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Critical success factors for the effective implementation of Lean Sigma: Results from an empirical study and agenda for future research


Abstract and Figures

Purpose Identification of critical success factors (CSFs) for any continuous improvement initiative is important as it allows organisations to focus their efforts on these factors to ensure a success. The purpose of this paper is to present the CSFs for the effective implementation of Lean Six Sigma and to analyze the implementation of Lean Six Sigma, focusing on the CSFs identified in the literature, through a survey of companies, geographically dispersed, from both the manufacturing and service industry. Design/methodology/approach The approach taken by authors in this study has two fundamental parts. The first part was to analyse the current literature on CSFs for all continuous improvement initiatives such as TQM, Lean, Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma. The second part was to design a survey questionnaire based on the literature. The questionnaire was sent to 600 companies (both manufacturing and service) and the response rate is approximately 17 per cent. Findings Analysis of key findings highlighted that the most important factors are: management commitment, cultural change, linking Lean Six Sigma to business strategy and leadership styles. The results also revealed that the least important factors are linking Six Sigma to HR rewards and extending Lean Six Sigma to supply chain. Research limitations/implications A sample size of 101 companies is not sufficient to generalise our key findings. This will be rectified by carrying out further surveys in the forthcoming months and making this investigation a longitudinal study. Moreover, the authors have to execute semi‐structured interviews to obtain a better understanding of the current practice of Lean Six Sigma in participating organisations. An online survey was administered for this study; however future semi‐structured interviews with employees in those companies would enable one to have a better understanding of their practice of Lean Six Sigma programmes. Originality/value Although there are a number of papers published on CSFs of Lean and Six Sigma, it was found that there is a dearth of literature on CSFs of Lean Six Sigma implementation. The authors also compare and contrast the CSFs in both manufacturing and service organisations. The results showed what the most and least important factors are for a successful implementation of Lean Six Sigma, providing valuable insights for organizations which will be embarking on this journey.
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International Journal of Lean Six Sigma
Critical success factors for the effective implementation of Lean Sigma: Results from an
empirical study and agenda for future research
Alessandro Laureani Jiju Antony
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To cite this document:
Alessandro Laureani Jiju Antony, (2012),"Critical success factors for the effective implementation of Lean
Sigma", International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, Vol. 3 Iss 4 pp. 274 - 283
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Dag Näslund, (2013),"Lean and six sigma – critical success factors revisited", International Journal of
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Critical success factors for the
effective implementation
of Lean Sigma
Results from an empirical study and agenda
for future research
Alessandro Laureani and Jiju Antony
Department of Design, Manufacture & Engineering Management,
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Purpose Identification of critical success factors (CSFs) for any continuous improvement initiative is
important as it allowsorganisations to focus their efforts on these factors to ensure a success.The purpose
of this paper is to present the CSFs for the effective implementation of Lean Six Sigma and to analyze the
implementation of Lean Six Sigma, focusing on the CSFs identified in the literature, through a survey of
companies, geographically dispersed, from both the manufacturing and service industry.
Design/methodology/approach The approach taken by authors in this study has two
fundamental parts. The first part was to analyse the current literature on CSFs for all continuous
improvement initiatives such as TQM, Lean, Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma. The second part was to
design a survey questionnaire based on the literature. The questionnaire was sent to 600 companies
(both manufacturing and service) and the response rate is approximately 17 per cent.
Findings – Analysis of key findings highlighted that the most important factors are: management
commitment, cultural change, linking Lean Six Sigma to business strategy and leadership styles.
The results also revealed that the least important factors are linking Six Sigma to HR rewards and
extending Lean Six Sigma to supply chain.
Research limitations/implications A sample size of 101 companies is not sufficient to generalise
our key findings. This will be rectified by carrying out further surveys in the forthcoming months and
making this investigation a longitudinal study. Moreover, the authors have to execute semi-structured
interviews to obtain a better understanding of the current practice of Lean Six Sigma in participating
organisations. An online survey was administered for this study; however future semi-structured
interviews with employees in those companies would enable one to have a better understanding of their
practice of Lean Six Sigma programmes.
Originality/value Although there are a number of papers published on CSFs of Lean and Six Sigma,
it was found that there is a dearth of literature on CSFs of Lean Six Sigma implementation. The authors
also compare and contrast the CSFs in both manufacturing and service organisations. The results
showed what the most and least important factors are for a successful implementation of Lean
Six Sigma, providing valuable insights for organizations which will be embarking on this journey.
Keywords Six Sigma, Critical success factors, Continuous improvement, Lean, Implementation
Paper type Research paper
This paper presents the results of a research focused on the implementation of Lean
Six Sigma, with the objective of analyzing what the critical success factors (CSFs) are.
After an introduction to Lean Six Sigma and its origin, followed by a review of the
literature highlighting the CSFs identified, the results of a survey among practitioners
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
International Journal of Lean Six
Vol. 3 No. 4, 2012
pp. 274-283
qEmerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/20401461211284743
Downloaded by Professor Jiju Antony At 14:10 11 December 2015 (PT)
are discussed, to show what CSFs are deemed more important from the practitioners that
answered the survey.
Consistencies and discrepancies between survey’s results and literature review are
then discussed. It is hoped this study may bring out important considerations for both
companies that are currently implementing Lean Six Sigma and want to improve, and
for companies thinking to implement Lean Six Sigma: reviewing the CSFs for
deployment may point out areas for improvement.
Finally, in the conclusion section, further opportunities for research are identified,
particularly in the areas deemed important in the research, but under-developed in the
current Lean Six Sigma literature.
Lean Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma is a business improvement methodology that aims to maximize
shareholder value by improving quality, speed, customer satisfaction, and costs: it
achieves this by merging tools and principles from both Lean and Six Sigma. It has been
widely adopted in manufacturing and service industries and its success in some famous
organizations (e.g. GE, and Motorola) has created a copycat phenomenon with many
organizations across the world willing to replicate the success.
Lean and Six Sigma have followed independent paths since the 1980s, when the terms
were first hard coded and defined: the first applications of lean were recorded in the
Michigan plants of Ford in 1913, and were then developed to mastery in Japan (within
the Toyota Production System), while Six Sigma saw the light in the USA (within the
Motorola Research Centre). Lean is a process improvement methodology used to deliver
products andservices better, faster, and at a lower cost. Womack and Jones (1996) defined
it as:
[...] a way to specify value, line up value-creating actions in the best sequence, conduct
those activities without interruption whenever someone requests them, and perform them
more and more effectively. In short, lean thinking is lean because it provides a way to do more
and more with less and less less human effort, less human equipment, less time, and less
space while coming closer and closer to providing customers with exactly what they want.
Six Sigma is a data driven process improvement methodology used to achieve stable
and predictable process results, reducing process variation and defects. Snee (1999)
defined it as:
[...] a business strategy that seeks to identify and eliminate causes of errors or defects or
failures in business processes by focusing on outputs that are critical to customers.
While both Lean and Six Sigma have been used for many years, they were not
integrated until the late 1990s and early 2000s (George, 2002, 2003), and today Lean
Six Sigma is recognized as: “a business strategy and methodology that increases
process performance resulting in enhanced customer satisfaction and improved bottom
line results” (Snee, 2010). Lean Six Sigma uses tools from both toolboxes, in order to
get the best from the two methodologies, increasing speed while also increasing
Overview of CSFs for Lean Six Sigma identified in the literature
Rockart (1979) illustrated the concept of CSF and how they can be used to determine
the information needs for managers: according to Rungasamy et al. (2002), CSFs are
CSFs for
of Lean Sigma
Downloaded by Professor Jiju Antony At 14:10 11 December 2015 (PT)
those factors essential to the success of any program or technique, in the sense that,
if objectives associated with the factors are not achieved, the application of the technique
will perhaps fail catastrophically. CSFs include vital issues to an organization’s current
activities and future success (Boynlon and Zmud, 1984).
In the vast Lean Six Sigma literature, we have identified 31 sources discussing CSFs
for its implementation: 22 articles and nine books, from whom the resulting list of
19 CSFs is summarized in Table I.
Antony and Banuelas (2002) analyzed the “key ingredients for the effective
implementation of a Six Sigma program” UK companies, with Coronado and Antony
(2002) further refining them as:
.management commitment and involvement;
.understanding of Six Sigma methodology, tools, and techniques;
.linking Six Sigma to business strategy;
.linking Six Sigma to customers;
.project selection, reviews and tracking;
.organizational infrastructure;
.cultural change;
.project management skills;
.linking Six Sigma to suppliers; and
The importance of organizational infrastructure and culture was highlighted from
Zu et al. (2010), while Pande et al. (2000) included leadership commitment as one the
CSFs. Johnson and Swisher (2003) identified CSFs in:
.sustained and visible management commitment;
.continuing education and training of managers and participants;
.setting clear expectations and selecting projects leaders carefully for leadership
skills; and
.picking and selecting strategically important projects.
While Kwak and Anbari (2006) summarized the CSFs in four main areas: management
involvement and organizational commitment; project selection, management
and control skills; encouraging and accepting cultural change; continuous education
and training. Similarly, Achanga et al. (2006) identified four CSFs: leadership and
management, finance, skills and expertise, and organizational culture; while Kumar
(2007) identified 13 CSFs for Six Sigma implementation in SMEs. The importance of
organizational culture as CSF was identified from Erwin (2000), while Dale
(2000) highlighted the importance of linking Lean Six Sigma to the overall business
The need of a process management system, particularly the tracking and review of
projects, was highlighted from Martens (2001), while Ingle and Roe (2001) went deeper in
the subject, identifying the prioritization of projects as a CSF. Antony (2006) add other
CSFs to the literature, identifying selection of team members, understanding of the tools,
linking Six Sigma to customers and accountability to the existing list of CSFs.
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CSF (R...) 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
Cultural change XX XXXXXXX XXXX
Leadership style XX X X
Management commitment X XX X XXXXXXXXX X XXXXX
Organization infrastructure X X XXXX X X X
Communication XX X
Linking LSS to business
Linking LSS to customer XXXX X
Linking LSS to HR rewards XXXX XXX
Extending LSS to supply chain XXX XX
LSS projects prioritization X XX XXXXXX XX X XX X
LSS projects tracking and
Project management skills XXXXXXX X
Tools and techniques XXXXX X X
LSS financial accountability XXX
Data based approach XX
Communication and awareness XXX X
Selection of staff for LSS XX X
Resources to LSS team XX X X
Notes: R1: Henderson and Evans (2000); R2: Halliday (2001); R3: Pande et al. (2000); R4: Eckes (2000); R5: Erwin (2000); R6: Dale (2000); R7: Hendricks and
Kelbaugh (1998); R8: Ingle and Roe (2001); R9: Harry and Schroeder (2000); R10: Pande (2007); R11: Snee and Hoerl (2002); R12: Coronado and Antony
(2002); R13: Antony et al. (2007); R14: Antony and Banuelas (2002); R15: Antony (2006); R16: Breyfogle et al. (2001); R17: Burton and Sams (2005); R18:
Hayes (2002); R19: Sivakumar and Muthusamy (2011); R20: Revere et al. (2006); R21: Hahn et al. (1999); R22: Martens (2001); R23: Keller (2001); R24: Brue
(2002); R25: Kwak and Anbari (2006); R26: Zu et al. (2010); R27: Kumar (2007); R28: Brun (2011); R29: Goldstein (2001); R30: Achanga et al. (2006); R31:
Johnson and Swisher (2003)
Table I.
Summary of CSFs
from the literature
CSFs for
of Lean Sigma
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Goldstein (2001) identified 13 CSFs:
(1) deployment plan;
(2) active participation of the senior executives;
(3) project reviews;
(4) technical support (master black belts);
(5) full-time vs part-time resources;
(6) training;
(7) communications;
(8) project selection;
(9) project tracking;
(10) incentive program;
(11) safe environment;
(12) supplier plan; and
(13) customer “WOWS.”
While Halliday (2001) put his focus on the training of Six Sigma resources. Henderson
and Evans (2000) identified the following CSFs for Six Sigma: management support,
organizational infrastructure, training, tools, and linking Six Sigma to human
resources based actions (promotions, bonuses, etc.); while, in an appeal to statisticians,
Hahn et al. (1999) identified leadership, training and projects involvement as CSFs.
Antony et al. (2007) identified 13 CSFs:
(1) management commitment and involvement;
(2) company-wide commitment;
(3) cultural change;
(4) linking Six Sigma to business strategy;
(5) integrating Six Sigma with the financial infrastructure;
(6) organisational infrastructure;
(7) training and education;
(8) incentive program;
(9) customer focus;
(10) understanding the DMAIC methodology;
(11) project management skills;
(12) project prioritization and selection; and
(13) project tracking and reviews.
Research methodology and data collection
The study’s purpose was to verify whether companies that implemented Lean
Six Sigma still recognize the same set of CSFs individuated in the literature and which
ones they would consider as more important.
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To answer this question, a structure questionnaire was developed, which was
structured as:
.background of respondent and the organization;
.criteria for successful implementation of Lean Six Sigma in the organization; and
.CSFs for Lean Six Sigma implementation.
The questionnaire was distributed electronically to 600 Lean Six Sigma professionals,
from various industries and countries: the list of companies was obtained from the
database of the Department of Design, Manufacturing and Engineering Management
of Strathclyde University, plus a network of professional contacts of the research team.
The response rate was 17 per cent, with 101 responses received.
The questionnaire was targeted to those organizations, irrespective of industry’s
sector, that have already implemented either Lean or Six Sigma, or Lean Six Sigma.
In the last part of the questionnaire, related to CSFs, the 19 CSFs from the literature
were operationalized on a five-point Likert scale (1 not very important; 2 not
important; 3 important; 4 very important; 5 critical), and the respondents were
also asked to rank each factor from 1 to 19 (1 most important, 2 second most
important, etc.), in order to identify the importance of the 19 CSFs.
The data collected was then analyzed using Microsoft Excel data analysis tool-pack
and JMP software.
Analysis of survey results
The analysis of the first part of the questionnaire provided a better understanding
and context of the key findings of the study.
Number of employees and position of respondents
The majority of the respondents were either master black belts (24 per cent), black belts
(21 per cent) or function lead/manager (15 per cent), with mostly Companies with more
than 1,000 employees (63 per cent) responding to the survey.
Areas of industry
Of the 20 areas of industry selected for this survey, industrial goods and services,
financial services and automotive accounted for a third of total responses.
Reasons for using Lean Six Sigma
Almost half (46 per cent) of the companies have implemented Lean Six Sigma for cost
savings or cost avoidance (e.g. less waste, inventory levels): this was by far the more
mentioned reason for implementation, followed at a distance from customers’
satisfaction (11 per cent) and profit/bottom-line (11 per cent).
Status of Lean Six Sigma implementation
A third of respondents’ companies applied Lean Six Sigma to all their business units,
with half applying it to more than one business unit. More than half of the companies
use Lean and Six Sigma together in tandem, a quarter of them use Lean on its own, and
only 9 per cent of the companies use Six Sigma on its own.
CSFs for
of Lean Sigma
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Reliability test
In order to measure the consistency of the survey, a reliability test was conducted,
being reliability “an indication of consistency between two measure of the same thing”
(Black, 1999). According to Cramer (1998), “reliability is particular important in
connection with multiple item scales”, and he indicates three main types of tests for
assessing data reliability: Cohen’s kappa coefficient, Ebel’s intraclass correlation and
Being the Cronbach’s
coefficient the most widely used (Black, 1999), it was
calculated using JMP software: an alpha coefficient of 0.6 or higher is considered an
acceptable level of internal consistency.
The results indicate the reliability coefficients vary from 0.76 to 0.80, with an overall
Cronbach’s coefficient for the entire data set of 0.79. Hence, we can infer the data
collected is reliable for analysis.
Performance of Lean Six Sigma
Two thirds (66 per cent) of the respondents consider the implementation of Lean Six
Sigma either successful or extremely successful; about 31 per cent consider it either
unsuccessful or extremely unsuccessful, with the reaming 3 per cent thinks it did not
have a significant impact, either way.
Analysis of CSFs
The respondents to the survey were asked to score on a Likert scale their perceived
importance of each CSF, with 1 not very important; 2 not important; 3 important;
4 very important; 5 critical: analyzing the responses, a factor with the highest
mean score is considered as the most important factor.
The results are showed in Table II and Figure 1, where the CSFs have been ranked
accordingly to their assessed importance: “management commitment” is considered
the most important, followed by “cultural change”, “linking Lean Six Sigma to
business strategy” and “leadership style”.
Furthermore, respondents do not consider “organization infrastructure”, “extending
Lean Six Sigma to supply chain” and “linking Lean Six Sigma to HR rewards” as
important for a successful implementation of Lean Six Sigma.
Discussion and key findings
Management commitment is crucial for the introduction of Lean Six Sigma in
organization, and the results of the survey confirm the thinking process of many Lean
Six Sigma experts and researchers behind this, with most of the literature review
highlighting its criticality (Table I).
Organizational culture and linking Lean Six Sigma to business strategy have also
been widely identified as CSFs in the literature (Antony and Banuelas, 2002), while the
role of leadership styles in relation to Lean Six Sigma deployment appears to be more
important to practitioners in the field than it was in the literature, where a relatively
small number of sources identified it (Table I).
It is not a surprise the low score of “extending Lean Six Sigma to supply chain”: one
company should first master the methodology before attempting to transfer it to
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However, it is surprising to see the low score of “organization infrastructure”, as this
was often mentioned in the literature as a key differentiator of Lean Six Sigma from
previous quality initiatives (Snee, 2004; Pande et al., 2000; Harry and Schroeder, 2000).
Conclusions and directions for future research
Out of the CSFs for Lean Six Sigma implementation that were identified in the literature,
“management commitment”, “organizational culture”, “linking Lean Six Sigma to
business strategy” and “leadership styles” were deemed the most important from the
respondents to the survey.
CSFs Average score
Management commitment 4.63
Organizational culture 4.35
Linking LSS to business strategy 4.26
Leadership styles 4.14
Communication 4.11
Linking LSS to customers 4.07
Awareness 4.03
Selection of LSS staff 3.93
Data based approach 3.88
LSS projects selection/prioritization 3.88
LSS projects tracking and review 3.80
Resources for LSS staff 3.77
LSS training 3.71
LSS tools and techniques 3.65
Project management skills 3.54
LSS financial accountability 3.51
Organization infrastructure 3.24
Extending LSS to supply chain 3.19
Linking LSS to HR rewards 3.04
Others 1.99
Table II.
Average importance
scores for CSFs
Figure 1.
Average importance
scores for CSFs
CSFs for
of Lean Sigma
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The identification of leadership styles as one of the more important CSFs for the
implementation of Lean Six Sigma, and its relatively smaller coverage in the Lean
Six Sigma literature, leaves the field open to further research on which leadership
styles are more conducive to a successful implementation.
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CSFs for
of Lean Sigma
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2. Alessandro Laureani, Jiju Antony. 2015. Leadership characteristics for Lean Six Sigma. Total Quality
Management & Business Excellence 1-22. [CrossRef]
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4. Suriya Lertwattanapongchai, Fredric William Swierczek. 2014. Assessing the change process of Lean Six
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6. Marcus Assarlind, Lise Aaboen. 2014. Forces affecting one Lean Six Sigma adoption process. International
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7. George Besseris. 2014. Multi-factorial Lean Six Sigma product optimization for quality, leanness and
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9. E.V. Gijo, Shreeranga Bhat, N.A. Jnanesh. 2014. Application of Six Sigma methodology in a small-scale
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10. Bikram Jit Singh, Yash Bakshi. 2014. Optimizing backup power systems through Six Sigma. International
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14. Kijpokin KasemsapApplying Lean Production and Six Sigma in Global Operations 44-74. [CrossRef]
Downloaded by Professor Jiju Antony At 14:10 11 December 2015 (PT)
... Abu Bakar et al. 2015;Hilton and Sohal 2012;Jeyaraman and Kee Teo 2010;Laureani and Antony 2012;Psychogios et al. 2012), they also explore diverse themes, including the application of LSS in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), in MSMEs(Lande et al. 2016;Timans et al. 2012), and in mapping the interrelations between various CSFs (Fadly Habidin and Mohd Yusof 2013). ...
... Abu Bakar et al. 2015;Ali et al. 2016;Douglas et al. 2015;Francescatto et al. 2023;Jayaraman et al. 2012;Jeyaraman and Kee Teo 2010;Laureani and Antony 2012;Muraliraj et al. 2018;Mustapha et al. 2019;Narottam et al. 2020;Näslund 2008;Noronha et al. 2023;Patel and Patel 2021;Sousa et al. 2023;Sreedharan V. et al. 2018;Walter and Paladini 2019;Zala et al. 2020) Training and education(Abu Bakar et al. 2015; Ali et al. 2016; Francescatto et al. 2023; Jayaraman et al. 2012; Jeyaraman and Kee Teo 2010; Laureani and Antony 2012; Muraliraj et al. 2018; Mustapha et al. 2019; Narottam et al. 2020; Noronha et al. 2023; Patel and Patel 2021; Sousa et al. 2023; Sreedharan V. et al. 2018; Walter and Paladini 2019; Zala et al. 2020) Communication (Francescatto et al. 2023; Jayaraman et al. 2012; Jeyaraman and Kee Teo 2010; Laureani and Antony 2012; Muraliraj et al. 2018; Mustapha et al. 2019; Näslund 2008; Noronha et al. 2023; Patel and Patel 2021; Sousa et al. 2023; Sreedharan V. et al. 2018) Organisational culture (Douglas et al. 2015; Jayaraman et al. 2012; Jeyaraman and Kee Teo 2010; Laureani and Antony 2012; Muraliraj et al. 2018; Mustapha et al. 2019; Patel and Patel 2021; Sousa et al. 2023; Sreedharan V. et al. 2018; Walter and Paladini 2019; Zala et al. 2020) Project selection, prioritisation, tracking and review (Abu Bakar et al. 2015; Francescatto et al. 2023; Jayaraman et al. 2012; Jeyaraman and Kee Teo 2010; Laureani and Antony 2012; Muraliraj et al. 2018; Narottam et al. 2020; Patel and Patel 2021; Sousa et al. 2023; Zala et al. 2020) Reward and recognition system (Abu Bakar et al. 2015; Jayaraman et al. 2012; Jeyaraman and Kee Teo 2010; Laureani and Antony 2012; Muraliraj et al. 2018; Mustapha et al. 2019; Narottam et al. 2020; Patel and Patel 2021; Zala et al. 2020) Strategic orientation (Abu Bakar et al. 2015; Laureani and Antony 2012; Muraliraj et al. 2018; Narottam et al. 2020; Näslund 2008; Patel and Patel 2021; Walter and Paladini 2019; Zala et al. 2020) Master Black Belt competency (Abu Bakar et al. 2015; Ali et al. 2016; Francescatto et al. 2023; Jayaraman et al. 2012; Jeyaraman and Kee Teo 2010; Muraliraj et al. 2018; Narottam et al. 2020) Organisational infrastructure (Abu Bakar et al. 2015; Douglas et al. 2015; Francescatto et al. 2023; Laureani and Antony 2012; Patel and Patel 2021; Sreedharan V. et al. 2018; Zala et al. 2020) Leadership (Abu Bakar et al. 2015; Francescatto et al. 2023; Laureani and Antony 2012; Muraliraj et al. 2018; Narottam et al. 2020; Patel and Patel 2021) ...
... The key sustainability factors for successful OpEx methodologies were firstly, effective project sponsorship (Ho et al., 2008). Secondly, training and skills, which might be expensive and costly for some organisations, are key factors for the sustainability of OpEx (Laureani and Antony, 2012). Thirdly, good project selection leads to sustainable deployment (Su and Chou, 2008), affirm, "Alignment between the methodologies and strategic priority of the organisation is necessary". ...
... Thirdly, a highly positive organisational culture and the leader's commitment to engage and support through the LSW. The author observed that most of the drivers for the energy sector in Oman differed from those in the literature (Laureani and Antony, 2012), and this was additional data for the research but might be common for the energy sector in Oman only. ...
Operational excellence (OpEx) is a proven philosophy focusing on continuous improvement in processes and systems for superior performance and efficiency. It plays a crucial role in the energy sector, acting as a catalyst for safety, customer satisfaction, sustainability and competitiveness. This research aims to assess OpEx methodologies in Oman’s energy sector, examining methods, approaches, motivations and sustainability. This study applies qualitative analysis methodology, involving interviews with 18 industry experts, from the energy sector in a sizeable energy country. The analysis revealed a growing demand, particularly, in the oil and gas industry, driven by emerging business needs. Qualitative data analysis has identified 10 themes such as implemented methodologies, motivation drivers, deployment approaches, sustainability factors, benefits and challenges. Additionally, new themes emerged, including influencers to start OpEx, resource requirements, enablers for successful OpEx and systems. This research was limited to Oman and the findings drawn from Omani energy companies may have limited applicability to energy companies in other regions. Therefore, if these findings were to be used, the validation of the findings in relation to other countries should be conducted, to ensure the validity of the context and outcome. These findings contribute to understanding OpEx dynamics in the Omani energy sector, offering valuable insights for effective utilisation and organisational goal achievement. Furthermore, the study offers valuable insights on how to effectively employ OpEx initiatives in the energy sector to achieve their goals and create value. It addresses the lack of knowledge, offers a framework for successful OpEx implementation, bridges the theory-practice gap and provides insights for optimal utilisation. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first empirical study on assessing OpEx methodologies in the energy sector, and therefore it serves as a foundation for many future studies. The study provides a theoretical foundation for the OpEx methodologies in terms of organisational readiness for successful OpEx implementation.
... The HC sector began to progressively apply the LSS approach more than 20 years ago to achieve many purposes, such as a reduction in medical errors, improvement in the quality of patient care, and improvement in the levels of safety for patients and care givers. These lead to enhanced quality performance, operational excellence, and help achieve a sustainable CA (Alblooshi et al., 2020;Antony et al., 2012). Furthermore, LSS helps to minimize variation, reduce waste, eliminate unnecessary processes, and reduce waiting times between value-added activities to enhance quality which helps, accordingly, hospitals to gain a sustainable CA (Ahmed, 2019). ...
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This study aims to present a conceptual framework that brings together reward and recognition, and customer focus (organizational factors), which can help organizations achieve a competitive advantage (CA) through applying Lean Six Sigma (LSS) in healthcare. A critical review of the models of reward and recognition, and customer focus, LSS, and CA measures was performed to create the conceptual framework. A synthesis of the existing literature provides the basis for the development of the conceptual framework of the LSS measures. The independent variables are reward and recognition, and customer focus. The mediator variable in this framework is LSS, and CA is employed as the dependent variable. The framework offers a systematic method of evaluating the determinants of LSS in healthcare. Accordingly, the newly developed conceptual framework identifies and describes the direct associations between organizational factors and CA in the healthcare (HC) sector and the indirect associations through LSS. This study is important for professionals working in HC seeking to achieve CA in hospitals. Additionally, this study is valuable to researchers and academics working in the LSS field as it explores the importance of LSS implementation in hospitals. In addition, limited studies have been conducted to explore the status of LSS implementation in HC and this study is expected to provide theoretical contributions to the LSS approach in healthcare.
Purpose To deal with an increasingly competitive environment, organizations are combining continuous improvement (CI) practices with digitalization to accrue their benefits on operational performance and achieve operational excellence. The purpose of this study was to identify the enablers and inhibitors of digitalization as part of CI projects. Design/methodology/approach A mixed-methods sequential explanatory research design consisting of an online survey and semi-structured interviews was used to examine how digitalization technologies have been incorporated by organizations in their CI projects. Findings Key enablers of digitalization were found to be leadership capabilities, strategic direction, stakeholder involvement, system compatibility, data quality and giving employees room to experiment. Knowledge of digitalization was found to affect all these enablers. Research limitations/implications The empirical findings are based on a nonprobability sample of Dutch CI practitioners, limiting their generalizability. Practical implications The empirical findings highlight the need for organizations to adopt a structured approach to implementing digitalization as part of their CI projects, starting by ensuring that the necessary knowledge and skills are either present or accessible to the organization. Originality/value The empirical findings show that enablers of digitalization in the context of CI are strongly interlinked, and thus require a holistic approach.
Purpose Continuous improvement in an integrated approach is a philosophy developed over decades based on a set of management practices. It comprises enhancement methodologies that escalate success as well as diminishes letdowns. The state-of-the-art literature finds a variety of practices for the execution of continuous improvement (CI) system. However, it is rare to find an empirical study with an inclusive system that considers various practices in one frame for improving competitiveness. With this outlook, therefore, this study aims originally to identify drivers, motivations and barriers for the application of integrated CI system, and then conduct an empirical investigation within the context of Ethiopian manufacturing industries. Design/methodology/approach Justification of the problem, extensive review of literature, identification of practices, developing research framework, investigational analysis of the empirical study using reliability and descriptive statistical analysis and identifying leading drivers (unique practices and common factors), motivations and barriers are the research approaches used in this study. Furthermore, the primary data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire and were analyzed using a statistical package for social science (SPSS) 23 and the findings were triangulated to relate to the existing state-of-the-art literature. Findings The findings indicate 17 common factors associated with human, strategic, operational, technology, structure, resource and information factors; 21 unique practices of just-in-time (JIT), lean-six sigma (LSS), supply chain management (SCM), total productive maintenance (TPM), and total quality management (TQM) methodologies; 20 barriers connected with internal and external issues and 17 motivations linked to operational, innovation and business results are identified. In general, the empirical analysis discovers the practices are noteworthy and commonly supported by a least of 52% of the respondents. As a result, the first five prominent common factors, barriers, unique practices and motivations are also supported by a minimum of 72%, 73.9%, 65.8% and 75% of the respondents, respectively. Research limitations/implications Even though this is the first-ever study in the Ethiopian manufacturing sector with the focus on integrated CI practices of JIT, TQM, TPM, SCM and LSS initiatives, some limitations have existed and the major limitations of the study are, targeted merely small number manufacturing companies despite the fact that there are hundreds of companies implementing CI system in Ethiopia, and the data collected were only based on the perception of the respondents, and other information’s like annual reports was not employed to support the findings. Practical implications The findings of this study underlined that the implementation of drivers in relation to common factors and unique practices supported by exterminating barriers in manufacturing industries of Ethiopia enables to enhance competitiveness through attaining operational, innovation and business results though it requires a practical case application to prove this perception-based analysis. Originality/value Though there are a number of studies published on integrated continuous improvement, currently it is found that there is no literature focused on the identification and empirical investigation of drivers (common factors and unique practices), motivations and barriers for application of integrated CI system with the focus of JIT, TQM, TPM, SCM and LSS initiatives. Therefore, this is the first-ever study, and the empirical analysis of the study discovered that identified practices are providing valuable insights for manufacturing industries which will be on board on this voyage including institutions, practitioners and other sectors.
Purpose This paper aims to identify leadership behaviours in the manufacturing sector in Jordan that enable successful Lean Six Sigma implementation. Design/methodology/approach Qualitative data were collected through 27 interviews to identify the leadership behaviours that facilitate Lean Six Sigma and a focus group to categorise the aspects by grouping them into themes. A grounded theory approach was used in the field study. The processes of constant comparisons helped in identifying the relevant aspects of leadership behaviours and integrating specific aspects into themes; these processes were iteratives. Therefore, this research project relies on the grounded theory methodology to collect and analyse the data. The authors also used a focus group to categorise the aspects by grouping them into themes. In that, the aspects were grouped around core categories. Findings After analysing the data, 36 aspects have emerged. The data analysis processes helped in discovering the aspects of leadership that support the use of Lean Six Sigma in the manufacturing sector in Jordan. The aspects were developed through an iterative process of analysis until the saturation level was reached. Eight themes that influence the successful use of Lean Six Sigma emerged: Training and development; Continuous improvement and development; Communication; Empowering employees; Motivating employees; Managing qualities and operations; Employees engagement and involvement; and Supporting culture Research limitations/implications There are some research limitations to this study, which opens avenues for future research. First, the data was collected through qualitative methods, which limits the generalizability of the results. Future studies are needed to generalize the results to the wider business community. Second, the data was collected only from manufacturing organizations and did not consider other sectors. Future researchers are urged to replicate the study in other sectors. Third, this study considered only Jordanian firms; therefore, the authors call upon further research to investigate other national settings that may have a different business culture. Practical implications This study encourages businesses to follow and adopt these behaviours in organisations, which can help in developing desirable behaviours among leaders to reach advanced levels in using Lean Six Sigma. Moreover, practitioners can develop training programmes for developing leaders. Thus, the Lean Six Sigma journey can become smoother by addressing the issues that face practitioners during the different phases of implementing Lean Six Sigma. In that respect, the practical implication of this research is to describe the practices that the leadership of organisations must develop to maintain high levels of Lean Six Sigma deployment. Originality/value Scholarly studies in this field are scarce, especially in developing countries, so identifying the leadership behaviours can help researchers create a theory of leadership behaviours for Lean Six Sigma. Furthermore, practitioners of Lean Six Sigma can take into account these behaviours as crucial to the effective use of Lean Six Sigma. They can encourage leaders to follow and adopt these behaviours in organisations which can help in developing desirable behaviours among leaders to reach advanced levels in using Lean Six Sigma. Thus, the Lean Six Sigma journey can become smoother by addressing the issues that practitioners face during the different phases of implementing Lean Six Sigma.
Purpose India liberalized its economy in 1991, which resulted in intense global competition, quality-conscious and demanding customers. Additionally, significant technological advancements lead to enhancements in products and processes. These forced Indian organizations to adopt innovative business strategies in the past 30 years. Meanwhile, the Lean Six Sigma methodology has significantly grown with vast applicability during the past 30 years. Thus, the purpose of this study is to develop the learning on Lean Six Sigma methodology in the Indian context through investigation of literature. Design/methodology/approach A three-stage systematic literature review approach was adopted to investigate the literature during the present study. In total, 187 articles published in 62 journals/conference proceedings from 2005 to 2022 (18 years) were shortlisted. The first part of the article summarizes the significant milestones towards the quality journey in the Indian context, along with the evolution of the Lean Six Sigma methodology. The second part examines the shortlisted papers on Lean Six Sigma frameworks, their applicability in industrial sectors, performance metrics, outcomes realized, publication trends, authorship patterns and leading researchers from the Indian perspective. Findings Lean Six Sigma has emerged as a highly acclaimed and structured business improvement strategy worldwide. The Indian economy has seen remarkable growth in the past decade and is one of the fastest-growing economies in the 21st century. Lean Six Sigma implementation in India has significantly increased from 2014 onward. The study revealed that researchers have proposed several different frameworks for Lean Six Sigma implementation, the majority of which are conceptual. Furthermore, the balanced applicability of Lean Six Sigma in manufacturing and service sectors was observed with the highest implementation in the health-care sector. Additionally, the widely adopted tools, techniques along with performance metrics exploring case studies were reported along with a summary of eminent and leading researchers in the Indian context. Research limitations/implications This study is confined to reviewed papers as per the research criteria with a significant focus on the Indian context and might have missed some papers due to the adopted papers selection strategy. Originality/value The present study is one of the initial attempts to investigate the literature published on Lean Six Sigma in the Indian context, including perspective on the Indian quality movement. Therefore, the present study will provide an understanding of Lean Six Sigma methodology in the Indian context to graduating students in engineering and management and entry-level executives. The analysis and findings on Lean Six Sigma frameworks, research approach, publications details, etc., will be helpful to potential research scholars and academia. Additionally, analysis of case studies on Lean Six Sigma implementation by Indian industries will assist the managers and professionals in decision making.
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In this paper, we explore the relation between Leadership and Lean Six Sigma deployment in organisations: as leadership has been identified as a critical success factor for Lean Six Sigma deployment in organisations, this paper sets out to determine the characteristics of leadership that are more conducive to a successful implementation. Qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews provided insights into participants’ experiences and views concerning the relationship between leadership and success levels in Lean Six Sigma deployments, allowing the identification of 10 leadership characteristics more conducive to success in Lean Six Sigma deployments: visible, communicative, inspirational, consistent, targeted, leading by example, flexible, perceive Lean Six Sigma as a philosophy, clearly define roles and responsibilities, and able to build. A leadership dependency model, connecting leadership to company size and industry sector, was also developed: the more people centred and service centred the sector, and the smaller the company, the greater the need for strong leadership to successfully implement Lean Six Sigma in participating organisations.
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to review and gather the latest critical success factors (CSF) of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) deployment and implementation into a comprehensive list of factors. Design/methodology/approach – The approach taken by authors in this study was to analyze the latest literature review starting 2010 onwards and focus on CSFs of LSS (not dedicated as Lean or Six Sigma) by excluding other improvement methodologies or initiatives, e.g. Lean, Six Sigma, TQM, TRIZ etc. Findings – Five significant CSFs were identified (initially 97 CSFs listed from 13 papers) out of nine groups/headers listed in clustering analysis using Affinity Diagram tool and new headers mapping. Practical implications – Most of the organisations were aware of the success story on LSS, but did not scrutinize or consider its CSFs. By knowing the outcome of this paper, it can help open eyes regarding readiness before implementing LSS. Originality/value – At the end of this paper, the authors tried to cluster the CSFs similarities that could intentionally provide the guidelines and references to industries/companies for successful deployment and implementation of LSS in future endeavours.
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The critical success factors (CSF) method has attracted considerable attention as a means of supporting both MIS planning and requirements analysis. Using insights gained from two case studies, the authors assess the strengths and weaknesses of this methodology. They find that the CSF method is particularly effective in supporting planning processes, in communicating the role of information technologies to senior management, and in promoting structured analysis processes.
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The application of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) varies in different regions of the world in terms of both level of understanding and acceptability. Employing a qualitative methodological approach, this paper aims to explore factors hindering the acceptability of the LSS initiative in organizations and list factors required for successful application and implementation in a developing economy from the perspective of LSS consultants. Using Nigeria as a case study, primary data were collected though a number of semi-structured interviews with representatives of leading continuous improvement consultancy firms in Nigeria. Finding draws out links between major factors such as drivers and motivation, LSS performance, marketability and challenges to the acceptability and applicability of LSS in Nigeria. Further findings highlight major factors such as lack of management buy-in, level of awareness, certification driven market, Nigerian environment and culture, etc as problems that hinder successful implementation of LSS in Nigeria. This paper contributes to the theoretical foundation of critical success factors required for the implementation of Lean Six Sigma, with results from the experience of a developing economy.
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Six Sigma improvements - a highly disciplined and statistically based approach for removing defects from products, processes, and transactions, involving everybody in the corporation - has been adopted as a major initiative by some of our leading companies. This is fundamentally changing the paradigm of how statistics is applied in business and industry, and has had a career-changing impact on those statisticians who have been involved. We describe the Six Sigma initiative and its evolution, the enthusiastic and visionary support by the CEOs at some major corporations that have embraced it, its successes to date, and the impact on statistics and statisticians. We then turn to a major theme - what statisticians must do to be maximally effective in this exciting new environment. These changes will not be limited to the companies that have adopted Six Sigma, or, for that matter, industry, but are all-pervasive. We discuss the dramatic longer term implications on our profession.
Purpose – This paper aims to present an integrative conceptual framework of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) as a project and an organizational change process. To assess the process, the LSS success factors are identified. Their impact on both project outcomes and people is determined. Design/methodology/approach – An in-depth review of success factors resulted in a set of indicators related both to the LSS factors and to the change process. A comparative case analysis of three multinational companies (MNCs) implementing LSS in Thailand is presented. The indicators were used to identify patterns in the cases related to effective implementation through content analysis. Findings – The case analysis showed that an effective combination of a strong LSS project design and a comprehensive change management process achieved positive impacts in business results, employee learning and job satisfaction. Practical implications – To be successful LSS cannot only focus on a good project design. Champions and key practitioners must also apply best practices in change management. Originality/value – There are few examples of the integration of LSS project design and the change management process in Asia. Additionally, the case analysis focuses on examples of MNC operations in Thailand. The research supported the importance of integrating change management and project management for success.