwoven differently along their evolutionary history.
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When discovered in the early 1500s, Isla Aves was a remote guano-covered Caribbean island much larger than it is at present. Gradually over subsequent centuries it became smaller, either leaving behind, or supplanted by, several small cays, now represented by a single coral cay located west of Dominica and south of St. Croix. As it shrank, some of its original biota disappeared, never to return. This island was visited many times over the intervening centuries with explorers recording its dimensions, location, physical features, and notes on various components of its terrestrial biota. Only since 1978 has it been permanently occupied by people. The present paper reviews its history, reports on a previously unpublished survey of its terrestrial biota in 1966, and chronicles what is known about the changes in that biota over time, including recent and ongoing research emanating from an on-site Venezuelan research facility. The various reports over the ages can serve as “time capsules” providing insight into the responses to change under previous conditions, and the present one as a baseline for evaluating those that may result from projected climatic instability and rising sea-level.
p>The social and reproductive behaviour of G. grapsus are related to aggressive demonstrations. These interactions are common in the acquisition or defence of resources. In this study was observed the behaviour of a crabs population and its relation to the frequency of mutilation in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. 93.16% of the total recording time, the organisms remained standing (20.14%), feeding (19.27%), walking (16.98%) or in the refuge (32.08%). Only 5.21% of the time corresponds to aggressive behaviours, since the first reaction to an aggression is run away, only 1.88% of the recording time the organisms were fighting. The sex ratio was 1:0.64 males/females. 62.50% of the females and 40% of the males showed mutilations, but there was no significant difference between females and males. However, in the months of August and July the males presented greater mutilation that was related to the reproductive period. During the reproduction and in general for the activities of G. grapsus , the displacement is characterized by the jumps that it makes, reason why the number of mutilations directly affects in the survival of the organism.</p
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Routine oxygen consumption of Leptograpsus variegatus in air (MO2=6.12 mass (g)0.854 µmol h-1) was elevated from three to six times (depending on body size) following exhausting exercise (MO2= 42.8 mass0.608 µmol h-1). In addition, considerable capacity for anaerobic exercise was apparent and total body L-lactate rose 4.8 times during the exercise period (25-g crab). The respiratory pigment (haemocyanin) had a low affinity under normoxic resting conditions (P50=25 Torr, where 1 Torr = 101 325/760 Pa) but showed a large Bohr effect (Bohr factor = -0.78), a marked temperature sensitivity (ΔH= 67.4 kJ mol-1), and a large potentiating effect by L-lactate (lactate coefficient = - 0.205). These features are more characteristic of the haemocyanin of aquatic crustaceans than those of terrestrial crustaceans. The affinity of the haemocyanin of L. variegatus was also decreased by elevated PCO2. Haemocyanin was responsible for 92% of oxygen transport in both resting and exercised crabs. These features are discussed in relation to the degree of adaptation of L. variegatus to a terrestrial lifestyle.
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Three semiterrestrial crab species of the genus Armases from Jamaica were shown to be strong osmotic regulators keeping internal media at very constant concentrations over all ambient salinities tested. Special attention was paid to Armases roberti (H. Milne Edwards, 1853), a crab restricted to the Caribbean and exclusively found along the banks of freshwater rivers. All three species were able to cope with experimental ambient salinities ranging from 0 to 45‰. Osmotic capacities of the freshwater species Armases roberti were compared with those from the marine supralittoral, A. miersii (Rathbun, 1897) and A. ricordi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853), and with those from other brachyuran crabs reported from brackish or fresh water. While the three species of Armases were shown to hyper- and hyporegulate, most of the other freshwater crabs only regulate in dilute media becoming isosmotic in higher salinities. It is argued that the ability of Armases roberti to regulate in hypersaline media and the comparatively high osmotic hemolymph concentration when hyperregulating in fresh water (ca. 680 mOsm kg-1) reflects a fairly recent invasion of the freshwater habitat from the marine supralittoral.
The rock crab, Grapsus adscensionis (Osbeck, 1765), was studied on Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean. By day crabs were inactive above water level at high tide, but during low tide fed on algal films exposed on the low shore. By night they were inactive at all tidal states. Both sexes reached a maximum carapace width of 74 mm, but were potentially capable of further moulting. Sexual maturity was reached at ∼38 mm carapace width in males, and ∼43 mm carapace width in females. In females one batch of eggs was produced in most intermoults. The ovaries had matured by the time that the eggs had completed incubation. The females moulted shortly after the hatching of the eggs, and re-laid early in the next intermoult. Consequently 78% of mature females were ovigerous. It is estimated that an egg batch is laid every 24 days. Reproductive investment (dry weight) per egg batch averaged 5.5%. French Le crabe des rochers Grapsus adscensionis (Osbeck, 1765), a été étudié sur l'île d'Ascencion, océan Atlantique Sud. De jour, les crabes sont inactifs au dessus du niveau de l'eau à marée haute, mais durant la marée basse ils se nourrissent sur le film algal de la côte émergée. La nuit ils sont inactifs quelle que soit la marée. Les deux sexes ont atteint une taille maximum de 74 mm de largeur de carapace, mais sont susceptibles de continuer à muer. La maturité sexuelle est atteinte à ∼38 mm de largeur de carapace pour les mâles, et ∼43 mm pour les femelles. Chez les femelles, une ponte est émise dans la plus part des intermues. Les ovaires sont matures au moment où les œufs terminent leur incubation. Les femelles muent rapidement après l'éclosion des œufs et pondent à nouveau au début de l'intermue suivante. En conséquence 78% des femelles mâtures sont ovigères. Il est estimé qu'une ponte est émise tous les 24 jours. L'investissement dans la reproduction (en poids sec) par portée est en moyenne de 5,5%.
Zusammenfassung Während eines einjährigen Aufenthaltes auf den Galapagosinseln wurde die Klippenkrabbe Grapsus grapsus L. unregelmäßig und am ekuadorianischen Festland bei Palmar in der Nähe von Guayaquil fünf Tage lang beobachtet. G. grapsus bewohnt die Gezeitenzone von Felsküsten und lebt im wesentlichen von dem hier gedeihenden Algenbewuchs. Landlebende Feinde sind auf Galapagos vor allem die beiden kleinen Reiher Butorides sundevalli und Nyctanassa violacea . Im Wasser drohen Raubfische (z. B. Cirrhitus rivulatus ) und Kraken. Auf dem ekuadorianischen Festland kommen Kleinbären als Landfeinde vor. Die Galapagos‐Klippenkrabben sind, verglichen mit den ekuadorianischen Artgenossen, vor allem prächtiger gefärbt und bedeutend größer. Zum Teil variieren sie farblich ein wenig von Insel zu Insel. Als bemerkenswerte sekundäre Geschlechtsmerkmale werden Größen‐unterschiede und dichte, an den Propoditen der ersten beiden Laufbeinpaare befindliche Bürsten beschrieben, die den ausgewachsenen ♀♀ fehlen. An den Oberseiten der Laufbeine stehen Reihen von Haaren, die wahrscheinlich der Wahrnehmung des gegenseitigen Betastens mit den Daktylopoditen dienen. Klippenkrabben gehen langsam vorwärts oder etwas schräg, auf der Flucht oder als Verfolger rennen sie seitwärts. Sie springen geschickt von Fels zu Pels und schwimmen mit raschen Schlägen der dorsoventral abgeflachten Laufbeine kürzere Strecken über die Wasseroberfläche hinweg. Die Krabben zupfen mit den vorn beißzangenartig verbreiterten Scheren Algenbewuchs ab. Sie fressen gerne Fleisch und verfolgen und ergreifen alles, was klein ist und sich in ihrer Nähe bewegt. Insbesondere die großen ♂♂ überfallen kleinere Artgenossen und fressen sie ganz oder deren autotomierte Beine. Vor allem kleine und mittelgroße Tiere halten sich bevorzugt in einer Gruppe mit gleich großen Artgenossen auf und sind meistens alle gleich orientiert. In vielfältigen Situationen berühren die Krabben einander mit den Laufbeinen und erteilen dabei anscheinend mechanische und eventuell chemische Signale. Eine kleine Krabbe kann wohl durch seitliches Betasten einen drohenden Angriff eines großen Artgenossen abwenden. Kraftproben zwischen ♂♂ werden meist durch einen Kommentkampf entschieden, in dem drei deutlich unterscheidbare Ausdrucksbewegungen auftreten können. Bei ungenügender optischer Kontrolle der Umgebung oder auf der Flucht zeigen die Krabben spezielle Abwehrbewegungen. In der ersten Phase der Balz verfolgt das imponierende ♂ das ♀, in der zweiten folgt das ♂ dem langsam zurückweichenden, weiter imponierenden ♂ und betastet es. Dann kann es zur Kopulation kommen. Kleine ♂♂ versuchen zuweilen, mit gleich großen und größren ♀♀ zu kopulieren, ohne daß ein Balzspiel vorangegangen ist. In bestimmten Situationen spritzen die Krabben Wasserfontänen aus kleinen beweglichen Düsen gezielt auf Artgenossen oder auch spontan geradeaus von sich weg; die Düsen sitzen an den Basen der zweiten Antennen. Beim normalen langsamen Gehen führt G. grapsus oft die leere Schere vom Boden zum Mund. Das ♂ zeigt solches „Scheinfressen” auch bei der Kopula. Ruhig sitzende Tiere sieht man zuweilen die Laufbeine aneinander reiben. Zusätzlich hüllen sie manchmal die Unterseite ihres Körpers und die Peraeopoden in Schaum ein, der aus den frontalen Öffnungen der Kiemenhöhlen tritt. Beides dürften Reinigungshandlungen sein.
Eleven expeditions were undertaken to the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago to study the reproductive biology of Grapsus grapsus, providing additional information on limb mutilation and carapace colour. MATURE software was used to estimate morphological maturity, while gonadal analyses were conducted to estimate physiological maturity. The puberty moult took place at larger size in males (51.4mm of carapace length) than in females (33.8mm), while physiological maturity occurred at a similar size in males (38.4mm) and in females (33.4mm). Above 50mm, the proportion of red males increased in the population, indicating that functional maturity is also related to colour pattern. Small habitat and high local population density contributed to the high rate of cannibalism. The low diversity of food items, absence of predators of large crabs and high geographic isolation are the determinants of unique behavioural and biological characteristics observed in the G. grapsus population. Keywords Grapsus grapsus –Reproductive biology–Sexual maturity–Mutilation–Equatorial Atlantic Ocean